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sbalneavEvening all05:10
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | gutsy (7.10) Tribe-4 released ! test the development iso from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/gutsy/tribe-4/
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Thu Aug 9 16:05:26 2007
sbalneavLaserJock: Hey, you around, dude?05:55
LaserJocksure am05:55
sbalneavI'm starting to get to the point where I'm going to start adding a lot to the handbook over the next few weeks.05:57
sbalneavNow that the main development cycle's done.05:57
sbalneavAnything you'd like me to keep in mind while I'm adding content?05:57
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LaserJocknot entirely sure05:59
LaserJockit'd be nice to be able to do things as topics05:59
sbalneavRight, that's what I was thinking of, but I don't know what that means in practical terms. I.e., I add things to THIS file instead of THAT one, etc.06:00
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tidalbobohay. i have a problem with edubuntu installation on a p3 PC06:03
tidalboboafter installing any Educational applicvations will not start. i get message saying that "your computer type is not recognised(i386)"06:04
LaserJockwell, I don't think that's a big deal right now06:04
tidalbobohas any one got this experiance?   need some help pls06:04
LaserJockI think it's more keeping it mind while you're writing06:04
LaserJockthat we need logical chunks06:04
LaserJockthat seems like a 64bit/32bit mismatch or something06:07
LaserJocksbalneav: I was thinking the other day of having an Edubuntu Bug Squashing Day sometime soon06:08
sbalneavIt was today.06:08
sbalneavI've killed 3 :)06:09
LaserJockI noticed06:09
LaserJockwe've got a lot of LTSP bugs too though06:09
LaserJockI'd really like to have our edu apps in good shape for release06:09
sbalneavI'm certainly happy to help with any edu apps I can.  Any particularly thorny ones sticking in your craw?06:10
sbalneavtidalbobo: What's the output of "uname -a" on your box?06:11
sbalneavGcompris seems to have a lot of bugs.06:12
sbalneav"use gcompris on logout".  Man, THAT one needs a bit more info.06:13
sbalneavtidalbobo: Still with us?06:16
tidalbobosbalneav: it was installed from the CD i got from SHIPIT service.06:16
sbalneavOK, so, what version did you get? An 64 bit version, or an i386 version?06:17
tidalbobosorry right now i dont have access to the system, but all i did was simple install the CD i got. i presume its the correct one, as the CD says its for x86 intel boxes06:17
tidalbobodefinityly 32 bit. the cd casing says its for intel pentium.  Also my cpu is detected correcly as P3 coppermine i686.06:19
sbalneavOK, so what's the exact error message you're getting, when you try to click on which application?06:20
tidalbobobut what makes me wonder is that GNOME is the window manager. for GCompris and Educational suits dont you need to have KDE running?  is this the reaon?06:20
tidalbobosbalneav: let me give u a discription of the situation.06:20
sbalneavPlease do.06:21
LaserJocktidalbobo: you don't need KDE06:22
tidalboboThe installation is successful.  I can login and do most of the things. Openoffice runs, all games work etc.  How ever the "educational"  menu is missing.06:22
LaserJocktidalbobo: did you use the Desktop CD?06:22
LaserJockor wait, nevermind06:22
LaserJocktidalbobo: you'll need to get the Classroom Server Addon CD for the educational apps06:23
tidalboboWhen i go to "add applications", and try to add GCompris or some educational application, i get the error saying that my computer (i386) is not supported.  This happens only for certain applications. Others work fine06:23
LaserJockok, I know the problem then06:23
LaserJockeasy fix :-)06:23
tidalboboi used the stanalone version. yes, it should be the desk top CD.06:23
tidalbobo;)  u do? wonderfuk06:24
LaserJockit's actual the Server CD06:24
tidalbobowonderful.  pardon the typo06:24
LaserJockbut you did the Workstation install I'm guessing06:24
LaserJockOK, and did you have it hooked to the internet while installing?06:25
tidalbobono. i couldnt get the modem to work.  so no internet06:25
LaserJockok, that's the problem06:26
LaserJockso is it possible for you to download an .iso somewhere?06:26
LaserJocktidalbobo: the problem is that the educational apps aren't shipped on the 1st CD anymore06:28
LaserJocktidalbobo: so you need to either download them or get the Classroom Server Addon CD06:29
sbalneavtidalbobo: What kind of modem do you have?06:29
tidalboboits a rockwel06:34
tidalbobook.   if thats the case, can i get the addon CD and install that on top of the existing installation?  then i should ba able to get the applications to work?06:35
sbalneavAh, a winmodem.06:35
LaserJocktidalbobo: yes, the Addon CD is for just that06:36
tidalbobograte.  i can do that.  what got me misled was the error message saying that "my computer was not suppotred"  i think ill suggest the error message be changed to refelect the true nature06:37
tidalbobomy contribution to edubuntu development06:37
LaserJocktidalbobo: yes, I have no idea why that does that06:37
LaserJockit's an odd message06:37
tidalboboyes. ill try you recomendation.   then will put a bug/issue on the dev list so that someone can look in to it.  Since edbuntu is targetted at educators, who might not be gurus in linux, some problem like that can easliy defeat them during the installation itself..06:39
tidalbobonot a good way to start06:40
tidalbobosbalneav: thank you06:40
LaserJocktidalbobo: it works fine unless you don't have internet available during install06:41
LaserJockbut I kinda think this *has* to be a general Ubuntu issue06:42
LaserJockI don't see why it would be edubuntu-specific06:42
tidalboboi think the warning is from the pakage-manager. 1st of all, it does not seem to recongnise my syste. hence the message identifing it as a i386. Am i correct?06:43
LaserJockno, I don't think it's really anything like that06:44
LaserJockthat's the weird part06:44
LaserJockIt knows your system just fine and that it is i38606:44
tidalbobooh.. then im lost. if thats corerct, why does the message say "not supported" ? mysterious06:45
LaserJockyes, that's what I'm saying06:46
LaserJockthe message doesn't say anything that correct :-)06:46
LaserJockthe real problem is that you don't have the repositories enabled06:46
LaserJockand it's looking for your CD to install the apps06:46
LaserJockbut a lot of the edu apps aren't on the CD06:47
tidalboboi see.06:48
LaserJockbut it shouldn't show you apps that you can't install06:49
LaserJockI think we need to stick some documentation somewhere about that06:50
LaserJockI've seen it at least 3 times in here06:50
tidalbobowell if its a thing that keeps on repeating, better to address the issue once and for all.06:51
tidalboboi agree with you.06:51
LaserJockI'll have a chat with the Add/Remove Applications guy when I get a chance06:52
LaserJockand see what's going on with that06:52
tidalbobosbalneav: thanks06:54
tidalbobowill update you on what happens on my box06:54
sbalneavWell, late here, and my holidays are over.06:55
sbalneavBack to work tomorrow :(06:55
sbalneavI'm off to bed.06:55
sbalneavNight all!06:55
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sbalneavMorning all03:09
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LaserJockogra, RichEd-1: my CMPC arrived this morning :-)09:33
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LaserJocksbalneav: around?09:41
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sbalneavLaserJock: Yessir!09:43
sbalneavWhat for can I do you?09:43
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LaserJocksbalneav: ok, so what are your ideas for documentation09:47
LaserJockI was a bit preoccupied the other day09:47
LaserJockI'm guessing first thing is to go through the Handbook and "fix" anything09:48
LaserJockI know I need to put in new shots for the Addon CD09:48
sbalneavWell, I need to add a TON of documentation on LTSP, on all the new features, i.e. scalability support, etc.09:51
sbalneavI'd like to have a section on lockdown and desktops using Sabayon and Pessellus09:51
sbalneavMaybe list some different network topology strategies for Edubuntu classroom setups. With pictures.09:52
sbalneavWhat's  a good package for drawing network diagrams?  I usually use Dia.  That good enough quality for the handbook?09:53
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LaserJocksbalneav: that'd probably work fine10:00
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sbalneavI know we'd like to get some more edu apps documentation in there.10:01
sbalneavIs Will still around?10:01
LaserJockkinda'ish I think10:01
LaserJockhe was off surfing for a while ;-)10:02
=== sbalneav just discovered folds in vim thanks to ogra
sbalneavWho else is contributing to the handbook these days besides you, me and Will?10:02
ograsbalneav, it can get annoying at times10:03
sbalneavI love it!10:03
sbalneavMeeting now, afk.10:03
LaserJocksbalneav: umm, nobody much10:05
LaserJockogra: is there a way to like save the Windows XP image on the CMPC?10:09
ograboot it as ltsp client and dd the disk to an image from commandline ?10:10
LaserJockhave you tried that before? that sounds that might work ok10:10
ograi actually never tried it with XP10:11
ograbut it worked with the metasys image i have10:11
ogra(didnt try to restore any of the others yet)10:11
LaserJockI've got my CMPC here at the lab connected to the uni VPN, quite interesting10:12
LaserJockbut of course I want to blow away Windows and get something better on there10:12
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LaserJockogra: do you dd images over to get *buntu on there?10:27
ograeven thoug i could just cp them on a partition as well10:28
ograas image files10:28
LaserJockso do you boot it as a thin client over a patch cable?10:28
ograthen i log in on console and fiddle with what i like10:28
LaserJockstupid LTSP question, but how do you tell it where the "hard drive" is?10:29
LaserJocksince you're working on the server10:29
ograi'm not10:41
ograi'm logging in locally :)10:41
ograand use /dev/sdb :)10:41
ograor was it sdc ?10:41
LaserJocknot sda?10:42
ogranot here afair10:44
ograi must admit i havent booted the thing since some weeks now10:44
ograanyway, i was gone already ... damned nightly ad-hoc meetings ...10:45
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