
ubotuNew bug: #133556 in launchpad "Link for claiming a Launchpad profile doesn't look like an action" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13355612:45
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ubotuNew bug: #133563 in launchpad "No indication of which projects are most active overall" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13356302:00
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LaserJockeverybody getting excited for a new LP release?04:44
thumperLaserJock: oh, yeah04:50
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superm1i'm really excited to see PPA's go live :)05:14
LaserJockme too05:18
LaserJockI was going to try to upload some stuff05:18
LaserJockbut then I realized it'd get wiped out when PPA goes live05:18
LaserJockso I'll wait05:18
superm1i'm glad they will get wiped, so that all the stuff that i uploaded without appending a ~ppaX to the version number won't be cleared out05:20
superm1*will be05:20
LaserJockyes that's true05:23
LaserJockI put a Debian version in one of my packages instead of an ubuntu version05:23
superm1i did it on a whole bunch of packages that i was thinking of using PPA to test build before attaching to a bug report05:25
superm1oops :)05:25
ajmitchoh, when's it going live?05:27
LaserJock22nd I think05:28
ajmitchI see there's a size limit on how much you can have in your PPA?05:30
LaserJockyeah, I thinks05:30
LaserJock*think so05:30
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LaserJockhmm, perhaps we'll get mailing lists with this rollout05:34
ajmitchthat'd be great05:35
ajmitchteam-based lists?05:35
LaserJockI guess05:36
ajmitchyeah, I was just looking there :)05:37
ajmitchdelivery is unknown for all of those specs05:37
thumperLaserJock: I don't think so05:37
ajmitchhey thumper 05:37
thumperhi ajmitch05:38
LaserJockthumper: so the specs should get bumped?05:38
thumperLaserJock: I expect barry will do that Monday morning05:39
thumper(his time)05:39
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Hobbseemorning carlos!09:41
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HighNoHi there, is there any way to track the number of downloads for a project's provided file?10:17
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mrevellHighNo: Right now, I don't think there is.10:31
mrevellHighNo: Want me to file a bug or would you like to do it yourself?10:31
HighNoI'm kind of busy atm, if you could file it would be great10:33
ubotuNew bug: #133611 in rosetta "Translation file uploads end in the wrong place" [Critical,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13361110:44
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ubotuNew bug: #133622 in launchpad "Odd "optional" label in "Mark as duplicate" form for bugs" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13362211:20
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zahrisi'm have a problem. everytime i try to do "bzr push" to my branch i got this message "No new revisions to push"01:55
SteveAdo bzr info for your local branch, and the place you're pushing to01:56
SteveAand compare the information you get about the dates of the last revision01:56
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zahristhe information is the same.. i've tried to redo the steps from 02:20
zahrisdch -i but the same thing happen02:20
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zahristhe bzr commit done without any problem. but when i do "bzr push" it says "No new revisions to push"02:24
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mptzahris, when you do "bzr info" for your local branch, what are the first two lines after "Location:"?02:29
zahris       checkout root: file:///tmp/gnome-panel/02:30
zahris  checkout of branch: sftp://noorzein@bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eblankon-pemaket/blankon/gnome-panel/02:30
mpthmm, I don't know what the problem could be then02:33
mptspiv, still around?02:34
spivmpt: ish02:34
spivzahris: ah, you have a checkout, not a branch.02:35
spivzahris: so when you do "bzr commit" it stores the new revision on the branch, which is at bazaar.launchpad.net.02:35
spivzahris: so there's no revisions to push because they're already there :)02:36
zahrisso i don't need to do bzr push anymore?02:37
spivNot with a checkout.02:37
zahrisso what should i do then?02:37
spivJust what you're doing is fine.02:38
zahrisokay then thanks for your help02:38
zahrisyoure very helpfull :)02:40
mptoh, of course02:42
mptzahris, the only catch is, you won't be able to commit offline02:43
mptwhereas if you were using a local branch instead of a checkout, you could02:43
mptIf you're always connected to the Internet, though, that won't be a problem.02:43
spivYou can do "commit --local" when offline though.02:44
zahriswel that's a problem.. couse i'm not always online.. so how could i fix it?02:44
spivThen just commit as normal again to commit the local commits to the branch on launchpad.02:45
spiv(i.e. without --local)02:45
mptthat is cool02:45
spivbzr should remind you about that if you do try to commit to a remote branch while offline.02:46
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Hobbseeany idea when joey will be around?03:06
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bacHobbsee:  joey usually shows up around now -- certainly within the hour03:20
Hobbseebac: cool, thanks03:20
SteveAspiv: that's awesome.  I never knew bzr would do that.  That deserves a blog entry on the launchpad blog03:22
SteveAmrevell: hey, what do you think?03:22
=== mrevell reads up
SteveAmrevell: the cool thing is, you're using a checkout (svn style use of bazaar) against a branch in launchpad03:23
SteveAand then you get disconnected from the internet03:23
SteveAso bzr notices when you try to commit, and recommends you do a commit --local03:24
SteveAso you can continue working03:24
mrevellAh, excellent. That is cool.03:24
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mrevellSteveA: Thanks for the pointer. That's definitely worth a blog post.03:24
mrevellspiv: I've been hoping to get other members of the team to write short posts highlighting cool Launchpad (and Bazaar) features. Would you be interested in writing a couple of paragraphs on this?03:25
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ubotuNew bug: #133676 in malone "Non-admin team member can make the team a bug security contact." [High,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13367605:01
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ubotuNew bug: #133701 in malone "Unhelpful "invalid value" error when assigning a bug task to a non-existent person." [Medium,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13370106:45
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MFenhow do you associate a team (which i own) with a project (which i own)?06:53
salgadoMFen, what sort of association would you like? the team being the project owner, a bug contact, a security contact?06:55
MFenoh, those are my only options?06:55
MFeni guess i should make the team project owner06:55
MFeni think i know how to do that06:55
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MFen"Driver" is owner right?06:55
salgadoMFen, there are other options, in fact06:55
MFencan i hear about them? :)06:56
salgadoowner is the maintainer, actually06:56
MFenah, right06:57
salgadothere's also driver, bug contact and security contact06:57
MFengot it07:03
MFenlaunchpad is pretty cool07:03
MFenare there plans to integrate mailing lists?07:03
MFenthat's really the only thing i'm missing.  i don't mind hosting my source code, but hosting mailing lists is turning out to be annoying.07:04
salgadoMFen, we can host the source code for you!07:06
MFeni know, but i don't want you to, and you don't host mercurial. :)07:07
MFeni have some "private" repos, and it's awfully convenient for me to have my OS projects in the same place as my sekrit ones.07:07
MFenplus, mercurial.07:07
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salgadothere are plans to integrate mailing lists, and that should happen some time soon07:11
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MFenthat would be sweet.07:14
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ubotuNew bug: #133708 in rosetta "Allow download of translations that meet certain requirements, e.g. completeness" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13370807:20
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ubotuNew bug: #133720 in launchpad "Prefix subject in emails sent by LP" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13372008:51
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ubotuNew bug: #133731 in launchpad "Include the error ID  OOPS-597D2199  in your message." [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13373109:55
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=== Cypher [n=cypher@71-88-241-197.dhcp.sffl.va.charter.com] has joined #launchpad
Cypheryo yo yo11:19
Cypheranyone home?11:19
mayecoand u?11:19
Cypheri don't remember registering for launchpad11:20
Cypherwhat is it?11:20
Cypheri keep getting emails for it11:20
kblinCypher: are you an ubuntu dev?11:21
Cypheri don't do any programming11:22
mayecothis is launchpad irc11:22
Cypherso it's just ubuntu developer stuff?11:23
Cypherkk thanks11:24
thumperCypher: you can ask a question on the launchpad product11:24
thumperCypher: and what type of emails are you getting?11:25
Cypherabout verifying my accout with launchpad11:25
thumperCypher: rereading the first thing I said, it wasn't overly clear (https://launchpad.net/launchpad)11:25
thumperCypher: someone may have tried to register an account with your email address11:25
Cypheri'm starting to think it may have been from when i was trying to submit a bug report11:25
thumperCypher: yes, I'm fairly sure you have to have a login to submit a bug report11:26
Cypherthat's prob. it then11:26
Cypherok, thanks for the help man11:26
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anonymousPlayerstill Launchpad closed source (sry if i'm boring with this questio)11:52
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ubotuNew bug: #133761 in launchpad "Misleading "Register" button on Launchpad home page." [High,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13376112:46

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