
aroonifolks when i start up X .... i just get black screen...... (t61 with intel x3100 and intel driver installled (2.10 version backported from gutsy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=494943) .... ideas?01:15
Arwennope, it's beyodn me01:18
arooniis there a version of the kernel for 7.04 that is newer than 2.6.21 ?  id rather not build the kernal from scratch01:19
nosrednaekimarooni: yeah, there is a way to get a 2.6.22 from gutsy01:20
arooninosrednaekim: can you tell me how01:20
Arwenyou need to build it yourself >_>01:20
arooniArwen: which one should i download01:21
aroonican i backport it somehow01:21
nosrednaekimarooni: I lost the link... an I forget how... but google it01:21
Arwenbackporting = recompiling01:21
Arwenhttp://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu <-- how to compile a kernel01:22
nosrednaekimno.. you can get it from the gutsy repos somehow01:23
Arweneh? and will it work is the question01:24
Arwenif you want to do that using a series of apt policies, I can try and help you01:24
aroonihow do i remove packages01:24
aroonithat havve been uninstalled01:24
aroonibut are still there01:24
Arwenif you mean it still has conf files around - apt-get remove --purge package01:25
aroonibasically i try to install buil-essential and i gett errors:  depends: lib6c-dev but it is not going to be installed or libcc6-dev01:25
aroonihow do i fix this01:25
Arwentry running "apt-get install libc6-dev" and see what's the problem01:25
arooniArwen: some packages cannot be installed.... the following packages have unmet dependencies:  libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.5-0ubuntu14) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed .. E: broken packages01:26
aroonihow do i fix01:26
aroonii need to recomiple kernal01:26
Arwenarooni, oh, I'm guessing that you have a mix of gutsy and feisty packages?01:27
arooniArwen: exactly01:27
aroonii tried to do this backporting thing earlier01:27
aroonito get my video working01:27
arooninow i realize i have to recomiple kernal01:27
arooniwith a new version01:28
arooniso how do i fix01:28
ArwenI need you to pastebin /etc/apt/preferences and /etc/apt/sources.list01:28
arooniArwen: prefernces are here: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.04_%28Feisty_Fawn%29_on_a_ThinkPad_T61#Intel_Graphics_Media_Accelerator_X3100_.28Chipset_GM965.29_.28Solved.2901:28
arooniArwen: sources.list is too01:29
Arwenah, feisty packages have a higher priority than gutsy ones. Try apt-get install libc6-dev=2.6.1-0ubuntu101:29
arooniArwen: should i just delete those preferences & such01:29
Arwenno, they're important. Without them, gutsy packages would flood your system.01:30
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DanaGArgh, I hate how one core panics upon resume from suspend.01:32
Arwenone core panics? so your other one doesn't?01:33
Arwenarooni, you know, you could just install gutsy instead of trying to maintain a franken-build01:34
arooniArwen: i know maybe i should?01:35
aroonihow easy is it01:36
aroonito move from a tribe01:36
aroonito a release01:36
Arwenyou mean from a release to the tribe, right?01:37
arooniwell i mean a RTM release01:38
aroonii mean ... whe the final version comes out01:38
Arwendist-upgrading's success rate is inversely proportional to the amount of extra repositories you have01:38
Arwenso, the more hacking you've done, the less the chance of success01:39
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arooniso what if i stay at gutsy tribe 401:39
arooniuntil gutsy final comes out01:39
arooniwill i be able to upgrade01:39
DanaGYeah, I get a panic on one core, but the other core stays perfectly functional.01:39
arooniif i havent messed up anything01:39
Arwenyes, because they're both gutsy01:39
Arwenin reality, if you install the tribe, it'll more or less upgrade incrementally each day01:40
ArwenDanaG, that's really weird01:40
DanaGI even get the caps-lock LED blinking.01:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129226 in linux-source-2.6.22 "kernel oops after resuming from suspend to RAM" [High,Fix committed] 01:42
DanaGNote that that bug mentions an oops; my dmesg shows a panic.01:42
Arwenhmm, I wonder if that would apply to a fake dual-core (HyperThreading)01:43
Arwenperhaps I should go try01:43
arooniArwen: i downloaded gutsy at home but  i have: -rw-r--r-- 1 chasetoys chasetoys 726267904 2007-08-04 18:18 gutsy-desktop-i386.iso01:44
ggilbertarooni: In theory, if you upgrade regularly your system will be pretty close to what the final gutsy will be around Oct 4th01:44
Arwenarooni, that's a CD image. You're supposed to burn it and then boot from it.01:45
aroonibut when do dc3f9dba1f83fb7e47ddf7e2d377398b  gutsy-desktop-i386.iso01:45
aroonithats not the same checksum01:45
aroonifrom the website01:45
arooniis that a bad thing?01:45
arooni md5sum gutsy-desktop-i386.iso01:45
Arwenoh wait, wrong checksum? yeah, that's bad. very bad.01:45
arooniok so i shouldnt useit01:45
Arwennah :-)01:45
ggilbertYou should be able to pretty quickly fix that with bittorrent01:46
Arwenif it's only broken in a few places, getting the torrent and making it save to that file will repair it01:46
Arwenif it's totally broken, that's a whole other story01:46
arooniahh ok...01:46
aroonihow do i get a torrent ui01:46
arooniazareus keeps crashing01:46
aroonii dont want a command line tool01:46
Arwenhmm? try ktorrent or bittorrent-gui01:46
rskor deluge01:47
Arwenor that01:47
Arwenspeaking of Azureus, it doesn't seem to work under gutsy (stock version).01:47
Arwenhangs on opening a file01:47
aroonican i repair a file that was downloaded from HTTP?01:47
aroonior do i have to start from scratch01:47
Arwenyou can repair it01:48
aroonihow do i launch bittorrent gui01:48
aroonii already isntalled it01:48
Arwendunno, I never installed it01:48
arooniktorrent cradshes01:48
arooniman i'm unlucky01:48
ggilbertarooni: If you just download the torrent file from ubuntu's website, it should launch it for you01:49
aroonihow do i get deluge01:49
Arwenarooni, type "btdownloadgui.bittorrent"01:49
Arwenstupid naming scheme..01:49
Arwenor yeah, http://download.deluge-torrent.org/index.php?dir=ubuntu/feisty/
ggilbertIt might be in the ubuntu repository, but it's changing fat enough that I'd rather use the latest01:50
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aroonihow do you repair ?01:54
aroonia torrent file01:54
Arwendownload the .torrent file, open it in your client, when it asks for the save location, point it to the broken file01:55
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DanaGArgh, somehow my fat32 partition became read-only.02:11
DanaGHow do I force it to not be RO?02:11
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Arwenmount -o rw -t vfat /dev/blah /mnt/blah ?02:27
DanaGI used mount -o remount,rw /dev/whatever02:28
dick-richardsonanyone familiar with a webmin alternative? I'm ashamed to admit my command line skills aren't up to snuff compared with what I was doing in webmin :/02:28
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Arwenhey cool, amarok visualizations02:37
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DanaG...Until the GLX ones crash Xorg when run on Compiz under NVIDIA.02:44
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aroonifolks quick q:  is it OK if i use a nightly build of gutsy02:57
aroonior should i use a tribe on02:57
anon32you should use a nightly02:57
anon32cuts down on the number of updates you'll have to install afterwards02:57
arooniok good02:58
anon32oh, but sometimes the nightlies are larger than 700MB. Watch out for that.02:58
aroonianon32: what speed to run it at?02:58
anon32run what?02:58
aroonithe burn02:58
anon32if you only have one CD, as low as possible. Otherwise just try the max.02:59
arooniwhat do u mean one cd?02:59
anon32(if your filesystem/harddrive isn't borked and really slow)02:59
anon32only one blank02:59
arooniahh ok02:59
arooniis it ok to burn to dvd?02:59
anon32yes, as long as your computer can boot them03:00
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aroonihere comes gutsy03:05
arooniman i hope this makes it better03:05
aroonifor my t6103:05
aroonicua feisty is a nighmare03:05
=== anon32 preferred the name "Gusty Gibbon" to be honest
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aroonianon32: my disk is built on 7/1803:07
arooniis that ok?03:07
anon32why not?03:07
aroonii dont know03:07
arooniwhats the difference between later releases?03:07
aroonithe packages?03:07
anon32more updated packages03:07
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aroonianon32: its flashing _ on top left03:09
aroonioh there it goes i supose03:09
anon32heh, just tell me when there's a problem. Unix philosophy: if it worked, don't waste space saying "it worked".03:09
arooniahhh ok03:10
arooniwell color me suprised03:10
aroonicuz i see a GUI03:10
aroonithis is a first for me with this lappy03:10
arooniive been in cli hell for days03:10
anon32heh, command lines are fun. But being stuck on a black/white console for days woulda made my eyes bleed.03:10
kavonyay arooni :)03:11
anon32oh yeah, time to go play around with the new 2.3 series GIMP03:11
kavonis anyone else having a problem with flash-nonfree with konqurer or is it fixed in the 186 updates i need03:11
kavonyoutube crashes03:12
arooniok so live cd is booted03:12
anon32hmm, it's got some new shiny icons at least03:12
aroonibut i dont see the place for 'install ubuntu'03:12
aroonilike there normally is03:12
anon32arooni, oh dear, that's not good03:12
aroonimaybe i burned it too fast?03:12
anon32can't be03:12
anon32probably it's just filed under another location03:13
anon32try system -> admin03:13
aroonicould not launch menu item:  Error reading file: file:///usr/share/applciaiton/ubiquity-tkui;.desktop' unspported operation03:13
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aroonii think i burned it too fast :903:13
flaccidanybody got cisco vpn client going in gutsy?03:14
flaccidie. compilation of the binary against kernel headers03:14
anon32arooni, hmm, maybe.03:14
anon32try with an alternate cd then? harder to mess those up. Or just burn it again/03:15
aroonii will reburn03:15
aroonii want my GUI03:15
arooniit looks good03:15
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xtknightis gutsy experiencing breakage now?  my gdm seems to "backtrace"03:20
anon32doesn't happen here. go file a bug?03:21
xtknighthave you rebooted since the last barrage of updates?03:21
anon32last barrage?03:24
anon32I just upgraded today03:24
xtknighti386 or amd64?03:25
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xtknightok it looks like nvidia-glx is a bit on the fritz, that's about the only problem for me03:31
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arooniioh dear03:33
aroonilooks like i dont get option to install03:33
xtknighthey arooni03:33
aroonimust be a bad .iso03:33
aroonithey xtknight03:33
anon32that can't be good :-\03:33
xtknightgutsy daily has got to be broken today tho03:33
anon32try an alternate install?03:33
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xtknightthe installer failed for me after python (the alternate noe)03:33
aroonidamn and tribe 4 is taking FOREVER to downkload03:33
anon32or that03:33
arooniso what should i do?03:34
aroonisafe graphics mode?03:34
aroonior ditch this iso03:34
aroonimy internets is ridiculously slow :(03:34
anon32probably you're gonna have to ditch it03:34
anon32oh, you could try typing "ubiquity" into the terminal. maybe that'll help.03:35
xtknightwhat's the problem?03:35
xtknightand which cd did he try?03:35
aroonia nightly build03:35
anon32his install CD (daily live cd) doesn't have a link to the installer03:35
aroonifrom 7/1603:35
aroonii cant launch any apps either03:36
aroonithis is royall messed up :*(03:36
xtknightya im done trying dailys03:36
xtknightarooni, my experience has been just as bad03:36
xtknightevery daily crashes like nuts03:36
xtknightthe Tribes seem ok03:36
aroonii have tribe 4 coming03:36
arooniin 3hours!!!!!!!!!!103:36
kavonare dailys the updates for tribes?03:36
kavon:o i'm installing 186 of them03:36
aroonishould i not run sudo apt-get update03:37
kavonfrom tribe 4 kubun03:37
anon32I just upgraded from Feisty, worked out more or less :-\03:37
anon32had to set a couple of policy rules, but it worked out03:37
kavoni havn't found any bugs besides this annoying clock problem in KDE03:37
kavonit won't blend :z03:37
anon32WILL IT BLEND?03:37
=== anon32 ducks
xtknightwhere do you place Modelines?03:38
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anon32under the Monitor section I think03:38
xtknightah thx03:39
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kavonlol anon3203:43
kavonjust saw it ;D03:43
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xtknightis there a way to disable compiz in gutsy?03:50
xtknightisn't giving me window decorations :|03:50
anon32system -> prefs -> appearance -> effects iirc03:51
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anon32lol, I just turned those on... desktop corruption :-\03:52
xtknightahhh thank you03:52
anon32(my desktop res exceeds my 3d texture size)03:52
xtknightyour desktop res=?03:52
xtknightah same03:53
ameyersounds like a (censored) video card03:53
anon32I'd like 3200x1200 but that's not gonna happen :-\03:53
xtknightwell similar at least 1680x1050+1280x102403:53
xtknightif i try to enable or disable Compiz effects my system just hard freezes03:54
xtknightso im glad for my SysRq key03:54
ameyerintel graphics?03:55
xtknightnvidia 7800gt03:55
ameyerwell, the i810 driver likes hosing the system03:55
xtknighthalf of the effects work, but no window decorations03:55
ameyerthe newer intel driver seems to not do it so far...03:56
anon32heh, compositebydefault :-\03:56
xtknightya bad idea03:56
anon32yeah, what will you do when they don't work?03:56
xtknightcomposite feels like "testing" to me every time i use it03:56
anon32and what better way to lose users than to make it broken by default on over half of all installs?03:56
xtknightya no doubt03:56
xtknightbut it's a great way to test compiz huh?03:56
xtknightat least compiz will get more stable as a result hehe03:56
anon32real problem is that composite won't ever get anywhere with the current driver mess03:57
xtknighti wonder if they will use compositebydefault on LTS+103:57
ameyerlast I tried compiz on my ancient intel 845 graphics chipset, it worked fine03:57
ameyeractually, compiz worked better than the various non-composite WMs03:57
anon32but the fact is that it doesn't work on a lot of setups03:58
anon32you should go with what's most likely to work, not what's most flashy or even fastest03:58
xtknightwell compiz totally crashes with the nvidia-glx driver in the repos. with the ones on nvidia.com it works but with no window decs (this is gutsy stock compiz).  ive gotten compiz fully functional before03:58
xtknightit's just that they cant get a version out there that works for everyone03:58
anon32yeah, I had it working earlier too. but then I added my second display03:58
xtknightanon32, well my 2nd display works but only in separate desktop mode03:59
xtknightbut compiz can do effects over both03:59
anon32yeah, I don't have that much VRAM, lol03:59
xtknightso has anyone else tried Gutsy daily alternate today?  def. broken for me03:59
xtknightthe cd that is.  not to mention today's updates04:00
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anon32(thus the beauty of network upgrades)04:00
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ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:00
tehkkavon, use launchpad.com04:01
kavonseriously though, i can't find a way to submit kubuntu bug04:01
kavon:z that only has ubuntu... i think this is a kubuntu bug.04:01
Kousotuis bug reporting on?04:01
kavonthe kde clock is messed up04:01
kavon:o lets turn that on04:01
anon32they use the same launchpad04:01
anon32file it under the appropriate kde package04:02
Kousotuanon32: don't mean HE has it on04:02
tehkkavon, what anon32 said + kubuntu is ubuntu.04:02
kavonoh, so i can file a bug with the kubuntu clock in kde and its all good?04:03
kavonok cool, launchpad.com away!04:03
kavono it seems to be .net04:03
Kousotuhow do you install beryl?04:12
anon32you don't, beryl is dead software04:13
Kousotuthen how do I get the fancy efects?04:14
anon32should be under system -> prefs -> appearance -> effects04:14
DanaGCompiz + 'za' == yum.04:14
DanaGI'd like to see somebody make a theme that plays on compiz-pizza.04:15
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Paddy_EIREanon32: beryl is still faster and more stable than compiz-fusion04:17
anon32oh? hmm04:18
Paddy_EIREanon32: and well compiz is just plain04:18
Kousotuwell how do you install beryl?04:18
anon32apt-get install beryl probably04:18
Paddy_EIRE!beryl | Kousotu04:18
ubotuKousotu: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects04:18
xtknightcool i guess Gutsy finally has proper DPI support04:19
Kousotuso I gotta joi another channel to install it?04:20
Kousotuhy xt04:20
Paddy_EIREKousotu: well to get help with installing it04:20
KousotuPaddy_EIRE: same difference04:20
anon32Kousotu, it looks like there are no maintained beryl packages for gutsy04:20
Paddy_EIREerr no its not04:20
anon32you have to compile it from source04:20
xtknightKousotu, lots of trouble installing gutsy04:20
xtknightbut i did it04:20
Kousotuyou couldn't get gutsy to install?04:21
KousotuI had issues with T3, but not 404:21
xtknightnot on this pc04:21
KousotuI had t use "safe" for tribe 304:22
xtknightactually today's updates will break me04:22
xtknighthad to reinstall it after i updated04:22
Kousotuthat sucs04:24
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Kousotuoply clneI had o reinstall after instaling the Mon04:24
KousotuI had to reinstall after installing the monoply clone*04:24
Kousotubroke my Wifi....04:25
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:27
Kousotusometimes I love bots :)04:27
Kousotumost of the time I hate them though04:27
aroonihey friends04:29
arooniwith gutsy04:29
arooniis it ok to install updates?04:29
aroonior is it going to break stuff04:29
ameyerI know, that's not a helpful answer04:30
xtknightarooni, well it breaks my machine04:30
xtknighti'd wait if i were you04:30
Kousotuarooni: tat would depend on the computer you're using04:31
nosrednaekimarooni: heh.... if things get broken.. its  a bug... that what you are supposed to be testiong for. if no-one upgrades.. then there won't be any bugs reported, and it will never be reported04:31
Kousotumine works fine, while xtknight's does not04:31
aroonium will i be able to install software like eclipse, xmms, beryl etc?04:32
arooniruby, irb, etc?04:32
xtknightshould be able to04:33
arooniwhen is gusty final?04:33
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xtknightoctober something04:33
ggilbertOctober 18th, I believe04:33
aroonianyone rocking a t61 here?04:33
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atoponcei should probably be asking my questions here, rather than #ubuntu04:59
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atoponcein mark shuttleworth's announcement, he made it seem like you could run ubuntu with 100% free software05:00
atoponceother than disabling the 'restricted' repo, how is this possible?05:00
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atoponceis there another repository? or maybe just more free software drivers for hardware?05:00
atoponceiirc, he mentioned the dev team working with the gnewsense team?05:01
ameyerwouldn't surprise me if there would be a seperate gnuisance-style repo...05:01
ameyeri forget what they're calling the gnewsence clone they're releasing05:01
atoponcethat who is releasing? canonical?05:02
DanaGI wish the 100.14.11 drivers weren't so damn buggy.05:02
DanaGThey're the first to properly support hotkey display switching on my laptop.05:02
ameyerthere's going to be a gnewsense-style version of gutsy, I just can't remember what it's called05:03
DanaGI think that's a really bad name.05:03
DanaGGo == Mobile, right?05:03
DanaGWell, at least that's what I, and most logical people, would think.05:03
ameyergobuntu should be the mobile version05:03
atoponcegobuntu, eh?05:04
ameyerI think the FSF said it couldn't be called Gnubuntu...05:04
=== atoponce googles around
ameyerbut gobuntu's a bad name05:06
atoponcei guess the question follows:05:07
ameyerat least when there's ubuntu mobile, or whatever they're calling it05:07
DanaGI mean, WTF is "Go", besides Mobile?  I can't see what else it would be.05:07
atoponcewhat's the difference between gobuntu and debian proper?05:07
ameyerwtf does the k in kde stand for?05:07
atoponcereading mark's blog, he states "It is ... a very strict set of restrictions on the licences of code and content"05:08
atoponcethat sounds like the dfsg to me05:08
ameyerI think Debian ships not 100% free stuff to support certain types of hardware...05:09
DanaGWowzer, dynamictwinview and compiz REEeeally don't get along.05:09
aroonium why does md5sum say my download of tribe 4 (torrent) is different than what lives on the ubuntu servers?05:09
atoponceameyer: nope. the debian main repository is 100% Free Software05:10
atoponcethe reasen GNU doesn't recognize it, is it's 'contrib' and 'nonfree' repos05:10
ameyerI thought their kernel had firmware and other non-free stuff in it...05:10
atoponcethe 'main' repo, however, is entirely free05:10
atoponceameyer: no. they were considering it, but voted against it05:10
ameyerwell, Debian is uglier than Ubuntu by default...05:11
ameyerthat's a massive achievement05:11
atoponceit's just clearlooks05:11
atoponceand it's not orange/brown... :)05:11
ameyerI think they're like blue and red, and it's... ugh05:12
DanaGI like the colors during the installer, but they're not there in the final install.05:12
DanaGI like the Ubuntu orange; I just wish the Metacity theme weren't so OMG-different from the GTK theme.05:13
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ameyerdebian's XFCE is awful by default05:14
aroonihow do i format this: v* 4.7GB DVD+RW media detected.05:14
nakshahello folks.. I need to run a script when I get off AC power.. I don't know where to trigger it from.. can some one help me please05:14
DanaGAieee, my cube is now broken!05:14
nakshai can't even find relevant documents05:14
DanaGIt's all squished and stretched.05:15
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DanaGOh, and my water ripples are OVAL!05:15
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atoponceameyer: thx for answering my questions05:19
ameyeratoponce: honestly, I'm not sure what the differences are05:19
ameyeratoponce: I've never run gobuntu or a stock debian install05:20
atoponcenp. i'm getting my new lappy tomorrow, and i'm having a real tough time deciding on the os05:20
aroonido i need to do anything special....... to get my alptop to boot from a dvd05:20
atoponce1) 32-bit or 64-bit?05:20
atoponce2) debian or ubuntu?05:20
aroonii .e. can i put the image of ubuntu on dvdrw disk?05:20
atoponcethose are what are plaguing me atm05:20
ameyer1) I'd say 32 bit unless you have a compelling need for 64 bit (as in >3 GB of RAM)05:24
ameyer2) I say debian, but I can't really give a reason why05:26
aroonixtknight: u there?  is there a way to repeal your updates?05:29
ameyerthere should be a question #3 though, what version?05:29
xtknightarooni, hmm?05:29
xtknightrepeal as in revert them?  i tried installing a few select pkgs from my cd to fix it, nothing really worked.  i just reinstalled05:30
aroonixtknight: well u said updates screwed up your system..  1) can u elaborate 2) can you repeal them?05:30
aroonirevert them yes05:30
xtknightarooni, you can revert them but it's not worth the time most likely05:30
xtknightarooni, my gdm wouldnt start.  it segfaulted even with vesa05:30
aroonioh noes05:30
=== arooni sick of the cli
xtknightat least with x86_6405:31
xtknightdidn try 3205:31
arooniu put on 64 bit os?05:31
arooniis it easy to migrate to 64 bit?05:31
xtknightfor now, at least.  ill see how it goes05:31
aroonicuz i have core 2 duo05:32
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xtknightarooni, it requires a reinstlal05:32
ameyerI'd honestly go with 32 bit unless you need over about 3 GB of RAM...05:32
aroonii'm getting:  Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block _________05:32
xtknightme too05:32
aroonidid i burn it too fastr?05:32
xtknighti just decided to try 64 again05:32
arooniwhen i insert new gutsy05:32
xtknightarooni, sr0 is some external drive05:32
xtknightremember you had to wait awhile?05:32
aroonixtknight: right but 'm scared05:32
aroonibuffer i/o error05:33
DanaGMy internal drive is sr0.05:33
aroonialso... md5 checksum didn't match website (i dloaded from bittorrent)05:33
xtknightit's just cause sr0 doesnt exist i guess05:33
nakshaforgive my language.. I need to know where can I locate the script that triggers events when on battery? I need this to run certain other scripts05:33
DanaGIt's ata_piix.05:33
arooniwhat should i do05:33
xtknightno idea05:33
aroonireburn the cdrw05:33
nakshaetc/acpi/power.sh don't seem to be doing anything.05:34
aroonialso.....  what speed should i have the dvdrw burned at05:34
nakshawhy does ubuntu have scripts lying around just to confuse people?05:35
nakshawhere can I find out how ubuntu works?05:36
DanaGLook in /etc/acpi/events.d05:36
DanaGOh yeah, here's another thing that 100.14.11 actually does add: hotkey display switching.05:36
nakshaDanaG: there is no events.d is there one in your system? i'm on gutsy05:37
=== DanaG goes to take a look
DanaGOops, it's events (no .d)05:37
nakshawhere can i locate the battery event. I spend some time poking around in feisty untill I gave up.05:38
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DanaGACtually, ac.d and battery.d may be more what you're looking for.05:39
nakshaI know I just wanna customize it05:39
nakshabut the file named battery just links to power.sh which isn't even doing anything05:40
nakshapower.sh is some leftover from debian or something..05:41
nakshaI don't know05:41
DanaGAah, I think when you switch sources, acpid executes things in /etc/acpi/{ac,battery}.d/ in alphabetical order.05:42
DanaGPerhaps making a new file in there, and chmodding it +x, may be enough.  Use the existing files for reference.05:43
nakshaDanaG: I'll give that a shot.05:44
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You do not have channel operator access to [#ubuntu-boot] 05:45
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-ops] Welcome to #ubuntu-ops - Home of the operators for official K/X/Ed/Ubuntu channels. Questions, requests and complaints about Ubuntu related channels and their people can be filed here"05:46
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu+1
=== Topic for #ubuntu+1: The In Development Version Channel | Please *don't* run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing, etc | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 4 released!
=== Topic (#ubuntu+1): set by Hobbsee at Thu Aug 9 16:02:44 2007
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu+1] Please read the topic. Especially if things are broken!05:46
(naksha/#ubuntu+1) DanaG: nope doesn't work05:46
(DanaG/#ubuntu+1) Dang.05:47
nakshaWhere can I find advanced documents for ubuntu?05:48
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DanaGOh, another thing that can execute scripts on power-source change is cpufreqd.05:49
aroonifolks i burned a dvdrw with the gutsy gibbon........... BUT when i put in cd ... bios went right passed i05:50
arooniand didnt try toboot from it05:50
nakshaDanaG: how?05:50
arooniany ideas?05:50
nakshaDanaG: and where?05:50
DanaGIt's a package.05:50
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nakshaarooni: sometimes it takes a while for DVD's to initialize and find the tracks. On my comp, I'll have to pause to wait for the DVD to start spinning and then I let it boot05:51
nakshajust my 2 cents or what ever your local currency is05:52
arooninaksha: do u disable other boot options05:53
aroonicuz mine goes right to hard drive05:53
nakshaarooni: no i just choose the boot menu and not the bios. and wait for the DVD to start spinning and then hit enter05:53
arooninaksha: but boot menu?  by that point its too late isnt it?05:54
nakshaarooni: no the certain bios has a feature to choose to boot from the cd, hdd, floppy etc while by passing the bios settings05:54
arooninot mine05:54
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nakshaor you could just hit pause/break key to pause the POST05:55
nakshaassuming the DVD is readable ofcourse05:55
shirishguys is there a difference between -dbg & -dbgsym files?05:55
nakshaand that you've burned the image as it should be and not as a data DVD05:57
arooniwhat does breaing the post mean05:57
arooninaksha: i burned teh cd image via gnomebaker onto a dvdrw05:58
arooniis that ok?05:58
nakshait depends, if you open you cd and you see that you've got an iso in it, you've done it wrong05:58
nakshabut if you have a bunch of folders and files, you are possibly right05:59
arooniok it boots now05:59
nakshaha there ya go06:00
nakshasome bioses are stupid06:00
arooninow i hope i dont get this buffer i/o error06:00
aroonii burned at 1x06:00
xtknightarooni, which one did you get06:00
aroonixtknight: tribe 4 ?06:00
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xtknightare you asking me? :P06:00
aroonino im not sure about what the subject is06:00
arooni'which one'06:00
xtknightwhich iso06:01
aroonitribe 4 32 bit06:01
xtknighttribe 4 im assuming :)06:01
aroonieven though i have core 2 duo yah06:01
xtknightlet me know if it works06:01
arooniare u on feisty still>?06:01
xtknighti nuked all my OSes except for XP, redid all my partitions,  then i installed gutsy 6406:01
xtknighti have no feisty anymore06:01
aroonioh wowsers06:02
xtknightim counting on gutsy for now06:02
aroonime too06:02
xtknightbut sort of in limbo tbh06:02
aroonimy t61 pukes on fesity06:02
xtknightthought it would be more stable than it is now =/06:02
aroonidoes it crash often?06:02
nakshaarooni: gutsy is much better than dapper and edgy during release IMo06:02
aroonioh my gosh06:02
xtknighti cant agree06:02
arooniis it ok if i dont have my cmp plugged into network06:03
aroonican this be done later?06:03
xtknightwell im having problems with everything, like vmware, X, nvidia drivers, updates.  apport will start in infinite loops and slow down my CPU.  so i disabled apport, it was the only way to get X to start06:03
arooniinstead o fhaivng it auto configured06:03
xtknightarooni, your network should work later on if that's what you mean06:04
nakshaxtkingt: I was having hell lots of trouble when everyone was raving about the ease of use of ubuntu.06:04
aroonithats what i mean06:04
xtknightoh compiz (by-default) doesnt work either.  window decoratios missing06:04
nakshagoes to show that opinions can be very biased06:04
xtknightnot really.  it works for most people06:04
xtknightif you have any special needs then throw "ease of use" out of the window for any distro :)06:04
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nakshawell and good06:05
nakshaMy hardware has nicely matured and that is possibly why I'm having relatively less troubles06:06
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nakshaarooni: how's it going?06:07
xtknightwell my geforce 7800gt has had issues since Dapper that haev not been fixed06:07
arooniwhats the name of setup program06:07
xtknightarooni, ubiquity06:07
aroonizomg it launches06:08
nakshaxtknight: tell me about it.. ATI here :-P I don't run too much 3D so i'm kinda ok06:08
xtknightubuntu has a hell of a time with video stuff06:09
xtknighteverything else, actually decent to graet06:09
xtknightwell wireless is mixed of course06:09
arooniit got my montiro figured out06:09
xtknightarooni, lol ya me too.06:09
xtknighti was so happy when i saw 1680x105006:09
nakshamine works flawlessly from day one. ipw220006:09
nakshaI'm the lucky few who's got no serious problems06:10
xtknightintel wireless adapters have good support06:10
xtknightmy laptop's 3945abg is good.  broadcom bcm43xx w/ firmware is good too06:10
aroonithis is defienitley the way to go06:10
arooniinstead of a frankenstein os06:10
arooniwith packages from two releases06:11
aroonifolks should my /home partition be primary or logical?06:11
xtknightdoesnt matter.  i always do primary until i cant anymore06:11
nakshahave you guys noticed that it's really difficult to find documents on advanced stuff?06:11
xtknightnaksha, ua06:11
xtknightnaksha, ya06:11
xtknightbut advanced stuff, such as?06:11
nakshaI've been searching around for how to hook a custom script to power events with no luck06:12
xtknightoh boy06:12
xtknightya debian stuff can be a pain06:12
xtknightdocs are mostly outdated06:13
xtknightfor other apps.  like they say do this and that, but this is for some really old version of debian, not the current stable one/sec06:13
nakshathere's like a ton of useless scripts scattered around that seem to do nothing. just there to confuse noobs06:13
aroonihere it comes!06:13
nakshanoobs like me that is06:14
nakshahow do the devs know what they are doing?06:14
xtknightnaksha, great question06:14
xtknighti view it like the ancient tribes.  just passed down thru word of mouth06:15
aroonioh noes06:15
arooni[errno 5]  input/outpu terror] 06:15
xtknightcuz there really is a lack of docs on a ton of things06:15
aroonifaulty cd/dvd disk /drive/ et....06:15
arooniman its not easy06:15
nakshaarooni: get the alternate CD.. thats easier and less buggy06:15
xtknighttoday's alt. doesnt work though06:16
arooninakasha it takes me forever to dload06:16
nakshai've stopped using the live since edgy06:16
nakshaI mean when ever they introduced it that is.. I've just tried it once and the partioner crapped out and died06:17
nakshaarooni: how fast is your line?06:17
arooninaksha: something stupid like 1.5Mbit down06:18
aroonishard with 3 people06:18
aroonicant wait till my new 6Mbits all for myself comes thursday06:18
nakshayou could download it overnight. 1.5 mbit will give u atleast 40 KB/sec real life06:19
xtknightit should be 175k/sec06:19
xtknightive had good luck with ubuntu's servers06:19
aroonii want it now06:19
xtknightthey have always maxed mine06:19
xtknight6mbps~=768k/sec ;)06:19
nakshaI've got an 8Mbit but througput is around half that and a bit more06:19
nakshabroadband speed claims are in your face lies06:20
xtknightwell i dunno, but ive had good luck with my isp's (comcast) claimed speeds06:20
nakshabroadband in the UK sucks then06:21
xtknightcomcast cant do anything about it if the web server is slow06:21
nakshalogical conclusion06:21
nakshacomcast started throttling bittorrent06:22
nakshawas on digg06:22
xtknightya at least for some ppl06:22
nakshano body gives a fsck in the UK06:22
nakshadownload as much as you want, it's practically legal06:22
nakshaalthough some ISPs throttle, azureus wiki has a good list of ISPs to stay away from.06:23
nakshabittorrent is legal as always I was reffering to questionable content that is :-)06:24
nakshaanyways, I'll leave you guys at that, I've to go now.. TC06:25
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aroonii used; dvd+rw-format -force /dev/dvd ... to format  my dvdrw... but now ubuntu doesnt see this disk anymore.... help!06:48
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d4rkmonkeyanyone know if the Xbox Live Vision camera works in Gutsy?07:04
d4rkmonkeyor how to use it?07:04
hyljeapparently no07:16
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MilhousePunkRockAnyone else lost Konqueror mouse gestures after upgrading to Gutsy?07:25
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aroonifolks ive burned the same tribe 4 cd several times, and had it fail in the same each time when installing.... does this mean its a bad disk?  or a bad ISO?  for instance, the md5sum is different than on the website07:41
malnilionThat's odd07:41
aroonifolks ive burned the same tribe 4 cd several times, and had it fail in the same each time when installing.... does this mean its a bad disk?  or a bad ISO?  for instance, the md5sum is different than on the website ... i'm downloading the alternate cd.... should i just this one instead?07:41
aroonidouble post ;(07:41
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu64@197.Red-80-59-135.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
ubuntumake for gutsi to work brother mfc 820 cw07:48
ubuntuthat is shame07:48
tonyyarussoThis isn't the place for bug reports either.07:48
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ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots07:48
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MilhousePunkRockarooni: If the md5 is different, the download is corrupted07:51
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MilhousePunkRockarooni: Burning it multiple times wont cure that, you need to download it again07:51
benanz1anyone know why I don't get a bootsplash anymore?07:51
MilhousePunkRockbenanz1: If there are errors during boot, usplash will shut down, so you can see them. And it's not unlikely to have errors in alpha software07:52
benanz1that's it.  It always drops to text boot at the point where the iSight webcam firmware loads (with an error)07:53
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benanz1the brightness control keys on my MacBook broke with Gutsy, they get stuck at the lowest levels instead of going all the way up/down.  Is this common for others?07:58
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aroonidoes 64 bit version of ubuntu speed anhything up?08:15
DanaGI have 256 kilobit up, but if I try to use 20 kiloBYTES up, my downstream chokes.08:16
DanaGI have to drop back to 13 or 16 kilobytes up.08:16
tehkarooni, It does yet it will not be noticed by you. The extra bits lets some things (like timing) perform better08:17
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Eq|laptopDanaG: that's about right..08:22
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aroonihelp !  the alternate cd is messed up :(  it was intsaling fine then went dark for a second08:24
arooniand then screen redrew and now i see this random box which is garbled08:24
aroonibu tlooks like installation is continuing08:24
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aroonii ran the xserver reconfig08:49
aroonibut i can only get max resolution 1024x768908:49
ameyerthat's like the ultimate non-widescreen08:49
aroonii know its killer bad08:50
ameyersomething along the lines of 1x708:50
aroonii want 1440 x 90008:50
ameyerarooni: are you sure your monitor, and to a lesser extent, video card can do anything above 1024x768?08:50
arooniameyer: definitely; lcd supports 1440x90008:51
arooniameyer: i was getting it on vista08:51
ameyer(and xorg configuration can be a real b**** sometimes)08:51
ameyerit's the one time I've wished I was still running Windows...08:53
arooniameyer: any suggestions?08:53
ameyerarooni: not really08:53
ameyerI wish I could help, but I have no idea about coaxing linux into doing widescreen08:57
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Hobbseeyou didnt mention which video card, or anything..08:57
ameyerif it's intel, it might require 915resolution08:58
ameyer(Although allegedly the new intel driver doesn't need that)08:58
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Kousotuanyone able to have with VMware?09:06
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Kousotuanyone able to have with VMware?09:11
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Kousotuanyone able to help with VMware?09:26
Hobbseewhat about it?09:28
=== Hobbsee notes that the question this time is slightly more helpful
=== ICU [n=me@sechzig.dd.ewetel.de] has joined #ubuntu+1
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AssidHobbsee: you ever mapped your linux ext3  as vmware partition available to windows?09:32
Hobbseestill absolutely nowhere near useful enough to start answering decently, but....09:32
HobbseeAssid: nope, i tend to use explore2fs for that kind of thing09:33
Assidprobably a good way to tell someone .. find your vmware books.. and keep it ready. here comes my quesition09:33
Hobbseealthough i know there's a windows driver for it too09:33
Hobbseemay be more suited to #vmware09:33
shirishHobbsee: is there a way to see what values are in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH as one can see in $PATH by doing echo $PATH09:34
Hobbseeshirish: no idea, id' google09:35
shirishHobbsee: I tried doing echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH but that does not give anything :(09:35
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Jazonso, just to report....09:44
Jazonafter upgrading via sudo apt-get dist-upgrade I am very very pleased to say that Gutsy is working wonderfully on my Nec i-Select Laptop :-)09:45
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu+1
JazonI had to apt-get -f install a few times, and there wan a bit of a glitch re: korganizer (I had to: dpkg -r korganizer || apt-get -f install) but other than that, things went surprisingly well09:47
Kousotuwb Hobbsee09:48
Kousotuwow, a min on the dot lol09:48
HobbseeJazon: what was up with korganiser?  that should work now, i thought09:49
KousotuHobbsee you ever used VMware?09:50
JazonHobbsee: there was a conflict with a dependancy  (I did this last night)09:50
Hobbseeonly virtualbox09:50
HobbseeJazon: more info?09:50
=== AhDiCt3D [i=AhDiCt3D@c-24-16-6-60.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
Jazonlooking back to see if i still have it.09:50
Jazonis this channel logged?09:50
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs09:51
AhDiCt3DCan someone help me real quick i think i found a bug in the wifi of Kubuntu Gutsy, if not can someone assist? I seem to get fast speed then have wifi drop down to something like baud speed then go back up, anything anyone knows how to fix?09:51
KousotuHobbsee: for some reasonmine wants to hate me. it won't stay in oe window09:51
Kousotunot unless I use the F11 one09:51
Kousotuany known way to fix that?09:52
HobbseeKousotu: weird.  like i say, i use virtualbox instead09:52
Hobbseeso i dont know on vmware09:52
Kousotuwhat's the difference between the two?09:52
=== Hobbsee points to google.
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Jazongood grief - are the logs served off a dial up connection??? :s09:53
Kousotulogs are an invasion of privacy09:54
HobbseeKousotu: all ubuntu channels are logged.09:54
Hobbseeit should say that in the irc guidelines09:54
Hobbseebesides, it's a public channel - do you *really* expect every user here to never publish any record of anything that goes on here, forever?09:55
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KousotuHobbsee: I was kidding09:57
Kousotumandriva has 148 updates? geeze....09:57
Kousotuis 5GB good enough for Ubuntu?09:58
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AhDiCt3DKousotu, 2GB minimum10:00
KousotuI'm giving it 510:00
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Do``hm :/10:04
Do``connection refused when updating :/10:04
JazonHobbsee: well the log for yesterday seems to be blank.  dunno dude, its in there somwhere (look for arkygeek)10:07
HobbseeJazon: irc logs dont make good bugtrackers.10:07
Hobbseeoh well, i'll hope that someone else picks it up, or that we do in our testing, and files it.10:07
Kousotuwhat bug?10:08
=== Hobbsee is of the logic that says "if you cant be bothered filing a bug, with useful information in it, then i likely cant be bothered fixing it either"
JazonKousotu: do you remember last night, talking to me about that conflict with korganizer?10:08
Kousotuum... I don't remember talking to you last night10:09
Hobbseeif someone else finds it, i'd be interested in seeing it10:09
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Hobbseebut someoen else can pull up those logs for me10:09
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JazonKousotu: i was arkygeek last night10:11
Kousotuoh yea10:12
Kousotuthat helps10:12
Kousotubear with me, I'm doing 10 things at once10:12
Kousotulast night we were talking bout NDISwrapper10:16
JazonHobbsee: thats weird.... the 18th and the 19th in the logs are both size 0K10:16
Hobbseeyes, fabbione was upgrading his machine that day10:17
Hobbseewell, around then10:17
KousotuHobbsee: ok to flood a bit?10:18
HobbseeKousotu: use a pastebin.10:18
Jazonfor somw reason all my local logs are gone too... i must have deleted them by accident :s10:19
Jazonhave them reactivated now though10:19
Kousotu[14:05:08]  Kousotu : arkygeek: well, my atheros (built in) never worked. but I use a zd1211rw driver10:20
Kousotu[14:05:24]  arkygeek : eh? did you try madwifi-ng10:20
Jazonarkygeek == me !10:21
Jazoni gave a url to errors at rafb.net10:21
Kousotuthat's wht we were talkin bout last night10:21
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Jazonso in there somewhere....10:21
Kousotu[14:39:19]  arkygeek : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51282810:22
JazonHobbsee: http://rafb.net/p/uy2S6m56.html10:22
Kousotu[14:51:23]  arkygeek : http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net/ext2.html10:22
Kousotu[14:51:45]  arkygeek : http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/system/filesystems/10:22
Kousotuthat's all the URLs I saw10:23
Kousotuoh.. hobb's got ya covered10:23
Kousotue.. nvm10:23
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HobbseeJazon: oh, hmm.  and this was yesterday?10:25
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JazonKousotu: thx though - i thought of checking in the history of my browser10:25
KousotuI don't have it from yesterday10:25
Kousotubut I might no havebeen ere10:25
JazonHobbsee: yes, 16:2210:26
Hobbseedarn, ok10:26
Jazon08/19/2007 16:2210:26
Kousotu9am there? Where are you?10:27
Jazonliverpool uk10:30
KousotuIndiana USA10:30
Jazonheh - you are up late10:30
Kousotu03:30:39 20/08/200710:30
Kousotuyou know it :)10:30
KousotuI'll be up till 4 or 510:31
KousotuMandriva needs to update..10:31
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Kousotuanyone know what distro it's based off of? (courious)10:32
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HobbseeKousotu: i expect google would, if it's based off one at all.10:37
JazonHobbsee: was that enough info to be of use?10:39
HobbseeJazon: yeah, thanks10:39
Jazon(I have to get to work)  -- I put gutsy on my prodn box :P10:39
HobbseeJazon: if you could file a bug on it, it'd be even better.  *g*10:39
HobbseeJazon: ah yes, brave person10:39
=== Hobbsee should really install feisty on here at some point
Jazonnp.  what is the url for the bug reporrting?10:39
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots10:40
Hobbseethe source package is kdepim10:40
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Kousotubrave? lol10:44
JazonHobbsee: it is reported as fixed #119664  do i make a new one?10:44
Hobbseebug 11966410:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119664 in kdepim "Kubuntu upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy failed due to conflicting file in kdepimlibs" [High,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11966410:44
HobbseeJazon: oh, hmmm.  nah, it's OK10:44
Jazonso just leave it then Hobbsee?10:44
HobbseeJazon: yeah10:45
JazonHobbsee: ok mate.10:45
=== matysek [n=matysek@33.Red-83-40-71.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
=== Hobbsee raises it with the guy who marked it as fixed.
HobbseeKousotu: for running only gutsy?  yes.10:45
KousotuI've been runing gutst a while now lol10:46
Hobbseebut as your only machine?10:46
=== Hobbsee has been running it since UDS
Kousotudual with XP10:46
Hobbseeoh, meh10:46
JazonHobbsee: you got it reported alread lol10:46
HobbseeJazon: hm?10:46
JazonIt appears that this is not fixed - another user has found this......10:47
HobbseeJazon: i just marked it as reopened.10:47
Jazonyeah, i see10:47
Hobbseeit was supposed to be fixed in ubuntu7 which is what you just upgraded to10:47
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Jazonok, well, thx for everything!10:49
=== Jazon plods off to write some c++ code...
=== Jazon runs and hides
AhDiCt3DHow do i stop kdm  XWindows?10:52
Hobbseesudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop10:52
KousotuJazon: how can you be up at 9am?10:52
hyljewhy not?10:52
Jazoni was up at 7am   why?10:52
hyljei got up at sometime after six10:52
=== Kousotu blinks
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KousotuI never wake up till after 1pm10:57
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=== Eq|work yawns
mukiexMy installer crashes and then doesn't run anymore.10:57
=== Jazon really heads off to work.
mukiexIt crashes when I try to set up my partitions manually.10:57
AhDiCt3DHow would i use envy under Gutsy?10:57
mukiexIs there a way around this?10:57
mukiexAhDiCt3D : There's a workaround, gimme a sec.10:57
Kousotumukiex: try using the "safe" option10:57
mukiexKousotu : The livecd runs just fine, I'm using it now.10:57
mukiexBut the install prog crashes and doesn't run a 2nd time.10:57
mukiexAnd I am in safe mode, if you meant the graphics one.10:57
mukiexYeah, I'm in it. No luck.10:57
mukiexI even removed a drive. No go.10:57
Jordan_U!envy | AhDiCt3D10:57
ubotuAhDiCt3D: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!10:57
mukiexThe installer is still there, just hung.10:57
Kousotuok... have you reboted the system since your last attempt?10:57
Jordan_Umukiex, mukiex, Have you checked to see if there is a bug already filed ?10:57
mukiexJordan_U : The restricted manager didn't work with the GeForce 86/5/4/3xx series, so envy is generally the only option we have.10:57
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mukiexCan I download a text installer?10:58
AhDiCt3DJordan_U, How do i install the driver then?10:58
mukiexYou mean bug 118853?10:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118853 in ubiquity "installer crashes during partitioning" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11885310:58
Jordan_Umukiex, No, you can install the driver from Nvidia.com the normal way10:58
KousotumukiexL yes10:58
mukiexAhDiCt3D : Which video card do you have?10:58
KousotuI'll get you a link if you want it onw10:58
AhDiCt3Dmukiex it has a sticker on it saying GeForce 8600MGT 256MB its a laptop card10:59
mukiexWhoopty do, no workaround, no information whatsoever except for a CONFIRMATION of the bug. Yay, it exists. Isn't that terribly helpful?10:59
Jordan_Umukiex, AhDiCt3D https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual10:59
Jordan_Umukiex, Can you link to the bug? Has it been set as confirmed yet and if not can you confirm it?11:00
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mukiexMine is different; all I did was reassign a partition, the whole installer crashes, and it doesn't restart ever again.11:01
Kousotumukiex: [03:56:42]  Kousotu : ok... have you reboted the system since your last attempt?11:01
Kousotuyou never answered me11:02
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mukiexSorry, missed it.11:02
mukiexI have.11:02
Kousotumine usually had a few issues but cleared up after a few boots11:03
mukiexIf I try re-running it with the terminal, I get "Ubiquity is already running"11:04
Kousotuuse the oposite commeand on it?11:04
Jordan_Umukiex, Try running "sudo killall ubiqity"11:04
Kousotutell it to stop11:04
KousotuJordan_U: I'm glad you know the system11:05
mukiexcoo =311:05
KousotuI sure don't11:05
mukiexThanks =311:05
Kousotuok, 'll stop spamming now11:05
Jordan_Umukiex, Np, You still might want to start it from a terminal so you can see any errors as they happen11:05
mukiexCool, doing so11:06
mukiexIt's hanging, no error messages11:07
mukiexI'm updating ubiquity11:07
KousotuHobbsee: rpm is Redat, right?11:11
Jordan_Umukiex, I assume you started it with gksu ?11:11
Jordan_UKousotu, Yes11:11
Kousotuok, looks like it'sredhat based then11:11
Kousotuit's downloading rpms11:11
mukiexSame as the desktop shortcut =311:11
mukiexSeems to be working now11:11
Jordan_UKousotu, What is ?11:11
=== Kousotu is using it on a virtual machine
Kousotuso much easier to manage11:12
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kakarutowhats new in "Gutsy Gibbon"?11:13
mukiexbetter res detection =311:13
Eq|worka lot of stuff.11:14
kakarutois there a website that list the new features for "Gutsy Gibbon"?11:14
Jordan_UThere is also https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy but know that most of the things ( even the high importance ones ) will *NOT* make it into the release in general11:15
Hobbseewell, the statuses make that kind of obvious11:16
Hobbseeas in, a whole lot of them are already there11:17
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:22
mukiexActually, Jordan_U, even if you don't run envy, it's usually a good idea to install it, because its dependencies happen to be the same as the packages needed to manually install the Nvidia driver in the first place ;)11:24
Jordan_Umukiex, But if you follow the official howto it tells you exactly what packages you need :)11:26
mukiexBut installing envy's easier ;)11:26
mukiex'cause guides rarely give you a single apt-get for reasons I'll never understand ^_^11:26
Jordan_UThan copying and pasting one line ?11:26
mukiexOr they're usually missing that one building/kernel/whatever package that has me pulling me hair. =311:27
Jordan_Umukiex, That is because you are following instructions from joe idiots blog most likely :)11:27
Jordan_Umukiex, try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual11:27
mukiexMore than one line ;)11:28
Jordan_Usudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` one line to get the dependencies :)11:28
mukiexIn fact, there's 3 apt-get lines in that guide when they only needed one =311:28
Jordan_UNo, there aren't11:29
mukiexPlus I'm not sure editing xorg.conf is as, umm, stable in gutsy as it was in feisty.11:29
mukiexMaybe it's the xandr 1.2 stuff, but I've been really wary about touching that file.11:29
mukiexIf envy is really that bad, I think I'll just wait 'till restricted is compatible w/ it11:30
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Jordan_Umukiex, The linux-source is almost never needed, so why should they put it in the same line and have everyone install it?11:30
Jordan_Umukiex, I don't know if envy is really that bad or not, but doing it "manually" is really not that hard.11:31
Kousotujordan: effects11:31
Kousotuwhen you get a chance11:32
mukiexI've heard that manually is not that hard, several times.11:32
mukiexAnd in most scenarios, I agree.11:32
mukiexI build a lot of stuff.11:32
mukiexBut graphics card driver land is a really scary place.11:33
mukiexThe main dangers I've dealt with in Envy happen to also show up by manually installing the driver.11:33
mukiexThat is, that it's really hard to *uninstall* the driver and get my integrated card working again.11:33
mukiexYou make one mistake in graphics driver land, and you'll never see hardware accellerated mesa ever again.11:34
mukiexIt's really agrivating how bad for open source closed drivers are >_<11:35
mukiexThey're too deeply embedded for something system devs have ZERO access to.11:35
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mukiexCRAP, restricted manager STILL doesn't recognize my vid card. The driver's been out for *two months* >_<11:44
MacSlowmukiex, what card?11:45
mukiexGeForce 860011:45
kylemdid you file a bug?11:45
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MukiEXchoco rain! =312:04
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Jazonquick question... i know about uname command, but what do i type in to see all the details of the ubuntu version i am currently running?  (I saw it somewhere, but be damned if i can find it again! :s)12:37
Jazoncat something or other12:37
Hobbseelsb_release -a12:37
JazonHobbsee: you're a fountain of knowledge!12:38
=== Jazon is starting to get a crush <wink>
Jazonthx Hobbsee (I wanted to prove to a mate I upgraded)12:38
Hobbseeoh dear.12:38
JazonHobbsee: where can I rave about my success with gutsy?12:39
Hobbseethe forums12:39
Jazonok, will do12:39
=== Jazon [n=arkygeek@77-97-80-243.cable.ubr02.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu+1 ["Konversation]
Assidany of you guys played with the likes of ext4 ?12:40
Kousotuit exists?12:42
Trewas"The ext4 development branch has now been integrated into the mainline since kernel 2.6.19."12:45
Trewasbut afaik it is still quite incomplete and the supported features may change12:46
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_4strOyop yop01:16
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Do``how can i install new daily builds of the flash(non-free) plugins?01:28
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Do``to hopefully solved the browser freeze issues01:28
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rbrunhuberCan anybody confirm bug 133394 please?02:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133394 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[kubuntu gutsy]  dpi resolution for screen is no longer recognised" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13339402:06
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nosrednaekimthats the Open source driver right?02:11
nosrednaekimrbrunhuber: ^^02:13
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khoaok so on gutsy, i'm having this weird problem, all local connections are blocked02:51
khoai run a ventrilo server, and for some reason if you are outside my local network its fine, but on here, i can't connect to it02:52
khoathen just trying my router, i get unable to connect, nor will it ping02:52
khoanot even sure how to begin troubleshooting this =\02:52
Picikhoa: sounds like your routing table might be messed up02:53
khoahmm how do i start to fix that? or even figure out if thats the problem02:54
Picikhoa: The command is `route` You'll have to check the manpage on how to change it, I dont know off the top of my head.  Your default gateway should be your router's ip address.02:55
khoait is02:56
khoasays default
khoaeven though i am unable to ping it even02:56
khoahowever there is 2 defaults02:57
khoa1 is eth1 the other is eth002:57
khoaeverything else is the same02:57
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kondeDrakulwhen in october will be Gutsy how i upgrade from feisty ?03:17
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Do``kondeDrakul: there will be very detailed and easily to follow-through guides03:31
Do``they are available now, and you can upgrade now, too, but it's not recommended03:31
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loufoqueit is normal that gutsy is so unstable, only one month before beta?03:34
roeanyone else having trouble mounting an nfs filesystem since the last couple updates?03:35
Hobbseeloufoque: probably.  of course, depends on what your'e doing03:36
Do``i wouldnt call it unstable tbh03:37
loufoqueHobbsee: clicking on icons on the desktop03:37
kondeDrakulthanks at all03:37
loufoqueHobbsee: that seems to completely freeze nautilus03:37
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xtknightwhy doesnt autoremove remove other pkgs03:51
xtknightThe following extra packages will be installed:  amaya-data libcurl3 libraptor1 libwww-ssl0 libwxbase2.6-0 libwxgtk2.6-0..03:52
xtknightbut autoremove gives only this.  The following packages will be REMOVED:  amaya03:52
xtknightgutsy amd6403:52
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miturburuhi all03:59
miturburuI'm upgrading right now03:59
miturburuI think it broke, debconf and python03:59
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miturburuit didn't finished but I hope I could fix it, shall I run apt-get -f install after reboot?04:00
xtknightya python broke for me yesterday also i think04:01
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xtknightright after that in my install it stopped and couldnt continue04:01
miturburuwell, it hasn't stopped04:01
xtknightnot sure what to do i dont think -f will fix it.  may have to wait for an update04:01
miturburuwell, we'll see after I reboot04:02
miturburuwhat is debconf for?04:02
ubotudebconf is a configuration management system. All packages that support debconf are configured when they are being installed. If you want to change a configuration option later, you can do so using dpkg-reconfigure04:02
miturburuthanks you ubotu, :P04:02
miturburuis empathy working in gutsy?04:03
Zdramiturburu: yes04:04
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miturburuanother one, anyone tried epyphany with webkit?04:08
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miturburuwell, there goes dbus and half of gnome and x1104:12
miturburuall broken :P04:13
miturburudamn, the upgrade stopped suddenly04:13
miturburuupdate manager just closed, Shall I run it again?04:14
miturburuI can't04:15
miturburuwhat do I do?04:15
miturburuI have a half finished upgrade04:15
SeveredCrossYou already downloaded all the packages?04:15
Assidcompiz + vmware = bad !04:15
SeveredCrossIf so, sudo dpkg --configure -a04:15
SeveredCrossThat should try and finish the rest of the setup.04:16
miturburuSeveredCross: I will do04:16
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miturburuIt remembers me depeche mode, "things get damage, things get broken"04:18
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SeveredCrossI thought we'd manage but words left unspoken, left us too brittle, there was too little left to give...04:20
SeveredCrossGood song.04:20
miturburuI never liked depeche mode that much04:20
miturburubut that song is amazing04:20
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Linwhere can I download gutsy I cannot find anything in cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/04:22
rskLin: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-4/gutsy-desktop-i386.iso04:22
rsku was not looking so much? :F04:22
Linam I blind?04:23
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LinOMG.. yes there is04:23
miturburuseveredCross: I can't run dpkg --configure, becouse debconf is broken04:23
miturburuIt gives lots of sintax errors04:23
Lin... damn.. I need more coffe04:24
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miturburusays something about, too much errors and !quelan failed04:25
miturburushall I force it?04:25
SeveredCrossI really don't know now.04:25
SeveredCrossHow did it manage to break debconf?04:25
miturburuI didn't update-manager did :P04:25
miturburuwas the first thing it broke04:28
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quelan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about queuelan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:32
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miturburuE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:35
miturburuit is a vicious circle04:35
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miturburuit has no sens, when I try to reinstall debconf python fails complaining about archgenxml04:38
miturburuwich is a tool for uml04:38
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miturburuwell, I believe I need a new debconf package04:46
miturburuI think I will trow it all and reinstall04:46
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miturburucan you get me the url to the iso so I can wget it I don't have firefox and don't even lynx04:50
miturburuand I don't have another machine right now04:50
seezerwhich one do you want?04:52
miturburuwll I really want to try gutsy, so tribe 4 will be nice, thanks04:52
miturburufirefox is running suddenly04:53
seezerhmkay. :)04:53
miturburuComputers are amazing they just fix them selves04:53
seezerif only it would be always true.. :)04:54
miturburuwhich one is working I read about tribe 4 wasn't installing04:55
seezercan't say. installed my notebook with tribe1 and did a upgrade from feisty on laptop (also around tribe1 releasetime)04:56
miturburuWell I'm downloading alternate04:56
miturburuI will try to upgrade from the cd04:57
miturburudamn ETA 22 hours :(05:00
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miturburuI can't find the mirror list05:00
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roeanyone else have problems mounting nfs partitions recently?05:04
TheInfinityroe: portmap installed?05:06
roeit was working fine about 10days ago, then I get a "wrong fs type" error05:07
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roeI tried mounting it manually and using my fstab entry, the same share works fine on other computers so it isn't the server05:08
roethe only odd thing in dmesg is: http://www.pastebin.ca/66443905:09
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AhDiCt3DCan someone walk me through installing the Nvidia drivers for my GeForce 8600MGT, Every time i install them it seems to crash and "cant open display" etc it worked on Feisty but not on Gutsy can someone help me?05:39
ggilbertAhDiCt3D: Do you have compiz enabled?05:43
AhDiCt3Dggilbert, no05:43
ggilbertOk, then that'd rule out the problem I'm thinking of :)05:43
AhDiCt3Dggilbert, yeah ive had too many problems with compiz ill wait till it goes past stable hehe05:44
miturburuAhDiCt3D: check the display output number on xorg.conf, the installer geves me some problems with it. It should be 005:44
AhDiCt3Dwhere is xorg.conf i keep forgetting05:45
miturburuI'm looking the line for it05:45
miturburulol, I think it's gone :P,05:46
miturburuI think this has changed from the last time I checked05:46
AhDiCt3Di see a BUS ID05:47
AhDiCt3Dnothing else05:47
miturburuwhat's the output that xorg gives you?05:47
miturburuwhen you try to boot or run it?05:48
miturburu"cant open display"05:48
AhDiCt3Di was in the text file treat me like a noob plz :P05:48
miturburuwhat else?05:48
=== bipolar [n=bflong@216-164-162-138.pa.subnet.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
AhDiCt3Dthats after i install the prop. driver for my card05:49
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AhDiCt3Dit drops to the term05:49
AhDiCt3Dconsole..whatever u wanna call it05:49
miturburuit should give an error dialog05:49
AhDiCt3Dand kdm cant start05:49
miturburubefore drop you to term05:49
AhDiCt3Du have to restart x05:49
AhDiCt3Dfor it to work05:49
AhDiCt3Dthen u do05:49
AhDiCt3Dand it screws up05:49
miturburupaste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log on pastebin05:50
miturburuand drop the url here05:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:50
AhDiCt3Dpastebin.com/d11d07c86 i was doing it while u were tlkin thats my xorg.conf ill look for the log now05:51
AhDiCt3Dits trying to load glx and nv i think05:54
miturburuyou should change the driver back to nvidia, wait for xorg to break, and copy that log05:54
AhDiCt3Dlines 308-34105:54
=== BentJ [n=BentJ@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu+1
miturburuhave you configured xorg by hand??05:55
AhDiCt3Dmiturburu, no i havent i installed nvidia glx new and then did the cmd in the thing05:55
miturburuyou have glx with nv driver, nv doesn't requieres it, nvidia does.05:56
AhDiCt3Di tried running the .run from nvidia but it needed to compile stuff and it didnt say what i need etc05:56
AhDiCt3Dso i go gfx card "nv" drivier "nvidia"05:57
miturburutry to comment out dri module on your xorg, change nv to nvidia, restart X (sudo /etc/init.d {g,k}dm restart) and after it drops you to the term cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log ~/Desktop05:58
miturburugo back to nv and give me that log05:58
miturburuI'll go to eat something05:58
AhDiCt3Dwhats dri?05:58
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miturburulook at the modules section on you xorg.conf06:18
miturburuthere should be a module caled dri06:18
AhDiCt3Dnothin dri06:18
AhDiCt3Dand it hosed my system changing nv to nvidia06:18
miturburuok, nv needs it, nvidia no06:18
AhDiCt3Dnow it wont even boot06:18
AhDiCt3DYou know its amazing what one word can do to muck up a comp :P06:23
miturburuto chars06:23
AhDiCt3Di changed back to nv06:23
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ccookeWhat's the status of hotplug displays in xorg?06:24
AhDiCt3DHow do i tell? :P06:25
miturburuI think it hasn't implemented completly06:25
miturburuIt should be on the final xorg release06:25
AhDiCt3Dmiturburu, any idea when gutsy is offically released06:25
miturburuon october06:26
Eq|workit's in 7.3, or so we're told.06:26
Eq|workGeorge Ilko has now left CFX - we are not to accept any change requests from him anymore.06:26
Eq|workPeople permitted to request FW changes: Pete Guyan, Chris Green, Matthew Knight, and John Bennet.06:26
Eq|workChanges by Niklas - accepted until October, but Pete/Chris need to be notified. gah06:26
AhDiCt3DI need it by Sept :(06:26
Eq|workdamned clipboard06:26
Eq|workGeorge Ilko has now left CFX - we are not to accept any change requests from him anymore.06:26
Eq|workPeople permitted to request FW changes: Pete Guyan, Chris Green, Matthew Knight, and John Bennet.06:26
Eq|workgod damned malfunctioning clipboard.06:26
PiciWell, as long as you didnt do it on purpose ;)06:27
Eq|worknope. it decided it wasn't going to copy the url to the clipboard. grrrr.06:27
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johnficcahey I can't get Limewire to run06:28
AhDiCt3DOMFG Read this hahahahhaha https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BetaFreeze "    *06:29
AhDiCt3D      ReleaseCriticalBug06:29
AhDiCt3D    *06:29
AhDiCt3D      SecurityCriticalBug06:29
AhDiCt3D    *06:29
AhDiCt3D      Exceptional circumstances06:29
AhDiCt3D    *06:29
AhDiCt3D      Acts of God06:29
AhDiCt3Dwoops srry06:29
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:29
=== Pici dies
AhDiCt3DI meant to paste as one line06:29
AhDiCt3Din Linux it usually pastes as one like as Kchat or whatever that kde irc thing is06:29
johnficcaI have all the java 6 packages installed but it says maybe I still need java06:30
johnficcaI'm going to past bin it06:31
johnficcaI just pasted it under johnficca06:32
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miturburuhi all07:22
miturburuanyone knows how to fix a brocken debconf?07:22
miturburuI will have to wait 21hours to reinstall and in the middle I want to try to fix it07:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about queuelen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:27
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Regelany1 experiencing problems with msn-protocol?07:35
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Marcodoes ubuntu have any firewall setup by default.  For some reason I can't run a server on port 666707:40
Marcoonly localhost can access it07:40
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finalbetayou are sure you are not just running it for the localhost?07:41
finalbetayou don't have firestarter installed?07:41
MarcoI don't07:43
Marcofinalbeta, hell, if I do "telnet 6667" it says connection refused07:47
Marcofrom the same machine07:47
Marco( is my local IP)07:47
TheInfinityMarco: nmap your own maschine ;)07:48
MarcoI did07:48
TheInfinityand then fix your config (i think) ;)07:48
Marco80/tcp   open  http07:48
Marco631/tcp  open  ipp07:48
Marco6667/tcp open  irc07:48
Marcomy httpd is available from anywhere07:49
Marcoit works perfectly07:49
finalbetaThe server binds to while it should bind to or or you have a firewall rule keeping access from it07:50
Marcoah, that's it07:50
MarcoI'll make it bind to
Marcodid the trick07:51
Marcothanks a bunch07:51
finalbetawhooptie dooo07:51
finalbetaI'm off. have fun07:51
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instabin|workis 7.10 going to have cnr08:08
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noahI've downloaded the alternate-amd64.iso from cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current and have been having some problems.08:14
noahWhere should bugs be reported?08:14
noahI also noticed cryptsetup wasn't available in the alternate CD. Any chance it's available in the -current server CD?08:15
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miturburuwell I think I fixed it08:25
miturburuI removed archgenXML from python/site-packgages and as far as it goes debconf is running fine08:26
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jkimball4In network-manager-openvpn, is anyone finding that the cipher list is empty?08:35
jkimball4For me, it's been empty for some months, thus I can't connect to my corporate VPN with the front-end; I must use the command line openvpn client.08:36
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shirishhi all, I put up this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/133684 can somebody look at it & lemme know what tag should I've used for it, its a new package which needs syncing, I guess from debian09:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133684 in openoffice.org2 "Add Sun Report Builder to OpenOffice.org " [Undecided,New] 09:24
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Picishirish: uvf was a few days ago09:31
shirishubotu uvf09:32
ubotuuvf is Upstream Version Freeze.  For an exception, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#head-9523bc4076ff011324d67cddc97969ec609618d609:32
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shirishPici: This I saw today in a mailing list today itself, hence came to know apparently debian has been packaging that report builder for sometime now09:33
shirishPici: and actually my main interest is knowing what tag should be put to the bug-report, if we have the report-builder in ubuntu+1 that's ok, but atleast it should be in a proper queue09:35
Assiderr something is wrong here09:35
Assidall of a sudden my machine starts hanging09:35
Assidthen it works after 5-10 seconds09:36
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pawallsSo init script output is being dev-nulled now? Is this a bug or a 'feature'?09:42
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Assidstupid nfs10:20
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khoaany idea why 7.10 would block off all local connections?10:29
khoasince installing, i can't even ping my router ( and my ventrilo server works fine for anyone outside my local network, yet i can't connect10:29
khoai think maybe its a routing table problem... but i can't seem to make any progress10:30
Vorbotekhoa: first things first. Check /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/resolv.conf, the output of ifconfig and route. If you want anyone in the channel to check the data, please put it ina pastebin somewhere.10:35
khoaok will do10:35
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khoavorb: /etc/network/interfaces: http://rafb.net/p/fpKUIs57.html10:37
khoaVorbote: /etc/resolv.conf: http://rafb.net/p/rRwdZz52.html10:38
tretleanyone know where i can find tribe 4 dvd .iso?10:39
khoai think maybe having an eth0 and an eth1 is a conflict? previously on 7.04 i only used eth0 statically10:40
khoatretle: you can find the cd here: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/tribe410:40
khoai'm not sure about dvd...10:40
Linthere is any caveat to install tribe4 on qemu?10:41
Vorbotekhoa: You may edit /etc/network/interfaces to comment out the second interface, if you don't use it.10:42
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu+1
tretlei dont understand why its always so difficult to find dvd .iso's for ubuntu releases10:42
Vorbotethen do a "ifdown eth1 ; ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0" That should be enough if you are using DHCP10:43
tehktretle, dvd iso? A cd sized iso can go onto a dvd10:43
khoai'm not using dhcp10:43
tretleand boot?10:43
tretleall i have is dvd's10:44
tehktretle, if you burn it to a dvd it will work10:44
tehktretle, it is no different. I have never used a CD for burning install disc10:44
Lintehk: but nero didn't write CD images on DVD.10:45
Linits a damn ugly program ;-)10:45
tretleso double click on the .iso as usuall to burn the dvd even though its a cd .iso or should I do something else10:46
Lintretle: do you want burn it using nero, right?10:46
tehktretle, yup10:46
tretle<Lin> tehk: but nero didn't write CD images on DVD. "this would be why i thought you couldnt"10:46
tehkYou are not using ubuntu or some gnu/linux variant?10:46
tretleim using gutsy right now but want a fresh install10:47
tehkso just click on it and use the standard burning system10:47
tretletracker isnt working on the deskbar for instance10:47
tehkit will work fine with a DVD10:47
Linnautilus write then very well.10:47
tretleand beagle traces stay in the deskbar even though its been completely removed10:47
tehktretle, trackers deskbar plugin needs to be rewritten for the new deskbar APIs10:47
tretlei dont really like the new one10:48
tretlethe old one was better if you ask me10:48
khoaVorbote: ok well i commented eth1 and eth2 out, and re-enabled eth0, but i'm still getting Destination Host Unreachable when trying to ping my routher10:48
tehkWell I do not like that it had to be done -but it had to be done10:48
tretleintegration into the panel was better, dont like another window popping up to search10:48
khoarouter* ... its weird cause somehow i am hardwired into it, connecting to the internet with through it... yet i can't ping it10:49
tehktretle, It was better looking is all - it was such bad code that it would be impossible to have a future with it in that state10:49
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tretleeh, i blame the panel code10:49
tehkPanel code has nothing to do with it10:49
tretlesomething like a search api should be easillly integrated with the panel without any problems10:50
tehkIt has nothing to do with the panel. It was the code in deskbar.10:50
tretleso if it was a matter of cleaning up code why redesign the interface10:50
tehkBecause the interface was the reason for the bad code10:51
tretleif the code was bad then find a better way of achieving your goal10:51
tehkThey did10:51
tretlenew interface is a step doen if you ask me10:51
tehkThey took a temporary fix with the window. Fixed the code. Now they need to find a way to replicate some of the old interface with working code10:52
tretlethat makes sense10:52
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tehkWell hopefully10:52
tehkThere are no plans for the next few release to try to regain some of the interface. There are still bigger issues.10:53
tehkIt just sucks that it was done now instead of long before or after gnomes freeze10:53
tretlehmmmm now I have to find an app that compares to pidgin when it comes to features and uses the telepathy api10:55
tehkYes! so do I10:56
=== loufoque [n=loufoque@smj33-1-82-233-64-48.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
tehkPidgin needs a complete rewrite.10:57
tretlewh, they should just base it off telepathy10:58
tretleits a lot cleaner and better10:58
tehkSwitch to telepathy - Sip and libjingle10:58
tretlebeen waiting for something like it for a long time10:58
tehkVoice and video10:58
tretlebut there are no good telepathy frontends from what i can find10:58
tretlewhich is a shame10:58
tehkHopefully skype dies and people move to googletalk or any other jabber/libjingle system10:59
tehkis ok10:59
tehkbut looking good10:59
tretleiv been keeping track of banter alright11:03
tretlecant find a .deb11:03
tretlethe mockups look nice11:03
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voidmageon a livecd, how do i setup my lvm filesystem to access it?11:06
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khoahow do i disable eth1 completely11:10
khoaits completely commented out of /etc/network/interfaces, yet its still starting11:11
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Kousotucan anyone help with WMware?11:13
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rskhow do u upgrade to gutsy the sane way?12:04
Tm_Tby waiting the release12:07
rskoh lemme rephrase12:07
PiciI was going to say that upgrading to gutsy isnt sane.12:07
rskhow do u update to gutsy the most sane way right now12:08
Tm_Trsk: by doing the way you know you don't brake it yourself12:08
rskwell i know there are a few ways of upgrading12:08
Tm_TI mean, if you have to ask it, I wonder why you like to have it ;)12:08
rskcause i dont know what approach is the best12:09
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Tm_Tusually changing sources and then praying dpkg doesn't break12:09
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FunnyLookinHatQuestion: Does enabling the broadcom restricted driver for wireless require internet access currently in Gutsy?12:44
FunnyLookinHatI'm trying to help my friend get ubuntu running on his laptop and he has broadcom wireless, whenever he checks the box and clicks apply it does nothing.12:44
FunnyLookinHatI'm thinking it's because he cannot retrieve the package files from the necessary resources12:44
DanaGI think it's broken.  Instead, you can install bcm43xx-fwcutter from the repos, while on the internet.12:44
DanaGEven if I have the file locally, apply still does nothing.12:45
DanaGBut 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure bcm43xx-fwcutter' may work.12:45
DanaG(in console.)12:45
FunnyLookinHatOk...  I'll see if I can submit a bug report to get those files installed on a system by default from the LiveCD.12:45
FunnyLookinHatright right.12:45
FunnyLookinHatI know it's probably not doable because of licensing12:45
DanaGBut they should at least fix the script / app.12:46
FunnyLookinHatDefinitely.  It's one of the better features that is touted by Gutsy12:46
FunnyLookinHatAnd strangely, feisty doesn't even load the LiveCD due to X problems on my friends Dell 5150 but it works fine in Gutsy...   he's the only case I can find with that though on the net.  Go figure.12:46
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alex_mayorgahello there, what's the "official way" to get bluetooth GUI on gutsy?12:55
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alex_mayorgaanyone using bluetooth on 7.10?12:58
DanaGLook into packages with "bluez" in the name.12:58
DanaGI don't have any bluetooth devices, however.  Not even a receiver.12:59
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FunnyLookinHatalex_mayorga, I used kbluetoothclient or something like that...  works pretty well.01:00
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alex_mayorgaDana, Funny, thanks01:01
alex_mayorgais there a gnome way?01:01
DanaG!info bluez-gnome01:01
ubotubluez-gnome: Bluetooth utilities for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.11-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 77 kB, installed size 392 kB01:01
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alex_mayorgaDanaG, thanks you know the bot better :)01:03
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alex_mayorgaDanaG, isn't bluez deprecated in favor of bluetooth?01:09
DanaGI don't know, actually.01:09
DanaGI wonder which will give me better performance on a Linux guest: qemu or virtualbox?01:10
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