
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p549575F9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_skwwii: Nice to see that you published some bits to the gutsy incoming page.01:00
kwwiitroy_s: there will be more coming soon01:00
troy_swholly crappers01:01
troy_shave you tried the new melt / etc mode in inkscape?01:01
kwwiiif nothing else, it might show people what kind of colors we want01:01
troy_sall i can say is _wow_01:01
kwwiitroy_s: no, but I saw the function - i used something similar in illustrator before01:02
troy_skwwii: Actually, that was a question -- what are the odds that you could wrestle for some colour into it?  As in pump a pinch of those triplets we worked out decades ago.01:02
kwwiireally handy for just drawing01:02
troy_skwwii: It has roughen too.  Very amazing.01:02
kwwiihehe, funny enough I was just looking at the mail you sent me with the color palettes ;-)01:02
troy_skwwii: I really think that in terms of the minute 'increments' (if you can call them that) that might be a very valuable one.01:03
troy_skwwii: One further step towards something akin to a palette.01:04
kwwiiyepp, that was what I was thinking too01:04
troy_skwwii: Also, what are the bits you are going to require for an included optional theme?01:04
kwwiino requirements at all01:04
troy_skwwii: GDM / Wallpaper?01:04
troy_skwwii: Elements I was speaking.01:04
troy_skwwii: Sorry.01:04
kwwiiwe need to get people contributing - I'll include anything that is halfway decent01:05
kwwiiwe need to reassure people that their work is appreciated01:06
troy_skwwii: Hrm... so where will this end up?01:06
troy_skwwii: And people contributing is relatively easy if you can spec something up to the discreet componentry.01:07
troy_skwwii: For example, with the wallpaper, to prevent the scattering of effort you could perhaps spec up several details that you want included and stamp a palette onto the requirements.01:07
kwwiianything that is not a "full" theme (gdm and wallpaper or more) will end up in an extra package called something like "community themes/artwork"01:07
troy_skwwii: With that very clear 'don't step outside of this palette' rules.01:07
troy_skwwii: So the question then turns to 'what is a full theme'?01:08
troy_skwwii: As there isn't really a good 'artwork' gui to handle all of the bits.01:08
kwwiia full theme would be at least gdm, wallpaper and color scheme, I guess01:08
kwwiiyes, giving a palette to stick to would make things harder at first for people, but better in the long run01:09
kwwiithe missing gui functionality is the worst part of all01:09
kwwiibecause something that is not a total theme would only end up in the list of possible parts01:09
troy_skwwii: I was also quite impressed that you took that particle smasher idea from ages ago.  It works well and COULD appeal to shuttlebutt.01:11
troy_skwwii: He seems into that space / tech thing.01:11
troy_skwwii: If I had to loosely describe it.01:11
kwwiiyeah, he found my version a bit too reddish but I am still working on it01:11
troy_skwwii: And if you provide say, three colours for the guys to work with you at least eliminate all the rubbish that people tend to poop out.01:12
troy_skwwii: How the hell is it too reddish?  Jeebus h christ.01:12
troy_skwwii: The palette is almost a must-have considering the ultimate judge.01:12
kwwiihehe, no doubt - he knows exactly what he wants - if only we all could understand that better01:14
kwwiiI'll add some color stuff to the wiki page tomorrow01:14
kwwiitime for sleep soon01:15
troy_skwwii: he has no clue exactly what he wants01:15
troy_skwwii: In fact, he tends to be closer to an amoeba than anything else.01:15
troy_skwwii: When it comes to him weighing in on styles.01:15
troy_skwwii: Oh crappers01:22
troy_skwwii: I forgot to mention, perhaps attach the breezy/hoary walls to show the people what you are talking about.01:22
troy_skwwii: On the wiki page -- pretty sure they have no clue.01:22
troy_skwwii: iirc bersace put them in the archives on the wiki01:22
troy_skwwii: or at least one of them01:23
troy_skwwii: probably a good 'update' to your original email.01:23
kwwiigood idea, I was wondering if anyone even looked at them01:23
troy_skwwii: I don't think so :)01:24
troy_skwwii: But it certainly would help to steer towards something usable or generate decent ideas as 'spins' on that implementation01:24
troy_skwwii: I wonder who did those earlier walls.01:25
kwwiione of them was a guy we paid to do feisty work, but he got somehow just disappeared after offering random crap01:26
kwwiiand the other one was a guy who worked for the advertising agency we used to use (now we have a new one)01:26
kwwiiwell, I should be more on the ball with this stuff, but I am also working on several other projects at the same time01:27
kwwiiI've talked to them about that though and in the future I will do almost nothing but desktop work01:27
kwwiiI've got my eyes open for a few new people - artists, usablity, interface design, etc.01:29
kwwiianyway...time for sleep - see you soon01:31
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