
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-mythtv.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== Topic for #ubuntu-mythtv: "Welcome to #ubuntu-mythtv:: See our website at http://www.mythbuntu.org :: Paste logs @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org :: See our wiki for setting up and troubleshooting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV "
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mythtv): set by superm1 at Sun Aug 19 19:02:44 2007
defendguinsuperm1: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+spec/mythtv-process-realtime   enjoy05:50
superm1looks good :)05:51
defendguinit doesn't look too involved why can't this get in for gutsy?05:52
tgm4883_laptopdefendguin, i would suppose that would require discussion05:53
superm1well discussion and testing05:54
superm1realtime module isn't available directly right now05:54
superm1running as root (what i was thinkign when you brought this up) isn't safe05:54
defendguini wouldn't do that05:54
superm1i'm not positive about rlimits05:55
superm1defendguin, if you want to do some investigation though to see what the best approach to go about here is05:55
superm1i mean we can try to get this in gutsy05:55
superm1but given the other things that are left to be finished yet05:55
superm1i can't commit the time for it myself05:55
tgm4883_laptopcan it be done without making it root?05:56
tgm4883_laptopdefendguin, http://www.mythbuntu.org/gettinginvolved05:57
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, are there still two buttons? :P05:57
tgm4883_laptoptwo buttons for what?05:58
defendguintgm4883_laptop: whats your point?05:58
tgm4883_laptopI was saying you could always commit the time yourself :)05:58
tgm4883_laptopto get it into 7.1005:59
defendguintgm4883_laptop: i suppose05:59
defendguini don't have the proper access to do it all on my own and i don't think you should probably give me that access06:00
superm1defendguin, just if you can investigate where things need to be changed06:01
superm1to make it happen06:01
superm1we'll be glad to put the changes in the proper places06:01
superm1i don't have write access the archive myself, i make my changes locally, and then have a sponsor commit them06:01
superm1so just the same06:02
defendguini'll see what i can do on monday06:04
superm1sweet :)06:04
defendguinwell how do i go ahead and benchmark this06:06
defendguinpeople will need to see results06:06
superm1that i'm not sure06:07
tgm4883_laptopheh,, there was talk of a mythbench, but thats back in 0306:10
defendguinis there some sort of fps OSD i can turn on?06:13
tgm4883_laptopnot sure, I could see benchmarking the database, but i dont really know what you would do to benchmark the OSD06:14
tgm4883_laptopyour not really looking for FPS out of it06:14
tgm4883_laptopi guess the only thing you could really do in this situation is to time it with a stopwatch06:15
tgm4883_laptopon a newer faster system, your not going to see much06:16
tgm4883_laptopbut on an older system you may be able to see a difference06:16
tgm4883_laptopand that is the point in doing it right?  For older hardware?06:16
tgm4883_laptopso thats how I would do it06:16
defendguinthe 2.4 ghz box is abotu 5 years old06:17
tgm4883_laptopie stopwatchc06:17
tgm4883_laptopif you can get your hands on one, i would try about 1 - 1.506:17
defendguini need the backend on that box?06:17
tgm4883_laptopnot necessaraly, but you should test multiple combinations06:18
defendguini have some slower laptops around but obviously i couldn't put a back end on there06:19
tgm4883_laptopand you will want to time lots of different things too06:19
tgm4883_laptopyou can put a back end on their too, as your looking at how fast it interacts with the FE06:19
tgm4883_laptopideally you want a tuner in their, but you do with what you got06:20
tgm4883_laptopthen, for fun, you also benchmark knoppmyth and mythdora :)06:20
defendguinthose results  have no bearing on our decision06:21
=== tgm4883_laptop likes creating work for people. Just ask superm1
defendguinno one is creating work for me06:21
tgm4883_laptopwhile it wouldn't have a bearing on our decision, it would be interesting to see how mythbuntu OOB compared to the other performance wise06:22
tgm4883_laptopI may do that one myself :)06:23
defendguintgm4883_laptop: if you can set up the tests and figure out exactly what to time i'll  see if i can find an old pos laptop06:23
defendguinassume i have no tuner card06:23
tgm4883_laptopwell i have a 700mhz 384 ram machine that would work perfectly06:24
tgm4883_laptopalthough i would have to pull a tuner for testing06:24
defendguini could get my hands on some older dell C610 laptops06:26
defendguinabout 700 mhz about 256mb06:26
defendguin"MythTV supports real-time scheduling of the video output thread."   so the only thing we can realtime is that one thread06:30
tgm4883_laptopI broke my mythbox06:41
tgm4883_laptopi accidently apt-get upgraded06:42
tgm4883_laptopand now my firewire wont prime06:42
superm1tgm4883, did you commit the change?06:58
tgm4883_laptopeh im working on it06:59
tgm4883_laptopim trying to figure out why it is't changing06:59
superm1well i'm gonna go to bed in an hour or so, since tomorrow is first day of classes :)06:59
superm1you were using $ROOT/etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf06:59
superm1not just /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf06:59
superm1make sure that sed script works right outside the installer?07:00
tgm4883_laptopim going to rerun my tests on it07:01
tgm4883_laptopso your school starts tomarrow?07:03
superm1so my time is going to go away quick07:03
tgm4883_laptopWOU does't start until Sept 24th07:03
superm1i've got a few last changes i'm putting into the control centre07:03
superm1and why i wanted to get the website up this past weekend07:04
superm1rather than try to wait for imbrandon to come around07:04
superm1what was it?07:08
tgm4883I now know why it doesn't work07:08
tgm4883well I was testing it out on my desktop in a test file07:08
tgm4883so I couldn't grab the $USER07:08
tgm4883so the line reads07:08
tgm4883sed '/AutomaticLogin=/ c\AutomaticLogin=mythtv07:09
tgm4883/TimedLogin=/ c\TimedLogin=mythtv' $ROOT/etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf | tee $ROOT/etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf.NEW > /dev/null07:09
tgm4883which is why it's not working07:09
superm1wait don't you have that wrong eitehr way07:09
superm1automatic login should be activated for that $USER07:09
superm1not for mythtv07:09
superm1its already =mythtv07:09
tgm4883i put mythtv in there because I was testing it on my desktop07:09
superm1oh i see07:09
tgm4883it's been one of those night07:10
tgm4883where i break everything I touch07:10
tgm4883also broke my master backend07:10
superm1well get it working then so something goes right tonight :)07:11
tgm4883i will, let me make this quick fix and test it again07:11
tgm4883hmm, this looks a little funky07:12
tgm4883sed '/AutomaticLogin=/ c\AutomaticLogin='$USER'07:12
tgm4883/TimedLogin=/ c\TimedLogin='$USER'' $ROOT/etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf | tee $ROOT/etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf.NEW > /dev/null07:12
superm1looks fine to me07:14
superm1from wht you said before07:14
tgm4883superm1, do I want to drop this into /usr/share/ubiquity or /usr/share/ubiquity/mythbuntu?  There is a mythbuntu-apply in both07:15
superm1tgm4883, there is?07:16
superm1well that's not good :)07:16
tgm4883all the scripts are in both07:16
superm1drop it in both for now07:16
superm1if they are identical07:16
superm1let me see if i can figure out why that's happening07:16
foxbuntusuperm1, NO MORE LEARNING!07:21
tgm4883foxbuntu want you to commit 110% of your time to mythbuntu07:22
foxbuntuI just learned the atomic properties of Acetone and those effects on adding it to Gas07:22
superm1what'd you do?07:22
tgm4883it's wrong superm1, the installer just crashed07:22
superm1tgm4883, okay it appears the ones in /usr/share/ubiquity are the ones that matter07:23
foxbuntusuperm1, I just got to reading a article about how adding 3oz of Acetone (100% Pure Acetone) to 10Gal of gas supposidly can increase fuel mileage by upto 30%07:23
superm1the ones in /usr/share/ubiquity/mythbuntu/ don't do anything07:23
foxbuntuand I got to researching the pluasbility of this and ended up learning all about the atomic properties of Gas and Acetone07:24
foxbuntumy feable brain is soon gonna start purging important things if I keep learning crap I don't need to know07:24
superm1foxbuntu, something tells me you are wishing you had your old car to try this with, because you don't have he guts to do it on your new one07:24
foxbuntusuperm1, you got that right07:25
=== tgm4883 is tired of making stupid mistakes
foxbuntusuperm1, but this is why I have a lawn mower07:25
tgm4883foxbuntu how many MPG do you get on your lawn mower?07:25
foxbuntutgm4883 about 47307:25
tgm4883superm1, can I just re run the installer or should I reboot?07:26
superm1you can rerun it07:26
foxbuntutgm4883 reboot07:26
tgm4883I dropped in mythbuntu-apply, but didn't make it executable07:26
tgm4883well that appears to be a difference in opinion07:26
superm1rebooting i quickly learned is a waste of time in a VM07:26
tgm4883well lets hope that im wrong and the code is right07:28
tgm4883because I have a sneaky suspicion that it isn't going to work07:28
foxbuntutgm4883 you and I are never wrong07:28
tgm4883thats what im afraid of foxbuntu07:28
foxbuntusuperm1, is usually wrong07:29
tgm4883cause if im right, that means that I have to figure out the sed command on a  single line07:29
tgm4883i suppose we will know in a couple minutes07:29
tgm4883foxbuntu, what is wrong with my backend :(07:30
foxbuntuwhats the problem? I have probably caused it at least once before07:30
=== tgm4883 just realized he left himself open to way to many jokes
=== foxbuntu doesn't do backend jokes...thats what superm1 is for ;)
tgm4883I accidently did an apt-get upgrade, then I rebooted and now my firewire wont prime07:31
foxbuntudid you change kernels?07:31
tgm4883dont remember, is there a command to see what was last installed?07:32
tgm4883I probably did, as I usually don't upgrade that machine07:32
foxbuntudo a uname -r and paste results here07:32
foxbuntuprob a kernel update but the same one07:33
tgm4883it's not even that it wont prime as usual.  It sits there and says P2P:  Testing...07:33
tgm4883usually when it wont prime it just fails all the tests07:33
foxbuntuso its hanging now rather than failing07:34
tgm4883vm is rebooting now07:34
foxbuntuoh this is in a VM?07:34
tgm4883sorry, doing 2 things at once07:34
tgm4883the vm is for mythbuntu07:35
tgm4883the firewire is my main system07:35
tgm4883if it was a vm, i'd have no problem wiping it and starting from scratch07:35
tgm4883yes!!!! Sweet vindication!!!!!  Superm1, it works07:36
superm1okay commit the change07:36
tgm4883im logged into the jelly-desktop07:36
superm1and then i'll commit mine and leave the note for the installer team to sync us07:36
foxbuntusuperm1, any thoughts on this firewire thing?07:37
superm1foxbuntu, i haven't used firewire for more than a year now, things have changed with how its done07:37
foxbuntuand I have never used it07:37
tgm4883wheres majoridiot when we need him?  (he helped me setup the firewire many months ago07:38
superm1he said earlier this summer he'll be back around august-september or so07:38
tgm4883am I supposed to do anything when bzrlog pops up?07:38
tgm4883because I think I put my changes in their last time07:39
superm1mine comes up way different07:39
superm1i dont know why you and foxbuntu get a different bzr thing07:39
tgm4883well after I bzr commit, nano pops up with .../mythbuntu/mythbuntu-ubiquity/bzr_log.t70Dn-07:39
superm1oh right07:39
superm1that's normal07:39
superm1yea put your message in07:39
superm1you did it right before07:40
=== foxbuntu just breaks stuff in strange ways to make superm1 wonder how I accomplished such a great breakage
tgm4883and done07:41
tgm4883im committed superm107:42
superm1okay great07:42
foxbuntuwhere to?07:42
foxbuntureally, thats funny, I am watching Smallville right now07:43
foxbuntuI hope its not a long drive to Kansas to visit superm1 there07:43
foxbuntusuperm1, do they have Wifi there for you?07:44
superm1i'm very confused07:44
foxbuntuI made a joke and you missed it07:44
foxbunturead back up like 10 lines07:44
tgm4883hmm, interesting, now it made it though 7 P2P: Testing....failed until it hung07:45
superm1right but i dont get it07:45
superm1i've never watched smallville07:45
superm1why would i be in kansas?07:45
tgm4883it's about this ville thats kinda small07:45
foxbuntutgm4883 said he commited you, I asked where he said Bellvue which is the funny farm in the show Smallville07:46
foxbuntuwhich is based in Kansas07:46
tgm4883ARG, IDIOT07:46
tgm4883I fixed my firewire problem07:46
foxbuntuplug it in?07:46
tgm4883see, one of those nights07:46
foxbuntupower it on?07:46
tgm4883helps if the STB is tuned to a valid channel07:46
tgm4883I usually prime on 703, not today though.  Today I try on 80607:47
tgm4883see what scripts do to me superm107:47
superm1well tgm4883 welcome to my world :)07:47
=== tgm4883 taps his heels together
tgm4883theres no place like home07:48
foxbuntusuperm1, what time is your first class in the morning?07:48
tgm4883theres no place like home07:48
tgm4883theres no place like home07:48
superm1eh i should look that up07:48
superm1early i bet07:48
superm1earlier than i want to get up07:48
foxbuntunow comn...thats slacker talk...only room for one of those here...and I am the best07:48
foxbuntusuperm1, how many credits do you have to take this semester??07:49
superm1well i'm in 19 right now07:50
superm1but will be auditing one course i believe07:50
=== tgm4883 is registered in like 14 right now
foxbuntuyou are crzy07:50
superm1so probably closer to 15 or 1607:50
superm1like i said, i wanted to get the big stuff for mythbuntu done while i had the time :)07:50
foxbuntuI found out I will prob be workin alot of overtime in the near future07:51
=== tgm4883 installed drupal on his webspace so he can play with it
foxbuntuthat client I have been working for...well...I am going to be rebuilding their network from the ground up07:52
tgm4883now its a pain to get files from there07:52
tgm4883foxbuntu, thats always fun07:52
tgm4883I have to "aquire" a Win 2K server disk for a client07:52
tgm4883one that works with their CD key07:52
foxbuntuyea espically when it has to be done seamless, and they have 200+ servers and 2000+ users to deal with07:52
foxbuntuwhat type of key do they have?07:53
foxbuntuOpen License VLK?07:53
foxbuntuor Retail?07:53
superm1tgm4883, if you want a local copy of the backup for mythbuntu.org to play on, i can point you at the backup for it07:53
tgm4883its a regular window 2000 server key, thats on the side of their dell server07:53
foxbuntuoh that blows07:54
foxbuntuyou will have to get a dell OEM disk07:54
tgm4883especially as I have to also figure out which SP it is for07:54
foxbuntuSP doesnt matter07:54
foxbuntunot for the key07:54
tgm4883I suppose I could just make it so it doesn't need a key :)07:54
tgm4883No?  Did that change for XP?07:54
tgm4883I get MSDN XP disks and my SP1 key wont work with my SP2 disk and vice versa07:55
foxbuntunope, it never mattered, MS got sued over selling it for more $$ just for the free SP on the CD07:55
tgm4883one of the many reasons I don't use windows07:55
foxbuntuthats becuase the MSDN keys changed07:55
tgm4883I have like 6 XP keys and use 107:56
tgm4883all valid licenses07:56
foxbuntuI have the one that came on my lappy for my wife...and thats it07:56
tgm4883I have 1 for each lappy (2) and like 4 from the school07:57
tgm4883not to mention all the windows server licenses and the vista license from the school07:57
tgm4883vista 64 and I did not agree07:57
tgm4883I agree07:58
foxbuntuI work for a MS shop and vista blows07:58
tgm4883I have a win 2k VM for the few things I need windows for07:58
tgm4883stupid printer07:58
foxbuntuyou didn't set it up with CUPS?07:58
tgm4883its works great in 32-bit but for some reason not so well in 64-bit (doesn't print at all)07:59
tgm4883even though it should07:59
foxbuntuthats odd07:59
tgm4883i'm going to try hooking it up with usb and trying that, but im doubting that will work either07:59
tgm4883(its a network MFC)08:00
tgm4883the scanner works in 64-bit though08:00
foxbuntuthats odd08:00
foxbuntuwell, I need to sleep...back to that wonderful client in the morning catch you later tgm4883 and superm108:00
superm1 cya foxbuntu08:00
tgm4883superm1, wheres that backup at?08:01
tgm4883superm1, how is that http://mythbuntu.weilandhomes.com08:17
superm1tgm4883, it's almost as though..... you've got the source for the website or something :)08:17
superm1that was *quick*08:17
tgm4883it's good to know that if the site ever goes down again, we can rebuild in < 10 minutes08:18
superm1yea that was pretty easy08:18
tgm4883yea it was08:18
superm1well wait a sec08:18
tgm4883even to a different host08:18
superm1there was a lot of things i ran into though08:18
superm1when i installed drupal08:18
superm1like extra packages  ineeded08:18
superm1how did you not....08:18
tgm4883your backup provided everything I needed08:19
tgm4883I didn't have to install drupal08:19
superm1i mean apt packages that were missing08:19
tgm4883what were they for?  Perhaps some functionality is missing08:19
superm1well http://mythbuntu.weilandhomes.com/admin/logs/status comes up clean08:19
superm1so your system must have had all that was needed08:20
tgm4883yea cause linux.weilanhomes.com and mythbuntu.weilandhomes.com are seperate directories each with their own installation of drupal08:20
tgm4883the mythbuntu dir was completely empty when I started08:21
superm1i bet some of the packages i installed have native variants available08:21
superm1in the drupal install08:21
superm1or in apt packaging08:21
superm1but the apt version is just faster08:21
superm1or something08:21
superm1like the python GD toolkit08:21
superm1and thigns like that08:21
tgm4883could be08:21
tgm4883perhaps the python gd toolkit is already installed on my host08:22
superm1well awesome08:22
superm1yea you used the drupal package for your other drupal install08:22
superm1so it probably pulled that for you08:22
superm1i installed from that tar.gz on the webiste08:22
superm1since it was on dapper08:22
tgm4883this is the list of installed software on my host08:22
tgm4883PHP4 (more info)  4.4.7  -08:23
tgm4883PHP5 (more info) 5.2.3 50203 -08:23
tgm4883PERL 5.6 (more info) 5.6.1 /usr/bin/perl08:23
tgm4883PERL 5.8 (more info) 5.8.8 /usr/bin/perl5.808:23
tgm4883Ruby 1.8.6 /usr/local/bin/ruby08:23
tgm4883Python 2.4.3 /usr/local/bin/python08:23
tgm4883MySQL 4 4.0.27 -08:23
tgm4883MySQL 5 5.0.41 -08:23
tgm4883ImageMagick - /usr/local/bin08:23
tgm4883NetPBM - /usr/local/netpbm/bin08:23
tgm4883Zend Optimizer /usr/local/Zend/bin08:23
tgm4883Sendmail - /usr/lib/sendmail08:23
superm1your imagemagick is in an odd place08:23
tgm4883that was longer than i thought08:23
superm1but as long as it was found08:23
superm1that is one of the big ones08:23
tgm4883yea i dont know what OS this runs08:23
superm1well here let me mark your user as administrator if i can on this install08:24
superm1on your other server08:24
superm1so you can see what other stuff i get as permissions08:24
superm1that you didn't have08:24
superm1there now all authenticated users on your install can do anything08:25
superm1it feels weird that i'm able to login to your install :)08:25
superm1and administer it...08:25
tgm4883I can fix that if you like08:26
tgm4883All our servers are running under highly customized RedHat Linux08:27
tgm4883I wonder if that means Fedora :)08:27
superm1well i just got my third +1 on my MOTU app08:28
superm1I think that means that as of tomorrow i'm a MOTU :)08:29
tgm4883right on :)08:29
tgm4883now I can bug you to look at packages :)08:29
superm1yup :)08:29
tgm4883alright, well its late and im going to bed.  Good luck in your classes tomarrow and congradulations on becoming MOTU superm108:31
superm1i should get to bed soon too :)08:32
=== tgm4883 that probably deserves a mention on mythbuntu.org
tgm4883at least on mythbuntu.weilandhomes.com08:32
tgm4883_laptopIf you use mytharchive, does that increase the likelyhood of a show being deleted?  Even if the show is set to never expire?09:01
OpenMediaIf it is set to never expire it should never get deleted.09:11
=== jono [n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
DaveMorrisI see gentoo ebuilds are moving to svn for mythtv now10:11
=== DaveMorris [n=dave@cubert.itri.bton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== jono [n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== Rimers [n=nils@0x5553320b.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Rimershi guys, anyone here that can tell me how to get LCDd to start before mythtv-backend at system startup?11:50
lagaRimers: you need to adjust the order in /etc/rcX.d/ where X is your runlevel11:51
Rimersokay, thanks11:51
lagaRimers: if lcdd is indeed started before mythtv-backend, please file a bug against the mythtv packages11:51
Rimersill have a look in a minute, waiting for a package to finish installing here11:52
DaveMorriswhats lcdd?11:54
RimersLCD display server11:55
Rimersor deamon11:55
DaveMorristhis is instead of gdm/kdm/xdm or ontop?11:55
DaveMorrisoh, its those 16x4 lcd displays11:56
DaveMorrisI was thinking like an LCD monitor/tv11:56
Rimersyup, got a silverstone case with a 16*2 display, got it working correctly yesterday, but after a reboot its just showing the LCDproc server status and not the status of the mythlcdserver as it did when i shutdown the system last night12:02
Rimershmm need to reboot, got a compiz problem on my laptop :S12:08
=== Rimers [n=nils@0x5553320b.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Rimershmm problem not solved with compiz on laptop, so removed it12:30
Rimersim looking at the rc*.d now and i see LCDd as S60 but Mythbackend as S20,, should i make LCDd S18 then?12:32
Rimersokay :)12:32
DaveMorrisWhats the difference between K and S ones?12:35
RimersK is kill and S is start12:35
Rimersas far as i found out12:35
Rimersread somthing about it on the ubuntu site just now, and found a nice app to keep track of them, sysvconfig12:36
DaveMorrisI should create one to restart my buildbot on a machine restart but I've been too busy12:37
DaveMorrisbtw there is a mythbuntu group now on facebook if you wanna join.  mythbuntu is sooooo web 2.0 :)12:38
Rimersyay problem solved :) LCD is working as intended now :D12:39
lagaRimers: plz file a bug report kthx12:39
Rimerswill do,, have a bit to learn here with bug reports and all :D12:40
RimersDaveMorris: what is this facebook? never heard about it before.12:40
DaveMorrisits a social networking site12:41
Rimersah okay, facebook.com?12:42
DaveMorrisyeah, different sites are popular in different countries, and Facebook is the popular one in the UK12:42
lagai never know why i would wanna socialize on the internet. i already spend too much time there, i'd rather go out to meet people12:43
DaveMorrislaga: same, mine just pulls in my blog/google shared items/dugg details/twitter12:43
=== DaveMorris wonders how hard it would be to make a facebook application which posted details of the shows you watch based upon your recordings
Rimersah nice, well ppl should be on linked in too, now that i find usefull12:46
Rimerslinkedin.com i think12:46
Rimersyup thats it12:47
DaveMorrisI googled for ' linked in too'12:47
Rimersaah :)12:47
Rimersso my fault :D12:47
DaveMorrisThese sites all need to break the walls down so you can link to friends on other sites etc12:47
Rimersi can invite you if you want, got a nice network inthere allready12:47
Rimerswell linked in can be used as a work related thing too, so ppl can find the right programmer og entrepanur for the job12:48
Rimersnot sure of that last spelling, but if its wrong ill go patent it :)12:49
Rimersmake it mine :S hmmm i must be tired12:49
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Rimershmm laga i might need some help on the bug report thing,,,,, if nothing else a site where to report it12:52
Rimersthought you would have a link to it from the mythbuntu site, but so far i have not been able to locate it12:53
lagaRimers: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythtv/12:54
Rimersallright, thanks12:54
Rimersso i guess its same as when posting on forums, search first, if nothing found report,,, right?12:55
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DaveMorrisI've not seen it on the bug reports01:00
Rimersokay, i just made a search to check before i went further, but now im waiting for a mail to arive01:00
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Rimersyay, i have reported my first bug :)01:18
Rimersnot realy a bug, but anyway01:18
RimersDaveMorris: im on the facebook now, but cant find the mythbuntu group01:25
cornell-wMorning DaveMorris, hope you had a good weekend.01:30
cornell-wMine wasn't has productive as I'd hoped...  I'd spent much more time working the tables than I'd wanted to.  But they seem to be working.01:31
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Rimershmm a nice little netsplit01:55
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cornell-workSorry... seem to've gotten lost02:26
DaveMorrisyeah irc had a net split02:37
DaveMorristgm4883 or superm1.  For me to download the backup's can I simply just get everyfile in the backup dir and you guys do the housekeeping, or do I need to get each file.  I'd rather have a script do it for me each night, so the 1st method would be prefered02:45
cornell-workDid I miss an answer about the directory structure?  (I don't even know for what phrase to google)03:23
DaveMorrisI didn't see the question03:23
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DaveMorris tgm4883 or superm1.  For me to download the backup's can I simply just get everyfile in the backup dir and you guys do the housekeeping, or do I need to get each file.  I'd rather have a script do it for me each night, so the 1st method would be prefered03:51
superm1morning DaveMorris03:51
lagamorning superm103:51
superm1DaveMorris, they are weekly backups03:51
superm1and put into tgz's for the date03:51
laga<- afk, gotta buy some parts at our local electronics store (yay!)03:51
DaveMorrisok, so I just need to produce the date in my script03:52
lagaBTW, can someone create an account on mythbuntu.org for me? username: laga, email: laga@laga.ath.cx03:52
superm1DaveMorris, I pm'ed you the cron job that I use03:52
superm1you can adjust to make it work for yours03:52
superm1laga sure03:54
cornell-workDaveMorris: To skip the gory details... My recollection is that, on the knoppmyth, I'd specify a default path in the settings, /mythtv.  Under that path would be created many directories, including /mythtv/tv which held the recorded tv files.04:05
DaveMorrisso the paths all needed changing04:06
cornell-workWhen I installed mythbuntu, I accepted the default of /var/lib/myth/recordings/ and mounted my old directories under same, so I have a /var/lib/myt/recordings/tv.04:06
cornell-workWell... it seems the paths aren't kept in the database, just the file names, and it's looking under /var/lib/myth/recordings for my tv files,  not .../recordings/tv.04:07
DaveMorrisso you just needed to move them up a dir then04:08
cornell-workSo... if /var/lib/myth/recordings is the default path, and the tv recordings go there, where do video, music, whatever recordings go?  Do they get mixed up with the tv files, or are there other default path settings I need to make that I haven't found?04:08
DaveMorrissuperm1: ^^04:08
cornell-workSo I'd asked about what the directory structure was supposed to look like.04:09
DaveMorrisdid you get the answer?04:17
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cornell-workDid I get the answer?  Moving them up a level?  That'll solve the current problem of accessing them but leaves hanging the question of where do videos, etc. go?  Same  recordings directory, or are there other settings I'm missing?04:57
DaveMorrisas far as I know they are set in the mythvideo/mythmusic settings part05:01
DaveMorriswhich are frontend specfic05:01
DaveMorristhere is a default place for them set by mythbuntu, but I changed it can can't remember05:02
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tgm4883_laptopOpenMediaSupport, thats what I thought, but they got deleted anyway.  I'm wondering if archiving them sticks them at the bottom of the auto expire list05:03
cornell-workAh... ok... cool.05:03
cornell-workThanks DaveMorris :-)05:03
=== DaveMorris isn't even running mythbuntu at home
DaveMorriswe should prob provide a meta package to move someone from ubuntu+mythtv to mythbuntu thinking about it05:05
tgm4883DaveMorris, doesn't the control centre do that automatically?05:07
DaveMorrisnot sure05:07
tgm4883i think it does05:07
tgm4883although it would have to be a gutsy system05:08
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tgm4883superm1 how is class?08:44
superm1just got back08:44
superm1not too bad today08:45
tgm4883thats good08:45
superm1tgm4883, did you see my post on unofficial mythbuntu.org :)08:45
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tgm4883i just saw it08:46
=== tgm4883 is going to have to remember to look at which site he is at before he makes changes :)
superm1tgm4883, play with the image uploading that's in place on your test site08:48
superm1it's a pretty neat function08:48
superm1especially since it's configured right now08:49
superm1you can do massive uploads of lots of images08:49
superm1by ftp/scp them in, and then import them into a gallery08:49
tgm4883that could prove beneficial as right now its a pain to upload pictures to www.weilandhomes.com08:50
tgm4883cause the jave applet doesn't work right08:50
superm1there is a nicer version too08:50
superm1that you can do batch uploads08:50
tgm4883currently I use gallery 108:50
superm1the 'gallery2' module08:50
tgm4883i never got around to getting G2 to work right with the site theme08:51
tgm4883G2 doesn't have html_wrap08:51
superm1well G2 integrates right into drupal08:54
superm1so it follows your theme08:54
superm1for drupal08:54
tgm4883_laptopsweet, now I just have to fix the theme so it works i drupal08:54
superm1you'll have to play with it to make sure you don't hit any oddities with it, but its "supposed" to work :)08:55
superm1i didn't setup gallery2 on mythbuntu.org since it seemed like overkill08:55
superm1when the image module can handle so much08:55
tgm4883_laptopyea, probably is overkill08:56
tgm4883_laptopbut since i now know about drupal, it may help me out :)08:56
=== tgm4883_laptop walks out of the cave he has been living in
superm1if you find any nice plugins for drupal08:56
superm1in your experimentation08:56
superm1let me know08:57
superm1or even install them on the test site08:57
superm1and see how well they work08:57
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tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, is there a way to see why a package is being held back?09:07
superm1sure there is09:07
tgm4883_laptopand I need to woo the answer out of you?09:07
tgm4883_laptopsupem1, you rock09:07
tgm4883_laptopyour the bomb diggity no doubt09:08
tgm4883_laptopyour my favorite MOTu09:08
superm1do a apt-get dist-upgrade09:08
superm1and it will try harder09:08
tgm4883_laptopnope, still didn't work09:08
tgm4883_laptopdidn't look like it tried harder either09:08
superm1you can try with aptitude then09:09
superm1or just try to install it09:09
superm1its also possible dependencies for it aren't out yet09:09
tgm4883_laptopsynaptic tells me09:09
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tgm4883_laptopDepends: libwnck18 (>=2.15.90) but it is not installable09:10
tgm4883_laptopthere should be a  way to see that in the command line though09:10
superm1okay i've got some other errands to run today.  i'll be back around later on or so09:12
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seabaghey guys, i've got something interesting09:21
seabagyarly! :D09:22
lagatgm4883_laptop: do you know where i can login on mythbuntu.org?09:22
tgm4883its right on the front page09:23
=== tgm4883 snickers
seabagi've got senior citizens cable, which means i only get about 20 channels (10 Jesus channels, 10 shopping channels, that's it!). i run a channel scan and it works fine, but every time i run mythfilldatabase, it overwrites the channel scan and re-adds all channels.09:23
tgm4883laga, http://www.mythbuntu.org/user09:23
troy_ssuperm1: You in my brother?09:27
lagaseabag: have you chedk mythfilldatabase --help?09:30
seabagno.. it just seems strange that it would do this by default. i'll read more on it.09:31
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seabaglaga, ok i read the --help, they mentioned doing a "nondestructive update", which is --update... except it still destroyed my lineup09:47
lagaseabag: can't you deactive those channels in the zap2it lineup?09:47
seabagpossibly, but why is there a channel scan in mythtv? :-\09:48
seabagok laga , yes you can deactivate them. i'm going to report a bug about it letting mythfilldatabase destroy (and thus negate) your scanned channel functionality, though09:52
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lagaseabag: i'm installing mythtv to take a look at mfdb myself09:59
lagatakes some time, though10:01
laga40s left..10:01
laga--remove-new-channels When using DataDirect, ask mythfilldatabase to remove new channels (those not in the database) from the DataDirect lineup.  These channels are removed from the lineup as if you had done so via the DataDirect website's Lineup Wizard, but may be re-added manually and incorporated into MythTV by running mythfilldatabase without this option.  New channels are automatically removed10:08
laga fr DVmB and HDTV sources that use DataDirect.10:08
seabaghmm.... the plot thickens: i updated my channels on zap2it labs' site, went back, did a channel scan, ran mythfilldatabase, and it still destroys my channel lineup. i'm going to try removenewchannels and see what it does now10:19
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seabaglaga, still same thing :(11:04
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seabagok laga, well i'm going to format or something and try again... i tried everything on mythfilldatabase11:22
seabagmaybe there's some kind of a conf file i need to delete?11:22
seabagi'll check back tomorrow... take care and thanks a lot!11:23
superm1keescook, you here?11:25
keescooksuperm1: yawp11:33
keescook(though delayed)11:33
superm1keescook, i just got an invite to schedules direct, so i'm going to do some test builds with the patches11:33
superm1it looks like some of them are dependent on old patches11:33
superm1so as for the SRU's, might have to bring them all up to current versions11:34
superm1(invite in the sense that i can sign up early: i've still gotta pay :S)11:34
keescookwhoa.  that's .... very scary11:34
superm1i'll see how cleanly things really will be applying after i test on the gutsy version.11:35
superm1the other problem is how long will it typically take to process an SRU?11:36
superm1the final patches aren't done yet (mythtv bug 3482 is still open)11:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 3482 in kernel-package "Usb null pointer (dup-of: 3115)" [Medium,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/348211:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 3115 in linux-source-2.6.12 "Kernel oops when unplugging USB device" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/311511:36
superm1keescook, a problem is that it appears that they want to bump the myth binary version number, and it's dependent on changes from the current  protocol version11:45
keescookSRU verification takes 7 days....11:46
keescookwhoa, seriously?  That's madness11:46
keescookisn't it just another fetching tool?11:47
keescookwhy the need for insano protocol changes?11:47
superm1well i just poked in #mythtv, they said it won't apply to anything but recent code11:48
keescookcan you explain our needs to them?  i.e. a pre-existing stable installation base.  I worry they will be ... not helpful.11:49
superm1keescook, it appears that it's not going to be possible11:54
superm1they will be announcing a 0.20.2 release next week11:54
keescookwow, that's ... going to be difficult for us.11:54
keescookSRUs are expected to be "minimal patches" too...11:55
superm1then backports might be the only way to go11:55
keescookor perhaps mythtv becomes a new exception to the SRU process https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions11:56
superm1well do mind that these are only backported fixes11:56
superm1no new features11:56
superm1in the 0.major.X revisions11:56
keescookthat's true.11:56
keescookso no new database or anything?11:57
keescookbut they said the protocol version is changing?11:57
superm1well the protocol version bumped some time back11:57
keescookthat's not a very "minor" fix.11:57
superm1around feisty11:57
superm1so edgy packages would then be affected by that11:57
keescookI think what we need then is: a diff between feisty and current, ask the TB for an exception, and go from there...11:58
superm1well i'll get this set of patches tested on gutsy with my newly made SD account and see how things are looking first.11:58
keescookcool.  let me know if I can help test feisty.11:58
superm1and then put off making the SRU's until 0.20.2 is actually announced11:58
superm1they said sometime next week11:59
superm1possibly end of this week11:59
keescookwe're cutting it close to sept 1.  :P12:00
superm1you know this really brings to my mind the whole thought sabdfl brought up at ULive about how projects need to learn to collaborate releases better12:00
superm1the only way this could have been worse timing is if it came out after sept 1 :)12:00
superm1there is at least 14 days of data after sept 1st though12:10
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cornellUm...  I've a vg mounted as /var/lib/mythtv/recordings.  I want it to be /var/lib/mythtv.  I'm thinking, umount /var/lib/mythtv/recordings and then mount it, but the umount doesn't work... "device is busy"12:32
cornellNow I'm thinking, change /etc/fstab from /dev/vg/myth    /var/lib/mythtv/recordings ext3    defaults  to /dev/vg/myth    /var/lib/mythtv ext3    defaults12:32
cornellSound right?12:32
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