
=== Starting logfile irclogs/xubuntu.log
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=== Topic for #xubuntu: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Downloads: http://xubuntu.org/get
=== Topic (#xubuntu): set by Pumpernickel at Sun May 20 02:21:34 2007
(rathel/#xubuntu) lol The scroll wheel on my mouse scrolls to fast how do I slow it down?05:46
(Jester45/#xubuntu) i dont know05:46
(Jester45/#xubuntu) it doesnt seem to lively in here right now05:46
(Jester45/#xubuntu) im sure its a setting with xorg05:47
(rathel/#xubuntu) No it doesn't.05:47
Jester45google might be your best option right now05:47
rathelI've been lookin around for the setting, can't find it.05:47
Jester45i *think* firefox might have a setting but thats for just ff05:48
=== Mo0oSaH [n=mo0osah@ip177.ravinia.hou.ygnition.net] has joined #xubuntu
rathelIt's scrolling by like 20 lines in every application, it's kind of annoying.05:49
Jester45what mouse it is and what kind of connectors does it have05:50
Catoptromancyrathel : if that only happens in firefox you can adjust it in "preference"s or "options" menu05:51
Jester45its all apps05:52
Catoptromancyarr dont remember exact name05:53
Catoptromancyits adjust in settings menu05:53
Catoptromancy= ( on linux right now, cant check05:53
rathelJester45, sorry, I was reading up online, it's a Microsoft Notebook Wireless USB mouse.05:55
Jester45i was thinking it was MS05:55
Jester45my friend has the same thing the wheel is really sensitive05:56
Jester45im guessing windows ignores it and linux uses every little bit it moves as a movement or it just messed up05:56
Jester45he has his set up to scroll 3 pages on 1/2 a turn05:57
Jester45so if you touch it it moves a few lines05:57
Jester45i dont like it because it has no resistance to move, i bet if you blew on it hard it would move the wheel06:00
rathelbrb, I think I found a solution have to restartx.06:02
=== Knightlust [n=dax@ubuntu/member/knightlust] has joined #xubuntu
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=== j1mc [n=jim@adsl-75-21-70-148.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #xubuntu
j1mcanyone here good with printing via cups from xubuntu06:58
j1mci'm having problems.  :(06:58
j1mceh, it's midnight here.  i should go to bed anyway.06:58
j1mclater, all06:58
j1mchi Jester4506:59
Jester45im allways here06:59
j1mcwould you mind helping me?06:59
Jester45idk how much help i would be06:59
j1mclet me pastebin my config files06:59
j1mcif that's ok06:59
j1mcthere's the first one.  that's my server07:02
j1mcand i used these instructions: http://20six.co.uk/jabolins/art/1480315007:03
j1mci have an hp 102007:03
j1mcJester45: are you vincent?  do you run the xubuntu blog?07:03
Jester45yep, just as i thought i know nothing about cups07:04
Jester45why not just use the printer gui07:04
j1mci'm trying to use the printer gui07:04
j1mcbut you need to set up some stuff in cups first07:04
j1mcand the server itself doesn't have a gui07:05
j1mci'm using the webmin-like interface of the server, though...07:05
j1mcit's apparently not helping much.  :)07:05
j1mcah, well.  thanks for giving it a try, Jester45 :)07:06
j1mci might give that up and just try to get everything installed locally.07:06
Jester45you could do that07:06
j1mci don't really need network printing that bad.07:06
Jester45then copy the config07:06
Jester45web ui's suck when the server load is high07:08
j1mceh, it's just my home server07:08
j1mc1 user :)07:08
Jester45im taking about my own server07:08
j1mc00:09:21 up 16 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.0307:09
Jester45its converting videos07:09
j1mci thought rebooting would help.  i had 17 days uptime.  heh.  (that's a lot for me considering i don't use the server too much)07:09
j1mcok, well, i'm off.  have a good night, Jester4507:10
Jester4501:09:32 up 20 days, 13:47,  7 users,  load average: 6.66, 6.05, 4.6907:11
Jester45i wish i got under 1.007:11
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bart_17what is a good irc client i can use in xubuntu?07:52
bart_17how do i get that??07:58
Jester45apt-get install xchat07:58
Jester45run that in a terminal07:59
Jester45o and you need to be root so add sudo in front07:59
bart_17i just installed xubuntu on my laptop and i just getting things configured...08:00
bart_17i'm a noob..08:04
bart_17i did that already.. where do i find it?08:04
Jester45menu -> network -> xchat08:05
Jester45or run xchat in the terminal08:05
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bart_17thanx jester08:06
Jester45got anymore questions?08:07
Jester45im about to go to bed08:07
bart_17how do i add it to the menu??08:07
Jester45it should be in the menu08:08
bart_17its not...08:08
bart_17it is now/...08:08
Jester45try again08:08
Jester45it takes a bit after a package is installed to show up08:08
bart_17i can't get my desktop to go over 800X60008:08
Jester45the menu only checks for new things every few minutes08:09
Jester45what video card08:09
Jester45and is this a laptop or desktop08:09
bart_17laptop, ati radeon xpress 200m08:10
Jester45if it is a laptop is it older or new08:10
bart_17new.. its a asus a6rp08:11
bart_17i don't also have sound08:12
Jester45menu -> system -> restricted device manager08:13
Jester45and see if you need any thing08:13
bart_17i installed the restricted driver already08:14
Jester45have you shutdown yet?08:14
Jester45if not then open a termina08:14
Jester45and run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart08:15
Jester45it will stop everything08:15
Jester45so save your work first08:15
bart_17i restarted already.. twice08:16
Jester45maybe try coming back later, if you can leave your computer on someone that knows might look and know the way to fix it08:17
bart_17ok.. thanx i'll do that08:17
bart_17goodnight.. its just 2pm here08:18
Jester45if you cant maybe they will read what im saying now and tell me so when you get back on i can tell you08:18
bart_17ok thanx.. i'll just wait here... i have nothing else to do.. i'll just download and install some software08:19
bart_17btw, how do you format removable devices in linux?08:21
Jester45like a usb drive?08:27
Jester45i wouldnt format unless its a disk version or you really need to08:27
=== curiogeo [n=mandani@bas6-montreal02-1096645730.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #xubuntu
bart_17yeah like a usb flash drive or hd08:43
bart_17i have a usb hd formatted in ntfs.. i can't write to ntfs ryt?08:43
kalikiana_bart_17, You can use ntfs3g if you trust it ;)08:44
bart_17do you trust it?08:45
bart_17do you have an external drive?08:46
Jester45ntfs3g is a driver so linux can use ntfs08:46
bart_17is it any good?08:46
Jester45i would format because ntfs sucks08:46
bart_17how would i format it? its a 60gb usbhd, i want to format it but i want to use it as well as on my windows machine08:47
Jester45a good ext3 or reiserFSv4 would be much better08:48
bart_17would i be able to use that format in windows?08:48
Jester45you can use ext08:48
Jester45if you want to use it in windows08:49
Jester45ntfs would probly be best08:49
Jester45and you wouldnt have to format08:49
bart_17ok, thanx. but i still want to know how to format in linux08:49
Jester45gparted works08:51
Jester45but it does use some gnome libs08:51
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rathelHow do I change the sensitivity on my Scroll Wheel?09:38
=== Catoptromancy [n=cat@fl-71-1-235-150.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #xubuntu
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lnxhow i can run alt + f2 to open "run command" from xfwm4 ?10:13
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Catoptromancydo I find screensavers "not installed" from screensaver list?11:08
Catoptromancyapt-cache search finds nothing relevant11:08
Catoptromancythere should be a button "download all listed screensavers"11:08
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gabiihow do i install alsa driver, lib and utils12:04
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gabiihow do i install alsa driver, lib and utils??12:13
gabiihey the sheep12:20
bart_17hey hyper_ch12:21
Pumpernickel!info xscreensaver-data-extra | Catoptromancy12:22
ubotucatoptromancy: xscreensaver-data-extra: data files to be shared among screensaver frontends. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.24-5ubuntu2.1 (feisty), package size 2754 kB, installed size 7384 kB12:22
Pumpernickel!info xscreensaver-gl-extra | Catoptromancy12:22
ubotucatoptromancy: xscreensaver-gl-extra: GL(Mesa) screen hacks for xscreensaver. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.24-5ubuntu2.1 (feisty), package size 1726 kB, installed size 4540 kB12:22
Pumpernickelbart_17: 1.  Don't ping random people.  2.  Those are usually pre-installed.12:23
=== macsim [n=macsim@LSt-Amand-152-32-31-103.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #xubuntu
macsimhi, what's the better way to launch applications at xfce4 statup ? (.Xsession ?)12:43
m0u5emacsim: you can save your session, or you can add it to the autostart application list12:45
m0u5eapplications>settings>auto started applications12:45
macsimthx m0u5e12:45
m0u5emacsim: np :)12:45
macsima last one ;) openoffice quick start doen't seams to be avalable I forgot to install something or it's normal ?12:48
m0u5eyou mean like the quicklauncher?12:48
m0u5emacsim: hmm check the repost? you probably need to download that seperately (i dont see it on mine either)12:48
m0u5emacsim: its very possible that there just isnt a linux version... but check first :D12:49
macsimm0u5e, ok thanks ;)12:50
m0u5eimacsim: i see one for kde... dunno about gnome12:51
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macsimm0u5e, I seen it for kde but I'll not try to load any kde things on my poor laptop ;)12:51
m0u5ewait, are you talking about the quickstarter tray, or just a gui quickstarter with links to all oo applications?12:52
macsimquickstarter tray12:52
m0u5ecause if your talking about the quicstarter tray, it should come standard with oo12:52
m0u5eits an option...12:52
m0u5elemme check..12:52
macsimm0u5e, is but it's not avalable12:52
m0u5eyeah, you already have it, you just need to enable it :D12:52
macsimm0u5e, no I can't12:52
macsimlet me do a screenshot12:53
m0u5eoh i see12:53
m0u5eits greyed out :X12:53
macsimm0u5e, yes you seen what I mean now ;)12:53
m0u5ehmm how bout openoffice.org-gtk ?12:56
m0u5eit says theres a quicklauncher inside12:56
macsimI install it imediatly ;)12:57
m0u5edoes it work? :D12:57
macsimm0u5e, brillant ;) thx a lot mate12:57
m0u5enp dude heh12:58
m0u5ejust wish more people would use xubuntu :)12:59
macsimm0u5e, I will blog this tips because it's easy to found ;)01:01
m0u5emacsim spread the joy :D01:02
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infblisshow do i get cleartype fonts on xubuntu05:44
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j1mchi nixternal05:50
j1mcdo you have any xubuntu questions that you need help with?05:50
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nixternalcan't say that I do :D05:52
j1mcnixternal: sudo apt-get automatix dist-upgrade.sources.list.exe.net05:52
j1mcwe provide good user support in #xubuntu05:52
viddwtf....did i miss something???05:55
j1mcjust joking with nixternal05:56
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emdashi've noticed lately that rubber band selection doesn't work on the desktop any more06:54
emdashis there an option to disable it that i may have accidentally hit?06:55
emdashor have I found a bug?06:55
emdashit still works in thunar windows, just not on the desktop06:55
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KtronQuestions about xubuntu tribe 4 beling in xubuntu-dev, right?06:57
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ThundermanXubuntu 7.04 didn't work after restarting. I update it and retarted, then it said that GKD is missing or something like that07:11
kekhello, I have a problem with my wifi card. I just installed xubuntu and plugged the card (asus wl-167g usb stick, should have a ralink rt2500 chipset) in. I used the network manager to configure it to connect to my wireless network but it won't connect. iwconfig does show the correct mac address for the AP however. can't ping the router. any takers?07:12
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viddkek is the wap07:22
cjaewhat is a wap07:22
viddwhat kind of wireless security do you use?07:23
ThundermanWireless Application Protocol = WAP07:23
keknone atm, I'm in the middle of nowhere..07:23
cjaeisnt it wep and wpa07:23
cjaeoh right'07:23
viddcjae, it was a typo07:24
cjaewep = blows right07:24
cjaesorry for eavesdropping curious07:25
viddkek you verified your router settings?07:25
viddyour symptoms indicate that you are connecting to the router but do not have permission from the router to pass data....07:26
kekit should not have any restrictions, no mac filtering etc. or what are you thinking?07:26
viddif you dont have wpa or wep, then look at mac filtering07:26
kekmaybe it needs me to specify a channel?07:26
viddare you using a static or dhcp ip?07:27
viddthen the channel auto selected should be good07:28
=== OwdGitRon [n=ron@88-109-245-0.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #xubuntu
kekin ubuntu, there is a dropdown list of available connections where you enter the essid, don't see any networks under there in xubuntu, only an empty dropdown07:29
viddtry setting up with a static ip07:30
kekokay, will try. and how do I check the mac address of the wifi card itself? so I can check my router07:31
viddkek if you turn off mac filtering it should not matter07:32
viddbut ifconfig will tell you the mac address of the eth card07:32
kekfrom the router I see some other card besides mine but I have 4 laptops that can be connected and I don't know which one the on is that I see07:33
kekmaybe it's just very bad reception?07:33
kekI'm not next to the router07:33
viddcould be07:33
kekhm, when I had that card under windows, it worked fine from where it is now07:34
kekI'll try to move the comp nearer to the router07:34
kstrIs it possible to move my entire linux installation to another hard drive? How can i daoit?07:34
viddit is possible...but i dont recomend it07:36
kstrthe problem is that i'm lacking hard drive space... is moving the 'home' recommended?07:37
kstrhow can i do that?07:39
viddthere are a few ways to do it07:39
viddone isto  get your live cd running with the old hard drive and the new hard drive07:40
viddprepare the new hard drive partitions....07:41
viddcpy the /home directory from the old drive to the new drive on its own partition (this is critical)07:42
BFTDI ran out of space on root, what should I remove to make more space?07:43
kstrthe home dir in just on a ext3 type pertition?07:43
viddremove the old drive, install on the new drive and enable the /home directory07:44
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kstrhow can i enable the /home dir?07:45
=== kstr is e newbie
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viddduring the install process, you choose the partitioning07:46
viddthe default is to set eveything on one partition07:46
viddinstead, you set it up using more then one partition07:47
kstrcan it be altered without installing again?07:47
viddyou need to do the install on the new drive07:48
viddyou CAN try what i said with the ENTIRE ols drive to the new....but i wont guarentee it will boot07:49
kstri see07:49
viddthe install process sets up the MBR so the system knows that the drive is bootable07:49
kstrwell the other disk had debian on it (just command line)07:50
viddwhy not just add the second drive as a second drive?07:51
kstrIs it correct to say that i could make a new partition on the second drive and set it up as my home dir07:52
hyper_chkstr: yes07:52
kstrthen how would i 'tell' ubuntu where my home dir is07:52
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kekvidd, thanks for your time. it was the poor reception after all.. 07:53
J_Phi all07:53
J_Ppeople, xubuntu use XFCE right ? And XFCE is write using gtk too ?07:54
viddkek glad to hear it07:54
hyper_chkstr: /etc/fstab07:54
hyper_chkstr: but first you need to copy your current /home stuff on it07:55
=== kstr can follow so far ... :-)
hyper_chkstr: (1) copy stuff:    sudo cp -Rp /home/* /new/partition/07:56
hyper_chkstr: (2) sudo mount /new/partition /home07:56
hyper_chkstr: (3) check if everything looks ok07:57
kstroh ok mount it to /home... sounds logical07:57
kstri'l  try that07:57
viddkstr, wait07:58
hyper_ch(4) edit fstab:  sudo nano /etc/fstab07:58
viddget all the instructions first07:58
hyper_chand add an entry like:   /new/partition /home           ext3    defaults        0       207:59
hyper_ch(5) exit nano by pressing   ctrl-x07:59
=== kstr still following
hyper_ch(6) press "y" for saving/overwriting the existing fstab07:59
hyper_ch(7) reboot07:59
hyper_chactually wait07:59
hyper_chbefore altering the fstab, make a copy of it08:00
hyper_chsudo cp fstab fstab_old08:00
hyper_chin case something is not working, you just copy the old one back and reboot08:00
hyper_chI mean if you get no gui and stuff :)08:00
hyper_chkstr: the terminal should start or then using the live cd to access and copy back the old one08:02
hyper_chkstr: or something like this... just make sure you have a backup :)08:02
kstri will08:02
kstrthanks a lot08:02
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hyper_chand once you rebooted, do:   df -l   --> it will show you where each partition is mounted to :)08:03
kstrdo the existing uuid change when i add a partition to a disk?08:05
hyper_chno they shouldn't... only if the existing partitions are being altered, like shrinked or enlarged08:06
hyper_chbut I don't know for sure08:06
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kstri shrunk an existing partition to make room for the new one...  I'll check in ls /dev/disk/byuuid -lah right?08:07
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)08:07
hyper_ch!uuid | kstr08:08
ubotukstr: please see above08:08
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-208-222.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu
kstroh your way is much quicker08:11
cjaeamphetamine ...wt*08:13
cjaewhy does it install to /etc/08:13
cjaesupposed to be a 2D game I think08:14
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kstrhyper: ru still here?08:26
kstr i tried sudo cp -Rp /home/* /dev/sda3 and it says something like "cannot overwrite"08:28
ricikstr: /dev/sda3 is not a filesystem08:30
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kstrsudo got to go /bye08:42
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Jester45does anyone know how to make the settings i make in xvidtune stay after a X restart08:48
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Merchelohai again09:10
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cjae_is there issues with joystick calibrator?09:33
pleia2FYI - aoirthoir39 evaded my ban in #ubuntu-pennsylvania09:34
pleia2wow, wrong channel09:35
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Pres-GasSo, is the main support traffic happening in regular ubuntu?10:35
hyper_chPres-Gas: ?10:36
Pres-Gashyper_ch, there is not alot of traffic here, just wondering if the activity is in ubuntu?10:39
pleia2there are a lot more people in #ubuntu, so yes, more traffic there10:39
pleia2not as many people use xubuntu10:40
Pres-GasI figured as much10:40
hyper_chPres-Gas: well, TheSheep does generally such a great support that no questiosn will be unanswered and people leave again ;)10:40
Pres-GasWell, then, time to hang out....you know, just incase a problem comes up...then I will leave10:42
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #xubuntu
hyper_chPres-Gas: I have one :)10:43
Pres-Gasoops...time to leave10:43
hyper_chPres-Gas: oh :(10:43
Merchelohow do i run files which end in .x86 and  .run ?10:45
hyper_chPres-Gas: can you give me a faster computer and a notebook?10:46
hyper_chPres-Gas: ;)10:46
hyper_chMerchelo: what are you trying to do?10:46
Pres-GasMe first10:46
Merchelojust run them, one is to update a program, the other is to run the program, i don't have a clue how to run them from the terminal10:46
=== marc____ [n=marc@p5B00D68B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu
Mercheloit's ok, gottit, ./*.x8610:50
hyper_chMerchelo: doy ou know what you are doing?10:51
Mercheloyeah, it's been some time, but i think it's all coming back to me, just like the Jason Bourne Film :o10:52
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lnx_how i can add "force exit" icon to the panel ?10:57
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lnx_how i can add "force exit" icon to the panel ?11:02
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LuisHenriquehello! Is what the best mirror of download?11:05
Merchelothe one closest to you11:06
Mercheloi'd go for the OZ one, or holland one11:08
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=== rathel [n=rathel@c-24-9-186-226.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
rathelHow do I change the sensitivity on my Scroll wheel?11:13
lnx_how i can add borders to the taskbar windows ?11:20
ziaIslnx_ : try right clicking your taskbar and going in its properties11:22
ziaIsand try unchecking the "use flat buttons" option11:22
lnx_ziaIs , yea thanks11:25
lnx_how i can add "force exit" icon to the panel ?11:25
=== hyper_ch [n=hyper@84-75-93-168.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #xubuntu
zialsyou mean an icon that allows you to close an unresponsive application?11:27
lnx_zials , yes , when i click it it will say " click on the aplication you want to close "11:28
zialsnot sure about an icon... but you can use ctrl + alt + esc11:28
rathelHow do I change the sensitivity on my scroll wheel?11:28
lnx_zials , i had it in gnome iits was icon of broken window11:30
zialslnx_ - I know, but I haven't seen one in XFCE11:32
lnx_:( its was one of my favorite ( this the weather and the fish )11:33
Jester45you can use gnome panel plugins with xfce i forgot the package name11:34
Jester45but it also uses a lot og gnome's lib so you will lose a lot of xfce's speed11:34
lnx_Jester45 , if that is the state i prefer not to use them11:35
zialsthree keys isn't too hard to type is it ;)11:36
lnx_zials , wich keys ?11:36
zialsctrl alt esc11:36
lnx_zials , great that is what i look for11:37
zialsI said the command earlier O.o11:37
lnx_i can change the shortcut keys ? [ to ctrl + alt + del ]  ?11:39
zialsor, I think so11:40
zialscome to think of it, you can add it to the panel if you want...11:40
zialsyea, heh.. you want it on a panel?11:41
zialsright click on panel -> add new item -> Launcher11:41
zialsYou can give whatever name/description/icon you want..11:42
zialsthe command is: xkill11:42
lnx_zials , yes its work thanks11:43
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lnxi can unselect the files name that are on the dekstop ?11:48
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=== bobovski_ [n=bobovski@74-136-220-150.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #xubuntu
bobovski_hi all. I've got a network puzzler. My laptop runnin xubuntu 7.04 cannot stay connected at work via a wired connection. Works fine at home. Is it necessarily the fault of the server at work?12:01
viddbobovski_, it could be....12:02
vidddo you get a dhcp connection at work?12:03
bobovski_vidd: yes12:03
bobovski_I have to disable and enable the wired connection in the network manager, and it mostly connects. sometimes not12:03
bobovski_Might it be something simple like diabling ipv6 globally?12:04
bobovski_if the server didn't recognize ipv6...would I be able to connect at all?12:04
viddyou have ipv6 enabled???12:04
bobovski_indeed, no choice of mine, mind you12:04
bobovski_I noticed on dmesg that it was searchinf for ipv6 connections12:05
hyper_chiiiieeks... ipv612:05
viddyour client should know that the server does not handle ipv6 and use ipv4 automatically12:05
bobovski_yeah, I had a problem with dns resolution on my home machine and stopping ipv6 worked there...was curious if that would lead to these symptoms on the laptop12:05
bobovski_vidd, hurm. In the hosts section of the network manager it lists all ipv6 stuff12:06
viddit should also list ipv4 stuff12:06
bobovski_I have the laptop at home now connection working fine. lat me chack ethe network manager12:07
viddidk if there is a way to force ipv412:07
bobovski_everything says ip612:07
bobovski_vidd, there is a way to do it12:07
viddthen @ work, run that command12:08
bobovski_I will, but I was curious to know if anyone else had a fix or an idea if that doesn't work12:08
viddwindows only network @ work?12:08
bobovski_nope, we have sun machines, windows and linux all running12:09
bobovski_here's the real kicker. The laptop was connected fine, then the IT guys enabled a second ethernet port in my office. Now my laptop won't stay connected through either port12:11
viddsounds like a routing issue12:12
viddproblem with the port...maybe a loose wire12:12
bobovski_on both ports? INcluding the one that worked fine before?12:12
bobovski_or does a loose wire in one port affect all of them?12:13
viddif they spliced that port...yeah12:13
bobovski_nah, these ports are distinct. Pre-wired12:13
bobovski_aas far as I know in the office anyway.12:13
viddwell...you said they made one port into two...12:14
bobovski_no, I said they enabled a second ethernet port12:14
bobovski_there are bunches of ports all over the office, some were disabled12:14
viddah...i misunderstood12:14
bobovski_no worries12:14
bobovski_think that might have something to do with it?12:15
bobovski_bummer hehe cause if it's a server side issue it'll never get fixed12:15
viddif the IT guys messed up the port jacks, that will cause all kinds of issues12:16
viddfirst thing i would do is run that command to disable ipv612:17
bobovski_yeah, that's a start12:17
bobovski_xubuntu doesn't auto update or anything without notification right?12:17
viddnot unless you make it12:18
bobovski_hurm. The ipv6 thing is a long shot, though, as the connection was fine before the second port was enabled12:18
=== vidd has seen issues come up when they start moving wires
bobovski_yah, me too. Well, in an office adjacent to mine, there are more ports. I will try those and see what's what. I will also ask others if they can connect in my office12:21
bobovski_thanks for the insight, appreciate yer time12:21
lnxi can open links ( files , folders ) in one click ( like KDE ) ?12:25
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zialslnx - yes you can12:37
zialsin thunar: edit -> preferences -> 'behaviour' tab12:37
kekkany place you can set custom keyboard shortcuts?12:39
Jester45kekk, menu -> settings -> keyboard settings -> shortcuts -> add12:44
Jester45you can to make a new list of shortcuts then add new ones to that12:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:45
Jester45it will copy the defualt shortcuts to the new list12:45
bart_17hey jester12:57
bart_17i found several pages that would help my sound problem but i don't understand it12:58
=== elbing [n=elbing@253.Red-88-11-234.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45told ya i would still be here01:01
bart_17yeah but i don't seem to understand it... is there an easier way to install alsa?01:02
Jester45its installed by defualt01:03
=== Catoptromancy_ [n=Miranda@fl-71-1-235-150.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #xubuntu
lnxsomeone know how i can run thunder bird with a command ?01:03
Jester45but i havent looked at the lin01:03
Jester45you might need a new version or something not in the repos01:03
Jester45lnx, try mozilla-thunderbird01:03
lnxJester45 , work :)01:04
Jester45your welcome01:06
bart_17i have this eror when i do the first step in the guide, what does it mean?checking for gcc... gcc01:06
bart_17checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables01:06
bart_17See `config.log' for more details.01:06
bart_17how do i check f alsa is installe in my system?01:07
lnxand what is the command to run terminal ?01:07
Jester45bart_17, there is a newer version in the repos01:07
kekkI've seen that error before01:07
Jester45your trying to compile an older version01:08
Jester45lnx, Terminal01:08
Jester45with the T not a 't'01:08
Jester45or xfce4-terminal01:08
lnxJester45 , how i can know the command to run every application that i have in the menu instead to ask about every command ?01:09
Jester45look for it in /usr/bin /usr/sbin or guess01:09
Jester45many are easy like firefox is firefox01:10
bart_17ok.. so how do i install it?01:10
Jester45bart_17, run dpkg -l |grep alsa01:10

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