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sbalneavEvening all03:56
=== boyam salutes sbalneav
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LaserJockhmm, any ltspers awake over here?08:03
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sbalneavMorning all03:56
highvoltagehello sbalneav!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1cos(0)!1103:58
sbalneavHey highvoltage!03:58
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boyamhi there, does anyone know if bug 38410 listed on launchpad has been transferred over to sabayon yet?  I banged my head against the wall on this issue until I found the workaround listed in the bug as of 8/17/2007.05:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 38410 in sabayon "sabayon blocks ssh based ltsp logins if not user profiles are created" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3841005:34
boyamyea yea allo knowing ubotu...i know you knew about it....smartalic..lol05:36
sbalneavNot sure if it's been transferred over or not.05:39
sbalneavThat was one of my little inspiriations.05:40
sbalneavI'll check with ogra and see if we can get it in.05:40
sbalneavWhat's really needed is for Sabayon to return different levels of error code, so that we can detect the difference between a missing profile, and a serious error.05:41
boyamsbalneav, i agree...and i do realize Sabayon is still under development...those guys have done a heck of a job....works well...when it works....05:47
boyamthanks sbalneav05:47
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sbalneavboyam: If there were more hours in the day, and maybe once we get all the bling in that we want in ltsp5, I might take up developing on Sabayon, since it's a fairly closely related technology to ltsp, but for now, I just don't have the time.05:50
boyamsbalneav, understandable...i like to sleep as well....lol05:51
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ograsbalneav, do you have any clue where to get a list with the oss drivers that are still needed for some clients ? ubuntu disabled all oss stuff and i want it re enabled but the kernel team needs a list ... i have kahlua on it so far ...06:25
ograthe sis7019 source is sadly not licensed at all ... else i'd get it in :/06:26
sbalneavGeez, I really don't know.  Sound was never really my thing.  Wonder if jammcq's around, he may know, see if he knows.06:26
sbalneavHold on, I'll phone him06:26
ogranot around06:26
ograits not that urgent :)06:26
ograi just want it solved before release :)06:27
sbalneavHey, strike while the iron is hot.06:27
effie_jayxogra,  ping06:27
ograeffie_jayx, pong06:27
effie_jayxogra,  Hi, Iam from venezuela. and there is a slight chance that classmate pc's come very soon. how is edubuntu working with the Classmate PC's06:28
sbalneavLeft him a message on the telly-phone.06:28
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JanetFLoridacan anyone tell me how to increase swap for LTSP clients?06:45
ograJanetFLorida, create the file /etc/ltsp/nbdswapd.conf on the server06:48
ograJanetFLorida, put SIZE=64 in there for 64MB swap per client ...06:48
JanetFLoridado i need to reboot to take effect? I started another client, /tmp/file* don't show any new swap files, all old 32mb's06:52
ogradid you properly shut down from ldm ? it shoul have deleted the old file then during shutdown06:54
ograi'm not sure it creates a new one if an old one exists06:54
effie_jayxogra,  could you tell me if it is too dificult to install it. I belong to el LoCo Team in venezuela and we are trying to look at edubuntu as a platform for education there06:57
ograeffie_jayx, followig the udb devicde installation instructions from the wiki should work06:58
effie_jayxogra, about hardware... it is intel06:59
effie_jayxso can we expect the drivers to just work?07:00
effie_jayxI see07:00
ograthe wireless driver wont work (not intel) and suspend/resume wont07:00
effie_jayxthe wireless is not intel?07:00
ogrart73 from ralink07:00
ograits cheaper i guess :P07:01
effie_jayxogra, is it hard to get it to work?07:01
effie_jayxuse windows drivers? or the like?07:01
ograyou can compile the module from sourceforge but wont have network-manager support ...07:01
ograanyway, i have to go now ...07:02
effie_jayxogra,  thanks for the insight07:02
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LaserJockOK, so I'm trying to set up my laptop as an LTSP server for my CMPC07:25
LaserJockhowever, it appears it can't find the dhcp server07:25
LaserJockI'm just running it via a patch cable so I would've thought it would "just work"07:26
LaserJockogra: you around buddy? :-)07:28
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LaserJocksbalneav: pingy pingy07:43
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sbalneavLaserJock: Pong.  Back from lunch08:15
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LaserJocksbalneav: I'm trying to set up my laptop as an LTSP server08:18
LaserJocksbalneav: just using a patch cable to go from the laptop eth0 to the "thin client"08:19
sbalneavDoes your laptop have gigabit network card?08:19
LaserJockI installed ltsp and ran the ltsp-build-client or whatever itis08:19
LaserJockbut the TC doesn't see the dhcp server on the laptop08:19
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sbalneavWhoa, what was that08:20
sbalneavAnyway, LaserJock, here's the question:08:20
sbalneavAre yoy using a REGULAR patch cable, or a crossover cable?08:21
LaserJockjust a chunk of cat508:21
sbalneavIf you have a gige card in your laptop, you can use a regular.08:21
sbalneavif it's only a 100 meg lan card, you'll need a crossover.08:21
sbalneaveither that, or a small switch to put in between the two08:22
LaserJockI'm pretty sure my laptop doesn't have a gige card08:22
sbalneavthe gig ethernet cards have, built into them, the circuitry to reverse the send/recieve lines, so you can use a straight thru cable.08:22
sbalneav100 meg doesn't08:22
sbalneavok, then you need a crossover cable.08:23
sbalneavIf you were here, I could make you one in 5 minutes. :)08:23
LaserJockany old store like Best Buy should have a crossover cable?08:23
sbalneavThey should have it.08:23
LaserJockmy wireless router would work but it's already got a dhcp server running on it08:25
sbalneavHaving a xover cable's a good thing to have in your arsenal anyway.  Well worth the investment.08:25
sbalneavBuy a long one.08:25
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LaserJocksbalneav: you gonna be around this evening?08:35
sbalneavI will be!08:36
LaserJockk, I'm gonna swing by Best Buy on the way to work and then this evening I'll give it a go08:36
LaserJockthis ClassmatePC is a lot of fun, but I need to get Windows off08:37
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sbalneavogra: Still around?  I've got the security problem licked, I think.  I'll test tonight.10:22
sbalneavthe ltspfs-nodm tree's where I'm doing my work.  Once everything's going ok, I'll port all the changes there over to the mainline ltspfs tree.10:22
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LaserJocksbalneav: I found a 14 ft. crossover at CompUSA for $1510:28
LaserJocksbalneav: Best Buy wanted $22 for a 7 ft. "Geek Squad" crossover cable10:28
sbalneavThere you go!  Excellent10:30
LaserJockso tonight we'll see if that works10:31
LaserJockwhat I did was set up eth0 as
LaserJockand used that in the dhcpd.conf10:31
LaserJockso I'm guessing that *should* work10:31
sbalneavShould, yeah10:33
LaserJockogra: anything I can do for Tribe 5?10:35
sbalneavHeadin' home, be on later10:43
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LaserJockeffie_jayx: yes, I did10:55
effie_jayxLaserJock,  I talked to ogr a a little while ago. thanks for the heads up. there is a chance that my government might get some10:55
effie_jayx40 f them are comming in october and we wanted to see or talk to someone who has used ubuntu on them10:56
effie_jayxINTEL is planning to bring them with a closed source linux distro...10:57
LaserJockyeah, metasys or something like that10:57
effie_jayxactually there is one called Rxart10:57
effie_jayxthe whole Free software comunity is in uproar10:58
effie_jayxhere in venezuela. and we are proposing Ubuntu or any other linux distro that is FREE as in freedom10:58
effie_jayxeven though it is intel the one who decides10:59
LaserJockhmm, interesting11:00
effie_jayxLaserJock,  the closed source Linux distributor in argentina claims that getting his linux to work was a pain  and that he had to do some "Low level programing to get it to work"11:03
LaserJockeffie_jayx: well, eventually there will be an *buntu for the classmatepc11:03
LaserJockeffie_jayx: ogra got it pretty much working in a couple days11:03
effie_jayxLaserJock,  in the time being there is a way for installing it11:03
effie_jayxLaserJock,  and good thing is there is a nationa compani that already installs Ubuntu and Guadalinux11:04
LaserJockright now I've got Window XP on mine, that's what they shipped it with11:04
LaserJockbut it's kinda buggy11:04
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LaserJockmodster78: hi11:08
modster78any one point me to a guide for runin local apps on ltsp?11:08
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LaserJockmodster78: I'm not sure that we have one, you might ask #ltsp though11:10
modster78ok thx im jst stuck on how to get this sort of thing going11:10
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