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manchickenIs there a konq plugin for stumbleupon?01:35
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coreymon77theres a firefox plugin for it02:41
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manchickencoreymon77: Yeah, but I'm specifically wanting one for Konq.03:13
manchickenI think I may start helping the clamav folks out by submitting some of these viruses I keep getting in spam.03:14
ScottKOnes that clamav doesn't find?03:14
manchickenI'm installing clamav now to see if they're detected.03:15
manchickenDon't want to bother them with duplicates.03:15
manchickenDoes klamav integrate with kontact?03:15
ScottKActually, it does, but I dunno how you set it up.03:15
manchickenVirus scanning isn't something we tend to do, is it.  heh03:16
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nosrednaekimanyways... there was once a hacker who came up on IRC and bragged that he could hack anyone.03:59
nosrednaekimbut noone would give himtheir IP address.03:59
nosrednaekim(and he was too stupid to figure it out.)04:00
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nosrednaekimfinally someone gave him an IP adress to try to hack.04:00
nosrednaekimCRAP! WRONG CHANNEL!04:00
nosrednaekimsorry guys!04:00
ryanakcaAnybody on gutsy mind helping me test bzflag? looks like it built, but, instead of installing the libs/depends (/usr/share/bzflag/), it installed the Makefiles04:05
nixternalwell that can't be good04:05
nosrednaekimever heard that one before?04:05
nixternalI will help you test that one ryanakca04:05
nixternalnosrednaekim: a long long time ago :)04:05
ryanakcajust run 'bzflag' from konsole... it'll tell you it can't find fonts, -directory may help... anyways, that's how I found /usr/share/bzflag/*04:06
nosrednaekimah... how is good old bzflag doing these days?04:07
ryanakcanixternal: nevermind, bug 13258704:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132587 in bzflag "bzflag includes source makefiles and empty directories, no fonts included" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13258704:07
=== ryanakca tries to fix
nixternalnobody ran 'dpkg -c bzflag*.deb'04:08
nosrednaekimany chance restricted-manager could be backported to fiesty?04:19
nosrednaekimit works just fine here simply installing the debs.04:20
ScottKI vote for getting it working just fine in Gutsy first.04:21
nosrednaekimoh.. its not working?04:22
ScottKNot on my laptop, no.04:24
ScottKThere are a fair number of bugs yet that I think should be dealt with before a backport.04:24
ScottKNot a lot mind you, but I wouldn't say it's ready yet.04:24
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ScottKRiddell: Looking back at my notes, my problems started in X and even deeper, so AFAIK, I didn't turn up anything Kubuntu specific in my Dapper --> Gutsy adventure.06:10
ScottKRiddell: There's something wrong with the file system that I'm not experienced enough to even describe, so I'm nuking it and doing a fresh Gutsy install.06:10
ScottKThe Live CD install appears much improved since the last time I tried it (I think it was Edgy).06:11
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calcanyone awake?06:44
calcRiddell: ping06:44
calcRiddell: you are probably asleep, but leaving you this note06:44
calcRiddell: kubuntu meta shouldn't need the dep on openoffice.org-gtk/-gnome anymore, but should be tested to verify06:44
calcRiddell: i uploaded openoffice with a fix for the hang that shouldn't require those extra packages any more :)06:45
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! http://merges.ubuntu.com | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | KDE 4.0 beta 1 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php | FF, UVF Thursday, anything we need updated?
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Hobbseehiya Tonio_11:22
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Tonio_Riddell: is there a meeting planned soon, so that we can discuss dolphin again due to project advancement11:49
Riddellfirst wednesday of the month11:49
Riddellthe system menu needs fixed for dolphin11:50
Tonio_Riddell: btw I jjust received an email from d3lphin upstream concerning a new version, I'll look at that now11:50
Tonio_Riddell: no complains concerning the name change, which is a good thing :)11:50
Riddelloh good11:52
Tonio_Riddell: also do we want the hplip tools in the kmenu by default ?11:53
Tonio_Riddell: I'd hide them imho11:54
Tonio_Riddell: duplication11:54
Tonio_Riddell: and also not everyone uses hp printers :)11:54
Riddellit provides funcations that kprinter doesn't11:54
Tonio_sure, but btw that should be in system, and not in the same section OOo is11:55
Tonio_no ?11:55
Riddellit is in system11:55
Tonio_hu ?11:55
Riddellalthough I see an hplip fax thing in office11:55
Riddellis that what you're talking about?11:55
Tonio_Riddell: this one yes11:55
Tonio_but look in the "Desktop suite" section11:56
Tonio_you have 2 other entries11:56
RiddellI see no "Desktop suite" section11:56
Tonio_"HPlip fax utilities", and "fax adress book"11:56
Riddellyes, in Office11:56
Tonio_Riddell: dunno for english, but that's the one OOo tools are11:56
Tonio_those should at least be in system11:57
RiddellI'd say utils11:57
Riddellalthough they don't seem to run for me11:57
Tonio_and I'm not sure that hp fax utils doesn't only duplicate kfax11:57
Tonio_Riddell: have an hp printer ?11:57
RiddellI do yes11:59
Riddellit doesn't have a fax in it11:59
Tonio_Riddell: I suspect it works, but btw that should be optionnaly installed....12:00
Tonio_Riddell: ok to patch for utils section ?12:00
Tonio_I'll do that now if you agree12:00
RiddellTonio_: does it run for you?12:01
Tonio_Riddell: I have a brother printer in fact :)12:02
Tonio_Riddell: I'd be interested to know if it only works....12:02
RiddellTonio_: what if you run /usr/bin/hp-fab on the command line?12:02
Tonio_Riddell: it works12:03
Riddellask till before changing it12:03
Tonio_Riddell: what's his nick ?.12:04
Tonio_Riddell: ian's nick is ijackson right ?12:04
\shyeah...till is the right man for printers ,-)12:05
RiddellTonio_: iwj12:05
Tonio_hum, stupid of me..... :)12:05
Tonio_Riddell: right, I forgot that one :)12:05
Tonio_\sh: hey ;)12:05
\shmoins Tonio_12:05
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_StefanS_Tonio__: hey.. I couldn't get any useful info out of paired devices for bluetooth (kcm_btpaired).. any ideas?12:56
Tonio___StefanS_: I also searched a bit, but nothing else comes to my mind....12:56
_StefanS_uhm wierd..12:56
Tonio___StefanS_: no way to trace this for me too12:56
_StefanS_Tonio__: the last thing i see is dbus related, but i'm not sure that means anything12:56
_StefanS_Tonio__: bugger.12:57
Tonio___StefanS_: hum that's possible12:57
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apacheloggerkwwii_: ahoy, do you have any cool kubuntu presentation template at hand?02:09
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kwwii_apachelogger: nope, not sure if there is one02:49
RiddellI just use the KDE oxygen one02:51
apacheloggeryeah, gotta use that as well then02:55
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manchickenCrap, I installed updates, and kontact keeps segfaulting now.04:11
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manchickenOkay, so is anybody aware of what's going on with kontact's crashing?04:20
manchickenkmail seems to run fine independently.04:21
ScottKWhat did you do to make it crash?04:21
manchickenScottK: I ran it.04:21
ScottKOK.  It didn't do that for me.04:21
manchickenScottK: I just installed upgrades, and it is now crashing every time I start it.04:21
ScottKWhat arch are you on?04:22
ScottKOK.  I'm on i386, so it may be an arch specific problem.04:23
manchickenDoesn't seem like a kontact config issue.04:26
manchickenIt's probably one of the plugins or something.04:26
manchickenheh, there's a whole new set of updates.04:28
manchickenNothing like looking like an idiot to start off a great day!04:28
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manchicken_I guess I don't look like too much of an idiot... it's still crashing.04:37
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manchicken_ScottK: What's your version number for kontact?04:42
=== ScottK looks
manchicken_I've got: ii  kontact  4:3.5.7enterprise20070810-0ubuntu2     KDE pim application04:43
manchicken_What a strange version number....04:44
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manchicken_I can keep functioning just using kmail, but it's kinda irritating not having all of my stuff in one place.04:46
manchicken_And of course launchpad is being cantankerous.04:49
manchicken_I'll report this one on lp04:50
Riddellthat enterprise branch is new in so new crashes are possible04:52
RiddellCzessi: ping?04:53
manchicken_Why are we on that branch?04:54
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manchicken_Riddell: I'm not noticing random crashes, I'm noticing 100% crashing at startup on kontact.04:54
manchicken_Reported bug #13385704:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133857 in kdepim "In gutsy, kontact now crashes on startup (SIGSEGV)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13385704:55
stdinmanchicken_: I have the same version, no crashes here. but I never use it so I _could_ be some configuration thing that changed05:01
=== ScottK2 [n=kitterma@static-72-81-252-22.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ScottK2manchicken_: My Kontact version is Version 1.2.4 (enterprise 0.20070508.662491)05:02
manchicken_stdin: At which point it becomes a question of what config.05:04
manchicken_I've tried moving kontactrc and kontact_summaryrc out of the way, but that didn't help.05:05
manchicken_stdin: Are you on amd64?05:05
stdinno x8605:05
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v01dHi, i'm trying to install feisty completely offline, since I'm behind a proxy and I already have a local ubuntu repository05:26
v01dthe installer insists on going to official repos even after changing /etc/apt/sources.list05:26
v01dis there anyway to do this?05:26
v01dit would suffice to just install from cd, I can update later from the local repo once it is installed05:27
v01dwould you tell me? =b05:28
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Riddellinstall from cd and update later05:30
Riddellor use the alternate CD in expert mode and set the proxy05:31
v01dthe problem is that when installing from cd it tries to access the internet05:31
v01dI wan't to avoid that05:32
Riddellunplug your network connection05:32
v01dok, I thought it would hang doing the same thing05:32
v01dbut i'll try05:32
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CzessiRiddell: pong06:06
RiddellCzessi: too late06:06
Riddellwe're sending them whether you like it or not06:06
Czessiwhat do you send?06:08
Riddellkubuntu t-shirts06:11
Riddellto froscon06:11
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Czessito neverfelde, to me or directly?06:12
Riddellto danimo06:13
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Czessithat's good06:14
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manchicken_kontact is back06:35
manchicken_What the hell changed though.06:35
manchicken_Nope, not anymore.06:36
ryanakcahmm. for gutsy+1, would it be worth removing 'su'? Since there's "sudo -u <username>" that does the same thing?06:36
manchicken_Ooh, I found a pattern!!!06:36
manchicken_It seems as though baskets is the culprit on this kontact crash issue.06:37
=== ryanakca listens eagerly and grins at the fact that his kontact still runs
ryanakcahmm. I don't have baskets... but I can test it :)06:37
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-52-67.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchicken_If I start basket before kontact, it doesn't crash.06:39
manchicken_It only crashes if i then close basket and then click the baskets link.06:39
manchicken_kpilotDaemon seems hosed, too.06:41
ryanakcahmm *tries to figure out `reportbug`*06:42
=== ryanakca tries confirming here...
manchicken_ryanakca: Can you confirm this crash?06:44
manchicken_Bug #133857 is updated.06:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133857 in kdepim "In gutsy, kontact now crashes on startup (SIGSEGV)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13385706:46
ryanakcaso, start up basket, start up kontact, close basket, go to kontact, click 'Baskets' link in sidebar?06:47
ryanakcano go here :/06:48
manchicken_What's your version & arch?06:48
manchicken_And what's your basket version?06:49
ryanakcax86 ... 2.6.22-9-generic . and Kontact version Version 1.2.5 , BasketVersion 1.0.206:50
manchicken_Okay, so we're on different versions.06:58
=== ryanakca checks
manchicken_Wait, how are you on 1.2.5?  I thought I was on the latest kontact, and it says that I'm version 1.2.406:58
ryanakcaKontact Container is 1.2.5 here06:59
ryanakcaat least according to about06:59
manchicken_Yeah, I've got Version 1.2.4 (enterprise 0.20070508.662491)06:59
manchicken_And we're on the same version of baskets.07:00
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=== ryanakca is upgrading kontact...
ryanakcawhere do you see enterprise?07:00
manchicken_It's in the version string.07:01
manchicken_In about->kontact container->directly under the bold "Kontact"07:02
manchicken_Crazy, no?07:02
ryanakcaI'll get you a screenie of mine, I don't see anything of the sort. Wierd07:02
manchicken_Are you on the latest updates for gutsy?07:03
=== ryanakca is updating now...
manchicken_It's amazing how dependent we can be on software.07:05
=== ryanakca scratches his head and tries to clean up his dozen tabs in yakuake
manchicken_What is yakuake?07:07
ryanakcapitty the tabs can't be set up to show the host ssh is connected to, like konsole does in it's title bar07:07
manchicken_I've heard much of it but never used it.07:07
manchicken_Is it like tilda/07:07
ryanakcait's a drop down konsole... quite usefull07:07
=== manchicken_ is a konsole fanatic.
manchicken_Ah, so it's like tilda.07:07
manchicken_I always just have a terminal open on virtual desktop #2.07:08
manchicken_Am I the only one who names their virtual desktops?07:08
manchicken_"Eenie", "Meenie", "Mynee", and "Mo"07:08
ryanakcaI used to... "School"... "Kubuntu"... "Web"... "Misc"... but I never followed it07:08
Jannexmanchicken_: I can confirm the crash after installing basket07:09
manchicken_Yeah, I used to do that, but it never really seemed to make much of a difference.07:09
ryanakcawow. never went that far though :)07:09
manchicken_Jannex: Please confirm the bug :)07:09
manchicken_Jannex: I need someone to confirm before I have to commit myself.07:09
manchicken_And can you confirm my work-around?07:09
manchicken_kpilotDaemon seems to have some weird system tray icon issue, but it is functioning quite well.07:10
manchicken_That's a pleasant surprise.07:10
Jannexmanchicken_: Yes, the workaround works07:11
manchicken_Yeah, I think kpilotDaemon has a cosmetic issue where its systray icon doesn't show up.07:12
ryanakcastill need me to confirm?07:13
manchicken_ryanakca: It'd be nice if you could.07:13
=== ryanakca nods
manchicken_Jannex: What's your arch?07:14
manchicken_ryanakca: Any luck?07:27
manchicken_stdin: Could you take a look at bug #133857 and see if you can confirm on your i386?07:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133857 in kdepim "In gutsy, kontact now crashes on startup (SIGSEGV)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13385707:28
stdinmanchicken_: kontact doesn't crash here, same version (4:3.5.7enterprise20070810-0ubuntu1)07:30
manchicken_stdin: Could you try using the replication instructions I put on the bug?07:30
stdinmanchicken_: heh, guess I should read the bug report first :p07:30
stdinmanchicken_: confirmed07:34
manchicken_w00ty goodness is mine.07:34
manchicken_Much thanks.07:34
manchicken_stdin: Do you not use baskets or something?07:34
manchicken_I'm betting that's why I have more trouble than some folks on this one.07:35
manchicken_Half of my life exists in baskets.07:35
stdinno, I don't even use kontact, I like randomness :p07:35
manchicken_If I don't put it in there I forget it.07:35
ScottKmanchicken_: Mine is a default Kubuntu install with no extra packages.07:35
manchicken_I'm a kontact fanboy.07:35
manchicken_ScottK: I don't know what that is anymore.  heh07:36
manchicken_ScottK: The last time I did a default install was Dapper07:36
=== ScottK neither as a rule, but I'm recovering from a dead hard drive for my developmental hard drive and so it's very fresh.
stdinif something's really important, I set a couple alarms/reminders. eg: my phone and kalarm07:36
ryanakcahmm. kontact downgraded07:37
ryanakcabug #? 133857?07:38
manchicken_stdin: Do you use kalarm a lot?07:44
Jannexmanchicken_: AMD6407:45
stdinmanchicken_: somewhat, I use it to start amarok playing (via dcop) as a wakeup call07:45
manchicken_Jannex: Thanks.07:45
manchicken_stdin: I like kteatime for a timer.07:45
manchicken_It's great for when I've got something cooking or a can of pop in the freezer, and I don't want to forget it.07:46
manchicken_And sometimes I use it for tea.07:46
stdinheh, yeah, I use that when cooking. I've cremated many a pizza while distracted :p07:47
manchicken_kteatime is just such a simple program.07:47
manchicken_The author really seems to get that simplicity is a good thing.07:48
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manchicken_Riddell: What's that xserver emulator you keep running?08:21
manchicken_that's probably it.08:23
manchicken_Is that in the repos?08:23
=== ryanakca nods
ryanakcathen start it with 'xephyr --display :1' or something of the sort08:24
RiddellXephyr :108:25
Riddellexport DISPLAY=:108:25
Riddellbut it seems to crash a lot for me08:25
Riddellon amd6408:25
manchicken_Do you use a script for this?08:27
manchicken_Ooh, this is simple.  Takes me back though.08:29
nixternalRiddell: it crashes for me on i386 as well08:33
nixternaldoes anyone know a user/dev/irc channel that I might be able to get a little bit of help with a Hebrew setup of Ubuntu?08:45
nixternalI got this really touching email from an 85 year old professor in Chicago who is partially blind and needs help getting Ubuntu running on his new laptop, but needs to be able to write right to left with Hebrew characters and such08:46
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Riddell#ubuntu-il ?08:54
manchicken_KDE4 is looking so much better.08:55
nixternalRiddell: ya, thanks, exactly what I wanted08:55
nixternalcool...this email he sent me, his name and address is in Arabic, and it is right aligned in KMail...I have never noticed that before08:56
nixternalmaybe we can get him on Kubuntu instead, this would be an awesome user story08:56
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ScottKnixternal: You could make it an assignment for I'm forgetting his name that just applied to be a Kubuntu member.09:25
ScottKHe just moved to Canada from Israel.09:25
Riddellmm, yes09:25
ScottKYeah.  Him.09:26
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nixternalScottK: good idea09:31
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