
krisxjk no i love that ive converted to kubuntu gutsy12:36
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nosrednaekimya were scaring me there ;)12:38
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krisxanyone have any tips on getting a 7600 gt going ive got clone running but my resolution is terribly at 800x600 any ideas12:39
jhutchinskrisx: gutsy is @ #ubuntu+112:39
jhutchinskrisx: Is that an Nvidia graphics card?12:40
krisxok ty ;)12:40
krisxyes it is12:40
jhutchinsYou will probably need the nvidia drivers.12:41
jhutchins!nvidia | krisx12:41
ubotukrisx: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:41
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krisxyeah im using the glx new12:41
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krisxsee if i can break it again12:42
krisxthanks folks12:43
solarwaveris anyone knows adivx player for linux?12:43
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runleveltenright. night all12:44
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solarwavera plyer that u can load subs i mean12:44
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drifwhich driver would I use for radeon 9800 Pro (R350)?12:46
solarwavercan u help12:46
vbgunzsorry :/12:47
solarwaverno i want a divx player that i can load subs12:47
nosrednaekimdrif: for maximun performance... the fglrx one.12:47
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zippersolarwaver, you can use vlc12:48
drifnosrednaekim: test gives me just grey & white raster...12:48
solarwaverzipper what is vlc12:48
BluesKajinto video and never heard of VLC ?12:49
nosrednaekimdrif: test?12:49
solarwaverno u can tell me?12:49
drifnosrednaekim: there's test-button12:49
zippersolarwaver, an application that can playback video12:49
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs12:49
solarwaveryes i have 2 douzines but i can't load subs.12:50
solarwaveri ll try vlc12:50
zippersolarwaver, but besides, mplayer DOES, afaik, support subtitles12:50
zipperit's just easier in vlc12:50
BluesKajVideoLan, http://www.videolan.org/12:50
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solarwaveryou cant load them with m player12:50
solarwaverwith vlc u can?12:51
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zipperyou might not be able to, but that doesnt mean it isnt possible12:51
zipperand yes, vlc can12:51
fakeWY IM HR12:51
zipperehrm, you might wanna see the doctor with that thing12:52
nosrednaekimdrif:  in the monitor and settings thing? did you download the fglrx driver?12:52
dthacker-lt!offtopic | fake12:52
ubotufake: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:52
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drifnosrednaekim: actually not yet - the default one worked with my earlier radeon..9500pro I recall12:53
nosrednaekimdrif: well if you test fglrx and haven't installed it yet.... of course it won't look right :)12:53
drifnosrednaekim: but I didn't need it earlier either - there must be some version as default on 7.04?12:54
BluesKajdrif, dunno if this will help , depends what you want to do , but this tutorial provides 3D and DRI for some games and video layered apps like Google Earth etc. : http://www.howforge.com/how-to-setup-fglrx-for-ubuntu-feisty12:54
nosrednaekimdrif: what?12:54
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drifBluesKaj: thanks12:55
drifBluesKaj: reason I'm asking here I don't have a browser at my disposal at the moment12:55
BluesKajdrif , just don't pay too much attn to the writer's xorg file cuz he uses alaptop and his configuration and modules and devices will be different of course12:56
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BluesKajkonqueror not working ?12:57
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[ifr0g] My internet speed simply reduced to half its orginal speed, How could i debug this ?01:01
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Biovore[ifr0g] : DSL?01:04
underdog5004[ifr0g] , your isp may be throttling your bt downloads01:04
[ifr0g] Biovore, yes DSL.01:04
BiovoreBT is very depending on the swarm.. speeds will very alot..01:05
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[ifr0g] Biovore, i can understand.. BT but my youtube veoh and google videos stream half the speed..01:06
[ifr0g] But if i stream two at once i get the whole Bandwidth..01:06
Biovoreok.. If your on DSL that happens sometimes if the line degrades..01:06
BiovoreI had those problems..01:06
BiovoreSwitched to cable01:06
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[ifr0g] Biovore, so i have to wait and check later ?01:06
Biovoreyup..  It outside of the house probably..01:07
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[ifr0g] darn..01:07
BiovoreSome DSL modems will tell you what they are running at..01:07
[ifr0g] It was fine till yesterday..01:07
[ifr0g] yes, i understand that.01:07
Biovoreyup.. did it rain ?01:07
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[ifr0g] Biovore, not, but i notices the cable tv was kinda distorted.01:08
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[ifr0g] nope*01:08
Biovorewell cable and the DSL are differnent systems..  So not sure whats up with that..01:08
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[ifr0g] ok, i will try downloading some file..01:09
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Ch1ppyhey, if I want to resize the ext3 partition I'm running right now, what's the best way?01:10
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BluesKajGParted Live CD , Ch1ppy01:11
[ifr0g] ok, i tried downloading google earth and i get around 50 kb / sec.. which 25 on youtube.. :(01:11
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[ifr0g] Weird..01:12
[ifr0g] I even disabled ipv601:12
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Biovoreif anything ipv6 would speed you up..01:12
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[ifr0g] Biovore, but ipv6 according to ubuntu forums seem to speed the internet up01:13
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BluesKaja lotta sites aren't IPv6 enabled01:13
[ifr0g] i meant when disabled.01:13
BluesKajhence =slow to load01:13
BiovoreI run ipv6 here..01:13
polloalguien ke hable espaol01:13
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BluesKaj!es | pollo01:14
ubotupollo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:14
BiovoreIf its setup.. and your ISP supports it.. it better.. more routes.01:14
[ifr0g] BluesKaj, I am not worried about the website loading as them seem to load fast. the problem is with file download, streaming... etc...01:14
Biovorebut your application has to support IPV6 for it to mean anything..01:14
BluesKajheh, i have no way of knowing if IPv6  is supported by my ISP01:14
BiovoreIts probably not..01:15
BiovoreMost datacenters have it..01:15
zipperBiovore, more routes? Why? Afaik, IPv4 can use IPv6 routers with a minor "hack" that makes the IPv6 routers invisible to the v4 clients01:15
zipperbut still being able to use them01:15
Biovorebut its a hack01:15
BluesKaj[ifr0g] , that has to do with the connections your DL client is amking and how you have it sertup01:16
zipperdoesnt matter when it works, and it's being used does it?01:16
BiovoreUsing that IPv4 Ipv6 encapulation..01:16
BluesKajmaking, setup01:16
zipperto be honest, it's the only thing to do. It's not like you're going to change the internet from v4 to v6 overnight01:16
[ifr0g] BluesKaj, i have used wget firefox, both the same result. also couple of bandwidth tests seem to showhalf my speed.01:17
BiovoreRight now Its ponds of IPv6 in a IPv4 world..01:17
BiovoreSoon it will flip to the other way.. 5 years maybe..01:17
zipperit's always like that01:17
zipperjust look at php for example01:17
Biovoreyup.. I was like that for decnet..01:17
[ifr0g] BluesKaj, Do you know how to monitor where the problem is ? like from ping replays or dns checks ?01:18
BluesKaj[ifr0g] , maybe you should be thankful for small mercies...my ISP just shuts us down without any warning at all when thy do reapirs to the lines01:18
[ifr0g] BluesKaj, same here :D.. GOes like for 2 hrs or soo..01:19
[ifr0g] but likeonesin a week..01:19
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[ifr0g] Never expireanced bandwidth drop untill today01:19
zipper[ifr0g] , you can always run a traceroute in order to find out where the problem lies01:19
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[ifr0g] zipper, traceroute to what host ?01:20
BluesKajforgotten , but I think there is a CLI command to check your internet speed01:20
zipper[ifr0g] , well, the host you're having trouble reaching i guess?01:20
zipperwell, you can use iptraf in the console01:20
zipperto get detailed information01:20
[ifr0g] zipper, Problem is with the download speed not browsing ..01:20
zipperi didnt say anything about browsing? =/01:21
[ifr0g] well, the host you're having trouble reaching i guess?01:21
[ifr0g] ^^^01:21
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[ifr0g] zipper, the trouble is with any download, plus streaming from youtube.01:22
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zippermonitor the max bandwidth you can get from a couple of different servers01:23
zipperif it's not what you're paying for, talk to your ISP01:23
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zipperit really doesnt matter if you find out where the problem is anyway. I mean you dont have access to fix it yourself anyway.01:23
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[ifr0g] zipper, well, that right. But i was here to find out if the problem was with my system. if not.. it would make that call..01:24
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zippereasiest and most secure way to make sure of that is simple01:25
zipperget another comp, and check bandwidth on the same connection01:25
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kazuma_how can i write in another partition?01:26
ken_kooonichiwah !01:26
ken_did you mount it ?01:26
kazuma_yeah friend01:26
kazuma_they are visible01:26
kazuma_but i just can see what they have01:26
[ifr0g] zipper, :D.. Yes that was the last thing on my list ..01:26
kazuma_y can't write on them01:26
ken_you can mount partitions ro = readonly and rw read/write01:27
zipper[ifr0g] , should be the first01:27
ken_is ti NTFS your ooold windows partition ??01:27
kazuma_yeah xD01:27
[ifr0g] zipper, by the way iptraf is a neat little tool.01:27
kazuma_but i have two partitions01:27
zipper[ifr0g] , yeah, it actually is. I like it.01:28
ken_yes yes  try installing 3g-ntfs01:28
ken_sudo apt-get install 3g-ntfs01:28
zipperkazuma_, you do _not_ want to enable write access to a ntfs partition.01:28
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ken_yes he wants  ^_^01:28
zipperkazuma_, it is, and always will be, dangerous and experimental. Continue at your own risk.01:28
BluesKajand ntfs-config01:28
kazuma_i want to pass some things:P01:28
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:29
ken_ntfs-3g is no more beta anymore ...01:29
[ifr0g] zipper, BluesKaj, THanks for your time guys..01:29
swhalenanyone here use ccsm with kubuntu?01:29
[ifr0g] bbl01:29
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BluesKajhey NP [ifr0g] 01:29
zipperken_, that doesnt mean it's not risky or experimental01:29
kazuma_ok zipper01:29
kazuma_but can you tell me? :P01:29
NickPrestazipper, I undestand that there have been problems in the past but seriously, check the ntfs-3g homepage. They apply more wear and tear in one test than you would in a years worth of use. I think it's safe to at least suggest it...01:29
knowledge25hello: can anybody help me install looking glass ?01:29
ken_thx nick01:30
BluesKajntfs-3g and ntfs-config work is most cases01:30
kazuma_so i have to install ntfs-3g?01:30
ken_itz as safe as chtting in the internet , bweare SOME might lsiten o.001:30
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NickPrestazipper, I mean, if http://www.ntfs-3g.com/quality.html doesn't convince you that it is safe for home use, then I don't know how you're ever going to access an NTFS partition. :)01:30
ken_if u wnt towrite on NTFS , yes01:30
zipperNickPresta, "safe" is being used too freely these days. As long as NTFS remains a closed filesystem, using it will always be experimental and dangerous. Sure, you can go pretty far with reverse-engineering, but that doesnt make it "safe"01:30
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BluesKajkazuma_, yes and ntfs-config is also recommended01:31
BluesKajzipper, a word of caution is always in order , but let's not get too alarmist01:32
kazuma_o thanks01:32
ken_iam running torrents (maaany ) from my kubuntu , the data is written to my bigger NTFS partition iam going out on a limb here  =)01:32
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zipperBluesKaj, i just fear one day that a new (k)ubuntu user is going to come inhere and blame us all for him losing all his data01:32
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knowledge25 hello: can anybody help me install looking glass ?01:33
Brandenafter install how to i add the boot flag to a harddrive?01:33
ken_and we will convinve him , it was for a greter good lol01:33
zipperken_, torrents usually isnt crucial data. I mean, it doesnt really matter if you have 5 or 10 gigs of pr0n. I was more thinking of backing up work files, family photos and such01:33
NickPrestaknowledge25, http://www.sun.com/software/looking_glass/ ? That?01:33
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BluesKajzipper, it's already happened with other apps... what else is new ...ppl aren't perfect and make mistakes...even when given the best advice possible01:34
zipperi dont get this01:34
zipperyou guys recommend NTFS-3g, but you almost banned me for recommending automatix01:34
BluesKajbig difference , zipper01:35
Biovoreautomatix breaks things..01:35
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)01:35
BluesKaj!automatix | zipper01:35
ubotuzipper: please see above01:35
zipperdude, i know01:35
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:35
zipperand yes, i do know why it breaks stuff, i've read it all01:35
NickPrestazipper, http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html01:35
BluesKajzipper, do you detect a difference there ? :)01:36
zippertoo late to take up this argument once again01:36
kazuma_dudes you are awesome01:36
ken_looking glasss  , mhh , i thought compiz is far fetched01:36
kazuma_now i can write on my partitions01:36
kazuma_thanks a lot for the help01:36
ken_after reboot it will be gone  normaly01:37
ken_read about /etc/fstab01:37
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ken_ad urself to the fuse group01:37
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zippermy oppinion boiled down: Newbies are going to fuck up their system. Always. So why not recommend them using automatix, and cross our fingers it works? Sure, it may brick their ubuntu installation, but to be honest, dont you think they would've managed to do that on their own anyway?01:37
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zipperkazuma_, and in a week you can come crying about not taking backup, after you've lost all your data =)01:38
zippernah, j/k, i'm just being paranoid01:38
ken_ah come on01:38
SlimeyPetethat's either extreme irony or extreme irresponsibility ;p01:38
BluesKajzipper, believe us ...there are many voices of experience in that botb01:38
zipperSlimeyPete, me?01:39
zipperwell, it's not irony, so take your pick01:39
SlimeyPetenot much choice left :)01:39
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zipperwell, i didnt expect you to agree with me01:40
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zipperbut i'd rather go through the automatix sourcecode, seeing whats actually being done, than ask another newbie "What did you do?" just to get the regular "nothing..." answer01:40
=== BluesKaj shrugs ... be my guest :P
ken_is the looking galss gyu still around ?01:42
ken_*glass guy01:43
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zipperthought you were going to say "Gals"01:43
zipperwe all know there are no female on the internet01:43
zipperwhose names doesnt end in .jpg anyway01:43
ken_whats a female ?01:43
BiovoreIs it a type of connector?01:43
zippernevermind =)01:43
zipperBiovore, yeah... kind of01:43
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ken_is think itz a kind of a demuxer01:44
ken_jsut more complex , but not THAT complex  ^.^01:44
zipperdoesnt work like the regular kind though, they dont respond very well to electricity01:44
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BluesKajunless it vibrates and is self contained in a certain shape :)01:46
=== BluesKaj waits to be bam=nned by some misterogognist
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ken_Project Looking Glass ( promotion video on sun.com) -> 11/15/03 this thingy might be outdated i think , https://lg3d-core.dev.java.net/  <-  never seen such ugly eye candy01:51
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ken_zzZzzz compizzZzzzz zzz ZZ z  g'nite01:54
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Sakkath_how can i upgrade kubuntu i was trying to use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades but it's for gnome so i don't have update-manager?01:56
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rosso_you can install the update manager anyway ubuntu and Kubuntu use the same repositories02:01
Sakkath_rosso_: so that would be the solution? just install update-manager?02:02
rosso_as long as you dont get upset about a bit of gtk2 libaries02:02
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Sakkath_its ok02:02
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rosso_yep, if you have a how to that says to use the update manager, do so02:02
Sakkath_rosso_: yeah, it's on help.ubuntu.org. unless someway i can use the kde one, adept?02:03
Cainushey... can anyone tell me how to get a better screen rez than kubuntu has defaulted to?  I know my card/monitor can do better02:03
rosso_be sure you have kubuntu-desktop installes...02:03
rosso_Cainus:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and follow instructions02:03
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rosso_Sakkath_: yes or use the konsole sudo apt-get install update-manager02:04
Sakkath_rosso_: was that directed to me? the kubuntu-desktop?02:04
rosso_Sakkath_: yes i remember that was of importance02:05
Cainusrosso_: thanks... looking into it02:05
Sakkath_rosso_: should i do that now?02:05
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rosso_Cainus: it will make a backup of you old xorg.conf as fas as i remember02:05
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rosso_Sakkath_: well, whenever you feel like02:06
Sakkath_rosso_: would it matter much?02:06
rosso_Sakkath_: the missing kubuntu-desktop package? i guess, at least i have something in mind that it is of importance to have that package installed while upgrade02:07
rosso_it is installed by default anyway02:07
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Sakkath_rosso_: well i would think once it's done the updater thingie will find the new version if it exists, it's def. installed atm since i'm on kubuntu02:08
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Sakkath_oh not nvm >.>02:08
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Cainusrosso_: is there a nice safe easy way to restart x after to try the new config?02:09
rosso_well, yes update-manager ill find the new version, get new sources.list and upgrade02:09
Sakkath_ctrl+alt+backspace is safe02:10
Sakkath_or using the initscript02:10
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Sakkath_the former is easier02:10
Sakkath_can't find DistUpgradeViewGtk02:11
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ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.02:15
flaccidwhen is next LTS version?02:16
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Sakkath_rosso_: it's failing with that error02:16
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rosso_Sakkath_: else go the kosole way...change your /etc/apt/sources.list. change all "edgy" to "feisty". run: sudo apt-get clean followed by sudo apt-get update, followed by sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade another time and try it even a third time, till theres nothing left to upgrade02:17
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rosso_and thats it02:17
Sakkath_rosso_: yeah, i can do that; teh guide offers that as an other option.. 'not recommended' though but i can do that02:17
zipperrosso_, running apt-get dist-upgrade multiple times doesnt make much sense. One should be enough.02:18
flaccidsometimes one aint enough heh02:18
Sakkath_i'm on 6.06 i got a few versions to upgrade to ;P02:18
rosso_if there should be any errors you might be able to fix it with sudo apt-get -f install or sudo dpkg --configure -a02:18
rosso_zipper: actually the system isnt fully upgraded after having it run only one time. dont ask me why, its just like that02:19
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rosso_zipper: insert "sometimes" into my last post02:19
zipperi would in fact like to ask you about that, since i dont believe it02:19
Sakkath_can i tell what apt-get install update-manager also installed?02:20
Sakkath_I guess I don't need it since it doesn't work and I'll just use the apt-get method.02:20
rosso_zipper: well, than just dont believe it. i dont believe in god you dont believe in doing dist-upgrade a second time02:20
Sakkath_I don't believe in god either02:20
zippergod doesnt have an open and freely available sourcecode where you can check for sure02:20
flaccidi believe in dog, as in k9, same thing?02:21
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 02:21
Sakkath_'cause he don't exist ;D02:21
Sakkath_level1_: that wasn't directed to anyone, was it?02:21
level1_Sakkath_: yeah, me02:21
Sakkath_level1_: ok, just checking02:21
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Sakkath_Hey, what does an insomniac agnostic dyslexic do?02:21
rosso_zipper:  good point, i saw it....ive seen it happen. od did speak to me02:22
level1_Sakkath_: how does that happen?  I don't remember crashing apt before02:22
level1_Sakkath_: stay up all night wondering if there is a dog?02:22
Sakkath_level1_: yeah02:22
level1_Sakkath_: I'm agnostic and the joke offends me :)02:22
Sakkath_I'm atheist and I find it funny.  Jokes always offend at least *someone* "learn to take a joke" </cliche>02:23
flaccidits funny when people get offensive about something that doesn't even exist02:23
Sakkath_flaccid: *hi-five!!*02:23
flaccid*hi five!*02:24
flaccid(borat stylez)02:24
Sakkath_OK I guess..02:24
level1_flaccid: but I keep telling mac users that their OS has no utility02:24
Sakkath_utility for what lol02:24
flaccidmac has much utilities02:24
level1_flaccid: they get offended over something that doesn't exsist02:24
Sakkath_level1_: maybe you're not root? maybe another user or a program is using apt-get?02:24
level1_Sakkath_: no, and no02:25
flaccidmac os x has lots of utils wtf02:25
Sakkath_level1_: maybe a ghost process? :S02:25
flaccidlevel1_: can you be specific02:25
level1_well, if there is another program running, I don't know how it got there02:25
Sakkath_some kind of updater?02:25
Sakkath_idk ;x02:25
level1_flaccid: I'm kidding... mac is a nice computer, I don't like the interface very much02:25
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flaccidah rightio02:25
level1_just my opinion02:26
flaccidfink is good02:26
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flaccidits just the closed sourceness of components of os x base that suck02:26
flaccidlike fink update/commander02:26
Sakkath_err.. i ran apt-get install kubuntu-desktop so now all i have to do is edit sources.list from dapper to edgy?02:26
Sakkath_and apt said kubuntu-desktop is its latest vesion02:26
flaccidfor upgrade yeah02:26
Sakkath_i guess adept did that for me02:26
flaccidkubuntu-desktop is only a meta package02:27
rosso_zipper: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgradesManual02:27
flaccidremove it and add it again for latest packs..02:27
rosso_"NOTE: The first run of dist-upgrade will upgrade everything except for upstart. After this a second dist-upgrade will finish the upgrade."02:27
zipper"NOTE: The first run of dist-upgrade will upgrade everything except for upstart. After this a second dist-upgrade will finish the upgrade."02:27
flaccidusually after dist-uprade you do a reinstall/install of ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-minimal to ensure you have all the packs in those meta packs02:27
zipperwhat exactly do the person who wrote that mean?02:27
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Sakkath_zipper: it's funny that you said that same time rosso_ did?02:27
flaccid!info upstart02:28
ubotuupstart: event-based init daemon. In component main, is required. Version 0.3.8-1 (feisty), package size 155 kB, installed size 316 kB02:28
Sakkath_flaccid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades so that guide is completely wrong?02:28
=== flaccid goes to look
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Sakkath_i can't use the update-manager metod02:28
Sakkath_flaccid: thanks02:28
zipperupstart _should_ be affected by the first dist-upgrade afaik?02:28
flaccidthat guide should be fine02:29
Sakkath_flaccid: it doesn't mention dist-upgrade anywhere02:29
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rosso_zipper: should but isnt as it seems...ask mark shuttleworth, dunno02:29
flaccidbut in theory you should be able to dist-upgrade and not upgrade02:29
zipperprobably is, its just the multiple dist-upgrades that makes me wonder02:29
Sakkath_flaccid: nor does it mention removing kubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-minimal/standard02:29
flaccidit does it in step 5...02:29
Tabmowhow do i set adept to use a proxy server when downloading packages, or using apt-get?02:29
Sakkath_they have youdo dist-upgrade at the end02:29
flaccidSakkath_: upgrades are rarely smooth.. thats why you remove and add again to be sure. removing a meta package doesn't remove any packages...02:30
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Sakkath_flaccid: i removed kubuntu-desktop and nothing else was removed02:30
flaccidbut yeah that guide is fine02:30
flaccidit will do whats required02:30
Sakkath_flaccid: ok..02:30
flaccidtahts right02:30
hitmanWillyubuntu really needs to get on a rolling upgrade program02:30
Sakkath_i guess adept did it for me earlier than02:30
flaccidits in the case where you had problems with packs, had to do something manual due to a conflict or something then you re-add those two meta packages to make sure you didn't miss any crucial packs02:31
rosso_the update-manager worked fine for me un kubuntu02:31
Sakkath_rosso_: it crashes with a weird error02:31
flaccidupdates are smoother if you didn't add *any* extra packages after initial install. i usually had at least a few hundred more so upgrading for me is usually a chore.02:32
rosso_but now i think i remember....it is called with when done via sudo which is not available on  kubuntu so i started it with kdesu probably02:32
Sakkath_can't find DistUpgradeViewGtk02:32
Sakkath_rosso_: sudo is of course available, it says to use gksu, so i used kdesu instead02:32
flaccidwhat says that Sakkath_02:32
Sakkath_rosso_: that's the error btw02:33
Sakkath_flaccid: when i tried to use update-manager to do this02:33
Sakkath_E: Package kubuntu-desktop has no installation candidate02:33
flaccidi would try adept if anything - you probably don't have a gnome/gtk dep for it02:33
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Sakkath_flaccid: i'm not sure how to use that to do a dist upgrade02:33
rosso_Sakkath_: i see...yes that i wa thinking too, missing gtk libs...maybe had them installed coincedentally02:34
Sakkath_well why wouldn't it have done the deps itself02:34
flaccidSakkath_: just use apt-get02:34
Sakkath_and wtf why can't i get kubuntu-desktop back02:34
flaccidi would never use a gui frontend to do an upgrade02:34
rosso_Sakkath_: chance sources lists open adept fetch updates fullupgrade02:34
rosso_full upgrade second time lol02:34
Dave__help, i set my monitor settings to the monitor ihave and now it comes up to a grey screen02:34
flaccidyeah apt-get update then see if the pkg is available02:35
flaccid!info kubuntu-desktop02:35
ubotukubuntu-desktop: Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.32ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 44 kB02:35
flaccidits in main02:35
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rosso_Dave__: start in text mode and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:36
hitmanWillyDave__, is it a grey screen with a big black X or just completely blank?02:36
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Dave__just completely black02:36
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hitmanWillyDave__, ok, do the reconfigure thing then02:37
Dave__ok thanks02:37
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doug_would it be advisable to install ati drivers from their website?02:38
DragnslcrAnyone know offhand if the PCSX package works on its own or if it needs the same BIOS image that the Windows version used to require?02:38
hitmanWillydoug_, no02:38
hitmanWilly!ati | doug02:39
ubotudoug: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:39
Sakkath_ill brb >..02:39
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aliriotengo una pregunta02:40
NickPresta!es | alirio02:40
ubotualirio: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:40
Dave__it says x-server is not installed02:41
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rosso_Dave__: plese copy the line you entered02:41
hitmanWillyDave__, the pkg is xserver-xorg02:42
flaccidis that from sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:42
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Sakkath_so how do i install kubuntu-dekstop?02:42
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flaccidsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:43
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flaccidin your case sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will work if your sources.list is correct02:43
Dave__i typed rossos line above02:43
Sakkath_flaccid: i still get that thingie02:43
flaccidsources is wrong then02:43
alirioi have  aquestion02:43
rosso_Dave__: please copy it here to make sure theres no typo02:44
Sakkath_The following packages have unmet dependencies:02:44
Sakkath_  kubuntu-desktop: Depends: hwdb-client-kde but it is not going to be installed02:44
Sakkath_                   Depends: xorg but it is not going to be installed02:44
Sakkath_E: Broken packages02:44
Dave__im on windows02:44
flaccid!pastebin > Sakkath_02:44
Sakkath_yeah.. sorry..02:44
rosso_Dave__: ????????02:44
flaccidSakkath_: i would re-generate your sources.list first02:44
flaccid!source-o-matic > Sakkath_02:45
Dave__ill try it again02:45
flaccid!info hwdb-client-kde02:45
ubotuhwdb-client-kde: KDE client program for the Ubuntu Hardware Database. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 310 kB, installed size 476 kB02:45
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alirioare there some problem if i update kubuntu  6.06.1 since alternate cd02:45
Sakkath_stop pm lol02:45
flaccidthat pack is in main02:45
flaccidi'll just spam the chan instead02:45
Sakkath_flaccid: ty ;P it's just a one-liner. anyways uh, you want me to set it to edgy, the one i am upgrading to, right?02:46
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rosso_Sakkath_: youre upgrading to edgy?02:46
Dave__i typed"sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"02:47
hitmanWillyrosso_, he's upgrading from 6.06 to feisty02:47
Sakkath_rosso_: yes, i'm on 6.06 and i think i have to go to 6.10 before anything right?02:47
aliriono i want upgrade to kubuntu feisty fawn02:47
flaccidSakkath_: yep02:47
flacciddon't you want to upgrade to feisty.. set your sources to what you are dist-upgrading to02:47
hitmanWillyDave__, it said not installed again?02:47
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flaccidyou can upgrade from dapper to feisty - it may not be as smooth however02:48
rosso_Sakkath_: as soon as your package dependencies are messed DONT upgrade02:48
Sakkath_flaccid: well i wanna go to the latest ver02:48
Sakkath_i need to go to edgy first no?02:48
flaccidok latest is feisty02:48
Sakkath_then feisty02:48
hitmanWillyDave__, ok, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg02:48
aliriobut are ther eany problem if i upgrade to 6.1002:48
rosso_Sakkath_: no first to edgy02:48
flaccidyou don't need to, but it may be easier/less problems02:48
Sakkath_20:48 < Sakkath_> i need to go to edgy first no?02:49
Sakkath_20:48 < flaccid> ok latest is feisty02:49
Sakkath_20:48 < Sakkath_> then feisty02:49
flaccidi've upgraded from dapper to feisty before02:49
Sakkath_minus your line :P02:49
flaccidyou can go from dapper to gutsy if you really wanted02:49
Sakkath_so i set sources.list to edgy then try to upgrade right?02:49
alirioand had some problem02:49
flaccidbut gutsy is not production02:49
hitmanWillyflaccid, there's some broken deps for ya :P02:49
flaccidi can fix broken deps heh02:49
flaccidyou can go to edgy then to feisty or straight to feisty, your choice02:49
Dave__says couldnt find package02:50
Sakkath_flaccid: dont wanna chance anythin02:50
hitmanWilly!info xorg02:50
ubotuxorg: X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.2-0ubuntu11 (feisty), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB02:50
rosso_Sakkath_: run apt-get build-dep for a try02:50
rosso_before changing sources.list02:50
hitmanWillyDave__, ok, sudo apt-get install xorg02:50
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flaccidSakkath_: you are chancing no matter how you upgrade....02:51
alirioi have  a alternet cd of 6.10 but i had read to some problems after of upgrade for example dont internet function and oters02:51
Sakkath_flaccid: err. ok. 'don't want to have an even greater risk' i dont know lol02:51
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flacciddo to edgy then to feisty then. but thats double the d/l and double the time... up to you02:52
aliriobetter is clean install??02:52
Sakkath_we need 'nopaste' the gentoo nopaste ruby script in the packages i love that tool02:52
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flaccidput it this way, i've never done an upgrade on ubuntu that hasn't had problems i've had to fix manual02:52
flaccidclean install will always be better, but you should not have to do that02:52
rosso_alirio: no upgrade is fine, you should be more precise about the errors tat occured in case you want someone to be able to help you02:53
hitmanWillyalirio, the best way ive always found is to have /home on a seperate partition and clean install, at least on buntu boxes02:53
flaccidbecause its clean02:53
Sakkath_flaccid: http://rafb.net/p/G37I5G31.html02:53
Sakkath_rosso_: rather, that as to you, you otld me to do build-dep02:53
flaccidi didn't suggest that command, Sakkath_. but it doesn't look like your sources.list is healthy...02:54
flaccidpastebin sources.list Sakkath_02:54
rosso_You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list02:54
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Sakkath_flaccid: rosso_ suggested build-dep02:54
rosso_Sakkath_: for christs sake read what the konsole tells you02:54
flaccidit doesn't matter Sakkath_... fix the sources.list02:54
flaccidread what it says lol02:54
aliriofor exmaple dont internet function or some programs dont function after upgrade02:55
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Sakkath_god is there anything like nopaste script for gentoo02:55
Sakkath_rosso_: i had used the source-o-matic or whatever02:55
rosso_Sakkath_: well, just make it work. theres a dozen web pages you can copy paste a clean source list from02:56
Sakkath_flaccid: there ya go http://rafb.net/p/3FBq6z52.html02:56
Dave__grrr...it forced a autocheck02:56
flaccidi gtg02:57
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rosso_Sakkath_: ok. make a source list for you CURRENT version. apt-get update and upgrade and see if it brings any errors02:59
Sakkath_rosso_: ok02:59
rosso_Sakkath_: then just TRY to install kubuntu-dektop, it PROPABLY will tell you its already installed. then just follow instructions on the link ive posted above in case apt-get gives no error messages03:00
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Sakkath_rosso_: i had removed kubuntu-desktop since flaccid or you told me i should uninstall then install03:01
Sakkath_so let's see.03:01
rosso_Sakkath_: not me for sure ...03:01
Sakkath_ok it installed this time03:01
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Sakkath_kubuntu-desktop installed fine03:01
Sakkath_rosso_: you wanted me to update and 'upgrade'03:02
Sakkath_did you mean dist-upgrade?03:02
Sakkath_rosso_: don't i want to upgrade to edgy before feisty?03:03
rosso_  sudo sed -e 's/\dapper/ edgy/g' -i /etc/apt/sources.list03:04
rosso_to change source list03:04
rosso_than do update03:04
rosso_than dist-upgrade (two times)03:04
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rosso_Sakkath_: basically this routine works for all upgrades. if something should be weird. you might fiy it with the standart apt-get tools. man apt-get tells you a lot about that. i gotta go. nite03:06
Sakkath_rosso_: good night, ty buddy03:06
Sakkath_i didn't know this suppored that03:07
Sakkath_what does it say? ;X03:07
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk03:08
smilethank you...03:08
Dave__i got it.. thanks everybody03:08
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smileSakkath form  ?03:09
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Sakkath_smile: what are you talking about?03:10
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NickPresta!cn | smile03:14
ubotusmile: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk03:14
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smilethank you, ubotu03:15
smile D03:15
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NickPrestasmile, this is the English Kubuntu support channel.03:16
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Sakkath_smile: what's with you03:20
smileNickPresta, Thank you,tell me.....03:20
Sakkath_NickPresta: troll/03:20
NickPrestaI don't know. He has typed with chinese characters so I would imagine this person legitimately wants helps, but who knows. It isn't hard to bring up a character table...03:21
smilei am , bad english ........   -____________-!03:21
Sakkath_smile: so join #ubuntu-cn03:22
NickPrestasmile, type: /join #ubuntu-cn03:22
smilei down...03:22
smileThank you..03:22
Sakkath_NickPresta: but he said thank you twice for giving him the right channel03:22
Sakkath_NickPresta: then he just keeps asking weird stuff, he said to me Sakkath: form?03:22
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smileform = 03:26
smileWhere you from?03:26
smileform ..03:26
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NickPresta!cn | smile03:27
ubotusmile: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk03:27
Sakkath_smile: USA03:27
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smilein china03:28
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smilechina , HuBei, WuHan03:29
smileI would like to share with you, but language is a barrier, we think that I need help, is not, thank you for the kindness03:29
Sakkath_i'm assuming he's using a cheap translater03:30
smileThis is the translation software translation, we can read?03:30
Sakkath_smile: have you tried #ubuntu-cn03:30
dwidmannSakkath: I think that was a yes.03:30
Sakkath_dwidmann: yeah lol03:30
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dwidmannI'm beginning to think that I need(want) a kvm.03:32
smileI know that the Chinese community, and I just want to share that03:32
Sakkath_dwidmann: heh, they sure are useful03:33
Sakkath_smile: do you need help?03:33
smileYou are from which country?03:33
Sakkath_I am from USA03:34
smileno help03:34
smile: D03:34
dwidmannI'm also from the Beurocratic States of America :\03:34
Sakkath_dwidmann: ?03:34
dwidmannThe more I read about our countries state of affairs the more I'm bothered by it :\ Nevermind.03:35
smileYou know very pleased03:35
Sakkath_dwidmann: me too. i'm off to canada when i'm old enough03:35
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smileHow old are you?03:36
=== dwidmann is 21
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smile: D03:37
newzenhi all, how can i see tv that requiere window media player??03:37
smilei am 26,03:37
dwidmannnewzen: will vlc play it? how about mplayer? Worth a try03:38
Sakkath_I am 16.03:38
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smileSakkath ,,03:39
newzenim going to try, but one by default is there on a brand new install??03:39
smileHere is the place to learn Ubuntu?03:40
nosrednaekimsmile: this is the kubuntu support channel03:40
zipper<dwidmann> I'm also from the Beurocratic States of America :\03:40
nosrednaekimwhere users ask questions.03:40
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zippername me one country from the 1st world that isnt beucratic =S03:40
nosrednaekimzipper: where the education is so bad, people can't spell beaurocratic.03:41
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zippernosrednaekim, also, name me a country where anyone would care about that03:41
newzensmile: is not good etiquette write in other language03:41
Chippyhey, does someone want to help me out with resizing a partition?03:41
smileSattath ,You are a legend in computer genius?03:41
zippernosrednaekim, you're just playing mr. fancypants cus' you use xchat's dictionary =)03:41
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nosrednaekimzipper: nope.. using konversation here without spell checking :)03:42
nosrednaekimChippy: sure.. what do you want to do?03:42
zipperheh, i use xchat, i just dont care too much about those red lines under every word =P03:42
Chippynosrednaekim: well I have a bunch of free space before my partition, and I want to use it03:42
zippereveryone online is so horrible at typing a proper sentence anyway, so i stand out as a perfectionist anyway =P03:43
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nosrednaekimChippy: was this old windows space or something?03:43
nosrednaekimzipper: I know.. I was just kiddin ya..03:43
zipperi know03:43
Chippynosrednaekim: I'm on a livecd and I'm trying to resize it but gparted is a <insert word here>03:43
Chippynosrednaekim: yeah, just resized my ntfs partition03:43
nosrednaekimChippy: awesome program?03:43
zipperbut it's 4am.... i'm allowed to go on a talk-to-yourself rage by now03:43
Chippynosrednaekim: insulting word :)03:44
nosrednaekimzipper: heh... if you've been aroun here at all you know I am horrific at sentences.03:44
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nosrednaekimChippy: well you can't add that partition space to your existing installation you know..03:44
zippernosrednaekim, No, you're not. Being horrible is "Can sum1 help me pleezorz?!?!!!!111"03:44
Chippynosrednaekim: done it before03:44
BluesKajbureaucratic ?  .. nosrednaekim :)03:45
Chippynosrednaekim: why can't I do it?03:45
nosrednaekimzipper: no,i'm like "gop to the enf of the line edit prefernces"03:45
zipperit's "bureaucratic" actually03:45
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: AHHHH!03:45
zippernot "beaurocratic" as you said =S03:45
nosrednaekimsee what I said about our education?03:45
zipperi wouldn't take an education that focused on me spelling "bureaucratic" correct03:46
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Chippyso no ideas on the partition?03:46
zippersmile, we do not understand you03:46
zipperor at least, i dont03:47
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter03:47
BluesKajyup, wifey is a retired teacher ...the cirriculum was toyally devastated by the silly bureaucrats in the dept of education back in the 70s and made it almost impossible for "english" to have any respect or stature in the system after that03:48
nosrednaekimChippy: depending on the amount of space you can muster, you can torn it into your /home folder03:48
nosrednaekimzipper: lol03:48
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Chippynosrednaekim: ...I've resized my root partition before, never had any problems...03:48
sheldoncwhy does kubuntu have wickedly different branding?03:48
nosrednaekimChippy: but no doubt you have either added to the end of it, or made it smaller03:49
nosrednaekimsheldonc: like it?03:49
zipperBluesKaj, hmm? I would say english has very much respect and stature. It's far from being the mostly spoken language and still, it's a de facto standard in the IT business03:49
smileWe Manmanliao, I first, the wait for the next return, my translation software is not bad. . Oh03:49
smileWe continue to chat, I first, the wait for the next return, my translation software is not bad. . Oh03:50
smile: D03:50
sheldoncnosrednaekim: not really, i find it kind of distracting03:50
Chippynosrednaekim: nope, last time I did it I actually made my windows partition (first partition) smaller, moved my swap partition to the end (from the middle) and moved my main partition backwards and resized it03:50
BluesKajwell in Ontario, grammar and spelling are fianlly getting some much needed attention again03:50
nosrednaekimsheldonc: yeah I don't like the default either.so I made it look like Vista..lol03:50
zippernot saying your translation software is bad smile, it just... makes wierd sentences sometimes, making it hard for us to understand what you want03:50
BluesKajoops finally03:50
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: I can tell ;)03:50
ChippyBluesKaj: I find your typo ironic and humorous03:51
zipperBluesKaj, i have no idea where or what Ontario is to be honest03:51
sheldoncnosrednaekim: me too! i made my kicker have a vista taskbar bg too :)03:51
nosrednaekimand there were SEVERAL grammar errors in that sentence as well03:51
nosrednaekimChippy: well cool.. i didn't think you could do that :)03:52
BluesKajit's meant to be ...I'm old and grumpy ..a little humour ...and see geography is lacking in other places as well :)03:52
zippernosrednaekim, there always is. Have you ever tried reading something that was 100% proper grammar usage? It's horrible03:52
Chippyzipper: Ontario is a province in Canada03:52
smileThank you, you can read my translation, the language is a big obstacle, I ubuntu is the primary learners, I am glad to know you03:52
BluesKajOntario = 12 million Canadians live here03:53
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zipperChippy, i see03:53
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: who care about canadians ;)03:53
zipperoh well, i guess i can always excuse my ignorance with me living what? 5.000km away? =P03:53
nosrednaekimzipper: YEP... I feel your pain03:53
Chippyzipper: where do you live?03:53
zippersmile, we're happy to have you here03:54
smileYou are a warm person,03:54
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zipperChippy, denmark... small country in scandinavia, europe. Right on top of germany03:54
BluesKajnosrednaekim, those who count do ...we Canadians do :)03:54
Chippyzipper: what's Germany?03:54
Chippyzipper: and where?03:54
zipperyou know... nazi's?03:54
Chippyzipper: nope, they were 5,000km away03:54
smileFriendly people03:55
Chippyzipper: I guess I can be excused.03:55
Chippyzipper: :)03:55
BluesKaj<---born in Finland to Swedish ancestry ...moved to Canada 60 yrs ago03:55
zipperthen i expect you to know rhus as well03:55
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zipperone of the largest cities in denmark, you must know of it =P03:55
BluesKajmy grandmother was danish , from copenhagen :)03:56
Chippyzipper: I hope you get that I was making a point03:56
zipperBluesKaj, sure... once ice-country can be as good as the next one i guess03:56
zipperChippy, i do, just being silly03:56
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Chippyzipper: ah, good.  Excuse me, it's hard to tell on IRC, what with the large indigenous noob population and whatnot03:56
BluesKajbah , you guys are wimps ...can't take a lil cold weather03:57
Chippynosrednaekim: hit it more, it'll fix itself sooner or later03:57
nosrednaekimCTRL+ALT+DEL for instance03:57
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zipperChippy, hehe, i know i'm not making it easier. I should really get to bed... have a nasty habit of going mental in the wee hours03:57
Chippynosrednaekim: hm, try ctrl+alt+backspace :)03:57
Chippynosrednaekim: if that doesn't work, type that remove command with the recursive and force options on the root folder03:58
nosrednaekimhaha ever heard the story of the idot hacker? I'll tell it over on #kubuntu-offtopic03:58
Chippynosrednaekim: (I think it's a bad idea to actually post the command anywhere)03:58
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nosrednaekimits actually not allowed03:58
Chippynosrednaekim: bash ;)03:59
Chippyanyways, I be off03:59
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zipperrm -rf........ reminds me of something i did once. Figured it was a good idea to 'chmod 666 -R /'03:59
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zippercant recommend it04:00
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=== nosrednaekim dies laughing...
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zipperdamn you nosrednaekim04:01
zipperyou promised me a bedtime story04:01
nosrednaekimzipper: yeah.. I was typing it into #kubuntu-devel04:01
nosrednaekimI mixed up channels04:01
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zipperwell i hope they appreciated it04:02
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smilegoodbye....zipper !04:03
zipperhope we helped you somehow =P04:04
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smile:  D04:06
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BluesKajhey NickPresta., some ppl here are so well educated in linux they have no time for geography and don't care ... especially about Ontario. I'll give 1 guess where they reside. :)04:09
=== BluesKaj waits for offtopic police
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zipperBluesKaj, let me guess... they live in Ontario?04:11
Sakkath_smile: no, i'm not great with computers, but i'm good i guess04:11
bryce_Good evening folks!04:12
BluesKajhey bryce_ . you in BC ?04:12
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bryce_BluesKaj: Hello again... nope, from Grande Prairie, Alberta.04:12
bryce_BluesKaj: you know much about external hard drives connected thru a USB?04:13
BluesKajaha , the province that has to pay americans to deliver babies :)04:13
bryce_lol Smart ass, you04:13
bryce_.... you are the second to say that to me :P04:13
smile  =  Good morning, everyone!04:13
BluesKaj200K for that ...unreal04:13
smilesudo apt-get install stardict04:14
BluesKajbryce_, not real good at external HDD stuff I'm afraid04:14
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smilebyebye ................04:14
bryce_OK... question... I've got an external hard drive hooked up thru USB... I had to run a pmount command to get it to work... is there any way to get the external hard drive to always remain on my desktop rather than always having to open it up thru terminal?04:15
nosrednaekimbryce_: doesn't it automount?04:16
BluesKajgotta be a script you can use to open it in fstab04:16
bryce_the process everytime I wanna listen to music is... pmount /dev/sda1.... cd /media/sda1 and it always shows up on the desktop afterwards.04:16
bryce_nosrednaekim: no it doesn't :( I wish it did04:16
nosrednaekimbryce_: well go into system settings -> advanced-> disks and partitions04:17
nosrednaekiman configure that device label to mount to that place.04:17
Soulwarphello, im having trouble changing my screen size, im trying to get 1280x1024, but it is still 1024x768. i went into system settings>monitor display>harware>administrator mode>monitor/configure...04:18
Soulwarpand changed it04:18
Soulwarprestarted X04:18
Soulwarpand no change04:18
hitmanWillySoulwarp, did you edit xorg.conf?04:18
bryce_nosrednaekim: I cannot found disks and partitions04:18
bryce_disks and filesystems?04:18
nosrednaekimyeah sorry04:18
SoulwarphitmanWilly no i used the system settings utility, i can check04:18
BluesKajSoulwarp, did you check your graphics drivers as well, in sys settings ?04:19
hitmanWillySoulwarp, that util won't go past the max res set in xorg.conf04:19
bryce_OK... now I need to let you know... I just installed Kubuntu yesterday... how do I configure that device to mount to the desktop? lol04:19
SoulwarphitmanWilly it was 1280x1024 before i changed it to 1024x768, then i wanted to go back to the higher res04:19
hitmanWillybryce_, set it to mount at /media/cdrom and link the device on the desktop04:20
SoulwarpBluesKaj it says 1280x1024 but it's actually 1024x76804:20
bryce_Gotcha, give me a second, will see if I can do it :)04:20
nosrednaekimhitmanWilly: this is external HD04:20
SoulwarpBluesKaj i've even rebooted the pc04:20
hitmanWillyoh, thought it was a cd, heh, that's the usual issue :P04:21
BluesKajSoulwarp, which graphics card ?04:21
bryce_nosrednaekim: it gives me no option to link it to desktop, it's a light gray.04:21
nosrednaekimare you in admin mode?04:21
bryce_maybe? lol04:21
SoulwarpBluesKaj nvidia04:21
hitmanWillySoulwarp, can you pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf?04:21
bryce_lol I am now ;)04:21
bryce_I figured it out lol04:21
hitmanWilly!paste | Soulwarp04:22
ubotuSoulwarp: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:22
SoulwarphitmanWilly ya sec04:22
bryce_So where would the mount point be for the desktop?04:22
bryce_nevermind, under home lol04:23
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nosrednaekimbryce_: so you are mounting it in your /home/Desktop?04:23
nosrednaekimbryce_: thats not such a good idea.04:23
Sakkathfirefox? mozilla-firefox?04:23
Sakkathwhat should i install04:23
bryce_I was going to... why is that a bad idea?04:24
hitmanWillySakkath, firefox, IIRC04:24
Sakkathnosrednaekim: ty04:24
nosrednaekimone of them is just a dummy package anyway04:24
Sakkathtwo answers04:24
SakkathMozilla Firefox says Transition package for firefox rename04:24
SoulwarphitmanWilly http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34479/04:24
hitmanWillySakkath, that's the dummy, then04:24
nosrednaekimbryce_: because then other users won't be able to see it. Mount it to /media/sda1 and it should automatically show up on the desktop.04:24
bryce_Oh... OK... thanks!04:25
SakkathhitmanWilly: ok04:25
hitmanWillySoulwarp, ok, you see the line under Section "Screen" at the end where it says modes?04:25
SoulwarphitmanWilly yea04:26
hitmanWillySoulwarp, move the 1280x1024@60 to the beginning of that line04:26
SoulwarphitmanWilly ok i'll try that and restart X04:26
bryce_nosrednaekim: Thanks a lot, that worked perfect!04:27
hitmanWillySoulwarp, k04:27
nosrednaekimbryce_: NP04:27
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Soulwarpthanks a lot, it worked!04:30
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hitmanWillynice to see the old slack skills still have some uses04:31
Sakkathwhy didn't ubuntu firefox pkg install icons and such04:31
c1|freakydoesn't like to04:32
c1|freakyi have installed other, better icons04:32
c1|freakyfrom kde-look.org04:32
Sakkathnot even in the K menu?04:32
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scrubbStuff keeps crashing on me.04:34
scrubbPower center crashes at login.04:34
scrubbAdept crashed a minute ago.04:34
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scrubbGave me the same error...something like SIGSEV code 11 or something like that.04:35
scrubbI'd like to just upgrade everything and see if it repairs the problem.04:36
hitmanWillyscrubb, it may actually be a hw problem04:36
hitmanWillyscrubb, have you run a memtest at all lately?04:36
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scrubbNo, but I"d be happy to.  Any flags I should feed it?04:37
BluesKajsacktime here ...nite all04:37
scrubbOr are you talking about the one from the GRUB menu?04:37
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hitmanWillyscrubb, the grub one04:37
scrubbWhat exactly does that do?04:38
scrubbI've never run it before.04:38
hitmanWillyscrubb, it makes sure all the memory registers are acting properly04:38
stonedhi I have a ktorrent error on two torrents and I can't find any info about it online.  Error:  Cannot open index file /home/stoned/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/tor2/index : Too many open files04:38
scrubbhitman, is it quick to run?  I have 2GB of RAM.04:39
stonedthey work for a while, and then stop with this error04:39
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hitmanWillyscrubb, if its a major error it usually finds it pretty quick04:39
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hitmanWillyscrubb, but to do a full test can take awhile04:39
scrubbI didn't used to get the errors.04:39
mneptokstoned: are you using Tor?04:40
scrubbThey started showing up after I installed either the NVIDIA driver or Myth-TV.  I don't recall which one triggered it.04:40
stonedmneptok: what?04:40
hitmanWillyscrubb, multiple segfaults does seem to indicate a hw issue04:40
mneptokstoned: are. you. running. Tor?04:40
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stonedmneptok: obviously. you. can't. help. me.04:41
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mneptokTOR. The Onion Router.04:41
mneptokstoned: lol. classic.04:41
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scrubbWhat would be the issue?  Bad memory bits?04:41
stonedmneptok: its the default location of where ktorrent stores torrents until they are done.  Torrents are numbered by tor0 tor1 tor2 instead of by name04:41
scrubbI get no errors in windows.04:41
hitmanWillyscrubb, hmm, either that or a corrupted library somewhere04:42
scrubbThat sounds more likely to me.04:42
mneptokstoned: and this dir. its permissions? the file?04:42
scrubbWhich is why I was interested in updating everything.04:42
stonedmneptok: how you gather I am using TOR is beyond me.  Obviously you know jack.04:42
hitmanWillyscrubb, id say do the memtest first, then try the upgrade04:42
stonedmneptok: ktorrent creates the files, so yes, obviously it has write permissions04:42
mneptokstoned: not necessarily04:43
scrubb*sigh*  I was hoping for a quicker fix.04:43
scrubbI really don't see how it could be a HW problem.04:43
mneptokstoned: another process could get forked to write. that process may get forked incorrectly.04:43
scrubbI'd think it would show up in windows too if it were.04:43
scrubbPOST never reports any problems.04:44
scrubbCourse I don't have it to a full memtest...04:44
hitmanWillyscrubb, if you can figure out what deps the segfaulting apps have in common, you may be able to reinstall the offending culprit04:44
mneptokstoned: and seeing that that string "tor2" shows up in your error, it's not rocket science to wonder if TOR factors into things.04:44
stonedyes and you would know it has nothing to do with TOR if you'd ever used ktorrent before04:45
mneptokstoned: i'm a GNOME person04:45
nosrednaekimbye all! have fun hackin!04:45
=== stoned sigh
mneptokstoned: doesn't mean i "don't know jack"04:45
stonedwhatever, thanks for nothing.04:45
mneptokstoned: dude, lighten up04:45
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:46
stonedI'm grand ;)04:46
mneptokpeople are trying to help you. for free.04:46
angelusstoned: that nick doest suit you, your not relaxed like you should be :p04:46
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stonedyou need not tell me that.  don't attack my attitude if you were unable to provide anything useful.04:46
scrubblemme log out and back and see if I can get the backtrace again...04:46
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=== stoned was kicked off #kubuntu by mneptok (please come back when you're feeling civil)
Angelusthis guy is a gangsta04:47
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Angeluslol!! @ fatality04:47
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Angelusgood night guys, peace.04:47
p3bkacyo.sup all04:47
scrubbHitman, the backtrace lists three libs.04:48
p3bkachoping someone can help...any reason why the system doesn't execute rc.local on system start?04:48
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p3bkacI've googled but I can't figure out why04:48
scrubblibthread_db.so.1, libXrandr.so.2, and libX11.so.604:48
p3bkacit's listed in the rcX.d's04:48
p3bkacbut it just is not executing the script04:49
scrubbThe last two appear in the [KCrash handler]  block at the bottom.04:49
hydrogencommand-not-found is segfaulting whenever It gets run.. any ideas why?04:49
p3bkacI can execute it manually after system boot but its driving me crazy04:49
hitmanWillyscrubb, well, if you can figure out which pkgs those come with, you may be able to reinstall them04:49
scrubbThere is a way to make apt tell you that, right?04:50
jhutchins!find libthread_db.so.104:50
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ubotuFile libthread_db.so.1 found in libc6, libc6-amd64, libc6-dbg, libc6-i686, libc6-xen04:50
jhutchinsscrubb: Yes.04:50
dwidmannuse dpkg -S filename04:50
hydrogen!find command-not-found04:50
ubotuFound: command-not-found, command-not-found-data04:50
scrubblol Thanks.04:50
hayamijhutchins hi!! i'm kazuma_ xD04:50
scrubb!find libXrandr.so.204:51
hayamido you remember me? xD04:51
ubotuPackage/file libxrandr.so.2 does not exist in feisty04:51
p3bkacanyone here familiar with rc.local?04:51
scrubbI think that one is part of the NVIDIA package...04:51
scrubbOr was it MythTV...04:51
jhutchinsscrubb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto04:51
hayamihow do i install mp3 format xD04:52
scrubbyay! a howto04:52
jhutchinsscrubb: I'd reinstall libc6 and go from there.04:52
jhutchinshayami: Most people seem to need libxine-extracodecs.04:52
klobsterkbfx slows down my boot up _bad_04:52
hayami=o and how do i install them?04:52
jhutchinsaptitude install libxine-extracodecs04:52
jhutchinshayami: More detailed info here, but you have to actually follow the links: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats04:53
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hayamiis it a code called like ffmpg or something like that?04:54
hitmanWillyhayami, that's one app04:54
ZombieI'm having an issue with Kubuntu flat out ignoring changes to my Xorg configuration/04:55
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jhutchinshayami: ffmpeg is a media utility.04:55
leemillerI am having trouble with Compiz-Fusion on Kubuntu.  Has anyone had any luck with this?04:55
jhutchinshayami: Give the aptitude command a try, see if it works.04:56
leemillerI had it working perfectly in Gnome,  but I personally would rather use KDE04:56
jhutchinsleemiller: #ubuntu-effects should have some.04:56
leemillerthe IRC channel #ubuntu-effects?04:56
hitmanWillyZombie, ignoring how?04:56
ZombieAs in I make changes to /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:58
Zombieand restart04:58
ZombieAn Xorg ignores me.04:58
jhutchinsleemiller: Yeah, officially we don't do compiz/beryl here.04:58
jhutchinsleemiller: Not that there aren't people here sometimes who know their way around it.04:59
hitmanWillyZombie, are you sure you're changing the right section?04:59
leemillerI am new to the IRC chatting,  sorry for the inconvinence04:59
jhutchinsZombie: What are you changing?04:59
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jhutchinsleemiller: Well, I didn't want you to feel like you were being booted.04:59
leemillerthanks much05:00
ZombieAdding screen resolutions 400x300, and 320x24005:00
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jhutchinsleemiller: Some chat clients like konversation will highlight a channel name and you can just doubleclick it instead of /join #ubuntu-effects.05:00
leemillerI will have to remember that05:00
jhutchinsZombie: Start x from a console and see what it says about those modes.05:00
leemillerKonversation seems to be a decent client05:00
scrubbSo after I reinstall/uninstall a package, do I need to do anything special like logout or reboot?05:01
leemillerwhat are you guys working on this evening?05:01
ZombieI don't think you understand the dispiarity here.05:01
hitmanWillyscrubb, for those, probably not05:01
jhutchinsleemiller: I used to use xchat but it started crashing on me (gtk problem or something), so I got used to konversation.05:01
scrubbOk.  I reinstalled Libc6 and uninstalled mythTV.05:01
scrubbLet's see what happens...05:01
leemiller(does not seem like anyone is talking on ubuntu-effects)05:01
ZombieMy xorg.conf has a configuration completely unlike my xrandr reports05:01
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Zombiein Xorg.conf, the only reported configuration is 1200x80005:02
jhutchinsleemiller: Well, it's like 3am in Western Europe.05:02
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leemillergood point05:02
scrubbk, that didn't get it...05:02
ZombieWhen I run XRandr, I see 1024x768, 800x600, 640x48005:02
scrubbzombie, what's Xrandr?05:02
jaweeI asked on #kde first, but not as many people seem to be around.05:02
jaweeanyway, how do I set two different panels to have different transparency settings?05:02
jhutchinsZombie: Do all three of those work?05:03
Zombieand thats what logs it reports it processes.05:03
scrubbIs that part of the nvidia driver?05:03
jhutchinsjawee: compiz/beryl?05:03
jaweejhutchins: kwin05:03
ZombieBut they are not part of the xorg.cconf file.05:03
ZombieThey aren't even listed!05:03
jhutchinsjawee: Dunno, I only have the one panel.05:03
jhutchinsjawee: Kicker/panel thingy at the bottom of the screen, known in windows as taskbar/system tray.05:04
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hitmanWillyZombie, you are editing xorg.conf with root privs, correct? (sudo)05:04
jaweejhutchins: I have two, but the same. My friend who is trying to switch from GNOME wanted to known how05:04
jaweejhutchins: Yes, I know. I have used KDE for a while. I'm just trying to get someone to use KDE. :D05:04
flaccidSakkath: how did you go05:05
ZombieI could maybe delete the damn file and it would do the same thing.05:05
scrubbWhat's the key combo to restard X? CTRL+ALT+BKSP?05:06
scrubber restart05:06
jhutchinsZombie: x will usually report diagnostics when it reads that file either to screen or log.05:06
hitmanWillyscrubb, yup05:06
flaccidctrl + alt + bkspc kills X05:06
jhutchinsZombie: Which is why I recommended that you start it from a console and see if you can catch what it says about modelines and resolutions.05:06
ZombieI could shovel it into a Pastebin05:07
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jhutchinsjawee: Sorry, I don't even know why you'd have two panels, so having two panels with different configs is beyond me.05:09
jhutchinsjawee: Either you can or you can't.05:09
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jaweejhutchins: for him, he likes to set up a sort of OS X panel with his. for me, I just prefer to have my system tray and pager on a seperate one05:10
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jaweeAnyway, any other ideas for customizing two panels seperately?05:12
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jhutchinsjawee: If changing settings in one of them affects both panels, then you're probably out of luck, but change the settings in one and see if the other one changes.05:13
jaweejhutchins: there seems to be no way to change settings for just one panel.05:14
jaweejhutchins: the settings seem to be generic to kicker05:14
ardchoillejawee: If you have more than one panel, you can customise each one via the drop down menu05:16
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jaweeardchoille: not for the transparency tab05:16
jaweeardchoille: Only for the arrangement and hiding tabs05:17
ardchoilleAh, true.. that sucks05:17
jaweeardchoille: I think I'll try to snoop around in .kde and see what I can kind.05:17
hayamihow do i uninstall a package05:18
jaweehayami: GUI or no GUI?05:18
jaweeGUI or console rather05:18
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hayamiexplain me friend cuz im new xD05:19
hayamii have this problem, can you send me the pastebin?05:19
jaweehayami: Are you using the add/remove programs in the k menu?05:19
hayamito show you my friend?05:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:19
jhutchins!paste | hayami05:19
ubotuhayami: please see above05:19
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jhutchinsHm, only 12 nicks in #kubuntu-es05:21
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hayamicheck budies05:21
ardchoillehayami: If you're looking for libdvdcss2, you may want to add the Seveas repo05:22
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:22
adam_Hi eveyone. Just installed Kubuntu 7.04. Something went wrong in the update after install and now I cant update - its saying another process is using the package DB but I cant find it in TOP process list. And if I reboot its the same05:23
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hayamihow do i add it?05:23
hayamii know how05:23
hayamibut what is the link xD05:23
jhutchins!aptfix | adam_05:23
ubotuadam_: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 05:23
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ardchoillehayami: Read that page ^05:24
hayamii put it in /etc/apt/source.list right?05:24
ardchoillehayami: Read that page ^05:24
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adam_<3 ubotu! Many thanks mate legend05:25
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!05:25
ardchoille!bot | adam_05:25
ubotuadam_: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:25
adam_lolz the bot that knows all05:25
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adam_Ty jhutchins05:26
phoenixzHi all, I can use ctrl-ins to copy anywhere in KDE except the shell console.. How or where can I configure this correctly?05:27
namolphoenixz: in an actual console or in the console while running X?05:27
ardchoillephoenixz: You can hilight in konsole and right click to get some choices05:27
hayamican you give me a link to paste it? cuz i don't understand that friend :p05:27
ardchoille!paste | hayami05:28
ubotuhayami: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:28
phoenixznamol, console while running kde yeah05:28
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phoenixzardchoille, I know I can do it that way but I like the keyboard, its much more efficient and faster.. so I'd like a keyboard shortcut, which works everywhere in KDE, but not in the console05:28
namoltry ctrl+c?05:29
namolit tells you the shortcut when you right click though, so then you'll know for future use05:29
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phoenixznamol, thats the deal, there is NO shortcut displayed in console either.. paste has shift+insert, but copy does not show anything05:31
ardchoillephoenixz: You can set a keyboard shortcut for copy and another one for paste.  Settings -> Configure Shorcuts05:31
hayamiany repositorie that contains the package i'm looking for?05:31
hayamiit's hard for me to understand xD05:31
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vsudilovanyone know the default hotkey for hibernate?05:32
namolphoenixz: I think in konsole, just selecting the text copies it05:32
namoltry it05:32
phoenixzardchoille, again, its specified there as CTRL-INS.. but not in console.. dunno why not.. its as if console ignores the setting05:33
phoenixznamol, yeah, I know the select-autocopy feature but Id like to copy to the clipboard05:33
namolphoenixz: there's special ctrl + functions in the console05:33
hayamican someone can send me the list of the repositories05:33
hayamithat i should have? :p05:33
namolwhich is why i think it doesn't want to work for you05:33
hayamiplease that would be very kind05:34
ardchoillehayami: Which package are you looking for?05:34
phoenixznamol, gottit! thanks! :)05:34
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namolhayami: http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/05:35
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Sakkathflaccid: adept is upgrading a lot of things, i was gonna do a normal adept update but it offered to upgrade to feisty for me so i figured why not :P ty buddy05:35
dgahow do i disable the system beep in kubuntu?05:35
hayamithe one it's missing man05:35
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ardchoillehayami: libdvdcss2 ?05:35
hayamiyeah dude05:36
hayamiand thanks05:36
hayamifor the page05:36
hayamii don't understand a lot of repositories05:36
namolwhat package are you trying to install?05:36
hayamii just see links a links05:36
ardchoillehayami: Go to this page and read, it explains how to add this repo: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:36
flaccidSakkath: sweet now you just have to wait for it fail05:37
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namolaptitude search libdvdcss2 :\05:38
ardchoillenamol: It won't find it until he adds a repo cuz libdvdcss2 isn't in the main repos05:38
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franko24I have this problem when I make "make modules modules_install". Can someone please help me?             http://pastebin.com/m170d93ae05:39
hayamisee what appeared05:39
hayamihayami@hayamilap:~$ sudo aptitude search libdvdcss205:40
hayamiBB  libdvdcss2-dev                  - development files for libdvdcss205:40
namolhayami: what version are you running?05:40
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namolthere's a walk through on how to do it05:42
ardchoilleIt seems all he has to do is  "sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2" and he's done05:43
hayamithanks namol05:44
phoenixzAnybody with some experience with automatix? Does it use .deb packages that will also automatically be updated with the apt-get updater??05:44
ardchoille!automatix | phoenixz05:44
ubotuphoenixz: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)05:44
ardchoillephoenixz: automatix is very bad, don't use it.05:45
namolI don't care too much for automatix05:45
phoenixzardchoille, Do I even dare to ask why it is so bad? :)05:45
phoenixzI mean, basically it does sound nice...05:45
ardchoillephoenixz: Too many people come in here after having their systems trashed by automatix.. it's quite dangerous05:46
phoenixzThough I would prefer a nice .deb repo and use adept manager...05:46
ardchoillephoenixz:  http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html05:46
phoenixzardchoille, Im readin already05:46
namolphoenixz: use apt05:46
ardchoillephoenixz: You can easily do anything automatix can do with a little reading05:46
namolor something05:46
namolapt and dpkg05:47
phoenixzardchoille, I know.. its just that I keep having quite a few problems, with -for example- video and audio..05:47
ardchoillephoenixz: What are your video problems? I can try and help with that. I don't use audio.05:47
Sakkathflaccid: lol05:48
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phoenixzardchoille, audio is more related to an external USB and ALSA being a bit.. eh.. not mature enough... :) About video: Its like a progressively worse situation.. mplayer on any video file will show me the first frame and its stops.. xine simply crashed after xine-config had its way with it (I'll reinstall xine completely, still have to do that) and right now, I can sometimes play wmv files with only kaffeine (only one left) but wmv files show massive codec05:49
phoenixz errors (you know, the bright blue -green-yellow colors over the screen)05:49
ardchoillephoenixz: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs05:50
Sakkathhow should i install plugins for firefox for video05:50
ardchoillephoenixz: You might also want to add the seveas repo and install w32codecs05:50
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:50
ardchoilleThat'll help with wmv files05:51
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phoenixzardchoille, seveas repo?05:53
ardchoilleYes, it's a nice repo05:53
phoenixzardchoille, where do I find that one?05:53
ardchoille!seveas | phoenixz05:53
ubotuphoenixz: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:53
phoenixzardchoille, mmmm... I just continued reading.. this package indeed sucks hairy balls -pardon my french-  but as I read it, even starting it, without installing anything yet, is dangerous.. is that correct?05:54
ardchoilleNot sure, I haven't used it since it trashed my box last year.. best to stay away from it, though.05:54
jhutchinsphoenixz: dcss?05:54
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phoenixzjhutchins, excuse me?05:55
jhutchinsphoenixz: Which package is dangerous?05:55
jhutchinsAh, yes.05:56
phoenixzjhutchins, ardchoille, too late for that.. :) I have not installed anything, but I have started it already05:56
ardchoillephoenixz: You might be still ok, uninstall it and check your /etc/apt/sources.list file05:56
phoenixzYou might want to place some big BIG warning somewhere about this crap.. I heard lots of people about it like woah and oooohhh!! great!05:56
phoenixzthen I read this crap.. :(05:56
phoenixzardchoille, Do I even want to know? :)05:56
jhutchinsphoenixz: We keep trying to tell people.05:56
namolphoenixz: which is why you should read about packages/software before you download them :D05:57
phoenixzardchoille, the only nice thing about it is that it shows a great list of software..  let me copy paste (with a pencil) which packages I want to install after this with apt get :)05:57
jhutchinsphoenixz: Especially if they are from outside the main repositories, which are pretty thorough.05:57
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs05:57
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:58
ardchoillephoenixz: Yes, I know, but all that "nice list" of software can be had simply by adding repos and doing it manually.. and it's safer.05:58
phoenixznamol, I usually do, and I do know about package management.. its just that I figured that something like it would be... okay.. I mean it looks reasonably professional and all..05:58
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phoenixzardchoille, don't worry, you got me convinced :)05:58
jhutchinsYeah, and what do you do about that?  It's well-intentioned, but it just isn't safe.05:59
jhutchinsphoenixz: for some people, the ones who advise using it, it works great.05:59
ardchoillephoenixz: My reasoning is that if you do things the right way, you will end up learning quite a bit and can trobuleshoot/fix any problems that might arise later. Problems caused by automatix are often hard to track and fix.05:59
jhutchinsphoenixz: It's one thing if something either works or just fails, but when it either works or it trashes your system...05:59
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jhutchinsardchoille: True of many quick fixes.06:00
moomanwhat's the line for getting ndiswrapper?06:00
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:01
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Sakkathi'm not on gnome so how do i get to the "Resticted extras" sectino06:01
Sakkathin Add/Remove06:01
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ardchoilleSakkath: That is a gnome app, if you have itstalled you may be able to run it, but I don't think there is an equivalent for kde06:02
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ardchoilleOh, sorry, I misread you.. I thought you said Restricted Drivers06:02
phoenixzardchoille, What I read here is that the trash it creates on your system is close to impossible to fix... specialy with package management..06:02
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moomanI meant downloading ndiswrapper.  sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper  ?06:02
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Sakkathardchoille: it's still a gnome thing and i'm not sure what to do06:02
ardchoillephoenixz: True. But on my system it completely broke sudo, so I was screwed.06:03
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ardchoilleSakkath: What are you looking for? Restricted repos?06:03
blueregardhello all06:03
ardchoillehi blueregard06:04
blueregardhow is everyone tonight?06:04
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Sakkathardchoille: Click Applications  Add/Remove. In the top right, change the setting to All available applications. Then select Other in the left panel and then select the Ubuntu restricted extras package. Click OK.   <-- From https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats06:04
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ardchoilleSakkath: That looks like the url you need to read right there06:05
hayamii have another problem06:05
phoenixzardchoille, well, with the CD you could reboot.. but still, that would be the easy part06:06
hayamithe repos that i installed doesn't work with libdvdcss206:06
Sakkathardchoille: yes.. but that Applications - Add/remove thingie is part of gnome, and i'm on kubuntu06:06
ardchoillehayami: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file please? use pastebin06:07
jhutchinshayami: https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems06:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:07
ardchoilleSakkath: kmenu > System > Add/Remove Programs  ?06:08
Sakkathardchoille: oh..06:08
blueregardI'm setting up one of our Kubuntu servers with several Windows VMware guest OS's to do some Windows repair training and I need to find somewhere that I can get a few different virii and spyware samples to intentionally infect the guest OS's.06:08
blueregardanyone know where I might find something like that?06:08
jhutchinsblueregard: Leave an un-patched un-firewalled windows box connected to the net for an hour?06:09
ardchoilleblueregard: I doubt you're going to find help with that here06:09
jhutchinsblueregard: Maybe #windows06:09
Sakkathardchoille: oh.. i can't open it because adept is upgrading stuff atm06:09
ardchoilleSakkath: You'll have to wait until adept is done06:09
hayamisee friend06:10
hayamicuz i don't know what to do06:10
hayamior how i can fix that error06:10
blueregardjhutchins: I was thinking I might have to do that.06:10
ardchoillehayami: I've told you this several times, add the seveas repo and try again06:11
blueregardI don't need anything major, I just need to get some of these morons HR hired to the point where they can fix a machine without calling me 20 times.06:11
blueregardand I figured virtual machines were the safest way to go about training them.06:12
Sakkathardchoille: ya. does it have the restircted extras thingie like gnome does?06:12
ardchoilleSakkath: I don't know, I don't use gnome.06:12
Sakkathardchoille: neither do i that's why this guide is confusing me06:13
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ardchoilleand I don't use gui's either, so I'm not the best one to ask.06:13
jrenatoaonde possa baixar o frostwire06:14
hayamican you give me the deb http?06:14
hayamicuz i got confussed with lot's of links06:14
ardchoillehayami: I've given you this link several times, can you write it down this time please? http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages06:14
ardchoillehayami: You can't just add a deb line, you have to add keys and there is other info you need to know.06:15
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hayamii'm new, it's that why i don't understand lot's of things06:17
jhutchinshayami: Plan to read a lot.06:17
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phoenixzardchoille, one of the little jokes Id had to pull to start automatix was kill off kio_file (that really should have been a warning). How do I get that back up?06:21
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ardchoillephoenixz: Not sure, never had to do that.. but, you're right, that should have been a warning. Never kill something unless you know what is is and why you're doing it.06:23
phoenixzim baadd.. Im baaaadd. Im baaddd Im baaaadd Im baaaadd x 1000006:23
jhutchinsphoenixz: I'd think you could just re-start kde.06:24
jhutchinsphoenixz: maybe dcop kio_file?06:24
phoenixzjhutchins, I could yeah but then again, Id like to hunt-down-and-squish-like-a-bug anything that has to do anything with automatix before I restart anything at all.. :)06:25
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flaccidif its dead, its dead!06:26
flaccidunless its in ps ..06:26
phoenixzardchoille, already problem one: adept manager gives an error on startup.. "The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem"06:27
phoenixzardchoille, But then again, Ive had this one before after an adept manager crash so... somebody gave me a (quite comoplex I remember) solution for it..06:27
jhutchins!aptfix | phoenixz06:27
ubotuphoenixz: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 06:27
phoenixzjhutchins, That one yeah!06:28
jhutchinsNight, all.06:29
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phoenixzardchoille, jhutchins, nothing :(  I dont understand.. I only opened and closed the app... if this is so dangerous, then why the hell are these guys giving it away with pride?!?06:30
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Sakkathis there a way to install all the packages that would come with feisty? does kubuntu come with compiz or do i need a nice howto?06:43
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Dr_willisId avoide compwiz at this time.06:43
carlos-ehola amigos06:43
Dr_willis what packages are you refering to?06:44
SakkathDr_willis: not sure, never used feisty, i've upgraded from dapper. and why would you avoid compiz06:44
Dr_willisits very very much a work in progress. :)06:44
carlos-ehola amigos alguien abla espaol06:44
Dr_willisif you MUST see the fancy gui-eye-candy. try a live cd with it allready enabled.06:45
SakkathDr_willis: pfft it's been working fine for a while06:45
Dr_willisSakkath,  go for it then.. good luck..06:45
Dr_willisyou will not BELIVE the # of people ive seen asking how to isntall that stuff.. then the next day they ask how to remove it.06:45
SakkathDr_willis: everyone uses it, i've even used it :p06:45
Dr_willisI dont use it. :) thats why i said to avoide it.. now in say   4 Months.. perhaps..06:45
Dr_willisthat Sabayon Live cd. had the compwiz, and Mettiss, and other eye candy stuff on it. neat to test out.06:46
Dr_willistoo bad it dident work very well for me.06:46
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Sakkathanyways.. the RestrictedFormatshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats <-- the section that says applications - Add/Remove and then go to ubuntu restricted extras . . . that's gnome, i'm on kde, i'm not sure what to use. and ya, sabayon didn't work great for me either, but i think the dvd was screwed up 'cause my dvd burner is dying i think06:47
Dr_willisMy KDE menus have an add/remove - thats just another front end for the package manager, adept or synaptic.06:48
SakkathDr_willis: yeah, i'm not seeing a 'restricted extras' thingie though06:48
Dr_willisthat meand enable the other restricted repositories.06:49
Dr_willisI always do that by editng the sources.list06:49
Dr_willisor use easysource site06:49
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:49
Dr_willisIts proberly been moved somewhere.  in the menus06:49
Sakkathyeah this is adept, i'm guessing the wiki page is for the synaptic thing06:49
Dr_willisi always enable that stuff right off - on a new install . never use the gui.06:50
Dr_willisYep - wiki pages tend to be for synaptic06:50
Dr_willisYou could always install synaptic06:50
Dr_willisI would much perfer the wiki pages to have 3 'parts' one for synaptic, one for adept. and one for the shell. :)06:50
Sakkaththat would be nice06:50
Dr_willisThen again. one fo the first things i isntall is synaptic06:50
Dr_willisI dont find adept's interface that  likeable. :)06:50
Sakkathshould i use amarok and kde packages? and also i'm not sure which to use for the media plugins i'm looking for06:51
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Dr_willisI belive theres a specific repo for the 'latest' amarok.  but it depends on your needs.06:51
Dr_williswhat do you mean by 'use' them? vs using what?06:52
Sakkathwell i just want compatibility with the most formats06:52
Dr_willisdepends on what yopu are playing. :)06:52
Sakkathso i wonder if i should install latest amarok06:52
Sakkathi just wanna get streamin videos workin06:52
Sakkathwmv videos, real, etc., anything to work in firefox06:52
Dr_williscant say that ive trtied streaming video in amarok06:52
Dr_willisfor the video stuff - you will need that w32codec package.06:53
Sakkatheh that was just a side question, jif i should bother getting latest amarok thing06:53
Dr_willisthen whatever players ya like.06:53
Dr_willisI doubt if the version of amarok will matter much.06:53
Sakkaththis howto says to download it from this site.. but is it in any of these repos?06:53
Dr_willisI dont see much need for the latest amarok.06:53
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Dr_willisyou can always install it later.06:53
Sakkathis the w32codecs avail in any repo?06:54
Dr_willisYes it is.06:54
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs06:54
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moomanhas anyone tried kubuntu on an old IBM p3 laptop?06:54
Dr_willisYep. That easysource site - lets you easially add his repos.06:54
Dr_willismooman,  thats rather vague. :)  it should work.06:55
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Dr_willisIve ran kubuntu on a Pent 1 laptop.06:55
Sakkathmooman: especially if it's coppermine06:55
Sakkathi would advise a compiled os rather than binary, might notice some speed diffs06:55
Sakkathgentoo ;P06:55
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Dr_willisSakkath,  seen too many arguments on that topic. :) i dont think he would gain much.06:55
Sakkaththat's not linux06:56
moomanI know06:56
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SakkathDr_willis: i've tried it on an old system and it CRAWLED along06:56
Dr_willisWHat Speed P3 and how much ram.06:56
Sakkathit was awful06:56
moomanit's unix, but probably very compatible.06:56
Dr_willisand what tasks will the thing be doing.06:56
Sakkathmooman: no matter what i like linux better..06:56
moomanText proccessing / Web Transfer (HTTP Only)06:56
Sakkathdo you need a gui?06:57
moomanand maybe irc or bsflite.06:57
moomannah, no gui06:57
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Sakkathi'd still advise gentoo06:57
moomanif I were to go with gentoo, i'd go with MEPIS.06:57
Dr_williswith no gui. the ubuntu server installs should be fine.06:57
underdog5004you can compile from source on kubuntu06:57
moomanbasically built for IBM06:57
underdog5004instead of apt-get install, you do apt-get source06:57
Sakkathunderdog5004: so? what's wrong with gentoo :(06:58
Dr_williswhats right with gentoo.. (please lets NOT start this argument again) :)06:58
underdog5004Sakkath, lol, it takes a long time to compile anything with a p306:58
underdog5004I mean, nothing, there's nothing wrong with gentoo06:58
Dr_willisLittle gain, lot of pain.. use what you like...06:58
Sakkathif he dont have a gui that's fine06:58
=== underdog5004 backs away from the flame
SakkathDr_willis: i beg to differ06:58
Dr_willisThis is Linux. Use what you like.06:58
underdog5004all about choice06:58
Sakkathindeed and i would suggest gentoo for something that minimalistic06:59
Dr_willisSakkath,  ive seen this debated to death..    and very little gets said.06:59
Sakkathso he can start bare bones and add what he likes easily06:59
moomanI am using Kubuntu on a P3 995mhz06:59
Dr_willisslax, puppulinux, featherlinux, dsl, 100+ others.....06:59
moomanIt works every thing fine.06:59
Sakkathi personally like gentoo a lot more, to be honest06:59
Dr_willisdepends on his needs.06:59
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Sakkathif i wanted an "easy os" i'd proly use sabayon or maybe i'd try out fedora. opensuse ain't bad07:00
Dr_willissabayon lasted 2 days here.. it had.. issues.. BIG issues...07:00
underdog5004or, he could try what he wants.07:00
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Sakkathunderdog5004: yes.. just saying if i want a "ready-to-go" os i'd try those 3, ubuntu would come after them though07:01
Sakkathbut if i want a hobby os, gentoo for me! ;p lol07:01
underdog5004indeed; anyways07:01
Sakkathis http://seveas.imbrandon.com/ an ok mirror?07:01
moomanso what's the advantage of say...Linux Kubuntu over Unix freeBSD?  simply the interface and the what it lines up proccess data?07:01
underdog5004no idea07:02
Sakkathi like gnu tools07:02
Sakkathand iptables07:02
underdog5004although, I do know that the BSD's are supposed to be way more secure than anything else on the market07:02
Sakkathfbsd is tiny and i'd say good for a small shell server07:02
Sakkathunderdog5004: i've always heard linux was me secure07:02
Dr_willismooman,  for bsd vs linux, theres a lot of Fundamental/core differances.. the GUI/Interface is one of the more trivial differances. :)07:02
Dr_willisIve always heard BSD was more secure. :)07:02
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Sakkathi'd say there's more linux support07:02
Sakkathand more things available07:02
underdog5004I read somewhere that BSD has only had 1 zero day vulnerability in the kernel. I prefer linux for the hardware support though07:03
moomanWell, in terms of being a user...the differences are less seen.  Unless you're doing programming eh?07:03
Sakkathseeing as the bsd's, there's only one major, fbsd, whereas there's a lot of linux distros07:03
Sakkathmooman: well.. for a user, the ports are really nice (me being a gentoo user)07:03
Sakkathbut it's less for a desktop07:03
underdog5004mooman, trust me, you'll see a difference if you use BSD...use linux to get started...a lot of the commands will work on the bsd's as well.07:03
Sakkathmore for a server07:03
Sakkaththe damn thing comes with pico07:03
moomanI used to use freeBSD on a 1.3ghz IBM Thinkpad.07:04
Sakkathand vi07:04
Sakkathnano/vim please07:04
underdog5004vim ftw07:04
Sakkathi used it for a while but way too many things were available for linux07:04
=== underdog5004 accidentally starts another flamefest...
moomanWorked great for Text, but the CPU was never used over 600mhz.07:04
Sakkatheverything i wanted "linux linux linux" nothing for fbsd :(07:04
Sakkathi'd say you have less options07:04
moomanYeah, definitely.  But I am not a very needy man.07:04
Sakkathi'd say there's more development for linux07:05
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moomanHow about the file system compatibility?  Is it perfect?07:06
underdog5004and code gets out faster...of course, that's because there's less security scrutiny...07:06
Sakkathwhat section for seveas do i want? there's backports custom drivers extras freenx seveas-meta all... i just want w23codecs atm07:09
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Sakkathok w32codecs is in extras07:11
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drivermankubuntu did not install a bootloader for some reason.07:12
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drivermanwait, maybe it did, and it hid it on my other drive07:13
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drivermanyep. nevermind07:14
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kubuntunomadI tried booting kubuntu 7.04 live and got a failed xfermode error07:14
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kubuntunomadis there anything i can do to stop it07:18
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kewlsolutionsasl mo?07:26
kubuntunomadim sorry im not fluent in advanced internet abreviations07:26
kewlsolutionsfrom were a u?07:27
kubuntunomadnew york07:27
kewlsolutionshw old r u ?07:27
Sakkathlol asl is 'not' advanced07:27
Sakkathit's very old and used by 13 year olds on aim07:28
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kubuntunomadi dont chat alot07:28
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Sakkathor at least when i was 1307:28
Sakkath(3 years ago)07:28
kewlsolutionsr u boy o gurl?07:28
Sakkathkewlsolutions: it's not that hard to say 'are you a boy or a girl?'07:28
kubuntunomadim uncomfortable07:28
LynoureSakkath: even when I was 15...07:28
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LynoureSakkath: 16 years ago.07:28
kewlsolutionswat u min ?07:28
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Sakkathkewlsolutions: in fact it takes more time to think of an abbreviation for everything, instead you could type normal and slowly improve your typing skills and type faster07:29
Sakkathkewlsolutions: i bet i type faster than you typing normal than you do with abbreviations.07:29
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kubuntunomadidk uwtt07:29
Sakkathand it just makes you look like a complete idiot.07:29
LynoureThe reason why there is not much 'chatting' here is that this is the support channel07:29
Sakkathkubuntunomad: ?07:29
Lynoure#ubuntu-offtopic is the chat spot07:29
kubuntunomadcan anyone help me with my problem07:29
Sakkathkubuntunomad: what is it? ask it, don't ask to ask07:30
kubuntunomadi typed it before07:30
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Sakkathkubuntunomad: sorry, i wasn't around, mind restating it?07:30
Sakkathkubuntunomad: i saw it07:30
Sakkathbut i haven't a clue :(07:30
Sakkathgoogle was no help?07:30
Lynourekubuntunomad: "failed" or some error message? I mean, how did it fail?07:31
kubuntunomadwell i actually went first to the kubuntu forums rather than google07:31
kubuntunomadwell it gives me some error about tty07:31
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LynoureIt would help to hear exactly what the error is.07:31
kubuntunomadand then loops this message ata2.01: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x4)07:32
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kubuntunomad"/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off07:34
Lynourekubuntunomad: http://fak3r.com/2007/06/22/failed-to-set-xfermode-solved/ looks promising. I cannot remember if the normal livecd takes boot options, though07:34
kubuntunomadits not a live cd, its full thing07:35
kubuntunomadbut i was testing boot first07:35
Lynourekubuntunomad: oh, then you can just follow those instructions.07:35
LynoureI mean, if you have kubuntu already installed.07:35
kubuntunomadi dont07:36
kubuntunomadbut i figure that it would have these errors even installed.07:36
Lynourekubuntunomad: the livecd is the same as the installation cd...07:36
LynoureWhat are you using for booting with if not 7.04 live cd?  the alternate cd? something else?07:37
Sakkathis there a way i can get all pkgs that come with feisty? does totem come with it? i dont' have totem.. maybe cause i use kde!! so it's kaffeine isntead?07:37
kubuntunomadim using dvd07:37
LynoureSakkath: all packages is very many... thousands.07:38
Sakkathi'm gonna need more repos or somethin... i don't see any for kaffine, only a totem xine plugin...07:38
SakkathLynoure: well i had 6.06 and i would like everything 7.04 has07:39
SakkathLynoure: everything 7.04 comes with with a default installation, that is07:39
kubuntunomadty, ill try this out now07:39
LynoureSakkath: on your own risk you can just use the current repositories (see source-o-matic), but it's risky07:40
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LynoureSakkath: likely to break your system, even07:40
SakkathLynoure: i've upgraded to feisty via dist-upgrade and my sources say feisty07:40
Sakkathand i reinstalled kubuntu-desktop07:40
Sakkathbut does that mean i have everything that comes with a feisty install?07:41
LynoureSakkath: oh, I thought you meant you are still running 6.06 :)07:41
SakkathLynoure: what do you suggest i do to play wmv stream in my firefox on kbuntu07:42
LynoureSakkath: it should, yes. But as direct ugrade from 6.06 to 7.04 is not supported, who knows07:42
Sakkathi went to edgy first07:42
LynoureSakkath: I don't do wmv at all, cannot have bothered to, as I have never needed it07:42
LynoureThen you should be fine. Can make sense to recheck the sources.list07:43
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:43
Sakkathi have07:43
Sakkathand i've added seveas to get w32condecs07:43
Sakkathbut does that give me all that comes with 7.04?07:43
LynoureSakkath: the "give" and "all" are both a bit vague. It gives you the choice of the packages that are available from standard repos for 7.0407:44
Sakkathi wouldn't know what comes with a fresh feisty install07:45
LynoureIf you have removed some of the stardard packages yourself, before upgrading, you might be missing some07:45
Sakkathi haven't07:45
Lynourethere are more unofficial sources for 7.04 than just Seveas.07:45
LynoureWhat makes you feel you are missing something? and what do you feel you are missing? :)07:46
Sakkathi donno, i'm just not sure if i am or not07:46
Sakkathdoes feisty come with compiz? or do i need to install that on feisty too07:46
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LynoureI vaguely think it does07:47
Sakkathwell that's certainly one thing i don't have07:47
Sakkathso i'm assuming i'm missing a lot?07:47
Lynoureit's another thing I don't use, as having a cube is not any more handy for me than having multiple desktops07:47
Sakkathbut it sure is sexy07:47
Daisuke_Idono sir, compiz is not sexy, margaret thatcher is sexy.07:48
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LynoureSakkath: it needs to be activated, I think, and the choice is there just for ubuntu (guesswork and vague memories, you can check for yourself)07:48
Daisuke_Idoand since i am quite obviously delusional, i need to go to bed.07:48
SakkathDaisuke_Ido: 'night07:48
Lynoureand just for the cards that support it well07:48
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Sakkathwhat does gnome call when i do 'Applications -> Add/Remove'07:50
Sakkathi do have synaptic but when i open it i don't see anything about 'All available applications' and i dont see ano Other in the let pane.. containing ubuntu restricted extras?07:50
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Soulwarpi'm unable to play my dvd videos...07:52
Sakkathaw i wish the gxineplugin worked in-window as the wmv one does07:52
stdinSoulwarp: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/DVD07:53
Soulwarpstdin thx07:54
ardchoilleSakkath: If you're using the gnome desktop, you might be better off in #ubuntu. This channel is usually for kde stuff.07:55
Sakkathardchoille: i am on kubuntu, that's why asked what does gnome call when that is pressed. the ubuntu wiki guide 'RestrictedFormats' says to do taht and i dont know what i should do instead for i am on kubuntu07:56
Sakkathand ahahaha, gxlineplugin, what the hell.. the sound is slow, this girl sounds manly!07:56
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ZombieAdding screen resolutions 400x300, and 320x24008:08
Zombiettp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34495/ Original Xorg config08:08
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kubuntunomaddidnt work :(08:09
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ardchoilleSakkath: Ok.08:11
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Sakkathadept_installer doesn't find everything syanptic does...08:13
stdinSakkath: it does, it uses the same sources..08:14
Sakkathstdin: it didn't find all the same xine thingies08:14
stdinSakkath: make sure you're using the adept manager08:14
Sakkaththat finds it08:14
Sakkathbut apept_installer doesn't08:14
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stdinbecause "adept_installer" is the add/remove app, it's not supposed to have all the packages on it08:15
stdinit's only for the main/popular packages08:15
Sakkathstdin: what is the add/remove app for gnome08:15
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Sakkathbecause i'm on kubuntu and i wanna be able to pick the "ubuntu restricted extras" thingie that the wiki RestrictedFormats guide says to do in Applications -> Add/Remove and i'm not on gnome so i can't do that08:15
stdinit's not in kubuntu (yet)08:16
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please. | KDE 4.0 beta 1 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Riddell at Sat Aug 4 17:44:53 2007
(phoenixz/#kubuntu) flaccid, adept manager then?09:05
(flaccid/#kubuntu) yeah. you are pretty much right09:05
(stdin/#kubuntu) phoenixz: for most things, they are in the repos, for others that automatix installs we can't make a repo, as it's illegal to redistribute some of these things09:06
(flaccid/#kubuntu) all that is needed is frontend that calls routines to add that repos of nonfree to the sources.list09:06
stdinbut supporting unofficial packages is difficult anyway09:06
phoenixzstdin, if they want to do it legal or not is their business.. at least they should NOT kill the users computers..09:07
stdinbit of a catch2209:07
=== intelikey thinks what we need is to start shooting lawyers... ;/
=== stdin takes aim
phoenixzphoenixz just loads the minigun.. screw aiming, lets just spray.. :)09:08
=== phoenixz just loads the minigun.. screw aiming, lets just spray.. :)
flaccidits just a matter of someone hosting a nonfree repos that hosts software which breaks licenses09:08
intelikeylead rain09:08
flaccidbut thats what we need09:08
phoenixzcd ..09:11
intelikeywell    enough joking around about it.   i'll give my openion     what we (actually you, not i) need is to break ourselvs of wanting to use/access/play with/install/pay for/touch   restricted/non-free formats.09:11
phoenixzintelikey, okay, and now in a way 6 year olds (and people with 50 hours without sleep) can also understand it? :)09:11
flaccidif you do that in its entirity, you loose experience and accessibility09:11
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phoenixzwhat flaccid says..09:12
intelikeyphoenixz if it aint FOSS leave it alone.09:12
ardchoillephoenixz: 50 hours without sleep? That's one of the quickest ways to break things.09:12
phoenixzintelikey, sorry, FOSS?09:12
flaccidboss' don't like to here, i can't do my work because its not FOSS09:12
ubotufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing09:12
flaccidi would get fired...09:12
ardchoilleFree/Open Source Software (FOSS)09:13
phoenixzardchoille, it usually is, specially me myself :)09:13
=== stdin has no mp3s on his "mp3" player :)
flaccidits superflous to say that you can all you need to do on FOSS only when file formats and other factors force you to use nonfree/de facto standards09:13
phoenixzintelikey, that was a big DOH! :) But well.. okay, only use FOSS.. But what about if I want to see this uber cool movie that needs non-FOSS stuff to play?09:13
flaccidwhat do you do when someone sends you a nonfree format. ask them for a free one, and they wtf??09:14
flaccidyou don't ask someone to drive a car if they can't drive :)09:14
intelikeythen you have looped to the first post phoenixz     stop the "want"   and you stop the problem.09:14
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phoenixzintelikey, and then, what about when we are not talking abuot me but about these 500 million other computer noobs that just want to use their compu? If we want to get linux big, and want to get the options, it needs to be stong09:14
phoenixzintelikey, which would require us that linux will always and only be for the geeks.. no noob could ever touch it..09:15
intelikey"""If we want to get linux big"""   <<< ?09:15
stdinflaccid: what do you do when you send a someone a .odf and they say, we want a .doc? you send a .doc or say wtf?09:15
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flaccidstdin: depending on who it is i either ask them to get openoffice or i will send the .doc09:16
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intelikeyphoenixz methinks that that argument is based on circular reasoning.09:16
ardchoillephoenixz: For some of us, Linux is already "big". IMHO, Microsoft products died out in 2001, when I switched to Linux and haven't touched a M$ product since.09:16
stdinflaccid: then you have different rules for yourself than your friends09:16
phoenixzintelikey, If you want linux to be widely accepted as a mainstream OS.. right now, the only mainstream desktop OS'es are all prefixed with "Windows".. Id like that to change..09:16
intelikeyphoenixz i.e.   linux is not the most used because less people use it...09:16
flaccidstdin: no i wouldn't ask a ceo to install Ooo09:16
stdinanyway, this is all a bit -ot :p09:17
flaccidi will ask my friends/non-business people09:17
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intelikeyphoenixz in the first place   i could hardly care any less whether anyone else uses linux or not.    so like i said.  you are basing your argument on a loop back.09:18
phoenixzintelikey, ardchoille: Ask your mother to use linux for a week.. See if she tries to kill you after that or not..  :) The problem is that where I am from (well, live), central mexico, people dont even know what linux is..09:18
flaccidour arguments are practical and address how people actually behave09:18
intelikeyphoenixz my mother uses only FOSS   any other args ?09:18
chupiei am trying to get my wireless card to work, its a broadcom 4318 chipset, and i am trying ndiswrapper but when i do modprobe ndiswrapper it is saying that the module doesn't exist09:18
intelikeyphoenixz and she is near 70 now.09:18
phoenixzintelikey, not really.. If you need to support half your family, and you need to reinstall the same @*#( computers every month because XP died again, then suddenly you will care :()09:19
phoenixzintelikey, If your mom only uses FOSS, I'd like to switch moms ;)09:19
intelikeyphoenixz no M# here mate.09:19
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ardchoillephoenixz: mom and dad both use CentOS, sis uses Fedora and my 8 year old niece uses Ubuntu.09:19
intelikeyno M$   ooops09:19
phoenixzintelikey, The thing for me is that I see this GREAT system, linux, and it keeps loosing from the biggest pile of shit possible.. that cant be..09:20
stdin!language | phoenixz09:20
ubotuphoenixz: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:20
stdinnot to mention..09:20
phoenixzstdin, you are very right, Im sorry09:20
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:20
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intelikeythe only people that think linux is "hard" are the ones that used M$ for *years  and linux for one day...09:20
flaccid-intelikey: you do realise that you just broke your own argument09:21
phoenixzintelikey, and those who try kubuntu for the first day and find it hard, drop back to their old addiction again :)09:21
flaccid-thats right people are used to m$ and they think linux is hard...09:21
intelikeyflaccid-   which argument ?09:21
flaccid-this only people is millions upon millions09:21
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flaccid-the argument for linux use09:21
=== phoenixz nods to flaccid's argument..
intelikeyphoenixz and.     like i said before.    i don't care what they use...09:22
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stdinthis is all a very nice discussion, but take it to #kubuntu-offtopic09:22
phoenixzAnybody cares to go to the offtopic channel?09:22
flaccid-im done.09:22
=== Agrajag^ [n=Agrajag@c-67-163-214-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu
intelikeyyeah me to....    for a change.09:23
phoenixzsure sure..09:23
stdinchupie: what model of broadcom?09:24
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intelikeyactually i will go   O T09:24
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jeffmhi all, when i run "ps -e" in the command line there's too much output for me to read. how can i view the output page by page?09:25
stdinjeffm: ps -e | less09:26
flaccid-ps -e | more09:26
stdinor | more09:26
flaccid-more or less heh09:26
flaccid-excuse the pun09:26
ZombieAnyone here with Xorg experience?09:26
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:26
jeffmok thanks. but errrr, how do i type in the "|" character?09:26
stdinjeffm: didn't you just do it?09:27
jeffmno, i copied.09:27
stdinjeffm: for me it's Shift+\09:27
flaccid-its usually above the enter key (shift + \)09:27
_buzusually, when you hit ctrl-alt-esc i got the skull to kill apps, but in gutsy i just get a pointing cross (which does the same)09:27
stdinAlt-Gr+` too (for me)09:27
jeffmflaccid: oh cool. lol. i didn't know that. crazy stuff...09:27
jeffmthanks all09:28
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intelikeystdin did you look in  o t09:31
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stdinintelikey: yeah, I just read what you said there09:32
alakhia!apt build source09:33
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alakhia!apt build09:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt build - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:34
intelikeyircops ... hmmm09:34
alakhia!apt compile09:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt compile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:34
=== intelikey wonders if he should hide....
flaccid-im off09:34
intelikey@ ompaul :)09:35
alakhiadoes anyone know what I need to tell apt so it setup source code for me to compile for a package?09:35
intelikeyapt-get source package09:36
intelikeyapt-get source <package>09:36
ZombieAny help?09:36
alakhiaah, cool. Thanks, intelikey09:37
alakhiaintelikey: configure doesn't find libz .... but I show zliblg already installed. So, then I try to install zlib1g-dev. But I get unmet dependencies09:41
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intelikeylibz != zlib09:42
alakhiazlib1g-dev: Depends: zlib1g (= 1:1.2.3-13ubuntu4) but 1: is to be installed09:42
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alakhiawhat to make of this?09:42
ompaulintelikey, moin09:42
intelikeyhey how are ya.09:42
ompaulintelikey, -offtopic or pm ;-)09:43
intelikeyusually      yeah....09:43
alakhiaI can't find libz ... under a different name?09:43
intelikeyalakhia hmmm what is the exact error ?09:45
alakhiaintelikey: I am trying to build digikam locally. configure says:  checking for libz... configure: error: not found. Possibly configure pics outdated version from XFree86. Remove it09:46
alakhiaer, configure "picks"09:47
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stdinalakhia: have you tried "sudo apt-get build-dep digikam" ?09:49
alakhiaI looked in config.log.  conftest.c can't find "zlib.h"09:49
alakhiastdin: no, tried build-dep just now. Just gave me an error: Build-dependencies for digikam could not be satisfied.09:50
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alakhiais my apt database hosed in some way?09:52
stdinalakhia: zlib.h is in the package zlib1g-dev09:52
alakhiaIf I install that package, I get this error: zlib1g-dev: Depends: zlib1g (= 1:1.2.3-13ubuntu4) but 1: is to be installed09:53
MilhousePunkRockstdin: Looks like installing kdemultimedia solved the problem09:53
alakhiastdin: What does that mean?09:53
stdinalakhia: that installing zlib1g-dev should install the file configure is looking for09:54
stdinMilhousePunkRock: I wonder what it installed that the other packages needed to work...09:54
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alakhiastdin: I understand that. But I can't install the package.09:55
alakhiastdin: apt-get complains about unmet dependencies.09:55
MilhousePunkRockstdin: There were some libs which I did not have installed yet, probably one of those did the trick... I will uninstall the unneeded apps from the metapackage one by one and see if it still works...09:55
stdinalakhia: post it to pastebin09:55
alakhiastdin: zlib1g-dev: Depends: zlib1g (= 1:1.2.3-13ubuntu4) but 1: is to be installed09:55
alakhiastdin: that's it ...09:55
stdinalakhia: what version of kubuntu are you on?09:56
alakhiastdin: feisty09:56
stdinalakhia: post your sources.list to pastebin09:56
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alakhiastdin: I did an update and upgrade a while back09:56
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dotzhi i remember a way to rsync to a local computer without being prompt a password..its some kind of ssh key but i forgot how..can anyone guide me?09:59
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alakhiastdin: http://pastebin.com/d1b78a40710:00
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llutzdotz like this: http://www.linux.com/articles/11384710:02
ardchoillestdin: You might like line 55 in that pastebin link10:02
=== ardchoille ducks
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stdinI had notices that...10:02
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alakhiastdin: I decided not to use automatix. It was going to pull megs of stuff.10:03
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ardchoillealakhia: Why are you compiling digikam when it's in the repos?10:04
harmentali know it is not a Kubuntu question...but OO channel is not really responsive....is there a way to fully embed pictures in OO files? (i dont want to send the pictures along with the main file)10:04
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stdinalakhia: post the output of "apt-cache policy zlib1g" and, as a "btw" never use automatix, ever, ever, ever10:04
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alakhiaardchoille: I want the latest and greatest version! And if I have time, hack the code10:04
ardchoilleah, ok10:04
alakhiastdin: hahaha! Sure, I found ubuntuguide.org much better anyway.10:05
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alakhia  Installed: 1:
alakhia  Candidate: 1:
alakhia  Version table:10:06
alakhia *** 1: 010:06
alakhia        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status10:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:06
alakhiastdin: sorry10:06
alakhiastdin: http://pastebin.com/d7fc63f7810:07
stdin1: seem to either be a version you installed manually, or something the unspeakable thing installed10:07
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alephnaughtI have a question. I need to remove any directories in my music directory that are either empty or contain no music files. I presume this should be easy with a shell command, but I can't quite figure it out. Anyone?10:07
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alakhiastdin: i didn't have autom#@^!& install anything10:08
stdinalakhia: try: sudo aptitude install zlib1g=1:1.2.3-13ubuntu410:08
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alakhiastdin: cool, that worked.10:10
stdinalephnaught: you can try "find /path/to/music -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \; " to remove empty directories10:10
alephnaughtcool, thanks. Any way to have it remove directories that don't contain *.mp3, *.ogg, *.aac, etc?10:11
alakhiastdin: thanks guys10:11
stdinalakhia: no problem10:11
alephnaught(that is, directories that have random junk in them like .nfo files and so on)10:12
stdinalephnaught: that's a little more difficult, I'll need to think about that10:12
alephnaughtthanks :)10:12
llutzalephnaught: combine find with a "-not -name *.ogg...."10:13
alephnaughtaha, cunning :)10:13
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stdinalephnaught: that will only check directory names, not file names10:14
llutzstdin: alephnaught 2nd find-cmd then10:14
alakhiaalephnaught: another option would find be: find . -type f | grep -v mp3 | grep -v ogg | grep -v  .... | xargs rm10:14
intelikeyyeah careful there.    when you start adding -o -a in find you loose tests pretty quiclky10:15
ardchoilleWhat menu is this?  http://distrowatch.com/images/screenshots/mint-3.0-kde.png10:15
ardchoilleThat looks quite nice.10:15
alephnaughtthanks chaps, I think I have some idea of what to do now10:15
seanpcrowehey guys...10:15
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seanpcroweis there something wrong with the automatix servers atm???10:15
ardchoille!automatix | seanpcrowe10:16
ubotuseanpcrowe: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)10:16
seanpcrowei cant seem to download and install codecs...10:16
ardchoilleseanpcrowe: automatix is very bad and we don't support it, if your system is still running you're lucky10:16
alakhiaseanpcrowe: try http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#Getting_Started10:16
seanpcroweok dudes... thanks...10:17
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intelikeyalephnaught i would sujest generating a list of dirs to "not" rm  and then rm'ing the rest.       and  file is a good util  to detect the type of files you are playing with.      remember linux doesn't much care about file names .blah means nothing really.10:17
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intelikeyone might do something like     find /base/dir/ -type d | sort -u > list   and then use the "list" in a test of some sort.    while loop maybe.10:19
stdinalephnaught: probably what I would do is something like "find /path/to/search/ -type f -not -name "*.ogg" -not -name "*.aac" -not -name "*.mp3" -exec rm {} \;" then run the 1st find command again to then remove those now empty dirs10:20
llutzalephnaught:or           find /path/to/music \( -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \) , \(-type f | grep -v mp3 | grep -v ogg  -exec rm {} \) \;10:20
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runleveltengrep -e "\.mp3$" -e "\.ogg$"  etc. by the way :)10:21
llutz not -exec, ^^|xargs rm ^^10:21
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intelikeystdin -iname   could be caps in them10:21
alakhiaone can also do the rm in two steps ... pipe the output to a file and make sure it is not going to remove any files you don't want. Then do the real remove.10:21
runleveltenIf you're working by extensions, first, I'd make a script that lists the available file extensions in the system, then decide which ones to delete.10:23
emjaI just ran 'apt-get update' on my laptop (kubuntu 7.04, amd64), now compiz is dead. is anyone else experiencing this? does anyone have any pointers for further information? google didn't turn up anything of value.10:23
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intelikeyapt-get update  ???    not  upgrade ?10:24
runleveltenbecause it's going to such for someone who's early on in their bash development if they set their script running, then remember those flac or wma files tucked away in their music collection :)10:24
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intelikeyrunlevelten that's why i said  "file"   look for file type media10:25
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emjaintelikey: err, that too. :-}10:26
runleveltenYeah - that wouldn't be doing it by extensions.10:27
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volngood morning, I need gtk fronted archive manager . I'm use xarchiver, but when I try open a password protected rar archive I got eroor...10:27
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uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free10:28
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intelikeyuhhh    i have no sound.    been on this box for three days  and just noticed.10:31
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stdinbtw, my  POSIX compliant find commands to do what alephnaught wanted http://pastebin.com/d1672abab10:32
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intelikeystdin with upper and lower case ?10:34
stdinintelikey: yep10:34
intelikeyah yes.    and we hope there were no .wav .flac .wmv .blah .blah .blah ...10:35
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stdinwell, it can of course be added to10:35
intelikeyyeah i know.   just razing ya  :)10:36
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dotzllutz: hi are u there?10:38
intelikeyi wonder why i don't have sound...      0000:00:01.4 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]  SiS PCI Audio Accelerator (rev 02)       with modules  loaded    snd                    55268  10 snd_mpu401,snd_trident,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer,snd_mpu401_uart,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq_device10:39
dotzi've tried the site for root .. i can sucessfully ssh in using ssh -i ~/rsync-key10:39
dotzhowever i try the same steps for a user eg: dotz10:39
dotzit doesn't work10:39
intelikeydoes sis   use ac97 module ?10:39
intelikeydotz in the sshd_conf  the section called  "# Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files "     check it out.10:42
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dotzohhhhhhhhh i got it10:51
dotzi modified the wrong authorized_keys10:51
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SevenhillHi there10:59
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{__main__i've got some troubles runnning userconfig, when I run it from konsole, it retries an error importing qtxml from kdeui, instead if i change it by 'from PyQt4 import QtXml' it works, but it conflicts with kdeui11:00
carstenhI Sevenhill...11:00
Sevenhillis there any bug entry which is releated to icons for .asc extention ?11:00
{__main__someone knows something?11:00
dotzin a #!/bin/sh script, how can i modify a input $1 eg: video123.avi  into video.avi  ?11:00
Sevenhilldotz:  you wantto make video123.avi to video.avi ?11:01
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Sevenhilldotz:  use regex for that11:02
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intelikeysimplest    echo "$1" | tr -d '1234567890'11:07
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TBZanyone awake that has knowledge with dual booting 2 linux distros?11:08
SevenhillTBZ it is really mess11:08
TBZI basically need to know, how to list my drives/partition or whatever for mounting11:10
SevenhillTBZ:  you mean in Grub list ?11:10
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TBZmm I'm trying to setup grub, yes11:11
jussi01grrr, can someone remind me how to put a background colour in in html?11:11
llutzTBZ: when installint 2ns distro, write grub into partition-BR (not MBR) and use chainload11:11
TBZfor some reason, my root and home partitions I just made in gparted are showing up as /target and /targethome11:11
Sevenhilljussi01:  at body tag use bgcolor="yellow"11:11
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jussi01Sevenhill: thanks11:12
SlimeyPetejussi01: "<body bgcolor="blue">" iir11:12
TBZand I can't mount for some reason to find the kernel version and such that I need to add to grub line11:12
SevenhillSlimeyPete: it is wrong it must be yellow not blue :D11:12
SlimeyPetenah, yellow sucks11:12
mike__Greets, everyone...11:13
jussi01lol, anyone know the code for ubuntu brown?11:13
Sevenhilljussi01:  use gimp to take color code of an area11:13
Sevenhillare there any kubuntu devel in here ?11:13
intelikeyTBZ you in the grub shell ?11:14
TBZno, I'm on live fiesty cd atm11:14
intelikey!grub | TBZ11:14
ubotuTBZ: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:14
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TBZeveryone else in other channells were passed out or didn't know..11:14
mike__I'm having a very strange problem with the proprietary nVidia driver. It works fine right after I install it, but upon rebooting, it won't work at all (i.e., X won't start). Any ideas?11:14
TBZI already have ubuntu setup, I resized disk, made new / and /home partition11:14
TBZinstalled another copy of fiesty (to test and play with, soon to be kubuntu) at grub install, wrote to /dev, failed, (which is what I wanted, i don't want to overwrite my grub)11:15
TBZand I'm trying to mount the install that I just made, find the kernel version info I need for grub config, and fix it11:16
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dotzSevenhill: how do i make the script delete 3 characters from 4th characters from end of $1?11:17
_Shade_hi there11:17
TBZI can't figure out how to mount it11:17
dotzSevenhill: eg video123.avi to video.avi11:17
Sevenhillmike__: download and install this one : http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/gutsy/tribe-4/gutsy-desktop-i386.iso11:17
_Shade_could anyone help me to set up a linux -> windows LAN please?11:17
TBZIt's showing up in gparted as /target and /target/home11:17
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Sevenhilldotz: i'm not good at regex but11:18
_Shade_the knetworkmanager says there is a connection but i cannot access any windows resources11:18
mike__Sevenhill: I'm installing Kubuntu for my aunt's computer, who has 0 experience with Linux. Don't think she's ready for a test release. Thanks anyway though. :-)11:18
Sevenhilldotz:  you can ask it in #bash or #regex channel11:18
dotzohh thanks11:18
jussi01TBZ: why not just reinstall grub and it will auto detect it?11:18
mike__Sevenhill: Are prop. drivers installed by default in Gutsy?11:18
Sevenhillmike__: testing or stable is not important for a newbie11:19
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mike__Sevenhill: But stability is. :-\11:19
Sevenhillit is important if you think to use it as server11:19
Sevenhilli don't think he/she might get interest if one or two times more updates system11:19
TBZjussi01: If I loose my original install I'm going to be back, and mad...but ok>:o11:20
Sevenhillon the other hand he/she will love it to be live with lastest versions of applications11:20
mike__Sevenhill: I take it you're using Gutsy?11:20
Sevenhillmike__: yes11:20
SevenhillSysinfo for 'mycmptr': Linux 2.6.22-9-generic running KDE 3.5.7, CPU: AMDAthlon643800+ at 1000 MHz (1996 bogomips), , RAM: 873/883MB, 107 proc's, 1.50h up11:20
stdinthe version of nvidia-glx in feisty and gutsy is the same11:21
mike__Sevenhill: When's the last time you ran into *any* problem on it?11:21
stdinjust built against different kernels11:21
mike__stdin: I'm installing via the installer from nVidia's website.11:21
stdinmike__: any reason for doing that?11:21
Sevenhillhmm about gutsy tribe 111:22
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mike__stdin: Installing via the package gave me hard locks.11:22
Sevenhillbut it is far and far away from today11:22
jussi01Sevenhill: I am suprised, I run gutsy and it seems to be breaking often...11:23
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jussi01Sysinfo for 'jussi': Linux 2.6.22-9-generic running KDE 3.5.7, CPU: AMDSempron2800+ at 1602 MHz (3208 bogomips), , RAM: 456/503MB, 102 proc's, 57.28min up11:23
Sevenhilljussi01: :) so i'm lucky11:23
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mike__Sevenhill: Honestly, c'mon... I've run into problems in the past two weeks with Gutsy, and it wasn't from me borking stuff. I've had to run "apt-get -f install" practically every other time I dist-upgrade.11:23
jussi01Sevenhill: Im with mike here.11:24
Sevenhillmike__: there was a problem about apt-get i mean dpkg11:24
Sevenhillbut luckly i never download that broken update :D11:24
jussi01but we should really be over in +1 - here is for feisty support.11:25
TBZSysinfo for 'TBZ': Windex A+1.0 Intel QX6700 @ 3.3Ghz, RAM: 4096, livecd11:25
=== jussi01 drools over TBZ's machine
llutzdotz use bash-string-handling like: newname=${$1: -4:3}11:25
Sevenhillllutz: thanks to you i learn a new thing today11:25
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mike__One of Linux's biggest "selling" points is how easy it is to upgrade all the software on the system. Having that not go smoothly with someone's first impression of Linux would be umm... bad.11:26
TBZSysinfo cont. current status = br0ken11:26
llutzSeven_away: reading here daily teaches a lot (more or less usefull) ;)11:27
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mike__TBZ: I'm guessing you had a high-end dual-core processor before getting that quad?11:29
mike__dual-core at all?11:30
TBZhad a pIII11:30
mike__oh, wow. big jump. :-P11:30
TBZIndeed =D11:30
TBZDecided to splurge11:30
mike__i'm trying to decide whether a quad is worth the extra dough over a dual11:31
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TBZis for me, I love to multitask, and it's great for rendering11:31
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mike__so, no one here has any ideas on my strange prop. nvidia driver problem?11:32
TBZI was testing my C-F setup other day.... I had 90 some windows, spread on 4 desktops, 13 firefoxes with 8 tabs each, 2 movies playing, and I duno what else, trying to crash or black window bug it, and I was only at 20% cpu or so =(11:32
mike__what video card do you have?11:33
drifTBZ: normal divx/xvid/dvd or HD-quality movies? just curious11:34
drifmine can barely handle one :D11:34
TBZmeh, just normal, divx or mpg, I forget11:34
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TBZbut, brb.. maybe not, I have a bad feeling I'm about to screw up11:35
mike__nice... i just bought an 8600 gt oc a few days ago, but ended up taking it back because i couldn't get a good resolution out of it - i use my tv as a monitor and can't seem to find a way to use the whole screen. :-\11:36
TBZmike__: that can be a pain... I've been through a few setups like that for MAME machines11:37
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mike__well, i'm off. peace out, everyone.11:38
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sektant   ?11:44
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stdin!ru | sektant11:45
ubotusektant:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke11:45
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sillebeg for assist... anyone know dos commands to clear/unlock adept installer database?12:02
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 12:02
stdinsille: ^12:02
ZombieDoes the intel driver for the i810 chipset support Meta Modes?12:02
SlimeyPetesille: I can't remember the command but for future reference, calling it "dos" will raise eyebrows ;)12:02
drifsille: I beg you for not to curse :D12:02
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SlimeyPetesille: it's no dos, you see, it's the bash shell / CLI / terminal. :)12:03
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silleok no dos...12:03
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silleanyone know terminal commands to clear an instal that went bad...12:04
stdinsille:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a12:04
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intelikeystdin i made a "public" version    incase anyone needs it.   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3905312:07
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intelikeychattr is kinda tricky about testing for.   so it took me a minute.12:08
intelikeyprobably should also have tested for $1  but i'm getting lazy.12:09
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intelikeyadded.  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3905412:10
Seven_awayI'm back12:11
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stdinintelikey: did you mean "... sudo echo "" && || exit 1" ? shouldn't it be "... sudo echo "" || exit 112:12
intelikeyis it not ?12:13
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intelikeygood eye.   :)12:14
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opencan_Can anyone help me set a 'l2tp' internet connection?12:17
ZombieDo you mean a VPN Connection?12:20
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jobbe_hey, I'm trying  to install a local Samsung ML-2010 printer (supported by splix, which is installed) on gutsy tribe 4 but I can't select the "local printer" choice in the printer admin panel. Also, the cups web interface won't show the drivers. The printer is recognised by the system (dmesg shows the appropriate messages). Any idea on where the problem might be?12:27
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refhi friends, it is the last time i try to get help here for this issue on bootwritecd, i am stuck with it, and i have received no anwsers..12:51
refhow could /sys/module/sbs/parameters/capacity_mode (and others) not be accessible to mkisofs while running bootcdwrite as root???12:52
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intelikeyref those things are not on the fs  they are in ram12:53
dhq__how do i lock my hardisk12:54
intelikey lock  ?12:54
intelikeywhat do you mean lock my hd ?12:55
germanjewWhen I try and use gcc it gives this error in the Konsole: "error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory" can anyone please tell me how I can fix this?12:56
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refintelikey: ok, so how do i make it accessible at least for reading while running bootcdwrite??12:56
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germanjewhow can gcc not have <stdio.h>????????????????????????12:57
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SlimeyPetegermanjew: it should do.12:57
SlimeyPetemake sure you have libc6-dev installed.12:58
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:58
refgermanjew: yeah.. try to reinstall with synaptic or adept or plai apt-get12:58
dhq__intelikey, i have a portable hdd its on fat32 i need to lock it so that no one else can access it12:58
trekdannedhq__: encryption?12:59
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intelikeydhq__ sudo mount -o remount,uuid=$UID,dmask=077,fmask=177 <mountpoint of the drive>01:00
dhq__trekdanne, well not encryption as i will need to dcrypt when i use it01:00
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refintelikey: are files on RAM not accesible to root?? but i do a chmod a+rwx and it seems to access it, but this file gets stuck, no matter what chmod i do: /sys/module/eisa_bus/parameters/disable_dev01:00
dhq__intelikey, but when i put it in others pc it will mount rite01:00
germanjewI don't know why, but for some reason libc6-dev was not installed!01:01
germanjewthanks peopla01:01
neftai need some help, please, i'm just installed kubuntu, everything is ok, but i can't write on sda2, only if i type "sudo ......." in konsole. what can i do?01:01
intelikeydhq__ yes   that's only a one-off command.01:01
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intelikeyref i don't know.   i don't play around in /sys    sorry.01:01
intelikeydon't even have a /sys dir here01:02
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refintelikey, what is sys about, and why would bootcdwrite want to access it so bad??01:02
intelikeynefta what is the fs type ?01:03
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intelikeyref  i don't know.    never used bootcdwrite either...01:03
refnefta, i think you want to use 'chmod', type 'man chmod' in terminal. if you want it to be always acessible just with boot, google for 'fstab' file01:04
intelikeyi've made a few bootable cd's   but just used xcdroast,  can't really help ya there01:04
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intelikeynefta what is the fs type ?01:04
intelikeycan't chmod M$ crap01:05
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intelikeyerr excuse me.  not crap,  stuff.01:05
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BauldrickHow can I stop my cursor disappearing when I log out?01:06
neftaintelikey i don understand you01:06
refintelikey, cant you chmod a hard disk?01:06
intelikeyref what do you mean ?01:06
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refnefta, ntfs or ext3 or reiserfs on the harddisk you cant access01:07
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neftasorry fs = file system01:07
ubuntu_aquaoh! thx01:08
refok, so it is native to linux01:08
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intelikeythen you probably don't want to chmod it anyway    especally if it's a system partition    if it's just storage you might rather own it.    sudo chown <yourname> <mountpoint> -R01:08
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refintelikey, thanks :-)01:09
neftait just for storage01:09
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neftabut i want it to be accesible when i reboot01:10
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refnefta, the right way to do this is changing your fstab file01:10
intelikeythat would be true if it was vfat or ntfs01:11
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intelikeynot ext#01:11
refhum, what then?01:11
neftaany suggestion to change my fstab?01:12
intelikeyif you want everyone to be able to access it   you chmod it   if you want a group to have access  you chown :groupname   and  also chmod     if you want a user to have access you chown01:12
intelikeynefta yeah    dont.01:12
refintelikey, and that will remain for next boots?01:13
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intelikeyit's permanant.01:13
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refintelikey, well, at boot time, doesnt ubuntu check what is in fstab to know where to mount each device and what permissions to give?01:15
intelikeyin real file systems  the permissions bit is on the disk for each inode  so every inode(file dirrectory socket link...) has it's own ownership and permissions    but M$ file systems don't have those bits    linux uses a psyudo permissions bit that is  fs wide for that mount.01:16
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intelikeyref  youe linux checks the fstab   but you can't set a psyudo permission for a real file system.01:16
intelikey youe  ==  yes01:17
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intelikeyref that's also why you cant change ownership or permissions for a file on an ms fs.01:18
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ZombieThe result hasn't changed.01:19
intelikeyi.e.  chown & chmod  don't work if it's  M$01:19
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intelikeyZombie what result ?  which result ?01:19
ZombieThe monitor resolution will not go down to 400x300 or 320x24001:20
refZombie, i dont know why you need that, but have you tried gvidm?01:21
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Zombieref: I have some bizzare applications that want that resd.01:22
intelikeycan't run windowed ?01:23
refZombie, maybe apt/synaptic/adept install 'gvidm', it work for me on that kind of situations01:24
refand run it with "gvidm -r"01:24
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refintelikey, how would he run a app say "chickenwar" windowed?01:25
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=== intelikey sets ref's rez to 40x2200
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Zombieintelikey: Its Microscopic,.01:29
Zombieintelikey: Its Games.01:29
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intelikeyah yes i know the problem,   unfortunately i don't know the solution.01:30
intelikeyerr for you.01:30
refZombie, tell me if "gvidm -r" helps, its a small app01:30
ZombieIt doesn't.01:30
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intelikeyfor me it would be "just don't play those games"   but i'm sure that's a non-option option01:31
ZombieThe idea is to take some of my extremely rare games to school01:31
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ZombieDracula X: Rhondo of Blood for the Turbo Grafx 16.01:31
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grispa72I have the trust md-1250 usb modem. Have you an idea on how it works?01:32
intelikeymaybe a modeline in the xorg.conf ?01:32
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ZombieThats what I've been working on01:32
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_Shade_how can i share my internet connection with a windiws machine?01:33
intelikeyipforwarding ?01:33
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Zombie_Shade_: Install and configure Shorewall01:33
refZombie: if you just need to set your resolution to 400x300, why doesnt gvidm -r help?01:34
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ZombieBecause I have no modeline support for that yet.01:34
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_Shade_Zombie: where can i find the sharewall then?01:37
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refZombie: hum, so you would need to put that res as an option into your xorg.conf?01:37
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Zombie_Shade_: sudo apt-get install shorewall01:38
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nobbiHi, I want to paste a file into usr/share/sounds. What is the right command?01:40
_Shade_Zombie: i have just managed to set up my samba lan, but i can't access internet from the windows machine01:40
_Shade_Zombie: ok got it01:40
intelikeynobbi sudo cp /path/to/file /usr/share/sounds01:41
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_Shade_Zombie: i have no idea how to configure it though01:42
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Sevenhillnobbi: kdesu konqueror   when konqueror opened with root permissions you can copy and write everywhere with in that konqueror01:43
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grispa72I have just installed Kubuntu 7.04 but the max resolution I have is 640x480. Why?01:47
_Shade_Zombie: do you know any howtos about how to set it up?01:48
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ZombieYou need to learn howe on the Upstream maintainers web site. Its more than just internet connection sharing, its als a firewall.01:49
nobbi@sevenhill, intelikey  thanks, it works fine01:49
sandhyaHi, can i get some help in setting up Skype?01:49
sandhyaI can't get my microphone working.01:49
_Shade_Zombie: isn't there something easier though?01:50
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arunhey kids01:51
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:51
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto01:51
linopilgrispa72,  ^^01:51
Zombie_Shade_: I am not accustomed to Ubuntu.01:52
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_Shade_i see... well i will look further then... the fireshore seems to hard for such begginer :)01:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:54
arunas i was saying before i got disconnected, hello people01:54
intelikey!frostwire | sandhya01:54
ubotusandhya: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire01:54
sandhyaintelikey: ?01:55
arunsandhya: what are you looking to do? microphone not working?01:55
sandhyaarun: Yes01:55
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agm_sandhya : go to sound mixer and go to input tab and try increasing capture values01:56
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sandhyaarun: I've got Skype installed, but can't get the mic working. Even audio output is unreliable - works only occassionally.01:56
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sandhyaagm_: I've set it to max in "KMix" and also enabled it by clicking on the green LED.01:57
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arunsandhya: i think i have a solution01:57
sandhyaarun: I've all ears01:57
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arunactually, not really.. sorry01:59
arunare you sure you've set your input mode to mic?01:59
sandhyaIn Skype?01:59
arunno, in kmix01:59
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reffile /sys/module/sbs/parameters/capacity_mode (and others) not be accessible to mkisofs while running bootcdwrite as root02:00
refthat is keeping me from making a livecd out of my running distro02:00
sandhyaarun: Mic select is Mic102:00
runleveltenI've had skype suddenly stop working with the mic before.02:00
sandhyainput source select is input 102:00
runleveltenskype sucks.02:00
intelikeyref tried umount /sys ?02:01
arunsandhya: input source should be 'Mic'02:01
arunsandhya: also, in skype, in tools > options > sound devices.. for 'audio in' make sure your mic is selected (if you haven't done that already)02:01
sandhyaarun: Input source select does not have an option mic.02:01
refintelikey, nop. I though that i would mess everything since /sys has infos about my hardware02:01
arunsandhya: in kmix, under the 'switches' tab?02:02
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intelikeyref type mount     and save the info on the line /sys is on  so you can remount it and try it.02:02
sandhyaarun: Which drop down should I be checking ? I have two "input source select" drop downs and neither of them has "mic"02:03
intelikeyref i don't know of anything that needs  /sys   but i'm sure some things can use it...02:03
arunsandhya: neither of them has mic? what sound card are you using?02:03
arunwhat options do you see?02:03
sandhyaarun: It is detected as a VIA 823702:04
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arunsandhya: what options do you see in the drop down?02:04
refintelikey, i dont get "type mount     and save the info on the line /sys is on  so you can remount it and try it.", mount what?02:05
sandhyaarun: input1 and input202:05
agm_sandhya  try all of them one by one that might help02:05
intelikeysee i typed mount02:05
intelikeydo that in a konsole02:05
arunsandhya: try selecting input1 for both. if that doesn't work, try input2 for both02:05
sandhyaarun: will do - sec02:06
intelikeyand it will show you info on what is mounted where and what options were used02:06
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ref"/sys on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)" is my line with sys02:06
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refok, i umount it, run bootcdwrite and mount it again afterwards02:07
intelikeywell there you go   to remount it you would type   sudo mount /sys /sys -t sysfs02:07
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intelikeyoops bumped enter02:08
intelikeywell there you go   to remount it you would type   sudo mount /sys /sys -t sysfs -o rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev02:08
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refi'll try to make my livecd now! thanks :-), hoppe this works, i am on this for days02:08
ScarFreewillhow do I get jahshaka to work on feisty?02:09
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_Shade_Zombie: still there?02:09
AhDiCt3DHow do i install linux over linux in a dualboot formation so i can keep windows intact but overwrite my linux alltogether?02:09
arunAhDiCt3d: just install it over the previous installation?02:10
refintelikey, umount: /sys: device is busy02:10
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AhDiCt3Darun: Yeah my linux hosed and wont boot it just cycles over and over02:10
intelikeyyou did  sudo it ?02:10
refsudo umount /sys02:10
arunAhDiCt3D: i meant just install it over the same partition02:11
ScarFreewillanyone know any nice multimedia editor like eg. windows movie maker is for windows?02:11
AhDiCt3Darun: ok any idea how to install nvidia drivers in Gutsy without it crashing?02:11
intelikeyprobably something kde kio that has it tied up  you don't have konqueror or a konsole looking at it do you ?02:11
arunAhDiCt3D: sorry, haven't used gutsy02:11
arunsandhya: any luck?02:11
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BauldrickAny one know why my cursor disappears when I switch user?02:12
refintelikey, nop02:12
sandhyaarun: Nope. I've also tried setting my sound configuration to use "Duplex" mode (as per a google), with no luck.02:12
arunsandhya: damn02:12
arunyou've selected the device from the skype options, right?02:13
Zombie_Shade_: I have otther things I need to deal with.02:13
intelikeyref i don't know then   fuser can probably find it for you though.02:13
sandhyaarun: But basically, I think this might not just be a microphone issue only. Even the Skype connecting audio seems to function only intermittently.02:13
arunsandhya: ah02:13
arunwhat version of skype are you using, btw?02:13
intelikeyyou'll have to read the page on that tho.   man fuser    i'm not well versed in that app.02:13
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arunah, i'm using an older version02:14
sandhyaarun: and alsamixer 1.0.1302:14
sandhyaassuming that alsa is the same version.02:14
refi am reading, fuser -m seems to be it02:15
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arunsandhya: this might be useful - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype02:15
refintelikey, but fuser -m prints a bunch of number ending with "m"...02:15
sandhyaarun: I'm going to try starting skype using "artsdsp -m ./skype" now. brb.02:15
arunsandhya: check out that link02:15
_Shade_Zombie: ah... to bad then. I just wanted to say that after shorewall instalation i cannot access any website, or download any updates/packages via apt get02:15
sandhyaarun: been there - it seems to be very dated.02:16
ZombieYou are missing sources.02:16
sandhyaarun: I'm browsing through the FAQs on skype.com atm.02:16
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arunanything in the skype forums?02:16
_Shade_Zombie: were you talking to me?02:17
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arunsandhya: try installing the new version of alsa02:17
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arunsandhya: i've checked a couple blogs, and they say that when everything else failed, installing alsa drivers v1.0.14 did it for them02:18
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sandhyaarun: Are you aware of any debs for that? I don't want to get into compiling stuff as I want to retain my sanity :P02:19
=== sandhya googles
illriginalHey guys, I'm using Audicity to modify mp3s and make them into ring tones, but audicity needs a file: libmp3lame.so and i can't find this file on synaptic02:19
arunsandhya: seems pretty easy, actually.. see option 'D' here: http://geekybits.blogspot.com/2007/06/microphones-skype-on-ubuntu.html02:20
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arunsandhya: did you check that out?02:22
sandhyaarun: I'm watching the linked screencast on that page. But the installation steps on that page involve compiling stuff :o02:23
arunsandhya: i dont think it will break anything02:24
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stdinillriginal: install "liblame0" and probably "lame"02:25
arunhey stdin, how are you?02:25
stdinarun: happy, just had lunch :p02:25
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stdinillriginal: install "liblame0" and probably "lame"02:26
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arunsandhya: any luck? did the screencast help?02:28
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sandhyaarun: Nope. I'm trying the upgrade now. (btw thank you so much for helping me out!)02:28
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arunsandhya: pleasure's mine02:30
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illriginalstdin... in what folder would "lame" be in? I'm in the usr/lib directory02:31
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stdinillriginal: once you install those packages, restart audacity, it will find them then02:31
refintelikey, i pasted the output of "lsof /sys" in http://paste.milk-it.net/572 can you check if that is really a list of processes that are using /sys02:32
illriginalnah i did just that... still can't find02:32
BetaTesterHI all. Is there a way that I send a zipped file to a remote print queue?02:32
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stdinillriginal: you could need liblame0-dev , tho I don't know why audacity would want that02:33
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sandhyaarunkale: Trying to compile alsa - running ./configure gives me an error "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"02:35
refintelikey: i pasted the output of "lsof /sys" in http://paste.milk-it.net/572 can you check if that is really a list of processes that are using /sys02:35
arunkalesandhya: er?02:35
stdinsandhya: install build-essential02:35
stdinand maybe give https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware a read02:35
sandhyastdin: cheers!02:36
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illriginalstdin... audicity isn't working properly =\02:37
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pedro__all of my software sources are enabled, and my friend just got an update to some packages that i did not.  i have run an update, and  although i did get SOME updates, i didnt get the same ones such as amarok... why would this be?02:38
arunkalesandhya: did you compile the new alsa drivers?02:39
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pedro__anyone know why my system has not detected updates to packages such as amarok?02:41
pagpedro__, you have backports enabled?02:41
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pag!easysorces | pedro__02:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easysorces - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:41
pag!easysources | pedro__02:41
ubotupedro__: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:41
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pedro__is the new amarok only available through the backports repos?02:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:42
pagpedro__, it's also in gutsy and you can compile it from the sources... but backports is easiest ;)02:43
pedro__hmmm... she must have messed around and enabled them somehow on her machine....02:43
pedro__i feel better now02:43
stdinpedro__: 2:1.4.5-0ubuntu7 is the feisty default, but 2:1.4.7-0ubuntu1~feisty1 is in feisty-backports02:43
pedro__truth is, i dont NEED the new amarok, just wondering if my system was screwy02:43
pedro__i TOLD that girl not to mes with stuff less she wants to break her machine02:44
pedro__she dont listen02:44
stdinher system, she can break it if she wants :p02:44
pedro__heh, true02:44
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pedro__thanks for shining light02:45
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kumamotoit is sad I can't seem to change the fonts of app that are exclusively controlled by root02:45
kumamotofor example kvpnc adept and crap like that02:45
stdinkumamoto: tried "kdesu systemsettings" and settings root's default fonts?02:46
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sandhyaarunkale: it's taking forever ... no errors thus far though.02:49
BetaTesterHi stdin. Can I intercept the command given to lp or lpd when printing from open office?02:49
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arunkalesandhya: ah, alright02:50
arunkalewhere are all of you from?02:50
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stdinBetaTester: I don't know, I never really use Open Office much. why do you need to?02:50
sandhyaarunkale: I'm going to watch the match for a bit - bbi10 :)02:51
arunkalesandhya: what match? india v england?02:51
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BetaTesterstdin , if you remember I had problmes with Konica Minolta 1400W network printing. Printing on the print server with large files is just OK. I seek a way to send to the print server zipped files which can be printed on the print server. Then eveything will be OK. I lost too many time...02:52
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buzis there any native monkey audio (.ape) decoder for ubuntu?02:52
buzi hate wine02:52
llutzBetaTester: lpq/lprm or cups to manage print jobs02:53
kumamotostdin: thanks I will try that02:53
BetaTesterllutz, I have to initate printing via script somehow from open office :(02:53
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llutzBetaTester: can't you install your script as a pseudo-printer in cups and use that in OOO?02:55
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cameronQuestion: Does anyone know the meaning of the system message.........conversation with su failed. I simply changed my password and now can`t get admin privileges02:56
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angeluscan someone tell me what i need to install to be able to read mobile's memory card on kubuntu?02:58
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stdincameron: have you logged out and back in since you changed your password?02:58
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BetaTesterllutz, I have to read about this. This might be the correct sollution regarding OOffice. Then what? I have the file /tmp/LAST.RTF. I want to tar it and send it to the remote side. How do I unzip it before printing on the remote side?02:59
cameronMany times. nothing seems to work . Although i can access root through the command line02:59
Angelusthe card reader is a USB device, which has a place where the mobile's memory card goes in02:59
Angelusbut kubuntu seems not to be reeding the device :s02:59
Angelusand windows reads it02:59
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cameronsudo works also, su keeps failing03:01
llutzBetaTester: untar and print03:02
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arunkalecameron: kdesu doesn't work but sudo does?03:02
kumamotostdin: nice thanks it worked03:02
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jhutchinscameron: On a default installation, su should not work.03:07
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butii'm testing gutsy. and i got problems with oo.03:08
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stdinbuti: #ubuntu+103:08
jhutchinsbuti: Thank you for locating the problems.  Please report them.  Gutsy support is in #ubuntu+1.03:09
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Angelusjhutchins: do you know what i should install to read a mobile's memory card from a usb card reader03:10
butijhutchins: i'll try03:10
cameronWell if that is correct, the system is functioning properly. The problem is i can no longer get access to administration to do upgrades and such. The system is constantly calling up su. Is ther a change or how can i switch to sudo?03:10
jhutchinsAngelus: It should mount as an ordinary USB storage device - a hard drive.03:10
Angelusyeah but it doesnt :S03:11
Angeluskubuntu doesnt mount it03:11
jhutchinscameron: What did you do immediately prior to the problem?  Did you run automatix?03:11
Angelusand on windows it mounts03:11
cameronchanged my password03:12
BetaTesterllutz, stdin :D I thought so. I wish I could make this: 1. A print job is spooled from a remote location 2. A script is initiated 3. The spool job is cancelled03:12
camerondo not know automatix03:12
Angelusany ideas jhutchins03:12
BetaTesterI guess this is not difficult but How can I initiate a script when something is spooled? llutz03:12
jhutchinscameron: Try changing your password back the same way you changed it in the first place.03:13
jhutchinsAngelus: No, but I know this problem comes up frequently here, you should be able to find someone familiar with it.03:13
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cameronI have. The problem is i can not get back in to do it. su on the command line works. On the gui Fails !03:14
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Angelusanyone haqs expirience with a usb card reader?03:14
jhutchinscameron: If you have done su instead of su - you might need to reinstall.03:14
jhutchinscameron: If you've messed with the sudo configuration instead of working within it, a reinstall may be the quickest way to a working system.03:15
cameronI hoped that there would be a workaround to aviod that03:15
jhutchinscameron: If you had worked with the system there might be.03:15
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=== jhutchins is cranky. Will come back later.
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cameronI believe you are right jhutchins03:16
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geniiDamn, buz left and I finally found a Monkey Audio Codec for him (in Java)03:22
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kaminixI have a network related question. If I unlimit the ktorrent bandwidth over night (since I'm not downloading anything, just uploading), will it be prone to disconnect and stop uploading?03:25
kaminixAs noted, I don't care about my download over night.03:25
cameronDoes anyone know if lynx is available for kubuntu?03:26
SlimeyPeteshould be fine, kaminix03:26
kaminixThanks SlimeyPete. :)03:26
sandhyaarunkale: Just tested things and no luck :/03:26
sandhyaarunkale: I think I'm going to call it a day. I'll try again on the morrow. Thanks again for all your help!03:27
kaminixcameron: Lynx is available in repos, since it runs in console it works for all Ubuntu flavors.03:27
arunkalesandhya: sucks. did you restart x first?03:27
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sandhyaarunkale: hmm, no :o03:27
arunkalesandhya: try restarting x03:27
sandhyaarunkale: I'll give it a shot tomorrow - dnner calls :) And yes, Ind v Eng. Starts in 3 minutes :)03:27
sandhyathanks again :)03:27
arunkaledinner? where are you from03:28
cameronThank you kaminix03:28
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geniiactually lynx in repos is actually a synonym for elinks/links03:31
nodesertwhere is the localhost directory  on linux03:31
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BetaTesterstdin, do you know if I can start a script with the spooling of a job?03:32
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stdinBetaTester: not a clue, you'd have to talk to some cups people03:33
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geniinodesert: Do you mean, when you put into a browser http://localhost     where are those files in your directory structure?03:33
geniinodesert: in /var/www03:34
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BetaTesterthanks, stdin :)03:41
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teacherHow can I partition my drive after I have already installed Kubuntu?03:43
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ArtimusI never checked.  When adept checks for new packages, does it actually update my apt cache (apt-get update)?  Or does it just fetch a list for itself?03:55
stdinArtimus: adept is just a frontend to apt-get, so it actually runs apt-get update03:56
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Artimusok, then I can skip doing that manually, thanks.03:56
ArtimusI figured I'd hate adept.  But I kind of like the system tray notifier.03:57
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bonedaddy__can anyone tell me how to install my ati drivers03:59
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stdinbonedaddy__: look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI04:00
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genii!helpersnack |stdin04:00
ubotustdin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!04:00
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stdinheh :)04:00
geniistdin: Pretty quiet in here generally04:01
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bonedaddy__anything on samba when I converted I moved all my media to a nas but the shares don't show up04:01
stdingenii: yeah, I'm playing frozen-bubble on my nano :p04:01
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stdinI don't use samba, so can't really help there04:03
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geniibonedaddy__: How did you move them over? Likely whatever user copied them now has ownership04:03
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bonedaddy__is there anything else i can use to get to the share04:03
stdinanything you want, ftp, ssh, http, nfs...04:04
bonedaddy__but it's a windows netshare04:04
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geniiSounds like some configuration thin on the windoze side04:05
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bonedaddy__well thanks I have to go to work later04:05
geniibonedaddy__: Does it have an IP address?04:06
geniiYou can retry smb with IP instead of netbios name04:06
bonedaddy__i installed komba2 but it does not show the shares04:07
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bonedaddy__it show the device04:07
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geniiMy other fast suggestion would be to unify a name on the share with some system name on the *nix box trying to connect to it04:09
geniiAlso check perms on the windoze side for access to that share, if seen, etc04:10
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patrick_hi all how can i have icq for kubuntu? i downloaded kicy and licq usw but i cant install.. can any help?04:15
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SlimeyPetedoesn't GAIM do icq?04:15
patrick_whats gaim?04:16
SlimeyPeteit's an IM client04:16
stdinand kopete04:16
SlimeyPetewhen you say "downloaded"..04:16
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patrick_uhm...i dont know04:16
SlimeyPete...you do realise you can just use Adept/apt-get to install software, right?04:16
patrick_i use kubuntu since today04:16
SlimeyPeteyou don't usually have to manually download stuff :)04:16
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stdinkopete will work with icq04:17
geniigaim/pidgin does ICQ tho not the file transfers04:17
stdinKMenu > Internet > Kopete04:17
geniisame with msn04:17
sahin_hYep, I use kopete as an icq client daily basis. Works like a charm.04:17
patrick_thank you04:18
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contrast83Greets, everyone...04:19
contrast83Does anyone know if "apt-get dselect-upgrade" will *remove* the applications that weren't installed when "dpkg --set-selections" was run?04:20
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boguhwhats the name of  the package to configure gtk apss in kcontrol?04:23
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runlevelten!package python-django04:24
runleveltengtk-qt-styles I spose boguh04:25
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=== contrast83 is glad to see qtcurve finally made it to the official repos in gutsy
runleveltenthe python-django package in universe, can anyone tell me what exact source that's derived from?04:29
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Angelushow can i play .wav files on linux?04:33
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llutzAngelus: play, amarok, kaffeine04:35
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Angelusamarok doesnt play .wav04:36
llutzAngelus: sure it does04:38
Angelusnot on my amarok llutz04:39
Angelusit says "there is no available decoder"04:39
llutzAngelus: install libxine-extracodecs04:40
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contrast83in ~2 months, "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras" will do it. :-)04:44
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contrast83yet another ubuntu thing that's 1 release behind for the kubuntu users.04:45
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joseph1110216i have a laptop that doesnt have a driver recovery disk, so when i go to windows, my wireless and most of my hardware will not work. is there a folder in ubuntu that saves all my drivers. i would like to copy it onto an external hd and use it on windows04:48
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MarkCeverytime i log in kmail starts maximized, i want it to start as docked in tray, how do i do this?04:49
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MarkCi checked every option it has in it's settings and cannot find any that does this.04:50
stdinjoseph1110216: the linux drivers aren't the same and won't work in windows04:50
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joseph1110216is there a way to see which drivers i need using windows?04:50
contrast83Does anyone know if "apt-get dselect-upgrade" will *remove* the applications that weren't installed when "dpkg --set-selections" was run?04:51
joseph1110216or isthere a way in ubuntu to see wat kind of wireless card my laptop is using so i can get the drivers for it onloine04:51
dwidmann_lspci -vv04:51
dwidmann_look at the output of it04:51
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contrast83joseph1110216: what brand is your laptop?04:52
stdinjoseph1110216: look the the hardware list thing (I forget what it's called in windows) and google, or in ubuntu "lspci" and write/print then google04:52
joseph1110216its a dell inspiron 860004:52
TuTUXis there way to move /boot to a separet partition with grub?04:52
joseph1110216i just need to get the wireless to work04:52
stdinjoseph1110216: dell normally have a whole section for driver on their websire04:52
contrast83joseph1110216: i think dell's website is supposed to be pretty helpful with drivers. could be wrong though.04:52
joseph1110216i tried. they are assholes04:53
dwidmann_TuTUX: you could use sudo grub-install and point it at a blank partition, that *should* work04:53
contrast83umm... -_~04:53
joseph1110216ill try again04:53
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contrast83click the drivers link, pick your model #, and download the driver for whatever component.04:54
TuTUXdwidmann_: should I first copy the /boot to that partition?04:54
TuTUXjust leave it with nothing?04:54
dwidmann_It should take care of all of that for you.04:55
dwidmann_wait, come to think of it, you probably need to move/copy the kernel and initrds to the new /boot04:55
TuTUXdwidmann_, yes, that was wat i worried04:56
stdinjoseph1110216: http://tinyurl.com/2s4lcj04:56
dwidmann_TuTUX: I'd move them first, then do it ... be extra careful that it picks them up and adds them to the grub list04:56
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shadowhywinddoes anyone know where the iptable.conf file is located?04:57
TuTUXdwidmann_, but at least grub should work with that partition, right?04:57
dwidmann_the locate command probably does shadowhywind04:57
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stdinshadowhywind: there isn't one04:58
TuTUXdwidmann_, i mean, it will boot with the new grub, right?04:58
dwidmann_I think so. I've had trouble getting it to boot to the right /boot partition in the past though, so I make no promises.04:59
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TuTUXdwidmann_, it alright i just need a workin grub in a small partition so i can do the harddisk install with alternite CD05:00
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runlevelten!info python-django-snapshot05:01
ubotuPackage python-django-snapshot does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:01
runlevelten!info python-django-svn05:01
ubotuPackage python-django-svn does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:01
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fabiobonfciao a tutti...05:07
stdin!it | fabiobonf05:07
ubotufabiobonf: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:07
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fabiobonfcome faccio ad andarci?05:08
stdinfabiobonf: /join #ubuntu-it o /join #kubuntu-it05:09
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shadowhywindby anychance does anyone know how to setup openvpn?05:15
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shadowhywindI have it installed and half working. When i try to route all my web-traffic through the vpn, I lose my internet05:15
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v01di have a local ubuntu repository and I'm trying to install feisty without accessing the internet, but it insists on accessing official repositories. Is there a way to avoid this?05:21
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m4st3romg Kubuntu very nice!05:21
stdinv01d: remove/comment out the internet repos05:21
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v01dstdin: i do that already with /etc/apt/sources.list, but later on it creates the final sources.list from a script, which doesn't take account of the sources.list on /etc05:23
v01dthe choose-mirror program does this05:24
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stdinv01d: ask in #kubuntu-devel, they know the installer better than anyone05:25
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v01dok, thanks05:25
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BauldrickYoutube videos etc... don't work under firefox 64-bit, solution anyone?05:29
stdinBauldrick: yep, follow this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava05:30
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trekdanneBauldrick: nspluginwrapper05:31
Bauldricktrek > have that already, doesn't seem to do anything?05:31
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trekdanneBauldrick: it should work05:32
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trekdannehowever a firefox32 may be easier and more stable05:32
trekdannec0llin: hi05:32
mileskonqeuror > ff irl05:32
c0llini need gcc-2.95 but there isnt a package for amd6405:33
Bauldricktrek > all i get on youtube is a white square where the video should05:33
c0llinwhats the best guide on explaining how to build from source?05:33
miles4 easy steps05:33
milesmake install05:33
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:34
c0llinah ok thanks05:34
stdinc0llin: what needs gcc-2.95? that's really quite an old version05:34
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c0llinopps, seems i only needed it if i did "make static" instead of "made dynamic"05:38
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nosrednaekimhey everyone..how goes our quest for world domination?05:45
slawek__hi i need to connect my motorola cell phone v 547 to linux05:45
slawek__by bluetooth05:45
slawek__Please help05:45
slawek__no drivers05:45
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:45
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Angelushow can i make Identd on kubuntu05:48
Angelusfor irc?05:48
nosrednaekimAngelus: an ident?05:48
stdininstall an identd server05:48
Angeluswill it work automatic stdin?05:49
spirooI have a big problem with Dolphin. Why can not I rename a folder for example to DBA05:49
spirooMaybe is in Kubuntu for all, but I noticed that in Dolphin05:50
stdinAngelus: depends on how you connect, if you are behind a firewall/router you'll have to open/forward the port05:50
BauldrickI don't have /etc/pango32 what is it a font or program or what?05:50
Angeluswhich identd server do you advice stdin?05:51
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stdinAngelus: I use pident on my laptop and bidentd on my desktop (to forward it)05:52
spirooanyone except me that has problem with chars in Linux?05:52
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Bauldricklooking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins?action=show&redirect=FirefoxAMD64FlashJava   I have no /etc/pango32  what install's it?05:54
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Bauldricklibpango1.0-common ??05:56
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 05:58
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about charfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:58
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roberto__anyone know hw to set opt permission ???05:59
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raduwhere i can find some help to install a video card Nvidia FX 5500 under Kubuntu 7.04?06:10
stdinhere: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:10
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nosrednaekimyeah thats for ubuntu though...06:11
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pebo_anyone inside who could help me with gnu-ls?06:11
stdinnosrednaekim: no, it's for both06:11
nosrednaekimstdin: ah... someone FINALLY changed it?06:11
arunhas anyone here used fedora core?06:11
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stdinnosrednaekim: ME06:11
nosrednaekimsweet :)06:11
=== Some_Person [n=sam@adsl-70-240-115-162.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Kubuntu
doritrying to install some essential development packages but I can't find gcc, g++, etc through Adept, this is on feisty, can anyone help me? maybe I need to add another repository06:12
nosrednaekimstdin: did you just tell them to install the restricte-manager?06:12
Some_PersonCan I have seperate KDE and GNOME desktop folders?06:12
nosrednaekimSome_Person: desktop folders? like you want the set of icons to be different?06:12
stdinnosrednaekim: no, that's not the best thing to do06:12
Some_Personnosrednaekim: Yes06:13
nosrednaekimstdin: why not? thats how I always do it, an it edits config files and such for you?06:13
stdinnosrednaekim: there will be a kubuntu restricted manager in gutsy and they'll conflict a bit06:13
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:13
pebo_How do I change the default sort-algo for ls(1)? I would like to see `AZ' _before_ `ab'.06:13
nosrednaekimstdin: ah right, so you'd have to reqrite the docs?06:13
stdinnosrednaekim: yeah, the edgy instructions work in kubuntu, and for all the text on the page it's 2 commands06:14
doriAhmuck: thanks, that seems to work, but I'd like to be able to do such installs from adept, what do I need to do to configure it to get these packages (it won't find build-essential through the search)06:15
Ahmucksudo aptitude install build-essentials06:15
Ahmuckdori: why through adept?06:16
Some_Personnosrednaekim: Can I do that?06:16
doriAhmuck: because I like the gui, and I want a central way of doing it06:16
nosrednaekimSome_Person: ask in #kde if you can change the dektop folder.06:16
arundoes gutsy come with compiz built in?06:17
stdindori: build-essential will be in adept along with gcc/g++ they are in the main repository06:17
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pebo_What is /part06:17
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stdinarun: ubuntu yes, kubuntu no06:17
Some_Personarun: yes06:17
Ahmuckdori: if ur building from source, adept won't do that for you.06:17
arunstdin: why not kubuntu?06:17
stdinpebo_: leave/part the channel06:17
doriAhmuck: I'm trying to get gcc from package not from source06:18
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pebo_stdin: why?06:18
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Some_PersonNo one is answering my in #KDE06:18
stdinarun: I can only say it hasen't yet, it's not finished yet06:18
stdinpebo_: why what?06:18
doristdin: the search doesn't find it, and it's not under the development section06:18
arunstdin: ah. ubuntu feisty came with effects built in too, right?06:18
stdinarun: yep06:19
pebo_stdin: lol -- sorry, there was a small missunderstanding.. :)06:19
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pebo_stdin: nevermind06:19
arunstdin: why the partial treatment to ubuntu? :)06:19
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Some_Personyes, effects are built in to ubuntu feisty, if you turn them on, which i dont06:20
Ahmuckdori: build-essentials as well as gcc is available in adept06:21
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doriAhmuck: they don't show up for me, when I search for build-essential06:22
dorior gcc06:22
Angelusdo i have to faward DCC ports to be able to use dcc?06:22
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Ahmuckdori: have you enabled your repositories, and updated?06:22
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doriAhmuck: as far as I know, I've gotten other packages06:23
Ahmuckadept is merely a gui to aptitude.  use aptitude to get build-essentials06:23
doriAhmuck: I did, thanks, was just hoping adept was good enough06:24
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Ahmuckdori: adept shows them for me.  i suspect you need to check repositories06:25
Some_PersonCan I make it so I have to double-click something to open it, and single-click to select it (like Windows and GNOME)06:25
doriAhmuck: could you check http://pastebin.com/m13cb441 for me and tell me if those are OK?06:26
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Roy_Mhi, is there any easy way to give a non root user permissions to modify network interfaces from the command line?06:28
stdinsudo isn't good enough for you?06:28
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jhutchinsSome_Person: Yes, I think it's under "Configure Desktop" if you right click.06:30
jarek_ahoj poradil by mi nekdo jak synchronizovat N70 a kalendar ?06:31
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Roy_Mbasically I have some perl scripts that make changes to my wireless interfaces et etcetera. However, there is a problem, I think that when these scripts have errors in them, they are causing my machine to lock up. I was thinking that if i could run these scripts as a non root user my machine may not lock up when I make a coding error06:31
Ahmuckdori: looks the same as mine.  hrm ...06:31
Ahmuckwere you searching for gcc?  or build?06:31
spirooWhy is there a character type problem in linux?06:32
spirooCannot rename a directory to DBA, it get dba instead06:32
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stdinspiroo: is that on a fat partition?06:32
spirooor I have problem on my USB too btw that is FAT16, but the ext3 has same problem06:33
doriAhmuck: I've tried gcc alone, build alone06:33
stdinworks fine here, in dolphin/konqueror/shell06:33
spiroohmm weird.06:34
stdinin fat it won't work, fat isn't case sensitive06:34
spirooor wait now I know, I copied the files from the USB06:34
spirooBut why is they the same, how do I change the fiels06:34
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spirooI have upper cased name folders, but it is just DBA and MVC that does not work06:35
jhutchinsspiroo: It's a conspiracy against you.06:36
spiroohaha :D06:36
stdintried it in konqueror/shell ?06:36
spirooYea I guess so06:36
spiroohow do I do in shell?06:36
spirookonqueror does not work06:36
stdinmv dba DBA06:37
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spiroobtw, permissions denied. Why do I always have to change user also to be able to modify files?06:38
spirooI am logged in as root.06:38
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aaron__what's up with doc.gwos.org ?06:39
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Some_PersonI like the Ubuntu Human theme, is there such a thing for KDE?06:40
stdinspiroo: if you don't have permission to modify the file/dir then that'll be why06:40
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spiroonope I have permissions in Dolphin because ive opened as root, not konqueror though06:41
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stdinSome_Person: there probably is on http://www.kde-look.org06:42
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spirooJust typical this happens to me, always me :D06:42
Some_PersonI've looked on kde-look06:42
jhutchinsspiroo: How did you log in as root?06:42
aaron__anybody know what's up with doc.gwos.org?06:42
Some_Personoh heck, im out of disk space06:43
spirooin Dolphin on the right there is a link where it says open as root.06:43
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spiroonvm, I got it worked, I had not changed permissions for all subfolders in that directory, lol06:44
seanpcroweSystem-->Administration-->Software Sources <<<<<<< c hould someone tell me what this is please???06:44
seanpcrowei cant find it lol06:44
spiroostrange it does not work on my USB though.06:44
stdinaaron__: nothing to do with k/ubuntu06:44
nosrednaekimseanpcrowe: its inside adept_manager.06:44
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stdinseanpcrowe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu < kubuntu version06:45
seanpcrowethanks you nosrednaekim (i was pulling my hair out)06:45
seanpcrowethanks stdin =)06:45
spiroobtw, is anyone know the specific date for the Kubuntu Gutsy release? I know it is october, but I wanna know more exaclty :P06:45
aaron__stdin: why not? it was an ubuntu document storage facility. had tons of useful ubuntu info on it06:45
spiroooh I have got another problem in firefox :D06:46
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stdinaaron__: just because it has some ubuntu info on it doesn't mean it's hosted by ubuntu/canonical06:46
spirooHow tha heck is I changing the file assoiciations in firefox? I want if I open for instance a torrent file it should open with ktorrent06:46
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enrygood evening06:47
aaron__stdin: i thought it may have been part of the systems that were compromized.06:48
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stdinaaron__: only some community (loco) servers were "compromised" non of the canonical/ubuntu.com sites06:48
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spirooFX anyone? :P06:50
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aaron__OK. I didn't mean to bother anyone with a silly question like, if they knew what was up with one of the biggest redirectors to the ubuntu forums. a site that has probably more technical info on it than any other ubuntu related site.06:50
aaron__i won't waste anyone elses time.06:50
geniiGeez, someone needs to write to the Register or so and have them clarify that no ubuntu systems were hacked etd06:50
seanpcrowedoes anyone use beryl??? for the cube desktop... does is need a serious GFX card??06:51
avarHi, came from #kde. There's apperently some bug with networking in 7.10 (gutsy) that I'm getting. Network connections in non-kde tools but kde tools report host lookup failures. Trying to find a fix for it on google and launchpad06:51
stdinaaron__: it's not hosted by canonical, it's 3rd party06:51
geniiOr this will go on and on and on06:51
aaron__stdin: i never said it was.06:51
aaron__however, the earlier statements weren't clear about what got tampered with, and if you'd actually look at doc.gwos.org, you might see why the question arises.06:52
stdingenii: I would comment on it, but that would requite me actually having yo visit that site :p06:52
BluesKajperhaps an anouncement on kubuntu.org or some such would suffice to alay any fears06:52
spirooanyone has experience with file associations in firefox?06:52
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spirooplease, help?06:53
BluesKajin what sense spiroo , like plugins or ?06:54
spirooI cannot associate .torrent files in firefox to ktorrent06:55
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spirooBluesKaj: Know how to do?06:57
BluesKajahhh , spiroo click on browse choose usr then .bin then find ktorrent in the list06:57
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fluekenkennt sich hier jemand mit openvpn gut aus?06:57
Sakkathhow can i tell what totem-xine isntalled so i can remove them all06:57
spiroobrowse, where?06:57
Sakkathi picked totem-xine and totem-mozilla06:57
BluesKajwhen you see the download dialog box06:57
stdin!de | flueken06:57
spiroookay, where do I find the .bin then?06:58
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ubotuflueken: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:58
fluekensorry wrong chan :-)06:58
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lakshmi_@everyone : Why doesnt kate have Find in Files option?06:58
BluesKajtry to DL a file first , click on browse in the dialog box then filesystems, spiroo06:59
Sakkathcan i get mp3blaster to play wma?06:59
spirooah thank you, that did it.06:59
lakshmi_@everyone: let me rephrase, does anyone know any text editor that would have find in files option?06:59
Sakkathand how can i mount /mnt/windows for users to read06:59
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Sakkathidk the 'remount' command07:00
spirooQuite annoying though that I cannot add an filetype in edit > settings > filetypes07:00
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BluesKajedit/preferences/conteny/configure howwFf....../manage07:01
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lakshmi_@everyone: Please help :)07:02
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Sakkathi can set user option in /etc/fstab so my user can mount it but i just donno how to get my user to read it w/out screwin stuff up07:03
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stdin@lakshmi_: huh? kate has a find function as do most other text editors (even nano)07:04
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Freddy2i've recently installed feisty, and when going to compile djbdns unistd.h was missing.. so i've gone to /usr/include and there are no files there (only a few dirs)07:05
Freddy2how can i install those header files?07:05
Sakkathhow should i use m$ roads and trips or whatever that GPS thing is.. .do i *need* a dual-boot?07:06
stdinFreddy2: install build-essential to get the base, then the -dev packages needed for whatever you're going to compile07:06
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Freddy2ok, i'm trying.. thx07:06
NickPrestaSakkath, http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=396207:07
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MilhousePunkRockIs there a safe way to install something that is in the gutsy repositories but not in the feisty-backports?07:11
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stdinMilhousePunkRock: depends on what you want to install, generally you add the repo, apt-get update; apt-get install package, remove the repo, apt-get update. it's not "safe" as such, but it's the only real way07:13
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MilhousePunkRockstdin: Won't any apt-get update after the repo is removed again downgrade the package again? Speaking of libmtp here, 0.1.3 in feisty, but 0.2.1 in gutsy07:15
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stdinMilhousePunkRock: no, it won't downgrade07:15
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stdinMilhousePunkRock: apt generally won't downgrade anything (unless you force it to)07:16
MilhousePunkRockstdin: Great, I will check how many updated dependancies it has first... If that pulls in half of gutsy, I will let it be for the moment07:16
stdinprobably a good idea :p07:16
MilhousePunkRockstdin: I have it on my laptop running Gutsy already, but fresh and shiny feisty installation on my desktop is aimed at stability....07:17
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geniiBah KDE4 keeps crushing my Gutsy Kubuntu07:21
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MilhousePunkRockstdin: libc is something veeeery basic to the system, right?07:21
stdinMilhousePunkRock: very very basic, core infact07:21
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MilhousePunkRockThat might explain why libmtp6 ist not in the backports... Updates to such vital stuff usually happens with releases, I guess...07:23
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stdinthere is a policy to change as little as possible to the base after release, to ensure stability07:24
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combo- if i have kubuntu Dapper version - how can i upgrade to Feisty (i have 2 partion "/" and "/home") is there necessary to format al lof them ?07:25
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stdincombo: no, you need to upgrade to edgy then feisty07:25
combostdin: but - can i format "/" partition and then try to install FEISTY ?07:26
combostdin: is there no other way ?:(07:26
MilhousePunkRockcombo: Easisest is probably a clean install of Feisty... And most painless...07:27
stdincombo: you can just install fresh if you want, tho that's not an "upgrade" that's just an install07:27
stdincombo: just remember to do manual partitioning and not to format /home07:27
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combostdin: and then i'll have to install EVERYTHING again? :}07:27
yaccini have serious network-problems with gutsy :(07:27
MilhousePunkRockyaccin: #ubuntu+107:28
manchicken_stdin: Could you take a look at bug #133857 and see if you can confirm on your i386?07:28
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manchicken_Ack, sorry, wrong chan...07:28
MilhousePunkRockcombo: You could try upgrading manually, of course, basically it will work07:28
stdincombo: run "dpkg --get-selections > packages.list" then you can quickly reinstall them07:28
combostdin: GREAT idea:D:D07:29
combostdin: thx ;)07:29
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BetaTesterDoes anybody know if I can print a file directly via OpenOffice i.e. "oowriter --print myprinter somefile"  ?07:30
MilhousePunkRockBetaTester: Isn't there even a right click option?07:30
BetaTesterMilhousePunkRock I need that to be done from Konsole07:30
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NickPrestaBetaTester, `man oowriter`. /-p/07:31
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NickPrestaactually /-pt07:31
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BetaTesterThank you NickPresta I am too tired I guess... :(07:32
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MilhousePunkRockBetaTester: I imagine there should be a way to have an odf converted to postscript/ghostscript/whatever your printer likes on the shell...07:33
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BetaTesterMilhousePunkRock I print RTF (MS created)07:33
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SakkathNickPresta: thanks but, the GPS wasn't tested and that's the most important thing since I use my laptop to find places ;)07:38
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SakkathNickPresta: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_GPS_/_Microsoft_GPS-360 might that help me? I'm guessing i'll still need to install Streets & Trips in wine unless I can find another program that can make use of this GPS device07:40
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Sakkathhttp://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_GPS_/_Microsoft_GPS-360#Modify_USB_Serial_Driver <-- how can i do that on ubuntu07:43
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blekoshi, i have installed vmware running ./vmware etc07:44
stdinSakkath: I doubt you have to, skip it07:44
blekosif i wanted uninstalled what i am supposed to do?07:44
Sakkathstdin: how else can i get the gps thing working with ubuntu? looks like i can use other gps programs, dont need ms streets & trips?07:44
nicolasi'm a newbie and I need to install a tgz file (driver for my wireless card) can tell how to? thxs07:45
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Sakkathnicolas: move it to / and do tar -zxvf file.tg07:45
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nicolasok thxs a lot, I'll try :)07:46
zipper_Sakkath, why move it to / ?07:47
zipper_that doesnt make sense07:47
Sakkathzipper_: because it unzips in cwd, not to a specific directory07:48
Sakkathso you'll probably have dirs like etc/ and bin/ or whatever07:48
Sakkathit's a pkg07:48
Sakkathif you dont want to move it07:48
Sakkathtar -zxvf file.tgz -C /07:48
Sakkathor get a tgz2deb07:49
Sakkathor something07:49
zipper_i have yet to experience a driver being installed this way07:49
Sakkathit's not a 'driver'07:49
Sakkathit's a 'tg'07:49
Sakkaththat's installed that way07:49
zipper_i know what a damn tarball is07:49
Sakkath.tgz is diff than .tar.gz07:49
zipper_thank you, for that valuable lesson07:49
zipper_still doesnt make what you suggested "good practise"07:50
Sakkathwell meh07:50
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Sakkaththe .tgz i've used07:50
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Sakkathwas like07:50
Sakkathright in cwd07:50
Sakkathnot /07:50
Sakkathso i figured it had to be in / first07:50
zipper_i've used countless tgz files, never once experienced that07:50
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Sakkathzipper_: then what's the difference between a .tgz and .tar.gz if i'm wrong07:51
Sakkathi've only used a few >.>07:51
stdinSakkath: you'll have to compile a custom kernel to follow that guide07:51
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zipper_Sakkath, no idea, and i dont care much to be honest. It's just different ways of compressing data07:51
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Sakkathstdin: is there no other way to get this usb gps thing?07:51
Sakkathto work*07:51
zipper_i dont believe either is significantly better than the other07:51
stdinSakkath: not following that guide07:51
Sakkathzipper_: i thought one was just a source tarball and one was a 'package' similar to deb and rpm07:51
Sakkathstdin: well yes, that's why i'm asking if there's another way :P07:52
MilhousePunkRockWhat's the best way to install non-free ATI drivers if the envy script just ruins the xorg.conf?07:52
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zipper_Sakkath, yeah... if people would keep it that way it would be nice, but they dont seem to07:52
stdinMilhousePunkRock: with the packages?07:52
Sakkathzipper_: both are gzipped tar archives, no?07:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ee - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
Sakkathjust with a changed extension07:52
zipper_Sakkath, does it matter? =P07:52
Sakkathzipper_: i suppose not07:52
zipper_i'm just not a big fan of putting anything straight into /07:53
MilhousePunkRockstdin: I am not asking for me this time, I have a GeForce myself... But a friend of mine that I talked into trying Kubuntu...07:53
stdinSakkath, zipper_: .tgz is a .tar.gz, just a different extension (one that happens to be used by slackware for packages)07:53
zipper_rather extract it in ~ first, check out what the tree structure is like, and then take it from there07:53
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Sakkathzipper_: so most will do app-name-here/etc/blah and app-name/bin/blah?07:53
Sakkathstdin: are the slackware packages packed such as etc/bleh bin/blah or somedir/restofstuff07:53
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stdinMilhousePunkRock: try the package first, if that fails then use the other methods07:54
zipper_Sakkath, most will do appname/installscript.sh07:54
Sakkathi see07:54
Sakkathwell then07:54
Sakkathi stand corrected07:54
nicolashum -zxvf only unpack my tgz file07:54
zipper_nicolas, isnt that what you wanted?07:54
Sakkathwhat did it unpack to07:55
Sakkathwhat came out of it07:55
=== stdin would thing the driver "package" would be source that needs compiling
MilhousePunkRockstdin: so that is "xorg-driver-fglrx"?07:55
nicolas3 folders and differents files ( makefile, install...)07:55
Sakkathstdin: hopefully they followed tgz for binary and it doesn't need to be :(07:55
Sakkathnicolas: then is there a file named README or INSTALL?07:55
nicolasboth yes07:56
stdinSakkath: Makefile < looks like /me was right07:56
Sakkathread them07:56
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Sakkathstdin: 'hopefully' but you said 'it would be nice if people kept it that way' so i was hoping so07:56
Sakkathanyways nicolas07:56
Sakkaththey will tell you how to install the driver07:56
SakkathI advise you use less07:57
stdinMilhousePunkRock: linux-restricted-modules-generic and the xorg-driver-fglrx package07:57
Sakkathwhy is the tar option f needed07:57
Sakkaththis is just a bad example07:57
MilhousePunkRockstdin: Ok, I found it on the wiki too...07:57
Sakkathit's 'tar tf -'07:57
Sakkathi dont know why put f if it's just -07:57
stdinnicolas: what driver is it?07:58
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nicolasfor my wirelles card07:59
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stdinnicolas: yes, you said that. what exact driver?07:59
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nicolasIntel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG08:00
nicolasthe driver is call iwlwifi-1.0.0-108:01
stdinthat should already be installed...08:01
venikI am trying to access my WINDOWS disks on a kubuntu machine.  They are mounted, but when I try to access them, I am told (I HATE THAT!) that I do not have enough permissions!08:01
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veniku htink I'd make up such a story?08:02
stdinnicolas: if you see output from "modinfo iwl3945" then yes08:02
MilhousePunkRockvenik: You need to mount them rw08:02
stdinvenik: how exactly are you mounting it?08:02
venikI used the SYstemSettings tool08:03
nicolashum sorry how can i see it?08:03
stdinnicolas: run "modinfo iwl3945" in the terminal08:04
venikshould I be editing the /etc/fstab file?08:04
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stdinnicolas: you need to add some mount options, namely "fmask=111,umask=000" (the system settings interface actually does edit fatab)08:04
nicolascouldn't find module iwl394508:04
venik/dev/sda1 /media/XP-D auto user,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 008:05
venik/dev/sdb1 /media/XP-C auto user,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 008:05
venikthis is what the fstab file says about them, so they seem to be rw enabled08:05
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stdinnicolas: hmm, it could have come out after feisty was released then08:06
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stdinvenik: add the options I said to it08:06
venikwhich options?  The fstab says rw already08:07
combo- how to make that after opening 'home folder' - it will be open not in the left upper corner - but always in right upper corner? is this possible? cuz i can't see icons after opening :] 08:07
nicolasok so i'll try to make the source but they say i've to install a subsystem (mac80211)08:07
stdinvenik:  you need to add some mount options, namely "fmask=111,umask=000"08:07
venikoh... ok08:07
Sakkathhttp://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?versionId=3932 would that work with the Microsoft USB GPS device?08:08
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venikdo these go on the same line of the other choices?08:08
stdinnicolas: now I know you have that already08:08
stdinvenik: yeah, like "/dev/sda1 /media/XP-D auto user,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid,fmask=111,dmask=000 0 0"08:09
venikthanks.  Do I have to reboot afterwards?08:09
stdinnicolas: make sure you install the packages "linux-headers-generic" and "build-essential", you'll need them08:10
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stdinvenik: no, just "umount  /media/XP-D ; mount  /media/XP-D" (and for  /media/XP-C)08:11
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venikgreat-- it looks as if this worked08:12
venikthanks a lot!08:12
Sakkathanyway i can get the pharos GPS-500 to work?08:13
Sakkathfrom ms streets & trips08:13
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stdinvenik: if they are ntfs and you want write access, you'll need to see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:13
nicolasKernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/source'08:14
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nicolaswhat does it mean?08:14
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venikjust out of curiosity, what do those geeky options do? (fmask=111, dmask=000 00)08:16
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stdinvenik: fmask is the "file mask", it sets the permissions for files, dmask is directory mask, it sets the permissions for directories08:17
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stdinnicolas: where did you get the download from?08:18
nicolasintel website08:18
stdinnicolas: link?08:18
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nicolasclose the page... i'll try to find it again08:19
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venikanother decade or two, and Linux will make sense to me!08:21
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ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases08:22
seanpcrowehi =)08:22
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nicolasi've find a newest v there http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/#downloads08:22
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jhutchinsnicolas: are you working from some sort of instructions on building this?08:23
seanpcrowei installed beryl and i got a beryl manager in my k-menu, but changes i make dont happen (i want eye candy) <--- has this happened to anyone before?08:23
alesanI just plugged-in a bluetooth USB adapter, do you have any idea which steps I should do to download a picture from my cellphone?08:24
alesanshould I install some package?08:24
jhutchinsseanpcrowe: If nobody here knows you might find help in #ubuntu-effects, that's compiz/beryl support.08:24
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seanpcroweawesome jhutchins thanks dude...08:25
jhutchinsalesan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup08:25
cloakablealesan: install kdebluetooth, then send it from your phone to your computer08:25
seanpcrowealso, just how many channels are here???lol08:25
jhutchinsseanpcrowe: Something like 20,000.08:25
seanpcrowefeck :o08:25
stdinnicolas: seems you need the source, not just the headers for that one08:26
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alesancloakable, it is already installed, shoud I manually start something?08:26
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geniinicolas: You need to: sudo apt-get install linux-source-`uname -r`08:27
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nicolasok i try08:27
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geniinicolas the ` is next to 1 key not next to enter key btw08:28
venikOK-- half the battle is won: I can read them.  When I tried to give myself write permission with the NTFS 3 utility, it grayed out the INTERNAL DRIVES08:29
astanhm. i'm in the cdrom group, my /dev/dvd points to /dev/hda, which is correct, i have libdvdcss2 from medibuntu repos installed.. but still kaffeine says "libdvdread: Could not open /dev/dvd with libdvdcss.". any ideas?08:29
nicolasok thats why it did't work lol08:29
venikmaybe since they are WINDOWS, it thinks of them as external?08:29
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astan(this is on feisty).08:29
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geniiwork, AFK08:31
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Sakkathwho knwos about the Microsoft/Pharos GPS-500 unit?08:32
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nicolasok done08:34
nicolasi try make again08:34
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venikso how do I gain permission to write to the Windows drives?08:34
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ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:34
venikI have installed it, and ran the utility08:35
nicolas[nicolas@portable:~/Desktop/ipw3945-1.2.0] $make08:35
nicolas/bin/sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected08:35
nicolas/bin/sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected08:35
nicolas WARNING: Your kernel contains ieee80211 symbol definitions and you08:35
stdin!paste | nicolas08:35
ubotunicolas: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:35
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nicolasare not using the kernel's default ieee80211 subsystem.  (Perhaps you08:35
nicolasused the out-of-tree ieee80211 subsystem's 'make install' or have08:35
nicolasprovided a path to the ieee80211 subsystem via IEEE80211_INC.)08:35
nicolasIf you wish to use the out-of-tree ieee80211 subsystem then it is08:36
zipper_nicolas, stop08:36
venikbut the link you mentioned expect it to say: allow permission to internal drives, and mine has that grayed out08:36
nicolasrecommended to use that projects' "make patch_kernel" facility08:36
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(nicolas/#kubuntu) and rebuild your kernel to update the Module symbol version information.08:36
(nicolas/#kubuntu) Failure to do this may result in build warnings and unexpected08:36
(nicolas/#kubuntu) behavior when running modules which rely on the ieee80211 subsystem.08:36
(nicolas/#kubuntu) -e Aborting the build. You can force the build to continue by adding:08:36
(nicolas/#kubuntu) IEEE80211_IGNORE_DUPLICATE=y08:36
(nicolas/#kubuntu) to your make command line.08:36
(nicolas/#kubuntu) make: *** [check_inc] Erreur 108:36
zipper_that was mighty wierd08:36
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:36
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Sakkathok the pl2303 driver loads teh serial to usb driver, the pharos one, that came with the microsoft/pharos gps-500 unit, but now i need drivers for the actual unit, right?08:36
zipper_i see him getting kicked, and after that he still managed to paste 5 lines or so08:36
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stdinzipper_: server had to play catchup08:37
nicolasthxs, sorry...08:37
stdinnicolas: use the pastebin sire to paste large posts08:37
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nicolashum how work pastbin?08:38
stdinnicolas: you go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org post it there, then post the link here08:39
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BetaTesterstdin, Bye.08:39
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stdinlater BetaTester08:39
venikdo the WINDOWS ntfs drives also need the fmask=111,umask=000 options?08:39
venikI can read them fine, just cannot write to them, despite using the ntfs 3g driver/tool08:40
stdinvenik: you need to change the type from "auto" to "ntfs-3g", everything else should be the same08:40
d0uglasHi. Which is the type of dsl that has up and down traffic independent of one another, meaning if i'm downloading something at full speed my upload bandwidth won't suffer? symmetric?08:40
stdind0uglas: yep08:40
venikoh, ok-- that even makes a little bit of sense08:40
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d0uglasthanks stdin ..08:41
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venikall works now-- thanks again08:42
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genii!helpersnack | stdin08:44
ubotustdin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:44
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zipper_!helpersnack | zipper_08:44
geniistdin: I'll be on the cheering squad today since i have a nasty allergy headache08:44
zipper_they taste gooood08:44
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zipper_genii, thank god for antihistamines08:44
stdinwho stole my cookie :(08:45
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geniizipper_: I already took a dangerous amount of sudafed but it ain't making much of a dent today08:47
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zipper_genii, i dont know sudafed, but i personally react very different to different antihistamines. Some simply doesnt work at all, some works a little and, for me, Citirizin removes any kind of allergic symptoms08:49
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nicolaswell it's late i'll try again later08:49
zipper_but then again, my allergy is very mild08:49
nicolasthxs all for your help :)08:49
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geniiI think the drastic weather changes here are making it worse than usual08:51
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jhutchinsNobody here butus chickens!08:58
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geniijhutchins: I generally hide from capslock anyhow ;)08:59
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spirooNow I really need alt+0124. How do I type special chars in linux?09:01
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stdin!CAPS | NiKeCRu66609:02
ubotuNiKeCRu666: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:02
NiKeCRu666ok ok sorry, i did not know that i was sohuting09:02
geniiNiKeCRu666: If you have some question you need help with just put it in and see if someone knows how to assist09:03
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spiroospecial chars any one? bot maybe? :P09:03
spiroo!special chars09:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about special chars - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:04
NiKeCRu666does someone know if there is kind of "winamp" for kubuntu, i mean, for set up an internet radio09:04
drifmy kubuntu machine crashed and now when I'm rigging a new one I can't get putty to use -chars anymore - I solved it earlier but now nothing seems to work09:05
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trekdanneNiKeCRu666: icecase perhaps09:06
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stdinspiroo: w |-| ?09:07
trekdanneNiKeCRu666: *icecast09:07
NiKeCRu666uhmn, i have already used that, but it does not work like winamp09:07
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gdiebelspiroo: what special characters are you looking to produce?09:07
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ubotuwinamp is a windows music player. On Ubuntu you can use beep-media-player or xmms as alternative.09:08
spirooalt+0124 for instance09:08
NiKeCRu666<treekdanne> it does not have plug in of shoutcast like winamp09:08
stdinspiroo: and what's that then?09:08
avrahamhow do i make my user to be a root ?09:08
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:08
avrahami have iso file in Documents folder on my desktop09:10
avrahamwhat command do i need to write?09:10
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stdinavraham: use k3b, look in KMenu -> Multimedia > K3B09:11
gdiebelit depends on what editor you are using and what charset it supports. I assume by alt+0124 you mean in the iso-8559 set, which by my table would just be the pipe character. I am not sure how that functionality in windows works09:11
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avrahami want to mount it09:12
avrahamnot to burn it09:12
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.09:13
stdinavraham: ^09:13
stdinavraham: or (shameless plug) http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/MountFile?content=6195509:13
nagyvavraham: you can also check mountiso on kde-apps09:13
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stdinnagyv: no, mine's better :p09:14
jhutchins!kdesu | avraham09:14
ubotuavraham: In KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo09:14
NiKeCRu666does someone have an answer for my question?09:15
jhutchinsNiKeCRu666: streamtuner?09:15
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jhutchinsI like some of the radio stations in amarok, and it's what i use for NPR stations.09:16
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NiKeCRu666uhmn i have never used that "streamtuner" well, and a guide for setting up my radio on kubuntu?09:17
NiKeCRu666can i use shoutcast server for linux?09:17
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spiroostdin: It looks like a big i. Like this "I" but longer line09:18
runleveltenspiroo: kcharselect09:18
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stdinspiroo: you mean |09:18
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stdinspiroo: shift+\09:18
gdiebelspiroo: did you get my message. shift backslash on most us keyboards09:19
runleveltenalso try using your right alt key as a shift, you can get some more chars from that (  etc)09:19
stdinspiroo: that's called the "pipe" character09:19
spirooI want to use the full charset like windows does. Not type like shift and some funny char on this keyboard09:19
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spirooI want to type it everywhere, not only here :D09:20
Some_PersonWhy won't windows maximize? I mean they maximize, but they still are resizable. How do I fix it?09:20
avrahami prefer gnome09:20
stdinspiroo: you want "|", yes?09:20
=== genii sips a coffee and contemplates
runleveltenDon't resize them?09:20
avrahamhow to install the mounter tool?09:20
runleveltenin all seriousness though, there's a setting in kcontrol that can change that behaviour, Some_Person09:21
spiroostdin: Yes, but not only that character.09:21
gdiebelspiroo: that alt+numpad trick is quite windows specific. use as runlevelten mentioned kcharselect and paste the characters you want into anything that supports cut and paste09:21
spirooIn windows you can type alt+whatever09:21
stdinavraham: download the deb "(Debian/Kubuntu Pacakge)" then right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install09:21
spirookcharselect? what is that more specific?09:21
Some_Personrunlevelten: where?09:22
stdin!info kcharselect09:22
ubotukcharselect: character selector for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 74 kB, installed size 340 kB09:22
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runleveltenspiroo: You can bind keys to different shift levels, which is the nearest I can think of to the alt numpad thing.I believe this is done already with at least one key, as mentioned.09:23
spiroohow does kcharselect work then?09:23
runleveltenSome_Person: in kcontrol. Have a look! :D09:24
Some_Personrunlevelten: where?09:24
spirooJust the things I need does not work in Linux :D09:24
runleveltenAlt F2 kcontrol09:24
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saylarhey guys09:24
runleveltenspiroo, run it and find out :)09:24
saylari was wondering if anyone could tell me why strg+f4 is not working in firefox to close tabs?!09:25
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runleveltenwhat's strg?09:25
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spirooI will09:25
avrahami installed the mountfile09:25
avrahamwhat now??09:25
saylarctrl ;)09:25
Some_Personrunlevelten: I can't find it09:25
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stdinsaylar: probably because that's the windows binding, try ctrl-w09:26
stdinsaylar: close and reopen konqueror09:26
spirooeh, I runned it, but does not understand what I should do09:26
saylarha, that did it09:26
saylarthx stdin ;)09:26
runleveltenspiroo, you can use altGr and shift AltGr to get lots of chars.09:26
geniiNiKeCRu666: As for the winamp internet radio broadcast idea, if there is someplace a server you just need to connect to and stream to you can use oddcast09:26
saylarreally annoying.09:26
stdinsaylar: then you can just right click the iso and choose Actions > mount09:26
avrahami installed the mountfile...what to do now?09:26
runleveltenkcharselect is just like windows' charmap.09:26
stdinavraham:  then you can just right click the iso and choose Actions > mount09:26
stdinsaylar: sorry :P09:26
saylarno, i don't think so stdin *g*09:26
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Some_Personrunlevelten: Where in the name of KDE is it?09:27
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avrahamwait please09:27
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runleveltenSome_Person: press alt+F2  type kcontrol09:27
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Some_Personrunlevelten: I know that, but where is the setting I want in kcontrol?09:28
spirooI do not wanna have to run the program paste to clipboard and then copypaste09:28
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avrahamthere is no "action"09:28
runleveltenProbably in Desktop  window behaviour Some_Person09:28
avrahamno mount when i press right click on the file09:28
runleveltenspiroo: then learn to use the alternate shift buttons.09:28
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gdiebelwhat character specifically do you wish to produce that is not on your keyboard? or do you just wish to use "eleet" as your password?09:29
stdinavraham: right click the ISO, Actions > mount this file09:29
runleveltenAn OS-specific keybinding is an OS-specific keybinding. It's not rocket science for a smart dude like you :)09:29
avrahamstill...no "actions-mount this file"09:30
avrahami don't see it09:30
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stdinavraham: you see the Actions menu?09:30
Some_Personrunlevelten: I still don't see it09:30
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spiroorunlevelten: why not copypaste windows alt+keys then?09:30
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parsniphey guys09:31
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runleveltenHello, parsnip.09:31
spirooI mean, do a copy of what windows has09:31
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runleveltenFor the same reason nobody worked to provide support for MSBLAST.09:32
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parsnipis there a way i can add my own functionality to the context menu of a particualr file type09:32
runleveltenLinux, X, KDE, none of these things is a copy of windows.09:32
NiKeCRu666genii: thank you09:32
runleveltenYou don't get better than something by copying it, even if you copied it perfectly.09:32
avrahamstdin no09:32
spiroorunlevelten: Yes I know, but it is quite annoying for a programmer like me09:33
stdinavraham: nothing like http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/3688/image9bd2.png ?09:34
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runleveltenWhy'a it annoying? You changed OS and now you can achieve the same thing a different way.09:34
avrahamno...im using gnome09:34
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stdinavraham: you're in the kubuntu channel09:34
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runleveltenThe only thing annoying you is that you're expecting a jaguar to have the same removable ashtray as a mini :)09:35
stdinavraham: for gnome use the manual command "sudo mount file.iso /place/to/mount/to -o loop"09:35
avrahamkde is better?09:35
stdinwell, I think so09:35
avrahami have installed it09:35
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runleveltenAlso, have you checked you can't do it?09:35
avrahambut i don't use it09:35
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stdinthen why install it?09:36
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avrahami can't09:36
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runleveltenIf it's something you have come across, a developer may have implemented it.09:36
avrahammy iso file is in "Documents" on my desktop09:36
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avrahamwhat is the exactly path to munt this iso file please?09:36
stdinavraham: any empty folder09:36
parsniprunlevelten: can you help me with custom context menus at all?09:36
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|Dylan|morning, all.  i have a quick question: how to i enable dma for my optical drive?  k3b says i can run 'hdparm -d 1 /dev/hdc' as root for a temporary fix, but i dont know what to do to permanently enable it.09:37
avrahamit must be empty?09:37
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avrahamplease what is the exactly ptah?09:37
runleveltenwot, adding stuff to the menus in konqy?09:37
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stdinavraham: it can be ANY empty folder09:37
runleveltenparsnip: ^09:38
parsniprunlevelten: yeah, I wanna make a menu so I can right click an mp3 -> set artist / title / track name etc] 09:38
stdinavraham: and it should be empty09:38
gdiebelspiroo: as you are a programmer, I would be interested to know what characters you need to produce with such frequency, that using a simple tool like kcharselect or the third level chooser will not suffice. Perhaps your keyboard map is a rather strange one that is unfamiliar to English users09:38
avrahamok i think ill use kde09:39
avrahambut when i started using it09:39
runleveltenparsnip: well first, you need to work out what program you will use to do the tag editing.09:39
avraham"my computer" didn't appear09:39
avrahamon my desktop09:39
parsniprunlevelten: id3tag :)09:39
avrahamand where is my C driver?09:39
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stdinavraham: it's on the panel, and there is no "C" drive in linux09:40
parsniprunlevelten: just allows easier tagging with id3tag rather than having to use command line09:40
avrahami have beryl in gnome now09:40
spiroogdiebel: yea I have sweidsh keyboard first of all. Then I need to do those i:s and sometimes copyright char for instance. A lot more else.09:40
avrahamcan i move this to kde?09:40
stdinavraham: partitions are mounted to directories under the root dir /09:40
avrahami mean i need to do something?09:40
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stdinavraham: yes, beryl should work find in kde09:40
avrahamim moving to kde09:41
spiroorunlevelten: I did not change OS to get an error producing computer :D09:41
avrahamlet's talk after it's installed09:41
Assiderror producing computer?09:41
runleveltenThere is no error in what you have described.09:41
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runleveltenYou've been presented with at least two ways of producing the results you want. You reject them because they aren't exactly the same as in windows.09:42
spiroorunlevelten: I meant over all, not just this ;P09:42
runleveltenThat's not an error!!!09:42
spirooI was Ironic about the errors :D09:42
Assidrunlevelten: just curious.. whatd he want?09:42
OpencanHow can I edit a file with administrator permition set? (/etc/ppp/pap-secrets)09:42
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spirooI do not reject the solutions, I do not think they are suitable when I programming. And not very comfortable either. But I guess I have to get used with it.09:43
OpencanIt sais I can't edit it with my currect permitions09:43
runleveltenspiroo: do some rooting around. I bet you can get the effects you want with some settings changes, or a very small program.09:43
azmdopencan: sudo is your friend09:44
Opencanazmd: that much i know, but how do I use it?09:44
runleveltenspiroo: well people never program using linux and x, so that's probably why it's the way it is.09:44
stdinspiroo: on the swedish layout it should be altgr with the button with < and > on it09:44
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azmdsudo <command>09:44
parsnipOpencan: sudo kwrite <file> (for example) just use sudo09:44
Assidman i really need to start coding09:44
Opencanthanks :)09:44
Assidrunlevelten: people dont code on X ??09:44
stdinOpencan: use kdesu09:44
azmdopencan: you're welcome :)09:44
runleveltenAssid: quite.09:44
stdinOpencan: not sudo09:44
spiroostdin: thank you09:45
parsnipstdin: whats the difference?09:45
spiroorunlevelten: yes I guess I could find something interesting09:45
stdin!kdesu | parsnip09:45
ubotuparsnip: In KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo09:45
Assidi just assembled a core2quad for a friend of mine09:45
Assidnice machine.09:45
parsnipstdin: cheers09:45
runleveltenAlso, it's a windows feature, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was already in Gnome.09:46
=== stdin would laugh if it wasn't probably true
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spiroorunlevelten: haha okay09:46
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runleveltenspiroo: does alt numpad work in kword?09:47
spirooshall test09:48
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bill32Are slow DNS lookups normal (4-5 sec) if not, how can I improve the speed?09:48
runleveltenI'm seeing alt+numpad working in it to some extent09:48
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stdin!ipv6 | bill3209:49
ubotubill32: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv409:49
stdinbill32: it's probably that ^09:49
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bill32stdin, turned that off09:49
japayahi stdin, you've helped me with some issues lately but now I'm having the same problem, due to a crash I've lost the command line to fix it :p09:50
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spiroorunlevelten: Hmm in the application, or is it possible to just have it in the background and typing in other apps?09:50
japayaI'm not able to read from my external harddrive as user, but I'm able to mount it when I go administrator mode09:50
japayadoes anyone know a permanent solution to solve this problem?09:50
runleveltenwell in the application would be a start if you're determined to try and reproduce that effect09:50
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spiroouhm it is a document handler program?09:51
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bill32stdin, will try it again, maybe i missed something,thanks09:51
stdinjapaya: how are you mounting it again?09:51
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geniijapaya: make a directory on the drive whic is owned by that user you want to have access. Or  chown everything there to that user. also for them to mount it you need option  user  in the fstab for that drive09:52
japayait's /dev/hda5/ mounted as /media/exthdd109:52
spiroorunlevelten, how should I use kword?09:52
stdinjapaya: post the line that shows when yo do "mount | grep hda5"09:53
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japayaI've mounted it via the "Disk & Filesystems"09:53
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japayacan't I just chown the whole drive to myself?09:53
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opencan_I've been trying to follow a guide to install internet on my Kubuntu computer and got stuck at this line:09:54
opencan_NIC driver (eth0\1\2...) configured to get the IP & DNS info from DHCP! (that is usually done in GUI or network config files - location depends on distribution).09:54
opencan_how can I get\do that?09:54
stdinopencan_: system settings > network settings09:55
stdinjapaya: you haven't told me what type the partition is or the line i asked for09:56
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geniijapaya: Since the /dev/<device> will never ever be able to be owned by other than root the short answer is no09:56
bill32surfing is fast its just the DNS  lookup that is slow09:56
japayastdin: It's an NTFS partition if you mean that09:57
geniijapaya: The nearest you could do is chown wherever it is mounted to eg: sudo chown username:username /media/exthdd1      or similar if you want that specific user to have exclusive rights to the drive09:57
stdinjapaya: and how are you mounting it?09:57
geniiAh, NTFS on top09:57
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stdinjapaya: fstab or manually ?09:57
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Some_PersonWhat email client comes with "kubuntu-desktop"?09:58
geniistdin: Thru "Disk and Filesystems" he said earlier09:58
stdinSome_Person: kamil09:58
japayastdin: I go to "System settings" there I search for "Disk & Filesystems" and there I'm able to edit/mount my harddrives09:59
japayaand there I've mounted my harddrive09:59
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stdinjapaya: have you chosen the type as "ntfs" or "ntfs-3g" ?10:00
japayatype is at auto10:01
japayaoh I see now10:01
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Assidstdin: is there a way to default ntfs-3g for every automount etc ?10:03
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japayastdin: I've found it, thanks for putting me on the right track : D10:04
rayluwhat do you mean "every automount"?10:04
stdinAssid: put it in fstab10:04
rpedrontfs-3g comes by default with ubuntu now?10:04
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rpedrothat is ntfs rw support, correct?10:05
raylunot in feisty10:05
stdinrpedro: it will in gutsy10:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about comands - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about execute - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:05
rayluNiKeCRu666, what do you want?10:05
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NiKeCRu666please the comand for execute an aplication in the console10:05
easytiger_homeNiKeCRu666: huh?10:06
rayluer...you just type the name of the application10:06
stdinAssid: you can install "ntfs-config" and run "kdesu ntfs-config" to do it too10:06
NiKeCRu666than you10:06
fkmHeheh.. That problem with the applications takes me back :D10:06
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jhutchinsAssid: Once you've installed 3g it will use the 3g driver every time, it's just a matter of what how fstab tells it to mount.10:07
raylugah! how do i enable last message sent in konversation (where you can press up to get the last message you typed)?10:07
jhutchinsraylu: Dunno, it works that way by default here.10:08
rayluyeah; i must have killed it somehow10:08
Assidi think i have 3g installed.. ntfs-config doesnt work.. hold on10:08
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jhutchinsraylu: Shift key stuck?  What does it do?10:09
stdinraylu: you have to turn off the "input box expands..." thing10:09
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Assidturf off?10:09
Assidhow do i turn it on?10:10
rayluo.0, thanks10:10
kimo9909I hear a lot of things about Gnome...more than I do about KDE.  Is gnome better than KDE?10:10
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raylui wish i could have both :(10:10
jhutchinskimo9909: It's different.10:10
jhutchinsraylu: You can.10:10
raylueh? how?10:10
stdinkimo9909: depends on the person10:10
kimo9909So it is based on preference rather than function?10:10
jhutchinskimo9909: I think for a lot of people KDE just works, so there's not a lot of talk.10:10
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jhutchinskimo9909: Really, yeah.10:11
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rayluAssid, settings > configure konversation > behavior > general > [bottom] 10:11
jhutchinskimo9909: Gnome has a philosophy to simplify the user experience, make things user friendly even at the expense of function.10:11
kimo9909Does gnome give any power features that KDE doesn't?10:11
Assidraylu:  ? what ???10:11
raylukimo9909, if it ever comes down to it, the cli does everything :D10:11
Assidi was referting to the ntfs-config10:11
rayluAssid, to turn "input box expands" on10:11
raylulol =\10:11
stdinkimo9909: no, quite the opposite10:11
jhutchinskimo9909: KDE has always been less that way, and has responded to the Gnome philosophy by trying NOT to cut function for ease of use.10:11
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lorenz_how , this chat not speak french ?10:11
stdin!fr | lorenz_10:12
ubotulorenz_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:12
kimo9909Thank you all for the response.  I personally like KDE better but I am new to Linux.10:12
jhutchinsraylu: True, the console is the ultimate power.10:12
rayluAssid, install the "ntfs-config" package, i think10:12
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kimo9909Yeah...console is next but I need to take baby steps at the moment. :)10:12
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:12
stdinAssid: you can install "ntfs-config" and run "kdesu ntfs-config"10:12
raylukimo9909, baby steps? psh =\ you've had plenty of time with the windows gui, i assume :P10:13
stdinlorenz_: /join #kubuntu-fr10:13
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kimo9909Thank you all once again...I'll try to come back after i leave work.10:13
Assidstdin: yes i ran it.. the internal checkbox is off10:13
jhutchinsAssid: installing ntfs-config should pull ntfs-3g if it's not already installed.10:13
stdinAssid: then you want it on?10:13
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lorenz_ok stdin10:13
Assidyep.. i dont have an ntfs drive atm tho10:13
rayluer...then why are you worried about 3g?10:13
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stdinAssid: yes you do10:14
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Assidraylu: when someone brings their drive to me.. atleast it will work10:14
stdinAssid: when you installed ntfs-config you installed ntfs-3g10:14
rayluer...you plan to plug in a ntfs drive?10:14
rayluwhen someone brings it over to you, it'll be a flash drive; likely FAT10:14
Assidyeah i will be plugging in a ntfs drive later10:14
=== raylu gets the feeling that the ntfs-config utility is useless...
raylui installed ntfs-3g without ntfs-config and i get...2...checkboxes...10:15
raylu(i installed it just now)10:15
rayluisn't there an easier way to do this?10:15
Assidi get internal checkbox as disabled.. external i can put it on10:15
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geniiblame M$10:15
raylu...for a gui that ntfs devs made?10:16
raylui meant like edit a file or use a command10:16
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geniifor inventing ntfs and not allowing ppl to know how the innards work to make a proper driver10:16
jhutchinsraylu: I think you can just edit the fstab.10:16
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waylandbillquiet here today.10:25
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CPrompt^it wasn't a few minutes ago :)10:26
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fenix_tem algum brasileiro na rea10:26
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.10:26
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=== genii sips a coffee and enjoys the quiet while it lasts
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CPrompt^so how does the "color" changing thing work on the text?10:27
CPrompt^er....I tend to use Chatzilla.  Think it's  then text?10:28
CPrompt^yep :)10:28
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CPrompt^genii can sit and watch as CPrompt^ learns how to use irc :p10:28
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Kartihi all10:28
Kartiso its quiet today....... :)10:29
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CPrompt^has anyone had any issues with Firefox crashing?  I have the same issue on Windows and Linux.10:31
rayluworks fine foro me10:32
avrahamhow can i open rar files?10:32
KartiCould I rsync from this PC to a WD Network drive, that only has an IP address?10:32
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free10:32
rayluavraham, double-clicking should open them with ark10:32
avrahamdoesn't work10:33
CPrompt^you might try p7zip10:34
stdinavraham: you need to install the "unrar" package10:34
CPrompt^avraham : http://sourceforge.net/projects/p7zip/10:34
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avrahamthanks, but how do i install it?10:35
CPrompt^avraham : go to this page : http://www.7-zip.org/download.html and get the Debian package.10:35
edulixplease, does anyone use tork?10:35
stdinCPrompt^: it's in the repos10:35
CPrompt^stdin : p7zip is?  that's good to know :)10:36
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stdinavraham: open adept and install "unrar" or just do "sudo apt-get install unrar"10:36
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stdinavraham: that will let ark open them10:36
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shoehornloverhey guys how i severyone?10:38
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shoehornloveri have a problem i was wondering if someone could help me with?10:38
CPrompt^shoehornlover : don't ask to ask...just ask ;)10:38
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avrahamdoesn't work10:39
rayludid the install work?10:39
shoehornloveri am trying to use audacity to record some songs that i wrote on guitar but when i try to record i get feedback and i am not sure how to get rid of it10:39
stdin!doesn't work10:39
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:39
rayluthat's useful ^^10:40
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jhutchinsshoehornlover: Move the mic, turn down the monitor volume...10:40
jhutchinsshoehornlover: This is why they make electric guitars.10:40
shoehornloveri know that there was some problems recording in kubuntu and unbuntu but is there any suggestions to help with this problem?10:40
jhutchinsshoehornlover: Oh, alright, click the "no feedback" button.10:41
CPrompt^shoehornlover : never used audacity but there is a mixer "KMixer" I think.  Check the settings there and see if the levels are too high10:41
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crumplehornedsnoaw =\10:41
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avrahamhow do i open the rar now?10:42
rayluavraham, double-click it10:42
CPrompt^avraham : or right click and find teh "Ark" option10:42
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avrahamthanks a lot10:42
doug_hey, if i have a java machine installed for internet, how do i access it to run compiled java files i have?10:43
raylua java machine installed for internet?10:43
doug_or do i need a separate java package?10:43
rayludo you mean a server with some class files?10:44
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rayluor a machine running jvm with internet access?10:44
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doug_raylu: like i use java for online games and such but i have a class file i made in a programming class that i want to run, how do i run it in konsole?10:44
shoehornlover_is anyone in here?10:45
raylushoehornlover_, your connection borked :P10:45
stdindoug_: have you installed the java jre?10:45
jhutchinsHe's back!  Quick, hide!10:45
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rayludoug_, the java "for online games" you're referring to are just applets; if your class file isn't intended to be an applet, you just need jre like stdin said10:45
doug_stdin: i have java installed for firefox, i think that's jre10:45
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shoehornlover_yeah connection messed up10:46
stdindoug_: "java -jar filename.jar"10:46
shoehornlover_did the questions i was asking even go through10:46
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doug_i have a .java file and a .class file10:47
raylujava classfilenamewithoutthedotclassextension10:47
stdinactually "java clas classfilenamewithoutthedotclassextension" :p10:48
rayluer...but that's not needed/implied10:48
stdin"man java" makes for some good reading10:48
CPrompt^shoehornlover : here was my response.   "never used audacity but there is a mixer "KMixer" I think. Check the settings there and see if the levels are too high"10:48
doug_stdin: raylu: it lists packages for me to install when i do that10:48
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rayluinstall one :D i recommend sun-java6-jre10:49
doug_raylu: it only lists j2re1.4 i thought i had the sun jre already where would it be located?10:49
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stdindoug_:  install "sun-java6-jre" then do "sudo update-alternatives --config java" to select the sun version#10:50
doug_stdin: to check to see if i have java already, where would i look for it?10:51
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rayludoug_, "which java"10:51
doug_stdin: novell groupwise uses java to and i remember installing something with java to make it run10:51
raylubut it won't come up with anything10:51
stdindoug_: if "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre" says it's installed then it is10:51
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doug_stdin: it's already installed10:52
stdindoug_:  then do "sudo update-alternatives --config java" to select the sun version10:52
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chris_how do I add repositories to Adept?10:53
doug_stdin: thank you very much10:53
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stdinchris_: in adept File > Manage Repositories10:53
chris_Yes, I know that much.  But I want to install Firefox, and it seems to live in a repository with a name I do not know10:54
Daisuke_Laptopit's in main10:54
rayluthen...wouldn't the question be "which repository is firefox in?"10:54
rayluand yeah; you shouldn't have to add it10:55
Daisuke_Laptopit's in the default repo10:55
chris_yes, that would be a good way to phrase the question10:55
Daisuke_Laptopsudo apt-get install firefox10:55
doug_stdin: so i need the jdk in order to compile java files, right?10:55
doug_raylu: thanks10:56
stdinchris_: make sure the main sources are enabled, in the 1st tab10:56
chris_somehow, it seems to be missing from the default repository on my system...10:56
chris_let me see10:56
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chris_can u be a bit more specific?10:57
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avrahamhow can i install ati driver10:58
avrahamin order to have 3d effects10:58
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chris_I find no such thing as MAIN SOURCES10:58
raylu!ati | avraham10:58
ubotuavraham: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:59
stdinchris_: in File > Manage Repositories, on the 1st tab called "Kubuntu Software" just make sure all the boxes are checked10:59
refI created a ubuntu 4 Gb live DVD using bootcdwrite, it was booting ok, but got stuck with this last 4 lines: http://paste.milk-it.net/573 and i have no clue of what they mean10:59
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dgawhat package do i need to install for Amarok to play FLAC?11:00
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:00
Daisuke_Laptopshould be supported out of the box, since flac is an open spec11:01
=== ref |o| no help on the way
dgayeah, it's not supported though11:02
avrahamthe orginal ati driver11:02
Daisuke_Laptopref: if i knew anything about making live cds, i'd be right there on your side, but i'm clueless11:02
avrahamnot linux based driver11:02
Daisuke_Laptopit's linux, you don't have a choice but to use a linux driver11:02
stdinavraham: huwanow?11:02
Daisuke_Laptopif you're talking about the proprietary driver, then...11:02
opencan_I've been trying to follow a guide to install internet on my Kubuntu computer and got stuck at this line:11:03
refDaisuke_Laptop: dont you know what could have caused that PCI interrupt???11:03
opencan_NIC driver (eth0\1\2...) configured to get the IP & DNS info from DHCP! (that is usually done in GUI or network config files - location depends on distribution).11:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:03
chris_somehow, many programs are not available: krusader, alien, etc.11:03
Daisuke_Laptopref: no idea11:03
nosrednaekimhey Daisuke_Laptop, why don't you write a review for that laptop over at notebookreview.com?11:03
Daisuke_Laptopchris_: those aren't part of a default install11:03
opencan_and someone in here told me to look in system setting -> network connection11:03
Daisuke_Laptopnosrednaekim: i'm thinking about it11:03
opencan_but what do i do there?11:03
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: good publicity.11:03
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nosrednaekimopencan_: alright.. I look into it.11:04
opencan_thanks nosredmaekim :)11:04
Daisuke_Laptopi'm going to wait until tonight though11:04
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Daisuke_Laptopgoing to go pick up a digital camera11:04
chris_stdin: all the boxes ARE checked, but many programs I am used to are not here11:05
_Shade_how can i share my internet connection among my lan?11:05
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stdinchris_: were they before?11:05
Daisuke_LaptopJen's going to need it for her geology labs, and I just want one handy for concerts and such so I don't have to use my cameraphone then get disappointed when i find out that "4x zoom" takes 1/4 frame pictures and enlarges them on the phone's screen :(11:05
Daisuke_Laptopchris_: update.11:05
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nosrednaekimopencan_: alright go into network settings and click on your interface, and click configure interface11:06
opencan_its grayed out11:06
nosrednaekimopencan_: make sure it says "automatic" and the option is dhcp11:06
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opencan_i got nothing i can access in there11:07
Daisuke_Laptophoping i can get jbuilder running under wine (or a native version, that would be awesome, though too much to hope for) because i *really* don't want to install windows.11:07
nosrednaekimopencan_: you have to go into amin mode11:07
rayluopencan_, pick administrator mode11:07
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opencan_how do i do that?11:07
NiKeCRu666hello, if i have downloaded a file with extension ".conf" and I want to open in the console, what can i do?11:07
rayluopencan_, it should be at the bottom right11:07
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: yeah.... you need nice pics for a review :)11:08
rayluNiKeCRu666, "nano filename.conf" or "kate filename.conf" ...but why do you want to open it in the console anyway?11:08
opencan_oh, found11:08
stdinNiKeCRu666: it's probably a text file, "less file.conf"11:08
NiKeCRu666it's sv_conf.conf11:08
opencan_its set to automatic, thats all needed?11:08
opencan_thanks :)11:08
nosrednaekimopencan_: yeah... it should automatically get your DNS from your router.11:09
nosrednaekimif your router is set up to give you the DNS11:09
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NiKeCRu666thank you11:09
=== opencan_ has to disable this computer access to the net to test the kubuntu one
refwhat is parport0 ?? it seems like /dev/parport0, but what is that?11:10
nosrednaekimparallel port maybe.11:10
Daisuke_Laptopschool's using jbuilder 200511:10
Daisuke_Laptopi can get 2007 for linux11:10
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Daisuke_Laptopbut can't find 2005 for linux.  it figures.  The Man is trying to keep us down!11:11
NiKeCRu666sorry, "nano" or "kate" is for edit the file11:11
NiKeCRu666i need to execute the file in the console11:11
Daisuke_LaptopNiKeCRu666: make sure it's chmodded +x and use ./filename11:12
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: go listen to some rock! brong the Man down!11:12
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NiKeCRu666thank you bye bye11:12
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refok, i am getting somewhere.    GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 169. a cpu has only 16 IRCs, right?! Why are they so strangely numbered? and what is GSI?11:19
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nosrednaekim"grandly silly interrupt"11:21
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Daisuke_Laptopgeo-synchronous idiocy11:22
nosrednaekim"good solid interupt"11:22
opencanI feel so stupid not being able to follow a simple 3 staged guide -_- (http://nvcables.sourceforge.net/)11:22
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Daisuke_Laptopgroovy spaced-out indigo11:24
=== Daisuke_Laptop drags himself back into the current millenium
nosrednaekimopencan: you are putting the cable line directly into your computer? or do you have a modem in between.11:24
opencanI got a modem11:24
opencanIt worked at the exact same configuration on Windows11:25
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: heh... manchicken gave up on Dell and got himself a system7611:25
nosrednaekimopencan if you have a modem, it should be automatic.11:25
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opencanwell . . .11:25
Daisuke_Laptopbut the dells are so *CUTE*11:25
nosrednaekimopencan: is your modem/ router configured to send your the DNS?11:25
Daisuke_Laptopand functional and snappy as well11:25
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: yeah..11:25
opencanyou talk chinese to me :X11:25
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: I would have just stuck it out and waited11:26
parsniphey guys. I'm using this http://developer.kde.org/documentation/tutorials/dot/servicemenus.html to make a service menu11:26
Daisuke_Laptoplooking back, i could probably have gone with 1gb ram and a slower processor, increased my battery life a bit11:26
nosrednaekimparsnip: yeah.11:26
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nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: frequency scaling...11:26
Daisuke_Laptopbut right now this thing's technically more powerful than my desktop machine11:26
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opencanI got a simple modem from my cable company, no clue how to config anything about it11:26
Daisuke_Laptopnosrednaekim: i have yet to figure out how to do that.11:26
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parsnipIs there any way to get a service menu to pop up a data entry box to put an extra parameter in?11:26
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nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: well, you can put it into powersave mode.11:26
Daisuke_Laptopi booted into kde and there was a frequency scaling applet11:26
stdinparsnip: look into kdialog11:27
Daisuke_Laptopbut yeah, i'm using gnome right now11:27
nosrednaekimopencan: your cable company support linux ;)11:27
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: TRAITOR!!!11:27
daftmandoes anyone experience unclean shutdown from kubuntu?11:27
opencanit is11:27
parsnipstdin: cheers man, will check11:27
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opencanthere's only one cable company in Israel :X11:28
rayludaftman, describe "unclean?"11:28
Daisuke_Laptopand gnome's power management applet is woefully lacking11:28
Daisuke_Laptopraylu: leprosy, scabies, that sort of thing11:28
opencanand the ISP does support linux, they have a linux support group but their never available11:28
daftmanraylu: unclean means that the file system wasn't unmounted cleanly11:28
nosrednaekimopencan: can you email them?11:28
stdinparsnip: something like "kdialog --inputbox "Artist Name"11:28
opencanno. they work by phone.11:28
daftmanraylu: it force fsck to be run at the start up11:28
nosrednaekimopencan: or don't run...11:28
Daisuke_Laptopopencan: that means they're pretending to have a linux support group :)11:29
opencanthey gave me this site : http://nvcables.sourceforge.net/11:29
rayluoh...hrm, no idea. it's not the periodic fsck though, is it?11:29
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parsnipstdin: thats exactly what i need11:29
parsnipcheers dude11:29
opencanno, they do, they just call in bad times11:29
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nosrednaekimopencan: the phone suport did?11:29
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daftmanraylu: no it's not.11:29
stdinparsnip: :)11:29
opencanthe linux support group, on the phone11:29
nosrednaekimopencan: thats all they told you? cheap.11:30
daftmanraylu: at boot up it said file system wasn't cleanly unmounted and there was a bunch of inode errors11:30
opencanwell, i'll bet my underwear its a one-man group, yet...11:30
opencanno, they wanted to help, but i wasn't home11:30
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nosrednaekimopencan: oh..ok. hmm I can't really understand those directions either :X11:31
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nosrednaekimhello evrybody that just joined :)11:31
opencancan you guess what they ment?11:31
nosrednaekimopencan: yeah.. but the syntax is ambiguous... a smaple file would do a lot of good11:32
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opencanyeah, so does a fresh tomato to me cheese with olives11:32
dgahow come Amarok cannot play FLAC files? when i open them, they automatically open in Amarok only to say there is no such decoder...11:32
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:33
nosrednaekimdga: I think you need to install the flac package11:34
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dgatried it, didn't work.. from what i gather it has something to do with libxine.11:34
opencanwhy the heck do they make it so annoying to install the very basic thing, internet?!11:34
nosrednaekimdga: yeah probably..11:34
avrahamhow do i update my ati driver card?11:34
Daisuke_Laptopi'm not real fond of this, it's fluctuating wildly between 800mhz and 2ghz11:34
nosrednaekimopencan: who.... ubuntu?11:34
=== opencan bangs his had on the wall
avrahami have kubuntu11:35
avrahamhow do i update my ati driver card?11:35
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: you're not in powersave mode then.11:35
raylu!ati | avraham11:35
ubotuavraham: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:35
opencankubuntu, my ISP, my cable company, god11:35
nosrednaekimavar: your driver or your card?11:35
stdindga: installed "libxine-extracodecs" ?11:35
avrahammy driver11:35
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nosrednaekimavraham: why, is it not working?11:36
dgastdin: yeah, that worked. thanks!11:36
opencani'll dig in a bit of more ways to connect to my ISP and will send them here to see if they will be of any help11:37
nosrednaekimavraham: to install an updated version of fglrx is rather hard, and there are no new features or improvements. So unless your card doesn't work, its not worth it11:37
yeniklasorrstdin : how to check how many cpu is using ?11:38
avrahami don't have 3d acceleration11:38
avrahamthis is the problem11:38
avrahami have ati control panel11:38
Daisuke_Laptophad to install cpufrequtils11:38
avrahamwhen i run fifa 2007 with wine11:38
avrahamit doesn;t work11:38
nosrednaekimavraham: did you change your driver to fglrx?11:38
avrahami mean11:38
avrahamit's all black11:38
avrahamwhat do you mean?11:38
stdinyeniklasorr: KMenu  Settings  KInfoCenter11:39
avrahamand why?11:39
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yeniklasorrstdin : with konsole11:39
tazgodx_whats a good FTP server for kubuntu?11:39
avrahamwhy to change to fglrx ? i only want to run games11:39
opencani've got these scripts that didn't work on Kubuntu, but I've heard they do well with Ubuntu: http://cables2.netvision.net.il/linux/11:39
nosrednaekimavraham: try running "fg_glxgears11:39
stdinyeniklasorr: cat /proc/cpuinfo11:39
nosrednaekimwhoops "fgl_glxgears"11:39
avrahamjust to write this??11:40
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nosrednaekimin a terminal, yes11:40
yeniklasorrstdin : cpu usage11:40
doug_has anyone used dellfand?11:40
stdinyeniklasorr: top11:40
nosrednaekimavraham: in a terminal, or in a run dialog.11:40
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yeniklasorroh right11:40
avrahamMajor opcode of failed request:  142 (GLX)11:40
nosrednaekimavraham: it doesn't pop up a windows with a cube with gears?11:41
yeniklasorrstdin : my ssh server using old "wget" how can I install on it a latest "wget".11:42
avrahamit disappear after a sec11:42
stdinyeniklasorr: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wget11:42
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BlueDevilcan I force a specific package version using adept so adept updater doesn't tell me there's an update?11:43
stdinnope, not with adept11:43
BlueDevilinteresting; are they still developing it?11:44
kulpretYou can by editing a file.  Then adept or apt-get update will ignore the updates.11:44
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BlueDevilkulpret: please elaborate11:44
kulpretHang on, I'm looking up the file name.11:44
stdinBlueDevil: well it's quite new, it was made for kubuntu to use11:44
yeniklasorrstdin : I'm not an administrator. it is dreamhost.com's hosting. isn't it possible to compile something to my local?11:44
BlueDevildpkg --set-selections doesn't work11:45
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drifhow do I get s.m.a.r.t support for sata-drive?11:45
nosrednaekimavraham: ah ok... most likely you don't have the driver enabled.11:45
stdinyeniklasorr: possibly, but you'd have to make sure they have the right versions of libssl and libc6 installed11:46
stdinyeniklasorr: and a C compiler11:46
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yeniklasorrstdin : they have gcc11:46
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nosrednaekimavraham: system settings-> monitor and settings11:47
avrahamhow can i enable it?11:47
avrahamwhat than?11:47
marcis thErE a channEl for LinuxMCE? I know it runs on Kubuntu11:47
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Daisuke_Laptoperr..  problem with the e key?11:47
mneptokmarc: your 'e' key seems unhappy11:48
nosrednaekimavraham:  in there there should be a tab , which when clicked shouws a list of devices and screems11:48
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Daisuke_Laptop"shows a list of devices and screams"11:48
Daisuke_Laptopi like that11:48
avrahamhardware :)11:48
nosrednaekimand you'd think I didn't even have a spell checker.11:48
marcmneptok: lol for somE rEason lowEr casE E doEs not work in Xchat11:48
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marcmneptok: can't figurE it out11:48
avrahamgraphics card-ati11:48
Daisuke_Laptopmarc: konversation :P11:49
avrahamdriver: lgfrx - something like that11:49
mneptokmarc: i think you mean "mnEptok"11:49
marclol ya sorry11:49
nosrednaekimavraham: driver is fglrx eh?11:49
Daisuke_Laptoptab completion shouldn't hurt that11:49
nosrednaekimavraham: odd.11:49
avrahamyes. this is the name of the driver11:49
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nosrednaekimavraham: hmmm could you pastebin the results of "glxinfo"?11:50
Daisuke_Laptopthe only feasible way of pronouncing that i've found11:50
avrahamhow please?11:50
Daisuke_Laptop!paste | avraham11:50
ubotuavraham: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:50
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avrahamhere it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34568/11:52
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aaroncampbellOn my last few updates with adept, I got a warning saying that changes couldn't be committed, even though it seems they were (it shows no packages available for update).  What might be causing this?  I wonder if it's related to the fact that I install Eclipse, but it doesn't work.11:54
aaroncampbellIs there a way for me to see what the cause was?11:54
nosrednaekimavraham: pastebin the results of this command " cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf"11:54
Daisuke_Laptopno DRI enabled...11:54
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: no... its trickier than that on ATI's..11:54
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: you have to disable composite extention for DRI to work.11:55
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avrahamhere it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34571/11:55
Daisuke_Laptopnosrednaekim: just making mental notes, didn't say he should enable it :D11:55
nosrednaekimavraham: ok, you need to add something to that config file, open it up with "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf"11:56
avrahamim in11:57
avrahamwhat's now?11:57
avrahamwhat now?*11:57
fkmI had the same problem some days ago11:57
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nosrednaekimavraham: you are in the config wile for the x server11:58
fkmYou have to... kinda merge the two "Device" sections you have there11:58
nosrednaekimfkm: hmm yeah.. didn't see that.11:58
avrahamwhat do i need to add?11:58
nosrednaekimfkm: OTOH, mine has that too.11:58
nosrednaekimfkm: nope.. the problem is with his composite extension11:59
fkmI deleted the following lines: 111, 113, 114,115, 11611:59
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kulpretBlueDevil Check out section 3.10 of this link.... http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-apt-get.en.html11:59
nosrednaekimadd this at the end of the file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34572/11:59
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fkmBut if he leaves the xorg.conf like this the ati driver will be used. As far as I know11:59
nosrednaekimfkm: it says he is using the fglrx one right now...11:59
kulpretit tells you how to pin a package to a specific version.  I have done this in the past when using a backport version of a package that was in the universe repository11:59
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nosrednaekimfkm: yeah... I don't know why they do that anyway.12:00
avrahamnot to remove something?12:00
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fkmSeems not :)12:00
avrahamjust to add it?12:00
BlueDevilkulpret: thanks12:00
BlueDevilwill try12:00
nosrednaekimavraham: no.. just add those three lines12:00
avrahamok. file was saved12:00
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avrahamwhat do i need to do now?/12:01
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frank_aaroncampbell: i've got the same problem. if i try to do it via apt-get in a terminal i sometime get: couldn't get lock on /var/lib/dpkg/lock - used by another process or something... but i i wasn't able to figure out what process that would be...12:01
nosrednaekimavraham: could you pastebin that file again? so I can make sure it all looks good?12:02
BluesKajwhat's the command for setting the cpufrequency governor ?12:02
deadly_tuxhello, does anybody know how i can get the WEP key from a wireless connection? i lost mine at home;... I have Kubuntu Feisty running...12:02
avrahamok. thanks a lot12:02
avrahamwait a minute12:02
aaroncampbellfrank_: I usually get that if I've forgot that adept was open.  In the case of a power outage once, the process file stayed there, and I had to delete it...but that's not what this is doing12:02
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: oh great..... umm lett me get that for you12:02
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drbeamshi, i am having a problem with a broadcom driver.12:03
avrahamhere.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34574/12:03
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: echo powersave >> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor12:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:03
BlueDevilkulpret: it worked12:03
BlueDevilkulpret: thanks a lot12:04
nosrednaekimavraham: put a space between the new section you just added and the one that was there previously..12:04
drbeamsis there a way to force aptitude to unconfigure bcm43xx-fwcutter?12:04
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kulpretno problem BlueDevil12:04
avrahamthis is ok? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34576/12:05
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sanzanri1why do kde and gnome use to different trash bins?12:05
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yeniklasorrstdin you here ?12:07
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BluesKajnosrednaekim, that's an interesting command but I want to set the cpufreq governor to "performance" since the transcoding of video is so slow ...i had it set for performance in the previous version of kubuntu12:08
nosrednaekimavraham: great, ok, log out. and then press "ctrl+alt+bckspce". now if that doesn't work and drops you to a console... log in and do "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"  andget rid of those last 3 lines12:08
avrahamnosrendanekim http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34576/ - this is ok?12:08
avrahamwait please12:08
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: swap powersave for performance12:08
BluesKajok, thx12:08
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: and if you want dynamic make it "userspace"12:09
drbeamshow do i force aptitude to remove configuration for a package, or "clean up"12:09
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: also,you can get kpoersave which provides a nice GUI12:10
avraham"andget rid of those last 3 lines" - didnnt understand you man12:11
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avrahami thought grid12:11
avrahamok wait  please12:12
nosrednaekimavraham: back space, remove.12:12
avrahamyeah yeah12:12
avrahamthanks man. just a sec12:12
avrahamno need to restart x server or something?12:12
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danyahave anyone installed a sony ericsson pc suite ??12:12
nosrednaekimavraham: thats what :ctrl+alt+bckspce" does :)12:13
BluesKajnosrednaekim, I had to use sudo su to get permission but I managed to change the cpufreq to "performance" as you suggested ...set at 2gighz now ..Thanks :)12:13
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avrahamlol ok...12:13
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nosrednaekimBluesKaj: yeah.. forgot about that... you need full SU proveldges12:13
BluesKajkernel settings , I imagine ?12:14
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: IDK.. you can modprobe things with sudo.12:14
nosrednaekimjust kinda odd.12:14
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BluesKajanyway i saved the cmnd in my lil 'black book' :)12:15
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parsniphey all12:19
=== parsnip waves
parsnipstdin: i thikn i got it down12:19
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parsnipstdin: but its not showing when i right click mp3s12:19
parsnipCan anyone help with servicemenus12:20
tazgodx_whats a good FTP server for kubuntu?12:21
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nosrednaekimuhh oh... avraham hasn't returned12:26
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happytigertazgodx_: www.glftpd.com12:32
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