
lifelesskiko-afk: ping12:51
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Amaranthlooks like the 'Priority: Optional' bug in the PPAs wasn't actually fixed, anyone remember the bug number?12:58
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LaserJockhmm, anybody know where Joey went off to?01:50
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thumperLaserJock: yeah, ISP problems02:06
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mptGoooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!02:30
mayecompt: hey02:32
mayecompt: easy....02:32
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ubotuNew bug: #133776 in malone "Mail notifications are using project's display name instead of target name" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13377603:10
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lifelessreviewer meeting in 3 minutes07:57
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lifelessspiv: ping08:05
lifelessis BjornT on leave now ?08:05
lifelesshi :)08:06
lifelesssorry for the slight delay, I was showing Martin the door08:06
jameshis it a nice door?08:06
lifelessit is08:06
lifelessI'll ring spiv 08:07
spivlifeless: thanks08:07
lifelessnp, I live to nag08:07
lifelessor is it nag to live08:08
lifelessnext meeting, 28th same time ?08:08
lifeless * Roll call08:08
lifeless * Next meeting08:08
lifeless * Queue status.08:08
lifeless * Discouraging huge branches (barry)08:08
lifeless * Notes to reviewers inside code, e.g. "REVIEWER: I'll file a bug for this after approval" or "REVIEWER: This code didn't match that comment before, but with this change it does." (jtv)08:08
lifeless * Graduations and new recruits (barry)08:08
lifeless * Spiv staying as reviewer (lifeless)08:08
lifelessI'll take that as a yes.08:10
thumperI was waiting for the rollcall08:10
thumperyes to the 28th08:10
lifelessroll call happened, you guys said hi :)08:10
lifeless == queue status ==08:11
lifeless13 open reviews08:11
jameshhalf are assigned to stub08:11
lifeless9 over the target08:11
lifelessI suck most. (sorry curtis)08:11
thumperI'm in communication with ddaa, mwh and stub about code import db patches08:11
lifelessthumper: are they actually in 'needs review' though?08:12
lifelessor are they 'bounced and discussion about how to get them back in' ?08:12
thumperlifeless: they are in response to bounce,08:12
thumperlifeless: but I think they still need work08:12
lifelessThen I think they should not be shown as unreviewed; this is a failing of our system at the moment, its too black and white08:13
lifelesssometimes things become multiple peoples responsibility; as these have.08:13
thumperit is kind of db review though, getting them right08:13
lifelessit is08:14
thumperit is a weird state08:14
lifelessbut its not a back and forth clearly partitioned thing like most reviews, from what I can tell08:14
thumpernot right now, now08:14
lifelessits more pre-implementation design call stuff, being done at the end :)08:14
=== thumper nods
lifelessanyhow, you are taking responsibility for sheparding them08:14
lifelessIf you are sure that work needs to be done, I think they should come out of the queue08:15
thumperok, I'll move them after the meeting08:15
lifelessone sec, I'll minute the guts of this08:16
lifelessput them back to w-i-p I think08:16
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=== Topic for #launchpad: Launchpad - https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 23 Aug 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Launchpad help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
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thekornhi all, where is the right place to report a bug in https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net10:07
thekornthe "filter"-box on pages like https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ is not working10:09
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BjornTthekorn: please file them at https://launchpad.net/malone/+filebug10:30
thekornBjornT: ok, will do thanks10:30
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ubotuNew bug: #133807 in malone "Filters-portlet on staging.launchpad.net is not working" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13380710:45
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Kuhrscherdanilos: Hi, I'm just trying to improve the translator credits in KDE apps...11:14
danilosKuhrscher: hi Jannick11:15
Kuhrscherdanilos: Could you tell me how you made it to leave one mail adress empty?11:15
danilosKuhrscher: can it actually be done in KDE?11:15
Kuhrscherdanilos: not is beautiful as in gnome but  better than now ;-)11:15
daniloswell, I used KDE documentation to see how it's done, and it says that one just needs to leave an empty text between commas... i.e. if it would otherwise be "someone@mail.com,blah@foo.bar,ha@hehe.com", it can also be "someone@mail.com,,ha@hehe.com"11:17
=== mpt grins at "beautiful as in gnome"
Kuhrschermpt: If there is one single point... ;-)11:18
=== jordi punches danilos.
jordidanilos: dude I didn't see you at GUADEC!11:18
=== danilos kicks jordi back
danilosjordi: next time, try coming :)11:18
jordiWOA! so that's how you did it!11:19
danilosKuhrscher: the thing is, with GNOME, we have a free-form text field... with KDE, we've got a comma separated list of names and corresponding comma separated list of emails... if you've got any suggestions on how to improve either, feel free to say so11:21
Kuhrscherdanilos: I'm just making a screenshot11:23
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Kuhrscherdanilos: http://www.kuhr.org/translatorcredits.jpg11:34
Kuhrscherdanilos: It's far away from being perfect, but I thinks it's better than the current version...11:36
danilosKuhrscher: can you do that without patching KDE? if not, we'll have to change this in Ubuntu kdelibs package as well...11:36
KuhrscherJust, with commas etc ;-)11:36
KuhrscherPatrick Trettenbrein, Jannick Kuhr, , Launchpad contributions:, Jannick Kuhr, Patrick Trettenbrein, Jannick Kuhr, Patrick Trettenbrein, Jannick Kuhr11:36
Kuhrscherpatrick.trettenbrein@kdemail.net, jakuhr-linux@gmx.de,,, https://launchpad.net/~jakuhr, https://launchpad.net/~trettenbrein, https://launchpad.net/~jakuhr, https://launchpad.net/~trettenbrein, https://launchpad.net/~jakuhr11:37
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KuhrscherWe use ", ," to get a line break befor the "Launchpad contribs"11:38
Kuhrscher"Lauchpad contributions" as the first Launchpad translator and no mail adress for him ;-)11:39
Kuhrscherdanilos: And instead of mail adresses for the launchpad users their accounts as in the Gnome credits.11:39
danilosKuhrscher: ah, ok, that's some serious hacking into the KDE style support... the thing is, I didn't really have too much experience with KDE, so thanks for the tips on how it actually works in KDE programs :)11:41
Kuhrscherdanilos: You should use KDE ;-)11:42
Kuhrscherdanilos: Could you implement the credits like this?11:42
danilosKuhrscher: sure thing, I am filing a bug right now :)11:42
Kuhrscherdanilos: Great :)11:43
danilosKuhrscher: but still, GNOME is so much better... you can also email me at danilo@gnome.org, but I am not biased at all :P11:43
Kuhrscherdanilos: KDE is so much better, should even see it if you are biased :P11:44
danilosKuhrscher: right... this bug is getting a low priority... no, I'll have to add an "almost no" priority value just for KDE stuff :P11:46
Kuhrscherdanilos: I'll go out to the world and tell everybody how mean these Gnome guys are ;-)11:47
danilosKuhrscher: fyi, bug #133817 (and I'll close it as 'Invalid' later :P)11:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133817 in rosetta "Make KDE translation credits nicer" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/133817 - Assigned to   (danilo)11:56
Kuhrscherdanilos: Ok, thanks ;-)11:57
Kuhrscherdanilos: I attached the screenshot and the lines from my ktorrent.po file as an example. How long will you need to implement it like this?12:02
danilosKuhrscher: it should be pretty simple, but it can't land before the end of next month since we are now on a monthly release cycle, and this is not a "critical" bug...12:03
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Kuhrscherdanilos: If it lands before the release of gutsy, it's enough ;-)12:05
ubotuNew bug: #133817 in rosetta "Make KDE translation credits nicer" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13381712:05
danilosKuhrscher: yeah, it should be ready before Gutsy :)12:06
KuhrscherFine :)12:06
Kuhrscherdanilos: Ok, see you later.12:06
danilosKuhrscher: cheers12:07
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cprovsuperm1: ping03:12
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superm1hey cprov 03:43
cprovsuperm1: hi, I was performing some maintenance tasks in PPA-beta and wanted to warn you it would be down for a couple of minutes. It's done already.03:45
superm1ah that's okay.  thanks for the warning03:45
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bdmurrayIs there a way to search a bug watch lik https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/gnome-bugs ?05:55
kikobdmurray, the list? not currently, though there are some bugwatch-related options in the regular advanced search.05:57
bdmurraykiko: right, like show bugs that are open upstream?05:59
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ubotuNew bug: #133880 in launchpad "https should use the squid proxy rather than relying on firewall holes" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13388006:55
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ubotuNew bug: #133884 in soyuz "lpia arch missing from cron.germinate" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13388407:06
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iwjOK.  I give up.  Where is https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/MaloneEmailInterfaceUserDoc nowadays ?07:06
iwjAnd how was I /supposed/ to find it ?07:07
iwjOh, Google gives me   https://help.launchpad.net/UsingMaloneEmail#head-e035168556bfe139472202a2228dd2eeb8e8de6507:07
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iwjOK, my next question then is, since it's not answered there:07:08
iwjHow can I target a bug to a milestone at submission time via the email interface ?07:08
mwhudsoniwj: that page is linked to from the front page of help.launchpad.net07:10
mwhudsondon't know the answer to the second question though07:10
iwjOh, so it is.07:10
iwjI've become so used to everything in LP being at the edges that I don't look at the middles of pages any more.07:11
mwhudsoni don't think there is a way to affect milestones from email07:14
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iwjI see the email interface doc talks about `importance' which is `priority' nowadays.07:15
mwhudsoni'm not reading the doc, i'm reading the source :)07:16
iwjSo is it `importance' or `priority' ? :-)07:16
mwhudsonif you try to use priority it looks like you'll get a message telling you to use importance instead07:16
mwhudsoniwj: https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/5438907:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 54389 in malone "Implement a milestone command in the email interface" [Medium,Confirmed]  07:19
mwhudsonit seems like the sort of bug that will get implemented if people clamour for it07:22
mwhudsoni doubt it's very hard (speaking as someone looking at this code for the very first time)07:22
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Amaranthdid the PPA builders crash or something?07:33
Amaranthsome of my uploads have been in the queue for 22 hours now07:34
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ubotuNew bug: #133897 in launchpad "There is 1 error." [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13389708:15
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zuluh this looks weird https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/gobby08:48
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mdkeSteveA: around?09:03
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cprovzul: Hi, it's a known problem (if it helps), I've just filled a specific bug to get it fixed during the next cycle (https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/133908)09:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133908 in soyuz "Distroseries package pages are confusing (and broken)" [Low,Confirmed]  09:18
zulcprov: thanks09:19
cprovzul: have I covered all your points in the bug description ?09:20
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SteveAmdke: yep, will be for a couple of hours09:24
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Amaranthcprov: is there something wrong with the PPA system?09:25
Amaranthalso, the 'Priority: Optional' bug apparently wasn't fixed09:25
ubotuNew bug: #133908 in soyuz "Distroseries package pages are confusing (and broken)" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13390809:26
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
Amaranthwas hoping i'd just need to upload a new package to get it fixed but i can't do that because they won't build09:26
cprovAmaranth: some cycles are being skipped to test the new release features09:26
cprovAmaranth: do you have any package in queue ?09:27
Amaranthlots of them :)09:27
Amaranthwas updating my compiz 'backport'09:27
Amaranthand some of them have to wait for others to build before they'll work09:28
cprovAmaranth: uhm, the queue is empty.09:28
cprovAmaranth: builders are running normally09:29
cprovAmaranth: let me check your archive09:29
cprovAmaranth: are you sure your archive indexes are not being cached (launchpad@mawson:/srv/launchpad.net/ppa/amaranth/ubuntu/dists$ grep 'Priority: Optional' -r * -> returns nothing)09:33
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cprovAmaranth: builders are just *busy*  (specially the i386) with the language-pack tsunami. Catching up on other packages, https://dogfood.launchpad.net/+builds/rubidium/+history09:36
Amaranthcprov: i don't actually use my repo but the users of it tell me they still get constant upgrade announcements for compiz-core09:36
Amaranthcprov: wow, all of those builds are missing debhelper or cdbs09:38
cprovAmaranth: that's due to the tests we are doing.  Don't worry, the world is not falling apart (not yet) 09:40
cprovAmaranth: look who has showed up -> https://dogfood.launchpad.net/+builds/rubidium/09:44
Amaranthwow so apparently 1105 isn't my position in the queue :)09:44
cprovAmaranth: aha, no, that's the "build score", it's like "priority".09:47
Amaranthso it's a meaningless number? :)09:48
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cprovAmaranth: no, highest score will be processed/built first (as I said, free-running priority level)09:49
Amaranthah, so that's why the number went up as i waited09:49
cprovAmaranth: yes, exactly, it gets increased by being waiting in queue for a long time (this way we ensure the old jobs will get processed even in a very busy period)09:51
Amaranthso what is needed on the client side to fix the Optional thing?09:54
Amaranthdelete /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin?09:54
cprovAmaranth: refresh the indexes (u-m does it automatically as they have changed remotely, AFAIK)09:55
Amaranthjust apt-get update?09:55
cprovAmaranth: yup (but that's what u-m does every morning, anyway)09:56
Amaranththen that's not fixing it09:57
Amaranthmaybe this upload of compiz will fix it09:57
Amaranthbecause the index will have never had that bug for the new version09:57
cprovAmaranth: the index doesn't have this problem right now. What is the package/suite ?09:58
Amaranthit's the compiz source package, compiz-core binary09:58
Amaranthdefinitely fixed there :)09:59
cprovPackage: compiz-core09:59
cprovPriority: optional09:59
cprovAmaranth: yup09:59
Amaranththis is really confusing10:02
Amaranthnot even getting rid of the cache fixed it :/10:02
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MFenis there any way to add more rich formatting to my project's "details" page?10:07
MFenthe only thing i can get out of it is that feature that changes urls to links, which is nice10:08
MFenbut i'd like bulleted lists and em/strong and stuff.10:08
kikonot right now, but it's planned10:13
kikowe want to have a markup for those fields, indeed10:13
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cprovAmaranth: maybe asking for help in #ubuntu-devel ?10:16
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LaserJockRinchen: ping10:43
RinchenLaserJock, pong10:43
LaserJockis there a way to see all the projects in the launchpad project group?10:45
kikoLaserJock, launchpad.net/~launchpad-project ?10:45
LaserJockheh, nifty, that's an OOPS10:46
kikooh, 40410:46
kikoLaserJock, launchpad.net/launchpad-project ?10:46
LaserJockyep, sorry, I should have translated ;-)10:47
LaserJockok, cool, that does have the list10:47
LaserJockI'm trying to look over milestones but there's so many LP projects I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something10:47
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LaserJockdoes the "Deleting branches basics" spec mean we *can* delete branches? or does further work need to be done for it to actually work10:52
effie_jayxLaserJock,  you mentioned a classmate PC earlier?10:54
RinchenLaserJock, ^^10:55
BjornTLaserJock: it will be possible to delete branches (that have no subscribers)10:55
LaserJockBjornT: cool10:56
MFenkiko: thanks for responding, didn't see it until now. :)10:56
BjornTLaserJock: btw, if you want to look at lp milestones, you could look at https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+milestones. that includes the specs/bugs from all lp projects10:59
MFenanother thing that would be *really* nice is the ability to use that Code tab for something besides bzr branches10:59
MFeni mean, i understand you don't want to support every vcs under the sun, but i'd like to be able to just add some basic info there about where to get my vcs and the source code of the stuff11:00
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LaserJockBjornT: excellent, thanks11:01
LaserJockis there a spec for PPA? I don't see one for the 1.1.8 milestone11:05
LaserJockalso, has any "help" actually been written for that help tab on the left side? every time I open it it says no help is available :-)11:06
kikoMFen, you're welcome11:06
ajmitchLaserJock: you don't need help :)11:07
LaserJockajmitch: hehe, I know otherwise11:07
LaserJockserious help11:07
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