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=== Topic for #ubuntu-artwork: Welcome to #ubuntu-artwork! http://www.uigarden.net/english/global-market-global-emotion-global-design | ||
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lapo | hi | 11:37 |
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tehk | Anyone know if gutsy will modify their human theme to the new clearlooks engine(like gummy)? | 06:46 |
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lapo | hi | 09:13 |
alex-weej | is it just me or has loads of gnome-icon-theme started seeping through | 09:24 |
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troy_s | kwwi -- the left sample isn't warty | 10:40 |
troy_s | kwwii: erm right -- that's dapper. | 10:41 |
kwwii | lol, my bad - I just took the name (in the package it is named that)...going to sleep soon, I'll fix that tomorrow morning | 10:42 |
troy_s | kwwii | 10:43 |
troy_s | its here: | 10:43 |
troy_s | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Archives/5%2e04 | 10:43 |
troy_s | (well the sample of it)( | 10:43 |
troy_s | hope that helps | 10:43 |
kwwii | right, I'll put simply rename the other and put that one in as well | 10:43 |
kwwii | three pics is better than one | 10:43 |
troy_s | kwwii: Except dappers is shite. | 10:44 |
troy_s | lol | 10:44 |
kwwii | I spent most of the day in meetings so I didn't get much done, really | 10:44 |
kwwii | hehe | 10:44 |
troy_s | kwwii: Breezy and Hoary are pretty on. | 10:44 |
troy_s | kwwii: Is that solid drop shadow imagemagick's work? | 10:45 |
kwwii | yeah, "-shadow" | 10:45 |
troy_s | Yes, thought so. | 10:45 |
kwwii | I used the montage command you gave me a long time ago | 10:45 |
troy_s | Yep. Imagemagick has soooo many powerful tools. It also handles 12 bits per colour channel well. | 10:46 |
troy_s | (if you are farking with slr raws for xample) | 10:46 |
troy_s | Breezy and Hoary's walls are quite evocative -- quite sad where Dapper took the mess. | 10:47 |
kwwii | well, trying to stick to the same damn kind of pic all the time gets annoying if you ask me | 11:00 |
kwwii | it is like trying to recreate the wheel, creatively | 11:00 |
kwwii | anyway...time for sleep now (/me broke a toe this morning so I spent a long day at the doctor) | 11:01 |
troy_s | kwwii: Nicth | 11:04 |
troy_s | nicth | 11:04 |
troy_s | wtf is that | 11:05 |
troy_s | lol | 11:05 |
kwwii | nacht, you mean | 11:05 |
kwwii | or night :-) | 11:05 |
kwwii | see you soon | 11:05 |
kwwii | tomorrow I should be much more productive | 11:05 |
tehk | Anyone know if Human in gutsy will move to the new clearlooks engine? | 11:21 |
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