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man-dixhaker: I have some strange problems with eclipse04:31
man-diit mostly hangs on the eclipse.linux.tar target04:31
man-diit works on 1/100 builds04:31
xhakerman-di, hmm, the build hangs?04:35
xhakergcj 4.2 :/04:36
xhakerif you don't build natives it goes fine04:37
man-diI have seen this on a pure i386 machine too, some time ago, but it was away after reboot04:37
man-dithis is gcj 4.104:37
xhakeri'm building in a pentium-m04:37
man-diI'm building now on Core2Quad04:38
xhakeri noticed the build taking too much memory, <10% cpu, on the natives building part04:38
man-diit has plenty of ram too04:39
xhakerman-di, my build with natives lasted more than 12h until i decided to kill it.. 04:39
xhakerIt would probably finish, because i've seen it take long at every jar but still go through04:40
man-diwhen it worked once here, it finished after 40 minutes04:40
man-diand I saw some new lintian warnings04:41
man-diso i fixed them04:41
xhakerman-di, you must be kidding, 12h+ here with natives enabled :/04:41
man-dithen I wanted to rebuild, but it hangs each time04:41
man-di40 minutes here with natives enabled, for real04:41
xhakerman-di, spawn top or saidar during the build04:42
man-diduring java compilation mostly one processor is used04:42
man-dibut when building to native all processors are used 100%04:42
man-diI tested this04:42
xhakermaybe saidar, so you can see the disk trashing04:43
xhakerman-di, during the long build04:43
man-dinever used saidar04:43
xhakeri seemed to have accelerated the build with synctl -w vm.swappiness=1004:43
xhakerman-di, from my point of view gcj was using huge amounts of memory and swap, and lots of disk trashing04:44
man-diit does use much memory04:44
man-dithats a known issue04:44
xhakerman-di, saidar is cool, install it.. you just need to run it in a terminal, it shows cpu stats, memory, network, disk bw04:45
man-diEclipse uses 2 GB of my ram during native compilation04:45
xhakerman-di, i'd guess the 40min build was on a system where the memory free was just right04:46
xhakerman-di, imagine me building it on this 512mb laptop04:46
xhakerkinda wierd looking at the cpu running 1.3% and the memory all taken out04:46
man-dixhaker: yes it was on my Quad2Core04:48
man-di4x2.4 Ghz04:48
xhakerman-di, in the rules file there is some magic dealing with memory near the top04:48
man-diand 2 GB ram04:48
xhakerdo you happen to know abou it?04:49
man-diI need to upgrade ram a bit, I think04:49
=== man-di looking into the debian/rules file
man-dithats only calculating the number of cpus for the bytecode2native compilation04:50
man-dito not use too much cpus on systems with much cpus but not much memory04:51
xhakerman-di, the disk trashing on the eclipse build lead me to try to fix the kernel support for this laptop.. i was running udma2 now udma504:59
xhakernot all is bad04:59
man-diat least you had a goof reason to fix it05:00
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