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hxuHi! In include/linux/mqueue.h, per-uid limit of kernel memory used by mqueue is set to 819200, but why do I always get -1(infinity) by getrlimit(2)  for both soft and hard limit of mqueue?03:30
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | Latest kernel upload: 2.6.22-9.25 | Latest news: -rt and -xen kernels re-added | New Kernel Team machine: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/
=== Topic (#ubuntu-kernel): set by lamont at Fri Aug 3 16:12:28 2007
(kraut/#ubuntu-kernel) moin09:07
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dholbachcan somebody look at bug 82343? I'm not sure who to assign it to or if it makes sense at all11:54
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IntuitiveNippledholbach: I guess it's mostly hal since it is hal scripts that are run by gnome-mount to run cryptsetup, but after that it is gnome-volume-manager (which starts gnome-mount)12:05
dholbachalso bug 5775512:05
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IntuitiveNippleI'm not sure on that one, but it *looks* like udev from those patches12:13
dholbachI don't have a clue about either of them, so it'd be nice if somebody of the kernel team reviewed and sponsored them12:17
IntuitiveNippleI did some hacking with hal and gnome-mount for cryptsetup over the weekend, so I'm sure about that one12:18
dholbachif you comment on the bug it will make it easier for somebody who sponsors the patch to review it12:19
dholbachI'm happier if I don't touch those parts :-)12:19
IntuitiveNipplewhich one, 82343 ?12:19
dholbachboth :)12:19
dholbachcan somebody also check out bug 129828?12:41
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=== lamont prepares a diff to go into .27
lamontwaiting for builds is such a pain02:52
Riddellanyone want to fix linux-source-2.6.22-10.26?02:56
Riddell"make: *** [/build/buildd/linux-source-2.6.22-2.6.22/debian/stamps/stamp-custom-prepare-xen]  Error 2"02:56
=== lamont notes that running updateconfigs migrated some stuff to i386/config from the individual ones
lamontRiddell: i386, I expect?03:02
Riddelllamont: yes03:02
lamontah, it wasn't just hppa then03:03
lagahello. dev/rtc/max-user-freq is currently set to the default value of 64 which is rather low for multimedia applications. would it be possible for you kernel guys to increase the default value to 1024 as recommended by mplayer/mythtv documentation or would i have negative side effects?03:04
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xhakermjg59, thanks for the patch, i have udma5 now :)03:05
xhakerBenC, could you please apply http://www.leetcorp.net/xhaker.diff03:05
aboganilaga: Why someone want use RTC when kernel offer High Resolution Timers at no cost? :-|03:07
lagaabogani: um, might be a legacy item. i still wonder if there are negative side effects.. if not, we can just enable it ourselves in mythbuntu03:08
lamontRiddell: test i386 build running now03:09
lamontfix is committed in lamont/hppa-ia64 (xen kernels and hppa were missing CONFIG_MSS)03:09
xhakerbummer, the kernel was uploaded already! :D03:16
zulxhaker: send me the patch and ill get it in for the next one03:18
xhakerzul, here http://www.leetcorp.net/xhaker.diff03:18
zulgot it thanks03:19
xhakerzul, mjg59 sent me that yesterday. I added the description in front03:19
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zulis there still a meeting today?04:00
lamontRiddell: I think it'll build.. :-)04:07
Riddellso when you say think, hopefully you're understating?04:10
lamontit was past the scary part on a previously-afflicted architecture04:12
Riddellaccepted, many thanks lamont 04:17
lamontyep.  built. :-)04:19
xhakerhmm, i386 failed to build?04:25
xhakerthe last kernel upload, that is04:25
lamont-10.27 can't have failed yet04:25
xhakerzul, will -10.27 have that patch i sent you earlier? maybe i got lucky04:26
zulxhaker: uh no04:26
lamont.27 is nothing but the ftbfs04:27
xhakerlamont, ok.04:28
=== infinity kills the -10.26 build on artigas...
infinityOh, nevermind, it just finishd.04:32
dholbachI also subscribed the kernel team to bug 12583404:36
dholbachseems that the team is not bug contact for linux-ubuntu-modules04:36
dholbachalso bug 11479304:39
dholbachand bug 12485504:39
infinityThey're the contact now.04:40
dholbachrock and roll04:40
dholbachgracias, monsieur conrad04:40
infinityYou're mixing languages.04:40
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zulatheros is lum isnt it?05:12
rtg_zul: lrm05:13
lamontBenC: you around?05:21
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bdmurrayrtg_: what package is iwl4965?05:28
rtg_Gutsy l-u-m05:29
rtg_bdmurray: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-gutsy-lum.git;a=summary05:29
BenClamont: yeah05:30
bdmurraygreat, thanks05:31
lamontBenC: so since I suck at unbreaking things... is it preferable to have changelog claim that 10.28 immediately follows 9.25, or to renumber 10.{26,27} to 9.{26,27}?05:32
BenClamont: that's what kyle was working on05:33
kylemso. really shouldn't have uploaded that.05:33
lamontkylem: sorry.05:33
kylemand everyone else is kind of stupid for approving it.05:33
lamontand while you're fixing zen, please fix debian/hppa/config too05:33
kylemespecially given i was sleeping on the couch about 10 feet away05:33
kylemwith my mobile phone05:33
lamontI think we were trying to let you sleep05:34
kylemwell, i wasn't at the time it ftbfs.05:35
kylemanyway. wha tbroke now?05:35
lamontsame bug as xen05:35
lamont-10.27 is top of my hppa-ia64.git tree05:35
lamontand dies in abicheck, because I suck05:36
kylemok, i'll just bump to 10.28 and upload.05:36
lamonti386 was ftbfs because of CONFIG_MSS.  ditto hppa05:36
kylemi know, i got the email...05:36
lamontand I screwed up things for abicheck when I did -10.2705:37
kylemyeah, it's fine.05:37
kylemi'd have made the same mistake probably.05:37
lamontbut if you want the history, it's in my tree... :(05:37
kylemok, i pulled the patch from your tree05:37
lamontand I had a -10.28 prepared, but hadn't committed it or uploaded yet...  and now it's your baton.05:38
kylemlamont, there's nothing wrong with the commit though, right? it will succeed now?05:40
kylemok, thanks.05:43
lamontwhat I changed but did not commit was: changelog (rename .26,27 to -9), and rename debian/abi/2.6.22-9.25 -> 2705:43
kylemthe odds are astronomically high that i'm goign to fuck this up.05:43
lamontwant me to just upload a .28?05:43
kylemno, it's fine05:44
kylemwhy would you rename the abi?05:44
kylemthere is no abi to compare it to05:45
lamontah, good point.05:45
lamontas long as it's -9.27 for the previous in changelog.  got it.05:45
kylemyeah, sorry, i should have nuked it when i was preparing it in the first place.05:45
lamontanyway, sorry for screwing up .27 and making more work.05:46
lamontand feel free to make that .27 guy lamont@u.c, or not. :-)05:47
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kylemhopefully it doesn't fail because i capitalize urgent or something05:54
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infinitykylem: Processed and approved.05:58
lamontkylem: as an FYI, debian/rules updateconfigs changes config/i386/*05:58
kylemi expect that05:59
lamontI expected that you did05:59
lamontI also noticed that at least one of those config vars was =y and =m in diff config.* files, and merged into =y... 05:59
kylemhand editing them generally a bad idea06:00
lamontuh.... that's what I do.  and then I run updateconfigs so that amitk doesn't yell at me.06:00
ograBenC, ping06:03
BenCogra: ?06:04
ograBenC, about bug 13033006:04
ogrameh, no ubotu :P06:04
ograi was told you have concerns with that ?06:04
BenCogra: ...06:06
mjg59ogra: Which hardware?06:07
kylemi'm working on fixing up alsa on them.06:07
elmooh, right, I need to report my feisty-hates-usb bug06:08
ogramjg59, kaluha specifically and there is a driver for sis7019 that we dont have but thats available as unlicensed source that needs various bits of the oss stack thats missing as well06:08
mjg59ogra: Yeah, I think the "unlicensed source" bit is probably more of a problem06:08
mjg59We shouldn't be distributing kernel options for the sole reason of letting someone breach copyright06:09
ograi have it building fine here, but cant use it, its a shame06:09
ograwell, i think its up to the user and i want to enable them at least to make their HW work06:09
amitk_ogra: we have worse - a GPL driver that we can't include becase of crazy firmware licensing: http://www.marvell.com/drivers/driverDisplay.do?dId=178&pId=3806:11
BenCogra: ah, right...we'll end up re-enabling oss where needed06:12
ograamitk_, well, i dont care about inclusion since i wont be able to, but i care that the user can solve it himself ....06:12
amitk_ogra: point taken06:13
mjg59amitk_: 2.2(ii) seems to grant permission to redistribute the firmware?06:13
elmomjg59: but not sell it, and check out the export/nuclear crack clause towards the end06:14
ograBenC, i'll get a list and attach it to the bug .... for now kahlua is the most important one i know of, but i'm sure there are more, these embedded chipsets suck in that regard06:16
mjg59elmo: It says that we can't sell the firmware, not that we can't sell the product it's incorporated into?06:16
mjg59elmo: I suspect that the export stuff is a matter of law anyway. I'd go slightly further and suggest that we've never made any real guarantees about anyone's right to use anything in l-r-m06:17
elmomjg59: if we sell an Ubuntu DVD with this on it, how is that not selling the firmware?  where does the license make the distinction between the firmware and the product it's integrated into06:18
elmomjg59: that export stuff is not a matter of law06:18
elmo"any party engaged in nuclear, chemical/biological weapons or missile proliferation activities "06:18
elmo" may not, in the absence of authorization by U.S. and local law and regulations, as required, be used by or exported or reexported"06:19
elmois something I can't even parse, but under at least one reading seems to say 'in soviet russia, US law applies YOU'06:19
mjg59elmo: That section starts "are subject to US export control laws"06:20
mjg59If authorization by US and local law and regulations /isn't/ required, it sounds fine06:20
elmoI really don't see how you're reading it that way06:21
elmo'  In addition to the above' <- above being are subject to US export control laws06:22
elmo' may not, in the absence of authorization by U.S. and local law and regulations, as required, [... a whole bunch of prohibitive restrictions] '06:22
BenCogra: ok06:22
mjg59I read that as "You may not do these things without the authorization of US and local law (as required)"06:23
mjg59Where there's no requirement, you may do them06:23
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mjg59elmo: The "You may not sell this" bit also claims "You may not distribute it", which is clearly at odds with 2.2 - the only way for that to make sense is for it to be fine to distribute or sell it as part of the licensee's product, but not on its own06:26
mjg59Which is a restriction that we've had on other things in the past06:26
elmoerr, like what?06:26
elmooh, you mean selling in aggregrate06:27
elmosure we've had that before06:27
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elmobut I don't buy the whole 'this is the whole sane reading of the license -> we'll use that' argument at all06:27
elmowe've been bitten by that before with e.g. pine06:27
mjg592.2(ii) makes it clear that you can distribute as part of licensee's product, whereas 2.3(ii) states that you can't distribute the proprietary deliverables06:28
elmoand we've certainly got a history of rejecting internally inconsistent licenses06:28
mjg59Heh. Have you guys asked for clarification?06:29
elmoI dunno - I haven't been dealing with them/don't know who is.  amit?06:30
elmo'All Derivatives of the Open Source Deliverables shall be licensed back to Marvell' is another interesting one06:31
infinitykylem: Old builds killed, new builds on the way.06:31
kylemthanks hot stuff.06:31
mjg59elmo: Surely that's an inevitable consequence of them being GPLed?06:31
elmonot if I don't  distribute it to them, it's not06:32
mjg59Hm. Yes, I can see that being an issue.06:33
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amitk_elmo: mjg59: I haven't dealt with Marvell directly. I got a request from Pepper to include this driver. And since the license was too much for my comprehension of law, I asked around (mdz, elmo, rtg_)06:48
amitk_but if you know who has done these sorts of negotiations before, we could take this forward06:50
amitk_actually it was Mithrandir instead of rtg_06:52
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zulBenC: maybe there should be a wiki page on patches from the community (ie what is needed, etc)07:11
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BenCzul: basically it's the same as upstream kernel07:41
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IntuitiveNippleAnyone familiar with the TCP keepalive code? I'm trying to confirm that code I'm looking at in net/ipv4/tcp_minisocks.c in tcp_check_req() is the bit responsible for sending the keepalive ACK - around line 585 "req->rsk_ops->send_ack(skb, req);"08:05
xhaker_zul, that bit about patches from the community was related to the patch i linked you earlier? It was mjg59 who did that patch, not me, i just added the /**/ comment08:30
zulxhaker_: can you update it then08:30
xhaker_i've added it to my own branch08:31
xhaker_what info do you need? the commit message?08:31
zulsigned off description etc08:31
xhaker_can i export my diff with that info attached?08:32
zulsure email me it ill try to get it upstream as well08:32
zulor even better yet send it to the kernel-team ml08:34
xhaker_I will do that.. after a reboot09:00
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