piedoggie | any known problem with hp raid 200i and lts? | 12:02 |
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joeharrison | i havent actually installed linux yet | 12:03 |
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GIn | joeharrison, what are you waiting for? ;) | 12:03 |
Gokee2_Dlap | kristofer, Ok thanks | 12:03 |
anothergraf | hi ! How do I know which video driver I use for Totem for displaying videos ? Thanks ! | 12:03 |
serpentar | still got problems with /msg nickserv even /msg nickserv help doesnt work | 12:03 |
GIn | anothergraf, just use vlc, it will play almost all videos | 12:04 |
joeharrison | i'm at the cd menu and what do i do... | 12:04 |
n0dding0ff | Can anyone please help me with compiz? | 12:04 |
piedoggie | I'm wondering because install on hp box is hanging after language selection on all installs | 12:04 |
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anothergraf | GIn > Thanks, but I have the same problem with vlc and totem | 12:04 |
Pici | serpentar: Ask about it in #freenode | 12:04 |
kristofer | so, ubuntu server 7.04 won't install, it hangs at 77% while trying to install initramfs-tools... it says "unexpected error; skipped processing of: initramfs-tools" ... "apt-install or in-target is already running, so you cannot run either of them again until the other instance finishes. You may be able to use 'chroot /target ...' instead." ... "error: exiting on error base-installer/kernel/failed-package-install" | 12:05 |
GIn | anothergraf, what type of file are you trying to play? | 12:05 |
neverblue | joeharrison, you havent installed linux yet? | 12:05 |
joeharrison | nope | 12:05 |
neverblue | joeharrison, then how do you know you have an X error? | 12:05 |
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Gokee2_Dlap | If I change the way ubuntu journals won`t that make it take longer if something unexpected happens? | 12:05 |
joeharrison | because it comes up when i try to run the live cd | 12:05 |
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neverblue | joeharrison, and... you didnt do what I told you because... ? | 12:06 |
joeharrison | the command? | 12:06 |
Rabbitbunny | shutdown -h now | 12:06 |
neverblue | good luck joeharrison | 12:06 |
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Rabbitbunny | oh. | 12:06 |
Rabbitbunny | mt, sorry. | 12:06 |
joeharrison | pleeeease help | 12:07 |
GIn | apt-get install thunar gives: E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.. what do I do? | 12:07 |
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anothergraf | GIn > lots different video files : avi, mkv, rm, wma, flv, wmv... all of these work perfect on my debian Etch, but not on my Feisty.. I'm new to Feisty | 12:07 |
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GIn | anothergraf, try the win32 codec pack | 12:07 |
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Pici | !codecs | 12:08 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:08 |
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joeharrison | PLEASE??? | 12:08 |
Petrik | !scanning | 12:08 |
ubotu | Scanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners | 12:08 |
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neverblue | !patience | joeharrison | 12:08 |
ubotu | joeharrison: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 12:08 |
bstar | The error [ 181.447563 iTco_wdt: failed to reset NO_REBOOT flag, reboot disable by hardware. ] on install anything to worry about? it goes through the rest of the install check OK but ends up with a blank screen. I tried putting acpi=off and ide=nodma as boot options because I have had problems with dma screwing up linux installs before | 12:08 |
bstar | any suggestions? | 12:08 |
kharloss | hi there. i just was hacked . i have a web server . what can i do ? what`s next step ? | 12:09 |
joeharrison | sorry... | 12:09 |
anothergraf | GIn> I can open all of the under Feisty, but with all players (totem, vlc..), videos are "diluted", and it's not like a simple gamma problem | 12:09 |
joeharrison | you could've saidd | 12:09 |
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neverblue | kharloss, how do you know you were 'hacked' ? | 12:09 |
anothergraf | GIn > and of course I've installed win32 codecs | 12:09 |
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Pici | joeharrison: The LiveCD doesnt work on all computers. If you want to install you can use the Alternate CD. !alternate for more information | 12:09 |
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neverblue | thanks Pici | 12:09 |
joeharrison | it's a dell | 12:09 |
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silvertip257 | I'm having issues with rsync. It's giving me chgrp errors and operation errors. | 12:09 |
GuyFromHell | how can i format a flash drive to work in windows/linux (what's the filetype i should use in fdisk) | 12:09 |
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kristofer | anybody know how to get a dell d610 (intel driver, not radeon) to use the native 1400x1050 resolution? | 12:10 |
silvertip257 | GuyFromHell: vfat / fat | 12:10 |
WhoNeedszzz | Hello all, is there a repo that has updated openoffice? | 12:10 |
Pici | GuyFromHell: fat32 | 12:10 |
astro76 | GuyFromHell, use fat32 | 12:10 |
joeharrison | i know it should work because you can buy my laptop with ubuntu preinstalled | 12:10 |
Grungebunny | Hello, compiz wants me to install a bunch of updates via the update manager,, this is OK right? it wont break anything (worked hard to get compiz to work) | 12:10 |
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Pici | joeharrison: That doesnt mean that the LiveCD works. | 12:10 |
joeharrison | it used to work | 12:11 |
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bstar | joeharrison, im having issues installing on a dell too | 12:11 |
bstar | an old Dell | 12:11 |
speaker219 | I need some help very badly. I just accidently deleted the windows entry in my /boot/grub/menu.lst. can somebody tell me what i should put back in there? Or a command i could run? Please! | 12:11 |
anothergraf | And other thing, does anyone knows how to change the password of keyring-manager ? Thanks ! | 12:11 |
silvertip257 | ;) | 12:11 |
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adaran | how do i find out if my network card is operating with 10mbit or 100mbit? | 12:11 |
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joeharrison | mine's fairly nw | 12:11 |
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joeharrison | *new | 12:11 |
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GuyFromHell | with or without the (LBA) | 12:11 |
bstar | I keep getting a blank screen, i tried booting without dma | 12:11 |
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bstar | as its caused problems for me before | 12:11 |
Grungebunny | Hello, compiz wants me to install a bunch of updates via the update manager,, this is OK right? it wont break anything (worked hard to get compiz to work) | 12:12 |
bstar | and acpi off as well | 12:12 |
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bstar | the precheck seems to go OK | 12:12 |
bstar | except the error 181.447563 iTco_wdt: failed to reset NO_REBOOT flag, reboot disable by hardware. | 12:12 |
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bstar | I keep getting | 12:12 |
neverblue | Grungebunny, if its an update from the manager, if should be fine | 12:12 |
speaker219 | Sorry ccan somebody say that again? i lost connection I need some help very badly. I just accidently deleted the windows entry in my /boot/grub/menu.lst. can somebody tell me what i should put back in there? Or a command i could run? Please! | 12:12 |
orudie_ | does anyone know if those new USB sound cards are compatable with Ubuntu feisty? | 12:12 |
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joeharrison | shall i check cd for defects? | 12:12 |
[Chief] | @speaker219: This YaST module is part of openSUSE 10.3 development releases already. Users of 10.2 and before need to install the y | 12:12 |
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patze_9217 | hi | 12:12 |
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[Chief] | @speaker219 sorry: | 12:12 |
[Chief] | title WinXP Pro SP2 | 12:12 |
[Chief] | root (hd0,0) | 12:12 |
[Chief] | savedefault | 12:12 |
[Chief] | makeactive | 12:12 |
[Chief] | chainloader +1 | 12:12 |
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WhoNeedszzz | does anyone have a repo entry that keeps openoffice updated? | 12:12 |
astro76 | anothergraf, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/06/clearing-or-resetting-the-gnome-keyring/ | 12:12 |
neverblue | [Chief] , use paste bin | 12:12 |
silvertip257 | speaker219: still need that grub line? | 12:13 |
neverblue | !pastebin | [Chief] | 12:13 |
ubotu | [Chief] : pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:13 |
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Badpenguin86 | Two people I was talking to about start up, please message me. | 12:13 |
dooglus_ | what's a good place to report bugs to? | 12:13 |
astro76 | anothergraf, I think you'll find this usefull also: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/12/automatically-unlocking-the-default-gnome-keyring-pam-keyring/ | 12:13 |
[Chief] | @neverblue: k, sry | 12:13 |
Lamego | dooglus_, launchpad.net | 12:13 |
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Pici | !bugs | dooglus | 12:13 |
ubotu | dooglus: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 12:13 |
ernz | Hi can someone please help me set up PHP and Apache2 on Ubuntu Feisty. | 12:13 |
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ernz | I am having major probs and I can't see the problem | 12:13 |
raf256 | hello | 12:13 |
joeharrison | it would take me ages to get the alternate cd | 12:14 |
dooglus | Pici: thanks. I've tried launchpad loads of times, but the bugs always get closed after a year or two | 12:14 |
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neverblue | ernz, consult the 'ubuntu guide' google it | 12:14 |
raf256 | why ubuntu got owned? | 12:14 |
joeharrison | i need to partition my hdd aswell | 12:14 |
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Pici | raf256: Huh? | 12:14 |
ernz | neverblue - Done all that. Here as a last resort. | 12:14 |
neverblue | ernz, so you installed everything? | 12:14 |
[Chief] | @speaker219: if you still need it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34462/ | 12:14 |
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cafuego | raf256: Old software on the servers, due to not really compatible hardware. | 12:14 |
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neverblue | ernz, and when you visit localhost.. ? | 12:14 |
ernz | neverblue - Yes, but apache doesn't seem to run, and PHP pages do not load, they request a save as... | 12:15 |
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bstar | hmm I am wondering if its a problem with the LiveCD | 12:15 |
raf256 | cafuego: but how can a organization releasing own os get owned? | 12:15 |
bstar | and my graphics card | 12:15 |
raf256 | that sucks so much | 12:15 |
ernz | When I visit http://localhost I get nada | 12:15 |
neverblue | well, if apache isnt running then obviously php will not work, except from command line | 12:15 |
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Pici | raf256: What are you talking about? | 12:15 |
bstar | its an old graphics card though =\ | 12:15 |
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ernz | I get the root listing | 12:15 |
ernz | But there are not folders | 12:15 |
lnx | what is the command to run the console ? | 12:15 |
ernz | *directories | 12:15 |
hustlebird | how do you install tar.bz2 files? | 12:15 |
neverblue | ernz, why root? | 12:15 |
Pici | raf256: None of the servers were comprimised, and it was the loco teams servers anyway, none of them were hosted by Canonical themselves. | 12:15 |
cafuego | raf256: It happens all the time. | 12:16 |
Lamego | hustlebird, what software are you trying to install ? | 12:16 |
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ernz | neverblue - I mean root DIR of the web server | 12:16 |
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neverblue | ernz, this should be an #apache question, please forward the rest of your questions to that channel, thanks | 12:16 |
hustlebird | super nintendo emulator | 12:16 |
Lamego | .tar.bz2 are usually source archives | 12:16 |
ernz | neverblue...K | 12:16 |
raf256 | cafuego: ubuntu organization servers are getting owned all the time? wow O_o | 12:16 |
dga | where is the restricted drivers manager in kubuntu? | 12:16 |
cafuego | raf256: No, softaare companies in general. | 12:16 |
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raf256 | how can I install any software from organiztion that cant stop own servers beeing compromised | 12:16 |
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astro76 | dga, you might have to install it | 12:16 |
Sakkath_ | k3b is asking me of my writing speed, how can i tell for sure? | 12:17 |
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raf256 | cafuego: I dont remember microsoft.com beeing owned | 12:17 |
cafuego | raf256: Nobody is forcing you to, you're welcome to use something else. Like say windows, because MS is neeever compromised ;-) | 12:17 |
Pici | !offtopic | raf256 cafuego | 12:17 |
ubotu | raf256 cafuego: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:17 |
astro76 | dga, package name is restricted-manager | 12:17 |
dga | astro76: thanks | 12:17 |
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cafuego | raf256: Maybe you forgot the bit where the windows source code got stolen? | 12:17 |
Lamego | raf256, don't trust, and leave the channel also | 12:17 |
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raf256 | ok, how can you then install softrware from company who cant even keep own servers safe? what if reposiotry server gets rooted as well? | 12:17 |
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=== Flare183 [n=Richards@adsl-153-22-221.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nikin | hy ... anyone any idea on how to set the xserver so that everything appears in greyscale? | 12:18 |
PriceChild | !offtopic | raf256 cafuego Lamego | 12:18 |
ubotu | raf256 cafuego Lamego: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:18 |
hustlebird | <Lamego>only format available | 12:18 |
cafuego | raf256: I accept the risk and get on with my life. | 12:18 |
Grungebunny | raf if you feel more safe on windows more power to you ha | 12:18 |
raf256 | PriceChild: discussing ubuntu organization servers is offtopic here? | 12:18 |
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PriceChild | raf256, yes. | 12:18 |
Lamego | PriceChild, asking someone to leave because hs is doing off topic conversation, is offtopic ? | 12:18 |
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neverblue | raf256, your off-topic, yes | 12:18 |
raf256 | uhm | 12:18 |
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PriceChild | Lamego, please don't be cheeky and go to #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish to continue this discussion | 12:18 |
anothergraf | astro76> ok thanks ! | 12:18 |
iCEifer | can someone tell me how I should partition my free space to run ubuntu? It says I should have a minimum of 256MB for swap but how big should I make the swap partition and the ext3 (should I use this?) partition? | 12:19 |
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neverblue | iCEifer, how much do you have to work with? | 12:19 |
hustlebird | anyone tell me how to install tar.bz2 files? | 12:19 |
cafuego | iCEifer: You much ram doi you have and how big is the disk? | 12:19 |
neverblue | iCEifer, are you concerned with backup? | 12:19 |
astro76 | hustlebird, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression | 12:19 |
hustlebird | thanx astro | 12:20 |
iCEifer | neverblue: I have over 100GB and 1GB of RAM | 12:20 |
neverblue | iCEifer, are you concerned about losing data? | 12:20 |
cafuego | iCEifer: Is this amchine a laptop? Will you want to be able to hibernate it? | 12:20 |
nikin | iCEifer: rule of the thumb is make your swap dubble of your phisycal memory | 12:20 |
iCEifer | neverblue: no, not really | 12:20 |
raf256 | PriceChild: sorry then | 12:20 |
iCEifer | desktop | 12:20 |
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cafuego | nikin: No, it's not. That rule is a workaround for a bug that hasn't existed since kernel 2.4.6 | 12:20 |
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joeharrison | Pici: might the cd for LTS work? | 12:20 |
raf256 | iCEifer: swap = needed_memory - ram | 12:21 |
neverblue | iCEifer, then use the same size as your RAM for youw SWAP, and I recommend two paritions, one for / and /home | 12:21 |
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raf256 | neverblue: thats a bit superstition | 12:21 |
PriceChild | raf256, plus a little more to be safe | 12:21 |
Pici | joeharrison: It might, but that version is over a year old. | 12:21 |
lnx | what is the command to run the console/terminal ? ? | 12:21 |
cafuego | iCEifer: I would use 10 Gb for /, 1Gb for swap, rest for /home | 12:21 |
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Ahadiel | How would one allow users to access a sshfs mount without having to be root? | 12:21 |
neverblue | iCEifer, i like to have around 30GBs in /, then the rest is for /home | 12:21 |
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raf256 | PriceChild: needed_memory = max_mem_for_apps * 1.3 + 256 mb (cache etc) | 12:21 |
Petrik | Does anyone have a Canon LIDE20 scanner working under 7.04 | 12:21 |
joeharrison | but is it worth a try? it used to work on my pc | 12:21 |
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joeharrison | Pici: but is it worth a try? it used to work on my pc | 12:22 |
olskolirc | mode -i | 12:22 |
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nikin | cafuego: i dont know about that bug.. but i uses these settings for a long time.. and it turned out to be good... what do you suggest? | 12:22 |
raf256 | iCEifer: I would use 1 GB ram | 12:22 |
=== ProphetPX [n=prophet7@12-217-112-70.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | neverblue: why use RAM size as a guide to swap size? | 12:22 |
raf256 | iCEifer: I would use 1 GB swap | 12:22 |
neverblue | iCEifer, if you get a minimum amount in /, its difficult to re-size the partition in the future | 12:22 |
Pici | joeharrison: Its worth a try definitly. | 12:22 |
neverblue | dooglus, why not :) | 12:22 |
=== CheeseGardener [n=steve@cpe-24-164-175-232.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pici | joeharrison: fyi, I am going afk, so direct the rest of your questions to the channel :) | 12:22 |
joeharrison | Pici: thanks. just need to download the iso | 12:22 |
cafuego | nikin: Enough to hibernate if needed, otherwise, about the same as ram. | 12:22 |
dooglus | neverblue: because the more RAM you have, the less swap you need | 12:22 |
raf256 | dooglus: because RAM + swap summary should give the amount of mem you will need | 12:22 |
iCEifer | okay. should I be using ext3 for / and /home? | 12:22 |
neverblue | dooglus, not necessarily | 12:22 |
ProphetPX | hi. Can anyone tell me what is better about Ubuntu when compared only with bleeding-edge Debian? | 12:22 |
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Sakkath_ | iCEifer: why make a seperate /home partition? i'd recommend reiserfs but if not, yeah, ext3 | 12:22 |
kitche | doogulus: large memory with swap can actually make your computer slow | 12:22 |
=== aguitel [n=aguitel@118-87-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | ProphetPX, its stable | 12:22 |
=== JC_Denton_ [n=chatzill@ip5655e4a0.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raf256 | iCEifer: I would use reiser or JFS for /home (faster often, esp. reiser) | 12:22 |
neverblue | dooglus, and when you have 100GBs to work with, a GB or 500MBs is a small percentage | 12:23 |
dooglus | neverblue: I need a total memory of 2.5GB. I have 2GB of RAM, so why would I need more than 0.5GB swap? | 12:23 |
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raf256 | kitche: how come | 12:23 |
ProphetPX | well yah granted since i said "bleeding edge" debian lol | 12:23 |
cafuego | nikin: keep in mind, the more swap you have, the more the machin will trash around and get slow *if* a memory leak forces it to start using all that swap space. | 12:23 |
CheeseGardener | I'm having an issue installing Ubuntu. I'm getting an warning message when it's going to format the drive, and it says "File system doesn't have expected sizes for Windows to like it." It gives me an option to ignore. What should I do? | 12:23 |
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iCEifer | what is reiser? | 12:23 |
nikin | cafuego: bytheway what was that bug? do you have any links on that? | 12:23 |
Sakkath_ | iCEifer: the more separate partitions you have the more faulty it is | 12:23 |
ProphetPX | alright then maybe i need to rephrase that | 12:23 |
neverblue | dooglus, you know how much memory you need in advance | 12:23 |
raf256 | how to install -CK kernel patch (swap prefetch) in ubuntu? | 12:23 |
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Lamego | iCEifer, reiserfs is a filesystem type | 12:23 |
Sakkath_ | iCEifer: more chance for fault* google.com will tell you what ReiserFs is | 12:23 |
JC_Denton_ | dariuskane, u back online? | 12:23 |
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neverblue | iCEifer, does that info help? | 12:23 |
cafuego | nikin: Well, not so much a bug as a "feature" in the VM subsystem. | 12:23 |
ProphetPX | What makes stock stable default Ubuntu better than stock stable default Debian? | 12:23 |
dooglus | iCEifer: he's a man who developed some filesystems and maybe killed his wife | 12:23 |
Sakkath_ | ReiserFS* | 12:23 |
iCEifer | lol | 12:23 |
Sakkath_ | dooglus: lol | 12:24 |
=== isomorphic [n=tedeems@cpe-065-190-151-070.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joeharrison | @all : does lts have visual install? | 12:24 |
neverblue | dooglus, he did :) | 12:24 |
iCEifer | neverblue: yes. thanks | 12:24 |
cafuego | iCEifer: Note, do not use reisersf. | 12:24 |
Sakkath_ | who cares >.> he made one helluva FS | 12:24 |
ProphetPX | Reiser's wife was a hottie too | 12:24 |
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Sakkath_ | cafuego: why? everyone suggests | 12:24 |
Sakkath_ | ProphetPX: pic plz lol | 12:24 |
CheeseGardener | I'm having an issue installing Ubuntu. I'm getting an warning message when it's going to format the drive, and it says "File system doesn't have expected sizes for Windows to like it." It gives me an option to ignore. What should I do? | 12:24 |
=== f1assistance [n=Carl@cpe-071-070-229-076.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | reiser - http://www.wired.com/techbiz/people/magazine/15-07/ff_hansreiser | 12:24 |
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ProphetPX | hahahahaha I would have to google it | 12:24 |
=== wanger [i=1000@spc1-derb3-0-0-cust26.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | but yeah she was definitely a looker! that fucker | 12:24 |
nikin | cafuego: i understand .. but what if there is a memory leak and no swap? out of memory? or it creates a swap file? | 12:25 |
PriceChild | ProphetPX, lets watch the language and stay on topic please. | 12:25 |
cafuego | Sakkath_: it has a bit of a habit of breaking, as which point you lose your data. It's not a nice feature for an FS. | 12:25 |
Badpenguin86 | !language | 12:25 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:25 |
ProphetPX | ah sorry | 12:25 |
PriceChild | nikin, it kills random processes | 12:25 |
cafuego | nikin: The OOM Killer would start killing processes | 12:25 |
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Sakkath_ | cafuego: i've never experienced such a thing. could it have been your hdd? what kind of environment was the OS? very heavy? very big files? etc | 12:25 |
joeharrison | !boredom | 12:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about boredom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:25 |
cafuego | Sakkath_: No, it wasn't my HDD. | 12:25 |
joeharrison | haha | 12:25 |
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | lol so the channel bot here is "ubotu"??? lmao | 12:25 |
Meroigo | !sex | 12:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:26 |
nikin | PriceChild: then i keep making large SWAP partitions.. it maybe slows down but i have time to detect the problem... i dont want random processes to be killed | 12:26 |
ProphetPX | hahaha | 12:26 |
ProphetPX | !debian | 12:26 |
ubotu | Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 12:26 |
Sakkath_ | cafuego: you sure? | 12:26 |
joeharrison | !ubotu | 12:26 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 12:26 |
ProphetPX | aha!! | 12:26 |
=== ian__ [i=1000@spc1-derb3-0-0-cust26.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CheeseGardener | Could someone give me a hand installing Ubuntu, I'm having a format warning message. | 12:26 |
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joeharrison | !racist | 12:26 |
ProphetPX | hmmm | 12:26 |
cafuego | Sakkath_: Yep, 100% sure. | 12:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about racist - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:26 |
PriceChild | nikin, good luck to you | 12:26 |
joeharrison | !racism | 12:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about racism - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:26 |
nikin | :) | 12:26 |
joeharrison | aww... what? | 12:26 |
Sakkath_ | cafuego: what makes you so sure :P | 12:26 |
PriceChild | !botabuse | joeharrison | 12:26 |
ubotu | joeharrison: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 12:26 |
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cafuego | joeharrison: Could you please stop spamming the bot? | 12:26 |
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Sakkath_ | PriceChild: ty lol | 12:26 |
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=== NewUsr cries. | ||
cafuego | Sakkath_: 15 years of experience <heh> | 12:26 |
Sakkath_ | cafuego: meh | 12:27 |
ProphetPX | dude an IRC bot is not wikipedia | 12:27 |
NewUsr | My grub is giving me error 17 after updating Ubuntu :S | 12:27 |
joeharrison | cam i pm the bot? | 12:27 |
ProphetPX | !ubuntu | 12:27 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 12:27 |
PriceChild | joeharrison, /msg ubotu foo | 12:27 |
=== RxDx [i=Rodrigo@201-74-144-221-sj.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sakkath_ | cafuego: i'm sure there's reiser zealots who exist and say the same thing about ext3? | 12:27 |
jrib | !msgthebot > joeharrison (see the private message from ubotu) | 12:27 |
cafuego | Sakkath_: And some *very* pecilar reiser related badness, which was exacerbated (not fixed!) by the fsck tool. | 12:27 |
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NewUsr | Can anyone help me with grub? | 12:27 |
GNine | working with 4 partions .. no problems | 12:27 |
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joeharrison | ?? | 12:27 |
CheeseGardener | Could someone give me a hand installing Ubuntu? I'm having a warning message, and I'm not sure what it means. | 12:27 |
solitude| | whats the message? | 12:28 |
CheeseGardener | I'm having an issue installing Ubuntu. I'm getting an warning message when it's going to format the drive, and it says "File system doesn't have expected sizes for Windows to like it." It gives me an option to ignore. What should I do? | 12:28 |
Sakkath_ | heh, if i open an iso in k3b and click start is it gonna knwo to burn the image and not put the .iso file on the disc? | 12:28 |
CheeseGardener | That's the message, solitude. | 12:28 |
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cafuego | Sakkath_: Undoubtedly, but the difference is they all run gentoo at home whereas ext3 proponents run large systems in high profile companies. | 12:28 |
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ProphetPX | SO what makes stock stable default Ubuntu better than stock stable default Debian? anyone? anyone? anyone? Ferris? | 12:28 |
PriceChild | !best | ProphetPX | 12:28 |
ubotu | ProphetPX: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 12:28 |
=== vanberge [n=vanberge@c-71-205-77-31.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joeharrison | !debian | 12:28 |
ubotu | Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 12:28 |
NewUsr | Please_ | 12:28 |
frostburn | ProphetPX, community support | 12:29 |
joeharrison | they're closely related? | 12:29 |
ProphetPX | erm ... i was askin about why ubuntu is better than debian per user opinions lol | 12:29 |
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PriceChild | ProphetPX, exactly | 12:29 |
Sakkath_ | err how do i pgup in konsole, me used to ssh | 12:29 |
Sakkath_ | er | 12:29 |
PriceChild | ProphetPX, make your own decision | 12:29 |
ProphetPX | not applications lol | 12:29 |
Sakkath_ | in putty | 12:29 |
cafuego | ProphetPX: A somewhat better integrated Gnome desktop. Easy, ready to use. | 12:29 |
Sakkath_ | nevermind | 12:29 |
PriceChild | ProphetPX, what is better for one person may not be better for you. | 12:29 |
Sakkath_ | i was hitting the wrong button | 12:29 |
Sakkath_ | stupid laptop has it in a weird spot | 12:29 |
ProphetPX | haha I WANT to make my own decision, trying to get informed here lol | 12:29 |
=== skedar [n=skedar@200-210-52-54.sertaozinho.flash.tv.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | ProphetPX, grab the live cds and try them out then | 12:29 |
ProphetPX | and read reviews lol | 12:29 |
cafuego | Sakkath_: shift-pgup | 12:29 |
ProphetPX | eeeesh | 12:29 |
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cafuego | Oh putty? no idea. | 12:29 |
Anlar | ProphetPX: debian == IKEA furniture that taunts you with elitistic comments in the instructions | 12:29 |
Dusk_ | !totem | 12:29 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 12:29 |
Sakkath_ | cafuego: i've heard of reiser handling large systems well; anyways i doubt that kid who asked is going to be using anything besides a home system | 12:30 |
=== CrummyGummy [n=CrummyGu@dsl-244-246-102.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sakkath_ | or else he'd be more experienced | 12:30 |
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-226-148-17.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
GigaClon | ProphetPX, more support, more frequent updates, plus its sound better than Debian | 12:30 |
skedar | nosss | 12:30 |
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dooglus | ProphetPX: ubuntu and debian are very similar. the debian community is larger, so bug reports get more attention. it's a more sophisticated bunch, too - the IRC channel is more helpful than this one for non-trivial problems | 12:30 |
ProphetPX | i've never even seen IKEA furniture before hehehe | 12:30 |
=== Snick [n=ty@pool-71-176-181-239.hgrtmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sakkath_ | cafuego: 18:29 < Sakkath_> i was hitting the wrong button | 12:30 |
Sakkath_ | 18:29 < Sakkath_> stupid laptop has it in a weird spot | 12:30 |
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Dusk_ | what's the totem player's irc channel?? | 12:30 |
Anlar | ProphetPX: be glad. it's something you are supposed always to assemble yourself and half of the screws and tools and drilled holes are usually missing | 12:30 |
cafuego | Sakkath_: I'm sure it's nice and fast, but what you want from your fs is *stability* over all else. | 12:30 |
joeharrison | how come all the iso's are 698.6mb? | 12:30 |
cafuego | Well, you should want that from your FS, anyway. | 12:30 |
ProphetPX | oh ... really! | 12:30 |
Anlar | ProphetPX: they are famous for their pictories extremely brief instructions | 12:31 |
Dusk_ | after installing compiz fusion my videoplayback confused | 12:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | dooglus: Not at all true about the debian channel... they have a rep alright... all bad... | 12:31 |
_yoda_ | hi there | 12:31 |
ProphetPX | oh! | 12:31 |
=== desertc [n=mmm@c-68-52-118-61.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Anlar | ProphetPX: pictorial. | 12:31 |
Dusk_ | especially on mplayer | 12:31 |
ProphetPX | hmmmm | 12:31 |
ProphetPX | ok then | 12:31 |
=== wanger [i=1000@spc1-derb3-0-0-cust26.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | Jack_Sparrow: in my experience, it's very hard to get any help here, beyond novice stuff | 12:31 |
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dooglus | Jack_Sparrow: whereas the #debian channels have been more helpful | 12:31 |
=== IVBela [i=me@dsl195-38-112-6.pool.tvnet.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | so what is the minimum hardware needed to get some sweet eye candy going on Compiz-Fusion/Beryl? I have a PC w/ ATI Radeon 9000 and a Radon Mobility on my laptop | 12:32 |
Anlar | ProphetPX: plus, debian stable packages usually are ancient already when stable gets released.. and after that they will be prehistoric if you compare to what the other distros have :) | 12:32 |
NewUsr | After using the built in updater in Ubuntu, my GRUB has crashed and is giving me an error 17 (Which means it cant find the right partitions I guess)... It was working flawlessly to boot into Ubuntu before the update, but now nothing is working. Im on a live-cd at the moment... Could any kind soul spend 10 minutes with me? | 12:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | dooglus: The only help I have seen in Debian is the rtXXXm | 12:32 |
Dusk_ | after installing compiz fusion my videoplayback confused | 12:32 |
Dusk_ | especially on mplayer | 12:32 |
=== Mr_Bonga [n=Mr_Bonga@195-23-8-232.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | hmmmm | 12:32 |
desertc | Hello All - Ubuntu Question - About Linked Libraries - I am running a game that is trying to find libvorbisfile.so.3 unsuccessfully. I see the file in /usr/lib -- what do I need to do in order to make this work? | 12:32 |
silvertip257 | rsync is giving me CHGRP and OPERATION NOT PERMITTED errors. Please help. | 12:32 |
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_yoda_ | what program can I use to copy a 8 GB DVD to 4 GB overriding the protection?? | 12:32 |
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Dusk_ | _yoda_, as if i know dvdshrink | 12:32 |
dooglus | how can I get a list of the dns names that go to an ip address? like, the opposite of a regular dns lookup? | 12:32 |
ProphetPX | so ubuntu packages are more "in the lead" than debian packages nowadays? | 12:33 |
ipsofacto | How can I be sure I have the best video drivers for my system? | 12:33 |
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Jack_Sparrow | _yoda_: K9Copy | 12:33 |
Dusk_ | ipsofacto, do you have direct renderin now? | 12:33 |
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irv | I have a question about getting my cd drive to execute Files | 12:33 |
Sakkath_ | if i open an iso in k3b and hit start, is it gonna know to burn the image and not put the actual .iso file on the disc? | 12:33 |
Anlar | ProphetPX: nearly always has. debian guys are too busy splitting hair and practicing biggotry to actually develop | 12:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | ProphetPX: THe repos are not going to have the latest versions... but they will have working versions | 12:33 |
ipsofacto | I'm too dumb to even answer that question, I'm afraid. | 12:33 |
kitche | Sakkath_, it should burn the image not the file | 12:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sakkath_: Right click the iso file and write to disk | 12:34 |
ProphetPX | Anlar: really | 12:34 |
solitude| | it depends ... | 12:34 |
solitude| | debian unstable is more up to date :p | 12:34 |
solitude| | stable will not be | 12:34 |
Dusk_ | ipsofacto, open a terminal and write this command: glxinfo -i | grep "direct rendering" | 12:34 |
ProphetPX | hmmm | 12:34 |
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_yoda_ | Dusk_: for ubuntu?? | 12:34 |
dooglus | Jack_Sparrow: the question I asked 2 minutes ago (and didn't get *any* response to) was a copy/paste of the last request for help in #debian. there it got 2 different but correct responses within the minute | 12:34 |
NewUsr | After using the built in updater in Ubuntu, my GRUB has crashed and is giving me an error 17 (Which means it cant find the right partitions I guess)... It was working flawlessly to boot into Ubuntu before the update, but now nothing is working. Im on a live-cd at the moment... Could any kind soul spend 10 minutes with me? | 12:34 |
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jim12 | anyone use ubuntu with vwmware emulator? | 12:35 |
joeharrison | how can i change partition sizes without erasing the data? | 12:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | dooglus: This is NOT the debate room... Please take it to #Ubuntu-offtopic | 12:35 |
Dusk_ | _yoda_, it should be on ubuntu | 12:35 |
ProphetPX | well, to be honest, no offense, i always thought "ubuntu" (and the name before that) ... was just not my kind of name. But honestly every video on youtube I have seen thus far has been very impressive! | 12:35 |
=== bwolfe_ [n=ben@c-68-58-66-138.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | joeharrison: QTPartED | 12:35 |
Anlar | ProphetPX: the only reason why ubuntu is "based on debian" is that by the time that decision was made debian had ready infrastructure (bugzilla, building services, repository services) etc all the way to copy. nowadays the decision might be quite different perhaps | 12:35 |
ProphetPX | or use Partition Magic 8 under DOS/Windows (DOS mode) | 12:35 |
Trojan | HALLO | 12:35 |
ipsofacto | Dusk> I get drmMap of framebuffer failed (invalid argument) | 12:35 |
dooglus | Jack_Sparrow: heh, ok. | 12:35 |
Trojan | HELLO | 12:35 |
=== t94xr [n=gta@60-234-159-7.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Trojan | ALO | 12:35 |
jim12 | anyone use vmware emulator in ubuntu? | 12:35 |
joeharrison | @ ProphetPX: does it run on windows aswell | 12:36 |
PriceChild | Hello Trojan. | 12:36 |
Trojan | HI | 12:36 |
PriceChild | jim12, yes, and its not an emulator ;) | 12:36 |
ipsofacto | libGL error | 12:36 |
CheeseGardener | I'm having an issue installing Ubuntu. I'm getting an warning message when it's going to format the drive, and it says "File system doesn't have expected sizes for Windows to like it." It gives me an option to ignore. What should I do? | 12:36 |
ProphetPX | QTParted on Windows? I don't know | 12:36 |
Dusk_ | ipsofacto, what's your display cards model?? | 12:36 |
silvertip257 | joeharrison: you could also use Gparted ... there's a livecd devoted to gparted out there too | 12:36 |
=== jsk [n=jonathan@client-86-27-140-210.winn.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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CheeseGardener | Could someone please write me back about this? | 12:36 |
Trojan | JESSE MCCARTNEY | 12:36 |
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ipsofacto | It's an intel 950, a notebook PC. | 12:36 |
Trojan | JESSE MCCARTNEY | 12:36 |
jim12 | pricechild can we do a private chat to help me set it up and run it? | 12:36 |
joeharrison | silvertip257: thanks | 12:36 |
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silvertip257 | CheeseGardener: what? | 12:36 |
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NewUsr | After using the built in updater in Ubuntu, my GRUB has crashed and is giving me an error 17 (Which means it cant find the right partitions I guess)... It was working flawlessly to boot into Ubuntu before the update, but now nothing is working. Im on a live-cd at the moment... Could any kind soul spend 10 minutes with me? | 12:37 |
silvertip257 | np joeharrison | 12:37 |
kitche | CheeseGardener, are you using wubi? | 12:37 |
PriceChild | jim12, i'd prefer keeping it in channel. | 12:37 |
Dusk_ | ipsofacto, open the system>administrator>restricted driver manager...and enable your driver | 12:37 |
dooglus | ProphetPX: ubuntu is basically a copy of debian unstable, with minor alterations. | 12:37 |
CheeseGardener | kitche, no I'm not | 12:37 |
CheeseGardener | Here is the problem: I'm having an issue installing Ubuntu. I'm getting an warning message when it's going to format the drive, and it says "File system doesn't have expected sizes for Windows to like it." It gives me an option to ignore. What should I do? | 12:37 |
ProphetPX | Anlar: so you're saying that if someone began Ubuntu now, they might not have decided on debian nowadays? maybe Fedora rather? or Slack? | 12:37 |
ProphetPX | I doubt Gentoo | 12:37 |
ProphetPX | dooglus: that's what i was thinking. | 12:37 |
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kitche | CheeseGardener, well then just ignore it | 12:37 |
wanger | NewUsr: is there anything obviously wrong with your /boot/grub/menu.list? a kernel update has messed up my menu before | 12:37 |
ipsofacto | It says it's enabled and in use. | 12:37 |
CheeseGardener | kitche, are you sure I should ignore it? | 12:37 |
_yoda_ | Dusk_: I did -> apt-cache search dvdshrink and it retrieved -> k9copy | 12:38 |
ipsofacto | Maybe I'll disable and try it again. | 12:38 |
Lamego | jim12, have you tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware?action=show&redirect=InstallingVMWare ? | 12:38 |
jim12 | i have to go to another computer is why i ask cause i cant be on both there both desktops in two dif rooms | 12:38 |
_yoda_ | Dusk_: tx anyway :-) | 12:38 |
NewUsr | wanger: I am thinking that too... But I dont really know what is right and what is wrong... :S | 12:38 |
ProphetPX | dooglus: except to say that ubuntu is like debian unstable with mods, is like saying that ubuntu "stable" is unstable debian lol | 12:38 |
Trojan | JESSE MCCARTNEY | 12:38 |
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dooglus | ProphetPX: the vast majority of development work happens 'upstream' - before debian get their hands on it, let alone ubuntu | 12:38 |
astro76 | !offtopic | Trojan | 12:38 |
ubotu | Trojan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:38 |
PriceChild | Trojan, lets stop that. | 12:38 |
Dusk_ | _yoda_, no prob.. | 12:38 |
astro76 | CheeseGardener, is it fat32 or ntfs? | 12:38 |
jim12 | thanks lamego im looking now | 12:38 |
Anlar | ProphetPX: perhaps rpath.. you never know. oh, about that "ubuntu == debian unstable". debian unstable doesn't get the same level of bugfixing / security fixing by definition.. they just say "your own fault for using it" often | 12:38 |
K3nt1 | is anybody available to help me send files between my phone and my pc via bluetooth? | 12:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | dooglus: Can you please stop with the trolling | 12:38 |
CheeseGardener | NTFS I'm taking from. | 12:38 |
dooglus | ProphetPX: ubuntu takes a snapshot of debian every 6 months, then polishes it | 12:38 |
NewUsr | wanger: Isnt there some way to check out if my new settings are working without rebooting? | 12:38 |
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CheeseGardener | astro76, I'm taking from NTFS. | 12:38 |
ProphetPX | dooglus: yeah | 12:38 |
Trojan | OK | 12:38 |
dooglus | Jack_Sparrow: I'm not trolling. I'm explaining the situation to ProphetPX. | 12:38 |
ProphetPX | Anlar: rpath? what is that | 12:38 |
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keymo1 | hi, i have created a connection to my windows machine and called it filer. how do i access this from the commandline? | 12:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | dooglus: You are not even close to the truth | 12:39 |
ju_ | firefox downloaded from mozilla website is crashing on feisty with core dumped and backtrace, somebody has ever met such trouble ? | 12:39 |
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Jack_Sparrow | dooglus: Feel free to spread that drivel in offtopic | 12:39 |
astro76 | CheeseGardener, you might want to try ntfsfix on it, or maybe disk check from windows | 12:39 |
Anlar | ProphetPX: it's a distribution (put simplified). for instance foresight linux (which is as good as ubuntu on most of the areas and even better on some others) is based on that one.. | 12:39 |
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Dalmatian | Howdy | 12:40 |
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ProphetPX | keymo: mount -t _code_for_file_system_here_ /mnt/filer /path/to/your/windows/partition | 12:40 |
dooglus | Jack_Sparrow: please help us all understand better then? | 12:40 |
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wanger | NewUsr: oh sorry, to check out your configuration you can mount your filesystem from the liveCD, mount -t ext3 /dev/hdwhatever /mnt/whatever | 12:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | dooglus: This is NOT the room for it... | 12:40 |
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ProphetPX | Anlar: "Foresight Linux" is based on something called "Rpath"? | 12:40 |
Dalmatian | Has anyone ever installed ati drivers using the terminal? | 12:40 |
NewUsr | wanger: Im in live mode now... | 12:40 |
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dooglus | !offtopic | 12:41 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:41 |
ProphetPX | <--- debian user, gentoo user, fedora vet, yet again a windows lamer for now | 12:41 |
Lamego | Dalmatian, the last time I did was some months ago, I believe an installer script is provided | 12:41 |
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Anlar | ProphetPX: yeah. well, anyways.. debian is an old niche distro with only marginal use base, but some quite good developers.. it's good to plain honestly just abuse them to get some of the base work done for building a real usable distribution. | 12:41 |
Dalmatian | Yeah I keep getting messages when I tried it like Permission is Denied and etcetera | 12:42 |
Lamego | Dalmatian, you have to run it as system administrator (root) | 12:42 |
Lamego | Dalmatian, sudo command | 12:42 |
Dalmatian | sudo? | 12:42 |
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Lamego | !! sudo | 12:42 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 12:42 |
ProphetPX | Anlar: ok so then where would Ubuntu be today if DEbian suddenly POOFED into thin air, GONE ... ? | 12:42 |
wanger | NewUsr: yeah, so you can either modify your grub configuration from live-mode, or use the grub CD to boot from your hard drive, the first would probably be easier | 12:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | or gksudo if running a gui program | 12:42 |
PriceChild | ProphetPX, Anlar #ubuntu-offtopic please. | 12:42 |
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Anlar | ProphetPX: switch to rpath or some other, it would take only couple days and would not cause anything | 12:43 |
irv | How do I get the CD Rom to execute a setup file? | 12:43 |
Anlar | PriceChild: aye, going to sleep. you have a nice one :) | 12:43 |
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ProphetPX | hmmmmmmmm ok ty | 12:43 |
Ind[y] | I have an avi file and an srt file. How do I watch the movie using the subtitles (with Totem)? | 12:43 |
Dalmatian | How do I get on the administrative terminal? | 12:43 |
wanger | NewUsr: do you know enough to mount the filesystem on your root-partition? | 12:43 |
ProphetPX | very interesting | 12:43 |
astro76 | Ind[y] , not sure if you can but VLC will handle it | 12:43 |
joeharrison | @ silvertip257: is the live cd just like any other live cd? | 12:43 |
Joseph_ | Excuse me, can I please get some help with something? Occasionally when a program, ubuntu will freeze up and log out to the login screen. | 12:43 |
silvertip257 | joeharrison: yes | 12:43 |
PriceChild | !sudo > Dalmatian (please read the pm frmo ubotu) | 12:43 |
jeffjeffers | what is the dif with debian and ubuntu servers? | 12:43 |
PriceChild | Joseph_, a 3d prorgam? | 12:44 |
=== N3bunel noapte buna all | ||
NewUsr | wanger: No hehe... But Ive been trying to just set my grub files back to the way they were before | 12:44 |
frostburn | Joseph_, what program | 12:44 |
NewUsr | Since everything has been working | 12:44 |
NewUsr | Before the stupid update | 12:44 |
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ProphetPX | ok so may I ask some questions regarding Compiz-Fusion/Beryl? and support in Ubuntu for 802.11 "N" adapters for notebooks? | 12:44 |
silvertip257 | joeharrison: it has a few apps on it, but not a full distro - it really only has gparted on it | 12:44 |
Joseph_ | No, it's done it with firefox, and always does it with wine. | 12:44 |
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joeharrison | @ silvertip257: what type of file system does ubuntu need? | 12:44 |
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keymoo | i have created a connection to my windows machine and called it filer. how do i access this from the commandline? | 12:44 |
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Lamego | jeffjeffers, they use different set of packages and policies depending on the specific releases you are asking about | 12:44 |
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NewUsr | wanger: My menu.lst says: # kopt=root=/dev/sda1 ro | 12:45 |
ProphetPX | keymoo: use mount. did you see my earlier comment? | 12:45 |
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NewUsr | wanger and: # groot=(hd0,0) | 12:45 |
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=== N3bunel away | ||
tjedi | hi all! | 12:45 |
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silvertip257 | joeharrison: I use ext3, which I assume most people use. | 12:45 |
K3nt1 | anybody experienced with mobile<-->ubuntu file transfrers via bluetooth | 12:45 |
jeffjeffers | is there a live cd of debian lamego | 12:45 |
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NewUsr | wanger: My ubuntu installation is on SDC3 | 12:45 |
joeharrison | @ silvertip257: what is the minimum disk space tat ubuntu needs? | 12:45 |
junaid | hello | 12:45 |
keymoo | prophetpx, i missed th comment, but found it thanks for the reply | 12:45 |
silvertip257 | joeharrison: Link to Gparted livecd website: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 12:45 |
IndyGunFreak | debian lamego?.. never heard of it. | 12:45 |
junaid | hi | 12:45 |
ProphetPX | yw keymoo | 12:45 |
Lamego | jeffjeffers, I am not a Debian user, sorry :) | 12:45 |
wanger | NewUsr: that's cool =) well you're probably going to need to be able to modify your grub menu.lst on the partition that you normally boot from, so to access it, you need to mount it | 12:46 |
Joseph_ | So, do you have any suggestions...? | 12:46 |
IndyGunFreak | oh..lol, duh... | 12:46 |
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jeffjeffers | o thanks lamego | 12:46 |
MBR666 | i'm using xubuntu. i was wondering how does one browse my network shares | 12:46 |
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NewUsr | wanger: I believe its mounted :) | 12:46 |
IndyGunFreak | jeffjeffers: http://www.debian.org | 12:46 |
NewUsr | No wait | 12:46 |
silvertip257 | joeharrison: I think the recommendation for nothing but what's on the CD is 2 GB - to be safe leave say 4 GB just for extra stuff you might want to add. | 12:46 |
ProphetPX | xubuntu? is that a new spinoff, like kubuntu? | 12:46 |
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jeffjeffers | thanks indygunfreak jsut found that my self lol | 12:46 |
IndyGunFreak | :) | 12:46 |
MBR666 | kde, gnome had their own broswers for network shares | 12:46 |
irv | I need help changing the permissions on my cd Rom so it will execute files any help? | 12:47 |
MBR666 | ProphetPX, xubuntu uses xfce instead of kde or gnome | 12:47 |
IndyGunFreak | jeffjeffers: you asked the question the first time, the way you asked, i thought you wanted Debian, Version Lamego..lol | 12:47 |
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NewUsr | wanger: How can I know if Im on my ramdisk or my real disk? | 12:47 |
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tjedi | i have a problem with preparing partitions for gutsy-installation. 80gb should be 10gb / 4gb /swap and the rest for /home. but the rest for the home-partition is shown as unusable - why??? | 12:47 |
ProphetPX | ty MBR666 | 12:47 |
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IndyGunFreak | tjedi: why ar eyou splitting it up like that/ | 12:47 |
Joseph_ | erg, | 12:47 |
IndyGunFreak | tjedi: second, 4gig is an enormous swap, and unecessary at that. | 12:48 |
jeffjeffers | lol indygunfreak thats funny no i was talking to lamego asing if he knew if there was a live cd like there is with ubuntu | 12:48 |
NewUsr | wanger: Hmmm... | 12:48 |
IndyGunFreak | jeffjeffers: lol, yeah i caught that the second time i read it. | 12:48 |
silvertip257 | MBR666: I'd be curious to know too - I use Xubu too and I'm not aware of a net share browser | 12:48 |
jeffjeffers | asking* | 12:48 |
MBR666 | ProphetPX, yup i like xubuntu the best . it's fast as all hell | 12:48 |
NewUsr | wanger: Think ive found the problem... menu.lst says my ubuntu installations are at hd0,0 | 12:48 |
ProphetPX | man i cant imagine 4gb swap lol | 12:48 |
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dariuskane | which reminds me.... just how stable is gutsy right now? | 12:48 |
tjedi | <IndyGunFreak>: i read it would be a good idea - what can i do than ...? | 12:48 |
IndyGunFreak | jeffjeffers: why do you need debian as opposed to ubuntu? | 12:48 |
jeffjeffers | lol thanks though i am reading the web site about debian IndyGunFreak | 12:48 |
wanger | NewUsr: you'd know if you'd used the CD to boot into your normal system, it wouldn't do it by default | 12:48 |
dooglus | ProphetPX: imagine two 2gb swaps side by side | 12:48 |
MBR666 | silvertip257, the only way i know is through samba and it doesn't seem to work correctly under xubuntu | 12:48 |
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jeffjeffers | oh i was just wanting to see what it was like IndyGunFreak | 12:49 |
silvertip257 | ProphetPX: that's stupid man - unless you have 4GB of RAM or so | 12:49 |
IndyGunFreak | tjedi: its a good idea if you know what you're doing.. when you're new, its almost pointless... just create a swap, put the rest on / and be done wit hit. | 12:49 |
ProphetPX | My main concerns are: 802.11"N" support via native drivers under linux. Can Ubuntu offer that via any chipsets yet? | 12:49 |
wanger | NewUsr: if you're in ISOLinux, there'll be an INSTALL icon on your desktop =P | 12:49 |
silvertip257 | oh ok hmm thanks MBR666 | 12:49 |
lord_nikon | dariuskane: i run it on my laptop, works fine | 12:49 |
IndyGunFreak | jeffjeffers: honestly, if you've used Ubuntu, you've used Debian.. lot of similarties, but Debian is more stable on older pc's | 12:49 |
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silvertip257 | why 4GB of swap ProphetPX ? | 12:49 |
Joseph_ | Whenever I try to run a .exe with wine, ubuntu freezes and logs out to the login screen, I'm using Ubuntu 7.04. | 12:49 |
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NewUsr | Im in livecdmode right now | 12:49 |
ProphetPX | by that i mean, obviously, wireless | 12:49 |
dariuskane | lord_nikon, are you using any lvm or encrypted partitions? | 12:49 |
Lamego | tjedi, the space sizing is always a debated question, if you will be running large memory consumer applications, 4 GB may make sense, but is not very usual | 12:50 |
NewUsr | But how do I know if Im on the ubuntu filesystem and making changes or the ramdisk that the livecd has built_ | 12:50 |
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lord_nikon | dariuskane: no, nothing fancy | 12:50 |
dooglus | jeffjeffers: http://debian-live.alioth.debian.org/ is a debian live cd | 12:50 |
ProphetPX | silvertip257 I was commenting on someone else having 4gb swap lol | 12:50 |
jeffjeffers | IndyGunFreak that is so wrong ubutnu is my first linux distro i never used a linux till now | 12:50 |
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jeffjeffers | thanks dooglus | 12:50 |
IndyGunFreak | jeffjeffers: no, what i'm saying is, there's a lot of similarities between Ubuntu and Debian | 12:50 |
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jeffjeffers | oh i misread IndyGunFreak | 12:50 |
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silvertip257 | oh haha ProphetPX ... unless you're going to use the sleep/hibernate and have 4GB RAM then that's overkill. hahah | 12:51 |
wanger | NewUsr: if you're in livemode, everything you see will be from ram, nothing you modify will modify your disk | 12:51 |
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IndyGunFreak | jeffjeffers: ubuntu is basicallyh debian with a little more automation and ease of use features | 12:51 |
IndyGunFreak | but debian is still easy to use. | 12:51 |
ProphetPX | LOL | 12:51 |
NewUsr | wanger: Really? | 12:51 |
dariuskane | tjedi, if your up for a challenge you could always create all your partitions inside a LVm group and then resize to your hearts content later once you have it figured out | 12:51 |
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jeffjeffers | ah ok | 12:51 |
wanger | NewUsr: yeah, if you want to modify your disk you need to mount the partition explicitly and work on it from there | 12:51 |
ProphetPX | ok so ... i know this room is flying n stuff ... but: 802.11 "N" chipset support via native drivers, under Linux or Ubuntu - is it realized yet? or no? | 12:51 |
tjedi | <dariuskane>: ok - so i will do - thanks ... | 12:51 |
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IndyGunFreak | tjedi: you're overthinking this.. unless you're some sort of advanced user, just create a 1-2ig swap, put the rest for /, and be don with it. | 12:52 |
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NewUsr | wanger: Oh | 12:52 |
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wanger | NewUsr: want to give it a try? =) | 12:52 |
MBR666 | ProphetPX, idk about the 'n' chipset | 12:52 |
IndyGunFreak | most likely if you're new, uyou wouldn't know how to take advantage of a separate /home partition if you needed to. | 12:52 |
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dariuskane | tjedi, there are special considerations for logical volumes so make sure you read first | 12:52 |
NewUsr | wanger: PM? :) | 12:52 |
K3nt1 | any bluetooth savvy people around to help me out? i posted my problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3224094#post3224094 | 12:52 |
MBR666 | ProphetPX, i don't see why it wouldn't be | 12:52 |
tjedi | ok - IndyGunFreak - thanks for info | 12:52 |
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wanger | NewUsr: sure ^^ | 12:53 |
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ProphetPX | no no no, "n" as in 802.11N standard. IS there any native driver support for any chips that implement "N" yet? for linux | 12:53 |
mneptok | lord_nikon: please no public /away messages | 12:53 |
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IndyGunFreak | ProphetPX: its awful new, so i doubt it. | 12:53 |
GNine | i use one partition for base system and another partition for media files | 12:53 |
MBR666 | ProphetPX, thats what i'm saying. i don't know if they support the new 'n' standard yet | 12:53 |
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ProphetPX | I want to buy a wireless adapter and i want 1 that works in linux natively if possible, as well as in windows | 12:53 |
ProphetPX | oh | 12:53 |
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ProphetPX | see, otherwise, I am stuck using NDISWRAPPER first | 12:54 |
IndyGunFreak | ProphetPX: then i'd stick with WIreless G. | 12:54 |
astomper | I need a good alternative to Azureus can anyone help | 12:54 |
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cafuego | ProphetPX: *maybe* there is a diver for the intel AGN cards, I asked yesterday but got no response. | 12:54 |
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jim12 | sorry had to reboot | 12:54 |
cafuego | ProphetPX: ... it might not do "N" though, only A and G. | 12:54 |
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hustlebird | what do i need for gmake and bash | 12:54 |
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IndyGunFreak | astomper: if you like Utorrent for WIndows, it runs very well in Wine..., or you can use Ktorrent(my personal fav) | 12:54 |
mikubuntu | i have an iso downloaded to my desktop... how do i get it onto cd? | 12:54 |
barhom | Hi!, Im running Compiz-fusion via Nvidia (without Xgl server), should I even bother trying to get xgl working? | 12:54 |
Sakkath_ | it's like | 12:54 |
Uriku | hello | 12:54 |
Sakkath_ | microtorrent | 12:54 |
jrib | mikubuntu: right click -> burn to disc | 12:54 |
MBR666 | if you're wanting to see if a current chipset/ or piece of hardware is supported. you should check your distro's hardware support site | 12:54 |
ProphetPX | cafuego: before coming here, I came from channel #ipw2100 and they said possibly .. in mini-pci-E form ... for newer laptops :-\ | 12:54 |
Sakkath_ | "Micro Torrent" | 12:54 |
Uriku | I got my mouse a little messed up =x | 12:54 |
Sakkath_ | it's not a u | 12:54 |
kitche | barhom, no since nvidia drivers do not need xgl | 12:54 |
Sakkath_ | it's the micro symbol ;) | 12:54 |
IndyGunFreak | Sakkath_: never heard of that. | 12:54 |
ProphetPX | and that channel is intel | 12:55 |
barhom | Kitche: is there any point trying xgl since Im having stability issues with my 8800gtx? | 12:55 |
Sakkath_ | IndyGunFreak: i'm sure 97% of people say "u torrent" but the actual symbol is 'micro' | 12:55 |
mneptok | Sakkath_: it's not the "micro symbol." it's mu. :P | 12:55 |
cafuego | ProphetPX: hardware4linux.info says otherwise | 12:55 |
Sakkath_ | mneptok: ? | 12:55 |
ProphetPX | hmmm | 12:55 |
IndyGunFreak | Sakkath_: oh ok.. never heard that. | 12:55 |
Sakkath_ | IndyGunFreak: i would think that makes sense, too | 12:55 |
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cafuego | ProphetPX: Sorry, hardware4linux.info says yes :-) | 12:55 |
mneptok | Sakkath_: it's the Greek letter mu. | 12:55 |
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jim12 | Sakkath whats wrong with ktorrent? | 12:55 |
kitche | barhom, xgl would just make the stable issues get worst :) | 12:55 |
barhom | ah okay :P | 12:55 |
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Sakkath_ | jim12: just taling about utorrent in general | 12:55 |
ProphetPX | well the intel 4965 chipset is supposed to support N and their sourceforge sites are supposed to be updated for supporting them before long | 12:55 |
ProphetPX | so i heard | 12:55 |
dariuskane | Alright this is aggravating.... running the install from the desktop live cd... install failed and now wont unmount the last partition so I can try installing again... any ideas? everything seems unmounted but it wont let me umount the /target | 12:56 |
cafuego | ProphetPX: There would appear to be a iwl4965 module for it. | 12:56 |
Uriku | I tried using this xorg configuration thiny that I was given here, and it then asked me to define which thing I want to for the mouse, I selected ImPS/2 and it has been messed up ever since | 12:56 |
ProphetPX | intellinuxwireless.org | 12:56 |
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Uriku | left click is screenshot, | 12:56 |
jim12 | oh ok Sakkath yea i used utorrent when i had windows now i use ktorrent | 12:56 |
hustlebird | bash: gmake: command not found | 12:56 |
hustlebird | where do i get these? | 12:56 |
ProphetPX | hmmm see now, that is what i wanted assurance about | 12:56 |
Uriku | right click is zoom, | 12:56 |
mneptok | ProphetPX: the 4965 is only available as an embedded chipset | 12:56 |
astomper | IndyGunFreak: Ktorrent sounds interesting, does it use a lot of resources? | 12:56 |
Uriku | middle click is drag | 12:56 |
ProphetPX | hmmm | 12:56 |
cafuego | ProphetPX: At the end of th day, it is awfully new though, so any support is likely to not yet be 100%. | 12:56 |
ProphetPX | okay | 12:56 |
paotzu | any wireless N you see for pcmcia supported in linux, just use pcmcia-pci adapter for desktop. for instance Atheros Xspan | 12:56 |
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IndyGunFreak | astomper: no,.. my laptop is pretty slow(1ghz, 768mb ram), and use Ktorrent on it w/o issue. | 12:56 |
astro76 | !xconfig | Uriku run it again and pick a different mouse | 12:57 |
ubotu | Uriku run it again and pick a different mouse: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - To configure only the driver and resolution, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh - See also !FixRes | 12:57 |
Uriku | erm | 12:57 |
Uriku | that's the problem | 12:57 |
Sakkath_ | IndyGunFreak: like F means microfarad (an electrical measurement, used on capactitors and other thingies) and M means micrometer :P | 12:57 |
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Uriku | I can't open the command line | 12:57 |
Dr_Link | Something's up... I just uninstalled GNOMEXCHAT and installed the actual XCHAT itself. but Gnome XCHAT hasn't disappared from the applications menu. What's going on? | 12:57 |
barhom | Is the problem with compiz freezing randomly when you click "reboot" or "logout" via gnome common? | 12:57 |
GNine | i got a 5 button mouse.. what configuration works better for it on xorg | 12:57 |
astro76 | Uriku, switch to a virtual console (ctrl+alt+f1) and log in there | 12:57 |
lnx | what is the command to open thunderbird ? | 12:57 |
astro76 | !mouse | GNine | 12:57 |
ProphetPX | hmm | 12:57 |
ubotu | GNine: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto | 12:57 |
jim12 | anyone know any reall good torrent sites that does nto trace your ip? | 12:57 |
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astomper | IndyGunFreak, thanks for the info | 12:57 |
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GNine | its a usb mouse | 12:58 |
Uriku | GNine: well, I found that ImPS/2 isn't good :S | 12:58 |
IndyGunFreak | astomper: no prob | 12:58 |
lnx | what is the command to open thunderbird ? | 12:58 |
Lamego | lnx, try: mozilla-<tab> or just thunderbird | 12:58 |
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Sakkath_ | ya | 12:58 |
Uriku | problem is, I'm in windows now | 12:58 |
astro76 | GNine, that's fine | 12:58 |
Sakkath_ | tab is your friend | 12:58 |
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ProphetPX | Compiz-Beryl works or is offered on Kubuntu also, isnt it? | 12:58 |
dariuskane | jim12, if you want annonymous surfing look at the TOR project... http://tor.eff.org | 12:58 |
GNine | k | 12:58 |
IndyGunFreak | Dr_Link: if i had to guess, search synaptic, you probably still have xchat-gnome-common installed.. uninstall it. | 12:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | lnx thunderbird is what you type to run it | 12:58 |
mneptok | ProphetPX: #kubuntu for KDE questions, please | 12:58 |
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Sakkath_ | is there a way to upgrade ubuntu versions | 12:58 |
jim12 | thanks dariuskane | 12:58 |
mikubuntu | jrib: thanks, will try that | 12:58 |
Sakkath_ | i'm not a regular ubuntu user | 12:58 |
hustlebird | how do i install sdl, and get the gmake and bash commands to work? | 12:58 |
Dr_Link | indyGunFreak: I, uh... just uninstalled it. O_o | 12:58 |
ProphetPX | doh! sorry. i am soooooooooooo not used to off-topic stuff | 12:58 |
astro76 | !upgrade | Sakkath_ | 12:58 |
ubotu | Sakkath_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 12:58 |
Sakkath_ | no the actual installed thingies but the actual os version so i can have everything that comes with the new ubuntu versions | 12:59 |
Sakkath_ | astro76: ty | 12:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | lnx: system..pref..preferd apps set mail to thunderbird | 12:59 |
lnx | Jack_Sparrow , i type it in the terminal and i get "command not found" | 12:59 |
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IndyGunFreak | Dr_Link: there's two packages gnome requires.. xchat-gnome, and xchat-gnome-common.. make sure xchat-gnome-common got uninstalled, as well as xchat-gnome | 12:59 |
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lifi | hi, i got a tv-card (pinnacle pctv 310i pci digital and analog saa7134)... my problem is, the sound isnt working. does anyone know how to enable sound for it? | 12:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | lnx: How did you install it? | 12:59 |
Badpenguin86 | Is there a way to access sessions through a command prompt? | 12:59 |
Lamego | Sakarias, yes, it is possible, it usually works fine but I personally would recommend a fresh install instead, which is easy if you have a dedicated /home partition | 12:59 |
astomper | Is there an easy way to run KDE and X on the same computer? | 01:00 |
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lnx | Jack_Sparrow , it was installed ( i have xface) | 01:00 |
IndyGunFreak | astomper: kde and x? | 01:00 |
ProphetPX | astomper: KDE runs on top of X | 01:00 |
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Lamego | astomper, KDE uses X, there is something wrong on your question :) | 01:00 |
Lamego | do you mean xfce ? | 01:00 |
Badpenguin86 | I have gnome and kde on my computer | 01:00 |
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Sakkath_ | Lamego: ahaha | 01:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | lnx: No idea where it will be in xface | 01:00 |
astomper | IndyGunFreak, ProphetPX, Lamego: maybe I mean gnome | 01:00 |
bazookatooth | i dont have pidgin in my session startup.. but it still loads (before anything else) when i login.. where is this specified? | 01:00 |
Sakkath_ | fluxbox <3 | 01:00 |
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IndyGunFreak | astomper: do you have an applications/places/system menu? | 01:00 |
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hende07 | hi everybody does anyone here run ubuntu and a windows os??? | 01:01 |
astro76 | lifi, check the mixer (alsa mixer or double click your volume icon)... Also does your card have to be connected to your sound card? Mine has a cable that has to be hooked into the aux input on the soundcard | 01:01 |
Sakkath_ | astomper: ya you can just install gnome and pick which you wanna use when KDM comes up (the login screen) | 01:01 |
wanger | astomper: both KDE and gnome use X, if you want to know whether you can have multiple desktop environments on your installation, the answer is yes | 01:01 |
astomper | IndyGunFreak yes | 01:01 |
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lnx | Jack_Sparrow , but the command need to be the same in all the desktops no ? | 01:01 |
Sakkath_ | hende07: i 'm sure a lot of people | 01:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | hende07: You mean dual boot... yes... | 01:01 |
Lamego | hende07, using vmware or colinux, yes | 01:01 |
ProphetPX | lol Gnome runs on top of X too | 01:01 |
YouKnowMe | hende07, yes | 01:01 |
IndyGunFreak | astomper: then you have gnome... just sudo apt-get install ktorrent you will then download the kde dependencies that ktorrent needs.. it'l work fine | 01:01 |
hende07 | so how can i use both | 01:01 |
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Sakkath_ | bazookatooth: keep your zealousness to yourself, if people want to use ubuntu most likely they want a gui ;) | 01:01 |
lifi | astro76, checked that already... sound is going over pci slot :< | 01:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | lnx: The command should be the same but where it is in the path is the question.. | 01:01 |
Sakkath_ | Lamego: colinux? | 01:02 |
astomper | IndyGunFreak: I love Ubuntu | 01:02 |
Lamego | hende07, dual boot would be your best option, unless you need to use both | 01:02 |
hende07 | dual booting | 01:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | hende07: You select which you want on power-up... | 01:02 |
Badpenguin86 | I need to remove something from sessions in gnome, but i had to go into kde, can I access sessions through the terminal? | 01:02 |
YouKnowMe | hende07, which one you have right now? | 01:02 |
Lamego | Sakarias, is a light virtualization solution | 01:02 |
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IndyGunFreak | astomper: i' been spreadin the word for a year now, i'm right with you.. :) | 01:02 |
Sakkath_ | Lamego: bad tab? | 01:02 |
bazookatooth | sakkath.. i said a graphical shell, moron. i just mean we need something better than x. see... therin lies the problem. you THINK that X is GUI. it fucking isnt. x needs to be done away with. | 01:02 |
hende07 | i dont need them at the same time but you can do that run them at the same time | 01:02 |
Lamego | yup, Sakkath_ :P | 01:02 |
hende07 | i only have ubuntu right now | 01:02 |
mneptok | bazookatooth: calm down and watch the laguage, please. | 01:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | hende07: I have XP for some games and Ubuntu for internet and surfing | 01:02 |
Badpenguin86 | !language | bazookatooth | 01:02 |
ubotu | bazookatooth: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 01:02 |
PriceChild | bazookatooth, please watch the language and don't call people names | 01:02 |
ProphetPX | colinux allows you to run a small # of distros alongside or on top of windows | 01:02 |
Lamego | Sakkath_, I can run ubuntu minimal with 64 MBs ;) | 01:03 |
astomper | I'm forcing my parents to use it, won't fix another computer unless it has Ubuntu on it. | 01:03 |
ProphetPX | or on top of another linux distro | 01:03 |
Sakkath_ | bazookatooth: well you can ease up on the caps at least so i can understand it a little better instead of wasting my time trying to comprehend it | 01:03 |
jarrod_ | anyone know about running a server via a linksys router and if the lan ip needs to be greater then .109? | 01:03 |
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hende07 | i wanna get into this beta but i need windows... the bad part is im gonna have to use a pirated os | 01:03 |
Sakkath_ | Lamego: in a vmware or a openvz kind of sense 'virtualizatino' | 01:03 |
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IndyGunFreak | astomper: lol.. i told my sister one more virus, its Linux for her. | 01:03 |
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bazookatooth | sakkath_, you are obviously a moron if you cant read a sentence that has 3 words in caps in it. | 01:03 |
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dariuskane | hende07, if you can think of a strange configuration... someones tried it and made software for it... the quality and suitability for you is the only question :P | 01:03 |
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jim12 | hey anyone know where i can get some movies new releases on dvd and watch online like this site http://www.divxtube.ca/divx/index.php?Start=73&More=1 just the thing is it dont have the movies im looking for | 01:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | hende07: PirateOS is not discussed here... | 01:03 |
ProphetPX | jarrod: that depends on the settings in your router | 01:03 |
hende07 | sorry | 01:03 |
astro76 | jarrod_, the IP just needs to be outside the range that the linksys's dhcp server is handing out | 01:03 |
Lamego | Sakarias, in a colinux sense of virtualization, a special kernel running on a normal windows process | 01:04 |
ProphetPX | I never heard of PirateOS lol | 01:04 |
[g2] | how does one enable AAC encoding in Feisty with ffmpeg ? | 01:04 |
jrib | jim12: not here | 01:04 |
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hende07 | i gotta find my disc | 01:04 |
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anonamalk | anyone able to point me in the right direction on how to mask whois info? (ie - get rid my of dc.cox data) | 01:04 |
Lamego | erm, wrong tab again | 01:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | hende07: Install XP (Leave some unpartitioned space) then install Ubuntu | 01:04 |
jrib | [g2] : check if the package at medibuntu has it enabled | 01:04 |
jim12 | lol jrid i know not here lol this is IRC | 01:04 |
hende07 | i dont wanna lose what i have on ubuntu | 01:04 |
jund13 | man i have soo much too learn about ubuntu | 01:04 |
lnx | mozilla-thunderbird . . . | 01:04 |
Sonicadvance1 | a question again, Does the Nvidia Quadro NVS 140m work well under Ubuntu? | 01:04 |
hende07 | i dont know how to do that | 01:04 |
jrib | !medibuntu > [g2] (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:04 |
jrib | jim12: not this channel | 01:04 |
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hende07 | the hell i had to go thru with beryl and my wifi i dont wanna do that again. | 01:05 |
jim12 | jrib u point me into the right one? | 01:05 |
astomper | !medibuntu > arrow | 01:05 |
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hende07 | i wanna get into this beta so bad though | 01:05 |
jrib | jim12: don't know of one | 01:05 |
jim12 | thanks jrib | 01:05 |
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ProphetPX | I still wish "ubuntu" would change their name though lol | 01:05 |
astomper | !medibuntu | 01:05 |
ubotu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 01:05 |
Nicon | Ellow. Installed a package which conflicts with dependencies (dpkg -i --force-depends) and apt wants to downgrade it again. Though the package works fine and I need it. Can I somehow make apt ignore this actually non-existant conflict? | 01:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | hende07: Run the live cd and get a feel for it... it runs in ram on most computers... | 01:05 |
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Lamego | hende07, if you are going to do a distro upgrade, and have a lot of customizations which include other packages or kernel drivers which are not ubuntu specific, you may get into troubles anyway | 01:06 |
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hende07 | its not worth s***canning ubuntu and so much work and anger to be repeated | 01:06 |
MBR6669 | hende07, beta of what software? | 01:06 |
hende07 | pirates of the burning sea | 01:06 |
hende07 | its a mmorpg | 01:06 |
MBR6669 | oh | 01:06 |
MBR6669 | so whats the problem? | 01:06 |
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ProphetPX | I wanna play my fave windows MMORPG under linux if i can but i dont know if it can be done | 01:07 |
hende07 | i dont wanna start over with ubuntu and i have no idea where my windows cd is | 01:07 |
hende07 | prophet wine wont work | 01:07 |
Sakkath_ | ProphetPX: you stating what the game is would CERTAINLY help us a LOT | 01:07 |
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ProphetPX | LOL if i did i would be flamed for offtopic tho lol | 01:07 |
hende07 | i was told to get wine but i cant figure it out | 01:07 |
Ecalix | what game prophet? wow? | 01:08 |
MBR6669 | or use vmware | 01:08 |
Sakkath_ | ProphetPX: "I would like to know if the game <insert-game-here> would work well on Ubuntu?" | 01:08 |
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ProphetPX | lol no ... Conquer Online | 01:08 |
[z0rkr3w] wald0 | def WoW | 01:08 |
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Sakkath_ | ProphetPX: most peole dual-boot to solve gaming isues | 01:08 |
ProphetPX | thats the only one i have been using lately. I used to play on free shards of Ultima Online too but not under linux before (which would be more ideal) | 01:08 |
hustlebird | can someone tell me what package i need to install to use gmake and bash? | 01:08 |
MBR6669 | or buy gaming consoles to paly games on.. welcome to the 80's | 01:08 |
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Pici | hustlebird: build-essential | 01:09 |
Ecalix | ProphetPX, you could also check out cedega which just uses wine... mind you that you have to pay for it | 01:09 |
ProphetPX | blah @ dual boot ... I would dump windows if i could play all games on linux lol | 01:09 |
Kitsun | console games suck | 01:09 |
hende07 | does anyone know of any good linux games | 01:09 |
ProphetPX | i know about cedega ty | 01:09 |
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hende07 | i would too linux is so much more stable | 01:09 |
hustlebird | just sudo apt-get install build-essential? | 01:09 |
Pici | hustlebird: yep | 01:09 |
Kitsun | Warsow is a great FPS for linux | 01:09 |
hustlebird | word, thanx | 01:09 |
=== HT9 [n=brian@cpe-65-189-63-10.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | !games | 01:09 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org | 01:09 |
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w00t | ProphetPX: a combination of wine _and_ cedega works best for me :) | 01:09 |
|_ocke | whats the recommended way to install nvidia drivers on 7.04 that wont leave me unable to remove it or fix it later | 01:09 |
imbecile | hende07: what type of games do you like? | 01:09 |
PriceChild | *fixes ubotu's grammar* | 01:10 |
ProphetPX | i would also dump windows if i didnt have so many cotton-pickin @#$@^@#@#&@#%@#&#*#$%*%^*& issues with linux still lol | 01:10 |
andres | hello | 01:10 |
MBR6669 | i only play games on my xbox and thats it. and i haven't even touched that in weeks | 01:10 |
MBR6669 | anyway | 01:10 |
hende07 | fps,multiplayer fps, rpgs, 3d ones im not much for wesnoth | 01:10 |
jrib | !nvidia > |_ocke (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:10 |
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bazookatooth | so.. pidgin is starting up on login all of a sudden, and it's not in my session. what gives? where else should i check? | 01:11 |
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Kitsun | yeh, Warsow is definitely worth checking out, it has unique qualities for a fps | 01:11 |
imbecile | hende07: check nexuiz,assault cube,alien arena and glest.. all fps | 01:11 |
luckz | what is the ubuntu equivalent of gentoo's /etc/conf.d/net, or in other words, where do I set up what my ethernet adapter does? | 01:11 |
jussi01 | hende07: try tremulous - great game | 01:11 |
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qazwsx | I need a simple ftp server; what should I use? | 01:11 |
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GrandeMago | ciao a tutti | 01:11 |
jussi01 | !ftp | 01:11 |
ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 01:11 |
qazwsx | not complex, secure sftp server needed; what should I run? | 01:11 |
solitude| | /etc/networl/interfaces | 01:11 |
hende07 | any rpg? | 01:11 |
mneptok | qazwsx: you shouldn't use FTP | 01:11 |
jussi01 | !ftpd | 01:11 |
luckz | (I found both tremulous and warsow uninspiring) | 01:11 |
HT9 | Why does my HP Laserjet take forever to spool a page and print it? Dell SX280 - Ubuntu 7.04 - 1GB RAM - 80GB HDD. Tried apt-get HPLIPS and from source. | 01:11 |
ubotu | FTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 01:11 |
PriceChild | qazwsx, use sftp instead. | 01:11 |
hende07 | whats so great about warsow | 01:11 |
GrandeMago | azz i'm italian, comando super root? | 01:12 |
imbecile | hende07: dont really know.. never really got into rpg | 01:12 |
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astro76 | !sudo | GrandeMago | 01:12 |
ubotu | GrandeMago: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 01:12 |
MBR6669 | ProphetPX, then go back to windows and leave the linux community alone until you can figure out how to use a by far more supiorior operating system | 01:12 |
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luckz | solitude|: is "auto eth0", "iface eth0 inet dhcp" a valid setup? | 01:12 |
GrandeMago | :) | 01:12 |
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ProphetPX | lmao | 01:12 |
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GrandeMago | ufficial chan italy? | 01:12 |
astro76 | !it | 01:12 |
Dalmatian | Hmmm I'm now logged in as root and it still says permission denied | 01:12 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 01:12 |
adam_ | How do I reinstall gnome?! | 01:12 |
adam_ | D: | 01:12 |
ProphetPX | MBR666 I have been using linux for over 11 years. There are ALWAYS issues | 01:12 |
GrandeMago | grz :) | 01:13 |
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jrib | Dalmatian: what are you trying to do? | 01:13 |
bazookatooth | ProphetPX: just dual boot and learn gradually.. take it step by step and reinstall often. think of it as if you were writing a guide for someone else to use. you'll figure it out and love it. just don't get frustrated and start cussing everyone who knows how to use it. | 01:13 |
Dalmatian | Install an ATI driver | 01:13 |
MBR6669 | i've been using linux for just as long and i haven't an issue | 01:13 |
astro76 | adam_, what's the problem? | 01:13 |
hende07 | does anyone know of a good rpg for linux | 01:13 |
adam_ | I accidentally uninstalled gnome, now I have no borders or controls | 01:13 |
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hustlebird | configure: error: You need NASM installed to compile ZSNES | 01:13 |
hustlebird | bash: gmake: command not found | 01:13 |
hustlebird | what is nasm? | 01:13 |
adam_ | astro76 | 01:13 |
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astro76 | !away > [D-Coy] Adam | 01:13 |
mugen | ubuntu rulez | 01:13 |
mugen | xD | 01:13 |
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ProphetPX | lmao well you might not have "mucked about inside the internals" as much as i have... i dont know | 01:13 |
astro76 | adam_, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 01:14 |
kitche | hustlebird, an assembler compiler I believe been a while sicne I read up on nasm | 01:14 |
imbecile | i like ubuntu WAY better than any other OS | 01:14 |
adam_ | ok brb | 01:14 |
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ProphetPX | bazookatooth i know | 01:14 |
jrib | hustlebird: zsnes is in ubuntu's multiverse repository, you shouldn't be compiling it | 01:14 |
hustlebird | ever set up zsnes? | 01:14 |
ProphetPX | nasm is a gnu assembler right? | 01:14 |
adam_ | Now what? | 01:14 |
hende07 | does anyone know a good rpg | 01:14 |
jrib | !ati > Dalmatian (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:14 |
adam_ | astro76 | 01:14 |
=== daveshere [n=aaa@c-75-69-121-114.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hustlebird | not this, supere nintendo emulator | 01:14 |
astro76 | hustlebird, zsnes is available from ubuntu repos | 01:14 |
jussi01 | !info nasm | 01:14 |
ubotu | nasm: General-purpose x86 assembler. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.38-1.2 (feisty), package size 1511 kB, installed size 2776 kB | 01:14 |
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MBR6669 | ProphetPX, i toy around all the time with my operating system, the utilities and the code. it's all about learning moving on and learning some more | 01:15 |
astro76 | !info zsnes | hustlebird | 01:15 |
ubotu | hustlebird: zsnes: Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.420-2.1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 513 kB, installed size 3232 kB (Only available for i386) | 01:15 |
bazookatooth | hende07.. what kind of RPG? like MMORPG? | 01:15 |
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hende07 | either offline or mmorpg bazooka | 01:15 |
ProphetPX | MBR666 ... which i have been doing all this time too lol | 01:15 |
froyd | brothers my gnome bar is missing from the top how do i re-activate it ? | 01:15 |
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MasterLexx | hey | 01:15 |
=== Some_Person [i=Nah2@adsl-65-65-181-74.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | MBR666 ... doesnt mean i dont either mess things up or get things mucked up otherwise | 01:15 |
MBR6669 | i don't see why that's funny. but hell ok. i don't see the complaint then | 01:15 |
qazwsx | cp: cannot stat 'etc/inittab': No such file or directory] dpkg: error processung runit (--configure): ... how do I get rid of this error on apt-get, and apt-remove ? | 01:15 |
Some_Person | What is Wubi? | 01:15 |
MBR6669 | ProphetPX, that's called learning | 01:15 |
adam_ | astro76 I did that, now what? | 01:15 |
bazookatooth | hende07 : offline, i'd say SNES emulator. online.. there's one that starts with a P that is supposedly really good.. hold on, i'll find it | 01:15 |
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Some_Person | !wubi | 01:15 |
ProphetPX | lol | 01:15 |
ubotu | wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html | 01:15 |
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hustlebird | astro76>what is in under in the repo? | 01:16 |
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astro76 | adam_, I don't know what happened? that should install all the default gnome stuff... what did you uninstall? | 01:16 |
xero9364 | Anyone ever tried this before? It's a joke. I swear it won't harm your computer and you don't need root to do it | 01:16 |
astro76 | hustlebird, zsnes | 01:16 |
bazookatooth | hende07: its called PlaneShift | 01:16 |
xero9364 | echo '[q] sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx] sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq'|dc | 01:16 |
h0meles | hello everyone | 01:16 |
adam_ | PlaneShift! | 01:16 |
hende07 | supernintendo emulator??? | 01:16 |
h0meles | i have a very quick question | 01:16 |
adam_ | I hate the game D: | 01:16 |
hustlebird | utry to find it thanx | 01:17 |
froyd | pls can anybody help me ? | 01:17 |
froyd | my gnome bar is missing | 01:17 |
xero9364 | !patience | froyd | 01:17 |
ubotu | froyd: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 01:17 |
Sakkath_ | xero9364: LOL | 01:17 |
adam_ | froyd | 01:17 |
bazookatooth | adam_ i haven't tried it for fear of getting addicted.. but i've heard lots of people talk about it like its awesome. | 01:17 |
xero9364 | Sakkath_: What? | 01:17 |
Sakkath_ | xero9364: GET A LIE | 01:17 |
adam_ | I think I got the same as you | 01:17 |
xero9364 | Sakkath_: Lol | 01:17 |
h0meles | is it possible to open a MS Office 2007 document in open office? such as DOCX or XLSX | 01:17 |
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Sakkath_ | xero9364: how did you do that? >.> | 01:17 |
xero9364 | Sakkath_: I stole it off some website. | 01:17 |
Grungebunny | hello im trying to download/install the Electric sheep screensaver, it says on their website to use apt-get but does not specifiy what im apt-getting lol | 01:17 |
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ProphetPX | LOL @ lie | 01:17 |
Sakkath_ | xero9364: i see | 01:17 |
xero9364 | ProphetPX: it said life, not lie | 01:18 |
Sakkath_ | xero9364: i have no clue how to use dc >.> | 01:18 |
adam_ | bazookatooth It's still alpha so the gameplay is horrible, I had no idea what to do as a starter player | 01:18 |
ProphetPX | i saw lie lol | 01:18 |
adam_ | my opinion | 01:18 |
Sakkath_ | ya, sorry for spelling error, didn't realize it | 01:18 |
=== Toma- [n=e17@i156-171.nv.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xero9364 | wtf? | 01:18 |
Sakkath_ | bazookatooth: eh sorry for being the cause of your kick ;) | 01:18 |
xero9364 | For me it echoes GET A LIFE | 01:18 |
Toddler | adam_ try lineage2 | 01:18 |
h0meles | so does anyone know how to open an MS OFFICE 2007 document in Open Office?! | 01:18 |
bazookatooth | Sakkath_ i deserved it. | 01:18 |
ProphetPX | no no no ... sakkath said lie | 01:18 |
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Sakkath_ | bazookatooth: you could have responded to my pm though :( | 01:18 |
Sakkath_ | ProphetPX: yes, i said sorry for typo | 01:18 |
Sakkath_ | xero9364: yes, it did say LIE | 01:18 |
astro76 | h0meles, it doesn't work? | 01:18 |
ProphetPX | i am not under linux right now | 01:18 |
Sakkath_ | omg | 01:18 |
Ahadiel | How do I change the size of desktop icons? | 01:18 |
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Sakkath_ | xero9364: LIFE* | 01:18 |
bazookatooth | thought i did. | 01:19 |
ProphetPX | lmao | 01:19 |
xero9364 | Sakkath_: Okay. | 01:19 |
HT9 | Anyone know of a problem with USB 2.0 and HPLIPS? | 01:19 |
adam_ | Toddler, L2 is pay to play right? | 01:19 |
Sakkath_ | bazookatooth: er maybe you're not identified? | 01:19 |
h0meles | no it appears as an archive for some reason | 01:19 |
=== snowglobe [n=kevin@70-101-214-149.dsl1.pco.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bazookatooth | yup, sorry. | 01:19 |
hende07 | does anyone play planeshift | 01:19 |
xero9364 | ProphetPX: Try it for yourself. echo '[q] sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx] sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq'|dc | 01:19 |
bazookatooth | k | 01:19 |
ProphetPX | I've played Planescape Torment | 01:19 |
Sakkath_ | is gksu like kdesu? | 01:19 |
xero9364 | Sakkath_ yes | 01:19 |
bazookatooth | kdesu? lol | 01:19 |
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ProphetPX | ok xero9364 but it will have to wait till i can dig out sh.exe under this windows box | 01:19 |
MasterLexx | when updating ubuntu 6.10 over internet, does it change my ubuntu into version 7.04? | 01:19 |
Sakkath_ | xero9364: ty | 01:19 |
qazwsx | !ftp | 01:19 |
hende07 | does anyone know if it is a fighting game or what | 01:19 |
ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 01:19 |
xero9364 | kdesu is pronounced kay deesoo | 01:19 |
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qazwsx | !ftpd | 01:20 |
ubotu | FTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 01:20 |
luckz | I have "auto eth0", "iface eth0 inet dhcp" in /etc/network/interfaces and I don't get a eth0 when I run /sbin/ifconfig. | 01:20 |
adam_ | Anyway, someone know how to install gnome? | 01:20 |
qazwsx | !ftpd | 01:20 |
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Toddler | adam_ : visit www.dragon-network.net its a free private server | 01:20 |
qazwsx | !proftpd | 01:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about proftpd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:20 |
kitche | Sakarias, gksu just means graphical sudo kdesu is kde's implementation of gksu | 01:20 |
adam_ | Will do. | 01:20 |
Lamego | master_of_master, if you set it to use the ubuntu 7.10 repositories for the upgrade, yes | 01:20 |
adam_ | Toddler | 01:20 |
MasterLexx | ahh thanks | 01:20 |
xero9364 | It should be gtksu | 01:20 |
xero9364 | but it's gksu | 01:20 |
Sakkath_ | adam_: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-10404.html maye that will help? | 01:20 |
Sakkath_ | xero9364: oh | 01:21 |
ProphetPX | well then techinically every QT app should be QTapp too huh | 01:21 |
MasterLexx | ubuntu 7.04 has bugs, and doesn't support my prism54 card anymore, so i want to stick with my old system | 01:21 |
saint-takeshi | hey i'm having some trouble with crossfire (specifically crossedit) and from what i can google about the error, its an ubuntu/debian problem, not a crossfire problem.... | 01:21 |
ProphetPX | and then KDE would have to be QTKDE | 01:21 |
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ProphetPX | and LICQ would have to be QTLICQ | 01:21 |
ProphetPX | lol :-P | 01:21 |
Dalmatian | Wow that was pretty easy. Thanks for the help! | 01:21 |
Sakkath_ | xero9364: it's just this howto said 'gksu something' and i'm like i dont have that, maybe it's like kdesu :P | 01:21 |
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xero9364 | Sakkath_: It is. | 01:22 |
bazookatooth | desu desu desu desu | 01:22 |
Sakkath_ | xero9364: ty again :P | 01:22 |
anandanbu | How to play .mov files in Ubuntu7.04 | 01:22 |
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hende07 | how do i tell if i have linux 32 or 64 | 01:22 |
PriceChild | anandanbu, double click them | 01:22 |
xero9364 | anandanbu: It should automatically install a codec. | 01:22 |
astro76 | !w32codecs | anandanbu | 01:22 |
ubotu | anandanbu: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 01:22 |
ProphetPX | lol | 01:22 |
PriceChild | anandanbu, then install any codecs it prompts you to | 01:22 |
ProphetPX | he might need codecs tho | 01:22 |
xero9364 | hende07: Do you know how many bits your processor is? | 01:22 |
zorze | does ubuntu have a new hardware wizzard like fedora does? | 01:22 |
Grungebunny | on my package installer I get the error "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6" whats this mean? | 01:22 |
=== Rabbitbunny is god of his realm! (samba works) | ||
hende07 | i think its a amd that 64 right | 01:23 |
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xero9364 | If you don't, tell me what processor you have | 01:23 |
anandanbu | Thanks :) | 01:23 |
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Sakkath_ | cat /proc/cpuinfo | 01:23 |
xero9364 | amd what? | 01:23 |
ProphetPX | man ... so much of linux distros are imitating things from microosoft and/or windows nowadays | 01:23 |
Sakkath_ | and even if it's 64bit, he still may have a 32bit os.. | 01:23 |
hende07 | turion | 01:23 |
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ProphetPX | -1 o | 01:23 |
xero9364 | Yep. 64 | 01:23 |
xero9364 | That made it much harder. | 01:23 |
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ProphetPX | LOLLL | 01:23 |
kitche | uname -a will tell you what your running | 01:23 |
Toma- | The question was, does he has linux 32 bit of 64. not anything about the cpu | 01:24 |
zorze | grungebunny it means that you need to install the "libc6" package before you can install | 01:24 |
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xero9364 | Linux ubuntu 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 01:24 |
xero9364 | K thx | 01:24 |
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xero9364 | lol | 01:25 |
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adam_ | Be right back | 01:25 |
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xero9364 | echo '[q] sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx] sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq'|dc | 01:25 |
xero9364 | Funny message. | 01:25 |
Sakkath_ | err... this upgrade guide.. from 6.06.. says to use gksu "update-manager -c" | 01:26 |
=== hollowlife1987 [n=hollowli@12-208-108-241.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toma- | !troll | 01:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about troll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:26 |
Sakkath_ | i don't have update-manager? | 01:26 |
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Toma- | bah | 01:26 |
Sakkath_ | xero9364: is that the same one | 01:26 |
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xero9364 | Toma-: Who's a troll? | 01:26 |
Toma- | xero9364: you. | 01:26 |
xero9364 | Sakkath_: Yes. | 01:26 |
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xero9364 | Toma-: You think I program virii for Linux? I laugh. | 01:26 |
jarrod_ | how can i change my lan ip in ubuntu server? | 01:26 |
hustlebird | installed zsnes, but can't find it, where does it install? | 01:26 |
Toma- | xero9364: ....do you knwo what a troll is? | 01:26 |
Toma- | *know | 01:26 |
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xero9364 | Toma-: How the fark am I a troll if that isn't malicious? And, no, not really. | 01:27 |
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bart_17 | need help with sound | 01:27 |
Toma- | xero9364: look it up. you might learn something. | 01:27 |
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hollowlife1987 | jarrod_, sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces | 01:27 |
Sonicadvance1 | oi, what's a program that goes through your computer and and catalogs your files by size? a program that is similar to one of Ace utilities programs it includes? | 01:27 |
Sakkath_ | hustlebird: locate might help you.. or find | 01:27 |
xero9364 | Whatever. I'll just stop posting that message and *not* look it up. | 01:27 |
ProphetPX | ok cmon no fightin | 01:27 |
Toma- | xero9364: capital idea. | 01:27 |
Grungebunny | zorze It shows I already have libc6 installed.. | 01:27 |
hustlebird | searched for it, couldn't find it | 01:28 |
kitche | Grungebunny, you need libc6-dev | 01:28 |
Grungebunny | okay let me try the dev | 01:28 |
hustlebird | Wondering if it installs under a diff name? | 01:28 |
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wanger | hustlebird: whereis zsnes not turn it up? | 01:28 |
hollowlife1987 | anyone know if there will be a precompiled vserver kernel for gusty? | 01:28 |
anathematic | http://apache.pastebin.ca/664958 does anyone have any ideas? :< | 01:29 |
hustlebird | didn't try that, let you know | 01:29 |
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zorze | grungebunny - look closely, there are a few packages that look very similar, if it does match then i don't know how to help | 01:29 |
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jarrod_ | <hollowlife1987> uh i dont know what to do thee <-_-> | 01:29 |
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jarrod_ | <hollowlife1987> there | 01:29 |
Sakkath_ | someone help me with 6.06 upgrade.. the guide says to use update-manager but i don't have such a thing? | 01:30 |
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Sakkath_ | i ran the adept updater thingie | 01:30 |
adam_ | . | 01:30 |
Sakkath_ | that's all so far >.> | 01:30 |
adam_ | Sakkath_ | 01:30 |
adam_ | I looked at that page | 01:30 |
adam_ | Thanks, but it didn't help | 01:30 |
rockin | would anyone have time to help a noob getting java installed (Ubuntu ver6.06 i think and FireFox | 01:30 |
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astomper | rockin, I will | 01:31 |
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hollowlife1987 | jarrod_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297816 | 01:31 |
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adam_ | I suppose a reinstall of ubuntu will keep my system clean | 01:31 |
rockin | astomper is there a way to speak just to you? | 01:31 |
saint-takeshi | should i remove crossfire~* and then install them manually (from source) ? is that likely to fix the problem with pixmaps? | 01:31 |
Neozonz | is there some sort of program that uploads logs to pastebin or a similar type service? | 01:31 |
xero9364 | rockin: If your chat client supports it, i think it's /query or /msg | 01:31 |
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rockin | did i get you? | 01:32 |
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xero9364 | type "/msg astomper pizza" | 01:32 |
astomper | rockin, I don't know how to pm, but I'll send you to a 2 step faq as soon as I find it | 01:32 |
xero9364 | That sends him yje massage pizza. | 01:32 |
xero9364 | *the message | 01:32 |
bart_17 | can anbody help me with this error... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34470/ | 01:32 |
rockin | Great | 01:32 |
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xero9364 | astomper: "/msg rockin pizza" | 01:33 |
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xero9364 | sends from astomper to rockin pizza | 01:33 |
Neozonz | is there some sort of program that uploads logs/errors to pastebin or a similar type service? | 01:33 |
Neozonz | like upstream? | 01:33 |
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jrib | Neozonz: what's wrong with upstream? | 01:33 |
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ian_ | xterm, alt, what gives? | 01:34 |
marko | guys i tryed everything with my graphic card (nvidia) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia and many much other things and it didn't worked :(( please do you have any idea ?? | 01:34 |
Neozonz | jrib how do i install it? | 01:34 |
jrib | bart_17: you need build-essential, but be sure you need to compile | 01:34 |
scam | checking for gcc... gcc | 01:34 |
scam | checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 01:34 |
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Neozonz | I type apt-get install upstream | 01:34 |
Neozonz | but it can't find it | 01:34 |
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Pici | !b-e | scam | 01:34 |
ubotu | scam: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 01:34 |
jrib | !compiling > bart_17 (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:34 |
hollowlife1987 | Neozonz, there is a perl script that uploads text from STDIN to a pastebin TomB made | 01:34 |
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Pici | !info pastebinit | hollowlife1987 Neozonz | 01:35 |
ubotu | hollowlife1987 neozonz: pastebinit: A command line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB | 01:35 |
astomper | rockin, try http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_J2SE_Runtime_Environment_.28JRE.29_v6.0_with_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox | 01:35 |
jrib | Neozonz: it's named "upstreamdev", or just install "canoe" for the gui | 01:35 |
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rockin | Thankyou astomper | 01:35 |
jrib | Neozonz: note the ubuntu pastebin won't work, but the others should | 01:35 |
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Neozonz | thanks | 01:35 |
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astomper | rockin, its on that site somewhere if thats not what you want, and remember that site, quick installs of a lot of useful stuff | 01:35 |
kitche | a friend of mine gave me his shell script to upload stuff to a pastebin don't have it anymore though | 01:35 |
astomper | rockin, btw, are you running fiesty? | 01:36 |
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hende07 | wine is worthless | 01:36 |
SlimeyPete | wine tastes nice. | 01:36 |
SlimeyPete | only red, though. | 01:36 |
astomper | hende07, I hear utorrent works wonderfully with wine | 01:36 |
hende07 | the program hates me | 01:36 |
hollowlife1987 | anyone know how i can get linux-vserver working on fiesty? | 01:36 |
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rockin | astomper im not sure what you mean by fiesty? do you have a PM tab on your irc window now? | 01:37 |
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Parisi_work | mIRC works great under wine :) | 01:37 |
zorze | does ubuntu have a new hardware wizzard like fedora does? | 01:37 |
Toma- | zorze: no need? | 01:38 |
GigaClon | Xchat doesn't need wine | 01:38 |
kitche | zorze, what do you mean new hardware wizard? maybe your thinking of hal-device-manager | 01:38 |
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Jaymuhz | quick question, I was installing iDJc from source, so I apt-get build-dep idjc to make sure I had all the dependencies, now I couldn't rely get idjc to work properly so I just removed the files, but how can I get rid of all the packages apt-get build-dep installed? | 01:38 |
Toma- | Jaymuhz: scroll up | 01:39 |
Toma- | select them and remove them, unfortunately | 01:39 |
zorze | i dunno, i just bought a new hard-modem and can't get it installed | 01:39 |
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astomper | rockin, I don't have the pm tab, but its the version of Ubuntu that you have. | 01:40 |
Toma- | zorze: dont you think it would be better to ask about that than asking about fedora? | 01:40 |
hende07 | how do i run a program with wine | 01:40 |
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Jaymuhz | Toma-, damn, I can't actually remember all the packages it installed, is there a way to list them? | 01:40 |
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Jaymuhz | hende07, wine your.exe | 01:40 |
zorze | i asked if it had a wizzard LIKE fedora's, i guess the answer is no | 01:40 |
ian_ | any idea why with xterm/uxterm, alt-p doesn't work? | 01:40 |
Jaymuhz | on the cli | 01:40 |
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hende07 | i tried it wont work | 01:40 |
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Toma- | Jaymuhz: i spose you could use 'apt-cache showsrc idjc' and look at the build-dep list there? | 01:40 |
Synchronicity | hende07 open up the bottle, put it in a fine glass, and drink. Now you can open your executable file | 01:40 |
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Jaymuhz | Toma-, I'll just try, thanks | 01:41 |
Toma- | Jaymuhz: np | 01:41 |
Jaymuhz | hende07, the program you are trying to run may not work under wine | 01:41 |
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Kragnerac | Terminal vs GUI tools? | 01:41 |
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hende07 | i just tried to open it and it just said success | 01:41 |
Drizzt321 | I'm having some trouble with the foomatic-db, all of the tools that try to look through foomatic to find my printer (such as printconf for example) say that they are unable to read the pritner database. I have the package installed, and it didn't have any errors. any help? | 01:41 |
rockin | astromper you have been much help... i have dapper drake and am now updating | 01:42 |
bart_17 | jrib: how do i install that? | 01:42 |
hende07 | ubuntu is so gay sometime damn windows | 01:42 |
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jrib | bart_17: sudo aptitude install build-essential | 01:42 |
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jrib | bart_17: why do you need to compile this? | 01:42 |
Jaymuhz | Toma-, that listed some of them, I'm sure there was more, but this will do, thanks | 01:42 |
Toma- | Jaymuhz: no problem | 01:42 |
bart_17 | jrib: the sound on my asus a6rp notebook wont work... | 01:42 |
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hollowlife1987 | anyone know how i can get linux-vserver working on fiesty? | 01:43 |
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PanicByte | hollowlife1987, a virtual server? | 01:44 |
jrib | bart_17: have you been through the troubleshooting sound guide on the wiki? | 01:44 |
hollowlife1987 | yes | 01:44 |
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PanicByte | i like http://www.virtualbox.org | 01:44 |
PanicByte | free (as in beer) | 01:44 |
PanicByte | part of it is open source | 01:44 |
alex_mayorga | where do I file a bug for non working buttons on a mouse with a bunch of buttons? | 01:45 |
qazwsx | I need an ftp server .. that gives me non-anonymous users with no hell access | 01:45 |
hollowlife1987 | PanicByte, i was looking more to something that runs with little overhead like linux-vserver | 01:45 |
qazwsx | to his? | 01:45 |
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qazwsx | what is the eawiest way to do this? | 01:45 |
PanicByte | oh, mybad | 01:45 |
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Kousotu | qazwsx: What are you trying to do? | 01:46 |
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Grungebunny | has anyone here been able to successfully run the Electric Sheep screensaver in ubuntu 7.04 ? | 01:46 |
bazookatooth | PanicByte: have you used this? if so, with what OS (both sides).. and whats your feedback? | 01:46 |
bazookatooth | Grungebunny | 01:46 |
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bazookatooth | i tried once, and no. | 01:46 |
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spanglesontoast | is there a way of easily removing a compiled file ?? | 01:46 |
hollowlife1987 | just i cant get my compiled kernel to work correctly | 01:46 |
noway- | I am having problems with video on my Ubuntu, this is the images that I get, http://img367.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2rp3.png | 01:46 |
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qazwsx | I need to setup a ftp server where useres have non-anonymous ftp accounts; but not shell access. (Yes, I know I should use sftp; but I'm the admin; not the users; not my choice to make.) | 01:46 |
bazookatooth | spanglesontoast.. what do you mean "a compiled file"? | 01:46 |
Grungebunny | bazooka okay at least I know im not the only once | 01:46 |
noway- | I have tried reinstalling all nvidia drivers | 01:46 |
saxartist | hello | 01:47 |
Grungebunny | one | 01:47 |
frappi | Hello again | 01:47 |
noway- | I have double checked cables, and monitor settings | 01:47 |
spanglesontoast | well stuff that's compiled and had a make install applied :P | 01:47 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Grungebunny: Electric Sheep.. where did you find that? | 01:47 |
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PanicByte | noway-, thats weird, try changing your refresh rate | 01:47 |
ssn | hi | 01:47 |
saxartist | Does anyone know if doing the "install ubuntu studio over vanilla feisty" does the kernel fixes for jack and MIDI | 01:47 |
PanicByte | noway-, actually nevermind | 01:47 |
yetifoot | spanglesontoast, you might get lucky with a make uninstall | 01:47 |
PanicByte | hmmm | 01:47 |
PanicByte | is it under all resolutions? | 01:48 |
frappi | This is probably a strange question to ask... | 01:48 |
ssn | how do i manage the "autostart" of /etc/init.d scripts? | 01:48 |
PanicByte | and whats your video card? | 01:48 |
spanglesontoast | nope no luck tried that | 01:48 |
noway- | PanicByte, yah, I've tried it on a different computer | 01:48 |
noway- | PanicByte, nvidia gforce 6600gt | 01:48 |
Grungebunny | Jack Sparrow, electricsheep.org .. I have it on XP and its a beautiful screensaver, they make it for linux as well but im unsuccessful at getting it to run | 01:48 |
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PanicByte | noway-, you using official nvidia drivers or open source? | 01:48 |
spanglesontoast | just wondering if theres a compiled files database a bit similar to synaptic if you get my drift | 01:48 |
ssn | because i dont want to have a wesnoth server or tor running at startup | 01:48 |
spanglesontoast | but with compiled binarys | 01:48 |
frappi | but does anyone know how to stop the glitchy sounds when using Ubuntu through VPC? | 01:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | I am running a 6600 on one of my machines here... | 01:48 |
jrib | ssn: read 'man update-rc.d' or use sysv-rc-conf or use system -> administration -> services . sysv init is getting replaced with upstart so you might be interested in taht too | 01:49 |
noway- | PanicByte, official drivers... I have tried the ones from the package manager also | 01:49 |
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jrib | !upstart > ssn (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:49 |
ssn | jrib: thx | 01:49 |
qazwsx | Kousotu: I need to setup a ftp server where useres have non-anonymous ftp accounts; but not shell access. (Yes, I know I should use sftp; but I'm the admin; not the users; not my choice to make.) | 01:49 |
frappi | Anyone? | 01:49 |
PanicByte | i had a problem like that on my laptop with ATI, except it did that to the mouse | 01:49 |
Sakkath_ | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades tells me to use update-manager but that doesn't exist on my machine? i'm on 6.06 | 01:49 |
PanicByte | and it had something to do with composite imaging or something | 01:49 |
Kousotu | qazwsx: I saw | 01:49 |
PanicByte | but that was like a year ago | 01:49 |
PanicByte | and haven't had the problem with the new ubuntu versions | 01:49 |
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Kousotu | I am unsurehow to do this as I never work with FTP | 01:50 |
frappi | Oh brb. my system has found updates! | 01:50 |
davidthedrake | qazwsx: You can set the shell access for users with the -s flag with useradd | 01:50 |
Drizzt321 | I'm having alot of trouble using foomatic-configure, can anyone give me a hand? | 01:50 |
alex_mayorga | to what project should I file a bug of nonworking buttons on my mouse? | 01:50 |
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Sakkath_ | i don't have gnome so i don't have update-manager | 01:50 |
bart_17 | jrib: yes, this i part of the guide.. i'm just following it | 01:50 |
jrib | qazwsx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/runit/+bug/93673 for your previous problem btwq | 01:50 |
PanicByte | noway-, this might be weird, but try changing your desktop theme | 01:50 |
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Sakkath_ | i do have adept | 01:51 |
Kousotu | alex_mayorga: search symantek for "mouse" | 01:51 |
noway- | PanicByte, ok | 01:51 |
davidthedrake | qazwsx: Something like: useradd -s /bin/false newb | 01:51 |
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noway- | PanicByte, same thing | 01:51 |
thedash | EasyTag is bordering on ridiculously slow | 01:51 |
Kousotu | hello n00dl3 | 01:51 |
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davidthedrake | qazwsx: Whether this will work for your particular situation, I'm not sure, but hopefully that will help | 01:51 |
noway- | PanicByte, I run WoW under wine, and it goes crazy... but I can run other openGL stuff fine | 01:51 |
PanicByte | noway-, hold on, lemme find the link to the problem i had with an ATI card | 01:51 |
alex_mayorga | Kousuto, symantek ?? | 01:52 |
noway- | PanicByte, ok thanks | 01:52 |
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PanicByte | noway-, but before you start wow, it's fine? | 01:52 |
spanglesontoast | is there any way of reverting ubuntu back to it's old packages ? | 01:52 |
Kousotu | alex_mayorga: the package manager | 01:52 |
bart_17 | jrib: i have another error..: configure: error: cannot find sources (src/control/control.c) in . or .. | 01:52 |
noway- | PanicByte, no... this just started recently... out of no where it crashed, and has been that way since | 01:52 |
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Kousotu | spanglesontoast: reinstall it? | 01:52 |
frappi | I know this is off topic, but I find Ubuntu to be possibly the best OS I have ever come a cross! | 01:52 |
spanglesontoast | got lots of files in the /home and it isn't in the seperate partition | 01:53 |
alex_mayorga | Kousotu, synaptic, you mean, OK I'll look, thanks | 01:53 |
Kousotu | frappi: IT has some room for improvement, but otherwise I generally agree | 01:53 |
davidthedrake | frappi: this your first experience with Linux? | 01:53 |
frappi | Yes | 01:53 |
shem | i agree also, except I am wondering if there is a graphical equalizer anwhere? | 01:53 |
Kousotu | alex_mayorga: yea, thank thing, I'll just call it syn from now on lol | 01:53 |
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=== Trixsey [n=Secret@c-119072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
davidthedrake | frappi: heh. Welcome :) Ubuntu is definitely a great flavor, that's for sure. | 01:54 |
frappi | I find it so easy to use | 01:54 |
Kousotu | shem: I think it's in appeaance | 01:54 |
frappi | And i'm a computer noob! | 01:54 |
Kousotu | frappi: What did you use befor? | 01:54 |
rockets | !noob | 01:54 |
ubotu | Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 01:54 |
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frappi | Sorry ubotu! lol funny bot | 01:55 |
marko | what means jfgi ? :o | 01:55 |
marko | :D | 01:55 |
ProphetPX | lol "JAFO" should be added to that list | 01:55 |
Kousotu | rockets: that doesn't apply when used against one's self | 01:55 |
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Kousotu | jafo? | 01:55 |
frappi | i thought that too | 01:55 |
rockets | Kousotu, I know, I just like doing !things | 01:55 |
rockets | :-D | 01:55 |
ProphetPX | yeah ... "JAFO" ... as in, the movie "Blue Thunder" | 01:55 |
=== wolf1e [n=alex@pool-70-19-150-199.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kousotu | what is it? | 01:55 |
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st33ldi9ital | noob! | 01:55 |
frappi | I'm finding each day my computing skills get better as i use linux too! | 01:55 |
Kousotu | pm it if it can't be said in the channel | 01:56 |
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Patrick7 | #ubuntu | 01:56 |
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Kousotu | ah... | 01:56 |
ProphetPX | lol | 01:56 |
frappi | I was insulting myself too! | 01:56 |
Patrick7 | hi | 01:56 |
frappi | XD | 01:56 |
ProphetPX | yeah | 01:56 |
ProphetPX | hehe | 01:56 |
shem | i mean an equalizer for music. rhythmbox obviously has none. any music players that do? | 01:56 |
Patrick7 | #ubuntu | 01:56 |
ProphetPX | what was all that "private secure query" about | 01:56 |
Kousotu | I declined but I saw lol | 01:56 |
bart_17 | jrib: i have another error..: configure: error: cannot find sources (src/control/control.c) in . or .. | 01:56 |
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-171.216-254-248.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jaymuhz | Toma-, Just so you know, I found this neat little hack to solve my problem, thought you might be interested. I could do this: apt-get remove $(apt-get --simulate build-dep xxx|grep "^Inst"|awk '{print $2}') | 01:56 |
Patrick7 | Hello | 01:56 |
marko | http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/README/appendix-a.html | 01:56 |
Kousotu | I'm using an mIRC script | 01:56 |
marko | which one should i choose from here | 01:56 |
marko | :P | 01:56 |
bazookatooth | frosted butts | 01:56 |
marko | any idea ? | 01:56 |
=== pike__ [n=happy@74-140-134-102.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | oh ... where can i get it? I am usin mIRC for now lol | 01:56 |
Kousotu | lol | 01:57 |
=== antitab_ [n=Michael@pool-72-78-162-249.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toma- | Jaymuhz: sweet! | 01:57 |
frappi | I found a thing for VPC that "emulates" RAM... It does work, i just don't bloody understand it! | 01:57 |
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Kousotu | I'm using Invincible mIRC32 6.12 Script by Xtry. Copyright 2000 - 2003 Invincible Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. mailto: InvincibleScript@yahoo.com | 01:57 |
gener1c | say.... is there a downside of getting a pirate copy of vmware? | 01:57 |
PanicByte | noway-, i can't find the article, but it had to do with disabling Composite in xorg.conf, but it was for an ATI card, not an nvidia card | 01:57 |
anathematic | how do i set my host name and details on ubuntu server? | 01:57 |
davidthedrake | marko: You mean for purchase? | 01:57 |
Jaymuhz | Toma-, it seems to work nicely | 01:57 |
ProphetPX | how do you "emulate" RAM other than swap files? | 01:57 |
n00dl3 | Kousotu: Heya | 01:57 |
bazookatooth | desu desu desu desu | 01:57 |
=== Patrick7 [n=patrick@dsl-66-225-166-105.vianet.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kousotu | there's aspammed dvertisementfotr it | 01:57 |
PanicByte | you might want to try to redo your xorg.conf | 01:57 |
Kousotu | lol | 01:57 |
=== AlgorthmicContro [n=Larry@unaffiliated/algorthmiccontro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Neoxygen3007 | hi | 01:57 |
AlgorthmicContro | hi | 01:57 |
Patrick7 | hi | 01:57 |
pike__ | anathematic: hostname newname but remember to put it in /etc/hosts first like newname | 01:57 |
ProphetPX | ok but how do I GET it? lol | 01:57 |
Toma- | Jaymuhz: i usually just throw open a gedit and copy and paste the packages there along with any notes to remember | 01:57 |
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frappi | So although I have set my Ram for Ubuntu at 563, it emulates an extra 126! | 01:57 |
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Kousotu | look for it? | 01:58 |
ProphetPX | ehhhhhhhh | 01:58 |
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yo_soy | who edit .swf in feisty? | 01:58 |
ProphetPX | .swf is a flash file | 01:58 |
Jaymuhz | Toma-, if I had been that resourceful, my life would be a lot easier =P | 01:58 |
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frappi | I prefer using VPC, not VMware | 01:58 |
yo_soy | yes | 01:58 |
ProphetPX | decompile it then edit it with a flash editor | 01:58 |
marko | davidthedrake, yea i will buy a new one | 01:58 |
=== Patrick793 [n=patrick@dsl-66-225-166-105.vianet.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Neoxygen3007 | vpc | 01:58 |
Kousotu | yo_soy: you mea whatcan edit it? | 01:58 |
Neoxygen3007 | lol | 01:58 |
Toma- | Jaymuhz: :) | 01:58 |
Patrick793 | Hello everyone! | 01:59 |
Neoxygen3007 | vmware is really good | 01:59 |
frappi | Although at the top of the screen, you get stuck with a shape of a XP window :( | 01:59 |
noway- | PanicByte, I will check it out | 01:59 |
pike__ | frappi: vpc is a pain for anything nonwindows often. the interface is nicer than vmware-player though i guess | 01:59 |
yo_soy | spanish :( | 01:59 |
frostburn | vmware is extraordinarily good. | 01:59 |
anathematic | could someone paste me their /etc/hosts i seem to be having a real lot of trouble getting my server to just work over my LAN | 01:59 |
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noway- | PanicByte, just didnt know why it would happen so sudden... it was running great for the past 6 months | 01:59 |
frappi | If you know what you're doing, its not that bad | 01:59 |
Kousotu | !sp | yo_soy | 01:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:59 |
frappi | although Ubuntu was a pain to install | 01:59 |
Kousotu | !es | yo_soy | 01:59 |
ubotu | yo_soy: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:59 |
=== Pomalo [n=ouardane@host81-151-190-168.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frappi | A real pain | 01:59 |
Kousotu | lo siento, incorrecto command | 02:00 |
Kousotu | lol | 02:00 |
davidthedrake | marko: That is simply a list of the cards that work for the 1.0-9755 driver from NVIDIA. You should purchase the card that is best suited to your needs. | 02:00 |
PanicByte | noway-, maybe it was a bad software update | 02:00 |
=== Patrick7 [n=patrick@dsl-66-225-166-105.vianet.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yo_soy | gracias. pero en ubunt-es nadie sabe :( | 02:00 |
=== Bino [n=schiffne@pool-64-222-48-44.prov.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kousotu | ah.. | 02:00 |
gener1c | !he gener1c | 02:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about he gener1c - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:00 |
=== shem [n=roswell@bal-bb-cable-4-356.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
gener1c | !heb gener1c | 02:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about heb gener1c - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:00 |
Patrick7 | Hello | 02:00 |
gener1c | !ru gener1c | 02:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ru gener1c - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:00 |
noway- | PanicByte, xorg.conf has the option Composite disabled | 02:00 |
gener1c | omfg | 02:00 |
tux | Hi everybody was wondering how I can change my home directory to /home/tux instead of it being /home/marcel my username is tux | 02:00 |
st33ldi9ital | did he just say that #ubuntu-es were noob? | 02:00 |
Kousotu | yo_soy, madas privito mensage a me | 02:00 |
ProphetPX | omfg isnt it supposed to know you? | 02:01 |
frappi | I tried installing 2000 on VPC, but being Windows, something had to go wrong :P | 02:01 |
pike__ | tux: very carefully edit /etc/passwd | 02:01 |
Neoxygen3007 | ok anyway | 02:01 |
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Kousotu | st33ldi9ital: he sai no one was here | 02:01 |
Neoxygen3007 | i have one question | 02:01 |
marko | davidthedrake, i know i know but i don't know which one should i... for example hm... which one would you choose that would work great with ubuntu and beryl on it | 02:01 |
Kousotu | there* | 02:01 |
tux | thanks pike I'll try that real quick | 02:01 |
davidthedrake | tux: no need to do that | 02:01 |
Neoxygen3007 | do you have the same problem as me | 02:01 |
davidthedrake | tux: use usermod -d /directory username | 02:01 |
davidthedrake | tux: man usermod for more help | 02:01 |
ProphetPX | wow i never knew that | 02:02 |
davidthedrake | ;) | 02:02 |
frappi | I think Tux is a cute Logo, much nicer than Windows, yet i like the glossiness of Apple | 02:02 |
ProphetPX | :-) | 02:02 |
Neoxygen3007 | if i put the cube effect and the windows effect sometimes there s no more menu | 02:02 |
ProphetPX | the problem with apple is it is all glossiness | 02:02 |
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tux | david: I tried that last time and when I logged out it gave me a $HOME directory error and I had to change my session to a terminal in order to fix it | 02:02 |
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frappi | Compiz fails to work for me | 02:02 |
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Sakkath_ | lolfail | 02:03 |
frappi | i think its cos i'm running in VPC | 02:03 |
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PanicByte | noway-, might be worth trying to enable it | 02:03 |
Kousotu | anyone know a goof flash editor? | 02:03 |
davidthedrake | marko: I use a simple NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 in my laptop here. It's really going to depend on what kind of graphical power you want from the card. The settings of beryl/ubuntu can be altered. | 02:03 |
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PanicByte | but make sure you backup first | 02:03 |
Kousotu | god* | 02:03 |
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PanicByte | so you can recover it | 02:03 |
Kousotu | .. | 02:03 |
Kousotu | good* | 02:03 |
Sakkath_ | frappi: VPC? | 02:03 |
Neoxygen3007 | virtual pc | 02:03 |
davidthedrake | tux: What was the error? | 02:03 |
frappi | >.< | 02:04 |
Neoxygen3007 | it s an emulator for simple user | 02:04 |
ProphetPX | flash editor? Swish lol oh wait you meant for linux ... uhhhh | 02:04 |
marko | davidthedrake, aha ok... thanks... am one question do you know the command in terminal that i can change the root password ? | 02:04 |
Kousotu | yea | 02:04 |
Kousotu | ned linux one | 02:04 |
frappi | The Ram emulator is a real help for me, since my laptop isn't exactly state-of-the-art1 | 02:04 |
frappi | !* | 02:04 |
Kousotu | need* | 02:04 |
tux | david: the sentence is too long to even produce unless I write it down | 02:04 |
ProphetPX | ok i found one | 02:04 |
Kousotu | what is it? | 02:05 |
ProphetPX | http://freshmeat.net/projects/f4l/ | 02:05 |
ProphetPX | Flash 4 Linux ;-) | 02:05 |
hollowlife1987 | marko, sudo passwd root | 02:05 |
davidthedrake | tux: Heh. Fair enough. Make sure you do it as root and make sure the tux user doesn't have anything running (I'm just taking that from a website with more info on the command) | 02:05 |
tux | david: it happens when I use the usermod -d /home/tux tux and log out then gives me some type of $HOME directory error | 02:05 |
=== dariuskane [n=darius@CPE00131099b6dd-CM0012254086ac.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | and flashkit.com | 02:05 |
marko | hollowlife1987, thanks | 02:05 |
davidthedrake | tux: Try: sudo usermod -d /home/tux tux | 02:05 |
davidthedrake | ? | 02:05 |
Neoxygen3007 | vmware is really good buy it | 02:05 |
tux | david: should it be like this sudo usermod -d /home/tux tux | 02:06 |
=== tombar_ [n=tombar@r190-64-132-186.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | er ... http://board.flashkit.com/board/showthread.php?t=484769 | 02:06 |
frappi | if you open the "run program" box and type "free the fish" a little fish swims about! | 02:06 |
tux | I gotcha thanks will be back if it doesn't work | 02:06 |
Neoxygen3007 | 169 dollars | 02:06 |
davidthedrake | tux: Coolio | 02:06 |
tux | :-) | 02:06 |
ProphetPX | lmao frappi | 02:06 |
davidthedrake | marko: With Ubuntu, it is suggested that you input 'sudo' before your commands to have them run as root | 02:06 |
frappi | i can't stop it tho :( | 02:06 |
pike__ | vmware-server is really good and really free. download it | 02:06 |
marko | marko :0 - 00:52 ?xdm? 1:14m 0.16s x-session-manag | 02:06 |
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marko | marko pts/0 :0.0 02:03 0.00s 0.10s 0.17s gnome-terminal | 02:06 |
marko | what the hell | 02:06 |
frappi | it wont go back into captivity! | 02:06 |
marko | how's that possible ? | 02:06 |
davidthedrake | marko: That being said, you can setup a password for the root user by using: sudo passwd root | 02:06 |
marko | i didn't made 2 accounts | 02:07 |
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Neoxygen3007 | server ok i see | 02:07 |
dariuskane | Anyone ever try encrypting their entire filesystem... I have 2 encrypted drives using lvm2 on top of those as 1 drive and having the partitions under that and it hasnt been working as expected | 02:07 |
marko | davidthedrake, yea i know that | 02:07 |
ProphetPX | ok what the hell is a ram emulator | 02:07 |
ProphetPX | lol | 02:07 |
Kousotu | thx ProphetPX | 02:07 |
ProphetPX | marko you can be logged on twice | 02:07 |
Neoxygen3007 | 5 op one1 gig of ram in the sametime :) | 02:07 |
frappi | Does anyone know a good site for Themes for ubuntu? | 02:07 |
ProphetPX | yw | 02:07 |
anathematic | how do i setup my hostname so i can just use it over the local network without complaining when i load apache? | 02:07 |
=== hou5ton [n=hou5ton@c-76-31-136-28.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dariuskane | ProphetPX, its when windows lies to you and says vista will work fine with 512mb ram | 02:08 |
pike__ | frappi: gnome-look or art.gnome i believe | 02:08 |
marko | ProphetPX, how do i shut down the other account ? | 02:08 |
ProphetPX | hahaha | 02:08 |
frappi | thanks Pike! | 02:08 |
ProphetPX | you dont shut it down you use "logoff" lol | 02:08 |
marko | i mean | 02:08 |
marko | logoff | 02:08 |
marko | sorry.. | 02:08 |
=== vicro [n=vicro@pc-71-223-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | type it and hit enter | 02:08 |
Neoxygen3007 | vista 256 m it ok | 02:08 |
Neoxygen3007 | 128 bit hard but still ok | 02:08 |
frappi | I also like the FireFox browser, i'm stuck with AOL on Windows | 02:09 |
Neoxygen3007 | 128 meg sorry | 02:09 |
ProphetPX | my ex-gf has a dell 1501 laptop and it CRAWLS ... like a real snail with Vista | 02:09 |
dariuskane | If it werent for games I play I wouldve abandoned MS 10 yrs ago and never looked back | 02:09 |
ProphetPX | ditto | 02:09 |
Kousotu | !language | flyback- | 02:09 |
ubotu | flyback-: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:09 |
Neoxygen3007 | use cafeine for games | 02:09 |
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Neoxygen3007 | wine sorry | 02:09 |
=== Jordan_U [n=Jordan_U@h-68-165-173-119.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Neoxygen3007 | lol | 02:10 |
Kousotu | lol | 02:10 |
frappi | oh, the aMSN discription on the Add/Remove window is funny | 02:10 |
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ProphetPX | how so? I love amsn | 02:10 |
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frappi | "friends who haven't seen the light yet" | 02:10 |
frappi | >.< | 02:10 |
ProphetPX | LOL | 02:10 |
frappi | Evil knock on Windows | 02:10 |
ProphetPX | ha | 02:10 |
dariuskane | wine was a good try but its never worked "quite" right for new hardware and software | 02:10 |
frappi | But Windows does Suck really | 02:10 |
Neoxygen3007 | something yery funny append | 02:10 |
ProphetPX | that makes me wonder ... | 02:10 |
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Neoxygen3007 | i watch a stream | 02:11 |
ProphetPX | if when giving a tech demonstration, if Linus has ever experienced a "kernel panic" caught on video in front of a live audience | 02:11 |
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marko | how do i logoff a user in shell ? | 02:11 |
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frappi | Offtopic: eeggs.com is a good site, please do check it out some time | 02:11 |
Neoxygen3007 | but when i put the xchat window the movie stop and download on bacground | 02:11 |
=== tux [n=tux@cpe-76-80-84-102.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | marko: man logoff | 02:11 |
jexsie | :S | 02:11 |
=== medibu_ [n=daniel@dslb-088-073-226-104.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dariuskane | ProphetPX, thatd be funny.... itd be in the hall of shame by now | 02:12 |
stiv2k | can anyone help me diagonose why my printer in CUPS is always disappearing after an arbitrary amount of time has passed since i added it? it happens EVERY time | 02:12 |
marko | No manual entry for logoff | 02:12 |
marko | :> | 02:12 |
ProphetPX | hehehehehe | 02:12 |
frappi | sudo - Super User Do < does that actually make sense? | 02:12 |
ProphetPX | oh | 02:12 |
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ProphetPX | well it might be in: man builtins | 02:12 |
dariuskane | marko, type exit | 02:12 |
ProphetPX | or man built-ins | 02:12 |
Neoxygen3007 | no ubuntu is really good | 02:12 |
tux | david: It gave me another error it seems the same one I wrote some of the error down | 02:12 |
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wolferine | evening all | 02:12 |
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ProphetPX | he wants to know how to logoff another instance of his account from a different shell | 02:12 |
Neoxygen3007 | ho juste one thing | 02:12 |
frappi | i tried Kubuntu, didn't like it | 02:12 |
=== helloRobot [n=hellorob@CPE-69-76-34-134.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wolferine | !ubuntu | 02:13 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 02:13 |
Neoxygen3007 | somebody know one emailing software ? | 02:13 |
frappi | and i can't get Xubuntu to install on VPC | 02:13 |
dariuskane | ProphetPX, Ah.... I usually just ps -ef and kill the shell | 02:13 |
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ProphetPX | try using Alt-F1 thru F6 or F5 I think ... .to get to the extra one that is logged on and then type "logoff" | 02:13 |
Neoxygen3007 | somebody know one emailing software ? | 02:13 |
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frappi | Whats a Desklet? | 02:14 |
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dariuskane | from X you have to hit ctrl+alt+f1..f6 to get the terminal | 02:14 |
frappi | like a Gadget? | 02:14 |
Neoxygen3007 | somebody know one emailing software ? | 02:14 |
ProphetPX | same thing as a chairlet except u dont normally sit on it | 02:14 |
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benanz1 | how to switch to text mode boot during ubuntu bootup? | 02:14 |
=== marko is now known as marko-_- | ||
dariuskane | ProphetPX, speak for yourself.. the cool people sit on desks | 02:14 |
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ProphetPX | lol | 02:14 |
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ProphetPX | well i am cool and i don't. I sit floating in the air | 02:15 |
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dariuskane | ProphetPX, uh huh... I hear theres another comet on the way... you gonna hop on the mothership when it arrives? | 02:15 |
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bart_17 | how do you install: libncurses5-dev?? | 02:15 |
ProphetPX | lol | 02:15 |
ProphetPX | rofl | 02:15 |
=== kruck [n=kruck@host81-155-229-217.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | as soon as i pack my bags and eat my cookie, sure | 02:15 |
benanz1 | bart: sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev | 02:16 |
jrib | !apt > bart_17 (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:16 |
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R3dsh1ft | Isn't there some site online that offers free shell accounts? | 02:16 |
ProphetPX | god that was bizarre | 02:16 |
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ProphetPX | I saw a hollywood movie that paralleled that news story once | 02:16 |
dariuskane | R3dsh1ft, not likely anymore... too much of a risk of abuse | 02:16 |
bart_17 | thnax jrib | 02:16 |
benanz1 | how do I change to text mode during Ubuntu boot up? | 02:16 |
Kousotu | there are a few out there | 02:16 |
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pike__ | R3dsh1ft: freeshells.ch | 02:17 |
R3dsh1ft | dariuskane, No, I know for a fact there is one. At least two, actually. I can't remember the site for the first one. | 02:17 |
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Kousotu | R3dsh1ft: What are you loking to do? | 02:17 |
ProphetPX | hmm | 02:17 |
pike__ | R3dsh1ft: netbsd box | 02:17 |
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dariuskane | R3dsh1ft, didnt say they were all gone... said they werent likely | 02:17 |
flaccid | hey guys, when is next LTS release? | 02:17 |
R3dsh1ft | Kousotu, external testing of my own system. | 02:17 |
ProphetPX | freeshells.ch exists ... i'll be | 02:17 |
kruck | I have installed the firmware for my bcm43xx wireless card, and am using the Wicd Manager. It sees my wireless network and I can input the WEP Key etc. and when I click connect, it hangs at Obtaining IP. If I do not cancel then Wicd manager becomes non-responsive. Does anybody know what might be the problem, or how I could fix it. Alternatively, should I try a different wireless manager, if so what? | 02:17 |
dariuskane | Used to be I had 10 free shell account across the US.... they all went poof eventually | 02:17 |
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pike__ | based in switz i think | 02:18 |
ProphetPX | hmm | 02:18 |
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Kousotu | kruck: the built in WIfi handle doesn't work for you? | 02:19 |
larson9999 | linux rocks | 02:19 |
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stiv2k | can anyone help me diagonose why my printer in CUPS is always disappearing after an arbitrary amount of time has passed since i added it? it happens EVERY time | 02:19 |
marko-_- | omg | 02:19 |
=== beavel [n=beavel@133.238.broadband7.iol.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
flaccid | i guess ubuntu too unstable atm for another lts | 02:19 |
PanicByte | larson9999, stop stating the obvious | 02:19 |
pike__ | probably shouldnt have mentioned my favorite shell server on the most popular irc channel on freenode.. | 02:19 |
beavel | hi | 02:20 |
marko-_- | i restarted the pc and there are still 2 accounts | 02:20 |
marko-_- | marko :0 - 02:18 ?xdm? 8.50s 0.14s x-session-manag | 02:20 |
marko-_- | marko pts/0 :0.0 02:19 0.00s 0.10s 0.00s w | 02:20 |
wolferine | !pastebin | marko-_- | 02:20 |
marko-_- | how is that possible ? | 02:20 |
ubotu | marko-_-: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:20 |
dariuskane | pike__, lol | 02:20 |
Kousotu | stiv2k:I'm sure it unmounts when not in use | 02:20 |
marko-_- | wolf1e, well there are just 2 lines so.. | 02:20 |
wolferine | marko-_-, that was 4 lines, to be exact | 02:20 |
marko-_- | any idea ? | 02:20 |
stiv2k | Kousotu: it only started doing that after i reformatted my hard drive | 02:20 |
=== Ex-Cyber [n=excyber@c-75-70-146-61.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kruck | I uninstalled it (I think) to get Wicd to work (Installed Wicd to try and get another method of installing my wireless to work, which it didn't). Wicd works fine with wired connection however. What is the name of the default wifi manager so I can reinstall it? | 02:20 |
marko-_- | 4 ? | 02:20 |
jrib | did someone forget to give mneptok his meds again? | 02:20 |
stiv2k | Kousotu: before that it worked perfectly | 02:20 |
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wolferine | im sure your able to count to 4 marko-_- else, you wouldnt be here | 02:21 |
marko-_- | wolferine, do you know how that is possible ? | 02:21 |
ProphetPX | 1 2 3 4 | 02:21 |
marko-_- | i see only 2 lines | 02:21 |
larson9999 | PanicByte, can't. i've been posting that daily for 10 years now. it's a veritable habit. | 02:21 |
marko-_- | :D | 02:21 |
wolferine | marko-_-, yes, its the number after 3 | 02:21 |
hollowlife1987 | anyone know how i can get linux-vserver working on fiesty? | 02:21 |
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Neoxygen3007 | how to be de ban ? | 02:21 |
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wolferine | !rules | Neoxygen3007 | 02:21 |
ubotu | Neoxygen3007: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 02:21 |
dariuskane | hollowlife1987, trying to get a vncserver working? | 02:21 |
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Kousotu | stiv2k: sorry, no idea | 02:22 |
beavel | how much space does ubuntu need for normal instrall? | 02:22 |
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hollowlife1987 | dariuskane, no, vps | 02:22 |
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wolferine | beavel, i go a bit over board with 30GB | 02:22 |
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wolferine | beavel, if your not planning alot of packages, you could go 10GB | 02:22 |
dariuskane | hollowlife1987, ah sorry never tried | 02:22 |
=== atome [n=atome@cou93-3-82-235-138-173.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kruck | what is the name of the default wifi manager in Fiesty, so I can reinstall? | 02:22 |
yanger | anyone know of a mail exchange server similar to MS's? | 02:23 |
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yanger | but ubuntuable? | 02:23 |
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atome | slt | 02:23 |
beavel | how come if there is a instalation dvd | 02:23 |
Neoxygen3007 | slt | 02:23 |
frappi | ha ubuntuable! t | 02:23 |
=== {Nathan} [n=nathan@oh-69-69-45-116.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frappi | Thats going in my everyday speech now! | 02:23 |
atome | y a t'il des personnes parlant francais ici ? | 02:23 |
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dariuskane | yanger, why an exchange server | 02:23 |
wolferine | !fr | atome | 02:23 |
ubotu | atome: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 02:23 |
bazookatooth | desu desu desu desu | 02:24 |
atome | slt wolferine | 02:24 |
Neoxygen3007 | oui | 02:24 |
wolferine | pas de problem | 02:24 |
beavel | wlf? | 02:24 |
Jordan_U | beavel, ~ 5 GIG, but it can easily use *much* less | 02:24 |
kevinl_ | hey folks, im trying to get my screen looking right here on a widescreen flatpanel at native 1440x900 , currently the picture is only taking up part of the screen. Using ati driver and ati rage XL card, any pointers please? | 02:24 |
frappi | !en | frappi | 02:24 |
beavel | ok | 02:24 |
dariuskane | frappi, my favorite word has always been "defenestration" | 02:24 |
frappi | haha! pmed | 02:24 |
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bazookatooth | kevin : give up. | 02:24 |
kevinl_ | heh, seriously? | 02:24 |
Neoxygen3007 | et merde | 02:24 |
yanger | hmm not sure if i'm usingthe right termonology/software | 02:24 |
frappi | lol dariuskane | 02:24 |
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dariuskane | yanger, what are you trying to do? | 02:25 |
yanger | i want my ubuntu machine to be able to relay and store emails | 02:25 |
beavel | dari: there is that word in czech history ;-) | 02:25 |
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frappi | I also like "spline" | 02:25 |
frappi | Don't ask | 02:25 |
wolferine | yanger, easier said than done | 02:25 |
dariuskane | yanger, forget exchange for simple email... look at exim or postfix... open source mail servers | 02:25 |
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Jordan_U | beavel, As an example ( though not Ubuntu ) there is a distribution called Damn Small Linux that fits Firefox + media players and a lot of other stuff in under 50 *meg* | 02:25 |
=== Parisi_work vista = memory hog | ||
yanger | i could then check my email from anywhere (outlook, or thunderbird) ? | 02:26 |
jellymaster | I need some help I was trying to install something and it's the only program running and it says "Only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time" and I tried shutting down and restarting but it won't work | 02:26 |
yanger | different pcs, etc. | 02:26 |
=== benanz1 [n=benw@67-40-10-80.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frappi | Vista = 750, Blowing your PC up after = priceless | 02:26 |
benkong2 | help?? I can't get my resolution to change no matter what. I have a gateway with a core 2 duo centrino intel 965G graphics card intel wireless and realtek eth0. | 02:26 |
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benkong2 | What an I check for the video? | 02:27 |
yanger | frappi, get the downgrade :P | 02:27 |
dariuskane | yanger, yes... you need an smtp server to send and receive mail and a pop server to download your mail to your client... or you an map server to do remote mail | 02:27 |
astro76 | !resolution | benkong2 | 02:27 |
ubotu | benkong2: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 02:27 |
Jordan_U | jellymaster, Did a software management tool crash recently? | 02:27 |
Kousotu | frappi: what is 750? lol | 02:27 |
Kousotu | pounds? | 02:27 |
frappi | Ubuntu = Free, Rubbing it in Microsofts face? = Priceless | 02:27 |
benkong2 | astro76; thanks | 02:27 |
larson9999 | it's about $3,000 | 02:27 |
dariuskane | yanger, theres alot of info out there on how to setup mail servers securely with postfix and/or exim | 02:27 |
frappi | 750 sterling | 02:27 |
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frappi | as made by the Mint | 02:28 |
Parisi_work | Well, my experience running Vista on a amd turion single core with 768 RAM: Almost umbearable | 02:28 |
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frappi | XP | 02:28 |
yanger | hmm ok, i'll do research on those two then... thanks dariuskane | 02:28 |
Kousotu | frappi: that's pounds, rght? | 02:28 |
frappi | Yep | 02:28 |
dariuskane | yanger, np good luck | 02:28 |
Kousotu | k | 02:28 |
kruck | Please, can someone tell me how to install the default wifi manager? | 02:28 |
frappi | British Pounds Sterling | 02:28 |
Kousotu | that's expesivr lol | 02:28 |
frappi | that was only pro | 02:28 |
Jordan_U | larson9999, Wouldn't it be ~ 1,400 ? | 02:28 |
frappi | think about Ultimate | 02:28 |
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Kousotu | how much for basic? | 02:28 |
frappi | erm... | 02:28 |
beavel | jordan, I have Debian 1 CD install on an old lappy and always wants me to install some extra stuff. I did not get ONE downloaded aplication running | 02:28 |
jellymaster | Jordan_U:hmmm not that I remember of,and i'm the only one who uses this computer one might have and I didn't notice when I was trying to get my wireless working | 02:28 |
frappi | 200 - 300 | 02:28 |
Parisi_work | Vista on my am2 dual core with 1 gig ram is decent tho. | 02:28 |
frappi | i think | 02:29 |
dariuskane | yanger, right now the only thing you CANT do with linux and open source software is be an Active Directory Domain Master.... but samab 4 is working on that | 02:29 |
larson9999 | Jordan_U, was a joke on the state of the dollar | 02:29 |
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Jordan_U | larson9999, lol | 02:29 |
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hende07 | so i downloaded the planeshift game for linux 64 and i cant get it to install it says no suitable aplication | 02:29 |
frappi | Alienware pc = 8,500, Vist | 02:29 |
frappi | damn! | 02:30 |
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frappi | ruined the joke | 02:30 |
frappi | :( | 02:30 |
bart_17 | jrib: i have followed this guide and everthing complied properly... do i have to install the compiled packages? how? thanx http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=251383 | 02:30 |
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frappi | i can't feel my leg | 02:30 |
frappi | brb | 02:30 |
jrib | bart_17: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=251383 is a bit old, i would be wary of following it, but if you do install stuff you compiled, use checkinstall instead of "make install" | 02:30 |
jrib | !checkinstall > bart_17 (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:30 |
frappi | back | 02:30 |
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Kousotu | frappi: Alienware is $3,000usd easy lol | 02:30 |
frappi | lol | 02:31 |
frappi | well sorry! | 02:31 |
Jordan_U | bart_17, That was the "sudo make install" part | 02:31 |
isomorphic | does anyone know how to get the new screenlets to work properly? | 02:31 |
jellymaster | what can I do Jordan_U? I don't remember one crashing but maybe one did when I wasn't paying close attention. | 02:31 |
Eggit[away] | This will hopefully be an easy newbie file. I just added some text to a file in the terminal, how do I save the change and back out? | 02:31 |
frappi | lucky americans | 02:31 |
frappi | I envy you | 02:31 |
Kousotu | lol | 02:31 |
Kousotu | frappi: you make more than we do I bet | 02:31 |
=== shore [n=sca22@puntarenas-a203.racsa.co.cr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frappi | ...see about that... | 02:31 |
Jordan_U | jellymaster, What error do you get when you run "sudo apt-get install foo" ? | 02:31 |
astro76 | Eggit[away] , what editor are you using, vi? | 02:32 |
faileas | frappi: alienware is overrated, someone can build a better system, cheaper, in singapore, from parts from our computer mall ;p | 02:32 |
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Eggit[away] | astro76 apps/acessories/terminal | 02:32 |
frappi | Unrealted, did you know SEGA is coming back? | 02:32 |
Parisi_work | Windows is good for certain things Example: Bioshock :) | 02:32 |
frappi | BIOSHOCK! | 02:32 |
frappi | :D :D :D | 02:32 |
astro76 | Eggit[away] , that's the terminal, but what did you type to edit the file? | 02:32 |
Parisi_work | I am downloading the demo as i type this. | 02:33 |
Jordan_U | Eggit[away] , How did you open the file? | 02:33 |
frappi | I'm getting it on the 60 | 02:33 |
frappi | 360* | 02:33 |
Kousotu | faileas: I have a better pc than some versions of alinware laptops | 02:33 |
faileas | Parisi_work: windows is an unparalled os for games ;) | 02:33 |
jellymaster | dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem | 02:33 |
frappi | I don't play games on my computer | 02:33 |
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dariuskane | alienware used to be cutting edge at a decent price.... they kind of lost that edge | 02:33 |
Eggit[away] | atro76 sudo nano ? | 02:33 |
Parisi_work | frpp Nice! I am curious to see the PC version, i will be purchasing a 360 later on this year. | 02:33 |
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frappi | Dell, now theres a computer! | 02:33 |
=== moffa [n=mosin@bas9-toronto63-1177642651.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parisi_work | I think i am going with a Mac for my next PC | 02:34 |
Jordan_U | Eggit[away] , Ctrl+X, when it askes if you want to save say "y" | 02:34 |
faileas | Kousotu: SLS= 2 floors of small computer shops. hugely competitive so prices are damn good. Their cheaper and faster than dell ;p | 02:34 |
frappi | Parisi_work, the 360 version is sweet | 02:34 |
frappi | it isn't out, but i got a demo | 02:34 |
Parisi_work | frappi Oh yes! | 02:34 |
scam | Testing port 56473 ... NAT Error... only machine i have problems and I have the ports forwarded correctly | 02:34 |
frappi | obvo | 02:34 |
scam | any ideas | 02:34 |
=== myusrnm [n=ranjan@pool-71-112-43-223.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scam | this is with azureus | 02:34 |
Eggit[away] | aha thanks, I saw all the commands at the bottom but i didn't releaze that "^" meant ctrl+ | 02:35 |
Parisi_work | frappi I wonder how the PC compares to it. | 02:35 |
Kousotu | faileas: SLS?? | 02:35 |
frappi | I connected my 360 to my PC with WMC, i know am a proud owner of a 500+ paperweight | 02:35 |
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Jordan_U | Parisi_work, If you plan on dual booting Linux make sure you look at the specs carefully, Apple likes ATI much more than I would like... | 02:35 |
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=== SpotSec [n=potatobo@adsl-68-94-58-2.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parisi_work | frappi You mean for streaming purposes? | 02:36 |
faileas | sim lim square. 4-5 story building chock full of computer shops | 02:36 |
frappi | 500+ and 500lbs+ >.< | 02:36 |
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faileas | top 2, 2 1/2 floors are computers, bottom floor is electronics | 02:36 |
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Kousotu | faileas: YOu are aware I live in the USA right? | 02:36 |
Kousotu | lol | 02:36 |
scam | how do you allow certaint ports to pass threw on ubuntu? | 02:36 |
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viciousdjoker | Hi, I need some help, everytime i go to boot ubuntu. It comes up with the install screen, i press enter on install then it says-> It loaded kernal and that it is live then. It just go blanks and crashes. | 02:37 |
Parisi_work | Jordan_U I think i would barely see the need to run Linux on my Mac (with the exception of curiosity), i have the AMD desktop for that. | 02:37 |
faileas | Kousotu: yes. i'm just making us non americans feel better | 02:37 |
Jordan_U | !firewall > scam | 02:37 |
frappi | You have Taco Bell, we don't :( | 02:37 |
undermined | vicious: Take out the CD | 02:37 |
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viciousdjoker | i already did | 02:37 |
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noelferreira | i need help to establish a remote connection to a computer outside my lan usind a dyndns account. any help? | 02:37 |
hende07 | can anyone help me | 02:37 |
faileas | .... yanno, when i asked that yesterday i was told firewalls were too complictaed and i should aks in #linux | 02:37 |
Kousotu | faileas: I bet you could get a new PC with XP on it, I can't :( | 02:37 |
=== kruc1 [n=Kit@host81-155-229-217.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
clawtros | I remember reading about the possibility of dynamic themes way back when I was drooling over Luminocity - has there been any work on that? My googles came up short. | 02:38 |
faileas | noelferreira: what kinda remote configureation | 02:38 |
scam | Jordan_U < life | 02:38 |
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faileas | Kousotu: more importantly i can get a new pc WITHOUT xp if i wanted ;) | 02:38 |
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Kousotu | lol | 02:38 |
Grungebunny | clawtros what do you consider to be dynamic themes? like widgets? | 02:38 |
Kousotu | faileas: you're taling to a gamer here, I like my XP tyvm | 02:38 |
hende07 | i downloaded planeshift and it was a bin file butg it wont open it says there is no suitable application | 02:39 |
faileas | (i used a copy of XP i got on MSDN on my latest... so no xp bought) ;p | 02:39 |
john3293 | it says that "Atheros Hardware Access Layer (HAL)" drivers are installed and enabled, yet my wireless card is not working... any suggestions? | 02:39 |
faileas | lol | 02:39 |
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adnan_ | hey guys which instant messaging client do you use on ubuntu? gaim looks a little gay to me interface wise | 02:39 |
viciousdjoker | underminded> it doesnt even install | 02:39 |
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Kousotu | john3293: What atheros card? | 02:39 |
faileas | Kousotu: windows is my primary OS. Ubuntu is mainly VMs | 02:39 |
undermined | oh, you can't install it at all? | 02:39 |
Grungebunny | john I found a good fix that got my wireless card working... | 02:39 |
hende07 | kopete and gaim | 02:39 |
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clawtros | Grungebunny, like semi-random widgets, I can find a link. | 02:39 |
viciousdjoker | underminded> nope | 02:39 |
frappi | Faileas, you using... what Vmware? | 02:39 |
Jordan_U | scam, That wasn't a greater than symbol if that is what you thought, it was to tell the channel bot to PM you info on firewalls in Ubuntu | 02:39 |
Kousotu | faileas: I run a 5GB partion of ubuntu Gutsy tribe 4 | 02:40 |
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undermined | vicious: have you tried burning another cd? | 02:40 |
faileas | frappi: yeah | 02:40 |
kruc1 | Wicd hangs on Obtaining IP address whenever it tried to connect to my wireless network, does anyone know how I can connect via Wicd or otherwise? | 02:40 |
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faileas | or wubi | 02:40 |
hende07 | i downloaded planeshift and it was a bin file butg it wont open it says there is no suitable application | 02:40 |
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Kousotu | and I VM a few other Linux distros | 02:40 |
viciousdjoker | underminded> they were sent | 02:40 |
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Jordan_U | john3293, Do you see the network manager applet in the top right of your screen? | 02:40 |
Grungebunny | John http://i-eat-noobs.blogspot.com/2007/08/get-wireless-working-in-ubuntu-704.html | 02:40 |
clawtros | Grungebunny, http://www.gnome.org/~seth/blog/xshots - like this kind of stuff, the "dyanmic theming" is about halfway down\ | 02:40 |
frappi | I love the multiple desktops on Ubuntu | 02:41 |
undermined | vicious: hmm... no idea what's going on | 02:41 |
frappi | best feature ever! | 02:41 |
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faileas | lol | 02:41 |
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faileas | every linux distro has it | 02:41 |
Kousotu | faileas: think you could get a NEW pc with 98 on it? ;) | 02:41 |
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frappi | oh Faileas, I'm using VPC | 02:41 |
beavel | have you seen the Beryl in action on youtube? | 02:41 |
john3293 | Kousotu: intel PRO/Wireless 3945BG | 02:41 |
faileas | Kousotu: no, but i coulf install 98 on it myself | 02:42 |
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undermined | 3D cube is awesome | 02:42 |
Kousotu | lol | 02:42 |
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Kousotu | john3293: That isn't atheros | 02:42 |
Kousotu | lol | 02:42 |
faileas | frappi: i prefer VMware server over VPC. VPC has a rather... wierd interface. | 02:42 |
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Kousotu | faileas: pm ok? | 02:42 |
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faileas | granted i hardly ever USE the vmware server interface other than initial setup. | 02:42 |
faileas | Kousotu: one moment | 02:43 |
Kousotu | k | 02:43 |
faileas | sure | 02:43 |
frappi | Faileas, i've... ehem... tweaked mine, luckly i doubt microsoft guys are here | 02:43 |
kruc1 | what wireless network manager does everyone use then? | 02:43 |
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faileas | checking if i ided ;p | 02:43 |
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noelferreira | i need help to establish a remote connection to a computer outside my lan usind a dyndns account. any help? | 02:43 |
faileas | ;p | 02:43 |
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faileas | noelferreira: text or gui? | 02:43 |
slackfaceware | office2007 is the best office suite i ever used | 02:43 |
RxDx | how can i restore my ipod to factory defaults (original firmware again)? I am a linux user, so I dont have iTunes. | 02:43 |
john3293 | Kousotu: I think I'm looking at the wrong thing.. here's what lspci reports 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 001c (rev 01) | 02:43 |
noelferreira | using vnc faileas | 02:43 |
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RxDx | ? ipod | 02:44 |
RxDx | ipod | 02:44 |
adnan_ | guys does anyone know a way around the lame touchpad support for laptops? I miss double tapping to engage drag and drop now I have to actually use the click buttons it sucks so much | 02:44 |
frappi | I'm gonna shoot off now, i'll be back, with more guns! | 02:44 |
Jordan_U | john3293, Do you see the network manager applet in the top right of your screen? | 02:44 |
kruc1 | adnan: all works as it does in windows for me :S | 02:45 |
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faileas | noelferreira: don't mind the suggestion, but unless you need the java GUI, i'd suggest using freenx. also the client for dynamic ip updates i know of dosen't work in a lan... | 02:45 |
wizardyesterday | Previously, cardctl had to be used to eject a pcmcia card on Linux. I notice that the new pcmcia utils don't provide that... | 02:45 |
contef | I've gotten the package manager fowled up. How can I fix it? | 02:45 |
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john3293 | Jordan_U: yea... it says wired connection and modem... no wireless | 02:45 |
Jordan_U | adnan_, It's all configurable | 02:45 |
wizardyesterday | Is cardctl no longer necessary on the current release of Ubuntu? | 02:45 |
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adnan_ | Jordan, is it really? | 02:45 |
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jaime | hola compadres | 02:46 |
undermined | does anyone know how to reset the keyboard, my 's' key doesn't work, i need to copy/paste an 's' every time i use it. | 02:46 |
keen | does anyone know how to map your keyboard in snes9x? | 02:46 |
dariuskane | contef, if you know what you did wrong you can use the alternate terminal pkg manager.. aptitude | 02:46 |
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Jordan_U | adnan_, Some things in System -> Preferences ->Mouse, others unfortunately require editing the xorg.conf ( like two fingered scrolling ) | 02:46 |
adnan_ | oh........ | 02:46 |
jaime | i installed flash on my 64 amd and it works for the most part...when i open two windows of firefox it stops working, anyone have any ideas? | 02:46 |
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noelferreira | faileas i have everything configured including static ip adress in the server. i just can't connect to it using vnc. i also opened pport 5900 in the router. | 02:46 |
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contef | I tried to installl a couple versions of apache and have goten the package manager fowled up. How can I fix it? | 02:46 |
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adnan_ | Jordan_U i don't want to bugger things up editing xorg :( i'm a n00b with ubuntu atm | 02:47 |
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Jordan_U | adnan_, I don't know where to configure double tap dragging but it works By default for me on Edgy | 02:47 |
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kruc1 | EASY QUESTION what is the name of the default wireless manager on fiesty? I uninstalled it and i need it again! | 02:47 |
faileas | noelferreira: is the port firewalled in the system running vnc server? | 02:47 |
keen | soooo no... | 02:47 |
Jordan_U | adnan_, s/edgy/feisty | 02:47 |
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contef | dariuskane, Aptitude... Ok. I'll see if I can undo with aptitude | 02:47 |
Jordan_U | kruc1, network-manager-gnome | 02:47 |
kruc1 | thankyou | 02:47 |
slackfaceware | it seems that linux needs alot configuration for things that need a click in windows | 02:48 |
wowbagger421 | what is the serial port called in ubuntu? is it ttyS0? | 02:48 |
Jordan_U | john3293, Is your wireless set to roaming mode in System -> Admin -> Networking? | 02:48 |
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xero9364 | Hooray! | 02:48 |
dariuskane | I recommend NX Server over vnc ... same protocols but nx works over ssh by default | 02:48 |
adnan_ | Jordan_U, where abouts is xorg.conf? | 02:48 |
dariuskane | easier to setup | 02:48 |
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john3293 | Jordan_U: No wireless shows up... only wired and modem | 02:48 |
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Jordan_U | adnan_, /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... but it is not exactly intuitive to edit :( | 02:49 |
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Kousotu | john3293: does it say "other wireless"? | 02:49 |
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Jordan_U | john3293, Can you pastebin your /etc/networking/interfaces ? | 02:49 |
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adnan_ | Jordan_U, well i'll give it a try , i need to configure it cos its driving me mad | 02:49 |
jaime | i installed flash via the nspluginwrapper thing, flash only works for a certain amount of time when i have firefox open | 02:49 |
jaime | any ideas? | 02:49 |
noelferreira | no faileas | 02:50 |
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wowbagger421 | what are the serial ports called in ubuntu? | 02:50 |
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Jordan_U | adnan_, What version of Ubuntu are you using? Because like I said it works by default for me. Also, do you have a synaptics touch pad? | 02:50 |
anubis | hello | 02:50 |
gottatrieit | Good evening, all. I have a gNu-Bee question about naming. I need to change the part of my sign in name after the user. | 02:50 |
noelferreira | i did port forwarding to port 5900 in the server ip faileas | 02:50 |
n2diy | wowbagger421: ttySX | 02:50 |
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anubis | I just installed ubuntu 7.04 on my sedktop | 02:50 |
anubis | desktop** | 02:50 |
wowbagger421 | thank you much | 02:51 |
faileas | noelferreira: ok... *now* i'm stumped | 02:51 |
adnan_ | Jordan_U I downloaded the latest release last night, and what is synaptics touchpad? sorry to sound ignorent | 02:51 |
undermined | i accidentally rebound my 's' key on another program, is there a way to make it so the keyboard can type 's' again? I have to copy/paste it | 02:51 |
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xero9364 | Jordan_U: If this helps, my mom uses a Synaptics on her laptop, and it worked out of the box on 7.04 | 02:51 |
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anubis | having problems starting desktop effects using ATI video card | 02:51 |
anubis | anyone know how to fix it? | 02:51 |
ju_ | normal | 02:51 |
slackfaceware | after using linux on laptop, i rather goes back to windows xp | 02:51 |
ju_ | use nvidia | 02:51 |
Vlet | I added two drives to my fstab to have them automounted, but upon reboot they were not. I had to then manually mount -a in order to mount them.. why? | 02:51 |
gottatrieit | The part after "@". | 02:51 |
illriginal | anyone know if SATA, PCI Express, and Quad processors are compatible with Ubuntu? | 02:51 |
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Jordan_U | !synaptics | adnan_ | 02:51 |
ubotu | adnan_: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad | 02:51 |
Some_Person | What the **** happened to rn? | 02:51 |
Vlet | illriginal: yes yes yes | 02:51 |
ju_ | illriginal, they are. | 02:52 |
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adnan_ | Jordan_U, ok thanks dude | 02:52 |
illriginal | good, im about to blow $1,200 on parts | 02:52 |
DsUser[Afk] | !list | 02:52 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 02:52 |
Some_Person | I get "bash: /usr/bin/rn: No such file or directory" | 02:52 |
Vlet | illriginal: get me one too ;) | 02:52 |
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Jordan_U | adnan_, I think that most are, I havn't come across one yet that isn't | 02:52 |
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illriginal | lol and how about a terabyte hard drive? | 02:52 |
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Jordan_U | Some_Person, rm, not rn | 02:52 |
Vlet | illriginal: 5 please... raid | 02:52 |
dariuskane | Anyone here tried encrypting their root partition.. things arent working as anticipated | 02:52 |
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illriginal | woot | 02:52 |
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adnan_ | Jordan_U, ok dude, I shall pester you for your excellence again if I am stuck lol | 02:52 |
Some_Person | Jordan_U: I thought rn was rename no? | 02:53 |
illriginal | thanks for letting me know Vlet and Ju, really appreciate it! | 02:53 |
Jordan_U | Some_Person, No, mv and rename are rename :) | 02:53 |
Some_Person | Jordan_U: Isn't mv move? | 02:53 |
Vlet | Some_Person: use mv | 02:53 |
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kitche | Some_Person: yes mv is move but most use it for renmae | 02:54 |
anubis | anyone? | 02:54 |
dariuskane | Some_Person, youve just been corrupted by windows... you cant actually rename files... you move them to another name | 02:54 |
kitche | rename* | 02:54 |
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Some_Person | oh | 02:54 |
Some_Person | i get it | 02:54 |
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jaime | i need to fix flash, it works when one window of firefox is open but no more | 02:54 |
Jordan_U | Some_Person, Yes, but if you think about it, doing "mv /path/to/foo.txt /path/to/bar.txt" renames foo.txt to bar.txt | 02:54 |
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Vlet | anubis: desktop effects + ati is kind of tricky depending on which card you have | 02:55 |
Jordan_U | Some_Person, rn is a usenet reader :) | 02:55 |
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Some_Person | or mv foo.txt foo.bar renames it to foo.bar? | 02:55 |
faileas | dariuskane: funny thing is when i was a newbie i aliased rn to mv.... until i realied how dangerous it was ;p | 02:55 |
benkong2 | can someone look at he output here and give me a hint as to my monitorrange? http://pastebin.ca/665010 | 02:55 |
Jordan_U | Some_Person, Exactly | 02:55 |
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Vlet | anubis: I've have mixed results getting it to work with my x1300... not working well enough to actually use reliably | 02:55 |
davidthedrake | The rename command is for using Perl based expressions to rename several files. | 02:55 |
dariuskane | faileas, hehe bad habits are hard tobreak :) | 02:55 |
adnan_ | Jordan_U, thanks for the link, it states that in some situations the touchpad is confused with some wacom device by default and I states how to get around this. Thanks for your help, much appreciated | 02:56 |
Some_Person | rn is a usenet reader? | 02:56 |
Jordan_U | adnan_, np | 02:56 |
adnan_ | :) | 02:56 |
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Jordan_U | Some_Person, Yup, a very old one too :) | 02:56 |
pvl | how do you give the terminal administrative rights? | 02:56 |
undermined | sudo | 02:57 |
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Jordan_U | !sudo | pvl | 02:57 |
ubotu | pvl: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 02:57 |
ToddEDM | hey guys, what do i do with .run files? | 02:57 |
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ToddEDM | im trying to install Enemy territory | 02:57 |
moffa | you run it from a shell | 02:57 |
dariuskane | ToddEDM, .chase them | 02:57 |
Montay | can anyone asisst with installing proper nvidia display drivers in ubuntu? | 02:57 |
moffa | so in a terminal type ./filename.run | 02:57 |
ToddEDM | thanks | 02:57 |
ToddEDM | moffa | 02:57 |
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Jordan_U | ToddEDM, and if that doesn't work then chmod +x them | 02:58 |
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Vlet | Montay: have you tried the restricted drivers control panel? | 02:58 |
Montay | yeah i got that working. | 02:58 |
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Vlet | Montay: you got what working? the control panel? | 02:58 |
Montay | Vlet: is it not better to install the latest ones from nvidia or is the restricted driver the best? | 02:58 |
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Chippy | hey, using gparted is there any way to resize a partition to use space before the partition itself? | 02:59 |
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jellymaster | ok im sorry just went and fixed my internet it crashed right after I asked how do I fix the installer error where it says another is running though there isn't? | 02:59 |
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Montay | vlet:i have enabled the restricted driver | 02:59 |
undermined | i accidentally rebound my 's' key on another program, is there a way to make it so the keyboard can type 's' again? I have to copy/paste it | 02:59 |
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Aval0n | anyone know how to get ac3 passthrough working? | 02:59 |
Jordan_U | benkong2, Have you looked at the contents of http://pastebin.ca/665010 ? | 02:59 |
moffa | Chippy you can slide the partition forward | 02:59 |
frappi | I need help with my Flash player | 02:59 |
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benkong2 | Jordan_U; yes I think so | 03:00 |
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kruck | thanks guys, wireless now working perfectly :) took yonks to connect (shoddy BT HomeHub) but now i don't have to share my cable with my gaming rig :D | 03:00 |
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Vlet | Montay: oh, you mean the latest... not sure about that... check the version of the driver installed using synaptic and compare it to the version on nvidia's site to see if you need to bother | 03:00 |
dariuskane | undermined, never had that happen but check the config files in your home directory.. usually hidden files with a . as the first character... perhaps its stored there | 03:00 |
Chippy | moffa: the free space is before the partition though, so I can't slide anything forward... | 03:00 |
Montay | Vlet: will do :) | 03:00 |
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Jordan_U | benkong2, Look again, I think you posted the wrong link... lol | 03:00 |
inazad | I would like to use my webcam ... How ? | 03:00 |
undermined | ok, i'll check | 03:00 |
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benkong2 | I followed the ubotu docs but still the resolution app | 03:00 |
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bobsomebody | inazad, plug it in and cross your fingers? | 03:00 |
kruck | that's a point inazad, I would also like to use my webcam :) | 03:00 |
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Jordan_U | benkong2, An except from that paste "Well isn't it my business if someone unexpectedly goes into a strip routine right in front of me? " | 03:00 |
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moffa | Chippy you just have to select free space before partition to zero | 03:01 |
benkong2 | oops http://pastebin.ca/665040 | 03:01 |
saxartist | Hi all, if I keep my home directory and reinstall, will that be enough to preserve, say, ff and konq book marks, and if not, how would I do so? | 03:01 |
frappi | My Flash play is running too fast | 03:01 |
frappi | player* | 03:01 |
Chippy | moffa: free space before partition is greyed out :S | 03:01 |
benkong2 | Jordan_U; sorry a typo | 03:01 |
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afaik | hey | 03:01 |
dariuskane | saxartist, is your home directory on a seperate partition? | 03:01 |
pike__ | saxartist: pretty seamless after you set it up in fstab | 03:01 |
afaik | can someone tell me what the dock in the top of the screen he is using is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD7QraljRfM&mode=related&search= | 03:01 |
afaik | ? | 03:01 |
jellymaster | i'm still trying to get my wireless to work it says it connected to the router but no internet is coming in | 03:01 |
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orudie_ | i'm about to download the firefox java plugin, should i get the Linux RPM (self-extracting file) or Linux (self-extracting file) ? | 03:02 |
frappi | Someone please help... | 03:02 |
kruck | also, in teamspeak my mic. is really quiet. I am assuming mic boost gain is not enabled. How do I enable it? | 03:02 |
benkong2 | at any rate the resolution selections are corect in my xorg.conf but no matter what all I get is 1024x768@30 | 03:02 |
moffa | Chippy are you sure there is free space in-front of it? | 03:02 |
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wanger | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD7QraljRfM&mode=related&search= | 03:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | !rpm | 03:02 |
ubotu | RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 03:02 |
csc` | kruck: do you use KDE? | 03:02 |
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Jordan_U | benkong2, Are you having a problem getting full resolution? | 03:02 |
kruck | nope, GNOME | 03:02 |
benkong2 | this is 1280x800 with an intel graphics chip using the intel driver | 03:02 |
Chippy | moffa: it's listed as "unallocated", I just resized another partition to release that space | 03:02 |
saxartist | dariuskane: no, it's on one partition, but I have an extra partition, I can copy it. pike__: how would I do that? | 03:02 |
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benkong2 | Jordan_U; yes | 03:02 |
IndyGunFreak | orudie you don't want rpm files.. ubuntu is debian based | 03:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | !java > orudie_: | 03:02 |
csc` | kruck: either way use gnome or kde's mixer to enable the mic boost switch | 03:02 |
afaik | anyone? | 03:02 |
frappi | Anyone know how to slow flash playback? | 03:02 |
pike__ | kruck: alsamixer there is a mic boost you can use < > keys to enable/disable | 03:02 |
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kruck | alsamixer? | 03:03 |
moffa | Chippy: have you tried to refresh the device information? | 03:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | orudie_: Have you tried the one in the repo yet? | 03:03 |
Nobelman^ | /exec -o yes | 03:03 |
Jordan_U | benkong2, Ahh, so you are using the intel driver instead of the i810 driver? | 03:03 |
kruck | is that preinstalled? | 03:03 |
IndyGunFreak | afaik: google "How to make Ubuntu look like a Mac".. there's several walk throughs on the net | 03:03 |
pike__ | kruck: and volume as well you can adjust. just run alsamixer in terminal | 03:03 |
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orudie_ | Jack_Sparrow, repo? | 03:03 |
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orudie_ | Jack_Sparrow, i'm sorry i'm new | 03:03 |
Chippy | moffa: sure have, no luck | 03:03 |
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pvl | i think my screen saver has been freezing my computer | 03:03 |
benkong2 | Jordan_U; yes | 03:03 |
pike__ | kruck: yeah | 03:03 |
kruck | thanks dude | 03:03 |
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dariuskane | saxartist, the installer perfers you reformat partitions during install... anything you want to keep copy to your other partition... when the install is done copy it back to where its supposed to be | 03:03 |
moffa | Chippy what type of partition is it? | 03:03 |
benkong2 | This is a new laptop should I be using the i810 | 03:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | orudie_: Repository... where tested and safe versions are found... | 03:03 |
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Chippy | moffa: that I want to resize? ext3 | 03:04 |
kruck | cheers pike | 03:04 |
pike__ | :) | 03:04 |
IndyGunFreak | orudie: what are you trying to install | 03:04 |
orudie_ | Jack_Sparrow, oooh, sho should i go to applications--> add/remove? | 03:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | orudie_: system..admin...synaptic | 03:04 |
Jordan_U | benkong2, No, it's just that most people who have resolution problems with intel cards are using it, but should use the intel driver | 03:04 |
moffa | Chippy: are you currently using it now? ie is it mounted | 03:04 |
saxartist | dariuskane: I know that, but I just want to not lose my preferences for apps | 03:04 |
saxartist | those are mostly in /home, correct? | 03:04 |
Chippy | moffa: nope, live cd | 03:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | orudie_: It is better than add/remove..... you can also apt-get from a terminal .etc... Lots of ways to do things. | 03:04 |
frappi | Anyone know how to slow Flash Playback, as it runs too quickly for me | 03:05 |
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dariuskane | saxartist, yes the X application setting typically reside on /home | 03:05 |
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saxartist | great | 03:05 |
saxartist | thanks | 03:05 |
benkong2 | Jordan_U; I also do not have the i915 enabled. | 03:05 |
moffa | Chippy: not sure, maybe restart that's quite awkward | 03:05 |
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pike__ | saxartist: i think most users after a while choose to move home to a sep partition for that reason. i use same home for 3 diff distros | 03:05 |
jisamsu | hi | 03:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | orudie_: I gotta run... just wanted to stop you from a mistake.. | 03:05 |
bur[n] er_ | anyone know of a way to work with itunes 7 daap shares? I know I can share to them, I hear it, but I can't see their lists but I see it in avahi browser | 03:05 |
Chippy | moffa: I'll say... | 03:05 |
Jordan_U | benkong2, It shouldn't be needed with the intel driver | 03:05 |
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jellymaster | How do I fix the error "Only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time." When only one is running(I asked before but my internet crashed before I could get an answer) | 03:05 |
moffa | Chippy: try restarting and let me know | 03:05 |
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dariuskane | personally I use 4 partitions... / , /usr, /home and /var | 03:06 |
Chippy | moffa: I could try QTParted, is that reliable? | 03:06 |
jisamsu | anyone knows where to get the driver for Canon i255? | 03:06 |
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Aval0n | anyone know how to get optical out working in fiesty fawn? | 03:06 |
saxartist | pike__: that's pretty neat | 03:06 |
saxartist | I dual boot xp | 03:06 |
benkong2 | here is my xorg.conf http://pastebin.ca/665050 | 03:06 |
Jordan_U | Aval0n, On my card I just need to unmute it in alsamixer | 03:06 |
saxartist | and I've messed up this install with wayyy too much experiementation... sound stopped working when I "upgraded" to ubustudio | 03:06 |
jisamsu | the only way I can make Canon i255 work is by using TurboPrint, and it's not free | 03:06 |
moffa | Chippy: yes, I've tried Qparted -- sorry back in 5 | 03:07 |
Aval0n | jordan very cool | 03:07 |
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Aval0n | is it a command line? | 03:07 |
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jellymaster | jisamsu: http://www.printcountry.com/drivers/CANON_I255_DRIVER_DOWNLOAD.htm is that the one you need first result on google | 03:07 |
undermined | i accidentally rebound my 's' key on another program, is there a way to make it so the keyboard can type 's' again? I have to copy/paste it | 03:07 |
Jordan_U | Aval0n, Yes, but it's got a pseudo GUI interface | 03:07 |
benkong2 | in gnome my panels stop short of the right side about an inch and a half top and bottom and my gdm login screen is about 1 and 1/2 inches left aligned | 03:07 |
Aval0n | cool | 03:07 |
hypknight | Hello All, | 03:07 |
Aval0n | what's to command? | 03:07 |
Aval0n | just alsa-mixer? | 03:07 |
pmatpgn | Hi. I've juut setup bind941 in ubuntu 704. got it setup & working for resolver, query, auth, forwarding, etc. | 03:07 |
pmatpgn | Now, I'm trying to use bind9's "blackhole" subdirective. Pretty simple -- or so I thought. I've created an acl (containing a single IP A.D.D.R) in my named.conf, then referenced the Acl in the blackhole subdirective in the 'options' stanza. Restart the server, and -- | 03:07 |
pmatpgn | I still get a "real" response from "host A.D.D.R" -- which is not what I expected. Should it not FAIL, or somesuch? | 03:07 |
jisamsu | thanks, testing it out | 03:07 |
Jordan_U | Aval0n, "alsamixer" | 03:07 |
dariuskane | undermined, didnt find it in any files in your /home? | 03:08 |
Aval0n | cool lemme give that a shot thanks man | 03:08 |
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undermined | nope, none that would fix it | 03:08 |
undermined | i couldn't find what to edit | 03:08 |
jellymaster | Can someone help my wireless card I just bought earlier just for ubuntu now works and it says it's connecting to my network but not getting internet what can I do my information is all correct | 03:08 |
dariuskane | undermined, have you tried restarting the app that rebound your key and set them to default? | 03:08 |
=== z0rz_ [n=z0rz@doc-24-32-48-218.we.ok.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tck | is there a reason why gnome-control-center was removed from Administration menu? | 03:09 |
undermined | dariu: nope, i'll give it a try | 03:09 |
tck | i can invoke it from the command line | 03:09 |
saxartist | I "upgraded" to ubuntu studio, with the package installation, and when it booted, the funky GDM error messages came up and I was left with command line. | 03:09 |
dariuskane | jellymaster, does your wireless card have an ip..... ifconfig | 03:09 |
saxartist | So I reverted to the "nv" driver, and it booted right | 03:09 |
z0rz_ | I just installed Ubuntu and now my computer booted up and just says grub> _ | 03:10 |
saxartist | now I have no sound, and no nvidia. | 03:10 |
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Aval0n | jordan | 03:10 |
saxartist | any comments? | 03:10 |
Aval0n | it looks like it have blocks in it | 03:10 |
Aval0n | does that mean it's unmuted? | 03:10 |
jellymaster | z0rz_: that means all that happened was the hard drive was erased or it can't read the OS data and u need to reinstall ubuntu happened to me my first time | 03:10 |
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undermined | darius: well i killed the program, and now my s key works, thanks | 03:10 |
hypknight | bit of an odd question, I'm trying to install ubuntu on a SLI rig with an ASUS A8N32SLI-DELUXE and during the install the splash screen appears perfectly, but at the point where I get a mouse cursor the screen turns a solid peach color and it just sits there... I can move the mouse, but I can't see what's on the screen... any ideas? | 03:11 |
dariuskane | ANy here tried encrypting their root partition? Mine isnt working as expected | 03:11 |
dariuskane | undermined, great | 03:11 |
jisamsu | jellymaster: Nope, it's not available. "Currently unavailable, please use the additional search links below. We will be happy to add this driver to our database upon request." | 03:11 |
jellymaster | dariuskane: What do you mean ip.....ifconfig? | 03:11 |
Jordan_U | Aval0n, Are you sure that is the optical out, there should be other channels and for me optical is like a line out in that the volume can't be changed | 03:11 |
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dariuskane | jellymaster, type ifconfig.... does your wireless card show up with an ip address in that list | 03:11 |
jellymaster | jisamsu: that link I gave u didn't work? hold on i'll look around for one again in a sec did u try canons actual website? | 03:12 |
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miturburu | hi all | 03:12 |
jisamsu | jellymaster: I did | 03:12 |
z0rz_ | jellymaster: Reinstalled twice now.. I'll try a third time | 03:12 |
jisamsu | jellymaster: they said, it's not available at the moment | 03:12 |
Jordan_U | Aval0n, If it has "MM" At the bottom it is muted, if it has "OO" it is not, use the m key to mute/unmute a channel, arrow keys to switch channels | 03:12 |
miturburu | I just upgraded to gutsy | 03:12 |
miturburu | there are a couple of packages that left broken | 03:13 |
Jordan_U | miturburu, #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy | 03:13 |
miturburu | ohh | 03:13 |
kruck | when is gutsy officially released? also how easy is it to upgrade from fiesty? | 03:13 |
miturburu | I though I've joined ubuntu+1 | 03:13 |
miturburu | shall be a typo, sry | 03:13 |
dariuskane | kruck, gutsy is in october | 03:13 |
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jellymaster | z0rz_: are u using a bought CD,free CD,or a burned? if burned try reburning(if that's not RW hope u got another CD)that happened to me and I then looked @ the CD's and the data was corrupted it would say it installed it but it just wiped the harddrive if i tried to load it into windows it would say:the data is corrupted | 03:14 |
mebaran151 | why aren't gedit highlighting profiles as nice as vims | 03:14 |
Jordan_U | kruck, 7.10 means the 10n'th month of 2007 | 03:14 |
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mebaran151 | I really find gedit a great environment to work, but I just curious as to why its codehighlighting seems to lag behind | 03:14 |
Jordan_U | mebaran151, Because vim > * :) | 03:14 |
Montay | lawl broke ubuntu again, i hate installing nvidia drivers | 03:14 |
Montay | ;_; | 03:14 |
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z0rz_ | jellymaster: Tried free and burned | 03:15 |
Jordan_U | Montay, Have you tried the restricted driver manager? | 03:15 |
dariuskane | Montay, great... you get to keep both pieces :P | 03:15 |
kruck | /say, thanks guys, i never knew that jordan :) | 03:15 |
mebaran151 | Jordan_U, when working rails, I find vims method of switching between windows really counterintuitive | 03:15 |
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Montay | i installed the latest nvidia driversand it says my xorg.conf is broke | 03:15 |
dajoker_ | Montay: try out envy | 03:15 |
z0rz_ | jellymaster: Been using this disk for a few months now.. Just installed it on another machine to make sure it was good (this machine | 03:15 |
jisamsu | jellymaster: thanks for your help, I got to go know | 03:15 |
dajoker_ | makes it super easy | 03:15 |
jisamsu | bye | 03:15 |
kruck | is it simple to upgrade from fiesty to gutsy, or one of those "best leave it til you need it" things? | 03:15 |
Montay | dajoker_ what is envy? | 03:16 |
Jordan_U | Montay, Why did you install from nvidia.com? why not use restricted manager? | 03:16 |
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Xyc0 | Ok I very much need help because I have a problem that's stopped me from installing Ubuntu on my desktop since 6.10 | 03:16 |
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dajoker_ | an install script that auto. installs all newest nvidia drivers | 03:16 |
Montay | i didnt know if it had the latestdrivers | 03:16 |
dajoker_ | if you aren't familiar with building your own kernels and stuff | 03:16 |
Montay | i assumed it didnt :s | 03:16 |
Jordan_U | kruck, Best leave it until it is finished :) | 03:16 |
dajoker_ | yea, i just did it for mine just to try it out, it's nice | 03:16 |
dajoker_ | takes like 3 seconds | 03:16 |
jellymaster | dariuskane: I typed ifconfig and a bunch of stuff came up in which one would I be looking I think my card is only being read by wlan0&wmaster0 I don't see anything about an IP in either but wlan0 says it sent some TX packets | 03:16 |
benkong2 | Jordan_U; this xorg.0.log gives a hint I think but I no not how to fix it. http://pastebin.ca/665053 | 03:16 |
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dajoker_ | and i'm running 8800gts | 03:16 |
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Xyc0 | I installed ubuntu on dual boot with windows, ive done it before on my laptop. But after the installation, it just boots into windows. What am I doing wrong? | 03:16 |
Montay | guess i have to reinstall. | 03:16 |
Montay | so where do i get envy from? | 03:16 |
dajoker_ | one sec | 03:17 |
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Jordan_U | Xyc0, Do you have more than one hard drive? | 03:17 |
mitch00 | Xyc0: did you install grub? | 03:17 |
dajoker_ | http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html | 03:17 |
dajoker_ | that's where evny is at ^^^ | 03:17 |
dariuskane | jellymaster, each entry (eg lo wlan0) has an "inet addr" if its properly connected | 03:17 |
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Xyc0 | Jordan_U: Yes, but I am only using one for the OSs | 03:17 |
kruck | no, what i mean is, when it is released will I have to install gutsy over fiesty, or can i just manually upgrade it easily? or are the changes not that noticable? | 03:17 |
z0rz_ | I just installed Ubuntu and now my computer booted up and just says grub> _ | 03:17 |
Montay | ty dajoker_ | 03:17 |
Xyc0 | mitch00: Grub usually installs by default | 03:17 |
Jordan_U | Xyc0, GRUB was probably installed to the wrong drive then | 03:18 |
Jordan_U | !grub | Xyc0 | 03:18 |
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ubotu | Xyc0: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 03:18 |
Xyc0 | Jordan_U: I have the same problem when I disconnect the second drive during install (I thought about that too) | 03:18 |
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jellymaster | z0rz_ maybe there is a problem with the harddrive itself had there been any problems running stuff on it before? | 03:18 |
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Xyc0 | Jordan_U: Windows was installed first | 03:18 |
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adnan_ | Jordan_U, yo dude i got it sorted out now :) touchpad works absolutely fine | 03:19 |
mitch00 | Xyc0: well are you sure grub installed properly. try to boot up the livecd and manually install grub | 03:19 |
jellymaster | dariuskane: wlan0 has an inet6 addr | 03:19 |
Jordan_U | Xyc0, I understand, but the instructions for re-installing grub after windows happen to work just as well for installing it. | 03:19 |
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lynucs | Xyc0, would be funny if your answer to Jordan_U would be the answer to jellymaster | 03:19 |
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Xyc0 | mitch00: I am not sure, thats why I am here | 03:19 |
jrib | kruck: you can upgrade when it is released, the update-manager will notify you and ask you if you want to | 03:19 |
=== poopie [n=root@c-76-110-51-18.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dariuskane | jellymaster, then your card doesnt have a proper ip address... perhaps your router isnt assinging one by DHCP | 03:20 |
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poopie | hey | 03:20 |
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kipman | ./configure --with-tuning=i686 --enable-mozilla <--- what is the tuning for 64bit 7.04 running on amd64 cpu? | 03:20 |
Xyc0 | Ill try to install grub again | 03:20 |
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dariuskane | jellymaster, inet6 is an IPv6 address | 03:20 |
poopie | i need help with installing beryl | 03:20 |
Parisi_work | jellymaster What is the problem? | 03:20 |
poopie | me? | 03:20 |
jrib | !beryl > poopie (see the private message from ubotu) | 03:20 |
jellymaster | dariuskane: well I just plugged it into my laptop and brought the card down and had the router try and recognise the card | 03:21 |
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jellymaster | Parisi_work: my wireless says it's connected to my wireless but it isn't receiving internet | 03:21 |
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hypknight | Anyone have time to help out with an installation oddity involving 2 nVidia 7800's running in SLI on an Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe? | 03:21 |
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Parisi_work | jellymaster Are you using the network app on top right of your screen? | 03:21 |
poopie | how do i "remove all existing xgl/aiglx" | 03:22 |
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poopie | send me a pm | 03:22 |
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dariuskane | corss your fingers folks.. latest attempt at rebooting my server with 2 encrypted HHDs running 1 LV group and 5 logical partitions | 03:22 |
=== pike__ sends good thoughts | ||
peniwize | where is the PATH environment set? I'm used to seeing it in /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc | 03:22 |
Neozonz | Anyone want to help me with traffic shaping? | 03:23 |
dariuskane | if it works Ill be back :P if not... then it didnt work | 03:23 |
peniwize | I meant the PATH environment variable | 03:23 |
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jellymaster | Parisi_work: yeah I am using that I have wireless assistant but it keeps saying no wireless networks in range while my laptop next to it and my sisters laptop in the other room are both using it,and I have wifi radar but I don't know how to use it right | 03:23 |
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hype_ | peniwize , ~/.bashrc | 03:23 |
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peniwize | hype_: what about on a system wide basis? | 03:23 |
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Xyc0 | Jordan_U: here is my grub output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34477/ | 03:23 |
Parisi_work | whats wireless assistant? What do you mean by that? | 03:23 |
pike__ | peniwize: on linux os's there is often a ld.so.conf or somesuch in /etc/ or its in /etc/profile but normally i just add mine in .bashrc in home dir. like export PATH=somedir:anotherdir | 03:23 |
ToddEDM | hey guys.... heres a question.... im just wondering how many people have their terminal in old monochrome colors (green text, black background) | 03:24 |
z0rz_ | jellymaster: Tried it on two different hard drives | 03:24 |
=== acewin [n=acewin@c-24-218-80-156.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xyc0 | ToddEDM: I do | 03:24 |
astro76 | ToddEDM, lol, it's the first change I make to any system | 03:24 |
Jordan_U | Xyc0, And does GRUB load now when you boot?' | 03:24 |
dajoker_ | i do | 03:24 |
ToddEDM | ok thats 1 | 03:24 |
dajoker_ | always | 03:24 |
moffa | yes i do too, i guess i'm weird | 03:24 |
ToddEDM | astro... me too, and i dont even know how to use terminal | 03:24 |
Xyc0 | Jordan_U: that was a check for the system, it said it existed | 03:24 |
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ToddEDM | haha | 03:24 |
hype_ | peniwize , adding a script in ~/bin, with export PATH="$PATH:/home/hype/bin" | 03:25 |
hype_ | makes the script executable "naywhere" | 03:25 |
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hype_ | any* | 03:25 |
Xyc0 | Jordan_U: should I just try again even though it was already installed? | 03:25 |
jellymaster | Parisi_work: it was something that was in the ubuntu add programs list to install when I had plugged it into a wire to see about getting some stuff to be installed(like ndiswrapper since it wasn't installing properly offline through downloaded files+terminal) | 03:25 |
Jordan_U | Xyc0, Yes | 03:25 |
hype_ | i feel like its not what you meant :p | 03:25 |
Xyc0 | BRB | 03:25 |
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atome | slt | 03:25 |
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jabbar | hi all | 03:26 |
adnan_ | Anyone know how I can get my wireless adapter working on each reboot automatically rather than me having to keep modprobing it? | 03:26 |
peniwize | hype_: that's interesting. Is that an ubuntu thing to have a /bin in the user's home directory? | 03:26 |
pike__ | peniwize: btw i mixed up lib stuff and bin.. i get too many libpath questions at work.. | 03:26 |
hype_ | peniwize , nope | 03:26 |
dajoker_ | question: I have my default res. set fine, as I have the nvidia drivers and everything installed, however when my login screen loads up, i have to ctrl+alt++ to get the res to show login screen | 03:26 |
hype_ | peniwize , my scripts :P | 03:26 |
Aval0n | Jordan_U: hey man was it PCM that you unmuted? | 03:26 |
jabbar | does anyone know how to get a D-Link DWL-G510 wireless driver working under ubuntu 7.04? | 03:26 |
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hypknight | is it safe to say I should give up on trying an Ubuntu install with a SLU desktop then? | 03:26 |
hype_ | peniwize , i just used .bashrc to add it to $PATH | 03:26 |
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hypknight | SLU = SLI | 03:26 |
Parisi_work | jellymaster, i would just advise you unistall all that extra stuff, may causea conflict with the built on apps or configurations, at least for the time being. 7.04 correct? | 03:27 |
Chippy | hey, I'm having trouble resizing my ext3 partition, can anyone help me out? | 03:27 |
Gaming1 | Hello guys, how do we import contacts in Evolution from a POP account? | 03:27 |
jabbar | ... anyone? | 03:27 |
Jordan_U | Aval0n, No, make sure that you try going far enough to the right, sometimes not all channels fit and you need to "scroll" to see more | 03:27 |
moffa | hello jabbar | 03:27 |
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ProphetPX | Gaming1: I have never known any POP accounts to even store addresses | 03:27 |
Aval0n | what was it called for you? | 03:27 |
jabbar | hi moffa | 03:27 |
=== Actionman [n=will@24-155-224-244.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aval0n | i did I saw 3 mic lines | 03:28 |
moffa | jabbar when you click on network manager does it detect your card? | 03:28 |
Aval0n | that was it | 03:28 |
Jordan_U | Aval0n, IEC958 | 03:28 |
hype_ | Gaming1 , i'd say its your mail client that handles contacts, not mail server itself | 03:28 |
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Gaming1 | ProphetPX: Okay, I mean to import contacts from GMail | 03:28 |
jellymaster | Parisi_work: yes 7.04 i'll try uninstalling the radar and assistant | 03:28 |
ProphetPX | yep | 03:28 |
afaik | does beryl work with gnome or KDE? | 03:28 |
Aval0n | your fiber out was called IEC958? | 03:28 |
Aval0n | werid | 03:28 |
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wingot | Hey | 03:28 |
Aval0n | wierd too | 03:28 |
ProphetPX | ohhh in Gmail you go to Contacts -> Export\ | 03:28 |
adnan_ | anyone know the modprobe command that assigns a module to be run on each boot? | 03:28 |
ProphetPX | er minus the \ | 03:28 |
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Aval0n | I don't see that option | 03:28 |
ProphetPX | Export as a CVS file | 03:28 |
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jabbar | moffa my card is detected, and when I try to connect to a network it just keeps trying with no success | 03:28 |
ProphetPX | then in Evolution just do an import | 03:28 |
Jordan_U | Aval0n, You can also try double clicking your sound icon in your top panel if you prefer a GUI | 03:28 |
Parisi_work | jellymaster, ok, do you know if your wireless is installed properly? what does iwconfig display? | 03:29 |
wingot | I'm trying to use localhost:631 (cups) to add a printer. What username/password should I use, since root doesn't have a valid login in ubuntu? | 03:29 |
Gaming1 | ProphetPX: Thanks....:) | 03:29 |
ProphetPX | er CSV i meant | 03:29 |
Aval0n | hmm ok lemme see | 03:29 |
ProphetPX | yw | 03:29 |
Jordan_U | Aval0n, For me it is in the "switches" tab | 03:29 |
Aval0n | lemme look | 03:29 |
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moffa | jabbar does the wireless network use some form of encryption like WPA, WEP? | 03:29 |
rockets | jabbar, you need to use ndiswrapper for that card | 03:29 |
afaik | what is the package for kubuntu? | 03:29 |
rockets | according to google.com | 03:30 |
Jordan_U | wingot, Use sudo | 03:30 |
peniwize | hype_, pike__: I guess what I need to do then is create a script in "/etc/ld.so.conf.d/" so it will execute for every user. I just installed SlickEdit for all users and need to add it to the path for everyone. | 03:30 |
rockets | afaik, kubuntu-desktop | 03:30 |
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csc` | wingot: quit trolling | 03:30 |
wingot | Jordan_U: It's a web interface, I don't see how you could use sudo | 03:30 |
Chippy | does anyone know how safe partitionmagic is for resizing ext3 partitions? | 03:30 |
pike__ | wingot: in the past ubuntu didnt have cups configured by default to allow login via 631 that was a few releases back | 03:30 |
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afaik | hmmm.. i must already have it and did not know... it isnt shown ;) | 03:30 |
wingot | csc`: This was a valid question :) | 03:30 |
Parisi_work | Ubuntu really needs a better wireless driver/aplications support, that has to be one of the most often asked questions, sigh. | 03:30 |
jabbar | moffa/rockets - i tried ndiswrapper with no success | 03:30 |
=== AnRkey [n=AnRkey@87-194-62-131.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wingot | pike__: Oh, I forgot there was a config under System/Administration | 03:30 |
adnan_ | Question: how do i modprobe a module to run during each boot? unfortunately i need to keep using modprobe to get my wireless adapter to work | 03:30 |
jabbar | moffa: the network is not WPA/WEP | 03:30 |
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hype_ | peniwize , not sure about that, i mean i dont know | 03:31 |
pike__ | imo the web interface is much more intuitive | 03:31 |
Jordan_U | wingot, Ahh, I didn't understand | 03:31 |
wingot | Sorry, still not used to Gnome/Ubuntu :) | 03:31 |
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hype_ | peniwize , bu tusually the app SHOULD be usable by anyone | 03:31 |
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Aval0n | Jordan_U I didn't see a switches tab but I found something called LFE that was muted | 03:31 |
wingot | csc`: And what are you doing in here if not trolling ;) | 03:31 |
Aval0n | could that be it? | 03:31 |
hype_ | they''ll just have settings in $HOME | 03:31 |
jellymaster | Parisi_work:on iwconfig it comes up with a bunch of information about my current connection under wlan0 and if I do ndiswrapper -l it says the driver+card are installed | 03:31 |
wingot | Thanks guys | 03:31 |
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atome | !list | 03:31 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 03:31 |
Jordan_U | Aval0n, Try it, if you see a red light coming out of your computer it worked :) | 03:32 |
=== bruenighuh [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atome | !list | 03:32 |
Aval0n | lemme see | 03:32 |
afaik | do I have to remove compiz to use beryl? | 03:32 |
Jordan_U | afaik, No | 03:32 |
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Aval0n | nope | 03:32 |
afaik | I cant seem to use the themes or the effects in gnome? | 03:32 |
Aval0n | nothing | 03:32 |
=== Xyc0 [n=Xyc0@ip70-190-69-245.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
moffa | jabbar what revision is your card | 03:32 |
hype_ | bb | 03:32 |
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afaik | I can use compiz, but not Emerald and Beryl it seems :( | 03:32 |
Xyc0 | Jordan_U: Well, that did not work | 03:33 |
kruck | how buggy is beryl? is it not worth bothering with? | 03:33 |
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Parisi_work | jellymaster Run iwconfig | 03:33 |
moffa | jabbar check it this link on the forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132980&%3Bpage=7 | 03:33 |
Xyc0 | kruck: Beryl is no longer being developed | 03:33 |
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adnan_ | !info madwifi | 03:33 |
hxu | Hi! In include/linux/mqueue.h, per-uid limit of kernel memory used by mqueue is set to 819200, but why do I always get -1(infinity) by getrlimit(2) for both soft and hard limit of mqueue? | 03:33 |
ubotu | Package madwifi does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 03:33 |
ProphetPX | try madwifi-ng | 03:34 |
=== Miso [n=jp@c-71-196-216-117.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
adnan_ | !info madwifi-ng | 03:34 |
ubotu | Package madwifi-ng does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 03:34 |
jabbar | thanks moffa :) I'll check it out | 03:34 |
jellymaster | Parisi_work: I did and it came up with a bunch of information about the state of my current connection under wlan0 so I guess the card is installed right | 03:34 |
ProphetPX | hmm | 03:34 |
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adnan_ | <reply> madwifi | 03:34 |
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jabbar | moffa: BTW my revision is rev C firmware 5.00 | 03:34 |
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afaik | sweet, got it | 03:35 |
moffa | jabbar I also found a page in French, maybe you can use Google to translate it but the person had the same problem as you | 03:35 |
pike__ | kruck: might try the knoppix cd out. just launch beryl-manager id think | 03:35 |
adnan_ | !divx | 03:35 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:35 |
moffa | jabbar the link is here http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=335471 | 03:36 |
Parisi_work | jellymaster Great, i believe the command is iwscan list to scan for wireless ap, try that | 03:36 |
kruck | alright, cheers | 03:36 |
jellymaster | Parisi_work: I tried to uninstall the wireless assistant and wifi radar but I forgot that ubuntu is giving me an error about there being another installer running but I don't have any running do u know how to fix this? | 03:36 |
jabbar | moffa: thanks again | 03:36 |
Parisi_work | jellymaster Tell me what you see. | 03:36 |
moffa | jabbar anytime | 03:36 |
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=== Xyc0 [n=Xyc0@ip70-190-69-245.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adnan_ | !madwifi | 03:36 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:36 |
Parisi_work | jellymaster Yes, you will have to "ps aux" and look for the process taking up the apt-get | 03:36 |
pike__ | jellymaster: i normally do iwlist device scan then sudo iwconfig devicename essid then dhclient devicename | 03:36 |
Jordan_U | Xyc0, I don't know what else to do then, it says that grub has been installed to hd0, and I assume that hd0 is the drive you are booting from. You could always cheat and use wubi :) | 03:37 |
=== NemesisD [n=NemesisD@c-71-227-210-155.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xyc0 | Jordan_U: that is? | 03:37 |
atome | !madwifi | 03:37 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:37 |
NemesisD | could anyone help me with SSH? I'm trying to ssh into a work server, i can ping it, 22 is set to forward, my 22 is open but ssh times out every time | 03:37 |
atome | !list | 03:37 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 03:37 |
Jordan_U | !wubi | Xyc0 | 03:37 |
ubotu | Xyc0: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html | 03:37 |
Parisi_work | jellymaster you can kill a process using "kill pid number" | 03:37 |
adnan_ | !list | 03:38 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 03:38 |
saxartist | has anyone actually tried wubi? | 03:38 |
jellymaster | Parisi_work: the command iwscan doesn't exist.pike__: it says device interface doesn't allow scan | 03:38 |
Parisi_work | jellymaster OR just use the graphical process manager/viewer, i dont remember the name of it tho. | 03:38 |
astro76 | NemesisD, 22 is set to forward on your work's router device? | 03:38 |
Jordan_U | Xyc0, It uses NTLDR and installs to an image on your NTFS partition. | 03:38 |
saxartist | !hi | 03:38 |
pike__ | NemesisD: you have root on the box? sometimes i have to use the https port on some locked down networks. you can add Port 443 under Port 22 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. | 03:38 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 03:38 |
adnan_ | !qsynaptics | 03:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about qsynaptics - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:38 |
saxartist | !hi name | 03:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hi name - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:38 |
Chippy | I'm trying to use GParted to resize an ext3 partition to use unallocated space ( | unallocated | ext3 | ) before the partition ( | ext3 |), but the option to set the free space before the ext3 partition is greyed out... can anyone point me in the right direction? | 03:38 |
moffa | htop is a good process viewer that is viewable in a terminal | 03:38 |
Xyc0 | Jordan_U: ah, well the point is to use Ubuntu as the main OS | 03:38 |
adnan_ | !hermophradites | 03:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hermophradites - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:39 |
Xyc0 | Jordan_U: that's interesting though, Ill have to remeber that program | 03:39 |
atome | help | 03:39 |
NemesisD | pike__, yes they gave me the root username, are you saying to add 443 on the client or the server machine | 03:39 |
ProphetPX | errr | 03:39 |
=== Crusher [n=You@ppp121-45-116-140.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
saxartist | adnan_: you spelled that incorrectly | 03:39 |
ProphetPX | that's hermaphrodites | 03:39 |
saxartist | hermaphrodites | 03:39 |
saxartist | yeah | 03:39 |
peniwize | I see that adding 'export PATH=$PATH:/my/extra/path' to an executable script does not cause PATH in the executing shell to change. How to change an environment variable in the calling shell? | 03:39 |
adnan_ | saxartist i thought i did :P | 03:39 |
Jordan_U | Xyc0, It's not virtualization, though using NTFS slows it down the slightest bit it is all native and a true dual boot | 03:39 |
jellymaster | Parisi_work: I'm gunna try to kill the process quick I know the graphical thing is system monitor under system->admin | 03:39 |
ProphetPX | WTF are we talkin about that stuff in here for | 03:39 |
Parisi_work | jellymaster Do you have that machine connected wired? I could login and fix it for you. | 03:39 |
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pike__ | NemesisD: server. im sure your problem is something else but if youre not using 443 for another service you could try that | 03:39 |
Parisi_work | jellymaster Good : ) | 03:40 |
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jrib | peniwize: type the command directly in your shell or "source" the executable script | 03:40 |
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=== adnan_ is looking forward to his wardriving kit arriviing tomorrow :) | ||
jellymaster | Parisi_work: not right now I don't have it wired up since I'm 2 floors away from router and don't feel like running a wire that far | 03:40 |
afaik | DUDE | 03:40 |
peniwize | jrib: thanks | 03:41 |
afaik | Beryl is kick ass | 03:41 |
ProphetPX | hehe | 03:41 |
kipman | what does this mean "/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../lib64/libx264.a(common.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC | 03:41 |
kipman | " | 03:41 |
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Xyc0 | Jordan_U: Well, ill give it a try till I can delete windows all together. Crap ATI drivers are all that hold me back | 03:41 |
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ProphetPX | Instead of Beryl, has anyone ever tried "Project Looking Glass" (3D) by Sun? it's Java | 03:41 |
ToddEDM | hey guys, can anyone tell me why i might not have any sound after i installed enemy Territory ? | 03:41 |
NemesisD | anyone have any other ideas? I can ping the ssh server, but I cannot login, i time out every time | 03:41 |
=== Heygab1 [n=gabe@rrcs-67-53-147-221.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parisi_work | jellymaster I remember now, run iwlist interfacehere scanning | 03:42 |
ProphetPX | ATI FGLRX was a big pain under debian | 03:42 |
adnan_ | !beryl | 03:42 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 03:42 |
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Heygab1 | Is there an easy way to import IM settings from GAIM into Kopete | 03:42 |
Heygab1 | ? | 03:42 |
Parisi_work | jellymaster What is the name of the interface? | 03:42 |
ProphetPX | GAIM is now called Pidgin | 03:42 |
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Heygab1 | Sure, unless you're still running GAIM. | 03:42 |
ProphetPX | LOL | 03:42 |
Heygab1 | then it's called GAIM. | 03:42 |
ProphetPX | so upgrade lol | 03:42 |
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Heygab1 | Not in Ubuntu Repos. | 03:42 |
ProphetPX | I love Kopete tho :-) | 03:42 |
ProphetPX | oh | 03:42 |
Heygab1 | Besides, I want to migrate over to Kopete. | 03:43 |
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Gaming1 | Doesnt Ubuntu open .7z archive types? | 03:43 |
ProphetPX | yeah | 03:43 |
Heygab1 | but I don't want to have to remember/reset all my passwords. | 03:43 |
ProphetPX | Gaming: 7zip is open-source so it should be able to if you have the 7z package | 03:43 |
jrib | !7z > Gaming1 (see the private message from ubotu) | 03:43 |
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jellymaster | Parisi_work: the name of the interface? what would that be like USB so it could scan for my USB card also how would I know exactly which app is taking up the apt-get? | 03:44 |
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Parisi_work | jellymaster i mean for the wireless card, run iwlist scan wirelessinterfacehere | 03:44 |
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Heygab1 | Does Kopete work with GoogleTalk? | 03:45 |
hfonteboa | someone can help me about dancer-services? | 03:45 |
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ProphetPX | googletalk uses Jabber so yes | 03:46 |
Parisi_work | I am going to setup a ubuntu headless box just for this once i get my broadband cable back, *sigh* | 03:46 |
ProphetPX | I have used GTalk on Kopete before | 03:46 |
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Parisi_work | Heygab1 I did not know that. | 03:46 |
ProphetPX | dont ask me exactly how but i believe i have | 03:46 |
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Heygab1 | I think I figured it out. | 03:46 |
ProphetPX | Someone should make some sort of "XML Transformer" app to convert config information between 2 apps much more easy | 03:46 |
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Heygab1 | Got it. | 03:48 |
Heygab1 | Also, Google has a how-to http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?answer=57557&topic=1415 | 03:48 |
ProphetPX | cool .... i know google had info how to do it with a jabber app, on their pages once before | 03:48 |
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ProphetPX | ah there u go | 03:48 |
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jellymaster | Parisi_work: sorry i'm feeling rly stupid lately don't know why I think I left my brain in maryland so I would use iwlist scan linksys? | 03:49 |
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Parisi_work | jellymaster, No, instead of linksys use your wireless interface name, often ath0 or etc... | 03:50 |
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Chippy | can anyone help me resize an ext3 partition? | 03:50 |
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Parisi_work | jellymaster Wait, iwlist interface name scan | 03:51 |
ProphetPX | Chippy use QTPartEd or GPartEd | 03:51 |
ProphetPX | or Partition Magic | 03:51 |
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raizen | I've heard that rt2x00 drivers support master mode for rt2500, etc chipsets, but I have been unable to find any documentation that says how, and when I try to set it via iwconfig wlan0 mode master, I get and invalid argument error. Anyone? | 03:51 |
lizhi | 03:51 | |
mythomaniac | is there a way to specify a user (other then adding them to mount) in fstab to be able to mount a second hd? | 03:51 |
ProphetPX | raizen have you been to the RAlink website? | 03:51 |
Chippy | ProphetPX: QTParted doesn't support ext3 does it? and I'm trying Gparted, but it won't let me use the unallocated space | 03:51 |
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NemesisD | could anyone help me with SSH? I'm trying to ssh into a work server, i can ping it, 22 is set to forward, my 22 is open but ssh times out every time | 03:51 |
jellymaster | Parisi_work: o u mean wlan0 my bad i'm like retarded thanks 1 sec | 03:52 |
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wizplayer | hi guys | 03:52 |
Chippy | ProphetPX: is partition magic reliable for resizing ext3 partitions? | 03:52 |
Samurai_Dan | mythomaniac - is the card Atheros compat ? | 03:52 |
professor_ | does anyone know how to get the broadcom wireless cards to work without being a pain in the butt | 03:52 |
raizen | ProphetPx: as far as i knowm the "offical" drivers do not have any support for master mode. | 03:52 |
Chippy | ProphetPX: I've heard some discouraging things about it | 03:52 |
ProphetPX | QTPartEd supports any fs the kernel will, i believe. I think it's a matter of your kernel not the app | 03:52 |
Samurai_Dan | you may want to try mad wifi drivers | 03:52 |
wizplayer | anyone setup a widescreen on geForce? | 03:52 |
Parisi_work | professor_ YA, come back in 5 years. | 03:52 |
superkirbyartist | My login screen is having problems! The spinning cursor spins forever on a black screen, but nothing else ever happens! | 03:52 |
professor_ | lol | 03:52 |
Parisi_work | :) | 03:52 |
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mythomaniac | Samurai_Dan: umm this is a question on harddrives not wifi ;) | 03:53 |
ProphetPX | I have used Part Magic only for ext2 but all ext3 is, is ext2 + journalling. So I do not see why not | 03:53 |
raizen | ugh, funky thing is I was able to get a soft ap setup under windows 2000 using asus software... ugh | 03:53 |
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raizen | wifi is so frustrating ;_: | 03:53 |
professor_ | so what is a good flavor of linux to get that card to work | 03:53 |
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Samurai_Dan | IF Atheros Compatible - then Mad Wifi drivers work best | 03:54 |
Parisi_work | professor_ What have you tried? | 03:54 |
jellymaster | Parisi_work: I did the scan thing it says no scan results | 03:54 |
ProphetPX | hmmmm | 03:54 |
Miso | How can I add a folder to the panel? | 03:54 |
Aval0n | guys i'm trying to get my optic port working, in alsamixer I don't have an IEC958 option | 03:54 |
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Aval0n | anyone know what I can try next? | 03:54 |
Samurai_Dan | is not Atheros then get a new card imo | 03:54 |
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jellymaster | Miso: right click the panel and it should say add to panel or something | 03:55 |
professor_ | I have tried ubuntu, fedora, and backtrack, backtrack worked but it was on a live cd and was not a download. I guess it is from slackware, which is what I am trying next | 03:55 |
Parisi_work | I would advise anyone looking to use wireless on linux to research wireless chipsets and purchase the most compatible card accordingly. | 03:55 |
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professor_ | have any sugestions | 03:55 |
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triplc | hi all | 03:55 |
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E-mu | does ubunto support rpm? aslo is ther an apt or yum equivalent update repos? | 03:55 |
Samurai_Dan | like i have been saying find a card that is Atheros compatible | 03:55 |
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Vlet | Tried asking in #mysql, but I thought I'd try here too... Anyone know of a way to have mysql users authenticated through pam? | 03:55 |
Parisi_work | jellymaster What does it show on iwconfig, private message me everything. | 03:55 |
Samurai_Dan | Ubuntu does support alien packages but you must reconfigure them from source | 03:55 |
Parisi_work | professor_ What happens under Ubuntu? | 03:55 |
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Miso | Can I add any folder to the panel? | 03:56 |
Samurai_Dan | yes | 03:56 |
dga | how come pidgin is not available in the ports and only the old gaim is? | 03:56 |
professor_ | it shows that it is there | 03:56 |
superkirbyartist | My login screen is having problems! The spinning cursor spins forever on a black screen, but nothing else ever happens! | 03:56 |
professor_ | under network | 03:56 |
somedrew | Miso, yup: it's easiest to just run nautilus in the directory you want. e.g., 'nautilus ~/foo/whatev | 03:56 |
Parisi_work | Prognatus Thats great then. | 03:56 |
Samurai_Dan | superkirby you prolly have an issue with your install | 03:56 |
kitche | dga: well if you mean repos it's becuase packages get frozen for a release | 03:56 |
professor_ | but when I do a iwconfig it says that he isunknown "broadco 4311" | 03:57 |
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somedrew | Miso, the launcher will be 'nautilus <path>' | 03:57 |
Parisi_work | professor_ thats great. | 03:57 |
Miso | somedrew: thanks | 03:57 |
professor_ | why | 03:57 |
Parisi_work | professor_ what shows up on ifconfig or iwconfig | 03:57 |
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professor_ | in if config | 03:57 |
ProphetPX | Parisi_work: what do you advise as the best 802.11"N" wireless card for linux that should have native linux drivers? | 03:57 |
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dga | kitche: so how do i install pidgin from ports? do i have to set my system to unstable? | 03:57 |
E-mu | Does Ubuntu have an rpm database or does it install from sources and not bin rpm? | 03:57 |
scam | how do you change mysql root password? | 03:57 |
professor_ | it does not show nothing | 03:57 |
professor_ | Im not on the computer right now | 03:58 |
superkirbyartist | My login screen is having problems! The spinning cursor spins forever on a black screen, but nothing else ever happens! | 03:58 |
Samurai_Dan | look in the SQL man pages | 03:58 |
professor_ | ifconfig does not show anything | 03:58 |
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somedrew | E-mu, Ubuntu uses .debs, it's a binary distro | 03:58 |
E-mu | ok thanks | 03:58 |
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Samurai_Dan | AR5005G 802.11abg NIC | 03:58 |
E-mu | debs is that related to debian? | 03:58 |
ProphetPX | Does Ubuntu have deb-src's ?? | 03:58 |
superkirbyartist | My login screen is having problems! The spinning cursor spins forever on a black screen, but nothing else ever happens! | 03:58 |
somedrew | E-mu, all the sources are available via the package manager so you can also tweak to your liking | 03:58 |
wizplayer | how do I become a JEDI? | 03:58 |
ProphetPX | hmm | 03:58 |
triplc | How to set default X window manager? I install Ubuntu server because I want it started in text mode, and only switch to GUI by running "startx". Then I installed fluxbox (which is what I need), and after running "startx" is run fluxbox exactly as what I want. Now, after installing some software and tools, xfce get in the way, and now, when I run "startx", it goes to xfce desktop. How can I change back to the good old day Fluxbox? (I do not want to use GDM | 03:58 |
triplc | or something similar) | 03:58 |
cjae | have a ddwrt router and wireless lappy I should just be able to give the routers SSID and log on right? | 03:59 |
E-mu | so it does have some kinda database on installs to make uninstalltion easier? | 03:59 |
Samurai_Dan | deb is debian related but since Ubuntu is an off-shoot of debian dbian packages are not alien to Ubuntu | 03:59 |
professor_ | Do linksys pci cards work good in ubuntu | 03:59 |
c0al | triplc, edit .xinitrc in your /home dir | 03:59 |
ProphetPX | triplc edit your .xserverrc file in your home folder | 03:59 |
Steve0 | hey y does xchat crash when i try to connect to a different network? | 03:59 |
ProphetPX | oh whoops yeah .xinitrc lol | 03:59 |
Samurai_Dan | yes most linksys PCI cards are Atheros compat | 03:59 |
somedrew | E-mu, yup. APT is the package manager...it's 'smart' handles dependencies and orphans quite nicely | 03:59 |
professor_ | col | 03:59 |
professor_ | cool | 03:59 |
professor_ | I will try that | 03:59 |
E-mu | thanks for the info! | 03:59 |
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cjae | or must I have some kind of encrytion | 04:00 |
c0al | triplc, when you edit .xinitrc you want it just to have "exec fluxbox" in it | 04:00 |
c0al | thats it | 04:00 |
triplc | ok | 04:00 |
=== downix [n=downix@97-158.97-97.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
somedrew | E-mu, no prob...if you want to learn more, the debian manual for apt lets you know all the goodies | 04:00 |
Samurai_Dan | when you get an atheros card BE SURE to upgrade drivers to "mad wifi" | 04:00 |
=== annodomini [n=bpc@pool-71-169-144-111.burl.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parisi_work | ProphetPX Unfortunally i have no experience with "N" based chipsets, i have a total of 3 wireless cards, 2 of whom are PCI, 1 USB, I think 1 runs on atheros, 1 UNKNOWN, i forget the other one but it is a Netgear WG311t, Atheros i believe. | 04:00 |
c0al | triplc, if there is no .xinitrc file just do "echo "exec fluxbox" > .xinitrc" | 04:00 |
Parisi_work | ProphetPX I'v always had good luck with Atheros based cards. | 04:00 |
somedrew | FWIW: I've always had success with intel wireless cards | 04:00 |
Parisi_work | ProphetPX Well, for the most part anyways. | 04:01 |
triplc | c0al, as I see it, the /etc/alternates/x-session... is pointing to xfce4 already... do I need to change that? or, ~/.xinitrc would does the job? | 04:01 |
Samurai_Dan | if the card is athero compat then it will run best under ubuntu | 04:01 |
c0al | ~/.xinitrc should do the job | 04:01 |
triplc | thanks | 04:01 |
Steve0 | i want to connect to a different server, but xchat crashes when i try to connect, what am i doing wrong? | 04:01 |
c0al | np | 04:01 |
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ProphetPX | ok | 04:01 |
E-mu | somedrew last question and you prob. think I am crazy can you run a 2.4x kernel on it? I need it on occation to run in the 2.4x legacy kernel . 2.4x kernels are still maintaned believe it or not run on like dsl for example | 04:02 |
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ProphetPX | I just wanted to know if you (or anyone really) knew anything about native chipset linux driver support for ANY "N" cards coming out | 04:02 |
ProphetPX | or is it too soon | 04:02 |
Parisi_work | ProphetPX I would like to know that one myself, i guess there is only one way to find out :) | 04:02 |
Samurai_Dan | yeah not many have been tested | 04:03 |
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Samurai_Dan | i am sure there is atleast a handful that are known goods for wireles N | 04:03 |
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somedrew | E-mu, It may be tricky to run a 2.4 kernel...the thing that might cause issues are the standard c libraries. I know that Ubuntu used to support 2.4 kernels, I'd suggest seeing if there are any 2.4 kernels @ packages.ubuntu.com | 04:03 |
Parisi_work | I think that stuff is probbably well discussed on Ubuntu forums. | 04:03 |
ProphetPX | hmmm | 04:03 |
somedrew | E-mu, It's doable though, but you may need to roll your own 2.4 kernel if Ubuntu no longer supports it (not sure if they still do...they did though) | 04:04 |
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Samurai_Dan | superkirbyartist ! ok listen up ... you are having issues that are beyond my scope of repair for Ubuntu , my suggestion if you have an issue like that , scrap the OS and re-install | 04:04 |
E-mu | thanks again! maybe an older version supporting it to who knows I'll check | 04:04 |
ProphetPX | well so far the only things i have heard so far have to do with Intel 4965 chips (but they are only implemented in Mini-PCI-E) and RALink RT2800 series in Edimax wireless cards ("N" supported!!) | 04:04 |
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superkirbyartist | YES BUT IT NEVER HAPPENS IN WINDOWS! | 04:04 |
downix | superkirbyartist: reinstall, it sounds like something got messed up. Does it run from the LiveCD? | 04:04 |
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richardjc | anyone here know vmware? | 04:04 |
somedrew | E-mu, no worries: I do know that Slackware still loves 2.4 | 04:04 |
ProphetPX | THE SPINNING CURSOR OF DEATH!!! duh duh dummmmm | 04:04 |
downix | superkirbyartist: I've had that happen plenty of times with Windows. | 04:04 |
Samurai_Dan | lol | 04:05 |
jellymaster | Parisi_work:i'll PM u the information in a second even though I'm registered it says i'm not | 04:05 |
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dublin_in_firema | evening all | 04:05 |
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Samurai_Dan | ello dublin | 04:05 |
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dublin_in_firema | this the right place for help? | 04:05 |
Samurai_Dan | you know it | 04:05 |
downix | you should have seen the time Widows lost winsock.dll can't just get it from a .cab file | 04:05 |
ProphetPX | yep | 04:05 |
downix | had to reinstall the whole OS | 04:05 |
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Samurai_Dan | rofl | 04:05 |
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Samurai_Dan | winsock.dll is fixable by a script app | 04:06 |
ProphetPX | wow. why not just copy it from another windows system while the 1 that has it missing is booted from a Live CD like Khaeyeung? | 04:06 |
downix | at least with Linux you always can get some method of interface. Heck, I keep a teletype machne JIC | 04:06 |
xp_guy | hello, I just installed linux-wlan to get my linux wireless card to work. The wireless icon isnt on the task bar, what do i do? I found the card in device manager but i dont know what to do with it | 04:06 |
dublin_in_firema | someone mind helping me with this stinking java | 04:06 |
Samurai_Dan | i have had XP lose winsock about a billion times and fixed it with a Winsock fix | 04:06 |
richardjc | I'm using ubuntu 7.04 and I want to install PCLinuxOS in vmware player. How can I do this? Is there any tutorials available on the net? | 04:06 |
downix | ProphetPX: You assume I have another Windows install? | 04:06 |
=== somedrew hates winsock issues...a real pain | ||
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ProphetPX | lol no? but lots of people do lol | 04:06 |
ProphetPX | I hate "missing HAL.dll" issues ... another real pain | 04:07 |
downix | I have 1 copy of Windows, 3 Linus, 2 Mac OS X and an OpenBSD | 04:07 |
downix | also have an Amiga sitting here | 04:07 |
Samurai_Dan | hal.dll is fun | 04:07 |
=== NickPresta [n=nickpres@CPE000625f47ed2-CM0011e6c456e3.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
downix | and don't forget the C64 for when I feel retro | 04:07 |
ProphetPX | Amiga! NOW I am jealous! | 04:07 |
Samurai_Dan | yeah maiga is sexy | 04:07 |
jellymaster | Parisi_work: I PM'ed you all the information from iwconfig | 04:07 |
Samurai_Dan | amiga | 04:07 |
dublin_in_firema | someone mind helping me with this stinking java | 04:07 |
ProphetPX | ubuntu should run on amiga!!! | 04:07 |
Samurai_Dan | lol | 04:07 |
downix | ProphetPX: I used to work for one of the neo-amiga co's. It lost it's luster for me ages ago | 04:07 |
superkirbyartist | Where are the login screen settings and how can I restore them to default? | 04:07 |
Parisi_work | jellymaster k, gimme a sec. | 04:07 |
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xp_guy | anyone? | 04:07 |
Samurai_Dan | sudo apt-get install update | 04:08 |
ProphetPX | superkirbyartist i know next to nothing about Ubuntu, only Debian which is similiar | 04:08 |
downix | Superkuh: depends on which login screen you have set up | 04:08 |
Samurai_Dan | what is the issue with your java ? | 04:08 |
ProphetPX | superkirbyartist.... try this ..... | 04:08 |
somedrew | xp_guy, not familiar with that app, as long as the drivers are working...you can try either networkmanager or wifi-radar | 04:08 |
dublin_in_firema | can't get the plugin installed for firefox | 04:08 |
Samurai_Dan | wifi-radar ftw | 04:08 |
=== davel [n=davel@cblmdm72-241-48-164.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | what package was it that installed your login screen problem? Do a "dpkg -rP" on the package name and then re-install it if u want | 04:08 |
=== somedrew is loving wifi-radar | ||
superkirbyartist | !language | Samurai_Dan | 04:08 |
ubotu | Samurai_Dan: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:08 |
ProphetPX | the -r removes it, the -P purges all config info which may have caused your problem | 04:08 |
Samurai_Dan | wireshark is also good | 04:08 |
jellymaster | Samurai_Dan how do u use wifi-radar I have it but don't understand it | 04:09 |
MrCollins | hum | 04:09 |
MrCollins | ftpd | 04:09 |
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ProphetPX | wireshark ... geesh. What was wrong with the original name "Ethereal"? | 04:09 |
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downix | ProphetPX: the Amiga is nothing but a legal minefield now. | 04:09 |
Samurai_Dan | jellymaster wifi radar just looks for available wifi connections | 04:09 |
xp_guy | sweet ill try that | 04:09 |
ProphetPX | superkirbyartist I just told you | 04:09 |
somedrew | jellymaster, you can do it completely GUI...just enter 'sudo wifi-radar' and it'll show you available connections (you can tweak of course) | 04:09 |
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ProphetPX | downix i hear that | 04:09 |
MrCollins | I love my old amiga | 04:09 |
MrCollins | I got it in the closet | 04:09 |
ProphetPX | hence why i love WinUEA | 04:09 |
MrCollins | Amiga 500 | 04:09 |
ProphetPX | er WinUAE or UAE ... | 04:09 |
=== snowglobe [n=kevin@70-101-214-149.dsl1.pco.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | VICE for C64 :) | 04:10 |
MrCollins | it has a 2 meg upgrade! | 04:10 |
=== hollow87 [n=hollow@12-208-108-241.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parisi_work | ProphetPX See if this is of any use to you, list of supported wireless chipsets for Ubuntu not sure how up to date: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported | 04:10 |
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downix | WinUAE has nothing on a MorphOS or Amiga OS 4 machine | 04:10 |
MrCollins | I played the crap outta some F-18 Interceptor! | 04:10 |
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ProphetPX | SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET!! MY HERO!! | 04:10 |
ProphetPX | ty Parisi_work !!!!!!!!! | 04:10 |
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dublin_in_firema | did you get that? | 04:10 |
superkirbyartist | ProphetPX, I'm not reinstalling Ubuntu again... | 04:10 |
dalegribble | hi, can anyone direct me to the ubuntu package for the Logger.pm perl package? | 04:10 |
Parisi_work | ProphetPX You may be able to narrow it down what card to buy. | 04:10 |
MrCollins | Hybiris | 04:10 |
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ProphetPX | no superkirbyartist i did not say to reinstall Ubuntu again | 04:10 |
ProphetPX | I said to remove 1 package and purge it's config info | 04:10 |
snowglobe | what is the syntax for installing several different packages via cli? #sudo apt-get install pkg1, pkg2, pkg3 or sudo apt-get install pkg1|pkg2|pkg3? | 04:11 |
ProphetPX | superkirbyartist you are spamming the room | 04:11 |
superkirbyartist | THEN WHAT DO I DO? | 04:11 |
downix | superkirbyartist: they already told you to just uninstall the login system settings to reset them | 04:11 |
ProphetPX | I told you | 04:11 |
Aval0n | how do you turn something on in alsamixer? | 04:11 |
Aval0n | it says off | 04:11 |
MrCollins | quit using caps man | 04:11 |
hende07 | how can i tell what window manager i am running | 04:11 |
somedrew | snowglobe, omit the commas, just delimit with spaces | 04:11 |
MrCollins | thats annoting | 04:11 |
Samurai_Dan | all wifi radar does is search for available wireless networks and shows which are locked and which ones you need to use Airsnort or Aircrack on =P | 04:11 |
MrCollins | annoying | 04:11 |
Aval0n | but up button isnt working | 04:11 |
dalegribble | snow: sudo apt-get install pkg1 pkg2 pkg3 | 04:11 |
superkirbyartist | Downix, how? Sudo apt-get what? | 04:11 |
ProphetPX | which package name is causing your login screen to mess up? | 04:11 |
snowglobe | somedrew thanks | 04:11 |
somedrew | Aval0n, spacebar? | 04:11 |
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snowglobe | dalegribble thanks! | 04:11 |
Samurai_Dan | wardrivin ftw | 04:11 |
Aval0n | nope | 04:11 |
MrCollins | Samurai_Dan: will it work through my dlink or does it need to be a resident card or usb adapter? | 04:11 |
Aval0n | spacebar didn't work | 04:11 |
somedrew | snowglobe, no worries, a 'sudo apt-get package1 package2 package3' will do the job | 04:12 |
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downix | superkirbyartist: it depends on which login system you installed There's more than 1 | 04:12 |
superkirbyartist | MRCOLLINS IN THE 60S THERE WAS ONLY CAPS! | 04:12 |
=== Jamesinator [n=james@74-40-209-43.br1.rmn.wv.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrCollins | my dlink router that is | 04:12 |
superkirbyartist | ProphetPX: I don't know, and if I run the "login screen" settings, it will restart X. | 04:12 |
ProphetPX | by "login screen" do you mean QINGY? or a plain text shell login? or an X login? | 04:12 |
snowglobe | somedrew neato! ya learn somthing new everyday! | 04:12 |
pvl | how do i uninstall apache webserver? | 04:12 |
somedrew | snowglobe, sorry: the 'install' should be in there as well like you put | 04:12 |
jellymaster | somedrew: when I do that the GUI comes up and on the terminal it just says eth0 and lo have no wireless extensions and doesn't support scanning. wmaster0:doesn't support scanning and operation not supported over and over | 04:12 |
Samurai_Dan | so apparently MC Chris is going to be in NYC , for those that are there .. lucky bastards you are ! | 04:12 |
Parisi_work | I will have to try Wifi Radar at home, sounds like a fun app. | 04:12 |
=== YoshiBishi [n=YoshiBis@cpe-066-057-249-211.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProphetPX | you have to find out which package is causing the problem first | 04:12 |
stiv2k | what channel is ubuntu developers | 04:12 |
snowglobe | somedrew i figured that out myself...but thanks! | 04:12 |
=== PinkFloyd [n=brandon@docsis-cbm-17-184.nclxtn.lexcominc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jamesinator | How can I run a command inside a shell script that will place the command in the background but log all output to a file? | 04:12 |
PinkFloyd | !cups | 04:12 |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 04:12 |
somedrew | jellymaster, ok, do you know what device your card is getting recognized as? | 04:12 |
ProphetPX | every part of your experience in linux is caused by a system package or app of some sort | 04:12 |
YoshiBishi | Hello guys, I am having a problem with my USB 2.0 on my laptop. | 04:12 |
dublin_in_firema | can't get the plugin installed for firefox | 04:13 |
YoshiBishi | It is running at USB 1.1 and can not charge my ipod | 04:13 |
dalegribble | james: command& > logfile | 04:13 |
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MrCollins | Samurai_Dan: does wifi radar work on resident cards or can I use it through a wireless router? | 04:13 |
YoshiBishi | Any one have any ideas? | 04:13 |
jellymaster | somedrew:wlan0 | 04:13 |
MrCollins | running NAT and DHCP? | 04:13 |
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somedrew | jellymaster, there's an option to let wifi-radar use either a 'default' device, or you can stipulate....I think it may be the wrong device | 04:13 |
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Jamesinator | dalegribble: Doesn't work. It just prints output to the screen | 04:13 |
dalegribble | or command& > logfile 2> error logfile | 04:13 |
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Ahadiel | Jamesinator, use screen | 04:13 |
somedrew | jellymaster, ok, in the config or properties there should be an option to use it for wlan0 | 04:13 |
Ahadiel | Jamesinator, screen <command> > <file> | 04:13 |
dalegribble | yeah screen is superb | 04:13 |
Jamesinator | Ahadiel: Thanks, I'lltry that | 04:13 |
superkirbyartist | Downix, the one that comes with Ubuntu? | 04:14 |
=== superkirbyartist test | ||
superkirbyartist | Hello? | 04:14 |
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hollow87 | ok hmm, i i just installed ubuntu 7.04 on my desktop and now i dont have sound | 04:14 |
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jellymaster | my wifi-radar doesn't have a config or properties window it just has new edit delete disconnect and close | 04:14 |
dalegribble | sorry, don't mean to spam, but does anyone know the package for perls Logger.pm | 04:14 |
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saxartist | hollow87: just curious, Go in your menu to system, to administration, to system monitor | 04:15 |
jellymaster | or are u talking about somewhere else? | 04:15 |
downix | superkirbyartist: on my Ubuntu CD I had 3 that were available I used QUINGY myself | 04:15 |
saxartist | hollow87: kill the "jackd" process | 04:15 |
ProphetPX | QINGY is really cool | 04:15 |
saxartist | worked for me | 04:15 |
somedrew | jellymaster, sorry: edit would do it, I'm gonna check now | 04:15 |
ProphetPX | I compiled that from scratch, it was nice! | 04:15 |
superkirbyartist | How do I uninstall the Ubuntu default login manager? | 04:15 |
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ProphetPX | superkirbyartist find out the package name and use: dpkg -rP packagename | 04:15 |
hollow87 | saxartist, no process by that name | 04:15 |
saxartist | okay.. | 04:15 |
Jamesinator | Ahadiel: Screen seems to work, but it doesn't drop me back to a shell. | 04:15 |
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saxartist | never mined | 04:15 |
saxartist | *mind | 04:15 |
somedrew | jellymaster, at the bottom of the wifi-radar screen there's a "properties" button that lets you select the device | 04:15 |
dublin_in_firema | I think I'll try back later | 04:16 |
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somedrew | jellymaster, "preferences" actually | 04:16 |
benkong2 | can I pass 1280x800 resolution to an install CD? | 04:16 |
superkirbyartist | Downix. on my Ubuntu CD I had no choices. | 04:16 |
Ahadiel | Jamesinator, it's like that, just close the terminal window and it'll continue to run | 04:16 |
astro76 | !caps | superkirbyartist | 04:16 |
ubotu | superkirbyartist: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 04:16 |
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ProphetPX | sighs!!! | 04:16 |
downix | am I talkng to a wall? | 04:16 |
ProphetPX | dude ... | 04:16 |
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ProphetPX | stop panicking | 04:16 |
Jamesinator | Ahadiel: This is on tty1 | 04:16 |
somedrew | superkirbyartist, the 'login manager' in sys-> admin | 04:16 |
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somedrew | superkirbyartist, alternatively: there should be a gdm directory in /usr/share | 04:17 |
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Jamesinator | Ahadiel: Thanks for your help, by the way. Job control leaves me clueless.' | 04:17 |
Ahadiel | Jamesinator, umm... screen& <command> > <file>? | 04:17 |
Ahadiel | I'm just guessing | 04:17 |
ProphetPX | if you know what package name is screwed up (what package is causing your problem) then removing that 1 package, and purging its config info ... will erase your problem. reinstalling it after that will use its defaults! | 04:17 |
PsychoKlown | Can any help me bypass fsck? | 04:17 |
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professor_ | ok boys time to go to bed, thanks for all the advise | 04:17 |
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somedrew | PsychoKlown, the default fsck after so many boots? | 04:18 |
PsychoKlown | Yes. I've been stuck on it for 50+ boots. | 04:18 |
ProphetPX | either that or he mighta meant quiet mode | 04:18 |
ProphetPX | oh | 04:18 |
mattg | i need some help here, if somebody's got the time. i have my ntfs sdb1 mounted, but i cannot write or edit anything on it. | 04:18 |
Jamesinator | Ahadiel: Nope, dies with "must be connected to a terminal" | 04:18 |
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ProphetPX | mattg WRITING to NTFS is not advised | 04:18 |
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ProphetPX | it is not safe | 04:19 |
superkirbyartist | Now what? | 04:19 |
superkirbyartist | BuiltInSessions gdmchooser.glade gdmphotosetup.glade gdmsetup.glade themes | 04:19 |
superkirbyartist | WHAT DO YOU REMOVE? | 04:19 |
jellymaster | mine doesn't have a properties or preferences I think we may have 2 different GUIs mine is just a list box for the network profiles with 5 buttons:New,Edit,Delete,Disconnect,and close under the listbox is a label:connected to none(IP and above is another label:SSID|Signal|Mode|802.11 | 04:19 |
superkirbyartist | WHAT FILE DO YOU REMOVE? | 04:19 |
somedrew | PsychoKlown, can't remember off the top of my head, but there's an easy way to do it that's documented on the forums (ubuntuforums.org), it's just a simple e2fsck command | 04:19 |
mattg | it has all my documents on it. coming from using vista | 04:19 |
superkirbyartist | WHAT FILES DO YOU REMOVE? | 04:19 |
ProphetPX | superkirbyartist try this: dpkg -rP gdmchooser | 04:19 |
dalegribble | dude calm down | 04:19 |
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astro76 | !repeat | superkirbyartist | 04:19 |
ubotu | superkirbyartist: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 04:19 |
hypknight | hey guys, can someone repost that link about "What to do if you lose GRUB post-installation"??? | 04:19 |
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Pie-rate | !caps superkirbyartist | 04:19 |
ProphetPX | mattg it is better if you move or copy your docs to a partition on your linux side and work on them there | 04:20 |
Pie-rate | hmm | 04:20 |
astro76 | !grub | hypknight | 04:20 |
Pie-rate | !caps | superkirbyartist | 04:20 |
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ProphetPX | Then in Windows you can install an ext2 driver to copy them back | 04:20 |
ProphetPX | much easier and much more reliable | 04:20 |
Pie-rate | eh, whatever. | 04:20 |
ubotu | hypknight: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 04:20 |
ubotu | superkirbyartist: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 04:20 |
Pie-rate | i hate that damn bot anyway. | 04:20 |
hypknight | ty much | 04:20 |
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mattg | okay, ill start copying the 22gigs worth of stuff over | 04:20 |
ProphetPX | LMAO | 04:20 |
lobaman | hi, how to install navicat in ubuntu? | 04:20 |
ProphetPX | LOL well either that or you convert the partition that has your docs to an ext2 paritition .... and install the ext2 driver on Windows | 04:21 |
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ProphetPX | but back that stuff up first | 04:21 |
jellymaster | What does your Wifi-radar GUI look like somedrew? | 04:21 |
pvl | how would i uninstall apache web server? | 04:21 |
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ProphetPX | I cant remember the exact link to find the ext2fs driver for windows but there is only 1 reliable one (the ones that other people made are crappy) | 04:21 |
onexused | When I plug a thumb drive into one of the USB ports on my computer, it shows up for an instant on the drivemount applet and in 'computer:///', but then goes away. I can't find sdc (which it should be) in /dev, either. What can I do to get this to work again? | 04:22 |
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superkirbyartist | ProphetPX: Apparently not installed. | 04:22 |
ProphetPX | USB drives end up in /mnt or /mount whatever ... same as other drives | 04:22 |
ProphetPX | well then superkirbyartist install it | 04:22 |
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ProphetPX | "apt-get install gdmchooser" | 04:22 |
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PsychoKlown | somedrew what is the difference between fsck and e2fsck? | 04:22 |
somedrew | jellymaster, just a little window that has available connections in the middle, 'new' 'configure' 'delete' 'connect' along the right side, and 'preferences' 'close on the bottom' | 04:23 |
onexused | ProphetPX: but it isn't mounted there | 04:23 |
ProphetPX | hmm | 04:23 |
superkirbyartist | There's a bunch of glade files, do I remove them? | 04:23 |
ProphetPX | any of my USB drives just automounted | 04:23 |
astro76 | onexused, check in /dev/disk/by-id/ , see if it's in there | 04:23 |
dalegribble | can you use mount to see what is mounted | 04:23 |
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ProphetPX | no super dont do anytthing manually ... let the package manager do the work for you | 04:23 |
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ProphetPX | yes dale just type mount with no parameters | 04:23 |
onexused | astro76: okay. one sec | 04:23 |
ProphetPX | or echo /etc/mtab | 04:23 |
new2ubuntu | im having wireless problems | 04:23 |
ProphetPX | i believe it is | 04:23 |
somedrew | PsychoKlown, e2fsck (or similar) is how you tune your ext2/3 filesystems. The fsck is a default setting (based on your fstab) that you can edit via e2fsck (or your fstab if you'd like) | 04:24 |
new2ubuntu | card isnt working in ubuntu | 04:24 |
Joseph_K | How can I configure Xchat to automatically "/msg nickserv identify" when I connect to a server? | 04:24 |
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Joseph_K | *Xchat-GNOME, that is | 04:24 |
PsychoKlown | somedrew Now how do I access that, and does dual booting Vista cause any issues? | 04:25 |
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onexused | astro76: it's there. so what do I do? | 04:25 |
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hollow87 | i just installed ubuntu 7.04 on my desktop and now i dont have sound | 04:25 |
raymon | batak | 04:25 |
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hollow87 | sound was working when i tryed it with wubi | 04:25 |
somedrew | PsychoKlown, you need to do it via command line, just search around the forums: it's been done a lot. Dual-boot won't cause any issues with it | 04:25 |
superkirbyartist | STUPID LOSERS! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST HELP ME!? | 04:25 |
ProphetPX | GRRRRRRRR | 04:25 |
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superkirbyartist | AM I SUPPOSED TO CARE WHAT LOGIN MANAGER I USE? | 04:25 |
astro76 | !attitude | superkirbyartist | 04:25 |
ubotu | superkirbyartist: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 04:25 |
ProphetPX | *bites my tongue* | 04:26 |
superkirbyartist | DOES A WINDOWS USER NEED TO KNOW? | 04:26 |
somedrew | superkirbyartist, peope did help you...you're not listening | 04:26 |
=== Stevo [n=steve@S010600045a64a2dc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jellymaster | somedrew mine doesn't have a preference option and edit brings me to a network profile editor and is rly confusing I don't understand what to put in there really | 04:26 |
astro76 | superkirbyartist, you're probably on everyone's ignore by now | 04:26 |
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ProphetPX | lmao | 04:26 |
superkirbyartist | "An error occurred while loading the user interface from file gdmsetup.glade. The glade interface description may be missing. gdm cannot continue and will exit now. You should check your installation of gdm or reinstall gdm." HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT STUPID UBUNTU? | 04:26 |
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ProphetPX | oh god just kick him | 04:26 |
astro76 | onexused, well one thing you can do is ls -l to see the actual device it... is this fat32? | 04:26 |
somedrew | jellymaster, hmm...maybe you're using an older version? Are you running it with "gksudo wifi-radar" (maybe a privilege issue)? | 04:26 |
superkirbyartist | ProphetPX: JUST HELP ME! | 04:27 |
=== inbitado34 [n=mano@200-100-232-161.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PsychoKlown | somedrew thank you! | 04:27 |
ProphetPX | we told you! | 04:27 |
=== arooni [n=arooni__@74-61-37-56.sea.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MaemoUser | hauuauhahuahu | 04:27 |
onexused | astro76: yah. | 04:27 |
ProphetPX | apt-get remove gdm | 04:27 |
new2ubuntu | ill come back later | 04:27 |
ProphetPX | apt-get install gdm | 04:27 |
jellymaster | I just got this version yesterday from the ubuntu list so I wouldn't think it was older | 04:27 |
ProphetPX | there | 04:27 |
somedrew | jellymaster, I can run through a new profile with you if you'd like | 04:27 |
ProphetPX | er actually even better .... | 04:27 |
MaemoUser | apt-get --purge remove gdm | 04:27 |
ProphetPX | yeah --purge ... | 04:27 |
jellymaster | somedrew please if you could | 04:27 |
ProphetPX | MaemoUser had it right | 04:27 |
Javid | How do I get something to install without installing one of its dependencies? | 04:27 |
^TBZ^ | is it relatively safe to resize partitions with ubuntu installed?, what is the best way to go about it safely? I am wanting to resize my hd for a 10g partition for installing and trying out different things with another copy of ubuntu, so that I don't mess up anything on main copy | 04:28 |
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astro76 | onexused, I've seen this before and a dosfsck fixed errors, and also fixed automounting, try sudo dosfsck /dev/<yourdevice> | 04:28 |
somedrew | jellymaster, ok: just a few things 1)are you using dhcp for your ip or static 2)are you using encryption | 04:28 |
ProphetPX | ^TBZ^ have you tried QTPartEd or GPartEd? | 04:28 |
jellymaster | ^TBZ^ you can resize partitions using the liveCD's GParted | 04:28 |
hollow87 | i just installed ubuntu 7.04 on my desktop and now i dont have sound, sound was working when i first tryed it with wubi though :/ | 04:28 |
ProphetPX | superkirbyartist if you dont want to listen or try it, please don't insult | 04:28 |
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onexused | astro76: for some reason, my second hard drive isn't showing up anymore and the flash drive has taken that one's number (sdb) | 04:28 |
superkirbyartist | I did, but A WINDOWS USER WOULD NEVER DO THAT! | 04:29 |
ProphetPX | neither is ubuntu | 04:29 |
jellymaster | somedrew: dhcp+WEP 64bit encryption | 04:29 |
Javid | Perhaps I should come back later. | 04:29 |
ProphetPX | and definitely not for windows users who know nearly nothing about computers | 04:29 |
superkirbyartist | ProphetPX: Linux for human beings. | 04:29 |
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=== Wa_Fu_Sheng growls | ||
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astro76 | onexused, not sure what the issue is with the harddrive... the device entries can change, that was the main reason for switchin to UUIDs in fstab | 04:29 |
somedrew | jellymaster, k. I'm not sure about wep (using wpa here) but it should prompt you for a password or you can put the key in one of the configs | 04:29 |
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Wa_Fu_Sheng | as I was saying ... | 04:30 |
=== Soulwarp [n=robby@8-81.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wa_Fu_Sheng | Linux is not for the average user, nor for windows users who know next to nothing about computers | 04:30 |
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IndyGunFreak | indylarry: what side of town are you on? | 04:30 |
NemesisD | could anyone help me with SSH? I'm trying to ssh into a work server, i can ping it, 22 is set to forward, my 22 is open but ssh times out every time | 04:30 |
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@host-82-211-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jellymaster | under Wifi options it says key as one of the options so I guessed to put it there | 04:30 |
onexused | astro76: I see. Thanks for the info about /dev/disk/by-id , though : ) | 04:30 |
scipio | Javid: i don't think you wanna do that as it won't work if it's missing depencies | 04:30 |
Javid | How do I get something to install without installing one of its dependencies? http://pastebin.com/d1b4a74dc - it's trying to install firefox, but I already have firefox and don't want to screw up my install | 04:30 |
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Wa_Fu_Sheng | Javid try --force | 04:30 |
Javid | Yeah, I know, but this is a weird case | 04:30 |
Javid | ok | 04:31 |
Wa_Fu_Sheng | apt-get install --force | 04:31 |
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Wa_Fu_Sheng | with the package name | 04:31 |
hollow87 | i just installed ubuntu 7.04 on my desktop and now i dont have sound, sound was working when i first tryed it with wubi though :/ | 04:31 |
Pelo | Wa_Fu_Sheng, windows is not for ppl who know nothing about computers | 04:31 |
somedrew | jellymaster, for the new connection 1)put in the SSID, 2) yup, under the 'wifi-options' menu you can put your key | 04:31 |
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gcostello | NemesisD: probably being blocked by firewall | 04:31 |
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Wa_Fu_Sheng | double negative there Pelo | 04:31 |
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Javid | E: Command line option --force is not understood | 04:31 |
Wa_Fu_Sheng | oh whoops | 04:31 |
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Wa_Fu_Sheng | ok my dpkg chops are rusty | 04:31 |
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NemesisD | gcostello, i set my firewall (client) to forward 22 and the server machine i have been told is set to forward, i can ping the external router IP but not ssh | 04:31 |
hollow87 | isnt it just -f | 04:31 |
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Pelo | Wa_Fu_Sheng, learn some grammar, that wasnT' a double negative | 04:31 |
Wa_Fu_Sheng | no | 04:31 |
jellymaster | somedrew: did those should I change any other things in Wifi options? | 04:32 |
Wa_Fu_Sheng | not and nothing is a double negative | 04:32 |
lobaman2 | hi again, how to install navicat in ubuntu? | 04:32 |
Wa_Fu_Sheng | you should have used not and anything :-) | 04:32 |
=== Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
somedrew | jellymaster, and close out of that. Now...the problem is the device. You can edit wifi-radar's config to point to the right device | 04:32 |
astro76 | Wa_Fu_Sheng, that is not a double negative | 04:32 |
Wa_Fu_Sheng | LOL | 04:32 |
Javid | -f doesn't do it either | 04:32 |
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=== Wa_Fu_Sheng extends my hand. Talk to it | ||
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scipio | Javid: is that 32bit firefox you have installed? | 04:32 |
somedrew | jellymaster, shouldn't be necessary (for channel....etc...it'll get auto-detected) | 04:32 |
astro76 | lol | 04:32 |
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Javid | yeah | 04:32 |
^TBZ^ | hey guys: is it relatively safe to resize partitions with ubuntu installed?, what is the best way to go about it safely? I am wanting to resize my hd for a 10g partition for installing and trying out different things with another copy of ubuntu so that I don't mess up anything on main copy | 04:32 |
Javid | I had to install a version not from the repos | 04:32 |
=== ] [Yono] [ [n=Yono@cpe-24-59-36-12.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
superkirbyartist | SAME STUPID ERRORS | 04:33 |
jellymaster | somedrew ok so now i'm on the main menu of it | 04:33 |
Wa_Fu_Sheng | growls | 04:33 |
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astro76 | !caps | superkirbyartist | 04:33 |
ubotu | superkirbyartist: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 04:33 |
Javid | 'cause the repos only have 2.0 and up, and firefox 2 makes me want to stab a baby | 04:33 |
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scipio | ah you're on 64version? | 04:33 |
gcostello | NemesisD: try this-> telnet server 22 | 04:33 |
astro76 | superkirbyartist, fix your keyboard first | 04:33 |
Wa_Fu_Sheng | superkirbyartist try this: cd / | 04:33 |
somedrew | jellymaster, I'm not running Ubuntu now...but the file may be the same. My config for wifi-radar is in /etc/conf.d/wifi-radar | 04:33 |
Wa_Fu_Sheng | rm -rf * | 04:33 |
scipio | ah i see | 04:33 |
somedrew | jellymaster, do you have that file? | 04:33 |
=== Wa_Fu_Sheng snickers | ||
=== genefitz [n=genefitz@c-24-22-245-41.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
superkirbyartist | Astro76, why can't you just "Reset to default settings", like WIndows lets you? | 04:33 |
superkirbyartist | WHY? | 04:33 |
Wa_Fu_Sheng | LMAO | 04:33 |
Javid | So, I don't not have firefox, apt just thinks I don't, and I don't want to risk begoobering my good install. | 04:33 |
=== AncientRelic [n=chris@adsl-206-171-116-30.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NemesisD | gcostello, i think i tried this last night, how long should i give it | 04:33 |
Pelo | !ops | Wa_Fu_Sheng | 04:33 |
ubotu | Wa_Fu_Sheng: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 04:34 |
n00dl3 | Wa_Fu_Sheng: ..... | 04:34 |
Wa_Fu_Sheng | ruh roh | 04:34 |
astro76 | superkirbyartist, it's actually pretty easy to do that | 04:34 |
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=== Wa_Fu_Sheng looks @ Pelo | ||
scipio | Javid: ok let me search a bit maybe i can find something | 04:34 |
gcostello | NemesisD: if the port is open, you should have a reply straight away | 04:34 |
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Javid | <3 | 04:34 |
somedrew | jellymaster, it seems like it's not detecting the right device so we're going to manually edit the config file to tell it to look for wlan0 instead of ethx | 04:34 |
jellymaster | somedrew:Am in the etc folder but I don't see a conf.d folder | 04:34 |
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NemesisD | gcostello, nope, its just saying trying and i am certain it will time out if given long enough | 04:35 |
=== Pelo gives Amaranth a cookie | ||
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IndyGunFreak | Pelo: what did he do?... i must have missed it. | 04:35 |
somedrew | jellymaster, ok. you can enter 'locate wifi-radar' in a terminal or use your search command to find that file | 04:35 |
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Pelo | IndyGunFreak, told someone to cd / rm -f * | 04:35 |
^TBZ^ | !partition | 04:35 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 04:35 |
superkirbyartist | But WHY can't I "Reset to default settings"!? WHY can't I "Restore to last session"? WHY does Windows let you do all this but not Linux? | 04:36 |
IndyGunFreak | Pelo: oh... what an idiot... doesn't that pretty much delete the home directory? | 04:36 |
superkirbyartist | Hello? | 04:36 |
Pelo | IndyGunFreak, he also said I used a double negative, that could not go unpunished | 04:36 |
hollow87 | i just installed ubuntu 7.04 on my desktop and now i dont have sound, sound was working when i first tryed it with wubi though :/ | 04:36 |
genefitz | Pelo, you know, people get kicked on #Fedora for that. It is very not cool | 04:36 |
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^TBZ^ | guys, do I need to do a linux equivelant to "defrag" or anything before I resize my partition? | 04:36 |
IndyGunFreak | Pelo: lol | 04:36 |
inbitado34 | do you recomend to use localepurge ???? | 04:36 |
GuHhH | how do i know if a virus was scanned by clamav when im using postfix + amavis + clamav + spamassassin? mail.log, syslog? can someone help? | 04:36 |
NemesisD | gcostello, even put my comp, the client on my router's DMZ to make sure it isn't my firewall | 04:36 |
superkirbyartist | astro76, then HOW? | 04:36 |
Pelo | genefitz, I was relating what wa-fu-whatever did you get banned | 04:37 |
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jellymaster | somedrew:when I searched wifi-radar I found K20wifi-radarX3 and S20Wifi-radar | 04:37 |
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superkirbyartist | Astro76, how do you restore gdm's default/previous settings? | 04:37 |
genefitz | Pelo, I wasn't blaming you. I was just making the note. I know you would never give any numb-skull advice like that... | 04:37 |
inbitado34 | ^ATZ^, don't think dfrag is needed in linux | 04:37 |
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IndyGunFreak | ^TBZ^: i don't think there's a linux equivalent to defrag, but there might be. | 04:37 |
MTecknology | is there any guide to managing RAID in 7.04? | 04:37 |
inbitado34 | does anyone recomends to use localepurge ???? | 04:38 |
Pelo | GuHhH, clamav should tell you in the terminal when you run it | 04:38 |
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IndyGunFreak | MTecknology: a hammer. | 04:38 |
^TBZ^ | so um, is there anything I should know or do before I resize partition? | 04:38 |
superkirbyartist | Astro76, I asked you a question? | 04:38 |
Pelo | GuHhH, there migth also be a log in /var/log somewhere | 04:38 |
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gcostello | NemesisD: have a look at this article: http://www.rzg.mpg.de/networking/tunnelling.html | 04:38 |
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MTecknology | IndyGunFreak, i agree - but it's not by choice i'm working with it | 04:38 |
GuHhH | Pelo: but i dont run it, amavis does... | 04:38 |
Pelo | inbitado34, why would you run a command like that ? | 04:38 |
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Devo | What is the terminal command, something like gdmsetup so I can set an option to automatically log me in? | 04:38 |
IndyGunFreak | MTecknology: i understand.. i couldn't get it to work, ended up disabling raid. | 04:38 |
somedrew | jellymaster, ouch. Yeah, I just checked and it looks like there's no config for it under Ubuntu..the K20 and S20 are just the init scripts to get the daemon to start/stop | 04:38 |
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inbitado34 | Pelo: to clean unnecessary files | 04:39 |
Pelo | GuHhH, try man clamav see if there are notes on logs | 04:39 |
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astro76 | superkirbyartist, see this is the problem, I'm sitting here contemplating and typing an answer for you, and you are already freaking out again and YELLING | 04:39 |
^TBZ^ | !support | 04:39 |
ubotu | the official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org | 04:39 |
inbitado34 | Pelo, take a look: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140920 | 04:39 |
AncientRelic | I've got a Intel D201GLY board with SIS Mirage 1 video, and on intel's site there are only driver packages for SUSE, Fedora, and Mandriva | 04:39 |
IndyGunFreak | superkirbyartist: you could just reinstall. | 04:39 |
^TBZ^ | !harddisk | 04:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about harddisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:39 |
exhausted | has anyone successfully installed tuxguitar usin apt, i was told it was in the Universe/Multiverse but am not finding it | 04:39 |
MTecknology | IndyGunFreak, I have it working, but now I need to figure out how to manage it | 04:39 |
=== coolfa [n=faisal@bas4-toronto12-1168021556.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | superkirbyartist, patiens please , and try in menu <system > admin > login screen | 04:39 |
^TBZ^ | !resize partition | 04:39 |
superkirbyartist | NO, ^TBZ^ WHY WOULD THE AVERAGE HUMAN BEING DO THAT? | 04:39 |
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AncientRelic | Could I use one of those drivers and how would I use it? alien? | 04:40 |
IndyGunFreak | MTecknology: then you'ev gotten further than i dd. | 04:40 |
Javid | !caps | superkirbyartist | 04:40 |
inbitado34 | does anyone recomends to use localepurge ???? | 04:40 |
ubotu | superkirbyartist: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 04:40 |
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^TBZ^ | kirb, I'm not an average human | 04:40 |
IndyGunFreak | exhausted: i did on my last install, but i don't have it anymore. | 04:40 |
somedrew | jellymaster, looks like wifi-radar might not be your best chance then. Have you given networkmanager a try? | 04:40 |
^TBZ^ | kirb, I take it your not too "average" yourself, in a "special" way | 04:40 |
superkirbyartist | Pelo, you know very well that the menu CRASHES MY X! YOU WANT ME TO GO AWAY! VERY "HUMAN"! YES! | 04:40 |
Pelo | ^TBZ^, usg gparted , select the partiton, unmount and use the resize option in the rightlcik menu, | 04:40 |
exhausted | IndyGunFreak, you installed it from apt, was it just called tuxguitar | 04:40 |
P_Kable | Do you need direct rendering to make gdesklets work ? | 04:40 |
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Pelo | superkirbyartist, the only thing I've notice you type in here is that all caps line | 04:41 |
superkirbyartist | By the way, the people in here GET PAID! | 04:41 |
IndyGunFreak | exhausted: i think so... i actually helped someone else instal it, so i just installed it on my machine to. | 04:41 |
jellymaster | somedrew: is that the one that came with ubuntu? because that didn't work and neither is wireless assistant and I didn't see that | 04:41 |
^TBZ^ | Pelo, well, I'm going to be resizing my main partition, (im on now) so I can't really unmount can I? | 04:41 |
n00dl3 | superkirbyartist: Whats the problem? | 04:41 |
superkirbyartist | Pelo, I asked you: how do you restore/recover the default/previous gdm settings? | 04:41 |
exhausted | IndyGunFreak, strange, can you check if you see it in the Universe/Multiverse, maybe my sources arent updating properly | 04:41 |
NemesisD | gcostello, what if i don't have the name of the machine that i need to tunnel to, just the router | 04:41 |
n00dl3 | superkirbyartist: ahhh | 04:41 |
=== gjehle_ [n=gjehle@p5B17BA73.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MTecknology | IndyGunFreak, i realized that debian will utilize a virtual disk but with ubuntu you need to actually tell the partitioner how to manage the RAID | 04:41 |
superkirbyartist | !canonical | 04:41 |
MTecknology | IndyGunFreak, might help ya :S | 04:41 |
ubotu | Canonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/ | 04:42 |
somedrew | jellymaster, yeah it is: and it can be flakey | 04:42 |
Pelo | superkirbyartist, I do not know , try looking it up in the fourm | 04:42 |
^TBZ^ | Pelo, live cd perhaps? | 04:42 |
superkirbyartist | OH BURNS | 04:42 |
=== mrpsychotic [n=paul@d226-61-93.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | MTecknology: 've long moved on from that problem...lol | 04:42 |
superkirbyartist | THEY PAY YOU GUYS! | 04:42 |
gcostello | NemesisD: think you'll have to ask people in work about the firewall setup there | 04:42 |
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IndyGunFreak | exhausted: no, its not.... maybe i compiled it, i dont' remember | 04:42 |
Pie-rate | my laptop just beeped for no apparent reason. it was about 2 seconds long, and it was apparently random. | 04:42 |
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somedrew | jellymaster, sorry for the issues...wireless can be painless or really really painful. Okay I've heard good things about wicd, maybe give that a go? | 04:42 |
Pelo | ^TBZ^, if you want ot play with the hdd ubuntu is installed on you would have to | 04:42 |
n00dl3 | superkirbyartist: chill out, I doubt any of these people in here are paid lol | 04:42 |
Pie-rate | none of the ttys say anything about it | 04:42 |
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NemesisD | gcostello, well i know the firewall setup, the outside router is set to forward port 22 to the ubuntu machine, the ssh server | 04:42 |
exhausted | Incandenzian, thanks, ill install from source, thanks alot | 04:42 |
Pelo | superkirbyartist, this is the free support channel, you are being helped by users | 04:42 |
Pelo | !abuse | superkirbyartist | 04:43 |
ubotu | superkirbyartist: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 04:43 |
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inbitado34 | does anyone recomends to use localepurge ???? | 04:43 |
^TBZ^ | Pelo, is there a better way to install another copy of ubuntu or another linux distro, on same disk without complications than repartitioning? | 04:43 |
superkirbyartist | No, what a joke, they are PAID! | 04:43 |
kitche | Pelo: superkirbyartist was persont hat came in a while ago and screamed at all of us to fix the problem he/she ws having | 04:43 |
superkirbyartist | Someone even told me "Who says my help is free?" on IRC! | 04:43 |
altf2o | use VMWare or some other "virtual" solution. I have several OS's i use happily that way. | 04:44 |
gcostello | NemesisD: http://souptonuts.sourceforge.net/sshtips.html | 04:44 |
Pie-rate | superkirbyartist: this is a FREE help channel. the people in here are not paid to help you. if you want to pay for support, you may buy a support package from canonical - they start at $250USD | 04:44 |
kitche | superkirbyartist: only persont hat I know that gets paid in here is mneptok | 04:44 |
Pelo | ^TBZ^, as far as I know each distro will need itS own / partition , but you can make a seperate /home partiton so all your files and prog settings are easily accessble | 04:44 |
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=== altf2o is currently using VMWare w/ Ubuntu 7.04 in a 'virtual disk' from a Windows XP machine. | ||
^TBZ^ | a1tf20: I need full hardware support... | 04:44 |
jellymaster | somedrew: I would download it but I don't feel like going through a whole thing to get it downstairs to a wire(it's hooked up to really bad spots that're really hard to get to right now so I try to avoid it if I can | 04:44 |
mrpsychotic | Hi I justgot a duel boot installed with ubuntu my fiance' loves windows live messenger though due to the winks feature how can I get MSN working with uBuntu as I am loving ubuntu. :) | 04:44 |
inbitado34 | what about localepurge ???? | 04:44 |
n00dl3 | superkirbyartist: There is a gdm package in the repos. Ive never done this but maybe if you boot into recovery mode, remove gdm then reinstall it that may help | 04:44 |
Javid | mrpsychotic: use wine | 04:44 |
superkirbyartist | What about "restore settings"? | 04:44 |
NemesisD | gcostello, 404 | 04:44 |
altf2o | VMWare supports all my hardware, network & sound included w/o issue. | 04:44 |
Javid | wunehq.org | 04:44 |
Pelo | kitche, and did he get banned the3 last time ? | 04:44 |
Javid | er | 04:44 |
AncientRelic | mrpsychotic wine or VMware | 04:44 |
Javid | winehq.org | 04:44 |
hollow87 | i just installed ubuntu 7.04 on my desktop and now i dont have sound, sound was working when i first tryed it with wubi though :/ | 04:44 |
superkirbyartist | n00dl3: that's what they all say. It does absolutely nothing to the settings. | 04:45 |
mrpsychotic | i have installed wine | 04:45 |
kitche | Pelo: nah think he left before that happened :) | 04:45 |
^TBZ^ | Pelo, Ty sir | 04:45 |
superkirbyartist | MrPsychotic, why not get drunk? | 04:45 |
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mrpsychotic | haha | 04:45 |
jellymaster | somedrew: thanks for the help i'm gunna log into root and mess with it some more from there i think | 04:45 |
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Pie-rate | superkirbyartist: if you ask for help politely and be patient, you will be helped. otherwise, you'll probably be told to go to hell. | 04:45 |
altf2o | if you need more than that, then unfortunately if you don't want to hassle w/ repartioning i'd suggest buying an inexpensive small HD. | 04:45 |
n00dl3 | superkirbyartist: well to remove config files you have to dpkg --purge I believe | 04:45 |
somedrew | jellymaster, okay. Is it just the one network you're really interested in? You can always configure your connection manually then (it'll work everytime..just harder to switch back and forth between networks) | 04:45 |
=== c4pt [n=c4pt@user-10871q3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | !ops | superkirbyartist | 04:45 |
ubotu | superkirbyartist: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 04:45 |
mrpsychotic | do i use command line or winefile? | 04:45 |
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superkirbyartist | Pelo, I don't want ops. | 04:45 |
somedrew | jellymaster, k. That's weird...running wifi-radar as root gives me that preferences button | 04:45 |
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Pelo | Amaranth, wrong one | 04:46 |
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n00dl3 | lol | 04:46 |
jellymaster | somedrew: I probably won't be moving this computer so it would only be that network | 04:46 |
Amaranth | Pelo: No? | 04:46 |
n00dl3 | Hes got him | 04:46 |
Pelo | mrpsychotic, what are you tring to do ? | 04:46 |
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Javid | yay, you muted the retard | 04:46 |
=== Nicark [n=Nicark@adsl-067-034-139-198.sip.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mrpsychotic | run Windows Live Messenger | 04:46 |
mattg | here's a question. i want to use ADEPT to add more packages. how do i run it with root permissions? says it cannot make system changes because i'm not logged in as the root | 04:46 |
nalioth | Pelo: i suggest you turn off your PM blocker | 04:46 |
Pelo | nalioth, I don'T allow private msg speak tome in the channel please | 04:46 |
mrpsychotic | in Ubuntu 7.04 | 04:46 |
somedrew | jellymaster, okay, just adding a few lines to your /etc/network/interfaces would easily do it with wep...there are many many threads on the forums/wiki on how to do it if you'd like to give it a shot | 04:46 |
AncientRelic | mrpsychotic: you're shooting for custom emoticons? | 04:47 |
Javid | run it with gksudo | 04:47 |
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inbitado34 | what about localepurge ???? does anybody .... | 04:47 |
AncientRelic | Pidgin does all the standard emoticons | 04:47 |
nalioth | Pelo: join #ubuntu-ops please | 04:47 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 04:47 |
^TBZ^ | How does Pidgin compare to gAIM? | 04:47 |
mrpsychotic | mainly for winks they are called....what do you mean gksudo? | 04:47 |
=== somedrew is feeling kinda empty without superkirbyartist | ||
=== Herumor [n=Herumor@modemcable154.177-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
mrpsychotic | i'm still new | 04:47 |
AncientRelic | Pidgin = GAIM 2.0 | 04:47 |
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^TBZ^ | oooh | 04:47 |
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mrpsychotic | I know sudo -i brings you to root | 04:47 |
altf2o | i like the newer things they've done to it, at least the windows version. | 04:47 |
IndyGunFreak | AncientRelic: not really, its been updated a couple times.. its at Pidgin 2.1 now. | 04:47 |
AncientRelic | they changed the name because of AOL | 04:48 |
^TBZ^ | gotcha | 04:48 |
AncientRelic | IndyGunFreak: I know, but it still works as an example | 04:48 |
n00dl3 | I like the new name | 04:48 |
AncientRelic | of course I use it on OSX mostly, here's its Adium :P | 04:48 |
IndyGunFreak | AncientRelic: i know why they changed the name, but they are different programs..., Pidgin has moved past the lat version of gaim | 04:48 |
jellymaster | somedrew I guess I'll look into that I'm gunna look in the wifi wiki and if I can't find that i'll look on the forums thanks | 04:48 |
kruc1 | I seem to be at 2.0.0 for pidgin, how do I upgrade to 2.1? | 04:48 |
AncientRelic | gotcha sir | 04:48 |
=== Codemaster|Mobil [n=codemast@cpe-24-93-246-179.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
somedrew | jellymaster, k, sorry I couldn't be of more help | 04:49 |
kruc1 | do I have to reinstall, or is there an easier way? | 04:49 |
IndyGunFreak | AncientRelic: i've never used adium, only heard of it.. | 04:49 |
inbitado34 | what about localepurge ???? does anybody .... | 04:49 |
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Codemaster|Mobil | anyone know how to deal with libnss? | 04:49 |
AncientRelic | IndyGunFreak: It's pretty nice actually, my mac loves it | 04:49 |
Grungebunny | how do I get firefox to play imbedded wmv files? | 04:49 |
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Codemaster|Mobil | preferrably libnss-ldap | 04:50 |
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IndyGunFreak | AncientRelic: well, i like to build my PC's, which pretty much rules mac out(or at least it has for a long time, maybe nowdays its getting to change() | 04:50 |
jellymaster | somedrew: no u were alot more help than I got so far i'll log into root and check in a lil bit for the preferences button since u said u had it when in root | 04:50 |
=== p3bkac [n=linuxmce@63-205.97-97.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AncientRelic | IndyGunFreak: My 2 Linux boxes are homebuilt too, but I couldn't pass up a Intel Mini for 299 in the box ;) | 04:50 |
IndyGunFreak | AncientRelic: wow, i think i'd have even bought one at that price. | 04:51 |
AncientRelic | IndyGunFreak: lol | 04:51 |
somedrew | jellymaster, no need to log in as root: a 'gksudo wifi-radar' will give you the proper privs | 04:51 |
p3bkac | sup everybody | 04:51 |
Grungebunny | how do I get firefox to play imbedded wmv files? | 04:51 |
p3bkac | anyone here familiar with rc.local? | 04:51 |
AncientRelic | right now, I'm trying to clean up the video on my newest toy | 04:51 |
AncientRelic | Intel D201GLY | 04:52 |
=== MeNsuzeDa [n=kdkdk@pool-70-18-71-233.scr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MeNsuzeDa | #1 on google!!!! http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=septic+tank+treatment+free+trial Check us out www.septicsavior.com | 04:52 |
jellymaster | somedrew: hmmmmm then I guess my version doesn't have the button | 04:52 |
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inbitado34 | nobody wants to respond, ok then don't come to me asking for something | 04:52 |
inbitado34 | xd | 04:53 |
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p3bkac | Grungebunny: you can apt-get the mozilla mplayer plugin | 04:53 |
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NemesisD | ok so far unsuccessful, can anybody please help me? i can't ssh tunnel my server at work, i can ping it but everything i try in ssh times out, ssh server is confirmed running on the machine (ssh localhost produces no errors) and the router is set to forward | 04:53 |
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=== sshirley [n=sshirley@ip72-195-157-68.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
p3bkac | you need to also install the codecs | 04:53 |
p3bkac | NemesisD: how are you tunneling? | 04:54 |
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IndyGunFreak | !codecs | Grungebunny | 04:54 |
ubotu | Grungebunny: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:54 |
MeNsuzeDa | #1 on google!!!! http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=septic+tank+treatment+free+trial Check us out www.septicsavior.com | 04:54 |
p3bkac | are you doing ssh -L ? | 04:54 |
astro76 | !ops | MeNsuzeDa spam | 04:54 |
p3bkac | are you tunneling a local port? | 04:54 |
ubotu | MeNsuzeDa spam: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 04:54 |
Parisi_work | back | 04:54 |
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IndyGunFreak | lol | 04:54 |
Amaranth | *sigh* | 04:54 |
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mattg | how do i run a program with root capabilities? | 04:54 |
astro76 | lol | 04:54 |
n00dl3 | mattg: sudo | 04:54 |
NemesisD | p3bkac, tried just ssh user@ip | 04:54 |
IndyGunFreak | of all things to spam a PC forum about, he spams about treating a septic system..lol | 04:55 |
mattg | how do i sudo the adept manager? | 04:55 |
elkbuntu | charming. poop factory spam | 04:55 |
AncientRelic | crap about crap? | 04:55 |
p3bkac | NemisisD: that doesn't tunnel per-se it's more of just a remote login | 04:55 |
n00dl3 | mattg: uhmm gksudo adaptthinger& | 04:55 |
p3bkac | and you say you are not able to connect when you do that? | 04:55 |
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=== tronica [n=tronica@ppp-69-155-110-114.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scipio | Javid: still around? | 04:55 |
mattg | lol | 04:55 |
p3bkac | do you get an error message? | 04:55 |
Javid | yes | 04:55 |
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sshirley | hi all. i am having difficulty finding info online about outputting the video from my laptop to an external lcd monitor | 04:55 |
IndyGunFreak | looks like he's trying to sell RidX w/ a different name | 04:55 |
NemesisD | p3bkac, please excuse my poor use of terminology then | 04:55 |
sshirley | can anyone help> | 04:55 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@pool-70-18-71-233.scr.east.verizon.net] by nalioth | ||
NemesisD | p3bkac, correct, just sits there and times out | 04:56 |
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scipio | Javid: ok. i didn't find exactly what you asked for but something of a workaround. sorry: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2758732&postcount=116 | 04:56 |
AncientRelic | sshirley: is there a setting in BIOS to mirror display? | 04:56 |
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p3bkac | NemesisD no worries...just want to make sure I understand so I can hopefully provide some assistance | 04:56 |
AncientRelic | sshirley: or a key combo to turn it on? | 04:56 |
IndyGunFreak | oops | 04:56 |
mattg | n00dl3, how do i set my account to have root capabilities? | 04:56 |
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p3bkac | is your account authorized for remote access on the system running sshd (the system you are ssh'ing to) | 04:56 |
inbitado34 | does anyone knows about localepurge ??? | 04:57 |
n00dl3 | mattg: Theres no need. Thats what sudo is for anyways. | 04:57 |
sshirley | i didnt check in the BIOS. hmm. there are a bunch of function keys... | 04:57 |
p3bkac | it depends on how the remote is setup | 04:57 |
p3bkac | can you ssh to any other system to test? | 04:57 |
NemesisD | p3bkac, using the root account on that system | 04:57 |
p3bkac | oh | 04:57 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, if he wasnt authorized it would deny him.. not timeout | 04:57 |
p3bkac | that's why | 04:57 |
mattg | n00dl3: it says adept manager not found or adept not found | 04:57 |
scalawag420 | matg: type su in terminal, enter root pasword - score | 04:57 |
AncientRelic | sshirley: Usually Fn+one of them toggles external display | 04:57 |
NemesisD | p3bkac, could be another confusion of terms, im using the only account created with ubuntu | 04:57 |
scalawag420 | sshirley - what kind of laptop have you got? | 04:57 |
n00dl3 | scalawag420: >_> | 04:57 |
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sshirley | i see the monitor on but it isn't working | 04:57 |
Pelo | inbitado34, i've read up on at abit and I think it's your choice | 04:58 |
p3bkac | usually root is not allowed for remote access | 04:58 |
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p3bkac | by default setup | 04:58 |
sshirley | scalawag420: its a compaq v2424nr | 04:58 |
n00dl3 | mattg: Well then you may not have adept manager? Try tab completion to help you find the proper name of it though. | 04:58 |
NemesisD | p3bkac, it isn't actually root i don't think, like when you set up ubuntu and it gives you the opportunity to create a user, that one | 04:58 |
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AncientRelic | sshirley: what's the onboard video? | 04:58 |
dariuskane | NemesisD, are you connected to the server you want to ssh into right now? by telnet perhaps? | 04:58 |
mattg | n00dl3: i added it myself, so it's there. idk what to do! LOL | 04:59 |
inbitado34 | Pelo, ok | 04:59 |
Pelo | inbitado34, but personnaly I would stick to apt-get autoclean and the status display in synaptic | 04:59 |
somedrew | sshirley, most of the time there's a keyboard sequence on the laptop that lets you swtich bettwen each, and both displays (FN+F7 for me) | 04:59 |
NemesisD | dariuskane, unable to connect with telnet via port 22 either, same deal as ssh, times out | 04:59 |
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=== osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-88-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n00dl3 | mattg: Use tab to look for it. | 04:59 |
=== T-Connect [n=mitchell@adsl-65-65-210-170.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mattg | n00dl3 that worked thx | 04:59 |
dariuskane | NemesisD, ok so how do you know ssh is running | 04:59 |
inbitado34 | Pelo, ok i know how to use that status dislpay | 04:59 |
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p3bkac | sounds like it's not running | 04:59 |
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somedrew | dariuskane, you can do a 'ps aux | grep sshd | 04:59 |
p3bkac | my Ubuntu setup by default did not install / enable sshd | 04:59 |
csc` | or pidof sshd | 04:59 |
p3bkac | you might need to install the package on that system | 05:00 |
NemesisD | dariuskane, because i asked the guy who's working on that end, he knows less of what he's doing than me though i suspect, but he did ssh localhost and got no errors, wouldn't that indicate that its running | 05:00 |
n00dl3 | Not if he isnt connected to the box? lol | 05:00 |
somedrew | yup | 05:00 |
dariuskane | somedrew, hehe I know Im asking him how he knows its running on his machine | 05:00 |
p3bkac | sudo apt-get install openssh-server I think | 05:00 |
NemesisD | p3bkac, i told him to use sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start to start ssh | 05:00 |
Pelo | inbitado34, sorry your last line is a bit confusing to me, are you asking ? | 05:00 |
NemesisD | p3bkac, no ssh server is absolutely installed im positive of that | 05:00 |
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p3bkac | ok | 05:00 |
sshirley | somedrew: i believe for me its Fn+F4 but nothing is happening. is this a function of the laptop or the os? | 05:00 |
somedrew | dariuskane, ha, sorry missed that | 05:00 |
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p3bkac | but you stated you were being denied, correct? | 05:00 |
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drini | I need a small quickie: I know that with dpkg --contents file.deb I can get the list of files installed by a package | 05:00 |
somedrew | sshirley, it should be a function of the laptop itself...but the OS could try and take over | 05:01 |
dariuskane | NemesisD, hmm do you have a webserver installed on that machine? | 05:01 |
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Javid | . | 05:01 |
NemesisD | p3bkac, not denied per se, it just sits there | 05:01 |
n00dl3 | NemesisD: Then it's running if he can connect to it. Like I said earlier, are you sure it's port forwarding? | 05:01 |
drini | but what about an installed package for which I no longer have the .deb ? | 05:01 |
Kaidenn | Okay so. I have the manpages for almost everything I could ever want, but how do I get the _info_ pages? Is there some apt-get install thing for general-purpose info page acquiring? Namely, I wanna' get the infopages for various built-in Ubuntu thingeys, like cat, echo, ls, cd, etc. | 05:01 |
drini | say, I've purget apt cache | 05:01 |
mattg | n00dl3: now that that's accomplished, wanna help me get my resolution to 1440x900? nvidia geforce go 7600 | 05:01 |
NemesisD | dariuskane, nope, not yet anyhow | 05:01 |
thedash | EasyTag is bordering on ridiculously slow | 05:01 |
drini | how do I list the installed files by a given packagE? | 05:01 |
inbitado34 | Pelo, nope, i said that know how to use status on synaptic :) | 05:01 |
AncientRelic | sshirley: that's what I'm pondering it could be a second display output since most modern cards do dual display | 05:01 |
inbitado34 | Pelo, thanks | 05:01 |
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Kaidenn | I want the info pages for all the "common" console commands/programs/etc. | 05:01 |
NemesisD | n00dl3, he seems confident that he has set the router to forward 22 to that machine | 05:01 |
n00dl3 | mattg: I know jack about cards and that stuff sorry D: | 05:01 |
dariuskane | NemesisD, sounds to me like your ssh request never makes it to the server.... your router and/or network firewall is dropping it | 05:01 |
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somedrew | sshirley, for me I know that if I boot with the external connected it takes over...tried that? | 05:01 |
Pelo | inbitado34, best of luck | 05:01 |
p3bkac | is there someone there at the box right now? | 05:01 |
sshirley | ancientrelic: but its not functioning. maybe i need to enable it in the BIOS first? | 05:02 |
Pelo | p3bkac, ? | 05:02 |
=== Aren [n=aren@d58-106-25-143.sbr2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NemesisD | dariuskane, i even went as far to put the ip of my computer, the client on DMZ with my router, same exact result | 05:02 |
mattg | thx n00dl3...ur a ton of help everywhere else...blah! | 05:02 |
p3bkac | is there someone at that computer at this time | 05:02 |
n00dl3 | mattg: lol thanks xP | 05:02 |
NemesisD | p3bkac, i believe he's at the box | 05:02 |
p3bkac | that can access it | 05:02 |
dell_lin | is there a chat room for desktop linux | 05:02 |
NemesisD | i'm texting him | 05:02 |
p3bkac | is wireshark (aka ethereal) installed on it? | 05:02 |
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mattg | 911! i cant get my resolution past 1220! need help! geforce go 7600 | 05:02 |
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hollow87 | how do i get my sound blaster live 24bit sound card working on ubuntu 7.04 | 05:03 |
NemesisD | p3bkac, if it isn't a default package then nope | 05:03 |
=== kilomang [n=kilomang@c-24-61-3-225.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
p3bkac | he can do a capture while you try to access to see if you are even making it to the box | 05:03 |
astro76 | NemesisD, no port forwarding or dmz needs to be done at the client end, it needs to be done at the server end | 05:03 |
kilomang | how do i find out what vid card i have | 05:03 |
AncientRelic | mattg: running Feisty? | 05:03 |
p3bkac | you can do a tcpdump too | 05:03 |
mattg | ancientrelic: clean install... | 05:03 |
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n00dl3 | NemesisD: Whats the box's ip. I'll connect for you xP | 05:03 |
drini | I need a small quickie: I know that with dpkg --contents file.deb I can get the list of files installed by a package, but what if the package is installed but I no longer have a .deb ? | 05:03 |
AncientRelic | mattg: running the restricted Nvidia driver? | 05:03 |
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Pelo | kilomang, check your computer's documentation | 05:03 |
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sshirley | is there a GUI admin tool for selecting output? | 05:03 |
somedrew | drini, no need to keep the .deb around :) | 05:04 |
NemesisD | p3bkac, i don't know how to do either of those things, ill send him instructions if you tell me how | 05:04 |
mattg | hang on...i forgot about that. couldn't get the pckg cause i wasnt connected. hang out for a min | 05:04 |
exhausted | i just installed the java runtime environment 1.6.0 per this tutorial http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-java-runtime-environment-jre-in-ubuntu.html but java -version still says 1.4.2, anyone have any ideas why | 05:04 |
AncientRelic | k | 05:04 |
dariuskane | NemesisD, just for clarity's sake.... your at home... the server your trying to get to is connected to the DMZ portion of a router at the office? | 05:04 |
kilomang | ill just assume its an ATI | 05:04 |
Pelo | drini, check in synaptic , the package should be listed in there as installed you can try right clicking it and see the dependencies listed in the properties | 05:04 |
astro76 | drini, dpkg -L <packagename> | 05:04 |
kilomang | whats the easiest way to install ati drivers | 05:04 |
kilomang | !ati | 05:04 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:04 |
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AncientRelic | kilomang: pray | 05:04 |
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drini | thank you | 05:04 |
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NemesisD | dariuskane, nothing is DMZ now, i'm at home, i dmzed myself temporarily, the server is behind a router that is set to forward 22 to the ssh server | 05:04 |
n00dl3 | AncientRelic: lmao | 05:04 |
sshirley | I have an ATI x200m chip | 05:04 |
Pelo | kilomang, start with menu > system > admin > restricted drivers | 05:05 |
Serpentarium | Hi everybody | 05:05 |
Serpentarium | im new | 05:05 |
AncientRelic | n00dl3: you know I'm right | 05:05 |
n00dl3 | Serpentarium: Heya, welcome | 05:05 |
Pelo | AncientRelic, prayer donT, work , he'll have to wait untill the next full moon | 05:05 |
p3bkac | NemesisD: have him run this command "tail -n 100 /var/log/auth.log | grep sshd" | 05:05 |
Serpentarium | : ) | 05:05 |
Serpentarium | I nee some help | 05:05 |
AncientRelic | sacrifice time?\ | 05:05 |
p3bkac | and see if he even see's you attempting to authenticate | 05:05 |
Pelo | hello Serpentarium welcome to the mad house | 05:05 |
n00dl3 | lol! :] | 05:05 |
dariuskane | NemesisD, ok | 05:05 |
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
p3bkac | you can make it tail -10 | 05:05 |
p3bkac | if you want | 05:05 |
p3bkac | we have a lot of ssh users | 05:06 |
=== Pete_69 [n=pete@60-242-244-203.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | Serpentarium, just ask a question if anyone can help they will try | 05:06 |
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=== somedrew misses all the telnet users! | ||
Serpentarium | I kill my hard drive | 05:06 |
NemesisD | p3bkac, k sec, gotta text it | 05:06 |
Serpentarium | it dont start | 05:06 |
AncientRelic | sshirley: do you have the ATI restricted driver loaded? | 05:06 |
AncientRelic | I was thinking the control panel might have something to clone | 05:06 |
n00dl3 | NemesisD: Why not have him come on irc? xP | 05:06 |
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Pelo | Serpentarium, what do you mean ? you can'T boot from it ? | 05:07 |
Serpentarium | yeah dont boot | 05:07 |
Serpentarium | I buyed a new HDD | 05:07 |
p3bkac | in the /var/log/auth.log file it should state if it was attempted and hopefully the reason for failure if it did see the connection attempt | 05:07 |
BurntT12 | hello, was wondering if anyone has ideas for getting my usb hard drives to work, they used to but now it doesnt see them anymore | 05:07 |
Serpentarium | but is SATA | 05:07 |
=== teKnofreak [n=technofr@unaffiliated/teknofreak] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dariuskane | p3bkac, ya know could be the server isnt connected to the network properly... ssh localhost wouldnt complain if it was unplugged | 05:07 |
Serpentarium | and the bios is not intaled | 05:07 |
Pelo | Serpentarium, thre should be no problem installing on sata , | 05:07 |
Serpentarium | for SATA | 05:07 |
p3bkac | well can the server ping past the gateway? | 05:07 |
p3bkac | and are there mulitple interfaces on this server? | 05:08 |
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AncientRelic | Serpentarium: does the motherboard have a SATA connector? | 05:08 |
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Pelo | Serpentarium, if your mobo support sata the bios should support it also | 05:08 |
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sshirley | AncientRelic: I don't know. I'll check. But should I? | 05:08 |
Serpentarium | yeah | 05:08 |
p3bkac | multiple interfaces being used I should say | 05:08 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, aint troubleshooting remotly FUN! :P | 05:08 |
AncientRelic | sshirley: yeah | 05:08 |
ubuntu_ | dal.net | 05:08 |
mattg | ancientrelic, gotta restart. if i dont return within 5 minutes...it crashed. got the restricted drivers installed | 05:08 |
AncientRelic | got it | 05:08 |
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NemesisD | p3bkac, i have no earthly idea | 05:08 |
Pelo | Serpentarium, not to sound like an asshole here but this is a hardware problem you should try asking for help on this in #hardware | 05:08 |
p3bkac | so is anyone here familiar with rc.local? | 05:08 |
Serpentarium | It support SATA but bios is not installed | 05:08 |
mEck0 | I wonder why there is a scratching sound when I'm listen to mp3:s with mocp? I have tried the same tracks in Exaile and there the volume is higher, the tracks are more cleaner without the weird scratching sound. Is there another terminal-based player than mocp which works better? or do you guys know why the sound is like this in mocp? | 05:08 |
NemesisD | p3bkac, i know that the server gets internet access | 05:08 |
p3bkac | and why it doesn't seem to work for me on bootup? | 05:09 |
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Serpentarium | where? | 05:09 |
p3bkac | well if the server can access the internet then at least one connection should be good | 05:09 |
sshirley | ancientrelic: it's installing now :-) | 05:09 |
Pelo | Serpentarium, /join #hardware | 05:09 |
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Serpentarium | Thanks | 05:09 |
=== Bakefy [n=westjd@74-140-82-253.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hollow87 | how do i get my sound blaster live 24bit sound card working on ubuntu 7.04 | 05:09 |
Pelo | best of luck | 05:09 |
sshirley | gotta restart | 05:09 |
kilomang | Pelo, excellent. thanks buddy | 05:09 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, what do you have in rc.local that isnt working | 05:09 |
p3bkac | and that is most likely the route you are coming in to the box with so it should be working properly | 05:09 |
Serpentarium | : ) | 05:09 |
Pelo | kilomang, np | 05:09 |
p3bkac | rc.local isn't executing on bootup | 05:10 |
p3bkac | it's driving me mad | 05:10 |
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p3bkac | I can run it raw after bootup | 05:10 |
BurntT12 | ideas for getting my usb hard drive working? thanks | 05:10 |
Bakefy | is there a way to connect to my ubuntu machine with rdp on xp? | 05:10 |
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p3bkac | but for some reason it won't initiate...I see it being called for in all the rcX.d scripts | 05:10 |
Pelo | BurntT12, usb storage should automount to the desktop when plugged in and powered | 05:10 |
hollow87 | Bakefy, you can use vnc | 05:10 |
BurntT12 | pelo, yeah it used to, doesnt anymore | 05:11 |
Codemaster|Mobil | anyone know where i can get support for libnss-ldap? | 05:11 |
p3bkac | I saw where someone said to remove the -e from the #!/bin/sh -e line but that didn't help either | 05:11 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, and the perms are set to 755? | 05:11 |
Codemaster|Mobil | anyone know where i can get support for libnss-ldap? | 05:11 |
Codemaster|Mobil | anyone know where i can get support for libnss-ldap? | 05:11 |
Codemaster|Mobil | anyone know where i can get support for libnss-ldap? | 05:11 |
p3bkac | yup | 05:11 |
=== Codemaster|Mobil sorry is just frustrated like no other | ||
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p3bkac | owner is root and executable | 05:11 |
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Pelo | BurntT12, anything happned since the last time it worked ? updates, reinstall , new progs, reformat etc ? | 05:11 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, still have the exit 0 in it? | 05:11 |
p3bkac | yup | 05:12 |
p3bkac | on the last line | 05:12 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, what is it you need to start in there that cant be started elsewhere? | 05:12 |
p3bkac | I see S99rc.local in all the rcX.d directories | 05:12 |
Pelo | Codemaster|Mobil, I suggest you repeat yoru question periodicaly , but at about 15 min interval | 05:12 |
gaspipe1 | anyone install thunderbird 2 | 05:12 |
GNine | note: i find it useful to run sudo updatedb -U / after installing/uninstalling stuff | 05:12 |
p3bkac | I guess it could | 05:12 |
p3bkac | just trying to figure out where | 05:12 |
p3bkac | I could just put an entry in the RC.d directories | 05:12 |
Pelo | !enter | p3bkac | 05:13 |
ubotu | p3bkac: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 05:13 |
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p3bkac | sorry...my bad | 05:13 |
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Bakefy | hollow87 that would require me to have a vnc client on my xp machine right? | 05:13 |
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p3bkac | I get to used to IM and develop bad habbits | 05:13 |
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hollow87 | p3bkac, i dont know if it matters but, does the rc.local script have exit 0 at the end of it? | 05:13 |
Pelo | BurntT12, ? | 05:13 |
hollow87 | Bakefy, yes | 05:13 |
p3bkac | hollow87: yes it does | 05:14 |
BurntT12 | nothing I can recall, it hasn't been working for a week or so now. It will sometimes see it and ask if i want to open it in a window or whatever, but it will never actually mount it. I cant find it anywhere and dmesg shows lots and lots of "usb 4-4: new high speed USB..." but none of the other info | 05:14 |
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Frogzoo | hollow87: yes it does | 05:14 |
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p3bkac | I even went so far as to add echo'd output text to a temp file to verify execution...that's how I figured it wasn't working, because it never created the output file | 05:14 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, Ah HA!.... | 05:14 |
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Pelo | BurntT12, did you check if gparted sees it ? | 05:14 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, which rc.local file are you using :) /etc/rc.local or /etc/init.d/rc.local | 05:15 |
GNine | stick to windows | 05:15 |
p3bkac | but if I execute it manually "sudo /etc/rc.local" it works fine | 05:15 |
Codemaster|Mobil | anyone know where i can get support for libnss-ldap? | 05:15 |
scipio | mEck0: mp3blaster | 05:15 |
=== CoasterMaster [n=bmschwar@c-67-188-105-119.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rhys | so im trying to install xp after ubuntu on a logical partition, and it is refusing to install. xp says it cant write to the mbr. any help? | 05:15 |
NemesisD | jesus i am so about to abandon doing this ssh thing. I told the guy to email me the output of that command you gave me p3bkac and he just texts back "that is a pain" | 05:15 |
p3bkac | I'm using "/etc/rc.local" | 05:15 |
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Pelo | Codemaster|Mobil, if no one can help also consider looking up specific problems in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org | 05:15 |
altf2o | XP always likes being first. | 05:16 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, cause there are 2 seperate ones.... all the rcX.d files point to the corresponding files in ../init.d/filename | 05:16 |
snowglobe | i've got beryl/compix/whatever-the-crap-they-call-it-now, and I've tried to put a different wallpaper on each side of the cube thingie, but it says that I need a desktop manager that supports multiple viewports, and i've googled it, but can't seem to find out what it means, any ideas/suggestions? | 05:16 |
rhys | alt, i know. it isnt. | 05:16 |
Pelo | rhys, xp likes to install on a primary partiton , preferably the first on the hdd | 05:16 |
scipio | rhys: xp needs a primary partition as far as i know | 05:16 |
p3bkac | NemesisD: it is a little tedious troubleshooting remotely like that. Just have him email you that logfile then and you can parse it yourself | 05:16 |
rhys | damnit | 05:16 |
Bakefy | hollow87, damn.. I was really hoping to use the existing rdp. I guess vnc will have to do. | 05:16 |
GNine | rhys.. ur not ubuntu certified. by | 05:16 |
phenom | Install XP on a virtual machine via VMWare. | 05:16 |
p3bkac | dariuskane so you think if I edit the init.d/rc.local one it would work? | 05:17 |
Pelo | snowglobe, you can use wallpapoz to have different wall paper , or try asking in #compiz-fusion or #ubuntu-effects | 05:17 |
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snowglobe | pelo: ok, thanks | 05:17 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, checking | 05:17 |
rhys | ffs, i use archlinux. this is for a friend | 05:17 |
CoasterMaster | Ever since I installed updates to compiz-fusion, I can't seem to change the hotkeys it uses | 05:17 |
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Pelo | BurntT12, have you tryed your usb hdd on another computer or on the same computer in another os ? | 05:17 |
=== notwen [n=notwen@cpe-71-67-246-143.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Gnea wonders why the 'desktop effects' have to be so retarded that window borders can't be displayed.... | ||
p3bkac | I thought the init.d/rc.local was the script that executed the "/etc/rc.local" file | 05:18 |
Pelo | Gnea, ask in #ubuntu-effects, it's a decorator thing | 05:18 |
Gnea | Pelo: thanks | 05:18 |
AncientRelic | gnea: the desktop effects are Compiz Fusion that's a beta | 05:18 |
rhys | gnine, what the hell do you mean by ubuntu certified? | 05:18 |
Maban | <---complete ubuntu newbie seeks help on hos to install from a zip file | 05:18 |
=== bruenig wonders why stupid people write out /me's instead of asking questions | ||
Pelo | Maban, install what from a zip file ? and do you mean tar-gz ? | 05:19 |
bruenig | Maban, the file literally ends in .zip? | 05:19 |
GNine | i wonder why windows users have to be so dumb to assume everythig should be a point and click thing | 05:19 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, ya it seems to be... havent played with rc.local in awhile :) still checking | 05:19 |
Pelo | bruenig, to get attention | 05:19 |
Maban | i need to fix my mbr and downloaded GAG | 05:19 |
Maban | now what | 05:19 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, init.d/rc.local has the right permissions too? | 05:19 |
AncientRelic | GNine: even good windows users, know about the command line ;) | 05:19 |
Maban | how do i install? | 05:19 |
Pelo | GNine, they've been trained that way | 05:19 |
bruenig | !grub | Maban follow the first link | 05:20 |
ubotu | Maban follow the first link: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 05:20 |
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=== sshirley [n=sshirley@ip72-195-157-68.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NemesisD | what a lazy F, he is just going to have another employee do it tomorrow, so I guess I'm off for now, p3bkac :/ | 05:20 |
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kilomang | i select beryl and my window manager, but it just goes back to metacity?? | 05:20 |
Maban | grub is fine | 05:20 |
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Maban | windows wont load | 05:20 |
Pelo | Maban, I have no idea, I,ve never heard of gag, check the site were you got it for instructions | 05:20 |
sshirley | thanks everyone! that restricted driver worked!! | 05:20 |
AncientRelic | sshirley: yvw | 05:20 |
p3bkac | dariuskane, yes rwxr-xr-x | 05:20 |
rhys | gnine, if your talking to me i will kill you. | 05:20 |
p3bkac | 755 | 05:20 |
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dariuskane | NemesisD, lol.... check the network connections and forwarding tomorrow | 05:20 |
GNine | ur welcome | 05:20 |
p3bkac | wish I could have helped more NemesisD | 05:21 |
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=== Pelo can't take the sillyness tonight, see you tomorrow folks | ||
gaspipe1 | p3bkac: go to linuxmce again | 05:21 |
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n00dl3 | rhys: ...lmao o.O | 05:21 |
NemesisD | p3bkac, i wish i could continue, but thanks for your help and thank you too dariuskane , hope to see you in here tomorrow ;) im out | 05:21 |
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mEck0 | scipio: thx! | 05:21 |
p3bkac | hoefully you can find out what the issue is tomorrow...you can also do a google for "troubleshooting sshd ubuntu" and will pull up some good resources | 05:21 |
scipio | :) | 05:22 |
p3bkac | NemesisD your welcome...good luck | 05:22 |
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dariuskane | p3bkac, well everything with your rc.local seems right... no extra spaces at the top of the file? | 05:22 |
bruenig | extra spaces wouldn't matter | 05:22 |
p3bkac | nope...double checked everything...it's jut not being called for some reason | 05:22 |
bruenig | the file is just run as a script would be run | 05:23 |
mEck0 | scipio: I read a bit on mocp homepage and finded out that there is a bug causing the weird crackling sounds in the version I have of moc. This is fixed in a newer version though. | 05:23 |
mayorbuttes | ok guys. I'm having serious issues here. I just upgraded from edgy to fiesty by way of the gui package updater. Now when I try to boot it comes to a blank screen. Currently I'm looking at the recovery console logged in as root. Waiting on instructions on what I should do. | 05:23 |
BurntT12 | ok, gparted does not see my drive. but i turned off usb 2.0 (using 1.0) and it gives me more information in dmesg, like it now sees the name of the external drive | 05:23 |
scipio | mEck0: ah even better then | 05:23 |
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dariuskane | p3bkac, rc.local runs at the end of runl 3 and 5 only.... | 05:24 |
p3bkac | dariuskane thanks for all your help though | 05:24 |
Xyc0 | Jordan_U: I am totally digging this Wubi | 05:24 |
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Xyc0 | Jordan_U: Just as a tool to get windows users to try Ubuntu | 05:25 |
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p3bkac | dariuskane it should run but for some reason it just is not...let me check my permissions on the rc files once more (rc3 and rc5) | 05:25 |
mayorbuttes | oi. anyone able to help me out? | 05:25 |
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Xyc0 | Jordan_U: Does it create a logical partition or does it just use the very same partition as windows? | 05:25 |
bruenig | p3bkac, how do you know it isn't running? | 05:25 |
AncientRelic | mayorbuttes: does it boot into a console at least? | 05:26 |
bruenig | p3bkac, try to put a command in there that is traceable, like "touch /testingrc.local" | 05:26 |
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mayorbuttes | AncientRelic: When I try to boot regularly, no. it just comes to a blank black screen. Like I said, though, I'm staring at a recovery console successfully, so that's something | 05:26 |
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Jordan_U | Xyc0, It uses the same partition as windows, it just drops an image file on the NTFS partition | 05:26 |
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AncientRelic | mayorbuttes: I'm wondering if your X is messed up | 05:26 |
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reya276 | how can I play AVI and ASF streams? | 05:27 |
mattg | ancientrelic: got the graphics set up, would ya help me with sdb? | 05:27 |
bruenig | !info mozilla-mplayer | reya276 | 05:27 |
ubotu | reya276: mozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.31+main-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 477 kB, installed size 1636 kB | 05:27 |
mayorbuttes | AncientRelic: Awaiting instructions | 05:27 |
reya276 | I tried Using Kafeine to play it | 05:27 |
AncientRelic | mattg: sdb? | 05:27 |
Xyc0 | Jordan_U: very cool | 05:27 |
Bugz`Away | anyone in here using XChat? | 05:27 |
reya276 | no Mozilla mplayer does not work | 05:27 |
bruenig | reya276, link? | 05:27 |
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mattg | ancientrelic: got a 2nd hard drive. how should i format it (file system) and how do i mount it? | 05:27 |
AncientRelic | reya276: I use Totem | 05:28 |
p3bkac | dariuskane I just did and will try it with that...thanks again for all your assistance | 05:28 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, no sweat gl | 05:28 |
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Bugz`Away | How do I see the users in the channel in XChat? | 05:28 |
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bruenig | Bugz`Away, the user list is probably tucked in on the right, go over there and pull it out with the arrow | 05:28 |
AncientRelic | mayorbuttes: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver | 05:28 |
AncientRelic | iirc | 05:28 |
Xyc0 | Jordan_U: Are you part of the Dev team or just happen to have used it before? | 05:28 |
reya276 | Totem does not let me play either Kafeine crashes | 05:28 |
mattg | bugz'away click the user count at the left of the typing deal, where you talk | 05:28 |
bruenig | reya276, link? | 05:29 |
Bugz`Away | aha!! thankyou | 05:29 |
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mayorbuttes | AncientRelic: Alright I'll do that... however what does iirc mean? | 05:29 |
Bugz`Away | you guys are doing a great job here! | 05:29 |
Bugz`Away | Keep it up! | 05:29 |
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AncientRelic | mayorbuttes: if I recall correctly | 05:29 |
AncientRelic | I use 3 OSs regularly | 05:29 |
Xyc0 | mayorbuttes: Internet relay chat | 05:29 |
mattg | irc=i relay chat LOL | 05:29 |
mayorbuttes | AncientRelic: Gotcha | 05:29 |
mayorbuttes | Xyc0: Please. | 05:29 |
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dimscix | I installed the new ATI drivers, but when i click Desktop Effects, it says Composite Extension not available. | 05:29 |
AncientRelic | so I sometimes have trouble remembering which OS is which | 05:29 |
Jordan_U | Xyc0, Actually neither, I don't have windows I just pay attention to interesting projects | 05:30 |
mayorbuttes | AncientRelic: Package 'xorg-xserver' is not installed and no info is available etc etf | 05:30 |
reya276 | http://www.xbox.com/NR/rdonlyres/691A533C-22FA-45E9-AF09-E7F887D8C306/0/vidmohairborne002Hi.asx | 05:30 |
Jordan_U | mayorbuttes, xserver-xorg | 05:30 |
mayorbuttes | Jordan_U: Will try that one. thanks' | 05:30 |
Xyc0 | Jordan_U: And that it is, thanks for the info and Ill be watching this one closely | 05:30 |
AncientRelic | thanks Jordan | 05:30 |
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AncientRelic | mattg: is it SATA or PATA? | 05:30 |
dimscix | I installed the new ATI drivers, but when i click Desktop Effects, it says Composite Extension not available. | 05:30 |
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csc` | dimscix: you have to enable composite in xorg.conf | 05:31 |
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mattg | ancientrelic: sata | 05:31 |
dimscix | csc` and then what | 05:31 |
dimscix | csc` do I need to restart X | 05:31 |
csc` | dimscix: restart X | 05:31 |
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dimscix | ok thanks | 05:31 |
Jordan_U | dimscix, fglrx does not support desktop effects without XGL, if desktop effects were working before using restricted manager then I would disable the proprietary drivers | 05:32 |
mattg | ancientrelic: just formatted it as ext2 | 05:32 |
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hollowlife1987 | for those who care i got my sound working, it turns out my onboard sound somehow got turned on | 05:32 |
mayorbuttes | AncientRelic: Alright, just reconfigured. Anything else I should check before I reboot the computer? | 05:32 |
=== atheodo [n=atheodo@pool-70-110-25-136.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atheodo | hi | 05:33 |
Mr_Awesome | is it possible to use ssh to connect to my computer at home through the internet? | 05:33 |
faileas | hmm | 05:33 |
mayorbuttes | atheodo: How's fios? | 05:33 |
csc` | Mr_Awesome: yes | 05:33 |
csc` | Mr_Awesome: sshd | 05:33 |
faileas | Mr_Awesome: yes, CLI only though | 05:33 |
mayorbuttes | Mr_Awesome: yeah it is. | 05:33 |
atheodo | could someone please help install the new alsa drivers on my ubuntu system, i am trying ./configure and it says that my c compiler is not configured correctly | 05:33 |
Mr_Awesome | sshd? ok thanks | 05:33 |
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faileas | if you want GUI, i'd suggest freenx | 05:34 |
csc` | faileas: theres supposidly a way to do X over ssh but ive yet to figure it out | 05:34 |
atheodo | everything worked fine with the install, but my sound card (soundblaster audigy) is not working | 05:34 |
faileas | csc`: i use freenx. Its over SSH and pretty low bandwith | 05:34 |
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Myrtti | csc`, faileas, Mr_Awesome: ssh hostname.tld -Y | 05:34 |
csc` | Myrtti: never works | 05:34 |
faileas | can someone remind me whats the command to get system info, like ra, processor? | 05:34 |
mayorbuttes | atheodo: Everything didn't go ok on install if it says c compiler isn't working =p | 05:34 |
mayorbuttes | do you have gcc or another c compiler installed at all? | 05:35 |
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Myrtti | csc`: then you've either a) don't have x installed or b) have misconfigured your ssh | 05:35 |
atheodo | you mean with the ubuntu install, or the alsa driver download | 05:35 |
faileas | Mr_Awesome: connect from what os? | 05:35 |
Mr_Awesome | ubuntu | 05:35 |
mayorbuttes | atheodo: The alsa driver download. | 05:35 |
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csc` | Myrtti: lawl? | 05:35 |
atheodo | shall i try to download again? | 05:35 |
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Myrtti | mayorbuttes: you've got to have a special reason for compiling that yourself | 05:36 |
Sassycoco | any one have time for a fast newbie question | 05:36 |
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mayorbuttes | atheodo: Try doing this insead of compile and install: sudo apt-get install alsa | 05:36 |
Myrtti | csc`: those are the most common reasons | 05:36 |
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mayorbuttes | Myrtti I'm not recommneding he do it. | 05:36 |
Myrtti | !anyone | Sassycoco | 05:36 |
ubotu | Sassycoco: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 05:36 |
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mayorbuttes | AncientRelic: Alright man, I'm looking at some garbled crap on the screen rather than a blank screen. | 05:36 |
csc` | Myrtti: that only allows you to RUN X applications afaik | 05:36 |
exhausted | does anyone know hoe to update jre 1.4 to 1.6, been trying unsuccessfuly | 05:36 |
AncientRelic | sorry matth | 05:36 |
AncientRelic | mattg | 05:37 |
AncientRelic | my KVM barfed | 05:37 |
Myrtti | yes, and it's the easiest way of doing so remotely | 05:37 |
mayorbuttes | AncientRelic: Alright, something new, i have a curso, but everything's moving sloowwwwwwwwww | 05:37 |
mayorbuttes | cursor* | 05:37 |
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mattg | it's okay, ancientrelic | 05:37 |
faileas | csc: i got a complete, seamless ubuntu desktop from windows | 05:37 |
faileas | ;p | 05:37 |
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atheodo | it says alsa base is the newest base | 05:37 |
dga | how do i disable the system beep in kubuntu? | 05:37 |
mattg | how do i mount it? | 05:37 |
AncientRelic | mattg if its the second SATA its sudo fdisk /dev/sdb | 05:37 |
atheodo | does that mean that I have the newest alsa drivers on teh system? | 05:37 |
AncientRelic | to partition it | 05:37 |
mayorbuttes | atheodo: Yes it does | 05:37 |
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Sassycoco | ok i have a nvidia 8800gtx but when i boot it says i have no signel to my monator any clue ? | 05:38 |
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mattg | ancientrelic i used gparted and partitioned it. formatted it to ext2. now what? | 05:38 |
atheodo | ok, then i should switch my sound defaults to alsa and reboot to see if it will recognize the sound card? | 05:38 |
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gvsa123 | hello... what could be the reason for some deb installations to not show up where they used to be in the menus? i'm referring to avast. | 05:38 |
csc` | Sassycoco: sounds like a connection problem, check your cables? | 05:38 |
hhp21 | argh | 05:38 |
hhp21 | why won't my nick change | 05:38 |
mattg | do /nick xxxx | 05:38 |
Sassycoco | no problens in windows | 05:38 |
csc` | hhp21: /nick only works if the nickname isnt in use | 05:38 |
AncientRelic | rebooting it might automagically update the mount table | 05:38 |
hhp21 | it shouldn't be | 05:38 |
noah_ | i just installed beryl but for some reason i only have one workspace and i cant get the cube working | 05:38 |
csc` | hhp21: nick in question? | 05:39 |
hhp21 | hhp2k | 05:39 |
hhp21 | it's actually the one that this account is registered to | 05:39 |
hhp21 | but for some reason | 05:39 |
AncientRelic | noah try Ctrl-Alt-Left and Right to spin the cube | 05:39 |
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csc` | * [HHP2K] (n=Jesse@bas16-toronto12-1088900537.dsl.bell.ca): purple | 05:39 |
hhp21 | it changes the last digit to a 1 | 05:39 |
csc` | ghost it | 05:39 |
hhp21 | it's doing that for another irc thing too.. | 05:39 |
hhp21 | okay | 05:39 |
hhp21 | thanks | 05:39 |
Sassycoco | could it be a resolution problem ? | 05:39 |
mayorbuttes | Right now, I'm able to hit ctrl+alt+f1 in order to bring up a console. My x-server on f7 is moving very very very slowly / is very chunky. the mouse jumps across the screen 5 seconds after I move it. | 05:40 |
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noah_ | i get nothing theres only one dsktop, for some reason its not going to 4 and i dont know why ive never had this problem before | 05:40 |
csc` | Sassycoco: its either a user error, configuration error, or a hardware fault | 05:40 |
AncientRelic | gotta reboot folks brb | 05:40 |
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Sassycoco | ok thanks | 05:40 |
dimscix | csc` ?? | 05:40 |
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csc` | dimscix: ? | 05:41 |
dimscix | csc` how do I enable the Composite in xorg | 05:41 |
csc` | dimscix: you left before i could tell you =p | 05:41 |
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dimscix | csc` sorry | 05:41 |
atheodo | ok thanks i will reboot and will be back, i hope it will work :-) | 05:41 |
mayorbuttes | Still definitely need help with this, if you guys aren't stumped. | 05:41 |
csc` | dimscix: look at the end of my configuration http://xcs-netx.ath.cx:1682/~csc/downloads/xorg.conf | 05:41 |
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xoqa | i'm curious, why does this happen: | 05:41 |
csc` | dimscix: ignore XEVIE | 05:41 |
xoqa | sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables.up.rules | 05:41 |
xoqa | bash: /etc/iptables.up.rules: Permission denied | 05:41 |
csc` | xoqa: i think its a sudo bug | 05:41 |
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silvertip257 | When I try to rsync some data, it gives me chgrp and operation not permitted errors ... | 05:42 |
xoqa | csc`: how can you get around it? | 05:42 |
xoqa | by using su? | 05:42 |
csc` | xoqa: use su | 05:42 |
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gvsa123 | why won't avast show up in the menu? | 05:42 |
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dimscix | csc` I put Enable in, do I need to put in the other thing? | 05:42 |
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csc` | dimscix: read above | 05:42 |
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aaron | how do i change the size of the icons in menus? | 05:42 |
xoqa | csc`: that seems to be a problem, my sudo pass works but the su passwd doesn't | 05:42 |
csc` | indonet: what the? | 05:42 |
hhp21 | dsaflkfhjd | 05:42 |
hhp21 | okay, it works. | 05:43 |
csc` | xoqa: su != sudo | 05:43 |
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dimscix | csc` it's out of my buffer now, could you repeat? | 05:43 |
csc` | dimscix: lawl i said ignore XEVIE | 05:43 |
dimscix | csc` ok | 05:43 |
dimscix | csc` will test now | 05:43 |
csc` | xoqa: su uses the root password | 05:43 |
csc` | xoqa: sudo uses yours | 05:43 |
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xoqa | hmm | 05:44 |
GNine | superuser do <command> how cute | 05:44 |
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xoqa | csc`: don't recall setting the SU pass.. | 05:44 |
csc` | xoqa: su uses the ROOT PASSWORD | 05:44 |
phoenixz | Anybody with some experience with automatix? Does it use .deb packages that will also automatically be updated with the apt-get updater?? | 05:44 |
csc` | xoqa: not YOUR PASSWORD | 05:44 |
frostburn | can anyone recommend a good world clock that works with amd64 | 05:44 |
xoqa | csc`: right, i don't remember setting it | 05:44 |
frostburn | csc`, it works like macs do | 05:44 |
hollowlife1987 | xoqa, by default the root account isnt enabled | 05:44 |
frostburn | csc`, you don't set it | 05:44 |
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Myrtti | !automatix | phoenixz | 05:45 |
ubotu | phoenixz: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) | 05:45 |
dimscix | csc` I have Composite enabled, same error | 05:45 |
csc` | dimscix: i dunno then mate | 05:45 |
xoqa | is there another way to save the iptables configuration? | 05:45 |
dimscix | csc` it's an ATI Xpress 200 | 05:45 |
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xoqa | so that they start each time the computer boots. | 05:45 |
csc` | dimscix: i dont usually fiddle with ati's control panel | 05:45 |
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dimscix | !ati | 05:46 |
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ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:46 |
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kitche | xoqa: make a firewall init script | 05:46 |
mayorbuttes | once again, asking for some help | 05:46 |
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xoqa | kitche: uh... :) right | 05:46 |
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xoqa | ... | 05:46 |
xoqa | =P | 05:47 |
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kersinc07 | #panas | 05:48 |
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GuyFromHell | Does ubuntu (re: any linux) have wake-on-lan support. i've been reading a few pages online and they all specifically name windows | 05:49 |
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kilomang | why do you need XGL if you have ATI and want beryl? | 05:49 |
kersinc07 | #ubuntu-e | 05:49 |
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csc` | GuyFromHell: your bios might have it | 05:49 |
kersinc07 | #ubuntu-es | 05:49 |
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GuyFromHell | csc`: it does i believe. thus the OS support is not required? | 05:49 |
n00dl3 | GuyFromHell: Wake on lan isnt os specific is it? | 05:49 |
csc` | GuyFromHell: nope | 05:49 |
csc` | GuyFromHell: bios is lower than the operating system | 05:49 |
GuyFromHell | n00dl3: i didn't think it should be but every one i saw specifically named windows so i got a bit confused | 05:50 |
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xoqa | sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.up.rules" | 05:50 |
xoqa | works | 05:50 |
csc` | GuyFromHell: i use it for this box which is pretty much a server | 05:50 |
csc` | GuyFromHell: and resume on power failure | 05:50 |
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GuyFromHell | csc`: excellent, i'm going off to college and u'll never know when i'll need something i forgot ;) | 05:50 |
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phpcurious | how do you make permissions to user to enable it to copy files? | 05:50 |
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csc` | GuyFromHell: although i havent tested it | 05:51 |
csc` | GuyFromHell: =[ | 05:51 |
Sakkath | how should i set up my sys for firefox to work with videos like windows does | 05:51 |
zorze | using pppconfig to set up dialup connection, it prompts me for my default nameserver, what is this? I can connect but firefox doesn't work (the only thing that has worked is a simple traceroute) | 05:51 |
cjae | is there anyway to split /usr/bin into pieces so that it doesnt take 10 seconds to load the binaries in a file manager | 05:51 |
csc` | GuyFromHell: wake on remote ping is what your after right? | 05:51 |
gvsa123 | help please... i can't make avast show up in the menus. previous installations were ok... | 05:51 |
n00dl3 | csc`: Hows it work? You send a special packet thinger and it boots normally as if you pushed the power button? | 05:51 |
rommelhc | algum sabe como instalar driver da VIA RHINE II FAST !? ela pega um IP diferente da minha conexo | 05:51 |
rommelhc | ? | 05:51 |
csc` | zorze: a nameserver resolves domains eg. foo.org -> | 05:51 |
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csc` | n00dl3: just a normal packet request afaik | 05:52 |
csc` | this comp is also a desktop so *shrug* | 05:52 |
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n00dl3 | csc`: ahhh kay :] | 05:53 |
aaron | can i change the size of the icons in menus? | 05:53 |
zorze | csc': that's what i thought, isn't that done by my isp though? how do i set it up so it will work? | 05:53 |
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rommelhc | how i configure my eth0 ? | 05:53 |
mayorbuttes | Alright, here's the thing guys. I'm able to use x as root perfectly fine. however as a regular user, i can't use x. | 05:53 |
mayorbuttes | I really really need help with this, so if anyon'es available I'd appreciate it | 05:54 |
Myrtti | mayorbuttes: the problem probably is that you've used it as root | 05:54 |
mayorbuttes | meaning I can't use x, When I try to use it as a regular user, it becomes very very chunky | 05:54 |
n00dl3 | zorze: Ask your isp | 05:54 |
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ubuntu_ | hi | 05:54 |
Myrtti | mayorbuttes: using it as root borks some config files, and makes it really difficult to mend | 05:54 |
mayorbuttes | Myrtti: Ah, but I was having problems BEFORE I used it as root. It started messing up as soon as I upgraded from edgy to fiesty by way of the update manager' | 05:54 |
ubuntu_ | does nvidia nforce2 suport 3d acceleration? | 05:55 |
Myrtti | mayorbuttes: and using it as root made things even worse, so... | 05:55 |
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zorze | n00dl3: ok, but why is it that i need to input this data with ubuntu, but windows seems to do it automaticaly? | 05:56 |
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mayorbuttes | Myrtti: Alright, so in that case. | 05:57 |
mayorbuttes | Myrtti: Where do I go from here | 05:57 |
n00dl3 | zorze: I'm not sure | 05:57 |
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n00dl3 | zorze: whats your isp? | 05:57 |
franko | hi | 05:58 |
franko | I have this problem when I make "make modules modules_install". Can someone please help me? http://pastebin.com/m170d93ae | 05:58 |
mattg | im about to cry... | 05:58 |
zorze | n00dl3: localnet | 05:58 |
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mattg | can somebody donate me some time to help format and mount this hard drive? | 05:59 |
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cjae | is there anyway to split /usr/bin into pieces so that it doesnt take 10 seconds to load the binaries in a file manager | 05:59 |
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dariuskane | mattg, whats the trouble formatting is usually pretty straight forward | 05:59 |
mattg | what filesystem, dariuskane? | 05:59 |
dariuskane | mattg, doesnt really matter which you want to use its all essentially the same... just a different option | 06:00 |
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cjae | or how would you word my question in google? | 06:00 |
Myrtti | cjae: you don't want to split it | 06:01 |
GuyFromHell | csc`: what tool would you have used had you needed to wake up the compy, as in. how would you send the magic packet? | 06:01 |
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csc` | GuyFromHell: ping idiots.org | 06:01 |
cjae | Myrtti, or how can I make it load faster can I cache it somehow | 06:01 |
mattg | dariuskane: what would you suggest. it's for storing files and documents | 06:01 |
dariuskane | cjae, /usr/bin has a ton of executables... you have to leave them where they are if you want your system to work | 06:01 |
dariuskane | mattg, ext3 is pretty popular and standard these days | 06:02 |
mayorbuttes | Myrtti: So... any idea what my next step should be? | 06:02 |
gvsa123 | (process:7281): Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib | 06:02 |
gvsa123 | (process:7281): Gdk-WARNING **: can not set locale modifiers | 06:02 |
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gvsa123 | i get that message when running avastgui | 06:02 |
cjae | dariuskane, no what to redirect it to two places | 06:02 |
mattg | okay, it mounted, but how do i change the permissions to let me write to it? | 06:02 |
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cjae | dariuskane, no way sorry | 06:03 |
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mattg | dariuskane: okay, it mounted, but how do i change the permissions to let me write to it? | 06:03 |
Djara | Algum do Brasil??? | 06:04 |
mayorbuttes | alright if ANYONE else is able to help me, my xserver is apparently messed up after I upgraded from edgy to fiesty. | 06:04 |
dariuskane | cjae, with linux anything is possible but I would highly recommend against doing anything to your /usr/bin directory... if your looking for something in particular in there use the terminal window | 06:04 |
mayorbuttes | And I seriously need help | 06:04 |
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dariuskane | mattg, default is to mount readwrite.... try it out my type "touch testfilename" | 06:04 |
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Djara | Tenho duas salas de acesso a internet e gostaria de trocar umas idias sobre ubuntu | 06:04 |
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Josh_ | How do you do a auto preform function with Xchat I am accustom to use IceChat that has it built in? | 06:04 |
joshritger | I had a panel item that I had installed that gave me control over rhythmbox, can anyone please help me with what it was called | 06:05 |
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n00dl3 | zorze: you still around? | 06:06 |
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mattg | dariuskane: permission is denied | 06:06 |
cjae | dariuskane, it takes just about as long to open /usr/bin as it does to boot my box I have 2138 executables in there | 06:06 |
=== Josh_ says How do you do a auto preform function with Xchat I am accustom to use IceChat that has it built in? | ||
dariuskane | mattg, try "sudo touch testfilename" | 06:06 |
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mattg | dariuskane: worked | 06:07 |
dariuskane | cjae, theres usually no need to go into that directory... if you need too.. use a terminal window instead of the file manager its faster | 06:07 |
mattg | dariuskane: but how do i change permissions | 06:07 |
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zorze | n00dl3- yes | 06:08 |
nrdb | Hi, I am writing a document with OpenOffice in it is a long URL is there anyway I can hide the exact URL like you do with a HTML link ? | 06:08 |
dariuskane | mattg, the drive is fine... the current permissions on that directory just didnt let a normal user to write.... check the "man chmod" manpage | 06:08 |
nrdb | found out how :) | 06:09 |
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mattg | doesnt help me much, dariuskane | 06:10 |
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rockets | How can I set file associatons for videos? | 06:11 |
dariuskane | mattg, theres alot of things you can break witht he wrong permissions so you have to be carefull | 06:11 |
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mayorbuttes | has anyone else come on that can help me? I upgraded from edgy to fiesty and now my x-server is all messed up... everything is extremely chunky and when I was able to login, i'm sitting here 10 minutes later waiting for somethin gto happen. Please for the love of god someone help me. | 06:12 |
zorze | n00dl3- did you find anything? | 06:12 |
mattg | dariuskane: right now, i just wanna put my stuff on it LOL. can you help or not? | 06:12 |
dariuskane | mattg, what stuff from where? | 06:12 |
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mattg | dariuskane: well, it was NTFS, moved all my stuff from it to my HOME FOLDER and now, I want it all back on there, but i want read/write/delete access to it | 06:13 |
=== Josh_ says How do you do a auto preform function with Xchat I am accustom to use IceChat that has it built in? | ||
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dariuskane | mattg, did you format the old drive before you mounted it again | 06:15 |
mattg | yes | 06:15 |
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new2ubuntu | i got my wifi card to show up in device manager | 06:15 |
wasabi | Hmm. Kernel pops out some crud about "int 14 cr2" immediatly after loaded by lilo. Any ideas? | 06:15 |
new2ubuntu | but it doesnt show up on the taskbar | 06:15 |
mayorbuttes | alright | 06:15 |
mayorbuttes | breakthrough | 06:15 |
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new2ubuntu | and i cant connect to it | 06:15 |
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mayorbuttes | "There was an error starting the GNOME setings daemon. Some things, such as themese, sounds, or background settings may not work correctly" | 06:16 |
dariuskane | mattg, do you need to use this new drive in windows? or you all linux now | 06:16 |
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mattg | all linux, dariuskane | 06:16 |
dariuskane | mattg, 3 cheers for matt :P ok where did you mount your drive | 06:16 |
mattg | it auto-mounted to /media/disk | 06:16 |
mayorbuttes | "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. NOME will still try to restart the Settings Daemon next time you log in | 06:16 |
mattg | wanna just remote in? lol dariuskane | 06:17 |
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n00dl3 | zorze: -- may be the ip of your name server. It's ns2.local.net. Just a guess lol xP | 06:17 |
dariuskane | mattg, k... cd /media/disk | 06:17 |
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mattg | dariuskane: okay | 06:18 |
timewriter | hi | 06:18 |
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dariuskane | mattg, what info do you get for the . file when you do ls -la | 06:18 |
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mattg | dariuskane: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2007-08-20 21:07 matt.doc | 06:19 |
zorze | n00dl3: thanks, i was just about to use wireshark to find it myself lol | 06:19 |
Incandenzian | hey guys, I'm trying to set up an FTP app on my computer to share files with a guy in the UK. | 06:19 |
kirihito | mayorbuttes: try deleting your ~/.gnome2 folder and reinstalling gnome | 06:19 |
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Incandenzian | can anyone point me in the right direction? | 06:19 |
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derek_ | I want to remove every desktop manager except KDE. What do I do to do that? | 06:19 |
dariuskane | mattg, k and for the . file | 06:20 |
mattg | dariuskane: drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2007-08-20 21:07 . | 06:20 |
new2ubuntu | how do i make the wireless icon show up on the task bar | 06:20 |
mayorbuttes | kirihito: how would I go about doing that? my desktop is unusable it is so chunky | 06:20 |
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dariuskane | mattg, k so root is the only 1 allowed to write to it... simple enough.... you can go to the directory you want copied and "cp -R filename /media/disk/" | 06:21 |
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n00dl3 | new2ubuntu: uhmm add to panel the network monitor thinger? | 06:21 |
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dariuskane | mattg, um add sudo at the begining :P | 06:21 |
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mattg | dariuskane: that's no help whatsoever. i want full permission do the drive. i am talking long-term use, not having to have to do that everytime i want to do something | 06:22 |
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dariuskane | mattg, when you know what user wil be using the data you can use chown to set the owner properly... "man chown" | 06:23 |
mayorbuttes | kirihito: You're killing me | 06:23 |
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dariuskane | mattg, this just gets it copied for now | 06:23 |
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kirihito | mayorbuttes: shut down X. | 06:23 |
mayorbuttes | kirihito: How do I go about doing that | 06:24 |
new2ubuntu | n00dl3, my ethernet shows up, but the wifi card doesnt | 06:24 |
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dariuskane | matti, make sure you read up on chown and chmod... ownership and file permissions are essential linux basics | 06:25 |
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Orio3 | Hello, I have some questions on video cards, I am designing a new system and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on what would work well for Ubuntu | 06:25 |
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kirihito | mayorbuttes: ctrl-alt-f2, it will log you out of X and drop you at the console. rm -rf ~/.gnome2 to delete the folder. then use sudo apt-get install gnome or ubuntu-desktop. reboot. | 06:25 |
n00dl3 | new2ubuntu: ohhh well i'm not sure how to set that up for wifi. Maybe you have to go into manual configuration. | 06:26 |
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mEck0 | I got the message "unable to bind port 6600: adress already in use maybe MPD is still running" when I try to start MPD. And no, it's not running. netstat -l shows that the state for port 6600 is "LISTEN", but what is listening there= | 06:26 |
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n00dl3 | kirihito: ctrl+alt-f2 doesnt log you out o.O | 06:26 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: did you kill gdm? | 06:26 |
new2ubuntu | hmmm | 06:26 |
R_McC | Any available to help: I'm trying to switch from basic vesa drivers to proper nVidia drivers as provided in nvidia-glx-new, but switching to them more or less renders X non-functional. I also can't get the driver/device to display in "Restricted Devices Manager." | 06:26 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: I have no idea. | 06:26 |
orudie_ | is there a way to make thunderbird load with root privileges without typing sudo thunderbird in terminal ? | 06:27 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: okay okay well what are you using to chat at the moment? | 06:27 |
p3bkac | dariuskane I'm back and I found the solution...I had to put the S99rc.local in to the "/etc/rcS.d/" for it to execute | 06:27 |
mayorbuttes | another computer. | 06:27 |
dariuskane | mEck0, you have another server or process listening on that port... youll to figure out which one it is | 06:27 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: ahh okay good | 06:27 |
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p3bkac | that was a MAJOR pain for just configuring rc.local and I couldn't find any documentation on it | 06:27 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, really? wierd Ill haveto remember that | 06:27 |
mEck0 | dariuskane: yeah, but how can I check what is listening on that port? is there a command or something which can tell me that? | 06:27 |
new2ubuntu | how do i add lines to the device manager advanced tab? | 06:28 |
dariuskane | mEck0, best you can try is telnet localhost:6600 and hop you get a clue when ti connects | 06:28 |
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mEck0 | dariuskane: okey | 06:28 |
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mEck0 | thx | 06:28 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: To stop x and stuff I believe you have to get to console and type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" | 06:29 |
dariuskane | mEck0, servers and process dont have to list themselves anywhere ... so if that doesnt give you a clue youll have to turn off your services 1 by 1 till you find it | 06:29 |
p3bkac | dariuskane: just figured I would let you know in case someone else ran accross a similar issue...I'm heading out now...thanks for assisting before...g'nite | 06:29 |
mayorbuttes | stopping gnome desplay manager... | 06:29 |
kirihito | n00dl3: ctrl-alt-f2 try it | 06:29 |
mayorbuttes | done | 06:29 |
dariuskane | p3bkac, thanks... nite | 06:29 |
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mayorbuttes | kirihito: He's right, that doesn't kill x. | 06:29 |
mayorbuttes | kirihito: That just dumps you to another console window. | 06:29 |
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kirihito | mayorbuttes: i just did | 06:29 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: Alright, gnome is stopped. | 06:30 |
mayorbuttes | kirihito: Congrats. | 06:30 |
n00dl3 | kirihito: It takes you to another tty or w/e | 06:30 |
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mayorbuttes | kirihito: hit ctrl+alt+f7 to go ight back | 06:30 |
n00dl3 | kirihito: ctrl+alt+f7 brings you back xP | 06:30 |
mayorbuttes | right* | 06:30 |
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kirihito | n00dl3: and that what i told him to do | 06:30 |
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mayorbuttes | n00dl3: continue | 06:30 |
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jim__ | my dhclient doesn't connect very well in ubuntu | 06:30 |
orudie_ | is there a way to make thunderbird load with root privileges without typing sudo thunderbird in terminal ? | 06:30 |
n00dl3 | kirihito: You where right, but you said it logged you out or w/e when it doesnt really log you out | 06:30 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: uhmm okay well what are you trying to do now? re-install gnome? | 06:31 |
dariuskane | orudie, no.. and you shouldnt be surfing in a browser as root | 06:31 |
kirihito | n00dl3: i said shutdown X and delete the folder, but you can continue on | 06:31 |
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jim__ | can someone help me make my dhclient work better? | 06:31 |
CarlFK | orudie why? | 06:31 |
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enigma__ | da | 06:31 |
CarlFK | jim__: how much better can it work? | 06:31 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: Yeah, see, when I try to boot up, my xserver or gnome or something runs very "chunkily" | 06:31 |
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koshea2 | hello, does anyone know a workaround for a bug where the installer locks up during detecting hard drives while loading the partitioner? ive tried both the text and graphical installers | 06:31 |
Woofcat | Quick question, i got a new 400 gb sata (/dev/sda1) all formated and such, copied over my current /home and i wish to make /dev/sda1 my new /home. Is the line "/dev/sda1 /home ext3 defaults 0 1" correct in my fstab, i would like to know before i reboot. :) | 06:31 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: I move the mouse and 10 seconds later it jumps across the screen | 06:31 |
jim__ | well, i try "dhclient wlan0" and most of the time it doesn't work | 06:32 |
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mayorbuttes | n00dl3: When it finally booted up and logged me in, I am greated with an error message | 06:32 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: And I assume it wasnt always doing that? :P | 06:32 |
UBUNTU01 | http://antigop-k4.narod.ru/ubuntu.html | 06:32 |
jim__ | but then, after a few minutes it will work | 06:32 |
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mayorbuttes | n00dl3: No sir. Only after I upgraded from edgy to fiesty. | 06:32 |
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n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: ohh odd xP | 06:32 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: I got this as the error message "There was an error starting the GNOME setings daemon. Some things, such as themese, sounds, or background settings may not work correctly" | 06:32 |
dariuskane | koshea2, sometimes it takes a long time in detecting drives and partitioning... you sure its locked up | 06:32 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: well I would ps aux or w/e now and see if anything related to x is running I guess | 06:32 |
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mayorbuttes | n00dl3: I appologize but I have no idea what that is | 06:32 |
soulrider | !motu | 06:33 |
ubotu | motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | 06:33 |
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ToddED1 | hey guys, i got a problem... when ever i start azureus, it starts.then quits........also Enemy Territory, when i try to join a game, it starts downloading the maps, then quits...........any suggestions? | 06:33 |
n00dl3 | !ps | 06:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ps - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:33 |
n00dl3 | guess not xP | 06:33 |
koshea2 | dariuskane, yes i waited over 45 mins | 06:33 |
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jim__ | My dhclient finds the bounds to an IP sometimes, but usually only after minutes of trying and repeating the command | 06:33 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: It lists running proceses | 06:33 |
jim__ | i mean, it bounds | 06:33 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: alright | 06:33 |
Dr_willis | ToddED1, you mean the game crashes/exits? | 06:33 |
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mayorbuttes | n00dl3: just ooks like ps and bash right now | 06:34 |
dariuskane | koshea2, what part exactly is it locking at | 06:34 |
mayorbuttes | looks* | 06:34 |
koshea2 | dariuskane, it says loading partitioner at the top and detecting hard drives at the bottom | 06:34 |
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koshea2 | and it locks at 50% | 06:34 |
fizzle | hey guys im on the latest version of xubuntu. how would i go about installing fluxbox instead of xfce | 06:34 |
koshea2 | its like the 4th step of the setup | 06:34 |
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koshea2 | right after time zone and keyboard layout | 06:34 |
Woofcat | Quick question, i got a new 400 gb sata (/dev/sda1) all formated and such, copied over my current /home and i wish to make /dev/sda1 my new /home. Is the line "/dev/sda1 /home ext3 defaults 0 1" correct in my fstab, i would like to know before i reboot. :) | 06:34 |
ToddED1 | Dr_willis: azureus just quits and ET also | 06:35 |
dariuskane | koshea2, which iso are you installing from? | 06:35 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: try ps aux | 06:35 |
Dr_willis | ToddED1, well one is a java app.. other is not. :) so im assuming the issue is not related. | 06:35 |
koshea2 | dariuskane, i tried the desktop 7.04 iso and both the desktop and alternate iso for 7.10 r4 | 06:35 |
Dr_willis | ToddED1, run each from a terminal - see if any error messages show up. | 06:35 |
mjgoins | why, oh why does ubuntu not come with 'info make' by default? such a helpful info page | 06:35 |
Instabin | !find bitstream | 06:35 |
ubotu | Found: ttf-bitstream-vera, vdr-plugin-bitstreamout | 06:35 |
Dr_willis | does it include make by default? :) | 06:35 |
Instabin | what package is taht in | 06:36 |
dariuskane | Woofcat, the 1 at the end should be a 2... so its loaded last.. after the / partition | 06:36 |
Instabin | the bitstream font? | 06:36 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: something is using 95.2 percent of the cpu. I don't know what it is, but that must be the problem, right?. | 06:36 |
mjgoins | yeah, make exists, but typing info make just gives you the lame man page | 06:36 |
Woofcat | thanks you dariuskane | 06:36 |
ToddED1 | hmmmmmm sorry to sound dumb, but how can i run it in terminal | 06:36 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: It says [events/0] | 06:36 |
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R_McC | Any available to help: I'm trying to switch from basic vesa drivers to proper nVidia drivers as provided in nvidia-glx-new, but switching to them more or less renders X non-functional. I also can't get the driver/device to display in "Restricted Devices Manager." | 06:36 |
Sakura | mayorbuttes: There is a cool tool named "top" for your console | 06:36 |
Woofcat | dariuskane, would my current /home come into conflict with it? | 06:36 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: yeah lol | 06:36 |
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soulrider | does anyone know what the motu channel is ? | 06:36 |
dariuskane | koshea2, can you boot the desktop iso into the livecd? | 06:36 |
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n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: type: top | 06:36 |
xtknight | soulrider, #ubuntu-motu | 06:36 |
soulrider | thanks | 06:37 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: Then look under the CPU column and see what it is xD | 06:37 |
orudie_ | is there a way to make thunderbird load with root privileges without typing sudo thunderbird in terminal ? | 06:37 |
dariuskane | Woofcat, it will load on top of it actually.. your old files will be hidden and innaccessible underneath it... old linux hidden file trick | 06:37 |
jim__ | R_McC: is it for an LCD display? | 06:37 |
fizzle | hey guys how would i install fluxbox in place of xfce ? | 06:37 |
koshea2 | dariuskane, yep, everything is fine until i launch the installer and it locks up during that step | 06:37 |
R_McC | jim__: Yeah, it's on a laptop. | 06:37 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: Yeah, it says events/0 is taking up my processor speeds. | 06:37 |
Dr_willis | !fluxbox | 06:37 |
ubotu | fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox | 06:37 |
fizzle | do i just apt-get install fluxbox? | 06:37 |
Woofcat | ok here goes nothing | 06:37 |
fizzle | ok | 06:37 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3 and Sakura: what is events/0 | 06:37 |
Dr_willis | fizzle, basicially. | 06:37 |
jim__ | R_McC: I think you need to add a special line in the xorg.conf | 06:37 |
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fizzle | ok | 06:38 |
jim__ | R_McC: I'll check what it is... | 06:38 |
R_McC | jim__: Much appreciated. :) | 06:38 |
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mattg | this is driving me insane. i am going back to vista | 06:38 |
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n00dl3 | hmmm o.O | 06:38 |
fizzle | im updating right now hehe | 06:38 |
dariuskane | koshea2, have you tried manually partitioning the drives and make sure they working alright with the gnome partitioner first | 06:38 |
fizzle | xfce is supposed to be fast, but yet its slow ;/ | 06:38 |
jim__ | R_McC: how do i write to just you? | 06:38 |
koshea2 | dariuskane, yeah, everything is working fine in gentoo | 06:38 |
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R_McC | type /msg R_McC | 06:38 |
jim__ | ok | 06:39 |
ckup_ | #surabaya | 06:39 |
koshea2 | dariuskane, i think maybe the kernel for the livecd just doesnt like my sata controller or something :| | 06:39 |
fizzle | ahhh | 06:39 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: You using a wireless card? | 06:39 |
ramvi | Hey! I'm making a digital photo frame. I need an application that shows pictures from a dir for a given time. What app is this? | 06:39 |
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dariuskane | koshea2, not in gentoo.... load up the ubuntu livecd.... under system -> admin load up the gnome partition editor.... see what happens there | 06:39 |
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mattg | i need step-by-step instructions on how to set my sdb1 up for complete access and a good virtual machine | 06:40 |
koshea2 | dariuskane, hm not a bad idea, i guess ill give that a go, thanks | 06:40 |
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dariuskane | koshea2, np good luck | 06:40 |
fizzle | hey everyone, im running on a Nvidia GeForce4 420 Go (16MB) video card. i need to install the correct drivers. if i remember correctly it is supposed through nvidia legacy drivers.. anyone? | 06:40 |
koshea2 | dariuskane, ta, bbiab | 06:40 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: not that I know of... there might be one installed in the box itself. infact I think there is | 06:40 |
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fizzle | its an old card | 06:40 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: but I'm not using it as the primary network card | 06:40 |
mentaluproar | If anyone is free, I need help installing ubuntu on a machine with vista pre-installed. the partition has already been resized, and I tried the install, but it does not see vista | 06:40 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: Well it looks like gnomes not the problem here xD | 06:40 |
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n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: It's w/e is making event/0 go nuts like that I believe. | 06:41 |
CarlFK | mentaluproar: so do you need help installing ubnutu, or booting vista? | 06:41 |
dariuskane | mentaluproar, dont look at me.. Ive avoided vista like the plague :P | 06:41 |
Dr_willis | mentaluproar, what dosent 'see' vista? | 06:41 |
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mayorbuttes | n00dl3: alright. while that is informative, it doesn't help very much =/ | 06:41 |
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mentaluproar | I am surprised that I liked vista. Anyways, I need help installing ubuntu, but I want to make sure I can still boot into vista when I need to | 06:42 |
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numus | who knows how to make ubuntu mount a smb drive without sudo mount /media/mediaserver | 06:43 |
Dr_willis | mentaluproar, i installed to a vista box the other day. Used vista to resize the the partition, making some 'unallocated' space at tjhe end of the drive. then booted tjhe ubuntu cd/ran the isntaller. | 06:43 |
jim__ | R_McC: did you get my messages there? | 06:43 |
numus | i want it to mount on startup | 06:43 |
R_McC | jim__: No? | 06:43 |
jim__ | oh | 06:43 |
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jim__ | well the "/msg R_McC" didn't work | 06:43 |
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jim__ | I'll just resend them publich | 06:43 |
DanaG | Is there any way to make scrolling smoother, like on Apple's laptops? | 06:43 |
CarlFK | does vista use a new FS, or is it still using ntfs? | 06:43 |
R_McC | jim__: ok | 06:43 |
gnychis | whats the proper way to install pidgin, not gaim? | 06:44 |
numus | carlfk ntfs | 06:44 |
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jim__ | R_McC: ok, in your monitor section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf, do you have: Option "DPMS" | 06:44 |
mentaluproar | I did that, but before I hit install, I want to be sure I can boot into vista later. I read a how to onilne and it mentioned that at the last page, "windows vista/longhorn" would be mentioned | 06:44 |
mentaluproar | it wasn't | 06:44 |
numus | who knows how to make ubuntu mount a smb drive without sudo mount /media/mediaserver | 06:44 |
mentaluproar | still ntfs | 06:44 |
Sakura | numus: "man fstab" might help | 06:44 |
jim__ | R_McC: then, under the screen section I have: Option "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP" | 06:44 |
DanaG | I just tried the touchpad on an Apple laptop, and I must say, their scrolling is nice. However, I don't plan to abandon Ubuntu any time. | 06:44 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: I would lspci |tail and locate if you have a wireless card. Ive been looking around and everything about event/0 hogging the cpu seems to be related to wifi cards. | 06:44 |
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jim__ | R_McC: do you have both of those? | 06:45 |
R_McC | jim__: I have the first line, but not the second | 06:45 |
jim__ | R_McC: ok then, add the second | 06:45 |
cherisama | I just started with Ubuntu today and I can't seem to connect to the internet. Can anyone help? | 06:45 |
numus | Sakura Fstab is how i setup the disk.. i want it to automaticly mount | 06:45 |
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R_McC | jim__: Does it matter where inside that section, or just anywhere? | 06:45 |
numus | sakura nevermind just going to make a mount shortcut | 06:45 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: yep. looks like there's one in there. | 06:45 |
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jim__ | R_McC: i put it near the top of the "screen" section | 06:46 |
hhp21 | Hey guys, how come NickServ is telling me that my e-mail address is invalid? | 06:46 |
hhp21 | I've tried it correctly three times now | 06:46 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: Tell me, is there any way to disable it without opening my box? it's.. kind of going to be a pain in the ass if I have to physically remove it right now, especially if it's not the problem | 06:46 |
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R_McC | jim__: Are UseDisplayDevice and DFP separated by a space or a tab? | 06:46 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: Yes there is. I think you need to add it to /etc/modprode.d/blacklist | 06:47 |
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mentaluproar | Is there any chance that vista will not boot back up after I install ubuntu on that unallocated space? | 06:47 |
R_McC | jim__: And is the driver set to nv or nvidia? | 06:47 |
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jim__ | R_McC: nvidia, and it's just a space | 06:47 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: Yeah, it appears the "RaLink RT2500" card (which is this one as well) seems to be giving other people problems | 06:47 |
Sakura | numus: Strange it's mounting automatically unless you use option noauto but then, I only have sata disks | 06:47 |
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R_McC | jim__: Okay. So I should just do ctrl alt backspace to see if it works? | 06:47 |
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CarlFK | mentaluproar: there is a chance vista wont boot regardless of what you do with Ubuntu :) | 06:47 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: Yeah, thats what I was reading as well! :] | 06:47 |
jim__ | R_McC: i guess so | 06:47 |
mentaluproar | I mean, will it not show up in GRUB | 06:47 |
mentaluproar | ? | 06:48 |
adrenaline | haha | 06:48 |
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jim__ | R_McC: that was the last thing i had to do to get it to work | 06:48 |
adrenaline | I used to work at microsoft and I am surprised they released it | 06:48 |
mentaluproar | whyt is that? | 06:48 |
jim__ | R_McC: but i think i might have also used downloaded drivers off of nvidias web site | 06:48 |
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mayorbuttes | n00dl3: Scuse my ignorance, but how would I go about blacklisting that sucker | 06:48 |
mentaluproar | I'm just nervous that the migration assistant has not noticed my user account in vista | 06:49 |
TheProfes | Question - when i attempt to install ubuntu 6.06, it gets to the Loading Hardware Drivers part and then spits out a bunch of lines that look similar to [ 102.876620] [<c02f070>] do_page_fault.... is there a special boot option to get past that sort of issue? | 06:49 |
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CarlFK | mentaluproar: im sure there is a chance, but if so you will proably just need to boot into Ubuntu and add the entry to /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:49 |
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tondar | hey all | 06:50 |
ddave | hey all | 06:50 |
xange | on my laptop (its a Mac), can I edit the /etc/hosts so that it knows that my machine name is my internal ip when I am at home and external ip when away? | 06:50 |
mentaluproar | any info I should write down before installing ubuntu on a system with vista already running? | 06:50 |
tondar | can I upgrade to gusty using the alternate CD? | 06:50 |
jim__ | does anyone know why I have to do "dhclient wlan0" several times before it binds to an ap address? | 06:50 |
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jim__ | ip address, i mean | 06:50 |
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dariuskane | xange, the hosts file is entirely static | 06:50 |
CarlFK | mentaluproar: treat this like you would upgrading from XP to vista. it should work, but backup what needs to be backed up | 06:50 |
mentaluproar | -cringe- | 06:51 |
tondar | any ideas? | 06:51 |
mentaluproar | maybe I shoudl try this on my craptop first | 06:51 |
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sport | okay ive tar -xvzf now what :D | 06:51 |
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nava | when is gutsy comming out? | 06:51 |
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tondar | nava month 10 | 06:51 |
nava | :) | 06:51 |
mentaluproar | ok, thanks anyway | 06:52 |
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sport | anyone regularly compile their own software? | 06:52 |
tondar | upgrade to gusty with alternate CD, possible ? | 06:52 |
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n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: hmm I think you have to uhmm "lshw -class network" | 06:52 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: -tries it lol- | 06:53 |
mattg | how do i edit my fstab? | 06:53 |
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n00dl3 | mattg: sudo vim /etc/fstab or gksudo gedit /etc/fstab& | 06:53 |
astro76 | tondar, once it's released, yes... http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading | 06:53 |
AlgorthmicContro | Eeeekk, I uh......screw the boot settings in Ubuntu, I was trying to change a usplash screen(grub), and I incorrectly edited the boot file, so now nothing boots up, in recovery mode, I get a kernel panic and it says it can't find the right hdd to boot off, anyone help? boot loader can't find the / partition and I can't get into terminal, kernel panics on recovery mode | 06:54 |
kersinc07 | #ubuntu-es | 06:54 |
tondar | astro76: how about now, tribe 4 | 06:54 |
CarlFK | sport: here is how I do it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpdatingADeb | 06:54 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: alright, what exactly does this command do | 06:54 |
=== buckykat [n=buckykat@h-69-3-48-140.dnvtco56.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dariuskane | sport, I used slackware for 10yrs :) I compiled kernels regularly not just software :P | 06:54 |
faileas | anyone can remember the command for getting system information (ram, processor etc) from command line? | 06:54 |
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n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: lshw -clas network |grep driver | 06:54 |
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CarlFK | faileas: lshw (i think you need to install it) | 06:54 |
ltracy | Does anybody here have experience with enabling SSI on apache2 in Ubuntu? | 06:54 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: it lists your hardware and some settings I believe and your driver | 06:54 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: ah | 06:54 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: So I'm going to blacklist the driver | 06:55 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: Har har, I am learning | 06:55 |
sport | <dariuskane> 10 yrs with slackware make you a unix god | 06:55 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: I think you must then take the driver name and add it to the blacklist, yes! :] | 06:55 |
dariuskane | sport, just means I have more grey hairs :) | 06:55 |
faileas | CarlFK: thanks, it worked ;) | 06:55 |
=== Griver [n=Griver@90-229-133-48-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | tondar, assuming it works, yeah | 06:55 |
R_McC | jim__: That just leaves me with a black screen. :/ | 06:55 |
DanaG | Is there any way to make scrolling smoother? | 06:55 |
tondar | astro76: k | 06:55 |
jim__ | dang | 06:55 |
h1st0 | DanaG: scrolling in what? | 06:55 |
=== RapJunkie [n=smitch@cpc3-leic1-0-0-cust61.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mattg | anybody know the exact line for rw attributes on a mount? | 06:55 |
jim__ | R_MCC: well | 06:56 |
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DanaG | Any app, preferably. | 06:56 |
jim__ | R_MCC: have you tried downloading drivers from the NVIDIA site? | 06:56 |
sport | <dariuskane> Im just now getting in to linux, have you noticed a huge jump in its popularity, or is it just me paying attention? | 06:56 |
R_McC | jim__: I thought that was generally frowned on. | 06:56 |
DanaG | I just tried the touchpad on one of Apple's laptops, and I noticed how much smoother their scrolling is. | 06:56 |
onats | hi, what's the command to show the monitor brand and model that was detected? | 06:56 |
dariuskane | mattg, the default is rw | 06:56 |
jim__ | R_MCC: I think that may have been what i had to do | 06:56 |
jim__ | i tried older versions | 06:56 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: So then you can like --> $sudo echo "blacklist driver" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 06:56 |
dariuskane | sport, interest in linux has grown steadily since redhat and the first rpm package manager | 06:57 |
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n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: I hope this works! lol xP | 06:57 |
mattg | dariuskane: you run me all over the place, especially into the wall | 06:57 |
jim__ | R_MCC: It's real hit-and-miss getting the nvidia drivers to work, i think | 06:57 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: Oi, "Module RT2500STA not found" | 06:57 |
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n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: When does it say that? :O | 06:57 |
mattg | it's easier than you make it, dariuskane, so i am trying to find somebody who KNOWS how | 06:58 |
dariuskane | mattg, LOL well I like to point people int the right direction not just hand out cut and paste answers | 06:58 |
h1st0 | DanaG: try installing video drivers for your card. | 06:58 |
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faileas | dariuskane: compiling is not THAT hard, its finding dependancies that a PITA | 06:58 |
DanaG | That's not the issue. | 06:58 |
mattg | all i want is cut and paste answers right now. im trying to get this done before work tomorrow, dariuskane | 06:58 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: After I do 'sudo modprobe -r RT2500STA" | 06:58 |
DanaG | it's a mouse thing. Smaller scroll increment, and fewer lines per scroll "click". | 06:58 |
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tondar | DanaG: i too am looking for this | 06:59 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: oh well guess you dont have that module xP | 06:59 |
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mayorbuttes | n00dl3: yeah, but that's what the driver says | 06:59 |
h1st0 | DanaG: maybe something in xorg. | 06:59 |
mayorbuttes | when I do the |grep driver dealy | 06:59 |
mattg | im going insane. i need the drive mounted and Microsoft Streets and Trips 2007 running before 0700 arizona time | 06:59 |
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DanaG | I know how to change the vscrolldelta, but the number-of-lines is app-dependent, or at least toolkit-dependent. | 07:00 |
h1st0 | mattg: wine for the streets and trips | 07:00 |
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n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: maybe it's because you just blacklisted it? -_% | 07:00 |
h1st0 | mattg: what type of drive are you trying to mount? | 07:00 |
dariuskane | mattg, use this.. and change the values to match your hardware "/dev/mapper/vg00-vusr /usr ext3 defaults 0 2" | 07:00 |
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mayorbuttes | n00dl3: I definitely didn't do that, because it threw an eerorr when I tried to, remember? | 07:00 |
brad016 | what is the command to update to the new Avant Window Navigator? | 07:00 |
klick | whats the best linux irc client to use, i want something similiar to mIRC with many scripts to make irc functions more easy | 07:01 |
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sport | any one know the trick to running wireshark for source? | 07:01 |
astro76 | DanaG, you could control that using imwheel | 07:01 |
sport | from* | 07:01 |
CarlFK | sport: did you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpdatingADeb | 07:01 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: Wait, when you added the driver to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist it gave you can error? | 07:01 |
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sport | CarlFK i dont understand what that means to me | 07:02 |
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Ashfire908 | hi | 07:03 |
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CarlFK | sport - why do you want to build WS from source ? | 07:03 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: No, i tried doing something different than what you told me... i guess that driver isn't currently runnig or something | 07:03 |
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sport | CarlFK nvm i understand what i was reading now... reading all the words help | 07:03 |
CarlFK | lol | 07:03 |
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scipio | klick: xchat looks similar to mirc. don't know about scripts though | 07:03 |
CarlFK | good. I am going to go eat. ill be around... | 07:04 |
dariuskane | lol amazing how that works out... reading all the words | 07:04 |
klick | scipio, yeah im usin it not, but i dont see many scripts for it | 07:04 |
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mayorbuttes | n00dl3: alright I just tried doing what you told me to. should I reboot now? | 07:04 |
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Ashfire908 | mirc uses it;s own language | 07:04 |
Ashfire908 | xchat can use perl python and tcl | 07:04 |
=== SteamMachine [n=lestat@CPE-124-190-162-34.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | mirc uses.. a bunch of.. well. wait.. i wont go there.. :) | 07:05 |
mattg | gosh dangit, how do i get into fstab again? | 07:05 |
SteamMachine | Hi. How do I add an entire folder (which is further full of folders) into the playlist for juice? | 07:05 |
TheProfes | if ubuntu fails to load the hardware drivers, is there a boot option to bypass? | 07:05 |
Sakkath | nano -w /etc/fstab | 07:05 |
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Sakkath | dont ask if there's another way | 07:05 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: You can see what modules are running with lsmod. Check if it's running xP | 07:05 |
scipio | klick: how about irssi? http://www.irssi.org/scripts/ | 07:06 |
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mattg | i am switching to sabayon linux | 07:08 |
mayorbuttes | yes it is. | 07:08 |
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mattg | everything's done for me on there | 07:08 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: maybe I have to manually shut it down? | 07:08 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: I think I just put it on the blacklist | 07:08 |
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n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: Well adding it to the blacklist doesnt take it off automaticly. Thats what modprobe -r is for. What was the driver name? o.O | 07:09 |
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mayorbuttes | the driver name is RT2500STA, but the module running is rt2500 | 07:09 |
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amonkey | if i'm only mounting a drive periodically (backup drive) can i make it spin down when not in use for sound/power reasons? | 07:09 |
h1st0 | mattg: sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 07:09 |
h1st0 | mattg: everything should be done for you in ubuntu as well. | 07:10 |
h1st0 | unless you disabled some things. | 07:10 |
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Ashfire908 | what's LVM? | 07:10 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: the driver name is RT2500STA, but the module running is rt2500.... when I try doing modprobe -r rt2500, is says FATAL: Module rt2500 is in use. | 07:10 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: ahh well add the module name(rt2500) that you have to the blacklist then. Then try modprobe -r rt2500 | 07:10 |
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n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: ahh okay well blacklist it then try a reboot :o | 07:11 |
SteamMachine | Juice, the music player, seems to only allow me to add one album at a time. Seeing as I have waaay more albums that I can easily add... what do I do? | 07:11 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: rebooting now | 07:11 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: k~ :] | 07:11 |
Nergar | someone knows how to watch movies in mplayer but in ascii? | 07:11 |
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mattg | who knows, maybe it's just me being in a hurry | 07:11 |
paotzu | in ascii?? | 07:11 |
Exodus | SteamMachine, which music player is that? | 07:11 |
Dr_willis | Nergar, thats part of the aalib. Ive gotten 'mc' to show them that way. not sure what the command its using is. | 07:12 |
Nergar | Dr_willis, i think its mplayer -vo mc file :) thnx | 07:12 |
Dr_willis | I just recall using ssh, and mc, and some how it started playing some Ascii Porn by mistake on me.. :) | 07:13 |
databuddy | sorry about all the join/parts failing kvirc - dont bother using that client with mass channels | 07:13 |
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Dr_willis | I could NOT figure out how to kill it. heh | 07:13 |
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jr | checking for GL/glx.h... no | 07:14 |
jr | configure: error: Cannot find GLX header | 07:14 |
jr | any help | 07:14 |
Nergar | Dr_willis, yes of course, by mistake | 07:14 |
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Nergar | :) | 07:14 |
Nergar | thnx g2g | 07:14 |
SteamMachine | Exodus: Juice... | 07:14 |
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Ashfire908 | !lvm | 07:14 |
ubotu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 07:14 |
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jr | checking for GL/glx.h... no | 07:15 |
jr | configure: error: Cannot find GLX header | 07:15 |
jr | any help? | 07:15 |
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ubuntu__ | HI ALL | 07:16 |
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ubuntu__ | as | 07:18 |
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n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: anything? :o | 07:18 |
morgan555 | are there any utilities for google calendar like CheckGmail? | 07:18 |
n00dl3 | ubuntu__: Heyo | 07:18 |
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ubuntu__ | hi | 07:18 |
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raddy | Hello Everybody | 07:18 |
ubuntu__ | hau are you | 07:18 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: Oh my god I love you. | 07:18 |
raddy | Is there a repo for fiesty for fglrx drivers? | 07:18 |
h1st0 | Would forwarding ports on my router help my torrent speeds? | 07:19 |
n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: It worked? :] | 07:19 |
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Exodus | h1st0, if you don't have a direct connection to the internet then yes it would help. | 07:19 |
ubuntu__ | asa | 07:19 |
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mayorbuttes | n00dl3: my love does not come to everything, my friend. | 07:19 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: thank you very much. | 07:20 |
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n00dl3 | mayorbuttes: lol! :] No problem man. That was kinda fun xP | 07:20 |
jisatsu_ | how can I add a script to the system boot sequence? I need to run a script at each boot to configure my wireless | 07:20 |
cafuego | fun xp? | 07:20 |
cafuego | fun experience? | 07:20 |
h1st0 | Exodus well how do I know which ports to forward? I'm just using the default torrent client with ubuntu. | 07:20 |
mayorbuttes | n00dl3: haha, for you, maybe. I've stayed away from fiesty on this machine for a year+ because of this issue. | 07:20 |
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n00dl3 | cafuego: No, that was an emoticon :o | 07:20 |
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=== cafuego must be getting old | ||
=== MindOfChaos [n=moc@60-234-209-157.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | Exodus: and should I forward them on my dsl modem or my router? Dsl modem connected to router then router to me. | 07:20 |
astro76 | !boot | jisatsu_ | 07:21 |
ubotu | jisatsu_: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 07:21 |
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jisatsu_ | ty :) | 07:21 |
raddy | !ati | 07:21 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:21 |
n00dl3 | cafuego: Nah, people always mistake it for something else. | 07:21 |
jisatsu_ | do rc scripts run as root by default? | 07:21 |
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lxuser | l | 07:21 |
raddy | Isn't there a repo for fglrx? | 07:21 |
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mayorbuttes | anyways | 07:22 |
mayorbuttes | thanks again | 07:22 |
mayorbuttes | see yah | 07:22 |
n00dl3 | bye :] | 07:22 |
morgan555 | can you gi type?uys see what | 07:23 |
scipio | raddy: from the howto: for fglrx in feisty: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic restricted-manager | 07:23 |
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Exodus | h1st0, Let's see, your dsl modem is connected to your router, and that to your computer, it really depends on what network configuration you have on your router. If you have a 192.168.x.x IP on your computers, then you router is controlling the internet, and with that type of network configuration you would need to forward ports from your router to your computer. | 07:24 |
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raddy | scipio: yup, that repo is severely outdated. managed by ubuntu | 07:24 |
raddy | scipio: is there a third party repo? | 07:24 |
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n00dl3 | morgan555: ?!?! :O | 07:25 |
scipio | raddy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-99489608eb537a1a0346cdd3ad34209d7887714a | 07:25 |
raddy | scipio: in ubuntu's repo there is no ATI control center | 07:25 |
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wifi | hi | 07:25 |
wifi | anyone here? | 07:26 |
ubuntu__ | :) | 07:26 |
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wifi | ok anyone good with Wifi adapters for Unbuntu | 07:26 |
wolferine | !wireless | wifi | 07:26 |
ubotu | wifi: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 07:26 |
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wifi | thaanks you think that will help | 07:26 |
=== teKnofreak [n=technofr@unaffiliated/teknofreak] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wolferine | wifi wont hurt | 07:27 |
scipio | raddy: it looks like that installs the control center but it doesn't work. i havent tried it personally | 07:27 |
wifi | but i also run amd64 bit | 07:27 |
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morgan555 | n 00dl3, my laptop sometimes does that to me for somereason, havent figured it out yet, it takes the last part of what I was typing and thows it somewhere random | 07:27 |
wolferine | but? | 07:28 |
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h1st0 | Exodus: ty | 07:28 |
=== Tolstoy [n=karl@dca-wan-a-117.dca.dsl.cerfnet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Exodus | h1st0, your welcome. | 07:28 |
morgan555 | but thanks, I just wanted to ensure people could see when I type, it said something about needing to register my name and im new to IRC | 07:28 |
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n00dl3 | morgan555: Thats a crazy/annoying problem lol! Can't say ive ever heard that before. | 07:29 |
h1st0 | Exodus: it appears the speeds are still the same but i'm doing some fiddling | 07:29 |
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n00dl3 | morgan555: But yeah, you have to /msg nickserv register passwordhere | 07:29 |
wolferine | not in the channel though | 07:29 |
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morgan555 | in the "freenode"? | 07:29 |
n00dl3 | morgan555: You can do it anywhere really. Just have ot put a "/" in front | 07:30 |
wolferine | morgan555, if you make a mistake everyone in the channel will see it | 07:30 |
wolferine | so its just being smart | 07:30 |
wolferine | morgan555, best thing to do, do it where no one else is, for example, a channel | 07:30 |
=== pissedbuddha [n=pissedbu@dsl.c.217.ktis.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ecaandrew | hey everyone | 07:31 |
ecaandrew | whats up | 07:31 |
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n00dl3 | Heya ecaandrew | 07:32 |
Parisi | hmmm | 07:32 |
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morgan555 | n00dl3, got it setup thank you | 07:32 |
n00dl3 | morgan555: No problem | 07:32 |
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Parisi | Few more hours for Bioshock demo, nice. | 07:33 |
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n00dl3 | Parisi: What's that? | 07:33 |
=== mosno [n=mosno@c220-237-32-186.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parisi | n00, you have not heard of Bioshock? | 07:33 |
pissedbuddha | Can anyone help me? starup manager has screwed up xserver, I traied the reconfigure command with xserver and gdm but nothing happened, can someone help me? | 07:33 |
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n00dl3 | Parisi: It's some game right? | 07:34 |
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jr | is there an opengl type thing for linux that i can download n install? | 07:34 |
Parisi | n00, Yes, probbaly one of the best this year. | 07:34 |
ecaandrew | how are you noodle | 07:34 |
ecaandrew | lol | 07:34 |
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Parisi | Supposed to be all the way up there with Half Life 2 | 07:35 |
n00dl3 | Parisi: ahhh cool x] | 07:35 |
RenatoSilva | how can i remove that nautilus splash screen on logon? | 07:35 |
n00dl3 | ecaandrew: I'm awesome! how about you? | 07:35 |
Parisi | Hope my home PC is capable enough. | 07:35 |
n00dl3 | afk for a sec | 07:35 |
JulioNeto2000 | Alguem do Brasil? | 07:35 |
Parisi | Sim? | 07:35 |
=== Blueberry [n=blue@124-170-41-131.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RenatoSilva | JulioNeto2000: epa opa epa! | 07:35 |
Blueberry | Hey! | 07:35 |
wolferine | buddha, so your X isnt running properly? | 07:36 |
JulioNeto2000 | Samebody from Brazil, there's here? | 07:36 |
Parisi | Sim, eu. | 07:36 |
RenatoSilva | JulioNeto2000: from where in Brazil? | 07:36 |
Blueberry | "[dvb-usb] no frontend was attached by 'Hauppage Nova-T Stick" says the boot up log thingy when I turn on a playstation i'm really trying to turn in to a DVR, what do I do next? | 07:36 |
RenatoSilva | Parisi: from where? | 07:36 |
Blueberry | I need a front end dealie so the MythTV can talk to the stick that makes the magic digital tv dealie go "yay!" | 07:36 |
=== Crusher [n=You@ppp121-45-32-177.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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JulioNeto2000 | RenatoSilva, PE | 07:37 |
Parisi | renato, Recife, PE | 07:37 |
ecaandrew | how do you start mysql on ubuntu? | 07:37 |
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JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, que conhecidencia eu sou tambm =D | 07:37 |
Parisi | : ) | 07:38 |
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uuser | Hey | 07:38 |
Parisi | Que parte? | 07:38 |
wolferine | ecaandrew, sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart | 07:38 |
RenatoSilva | both of u from PE | 07:38 |
uuser | I try to enable desktop effects and I get the foll error | 07:38 |
Parisi | Ya, thats freakin strange indeed. | 07:38 |
RenatoSilva | i'm from Rio, wonderful city | 07:38 |
wolferine | uuser, ask in #ubuntu-effects | 07:38 |
Parisi | Ah :) | 07:38 |
ecaandrew | how do you get to the mysql cli so i can make databases and shit | 07:38 |
JulioNeto2000 | sei l | 07:39 |
Parisi | I have not been to my home town in years however. | 07:39 |
JulioNeto2000 | no me lembro o nome do bairro | 07:39 |
=== AlgorthmicContro [n=Larry@unaffiliated/algorthmiccontro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlgorthmicContro | Anyone know how to GRUB back in default state? | 07:39 |
JulioNeto2000 | Qual o canal do Ubuntu Brasil? | 07:39 |
Parisi | JulioNeto2000: voce nao more no brasil? | 07:39 |
stdin | !br | 07:39 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 07:39 |
RenatoSilva | JulioNeto2000: #ubuntu-br | 07:40 |
ecaandrew | =] | 07:40 |
ecaandrew | thanks wolferine! | 07:40 |
wolferine | hey stdin :) | 07:40 |
JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, moro sim | 07:40 |
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wolferine | np ecaandrew | 07:40 |
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JulioNeto2000 | RenatoSilva, valew | 07:40 |
ecaandrew | wolferine: question | 07:40 |
stdin | hay wolferine :) | 07:40 |
AlgorthmicContro | hey stdin, could you help me out? | 07:40 |
ecaandrew | question | 07:40 |
wolferine | !ask | 07:40 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:40 |
ecaandrew | wolferine: how do i get to the mysql CLI to make db's and stuff | 07:40 |
stdin | AlgorthmicContro: depends in the question | 07:40 |
ecaandrew | haha ubotu, advice takemn! | 07:40 |
JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, RenatoS vcs tem msn ou Yahoo ou ICQ ou algo do tipo? | 07:41 |
wolferine | ecaandrew, you start reading documentation | 07:41 |
jr | configure: error: Cannot find GLX header | 07:41 |
=== kmak [n=kmak@c-76-22-238-150.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wolferine | ecaandrew, and ask in #mysql | 07:41 |
RenatoSilva | JulioNeto2000: for what? | 07:41 |
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Parisi | Eu uso msn, mais tenho o AIM tb. | 07:41 |
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=== CUBeR64 [n=chris@bas1-toronto44-1279263166.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jr | configure: error: Cannot find GLX header | 07:41 |
jr | 07:41 | |
wolferine | ppl. please take it to your 'language' friendly channel | 07:41 |
jr | any1 help? | 07:41 |
ecaandrew | wolferine: ehhe thanks | 07:41 |
Parisi | Sorry brother, good point. | 07:42 |
ecaandrew | sorrry :( | 07:42 |
ecaandrew | just thought ide ask | 07:42 |
ecaandrew | lol | 07:42 |
AlgorthmicContro | stdin: I was messing with usplash screens, usually they'd work sucessfuly, I messed up grub, Whenever I boot natively to ubuntu ,usplash is not visble, and nothing happens, and I can't access terminal, I get kernel panics and it can't mount the disk | 07:42 |
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JulioNeto2000 | wolferine, don't worry, we andersand | 07:42 |
uuser | no ones around at #ubuntu-effects | 07:42 |
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wolferine | well I dont :P | 07:42 |
wolferine | !patience | 07:42 |
ubotu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 07:42 |
jr | wtf!! im trying to configure gtkglext and it gives me this error "configure: error: Cannot find GLX header | 07:42 |
jr | " | 07:42 |
KleRoi | hello everyone, is there a way to find out for how long has my pc been on? | 07:42 |
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JulioNeto2000 | i'm yt | 07:42 |
uuser | KleRoi: uptime | 07:42 |
Parisi | KleRoi you mean the OS stats? | 07:42 |
CUBeR64 | quick question, i just installed Pidgin which is an instant messenger client, i installed it from source, and when i try to connect to msn it says that i need an ssl library before the client can connect :S any help? | 07:42 |
KleRoi | uuser: ok thanks | 07:43 |
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=== Skif__ [n=emschwar@dsl-254-160.dynamic-dsl.frii.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parisi | KleRoi uptime is one. | 07:43 |
uuser | type the command uptime in a terminal | 07:43 |
jr | wtf!! im trying to configure gtkglext and it gives me this error "configure: error: Cannot find GLX header | 07:43 |
AlgorthmicContro | CUBeR64: take that to #pidgin | 07:43 |
KleRoi | yeah thanks Parisi | 07:43 |
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CUBeR64 | AlgorthmicContro: kk thanks! | 07:43 |
Parisi | Sure. | 07:43 |
hustlebird | anyone know something similar to autocad? | 07:43 |
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Skif__ | anybody here type in CJK? | 07:44 |
uuser | I get this error when I enable desktop effects | 07:44 |
Skif__ | ? | 07:44 |
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uuser | Failed to execute child process "gtk-window-decorator" (No such file or directory) | 07:44 |
jr | wtf!! im trying to configure gtkglext and it gives me this error "configure: error: Cannot find GLX header | 07:44 |
JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, qual seu msn ento? | 07:44 |
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@24-205-228-241.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Bye-yuzz."] | ||
stdin | AlgorthmicContro: if it's a grub problem, then you can just (re)move the /boot/grub/menu.lst file then run "sudo update-grub" to remake the file. you may also need to set the usplash file back to default with "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so" | 07:44 |
Skif__ | I'm finding some weird effects, like the first time I start up a new application, it seems to set the default input method to some arabic input method, even though my login session is set to Japanese | 07:44 |
AlgorthmicContro | stdin: I can't access terminal or root | 07:45 |
Parisi | JulioNeto2000 Para que? lol | 07:45 |
Parisi | JulioNeto2000 jblparisi@msn.com | 07:45 |
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uuser | some one help me configure compiz please | 07:45 |
stdin | AlgorthmicContro: at boot, do you see the grub menu? | 07:45 |
Skif__ | And then, I'm finding it impossible to type the kanji for "Tokyo" or "Kyoto" for some reason. Maybe I'm defective. :) | 07:45 |
AlgorthmicContro | stdin: Because of that problem, I can't do anything.....I would do say you said, but =. | 07:45 |
AlgorthmicContro | stdin: I do | 07:45 |
uuser | no ones`s around at #ubuntu-effects | 07:45 |
hustlebird | will anyone tell me if there is a program similar to autocad | 07:46 |
Parisi | uuser WHy dont you go to the Website and follow the directions, also instructions on Ubuntu forums. | 07:46 |
AlgorthmicContro | stdin: I just can't boot from anything, I'm doing a live session right now | 07:46 |
uuser | okay | 07:46 |
Skif__ | Also, now that I look at xchat, it seems that terminal glyphs are not being rendered properly sometimes. | 07:46 |
Skif__ | for instance, my previous line looked like"...seems that termina" | 07:46 |
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hustlebird | /join engineer | 07:46 |
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hustlebird | /join #engineer | 07:47 |
scipio | hustlebird: some suggestions here: http://gnomefiles.org/subcategory.php?sub_cat_id=37 | 07:47 |
Zombie | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34492/ | 07:47 |
hustlebird | thanx | 07:47 |
Parisi | hustlebird Good job. | 07:47 |
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efram | hey ppls.. I fixed my resolution so I can choose 1680x1050, but once I choose it the screen is actually much bigger then the monitor.. any ideas? | 07:47 |
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stdin | AlgorthmicContro: try pressing "e" on the menu, then move down to the line starting with "kernel" and pressing "e" again. then move to the end of the line and remove the "splash" word. then press enter and then "b". if that lets you boot, then it is a usplash problem | 07:47 |
hustlebird | thanx for the compliment | 07:47 |
_MattB | how can you create a software raid partition when installing desktop? | 07:47 |
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hektik | BitchX-1.1-final+ by panasync - Linux 2.6.20-16-generic | 07:48 |
=== Soulwarp [n=robby@8-81.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlgorthmicContro | stdin: I might've tried that, anything else ? | 07:48 |
Parisi | man, 1.8 gig for a game demo, thats huge. | 07:48 |
AlgorthmicContro | stdin: If it is a usplash problem, what is your first suggestion? | 07:49 |
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=== evan_ [n=evan@74-60-246-61.mfd.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wolferine | Zombie, what seems to be the issue? | 07:49 |
stdin | AlgorthmicContro: I'd say to reset it back to the default or disable it all together | 07:49 |
=== Yasumoto_ [n=Yasumoto@c-71-202-242-32.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlgorthmicContro | stdin: how do I do that? | 07:49 |
porkpie | morning guy's. where do I add a static DNS entry i.e hostname ipaddresss ? | 07:50 |
JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, no por nada | 07:50 |
JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, vou te explicar em PVT | 07:50 |
porkpie | I can't remember what file to add it in .... hosts or host ????? | 07:50 |
Zombie | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34493/ | 07:50 |
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Zombie | My Xorg configuration ignores the changes I make,' | 07:51 |
stdin | AlgorthmicContro: with "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so" and selecting ubuntu one, then you'll have to run "sudo update-initramfs -u" to apply iy | 07:51 |
=== evan_ is now known as pemdas21 | ||
wolferine | Zombie, doing them as sudo? | 07:51 |
AlgorthmicContro | stdin: That is if I can get access to terminal...which I can't....but I'll try what you said.... | 07:51 |
Zombie | Yes. | 07:51 |
AlgorthmicContro | stdin: thanks in advance | 07:52 |
wolferine | Zombie, lspci | grep intel | 07:52 |
wolferine | whats the output? | 07:52 |
=== Nicke [n=niclasa@ua-83-227-140-135.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stdin | AlgorthmicContro: there is a way to do it from the CD if that fails | 07:52 |
porkpie | zombie:hi | 07:52 |
Zombie | Nothing/ | 07:52 |
pemdas21 | can my wifi network card act as a bluetooth adapter? | 07:52 |
porkpie | where do I add a static dns entry .....not sure what file I use | 07:52 |
pemdas21 | as in wireless? | 07:52 |
Parisi | pemdas21 I am afraid not. | 07:52 |
wolferine | Zombie, post your lspci on pastebin as well | 07:52 |
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pemdas21 | ah... how much do bluetooth cards run for? | 07:53 |
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Parisi | pemdas21, What type? PCI, USB ? | 07:53 |
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pemdas21 | usb | 07:53 |
gvsa123 | arrghh.. stil haven't figured out why avast won't show up in the accessories menu... help please... | 07:53 |
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Parisi | pegger depends, id guess around $20-40 | 07:54 |
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wolferine | edit the menu gvsa123 ? | 07:54 |
=== nprice [n=nprice@cpe-75-80-90-83.bak.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parisi | pemdas21 depends, id guess around $20-40 | 07:54 |
=== eddyMul [n=eddymul@netblock-68-183-27-95.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pemdas21 | Thanks Parisi. Are all of them compatible with ubuntu 7.04? | 07:54 |
richardjc | help you guys! how do i convert an .rpm to .deb??? i already installed alien, i just don't know how to use it! | 07:54 |
Zombie | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34494/ | 07:55 |
wolferine | richardjc, google: 'ubuntu guide' | 07:55 |
wolferine | its covered in it | 07:55 |
JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, vc viu o que eu te disse em PVT? | 07:55 |
richardjc | thats too broad | 07:55 |
gvsa123 | wolferine: like add remove? it's not there either... i can run it though, through the terminal, but i was successful with it before, and i'd like to know what's wrong with it this time | 07:55 |
Parisi | pemdas21 I would think support should be at least decent, considering wireless is pretty well supported. | 07:55 |
richardjc | cant you guys just give me the sudo command? | 07:55 |
Parisi | JulioNeto2000, no, what? | 07:55 |
richardjc | i mean, terminal command | 07:55 |
wolferine | Zombie, what are you trying to change in the xorg.conf, and what command are you using to edit it? | 07:55 |
pemdas21 | Richardjc: sudo alien -d "filename" | 07:55 |
=== porkpie is lost in DNS .... all I want is the name of the file to add the static DNS entry :; | ||
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wolferine | gvsa123, using Gnome? | 07:56 |
JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, how no? eu te mandei sim | 07:56 |
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gvsa123 | wolferine: it's not in the main menu either.... yes i'm on gnome | 07:56 |
Zombie | See all those resolutioons? | 07:56 |
Parisi | Where, onde? | 07:56 |
stdin | porkpie: /etc/resolv.conf | 07:56 |
Zombie | sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:56 |
wolferine | gvsa123, if you right click the menu, you can add/change items within it | 07:56 |
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porkpie | stdin:Oh ...thanks | 07:57 |
wolferine | Zombie, ok, I see them, but get to the point please | 07:57 |
richardjc | thanks | 07:57 |
stdin | porkpie: in the form "nameserver Ip.Address.Goes.Here" | 07:57 |
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Exodus | porkpie, /etc/resolv.conf | 07:57 |
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b14ck | can someone tell me how to copy files and 'sync' them? this way they will both be the same (they will be checked after a copy and if they arent the same, it will be re-copied or something)? | 07:57 |
gvsa123 | wolferine: yeah... it's not there... i get this when i run avastgui in the terminal... | 07:57 |
wolferine | gvsa123, please dont paste in the channel | 07:57 |
Exodus | porkpie, what you need to do is addlines like: nameserver ip.address | 07:57 |
wolferine | use !pastebin | 07:57 |
gvsa123 | wolferine: oh okay... | 07:57 |
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ecaandrew | does anyone know how to instlal phpmyadmin? | 07:58 |
ecaandrew | install | 07:58 |
ecaandrew | on ubuntu, last time i tried it, it didnt work | 07:58 |
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wolferine | ecaandrew, still not reading yet? | 07:58 |
Zombie | It only registers 1024x768 800x600 and 640x480 | 07:58 |
heidern | hello | 07:58 |
ecaandrew | no im reading | 07:58 |
phpcurious | ecaandrew, did you already install phpmyadmin in your server? | 07:58 |
ecaandrew | i changed the pass | 07:58 |
ecaandrew | i found a tutorial | 07:58 |
heidern | hello everybody | 07:58 |
=== Yasumoto_ is now known as Yasumoto | ||
gvsa123 | wolferine: well it says Gdk warning, locale not supported by Xlib | 07:58 |
dezmin | zombie, xorg.conf | 07:58 |
wolferine | Zombie, so you want to hit the higher resolutions? | 07:58 |
ecaandrew | but i tried phpmyadmin on a fedora box, and i couldnt get it to show up on the browser | 07:58 |
Zombie | Lower. | 07:58 |
gvsa123 | wolferine: and cannot set locale modifiers | 07:58 |
b14ck | can someone tell me how to copy files and 'sync' them? this way they will both be the same (they will be checked after a copy and if they arent the same, it will be re-copied or something)? | 07:59 |
pemdas21 | how do I get desktop effects to work? It says desktop effects could not be enabled when I click enable... | 07:59 |
wolferine | ecaandrew, this is not a php/apache help channel, sorry | 07:59 |
gvsa123 | wolferine: it runs well though, update, scanning and everything... | 07:59 |
ecaandrew | oh sorry, i just thought it was general help for installs -p | 07:59 |
ecaandrew | =[ | 07:59 |
ecaandrew | didnt know | 07:59 |
=== dashgr [n=dashgr@pool-70-23-94-61.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wolferine | Zombie, you want lower resolutions, I see | 07:59 |
dashgr | hi | 07:59 |
wolferine | Zombie let me check, brb | 07:59 |
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hhp21 | hey guys, quick question about resolution | 07:59 |
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wolferine | gvsa123, I doubt I will be of any help, sorry | 08:00 |
dashgr | hi i've been trying to get xgl to work (with beryl) and i can't seem to install "beryl-manager" and i tried with compiz and i can't install compiz manager either | 08:00 |
=== Sinistral_ [n=Sinistra@d054078.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gvsa123 | wolferine: that's okay... thanks though... | 08:00 |
pemdas21 | how do I get desktop effects to work? It says desktop effects could not be enabled when I click enable... | 08:00 |
porkpie | stdin:hmm! are you sure ....I thought that was for the DNS servers ..... can i add a hostname ipaddress there ? | 08:00 |
Zombie | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34495/ Original Xorg config | 08:00 |
gvsa123 | anyone else have an idea why avast won't show up in the menu? | 08:01 |
hhp21 | I just noticed this today. My linux machine and my windows machine both have the same monitor, and same resolution, 1280x1024, but the fonts on my windows machine are much smaller, and there's generally more screen real estate on my windows machine. Does it have to do with the DPI? If so, where can I change that? | 08:01 |
Exodus | porkpie, i msg'ed you about that | 08:01 |
wolferine | Zombie, so you just want to lower resolutions, thats it? | 08:01 |
Exodus | porkpie, a DNS, Domain Name Server resolves IP's to Hostnames | 08:01 |
stdin | porkpie: by "nameserver Ip.Address.Goes.Here" i mean you do something like "nameserver" | 08:01 |
Exodus | porkpie, that means you can't put a hostname as a DNS, cause, who's going to resolve it? | 08:02 |
wolferine | Zombie, when you edit the xorg.conf, you said the changes dont stay, do you get any errors upon saving? | 08:02 |
n00dl3 | porkpie: You may want /etc/hosts | 08:02 |
Exodus | porkpie, unless you do a crazy thing like adding a hostname alias in etc/hosts | 08:02 |
=== Nikolas [n=Nikolas@cs78226015.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zombie | No. | 08:02 |
Zombie | zIn fact I verify channel. | 08:02 |
Zombie | zIn fact I verify changes. | 08:02 |
Exodus | porkpie, what you want in /etc/resolv.conf is seperate lines which look like: nameserver ip.address | 08:02 |
wolferine | Zombie, if you verify them, they are not changed? | 08:03 |
dashgr | anyone availabe to help me out with a couple of xgl questions? thank you just send a message! | 08:03 |
pemdas21 | did anyone see my question? how do I get desktop effects to work? It says desktop effects could not be enabled when I click enable... | 08:03 |
wolferine | Zombie, please, explain, your not being very clear | 08:03 |
=== Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has left #ubuntu ["Coming] | ||
porkpie | Exodus:all I want is for the server hostname like foo to resolve to the ipaddress | 08:03 |
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JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, ento vou te explicar por aqui mesmo | 08:03 |
wolferine | pemdas21, ask in #ubuntu-effects | 08:03 |
Exodus | porkpie, then what you want to edit is /etc/hosts | 08:03 |
pemdas21 | thanks | 08:03 |
JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, A idia criar um grupo de contatos "ligados" em UNIX ra ajudas rpidas por messenger | 08:03 |
porkpie | Exodus:I understand how DNS works ..... :) | 08:03 |
JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, essa ideia eu tive e publiquei no GHD | 08:03 |
JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, o link http://www.guiadohardware.net/comunidade/ajudado-postando/771213/ | 08:04 |
Exodus | porkpie, /etc/hosts is a simple: ip.address hostname | 08:04 |
porkpie | just couldn't remember which file to add the static entry to | 08:04 |
JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, posse te add? sem problemas? Se tiver so dizer | 08:04 |
Exodus | should already contain localhost | 08:04 |
wolferine | JulioNeto2000, take it to another channel please | 08:04 |
=== NETWizz [n=jbirk@adsl-75-36-38-79.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stdin | JulioNeto2000, Parisi: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 08:04 |
NETWizz | Here is my install | 08:04 |
NETWizz | http://pastebin.ca/665288 | 08:04 |
NETWizz | What do you think? | 08:04 |
Parisi | stdin Hey, i am just sitting here, i am not a part of this. | 08:05 |
stdin | Parisi: if you talk to him in Portuguese then he'll talk back in Portuguese | 08:05 |
wolferine | stdin whats the hot keys to change res on the fly, ctrl-alt-+/- ? | 08:05 |
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Parisi | I privated messaged him, *sigh* | 08:05 |
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ecaandrew | two questions, what is gedit and gksudo? | 08:06 |
wolferine | ecaandrew, lots of basic questions, read the documentation, honesly | 08:06 |
wolferine | honestly* | 08:06 |
pemdas21 | gksudo is used to run programs as root | 08:06 |
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stdin | wolferine: I think Ctrl-Alt-+/- on the numberpad | 08:06 |
wolferine | ah, right | 08:06 |
=== mad_goldfish [n=can@cpc1-broo1-0-0-cust856.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JulioNeto2000 | PELO AMOR DE DEUS! eu no t pedindo ajudo ( | 08:07 |
ecaandrew | =[ | 08:07 |
wolferine | Zombie, still here? | 08:07 |
ecaandrew | i have a feeling wolferine doesnt like me | 08:07 |
JulioNeto2000 | I'M DON'T needing HELP! | 08:07 |
wolferine | JulioNeto2000, please, take it to the other channel | 08:07 |
gvsa123 | wolferine: found this: http://www.debianadmin.com/avast-antivirus-for-ubuntu-desktop.html | 08:07 |
wolferine | !offtopic | JulioNeto2000 | 08:07 |
ubotu | JulioNeto2000: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:07 |
JulioNeto2000 | eu s estou falando com ela! | 08:07 |
Parisi | JulioNeto2000 Check your private message, dont speak portuguese here please :) | 08:07 |
gvsa123 | wolferine: although i can't remember doing that during my prvious installation... it's there now... love google... | 08:08 |
=== Neutrinux [n=Neutrinu@64.98.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zombie | wolferine: I deleted xorg.conf after moving it to a backup location and it still works | 08:08 |
=== technx [n=technx@cpe-66-68-228-212.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hhp21 | What's the terminal command to restart x? | 08:08 |
JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, but, I send a PVT for you, but you don't see | 08:08 |
=== ranger [n=slipry@224.73-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Exodus | Does anyone know how to eliminate the beeps ubuntu makes, like when you backspace into nothing it beeps. I want it to just shut up and do nothing. | 08:08 |
dvs01 | can i run an instance of the main menu panel via a shell command? | 08:08 |
=== newbie1 [n=turnix@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wolferine | !ops | JulioNeto2000 | 08:08 |
ubotu | JulioNeto2000: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 08:08 |
=== ltracy [n=ltracy@c-71-231-141-120.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JulioNeto2000 | What's i you do? | 08:08 |
newbie1 | a | 08:08 |
Parisi | JulioNeto2000 Because you have to be a registered nickname, that would be my guess. | 08:09 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Myrtti] by ChanServ | ||
newbie1 | wew | 08:09 |
Seveas | JulioNeto2000, behave please | 08:09 |
newbie1 | --- | 08:09 |
Myrtti | ^ thank you | 08:09 |
=== AlgorthmicContro [n=Larry@unaffiliated/algorthmiccontro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JulioNeto2000 | Parisi, hehehe valew | 08:09 |
hustlebird | will binary self install on fiesty? | 08:09 |
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AlgorthmicContro | stdin: No success,and I can't access terminal | 08:09 |
newbie1 | what country is in this server? | 08:09 |
Parisi | Seveas, That name sounds very familiar. | 08:09 |
stdin | newbie1: many | 08:09 |
Myrtti | /me waits | 08:10 |
=== underdog5004 [n=matthew@adsl-76-236-66-231.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pemdas21 | nobody is answering my q on the channel #ubuntu-effects | 08:10 |
hustlebird | seems to be in a state of eterbal pause | 08:10 |
Parisi | pemdas21 I would suggest you update your Ubuntu install first. | 08:10 |
AlgorthmicContro | newbie1: irc.freenode.net? | 08:10 |
hustlebird | eternal | 08:10 |
stdin | AlgorthmicContro: if you mount your root partition, then you can "chroot" into it | 08:10 |
pemdas21 | just run sudo apt-get update? | 08:10 |
Codemaster|Mobil | hm | 08:10 |
=== [959] [n=colin@S0106001217b53a5d.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Codemaster|Mobil | what's the layout of /etc/passwd again? | 08:11 |
wolferine | !patience | pemdas21 | 08:11 |
ubotu | pemdas21: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 08:11 |
Parisi | pemdas21 Then reinstall compiz or whatever it is called these days, and be sure to have you video drivers installed properly. | 08:11 |
Exodus | AlgorthmicContro, you lose your root password? | 08:11 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Myrtti] by Myrtti | ||
newbie1 | Terima Kasih | 08:11 |
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Parisi | pemdas21 sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade | 08:11 |
AlgorthmicContro | Exodus: no, it can't mount it somehow through this cruddy .so file, I should've known better | 08:11 |
stdin | AlgorthmicContro: eg "sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt ; sudo -i" then "chroot /mnt" then you will have access to the installed version | 08:11 |
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AlgorthmicContro | Exodus: I get a kernel panic whenever I want to boot to recovery root | 08:12 |
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Sonicadvance1 | Exodus, o_O | 08:13 |
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pemdas21 | okay, I ran the update and upgrade... What do I do about making sure I have the correct video drivers? | 08:13 |
TaJMoX | kernel panic is like the best error (linguistically) in the history of errors | 08:13 |
Parisi | pemdas21 What video chipset do you have? | 08:13 |
Exodus | Sonicadvance1, what? | 08:14 |
AlgorthmicContro | TaJMoX: why is that? | 08:14 |
pemdas21 | sorry, but how do I figure that out... | 08:14 |
TaJMoX | "kernel panic" | 08:14 |
=== narff [n=narff@unaffiliated/narff] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== milkMan7 [n=milkMan7@ip68-226-117-132.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TaJMoX | dunno it just sounds rock | 08:14 |
Exodus | AlgorthmicContro, What you're telling me is that you get a kernel panic when you boot your system? are you in a livecd session atm? | 08:14 |
n00dl3 | Yeah it does, like a dance | 08:14 |
n00dl3 | Lets do the kernel panick :o | 08:14 |
Parisi | pem, do you know your video card at all? | 08:14 |
TaJMoX | better than "There was an error. Click OK" | 08:14 |
narff | can someone help me identify this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo5nApguKSo | 08:15 |
AlgorthmicContro | Exodus: LiveCD session I am, if my memory serves me right , it was something like this kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0) | 08:15 |
Myrtti | !offtopic | narff | 08:15 |
ubotu | narff: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:15 |
TaJMoX | or just "ERR" like in the olden days | 08:15 |
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wolferine | pemdas21, google: 'ubuntu guide' | 08:15 |
TaJMoX | I'm banned from offtopic for saying the word 'heyya' =[ | 08:16 |
=== sharperguy [n=sharp@88-110-226-101.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlgorthmicContro | hahha | 08:16 |
AlgorthmicContro | I'll try | 08:16 |
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Exodus | AlgorthmicContro, well, to diagnose that better you should first remove ubuntu's eye candy splash screen, check what else it says, but right now just check if you have all your partitions in place with a "fdisk -l" in a console | 08:16 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by PriceChild at Sun Aug 5 18:04:23 2007 | ||
(Slart/#ubuntu) habo: gnome-screenshot is the process name | 09:08 | |
(habo/#ubuntu) does camstudio work with linux?? its opensource but is there anything for linux? | 09:08 | |
(monkster/#ubuntu) to get a screen shot, press Print Screen; to get a screen shot of the window in focus, press alt-Print Screen | 09:08 | |
(Sretsnom2/#ubuntu) for sshd i now get "Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key | 09:08 | |
(Sretsnom2/#ubuntu) Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key | 09:08 | |
(Sretsnom2/#ubuntu) " | 09:08 | |
(Zombie/#ubuntu) habo: xvidcap. | 09:08 | |
(moyer/#ubuntu) perfect thanks a mil. appreciate it | 09:08 | |
(bulmer/#ubuntu) luckz: try this ... ifup eth0 | 09:08 | |
luckz | bulmer: no such device, yadda yadda | 09:09 |
=== Ritterrav [n=rav@ool-44c7cbed.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== jay2 [n=mjs@c-71-228-154-114.hsd1.az.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sport | nonbeaconing networks = no ssid broadcast | 09:09 |
sport | ? | 09:09 |
=== Aren [n=aren@d58-106-25-143.sbr2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulmer | luckz can you try this... mii-diag -a | 09:09 |
habo | xvidcam thx ill take a look for that .. u see im doing a small tutorial for a friend .. and i dont have a screen caputring app to take a video | 09:09 |
=== leagris [n=leagris_@AMontpellier-152-1-57-65.w83-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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bulmer | luckz also see if you can pick off eth0 from the result of... cat /proc/net/dev | 09:11 |
luckz | it knows an eth3. | 09:11 |
luckz | :o | 09:11 |
Sretsnom2 | No help here? : Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key | 09:11 |
Sretsnom2 | for sshd | 09:11 |
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=== jarjarbinks [n=charlie@adsl-35-240-25.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulmer | luckz: then try ifup eth3 | 09:12 |
luckz | bulmer: Ignoring unknown interface eth3=eth3 | 09:12 |
kainushi | Hi :) | 09:12 |
=== compengi [n=compengi@63-216-119-148.sdsl.cais.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jarjarbinks | <kainushi>hey | 09:12 |
bulmer | luckz post your /etc/network/interfaces | 09:13 |
RedMercury | whooohooo! i got a visa to work in the us! :D | 09:13 |
n00dl3 | =o | 09:13 |
luckz | heh, it does not have stuff set for eth3. | 09:14 |
jarjarbinks | anybody know why bioshock won't work on the 360 emulator? | 09:14 |
luckz | changed that, bulmer | 09:14 |
luckz | bulmer: how do I make it .. restart/reload that stuff? | 09:14 |
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=== nonlinear [n=sean@d137-186-194-110.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulmer | luckz: try /etc/init.d/network restart | 09:15 |
=== Zdra [n=zdra@158.185-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== jay2 [n=mjs@c-71-228-154-114.hsd1.az.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
awg_ | nvidia drivers? mismatched version? anyone? | 09:15 |
=== chalcedny [i=llhull@c-71-56-76-189.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
luckz | bulmer: command not found | 09:16 |
jarjarbinks | anybody know why bioshock won't work on the 360 emulator? | 09:16 |
habo | Hey guys i found recordmydesktop .. has anyone tried it before? | 09:16 |
Slart | awg_: if I were you I'd uninstall drivers, kernel modules etc and then install using the driver from nvidias website.. It hasn't failed me yet | 09:16 |
bulmer | luckz: try /etc/init.d/networking restart | 09:16 |
nonlinear | would it be possible in a VM to put home and xp documents/settings on the same partition, as long as they didn't write to the same stuff at the same time? | 09:16 |
=== jr [n=jr@75-1-147-111.lightspeed.snantx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
awg_ | Slart: failed me already | 09:16 |
awg_ | like 3 times tongith | 09:16 |
awg_ | *tongith | 09:16 |
awg_ | aslkfd | 09:16 |
SeveredCross | jarjarbinks: Uh...Because a 360 emulator is horribly unlikely to work. | 09:17 |
jr | how do i give myself full permissions to a folder using sudo chmod? | 09:17 |
=== flokuehn [n=Florian@globalways/developer/flokuehn] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | awg_: did you uninstall the nvidia-kernel module before you installed the nvidia-driver? | 09:17 |
=== KomiaPoika [n=prkl@170.70-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | jr: What folder? | 09:17 |
jarjarbinks | no prob with ghost recon | 09:17 |
jr | usr/local/games/tremulous | 09:17 |
jr | i locked myself out | 09:18 |
=== BigToe7000 [n=bigtoe70@cpc1-hatf3-0-0-cust104.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== RapJunkie [n=smitch@cpc3-leic1-0-0-cust61.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
awg_ | Slart: i believe so ... ? | 09:18 |
nonlinear | passwords are like the biggest pain in my life | 09:18 |
Slart | jr sudo chmod a+rw -R /my/folder/ | 09:18 |
Slart | awg_: any error messages? | 09:18 |
luckz | bulmer: fantastic, thanks | 09:19 |
jr | slart still denied | 09:19 |
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Sretsnom2 | come on anyone? :( | 09:19 |
awg_ | Slart: same error message every time i start X ... mismatched x driver and kernel driver versions | 09:19 |
Slart | awg_: ok.. do you use the restricted drivers for anything else? | 09:19 |
Myrtti | Sretsnom2: you've used the google already, what you've found this far? | 09:19 |
jarjarbinks | <SeveredCross>no matter what dir i put bioshock in it can't find it | 09:19 |
jr | chmod: cannot access `a+rw': No such file or directory | 09:20 |
=== gcostello [n=gcostell@i07v-212-195-160-152.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jr | slart: chmod: cannot access `a+rw': No such file or directory | 09:20 |
Myrtti | jr: you've got things upside down | 09:20 |
Sretsnom2 | Myrtti: ive found nothing, seriously two pages of google and straight reading, nothing | 09:20 |
bulmer | luckz: fantastically working? | 09:20 |
Myrtti | jr: chmod a+rw file | 09:20 |
jr | jr@ubuntu:/usr/local/games$ sudo chmod a+rw -r tremulous | 09:20 |
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awg_ | Slart: not that i know of | 09:20 |
Slart | awg_: if not.. uninstall the restricted drivers.. search for nvidia in synaptic and uninstall the kernel module if it's installed | 09:20 |
jr | oh hold on | 09:20 |
nonlinear | what about like 7777 or something liek that??? | 09:20 |
=== mojojojo_ [n=jth@dhp239.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | jr: capital R... not -r.. | 09:21 |
Slart | jr: chmod a+rw -R /my/folder | 09:21 |
nonlinear | how are the numbers different from the letters for permissions | 09:21 |
=== estoves [n=estoves@ssonsve.csbnet.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
luckz | bulmer: yeah, all fine and dandy. any way I can see which logic it uses when distributing ethX numbers, or to slap it into using a specific one? | 09:21 |
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Slart | nonlinear: easier to understand? other than that, nothing | 09:21 |
jr | yeah its not that folder i need hold on | 09:21 |
nonlinear | oh ok thanks | 09:21 |
awg_ | Slart: ok | 09:22 |
awg_ | Slart: done | 09:22 |
Slart | awg_: it was installed? | 09:22 |
bulmer | luckz: am not sure..maybe you need to look at udev | 09:22 |
=== doms [n=nmc@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
awg_ | Slart: restricted modules was installed | 09:22 |
Slart | now get the latest, greatest driver from nvidia | 09:22 |
jarjarbinks | <SeveredCross>do you think it could be incompat with my 360 em? | 09:22 |
jr | how do i link to an executeable? | 09:22 |
Slart | awg_: nothing else installed with the nvidia name? nvidia-glx nvidia-glx-new etc | 09:23 |
awg_ | all removed | 09:23 |
=== Gasten [n=Gasten@h52n9c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gehel_ | Hi ! I'm trying to remember the name of util I used to manage manually installed programs. It lets you install them in any directory, and create symlinks to /usr/bin, /usr/lib, etc... | 09:23 |
gehel_ | does anyone knows it ? | 09:23 |
awg_ | Slart: aha, that appears to have worked. | 09:23 |
awg_ | X is started, anyway | 09:24 |
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awg_ | i'll see if glx works | 09:24 |
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Sretsnom2 | can someone walk me through setting up sshd please? | 09:24 |
gehel_ | Sretsnom2: go one, I might just be able ... what's the problem ? | 09:24 |
Slart | awg_: you got the nvidia-logo at startup? | 09:24 |
jr | Slart, how do i make a program executable? | 09:25 |
awg_ | Slart: no, i have that off, but twinview is working and glx appears to be working | 09:25 |
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Slart | jr: chmod a+x filename is one way | 09:25 |
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jr | y | 09:25 |
jr | ty | 09:25 |
Slart | awg_: yay.. glxgears works? | 09:25 |
gehel_ | Sretsnom2: open synaptic and install "openssh-server" | 09:25 |
awg_ | Slart: yep. | 09:26 |
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Sretsnom2 | gehel_ check your messages | 09:26 |
awg_ | Slart: thanks, i'll give it a reboot to make sure i didn't remove anything critical, hopefully i won't be back | 09:26 |
Zombie | Anyone here with Xorg experience? | 09:26 |
awg_ | cheers. | 09:26 |
Slart | awg_: =) | 09:26 |
Sretsnom2 | gehel_ i just did that, a clean slate | 09:26 |
jr | slart:ty | 09:27 |
Slart | jr: you're welcome | 09:28 |
Sretsnom2 | gehel_: so.... | 09:28 |
gehel_ | Sretsnom2: ok, so I guess something doesnt work after the install ... so, what exactly ? | 09:28 |
habo | yeah | 09:28 |
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Sretsnom2 | sshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path | 09:28 |
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Sretsnom2 | that happens | 09:28 |
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Sretsnom2 | gehel_: ? | 09:30 |
Slart | Sretsnom2: sshd is already running? what does ps -A | grep ssh print? | 09:30 |
gehel_ | Sretsnom2: you mean that you cant start the deamon ? Did you use the startup script (/etc/init.d/ssh) | 09:30 |
Sretsnom2 | ps -A | grep ssh | 09:30 |
Sretsnom2 | 5335 ? 00:00:00 ssh-agent | 09:30 |
Sretsnom2 | 31019 ? 00:00:00 sshd | 09:30 |
Sretsnom2 | Slart: | 09:30 |
Slart | Sretsnom2: so, it's already running and it's complaining that you want to run it again... (kind of) | 09:31 |
Sretsnom2 | gehel_ when i do that i get: | 09:31 |
Sretsnom2 | Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key | 09:31 |
Sretsnom2 | Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key | 09:31 |
gehel_ | Sretsnom2: it seems your sshd is started ... | 09:31 |
Sretsnom2 | oh >__> <__< | 09:31 |
Sretsnom2 | oh huh | 09:31 |
=== fiction [n=fiction@c-69-251-192-192.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zombie | (II) I810(0): Not using mode "1280x800" (no mode of this name) | 09:31 |
Zombie | (II) I810(0): Not using mode "640x480" (no mode of this name) | 09:31 |
Zombie | (II) I810(0): Not using mode "640x400" (no mode of this name) | 09:31 |
Zombie | (II) I810(0): Not using mode "400x300" (no mode of this name) | 09:31 |
Zombie | (II) I810(0): Not using mode "320x240" (no mode of this name) | 09:31 |
Zombie | (II) I810(0): Not using mode "320x200" (no mode of this name) | 09:31 |
Slart | Sretsnom2: have you created your keys? I'm guessing here, but don't you have to create keys before you can do anything with sshd? | 09:31 |
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fiction | Well. xfce uses more ram than gnome | 09:31 |
Sretsnom2 | no slart | 09:31 |
Sretsnom2 | i havent done anything | 09:31 |
fiction | just making it public to the world | 09:32 |
Slart | Zombie: pastebin is nicer.. | 09:32 |
gehel_ | Sretsnom2: might be a permission problem. Did you start sshd with the startup script as root ? Or did you start it as a non-root user ? | 09:32 |
Zombie | Sorry. | 09:32 |
Slart | !paste | | Zombie | 09:32 |
ubotu | | Zombie: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:32 |
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Sretsnom2 | sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start | 09:32 |
Sretsnom2 | * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server... [fail] | 09:32 |
Flannel | Sretsnom2: try restart | 09:32 |
Zombie | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34498/ | 09:32 |
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mypapit | gnewsense? | 09:33 |
mypapit | wow | 09:33 |
Zombie | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34499/ | 09:33 |
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imranf | can any one help with bootlog? | 09:36 |
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Zombie | Any help fixing my Xorg Modelines? | 09:37 |
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imranf | I'm having file system errors how to fix them.. is there a chkdsk thing available? | 09:37 |
gikid_ | I need some help, I'm using ubuntu warty (old computer wouldnt accept anyhing newer =/), and i need mysql, how can i get it? | 09:38 |
gehel_ | imranf: try e2fsck | 09:38 |
Sretsnom | still Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server... [fail] | 09:38 |
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Slart | imranf: is it your system volume that's broken? | 09:38 |
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imranf | no | 09:38 |
gehel_ | Sretsnom: make sure that sshd isnt running. You can kill it with "sudo pkill sshd". | 09:38 |
Sretsnom | Whoo! | 09:39 |
gehel_ | Sretsnom: then start it with the script and see if the error is still there | 09:39 |
imranf | gibberish numbers appear during boot and it says "Cannot automatically fix this." | 09:39 |
marko-_- | does someone has opera ? | 09:39 |
Slart | imranf: then unmount the drive and use fsck on it | 09:39 |
Slart | imranf: oh.. never had that happen to me before | 09:39 |
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imranf | but then system boots in a stable state. | 09:40 |
Sretsnom | gehel_ it works with the sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start | 09:40 |
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imranf | how to obtain bootlog? | 09:40 |
gehel_ | Sretsnom: you mean the problem is fixed ? | 09:41 |
Slart | imranf: dmesg? | 09:41 |
Sretsnom | gehel_ yes thanks :) | 09:41 |
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Sretsnom | whoo irc server time | 09:41 |
gehel_ | Sretsnom: np | 09:41 |
doug_ | ok i got a problem i did a full install of xp then did a 60gb install of ubuntu but its only showing 29.9gb of ubuntu hd space what happened? | 09:41 |
Sretsnom | so | 09:42 |
imranf | I want bootlog to get all the errors.. during boot. | 09:42 |
Sretsnom | gehel_ can you try to connect to me | 09:42 |
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Sretsnom | to see if i did it right | 09:42 |
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imranf | Slart: where is bootlog saved? | 09:42 |
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Slart | imranf: I don't know.. check in /var/log/ | 09:43 |
doug_ | i did a full 60 gb of ubuntu install but it sayes 29.9gb of it | 09:43 |
gikid_ | I need some help, I'm using ubuntu warty (old computer wouldnt accept anyhing newer =/), and i need mysql, how can i get it? | 09:43 |
doug_ | anyone? | 09:44 |
Slart | gikid_: eh.. are you sure a newer version won't work on your computer.. this isn't windows =) | 09:44 |
gikid_ | i know :( | 09:44 |
gikid_ | let me try v5 | 09:44 |
=== nightfreak [n=odeiko@zf58c.pia.fu-berlin.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | gikid_: anyways.. apt-get doesn't work? | 09:45 |
ian_ | how do i stop alt-[some key] from doing weird symbols? i'd rather it be the old style alt-p | 09:45 |
gehel_ | gikid_: warty didnt have a mysql package ? strange ... | 09:45 |
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gikid_ | apt-get install mysql-server dosent work | 09:45 |
ian_ | any idea if it is the locale, or X config? | 09:45 |
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Bubulle_ | . | 09:46 |
faileas | gikid_: try apt-cache search mysql | 09:46 |
gikid_ | mmk | 09:46 |
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gikid_ | all i came up with is mysql-common | 09:46 |
gikid_ | and a few python things | 09:47 |
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=== faileas wonders how old a system needs to be .... i'm running feisty on a P III 733 laptop, with gnome | ||
doug__ | can someone help me please | 09:47 |
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gikid_ | faileas: 300 mhz | 09:48 |
gikid_ | :P | 09:48 |
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jyf1987 | is there anyone can told me how to play a rmvb vidio under console | 09:48 |
gikid_ | let me check ram | 09:48 |
iiro | hi | 09:48 |
Slart | doug__: it sounds very strange that you're missing 30 Gb.. sure you didn't just mistype it? | 09:48 |
gehel_ | doug_ : what the problem | 09:48 |
=== faileas trhows gikid_ a lifesaver | ||
faileas | erm | 09:48 |
doug__ | yes slart | 09:48 |
=== faileas trhows doug__ a lifesaver | ||
doug__ | whne i isntalled it went to partitions | 09:49 |
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doug__ | i set it to 70% 60.9 gb | 09:49 |
gikid_ | 94 mb ram | 09:49 |
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faileas | gikid_: thats practically a minimal install o0 | 09:49 |
doug__ | but i only have 29gb | 09:49 |
Slart | doug__: tried expanding your system volume with gnome partition editor? gparted | 09:49 |
faileas | no gui i suppose? | 09:49 |
gikid_ | yep | 09:49 |
doug__ | no how i do that slart? | 09:49 |
faileas | hmm | 09:49 |
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jyf1987 | helo me for play rmvb file | 09:49 |
gikid_ | it was just meant to be a simple mysql server | 09:50 |
zemisolsol | hello? | 09:50 |
iiro | any ideas what process could be reading my home dir every 5s? | 09:50 |
Slart | doug__: run gparted from console.. or in one of the menues | 09:50 |
iiro | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=530979 has the details | 09:50 |
faileas | i'm almost tempted to suggest installing it from source... but i think finding a deb might be a better idea | 09:50 |
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zemisolsol | hello!! | 09:50 |
jyf1987 | hello?? | 09:50 |
bullgard4 | 'users' prints 6 times 'detlef'. I do not understand why it prints this 6 times even though I read man users. | 09:50 |
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dsterry_ | any recommendations for an easy way to load linux on a usb pen drive and boot from it? | 09:51 |
jyf1987 | HELO? | 09:51 |
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Opencan | How can I install Ubuntu without burning the CD and without waiting for the CD? somewhy my burns keep messing up. I have 2 PCs using windows (one is in the proccess of installing it). | 09:51 |
faileas | Opencan: wubi | 09:51 |
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Slart | bullgard4: once for every tty? | 09:51 |
Slart | bullgard4: or some other nonsense =) | 09:51 |
doug__ | ok slart nwo that its up how i do it | 09:51 |
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mapuo | How can I do mplayer to default player in Ubuntu? | 09:52 |
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bullgard4 | Slart: Thanks for commenting but I would appreciate an eact answer. | 09:52 |
bullgard4 | exact | 09:52 |
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h1st0 | mapuo: right click on a file and select the open with tab | 09:52 |
kittu-- | Opencan,use wubi | 09:52 |
Slart | doug__: what do you see.. one large ext3 volume? a swap volume? something else? | 09:52 |
Opencan | faileas: does Wubi deleted Windows in the proccess of installing Linux? | 09:52 |
lil-g-man | hey people | 09:52 |
faileas | Opencan: no | 09:52 |
zemisolsol | why? | 09:52 |
h1st0 | mapuo: right click then properties then open with tab sry | 09:53 |
zemisolsol | lil-g-man/ ?? | 09:53 |
jyf1987 | who is on CLI???? | 09:53 |
h1st0 | h1st0 | 09:53 |
jyf1987 | console | 09:53 |
faileas | it actually plays VERY VERY nice with window's bootloader | 09:53 |
h1st0 | jyf1987: I am | 09:53 |
Opencan | faileas: Its a shame. Is there a way to? | 09:53 |
faileas | jyf1987: just ask the question | 09:53 |
doug__ | i see the partitions one is ntfs 60.3gb and one is ext3 31.72gb and one is extended 1.40gb and one is linuxswap 1.40gb | 09:53 |
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mapuo | thx | 09:53 |
=== gluck [n=gluck@ip-62-235-193-127.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
faileas | Opencan: you can convert it to a real install too | 09:53 |
faileas | its a few more steps | 09:53 |
Slart | doug__: ok.. are there any free space? | 09:53 |
jyf1987 | i want to ask for how to play a rmvb file on CLI | 09:53 |
=== TBZ [n=ubuntu@rrcs-24-172-7-26.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Opencan | faileas: I've lost you | 09:53 |
jyf1987 | i have installed mplayer | 09:54 |
=== Opencan will brb | ||
lil-g-man | I've got few problems. I recently got a laptop and i decided to install feisty fawn on it. I tried to boot from the live cd and i got 2 errors. one error was something like X server error, something about not being able to find any screens. Any solutions? | 09:54 |
doug__ | on the ntfs and others but the ext3 one. slart | 09:54 |
faileas | Opencan: wubi is a bit different from a normal install... | 09:54 |
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Ind[y] | In "gedit", how do I change the encoding of how a file is viewed? | 09:54 |
Slart | doug__: I meant free space between the partitions | 09:54 |
mushroomjay | How do I update my OpenGL drivers? | 09:55 |
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h1st0 | lil-g-man: try starting in safe graphics mode | 09:55 |
h1st0 | lil-g-man: fromt he main menu when you boot the cd | 09:55 |
doug__ | thats what i am saying non are used but the ext3. slart its showing all others free | 09:55 |
lil-g-man | h1st0 > and that should work? | 09:55 |
Slart | mushroomjay: by updating your graphics drivers I guess.. why do you think you need to update your opengl drivers? | 09:55 |
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TBZ | anyone really familiar with partitioning wanna take a look at this, I just repartitioned (resized) my drive, I'm aiming to have a seperate partition setup for installing another copy of ubuntu too, can anyone tell me if this looks right: http://i13.tinypic.com/524e72u.png | 09:55 |
h1st0 | lil-g-man: yes unless you have some wierd video card. Then you may have to fiddle a little to get it to work. | 09:55 |
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jyf1987 | h1st0 have you ever play a rmvb file on CLI? | 09:55 |
h1st0 | jyf1987: nope | 09:56 |
mushroomjay | I want to play some games, but could you help me find the correct drivers? | 09:56 |
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jyf1987 | then faileas ?? | 09:56 |
lil-g-man | h1st0, it's nvidia 8400 | 09:56 |
h1st0 | mushroomjay: what video card do you have? | 09:56 |
h1st0 | lil-g-man: yeah try safe graphics | 09:56 |
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mushroomjay | It's an old one, An Nvidia Geforce4 Ti4200. | 09:56 |
h1st0 | lil-g-man: after its up you can install nvidia-glx-new or something to get the proper support for your card | 09:56 |
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spankstar | .la | 09:56 |
Sretsnom | yay! | 09:56 |
faileas | jyf1987: you kinda can't play video in cli | 09:56 |
Sretsnom | i got my irc server working | 09:56 |
spankstar | F! | 09:56 |
h1st0 | mushroomjay: hold up let me find the right driver for you. | 09:56 |
faileas | video=graphics=gui | 09:56 |
gikid_ | so does anyone know what i can do? | 09:56 |
Sretsnom | :D i love everyone in here | 09:56 |
jyf1987 | h1st0: how can i view a image file on CLI? which software? | 09:56 |
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mushroomjay | Thank you! | 09:57 |
doug__ | hey slart i can format the 60.3gb to ext 3 | 09:57 |
Slart | doug__: hmm.. I think you're misunderstanding me.. .. in the table below, are there anything marked as "unallocated"? | 09:57 |
faileas | Sretsnom: what IRCD/services? | 09:57 |
jyf1987 | faileas: my mplayer can play mpeg file | 09:57 |
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gikid_ | faileas: could i install mysql from source? | 09:57 |
jyf1987 | just can not play rmvb | 09:57 |
Sretsnom | faileas: well im more letting a friend use my box | 09:57 |
h1st0 | jyf1987: there is a ton of software for cli but have you checked out links2 youc an browse the web with a gui type interface. I'd imagine they'd have a image viewer | 09:57 |
Sretsnom | faileas: i know its unrealircd, but dunno about services | 09:57 |
doms | hi | 09:57 |
doms | hi | 09:57 |
faileas | gikid_: probably, with your system specs... i think its a VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY bad ida | 09:57 |
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lil-g-man | i also get another error, 'microcode bcm43xx_microcode5.fw not available or load failed | 09:57 |
doug__ | dont even see unallocated. slart | 09:57 |
Sretsnom | faileas: its why i was so hardpressed to get my sshd working, so he could use me | 09:57 |
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gikid_ | faileas: mmmk | 09:57 |
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gcostello | jyf1987: imagemagick | 09:57 |
jyf1987 | i use w3m browser | 09:57 |
Slart | doug__: then you don't have any free space.. how big is the hard drive? | 09:58 |
blazemonger | how do i disable the restricted modules from loading? | 09:58 |
doms | any body has a TV animation software for advertisements | 09:58 |
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h1st0 | mushroomjay: are you running fiesty | 09:58 |
doug__ | slart i see partition filesystem mountpoint size used and unused | 09:58 |
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mushroomjay | Yeah | 09:58 |
jyf1987 | imagemagick?? i will try | 09:58 |
doug__ | 80gb slart | 09:58 |
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faileas | Sretsnom: ... funny thing is, i set up a unreal/anope irc server over SSH on ubuntu dapper on vnc ;p | 09:58 |
Sretsnom | faileas im just a tool :( | 09:58 |
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faileas | /s/vmware/vnc | 09:58 |
Sretsnom | now im shamelessly recruiting for him | 09:58 |
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Slart | doug__: and you have a 60Gb windows partition.. then you can't have 60Gb for linux too.. it just doesn't add up | 09:59 |
gcostello | jyf1987: if you have imagemagick installed, just run "display filename.jpg" from a console | 09:59 |
lil-g-man | my laptop has broadcom wireless, so I guess the problem would be that the wireless won't work, but i should still be able to install ubuntu even though i get 'microcode bcm43xx_microcode5.fw not available or load failed' error???? | 09:59 |
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doug__ | no slart i set windows as full then i did a override for 60gb ubuntu . slart i had to use the disks come with the laptop to do the xp its only way i got xp | 09:59 |
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dariuskane | faileas, you arent the only one... Im using the nxserver over ssh for installing ubuntu and this xchat off a live cd with encryption and lvm support :) | 09:59 |
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h1st0 | mushroomjay: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 10:00 |
Sretsnom | o__O | 10:00 |
Sretsnom | you guys are too beast :( | 10:00 |
Slart | doug__: what sizes are your partitions now? | 10:00 |
doug__ | slart: i dont have a reg xp disks | 10:00 |
h1st0 | mushroomjay: or use the restricted manager to install the driver | 10:00 |
faileas | dariuskane: nxserver is <3 | 10:00 |
doug__ | slart: i split it up as 60 ubuntu and 20 as xp | 10:00 |
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mushroomjay | Thanks very much hlst0. : ) | 10:00 |
lil-g-man | HELP!!! my laptop has broadcom wireless, so I guess the problem would be that the wireless won't work, but i should still be able to install ubuntu even though i get 'microcode bcm43xx_microcode5.fw not available or load failed' error???? | 10:00 |
dariuskane | faileas, ya the setup and auto ssh tunneling is a breeze | 10:00 |
blazemonger | ;is th | 10:00 |
blazemonger | how do i disable the restricted modules from loading? | 10:00 |
faileas | dariuskane: it also works really nicely on windows | 10:00 |
Slart | doug__: I think you misread it.. you probably set it to shrink the ntfs-partition to 60Gb and use the rest for ubuntu | 10:01 |
h1st0 | lil-g-man: the broadcom card you have won't work with out the firmware | 10:01 |
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dariuskane | faileas, havent tried the server on windows | 10:01 |
h1st0 | lil-g-man: you can put the firmware in /lib/firmware/`uname-r` or you can use ndiswrapper and install the windows driver for the card. | 10:01 |
doug__ | slart: i did the live cd install and whne it came to the partition i picked how much for ubuntu to use was 60 gb of it | 10:01 |
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faileas | dariuskane: the client ;p. the server is linux/solaris only ;p | 10:01 |
lil-g-man | h1st0, so i should be able to install ubuntu if i fix that weird x server error no screen error? | 10:01 |
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mushroomjay | Hey, just a general question. Is it faster if you use the CLI to install program or the GUI (add/remove programs is what I mean by GUI.)? | 10:02 |
h1st0 | lil-g-man: the X server error is just that it didn't find a proper video driver. So there is no screen to load X server on. | 10:02 |
doug__ | slart: i have had ubuntu set as a full hd install a few times so i knew how the partition worked | 10:02 |
Slart | doug__: either that.. or your ntfs partition couldn't be shrinked because it was full... regardless.. you now have 60Gb for ntfs and 30 Gb for ubuntu | 10:02 |
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dariuskane | faileas, ah.... ya Im running the client on winbloze now to my ubuntu server... | 10:02 |
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doug__ | sorry if i seem to be comming across nasty slart | 10:02 |
h1st0 | lil-g-man: then if you have a bcm43xx chipset card you need the firmware for it. | 10:02 |
Slart | doug__: no worries | 10:02 |
h1st0 | lil-g-man: or use ndiswrapper | 10:02 |
jyf1987 | i found i can not installed the imagemagick | 10:02 |
h1st0 | lil-g-man: did you try booting with the safe graphics mode option? | 10:02 |
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Slart | doug__: try right-clicking on the ntfs-drive and selecting "resize" | 10:03 |
lil-g-man | h1st0, not yet, is safe graphics mode something like command line or what? | 10:03 |
doug__ | slart: i can format the 60.gb to be ext 3 of what im using on ubuntu | 10:03 |
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dariuskane | faileas, nxserver is great tool.... easier and better then remote x sessions with cygnus | 10:03 |
lil-g-man | h1st0, well not command line but text? | 10:03 |
jyf1987 | is there any command can ban the system info?? | 10:03 |
Slart | doug__: the 60Gb is used for windows.. if you format it you'll lose all your windows-stuff | 10:03 |
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doug__ | slart i see reiserfs hit that one? | 10:04 |
dariuskane | jyf1987, "ban system info"?? | 10:04 |
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jyf1987 | i hate the irc system infomation | 10:04 |
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Slart | doug__: are you formatting your ntfs drive? | 10:04 |
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jyf1987 | it show me who has join and who has quit | 10:04 |
harmental | i know it is not an Ubuntu question...but OO channel is not really responsive....is there a way to fully embed pictures in OO files? (i dont want to send the pictures along with the main file) | 10:04 |
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jyf1987 | i want it do not show again | 10:04 |
doug__ | not yet slart is it what i should do? | 10:04 |
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doms | any body has a TV animation software for advertisements | 10:04 |
dariuskane | jyf1987, ah those... it varies by client | 10:04 |
doms | any body has a TV animation software for advertisements | 10:05 |
doms | any body has a TV animation software for advertisements | 10:05 |
doms | any body has a TV animation software for advertisements | 10:05 |
Slart | harmental: check the picture settings.. I think there is a checkbox to include the picture or link to it | 10:05 |
jyf1987 | no command do this ?? | 10:05 |
harmental | Slart: thx!!! | 10:05 |
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dsterry_ | jyf1987, you should look through the preferences for your irc client...there's probably a way to turn it off | 10:05 |
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richardjc | help! the package downloader is downloading really slow, but when i download files it gets decent speeds, why is the package downloader so slow | 10:05 |
jyf1987 | i use irssi client | 10:05 |
h1st0 | lil-g-man: no it will use a different driver to boot | 10:05 |
Slart | doug__: ok... just to be certain you don't do anything you'll regret.. do you want to keep your windows programs etc? | 10:05 |
h1st0 | lil-g-man: so you can get the right drivers workign after that. | 10:05 |
dariuskane | jyf1987, then go look up the help pages for the project | 10:05 |
gcostello | jyf1987: try "/ignore #ubuntu all -public -actions" | 10:06 |
lil-g-man | h1st0: thanks, i'll try that... how about using alternate cd installation? | 10:06 |
jyf1987 | ok | 10:06 |
doug__ | slart i see ext 3 ext 2 fat 16 fat 32 and linux swap and reiserfs under the ntfs to reformat | 10:06 |
chasetoys | help! what --with-cards option should i put for my AD1984 HD Audio controller .... sound card device (t61's sound card) (when compiling alsa) | 10:06 |
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Slart | doug__: I'd go with ext3 | 10:06 |
dsterry_ | cool...i'm tryiing wubi on a little viao with no cd drive | 10:06 |
doug__ | and yes slart i was hoping to keep windows xp for gaming | 10:06 |
jyf1987 | they seems gone | 10:07 |
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Slart | doug__: then DO NOT REFORMAT that partition | 10:07 |
jyf1987 | thx for your helo gcostello and dariuskane | 10:07 |
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doug__ | lol close close call slart | 10:07 |
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Slart | doug__: shesh.. stop scaring me here... | 10:07 |
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doug__ | slart: LoL | 10:08 |
Slart | doug__: you don't want to reformat the ntfs-drive.. that's your windows programs.. we just want to resize it | 10:08 |
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doug__ | slart: i dont see a resize | 10:08 |
blazemonger | how do i disable the detection of restricted modules in ubuntu? | 10:08 |
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doug__ | slat: i do see a reiserfs | 10:08 |
Slart | doug__: resize/move in the right-click menu? | 10:08 |
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richardjc | fixed it! nevermind | 10:09 |
doug__ | slart: thats what shows in right menu what i said erlyer and that one | 10:09 |
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lil-g-man | when I try to install ubuntu on a laptop from a liveCD there is a X server error, no screens found would using alternate cd installation be a good option | 10:09 |
Slart | doug__: right-click on the ntfs partition..there should come up a menu.. in that menu there should be "new", "delete", "resize/move" etc | 10:09 |
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doug__ | slart: there is a delete only | 10:10 |
Flannel | lil-g-man: it would indeed | 10:10 |
Slart | doug__: are we using the same software? hang on | 10:10 |
doug__ | slart: remove/resize is not highlighted | 10:10 |
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Slart | doug__: ahh.. that's another thing.. that we can fix =) | 10:10 |
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doug__ | slart:im using ubuntu 7.4 live cd desktop | 10:10 |
lil-g-man | flannel, well, i'll try the safe graphics mode and i'll switch to alternate then :) | 10:10 |
Slart | doug__: is the unmount option available? | 10:10 |
doug__ | slart:feisty also | 10:10 |
jyf1987 | 7.04 me too | 10:11 |
doug__ | slart: not for the ntfs | 10:11 |
jyf1987 | but on CLI | 10:11 |
blazemonger | using ubuntu 7.4 trying to disable thwe option where i can make the restricted stuff doesn't load | 10:11 |
Opencan | faileas: I've read a bit about Wubi. How can I delete windows after completing the Ubuntu installation? | 10:11 |
Slart | doug__: hmm.. odd.. it should be.. what options are available.. only "delete" ? | 10:11 |
doug__ | slart: there is for ext3 extened and linux swap | 10:11 |
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jyf1987 | where are you from everyone? | 10:12 |
blazemonger | usa | 10:12 |
doug__ | slart : manage flags and information | 10:12 |
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Opencan | jyf1987: Israel | 10:12 |
blazemonger | how's things going in Israel Opencan? | 10:12 |
faileas | Opencan:you need to use lvpm | 10:12 |
Slart | doug__: hmm.. how did you start Gnome partition editor? typing gparted in console? | 10:12 |
faileas | singapore/uk depending ;) | 10:12 |
doug__ | slart: could we do a private one on one if not tis all good | 10:12 |
doug__ | slart: yes i did | 10:13 |
blazemonger | whatz signapore like faileas? | 10:13 |
jyf1987 | is icq founded bt isreal ? | 10:13 |
Opencan | blazemonger: Don't knnow, don't wanna know. | 10:13 |
Slart | doug__: try closing it and typing sudo gparted instead | 10:13 |
jyf1987 | i am from china | 10:13 |
doug__ | slart: i had to isntall it | 10:13 |
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faileas | blazemonger: botring | 10:13 |
lil-g-man | i've heard that when ubuntu is installed from a liveCD, dual boot system is created automatically. does the same thing happen when alternate cd installation is used? | 10:13 |
dariuskane | Ok last shot at this one.... anyone here know about encrypting root partitions, lvm, and the boot and initramfs process flows? things arent working as expected for me... its not quite a bug it a logic failure | 10:13 |
doug__ | slart: its what i had to do to get it up | 10:13 |
E-mu | does the latest version of ubuntu v7.04 fully support and works right away for intel pro wireless IPW3945? | 10:13 |
faileas | Opencan: https://launchpad.net/lvpm | 10:13 |
faileas | its not that easy though | 10:13 |
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Slart | doug__: that's ok.. just try writing "sudo gparted" instead of just "gparted" | 10:13 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, the alternate cd is quite different installer options.... | 10:14 |
blazemonger | is it possible to disable detection of the restricted drivers in ubuntu? | 10:14 |
Opencan | faileas: thank you, will check it out in a sec | 10:14 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, more of an advanced user installer | 10:14 |
Flannel | lil-g-man: it does. | 10:14 |
doug__ | ok slart i did | 10:14 |
Slart | doug__: any new menus? | 10:14 |
jyf1987 | what is time ar usa now ? | 10:14 |
doug__ | slart: i know have the unmount | 10:14 |
lil-g-man | dariuskane, well i've got a laptop and x server doesn't wanna start properly so i guess alternate cd will be my solution if nothing else works | 10:14 |
doug__ | slart: its the only one i got | 10:14 |
jarjarbinks | can anyone tell me waht is the meaning of life? | 10:15 |
Slart | doug__: sweet.. so unmount the ntfs-drive.. and then the other should be available | 10:15 |
jarjarbinks | what | 10:15 |
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faileas | Opencan: also http://lubi.sourceforge.net/ | 10:15 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, if you canget to the terminal try using aptitude to update packages... might fix your problem | 10:15 |
doug__ | slart: it braught up a folder | 10:15 |
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Opencan | faileas: gah ~_~ | 10:15 |
E-mu | how can I get the version7.04 LiveCD version? | 10:16 |
lil-g-man | dariuskane, what exactly should i write in the terminal to update the packages | 10:16 |
doug__ | slart: a folder of the hd it self | 10:16 |
faileas | Opencan: ? | 10:16 |
Slart | doug__: huh.. it was unmount and not mount? | 10:16 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, apitutude update.... to update the package lists | 10:16 |
jarjarbinks | i have it, sell it | 10:16 |
doug__ | slart: yes i hit unmount | 10:16 |
Opencan | faileas: I've just installed Windows because I've found no way to install Ubuntu from Kubuntu =_= | 10:16 |
jarjarbinks | ubuntu.com | 10:16 |
faileas | ... | 10:16 |
lil-g-man | dariuskane, i'll try, thanks | 10:16 |
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Slart | doug__: ok.. if you try the right-click menu again.. any difference? | 10:16 |
Flannel | Opencan: just install the ubuntu-desktop package | 10:16 |
doug__ | slart: it went back the way it was | 10:16 |
faileas | Opencan: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ;p | 10:17 |
doug__ | slart: before i did sudo gparted | 10:17 |
E-mu | alternate iso is that the liveCD version? | 10:17 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, and then aptitude upgrade | 10:17 |
Flannel | E-mu: no, the desktop CD is | 10:17 |
Opencan | Flannel and faileas: don't have internet connection there. | 10:17 |
faileas | no E-mu | 10:17 |
jarjarbinks | <E-mu>ubuntu.com | 10:17 |
faileas | Opencan: tricky | 10:17 |
lil-g-man | later ppl, thanks for the help | 10:17 |
Slart | doug__: most weird... | 10:17 |
Flannel | Opencan: then you'll need an ubuntu alternate CD, or you can use aptonCD | 10:17 |
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E-mu | hm | 10:18 |
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doug__ | slart: now my whole disk space is reading 80gb free | 10:18 |
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Opencan | Flannel: I've messed up 3 CDs trying to burn Ubuntu (and I usually do it well), I just want to work with the image. is aptonCD better than Wubi for that? | 10:18 |
Flannel | Opencan: You want to work with the image? what? | 10:18 |
Slart | doug__: eh.. did you click on something? | 10:19 |
doug__ | slart: sorry i have a total of 91.2gb | 10:19 |
doug__ | slart: only what u told me | 10:19 |
Opencan | Flannel: the .iso of Ubuntu | 10:19 |
dariuskane | E-mu, the alternate cd doesnt have a live CD.. its a text installer with a bunch of extra packages for custom configuration | 10:19 |
Slart | doug__: I've only told you to right-click so far... | 10:19 |
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jarjarbinks | there's never any hot chicks here | 10:19 |
doug__ | slart: yes then when u said do sudo gparted and unmount | 10:19 |
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E-mu | I read it wrong if you checkmark the box you are not getting the LIveCd version sorry | 10:19 |
Slart | doug__: at the bottom of the window.. what does it say? "0 operations pending" ? sometihng else? | 10:19 |
doug__ | slart: its when it strted reading the full hd | 10:20 |
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Flannel | Opencan: AptonCD means you go on the internet at this machine, download stuff, and then transfer it via CD. If you have an iso, you can just mount it and use it as a repository. So, if you can get an alternate (Ubuntu) ISO to the kubuntu machine, you should be able to install ubuntu | 10:20 |
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E-mu | what about support for ipw3945 does it work ? | 10:20 |
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doug__ | slart: 0 pending | 10:20 |
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Slart | doug__: and you have 80Gb unallocated? | 10:20 |
jarjarbinks | <Opencan>order a cd only takes a couple weeks | 10:20 |
Opencan | Flannel: I just finished installing Windows XP SP2 on the going-to-be linux machine | 10:21 |
Sache | has the wifi support improved over th 05-06 ubuntu? | 10:21 |
doug__ | slart: yes | 10:21 |
Opencan | jarjarbinks: Its will just ruin all the fun :< | 10:21 |
Opencan | *it | 10:21 |
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dsterry_ | Sache, yes...the feisty tool is pretty good | 10:21 |
Flannel | Opencan: Are you trying to keep windows? or get rid of it completely? | 10:21 |
jyf1987 | how to remove openoffice ?? | 10:22 |
Slart | doug__: this is most weird.. just close the partition editor for now... I have no clue what's going on with your computer or why gnome partition editor is behaving the way it is | 10:22 |
Opencan | Flannel: get rid of it | 10:22 |
jarjarbinks | <Opencan>huh | 10:22 |
doug__ | slart: in the gparted the ntfs at top is green squared and is showing 60.3gb and the xp is showing 31.72gb | 10:22 |
Flannel | Opencan: and you have a kubuntu CD that works? | 10:22 |
faileas | Opencan: do you have a iso for linux? does the md5 sum match? | 10:22 |
E-mu | sorry about all the questions but does it have a Wizzard to make a bootable USB flash? | 10:22 |
Flannel | !install | E-mu | 10:22 |
ubotu | E-mu: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 10:22 |
doug__ | slart: if we could go one on one chat i could send u screen shots if u want to see | 10:22 |
Flannel | E-mu: First link there has instructions on that | 10:22 |
Slart | doug__: if I were you I'd find a friend that knows linux and buy him a big pizza and ask him to fix your computer | 10:22 |
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Codemaster|Mobil | Slart: haha, good advice | 10:23 |
Opencan | Flannel: I have the Kubuntu DVD that works, I have this computer which can has the Ubuntu iso. | 10:23 |
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Slart | doug__: nah.. it's better if the channel sees the chat.. that way they can shout if I tell you to do something bad.. and they might learn if I say something good | 10:23 |
dariuskane | Slart, free beer wouldnt hurt too | 10:23 |
=== Sache [n=Sache@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TBZ | how can I tell grub installer on ubuntu install to not install? If I delete default, it replaces /dev, and if I leave /dev, it fatal errors... | 10:24 |
doug__ | well slart i would but i dont have any friends but this comp and only one in this house knwos linux some is me so | 10:24 |
Flannel | Opencan: You have kubuntu DVD? Great. Do you have a USB drive or anything? That you can transfer the alternate ISO to that computer? | 10:24 |
jarjarbinks | <E-mu>if you can get a flsah to work let me know | 10:24 |
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doug__ | well off to take slarts advice buy a big pizza for me to fix my comp LoL | 10:24 |
E-mu | ok | 10:24 |
Sache | anyone know on wifi support? | 10:24 |
=== Twinxor [n=Twinxorr@c-71-198-169-143.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | doug__: well.. I'm sorry but I don't understand why you can't resize your ntfs partition.. perhaps someone else is better at this than I am.. but I'm getting nowhere | 10:25 |
cafuego | jarjarbinks: making flash work is quite easy, just install 'flashplugin-nonfree' | 10:25 |
TBZ | pls let me know, I'm on livecd atm trying to install having problems | 10:25 |
doug__ | thanks slart im going to do a full isntall of ubuntu or redue the whole comp again and u got nothing to be sorry for slart ur only one that came to help or try to | 10:25 |
dariuskane | Slart, not sure you can resize a ntfs with linux tools | 10:25 |
Slart | doug__: ask the channel again.. you want to resize your ntfs partition using a live cd.. that should at least get them on the right track | 10:25 |
=== crolle17 [n=crolle@p548C49C1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jarjarbinks | <cafuego>talking about a flash install | 10:26 |
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Codemaster|Mobil | QTParted would be perfect for that, doug__ | 10:26 |
Slart | dariuskane: I can do it on my feisty, using gparted.. | 10:26 |
Codemaster|Mobil | i believe it is on the LiveCD | 10:26 |
Codemaster|Mobil | QTParted, GParted, same thing | 10:26 |
Codemaster|Mobil | :) | 10:26 |
cafuego | jarjarbinks: Oh, ubuntu onto flash media, sorry :-) | 10:26 |
dariuskane | the latest version of the ntfs filesystem drivers only recently go to write to the partition without corruption | 10:26 |
Sache | ... | 10:26 |
ompaul | doug__, just defrag your windows and allot a bit of space and then go at it again and defrag your windows | 10:26 |
dariuskane | Slart, Hmmm ok if you say so :) I never tried | 10:27 |
crolle17 | what is the command for creating a new user (useradd)? | 10:27 |
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ompaul | doug__, and then partition more | 10:27 |
Slart | dariuskane: but the ubuntu install has had the option to resize ntfs drives for at least a year or so | 10:27 |
SlimeyPete | crolle17: adduser | 10:27 |
jarjarbinks | <cafuego> almost never works, depends on the mother board | 10:27 |
Opencan | Flannel: I got a network cable and the 2 computer currently have XP, so I can transfer stuff. I have a 256M mp3 player as well if it helps. | 10:27 |
crolle17 | SlimeyPete, sudo adduser test? | 10:27 |
dariuskane | Slart, cool | 10:27 |
Opencan | *computers | 10:27 |
SlimeyPete | crolle17: yep | 10:27 |
lnx | where i can download templates ( text , doc , html ... ) ? | 10:27 |
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crolle17 | SlimeyPete, and changing to the role to test? | 10:27 |
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Opencan | (sorry for the delay, the girlfriend cleans the house and needed help) | 10:28 |
Slart | dariuskane: =).. but it might just be a glitch on my computer since doug__'s computer doesn't seem to want to do it.. =) | 10:28 |
dariuskane | doug__, it might be your windows swap file... its unmovable and if its stuck at the end of your partition it might not let you resize | 10:28 |
jarjarbinks | sorry to confuse you | 10:28 |
TBZ | Hey, how can I tell grub installer on ubuntu install to not install? If I delete default, it replaces /dev, and if I leave /dev, it fatal errors...I already have grub installed and do not want to overwrite it | 10:28 |
doug__ | sorry guys stepped away well ompaul i dont need to defrag concedering i jsut installed it and codemaster i am installing qtparted now | 10:28 |
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rodablas | help E: The package zatool needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. | 10:28 |
rodablas | E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report. | 10:28 |
SlimeyPete | crolle17: role? you mean group? (sorry, I'm not experienced wih anything beyond basic user management) | 10:28 |
lil-g-man | yaaaay, i booted into livecd on my laptop finally :) | 10:28 |
doug__ | thanks dariuskane | 10:28 |
lil-g-man | safe graphics mode did the trick | 10:28 |
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dariuskane | lil-g-man, grats | 10:29 |
SlimeyPete | crolle17: to add a user to a group you do a "sudo adduser test testgroup" | 10:29 |
crolle17 | SlimeyPete, yes. being the user 'test' which was created before | 10:29 |
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lil-g-man | dariuskane, i made 20GB free on my HDD, as in there is 20gb unallocated space, how should i install ubuntu then? there is this option 'use largest free space' ? | 10:29 |
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dariuskane | lil-g-man, you havewindows on that pc as well right | 10:30 |
doug__ | codemasterlmobil what exactly is qtparted supposed to do? | 10:30 |
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lil-g-man | dariuskane, yeah VISTA | 10:30 |
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=== TygerTung [n=TygerTun@222-155-182-19.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lil-g-man | dariuskane, i've got one partition with vista, another partition HP recovery (hp laptop), and i've got 20gb unallocated free space | 10:31 |
TygerTung | Enter text here... | 10:31 |
TygerTung | hello | 10:31 |
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dariuskane | !install | lil-g-man | 10:31 |
ubotu | lil-g-man: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 10:31 |
=== AlgorthmicContro [n=Larry@unaffiliated/algorthmiccontro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jarjarbinks | anyone know why i can't chat in gettifany from my desktop, but can at the website? | 10:31 |
TBZ | dougg__: it's how you partition... open term, then: sudo gparted | 10:31 |
=== Opencan will be right back | ||
apfel | Is there a way to tell apt-get to install compiz-core 0.5.2 instead of the current release 0.5.3 (with pinning or something like that)? | 10:31 |
TygerTung | hello everyone | 10:31 |
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TygerTung | I have a quick question | 10:31 |
TygerTung | can anyone help me? | 10:31 |
TBZ | guys, I'm on Live CD, I need to know how to skip GRUB installation? anyone? | 10:31 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, check there for windows stuff Ive never tried myself.... but for the basics.. a swap partition and a root partition and youll be good to go | 10:31 |
jarjarbinks | what? | 10:32 |
Slart | !ask | TygerTung | 10:32 |
ubotu | TygerTung: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:32 |
=== amzi [n=aazimibr@CPE-124-176-30-172.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
doug__ | so slart if i format ntfs to ext3 itll make the whole hd ubuntu? | 10:32 |
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amzi | Hey | 10:32 |
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Slart | doug__: kind of.. and you'll lose all your windows programs | 10:32 |
E-mu | ubotu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation I don't see that link | 10:32 |
Axman6 | amzi! | 10:32 |
Axman6 | hehe | 10:32 |
lil-g-man | dariuskane, thanks, i've read those already:) | 10:32 |
KomiaPoika | hi | 10:32 |
amzi | Yep this is aazim | 10:32 |
KomiaPoika | i can't run k3b | 10:32 |
doug__ | slart: i dont have anything on windows as of yet | 10:32 |
Codemaster|Mobil | KomiaPoika: try running it from a terminal and see if it spits out any errors | 10:33 |
=== matthewgialich [n=matthewg@pool-71-105-171-186.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Axman6 | amzi: ask away man. i'm sure these guys know their stuff ;) | 10:33 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, then should be well prepared then... give it a shot :) | 10:33 |
TygerTung | if I am in a program which is in full screen, can I get out of it and go back onto the desktop without quitting out of it? | 10:33 |
jarjarbinks | can anybody answer a wine question? | 10:33 |
Slart | doug__: I would do a reinstall of ubuntu and tell it to use the whole disk | 10:33 |
matthewgialich | nyone in here have a blog about linux? | 10:33 |
KomiaPoika | it says, malformed url on any local url and it says cuolld not find mimetype application octet-stream | 10:33 |
lil-g-man | dariuskane, the only thing i'm wondering about is if my hp recovery partition will be safe | 10:33 |
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TygerTung | does anyone know this? | 10:33 |
amzi | Ok so I've "tried" and failed massivley at puttng Beryl on my Ubuntu. Now I have no dekstop manager | 10:34 |
doug__ | well slart iw as wanting xp to play games on i dont have any xp disks the one i got will reformat the whole drive to xp | 10:34 |
jarjarbinks | people at winehq suck | 10:34 |
TBZ | amzi: #beryl | 10:34 |
lil-g-man | dariuskane, there is this option 'use the largest continuous freespace' , it should install on the unallocated space right? | 10:34 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, when the installer gets to the drive partitioning.. make sure you select MANUAL... and you can make sure it doesnt destroy anything | 10:34 |
doug__ | slart: i got the recovery disk came with the laptop its not a xp disk | 10:34 |
lil-g-man | dariuskane, how much should i put for swap? i've got 2gb of ram | 10:34 |
Slart | doug__: ok... then you'll have to resize the ntfs-partition and that doesn't work on your computer | 10:34 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, I believe so.... but Ive enever tried :) always a custom partition install for me | 10:35 |
amzi | TBZ: #Gnome work the same | 10:35 |
amzi | to get Gnome running | 10:35 |
TygerTung | how can I drag files off my windows hard drive if it says access is denied? | 10:35 |
doug__ | lol ok thanks slart and all else i will reformat the whole hd | 10:35 |
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TBZ | dough__: go in windows, defrag like 3 times...boot up live cd, go to term, run "sudo gparted" and resize your partition | 10:35 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, between 2g-4g for a swap is more then enough in most cases | 10:35 |
wedderburn | ok using firestarter to share my internet, however the clients can only connect with a ip address to sites not a hostname, do i/how do i enable DNS on the server, thanks | 10:35 |
jarjarbinks | i'm running a prog off desktop and can't chat unless i run it through wine | 10:35 |
=== Slart watches as TBZ takes the bait... =) | ||
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=== TBZ hurries to help others so he can get helped | ||
TygerTung | can anyone help me I am having a few issues | 10:36 |
lil-g-man | dariuskane, if i've got 20gb free unallocated space, so i should put something like 16 as ext3 and the rest for swap, should i put swap all the remaining or should i write some other number (space)? | 10:36 |
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=== TygerTung waits | ||
=== Ind[y] [n=indy@athedsl-287241.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ind[y] | I have downloaded Greek subtitles for a movie, but in "gedit" they seem like giberrish (characters not making sense). Is this an encoding issue? How can it be fixed? Also, in Totem, the subtitles look the same gibberish. Any help, please? | 10:36 |
Slart | TBZ: =).. hehe I can make you a deal.. I'll try to help you if you can help doug__ resize his ntfs-partition =) | 10:36 |
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dariuskane | lil-g-man, with 20GB of free space.. make a 4g swap and the rest for / (root) | 10:36 |
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=== TBZ needs to know how not to install GRUB on ubuntu installation... to SKIP it or something | ||
jarjarbinks | put swap what it suggests | 10:37 |
=== TygerTung waits paitiently for somone to answer his questions | ||
lil-g-man | dariuskane, thanks | 10:37 |
lil-g-man | dariuskane, i'll try that now | 10:37 |
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SlimeyPete | TygerTung: you haen't asked any questions. | 10:37 |
SlimeyPete | !ask | TygerTung | 10:37 |
ubotu | TygerTung: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:37 |
lil-g-man | dariuskane, so i just have to make 4gb as swap and the rest as root? | 10:37 |
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TygerTung | yes I ask all the time, noone answers | 10:37 |
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SlimeyPete | oh right... must've been a while agothen. Maybe nobody knows the answer. | 10:37 |
TygerTung | is it possible to switch out of a program running in full screeen onto the desktop without quitting out of it? | 10:38 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, right :) as long as you dont delete any of your other partitoions you can always start over if you get it wrong so dont worry so much :P | 10:38 |
AlgorthmicContro | Is there a way to get full permission using a LiveCD to get root access on another drive? | 10:38 |
lil-g-man | dariuskane, i hope i won't mess anything up. thanks again | 10:38 |
jarjarbinks | <TygerTung>i know this | 10:38 |
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TygerTung | wow, how can I do it? | 10:38 |
lil-g-man | i'm off to installing ubuntu onto HDD, later :) | 10:38 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, good luck | 10:38 |
TygerTung | alt tap doesn't seem to work | 10:38 |
jarjarbinks | esc | 10:38 |
TBZ | AlgorthmicContro: of course... | 10:38 |
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Slart | TBZ: hmm.. not install grub.. I'll give it a try.. .. seems you're out of luck.. at least according to this post http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-242672.html | 10:39 |
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jarjarbinks | what prog | 10:39 |
dariuskane | AlgorthmicContro, try: sudo -i | 10:39 |
AlgorthmicContro | TBZ: How so? | 10:39 |
TygerTung | scummvm | 10:39 |
TygerTung | but it quit out of it? | 10:39 |
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AlgorthmicContro | dariuskane: I want to be able to write/read on a another drive that has ubuntu installed on it | 10:39 |
jarjarbinks | f1 | 10:39 |
marko-_- | does anyone know why ktorrent says to me when i want to load a torrent file that it's corrupt or not a torrent file but it works fine with bittornado or any other program | 10:40 |
dariuskane | AlgorthmicContro, what os are you running now? | 10:40 |
AlgorthmicContro | dariuskane: | 10:40 |
AlgorthmicContro | dariuskane: Live session | 10:40 |
jarjarbinks | its corrupt or not a torrent file | 10:40 |
dariuskane | AlgorthmicContro, with the livecd... opena terminal window and then try: mount -t ext3 /dev/devicepath/andpartition /mnt | 10:41 |
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dariuskane | AlgorthmicContro, then itll be located under /mnt | 10:41 |
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lil-g-man | great :( once i start the installation i cannot see the next back cancel buttons | 10:41 |
TygerTung | how can I copy files off a windows drive? whenever I try it says access denied | 10:41 |
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jarjarbinks | work with bttorrent | 10:42 |
KomiaPoika | codesnik_: it spits many errors, none of which make sense | 10:42 |
lil-g-man | as i started in safegraphicsmode my resolution is 800x600 and the setup window is bigger than my screen resolution and there's no way to make the setup window smaller | 10:42 |
jarjarbinks | log in as root | 10:42 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, graphics problems still with the livecd? | 10:42 |
TygerTung | how can I log in as root? | 10:42 |
jarjarbinks | forgot | 10:43 |
lil-g-man | i can't choose a higher resolutino from the system>preferences | 10:43 |
AlgorthmicContro | dariuskane: couldn't I chroot? | 10:43 |
SlimeyPete | !root | 10:43 |
ubotu | do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 10:43 |
=== Ind[y] [n=indy@athedsl-287241.home.otenet.gr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
SlimeyPete | TygerTung: there is no root account in ubuntu :) You use "sudo" to assume root priviledges . | 10:43 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, on the livecd desktop... go to System ->Preferences and Screen resolution... might be able to change it... otherwise you might have to try the alternate cd iso for the installer | 10:43 |
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lil-g-man | dariuskane, it doesn't give me higher resolutions highest is the current 800x600 | 10:44 |
dariuskane | AlgorthmicContro, if you jsut want to read and write to your partition mounting is enough | 10:44 |
TygerTung | how can I copy files off my windows drive, it says access denied | 10:44 |
AlgorthmicContro | dariuskane: thanks | 10:44 |
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dariuskane | lil-g-man, what kinds of graphics problems are you having? X isnt my thing really but ya never know | 10:45 |
SlimeyPete | TygerTung: where are you trying to copy them to? Your home directory? | 10:45 |
TygerTung | just anywhere | 10:45 |
=== Bonoboo [n=UTILISAT@lib59-6-88-165-157-91.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bonoboo | hi there | 10:45 |
jarjarbinks | root | 10:45 |
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alexandroos | lil-g-man, u have to add the resolution in to ur xorg.conf | 10:45 |
TygerTung | home directory would be fine | 10:45 |
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lil-g-man | alexandroos, that should work? | 10:46 |
SlimeyPete | TygerTung: well, you can only copy them to your home directory unles you use sudo/gksu. Can you open the file on your windows drive? ie open a video file in Totem or something? | 10:46 |
=== RadicalME [n=chatzill@a82-93-38-164.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
alexandroos | it worked with me lil-g-man | 10:46 |
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dariuskane | alexandroos, it would work.. if he werent having issues on the livecd | 10:46 |
RadicalME | hey all | 10:46 |
=== JC_Denton_ [n=chatzill@ip5655e4a0.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TygerTung | no I cannot open it | 10:46 |
TygerTung | actually I can't even open it in windows, it says access is denied | 10:46 |
lil-g-man | alexandroos, when i tried to boot into normal mode it gave me no screen found x server error, now i'm in liveCD safegraphicsmode, if i edit te xorg.conf will it work? | 10:46 |
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JC_Denton_ | what is the command to check the fs on a partition? | 10:47 |
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Slart | JC_Denton_: fsck | 10:47 |
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JC_Denton_ | slart thanks | 10:47 |
SlimeyPete | TygerTung: hrm. Can you log in as Administrator in Windows and check the permissions? If they're OK then you might have a duff filesystem | 10:47 |
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Slart | JC_Denton_: unmount the volume before you check it | 10:47 |
alexandroos | lil-g-man, i thought u had already installed onto ur hdd...sorry | 10:47 |
JC_Denton_ | slart does it do fat drives? | 10:48 |
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lil-g-man | :( | 10:48 |
dariuskane | Well time to go check the insides of my eyelids for hole... and work on the world record for the longest blink | 10:48 |
Slart | JC_Denton_: afaik, yes.. the fsck program is just a front.. there are lots of specialised programs called fsck.fat fsck.ext3 etc that do the real work | 10:48 |
jarjarbinks | through ubuntu | 10:48 |
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TygerTung | it won't actually let me change the permissions in windows, if I try to change them it wont change | 10:48 |
lil-g-man | alexandroos, so editing now won't work? | 10:48 |
dariuskane | lil-g-man, check out the alternate cd iso... do a search on google for your x server error.... might be a problem youll run into again | 10:48 |
zouzou | hello do you know patinux? | 10:48 |
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alexandroos | lil-g-man, i don't think so | 10:49 |
jarjarbinks | duh | 10:49 |
RadicalME | how to uninstall beryl, totally | 10:49 |
lil-g-man | dariuskane, i thought i found the answer to that problem, i did what the forum said but it still didn't work | 10:49 |
Slart | RadicalME: apt-get with the --purge switch? | 10:49 |
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dariuskane | lil-g-man, well good luck.... Im out | 10:50 |
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zax1 | any one know a channel for open office ? | 10:50 |
jarjarbinks | if you figure out how to do that through windows let me know | 10:50 |
Slart | zax1: check the open office site to see if they have an irc-channel | 10:50 |
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alexandroos | lil-g-man, im not able to help u out sorry | 10:50 |
zax1 | Slart: looked couldnt found, so was hopin any one can help | 10:50 |
lil-g-man | ANYONE knows a solution for installing ubuntu when i'm in livecd safegraphics mode on 800x600 resolution and i can't see the next back buttons? | 10:51 |
Zombie | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34505/ I'm trying to get 300x200 resolutions working. | 10:51 |
SlimeyPete | lil-g-man: I managed it once | 10:51 |
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Slart | zax1: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/IRC_Communication | 10:51 |
jarjarbinks | #office | 10:52 |
SlimeyPete | lil-g-man: you have to edit your xorg.conf to ive yourself a bigger desktop (you can run ubuntu in 800x600 res but still have a 1024x768 desktop - you scorll around it) | 10:52 |
lil-g-man | alexandroos, i think i got it | 10:52 |
jarjarbinks | or #openoffice | 10:52 |
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zax1 | Slart: u r funplastic! | 10:52 |
zax1 | thanks | 10:52 |
alexandroos | :) | 10:52 |
TygerTung | this really is a mystery | 10:52 |
lil-g-man | slimeypete: xorg.conf has 1024x768 entry, but i can't choose it when i go to system preferences resolution | 10:53 |
kakarutu | 8-) | 10:53 |
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TygerTung | oh why can't I copy the files | 10:53 |
SlimeyPete | lil-g-man: no, that's not what I mean. Not 1024x768 resolution - 1024x768 desktop size | 10:53 |
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lil-g-man | alexandroos, i did the most difficult thing:) i put the top and bottom ubuntu panels on auto hide and it's giving me like 3 pixels to see the border of the buttons | 10:53 |
jarjarbinks | your in windows | 10:53 |
lil-g-man | slimeypete, could u explain more? | 10:54 |
SlimeyPete | lil-g-man: you can have a desktop wch is bigger than your resolution. Your monitor then shows a portion of the desktop and you scroll around. | 10:54 |
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chalcedny | SlimeyPete: if a person has gnome, one can have a big desktop to slide things on and be just fine | 10:54 |
jarjarbinks | you need to be root in linux | 10:54 |
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chalcedny | i LOVE gnome | 10:54 |
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lil-g-man | slimeypete, sorry but i don't get what u mean | 10:55 |
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Axman6 | SlimeyPete: why not use multiple desktops? | 10:55 |
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flemnos | TygerTung, check http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_Mount_Windows_Partitions and see if unmounting/re-mounting might help you. | 10:55 |
SlimeyPete | Axman6: because his problem is that he can'tsee the back/forward buttons during install | 10:56 |
E-mu | syslinux will only work on a fat16 partition? Can I make a win95 and a second partition linux 83 on the flash drive then use syslinux or that will nto work? | 10:56 |
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E-mu | on a USB flash drive | 10:56 |
jarjarbinks | <TygerTung>you need to be root in linux | 10:56 |
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alexandroos | lil-g-man, are u going to install ubuntu onto ur hdd? | 10:56 |
Axman6 | heh | 10:56 |
RadicalME | i really have no idea how to uninstall beryl... | 10:56 |
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lil-g-man | alexandroos, yeah why? | 10:56 |
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RadicalME | apt-get with the --purge switch? << wasnt that clear for me | 10:56 |
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Slart | RadicalME: sorry.. didn't see your answer first.. how did you install beryl? | 10:56 |
SlimeyPete | lil-g-man: ok, imagine your monitor is a camera looking at your desktop. Your monitor is showing a portion of the desktop which is 800x600 pixels. You can enlarge the desktop to 1024x768 and themove the "camera" around to see different bits of it. | 10:56 |
RadicalME | ummm | 10:57 |
tritoch | so i was running a mysql dump via ssh and my pc crashed (from windows, big surprise) - should i expect that the process completed? | 10:57 |
RadicalME | let me refind the guide i used | 10:57 |
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alexandroos | lil-g-man, just asking | 10:57 |
lil-g-man | slimeypete, i get that, how to do it? | 10:57 |
lil-g-man | alexandroos, oh okay... i thought u found somekind of flaw in my plan :) | 10:57 |
jarjarbinks | E-mu>never on a flash drive | 10:57 |
Slart | RadicalME: if you installed it with "sudo apt-get install berly" you can just do "sudo apt-get remove --purge beryl". It will remove all configuration files etc etc | 10:57 |
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RadicalME | http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/02/06/install-beryl-on-ubuntu-feisty-with-aiglx-for-nvidia-ubuntu-704/ | 10:57 |
alexandroos | no lil-g-man :p | 10:57 |
SlimeyPete | lil-g-man: give me a minute, I'll try to find you a webpage | 10:58 |
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E-mu | jarjarbinks never what? | 10:58 |
lil-g-man | alexandroos, i actually made those top and bottom panels so that i can click an arrow and it minimizes to the side, get what i mean? and now i've got the extra 20 or less pixels :) | 10:58 |
jarjarbinks | <E-mu>linux | 10:58 |
RadicalME | Slart: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 10:58 |
RadicalME | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 10:58 |
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Slart | RadicalME: are you running synaptic also? | 10:59 |
TBZ | !mount > TBZ | 10:59 |
Slart | RadicalME: if so.. close synaptic and try again | 10:59 |
RadicalME | good guess | 10:59 |
RadicalME | lemme close that | 10:59 |
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RadicalME | ok that worked well | 10:59 |
E-mu | jarjarbinks hm its 4giger and I have dsl, PClinuxOS and knoppix all running on a USB flash drive so are you saying never a linux partition on the usb stick? | 10:59 |
alexandroos | lil-g-man, i don't get what u mean...do the panels get bigger? | 10:59 |
E-mu | dsl has two partitions win95 and a linux 83 | 10:59 |
RadicalME | but it still is in my application list... | 10:59 |
RadicalME | is that right? | 11:00 |
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E-mu | PCLinux put 5 partitions on the flash drive and works flawlessly | 11:00 |
Slart | RadicalME: "pkill beryl" will kill that one | 11:00 |
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lil-g-man | alexandroos, no no no, u know normal ubuntu desktop has those top and bottom panels? | 11:00 |
E-mu | they are all linux 83 partitions | 11:00 |
SlimeyPete | lil-g-man: ok, do this: "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf". Find the "display" subsection. In that subsection, add the line "Virtual 1024 768". Then press ctrl+x and press ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X. | 11:00 |
alexandroos | yes lil-g-man | 11:00 |
lil-g-man | alexandroos, i right click on them and go to properties and click 'show hide buttons' | 11:00 |
RadicalME | Slart: i meant like.. in the dropdown menu application list.. left upper corner | 11:00 |
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lil-g-man | alexandroos, once i click them the panel kinda disappears and i get the screen space that was behind it | 11:01 |
SlimeyPete | lil-g-man: sorry, press "ctrl+x" and then tell it you want to save the file. Then press ctrl-alt-backspace. | 11:01 |
Slart | RadicalME: ah.. that should be remove by apt-get too... perhaps after a restart of X.. or a reboot | 11:01 |
RadicalME | should i reboot? | 11:01 |
RadicalME | ok, lemme try that | 11:01 |
jarjarbinks | <E-mu>heard of it running off a flash, nevere seen it | 11:01 |
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alexandroos | i think that's normal lil-g-man | 11:01 |
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E-mu | your kidding right? I have Damn Small linux running a 2.4x kernel, it has two paritions win95 and a linux 83. PCLinuxOS had a nice winzzard and put its OS on the USB stick with 5 partitions all linux 83. Knoppix also has two partitions like the DSL. You have never got one to w ork off ubuntu your saying? | 11:03 |
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jarjarbinks | <E-mu>i think it may have been something with the old flashes | 11:03 |
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lil-g-man | slimeypete, thanks i'll do that if i won't manage with my current solution :) | 11:03 |
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SlimeyPete | lil-g-man: ok :) | 11:03 |
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E-mu | I am using two 64meg flash for dsl and two 4 gigs for the other OS's one lexar the other SanDisk | 11:03 |
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TBZ | anyone experienced at multipe booting linux distro's please spare a minute with me when possible... I am stuck in a sticky situation, thanks | 11:04 |
lil-g-man | slimeypete, once i install the ubuntu, will i be able to get to my real screenresolution or will i have to update the drivers for my nvidia 8400? | 11:04 |
lil-g-man | alexandroos, what do u think is normal? | 11:04 |
alexandroos | lil-g-man, the panels to disappear | 11:04 |
jarjarbinks | <E-mu>running which version of linux? | 11:04 |
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E-mu | Well anyhow back to my original question is will syslinux only bascially work on a fat16 partition because the 4Gig USB flash does nto work with fat16 | 11:05 |
DerDritte | Where can I edit my default media-app under ubuntu7.04/gnome? | 11:05 |
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tritoch | sorry to repeat, my question is: i was running a mysql db import via ssh and the local pc crashed - should i expect that the process completed? | 11:05 |
E-mu | damnn small linux 4.0rc1 and 3.6, PCLinuxOS 2007, Knoppix 5.1.1, www.pendrivelinux.com | 11:05 |
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SlimeyPete | lil-g-man: you'll probably get a better resolution, but if not you may have to install drivers. It's not that hard to do. | 11:06 |
Wodga | moin | 11:06 |
lil-g-man | alexandroos, yeah i know i was joking about how complicated it was :) | 11:06 |
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alexandroos | lil-g-man, lol ok | 11:06 |
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Wodga | jemand aus deutsch hier | 11:06 |
RadicalME | that didnt work too well... | 11:06 |
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lil-g-man | slimeypete, i guess i'll come here for the help on updating the drivers :) | 11:06 |
RadicalME | Beryl- | 11:06 |
DerDritte | sterreich :P | 11:06 |
SlimeyPete | lil-g-man: good idea :) | 11:06 |
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RadicalME | Beryl-Manager and Beryl configure are still there | 11:06 |
Wodga | auch gut hehe | 11:06 |
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lil-g-man | alexandroos, it's just that i was thinking about modifying xconf and then i came up with the panels | 11:06 |
Wodga | kennst du XFree86 | 11:06 |
DerDritte | Was gibt's denn? | 11:07 |
DerDritte | Brauche selber Hilfe :P | 11:07 |
Wodga | hehe | 11:07 |
E-mu | I like dsl because I do on occasion need the legacy 2.4x kernel when I am running disk tools like mkfs etc. I have a couple older systems running 2.4x kernels so to maintane them I need that type of OS. dsl is great for that | 11:07 |
lil-g-man | slimeypete, is 4gb swap too much for a laptop with 2gb of ram? | 11:07 |
jarjarbinks | E-mu>will work on any format, but not sure how to do that | 11:07 |
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Wodga | ich will nen ati treiber installieren weil mien bildschrim unscharf ist | 11:07 |
DerDritte | Wodga: gibt es ATI-Treiber fr ubuntu? | 11:07 |
SlimeyPete | lil-g-man: yeah, I'd halve that and give yourself some extra space on your main partition. | 11:07 |
Wodga | denke schon | 11:08 |
lil-g-man | slimeypete so 2gb would be enough? | 11:08 |
alexandroos | lil-g-man, u can install onto hd...u'll get the real resolution | 11:08 |
SlimeyPete | lil-g-man: should be, yep | 11:08 |
lil-g-man | slimeypete, i hope u r right :) | 11:08 |
lil-g-man | slimeypete, u better be right :D | 11:09 |
slapfaceware | anyone know a webmail solution that support maildir? | 11:09 |
RadicalME | Slart: its still there.. Beryl Manager and Beryl Configure Manager | 11:09 |
lil-g-man | alexandroos, cool | 11:09 |
E-mu | fdsik, t, 6 code 6 gives you fat16 but I think it becomes a problem for larger flash drives. When I boot I get a error fs not found and unable to mount whenerver I put a fat16 and syslinux it on a 4 gig or greater at that point I have to use a win95 and linux partition (2) partitions and use a grub bootloader. | 11:09 |
lil-g-man | well, thanks guys, i'm hoping next time i'll be here after i have ubuntu on my hdd :) | 11:09 |
SlimeyPete | lil-g-man: good luck :) | 11:09 |
Slart | RadicalME: ah.. those are separate programs.. "sudo apt-get remove --purge beryl-manager" etc to get rid of those | 11:09 |
alexandroos | lil-g-man, welcome. good luck | 11:09 |
_Ergo_ | SlimeyPete : : drivers install ? its easy if everything goes well | 11:09 |
jarjarbinks | <E-mu>is it ntsf or fat32 | 11:10 |
lil-g-man | later ppl | 11:10 |
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E-mu | the error concerns the geoemetry of the 4 gig when I partition it has fat16 | 11:10 |
_Ergo_ | im having weird trouble with nvidia and ubuntu... fedora works well :/ | 11:10 |
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E-mu | fat32 | 11:10 |
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elliotjhug | _Ergo_: what kind of 'weird trouble'? | 11:10 |
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E-mu | up to 1 gig I think fat16 will work but fat16 does not support greater than 16k clusters is the issue | 11:10 |
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E-mu | this is what I have observed so far | 11:11 |
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_Ergo_ | elliotjhug: , first when i boot live cd , i dont have any signal on monitir , when i should see the progress bar, | 11:11 |
_Ergo_ | then x starts to show up | 11:11 |
_Ergo_ | i can work | 11:11 |
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_Ergo_ | after install its the same, i dont see anything until logon screen | 11:11 |
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RadicalME | Slart: ty one again | 11:11 |
Slart | RadicalME: you | 11:11 |
jarjarbinks | if it is formatted fat 16 you should be able to change it to ntsf | 11:11 |
_Ergo_ | and when i checked the restricted driver | 11:11 |
Slart | RadicalME: you're welcome | 11:11 |
_Ergo_ | that was the end of my x on ubuntu :/ | 11:12 |
_Ergo_ | im too noobish to find the problem myself for now... | 11:12 |
E-mu | jarjarbinks easily but ntfs is not the prefered way to put those OS's I listed to you on a USB stick. Its either fat16, win95 and linux partitions combinations and thats it | 11:12 |
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RadicalME | Does anyone know a way to add xfire to Gaim Internet Messenger? (www.xfire.com) | 11:13 |
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_Ergo_ | elliotjhug : any hints what could go wrong ? i have gf8800 gts | 11:13 |
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jarjarbinks | not preferred, but will work | 11:13 |
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E-mu | that way the USB stick is recognized in WIndows systems as well. If it was all linux partitions your usb stick will not be recognized so my PCLinusOS on USB is all linux 83 partitions so I cannot plug it into a win machine | 11:14 |
elliotjhug | _Ergo_: ok, before I start, try and keep your responses all on one line, its better. So I would say the first thing you need to do is disable the restricted driver so you can get back into X, (you have the same card as me - I know it works). Can you login on the command line? | 11:14 |
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DerDritte | Wodga: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide ? | 11:14 |
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sauvin | E-mu, are you aware there is an ext2 driver for windows? | 11:14 |
E-mu | I don't think it will work if you are putting linux OS or linux Images on them | 11:14 |
Axman6 | anyone here using/used ubuntu with a ppc mac? | 11:14 |
RadicalME | Slart: how to get rid of the last one, Beryl Settings Manager? | 11:14 |
_Ergo_ | elliotjhug: im at work now, so i guess i can only get some hints now and try to use em later | 11:14 |
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E-mu | true and there are appz to view ext2's and even copu data from to windows but not the other way | 11:15 |
RadicalME | Slart: it gives the error: thijs@PC-van-Thijs:~$ sudo apt-get remove --purge beryl settings manager | 11:15 |
RadicalME | Reading package lists... Done | 11:15 |
RadicalME | Building dependency tree | 11:15 |
RadicalME | Reading state information... Done | 11:15 |
RadicalME | Package beryl is not installed, so not removed | 11:15 |
RadicalME | E: Couldn't find package settings | 11:15 |
jarjarbinks | eii just told you ntsf is the only way you can do it | 11:15 |
Slart | RadicalME: try settings-manager instead | 11:15 |
E-mu | but for simplicity you will read on most docs they say to make them fat16 or fat32 with a second linux 83 partition | 11:15 |
RadicalME | ok | 11:15 |
Slart | RadicalME: apt-get doesn't like spaces in names of packages | 11:15 |
elliotjhug | _Ergo_: well, if you can try reconfiguring your xserver to use the non-propietry nvidia driver. Which I have forgotten the name of - one mo and I'll tell you. YOu should be able to do that with 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' | 11:15 |
RadicalME | ah :D | 11:15 |
elliotjhug | _Ergo_: the driver is called nv | 11:16 |
RadicalME | E: Couldn't find package settings-manager | 11:16 |
E-mu | back to my question, will syslinux work on anything other than fat16? Will it work on a linux 83 partition or linux 83 and win95 combo partitions? | 11:16 |
RadicalME | not working | 11:16 |
Slart | RadicalME: sorry.. try beryl-settings instead | 11:16 |
RadicalME | :D | 11:16 |
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jarjarbinks | has to be fat 32 when you get it or you have to switch to ntsf | 11:17 |
elliotjhug | _Ergo_: then when you are in X I suggest you use a program called Envy to install your driver instead, since it gets the latest version, which better supports the 8800. | 11:17 |
RadicalME | Slart: no work: | 11:17 |
RadicalME | thijs@PC-van-Thijs:~$ sudo apt-get remove --purge beryl-manager | 11:17 |
RadicalME | Reading package lists... Done | 11:17 |
RadicalME | Building dependency tree | 11:17 |
RadicalME | Reading state information... Done | 11:17 |
RadicalME | Package beryl-manager is not installed, so not removed | 11:17 |
RadicalME | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 11:17 |
Slart | RadicalME: you can check in synaptic what packages are installed.. it's the ones with a green mark on them.. try searching for "beryl" | 11:17 |
_Ergo_ | elliotjhug : i did that , selected nv as driver and it worked ;-), right now i have fedora ( im happy with it ) , but im willing to switch to debian based system if i can get it to work the way it should be ;-) so i guess ill try to install ubuntu and use Envy ( but ive read somewhere its not advised and is buggy ) | 11:17 |
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RadicalME | ok i will do that | 11:17 |
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jarjarbinks | if you know how to switch a flash from fat 16 to 32 let me know | 11:18 |
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elliotjhug | _Ergo_: Well, non official things are rarely 'advised' all I can say is that it worked very well for me. | 11:18 |
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RadicalME | Slart: can i uninstall them there? | 11:18 |
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Slart | RadicalME: in synaptic you can chose "complete removal".. it's the same as --purge | 11:18 |
Scorp | how do i set up samba to access windows based systems on the network with their names ?? i use a workgroup based network. | 11:18 |
RadicalME | ok | 11:18 |
Slart | RadicalME: yes.. just click on the green square | 11:18 |
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E-mu | like this | 11:18 |
lil-g-man | :( i'm here again with some questions :( | 11:18 |
_Ergo_ | elliotjhug: : so i should not use the "restricted driver" tool ? | 11:19 |
E-mu | fdisk -l <<< verify your device and be very very very carefull | 11:19 |
elliotjhug | _Ergo_: I think 'restricted driver' still uses an older nvidia driver which doesn't support the 8800, though don't quote me on that. | 11:19 |
naught101 | anyone here have any experience getting a wacom working in ubuntu? | 11:19 |
lil-g-man | i'm using the manual partitioning, i've got 20gb free space, so i've got to create new partitions? | 11:19 |
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elliotjhug | naught101: Which ubuntu version? | 11:19 |
E-mu | fdisk /dev/sda1 if you have a sata drive then most likely fdisk /dev/sda2 | 11:19 |
naught101 | 7.04 I need to turn up the pressure in xorg.conf | 11:19 |
jarjarbinks | work for flash | 11:19 |
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_Ergo_ | elliotjhug : thanks for the tips , ill check them out today :] | 11:20 |
RadicalME | Slart: ok, its totaly gone now, ty for your help.. Now i could try to reinstall it right... | 11:20 |
naught101 | and I need to resize the area to screen size | 11:20 |
elliotjhug | _Ergo_: np, good luck. | 11:20 |
RadicalME | Slart: got a good guide for me, so i can install beryl? | 11:20 |
_Ergo_ | luck... i will need it ;-) | 11:20 |
naught101 | (I think it thinks it's 800x600) | 11:20 |
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jarjarbinks | don't have a sata drive | 11:20 |
Scorp | elliotjhug, can you help me with some networking problems ??? | 11:20 |
naught101 | sorry, elliotjhug: feisty | 11:20 |
kahrytan | RadicalME, Don't install beryl | 11:20 |
Slart | RadicalME: now you can reinstall if you want | 11:20 |
E-mu | then "n" for new partition, t to change partition type it sais type "L" to see the types, you will see a few win95 types so put that code it and your done | 11:20 |
jarjarbinks | never tried that | 11:20 |
kahrytan | RadicalME, Install CompizFusion | 11:20 |
RadicalME | kahrytan: why not? | 11:20 |
Slart | !beryl | 11:20 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:20 |
elliotjhug | naught101: I am just having a think now - gve me a mo | 11:20 |
elliotjhug | Scorp: Ask the channel directly | 11:21 |
E-mu | to format it mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sda2 if your usb is sda2 | 11:21 |
_Ergo_ | RadicalME: : i used compiz 5.2 i liked it better than older beryl | 11:21 |
E-mu | or | 11:21 |
kahrytan | RadicalME, CompizFusion is the combination of compiz and beryl | 11:21 |
Slart | RadicalME: ask the people in #ubuntu-effects .. they are the experts on bling bling for ubuntu =) | 11:21 |
Scorp | ok | 11:21 |
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Scorp | can you help me with some networking problems ??? | 11:21 |
E-mu | mkfs.vfat -F 16 /dev/sda2 if you chose the partition type 6 fat16 | 11:21 |
=== Samui is trying to figure out how to get his notification sounds to work in Pidgin. | ||
lil-g-man | is here someone who could help me with installation partitioning? | 11:21 |
jarjarbinks | could never get that to work with an old usb | 11:21 |
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elliotjhug | naught101: Whats your wacom device? | 11:22 |
E-mu | how old and size and name of it? | 11:22 |
elliotjhug | Samui: If you find out let me know - they never work for me | 11:22 |
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Samui | The thing is, it works on my laptop. | 11:22 |
Samui | Not on my desktop | 11:22 |
jarjarbinks | not sure from 2002 | 11:22 |
kahrytan | Samui, whats wrong? | 11:22 |
jarjarbinks | desktop | 11:23 |
Samui | The sounds in Pidgin just don't work. No matter what I choose. | 11:23 |
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naught101 | elliotjhug: bamboo... | 11:23 |
Samui | I even tried using the Command option - "aplay %s" | 11:23 |
E-mu | well if its really small under 64megs forget it | 11:23 |
naught101 | that's a problem, I haven't seen the bamboo working under ubuntu yet | 11:23 |
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naught101 | on the 'net, anyway. | 11:24 |
Scorp | Samui, i think its because you are keeping urself invisible on pidgin | 11:24 |
E-mu | damnn small linux need at least 64meg stick and Knoppix, Ubuntu, and PCLinuxOS all need a good sized stick cause you putting the image on them | 11:24 |
lil-g-man | HELP, can someone help me with ubuntu installation partition? | 11:24 |
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Samui | I click "test" and they don't work. o.O | 11:24 |
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Samui | And I'm "Available" | 11:24 |
naught101 | elliotjhug: do you have any idea how to edit the line "Option "PressCurve" "50,0,100,50" " under stylus? | 11:24 |
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jarjarbinks | try that thanx | 11:25 |
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_Ergo_ | lil-g-man : what is the problem ? | 11:25 |
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teKnofreak | how do i change the default session, instead of selecting it during login i want to change the config file, which is the corresponding file ? | 11:26 |
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lil-g-man | _ergo_, well i've got 20gb of free unallocated space, i've heard that manual setting up of partitions for ubuntu is best | 11:26 |
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elliotjhug | naught101: 1 mo | 11:26 |
Dusk_ | !ubuntu | 11:26 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 11:26 |
_Ergo_ | lil-g-man : : and you want to install system on those 20 gb ? | 11:26 |
lil-g-man | _ergo_, so now i double click on the freespace or click 'create new partition' yeah on those 20gb | 11:27 |
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_Ergo_ | yes | 11:27 |
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lil-g-man | ergo, what's next? | 11:27 |
elliotjhug | naught101: use sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:27 |
_Ergo_ | first you create a 100 mb /boot partition | 11:27 |
lil-g-man | ergo, the type has to be primary? | 11:27 |
alexandroos | lil-g-man, i suggest u to make a partition containing ur /home directory | 11:27 |
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_Ergo_ | set it to promary | 11:28 |
_Ergo_ | primary | 11:28 |
naught101 | elliotjhug: no, I mean, I don't understand what the numbers "50,0,100,50" mean | 11:28 |
Dusk_ | why does hdparm comes disabled by default on ubuntu???, | 11:28 |
E-mu | get the release candidate 4.0rc1 dsl and burn the iso then there is a wizzard on it to make a bootable USB it perfect. PCLinuxOS also has a winnzard but it literally installs it onto your USB stick as though its being installed on a hard drive with mutlitple partitions and all and take a long time to do but it works 100% on machines that allow you to boot to USB another very important reminder your machine must support booting to a USB devi | 11:28 |
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_Ergo_ | lil-g-man : then you can create 3 partitions | 11:29 |
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lil-g-man | ergo, now i'm all confused :D | 11:29 |
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lil-g-man | ergo, i've got 20gb free, i'm thinking of having 2gb for swap | 11:29 |
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elliotjhug | naught101: ah, sorry. I have no idea to be honest. Sorry | 11:29 |
Slart | Dusk_: disabled? or not installed by default? | 11:29 |
Dusk_ | Slart, it's disabled | 11:30 |
elliotjhug | naught101: google it? | 11:30 |
Slart | Dusk_: either way, it doesn't work fully on SATA drives | 11:30 |
lil-g-man | ergo, 3 partitions is like swap, home and ext3? | 11:30 |
_Ergo_ | lil-g-man : how much ram do you have ? | 11:30 |
quake | lil-g-man -> use a multiple of 2 | 11:30 |
quake | like | 11:30 |
naught101 | yeah, I've tried, elliotjhug. no worries, I might find something. | 11:30 |
quake | 2048 mb | 11:30 |
lil-g-man | ergo i've got 2gb on laptop | 11:30 |
_Ergo_ | so 2 gb should be ok | 11:30 |
keithhhhh | can someone help me....I run a Ubuntu / Windows system using GRUB I want to format my windows partition and reinstall windows....is there anyway to do this without killing GRUB? If not how can I revive GRUB after? | 11:30 |
Slart | Dusk_: isn't hdparm just a program to set parameters on drives? it's not a daemon or service, right? | 11:30 |
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Dusk_ | Slart, i have ide drive..does it work if i enable it | 11:31 |
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Dusk_ | Slart, it's a service for ultra dma | 11:31 |
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fluidite | -services | 11:31 |
quake | keithhhhh, there is a topic on ubuntu forums about that. | 11:31 |
Scorp | guys, i need help for some networking issues i got... anyone ??? | 11:31 |
elliotjhug | naught101: found http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/index.php/howto/xsetwacom if you scroll down to where it starts talking about presscurve | 11:31 |
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pretender | can anyone recommend backup software for ubuntu that does a full system back and is capable of doing a restore | 11:31 |
Slart | Dusk_: ehh.. are you really sure about that.. you can enable ultra dma using hdparm.. but I don't think you need to have hdparm running for ultra dma to work | 11:31 |
lil-g-man | ergo, so i should make 2000MB, use as swap, primary or logical? and beginning or end? | 11:31 |
Slart | !hdparm | 11:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hdparm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:31 |
_Ergo_ | lil-g-man : , so you should make : 100mb /boot , 2048 swap, then you should make / partition ( your linux hoes here ;p-) , and possibly /home partition for your users stuff | 11:31 |
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naught101 | elliotjhug: cheers | 11:32 |
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hypodyne | gday all | 11:32 |
Dusk_ | Slart, i dunno..i just enabled it | 11:32 |
maxinator | @All: Do anyone know, how i can install icon packages with the extension .tbz? | 11:32 |
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lil-g-man | ergo, crap i need step by step help :) | 11:32 |
Slart | Dusk_: http://linux.die.net/man/8/hdparm | 11:32 |
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Slart | Dusk_: you use hdparm to set parameters of hard drives.. you don't enable/disable hdparm.. you can enable/disable dma etc for hard drives.. | 11:33 |
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elliotjhug | Scorp: Did someone get around to talking to you? | 11:33 |
hypodyne | I was just reading about kernal root kits. I got the ubuntu cd from a ebay seller and was wondering if there was any way to verify that its not been tampered with. | 11:33 |
lil-g-man | ergo, do i need boot partition even if i'm thinking about dualboot with vista? | 11:33 |
hypodyne | red hat use to have a utility to do that. | 11:34 |
kahrytan | lil-g-man, SWAP has to be as big as physical memory. I use twice my memory size. | 11:34 |
Scorp | elliotjhug, nopes | 11:34 |
Slart | Dusk_: but I'm just being pedantic here.. I don't know why ultra dma isn't enabled by default in ubuntu... and yes you can enable it using hdparm | 11:34 |
elliotjhug | Scorp: ok, whats the trouble? | 11:34 |
Dusk_ | Slart, on system>administrator>services there's hdparm and it's disabled..so i thought that my ultra dma is disabled | 11:34 |
Slart | Dusk_: there are other settings too .. check out the manual for hdparm.. look for 32-bit access and dma to start with | 11:34 |
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kahrytan | hypodyne, WHy buy the cd when Canonical gives them for free? | 11:34 |
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Dusk_ | Slart, thanks for the help | 11:35 |
hypodyne | the seller was close by | 11:35 |
kahrytan | hypodyne, But you can use m5dsum check | 11:35 |
Slart | Dusk_: ah..I have that too.. might be some automatic tuning thingy.. well.. read the man page for hdparm.. it will tell you more about it | 11:35 |
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hypodyne | downloading would cost more in bandwidth than postage. | 11:35 |
Scorp | elliotjhug, thanx... I'm using ubuntu on my PC, and the rest of the network at office is a windows based workgroup. even though i can ping around, and also get the internet access from the other PC, i cannot use the exact server name to access them.... | 11:35 |
lil-g-man | kahrytan, so swap 2048 since i've got 2gb ram, what do i do with other settings? like primary or logical and beginning or end? | 11:36 |
hypodyne | okay but what would i check it against | 11:36 |
kahrytan | m5dsum file | 11:36 |
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Scorp | elliotjhug, also i need to access a network printer n mounting is an issue as yet... I tried samba, but didnt' really find a gud tutorial to setting its settings... | 11:36 |
ruminator | why does ubuntu default shell treat tab completion like it's some kind of error? | 11:37 |
hypodyne | sure.. :) but I only have the possibly doctored files | 11:37 |
hypodyne | if I md5sum them then i still only have one md5 | 11:37 |
ruminator | why do I have to hit tab twice before I get tab completion functionality? | 11:37 |
kahrytan | hypodyne, http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu-releases/7.04/MD5SUMS | 11:37 |
hypodyne | cheers | 11:37 |
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Slart | ruminator: I think one tab is complete.. two tabs will give you a list of matches.. or? | 11:38 |
elliotjhug | Scorp: ok, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba?highlight=%28Samba%29 might help you set up samba. when thats setup your exact server names should work too | 11:38 |
pretender | can anyone recommend software to do a full ststem backup and restore of ubuntu | 11:38 |
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kahrytan | pretender, Just backup /home | 11:38 |
gvsa123 | pretender: sbackup i think... | 11:38 |
Scorp | elliotjhug, thanx dude... i'll just check it out... | 11:38 |
ruminator | Slart: I get an error beep on the first tab, and a list of possible completions on the second | 11:39 |
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pretender | thanks ill check it out | 11:39 |
ruminator | which means I constantly have to hit tab twice | 11:39 |
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ruminator | at least I turned off the annoying beep | 11:39 |
nonaz | good connection to all of you | 11:40 |
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Slart | ruminator: first tab completes if there is only one possible ending.. if not, it beeps | 11:40 |
kaolin | /server irc.freenode.net | 11:40 |
lil-g-man | HELP, :( i'm about to install UBUNTU, i've got 20gb free unallocated space, i've got vista on other partition and hp recovery on another partition. if i choose the manual partitioning i have to make partitions. i've got 2gb of ram so 2048MB for SWAP, should swap be physical or logical? and beginning or end position of the partition? | 11:40 |
Slart | ruminator: I guess the beep could be configurable.. haven't really thought about it | 11:40 |
hypodyne | that has iso md5 sums.. the cd has files | 11:40 |
kahrytan | pretender, Just backup /home and get a list pf installed packages. You dont need to backup rest | 11:40 |
kaolin | /server irc.freenode.net | 11:40 |
kahrytan | *of | 11:40 |
tjedi | hi! during the installation of feisty amd64 the 3rd computer isn't detected as a connected device on my router, so no ethernet-connection - can someone help? | 11:40 |
ruminator | Slart: I'll do some digging to see if I can change this strange behavior | 11:41 |
Myrtti | lil-g-man: physical, beginning. | 11:41 |
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lil-g-man | myrtti, sorry it was primary or logical | 11:41 |
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lil-g-man | myrtti, so it should be primary? | 11:42 |
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Myrtti | lil-g-man: that's how I do it always. A bit faster and all | 11:42 |
hypodyne | i could download the iso.. burn it to a disk.. then md5 sum all the files.. | 11:42 |
hypodyne | but that would defeat the purpose of buying a cd. | 11:42 |
elliotjhug | hypodyne: you can request a free CD you know | 11:43 |
hypodyne | I pay postage? | 11:43 |
elliotjhug | hypodyne: you pay nothing | 11:43 |
elliotjhug | hypodyne: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ | 11:43 |
lil-g-man | i'm making partitions for UBUNTU, i know i have to make swap and ext3 partitions... what about boot and home? | 11:43 |
lil-g-man | i'm going to dual boot vista and ubuntu, so i need the boot partition? | 11:44 |
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hypodyne | well thats just silly.. these people giving stuff away.. its just not right. | 11:44 |
nonaz | sorry guys, anybody faced the problem with RESOLVCONF? It's there, but it just doesn't work. | 11:44 |
elliotjhug | lil-g-man: You won't need a special boot partition. just a / partition, and a /home partion | 11:44 |
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elliotjhug | hypodyne: Whys it not right? Canonical is kind enough to thing that marketting ubuntu is important | 11:45 |
lil-g-man | elliotjhug > is /partition like home ? | 11:45 |
=== SlimeyPete hands elliotjhug a sense of irony | ||
elliotjhug | lil-g-man: a / partion is your root partion. Its a ext3 partition at mount point '/' | 11:45 |
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nonaz | RESOLVCONF, anybody? As everything that's online doesn't help. The server is remote, and i can't keep restarting it, or continuously down/up interfaces | 11:46 |
=== elliotjhug watches irony go flying over his head | ||
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SlimeyPete | ;D | 11:46 |
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nonaz | if anybody had a deeper dive into it, please help. | 11:46 |
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kahrytan | hypodyne, You can buy official pressed cds too | 11:46 |
just_free_man | hi all! | 11:47 |
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elliotjhug | hi just_free_man | 11:47 |
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just_free_man | I have some problem: pppoe connection freeze until few minutes after start | 11:48 |
hypodyne | No.. I have the cd.. I like the OS.. I just need to verify the integrity of it.. | 11:48 |
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lil-g-man | i'm installing ubuntu on a HP laptop, i had 20gb of free space and i put everything there | 11:49 |
lil-g-man | now i've got | 11:49 |
lil-g-man | /dev/sda | 11:49 |
lil-g-man | /dev/sda1 ntfs mountpoint/media/sda1 vista | 11:49 |
lil-g-man | /dev/sda3 swap | 11:49 |
lil-g-man | /dev/extr mount point / | 11:49 |
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hypodyne | the cd has a file called md5sum.txt | 11:49 |
kahrytan | hypodyne, told you how | 11:49 |
lil-g-man | /dev/sda2/ ntfs HP recovery | 11:49 |
kahrytan | !pastebin | lil-g-man | 11:49 |
ubotu | lil-g-man: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:49 |
elliotjhug | hypodyne: Well, the easiest way to verify the integrity is to use one that is almost definitely safe. Otherwise if you want, I can grab my md5sum off of my disk | 11:49 |
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hypodyne | kah.. yes the md5 sums are for iso's.. the cd contains an iso thats already burnt.. | 11:50 |
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hypodyne | elliot.. that would be great.. or even easier can you md5sum the md5sum.txt file | 11:50 |
lil-g-man | kahrytan, my vista mount point is media/sda1, is it okay that the mount point for ext3 is / ? | 11:51 |
hypodyne | if the one i have is okay i can use that | 11:51 |
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just_free_man | I use Ubuntu 7.04 | 11:51 |
just_free_man | And setup pppoe using pppoeconf | 11:51 |
just_free_man | what i can do? | 11:51 |
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elliotjhug | hypodyne: sure - give me a mo | 11:51 |
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nonaz | i need a RESOLVCONF hacker, please. | 11:52 |
nalpha | anyone know's how to install & activated phpmyadmin in Ubuntu? I has install the phpmyadmin, and how to access the control panel from browser? | 11:52 |
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lil-g-man | swap doesn't have to have any kind of mount? | 11:53 |
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CruX | hello | 11:53 |
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elliotjhug | lil-g-man: swap mounts itself | 11:53 |
hypodyne | nalpha open a browser and goto that directory | 11:53 |
CruX | in what repository can i find virtualbox for feisty ? | 11:53 |
=== bking [n=bking@ip-136-44.sn3.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bking | hi there, | 11:53 |
hypodyne | http://localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php | 11:53 |
lil-g-man | elliotjhug, i've got now 2039 for swap even though i put 2048 and around 18gb for ext3 with mount point /, is it all good | 11:54 |
bking | how can i convert .ogm into xvid files? | 11:54 |
nalpha | hypodyne: I already try it but the browser not display the index.php but give me option to open it or download it? | 11:54 |
elliotjhug | lil-g-man: that should be fine | 11:54 |
SlimeyPete | bking: ogm is just a container. You'll need to find out how the video file was encoded. | 11:54 |
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lil-g-man | elliotjhug, even though my vista's mount point is /media/sda1? | 11:55 |
SlimeyPete | it might even already be an xvid. | 11:55 |
hypodyne | sounds like php has not been installed | 11:55 |
elliotjhug | lil-g-man: thats fine | 11:55 |
bking | SlimeyPete: avidemux says "codec 4cc: DX50" | 11:55 |
hypodyne | create a file which contains <?php phpinfo(); ?> | 11:55 |
SlimeyPete | bking: that's Divx 5 | 11:55 |
nalpha | hypodyne: okey.. wait | 11:55 |
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lil-g-man | elliotjhug, what was that home that someone mentioned before? | 11:55 |
hypodyne | open it in a browser see if it works | 11:55 |
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bking | SlimeyPete: the audio codec is ogg vorbis | 11:56 |
elliotjhug | lil-g-man: if you like you can put your home directory in another partition, but its not really nessasary | 11:56 |
lil-g-man | elliotjhug, and i don't need boot if i wanna have dual boot of vista and ubuntu? | 11:56 |
SlimeyPete | bking: if you want to put it into an avi, try looking at transcode or mencoder. | 11:56 |
SlimeyPete | there are GUIs available for them iirc | 11:56 |
bking | SlimeyPete: may be it's the audio that crashes the sa video player | 11:56 |
bking | SlimeyPete: thanks | 11:56 |
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elliotjhug | lil-g-man: /boot is unnessasary in the same way /home is. They'll just get put in / | 11:56 |
lil-g-man | elliotjhug, thanks a lot, i bet ppl here wished that i would not have chosen manual partitioning :) | 11:57 |
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nalpha | hypodyne: OMG, I forget to install the PHP? LOL THANX alot. | 11:57 |
elliotjhug | hypodyne: ee3b353e0566d7969e9887f54090eb07 ./Desktop/md5sum.txt | 11:57 |
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lil-g-man | elliotjhug, last question, ext3 has a box checked on format section, the swap doesn't have that, it's supposed to be that way, right? | 11:58 |
hypodyne | great.. thanks alot elliot | 11:58 |
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elliotjhug | hypodyne: np | 11:58 |
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elliotjhug | lil-g-man: Yeah, swap has a few less settings than other things, since its not a file storage area, its like virtual memory in windows | 11:58 |
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princes | gj.. | 11:59 |
Bubulle_ | In feisty, the script /etc/init.d/console-setup is not part of the init sequence. So UTF-8 charset is unsupported in text console terminals unless I launch it by hand. How do I enable it? Is it a known bug? | 11:59 |
lil-g-man | elliotjhug, thanks again | 11:59 |
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lil-g-man | elliotjhug, i hope everything goes well | 11:59 |
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hypodyne | np nalpha | 11:59 |
lil-g-man | later guys | 11:59 |
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elliotjhug | lil-g-man: np | 11:59 |
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elliotjhug | lil-g-man: good luck | 11:59 |
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hypodyne | does this room ever get any bots? | 12:00 |
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Myrtti | !bot | 12:00 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 12:00 |
Myrtti | ;-) | 12:00 |
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hypodyne | lol.. its an faq bot right? | 12:01 |
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Myrtti | among other things | 12:01 |
hypodyne | cool | 12:01 |
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hypodyne | rogiebot in yahoo use to do a similar thing | 12:03 |
caner | is there any gui program to browse throuhg gtk-docs in the system ?? | 12:03 |
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caner | is there any gui program to browse throuhg documentations in the system ?? | 12:03 |
caner | nto gtk-docs sorry :) | 12:03 |
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hypodyne | I have been using yahoo chat for 10 years.. the other day they upgraded their servers.. now the bots moved in and I can't get into the rooms | 12:05 |
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keithhhhh | what is the most effecient way to run windows inside Ubuntu? | 12:06 |
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Rothgar | Guys quick question what is the difference between LTS and non LTS? | 12:07 |
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stdin | keithhhhh: for single applications try wine, for windows OS use vmware/virtualbox/qemu | 12:07 |
Rothgar | I can't seem to find any information on it and I would have thought version 7 would be supported longer than the 6.x branch... | 12:07 |
SlimeyPete | Rothgar: LTS == Long Time Support. The LTS releases are guaranteed to be supported with security fixes etc. for a certain amount of time | 12:08 |
stdin | !lts | Rothgar | 12:08 |
ubotu | Rothgar: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 12:08 |
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Rothgar | So 7.x is newer then and will become LTS when 8.x comes out? | 12:08 |
keithhhhh | stdin: of vmware virtualbox qemu which do you think is the most effecient? | 12:08 |
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SlimeyPete | Rothgar: no, one of the 8.x releases will be LTS | 12:08 |
SlimeyPete | (iirc) | 12:08 |
SlimeyPete | most ubuntu releases aren't LTS | 12:09 |
keithhhhh | stdin: I have about 5 applications I must use | 12:09 |
stdin | keithhhhh: they are all quite similar, all need to run windows in a "software" mode | 12:09 |
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Rothgar | Right but one in the 7.x branch will be? | 12:09 |
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Rothgar | I assume the 7.x branch will go for a while then 8.x will come out once 7.x becomes stable and then 7.x will become LTS? | 12:11 |
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SlimeyPete | Rothgar: no, AFAIK LTS releases are LTS from the start. I don't think 7.x will ever be LTS. | 12:11 |
Myrtti | the next lts is probably 8.04 | 12:12 |
master_ | hello | 12:12 |
Rothgar | Right, so is it work going 7.04 or 6.06? | 12:12 |
Rothgar | worth* | 12:12 |
SlimeyPete | Rothgar: for a office workstation or server, 6.06. For a home machine, 7.04. | 12:12 |
GobliN | #bogor | 12:12 |
flemnos | since i've switched to ubuntu, I think my productivity has halved. I keep catching myself playing Pingus instead of actually doing productive stuff(tm) | 12:12 |
stdin | keithhhhh: try wine first, if that doesn't work use one of the emulators | 12:12 |
master_ | how fast starts ubuntu to see the desktop ??? | 12:12 |
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=== OM1136 is trying HARD to move from FC6 to Ubuntu, but sendmail has got me stopped: Can anyone help? | ||
SlimeyPete | Rothgar: 7.04 is still "supported" with security updates - it's just that there's no guarantee as to how long such support will continue. | 12:13 |
Rothgar | Well I am going to try ubuntu on the server I am building up it was running Debian, thought I'd give it a shot, so 6.06 then? | 12:13 |
ion | what are the chances of an author of an apt-repository .deb is backdoored? | 12:13 |
TuTUX | master_: it depends on how fast your computer is | 12:13 |
ion | Is it possible for an Ubuntu apt repository .deb to be backdoored? | 12:14 |
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SlimeyPete | Rothgar: yeah, go for 6.06 if you're planning on doing something important with your server | 12:14 |
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master_ | i know but dapper was very slow | 12:14 |
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master_ | im driving with sidux... | 12:14 |
SlimeyPete | I still run 6.06 on my home fileserver (havn't bothered to upgrade) and it works fine | 12:14 |
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TuTUX | master_: i remember 6.10 held a record of 45 secs | 12:14 |
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Rothgar | heh | 12:15 |
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Rothgar | At least I can download it at 1.4MB/s :| | 12:15 |
master_ | i would trie it becaus i will test linuxmce | 12:15 |
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TuTUX | master_: it was on youtube | 12:15 |
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Rothgar | SlimeyPete: It'll mainly be used for VMware | 12:16 |
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Rothgar | Not sure if it's going to be any better than Debian for it | 12:16 |
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cyrenity | hey | 12:16 |
suupaabaka | I'm trying to resize my ntfs partition to give more space to ext3 through GParted, but the resize option is greyed out. Can anyone help me out? | 12:16 |
hypodyne_ | hmmm do you get booted if you mention windows? | 12:16 |
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SlimeyPete | Rothgar: probably won't be, tbh. Ubuntu SEvr is basically identical to Debian. | 12:17 |
cyrenity | my dhcp-server wont start on boot i start it manually | 12:17 |
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SlimeyPete | *Server | 12:17 |
cyrenity | what should i check | 12:17 |
cyrenity | it was starting sprevioulsy but today it wont start on boot | 12:17 |
cyrenity | all seems om | 12:17 |
cyrenity | ok | 12:17 |
cyrenity | any idea? | 12:17 |
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ion | what can I use to check my overall security | 12:18 |
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opencan_ | Can anyone help me set a 'l2tp' internet connection on Kubuntu? | 12:18 |
SlimeyPete | ion: nmap would be a start | 12:18 |
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ion | SlimeyPete, yea i use that all the time, id like something to scan applications or something | 12:19 |
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ion | to find backdoors | 12:19 |
ion | etc | 12:19 |
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Slart | ion: there's chkrootkit | 12:22 |
Slart | !info rkhunter | 12:22 |
ubotu | rkhunter: rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.9-3 (feisty), package size 133 kB, installed size 528 kB | 12:22 |
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hypodyne_ | is there any anti virus for linux? | 12:23 |
Slart | clamav | 12:23 |
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Arafangion | hypodyne_: The design of linux and most of the applications for linux render viruses nearly insignificant. | 12:24 |
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Slart | there was a test of viruses under wine.. apparently wine isn't fully compatible =) | 12:24 |
Arafangion | hypodyne_: Linux email apps tend not to arbituarily execute plain text emails, for examlpe. | 12:24 |
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TataraKutere | hey everyone | 12:25 |
hypodyne_ | is doing a class in computer security.. if anything its teaching me there is no such thing as computer security | 12:25 |
Arafangion | Slart: There was a proof-of-concept virus for linux once, but the latest kernel didn't work on it because of a bug (in the kernel) - the bug got fixed once it was identified why the virus didn't work :) | 12:25 |
Slart | we have to take care of the few viruses we have =) | 12:26 |
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Frogzoo | if wine won't run a virus, surely that's a bug | 12:26 |
Arafangion | hypodyne_: Well, consider any system that has a habit of executing arbituary code from arbituary sources, such as a *text* email message to be fundamentally flawed, particularly if it's done as an administrative user. | 12:27 |
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hypodyne_ | lol at Frogzoo | 12:27 |
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Arafangion | hypodyne_: ALso, on linux, very few users (Except for incompetent admins) actually run as root formore than a very few applications. | 12:27 |
Arafangion | hypodyne_: He isn't joking. | 12:27 |
=== Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | indeed.. if linux is ever going to be ready for the desktop, full malware compability is required.. =) | 12:27 |
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hypodyne_ | :) yeah malware is a big step forward | 12:28 |
bobsomebody | its 630 est | 12:28 |
bobsomebody | did you know where ur daily cron is? | 12:28 |
bobsomebody | :P | 12:28 |
bobsomebody | *do you know | 12:28 |
=== bobsomebody wow im tired | ||
KaRnOnAs | does anyone have any clue at to how you can change the IO_SUPPORT mode on SATA drives? | 12:28 |
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Arafangion | bobsomebody: /etc/cron.d/daily, that's just a guess, though. | 12:29 |
Slart | "Running Windows viruses with Wine", http://www.linux.com/articles/42031 | 12:29 |
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KaRnOnAs | does anyone have any clue at to how you can change the IO_SUPPORT mode on SATA drives? changing the mode from 16 to 32 bit | 12:30 |
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Slart | KaRnOnAs: last time I checked you can't.. it's a pATA thing | 12:30 |
bobsomebody | Arafangion, it was a joke, daily cron runs at 6:30 by default on ubuntu server | 12:30 |
bobsomebody | *6:30 AM | 12:31 |
=== Kopfgeldjaeger [n=nicolai@p54AD55B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hypodyne_ | lol thanks I will read that tomorrow. | 12:31 |
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bobsomebody | well... 6:25 to be exact :P | 12:31 |
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Arafangion | bobsomebody: Not a bad time to run stuff. | 12:31 |
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Slart | KaRnOnAs: there isn't a lot you can tweak with a SATA drive | 12:31 |
KaRnOnAs | i know its driving me mad | 12:32 |
bobsomebody | i dunno, im always here @ 6:30am lately :P | 12:32 |
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KaRnOnAs | hdparm and sdparm dont work | 12:32 |
Arafangion | bobsomebody: Ahh, good thing you're not running any other disk-intensive tasks :) | 12:32 |
KaRnOnAs | anyone know how to use sdparm really well? | 12:32 |
bobsomebody | Arafangion, nah, just tinkering on my web files | 12:33 |
bobsomebody | care to see? | 12:33 |
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bobsomebody | | 12:33 |
bobsomebody | wow that was a fast click | 12:33 |
Arafangion | bobsomebody: Nah, but why don't you get a dns name? | 12:33 |
Arafangion | That click was probably a bot. | 12:33 |
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Bubulle_ | In feisty, the script /etc/init.d/console-setup is not part of the init sequence. So UTF-8 charset is unsupported in text console terminals unless I launch it by hand. How do I enable it at startup? Is it a known bug? | 12:34 |
bobsomebody | Arafangion, its my lo, i have a public subdomain at a friends host | 12:34 |
=== Axman6_ [i=Axman@61-69-24-138.netspeed.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobsomebody | sites not done so im not worried about the .com just yet | 12:34 |
=== someone-- [n=lol@BSN-61-49-37.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arafangion | bobsomebody: Could always get a free domain. | 12:35 |
=== blerd [n=peter_to@125-238-202-206.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someone-- | is there any command in terminal where i get all my monitor info? | 12:35 |
=== Skiff_2__ [n=SkiffX@cpe-72-225-174-254.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someone-- | its an emergency | 12:35 |
KaRnOnAs | just get yourself a DNS at DNYDNS and choose whatever you want | 12:35 |
KaRnOnAs | like this | 12:35 |
=== Hc\ [n=toffe@a88-112-4-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KaRnOnAs | karnonas.is-a-geek.net | 12:35 |
bobsomebody | Arafangion, i have one, this is my lo, my LOcal host test server | 12:35 |
=== M- [n=mattm@ppp121-44-123-230.lns10.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someone-- | &j #ubuntu/slo | 12:35 |
KaRnOnAs | oic | 12:35 |
burepe | Isn't there some faq to set up a bunch of general stuff after an install? | 12:35 |
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someone-- | sory | 12:35 |
=== bobsomebody thought he was in #web for a sec :P | ||
Slart | someone--: if it's an emergeny, why are you here instead of paying canonical money for support? | 12:35 |
=== shiester_miester [n=shiester@220-244-246-135.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someone-- | what? | 12:36 |
shiester_miester | gday everyone | 12:36 |
hypodyne_ | gday | 12:36 |
bobsomebody | hiya | 12:36 |
someone-- | Slart do you know it or not? | 12:36 |
Slart | someone--: canonical.. the company making ubuntu.. I'm sure they have professional support | 12:36 |
shiester_miester | Slart, i believe they do | 12:36 |
hypodyne_ | smells an aussie | 12:36 |
Arafangion | hypodyne_: HEY, that's offensive! | 12:36 |
KaRnOnAs | so anyone know of any known tweak that you can do to make SATA drive run at their true potential | 12:37 |
Arafangion | hypodyne_: Oh, just saw the context - continue on! :) | 12:37 |
bobsomebody | Slart, you can allways troll in here for pros, or #linux, they come and go | 12:37 |
shiester_miester | Slart, although canonical do not /make/ ubuntu, they merely provide services for it, like support and shipping of the cds | 12:37 |
KaRnOnAs | ive been pulling my hair out on this one | 12:37 |
Slart | KaRnOnAs: they already are... don't worry about it | 12:37 |
flash42 | pcbsd r0x? | 12:37 |
=== matysek [n=matysek@83.Red-81-39-205.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hypodyne_ | I am an aussie... don't worry too much | 12:37 |
=== bobsomebody worries | ||
bobsomebody | :P | 12:37 |
someone-- | no one knows? | 12:37 |
Arafangion | hypodyne_: Me too - depending on teh context. | 12:37 |
gnomefreak | someone--: what part of monitor info are you looking for? | 12:37 |
Slart | shiester_miester: ok ok.. not make.. my bad.. "provide support for".. | 12:37 |
burepe | Anyone know where that how to do everything faq is? dvd, restricted formats, java ect | 12:37 |
KaRnOnAs | who is working on it? specifically if u dont mind me askin | 12:38 |
someone-- | gnomefreak well allm the info | 12:38 |
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KaRnOnAs | excellent thank much | 12:38 |
=== schiffkoch [n=heiko@p5B177C9F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someone-- | becaujse i must configure someting in the XF86.config file | 12:38 |
Slart | isn't there some software to get the.. whatever it's called.. "plug and play" info for monitors? l2c?? | 12:38 |
shiester_miester | i got a problem with diablo 2, and its not a wine problem because the game works fine, its a window-manager related problem, I believe | 12:38 |
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KaRnOnAs | im got this big server with a raid 5 running with sata drives and | 12:38 |
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flemnos | burepe, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Main_Page ? | 12:39 |
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KaRnOnAs | they are runnong ok but not at their potential | 12:39 |
Frogzoo | !docs | burepe | 12:39 |
ubotu | burepe: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com | 12:39 |
gnomefreak | someone--: there isnt one command to show you everything. someone-- sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will allow you to change settings but search your monitor on web for exact info on it | 12:39 |
shiester_miester | i moved the window to another desktop so I could use various software etc, and have done this several times, but this time i couldn't put it back onto fullscreen... :( | 12:39 |
KaRnOnAs | try Cedega | 12:39 |
shiester_miester | as i just said, its NOT a wine problem | 12:39 |
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KaRnOnAs | http://www.transgaming.com/ | 12:39 |
shiester_miester | the game runs fine, its a window manager problem | 12:39 |
burepe | flemnos, I dont think that is it. Ill let you know when I find it. | 12:40 |
shiester_miester | so i want to know, how can I force the window manager to bring back a window thats been taken off the task bar | 12:40 |
gnomefreak | someone--: ubuntu may not know your monitor so it will use a default setup. ubuntu cant guess the system specs for all hardware so if you want accurate info search for it on web | 12:40 |
KaRnOnAs | i run D2 great on my gaming machine | 12:40 |
shiester_miester | KaRnOnAs, are you even listening | 12:40 |
RadicalME | diable 2? | 12:40 |
RadicalME | diablo* | 12:40 |
slapfaceware | pfff video game.. | 12:40 |
KaRnOnAs | yea | 12:40 |
shiester_miester | the game runs perfectly | 12:40 |
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Frogzoo | !appdb | shiester_miester | 12:40 |
shiester_miester | no problems | 12:40 |
ubotu | shiester_miester: Appdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org | 12:40 |
shiester_miester | at all | 12:40 |
shiester_miester | NO PROBLEMS | 12:40 |
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shiester_miester | LISTEN | 12:40 |
shiester_miester | -_- | 12:40 |
gnomefreak | shiester_miester: stop please | 12:40 |
RadicalME | !enter | shiester_miester | 12:40 |
ubotu | shiester_miester: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 12:40 |
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KaRnOnAs | so your car exploded? | 12:40 |
=== bobsomebody lolz a little | ||
gnomefreak | KaRnOnAs: please stay on topic | 12:41 |
shiester_miester | !listen | everybody | 12:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about listen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:41 |
KaRnOnAs | kk | 12:41 |
big_bang14 | ive added some commands to the start up section of sessions ('emerald --replace' and 'avant-window-navigator') however they seem to have no effect | 12:41 |
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shiester_miester | ok, I obviously have to repeat what i said | 12:41 |
shiester_miester | I was playing the game with absolutely no problem | 12:41 |
RadicalME | on one line plz... | 12:41 |
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shiester_miester | ok | 12:41 |
someone-- | gnomefreak i installed the driver for the nvidia card and now when i start the X i come to login user the password and then nothing any suggestion? | 12:41 |
KaRnOnAs | try this compiz --replace -c emerald | 12:41 |
Don9307 | HAL9000: Good morning, Dave | 12:41 |
Frogzoo | !appdb | shiester_miester read appdb, get back to us | 12:41 |
ubotu | shiester_miester read appdb, get back to us: Appdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org | 12:41 |
gnomefreak | someone--: do you get the nvidia splash screen before the login screen | 12:42 |
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=== shiester_miester ignores that | ||
someone-- | no | 12:42 |
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bobsomebody | Don9307, hehe thats my startup sound, | 12:42 |
big_bang14 | KaRnOnAs: the commands no good, i tried it in the terminal | 12:42 |
gnomefreak | someone--: are you using ubuntu's nvidia drivers? | 12:42 |
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someone-- | no i downloaded them from their site | 12:42 |
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big_bang14 | KaRnOnAs: it should work though shouldnt it? | 12:42 |
KaRnOnAs | u are running compiz and beryl right? | 12:42 |
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=== Theimon [n=theimon@cp353526-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
big_bang14 | compiz fusion | 12:43 |
bobsomebody | someone--, use the ubuntu drivers see if that helps? | 12:43 |
gnomefreak | someone--: than we can not help you here please try either #nvidia or #ubuntu-effects | 12:43 |
KaRnOnAs | err compiz and ermerald | 12:43 |
big_bang14 | aye | 12:43 |
someone-- | it doesn-t | 12:43 |
someone-- | i tried | 12:43 |
bobsomebody | hrm... | 12:43 |
=== slytherin [n=Salazar@pdpc/supporter/base/slytherin] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | someone--: we are unable to support thier drivers | 12:43 |
Don9307 | their | 12:43 |
shiester_miester | various times, I have minimised the window so that I can use various other programs. this had no problems. the window icon in the taskbar disappears and theres a little black box with the diablo 2 logo floating in it. double clicking on this brings the window back into fullscreen. however, i did this all again just now, the little icon disappeared but the window didn't appear. how can I force it to? the game is still running | 12:43 |
shiester_miester | since I can hear it | 12:43 |
bobsomebody | heigh spellchekur! | 12:43 |
shiester_miester | as I said, its not a wine problem, i believe it to be a problem with the window manager | 12:44 |
Frogzoo | shiester_miester: alt tab? | 12:44 |
shiester_miester | nope, its not there | 12:44 |
KaRnOnAs | is it compiz or compiz fusion? | 12:44 |
Don9307 | The only wine problem I have is I drink too much of it. | 12:44 |
master_ | exit | 12:44 |
shiester_miester | its also not there when its been switched away from either, so this is normal | 12:44 |
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Slart | someone--: check this utility.. it might help http://john.fremlin.de/programs/linux/read-edid/ | 12:44 |
big_bang14 | compiz fusion with emerald (or at least trying to use emerald) | 12:44 |
intelikey | spam http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/39058 | 12:44 |
KaRnOnAs | ok | 12:44 |
KaRnOnAs | try this compiz --replace -c emerald | 12:44 |
KaRnOnAs | that should do it | 12:44 |
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KaRnOnAs | did u make an XGL session | 12:45 |
Frogzoo | shiester_miester: why not reboot wine? | 12:45 |
big_bang14 | in the start up? | 12:45 |
KaRnOnAs | or are u using aiglx? | 12:45 |
shiester_miester | Frogzoo, because that will stop the game from running, which I don't want to do | 12:45 |
=== sp3ttr0 [n=sp3ttr0@host42-118-dynamic.6-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KaRnOnAs | nvidia or ati? | 12:45 |
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=== Montana [n=steven@j187138.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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shiester_miester | because I'm a bit worried that I might lose my progress | 12:45 |
bobsomebody | shiester_miester, um.... save? | 12:45 |
shiester_miester | bobsomebody, I'd love to, if i could just restore the game to the screen | 12:46 |
shiester_miester | also, you can't 'save' diablo 2 | 12:46 |
=== schiffkoch [n=heiko@p5B177C9F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Don9307 | Is schiffkock a clingon? | 12:46 |
TuTUX | ctrl+tab? | 12:46 |
shiester_miester | the only option in the menu is "save and exit" | 12:46 |
shiester_miester | TuTUX, no luck | 12:46 |
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shiester_miester | i mean, the only option in the menu when the game is running...i obviously can't access that option at the moment :P | 12:46 |
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big_bang14 | give me this:/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Warn: Unknown option '-c' | 12:47 |
bobsomebody | maybe you could shut down just that display but leave wine and the prog running? | 12:47 |
bobsomebody | did you check top list to see whats there? | 12:47 |
shiester_miester | I'm guessing there is some kind of console command to give a certain application focus in the window manager or something | 12:47 |
shiester_miester | bobsomebody, yeah, wine is running in the list and I can hear the game's music | 12:47 |
KaRnOnAs | run it from run ionstead of terminal | 12:47 |
TuTUX | i guess so to | 12:47 |
big_bang14 | and then it just starts compiz as normal | 12:47 |
bobsomebody | you just cant see the window at all? | 12:48 |
shiester_miester | yep | 12:48 |
KaRnOnAs | without emerald? | 12:48 |
burepe | flemnos, I saw another one way back when but this looks like it will work. Thanks | 12:48 |
big_bang14 | yes | 12:48 |
shiester_miester | its a strange problem, isn't it | 12:48 |
bobsomebody | did you change desktops on accident? | 12:48 |
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big_bang14 | it uses compiz window decorator | 12:48 |
KaRnOnAs | join me in a private channel i thinmk we can get u working | 12:48 |
allbert | os[Linux 2.6.22-9-generic i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[1 x Pentium III (Coppermine) @ 798MHz] mem[Physical : 249MB, 64.3% free] disk[Total : 4.64GB, 23.90% Free] video[nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] ] sound[] | 12:48 |
shiester_miester | bobsomebody, I've checked all of them and there's nothing to be found | 12:48 |
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shiester_miester | the strange thing is I minimised and restored it several times with no problems | 12:48 |
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shiester_miester | and this time it removes the little box that I click to restore it, but doesn't show any window | 12:49 |
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big_bang14 | how do i do that | 12:49 |
TuTUX | shiester_miester: delet the applet for window list from panel and add it again | 12:49 |
=== Montana is now known as Montana` | ||
nalpha | anyone know's how to install PHP?? I'm already running sudo apt-get install php5 but, I still can't process php file.? how to integrated it with the browser mozzila firefox? thanx | 12:49 |
bobsomebody | but you can see the menu tile? | 12:49 |
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bobsomebody | try right clicking that? | 12:49 |
shiester_miester | TuTUX, good idea, I'll try that | 12:49 |
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Spoonah | Does anyone know if i can setup SSH port forwarding but restrict it too a particular PID (process id) ? | 12:50 |
big_bang14 | KaRnOnAs: how do i do that? | 12:50 |
K3nto | anybody available to help me with my bluetooth/phone file sharing? | 12:50 |
Spoonah | what part of the system do i need to hook into or proxy in order or restrict or change network access via PID ? | 12:50 |
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muszek | hi... any idea how to force the laptop to switch to wired connection when the cable is being plugged in? | 12:50 |
shiester_miester | TuTUX, nope, didn't change anything | 12:51 |
big_bang14 | how do i join a private chat? | 12:51 |
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TuTUX | shiester_miester: :( | 12:51 |
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shiester_miester | thanks for your help guys, I'll just kill it and restart, and hope that my data has recently been saved | 12:51 |
shiester_miester | its super annoying that you can't save without exiting in diablo 2 | 12:51 |
intelikey | big_bang14 /msg name | 12:51 |
=== Montana` is now known as Donmontana | ||
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shiester_miester | cos it has a "checkpoint" system, all it saves is your current inventory and what checkpoint/s you have reached. everything you have defeated comes back to life etc... | 12:52 |
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shiester_miester | anyway, this is OT, so I'll get back to the game. cyas | 12:52 |
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KaRnOnAs | hey big did u get it? | 12:53 |
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KaRnOnAs | look at your tabs | 12:53 |
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big_bang14 | no | 12:53 |
cyrenity | hey | 12:53 |
cyrenity | guys | 12:53 |
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KaRnOnAs | r u shure? | 12:54 |
big_bang14 | i double clicked your name but no luck | 12:54 |
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=== OM1136 is trying HARD to move from FC6 to Ubuntu, but sendmail has got me stopped: Can anyone help? | ||
KaRnOnAs | right click on my name | 12:54 |
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K3nto | when i try to connect to my phone via bluetoth i get the error "Can't get device information: Success" | 12:54 |
KaRnOnAs | and hit IM | 12:54 |
big_bang14 | thats what im doing | 12:55 |
big_bang14 | do i need to register or something | 12:55 |
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=== Alysum [n=steve@i05m-87-90-236-229.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Alysum | Hello is there a real player alternative for amd64 under linux ? | 12:55 |
slytherin | KaRnOnAs: Your nick has to be registered to be able to send private message | 12:55 |
KaRnOnAs | just go to the tab that it made | 12:55 |
KaRnOnAs | oh damn this is my diff comp | 12:55 |
=== _PP188 [n=pedro@201-42-168-169.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KaRnOnAs | thats why | 12:56 |
slytherin | big_bang14: ^^ | 12:56 |
KaRnOnAs | lol | 12:56 |
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KaRnOnAs | well u using xgl or aiglx? | 12:56 |
Arafangion | KaRnOnAs: May I recommend ssh + screen + irssi? | 12:56 |
Zombie | Any help fixing my Xorg Modelines? | 12:56 |
big_bang14 | i think im registerd | 12:56 |
slytherin | Zombie: What is problem? | 12:57 |
big_bang14 | how can i check? | 12:57 |
slytherin | big_bang14: he is not | 12:57 |
=== Spoonah [n=Spoonah@d220-238-219-124.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KaRnOnAs | do u use nvidia or ATI? | 12:57 |
jrib | Alysum: try mplayer with w64codecs from medibuntu | 12:57 |
Zombie | I'm wondering if the Xorg Intel Driver supports Meta Modes? | 12:57 |
big_bang14 | neither. its an onboard card | 12:57 |
slytherin | Zombie: Please explain in detail | 12:57 |
big_bang14 | i think | 12:57 |
KaRnOnAs | what is the card? | 12:57 |
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Zombie | Well, My Intel i945 ios functioning correctly. | 12:58 |
=== jyujin [n=mdeining@p54A16BFE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arafangion | big_bang14: It could still be either of those two, or intel. | 12:58 |
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Zombie | But I want to use some bizzare resolutions. | 12:58 |
Spoonah | does anyone know how to SSH Port Forward based on PID ? If not, what do i need to hook into in order to forward the packets myself? | 12:58 |
=== SunWuKung [i=SunWuKun@S01060016cbc4c705.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KaRnOnAs | na intel will work no problem | 12:58 |
slytherin | Zombie: Like what? | 12:58 |
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Zombie | Like 300x200, 320x240, and 400x300 | 12:58 |
Arafangion | Zombie: Those aren't bizare resolutions. | 12:59 |
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slytherin | Arafangion: +1 | 12:59 |
Zombie | Well, nothing I've done so far has gotten Xorg to cooperate. | 12:59 |
KaRnOnAs | 1680x5 | 12:59 |
big_bang14 | checking... | 12:59 |
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=== Change-Me is now known as ChangeUNIX | ||
=== Crusher [n=You@ppp121-45-125-174.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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slytherin | Zombie: It will be good if you can tell what you are trying to do at once instead of 4-5 one line answers | 01:00 |
ChangeUNIX | hi | 01:00 |
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ChangeUNIX | wanna ask about iptables | 01:00 |
Myrtti | !ask | 01:00 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:00 |
KomiaPoika | how can "lock" packages from being overwritten by apt-get update? | 01:00 |
ChangeUNIX | where have to save the script | 01:00 |
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ChangeUNIX | anyone? | 01:01 |
slytherin | KomiaPoika: I don't know how to do it from command line. And 'update' only updates the listing not the packages. | 01:01 |
big_bang14 | cant find it in device manager | 01:01 |
=== mechdave [n=dave@ppp150-101-77-188.as0.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalpha | ChangeUNIX: save to a file? | 01:01 |
slytherin | ChangeUNIX: What script? | 01:01 |
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Zombie | Well, I have a LCD Flat panel that uses 1600x1580 resolution on an Nvidia Card in a Desktop Box. | 01:01 |
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ChangeUNIX | i write iptables script..but dunno where to save.. | 01:02 |
slytherin | Zombie: Have you calculated modelines? | 01:02 |
jrib | !iptables > ChangeUNIX (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:02 |
intelikey | http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/39059 | 01:02 |
=== Skiff [n=SkiffX@cpe-72-225-174-254.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KaRnOnAs | the chipset should me on the motherboard inside | 01:02 |
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slytherin | ChangeUNIX: If you want to set firewall in easy way, use Firestarter | 01:02 |
nalpha | ChangeUNIX: you can save it to a file | 01:02 |
Zombie | It doesn't support these resolution frequences they fall outside the monitors hsync and vsync, so instead you use metamodes. | 01:02 |
Sp00nah | anyone know how to Port Forward based on PID ? | 01:02 |
Zombie | slytherin: I don't know how | 01:02 |
=== g-Sofie] Lukemob is now known as Lukemob | ||
KaRnOnAs | but yea u may need to install drivers in order to get your 3d GL apps to work | 01:03 |
=== Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has left #ubuntu ["Coming] | ||
_PP188 | anybody know how do i convert a movie *.ogg to *.mpg ? | 01:03 |
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big_bang14 | well compiz does work | 01:03 |
TuTUX | _PP188: try mencode | 01:03 |
=== tezem [n=tezem@chello213047234226.tirol.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slytherin | Zombie: Check command gtf. Your panel manual should give you supported resolutions. Also you will need to install and use xorg intel driver instead of i810. | 01:03 |
_PP188 | TuTUX: how? | 01:03 |
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big_bang14 | i can start them via command line | 01:04 |
SlimeyPete | _PP188: check out transcode, ffmpeg and mencoder. One of them should be able to do it, I'd've thought. | 01:04 |
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=== Beno [n=daniel@CPE-121-208-164-164.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TuTUX | _PP188: sudo aptitude install mencode | 01:04 |
Zombie | Thats what I use, the 'intel' driver. | 01:04 |
slytherin | _PP188: various options are there. You can use mencoder, ffmped or gstreamer pipelines. | 01:04 |
KaRnOnAs | compiz --replace -c emerald | 01:04 |
Zombie | But this is= a laptop. | 01:04 |
=== Beno is now known as Dano | ||
big_bang14 | if i run the command you gave me in the terminal, then close the terminal and run emerald --replace emerald works | 01:04 |
KaRnOnAs | im telling ya thats the command to get it working | 01:04 |
KaRnOnAs | so check and see if emerald was installed correctly | 01:04 |
_PP188 | slytherin: how with mencoder? | 01:05 |
slytherin | Zombie: Then you will need to add proper modelines to xorg.conf. These can be calculated with command gtf. | 01:05 |
Zombie | I can make it do 1200x800, 1024x768 , 800x600, and 640x480 | 01:05 |
slytherin | _PP188: Exact options I don't know. Why do you want to convert? Writing to CD? | 01:05 |
_PP188 | slytherin: upload to youtube | 01:05 |
slytherin | _PP188: ahh | 01:06 |
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slytherin | _PP188: Check mencoder man page | 01:06 |
_PP188 | slytherin: ok.. thanks | 01:06 |
lxx | Heeeey! Help me plz with Ubuntu 7.04 installation........ | 01:06 |
TuTUX | _PP188: or use ffmpeg check here: http://howto-pages.org/ffmpeg/ | 01:07 |
=== xRaich[o] 2x [n=raichoo@i5387D6E6.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K3nto | when i try to connect to my phone via bluetoth i get the error "Can't get device information: Success" | 01:07 |
big_bang14 | everything els on my board seems to be intel so im guessing its an intel | 01:08 |
slytherin | K3nto: How are you trying to connect? | 01:08 |
_PP188 | TuTUX: ok thanks i'm going to check | 01:08 |
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cyrenity | hey | 01:08 |
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slytherin | !hi | 01:09 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 01:09 |
TuTUX | !no | 01:09 |
ubotu | Hvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk! | 01:09 |
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TuTUX | !zh | 01:09 |
ubotu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 01:09 |
TuTUX | !jp | 01:10 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-jp #kubuntu-jp | 01:10 |
lxx | I have some error like "cannot copy file"..... I tried to install it from 3 disks and always got this error.... Help....... | 01:10 |
slytherin | TuTUX: Please stop abusing the bot | 01:10 |
TuTUX | sorry.. | 01:10 |
TuTUX | you started it | 01:10 |
slytherin | lxx: Is it a Desktop CD ot Alternate CD? | 01:10 |
big_bang14 | !it | 01:10 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 01:11 |
TuTUX | !botsnack | 01:11 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 01:11 |
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slytherin | TuTUX: that is because cyrenity said, 'Hey' | 01:11 |
lxx | slytherin, Desktop | 01:11 |
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slytherin | lxx: Sorry. Never used it. Can't yelp you | 01:11 |
slytherin | K3nto: You didn't answer my question | 01:11 |
big_bang14 | !eo | 01:13 |
ubotu | Iru al #ubuntu-eo, Bonvole. | 01:13 |
=== Biohazard_ [i=mahdi@blfd-4db51ca8.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
big_bang14 | !lol | 01:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:13 |
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=== Alysum [n=steve@i05m-87-90-236-229.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TuTUX | lol | 01:13 |
Alysum | which player is recommended for .ram please ? | 01:13 |
TuTUX | mplayer | 01:13 |
big_bang14 | !.ram | 01:13 |
ubotu | A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html | 01:13 |
=== Biohazard_ is now known as Biohazard | ||
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@unaffiliated/bassetts] has joined #ubuntu | ||
big_bang14 | !mplayer | 01:14 |
ubotu | mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs | 01:14 |
=== Bulli_ [n=janis@dynadsl-080-228-201-164.ewetel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Alysum | is that the movie player or rhythm music player ? | 01:14 |
jrib | Alysum: neither, it's "mplayer" | 01:14 |
TuTUX | Alysum: just sudo aptitude install mplayer | 01:14 |
slytherin | Alysum: Only way to play .ram files is add commercial repository and install real player | 01:15 |
jrib | he's on amd64 | 01:15 |
TuTUX | i can play ram with mplayer | 01:15 |
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TuTUX | but again that may not apply with all ram files | 01:15 |
Alysum | yeah real player does not work with amd64 | 01:16 |
richardjc | how do i get an application to run at starup, say beryl for instance? | 01:16 |
jrib | !startup > richardjc (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:16 |
big_bang14 | i have added some programs to my sessions start up but they dont start | 01:16 |
Alysum | Im trying out the mplayer with w64codecs | 01:16 |
=== oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
afaik | hey... my laptop never comes out of sleep mode | 01:16 |
afaik | why? | 01:16 |
lxx | Did anybody here used Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop (form shipit.ubuntu.org)? | 01:16 |
slytherin | richardjc: System->Preferences->Session, startup programs | 01:16 |
jrib | lxx: many people probably | 01:16 |
=== fabioBR [n=fabio@200-185-229-115.user.ajato.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
afaik | I mean, it lights up like it has come on, but it never "wakes up" | 01:16 |
richardjc | thanks dude | 01:16 |
jrib | big_bang14: what kind of programs? | 01:17 |
fabioBR | Hi, anyone was able to run pulseaudio as a system daemon and got flash working? | 01:17 |
MBR6669 | lxx, whats the issue ? | 01:17 |
big_bang14 | awn and emerald | 01:17 |
big_bang14 | i tried .gnomerc | 01:17 |
jrib | big_bang14: are they still there now when you go to system -> prefrences -> sessions? | 01:17 |
big_bang14 | yes | 01:17 |
slytherin | big_bang14: emerald is window manager. Why did you add it to startup? | 01:17 |
big_bang14 | emerald --replace. to get it running at startup? | 01:18 |
lxx | MBR6669, I can't install it to HD... I have some error like "cannot copy file"..... I tried to install it from 3 disks and always got this error.... | 01:18 |
=== yrlnry [n=mjd@grw272-5.seas.upenn.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TuTUX | Alysum: and you probley want to compile mplayer as 32bit | 01:18 |
Alysum | mplayer wont open the .ram | 01:18 |
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MBR6669 | lxx, more than likely your cdrom drive is detective then | 01:18 |
slytherin | big_bang14: Why not use the beryl-settings-manager to use emerald as window manager | 01:18 |
big_bang14 | im using compiz fusion | 01:19 |
=== inx-live [i=peter@d58-110-211-153.mas9.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Alysum | but Im running amd64 TuTUX | 01:19 |
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big_bang14 | the point is though, that it wont start programs that i add | 01:19 |
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slytherin | lxx: If you have broadband, afford to download another image and are currently on Windows then I would recommend CD image approach, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows | 01:20 |
TuTUX | Alysum: i know, but the codec for ram file is 32 bit so in order to use it you have to compile mplyer in 32 bit mode | 01:20 |
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Alysum | TuTUX: okay but how do I do that pls ? | 01:20 |
slytherin | big_bang14: Do you have any other examples? | 01:20 |
afaik | I mean, it lights up like it has come on, but it never "wakes up" | 01:20 |
big_bang14 | no, but i could try one | 01:20 |
slytherin | big_bang14: Try gaim or rhythmbox | 01:21 |
afaik | hey... my laptop never comes out of sleep mode.. the power light comes on, but it never "wakes up" and I have to do a hard rebot. Any ideas why? | 01:21 |
slytherin | !repeat | 01:21 |
ubotu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:21 |
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=== Kaplan_ [n=chaplan@87-196-100-27.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | Alysum: I thought w64codecs included the codecs for real media. What error are you getting? | 01:22 |
jscinoz_ | What is the fastest JVM to use under ubuntu? | 01:22 |
slytherin | jscinoz_: sun jvm 6 | 01:22 |
Alysum | jrib: mplayer just wont play the file, its a streaming radio .ram from BBC Radio | 01:22 |
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Alysum | I hit play nothing happens | 01:22 |
slytherin | jscinoz_: It id available in multiverse repository. | 01:22 |
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jrib | Alysum: do 'mplayer URL' in a terminal | 01:22 |
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jscinoz_ | slytherin. i was using sun-java-6 but i was getting horrible performance | 01:23 |
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slytherin | jscinoz_: Are you sure? I mean did you actually check java -version to see if you were using java 6 by default? | 01:23 |
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jscinoz_ | trying to play a Java game that uses JOGL for rendering, getting only 3FPS when in far more hardware intensive games i got 50fps+ | 01:23 |
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jscinoz_ | yeah, and all other JVM's had been uninstalled | 01:24 |
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burepe | where are the samba configuration files? | 01:24 |
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slytherin | jscinoz_: What is output of command - ls -l /etc/alternatives/java | 01:24 |
=== dystopianray [n=dystopia@203-213-54-54-syd-ts2-2600.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kaplan_ | i have a problem, when i conect my digital camera gthumb tryes to import the photos , but all i want is to mount the cam as a disk | 01:24 |
jscinoz_ | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 36 2007-08-16 22:35 /etc/alternatives/java -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java | 01:25 |
Kaplan_ | how can i do this? | 01:25 |
K3nto | slytherin: sorry i was afk, takin my nan to church | 01:25 |
jrib | Kaplan_: system -> preferences -> removable drives and media | 01:25 |
K3nto | slytherin: you still here? | 01:25 |
=== DennisG [n=Dennis@ip5652ade6.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DennisG | hi | 01:25 |
slytherin | Kaplan_: Probably your camera has two modes, USB and PTP, Switch to USB | 01:25 |
afaik | hey... my laptop never comes out of sleep mode.. the power light comes on, but it never "wakes up" and I have to do a hard rebot. Any ideas why? | 01:25 |
slytherin | K3nto: yup | 01:25 |
DennisG | h've got new moderboard and a new cpu. But my sound isnt working | 01:25 |
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K3nto | slytherin: yay! ok. im trying to connect via bluetooth | 01:26 |
slytherin | K3nto: How? | 01:26 |
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slytherin | K3nto: I mean using what? | 01:26 |
Kaplan_ | jrib: Thanks man, i didn't see that menu .... | 01:26 |
K3nto | slytherin: hcitool or something. hold on, i have a pastebin of my terminal | 01:26 |
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afaik | dude... it i awesome | 01:26 |
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afaik | bluetooth works for meh | 01:26 |
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K3nto | slytherin: http://pastebin.com/d7842d590 | 01:27 |
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morteza | 01:27 | |
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slytherin | K3nto: Using GNOME or KDE? | 01:27 |
K3nto | slytherin: gnome | 01:27 |
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slytherin | K3nto: And you wish to transfer files right? | 01:27 |
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K3nto | slytherin: corretomundo | 01:27 |
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slytherin | K3nto: You are using wrong option. Hidd is for HID profile not for ftp. I will give you instructions that will make your life easier. | 01:28 |
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slytherin | K3nto: Do you have bluez-gnome installed? | 01:28 |
Alysum | jrib: I get couldnt resolve name for AF_INET6 when I paste the URL to the .ram | 01:28 |
K3nto | slytherin: thank you so freakin much | 01:28 |
jscinoz_ | SLyherin, im going to give sun-java-5 a try | 01:28 |
K3nto | slytherin: ill check | 01:28 |
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senectus | guys I have a .tiff image that I can open on a MS machine but not under ubuntu.. any idea's why that might be? I've tried nearly every image app I can find (just not the "K" stuff) | 01:29 |
K3nto | slytherin: yep installed | 01:29 |
slytherin | jscinoz_: You didn't answer my last question. What is output of - ls -l /etc/alternatives/java | 01:29 |
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jscinoz_ | Slytherin, i did, scroll up | 01:29 |
slytherin | K3nto: Have you paired the device with PC? Initiate the pairing from device. | 01:29 |
K3nto | slytherin: k ill begin pairing | 01:30 |
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msjones | hi all | 01:30 |
slytherin | jscinoz_: Ahh. I don't know why you are having problem. I use eclipse with java 6 and never had any problem. | 01:30 |
slytherin | !hi > msjones | 01:30 |
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TuTUX | !hi | 01:31 |
jscinoz_ | hmm.. | 01:31 |
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jscinoz_ | ill give java-5 a try and see if the performance is any different | 01:31 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 01:31 |
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K3nto | slytherin: pairing complete | 01:31 |
lil-g-man | hey, it's me again today :) | 01:31 |
someone-- | can someone help me choose the right nvidia graphic card for ubuntu? | 01:31 |
lil-g-man | i finally got ubuntu on my hdd | 01:32 |
msjones | I have just purchsed a IPW3945 to replace the tacky Dell 1395 wireless card that is in my laptop, is this supported nativley with 7.04? or will i have to use ndiswrapper again? | 01:32 |
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lil-g-man | could someone tell me how to update nvidia drivers for my nvidia 8400? | 01:32 |
someone-- | can someone help me choose the right nvidia graphic card for ubuntu? | 01:32 |
Pici | msjones: I'm running the ipw3945 natively here. | 01:32 |
slytherin | K3nto: Install package gnome-vfs-obexftp. Logout and login again. Then type obex:// in nautilus' address bar. You should be able to explore your device through nautilus. | 01:32 |
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msjones | thanks :) | 01:32 |
richardjc | how do i set gDesklets to always be on top even if you press the 'show desktop' buton? | 01:33 |
slytherin | K3nto: I will be gone for half hour. Tell me if it works when I come back. | 01:33 |
TuTUX | msjones: how do u replace the wireless card on a laptop? | 01:33 |
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msjones | i have a dell 6400, the wireless module is located under my keyboard | 01:33 |
someone-- | omg | 01:33 |
someone-- | can someone help me choose the right nvidia graphic card for ubuntu? | 01:33 |
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K3nto | slytherin: will do | 01:34 |
msjones | on many current laptops the minipci wireless card can be accessed from the laptop base, usually in the memory hatch | 01:34 |
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TuTUX | someone: suggestion 1, dont use shard ram | 01:34 |
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senectus | guys I have a .tiff image that I can open on a MS machine but not under ubuntu.. any idea's why that might be? I've tried nearly every image app I can find (just not the "K" stuff) | 01:34 |
msjones | someone--> i use a GEFORCE 7100GS 128MB in my home pc | 01:34 |
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msjones | runs beryl and 3d effects flawlessly | 01:34 |
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someone-- | tutux i want just that it will work fine with beryl i wont plaz games | 01:34 |
gnomefreak | someone--: we can only support the drivers in ubuntu repos please see #ubuntu-effects for help with your issue | 01:35 |
TuTUX | someone: yes im talking about beryl/fusion here | 01:35 |
jrib | Alysum: I would asks someone with w32codecs and mplayer to see if that works for them. I think I remember some of the later real stuff wasn't playable | 01:35 |
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K3nto | !obex | 01:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about obex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:36 |
big_bang14 | now everything keeps not loading properly but gaim did start | 01:36 |
WeeJeWel | !gutsy | 01:36 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 01:36 |
knoppix0 | hi | 01:36 |
bandicoot | hihi | 01:36 |
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K3nto | anybody know how to use obex? | 01:37 |
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msjones | lunch time, thanks for the input pici :) | 01:37 |
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desktom | hey guys. I have a problem with my network. I have 2 interfaces eth0 & eth1. eth1 has no default gateway and eth0 does. When downloading from the internet, I see that the traffic goes through eth1... Which is weird... Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or how I can force it to go through eth0? | 01:38 |
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K3nto | !mobile | 01:39 |
ubotu | Learn more about Ubuntu Mobile at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded | 01:39 |
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symtab | desktom, probably eth1 is actually the network card that is connected to the internet | 01:40 |
koshari | obex is pretty streight forward | 01:40 |
desktom | symtab: they are both connected to the internet | 01:40 |
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kauer | desktom: paste the output from "route -n" to the pastebin... and also "ifconfig -a"... | 01:40 |
desktom | router ip: & though for eth1 ( there's no default gw set. For eth0 ( it is set at | 01:40 |
K3nto | koshari: ok, well basically, in obex:/// i can see my phone. what now? | 01:40 |
desktom | will do kauer | 01:41 |
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koshari | use the hcitool scan command | 01:41 |
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K3nto | koshari: now what | 01:42 |
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kauer | desktom: Can you, from some other node(s) on each connected network, ping BOTH interfaces? | 01:42 |
cyrenity | i want to to start dhcp on boot | 01:42 |
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koshari | did it see your BT device? | 01:42 |
cyrenity | should i add in rc.local | 01:42 |
cyrenity | or ? | 01:42 |
K3nto | koshari: yes | 01:42 |
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desktom | kayer, symtab http://pastebin.com/m46aa05cf | 01:42 |
koshari | so you wanna send a file to your BT device or from it? | 01:42 |
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K3nto | koshari: to the phone | 01:43 |
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koshari | have you got gnome desktop, ? | 01:43 |
suupaabaka | can anyone help me with partition troubles? | 01:43 |
kauer | koshari, cyrenity: Please preface each message with the nick of the other party, otherwise it gets too confusing in here (1111 participants!) | 01:43 |
K3nto | koshari: yeah | 01:43 |
chrilleh | How do I set the runlevel in Fiesty? | 01:43 |
afaik | bluetooth works for meh | 01:43 |
afaik | er | 01:43 |
koshari | ok k3 its easier to use the gui, | 01:43 |
afaik | hey... my laptop never comes out of sleep mode.. the power light comes on, but it never "wakes up" and I have to do a hard rebot. Any ideas why? | 01:43 |
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koshari | open nautilas and right click the file and send to .... | 01:44 |
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jrib | chrilleh: /etc/event.d/rc-default | 01:44 |
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koshari | k3 select push olex | 01:44 |
K3nto | koshari: ok | 01:44 |
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symtab | desktom, sorry, no idea | 01:45 |
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jrib | chrilleh: note that runlevels 2-5 are identical by default though | 01:45 |
desktom | symtab: thanks for looking :) | 01:45 |
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brad_ | Can someone tell me how to know which /dev/xxxx is your parallel port? | 01:45 |
chrilleh | jrib where in that file should I specify which runlevel i want? | 01:46 |
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K3nto | koshari: after i press send a tiny dialogue box comes up for a split second and then goes away | 01:46 |
MarkC | gdesklets doesn't start automatically everytime i restart my kde session, how do i enable this to restart every new session? | 01:47 |
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jrib | chrilleh: if you don't have a /etc/inittab then you change the "telinit 2" lines | 01:47 |
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koshari | k3 in the pop up in nautilas send to do you have a bluetooth push option as well as mail? | 01:47 |
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MarkC | in gnome, i can just open the sessions manager, and add gdesklets there... | 01:47 |
K3nto | koshari: yes | 01:47 |
desktom | kauer: have you been able to take a look at my pastebin? | 01:48 |
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koshari | kt that should do it. | 01:48 |
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K3nto | nothing coming onto my phone tho.. | 01:48 |
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koshari | KT did your phone come up in the pull down menu below the send to option? | 01:49 |
K3nto | koshari: yep | 01:49 |
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koshari | KT ie, send as = bluetoth olex push send to = your phone | 01:50 |
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kauer | desktom: As far as I can see, that looks normal as far as the routes go. You send everything for over eth0, you send everything for over eth1, and your default route to the Internet is via (you have a Telstra-supplied modem/router there, I guess). Is a path to the Internet too, or just another connected network? And (sorry) could you restate your actual problem please? | 01:50 |
koshari | KT and did you get a promt on your phone to accept the file | 01:50 |
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K3nto | koshari: i sent the file exactly like that, and no dialogue on the phone to accept the file | 01:50 |
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koshari | have yogot another BT device? | 01:51 |
desktom | kauer: indeed. The router has 2 ip's, and So is a valid gateway as well. The problem is that I want all internet related traffic to go through eth0 ( by using default gw | 01:51 |
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K3nto | koshari: omfg!!! its working lol | 01:52 |
desktom | kauer: but the problem is that downloads go through eth1.... which makes no sense to me | 01:52 |
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K3nto | koshari: i think the name was just too long | 01:52 |
koshari | k3 , happy to hear that. | 01:52 |
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K3nto | koshari: uh oh, it stopped at 65% | 01:52 |
kauer | desktom: Your router has two IP addresses on one interface, or two interfaces? And I assume a completely other interface that goes to the Internet...? | 01:53 |
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koshari | i cant see why it would stop at 65% transfered, have a play but i think you have the basics sorted. | 01:54 |
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desktom | kauer: the router is a simple router and is connected to a gbit switch. All networked computers are plugged in the gbit switch. The router has (i think) virtual ip addresses... | 01:54 |
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K3nto | koshari: damn. im trying to resend (icancelled when it stalled at 65%) but it says my phone cant receive anything. ill restart the phone i guess | 01:55 |
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pawan | hi | 01:55 |
koshari | K3 its possable the location on the receiving device may not have room for the file? | 01:55 |
pawan | how to install bin file | 01:55 |
desktom | kauer: so: 2 IP addresses on 1 interface | 01:55 |
K3nto | koshari: its a 1gig card | 01:55 |
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brad_ | Can someone tell me how to know which /dev/xxxx is your parallel port? | 01:56 |
K3nto | koshari: and almost empty. i hope not | 01:56 |
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koshari | k3 did you tell your phone to save the incoming streight to the card? | 01:56 |
Pici | pawan: chmod +x file.bin then sudo ./file.bin Remember to always check for the package in the repositories before installing. | 01:56 |
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desktom | kauer: and yes... it has a wan port for the dsl line for the internet | 01:56 |
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K3nto | koshari: not sure, actually | 01:56 |
K3nto | koshari: hope i can change that somewhere | 01:56 |
desktom | kauer: if you cannot see the problem, don't spend too much time on it... since it is working... just not like how I would like it to work ^_^ | 01:56 |
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koshari | i think i had to do that to my nokia 6331 but i cant check cos its away on warantee | 01:57 |
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K3nto | koshari: actually, theres pleny of room on the memory. 22mb and the pic is 350kb | 01:57 |
pawan | pawan@pawan-desktop:~/Desktop$ chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin | 01:57 |
pawan | pawan@pawan-desktop:~/Desktop$ | 01:57 |
ThatLazyGuy | Hi, i'm new to Xubuntu, i want to know how can i manage the startup programs in Xubuntu? | 01:57 |
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ThatLazyGuy | It starts beryl manager(which i dont use) and amarok on start up | 01:57 |
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koshari | k3 ok, well i dont know from here what else it could be? | 01:58 |
ThatLazyGuy | I want to disable them, and control what programs to start on startup | 01:58 |
kauer | desktom: How you get to the router is (almost) irrelevant, but from your description I would say that it is up to the router to decide how it gets packets to you. Is the router under your control? Does the router accept routing protocol information like RIP, RIP2 etc? | 01:58 |
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koshari | you can always try going the other way, | 01:58 |
pawan | how to install bin file | 01:58 |
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koshari | k3 to go from phone to linux open the >accesories>bluetooth server | 01:59 |
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K3nto | koshari: ok its receiving again | 01:59 |
K3nto | koshari: done! | 01:59 |
Pici | pawan: sudo ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin | 01:59 |
WeeJeWel | pawan: ./bla.bin | 01:59 |
desktom | kauer: yes, the router is under my control. I don't know if it accepts routing protocol information... I'm not familiar with that. It's my own home connection. | 01:59 |
jrib | pawan: you can install google earth with your favorite package manager if you enable the medibuntu repos | 01:59 |
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azhar | 0ch@n | 01:59 |
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kauer | desktom: What kind of router is it? Is it a Siemens SpeedStream 4200...? | 02:00 |
desktom | kauer: but what I thought was, that if eth0 is used to get to the internet, the router will automatically (NAT) go back to eth0 | 02:00 |
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desktom | kauer: it is a SpeedTouch 706 | 02:00 |
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koshari | k3 here BT just works, so glad you got it going | 02:00 |
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=== OM1136 is trying HARD to move from FC6 to Ubuntu, but sendmail has got me stopped: Can anyone help? | ||
=== kauer thinks... | ||
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aa^way | hey, im playing CS with wine but hm my monitor refresh rate is maximum 75 Hz, is there any hack i could use so i could tweak abit to 85 Hz or something. | 02:01 |
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K3nto | koshari: thank you very very much for your help | 02:01 |
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desktom | :) | 02:01 |
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=== desktom *pouts* | ||
Arafangion | aa^way: No point. | 02:01 |
godlygeek | Can anyone suggest a way for me to restrict access to proftpd to only allow localhost and one other specific domain? | 02:01 |
godlygeek | Or a general way to do that for any service? | 02:02 |
Arafangion | aa^way: What kind of monitor do you have? | 02:02 |
faileas | godlygeek: firewall settings? | 02:02 |
godlygeek | faileas: does ubuntu have a firewall by default? | 02:02 |
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aa^way | Arafangion im not sure, bottom it says "ViewSonic" and upper left it says VG500 | 02:02 |
godlygeek | faileas: i'm a long time ubuntu user, but kinda new to sysadmin'ing on it. :) | 02:02 |
desktom | kauer: i can only think of some weird thing in the router | 02:03 |
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jrib | !firewall > godlygeek (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:03 |
NiX2716Firefrog | soomone can help i am installed today on my ubuntu fluxbox i cant change the fonts i read the wiki of fluxbox and its just dont wanna work what else i can do for change the fonts? | 02:03 |
kauer | desktom: do you have any iptables wierdness going on? if it isn't all ACCEPT, paste the output from "sudo iptables -L -n" to the pastebin. | 02:03 |
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pa | hello! | 02:04 |
pa | any ubuntu package maintainer here? | 02:04 |
godlygeek | jrib: thanks. :) | 02:04 |
koshari | godlygeek, yes its called iptables | 02:04 |
faileas | godlygeek: iptables i think. there's a front end for it called, IIRC firestarter (never used it) or a way to set rules in command line http://www.cae.wisc.edu/site/public/?title=iptables-using#adding | 02:04 |
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desktom | kauer: http://pastebin.com/ma7ca7b0 | 02:04 |
desktom | kauer: I think i have found the problem | 02:04 |
jrib | pa: best to just assume there is and ask the question | 02:04 |
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pa | well | 02:04 |
kauer | desktom: Oh goody :-) Do tel... | 02:05 |
faileas | (remember to add a sudo in front of any command there godlygeek ) | 02:05 |
koshari | golygeek firestarter provides a gui to provide blacklist or whitelist | 02:05 |
pa | i finally recalled a very useful tool i used a couple of years ago. i'd like if it is packaged in ubuntu :) so i can search with apt-search next time :D | 02:05 |
desktom | kauer: In my router i can see the computers attached to the network | 02:05 |
pa | this is it: http://tumble.brouhaha.com/ | 02:05 |
desktom | kauer: the router discovers them, so you can use them in portforwarding rules | 02:05 |
kauer | desktom: yeeeees....? | 02:05 |
=== BT|away [n=BT@ppp59-167-1-184.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bullgard4 | "The 'Linux suspend' project stores userland parts needed for suspend-to-disk and suspend-to-RAM on Linux." What are 'userland parts'? | 02:06 |
bob-t-builder | anybody help me?? i'm sending emails via postfix on an ubuntu box with apache2, php5 and all my emails are coming from www-data@mydomain.com, what do i change to make it come from admin@mydomain.com??? | 02:06 |
kauer | desktom: yeeeees....? | 02:06 |
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jrib | !packaging > pa (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:06 |
desktom | kauer: the router says: server (ip MAC 00:01:29:82:62:30 | 02:06 |
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desktom | kauer: but that is not the mac of eth0... but of eth1 | 02:06 |
faileas | bullgard4: things that are not in kernel | 02:06 |
pa | thanks | 02:06 |
desktom | kauer: the ip though... is eth0 | 02:06 |
jrib | pa: you file a bug (see ubotu's link), but if you want it to get into gutsy the deadline is August 30th so it might not make it | 02:06 |
desktom | kauer: so I think traffic on the way back goes through eth1 | 02:06 |
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desktom | kauer: and on the way to the inet... through eth0 | 02:07 |
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bullgard4 | faileas: Thank you for explaining. | 02:07 |
kauer | desktom: Nice call. Did you swap the cables recently? You can probably clear the arp cache in the router.... | 02:07 |
desktom | kauer: which explains the iptraf -g output | 02:07 |
faileas | bullgard4: np, its a rather simplistic explaination though ;p | 02:07 |
desktom | kauer: i have been messing with ip's and interfaces a week ago or so... | 02:07 |
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pa | ok i try :D | 02:07 |
kauer | desktom: The router *should * have forgotten the arp entries, but if you are CERTAIN you have them the right way around, try zotting the arp cache... | 02:08 |
jrib | pa: you can try to package it yourself too and submit it for review | 02:08 |
desktom | kauer: I'll just delete the device... and reassign the ports and stuff... | 02:08 |
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kauer | desktom: Seem like overkill compared to just deleting the arp cache.... | 02:08 |
desktom | kauer: .... uh... how do i delete the cache? | 02:09 |
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desktom | :) | 02:09 |
=== desktom feels noobish * | ||
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SleepingSloth | can comeone tell me how to re-initiaise my soundcard without rebooting? | 02:11 |
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python1320 | reb00t :D | 02:12 |
pa | ok done :D | 02:12 |
pa | thanks again | 02:12 |
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desktom | *ping* | 02:15 |
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python1320 | **pong** | 02:15 |
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faileas | ***BOOM*** | 02:15 |
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python1320 | ****wutwutwut**** | 02:15 |
desktom | lol | 02:15 |
intelikey | dapper cli user here, i have no sound. http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/39061 <the onboard device | 02:15 |
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brutopia | *****fapfapfap***** | 02:16 |
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slytherin | K3nto: ping | 02:16 |
Pici | !offtopic | 02:16 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:16 |
intelikey | output of lsmod http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/39062 | 02:16 |
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intelikey | the volume is up, not muted, what have i missed ? | 02:17 |
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Pici | intelikey: Have you checked your levels in alsamixer? | 02:17 |
NiX2716Firefrog | soomone can help i am installed today on my ubuntu fluxbox i cant change the fonts i read the wiki of fluxbox and its just dont wanna work what else i can do for change the fonts | 02:17 |
NiX2716Firefrog | ? | 02:18 |
intelikey | alsa-utils is not installed but aumix is and like i said the volume is up and it's not muted Pici | 02:18 |
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kauer | desktom: Sorry, sick child.... um, dunno, but the router probably has such an item. Actually, resetting the router (power off, power on) should do the trick, worst case.... | 02:19 |
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illriginal | Hey guys, I'm using Audicity to modify mp3s and make them into ring tones, but audicity needs a file: libmp3lame.so and i can't find this file on synaptic | 02:19 |
desktom | kauer: Thanks for your time :) | 02:19 |
kauer | desktom: Let us know how it turns out... | 02:19 |
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desktom | kauer: and good luck with your sick child! | 02:19 |
kauer | desktom: She'll survicve :-) | 02:20 |
desktom | kauer: my router needs a smack in the head I guess :) | 02:20 |
kauer | desktom: survive | 02:20 |
desktom | :) | 02:20 |
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intelikey | Pici anyother thoughts ? | 02:20 |
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illriginal | Hey guys, I'm using Audicity to modify mp3s and make them into ring tones, but audicity needs a file: libmp3lame.so and i can't find this file on synaptic | 02:21 |
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kauer | illriginal: try installing lame... sudo apt-get install lame (?) Or use synaptic and search for lame... | 02:22 |
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intelikey | Pici wait. i have sound but it's almost undetectable with pcm and master at 100% | 02:23 |
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`Matir | Can anyone tell me what determines what time cron.daily is run when anacron is installed? I've tried editing the system-wide crontab, but I still end up with logwatch running at 7:35 AM local time. | 02:23 |
intelikey | well all settings at 100% | 02:23 |
intelikey | what kinda deal is this ? | 02:23 |
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stickto | hi, who can tell me how to calculate some simple formula in command line | 02:24 |
stickto | for example, 5*5 | 02:24 |
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tck | is there a reason why the gnome-control-center is not listed in the menus anymore ? | 02:24 |
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illriginal | thank you kauer!! | 02:24 |
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intelikey | stickto echo $((5*5)) | 02:24 |
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slytherin | tck: Some problem with it's backend library. | 02:25 |
CokeNCode | hey guys, quick question ... how do i access my .trash folder through the command prompt | 02:25 |
CokeNCode | where the heck is that darn thing located | 02:25 |
intelikey | stickto might need to quote it. | 02:25 |
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Lo_Pan | cd ~/.Trash | 02:25 |
slytherin | CokeNCode: ls ~/.Trash/ | 02:25 |
tck | slytherin, ok | 02:25 |
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intelikey | stickto echo "$(( 5 * 5 ))" | 02:25 |
Lo_Pan | a | 02:25 |
Lo_Pan | woops | 02:25 |
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intelikey | stickto single quotes wont work. | 02:26 |
stickto | intelikey: doesn't work | 02:26 |
kauer | illriginal: so - did it work? | 02:26 |
illriginal | ack! kauer where do I find the file lame, that i just downloaded?... | 02:26 |
illriginal | well audicity is askin me to locate the lame file | 02:26 |
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intelikey | stickto what doesn't work about it ??? http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/39063 | 02:27 |
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tck | slytherin, still runs quite well when i invoke it a la cli | 02:27 |
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kauer | illriginal: it is almost certainly in /usr/lib | 02:27 |
slytherin | tck: I am not developer. I just told you what I have heard. :-) | 02:27 |
stickto | intelikey: perhaps because i use fish, not bash | 02:27 |
illriginal | ok gonna check kauer | 02:27 |
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tck | slytherin, ok | 02:27 |
CokeNCode | thanks guys | 02:27 |
CokeNCode | really appreciate it | 02:27 |
ThatLazyGuy | - | 02:28 |
ThatLazyGuy | Will emerald still works if i delete beryl manager? | 02:28 |
intelikey | yeah that's shell grammer if you want something shell independant use "bc" stickto | 02:28 |
arang2 | guys i have a problem i dont get the "request timed out" message from the ping command in ubuntu under any case, any ways to fix this? | 02:28 |
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clio182 | New to ubuntu, is there a default dvd writer program with the distribution? | 02:28 |
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slytherin | clio182: What type of DVD? Data or Video? | 02:28 |
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clio182 | something like k3b | 02:29 |
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clio182 | on kde that I use before | 02:29 |
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slytherin | clio182: I asked What type of DVD you want to write | 02:29 |
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clio182 | oh dual layer 4.8 or 8gb | 02:29 |
slytherin | clio182: No. Not that. Data DVD or Video DVD? | 02:29 |
clio182 | data dvd sorry or both | 02:30 |
orudie_ | does ubuntu feisty comes with preinstalled wine? | 02:30 |
clio182 | mainly data | 02:30 |
illriginal | kauer, nope... not in there. | 02:30 |
wanger | arang2: don't quite understand what your problem is, is ping not functioning as it should? | 02:30 |
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RamiLeija | kh | 02:30 |
intelikey | so why is the sound so quiet i can't hear it above my own heart beat ? | 02:30 |
slytherin | clio182: If you want something like k2b then install gnomebaker. | 02:31 |
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slytherin | clio182: But if you want simple use then nautilus' inbuilt CD/DVD creator should work for you. Of course both only work for data DVD | 02:31 |
clio182 | do I do an apt-get? | 02:31 |
arang2 | wanger, under a certain case when ping should report "request timed out", ping command shows no message, but in a windows XP station i ping the same thing and i get it, in some way i know both are registering the packet loss only that in ubuntu i dont get the request timed out message and only way to know is to check the icmp sequencing | 02:31 |
kauer | illriginal: dunno :-( Use Synaptic and search for "lame", perhaps it is in a different package to the lame program (seems odd thought) Wait, I'll go look... | 02:32 |
slytherin | clio182: Yes. | 02:32 |
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clio182 | is nautilus already with the distri? | 02:32 |
arang2 | wanger, so i wanna know if there's a command or some way to make ubuntu ping to show "request timed out" when there's a packet loss instead of saying nothing | 02:32 |
slytherin | clio182: Yes, nautilus is your file explorer. | 02:32 |
clio182 | I C. thanks | 02:32 |
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beanz | What is rotating my logs in /var/log/mail? There is no config for this in logrotate. | 02:32 |
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slytherin | illriginal: Problem is that Synaptic is using an old name for .so file. You will need to create a symbolic link. | 02:33 |
wanger | arang2: ah ok, the ubuntu one does't time out until you tell it to, just press ctrl+c to stop it if it clearly isn't working | 02:33 |
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slytherin | clio182: if you open home folder, User menu Go -> CD/DVD creator | 02:33 |
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clio182 | will nautilus create .iso dvd? | 02:33 |
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clio182 | I have just seen that option. | 02:33 |
kauer | illriginal: sorry, it's the "liblame0" package you need to install. I suggest uninstalling the lame package you just installed, then installing liblame (unless you want the lame converter for other reasons) | 02:34 |
arang2 | wanger, i dont want to stop the ping i just want it to show request timed out when a packet never reaches its final destination, but subsequent pings do so | 02:34 |
slytherin | clio182: You mean just create .iso instead of writing to DVD directly? yes. | 02:34 |
illriginal | kauer and for some reason, audicity still doesn't recognize the file | 02:34 |
arang2 | wanger, like the same behavior as a "windows XP" ping | 02:34 |
intelikey | i don't want to install alsa-utils just to rase the volume to a usable level, it will have to install python as a dependancy and i don't want that. | 02:34 |
clio182 | sometime, I have files I want to put on dvd. | 02:34 |
clio182 | But also I have .iso image that I need to put on dvd. | 02:34 |
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illriginal | kauer, this is the command I type, autoremove lame ? | 02:34 |
slytherin | clio182: you can right click .iso and select Write to Disc | 02:34 |
wanger | arang2: looking at "man ping" - the -w switch allows you to specify a time after which to time-out | 02:34 |
woop | question 1 of 2 (:P): i've got an intel 4965agn wifi card, and i had to install/configure it with ndiswrapper. it works now, but i have to execute 'modprobe ndiswrapper' after each boot _and_ re-enter SSID/WEP key/etc... how can i automate this? thanks | 02:35 |
intelikey | got no snakes on this box and i'd like to keep it that way. | 02:35 |
clio182 | I c. thanks again. How did you get my nickname on the line so quickly? | 02:35 |
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slytherin | illriginal: You didn't read my message. Youhave installed right package. Audacity is at fault. | 02:35 |
clio182 | I am new to irc | 02:35 |
jyf1987_ | have you ever make a mini ubuntu? | 02:35 |
arang2 | wanger: thanks i'll look into it, i thought it would be automatic though | 02:35 |
slytherin | clio182: Use Tab for autocompletion | 02:35 |
illriginal | slytherin... ill just install liblame0. | 02:35 |
kauer | illriginal: "sudo apt-get remove lame" (assuming "lame" was the package you just installed) then "sudo apt-get install liblame0" | 02:35 |
illriginal | ok | 02:35 |
clio182 | like this | 02:35 |
clio182 | I just put a tab after my line | 02:36 |
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kaotic | 02:36 | |
slytherin | clio182: No. Type s the press tab. | 02:36 |
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K3nto | slytherin: im back and i managed to send one jpg picture over | 02:36 |
wanger | arang2: maybe just alias ping - ping='ping -c 4 -W 10' | 02:36 |
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slytherin | K3nto: Cool | 02:36 |
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jyf1987_ | hey how to play a rmvb file ? i found my mplayer can not do that | 02:36 |
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K3nto | slytherin: but for somereason the other jpgs i send will transfer but the phone wont veiw them | 02:37 |
illriginal | kauer, no... that file doesn't work either. Audicity doesn't recognize the new files installed. | 02:37 |
clio182 | this seems a bit confusing, I type s then TAB I got a lot gabage | 02:37 |
arang2 | wanger: shouldnt ping know that there's a timed out when the next ping with the icmp seq succesor number arrives but not the previous before? | 02:37 |
slytherin | clio182: Probably because there are many nicknames around starting with s. | 02:37 |
slytherin | K3nto: I don't know what that problem is. | 02:38 |
illriginal | kauer, liblame0-dev ? | 02:38 |
clio182 | Arh I see slytherin | 02:38 |
K3nto | slytherin: yeah its probably just a phone thing | 02:38 |
clio182 | slytherin: I got it now. Thanks. | 02:38 |
kauer | slytherin: Why do you say he has installed the correct package? It wants the lame mp3 lib, which is in "liblame0". It does not appear to be in "lame"... Not attacking you, just want a more complete explanation of your assertion... | 02:38 |
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kauer | illriginal: no, "liblame0" | 02:38 |
slytherin | illriginal: Try this. 'sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so.0.0.0 /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so' | 02:38 |
clio182 | slytherin: I think k3b is quite good | 02:38 |
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wanger | arang2: i'm sorry i don't know that much about how ping works, the manual - man ping - should document it's behaviour | 02:39 |
slytherin | kauer: You are right. He needs liblame0. He has installed it now. :-) | 02:39 |
slytherin | clio182: Never used it. | 02:39 |
clio182 | Has anyone installed vmware workstation 5.5.3. I am having problems with ubuntu 7.04 | 02:39 |
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clio182 | But did not have the install problem with Mandriva | 02:39 |
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clio182 | I did a search on the net and followed some suggestions still got stuck. | 02:40 |
arang2 | wanger: man ping says that -W parameter is only needed in the absence of any response but default is 2 RTT | 02:40 |
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D0pamine | is there no way to get a nvidia 8800 working in ubuntu ? | 02:40 |
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vampyre_eyes | Hi guyes | 02:40 |
woop | D0pamine, try Envy | 02:40 |
slytherin | !nvidia > D0pamine | 02:40 |
clio182 | slytherin: there is k3b for Gnome but it did not complete the download | 02:40 |
slytherin | clio182: never heard that. | 02:40 |
clio182 | slytherin: but I will try the default writer program you suggested. | 02:40 |
D0pamine | envy an ubuntu script then o.0 | 02:41 |
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woop | yea pretty much | 02:41 |
woop | google for envy nvidia or something similar | 02:41 |
D0pamine | cool cool | 02:41 |
clio182 | I got vmplayer under applications, how do I get rid of it? | 02:41 |
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D0pamine | just apt-get install envy then ? | 02:41 |
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brutopia | !nvidia > brutopia | 02:41 |
clio182 | It is not even working. | 02:41 |
slytherin | !hi > vampyre_eyes | 02:41 |
woop | im not sure, i just googled it the other day for a .deb package. you can try it though | 02:41 |
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woop | if you just need x to start, you can edit the config to use the 'vesa' driver, also an easy google search ;) | 02:42 |
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aa^way | hey, im playing CS with wine but hm my monitor refresh rate is maximum 75 Hz, is there any hack i could use so i could tweak abit to 85 Hz or something. | 02:42 |
knoppix | !grub > knoppix | 02:42 |
SlimeyPete | envy is not in apt-get, D0pamine | 02:42 |
SlimeyPete | !envy | 02:42 |
ubotu | envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 02:42 |
D0pamine | ok , nice | 02:42 |
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D0pamine | dont really use ubuntu see , i'm a gentoo-ist | 02:42 |
illriginal | Audicity still doesn't work. | 02:42 |
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camlac | camlac | 02:42 |
illriginal | kauer, Audicity can't find the file lol | 02:43 |
clio182 | I got to this irc but there is ChanServ opened, what do I do with it? | 02:43 |
camlac | manado | 02:43 |
clio182 | anyone know? | 02:43 |
camlac | awo ne ngana | 02:43 |
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illriginal | wooooot | 02:43 |
slytherin | illriginal: Did you try the solution I told you? | 02:43 |
illriginal | Found it@ | 02:44 |
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illriginal | slytherin yeah... i had to search for it | 02:44 |
mik__ | hey, i'd like to know if someone is running ubuntu 7.04 64-bit with cups and wine installed and has a working printer connected (working printer in the terms of "printing out of a wine application, e.g. notepad) - please tell me you do, even if it's a lie :) | 02:44 |
illriginal | thank you kauer and slytherin ^^ | 02:44 |
kauer | illriginal: did YOU find the file, or did Audacity find the file? | 02:44 |
jrib | !id | camlac | 02:44 |
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ubotu | camlac: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 02:44 |
illriginal | I did kauer | 02:44 |
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wanger | arang2: i'm sorry i don't know how to help if ping isn't behaving as it should, i don't know enough about the program | 02:44 |
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kauer | illriginal: so did Audacity end up seeing it too or not? | 02:44 |
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arang2 | wanger: thanks for ur help anyways no problem | 02:45 |
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staing | hey | 02:45 |
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illriginal | kauer uhm.... Audacity asked for the file, so I had to search it in the "lib" folder, and the libmp3 file was in there | 02:45 |
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staing | anyone know how to sleep a machine by just shutting the lid | 02:45 |
K3nto | is there a pdf editor available for ubuntu? | 02:45 |
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slytherin | K3nto: You mean you want to edit PDF file? I don't think that is posible. | 02:46 |
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SlimeyPete | there's pdfedit | 02:46 |
SlimeyPete | 've never used it though | 02:46 |
K3nto | slytherin: hmmm. i just want to lay sometext on top of it. its a form i gotta fill out | 02:46 |
slytherin | staing: System->Preferences->Power Management. | 02:46 |
K3nto | !pdfedit | 02:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pdfedit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:46 |
slytherin | K3nto: No idea. | 02:46 |
jrib | K3nto: if you can't find another way, gimp can import them and then you can write on it | 02:47 |
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camlac | hallo | 02:47 |
slytherin | camlac: hi | 02:47 |
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staing | thank you slytherin | 02:47 |
slytherin | staing: Welcome. | 02:48 |
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lousygarua | hello, is there another place where cron stuff are run except /etc/cron.* and ~/crontab ? | 02:48 |
K3nto | jrib: i think theres some kind of font issue doing it that way. the text is jibberish | 02:48 |
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kaotic | lousygarua you could dump a script in that location to run applications anywhere else | 02:48 |
lnx | i have webcamera , how i can record movie ( not only picture with camorama ) ? | 02:49 |
staing | slytherin, I'm new to this all besides playing with it and trouble shooting with googles help, is there something that has help you better understand the system | 02:49 |
staing | a book? | 02:49 |
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jrib | K3nto: I've used it before, gimp just treats it as a background layer and then you create text layers on top | 02:49 |
jrib | lousygarua: why? | 02:49 |
slytherin | staing: I don't know about book. But you can use Help menu in System->Help and then http://help.ubuntu.com/community | 02:49 |
Mr_Bunny_ | I upgraded from an onboard ATI XPress 200 to a PCI-E NVidia GeForce 7600 GT, and now X won't start with a "(EE) No devices detected. Fatal server error: no screens found" | 02:49 |
K3nto | jrib: i see | 02:50 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | I've tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and setting it to use the nv driver, but that didn't fix it. | 02:50 |
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lousygarua | jrib: i once installed avgfree, and now i got rid of it but for some reason it keeps sending me mail regarding updates :) smt in /var/mail/username | 02:51 |
bullgard4 | I am using kernel 2.6.20-generic and ubuntu 7.04. Will in kernel 2.6.22 be available the DEB program package s2ram? | 02:51 |
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caitlin | hey guys. i'm on an adsl which is from a different provider than my account. I've got a colo in the right address space to use my providers news service, i want to proxy my news sessions through that colo and use a local news reader on my machine on the wrong ip range.... any suggestions. both ubuntu systems | 02:51 |
slytherin | bullgard4: what is s2ram? | 02:51 |
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jrib | lousygarua: did you try purging the package with 'sudo aptitude purge avgfree'? | 02:51 |
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bullgard4 | slytherin: I have written, what s2ram is: It is a DEB program package. | 02:52 |
lousygarua | kaotic: i once installed avgfree and now removed it but it keeps sending me 'mail' to /var/mail/$USER every day, and i haven't found any avg-related cron stuff in the mentioned folders | 02:52 |
Xyc0 | Im getting a funny error, Internal Error: Failed to initialize HAL, anyone know what that means? | 02:52 |
staing | trying to get espn flashplayer to work? can anyone help | 02:52 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: you're asking how to tunnel http traffic? | 02:52 |
staing | feisty fawn... | 02:53 |
slytherin | bullgard4: I am sure it won't go in kernel. And I don't know if it will be on Ubuntu's next version. Try searching at http://packages.ubuntu.com for version gutsy. | 02:53 |
caitlin | not http isnt it? port 119 nntp | 02:53 |
kaotic | hmm, let me google a bit just a sec | 02:53 |
Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: ssh is port 22, lemme google up the linux commands for tunneling over ssh | 02:53 |
Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: because in windows I'd just use putty | 02:53 |
caitlin | heh | 02:53 |
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caitlin | ssh -L 119:something:119 colo_host would seem to be the kind of thing | 02:54 |
caitlin | but it's not working for some reason | 02:54 |
fredl | anybody know why gaim-url-handler bombs out with an error message? | 02:54 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: looks like ssh -L localport:host:hostport user@ssh_server -N | 02:54 |
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caitlin | i dont really understand how it works that i'm not trying to access something ON my colo, but *through* it | 02:54 |
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SlimeyPete | caitlin: I don't think ssh will be ableto bind to port 119 unless you're running it usin root privelidges? | 02:55 |
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caitlin | yeh, it demands root do it | 02:55 |
kaotic | lousygarua I'm affaid you got me on that one I'm honestly not sure. | 02:55 |
caitlin | but will that forward it for my users too? | 02:55 |
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SlimeyPete | caitlin: yes | 02:55 |
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fredl | when I click on 'Send IM' in Yahoo, first time firefox asks me if I relly want to start up gaim-ulr-handler. If I say yes, nothing happens. I started FF from a terminal then I see that it throws a Python exception. It throws the same exception when I start it without arguments from the commandline | 02:56 |
kaotic | nothing left in teh crontab? | 02:56 |
fredl | there is no manual page for it in the Ubuntu package. | 02:56 |
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xuxa_ | In my default installation of Ubuntu Feisty (Japanese), the scrollbar and button select colors seem to be set to white. I can't tell how far along the Update Manager scrollbar is, or what I have selected to install in Synaptic, for example. Is there a way to change the color to something other than white? | 02:57 |
Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: so that would be ssh -L <some random number over 1024>: ... and I can't figure this out | 02:57 |
slytherin | fredl: From where did you get that gaim-url-handler? | 02:57 |
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jcha | guys, when i run minicom/gtkterm etc I notice that somthing is periodically sending spurious "AT" commands to my /dev/ttyS0, any ideas what could be causing this or how i could detect what process is doing it? | 02:57 |
fredl | slytherin - it's in the gaim package from the standard Ubuntu repo. | 02:57 |
lousygarua | kaotic: thanks anyway :) | 02:57 |
xuxa_ | jcha: I wonder if pstree would do it... | 02:57 |
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slytherin | xuxa_: Try changing theme from System->Preferences->Theme | 02:58 |
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lousygarua | jrib: it was installed with an external .deb so i don't find the package in my apt-cache, hmm | 02:58 |
kaotic | sorry I couldnt be of more help. | 02:58 |
xuxa_ | slytherin: will try that... thanks! | 02:58 |
slytherin | fredl: I don't see it. What version of gaim? | 02:58 |
bullgard4 | slytherin: Thank you for advising. Through your advise I habe found what I sought for. Please excuse me: s2ram is no DEB program package but rather a file contined in the Utils/uswsusp program package. | 02:59 |
jcha | xuxa_: cant seem to see any relevent options in the man page...? | 02:59 |
jrib | lousygarua: user crontabs are in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ , that's the only other place I can think of | 02:59 |
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kauer | caitlin: Assuming the news server is available on host "colo" on port 119 and your account on colo is "me", you could set up a tunnel to it thus: "sudo ssh -N -f -L 119:localhost:119 me@colo". Then point your nes client at localhost.... | 03:00 |
fredl | fredl@boson:~$ dpkg -l|grep gaim | 03:00 |
fredl | ii gaim 2.0.0+beta6-1ubuntu4 | 03:00 |
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xuxa_ | jcha: I'm sorry to say I'm not all that familiar with it myself... | 03:00 |
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jcha | xuxa_: snap! :( | 03:00 |
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xuxa_ | jcha: :) | 03:00 |
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clio182 | can someone tell me how to check firewall and ports in ubuntu? | 03:01 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: has your problem been solved or should I keep looking? | 03:01 |
lousygarua | jrib: ok, there's something avg related there, but it says DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall | 03:01 |
RadicalME | i wanna know that too.. | 03:01 |
jcha | guys, when i run minicom/gtkterm etc I notice that somthing is periodically sending spurious "AT" commands to my /dev/ttyS0, any ideas what could be causing this or how i could detect what process is doing it? | 03:01 |
jrib | lousygarua: what user? | 03:01 |
caitlin | it's not working | 03:02 |
K3nto | slytherin: can i transfer more than just images via bluetooth? | 03:02 |
lousygarua | jrib: it's for root, but i once played with my AVG and it got mad and started sending mail to my regular home user | 03:02 |
caitlin | the news server refuses the connection from my node | 03:02 |
slytherin | K3nto: I suppose you can. | 03:02 |
caitlin | so sayeth telnet anyway | 03:02 |
jrib | lousygarua: well, I'll just tell you: you need to use the "crontab -e" command to edit the file | 03:02 |
kauer | caitlin: If you don't need or want to use 119 locally (perhaps you have another news server locally) you could do it (without root!) on any other port - just substitute the appropriate port number for the first "119" in that command I just gave. Obviously you need tpo then point your news client at localhost:other_port as well.... | 03:02 |
slytherin | clio182: Install package firestarter. | 03:02 |
K3nto | slytherin: what kinds of things do you send? games, ringtones, etc.. | 03:02 |
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clio182 | slytherin: what is firestarter? | 03:02 |
caitlin | i'm playing with X11forwarding the the ssh config | 03:02 |
lousygarua | jrib: alright, done. i wonder if it works :) | 03:03 |
Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: ssh -D 9999 username@ip-address-of-ssh-server | 03:03 |
slytherin | clio182: It is GUI for managing firewall | 03:03 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: the 9999 can be anything over 1024 if you're running it in user mode, which would probably be best | 03:03 |
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clio182 | slytherin: there is no default GUI for firewall on ubuntu? | 03:03 |
kauer | caitlin: Log on to the remote host :colo" via ssh. Once there, try to connect to port 119 with telnet. If you are refused, then there is no news server running there (or it doesn't accept connections from localhost)... | 03:03 |
lousygarua | jrib: thanks - i think there's no avg-related stuff in any of my crons | 03:03 |
Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: oh. maybe I've misunderstood what you were looking for | 03:03 |
kauer | caitlin: X11 forwarding has nothing to do with this, unless I have totally misunderstood your question... | 03:04 |
slytherin | clio182: No. Because most of the time you don't need to manage it. :-) | 03:04 |
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slytherin | fredl: I have no idea how gaim-url-handler works | 03:05 |
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Pici | slytherin: clio182: Yes, there is a default gui for the firewall on ubuntu. | 03:05 |
fredl | well... | 03:05 |
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fredl | it doesn't :) | 03:05 |
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Pici | !firewall | clio182 slytherin | 03:05 |
ubotu | clio182 slytherin: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 03:05 |
=== Norrel [n=Happu@87-94-136-127.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kauer | does anyone else find these two lines amusing (just scrolled past in this forum):(23:04:53) MindOfChaos left the room (quit: "Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life."). Then: (23:04:54) fyrestrtr [n=burhan@pdpc/supporter/student/fyrestrtr] entered the room. :=) | 03:05 |
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jrib | lousygarua: yeah, root mail will get forward to your first user by default in ubuntu | 03:05 |
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kauer | caitlin: Ping? | 03:06 |
clio182 | slytherin: thanks. Just installed it. | 03:06 |
caitlin | the newsservice is NOT running on teh colo | 03:06 |
slytherin | Pici: firestarter is not installed by default. | 03:06 |
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caitlin | i'm trying to route traffic *through* the colo to an external service | 03:07 |
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RadicalME | is it possible to run a http server @ linux... if yes: how exactly? | 03:07 |
kauer | caitlin: ooooooohhhh! Well, that's OK - just start a second ssh tunnel wiythin the first. Doe that make sense or do you need help? | 03:07 |
clio182 | slytherin: I am trying to get my pocket pc to connect to evolution. how do I check ports are not blocked in firestarter? would you know? | 03:07 |
caitlin | erm... i may need help :/ | 03:07 |
Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: so you have the box you're on now, and your ISP for your other box has a new service you want to look at? | 03:08 |
slytherin | RadicalME: Install apache2 | 03:08 |
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RadicalME | got link? | 03:08 |
Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: wouldn't a socks5 proxy work for that? | 03:08 |
caitlin | Mr_Bunny_: yes | 03:08 |
RadicalME | or is it @ the synd. | 03:08 |
slytherin | clio182: I don't think that will need any port open. Do you know port number? | 03:08 |
Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: then ssh -D 9999 username@ip-address-of-ssh-server | 03:08 |
clio182 | slytherin: 5678, 5679, 990 | 03:08 |
caitlin | i originaly asked about proxy, i didn't think forwarding was the key, but i'm stuck on search terms, or ubuntu's proxy applications | 03:08 |
slytherin | RadicalME: Install using apt-get or synaptic | 03:08 |
Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: then set up firefox with the socks5 proxy localhost:9999 | 03:08 |
RadicalME | ok | 03:08 |
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caitlin | i dont user firefox as a newsreader | 03:09 |
slytherin | clio182: Open firestarter form System->Administration. Policy tab, add rule for ports you want. | 03:09 |
RadicalME | apache 2.. will it allow me to host a vB forum? | 03:09 |
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der0b | can xen be used on a single processor system to virtualize light duty linux hosts? | 03:09 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: oh. well hopefully whatever you use has socks5 support | 03:10 |
der0b | hosts = guests (technically) | 03:10 |
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slytherin | RadicalME: Forum based on what? I mean how do you plan to manager forum? | 03:10 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | caitlin: what are you using as a newsreader? | 03:10 |
caitlin | Pan | 03:10 |
RadicalME | umm the forum uses a MySQL database, with build in administration tools | 03:10 |
RadicalME | vBullitin | 03:10 |
staing | caitlin, pan is a newsreader | 03:11 |
slytherin | RadicalME: Have they any prerequisites for other softwares? | 03:11 |
RadicalME | dont think so | 03:11 |
clio182 | slytherin: so just add the port number in inbound rule? | 03:11 |
RadicalME | its just a php scripted forum | 03:11 |
slytherin | clio182: yup | 03:11 |
caitlin | staing: yes, this whole conversation has been regarding accessing a news service that only responds to certain connected ip ranges | 03:11 |
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staing | everyone: I'm a newbie sorry | 03:12 |
caitlin | i think i might just use google groups :P | 03:12 |
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clio182 | slytherin: can i put multi port numbers in the field? | 03:12 |
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slytherin | RadicalME: So you will need to install apache2, libapache2-mod-php5 and mysql I guess. This is as far as I can understand | 03:12 |
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RadicalME | ok | 03:12 |
RadicalME | ty very much | 03:13 |
slytherin | clio182: You can put a range I think. Or try comma separated port numbers | 03:13 |
Mr_Bunny_ | Pan doesn't seem to support socks. | 03:13 |
clio182 | slytherin: e.g. 5678-5679,990 | 03:13 |
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slytherin | clio182: Try it. I can't answer every question. :-) | 03:13 |
clio182 | slytherin: works for the first, not the second. | 03:14 |
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clio182 | slytherin: thanks agian. | 03:14 |
chimay | qualcuno parla italiano? | 03:14 |
zpertee | does anyone know of any easy to use, simple to configure, monitoring solutions. I just want to apt-get install and then make a few changes and then have a monitoring solution | 03:14 |
|kaffien| | if i were to install kde 3.92 how do i switch to it? | 03:14 |
index | How I can look al groups in System , and add me in all gruops ? | 03:14 |
RadicalME | slytherin: my http server wont be online if my pc aint on right? | 03:14 |
index | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 03:14 |
slytherin | RadicalME: Right. :-) | 03:14 |
index | it's ? | 03:15 |
chimay | Ho bisogno di aiuto ma non parlo inglese. Qualcuno pu aiutarmi? | 03:15 |
akujiki | hello is there some one who can tell me how to be in super admin mode | 03:15 |
kauer | caitlin: "ssh -N -f -L 119:real_news_server:119 me@colo" When you connect to 119 locally, the connection will be forwarded to port 119 on real_news_server *from colo*. | 03:15 |
RadicalME | slytherin: so apache2 includes a mysql database? or do i need to host it on another server? | 03:15 |
SlimeyPete | !sudo | akujiki | 03:15 |
ubotu | akujiki: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 03:15 |
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slytherin | RadicalME: You need to install mysql package. Same as apache2 is a package. | 03:16 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | I popped in my GeForce 7600 GT, and now X won't start with a "(EE) No devices detected. Fatal server error: no screens found" I've tried using dpkg-reconfigure to set the driver to nv, but that didn't seem to help. | 03:16 |
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RadicalME | slytherin: i just used a package for apache2, which was for mysql | 03:16 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | How can I get X to start again? | 03:16 |
RadicalME | slytherin: does that do the trick? | 03:16 |
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kaotic | so If I dual boot between windows and Ubuntu (on 2 seperate disks) and I want to dump windows completly, is there an easy way to do this? | 03:17 |
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Newbie | I have the opposite question: how do I get X to not load on startup? I already tried to disable GDM. | 03:17 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | Newbie: sudo apt-get install rcconf | 03:18 |
slytherin | RadicalME: Search mysql in package manager | 03:18 |
Mr_Bunny_ | Newbie: then run sudo rcconf and press space when gdm is highlighted. | 03:18 |
nane | como vim parar aqui :| | 03:18 |
kauer | caitlin: Ping? | 03:18 |
akujiki | heu i now sudo but i want to be super admin mod in graphic mod | 03:18 |
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Newbie | Mr_Bunny: excellent. thank you. | 03:19 |
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caitlin | this just doesn't work | 03:19 |
Pici | !gksudo | akujiki | 03:19 |
caitlin | which is weird | 03:19 |
ubotu | akujiki: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo <GUI-application> See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info | 03:19 |
caitlin | it works for other things | 03:19 |
nickthorley | hi all - has anyone had to prepare a nfs share that needs to be mounted on an apple mac - i have created the share and it can be mounted on other linux machines but not on a mac - anyone know why? | 03:19 |
|kaffien| | is there a channel for feisty? | 03:19 |
caitlin | the colo can deffo connect to the serviec | 03:20 |
Pici | |kaffien|: This channel. | 03:20 |
RadicalME | slytherin: Apache 2 module for MySQL authentication = installed | 03:20 |
caitlin | i'm tunnellingn through the colo | 03:20 |
RadicalME | mysql database client library = installed | 03:20 |
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RadicalME | mysql database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf) = installed | 03:20 |
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slytherin | Newbie: or you can go to System->Administration->Services and uncheck gdm. :-) | 03:20 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | slytherin: I admit it, I love the terminal! | 03:20 |
kauer | akujiki: CTL-ALT-F1, then log in, then "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop", then "sudo startx" Might work , haven't tried it :-) | 03:20 |
Newbie | testing now...I tried something about removing /etc/rc3.d/S13GDM, but that didn't fly. | 03:21 |
|kaffien| | how can i get kde4 to load ? | 03:21 |
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slytherin | Mr_Bunny_: And I try not to frighten new users. :-) | 03:21 |
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RadicalME | slytherin: Apache 2 module for MySQL authentication = installed | 03:21 |
RadicalME | mysql database client library = installed | 03:21 |
RadicalME | mysql database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf) = installed | 03:21 |
kauer | caitlin: In what way does it fail? | 03:21 |
Mr_Bunny_ | slytherin: :\ I suppose I should learn the GUI. | 03:21 |
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|kaffien| | logging out and choosing environment gives me kde 3.5.7 | 03:21 |
stdin | Newbie: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove | 03:21 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | so how about my driver trouble. anyone? | 03:22 |
slytherin | RadicalME: I can't help beyond a limit. Sorry. :-) | 03:22 |
kauer | caitlin: 1: Can you ssh to colo? 2: Can you, from colo, telnet to port 119 on the news server? | 03:22 |
caitlin | kauer: no connection | 03:22 |
RadicalME | ty anyways :D | 03:22 |
caitlin | kauer: yes, i can do those steps | 03:22 |
stdin | |kaffien|: see update-rc.d -f gdm remove | 03:22 |
FOAD | Hi all. | 03:22 |
Newbie | well...okay, now it starts correctly, but I can't potentially restart X with startx? | 03:22 |
stdin | |kaffien|: oops http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php | 03:22 |
kauer | caitlin: No connection reported by what? ssh or your news client? | 03:22 |
slytherin | RadicalME: Install libapache2-mod-php5 also | 03:22 |
caitlin | telnet | 03:23 |
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|kaffien| | thank you muchly | 03:23 |
RadicalME | i did that slyth | 03:23 |
caitlin | kauer: ssh -;h | 03:23 |
dreas | Hey, Ubuntu 7.04 doesn't see my dvdrom-drive. Can anyone help? | 03:23 |
caitlin | whoops | 03:23 |
slytherin | RadicalME: Ok. Then now you are on your own | 03:23 |
RadicalME | :) | 03:23 |
RadicalME | or i have to find someone else to help me :D | 03:23 |
kauer | caitlin: Tenet is pretending to be your news client, yes? So after setting up the tiunnel, you do "telnet localhost 119"? | 03:23 |
FOAD | After an (involuntary) reboot this morning, something is wrong with my fonts. I my (xft) emacs the default Monospace font is gone and I can't get it back, and it also seems to have disappeared from Firefox. Any ideas? | 03:23 |
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caitlin | kauer: ssh -N -f -L 7777:newsservice:119 colo followed by telnet localhost 777 | 03:23 |
caitlin | no response | 03:23 |
kaotic | I curently dual boot between windows and ubuntu on 2 seperate hard disks, I would like to completly dump windows, is there an easy way to do this? | 03:24 |
pawan | any new screensaver for ubuntu | 03:24 |
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Newbie | MrBunny: okay, it boots to the command prompt, but startx won't fire. Ideas? | 03:24 |
kauer | caitlin: And on colo, the news server is reachable via port 119? | 03:24 |
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caitlin | kauer: yes | 03:25 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | Newbie: Wait. You disabled GDM and now you want startx? Do you have another desktop environment? | 03:25 |
pawan | hello | 03:25 |
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kauer | caitlin: You wrote: "kauer: ssh -N -f -L 7777:newsservice:119 colo followed by telnet localhost 777" I reallu hope you mean "telnet localhost 7777"....! | 03:25 |
kaotic | Mr Bunny I dont think he wants to disable it, he just doesnt want it to start by default | 03:25 |
Newbie | MrBunny: I want it to boot to the command prompt, but I want the option to startx. | 03:25 |
Newbie | kaotic is correct. | 03:26 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | kaotic: Try getting GParted, deleting your Windows partition, then, if you want, making your Linux partition bigger. | 03:26 |
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kaotic | default to run level 3 should accomplish that no? | 03:26 |
caitlin | yes, sorry - 4 sevens | 03:26 |
kauer | caitlin: Is the tunnel still up? | 03:26 |
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kaotic | Mr_Bunny, thanks! | 03:26 |
caitlin | kauer: telnet: could not resolve localhost/7777: Name or service not known | 03:26 |
Mr_Bunny_ | Newbie: Startx should work. It may be that rc entry you deleted - have you moved that back? Have you tried sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start? | 03:26 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | kaotic: you're welcome. Link: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/ | 03:27 |
kauer | caitlin: try "telnet 7777" | 03:27 |
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Newbie | the rc entry was never actually there. lemme try the gdm start you reference. | 03:27 |
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Pici | pawan: These are the only packages I know of that have extra screensavers: xscreensaver-gl, xscreensaver-gl-extra, and xscreensaver-data-extra. | 03:27 |
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caitlin | kauer: you star | 03:28 |
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kauer | caitlin: Yet another problem turns out to be a DNS issue :-) | 03:28 |
guyvdb_ | what is a nice package to monitor cpu/load/ram and maybe threads/processes on an ubuntu server (SNMP) | 03:28 |
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kauer | caitlin: Now find out why your machine doesn't know about localhost..... | 03:28 |
caitlin | kauer: we should quit this stupid dns system and remember the numbers | 03:28 |
Newbie | MrBunny: seemed to work. do I really not want to disable GDM, and just set a different runlevel? that's it appeared to be the solution, but I couldn't figure out how to do that. | 03:28 |
=== adreqi [n=adreqi@lns-bzn-22-82-249-125-185.adsl.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
Mr_Bunny_ | guyvdb_: wouldn't top work, or do you want something else? | 03:29 |
kauer | caitlin: You probably modfied your /etc/hsost file at some point. Bad move. | 03:29 |
caitlin | yeh, madness... i think this laptop could use a rebuild, its been well fiddled with... thanks for your help. i was feeling so stupid and at least it IS a stupid problem | 03:29 |
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=== IndyGunFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mr_Bunny_ | Newbie: uhm. I'm not sure how to do that. If you want I can commence Googling. | 03:29 |
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guyvdb_ | Mr_Bunny_: hmm i don't think top... i want to see what my server did and 2-3 in the AM... unless top can record? Can it? | 03:30 |
=== RadicalME [n=chatzill@a82-93-38-164.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
kaotic | I'm not positivie but defaulting to run level 3 aut to do it | 03:30 |
RadicalME | umm slyth | 03:30 |
Newbie | I did the whole "STFI" thing and wound up with little but confusion. | 03:30 |
dreas | Hey, Ubuntu 7.04 doesn't see my dvdrom-drive. Can anyone help? | 03:30 |
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RadicalME | slytherin: how do i exactly start the http hoster? (apache2) | 03:30 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | guyvdb_: if there was a way to just get a snapshot of top, which there may be, you could use a cron job to write a log somewhere, would that work? | 03:31 |
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MTecknology | I'm trying to do rsync --progress -p /mnt/ubuntu /mnt/shared/Ubuntu_Backup/ from a live CD... why isn't this working? | 03:31 |
guyvdb_ | Mr_Bunny_ That would work -- is there a way to log a snapshot of it? | 03:31 |
kaotic | I beleive your default runlevle is defined in /etc/initab 3 being multiusermode without x windows | 03:31 |
MTecknology | It just says it's skipping the directory | 03:32 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | guyvdb_: I'm Googling as we type on that. | 03:32 |
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kauer | guyvdb_: top is just ps in disguise. Run ps with appropriate parameters (man ps) via cron and write the output to a file.... | 03:32 |
guyvdb_ | Mr_Bunny_ :) me too | 03:32 |
Newbie | kaotic: rebooting, i'll check that in a moment | 03:32 |
guyvdb_ | kauer: thx will do | 03:32 |
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kaotic | scratch that its for redhat | 03:32 |
kaotic | still looking one sec | 03:32 |
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nodesert | where is the localhost directory on linux | 03:33 |
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Legendario | hi | 03:34 |
taime1 | high | 03:34 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | guyvdb_: Looks like top -n 1 | 03:34 |
Legendario | does anyone use ipod with linux? | 03:34 |
IndyGunFreak | !ipod | 03:34 |
ubotu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 03:34 |
taime1 | sometimes | 03:34 |
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IndyGunFreak | Legendario, i do.. its pretty easy to setup | 03:34 |
Mr_Bunny_ | guyvdb_: So a cron job for that would be... I'm not sure: top -n 1 >> /var/log/mylogthing ? | 03:35 |
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taime1 | i just use it like a storage device and drag and drop stuff | 03:35 |
Pici | MTecknology: What filesystem are the two mount points? | 03:35 |
Mr_Bunny_ | guyvdb_: maybe: cat top -n 1 >> /var/log/mylogthing ? | 03:35 |
kauer | nodesert: Could you restate your question please? I don't understand what you want. | 03:35 |
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MTecknology | Pici: /mnt/ubuntu/ is ext3 /mnt/shared/ is fat32 | 03:35 |
pawan | hi | 03:36 |
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nodesert | when you put into a browser http://localhost where are those files in your directory structure? | 03:36 |
seth457 | hi everyone | 03:36 |
MTecknology | nodesert: /var/www | 03:36 |
=== OM1136 is trying HARD to move from FC6 to Ubuntu, but sendmail has got me stopped: Can anyone help? | ||
nodesert | thanks | 03:36 |
Newbie | kaotic: ideas? | 03:36 |
gordonjcp | !sendmail | OM1136 | 03:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sendmail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:36 |
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gordonjcp | hm :-/ | 03:36 |
Pici | MTecknology: You cant preserve permissions when copying to a fat32 partition,. | 03:36 |
RadicalME | how to start Apache2 http server @ ubuntu? help plz | 03:36 |
kauer | guyvdb_: try "man logger" | 03:36 |
Pici | !ask | OM1136 | 03:36 |
ubotu | OM1136: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:36 |
gordonjcp | OM1136: iirc Debianish distros use Exim | 03:36 |
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Newbie | kaotic: my inittab file shows "id:3:initdefault:" | 03:36 |
seth457 | does anyone know how I can install opengl in ubuntu so i can use gcc to compile? | 03:37 |
Pici | RadicalME: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start | 03:37 |
OM1136 | gordonjcp, will exim allow discarding ? | 03:37 |
MTecknology | Pici: will it at least preserv the mod? | 03:37 |
genii | RadicalME: sudo /init.d/etc/apache2 start or stop or restart | 03:37 |
Legendario | i use gtkpod but i can't place my podcasts on the podcast menu of the ipod | 03:37 |
Pici | MTecknology: mod? | 03:37 |
kaotic | looks like my idea was just shot down looks like ubuntu doesnt use the traditional runlevles not sure where to go next | 03:37 |
gordonjcp | OM1136: discarding what? | 03:37 |
Mr_Bunny_ | RadicalMe: If it's already installed try /etc/init.d/apache2 start | 03:37 |
MTecknology | Pici: I mean like 777 and 755 | 03:37 |
OM1136 | 03:37 | |
RadicalME | ty very much guys | 03:37 |
Legendario | does anyone know the solution for it? | 03:37 |
OM1136 | gordonjcp, email | 03:37 |
Mr_Bunny_ | RadicalMe: yeah. sudo. | 03:37 |
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Pici | MTecknology: No.. like I said, fat32 doesnt understand permissions. | 03:37 |
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gordonjcp | OM1136: you'll need to be a little more specific | 03:37 |
gsevil | as default, in recovery mode, ubuntu auto login as root, so funny, how can I make it require login? | 03:37 |
MTecknology | Pici: alrighty... could be worse i guess | 03:37 |
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MTecknology | Pici: thanks | 03:37 |
jrib | gsevil: why? | 03:37 |
kaotic | let me look around a bit more just a sec | 03:38 |
gordonjcp | OM1136: netcat -l 25 > /dev/null will discard mail without any administrative overhead ;-) | 03:38 |
OM1136 | gordonjcp, sendmail will dicard foolishness@mydomain.com rather than bounce it | 03:38 |
seth457 | probably not the right forum but, does anyone know how I can install opengl in ubuntu so i can use gcc to compile? | 03:38 |
Newbie | kaotic: no problems | 03:38 |
MTecknology | Pici: it's still not working w/o the -p in there | 03:38 |
gordonjcp | OM1136: oh, pretty much any mailserver will do that | 03:38 |
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gordonjcp | OM1136: depends on how you set it up | 03:38 |
Mr_Bunny_ | X is refusing to start up when I went from an ATI to Nvidia card, how can I get X to start? Using dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to have X use the nv driver doesn't seem to help. | 03:38 |
OM1136 | gordonjcp, i dont want it to bounce, the spammers USE that | 03:38 |
Pici | MTecknology: Do you have write permissions to that mountpoint as a user? | 03:39 |
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kaotic | lol yea with debian 2, 3, 4, and 5 area all Full multi-user with display manager | 03:39 |
jrib | MTecknology: having never used rsync, check that you don't need to tell it to be recursive like cp | 03:39 |
MTecknology | Pici: I was able to create a folder on one and delete files on another | 03:39 |
Pici | MTecknology: Okay | 03:39 |
OM1136 | gordonjcp, I have sendmail working, sends and receives mail, but it seems to be igmoring the access.db | 03:39 |
MTecknology | jrib: I'll try it | 03:39 |
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gordonjcp | OM1136: sendmail is rubbish, all the cool kids are using Exim these days | 03:39 |
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MTecknology | Pici: jrib: there we go, it does need -r, thanks :) | 03:40 |
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genii | Mr_Bunny_: A "safe" driver normally would be vesa. Then if that allows you to start X you can install the proper one for your card | 03:40 |
gsevil | jrib, at boot grub menu, you have option to run in recovery mode, it auto login as root, and you can do anything with root, without a passwords, how can I make ubuntu request login? | 03:40 |
OM1136 | gordonjcp, I know, but it's what I'm used to | 03:40 |
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OM1136 | gordonjcp, after i change the access do I just do a "make access.db"? | 03:40 |
MTecknology | it's too bad I can't rdp into my windows system from here and get some documentation done | 03:40 |
guyvdb_ | Mr_Bunny_ , kauer thanx.. i have been looking at top and ps and i think i can do it from that | 03:41 |
Mr_Bunny_ | genii: I tried vesa, but it gave me a "(WW) VESA: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:0) found" | 03:41 |
Pici | MTecknology: I was just going to suggest -r :) | 03:41 |
genii | Mr_Bunny_: Then it looks like the new card you put is not in the same physical location as the old card | 03:41 |
MTecknology | Pici: seems so obvioud now :P | 03:41 |
Mr_Bunny_ | genii: That is correct, my old card was an onboard ATI, my new one is a PCI-E. | 03:42 |
Pici | MTecknology: I thought it was recursive by default, I was just digging around in the manpage. | 03:42 |
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jrib | gsevil: yes, why do you want it to request a password? Anyone with physical access can do whatever they want anyway. If you set a root password, it will prompt for that password. But you can edit the grub menu too by pressing 'e' and then get to a shell with root permissions anyway. If you stop that, then you can put a live cd in your drive and do wahtever you want. So you set a bios password, then they can remove your hard drive and do whatever they wa | 03:42 |
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genii | afk work | 03:42 |
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gordonjcp | OM1136: I have no idea | 03:42 |
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gordonjcp | OM1136: I haven't used sendmail for over 10 years, and have (mercifully) forgotten everything I ever knew about it | 03:43 |
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Mr_Bunny_ | how can I find what address my PCI-express slot is at? | 03:43 |
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Pici | Mr_Bunny_: Its probably in lshw | 03:43 |
genii | back | 03:44 |
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seth457 | how about this one then: anyone know how to install svn 1.4.4 on ubuntu? | 03:44 |
genii | Mr_Bunny_: Normally one of the commands like lshw or lspci will show you the location of it on the bus | 03:44 |
Mr_Bunny_ | genii, Pici: So I reboot back into linux, run lshw, and tell dpkg-reconfigure whatever comes out as the address of the new card? | 03:44 |
OM1136 | gordonjcp, ok, thanks anyway | 03:45 |
genii | Mr_Bunny_: Basically, yes | 03:45 |
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fsckr | hey guys i have a problem with the font in my firefox. http://fsckr.net/images/ff.jpg I have no idea why its like this. I have tried to change the font in preferences but it doesn't help has anyone else had this type of problem? | 03:45 |
Mr_Bunny_ | genii, Pici: k, thanks. I'll reboot into linux now | 03:45 |
Pici | fsckr: That is odd. I dont think I've ever seen that before. | 03:46 |
fsckr | me either...i cant get rid of it | 03:46 |
fsckr | if tried deleting .mozilla as well | 03:46 |
fsckr | if = ive | 03:46 |
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genii | fsckr: Thats pretty funky | 03:47 |
fsckr | can't read it :) | 03:47 |
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Pici | fsckr: It does it on every website? | 03:47 |
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fsckr | yes | 03:48 |
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gcostello | fsck: have you switched between serif and sans-serif in ff prefs? | 03:48 |
sipior | fsckr: do you have a .fonts.conf in your home directory? | 03:48 |
fsckr | yes | 03:48 |
fsckr | maybe try deleting that | 03:48 |
sipior | fsckr: try (re)moving that and start again | 03:48 |
Legendario | does anyone use gtkpod? | 03:48 |
Pici | !anyone | Legendario | 03:49 |
ubotu | Legendario: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 03:49 |
fsckr | Sipior will do | 03:49 |
fsckr | sipior nope did nothing :_ | 03:49 |
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sipior | fsckr: you may have to restart X first | 03:49 |
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Legendario | sorry. I can't place my podcasts on the podcast menu of ipod. I use gtkpod | 03:49 |
fsckr | sipior alright ill give that a whirl brb | 03:50 |
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aoirthoir | anyone have any experience with installing Ubuntu server in VirtualBox? | 03:50 |
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Legendario | if anyone can help me, i will appreciate | 03:50 |
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kaotic | aoirthoir runes beautifly in virtualbox | 03:51 |
fsckr | sipior negative same thing :( | 03:51 |
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kaotic | Newbie, sorry I wasnt of much help I cant locate anything. | 03:51 |
sipior | fsckr: ah well. you've clearly got a font substitution problem here. when did it start? | 03:51 |
aoirthoir | kaotic, I'm going to do a complete reinstall then, because it keeps freezing at some point. | 03:51 |
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fsckr | Sipior yesterday | 03:51 |
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aoirthoir | the ubuntu-desktop version runs fine though. | 03:51 |
RadicalME | does apache2 have some interface where you can set the settings? | 03:51 |
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sipior | fsckr: and what did you change yesterday? | 03:52 |
fsckr | where are the fonts stored what dir? | 03:52 |
kaotic | aoirthoir, I was able to install it on the first try on both my laptop and my girlfriends laptop on the first attempt | 03:52 |
Pici | RadicalME: Not a graphical interface... | 03:52 |
=== simone [n=simone@ppp-8-50.32-151.iol.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
simone | ciao a tutti | 03:52 |
RadicalME | well its currently @ | 03:52 |
Pici | !it | simone | 03:52 |
ubotu | simone: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 03:52 |
simone | vorrei porgervi una domanda | 03:52 |
RadicalME | so its not on the internet.. how to set it | 03:52 |
sipior | fsckr: several places. .fonts, /usr/share/X11/fonts... | 03:52 |
fsckr | i didn't change anything i had a few updates..im using gutsy. I have also posted this in that channel | 03:52 |
Legendario | does anyone have a clue on how to do it? | 03:52 |
aoirthoir | kaotic, yeah it went real smooth for me also, then I did the port forwarding twice accidently..but that was before I tried installing the ubuntu-server in a virtual machine | 03:52 |
simone | mannaggia a miseria | 03:52 |
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aoirthoir | Legendario, sorry I dont. | 03:52 |
Pici | !it > simone (Please see the private messsage from ubotu) | 03:52 |
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skoenman | i need some help with software raid..... when i try and install everything goes well and then when it gets to grub install it says grub-install (hd01) failed | 03:53 |
Pici | RadicalME: edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf | 03:53 |
sipior | fsckr: well, if you had a few updates, you did change something then | 03:53 |
RadicalME | ty | 03:53 |
skoenman | im running 4 500gig hdds | 03:53 |
fsckr | yea but dont know what :) | 03:53 |
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aoirthoir | skoenman, im jealous. | 03:53 |
aoirthoir | :D | 03:53 |
sipior | fsckr: has anyone menti0ned this issue in the forums? | 03:53 |
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kaotic | I havnt messed with the server in Virtual Box but the desktop installed great | 03:53 |
fsckr | not that i have seen no sipior | 03:53 |
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skoenman | i need some help with software raid..... when i try and install everything goes well and then when it gets to grub install it says grub-install (hd01) failed | 03:54 |
skoenman | im running 4 500gig hdds | 03:54 |
aoirthoir | kaotic, ah..yeah the desktop seems no issue..its funny cause usually its the servers that install easily and the desktops that dont | 03:54 |
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Pici | !raid | skoenman | 03:54 |
ubotu | skoenman: Raid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 03:54 |
kaotic | lol | 03:55 |
sipior | fsckr: which packages did the installer update? | 03:55 |
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aoirthoir | well i am going to play around with the desktop version again..see if that works | 03:55 |
aoirthoir | with the port forwarding...if it does i will assume I didnt muck up my system too bad | 03:55 |
fsckr | quite honest with you I didn't even look....right now I am running a backup going to see what happens ;) | 03:55 |
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fsckr | sipior its back to normal now | 03:56 |
fsckr | ty for backups :) | 03:56 |
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btorio | hey i have an error message that i need some help on | 03:56 |
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btorio | i just installed ubuntu 7.04 | 03:57 |
sipior | fsckr: always a good idea :) when you figure out which package caused the problem, please consider filing a bug report. | 03:57 |
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skoenman | pici i did it like that everything seems fine just bombs out when it gets to grub loader??? | 03:57 |
fsckr | will do sipior thx | 03:57 |
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btorio | i attempted to install some software packages from the synaptic package manager, and during installation i get an error message that reads "E: amavisd-new: subprocess post-installation script returned exit status 1" | 03:58 |
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btorio | any ideas what that could mean? | 03:59 |
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Dusk_ | how can i make a tar.gz file with password protected??? | 03:59 |
judgen | is there any way of fixing the bug with using bt878 cards and fglrx at the same time? | 03:59 |
SlimeyPete | btorio: install via apt-get and look for other error messages above that one | 03:59 |
btorio | k | 03:59 |
SlimeyPete | there's often a more detailed one further up | 04:00 |
Pici | Dusk_: I dont think tar or gzip support passwords... I could be wrong though. | 04:00 |
SlimeyPete | (though sometimes there isn't) | 04:00 |
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gsevil | how can I set a password for recovery mode, in boot grub menu? It's auto login as root | 04:00 |
Dusk_ | Pici, can't i make any password protected archive file?? | 04:00 |
Dusk_ | Pici, zip or something else with a program? | 04:00 |
Mr_Bunny_ | Thanks, that worked. I have the official Nvidia drivers working now. The address of my PCI-E slot was 01:00:0. | 04:00 |
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sipior | gsevil: actually, i believe that simply setting the root password will prevent that | 04:01 |
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sipior | gsevil: ubuntu ships without one, so it does the autologin | 04:01 |
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Pici | Dusk_: You can create zip archives with the zip command. That supports password encryption. | 04:01 |
sipior | gsevil: but, practically speaking, there's not much point in doing so | 04:01 |
btorio | it appears to have installed Kubuntu-common and it's dependencies successfully despite that error message | 04:01 |
skoenman | Pici any ideas??? | 04:01 |
sipior | gsevil: unless you weld the CD drive door shut | 04:02 |
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Pici | skoenman: I'm really not familiar with raids, sorry :( Try asking the channel again. | 04:02 |
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skoenman | k | 04:02 |
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skoenman | guys triing to run raid 0 on 2 terabyte system but boot loader says it cant load ....any ideas??? | 04:03 |
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sipior | skoenman: 2TB raid 0? must be feeling lucky... | 04:03 |
thedash | anybody know how to change EasyTag's settings so it doesn't transliterate tags, it actually copies them from the filename ? | 04:03 |
skoenman | no | 04:03 |
skoenman | its not for me its for the ip systems that we install | 04:04 |
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skoenman | storage space | 04:04 |
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sipior | skoenman: either way, it's still funny :) | 04:04 |
seth457 | hello? | 04:04 |
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sipior | seth457: hello? hello? | 04:04 |
ortrud | hallo | 04:05 |
seth457 | :) | 04:05 |
aoirthoir | hi seth457 | 04:05 |
skoenman | yeah if you get it running | 04:05 |
ortrud | stefan | 04:05 |
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seth457 | anyone know if theres a package for 'svn' so i don't have to install from source? | 04:05 |
index | hi seth457 | 04:05 |
aoirthoir | seth457, yes I use it all the time | 04:05 |
sipior | skoenman: are you trying to boot off the raid, then? | 04:05 |
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sipior | skoenman: and do you require a driver to start the raid? | 04:05 |
aoirthoir | its probably apt-get install svn if you are on fiesty but let me check to be sure | 04:06 |
Dusk_ | Pici, i couldn't understand the usage of zip from the manual..can you give me an example if you know? | 04:06 |
seth457 | k | 04:06 |
icarus | hi, when I try to adjust time in Feisty all I get is a blank box :( Anyone know whats wrong? | 04:06 |
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sipior | actually, the package is just "subversion" | 04:06 |
skoenman | yeha | 04:06 |
aoirthoir | seth457, no its apt-get install subversion | 04:06 |
skoenman | no | 04:06 |
=== Wormy [n=nathan@r74-192-141-245.gtwncmta01.grtntx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Newbie | Bah! okay, I can't find it - how do I change the runlevel so that Ubuntu boots to a command prompt (but still lets me startx)? | 04:07 |
skoenman | im configuring raid from ubuntu setup | 04:07 |
seth457 | thanks man, that was so much easier | 04:07 |
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aoirthoir | seth457, no problem, im a big fan of SVN | 04:07 |
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seth457 | :) kinda need it for uni so... | 04:07 |
seth457 | any ideas on installing flash? | 04:07 |
sipior | skoenman: does it give an error when it fails to boot? | 04:07 |
aoirthoir | someoen else might, not me though. | 04:07 |
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skoenman | no it doesnt get past grub loader | 04:08 |
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seth457 | alrighty, anyone know how i can install flash in on ubuntu? | 04:08 |
skoenman | im gonna try making a partition for /boot | 04:08 |
Pici | Dusk_: zip filename.zip fileToBeIncluded AnotherFileToBeIncluded -e | 04:08 |
sipior | skoenman: with no error at all? it just hangs? | 04:08 |
Dusk_ | Pici, thanks so so much | 04:08 |
Pici | Dusk_: or zup filename.zip /home/user/folder -re | 04:08 |
Pici | Dusk_: s/zup/zip | 04:09 |
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skoenman | no it boots i go into setup setup the partitions and goes through setup till it gets to boot loader and then says grub loader failed | 04:09 |
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sipior | skoenman: it fails at installing the boot loader? | 04:10 |
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skoenman | yeah | 04:10 |
sipior | skoenman: a separate /boot partition would be an excellent idea in any event | 04:11 |
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skoenman | yeah im formatting 1.9terabyte part now and then installing should know if its gonna work in 10min | 04:11 |
Sivik | skoenman, 2 tb station? | 04:12 |
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skoenman | yeah | 04:12 |
skoenman | gonna be one bit partition | 04:12 |
Sivik | lol | 04:12 |
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skoenman | see the software we use can only record to one dir at the mo | 04:12 |
sipior | hopefully the files are big...or make plenty of inodes!! | 04:13 |
skoenman | and that space is only gonna give the guys 2 weeks of data | 04:13 |
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Newbie | anybody with some spare cycles - can you point me to a URL on changing runlevel so Ubuntu boots to a command prompt? | 04:13 |
skoenman | yeah like 160gigs a day | 04:13 |
sipior | skoenman: what sort of experiment? | 04:13 |
skoenman | no its a extra nas im making....' | 04:14 |
genii | Newbie: just use the telinit command. telinit 2 or 3 is multiuser gui level. 1 is single user 0 halt 6 is reboot | 04:14 |
kaotic | genii not with ubuntu, 2-5 are all the same | 04:15 |
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genii | kaotic: Yes, this is true | 04:15 |
genii | The rest holds tho | 04:15 |
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genii | Newbie: You can boot usually to single user mode anyhow by selecting from grub prompt at boot the safe/recovery kernel | 04:16 |
Wormy | Alright. Althought I can't find the little thing, I found a tiny computer that isn't quite a palm pilot, not quite a laptop. Runs Windows CE, has a flash drive, appears to be from 1998. I want to try to get Xbuntu running on it. Anyone know how big an Xbuntu install is? I just need to know what size drive to buy for it | 04:16 |
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btorio | !pastebin | 04:17 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:17 |
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Newbie | genii: i'm not certain that I'm ever seeing a GRUB prompt. | 04:17 |
kaotic | Trying to find a way to boot to a command prompt by default | 04:17 |
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Pici | Wormy: What architecture is the device? | 04:17 |
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sipior | Newbie: if you've only got ubuntu on the machine, it will skip the prompt, unfortunately | 04:18 |
Wormy | I would know if I had it with me. I can't believe I forgot where I left it. | 04:18 |
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genii | Newbie: just keep hitting ESC after your bios splash screen | 04:18 |
doug_ | is slart still in here? | 04:18 |
sipior | Newbie: mess about in /boot/grub/menu.lst to sort that our | 04:18 |
sipior | out | 04:18 |
Wormy | I'm going to look again. | 04:18 |
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aoirthoir | alright kaotic I got the desktop version going again in virtualbox. And that includes the port forwarding with NAT networking...so ive not mucked up too bad on the instal...now to find out how to get ubuntu-server going | 04:18 |
genii | Newbie: At some point you should be presented with the menu of available kernels/OS to choose from | 04:18 |
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doug_ | SLART u in here | 04:19 |
Newbie | I remarked out the "hiddenmenu" option in the menu.lst file | 04:19 |
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kaotic | You'd think the server install would be the easier one to get going | 04:19 |
Pici | Wormy: You'll probably get a faster answer in #xubuntu | 04:19 |
genii | kaotic: I usually find that is true. | 04:20 |
btorio | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34528 | 04:20 |
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Wormy | Good idea. Xchat just dumped me here, so I thought I'd try | 04:20 |
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btorio | that's my whole error | 04:20 |
pawan | hi | 04:20 |
haha | 04:20 | |
pawan | any new screen saver for ubuntu | 04:20 |
btorio | it seems to happen with every package | 04:20 |
Newbie | rebooting... | 04:20 |
btorio | any thoughts? | 04:20 |
Pici | pawan: pawan: These are the only packages I know of that have extra screensavers: xscreensaver-gl, xscreensaver-gl-extra, and xscreensaver-data-extra. | 04:20 |
doug__ | how good is a external usb cd/dvd burner | 04:20 |
seth457 | aoirthoir: after installing that subversion package how do i use svn? | 04:20 |
Pici | pawan: just like I said an hour ago. | 04:20 |
aoirthoir | seth457, are you familiar with svn command line? | 04:21 |
sipior | btorio: try "apt-get -f install" | 04:21 |
doug__ | and can u use a external cd/dvd burner as a reg cd/dvd drive? | 04:21 |
narma | I have a friend who have problem with his computer since there is a kernel panic at boot. He has a ubuntu liveCD 6.06 (daper dark). How can I connect to its PC when he boot to this live CD since there is not ssh server :( he enabled remote desktop into gnome but I didn't succeed to connect with vnc (he is connected behind a adsl modem). what can I do ? | 04:21 |
aoirthoir | doug__, yes. | 04:21 |
seth457 | aoirthoir: nope, only just installed it :) | 04:21 |
fqh | .. DA GE GUI, BU YAO DA HAN ZHI HAO BU HAO ? | 04:21 |
Pici | !zh | fqh | 04:21 |
ubotu | fqh: For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 04:21 |
fqh | da ping yin ye bi da han zhi hao a | 04:21 |
pawan | all these are installed any other | 04:22 |
doug__ | aoirthoir how good is one with a laptop? | 04:22 |
aoirthoir | seth457, ok are you comfortable with the command line? and if you want, you can private msg me so I can step you through some commands, then we wont clutter up the channel. | 04:22 |
btorio | sipior same thing | 04:22 |
sipior | btorio: ah no, apologies, i wasn't reading carefully. have you set up mail on this machine? | 04:22 |
aoirthoir | doug__, do you have an external now or you are looking to buy one? | 04:22 |
seth457 | aoirthoir: i'll brb | 04:22 |
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doug__ | looking to buy aoirthoir | 04:23 |
Slart | doug__: I'm here.. but just for a short moment | 04:23 |
btorio | sipior I was attempting to set up an e-mail server using squirrelmail | 04:23 |
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btorio | and postix | 04:23 |
btorio | or whatever it's called | 04:23 |
doug__ | slart: i did a full install of ubuntu | 04:23 |
btorio | it's a fresh install as of yesterday | 04:23 |
doug__ | slart: cause my cd drive is going out it took so long to get it going | 04:23 |
sipior | btorio: you'll need to specify an FQDN in amavisd.conf, as the message says | 04:23 |
aoirthoir | doug__, then it really is just a matter of making sure you get one that is compatible (has drivers) on GNU/Linux | 04:23 |
Newbie | okay, the GRUB menu now comes up, but it sitll goes straight to the GDM. | 04:24 |
Slart | doug__: and now it's partitioned correctly? | 04:24 |
btorio | where is that file | 04:24 |
tck_ | anyone use message filters in evolution ? | 04:24 |
MalayMAIL | !iptables | 04:24 |
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ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 04:24 |
sipior | btorio: probably /etc/amavisd.conf, poke around a bit | 04:24 |
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Newbie | oops. kaotic: GRUB menu comes up, but still goes straight to GDM. | 04:24 |
btorio | k | 04:24 |
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doug__ | its fine its a full install slart | 04:25 |
doug__ | no dual booting slart | 04:25 |
Slart | doug__: I'm just on my way out to buy the wife a new bike (old one stolen). Good luck with your new install | 04:25 |
Newbie | !bind | 04:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bind - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:25 |
MalayMAIL | i manage do my iptables | 04:25 |
vlt | Hello. Afer an upgrade from Edgy to Feisty the system only boots to runlevel "unknown". I have to run `telinit 3` (sic!) to run all the daemons listed in /etc/rc3.d/ -- `telinit 2` leads to "unknown", too. apt-get dist-upgrade returns "0 ..., 0 ..., 0 ..., 0 ..." so everything should be in a proper state. Any idea which pkg to fix and how? | 04:25 |
MalayMAIL | thanks all | 04:25 |
doug__ | and aoirthoir is the ones from besybuy usb ported good for linux? | 04:25 |
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doug__ | thanks slart | 04:25 |
MalayMAIL | !proxy | 04:26 |
ubotu | The #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer. | 04:26 |
ubotu | Attention tor users. You may think you are anonymous, but you are not. Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself. Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc. If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks | 04:26 |
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aoirthoir | doug__, that would depend on the model. | 04:26 |
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eliast | I'm using mercurial (scm) in feisty but would like to upgrade to the new version in gutsy. What's the best approach? Is it to build my own .deb? | 04:27 |
thedash | anybody good with EasyTag ? having a small problem | 04:27 |
the_cyber_guy | how to enable composite extension on feisty | 04:27 |
doug__ | aoirthoir here is the one i am looking at u think it will work with linux? http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7962038&st=external+cd+burner&lp=4&type=product&cp=1&id=1153336527713 | 04:27 |
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thingy | woot! it works!! http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-499881-postdays-0-postorder-asc-start-0.html <-- per package cflags | 04:28 |
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thingy | oops wrong channel so sorry | 04:28 |
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Sivik | anyone here have bell south as their isp | 04:28 |
genii | the_cyber_guy: You need to add 3 lines into xorg.conf | 04:29 |
chrisjs169 | Ubuntu's saying that I need the lirc_gpio driver from the Restricted Drivers - what is lirc_gpio for? | 04:29 |
the_cyber_guy | what 3 lines ? | 04:29 |
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Pici | chrisjs169: infrared devices. | 04:29 |
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oompaloompa | chrisjs169: i think the the lirc packages are for infrared remote controls | 04:29 |
genii | the_cyber_guy: Looking them up for you | 04:30 |
the_cyber_guy | thanx :-) | 04:30 |
RadicalME | who ate the peanutbutter jelly? | 04:30 |
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oompaloompa | RadicalME: ME ! | 04:30 |
RadicalME | :) | 04:30 |
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=== chrisjs169 wonders what infrared remote it's referring to | ||
doug__ | what u think aoirthoir? | 04:30 |
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fqh | It is a bit strang that someone can recognise my Chinese pinyin just now. Chinese in here ? | 04:30 |
oompaloompa | !lirc_gpio | 04:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lirc_gpio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:31 |
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oompaloompa | !lirc | 04:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lirc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:31 |
oompaloompa | !you suck | 04:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about you suck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:31 |
RadicalME | !peanutbutter jelly time | 04:31 |
D0pamine | how do i add init scrips to boot runlevel ? | 04:31 |
Pici | !botabuse | oompaloompa RadicalME | 04:31 |
ubotu | oompaloompa RadicalME: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 04:31 |
dennda | oompaloompa: Do you find this in Restricted-Manager? | 04:31 |
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doug__ | could someone link me a pretty cheap cd/dvd burner thats usb external for linux/ubuntu feisty please | 04:31 |
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D0pamine | say ssh at boot ? | 04:31 |
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oompaloompa | dennda: find what? | 04:32 |
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sipior | D0pamine: link them in /etc/rcS.d | 04:32 |
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caglar | hey | 04:32 |
dennda | oompaloompa: lirc_gpio | 04:32 |
jrib | D0pamine: ssh will automatically start when you boot after you install it | 04:32 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o mneptok] by jrib | ||
D0pamine | ahh right thanks , i'll bear that in mind | 04:32 |
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oompaloompa | dennda: i dunno i don't use it, but i beleive that is what somebody else said, yes | 04:33 |
btorio | sipior i used the locate command but all the files assocaited with that name end in .gz | 04:33 |
aoirthoir | doug__, i think it is cheap enough that if it doesnt work you can return it. | 04:33 |
genii | the_cyber_guy: lines 1:) Section "Extensions" 2:) Option "Composite" "Enable" 3:) EndSection | 04:33 |
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sipior | btorio: it's possible it wasn't installed. you'll need to get postfix set up first | 04:33 |
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btorio | ah | 04:33 |
doug__ | aoirthoir would it say if its compatable with linux? | 04:34 |
shasha | jayapura | 04:34 |
lovaspillando | hi | 04:34 |
lovaspillando | I need help with my ubuntu linuxsystem, urgently | 04:34 |
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D0pamine | GNU/Linux *ahem* | 04:34 |
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the_cyber_guy | genil: ok | 04:34 |
Dim45 | tify r4k4 | 04:34 |
tck | any evolution experts in here? | 04:35 |
lovaspillando | is there any method for skiping the forced disk check | 04:35 |
chrisjs169 | oh, and another thing - I just upgraded to Gutsy, and the fonts in firefox/xchat (and possibly others) are a lot smaller - any way to change that? | 04:35 |
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kitche | chrisjs169: gutsy support in #ubuntu+1 | 04:35 |
D0pamine | tck , try claws-mail if your having evo issues , its niiice | 04:35 |
tck | chrisjs169, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy chat | 04:35 |
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doug__ | DOpamine what u GUN/Linux *ahem* for? | 04:35 |
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lovaspillando | the check is bloking the startup, coz disk is damage | 04:35 |
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chrisjs169 | kitche, tck: ok | 04:35 |
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tck | D0pamine, well i just have a few questions | 04:35 |
lovaspillando | I am deseperate | 04:36 |
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genii | the_cyber_guy: To make changes stick to thsat file you need to add those lines with admin privelege, eg something like: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf or on CLI: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:36 |
D0pamine | because linux is a kernel , GNU is the rest of it , like gnome "GNU Network Object Model Enviroment" | 04:36 |
Pici | lovaspillando: And you cant let it repair it because? | 04:36 |
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doug__ | well lovaspillando dont come here making us depressed | 04:36 |
=== seth4576 [n=seth_eno@CPE-124-182-134-92.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oompaloompa | i wouldn't say that gnu is the rest of it | 04:37 |
index | problem : - > Mozilla stop work.And I write one lesson in form, If I reboot system, and start mozilla FF , and restore session form is full or no ? | 04:37 |
seth4576 | !iptables | 04:37 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 04:37 |
lovaspillando | doug, sorry is no my intention, but if you could help me to be happy hehehe | 04:37 |
faileas | gnu is userland tools. also RMS is kinda pissy he never got herd working ;) | 04:37 |
doug__ | DOpamine was that regarding towards me? | 04:37 |
D0pamine | tck , i'm not an expert | 04:37 |
D0pamine | but i'll try | 04:37 |
=== ekiczek [n=ekiczek@h-72-245-66-3.cmbrmaor.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
the_cyber_guy | genil: i edited that file with admin privilege | 04:37 |
oompaloompa | because u could build a system with the linux kernel and not a single piece of GNU software | 04:37 |
tck | D0pamine, well in edit > plugins | 04:37 |
genii | the_cyber_guy: The changes will take effect next time you start X | 04:37 |
Wormy | Pici, I don't think there's anyone awake in the xubuntu channel | 04:37 |
tck | i see bogofilter and spamassassin | 04:37 |
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D0pamine | oompaloompa , and what you gona compile it with ? | 04:37 |
lovaspillando | pici, I cant start computer this is the problem | 04:37 |
doug__ | lol lavspillando im still a newbie my self | 04:37 |
Pici | Wormy: Try asking here again. | 04:37 |
tck | according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToEnableSpamFilteringInEvolution only one should be enabled | 04:37 |
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ubuntu_ | anyone here i need some help | 04:38 |
genii | the_cyber_guy: Incidentally my nick is genii and not genil | 04:38 |
index | me too | 04:38 |
lovaspillando | system begin to check the disk and as disk is crashed check is sticked | 04:38 |
oompaloompa | doppelgaenger: theoretically u could get away with any compiler that u have the required libraries for | 04:38 |
lovaspillando | I have there some important datas to recover | 04:38 |
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oompaloompa | doppelgaenger: didn't mean to right that to you sorry | 04:38 |
the_cyber_guy | genii: sorry :-P | 04:38 |
seth4576 | aoirthoir: you still around? | 04:38 |
ubuntu_ | im running on live cd ubunto how do i get to the console | 04:38 |
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Pici | lovaspillando: What happens when you try to let it run? | 04:38 |
oompaloompa | D0pamine: : theoretically u could get away with any compiler that u have the required libraries for | 04:38 |
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aoirthoir | seth4576, yes now i am | 04:39 |
=== K6II_533Mhz_64RA is now known as TestandoXUB | ||
ubuntu_ | im running on live cd ubunto how do i get to the console | 04:39 |
Pici | ubuntu_: accessories->terminal | 04:39 |
genii | the_cyber_guy: No worries:) Just easier to spot directed messages if nick is correct | 04:39 |
oompaloompa | D0pamine: i've known the kernel to be compiled in borland | 04:39 |
D0pamine | compiler such as ? | 04:39 |
D0pamine | and what about the rest of it ? | 04:39 |
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lovaspillando | ubunto, in applications accesories | 04:39 |
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ubuntu_ | guys how do i open the console here on linux?? | 04:39 |
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oompaloompa | D0pamine: well once u have a kernel, u could right the rest of the software u need yourself, even :-) | 04:39 |
Wormy | Okay. I found a NEC mobilpro 770 from 1998 sitting around, and thought I'd try putting Xubuntu or some other low end linux distro on it. I just need to know how large the Xubuntu installation is on the drive to know how big a flash drive to buy for this thing | 04:39 |
Pici | ubuntu_: accessories->terminal | 04:40 |
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jrib | !terminal | ubuntu_ | 04:40 |
ubotu | ubuntu_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 04:40 |
SlimeyPete | ubuntu_: either open the Terminal from the menu, or hit ctrl-alt-f2 (then alt-f7 to get back to graphics) | 04:40 |
D0pamine | oompaloompa , thats why its called GNU/Linux | 04:40 |
westly | WHAT SOFTWARE CAN VIEW PAPER PORT .max format? | 04:40 |
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oompaloompa | D0pamine: you're missing the point here. . . . . .it *doesn't have to be* a GNU system | 04:40 |
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jrib | D0pamine, oompaloompa: please move the gnu/* discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:41 |
D0pamine | oompaloompa , no it doesnt but it IS | 04:41 |
ubuntu_ | how do i run console here on linux ?? an i install ubunto using the live cd? | 04:41 |
=== TerraMaste1 [n=haaf@d66-183-224-132.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | how do i run console here on linux ?? an i install ubunto using the live cd? | 04:41 |
westly | any paper port .max format viewer? | 04:41 |
ubuntu_ | how do i run console here on linux ?? an i install ubunto using the live cd? | 04:41 |
D0pamine | rgr | 04:41 |
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lovaspillando | pici> when I start I see the graphic window, the one with the progress bar when starting, then appears the text mode screen and I get message like /// data partition has mounted 23 times, check forcecd | 04:41 |
Grungebunny | ubuntu you were told several times how | 04:41 |
jrib | ubuntu_: stop | 04:41 |
TerraMaste1 | Hey | 04:41 |
doug__ | anyone in here use automatix? | 04:41 |
kitche | jrib: thanks that discussion gets pretty heated soemtimes :) | 04:41 |
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lovaspillando | I have Ubuntu 7.04 feity | 04:41 |
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TerraMaste1 | Im trying to get whine... what is the latest update? | 04:41 |
TerraMaste1 | wine* | 04:41 |
Pici | !bot automatix doug__ | 04:42 |
Pici | ... | 04:42 |
lovaspillando | sorry, but keyboard is no in my languaje | 04:42 |
ubuntu_ | how??? is there a shortut key? like in windoes u just go to run | 04:42 |
Pici | !automatix > doug__ (Please see the private messsage from ubotu) | 04:42 |
westly | any linux version paper port viewer? | 04:42 |
=== Adurant [n=kadu@pD9534803.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pici | ubuntu_: You have been answered a few times already. | 04:42 |
ubuntu_ | ubuntu im really new | 04:42 |
Pici | lovaspillando: If you let it continue, it should start checking the drive for errors. | 04:42 |
ubuntu_ | please how>? | 04:42 |
lovaspillando | no Pici | 04:42 |
=== msjones [n=msjones@host80-1-73-13.no-dns-yet.ntli.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sdsa | hwo cxan i know what version of ubuntu i am using? | 04:42 |
lovaspillando | my computer have somthing bad | 04:42 |
TerraMaste1 | Im trying to get my external harddrive mounted but its not showing up with fdisk | 04:42 |
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lovaspillando | hardwar may be | 04:42 |
lovaspillando | seems like too much tests and disk stop working | 04:43 |
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jrib | !version > sdsa (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:43 |
Pici | ubuntu_: applications->accessories->terminal | 04:43 |
lovaspillando | this is the problem | 04:43 |
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doug__ | thanks pici and ubotu but i was just wondering when i installed it why it uninstalled all the gnome for | 04:43 |
KomiaPoika | mkntfs /dev/sdi | 04:43 |
KomiaPoika | /dev/sdi is entire device, not just one partition. | 04:43 |
KomiaPoika | Refusing to make a filesystem here! | 04:43 |
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lovaspillando | my comoputer is crashed, so the test fail and stop the start process | 04:43 |
KomiaPoika | how can i format a hard disk in ntfs? | 04:43 |
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ubuntu_ | ubunto thnk u now is it possible to install ubuntu from a live cd??? | 04:43 |
lovaspillando | after that my computer can not start with ide | 04:44 |
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westly | anyone knows any linux version paper port (.max) viewer? | 04:44 |
TerraMaste1 | Komkia cant you use a partisioning device? | 04:44 |
Pici | ubuntu_: There is an icon on the desktop that says Install | 04:44 |
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Grungebunny | ubuntu_ maybe you should play around more in your liveCD before you decide to install it.. | 04:44 |
westly | !paperport | 04:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about paperport - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:44 |
westly | !.max viewer | 04:44 |
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ipx | On a solaris computer, i used ssh to access my ubuntu but whenever i try to launch an application that "fills" the terminal-window i get a errormessage. Is there any way around? | 04:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about max viewer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:44 |
Pici | lovaspillando: I suggest you boot with a recovery CD and backup/reinstall then | 04:44 |
TerraMaste1 | Im trying to get my externall harddrive to detect help? | 04:45 |
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the_cyber_guy | genii: i cant get it working | 04:45 |
doug__ | why did automatix uninstall all of my gnome for i thought it was just supposed to do a install not remove gnome | 04:45 |
westly | !paper port | 04:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about paper port - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:45 |
Pici | lovaspillando: er, rather with the LiveCD. | 04:45 |
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lovaspillando | so i need to skip the check, is my only way | 04:45 |
Pici | !automatix | doug__ | 04:45 |
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ubotu | doug__: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) | 04:45 |
lovaspillando | you know is my mother board in the last days | 04:45 |
the_cyber_guy | genii: i have sucking ati x200 | 04:45 |
lovaspillando | actually I order already a new computer | 04:45 |
=== pihus [n=owner@80-235-45-242-dsl.mus.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sivik | ati and *nix = not working | 04:46 |
doug__ | ubotu i read ur message im jsut wondering y it would i dont need support for as i will not use it again | 04:46 |
=== Montana [n=steven@j187138.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lovaspillando | is no any shortcut for skip it then... something like ctrl + c | 04:46 |
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genii | the_cyber_guy: :( sorry to hear | 04:46 |
TerraMaste1 | Ive been trying to get my external hard drive working but no use.... Help? | 04:46 |
jrib | !enter | lovaspillando | 04:46 |
ubotu | lovaspillando: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:46 |
=== LasseP [n=xerox@c-4476e255.010-198-73746f32.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elkbuntu | doug__, i encourage you to report this damage to the automatix developers. | 04:46 |
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TerraMaste1 | Ive been trying to get my external hard drive working but no use.... Help? | 04:46 |
praet | Is there a rhythmbox plugin to remove duplicates? | 04:46 |
doug__ | i am as we speak elkbuntu | 04:46 |
TestandoXUB | hi you all! :) is there any online guide showing how to install XUBUNTU by command line? | 04:47 |
lovaspillando | oh, sorry.... | 04:47 |
doug__ | just dazesme how it did that | 04:47 |
TestandoXUB | hi you all! :) is there any online guide showing how to install XUBUNTU by command line? | 04:47 |
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elkbuntu | doug__, yes. it's quite dangerous | 04:47 |
genii | the_cyber_guy: You may be able to find some workaround for composite by google. Since not familiar with that card not much help here now | 04:47 |
jrib | TestandoXUB: is ubuntu installed now? | 04:47 |
TestandoXUB | [jrib] its being | 04:47 |
elkbuntu | doug__, please link me to the post (in PM please). im interested to see how the discussion goes | 04:47 |
TerraMaste1 | Ive been trying to get my external hard drive working but no use.... Help? | 04:47 |
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the_cyber_guy | genii: okay | 04:47 |
=== tombar_ [n=tombar@r190-64-136-56.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
the_cyber_guy | genii: thanx for trying :-) | 04:48 |
kaotic | ls | 04:48 |
jrib | TestandoXUB: what operating system is currently installed? | 04:48 |
=== Aren [n=aren@d58-106-25-143.sbr2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
doug__ | elkbuntu tis a leason learned and the hard way lol took me 6 hours to get ubuntu back online cause the cd drive of mine is failing lol | 04:48 |
doug__ | will do elkbuntu | 04:48 |
TestandoXUB | [jrib] xubuntu did not detect the hard drive | 04:48 |
=== boarder-winterma [n=boarder-@p508DD9F2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wormy | Here we go. Would Xubuntu be compatible at all with a MIPS 4000 processor? | 04:48 |
TestandoXUB | and I have a K6 II with 64RAM | 04:48 |
genii | the_cyber_guy: np, good luck | 04:49 |
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jrib | TestandoXUB: ok, did you try the alternate cd? That's the text install | 04:49 |
faileas | Wormy: *if* there's a mips build and kernel. i don't think there is so no | 04:49 |
TerraMaste1 | Ive got the ubuntu 7.10 (I belive beta) | 04:49 |
=== SoulChild [n=eshat@dslb-084-060-017-084.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TestandoXUB | [jrib] yes. I downloaded it. | 04:49 |
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TestandoXUB | [jrib] The disc is already partitioned | 04:49 |
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jrib | TestandoXUB: you just put it in your drive and reboot, that starts the install | 04:49 |
Pici | !gutsy | TerraMaste1 | 04:50 |
TestandoXUB | [jrib] ok, ok.. I'll try again. Thank you. | 04:50 |
ubotu | TerraMaste1: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 04:50 |
SoulChild | Hey all ,... i have gutsy installed but want to downgrade all packages to feisty ,... is there a aptitute command ??? | 04:50 |
Wormy | I guess I'll have to poke around to find another distro. | 04:50 |
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jrib | SoulChild: not really | 04:50 |
Pici | Wormy: Yes, that would be the best thing to do. | 04:50 |
=== Dem_VypA_sein_Ub [n=vypa@p548714E1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pici | SoulChild: Downgrading is explicitly not supported. | 04:50 |
jrib | TestandoXUB: make sure your computer is set to boot from the cd first in your bios | 04:50 |
SoulChild | hmm | 04:50 |
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mapuo | an you advise me usefull applets for gnome? | 04:50 |
TuTUX | is there way to move /boot to a separet partition? | 04:51 |
lovaspillando | any forum where I can post my problem and try to know if someont knows that way of skip the start check forced? My work is waiting for me and new computer will arrive next week | 04:51 |
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jrib | lovaspillando: why aren't you just using a livecd to get at the data? | 04:51 |
TuTUX | is there way to move /boot to a separet partition with grub? | 04:51 |
lovaspillando | now I am using the live system actually, but I cant access the disk from here, no mounted | 04:52 |
Pici | jrib: I already suggested that :/ | 04:52 |
jrib | lovaspillando: what happens when you try to mount it? | 04:52 |
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jrib | Pici: yeah, i saw, but I think lovaspillando didn't notice | 04:52 |
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neverblue | morning | 04:53 |
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TestandoXUB | [jrib] I am sure. thank you. The problem was that Xubuntu could not detect the hard disc. | 04:53 |
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TestandoXUB | [jrib] I am trying again | 04:53 |
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Jackx | hi where can i find the server owner? | 04:53 |
jrib | TestandoXUB: oh, in both the desktop cd and alternate install? | 04:53 |
lovaspillando | sorry pici, I didnt see, I am visually imapirment and the screen is no ready for me, I configured my system with perfect color for me , but from live system, dont know how.... When I try to mount I see a message wich says an error ocurred... and in the list of devs, I see a X in the icon of the disk | 04:54 |
Pici | Jackx: What server owner? | 04:54 |
Jackx | or..who IS the server owner? | 04:54 |
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Jackx | is there an owner? | 04:54 |
TestingXub | [jrib] no, only alternate | 04:54 |
Pici | Jackx: Of what server? | 04:54 |
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Jackx | freenode | 04:54 |
genii | Jackx: You mean which username a daemon is being run under? | 04:54 |
Jackx | united states =/ | 04:54 |
lil-g-man | i've got emerald theme manager installed, how do i apply themes? | 04:54 |
Jackx | ofc. | 04:54 |
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Pici | Jackx: Check at freenode.net or askin in #freenode | 04:54 |
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Jackx | genii -> yes. | 04:54 |
the_cyber_guy | can i get this page from some where else http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Feisty_wi th_XGL | 04:54 |
TestingXub | [jrib] xubuntu starts in low memory mode. | 04:54 |
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tjedi | i have a problem configurating feisty for my router during the installation - who can help? | 04:55 |
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jrib | TestingXub: I see, might want to check bugs.ubuntu.com and ubuntuforums.org for your hardware to see if anyone had a similar problem | 04:55 |
SliMM | i have edited the mount point of my ipod, and it doesn't mount anymore, how do i undo my mistake? | 04:55 |
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jrib | !beryl > the_cyber_guy (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:55 |
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tjedi | the installation-routine do not find the router, so internet doesn't work ... | 04:56 |
SliMM | uhm.. please help me? | 04:56 |
aoupi | hi, find, how do I find by creation date (I want something like -mtime but creation date) | 04:56 |
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Despereador | hi all | 04:56 |
=== esaym [n=user@cpe-72-183-198-134.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
jrib | aoupi: you can't, creation time isn't stored anywhere with ext3 | 04:56 |
Despereador | how to install Simple Backup software on ubuntu fiesty | 04:56 |
Grizzly | Hi! I would like some help with my Ubuntu installation. | 04:57 |
esaym | hey what do I use as a gui front end for ssh file browsing | 04:57 |
aoupi | jrib: ok, thanks | 04:57 |
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esaym | I know Konqueror in KDE has Fish | 04:57 |
jrib | esaym: nautilus | 04:57 |
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esaym | But does Gnome have something like that | 04:57 |
the_cyber_guy | jrib: okay | 04:57 |
Felarin | Despereador: sudo apt-get install mondo | 04:57 |
shadowhywind | does anyone know where the iptable.conf file is located? | 04:57 |
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esaym | nautilus ay | 04:57 |
esaym | ? | 04:57 |
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jrib | !iptables > shadowhywind (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:57 |
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jrib | esaym: yeah, I'm not on GNOME atm, but I think you can go to File -> Connect to server | 04:57 |
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shadowhywind | will look into that, thanks jrib | 04:58 |
SliMM | genii: please help me? :D | 04:58 |
pihus | anybody knows hnow to snyc Windows Mobile 6.0 phone? | 04:58 |
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pihus | HP Voice messenger 514 to be exact | 04:58 |
Pici | !ask | SliMM | 04:58 |
ubotu | SliMM: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:58 |
esaym | nautilus is in gnome by defualt right? | 04:58 |
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SliMM | pici: i asked my question | 04:58 |
esaym | Thats the file browser correct? | 04:58 |
Felarin | esaym: yes | 04:59 |
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jrib | esaym: right, it's the file browser | 04:59 |
pvl | Azureus keeps closing on me | 04:59 |
esaym | I tried the file connect to server thing and it didn't work | 04:59 |
Pici | SliMM: How did you edit the mountpoint? | 04:59 |
Felarin | pvl: Try running it from the command line to see what error you receive. Post the error to us. | 04:59 |
TestingXub | [jrib] thank you | 04:59 |
SliMM | Pici: (05:55:20 PM) SliMM: i have edited the mount point of my ipod, and it doesn't mount anymore, how do i undo my mistake? | 04:59 |
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Felarin | esaym: You sure you got it right? | 04:59 |
lil-g-man | how to use emerald theme manager??? | 04:59 |
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SliMM | Pici: graphically | 04:59 |
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Grizzly | How do I install Ubuntu whitout changing the partitions? I want to have both Windows XP and Ubuntu. | 05:00 |
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SliMM | pici: from the driver tab of properties i think | 05:00 |
esaym | Felarin: Yea I think so | 05:00 |
tato | ciao | 05:00 |
esaym | It was at a friends house so I can't try again at the monent | 05:00 |
esaym | moment | 05:00 |
faileas | Grizzly: just pick current partitions | 05:00 |
esaym | but that is the way to do it though?? | 05:00 |
esaym | hmm | 05:00 |
tck | apt seems to fail when trying to install spamassassin ; does this happen for anyone else ? | 05:00 |
Rabbitbunny | hmm, I'm trying to use webcam to make a webcam server. I have apache working, but webcam says it can't create the file. What should I chmod the folder to? | 05:00 |
Felarin | esaym: the connect to server option needs a bit of playing ard to get it right. The syntax is a bit different from traditional windows. So if you've been using windows, you might need to play ard a bit. | 05:00 |
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Grizzly | faileas: How do you mean? | 05:00 |
esaym | ok I will plaY WITH IT SOME MORE | 05:01 |
esaym | \oh sorry | 05:01 |
esaym | rofl | 05:01 |
kaotic | Grizzly your best bet would be to intall it to a new hard disk | 05:01 |
faileas | Grizzly: Run the installer and just pick current partitions | 05:01 |
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Rabbitbunny | 755? | 05:01 |
esaym | I got a laptop in one hand, a cup of coffee oin the other, and a key board in the other ;) | 05:01 |
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Felarin | esaym: Any reason why you prefer GUI ssh? | 05:01 |
tck | Rabbitbunny, give it write access | 05:01 |
bofh80 | hey people, my system is kinda locking up slightly, i think maybe i have been compromised or something miscalaneous is running, it appears every 10-20 seconds, freezes the display and any games up etc. the only things i can see popping up at the same sorta time are "awk, pluto, logger" in my processes list. any ideas? | 05:01 |
Pici | SliMM: I'm not familiar with that method. Does the directory that you are now mounting it to exist? | 05:01 |
esaym | Felarin: Yea I dont know. Just a wimp I guess | 05:02 |
Rabbitbunny | tck: okay, thank you. | 05:02 |
Grizzly | faileas: Yes, i tried but the guide warned me that my old partition would be formated/deleted | 05:02 |
doug__ | elkbuntu u get the link? | 05:02 |
SliMM | i've changed the mountpoint from nothing ("") to /ipod | 05:02 |
nandemonai | Hiya guys. Any tips on getting dcc file sends in x-chat to work? Ports are setup, forwarded and trusted by firewall and x-chat seems to be getting my ip right but any transfers i start fail immediately. | 05:02 |
SliMM | so no, it doesn't exist | 05:02 |
elkbuntu | doug__, no... are you registered and identified? | 05:02 |
faileas | Grizzly: it would be formatted.. what else do you have in mind? | 05:02 |
novato_br | dvd recorder support overburn CD ? | 05:02 |
Grizzly | kaotic: I only got one harddrive, it's a Laptop | 05:02 |
doug__ | uh dont think so how i do that | 05:02 |
elkbuntu | !register | doug__ | 05:03 |
ubotu | doug__: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 05:03 |
bofh80 | oh :) . "[ 1353.981831] Initializing XFRM netlink socket" < what does this mean pls. i'm gonna google it of course | 05:03 |
kaotic | Grizzly, do you have any unpartitioned space on your hard disk? | 05:03 |
riotkittie | SliMM: are they failing on all networks? or just here? | 05:03 |
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Grizzly | faileas: I don't want any of the old information on my hardrive to be deleted | 05:03 |
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s_spiff | hey, are the ubuntu forums offline? | 05:03 |
Grizzly | kaotic: No | 05:03 |
micman | hello ! i need an urgent help. | 05:03 |
SliMM | riotkittie: what? | 05:03 |
Grizzly | kaotic: I don't think so. | 05:04 |
faileas | Grizzly: tough then, backit up, then try a repair? | 05:04 |
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elkbuntu | s_spiff, nope, seem fine to me | 05:04 |
kaotic | your best bet would be to toss a new disk in the system and install ubuntu to that disk | 05:04 |
pvl | Felarin a lot came out and it tells me to view the error log, which i am looking at right now, and it says that it wasnt able to locate the error | 05:04 |
riotkittie | nandemonai: are they failing on all networks? or just here? | 05:04 |
stdin | !ask | micman | 05:04 |
ubotu | micman: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:04 |
=== zials [n=zials@bas3-windsor12-1128741478.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pici | SliMM: Can you please do the following: open a terminal, and type 'sudo mkdir /media/ipod' Then use /media/ipod as the mountpoint in the dialog | 05:04 |
s_spiff | Elkubuntu, thanks. Somehow they aren't opening/ reloading etc at my place :( | 05:04 |
kaotic | or use some partition management software to resize some of your existing partitions | 05:04 |
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kaotic | you need unpartitoned space to install ubunto to | 05:05 |
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SliMM | pici: i think that won't do it, the folder that i should create is /ipod | 05:05 |
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Pici | SliMM: Thats not a standard practice. Mounted devices should go under /media or /mnt | 05:05 |
SliMM | pici: there is no dialog, it just fails | 05:05 |
Actionman | if i d/l cd image Tribe 4 can i upgrade my Tribe 3? | 05:05 |
doug__ | k let me figure out how to set it up elkubuntu and i will pst u | 05:05 |
esteth | Is there an IM client for the console like what emacs is to text editors, or irssi to IRC clients? | 05:05 |
Pici | !gutsy | Actionman | 05:06 |
ubotu | Actionman: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 05:06 |
Grizzly | falieas: I don't see how you mean. I got a full working oporating system allredy (Windows XP) but I want to have Ubuntu as well. So I can change between them when needed | 05:06 |
Actionman | yes | 05:06 |
faileas | ahhhhh | 05:06 |
faileas | without repartitioning? | 05:06 |
Grizzly | Yes | 05:06 |
riotkittie | Grizzly: XP and Ubuntu cannot share the same partition | 05:06 |
Felarin | Grizzly: use VMWARE | 05:06 |
Actionman | yes | 05:06 |
pvl | Grizzly, ubuntu needs space to be loaded to | 05:06 |
faileas | wubi | 05:06 |
faileas | Grizzly: check out wubi | 05:06 |
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riotkittie | or use a live CD, and a usb jump drive :P | 05:07 |
Grungebunny | wubi is cool.. I used that before making an official partition for ubuntu | 05:07 |
Grizzly | faileas: wubi? Whats that? | 05:07 |
cBau | Grizzly: Has a manual partition while shrinking the windows partition size been suggested to you? | 05:07 |
Grizzly | felarin: How do I get VMWARE? | 05:07 |
Felarin | Grizzly: Google is your friend. | 05:07 |
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doug__ | elkubuntu i am having little trouble trying to regester not sure exactly hwo to do it | 05:07 |
faileas | Grizzly: windows installer/uninstaller of ubuntu. does it to an image | 05:07 |
SliMM | pici: done, i've fund it in 'computer' and i've undone my change | 05:07 |
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SliMM | pici: thanks | 05:07 |
Grungebunny | grizzly go with wubi.. google it.. VMware linux isn't as good trust me. | 05:08 |
kaotic | http://www.virtualbox.com/ | 05:08 |
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Felarin | Grizzly: You can also get Virtualbox. Which is under GNU GPL, if i remember right. | 05:08 |
bofh80 | HELP! could someone tell me why this message is repeating " Initializing XFRM netlink socket" over and over, my machine it freezing momentarily, i think this is the cause. . . . . . . googled it etc, can't find nothing | 05:08 |
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Felarin | It's emulation, it'll be decent, but never the same as having the thing installed natively. Also you need more RAM to run a client OS under a host OS. | 05:08 |
riotkittie | cBau: it was. he [?] also said something about not wanting to lose data. one assumes he[?] has no backups | 05:08 |
riotkittie | ram <3 | 05:09 |
Grizzly | OK, i'll try. See you later | 05:09 |
bofh80 | i am recieving my net via LAN connection after getting annoyed with wireless. it has been working fine for about a week or so.. | 05:09 |
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ashu18 | ubuntu problem...anyone there? | 05:09 |
cBau | I see... as long as you defragment windows, your odds of losing windows data are pretty low. I would have to assume then that his HDD is full? | 05:09 |
riotkittie | anyway. its stupid questions from yours truly time again. hopefully, someone networking/wireless smrt [hee!] is in here at the moment | 05:09 |
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Usrl | How do I format my SD card? It seems to be messed up, says it's last access date was in 1969, and it won't let me write to it. | 05:10 |
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ashu18 | Ubuntu won't auto-detect my LAN connection...I can't connect to the internet.... | 05:11 |
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riotkittie | i have a NetGear MA111 usb adapter (prism2), which i have managed to get working to some extent. the prism2 driver doesnt seem to support anything but WEP. I know people were able to get the card running with ndiswrapper in dapper and breezy but... | 05:11 |
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doug__ | where do i go to make my name registerd | 05:11 |
cBau | Usrl: Was this card previously formatted by another device? i.e.- camera, windows, phone | 05:11 |
Pici | !register | doug__ | 05:11 |
ubotu | doug__: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 05:11 |
riotkittie | anyway! if i can get this working with ndiswrapper, and the windows driver works, i will be able to use WPA/WPA2? | 05:12 |
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doug__ | pici where i type that in at | 05:12 |
Usrl | cBau: possibly. It might have been in my old digicam, which died, but I haven't used it in a long time so I can't remember. | 05:12 |
cBau | did you check your permissions on it? | 05:12 |
Pici | doug__: in your irc client? | 05:12 |
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cBau | ubuntu sees it, but lets you do nothing, right? | 05:12 |
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pvl | azureus keeps crashing on me, any help? | 05:13 |
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Usrl | cBau I have permission on it, of course. I even tried using gksudo, it needs to be formatted | 05:13 |
Usrl | it shows the filesystem as being 'vfat' | 05:13 |
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riotkittie | i have been looking for an alternate adapter with an Ralink chipset but i dont want to pay full price for a new one, and it's very touch and go with ebay at the moment. | 05:13 |
francescgi | loijfcdh g | 05:13 |
riotkittie | so. if anybody knows, that'd be swell. :D | 05:13 |
cBau | Usrl: Hmmm.... | 05:13 |
doug__ | dont see a place to type that pici | 05:13 |
francescgi | bsjcj | 05:14 |
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doug__ | im using xchat gnome irc chat | 05:14 |
ashu18 | pvl: use deluge, it's smaller and better | 05:14 |
cBau | Usrl: I don't know what the command is, but have you tried formatting it through the console? | 05:14 |
Usrl | cBau if I knew how to format it, I wouldn't be asking how to format it, now would I? | 05:14 |
pvl | ashu18 ill check that out | 05:14 |
riotkittie | doug__: type it where youre typing everything else? | 05:14 |
Pici | doug__: You type slash commands right where you type regular words. | 05:14 |
riotkittie | xchat-gnome is vile, btw. :x | 05:15 |
cBau | Usrl: lol, no expert here, just trying to help :) Lemme see if I can find anything | 05:15 |
ashu18 | pvl: it's very simple and easy 2 use...like utorrent in windows | 05:15 |
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ashu18 | btw, does anyone care about my problem? | 05:15 |
kaotic | I'm using weechat at the moment, anyone aknow of any other good command line IRC clients? | 05:15 |
Pici | kaotic: irssi | 05:16 |
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riotkittie | kaotic: i like irssi <shrug> | 05:16 |
kitche | kaotic: irssi bitchx epic ircii | 05:16 |
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bofh80 | hi people is there a tool to watch current file system access ? as in, so ican see what programs are writing wha tto disk? | 05:16 |
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riotkittie | but i'm using mIRC at the moment :| boo hiss. | 05:16 |
Grungebunny | ashu im no expert but ive been tinkering with my laptop to get wirless working.. is that your issue? | 05:16 |
neverblue | !patience | ashu18 | 05:16 |
ubotu | ashu18: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 05:16 |
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Pici | bofh80: lsof | 05:16 |
mon^rch | q4 used to run awesome... now its very slow. any ideas? | 05:16 |
kaotic | kewl thanks I wana keep it command line so I can run it over ssh from work | 05:16 |
NET||abuse | Hey guys.. I have a query about backports,, i want to use a later php version on a dapper server, 5.1.2 is missing some features from 5.2.3, so i wanted to update to at least a 5.2.x version here,, is there a way to select the php backported version only from the repository and allow aptitude to only update that package to backport version, while maintaining the stable versions of anything else not required by php dependancies. | 05:17 |
sacredheart | Yo, is there any breezy repositories left? | 05:17 |
ashu18 | neverblue: i have waiting with one problem after another in ubuntu for 4 MONTHS | 05:17 |
luca | salve a tutti | 05:17 |
Pici | sacredheart: No. Breezy is EOL. | 05:17 |
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neverblue | ashu18, im sure oyu have | 05:17 |
kitche | sacredheart: no | 05:17 |
sacredheart | crap | 05:17 |
neverblue | you( | 05:17 |
illogic-al | yo | 05:17 |
illogic-al | sup? | 05:17 |
shadowhywind | does anyone know how to setup openvpn? I have it installed and half working. When i try to route all my web-traffic through the vpn, I lose my internet | 05:17 |
doug__ | ok pici i did /register doug_ nothing happened | 05:17 |
neverblue | ashu18, that doesnt mean you cannot be patient | 05:17 |
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Budwaa | im getting the error fusermount: failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied. I can fix this with sudo chmod 777 /dev/fuse. What is thebest way to fix this permanently? | 05:18 |
ashu18 | i AM being patient | 05:18 |
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Pici | doug__: You probably got a response in your server tab. | 05:18 |
=== riotkittie pours a little liquor out for Breezy :x | ||
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soulrider | does anyone know of any small ftp servers i can use? something like KDE's http server applet | 05:18 |
cBau | Usrl: It isn't mounted is it? (I know, another stupid question.) Also, I found | 05:18 |
cBau | Format the newpartition: | 05:18 |
cBau | sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 | 05:18 |
NET||abuse | Budwaa, what group / uid does your instance/vhost run under? if so , chmod 775 | 05:18 |
bofh80 | Pici, wow thats rather extensive. do you know how to make it report realtime disk write activity, ignoring reads? | 05:18 |
cBau | In a forum | 05:18 |
neverblue | soulrider, define small | 05:18 |
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Usrl | cbau I'm trying fdisk now. | 05:18 |
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riotkittie | what is fuse? a way to write to ntfs? | 05:18 |
cBau | k | 05:18 |
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Budwaa | NET||abuse: what do you mean by my instance/vhost? | 05:18 |
=== SoulChild [n=eshat@dslb-084-060-017-084.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pici | bofh80: I dont know off the top of my head, the manpage should give you some info on how to do that. | 05:19 |
kitche | !fuse | riotkittie | 05:19 |
ubotu | riotkittie: FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems | 05:19 |
soulrider | neverblue, almost no configuration needed, small sized and simple | 05:19 |
neverblue | soulrider, for linux, not sure | 05:19 |
soulrider | i just want to be able to download some files from this computer on other windows machines | 05:19 |
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faileas | riotkittie: FUSE is a userland file system, kinda like IFS in windows | 05:19 |
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NET||abuse | Budwaa, ok, is the account your run under a Vhosted websiet on that server, or is this the root website? or what's the situation? | 05:19 |
bofh80 | Pici, ah cool, usually the --help is useful, but not in this case lol. man page it is :) | 05:19 |
bofh80 | Pici, thanks | 05:19 |
riotkittie | faileas: ahh, thanks | 05:19 |
neverblue | soulrider, from that machine? | 05:19 |
elkbuntu | doug__, did you have any luck registering? | 05:19 |
NET||abuse | !backports | 05:19 |
ubotu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging | 05:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ntfs-3g | 05:19 |
neverblue | soulrider, or to that machine? | 05:19 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 05:19 |
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soulrider | i want to connect from other machines to this one running linux | 05:20 |
Budwaa | NET||abuse: this is on my personal machine not a webserver of any kind | 05:20 |
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neverblue | soulrider, ssh? | 05:20 |
NET||abuse | Budwaa, oh.. ok. | 05:20 |
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tabularasa | I can't seem to get out of this loop. anyone help me fix this, please? http://pastebin.ca/665718 | 05:20 |
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tabularasa | probably pretty simple for some one that knows what they are doing | 05:20 |
soulrider | neverblue, never used it actually | 05:20 |
NET||abuse | Budwaa, well then your apache is probably running as unprivilidged user,, | 05:20 |
soulrider | and they are running windows | 05:20 |
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Pici | ashu18: What kind of nic are you using? wireless? | 05:20 |
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soulrider | i want something simple so i can just use my browser | 05:20 |
NET||abuse | Budwaa, and since this is only on your local laptop or whatever,, don't worry, just chmod 777 | 05:20 |
Rabbitbunny | soulrider: Samba, howto on the forums. | 05:20 |
neverblue | soulrider, well, there is a command line ftp you can use, when you ssh | 05:20 |
Budwaa | NET||abuse: what does apache haveto do with this? | 05:20 |
ashu18 | nope.....cable modem | 05:20 |
Usrl | it lets me try it on sdc and sdc1, but then it spits out an 'unable to write disk' error. argh... | 05:20 |
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hispazone_ | Please help, when i start google earth in terminal says: Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display "localhost:1.0". / The graphic card driver is propietary(ati) with xgl (this only suceed in xgl session | 05:21 |
ashu18 | what's a nic by the way? | 05:21 |
neverblue | soulrider, then I cannot help you, good luck | 05:21 |
soulrider | neverblue, ok | 05:21 |
NET||abuse | Budwaa, Oh crap, I missread your question | 05:21 |
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soulrider | Rabbitbunny, ill check that out... | 05:21 |
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ras0ir | is there any application for increasing typing speed? | 05:21 |
NET||abuse | Budwaa, fusermount.. riiight. | 05:21 |
doug__ | pici keeps coming back register uknown command | 05:21 |
soulrider | i miss KDE's http server applet | 05:21 |
neverblue | tabularasa, take it to #ubuntu-effects | 05:21 |
Budwaa | NET||abuse: yeah thats the one. | 05:21 |
soulrider | it was just an applet and it worked like charm | 05:21 |
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ashu18 | the thing is it detected my net connection and connected to the internet previously (when i had it about a month ago) and now it won't | 05:21 |
Pici | doug__: You might want to ask in #freenode then. | 05:21 |
Grizzly | Grungebunny: What is Wubi? More exactly? | 05:21 |
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bofh80 | lol Pici this is like reading a book. know any nice GTK apps? :D | 05:22 |
tabularasa | neverblue: i can't run any apt-get install commands now.. why move there? | 05:22 |
Usrl | ARGH | 05:22 |
neverblue | Pici now your doing freenode support? | 05:22 |
SoulChild | Does modprobe add a module permanently,... wil lthe module also be loades after restart ? | 05:22 |
Pici | bofh80: No unfortunately :( | 05:22 |
sipior | tabularasa: does apt-get -f install work? | 05:22 |
doug__ | thanks pici | 05:22 |
faileas | !wubi | Grizzly | 05:22 |
ubotu | Grizzly: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html | 05:22 |
NET||abuse | Budwaa, bleh... emm, usually you have to just figure out how to give your personal user access to the device,, the best way is to add yourself to the group with such permissions.. | 05:22 |
neverblue | tabularasa, because its compiz | 05:22 |
tabularasa | sipior: nope | 05:22 |
Grungebunny | Grizzly it lets you install ubuntu on dual boot by just making 1 large file size your partition instead of actually partitioning your drive.. google it | 05:22 |
NET||abuse | Budwaa, what was the error again | 05:22 |
Pici | neverblue: I am a jack of all trades ;) | 05:22 |
sipior | tabularasa: and if you uninstall compiz? | 05:22 |
ashu18 | Grizzly: Wubi is a Windows software with which you can install Ubuntu within Windows... | 05:22 |
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Usrl | I fucking hate myself. Fucking PEBKAC. I gave myself write permissions, but I left the hardware lock switch on the card on | 05:22 |
neverblue | tabris|away, please direct your questions to that channel | 05:22 |
Budwaa | fusermount: failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied | 05:22 |
Usrl | I'm gonna go cry in the corner about how much I suck now, thanks | 05:22 |
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neverblue | !language | Usrl | 05:22 |
ubotu | Usrl: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 05:22 |
bofh80 | Pici, i find my self in a bit of bother a process is screwing up my system, and system manager, top etc aren't being very helpful, i was hoping maybe something would show on disk writes, as i think it's logging something | 05:22 |
ashu18 | Grizzly: you should check out the video at http://download.com/ | 05:22 |
Grungebunny | whats cool about wubi its still dual boot so your not running an os within an os | 05:23 |
NET||abuse | Budwaa, do ls -l /dev/fuse | 05:23 |
tabularasa | sipior: i can't remove.. i get the same error | 05:23 |
NET||abuse | Budwaa, tell me what the groups name for it are? | 05:23 |
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tabularasa | i can't do anything with apt-get now | 05:23 |
NET||abuse | Budwaa, and what the current permissions are | 05:23 |
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tabularasa | well, upgrade and update.. but no install/remove commands | 05:23 |
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sipior | tabularasa: this feisty, then? | 05:23 |
neverblue | tabularasa, whats the error? | 05:23 |
Grizzly | Grungebunny: So how do I change between Windows and Ubuntu when Ubuntu is installed with wubi? | 05:23 |
tabularasa | http://pastebin.ca/665718 | 05:24 |
Budwaa | NEsT||abuse: just going to add myself to the fuse group | 05:24 |
ashu18 | Pici: any advise? | 05:24 |
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tabularasa | sipior: yes, fiesty | 05:24 |
faileas | Grizzly: with the NT bootloader | 05:24 |
SoulChild | Does modprobe add a module permanently,... wil lthe module also be loades after restart ? | 05:24 |
neverblue | tabularasa, did you read it? | 05:24 |
NET||abuse | Budwaa, that'll more than likely resolve the issue :) | 05:24 |
tabularasa | of course | 05:24 |
neverblue | tabularasa, did you do what it instructs? | 05:24 |
tabularasa | did i try apt-get -f install? of course.... does it work. no... thats why im here | 05:24 |
sipior | neverblue: tabularasa we've covered this ground already | 05:24 |
Grungebunny | grizzly when you boot the computer you get the option of ubuntu or windows | 05:24 |
neverblue | good luck sipior | 05:24 |
Grizzly | Great! Thanks! | 05:24 |
Badpenguin86 | What is a good tablet that works with linux? | 05:25 |
kitche | SoulChild: no it won't you have to add the module in /etc/modprobe.d/ or something liek that not use to how most linuxes are setup now | 05:25 |
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Pici | ashu18: So you have a cable directly from your computer to the cable modem? | 05:25 |
doug__ | ok im having trouble setting up a server name pici and freenode wont let me connect lol | 05:25 |
tabularasa | so, because apt-get -f install doesnt work, now i can't do anything with my installation? | 05:25 |
Pici | doug__: /j #freenode | 05:25 |
Grungebunny | yay I helped someone | 05:25 |
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Grizzly | Oh, by the way. Am I supposed to run wubi in the Windows OS? | 05:25 |
doug__ | i just done that pici lol | 05:26 |
sipior | tabularasa: which package started this problem, then? | 05:26 |
Grungebunny | grizzly yep | 05:26 |
tabularasa | sipior: compiz | 05:26 |
Grizzly | OK, thanks! | 05:26 |
lovaspillando | hi again, I arrange finally to mount the partitions since my live system, now I should now if is there some file where I can specify the system dont make the forced check at begin. Any idea about if exists a file where I can do it, and how to do? | 05:26 |
ashu18 | no an ethernet cord from my cpu to modem...and a cable from the modem to the isp.... | 05:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | Grungebunny: I cant think of any good reason to run Ubuntu inside Windows | 05:26 |
kitche | tabularasa: well compiz-gtk is in main so it should install | 05:26 |
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tabularasa | kitche: i agree, but it doesnt | 05:26 |
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SoulChild | kitche: are you sure about that ? cause i made differnt experence | 05:26 |
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neverblue | lovaspillando, what language do you speak? | 05:26 |
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Grizzly | Jack_Sparrow: And I'm not going to either! | 05:26 |
gaston_ | hello evryone | 05:26 |
sipior | tabularasa: and apt-get purge compiz gives the same? | 05:26 |
gaston_ | anyone knows | 05:26 |
lovaspillando | sorry for my english, I am from Spaim | 05:26 |
Pici | bofh80: Only idea I can think of is to use a better top-like program like htop and play around with the columns until you find something that gives you the output you seek. | 05:27 |
gaston_ | how to install winetools in ubuntu? | 05:27 |
tabularasa | invaild operation purge | 05:27 |
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neverblue | !sp | lovaspillando | 05:27 |
sipior | tabularasa: another possibility, can you fire up synaptic? | 05:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:27 |
neverblue | !es | lovaspillando | 05:27 |
elkbuntu | !es | lovaspillando | 05:27 |
ubotu | lovaspillando: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:27 |
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Grungebunny | jack wubi gives ya dual boot, and it was the step I took before making an official partition for ubuntu.. baby steps ;) | 05:27 |
wanger | SoulChild: /etc/modules seems to be the place to put it | 05:27 |
tabularasa | sipior: good idea | 05:27 |
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sipior | tabularasa: if nothing else works we'll break out dpkg... | 05:27 |
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Pici | ashu18: Okay, can you pastebin the output of ifconfig please. And also please prefix your responses to me with my name, so I dont miss them. | 05:27 |
Pici | !paste | ashu18 | 05:28 |
lone | hello | 05:28 |
ubotu | ashu18: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:28 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Grungebunny: IS it dual boot, or running inside a Windows framework? Can I have that link? | 05:28 |
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SandThor | Hello could somoene help me? | 05:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ask | 05:28 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:28 |
faileas | Jack_Sparrow: dualboot, loopmounted image file system | 05:28 |
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ashu18 | Pici: how do I paste? I am from windows...i CAN'T go online from Ubuntu! | 05:28 |
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Grungebunny | yeah what faileas said | 05:28 |
SandThor | Thank you | 05:28 |
SandThor | Can I resize the paritition of ubuntu without loosing all my windows data? | 05:29 |
lovaspillando | I just want to know if I can modify some files in the ubuntu installation, and make the system to not make the forced disk check at startup | 05:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | faileas: loopmounted implies it is running under something else | 05:29 |
SandThor | I need mor space hihihi | 05:29 |
valehru | Hey guys, Someone using this machine replaced all of the fonts with their own versions, however the fonts are corrupted, is there a way to remove all fonts and have them re-installed? | 05:29 |
Pici | ashu18: Are you on the same computer right now that you installed Ubuntu on? | 05:29 |
Grungebunny | http://wubi-installer.org/ | 05:29 |
bofh80 | Pici, thanks htop seems much better. gonna close everything else now :D | 05:29 |
ashu18 | Pici: yes | 05:29 |
SlimeyPete | lovaspillando: yes you can do that | 05:29 |
tabularasa | sipior: http://pastebin.ca/665731 | 05:29 |
SandThor | was there some link for me? | 05:30 |
NET||abuse | Budwaa, that do any good for you? | 05:30 |
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faileas | Jack_Sparrow: loopmounted by grub | 05:30 |
sipior | tabularasa: interesting. i take it removing compiz-plugins also fails? | 05:30 |
SlimeyPete | lovaspillando: you have to edit /etc/fstab and change something but I can't remember what | 05:30 |
Budwaa | NET||abuse: just had to login again and thats fixed it, thx | 05:30 |
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elkbuntu | !fsck | lovaspillando | 05:30 |
ubotu | lovaspillando: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 05:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | faileas: I am reading it now... Still looks like you are under windows control... | 05:30 |
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SlimeyPete | ...or that. Probably best to do that :) | 05:31 |
stains | Is there a way to configure desktop icons (located in home/user/Desktop) so that the user cannot accidentally delete them (read only)? | 05:31 |
SandThor | ok again: HOW do I resize the ubuntu parittion without damaging windows | 05:31 |
ashu18 | Pici: i have 2 go now.....mom's scolding, will u be there 2moro? | 05:31 |
faileas | Jack_Sparrow: i use it, windows is for installing/uninstalling | 05:31 |
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Pici | ashu18: I might, if not ask the channel, there is always someone here to help. | 05:31 |
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valehru | What is the default font package in ubuntu? Need to re-install it, the old ones were corrupted. | 05:31 |
ashu18 | Pici: ok thanks bye! | 05:31 |
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SandThor | hello? | 05:32 |
SandThor | ok I give up | 05:32 |
doug__ | hey pici | 05:32 |
TestingXub | hi, I need help desperately! Xubuntu installer is all time giving me segmentation faults and seems to stop the installation! | 05:32 |
doug__ | pici: no one would help me and i cant get it set up lol | 05:32 |
tabularasa | sipior: that might have worked | 05:32 |
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wanger | SandThor: gparted should resize filesystems automatically if there's enough space, have you tried that? | 05:33 |
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stains | can anyone assist with this one -- Is there a way to configure desktop icons (located in home/user/Desktop) so that the user cannot accidentally delete them (read only)? | 05:33 |
neverblue | stains, sure, you can do that | 05:33 |
Pici | doug__: can you /j ##pici | 05:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | faileas: You say it is loopmounted by grub... not true at all... per the link I am reading | 05:33 |
lone | question: i ran ubuntu live cd; message was: "job control turned off" and now im in bin/sh before it could get into the os. fdisk doesnt work | 05:33 |
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lovaspillando | thanks so much!, but I am using a live system, not a hard disk installation... I need to modify something on the disk for skip next check. If i do it know, as I am in livesystem, it swill not skip check, right? | 05:33 |
stains | I'm sure you can but haven't been able to figure it out | 05:33 |
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gaston_ | or any know how can i install netscape in linux | 05:33 |
stains | I'm sure it is basic | 05:33 |
lone | is it possible to use these commands from there? | 05:33 |
craigbass1976 | I have this "localhost syslogd 1.4.1#17ubuntu7: restart" going on in /var/log/messages. I noticed yesterday that the power supply is making funny noises. Are they related you think? | 05:33 |
doug__ | in what chat server pici | 05:33 |
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kitche | lone: well bin/sh is part of the OS | 05:33 |
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tabularasa | sipior: that worked... fantastic, thanks! | 05:34 |
Pici | doug__: This one. | 05:34 |
neverblue | stains, cd /home/user/Desktop; chown another_owner:another_owner files_on_desktop | 05:34 |
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doug__ | lol just joined it | 05:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | faileas: Paragraph 3 http://thedarkmaster.wordpress.com/2007/08/18/wubi-will-say-goobye-to-microsoft-not-really/ | 05:34 |
Dunas | I've tried Ubuntu before, and had a problem with my onboard wireless card (I use a laptop, so it's not like I can just get a new one) But I saw that the maker of the card makes a Linux driver which might or might not work- card is a Realtek 8185L. I just don't know how I'd install the driver, being a TOTAL utter linuxnoob. | 05:34 |
doug__ | just joined it pici | 05:34 |
Dunas | ...that was a lot longer than I thought, but anyway. :x | 05:34 |
lone | how can i run fisk? | 05:34 |
stains | neverblue .. so maybe make root own them? | 05:34 |
lone | fdisk | 05:34 |
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wanger | stains: good idea, using chown to change their owner to root should work | 05:34 |
lone | is it because of root privileges? | 05:35 |
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Dunas | Can someone tell me how I'd go about installing it? I'm currently still on WindowsXP. | 05:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | Dunas: What wireless card did you have in the laptop... | 05:35 |
Dunas | Realtek 8185L | 05:35 |
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stains | so then the user will be able to execute but not change or delete | 05:35 |
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stains | I'll give it a shot. thanks | 05:35 |
wanger | SandThor: sudo apt-get install gparted | 05:35 |
Dunas | The laptop hasn't changed, I just got tired of problems involving Windows and random dumps of memory. | 05:35 |
bofh80 | uhm, should some sort of IPSEC script be running every so often? | 05:35 |
Dunas | Er. | 05:35 |
Dunas | Not memory, data. | 05:35 |
Dunas | Yay for the system restore disk. >< | 05:36 |
gauss77 | /nick gauss77 | 05:36 |
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faileas | Jack_Sparrow: grub can loopmount a disk image. http://wubi-installer.org/faq.php#internals and http://www.neowin.net/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t305843.html | 05:36 |
sipior | tabularasa: glad to help | 05:36 |
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bofh80 | /bin/bash /usr/lib/ipsec/_plutorun ...... ?!?!!??? and /usr/lib/ipsec/setup _autostart < ?!?!?! | 05:37 |
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bofh80 | /bin/bash /usr/lib/ipsec/_plutorun ...... ?!?!!??? and /usr/lib/ipsec/setup _autostart < ?!?!?! in process and " Initializing XFRM netlink socket" repeated in dmesg L( | 05:38 |
roland_ | hello mates | 05:38 |
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Dunas | I've got a little experience with Synaptic and I know what not to do with Sudo in the console, I just can't seem to figure out how to install the driver package on my own. | 05:38 |
neverblue | stains, read abit about how groups/permissions work | 05:38 |
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Jack_Sparrow | faileas: I am going by the info page I linked that says if you follow the instructions with wubi you are NOT using grub or lilo or anything linux to mount the iso/dual boot | 05:38 |
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faileas | your chainloading grub from NTLDR | 05:39 |
mikedep333 | hey, I am trying to use the dd command to backup a hard drive to a disk | 05:39 |
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faileas | then grub loopmounts the disk images | 05:39 |
mikedep333 | however when I just did dd if=/dev/sda of=/media/backups/disk1 it went extremely slow | 05:39 |
stains | neverblue -- will do | 05:39 |
roland_ | i need to do a data recover job from a crashed fedora hd (being detected as sdb) on sata, the hd is using /boot as a primary linux native partition and the rest of the hd is in /dev/sdb2 wich is a LVM group containing / and swap , i tried to mount it in ubuntu livecd, but mount said : unknown filesystem : lvm_member or something like that, doesnt the ubuntu livecd kernel support lvm ? | 05:39 |
mikedep333 | how do I speed it up? | 05:39 |
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Dunas | Can anyone help me? | 05:39 |
mikedep333 | should I use ibs and obs? | 05:39 |
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stains | neverblue -- thanks | 05:40 |
family | Hey guys, what is your preferred method for staying in touch with family members through way of webcameras | 05:40 |
family | Dunas: What do you need | 05:40 |
noday | hello everyone. i could really use some help with getting "dhclient" to run at startup, either by writing a script or some other way. please help | 05:40 |
jcaspe | ello everyone! Can you please help me in configuring my internet connection. | 05:40 |
family | neverblue: Thanks for your help yesterday... if you remember me. It wasn't a problem with x. it was a wlan driver that was hogging up the cpu times for some reason | 05:40 |
pvl | jcaspe whats the problem? | 05:40 |
roland_ | doesnt ubuntu livecd can mount lvm group partition ? | 05:40 |
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Dunas | I've been trying to get a linux driver released by the manufacturer of this wireless card (Realtek 8185L) to install, but I honestly don't know how to do it. /linuxnoob | 05:41 |
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kyncani | mikedep333: well, i believe dd should be as fast as the slowest disk involved | 05:41 |
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bofh80 | here's a good question | 05:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | faileas: Read the last 4 lines on that page I linked about wubi... Here is one of them Wubi is really a dangerous way to install Ubuntu, believe me, use it with caution, youre warned | 05:41 |
kyncani | mikedep333: and you can't really speed it up | 05:41 |
hacked_kernel | Is there a room for linux development? | 05:41 |
family | Dunas: alright. Did you read a tutorial for it and are stuck? | 05:41 |
jcaspe | everytime I open my computer, i have to reconfigure my connection. | 05:41 |
faileas | Jack_Sparrow: if it breaks i can fix it ;) | 05:41 |
mikedep333 | kyncani: actually, I just did | 05:41 |
mikedep333 | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dd_(Unix) | 05:41 |
bofh80 | i don't need a firewall, afaik ubuntu doesn't install one by default, can i REMOVE ipsec-tools ? | 05:41 |
mikedep333 | "One author wrote in 2005 that for "most modern drives", the optimum value for this operand for maximum read/write performance is 4k (i.e. bs=4k)" | 05:42 |
Dunas | family: Not so much that as I couldn't find a tutorial with google, and I have absolutely no idea how to use it otherwise. | 05:42 |
playerzen | bofh80: iptables | 05:42 |
kazim59 | I want to run Windows using QEMU,.... but its very heavy on system resources... please tell me the lightest desktop environment... also which startup daemons can I turn off? | 05:42 |
mikedep333 | now it is going like 20 MB/sec, not 3 | 05:42 |
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faileas | windows only has one DE... ;p | 05:42 |
roland_ | HELP : does ubuntu livecd support mounting of lvm groups ? eg. i have sdb lvm and ext3 inside it , i need to recover data !! | 05:42 |
kazim59 | faileas: i meant IceWM etc... | 05:42 |
noday | does anyone know how to get dhclient to run at boot, instead of having to run it in the console every time? | 05:42 |
faileas | unless you mean xwindows, ubuntu | 05:42 |
neverblue | ah, glad I could help family | 05:42 |
faileas | ahh ;p | 05:43 |
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noday | cuz for some reason, internet only works after i run it | 05:43 |
bofh80 | playerzen, i want to remove that too? | 05:43 |
family | Dunas: see if this one helps you at all: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=416993 | 05:43 |
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sipior | bofh80: ipsec-tools is only tangentially related to firewalls, and you could get rid of it. but if you mean iptables, why would you want to? comes i handy if you ever need to put some machines behind NAT | 05:43 |
kazim59 | faileas: xwindows is lightest DE for linux? | 05:43 |
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sipior | bofh80: along with a bunch of other handy uses | 05:43 |
playerzen | bofh80, no that's the default "firewall" that comes with all linux, you need it to run your network | 05:43 |
faileas | kazim59: no no... never mind. i meant with X. | 05:44 |
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=== faileas generally goes textmode on ubuntu if he's virtualising | ||
bofh80 | playerzen, sipior , i use a LAN connection........ /bin/bash /usr/lib/ipsec/_plutorun .....and /usr/lib/ipsec/setup _autostart ..RUNNING every 20 seconds or so, freezing my machine up for some reason . i am connected to a router which has a firewall.... | 05:44 |
roland_ | anyone knows if ubuntu can mount lvm groups ? | 05:44 |
roland_ | oh come on | 05:44 |
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Dunas | family: Thanks for that, should be able to get that to work. :) | 05:44 |
kazim59 | which desktop environment is lightest to run... | 05:44 |
roland_ | screen | 05:44 |
roland_ | kazim59 | 05:44 |
playerzen | bofh80 by default, iptables won't block ports | 05:44 |
family | Dunas: No worries :) enjoy ubuntu | 05:44 |
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kazim59 | faileas: how do you go text mode? .. qemu would require a X to connect? | 05:45 |
alexandre_ | uduuhtqydysd | 05:45 |
kazim59 | roland_: yes | 05:45 |
kitche | roland_: should since ubuntu supports lvm | 05:45 |
bofh80 | playerzen, if you could tell me what those scripts are for???? or how to stop them ?! | 05:45 |
alexandre_ | $dyuuxjffisieruifksidu'e_uidio | 05:45 |
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kyncani | kazim59: icewm is light, but minf the apps you're using | 05:45 |
kazim59 | kyncani: i want to run qemu for virtualisation | 05:45 |
bofh80 | playerzen, i also get " Initializing XFRM netlink socket" in the dmesg log repeated over and over | 05:45 |
faileas | kazim59: i think not. there's a way to connect to qemu via vnc | 05:45 |
alexandre_ | hfuqskjkdhjsj du jidigiord dif dijrifj idiked eir | 05:45 |
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bofh80 | cpu spikes :( | 05:46 |
alexandre_ | kgirikfijkcikr fikjd | 05:46 |
alexandre_ | fikjzs | 05:46 |
roland_ | kitche i tried mounting lvm2 from hd/sata sdb (sdb2 is the volume group) but mount returns : unknown filesystem of type 'lvm_member' | 05:46 |
sipior | bofh80: this a new machine? | 05:46 |
adrian__ | HELP with one Q: what do you type in ubuntu istead of chmod 777 | 05:46 |
alexandre_ | jgfkklrjlf gfikjf | 05:46 |
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kazim59 | faileas: ..... | 05:46 |
sipior | bofh80: new install, i should say | 05:46 |
alexandre_ | fgjjfkkfjkfhlofd gfikjkgf fvkjfjifk | 05:46 |
Pici | alexandre_: Could you stop that. | 05:46 |
bofh80 | sipior, i've had ubuntu on it for a year i think...... | 05:46 |
alexandre_ | jog | 05:46 |
kazim59 | faileas: let me try icewm .. :) | 05:46 |
kyncani | kazim59: i mean wether you use firefox under gnome or icewm won't make any difference | 05:46 |
bofh80 | sipior, p4 2.8 . | 05:46 |
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sipior | bofh80: and what changed that this started? | 05:46 |
alexandre_ | jhfjkjsyzeueuidjdjduzuy ussujshys dyhushjsus dhhuzufgjch | 05:46 |
kitche | !ops | alexandre_ | 05:46 |
ubotu | alexandre_: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 05:46 |
kyncani | kazim59: so you have to use lightweight apps all the way too ... | 05:46 |
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adrian__ | HELP with one Q: what do you type in ubuntu istead of chmod 777 | 05:47 |
Pici | kitche: /me is too slow :) | 05:47 |
sipior | alexandre_: home from school already? | 05:47 |
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wanger | adrian__ : ... sudo chmod 777 ? | 05:47 |
bofh80 | sipior, i have been using a wireless adapter with ndiswrapper, got sick of it, about a week ago started using a LAN cable, with no problems | 05:47 |
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kitche | Pici: I had it typed out already :) | 05:47 |
Gat0rvean | I'm trying to boot my Ubuntu Server 7.04 without a keyboard, I've configured the bios, but when It loads the modules, it stops at /etc/scripts and I have to press enter to get to the login prompt, how can I disable that? | 05:47 |
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bofh80 | sipior, no updates for a little while.........just started to today | 05:47 |
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El_Julioso | hey all | 05:47 |
elbow | rc.freenode.net | 05:47 |
sipior | bofh80: but what was updated that started the lock-ups | 05:47 |
roland_ | kitche well ? mount obviously states that the kernel doesnt have lvm support | 05:48 |
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Pici | elbow: you're already here :) | 05:48 |
adrian__ | wagner :root@adrian-laptop:/media/disk# chmod 777 | 05:48 |
adrian__ | chmod: missing operand after `777' | 05:48 |
adrian__ | Try `chmod --help' for more information. | 05:48 |
kitche | roland_: no it just says mount doesn't know how to mount lvm | 05:48 |
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Pici | adrian__: You need to apply it to a file.... | 05:48 |
adrian__ | ok | 05:48 |
roland_ | huh | 05:48 |
adrian__ | lol | 05:48 |
adrian__ | stupid me | 05:48 |
Dunas | Hmm. According to that bug website, the driver worked in the previous version of Ubuntu (I think- it says edgy) but not in Feisty. :x Is there some compelling reason not to just download the older Ubuntu? | 05:48 |
bofh80 | sipior, that's what i'm trying to think, but i aint done any for a while...nothig new installed for a few days, except scribus, but i've had that open constantly for days, with no problems.... | 05:48 |
roland_ | kitche if the kernel knows lvm why doesnt mount mount it ? | 05:48 |
roland_ | or what else do i need | 05:48 |
wanger | adrian__ : =) | 05:48 |
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kitche | roland_: becuase mount doesn't know how to mount lvm | 05:49 |
sipior | bofh80: could you pastebin the contents of the files run by the script? | 05:49 |
El_Julioso | I'm switching to Ubuntu this week, I'm wondering if it will have any trouble reading the two drives I use for storage, they're in RAID 0 controlled by a SIL 3114 PCI SATA controller | 05:49 |
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roland_ | kitche so how do i acces lvm partitions on a hd, from any linux ? | 05:49 |
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bofh80 | sipior, sure . but i have no idea why the IPSEC scripts should be running at ALL ?! | 05:49 |
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alexandre__ | jckhxjkhjdkhik dfjhxjkdxcjkdnd dihisujdh djhkjuf,ndf | 05:49 |
sipior | bofh80: they may have been added by someone else :) | 05:49 |
alexandre__ | hfhfh fhfkjd | 05:49 |
Pici | !ops | alexandre__ | 05:49 |
ubotu | alexandre__: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 05:49 |
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=== avraham [n=avraham@bzq-84-108-25-24.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Jack_Sparrow | Thanks pici | 05:50 |
adrian__ | do you know how to show the permissions of a file? | 05:50 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@dyn-83-156-151-148.ppp.tiscali.fr] by nalioth | ||
wanger | adrian__: ls -l <file> | 05:50 |
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jrib | adrian__: right click -> properties | 05:50 |
avraham | hello | 05:51 |
rick_ | ls -la | 05:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | El_Julioso: Yes, I think you will have a problem | 05:51 |
avraham | when i enable ati driver in "system-administration-restricted drivers manager" desktop effects not working | 05:51 |
avraham | what to do | 05:51 |
adrian__ | tx wagner | 05:51 |
Dunas | Question one: Ubuntu 6.06 is named Edgy? Q2: (if Q1=yes) Would Ubuntu Edgy work just as well (in this case, better) than Feisty does for a newbie? | 05:51 |
avraham | im using ubuntu 7.04 | 05:51 |
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jrib | Dunas: 6.10 is edgy, 6.06 is dapper | 05:51 |
avraham | someone can help me? | 05:51 |
Dunas | Aha, thanks. | 05:51 |
dfgas | i have a penitum D 920 dual core, what kernel should i be using, cause i notic when i cat /proc/cpuinfo that it doesn't show my sse3 and my em64t flags and i know that my proc supports them | 05:52 |
OPTIMusprime1212 | PICI is awsome | 05:52 |
elkbuntu | avraham, your ati card may support the desktop effects | 05:52 |
El_Julioso | Jack_Sparrow: thanks, I've been hearing about RAID headaches with Linux, any idea how to solve it? | 05:52 |
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jrib | Dunas: I would recommend feisty if you are new | 05:52 |
tjedi | my new hardware do not run under feisty-amd64-iso - no dhcp-connect. i think feisty can't handle my ethernet interface - board: msi p35 neo2; cpu: intel core 2 duo e6750 - can someone please help!? | 05:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | !raid > El_Julioso: | 05:52 |
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Dunas | Problem with Feisty is that it doesn't play well at all with my wireless card (RTL8185 from Realtek) and fixing the problem is a little complicated, though doable. :x | 05:52 |
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kyncani | Dunas: try edgy then if it worked in edgy | 05:53 |
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Jack_Sparrow | El_Julioso: Personally, I used raid back when drives were a lot slower. It isnt as much of an issue now | 05:53 |
bofh80 | sipior, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34535/ | 05:53 |
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tjedi | my new hardware do not run under feisty-amd64-iso - no dhcp-connect. i think feisty can't handle my ethernet interface - board: msi p35 neo2; cpu: intel core 2 duo e6750 | 05:54 |
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tjedi | any ideo? | 05:54 |
OPTIMusprime1212 | what is the code to install w3 codec | 05:54 |
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El_Julioso | Jack_Sparrow: yeah, I would like to revert back to non-RAID, since I don't trust hard drives that much, main problem is I have over 500GB of stuff on those two drives and have no easy way to save it all :( | 05:54 |
esteth | I've just launched the video player from firefox with a downloaded .wmv file, and the file played. However, my window decorator appears to have unloaded. I'm running compiz-fusion, but with metacity for theming, afaik | 05:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | !restricted | 05:54 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:54 |
SoulChild | do i need ppp if i am using a stadard DSL Connection ? | 05:54 |
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Jack_Sparrow | El_Julioso: I saw a 500 gig single drive at frys this week for about $100 | 05:55 |
bofh80 | SoulChild, i believe the answer is yes, if you are using a USB modem that is.... | 05:55 |
Brian` | hey i tried to install mediawiki on my ubuntu computer and when it asks for superuser account and password, it always fails! even if i put the correct id/passwd | 05:55 |
Brian` | any ideas? | 05:55 |
kitche | SoulChild: well ppp is for dialup ppoe is for dsl | 05:55 |
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jcaspe | ello everyone! Can you please help me in configuring my Internet connection? I'm completely new in ubuntu. | 05:55 |
Pici | Brian`: How did you install it? | 05:55 |
faileas | Brian`: look up the mediawiki defaults for it | 05:56 |
SoulChild | kitche: that means i don't need it cause i connect via W-LAN on a router that is online all the time | 05:56 |
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Brian` | pici : i used apt-get install | 05:56 |
doodles | hello | 05:56 |
El_Julioso | Jack_Sparrow: hmmm... good point! I think I'm just gonna get a new HD and PSU | 05:56 |
bofh80 | kitche, whoops :) beleive i still need ppp in the uk as we use pppoa like dumbass | 05:56 |
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sipior | bofh80: well, there's nothing obviously suspicious there, but you might consider looking through your logs for weird activity | 05:56 |
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Pici | Brian`: Where is it asking for the password? | 05:56 |
El_Julioso | Jack_Sparrow: It's a good excuse to finally exceed 1TB of storage :D | 05:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | El_Julioso: There are other ways, but that one gives you a nice bonus when you are done | 05:56 |
OPTIMusprime1212 | pici hate to bugs u but u know the code for the w3 codec to install it? | 05:56 |
bofh80 | SoulChild, that's correct, if the router is making the connection for you then you don't need it | 05:56 |
doodles | which ubuntu package contains ooo-wrapper? | 05:56 |
esteth | How do i launch an application with terminal, but let the application continue running even if i close the terminal | 05:56 |
kitche | SoulChild: well if your on a rotuer and it handles that for you you don't need ppp or ppoe | 05:56 |
bofh80 | sipior, but why are they running? | 05:56 |
SoulChild | bofh80: thank you | 05:57 |
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Pici | OPTIMusprime1212: I'm not familiar with that. have you tried looking at the pages from !codecs ? | 05:57 |
sipior | bofh80: check in /etc/rc2.d for ipsec scripts, also crontab. shut them down. | 05:57 |
Brian` | pici : when you first connect to the mediawiki web page, it pulls up an "Oops - MediaWiki not setup yet" wizard that walks you through setting up the basic accounts and pointing to your MySQL server | 05:57 |
bofh80 | sipior, cool | 05:57 |
b0wlman | im trying to record my turntable's via my Line in port using Audacity. however ubuntu isnt picking up any recording even through the microphone. please help | 05:57 |
OPTIMusprime1212 | nope thnks will now | 05:57 |
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jrib | esteth: use 'nohup COMMAND' or run it in a screen session or disown the job after you start it in your terminal | 05:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | El_Julioso: We are here to help if you need anything. are you running wireless? | 05:57 |
El_Julioso | Jack_Sparrow: This is true, I don't know why I didn't think of it, thanks for the suggestion | 05:57 |
iNR | need apache for ubuntu 5.10 | 05:58 |
iNR | :p | 05:58 |
El_Julioso | Jack_Sparrow: I am indeed running wireless internet | 05:58 |
esteth | jrib: Thanks :) | 05:58 |
tjedi | where can i download a gutsy-amd64-iso? | 05:58 |
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Jack_Sparrow | El_Julioso: Check on your cards chipset, that would be the only other serious hangup... | 05:58 |
kitche | iNR: upgrade or compile apache yourself since breezy is EOL | 05:58 |
iNR | where can i download apache server for 5.10 ? ;p | 05:58 |
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Pici | Brian`: I havent done the mediawiki setup in a long time. Did you setup a database for mysql? | 05:58 |
Pici | !badger | iNR | 05:59 |
ubotu | iNR: Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol for more details. | 05:59 |
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iNR | !eol | 05:59 |
ubotu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle | 05:59 |
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Brian` | pici : i installed mysql by sudo apt-get install mysql-server.. but should i do something more to it? | 05:59 |
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El_Julioso | Jack_Sparrow: yeah, I went to the Linksys site and checked it out, looks like I need to download another driver, shouldn't be a big deal | 05:59 |
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tjedi | where can i get a gutsy-amd64-iso? | 06:00 |
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Pici | Brian`: You probably need to setup a database and a user/password for it. | 06:00 |
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Pici | !mysql > Brian` (Please see the private messsage from ubotu) | 06:00 |
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El_Julioso | Jack_Sparrow: What do you think of file systems? I've read that jfs is good, but not a lot of people use it | 06:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | El_Julioso: Great... good luck.. | 06:00 |
Dunas | !Edgy | 06:00 |
Pici | tjedi: 1) gutsy questions in #ubuntu+1 _only_ 2) cdimage.ubuntu.com | 06:00 |
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ubotu | Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the 5th release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes | 06:00 |
Dunas | Aha, there it is. | 06:00 |
Dunas | :x | 06:01 |
avraham | how do i install icons pack ?? | 06:01 |
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Pici | !changethemes | avraham | 06:01 |
ubotu | avraham: To change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. | 06:01 |
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betatest2 | Anyone konws how to get PcMan filemanager to use the recycle bin instead of deleting instantly (at least thats what I get) | 06:01 |
Brian` | pici : sorry; im not an expert irc user.. how do i see private message from ubotu? | 06:01 |
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dori | can someone point me to a link on how to make ubuntu packages (or debian I guess) from a tarball? | 06:01 |
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Jack_Sparrow | El_Julioso: I stick with the default and I have never had any issues with it. I dual boot.. I have ntfs for windows, a shared fat32 and a spare ext3 for extra ubuntu storage and images... | 06:01 |
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Pici | Brian`: I'll just send it in the channel. | 06:02 |
jrib | !packaging > dori (see the private message from ubotu) | 06:02 |
bofh80 | Pici, do i need both klogd and syslogd ?! | 06:02 |
Pici | !mysql | Brian` | 06:02 |
SliMM | hello, i have a problem with 3d graphics\ | 06:02 |
ubotu | Brian`: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 06:02 |
bofh80 | oops | 06:02 |
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bofh80 | sipior, , do i need both klogd and syslogd ?! | 06:02 |
SliMM | they don't work | 06:02 |
sipior | bofh80: yes | 06:02 |
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joshritger | Why will knotes and kalarms not start when I add them to session startup? I just did a reinstall and had had them starting on startup on my previous install? | 06:02 |
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Brian` | !mysql | Brian` | 06:02 |
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Jack_Sparrow | joshritger: are you running desktop effects? | 06:03 |
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avraham | ubotu i dont see any guide to install ICONSN | 06:03 |
avraham | ICONS | 06:03 |
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joshritger | Jack_Sparrow: no | 06:03 |
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kitche | !bot | avraham | 06:03 |
ubotu | avraham: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 06:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | joshritger: JUst asking, desktop effects messes a bit with my Konversation app.. | 06:03 |
jcaspe | I configured my internet connection together with its router. However, every time i open my pc i need reconfigure it again. Can anyone help? How can I save my configuration? Please help... | 06:04 |
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El_Julioso | Jack_Sparrow: Thanks a lot, can't wait to get rid of my bloated Windows install, I'll know where to come if I have any more issues | 06:04 |
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bofh80 | sipior, do i delete what i don't want to run from the rc2.d folder? | 06:04 |
Dunas | !ubotu dual-boot | 06:04 |
joshritger | Jack_Sparrow: I had both apps starting up with ubuntu running beryl on my last install, I can't figure out why they wont start now | 06:04 |
ubotu | Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty | 06:04 |
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Dunas | y thx u | 06:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | El_Julioso: Just remember to please be patient... this place can get very busy... | 06:04 |
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avraham | should i install nod32 antivirus for ubuntu ?? | 06:05 |
lnx | what in ubuntu is like flashget in windows ? | 06:05 |
SandThor | how do I install gparted? | 06:05 |
sipior | bofh80: no, you'll move entries like "S20dictd" to "K20dictd". only the initial letter changes from S to K | 06:05 |
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lnx | avraham , no | 06:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | avraham: There is no need | 06:05 |
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cast0r | avraham: there are no viruses for linux | 06:05 |
sipior | bofh80: this will change the scripts run at boot time | 06:05 |
Brian` | pici : thanks, that helped! it's installing now :) | 06:05 |
SandThor | how do I install gparted? | 06:06 |
El_Julioso | Jack_Sparrow: absolutely. Cheers | 06:06 |
bofh80 | sipior, oh right. nice one. thanks | 06:06 |
zlx | hey im having some trouble installing ubuntu on my new laptop, when I click install or start ubuntu the loading bar goes for a few seconds then it comes up with "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" | 06:06 |
Dunas | I was under the impression most Linux distros (Ubuntu, Mepis, etc) were incredibly secure as long as the user had some sense about them. | 06:06 |
jcaspe | I have problem with my internet connection. Is dr anyone can help me? | 06:06 |
lnx | SandThor , synaptic | 06:06 |
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zlx | anyone got an idea of what I can do/ | 06:06 |
lnx | what in ubuntu is like flashget in windows ? | 06:06 |
avraham | really? it's strange that eset makes antivirus for linux | 06:06 |
SandThor | thank you lnx | 06:06 |
Pici | Brian`: Great | 06:06 |
SliMM | how do i test if opengl is working? any 3d game & beryl work pretty bad | 06:06 |
avraham | never mind | 06:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | SandThor: I would use synaptic | 06:06 |
charlie_21 | whats is flashget | 06:06 |
charlie_21 | ??? | 06:06 |
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avraham | download manager | 06:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | SandThor: goto system-admin..synaptic | 06:06 |
cyberphaz | slimm if you have an ATI card you cant use beryl and an opengl game at the same time | 06:06 |
avraham | charlie it's download manager | 06:07 |
cyberphaz | if you have nvidia card it should work normally | 06:07 |
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jcaspe | anyone can teach me how to establish internet connection in ubuntu? | 06:07 |
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cast0r | avraham: believe me, your are more secure on ubuntu without a virus scanner than on windows with some virusscanner | 06:07 |
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genii | Dunas: Yes, this is true.But it's amazing how few people have this common sense | 06:07 |
avraham | so........i cant play games with ati card ??????// | 06:08 |
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cyberphaz | dont use beryl | 06:08 |
cyberphaz | if you want to play a game | 06:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | jcaspe: You need to identify your hardware .... to get the best help... | 06:08 |
Dunas | genii: Sad how often the phrase "Common Sense isn't so common" rings true, isn't it? :( | 06:08 |
cyberphaz | or use nvidia card | 06:08 |
=== MBR666 [n=Bryan@pool-129-44-142-174.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
avraham | how ?? | 06:08 |
cyberphaz | i decided not to use beryl and just normal gnome | 06:08 |
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vladuz976 | how can I compile gimp 2.4, feisty doesn't have the necessary libraries | 06:08 |
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zlx | hey im having some trouble installing ubuntu on my new laptop, when I click install or start ubuntu the loading bar goes for a few seconds then it comes up with "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" | 06:09 |
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SliMM | genii: how do i test opengl? | 06:09 |
Galga | hello | 06:09 |
pisko-- | I have problem with Beryl ..... I start beryl - Console > beryl and desktop become become and I don see | 06:09 |
avraham | cyberphaz what i need to do to play games? | 06:09 |
=== brainstorm [n=chatzill@p54AD9E2B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SliMM | Galga: hi | 06:09 |
pisko-- | help please | 06:09 |
jcaspe | i have a pc with ubuntu and a laptop with vista. i want it to connect to the internet using asus router | 06:09 |
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avraham | whay do you mean when you say don't use beryl | 06:09 |
cyberphaz | avrah disable beryl in your window manager | 06:09 |
avraham | and then? | 06:09 |
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cyberphaz | then you should be able to game just fine | 06:09 |
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pisko-- | ? avraham | 06:09 |
avraham | that's it ?? | 06:09 |
SliMM | pisko--: install beyl manager | 06:09 |
avraham | yeah? | 06:10 |
pisko-- | wait ! | 06:10 |
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SliMM | pisko--: beryl managr* | 06:10 |
MBR666 | i have a question. if you don't know a package name. but are looking for a program. say i want "card games" how do i use apt-get to find a list of suck packages ? | 06:10 |
brainstorm | Does someone here has experience with wlan??? | 06:10 |
cast0r | zlx: that's a known problem, search for that error on google, you will find a lot of solutions | 06:10 |
=== feri [n=feri@catv-5665f935.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brainstorm | and wp??? | 06:10 |
brainstorm | wpa?? | 06:10 |
cyberphaz | yes for some reason the fact that beryl uses the opengl thingy to make the desktop makes it not able to play games | 06:10 |
zlx | alright hceers cast0r | 06:10 |
MBR666 | suck = such | 06:10 |
cyberphaz | dont ask me why, ask ati | 06:10 |
SandThor | I have too less space on this parittion - I have 55 gb on windows partition (ntfs) and 12 for Ubuntu and 2 swap | 06:10 |
=== emmanuelux [n=emmanuel@ARennes-352-1-100-124.w86-199.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zlx | cheers* | 06:10 |
jcaspe | however, everytime i open my pc again, my configuration is gone | 06:10 |
avraham | should i enable ati driver in system-administration-restricted drivers manager or something? | 06:10 |
sipior | MBR666: apt-cache search card | 06:10 |
MBR666 | ty | 06:10 |
staar2 | does beyl works with integreted videocards ? | 06:11 |
sipior | MBR666: i think synaptic has a more thorough search function | 06:11 |
m0biu5 | what driver staar2 | 06:11 |
bofh80 | sipior, thanks for your help. i've managed to stop enough services, and remove enough crap i've installed over the year, and it seems healtheir, no more spikes....i remove racoon, openvpn, openswan, ipsec tools, too. dunno why they where all on there....that seem to be the final little tweak lol | 06:11 |
pisko-- | my Video Card is Asus 8600GT ( 512 MB ).. | 06:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | SandThor: That is enough... 2 gig for swap and 10 for ubuntu | 06:11 |
staar2 | intel gml 128mb | 06:11 |
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sipior | bofh80: glad to help | 06:11 |
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MBR666 | sipior, i'll be using console only. isn't synaptic a x only program? | 06:11 |
sipior | MBR666: yep | 06:11 |
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wanger | brainstorm: describe yours problem and someone'll probably try to help you | 06:11 |
jcaspe | how can i save my configuration so that i don't need to reconfigure it the next time i open my computer? | 06:11 |
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cast0r | MBR666: apt-cache search "card games" | 06:11 |
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lnx | what in ubuntu is like flashget in windows ? | 06:11 |
m0biu5 | i810 driver staar2 ? | 06:12 |
staar2 | use qget | 06:12 |
bofh80 | sipior, it's so much nicer watch that box stay black instead of fillin up with activity when i aint doing nothing :D | 06:12 |
MBR666 | i plan on installing either ubuntu or debian straight and don't plan on installing x11 | 06:12 |
Sergo | hello, i have a problem | 06:12 |
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Sergo | Regenerating fonts cache... failed | 06:12 |
pvl | what is a "shell?" | 06:12 |
Dunas | !download manager | 06:12 |
staar2 | i9'' | 06:12 |
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cast0r | MBR666: apt-cache search "card games" | 06:12 |
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Jay_ | hey can anyone help me with my dsl connection? | 06:12 |
Sergo | wha to do | 06:12 |
staar2 | wait il get more information | 06:12 |
m0biu5 | should work, afaik | 06:12 |
avraham | in order to play games in need to enable ati driver in "restricted drivers manager" or just disable beryl windows manager ?????????/? | 06:12 |
brainstorm | i got a problem with WPA for my wlan card (chip = ISL3890) PLS HELP ME! | 06:12 |
Sergo | Regenerating fonts cache... failed. | 06:12 |
Sergo | See /var/log/fontconfig.log for more information. | 06:12 |
Sergo | done. | 06:12 |
MBR666 | cast0r, i know. it's been said 3 times now. ty tons | 06:12 |
sipior | pvl: a program which is used to interactively launch other programs | 06:12 |
pvl | k thnx | 06:13 |
pisko-- | I dont can't ;( | 06:13 |
Lasse_ | can anyone help me with some install problems with SATA raid ? | 06:13 |
finalbeta | !ask | brainstorm | 06:13 |
ubotu | brainstorm: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:13 |
avraham | in order to play games in need to enable ati driver in "restricted drivers manager" or just disable beryl windows manager ? | 06:13 |
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cyberphaz | well i have the ati driver enabled in the restricted drivers manager | 06:13 |
brainstorm | is WPA working with ISL3890?? | 06:13 |
cyberphaz | and no beryl | 06:13 |
brainstorm | and without NDISWRAPPER?? | 06:14 |
brainstorm | is there any driver for it?? | 06:14 |
=== contef [n=carl@h194-63-239-200.mesh.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
b0wlman | Can someone help me with setting up my realtek ALC883 sound drivers on my aspire 5100 please | 06:14 |
staar2 | Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express does beryl works ? | 06:14 |
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genii | SliMM: Usually for a test of opengl the glxgears app | 06:14 |
wanger | avaram: enable the driver, i don't see why beryl should prevent you from playing games | 06:14 |
finalbeta | avraham: Disabling beryl will make it work, enabling the proprietary driver will make your games fast | 06:14 |
pisko-- | avraham: look private please | 06:14 |
avraham | i can't | 06:14 |
contef | How can I find out if my Modem has been detected and if drivers are loaded? | 06:14 |
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avraham | pisko-- i can't i am not registered | 06:14 |
bulmer | contef lshw | 06:15 |
contef | Or just to get some sort of clue...? | 06:15 |
m0biu5 | it should, staar2 | 06:15 |
Jay_ | my dsl is all buggered up, I have a working connection but it keeps going in and out on me automoticall throughout the day | 06:15 |
avraham | you can talk to me on msn - gal_avraham15@hotmail.com | 06:15 |
m0biu5 | thats what i use staar2 | 06:15 |
finalbeta | !ISL3890 | 06:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about isl3890 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:15 |
staar2 | k ty | 06:15 |
pisko-- | avraham: skype ? | 06:15 |
staar2 | and works fine ? | 06:15 |
brainstorm | finalbeta do you have a solution for me??? | 06:15 |
avraham | icq: 50020340 .....i don't have skype | 06:15 |
pisko-- | ;( | 06:15 |
staar2 | how can i send someone msg ? | 06:15 |
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staar2 | like to Name 123456 | 06:16 |
genii | SliMM: and glxinfo shows you some info on your adapter and it's capabilities as well | 06:16 |
finalbeta | brainstorm: I guess not, the only things I see about it are with ndiswrapper | 06:16 |
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brainstorm | argh | 06:16 |
b0wlman | Can someone help me with setting up my realtek ALC883 sound drivers on my aspire 5100 please | 06:16 |
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pisko-- | avraham: can you speek me , where i must cklik ? | 06:16 |
contef | bulmer, Ok, it tells me there is an Intel AC'97 Modem | 06:16 |
jcaspe | I have a problem with my connection. I configure my router and internet connection and it works fine. However, I need to reconfigure it every time i open my computer. Is there a way I can save my configuration so that I don't need to reconfigure every time I open my comp? | 06:16 |
contef | What now? | 06:16 |
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ubuntu09 | can linux mce be used on ubuntu or just kubuntu? | 06:16 |
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finalbeta | b0wlman: try #alsa | 06:17 |
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kitche | jcaspe: save your settings | 06:17 |
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b0wlman | thanks | 06:17 |
jcaspe | yes | 06:17 |
avraham | what ? so every time i want to play game i need to enable ati video card, disable beryl and restart my computer ?!!!!!!! | 06:17 |
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Slart | avraham: you don't have to restart the computer to disable beryl | 06:17 |
avraham | but to enable ati driver i do | 06:17 |
wanger | jcaspe: probably write the a script and drop it in rc.local | 06:17 |
Slart | avraham: get the beryl manager and just chose another window manager | 06:18 |
Jay_ | I use AIM, my screen name is JDavid5381, can anyone help me with my buggered dsl? | 06:18 |
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avraham | i know how to do that but what about 3d acceleration? | 06:18 |
jcaspe | wanger: wt script? | 06:18 |
lil-g-man | Hello people | 06:18 |
Slart | avraham: oh.. I don't know about ATI.. but try the beryl manager.. it might work anyways | 06:18 |
jcaspe | im complete new in ubuntu | 06:18 |
avraham | if i don't enable ati driver it will run slowly... | 06:18 |
avraham | what a shame | 06:18 |
Slart | avraham: what about 3d acceleration?... you still keep your ati driver.. just chose metacity instead of beryl as wm | 06:19 |
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brainstorm | and if i use NDISWRAPPER will i still be able to use the networkmanager????? | 06:19 |
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wanger | jcaspe: whatever you need to do to make your connection work - iwconfig essid xxx key xx or whatever, if you write it in your rc.local file, the system will do it when you boot | 06:19 |
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lil-g-man | I've got a laptop and i have a weird problem. When i play any kind of sound I can hear it, when u plug my headphones into the laptop i can hear the sound through laptop speakers and the headphones. anyone knows a solution??? | 06:19 |
joshritger | what command should I use to shut down my pc from command line | 06:19 |
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avraham | start ...wait wait...i have beryl. what do i need to do to play 3d games with ati? | 06:20 |
sipior | joshritger: shutdown -h now | 06:20 |
Slart | joshritger: sudo shutdown -h now | 06:20 |
osmosis | has ATI done anything about their 3D drivers yet ? | 06:20 |
joshritger | ok | 06:20 |
osmosis | avraham: does beryl work with ATI ? | 06:20 |
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Slart | joshritger: or sudo shutdown -r now if you want it to restart again | 06:20 |
Anlar | osmosis: compiz-fusion works just nice with ati. | 06:20 |
jcaspe | wanger: ok, thanks! | 06:20 |
brainstorm | does somehere here has a working wlan system with wpa and using the chip ISL3890?? | 06:20 |
joshritger | do I need sudo? | 06:20 |
=== elbow [n=elbow@acga211.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | Anlar: is compiz-fusion available from any repos? | 06:20 |
Slart | joshritger: yes | 06:21 |
avraham | when i enable ati driver it doesn't...the orginal gnome | 06:21 |
osmosis | Anlar: i havent seen a dope compiz-fusions wiki yet that says how to set everything up. Beryl used to have a great one. | 06:21 |
Pici | !effects | everyone | 06:21 |
ubotu | everyone: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 06:21 |
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avraham | beryl*8 | 06:21 |
joshritger | I am trying to write a script for kalarm to shut my comp down after an hr | 06:21 |
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Slart | sorry pici | 06:21 |
sipior | joshritger: unless you're root already, which is unwise | 06:21 |
brainstorm | does somehere here has a working wlan system with wpa and using the chip ISL3890?? | 06:21 |
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joshritger | no i am not | 06:21 |
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Pici | Slart: No need to apologize | 06:21 |
Slart | =) | 06:21 |
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avraham | how do i mount iso file? | 06:22 |
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osmosis | joshritger: you dont need kalarm. just do a bash script. sleep 1800; shutdown -h now | 06:22 |
fyrestrtr | !iso | 06:22 |
ubotu | To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 06:22 |
=== jeffW [n=jeff@cpe-24-221-178-67.ca.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | avraham: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/iso/file.iso /path/to/mountpoint | 06:22 |
brainstorm | !wlan | 06:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wlan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:22 |
brainstorm | !isl3890 | 06:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about isl3890 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:22 |
joshritger | osmosis: I have been using kalarm to just shut of the app i was using, but now I want it to either put the computer to sleep or shut it down | 06:22 |
brainstorm | does somehere here has a working wlan system with wpa and using the chip ISL3890?? | 06:22 |
avraham | start you help me very much. thanks. | 06:22 |
Slart | !repeat brainstorm | 06:23 |
avraham | but | 06:23 |
avraham | i have ntfs | 06:23 |
Slart | !repeat | brainstorm | 06:23 |
ubotu | brainstorm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 06:23 |
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avraham | shoul i keep "path" or this is an example ? | 06:24 |
Slart | avraham: it's just an example | 06:24 |
fyrestrtr | that is an example | 06:24 |
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Anlar | osmosis: I know.. But Gutsy will be released soon enough. a lot of bugs in launchpad but they seem to be working on them. they seem to be failing again at supporting certain video cards though (driver problems, not at compiz) | 06:24 |
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fyrestrtr | Anlar: "they" who? | 06:24 |
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Dunas | I hope that they support RTL8185 wireless chipsets with Gutsy. | 06:24 |
avraham | thanks | 06:24 |
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Pici | !gutsy | 06:25 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 06:25 |
osmosis | Anlar: yah..im just worried because i have a working Nvidia setup, but work ordered me a new dual head ATI system...and i dont know how well linux with compiz fusion is going to run on it. | 06:25 |
Anlar | fyrestrtr: the guys who are working on those things. there are a few quite critical issues open there it seems but they have been stalled :) | 06:25 |
Anlar | fyrestrtr: I read today through some 5000 open bug tickets | 06:25 |
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lovaspillando | hi, if I am booting from live system ubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn and want to edit one file in my hard disk (is one installation of same linux wich I want to repair), how I can do it?. I tried sudo emacs filename but dont recognize the emacs, so tried using the editor in grafical mode but can not save file. I am no so expert in linux... any idea? | 06:26 |
kersinc07 | #ununtu-es | 06:26 |
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brainstorm | wanger: its just that it doesn't. And i think its because of the driver. So i ask, if someone has got a driver for my card, with which i can use WPA! | 06:27 |
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eugman | How do I run a .py file under an older version of python? | 06:28 |
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jrib | python2.4 file.py for example | 06:28 |
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joshritger | how do I get firestarter to start on startup, I have followed the fixes and guides that I found online and none of them seem to work, on my last install someone helped me figure it out | 06:28 |
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Cuzz | Hi everybody, i have few questions, hope im in the right place | 06:28 |
eugman | thanks | 06:28 |
wanger | lovaspillando: you won't be able to affect your hard disk in live mode, it's running from the CD, if you want to modify a file, you'll need to mount it's partition | 06:28 |
kitche | joshritger: add it to the sessions in gconf to autostart | 06:29 |
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Cuzz | which Ubuntu distrubution will be best for an Intel Q6600 CPU with ASUS P5B motherboard/? | 06:29 |
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joshritger | kitche: the problem is that y ou need to be root | 06:29 |
lovaspillando | I already mounted partition, and I am accessing the file using the directory where I mounted the partition | 06:29 |
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joshritger | or does that not make a diff if you do it in gconf | 06:29 |
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kitche | joshritger: firestarter shouldn't care if your root or not | 06:29 |
joshritger | kitche: it always asks for my password | 06:30 |
ryanakca | how could you disable 'su' for everybody but root? | 06:30 |
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Cuzz | which Ubuntu distrubution will be best for an Intel Q6600 CPU with ASUS P5B motherboard/? | 06:30 |
wanger | lovaspillando : ah great, i don't quite know how permissions work in mounted filesystems, but perhaps you need to edit the file as a superuser, sudo gedit <file> or whatever | 06:30 |
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AlgorthmicContro | is there a way to restore grub to default settings? | 06:31 |
finalbeta | joshritger: add firestarter to gnome-session-properties | 06:31 |
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kersinc07 | #ubuntu-es | 06:31 |
Pici | !grub | AlgorthmicContro read this | 06:31 |
ubotu | AlgorthmicContro read this: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 06:31 |
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joshritger | finalbeta: I have tried that and it wont start, it needs my password to start | 06:31 |
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finalbeta | ryanakca: ubuntu doesn't have root | 06:31 |
gostview | Hi all, anyone expert in local repository? | 06:32 |
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Pici | ryanakca: I suppose you would remove the users from the admin group and make sure that root has a password. I dont reccomend it though. | 06:32 |
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AndrewLife | How do I "set QTDIR"? | 06:32 |
kitche | joshritger: there is a way to have firestarter to start in nonadmin mode but allow the user to switch to admin mode but no clue on how to do that actually | 06:32 |
finalbeta | joshritger: add it to your /etc/init.d/rc..... dirs, google on the correct location. | 06:32 |
Cuzz | which Ubuntu distrubution will be best for an Intel Q6600 CPU with ASUS P5B motherboard/? | 06:32 |
Pici | Cuzz: Ubuntu or Kubuntu depending on your preferences. | 06:33 |
finalbeta | joshritger: forget what I said, I doubt that would even work | 06:33 |
lovaspillando | oh thanks wagner | 06:33 |
kitche | finalbeta: it won't since it's a gui application | 06:33 |
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tick1 | is anybody having problems with CTRL-ARROW? (it's only happening with the left CTRL key, i cannot jump words in any program ANYMORE!). it is no longer working and i haven't installed anything, only updated. | 06:33 |
finalbeta | kitche: yep, that just hit me ;) | 06:33 |
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SandThor | arrggghhh how do I get permission to write to my windows partition? | 06:34 |
wanger | ryanakca : i'm not sure this'll work on ubuntu, but i imaging it will, try moving the program su from /bin to /sbin | 06:34 |
joshritger | finalbeta: ok, I know someone helped me write a script to echo my password so it would run, but I dont remember who it was that helped me | 06:34 |
joshritger | LOL | 06:34 |
Dunas | Is 960MB of RAM and a 69.2GB Hard disk enough to dualboot Ubuntu and WinXP on this laptop? :x | 06:34 |
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SandThor | sure | 06:34 |
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Pici | Dunas: Plenty. | 06:34 |
SandThor | I use it on this old pc with 512 and also about 70 or so gb hd | 06:34 |
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tick1 | 512 and 30 gb will be enough | 06:34 |
gostview | need to build a local repository for a medium lan network, which is blocked by proxy, someone could give me some help? | 06:34 |
SandThor | but I am running out of hd on this paritition | 06:34 |
SandThor | hihihi | 06:34 |
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Ramy | hi guys, i got a serious problem with firestarter, it disable all the connections and ports, i want my firewall to allow all my ports, how i can recover that ? | 06:35 |
ryanakca | finalbeta: no. The only person who needs to have access to 'su' is someone with 'sudo'... but thanks to sudo -u username, no need for 'su'. so... any way to disable it completely, or is it relied upon by sudo? | 06:35 |
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AndrewLife | I tried "$QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3" and it says there's no such directory, but I can see it in nautilus. | 06:35 |
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ryanakca | wanger: ok, thanks | 06:35 |
Dunas | Alright, just making sure, I can ensure that Ubuntu doesn't wipe out my WindowsXP install while installation somehow, right? I need it for a music service I have. | 06:35 |
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finalbeta | ryanakca: good question :) | 06:35 |
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lnx | i cant open my dvd rom what i need todo ? Failed to eject "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_DVDRW_LH_20A1P". | 06:35 |
joakim- | Dunas, just select manual partitioning | 06:35 |
SeveredCross | Ubuntu won't touch your Windows XP install unless you tell it to. | 06:36 |
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SeveredCross | lnx: Try this--press Alt-F2, then type gksu eject. It'll ask for your password and try and eject the drive as root...That may work. | 06:36 |
Alumin | is the "Debian New Maintainer's Guide" still the preferred/recommended reading for learning to build packages? | 06:36 |
dori | anyone have an opinion on the trustworthiness of download.ubuntu.pl? I want to get a pidgin package and they seem to be the ones to have it (can't find it from the official reps for feisty) | 06:36 |
tick1 | dunas: even it is recommended to back everything up, i have never had a problem installing ubuntu in a disk with an existing windows installation | 06:36 |
Dunas | Okay. :x | 06:37 |
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Dunas | Probably isn't the channel to ask about a good music service for a Sandisk Sansa E200R that works with Ubuntu, eh. :P But thanks for the help. | 06:38 |
tick1 | so, anbody's is having problems with CTRL-LEFT AND RIGHT ARROWS? | 06:38 |
lnx | SeveredCross , its work but i want to eject it with the bottom of the dvd rom its possible ? | 06:38 |
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AndrewLife | Can anyone please help me? I'm trying to install a graphics program called evolvotron and it says QTDIR not defined when I try to ./configure. How do I define QTDIR? I know I have a /usr/share/qt3 directory that looks like the right one... | 06:38 |
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Alumin | Dunas: tried the Magnatune integration in AmaroK? | 06:38 |
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Alumin | AndrewLife: just as a guess, maybe ./configure --with-qt=/usr/share/qt3 ? | 06:39 |
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Alumin | try "./configure --help | grep -i qt" | 06:39 |
Dunas | No, and it's worth noting that I've actually only got the barest idea what AmaroK actually is, much less what Magnatune is. :x | 06:39 |
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Alumin | AmaroK is a QT-based audio player ... Magnatune is an online record label | 06:39 |
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Pici | Alumin: Have you read the stuff under the !newpackage factoid? If that doesnt help, you might ask in #ubuntu-motu, but be patient, it isnt really a support channel. | 06:40 |
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AndrewLife | Alumin I get the same message, QTDIR not defined. | 06:40 |
Ramy | hey guys i can't imagine that i can't configure ports in ubuntu, LINUX is superior in the Network field. i downloaded the firestarter but it prevents all ports , so in any strtup i have to open and stop it, even it does not work in the background :( ? what i have to do ? | 06:40 |
Alumin | !newpackage | 06:40 |
Cuzz | I would like to know which Ubuntu distribution will be best for the q6600 CPU and P5B MB as i have read that some peple are having problems with 7.04 | 06:40 |
ubotu | The packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports | 06:40 |
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Cuzz | should i try ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-amd64.iso | 06:40 |
Cuzz | or ubuntu-7.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso | 06:40 |
Cuzz | or just try the normal 32 bit distribution of 7.04? | 06:40 |
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Dunas | Alumin: Thanks. | 06:40 |
aaron__ | What's the story with doc.gwos.org ? | 06:40 |
Alumin | Pici: no, I hadn't seen that...thanks for the tip | 06:41 |
bulmer | Cuzz: is that the quad procs? am curious myself which would work on that | 06:41 |
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tick1 | ramy: i am talking to you behind firestarter.. it is working. maybe youc ould completely remove it and reinstall it | 06:41 |
Davy_Jones | what's the advantage of using a 64-bit processor | 06:41 |
Cuzz | yeah Quad core 6600 2.4GHz version | 06:41 |
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fraserm | hello i need help with ruby | 06:41 |
aaron__ | Davy_Jones: 32 extra bits. | 06:41 |
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Pici | Davy_Jones: Right now? Being able to address more than 4gb of ram. | 06:42 |
Ramy | tick1, does it work @ startup by default? | 06:42 |
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tick1 | fraserm: #ruby | 06:42 |
fraserm | thanks | 06:42 |
bulmer | Cuzz: go ahead pick one of what you mentioned..and report back here if you successfully load it..thanks | 06:42 |
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tick1 | Ramy: i thikn so, you can check it in SYSTEM > ADMINISTRATION > SERVICES | 06:42 |
aaron__ | anybody know what's up with doc.gwos.org? | 06:43 |
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Pici | !offtopic | aaron__ | 06:43 |
ubotu | aaron__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:43 |
aaron__ | how is doc.gwos.org offtopic? | 06:43 |
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Pici | aaron__: What is doc.gwos.org Is it ubuntu? | 06:43 |
Cuzz | k im going with the ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-amd64.iso | 06:43 |
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aaron__ | it is the ubuntu document storage facility. | 06:43 |
aaron__ | thanks. | 06:43 |
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bulmer | Cuzz: okay good luck | 06:44 |
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aaron__ | so don't be so trigger happy. | 06:44 |
Jimmey | How can I find out a drive UUID? | 06:44 |
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Jimmey | !uuid | 06:44 |
ubotu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: blkid (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 06:44 |
Jimmey | Wups. | 06:44 |
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Cuzz | Going to ask one more time, maybe someone is here with experience... | 06:45 |
Cuzz | I would like to know which Ubuntu distribution will be best for the Quad core q6600 (2.4GHz)CPU and ASUS P5B Motherboard, as i have read that some people are having problems with 7.04 | 06:45 |
Cuzz | should i try ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-amd64.iso | 06:45 |
Cuzz | or ubuntu-7.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso | 06:45 |
Cuzz | or just try the normal 32 bit distribution of 7.04? | 06:45 |
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Pici | Cuzz: Flash and other propietary softwares are a pain to get working on 64bits. If you dont have a good reason to run it, I suggest you stick with 32bits. | 06:46 |
tick1 | Cuzz: i don't know about the 64 vs 32 bits thing. | 06:46 |
genii | Cuzz: I'd recommend the 32 bit version only because more things work with it out of the box like the firefox flash plugins, etc | 06:46 |
tick1 | but you should download 7.04 | 06:46 |
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avraham | when i start fifa 2007 autorun.exe it says that it can't locate z:\home\avraham\aurotunGUI.dll . what do i need to do? | 06:49 |
avraham | i open this with wine | 06:49 |
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Norrel | avraham: appdb.winehq.com | 06:49 |
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avraham | just added the command "wine" in file preferences | 06:49 |
tick1 | #wine | 06:49 |
Norrel | avraham: search | 06:49 |
Cuzz | im doing CPU intensive calculations with DOCK 6.1 (protein modeling program), will 64 bit make a huge difference? Im willing to try and make things work like the flash and propriety software that you mentioned. How hard is it, im relatively noob | 06:49 |
avraham | i saw | 06:49 |
avraham | and | 06:49 |
avraham | it should work fine | 06:49 |
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tick1 | Cuzz: go with the 32 bit | 06:50 |
Cuzz | k thanx will do | 06:50 |
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tick1 | cuzz: you are welcome | 06:50 |
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Lin | why network manager just activate wireless networks after user login. How can I make network activation in boot time? | 06:51 |
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deadowl87 | hi guys, i'm new to linux completely, and irc as well, and i need help getting the internal wireless on my laptop running | 06:53 |
Goooner | Sorry, been looking through the Ubuntu Wiki, but it is a jungle, and I only want to know the command for looking at the hardware through the terminal. Sudo something? | 06:53 |
OPTIMusprime1212 | how do i install pidgin from complied source? | 06:53 |
finalbeta | Lin: it's a program that starts with the user session in gnome, I doubt you can start it sooner. if you want wireless sooner, you will have to search for an alternative, yet you might want to post this on the forums, sound like an interesting topic. | 06:53 |
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linuxnewbie_ | hey deadowl87 - same here. I have a Amilo pro notebook, managed to install ubuntu but cant get the wireless working | 06:53 |
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finalbeta | OPTIMusprime1212: usually it's make and make install. | 06:53 |
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finalbeta | if you don't use sudo, it will install it to the users home dir. | 06:54 |
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niekie | finalbeta: you forget ./configure :) | 06:54 |
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nickrud | Goooner, sudo each of: lspci lsusb lshw dmidecode | 06:54 |
OPTIMusprime1212 | thanks finalbeta | 06:54 |
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ax | hi, i have 2 of thte exact same machines, one is setup with a bunch of packages i want it to have, and one isn't.. i'm wondering if there is an easy way to get a list from one and have the other one install all of those packages? | 06:54 |
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Goooner | nickrud: Thank you | 06:54 |
tick1 | finalbeta: he said is compiled source | 06:55 |
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SliMM | is 100 mb of swap to little? | 06:55 |
linuxnewbie_ | if I type ./configure I get the following: "No such file or directory" do I need to install something so configure will work? | 06:55 |
nickrud | Goooner, there's more, but those are the ones that I use enough to remember off the top of my head | 06:55 |
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deadowl87 | linuxnewbie_ - i've read something about ndiswrapper, which i've downloaded. but the tutorials for that are kinda vague, and i can't find any for this version of ubuntu on the same model laptop (hp pavilion ze2308wm) | 06:55 |
Pici | SliMM: Do you have a laptop? How much ram do you have? | 06:55 |
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tick1 | so. again: notbody is having problems with CTRL-LEFTARROW and CTRL-RIGHTARROW? i cannot jump words anymore since this morning | 06:55 |
SliMM | pici: desltop, 512 | 06:56 |
finalbeta | tick1: OPTIMusprime1212 then run it, move it, make start links.... nothing to do then. | 06:56 |
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linuxnewbie_ | deadlow87 - I downloaded ndiswrapper then the drivers from fujitsu for my notebook. Then used ndiswrapper to install the windows drivers but it hasnt worked unfortunately. | 06:56 |
tick1 | I kow it might have something to do with inputrc, but it is not working what i am doing | 06:56 |
stefg | !clone | ax | 06:56 |
ubotu | ax: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade - See also !automate | 06:56 |
SliMM | Pici: the swap is 100% full, but the ram is not | 06:56 |
=== bullgard4 [n=detlef@e179072130.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pici | SliMM: Go for 1gb of swap if you can spare it. | 06:56 |
SliMM | Pici: how can i test openGL? | 06:56 |
Pici | SliMM: Thats fine then, you can leave it. If its working fine, theres no reason to change it. | 06:56 |
ax | ubotu: Thankyou! | 06:57 |
Pici | SliMM: Try glxgears | 06:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about thankyou! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:57 |
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=== mosno [n=mosno@c220-237-32-186.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ax | oops, stefg thanks | 06:57 |
ax | !automate | 06:57 |
ubotu | Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning | 06:57 |
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OPTIMusprime1212 | anyone use virtualbox? | 06:57 |
=== pearlbear [n=mpm@pool-70-17-129-164.wma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SliMM | Pici: evry openGL app works like hell, and on windows i play like UT 2004 with openGL rendering | 06:58 |
line72 | SliMM: run glxinfo | grep direct if it says yes, then you have hardware opengl enabled | 06:58 |
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linuxnewbie_ | can anyone help - if I type ./configure in a terminal it says file not found - do I need to install anything to be able to use configure? | 06:58 |
Lin | finalbeta: ok. Should I post in ubuntu forums? | 06:58 |
tick1 | yes. configure is a file | 06:58 |
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kyncani | SliMM: Also, i think suspend-to-disk requires to write all modified ram pages to swap, so swap = 2 * ram is still a good (somehow safe) bet i think | 06:58 |
=== cdmarcus [n=cdmarcus@pool-68-160-155-39.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tick1 | linuxnewbie_: past somewhere the contents of that directory (ls -al) | 06:58 |
genii | linuxnewbie_: If it says file not found then there is not a file there called configure which to run | 06:58 |
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finalbeta | Lin: sure, there probably is a networking forum somewhere. do check if the question was not asked before. | 06:59 |
Pici | SliMM: kyncani: correct, but if you arent ever planning on suspending to disk, you dont need to bother with it :) | 06:59 |
linuxnewbie_ | tickl - any ideas why I can't get it to run? I type "./configure" without the "'s in a terminal window | 06:59 |
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Ugural | Hi all whats the command to make iptables stop ? | 06:59 |
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tick1 | linuxnewbie_: as i said: configure is an executabe file (usually a script). | 06:59 |
SliMM | how do i enable hardware opengl? | 06:59 |
wanger | linuxnewbie_ : ./file means run file from this folder, so you need to be in a folder with a configure script to run ./configure | 06:59 |
genii | linuxnewbie_: If it doesn't exist in the directory you are trying to run it from, how can you expect it to execute? | 06:59 |
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cdmarcus | SliMM, you need to install the drivers for your graphics card | 07:00 |
tick1 | linuxnewbie_: if you don't have ti, doing ./configure won't solve anything | 07:00 |
Ugural | Hi all whats the command to make iptables stop ? | 07:00 |
linuxnewbie_ | wanger - ah I see, thanks for the information. | 07:00 |
kyncani | Pici: well, *I* dont' plan to; read: cannot, does not work :'( ; but as hard drive space is cheap, this is the road i took | 07:00 |
=== alexandre_ [n=alexandr@dyn-83-156-151-148.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SliMM | cdmarcus: where from? | 07:00 |
cdmarcus | !repeat | Ugural | 07:00 |
ubotu | Ugural: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 07:00 |
OPTIMusprime1212 | im looking for someone to do a one on one for some tips and tricks with ubuntu anyone willing to go one on one with me? | 07:00 |
Trusch | wo genau muss ich die angabe ndern? | 07:00 |
cdmarcus | SliMM, well, what type of gfx card do you have? | 07:00 |
Ugural | !okey | 07:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about okey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:00 |
Pici | !de | Trusch | 07:00 |
ubotu | Trusch: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 07:00 |
=== pisko-- [n=pisio@87-126-201-30.btc-net.bg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Trusch | sorry | 07:00 |
SliMM | cdmarkus: ati radeon i think, but how do i see exactly? | 07:00 |
linuxnewbie_ | how would I compile the following: drwxr-sr-x 4 linux linux 4096 2007-08-21 16:13 . | 07:01 |
linuxnewbie_ | drwxr-xr-x 3 linux linux 4096 2007-08-21 16:46 .. | 07:01 |
linuxnewbie_ | -rw-r--r-- 1 linux linux 87837 2006-08-18 17:50 acerhk.c | 07:01 |
linuxnewbie_ | -rw-r--r-- 1 linux linux 3154 2005-06-16 22:10 acerhk.h | 07:01 |
linuxnewbie_ | -rw-r--r-- 1 root linux 0 2007-08-21 16:13 .acerhk.o.d | 07:01 |
linuxnewbie_ | -rw-r--r-- 1 linux linux 44 2002-05-08 20:01 AUTHORS | 07:01 |
=== ubuntu09 [n=ubuntu09@c-68-35-90-204.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxnewbie_ | -rw-r--r-- 1 linux linux 18007 2002-05-08 20:01 COPYING | 07:01 |
linuxnewbie_ | drwxr-sr-x 2 linux linux 4096 2006-08-18 17:51 doc | 07:01 |
kyncani | !flood | 07:01 |
linuxnewbie_ | -rw-r--r-- 1 linux linux 4111 2005-12-07 12:37 INSTALL | 07:01 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:01 |
Pici | !ops | linuxnewbie_ | 07:01 |
cdmarcus | !ati | SliMM | 07:01 |
ubotu | SliMM: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:01 |
linuxnewbie_ | -rw-r--r-- 1 linux linux 2090 2006-08-16 17:11 Makefile | 07:01 |
ubotu | linuxnewbie_: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 07:01 |
linuxnewbie_ | -rw-r--r-- 1 linux linux 415 2003-02-28 00:48 NEWS | 07:01 |
linuxnewbie_ | -rw-r--r-- 1 linux linux 8316 2005-10-15 12:27 README | 07:01 |
linuxnewbie_ | drwxr-sr-x 2 root linux 4096 2007-08-21 15:58 .tmp_versions | 07:01 |
cdmarcus | !flood > linuxnewbie_ | 07:01 |
sharperguy | is there an apllication i can use to draw 3D graphs from fromulae? | 07:01 |
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tick1 | what control the keybindings in ubuntu? metacity doesn't seem to work | 07:01 |
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ADN | Hello! how to make a shortcutfor my own connection (PPPeo)?or to make it connection at startup | 07:01 |
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cdmarcus | tick1, well, system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts lets you configure your metacity shortcuts. Those won't work in Compiz or Beryl or anything. | 07:02 |
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=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kyncani | !pastebin >linuxnewbie_ | 07:02 |
=== NickPresta [n=nickpres@CPE000625f47ed2-CM0011e6c456e3.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxnewbie_ | Thanks for the information about the pastebin. | 07:02 |
tick1 | linuxnewbie_: i said "PASTE SOMEWHERE" | 07:02 |
tick1 | somewhere else. | 07:02 |
dariuskane | !pppoed > ADN | 07:02 |
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ryanakca | 'reportbug' created /vart/tmp/bzflag.bug ... but, how do I mail it? (other than copy pasting) | 07:02 |
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wanger | ADN : put it in /etc/init.d/rc.local | 07:02 |
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kyncani | tick1: does not matter, i'll blame you ;) | 07:02 |
dariuskane | !pppoed | 07:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pppoed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:02 |
linuxnewbie_ | tickl: ok thanks for the information. Ive pasted it to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34543/ | 07:02 |
dariuskane | silly bot | 07:02 |
SliMM | direct rendering: No | 07:02 |
SliMM | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 07:02 |
Pici | !pppoe | dariuskane | 07:02 |
ubotu | dariuskane: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE | 07:02 |
SliMM | what now? | 07:03 |
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dariuskane | Pici, ya I know that one... theres a demon too... ADN is looking for the info | 07:03 |
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tick1 | cdmarcus: well. that's very limitted. | 07:03 |
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ADN | thanks | 07:03 |
Pici | dariuskane: I know, but theres no factoid on the daemon itself. | 07:03 |
=== atbnet` [n=abednar@adsl-69-221-156-122.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jim-Reaper | i'm trying to add repositories to ubuntu and I've followed the ubuntu support pages but they are out of date and not correct for latest version I think | 07:04 |
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cdmarcus | tick1, yeah, I'm not really sure how to add stuff to that. | 07:04 |
SliMM | oh, and i have a 9200 pro, so below 9500 pro | 07:04 |
Pici | !ati | SliMM | 07:04 |
ubotu | SliMM: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:04 |
=== PriitM [n=priit@ip158.cab18.mus.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dariuskane | Pici, Im so old I used to use diald and had to be manually configured with connection scripts :) | 07:04 |
=== papapep [n=papapep@210.Red-88-3-223.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
playerzen | https ? | 07:04 |
Pici | dariuskane: Yikes :) | 07:04 |
SliMM | Pici: read that, it's for 9500 pro+, i have 9200 | 07:04 |
Jim-Reaper | anyone? | 07:04 |
=== Trusch [n=andrej@p508F6135.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cdmarcus | playerzen, yeah, no idea why they use that... | 07:04 |
SliMM | ubuoto: ati 9200 | 07:04 |
visof_ | when i want to install any program we use synapatic or add/remove then synapatic download the program from the web , can take the downloaded programs and use it again without downloade it from the web and how?? | 07:04 |
Tnax | hi, i have a problem....ive used ubuntu for some time not without any problems but when i rebooted the computer the x-server dosent lanch, instead i get a error message saying i got some device error och that no screen is found. | 07:04 |
TooR4u | How to close a port in Ubuntu? | 07:04 |
Tnax | does anyone know what the problem is | 07:05 |
SliMM | ubotu: ati 9200 pro | 07:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ati 9200 pro - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:05 |
linuxnewbie_ | I have source code for Acer Hotkeys for linux but don't know how to compile or install it. I have a directory with the following in: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34543/ - could someone point me in the right direction of how to compile and install source code like this? | 07:05 |
cdmarcus | visof_, it's hard to understand what you're saying... could you explain it differently? | 07:05 |
finalbeta | Jim-Reaper: we need more proper information. what repo's, why, for what version? | 07:05 |
kyncani | !firewall >TooR4u | 07:05 |
Brian`` | pici : is there a way to download the contents of the mediawiki? | 07:05 |
linuxnewbie_ | sorry for the flood earlier by the way | 07:05 |
tick1 | visof_: they are already stored indeed | 07:05 |
dariuskane | Tnax, try to copy and paste your exact error msg into google... itll come up with some deails | 07:05 |
PriitM | Hi! Ubuntu 7.04 crashes when I close enemy territory(game). I can move the mouse, but clicking and pressing keyboard buttons doesn't do anything. Picture of crashed screen: http://priitm.planet.ee/1/IMG_5535.JPG | 07:05 |
Brian`` | pici : what should i do if i want to backup my wiki contents? | 07:05 |
Samui | ubotu: sound blaster audigy se | 07:06 |
cdmarcus | !compile | linuxnewbie_, see if this helps | 07:06 |
ubotu | linuxnewbie_, see if this helps: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 07:06 |
visof_ | tick1 where? | 07:06 |
=== joshritger [n=josh@adsl-76-199-148-73.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SliMM | Pici: any idea? | 07:06 |
Pici | Brian``: Beyond my knowledge, sorry. Try asking in #mediawiki | 07:06 |
mosno | i'm a little confused by the behaviour of NetworkManager and /etc/network/interfaces (Feisty). It seems that the only way to get NetworkManager to manage an interface is add the 'iface wlan0 inet dhcp' line to interfaces(5) and reboot. If the line's not there, the wlan0 isn't managed. Am I on crack or is this just a bad coincidence? | 07:06 |
Samui | was worth a shot. xP | 07:06 |
wanger | visof_ : once you'd installed a program from the web using synaptic, you don't have to run it again, it'll be in your menu if it's a graphical application or you by typing the name of the program in a terminal if it's command-line based | 07:06 |
Pici | SliMM: Looking for a link for you, just a second. | 07:06 |
joshritger | what is the best app for ripping mp3's | 07:06 |
Jim-Reaper | ive just got the latest version of ubuntu and installed it the other day I'm now trying to get things like Flashplayer installed...i couldnt do it and someone said I should use the repositories | 07:06 |
=== tigran [n=chatzill@netblock-66-245-212-210.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tick1 | visof_: let me see. you can install APTonCD, it managges everything you have installed | 07:06 |
playerzen | tick1 = tcl ? | 07:06 |
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Pici | SliMM: What version are you running again? | 07:06 |
SliMM | Pici: k | 07:06 |
Jim-Reaper | bare in mind I'm new to this | 07:06 |
kyncani | mosno: dpkg -L network-manager, there's a readme that says sp | 07:06 |
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nalioth | linuxnewbie_: if you paste again, you'll be muted. you were informed of our paste policy yesterday. | 07:07 |
kyncani | mosno: dpkg -L network-manager, there's a readme that says so | 07:07 |
SliMM | Pici: ati radeon 9200 pro | 07:07 |
Samui | but my main question was - anyone have any luck getting the Sound Blaster Audigy SE to work in Ubuntu Feisty? | 07:07 |
=== Wodga is now known as F0rMaT-C | ||
Jim-Reaper | i looked at support website and it shows an older version 6.05 i think | 07:07 |
Pici | SliMM: I mean What version of Ubuntu :) | 07:07 |
tick1 | playerzen: what you mean? | 07:07 |
mosno | kyncani, thanks | 07:07 |
SliMM | Pici: 7.04 | 07:07 |
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Jim-Reaper | 7.04 | 07:07 |
Tnax | dariuskane. does the message save anywhere_ | 07:07 |
Jim-Reaper | is wat i have | 07:07 |
playerzen | tick1 I'm just wondering if your name comes from the 'tcl/tk' suite. tcl is pronounced tickle | 07:07 |
ubuntu09 | ubuntu MCE? anyone? | 07:07 |
Pici | !sourceomatic | Jim-Reaper | 07:07 |
ubotu | Jim-Reaper: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 07:07 |
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dariuskane | Tnax, might be in your /var/log/syslog or messages file | 07:07 |
finalbeta | Jim-Reaper: repositories are for a specific ubuntu version. so you need to use the proper ones, I think skype has ubuntu packages in the site though, so check there site first. | 07:07 |
kitche | Jim-Reaper: the directions will work for you you just have to change some things around in the directions | 07:07 |
=== Wodga is now known as F0rMaT | ||
=== westly [n=roy@cable3.dyn47.pacific.net.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tick1 | visof_: everything is under: /var/cache/apt/archives | 07:07 |
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genii | My Audigy worked fine first time out | 07:08 |
=== Mick_ [n=Mick@obs92-3-82-232-110-30.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Pici | SliMM: Try this: go to System>Administration>Restricted Drivers Manager | 07:08 |
Jim-Reaper | ok :s thanks | 07:08 |
=== Jazon [n=arkygeek@77-97-80-243.cable.ubr02.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriitM | Hi! Ubuntu 7.04 crashes when I close enemy territory(game). I can move the mouse, but clicking and pressing keyboard buttons doesn't do anything. Picture of crashed screen: http://priitm.planet.ee/1/IMG_5535.JPG | 07:08 |
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tick1 | playerzen: nah. it's ticky, | 07:08 |
noplease | hi | 07:08 |
dariuskane | PriitM, that doesnt look like a crash... its the credits screen | 07:08 |
SliMM | Pici: it closed | 07:08 |
Pici | SliMM: odd, try again | 07:09 |
SliMM | Pici: brb | 07:09 |
PriitM | dariuskane, yes. but pc doesn't react at all. | 07:09 |
Jazon | hihi - if i have my laptop connected via wifi, can i hook another ubuntu box it (the laptop) via ethernet cable and get internet with it? | 07:09 |
djm62 | it's a big ask, but does anyone know how to make firefox let me click "back" on pages opened on a new tab and go back to the originating page? Epiphany does it, it's the right thing, but I can't use epiphany for another reason, and I miss this functionality | 07:09 |
playerzen | Jazon yes | 07:09 |
Samui | genii - thanks. | 07:09 |
Ramy | how i can know if NAT is working on my Ubuntu, or not ? | 07:09 |
dariuskane | PriitM, hitting Esc or Alt F4 does nothing? | 07:09 |
fyrestrtr | PriitM: turn of compiz/beryl before you launch the game. | 07:09 |
=== szachista_ [n=szachist@aaeu153.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kyncani | PriitM: you could ctrl-alt-f1 to console and kill ET from there | 07:09 |
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jazon | playerzen: cool... can you point me to a url that will educate me on this? | 07:10 |
cdmarcus | djm62, check in http://addons.mozilla.org , they're bound to have something. | 07:10 |
playerzen | Jazon you have to set the ethernet-connected box's gateway as the IP of the ethernet card you're connecting to, plus the default root | 07:10 |
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joshritger | what is the best app other than sound juicer for ripping cds to mp3s | 07:10 |
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PriitM | cntrl+alt+f1 doesn't react, none of the keys work | 07:10 |
playerzen | Jazon I mean default gateway | 07:10 |
fyrestrtr | joshritger: exaile | 07:10 |
szachista_ | joshritger: grip? | 07:10 |
Tnax | dariuskane. whis is what my syslog file says. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34544/ | 07:10 |
genii | Samui: Mine is onboard my motherboard. I did have to set my bios to "non PNP OS" | 07:10 |
szachista_ | fyrestrtr: exail can rip cd-s? | 07:10 |
Pici | SliMM: if that doesnt work, read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedDrivers/ATI | 07:10 |
joshritger | fyrestrtr: does it need any plugins to copy to mp3 | 07:10 |
=== Gerrath [n=Gerrath_@unaffiliated/gerrath] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fyrestrtr | szachista_: file > import disc | 07:11 |
Jazon | playerzen: so i should make my lappys ethernet card the same domain as the dhcp wifi one? | 07:11 |
playerzen | Jazon You would have to do a few other things too.... | 07:11 |
=== playerzen ponders | ||
=== neztiti [n=neztiti@a82-216.adsl.paltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fyrestrtr | joshritger: none above the normal plugins. | 07:11 |
joshritger | thanks | 07:11 |
=== JohanSalim [i=G3b0ys@ip84-223.cbn.net.id] has joined #ubuntu | ||
playerzen | Jazon both are running linux, right ? | 07:11 |
Jazon | yes | 07:11 |
neztiti | guys how to get bin files to work | 07:11 |
fyrestrtr | neztiti: what are you installing? | 07:11 |
Jazon | playerzen: lappy is gutsy, other is ubuntu for ppc (cant remember what one) | 07:12 |
neztiti | vdrscan | 07:12 |
dariuskane | Tnax, german? I speak many languages... english, french, bad english and bad french and a smidge of highschool spanish.. unfroatuntely no german | 07:12 |
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wanger | PriitM : probably your keymap isn't the right one, it's set up in /etc/X11/xorg.conf - make sure you back up that file before altering it | 07:12 |
fyrestrtr | neztiti: normally is it ./nameoffile.bin | 07:12 |
neztiti | fyrestrtr: can u help me to scan vdr?? | 07:12 |
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nikin | is there any way to see what program made a 800MB buffer in my memory? | 07:12 |
playerzen | Jazon it might be a bit more complex than you are hoping for. Basically you will be using one laptop as a gateway | 07:12 |
PriitM | i'll give it a try | 07:12 |
neztiti | ok thanx | 07:12 |
fyrestrtr | neztiti: I have no clue what is vdr :) | 07:12 |
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playerzen | Jazon just google for "setting up a linux box as a gateway" | 07:13 |
Tnax | its swedish, the last line says. could not launch x server, inacivating displays | 07:13 |
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neztiti | ok n/p m8 | 07:13 |
Samui | Alright. | 07:13 |
nikin | is there any way to see what program made a 800MB buffer in my memory? | 07:13 |
dariuskane | Tnax, sorry :) I missed the little doohicker on the a ... | 07:13 |
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osxdude|desk | hay xdmcp isn't working right...i can connect but I cannot go into my user... | 07:14 |
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Samui | specifically this one: http://www.creative.com/products/product.asp?category=1&subcategory=205&product=14257 | 07:15 |
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linuxnewbie_ | nalioth: this is the first time I've been here - I guess next time Ill choose a less generic name so I'm not confused with anyone else. | 07:15 |
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apollo13 | hi, is there a way to display the packages installed by the last update? (or the packages installed/updateded this day) | 07:15 |
nalioth | Moz: my apologies | 07:15 |
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SliMM | Pici: my hardware doesn't need it, that's what it says | 07:15 |
joshritger | szachista: how do I get mp3 function in grip, I tried it in the past and couldn't get it to work? | 07:15 |
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dariuskane | Tnax, X isnt my strong suit... theres a bunch of reason why it wont start... I just dont know them all | 07:15 |
Moz | nalioth: oh no, apologies all mine, I guess you must get a lot of newbies like me flooding the channel and asking the same questions. | 07:16 |
AboSamoor | how i can know if NAT is working on my Ubuntu, or not ? | 07:16 |
playerzen | joshritger try xmms, I don't use grip so I can't help you there. but xmms is not bad. | 07:16 |
joshritger | ok | 07:16 |
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joshritger | i will try it too | 07:16 |
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m0biu5 | joshritger, i use Sound-Juicer - look up on the forums for the mp3 options | 07:17 |
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n0dding0ff | Exposure: did your name use to be eXeCuTe? | 07:17 |
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osxdude|desk | There is an app called VKeyBd, but it doesn't work. | 07:18 |
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osxdude|desk | No sound will output. How can this be fixed? | 07:18 |
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KennethP | apollo13: That should be in /var/log/dpkg.log | 07:19 |
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apollo13 | KennethP: thx | 07:19 |
gikid_ | what's the max amount of RAM Ubuntu Server Edition can handle? | 07:19 |
playerzen | osxdude asking how to fix sound is a pretty generic question. | 07:20 |
SliMM | Pici: Older versions of fglrx (in 6.10 and older) supported the r200 series (Radeon 8500+), but it is practically impossible to use this driver on 7.04 (Feisty), and there is very little reason to do so. WHY? :( | 07:20 |
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osxdude|desk | playerzen, my sound in general works. It's just the sound from this one application. | 07:20 |
dariuskane | gikid_, ona 64 bit processor the linux kernel can handle a stupid high number like 1 TB of ram | 07:20 |
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zlx | hey while trying to install ubuntu i get an error saying "failed to start X server" | 07:20 |
gikid_ | LOL | 07:20 |
playerzen | osxdude|desk ohhhh, ok. that's the mp3 app? | 07:20 |
osxdude|desk | nope, playerzen, VKeyBd or something | 07:21 |
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saylar | hey guys | 07:21 |
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n0dding0ff | expose:: did your name use to be eXeCuTe? | 07:21 |
tick1 | hey | 07:21 |
SliMM | come on, no driver for radeon 9200 on 7.04? :( | 07:21 |
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playerzen | osxdude|desk you might have to run it to use ALSA or OSS, depending on which driver you have installed | 07:22 |
nodesyn | hello | 07:22 |
AnRkey | where does firefox2 log to? i want to trouble shoot it as it's unstable | 07:22 |
Moz | I'm trying to install some software but there was no configure file. There is a .c file and a Makefile file. I've tried just running "sudo make" which seems to do something but gives me an error to say "error: linux/config.h: No such file or directory | 07:22 |
Moz | " I've pasted the entire bit to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34545/ - could someone point me in the right direction please. | 07:22 |
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westly | how to use the cmd apt cache | 07:22 |
osxdude|desk | playerzen I am confused. there is no audio configuration on the app and I want noise! | 07:23 |
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playerzen | osxdude|desk try running "vkeybd --device oss" | 07:23 |
saylar | i need some advise please. i just changed my motherboard and to my surprise linux booted with the old system, except that the network interface is not up. net motherboard has a different chipset. what shall i do now? | 07:23 |
dfarje | hey dudes, I'm trying to install compiz but I get an error code 1 from dpkg | 07:23 |
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westly | forgotten how to search using apt-??? for some application. anyone can enlighten | 07:23 |
szachista_ | westly: apt-cache search <app> | 07:24 |
dfarje | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 07:24 |
AnRkey | saylar, what chipset is the network card? | 07:24 |
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AnRkey | or what board is it? | 07:24 |
AnRkey | the onboard card should just work | 07:24 |
saylar | hmm, let me check | 07:24 |
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AnRkey | i did the same thing at work when i got my new box and it picked up the intel pro1000 no problem | 07:25 |
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lhot | hello | 07:25 |
AnRkey | hi lhot | 07:25 |
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neverblue | hello lhot | 07:25 |
westly | szachista: I type sudo apt-cache search x-lite, it return back to term path | 07:25 |
dariuskane | Moz, a couple tips.... pick a different username then linux... makes error messages like that confusing... and second youll have to read the install information for your source.. it seems to be trying to compile a kernel module... which youll need the kernel source for | 07:25 |
joshritger | ok, I have tried grip, xmms and exaile and none of them will rip my cds to mp3, any other ideas | 07:25 |
neverblue | westly, try xlite | 07:26 |
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playerzen | joshritger lol sorry, my bad. didn't know you were looking for a ripping program | 07:26 |
Moz | dariuskane - thanks for the information. I'll go and see the install source again. | 07:26 |
lhot | im trying to install flash on x86 7.04, and im having trouble navigating to the desktop, i just need a refresher on some of the command in terminal | 07:26 |
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dariuskane | Moz, you can get the kernel source through the packagemanager | 07:26 |
westly | szachista: nonthing happen, means no result? | 07:26 |
cox377 | does anyone know a command for restarting usb devices? | 07:26 |
joshritger | I can't seem to get sound juicer to rip mp3 and I can't get anythign else to see my disk | 07:27 |
cdmarcus | lhot, just type "sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree" | 07:27 |
dissection | Hello. Can someone help me setup oidentd? I get this error in /var/log/syslog | 07:27 |
dissection | Aug 21 19:25:39 Renderman oidentd[8192] : [] 34440 , 7000 : ERROR : NO-USER | 07:27 |
cs611 | hi, I was trying to use odbc for a mdb file, and was wondering how to configure the DSN (data source name).. any suggestion? | 07:27 |
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saylar | AnRkey: Realtek RTL8101L | 07:27 |
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lhot | so i didnt have to download the .tar.gz? | 07:27 |
szachista_ | westly: that means it didn't found what you typed | 07:27 |
cdmarcus | lhot, nope, it's in the repos | 07:27 |
playerzen | dissection you really shouldn't post a routable IP on a public IRC | 07:27 |
lhot | thanx | 07:27 |
lhot | :) | 07:27 |
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PaganImmolator | This is weird, when I first installed Fiesty, I was able to browse my other windows computers, Now it just says that I can't find any of them. They are still browsablel under XP. What could have happened to stop me from browsing the windows network | 07:28 |
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cast0r | i am compiling a new kernel.i get the question "choose slab allocator".which one must i choose? 1: slab or 2: slub | 07:28 |
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hou5ton | can someone tell me in what folder I can find the desktop wallpaper files? | 07:28 |
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Moz | dariuskane: thanks - Ill go try to find it | 07:28 |
dfarje | hey guys I'm trying to install compiz but I cannot get it to work | 07:28 |
neverblue | PaganImmolator, did you play with Samba? | 07:28 |
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PaganImmolator | neverblue: nope | 07:28 |
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dissection | playerzen: Uh, okay. | 07:29 |
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neverblue | PaganImmolator, not sure then, sorry | 07:29 |
PaganImmolator | but I don't know if Samba is running. Is that automatically run with a fresh install of Fiesty? | 07:29 |
kitche | cast0r: that's up to you which one you want to use slab is newer then slub | 07:29 |
AnRkey | saylar, i don't think that onboard nic is supported just yet | 07:29 |
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saylar | hmm, i just found this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53975 | 07:30 |
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saylar | where it seems to work, but not for me | 07:30 |
AnRkey | saylar, what have you tried booting with the ubuntu live cd to see if that pics it up? | 07:30 |
Slart | anyone know of a good hex editor, for gnome preferably | 07:30 |
PaganImmolator | hou5ton: do you mean the desktops your downloaded? | 07:30 |
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cs611 | hi, I was trying to use odbc for a mdb file, and was wondering how to configure the DSN (data source name).. any suggestion? | 07:30 |
hou5ton | PaganImmolator: no ... where the default is .... so that when I download new ones, I can have them all in the same place. | 07:31 |
saylar | not yet AnRkey. | 07:31 |
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cox377 | !usb | 07:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:31 |
v4m21 | Anybody know anytool for ubuntu for synchronizing local folder to remote ftp share ? | 07:31 |
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hou5ton | PaganImmolator: the new ones I download don't automatically go there | 07:31 |
lurob | hungari ubuntu | 07:31 |
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PaganImmolator | hou5ton: do you d/l them or do you click and say 'use as desktop background'? | 07:32 |
sharperguy | is there an apllication i can use to draw 3D graphs from formulae? | 07:32 |
hou5ton | PaganImmolator: I'm just tired of poking around the file system right now ... thought maybe someone knew where they were | 07:32 |
Jim-Reaper_ | anyone recommend a dvd burner prog for ubuntu? | 07:32 |
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SlimeyPete | Jim-Reaper_: k3b | 07:32 |
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h0dges | hey, im looking to install linux on a 2nd hdd with xp on the 1st. i was wondering how to setup a dual booter ? | 07:32 |
lurob | hu ubuntu server? | 07:32 |
Jim-Reaper_ | thanks | 07:32 |
manitoba98 | Hey everyone! What GUI tool do you recommend for decompressing split RAR archives? | 07:32 |
hou5ton | PaganImmolator: I do "use as desktop background" | 07:33 |
dariuskane | !install | h0dges | 07:33 |
AnRkey | saylar, give that a try and if it does not work then try with gutsy tribe five's live cd to see if that works. You could always ask the boys in #Ubuntu+1 if the Realtek RTL8101L will work in gutsy. Ubuntu Gutsy tribe 5 should be out on thursday. Don't install tribe 5 if you don't know what you are doing. I would just boot the live CD to see if it pics up the NIC on your board. Good luck! | 07:33 |
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ubotu | h0dges: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 07:33 |
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dariuskane | h0dges, dual boot install info can be found there | 07:33 |
SlimeyPete | h0dges: the installer should sort it all out for you, in theory :) | 07:33 |
eifzon | If i wanna mount my other disk automaticlly so it comes to the Desktop, how do I do? | 07:33 |
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PaganImmolator | hou5ton: hmm when I do that, it saves it to my home folder. I have no idea if they are not there. | 07:33 |
AnRkey | saylar, gutsy tribe 5 should be ready on thursday | 07:33 |
Jim-Reaper_ | does k3b do DVD too? | 07:33 |
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lurob | #huubuntu | 07:33 |
eifzon | Jim-Reaper_: yes | 07:33 |
hou5ton | PaganImmolator: yes ... it does save them to my home folder. | 07:33 |
tigran | Hi. How do I configure my bluetooth mouse to connect at startup? | 07:34 |
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Jim-Reaper_ | cheers ;) | 07:34 |
h0dges | i already read alot of them but they confuse me. i don't wanna mess around with windows mbr.. there anyway of putting grub on 2nd hdd? | 07:34 |
lurob | #ubuntu.hu | 07:34 |
joeharrison | anyone give me a hand with Wubi? | 07:34 |
mannytu | ! bluetooth | 07:34 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 07:34 |
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aoirthoir | h0dges, you could just swap out the hard drives | 07:34 |
faileas | h0dges: either be careful or disconnect the first HDD during install and select from bios | 07:34 |
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faileas | joeharrison: whatcha havin trouble with? | 07:34 |
hou5ton | PaganImmolator: here's my question .... right-click on the desktop and go to "Change Desktop Background." Where are those files? | 07:34 |
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dariuskane | h0dges, if you want to choose linux or windows when the computer boots... youll be stuck messing with the mbr... its how PCs boot | 07:34 |
aoirthoir | leave windows on the drive it is on, and make it the second hard dirve | 07:34 |
tigran | mannytu, I've read that. But my mouse doesn't connect at startup | 07:34 |
eifzon | If i wanna mount my other disk automaticlly so it comes to the Desktop, how do I do? | 07:35 |
joeharrison | faileas: http://www.wubi-installer.org | 07:35 |
tigran | I have to search and click the connect button on my mouse every time | 07:35 |
Vlet | If I just updated my /etc/network/interfaces, how can I restart networking to have it take effect? | 07:35 |
faileas | joeharrison: i got it installed right now ;p | 07:35 |
joeharrison | oh | 07:35 |
h0dges | hmm, i think I'll come back here when I've installed linux and have learnt more | 07:35 |
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=== ThanatosDrive [n=edward@c-24-6-131-181.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
saylar | AnRkey: do you know if i can check if the system still loads some of the old network modules? it seems there is a conflict | 07:35 |
PaganImmolator | hou5ton: yeah, no idea....sorry. try seaching for .png | 07:36 |
ThanatosDrive | Should I use foomatic or is that fairly buggy? | 07:36 |
joeharrison | faileas: i get a grldr error | 07:36 |
h0dges | still waiting for the 2nd hdd to arrive :) | 07:36 |
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hou5ton | PaganImmolator: good idea | 07:36 |
tigran | mannyty: HIDD_OPTIONS="--connect 00:11:67:70:30:C6 --connect 00:02:76:01:B4:9B" first one is the adapter, second one is my mouse, is this correct? | 07:36 |
faileas | joeharrison: right from the first error? | 07:36 |
dariuskane | saylar, could try : modprobe | more and read through the list of current modules | 07:36 |
faileas | *boot? | 07:36 |
etotheipi | I've set compiz --replace and emerald --replace to run in the Sessions preferences applet, and they do. But as soon as the splash screen disappears, it loads metacity window decorations but leave compiz in place. How do I fix this? | 07:36 |
ThanatosDrive | As in foomatic I mean the printconf package in Synaptic. | 07:36 |
pemdas21 | I want to enable desktop effects... But I get a problem... here is the info: VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M | 07:36 |
pemdas21 | when I click enable desktop effects, it says desktop effects could not be enabled... | 07:36 |
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joeharrison | faileas: yes, it says that GRLDR cannot be found on all partitions | 07:37 |
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faileas | joeharrison: wierd.. | 07:37 |
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deadowl87 | how can i get the .inf files out of the windows wireless driver exe pack | 07:37 |
Victo1 | hi, i need some help | 07:37 |
mannytu | tigran: try this site http://www.blogowogo.com/blog_article.php?aid=919943&t=5 | 07:37 |
saylar | yeah, i already did that but it's not like they got very common names ;) | 07:37 |
AnRkey | saylar, i would first confirm that ubuntu can see and use the NIC, give the live cd a go and confirm that it does work. Then troubleshoot the NIC if it does work with the live cd | 07:37 |
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Victo1 | alhum brasileiro aki? | 07:37 |
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tigran | k | 07:37 |
slashzul | hi guys what do you use instead of netstumbler? | 07:38 |
saylar | i will just google for the error i got ;) | 07:38 |
lurob | hungary? | 07:38 |
faileas | do you have files called wubildr and wubildr.mbr ? | 07:38 |
cdmarcus | !br | Victo1 | 07:38 |
ubotu | Victo1: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 07:38 |
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lurob | magyarul valaki? | 07:38 |
hou5ton | PaganImmolator: maybe not .... there are in the ten thousands of .png's | 07:38 |
joeharrison | faileas: i'm on a dell so it has an FAT16 partition as hd0 | 07:38 |
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saylar | yeah, i'm just rebooting ;) | 07:38 |
slashzul | hi guys what do you use instead of netstumbler for ubuntu? | 07:38 |
gynix | kismet | 07:38 |
lurob | magyar? | 07:38 |
osxdude|desk | ugh vkeybd will not work | 07:38 |
pemdas21 | you talking browsers? try firefox.. | 07:38 |
gynix | slashzul: use kismet | 07:38 |
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lurob | hungyary ubuntu? | 07:38 |
faileas | joeharrison: bleh, i've installed it on an IBM and two homebuilds. never had any issues. | 07:39 |
ryanakca | 'reportbug' created /vart/tmp/bzflag.bug ... but, how do I mail it? (other than copy pasting) | 07:39 |
mannytu | tigran: this one too http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/19207 | 07:39 |
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gynix | is it possable to use 2 wireless cards with ubuntu | 07:39 |
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faileas | joeharrison: got those two files? | 07:39 |
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etotheipi | gynix: yup | 07:39 |
AnRkey | slashzul, kismet works nicely as a replacement | 07:39 |
Vlet | If I just updated my /etc/network/interfaces, how can I restart networking to have it take effect? | 07:39 |
playerzen | whos cdmarcus | 07:39 |
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etotheipi | Vlet: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 07:40 |
etotheipi | IIRC. | 07:40 |
joeharrison | faileas: no, it wants me to register | 07:40 |
Vlet | etotheipi: Thankya | 07:40 |
tigran | eh man, if I'm on IRC, web pages dont load, when I'm on web pages IRC doesnt connect, annoying me | 07:40 |
AnRkey | Vlet, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 07:40 |
gynix | etotheipi: the 2nd card shows up in devce manager but i cant do anything with it | 07:40 |
AnRkey | ha snap | 07:40 |
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faileas | joeharrison: register? | 07:40 |
etotheipi | jinx :) | 07:40 |
gynix | i wanna run kismet and airsnort on the second card | 07:40 |
joeharrison | faileas: registered | 07:40 |
Vlet | etotheipi: yep - thanks | 07:40 |
mannytu | tigran: I found one more http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-setup-bluetooth-keyboard-and-mouse-in-ubuntu.html | 07:40 |
etotheipi | gynix: try iwconfig in a terminal.. does it show both? | 07:40 |
gynix | h/o | 07:40 |
faileas | joeharrison: i asked if you have two files called wubildr and wubildr.mbr ;) | 07:41 |
tigran | thanks mannytu | 07:41 |
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joeharrison | faileas: this is the error: http://pastebin.com/d2424f02 | 07:41 |
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gynix | etotheipi: only shows the internal not the pcmcia | 07:41 |
mannytu | tigran: hope it works... I need to get one too! :-) | 07:41 |
saylar | damn it, i hate that chaos on my desk :-/ | 07:41 |
lurob | #huubuntu | 07:42 |
faileas | joeharrison: check for those files | 07:42 |
tigran | haha | 07:42 |
joeharrison | faileas: where would the files be? | 07:42 |
gynix | somehow i need to make it show up as eth2 or something | 07:42 |
lurob | #hubuntu | 07:42 |
faileas | ... | 07:42 |
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lurob | #ubuntu | 07:42 |
tigran | mannytu, ill let you know if i get | 07:42 |
faileas | joeharrison: i repeated it twice. wubildr and wubildr.mbr | 07:42 |
etotheipi | gynix: that should be done automatically.. hm | 07:42 |
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etotheipi | what card is it? | 07:42 |
mannytu | tigran: K | 07:42 |
osxdude|desk | hey I need help with vkeybd no sounds will play from it...how do I fix this? | 07:42 |
PaganImmolator | Is there some basic windows network connectivity installed when you load Feisty? | 07:42 |
joeharrison | faileas: ah. found them | 07:42 |
gynix | dlink dwl-650 | 07:42 |
dissection | So..Can someone help me setup identd? Anyone? | 07:43 |
faileas | ok, its not that then... wierd | 07:43 |
gynix | etotheipi: dlink dwl-650 | 07:43 |
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cdmarcus | PaganImmolator, yep. Places>Network will let you browse Windows network shares, and the add printer thingy will detect windows printers. | 07:43 |
joeharrison | faileas: people say to copy GRLDR to the other partitions. how? | 07:43 |
gynix | etotheipi: its a realtec chipset | 07:43 |
Giorgos | hello, i have just installed Ubuntu feisty and it cannot recognize my sound card. Does anybody know how to fix it? | 07:43 |
pemdas21 | someone help me with my problem? here is the info: VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M | 07:43 |
pemdas21 | when I click enable desktop effects, it says desktop effects could not be enabled... | 07:43 |
pemdas21 | anybody here? | 07:43 |
gynix | etotheipi: rtl8180l | 07:43 |
faileas | joeharrison: those files are gldr i think | 07:43 |
Sakkath | http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_GPS_/_Microsoft_GPS-360#Modify_USB_Serial_Driver <-- how can I do that on ubuntu and also do i need to install Streets & Trips in wine or can i use another program? | 07:43 |
PaganImmolator | cdmarcus: any idea how that connectivity could have been stopped ??? by accident? | 07:44 |
joeharrison | faileas: did you read the error? | 07:44 |
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cdmarcus | PaganImmolator, not sure... | 07:44 |
tom17bombadil | Giorgos: what says lspci? | 07:44 |
PaganImmolator | cdmarcus: its stopped working and I can't see my shared drives anymore | 07:44 |
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pemdas21 | lspci tells you your hardware info | 07:44 |
Sakkath | how else can i get the gps thing working with ubuntu? looks like i can use other gps programs, dont need ms streets & trips? | 07:44 |
etotheipi | gynix: just went to find the chipset. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RTL8180L | 07:45 |
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faileas | joeharrison: yeah, it dosen't see gldr anywhere. but as i understand GLDR are in those files | 07:45 |
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tom17bombadil | pemdas21: i know. i want Giorgos to find his card | 07:45 |
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joeharrison | faileas: the dell partition is not accessible from windows and is the first partition on the disk | 07:45 |
pemdas21 | gotcha | 07:45 |
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etotheipi | gynix: that how-to is for ndiswrapper, which you may need. depends on the card revision. | 07:45 |
grigora | Does anyone know what Satellite System option in Postfix' configuration does? | 07:46 |
cast0r | how many time will it cost to compile a kernel on a 300mhz? | 07:46 |
Giorgos | http://paste.debian.net/35116 | 07:46 |
gynix | im pretty sure the internal minipci uses ndiswrapper | 07:46 |
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faileas | joeharrison: hmm... that might be it, but i doubt | 07:46 |
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stefg | cast0r: might easily be a day or two | 07:46 |
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sexcopter | hi, i'm trying to get a video clip encoded in fourcc IV50 to work, get same behaviour as this description https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-app-install/+bug/90737 and wondering, what is actually required to make it play? | 07:47 |
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Giorgos | tom17bombadil i pasted it on that site | 07:47 |
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cast0r | stefg: are you sure? i read that is 3h for a modern processor? | 07:47 |
joeharrison | faileas: some other people have the same problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=455078 | 07:47 |
Anlar | sexcopter: likely, iv50 is really patent encumbered and also rare nowadays | 07:47 |
Giorgos | http://paste.debian.net/35116 | 07:47 |
sharperguy | Anyone know of a graphing calculator app that does 3D graphs? | 07:47 |
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etotheipi | sharperguy: gnuplot? | 07:47 |
petitprince | tt le monde | 07:47 |
gynix | etotheipi: ill give it a try brb | 07:48 |
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tom17bombadil | Giorgos: i am watching it ... | 07:48 |
Giorgos | ok | 07:48 |
dennda | cast0r: well, maybe 300 MHz isn't "modern" enough ;) | 07:48 |
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sexcopter | Anlar: I just found the answer, the "pitfall" plugin they talk about on the page is a typo, should be pitfdll | 07:48 |
stefg | cast0r: that depends on how you configure it. if you just take the default config ( that means tons of unnecessary stuff) you'll surely take at least 12-15 h. If you slim it down, you might get away with half of the time | 07:48 |
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cast0r | dennda: how much time do you think it will take? :) | 07:48 |
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dennda | cast0r: no idea. I am bad at compilation-time-forecasts ;) | 07:49 |
tom17bombadil | Giorgos: schon mit alsaconf versucht? | 07:49 |
cardiak | I was wondering if it was possible while using the LiveCD to customize the packages | 07:49 |
faileas | joeharrison: that might be it, my recovery partition is not hidden | 07:49 |
tom17bombadil | Giorgos: sorry, tried alsaconf already? | 07:50 |
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Anlar | sexcopter: it's pitfdll, and it might or might not work. often it doesnt for those more rare ones, at least hasn't for me | 07:50 |
dennda | tom17bombadil: hehe ;) | 07:50 |
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joeharrison | faileas: is there a way to install it on a hidden partition? | 07:50 |
faileas | joeharrison: donno | 07:50 |
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tom17bombadil | dennda: happens^^ | 07:50 |
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Giorgos | no | 07:50 |
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tom17bombadil | Giorgos: do it | 07:50 |
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stefg | cast0r: /My/ kernel config (this is only waht i need) takes around 70 minutes on a XP2200+ / 512 MB DDR ram.... so take a slow CPU, slow bus, slow ram.... i'd guess with a 300 Mhz it'll take 20x as long | 07:51 |
Giorgos | it says command not found | 07:51 |
tom17bombadil | sudo alsaconf | 07:51 |
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Giorgos | the same | 07:51 |
danielm | mrigns: n_n | 07:51 |
soccer_hawk10 | hey all. how do i enable xmms to stream files over my samba network? | 07:51 |
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soccer_hawk10 | mp3 files, i should be more precise | 07:52 |
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Jim-Reaper | anyone suggest a dvd burning prog that can compress iso images to fit? | 07:52 |
sexcopter | Anlar: worked for me, so all's well for now! Thanks | 07:52 |
bipolar | How did such a buggy version of OpenOffice make it past Q/A for edgy.... | 07:52 |
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nodesyn | any of you all familiar with zoneminder? | 07:52 |
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osxdude|desk | Anyone know how I can put the "libfluid" to use? | 07:53 |
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soccer_hawk10 | hello... help? anyone help me with xmms? | 07:53 |
stefg | bipolar: better ask: How could edgy make it out of the door :-) | 07:53 |
tom17bombadil | Giorgos: i see. i m am used to gentoo. thats why. but i will look for it...hold on | 07:53 |
cast0r | stefg: i don't think you can say it's just 20x slower.but i don't know.. | 07:53 |
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Giorgos | thank you very much | 07:54 |
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OmegaElheats | Hello. Can somebody help me? | 07:54 |
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redbox | Can anyone recommend a wireless card that will work out of the box on Ubuntu 7.04-server without using madwifi? | 07:54 |
cast0r | stefg: a probably dumb question: i have given the command to compile the kernel with ssh.can i now just shutdown the ssh client? | 07:55 |
valehru | Hey guys, where are the logs located for mysql-server5 on feisty? The server doesnt want to start up | 07:55 |
redbox | cast0r: not if its still running..unless you're using screen | 07:55 |
d34dh4ck | whats your problem? | 07:55 |
wanger | soccer_hawk10 : exactly what are you trying to do? you want to be able to access your mp3s from a windows box? i'm not sure if xmms will stream music over a network | 07:55 |
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OmegaElheats | I have an iPod Nano, and when I plug it in, Ubuntu does not recognize it. Wht should I do? | 07:55 |
soccer_hawk10 | yeah. that's what i'm trying to do | 07:55 |
stefg | cast0r: i'm guesstimating.... compile time depends on ram speed and bus speed, too. so a ten times slower CPU will still take more than 10x longer. an , no, if you didn't use screen, you can't close the ssh session | 07:55 |
Pici | valehru: /var/log/mysql.log or mysql.err probably | 07:55 |
soccer_hawk10 | is there a plugin that will enable it maybe? | 07:55 |
cast0r | redbox: ok thanks | 07:55 |
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OmegaElheats | I'm asking you. I ahve no idea. | 07:56 |
dissection | Can someone help me setup identd? Anyone? | 07:56 |
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joeharrison | how do i install GRLDR on a hidden recoery partition? | 07:56 |
gynix | etotheipi: how do i restart the network controller to see if my changes take affect | 07:56 |
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wanger | soccer_hawk10 : it doesn't have anything to do with xmms, you need to read the samba documentation on how to make a windows shared folder | 07:57 |
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cast0r | stefg: i expected i got an percentage of the amount of compiling that's already done but i don't get that (my first kernel compile) | 07:57 |
OmegaElheats | anybody? | 07:58 |
osxdude|lap | Where is ubuntu's midi driver | 07:58 |
stefg | joeharrison: are you certain you want this? ubuntu is tailored so much towards grub that this is asking for trouble (esp. after kernel updates) | 07:58 |
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rix | hello | 07:58 |
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redbox | OmegaElheats: have you tried running tail -f /var/log/messages in a terminal then plugging in the nano to see what is displayed? | 07:58 |
tom17bombadil | Giorgos: actually this tool has been in the alsa-utils package | 07:59 |
joeharrison | stefg: i'm using Wubi so i need to have GRLDR/Grub installed on all/primary partition(s) | 07:59 |
redbox | OmegaElheats: add a sudo in front of that ;p | 07:59 |
Giorgos | how can i use it? | 07:59 |
tom17bombadil | but apparently with ubuntu not anymore | 07:59 |
Giorgos | synaptic? | 07:59 |
rix | network query tool resolves my dyndns domain to local ip. and changing resolv.conf doesn't do, because it resets after every boot. | 07:59 |
valehru | Pici, both of those log files are empty, still in the dark why the server doesnt want to start up | 07:59 |
OmegaElheats | so, 'sudo tail -f /var/log/messages' ? | 07:59 |
tom17bombadil | its not included anymore | 07:59 |
redbox | OmegaElheats: correct. unplug the nano first. run that, then plug in. | 07:59 |
tom17bombadil | one second | 07:59 |
Giorgos | how can i activate it? | 08:00 |
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osxdude|desk | Where can I find a midi system for Ubuntu? | 08:00 |
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OmegaElheats | mmm...i'm not getting anything. | 08:00 |
joeharrison | stefg: do you know what Wubi is? | 08:00 |
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erUSUL | !info rosegarden | osxdude|desk | 08:00 |
ubotu | osxdude|desk: rosegarden: music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.4.0-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 3358 kB, installed size 8196 kB | 08:01 |
erUSUL | !midi | osxdude|desk | 08:01 |
ubotu | osxdude|desk: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo | 08:01 |
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OmegaElheats | redbox: i'll try restarting first | 08:01 |
stefg | joeharrison: yes... but never used it | 08:01 |
osxdude|desk | !info fluidsynth | 08:01 |
ubotu | fluidsynth: Real-time MIDI software synthesizer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7a-1 (feisty), package size 36 kB, installed size 108 kB | 08:01 |
OmegaElheats | brb | 08:01 |
redbox | OmegaElheats: try downloading gtkpod | 08:01 |
osxdude|desk | That good? | 08:01 |
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OmegaElheats | redbox: already have it. don't work | 08:01 |
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tigran | mannytu: http://www.blogowogo.com/blog_article.php?aid=919943&t=5 that one did it | 08:02 |
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joeharrison | brb | 08:02 |
tigran | thanks again | 08:02 |
tom17bombadil | Giorgos: how do you know, ubuntu didnt recognize your card? | 08:02 |
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stefg | joeharrison: https://answers.launchpad.net/wubi/+question/7287 | 08:02 |
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etotheipi | gynix: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 08:02 |
Giorgos | it has no sound | 08:02 |
etotheipi | sorry ;) | 08:02 |
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russe11 | !broadcom | 08:03 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:03 |
=== Aren [n=aren@d58-106-25-143.sbr2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tom17bombadil | Giorgos: what about alsamixer? | 08:03 |
redbox | Can anyone recommend a wireless card that will work out of the box on Ubuntu 7.04-server without using madwifi? | 08:03 |
osxdude|desk | I am using VKeyBd, but I need Midi Drivers. I will try fluid synth | 08:03 |
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stefg | !hardware | 08:03 |
ubotu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 08:03 |
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tom17bombadil | maybe the sound is off | 08:03 |
Giorgos | tom17bombadil: no mixer elems found | 08:03 |
russe11 | !bcm43xx | 08:03 |
ubotu | Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx | 08:03 |
tigran | manny_ | 08:03 |
osxdude|desk | The sound is on | 08:03 |
russe11 | Is there an advantage to using ndiswrapper over fwcutter for broadcom bcm4306? | 08:03 |
osxdude|desk | osxdude | 08:03 |
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tjedi | what can i do, if my ethernet-device is not found by feisty? | 08:04 |
neverblue | tjedi, did you use ifconfig ? | 08:04 |
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joeharrison | stefg: that didn't help much | 08:04 |
bobbob1016 | can Ubuntu read Mac formatted floppies? | 08:04 |
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stefg | joeharrison: just to demonstrate that grldr should be avoided | 08:05 |
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tjedi | hmm - eth0 is shown without errors ... | 08:05 |
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joeharrison | stefg: what can i do then? | 08:06 |
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Dunas | !RTL818x | 08:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rtl818x - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:06 |
cardiak | is there any way to customize packages while in the install desktop? | 08:06 |
ExxKA | Hey guys, im testing my firewall.. Will anyone help me? All i need you to do is try to connect to my ssh when i tell you. | 08:06 |
neverblue | tjedi, lspci, do you see the device listed (when running lspci) ? | 08:06 |
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cardiak | for isntance, add / remove | 08:06 |
tom17bombadil | Giorgos: read this | 08:06 |
tom17bombadil | Giorgos: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bugs/2005-October/093453.html | 08:06 |
OmegaElheats | redbox: what was that command again? | 08:06 |
stefg | joeharrison: if don't run vista (which is pretty unsocial) i'd recommend running ubuntu as it was designed. use a separate partition, and install a dual boot system using grub | 08:07 |
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joeharrison | stefg: nut trying to install ubuntu normally throws up an x server error | 08:07 |
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tjedi | sudo lspci | grep eth0 i think - dont show anything | 08:07 |
sshless_radix | what happened | 08:08 |
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Sakkath | http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?versionId=3932 would that work with the Microsoft USB GPS device? | 08:08 |
sshless_radix | fix it now | 08:08 |
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stefg | joeharrison: so use the alternate installer. what video card do you have there? | 08:08 |
joeharrison | stefg: ATI MOBILITY RADEON X1400 | 08:09 |
Giorgos | tom17bombadil:i read it... | 08:09 |
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soccer_hawk10 | wanger: where do i find the samba documentation? | 08:09 |
OmegaElheats | redbox: what was that command again? | 08:09 |
soccer_hawk10 | is this a fixable thing? | 08:09 |
redbox | OmegaElheats: sudo tail -f /var/log/messages | 08:09 |
wanger | cardiak: no there isn't, ubuntu provides only a very basic usable system, applications can be installed easily through synaptic and apt-get so it's not necessary to complicate the installation | 08:09 |
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tom17bombadil | Giorgos: hardware4linux are saying it ran out of the box on ubuntu... | 08:10 |
stefg | joeharrison: thought that... this ati stuff needs a little extra love from the command line to get going | 08:10 |
redbox | OmegaElheats: check out this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103071 as well as http://polishlinux.org/apps/ipod-in-linux | 08:10 |
genii | soccer_hawk10: man smb.conf is extremely informative, if a bit dry reading | 08:10 |
Giorgos | tom17bombadil: which means it doesn't work on linux...(?) | 08:10 |
joeharrison | stefg: how? | 08:10 |
OmegaElheats | it read it. how do i mount it? | 08:10 |
cardiak | wanger, thank you very much for your help | 08:10 |
stefg | !ati | 08:10 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:10 |
soccer_hawk10 | thanks genii, i'll look into it | 08:10 |
stefg | !ati | joeharrison | 08:11 |
ubotu | joeharrison: please see above | 08:11 |
redbox | OmegaElheats: check that thread it shows how | 08:11 |
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OmegaElheats | redbox: okay, thank you so much. :) | 08:11 |
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redbox | OmegaElheats: np | 08:11 |
Skrit | hi, it seems I'm having some sound problems in feisty (perhaps since I installed a realtime kernel with jackd), problem is: some times, on boot, I have no sound at all. I tried reinstalling every alsa libs plus the alsa daemon, checking my sound system settings in config/sound, restarting alsa utils, booting, restarting x, none of these have an effect... if anyone feels like helping me diagnosis the problem... | 08:11 |
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tom17bombadil | Giorgos: no. it means it should work | 08:11 |
Skrit | (note, the sound problem occurs in both standard and realtime kernels) | 08:11 |
greg___ | something i've been wondering, is there any way to enable ubuntu to accept periods in usernames? (first.last for example) I tried editing /etc/passwd directly as well as the straightforward way | 08:12 |
joeharrison | stefg: that makes no sense to me | 08:12 |
redbox | OmegaElheats: It may have automounted, check gtkpod | 08:12 |
hobbs_ | I have 2 wma files(4 hours total) that I would like to burn to a set of cd's. however, brasero(the burner that I have which supports wma) doesn't seem to have the abuility to cut this playlist into 80 minut incraments. what should I do? | 08:12 |
stefg | !intelhda | Skrit | 08:12 |
ubotu | Skrit: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto | 08:12 |
tjedi | <neverblue>: i have a intel core 2 duo e6750 and msi p35 neo2 board - i try do install gutsy-amd64-iso and there is no connection with my router-modem. lspci | grep eth0 says nothing ... | 08:12 |
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ubuntu_ | When I try to boot my system the boot proccess will get to "[6.192000] sd 2:0:0:0 Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0" and then stops | 08:12 |
JK2 | hey guys, i have a problem | 08:12 |
OmegaElheats | redbox: nope, gtkpod doesn't find it | 08:12 |
ubuntu_ | how can I fix this? | 08:12 |
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Skrit | stefg, I have a Creative Labs SB Live! | 08:12 |
Giorgos | tom17bombadil:so what can i do now? | 08:12 |
gynix | so heres my delema | 08:13 |
stefg | joeharrison: have you tried to boot the ubuntu CD in 'safe graphics mose' ? | 08:13 |
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stefg | *mode | 08:13 |
Sakkath | anyway i can get the pharos GPS-500 to work? | 08:13 |
joeharrison | stefg: how do i do that? | 08:13 |
Sakkath | from ms streets & trips | 08:13 |
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JK2 | uhm, guys can anybody help me | 08:13 |
gynix | i want to use to wifi cards at once ...the internal minipci card works find but i cant figure out how to setup the pcmcia card adapter | 08:13 |
stefg | !boot | joeharrison | 08:13 |
ubotu | joeharrison: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 08:13 |
degel | if a user on ubuntu forgot their username and thus cannot log in on boot up... is there a way to recover or fix ? | 08:13 |
etotheipi | gynix: no dice? :| | 08:13 |
gynix | i have the windows driver installed with ndiswrapper | 08:13 |
Giorgos | tom17bombadil: i haven't updated my pc completely. it may be a problem? | 08:13 |
etotheipi | sorry, I went AFK a sec | 08:13 |
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JK2 | ok, i have windows xp, and i really like ubuntu, but idk how to install the both os in the same pc | 08:14 |
gynix | etotheipi, no followed those instructions and blacklisted what they said to and have the driver in the windows driver prog | 08:14 |
gynix | it says device present : no | 08:14 |
etotheipi | hrrrm. | 08:14 |
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etotheipi | but it appears under lspcmcia? | 08:14 |
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tom17bombadil | Giorgos: i would check out this as well, as ubotu recommended to Skrit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto | 08:14 |
gynix | is that in cli | 08:14 |
etotheipi | yep | 08:15 |
gynix | it shows up in Hardware manager | 08:15 |
ubuntu_ | Anybody? please, I REALLY need help with that | 08:15 |
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tom17bombadil | Giorgos: what do you mean? | 08:15 |
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JK2 | i need help too ;) | 08:15 |
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joeharrison | stefg: is there not just a simple command? | 08:15 |
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etotheipi | gynix: but not in lspcmcia? | 08:15 |
Giorgos | i installed now my ubuntu feisty and it has some updates to be done yet... | 08:15 |
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gynix | negative | 08:16 |
JK2 | wow! so many ppl here! | 08:16 |
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stefg | joeharrison: it's an option you can choose /before booting/ in the boot menu of the live CD... iirc F& or so | 08:16 |
tom17bombadil | Giorgos: why dont do the updates? | 08:16 |
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Skrit | also note: I never had sound problems before the last few weeks (and in windows, sound is ok) | 08:16 |
dariuskane | !install | JK2 | 08:16 |
stefg | F6 | 08:16 |
Pici | !dualboot | JK2 | 08:16 |
ubotu | JK2: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 08:16 |
ubotu | JK2: Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty | 08:16 |
Ahadiel | JK2, Just install Ubuntu and it'll automagically configure dual booting. | 08:16 |
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etotheipi | gynix: that's strange. it should appear there, if anywhere | 08:16 |
Giorgos | i will do it know... | 08:16 |
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etotheipi | I'd guess it's a problem with hotplug, but I dunno. | 08:16 |
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soccer_hawk10 | wanger: i'm confused | 08:16 |
Sakkath | Bus 001 Device 003: ID 067b:aaa0 Prolific Technology, Inc. <-- what /dev is that | 08:16 |
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JK2 | but r u sure tht im not gonna delete anything in the other so | 08:17 |
JK2 | ? | 08:17 |
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gynix | it shows up and disapears in device ma nager | 08:17 |
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apollo13 | hi can someone tell me plz wether this is a driver prob or my ipw3945 controller fu*** up? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34547/ | 08:17 |
gynix | if i connect and discoonnect | 08:17 |
gynix | it | 08:17 |
act1v8 | How can I sync my Nokia phone with Evolution? | 08:17 |
=== joeharrison [n=joetheco@user-514d6823.l2.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Giorgos | tom17bombadil thank you very much for your time | 08:17 |
coral_ | Hello, i recently installed Fluxbox on my single screen setup. | 08:17 |
coral_ | My GNOME is running on a single screen and if i plug another in, it is a clone. | 08:17 |
coral_ | In my Xorg.conf there is only one screen defined. | 08:17 |
coral_ | I am using the ATI drivers (Fglrx), and in the ATI-config tool only one screen exists. | 08:17 |
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coral_ | Also, when i boot ubuntu, when the login screen appears, it appears to be stretched to two screens in a half second and then be corrected to fit on one screen. | 08:17 |
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coral_ | However, when i login to Fluxbox, it works on dual screens, but i don't want it to, i figured this out when windows didn't show up, i connected a second screen, and there they was. | 08:18 |
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bignas | g'day. i'm curious how rndc works on a default apt-get of bind9, without a rndc.conf file on the server. | 08:18 |
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JK2 | hey, uhm...r u sure tht the ubuntu setup is gonna config everything, i dont want to delete anything of the other SO | 08:18 |
Skrit | meh. restarting x | 08:18 |
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Giorgos | tom17bombadil ...and i am sorry if i did some silly questions but i am still new... | 08:19 |
act1v8 | anyone... | 08:19 |
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OmegaElheats | JK2: No, it won't I dual-boot myself. | 08:19 |
stefg | !dualhead | coral_ | 08:19 |
dariuskane | apollo13, ouch.. nasty log... do you have multiple processors? | 08:19 |
ubotu | coral_: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 08:19 |
apollo13 | dariuskane yes dualcore | 08:20 |
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JK2 | aw this is too dificult! :( | 08:20 |
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act1v8 | can someone help? | 08:20 |
JK2 | ive got a pentium 4 2.4 GHZ | 08:20 |
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Pici | JK2: The LiveCD installer should guide you through partitioning your system so no data is lost. | 08:20 |
JK2 | :( wow! i like this SO but its too dificult | 08:20 |
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pemdas21 | okay, typing in that command, I went to a black screen with an x for a cursor... | 08:21 |
JK2 | ? im downloading the SO from ubuntu.com right now | 08:21 |
etotheipi | act1v8: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=260676 ? | 08:21 |
soccer_hawk10 | can anyone help me enable streaming mp3s for xmms over a network if it's possible | 08:21 |
gynix | etotheipi, would there be 2 wireless networks in net-manag | 08:21 |
etotheipi | that didn't take a lot of finding. :M | 08:21 |
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macogw | who was it that said attempts at opening the term in xubuntu logged them out? i just did a clean install and havent changed any settings...the first thing i clicked was terminal, and it logged me out | 08:21 |
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act1v8 | etotheipi: thanks | 08:21 |
dariuskane | apollo13, k somewhere along the way your processor is freaking out.... invalid op code at the top... and then just gets worse.. its most likely a hardware problem...if you can replace the card your having problems with and try again and it runs fine itll be the card | 08:21 |
joeharrison | stefg: i am booting now | 08:21 |
JK2 | should i download the live CD too | 08:21 |
stefg | JK2: this is a good opportunity for having a backup , BTW :-). how long have you postponed that already ? :-) | 08:21 |
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JK2 | nono | 08:21 |
tom17bombadil | Giorgos: no problem at all | 08:21 |
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apollo13 | dariuskane: well it's an laptop with integrated card, time to call support? | 08:21 |
Pici | JK2: What are you downloading now? The "Desktop" CD is a LiveCD | 08:21 |
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JK2 | im downloading the desktop c | 08:22 |
JK2 | *cd | 08:22 |
tom17bombadil | /msg nickserv set unfiltered on | 08:22 |
dariuskane | apollo13, which card is it you think? | 08:22 |
joeharrison | !shipit | 08:22 |
ubotu | shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Feisty (7.04) CDs | 08:22 |
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complete_noob | i ned help regarding make command | 08:22 |
apollo13 | dariuskane: it is an ipw3945 intel pro wireless controller | 08:22 |
JK2 | ive installed the xp recently, and ive got a back up but my stupid sister got new music :S and i dont want to delete the music | 08:22 |
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JK2 | she is gonna get mad | 08:23 |
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Giorgos | tom17bombadil have a good night... | 08:23 |
JK2 | :P | 08:23 |
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stefg | JK2: so back that up, too | 08:23 |
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complete_noob | i have set of drivers that have actual guide how to build them but when i do folowing it i got stuck on werry first instruction set "make" | 08:23 |
Tnax | i have a problem with starting ubuntu, when i boot up i get a errorcode saying the x server could not be launched | 08:23 |
Pici | !b-e | complete_noob | 08:23 |
ubotu | complete_noob: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 08:23 |
Tnax | i think it might me a problem with the glx drivers | 08:23 |
joeharrison | stefg: i still get an xserver error!!! | 08:23 |
dariuskane | apollo13, ok then you should have a key combo to turn it off.. or in the bios... once its disabled try again... are you trying to use the livecd? or this a system thats been running before? | 08:23 |
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neverblue | tjedi, and lspci shows no listing of the device? | 08:24 |
Tnax | does anyone know if its possible to sett so ubuntu uses the default drivers instead of the glx when rebooting | 08:24 |
JK2 | so, i must make a new bkup cd and then install the xp and next the ubuntu | 08:24 |
JK2 | :) | 08:24 |
Tnax | without going into the x | 08:24 |
stefg | joeharrison: so yell at Ati that thier cards aren#t vesa compatible, and that their Linux drivers suck so bad.... Wubi won't fix that | 08:24 |
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Pici | JK2: Just backup, then put the Ubuntu Desktop CD in and it will guide you through the install. No need to reinstall windows. | 08:25 |
joeharrison | stefg: this is booting from the live CD! | 08:25 |
OmegaElheats | WOOHOO! redbox: THANK YOU! it works it works it works!!! | 08:25 |
stefano_ | Does anyone know if I can use C++ to search for files in the linux filesystem? | 08:25 |
OmegaElheats | D | 08:25 |
OmegaElheats | ;D | 08:25 |
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-226-148-17.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
dariuskane | Windows! the only virus people pay for and breathelessly wait for the next generation of :P | 08:25 |
JK2 | k guys, thkx u :) so im downloading the desktop cd should i download anything more | 08:25 |
Pici | stefano_: I'm not sure why you would want to do that, unless you were programming something special. | 08:26 |
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KH606fp | any female here | 08:26 |
Pici | stefano_: But it should work. | 08:26 |
OmegaElheats | JK2: The Desktop CD is the only thing you need. | 08:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | JK2: GEt the alternate cd as well.. | 08:26 |
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KH606fp | any female here | 08:26 |
apollo13 | dariuskane: system running for a while now (feisty). problem occured today, I can't tell of any update (just rsync libjasper updatedand sendmail installed and removed again...). turning off using the switch does not help it gets activated and connects sometimes for a few sec, then this happens. I blacklisted ipw3945 and now the error disappered (obviously, but I have to use lan instead of wlan now...)) | 08:26 |
JK2 | ? lol | 08:26 |
KH606fp | any female here | 08:26 |
Pici | KH606fp: For what reason? | 08:26 |
OmegaElheats | lawl | 08:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | KH606fp: Not appropiate for this channel | 08:26 |
JK2 | <OmegaElheats> JK2: The Desktop CD is the only thing you need, <Jack_Sparrow> JK2: GEt the alternate cd as well.. | 08:26 |
JK2 | :) | 08:26 |
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Anlar | KH606fp: yeah women are non-appropriate! | 08:27 |
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lhot | hey again everyone | 08:27 |
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stefg | joeharrison: your only option seems to install in textmode, and then fix the driver from the command line. Since this requires some Linux expertise i tend to suggest to you to contact a local Linux user group so someone can get some hands-on help. | 08:27 |
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KH606fp | any female here | 08:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | The live cd is great, but there are systems that it will not work on.. If you have the time and the bandwidth.. get the alternate cd | 08:27 |
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stefano_ | Pici, do you know how could i achieve that? | 08:27 |
lhot | any people type Dvorak here? | 08:27 |
joeharrison | stefg: it used to work on my computer but none of the live cd's i habe work!!! | 08:28 |
stefano_ | I am driving myself nuts looking for example search code. | 08:28 |
dariuskane | apollo13, odd but if the drivers blacklisted and its working now itll be the card.. the driver is a kernel module so unless you recompiled it woldnt have changed.. which leaves hardware | 08:28 |
JK2 | ive got a p4 with 512 ram, vcard 64mb, and my int.connection is of 2.5 m | 08:28 |
JK2 | isnt tht enough? | 08:28 |
Pici | stefano_: Try asking in ##c++ | 08:28 |
OmegaElheats | JK2: I'm just telling you from experience. Listen to the other people first :P | 08:28 |
boabsta | folks, if i have an Intel Pentium x86 processor which supports 64bit should I install the 64 bit version of Ubuntu? | 08:28 |
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dariuskane | apollo13, if it were my laptop Id crack it open, blow out all the dust, reseat the card and try again | 08:28 |
Pici | JK2: Thats fine. | 08:28 |
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Jack_Sparrow | JK2: that is fine.. | 08:28 |
Tnax | is it possible to remove the glx drivers or a least make ubuntu boot up with the default drivers on a mounted harddrive | 08:28 |
JK2 | k, just the desktop cd then, thnkx guys | 08:29 |
Pici | JK2: Try using the DesktopCD, if you have any issues, then use the Alternate, no need to download them both now if you dont need to. | 08:29 |
apollo13 | dariuskane: Well thats what I am going to do, if I don't loose garanty by opening the wireliss card slot, as the laptop was bought this year... | 08:29 |
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stefg | joeharrison: as i said: yell at Ati for sucking bad. the card isn't VESA compatible, and ati is not able to deliver a good linux driver. You can make it work, but not out of the box... | 08:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | Tnax: Yes.. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:29 |
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dariuskane | stefano_, You can do anything in C++ but a high level function like searching takes alot of work... if its a simple search script for yourself.. try php or perl instead | 08:29 |
JK2 | aw, and when the os is installed, im comming back to telling ya :) | 08:29 |
Aeko | I'm new with ubuntu, also linux at all... Anyone help me learn to install something? | 08:29 |
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soccer_hawk10 | anyone: can you help me enable the streaming of mp3s over a network with xmms | 08:29 |
JK2 | i think tht the os is great and its not gonna get me in so many trouble like the win xp -.- | 08:30 |
joeharrison | stefg: does 6.04 have a GUI for installation like 7.04? | 08:30 |
dariuskane | apollo13, never hurts to call support to make sure if in doubt | 08:30 |
JK2 | i hate it | 08:30 |
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boabsta | if i have an Intel Pentium x86 processor which supports 64bit should I install the 64 bit version of Ubuntu? anyone? | 08:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | Aeko: You can install many different packages with synaptic or apt-get in a terminal window | 08:30 |
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soccer_hawk10 | boabsta, yes | 08:30 |
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JK2 | bye guys cya later | 08:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | boabsta: I would stick with 32 bit | 08:30 |
=== JK2 waves | ||
stefg | joeharrison: yes, it's basically the same installer. | 08:30 |
boabsta | thanks Jack_Sparrow - wasnt sure about Intel x86 and 64 bit... | 08:31 |
dariuskane | the aptitude terminal window installer is much nicer then apt-get | 08:31 |
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joeharrison | stefg: hmmm... the LTS installer works with gui... how weird | 08:31 |
btorio | anyone familiar with postfix? | 08:31 |
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soccer_hawk10 | help: streaming mp3s over a network with xmms | 08:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | boabsta: You can trade up later once you are confortable with Ubuntu... | 08:31 |
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btorio | i followed EVERY direction on help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix | 08:31 |
btorio | and i got to the testing part | 08:31 |
btorio | and it doesn't work | 08:32 |
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Jack_Sparrow | joeharrison: Dapper live works on many more systems that Feisty does.. At least for me.. | 08:32 |
Tnax | jack_sparrow. im using the livecd not as i get a error message saying the x server could not launch when booting on the hdd, will that solve it anyway? | 08:32 |
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pemdas21 | okay, I can't get xgl working... I have tried everything... Can someone walk me through it? | 08:32 |
btorio | i telnet into localhost 25 | 08:32 |
boabsta | Jack_Sparrow, I been using ubuntu for ages now, got sick of maintaining Gentoo ;) Its a mate that was asking me, i still have to move into the 64 bit world :) | 08:32 |
Sakkath | who knwos about the Microsoft/Pharos GPS-500 unit? | 08:32 |
Pici | !enter | 08:32 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 08:32 |
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joeharrison | jack_sparrow: why is that? | 08:32 |
sq89 | hi! how do I see what packages I have installed using the command-line? more specifically, I want to know what package caused the installation of mysql. | 08:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | Tnax: Cant tell... Your earlier question seemed to indicate a video res issue. | 08:33 |
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PriceChild | sq89, mysql-server | 08:33 |
apollo13 | dariuskane: thx I will try to open it and call support tommorrow | 08:33 |
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Jack_Sparrow | joeharrison: I wish I knew.. BUt Dapper seems to work Live.. on more systems I have tried.. | 08:33 |
sq89 | PriceChild: I didn't install that directly, I think. anyway, getting a list of all installed packages would help a lot maintaining the installation remotely... | 08:34 |
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btorio | i dnt get any error message. I get a message saying "trying localhost connected to localhost. Escape character is '^] '." Then after that a blank line | 08:34 |
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JK2 | guys! | 08:34 |
Pici | sq89: dpkg -l | 08:34 |
btorio | any ideas? | 08:34 |
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JK2 | i forgot :P | 08:34 |
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sq89 | Pici, thanks | 08:34 |
JK2 | should i burn the cd with the nero | 08:34 |
JK2 | or? | 08:34 |
Pici | sq89: For all packages, apt-cache depends package might also help too | 08:34 |
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dariuskane | Anyone ever tried modifying the initramfs scripts and hooks? | 08:34 |
JK2 | another soft? | 08:34 |
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sq89 | Pici: doublethanks :-) | 08:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | JK2: I prefer to use isorecorder... freeware for windows but any decent app should work... One thing.. burn it a little on the slow side... | 08:35 |
pemdas21 | okay, I can't get xgl working... I have tried everything... Can someone walk me through it? | 08:35 |
betatest2 | Q: Eyo of gnome show prevore of a TIF, but can't display the actual file "format unknown" all libtif* stuff is installed | 08:35 |
JK2 | uhm, ur saying tht i should burn it with another speed, slow speed | 08:35 |
Tnax | jack_sparrow, when i boot up, i get a error saying the xserver could not launch....probably its the glx drivers so i thought about trying to change so it uses the ubuntu default drivers instead. but is it possible to do so when im on a livecd | 08:35 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Tnax: You should be able to hit escape when you boot up the hard drive install and get to a Ubuntu recovery mode.. | 08:36 |
uplinkpr0 | hmm im using ubuntu "ultimate gamers edition" is it really that much better for any reason ? | 08:36 |
Sakkath | ok the pl2303 driver loads teh serial to usb driver, the pharos one, that came with the microsoft/pharos gps-500 unit, but now i need drivers for the actual unit, right? | 08:36 |
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tjedi | are the amd64.iso's also for intel64? | 08:36 |
hammedhaaret | Hi... how do I configure /boot/grub/menu.lst from the terminal? | 08:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | Tnax: You can use live cd to edit your xorg.conf... but the other may be easier for you. | 08:37 |
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JK2 | uhm, ur saying tht i should burn it with another speed, slow speed | 08:37 |
Tnax | jack_sparrow, hmm...i can try that | 08:37 |
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Jack_Sparrow | hammedhaaret: You can use sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:37 |
uplinkpr0 | im loged in to administrator but i cant alter my /home | 08:37 |
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Sakkath | http://cache.gizmodo.com/assets/resources/2006/10/microsoft_gps_device.jpg | 08:38 |
Magicdead | hi, does anyone know what those windows are called that pop up when you press volume up/down/mute buttons on the keyboard? you know, those things that got ridiculously huge in feisty, showing the volume bar | 08:38 |
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Aekoh | How do I install a package with Synaptic | 08:38 |
Sakkath | Aekoh: open synaptic | 08:38 |
Aekoh | yeh | 08:39 |
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ward_ | hi all, i need to add a line to my worg.conf, but the problem is ubuntu wont boot, how can i login without x enabled? | 08:39 |
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uplinkpr0 | im having problems installing the ATI drivers -_- | 08:39 |
ward_ | so in short: how can i login without starting x | 08:39 |
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dariuskane | ward_, hit esc during the boot before it loads the kernel... rescue mode should take you into single user commandline | 08:40 |
westly | how to use aptitude cmd to install kubuntu over ubuntu | 08:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | ward_: Try hitting escape on boot to bring up grub menu and recovery mode option then sudo nano to your xorg | 08:40 |
ward_ | dariuskane, thanx i'll try | 08:40 |
Pici | westly: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 08:40 |
russe11 | westly: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 08:40 |
ward_ | Jack_Sparrow, thanx too :-) | 08:40 |
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westly | Pici: what is the diff btw apt-get and aptitude? | 08:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | westly: You are not installng it over as much as alongside... option to select either at the login window | 08:41 |
Magicdead | oh ok, they're called OSD. so anyone got an idea as to how you can modify the gnome osd's? they're so frickin huge in feisty, annoying during movies and stuff | 08:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | westly: NOt much diff apt-get aptitude and synaptic | 08:42 |
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Jack_Sparrow | westly: There are some things that aptitude does that are supposed to make it easier to uninstall things later.. but I dont use it.. | 08:43 |
serengeti | hi everyone :) I've just updated a fresh installation of Feisty, rebooted and now every time I start a program it spends couple of seconds using 100% of cpu... any ideas what may be causing this behaviour? | 08:43 |
Dunas | I just tried to launch the Ubuntu LiveCD, and it got stuck on 23%. :x | 08:43 |
lhot | can someone tell me where to get, and install compiz fusion | 08:43 |
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betatest2 | Dunas: burn it to a rewritable cd with 4x or slower | 08:43 |
westly | thanks | 08:43 |
=== gdiebel [n=gdiebel@adsl-69-217-146-185.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
macogw | serengeti, try running top, hit the letter i, then start the program and see if any other processes are spawned | 08:43 |
dariuskane | serengeti, hit ctrl+alt+f1 to get to a console or open a terminal window and use "top" to find out | 08:43 |
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hammedhaaret | jack sparrow: thanks | 08:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 08:44 |
serengeti | lhot: google for feisty compiz fusion howto, it's the first link | 08:44 |
betatest2 | Dunas: if the problem stays, you might have to re-download the iso-file | 08:44 |
lhot | thanks | 08:44 |
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Pici | !effects | 08:44 |
ubotu | For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 08:44 |
macogw | Dunas, try getting a md5sum program (there are free ones) and run it on .iso to see if it was a bad download before you use another cd | 08:44 |
betatest2 | Dunas: there might be hardwareincompatiblities with your system, but then we have to go into details | 08:44 |
westly | is there a linux version of counter strike? | 08:45 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Dunas: Nero offers a free md5 tool | 08:45 |
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Pici | westly: No, but it can be run under !wine | 08:45 |
macogw | westly, no, but it works in wine | 08:45 |
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westly | wine cannot use with active x components? | 08:45 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Dunas: http://www.nero.com/enu/Nero_MD5_Verifier.html | 08:46 |
uplinkpr0 | every time i try to edit /etc/apt/sources.list i get a permissions error but it dont ask for admin passwords | 08:46 |
=== magical_trevsky [n=magical@host81-149-185-161.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
macogw | westly, yeah there's activeX in wine | 08:46 |
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Pici | uplinkpr0: use sudo to edit the file. sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | uplinkpr0: Use sudo or gksudo for gui apps | 08:46 |
westly | i install kubuntu over ubuntu, asking me to select display manger gdm or kdm, choose which one | 08:46 |
Scunizi | uplinkpr0, try gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:47 |
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RobNyc-work | !et | 08:47 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 08:47 |
macogw | uplinkpr0, use sudo | 08:47 |
dariuskane | gdm is gnome and kdm is KDE | 08:47 |
ward_ | Thanx dariuskane , Jack_Sparrow thanx it works now | 08:47 |
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Jack_Sparrow | np | 08:47 |
=== Hargrim [n=asa@men75-2-82-66-51-210.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dariuskane | ward_, np | 08:47 |
genii | westly: It doesn't matter which you use. | 08:47 |
macogw | uplinkpr0, itll ask for your own password. it is not echoed to the screen, so even though it looks like you're not typing, you are | 08:47 |
serengeti | macogw, dariuskane, it's just the process I'm trying to run, nothing else... for example when I start gedit, I can see gedit process using like 95% of cpu for about 5 seconds and then the app shows up and works normally | 08:47 |
=== Markos [i=markl@CPE000ec6b59478-CM001225dba2fe.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
serengeti | it's like this with every gtk app i've tried | 08:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | ward_: Sad that I cant remember far enough back to what the issue was... | 08:48 |
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macogw | serengeti, try running gedit from the term and see if anything is output when it starts? | 08:48 |
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ward_ | in case anyone has a nvidia card in their laptop which WONT RUN nvidia-glx , the solution for me was to add Option "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP" | 08:48 |
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serengeti | macogw, nothing, it just sits there | 08:48 |
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ward_ | Jack_Sparrow, just booting without X to change my xorg.conf :-) | 08:49 |
dariuskane | serengeti, how old is your system? | 08:49 |
uplinkpr0 | well im trying to use the command (sudo echo "deb http://ubuntusoftware.info/ edgy all">>/etc/apt/sources.list) but i get premission denyed constantly | 08:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | ward_: Glad you are up and running.. | 08:49 |
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Dunas | The MD5checksums are the same... | 08:49 |
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macogw | Dunas, ok then the iso is fine. try burning again at a low speed | 08:50 |
serengeti | dariuskane, it's an athlon 1.7 with a gig of ram, I've never seen anything like this before on this system. and the fresh installation works ok | 08:50 |
ward_ | Jack_Sparrow, thanx, but im not completely new, have had ubuntu before | 08:50 |
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Jack_Sparrow | serengeti: The apps just use available resopurces to get you going faster... Would you rather keep 20% of your processor idle and never used. | 08:50 |
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westly | what is the firewall use in ubuntu? | 08:50 |
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macogw | westly, iptables | 08:50 |
dariuskane | serengeti, and your video card? cause it sounds like when it has to display a new window it gets hung up on graphics | 08:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | !firewall > macogw | 08:51 |
Anlar | westly: it is disabled by default, thank god | 08:51 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Anlar: NOt true | 08:51 |
macogw | Jack_Sparrow, why was that at me? | 08:51 |
westly | how to enable iptable | 08:51 |
serengeti | dariuskane, it's a radeon 9100 even compiz works fine | 08:51 |
jrib | uplinkpr0: I've never heard of that repository. I would be wary of using it | 08:51 |
Anlar | Jack_Sparrow: if you necessarily LOVE splitting hair with technical irrelevant details | 08:51 |
=== Tiancai [n=lari@a88-113-83-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
btorio | sheesh.. why is linux so freaking complicated | 08:51 |
macogw | westly, it is always there. no ports are listened to by default, so you are secure. if you install an ssh server, it will open that port automatically | 08:51 |
Davy_Jones | !firewall > westly | 08:51 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Anlar: Saying there is NO firewall is NOT splitting hairs.. | 08:51 |
dariuskane | serengeti, Then ya got me stupped Im not much good with X... old skool commandline for me most of the time :) | 08:52 |
macogw | btorio, it assumes you have an iq higher than that of an apple, unlike windows | 08:52 |
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btorio | it seems no matter how well i follow the steps in a tutorial i run across problems | 08:52 |
Anlar | Jack_Sparrow: firewall with everything open == no firewall, from user perspective. and only user perspective matters for USERS. the rest is just some lame nerdy bullshit | 08:52 |
btorio | i did EVERYTHING | 08:52 |
macogw | Jack_Sparrow, why did you send the firewall thing at me? he asked what the firewall is, and i said iptables | 08:52 |
btorio | word for word | 08:52 |
btorio | command for command | 08:52 |
ward_ | btorio, which problems and which tutorial? | 08:52 |
Davy_Jones | btorio: it's not complicated, you're just not used ot it | 08:52 |
Davy_Jones | to* | 08:52 |
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YouKnowMe | How do I check to se that I have the latest version of WINE? | 08:52 |
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Jack_Sparrow | macogw: It wasnt meant for you | 08:53 |
btorio | i followed EVERY direction on help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix | 08:53 |
macogw | Anlar, its set to allow all but no services listen on any ports, so it's effectively all closed | 08:53 |
btorio | trying to set it up | 08:53 |
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btorio | i got all the way to the testing part and it screwed up | 08:53 |
btorio | wouldn't work | 08:53 |
btorio | and some of the commands they wrote don't work | 08:53 |
reizend | YouKnowMe: in the terminal enter 'wine --version' and compare to their website | 08:53 |
ward_ | btorio, what exactly wouldnt work? | 08:53 |
jrib | !enter | btorio | 08:53 |
ubotu | btorio: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 08:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | Anlar: Go to grc.com with a fresh install and tell me if it shows all ports open and available | 08:53 |
macogw | YouKnowMe, check what version is installed in synaptic, then check wine's website and see if the version numbers match | 08:53 |
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serengeti | Jack_Sparrow, I don't mind apps using the resources, the problem is that every time I start any application it spends over 10 seconds doing NOTHING except using all the available cpu time | 08:54 |
YouKnowMe | reizend, thanks. And if its not up-to-date how to I make sure it stays up-to-date? | 08:54 |
macogw | Anlar, ive done a port test on my box with default set up. no ports are shown | 08:54 |
btorio | i don't know what wouldn't work.... | 08:54 |
westly | is shorewall in mandriva same as ubuntu iptables? | 08:54 |
btorio | that's the issue | 08:54 |
Brutha | Hi, I have a question about Desktop Sharing. If I share my desktop using Settings->Remote Desktop, will I be able to connect from outside if nobody is logged in yet? | 08:54 |
visof_ | i setting up ubuntu now and want to run windows xp with ubuntu can i set up it with ubuntu now? | 08:54 |
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macogw | YouKnowMe, install new ones when they come out | 08:54 |
dariuskane | westly, shorewall is just an interface to iptables | 08:54 |
btorio | the whole telnet thing did not say anything | 08:54 |
Anlar | macogw: yeah, you have no daemons running ound on the external interfaces | 08:54 |
ward_ | btorio, you must have gotton some error on some point, else nobody can help you | 08:54 |
btorio | when i did it | 08:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | shorewall is a good tool.. it is basically an iptable manager. | 08:54 |
philthy_ | how do i make it so that super key is a modifier for use in Keyboard Shortcuts? | 08:54 |
reizend | YouKnowMe: the update manager should notify you, but ubuntus repository be behind | 08:54 |
btorio | ward_ no erros at all | 08:54 |
btorio | wait... no there was one... | 08:55 |
reizend | *may be behind | 08:55 |
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macogw | YouKnowMe, the update manager automatically updates all installed software whent the os is updated | 08:55 |
westly | so shorewall is a gui for iptables? | 08:55 |
serengeti | dariuskane, I don't think it's an X issue | 08:55 |
YouKnowMe | macogw, ok can do. If I may ask though, Why doesn't the update manager do that? | 08:55 |
jrib | philthy_: you can edit the gconf keys and use <super> | 08:55 |
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uplinkpr0 | I try sudo and sudo echo and i get bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied | 08:55 |
visof_ | do windows has multiboot like ubuntu? | 08:55 |
macogw | YouKnowMe, it does security updates | 08:55 |
Davy_Jones | philthy_: what do you mean? | 08:55 |
ward_ | btorio, you mean "To see if SMTP-AUTH and TLS work properly now run the following command: | 08:55 |
ward_ | telnet localhost 25 " | 08:55 |
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jrib | !winkey > philthy_ (see the private message from ubotu) | 08:55 |
philthy_ | jrib: thanks | 08:55 |
YouKnowMe | macogw, ohic, thanks! | 08:55 |
hypodyne | gday all | 08:55 |
dariuskane | westly, yes its a tool for managing iptables in a much more userfriendly manner | 08:55 |
btorio | echo 'pwcheck_method: saslauthd' >> /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf gave me a permission denied | 08:55 |
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btorio | even as superuser | 08:55 |
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serengeti | dariuskane, nevermind, thanks for your help anyway :) maybe it has something to do with all the dev libs I've installed but it has never happened to me before | 08:56 |
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jrib | btorio: how did you execute it as superuser? | 08:56 |
macogw | YouKnowMe, updating everything constantly would result in an unstable system...like trying to use software that says "vista required" on a win98 box...kinda...or trying to use a not-finished OS | 08:56 |
btorio | as did echo 'mech_list: plain login' >> /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf | 08:56 |
westly | can shorewall install on ubuntu? | 08:56 |
macogw | westly, i like firestarter for an iptables gui | 08:56 |
btorio | sudo echo 'pwcheck_method: saslauthd' >> /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf | 08:56 |
erUSUL | !info shorewall > westly | 08:56 |
Davy_Jones | westly: try searching it in synaptics | 08:56 |
jrib | btorio: that won't work. Do 'sudo -i' first to get a root shell, then do the commands | 08:56 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Firestarter, guarddog are other iptable managers as well | 08:56 |
hypodyne | why is it that when you goto the login screen .. it always misses the first character? | 08:56 |
dariuskane | serengeti, its definately a graphics thing... in my experience starting X has always been slower .. but once things are started they run faster then anything in windows | 08:56 |
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YouKnowMe | macogw, well is there anyway to force it to update wine? | 08:56 |
macogw | guarddog is scary | 08:57 |
ward_ | btorio, its handy if u put the name of the person you're responding to in front of your text, then we get it highlighted :-) | 08:57 |
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macogw | i locked myself out of the internet | 08:57 |
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dariuskane | westly, yes should be able to run shorewall... check the package manager for it | 08:57 |
macogw | YouKnowMe, you have to update it yourself if you want something thats not in the updater | 08:57 |
Bruum | Hello. I have just installed ubuntu 7.04! I have problemes to connect my wirless "Linksys" connection to the net.. i had WEP 128bit password, but im trying now with no password on the modem.. but still not workin, someone who can help me out?? thaks | 08:57 |
gikid_ | Does anyone know if Breezy had mysql? | 08:57 |
westly | thanks. | 08:57 |
jrib | gikid_: it did | 08:57 |
gikid_ | ok | 08:57 |
gikid_ | <3 | 08:57 |
btorio | it returns a new line with '>' at the beginning | 08:57 |
westly | find ubuntu gnome easier to use | 08:57 |
YouKnowMe | macogw, ok. thanks for the help. | 08:57 |
ward_ | :-D | 08:58 |
jrib | gikid_: breezy is EOL though, no more security updates | 08:58 |
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Davy_Jones | Bruum: are you sure you got the wireless card drivers installed? | 08:58 |
btorio | is there a way i can start this over from the begining | 08:58 |
btorio | ? | 08:58 |
gikid_ | jrib: i know | 08:58 |
erUSUL | btorio: sudo sh -c "echo 'pwcheck_method: saslauthd' >> /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf" | 08:58 |
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gikid_ | but this is an old computer | 08:58 |
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Bruum | Davy_Jones : not 100%, how to check? | 08:58 |
Brutha | If I share my desktop using Settings-> Remote Desktop can I login from outside if nobody is logged in yet? (I want to start my PC over the Internet with wake up on lan and then use vnc to control it) | 08:58 |
gikid_ | i have no choice | 08:58 |
philthy_ | jrib: I can't find "Lock workstation" in apps/metacity | 08:58 |
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Paddy_EIRE | gikid_: that shouldnt matter | 08:58 |
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Davy_Jones | Bruum: dunno.. never used wireless on ubuntu | 08:58 |
jrib | btorio: you need to do two things so people can help you better in this channel: 1) stop pressing enter to break up your responses 2) prefix what you say with the name of the person you are addressing | 08:58 |
Bruum | okay... :( | 08:58 |
plbeaudoin | where does apt cache the downloaded packages? I'd like to force it to redownload them | 08:59 |
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Bruum | someone who have linksys wirless on ubuntu who can help me??? | 08:59 |
btorio | jrib sorry... | 08:59 |
gikid_ | Paddy_EIRE: 94MB RAM and 300MHz processor..... it maters | 08:59 |
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serengeti | dariuskane, i've found out it's just the gtk apps - xterm starts instantaneously :/ | 08:59 |
jrib | philthy_: it's probably somewhere else, try looking for gnome-screensaver | 08:59 |
macogw | plbeaudoin, /var/cache/apt/archives | 08:59 |
erUSUL | plbeaudoin: /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 08:59 |
westly | init 6 is to restart. init ? to shut down? | 08:59 |
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aunes | I need to monitor the logs on 2-3 different servers. Is there a tool where I can do this easily? (perhaps via ssh?) | 08:59 |
Bruum | Hello. I have just installed ubuntu 7.04! I have problemes to connect my wirless "Linksys" connection to the net.. i had WEP 128bit password, but im trying now with no password on the modem.. but still not workin, someone who can help me out?? thaks | 08:59 |
foggy | hi i am looking for help with ubuntu install on inspiron 9400 | 08:59 |
Paddy_EIRE | gikid_: what makes you think that breezy will run on that | 08:59 |
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btorio | erUSUL... is there a way to just restart everything from scratch | 08:59 |
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btorio | ? | 08:59 |
Ahadiel | How can I change the size of the volume OSD icon? http://ahadielstudios.com/~ahadiel/screenshots/Screenshot-3.png | 08:59 |
westly | !init | 08:59 |
ubotu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 08:59 |
Magicdead | plbeaudoin: there's a --force option (not sure if apt got it, but dpkg got it for sure) | 08:59 |
Davy_Jones | westly: sudo shutdown now | 09:00 |
gikid_ | Paddy_EIRE: v4 did | 09:00 |
dariuskane | Brutha, I suggest looking at the nxserver from nomachine... out of the box ssh tunneling and very little setup required... but wake on lan is a different thing altogether | 09:00 |
gikid_ | perfectly fine with no gui | 09:00 |
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Paddy_EIRE | gikid_: try fluxbuntu, xubuntu or dsl | 09:00 |
Adnan_ | Hi again | 09:00 |
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dariuskane | serengeti, your making progress then... perhaps KDE or XFCE would speed things up is gnome is sluggish | 09:00 |
gikid_ | Paddy_EIRE: mmk | 09:00 |
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genii | with dpkg --force you need to specify what to force eg: --force-reinstall or so on | 09:00 |
plbeaudoin | macogw, erUSUL, Magicdead, thanks! | 09:00 |
philthy_ | jrib: could it be under any other name? I searched for "lock" and none of them are what I want | 09:00 |
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Brutha | dariuskane, Wake up on Lan already works I just want to know If I can use the gnome VNC-settings to login via vnc at the login-screen or if it only works If someone already logged in locally | 09:01 |
Davy_Jones | i don't see how kde is faster than gnome | 09:01 |
foggy | My install fails with an error saying some problem with X windows | 09:01 |
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jrib | philthy_: try searching for "keybinding" | 09:01 |
Paddy_EIRE | Davy_Jones: kde certainly is not faster than gnome | 09:01 |
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Davy_Jones | Paddy_EIRE: i was saying this to dariuskane | 09:01 |
philthy_ | there are a lot of results for that, but wouldnt they have showed up when i searched for "lock" ? | 09:01 |
dariuskane | Brutha, like I said... skip vnc and use the openssh server and nxserver instead.. much more secure over the net | 09:01 |
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dariuskane | Brutha, and easier to configure properly | 09:02 |
Brutha | thanks, I'll give it a try | 09:02 |
serengeti | dariuskane it's not that gnome is sluggish, everything was fine and fast until I updated the system and installed dev libs | 09:02 |
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dariuskane | Brutha, doesnt matter if anyone is logged in or not as far as remote desktops go | 09:03 |
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jshriver | greetings | 09:03 |
plbeaudoin | I'd like to get the basic compiz in Festy to work... It used to work before I try compiz fusion, now, none work | 09:03 |
Davy_Jones | the package manager is nagging about 65 updates | 09:03 |
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jshriver | How do you setup ssh key's so you can ssh to a machine and run a program w/o using a password? | 09:03 |
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jshriver | or recommend a website that describes the process? | 09:03 |
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Paddy_EIRE | plbeaudoin: compiz-fusion is in heavy development, unless you know what your doing dont go near it | 09:04 |
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Brutha | dariuskane, thanks, I knew that about a manually installed vnc server but not the ubuntu settings. I'll still try NX | 09:04 |
jrib | philthy_: idk where it is. I would try putting some strange keybinding for it using the gui configuration and then searching the keys for that strange keybinding or I would not care and just create a new command that does 'gnome-screensaver-command --lock' and then bind to that | 09:04 |
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Adnan_ | i want t install apache2 with GUI front end, how can I do it plus how do I start apache? | 09:04 |
Paddy_EIRE | plbeaudoin: any other questions on this go to #ubuntu-effects | 09:04 |
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philthy_ | jrib: okay, thanks | 09:04 |
plbeaudoin | Paddy_EIRE, that's why I'm reverting to the bundle, ok bye | 09:04 |
playerzen | what are the risks of opening a port on a server to be used as a rpm repository? lol this might be the wrong channel to ask this in, but maybe someone can educate me. | 09:04 |
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Dunas | I told it to write this disk at 4x, but it's writing at between 10.1 and 10.4x, unless that's normal. :x | 09:05 |
dariuskane | Brutha, Im using ssh and the nxserver right now to connect to my server which is running the livecd :P so its pretty easy and the defaults work | 09:05 |
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Paddy_EIRE | playerzen: your right its the wrong channel :P | 09:05 |
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philthy_ | jrib: how would i go about doing that? :P (making the gnome-screensaver-comand --lock) ? | 09:06 |
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foggy | quit | 09:06 |
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dariuskane | playerzen, theres nothing special about being a rpm repository.. just ftp or http server.. same security concerns apply | 09:06 |
foggy | quit | 09:06 |
eifzon | I just installed XP on my other disk, and I got Ubuntu on my original, grub is working well but I cant choose XP in grub, how to do? | 09:06 |
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philthy_ | lol | 09:06 |
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Paddy_EIRE | !grub | eifzon | 09:06 |
ubotu | eifzon: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 09:06 |
eifzon | I dont need to get grub back? :S | 09:07 |
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Paddy_EIRE | eifzon: follow that link it contains the info you need | 09:07 |
jrib | philthy_: in /apps/metacity there should be "keybinding_commands" where you can set for example "command_1", then in "global_keybindings" you can bind keys to "run_command_1" | 09:07 |
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eifzon | ok Paddy_EIRE ty | 09:07 |
Paddy_EIRE | eifzon: same rules apply | 09:07 |
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philthy_ | jrib: okay, thanks again! | 09:07 |
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john2384 | How do you install a .deb file once you have downloaded it? | 09:08 |
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jrib | !deb > john2384 (see the private message from ubotu) | 09:08 |
Paddy_EIRE | john2384: click it... | 09:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | john2384: Did you check the repos first? | 09:08 |
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john2384 | Jack_Sparrow: yes | 09:08 |
Brutha | dariuskane lol sounds good, you can even hear sounds? I only knew citrix could do that :) | 09:09 |
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john2384 | Paddy_EIRE: is there a command that can do it? | 09:09 |
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Paddy_EIRE | follow the link that jrib gave | 09:10 |
Bakefy | If i am using rdp and I connect to another computer in full screen, how do I switch back to my linux desktop with out disconnecting? | 09:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | To Install a .deb package Use Terminal and type sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 09:10 |
dariuskane | Brutha, yup with the esound demon it forwards all the multimedia | 09:10 |
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unity | hey, i am trying to edit my root's crontab with sudo crontab -e and i have entered: "32 /4 * * * chmod -R a+rwx /mnt/A && chmod -R go-rwx /mnt/A/Backup/Ryo.Backup" but i get a complaint for the hour field. i want this to run every four hours | 09:10 |
Terrasque | Bakefy: start -> disconnect on the windows box will disconnect from the server side | 09:10 |
kromcuich | Hi. Any solutions to Feisty suspend to RAM for laptops yet? | 09:11 |
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Bakefy | Terrasque, I am wanting to stay connected... but just view my linux machine. | 09:11 |
jrib | unity: */4 afaik | 09:11 |
unity | jrib: thanks | 09:11 |
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Bakefy | I can only do that if I am not in full screen | 09:11 |
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EvaLuaTe | hello | 09:11 |
EvaLuaTe | does the server version of 7.04 have a DE ? | 09:11 |
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jrib | unity: but that command looks weird, why are you doing that? | 09:12 |
eifzon | Paddy_EIRE: i wonder a thing in the guide, what is the (hd0,0) #(hd0,0) ? | 09:12 |
Paddy_EIRE | EvaLuaTe: you can install whatever one you want | 09:12 |
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Paddy_EIRE | eifzon: thats your hdd | 09:12 |
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EvaLuaTe | so i could opt for a install woth a graphical interface that would be easy for a linux newbie that wants to try to run his own server ? | 09:12 |
eifzon | Paddy_EIRE: but i got two hdds, how can I be sure what the one is right? | 09:12 |
Paddy_EIRE | eifzon: does'nt the guide explain this | 09:12 |
EvaLuaTe | with* | 09:12 |
eifzon | no | 09:12 |
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K3nto | anybody know how to send files from a phone to your computer? | 09:13 |
K3nto | via bluetooth? | 09:13 |
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Paddy_EIRE | !bluetooth | K3nto | 09:13 |
ubotu | K3nto: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 09:13 |
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unity | jrib: it's a public share on a home CIFS server so i want people to be able to read all of it, even when new files are created with the wrong permissions, but i don't want family to read my backup directory | 09:13 |
eifzon | Paddy_EIRE: you know? .o | 09:13 |
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philthy_ | jrib: I just realized the problem. I'm using beryl :P | 09:14 |
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K3nto | Paddy_EIRE: yes, yes, i did all that, i can send files TO my device, but i want to send files from my device | 09:14 |
just_free_man | hi all! | 09:14 |
serengeti | there's another problem: after the system update I get this message every time I use apt-get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34555/ | 09:14 |
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eifzon | hmm Paddy_EIRE, it seems like my Ubuntu disk is hd0,0 | 09:14 |
EvaLuaTe | ok, one more, does the server edition come with ready-to-user MySQL, Webmin, Apache and SSH, or would i have to install & configure them manually ? | 09:14 |
serengeti | any ideas, anyone? :-) | 09:14 |
just_free_man | is anyone know good traffic counter for gnome? | 09:14 |
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EvaLuaTe | s/user/use/ | 09:15 |
Paddy_EIRE | K3nto: thats down to how your mobile does this | 09:15 |
jrib | unity: hmm, checkout ACLs (Access Control Lists) maybe | 09:15 |
K3nto | Paddy_EIRE: its a Samsung SCH-u510 | 09:15 |
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unity | jrib: i want to keep it simple. none of my family is hackers, so this cheap trick of mine should work | 09:15 |
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Paddy_EIRE | K3nto: 1 sec | 09:15 |
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jrib | unity: I think you can force permissions on files. I'm not sure about this because I've never used it. Wouldn't require any work from your family and you wouldn't have that 4 hour gap where things might not work. Just throwing it out there | 09:16 |
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genii | EvaLuaTe: The LAMP install has preconfigure MySQL and Apache. webmin i dunno, don't use it. Perhaps. If not no biggie to install | 09:17 |
Grungebunny | hmmm.. after compiz auto updated itself the other day I cannot seem to get the water raindrop effect to work.. anyone else have this issue? | 09:17 |
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EvaLuaTe | ok, how about SSH ? | 09:18 |
Paddy_EIRE | K3nto: cant seem to find alot of info on this http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=25797264 | 09:18 |
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malnilion | Grungebunny, I didn't think raindrop was a part of compiz (yet)... | 09:18 |
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malnilion | But rather Beryl? | 09:18 |
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unity | jrib: yeah, i thought maybe i could ask that all files in a subdir of directory A will have permissions rwxrwxrwx and all files in directory B will have permissions rwx------ but i never found out how | 09:19 |
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Grungebunny | malnilion yeah had it going the other day in compiz-fusion but something on it changed with the updates.. | 09:19 |
genii | EvaLuaTe: Yup is on server install by default | 09:19 |
unity | jrib: so instead of having files have default permissions on creation, i'll just chmod them every four hours | 09:19 |
EvaLuaTe | ok, last question | 09:19 |
malnilion | Ah, yeah...compiz-fusion's gonna be sweet | 09:19 |
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malnilion | Grungebunny, are you on Gutsy? | 09:19 |
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Grungebunny | ummm.. whatever 7.04 is | 09:20 |
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EvaLuaTe | genii, would clients connected through SSH be able to run background processes, or would i have to configure the distro to be able to handle that ? | 09:20 |
valehru | Hey guys, whats the resolution up from 1280x1024? | 09:20 |
saylar | umm, guys. any way to get the mac address of eth0 if it won't start up? | 09:20 |
Corgan_ | 1600x1200? | 09:20 |
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valehru | Corgan_, thanks... | 09:20 |
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malnilion | Grungebunny, how did you install compiz-fusion? With .debs from their site? | 09:20 |
Corgan_ | I could be wrong, but it's just a guess. | 09:20 |
sanguisdex | so the sound on my pap to just crashed | 09:20 |
unity | valehru: what do you mean by "up?" | 09:20 |
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sanguisdex | what sould I reset | 09:20 |
Adnormitet | test | 09:21 |
Grungebunny | malnilion actually I found a walkthrough for my specific laptop and that worked like a charm. | 09:21 |
Sergiu` | hello | 09:21 |
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unity | valehru: 1280x1024 and 1600x1200 have different aspect ratios | 09:21 |
malnilion | Grungebunny, there's a package called compizconfig-settings-manager that *should* be what you need to configure compiz fusion | 09:21 |
valehru | unity, thanks...will test both of them, using dual resolutions at the moment, want to see if I can get the resolution smaller than it is now.... | 09:21 |
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genii | EvaLuaTe: Whatever group you put them in would of course dictate what they wefe allowed or not to run. If they want to run a daemon in an ssh session then detach it from terminal (assuming they are allowed in the first place to run it) then you would execute it with -d for detach, or by the /etc/init.d way | 09:21 |
Sergiu` | i have a problem, when update the system i got Errors were encountered while processing: | 09:21 |
Sergiu` | ttf-opensymbol | 09:21 |
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Sergiu` | what can be? | 09:22 |
Sergiu` | the missing file in repo? | 09:22 |
joeharrison | hi all. i'm having a problem installing ubuntu | 09:22 |
Sergiu` | becsoue i use locale repo | 09:22 |
EvaLuaTe | ok, thanks alot genii :) | 09:22 |
malnilion | Grungebunny, but I'm running Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) and all the compiz fusion packages are in the repos already. | 09:22 |
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visof_ | how can i download youtube videos? | 09:22 |
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Grungebunny | malnilion yeah before they had the hotkey for the water effects listed as like shift F9 or something.. now under the water effects it doesn't list any hotkey to turn it on | 09:23 |
RadicalME | g' evening all | 09:23 |
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saylar | HA! | 09:23 |
joeharrison | hi all. i'm having a problem installing ubuntu. i need help with the partitioning stage | 09:23 |
Sergiu` | Updating fontconfig cache... | 09:23 |
Sergiu` | /usr/share/fonts: failed to write cache | 09:23 |
Sergiu` | /usr/share/fonts/X11: failed to write cache | 09:23 |
saylar | AnRkey, still there? i fixed it | 09:23 |
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Sergiu` | what is this | 09:23 |
malnilion | Grungebunny, so you have the configuration tool. Okay, let me see if I can help, lol | 09:23 |
Grungebunny | ahh shift f9 worked | 09:23 |
malnilion | Grungebunny, nevermind then lol | 09:24 |
Grungebunny | wonder why it doesn't list the hotkey anymore | 09:24 |
visof_ | how can i download youtube videos? | 09:24 |
malnilion | No idea | 09:24 |
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saylar | apparently ubuntu puts in the mac address of the card into the file /etc/iftab | 09:24 |
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Jack_Sparrow | joeharrison: That has dual drives and Windows on one dosent it? | 09:24 |
Sergiu` | 17 not fully installed or removed. | 09:24 |
Sergiu` | how to install them? | 09:24 |
philthy_ | jrip: what's the command to go to screensaver instead of just locking? | 09:24 |
saylar | just deleted that entry, rebooted and its working again ;) | 09:24 |
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genii | EvaLuaTe: np, have fun | 09:24 |
visof_ | how can i download youtube videos? | 09:24 |
khalahan | hello | 09:24 |
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Sergiu` | ubuntu sucks | 09:24 |
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visof_ | how can i download youtube videos? | 09:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | !patience > visof_ | 09:24 |
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jdm64 | in the input text boxes Firefox is underlining every word as spelled incorrectly! How do I update the dictionary in firefox? | 09:25 |
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davidthedrake | visof_: Are you having troubles viewing the videos in Firefox? | 09:25 |
wizo | visik7, i thikn there are plugins for firefox that does it | 09:25 |
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K3nto | !patience | visof_ | 09:25 |
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ubotu | visof_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 09:25 |
Sergiu` | what the hell is wrong with my ubuntu | 09:25 |
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sanguisdex | I tried restating alsa, what is the next thing I can try to restart my sound | 09:25 |
Pie-rate | system76's site is very nicely designed. | 09:25 |
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ompaul | Sergiu`, put the following output in a pastebin, apt-get update | 09:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sergiu`: Telling us that Ubuntu sucks is NOT going to help you get it fixed... | 09:26 |
visof_ | davidthedarke no but i want to download some videos | 09:26 |
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jdm64 | How do I reinstall firefox's dictionary? It's underlining every word! | 09:26 |
visof_ | can i inubuntu | 09:26 |
visof_ | ? | 09:26 |
Sergiu` | ompaul, the output is too big | 09:26 |
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steven3493 | I'm on a live cd and I did a apt-get install fluxbox... I restarted X and changed my session to fluxbox... yet it still booted me in gnome... can you only use gnome on the live cd? | 09:26 |
Pie-rate | Sergiu`: use www.pastebin.ca and copy it in there | 09:26 |
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TurtleBeoulve | Is there anyone here that is well versed in ALSA | 09:27 |
ompaul | Sergiu`, well okay do this: sudo apt-get update and tell me if it finishes okay | 09:27 |
serengeti | dariuskane, I've fixed it... the reason was a bug in fontconfig (???) that had something to do with wrong timestamps on some font directories :| instructions from there http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg266900.html helped | 09:27 |
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serengeti | but it's still weird :) | 09:27 |
ompaul | TurtleBeoulve, you need to ask the full question, then people can work out if they can answer it, I know nothing about it | 09:27 |
sanguisdex | visof_: there are sevral firefox plugins for downlading you tuve vidios | 09:27 |
visof_ | !patiance > visof | 09:27 |
Sergiu` | ompaul: finished okay | 09:27 |
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ompaul | Sergiu`, okay so do this sudo apt-get upgrade | 09:27 |
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visof_ | sangguisdex how? | 09:28 |
Pie-rate | visof_: you're not supposed to be able to download them. there are a few firefox plugins, though. | 09:28 |
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ompaul | Sergiu`, did that finish okay? | 09:28 |
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Sergiu` | ompaul: nope... | 09:28 |
sanguisdex | visof_: add the extentions and read their how toos | 09:28 |
visof_ | how can supported them? | 09:28 |
Pie-rate | Sergiu`: copy that output to www.pastebin.ca | 09:28 |
Sergiu` | a got a lot of errors | 09:28 |
Pie-rate | Sergiu`: and give us a link | 09:28 |
sanguisdex | visof_: you may want to go to a more firefox oranted channel for support | 09:29 |
ompaul | Sergiu`, put from the start of the failure into the pastebin | 09:29 |
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sanguisdex | for thatkind of thing | 09:29 |
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michal_ | HI | 09:29 |
TurtleBeoulve | I have Ubuntu Studio installed on a laptop with an onboard soundcard. Alsa seems to have located it, and adjusts its volume, but I can't get sound no matter what I do. I have installed ALSAmixer and alsaconnect gui's and went through every setting but got nothing | 09:29 |
steven3493 | is it possible to use fluxbox on the ubuntu live cd? | 09:29 |
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kdub432 | whats the traditional suffix for a patch file? | 09:30 |
Sergiu` | http://www.pastebin.ca/665991 | 09:30 |
Sergiu` | ompaul: http://www.pastebin.ca/665991 | 09:30 |
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hypodyne | anyone know why when logging in the first character is ignored? | 09:31 |
ompaul | Sergiu`, ehh I asked for sudo apt-get update (not the same) | 09:31 |
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ompaul | Sergiu`, also please do this df -h | 09:31 |
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ompaul | Sergiu`, and again into pastebin | 09:31 |
Grungebunny | serglu, you said your on liveCD ? | 09:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | hypodyne: at the gdm login... have you added any themes | 09:32 |
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hypodyne | none.. only default desktop | 09:32 |
lhot | is it possible to use amarok in gnome? | 09:32 |
zog | yes it is lhot | 09:32 |
zog | Just install it with Synaptic | 09:32 |
davidthedrake | lhot: Sure is. | 09:32 |
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lhot | zog: may I inquire how? | 09:33 |
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zog | Sur, go to the sytem menu | 09:33 |
zog | system* | 09:33 |
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lhot | k | 09:33 |
zog | Then Administration | 09:34 |
zog | Then Synaptic | 09:34 |
zog | There, search for Amarok | 09:34 |
lhot | k | 09:34 |
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zog | ( With the search button ) | 09:34 |
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Sergiu` | ompaul, http://www.pastebin.ca/665996 | 09:34 |
lhot | thanx | 09:34 |
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zog | Then select it | 09:34 |
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zog | And apply ^^ | 09:34 |
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zog | it will download and install Amarok automatically =) | 09:34 |
ompaul | Sergiu`, sudo apt-get upgrade << not aptitude | 09:35 |
Sergiu` | ? | 09:35 |
Sergiu` | ompaul: Sergiu`, ehh I asked for sudo apt-get update | 09:35 |
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Sergiu` | izghitu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update | 09:35 |
Sergiu` | :) | 09:35 |
ompaul | Sergiu`, yeap and then upgrade | 09:36 |
Sergiu` | ok | 09:36 |
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ompaul | Sergiu`, two commands :) | 09:36 |
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EvaLuaTe | when i try to boot the ubuntu 7.04 server edition i get an error | 09:36 |
EvaLuaTe | :/ | 09:36 |
EvaLuaTe | it's a pretty long text, shoul i copy ? | 09:36 |
EvaLuaTe | should* | 09:36 |
ompaul | !bootoptions > EvaLuaTe (please check that message from the bot) | 09:37 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !pastebin > EvaLuaTe | 09:37 |
malnilion | EvaLuaTe, pastebin it :) | 09:37 |
ompaul | EvaLuaTe, never paste here | 09:37 |
malnilion | Unless it's like 1 line or something | 09:37 |
EvaLuaTe | wait, i'll only paste the last line, hope that helps | 09:37 |
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EvaLuaTe | <0>Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task! | 09:38 |
Sergiu` | ompaul, here is http://www.pastebin.ca/666005 | 09:38 |
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EvaLuaTe | does that mean ANYTHING ? | 09:39 |
RadicalME | whats sudo line for running vmware @ ubuntu.. | 09:39 |
ompaul | Sergiu`, have a look at this it explains and solved your bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fontconfig/+bug/104553 | 09:40 |
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armadill0 | Is there a meta-package that has a bunch of web programming programs like kdevelop, quanta, and so on? | 09:40 |
kruc1 | Hi everyone, where might I find a system monitor in Ubuntu? | 09:40 |
ompaul | !bootoptions > EvaLuaTe (please check that message from the bot --- and work you r way thgouth that - also make sure your md5sum is right for the disk | 09:40 |
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kruc1 | To find out RAM usage etc. | 09:40 |
Sergiu` | ompaul: thanks a lot | 09:41 |
ompaul | Sergiu`, your welcome | 09:41 |
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EvaLuaTe | ompaul, i read that, but if i don't know what the error means i can't debug it, you know ... | 09:41 |
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davidthedrake | krucl: There's a widget that comes by default that you an add to your bar. Right-click on the bar you want to add it to and click on 'Add to Panel' | 09:41 |
davidthedrake | krucl: 'Systems Monitor' is one of the options. | 09:42 |
ompaul | EvaLuaTe, do the boot optsion thing and remove some of those options from boot and work it out that way and check the disk for integrity on boot | 09:42 |
RadicalME | whats sudo line for running vmware @ ubuntu.. | 09:42 |
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davidthedrake | krucl: It sounds like that's what you're looking for... there are others, but I believe that comes by default. | 09:42 |
kruc1 | Cheers dave. | 09:42 |
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ubuntu_ | !vmware | 09:42 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 09:42 |
davidthedrake | krucl: You're welcome | 09:43 |
ubuntu_ | !vmware-server | 09:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vmware-server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:43 |
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Sergiu` | fiex | 09:43 |
Sergiu` | fixed:) | 09:43 |
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Sergiu` | thansk to all | 09:43 |
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ubuntu_ | what get's information about ubuntu and vmware-server? | 09:43 |
erUSUL | !vmware | 09:43 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 09:43 |
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joeharrison | can anyone help me with the partitioning stage of installation? | 09:43 |
ompaul | ubuntu_, the vmware site | 09:43 |
davidthedrake | joeharrison: What's the question you have about it? | 09:44 |
Terrasque | !virtualizers | 09:44 |
ubotu | There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications | 09:44 |
joeharrison | davidthedrake: it says i cant have more than 4 primary partitions | 09:44 |
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joeharrison | davidthedrake: can you walk me through? | 09:45 |
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oginome | sorry but anyone has experience about ubuntu with sis display card, run in 1280x1024?? | 09:45 |
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Badpenguin86 | I know this question is asked a lot.. but is there any way to resize ALL the icons on the desktop? | 09:45 |
malnilion | oginome, what are you wanting to do with it? | 09:45 |
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Terrasque | joeharrison: that is correct. The normal partition system used does only allow 4 primary partitions. However, one of the primary can be an extended partition, which can contain several partitions. | 09:45 |
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malnilion | oginome, desktop effects won't work properly for you but if you just want a higher resolution, I think I can help | 09:45 |
joeharrison | Terrasque: how do i do that? | 09:46 |
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oginome | i have a machine, asus digimatrix. i want to run ubuntu with 1280x1024 | 09:46 |
oginome | hi malnilion | 09:46 |
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joeharrison | Terrasque: can i do that with a bootable partitio manager? | 09:47 |
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joeharrison | *partition | 09:47 |
Terrasque | joeharrison: usually, the fourth partition is created as extended partition. You can then continue to create as many as you want. In more userfriendly systems, you can chose between primary or logical when making partitions, and the system will do all the magic. But if you use logical partitions you can only have three primary (as the fourth contains the logical partitions) | 09:47 |
oginome | once i use "sis" driver in xorg.conf, although still use 1024x768, after login, it's to be blank. | 09:47 |
Terrasque | joeharrison: you can probably do it with all partition tools made for x86 the last 15 years | 09:48 |
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joeharrison | Terrasque: so can you walk me hrough how to do this? | 09:48 |
w00t_ | hi. I'm having problems starting the feisty installer CD on a new PC - it starts loading, then the screen goes blank, and the PC beeps a lot. Once I did hear the Ubuntu start/login sound, but.. I'm at a bit of a loss. | 09:48 |
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malnilion | oginome, there's a pretty good SiS configuration tool out there, I'm looking for it for you. | 09:48 |
curaloucura | hello everyone. I am running ubuntu 5.10 on my server. I just installed tightvnc and I can connect but it opens on terminal. | 09:48 |
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oginome | oh thx thx | 09:48 |
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oginome | but is it sisctrl? | 09:49 |
Terrasque | joeharrison: no, as 1. I dont know the program you're using, 2. i dont know your layout, 3. i cant see your screen, and 4. im terribly lazy :) | 09:49 |
curaloucura | I read somewhere to start x with "gnome-session" command but there's none | 09:49 |
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malnilion | oginmoe, yeah | 09:49 |
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malnilion | oginome, yeah it's sisctrl | 09:49 |
Moduliz0r_4 | Hi, how would I go about setting up a WiFi network using Ubuntu Server? | 09:49 |
oginome | sorry but i've tried it, fail to run it | 09:49 |
K3nto | when i upload something from my phone to my computer via bluetooth, where does it go? | 09:50 |
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oginome | and it said that only works for 35x series | 09:50 |
davidthedrake | Terrasque: It would seem that reasons 1-3 are superfluous because of number 4 ;) | 09:50 |
kahrytan | w00t_, before Ubuntu boot screen? | 09:50 |
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ubuntu_newbie | oi | 09:50 |
ubuntu_newbie | pessoal | 09:50 |
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ubuntu_newbie | podem me ajudar | 09:50 |
ubuntu_newbie | ?? | 09:50 |
curaloucura | ubuntu_newbie: posso tentar | 09:51 |
Moduliz0r_4 | Hi, how would I go about setting up a WiFi network using Ubuntu Server? | 09:51 |
w00t_ | kahrytan: no, I'm given a choice of what I want to do (of course), I select install, it brings up the loading screen - proceeds to (about) 100%, then bam - blank screen. :( | 09:51 |
sunnypies | ubuntu_newbie: te-ajudar com que? | 09:51 |
ubuntu_newbie | jah volto | 09:51 |
oginome | and ubuntu said that my card is 65x/M650/740 PCI/AGP VGA Display | 09:51 |
ubuntu_newbie | 1 segundo | 09:51 |
ompaul | !pr | 09:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:51 |
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ompaul | !pt | 09:51 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 09:51 |
sunnypies | curaloucura: voce de onde? | 09:51 |
bulmer | w00t: try to choose the lower resolution if you can.. | 09:51 |
curaloucura | sunnypies: curitiba | 09:51 |
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sunnypies | curaloucura: muito chique | 09:52 |
Terrasque | davidthedrake: good observation :) I think history will explain that one for you. "noone will ever need more than 4 partitions!" followed by "err.. we need 5 here" | 09:52 |
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malnilion | oginome, which SiS video device do you have? | 09:52 |
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w00t_ | bulmer: how? as far as I know, it just offers the two options - install, and install with safe graphics. Both end up with the same result for me. Is there an option I'm missing? :) | 09:52 |
ubuntu_newbie | pois bem | 09:52 |
curaloucura | sunnypies: hahaha, chique pq? | 09:52 |
ompaul | !pt | sunnypies ubuntu_newbie | 09:52 |
ubotu | sunnypies ubuntu_newbie: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 09:52 |
ubuntu_newbie | quero ajudar com o seguinte, eu estou usando o Squid para limitar banda | 09:52 |
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oginome | 65x/M650/740 PCI/AGP VGA Display | 09:52 |
bulmer | Moduliz0r_4: you own the AP? | 09:52 |
joeharrison | Terrasque: i'm using Gparted | 09:52 |
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sunnypies | curaloucura: i just got a warning to only use english, chique=bacana | 09:53 |
ubuntu_newbie | porem se os users desativam o proxy no navegador tem toda velocidade de acesso | 09:53 |
Terrasque | davidthedrake: ah. err sorry. i forgot #5, im tired. Read wrong :p | 09:53 |
bulmer | w00t_: is it the liveCD? | 09:53 |
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dgjones | !br | ubuntu_newbie | 09:53 |
ubotu | ubuntu_newbie: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 09:53 |
Terrasque | joeharrison: that should be easy point and click. good luck | 09:53 |
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ubuntu_newbie | pvt-me | 09:53 |
w00t_ | bulmer: yes | 09:53 |
malnilion | oginome, what error does it give when you try to run sisctrl? | 09:53 |
w00t_ | (I believe. :)) | 09:53 |
Terrasque | joeharrison: if in doubt, make lots of backups | 09:53 |
ubuntu_newbie | sorry | 09:53 |
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curaloucura | sunnypies: Yes, I was afraid about that. sorry folk | 09:53 |
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sunnypies | ubuntu_newbie: necessita fala ingles ou vai ser apagado | 09:53 |
bulmer | w00t_: and you cant boot off of the liveCd either? | 09:54 |
ubuntu_newbie | i need to force access with proy | 09:54 |
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ubuntu_newbie | proxy | 09:54 |
w00t_ | bulmer: no | 09:54 |
Moduliz0r_4 | How would I host a WiFi network in Ubuntu? Sharing my eth0 connection? | 09:54 |
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ubuntu_newbie | with squid, if the person don't use proxy her don't get navigate | 09:54 |
ubuntu_newbie | how i make this ? | 09:54 |
bulmer | w00t_: then, try the other alternative cd..not gui install | 09:54 |
ompaul | !offtopic | 09:54 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:54 |
justin420 | Hi everybody. Does anybody at ALL use S/Mime encrypted email on Feisty Fawn? If so could you please tell me how you accomplished this? I am using the default package ( evolution ) and s/mime encrypted email DOES NOT WORK. On Edgy Eft it DID worked, but now its broke. Please any ideas on getting s/mime encrypted emails to work on Feisty would be great! | 09:54 |
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joeharrison | can anyone help me with GParted? | 09:54 |
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ompaul | ubuntu_newbie, we don't support subversion of peoples networks - so that is offtopic | 09:54 |
w00t_ | bulmer: hmm. so you think it may be a graphics problem? | 09:55 |
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oginome | malnilion, sisctrl said that only support 35x series | 09:55 |
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oginome | but mine is 65x/M650/740 PCI/AGP VGA Display | 09:55 |
chalkie1983 | hey guys hows we doin?? im having issues, ive downloaded the cd that you can load to test to see if ubuntu (even though i know i know it will) i insert the cd and set bios to read cd first and it doesnt load :-\ im on an advent t9306 pc anyone got any ideas?? | 09:55 |
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bulmer | w00t_: well if you cant see the display correctly, chances are, it is | 09:55 |
joeharrison | can anyone help me with GParted so i can install ubuntu? | 09:55 |
curaloucura | anybody knows if gnome-session should exist in ubuntu 5.10? it was recommend to start over tightvnc but there's no such file | 09:55 |
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w00t_ | bulmer: strange. it's reasonably up to date, and hardly non-standard (fairly mainstream nvidia card) | 09:56 |
w00t_ | still, I might give it a go.. | 09:56 |
jp | hi guys! A got an apple wireless mouse (just one button) but I can't do the control + click for doing the double click. Is there a way to do this under ubuntu? | 09:56 |
saylar | guys, i got a problem here. i just changed my motherboard, everything is working fine so far (7.04 server edition), but the soundcard audigy2 itself is not working, even i still the game and firewire port, when i do a lspci. any suggestions on that? | 09:56 |
bulmer | w00t_: it was not designed for the latest video..its for the older ones | 09:56 |
malnilion | oginome, that would be the 315 series which should be supported | 09:57 |
NemesisD | hi, ive been trying to get ssh working between my ubuntu computer and an ubuntu computer at the office. I can ping it but i time out every time when trying to ssh. I was told to run tail -n 100 /var/log/auth.log | grep sshd and this is the result: http://pastebin.ca/666028 | 09:57 |
joeharrison | can anyone help me with GParted so i can install ubuntu? | 09:57 |
aaronc | <flamebait> so why is the debian/ubunut apache default install so overly complicated? </flamebait> | 09:57 |
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Terrasque | jp: double click? you could try clicking twice on the one button that is there. if you do it fast enough it would probably emulate a doubleclick | 09:57 |
oginome | malnilion, ah, yes yes, 315 series... | 09:57 |
oginome | but mine is 65x/M650/740 PCI/AGP VGA Display | 09:57 |
ompaul | aaragon, sudo apt-get install apache2 (game over, I win, I believe) | 09:57 |
Terrasque | jp: or am i on the wrong page here? | 09:57 |
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aaronc | ompaul: yes, the install is easy (so is every other distro) figuring out where everything is and why its all spread out is what's disturbing | 09:58 |
jp | Terrasque, you're totally wrong dude. Thanks anyway. | 09:58 |
joeharrison | can anyone help me with GParted so i can install ubuntu? | 09:58 |
saylar | joeharrison, what's the problem? | 09:58 |
ompaul | aaragon, no, sudo updatedb (now what file was it you wanted, check the apache site) | 09:58 |
chalkie1983 | hey guys hows we doin?? im having issues, ive downloaded the cd that you can load to test to see if ubuntu (even though i know i know it will) i insert the cd and set bios to read cd first and it doesnt load :-\ im on an advent t9306 pc anyone got any ideas?? | 09:58 |
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joeharrison | saylar: i need help in partitionimg my drive for ubuntu | 09:59 |
Moduliz0r_4 | How would I host a WiFi network in Ubuntu? Sharing my eth0 connection? | 09:59 |
aaronc | ompaul: I'm used to having all data under /var/www and /etc/httpd holding the config. And the config structure makes sense | 09:59 |
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RadicalME | hi all | 09:59 |
justin420 | So nobody is smart enough to get S/Mime encrypted emails work on Feisty huh? Go figure. I must be the only person who misses this excellent feature. | 09:59 |
aaronc | ompaul: pluggable config modules that don't require symlinks to some other partition | 09:59 |
malnilion | oginome: "sisctrl is a tool for setting/changing some driver parameters during runtime on a 300, 315, 330 or 340 series or XGI Volari based machine/card or a SiS/Net2280 USB/VGA dongle." That means that your device which is in the 315 series should be supported... | 09:59 |
bulmer | NemesisD: did you modify any other settings on the sssd_config ? what about the client side, you modified anything? | 09:59 |
saylar | why do you want to do it manually? | 09:59 |
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joeharrison | saylar: i already have 4 primary partitions so i cant make another | 10:00 |
NemesisD | bulmer, should all be default | 10:00 |
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oginome | malnilion, so if my card is not these series, does it mean my sis card in ubuntu can be ran in 1280x1024 mode??? | 10:01 |
saylar | joeharrison, create a logical device and underneath that logical device you can create more primary partitions | 10:01 |
oginome | malnilion, so if my card is not these series, does it mean my sis card in ubuntu can't be ran in 1280x1024 mode??? | 10:01 |
joeharrison | saylar: how do i do that? | 10:01 |
bulmer | NemesisD: you have problem one way only or both ways? ie you attempted to initiate connect both ways? | 10:01 |
YouKnowMe | The latest wine version is 0.9.43, I have 0.9.33, "apt-get install wine" tells me I already have the current version. Help? | 10:01 |
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chalkie1983 | why doesnt anyone want to help me?? | 10:02 |
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NemesisD | bulmer, my system is the client, i don't think its set up to take inbound ssh | 10:02 |
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YouKnowMe | chalkie1983, maybe we don't know the answer to your prob. | 10:02 |
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keito | if i want to check if somethings available to install using apt-get is there a way other than just going straight to "sudo apt-get install ......." | 10:02 |
ompaul | aaragon, ehh your not using the same distro as I am it seems, /var/www/apache2-default .... /etc/apache2/ but then maybe so .. | 10:02 |
bulmer | NemesisD: can you check if sshd is installed on your client? you may want to install it. any firewalls in between? | 10:03 |
saylar | get the gparted live cd for example, boot with it and then create the partitions | 10:03 |
georgy28 | keito, : apt-cache search package | 10:03 |
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joeharrison | saylar: i'm on the GParted live cd | 10:03 |
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Anlar | justin420: I do. | 10:03 |
saylar | oh, ok. | 10:03 |
Anlar | justin420: also figured out how to get it working :) | 10:03 |
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NemesisD | bulmer, routers on both ends, the server's router is set to forward 22 (ive been told) to the server | 10:03 |
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NemesisD | bulmer, i know i have openssh on both computers | 10:04 |
YouKnowMe | "apt-get" won't install the latest version of WINE. How to fix? | 10:04 |
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bulmer | NemesisD: that could possibly be the issue, make sure you know what is in between | 10:04 |
troy- | anyone know why when i attempt to execute cryptsetup i get an error: incompatible libdevmapper and kernel driver? | 10:04 |
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saylar | so, can you create a new logical partition within gparted? i have to admit, i'm not that familiar with gparted ;) | 10:04 |
RadicalME | Desktop effects could not be enabled < after enabling them.. how come? | 10:04 |
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Grungebunny | youknowme, download it from the offical website/ | 10:04 |
Anlar | justin420: step 1: get rid of evolution. you need thunderbird. the rest will _not_ cut it. it is the only one with really solid s/mime support AND support for opensc etc (pcksc or whatever for smart cards using s/mime and such). after that it all gets easy :) depending on your specific need although | 10:04 |
bulmer | NemesisD: this connectivity through the internet? | 10:05 |
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NemesisD | bulmer, on my end its just a wireless router, on their end its another router, the tech thats working on their end gave the ssh server static ip and set 22 to forward | 10:05 |
YouKnowMe | RadicalME, do you have the latest video drivers? | 10:05 |
NemesisD | bulmer, yes the server can connect to the internet | 10:05 |
bulmer | NemesisD: this connectivity through the internet? or local networks only? | 10:05 |
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RadicalME | YouKnowMe: how to check | 10:05 |
YouKnowMe | Grungebunny, k, why isn't atp-get working though? | 10:05 |
NemesisD | bulmer, this ssh will be through the internet, im in another state from the server | 10:05 |
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yigal | YouKnowMe: because its apt-get | 10:05 |
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izm99 | is there any way to temporarily bypass the PULSEAUDIO sound server? I'm generally enjoying it, but running SDL applications cause a crash.... | 10:06 |
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Steffan | Hello! | 10:06 |
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joeharrison | saylar: how? i have 4 partitions so i can't create another | 10:06 |
bulmer | NemesisD: am sure they have firewalls active in between..you have to punch through that before you can connect | 10:06 |
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YouKnowMe | Hmm.. not sure really. To update would take some work in the .xorg file to restart x. What kind of card do you have? | 10:06 |
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RadicalME | YouKnowMe: how to check | 10:06 |
bulmer | NemesisD: can you try to install sshd on yours and then have the other end connect to your client..? | 10:06 |
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NemesisD | bulmer, any tips on that? i'm not running a software firewall on the client, and just to be sure i set my port to forward 22 also, what should i tell the server guy to do | 10:07 |
Steffan | Someone can tell me how to move files, incl. sub-dirs to another directory without overwriting the existsing dirs? | 10:07 |
YouKnowMe | RadicalME, Hmm.. not sure really. To update would take some work in the .xorg file to restart x. What kind of card do you have? | 10:07 |
RadicalME | YouKnowMe: i have a asus geforce 8600 GT | 10:07 |
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bulmer | NemesisD: you have to also make sure your AP/router/firewall is forwarding the connectivity..or allows you to select your client to be designated to be in DMZ | 10:08 |
NemesisD | bulmer, i don't entirely trust these people in my computer with my user | 10:08 |
YouKnowMe | RadicalME, So you need nVidia drivers and you are most likely using the free version | 10:08 |
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NemesisD | bulmer, i definitely cannot have the server be in DMZ | 10:08 |
bulmer | NemesisD: well, that is a major problem, if you dont trust anyone | 10:08 |
RadicalME | YouKnowMe: probably | 10:08 |
finalbeta | I need a program for content management, has to be able to keep up with contacts/birthdays , locations, real/web. Anyone knows such a things, GTK/QT/Swing , don't care. | 10:08 |
saylar | joeharrison: i'm afraid yo have to delete one of you partitions first, if i remember correctly. | 10:08 |
bulmer | NemesisD: no i meant, your client is in the DMZ...not the far end server | 10:09 |
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saylar | just to a quick google search for gparted more than 4 partitions, that's how i found the solution ;) | 10:09 |
NemesisD | bulmer, doesn't that present a security risk to me? | 10:09 |
joeharrison | how do i backup a partition? | 10:09 |
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bulmer | NemesisD: not that big of a risk, you can configure your box to accept ssh on specific port or from specific ip address | 10:09 |
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YouKnowMe | RadicalME, you could use Envy although a lot of people don't recommend it I have had great success wih it | 10:09 |
RadicalME | what does it do? | 10:10 |
joeharrison | saylar: i already have an extended partition | 10:10 |
NemesisD | bulmer, yeah i did do it for that port, set 22 to forward to my machine's ip | 10:10 |
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bulmer | NemesisD: look into the settings of AllowUsers or AllowHost on the sshd_config file | 10:10 |
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erUSUL | !nvidia | RadicalME | 10:10 |
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ubotu | RadicalME: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:10 |
YouKnowMe | RadicalME, it installs the latest nVidia/ATI video drivers | 10:10 |
NemesisD | bulmer, on the server end? where is it | 10:10 |
erUSUL | !envy | RadicalME | 10:10 |
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kritzstapf | watching a dvd with kaffeine and deactivated subtitles, there are subtitles in english when somebody talks a foreign language in a film, how to set the language of those subtitles? | 10:10 |
ubotu | RadicalME: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 10:10 |
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bulmer | NemesisD: forwarding and having your box in dmz are two different things | 10:10 |
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bulmer | NemesisD: look into the settings of AllowUsers or AllowHost on the sshd_config file <-- see the config file | 10:11 |
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NemesisD | bulmer, where is that located and did you mean on the server or client | 10:11 |
RadicalME | its not worth that much to me.. just wanted to take a quick look at it | 10:11 |
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curaloucura | I can't start gnome or any X server accessing using tightvnc. any clue? | 10:12 |
YouKnowMe | RadicalME, sorry then. It can take some work sometimes | 10:12 |
bulmer | NemesisD: are you going to install sshd on your client? then it will be a server on your client | 10:12 |
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RadicalME | YouKnowMe: no problem man.. thanks for the help | 10:12 |
chalkie19831 | hey guys hows we doin?? im having issues, ive downloaded the cd that you can load to test to see if ubuntu (even though i know i know it will) i insert the cd and set bios to read cd first and it doesnt load :-\ im on an advent t9306 pc anyone got any ideas?? | 10:12 |
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bulmer | NemesisD: you can also try to have a user with limited shell to login into.. | 10:12 |
georgy28 | NemesisD, : /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 10:12 |
YouKnowMe | RadicalME, welcome :) | 10:12 |
NemesisD | bulmer, ok how do i limit it | 10:13 |
bulmer | NemesisD: look into the settings of AllowUsers or AllowHost on the sshd_config file <-- see the config file | 10:13 |
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RadicalME | chalkie19831: are you sure you didnt just install the iso as a .iso file on the cd? | 10:13 |
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joeharrison | saylar: i already have an extended partition | 10:13 |
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bulmer | NemesisD: also on your /etc/passwd the shell to log into...just a simple ls command perhaps to test it | 10:13 |
RadicalME | chalkie19831: use explorer to look at the stuff on the cd | 10:13 |
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joeharrison | could i resize? | 10:13 |
Moduliz0r | how would I share eth0 over WiFi? | 10:14 |
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YouKnowMe | can someone please explain to Me WHY Envy is so bad? I've had geat success with it and never had any probs on any of my systems. whats the big deal? Just askin' | 10:14 |
erUSUL | !worksforme | YouKnowMe | 10:14 |
ubotu | YouKnowMe: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ | 10:14 |
bulmer | Moduliz0r: whats your connecitivy like? how is it connected? can you elaborate? if you have layout, it be nice to know so we dont guess your connectivity | 10:14 |
Moduliz0r | eth0 is a LAN connection | 10:14 |
dariuskane | Moduliz0r, connection sharing is a windows fabrication... in linux you route | 10:14 |
Moduliz0r | I need to use a WiFi adapter (USB) | 10:15 |
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Moduliz0r | and host a WEP network | 10:15 |
Moduliz0r | ok route then | 10:15 |
Moduliz0r | How would I do it? | 10:15 |
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hawke2 | . | 10:15 |
hawke2 | . | 10:15 |
hawke2 | . | 10:15 |
hawke2 | . | 10:15 |
=== al [n=al@cpc1-cmbg8-0-0-cust789.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulmer | Moduliz0r: whats your connecitivy like? how is it connected? can you elaborate? if you have layout, it be nice to know so we dont guess your connectivity <--- answer these | 10:15 |
georgy28 | ! route | 10:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about route - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:15 |
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Moduliz0r | Well it's not up and running yet | 10:15 |
Moduliz0r | I still need to get hold of the USB adapter | 10:15 |
Moduliz0r | or PCI | 10:15 |
Moduliz0r | doesn't matter | 10:15 |
dariuskane | !enter | 10:15 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 10:15 |
smacintyre | ANyone know why after a 64 bit Ubuntu desktop 7.04 install after reboot I get 010101010101 over and over until I use the break key? | 10:15 |
bulmer | Moduliz0r: come back onc eyou have it | 10:15 |
NemesisD | bulmer, i see now allowuser section in there | 10:16 |
Moduliz0r | Ok | 10:16 |
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Moduliz0r | I use Ubuntu Server too, so it means no GUI | 10:16 |
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bulmer | Moduliz0r: gui is overrated :) | 10:16 |
dariuskane | Moduliz0r, you can install the ubuntu-desktop meta package to get the interface if you want it | 10:17 |
variant | Anyone know why nautilus won't generate thumbnails for images in another users home directory? | 10:17 |
RadicalME | what would be a good linux application to start programming on"? | 10:17 |
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Moduliz0r | PHP!!! | 10:17 |
Moduliz0r | or C | 10:17 |
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h0dges | hi. if i install ubuntu on a 2nd hdd with windows on the 1st, will ubuntu be able to put grub on mbr on the 1st hdd? | 10:17 |
variant | RadicalME: you mean, to start designing or a program to use to write software? | 10:17 |
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variant | h0dges: yes | 10:17 |
erUSUL | RadicalME: which language? | 10:17 |
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dariuskane | RadicalME, thats a loaded question... each tool and language has its strengths... you need to know what your trying to accomplish first | 10:17 |
bulmer | RadicalME: cobol..ooops before your time...lolz | 10:17 |
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dariuskane | bulmer, lol scary part is cobol is still used in many places :) | 10:18 |
bulmer | if it aint broke..dont fix it.. :) | 10:18 |
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dariuskane | bulmer, pretty soon all the cobol gurus will be 6feet under and then theyll be stuck :) | 10:19 |
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h0dges | basically, will the dual boot be sorted on installation of ubuntu, or will i have to do more work to get it going? | 10:19 |
bulmer | dariuskane: probably..and then they find some dinasaur in India to work on it..lolz | 10:19 |
Moduliz0r | What the hell is Cobol? | 10:19 |
RadicalME | i wanna start programming, like writing software, and i dont really care about what language, i only want a well-working program with very good documentation | 10:19 |
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erUSUL | h0dges: the former | 10:19 |
dariuskane | bulmer, lol probably | 10:19 |
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RadicalME | maybe if you guys could give me some list.. of programs i could try | 10:19 |
ExiousOS | It depends what you want to create, RadicalME | 10:19 |
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Moduliz0r | it's not programs as such | 10:20 |
NemesisD | bulmer, is there any possible way to do this without them connecting to me? | 10:20 |
Moduliz0r | it's the programming languages | 10:20 |
Moduliz0r | Eclipse IDE... thats powerful, apparently | 10:20 |
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dariuskane | RadicalME, you really need to figure out WHAT you want to create first and for what platforms before you decide on a language and later decide on the proper tools | 10:20 |
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bulmer | NemesisD: possible yes..but they really have to be honest and tell you whats in between, how its linked up..and so on...guessing in our part will be difficult | 10:20 |
degel | I've been reading the forums and can't find the answer to my problem. I don't have the password (I have the username) so I am unable to log in at boot up. Is there a solution other than reformat and reinstall? | 10:20 |
K3nto | !3g2 | 10:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 3g2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:21 |
Moduliz0r | if you're a beginner, and have windows, you should try Visual basic | 10:21 |
georgy28 | NemesisD,: you sure the ssh server is up on the remote machine ? | 10:21 |
ward_ | erm, my keyboard won't react (on my other PC) | 10:21 |
ExiousOS | HAHA Moduliz0r Basic is a JOKE | 10:21 |
NemesisD | georgy28, yes, started with sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start and it said ok | 10:21 |
ward_ | rebooting doesnt help, what to do? :s | 10:21 |
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bulmer | NemesisD: you dont have a spare pc to load ubuntu on and make it as your test bed for them to connect to? | 10:21 |
ward_ | it works fine untill after i login | 10:21 |
RadicalME | but what if i dont have a really detailed view of software i could write in linux.. i just want to attempt some scripts to learn scripting myself.. thats how i did with torque script (game engine) and flash actionscript | 10:21 |
NemesisD | bulmer, ok what questions should i ask, they are really busy over there and know very little about linux so i'm trying to do as much as possible on my end | 10:21 |
erUSUL | RadicalME: kdevelop for kde and qt (c++) anjuta for gnome (c,c++). wxdesigner wxwindows (c++). gambas (basic); lazarus (object pascal) etc for java you have eclipse (with cdt you can program c,c++) and netbeans | 10:21 |
dariuskane | Moduliz0r, you kidding right? if your looking for a multi purpose language go for OOP in php 5 youll get much more use out of it | 10:22 |
RadicalME | now were talking :D | 10:22 |
georgy28 | NemesisD,: what command line you are using | 10:22 |
RadicalME | ty | 10:22 |
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RadicalME | lemme try some of them | 10:22 |
Moduliz0r | Ah whatever | 10:22 |
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Moduliz0r | Never used it | 10:22 |
K3nto | whats a good video converter that does 3g2? | 10:22 |
h0dges | thanks guys. just worried that im gonna duff-up my xp install | 10:22 |
ward_ | my keyboard wont react right after i logged in, rebooting doesnt help, what can i do? | 10:22 |
Moduliz0r | thats where the "apparently" came from | 10:22 |
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erUSUL | K3nto: ffmpeg ?? mencoder?? | 10:22 |
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Moduliz0r | Now, where can I get a small COBOL compiler for Windows | 10:22 |
NemesisD | georgy28, gnome-terminal | 10:22 |
bulmer | NemesisD: for one, the firewall at the other end has to let the connection through.. | 10:22 |
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ompaul | !windows | 10:23 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 10:23 |
georgy28 | NemesisD, : I mean like : ssh user@ipremotemachine | 10:23 |
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NemesisD | georgy28, yeah thats the command i use | 10:23 |
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RadicalME | !vista | 10:23 |
ubotu | vista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org | 10:24 |
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RadicalME | lol | 10:24 |
dariuskane | RadicalME, if you want to build interface and userland visual apps... look at Python.. it can connect to all kinds of libs for gtk and kde and more | 10:24 |
RadicalME | :D | 10:24 |
Moduliz0r | Hah | 10:24 |
RadicalME | umm | 10:24 |
Moduliz0r | nice way to put iy | 10:24 |
RadicalME | python | 10:24 |
Moduliz0r | it* | 10:24 |
georgy28 | Nemesid : can you ping the machine ? | 10:24 |
NemesisD | georgy28, yes | 10:24 |
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NemesisD | georgy28, or rather i can ping the router | 10:24 |
bulmer | georgy28: that may give him false reading..that may be the ip fo the firewal in front.. | 10:24 |
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ward_ | my keyboard wont react right after i logged in, rebooting doesnt help, what could be my problem? :-s | 10:24 |
justin420 | Anlar: thanks for your help so much! Greatly appreciate it. Thought there for a second that I was the only dumb son of a bitch using encrypted s/mime emails on Feisty Fawn. | 10:25 |
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dariuskane | ward_, is it plugged in :P | 10:25 |
NemesisD | georgy28, bulmer, the machine isn't directly connected to the internet, its behind a router | 10:25 |
RadicalME | dariuskane: that sounds familiar... i thought i saw it somewere on my installation.. is it a script only program or also like dragging and dropping certain entinities | 10:25 |
ExiousOS | ubotu ^_^ | 10:25 |
ward_ | dariuskane, yes lol, it worked fine and all of a sudden after a reboot it didnt work | 10:25 |
georgy28 | NemesisD, : Can you conect the remote machine direct to the internet ? | 10:25 |
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bulmer | NemesisD: right..so its difficult to troubleshoot without finding out what the connection is at the other end | 10:25 |
ward_ | dariuskane, recovery probably will work but i don't know how to fix it :s | 10:25 |
dariuskane | RadicalME, Python is an interpreted language... its the logic behind alot of gui apps | 10:25 |
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justin420 | Anlar: Hope that Ubuntu fixes this issue for Gutsy. IT IS VERY FRUSTRATING. | 10:25 |
NemesisD | georgy28, it doesn't have apache or anything, im not sure how i would do that | 10:26 |
RadicalME | dariuskane: is it at synaptic? if yes, is there documentation supplied also? | 10:26 |
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degel | I've been reading the forums and can't find the answer to my problem. I don't have the password (I have the username) so I am unable to log in at boot up. Is there a solution other than reformat and reinstall? | 10:26 |
ompaul | !gutsy | justin420 | 10:26 |
ubotu | justin420: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 10:26 |
dariuskane | RadicalME, you need a seperate lib of function to make the windows and buttons and boxs | 10:26 |
Anlar | justin420: no, they won't. 99% of the developers are just clueless zealots raving all over their completely worthless gpg | 10:26 |
bulmer | NemesisD: you dont have a spare pc to load ubuntu on and make it as your test bed for them to connect to? | 10:26 |
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smacintyre | I just installed Ubuntu- Desktop 64 7.04. It installed with no errors but after reboot all that is displayed is 1010101010 over and over until I use the break key. any ideas? | 10:26 |
dariuskane | RadicalME, Im sure you can find many python packages in the installer | 10:26 |
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NemesisD | bulmer, well what other info should i get? i do know for sure that the outside router is set to forward 22 to the ssh server which is on a static ip | 10:26 |
georgy28 | NemesisD, : just to try you ssh connection | 10:26 |
justin420 | ompaul: shut it. Im not asking about gutsy at all, actually im wishing that ubuntu would get a clue about what their people want. | 10:26 |
NemesisD | bulmer, i have only 1 computer with ubuntu | 10:26 |
RadicalME | dariuskane, ok thank you, will you stay for a while so i can contact you if needed? | 10:27 |
jr_ | i have 2 | 10:27 |
bulmer | NemesisD: you dont have a spare pc to load ubuntu on and make it as your test bed for them to connect to? they on the other end can attempt to connect to this test box..assuming you installed sshd on it | 10:27 |
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dariuskane | ward_, hmmm odd then... can you use it in the bios? | 10:27 |
dariuskane | RadicalME, ya Ill be here awhile | 10:27 |
erUSUL | justin420: what's the problem? | 10:27 |
jr_ | bulmer, what r u doing? | 10:27 |
justin420 | Anyways. thanks for your help Anlar, glad that they is someone else using Feisty Fawn that uses smime encrypted emails | 10:27 |
jr_ | bulmer, i might be able to help | 10:27 |
bulmer | jr_: assisting NemesisD | 10:27 |
ompaul | justin420, then you should have a launchpad account and be doing contributions via that tool | 10:27 |
NemesisD | georgy28, bulmer , no i don't, i have this computer right now and i guess i'd be willing to try that but i need instruction on how to make a very limited user | 10:27 |
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jr_ | bulmer, o whats he need help with | 10:27 |
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ward_ | dariuskane, i can log in and everything, so the BIOS should work also, keyboard is 100% fine | 10:28 |
jr_ | NemesisD, what are u attempting to do? | 10:28 |
RadicalME | dariuskane, GTK+ 2 User Interface Builder (with GNOME 2 support) that would be that interface builder right? | 10:28 |
erUSUL | justin420: evolution sens smime encripted msg's just fine afaiics so does claws-mail | 10:28 |
dariuskane | RadicalME, yes that is the all the widgets, the visual stuff, for making gnome apps.... | 10:28 |
erUSUL | justin420: sends* | 10:28 |
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NemesisD | jr_, attempting to simply get an ssh connection going with another ubuntu machine | 10:28 |
RadicalME | so i should install that | 10:28 |
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dariuskane | RadicalME, its not a drag and drop interface builder... you can find glade to do that with | 10:29 |
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sakra | RadicalME: get glade | 10:29 |
justin420 | ompaul: actually https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/126152 . See how far that has got me? | 10:29 |
degel | I've been reading the forums and can't find the answer to my problem. I don't have the password (I have the username) so I am unable to log in at boot up. Is there a solution other than reformat and reinstall? | 10:29 |
NemesisD | jr_, can ping it, every attempt to ssh times out | 10:29 |
dariuskane | ward_, so when does it stop working? | 10:29 |
ward_ | dariuskane, so what i'm trying to say is my keyboard works everywhere except when i'm logged in | 10:29 |
jr_ | NemesisD, what are u attempting to do?? | 10:29 |
Anarchic | hello...i've messed up my nvidia drivers, i first installed drivers from the repo, i them removed those and installed the latest release from the nvidia website, now i can't load X with either driver...how do i remove the official driver so i can start again? | 10:29 |
ward_ | dariuskane, right after i log in | 10:29 |
dariuskane | ward_, to the desktop or the command line? | 10:29 |
RadicalME | dariuskane, yea i didnt expect dragging and dropping anyways :D | 10:29 |
jr_ | NemesisD, u portforwarded? | 10:29 |
ward_ | dariuskane, desktop | 10:29 |
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Ajzzz | Hi, just wanted to see if anyone has encountered this before I downgrade to 6.06: Ubuntu 7.04 fresh install, new partition, login, complete system freeze after a few seconds, any ideas? | 10:29 |
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NemesisD | jr_, yes, the server's router is set to forward 22 to the static ip of the server itself | 10:29 |
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justin420 | erUSUL: how did you get smime encrypted emails to work on feisty using evolution? i would be glad to get that working for feisty. | 10:30 |
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jr_ | NemesisD, server running? | 10:30 |
dariuskane | ward_, k logout... then hit ctrl+alt+f1 to get a terminal and login there and see if it still works | 10:30 |
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ompaul | justin420, someone came in a while ago and read the fix and it worked for them | 10:30 |
bulmer | NemesisD: what the ip address of the server (static ip?) ? | 10:30 |
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ward_ | ok | 10:30 |
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NemesisD | jr_, server running, ssh service started | 10:30 |
RadicalME | dariuskane: so how do i start python? terminal? | 10:30 |
justin420 | ompaul: to my firewire drive problem? on LAUNCHPAD? | 10:30 |
sprash | Hi! hab mir gerade Ubuntu server mit Lamp installiert. Installation lief reibungslos, CD wurde auf Fehler berprft -> keine gefunden. Beim booten kommt aber eine komische Meldung und er hngt sich auf. Ich glaub, dass der Kernel schon nicht funktioniert. Was tun? | 10:30 |
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NemesisD | bulmer, the outside ip address of the router? should I be posting that in here? | 10:30 |
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jr_ | NemesisD, try it with the ubuntus local ip | 10:31 |
ward_ | dariuskane, yes it works there i'm logged in and can type | 10:31 |
sprash | Sorry... german... | 10:31 |
bulmer | NemesisD: you dont need to completely give it out..something like 192.168.x.x | 10:31 |
dariuskane | RadicalME, like I mentioned python is an interpreted language so you write a python script with any kind of text editor and run it | 10:31 |
ompaul | justin420, sorry wrong bug - | 10:31 |
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NemesisD | jr_, i had the person on the server's end do ssh localhost and he got no errors | 10:31 |
justin420 | yupppers! :) | 10:31 |
degel | I've been reading the forums and can't find the answer to my problem. I don't have the password (I have the username) so I am unable to log in at boot up. Is there a solution other than reformat and reinstall? | 10:31 |
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jr_ | NemesisD, its ur ip problem then | 10:31 |
RadicalME | sprash. ich konte aber ein bischen deutsch sprachen, probier mal english zu sprechen | 10:31 |
dariuskane | ward_, hmmmm strange then... let me look around my desktop for a sec | 10:31 |
RadicalME | :) | 10:31 |
ward_ | dariuskane, ok | 10:31 |
jr_ | NemesisD, how are u connecting to ssh? iv never used ssh so i dunno | 10:31 |
bulmer | jr_: the other end has firewalls, and routers in between, he does not know exactly how they are connected | 10:32 |
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sakra | degel: use the recovery boot option | 10:32 |
NemesisD | yeah pretty sure it isn't my ISP | 10:32 |
ward_ | dariuskane, can it be a problem in xorg.conf? | 10:32 |
RadicalME | dariuskane: got documentation so i can get started? | 10:32 |
NemesisD | jr_, internet | 10:32 |
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=== Woofcat [n=Woofcat|@node-11126.tor.pppoe.execulink.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
degel | sakra: ty (will look in forums for more info) | 10:32 |
jcs7778 | I have an issue with the auto update system, when i try to run an update i get an error saying software index is broken try sudo apt-get install -f but then i get an error "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)", im running ubuntu feisty 7.04 with gnome desktop. | 10:32 |
bulmer | NemesisD: well since you are unwilling to give the ip address of the other end..good luck | 10:32 |
NemesisD | jr_, ssh user@75.28.X.X | 10:32 |
jr_ | bulmer, try ip.ip.ip.ip:22 <--- but instead of ip fill it out :D | 10:32 |
dariuskane | ward_, might be... in your dektop if you mouse still works under system is a keyboard settings... see if those look normal | 10:32 |
jr_ | NemesisD, :o | 10:32 |
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NemesisD | bulmer, calm down please im trying to talk to 2 people at once here | 10:32 |
Woofcat | Ok, sometimes firefox just grays out. I have the Cube enabled. But It grays out for a few seconds then comes back. wtf? | 10:33 |
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ward_ | dariuskane, yep mouse still works | 10:33 |
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dariuskane | RadicalME, http://python.org/ | 10:33 |
jr_ | bulmer, try to put the :22 at the end of the ip | 10:33 |
ward_ | looking to my xorg now | 10:33 |
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Anarchic | hello...i've messed up my nvidia drivers, i first installed drivers from the repo, i them removed those and installed the latest release from the nvidia website, now i can't load X with either driver...how do i remove the official driver so i can start again? | 10:33 |
bulmer | NemesisD: actually i have to go...i have an appointment..laters | 10:33 |
sprash | RadicalME: I just installed Ubuntu server and i've got a kernel trap. I don't know how to fix it | 10:33 |
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NemesisD | :| bye | 10:33 |
RadicalME | dariuskane: ty for the info | 10:33 |
VolteiPMicrosoft | what is the best OS to install in a AMD K62 with 64RAM? | 10:33 |
justin420 | ompaul: did you even check out my post on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/126152 ? if you could help me figure out why that isnt working, that would be much appreciated. but i feel as if i am on my own on the firewire drive problem. this long an no reply from ubuntu? call me goofy, but it seems to me some stuff gets better each new release, and then some stuff just breaks. | 10:33 |
georgy28 | NemesisD, : what router do you have ? | 10:33 |
erUSUL | justin420: sorry for the noise... i use plain gpg/pgp not smime | 10:33 |
dariuskane | RadicalME, NP good luck.... btw python is even showing up mre and more in MMORPGs these days | 10:34 |
RadicalME | sprash, ask that to other people, as i have no knowledge of servers :D | 10:34 |
RadicalME | dariuskane: thats cool... :D | 10:34 |
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ward_ | dariuskane, Option "Corekeyboard" without something behind it, could that be it? | 10:34 |
ward_ | CoreKeyboard i mean | 10:34 |
NemesisD | georgy28, on my machine (client) di-624 i believe, dlink, did you mean for the server | 10:34 |
dariuskane | ward_, might be..that under system -> preferences -> keyboard? | 10:35 |
=== tutt9876 [n=tut123@cvl92-2-82-228-144-230.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chickenfire | Hi there! Is thera an easy way to update from feisty to gusty? | 10:35 |
georgy28 | NemesisD, : yes, i mean on the server side | 10:35 |
justin420 | erUSUL: want to make it as easy as possible to setup for a windows/linux network. gpg/pgp you have to install some extra crap on the windows pc's to get it working. smime support is already there for windows, otherwise i couldnt care what encryption i use | 10:35 |
=== marko [n=marko@BSN-61-101-187.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NemesisD | georgy28, ill see if my guy can find out real quick | 10:35 |
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ward_ | dariuskane, thats just in my xorg.conf | 10:35 |
chickenfire | (without replacing the entries in apt.source by hand. | 10:35 |
tutt9876 | hi, need some help from a raid 1 guru | 10:35 |
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dariuskane | ward_, ah... let me look at mine and see | 10:35 |
ompaul | !raid | tutt9876 | 10:35 |
ubotu | tutt9876: Raid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 10:35 |
ward_ | dariuskane, ok | 10:35 |
ompaul | justin420, can you remove the other devices and plug it into the various sockets on the box .. just in case something is clashing - it is not likely but could be the case at times usb is a bit of a dark horse, I am reading your bug very very slowly | 10:35 |
tutt9876 | I successfully installed madm and raid 1 with 2 disks, but i can't boot with one disk alone | 10:36 |
tutt9876 | mdadm | 10:36 |
chickenfire | update-manager -d ? but how.. | 10:36 |
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erUSUL | justin420: fair enough | 10:36 |
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dariuskane | ward_, Hmmm mine has a similar line... whats the identifier above it? | 10:36 |
smacintyre | I just installed Ubuntu- Desktop 64 7.04. It installed with no errors but after reboot all that is displayed is 1010101010 over and over until I use the break key. any ideas? | 10:36 |
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justin420 | ompaul: its using firewire for the connection. i only have one other thing plugged into firewire, which is another 500gb hd | 10:36 |
tutt9876 | got a "no devices listed in conf file were found" | 10:36 |
ward_ | dariuskane, "Generic Keyboard" | 10:37 |
tutt9876 | any idea? | 10:37 |
ward_ | dariuskane, driver = kbd | 10:37 |
tutt9876 | have read thaht it could be a fiesty bug | 10:37 |
dariuskane | ward_, looks fine then... model pc105 and layout us? | 10:37 |
ompaul | just if it duals try usb for a moment | 10:37 |
compengi | how to full erase using cdrecord | 10:37 |
ward_ | dariuskane, layout be but thats normal :-) | 10:37 |
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ward_ | and pc105 | 10:37 |
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tutt9876 | any idea? | 10:38 |
dariuskane | ward_, go me stupped then... X isnt my strong suit :) | 10:38 |
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justin420 | ompaul: very disappointed in the whole launchpad experience just because of this issue. i mean, it worked on edgy eft but now it doesnt on feisty but my newer seagate freeagent pro drive does? especially it being a ntfs drive on the freeagent and a fat on the regular seagate 500gb? come on, call me goofy but am i the only one that sees thats? | 10:38 |
ward_ | dariuskane, how can i get back into X from here? then i'll go see with the preferences | 10:38 |
Woofcat | Ok, sometimes firefox just grays out. I have the Cube enabled. But It grays out for a few seconds then comes back. wtf? | 10:38 |
dariuskane | ward_, hit alt f7 | 10:39 |
ward_ | dariuskane, alse it's gonna be a reinstall :s | 10:39 |
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erUSUL | Woofcat: that means the the app has hanged for some reason | 10:39 |
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dariuskane | ward_, hang out and see if anyone has more X info then I do first... Ive spent the last week reinstalling my server over and over :) | 10:39 |
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Woofcat | thanks erUSUL | 10:39 |
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tutt9876 | I successfully installed madm and raid 1 with 2 disks, but i can't boot with one disk alone | 10:40 |
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ompaul | justin420, goofy (as you asked me to ;-)) ehh I don't have one to play with and I doubt that others do to, it looks like a kernel issue looking around google - the got wrong page seems to be your kernel calling something it should not - but that aside can you try it as a usb drive as a hack in the medium term | 10:40 |
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dariuskane | tutt9876, why boot with 1 disk if youve setup a raid for 2? | 10:41 |
ward_ | dariuskane, lol everything looks fine there too, i'm going for a reinstall i think | 10:41 |
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ward_ | retarded bug though :s | 10:41 |
NemesisD | georgy28, bit of a setback, networking guy is on the phone with a customer or something | 10:41 |
tutt9876 | ward_ to teszt in cas of a failure of one disk | 10:41 |
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tutt9876 | in case | 10:41 |
smacintyre | I just installed Ubuntu- Desktop 64 7.04. It installed with no errors but after reboot all that is displayed is 1010101010 over and over until I use the break key. any ideas? | 10:41 |
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georgy28 | NemesisD, : ok, i can wait for the moment | 10:41 |
chalkie1983 | hey guys is there a way to install ubuntu from winblows? | 10:41 |
dariuskane | tutt9876, ah k... so whats complaining? | 10:42 |
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Anlar | justin420: will read your bug.. | 10:42 |
ompaul | justin420, and for the fun of it download gutsy and see if it works with that | 10:42 |
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tutt9876 | got a "no devices listed in conf file were found" | 10:42 |
Templar | any you guys ever setup a remote desktop with vnc viewer | 10:42 |
peladillas | #espaciolinux - irc.freenode.net | 10:42 |
ward_ | tutt9876, i don't understand what you mean | 10:42 |
K3nto | !ffmpeg | 10:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ffmpeg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:42 |
justin420 | ompaul: i really do want to try gutsy, especially with all the new kernel improvements. it sounds great. seriously. | 10:42 |
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Anlar | justin420: ya, please add into that bug report what "sudo lsusb" sees to show the usb id's - I think I know the problem already | 10:43 |
dariuskane | Templar, using one right now.. I recommend the openssh-server and nxserver from nomachine | 10:43 |
ward_ | tutt9876, on your question, nope i dont get any error | 10:43 |
Anlar | justin420: it's hal scripts problem | 10:43 |
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Softcoppertone | Hello | 10:43 |
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tutt9876 | the pc don't boot with one disk of the raid 1 couple | 10:43 |
dariuskane | tutt9876, at what point is it giving the error? | 10:43 |
ompaul | justin420, test the live CD if it does not work with that get that bug into the gutsy tree | 10:43 |
justin420 | Anlar: but this is using a firewire connection, not usb. | 10:43 |
tutt9876 | just after the boot | 10:43 |
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Templar | dariuskane do u have a viual of the actual desktop you are using | 10:43 |
Anlar | justin420: it's the same. should show up in the same list afaik. and add "-v" as parameter | 10:44 |
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Templar | dariuskane sorry visual | 10:44 |
dariuskane | tutt9876, do you have a regualr /boot partition? | 10:44 |
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tutt9876 | yes | 10:44 |
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Anlar | justin420: in order to add the icon etc automatically they need the ID numbers that the device reports.. and those lists are not perfect. | 10:44 |
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dariuskane | Templar, actually my server is running the livecd.. and I have open ssh and the nxserver running and I am connecting to the server remotely from my laptop and using xchat from the server.... | 10:45 |
holycow | !bugs | 10:45 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 10:45 |
chickenfire | HI, what should be in sources.list to update from feisty to gusty? | 10:45 |
Templar | cool | 10:45 |
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justin420 | Anlar: I would be more than happy to helps those who work on such things figure this out. I really do like ubuntu. I dont want to change distro's now! :) | 10:45 |
dariuskane | Templar, the install is very simple... use the package manager to install openssh and get the deb packages from nomachine and install | 10:45 |
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Templar | dariuskane cheers | 10:45 |
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Templar | will do | 10:45 |
mon^rch | chickenfire: dont upgrade to gutsy... you'll be sorry you did | 10:46 |
tigran | Hey, my internet (wifi) is really unstable, its connected but I can't load web pages and takes forever to connect to IRC | 10:46 |
ompaul | justin420, http://osdir.com/ml/linux.kernel.firewire.user/2006-05/msg00002.html seems to throw some light on the problem | 10:46 |
dariuskane | Templar, np | 10:46 |
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tigran | what can I do? | 10:46 |
smacintyre | I just installed Ubuntu- Desktop 64 7.04. It installed with no errors but after reboot all that is displayed is 1010101010 over and over until I use the break key. any ideas? | 10:46 |
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tutt9876 | have you ever test a failure in raid 1? | 10:46 |
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Anlar | justin420: just do like "sudo lsusb -v > blabla.txt" and add it to your bug report. :) I don't know how fast but sooner or later someone will read it all through.. I know how to fix it for real but I don't have the priviledges I am afraid.. besides I am the last person to be given those as I'm drunk :) | 10:47 |
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chickenfire | mon^rch, I just want to test my ati TV-output, so I need the latest Xorg 1.3 | 10:47 |
dariuskane | tutt9876, is your root partition on the raid? | 10:47 |
tutt9876 | yes | 10:47 |
mon^rch | smacintyre: reinstall and use the 32bit version.... :/ | 10:47 |
justin420 | ompaul: thanks for the link! will check it out when i have more patience; and also when i too have had less beers! | 10:47 |
mon^rch | chickenfire: ok... have fun | 10:48 |
smacintyre | ouch. I will give it a try thnx | 10:48 |
=== justin420 as he goes to take a leak and get 2 more beers | ||
justin420 | :) | 10:48 |
ward_ | how can i backup all my partitions in a way so i can replace everything later? i got a fresh install atm | 10:48 |
Templar | dariuskane do i need to download the client openssh-client and openssh-server | 10:48 |
dariuskane | dariuskane, k this gets tricky then.. Im having similar issues with LVM and my encrypted HDDs :P | 10:48 |
tutt9876 | to many messages in this chat .. | 10:48 |
dariuskane | Templar, you only need the client on your server if you want to make outbound ssh from the server | 10:48 |
=== justin420 mmmm.... bud.....weis.....errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr | ||
ompaul | justin420, it gives a $solution for values of solution ~( ugly kid hack ) ~ | 10:49 |
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RadicalME | !python | 10:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about python - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:49 |
nickrud | smacintyre, I'd suggest using grub instead of lilo | 10:49 |
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tutt9876 | have you ever test a failure in raid 1? | 10:49 |
mon^rch | !anything | 10:49 |
ubotu | So, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone. | 10:49 |
mon^rch | lol | 10:49 |
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dariuskane | tutt9876, not with a raid setup... but Ive done funny things with drive partitions :) | 10:49 |
dariuskane | tutt9876, let me check on some info | 10:50 |
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Ajzzz | Hi, just wanted to see if anyone has encountered this before I downgrade to 6.06: Ubuntu 7.04 i386 fresh install, new partition, login, complete system freeze after a few seconds, any ideas? | 10:50 |
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ward_ | is there a way to backup my complete system (every OS and partition) so i can place it back when i need to reinstall? | 10:50 |
HighNo | Ajzzz: any 3d desktop stuff activated? | 10:50 |
Ajzzz | no, nothing, fresh install | 10:51 |
ompaul | !bootoptions | Ajzzz | 10:51 |
ubotu | Ajzzz: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions | 10:51 |
tigran | Hey, my internet (wifi) is really unstable, its connected but I can't load web pages and takes forever to connect to IRC. What can I do? | 10:51 |
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Ajzzz | noapic nolapic irqpoll pci=noapci | 10:51 |
justin420 | mmmmm...... beer | 10:51 |
=== justin420 snap | ||
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HighNo | justin420: is that the answer to tigrans question? :-) | 10:52 |
ward_ | i think justin420 needs attention | 10:52 |
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justin420 | HighNo: Its the answer to all questions! | 10:52 |
justin420 | lol | 10:52 |
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HighNo | tigran: are you connecting via dsl? | 10:52 |
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kornits | could anyone help me set up a mailserver? | 10:53 |
lnx | i have install fluxbox and did "fluxbox --replace" and nothing happend what is worng ? | 10:53 |
tigran | HighNo: yes | 10:53 |
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Ajzzz | I haven't tried acpi=off, recomended? | 10:54 |
Templar | dariuskane sorry to bother u again but can you say login to your linux desktop at home from work and vice versa or is it just for within the network | 10:54 |
HighNo | have you tried to lower your mtu? | 10:54 |
tigran | ehm, whats an mtu and how do I lower it | 10:55 |
HighNo | tigran: do you know your network interface's name? | 10:55 |
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dariuskane | Templar, from anywhere as long as any routers or firewalls let you pass ssh through it | 10:55 |
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tigran | ath0 | 10:55 |
ward_ | i think justin420 needs attention | 10:55 |
tigran | is that it? | 10:55 |
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ward_ | lol oops wrong sentence :-) | 10:55 |
Templar | goin to be so handy for printing on the work printers from home | 10:55 |
ward_ | is there a way to backup my complete system (every OS and partition) so i can place it back when i need to reinstall? | 10:55 |
HighNo | tigran: try sudo ifconfig ath0 mtu 1400 | 10:56 |
HighNo | and then try some webpages | 10:56 |
BlueDevil | ward_: system imager i think it's called | 10:56 |
kornits | ward_ acronis works pretty well | 10:56 |
saylar | anyone knows if i shall except problems when buying a pci ide-controller? | 10:56 |
saylar | apparently i have to get one | 10:56 |
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ward_ | BlueDevil, kornits, thanx i'll look for both | 10:56 |
=== Shimala [n=chris@bas4-kitchener06-1167935754.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ajzzz | ward_:I second acronis true image | 10:57 |
justin420 | ward_: yeah, a bartender or a new pc! oh well dont worry about the lush in the corner... its all ok now! for more beer is here! | 10:57 |
dariuskane | saylar, shouldnt.. external controllers have been around a long time | 10:57 |
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tigran | HighNo: nope, same thing | 10:57 |
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-226-148-17.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
dariuskane | saylar, just dont go for the cheap ones your more likely to encounter problems | 10:57 |
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tigran | wont even load google... | 10:57 |
HighNo | can you ping the webservers? | 10:57 |
saylar | hmm, ok. i could just find one from actebis | 10:58 |
ticky | is someobe having issues with keybindings with the CONTROL key?? i am suffering!!!! | 10:58 |
lnx | i have install fluxbox and did "fluxbox --replace" and nothing happend what is worng ? | 10:58 |
tigran | HighNo: yes, ping works | 10:58 |
ticky | i need to share the pain w/some1 | 10:58 |
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HighNo | tigran - hm, maybe there is some proxy setting in your browser? | 10:58 |
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=== Timmahh [n=ax4@ip68-101-74-249.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | ticky: If you are running desktop effects that may be part of the problem | 10:58 |
dariuskane | tigran, try traceroute instead of ping.... might be a firewall or router that is giving you false information | 10:58 |
tigran | HighNo: I dont use proxies | 10:59 |
HighNo | (which shouldn't be there of course= | 10:59 |
Templar | dariuskane what goes in the session box and host box | 10:59 |
dga | what package must i install in order for Amarok to play FLAC? | 10:59 |
HighNo | tigran: that's what might cause the problem - just check it... | 10:59 |
Timmahh | hello, im using ubuntu feisty, and need Java to load my school webpage course software, how do I install it? | 10:59 |
tigran | ok | 10:59 |
kornits | how come i can't find postfix-tls | 10:59 |
kornits | ? | 10:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | !java > Timmahh | 10:59 |
ward_ | kornits, Ajzzz acronis seems commercial, do you know any open source software that does this? | 10:59 |
dariuskane | Templar, on the client connect for nx ? the host is the ip or address of your server... session is like saved settings... should fill itself in later | 10:59 |
lnx | how i can replace metacity ? | 10:59 |
ward_ | or freeware | 10:59 |
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HighNo | lnx: with what? | 11:00 |
riddlebox | what software can I use for a scanner? | 11:00 |
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Drevay | hey guys, quick question | 11:00 |
lnx | HighNo , fluxbox | 11:00 |
kornits | ummmm... there is a program that is ran off a boot disk i think it's called clonemaxx or something like that | 11:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | riddlebox: xsane | 11:00 |
ticky | lnx: why do you want to do that? | 11:00 |
riddlebox | thanks | 11:00 |
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Drevay | everytime my friend boots up his pc, he has to click once on the network icon in the far upper right corner, then click wired network once, wait ten seconds, and then everything's fine | 11:01 |
Drevay | is there anyway to automate a network connection? | 11:01 |
lnx | ticky , i hate the way that metacity is minimize the windows | 11:01 |
HighNo | lnx: hmpf, never done that - most guys change to 3d like beryl, I know that one but it wouldn't help you :-) | 11:01 |
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tigran | dariuskane what am I looking for in traceroute | 11:01 |
lwizardl | hi | 11:01 |
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=== Grungebunny [n=evil@24-171-65-231.dhcp.mtvr.il.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kornits | http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/ | 11:01 |
lwizardl | how do i recover files that was on a ext3 partition | 11:01 |
=== rrr0321 [n=rich@c-71-194-248-236.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dariuskane | tigran, just to see if your getting complete information for each hop... | 11:01 |
=== Pichu0102 [n=pichu010@ppp-70-227-47-197.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lnx | HighNo , i have compiz. . . but i want just simply windows manager . . . | 11:01 |
YuzukScript123 | ayyyy nerdeyimmmm | 11:01 |
HighNo | dariuskane: I don't think tracerote will help much here since he can ping the webserver | 11:01 |
kornits | i am trying to follow these directions does anyone have any ideas where i can find postix-tls | 11:01 |
Timmahh | thanks Jack_Sparrow , shouldn't you be fighting pirates btw? :p | 11:02 |
tigran | dariuskane, yea it looks like i am | 11:02 |
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=== Superkuh [n=dieSuper@c-69-180-166-154.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HighNo | lnx: if you use compiz - it is your window manager, it replaces metacity already | 11:02 |
dariuskane | HighNo, I know he can ping but Ive know routers you will send back fake replies to clients | 11:02 |
lwizardl | i just restarted my pc and now my /media/drive2 is blank it had 100gb of stuff | 11:02 |
HighNo | dariuskane: ok, makes sense then | 11:02 |
tigran | HighNo: no proxy, direct connection to internet in firefox | 11:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) I am.. fighting the evil that is Windows | 11:02 |
Timmahh | lol | 11:02 |
=== bingo [n=mike@pD9E8F2D0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lnx | HighNo , i know but i dont want it i want fluxbox . .. [] | 11:02 |
w00t | hmm. I'm trying to install via live CD, I was having some problems, and I think I'm getting somewhere with them now. On virtual terminal, I'm getting output similar to "SQUASHFS error: sb_bread failed reading block __________", etc. Any ideas? | 11:02 |
Templar | do i install it on both machines | 11:03 |
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dariuskane | w00t, how old is the HDD... might be bad sectors | 11:03 |
=== zzuh [i=infected@auh-as25500.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gerro | got this new monitor and plugged it in, how do I turn up resolution? | 11:03 |
dga | what package must i install in order for Amarok to play FLAC? | 11:03 |
=== amki [n=amki@p5083430F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | lwizardl, does mount in a terminal tell you that /media/drive2 is mounted? | 11:04 |
RadicalME | has anyone been able to run flash 8 pro under linux | 11:04 |
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HighNo | tigran: do you have nmap installed? | 11:04 |
lwizardl | nickrud, yes i have the drive icon on my desktop | 11:04 |
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lnx | how i can replace metacity with fluxbox ? | 11:04 |
tigran | HighNo: I dont think so | 11:05 |
tigran | sudo apt-get install nmap? | 11:05 |
=== Creed [n=Ron@c-71-227-218-188.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HighNo | lnx: please ask correct: "how can I replace compiz with fluxbox" | 11:05 |
HighNo | tigran: correct | 11:05 |
=== preaction_ [n=doug@static-72-1-4-143.ntd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Creed | Has anyone setup a bridged (tap) OpenVPN server? I need some major help :( | 11:05 |
=== newjordan [n=jordan@eu85-84-129-116.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jp | hi! is there a way to mount a hfs+ partition ignoring the permission so I can enter to my user directory in that partition. I've been googling but the only way I found was disabling journaling. | 11:05 |
lnx | HighNo , i use metacity right now , i told you that i have compiz but i dont use it . .. | 11:05 |
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RadicalME | has anyone been able to run flash 8 pro under linux | 11:06 |
kornits | man i keep following these stupid directions | 11:06 |
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Anlar | RadicalME: very likely: no. | 11:06 |
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HighNo | lnx: sorry, I didn't quite get that one right then - sorry | 11:06 |
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Vlet | So, after some searching, it seems that libapache2-mod-auth-pam does not work in apache > 2.1 ... so what should I use? | 11:06 |
kornits | I can't freaking get a mailserver working for the life of me at all | 11:06 |
=== yannig [n=yannig@AToulouse-157-1-114-4.w86-221.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tigran | HighNo: Won't download, stuck at 0% | 11:06 |
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Vlet | oh, wrong channel :) | 11:06 |
RadicalME | not with an emulator.. | 11:06 |
nickrud | lwizardl, that sucks. did you look at mount, to make sure it's mounting everything correctly? Unless you did a rm -rf or some such, I can't see how you'd loose 100gb without seeing it happen | 11:06 |
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@pool-72-64-142-97.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RadicalME | ? | 11:06 |
=== Hadron [n=user@e177142016.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | hi, I had a problem....can anyone help? | 11:07 |
Hadron | ,automatix | 11:07 |
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georgy28 | ! ask | 11:07 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | !automatix | 11:07 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) | 11:07 |
kornits | does anyone have any suggestions or at least could they walk me through the process... i have followed many online tutorials and i keep hitting a wall | 11:07 |
tigran | HighNo: I just re-did it and worked second time, nmap installed, what do I do now? | 11:07 |
kornits | i've been trying since like 8 am this morning | 11:07 |
lwizardl | nickrud, what should i type in term to see | 11:07 |
Creed | Has anyone setup a bridged (tap) OpenVPN server? I need some major help :( | 11:07 |
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nickrud | lwizardl, mount <-- that will show everything mounted | 11:07 |
HighNo | lnx: I don't know if its the official way but you can start gconf-editor, move to the key /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager and change the entry current to /usr/bin/fluxbox | 11:08 |
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ubuntu_ | I asked for the Ubuntu CD to be mailed to my house and as it turns out the cd package was open.....and I needed the cd in a weeks time | 11:08 |
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ubuntu_ | what should i do | 11:08 |
ubuntu_ | btw i dont have a cd burner | 11:08 |
HighNo | tigran: that sounds odd again - one time working - next time not | 11:08 |
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x-code | hi anyone here who could help me | 11:08 |
x-code | ? | 11:08 |
RadicalME | im wondering, what do you guys do at linux... as gaming isnt a real option.. | 11:08 |
x-code | please | 11:08 |
x-code | ? | 11:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | ubuntu_: Find a neighbor with one | 11:08 |
Creed | x-code, just ask your question. | 11:08 |
RadicalME | !enter | x-code | 11:08 |
ubotu | x-code: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 11:08 |
dariuskane | tigran, I didnt catch the start of your problem.. what exactly is the trouble? | 11:08 |
x-code | i have a problem with amsn | 11:08 |
tigran | HighNo: I know, its completly random | 11:08 |
ubuntu_ | nobody uses ubuntu in my neighbor hood | 11:09 |
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lwizardl | nickrud, /dev/sda1 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev) | 11:09 |
x-code | and iam not a good linux user | 11:09 |
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ubuntu_ | can i get rush shipping? | 11:09 |
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x-code | would somebody please help me | 11:09 |
x-code | ? | 11:09 |
jp | hi! is there a way to mount a hfs+ partition ignoring the permission so I can enter to my user directory in that partition. I've been googling but the only way I found was disabling journaling. | 11:09 |
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RadicalME | !enter | xnode | 11:09 |
ubotu | xnode: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 11:09 |
dariuskane | !enter | x-code | 11:09 |
ubotu | x-code: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 11:09 |
Creed | ubuntu_, if you bought the CD then I believe you can do rush shipping. | 11:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | ubuntu_: They dont need to use ubuntu... just download a fresh iso for you and burn it | 11:09 |
dga | what package must i install in order for Amarok to play FLAC? gstreamer or something? | 11:09 |
=== kennyjb402 [n=ken@pool-72-94-92-174.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tigran | dariuskane, I'm connected to my router via wifi but internet doesnt work, cant load web pages, chat, etc, and at times I can chat but not view web pages, weird stuff | 11:09 |
RadicalME | !question | x-code | 11:09 |
ubotu | x-code: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:09 |
HighNo | tigran: I would have wanted to check whether the connection doesn't even initialize or if the connection just doesnt transfer data | 11:09 |
=== wolf1e [n=alex@pool-70-19-150-199.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | lwizardl, then you don't have /media/drive2 mounted, unless you renamed the mount point in the icon's properties. | 11:09 |
orudie | is anyone around? i need help with installing compiz-fusion | 11:09 |
ubuntu_ | i dont have a cd burner | 11:09 |
x-code | how do i install the TLC module | 11:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | ubuntu_: They might... | 11:10 |
=== gryphus71 [n=gryphus7@bas59-1-82-239-86-100.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | and I ordered it free | 11:10 |
dariuskane | tigran, you have the pwd for your router? what kind is it? | 11:10 |
x-code | for the amsn | 11:10 |
x-code | ? | 11:10 |
Creed | orudie, have you tried following the numerous guides on the forums? | 11:10 |
x-code | please someone help me | 11:10 |
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x-code | with that | 11:10 |
x-code | ? | 11:10 |
lwizardl | nickrud, its called disk i miss typed earlier | 11:10 |
Creed | x-code we | 11:10 |
Creed | will | 11:10 |
tigran | theres no security on the router | 11:10 |
Creed | help one | 11:10 |
RadicalME | !enter | x-code | 11:10 |
Creed | you stop this | 11:10 |
ubotu | x-code: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 11:10 |
=== joeharrison [n=joetheco@user-514d6823.l2.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RadicalME | stop spamming ffs | 11:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter | x-code | 11:10 |
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orudie | Creed, i have followed all of the instructions on the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 11:10 |
x-code | enter | 11:10 |
x-code | wat i neeed | 11:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | x-code: Stop it NOW | 11:10 |
RadicalME | what you need is a functioning brain? | 11:10 |
x-code | i am soo devistated | 11:11 |
dariuskane | tigran, what type of router is it? | 11:11 |
nickrud | lwizardl, do ls /media/disk in a terminal | 11:11 |
tigran | netgear | 11:11 |
orudie | Creed, configuration won't open, won't even give me an error | 11:11 |
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HighNo | tigran: very odd that is... | 11:11 |
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=== DanielHolth [n=chatzill@gleim-gw.atlantic.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
x-code | can u help me out jack sparrow | 11:11 |
x-code | ? | 11:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | !attitude | 11:11 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 11:11 |
RadicalME | x-code: tried google? | 11:11 |
jp | hi! is there a way to mount a hfs+ partition ignoring the permission so I can enter to my user directory in that partition. I've been googling but the only way I found was disabling journaling. | 11:11 |
Creed | orudie, try running the config tool via Terminal, that usually outputs all errors. | 11:11 |
tigran | HighNo: Can the problem be from my router itself? | 11:11 |
DanielHolth | Hi. Any tips on using the joerg schiling 'please use my version' of cdrecord? | 11:11 |
x-code | yeah | 11:11 |
x-code | i couldnt find anything | 11:11 |
x-code | i have | 11:11 |
x-code | been | 11:11 |
x-code | searching for | 11:11 |
x-code | 3 days | 11:11 |
tigran | x-code stop | 11:11 |
lwizardl | nickrud, just a folder Lost+Found is listed | 11:11 |
Creed | Sigh...some people never learn. | 11:11 |
x-code | i didnt get anywhere | 11:11 |
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RadicalME | x-code! OMG this isnt msn, stop hitting enter | 11:12 |
x-code | stop wat | 11:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | Someone boot this clown | 11:12 |
pi3 | x-code: this is not msn | 11:12 |
DanielHolth | I am trying to find the proper sources.conf line for the things in http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net/siretart/ | 11:12 |
RadicalME | Creed: agreed... | 11:12 |
nickrud | lwizardl, then you have an empty partition there. Did you format it? | 11:12 |
x-code | ok | 11:12 |
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HighNo | tigran: of course it could be not correctly routing your requests - even more so because it does NAT too but to test that you would need another pc | 11:12 |
x-code | can someone please help me | 11:12 |
x-code | ? | 11:12 |
orudie | Creed, should i paste the error here? its like 5 lines | 11:12 |
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RadicalME | and he just proceeds... | 11:12 |
dariuskane | tigran, what type of router is it? | 11:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | Thanks | 11:12 |
Creed | Use pastebin orudie | 11:12 |
lwizardl | nickrud, formated it when i created the partition but Pan did crash and was using that drive | 11:12 |
nickrud | lwizardl, and before you ask, there's no practical way to undelete ext2 files | 11:12 |
Templar | dariuskane keeps sayin connection refused to me | 11:12 |
Creed | ?pastebin | orudie | 11:12 |
=== Cmoi_ [n=pryz@ALille-252-1-27-77.w83-192.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Creed | :( lol | 11:12 |
lwizardl | ext3 | 11:12 |
tigran | let me check, its a netgear but I dont know model, let me check | 11:12 |
magnetron | !enter > x-code | 11:12 |
HighNo | great shot! pi3: x-code: this is not msn ;-) | 11:13 |
nickrud | lwizardl, same diff | 11:13 |
=== visof_ [n=visof@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dariuskane | Templar, you have openssh server installed? and the nxserver installed? | 11:13 |
nickrud | lwizardl, sorry | 11:13 |
visof_ | how can i convert 3gp videos to any othe rvideo extension? | 11:13 |
kornits | ok can someone help me with something on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix | 11:13 |
tigran | dariuskane: its a netgear wgr614 v4 | 11:13 |
HighNo | lnx: re - did it work? | 11:13 |
orudie | Creed, http://pastebin.com/d66432a2a | 11:13 |
ticky | can aybody help me to track down why CTRL-ALT-L is not locking my screen? | 11:13 |
Templar | dariuskane on both machines is it? | 11:13 |
pi3 | HighNo: ;) RadicalME beat me by 1 sec <RadicalME> x-code! OMG this isnt msn, stop hitting enter | 11:13 |
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dariuskane | tigran, give me a sec to check it | 11:13 |
tigran | ok | 11:13 |
dariuskane | Templar, on the server... on your other machine you only need the nxclient | 11:14 |
RadicalME | pi3: :D gold medal for me? :) | 11:14 |
PriceChild | ticky, using something like compiz or beryl perhaps? | 11:14 |
ompaul | x-code, check your private messages | 11:14 |
=== velko [n=velko@p54BFF0DC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ticky | PriceChild: Nope | 11:14 |
kornits | i got to the part where it asks me to run "postconf -e 'smtpd_recipient_restrictions = " but after hitting enter it returns a new line that has the character ">" at the begining | 11:14 |
Templar | dariuskane ah right dumb me | 11:14 |
magnetron | visof_: use ffmpeg or avidemux. install with synaptic | 11:14 |
visof_ | how can i convert 3gp videos to any othe video extension? | 11:14 |
kornits | according to these instructions it shouldn't do that | 11:14 |
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orudie | Creed, oh and after completing the installation, ubuntu froze, so i had to reset it, and then after it booted it showed available update of compiz core in the update manager, and then i went ahead and updated it, but its still there the same update | 11:14 |
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pi3 | RadicalME: for being fast.. ok this is not msn, let's talk about ubuntu | 11:14 |
ticky | I consider it serious because ubuntu is becomine very hard to use w/o key combinations (other combinations are not working either) | 11:14 |
HighNo | kornits: you are missing a ' at the end of that command | 11:15 |
w00t | dariuskane: brand new, just purchased today | 11:15 |
Creed | orudie, seems you got a bad copy of CompizFusion, apt-get or use Synaptic to remove all the files you downloaded and let me get you a guide from the forum. Do you have a nVidia card or ATI? | 11:15 |
RadicalME | pi3: yea.. msn is annoying, i say | 11:15 |
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ompaul | !enter | x-code | 11:15 |
ubotu | x-code: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 11:15 |
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orudie | Creed, nVidia | 11:15 |
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HighNo | lnx: can you read me? | 11:15 |
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phenom | SECURITY UPDATE: code execution via crafted JPEG2000 images. | 11:15 |
orudie | Creed, greatly appreciate it thanx | 11:16 |
phenom | My god, another JpegOfDeath? :/ | 11:16 |
ticky | PriceChild: any idea? | 11:16 |
pi3 | RadicalME: I have to use msn because of my friends though | 11:16 |
PriceChild | ticky, no sorry | 11:16 |
kornits | they should put that in the instructions | 11:16 |
kornits | i hate poorly written instructions | 11:16 |
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HighNo | phenom: images are baaad - lynx is our friend :-) | 11:16 |
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kornits | the next command has the exact same problem | 11:16 |
HighNo | kornits: so it works now? | 11:16 |
ticky | PriceChild: thanks. | 11:16 |
dariuskane | tigran, theres quite a few bits of info on the netgear support page for your router.. including internet connection troubles | 11:16 |
Hadron | !easyubuntu | Hadron | 11:16 |
Creed | orudie, try this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=481314 I've used it on numerous occasions with great sucess. | 11:16 |
kornits | yea, but the next one didn't | 11:17 |
Grungebunny | whats the official channel to ask about compiz-fusion ? | 11:17 |
dariuskane | tigran, http://kbserver.netgear.com/products/wgr614v6.asp | 11:17 |
RadicalME | anyone with an iPhone here? sorry for not talking about ubuntu but i really wanna know how it is | 11:17 |
kornits | it returned a new line with '>' | 11:17 |
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HighNo | kornits: if there is just one ' in there - there is one missing too | 11:17 |
kekk | anybody who can help me with freenx? | 11:17 |
kornits | oh | 11:17 |
HighNo | kekk: maybe - what's up | 11:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | phenom: That comes up about apple problem.. is it in Windows as well? | 11:17 |
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kornits | permit_sasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject_unauth_destination' there should be an additional ' | 11:17 |
ompaul | !freenx | kekk | 11:17 |
ubotu | kekk: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX | 11:17 |
YouKnowMe | pi3: You can use Gaim and still connect to your msn freinds | 11:17 |
Creed | RadicalME, its not all its made out to be :) If you want one get it, if youre deciding between it and another phone, I would go with the other. Atleast until the second verison of iPhones come out. | 11:18 |
kekk | HighNo - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34564/ get this when trying to log in | 11:18 |
orudie | Creed, when i marked that repository in the synaptic the same one i installed, it showed "marked for removal" one was compiz the other was desktop effects, should i remove the desktop effects? | 11:18 |
dariuskane | w00t, brand new doesnt always mean not broken :)... do you have system you can try formatting the drive on first? | 11:18 |
HighNo | kornits: no - i guess that really is the second line of the first command | 11:18 |
RadicalME | Creed: its not out in holland yet, at the end of the year, but it looks so extremely good | 11:18 |
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Creed | orudie, yes. Desktop Effects is the default minimal effects package thats installed with every Edgy. | 11:18 |
kornits | oh | 11:18 |
RadicalME | Creed: and i dont like other phones.. but mac isnt my favorite neither | 11:18 |
tigran | dariuskane: should I follow this http://kbserver.netgear.com/kb_web_files/n101209.asp | 11:18 |
dariuskane | Templar, you have those packages installed on your server? the nxserver needs 3 packages... the nxclient, nxnode and nxserver to work... in that order | 11:18 |
w00t | dariuskane: I'm not even managing to start the install process, so I really doubt it's the hard drive :p | 11:18 |
pi3 | YouKnowMe: yes IKnowIt, but MSNP is not the most reliable protocol | 11:19 |
Creed | RadicalME, as long as youre not tied to ATT you should be fine :) By the time it gets released over there it might be v2. | 11:19 |
tigran | dariuskane: but same computer, same card works fine under windows | 11:19 |
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RadicalME | Creed: what would be the improvement to v1? | 11:19 |
kekk | dariuskane, nxnode on which computers? server/client? | 11:19 |
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kornits | nope highno: says " :~# postconf -e 'smtpd_recipient_restrictions = > permit_sasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject_unauth_destination' | 11:19 |
kornits | postconf: fatal: edit accepts no multi-line input " | 11:19 |
ruben | Hello, what is the way to force an ethernet to be eth0 instead of eth1? I don't have eth0 and it uses eth1 instead, it is possible? | 11:19 |
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YouKnowMe | pi3: well what about that new one... umm.. you know that one that come pre-installed on gutsy. | 11:19 |
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RobNyc | !et | 11:19 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 11:19 |
Creed | RadicalME, Mac = linux...for the most part anyway :) By its release in Holland it may even be complety hacked with *nix. | 11:19 |
dariuskane | tigran, never hurts to double check... and windows can hide alot of intermittent problems from the end user | 11:20 |
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orudie | Creed, i'm using the apt get provided in your link | 11:20 |
phenom | Jack_Sparrow: People argue the main reason behind service pack 2 is to patch the JpegOfDeath exploit. I had recently received a notice to update via notice: CVE-2007-2721 | 11:20 |
orudie | Creed, should that be good enough? | 11:20 |
tigran | dariuskane: alright | 11:20 |
pi3 | ruben: if I'm not wrong you can do ifconfig eth1 down | 11:20 |
orudie | Creed, for removal i mean | 11:20 |
Creed | RadicalME, for one, battery life. Its nothing to brag about :-/ And native support for things such as wireless music sync etc. | 11:20 |
RadicalME | Creed: i could buy some simlock free one, but i doubt it will function the way i want it to | 11:20 |
Creed | orudie, yes that will work fine. | 11:20 |
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HighNo | kornits: yes, just put it in one line like postconf -e 'smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject_unauth_destination' | 11:20 |
dariuskane | kekk, on the server.... nxclient and nxnode has code that nxserver needs to run | 11:20 |
pi3 | YouKnowMe pidgin? | 11:20 |
phenom | It's an ubuntu update | 11:20 |
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ruben | pi3: but, why it uses eth1 instead of eth0? | 11:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | phenom: Good to know.. but it dosent really apply to Ubuntu.... | 11:20 |
Creed | pi3, yes Pidgin is the new GAIM. | 11:20 |
=== ] RandoM[ [n=stewbacc@hlfxns0146w-142167165100.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
YouKnowMe | pi3: me thinks yes. Does that use the same protocol? | 11:21 |
Creed | pi3, it (I think) includes plugins for MSN, AIM, IRC, ICQ, and a few others by default. | 11:21 |
orudie | Creed, ok going to follow all the instructions in this link, if i run into any problems should can i get back to you? | 11:21 |
dariuskane | w00t, remind me again what the error was and at what point you get it? | 11:21 |
RadicalME | Creed: do you have one yourself? | 11:21 |
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Creed | orudie, sure :) Ill be here for a while lol | 11:21 |
Lex` | Hey i keep getting VGA errors when trying to install ubuntu :S, how on earth do i load the right drivers into the .iso file? | 11:21 |
phenom | Version 1.701.0-2ubuntu0.7.04: | 11:21 |
phenom | * SECURITY UPDATE: code execution via crafted JPEG2000 images. | 11:21 |
pAyE | :( | 11:21 |
pAyE | ya | 11:21 |
Creed | RadicalME, yep, bought one the minute it came out heh. | 11:21 |
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enfo | Creed: but Feisty comes with Gaim not Pidgin correct? | 11:21 |
T-Connect | Is there a grammar checkers for Ubuntu? | 11:21 |
RadicalME | Creed: and you like it not too much? | 11:21 |
pi3 | ruben: you are disabling eth1 with that command.. so ubuntu may be forced to use eth0 | 11:22 |
w00t | dariuskane: three errors, at random positions while using the livecd - I only see them in one of the vterms, not X | 11:22 |
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dariuskane | Lex`, you dont.. if you have problems with the livecd you can also use the alternate cd text installer | 11:22 |
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T-Connect | My english writting isn't that good. It crap. | 11:22 |
w00t | I'll paste the errors in PM if that's okay? three lines. :) | 11:22 |
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ruben | pi3: wich command sorry? | 11:22 |
Creed | enfo, correct enfo, Feisty comes with Gaim as I think the name change happened a few months after Feisty's initial release. | 11:22 |
dariuskane | w00t, sure | 11:22 |
RadicalME | Creed: how is the wifi connection for example.. or the ipod function, the photo (with the nice zooming and stuff) video quality... etc | 11:22 |
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Jack_Sparrow | phenom: Do you have a link on that... and Ubuntu.. not just Mac or Windows | 11:22 |
pi3 | YouKnowMe: yes, actually I'm using it right now.. but it doesn't support webcam, fast file transfers | 11:22 |
Lex` | dariuskane: How do I access that? | 11:22 |
orudie | Creed, those are the same instructions i followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 11:23 |
prabs | hi guys, i want to make xchat run as a desktop embedded transparent window, i think it can be done with devilspie, can anyone be kind enough to help me do this? | 11:23 |
pi3 | ruben: ifconfig eth1 down | 11:23 |
ruben | okey | 11:23 |
orudie | Creed, or yours are different? | 11:23 |
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Creed | RadicalME, its an alright media device but I would stick to my Blackberry if I had to pick. Wifi is great, browser is IE4 pretty much, other functions are ok. | 11:23 |
dariuskane | Lex`, its a different download from the ubuntu page... theres a check box at the bottom of the page to get the alternate cd instead of the live desktop cd | 11:23 |
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pi3 | ruben: the "opposite" is ifconfig eth1 up | 11:23 |
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nickrud | prabs, wow, if you ever do, please add it to the wiki! | 11:23 |
Lex` | dariuskane: Oh thanks, I'll check it out | 11:23 |
RadicalME | Creed: browser is safari right? | 11:23 |
YouKnowMe | pi3: oh well that sucks. Maybe you could implement some kind of web based video transfer? | 11:24 |
T-Connect | Oh man. Nobody even read my question? | 11:24 |
Creed | orudie, seems the guide got changed a bit since I last used it. Try it again, some things might have failed to download/install when your system locked up. | 11:24 |
prabs | nickrud: im pretty sure ive seen it implemented somewhere :( | 11:24 |
pi3 | ruben; I don't know a lot about networking.. so maybe someone else can correct me if I was wrong | 11:24 |
Creed | RadicalME, yes, its a stripped down version of Safari. | 11:24 |
Ajzzz | fresh ubuntu 7.04 install freezes seconds after login, a few minutes if I select failsafe terminal, tried bootoptions: noacpi noapic nolapic irqpoll noapm, vesa and fglrx drivers, any ideas? | 11:24 |
RadicalME | Creed: why would you stick to a blackberry then.. price/quality quotation? | 11:24 |
YouKnowMe | T-Connect: whats your question? | 11:24 |
T-Connect | grammar checkers for Ubuntu | 11:24 |
nickrud | prabs, you sure it wasn't irssi in some terminal embedded in the desktop? | 11:24 |
visof_ | magentron how can with ffmpeg please? | 11:24 |
dariuskane | w00t, ok you didnt mention that one before... Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block _________.... | 11:24 |
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Creed | RadicalME, price, not tied to any carrier, better wifi speed (EDGO on iPhone, EVDO on blackberry), quite a few others. | 11:24 |
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anakao | hi all | 11:25 |
visof_ | convert 3gp to wmv magentron | 11:25 |
w00t | dariuskane: I was trying to provide a summary :) | 11:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ajzzz: Did you have the install cd do a self test for errors? Are you running anything USB... | 11:25 |
Creed | Anyone here have experience with OpenVPN? | 11:25 |
dariuskane | w00t, that means it cant read from your cd drive properly... an I/O problem... possibly a bad burn of the iso | 11:25 |
YouKnowMe | T-Connect: I really don't know much about that. You try google yet? | 11:25 |
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w00t | dariuskane: ugh. fuck. is there any way to fix this short of a new burn? | 11:25 |
visof_ | how can i convert 3gp videos to any othe video extension with ffmpeg? | 11:25 |
RadicalME | Creed: wanna go in a private conversation, as we might be spamming the public one? :D | 11:25 |
fp_ | Hello All, anyone know how to turn on IP Forwarding? I thought all you had to do was open /etc/sysctl.conf and uncomment the line: net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding=1 and all would be well. But ip forwarding doesn't seem to be active. Also when I look in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward the value is set to "0" not "1"... I'm running Ubuntu Desktop 7.04 | 11:25 |
w00t | I'm in a tight spot time-wise | 11:25 |
pi3 | YouKnowMe: I think it is scheduled for the version 3 of pidgin due for a couple of months from now. The main reason why features are not yet implemented is just because MSNP is a closed protocol.. don't have to say more | 11:25 |
luis | Creed: not I but if you find anyone let me know :D | 11:25 |
dariuskane | w00t, not with isos | 11:25 |
Ajzzz | Jack_Sparrow: I tried pulling out all USB devices, did a md5 check on cd image, and cd check when it booted | 11:25 |
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w00t | dariuskane: :| | 11:26 |
HighNo | fp_: rebootet since the change? | 11:26 |
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stdin | w00t: watch the language please | 11:26 |
Creed | luis, lol what issues are you having? I might have gone past a few of yours. | 11:26 |
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fp_ | Yup, no go.. | 11:26 |
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phenom | Jack_Sparrow: Link about exploit: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=2007-2721 I'm not sure if and how it affects ubuntu, but it requires an ubuntu update. | 11:26 |
grigora | anyone knows why WPA is not an option on the wireless configuration? | 11:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ajzzz: Doual boot , multiple drives, overheating cpu? | 11:26 |
philthy | can i edit my tool bars so they are always always always at the top? | 11:26 |
dariuskane | w00t, you could try the same cd on a different computer and see if it boots into the live cd properly... | 11:26 |
anakao | did you try to uncheck the "vblank" case in gconf-editor? is it solve the freeze with 7300 Le nvidia graphic card? | 11:26 |
fp_ | I tried changing the value of /proc/..../ip_forward to 1 and reboot but on the reboot it just changed back to 0 | 11:26 |
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Creed | RadicalME, hold on a sec, Ill just go register an account so I can PM. | 11:27 |
YouKnowMe | pi3: good point. Also doesn't ubuntu have trouble with cams anyway? I know there were drivers coded for them but I don't know how hard it would be to get things rolling | 11:27 |
dariuskane | w00t, if a similar problem happens then definately a bad burn | 11:27 |
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orudie | Creed, answer "Y" to all the questions during the installation? | 11:27 |
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HighNo | fp_: I never trust any distribution with these things - I do it in my own init script and directly into ip_forward - that works (tm) | 11:27 |
Creed | orudie, yup | 11:27 |
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Ajzzz | Jack_Sparrow: Dual Boot with XP, separate HDD, three internal drives, one external (unplugged), CPU temp mon is fine 30C | 11:27 |
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YouKnowMe | w00t: if your having bad burn problems, you could try turning down the speed a notch or two | 11:27 |
fp_ | HighNo: How would I do that? What should I google? | 11:28 |
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pi3 | YouKnowMe: yea, I just tried my cam once and didn't worked. The lack of drivers is definitely a weak point of Linux in general | 11:28 |
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HighNo | fp_: what? write an init script? | 11:28 |
dga | how come Amarok cannot play FLAC files? | 11:28 |
csc` | YouKnowMe: linux has trouble with web cameras, not ubuntu | 11:28 |
visof_ | how can i convert 3gp videos to any othe video extension with ffmpeg? | 11:29 |
=== tigran_ [n=chatzill@netblock-66-245-204-69.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Anlar | pi3: lack of drivers for low quality hardware, more likely. it's the usability and what is ready out of the box that is more important already nowadays | 11:29 |
csc` | dga: install libflac | 11:29 |
Templar | dariuskane right seems to be workin | 11:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | phenom: That post is dated back in May.... I have not heard anything about it.... | 11:29 |
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dariuskane | pi3, thats kind of a chicken and the egg problem... more popular more driver support.. more driver support more popular.... itll get there | 11:29 |
visof_ | how can i convert 3gp videos to any othe video extension with ffmpeg? | 11:29 |
dariuskane | Templar, great news | 11:29 |
Templar | do i login in with the ubuntu login i normally use on the pc that is the server | 11:29 |
YouKnowMe | csc' :good point, its what I was thinking :) | 11:29 |
csc` | visik7: mencoder | 11:29 |
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tigran_ | dariuskane: my dsl needs a login, forgot to ask how to set that up if I'm going to connect my computer directly to modem | 11:29 |
phenom | Jack_Sparrow: Dunno, just now got the update notice :/ | 11:29 |
visof_ | how can i convert 3gp videos to any othe video extension with ffmpeg? | 11:29 |
csc` | YouKnowMe: i dont like it when people think ubuntu is the only linux distro in the world ;) | 11:29 |
dga | csc`: no dice | 11:29 |
visof_ | how can i convert 3gp videos to any othe video extension with ffmpeg? | 11:29 |
fp_ | HighNo: Yeah, and the commands to enter.. Kinda new to this. Not sure where to start googling.. | 11:30 |
LaCtoSE | was someone having problems installing pidgin? | 11:30 |
dariuskane | !ppoe | tigran_ | 11:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ppoe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:30 |
visof_ | please any one help | 11:30 |
csc` | dga: perhaps recompile the latest version :)? | 11:30 |
dariuskane | !pppoe | tigran_ | 11:30 |
ubotu | tigran_: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE | 11:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | phenom: Which OS... You just got a notice from Ubuntu? | 11:30 |
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dga | csc`: it's a problem with Amarok | 11:30 |
grigora | how can I get my network manager to suppor wep in addition to wpa? | 11:30 |
csc` | nope | 11:30 |
phenom | yes from ubuntu | 11:30 |
dariuskane | tigran_ that info should help | 11:30 |
Otacon22 | i can't terminate a process, i tired with kill -s 9 , killall , nothing to do: | 11:30 |
Otacon22 | otacon22 2823 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 23:26 0:00 [play] <defunct> | 11:30 |
daftman | has anyone experience an unclean shutdown in ubuntu? | 11:30 |
csc` | i can play flac files in amarok afaik | 11:30 |
mannytu | !wpa | 11:30 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 11:30 |
pi3 | dariuskane: I think the same, it is a matter of time. IMO there should be easier apis and c++/gtk IDEs for people to develop any kind of software | 11:30 |
dga | well, it doesn't work out of the box at all :\ | 11:30 |
RadicalME | Creed: done? | 11:30 |
csc` | thats because my distro is rolling, ubuntu is not dga | 11:30 |
visof_ | how can i convert 3gp videos to any othe video extension with ffmpeg? | 11:31 |
RadicalME | !register | Creed | 11:31 |
ubotu | Creed: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 11:31 |
kornits | why the heck is there such poor documentation online | 11:31 |
=== Cryoniq [n=chatzill@me-104-110-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kornits | this is so dumb | 11:31 |
dariuskane | pi3, just have to pry the source cod of out companies that have dealt with microsfot their whole existence :) | 11:31 |
=== Rowan` [n=rowan@dsl-dhcp-205-007.kpunet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HighNo | fp_: np, its a two-liner: first line goes like "#!/bin/bash" and the second line is just "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" thats it | 11:31 |
Creed | RadicalME, trying to get a IRCop to give me Creed as my nick :) Last used was 2 years ago. | 11:31 |
visof_ | how can i convert 3gp videos to any othe video extension with ffmpeg? | 11:31 |
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csc` | dga: if you really want to try and get it working, grab the latest amarok & friends source and recompile | 11:31 |
RadicalME | kornits: what documentation? | 11:31 |
csc` | Creed: good luck | 11:31 |
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kornits | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix | 11:31 |
coral_ | fglrx(0): Virtual size is 2560x1024. why in the hell are fglrx telling my xserver that and HOW do i get rid of it. | 11:31 |
visof_ | how can i convert 3gp videos to any othe video extension with ffmpeg? | 11:31 |
elvirolo2 | hi all | 11:31 |
kornits | this one radicalME | 11:32 |
pi3 | dariuskane: yea, ATI don't you think there is something "hidden" there? | 11:32 |
kornits | it's horrible two commands so far dnt even work | 11:32 |
csc` | coral_: looks like you're trying to use an incompatible resolution | 11:32 |
SlimeyPete | coral_: sounds like you've ended up with a dual-monitor configuration | 11:32 |
magnetron | visof_: if you have trouble with using ffmpeg, use avidemux instead. avidemux is graphical, while ffmpeg is textbased | 11:32 |
HighNo | fp_: write both lines to a file named start_forward.sh and do a "chmod 755 start_forward.sh" afterwards. You can start it rightaway with ./start_forward.sh | 11:32 |
x-code | someone please help me | 11:32 |
x-code | ? | 11:32 |
coral_ | SlimeyPete: yeah, and i want it gone | 11:32 |
kornits | postconf -e 'smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject_unauth_destination' | 11:32 |
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coral_ | SlimeyPete: i never told it to do so | 11:32 |
dariuskane | pi3, Ive resorted to using the 3rd party omega ati driver for windows | 11:32 |
tapio | Could anyone please tell me why linux and wireless is such a hassle? Whats the root of allways having to struggle with it? | 11:32 |
elvirolo2 | a friend of mine would like to install kubuntu but his cd drive just passed out ... can he install it from his external harddrive ? | 11:32 |
coral_ | SlimeyPete: and i have wondered why my fluxbox didnt work | 11:32 |
csc` | coral_: RTFM and reconfigure X.Org | 11:32 |
SlimeyPete | coral_: remove the "Virtual" line from the Display subsection of /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:32 |
=== Marl [n=marl@ip72-197-143-224.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Templar | dariuskane starts logging in asks to match keyboard settings then connection shuts down or something | 11:32 |
HighNo | k | 11:32 |
RadicalME | kornits: what you wanna know then? | 11:32 |
grigora | how can I get my network manager to suppor wep in addition to wpa? | 11:32 |
T-Connect | This it? liblink-grammar4 >>> | 11:32 |
T-Connect | link-grammar can be used for linguistic parsing for information | 11:32 |
T-Connect | retrieval or extraction from natural language documents. It can also be | 11:32 |
T-Connect | used as a grammar checker. | 11:32 |
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HighNo | kornits: what's not working on that one? | 11:33 |
magnetron | x-code: keep your questions and answers on ONE line, please | 11:33 |
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T-Connect | Heh it didn't paste right. | 11:33 |
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dariuskane | Templar, shutsdown? the display does take a while to pop up.. alot to transfer and setup in the begning | 11:33 |
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T-Connect | Sorry about that. | 11:33 |
orudie | Creed, still locks when i type compiz --replace | 11:33 |
fp_ | HighNo: Cool, how would I call that on boot? Should I just put that as a pre-init line in the /etc/network/interfaces file? | 11:33 |
x-code | ok i will keep them on one line but may someone help me | 11:33 |
coral_ | csc`: I have gone trough my xorg.conf a lot of times and it isn't there, belive me | 11:33 |
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Creed | orudie, whats the model of your nVidia? | 11:33 |
kornits | postconf -e 'smtpd_recipient_restrictions = doesn't work... nor does permit_sasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject_unauth_destination' | 11:33 |
coral_ | SlimeyPete: I didn't found that :( | 11:34 |
dsalasan | ceau | 11:34 |
=== ax [n=alex@unyew.silverninja.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orudie | Creed, just tried that twice, locked up every time, however can go into configuration now | 11:34 |
ax | !alsa | 11:34 |
kornits | i did do the ' after the first command | 11:34 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 11:34 |
=== Rowan [n=rowan@229-67-74-65.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fp_ | HighNo: Oh, sorry, missed your second post. | 11:34 |
Roge | i cant get a burn to succed, i did put in a new drive after i installed ubuntu. would ubuntu automaticly setup the new drive or do i need to set it up ? | 11:34 |
kornits | now that looked like it work | 11:34 |
csc` | coral_: if you RTFM'ed youd know to reconfigure it with xorgconfig or some other configuration tool | 11:34 |
SlimeyPete | x-code: just ask your question and if we know the answer we will help | 11:34 |
orudie | Creed, EVGA nvidia 7600 GT | 11:34 |
kornits | but "permit_sasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject_unauth_destination' " does not work AT all | 11:34 |
ticnailer69 | what command can I use to see what type of cd drive I have? | 11:34 |
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HighNo | kornits: it really is one line | 11:34 |
coral_ | csc`: i have done it, already :) | 11:34 |
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coral_ | csc`: it still messes with me | 11:34 |
kilomang | compiz fusion somehow hides the window titles, how do i fix this? | 11:34 |
Templar | dariuskane connection with the remote sever was shut down i says | 11:34 |
coral_ | csc`: it isn't in the xorg. | 11:34 |
mannytu | ! postconf | 11:34 |
=== Cryoniq [n=chatzill@me-104-110-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HighNo | kornits: there is no line break between the two lines | 11:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about postconf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:34 |
csc` | coral_: then you selected the wrong resolution | 11:35 |
=== Wanderer [i=nomad@24-178-96-163.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Templar | dariuskane shud i log out on the pc that is the server | 11:35 |
anakao | did you try to uncheck the "vblank" case in gconf-editor? is it solve the freeze with 7300 Le nvidia graphic card? I mean with compiz-fusion | 11:35 |
dariuskane | Templar, logging out doesnt matter but you can if you want to | 11:35 |
kornits | HighNo how can one tell? | 11:35 |
jesse2134 | kilmoang, make sure you don't have windows decorations unchecked | 11:35 |
kornits | they all look like seperate commands to me | 11:35 |
HighNo | fp_: But I did not yet mention where to put it for booting. it takes a second, please wait | 11:35 |
coral_ | csc`: Seriously, no. Ive gone trough my logfile and it is fglrx that keeps telling it this virtual piece of thing. The xorg is so clean it could be | 11:35 |
Creed | orudie, let me look around and see if I can find anything to help you. A friend of mine had the same issue (and the same card) and we got it working, just dont remember how. | 11:35 |
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dariuskane | Templar, on the client one of the program is the NX session administrator... go through the wizard with that | 11:36 |
fp_ | HighNo: Sure thing, :) | 11:36 |
=== Evi [n=netdigge@dD57791BC.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
csc` | coral_: whats your max res | 11:36 |
dariuskane | Templar, it should set all the proper settings | 11:36 |
Templar | dariuskane the ubuntu loading splash screen is showing now and im in this time | 11:36 |
kilomang | jesus | 11:36 |
HighNo | kornits: all the commands in that area seem to start with "postconf -e " because that is postfix's command to change config settings. | 11:36 |
kilomang | i cant see any titles | 11:36 |
coral_ | csc`: 1280x1024. | 11:36 |
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ax | so, i've moved a pci card to a pci-x slot as wikipedia claims that i can do that.. but now it isn't recognized [it is a delta1010 soundcard] , advice? | 11:36 |
csc` | coral_: how much video memory | 11:36 |
kornits | oh is it? | 11:36 |
coral_ | csc`: 256 mb. | 11:36 |
yeniklasorr | how to check how many cpu is using ? | 11:36 |
csc` | coral_: then you might be in luck, hold on a second | 11:36 |
orudie | Creed, thanx, just to tell you I have installed the latest Nvidia Driver by using Envy script, it automatically downloaded and configured X | 11:36 |
kornits | to bad the tutorial leaves those big details out | 11:36 |
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kilomang | jesse2134, that was it, thanks buddy | 11:37 |
dariuskane | Templar, cool... btw do you still have the vnc package installed on the server? it might be part of the confusion in connecting | 11:37 |
=== petya [n=petya@ppp91-76-69-226.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Templar | ah ya | 11:37 |
prabs | exit | 11:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | ax: Where in wikipedia does it say you can use a pci card in a pci-e slot ? | 11:37 |
HighNo | kornits: after the -e there is the setting put in single quotes (that is ' ) one before and one after the whole setting. The settings format is always variable_name = value1,value2 | 11:37 |
Templar | got cut off there again | 11:37 |
coral_ | csc`: i hold on, yes. | 11:37 |
dariuskane | Templar, its safe to remove vnc then just to make sure its not tripping over the nxserver | 11:37 |
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kornits | i see | 11:38 |
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ax | Jack_Sparrow: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCI-X "PCI and PCI-X cards can be intermixed on a PCI-X bus, but the speed will be limited to the speed of the slowest card" | 11:38 |
dcestari | Hi! | 11:38 |
Otacon22 | how can i change the time from shell? | 11:38 |
ward_ | dariuskane, i just finished reinstalling and if i boot i get my old desktop with my old files :s :s :s :s :s | 11:38 |
dcestari | How can I upgrade Edgy to Festy without using the CD? | 11:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | ax: thanks.. will check it out | 11:38 |
dariuskane | ward_, awesome | 11:38 |
ward_ | any way i can make sure the old crap is gone? | 11:38 |
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petya | date -s 10:00 | 11:39 |
ward_ | dariuskane, i thought you would remember me | 11:39 |
dariuskane | ward_, get rid of what exactly | 11:39 |
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Ajzzz | fresh ubuntu 7.04 install freezes seconds after login, a few minutes if I select failsafe terminal, tried bootoptions: noacpi noapic nolapic irqpoll noapm, vesa and fglrx drivers, any ideas? | 11:39 |
magnetron | ax, Jack_Sparrow: wikipedia is not a good source in itself, unless you check the sources of the wikipedia article | 11:39 |
ax | true | 11:39 |
ward_ | dariuskane, i'm the one with the keyboard tht refuses to work after login | 11:39 |
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip24-255-126-187.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dariuskane | ward_, ya I remember | 11:39 |
=== atrus [n=atrus@d199-126-255-144.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HighNo | fp_: if the script works you can move it to /etc/rc2.d and rename it to S99start_forward.sh with a command like "mv start_forward.sh /etc/rc2.d/S99start_forward.sh" | 11:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | ax: Thanks.. just wanted to verify pci-e and pci-x are not confused... they are different | 11:40 |
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ward_ | dariuskane, so if i format the ubuntu partition , is grub still gonna work? | 11:40 |
ticnailer69 | how could I check to see what type of cd burner I have in my machine? | 11:40 |
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ticnailer69 | I have ubuntu | 11:40 |
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ax | Jack_Sparrow: yeah, it is pci-x, not -e | 11:40 |
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dariuskane | ward_, grub is normally installed in the MBR so yes | 11:40 |
csc` | nevermind coral_, i cant find my old ati configuration | 11:40 |
coral_ | csc`: ah ok. | 11:40 |
atrus | just purchased a set of USB speakers (speakers with a built-in USB sound card). they work out-of-the-box with no drivers in windows xp, but in ubuntu i can't turn the volume lower than maximum, which is not especially useful. Any suggestions? | 11:40 |
HighNo | dariuskane: attention - grub > mbr | 11:40 |
ward_ | dariuskane, ok thanx then worst case i'll delete the partition in "my other OS" :p | 11:41 |
=== Roge [n=roger@CPE001731f71133-CM001225db9aa0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Creed | Anyone here have experience with OpenVPN? | 11:41 |
coral_ | csc`: Do you know where fglrx places it's own configurationfile? | 11:41 |
ax | the real problem is not this, it is that for some reason my graphics card isn't detected [lspci or the nvidia driver] when i plug it into my 2nd pci-e x16 slot | 11:41 |
petya | ticnailer69: lspci | grep -i cd | 11:41 |
fp_ | HighNo: Cool thanks, I'm going to try that, brb | 11:41 |
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coral_ | csc`: i had the idea of editing that instead | 11:41 |
HighNo | ward_: is your /boot/grub/menu.lst file on that partition? | 11:41 |
ticnailer69 | thanks | 11:41 |
csc` | coral_: /etc/X11/xorg.conf usually | 11:41 |
chris12349 | I'm running Feisty and my /proc/fan and thermal_zone are empty. I assume the kernel modules are not running, will modprobe fan and modprobe thermal allow me to view my fan speed and thermal? (running intel core duo2) | 11:41 |
HighNo | fp_: np | 11:41 |
ax | but, i was trying to get around that by seeing if pci could plug into pci-x | 11:41 |
ward_ | HighNo, let me check | 11:41 |
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coral_ | csc`: ok, the nasty thing is that there seems to be another config. | 11:42 |
kilomang | why is compiz 11ty times slower than beryl? | 11:42 |
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ward_ | HighNo, i'll first try one more time to just reinstall it like i allways did, should it not work i'll look for the file | 11:42 |
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orudie | Creed, any luck? | 11:42 |
magnetron | kilomang: IS IT? | 11:42 |
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kilomang | magnetron, yes. | 11:42 |
kilomang | and the zoom sucks | 11:43 |
ticnailer69 | I guess there is no driver b/c its not detecting anything and i have no error message....hmmm | 11:43 |
=== utka [n=utka@5ac8361f.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HighNo | ward_: ok, if you reinstall that file should be reinstalled to anyway so that won't break your neck :-) | 11:43 |
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Creed | orudie, not yet :( I remember I used something besides compiz --replace to initialize it. Any reason you want CFusion rather than just Beryl? | 11:43 |
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ward_ | HighNo, so why did you ask for that file then? i don't understand i think | 11:44 |
magnetron | we provide support here... we don't try to explain WHY stuff happen. anyway, most people experience speedups when switchin to compiz from beryl | 11:44 |
=== juan_ [n=juan@host135.201-252-94.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ticnailer69 | LOL | 11:44 |
ticnailer69 | all I have is cd rom | 11:44 |
anakao | what is the ch for 3d effects and multimedia? | 11:44 |
ticnailer69 | sorry for the aolbonics | 11:44 |
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PriceChild | anakao, #ubuntu-effects for effects, here is good for multimedia | 11:45 |
orudie | Creed, beryl is discontinued, and i hear compiz is much better, i really like the configuration options of compiz | 11:45 |
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phenom | compiz is sick right now.. | 11:45 |
orudie | Creed, to bad i cant get a grasp of what they are look like | 11:45 |
Creed | orudie, beryl may be discontinued but its stable heh Cant say the same for CFusion. Ill keep looking though. | 11:45 |
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HighNo | ward_: i came into discussion late so I missed the beginning. if it was just for wiping that partition your grub would not work any longer - and you could not boot a still existing windows e.g. (because grub couldn't find the menu file and not even parts of itself as grub is split into many parts which reside in /boot/grub) | 11:45 |
magnetron | sick, phenom? any bugs i don't know about? | 11:45 |
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phenom | Had a slew of recent updates, some wont install for me. | 11:45 |
phenom | I'm 1 step from removing compiz. | 11:46 |
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orudie | Creed, why do i have the compiz core update in the update manager? | 11:46 |
phenom | Well, I know one personally :P | 11:46 |
magnetron | did you file a bug report, phenom? | 11:46 |
=== nathan__ [n=n@c-24-118-61-66.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grigora | i have a 04:02.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection (rev 05), i have wpa-supplicant installed, but my Network Manager still does not give an option to configure my wireless interface via WPA? Any ideas what might be the problem? | 11:46 |
coral_ | csc`: I did xrandr -s 1 now, and my fluxbox is working yes. The resolution there is set at 2560 as standard, even if that resolution isn't existing in my xorg. D | 11:46 |
orudie | Creed, i shouldn't update should i? | 11:46 |
=== danielm [n=danielm_@unaffiliated/danielm] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ward_ | HighNo, so basically i can delete that file as long as i do a reinstall? | 11:46 |
ward_ | i think i know what u mean :-) | 11:46 |
magnetron | grigora: are you using ndiswrapper? | 11:46 |
HighNo | ward_: all I heard then was "if I wipe that partition, will grub still work" and then the answer would be no | 11:47 |
Creed | orudie, the version you got from the launchpad repo differes from the same file available in another repo that the Update Manager is finding. You can try updating but I believe the launchpad repo has a more recent version. | 11:47 |
petya | boring | 11:47 |
orudie | Creed, i would rather stick with what i have now | 11:47 |
=== xIke [n=xike@24-158-124-25.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orudie | Creed, can you please look up the problem | 11:47 |
=== brotherJohn1234 [n=xpadmin@p5483DF7B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orudie | Creed, are you saying someone else had the same problem with the same card? | 11:47 |
orudie | Creed, please man | 11:48 |
ward_ | HighNo, so if i go to windows right now, and delete the whole ubuntu partition, i'm unable to boot untill i reinstall ubuntu? | 11:48 |
HighNo | ward_: yes, because the whole grub will be reinstalled in a functional way. If you didn't change that file by hand you're not losing anything. the installation should find a preinstalled windows and put it into the menu - if there was one | 11:48 |
grigora | magnetron: not that i know of ... | 11:48 |
HighNo | ward_: yes, thats the point | 11:48 |
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Creed | orudie, yeah a friend of mine who i got into using ubuntu has the same card as you and he had hte issues as well, trying to find out chat history so i can see how we fixed it. | 11:48 |
=== fabio_ [n=fabio@host14-225-dynamic.54-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xIke | hey guys- no video, what's the command to run to redo your gconf prefs? | 11:48 |
ward_ | HighNo, ok thanx :-) good to know because there's no other way atm | 11:48 |
ward_ | i allways have issues with the annoying drive manager in ubuntu | 11:48 |
phenom | Not, I did not file a bug report, When you enable the scale option with the top-right corner option enabledl then send mouse to right corner to activate scalel If you click on the desktop (and it minimizes everything likes it's supposed to) then you will not be able to move any windows. | 11:48 |
orudie | Creed, ok | 11:48 |
=== professor [n=professo@oh-76-5-249-214.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HighNo | ward_: you would have to install a dos mbr which overwrites the mbr with the grub part | 11:48 |
phenom | My system has crashed trying to figure that out. | 11:49 |
ward_ | HighNo, no i'll reinstall right after i delete the partition :) | 11:49 |
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HighNo | ward_: you play on the safe side :-) [without windows its always more safe :-)] | 11:49 |
magnetron | grigora: not all cards have drivers that are in good enough shape to support WPA. WPA and WPA2 is partially software in the driver, and if the driver doesn't have good enough WPA support ubuntu will not allow you to enable it | 11:50 |
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phenom | Oh and on a fresh install of compiz, it made my screensaver login dialog opaque!, you could see through it :P | 11:50 |
ward_ | HighNo, i cant use ubuntu for the stuff i do with windows | 11:50 |
orudie | Creed, maybe i should change something in the ccsm configurations? | 11:50 |
dariuskane | Alright wish me luck!!! Ive installd gusty and Im going to attempted to reboot with 2 encrypted HDDs with a LV group and 5 logical partitons including my root partition :) hehe | 11:50 |
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grigora | does anyone know why it's only possible to connect to a wireless access point using the HEX key, but not the ASCII key? I simple don't understand the difference between the 2. Could someone please explain. TIA | 11:50 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | one's hex, one's ascii | 11:51 |
Creed | lol | 11:51 |
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orudie | Creed, or maybe the resolution? | 11:51 |
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Creed | orudie, go ahead and mess with anything you want lol Cant really screw it up any more. | 11:51 |
HighNo | ward_: then you do the wrong stuff :-) just kidding and my share of the usual ms bashing | 11:51 |
grigora | magnetron: well, my card is an Intel card and is supported, I just don't understand how wpa_supplicant is supposed to play with Network Manager | 11:51 |
=== banditti [n=banditti@65-122-15-162.dia.static.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Daisuke_Laptop | they aren't the same thing. hex is 16 possible characters, 0-F, while ascii is, to my knowledge, 128 possible characters | 11:51 |
grigora | Daisuke_Laptop: well, why are there 2 options? | 11:52 |
Creed | orudie, cant be the resolution...Maybe someone else knows a fix? I cant seem to find anything else :( | 11:52 |
GIn | hi, any tool that can also search pdf documents for keywords? | 11:52 |
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grigora | Daisuke_Laptop: dude, I know the difference between ascii and hex | 11:52 |
magnetron | grigora: networkmanager automatically use wpa_supplicant to connect to networks | 11:52 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | grigora: because there are two types of WEP keys | 11:52 |
grigora | magnetron: so how come mine isn't using it? | 11:52 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | actually more than that | 11:52 |
xIke | what's the name of the ugly blue shell app that you can run to configure video and keyboard? | 11:52 |
HighNo | Daisuke_Laptop: hehe - right, working ones and not working ones :-) | 11:52 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | xIke: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? | 11:53 |
magnetron | grigora: your driver? i'm just guessing, but i know some other wifi cards have that behaviour | 11:53 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | well... dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 11:53 |
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grigora | Daisuke_Laptop: i don't know anyone who types in hex keys into their access point, so where do hex keys come into play? | 11:53 |
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xIke | Daisuke_Laptop: thanks | 11:53 |
orudie | Creed, are you sure? | 11:53 |
grigora | magnetron: my card is supported by wpa_supplicant | 11:53 |
=== Tigran_ [n=chatzill@netblock-66-245-212-208.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orudie | Creed, maybe you know someone who is good at this? | 11:54 |
professor | How do you get he broadcom wireless cards to work | 11:54 |
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Tigran_ | dariuskane: didnt work =/ | 11:54 |
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grigora | magnetron: from wpa_supplicant man page - ipw Intel ipw2100/2200 driver. | 11:54 |
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magnetron | grigora: ok, then i don't know | 11:54 |
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Creed | orudie, Im pretty new to this channel, dont know anyone here :( Ill call up my friend when shes off work to see how we fixed it on hers. | 11:55 |
Daisuke_Laptop | grigora: if it's entirely numeric, it is potentially hex | 11:55 |
Daisuke_Laptop | mine is. | 11:55 |
=== Midnight_Abuse [n=janeth@pool-71-98-99-76.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Midnight_Abuse | Alright. | 11:55 |
Ajzzz | fresh ubuntu 7.04 install freezes seconds after login, a few minutes if I select failsafe terminal, can boot into recovery mode, tried bootoptions: noacpi noapic nolapic irqpoll noapm, vesa and fglrx drivers, any ideas? | 11:55 |
orudie | Creed, ok thanx, if anything my sn on aim is orudie | 11:55 |
=== benanz2 [n=benw@71-35-168-208.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Creed | orudie, alright, Ill let you know. | 11:55 |
benanz2 | how do I switch to text mode during Ubuntu boot up? | 11:56 |
grigora | Daisuke_Laptop: what I am saying is that this Sonicwall firewall, access point let's you set an ascii key, but I can't connect to it using that key, while my friend can (from WIndose), so I am just trying to figure out why I can't use the ascii key | 11:56 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ahh | 11:56 |
=== Midnight_Abuse [n=janeth@pool-71-98-99-76.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TSWoodV | I'm seeing a race condition with NetworkManager and an Atheros PCI card. If I restart dbus and then ifdown ath0 and ifup ath0 at the right time, I can get connected. If I let the normal process at login do its thing, no network. | 11:56 |
=== ninix [n=s0nix@modemcable052.179-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Creed | benanz2, ALT+F2 should switch you to tty0 (or 1..I forget) | 11:57 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | that's simple. it is hardware birthed from the fiery pit itself and cannot be trusted. (in other words, i have no idea) | 11:57 |
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Midnight_Abuse | Hah. | 11:57 |
ninix | hi, i just installed my new nvidia card. and installed nvidia-glx-new ....... but i got a problem: all font are unreadable. | 11:57 |
Midnight_Abuse | I have Ubuntu and I want to make it look pretty. | 11:57 |
benanz2 | will that show the text messages during boot so I can see what's going on instead of watching the Ubuntu usplash? | 11:58 |
gamo_ | hello...? | 11:58 |
GIn | any one using google desktop search? | 11:58 |
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GIn | how do you start it? | 11:58 |
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Midnight_Abuse | Oh this is esp for Ubuntu users durr. | 11:58 |
YouKnowMe | gamo_ Hello! | 11:58 |
TSWoodV | professor: Look at bcm43xx_fwcutter. | 11:58 |
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professor | tried that | 11:58 |
salah | How I do change back to icon view on the application preferences? All my applications is showing menus as text and not icons. | 11:59 |
TSWoodV | professor: What's happening? | 11:59 |
csc` | someone say bcm43xx? | 11:59 |
YouKnowMe | GIn, I forget exacly but you type something in the terminal | 11:59 |
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YouKnowMe | GIn, I'll check for you | 11:59 |
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GIn | YouKnowMe, already found out | 11:59 |
Creed | Anyone here have experience with OpenVPN (bridged)? | 11:59 |
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YouKnowMe | gin, oh cool what was it? | 11:59 |
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GIn | YouKnowMe, gdlinux | 12:00 |
professor | im on vista right now, I had it saying in network conections, wireless connections, but when I tried to get it to work, with a walk through it took off all that and now nolonger says that | 12:00 |
Creed | Or know of a App to play games that do not support Internet play/direct IP connection (LAN only, UDP broadcast packets) | 12:00 |
=== RaV|Strangler [n=yourplah@pool-71-246-71-23.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hou5ton | There is a program called SnagIt that I have used when on Windows, and it is really nice. Does anyone know of a linux program with similar capabilities? http://www.techsmith.com/screen-capture.asp | 12:00 |
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kornits | !pastebin | 12:00 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:00 |
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kornits | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34573/ | 12:01 |
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kornits | so i got that errror message how can I fix that? | 12:01 |
salah | hou5ton, search for remote desktop | 12:01 |
kornits | i believe that is a postix thing, but which file is it in? | 12:01 |
HighNo | salah: go to system, settings, menu and ... | 12:01 |
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wotanist | If I cancel downloading pages from the Add/Remove applications, how do I clean up the incomplete files it downloaded? | 12:01 |
wotanist | *packages | 12:01 |
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salah | HighNo, thanks | 12:02 |
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