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nooseisloose | I just upgraded to gutsy, and now gtkterm reads in what looks like garbage from a serial connection. this is a serial connection-config that I have used many times. I suspect some unicode treachery, has anyone had similar? | 01:17 |
pvandewyngaerde | not me | 01:18 |
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Sayers | so why don't sounds work in Pidgin on Xubuntu? | 02:14 |
nooseisloose | Sayers I am running Pidgin, and my sound works | 02:14 |
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Sayers | nooseisloose: not here, but sound works over all | 02:15 |
Instabin | In update manager i have distribution updates... How do I install them? | 02:15 |
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Instabin | It wont let me put a check in the box | 02:15 |
xtknight | Instabin, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ? | 02:15 |
Instabin | humm not sure if its working right | 02:16 |
Instabin | nope didnt work | 02:17 |
xtknight | then you have no update | 02:17 |
xtknight | if some say "held back" then i think that's because they're broken and dont want people to install them yet | 02:18 |
Instabin | I'll try rebooting | 02:19 |
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Instabin | Nope still cant get them.. its a new kernel headers, modules, and restricted modules | 02:23 |
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Instabin | Maybe they are updating the nvidia-glx-new to 100.14.11 | 02:24 |
ggilbert | They did this morning | 02:25 |
ggilbert | or last night | 02:25 |
Instabin | I didnt get that update... | 02:25 |
ggilbert | maybe it needs to propagate to the actual archive first | 02:25 |
ggilbert | one sec | 02:26 |
Instabin | Where can i check that? | 02:26 |
Instabin | right now mines at 1.0.9755+ and it says its the latest | 02:26 |
ggilbert | i386 or amd64? | 02:28 |
Instabin | i386 | 02:28 |
Instabin | well the generic kenel | 02:28 |
ggilbert | looks like a bug :) | 02:29 |
Instabin | oh great... a bug in what? | 02:29 |
Instabin | the package management system or the repository? | 02:30 |
ggilbert | Instabin, try dmesg | grep nvidia | 02:30 |
Instabin | [ 42.341444] nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel. | 02:31 |
ggilbert | hmmm, try dmest | grep -i nvidia | 02:31 |
ggilbert | dmesg | 02:31 |
Instabin | loaded kernel module 1.0-9755 | 02:32 |
=== ggilbert downloads the source and looks | ||
ggilbert | oh, different version | 02:34 |
Instabin | [ 42.655684] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module 1.0-9755 Mon Feb 26 23:21:15 PST 2007 | 02:35 |
ggilbert | looks like you just need to wait a day or two | 02:35 |
ggilbert | or download the source for linux-restricted-modules and rebuild it | 02:35 |
Instabin | Where can i check the status of it in the repo | 02:35 |
ggilbert | 9.8 is the only one built so far, but the source was uploaded for 10.1 | 02:36 |
Instabin | Im seeing linux headers to but I dont even have the fist version | 02:37 |
ggilbert | I don't imagine it'll take too long to build | 02:37 |
Instabin | I have | 02:37 |
ggilbert | Yeah, 10.1 is where the new driver is | 02:38 |
Instabin | is there a status page i can look at to check the build? | 02:38 |
ggilbert | I don't know | 02:38 |
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ggilbert | I'm just looking at what files have appeared on archive.ubuntu.com | 02:39 |
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Instabin | ggilbert where are the sources | 02:41 |
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martalli | If apt-get and aptitude offer different solutions for upgrading gutsy, should I just go with apt-get? | 02:53 |
martalli | I am beginning to suspect aptitude. Currently, apt-get mentions the new linux packages for 2.6.22-9, but does not offer to install them. Aptitude helpfully offers that they are broken, then suggests http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34592/ - I take it I ought to forget about aptitude and just stick with apt-get? | 02:54 |
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flaccid | anybody got cisco vpn client going on gutsy? | 03:03 |
flaccid | bbs | 03:05 |
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Arwen | ...why is linux-meta at 2.6.22-10 when linux is at 2.6.22-9 | 03:06 |
martalli | Arwen: I don't know...but maybe that is why apt-get refuses to install 2.6.22-9 for me (and aptitude calls it a broken package) | 03:09 |
Arwen | yeah, means that someone's still compiling the real kernel and decided that poisoning the repository with broken metapackages would be a good idea | 03:10 |
martalli | lol | 03:10 |
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martalli | better than restarting into the cli when I am reading digg tonight | 03:11 |
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philip_ | beryl in Gutsy screws up the titlebar again :( | 03:27 |
Arwen | beryl is dead software... | 03:27 |
nosrednaekim | use compiz... its way better | 03:28 |
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teethdood | I've always thought beryl was better | 03:32 |
teethdood | anyways, compiz fails to render the titlebar also | 03:32 |
h1st0 | compiz fusion is where its at brother | 03:32 |
nosrednaekim | teethdood: get emerald. | 03:32 |
h1st0 | well yeah compiz fusion and emerald | 03:33 |
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nosrednaekim | teethdood: an then run "emerald --replace" and you'll have your title bar. | 03:33 |
teethdood | nosrednaekim, emerald --replace did nothing :( | 03:34 |
teethdood | I'll try compiz fusion | 03:34 |
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Arwen | it didn't do nothing. It must have done *something* | 03:34 |
nosrednaekim | teethdood: you have to install emerald ya know as well as compiz fusion | 03:35 |
teethdood | I thought you meant with beryl...beryl and emerald | 03:35 |
teethdood | anyway yeah I know I'm installing compiz fusion now brb | 03:35 |
teethdood | one good thing is that video files play nice in beryl et al now | 03:36 |
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teethdood | I can't find compiz fusion in the repos | 03:40 |
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teethdood | is it the same as the compiz packages? | 03:41 |
Amaranth | yes | 03:42 |
Amaranth | if you install compiz it also installs the compiz-fusion addons | 03:42 |
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teethdood | thanks :) | 03:43 |
teethdood | so I have compiz (fusion) installed and running with emerald, "emerald --replace" does nothing in the console :( | 03:43 |
nosrednaekim | teethdood: how do you know compiz is running? | 03:45 |
teethdood | nosrednaekim, I switched to it using beryl-manager | 03:45 |
Arwen | hmm, when I run compiz, I get massive desktop corruption | 03:45 |
Arwen | teethdood, don't do that, it doesn't work | 03:45 |
nosrednaekim | teethdood: that doesn't work | 03:45 |
teethdood | ah sorry | 03:45 |
nosrednaekim | teethdood: run "compiz --replace" from the command line | 03:46 |
teethdood | compiz --replace executed successfully, but emerald --replace still does nothing | 03:47 |
Arwen | http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/4513/screenshothp2.png <-- lol @ compiz failure | 03:48 |
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Arwen | teethdood, look, it can't "do nothing". It has to do *something* and unless you tell us what that is, we're unlikely to be able to help you. | 03:48 |
teethdood | Arwen, after I hit enter on the command, it does literally nothing for 10-15 seconds and the command line reappears | 03:52 |
Arwen | hmm | 03:52 |
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kingrayray | quick issue with desktop effects, ive fixed it before but i cant recall the solution | 03:56 |
kingrayray | /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Warn: No GLXFBConfig for depth 32 | 03:56 |
kingrayray | something in xorg.conf right? | 03:56 |
Arwen | yeah, change your default depth to 24 instead of 32 | 03:56 |
Arwen | don't quite remember how it's done though | 03:57 |
kingrayray | well according to xorg.conf my default depth is 24 | 03:57 |
kingrayray | hmm | 03:57 |
Arwen | http://knowledge76.com/index.php/XGL/Compiz_Nvidia_32bit#.22I_can.27t_get_titlebars_to_show_or_themes_to_change.22 <-- dunno, this is the textbook response | 03:59 |
kingrayray | yeah my xorg.conf is fine | 04:00 |
kingrayray | apparently | 04:00 |
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kingrayray | i just had to add the addargbglxvisuals thing | 04:03 |
kingrayray | fixed now | 04:03 |
Arwen | there we go, that's what I forgot | 04:04 |
kingrayray | yeah thats what i had to do last time i just couldn't remmeber what it was | 04:04 |
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zeeble | heya.. how do i install acroread in gibbon? it used to be in multiverse earlier | 04:43 |
Kousotu | zeeble: you can' "install" acrobat on it | 04:43 |
zeeble | as in? | 04:43 |
zeeble | from tgz? | 04:43 |
Kousotu | but search symantic for PDF | 04:43 |
Kousotu | thereare plentf of them in Gutsy | 04:44 |
zeeble | yeah, i installed xpdf | 04:44 |
Kousotu | ah.. | 04:44 |
Kousotu | I got lke 4 lol | 04:44 |
Kousotu | what do you ed Acrobat? | 04:44 |
zeeble | but i've this doc that works with acrobat.... as it uses some pdf form stuff | 04:44 |
zeeble | not a doc, but a .pdf | 04:44 |
Kousotu | and xpdf doesnt open it? | 04:45 |
zeeble | it does, but it isnt editable. there are fields there, where i should be able to put in data, and at the end, it generates a pdf i can print and file taxes with | 04:45 |
Kousotu | ah.... | 04:46 |
zeeble | maybe i'll download the version from adobe's site and see if it installs properly | 04:46 |
Kousotu | it should | 04:46 |
Kousotu | leme go se about that on my Fedora wirtual machine | 04:46 |
zeeble | another thing as well... how do i install the w32codecs? | 04:46 |
zeeble | i dont get it either.. from multiverse.. | 04:47 |
Kousotu | w32codecs? | 04:47 |
zeeble | yeah | 04:47 |
Kousotu | what are those for? | 04:47 |
zeeble | codecs for multimedia files encoded with windows only compression | 04:47 |
Kousotu | a... | 04:47 |
Kousotu | ah* | 04:47 |
Kousotu | wmvs? | 04:47 |
zeeble | and such like. yes. | 04:47 |
Kousotu | or the like | 04:47 |
Kousotu | gotcha | 04:48 |
Kousotu | um... | 04:48 |
Kousotu | sec | 04:48 |
zeeble | used to get it from debian-multimedia earlier, then it came into multiverse.. | 04:48 |
zeeble | sure | 04:48 |
zeeble | loads of time | 04:48 |
Kousotu | lol | 04:48 |
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zeeble | i like the nicks here | 04:48 |
Kousotu | I have a fedora core running emulated atm | 04:48 |
atomicpotato | gah, the image viewer now has that obnoxious toolbar in fullscreen mode | 04:48 |
atomicpotato | how do I make it disappear? | 04:48 |
zeeble | what image viewer? | 04:48 |
zeeble | i use feh.. it has no toolbars | 04:49 |
atomicpotato | default one :-\ | 04:49 |
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atomicpotato | never bothered getting another one | 04:49 |
zeeble | let me checkc | 04:49 |
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zeeble | i see what you mean | 04:50 |
zeeble | dunno about that.. howto remove it i mean | 04:51 |
zeeble | you could use feh though. install feh, then cd to the directory and say feh *.jpg | 04:51 |
atomicpotato | yeah, now I have to find another GTK image viewer | 04:51 |
atomicpotato | bah, feh is ugly | 04:51 |
zeeble | well, then apt-get install pornview | 04:51 |
ameyer | umm, I think that program needs to be renamed... | 04:52 |
atomicpotato | lol | 04:52 |
zeeble | :) | 04:52 |
ameyer | I almost !ohmy'd | 04:52 |
zeeble | whatever happened to fspot? doesnt it have a full screen mode? | 04:53 |
atomicpotato | huh, I can just use gthumb instead | 04:53 |
atomicpotato | w00t | 04:53 |
atomicpotato | I don't like f-spot | 04:53 |
zeeble | i dont see how they didnt go forward by one alphabet and didnt call it g-spot | 04:53 |
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atomicpotato | lol | 04:54 |
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Kousotu | !language | zeeble | 04:56 |
zeeble | o.o :\ | 04:57 |
ameyer | that's not that bad | 04:57 |
Kousotu | lol | 04:58 |
ameyer | I mean, it is GTK, isn't it? | 04:58 |
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Kousotu | zeeble: I have the link, just a sec | 04:58 |
ameyer | and don't most gtk programs start with g? | 04:58 |
zeeble | Kousotu: ok | 04:58 |
zeeble | maybe it was written by some puritan developer | 04:58 |
ameyer | or at least many? | 04:58 |
Kousotu | linux.com/articles/60715 | 04:59 |
zeeble | thanks. | 04:59 |
Kousotu | no prob | 04:59 |
ameyer | zeeble: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F_stop | 05:00 |
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Kousotu | I didn't know you COULD edit pdf, even in windows | 05:00 |
Kousotu | lol | 05:00 |
zeeble | f stop sounds like a camera thing | 05:00 |
ameyer | zeeble: indeed | 05:01 |
ameyer | it is | 05:01 |
zeeble | well, then i know what it is.. /me contributes stuff to a newspaper at times :) | 05:01 |
zeeble | and my salary goes into buying lenses :( | 05:01 |
ameyer | I suspect that's why it's fspot | 05:02 |
zeeble | ah, ok | 05:02 |
Kousotu | lol | 05:02 |
ameyer | and Acrobat can edit pdfs in windoze | 05:02 |
Kousotu | ameyer: I never knew that lol | 05:03 |
zeeble | i'll tell you what this acrobat file does.. it has forms, where you put in your details, general details, tax details, and then it can generate a print ready file, and even an XML file you can upload | 05:03 |
ameyer | not the free reader, the $$$ software | 05:04 |
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Kousotu | ameyer: I downloaded that once | 05:04 |
zeeble | oh cool. found mrxvt in the repository. so much better than gnome-terminal | 05:04 |
Kousotu | lol | 05:05 |
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zeeble | anyone recommend some good clen fonts? for general use, and in the console.. something like lucida grande, etc? | 05:08 |
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Kousotu | I use ugly fonts | 05:12 |
Kousotu | lol | 05:12 |
zeeble | hm | 05:13 |
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zeeble | that's one of the first things i do.. change the fonts, etc | 05:14 |
Kousotu | I do too | 05:15 |
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Kousotu | to ugly ones | 05:15 |
Kousotu | lol | 05:15 |
se7en^Of^9 | y | 05:15 |
zeeble | you a jeri ryan fan? | 05:16 |
Dannilion | have there been any other Seven of Nines that no-one told me about? :p | 05:17 |
zeeble | :p | 05:18 |
Dannilion | yay! finally got compiz-fusion to work! | 05:23 |
zeeble | my laptop doesnt support any of that stuff | 05:24 |
Kousotu | lol | 05:24 |
Kousotu | sux to be you? | 05:25 |
zeeble | i guess. | 05:25 |
Dannilion | now I have it working on my desktop, I can get it working on my laptop | 05:25 |
=== Dannilion grumbles about missing emerald-themes package in gutsy | ||
zeeble | does it need any open gl support video card or something? | 05:25 |
Dannilion | yes | 05:26 |
Hobbsee | does emerald actually work with compiz fusion, though? | 05:26 |
Dannilion | works fine | 05:26 |
zeeble | mine uses intel 915 chipset.. with 128mb shared vram | 05:26 |
Dannilion | once the themes are installed | 05:26 |
zeeble | not for me then. | 05:26 |
Dannilion | zeeble- so does my laptop- it should work | 05:26 |
Kousotu | intel 950 | 05:26 |
zeeble | Dannilion: yeah? where's some instructions? | 05:26 |
Kousotu | lol | 05:27 |
zeeble | mine is 915. it doesnt support 3d/opengl | 05:27 |
Dannilion | that's a hard one :p | 05:27 |
zeeble | the 950 is what the macbooks come with.. they do all that. | 05:27 |
Dannilion | mine's 945 | 05:28 |
Dannilion | apparently | 05:28 |
zeeble | yeah. that should run all of it then. | 05:28 |
zeeble | why do you think i havent touched any of the compiz stuff :\ | 05:28 |
Dannilion | awww | 05:28 |
roe | anyone wanna give me a hand diagnosing why my nfs share won't mount on gutsy? it returns: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock | 05:30 |
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flaccid | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 05:54 |
flaccid | linux-headers-generic: Depends: linux-headers-2.6.22-10-generic but it is not installable | 05:54 |
Solarion | yeah, I get that too | 05:54 |
flaccid | fun | 05:55 |
flaccid | do they usually update repos without the packages there | 05:55 |
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Kousotu | I have some updates pop up, but they're greyed out | 06:07 |
Kousotu | anyone know why? | 06:08 |
zeeble | greyed out where? | 06:09 |
Kousotu | on the updte list | 06:09 |
Kousotu | great.. | 06:09 |
Kousotu | not I got other isues.. | 06:09 |
Kousotu | now* | 06:09 |
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Kousotu | <Kousotu> anyone know how to disable a touchpad on a laptop? | 06:14 |
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Linksys | Hi, is anyone able to help me with my Desktop effects?? | 06:39 |
=== Ubulindy [n=Ubulindy@113-163.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Ubulindy | Im using Tribe 4, and I need the command to get the audio codecs for divx, mpeg, and vcd's | 06:41 |
Ubulindy | ran synaptic, and it said to put in the alpha cd | 06:41 |
Ubulindy | VLC, and Totem work great, got the unrar, for the file roller, but no audio | 06:42 |
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zeeble | type aumix and see if your speaker volume is turned up | 06:42 |
Ubulindy | it is, I have system sounds, just no audio for DVD's divx, ect | 06:43 |
zeeble | weird | 06:44 |
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Ubulindy | yes, and now all of a sudden, even the system sounds are very low | 06:44 |
Ubulindy | barely audible | 06:44 |
zeeble | where did you get the codecs for divx, etc? | 06:44 |
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Ubulindy | when I got the file roller working, it brought up totem, and then I got a dialogue box, saying it would do a further search for the codecs, so, Im not sure where it reterived them | 06:45 |
Ubulindy | they were no in synaptic, like I said, and it asked for the alpha cd | 06:46 |
zeeble | what's file roller? | 06:46 |
Ubulindy | archive mangr | 06:46 |
zeeble | how did file roller install all that? | 06:46 |
Ubulindy | I did sudo apt-get unrar | 06:46 |
Ubulindy | I have no idea, but it did | 06:46 |
Ubulindy | as soon as I got the unrar, the file roller did the rest | 06:46 |
Ubulindy | just like it used to in Dapper 6.06 | 06:47 |
Ubulindy | there is simply no audio to play a divx thru totem, or vlc, and no way I can tell to get them | 06:48 |
Ubulindy | any ideas? | 06:49 |
=== Dougie [n=Dougie@pool-71-240-28-61.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Ubulindy | zeeble, can you think of anything that I can do? | 06:49 |
Dougie | I'm trying to install from a usb dvd drive and the install is saying that it can't find modules for the cdrom device or something like that | 06:50 |
Ubulindy | it seems I dont have the number of repositories that I had in Dapper either. Me thinks I shouldve waited for the stable version | 06:50 |
Ubulindy | dougie, mine did the same thing | 06:51 |
zeeble | Ubulindy: heh. i installed gusty like 2 days ago | 06:51 |
Ubulindy | ya, me too, 2 days ago | 06:51 |
Dougie | how'd you fix it? | 06:51 |
Ubulindy | any probs with yours? | 06:51 |
zeeble | i havent checked if i can play dvds/divx | 06:51 |
zeeble | let me check | 06:51 |
Ubulindy | I had to take my machine down the road to a programmers' house | 06:52 |
Ubulindy | he fixed it | 06:52 |
Ubulindy | I worked on it til I was blue in the face | 06:52 |
Dougie | hmm | 06:52 |
Dougie | well it should be working fine | 06:52 |
zeeble | ask him to come down to your place :p | 06:52 |
Ubulindy | he cant | 06:52 |
Dougie | maybe its because its a USB Toshiba HD-DVD drive | 06:52 |
Ubulindy | had a skin condition, and cant go in the light | 06:52 |
Ubulindy | lol | 06:52 |
zeeble | yikes. mp3 audio works fine | 06:53 |
zeeble | he has a skin condition? | 06:53 |
zeeble | or you? | 06:53 |
h1st0 | Alright who raped ubotu? | 06:53 |
zeeble | the mp3 volume nearly ripped my eardrums apart | 06:53 |
zeeble | now for a divx | 06:53 |
Ubulindy | actually dougie, he said what had happened that somehow my drives had switched place | 06:53 |
Ubulindy | and that the dcrom was now the dvd drive/cdrom | 06:53 |
zeeble | i dont have the codecs for divx in the first place, Ubulindy | 06:54 |
Dougie | well the instillation is saying that it can't load drivers for it | 06:54 |
zeeble | much less audio | 06:54 |
Ubulindy | lol, ya, that's the prob | 06:54 |
zeeble | how did you install the video drivers? | 06:54 |
zeeble | that's what i want to know | 06:54 |
zeeble | cos, earlier, the w32 codecs were availble in multiverse, but the arent, in gusty. yet. | 06:54 |
Ubulindy | zeeble, I do alot of p2p, and the prob is, that now I can actually watch any of the movies I have DL'd | 06:55 |
Ubulindy | using Deluge | 06:55 |
Ubulindy | *cant | 06:55 |
Dougie | hmm | 06:55 |
zeeble | what's deluge? | 06:55 |
zeeble | haha. | 06:55 |
Dougie | might want to be careful what you say there Ubulindy ;) lol | 06:55 |
Ubulindy | the new bittorrent client | 06:55 |
zeeble | yeah. | 06:55 |
Ubulindy | k | 06:55 |
Ubulindy | :-) | 06:55 |
Dougie | if your talking about free lance home video's its all good :-B | 06:55 |
Ubulindy | hey, I could be just downloading mirrors for ubuntu dostros! LOL | 06:55 |
Ubulindy | *distros | 06:56 |
Ubulindy | yep! | 06:56 |
zeeble | ubuntu doesnt do divx files | 06:56 |
Ubulindy | ummm, yeah, they do | 06:56 |
zeeble | they do? ok | 06:56 |
Dougie | yeah | 06:56 |
zeeble | now i got to find divx codecs | 06:56 |
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Dougie | you have to install the umm | 06:56 |
Dougie | ......restricted codecs drivers | 06:57 |
Dougie | or whatever its called | 06:57 |
zeeble | but what are they called? | 06:57 |
Ubulindy | like I siad, I can watch them alright, always have, and now in Gutsy too, just no audio | 06:57 |
Dougie | its a package in the portage or somethin | 06:57 |
zeeble | they used to be called w32codecs | 06:57 |
Ubulindy | yes, that is what I did! | 06:57 |
Dougie | its called restricted codecs | 06:57 |
Ubulindy | yes | 06:57 |
Dougie | or something like that | 06:57 |
Dougie | been a whle | 06:57 |
Ubulindy | yep, lol | 06:57 |
Dougie | trying to get ubuntu studio installed but noone seems to be able to help mw | 06:57 |
Dougie | me* | 06:57 |
Dougie | so i can't look :) lol | 06:57 |
Ubulindy | dougie do you have a dvd, and a cd drawer? | 06:58 |
zeeble | no. i have universe and multiverse in my sources.list and still no codec file in the package list | 06:58 |
Ubulindy | yes, and I dont know how I got them!...... | 06:58 |
Dougie | nope just usb drive....i do have a cd drive but not sure it works....could install it but the image is on a dvd so that won't really work | 06:59 |
Ubulindy | all's I know, is when the archive mngr came up, after installing unrar..... | 06:59 |
Ubulindy | a dialogue box flew up, saying that I needed additional codecs, asked me if I wanted it to look for them, I said yes, it did, and it installed them | 07:00 |
Ubulindy | was not thru synaptic | 07:00 |
Ubulindy | Im sure of that! | 07:00 |
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Ubulindy | it was very weird | 07:00 |
Ubulindy | but I was like, yayyyyyy! | 07:00 |
zeeble | oh | 07:01 |
Dougie | hold on | 07:01 |
Ubulindy | and, I hear that the other codecs I need are in automatix, but cant get to that thru the command line either, bcs of the repos. | 07:01 |
zeeble | you have to download the automatix script first | 07:02 |
Ubulindy | from where? | 07:02 |
zeeble | getautomatix.com | 07:02 |
Ubulindy | I tried that and it said it is not compat with this OS! LOL | 07:03 |
Ubulindy | that is the same thing it told me in the terminal | 07:03 |
Ubulindy | lol, alot of bugs | 07:03 |
Ubulindy | and my lappy took a dive, so, now, I HAVE to work this stuff out! | 07:04 |
zeeble | :( | 07:04 |
Ubulindy | I know! | 07:04 |
zeeble | i dont want to reinstall.. | 07:04 |
Ubulindy | me neither | 07:04 |
Ubulindy | Im not! | 07:04 |
Ubulindy | Im a die hard | 07:04 |
zeeble | it reinstalled for the first time in 2 years | 07:04 |
Ubulindy | but, this is likely gonna kill me, lol | 07:04 |
Ubulindy | me 2, lol | 07:04 |
zeeble | well, keep on download your recreational movies | 07:04 |
zeeble | watch them when the new release comes out | 07:05 |
Ubulindy | Im sticking with it! | 07:05 |
Ubulindy | ya, well, what fun is that with no audio? | 07:05 |
Ubulindy | ~lolz | 07:05 |
zeeble | try this | 07:05 |
Ubulindy | hey, I could do subs! I did manage to install the codecs for subs! | 07:06 |
zeeble | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 07:06 |
Ubulindy | ok? | 07:06 |
Ubulindy | hmmm | 07:06 |
Ubulindy | no version number nothing? | 07:06 |
zeeble | noting | 07:06 |
Ubulindy | how will it know which distro Im using? | 07:07 |
Ubulindy | ok, hold | 07:07 |
Dougie | ok going to try this now | 07:07 |
Ubulindy | doing now! | 07:07 |
Ubulindy | LOL | 07:07 |
zeeble | not sure whether it will work, ,but it installs some new packages, including java, etc | 07:07 |
zeeble | and flash | 07:07 |
Ubulindy | zeeble, you were taling to me, right? | 07:07 |
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zeeble | yes. | 07:07 |
Ubulindy | ahh, yes, I have no flash either | 07:07 |
zeeble | i am installing it. but will take me loads of time on my slow connection | 07:08 |
Ubulindy | said again that I needed the alpha cd | 07:08 |
h1st0 | go download it. | 07:08 |
Ubulindy | ok, doing now, hold just 1 sec! My connection kicks butt!!! | 07:08 |
h1st0 | Ubulindy: www.ubuntu.com/testing | 07:08 |
h1st0 | wth | 07:08 |
Ubulindy | heheh | 07:08 |
zeeble | no. he's already installed | 07:08 |
Ubulindy | BRB! | 07:08 |
zeeble | tell me if audio works after that. | 07:08 |
Ubulindy | k | 07:09 |
zeeble | will wait. | 07:09 |
Ubulindy | "couldnt find ubuntu restricted drivers" | 07:10 |
zeeble | what? | 07:11 |
Ubulindy | yep | 07:11 |
zeeble | go sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:11 |
Ubulindy | said, couldnt find package ubuntu-restricted-drivers | 07:11 |
zeeble | and there, disable the CD | 07:11 |
zeeble | at the top by putting # before the line where the CD is | 07:12 |
zeeble | and comment out the # before the other lines | 07:12 |
zeeble | then do sudo apt-get update | 07:12 |
Ubulindy | cant I just go into the software list and disable the cd repos? | 07:12 |
zeeble | you could | 07:12 |
Ubulindy | ok, brb | 07:12 |
zeeble | but i dunno howto use synaptic | 07:13 |
zeeble | :p | 07:13 |
zeeble | i do it from the termina | 07:13 |
zeeble | l | 07:13 |
Ubulindy | synaptic does everything for you, the Download, and install, just one click, you mark everything for install, and then click apply, and bam! | 07:13 |
zeeble | just have to use it often enough to trust it | 07:14 |
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zeeble | i have this distrust of gui stuff. | 07:14 |
Ubulindy | lol, I distrust it all | 07:14 |
Amaranth | synaptic uses libapt | 07:14 |
Amaranth | so if it's broken so is apt | 07:14 |
Ubulindy | yes | 07:14 |
Ubulindy | and I did have it break one time | 07:14 |
Ubulindy | something to do with emacs | 07:15 |
Ubulindy | everything was fuxored | 07:15 |
Amaranth | no, that's dpkg | 07:15 |
Amaranth | you got your system into a weird state | 07:15 |
Ubulindy | hey, now something very weird happened, lol | 07:17 |
zeeble | like what? | 07:18 |
Ubulindy | when I disabled the cdrom, in software properties, it tried to install 69 new pkgs | 07:18 |
Ahadiel | Be back in a minute or so, restarting modem/router. | 07:18 |
zeeble | yes. | 07:18 |
Ubulindy | then, said that it couldnt install anything | 07:18 |
Ubulindy | said that I dont have an internet connection | 07:18 |
zeeble | oh great | 07:19 |
zeeble | maybe you dont :p | 07:19 |
zeeble | who knows | 07:19 |
Ubulindy | omg, no my notify icon just came up for sofware updates | 07:19 |
Ubulindy | how are we talking then??? | 07:19 |
Ubulindy | *now | 07:19 |
zeeble | try again | 07:19 |
Ubulindy | lemme see what these updates are! | 07:19 |
zeeble | click on the notifier and see what happens | 07:19 |
Ubulindy | LOL, this is getting too funny | 07:19 |
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Ubulindy | BRB zeeble | 07:20 |
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deobfuscate | Hellos | 07:23 |
zeeble | hi | 07:23 |
deobfuscate | Anyone happen to try tribe 4 on a Dell E1705 | 07:24 |
Ubulindy | zeeble, it is installing now, a bunch of stuff for cups, and codecs, and libs for totem, vlc, and xine | 07:24 |
Ubulindy | 36 files | 07:24 |
Ubulindy | lol | 07:24 |
deobfuscate | How is stability in general with tribe 4 | 07:24 |
Ubulindy | now where the heck did that all just come from | 07:25 |
deobfuscate | I switched to Feisty at herd 5 with little to no problems, think 4 is good enough | 07:25 |
Ubulindy | Ive had NO crashes! | 07:25 |
Ubulindy | Im using tribe 4 | 07:25 |
Ubulindy | just alot of stuff missing, and no way to get the stuff yet | 07:25 |
deobfuscate | such as | 07:27 |
Ubulindy | flash, java, codecs, audio, ect | 07:27 |
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zeeble | Ubulindy: it was using stuff on your CD till now.when you removed it, it got the list of latest file from the ubuntu servers, and is now downloading them from there. | 07:28 |
Ubulindy | but it wont remove the stuff I had, right? | 07:28 |
zeeble | deobfuscate: for me, stuff like w32codecs, etc | 07:28 |
zeeble | it will update your packages. not remove. | 07:28 |
zeeble | deobfuscate: some package names seem to have changed. | 07:29 |
Ubulindy | ok, it's done, and still no sounds | 07:29 |
zeeble | :( | 07:29 |
Ubulindy | ok, now where do I type that aumix? | 07:29 |
Ubulindy | in the terminal? | 07:29 |
zeeble | yes. | 07:29 |
zeeble | assuming aumix is installed | 07:29 |
Ubulindy | just that one word? | 07:30 |
zeeble | yes | 07:30 |
Ubulindy | ok, hold | 07:30 |
zeeble | you dont need to do it | 07:30 |
zeeble | if you are already getting system sounds | 07:30 |
Ubulindy | aumix command not found | 07:30 |
zeeble | and mp3 sounds | 07:30 |
zeeble | then leave it. not a problem. your problems are different. not related to anything aumix will solve | 07:31 |
Ubulindy | ok, so now what do you think? | 07:31 |
Ubulindy | why have system sounds gotten so low even? | 07:31 |
deobfuscate | If I have my / and /home on different partitions can I just refomat and mount / to the same place and just mount /home to the existing partition and not lose my data | 07:32 |
zeeble | open volume control | 07:32 |
zeeble | deobfuscate: yes. that's the whole idea. | 07:32 |
zeeble | do not choose format for your /home | 07:32 |
Ubulindy | ok, open | 07:32 |
deobfuscate | So all I have to do is mount both to the same place but just format / not /home | 07:32 |
zeeble | yes. | 07:33 |
deobfuscate | Wont there be stuff in home like the .program directories that are not used by anything | 07:33 |
bullgard4 | What kernel version will Gutsy likely use? | 07:33 |
Ubulindy | ok, zeeble, the volume control is open, now what? | 07:33 |
Ubulindy | a restricted one, lol | 07:34 |
Ubulindy | I dont know | 07:34 |
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zeeble | are all the settings there at the top? | 07:34 |
zeeble | bullgard4: right now, 2.6.22-9 | 07:34 |
Ubulindy | yes, are | 07:34 |
zeeble | the master and pcm should be right at the top | 07:34 |
Ubulindy | master. pcm, line-in,cd, and mic | 07:34 |
Ubulindy | yep, they are | 07:35 |
zeeble | then it is alright | 07:35 |
zeeble | just dunmo what happened to your sounds | 07:35 |
Ubulindy | turned all the way up, right? | 07:35 |
zeeble | yes | 07:35 |
Ubulindy | what about CD? | 07:35 |
Ubulindy | that is up also | 07:35 |
zeeble | post your problems at ubuntuforums.org | 07:35 |
zeeble | that's fine | 07:35 |
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Ubulindy | ok, will do! | 07:35 |
zeeble | maybe someone who has the same problems with answers will reply back | 07:36 |
Ubulindy | lol, then, Im likely not going to get an answer, cause they are having the same issues! | 07:36 |
Ubulindy | zeeble, thank you soo much for all your help | 07:36 |
Ubulindy | bye for now! | 07:37 |
ggilbert | Ooops. I think I just accidently installed gutsy | 07:37 |
Ayabara | Anyone got acrobat reader working on Gutsy? | 07:37 |
Ubulindy | :* >:D< | 07:37 |
Ubulindy | not yet | 07:37 |
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bullgard4 | zeeble: What do mean by 'right now': "The Gutsy project just now is using kernel 2.6.22-9" or "From the present perspective, it is likely that Gutsy will come out in october having kernel revision 2.6.22-9"? | 07:38 |
zeeble | bullgard4: the latter, probably. unless there is a big reason to change the kernel. i have found fom prvious releases that it could be 2.6.22-14 | 07:39 |
zeeble | by the time it releases | 07:39 |
bullgard4 | zeeble: Thank you very much for explaining. | 07:39 |
ggilbert | I believe October 4th is the official Kernel freeze | 07:40 |
zeeble | ah, ok | 07:42 |
zeeble | lots of tim | 07:42 |
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Ahadiel | Tomato => DD-WRT, brb upgrading. | 08:11 |
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chasetoys | hey folks | 08:12 |
chasetoys | anyon ehere? | 08:12 |
Hobbsee | no | 08:12 |
chasetoys | i got think finger installed & such... but now when i authenticate it asks me for password *AND* finger print scan | 08:12 |
chasetoys | i think thats a little excessive | 08:12 |
chasetoys | how can i make it finger print scan only | 08:12 |
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chowmeined | will gutsy have openjdk? | 08:16 |
se7en^Of^9 | does someone know of a good Scrabble game on linux | 08:17 |
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chasetoys | where did System => Preferences => Fonts go? | 08:19 |
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chowmeined | chasetoys: i think its under System -> Preferences -> Appearance? | 08:22 |
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chasetoys | does anyone know how to fix my authenticatoin so that only my thinkfinger swipe is required? (right now i am prompted for both password and thinkfinger swipe) | 08:30 |
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RAOF | chasetoys: You probably need to check out /etc/pam.d | 08:34 |
chasetoys | RAOF, any ideas what to chnage? | 08:35 |
chasetoys | im also having trouble compiling alsa for gibbon | 08:36 |
RAOF | chasetoys: Not really. there's probably a pam-password-type @include or required or something in there. | 08:36 |
chasetoys | RAOF, i have no idea what ot hcnage | 08:36 |
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flaccid | any news on kept back linux-headers-generic linux-image-386 linux-image-generic | 08:43 |
Hobbsee | yeah, they're uploading another batch | 08:43 |
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=== chasetoys [n=chasetoy@74-61-37-56.sea.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
chasetoys | hey folks | 08:46 |
chasetoys | i compiled alsa from source on my t61.... and now i can access alsamixer.... | 08:46 |
chasetoys | but when i try to play back music such sa in xmms i get this error: ** WARNING **: oss_open(): Failed to open audio device (/dev/dsp): Device or resource busy | 08:46 |
=== RAOF [n=chris@123-243-65-41.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
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Kousotu | hey Hobbsee | 08:50 |
flaccid | chasetoys: is it a full duplex card | 08:50 |
Hobbsee | hi | 08:50 |
chasetoys | flaccid, http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/AD1984 | 08:51 |
chasetoys | thats all i know about it | 08:51 |
Kousotu | how is you dis night? | 08:51 |
flaccid | chasetoys: this should have a solution: http://wiki.debian.org/SoundFAQ | 08:51 |
Kousotu | well, afternoon for you lol | 08:52 |
=== Ahadiel_ [n=michael@S010600131042857c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Kousotu | 1:52AM here | 08:52 |
Kousotu | lol | 08:52 |
Kousotu | ajmorris_: can I bug you a sec? | 08:52 |
ajmorris_ | sure | 08:52 |
chasetoys | zomg | 08:53 |
chasetoys | sounds wordks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 | 08:53 |
chasetoys | xmms doesnt work :( | 08:53 |
hylje | xmms sucks | 08:53 |
chasetoys | wait | 08:54 |
chasetoys | there it goes | 08:54 |
chasetoys | sound on gutsy gibbon on my t61 woot! | 08:54 |
chasetoys | and volume buttons work too | 08:54 |
chasetoys | color me impressed | 08:54 |
chasetoys | actually the volume buttons do not affect volume up & down ... they affect MIC up/down ... anyway to change this? | 08:55 |
RAOF | chasetoys: System->Preferences->Sound | 08:57 |
chasetoys | RAOF, nifty! | 08:58 |
chasetoys | thats a new feature | 08:59 |
chasetoys | in gibbon huh | 08:59 |
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RAOF | chasetoys: It's always been possible, but I forget if that capplet appeared first in gutsy or not. | 09:01 |
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=== chasetoys [n=chasetoy@74-61-37-56.sea.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
chasetoys | ok next issue is the think finger | 09:04 |
Kousotu | I have isses wih a tochpad, I want it disabled | 09:04 |
chasetoys | can someon ehelp me figure out how to fix gdm's authentication | 09:05 |
chasetoys | it asks me for a password & a swipe | 09:05 |
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dsas | anyone else getting "W: GPG error: http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>" when trying to update ? | 09:18 |
Kousotu | I have isses with a tochpad, I want it disabled | 09:18 |
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Hobbsee | dsas: sounds ominous. why the gb. ? | 09:26 |
dsas | Hobbsee: because I'm from the uk. I don't get a GPG error when *not* using gb. | 09:28 |
=== DerekS [n=DerekS@cpe-66-65-46-91.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | dsas: data centre itself is in the uk. unsure of the point in using a mirror... | 09:29 |
=== Hobbsee would assume that's a mirror problem, and should fix itself with the next sync | ||
dsas | *shrugs*, I think it comes like that to be honest (at least I don't remember ever changing it) | 09:30 |
Hobbsee | quite likely | 09:30 |
dsas | the mirror problem sounds like a good assumption anyway. | 09:31 |
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ameyer | hmm, who let the people in charge of the LoCo servers run gb.archive.ubuntu.com... | 09:44 |
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ameyer | Maybe I'm wrong, but that sounds like a possible security breach | 09:45 |
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chasetoys_ | can you run gutsy + compviz fusion | 09:52 |
RAOF | Still yes. And it's still installed & enabled by default | 09:54 |
Do`` | guys there is a new flash player for linux | 09:54 |
Do`` | where can i get a deb package or something | 09:55 |
RAOF | Do``: the flashplugin-nonfree package is what you're after | 09:55 |
Do`` | yes | 09:56 |
Do`` | http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html | 09:56 |
Do`` | there's an rpm and a tar.gz available for linux | 09:56 |
Do`` | but i have no idea how to install them properly for opera | 09:56 |
Do`` | plus it says i should install the current version | 09:56 |
Do`` | un* | 09:57 |
RAOF | Do``: You want to install the flashplugin-nonfree package. | 09:57 |
RAOF | Do``: You don't need to mess around with adobe.com | 09:58 |
=== siimo [n=siimo@unaffiliated/siimo] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Do`` | i think i do | 09:58 |
siimo | is gibbon in version freeze | 09:58 |
Do`` | because i already have flashplugin-nonfree installed | 09:58 |
Do`` | and this new one that is on labs.adobe.com is newer and not in the repo | 09:58 |
RAOF | Do``: Ah, then it mustn't do the magic required to get it to work with opera. | 09:59 |
Hobbsee | siimo: yes | 09:59 |
Do`` | it works with opera, but there is a bug that freezes opera whenever a flash object is displayed on the webpage | 10:00 |
Do`` | and i'm hoping this new version fixes that | 10:00 |
RAOF | Do``: You could file a wishlist bug against the package, but I'm not going to be able to help you sorry. | 10:00 |
Do`` | https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/131212 <- | 10:00 |
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RAOF | Do``: Ah, it seems to actually be a glib bug. | 10:05 |
Do`` | so i shouldnt get my hopes up? :( | 10:06 |
RAOF | Well, we *should* fix it, but a newer flash is unlikely to be the answer. | 10:07 |
RAOF | At least the bug isn't in flash itself, otherwise we *couldn't* fix it. | 10:07 |
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Do`` | indeed | 10:10 |
Do`` | i just followed through to installation guide for the tar.gz package | 10:10 |
Do`` | and while the new plugin is in place, the bug is there | 10:11 |
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siimo | Hobbsee: dammit | 10:21 |
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=== Nicke [n=niclasa@ua-83-227-140-135.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
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=== Jazon [n=arkygeek@77-97-80-243.cable.ubr02.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Jazon | hihi :-) | 10:30 |
Jazon | Hobbsee: hi. anyone else having probs with nspluginviewer not terminating? | 10:30 |
Hobbsee | glib errors, when running it thru console? | 10:31 |
Jazon | (and taking up all cpu processing?) | 10:31 |
Hobbsee | yeah | 10:31 |
Dannilion | yes | 10:31 |
Hobbsee | it's known | 10:31 |
Dannilion | and it crashes Konqueror | 10:31 |
Jazon | ok. also, probs with konqueror | 10:31 |
Jazon | ? | 10:31 |
Jazon | lol | 10:31 |
Jazon | heh | 10:31 |
Dannilion | very frustrating | 10:31 |
Dannilion | I use Firefox now | 10:32 |
=== Jazon misses konqueror. | ||
=== Dannilion too | ||
=== Jazon thinks konqueror is perhaps one of the most useful apps available | ||
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siimo | pidgin 2.1.1 came out and looks like gibbon wont have it at all | 10:32 |
siimo | since ubuntu backports havent backported anything useful since probably breezy days when they became "official" and got killed | 10:33 |
siimo | >.< | 10:33 |
atlas95 | hello | 10:35 |
siimo | will backports ever be revived | 10:36 |
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=== Dannilion has found an amusing problem with compiz-fusion | ||
Dannilion | If I use Amor, the character is completely white | 10:36 |
Jazon | Dannilion: the problem i have with firefox is that it is SUCH a friggin memory pig | 10:42 |
Dannilion | Yeah. I can't really run firefox and second life at the same time | 10:42 |
Jazon | but overall, I am very happy so far with gutsy on my prodn box | 10:42 |
=== Jazon hasn't tried second life yet | ||
Jazon | (ever) | 10:43 |
Jazon | anyone here from canada? | 10:44 |
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=== Kousotu snores* | ||
Jazon | hmphh - dell doesnt seem to have a wifi option for their desktop ubuntu offering | 10:53 |
Kousotu | lol | 10:58 |
Kousotu | but a wifimax, problem solved | 10:58 |
Kousotu | lol | 10:58 |
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=== iblicf_ ... | ||
iblicf_ | hello | 11:36 |
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=== iblicf_ ? | ||
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Kousotu | !hi | 11:41 |
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w00t | hmm | 11:43 |
w00t | I'm having a problem with the latest upgrades, cupsys tries to chown /var/run/cups, which doesn't exist on my system, causing the upgrade to barf. Any ideas? | 11:44 |
Eq|work | touch/mkdir ? | 11:44 |
w00t | I'm a little wary of doing that without knowing what exactly is going on/why it doesn't exist in the first place | 11:45 |
Eq|work | probably a faulty preinst/postinst script | 11:45 |
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Eq|work | that said, if you don't need cups, just remove it | 11:46 |
w00t | afaik it's installed with ubuntu-desktop? | 11:46 |
Eq|work | could be | 11:46 |
w00t | though, you're right - I don't use it, and I am a little tired after having seen about 90mb of updates to it this week :P | 11:47 |
Eq|work | lol | 11:47 |
=== luco [n=luc@d54C3AB4D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
w00t | hmm | 11:47 |
w00t | upgrade worked that time anyway, oh well | 11:48 |
Eq|work | i have to admit, 90megs isn't a huge amount for me.. :P | 11:48 |
w00t | neither | 11:48 |
Eq|work | got 20mbps inet at home.. and at work.. LOTS. | 11:48 |
w00t | just takes time and pipe to download that I could use for other things | 11:48 |
w00t | 8mb uncapped at home, lots at work :) | 11:49 |
=== daniele_982 [n=daniele@ip-198-91.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Eq|work | i probably have more here :P | 11:49 |
Eq|work | and i won't touch isp's that have usage caps. | 11:49 |
Eq|work | dammit.. the new kernel still isn't there :-/ | 11:49 |
w00t | you probably do, I'm in a virtual third world country for internet (UK..) | 11:50 |
daniele_982 | hello all! someone know softbeep??? i've read the man, documentation but it not found.I not understand | 11:50 |
Eq|work | i'm in the uk as well.. | 11:50 |
w00t | south? | 11:50 |
Eq|work | london | 11:50 |
w00t | I'm north :p | 11:50 |
daniele_982 | hi Eq|work | 11:50 |
Eq|work | but the company i work for has fuckloads of bw | 11:50 |
Eq|work | 'lo | 11:50 |
Eq|work | mancs? | 11:50 |
Assid | hrmm.. i need some bw | 11:50 |
Eq|work | or further north? | 11:50 |
w00t | city of kingston upon hull.. do I get to go hide now? ;p | 11:51 |
Eq|work | or do you mean north of the border? | 11:51 |
Eq|work | ewww.. | 11:51 |
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w00t | I was waiting for tha | 11:51 |
w00t | t | 11:51 |
w00t | it's not *that* bad here, so long as you steer clear of ~30-40% of the city | 11:51 |
Eq|work | i think i know someone else in that area too.. goes by the name of edgey.. (which is based on his surname iirc) | 11:51 |
=== w00t stretches | ||
w00t | I should really go do more work | 11:52 |
Eq|work | if removing that much of the city would only make it "not *THAT* bad" that's not a partciularly ringing endorsement. | 11:52 |
Eq|work | pfff | 11:52 |
Eq|work | multitask! :P | 11:52 |
w00t | hehe | 11:52 |
w00t | it really is okay | 11:52 |
w00t | it's just a little weird to walk 100-200m and go from a really nice higher class area into a shitheap | 11:53 |
=== Eq|work beats whoever is responsible for the kernel packages with a large stick | ||
w00t | it's like that all over the city | 11:53 |
Eq|work | heh | 11:53 |
daniele_982 | Eq|work: do you know softbeep? | 11:56 |
Eq|work | nope. | 11:56 |
Eq|work | what about it? | 11:56 |
daniele_982 | Eq|work: This utility may be used for redirecting beeps of the internal PC speaker to your sound card. | 11:57 |
daniele_982 | Eq|work: but it not found. I want my beep | 11:57 |
daniele_982 | mmm | 11:58 |
Eq|work | my system shows a package called softbeep | 11:58 |
w00t | The program 'softbeep' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: | 11:58 |
w00t | sudo apt-get install softbeep | 11:58 |
w00t | mine too ^ | 11:58 |
=== Eq|work pats apt-cache search | ||
daniele_982 | i've installed it but it not found | 11:59 |
Eq|work | huh? | 11:59 |
daniele_982 | Eq|work: you can try it? | 11:59 |
Eq|work | i don't have working sound on my laptop atm, which is what is running ubuntu | 11:59 |
Eq|work | so nope | 11:59 |
daniele_982 | w00t: | 12:00 |
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daniele_982 | http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/softbeep/ | 12:01 |
daniele_982 | bad documentation | 12:01 |
daniele_982 | w00t: you can try it?? | 12:02 |
w00t | not now, no | 12:03 |
daniele_982 | :( | 12:03 |
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Do`` | if i found a workaround to a confirmed bug | 12:13 |
Do`` | how can i notify the maintainer of the bug to check and maybe add my solution to the official post or something? | 12:21 |
coNP | Do``: which bug? | 12:21 |
Do`` | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/131212 | 12:21 |
Do`` | should i just add a comment or there are other ways to get it noticed? :) | 12:21 |
coNP | Actually neither the adobe flash player nor opera are free software. | 12:21 |
Do`` | and the bug lies in neither of them :) | 12:21 |
Do`` | as the workaround involves downgrading a lib | 12:21 |
coNP | Oh, then it is a packaging error? | 12:21 |
Do`` | i have no idea | 12:21 |
coNP | That is a workaround. | 12:21 |
coNP | Not a fix :) | 12:21 |
Do`` | i just know that if you downgrade libgtk2.0-0 | 12:21 |
coNP | It is not a real bug. | 12:21 |
Do`` | to some earlier version, the problem fixes itself and as far as i know, no new ones appear | 12:21 |
Do`` | i know that is a workaround | 12:21 |
coNP | You might ask the software developers to get their software working with a newer version of GTK+ | 12:21 |
Do`` | i said that. | 12:21 |
Do`` | which software developers? | 12:21 |
coNP | Yes, I don't think anyone would downgrade GTK+ just because some software of some proprietary software vendor does not work. | 12:21 |
Do`` | i would | 12:21 |
Do`` | if adobe is the one that should fix the plugin ( which is most likely the case since konqueror and firefox is affected as well ) | 12:21 |
Do`` | then it will take a couple of years for them | 12:21 |
Do`` | they issued new plugins today and it 1. doesnt fix the bug 2. the gtk issue isnt even listed on their pages | 12:21 |
Do`` | 3. they dont really give a flying fuck about linux, it took them quite a long time to create a flash 9 plugin in the first placethat barely works | 12:22 |
stdin | Do``: watch the language please | 12:22 |
Do`` | sorry | 12:22 |
=== chrisbudden14 [n=chrisbud@dsl-dp-81-140-101-122.in-addr.broadbandscope.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
daniele_982 | hello all! someone know softbeep??? i've read the man, documentation but it not found.I not understand | 12:22 |
coNP | Do``: basically you are right, but this channel is about Ubuntu. We cannot help Adobe does not want to create software for us. Sorry. | 12:23 |
Do`` | you are right, but since there's nothing 'we' can do about it, except waiting, why not work around it? :) | 12:23 |
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virtuelv | Is there any rational explanation as to why font rendering changed in Gutsy? | 12:33 |
RAOF | Yes | 12:33 |
virtuelv | which is? | 12:33 |
RAOF | It now actually uses the reported DPI? | 12:33 |
virtuelv | IMHO, that's bad | 12:33 |
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virtuelv | (and my opinion isn't actually that humble, either) | 12:34 |
Jordan_U | virtuelv, How is that bad? | 12:34 |
virtuelv | one example where this breaks down horribly is in Firefox | 12:34 |
RAOF | Yeah, but firefox sucks, essentially. | 12:34 |
virtuelv | Firefox in Gutsy now displays entirely different font sizes than any browser on any platform | 12:34 |
RAOF | Also, it's font rendering isn't actually tied to Gnome's in any real way. | 12:35 |
virtuelv | RAOF: I don't actually _use_ Firefox (If you whois me, I think you'll find out why) | 12:35 |
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Jordan_U | virtuelv, Have you checked if there is a bug filed and if not filed one? | 12:37 |
virtuelv | desktop browsers shouls not deviate from 96DPI until resolution is way off | 12:37 |
virtuelv | Jordan_U: the change is intentional | 12:37 |
Jordan_U | virtuelv, If it is Firefox specific it sounds like a bug, and if you really feel that the choice is a bad one you should file a bug anyway, if nothing else it is a good way to learn their rationale ( again, if this is in fact an intended consequence ) | 12:39 |
RAOF | virtuelv: My DPI is approximately 40% greater than 96 | 12:40 |
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Assid | virtuelv: did you set the font size to normal ? | 01:00 |
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virtuelv | Jordan_U: it's not a bug in Firefox, since it uses the system reported DPI | 01:00 |
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virtuelv | and the reported DPI is off | 01:01 |
virtuelv | my display's DPI, for instance, is _NOT_ 87, as claimed | 01:01 |
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Jordan_U | Just because it is not a bug in Firefox does not mean it is not a bug, if you think something should be changed please offer a suggestion as to what should be done | 01:02 |
virtuelv | Jordan_U: I don't think fixing a cross-platform product because one platform suddenly decides they want to change something is the way to go | 01:03 |
Jordan_U | virtuelv, I never said that it was, I said that if it needs to be changed it is a bug, you decide what package to file it against | 01:04 |
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termitor | hello, rt2x00 freeze , when nm-applet connect | 01:10 |
termitor | Linux proton 2.6.22-9-generic #1 SMP Fri Aug 3 00:50:37 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 01:10 |
termitor | who have some info about this , or patch ? | 01:11 |
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Pici | Have you checked LP for a bug yet? | 01:13 |
IdleOne | my machine has been offline for 2 days. has there not been any updates/upgrades in the past 2 days? | 01:14 |
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Pici | IdleOne: Barely a day goes past when I dont get an update ;) | 01:15 |
IdleOne | Pici: exactly my point. so how come having been offline 2 days I havent had an update | 01:16 |
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Pici | IdleOne: I dont know. Thats odd | 01:17 |
IdleOne | and probably not ubuntu related but I seem to have lost a couple dozen emails on my gmail accont | 01:18 |
IdleOne | account | 01:18 |
Pici | IdleOne: I hope thats not Ubuntu related | 01:19 |
IdleOne | yeah me too | 01:19 |
Pici | Have you checked your logs to see if there were any updates attempted? | 01:19 |
Jordan_U | IdleOne, Tried "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ? | 01:19 |
IdleOne | yeah | 01:19 |
IdleOne | I'll try it again | 01:19 |
IdleOne | havent checked logs. where do i look? | 01:19 |
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Pici | /var/log/dpkg.log for things that were installed. I'm not sure about the updates though | 01:20 |
stefg | Does it make sense to d/l Tribe 4 today. Tribe 5 is scheduled for tomorrow, how do things look? | 01:21 |
IdleOne | hmmm now after running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade I get 43 packages to be upgraded. lol it is as if the pc did it on purpose lol | 01:22 |
IdleOne | Pici: Jordan_U ty for stating the obvious to me :) | 01:23 |
Jordan_U | IdleOne,Pesky heisenbugs :) | 01:23 |
IdleOne | Jordan_U: guess the Heisenburg compensators needed to be resynched is all :) | 01:24 |
IdleOne | smoke break | 01:25 |
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IdleOne | no I got packages manager/update manager notifications up the wazoo hehe | 01:29 |
IdleOne | gotta love Ubuntu+1 :) | 01:30 |
termitor | nobody have a ralink wireless card ? | 01:30 |
Eq|work | not here. | 01:31 |
Eq|work | my 'rents do, but they're 'doze only. | 01:32 |
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pvandewyngaerde | uname -a | 01:44 |
pvandewyngaerde | Linux pvandewyngaerde-desktop 2.6.22-10-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 22 07:42:05 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 01:44 |
pvandewyngaerde | woot | 01:44 |
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shirish | ubotu linux-source | 01:49 |
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Pici | ubotu isnt here | 01:54 |
shirish | Pici :( | 01:55 |
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atlas95 | hello | 02:08 |
atlas95 | uswsusp don't work in gusty for me | 02:08 |
atlas95 | but in feisty it work on my laptop with some fix, but here, s2disk ans s2both do nothing and i must reset :s | 02:09 |
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frandavid100 | hiya | 02:22 |
frandavid100 | where can I get a daily build of gutsy? | 02:22 |
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Pici | frandavid100: cdimage.ubuntu.com | 02:25 |
frandavid100 | thanks Pici! | 02:25 |
frandavid100 | also, I just saw that pidgin 2.1.1 has been released, I guess there's no chance of getting it into gutsy since we're in feature freeze? | 02:26 |
nosrednaekim | I think we have 2.1in it though. | 02:27 |
frandavid100 | yup that's right | 02:27 |
frandavid100 | only 2.1 made some changes that have been improved in 2.1.1 | 02:28 |
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frandavid100 | thanks anyway, bye! | 02:34 |
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loufoque | someone has a fix for acroread in gutsy? | 02:48 |
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=== Hobbsee hugs jussi01 | ||
Hobbsee | loufoque: ENOFIX | 02:50 |
loufoque | Hobbsee: and in english, what does it mean? | 02:50 |
Hobbsee | loufoque: what would your proposed fix be? | 02:50 |
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Hobbsee | loufoque: error: no fix | 02:51 |
loufoque | Hobbsee: edit the acroread script that launches adobe acrobat reader | 02:51 |
Hobbsee | loufoque: acroread isnt even in gutsy, though. | 02:52 |
Hobbsee | so it really should be ENOTINARCHIVE | 02:52 |
loufoque | since it seems there is a bug in it which only produce "expr: syntax error" when trying to use it | 02:52 |
Dannilion | if I disappear again, compiz-fusion has frozen my laptop again and I'm rebooting | 02:52 |
Hobbsee | Dannilion: dont ctrl+c it | 02:52 |
loufoque | so I should rather ask the medibuntu guys? | 02:53 |
Hobbsee | loufoque: that would be very wise, yes. | 02:54 |
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Dannilion | it was working fine this morning! | 02:55 |
Dannilion | anyone got any suggestions on why it makes the screen black and never changing back? | 02:56 |
nosrednaekim | Nvidia? | 02:57 |
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Dannilion | nope, intel | 03:02 |
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bullgard4 | My directory /linux- includes a subdirectory /mm. What does 'mm' stand for? | 03:09 |
seezer | bullgard4: take a look into the Makefile laying around there. | 03:11 |
seezer | # Makefile for the linux memory manager. | 03:12 |
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SoulChild | Hey, i have a little problem with GDM. after typing my login name and pressing TAB the whole name is selected instead of switching tp passwort TAB, is there a way to fix this ? i use ubuntu gutsy! | 03:20 |
Pici | I usually use enter instead of Tab. | 03:22 |
SoulChild | Pici: that's the problem I am used to use TAB | 03:23 |
SoulChild | and if i type my passwort, people can read it | 03:23 |
Pici | Did Tab work on feisty's gdm? | 03:24 |
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SoulChild | Pici: i think it worked on feisty | 03:30 |
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ryanakca | for LVM... why isn't there /dev/foo/volumename anymore, just /dev/mapper/foo-volumename ? | 03:32 |
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Pici | SoulChild: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/127269 | 03:33 |
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Ind[y] | update-notifier does not do an automatic "apt-get update", thus it does not notify me about software updates. any help, please? | 03:40 |
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Pici | IdleOne was just saying that this morning. Have you checked to see if a bug is logged already? | 03:41 |
spiroo | Hello, anyone know about latest updates: linux image and that? | 03:41 |
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spiroo | My screen mointor was in the booting process after the kubuntu loading bar starting to blink and does not show anything on screen. The green light just turn off and on all the time. | 03:43 |
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spiroo | That was happened after an update yesterday in adept | 03:43 |
spiroo | I think | 03:43 |
Ind[y] | Pici: yes. there is, but there is not solution. | 03:44 |
Pici | spiroo: Can you change to one of the other ttys? Perhaps your system is fscking | 03:44 |
spiroo | sorry, not very good on this. Im kinda new on linux. What is ttys? and fscking? | 03:44 |
spiroo | Ive tried in recovery mode with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. Not with original VESA though | 03:45 |
Pici | spiroo: Are you running Gutsy? | 03:45 |
spiroo | yes | 03:45 |
spiroo | It was working properly yesterday | 03:46 |
spiroo | i have already reinstalled Gutsy like 10 times, I do not wanna do that again. | 03:47 |
Hobbsee | spiroo: why are you running gutsy? | 03:47 |
spiroo | I think it is wrong with boot process. The loading bar has changed. Before the loader got 25 % and then just starts and now it goes all the way. Good, but I guess something else is incorrect. | 03:48 |
Hobbsee | boot without quiet and splash in there | 03:48 |
Hobbsee | and get more info that way | 03:48 |
spiroo | Hobbsee: Because NO other dist had a properly internet connection for wireless with WPA2 | 03:48 |
Hobbsee | spiroo: not feisty either? | 03:49 |
spiroo | nope | 03:49 |
Hobbsee | hmmm. that's not so good. | 03:49 |
Hobbsee | which wireless card? | 03:49 |
spiroo | I tried to install wireless in every dist I know but no success in two days. I gave up, but found an prerelease of Kubuntu, so I was installing that and found out that internet was working | 03:50 |
spiroo | Ralink2500 :D | 03:50 |
spiroo | Have tried to install ndiswrapper and different networkmanagers, new wireless drivers and yes everytihng. Nothing works | 03:51 |
Hobbsee | hmmm. | 03:51 |
Hobbsee | that's a pain. | 03:51 |
Ind[y] | Pici: so, any known fixes? | 03:52 |
spiroo | btw, do you know the date when Gutsy is gonna release? I know in october, but which date? | 03:52 |
spiroo | Hobbsee: Indeed | 03:52 |
Ind[y] | spiroo: 18 | 03:52 |
Hobbsee | spiroo: it's in the topic - the week of | 03:52 |
spiroo | Wireless work perfect in Gutsy though, except that my router is kind a defect XD | 03:52 |
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spiroo | ah okay, thanks | 03:52 |
spiroo | But the monitor problem, what do you think? | 03:53 |
SoulChild | Pici: i think i just downlaoded an update of GDM,... trying if the TAB Problem has been fixed | 03:53 |
Pici | Ind[y] : Can you link me to the bug? | 03:53 |
Pici | SoulChild: Make sure that you restart GDM before you test | 03:53 |
spiroo | Pici: Is the monitor a known bug? | 03:54 |
Ind[y] | Pici: Sure. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/126775 | 03:54 |
spiroo | I mean that the monitor light blinking, is that a bug? | 03:55 |
Hobbsee | spiroo: depends if the machine is actually shutting down, or what | 03:56 |
spiroo | *known bug | 03:56 |
spiroo | nope, it does not shuttign down | 03:56 |
spiroo | the screen just turn the light off and on all the time. I need to turn power off and reboot another system | 03:56 |
spiroo | The light switching constantly directly after the Kubuntu loader has load to 100 % | 03:57 |
spiroo | Is there anyway to recover or something in recovery mode? I do not wanna reinstall the system one more time. | 03:58 |
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SoulChild | GDM Problem still not fixed :( | 03:58 |
spiroo | ? | 04:00 |
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spiroo | if there is one possibility to solve my problem. I need to do it now. Really need linux | 04:01 |
Pici | spiroo: Can you try changing to a different tty by pressing ctrl-alt-f1 | 04:01 |
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Pici | I'm thinking that your display settings are putting your monitor out of range. | 04:01 |
spiroo | first of all, what a heck is tty? | 04:02 |
spiroo | yes, probably | 04:02 |
Pici | Its just a terminal session. | 04:02 |
spiroo | when should I press crl+alt+f1 | 04:02 |
Pici | spiroo: When your screen is blinking | 04:02 |
Pici | Also check if the numlock lights work | 04:03 |
spiroo | hmm okay, what is happen then when i press that combo? | 04:03 |
Pici | You should get a text-based login. | 04:03 |
spiroo | hmm okay, I hope you are right. If problem still occure after I tried, I will be back ;P | 04:03 |
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sid | I half half Vista and half Ubuntu on my laptop, I can't mount the Vista filesystem | 04:03 |
Pici | !ntfs | sid | 04:04 |
spiroo | sid: Guess you should ask that in channel #ubuntu | 04:04 |
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Ind[y] | Pici: So, anything about the link? | 04:04 |
Pici | Ind[y] : I'm looking for something for it right now actually. | 04:04 |
spiroo | btw, do you have big progress with Gutsy? | 04:05 |
spiroo | I mean does it going forward? | 04:05 |
spiroo | :P | 04:05 |
nooseisloose | spiroo: a dumb (but often successful) way of troubleshooting is to change things until you get it to work. If you can't change the hardware, maybe you might try downloading a different Linux for a test. I'd use knoppix-std as your wireless might also work automatically. But any Knoppix might be good for a test. | 04:05 |
sid | spiroo: I have gutsy on half | 04:05 |
SoulChild | is there a release day for gutssy final ? | 04:05 |
Pici | sid: You're in the right place. | 04:06 |
sid | I'm trying to add an HP printer, but Gutsy is all different with adding printers. It "just works"(tm) with vista, but gutsy no. | 04:06 |
sid | I was here yesterday, but I still can't figure it out. | 04:06 |
Ind[y] | Pici: alright :-) | 04:06 |
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Pici | SoulChild: /topic | 04:06 |
spiroo | Soulchild: 18 october | 04:06 |
spiroo | nooseislosse. Thank for the great advice | 04:07 |
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spiroo | cya, reboot now :D | 04:07 |
nooseisloose | spiroo: I've also used a lot of sarcasm in IRC, but that's been somewhat less effective | 04:08 |
tatters | I got 3 packages held back due to "E: Package linux-headers-2.6.22-10-generic has no installation candidate" ? | 04:09 |
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Assid | yep | 04:11 |
kelsa|martalli | Why does apt-get say it will install linux-headers-2.6.22-10-generic, but linux-headers-generic is being kept back? (just seems odd) | 04:13 |
Ind[y] | Pici: So, if you have any news, I would appreciate it to tell me :) | 04:14 |
Assid | they probably uploading it yet (been 24 hours) .. | 04:14 |
Assid | so maybe they found a bug and held back that candidate.. | 04:14 |
Assid | just ignore it for now | 04:14 |
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Hobbsee | kelsa|martalli: just wait. not all of it is published. | 04:21 |
kelsa|martalli | woops - already did it =) | 04:21 |
kelsa|martalli | Should I wait and redo the apt-get before restarting, then? | 04:22 |
Hobbsee | oh well, update again and get the extra packages before you reboot | 04:22 |
Hobbsee | yes | 04:22 |
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shirish | Hobbsee: you up? | 04:32 |
shirish | Hobbsee: perhaps you can take a look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34653/ | 04:32 |
shirish | or for that matter anybody , and lemme know if its ok to upgrade the kernel to or not? | 04:33 |
wolki | hi gutsiers, I updated some time ago and have trouble with my harddisks since then. It appears like it doesn't correctly mount stuff, and after unmounting the filesystem is corrupt. trying to fdisk leads to lots of short reads, but works without problems if I use a rescue live cd instead of my installed system | 04:34 |
Pici | Ind[y] : I was looking into seeing if I could figure out what was happening with your bug. | 04:34 |
Hobbsee | shirish: just wait. kernel is not all done yet | 04:35 |
shirish | Hobbsee: ok thanx for the heads up ;) | 04:35 |
wolki | looking at dmesg, i see attempts to access beyond the end of the device.... is there a known bug like this? | 04:35 |
Pici | Ind[y] : I couldnt figure it out so I changed the status back to 'new' (apparrently thats what is supposed to be done after the information is updated). Hopefully you get a response now. | 04:35 |
Ind[y] | Pici: I see. Thank you. | 04:36 |
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Eq|work | meh.. kernel needs to hurry up :P | 05:03 |
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sid | I need to add an HP Laserjet stand alone network printer to my Gutsy Laptop | 05:11 |
sid | The add printer dialogue is all different, and when I click on add samba printer, nothing shows up | 05:11 |
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jussi01 | Hmm, is it safe to update atm? there seems to be a kernel update being held back, is this going to cause trouble?? | 05:24 |
Hobbsee | just leave it kept back, and update the rest | 05:24 |
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jussi01 | ok, thanks Hobbsee, just that the kernel headers are being updated. thought maybe that might cause probs. | 05:26 |
Hobbsee | yeah, it probably will | 05:26 |
jussi01 | hmm, might leave it for a while then | 05:27 |
sid | anyone know about HP printers? | 05:27 |
sid | I can't get this Laserjet printer added, I thought HP had good support for Ubuntu? they have some special printing software no? | 05:28 |
Pici | sid: I have not had any difficulty setting up HP printers in Ubuntu in versions previous. I have not had the need to do so in Gutsy. | 05:30 |
Eq|work | Hobbsee : you're being somewhat paranoid.. | 05:31 |
Eq|work | sid : you don't need any special software. | 05:31 |
Pici | Eq|work: Paranoid about what? | 05:31 |
sid | Eq|work: How do I do it? | 05:31 |
sid | I go to System/Administration/Print, than "new printer" then what? | 05:32 |
Eq|work | kernel headers.. not many things use 'em, and it shouldn't be removing the old versions.. | 05:32 |
Eq|work | sid : not samba.. jetdirect/raw/lpr/something ... | 05:32 |
Eq|work | port 9100 | 05:32 |
sid | It's just some HP laserjet with a built-in NIC | 05:32 |
Hobbsee | Eq|work: this is true. there is some config that makes your system unbootable, iirc | 05:33 |
sid | The choices are appsocket/hp jetdirect, internet printing protocol, LPD/LPR, Other | 05:33 |
Eq|work | yes, so jetdirect | 05:33 |
sid | and samba of course | 05:33 |
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Eq|work | Hobbsee : not connected to the kernel headers there ain't | 05:33 |
Hobbsee | true | 05:33 |
sid | ok, So I choose "AppSocket/HP JetDirect" | 05:33 |
sid | I add the ip, and the default port number.(which I can ping the ip fine) | 05:33 |
Eq|work | or, for that matter, the kernel itself. as long as the kernel installs correctly there's no risk of your system being unbootable. | 05:33 |
sid | Do I use Generic, or should I specify my brand/model? | 05:34 |
Dunas | I had a question about Gutsy for the people who are testing/developing it. >> Will it be compatible, at least moreso than Feisty is, with the RTL818x chipsets for wireless cards? These are extremely common, it seems, and I have one, so I have a vested interest in asking. | 05:34 |
Eq|work | specify if you can | 05:34 |
Eq|work | never come across them. that seems more like a kernel question to me though | 05:34 |
Eq|work | try #ubuntu-kernel ? | 05:34 |
Eq|work | (or whatever the ubuntu kernel chan is) | 05:34 |
sid | Eq|work: ok, they have my printer. and I added it, using the default driver(recommended) | 05:35 |
sid | I go to gedit, to a test print. and nothing happens | 05:35 |
Eq|work | did you choose the printer you just installed? | 05:35 |
Eq|work | the default port number - was it 9100 ? | 05:35 |
sid | yes, default was 9100. and I choose teh one I added | 05:35 |
sid | when printing | 05:36 |
Eq|work | ok. have you confirmed that that ip is the printer? | 05:36 |
Eq|work | ie it stops pinging when you pull the power/cat5 ? | 05:36 |
sid | The printer dialogue on the top right is telling me "Printer "JetDirect" May not be connected. | 05:36 |
sid | Eq|work: yes, it's the printer | 05:36 |
Eq|work | sounds like either the printer has had jetdirect turned off, or that ip isn't really the printer. | 05:37 |
Pici | sid: It may work if you set it up as an IP printer, rather than a 'jet direct' printer | 05:37 |
Eq|work | it could be that the printer has that ip statically assigned in it, but if something else is sitting on that ip.. | 05:37 |
Pici | Let me try something quick here.. | 05:37 |
Dunas | /leave #ubuntu+1 Thanks Eq|work, I'll ask the kernel channel | 05:37 |
Dunas | ... | 05:37 |
Dunas | LOL woops. | 05:37 |
sid | Eq|work: ok this same laptop, with the same cat5/wall jack, Windows Vista prints to that ip | 05:37 |
Dunas | I can't see where I typed that wrong, but, uh. | 05:37 |
Eq|work | sid : you could try ipp | 05:37 |
Dunas | That's embarrassing. | 05:37 |
Eq|work | k. | 05:37 |
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Pici | sid: I just setup a network HP printer fine using system-config-printer | 05:55 |
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instabin|work | !help | 06:03 |
Pici | instabin|work: ? | 06:03 |
instabin|work | !commands | 06:03 |
Pici | The bot isnt here. | 06:03 |
instabin|work | trying to get a list of bot commands | 06:03 |
instabin|work | oh | 06:03 |
instabin|work | Pici where did it go... Also is there a place where i can get a build status for the nvidia-glx-new | 06:04 |
instabin|work | I know its somewhere on launchpad | 06:04 |
Pici | instabin|work: Theres an issue with system resources on the bot's server. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+builds | 06:05 |
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tehk | Well I see why the deskbar changed the api..Porting the tracker plugin is going to take a complete rewrite. The old api was just dirty. | 06:06 |
instabin|work | Pici: I cant seem to find the nvidia-glx-new package | 06:06 |
Pici | instabin|work: nvidia-glx-new is part of l-r-m | 06:07 |
Pici | linux-restricted-modules | 06:07 |
instabin|work | l-r-m??? | 06:07 |
instabin|work | loh | 06:07 |
instabin|work | oh | 06:07 |
instabin|work | Last night i couldnt install the new restricted modules or the new kernel... is it released yet? | 06:09 |
haak | E: mysql-server-5.0: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 06:09 |
haak | help me pls | 06:09 |
Pici | instabin|work: Nope not yet. | 06:09 |
instabin|work | Pici: If its already built why cant i install it? | 06:10 |
atomicpotato | Instabin, it's not | 06:11 |
instabin|work | Im just trying to figure out how the packaging system works.... | 06:11 |
Pici | haak: A few bugs for that apppear to be already logged: look through here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.0/ | 06:11 |
atomicpotato | some f*** decided that releasing the meta packages before the real packages are out would be a good idea | 06:11 |
atomicpotato | don't ask me why | 06:11 |
Pici | Calm down. | 06:11 |
instabin|work | it says its done.... Build started 2 hours ago on vernadsky (i386) and finished 1 hours ago taking 33 minutes | 06:12 |
atomicpotato | oh, then maybe they haven't found their way into the repositories yet | 06:12 |
instabin|work | that was for i386 build of linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 2.6.22-10.23 in ubuntu gutsy RELEASE | 06:13 |
atomicpotato | huh, a ton of updates now | 06:14 |
instabin|work | wow there is going to be 3 nvidia restricted drivers??? | 06:15 |
atomicpotato | there have been since feisty | 06:15 |
instabin|work | rm -rf nvidia/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9639-pkg1 nvidia/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7185-pkg1 nvidia/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1 | 06:15 |
instabin|work | its in the build log... | 06:16 |
atomicpotato | yeah, because nvidia likes to obsolete cards and stop providing driver support | 06:16 |
atomicpotato | so we need a nvidia-glx-old nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new | 06:16 |
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=== Hobbsee wonders what they'd name the next one | ||
Hobbsee | nvidia-glx-really-old, and adjust the others, maybe | 06:17 |
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Pici | nvidia-glx-brand-spankin-new | 06:17 |
instabin|work | I think it should just be named like nvidia-glx-version | 06:17 |
atomicpotato | ...why does the new openoffice.org depend on a ton of java libs? | 06:17 |
Hobbsee | because java is enabled? | 06:18 |
atomicpotato | is it? | 06:18 |
instabin|work | so the old ones should be nvidia-glx-1.0-9639 and new ones nvidia-glx-100.14.11 | 06:18 |
instabin|work | would make it very easy... | 06:18 |
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instabin|work | bbs | 06:19 |
Eq|work | instabin|work : except then it wouldn't be upgraded automatically. | 06:19 |
atomicpotato | we could use metapackages to fix that like always | 06:20 |
Hobbsee | Eq|work: there are replaces and conflicts and provides, etc | 06:20 |
Eq|work | introduces extra complication | 06:20 |
=== loufoque [n=loufoque@smj33-1-82-233-64-48.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
atomicpotato | well, -old -new -nothing isn't exactly scalable | 06:21 |
loufoque | for some reason I just got an upgrade that moved my kernel to 2.6.22-10, however there aren't any associated restricted-modules and stuff | 06:21 |
loufoque | plus it removed the linux-generic meta-package and it says I can't install it anymore | 06:22 |
loufoque | is that kind of stuff normal? | 06:22 |
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atomicpotato | no, it's not | 06:22 |
Pici | loufoque: Did it ask you if you wanted to resolve dependencies in a certain way? | 06:23 |
loufoque | I used the GUI | 06:24 |
Pici | hmm | 06:24 |
loufoque | it did say some message (I don't really remember the content), the kind you get when updating distros | 06:24 |
Hobbsee | loufoque: yes, that'd be normal for the middle of a kernel change. | 06:25 |
Eq|work | i suspect that the -new package will be deprecated before long. | 06:25 |
Hobbsee | loufoque: fix the metapackages after all the kernel stuff comes thru | 06:26 |
Hobbsee | although, it probably wont auto-install, as you dnot have the metapackages. | 06:26 |
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atomicpotato | ....new VLC version, with the only change being a word getting capitalized in vlc.desktop. I could have fixed that myself. | 06:33 |
atomicpotato | This makes me wonder why we don't have incremental patches for stuff like this. | 06:33 |
Eq|work | because packages don't support that. | 06:35 |
instabin|work | Eq|work: what do you mean? | 06:35 |
Eq|work | you can't do incremental patches on packages | 06:35 |
atomicpotato | well, someone should make them support it, it's only logical (and iirc, the deb system has a binary patch function, it's just not used) | 06:35 |
atomicpotato | Eq|work, sure you can, make a second package with only the files that changed | 06:36 |
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Eq|work | yeah, that's REALLY going to work | 06:36 |
atomicpotato | oh? | 06:36 |
instabin|work | Eq|work: I dont understand... Im a noob when it comes to making packages | 06:36 |
Eq|work | i'm not aware of anything in apt/dpkg that supports binary patches. | 06:36 |
Eq|work | atomicpotato : how do you get that new package installed w/o updating the original? | 06:36 |
Eq|work | you can't change the depends stuff on a package that's already installed. | 06:37 |
kelsa|martalli | I love these testing distros. I just updated the kernel and now there is another...and OO.o too! | 06:37 |
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atomicpotato | Eq|work, if it doesn't exist in apt, it should be written. | 06:37 |
Eq|work | personally i don't agree. | 06:37 |
atomicpotato | system checks if you have version-in-repository-minus-1, downloads the diff if you do, applies it and changes your version number to match upstream | 06:37 |
atomicpotato | easy | 06:37 |
Eq|work | and if it goes tits up? | 06:38 |
Eq|work | or it's a new install? | 06:38 |
atomicpotato | huh? there's no reason that couldn't scale to a complete change of the package | 06:38 |
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atomicpotato | list of new files to install, list of old files to clean, extra scripts. If it's not efficient to have a diff, then don't provide one and have apt get the full package | 06:39 |
atomicpotato | see? | 06:39 |
Eq|work | you're basically saying that package maintainers should do far, far more work | 06:39 |
Eq|work | and have to upload considerably more | 06:39 |
atomicpotato | wha? it's their *job* to do work | 06:40 |
Eq|work | no | 06:40 |
Eq|work | you forget | 06:40 |
Eq|work | the majority of people that create debian/ubuntu packages are VOLUNTEERS | 06:40 |
Pici | It sounds like you want a replacement for the apt system. | 06:40 |
Eq|work | they have full time jobs/education as well as what stuff they do on deb/ub | 06:40 |
atomicpotato | and if 1 hour of their time could save thousands of people hours of their time, it's worth it, no? | 06:41 |
Eq|work | you seem to overestimate the amount of time dl'ing a new version of the package takes, versus creating it. | 06:41 |
atomicpotato | this creation process could be fully automatic | 06:41 |
Eq|work | oh, and tbh if you're going to run bleeding edge/devel versions of distros, you should accept you're going to be doing far more upgrading | 06:41 |
Eq|work | actually, no, it couldn't | 06:42 |
atomicpotato | why not? | 06:42 |
Eq|work | it could be PARTIALLY automated | 06:42 |
Eq|work | because you have to test it, and make sure that everything works the same in all cases. | 06:42 |
Eq|work | oh, and your idea above isn't really great on deciding how to use a so-called binary diff over a full package download. | 06:42 |
atomicpotato | don't make assertions, back them up please | 06:43 |
Pici | I'm not even sure that apt could handle something like that. You might be better off making a whole new package distrubtion system. | 06:43 |
instabin|work | Pici: come on apt-get has super cow powers!!!! LOL | 06:44 |
Pici | instabin|work: :p | 06:44 |
atomicpotato | heh | 06:44 |
atomicpotato | /exec -o aptitude moo | 06:44 |
atomicpotato | There are no Easter Eggs in this program. | 06:44 |
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atomicpotato | :-) | 06:44 |
instabin|work | Is there easter eggs in apt-get? | 06:45 |
Eq|work | atomicpotato : ok - say a package gets a new version released.. minor bugfixes. 10 minutes after the package is released to the masses, a huge security hole is discovered - affects all known versions (for example). couple of hours later, that gets patched. new package uploaded. now, someone with the version before the updates - they'd end up dl'ing the whole lot. | 06:45 |
Eq|work | someone who'd updated in between would get these binary patches of yours | 06:45 |
atomicpotato | Eq|work, then you could make a chain of diffs | 06:45 |
Eq|work | thus making the whole thing exponentially more complex and difficult to keep track of. | 06:45 |
instabin|work | wow openoffice.org takes a long time to build | 06:46 |
atomicpotato | Instabin|work, it does | 06:46 |
Eq|work | instabin|work : why on earth would you rebuild OOo? | 06:46 |
Eq|work | ubuntu != gentoo | 06:46 |
instabin|work | it started building 3 hrs ago... | 06:46 |
atomicpotato | that's why some nice people working for Ubuntu do it for us | 06:46 |
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instabin|work | Eq|work im not building it ... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+builds | 06:46 |
Eq|work | ah, ok. fair enough. | 06:46 |
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atomicpotato | instabin|work, only 3 hours? bah, it'd take several days on my CPU | 06:46 |
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Eq|work | yes, you need one hell of a powerful machine. | 06:47 |
instabin|work | lol again im not builiding it.... | 06:47 |
loufoque | what I would really like is the ability to install packages as users and not only as root | 06:47 |
atomicpotato | (and afaik, Gentoo has binary versions of OpenOffice.org for that reason) | 06:47 |
instabin|work | launchpad is... | 06:47 |
Hobbsee | atomicpotato: i'd suggest you get involved in development of ubuntu for a while before making comments such as [02:40] <atomicpotato> wha? it's their *job* to do work and [02:41] <atomicpotato> and if 1 hour of their time could save thousands of people hours of their time, it's worth it, no? | 06:47 |
atomicpotato | bah | 06:48 |
Pici | I was just going to suggest moving this to -offtopic as well :) | 06:48 |
Eq|work | loufoque : you can.. you just supply your users pw when you start synaptic.. :P | 06:49 |
=== Eq|work agrees with Hobbsee | ||
Eq|work | ubuntu or debian though | 06:49 |
Hobbsee | atomicpotato: then again, with your clear lack of understanding fo the way the world works, the developers now know to ignore almost everything you say | 06:49 |
loufoque | Eq|work: very funny. | 06:49 |
Eq|work | loufoque : err, it's true? | 06:49 |
Hobbsee | incidently, there are plans for incremental updates. | 06:49 |
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=== Eq|work shudders | ||
loufoque | Eq|work: it's just using sudo to gain root privileges, and then it installs the packages with those privileges | 06:50 |
=== instabin|work dosent have a problem with the current system | ||
loufoque | Eq|work: you can't install packages with simple user privileges, even though it should be possible for quite a number of packages | 06:50 |
Eq|work | loufoque : i can think of many reasons to keep it that way | 06:51 |
loufoque | on some systems, users simply do not have sudo access, that's way too dangerous, because they share the system with other people | 06:51 |
Eq|work | not least of which is: why in the hell would i want some normal user installing packages on my server? | 06:51 |
Pici | loufoque: Most of the time you dont want people installing arbitrary packages | 06:51 |
Eq|work | if they want to install software locally, they can compile it elsewhere and put things in the tree off their homedir | 06:51 |
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loufoque | Pici: an user should be able to run the code he wants under the privileges he has on the server | 06:52 |
loufoque | Pici: if he wants to install a software, why not? | 06:52 |
loufoque | Windows perfectly allows this. | 06:52 |
Pici | This isnt windows. | 06:52 |
loufoque | For some software, you can install them without being the system administrator. | 06:52 |
Eq|work | no, it isn't windows. | 06:52 |
Eq|work | windows is NOT secure | 06:52 |
Eq|work | at all | 06:52 |
loufoque | Requiring this is perfectly stupid. It's nice if you want to install software for all users, but that's it. | 06:53 |
Eq|work | nor can it ever be until they completely throw away how they do things | 06:53 |
Hobbsee | loufoque: conflicting libraries, etc. | 06:53 |
Hobbsee | loufoque: read some critiques on 0install, klik, etc. | 06:53 |
Eq|work | loufoque : no, it's called SECURITY | 06:53 |
hylje | you can install stuff on your home directory and be done with it | 06:53 |
loufoque | Eq|work: it's got nothing to do with security. | 06:53 |
instabin|work | Yeeeaaaaa!!!!! the repository must have updated i see nvidia-glx-new_100.14.11+ | 06:53 |
Hobbsee | klik already lets you do it | 06:53 |
hylje | but i dont think dpkg supports that | 06:53 |
Eq|work | loufoque : it has _EVERYTHING_ to do with security. | 06:53 |
loufoque | Eq|work: on the contrary, requiring sudo access to install software is a great security risk. | 06:54 |
Eq|work | only if you give everyone access | 06:54 |
Eq|work | if you do that, then the security risk is YOU | 06:54 |
Hobbsee | loufoque: depends. if you decide to install crack on your machine, then... | 06:54 |
Hobbsee | loufoque: hear me loud and clear - you can use things like klik, if you understand the limitations and consequences. | 06:54 |
Eq|work | if you don't do that, then it's perfectly secure. | 06:54 |
loufoque | well, installing software can already be done by not using packages. | 06:54 |
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Eq|work | yes, in which case it's limited to just that user | 06:55 |
Stuttergart | hello, everyone. | 06:55 |
loufoque | Eq|work: and this is what we're talking about. | 06:55 |
Eq|work | apt/dpkg is not designed (and likely never will be) to do user-specific installations | 06:55 |
Stuttergart | I have a gutsy box that is incrementing the label on it's ethernet interface after every reboot. So it started at eth0 and it is now up to eth9. It seems as though this is some kind of problem with persistent device naming in udev but I'm not sure how to fix it. | 06:55 |
Eq|work | i already said that they can install manually. | 06:55 |
loufoque | Eq|work: I've been talking about user-specific installations for 10 minutes | 06:55 |
Eq|work | i know | 06:55 |
=== Hobbsee gives up | ||
Eq|work | and i said right at the start, they can install manually. | 06:56 |
mendred | loufoque: Both sides are talking about the same thing | 06:56 |
Pici | !offtopic | 06:56 |
Eq|work | Hobbsee also seems to be suggesting you look at something called "klik" | 06:56 |
Eq|work | Pici : no bot yet :P | 06:56 |
mendred | loufoque: apt-get is for system wide installation | 06:56 |
mendred | which obviously requires sudo | 06:56 |
Pici | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development | 06:56 |
Pici | version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:56 |
mendred | if u as a user want to install stuff | 06:56 |
mendred | in ur home dir | 06:56 |
loufoque | I know that apt-get is for system wide installation, otherwise I wouldn't be talking about it | 06:56 |
mendred | no one is stopping you | 06:56 |
Eq|work | mendred : there is no motivation for any distro to provide a user-specific installation method | 06:57 |
Eq|work | to my knowledge, none do. | 06:57 |
mendred | Eq|work: I know that | 06:57 |
loufoque | what I would like is for the ability to install debian packages as a user, thus really making debian packages good ways to redistribute software in binary form. | 06:57 |
Eq|work | sorry, that was meant to be to loufoque | 06:57 |
Pici | Stuttergart: Have you looked on Launchpad for anyone with the same issue? | 06:57 |
mendred | I am more interested in finding out why he wants user specific installation so much | 06:57 |
Eq|work | loufoque : then work out how to do it yourself. you may be able to use dpkg to extract the package. | 06:57 |
Stuttergart | Pici: actually, no, I haven't. Let me do that. | 06:57 |
Eq|work | anyway | 06:58 |
loufoque | Eq|work: I want an easy way for regular users, not for my self. | 06:58 |
kelsa|martalli | For user-specific installs, you can just d/l binaries into your home folder. That is the duty of the program maintainters, such as thunderbird | 06:58 |
Eq|work | screw you guys, i'm going home! :P | 06:58 |
instabin|work | Wounder if the cd drive in my brothers laptop will work with gutsy... it doesnt work with fiesty... :( | 06:58 |
Eq|work | loufoque : script it. | 06:58 |
mendred | Eq|work: lol | 06:58 |
loufoque | I think it would be better for users if there was a standard unified way to install software, rather than having to go through the trouble of program-specific scripts. | 06:59 |
instabin|work | it has an Intel 965 | 06:59 |
instabin|work | chipset | 06:59 |
=== Pici gives up | ||
mendred | loufoque: the usual way is download a tar.gz of a binary unzip it in ur home dir and run it | 06:59 |
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mendred | since u are running it locally..all system libs would be in the tar..as u cannot have the user changing system wide libs | 07:00 |
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mendred | But more specifically rather than the ability | 07:01 |
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mendred | what is the case for this... | 07:01 |
loufoque | mendred: using a user-specific packaging system, the package could simply depend on other packages, that could either be installed system-wide or for the user only. | 07:01 |
loufoque | that would limit duplication. | 07:01 |
mendred | Do you realise the complications of this? | 07:01 |
dash | anybody here understand how module-assistant works? it doesn't seem to know about the existence of vmware-player-kernel-source | 07:01 |
mendred | you are talking about a user specific package | 07:01 |
mendred | depending | 07:01 |
mendred | on a system wide package | 07:01 |
mendred | not good..if the admin decides to update the system | 07:02 |
mendred | technically if you are saying the user wants to install something specific to himself | 07:02 |
loufoque | it depends on a package. Whether the package is installed system-wide or on a per-user basis shouldn't matter. | 07:02 |
mendred | its a maintenance nightmare | 07:02 |
mendred | if its per user | 07:02 |
mendred | never mix with system wide | 07:02 |
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mendred | and obviusly the users package shouldnt overwrite the system package | 07:03 |
mendred | as he does not have perm | 07:03 |
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mendred | but still coming back to your suggestion.. | 07:04 |
mendred | i am saying its already possible if you have a self dependent tar | 07:04 |
mendred | and i think Hobbsee mentioned klik | 07:05 |
mendred | which does that on a per user basis | 07:05 |
loufoque | I looked at klik, that looks like some kind of emulation of a whole system | 07:05 |
mendred | for reasons which i mentioned above | 07:05 |
loufoque | for example, you can only use klick programs at the same time | 07:05 |
mendred | ? | 07:06 |
loufoque | the linux kernel doesn't allow more images to be mounted | 07:06 |
loufoque | each 'klik' application seems to be somehow virtualized | 07:06 |
dash | hello? | 07:07 |
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Stuttergart | Hmm...nothing in launchpad about my incrementing names for ethernet devices. | 07:09 |
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instabin|work | If i enable xen can i run kubuntu under ubuntu? | 07:14 |
Pici | Thats kinda silly. Use xnest | 07:14 |
w00t | anyone here able to give advice on how to troubleshoot a sound problem? it seems mine is nonfunctional and I have no idea where to start. | 07:15 |
instabin|work | Pici: whats xnest? | 07:15 |
instabin|work | w00t: start with telling us what sound card you have its intel hd audio on a laptop i can help | 07:16 |
Pici | instabin|work: Its a way of running an x server inside of another xserver. | 07:16 |
Pici | instabin|work: You can natively run kde applications inside of gnome.. you know | 07:17 |
instabin|work | Pici: I want to run a second os | 07:17 |
instabin|work | inside of ubuntu | 07:17 |
masquerade | If you want to run kubuntu inside ubuntu, you don't want to run a second OS, you just want to run KDE applications | 07:17 |
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w00t | 'lspci -v | grep -i audio' gives "Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)" | 07:17 |
masquerade | Maybe you even want to switch back and forth between KDE and GNOME, which is possible also | 07:18 |
instabin|work | ... N i dont want to run kde apps... i just want to run kubuntu and other distos inside of ubuntu... to try them | 07:18 |
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instabin|work | w00t: is it an hp laptop? | 07:19 |
w00t | instabin|work: no, ironically enough the HP laptop I also have worked just fine out of the box | 07:19 |
instabin|work | w00t: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=530374 | 07:19 |
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instabin|work | w00t: what chip set do you have | 07:20 |
instabin|work | dont do that tutorial yet | 07:20 |
w00t | how do I find out? :) | 07:21 |
instabin|work | also is there any line about realtek | 07:21 |
shirish | guys, I have been having a peculiar problem, let's say I start my machine, it goes till the GNOME login screen, I enter the details, then its blank. | 07:21 |
instabin|work | lspci | 07:21 |
w00t | no realtek cards | 07:21 |
w00t | the only line related to audio I can find I gave above, need it again? | 07:21 |
shirish | then I do CTRL+ALT+F1, login into tty1, restart with CTRL+ALT+DEL | 07:21 |
instabin|work | I had problems with my hp dv6500 and had to recompile the audio alsa driver it had intell hd with some realtek thing in there.... | 07:22 |
shirish | then redo the same thing again, this time I am onto the desktop | 07:22 |
shirish | I'm using 'intel' driver & have intel i845 GE/GV chipset | 07:22 |
instabin|work | w00t: is it a home built (if so what m/b if not what is the make and model) | 07:23 |
w00t | Advent T9509 | 07:23 |
loufoque | instabin|work: just switch between KDE and GNOME with Ctrl+Alt+F8 and stuff | 07:23 |
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instabin|work | I dont want to swich .... I just want to run a second distro.... | 07:24 |
Pici | instabin|work: Kubuntu and Ubuntu are the same distros, with different packages. | 07:24 |
instabin|work | Pici: I know you can install kde with sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop | 07:24 |
instabin|work | ^^...-get install kub..... | 07:25 |
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Pici | I suppose if you really wanted to, you could run kubuntu inside of qemu or whatever, but it just sounds like a waste to me. | 07:25 |
instabin|work | Pici: for testing... so i can break stuff and not worrie.... | 07:26 |
bur[n] er | anyone know how to connect to itunes 7 shares to either listen to or download music? | 07:27 |
instabin|work | Might just use virtual box.... | 07:27 |
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Assid | hrmm the new updates are messed up | 07:30 |
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masquerade | Assid, way to be specific. :) | 07:30 |
Assid | i dont know if its nvidia-glx package or something in x or whatever.. but UI is laggish every now and then | 07:30 |
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Assid | also yep.. im back on kwin.. and its still sluggish | 07:32 |
instabin|work | w00t: that tutorial might work for you but im not absolutly sure... | 07:32 |
instabin|work | I cant find much info about it.. | 07:32 |
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Assid | yeah somethings messed up.. totally sluggish | 07:34 |
Assid | err how do i get dpkg to reconfigure nvidia-glx ? | 07:35 |
Assid | dpkg -a nvidia-glx ? | 07:35 |
Assid | err.. nvm | 07:35 |
Assid | masquerade: you updated yet? | 07:38 |
masquerade | I have updated but not rebooted | 07:38 |
Assid | hrmm | 07:38 |
Assid | roll back | 07:38 |
masquerade | as I had the issue when I rebooted late last night when the kernel upgrades weren't quite finished yet and I had no kernel modules :) | 07:38 |
Assid | oh man | 07:39 |
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Assid | man X is totally messed up.. it keeps freezing up or something | 07:39 |
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Assid | i wonder if any of the developers / release maintainers are around | 07:39 |
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PriceChild | Assid, probably not in here... and they won't have much time for support even if they were | 07:41 |
PriceChild | Assid, have you checked your logs? | 07:41 |
Assid | PriceChild: first thing i did.. nothing different in x's log | 07:41 |
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shirish | Assid: also you could try doing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" | 07:41 |
PriceChild | Assid, what about the others? | 07:41 |
shirish | Assid: although don't know if that would improve stuff for you or no, as don't have any nvidia stuff on me. | 07:42 |
shirish | bbiaf | 07:42 |
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Assid | id have to reconfigure everything and will be back in th same boat | 07:42 |
Assid | could be X .. could be ther scheduler | 07:42 |
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Assid | yes.. xorg process is crazy | 07:45 |
Assid | lots of cpu usage.. im guessing its related to the nvidia-glx module | 07:45 |
=== Fracture [n=cameronb@203-217-12-139.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Fracture | I have an issue with compz.. when running glxgears, a) a small (about 100x100) popup window shows with all just black - no gears. b) it reports on the console 900+ frames per second, c) I everything else becomes really jerky - mouse movement, window movement etc.. | 07:46 |
Assid | you can run glxgears while runnign compiz ? | 07:46 |
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Assid | dammit.. there.. | 07:47 |
Assid | ran glxgears.. X restarts | 07:47 |
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Assid | hrmm anyone know which drivers are used for the 6600GT ? | 07:48 |
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Assid | 100.14.11 ? 71xx series ? 96xx series ? | 07:48 |
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Assid | err.. who was it who ran glxgears and had it laggish ? | 07:50 |
=== Fracture ! | ||
Fracture | when I run glxgears without compiz enabled, I get 5500 fps in a small window, and 350 fullscreen | 07:51 |
Fracture | but, with compiz enabled.. it's totally borked | 07:52 |
tehk | Anyone elses update manager keep instaling the same packages? | 07:52 |
Assid | Fracture: restarts X ? | 07:52 |
Assid | i got the same problem | 07:53 |
tehk | Mine wants to perform a partial upgrade again. Strange. | 07:53 |
Fracture | Assid: it did once.. but not anymore.. it just displays a black window, and totally bogs down the system | 07:53 |
Assid | Fracture: reinstall nvidia-glx | 07:53 |
Assid | and thne restart x | 07:53 |
Assid | it just fixed my issue | 07:53 |
Assid | i was sluggish like hell and xorg eating 30-50% cpu | 07:54 |
Fracture | Assid: I am using the latest nvidia driver, built using envy | 07:54 |
Assid | envy supports gutsy ? | 07:54 |
Assid | hrmm.. not sure.. im just telling ytou what i did | 07:54 |
Fracture | ok | 07:54 |
Fracture | tanks | 07:54 |
Assid | kwin --replace & | 07:54 |
Assid | and then pkill -9 emerald; compiz --replace & ; emerald --replace & | 07:55 |
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PriceChild | bah at nvidia update | 08:12 |
Do`` | what it do? | 08:12 |
PriceChild | broken :) | 08:13 |
PriceChild | running on nv to see if i can get things going again | 08:13 |
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CydeSwype | is anyone else in partial upgrade hell today? | 08:22 |
CydeSwype | update manager seems to think i need a partial upgrade but when i try to perform one it churns for awhile and then says i'm up to date, canceling the update | 08:23 |
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PriceChild | *gives up on trying to get nvidia-glx* packages going | 08:27 |
malnilion | Hehe, maybe I shouldn't update yet then | 08:27 |
CydeSwype | yeah i'm stuck in nvidia hell too | 08:27 |
CydeSwype | hence why i'm trying to update | 08:28 |
CydeSwype | got the new kernel | 08:28 |
malnilion | What is version 100.14.11? | 08:28 |
CydeSwype | but x stiill won't start | 08:28 |
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CydeSwype | malnilion: i think that's referencing the nvidia kernel? | 08:28 |
CydeSwype | i had some kernel mismatch before i did the last update | 08:29 |
malnilion | Yeah, the new nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-new-kernel packages or whatever have that version | 08:31 |
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CydeSwype | i think the last update i did solved that problem...but then i had a new one...didn't write it down before booting this last time | 08:32 |
malnilion | Yeah, I'm a little afraid to install the updates I have marked here... | 08:34 |
malnilion | CydeSwype, did booting with your old kernel fail too? | 08:34 |
CydeSwype | i haven't tried booting the old kernel since the kernel update | 08:36 |
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CydeSwype | i did an update this morning, then x wouldn't start. then i upgraded to the new kernel, and x still wouldn't start. i guess i could try booting the old kernel, but if it didn't start before, i'd doubt it would start now | 08:36 |
CydeSwype | i just switch the nvidia to nv in xorg.conf and that seems to get me going...but no external monitor support or anything like that | 08:37 |
malnilion | Right | 08:37 |
malnilion | Well I think I'm gonna take the plunge :P | 08:38 |
CydeSwype | haha good luck. see you on the other side | 08:38 |
malnilion | I'll be good 'til I reboot or kill my x server hehe | 08:39 |
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CydeSwype | not sure if there's a bug logged in launchpad yet or not...not sure what to look for | 08:40 |
CydeSwype | imma reboot again and get the error message | 08:40 |
malnilion | Broken systems are sexy, they're like dirty tramps | 08:41 |
=== Gnu_Joe [n=joe27u@ool-44c7dc56.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Gnu_Joe | Why was the latest version of X cut from Fiesty? | 08:43 |
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CydeSwype | okay, yeah, i think i'm getting the same error as you. api mismatch, nvidia driver component has version 100.14.11 | 08:45 |
malnilion | I haven't gotten an error yet, but I haven't restarted yet either | 08:46 |
malnilion | See ya on the other side, lol | 08:46 |
CydeSwype | aighty | 08:46 |
Assid | 100.14.11 ? 71xx series ? 96xx series ? -- whats for the 6600GT ? | 08:46 |
Assid | x is just toooooooooooooooo sluggish for me | 08:46 |
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Assid | 11031 root 16 0 103m 81m 5428 S 78 5.3 16:33.19 Xorg | 08:47 |
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Assid | heck the timing looks crazy too.. its not on for 16 hours | 08:48 |
Assid | brb.. gonna reboot | 08:48 |
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qmf | hi guys, i've gotten myself into a bit of a pickle. | 09:05 |
Pici | Must be a really huge pickle.. unless you're really small. | 09:05 |
qmf | i use 7.04 on my production machine but test gutsy on my laptop | 09:05 |
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qmf | and i've managed to get stuck at a clients with this laptop and i need to scan a contract for alteration. but xsane seems to be broken | 09:06 |
qmf | i've tried different versions but it always dies with.. | 09:07 |
qmf | Segmentation fault (core dumped) | 09:07 |
qmf | googling the problem doesn't seems to give back any useful results | 09:08 |
kenro | My clock doesn't hold an ntp sync. The date's current, but time is 5 hours later than tz. Is this a bug, or can I do something about it? Mind you, startscript or crontab unsatisfactory solution as I don't always boot up into Inet. any help, especialy successful, greatly appreciated. | 09:09 |
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odla | so i'm upgrading to gutsy using update-manager -d and it is going to install thunderbird? is that strange? | 09:11 |
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atomicpotato | maybe | 09:12 |
odla | unfortunately i need to run gutsy for hardware fixes (video card, audio card, wireless card) ... but i'm just going to reinstall again once gutsy becomes final in october anyways | 09:13 |
atomicpotato | I don't see thunderbird as a new dependency, but if you have the mozilla-thunderbird package installed, it's been deprecated | 09:13 |
atomicpotato | replaced by thunderbird you see.. | 09:13 |
odla | atomicpotato: this is a fresh feisty install | 09:13 |
atomicpotato | huh, no idea then | 09:13 |
odla | atomicpotato: just installed feisty about 10 minutes ago and now i'm upgrading to gutsy | 09:14 |
atomicpotato | I just let the update-manager do what it wants and clean up later | 09:14 |
odla | atomicpotato: :) | 09:14 |
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malnilion | Hehe, that was fun | 09:15 |
gnomefreak | odla: thunkderbird is the new name we still build binaries for mozilla-thiunderbird but we just renamed it. it will remove mozilla-thunderbird but everything will install fine and your profile will not be touched | 09:16 |
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atomicpotato | he says it's a fresh install though | 09:17 |
malnilion | For whatever reason, included in my updates was the -386 image and restricted drivers, but no headers and that became my default kernel, so I had to get rid of that and get back to -generic | 09:17 |
atomicpotato | so I'm guessing there's a dependency failure somewhere | 09:17 |
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gnomefreak | atomicpotato: what is the failure? | 09:17 |
atomicpotato | as far as I know, thunderbird isn't part of the default install | 09:17 |
atomicpotato | we use evolution instead, right? | 09:17 |
gnomefreak | right | 09:17 |
gnomefreak | its in main but it is not default on anything but xubuntu(if its still installed by defaul there) | 09:18 |
atomicpotato | yeah, so the weird thing is that update-manager wanted to install it during a dist-upgrade from a clean feisty | 09:19 |
gnomefreak | what desktop | 09:20 |
atomicpotato | don't know, he didn't say | 09:20 |
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gnomefreak | xubuntu is still default afaik gnome and kde wont install it or upgrade it without a package relation being there. i just looked at depends and control file for it | 09:23 |
Pricey | yay I've got nvidia-glx-new working for me again :) | 09:24 |
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CydeSwype | pricey, what'd you do? i think malnilion and i are both wrestling with glx this morning | 09:25 |
malnilion | I'm all good to go | 09:25 |
CydeSwype | oh you bastards | 09:25 |
CydeSwype | lol | 09:25 |
Pricey | CydeSwype, ok well what error are you getting? | 09:26 |
CydeSwype | pricey: api mismatch after an update this morning | 09:26 |
malnilion | The most trouble I had was with my upgrade including the 386 kernel image and modules and making it the default booted kernel | 09:26 |
Pricey | CydeSwype, what are the two it is finding? | 09:26 |
Pricey | malnilion, remove -386 and run -generic | 09:26 |
CydeSwype | "this nvidia driver component has version 100.14.11" | 09:26 |
malnilion | Right | 09:26 |
Pricey | CydeSwype, but the other is...? | 09:26 |
CydeSwype | not sure... | 09:26 |
Pricey | hehe | 09:27 |
CydeSwype | didn't say in the error message | 09:27 |
Pricey | even the extended log? | 09:27 |
Pricey | mine for some random reason was 7185 | 09:27 |
Pricey | so i installed nvidia-glx-legacy | 09:27 |
CydeSwype | hmm | 09:27 |
Pricey | and rm /lib/linux-restricted-modules/.nvidia_new_installed | 09:27 |
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Pricey | then rmmod nvidia, then restarted gdm and the legacy module loaded fine | 09:28 |
gnomefreak | what cards were dropped this time? | 09:28 |
Pricey | so i installed nvidia-glx-new and worked fine again (after removing the module just to make sure) | 09:28 |
Pricey | gnomefreak, none that i am aware of | 09:28 |
gnomefreak | thats odd | 09:28 |
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kiba | Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should | 09:28 |
kiba | reinstall it before attempting a removal. | 09:28 |
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cavediver | Hi. | 09:29 |
kiba | hmm | 09:29 |
Pricey | I'll just go through nvidia.com's changelogs to make sure... | 09:29 |
kiba | I let the problem go through for quite a long time | 09:29 |
Pricey | but i'm pretty sure none have been dropped since 9746 | 09:29 |
cavediver | Is there a way to configure the plugins availible with compiz ? | 09:29 |
gnomefreak | kiba: what package is that? | 09:29 |
kiba | now the day that I shall eliminate this problem altogether! | 09:29 |
kiba | mozilla-plugin-gnash | 09:29 |
Pricey | cavediver, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager | 09:29 |
cavediver | thanks. | 09:29 |
kiba | did something wrong with that package | 09:29 |
gnomefreak | kiba: that shouldnt be there. what is the issue with it? | 09:29 |
gnomefreak | kiba: latest build of it works fine.' | 09:29 |
CydeSwype | okay, synaptic says i have nvidia-glx ver 1:100.14.12 and nvidia-kernel-2.6.22-9-generic 1:100.14.12+2.6.22-9.20 | 09:30 |
gnomefreak | kiba: do you have flash and gnash installed? | 09:31 |
kiba | didn't have the latest build | 09:31 |
gnomefreak | CydeSwype: update your kernel | 09:31 |
kiba | that problem occur when there is a bug... | 09:31 |
Pricey | CydeSwype, we're on -10 now | 09:31 |
CydeSwype | gnomefreak: will do | 09:31 |
kiba | on something like August 12 | 09:31 |
CydeSwype | oh, you mean the linux kernel? | 09:32 |
Pricey | and i never knew there was new nvidia for -9 | 09:32 |
gnomefreak | the newest nvidia is for -10 | 09:32 |
CydeSwype | i already did that | 09:32 |
kiba | since then..I didn't try to fix it | 09:32 |
CydeSwype | this morning | 09:32 |
kiba | then I tried force remove it | 09:32 |
kiba | but did something wrong in the process | 09:32 |
gnomefreak | kiba: just wait for it i found the problem | 09:32 |
gnomefreak | its fixed locally atm waiting for another push | 09:32 |
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shaun_ | hey | 09:32 |
shaun_ | i'm running a program | 09:33 |
shaun_ | umm | 09:33 |
shaun_ | i'm running it twice at the same time | 09:33 |
shaun_ | and when i do top | 09:33 |
shaun_ | it says that each one is using roughly 98=% cpu | 09:33 |
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gnomefreak | a motu pushed it without checking with the maintainer and whatever was pushed broke | 09:33 |
shaun_ | 98% | 09:33 |
kiba | gnomefreak: it's already fixed | 09:33 |
shaun_ | sometimes it will say one is using 100% and the othe ris using 98% | 09:33 |
kiba | just that apt-get isn't going to fix it for me | 09:33 |
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shaun_ | this have something to do with the core 2 duo? | 09:34 |
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CydeSwype | argh...i think grub booted me to the old default kernel...rebooting to .10 now | 09:34 |
kiba | it is a week old | 09:34 |
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kenro | My clock doesn't hold an ntp sync. The date's current, but time is 5 hours later than tz. Is this a bug, or can I do something about it? Mind you, startscript or crontab unsatisfactory solution as I don't always boot up into Inet. any help, especially successful, greatly appreciated. | 09:40 |
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shaun_ | anyone? | 09:48 |
shaun_ | kenro: `sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org` | 09:49 |
kenro | shaun_: I know. It won't hold a ntp sync. | 09:50 |
shaun_ | so after it sets the right time it reverts back to the old one? | 09:50 |
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CydeSwype | okay, i think i realize what's going on now. my update manager is screwy...it tells me i need a partial upgrade but when i run it it says i'm up-to-date and then closes | 09:51 |
kenro | Correct. But after reboot. | 09:52 |
CydeSwype | sooo...i'm stuck on an old kernel version of nvidia, but a newer linux kernel | 09:52 |
CydeSwype | .9 vs. .10 | 09:52 |
shaun_ | you could make an rc script that runs it when the comp boots | 09:52 |
CydeSwype | after reboot i'm still having the same trouble with update manager. | 09:53 |
CydeSwype | i'm running it again right now...will let you know the outcome | 09:53 |
shaun_ | that was directed at kenro, but whatever :P | 09:53 |
kenro | shaun_: My clock doesn't hold an ntp sync. The date's current, but time is 5 hours later than tz. Is this a bug, or can I do something about it? Mind you, startscript or crontab unsatisfactory solution as I don't always boot up into Inet. any help, especially successful, greatly appreciated. | 09:54 |
CydeSwype | yep..same...think i'm up to date after it starts doing the partial upgrade | 09:54 |
CydeSwype | and synaptic doesn't seem to see a .10 version of the nvidia kernel. maybe my sources are goofy? | 09:55 |
=== firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-115-232-168.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
shaun_ | nvidia kernel? | 09:55 |
atomicpotato | +module | 09:55 |
CydeSwype | nvidia-kernel-2.6.22-9-generic | 09:55 |
CydeSwype | that's all synaptic sees. no .10 ver | 09:56 |
CydeSwype | errr -10 | 09:56 |
atomicpotato | err, http://pastebin.ca/667194 <-- your package seems to not exist | 09:56 |
CydeSwype | well that's interesting lol | 09:57 |
shaun_ | i just see: nvidia-kernel-1.0.9755 | 09:57 |
shaun_ | and other similar packages | 09:57 |
CydeSwype | i wonder if that was some leftover stuff from like...envy or something | 09:57 |
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CydeSwype | so...if synaptic isn't showing any other nvidia kernel...what should i do? | 10:00 |
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CydeSwype | do i have to build it from source? | 10:01 |
CydeSwype | i have kernel source and common...but no kernel (other than the one i mentioned which seems to be invalid) | 10:01 |
nosrednaekim | CydeSwype: stupid question, but have you tryed updating? | 10:01 |
nosrednaekim | your package lists? | 10:01 |
shaun_ | sudo aptitude update | 10:02 |
shaun_ | then sudo aptitude upgrade | 10:02 |
shaun_ | and u dont have to worry about synaptic | 10:02 |
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CydeSwype | okay, i'll try doing apt from the cli. | 10:03 |
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CydeSwype | looks like my restricted nvidia driver got disabled somewhere along the line...switching that back on also | 10:05 |
CydeSwype | time for a reboot brb | 10:05 |
dunder | anyone know if gutsy has decent support for jmicron IDE controller?? | 10:06 |
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magnetron | if ubuntu supported EFI, would it need Boot camp to run on apple computers? | 10:07 |
hylje | you can get linux boot on vanilla EFI | 10:07 |
hylje | not sure does the x86/amd64 ubuntu support it | 10:07 |
magnetron | it would be sweet if it did | 10:08 |
hylje | i'd believe it'd need a different media for the disc to boot off efi | 10:08 |
nosrednaekim | hylje: pretty sure it does. | 10:08 |
hylje | nosrednaekim: sounds great | 10:09 |
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nosrednaekim | hylje: there is a Kubuntu dev with a Mac book. | 10:09 |
nosrednaekim | and I never heard him and others complain about non-booting. | 10:09 |
nosrednaekim | as long as its an Intel | 10:09 |
magnetron | nosrednaekim: maybe he use boot camp to boot strap grub | 10:10 |
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malnilion | How'd it go, CydeSwype? | 10:11 |
CydeSwype | oi. update manager still seems to think i need an upgrade | 10:11 |
CydeSwype | x still won't start with the nvidia driver | 10:11 |
CydeSwype | only with nv | 10:11 |
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CydeSwype | apparently with nv as my driver in xorg.conf, that disabled the nvidia restricted driver. so that's disabled again | 10:12 |
=== Arwen [i=anon32@wikipedia/anon32] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Arwen | anyone else have issues with GNOME hanging when you hit the "logout" button? | 10:14 |
CydeSwype | arwen, i've never used logouot, but i do have gnome hang when i attempt to shutdown | 10:15 |
Arwen | ick | 10:16 |
instabin|work | How can I get a process list at a terminal? | 10:16 |
CydeSwype | .does it only happen for you on logout? or any sort of exiting gnome event? | 10:16 |
CydeSwype | ps ax | 10:16 |
Arwen | any sort of event | 10:16 |
Arwen | instabin|work, with the "ps" command | 10:16 |
instabin|work | ty | 10:17 |
Arwen | CydeSwype, I don't actually have to do said event, only to bring up the quit menu | 10:17 |
CydeSwype | arwen: yeah...sounds like what i've been seing then. i wonder if there's a report for that in launchpad yet. | 10:17 |
CydeSwype | ohhh | 10:17 |
CydeSwype | that's different then | 10:17 |
CydeSwype | i don't have that behavior | 10:17 |
Arwen | yeah, it hangs but I can still move my cursor or reset X | 10:17 |
CydeSwype | mine locks up hard...cursor is gone, background is still there, but have to do a cold-restart to get out | 10:18 |
CydeSwype | just does a system beep when hitting the power button | 10:18 |
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CydeSwype | so...i can't see how to get past these packages that have been "kept back" | 10:21 |
CydeSwype | they're all open office packages | 10:21 |
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CydeSwype | but they're perpetually "kept back" as i can't do a partial upgrade | 10:22 |
instabin|work | running apt-get over ssh is that a good idea?..... o well at least my updates will be done when i get home | 10:22 |
Arwen | CydeSwype, try doing apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:22 |
Arwen | instabin|work, eh, long as you don't disconnect | 10:22 |
nosrednaekim | instabin|work: on't disconnect! | 10:23 |
CydeSwype | arwen, that seems to be grabbing them...better than i was getting with update manager | 10:23 |
CydeSwype | thanks!@ | 10:23 |
instabin|work | what? | 10:23 |
instabin|work | !! | 10:23 |
instabin|work | CydeSwype: apt-get dist-upgrade will fix it... its what im doing | 10:24 |
nosrednaekim | instabin|work: don't disconnect the ssh session. | 10:24 |
Arwen | if you disconnect it, it might still work, but I'm guessing it'll foobar | 10:25 |
nosrednaekim | maybe if you run it as a background process | 10:27 |
instabin|work | nosrednaekim: why? LOL | 10:28 |
nosrednaekim | instabin|work: why what? | 10:28 |
instabin|work | I can disconnect if i do apt-get dist-upgrade > apt-get.out | 10:28 |
CydeSwype | sweet, that update worked. okay rebooting again...those changes only seemed to hit openoffice packages so i don't there's going to be any effect, but here's hoping | 10:29 |
magnetron | will gutsy use debtorrent? | 10:33 |
Arwen | no | 10:33 |
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wamty | anyone here that is using Ubuntu 7.04? | 10:36 |
Arwen | nope, this is #ubuntu+1 :-) | 10:36 |
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CydeSwype | i suck at this game | 10:37 |
wamty | why are my taskbar buttons stretched? | 10:37 |
w00t | ugh... is there a reliable, easy way to use the binary nvidia driver? it really doesn't seem to like me. | 10:37 |
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wamty | if i play an internet radio with XMMS and the filename is long, the taskbar will be long as well | 10:37 |
wamty | how to make taskbar buttons in limited size? | 10:38 |
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w00t | someone, anyone? :) | 10:45 |
kenro | I need a little help o getting unrar installed. | 10:46 |
Arwen | hmm? | 10:46 |
kenro | Arwen: Will hte gibbon use unrar? I have lots of cbr and none of the cbr apps work because they ep unrar. | 10:48 |
kenro | Arwen: Will hte gibbon use unrar? I have lots of cbr and none of the cbr apps work because they dep unrar. | 10:49 |
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Arwen | don't repeat | 10:49 |
kenro | wtf is ep? | 10:49 |
Arwen | and please state your question in understandable English | 10:49 |
kenro | wtf is dep? | 10:49 |
Arwen | dep = dependency, it's what a package requires in order to work | 10:50 |
kenro | No repeat. Was a clarification. | 10:50 |
Arwen | saying the same thing twice is not a clarification | 10:50 |
magnetron | unrar-free is nice | 10:51 |
kenro | I did not say the same thing twice. I first asked in reference to ep. Anyway, you know what cbr is? | 10:51 |
masquerade | CBR could be one of many things | 10:52 |
masquerade | I'm guessing you're thinking the .cbr, which is an rar file | 10:53 |
=== Tigge [n=tigge@bacchus.olf.sgsnet.se] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
kenro | comic book archive... I might need an extra pkg src, but worry about screwing up Gibbon | 10:54 |
Arwen | ... | 10:54 |
Arwen | apt-get install unrar | 10:54 |
kenro | Package unrar is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 10:55 |
kenro | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 10:55 |
kenro | is only available from another source | 10:55 |
Arwen | !repository | 10:55 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 10:55 |
kenro | unrar-free is already the newest version. | 10:56 |
Arwen | ...I think you should go back to the stable version | 10:56 |
kenro | I forget whatall, but stable doesn't work on my hardware. | 10:58 |
kenro | Needs a rather advanced kernel. | 10:58 |
Arwen | general questions can still go to #ubuntu/#kubuntu, try to keep discussion here about what's broken in Gutsy Gibbon | 10:59 |
=== pvandewyngaerde [n=pvandewy@189.22-201-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
masquerade | okay, so, let's discuss the nvidia-glx stuff. I'm afraid to reboot cause I've heard the horror stories :) | 10:59 |
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kenro | Arwen: So tell me if adding, say, a apt-get.org source, will screw my computer? #ubuntu won't touch this question. | 11:01 |
kenro | Or, more generally stated, If I track a purely debian pkg src, will I screw my computer? | 11:02 |
Arwen | masquerade, heh, ATI user here. I've got my own problems to deal with. | 11:02 |
Arwen | kenro, adding a malicious source will screw up your computer | 11:03 |
Arwen | not all of the official repositories are enabled by default, did you read !repository ? | 11:03 |
=== paolo_ [n=paolo@host138-3-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
paolo_ | Hi all, is there anybody that can help me in solving a problem with compiz? | 11:04 |
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CydeSwype | paolo, what's the issue? i'm still trying to get back my nvidia drivers, but as of last night i had compiz running nicley | 11:05 |
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kenro | Arwen: http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/39132 and you tell me if I've enabled all the official sources. | 11:06 |
paolo_ | If I enable it I get a corrupted desktop, the right part is unusable | 11:06 |
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pvandewyngaerde | !repository | 11:06 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 11:06 |
Arwen | kenro, lines 19-20, add "multiverse" to the end | 11:06 |
Arwen | lines 18-18* | 11:06 |
Arwen | ... | 11:06 |
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Arwen | lines 18-19* | 11:07 |
kenro | Arwen: change deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe to deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy multiverse? | 11:08 |
Arwen | no, add it to the end | 11:08 |
Arwen | e.g. deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe multiverse | 11:08 |
kenro | gotcha | 11:08 |
kenro | to 18 and 19 | 11:08 |
Arwen | (I recommend reading "man sources.list" to understand how it works) | 11:08 |
Arwen | yeah, 18/19 | 11:08 |
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paolo_ | pvandewyngaerde: I've put a screenshoot here:http://xs118.xs.to/xs118/07343/compiz.png | 11:10 |
pvandewyngaerde | talking to me ? | 11:11 |
paolo_ | sorry pvandewyngaerde, wrong destination :-) | 11:12 |
paolo_ | CydeSwype: I've put a screenshoot here:http://xs118.xs.to/xs118/07343/compiz.png | 11:12 |
kenro | Arwen: Heh :) So I wasn't as up on the job as I'd thought. :) Now I update/dist-upgrade/install unrar? | 11:13 |
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
CydeSwype | paolo_: right...so it looks as though you're not getting the effects support and ubuntu recognizes that. you've enabled restricted drivers? nvidia or ati card? | 11:13 |
Arwen | kenro, yeah | 11:14 |
paolo_ | CydeSwype: ATI card, no restricted driver | 11:14 |
CydeSwype | have you ever used envy? | 11:15 |
paolo_ | CydeSwype: Usually I don't get the error message, I simply get the corruption and desktop effects are enabled | 11:15 |
kenro | tankee | 11:15 |
kiba | hmm | 11:16 |
paolo_ | CydeSwype: Yes. but envy doesn't work with my card | 11:16 |
kiba | mozilla-plugin-gnash.prerm is messed up | 11:16 |
kiba | where could I get another copy of mozilla-plugin-gnash.perrm | 11:16 |
kiba | I seem to can't find it in the mozilla-plugin-gnash.prerm I installed | 11:17 |
kiba | I mean | 11:17 |
CydeSwype | i've used envy in the past and it left behind a bunch of conflicting sources/packages | 11:17 |
kenro | there's currently a fight on slashdot. But then, there's always a fight on slashdot. | 11:17 |
kiba | I seem to can't find it in the mozilla-plugin-gnash package I downloaded | 11:17 |
Arwen | ick, envy... | 11:17 |
CydeSwype | i had to do a good amount of cleaning up before reinstalling the right packages | 11:17 |
Arwen | anything auto-scripted is dangerous and useless at best | 11:17 |
kenro | Arwen: Hope this solves my clocksync... | 11:17 |
CydeSwype | arwen, i concur. i was young and naive back then | 11:17 |
Arwen | your clock is out of sync? | 11:18 |
paolo_ | CydeSwype: I'm using a Radeon R100 QD [Radeon 7200] | 11:18 |
Arwen | you need XGL for that card don't you? | 11:18 |
kenro | Arwen: My clock doesn't hold an ntp sync. The date's current, but time is 5 hours later than tz. Is this a bug, or can I do something about it? Mind you, startscript or crontab unsatisfactory solution as I don't always boot up into Inet. any help, especially successful, greatly appreciated. | 11:19 |
kiba | where could I get another copy of mozilla-plugin-gnash.perrm? | 11:19 |
kiba | mine cause package to be inconsistent | 11:19 |
Arwen | kenro, you could call ntp to just sync it once | 11:19 |
w00t | I am going NUTS trying to get some form of decent nvidia driver working on here - nothing I do seems to get anywhere. Does anyone have any experience with the process? | 11:19 |
Arwen | or does it go out of sync every time you boot? | 11:19 |
kenro | Arwen: correct | 11:20 |
w00t | restricted-manager helpfully told me I don't need restricted drivers (before It stopped working all together when I tried to reinstall it) which is a load of total and utter crap, as nothing that requires 3D is working, of course | 11:20 |
Arwen | hmm, that's really odd. I don't know how you would fix that. | 11:20 |
=== grumpymo2e [n=warren@c211-28-135-80.lowrp2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
pwnguin | w00t: which video card have you? | 11:21 |
w00t | 256mb NVidia GeForce 8300 GS | 11:21 |
kenro | Arwen: It always resets to about 5hours later than tz when I reboot. | 11:21 |
pwnguin | w00t: i think the package you want is nvidia-glx-new | 11:21 |
w00t | pwnguin, tried it - it didn't work out | 11:22 |
w00t | firstly it didn't change my X conf for me, so I did - X then failed to start | 11:22 |
kenro | Arwen: Make that 5 hours earlier. | 11:22 |
pwnguin | w00t: what was the output? | 11:22 |
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w00t | pwnguin, give me a bit, I'll do it again. | 11:23 |
Arwen | kenro, I don't know. | 11:23 |
kenro | Arwen: clock reads 7:22am | 11:23 |
w00t | pwnguin: (I just need to apt-get nvidia-glx-new, and change Driver to "nvidia" from "nv", right?) | 11:23 |
=== paolo [n=paolo@host138-3-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
kenro | oooooo I dO NOT want openoffice! | 11:23 |
pwnguin | w00t: basically | 11:24 |
kenro | Beyond that, oo fails to install. | 11:24 |
pwnguin | w00t: you might also need to load the nvidia kernel module, but i dobut thats needed | 11:25 |
w00t | well, that's that, let's try start X. | 11:25 |
w00t | bear with me | 11:26 |
w00t | on console, so of course I need to type the stuff. | 11:26 |
=== CydeSwype is watching what happens to w00t cuz it might fix his problem too | ||
=== Ubulindy [n=Ubulindy@113-163.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== pwnguin hopes nouveau makes progress | ||
w00t | (EE) Failed to load module "wfb (module does not exist, 0) | 11:28 |
w00t | (II) Module alreadyt built in~ | 11:28 |
Ubulindy | can someone tell me why I am having probs with x-chat? Just pops up, and as quick, just disappears? | 11:28 |
pwnguin | Ubulindy: run it from the command line, and you'll probably get an answer | 11:28 |
w00t | FATAL: Could not open /a/really/long/path/vidia.ko: no such file or directory | 11:28 |
pwnguin | terminal | 11:28 |
Ubulindy | same with x-chat gnome | 11:28 |
w00t | *nvidia.kpo | 11:29 |
pwnguin | haha | 11:29 |
w00t | .. ko | 11:29 |
pwnguin | oh | 11:29 |
w00t | excuse typos, I can't see what I'm typing. | 11:29 |
Ubulindy | what command do I run? | 11:29 |
w00t | Ubulindy: xchat | 11:29 |
pwnguin | w00t: try running "modprobe nvidia" | 11:29 |
w00t | pwnguin: one sec. | 11:29 |
Ubulindy | k, thanks | 11:29 |
w00t | pwnguin: as a normal user? or does that need superuser | 11:30 |
pwnguin | superuser | 11:30 |
w00t | could not open /really/long/path/nvidia.ko: no such file or directory | 11:30 |
w00t | uh oh.. | 11:30 |
Ubulindy | said core dumped | 11:30 |
w00t | Ubulindy: it crashed then | 11:31 |
Ubulindy | yes, why? | 11:31 |
pwnguin | Ubulindy: cuz it's in development? | 11:31 |
w00t | pwnguin: pwnguin I have two different versions folders in /lib/modules | 11:31 |
Ubulindy | ahh | 11:31 |
w00t | 2.6.20-15-generic and 2.6.22-10-generic | 11:31 |
pwnguin | w00t, have you recently upgraded kernels without rebooting? | 11:31 |
Ubulindy | I did have it up and running when I first installed, but not since | 11:31 |
pwnguin | w00t: uname -a | 11:31 |
w00t | pwnguin: not to my knowledge.. but | 11:32 |
w00t | ... | 11:32 |
w00t | 2.6.20-15-generic | 11:32 |
w00t | you think.. | 11:32 |
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CydeSwype | wtf...my uname still says i'm on .9 | 11:32 |
CydeSwype | grub told me i was loading .10...and before i started x, i'm pretty sure i was on .10 | 11:33 |
pwnguin | are you looking at the server you're ircing from? | 11:33 |
kenro | Arwen: uh oh... upgrae/dist-upgrade installs enterprise apps on my lappy. I don't need that kind of powe... | 11:33 |
Arwen | ??? | 11:33 |
w00t | hmm, I behmm. /vmlinuz is pointing at .22 | 11:33 |
w00t | so maybe I haven't rebooted. | 11:33 |
CydeSwype | i just ctrl+alt+f2 and did a uname and got a different result...than what i'm getting in shell inside x | 11:33 |
w00t | let's try that. :) | 11:33 |
kenro | Setting up kdepim-wizards (4:3.5.7enterprise20070810-0ubuntu2) ... | 11:33 |
pvandewyngaerde | Linux pvandewyngaerde-desktop 2.6.22-10-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 22 07:42:05 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 11:34 |
CydeSwype | oh jesus...n/m i'm retarded | 11:34 |
CydeSwype | too many shell windows open | 11:34 |
CydeSwype | i'm on .10 | 11:34 |
pwnguin | Linux camaro 2.6.20-gentoo-r4 #1 SMP Sat Mar 31 20:18:13 CDT 2007 i686 Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.66GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux | 11:35 |
w00t | pwnguin: i'm getting somewhere | 11:38 |
w00t | something forgot to run update-grub | 11:38 |
w00t | so anyway | 11:38 |
w00t | i'm booted into the new kernel now | 11:38 |
w00t | it's still erroring, but differently | 11:38 |
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w00t | (EE) Failed to load module wfb (module does not exist, 0) | 11:38 |
pwnguin | ok | 11:38 |
w00t | (EE) NVIDIA(0): Need libwfb but wfbScreenInit not found | 11:39 |
w00t | minus the double space | 11:39 |
pwnguin | well | 11:41 |
pwnguin | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/+bug/98641 | 11:41 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 98641 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20 "[nvidia-glx-new] NVidia driver missing libwfb" [High,Confirmed] | 11:41 |
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w00t | hmm | 11:43 |
w00t | pwnguin: their recommendation seems to be to grab it from nvidia and start over (libfw) | 11:43 |
w00t | should it not be packaged though? | 11:44 |
pwnguin | im not done reading that bug report =/ | 11:44 |
w00t | neither, i'm skimming + fast reader, so almost :P | 11:44 |
pwnguin | im just at the point where kernel guy says it should be fixed | 11:44 |
kiba | I have a broken mozilla-plugin-gnash.prem | 11:46 |
kiba | err..prerm | 11:46 |
pwnguin | ah, but that was for feisty. makes one wonder why it didnt make it into gutsy | 11:46 |
kiba | which cause inconsistently when removing packages | 11:46 |
w00t | pwnguin: $%^& | 11:47 |
w00t | :P | 11:47 |
w00t | does this mean I need to file a report on thjis? | 11:47 |
pwnguin | w00t: no | 11:47 |
pwnguin | w00t: but you might subscribe to that one | 11:47 |
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pwnguin | it's alraedy listed as affecting 2.6.22; the kernel developer just said back in may he pushed it out to feisty-updates. obvoiusly, we're testing gutsy now ;) | 11:48 |
kiba | anybody hlellllllllllllp? | 11:48 |
kiba | can somebody paste their mozilla-plugin-gnash.prerm from var/lib/dkpg/info | 11:50 |
kiba | ? | 11:50 |
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pwnguin | i dont think i have gnash installed | 11:51 |
pvandewyngaerde | is gnash any good ? | 11:53 |
kiba | well..mine is in a very inconsistent state | 11:53 |
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kiba | pvandewygaerdo: It can play flash better than all the other flash player | 11:53 |
kiba | and is actually usable on youtube | 11:53 |
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pvandewyngaerde | and it runs native on 64 bit | 11:55 |
kiba | well..I need a fresh copy so I can fix this thing | 11:55 |
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magnetron | gnash gtw | 12:02 |
Arwen | kiba, "better than all the other flash player" <-- as in better than Adobe Flash? | 12:03 |
pvandewyngaerde | there is a #gnash | 12:03 |
magnetron | i really hope that gnash will be fairly stable before ubuntu 7.10 release | 12:03 |
Arwen | I just want Flash to disappear from the Internet. | 12:04 |
magnetron | inDEED | 12:04 |
Arwen | It's bad enough that ads are written in Flash, but now whole websites require it to function. | 12:04 |
magnetron | ir's a crap-o-crap | 12:05 |
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kiba | Arwen: no | 12:08 |
kiba | but seriously.. | 12:08 |
kiba | I need it to fix the plugin so I can install other stuff | 12:08 |
Arwen | ah, sorry, I wasn't actually paying attention to the channel | 12:08 |
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kiba | I can't install other stuff without force removing the plugin | 12:11 |
kiba | help please? | 12:11 |
RAOF | kiba: You can rm the failing prerm script. It's in /var/lib/dpkg/... (the dpkg failure message will tell you precisely where it is) | 12:11 |
kiba | err.. | 12:13 |
kiba | I know where it is | 12:13 |
kiba | I am supposed to delete it? | 12:13 |
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RAOF | kiba: That will fix your problem, and it's what I did. | 12:14 |
RAOF | kiba: I'm surprised that it hasn't been fixed yet, though. The flashplugin-nonfree one has. | 12:14 |
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tehk | Anyone know how to restore the templates folder? I deleted it and I just recreated it but the issue is even tho it has templates inside it does not show in my right click menu | 12:15 |
kiba | RAOF: oh..I didn't fix mine for a week | 12:16 |
kiba | Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should | 12:16 |
kiba | reinstall it before attempting a removal. | 12:16 |
kiba | still got that | 12:16 |
RAOF | You shold now be able to follow that advice. | 12:17 |
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Arwen | in launchpad, is there a way to filter out bugs by source? | 12:26 |
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kwizard | Hi is anyone a guru on Ubuntu Server? | 12:27 |
RAOF | What do you mean by "source"? | 12:27 |
kwizard | No I need advice on installing an extra IP address, I did it before but forgot the command | 12:28 |
RAOF | kwizard: You're probably after #ubuntu-server, right? | 12:29 |
kwizard | ye | 12:29 |
Arwen | RAOF, as in, I want to view all the bugs assigned to a certain source package | 12:29 |
kwizard | ok ill go there | 12:29 |
kwizard | thanks | 12:30 |
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RAOF | Arwen: bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sourcepackagename | 12:33 |
RAOF | Arwen: Or just search for the package from the Ubuntu page, and hit the "bugs" tab. | 12:34 |
Arwen | ok | 12:35 |
=== BotLobsta [n=kevin@BAKER-SIX-FORTY-SEVEN.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
BotLobsta | can anyone help me with getting my sound card to work | 12:36 |
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kiba | system repaired :) | 12:40 |
kiba | sorta.. | 12:41 |
kiba | it got stuck on apt-file | 12:41 |
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kiba | still in progress methink | 12:42 |
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angasule | ahoy! I have not tried gutsy, but I have a very important question: does it have a pppoe GUI tool? Every broadband ISP in my country uses pppoe | 12:45 |
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CydeSwype | BotLobsta: did your sound card work prior to today's update? | 12:56 |
CydeSwype | kernel update that is | 12:56 |
BotLobsta | no | 12:56 |
BotLobsta | before today it wasnt even recognised | 12:56 |
CydeSwype | have you tried tweaking the options under the sound config? | 12:57 |
BotLobsta | now its seen but the speakers dont work | 12:57 |
BotLobsta | where do i find that? | 12:57 |
CydeSwype | system -> preferences => sound | 12:57 |
BotLobsta | im using xfce not gnome | 12:58 |
CydeSwype | ah | 12:58 |
CydeSwype | not sure then...i would think there would be an equivalent | 12:59 |
BotLobsta | the headphone jack works but the speakers dont | 01:00 |
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nosrednaekim | BotLobsta: this byany chance an Intel or an ATI HDA card? | 01:02 |
BotLobsta | its an intel | 01:02 |
BotLobsta | on a dell latitude 830 | 01:02 |
nosrednaekim | BotLobsta: heh... just be luck its workring at all.. nothing but trouble from those things.. | 01:03 |
nosrednaekim | BotLobsta: you could try www.linux-laptop.net and look for your model # | 01:04 |
kiba | #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:10 |
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