
=== Templar [n=Templar@213-202-136-71.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
neil_feistywotanist, sudo apt-get autoclean12:02
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kornitshighno: could you take a look at that pastebin link and tell me what you think?  How might i go about fixing that12:02
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wotanistneil_feisty, thanks12:02
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wotanistBtw is there any security risks from using VMware server?12:03
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LogicalDashIs there any way to add xfce applets to the gnome panel?12:03
HighNohou5ton: there are two programs doing it differently - let me have a look12:03
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hou5tonHighNo:  thanks12:03
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grigoracan someone tell me how i can connect to a wireless access point using an ascii wep key?12:04
pAyEya turk yokmu12:04
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ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.12:04
dariuskanewell THAT failed miserably12:04
Dev05grigora, You should be able to do that with Network Manager.12:04
SliMMdoes anyone want to translate a site?12:05
Dev05!network manager12:05
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager12:05
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grigoraDev05: I can't12:05
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tgm4883anyone know how to make a favicon appear in an rss reader for an rss feed12:05
Dev05grigora, You can also try to do it manually using net-admin.12:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about net-admin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about network-admin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:05
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grigoraDev05: on my old access point, I had to use the HEX code since the ASCII never worked ... but on my new one, HEX isn't even an option, only ascii12:06
Dethlokis there any way to put a password on a folder?12:06
dimas_how can i find out the version of a program installed from the terminal?12:06
grigoraDev05: I even tried converting the key to HEX and using that, but still no go12:06
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jribdimas_: apt-cache policy PACKAGE_NAME12:06
Dev05grigora, Try using the Set Manual Connection option in Network Manager. It should be an option in its menu. If you still can't connect, you can just get rid of network manager and do it the old way.12:07
dimas_jrib thanks12:07
dariuskanedimas_, try "man <program name>" and most of them will have a way to tell12:07
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kornitsany ideas HighNo?12:07
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dimas_dariuskane thanks12:07
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Dethlokis there any way to put a password on a folder?12:07
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grigoraDev05: so I tried configuring the using iwconfig, but what i get is Access Point: Not-Associated12:08
RadicalMEgoodnight all!12:08
grigoraDev05: does that tell you anything?12:08
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CreedDethlok, set permissions on the folder/chown it to a specific user?12:08
HighNohou5ton: there is xvidcap which should even work in 3d environments and byzanz which will work 2d only but create gif file -which is very cool12:08
Dev05grigora, What network card do you have?12:08
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hou5tonHighNo:  taking a snapshot of the whole screen is obviously easy, and then using Gimp or something similar to crop what you want, but I was hoping for some more features12:08
HighNokornits: ideas? wait a sec, i have to catch up the chat...12:09
grigoraDev05: 04:02.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection (rev 05)12:09
ward_HighNo, i'm screwed12:09
salahHighNo, <- still like before12:09
hou5tonHighNo:  KSnapshot says it will do regions12:09
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ward_HighNo, i cant get into windows because the linux partition is deleted, i cant install because ubuntu installer acts like a moron12:09
wweaselHello! I'm trying to install ubuntu on my new laptop, and I get the exact same problem as is documented here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-413675.html - I really need advice12:09
HighNohou5ton: those will do movies - which is what I thought you would want12:09
Dethlokim looking to make a folder unaccesable without a password12:09
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dariuskaneDethlok, linux file permissions dont work that way12:10
hou5tonso ... just the ability to take a snapshot of any parts of a web page12:10
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stefg!permissions | Dethlok12:10
ubotuDethlok: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux12:10
kornitsnow my computer name is mailserver12:10
hou5tonHighNo:  no .... just the ability to take a snapshot of any parts of a web page12:10
HighNoward_: since you can't do much now would it be possible to wait a minute, I'll get back to you - be calm,"gentlemen, we can rebuild him..."12:10
HighNohou5ton: sorry,  than those are the wrong ones12:10
Dethlokok thank you =)12:10
dariuskanelol nice HighNo12:10
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Dev05grigora, Just a sec.12:11
LogicalDashI need a graphical keyboard switcher that uses setxkbmap, unlike the Gnome Keyboard Applet. What works, and won't break any dependencies?12:11
grigoraDev05: ok12:11
hou5tonHighNo:  will KSnapshot run on Gnome?12:11
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dimas_where is stored a file ones is download perhaps ov51x?12:11
hou5tonHighNo:  a KDE app12:11
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HighNokornits: pastebin is loading...12:11
ward_HighNo, sure i was just about to go for a smoke anyway :-)12:11
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dimas_i forgot12:11
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HighNodariuskane: you abviously know that line? :-)12:12
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dariuskaneHighNo, hehe I do... damn showing my age again12:12
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Ajzzzfresh ubuntu 7.04 install freezes seconds after login, a few minutes if I select failsafe terminal, tried bootoptions: noacpi noapic nolapic irqpoll noapm, vesa and fglrx drivers, any ideas?12:12
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HighNohou5ton: that should work with gnome too, if it has all wanted features go ahead. a simple screenshot is always possible with the print key12:13
neverblueAjzzz, did you run memtest yet?12:13
danyahave anyone installed a sony ericsson pc suite before ?12:13
neverblue!anyone | danya12:13
ubotudanya: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:14
HighNokornits: yould you paste it somewhere else - it doesn't load here12:14
T-Connectlink-grammar - That sucks. I have to find something better than that one. It doesn't correct the spelling or writting.12:14
Dev05grigora, Can you see the access point out of Network Manager's menu?12:14
hou5tonHighNo:  you're right ... and KSnapshot doesn't really do much that can't already be done .... nothing like the SnagIt application12:14
grigoraDev05: yes12:14
kornitswhere would be a good spot to paste it?12:14
AjzzzYes, and I'm on the same computer right now, not had a problem in XP12:14
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kekkhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34564/ - problem with freenx. I have nxnode and nxserver on the server. I was able to log in once but saw a black screen, nothing else12:14
Dev05grigora, What happens when you try to connect?12:14
Grungebunnyim trying to show someone compiz, how do I take a screenshot when im on the 3d rotating cubes?12:14
Dial_toneok, I finally need a managed switch according to the dude thats putting in a t1 for our phone system. What am I not getting with a $500 D-Link one versus a 4-figure Cisco/3Com one?12:14
neverblueAjzzz, so you ran memtest?12:14
danyaneverblue : Does anyone knows how to install a sony ericsson pc suite !!?12:15
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Ajzzzneverblue:  Yes, and I'm on the same computer right now, not had a problem in XP12:15
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kornitsHighNo: is there an additional paste site that would be convenient to use12:15
neverbluedanya, why are you directing your question at me?12:15
neverblueAjzzz, but you did run memtest?12:15
HighNokornits: http://rafb.net/paste/12:15
danyaneverblue : I'm asking if anyone HAVE installed it before because im hhaving a problem12:15
Ajzzzneverblue: yes12:15
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neverbluedAndy, then ask anyone, not me12:15
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danyaneverblue : because u pointed out at me when I said HAVE anyone at 1st12:15
HighNokornits: never mind12:16
HighNokornits: now it has loaded12:16
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neverblueAjzzz, do its a dual boot system?12:16
grigoraDev05:  I get the following when I run iwconfig - unassociated  ESSID:"Argo" Mode:Managed  Frequency=2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated - among other things12:16
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kornitsi think it has to do with the fact that my hostname is mailserver, but i am not sure how to fix that12:16
grigoraDev05: and dhclient cannot get an IP through the wireless interface12:16
Ajzzzneverblue: Yes, XP is on a separate HDD, bootloader is grub12:16
C-{pR0FI have grub error  18 , when i boot12:17
neverblueseperate harddrive, or partition?12:17
HighNokornits: ok, actually it says it all - your $myhostname should be fully qualified, that is like hostname.domain and you've  setup your postfix not in that way12:17
neverblueAjzzz, ^^^^12:17
Ajzzzneverblue: harddrive12:17
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HighNoward_: I guess we should work on that in private12:17
kornitshow can i go back into postfix and reconfigure it12:17
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neverblueAjzzz, then possibly the harddrive linux is on, is having issues?12:18
kornitsi thought i had chosen my domain name... could it be that my computer's name is mailserver?12:18
bigjohntowhat folders should be excluded when creating a tarball of a mchine?12:18
RaV|Strangler!!Are there any characters that aren't allowed in the filename when uploading file to an ubuntu ftp server?12:18
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kornitskornits@mailserver:~ is what appears in my terminal HighNo12:18
HighNokornits: postconf | grep myhostname should give us a hint of what it is set to now12:18
Dev05grigora, OK.12:18
RaV|StranglerAre there any characters that aren't allowed in the filename when uploading file to an ubuntu ftp server?12:18
Ajzzzneverblue: I can boot into recovery mode, and start x, no errors are reported but it's possible12:18
neverblue!patience | RaV|Strangler12:18
ubotuRaV|Strangler: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:18
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RaV|Strangleroh I didn't know the first messages went through12:19
kornitsoops closed terminal accidentally12:19
kornitswtf... the terminal is not launching12:19
RaV|StranglerI got an error the first time.12:19
neverblueAjzzz, whats happening exactly when you attempt to boot into the window manager?12:19
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misnixbigjohnto, /proc and /tmp come to mind12:19
dariuskanebigjohnto, /sys and /dev as well12:20
grigoraDev05: sorry I got kicked out12:20
kornitsummm.... nothing is launching anymore highno... it starts to, but then it quits12:20
kornitsit seems to be everything12:20
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HighNokornits: you better not broke your system like ward_, i can only take one reinstall per night :-)12:20
bigjohntodariuskane what about proc?12:20
bigjohntooh ok lol12:20
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Ajzzzneverblue: I login, box comes up with icons, nautilus, restricted manager, then the mouse/keyboard freezes, no HDD activity, have to reboot12:20
Kdmillermy root Directory is 100% used how can I expand it12:21
Dev05grigora, I'm trying to see what can be done. There's something you didn't answer me: I wanted to know what happens after you try to connect to the access point in Network Manager.12:21
bigjohntook so /proc /dev/ /sys /tmp anything else12:21
kornitsi can reinstall myself12:21
kornitsi know that much12:21
HighNokornits: that is a possible effect if you changed your hostname like you possibly did when you followed that postfix stuff12:21
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dariuskanebigjohnto, for a decent backup if you copy the /usr and /home dir youll catch almost allthe user data12:21
neverblueAjzzz, so you have never boot in, since you installed the OS?12:21
kornitsHighNo: yea i changed it12:21
HighNokornits: it could be ok if you just reboot12:21
grigoraDev05: nothing happens. dhcp fails to get an IP address from the router12:21
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bluefox83quick question...how do you find out what a cdrom is mounted at, or if it's not yet mounted, where i can find the device node?12:22
kornitsi went into the network settings under the system menu, and i changed both the domain and the hostname12:22
kornitsi'm gonna restart12:22
=== FonteBoa [n=hugo@BHE200150063132.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
grigoraDev05: when I run iwconfig i get a message saying that I am not associated with the access point, even though it displays the correct essid12:22
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Ajzzzneverblue: I can boot recovery mode, but other than that no12:22
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bigjohntodariuskane: thanks12:23
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HighNohey ward_ - i fragged kornits so I have some time for you now :-)12:23
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btoriogrigora: do u have a valid IP address?12:23
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grigorabtorio: i get my ip through dhcp12:23
HighNoward_: did you already fall asleep?12:23
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Dev05btorio, He can't connect.12:23
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grigorabtorio: but even setting an ip manually does not work, i can't even ping the router12:23
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btoriotry sudo ifconfig <interface_name> down12:24
grigoraDev05: i know my card works because i can connect to the router if there is no password on the wireless12:24
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btoriothen same command but use up instead of down12:24
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Templaranyone usin nx client / server12:25
wweaselrocco: just ask12:25
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HighNogrigora: what kind of encryption do you use? wpa?12:25
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kornitshey HighNo.... back... ok things are up and working again12:26
HighNoward_: are you still with us?12:26
HighNokornits: whoohoo12:26
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kornitswhat command do i need to run again?12:26
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kornitsthat grep command you posted earlier?12:26
kornitswhich i forget12:26
HighNokornits: try  postconf | grep myhostname12:26
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grigoraHighNo: I am trying to use WEP12:26
Sandr1linux is the best12:26
davidthedrakePretty much12:26
HighNoSandr1: motto of my life12:26
Sandr1fuck window12:27
Dev05Watch the language... :)12:27
blazemongerhow can i disable the UUID stuff12:27
dariuskaneHighNo, like my motto better... the one who dies with the most toys wins12:27
grigoraHighNo: I was never able to see WPA option in the Network Manager, so I am just trying to get WEP working so I can use my laptop12:27
Sandr1ese kai oe12:27
iruewanyone who's curious about finding more about your CDs: cdrecord -atip12:27
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Dev05grigora, Mmm... What router do you have?12:27
jribSandr1: this channel is for ubuntu support.  Do you have an ubuntu support question we can help you with?12:28
HighNogrigora: do you have the wpa-supplicant package installed?12:28
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info12:28
kornitsHighNo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34579/12:28
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grigoraDev05: it's a SonicWall12:28
blazemongeri'm trying to enable UDMA/66 mode but i only see udma4 mode12:28
grigoraHighNo: yes, I do12:28
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roccoi try to connect on my wifi network... it has a wep key, so i try to connect... but it woun't work.. i had cotact 1 time, but is not working anymore12:28
stefgblazemonger: you don't 'disable' it. you can just call the partitions by their /dev/ nodes again if you like (but you might get surprises)12:28
blazemongeri have a diamond max ide drive but the motherboard is a pentium 4 intel d865 perl12:28
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blazemongerand i seem to be having drive access issues12:28
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dimas_i would like to know the version of ov51x i have installed, so how i check that from the terminal?12:29
HighNokornits: myhostname = server1.example.com  is a very strange hostname but I guess it comes from your example used to set it up. Anyway now it is set to a fully qualified hostname so the installation of amavisd-new should work12:29
kornitshighno: i assume i can edit that in the /etc/postfix/main.cf file12:29
wweaselOk, the Ubuntu Wiki's Swap FAQ is absolutely ridiculous. I have 2 GB of RAM. It therefore suggests between 2 and 4 GB of swap.  What does an expert have to say?12:30
Dev05grigora, Is your router actually set up to encrypt the connection in WEP?12:30
grigoraDev05: it's a SonicWall TZ 180 Wireless Standard12:30
HighNokornits: no - dont do it that way, postconf is your friend12:30
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HighNogrigora: strange12:30
HighNosorry, brb12:30
Dev05grigora, OK, but is it correctly set up to encrypt in WEP?12:30
TuTUXwweasel: you can have as much/less as swap as you can12:30
TuTUXwweasel: you can have as much/less as swap as you can/want12:30
grigoraDev05: yes it is set up to use Wep and my friend connects to it from him WIndose laptop using WEP12:30
grigoraDev05: I think so ...12:31
wweaselTuTUX: I'm aware.  How much should I reasonably want though?12:31
stefgwweasel: 512 MB for a standard setup.... there's cases where you want more, but for Joe Average 512 MB is fine12:31
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dariuskanewweasel, in most circumstances 2-4g for 2g ram is recomended... you can run with 0 swapif you want to12:31
Dev05grigora, OK, that's a good thing. We know that it works fine now :)12:31
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blazemongerhow do i disable acpi?12:31
Kdmillerwhat will happen if you delete the content of Backup and backups12:31
blazemongerand apm12:31
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TuTUXwweasel: if you have 2gram i recommend 4g swap12:31
stefgwweasel: only if you want to hibernate you'll need as much swap as you've got ram12:31
blazemongerthis "power management stuff is a bit sketchy on my motherboard12:32
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HighNoback at work12:32
Dev05grigora, Does he/she authenticate by plain ASCII or HEX? For example, if I use the ASCII key in Windows, it won't work, so instead I use the HEX key.12:32
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TuTUXwweasel: if you want to get hibernate works, at least12:32
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wweaselstefg,dariuskane: completely different answers. See, I'm a bit confused. At the moment I have a computer with 512 MB of RAM. It has 1 GB of swap.  Now I'm going to have 2GB of RAM - why so much swap?12:32
ward_HighNo, i'm back12:33
Sretsnomhow do you look at your processes12:33
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roccoomg it works:P12:33
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kornitsHighNo: nope still no go12:33
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tictacaddictI'm running Feisty, and gparted doesn't give me the option to move ext3 filesystems.  e2fsprogs is installed.  do I need another package or a newer one?  I tried searching online but I seemed to get a lot of slightly related topics that didn't help me12:33
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@adsl-68-254-169-58.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
dariuskanewweasel, 2x your RAM is the safe bet for most installations... specially if your ona  laptop and want to hibernate and suspend functions12:33
spanglesontoastwhat's the easiest filesystem for both windows and linux to read write is it fat32 ?12:33
TuTUXwweasel: 1g = 512x2, so 2gx2=4g12:33
stefgwweasel: good question... actually with 2GB you can run without swap... so just for good measure give it 256 or 512 MB12:34
kornitsnow it says, The value of variable $myhostname is "", but should have been12:34
kornits  a fully qualified domain name;12:34
blazemongeridex=ata66 If you have ATA66 drives and controllers, this command will enable support for it. how do i enable that in grub12:34
MasticoreI have Win XP on C: and Ubuntu on D:, when I remove Ubuntu and restart I get grub error, so how do I completly remove Grub? I have tried booting with XP CD, but no use. Will it work to merge C: and D: to one partition with XP?12:34
kornitsHighNo: what should my domain name be?12:34
bosworthHi. Tomorrow I have to ggive a slideshow and want to connect my ubuntu feisty computer to the projector. What are the chances it work out of the box and where should I look for configuration options if it doesn't work?12:34
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Kdmillerwhat will happen if you delete the content of Backup and backups12:34
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HighNokornits: very strange as your postconf output clearly shows something else12:34
HighNoward_: should we do that in private?12:35
bluefox83what is the command to create an item for /dev/ ?12:35
barbarellakornits:what is the issue12:35
Dev05grigora, You can try going into your router's wireless security configuration and see if you have a list of possible HEX keys. Then, you can copy the one that is the default transmit key and use a manually set up network to connect.12:35
bluefox83i need to create a cdrom entry12:35
stefgMasticore: you need to boot your Win CD to rescue console and run fixmbr to remove grub12:35
wweaselok, again I have different answers. I'm sorry guys, I do understand, I'm just confused by the different answers12:35
ward_HighNo, sure12:35
=== Adlai [n=leif@cpe-66-67-2-154.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
grigoraDev05: so why is that I can't use ascii but only hex?12:35
Ajzzzfresh ubuntu 7.04 install freezes seconds after login, a few minutes if I select failsafe terminal, can boot into recovery mode, tried bootoptions: noacpi noapic nolapic irqpoll noapm, vesa and fglrx drivers, any ideas?12:35
Dev05grigora, I have no idea. I have the same problem too.12:35
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ward_HighNo, i replied in private (just in case that doesnt arrive)12:36
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kornitsbarbarella: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34577/12:36
Masticorestefg: I don't have a rescue console option when booting from CD, only normal MS-dos prompt.12:36
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HighNokornits: hm, maybe it is a variable in amavisd itself, does it ask something during installation? you might want to try to dpkg-reconfigure -phigh amavisd-new12:36
stefgwweasel: if you have 2 GB and you /never/ can sensibly employ another 2 GB of swap. YOu have other problems then. The rule '2x RAM' is obsolete for years now12:36
blazemongerwhat can cause my system to lag like crazy?12:36
HighNoward_: nice to know because it really doesn't show up here :-)12:36
blazemongeri have a p4 with 768mb of DDR memory12:36
Dev05grigora, I have once contacted Linksys (as my router is a Linksys, so is my wireless card) about that and they told me to just use the HEX key. I don't know why I can't use ASCII.12:36
wweaselstefg: That's what I thought12:37
Masticorestefg: Isn't there another way?12:37
kornitsHighNo: i can't cuz it's not fully installed12:37
blazemongerand a two ide drives12:37
stefgMasticore: windows suppor in ##windows12:37
ward_HighNo, my nick isnt registerred, thats probably why12:37
kornitsi need to install it first in order to do that part HighNo12:37
HighNokornits: that's bad...12:37
barbarellakornits:what does your /etc/hosts looks like?12:37
roccois there a program in ubuntu that can scan for wifi networks?12:37
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Dev05rocco, Network Manager. You can also use iwlist.12:37
aguitelrocco ,wifiradar12:38
HighNorocco: iwlist scan12:38
wweaselstefg: Alright, thanks. Now, in that case what do you recommend? I've never used hibernation before, but I guess I should keep the option open. In that case, swap must =RAM, and I need 2GB of swap to go with my 2GB of ram?12:38
dariuskanestefg, it used to 2x ram was necessary to run smoothly.... now with cheap hdd space its not necessary but it cant hurt either12:38
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C-{pR0Fanybody have a solution for grub error 18 :S12:38
kornitsbarbarella: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34581/12:38
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grigoraDev05: the interesting thing is that when you enter an ascii key in Linksys, you press a button and it generates 4 keys, which means that's it not a simple ascii2hex conversion, cause otherwise it would just show 1 hex key, right?12:38
astro76wweasel, yes you need swap=ram to hibernate12:38
ward_HighNo, /join #wardstrouble12:38
wweaseldariuskane: Can you think of ANY instance in which you would have 4GB in RAM? On a regular desktop computer?12:38
HighNokornits: I guess that I cant really take you further then12:38
dariuskanewweasel, 3d graphics rending large scenery12:39
bosworthHas anyone tried hooking a ubuntu laptop up to an external display or a projector?12:39
blazemongerdoes anyone know what kind of tweaks i can do?12:39
blazemongeri can't find any kind of help ..12:39
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blazemongerand i dont know any linux/unix geeks in my town12:39
stefgwweasel: exactly. But don't be too optimistic about getting hibernation to work properly, and the time it takes to come back from hibernate is usually as long as a boot ...12:39
MasticoreWhy do Grub load when I have removed Ubuntu? Is Grub installed somewhere else then /boot/grub?12:39
HighNokornits: what does uname -a say?12:39
kornitsHighNo: yea... i get that error right after running " apt-get install amavisd-new spamassassin clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam"12:39
kornitshld on i'll lookl12:40
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barbarellakornits:what is your ip range and the name of your ubuntu box?12:40
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kornitsLinux ben.bfit.edu 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux12:40
zcat[1] #tremulous12:40
dariuskanewweasel, not games... I mean the artists creating the 3d scenes and lighting12:40
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blazemongerwhere can i find some tech help?12:40
blazemongerwhen it comes to linux and hardware12:40
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wweaseldariuskane: With a regular desktop user. And rendering works just fine on computers without 2 GB of RAM and 4GB of swap. I regularly render scenes on my desktop with 1GB of RAM. Even 512. Not crazy intensive scenes, but anyways, I digress, who uses their laptop to render their insane scenes?12:40
blazemongeri'm trying to figure out thisd12:40
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dariuskanewweasel, if you can ask the question... someone does it :)12:41
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agentorannngeI'm having trouble with a linksys WUSB54G USB wireless network adapter. Can anyone guide me through a setup or point me in the right direction?12:41
stefgMasticore: grub is installed in the MBR of the harddsik12:41
dariuskanewweasel, the great part about linux.. you can do anything you want12:41
barbarellablazemonger:it depends12:41
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:41
wweaseldariuskane: Good point :) Anyways, I won't be rendering.12:41
HighNokornits: and what does "hostname" say?12:41
blazemongerevery kernel that uses /dev/sdx for normal ide drives seems to have major lag..how do i change that and what driver should i use12:41
Dev05grigora, I haven't tried to convert the HEX values back to ASCII so I can't answer that question. However, one thing pops up to the eye and it's the fact that in WEP encryption I have the option set to '64 bits 10 hex digits' which would mean that I could only connect to the network using a HEX key which would explain why ASCII doesn't work. You might be running into something similar, but I have no experience with your router.12:41
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Lex`Another quick question: Instead of installing ubuntu on my primary disk (c:) I want to install it on D:, my secondary hard drive. It is formatted in NTFS.12:41
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kornitsben.bfit.edu... it used to say mailserver but i changed it to that12:41
mikebotIs there a way in ubuntu to take a couple of video files and make a dvd image with menus and stuff?12:42
kornitsthinking that might be the issue12:42
wweaselstefg: Thanks for the advice. is 2048 MB good then, or do I need to give it a bit of extra leeway?12:42
kornitsit's just something i through in there as a host name12:42
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barbarellablazemonger:so what is the problem?12:42
Dev05grigora, Do you have such a list? Or a similar configurable WEP encryption? I bet using the correct HEX key using network-admin (that is, bypassing Network Manager) would work.12:42
Jack_SparrowLex`: You cant install it on NTFS12:42
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dariuskanewweasel, if your really uncertain and plan to mess with hibernation you can always set up your partitions including swap on a LVM group and resise at will later12:42
stefgwweasel: consider cylinder rounding... so some extra MB won't hurt, so you end up with a cylinder boundary+12:42
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Lex`Jack_Sparrow: I must reformat to FAT?12:43
blazemongerbarbarell: things are extrenmely sluggish at some times12:43
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blazemongeron a pentium 2.4ghz system with almost a gigabyte of memory12:43
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spanglesontoastdoes anyone know why my fglrx driver isn't running in 3d accel ?12:43
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Jack_SparrowLex`: No... you can resize the ntfs and let the installer format it to ext312:43
agentorannngeCan anyone even put up a link for a tutorial?12:43
grigoraDev05: brb12:44
BoratHello, does anyone know the directory for the Network-Manager icon?12:44
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blazemongeri have one mem chip 512 mb opf memory ddr-400 an another m emory module ddr-333 and i dont have access to another memory chip with the same kind of speed12:44
barbarellablazemonger:could be a hardware issue12:44
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kornitsafter i changed the hostname the error message read "  The value of variable $myhostname is "", but should have been a fully qualified domain name; "12:44
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Dev05spanglesontoast, You can't run Compiz on fglrx if that's what your're asking.12:44
blazemongerlike how can i tweak it?12:44
Lex`Jack_Sparrow: The only problem is that the alternative CD will not detect my other hard drive12:44
Dev05grigora, OK.12:44
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Paddy_EIRELex`: dont forget to leave a little bit of extra free space for your swap partition12:44
blazemongerfreebsd runs PERFECT12:44
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stefgkornits: man hostname12:44
blazemongerbut linux distros seem to be sluggish12:44
nitram314I need a good text editor, should I learn vim or emacs?12:44
spanglesontoastno trying to run stuff on cedega but says theres no 3d accell12:44
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HighNokornits: I have to give up - since it doesn't pop up right into my eye and amavis is nothing I used before I guess I have to leave your question open...12:44
Paddy_EIREblazemonger: must be the way your setting it up12:44
Lex`Paddy_EIRE: It's a blank 80 gig sata drive12:44
Jack_SparrowLex`: By My other hard drive what do you mean.. your primary Drive?12:44
bosworthagentorange: tutorial for what?12:44
blazemongeri have defaults on Paddy_EIRE12:45
barbarellablazemonger:have you tried other linux distrobutions12:45
chris_has anyone gotten the native tibia client to run on ubuntu???12:45
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blazemongerall of them seem to be sluggish even the ones with light window managers12:45
dimas_when i apt-get update i get an error message "GPG error" wasnt able to verify the public key "NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783"...what should i do?12:45
Lex`Jack_Sparrow: Secondary, there are 2 sata drives attached to my laptop12:45
blazemongerexcept for debian stable but the packages are datede like crazy12:45
blazemongeri want a bit of bleeding edge12:45
stefgnitram314: that's a religious question :-) vim is ubuntus default for a reason12:45
bosworthagentorannnge: tutorial for what?12:45
nitram314lol ok, vim it is then!12:46
blazemongermy bios doesn't give me the option of actually disabling acpi and apm b.s.12:46
kornitsstefg: i know how to change the hostname, as i have done it many times, reading the manual doesn't help in this case as it seems to be an issue with installing amavisd-new12:46
Jack_SparrowLex`: And the alternate cannot see the second sata... You are not running raid or anything like that are you.12:46
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orudiei have nvidia 7900 gt, ubuntu freezes up when i run compiz --replace , any ideas/suggestions anyone ?12:46
C-{pR0FI need to reinstall grub , can anyone help me ?12:46
blazemongerand there's all this hardware i dont know of12:46
agentorannngeWUSB54G setup on Ubuntu 7.0412:46
Lex`Jack_Sparrow: Nope, killed the raid12:46
kornitsno matter what hostname my computer has it won't work12:46
Paddy_EIREblazemonger: if you want bleeding edge then use the development snap shot of gutsy 'gobuntu' or use the tribe 4 release12:46
blazemongerwhen i do the hdparm -d1 /dev/sda it gives me a error12:46
Jack_SparrowLex`: Did you also disable raid in the bios?12:46
blazemongerhow do i enable dma mode?12:46
Lex`Jack_Sparrow: Yes12:46
veofuck them all!!! ubuntu rulez!!! hi from russia! ))))12:46
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stefgkornits: so your first check should be if the hostnam in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname correspond12:46
Paddy_EIRE!language | veo12:47
ubotuveo: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:47
orudieveo, ahuyet12:47
Jack_SparrowLex`: Do you get to a terminal on the alt cd?12:47
dimas_when i apt-get update i get an error message "GPG error" wasnt able to verify the public key "NO_PUBKEY12:47
veoorudie 2 dat'?))))))))12:47
=== dixon [n=dixon@adsl-dyn187.91-127-57.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu
blazemonger Model=Maxtor 54098U8                          , FwRev=DA620CQ0, SerialNo=K808025C12:47
blazemonger Config={ Fixed }12:47
blazemonger RawCHS=16383/16/63, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=5712:47
blazemonger BuffType=DualPortCache, BuffSize=2048kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=?16?12:47
Jack_SparrowLex`: If so type fdisk -l      that is an L12:47
HighNokornits: that's what I meant. I expected amavis to use postfix's config where myhostname is clearly not unqualified, we should maybe recheck that one again: postconf | grep myhostname again plz12:47
orudieveo, yebanashka?12:47
kornitsstefg: they do not correspond12:48
BoratHi Does anyone know the / directory for the nm-applet?12:48
blazemongeri'm confused on this being new to PC hardware12:48
stefgkornits: that's bad12:48
HighNostefg: good point12:48
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Lex`Jack_Sparrow: Terminal? A black screen awaiting input? I just see a blue/grey setup screen, I didn't get far enough after i realized it was going to install overtop of my windows drive12:48
veoorudie sku4no)))12:48
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kornitsstefg: how can i fix it12:48
kornitsshould i just 'vi' and edit it12:48
orudieveo, ya havayu :)12:48
stefgkornits: just edit them to be the same12:48
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orudieveo, posle raboti12:48
nitram314borat try : locate nm-applet12:48
nitram314on the command line12:49
blazemongerbut for some reason things seem to be just sluggish and with almost a gig of memory that's not correct12:49
Boratthank you so much12:49
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:49
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barbarellablazemonger:is it a laptop?12:49
blazemongeron my p3 laptop it runs much faster with the same distro12:49
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blazemongerthe system im having trouble with is a desktop12:49
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blazemongerd865perl motherboard12:49
Jack_SparrowLex`: You might consider getting the livecd gparted live to look at your partitions and drives.. I would hate to see you install on the wrong drive or partition.. and I need to get some work done and cant get involved in a long help session.12:49
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blazemongershould i actually do a low level format?12:49
kornitsstefg: there are two listings for my loopback IP, one says "localhost" the other says "mailserver" (which was the old hostname until i changed it) do i need to change both or just one?12:49
blazemongeror run spinrite?12:49
blazemongerthat way all the data can be cleared12:50
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Lex`Jack_Sparrow: Thanks anyway12:50
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=== kornits gasps
stefgkornits: remove the old hostname... see what i mean? That's what the hostname command is for12:50
kornitsit worked12:50
agentorannngeI need a setup guide for using a Linksys WUSB54G wireless network adapter on Ubuntu 7.0412:50
blazemongerit's been mostly in the newer kernels ive had the problems with12:50
blazemongeri think Microsoft put in wierd kernel stuff12:50
dimas_when i apt-get update i get an error message "GPG error" wasnt able to verify the public key "NO_PUBKEY12:50
dariuskaneOne more TRY!.... anyone else ever try encrypting their root partitions?12:50
HighNokornits: whoohoo12:50
=== exhausted [n=ex@dorm13033.dorm-net.louisville.edu] has joined #ubuntu
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blazemongershould i build a custom kernel?12:51
Ajzzzfresh ubuntu 7.04 install freezes seconds after login, a few minutes if I select failsafe terminal, can boot into recovery mode, tried bootoptions: noacpi noapic nolapic irqpoll noapm, vesa and fglrx drivers, any ideas?12:51
=== kornits jumps with joy
=== Creed [n=Ron@c-71-227-218-188.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Lex`If anybody can help me install ubuntu on a separate hard drive, PM me12:51
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CreedLex`, whatcha need help with?12:52
HighNook, then I'll leave before I frag someone else's system...12:52
HighNobye channel12:52
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csc`Lex`: take harddrive out, put another in, install ubuntu, remove harddrive, replace old one12:52
stefgAjzzz: see dmesg ond /var/log/syslog to get a clue what's going on12:52
exhaustedso i have been trying to install java 2 jre 1.6 and for some reason, though i believe it is installed, my sysem still recognizes 1.4.  Any ideas12:52
CreedAnyone have experience with OpenVPN?12:52
=== rabi [n=rabi@102-46-89.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
agentorannngeI need help using a Linksys WUSB54G wireless network adapter on Ubuntu 7.0412:52
blazemongerhow do i do a low level format with linux12:52
Lex`csc`: I don't want to mess around with my lappy12:52
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blazemongerand enabkle the diamond maxtor udma 66 mode12:52
blazemongeri have the right cables but for some reason somethings just wierd.12:53
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csc`Lex`: then aim and hope you hit the right drive12:53
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Lex`csc`: No thanks :)12:53
blazemongerand my agp card is a agp 3.0 card but when loading ubuntu, it oputs the agp card in 2.0 mode12:53
stefgblazemonger: you don't. lowlevel formatting requires a tool from the hd manufacturer (and if you don't have bad blocks it's rarely sensible to do it)12:53
dariuskaneexhausted, jav is a symbolic link and it might be pointing to the old one instead of the new one check in /etc/alternatives12:54
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Ajzzzstefg: I created a log using dmesg, didn't see any errors or warnings, I'll check syslog, bbl12:54
=== jerb [n=herb@pool-71-108-219-161.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
grigoraDev05: still no go, this is driving me crazy12:54
blazemongerwell mhy hd manufacturer once offered something like that12:54
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blazemongerbut no more can i find it12:54
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stefgAjzzz: overclocked system? Did a memtest?12:55
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Dev05grigora, Have you tried using network-admin as I said?12:55
=== nprice [n=nprice@cpe-75-80-90-83.bak.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
exhausteddariuskane, can you tell me what im looking for, i see a bunch of java things but none of the titles are versioned12:55
Ajzzzstefg: did memtest, nothing overclocked12:55
=== cockaigne [n=Frodo@c-76-21-105-196.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongerhow do i pass a idex=ata66 to the kerenl before booting12:55
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CreedAnyone have experience with OpenVPN in bridged mode?12:56
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grigoraDev05: that's what I always use12:56
grigoraDev05: sudo network-admin12:57
blazemongerim tryuing to figure out how to pass kernel options12:57
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dariuskaneexhausted, go to /etc/alternatives... in there youll see a couple java files... ls -la java*12:57
Dev05grigora, Could you afford getting rid of Network Manager?12:57
orudievis looking glass better than compiz?12:57
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FlokerWhen i start a task via SSH on my server, it runs until i close the terminal window. how can i make it run "forever" (or until its done) even if i close the client connection?12:57
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grigoraDev05: how do you mean? I used to set everything manually through iwconfig/ifconfig back in the day12:58
stefg!screen | Floker12:58
ubotuFloker: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen12:58
=== Ballena [n=Tybalt@h129n2fls311o1100.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
quingin_is there a way to disable the window disapearing when you mouse over a window behind it?12:58
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AladinWhere are the packages signed? At the build-server or download-server?12:58
Flokerthenk you stefg12:58
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=== M_42 [n=chatzill@h44.28.29.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
M_42can someone tell me what the best secure deletion utility is12:58
bipolarHi everyone. I'm trying to create a really good ubuntu image for ghosting to pc's. Is there a place to put a script that will get run once on first boot that will ask things like what you want your hostname to be, etc?12:59
Dev05grigora, NM used to not let me connect to my networks even manually. So may be removing it might solve the problem. No guarantee though.12:59
M_42some people have reccomended wipe, shred, and secure-delete12:59
=== ESR_ [n=chatzill@static-71-162-243-5.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongermy drive performance is just crap12:59
=== N3bunel noapte buna all
blazemongerit should be reading and writing data 40 times thn it should12:59
dariuskanebipolar, its not a ghost image but the alternate cd installer has an OEM mode that could give you a few hints12:59
nickrudquingin_, you can control that with system->prefs->windows12:59
=== N3bunel away
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quingin_thank you so much12:59
veo !01:00
veoquingin_ welcome! )01:00
=== Iradigalesc [n=Iradigal@wikipedia/Iradigalesc] has joined #ubuntu
ESR_I need to know the magic for installing Gutsy kernel packages on a Feisty Fawn system.01:00
blazemongerso folks, what do i need to configure?01:00
notgodok, I have been reading through the wireless docs on the wiki, and I am looking for a wireless PCI card that I can pick up at Fry's today to put into my desktop machine. Or even a good USB device. Any recommendations?01:00
quingin_thats not fixing the issue any other ideas?01:00
exhausteddariuskane, when i look in /etc/alternatives, all i see nothign that will tell me what version of java is being linked to or where I can change it01:00
stefgM_42: there is no secure 'shredding' on ext3, but also no 'undelete'. Consider an encrypted filesystem if you feel like it01:01
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notgod(I need WPA that works well with an Apple Airport Extreme)01:01
M_42then what exactly do utiliies like shred, wipe, and secure-delete do?01:01
jrib!away > N3bunel (see the private message from ubotu)01:01
quingin_it gives me the option to turn it on and is already selected as off01:01
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nickrudquingin_, unselect raise windows after an interval01:01
quingin_it is.01:02
Dev05grigora, If you try removing it, please note that you need to reboot your computer so you don't have any problem.01:02
datacophi, I would like to know if there is a php5-rrdtool package for dapper, i can only see one for php401:02
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chris_what is a good game for linux to kill some time???01:02
CarlFKhow can I install pysqlite2 on breezy ?01:02
quingin_and when i select that and change that interval to say 10 seconds it still does it as if nothing has changed01:02
Dev05chris_, OpenArena is quite good (requires 3D accel).01:02
stefgM_42: they are designed for non-ext3 filesystems. Be aware that journalled filesystems always leave some traces, but it's quite impossible to recover a deleted file on ext3 anyway01:02
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Dev05chris_, X-Moto too.01:03
Jordan_UCarlFK, Why are you still running breezy?01:03
exhausteddariuskane, also there are multiples of each file, for instance there is a javaws.1.gz and a javaws.ja.1.gz, dont know if thats supposed ot be like that or not01:03
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jl2unhey i need some help01:03
=== Linksys [n=a@cpe-76-169-155-191.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
orudieis lookingGlass better than compiz?01:03
jl2unanyone mind give me an hard01:03
M_42well if you use wipe to overwrite the data on ext3 it is still there?01:03
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CarlFKJordan_U: it is an old box that happens to have python 2.4, and I want to test something01:04
dariuskaneexhausted, it is... found the proper cmd for you.... try this... sudo update-alternatives java01:04
Jordan_Uorudie, IMHO, not even close01:04
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orudieJordan_U, IMHO?01:04
chris_how come beryl + google earth = POOP01:04
stefgM_42: ext3 zero the node anyway, so wipe is just a waste of time01:04
=== TurtleBeoulve [n=turtle@c-68-55-32-43.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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cafuegochris_: You, you misunderstand.01:04
cafuegochris_: beryl = POOP01:04
=== n0dding0ff [n=hewij@c-71-236-227-217.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
chris_no it does not :)01:05
stefgM_42: and you cant be sure it 'wipes' the right block, because the filesystem does it before01:05
M_42wow that really bites... surely someone could make a program which actually could securely wipe files on ext301:05
exhausteddariuskane, i get 'unknown argument 'java''01:05
csc`yes it is01:05
csc`compiz > *01:05
chris_beryl = awesome :)01:05
quingin_yea go compiz01:05
csc`beryl = outdated afaik01:05
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afaikcsc`, huh!?01:05
=== jellymaster_ [n=chatzill@ool-45702dcc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
csc`afaik: wtf?01:05
datacopcompiz-fusion is beryl&compiz now01:05
Jordan_UM_42, What do you mean?01:05
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bipolarcompiz + beryl = compiz-fusion01:05
afaikcsc`, beryl is the new version?01:05
afaikisn't it?01:05
lfalkenburgdoes anybody know how to change the icon size in applikation menu within ubuntu 7.04? i have searched all the evening :-(01:05
TurtleBeoulveis there anyone here that is good at troubleshooting alsa01:05
stefgM_42: consider an ordinary ext3 delete as a 'wipe'01:05
=== antitab [n=Michael@pool-72-78-3-239.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
csc`afaik: afaik = as far as i know01:05
=== n0dding0ff [n=hewij@c-71-236-227-217.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
afaikI tried compiz and it wasnt as good as beryl01:06
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bipolarafaik: they merged back together01:06
afaikMy real first name is afaik01:06
tckcompiz and beryl forked and now they are back together and know as compiz fusion01:06
afaikAfaik Von Evens01:06
exhausteddariuskane, maybe this sudo update-alternatives --config java01:06
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npepinpe@Turtle : good luck with alsa, it's always a pain to get it to work01:06
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jl2uncan anyone help me. with my VGA card. it's an eVGA 8600 gt.01:06
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dariuskaneexhausted, yup that should it01:07
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csc`afaik: then you're going to hear alot more highlights from me01:07
saxinany suggestion for a nice looking FTP-client?01:07
csc`saxin: lftp ;)01:07
npepinpeYeah, try FileZilla01:07
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orudieyou guys thing compiz is better than lookingGlass? for some reason i cant get CFusion to work, i have the Nvidia 7600 GT, installed the drivers using Envy, when trying to run compiz --replace ubntu locks up, i tried a bunch of forums and couldn't get any help01:07
stefgubotu is out for lunch it seems01:07
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lfalkenburglol - lftp is really nice looking :-D01:08
afaikI really wish they would just name the fake Java Guava or something01:08
exhausteddariuskane, much appreciated I was looking for this for some time01:08
_Sinny_hi all^^01:08
lfalkenburgdoes anybody know how to change the icon size in applikation menu within ubuntu 7.04? i have searched all the evening :-(01:08
exhausteddariuskane, have a good one01:08
TurtleBeoulveI'm just trying to get an intel STAC97 compliant onboard card to work01:08
blazemongerwhat's the best benchmark program that will find flaws?01:08
dariuskaneexhausted, np... same works for other common software01:08
M_42I just don't understand if you write a file over with 1's and then 0's  how could it still be recovered on ext3?01:08
afaikBlackdown java is horribly broken imho01:08
TurtleBeoulveusing ubuntu studio01:08
=== morodock_ [n=morodock@71-209-166-81.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
ninixhi, i just installed my new nvidia card. and installed nvidia-glx-new ....... but i got a problem: all font are unreadable.01:08
blazemongerTurtleBeoulve:i'm trying to get my p4 desktop to run smoother than a old p301:08
Jordan_Ublazemonger, Benchmark for what and what flaws?01:09
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exhausteddariuskane, all the ones listed in it currently are java, but i assume if i install others like java that allow multipl versions that is the command to use to control which is being sued01:09
afaikman... I bought 2 bottles of 40 proof beer for my friend for his bachelor party01:09
datacopis there a php5 rrd package for dapper? i only find one for php401:09
afaikcost me 20 bucks a bottle01:09
lfalkenburgto much noise here - bye01:09
afaiklfalkenburg, wuss01:09
dariuskaneexhausted, right... such as the choice between vi and emacs... you can set the default version to use when youhave many versions of the same types of software01:09
lfalkenburgafaik, yes01:09
=== kazylax [n=kazylax@Reseau.Tchat.Irc.kazylax.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongeris mint linux faster than ubuntu01:10
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lfalkenburgprobably i am getty old01:10
afaikblazemonger, run some tests and tell us01:10
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Ajzzz/var/log/syslog, PM:Check swsusp image. PM: Resume from disked failed. Is this causing a freeze?01:10
M_42well ok... in your opinion which is better... shred, wipe, or secure-delete?01:10
=== Munchkinguy [n=gabriel@wnpgmb11dc1-50-88.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
lfalkenburgyears ago such a irc channel with hundrets of messages per minute wasn't any problem for me01:10
nickrudlfalkenburg, the trick is to use xchat (not xchat-gnome) and turn off join/part messages, it's cleaner01:10
afaikdude.. mint linux has too much of an anti-america policy01:11
lfalkenburgokay, nice idea01:11
afaikI cant download it because my country enforces software patents01:11
=== blackest [n=john@cpc3-linc8-0-0-cust831.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
afaikwhy oh why would they do something that retarded?01:11
MunchkinguyHello. I have a Radeon Xpress 1150 and am wondering how to get desktop compositioning working.01:11
GrungebunnyI have an issue with firefox and youtube.. after watching a video full screen it seems to break the browswer, anyone else have this problem?if so what do you do to fix it?01:11
lfalkenburgi will just give it a try01:11
=== jaysonsantos [n=jayson@c9532004.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudafaik, you mean the literally block us addresses?01:11
afaik"Most Linux Mint editions are only made available to countries which legislation doesn't allow software patents to be enforced."01:12
blazemongerwho cares about patents..if youre not using it for profit01:12
jl2uncan anyone help. installing the drives for nvidia eVGA 8600 gt01:12
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FurryNemesisafaik, because it's illegal?  Plus there's the non quasi legal versions01:12
afaikFurryNemesis, illegal how? What did they add to it?01:12
Jordan_Uafaik, That is more anti American copywrite laws than anti-american :)01:12
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exhausteddariuskane, cool, learning everyday, thanks again01:12
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afaikif they added something to it illegal, it's not really free01:12
=== dragonphyre [n=spokehed@d47-69-98-15.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
jaysonsantosHi people i'm trying a couple of days make work  my microphone, but don't make any sound. Anyone can help me ?01:13
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afaikI'm curiosu what they added to it that makes it illegal to download in the US as opposed to other distros!?01:13
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lfalkenburgnickrud, yeah! nice xchat i know from the past i used windows01:13
FurryNemesisafaik, something to do with the codecs in the full fat version I think and then giving it away for free in the US where you have to pay the license holder01:13
buizecan i get perl commands working in xchat01:13
Jordan_Uafaik, Do you consider the ability to play DVD's on linux something that should be illegal?01:13
GrungebunnyI have an issue with firefox and youtube.. after watching a video full screen it seems to break the browswer, anyone else have this problem?if so what do you do to fix it?01:13
=== TurtleBeoulve [n=turtle@c-68-55-32-43.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
kornitshow do i know what usergroup a user belongs to in Ubuntu?01:13
Grungebunnyafaik my guess is patented source code01:13
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dragonphyreAnybody know of a nice bluetooth frontend/GUI for pairing/unpairing devices? I have BlueZ running and it sees my usb BT adapter, I just can't pair anything to it.01:13
afaikoh I apt-get those all the time ;)01:14
nickrudlfalkenburg, it's still fast, but usable. This is one channel where using a nick in a post is for all practical purposes, mandatory :)01:14
wweaselJordan_U: You're misrepresenting the issue. The issue isn't that there is an American law which states "You may not play DVDs on Linux OSs."  The issue is that Ubuntu does not pay royalties to the DVD Group which owns the software patent.01:14
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lfalkenburgnickrud, ok, i am now kown as irrsinn and throwing this client away01:15
nickrudafaik, I was able to start a download from a mirror, so mint's policy is moot, anyway01:15
TBZWhat is the command to remove a package without removing dependancies? sudo apt-get remove packagename --purge --force?01:15
grigor1Dev05:   Passphrase is currently not supported. - from the iwconfig man page, so that explains why only hex works01:15
kornitsanyone know how to find the name of the usergroups in Linux?01:15
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Jordan_Uwweasel, No, it is not an issue of patents in this case, it is a matter of DRM. You can pay for MPEG-2 and it would still be illegal to play DVD's in linux01:15
nooseislooseI just upgraded to gutsy, and now gtkterm reads in what looks like garbage from a serial connection.  this is a serial connection-config that I have used many times.  I suspect some unicode treachery, has anyone had similar?01:15
orudieby looking at this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion should i add both lines in the 3d party repositories?01:15
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stefgnooseisloose: #ubuntu+101:16
Dev05grigora, I didn't know that.01:16
Jordan_Uwweasel, And anyone who buys a DVD player also inevitably buys the software, and licensing, to play DVD's in Windows01:16
=== Chascon [n=chatzill@pc-99-227-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
wweaselJordan_U: Right, my bad. But it *is* a matter of Canonical not paying to have a key to circumvent the DRM legally, the way that any DVD player manufacturer would, is it not?01:16
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grigoraDev05: now the trick is to get SonicWall to display the keys that it generates from the passphrase in HEX format01:16
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grigoraDev05: like Linksys01:16
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nooseisloosestefg: ty01:17
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Dev05grigora, The router doesn't do that for you? :(01:17
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GrungebunnyI have an issue with firefox and youtube.. after watching a video full screen it seems to break the browswer, anyone else have this problem?if so what do you do to fix it?01:17
=== dsctm3 just waves hello, while playing on my new install of ubuntu :)
craigbass1976What's the best app for capturing streaming usb video out of a dv camera?01:18
Jordan_Uwweasel, As far as I know there is no Legal decoder for Linux, that is in fact why Decss was broken in the first place, someone wanted to play their legally purchased DVD in Linux but couldn't. So he cracked it.01:18
grigoraDev05: not that I can see01:18
dariuskanegrigora, if your router is compatible you could load up dd-wrt opensource firmware on it01:18
Dev05dariuskane, Huh...01:18
grigoradariuskane: i really don't want to replace the firmware on a sonicwall01:18
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LamegoJordan_U, there are plenty of legal decoders, legal outside U.S. :)01:19
neverblueGrungebunny, run ff from command line, and view any errors it may have01:19
Thunderfox933how can i back up my /home and change the fs01:19
irrsinnis there a german channel?01:19
orudieanyone please help, this is really easy : by looking at this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion should i add both lines in the 3d party repositories?01:19
M_42in feisty what is the default mode of the ext3 file system?    data=journal,data=ordered, or data=writeback???01:19
wweaselJordan_U: I'm aware that there is no legal decoder. And I agree completely that it is purely ridiculous not to be able to play a DVD you purchased in any OS you want.01:19
blazemongerwhpo cares about patents01:19
nickrud!de | irrsinn01:19
stefgirrsinn: #ubuntu-de01:19
craigbass1976Thunderfox933, make another partition, stick your /home stuff on there, and proceed01:19
blazemongerthats only if youre a big company01:19
TBZwe broke ubotu =(01:19
irrsinnstefg, thx01:19
TBZplaying with @flip01:19
nickrudum, no ubotu01:19
wweaselLamego: Actually, illegal in most western nations, not just the US.01:19
TBZactually, amaranth did it *points*01:20
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rubenHello, trying to use sound using rdesktop I get this error /dev/dsp: No such file or directory, any idea how to fix it?01:20
=== TBZ hides
blazemongergoing after individuals who try to HELP the planet using "proprietary codecs" is a WASTE of resources and taxpayer dollars01:20
Lamegolegal on all EU nations :P01:20
neverblueubotu has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))01:20
Thunderfox933can i back up the files to the /root folder than use gparted to create a new FS01:20
AmaranthNo, TBZ did it! *points back*01:20
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neverbluelooks like we have to wait until he gets back01:20
afaikI love my job01:20
Thunderfox933ext3 is so slow01:21
wweaselblazemonger: Nobody that I'm aware of has ever been sued for using proprietary codecs.01:21
afaikI use reiserFS01:21
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M_42stefg,  do you know what mode the ext3 file system is in by default on fiesty?01:21
afaiker scratch that01:21
afaikI use linux installed on FAT1601:21
wweaselThunderfox933: I *highly* doubt that whatever slowness you're experiencing is as a result of the fs.01:21
Dev05grigora, Looking for a converter...01:21
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Thunderfox933does reiserfs have to fsck itself every certain amount of mounts01:21
afaikFAT16 is really FAST16.. but it's so fast they lost the S01:21
orudieCreed, hey man, did you talk to her?01:21
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jvaithat's... fast01:22
stefgM_42: no, i use reiserfs and xfs (i find ext3 is to slow...)01:22
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Thunderfox933wweasel i mean in my opinion ext3 is slow on me it gets corrupted every week on me01:22
Creedorudie, sorry man she doesnt get off work for another 4 hours :( we have totally opposite work schedules, kinda makes being engaged hard :(01:22
orudieCreed, if not, can i try Beryl, Do you have a good instructions on installing Beryl?01:22
M_42k thanks01:22
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M_42do you know how I could check if it is   data=ordered or   data=writeback?01:22
orudieCreed, maybe you remembered what you did?01:22
dragonphyreAnybody know of a nice bluetooth frontend/GUI for pairing/unpairing devices? I have BlueZ running and it sees my usb BT adapter, I just can't pair anything to it. The little blue light that blinks was giving me such hope...01:23
Creedorudie, ubuntuforums.org has tons of guides, usually the one in Beginner forum links to is what you want.01:23
C-{pR0FGRUB error 18 , is there a way to fix it without reinstalling :'( ????01:23
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Thunderfox933does anyone use JFS?01:23
nickrudstefg, how to you use those, I mean, home, root, or ?01:23
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Jordan_UThunderfox933, Ext is pretty solid and journaled, I would check for hardware failure if it is getting corrupted once a week01:23
wweaselThunderfox933: Again, I doubt any corruption you're experiencing is ext3's fault. Perhaps your HD is dying? Bad cable? etc.    ext3 is not prone to random corruption.01:23
Lamegowweasel, US is not "most" of the western nations despite it's world wide importance01:23
Creedorudie, sorry :( came here to get some help on openvpn but started helping you heh try searching the forum for compiz --replace, im postive thats what i changed, to what im not so sure01:24
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stefgnickrud: simply make the fs, enter it in /etc/fstab.... no magic involved01:24
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Thunderfox933i checked everything my harddrive is only 4 weeks old and my hardware is fine01:24
Thunderfox933could it because i changed the ext3 journaled mode?01:24
dariuskaneThunderfox933, load up the smartmon-tools and have a real look at your drive01:24
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wweaselLamego: Agreed, but it is also not the only country in which patent laws are in place.01:24
nickrudstefg, I know that :) I mean applications, you use reiser for all, or xfs for all, or a preferred breakdown?01:24
Thunderfox933my hdd drive is fine01:24
Stoffercan someone help me k3b?01:24
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Lamegowweasel, it is one of the few01:25
Jordan_UThunderfox933, Possibly, the default is what it is for a reason01:25
wweaselLamego: UK?01:25
Dev05grigora, This is weird... The key generated by my Linksys router differs from khexedit.01:25
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barbarellaStoffer:just ask the question01:25
gotvolsi have a widescreen monitor how can I get my resolutio to go to 1440x900?01:25
Thunderfox933Is JFs good/01:25
Jordan_UThunderfox933, Still, I wouldn't expect corruption once a week even with ext301:25
orudieCreed, so are you saying you think you fixed this by changing the using some other command to start CFusion instead of compiz --replace?01:25
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Jordan_UThunderfox933, *ext201:25
stefgnickrud: reiserfs on root and home, xfs for my vmware and media partitions01:25
wweaselThunderfox933: You would not improve your situation by using a different FS.01:25
Thunderfox933ext2 dosent have a journal01:25
Jordan_UThunderfox933, And ext2 isn't journaled at all01:26
Creedorudie, yup01:26
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Lamegowweasel, UK = US@Europe ;)01:26
Thunderfox933does jfs fsck itself after a certain amount of mounts01:26
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StofferI think I figured it out... I have a video_ts folder that totals to 4.5 GB, and I was wondering why K3b wanted a double layer disk..  However, new question:  what files in my video_ts are actually necessary?01:26
neverblue!anyone | stoffer01:26
barbarellastefg:for recording...yes xfs...fast it is01:26
nickrudstefg, thanks. I've been using ext3 for everything because I didn't have to think about it, you've given me some food for thought01:26
neverblueman I miss that bot01:26
Jordan_UThunderfox933, I think that is an option of the OS, not the File system01:26
wweaselThunderfox933: You know that fsck != corruption01:26
TBZWhat is the command to remove a package without removing dependancies? sudo apt-get remove packagename --purge --force?01:26
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wweaselThunderfox933: If you don't want it to fsck automatically, change that option in /etc/fstab01:27
neverblueStoffer, whats the question, rather than asking for anyone to help ?01:27
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Jordan_UTBZ, --auto-remove01:27
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Stofferneverblue, I asked it right above your last !anyone01:27
Dev05grigora, You could give me your wireless password for your wireless and I'll have my router convert it.01:27
grigoraDev05: right, I think every router has its algorithm for generating a hex key from a passphrase01:27
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M_42anyone here know a lot about the ext3 file system... how can you tell what mode it is in?01:27
stefgnickrud: although i never experienced data loss, a good backup regime is recommended01:27
TBZJordan_U: ty01:27
Jordan_UTBZ, np01:27
neverblueStoffer, matters what you are doing, are you copying from a DVD to another?01:27
orudieCreed, did she use envy to install nVidia drivers?01:27
nickrudTBZ, --force-depends (be sure to read the section on force in man dpkg)01:27
grigoraDev05: thanks, I do have a Linksys here so I can try that ...01:28
Stofferneverblue, yeah... audio_ts is empty01:28
grigoraDev05: but definitely thanks for the offer01:28
neverblueStoffer, huh?01:28
nickrudstefg, more food for thought :)01:28
Creedorudie, yup, older version of envy though, im using beta drivers01:28
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Jordan_UTBZ, Oh, sorry I misread your question01:28
Dev05grigora, You're welcome.01:28
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Stofferneverblue, yeah, I'm copying a DVD.  Just thought letting you know that k9copy left audio_ts empty would help01:28
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TBZnickrud: ya, I read it pretty thoroughly, but I couldn't make up my mind which would NOT remove dependancies01:28
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Stofferneverblue, but for some reason k9copy froze when burning01:29
Thunderfox933So should i stay with ext3 on my /home i use Jfs and that didnt corrupt on me yet01:29
Stofferneverblue, so I'm using k3b01:29
Thunderfox933jfs on /01:29
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Stofferneverblue, but the video_ts folder is a little too big.01:29
neverblueStoffer, so your copying one DVD to another, I think there is another tool for doing that01:29
TBZI just need to remove a single package, nothing else01:29
Stofferneverblue, in k3b?01:29
gotvolsmy monitor will support more resolution than is offered to me when I go to the perferences screen resolution How can I cahnge the default?01:29
neverblueah, well, sorry, I cannot help Stoffer01:29
nickrudTBZ, -force-depends will let you remove a package other things depend on, it's usually not a good idea unless you have an immediate replacement in mind01:29
M_42stefg, i found on the forums that data=ordered and it says shred works as usual in both of those  do you think its ok?01:29
Stofferneverblue, ok01:29
Jordan_UThunderfox933, What makes you think that the File System was corrupted?01:29
dragonphyre.join #bluez01:29
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TBZnickrud: I'm playing on a sandbox install, I have no fear =D01:30
neverbluegotvols, what about your video card, will it support the higher resolutions?01:30
stefgM_42: as i said: shred is a placebo on ext301:30
Thunderfox933the superblock on ext3 gets corrupted01:30
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TBZnickrud: ty sir01:30
nickrudTBZ, and apt will almost certainly try to reinstall it on the next run01:30
TBZnickrud: oh, damn01:30
jaysonsantosHi people i'm trying a couple of days make work  my microphone, but don't make any sound. Anyone can help me ?01:30
travishey i have a broadcom wlan and i cant get it going01:30
stefgThunderfox933: so do a fsck01:30
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Stofferneverblue, btw.... what does " !anyone " do?01:31
neverblueok, im outta here01:31
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avisis there an ubuntu package that will update mp3s with correct information ?01:31
travistryed this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34608301:31
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M_42stefg,  but it says it works in the shred manual, if you use ext as data=ordered... why wouldn't work   im confused?01:31
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Jordan_Ujaysonsantos, You don't have any sound as in you can't play anything either?01:31
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jaysonsantosJordan_U only mic don't work01:31
Talcitehey guys, I'm having a problem with DDC and DPMS and my X server01:31
Stoffercan someone tell me why k9copy created a video_ts folder too big for k3b to burn onto a single layer disk?01:32
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Jordan_Ujaysonsantos, What is the output of "asoundconf list" ?01:32
gotvolsyes.  I'm trying to go from 1280x1024 to 1440x90001:32
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Thunderfox933im just going to try jfs than if that gets corrupted i am going to look into my hardware again01:32
Talciteno matter how I edit my xorg.conf, those modules still load01:32
Jordan_UStoffer, Did you copy a dual layer DVD?01:32
jaysonsantosJordan_U Intel01:32
stefgM_42: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-security/13416-ext3-filesystem-can-undelete-work.html01:32
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Talciteon top of that, DPMS is misreading my monitor's refresh and resolution capabilities01:33
jaysonsantosJordan_U Names of available sound cards: Intel01:33
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gotvolstalcite same here01:33
Jordan_Ujaysonsantos, Try running "asoundconf set-default-card Intel"01:33
Thunderfox933Why does ext3 have a max file limit01:33
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StofferJordan_U, yeah, but I reauthored and shrank it with k9copy into a single layer size.  However, k9copy failed its burn, and the video_ts folder it created was 100mb too big for k3b for some reason...01:33
Jordan_UThunderfox933, Because all FS's do.01:33
jaysonsantosJordan_U With root ?01:34
Jordan_Ujaysonsantos, No01:34
moo3how can I get a list of installed packages fro the cmd line?01:34
valmarkoHi all. I have the original cd of Ubuntu 7.04 but it has some problem because It fails to load all the way up after GRUB. The site o ubuntu has a solution for this problem but, after following the steps, I found out it still doesnt work. Any help on this, please ?01:34
StofferJordan_U, I assume all I need are the 5 VOB files, but they add up to 4.5GB so K3b won't put it on a single layer disk01:34
Thunderfox933then why does ext3 use 5% of the space?01:34
Talcitegotvols: any luck?01:34
bulmermoo3: dpkg -l01:34
stefgM_42: In order to ensure that ext3 can safely resume an unlink after a crash, it actually zeros out the block pointers in the inode, That's it. shred will shred something, but not your file01:34
mneptokThunderfox933: by default 5% of space on a partition is made writable only by root.01:35
mneptokThunderfox933: this prevents disks from filling up to the point of becoming unusable.01:35
Thunderfox933is there a way to change it01:35
Thunderfox933JFS doesnt do that01:35
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travishey i have a broadcom wlan and i cant get it going01:35
mneptokThunderfox933: so that's a limitation of JFS.01:35
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jaysonsantosJordan_U Nothing happend with "asoundconf set-default-card Intel"01:35
gotvolstalcite no I've tried on the forumand in here with no luck on how to get my resolution to change from the default.  I know my monitor and video card can handle bigger.01:35
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orudievsio zaebalo!01:36
grigoraDev05: have you ever used WPA?01:36
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valmarkoI have OpenSuse but I'm soo tired of the way it handles handles and updates new packages ( and it's soo slow) that, even though it's a great OS, I'm willing to make the changes01:36
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Jordan_Ujaysonsantos, try running "alsamixer" and make sure that the channel is not muted01:36
athlon87help me!01:36
Dev05grigora, No. It's supposed to be unsecure.01:36
Talcitegotvols: my problem is that the Xserver isn't taking my options in Xorg.conf01:36
travishey i have a broadcom wlan and i cant get it going  and i know i have to use NDiswrapper but not sure what driver i need and how to do it01:36
athlon87qlkuno mi pu aiutare?01:36
jaysonsantosJordan_U Nothind is muted01:36
gotvolsI have a widescreen monitor and i'm trying to get the resolution to 1440x90001:37
grigoraDev05: WPA is way more secure than WEP, from what I have been reading all day01:37
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Jordan_Utravis, You may not need NDISwrapper01:37
BoratDoes anyone know how to change the notification icons? Like the nm-applet, or the gnome-power-manager??01:37
athlon87sto cercando d entrare nel mondom linux01:37
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travisJordan_U really01:37
Thunderfox933so does that mean JFS is unrelible?01:37
Jordan_Utravis, What is the exact chipset ( ie bcm43what )01:37
jaysonsantosJordan_U Nothind is muted in alsamixer01:37
athlon87ho installato ubuntu 7.0.4 ma nn mi piace granch!01:37
Dev05grigora, Emmm... Really? Huh... Hold on.01:37
agentorannngeI need help setting up my Linksys WUSB54G wireless USB network adapter01:37
athlon87speek italian!?01:37
gotvolsI look in my xorg.conf file and I see that 1440x900 is listed, but I can't get to it01:37
mneptokThunderfox933: no.01:37
Jordan_Ugotvols, Probably a driver issue, what GFX card?01:38
athlon87wht it is chanel italian for linux please?01:38
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stefgathlon87: #ubuntu-it01:38
athlon87ok tannk01:38
travisJordan_u, bcm431101:38
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travisJordan_u, when i do that does it make my writing red for you?01:38
Ravenndude`After someone ignorant shut down my PC by holding the power button I not get this error when booting, before GRUB comes up, "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER"01:38
bulmertravis: http://www.unix-tutorials.com/go.php?id=57501:38
jaysonsantosJordan_U All works fine except mic01:38
Dev05grigora, How come? I thought it was the other way around.01:38
Jordan_Utravis, Great, then just install the package bcm43xx-fwcutter01:38
CreedAnyone here have experience with OpenVPN in bridged mode for gaming?01:39
gotvolsIntel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller01:39
Jordan_Utravis, Yes01:39
travisok thank you so much01:39
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athlon87what is command for connect at italian channel ubuntu? :P01:39
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stefgRavenndude`: can you access the filesystem from the Live CD?01:39
Jordan_Ugotvols, Ok, try either switching to the -intel driver (recommended ) or install 915resolution01:39
JK2im with the ubuntu! :)01:39
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bulmerRavenndude`: you can not boot from hard disk anymore?01:40
Paddy_EIREathlon87: /join #ubuntu-it01:40
K3ntohow do i convert .3g2 videos?01:40
Jordan_Utravis, np01:40
Thunderfox933i am going to switch ext3 to JFS01:40
Ravenndude`stefg, I'm trying to find one01:40
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JK2but in the cd test, i havent install it yey01:40
Ravenndude`bulmer, no01:40
JK2so i need to now01:40
athlon87bye my friends!01:40
JK2the partition stuff01:40
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Paddy_EIREThunderfox933: why01:40
viril_hello! is there a channel for gyach here? thanks! :D01:40
Dev05grigora, I was all messed up.01:40
JK2i dont know how to do it01:40
chadHello. I can't get my intel 3945 wifi card to associate with wpa protected networks. wpasupplicant is installed. What do I need to do?01:40
mneptokThunderfox933: i wouldn't do that01:40
valmarkoWhat's wrong with the cd of Ubuntu 7.04 that was sent to me? It fails the loading at some point of the initializing01:40
agentorannngeAnyone able to help me with my wireless settings01:40
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Paddy_EIREThunderfox933: why the switch to jfs01:41
pdxkidhi all.  i've got ubuntu (feisty) running superbly on my Dell Latitude D610 laptop.  i've hit 1 snag over the past few months i am unable to fix and am hoping someone can shed some light...01:41
mneptokThunderfox933: ext3 has far more attention than JFS. which means a better toolset.01:41
Jordan_Uchad, Does network-manager not work?01:41
Thunderfox933im sick of waiting 20 minutes for fsck to finsh01:41
pdxkidvmware server (free linux version) was working great and then it broke on me01:41
chadJordan_Li: Network does not give me the option of picking wpa(2) as a password typel.01:41
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JK2well i think tht i have to uninstall this thing01:41
pdxkidi can't reconfigure or reinstall due to error:  /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl: 30: Syntax error: "(" unexpected01:41
JK2is not gonna work with me01:41
Dev05grigora, gtg.01:41
Jordan_UThunderfox933, that can be turned off01:41
pdxkidany ideas?01:41
gotvolsok I'll try that thanks01:41
JK2i cant even configure the partition stuff01:42
agentorannngevalmarko: I couldn't get the Live CD of 7.04 to work quite right either01:42
grigoraDev05: ok, thanks for your help01:42
greg_see you all to fast for me!!01:42
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Dev05grigora, I hope I actually did help :)/01:42
valmarkoagentorannge, what did you do to solve the problem?01:42
agentorannngevalmarko: Im not sure if it is something to do with some ATI and nVidia drivers but it is very buggy.01:42
stefgpdxkid: vmware support is in #vmware. probably you need on of those any-any-patches01:42
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jaysonsantosJordan_U I tried compiling alsa and my mic don't work01:42
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agentorannngevalmarko: I went to the Ubuntu site and downloaded the Text Based installer01:43
pdxkidstefg: thanks! great idea01:43
dragonphyreAnybody know of a nice bluetooth frontend/GUI for pairing/unpairing devices? I have BlueZ running and it sees my usb BT adapter, I just can't pair anything to it.01:43
valmarkoagentorannnge, did it work?01:43
Thunderfox933how do i turn fsck off then on ext301:43
agentorannngeIt installed quickly and I didn't have a problem at all.01:43
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bulmerRavenndude`: do you have your liveCD disk? boot from it..and then fix the bootable hd01:43
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valmarkothanks a lot agentorannge. Strange , I have the cd of 6.10 and I didnt have this kind of problem01:44
bulmerThunderfox933: make sure it is umounted before you can fsck01:44
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Ravenndude`bulmer, I'm downloading the liveCD now, I used the alternate to install.01:44
jaysonsantosHi people, how i can reinstall alsa anda reconfigure in ubuntu ?01:44
grigorahow can I get my Network Manager to work with WPA??? The only 2 options I get are WEP ASCII and WEP HEX. I have been at this for hours so I would really appreciate any help. I have gone through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo but it still does not work.01:45
tckpidgin doesnt have cam support01:45
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bulmerRavenndude`: i think the alternative cd has rescue mode, maybe you can repair from that01:45
zogHi again ! Is there a way to generate a LiveCD from an ubuntu installation ? :o01:45
tckback to the drawing board with it01:45
chadgrigora: In the same box you are.01:45
Jordan_UThunderfox933, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=300477 like it says though, you shouldn't turn it off completely01:45
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agentorannngeValmarko: No problem. I hope the text based installer works for you01:45
Jordan_URavenndude`, What is the problem? ( coming in late )01:46
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Thunderfox933why should fsck be run if it is journaled?01:46
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bulmergrigora: does it work without the WPA activate yet? ie unencrypted?01:46
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grigorabulmer: yes01:46
stefgThunderfox933: because metadata journalling won't prevent data loss01:46
LamegoThunderfox933, journaled does not mean immune to errors01:46
Ravenndude`Jordan_U, I get the error "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER" before grub runs01:46
Jordan_UThunderfox933, Because if your drive goes bad you can have corruption without even having a write to disk01:46
jvaihey, is there anyway to create a live - cd from an ubuntu install?01:46
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alan8ris there any movie script writing software for ubuntu?01:47
bulmerjvai: try to google for remastering ubuntu01:47
zogYup would be interesting =)01:47
grigorabulmer: any ideas?01:47
Jordan_URavenndude`, Even though this is not caused by windows in this case try the instructions for re-installing grub after windows...01:47
Thunderfox933whats metadata? part of the file?01:47
Jordan_U!grub | Ravenndude`01:47
jvaire-maaastering.. ty bulmer01:47
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grigorabulmer: according to the how to, I should be able to just use Network Manager01:47
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Ravenndude`Jordan_U, I've been windows free for quite a while.01:48
stefgThunderfox933: metadate is the data describing the data01:48
bulmergrigora: try to paste your interfaces file and will see if anything there thats abnormal01:48
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blackestjvai from an ubuntu live cd yes a friend of mine made a usb stick distro based on ubuntu and backtrack but it took him a while to get it right01:48
Lamegois data, which is not data :P01:48
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CTho_how can I repartition my drive to make space for another OS, without losing data?01:48
bulmergrigora: maybe...i dont know01:48
mneptokgrigora: Network Manager is *not* in System>Admin>Network. you know this, yes?01:48
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Jordan_URavenndude`, I meant that the same steps may work for your problem, even though they are made for fixing windows clobbering the MBR01:48
moo3I'm trying to install mod_fcgi - Howcome it doesn't show up in the add/remove app?01:48
zogJust out of curiosity, does anyone know why do I have a better ping under Ubuntu than under Windows ? (I'm on dial-up)01:48
gynixetotheipi, got it working01:48
grigoramneptok: it's on the top-right hand side of my desktop01:49
mneptokgrigora: correct.01:49
stefgCTho_: make a backup01:49
mneptokgrigora: what wifi chipset?01:49
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jvaihmm, but bulmer, i want to use this install, the way i have it... i dont know all of the steps, for a remaster like that from scratch01:49
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JK2cant i have 2 OS01:49
Lamegomoo3, because there is no package with that name in the repositories01:49
CTho_stefg: that'd be a major pain01:49
bulmerzog: what details you know you have a better ping?01:49
grigoramneptok: Intel PRO 2200G01:49
Thunderfox933does JFS corrupt on a power outage?01:49
moo3Lamego, it is avail for ubuntu isn't it?01:49
zogWhile playing WOrld of Warcraft, I have 250 ms under Ubuntu with Cedega, and 550 under windows :>01:50
grigorathis is from the HOWTO and it does not work in Feisty - Right click the Network Manager icon to enable the network if necessary. Next, left click on the Network Manager icon and choose "Connect to other wireless network".01:50
mneptokgrigora: does the access point you're selecting actually support WPA?01:50
zogAnd I don't know why ^^01:50
Lamegomoo3, on the repositories, and with a package with the same name, no01:50
Ravenndude`Jordan_U, I see now. I'm booting in "rescue mode" from an alt install disk. And that !grub command didn't send me any information.01:50
grigoramneptok: yes it does and Windows can connect to it01:50
stefgCTho_: all partitioning is potentially dangerous. Loosing your data is even more pain than having a backup *now*01:50
mneptokgrigora: and not only that, but is WPA authentication on?01:50
bulmerjvai: i dont think you can just dd the whole disk and make a clone..but i thought you said you want a liveCD of  what you got?01:50
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CTho_stefg: i dont care *taht* much01:50
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LamegoLamego, you can search for "fast cgi"01:50
Lamegothere is libapache2-mod-fastcgi01:50
mneptokgrigora: just because the WAP supports it doesn't mean it's using it.01:50
CTho_stefg: i care enough to want to use a tool that "should" work01:50
grigoramneptok: yes it's on01:50
Lamegonot sure what you are looking for01:50
moo3Lamego, what's a good procedure for me to get that app and others?01:50
jvaiyes, of the partition @ bulmer01:50
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Jordan_URavenndude`, Since ubotu seems dead... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows01:51
Lamegomoo3, does mod_fcgi stands for module fast cgi for apache ?01:51
grigoramneptok: dude, everything is correctly configured on the router01:51
moo3Lamego, yes01:51
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grigoramneptok: i just can't see an option to use WPA on my Ubuntu laptop01:51
Lamegomoo3, so, search for "fast cgi" :)01:51
Ravenndude`Jordan_U, thanks for the link.01:51
moo3Lamego, trying...01:51
Lamegothe module is there :)01:51
Jordan_URavenndude`, np01:51
Lamegothe name is: libapache2-mod-fastcgi01:51
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bulmerjvai: try to google for remastering ubuntu <-- gives you the steps how to copy and make it a live cd01:51
stefgCTho_: the live CD installer tries to resize existing partitions to make room for ubuntu, so just pop in the Desktop CD. But it can take long, and it might fail, leaving your hd toasted01:52
zogbulmer:  While playing WOrld of Warcraft, I have 250 ms under Ubuntu with Cedega, and 550 under windows :> And I don't know why ^^01:52
Neoxygenhi all01:52
travis_Jordan_u, umm im running ultimate will that driver still work ?01:52
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jvaibulmer, maybe partimage combined with misofs & APTONCD01:52
bulmerzog: is it consistent like that? maybe at the time you ping, some network problems01:52
Neoxygencan u tell me how to install divx611-20060201-gcc4.0.1.tar.gz01:52
Neoxygenon ubuntu ?01:53
Templardariuskane you ther01:53
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bulmerjvai: i really dont know if those are the tools...google for what i suggested01:53
Neoxygencan u tell me how to install divx611-20060201-gcc4.0.1.tar.gz01:53
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zogbulmer: yes, I always have about 250-300ms better ping under Ubuntu01:53
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Neoxygenhelp me01:53
davidthedrakezog: It'd be hard to tell without knowing how WoW is getting that Ping01:53
Neoxygenhor to install divx01:54
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moo3Lamego, I'm using the add/remove app and I search for 'fast cgi' with and without quotes and I get "There is no matching application available."01:54
bulmerzog: try the mii-diag  tool maybe some parameters will indicate why that is so01:54
Jordan_Utravis, I have no idea, "Ubuntu Ultimate edition" is NOT official and is actually pretty hacked together, he is also in violation of the Ubuntu trademark by calling it an "edition" when it is just his own project01:54
Templaranyone use nomachine nxclient / server01:54
Lamegomoo3, do you have the universe and multiverse repositories enabled ?01:54
zogbulmer: Thanks, I will try this one =)01:54
travisjordan_u, hahha i c01:54
moo3Lamego, not sure - preferences?01:54
dragonphyreAnybody know of a nice bluetooth GUI for pairing/unpairing devices? I have BlueZ running and it sees my usb BT adapter, I just don't understand the command line for pairing/unpairing devices. Windows has a much better interface, for this.01:54
Lamegomoo3, I am using the command line search, but it should produce the same results01:54
bulmerTemplar: what have you done so far? is ssh working? thats the minimum, have ssh working01:55
davidthedrakemoo3: System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager01:55
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Templarmust be cause the test login worked01:55
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moo3davidthedrake, thx01:56
Lamegomoo3, Administration -> Preferences -> Software Properties01:56
Templarand i logged into my home pc but it keeps disconnecting01:56
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scottDkoDerI would like to send files accross my home network with two computers both using ubuntu.  Any help??01:56
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Templarbulmer any ideas why it might keep disconnecting on me01:57
nooseisloosescottDkoDer: scp -p01:57
zogbulmer: mii-diag doesn't seem to find ppp0 :o01:57
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bulmerTemplar: i believe the messages tells you why the connection fails01:57
moo3Synaptic Package Manager -- is working well - thx01:57
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bulmerzog: mii-diag only works on eth0 not ppp01:58
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zogoh, I'm on 56k ^^01:58
grigoraok, i am looking at a website that has screenshots of a menu that opens up by right clicking on the network manager icon on the desktop. For some reason, all I get when I right click on it is - Enable Networking and About. Does anyone know what's wrong with this? Why Can I not see the link of wireless networks? DO I need to install anything extra for this to work? TIA!01:58
scottDkoDernooseisloose: 'scp -p' shows usage stats for scp01:58
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chadHi. Could someone please assist with getting wireless working. The card is an intel 3945. Network manager does not appear to catch it for some reason or another. Only network-admin acknowledges the card and lists it as enabled but network-admin cannot manage wpa.01:58
zogAnd I love the way Ubuntu cuts my ping in half :D01:58
bulmergrigora: try to paste your interfaces file and will see if anything there thats abnormal01:59
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bmxmarine_has anyone ever come across a message "could not start aplet" when booting the control panel?01:59
nooseisloosescottDkoDer: oops just scp then01:59
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bmxmarine_noob sorry01:59
bulmeram afk02:00
Megaqwertybmxmarine_: yes, I have. Why do you ask?02:00
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bmxmarine_i am trying to figure out how to get it working...02:00
Megaqwertybmxmarine_: which applet is failing?02:00
mneptokscottDkoDer: do you have openssh-server installed on both Ubuntu machines?02:00
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bmxmarine_it says cannot load any applets02:01
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K3ntocan someeone help me convert 3g2 videos?02:01
Megaqwertybmxmarine_: wow, that's a lot worse than I thought. Can you get to a terminal?02:02
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Templarbulmer it says the connection with the remote server was shut down Please check the state of your network connection02:02
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Templarim not sure what to do bout that02:02
clearzenbmxmarine: ctrl+alt f1 sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart  <----try that02:03
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Megaqwertyclearzen: he disconnected02:03
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z0rzHow do I share my network connection?02:04
z0rzlike ics on windows02:04
palintheusHow do I "cd" into a directory that has spaces in the name?02:04
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Megaqwertyz0rz: I believe Firestarter has a configuration option to let you do that through a GUI.02:04
z0rzpalintheus put a \ behind the space.. or just type the first few letters and press Tab02:04
clearzenpalintheus: Tab is the fast way. But a \ then a space signifies white space.02:04
chadHi. Could someone please assist with getting wireless working. The card is an intel 3945. Network manager does not appear to catch it for some reason or another. Only network-admin acknowledges the card and lists it as enabled but network-admin cannot manage wpa.02:05
Templarbulmer it starts logging in and shows the ubuntu splash screen then says the connection with the remote server was shut down Please check the state of your network connection02:05
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etotheipigynix: what was up with it? :S02:05
scottDkoDermneptok: Sorry, no02:05
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davidthedrakepaintheus: use the '\' as an escape character before the space, so for the directory This Example, you would so: cd This\ Example02:05
Ravenndude`(on a separate topic then the one I was on before) Will wine run .bat (batch) files?02:06
Templaronce it showed the desktop background of the pc that is the server02:06
mneptokscottDkoDer: that's what you want02:06
K3ntowheres ubotu?02:06
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mneptokscottDkoDer: sudo apt-get install openssh-server02:06
MegaqwertyK3nto: ubotu is a bot02:06
Megaqwerty !ubotu02:06
scottDkoDermneptok: openssh-server? How do I use it?02:06
mneptokscottDkoDer: one step at a time02:06
K3ntoMegaqwerty: i know lol. but hes not responding02:06
scottDkoDermneptok: It's installing on both now02:06
palintheusz0rz clearzen : I have tried tab, it doesn't suggest anything, also I have tried both " \" and "\ " (space-slash and slash-space)02:06
MegaqwertyK3nto: yeah, just realized that...02:06
MegaqwertyK3nto: weird.02:07
Megaqwertyreizend: lol. ubotu seems to be offline02:07
reizendthat certainly makes things more difficult02:07
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mneptokscottDkoDer: when it's installed, Places>Connect to server>SSH in the menus02:07
reizendMegaqwerty: yea i know I did that as a joke02:07
z0rzpalintheus: Try surronding it in ''02:07
scottDkoDermneptok: Ok02:07
K3ntoanybody know anything about converting .3g2 files?02:07
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=== Megaqwerty 's sense of humor must be broken.
filloyhello everyone! my computer takes about 2 minutes to star, so i guess theres something wrong with it. how can I fix it?02:08
mneptokscottDkoDer: use the IP of the other machine. use your account name and password on that machine.02:08
palintheusz0rz: no dice02:08
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z0rzpalintheus: Not sure.02:08
palintheusz0rz: thanks anyway02:08
K3ntofilloy: me too. ubuntu loads 8 bars then stops for a bit... then starts again02:08
z0rzpalintheus: are you sure it exists?02:08
Megaqwertypalintheus: what's your problem?02:08
davidthedrakepalintheus What is the name of the directory?02:08
filloyK3nto: hell isnt it? for me it stops at the first bar :( then it goes without a problem02:09
reizendfilloy: I have that problem when it is trying to reach an unreachable network connection if it is not set to roaming, ie timeout02:09
palintheus"My Music"02:09
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jellymasterthe wireless for ubuntu is confusing I got the drivers installed+it recognises the device,it says that it's connected but no internet but everything else can get internet from it(including i i boot into windows XP instead of ubuntu)anyone got any ideas that could help me02:09
mneptokpalintheus: is it on a mounted filesystem?02:09
palintheusI would normally rename the folder, but that means renaming the 50+ in it02:10
mneptokpalintheus: show us the exact command you're trying02:10
palintheusmneptok: yes, it is in my /home02:10
filloyreizend: wasnt the new startup made to fix that?02:10
supermanI am scottDkoDer02:10
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Megaqwertyfilloy: K3nto: when booting up, Ctrl+Alt+F6 and then Ctrl+Alt+F8 should bring up what's actually happening in the background. That way, you can pinpoint the problem.02:10
arosenhow do i change the host name of my computer?02:10
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supermanSo no port, just ip?02:10
reizendfilloy: perhaps but this is on my lts server02:10
mneptoksuperman: correct02:10
K3ntoMegaqwerty: thanks02:10
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filloyreizend: ohh, i see02:10
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Frogzoo_arosen: /etc/hostname02:11
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filloyMegaqwerty: thank you very much, ill do that now to see the issue :)02:11
palintheusmneptok: I have tried it with qoutes, without, with back slashes in the spaces, with spaces on either side of the backslash02:11
nickrudarosen, change /etc/hostname then run sudo /etc/init.d/hostname.sh restart02:11
arosenFrogzoo: do i have to the restart?02:11
arosenah nvm02:11
mneptokpalintheus: cd ~/My\ Music02:11
davidthedrakearosen, System->Administration->Network 'General' tab.02:11
Megaqwertyfilloy: K3nto you're welcome02:11
mneptokpalintheus: that will work02:11
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nickrudarooni, ah, start not restart02:11
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mneptokpalintheus: *if* what you are telling us about your environment is accurate02:11
jribFrogzoo_: does /etc/hosts still have to be modified? in old version sudo would stop working if you didn't02:11
Lex`Okay new updates: I actually installed ubuntu on my second hard drive, EXT2 filesystem. But Now when I load it up, I get VGA errors, X server won't start. I have an ATI x1800 Mobile video card. Any suggestions?02:11
palintheusmneptok: thanks, it worked02:12
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supermanmneptok: Ok, that is done, how do I transfer files?02:12
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mneptoksuperman: drag and drop02:12
jrib!hostname > arosen (see the private message from ubotu)02:12
mneptoksuperman: see the new icon on the desktop?02:12
reizendjrib, ubotu is offline02:12
supermanmneptok: Hang on..02:12
javbGuys, any opensource option to replace quickbooks?02:12
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javbI moving my company to ubuntu02:12
=== dariuskane watches ae the multi-tasking mneptok's head start to throb just before it explodes
mneptokjavb: gnucash02:12
jribreizend: good point :)02:12
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mneptok!info gnucash02:13
javbmneptok, i`ve tried it, lack a lot. any other?02:13
jvaiubotu's on vacation02:13
mneptokjavb: no idea. GIYF?02:13
supermanmneptok: Ok, the new *icon* is there02:13
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=== Midnight_Abuse [n=janeth@pool-71-98-99-76.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribarosen: what davidthedrake recommended is the best way then02:13
Midnight_AbuseRecommend me games :|02:13
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Midnight_AbuseGames games.02:13
supermanmneptok: Where is the folder, as I am using compiz-fusion soon and there will be no icons02:14
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dariuskaneMidnight_Abuse, I hear tic tac toe rocks... but thats pretty new it might have bugs :P02:14
davidthedrakeMidnight_Abuse, Desktop Tower Defense02:14
mneptoksuperman: huh?02:14
palintheusMidnight_Abuse: SuperTux!02:14
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arosenthanks for your help all02:14
Midnight_AbuseAh ty very much.02:14
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creamerswhat is the command to install ubuntu desktop on 7.0402:14
supermanmneptok: In ~/Desktop the ssh folder is not there02:14
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creamersin the server edition02:14
arosenDoes anyone know of a good alarm clock for linux?02:14
supermanmneptok: Where is it on my system02:14
reizendcreamers: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:14
mneptoksuperman: correct. because it's mounted via gnome-vfs02:14
Megaqwertycreamers: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop02:14
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K3ntoMegaqwerty: minie stalls on :configuring Network interfaces:02:14
dariuskanecreamers, sudo apt-get install unbuntu-desktop02:14
h3lmuti can't figure out why file xfer to/from my ubuntu box is so slow (a couple hundred kB/s if i'm lucky). bonnie++ says the storage is good for ~15MB/s, and i'm on 100mbit ethernet. i've tried samba and sftp, and they're both miserably slow. anything obvious i should look at?02:14
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supermanmneptok: But the icon is on my desktop02:15
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bluefox83ok, i need the command to format a drive in terminal02:15
mneptoksuperman: so?02:15
davidthedrakearosen, KAlarm perhaps?02:15
creamersok thx for that02:15
clearzenbluefox83: use cfdisk02:15
MegaqwertyK3nto: interesting...I honestly couldn't tell you what the problem is off the top of my head. I'll look around though02:15
h3lmutbluefox83: mkfs -t <file system type> <device>02:15
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clearzenbluefox83: or fdisk02:15
supermanmneptok: So, I am looking at the properties of it now to see more, looks like it may be in /media02:15
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dariuskaneh3lmut, might be the system your connecting with02:16
davidthedrakearosen, I just found that by searching for 'alarm' in the Add/Remove Applications manager.02:16
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bluefox83whats the difference between cfdisk and fdisk?02:16
mneptoksuperman: gnome-vfs may create a stub there.02:16
bulmerh3lmut: try mii-diag -a eth0   and see if any of the parameters will give you hints02:16
dariuskaneh3lmut, after all 2 computer are involved not just your ubuntu02:16
K3ntoMegaqwerty: tyvm02:16
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supermanmneptok: huh?02:16
TSWoodVGot a weird problem.  It seems that Feisty has some sort of a timing issue with NetworkManager and the Atheros cards.02:16
clearzenbluefox83: cfdisk is newer and has a better interface02:16
hamadooohi why i can't record in my mic02:16
clearzenbluefox83: a few less bugs etc etc02:16
Midnight_AbuseGosh. I am really happy D:02:16
hamadoooi can do it with the same mic in windows02:16
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supermanmneptok: virtual file system?02:16
supermanmneptok: It isnt in /media02:17
Lex`Okay new updates: I actually installed ubuntu on my second hard drive, EXT2 filesystem. But Now when I load it up, I get VGA errors, X server won't start. I have an ATI x1800 Mobile video card. Any suggestions?02:17
MegaqwertyK3nto: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/31/configuring-network-interfaces/02:17
TSWoodVIt seems that the card may be taking too long to associate with the AP and the dhclient is timing out before it can get bound to the AP.02:17
supermanmneptok: locating now02:17
MegaqwertyK3nto: that might help02:17
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TSWoodVAnyone else seeing this sort of timing issue?02:17
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daj0kerLex`: get a new video card.... :-\ as ati struggles in linux02:17
h3lmutdariuskane - copying from windows box to windows box is working correctly. it's just to/from the ubuntu box02:17
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Lex`daj0ker: That's very easy to say. Tell me where I can get MXM Type 3 mobile video cards02:18
supermanLex`: Have you tried the vesa driver?02:18
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daj0kerthere are tons of how-to's, especially if you google02:18
daj0kertry typing in your exact card, i'm sure someone has02:18
supermanLex`: Is it a newer card?02:18
Lex`superman: No02:18
reizendLex',superman: unfortunately you will loose any kind of 3d accel with vesa02:18
Lex`superman: Yes, faily new card02:18
daj0kerwell, if you use vesa02:18
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daj0keryou can get to x and it's easier to set up ati from there02:19
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supermanreizend: You can use vesa to have a gui until the correct driver is installed02:19
Lex`daj0ker: Ubuntu won't load at all, just the error message, then I CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart02:19
bluefox83ok i need help partitioning a disk...it has 3 partitions apparently, and gives an error of: Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.02:19
reizendsuperman: yea I know but I wanted to make sure Lex' was aware of that02:19
supermanLex`: You will probably have to use fglrx driver to get #d accell02:19
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bluefox83how do i remove all the partitions and create one big one?02:19
supermanreizend: Well tell lex not me02:20
reizendsuperman: I have the via chipset and I am stuck with vesa at the moment02:20
daj0kerLex`: boot up in recover mode, nano xorg.conf, and change it manually02:20
daj0kerscroll down to device and change "ati" to "vesa"02:20
kornitsis there a way i can tell what usergroup a particular user is in?02:20
supermanreizend: You did also srry02:20
daj0kerkornits: "groups"02:20
Lex`daj0ker: Thanks, I will try that02:20
wastrelkornits:  groups user02:20
dariuskaneh3lmut, if you get a couple hundred kbs/s with ubuntu what do you get for windows02:20
daj0kerLex`: yea, that's what i did02:20
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daj0kerjust to get a GUI up, and then installed nvidia02:20
supermanLex`: Do you have a working network connection??02:20
h3lmutdarius - windows box to windows box is about 10MB/s02:21
Lex`superman: From the setup, it said DHCP was successful02:21
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supermanmneptok: ~/.ssh02:21
kornitsdajoker: administrator adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner netdev lpadmin powerdev admin02:21
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supermanLex`: Can you get to a terminal?02:21
kornitsis all it told me02:21
Lex`superman: No02:21
kornitswhich means nothing to me02:21
dariuskaneh3lmut, using ftp? or windows network shares02:21
daj0keryea, unfortunattly if x fails, it doesn't default to the terminal as a default02:21
supermanLex`: Why not? What happens after boot?/02:21
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Ravenndude`Jordan_U, I got iy to boot using that tutorial. Thanks a lot!!!02:22
h3lmutdarius - windows file sharing on the win<->win transfer. win<->linux i've tried smb/cifs and sftp02:22
Lex`superman: A bunch of weird characters show up, and something about VGA error. Then it reverts to a black screen asking for login. At that point I just CTRL+ALT+DEL back to windows02:22
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InstabinNope still cant get them.. its a new kernel headers, modules, and restricted modules02:22
KvaZiGood afternoon from Mexico02:22
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Instabinsry wrong room02:23
daj0kerLex`: have you set up your default user yet?02:23
Flokerhow can i monitor the network usage of an interface from the shell?02:23
daj0kerif so, you can edit the xorg.conf file from there02:23
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KvaZiIs it ok to install Ubuntu to a 500mhz k6-2 with 192mb of RAM? or should I be looking for another flavor of Linux?02:23
supermanLex`: Login02:23
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supermanLex`: That will get you to a terminal02:23
Jordan_URavenndude`, np :)02:23
Lex`daj0ker: Yeah, I set up a user02:23
dariuskanesftp will be a touch slower when encrypted...on the same network segment?02:23
daj0keryea, do what superman said02:23
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supermanLex`: Then do 'iwconfig'02:24
clearzenFloker: sudo netstat -top unless you actually wanted data rates02:24
daj0kerif you can login you should be set to just change the default device to something that can at least load a GUI02:24
supermanLex`: Or 'ifconfig'02:24
grigorai got a message saying that nm-applet needs access to my keyring and that I need to type in a password02:24
KvaZiAnyone? O.o02:24
FlokerKvaZi, it should work pretty well, unless you install too many packages02:24
Flokerclearzen, yes i want data rates :)02:24
dariuskaneKvaZi, youll be fine unless your looking for the bleeding edge 3d desktop apps02:24
kornitsdaj0ker: all it told me was " administrator adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner netdev lpadmin powerdev admin "02:24
grigorai have never set a password on that keyring so I am not sure what to type ... any ideas02:24
supermanLex`: Anyways, the point is to see if you have a working network connection02:24
kornitsit does not tell me the usergroup it belongs to02:24
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daj0kerkornits: yea, that's the default groups02:25
supermanLex`: Do you have a hardwired connection or wireless?02:25
daj0kerthose are the groups you are a part of02:25
bluefox83ok...how do i get a list of all drives connected to a machine?02:25
Lex`superman: hardwire02:25
K3ntoMegaqwerty: what does the guy in that tutorial mean when he says to command out of the line auto eth002:25
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h3lmutdariuskane - i think i'd have an easier time buying that if the load average on the ubuntu box ever went over 0.402:25
KvaZiI'm pretty much looking to make it a Mirror/Torrent downloader02:25
bluefox83lsfs or something?02:25
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Petskullhey, guys02:25
Ravenndude`I'm assuming lspci will detect a PCI SATA card if one is installed. Can anyone confirm this?02:25
daj0kerkornits: are you trying to add a user to another group?02:25
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DoJohnwho can help me here02:25
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reizendK3nto: I think he meant comment out02:25
Petskullhow do I get the CPU temp on bash?02:25
MegaqwertyK3nto: he means that you should put a "#" in front of every line concerning eth002:25
kornitsdaj0ker: i am trying to run this command " chown -R myuser:usergroup /home/myuser/Maildir "02:26
Petskull(or the GPU)02:26
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PriceChildDoJohn, ask your question and see02:26
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dariuskaneh3lmut, well I said a touch :) but not as much as youve noticed... are they are on the same segment of the network?02:26
kornitsbut it says usergroup, i am not sure what to put in it02:26
bulmerK3nto: its comment out, not command out02:26
Ravenndude`DoJohn, just ask your question, if someone can help you, they will.02:26
MegaqwertyMegaqwerty: I mean, the line that says auto eth002:26
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MegaqwertyK3nto: I mean, the line that says auto eth002:26
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daj0kerkornits: did you try it without a usergroup?02:26
h3lmutdariuskane - yeah, it's just a flat network with maybe 10 systems on it total (counting the wii/router/printer)02:26
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kornitsi think that it needs one though02:27
K3ntoMegaqwerty: oooooh ok. i get it02:27
dariuskaneh3lmut, wired or wireless with ubuntu?02:27
kornitschown -R myuser:usergroup /home/myuser/Maildir02:27
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Lex`daj0ker/superman: I will try that out, brb02:27
bluefox83how do i see all the partitions on my machine?02:27
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grigorabulmer: the problem did have to do with my interfaces file, it had a lot of empty lines, i manually deleted those, then magically the network manager started displaying the list of wireless networks. fwiw, nm is a horrible tool considering it itself messed up my interfaces file since i haven't manually configured it for years now02:27
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daj0kerkornits: you have to enter in your username02:27
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kornitsi am attempting to set up courier daj0ker02:27
infinityxiDoes anyone here use gmail-notify. Is it working for you?02:27
wastrelbluefox83:  "mount" will show all mounted partitions02:27
kornitsyea.. and then the usergroup02:27
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DoJohnI get a iso from ubuntu with the version of Ubuntu desktop 7.04, and I burn it into the cd. But when I start with the live CD and choose to install the ubuntu os, it always show off that I\O erro02:28
scottDkoDerLex`: I am superman02:28
MrProper_does anyone know of an equivalent package thats oss to canonicals 'landscape'02:28
daj0kerkornits: one sec02:28
bluefox83wastrel, i wanted all partitions, whether they were mounted or not...02:28
scottDkoDerLex`: Ok, I would reccomend to login under your username, then run 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf'02:28
h3lmutdarius - wired. dec tulip in a pci slot (i thought it was the craptacular onboard 8139 at first)02:28
Megaqwertyinfinityxi: If it doesn't end up working, I use a program called "gmailchecker"02:28
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Megaqwertyinfinityxi: I mean, "checkgmail"02:28
scottDkoDerUnder the Device section, change the Driver (which should read ati) to vesa02:28
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scottDkoDerLex`: Under the Device section, change the Driver (which should read ati) to vesa02:29
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Flokerhow can i see the data rate of an interface from the shell?02:29
dariuskaneh3lmut, hmmm you do have a puzzle then...ifconfig look normal?02:29
bulmergrigora:  nm is used for checking what a library have for functions and symlinks02:29
infinityxiMegaqwerty: i'll check that out, today gmail-notify just stopped authenticating, i don't know if google changed something02:29
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scottDkoDerLex`: Then do 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' and that should get you into gnome02:29
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Pozis ther a program for ubuntu that lets you download songs02:30
Pozand certain things02:30
daj0kerkornits: i say try it without a group real quick, let me try something02:30
bulmerPoz: you can use wget02:30
h3lmutdariuskane - nothing too exciting in it. 8/1M packets dropped from errors, so the lines look clean02:30
scottDkoDerLex`: Or I can just sit here and talk to myself...02:30
Pozwget ?02:30
reizendbluefox83:you can try 'ls /dev/hd* /dev/sd*' , look for hda,hdb,sda,sdb etc , hda is one drive, hda1 is partition one on hda, hdb1 is partition 1 on the hdb drive, the sd's are the scsi or usb devices02:30
davidthedrakePoz, Are you talking about file-sharing applications or... torrent applications... ?02:30
Flokerbulmer, Poz, i think he meant something like gtk-gnutella02:30
=== DoJohn is now known as Johnuah
MegaqwertyPoz: wget's syntax is wget http://www.somesite.com/somefile.ext02:31
Pozyeaha file sharing program02:31
bluefox83reizend, fdisk -l worked for me...now i just need to remove all the partitions...02:31
FlokerPoz, sudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella02:31
Pozthanks guys02:31
Pozis gk the only good proram out there02:31
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dariuskaneh3lmut, proper routing table too?02:31
solcan someone point me somewhere to get my geforce 8600 working on fiesty?02:31
bulmerPoz: ahh okay,, i thought you know a place to just pick off files, and wget is used to retrieve em02:31
kornitslooks like it worked daj0ker02:32
reizendbluefox83: funny fdisk -l does nothing for me, strange02:32
daj0kersol: google "envy ubuntu"02:32
daj0kerand run that scrip02:32
kornitsno error message at least02:32
daj0kerkornits: ok good02:32
MegaqwertyPoz: of course not. I believe we have Frostwire which is Limewire02:32
PriceChild!envy | sol, daj0ker02:32
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daj0keryea try the test02:32
FlokerPoz, there is also LimeWire, Azureus, and so on..02:32
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Pozgtk is the best ?02:32
=== juan [n=juan@20.Red-88-17-176.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flokeri dont know02:32
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reizendPricechild:ubotu is out of order02:32
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soldaj0ker:  you rock02:32
dariuskanegtk is just a set of function.. doesnt do anything by itself02:32
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h3lmutdariuskane - yeah02:32
PriceChildreizend, i know, and we brought ubot3 in but seems he's having truobles02:32
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ
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FlokerPoz, that depends, try and learn ;)02:33
PriceChild!envy | sol, daj0ker02:33
ubot3sol, daj0ker: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!02:33
creamersany have a idea why i cant install ubuntu 7.04 server in parralelles 3.002:33
Flokerbut dont do any illegal stuff02:33
PriceChildreizend, there we go :)02:33
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reizendPriceChild:nice, finally some help02:33
solubot3: restricted manager doesn't read my card02:33
ubot3sol: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:33
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Johnuah I got trouble when I intall the Ubuntu 7.04 , I/O error02:34
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creamerson what type of comp02:34
ubot3Factoid ubot3 not found02:34
dariuskaneh3lmut, Hmmm have you checked syslog and dmesg... perhaps your card is falling to 10mb instead of 100 on boot02:34
infinityxiMegaqwerty: i just installed it, it looks like google may have changed up their format, it's choking on the syntax02:34
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bulmerh3lmut: try mii-diag -a eth0   and see if any of the parameters will give you hints02:34
soldamn botz02:34
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Johnuahwhat do I/O error mean?02:34
Megaqwertyinfinityxi: Ah, well have fun with checkgmail then.02:34
daj0kerPriceChild: not a fan of envy?02:34
Johnuahthe problem of my cd drive?02:35
creamersnick creamers02:35
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PriceChilddaj0ker, that is the policy of this channel.02:35
=== genefitz [n=genefitz@c-24-22-245-41.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Urthmoverwhat is a gnome alarm app that maybe incorporates into my panel clock?02:35
PriceChilddaj0ker, I'd rather not give my personal opinion :)02:35
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daj0kerah, lol, i understand :-P02:35
clearzenJohnuah: Yes it indicates a problem with the harware/connection02:35
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daj0kermy fault, didn't realize02:36
abarbacciaim trying to build a package that replaces my current xorg.conf with a new one. any suggestions on how to create debs?02:36
clearzenJohnuah: More than likely it's the cd02:36
Johnuahclearzen: but  you knwo, I can read the cd when login in the Windows OS02:36
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Petskullwhat does envy break, exactly02:36
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crasher5can i ask someone for help in here?02:37
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Megaqwerty !ask | crasher502:37
ubot3crasher5: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:37
wastrelPetskull:  that's offtopic.  this channel doesn't recommend or support 3rd party configuration scripts like automatix or envy.02:37
davidthedrakecrasher5, Sure! Just ask the question.02:37
pikohnplease to meet you02:37
Johnuahand I'm sure that my CD drive is ok, because  I can use it to drive other disks02:37
dariuskanecrasher5, only if you come bearing cookies and/or beet02:37
Petskullum... ok02:37
dariuskanecrasher5, only if you come bearing cookies and/or beer02:37
VletHow do you suid-root something?02:37
crasher5I deleted my /etc/mysql folder02:37
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=== Petskull whispers, "Envy rocks"
crasher5and now i cant install anything02:37
crasher5what shall i do?02:37
pikohnYou are a sick fuk you know that02:37
Flokercrasher5, try dpkg-reconfigure mysql02:38
Flokernot sure tho02:38
mneptok!ohmy > pikohn02:38
crasher5doesnt work02:38
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genefitzVlet, you mean "sudo?"02:38
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lekremyelsewcrasher sudo02:38
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solsecond question? why would anyone use an operating system that *doesn't* come with gcc by default?  Why Beryl of course.02:38
solgod so lame02:38
crasher5everything with dpkg, apt-get.. synaptics is screwd02:38
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soltalk about a linux distro that basically has AIDS02:39
mneptoksol: what?02:39
Vletgenefitz: no, I mean the suid bit. How do you set it?02:39
Petskullmy bad- I thought I was at #ubuntuforums ..... reinstalled my systems and forgot to reset this02:39
mneptoksol: Beryl is not a distro.02:39
PriceChildPetskull, since when was #uf ever this busy? ;)02:39
MegaqwertyVlet: I think it's chmod u+s filename but let me double check02:39
solno man02:39
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solberyl is the only reason I would ever touch ubuntu02:39
VletMegaqwerty: Thanks - I'll double check that too :)02:39
mneptoksol: and most distros that care about security don't ship build tools by default.02:39
solit is the distro that basically has aids02:39
Lex`daj0ker: I tried "nano xorg.conf" but a blank window came up. I tried looking for the file but can't find it either :S02:39
Johnuahwhat was the most funny is that. I can install the Ubuntu in the early moment. but later it can not02:39
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MegaqwertyVlet: yep02:39
solAre you kidding?02:39
hendei got a quick question02:39
solmy fedora box is locked down tighter than a frogs ass02:39
VletMegaqwerty: Thanks02:39
lekremyelsewcrasher5 are you doin sudo dpgk?02:40
pikohnyou got that off the site02:40
=== Travis [n=Travis@adsl-69-220-132-43.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
hendedoes anyone know how to enable theyre driver for the wlan02:40
MegaqwertyVlet: You're welcome02:40
mneptoksol: no. look at OpenBSD. MacOSX. Fedora. etc.02:40
solwhat you can't hack iptables?02:40
crasher5lekremyelsew: is PM ok?02:40
solwhat about a system you develop on?02:40
hendei have a broadcom card and it doesnt get along with ubuntu02:40
pikohnplease ignore my ramblings02:40
soloh you mean out of the box02:40
Mathmansol: so great.  you're here to complain.  we don't care dumb guy.02:40
Paddy_EIREhende: thats a pretty general question.. whats your chipset02:40
ninix i just installed my new nvidia card. and installed nvidia-glx-new ....... but i got a problem: all font are unreadable.02:40
hendewhats a chipset02:40
lekremyelsewwe are supposed to talk in this channel so everyone can learn02:40
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pikohnits a form of therapy02:40
PriceChildhende, type "lspci" in a terminal, and copy it into a pastebin02:41
Paddy_EIREhende: type lspci in a terminal and pastebin the output02:41
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hendeim not online on the comp right now02:41
ConstyXIVhas anyone subverted itunes7's new DAAP yet?02:41
hendeits my laptop02:41
M_42does anyone know how to use the shred command in relation to nautilus actions configuration02:41
Paddy_EIRE!pastebin | hende02:41
ubot3hende: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:41
hendei know what pastebin is02:41
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daj0kerLex`: did you go to the correct directory?02:41
hendedifferent computer02:41
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Johnuahwhy why why anyone notices me?02:41
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daj0kerLex`: xorg.conf is located in /etc/X1102:41
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Lex`daj0ker: I don't even know which02:42
Lex`ooh okay02:42
daj0kerthat should help :-P02:42
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MegaqwertyJohnuah: do you have a problem?02:42
Paddy_EIREhende: cant you connect via ethernet for the mean time02:42
VletAnyone have any experience with mod_authnz_external and pwauth? #apache people don't seem to :-/02:42
=== charley_ [n=charley@mctnnbsa29w-156034025116.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
pikohnYou ignore me cause if you didnt you might start to like me02:42
Lex`daj0ker: K i'll reboot and try again02:42
hendeill try02:42
JohnuahMegaqwerty: yes , A big problem02:42
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MegaqwertyJohnuah: please elaborate02:42
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pikohnI know im not the only02:42
kornitshow do i remove packages?02:42
charley_Is there a reason why i can only put my resolution to 1024x76802:43
pikohncause my name aint sony02:43
kornitsapt-get remove?02:43
=== orudie [n=orudie@] has joined #ubuntu
DralidSo my friend has a WinXP computer on the fritz and I offer to 'upgrade' to Ubuntu. Unfortunately the system hangs while running the LiveCD. On a hunch I run Memtest. It reboots halfway through test 7. After repeated attempts I found that it always starts spitting errors (thousands) during test 7, that the "bad" memory always contains FFFFFFFF, and that it starts failing at a seemingly random...02:43
PriceChildkornits, sudo apt-get remove <name>02:43
Dralid...memory addres and continues until the system suddenly resets. Is this enough information to point to a specific hardware component to replace? I'd like to salvage as much of the comp as possible.02:43
wastrelVlet:  try #web maybe...02:43
pikohnwhy even start that02:43
wangerkornits: sudo apt-get remove <package> , yeah02:43
PriceChildDralid, buy new memory02:43
Paddy_EIRE!fixres charley02:43
ubot3Factoid fixres charley not found02:43
Vletwastrel: ahh yeah02:43
Paddy_EIRE!fixres | charley02:43
ubot3charley: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:43
pikohnit makes little difference to me02:43
crasher5can i ask a question on private, anyone please, i have a serious problem :(02:43
pikohnyeah I still say you set me up02:43
M_42hello is anyone here familiar with Nautilus Actions Configuration02:44
=== sarixe [n=sarixe@pool-68-239-217-158.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
wangerkornits: sudo apt-get autoremove - will remove anything that was automatically installed that is no longer necessary02:44
Paddy_EIRE!ask | crasher502:44
ubot3crasher5: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:44
charley_ok, thanks alot02:44
=== Justi1 [n=Justi1@97-81-34-102.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
pikohnYou are not done02:44
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PriceChildpikohn, lets stop the offtopic chatter please.02:44
=== jerryrighter [n=doug1212@h97.36.255.206.cable.lngv.cablelynx.com] has joined #ubuntu
Justi1how do I let ubuntu write to a ntfs partition?02:44
pikohn4000 to my parents02:44
lekremyelsewcrasher5 what?02:44
hendeit wont let me connect for some reason02:44
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PriceChild!ntfs-3g | Justi102:44
ubot3Justi1: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions02:44
DralidPriceChild, can you Guarantee(TM) it is memory and not Motherboard or CPU?02:44
=== Floker [n=stefano@i53878B05.versanet.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"]
crasher5lekremyelsew: private?02:45
mneptokpikohn: please either start making sense, take your meds, or move to #ubuntu-offtopic02:45
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Justi1pricechild: thanks02:45
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pikohnshould I be scared02:45
pikohnor relieved02:45
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PriceChildDralid, I'm not a gambling man.... but just to be sure you could swap pieces in and out if you felt like it02:45
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PriceChildDralid, start with the PSU... they always mess me around02:45
grigoraI tried creating a keyring but got a message saying my daemon was not running, which script is it that starts keyring-daemon in /etc/init.d ?02:45
lekremyelsewcrasher5, sry ask someone else, i g2g02:45
martalliI am beginning to suspect aptitude.  Currently, apt-get mentions the new linux packages for 2.6.22-9, but does not offer to install them.  Aptitude helpfully offers that they are broken, then suggests  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34592/ - I take it I ought to forget about aptitude and just stick with apt-get?02:45
=== KondeDrakul [n=aguitel@118-87-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
pikohnbetter keep a nine with me02:45
mneptokpikohn: either start making sense, take your meds, or move to #ubuntu-offtopic. note the lack of a "please" this time.02:45
hendeholkd on02:45
dariuskanemneptok, you ever encrypted your root partition? mine arent working out as expected atm... on the verge of hacking my initramfs scripts :P02:46
OPTImusprime1212what is the codec to be abel to play protected DVD's on movie player02:46
pikohnthat way I wont live through the torture02:46
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Paddy_EIREcrasher5: instead of limiting the knowledge base down to 1 person in a prv chat why dont you just discuss here.. there is like 1067 users at the mo02:46
PriceChildOPTImusprime1212, you need the "libdvdcss2" package.... search for medibuntu on terminal and get it from there.02:46
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OPTImusprime1212thanks pricechild02:46
PriceChildOPTImusprime1212, it can't be distributed from ubuntu for legal reasons02:46
ubot3For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:46
wangershizhix` : hi!02:46
radioaktivstormhello, is there a way to filter messages *as they come* in evolution or kmail? the filters do not seem to work upon reciept of messages in either program.02:47
=== Chains [n=Chained@ppp-71-139-14-93.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
hendeok so i hard lined it and my comp says im connected but xchat and firefox dont recognize myu connection02:47
PriceChildOPTImusprime1212, or even go here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages02:47
mneptokdariuskane: encrypting root entirely is a bad idea.02:47
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mneptokdariuskane: *because* of things like initramfs02:47
ubot3The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:47
martalliPriceChild: I thought medibuntu was waiting for a package freeze before populating their gutsy repos02:47
OPTImusprime1212thanks again pricechild02:47
hendegot it nevermind02:47
bulmerhende: can you repeat your question again?02:47
DralidThanks, PriceChild. I ask about cost because they have fixed income and cannot afford to A) buy a new computer B) replace unnecessary parts. Again, Thank you.02:48
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildmartalli, who said anything about gutsy?02:48
hendeno its fixed02:48
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dariuskanemneptok, its my curse... to be the guy who does things others dont :P not the first time and wont be the last02:48
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martalliradioaktivstorm: I have it working with kontact/kmail.  I assume you already installed spamassassain separately?02:48
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dariuskanemneptok, after the last 10yrs on slackware the initramfs is a little new for me to wade through02:49
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=== Hadron [n=user@e177142016.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
crasher5ok I will state my problem again hoping to get a solution, thank you: I was trying to remove mysql and to do so I removed /etc/mysql as well. Now i tried to reinstall the package using apt-get (I already have the necessary files downloaded), however, i get an error that i cannot start mysqld service once it stops (a part of the installation process) it says that /etc/mysql/my.cnf doesn't exist and crashes my installation... what can i do besides reinstal02:49
=== zanthus [n=administ@220-253-115-242.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Lex`daj0ker: Actually it was already set to "vesa"02:49
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Hadronanyone had any trouble with the latest azureus getting slower and slower and then downloading nothing at all?+02:49
daj0kerLex`: well that's a bummer :-P02:49
Lex`daj0ker: "Generic Video Card", "vsea", "PCI:1:0:0"02:49
Lex`err vesa02:49
Chainsapt-get remove purge mysql first02:50
reizendHadron:is your isp comcast02:50
martalliHadron: I tired of Azureus trying to update itself and just switched to ktorrent.  Ktorrent is great02:50
PriceChildcrasher5, i'd suggest apt-get remove --purge'ing it.... an then reinstalling... to ensure everything's there including fresh configuration files. (This will remove all old config files)02:50
Hadroncrasher5: you have to reinstall. You removed your /etc/mysql ...02:50
daj0kerLex`: check in private chat, it'll be easier to talk it out02:50
radioaktivstormmartalli, im actually trying to filter stuff from one folder to another, I have mailing list stuff that pollutes the inbox and I don't need to see these regularly... but I tried using lots of different methods and couldn't get kmail or evoution to filter unless I explicity selected the message and applied the filter02:50
Chainscrasher5 go get a copy of my.cnf and place it in the dir02:50
Hadron(reinstall all of mysql obviously)02:50
Chainsand see if it solves your problem02:50
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Hadronreizend: german crowd02:50
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HadronI'll try ktorrent then.02:50
Lex`daj0ker: I need to register my nick first02:51
reizendreizend: ah gotcha02:51
crasher5will try all of it and be back, thank you everyone02:51
daj0kerLex`: i don't think so...02:51
=== Danrarbc [n=dan@71-85-246-20.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
martalliradioaktivstorm: OIC what you are saying.  Actually, I found it easier to create rules based on clicking on the message itself in kmail.  You can create a rule based on mailing list which worked great02:51
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scottDkoDerLex`: I am superman02:51
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Lex`scottDkoDer: Great. You're back02:52
scottDkoDerLex`: You need to register your nick to PM02:52
Lex`scottDkoDer: ifconfig showed my eth0 conn. Everything was up and running02:52
martalliIf apt-get and aptitude offer different solutions for upgrading gutsy, should I just go with apt-get?02:52
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PriceChildmartalli, gutsy in #ubuntu+102:52
scottDkoDerLex`: Sorry, I didnt finish telling you what to do02:52
orudiei have installed my nVidia driver using envy, and then i have uninstalled it, which caused my X to have a fatal error, now that i finally got into X window, i'm trying to install the restricted nVidia driver, after a successfull installation of restricted nvidia driver, i restart ubuntu and X still not working, i have to use a dpkg-reconfigure .... to get back into X, is there a way to fix that?02:52
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scottDkoDerLex`: Ok, ready?02:53
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Lex`scottDkoDer: Yep02:53
jellymasterI'm getting an error when trying to install software/update it says Software index is broken and to use the command sudo apt-get install -f but when I run it it says dpkg was interrupted you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem02:53
davidthedrakeorudie, Have you tried to manually install the drivers instead of using Envy?02:53
martalliPriceChild: woops - I was in the wrong tab lol.  Sorry about all the kmail suggestions in #ubuntu =)02:53
KondeDrakulorudie ,i use automatix to install the nvidia driver02:53
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PriceChild!automatix | KondeDrakul orudie02:54
ubot3KondeDrakul orudie: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)02:54
Chainsjellymaster what happens when you type dpkg --configure -a02:54
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intelikeyanyone here good with sound issues ?    care to help me findo out why sound is inaudable  ?02:54
reizendPriceChild you always beat me to it by a few seconds02:54
=== Mr56k [n=rkulawia@] has joined #ubuntu
davidthedrakeorudie, Envy and Automatix are great tools that offer shortcuts to the process of installing your drivers. However, you should consider following a guide that shows you the steps manually. That way, when things break, you can go back to the individual step and troubleshoot from there.02:54
KondeDrakulorudie, you have s backup of xorg.conf?02:54
orudiedavidthedrake, anything i try now gets me back into black and white, no X02:55
scottDkoDerLex`: Ok, after logging in, do 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' and then replace "ati" with "vesa" under the Device section. then do 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' to start gnome02:55
davidthedrakeorudie, what KondeDrakul said: do you have a backup of your xorg.conf?02:55
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Mr56kGot a new Gateway notebook and my sound or my wifi don't work... Any chance when Gutsy comes out it might work ?02:55
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jellymasterChains: before it was returning a non valid function error but now it seems to be doing something02:55
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davidthedrakeMr56k, that'd be hard to know without knowing the specs of the hardware02:56
blazemongerwhen i first reinstalled i noticed that it says cannot find resume image02:56
Lex`scottDkoDer: My device setting was already set to "vesa" I checked it out already. But haven't tried the gnome thing02:56
blazemongerWTF is that02:56
scottDkoDerLex`: After logging in to gnome, do 'sudo aptitude install xchat' from your terminal to get into xchat02:56
davidthedrakeMr56k, have you troubleshot the devices that aren't working?02:56
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KondeDrakulis good advice make backup from xorg.conf02:56
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scottDkoDerLex`: Great, try that then02:56
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intelikeyi'll go ahead and say, "no it's not muted, and yes all controls are at 100%   and if i listen very very carefully while a sound file plays i can very faintly hear some sounds almost undetectably quiet."       anyone ?02:56
=== soweto76 [n=jack@d226-43-189.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
jellymasterChains: it says setting up java-common,libltdl3,odbcinstldebian1,unixodbc02:56
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bigcx2join #pygtk02:56
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pikohnMe a people like me02:56
Rogewhat do i need to do after installing a new cd drive ?02:56
orudiedavidthedrake, after my nVidia drivers were broken, someone helped me out and told me to type this at login: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg" followed by " sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" which got me back into X, what can i do at this point to get a decent nVidia driver ?02:56
Chainsjeyllmaster: once that finishes you should beable to type apt-get install -f to remove the broken packages02:56
pikohnI'll die knowing you've waisted your time02:57
Mr56kIts a Gateway notebook. Here is a link to BB Website http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?type=product&tab=7&id=1181347957887&skuId=8408092 I got on sale for $550.02:57
=== jambox [n=marty@c-75-73-18-166.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pikohnif that is what you are trying to accomplish02:57
Rogeactually, how do i configure the new cd drive so it works right02:57
Mr56kUbuntu detects correct widescreen resolution but sound and my wifi wont work02:57
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Mr56kreally stinks. I really like the laptop too.02:57
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blazemongerwhy is it that when i boot it says no resume image02:57
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orudiewhat the hell02:58
=== Lichi [n=Dragon@adsl-161-71-27.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu []
ubot3NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!02:58
=== blazemonger [n=blazetek@c-75-66-196-18.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongerwhat can be done[   36.514740]  ATA: abnormal status 0x7F on port 0x000101f702:59
blazemonger[   36.526027]  ATA: abnormal status 0x7F on port 0x000101f702:59
blazemonger[   36.683438]  ata1.01: ATAPI, max UDMA/3302:59
blazemonger[   36.843169]  ata1.01: configured for UDMA/3302:59
blazemongermy drives support UDMA/6602:59
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orudiedavidthedrake, are you still there?03:00
davidthedrakeblazemonger, Use http://pastebin.com/ for pasting output03:00
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Mr56kUbuntu detects correct widescreen resolution but sound and my wifi wont work03:00
=== Ex-Cyber [n=excyber@c-75-70-146-61.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
davidthedrakeorudie, yea, there's some good guides out there... I personally recommend the guides from help.ubuntu.com03:00
blazemongermy system sucks03:00
Mr56kIts a Gateway notebook. Here is a link to BB Website http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?type=product&tab=7&id=1181347957887&skuId=8408092 I got on sale for $550.03:00
jellymasterChains: ok I ran the command apt-get install -f and it went into a java install but i can't click ok in the terminal what should I do?03:00
blazemongerim getting frustrated by tlinux distros03:00
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goldsmithwhat the hell happened03:00
Chainshit space.03:01
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=== ubotu is now known as Stormx2
Chainsor enter a lot of times03:01
=== CoolGuy21 [n=Tilt@cpe-76-175-234-137.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pikohnlocal project03:01
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goldsmithanyways how do i configure a new cd drive so i can burn with it ?03:01
pikohnthe fbi would of known everything03:01
pikohnin a day or two03:01
crasher5please i need help on private plz03:01
Chainsto install nvidia drivers, type howto nvidia drivers ubuntu into google03:01
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@03-112.200.popsite.net] has joined #ubuntu
scottDkoDerblazemonger: What is your problem?03:01
peniwizeI've got an ISO is need to burn and have never done it in Linux before.  What is the best program for this?03:01
jellymasterChains: space did nothing. goldsmith:a bot came in and spammed the channel so the admins closed the channel to anyone not registered to the #ubuntu channel until they got rid of the bot/anyone linked to I'm going to guess03:01
Chainsand find your version of ubuntu.03:01
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orudiedavidthedrake, sorry i missed that, what was the thing you recommended?03:02
Chainstry the enter key then jelly03:02
mneptokpeniwize: right-click the .iso file03:02
goldsmithmakes sence03:02
scottDkoDerblazemonger: Or better yet, what are you ultimately trying to accomplish03:02
goldsmithwhy was there a netsplit before it happened though03:02
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jellymasterChains been trying both for a while and I have a feeling if i close this it'll just need to be restarted again >.<03:02
=== goldsmith is now known as Roge
intelikey     expert in the house ?    sound is inaudable.    i'll go ahead and say, "no it's not muted, and yes all controls are at 100%   and if i listen very very carefully while a sound file plays i can very faintly hear some sounds almost undetectably quiet."       anyone ?03:02
davidthedrakeorudie, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ is the best that I have found. I used their guide for Nvidia dapper installation and followed the manual procedures there.03:03
Chainswhat are you trying to install exactly?03:03
Mr56kAnyone no why the sound and wifi wont work on this laptop under linux  http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?type=product&tab=7&id=1181347957887&skuId=840809203:03
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davidthedrakeorudie, Leaving work now though. I would suggest starting there. I'll be on later.03:03
kitchegoldsmith: it wasn't a netsplit03:03
nosrednaekimintelikey: is it a laptop with a hardware volume control?03:03
underdog5004Mr56k, maybe because those cards haven't been reverse engineered for linux and their respective owners won't make a driver?03:03
underdog5004just a though03:03
Chainsmr56k I suspect because the drivers for both are not installed.03:03
intelikeynosrednaekim nope.03:03
reizendinelikey: have you tried any other device if it exists? double click the volume icon, then file -> change device03:03
reizendintelikey: mine defaulted to my modem's sound03:04
blazemongerwho can help me with ubuntu?03:04
intelikeyreizend only one sound device03:04
orudiemy nVidia drivers are crashed, and installing the restricted driver is still not getting me into X03:04
Mr56ki have tried... Also people walked me through ndis wrapper and still wouldnt work03:04
blazemongerplease someone i will PAY for support=03:04
Chainswireless cards are often tricky to install on linux if the hardware manufacturer does not support your operating system.03:04
peniwizemneptok: thanks03:04
ChainsLook into ndis wrapper.03:04
scottDkoDerblazemonger: What are you ultimately trying to accomplish?03:04
=== benkong2 [n=benkong2@cpe-024-163-044-128.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nosrednaekimblazemonger: whats the problem?03:04
blazemongerim trying to get my sPentium 4 d865perl mobo with almost a gig of memory to function right iwht ubuntu03:04
reizendintelikey:alright thats my only guess unless there is a volume wheel on the machine, sorry03:04
ChainsThe best way to get paid ubuntu support is from the canonical website.03:05
blazemongerits like everything is *SLOW*03:05
blazemongereven in Xubuntu and no matter what distro i use..where can i find low cost tech support03:05
intelikeyreizend k thanks for the stab03:05
blazemongerwhere i can dial a phone number and ask a tech question03:05
benkong2hey all is there a way to pass 1280x800 resolution to the feisty install CD? my intel G965 only gets detected at 1024x768?03:05
Rogeif it wasnt a netsplit then what was it ?03:05
blazemongerit seems like linux will never get it right03:05
intelikeyanyone else ?03:05
MTecknologyI installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my server with the x64 alternative cd. I set up a partition just for vm's (/var/vm) When I try to start a freshly created VM I get this error 'http://download3.vmware.com/software/vmplayer/Browser-Appliance-1.0.0.zip'03:05
Rogeblazemonger, you said it03:05
scottDkoDerblazemonger: Is your nick registered with nickserve?03:05
blazemongerit's like out of ALL of the people on the rooms NO ONE seems to know03:05
nosrednaekimbenkong2: you need 915reolution03:05
MTecknology'Unable to change virtual machine power state: The process exited with an error:03:06
MTecknologyEnd of error message.'***03:06
blazemongertyes it is03:06
blazemongerits registered03:06
Chainshttp://www.canonical.com/services/support ubuntu support03:06
Pozwhats the name of the limewire for ubuntu and does it have spywar e?03:06
blazemongerWhjy are there so many problems iwth ubuntu?03:06
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nosrednaekimbenkong2: make that "915resolution"03:06
scottDkoDerblazemonger: Check your private message03:06
Rogeblazemonger, because its linux03:06
Rogeinstall windows and move on03:06
benkong2nosrednaekim; even with the intel driver?03:06
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jellymasterChains:I don't know why I went to install some games from the list and when I hit apply it said there was something already running but it was the only thing running I restarted the computer and it kept giving me this error03:06
scottDkoDerblazemonger: Check your private messages03:06
nosrednaekimbenkong2: yeah.. its a BIOS hack.03:06
intelikeyRoge it was a script issuing multiple joins with proxied and fictitous users.03:06
Pozlinux is ok untill you want to play games03:06
benkong2nosrednaekim; ok i'll try that now03:07
=== neozen [n=neozen@c-71-228-16-126.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rogekid's i supose03:07
Chainstry removing it =] 03:07
orudiemy nVidia drivers are crashed, and installing the restricted driver is still not getting me into X03:07
=== FIRESIDE91 [n=Stefan@63-227-102-79.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mabani think i killed my MBR and GRUB isnt loading windows03:07
PriceChild!frostwire | Poz03:07
ubot3Poz: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire03:07
blazemongeri dont see a private message03:07
intelikeyRoge yep.  probably 30 year old kids.03:07
orudiecan anyone suggest how to fix my nVidia drivers?03:07
nosrednaekimbenkong2: not sure if it requires a restart (in which case it won't work)03:07
=== SunsparcSolaris [n=brandon@docsis-cbm-17-184.nclxtn.lexcominc.net] has joined #ubuntu
reizendintelikey: under the volume manager did you go to edit -> preferences and check all the unchecked options and check those volumes as well03:07
FIRESIDE91Maban: Does grub load Ubuntu?03:07
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scottDkoDerblazemonger: Then your nick probably isnt registered03:07
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benkong2nosrednaekim; ok03:07
Mabani uninstalled ubuntu03:07
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Mabanim running the livecd03:08
FIRESIDE91That would be why03:08
SunsparcSolarisI recently replaced my DVD-ROM drive with a CD-RW drive. Now when I go to install packages from the CD, it doesnt recognize it. What can I do?03:08
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FIRESIDE91Maban: Do you plan on reinstalling?03:08
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FIRESIDE91Maban: Or are you leaving us?03:08
Mabanno i just want windows back03:08
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Mabanim not ready for linux03:08
Lex`scottDkoDer: brb03:08
jellymasterChains: when I was in the terminal it was only giving me the option to continue the install aparently this java version and something else need to be installed so from synaptics i'm gunna try to run the install instead of terminal03:08
FIRESIDE91Maban: Do you have your windows install CD?03:08
Mabanbut i will be in the future03:08
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intelikeyreizend i don't have xorg installed   cli based.   alsamixer  all volumes up and not muted.   like i said i can very faintly hear something while sound files play.  but it's so quiet it's not distinguishable03:09
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blazemongerive seen a 8mhz amiga faster th an this P4 2.4ghz03:09
FIRESIDE91Maban: I understand completly03:09
blazemongerwhy does ubuntu run slow?03:09
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FIRESIDE91Maban: Do you have your XP install CD?03:09
=== Skiff [n=SkiffX@cpe-72-225-174-254.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongercan someone guide me through the troubleshooting?03:09
Mabani have a recovery disk from the oem but im since installed a new motherboard and the disk doesnt recognize it03:09
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reizendintelikey:aww well nevermind then03:09
MTecknologyI installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my server with the x64 alternative cd. I set up a partition just for vm's (/var/vm) When I try to start a freshly created VM I get this error 'Unable to change virtual machine power state: The process exited with an error: End of error message.'03:09
=== subzero2000_ [n=subzero2@c-69-245-21-249.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
intelikeyreizend :)03:09
MTecknologyI REALLY need help03:09
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SunsparcSolarisI recently replaced my DVD-ROM drive with a CD-RW drive. Now when I go to install packages from the CD, it doesnt recognize it. What can I do?03:09
Mabanhow can i get my original mbr back?03:09
FIRESIDE91Maban: You can't fix it without reinstalling Ubuntu or having an XP install CD03:10
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orudieSomeone please help,03:10
blazemongerits like no matter what i try i cant get things working right to where I can *USE* a comptuer for a task03:10
CreedAnyone know of a clone of Hamachi? Or another such thing to "tunnel" game traffic from one LAN to another?03:10
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foxrayare there things i can do to speed up gnome on ubuntu? i'm actually on a really slow P3 700mhz with 1gb of sdram and it feels really sluggish.03:10
nosrednaekimMaban: #windows for recovering your MBR03:10
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orudieMy nVidia drivers are broken, and i cant get it fixed03:10
Mabansurely there is some program somewhere out there03:10
blazemongerif Windows XP wasn't overpriced and i actually got tech support for it i would be okay03:10
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T3hMikeyI don't have any sound at all. I've tried fiddling with the sound settings some, but I've had no luck so far. I've got a Sound Blaster Audigy sound card03:10
nosrednaekimfoxray: you coul try using XFCE instead of gnome03:10
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T3hMikeyany ideas what the problem might be?03:10
FIRESIDE91Maban: Sadly, there isn't, the windows MBR cannot be restored without a XP install CD03:10
scottDkoDerblazemonger: Will you talk to me in your private message please?03:10
blazemongerwhy is ubunto slosw now days? like ive seen ubuntu run smooth even on a p203:10
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foxraynosrednaekim: i actually like the gnome interface, i have nothing against it, just wondering if i can speed it up just a tad03:11
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intelikeyMaban an ms boot disk image you can dl should be easy to find on the web.03:11
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FIRESIDE91blzemonger: Do you have a lot of extra programs installed?03:11
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blazemongerfresh install03:11
ubuntu_how do i fix my fstab03:11
Mabancan i install ubuntu and restore it?03:11
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blazemongerit too,k 3 minutes to load03:11
nosrednaekimfoxray: the xfce interface is almost exactly the same, and uses lessprocessing power.03:11
blazemongerjust to *load*03:11
Mabani want this drive to be an ntfs03:11
blazemongerman i wish i knew some geeks in my area03:11
Mabanwondows wont recognize ext303:12
scottDkoDerblazemonger: Is it feisty you are using?03:12
blazemongerwho could just help set up a linux ystem..i know more about BSD03:12
blazemongeryes it's feisty03:12
daj0kerMaban: make a partition for fat3203:12
FIRESIDE91Maban: You cannot restore your XP MBR, however you can get GRUB running on a seperate /boot partition with a size of 20MB and it will run without the rest03:12
blazemongeri thought about gnewsense03:12
scottDkoDerblazemonger: PM me and I will help you03:12
intelikeyMaban installing "grub" (ubuntu's default bootloader) should get you to a point you can boot what ever is installed.03:12
blazemongeror something this UUID in /etc/fstab is terrible03:12
blazemongeri did PM03:12
ubuntu_i reformatted my /home and i cant boot now03:12
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SunsparcSolarisI recently replaced my DVD-ROM drive with a CD-RW drive. Now when I go to install packages from the CD, it doesnt recognize it. What can I do?03:12
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Mabanbut i need the partition to be ntfs03:12
scottDkoDerblazemonger: Again please03:12
ChainsSunsparcsolaris i just answered your question =p03:12
foxraynosrednaekim: oh i know i'm a linux admin for a living but for a bunch of rhel servers. this is my first time using ubuntu or debian for that matter03:12
dancingmonkeyHello, all, I have lost DNS. I tried editing my DNS server through 'Network Settings' in GNOME and it fails. I try in a command line and resolv.conf is read-only (as root) I rebooted to single user mode and it said it was read-only I tried :w! and chmod 777. What should I try?03:12
nosrednaekimubuntu_: you did what?03:12
FIRESIDE91Maban: Have 2 partitions03:12
FIRESIDE91Maban: one for grub, then the rest can be NTFS03:13
Mabandoesnt the whole drive have to be one gormat?03:13
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Mabanhaha gormat03:13
blazemongerlike i cant find a way to get debian sid  ..debian stable ran good but the packages were way date4d03:13
intelikeyMaban grub can live in M$ splace03:13
blazemongerand i want to use ubuntu studio03:13
FIRESIDE91Maban: That's how dualbooting works03:13
SunsparcSolarisChains, I didnt see it. It left my buffer03:13
nosrednaekimfoxray: ah ok :) never know who the experiences ones are in here. No I don't know of any way to speed GNOME up. I'm mostly a KDE user myself03:13
luite_I want to buy a new notebook, and the models I like either have the integrated intel x3100 chip, or a geforce 8400m/8600m. which one would you recommend for ubuntu with beryl desktop effects?03:13
ChainsEdit the file sources.list in /etc/apt/03:13
FIRESIDE91Maban: Your drive is divided up and you have seperate windows and linux partitions03:13
martalliblazemonger: If you want to run debian sid, try sidux03:13
Mabani have two physical drives and two parts on the c/d drive03:13
daj0kerluite_: not the integrated one03:13
KousotuMaban: if you're going to dualboot Win and ubuntu, install XP and save GBs for ubuntu03:14
luite_daj0ker: too slow?03:14
boabstaubuntu_, did you format it with a different FS than before? if so you'll just need to update your /etc/fstab03:14
blazemongercuz ubuntu installs al this stuff that i dont even need03:14
nosrednaekimluite_: both aren't supported real wellby fiesty... but both are supported well by gutsy03:14
martallidebian sid is a whole lot more stable than typical unstable arms, like mandriva cooker03:14
ubuntu_it is a diffrenr fs03:14
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blazemongerand not only that the kernel is just sketchy03:14
FIRESIDE91KousotuL You haven't heard the whole situation03:14
boabstaluite_, geforce - nvidia all the way :)03:14
SunsparcSolarisChains, what do I need to edit it to?03:14
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ChainsI am not exactly certain what the syntax is for pulling packages from your drive is, since I always get all my packages off the internet.03:14
nosrednaekimubuntu_: different partition?03:14
KousotuMaban: if you have 2 druves, use the big one for Win and the smaller one for Ubuntu03:14
blazemongerlike when i do sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/sda i get a error03:14
ChainsBut if you look at the file it should show you what its using to grab from your dvd drive03:14
ubuntu_same partitin03:14
blazemongerthese new drivers are the worst03:14
dancingmonkeyIf this DNS server issue is resolved on the FAQ site, please give me an IP to the site so I can read it.03:14
Rogei have a similar drive question. i replaced my drive, and now i cant burn cd's03:15
Mabani dont want ubuntu at all to be honest03:15
FIRESIDE91Kousotu: He is trying to REMOVE ubuntu, and restore his XP MBR03:15
luite_nosrednaekim: that's not a problem, it will probably take a few weeks before it's delivered, and I can live with running an experimental distro for a while03:15
daj0kerluite_: what everyone said so far holds true, and I am also biased towards nvidia myself03:15
Chainsthat coupled with a google search will have the answer.03:15
martalliblazemonger: Whoah, I never thought ubuntu really installed a whole lot of stuff, it wasn't even coming with gcc with recent releases03:15
intelikeyChains dpkg -i </path/to/full-package.name.deb>03:15
KousotuFIRESIDE91: ah..03:15
boabstaubuntu_, edit /etc/fstab to update with the new FS03:15
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FIRESIDE91Maban: Please PM me03:15
blazemongerwhat do i do?03:15
orudiei have ubuntu 7.04, had nvidia drivers installed with envy, then i was advised that envy method is not the best once, since i couldn't get compiz fusion running, so i uninstalled nvidia drivers using envy, and after restarting ubuntu - X returned a fatal error, so i did "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg" followed by "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"03:15
ChainsThe part I don't know is what the path to his cdrw drive is03:15
KousotuMaban: you have an XP disc?03:15
radioaktivstormcan anyone give me a step-by-step on getting evolution filters to function... I've put one in place and it doesn't do anything upon receiving messages that VERY CLEARLY fall within the filter rules.03:15
nosrednaekimluite_: ok... well I would personally get the X3100 but I'm not a big gamer..03:15
scottDkoDerblazemonger: If you want help, you need to calm down, be patient, and ask one question at a time03:15
ubuntu_what do i change in fstab03:15
luite_boabsta: ok, so the binary driver is not really a prbolem right?03:15
Mabanyes but it doesnt recognize my motherboard03:16
blazemongerScottDkoder iv'e spent 4 months trying to find solutions but no03:16
Mabanits  an oem disk03:16
Kousotuthe Win XP disc?03:16
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orudieafter doing all that i can't get 3d to work, still getting that fatal error every time i restart03:16
ChainsI would simply comment references to the dvd drive in the file and have it grab all your packages online03:16
nosrednaekimluite_: did you check out the ubuntu dells?03:16
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blazemongermy laptop thats a p3 blows circles around this p4 2.4ghz03:16
luite_nosrednaekim: me neither :) I'd just like to be able to play with the desktop effects03:16
Kousotuwhayt OEM?03:16
nosrednaekimluite_: the X3100 can do that just fine03:16
ubuntu_what do i change in fstab03:16
blazemongerwhere can i buy a no name brand system that cfomes with ubuntu03:16
luite_nosrednaekim: I live in europe, so I'd probably have to pay the microsoft (or mac) tax03:16
blazemongeror a working linux03:16
Mabanits a sony computer03:16
orudiesomeone please...... i've been on this forever03:16
foxrayhow hard would it be to upgrade from ubuntu edgy to ubuntu feisty?03:16
Mabanwell was03:16
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boabstaluite_, just going by my own experience and what i've seen from others out of ATI, Intel and nvidia - nvidia seems to be the most hassle free, not getting into that kind of debate thanks ;)03:16
scottDkoDerblazemonger: I understand you are frustrated, but lets take this one step at a time03:16
martalliluite_: nosrednaekim: My son has a ubuntu dell and it works great03:16
Malachiblazemonger: If you don't want Dell, try System7603:17
daj0kerorudie: did you install the nvidia drivers from www.nvidia.com?03:17
Malachiblazemnonger: What's your problem?03:17
blazemongerspeed issues03:17
blazemongerdma mode03:17
blazemongerdrive cache stuff03:17
blazemongerslow access03:17
reizendfoxray: when I upgraded the update manager had a button to do so03:17
orudiedaj0ker, the restricted drivers are not helping anymore03:17
blazemongereverything is sluggish and its a fresh install03:17
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blazemongerand im on a pentium 4 2.4ghz which should be enough to run linux03:17
luite_boabsta: ehhe, I don't want to start a flamewar, just wanted to make sure that I don't buy something with big problems. I have had an ATI that wasn't supported for a long time because I forgot to check :)03:17
foxrayreizend: was it hard to upgrade? did some programs stop working?03:17
mneptokblazemonger: buggy controller driver?03:17
orudiedaj0ker, if i restart now, it will still get me into X fatal error03:17
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orudiedaj0ker, if you know how to fix that, please help me03:18
blazemongeri have a SATA mobo03:18
blazemongerby intel03:18
nosrednaekimluite_: I'm killing myself for getting this ATI... I know what you mean.03:18
reizendfoxray:I had no problem, but I cannot garrantee it03:18
blazemongeri thought about flashing the bios03:18
Roge i replaced my drive, and now i cant burn cd's how do i configure a new cd drive ?03:18
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Jack_Sparrow!enter > blazemonger03:18
blazemongerbut this is the first time ive built a PC03:18
blazemongerim new to PC's but not Amigas..03:18
KvaZihow can I make it so I don't have to get into desktop mode from the LiveCD and skip straight to installation??? Seeing how things are, installing ubuntu on a 500mhz k6-2 with 192mb ram and a 16x cd drive is NOT my idea of fun.03:18
daj0kerorudie: you probably need to edit your xorg.conf file again, and change the driver to "vesa"03:18
daj0kerload up the GUI, then follow the install instructions on nvidia's site03:18
orudiedaj0ker, how do i edit my xorg.conf file?03:18
kitcheRoge, though your bios , if your bios don't see it then the OS won't either03:18
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orudiedaj0ker, i'm sorry i'm new03:19
boabstaKvaZi, use the alternative CD03:19
blazemongerso why is it that feisty didnt create the /etc/mkinit direcotyr03:19
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Rogei believe the bios see's it03:19
blazemongerit says when i boot 'can not find resume image doing standard boot'03:19
reizendKvaZi: there is another cd for that, look in the download section of ubuntu's website under alternate cd03:19
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daj0kerorudie: reboot your computer, check the "recover mode" (should be 2nd option) in grub, when you get to the command line03:19
scottDkoDerorudie: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:19
daj0kerdo what scott just said03:19
ubot3Factoid xml not found03:19
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KvaZidamn it..... 1mbps is not gonna cut it.... oh well. Fun afternoon. Thanks :P03:19
ubuntu_how do i use blkid03:19
allbert!xml browser03:19
ubot3Factoid xml browser not found03:19
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boabstaKvaZi> damn it..... 1mbps is not gonna cut it.... oh well. Fun afternoon. Thanks :P - Damn waggamuffins these days ;p03:20
orudiescottDkoDer, thanx, i'm in the xorg.conf now? what do i do there? do you know how to fix this?03:20
ConstyXIVwhat's ubot3?  an upgrade of ubotu?03:20
nosrednaekimnah.. he's just l33ter03:20
daj0kerorudie: didn't realise you were in ubuntu at the moment03:20
scottDkoDerorudie: Can I PM you?03:20
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ubot3I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:21
orudiescottDkoDer, please03:21
KvaZiwhat's a waggamuffin? O.o03:21
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reizendConstyXIV: ubotu was down so they turned on ubot303:21
blazemongerfolkis: i have a IDE drive but the motherboard detects it as PATA03:21
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orudiedaj0ker, i'm in x, but i cant get 3d drivers to work03:21
nosrednaekimblazemonger: thats the same thing03:21
KvaZiide = pata [i think] 03:21
KvaZiyaay i know stuff.03:21
scottDkoDerorudie: Do you have your nick registered?03:21
blazemongerso what do i do?03:22
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blazemongerdo i buy a new computer?03:22
blazemongerthat works out of the box?03:22
scottDkoDerorudie: What is your card?03:22
reizendKvaZi: i think it could be just ata also03:22
nosrednaekimblazemonger: if you want to.03:22
orudiescottDkoDer, -NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized03:22
blazemongeror do i try to build my own system again03:22
blazemongeri dont know which options03:22
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orudiescottDkoDer, nVidia 7600 GT03:22
blazemongerim new to PC'sd remember but NOT to computers and unix03:22
KvaZiso ata = pata = ide ?03:22
scottDkoDerorudie: Check your private message?03:22
blazemongeri dont know03:22
KvaZisata = esata = sata2?03:22
T3hMikeyI can't get any sound at all, despite having messed with volume controls already. I just installed the latest version of Ubuntu. Anyone have any idea what the problem might be?03:22
orudiescottDkoDer, not showing anything lol03:22
blazemongerwhat is pata /sata all t5his stuf03:22
nosrednaekimKvaZi: pretty much/03:22
scottDkoDerorudie: PM me03:23
Lex`daj0ker & scottDkoDer, xchat is working, so is the gui03:23
blazemongerwhy can't PC's have a STANDARD like the Amiga's did03:23
orudiescottDkoDer, i just did03:23
FIRESIDE91blzemonger: Because PC's are PC's03:23
scottDkoDerLex`: talking from ubuntu?03:23
nosrednaekimblazemonger: are you just a troll?03:23
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mneptokblazemonger: notice that when one manufacturer fails the platform doesn't die.03:23
dancingmonkeyHello, all, I have lost DNS. I tried editing my DNS server through 'Network Settings' in GNOME and it fails. I try in a command line and resolv.conf is read-only (as root) I rebooted to single user mode and it said it was read-only I tried :w! and chmod 777. What should I try?03:23
KvaZinosrednaekim: took the words out of mah mouth.03:23
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orudiescottDkoDer, join me in #orudie03:23
Jack_Sparrowblazemonger: Because sticking to a specific standard gets outdated... much like the Amiga03:23
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Kousotukersinc07: escribe /join #ubuntu-es para entrar el canal03:24
scottDkoDerorudie: Ok03:24
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pete83blazemonger: there is a standard for everywhere except Southaven03:24
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blazemongernope im not03:24
Kousotukersinc07: escribe /join #ubuntu-es para entrar el canal03:24
blazemongerim a frusgtrated ex-amiga user migrating to PC land and i dont trust windows03:24
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blazemongeri want to develop software NOT spend years configuring things03:25
FIRESIDE91blazemonger: You are just now leaving that amiga?03:25
blazemongerfor every tiny driver03:25
blazemongerjust now03:25
blazemongeri remember when PC's were somewhat simple03:25
Scunizidancingmonkey, to edit a file that is owned by root preface your command with sudo.  Like "sudo gedit resolv.conf".  That will give you root priviledges03:25
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gordonjcpblazemonger: sounds like Linux is more your thing than Windows then ;-)03:25
mneptokblazemonger: so do some research before you buy. like you told people to do when they bought a printer to use with their Amiga. ;)03:25
krangHey all, I'm trying to build upslug2, but when I autoreconf, I get this error: " configure.ac: 8: required file `./[config.h] .in' not found ". Any idea why? My first impulse is to remove the square brackets from line 8, but I really don't know how autoreconf works03:25
blazemongerwell thats IF linux will work03:25
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gordonjcpblazemonger: linux *always* works03:25
blazemongerif i can find a distribution that will run like it should on my setup03:25
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T3hMikeyI can't get any sound at all, despite having messed with volume controls already. I just installed the latest version of Ubuntu. Anyone have any idea what the problem might be?03:25
blazemongeri have a d865perl motherboard and  the agp 3.0 card i have gets put in legacy mode03:25
gordonjcpblazemonger: random silly bits of hardware that don't meet the accepted standards might not work03:25
Don9307Anyone know where I can find a linux driver for a Logitech Quickcam Express webcam?  I've already looked on the OEM website.03:26
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dancingmonkeyScunizi: I sudo su | (root) vi /etc/resolv.conf | warning you are accessing read-only file03:26
pete83gordonjcp: not if your hard drive is burnt03:26
ElHey all, quick question: can I format partitions within Ubuntu, and if so, how?03:26
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dancingmonkeyScunizi: I also tried chmod 777, and rm -f03:26
pete83El: get the gparted package03:26
nosrednaekimEl: not ones that are mounted. but otherwise, yes. use gparted03:26
Jack_SparrowEl: gparted... install it with synaptic03:26
blazemongerand this ATAPI stuff what is it03:26
apples_all: anyone know what I have to install to watch videos on my computer with totem(dvds, i have the drive, but they won't play.) also my scanner is supported by sane but still won't run. it is a HP 3200C.03:26
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dancingmonkeyNothing lets me change. edit, delete this file even as single user (root consule)03:27
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Elgood stuff, thanks03:27
nosrednaekim!dvd | apples03:27
ubot3apples: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:27
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Jack_Sparrow!restricted > apples_03:27
blazemongerwhat is the most stable version of ubuntu03:27
blazemongercuz feisty is unstable03:27
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Don9307Feisty is not unstable03:27
Chainsapples easyubuntu will install all of the codecs for you03:27
apples_ubot3: thank you =] 03:27
ubot3Factoid thank you =]  not found03:27
pynoobAnyone know why I can mount a cifs as a user... but not matter what I try (uid, umask) etc in the fstab options, I can't see any files (permission denied) unless I su to root?03:27
Pelodancingmonkey,   gksu nautilus , see what you can do with that03:28
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wastrelblazemonger:  welcome to linux!  it is complicated.  it will be hard at first.03:28
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nosrednaekimblazemonger: an no complaining please.03:28
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wastreli complain all the time03:28
dancingmonkeyblazemonger: I am using newest release no issues, except DNS, with a bad hdd, windows wont even run on this POS hdd, but ubuntu is perfect03:28
blazemongerhow do i disable this UUID crap in /etc/fstab03:28
pete83blazemonger: the most stable version is gutsy03:28
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blazemongerdancingmonkey: well why wont it work on me?03:29
Jack_Sparrowpete83: I disagree03:29
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blazemongergutsy? thats not even released officially03:29
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Pelopete83,  are you aware that gusty is alpha ?03:29
blazemongeris gutsy bleeding edge03:29
gordonjcpblazemonger: coding stuff for linux is a lot of fun though03:29
tbussblazemonger: have u identified the problem03:29
apples_ubot3: any ideas about the scanner? it's not listed under the ubu compatability list, but is in the SANE backends list.03:29
ubot3apples_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:29
Jack_Sparrowpete83: Feisty is latest stable03:29
gordonjcpblazemonger: especially since you get all the bits you need just *given* to you03:29
pete83Pelo: that's right, it's so stable they are trying to keep it all to themselves03:29
blazemongerits something with the kernel and this motherboard03:29
bruenig!sorry | apples_03:29
ubot3apples_: It's ok, I can't stay mad at you.03:29
apples_ubot3: lmao, fine i won't do that then =P03:29
ubot3apples_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:29
=== Pelo sighs deeply
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tbusswhat kernel are you using03:30
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tbussand mobo03:30
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bruenigsomeone will ruin it03:30
bruenigthey always do03:30
=== Pelo puts money on bruenig to do it
blazemongerwhy is things so SLOW on ubuntu feisty?!?03:30
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Kousotuubot3: shut up03:30
ubot3Factoid shut up not found03:30
tbussI think the user is slow03:30
Actionmanhow do u access the web server?03:31
Peloblazemonger,  define "tnings"03:31
dancingmonkeyfucking ubuntu...03:31
tonyyarusso!ohmy | dancingmonkey03:31
ubot3dancingmonkey: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:31
tbusslanguage please03:31
blazemonger HDIO_GET_QDMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device03:31
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nosrednaekimtbuss: you want language :P03:31
Peloblackest, which device ?03:32
h1st0whats with ubot3 instead of ubotu?03:32
blazemongerlie-nux.it's free only if yoyu have time03:32
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blazemongeri want to use my computer for midi sequencing to o03:32
Peloblazemonger, some of us hve never had any hardware problems03:32
pete83blazemonger: just get a different ioctl for the device03:32
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mneptokblazemonger: if you have a specific technical question, ask it. otherwise move to -offtopic. and random "this sucks" there is not going to happen, either.03:32
wastrelsome of us buy supported hardware :] 03:32
blazemongeri dont know what is what in PC world man03:32
Chainshardware problems are almost always the fault of your hardware vendor :)03:32
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blazemongerim just trying to get help03:33
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Jack_SparrowNo your not03:33
blazemongerwell the hardware i have WORKS it just the drivers in ubuntu that are lame03:33
h1st0blazemonger: lspci perhaps03:33
blazemongerif freebsd had alsa support i'd use that instead03:33
mneptokblazemonger: no, you're randomly complaining about stuff that is NOT an issue for others. so stop.03:33
Chainsand drivers are the fault of your hardware vendor.03:33
Peloblazemonger,  what are you tring to make work ?03:33
toasterEvening all.  I'm having some issues installing ubuntu (32 or 64-bit) on a Asus PK5/Xeon system.  Is there anyone out there with experience with this mobo?03:33
Pelotoaster, what videocard do you ahve ?03:34
blazemongerthats my hardware config folks03:34
toasterPelo: nVidia 8800 GTS03:34
Peloblazemonger,  which device is giving you trouble ?03:34
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blazemongerit's when loading stuff03:34
toasterPelo: I can't even get the LiveCD to load03:34
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blazemongerfirefox takes 2 minutes to load03:34
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ubot3Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:34
blazemongergaim takes a minute to load03:35
Pelotoaster,  there is your problem , nvidia doesnT make FOSS driver so it is not supported on the live cd, you will need to use the alternate install cd to install03:35
blazemongerwell did anyone look at the config?03:35
toasterPelo, ahh ok03:35
blazemongerandmy agp 3.0 card , the kernel put it in 1.x legacy mode too03:35
blazemongerso its a combinatation of things03:35
blazemongeriu should have gotten a dell03:35
blazemongeror something03:36
Peloblazemonger, what is your cpu and how much memory do you have ?03:36
pete83blazemonger: no wonder, you have a 66mhz processor03:36
blazemongerbut i wanted to try tio have a totally free setup03:36
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blazemongerno i have a 2.4ghz processor dude03:36
blazemongerit's a pentium 403:36
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toasterPelo: I'll give it a shot, but I'm getting wierd /dev/sro I/O errors03:36
ubot3Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:36
apples_anyone have an idea why my scanner won't run?03:36
blazemongerwell why is my setup slow though? with a 2.4ghz system?03:36
Pelotoaster,  that is the error you get when you have the "wrong" video card, one of them anyway03:37
Peloblazemonger,  how much memory ?03:37
blazemongerthat's all i want to know//amd thjere have toi be ubuntu gurus around or awake03:37
blazemonger768mb of memory03:37
blazemongerDDR-333 memory03:37
apples_blazemonger: well, it's off a live CD right?03:37
blazemongersingle mode operation03:37
Kousotublazemonger: your processor could read slow too03:37
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blazemonger2.4ghz slow? yeah right03:37
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Peloblazemonger,  and what % of your cpu is in use ? and same for mem &03:37
blazemongeri have a dell p3 system i paid $700(laptop) and ubuntu ru ns PERFECT] 03:37
Kousotublazemonger: my 2.2 was slow as hell, my now 1.8 moves faster03:38
pete83blazemonger: as Apple asked, are you using a live CD?03:38
blazemongerbut on the desktop i have everything is nothing but bugs bugs bugs bugs03:38
puccahi everyone03:38
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Jack_SparrowEnough of this  15 lines on my screen are this wine-er03:38
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Peloblazemonger,  I have a celeron 2.4 and I'm running fine03:38
blazemongercpu use not much in use03:38
apples_blazemonger: dell sucks when it comes to some updates, and BIOS files. and hardware =P. otherwise, it's great lol03:38
puccacan someone tell me a goog guide to install compiz fusion in feisty?03:38
ChainsI'd say ubuntu works on about 8 out of 10 machines I try it on03:38
blazemongeri dont know what happens03:38
KousotuPelo: I hhave a 1.8 Celeron M lol03:38
blazemongerwell what are my options on a limited budget03:39
Kousotuer.. I think it' 1.803:39
lgcHi! I wanted to upgrade to Feisty with the update manager and I ended up with 'can't install ubuntu-desktop'. How can I go about it?03:39
blazemongerive spent too much on PC parts trying to build a desktop for the first time03:39
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Chainsif you happen to have one of the 2 machines things don't work well on, I recommend trying a different distrobution of ubuntu sometimes different versions run on hardware03:39
Peloblazemonger,  I suggest a clean install and just  ... test a bit before doing anything creative t your confuration03:39
silvertip257anyone have experience installing Ubuntu on Sony Vaio models?03:39
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PeloKousotu, well as long as it works03:39
Chainsmeaning have you tried 6.06 lts03:39
blazemongerChains:just why did ubuntu mess over Debian?03:39
Pelosilvertip257,  it's better to ask a specific  question03:39
Kousotupelo: have him check his processor in ubuntu03:40
blazemongeror maybe i should just use debian stable03:40
ChainsNothing about Debian is messed over?03:40
Kousotumine reads at over 300003:40
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ChainsI used to run debian, then I got tired of never getting new packages03:40
silvertip257Pelo.... ;) ok but I'm looking for general info ... well kinda03:40
Kousotuhey Hobbsee03:40
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Peloblazemonger,  please start the system monitor , in menu > system > admin > system monitor,  check out the first tab03:40
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pete83Chains, that's true03:40
Pelosilvertip257, what kind of general info ?03:40
charley_Hi, how do I install a Beryl theme like this one? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/%E2%98%85+Simple+%26+Nice?content=6286403:41
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KousotuPelo:Im a noob to Ubuntu, so I don't know them at all03:41
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EpistaxHeya I'm trying to force install Wine 0.9.41 but Synaptic Package manager is denying me the force option.  What would be the reason for this? (It allows me to install the latest and buggiest 0.9.43).03:41
apples_charley_: do you have beryl?03:41
Pelocharley_,  ask in #ubuntu-effects , #beryl or #compiz-fusion03:41
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silvertip257normally most models of one brand have similar issues ... for some reason hdware is nasty on the vaio I'm trying ... Pelo03:41
PeloKousotu, you'll learn03:41
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ubot3Factoid compizfusion not found03:41
KousotuPelo: this is true, but for now I'm a noob ;)03:42
blazemongercpu use+ 8%03:42
pucca!compiz fusion03:42
ubot3compiz: OpenGL composition manager - transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 25 kB, installed size 64 kB03:42
blazemongernot it jumps to 10%03:42
silvertip257anyone have experience installing Ubuntu on Sony Vaio model PCG-FX220 (yes I know old, but a pict frame or something similar would be nice)03:42
Kousotu!compiz-fusion | pucca03:42
ubot3Factoid compiz-fusion not found03:42
blazemongerno swap is being used ei9ther03:42
PeloEpistax,   go to the wine site,  in the dl section,  toward the bottom of the page,  there is a link to an archive,  dl the deb.  and commment out he wine repos in synaptic03:42
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blazemongeruser memory 164 otu of 755mb being used03:42
EpistaxPelo, I'll give it a go...03:42
lgcHi! I wanted to upgrade to Feisty with the update manager and I ended up with 'can't install ubuntu-desktop'. How can I go about it? Anyone?03:42
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blazemongerhow do i force ubunpoo to use thje swap correctly03:42
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nosrednaekimblazemonger: it is using it correctly03:43
Kousotublazemonger: Mine doesn't use swap either03:43
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Kousotuissues Hobbsee_03:43
puccaKousotu do u know of a good website with one of those guides?03:43
Urthmoversudo force swap -work right /t=now03:43
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pete83blazemonger: is it just gaim that's slow?03:43
Pelosilvertip257,  you can look up your hardware in the forum and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport to see if ther are any comments03:43
wastrelyou don't need swap if you're not using ram03:43
blazemongerits evetrything i run03:43
blazemongerloading time takes 3 minutes03:43
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Peloblazemonger,  I barely use any swap either03:43
blazemongerbut when it first boots it says cannot find rescue image03:44
pete83blazemonger: what if you run gaim from the terminal.... any errors?03:44
silvertip257ty Pelo03:44
KousotuPelo: what's that command line one?03:44
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blazemongermy cpu usage jumped to 24% and i only have gnome and a epic irc client loaded03:44
blazemongersomethings fishy with ubuntu03:44
Peloblazemonger, start a bunch of heavy apps see what how much cpu and mem you can use up03:44
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PeloKousotu, command line for what ?03:44
blazemongerwoah cpu usage jumped up03:44
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wastrelit's your X config.03:44
blazemonger33 percent when loading totem movie player03:44
KousotuPelo: that displays how many processors you have etc03:44
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PeloKousotu,  cpuinfo ?03:45
wastrelyou're offloading all your video onto the cpu03:45
puccai need compiz fusion...lol...any good guides?please03:45
aaron_who's got problems with torrents being slow on thier linux machine, where as, they are very fast on thier windows machine? same torrent. same internet connection?03:45
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stonedwhat is the link for the wiki page for amd64 flash/java03:45
KousotuPelo: yea, that one, but wih options lol03:45
wastrelwell offloading would be onto the videocard03:45
wastrelbut what do i know03:45
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ubot3To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:45
blazemongeri dont know what to do03:45
ubot3AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.03:45
byonixhi, i don,t see nick name' list in my xchat-gnome03:45
blazemongerwhen will linux have drivers03:45
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PeloKousotu,  cat /proc/cpuinfo03:45
Chainsblaze isntall 6.06 lts and see if it has the same problem03:45
blazemongerwi dont care if theyre closed source either03:45
ward_stoned, i am too :-)03:45
Kousotuyea, that one03:46
Chainslooking at your hardware config it has all the drivers for your hardware.03:46
Kousotublazemonger: type that into terinal03:46
comaIm trying to go to Scion.com and the page is flash based and it stops at initialzing 80%. Iv got every flash thing installed that i know of so i dont know whats wrong.03:46
blazemongerdo i need to flash my bios?03:46
stonedwhat is the link for the wiki page for amd64 flash/java03:46
Kousotuand pastbin it03:46
cavalierprimebyonix click on the users number03:46
Pelocoma,  could be a problem with the site itself03:46
Chainsyour bios doesnt operate once the o/s has launched blaze03:47
kitche!flash64 | stoned03:47
ubot3stoned: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava03:47
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EpistaxPelo, thanks I got it03:47
IndyGunFreak!flash64 |03:47
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blazemongerdid that03:47
byonix_where is the room for compiz fusion's discussion?03:47
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blazemongerwhat info do you need from /proc/cpuinfo03:47
comaPelo: iv gone to it on my windows partition and it works fine03:47
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Pelobyonix, #compiz-fusion03:47
stonedkitche: is it possible to run mplayer this way or does 32bit mplayer require a complete 32bit chroot?03:47
kitchebyonix, #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion03:47
Kousotublazemonger: just pastebin the entire thing lol03:47
Pelocoma, technicaly flash in linux is beta03:47
kitchestoned, no clue I just find it easier to use nspluginwrapper03:47
wastrelcoma:  stopping at the same place for me  their junk won't work on linux03:47
byonix_kitche: thank you03:47
inbitado34oi, onde ke eu pego mais relogios para o cairo clock !!!03:47
wastrelah well03:47
wastrel!pt | inbitado3403:48
ubot3inbitado34: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:48
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blazemongeri need that dma tweak for03:48
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blazemongerits i think something having trouble caching or something03:48
comawastrel: so its doing it with you to. well i guess its better knowing that im not the only one.03:48
julio14hello can anyone tellme if my server is workin? please03:48
blazemongerwhjen i run things off live cd things work perfect on the desktop03:48
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blazemongerbut when i run from HD my HD runs the speed of a single speed cd reader03:48
Peloblazemonger, i've only got 256k of cache and I seem to be doing better then you03:48
wastrelcoma:  also comedycentral.com videos don't work :[03:48
blazemongeryou are pelo03:49
blazemongerpelo: i have posted my hardware config03:49
blazemongermy dmesg info03:49
creamersdontst seem to be working for you on your server03:49
Peloblazemonger,  I know I just checked03:49
comawastrel: Its these little things that make the switch to linux such and chance..03:49
creamersit dosnt work03:49
inbitado34sorry ,,  where do i get some more clock's for cairo clock ???03:49
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Peloblazemonger,  clean intall03:49
blazemongerpelloO: what are my options? I am out of cash03:49
blazemongeri am on a clean install03:49
Peloblazemonger, another distro03:49
IndyGunFreakwastrel: comedy central videos are working fine for me.03:49
blazemongerive tried at least 30 distros03:49
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julio14guys is my server working for u?03:50
Peloblazemonger,  what videocard are you using ?03:50
blazemongerever suince my friend added this second drive03:50
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byonix__why does i had been being disconnected twice?03:50
blazemongerthings have gone to crap on my computer03:50
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blazemongerand hye's extremely busy03:50
blazemongerfor the next month and i have ZERO support03:50
Peloblazemonger,  remove the second hdd see what happens03:50
blazemongerthat's why i need something where i can have tech support03:50
toasterPelo: ok, I'm trying the alt installer, and it's saying it can't find the cdrom.03:50
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blazemongerbut i thought i could save a few dollars03:50
blazemongeri dont know how to remove a hard drive03:50
blazemongerfrom a PC03:50
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IndyGunFreakblazemonger: what do you have that you have tech support w/?  windows?03:50
blazemongeri dont know which one is master and which one is slave03:50
Kousotublazemonger: how new is your pc?03:51
blazemongeri don tknow03:51
blazemongerits a d865perl chipset03:51
blazemongerthats ALL i know03:51
blazemongerand i ahve two IDE drives03:51
Pelotoaster, ouch,  I know there is a trick for that but I don'T know what it is you'll  avhe to check the foruim03:51
blazemongercuz i got things from spare parts bins03:51
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: what versin of ubuntu are you using?03:51
Chainsheres how to find out which one is master blaze03:51
Chainsremove one03:51
Chainsand turn on your computer03:51
Chainsif it doesnt start03:51
wastrelIndyGunFreak:  you're right.  the link i was using was to a specific video which wasn't working03:51
Chainsthat one was master03:51
wastrelperhaps serverside03:51
Chainsput it back in03:51
blazemongerthe latest one03:51
=== wastrel quits badmouthing comedycentral
Peloblazemonger, remove the second hdd that your budy installed  and install ubuntu again03:51
blazemongerhow do i remove3 the drive though?03:51
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IndyGunFreakblazemonger: don't know, maybe try another distro03:52
Kousotublazemonger: try live gutsy03:52
toasterPelo: ok, thanks03:52
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blazemongerthe only thing i know how to do in computers is sequence midi if theres a working sequencer03:52
comaDo they include the newest kernal when ever they update it in the download for ubuntu?03:52
IndyGunFreakwastrel: yeah, it all seems to work pretty good.03:52
blazemongerlike what distro out there will work with03:52
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blazemongerevery single distro ive tried is slow on my system03:52
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Project_Khello everyone03:52
blazemongerexcept for gnewsense and that doesnt come with the packages ubuntu has03:52
ChainsTo remove a hard disk you open the case, remove two plugs, and two screws and slide it out03:52
Kousotutry gutsy03:52
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: have you tried a pure debian install?03:52
Chainsdell has nifty pictures on thier website explaining the whole proceedure, it takes about 3 minutes.03:52
JustAboutRealJARis gutsy the newest one... coming out in october?03:52
blazemongerpure debian works but the packages are so dated[03:52
=== Pelo wonders if anyone has noticed that blaze pretty much identified the source of his problem all by himself
kitchecoma, no they don't use the very latest kernel unless of course they fixed the many bugs in it03:52
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m0u5efor some reason whenever is start mozilla thunderbird, it will crash as soon as it starts updating from my pop3 mail servers03:53
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m0u5ei get a segmentation core dump error03:53
blazemongerand debian doesnt keep up their testing images03:53
m0u5eanyone know why?03:53
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: well, i don't know.. maybe Mepis03:53
Chainsdebian etch is no longer dated,03:53
blazemongerwhat is mepis03:53
Chainsand if debian works 6.06 lts should work as well03:53
Kousotublazemonger: try using gutsy03:53
blazemongerdebian etch is dated03:53
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blazemongercopmpared to feisty03:53
comakitche:how do you know what kernal the have in the download, like the one right now?03:53
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: debian etch is very stable.... and if you want more updated packages, all you need to do is install them.03:53
Kousotublazemonger: I use gutsy and it works fine, Fiesty had issues03:53
phenomEtch just came out..03:53
PeloKousotu, please donT, recommend the alpha to someone who has problems runing the stable03:53
blazemongerhow do i get them?03:53
Chainsthere is very little difference between feisty and etch from an end user poin t of view03:53
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julio14guys  l want to know if my server is up?
kitchecoma, it tells you the version number in the package name or you can use uname -a03:54
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: well,t hat depends on what you want.03:54
blazemongerwhat you mean gutsy is now the current ubuntu version?03:54
KousotuPelo: i's not alpha, it's beta lol03:54
phenomCouple months back, considering a 2 year turnaround,, tells me etch is up to date as your going to get.03:54
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Kousotublazemonger: no, gutsy is a beta right now03:54
Pelojulio14,  put a space before the url and I'll check it out03:54
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kitchejulio14, no03:54
blazemongerim confused03:54
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blazemongerubuntu 6.06 is stable?03:55
Peloblazemonger, are you paying attention ?03:55
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Kousotublazemonger: but like I said, fiesty was giving me trouble, I triedgutsy, it's fine03:55
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: you're not listening apparently03:55
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julio14kitche: thanks so much03:55
gerroAnyone here using an LCD monitor mind to pastebin their configurations for me?03:55
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Jack_Sparrowjulio14: looks like is stuck03:55
Pelogerro, taht wouldn't help you03:55
blazemongerman theres goihg to be so many updates03:55
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gerroPelo: I need the syntax for the refresh rate lines03:55
gerroPelo: as well as other things03:55
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m0u5eanyone can help with my thunderbird issue? -_-;03:56
Peloblazemonger, please pay attention ,  TAKE OUT THE SECOND HDD03:56
blazemongerso you mean ifeisty has problems? If so what is it doing being sold?03:56
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: 6.06 is stable yes, but its also quite dated, 6.06 is really for people paying for support.. fi your'e using feisty, then you'e got the most current, stable distro.03:56
puccaKousotu how did u get compiz fusion to work in gutsy?out of the box?03:56
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Kousotupucca: sorta03:56
m0u5eblzemonger: feisty is free :X03:56
Pelogerro   horizsync  28-6503:56
blazemongerfeisty isnt free i heard RMS mention03:56
IndyGunFreakblazemonger: feisty is free.03:56
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:56
gerroPelo: any quotes or things?03:56
blazemongerhow do i take it out?03:56
blazemongerhow do i know which one is the second drive?03:56
=== Pelo sighs deepley
ResPiDeRHey I'm turnin "remote desktop" on via system -> preferences -> remote desktop... then I set a password there, but when I'm trying to access the pc all I get is wrong password... and I did recheck the password, what can this be?03:56
blazemongeri cant even get the cables gthat will let me do the reset03:57
blazemongeri cant figure it out03:57
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blazemongerhow to build a PC03:57
nosrednaekimResPiDeR: try entering your password... not the one you set, but the one for your user.03:57
T3hMikeyI can't get any sound at all, despite having messed with volume controls already. I just installed the latest version of Ubuntu. Anyone have any idea what the problem might be?03:57
Pelogerro,  copied from my xorg.conf file  HorizSync28-6403:57
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Jack_Sparrowgerro: You wanted xorg righ?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34601/03:57
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h1st0blazemonger: there will be jumpers on the drive signifying if its master or slave03:57
h1st0!paste | Pelo03:57
ubot3Pelo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:57
ResPiDeRnosrednaekim same error.. the password set and the user password are wrong in vnc03:57
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DevHaceHey everyone, so I downloaded the new build (64 bit version) and when I tried doing the graphical install, it froze and locked up, so I did the text install... now when I try and boot it does the same thing03:57
Peloh1st0,  ...  anyting under 3 lines is allowed03:58
h1st0blazemonger: unless they are set for cable select.03:58
h1st0Pelo: yea I didn't know if you were going to keep going my bad.03:58
PanicByteor SATA03:58
nosrednaekimDevHace: are you talking gutsy?03:58
gerroPelo: here is info I have on my monitor. Where it says H Freq/ V Freq are those the values I should input? It says khz for one03:58
PanicBytei've been seeing more and more SATA drives in regular Dell, and HP boxes now03:58
gerroPelo: http://www.monitorworld.com/Monitors/optiquest/l700.html03:58
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deucalion_Hello All!03:59
blazemongerhow do i take out a hard drive?03:59
blazemongeri cant get through the cables03:59
blazemongerjim scared i'll fry so ething03:59
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deucalion_on a laptop or Desktop?03:59
h1st0Pelo: gerro: H Freq is always in Khz and The othe ris MHz03:59
blazemongersince a few months ago i installed a nvidia card on a friends windows box and i fried his motherboard03:59
Peloblazemonger,  just turn off the comptuer,  open the case and unplug the power to it, you donT' have bo remove it from the case03:59
blazemongerman pc's are a nightmare04:00
blazemongerthey make great doorstops04:00
h1st0blazemonger: yeah just pull the power on the drive.  The power wire is the black yellow red and black cable plugged in the back of the hdd04:00
deucalion_not really, they are fairly simple04:00
phenomblazemonger: just power down and unplug it.04:00
Pelogerro, HorizSync31-6104:00
PeloVertRefresh56-75   for yoiu04:00
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h1st0blazemonger: yeah things only plug in one way etc... they are very simple.04:00
nosrednaekimdeucalion_: he's a troll...04:00
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KousotuPelo: is there any way to remove the MBR without damaging the data on the HD?04:01
deucalion_i am not a troll04:01
gerroh1st0 it says 56-75 hz here not mhz is that a typo?04:01
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deucalion_oh, nvm04:01
Gener1chey ubuntu guys04:01
Gener1cmy gurus04:01
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PeloKousotu,  why do you want to do that ?04:01
Gener1ci ran linux-source kernel-package libncurses5-dev fakeroot wget bzip204:01
Gener1ci mean04:01
h1st0apt-get them04:01
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Gener1csudo apt-get linux-source kernel-package libncurses5-dev fakeroot wget bzip204:02
KousotuMab wants to do that, remember04:02
Gener1ci ran this04:02
h1st0Gener1c: k04:02
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PeloKousotu, that answers make no sense04:02
Gener1cand it gave me the 3 revision of the .20 kernel04:02
h1st0Gener1c: what are you trying tomake your own kernel?04:02
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lgcHow can I know the NAME of my 7.04 CD in order to use it as a source for update in 'sources.list'?04:02
Gener1ctryed to patch it04:02
Gener1cbut after i patched it04:02
bkudriacan some help me set up pam-ssh?  i've followed all the directions in the README.Debian, but I'm prompted for the passphrase each time anyway.  has anyone got this working?04:02
Gener1cit recompiled fine04:02
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blindI'm trying to use VirtualBox, and I've added myself to the group, however it still isn't registering. Do I have to do anything else?04:02
gerroh1st0: ok thanks its just I have this really old lc04:02
deucalion_why are the fonts on my Gutsy Gibbon so freakin small? even in firefox04:03
Pelolgc,  if you put it in it should get recognsied04:03
Gener1cbut it was -3 and no -1604:03
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Pelodeucalion_,  ask in #ubuntu+104:03
tarvidany have a workaround for arrow keys in gnome-terminal04:03
h1st0Gener1c: you can name it whatever you want.04:03
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Gener1cno man04:03
Gener1cthe source i got04:03
lgcPelo, but I just want to use it as a primary source in my 'sources.list' file, not wipe off my actual configuration.04:03
wastreltarvid:  what's the problem with arrow keys in gnome-terminal?04:03
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Gener1cfrom apt-get04:03
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Gener1cwas 2.6.20-304:03
h1st0Gener1c: k04:04
Gener1cand it says its the newest04:04
puccaKousotu sorta like...almost there?lol04:04
Gener1cand i know there is a -16 source04:04
h1st0Gener1c: it probably is with out the patches.04:04
Kousotupucca: you mean my compiz?04:04
bottigerwastrel: huh?04:04
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tarvidwastrel, in vi, the arrow keys generate extraneous text04:04
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eshaasehow can i monitor my network traffic?04:04
bottigerwastrel: ohh - sorry04:04
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GamingXhello guys, anyone know of an application to open .lit ebooks in ubuntu?04:04
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Pelolgc, it won'T , if you have the gui running ,  just put the cd in ,  sudo apt-get update and if the package is available on the cd it will take it from tehre rather then online04:04
Kousotupm me I'm not payin attention to the chan thatwell04:04
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gerroh1st0: it says its a "Multisync/Multiscan" monitor type from what I've read, should that be specified in xorg.conf?04:05
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PeloGamingX,  in synaptic , search for ebooks04:05
Gener1ci only patched a module04:05
Gener1c cat /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.20/include/config/kernel.release04:05
deucalion_can someone tell me why sauerbraten crashes when i try and start it in Gibbon?04:05
Gener1cgives me04:05
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wastreltarvid:  echo $TERM04:06
Pelodeucalion_,  for info in gusty gibbon  please  ask in #ubuntu+104:06
lgcPelo, you mean it'll upgrade my 'sources.list' file?04:06
wastreltarvid:  also $LANG04:06
tarvidwastrel, xterm04:06
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ubot3Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+104:06
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GamingXPelo: Nope, irrelevant results for ebooks...04:07
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El_Juliosodoes it matter if I download GParted in .bz2 or .gz? is the only difference the amount of compression and therefore file size?04:07
Pelolgc,  sudo apt-get update will update the package list taking into accound that cd ,  check in synaptic in the menu under repos for  the repos list, the cd shuld be listed on the fist tab i fyou hve it04:07
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wastreltarvid:  okey dokey  that looks fine to me.  you don't have a problem :] 04:07
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PeloGamingX, well,  do you know the native app for  .lit files ?04:07
lgcPelo, oh, I see. Let me try...04:07
tarvidwastrel, I do have a problem gnome-terminal is almost unusable for remove editing of files04:08
Pelolgc,  I work the same but from the dvd04:08
wastreltarvid:  what vi are you using? vim?  what keyboard layout?04:08
GamingXPelo: Yes, Microsoft Reader...04:08
tarvidwasabi, s/remove/remote/04:08
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wastreltarvid:  arrow keys work just fine in vi (vim) for me04:08
PeloGamingX,  I suggest you google for an "microsof reader" linux alternative04:08
tarvidonly when logged in w2ith ssh to a remote machine04:09
Bakefywill most scanners work with ubuntu?04:09
wastrelGamingX:  there's no way to open .lit on linux.04:09
PeloGamingX,  or  maybe for .lit  linux04:09
tarvidin vi up-arrow generates A folled by newline04:09
shaggy_have a question.....In soundjuicer, I can rip a cd in just over a minute but it seems to only use one core in my dual core CPU. Is there a way to make it use/see both cores?04:09
wastrelGamingX:  there's a converter i've heard of but i don't use .lit so meh.04:09
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wastrelGamingX:  you'll need something to convert them to an open format04:09
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lgcPelo, what's the difference between the CD and the DVD, in terms of important software contents, in short?04:09
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wastrelalternatively emulate something that does have .lit support   are there pocketpc emulators for lunix?04:10
Kousotulgc: As far as I see, none04:10
Pelolgc,  more packages,  I have no idea how many ,  the dvd is 4gig,  it has the alternate cd on it as well04:10
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tonyyarussolgc: the DVD has the entire main and restricted sections of the repositories.  The CD only has a select set, as deemed necessary/reasonable for installation.04:10
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wastreltarvid:  this is only on a remote system?04:10
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lgcKousotu, Pelo , tonyyarusso, thanks.04:11
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endo2016question:  i recent swapped out my motherboard, cpu, and RAM and now it seems that whenever my screensaver kicks on or when i am transfering large files (>1G), my computer just freezes up.  Any ideas?04:11
PeloGamingX,  http://senthilkumaran.wordpress.com/2006/11/16/reading-lit-files-in-gnulinux/04:11
Kousotutonyyarusso: is there a gutsy DVD?04:11
tarvidyes only on a remote system04:11
Kousotunp lgc04:11
tarvidwastrel, locally it works04:11
wastreltarvid:  prolly remote system is not understanding your LANG thingy.  try export LANG=C on the remote system then run vi04:11
tonyyarussoKousotu: Not yet, since it's not released.04:11
Kousotutonyyarusso: damn... lol04:11
wastrelon remote system you can add that lang setting to your .bashrc04:11
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tonyyarussoKousotu: wait until October.04:12
tarvidwasabi, the remote system is also feisty and it does the same thing on gutsy04:12
wastreloh neato weirdo04:12
tarvidwastrel, sorry that was meant for you04:12
lgcPelo, I inserted the CD and I get a popup notifying that a volume with software packages was detected. Should I open with the package manager (I gather it's "open with Synaptic?")?04:12
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Kousotutonyyarusso: but... that's a long was off :(04:12
wastreltarvid:  are you using screen?04:12
Peloendo2016, I would consider a clean install,  move your /home folder to a seperate partition you'll be able to save all your settings04:12
Pelolgc,  yes04:12
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Pelolgc,  that way the cd will be added to the source list04:13
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bkudriacan some help me set up pam-ssh?  i've followed all the directions in the README.Debian, but I'm prompted for the passphrase each time anyway.  has anyone got this working?04:13
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Kousotupelo: Gutsy, imo is deciently stable now, 3 wasn't so grat, but 4 is workng fine for me04:13
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kefka2What's the proper command, using sed, to replace a ";" with nothing?04:14
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craigbass1976I've got to set up a display (at an open market/flea market type thing, not a display as in monitor) and was thinking of having some kind of presentation running for folks to see when they walk by.  What do people here recommend, ooImpress or something lese?04:14
Kousotukefka2: replace it with a space04:14
wastreltarvid:  i dunno...  can't think of any other reasons it might be broken.  i bet changing the LANG to C would help  but it's a hackish workaround.04:14
PeloKousotu, I donT' do betas, I wait a month after the official release to even try them04:14
DalmatianHey I'm trying to install drivers for my ati card again. On the ati website it says launch a terminal and navigate to the driver I downloaded04:15
kefka2Kousotu: I can't, it's a directory name. It'll bork if I have a space04:15
Kousotupelo: just syin.04:15
DalmatianHow do I navigate to it?04:15
lgcPelo, it's unmounting the CD-ROM, but it looks like it's stuck...04:15
Pelocraigbass1976,  what kind of display, ? what do you want to show ?04:15
Kousotukefka2: wht dir?04:15
Pelolgc,  put the cd back in , and check in synaptic04:15
craigbass1976Pelo, an alternative to windows.  :)04:15
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tarvidwastrel, after export LANG=C I get the same results04:15
Gener1c cat /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.20/include/config/kernel.release04:16
Kousotuubot3: What did I tell oyu?04:16
ubot3Kousotu: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:16
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ubuntu_HELP!? ;(04:16
Gener1ci had 2.6.20-16 b404:16
devinderbhullarI need help04:16
devinderbhullaron CPAN04:16
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devinderbhullari am installing CPAN on UBUNTU04:16
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kefka2Kousotu: oooh wait, I just realized how to do this. thanks anyways!04:16
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Kousotukefka2: um.. np04:16
Andrew250does anyone know grub well?04:16
Gener1chey i dlled the kernel source using aptget04:17
Gener1cit says its the latest04:17
KousotuAndrew250: What do you ned to know?04:17
Pelocraigbass1976,  ok so you want to demo ubuntu ,   use  recordmydesktop to  record yourself doing stuff and play it in totem fullscreeen or something,  you can also use impress for microsoft whatchamacall it time presentations04:17
jzlCan someone help me with fdisk and tell me if I totally screwed HDs04:17
DalmatianDoes anyone here run ati cards?04:17
Andrew250Do you know what error 21 is or how grub could appear after I formated my drive?04:17
Pelocraigbass1976,  there's also abunch of demos online in youtuve and stuff like that you can probably dl an use04:17
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lgcPelo, is there a way to modify 'sources.list' from Synaptic? (Instead of changing 'edgy' to 'feisty' manually on the file)04:17
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PeloAndrew250,  hold on04:17
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Pelolgc, not taht I know of04:18
calcAndrew250: its in the boot sector/first cylinder, if you just format it probably won't be affected04:18
devinderbhullaranyone used CPAN04:18
PeloAndrew250,  this is error 21 : Selected disk does not exist04:18
Pelo    This error is returned if the device part of a device- or full file name refers to a disk or BIOS device that is not present or not recognized by the BIOS in the system.04:18
JulioNeto2000Hello for Everbody04:18
DalmatianHow do you navigate to a file in the terminal?04:18
jzlI was trying to format a USB harddrive...04:18
calcAndrew250: if you have old style fdisk you could run fdisk /mbr to overwrite the master boot record04:18
craigbass1976Pelo, I'd like it to run full screen, so don't want to use the youtube ones.  How would I run the presentation and lock anyone from stopping it, just unplug the keyboard and mouse?04:18
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bruenigDalmatian, you can cd into the directory that contains it04:19
calcAndrew250: that is safe to do on a dos/windows system04:19
PeloAndrew250,  this can mean that the hdd adress in grubmenu is not the correct one, if you changed the boot order for exemple04:19
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phenomdevinderbhullar:  Comprehensive Perl Archiving Network? Everyday?04:19
KousotuDalmatian: cd n cmmand mean control dir04:19
eduacsphello there04:20
bruenigDalmatian, no it means "change directory"04:20
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eduacspanyone knows how can i set the firestarter to load at startup?04:20
DalmatianSo I simply type in cd/home/username/downloads/filename?04:20
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Pelocraigbass1976, not sure,  series of   screenshots and stuff using fspot as screensaver with password for login back in ?04:20
Kousotubruenig: change and control.. hm.. matter of interpretation04:20
Andrew250I've made a lot of changes.  I completely removed Ubuntu and Grub didn't have a problem with that and I formated the drive and reinstall XP and no problem there.  But when I install Ubuntu on the USB drive that's when the error happened.04:20
bruenigyou aren't controlling it04:20
bruenigDalmatian, explain what you are trying to do exactly04:21
lgcPelo, then I'll use the old-fashioned command line!04:21
jzlif I do a "fisk -l" and my other Harddrives dont show up... are they gone?04:21
DalmatianFollowing instructions on ATi's website to use their automatic driver installer04:21
craigbass1976Pelo, I wanted sound too, and more control than I'd probably get running just a screen saver.  I'll just take the input devices with me after I set it up04:21
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devinderbhullarwho has used CPAN on Ubuntu04:21
Kousotubruenig: tel me then, if Im not controling it, how am I able tomodify it?04:21
PeloAndrew250, did you set the usb drive as boot drive in the bios  when you installed ubuntu on it04:21
bruenigKousotu, you don't modify it with cd04:21
JulioNeto2000Guys, I need configure the Grub, samebody can learn me?04:22
Pelocraigbass1976, honestly man I don'T know , I'm just trowing you suggestions here04:22
Kousotubruenig: rght, but you modify it with comands after cd04:22
nosrednaekimJulioNeto2000: what o you want it to do?04:22
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PeloJulioNeto2000,  configur grub to do what ?04:22
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devinderbhullarh ipelo04:22
devinderbhullarhave u sed CPAN04:22
Kousotubruenig: so in essence, the same idea applies04:22
Pelodevinderbhullar,  I don'T allow private msg , please talk to me in the channel04:22
craigbass1976Pelo, how to you do screen capture?  Not shots, but motion capture (like the beryl shots on youtube)?04:22
Andrew250Pelo: no04:22
bruenigKousotu, well not necessarily but in any sense, it is officially change directory04:22
devinderbhullari am having errors04:23
phenomdevinderbhullar: I'd ask in #Perl04:23
Pelodevinderbhullar,  I don'T know what cpan is04:23
jzllooking for some fdisk help, an takers?04:23
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JulioNeto2000My computer have 2 operational systens, Win XP e Ububtu04:23
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Kousotujzl: do you see people busy helping others?04:23
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PeloAndrew250, here is what happened,  grub phase 1 is installed on your hdd and phaze two is installed on the usb drive, remove eitehr and it won'T boot04:23
DalmatianHow do I type in the cd command for the terminal?04:24
jzlKousotu: sure do, why?04:24
sharkbrainguyis it cool to ask kde/kubuntu related questions here or is there another channel?04:24
JulioNeto2000but, the Ubuntu, start firist, while, I want that win XP, start firist04:24
nilihanthhello, is there a command to install the latest nVidia drivers in terminal?04:24
jzlKousotu: hence the reason I asked...04:24
bruenigDalmatian, cd /directory/you/want/to/cd/into04:24
JulioNeto2000you can help me?04:24
Kousotujzl: well, one of them will get to you lol04:24
PeloJulioNeto2000,  pastebing your /boot/grub/menu.lst  file04:24
tarvidwastrel, the secret was to install vim04:24
Pelo!paste | JulioNeto200004:24
ubot3JulioNeto2000: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:24
DalmatianI wonder if I will one day be able to memorize all of this like I did windows over the years...04:24
MrCollinshow do i register this nick? is that in 'man irssi'? or is that a freenode dealio?04:24
craigbass1976JulioNeto2000, , oh Pelo's got it.  Do what he says04:24
MrCollinswhere is the freenode stuff04:24
bruenigDalmatian, cd is the same in windows04:25
DalmatianI tried that and it says no such file or directory04:25
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bruenigDalmatian, you didn't type it right04:25
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lgcPelo, it says it can't find a solution for the dependency conflicts. When I say 'y' to 'try more thoroughly?' I get the same thing. What can I do?04:25
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craigbass1976Dalmatian, yeah, what did you type exactly04:25
JulioNeto2000Pelo, OK, I'll see it, wait a minute04:25
Andrew250is grub always installed when installing Ubuntu?04:25
Kousotudalmation: type cd /home/04:25
Dalmatiancd /home/dalamatition/Downloads/ati-driver-installer-8.39.4-x86.x86_64.run04:25
DalmatianThat at first04:25
DalmatianAnd then cd/home/dalamatition/Downloads/ati-driver-installer-8.39.4-x86.x86_64.run04:25
Pelolgc,  when does it say that ?04:25
bruenigDalmatian, ati-driver..... is not a directory04:25
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Ahadielhttp://ahadielstudios.com/~ahadiel/screenshots/Screenshot-3.png <== Why is my volume OSD soo big when I use compiz-fusion?04:25
craigbass1976Andrew250, yes.  It's the boot loader.  Maybe there's a LILO choice, but I don't ever remember seeing one04:25
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Pelolgc, what the heck are you tring to do now ?04:26
bruenigDalmatian, you cannot change into a file that is not a directory04:26
lgcPelo, when I do 'aptitude dist-upgrade'04:26
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Kousotu[21:25:37]  Dalmatian : cd /home/dalamatition/Downloads/04:26
boontoohow do i tell if my wireless card is installed and working?04:26
JulioNeto2000Pelo, I finded the file but, i can't open it in WinXP04:26
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Pelolgc, no wonder04:26
Kousotuit should now be there04:26
bruenigboontoo, I would see if it shows up in ifconfig and iwconfig04:26
Pelo!upgrade | lgc this is how you do i t04:27
ubot3lgc this is how you do i t: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:27
lgcPelo, are you an apt-get advocate?04:27
Kousotu[21:25:37]  Dalmatian : lastly type ./ati-driver-installer-8.39.4-x86.x86_6404:27
malditoalguem quer tc?04:27
PeloJulioNeto2000,  ... do it from ubuntu04:27
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sistemasi am a problem with the instalation of oracle xe in ubuntu04:27
bruenig!english | sistemas04:27
ubot3sistemas: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:27
Kousotumaldito: espanol?04:27
Pelolgc,  I am clean install advocate, I donT' do upgrades04:27
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craigbass1976boontoo, ifconfig.  If there's an address, you're good.  If there's a router that you knwo is working, and you've no address, maybe not so good04:27
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sistemasI'm peruvian04:27
bruenigclean install is the only way to go04:27
craigbass1976my chair is broken...04:28
Andrew250So if I don't need grub because I'm using my bios to choose what drive to boot from how can I get ride of grub?04:28
johanlmis it possible to colorize man output ??04:28
=== craigbass1976 is sad
Pelo!es | maldito04:28
ubot3maldito: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:28
sistemaswho know the irc channel of ubuntu in spanish???04:28
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bruenig!es | sistemas04:28
ubot3sistemas: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:28
=== Pelo gives craigbass1976 a cookie
malditoalguem do brasil?04:28
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sistemasgracias man04:28
Pelo!pr | maldito04:28
ubot3Factoid pr not found04:28
Andrew250how do I get it off my C drive and only on my usb drive (if I have to have it)04:28
ubot3Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:28
bruenig!english | sistemas04:28
ubot3sistemas: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:28
craigbass1976Pelo, darned it... I thought I set ff to reject cookies... :)04:28
Kousotu!br | maldito04:28
ubot3maldito: please see above04:28
bruenigAndrew250, um, grub is installed on the master boot record04:29
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JulioNeto2000Pelo, ok, but you can pass the commands, for here, to me edit it in Ubuntu04:29
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:29
bruenigAndrew250, not on this thing you are calling a C drive04:29
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lgcPelo, there are times when it's just not practical to start from scratch...04:29
Kousotu!paste | zerokill8804:29
ubot3zerokill88: please see above04:29
Andrew250Well my laptop's drive04:29
brueniglgc, if you need fluidity discrete release distros are a bad way to go04:29
DalmatianWow it worked04:29
pdxkidhi all.  i've got a problem with vmware.  it used to work, now errors out and i can't reconfigure or reinstall04:30
pdxkid/usr/bin/vmware-config.pl: 30: Syntax error: "(" unexpected04:30
lgcbruenig, huh?04:30
zerokill88what happend t pastebin?04:30
DalmatianMaybe there is some hope of me taming this damnable os afterall04:30
Kousotumaldito: [21:28:45]  ubot3 : Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:30
boontoocraigbass1976: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34607/04:30
pdxkidis that indicative of a compiler issue?04:30
brueniglgc, what didn't make sense in that sentence?04:30
PeloJulioNeto2000,   gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst   ,  find the windows lines at the botom of the files, move them before the  first ubuntu kernel  menu item,   NOT AT THE TOP OF THE FILE ,   after the commented lines  (#)04:30
DalmatianThanks for the help and patience bruenig04:30
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Pelolgc,  I gave you the links for upgrading ,04:30
GamingXwhere do I get a procedure to compile a package?04:30
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brueniglgc, oh there should be a comma after "fluidity" that might make it clearer04:31
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Pelomaldito,   escribar  /join #ubuntu-br04:31
lgcbruenig, "discrete release distros are a bad way to go". What is a discrete release?04:31
wastedfluidanyone here familiar with lm sensors and gdesklet?04:31
JulioNeto2000ahhh, ok, I will do it, THANKS! for help! You HELP MUCH dudy!04:31
craigbass1976boontoo, your wired network is working though.  See if you can't install wifi-radar04:31
brueniglgc, 6.06 6.10 7.0404:31
Andrew250so do get grub off my drive I have to fdisk?04:31
Pelowastedfluid,  never got lm-sensors to work well with gdesklets, there is a problem with the gdesklets controler04:31
craigbass1976boontoo, and what does lspci tell you.  You have broadcom chip, realtek, or what?04:31
lgcbruenig, pardon my ignorance, but why are they 'discrete'?04:32
bruenigAndrew250, if you remove grub, you won't be able to boot into anything, unless you install another bootloader04:32
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nikitahello guys04:32
PeloJulioNeto2000,  did you just call me "dudy" ?04:32
mudkipdesuhi guys04:32
Pelohello nikita04:32
brueniglgc, apart or detached from others; separate; distinct04:32
mudkipdesuubuntu noob here04:32
Pelohello mudkipdesu04:32
mudkipdesuneed help04:32
boontoocraigbass1976: i have a BMC 431804:32
Andrew250bruenig: I'm going to reload XP from a back up.  Is that fine?04:32
nikitadoes anybody knows how to dill with DVD rom ?04:32
Pelomudkipdesu,  ask a question04:32
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mudkipdesuthe cursor went invisible04:33
Pelonikita,  dill ?04:33
lgcbruenig, why do you say they are a bad way to go?04:33
wastedfluidPelo; Ok, makes sense.  I can't get applet-sensors to read from lmsensors, either.  but sensors returns the data itself04:33
nikitadeal, sorry04:33
craigbass1976boontoo, and did you find the tutorial on how to use either ndiswrapper or fwcutter?04:33
Pelomudkipdesu, more info04:33
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Kousotu!DVD | nikita04:33
ubot3nikita: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:33
boontoocraigbass1976: yes and i thought i had done it correctly04:33
nikitaI mean I got an inspiron 152004:33
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mudkipdesui was trying to get a higher resolution somehow i messed up04:33
craigbass1976boontoo, Ok, sudo apt-get install wifi-radar04:33
nikitaI mean I got an inspiron 152004:33
boontoocraigbass1976: yep i just did that want me to run it?04:33
brueniglgc, if you want a distro that is permanent that just upgrades as it goes in a smooth manner and not in an all at once every 6 months way, then they are a bad way to go, if you don't mind the hassles every 6 months or the out of date software or fresh installs then they are fine04:33
m0u5eanyone know what could cause mozilla thunderbird to have a segmentation core dump on ubuntu? it happens whenever i try to connect to a *specific* pop3 mail server...04:33
craigbass1976boontoo, this is a tool that shows available networks04:33
Pelowastedfluid, it's a problem with the desklets don'T worry about it or mess with the desklets coding , it was over my head04:34
boontooah craigbass1976 im getting wireless connections coming up04:34
m0u5eerr *segmentation fault*04:34
mudkipdesuPelo do you know what is wrong???04:34
sexcopterhi, is there a way to find the UUID of a drive partition so I can make a permanent entry in fstab?04:34
devinderbhullarwhy do i get04:34
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craigbass1976boontoo, awesome.  try connecting to one.  I've had no luck with my card and secure networks though, so beware04:34
Andrew250bruenig: I'm going to reload XP from a back up.  Is that fine?04:34
boontoocraigbass1976: now heres my problem, it doesn't work at my school, however i know my school one works on this computer because i have a vista partition, i got the code from the admins how to set it up but i cant see it work04:34
bruenigAndrew250, do you mean reinstall?04:34
Pelomudkipdesu, I don'T know what you did,  how did you go about getting that higher resolution ?04:34
craigbass1976boontoo, I have to run mine wide open04:34
devinderbhullarE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg04:35
Pelo!enter | devinderbhullar04:35
devinderbhullarwhen i use apt-get install04:35
ubot3devinderbhullar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:35
bruenigdevinderbhullar, do you have more than one package manager open>04:35
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craigbass1976boontoo, what've they got, wep, wpa, wpa2?04:35
bruenigdevinderbhullar, synaptic update manager, auto codec, close them04:35
mudkipdesui googled how to get a higher resolution, i think either messing xorg or something04:35
Pelodevinderbhullar,  trn off the other package managers,  like synpatic and add/remvoe04:35
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Andrew250no I have a back up of it with all of my setting using Acronis04:35
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bruenigdoes automatix lock?04:35
nikitafirst, Ubuntu did not want to start up, untill i wrote  "irqpoll all_generic_ide"04:35
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devinderbhullaryes it works04:35
boontoocraigbass1976: here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34609/04:35
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Andrew250bruenig: no I have a back up of it with all of my setting using Acronis04:36
devinderbhullarthanks Pelo04:36
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devinderbhullarpelo how do i solve the CPAN problem04:36
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lgcbruenig, I do update frequently, not just at every 'discrete' release. I would assume that it shouldn't be much of a problem to upgrade the distro, as it is my experience.04:36
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Pelomudkipdesu,   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   just stick to the defaults and then come back and we'll tell you how to do it right04:36
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nikitathen installation goes well, but at the end you it can not identify DVD04:36
Pelodevinderbhullar,  I don'T knw anyting about cpan,   check in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.org04:36
bruenigAndrew250, when you say backup, what exactly do you mean, just a bunch of data or do you mean a full installable standalone OS, a disk image perhaps?04:36
JustAboutRealJARhey where can I read up on gutsy?04:36
craigbass1976boontoo, you'll have to hunt around the forums or ask in here about broadcom and wpa04:36
King_Bradis there a tutorial on how to setup an RIS server in ubuntu Server 7.04?04:36
derekj212hey can anyone help me out with Azureus or recommend another torrent program?04:36
bruenig!gutsy | JustAboutRealJAR04:36
ubot3JustAboutRealJAR: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+104:36
Pelonikita, what is this a dvd of ?04:36
Andrew250bruenig: image disk04:37
Kousotubruenig: thats not what he's asking04:37
nikitaubuntu 7.0404:37
bruenigKousotu, well please do intervene04:37
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lgcbruenig, you mean that what I get from the install CD is already somehow outdated?04:37
brueniglgc, you update frequently, but ubuntu does not update frequently, they don't update any software except for security patches in between releases for the most part04:37
Kousotubruenig: who sd I wasn't lokigng tht up?04:37
nikitathe dvd is PBDS on Dell inspiron 152004:38
tankieisgoodI've been trying to install ubuntu by resizing my Windows Partition with gParted. It fails everytime, i've un chckdsk, can anyone please help me :)?!04:38
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bruenigKousotu, I just mean if you don't think I am answering right or misinterpreting, go ahead and answer, I do it to people all the time04:38
Pelonikita,  first please use the nick of the person you are talking to wne you talk to them it helps keep track  and dont, use the enter key as punctuation, in a busy channel it makes yuou impossible to follow04:38
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mudkipdesualright i got that window again asking me for video card info04:38
King_Bradis there a tutorial on how to setup an RIS server in ubuntu Server 7.04?04:38
Pelonikita,  what is the video card on your computer ?04:38
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KousotuJustAboutRealJAR: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/tribe404:39
lgcbruenig, I don't mean to irk you, but I think I still miss your whole point. Is it pointless to upgrade the distro or what?04:39
Pelomudkipdesu,  vesa04:39
nikitanvidia geforce 8400 M04:39
brueniglgc, you were saying that some people can't fresh install, I was saying that those people would be better off using a rolling release distro to begin with04:39
Pelonikita, mudkipdesu,  please use the nick of the pserson you are talking to in evey line04:39
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KousotuJustAboutRealJAR: another lnk for info: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-June/000304.html04:39
brueniglgc, because even if you try to upgrade conventionally, it is not always smooth and the breakage is sometimes hard to trace which leads inevitably to the fresh install04:39
Pelonikita,  when you try to install and get to the boot menu ,  select the text install ,04:40
Andrew250bruenig: image disk04:40
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lgcbruenig, Oh, then I agree.04:40
bruenigAndrew250, you should be fine then, it will wipe ubuntu though04:40
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=== Pelo 's head is about to explose
wastedfluidanyone know of any program like gdesklet that works with lm sensors?04:40
tankieisgoodI'm trying to resize my windows partition with gparted and fails to resize, any ideas :)?04:40
=== CodemasterMM [n=codemast@cpe-24-93-246-179.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelomudkipdesu,  yes vesa04:40
zeebletankieisgood: gkrellm04:40
CodemasterMMhaha, nice nick, mudkipdesu04:40
bruenigwastedfluid, what in particular are you wanting to sense04:40
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sistemashow I connect to ubuntu es channel??04:40
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bruenigsistemas, /join #ubuntu-es04:40
smadgethis is really wierd, my ethernet suddenly stopped working, all cables are attached, my xp partition works and im accessing from other computers on the same network04:40
lgcPelo, please relax! We don't want your brains scattered all over the place!04:40
mudkipdesuPelo: alright04:40
scipiowastedfluid: conky i think does that04:40
Pelotankieisgood, make sure it is unmounted,  use the live cd if you are tring to work on a partion on your working hdd04:40
Andrew250bruenig: I tryed to install ubuntu on the USB drive but it reads as no OS04:40
wastedfluidbruenig; core0, and core1 temp's.. gdesklets won't do it04:40
wastedfluidbruenig; but "sensors" will return valid temp's04:41
Pelosistemas,   escribar  /join #ubuntu-es04:41
mudkipdesuPelo: i cant see the cursor so im pretty much cursor blind :p04:41
bruenigwastedfluid, yeah conky will do it I believe, or with conky you can actually set it up to submit the output of a shell command if it doesn't have a built in function04:41
Pelomudkipdesu, right now you should be using keys to reconfigure04:41
lgcsistemas, teclea eso que te dijeron.04:41
devinderbhullarwhat type of perl development tools i need to use in ubuntu04:41
zeeblecan i ask ubuntu 7.10 alpha qns here? how do i install acrobat on it?04:42
zeebledevinderbhullar: what do you want to do?04:42
Pelodevinderbhullar,  search for pearl in synaptic04:42
KousotuJustAboutRealJAR: Does that hlp?04:42
CodemasterMMis there any way I can specify a range of userIDs in the /etc/sudoers file? such as "any user with ID over 1000 can be a sudoer"?04:42
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vbabiy-LaptopHello does any one know how to type math symbols in gnome like you would do on windows hold the alt and type 0183 it would give you the times symbol04:42
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Pelo!gutsy | zeeble04:42
ubot3zeeble: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+104:42
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zeeblety, Pelo04:42
tankieisgoodPelo: I boot into ubuntu and run gparted, when i apply the resize it doesn something then stops.04:42
vbabiy-LaptopI can find it in the character Map but i need so i can do it typing04:42
bruenigvbabiy-Laptop, alt keys aren't available, I think you need to use a character map04:42
Pelovbabiy-Laptop, many have tryied to get that working , none have succeded, use the character map04:43
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Andrew250is it possible to install ubuntu on a USB drive?04:43
Pelotankieisgood,  use the live cd04:43
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vbabiy-LaptopPelo: any idea on a fix with this04:43
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PeloAndrew250, yes04:43
lgcPelo, where you at?04:43
CodemasterMMbut yeah, i am trying to get a range of users specified in /etc/sudoers04:43
Darkkishokay what's up?04:43
Darkkishsound stopped working.04:43
bruenigAndrew250, it is, might be difficult though, probably some bios work would be necessary04:43
DarkkishHow do i fix it?04:43
Andrew250bruenig: like what?04:44
bruenigCodemasterMM, the conventional way is to group those users and specify the group but there may be another04:44
Pelovbabiy-Laptop,  it isn'T a fix,  it just doesn'T work that way in linux04:44
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bruenigAndrew250, not sure exactly, depends on your specific bios04:44
Pelolgc, waht ?04:44
devinderbhullari cant find the perl development tools04:44
DarkkishMy sound broke D:<04:44
CodemasterMMbruenig: yeah, i was looking at that... can i specify a GID or do i have to specify the group name?04:44
devinderbhullarany names04:44
Andrew250bruenig: what would I have to do?04:44
CodemasterMMDarkkish: try restarting ALSA04:44
Spyro_boyI just bought a Lenovo 3000 N100 and Ubuntu 6.06 doesn't seem to detect the wireless.04:44
lgcPelo, where is your place of residence?04:44
Pelodevinderbhullar,  open synaptic,  use the search feature , search for pearl04:44
vbabiy-LaptopPelo: but there has to be a way to use from the keyboard04:44
bruenigCodemasterMM, I have only seen group name but you might be able to do GID, the docs are sparse04:44
Spyro_boyit seems to be a bcm943104:44
Spyro_boyany ideas?04:44
wweaselJust installed Ubuntu on a new laptop, volume is on, no sound comes out: advice?04:44
Pelolgc,  do you realy think this is the time for chit chat ?04:45
CodemasterMMbruenig: okay, thanks.04:45
devinderbhullaryes i found perl there are lots of package in perl04:45
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DarkkishCodemasterMM, how do i restart alsa?04:45
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Andrew250bruenig: I want to install ubuntu on a USB drive but I don't want grub to be installed on my laptop hard drive.04:45
lgcPelo, no, but perhaps you don't know what 'pelo' means in Spanish.04:45
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bruenigAndrew250, well you need a bootloader that will let you boot into linux04:45
Pelovbabiy-Laptop,  you can probably map keys to the keyboard  check in menu > system > admin > SCIM or stuff like that,  you could also try checking in the forum for more info04:45
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CodemasterMMDarkkish: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart04:46
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bruenigAndrew250, you may be able to tell it to not install grub in the alternate cd, but it is pointless to not install some bootloader, why don't you want the bootloader?04:46
mudkipdesudamn i04:46
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Pelo!sound | wweasel start wth this04:47
ubot3wweasel start wth this: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:47
Pelomudkipdesu,  what now ?04:47
DarkkishCodemasterMM, that didn't fix it :-/04:47
wweaselPelo: Thanks04:47
=== bruenig watches as Pelo approaches my level of jadedness
CodemasterMM!sound | Darkkish04:48
ubot3Darkkish: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:48
Andrew250bruenig: because I want to use my bio's multidisk boot selector to choose what drive to boot from.04:48
=== Pelo thinks bruenig hasn'T been watching close enough, level acheive, and exceeded
Andrew250bruenig: bios04:48
devinderbhullari cant do a make in CPAN04:48
bruenigAndrew250, ok well if you think you can manage that, then check out the alternate cd, it will allow you to choose I think04:48
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tankieisgoodPelo: I found this info, I think it might solve my problem (just so you know) must defragment the partition within w!n. Very often there are some system files near the end of the partition (parked in green lines in the defrag window), that are unmovable for w!n.04:49
tankieisgoodTry to disable the virtual memory file, reboot, defragment 2 times at least instead of 1 time, do the work with gparted and reenable virtual memory after.04:49
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lgcPelo, "pelo (Sp.)" = "hair (En.). And, as opposed to "cabello", which is "pelo" that grows on the head, "pelo" alone means, by exclusion, hair that grows in places other than the head.04:49
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Pelotankieisgood, you were trying to resize a ntfs partiton ?04:49
Andrew250does anyone know how to recover file from a deleted partition?04:49
Pelo!offtopic | lgc04:49
tankieisgoodpelo: yes04:49
ubot3lgc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:49
csc`Andrew250: cat and grep is your friend04:50
mudkipdesulol i dont know what to do after ive double clicked vesa04:50
Pelotankieisgood,  my appologeis I didn'T know  I would have recommened it , sorry but I've been a bit busy in the last 30 min04:50
csc`bruenig: u sux04:50
tankieisgoodpelo: i noticed :P04:50
bruenigappreciate it04:50
Pelomudkipdesu,  just select the defaults provided , donT' worry about it , it 's just a temporary thing to fix the stuff you messed up04:50
bruenigcsc`, charity04:50
lgcPelo, thanks for the link, I just thought the offtopic remark was somewhat relevant.04:50
tankieisgoodit's fairly full on in here hehe04:50
Andrew250csc`: can I put the files onto a NTFS drive?04:51
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mudkipdesuPelo: amount of memory how much do put in?04:51
Pelolgc, how is bodyhair relevant to ubuntu support ?04:51
Pelomudkipdesu,  how much does your video card have ?04:51
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mudkipdesuPelo: i aint sure iremember it was nvidia 6150 LE :p04:52
bruenigcome on !ops him04:52
Pelomudkipdesu,  exit the reconfigrue dialog now04:52
CBiLLthinking about installing ubuntu to try out and wonder how does it manage it package? does it use yum? emerge? or anything similar to it?04:53
Pelomudkipdesu, alt+f404:53
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mudkipdesuPelo: alright04:53
PeloCBiLL, it uses apt04:53
lgcPelo, in no sense. That's why I asked about your whereabouts.04:53
bruenigCBiLL, similar to yum04:53
=== apberzerk [n=pweaver@ppp-70-129-230-65.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelolgc,  just /whois me04:53
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csc`afaik cat and grep is  the only leet way to recover data04:54
boontoodavid@david-laptop:~$ sudo airodump-ng ivs -w capture eth104:54
boontooNdiswrapper doesn't support monitor mode.04:54
Andrew250what is cat?04:54
=== csc` only knows of cat and grep
lgcPelo, oh, thanks!04:54
boontoois there a way around that?04:54
Andrew250and where can I find it?04:54
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bruenigboontoo, no04:54
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bruenigboontoo, get a card with a driver that does04:54
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PeloAndrew250,   terminal     man cat04:54
boontoo*^%* how do i find my hidden network04:54
boontoooh gaylord04:54
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mudkipdesuPelo: .................. what next?04:55
noctihello, can i download the all the current ubuntu packages to a dvd and use that for installs? i got a box that's not connected to the net. i know how to update offline tho. thanks.04:55
Pelomudkipdesu,  nividia uses another way to play around with resolutions,  try rebooting your computer first to see that noting is mess up04:55
=== pinkbunny [n=Ron@c-71-227-218-188.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mudkipdesuok brb04:55
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Pelonocti,  just dl the installation dvd  most of the packages are on it04:55
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Andrew250is that a program I can install to recover files from Ext3 and put them on the a NTFS drive?04:55
noctiPelo: dude thanks.04:55
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csc`Andrew250: not really04:56
PeloAndrew250, no cat is for info04:56
r0bbyAndrew250: http://recover.sourceforge.net/linux/recover/04:56
csc`Andrew250: i dont konw of any anyway04:56
El_Juliosohey all, quick question: in Windows I must choose "block size" for my partitions when formatting, do Linux FS's (like XFS) work in the same manner? will I need to specify block size?04:56
r0bbythat may help.04:56
zeebleAndrew250: there's one that runs on windows, called explore2fs04:56
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zeebledunno if that will help though04:56
r0bby(I found it last night.)04:56
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PeloAndrew250, if you want to copy files on to an ntfs partitons ou can install ntfs-3g04:56
Pelo!ntfs-3g  | Andrew25004:56
ubot3Andrew250: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:56
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wingotHow does Ubuntu do its auto-mounting?04:56
wingoteverything in /etc/fstab is commented out04:57
CBiLLI am at the part where it ask how I want to repartition my disk for a new install .. I have XP on this disk but want to completely delete it and use the whole disk for ubuntu so do I choose Guided - use entire disk?04:57
Almighty_HenaroAnyone know where I can find this fabled cannon driver? -> http://www.linuxprinting.org./show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-PIXMA_iP150004:57
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X3rushad some problems with apache and php on IE. Instead of running the script it show me all the files from the folder04:57
csc`wingot: traitor!04:57
Andrew250the partishion on the ext3 drive was deleted04:57
noctiCBiLL: seems like it yes04:57
Pelowingot, no it isn't only lines iwth # at the start are commented out04:57
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wingotcsc`: Work desktop pc that needs Evolution. Therefore, best on Gnome, therefore, might as well use Ubuntu :P04:57
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endo4977what is the best way to determine what video driver is running?04:58
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scamhow you change your default video player to mplayer or vlc?04:58
wingotPelo: The only lines that don't start with # are for /media/cdrom and /media/floppy004:58
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wingotAll the hdd/partition lines start with #, the comment symbol in that file04:58
endo4977is there some kind of 'device manager' ?04:58
Pelowingot, pastebin your fstab file so we can have a look04:58
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Peloendo4977,  menu > system > prefs > hardware info04:58
radioaktivstormanyone know where the userchrome.css file is placed for thunderbird in ubuntu?04:58
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kazzmirmy sound died when i came back from hibernate mode04:59
bruenigradioaktivstorm, probably in .mozilla04:59
wingotPelo: Actually, now that I have relooked at it, I've realised something04:59
kazzmirhow do I get it back?04:59
wingotThe comment line is seperate to the following line with the UUID04:59
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Peloradioaktivstorm,  ask in #thunderbird , but it is problaly a hidden folder in /home04:59
bruenigkazzmir, have to reload the module and restart also probably04:59
wingotI've never used UUID's, so didn't notice04:59
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Pelowingot,  you can use blkid in the terminal ot list your drive with bot devtree and uuid05:00
Andrew250can some one walk me through installing and using Recover?05:00
kazzmirlsmod doesnt show alsa05:00
bruenigalsa is not a module05:00
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kazzmiri have all these snd_ things05:00
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bruenigyeah reload all of those05:00
scipioscam: right click on the file type you want to open - properties - open with and select your preffered aplication to make it default05:00
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wingotPelo: Hmm, ok. Thanks05:00
kazzmirzomg.. all!05:00
radioaktivstormmmm, I could  not find it in  .mozilla-thunderbird in my home05:00
wingotSorry for being a nuisance :P05:00
Almighty_HenaroAnyone know where I can find this fabled cannon driver? -> http://www.linuxprinting.org./show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-PIXMA_iP150005:00
kazzmirmight as well reboot05:00
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PeloAndrew250,  you are not being ignored but we can only answer questions we know about  , the forum is a good resource to   www.ubuntuforums.org05:00
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endo4977for some reason 1280x1024 is listed as my max resolution, i know that i can get much better05:00
bruenigkazzmir, well it is likely that only one applies to you but ubuntu just sort of loads everything else make you decide which one05:01
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Sretsnomi think i might have a trojan, how do i get rid of it05:01
radioaktivstormooop found the info I need05:01
Andrew250has anyone ever recovered files before?05:01
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Sretsnomi think i have a virus/trojan, how do i get rid of this05:01
toasterHello again all,  anyone have any suggestions on how to install a system that keeps forgetting it has a CD-drive? It boots the Live/Alt CD, detects the hardware, then promptly forgets about the cd-drive when it goes to copy files over.05:01
PeloSretsnom,  what make syou tink you have a trojan in ubuntu ?05:02
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Pelotoaster,  check in the forum  this has been covered I am sure, you are not the first one to mention that problem05:02
SretsnomPelo: my friends are telling me, some idiot hacker went in and started fucking up the place, and they ended up telling me this over and over05:02
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toasterPelo: I've been doing so, but nothing as yet has availed me.05:03
PeloSretsnom, unless the idiot hacker had your password he can't have done much damage05:03
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SretsnomPelo: the idiot hacker did get my password05:03
Pelotoaster,  use the error msg you get as a search string05:03
PeloSretsnom, oh05:03
PeloSretsnom,  so the idiot in this story is you ...05:03
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ubot3To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"05:03
PeloSretsnom, sorry I just couldn't resist05:04
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Pelo!trojan | Sretsnom05:04
ubot3Factoid trojan not found05:04
Sretsnompelo, this person is kind of a serial hacker and everyone in the server was going crazy, apparently she just randomly picked me05:04
CodemasterMMsudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0220, should be 044005:04
CodemasterMM^ lovely05:04
PeloSretsnom, avast has a linux version , you might want to give that a try05:05
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SretsnomPelo, thanks05:05
CodemasterMManyone know how to fix that chmod problem there05:05
bruenigCodemasterMM, is it seriously 0220?05:05
Andrew250can someone teach me how to compile a program05:05
CodemasterMMyup it seems so05:05
CodemasterMMi wonder how my friend even did that05:05
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CodemasterMMhe's working on part of the system05:05
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bruenigCodemasterMM, oh you are saying that is the error you got, that is a serious security problem, just chmod 440 it05:05
PeloAlmighty_Henaro,  have you tried using the pixma ip2000 driver in cups ?05:05
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ubot3Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:05
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Almighty_HenaroPelo Im trying that now05:06
Almighty_HenaroPelo But it doesn't seem to be owrking05:06
CodemasterMMbruenig: yeah, when I try do sudo chmod it, it gives me the sudo error, since i am trying to use sudo when i chmod it, ha05:06
zxcHello, this is Bill Gates, and I pronounce Windows as Windows!05:06
bruenigCodemasterMM, ah see that is why it is a security error05:06
PeloAlmighty_Henaro, http://www.google.ca/search?q=pixma+ip1500+linux+&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a05:07
bruenigCodemasterMM, I mean security problem, but anyways,  you are going to need to pop in the live cd probably and chmod it that way05:07
CarlFKwhat is the status of Ubuntus  ntfs read/write ?05:07
bruenigubuntu doesn't develop filesystem drivers05:07
CodemasterMMtoo bad i can't just change into root or something05:07
bruenigthey only develop package management python front ends05:07
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bruenigCodemasterMM, yeah, if there were a root user, it would be no problem, but ubuntu doesn't do that05:08
Almighty_HenaroPelo, yeah I tried that05:08
Pelomudkipdesu, yes ?05:08
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CarlFKbruenig: ubuntu does more than just 'that' if you want to be a dork about it :)05:08
Almighty_HenaroAll links to the linux driver seem to be dead05:08
hoarycripplehow can I install a package (nbsmtp) without removing postfix (automatic removal)?05:08
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PeloAlmighty_Henaro, did you check in the forum ?05:08
bruenigCarlFK, not really, I can't think of what else they have done05:09
Almighty_HenaroPelo which forum?05:09
mannytubruenig: sudo -s password then you get the #05:09
mudkipdesuerrr my screen resolution changed to one that my monitor does not support , and i just get a blank screen (there is sound) , so now im using the livecd05:09
hoarycripplei'd just install it from source, but the nbsmtp site seems to be down at the moment.05:09
Pelohoarycripple,  install the package first,  let it remvoe postfix,  then reisntall postfix05:09
CarlFKbruenig: don't care.  got anything useful to say about ntfs support?05:09
Sretsnompelo, i got more specific, apparently they backdoored my PC05:09
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bruenigmannytu, that is not a root user05:09
PeloAlmighty_Henaro,  www.ubuntuforums.org05:09
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hoarycripplePelo, but then it wants to remove nbsmtp05:09
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Almighty_HenaroPelo Not yet but I might later05:09
bruenigmannytu, /etc/sudoers has a permission problems, he can't therefore use sudo, he needs to be root to correct the sudoers permission problems05:09
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Pelomudkipdesu,  would you mind very much using my nick in every line you type when talking to me , so I know you are talking to me ?05:10
Pelohoarycripple,  best I can offer05:10
bruenig!prefix | Pelo05:10
ubot3Pelo: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages05:10
mudkipdesuPelo: o right05:10
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endo4977how can i stop X once it has been started (started by default)?05:10
ubot3sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:10
Pelobruenig, now is not the time to be cute with me05:10
CarlFKendo4977: sudo init.d gdm stop05:10
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bruenigmannytu, are you high, he can't use sudo because /etc/sudoers got bad permissions, the only way to change them is as root which since the root account is locked, he can't do05:11
endo4977is that permanent? i just want something that executes once to shut x down05:11
mudkipdesuPelo: is there something i should do to startup with the correct resolution?05:11
Pelomudkipdesu,  ok sorry abot having mess up your nvidia driver,  just reistall it and then check in the forum for info on changin resolutions with a nvidia card05:11
CarlFKendo4977: not perm.  it is what you want05:11
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bruenignvidia has a graphical configuration utility05:12
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mudkipdesuPelo: will it work if install from the Livecd?05:12
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mannytubruenig: when I do it, i get the # which is the root i thought...05:12
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bruenigmannytu, no it isn't root05:12
endo4977CarlFK: sudo: init.d: command not found05:12
Pelomudkipdesu,  no you will need to boot the recovery mode05:12
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Andrew250can I compile if I'm using the ubuntu DVD?05:12
bruenigAndrew250, compile what?05:12
PeloAndrew250,  yes build-essential is on it05:12
Some_Personmudkipdesu: Are you trying to use the nVidia driver on the live cd or on an installed Ubuntu?05:13
byonixHi, i have just installed kiba dock, kiba dock-dev & kiba plugins, but how to use it, nothing appears when i click kiba dock05:13
CarlFKendo4977: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:13
zeebleendo4977: sudo /etc/gdm stop05:13
zeebleerr, /etc/init.d05:13
zeebleas he said.05:13
CarlFKjinkx poke05:13
bruenigbyonix, third party, not in ubuntu repos, find the kiba support05:13
PeloSome_Person, he's on the live cd because I messed up his installed nvidia driver05:13
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Andrew250bruenig: I have to compile recover.05:13
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Pelobyonix,  ask in #kubuntu05:13
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mudkipdesui installed ubuntu (the one with invisible cursor) when you said to restart, it booted up with a resolution that my monitor does not support, right now im using the livecd05:13
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bruenigkiba is not a kde thing is it?05:13
Some_PersonPelo: oh, well what did you do wrong>?05:13
Andrew250bruenig: I've never compiled anything before.05:13
faileasi'd like to get a pair of scripts running as soon as ubuntu boots. anyone know what file i need to edit to do this?05:13
bruenigAndrew250, I have never heard of "recover"05:14
mudkipdesuPelo:whoops forgot your nick05:14
bruenigmudkipdesu, you have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:14
PeloSome_Person,  I made him reconfigure X and when I found out he had a nvidia card I made him kill the reconf half way thought05:14
brueniggood one05:14
Andrew250bruenig: I need to recover all the files on a ext3 drive with a deleted partision.05:14
Some_PersonPelo: So have him reconfigure X again!05:14
bruenigyeah he can reconfigure and use vesa or nv or whatever it chooses05:15
CarlFKfaileas: system, prefs, sessyons, startup05:15
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faileasCarlFK: command line install05:15
bruenigAndrew250, you can't recover deleted files05:15
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Pelomudkipdesu, boot the recovery mode,  and sudo kpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ,  use the vesa driver and for the rest select the default provided05:15
Andrew250the files wern't deleted.05:15
lgcDoes anyone know if Feisty comes with Flash 9?05:15
faileasAndrew250: try testdisk05:16
Pelo!flash | lgc05:16
ubot3lgc: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:16
Some_PersonPelo: Is he able to get to command prompt? If so, just have him reconfigure X again!05:16
Andrew250bruenig: I deleted the partision by accident using XP installer.05:16
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PeloSome_Person,  I already told him05:16
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bruenigAndrew250, well that doesn't change that you can't recover anything05:16
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Andrew250bruenig: but I havn't used the drive since.05:16
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Andrew250why not?05:16
madman91hey guys05:16
PeloSome_Person, I'm waiting for him to ask how to boot the revovery mode05:16
bruenigAndrew250, because you formatted the drive05:16
mannytubruenig: this is what I got...  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34615/05:16
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lgcPelo, Jean, thanks.05:17
bruenigmannytu, you are not root05:17
Pelolgc, just Pelo will do05:17
Richard__Hi, I have a problem to run feisty livecd on server.05:17
Andrew250bruenig: no I just deleted the partision I was able to recover the files from a Fat32 drive that I also deleted.05:17
Some_PersonPelo: Can't he just use CTRL+ALT+F1?05:17
madman91I have a command line ubuntu machine.. i couldnt ssh into it.. (which i normally could) .. so I went over to it and I couldnt login.. I entered my username and hit enter.. but it just hung there.. what gives?05:17
Richard__could Anyone help me?05:17
PeloRichard__, what video card ?05:17
lgcPelo, ok, ok.05:17
madman91!ask | Richard__05:17
ubot3Richard__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:17
Richard__Pelo: integrated05:17
bruenigmannytu, it checks your UID, do "sudo whoami" from a normal console, you will get the same05:17
PeloSome_Person, he's on the live cd rignt now, just tell him how , I've got togo05:17
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CarlFKAndrew250:  is this what you want: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/admin/recover05:17
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PeloRichard__,  what chip set ?  ati and nvidia wont, work with the live cd05:18
Some_Personmudkipdesu: Tell me exactly what's going on. What happens when you boot up?05:18
Andrew250CarlFK: thanks05:18
Richard__Peto :intel XEON05:18
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Andrew250CarlFK: can a noob use this?05:18
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Richard__Peto: live cd try to read fd0,  why?05:18
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CarlFKAndrew250: sure.  do you know how to image the whole drive?05:19
Richard__Peto: ah, it boot up after a long time05:19
PeloRichard__, ok then05:19
Andrew250not using Ubuntu05:19
zeeblewho is peto?05:19
mudkipdesuPelo: ok the ubuntu loading screen comes up, then it goes blank (unsupported resolution) but i hear the ubuntu bootscreen05:19
Andrew250CarlFK: not using Ubuntu05:19
Some_Personmudkipdesu: the drums?05:20
Pelomudkipdesu, do you bet the boot menu ?05:20
CarlFKAndrew250:  how big is the drive that got trashed?05:20
Kyle___Hey I'm having trouble compiling... I managed to get the gcc core but now it wants glib? And also my DVI monitor wont work05:20
=== Pelo buts out
mannytubruenig: sudo whoami you are right, however, you do -s then you get the # not the $ and sudo is not needed anymore05:20
Pelomudkipdesu,  Some_Person will help you with this05:20
CarlFKAndrew250: weee!!!   got 160gb free somewhere?05:20
mudkipdesuSome_Person: yeah the drums05:20
bruenigmannytu, the # is dependent on UID05:20
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Some_Personmudkipdesu: ok, when you boot up, do you see a boot menu?05:20
devinderbhullarwhen i run CPAN in ubunti i get Constant Subroutine _USE POSIX05:20
ubot3Factoid uid not found05:20
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Andrew250CarlFK: yep05:20
Andrew250CarlFK: will this recover from ext3 aswell?05:21
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mudkipdesuSome_Person: yeah the GRUB menu05:21
Pelodevinderbhullar,  search for the error msg in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.org05:21
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CarlFKAndrew250: yay.  dd if=/dev/hda of=/path/to/lots/of/space/hda.img05:21
=== Pelo needs a break . later folk s
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Andrew250CarlFK: ouch05:22
Andrew250CarlFK: what?05:22
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CarlFKAndrew250: hda.img will be a 160gig file, so make sure where ever you are storing that can hold it05:22
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Andrew250CarlFK: the free space is a drive that I tryed to install ubuntu but it didn't work.05:22
mannytu!root shell05:23
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ubot3Factoid root shell not found05:23
Andrew250CarlFK: yep05:23
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Andrew250CarlFK: got a 300 gb USB drive05:23
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mannytu!sudo -i05:23
ubot3sudo: Provide limited super user privileges to specific users. In component main, is important. Version 1.6.8p12-4ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 170 kB, installed size 416 kB05:23
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benn92647good evening everyone, miss me :)05:23
mannytu!sudo -s05:23
CarlFKAndrew250: hope it is usb2, else it is gonna take days or weeks :)05:23
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bruenigmannytu, it has to do with the PS1 variable set in the profile, if you use the following escape sequence in it which ubuntu does you get this, this is from the bash prompt docs: \$     if the effective UID is 0, a #, otherwise  a $05:23
Andrew250CarlFK: yes05:23
benn92647hi bruenig05:23
bruenigmannytu, do sudo echo $UID05:24
Some_Personmudkipdesu: good. now, you might want to write this down: when you see the menu when you boot up, choose recovery mode. then, when you get to a command prompt, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" (without the quotes). When it asks for a display driver, choose "nvidia" or if "nvidia" isnt listed then choose "nv". Then just hit enter until you get out. If you can't hit enter then hit tab then enter. Then, type "sudo reboot"05:24
bruenigmannytu, you see it is 1000 which is 005:24
CarlFKAndrew250: there is something worth hours of time trying to save, right ?05:24
bruenigor wait05:24
Andrew250CarlFK: how do I formate a drive so that I can use it for this purpose and then but the recovered files on to a NTFS drive.05:24
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coolwonderTexas Instruments ACX 111 54Mbps Wireless Interfaceany one use the same wireless card with me?05:24
bruenigif you do sudo -s, it is 005:24
Andrew250CarlFK: yes05:24
mannytubruenig: I'm just checking it out05:24
benn92647does anyone know a free internet TV program that  shows local TV (i.e Fox TV,channel 5,CBS,NBC...et al)05:24
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bruenigmannytu, you see the snippet says "effective UID"05:25
Johnuah :o05:25
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coolwonderTexas Instruments ACX 111 54Mbps Wireless Interfaceany one use the same wireless card with me?05:25
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mudkipdesualright then ill brb05:25
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CarlFKAndrew250: format as ext2 (mke2fs), then use http://www.fs-driver.org to read/write from win05:25
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bruenigbenn92647, bittorrent?05:25
snowglobeI can't get skype installed, it needs librte1, but i can't install it. how do i do this? I've tried via cli and synaptic05:25
Andrew250CarlFK: OK i KNOW HOW TO USE fs05:26
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mannytubruenig: I'm reading what it says right-now05:26
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coolwonderHEY guys, i have some problem with my wireless card, so would u help a bit05:26
Some_PersonAndrew25: you dont need to format as ext205:26
ubot3Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:27
Andrew250CarlFK: but how do I formate the 300GB drive using ubuntu. I have limited use of this OS I was trying to learn and it had cause me many leters of tears05:27
benn92647bruenig: i want to watch TV, I think bittorrent would be good to download certain episodes of stuff05:27
coolwonderTexas Instruments ACX 111 54Mbps Wireless Interfaceany one use the same wireless card with me?05:27
mdiouscoolwonder:  I just reconfigured mine after a fresh install, I might be able to help...05:27
bruenigbenn92647, well go get you a tv card05:27
bulmercoolwonder: what have you done so far?05:27
Andrew250CarlFK: on the 300gb hd is a botch attempt to install Ubuntu05:27
coolwonderi use a soft called what, which can use windows drivers05:27
benn92647bruenig: you still need cable or an attenna with a TV card05:27
bruenigbenn92647, right05:27
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mdiouscoolwonder:  The ubuntu documentation stuff has good tutorials, I of course took the easy way out and just used the windows drivers...I think 2.6.21 has better support though so maybe I won't need to do this much longer05:27
coolwonderi did all the process following the wiki on the ubuntu.org05:28
coolwonderbut it still does not work05:28
CarlFKAndrew250: you need to figure out what 'device' it is. proably /dev/sda (use dmesg to verify that)  sudo mke2fs /dev/sda105:28
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Some_PersonCarlFK: why does he need to convert it to ext2?05:28
coolwonderi have tried three times, and even reinstall the linux once05:28
OneSeventeenI am using the version of OpenOffice.org shipped with Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, and can't seem to figure out how to set PDF Export preferences05:28
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CarlFKAndrew250: mk..fs is Make FS, exactly what dos format does05:28
krammeri am trying to open the lokkit file any help?05:29
bruenigcoolwonder, did you understand what you were doing when you were doing it or just copy and pasting05:29
bulmercoolwonder: did you look what is in /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/acx/default/05:29
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CarlFKAndrew250: what is this about ntfs ?05:29
coolwonderok , i will see it05:29
Almighty_HenaroHow do I restart CUPS?05:29
FIRESIDE91What's going on with coolwonder?05:29
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disinterestedhow would I update azureus?05:29
mdiouscoolwonder:  I found the network-manager-gnome package helps :)05:30
Andrew250CarlFK: NTFS is what is on another USB drive that I will want to move the recovered files to.05:30
bruenigAlmighty_Henaro, /etc/init.d/cups restart, or something like that05:30
Almighty_Henaro"sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart" doesn't seem to work :/05:30
bulmerAlmighty_Henaro: look for /etc/init.d/cup*05:30
zeebleit is cupsys05:30
bruenigAlmighty_Henaro, well see what the real name of the daemon is in /etc/init.d05:30
mdiouscoolwonder:  I didn't follow the tutorial, I blacklisted the driver my card tried to use, then just modprobe ndiswrapper when I get going05:30
Almighty_Henarobruenig, Okay thanks05:30
devinderbhullarhow do i change to be roor in ubuntu05:30
zeebletype /etc/init.d/cup<tab> and it will auto complete05:30
bulmerAlmighty_Henaro: on your webbrowser put  localhost:631 and see if it works05:30
bruenigdevinderbhullar, there is no root by default05:30
zeebleyou execute your commands with sudo05:30
devinderbhullar#sudo cpan05:31
CarlFKAndrew250: I have no clue how well the ntfs write support is.  so I would write to ext2 and use the ext2 win driver to read from win and write to ntfs05:31
bruenigbulmer, web configuration doesn't work do to their being no root account iirc05:31
zeebledevinderbhullar: yes05:31
coolwonderbulmer, there are 8 files named with tiacx***05:31
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Almighty_HenaroWould is be cupsys05:31
coolwonderany problems with them05:31
Andrew250CarlFK: ok05:31
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bruenigCarlFK, should use ext305:31
Almighty_HenaroAha I got it!05:31
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krammeri am trying to open the lokkit file any help?05:31
coolwonderany problems with them05:31
bulmerbruenig: they have to run lpasswd or something like that to add a cups user05:31
Andrew250CarlFK: yes ext305:31
coolwonderbulmer, there are 8 files named with tiacx***05:32
CarlFKbruenig: why ext3?05:32
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bruenigCarlFK, journalling05:32
Andrew250CarlFK: so how do I do this recover?05:32
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bulmercoolwonder: okay...now what is the name of your interface ? wlan0?  then  ifup wlan005:32
CarlFKbruenig:  the goal is to read it from win.  hows that gonna happen?05:32
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CarlFKAndrew250:  no clue.  I seem to remember using it about a year to :)05:33
bruenigCarlFK, the ext2 driver can read ext305:33
coolwondernow i am using eth005:33
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coolwondercause wlan0 is now working05:33
coolwonderthe name is wlan005:33
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Andrew250CarlFK: oh crap, well I though I installed the program you gave me but I can't find it.05:33
FIRESIDE91CarlFK: EXT3 is EXT2 with journaling05:33
bulmercoolwonder: you need to prefix with a nick, on your responses to me, okay?05:33
benn92647anyone here know of a good free internet TV program for linux where you can watch local TV like fox,CBS,NBC?05:34
CarlFKbruenig: what happens if you write to ext3 using ext2 driver ?05:34
coolwonderbulmer, ok05:34
JohnuahIs there any one can be my installation guidance05:34
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Andrew250CarlFK: it's find I can read ext3 using that program you suggested.  i HAVE done that before.05:34
Andrew250CarlFK: fine05:34
JohnuahI want install ubuntu from windows os05:34
bruenigCarlFK, no problem05:34
Johnuahand I have no CD drive active05:35
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underdog5004!wubi | Johnuah05:35
ubot3Johnuah: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html05:35
bulmerbenn92647: you can buy those ATSC and QAM capable tv card so you can watch HDTV..assuming it is broadcasted in your area..then btv i think is the app to use05:35
krammerwhy not JOhnuah?05:35
Andrew250CarlFK: how do I find the recover program?05:35
Johnuahthank you for your links and notice .05:35
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mdiouscoolwonder:  ndiswrapper for me reports it's wlan0 but it's actually eth1 for me...05:35
benn92647bulmer: i dont have cable or an attenna so looking for something where i dont need to connect a cable05:36
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Johnuahby the way, should I download it and do the installation straightly?05:36
krammeri am trying to open the lokkit file any help?05:36
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bulmerbenn92647: those are off the air receivers, it has connector (QAM) for cable digital tv and local stations hdtv05:36
CarlFKjust read http://www.fs-driver.org/faq.html#acc_ext3 - I guess ext3 is just fine.05:36
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Andrew250CarlFK: yep I've used it, but I can't fine that damn recover program.05:37
coolwondermdious:so you mean the wireless card is working in eth model?05:37
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GamingXHow to open bittorent in Ubuntu?05:37
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devinderbhullarshoud i use sudo su - to run CPAN05:37
CarlFKAndrew250: it is in the universe repo - understand that ?05:37
CarlFKGamingX: click on the .torrent05:38
Andrew250CarlFK: where is that?05:38
devinderbhullari must be in root05:38
devinderbhullaror sudo cpan05:38
GamingXCarkFK: I was downloading the file and accidently closed it....05:38
JohnuahCarlFK: yo05:38
Andrew250CarlFK: nope I don't under stand sorry05:38
CarlFKAndrew250: syn... package manger, settings, repos05:39
Andrew250CarlFK: I'm a real noob with ubuntu05:39
coolwondermdious , what's your wireless card?05:39
mdiouscoolwonder:  yeah, when i modprobe ndiswrapper it says "wlan0" but it's actually eth1.  It is a broadcom...ah can't think of the name at the moment, i'll check05:39
Andrew250CarlFK: where is package manager?05:39
Andrew250CarlFK: and what is sn?05:39
bulmercoolwonder: http://www.houseofcraig.net/acx100_howto.php05:39
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Andrew250CarlFK: syn?05:39
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CarlFKAndrew250: system, admin, syntapic package manger, settings, repos - check the top 405:40
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mdiouscoolwonder:  bcm4306, I had to add "blacklist bcm43xx" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist...05:40
bulmermdious: you have an acx (TI)  and it turn out tobe broadcom?05:40
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zirohello can someone answer a question for me?? i need to know how to install a theme in ubuntu 6.0605:40
coolwonderoh, i am totally lost, so let me try first, thank u all05:41
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mdiousbulmer:  no I know it is a broadcom ;)05:41
Andrew250CarlFK: I can't find settings05:41
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CarlFKAndrew250:  menu: file, edit, package, settings, help05:42
bulmermdious: he said he had an acx thats a TI chip05:42
bullgard4What is 'suspend2'? "Suspend2 is most easily described as the Linux equivalent of Windows' hibernate functionality. It saves the contents of memory to disk and powers down." So, is suspend2 a program, a script, a DEB program package or what?05:42
Andrew250ah eys05:42
jcaspeAnyone know how to automatically run programs from startup?05:42
Andrew250CarlFK: yes05:42
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mdiousbulmer:  i know, I still thought I might be able to help, don't worry, I won't make that mistake again05:43
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Andrew250CarlFK: ok I think I did that05:43
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Johnuahwubi is so small with just 10mb , can it work correctly?05:43
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Andrew250CarlFK: were you talking about Downloadable from the internet?05:44
CarlFKAndrew250:  hit "reload" wait... hit "search" and type "reover"05:44
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hollowlife1987Johnuah, yes, it will download the ubuntu alt install cd and use that05:44
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CarlFKAndrew250: yes05:44
Andrew250I found recover under installed.05:44
devinderbhullari cant use install bundle05:44
bulmermdious: sorry i came across wrongly...im just pointing out its tI and not broadcom05:45
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CBiLLjust install ubuntu but clicking on Applications does nothing but bring up a text "Browse and run installed applictions" hrmmp05:45
CarlFKAndrew250: good.  now to figure out how to use it :)05:45
Andrew250CarlFK: I'm going to upgrade recover05:45
mdiousbulmer:  no that's okay, it was stupid of me to think what worked for one thing might work with another, you did nto come across wrongly, sorry for being so rude05:45
Johnuahhollowlife1987: so , does it mean that which will take me long to install05:45
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Andrew250CarlFK: ok upgraded05:46
CBiLLnow it saying it can't grab my keyboard? =P05:46
hollowlife1987Johnuah, first while your in windows it will download the cd iso, then you reboot and it will go throgh the install selecting options for ya05:46
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CarlFKAndrew250: find/install gpart "Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions"05:46
bulmermdious: i dont know, maybe ndiswrapper would work too, i just happen to use the driver that came and modified later upon coming across that article i pasted05:46
mdiousbulmer:  I'm still using dapper drake :P05:46
=== Award [n=jpdp@core-philly-4-113.dynamic-dialup.coretel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Johnuahhollowlife1987: do you mean I should download the ubuntu iso file from internet additionly?05:47
bulmermdious: so am i..am using dapper, i prefer stability than bleeding edge05:47
Andrew250CarlFK: ok installed05:47
CBiLLhrmmm ubuntu buggy?05:47
Kyle___Can anyone help me compile things? I got gcc just it says I need glib now05:47
hollowlife1987Johnuah, if you dont have the ubuntu 7.04 alt install cd it will download it for you while its still in windows if you do just place the iso image in the same folder as the wubi installer exe05:48
AwardI just spontaneously lost 2 drives (all are brand new, running 4 days) on Feisty Server.  I'm starting to hate RAID (I had a Windows box randomly lose two drives with an Intel fake raid driver too)05:48
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AwardHow can I mark a drive that I KNOW is good as good again and try to start with the array AGAIN?05:48
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CarlFKAndrew250: might as well get this too:  TestDisk Partition scanner and disk recovery tool05:48
AwardAnd is there any test I can run on the drives to be sure they're good (just to triple check)05:48
mdiousbulmer:  I've been on isdn so getting new cd iso's has always been an issue...and I never wanted them in the mail (I know you can get them free)05:48
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CBiLLheh ubuntu locked up on me =/ how do I get out of it?05:48
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mudkipdesulol no luck :(05:49
bullgard4jcaspe: Try Gnome main menu System > Preferences > Sessions > Start programs > New.05:49
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mudkipdesui should just reinstall ubuntu05:49
Andrew250CarlFK: ok onde05:49
Andrew250CarlFK: done05:49
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AwardThis is a test: Can anyone actually see what I'm saying? (I'm running a new IRC client, and I've noticed nobody ever response since i started it.)05:49
mdiousAward:  i can05:49
devinderbhullaryes i dont have GZIP05:49
Awardmdious: Thanks05:49
Johnuahhollowlife1987: And I have downloaded the iso file. As you guidiance, what I should do is to put the iso file into the wubi folder. Am I right?05:49
mudkipdesuAward: good05:49
devinderbhullarhow can i get GZIP and Compress Zlib05:49
CarlFKAndrew250: im booting up a 2nd box to experiment on... and gegting a drink.  just a sec05:50
bulmermdious: just curious, do you guys that use ISDN still pay a pretty penny per kilobit like?05:50
Andrew250CarlFK: ok I'm going to micowave my dinner05:50
hollowlife1987Johnuah, yes, if it is the alt install cd and not the desktop or server, if you dont have it the wubi installer will download it for you05:50
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Johnuahhollowlife1987: I need not to burn the ISO into cd, right?05:51
AngryElfhow can I get a file system tree in the sidebar of gedit?05:51
mdiousbulmer:  no before moving I lived on a farm and there was a goverment plan for people who could not get broadband, I had unlimited downloads, 2 phone lines for around $90 per month.  Cheaper than what we use to pay with standard dialup05:51
mdious(that is in Australia)05:51
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hollowlife1987Johnuah, correct no need to burn the iso05:52
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Johnuahthat's wonderful ,thank you a lot . Now I go to have a try05:52
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bulmermdious thanks for the info..ISDN really never took off here in california..were they have piloted the test ISDN services..it was too expensive paying per kilobyte05:53
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mdiousbulmer:  I don't think it really took off here either, you either had dialup or adsl (in a city anyway)05:53
buckyRight now I have 20 gigs of unallocated space, can I format it with EXT 2 and multi boot between ubuntu and windows without any problems?05:54
mdiousbulmer:  without the goverment plan for it, I think it is expensive and not worth it, but don't know for sure05:54
buckythe windows partition is NTFS05:54
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Kousotubucky, ifyou have free space, let Ubuntu use only freespace05:55
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Kousotuit'll work fine05:55
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bulmermdious: i believe what killed ISDN here, is once people find out that without power no phone connections as compared to like analog lines.there is always -48 volts and can still call emergency05:55
buckyIt doesn't need a file system?05:55
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Kousotubucky, Ubuntu will install the file system on free space05:56
buckyok, thanks alot05:56
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mdiousbulmer:  yeah we had a separate line for internet and phone...05:56
mdiousnot that it helps what you are saying...05:56
Andrew250CarlFK: BACK05:56
Johnuahhollowlife1987: where should I put the iso ?05:56
CarlFKAndrew250:  me too... installing testdisk gpart recover05:57
Andrew250CarlFK: ok05:57
hollowlife1987Johnuah, same folder as the wubi install exe05:57
taxmanok this is baffling me. When I do an ls in /media it looks like I have the permissions I need in the mounted directory, but vmware is giving me permission denied errors05:57
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bulmermdious: they dont use the 1B of the 2B+D as phone line and the other digital line (internet) ?05:57
hollowlife1987Johnuah, if its not the right iso wubi will download the right one for you05:57
apeitheoon the wireless meter thing it only shows 3 bars out of 4 even if the wireless router is sitting on top of my laptop--any way to fix it?05:57
Johnuahhollowlife1987: can I put it into the desktop05:58
Johnuahhollowlife1987: and should I change the name?05:58
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mdiousbulmer:  I'm not sure in aus, I only learn all that stuff for your side of the world when doing the cisco exams...they don't really cover how it works in aus05:58
allbertLinux linuxgeeks.us 2.6.22-9-generic #1 SMP Fri Aug 3 00:50:37 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux05:58
hollowlife1987Johnuah, what is the iso name you have right now?05:59
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bulmermdious: ah okay...laters..05:59
mdiousbulmer:  cya05:59
Johnuahubuntu desktop 7.0405:59
Andrew250CarlFK: so I just want to lay things out for you again.  I have 3 USB HDs, and my laptop HD (witch won't be part of the recovery).  The usb drive that has the files on it that needs to be recovered is 160 GB, the second drive is 300GB ext3 with a messed up install of ubuntu, the 3rd USB drive is 500GB NTFS drive with my backups on it.05:59
taxmandrwxr-xrwx  4 taxman root     4096 2007-08-21 23:48 sdb7  but nautilus appears to show different permissions. What gives?05:59
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hollowlife1987Johnuah, thats the wrong iso for wubi, just run the wubi installer and it will grab the right iso06:00
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Andrew250CarlFK: oh and I'm currently using the ubuntu DVD.06:00
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davidb___wow - if I can't find it here about Ubuntu, it probably doesn't exist! :)06:00
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sanzkyhi, does anyone has had problems with java applications and the keyboard?06:01
davidb___ok, anyone run VMWare under Kubuntu?06:01
Johnuahhollowlife1987: okay, but it will intall in c:06:01
Johnuahhollowlife1987: does it safe?06:01
CarlFKAndrew250: some how figure out the /dev/ of each usb drive.  lsusb and dmesg|less should be enough06:01
davidb___and cannot get the sound working?06:01
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Kousotudavidb___, what are you looking for?06:01
CarlFKdavidb___: have you tried qemu?  I kinda like it better than vmware06:01
hollowlife1987Johnuah, it is safe, just defrag your drive before installing for best results06:01
davidb___kousotu: i get getting the message /dev/dsp is busy06:01
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yigalCarlFK: what about virtualbox?06:01
Sretsnomif i use xchat on ubuntu, where are my logs stored06:02
CarlFKyigal: never tried it06:02
davidb___kousotu: i've found several docs on the subject, but nothing has worked.06:02
Andrew250CarlFK:  only 2 of the drives are connected right now 160 and 300gb06:02
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Sretsnomnevermind lol06:02
davidb___kousotu: you run it?06:02
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Andrew250CarlFK: oh and I have no idea what you were asking me to do.06:02
CBiLLhow does one troubleshoot after an install?  it just locks up if I try anything on ubuntu06:02
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databuddyhey anyone know of a method to downgrade 64bit to 32bit fiesty without reinstalling?06:03
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CarlFKAndrew250: heh.  actually, this should get the /dev/ info: fdisk -l06:03
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Paddy_EIREdatabuddy: sounds like a world of pain06:03
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Andrew250CarlFK: ???06:03
databuddyPaddy_EIRE: eh06:03
=== databuddy sighs
Andrew250CarlFK: what is /dev/06:03
CarlFKAndrew250: man fdisk,  " -l     List  the  partition  tables ...  "  will show you things like "Disk /dev/sdc: 16 MB, 16384000 bytes"06:04
CBiLLcan a ubuntu install go bad?06:04
bmxmarinewhats happening06:04
databuddyi thought i wanted to try 64bti but gutsy 64bit is WAY better than the feisty lol06:04
davidb___common people, ask some questions.  i know everyone out there is trying to figgure SOMETHIGN out, rihgt?06:04
databuddyCBiLL: how so06:04
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CBiLLno idea06:04
davidb___andrew250: what are you trying to figure out?06:04
databuddyusually the hdd is dying in my experience06:04
CBiLLinstalled ubuntu and I am unable to get anywhere with it06:04
databuddyor partitions get corrupted etc06:04
CBiLLI am on the desktop now06:04
databuddywhats your setup06:04
CarlFKAndrew250:  /dev/ is how linux gives you 'access' to devices.06:04
davidb___CBIll: what u trying to do?06:04
CBiLL7.04 desktop06:04
CBiLLopen Apllications06:04
hollowlife1987davidb___, yeah im trying to figure out how to install linux-vserver on fiesty06:05
davidb___cbill: what kinda applications?06:05
CBiLLthe Start button on the taskbar06:05
krammerhow can i get to the lokkit program06:05
Andrew250CarlFK: windows isn't working right nw.06:05
CBiLLI clicked on Firefox and it lock up when it started06:05
CarlFKAndrew250: the drivers define the final name.  /dev/hda is Hard Disk A, /dev/sda1 is Scsi Disk A, partition 106:05
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davidb___hallowlife1987: have you tried using "aptitude" ?06:05
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CarlFKAndrew250: whats that got to do with anything ?06:05
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bmxmarinei have had that happen to me too06:05
CBiLLif I click on that ubuntu icon on the taskbar .. nothing happens06:05
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Andrew250CarlFK: fdisk06:06
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CBiLLis it suppose to open a menu of applications?06:06
davidb___hallowlife: it's a program that helps you install applications.06:06
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CarlFKAndrew250: fdisk was a unix command first :)06:06
Andrew250CarlFK: ??06:06
bmxmarineare you running beryl?06:06
davidb___CBiLL: what if you right click?06:06
CBiLLa small tiny yellow bar appear on top of it06:06
bmxmarineCBill are you running beryl too06:06
CBiLL(right click)06:06
teKnofreakCBiLL, how much RAM do you have ?06:06
davidb___CBill:  right click on teh desktop06:06
CBiLL1 gig of ram06:07
hollowlife1987davidb___, i know what linux-vserver is its a vps system for linux, i just cant get it working properly06:07
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CBiLLnothing on the desktop06:07
CBiLLleft or right click06:07
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teKnofreakCBiLL, and how much swap did you create when installing ?06:07
CarlFKAndrew250: /dev/hda1 is 'close' to dos/window's C:06:07
CBiLLthis is default install from cd06:07
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CBiLLI did not create any swap but the installer said it created swaps06:07
davidb___hollowlife1987: ah, k.  cool.  no personal knowledge on it.  not to sound facitiuos, but you loooked at the man pages?06:07
Andrew250CarlFK: fdisk, " -l didn't do anything.06:07
t0nedefsudo fdisk -l06:08
t0nedeftry that06:08
CarlFKAndrew250: no quotes06:08
hollowlife1987davidb___, no prebuilt kernel for feisty exists and when i compile my own kernel it segfaults06:08
CarlFKno sudo, yet06:08
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CBiLLI just popped in cd and first it boot up and loaded ubuntu dekstop and there was 2 icons .. one example and other one install ubuntu and I played around example apps and liked it then click on install ubuntu06:08
Andrew250CarlFK: fdisk, " -l06:08
CBiLLthen it ask for time location and username an dpassword and keyboard type etc06:08
CarlFKAndrew250: no quotes06:08
Andrew250yes without quotes06:09
Andrew250fdisk, -106:09
CBiLLand told to remove cd and rebooted me back into desktop but nothing working in it06:09
CarlFKno comma either06:09
CBiLLwell firefox icon works and locks me up06:09
CarlFKAndrew250: guessing you are looking at where I was pasting docs :)06:09
Andrew250CarlFK: I'm in the termanal ubuntu@ubuntu: ~06:09
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CarlFKAndrew250: juser@e18:~$ fdisk -l06:09
CBiLLshould I reinstall or it moot point to do so?06:10
CarlFKAndrew250:  l for list, not #106:10
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Andrew250ah yea06:10
Andrew250CarlFK: command not found06:10
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Andrew250ah there we bo06:11
CBiLLok it locked up again heh06:11
Andrew250CarlFK: go06:11
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Kousotuanyone know how to disable a touchpad on a laptop?06:11
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Andrew250CarlFK: ok do you want me to list the drives?06:11
Andrew250should we starts a privet chat?06:11
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Andrew250CarlFK: should we starts a privet chat?06:12
CBiLLcan anyone assist me with this fresh install of ubuntu? it locking up and doing nothing06:12
CBiLLnothing works on it06:12
CarlFKAndrew250: na - there are usfull tidbits now and then06:12
ZoffixHi, a shot in the sky, but has anybody here was able to get "Dell Color Laser 1320c" printer working on Ubuntu?06:12
ScreamingAtAWallCBiLL: when does it hang06:12
CBiLLwhen I open firefox06:12
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Kousotutonyyarusso, any ideas how I could go about doing that?06:12
Andrew250CarlFK: lol06:12
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CarlFKAndrew250: what are the /dev/ for the 2 drives we care about ?06:12
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CBiLLbut I can't open any applictions at all .. clicking on the unbuntu icon does nothing or does not bring up menu06:13
CBiLLso only thing i can open is calander or firefox or email06:13
CBiLLwhich seem to be a default install06:13
zeeblepress Alt + F206:13
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tonyyarussoKousotu: I'm not sure if there's a graphical utility for it, but you can always comment out the relevant section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and restart X.06:13
zeebleand in the run dialog, type gnome-terminal06:13
CBiLLbox pops up06:13
CBiLLRun Appliction06:13
zeebleyes. type gnome-terminal there06:13
zeebleand press enter06:14
Andrew250CarlFK: /dev/sdb: 300gb  /dev/sdc: 160GB06:14
CBiLLterm is up06:14
zeeblein the screen, type top and press enter. and see what procss is taking up memory or CPU06:14
CarlFKAndrew250: both just have 1 big partition ?06:14
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CBiLLthe most is Xorg at 2.0%06:15
Andrew250CarlFK: no b has 3 and c has none.06:15
diseaserIf you want to be the most popular person in your class, whenever the professor pauses in his lecture, just let out a big snort and say "How do you figger that!" real loud.  Then lean back and sort of smirk.06:15
Andrew250CarlFK: C is the messed up one06:15
CBiLLmost is Xorg 2.0 cpu and 1.8 mem06:15
Andrew250CarlFK: and D is the one with the botched Ubuntu drive.06:15
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diseaseranyone know what the thing is on the panel that alerts you when new updates are available and also lets you minimize transmission into the system tray?06:15
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diseaserI somehow removed it from the panel and I can't figure out how to readd it06:15
CarlFKAndrew250: where do you want to make the 160g backup file?06:15
yigaldiseaser: update manager ?06:16
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Kousotutonyyarusso, but I ned to be careful, I still want my mouse, but not the touchpad06:16
Andrew250on C06:16
Andrew250CarlFK: opps B06:16
diseaseryigal: i tried that but its not the same as the default thing.. like normally, it would not be there unless an updtae was ready, but wheN I add update manager to the panel, its always there06:16
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tonyyarussoKousotu: it should be pretty obvious which is which.06:16
CBiLLSwap: is actual swap size? from the look of it .. it look like installer made the whole drive Swap drive?06:16
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Andrew250CarlFK: where the botched ubuntu is.  Should I formate that drive first?06:17
CarlFKAndrew250: which partition ?  sdb1, sdb2 or sdb3 ?06:17
CarlFKAndrew250: hang on, I need to take notes ... :)06:17
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Kousotutonyyarusso, how do I kill and restart X without killing Linux?06:17
Andrew250can I copy the info on the termanal some how for you?06:17
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PanicByteKousotu, Ctrl + Alt + Backspace06:17
diseaserKousotu: ctrl+alt+backspace06:18
CBiLLnow it all working after I open that terminal06:18
Andrew250CarlFK: can I copy the info on the termanal some how for you?06:18
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WolydargJust recently installed Ubuntu on a desktop, and I need to know why my speakers still play sound when I plug my headphones in, can anyone help?06:18
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CarlFKyeah, select with the mouse, shift click into the box on http://dpaste.com/06:18
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CarlFK(that is the easy way to copy text)06:18
CBiLLwhy did it start working after I open terminal?06:18
=== playerzen is about to throw his laptop out the window.
PanicByteWolydarg, do you have USB headphones or USB speakers?06:18
RogeXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".06:18
Roge <--- i get this error for beryl and desktop-effects, not sure what i broke. but nvidia-glx is installed06:18
tonyyarussoKousotu: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart06:19
CarlFKAndrew250: (er.. see 2 lines above)06:19
WolydargPanicByte: negative on both06:19
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PanicByteWolydarg, is it onboard audio?06:19
Kousotugedit, right?06:19
Pragna<Wolydarg>, you has SPDIF out!? :)06:19
Rogedoes anyone know how i can enable glx ?06:19
WolydargPragna: what's SPDIF? (sorry, new to linux)06:20
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CBiLLdigital audio out06:20
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Andrew250CarlFK: http://dpaste.com/17470/06:20
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Manignughello everyone06:20
Manignugcan I get a hand with this apt-get message "Couldn't find package xorg-x11-devel"?06:21
PanicByteWolydarg, who's the computer/motherboard manufacturer?06:21
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goldbondhello. i am trying to save a copy of a aspx stream onto my computer, but i can't find any software to do it. if any of you can help, i would be grateful.06:21
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goldbond(well, i can't find any software for linux and i don't have windows)06:22
Rogeis there a utility to reconfigure the x server ?06:22
CBiLLrestarting ubuntu to see if it locks up again06:22
Pragna////It is a simple socket, as in a player!06:22
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CarlFKAndrew250: you don't need anytying on  /dev/sdb: 300.0 GB right?06:22
WolydargPanicByte: Um, it's an ECS Nforce mobo06:22
PragnaIt is a simple socket, as in a player!06:22
Andrew250CarlFK: nope06:22
PanicBytefigures, NCS mobo's have weird sound06:23
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GullyFoyleManignug: there's xorg-dev and xserver-xorg-dev06:23
PanicBytedo you have the one where you can configure the difforent ports with drivers so that it can either be 5.1 or you can have an input, and microphone?06:23
CBiLLsame thing06:23
CBiLLit won't do anything after a reboot06:23
PanicBytecause i used to have a weird motherboard like that06:24
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CBiLLafter alt-F2 and running gnome-terminal it start working again06:24
CBiLLhow come?06:24
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CarlFKAndrew250: make sure you understand what this next does.  double check my work (you know the man command?).  cuz this is a dozy: dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/sdb06:24
GullyFoyleManignug: if you have to compile something xorg-dev is probably what you need06:24
WolydargPanicByte: All I know is that I can plug in my headphones/mic into the front of the computer and the speakers in the back, and everything worked like a charm (small vocab when it comes to computer lingo)06:25
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Noah0504Is fwcutter and wl_apsta.o the best way to get a bcm4318 wireless card working?06:25
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Andrew250CarlFK: nope I don't know the man command.06:25
Manignugyeah I couldnt find the proper apt-get on google06:25
CarlFKAndrew250: man dd06:25
CarlFKAndrew250:  man = manual06:25
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Andrew250CarlFK: I have know idea what that does.06:26
CarlFKAndrew250: man man = man - an interface to the on-line reference manuals ;)06:26
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PanicByteWolydarg, the only thing i can recommend to you is open terminal, and type "alsamixer" and play with that06:26
CarlFKAndrew250:  documentation06:26
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Andrew250CarlFK: ok what do we need that for?06:26
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WolydargPanicByte: Well, it was better than my idea of hitting the speakers a few times. Thanks.06:27
PanicBytebecause usually when you plug in headphones to the front of the computer, it sets a physical switch to turn off the back port06:27
CarlFKAndrew250:  to make sure the dangerous commands are done right06:27
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PanicBytebut i know ECS motherboards have really weird sound configurations06:27
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buckyhey, it's me again.06:27
buckyI'm trying to install ubuntu now, and I'm wondering how important the swap partition is06:28
Andrew250CarlFK: ok just tell me what to do and I'll try my best to fallow your instructions oh wise CarlFK.06:28
CarlFKbucky: about 706:28
tigranMy internet (wifi) is really unstable. Its connected to the router (via wifi)  but most of the time I have no internet.06:28
=== Travo [n=Travis@adsl-68-126-91-143.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
zeeblehow much ram do you have? and yes, it is essential.06:28
CarlFKAndrew250: do this, all of it: make sure you understand what this next does.  double check my work (you know the man command?).  cuz this is a dozy: dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/sdb06:28
zeeblebucky: a desktop, or a laptop?06:28
CarlFKbucky: why do you care?06:28
Travowhats up people06:28
zeeblebucky: so go with 1gb of swap.06:29
zeeblewill be more than enough.06:29
buckybecause it means I have to cancel the installation and make a new partition06:29
CarlFKbucky: if you have a small disk and lots of ram, you can do without.  small and lots are up to you06:29
zeebleyes. do it.06:29
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zeeblequit the install, and create a small 1GB partition for swap.06:29
Johnuahhollowlife1987: hi , are you online. through wubi to download ubuntu is too slow for me06:29
CarlFKbucky: that's what you get for messing with the defaults :)06:30
zeebleor carry on with the install06:30
tekbullcomo me camio a un server en espaol?06:30
t0nedefi hate the defaults06:30
Andrew250CarlFK: so you want me to do dd if=/dev/sdc of=dev/sdb?06:30
CBiLLzeeble : any idea why when it first boot up I can't do anything on desktop or open the start menu until I alt-f2 and open gnome-term?06:30
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hollowlife1987Johnuah, then do this06:30
Travoi just got my broaDCOM WORKING06:30
Johnuahjust tell out06:30
Andrew250CarlFK: is that one command?06:30
t0nedefthey are so.... conservitave06:30
tigranMy internet (wifi) is really unstable. Its connected to the router (via wifi) but most of the time I have no interne06:30
hollowlife1987download the altertive (sp) install cd for ubuntu06:30
CarlFKAndrew250: only if you can tell me what it does :)06:30
Travoshit a bitch to setup06:30
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zeebleand after you are done, boot with the ubuntu CD, create a new partition as swap. then put the swap partition in your fstab06:30
t0nedefgrats, i got mine workin too, not that hard, though there can be some headaches06:30
Travofor me it was, haha06:31
zeebleCBiLL: i dunno. are you able to open applications from the terminal/run menu?06:31
Travoim a newb and shit06:31
Andrew250CarlFK: ah shit06:31
t0nedefTravo, its ok, people can help06:31
Polygon89hey, a iptables question. I entered a command to have IP table block RST packets, do i have to do anything else to make iptables start working, as the command doesnt seem to be working.06:31
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CBiLLzeeble : once I open gnome-terminal  then I can open any apps using start menu or click of mouses06:31
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t0nedeftry rebooting06:31
UbulindyI just installed Gutsy, all the codecs for divx, and mpeg layer 3, for VLC, and Totem, but have no audio at all...where can I get them?06:31
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kahrytanPolygon89, you use comcast?06:32
Travowhen i need help im going here more often, haha06:32
Travosounds like u guys know ur stuff06:32
t0nedefTrav, yep yep06:32
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zeebleCBiLL: oh. dunno then. i was thinking of something else, but dunno why your menu doesnt work06:32
Polygon89kahrytan, yeah lol, i heard this nice iptables command to get around the comcast torrent blocking thing06:32
Andrew250CarlFK: ok give me about 5 min to find the info.06:32
kahrytanPolygon89, I feel sorry for you06:32
CBiLLzeeble : when I first boot up .. nothign will work until I alt-F2 then type in gnome-terminal then menu will start working or I can start using internet etc06:32
t0nedefTravo some of us do, some of us don't, but when we work together, those of us who don't learn06:32
CarlFKAndrew250: find?  where are you looking?06:32
Polygon89kahrytan, well if this works then i can get past it.06:32
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Polygon89kahrytan, but yeha it does suck, although i can still dl torrents, i cant seed em =/06:32
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kahrytanPolygon89, and the cap?06:32
zeebleCBiLL: well, that is a weird issue. please report it at ubuntuforums06:32
Travoi wanna know linux well06:33
CarlFKAndrew250: at the promt, type man man06:33
Polygon89kahrytan, cap? they only prevent you from seeding not downloading06:33
zeeblethen just use it.06:33
t0nedeftravo: tldp.org06:33
davidthedrakeGood evening everyone.06:33
t0nedefHello David06:33
CBiLLzeeble : does installer create the best partation and swap on the drive? or I have to do that myself?06:33
kahrytanPolygon89, That explains why my downloads are so slow.06:33
CBiLLI wonder if it create swap or something06:33
CarlFKAndrew250:  then man dd.  doubt you will find dd docs on ubuntu.com06:33
t0nedefI learned a lot before that place existed, but that place still has lots i don't know yet06:33
tigranMy internet (wifi) is really unstable. Its connected to the router (via wifi) but most of the time I have no interne06:33
Polygon89kahrytan, yeah, people who use comcast now cant seed, but i can still download torrents at full speed, must be a diff problem.06:33
zeebleCBiLL: well, it can create, but i have never allowed it to do anything. i do it manually06:33
CBiLLwell I am newbie and I was told all I need to do is pop in cd and follow step06:34
CarlFKCBiLL: yes, unless you think you know whats best,06:34
kahrytanPolygon89, You and others should dump comcast.06:34
Johnuahhollowlife1987: hi.```` Are you okay?06:34
CarlFKCBiLL: go with the defaults.06:34
Andrew250line 27?06:34
CBiLLI did went with defaults but seem to be giving me issues06:34
Polygon89kahrytan, no can do. the only other isp around for cable is quest, and they are much worse (i had them before comcast)06:34
zeebleCBiLL: type less /etc/fstab in a terminal. it will tell you if a swap partition has been created or not06:34
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Polygon89kahrytan, and before this, i had no issues with comcast whatsoever, our internet has been pretty stable and good :D06:34
CarlFKAndrew250: 27?06:34
zeebleby default, a swap partition will be created.06:34
kahrytanPolygon89,I think qwest was better06:35
hollowlife1987Johnuah, sry had to let dog outside, download the alt install cd, then put it in the same folder you have the wubi installer exe in06:35
Andrew250manual page man(1) line 27?06:35
smartkingcan I ask about ubuntu?06:35
Polygon89kahrytan, at least where i live they take down the internet at least once a week for like the whole day, its very unstable, ....06:35
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zeeblesmartking: sure.06:35
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CBiLLI don't see swap in it06:35
davidthedrake!ask | smartking06:35
ubot3smartking: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:35
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kahrytanPolygon89, Where is that06:35
zeebleCBiLL: there isnt? hm. weird.06:35
Polygon89kahrytan, tucson, arizona06:36
CarlFKAndrew250: what about it?06:36
Travohey anyone here mod on xbox?, i herd u can have a firefox browser and a distro of linux on there06:36
zeeblecan you paste all the contents of your /etc/fstab in pastebin.com?06:36
Travonot sure what it is tho06:36
GullyFoylecomcast is always on here in connecticut06:36
CBiLLyes I can access the net06:36
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t0nedefAh, Travo, i know what your talking about, gimme a sec06:36
Andrew250CarlFK: do you know what line the info is I'm looking for?06:36
smartkingI need use ubuntu for Webserver & entertainment ?06:36
Johnuahhollowlife1987: I found a folder named wubi in c:\  , should I put it into the folder . And where can I get a Alternate CD??06:36
LinksysHi, is anyone able to help me with my Desktop effects??06:36
ubot3Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate06:36
kahrytanPolygon89, I have Verizon :-P06:36
smartkinguse what version?06:36
GullyFoyletbut connecticut has lots of money and they don't wanna piss off the rich people06:36
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Polygon89kahrytan, heh. anyways im going to try restarting and see if this iptables command takes effect, its not working atm...06:37
CarlFKAndrew250: no.  you need to read and understand.  ideally tell me what the command I gave you is gonna do06:37
kahrytanPolygon89, And they don't cap or put restrictions on use06:37
davidthedrakeLinksys, what's the problem you're having?06:37
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smartkingwhat version can support for entertainment both webserver06:37
hollowlife1987Johnuah, give me a minute06:37
t0nedefTravo: your doing this on an original xbox right, cuz my understanding is it doesn't work on the 360 yet06:37
Andrew250CarlFK: yes master06:37
Polygon89kahrytan, neither does comcast (unless you download a TON of stuff) there is just a limit on up/down speeds.06:37
Polygon89kahrytan, brb restarting06:37
t0nedefTravo: http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/Main_Page06:37
Johnuahhollowlife1987: of course that. you are kindness06:37
t0nedefhave fun with that06:37
Travoits a old shitty one06:37
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Andrew250CarlFK: what was the command again?06:37
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CarlFKAndrew250:  or just hope I got it rigth and whack one of your drives :)06:37
omalley/window 206:38
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noctismartking: altho all versions can do what you want, just get the latest version06:38
CarlFKAndrew250: dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/sdb06:38
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smartkingoh ty. I'm downloading ver server edition ^.^06:38
CBiLLthis is a fresh install so I have np re installing it if needed06:38
Travohey deaf06:38
zeebleCBiLL: there is a swap partition. /dev/sda5 so no probs on that score06:38
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Travocheck that out06:38
CBiLLoh sda5? ah ok06:38
hollowlife1987Johnuah, http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/          then just put that in the same folder as the wubi installer exe, and run the installer again06:39
CarlFKAndrew250: Ill throw you a bone: /dev/ things are/arn't files depending on who you ask.06:39
Ubulindyanyone can help me on getting the proper audio codecs for Gutsy?06:39
t0nedefthere is supposed to be one floating around, but it isn't official yet06:39
zeebleUbulindy: try in #ubuntu+106:39
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JohnuahPC (Intel x86) desktop CD , is this right?06:39
CarlFKAndrew250: what is important is to understand what they do: they are a reference to a device, and can read/write to the devise just like you read/write to a file.06:39
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Andrew250CarlFK: I don't see DD06:40
LinksysHi, is anyone able to help me with my Desktop effects??06:40
CarlFKAndrew250: did you type dd?06:40
slopProblem : my brand new wireless PCI card in my PC is only connecting to my router at about 50% signal strength, and its only 15 feet from the router.  However, my neighbors routers often give me as hjgh as 95-100%.  Also, if i do 'sudo ifconfig ath0 down', my strength boosts to 100% but then i don't have internet.  any ideas, suggestions?06:40
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Andrew250CarlFK: ah nm06:41
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Johnuahhollowlife1987: I saw the alternate ,now I will download it06:41
Andrew250CarlFK:  1 Executable programs:06:41
Andrew250CarlFK: ....06:41
noctiLinksys: what about desktop effects?06:41
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t0nedefTravo, if your a masochist, go with this http://gentoox.shallax.com/06:42
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hollowlife1987Johnuah,  ok :) after its downloaded move it to the same folder the wubi installer is in and run the installer06:42
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Linksysnoctil;well when i enable the desktop effectsl i have to enable driver. and then its asking me to reboot. so i do and i get a failed to start x serever, so after i have to run "sudo dpkg-configure xserver-xorg and pick vesa agn.06:43
bullgard4What is 'suspend2'? "Suspend2 is most easily described as the Linux equivalent of Windows' hibernate functionality. It saves the contents of memory to disk and powers down." So, is suspend2 a program, a script, a DEB program package or what?06:43
Johnuahhollowlife1987: And do I need more than 4 G spaces to do the installation?06:43
=== Dougie [n=Dougie@pool-71-240-28-61.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Andrew250CarlFK: so you're trying to teach me about man?06:43
DougieI'm trying to install ubuntu from a USB dvd-rom drive and its saying none of the cdrom drivers work06:43
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CarlFKAndrew250: yeah.  that should take you about 20 seconds.  (don't read the whole man man page)06:43
CarlFKAndrew250: get on to man dd06:44
buckyBefore I made that new 1gb partition, I saw where windows was installed, and all my free space in the prepare partitions window, now all I see is /dev/sda06:44
hollowlife1987Johnuah,  4GB of space is cutting it pretty low i would use at least 10gb of space06:44
noctiLinksys: sorry i thought you wanted beryl or compiz or something like that *shrug*06:44
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Linksysnocti; ohh.. lol06:44
Johnuah10 gb?06:44
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Dougiecan anyone help me?06:44
noctiLinksys: nvidia?06:44
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Johnuahhollowlife1987: oh god06:44
Linksysnocti; yes06:45
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krammerIs tripwire a good program to use??06:45
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csc`* lynucs_ has quit (Success) ?06:45
Linksysnocti; i also installed the neewest driver.06:45
kousotutonyyarusso, it still works...06:45
tigranMy internet (wifi) is really unstable. Its connected to the router (via wifi) but most of the time I have no internet.06:45
noctiLinksys: did you install the nvidia drivers specific for you chipset?06:45
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Johnuahhollowlife1987: my hard disk space is not enough06:45
csc`tigran: adjust router or buy a new card. or perhaps check your config and/or drivers/06:45
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hollowlife1987Johnuah, how big is your hdd?06:45
davidthedrakeI only want to specify my modem for my DNS server - How do I make it so that my DNS Servers don't reset every time I connect?06:45
Andrew250CarlFK: what does this mean?http://dpaste.com/17472/06:45
Linksysnocti; also when i go to restrict manger, and enable it there. then i got to desktop effects and enmable it , it says "Desktop effects could not be be enable06:46
CBiLLdoes ubuntu have dvd iso burner on default install?06:46
DougieI'm trying to install ubuntu from a USB dvd-rom drive and its saying none of the cdrom drivers work06:46
tigrancsc' kinda a lot at once for a someone knew to linux06:46
hollowlife1987Johnuah, i mean you could install with 4GB just dont go crazy installing lots of stuff06:46
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CarlFKAndrew250: it means if you type "man dd" you will get the manual page for dd :)06:46
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krammerIs tripwire a good program to use??06:46
Johnuahhollowlife1987: is there any method to substitute ? 15 gb06:46
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Johnuahhollowlife1987: 9gb has been used for windows os06:47
Travo_ok im back06:47
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Travo_pc keeps freexing06:47
kousotutonyyarusso, ya there?06:47
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sparri want to install ubuntu onto a machine that can only[ish]  boot from the network.  help?06:47
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tonyyarussokousotu: yeah06:47
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kousotutonyyarusso, it still works...06:47
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tonyyarussokousotu: odd...06:48
Johnuahhollowlife1987: and the pc which is being used by me now is my office mobile computer06:48
hollowlife1987Johnuah, just try using 4GB not sure how well it would work but you should be able to get a decent feel for ubuntu06:48
kousotuI commented it and everything...06:48
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=== Pelo wonders what kousuto is trying to break
joeblow988has anyone installed ubuntu 7.04 on a toshiba x205 laptop? I get busy box and initramfs and it just hangs06:48
noctiLinksys: i think you should enable  your xorg.conf to use the nvidia drivers, im not sure about ubuntu how to go about that, im a gentoo user, google?06:48
Andrew250CarlFK: dd - conver and copy a file06:48
DougieI'm trying to install ubuntu from a USB dvd-rom drive and its saying none of the cdrom drivers work06:48
Andrew250CarlFK: ah that's it?06:48
kousotuPelo: Touchpad06:48
CarlFKAndrew250: getting close.06:48
Pelojoeblow988, what videocard ?06:48
krammerIs tripwire a good program to use??06:48
dorican someone tell me how I go about getting the source package of libexiv2-0.12 and all of its dependencies so I can make my own package?06:48
Johnuahhollowlife1987: I do not want to take a big modify on it06:48
Travo_anyone know why my mepis keeps freezing ?06:48
buckyBefore I made that new 1gb partition, I saw where windows was installed, and all my free space in the prepare partitions window, now all I see is /dev/sda06:48
joeblow988Pelo: Nvidia 8700M GT06:49
Linksysnocti; yea i ahve done that still same problem06:49
Pelodori,  google06:49
Travo_is there anyway to do a cleanup on linux to fix this shit?06:49
Johnuahhollowlife1987: but I have 4 gb invisiable disk partition in my hdd06:49
doriPelo: $ google06:49
doribash: google: command not found06:49
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hollowlife1987Johnuah, that is probally the recovery partition06:49
tigranPelo, you're smart06:49
Pelojoeblow988,  nvidia doesn'T make FOSS driver so it not part of the live cd,  you need to use the alternate install cd , it has a text based intaller06:49
tigrancan you help me with my internet problem?06:49
kousotudori, gogle on the internet lol06:50
dorikousotu: no shit06:50
joeblow988pelo: so its just a live cd problem? The rest of the install will go fine? Awesome06:50
Pelotigran,  you can always ask , I'll see what I an do06:50
kousotuthn why'd you bash it?06:50
dorikousotu: humoring Pelo06:50
Pelojoeblow988, well I can't give you any garanties but that should be it06:50
joeblow988pelo, thanks. I'll try it.06:51
Andrew250CarlFK: copy from drive ...06:51
tigranPelo: Well I'm using wifi and I'm connected to router but I cant load web pages, but as you can see I'm in IRC and irc is working, its weird06:51
Johnuahhollowlife1987: I have installed the ubuntu desktop 7.04 on it successfully ,but after my reinstallation my cd rom does not work correctly .It helps nothing although I have burned 4 Live CDs06:51
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Pelodori,  you want to find source codes,  google is the best way to go about it06:51
kousotudori, oh.. lol06:51
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kousotutonyyarusso, any ideas?06:51
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tonyyarussokousotu: not tonight at least06:51
krammerIs tripwire a good program to use??06:51
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Pelotigran,  I know nothing about wifi,   try looking it up in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.org,  try searching for  wifi no firefox06:52
kousotutonyyarusso, does ## mean the same as #?06:52
hollowlife1987Johnuah, hmm dunno i need to get up early tomorrow though so i cant finish helping you,06:52
buckyso. many. questions.06:52
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tonyyarussokousotu: Except in some kinds of config files where you need both for a comment, and some types of info are unde rjust one.06:52
Pelokrammer,  you are not being ignored, but apparently no one currently here knows what tripwire is06:52
Andrew250CarlFK: copy from this drive to another.06:52
Pelobucky,  this is a quiet time06:52
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kousotuleme try the2nd way lol06:52
CarlFKAndrew250: yup.  did I get the drives right?06:53
h1st0whattup with ubotu?06:53
playerzenwhat is irc ?06:53
=== playerzen innocently whistles.
bulmertigran: only a particular web site or all of them?06:53
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Peloplayerzen, Internet Relay Chat06:53
buckyBefore I made that new 1gb partition, I saw where windows was installed, and all my free space in the prepare partitions window, now all I see is /dev/sda06:53
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Andrew250CarlFK: i DON'T REMEMBER now.06:53
teKnofreakplayerzen, was that sarcasm ? :D06:53
noctiLinksys: prior to using desktop effects, can you use your nvidia for anything that require opengl? like ppracer or something?06:53
tigranBulmer: all06:53
=== ubuntu-console [n=roger@CPE001731f71133-CM001225db9aa0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
kousotutonyyarusso, how do you end Xwithout restaring the computeR?06:53
playerzenteKnofreak ^_- I'm just loving reading this channel06:54
Pelobucky, in gparted ?06:54
bulmertigran: does your router/AP blocks ports or forwards them to your client?06:54
teKnofreakplayerzen, heh06:54
playerzenit's better than tv06:54
ubuntu-consoleHow do i refresh my desktop xserver gnome etc. to the way it was when i fresh installed  including drivers etc ?06:54
buckyno, I used partition manager06:54
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tonyyarussokousotu: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop06:54
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Johnuahhollowlife1987: oh ,that's all right , You have do me a big favour really ,Thank you very much indeed06:54
tigranfor certain apps06:54
lazaruslupinekousotu,  ctrl-alt-backspace should restart x06:54
CarlFKAndrew250: dd if=/dev/X of=/dev/Y  (you get figure out X and Y)06:54
h1st0ubuntu-console: remove .gnome in your ~06:54
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ubuntu-consolethe x server is buggerd to though h1st006:54
ubuntu-consoleit wont start06:54
h1st0ubuntu-console: the drivers though are going to be an issue06:54
hollowlife1987Johnuah, well np but i must go now, so night :)06:54
Pelobucky,  I don'T know that one, sorry, is it possible you accidently deleted your partitons ?06:55
Andrew250CarlFK: x=c y=b06:55
h1st0ubuntu-console: whynot fix it then06:55
ubuntu-consoleim trying06:55
Johnuahgood night06:55
h1st0ubuntu-console: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:55
tigranbulmer: in case ya missed it, certain apps are port forwarded06:55
buckyPelo, I sure as hell hope not, I have no way of reinstalling windows06:55
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Andrew250CarlFK: but as you can see the c drive has no partision06:55
bulmertigran: then make sure port 80 is forwarded06:55
bulmerand not blocked06:55
h1st0bucky: what is your problem?06:55
Pelobucky,  any refresh option ?06:55
h1st0bucky: fdisk -l will list your partitions if thats what you are looking for.06:56
Andrew250CarlFK: your going to help me recover it right?06:56
h1st0bucky: err. sudo fdisk -l06:56
CarlFKAndrew250: /dev/sdb is the whole drive.  /dev/sdb1 would be the first partition06:56
Andrew250CarlFK: master06:56
sparrwill i encounter any problems installing without a keyboard?06:56
Andrew250CarlFK: yep06:56
buckyh1st0, thanks06:56
CarlFKAndrew250: yeah, and given the drives you have, we can make a backup, and then try to recover the backup06:56
Pelosparr,  the installation requires you to enter username and password so ... yes06:56
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Andrew250CarlFK: I don't under stand06:57
=== playerzen can't get xinerama to work =(
ubuntu-consoleok i done that it seems there are conflicting nvidia driver versions06:57
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Andrew250CarlFK: it's the c drive that we are trying to recover the files from.06:57
Andrew250CarlFK: yet it has no partision06:57
lazaruslupineplayerzen,  whats the issue w/ xinerama?06:57
tigranbulmer: the port is fine06:57
ubuntu-consolehow do i completly remove the nvidia-glx driver ?06:57
CarlFKAndrew250: dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/sdb = copy all of one drive to the other drive (including partition tables06:57
kousotutonyyarusso, can that line be deleted?06:57
tigranbulmer: its not from that06:57
tonyyarussokousotu: what line?06:57
playerzenlazaruslupine x doesn't restart - it doesn't give any errors either06:57
davidthedrakesudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx06:57
Andrew250CarlFK: sounds good06:58
kousotu##InputDevice"Synaptics Touchpad"06:58
davidthedrakeOr something like that :)06:58
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CarlFKAndrew250: drives are just big wads of bytes.  don't need any partitions or files right now.  just gonna move all the bytes from input to output06:58
Andrew250CarlFK: but I thought we had to make an img?06:58
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bulmertigran: are you sure? but you cant browse yah? can you try telnet www.yahoo.com 80   ?06:58
sparrPelo: :(06:58
lazaruslupineplayerzen,  what changes did you make to you x.org config file?06:58
davidthedrake--purge will remove anything else conflicting with it, so be careful :)06:58
sparrPelo: i might call that a bug  :)06:58
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tonyyarussokousotu: Well, i guess it could, if you never want it again.  You're dealing with an entire section though, not just a line.06:59
tigranbulmer: its not that i cant, its that i cant at times, most of the time06:59
buckyh1st0, terminal is showing my drives almost correctly, I think the problem is partition manager doesnt support EXT 306:59
CarlFKAndrew250: I was, but changed my mind when I saw what was avalible.  the .img would let you have other files on the same drive, but not be as easy to work with06:59
tigranbulmer: ping and traceroute work06:59
buckyso I'm going to reformat the drive06:59
Pelosparr,  no it' a linux feature, that's what makes it secure06:59
buckyand start fresh06:59
kousotucan I pm you?06:59
playerzenlazaruslupine: several, added entries for 2 monitors (device, monitor, screen, serverlayout)06:59
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h1st0bucky: what are you trying to do thats not working?06:59
Andrew250CarlFK: ok06:59
bulmertigran: you are confusing me...what the heck exactly is the problem?06:59
CarlFKAndrew250: copy one drive to the other, now you have 2 borked drives.  try to fix one, and if you screw it up bad, just copy again06:59
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Peloh1st0,  he did some resizing and now he doesn't see any partiton on hs drive ( if I understood), he's still in the partition manager07:00
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Andrew250CarlFK: so because the b drive already has partisions on it when we move the data from c to b we'll be able to access the data.07:00
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:00
lazaruslupineplayerzen,  you should be getting an error. try ctrl-alt f1 and then type startx and see if that will print errors07:00
tigranbulmer: im confused as well, my internet works at times, and doesnt work at other times, I can be chatting and web pages dont work or browsing web pages and chat doesnt work, its very odd07:00
Andrew250CarlFK: I get it07:00
CarlFKAndrew250: well, that description isn't it07:00
Johnuahi'm a linux newer, can some one give me some conference & guidance about ubuntu, i just need basically07:01
playerzenlazaruslupine: doesn't kdm call startx ?07:01
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lazaruslupinebut you can call it yourself07:01
bulmertigran: anything with radio antennae is not guaranteed to be able tx 100%07:01
playerzenlazaruslupine: what I do, to apply my new .conf is just ctrl+alt+backspace07:01
PeloJohnuah,  start with these  http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/  http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty  www.ubuntuforums.org07:01
playerzenlazaruslupine: and nothing happens, blank screen07:01
bulmeror rx 100% all the time either07:01
CarlFKAndrew250: partitions are just the results of a few bytes near the beginnning of the drive that point to the start/size/type of each partition.  whack those bytes and you whack the partition _table_07:01
buckyh1st0, I started ubuntu and began the installation process, I didn't realize I needed a swap partition (this is after I formatted the free space I had unallocated with EXT 3). I then used partition manager in DOS to make a new 1gb partition. I don't think partition manager supports EXT 3 which is why the free space showed up as unallocated when it was EXT 3. I still was able to make a 1gb partition, but now the ubuntu installer do07:01
jeremyc_Hey guys..07:01
Andrew250CarlFK: yea I get that07:02
playerzenlazaruslupine: then I have to do killall -9 kdm07:02
tigranbulmer: but its probably 10% up time07:02
buckyI'm going to start fresh now.07:02
Andrew250CarlFK: I understand the idea of an mbr07:02
CarlFKAndrew250:  so the copy will have the same junk07:02
kousotutonyyarusso, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34617/07:02
m0u5ebucky: use gparted to make a swap partition07:02
JohnuahPelo:  tnks a lot07:02
lazaruslupineif you do ctrl-alt-f1 to switch to a console and then startx from there it should be more verbose playerzen07:02
bulmertigran: so, dont use wifi, use wired07:02
h1st0bucky: why don't you just delete the partitions and leave free space and allow the ubuntu installer to do this for your.07:02
tigranbulmer: cant07:02
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playerzenlazaruslupine: ok, I'll try that - I'm in konsole atm so I will bbiab probably :P07:02
jeremyc_I got a question. Anyone ever ran a TV station with linux, or have experience with it?07:02
buckyThe ubuntu installer can make a swap partition? I saw no option for that07:02
bulmertigran:  or get a better network system :)07:02
buckyWill gparted work without booting into DOS?07:03
tigranbulmer: lol, so you think it can be from my router?07:03
h1st0bucky: if you use guided partitioning just tell it to use the free space and it will do everything for your.07:03
Andrew250so should I do that command now?07:03
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tigranbulmer: its f*%ked up?07:03
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bulmertigran it can be from anything network related07:03
h1st0bucky: gparted should work if you are in ubuntu.07:03
h1st0bucky: just sudo gparted07:03
buckyh1st0: ok thanks07:03
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CarlFKAndrew250: i think so07:03
DougieCan anyone help me install from a USB Cdrom drive?07:03
Pelog'night folks07:04
h1st0Dougie: just boot to the cd and install07:04
buckyh1st0: gparted is saying my entire disk is empty07:04
avisbuckey, the ubuntu partitioner partitioner states you need a swap and / partition at the bottom.  its also a good idea to create your own /home in the event of reinstallation07:04
kousotunite pegger07:04
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tonyyarussokousotu: what about it?07:04
Dougieh1st0, It says that it can't load a module for the cdrom drive07:04
Andrew250CarlFK: so dd if=/dev/sdc of=dev/sdb ?07:04
h1st0avis: you can always create your own ~ later.07:04
h1st0Dougie: what version of ubuntu are you trying to install?07:04
kousotutonyyarusso, that's the file, and the last section is where my things conflict07:04
aroonifolks i have a problem with my 7950 not accurately detecting my second lcd's resolution (i'm getting a max of 640x480 resolution, when its capable of 1280x1024)... i have ubuntu 7.04 and i've been using the nvidia-settings app07:04
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CarlFKAndrew250: um... maybe.  will that copy the right thing to the right thing ?07:05
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Dougieh1st0, 7.04 the ubuntu-studio version07:05
kousotumy USB mouse and my touchpad07:05
Andrew250CarlFK: from c to b yes.07:05
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aroonimy nvidia i mean07:05
h1st0Dougie: ahh well you may have to ask the studio folks but you might need the alternate iso.07:05
CarlFKAndrew250: let er rip07:05
tonyyarussokousotu: oh.  Comment out the section farther up.07:05
h1st0Dougie: what does it do after you receive the module error?07:05
Dougieh1st0, i believe its based off the alternate iso07:05
tigranbulmer: there was this command that clears iftables or something, somethign about a firewall, do you know what it is?07:06
h1st0Dougie: is it a text based installer?07:06
GlockHaving trouble with xchat and SSL, somebody please PM me if you can help me out =)07:06
Johnuahwho can tell me what is the hotkey to switch a desktop to another desktop , I mean solid effect07:06
Dougieh1st0, it just goes to a screen saying instillation can't continue07:06
kousotuline 39?07:06
h1st0Glock: prolly not going to get a pm07:06
h1st0!ask | Glock07:06
ubot3Glock: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:06
kousotuor 39-46?07:06
Dougieh1st0, yes text based well.....like a dos based looking thing07:06
GlockHrm okay07:06
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h1st0Dougie: go to the next step and tell it to continue.  I used to have that issue on one of my old boxes.07:06
playerzenjoined from console now07:06
tonyyarussokousotu: 39-4607:07
Dougieh1st0, ok i'll try it07:07
Andrew250CarlFK: that's going to take a while eh?07:07
kousotuk, I'll give that  shot07:07
CarlFKAndrew250: yup07:07
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tigranHow can I clear iftables?07:07
lazaruslupineplayerzen,  did it help or am i totally off base?07:07
kousotucan I delete line 100 then?07:07
CarlFKAndrew250: you can get a progress like this.. (just a sec...)07:07
Andrew250CarlFK: you could have taught me this as it was transfering.07:07
mudkipdesuerrr i need help with WINE07:07
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ToddEDMhey guys.... what prorgam burns  .iso files????07:07
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Johnuahwho can tell me which hotkey conbination to switch a desktop to another desktop , I mean solid effect07:07
h1st0!ask | mudkipdesu07:07
ubot3mudkipdesu: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:07
playerzenlazaruslupine: "No matching device for instance (bus id) found"07:07
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CarlFKAndrew250:  that would be too late if it was wrong07:08
kousotuToddEDM, k3b07:08
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playerzenoh shit I should check that07:08
Andrew250CarlFK: what should I see if it is working?07:08
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anolisnick Anolis07:08
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cdmarcus!ohmy | playerzen07:08
ubot3playerzen: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:08
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lazaruslupineplayerzen,  just type in lspci and use the correct address for your hardware07:08
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kousotutonyyarusso, can I delete line 100 then?07:08
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CarlFKAndrew250: nothing unless you do something... (looking that up)07:08
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mudkipdesualright i need to know how to properly install a program :p i googled for the past hour and honestly i havent been able to07:08
GlockI can't connect to channels using SSL. It just takes forever to connect and doesn't end up doing so.07:08
jeremyc_Why dont people use google? I mean honestly people... :\07:09
bulmertigran: you have to tell me your setup, what you have, whats connected to which, firewalls? etc..07:09
tonyyarussokousotu: quite possibly07:09
jeremyc_or the ubuntu forums07:09
ToddEDMthank you kousotu07:09
playerzendo I use vga controller or display controller ?07:09
AnolisI'm having trouble with Ubuntu using a sound device i don't want it to automatically use, is there a way to force Ubuntu to only use 1 "primary" sound device for it's defau;t07:09
smartkingcan I ask "can I install LAMP in to ubuntu desktop edition" ?07:09
CarlFKAndrew250: now to figure this out: man dd... Sending  a  USR1  signal  to  a running `dd' process makes it print I/O       statistics to standard error and then resume copying.07:09
h1st0Glock: connect to channels with what?07:09
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bulmerjeremyc_: did you look to google before asking here?07:09
playerzenbecause I have 0.2.0 and 0.2.107:09
kousotufor now I'll leave it, I might delete it later07:09
Glockh1st0, xchat...07:09
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CarlFKsmartking: 'yes' just install apache, mysql and python07:09
Andrew250CarlFK: soosh!07:09
h1st0Glock: wth channels use ssl?07:09
Andrew250CarlFK: woosh!07:09
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tonyyarusso!lamp | smartking07:10
ubot3smartking: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:10
lazaruslupineplayerzen,  like this:   BusID          "PCI:01:00:0" for an agp slot07:10
davidthedrakesmartking, Are you asking how to install LAMP?07:10
Andrew250CarlFK: that's the sound of all the text flying over my head.07:10
Glockh1st0, in xchat there's an option to connect to servers using SSL07:10
jeremyc_bulmer, yuppers. Actually a week of searching on google and sourceforge07:10
jeremyc_smartking, whats your problem?07:10
tigranbulmer: my comp to router, no firewall installed, but I remember something about iftables, there isnt much to say, wifi has no security on it, netgear router..07:10
smartkinginstall with ubuntu desktop edition07:10
Anolisi tried going to System -> Preferences -> Sound and setting my default devices to what i want them to be.. but that doesn't seem to make a difference.07:10
davidthedrakesmartking, Follow the guide given to you by ubot307:10
kousotutonyyarusso, Personal opinion, I think the bot needs a "!here" command I get alot "is anyone here?" at 3am at nite07:10
h1st0Glock: try /j #xchat07:10
CarlFKAndrew250: poke around and try to figure out the PID of the dd command that is running07:10
smartkingkk thanks07:11
lazaruslupineuse the ID from lspci and add a BudID entry under each card07:11
davidthedrakesmartking, NP07:11
Glockh1st0, it appears I am the only person in there07:11
bulmertigran its iptables..iptables is installed by default but without rules07:11
tonyyarussokousotu: lol07:11
CarlFKAndrew250: pid= process ID.  it shoudl be on something under the system menu07:11
kousotutonyyarusso, I'm serious, want logs?07:11
h1st0Glock: there are 106 ppl in there07:11
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smartkingdavidthedrake:  but, can LAMP work with "desktop edition" ?07:11
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nandemonaiHiya guys, can anyone suggest a good quality sound card that Feisty likes? Internal sound is crummy.07:11
tonyyarussokousotu: You're right - I just don't know that a factoid would make it happen less07:11
davidthedrakesmartking, Sure can. I'm running it right now.07:11
wolferinenandemonai, u looking for 5.0  surround?07:12
h1st0Glock: and your not in there #xchat  make sure you trype it right07:12
=== anuron_ [i=anuron@ccc2.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu
Anoliskousotu: anyone asking that question is most likely not intelligent enough to use a !here command07:12
Johnuahwho can help me? I have not a hardware driver on ubuntu07:12
bulmertigran: router to where? AP to where? how is it connected to the net..i asked you to elaborate..we can only guess wrong :)07:12
wolferineor maybe 7.1 ?07:12
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nandemonaiwolferine, That would be good. Working digital out would be even better.07:12
Glockh1st0, I type /j #xchat07:12
tigranbulmer: ok my bad, guess its not from that, can you think of anything else that will cause such an effect, internet working at times and not at other times(majority)07:12
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davidthedrakesmartking, Running Apache/MySQL/PHP/PGSQL currently. Used that guide to get started.07:12
devinderbhullarhi how do i Configure the syslog daemon on the host system to accept remote syslog messages over interface using UDP port 51407:12
devinderbhullarin ubuntu07:12
kousotuAnolis, you don't have to have it as a command07:12
wolferinenandemonai, good luck, audio support is minimal in linux07:12
Glockh1st0, I am typing it exactly the way you told me07:12
lazaruslupinesmartking,  each "edition" of ubuntu is just a different collection of packages. You can run anything from the repositories you want07:12
bulmertigran just use wired if possible07:13
wolferine!caps | fryan07:13
ubot3fryan: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:13
nandemonaiwolferine, I know :/ Hence why I ask.07:13
davidthedrakeshiznix`, Hello :)07:13
h1st0Glock: /j #xchat07:13
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smartkingoh I understanded thanks07:13
tigranbulmer: like I said, I cant, its not in reach07:13
Andrew250CarlFK: I'm also trying to chat with my partner that is about 3888 km away while I'm trying to understand what your are teaching me.07:13
h1st0Glock: I dunno there are tons of people there.07:13
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wolferinenandemonai, well, if you knew that already, why are you asking?07:13
Anolisoh just have it recognise strings like "is any1 hjeer????/"07:13
kousotuAnolis, I see the bot respond to people's comments07:13
Glockh1st0, I typed that! It must be on a different server. Please specify the server07:13
bulmertigran:  get a long cat 5 cable..you have not told us about your internet connectivity07:13
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nandemonaiwolferine, Because I'm sure someone out there has a half decent sound card working in ubuntu.. no?07:13
kousotuAnolis, exactly07:13
Anoliskousotu hehe07:14
tigranbulmer: dsl, im talking about a 2 room difference from mode/router to my computer07:14
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kousotutonyyarusso, can that be done?07:14
devinderbhullarHi How do i configure the syslog daemon on the host system to accept remote syslog messages over interface using UDP port 51407:14
wolferinenandemonai, the support for drivers is at a minimum, but you already knew that07:14
playerzenoh shit, I think I know what's happening.  i'm using a laptop - I think it has two graphics devices (0.2.0 and 0.2.1 busids) - ok so I changed one of the device busids in xorg.conf to reflect this new realization.  now I have a fucked up grey screen07:14
tonyyarussokousotu: perhaps07:14
r-cHelp please. i just installed a Samsung ML 2010 printer, installed driver and did everything, no printer in printers folder. why?07:14
shiznix`I'll find out07:14
Andrew250CarlFK: I just want to know if it's working or not.07:14
bulmertigran again..can you start from beginning and elaborate on your connectivity?07:14
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tigranbulmer: what do you mean by connectivity07:14
=== kousotu hopes so
bulmertigran: router to where? AP to where? how is it connected to the net..i asked you to elaborate..we can only guess wrong :)07:15
lazaruslupineplayerzen,  yeah laptops are a bit trickier to get working with xinerama07:15
kousotuI get tired of saying yes lol07:15
smartkingcan I setup ubuntu without CD, only have file.iso ?07:15
CarlFKAndrew250: from a 2nd shell, need to send a signal to the dd process.  this is easy, once you know the  pid of the process... im dinking with how to find  it07:15
nandemonaiwolferine, I realise this but that does not mean 0 support right? That's all I'm asking, if someone can suggest a decent sound card they know to work.07:15
bulmertigran if you are lazy to tell me the layout..umm good luck07:15
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devinderbhullaryes u can smartking07:15
devinderbhullari just did07:15
kousotusmartking, you can VMware it, but that's all07:15
mudkipdesuhas anyone managed to get utorrent working on ubuntu?07:15
playerzenwell at least I have a better idea of what's going on.  going to restore old xorg and research07:15
wolferinenandemonai, most do work07:15
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kousotumudkipdesu, I use Ktornt on Ubuntu07:15
tigranbulmer:....dont go there lol, modem to router, router to my computer via wifi, I just dont understand how much more I can elaborate07:16
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Glockh1st0, which server is #xchat in?07:16
krammerwhat does garbage process id mean?07:16
lazaruslupineplayerzen,  you should be able to get it, its just a bit tricky07:16
mudkipdesukousotu: is it just as good?07:16
Andrew250CarlFK: I'm sorry if I'm being rude but I've lost all for the pictures with my partner and I and a lot of other info.  I wanted to try Linux but I keep messing my computer up when every I use Ubuntu.  SO I"m sorry if I'm a little impatient with this whole process.07:16
zeebleGlock: chatjunkies07:16
kousotumudkipdesu, better07:16
bjvutorrent is the light windoows-only one?07:16
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kousotugotta restart X brb07:16
Glockzeeble, thank you very much =)07:17
mudkipdesubjv: yeah07:17
fryanhow to linten mp307:17
wolferineAndrew250, i hope you back these things up07:17
bjvclosed source, but free, right?07:17
zeeblefryan: mp3blaster07:17
bulmertigran: well okay...what kind of wall you have? lots of metal on the walls? they tend to make it difficult to communicate07:17
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wolferinefryan, what do you mean?07:17
Andrew250wolferine: some but not the past 3 months worth.07:17
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sparri used fdisk to make partition table changes and write them.  then i rebooted.  now fdisk sees the new table, but the ubuntu installer still sees the old one.  whats up with that?07:17
wolferineAndrew250, and you have formated your system?07:17
kousotudamn *$%@ touhpad...07:18
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tigranbulmer: no, my connection is at 50%, 2 out of 4 bars, and under windows my internet has a much high uptime, a normal wifi usage, has outages here and there, but not for  hours and randomly07:18
AhadielBe back in a minute or so, restarting modem/router.07:18
tigranbulmer: wall are normal walls, wood, no metal07:18
bulmersparr you have entries for it in /etc/fstab?07:18
fryani can't listen music(mp3)07:18
mudkipdesui thought linux was harder to use07:18
CarlFKAndrew250: no prob.  open a 2nd shell and run top.  look down the list and find the dd command. look in the pid column and tell me the PID07:18
wolferinefryan, error?07:18
Andrew250wolferine: carlfk is on top of the situation.  No I just deleted the partision07:18
mudkipdesuits very simple07:18
sparrbulmer: no07:18
kousotugone it is from xconf07:19
bulmersparr:  then insert one07:19
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buckyAlright, I made the 20 gigs unallocated again, how should I use gparted? Should I just make 1gb of it extended? What file system should I use?07:19
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wolferineAndrew250, good luck07:19
Andrew250wolferine: thanks07:19
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Dougieh1st0, ok yeah that didn't work07:19
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Dougieh1st0, shows there is like not cdrom drive or something07:19
Andrew250what is a shell?07:19
fryanwolferine help me?07:19
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bulmertigran i think i already told you not 100% reliable on wifi...move the foil and antennae a bit..see if it makes a difference07:20
wolferinefryan, answer my question?07:20
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sparrbulmer: for what?07:20
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tigranbulmer: i KNOW its not 100% but its not 5% either07:20
bulmersparr: for the partition you just created, if you want it mounted07:20
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sparrbulmer: i dont07:20
Chubblylooking for help with sound cards07:20
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Andrew250CarlFK: what is a shell?07:20
davidthedrake!ask | Chubbly07:20
ubot3Chubbly: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:20
bulmersparr you dont what?07:21
mudkipdesuhey on windows i had a resolution of 1366x768 and on ubuntu the max resolution available is 1024x768 anyone know how to fix it?07:21
CarlFKAndrew250: um, terminal?  the thing with the prompt were you can enter commands like man, dd07:21
tigranbulmer: same computer, in windows its not out as much, i mean no where close, do you understand me there?07:21
devinderbhullarhi how do i configure the syslog daemon on the host system to accept remote syslog messages over interface using UDP port 51407:21
zeeblewth is 1366x768?07:21
bulmertigran:  well maybe you go back to windows? :)07:21
davidthedrakeYea really.07:21
devinderbhullarsorry for the repeats07:21
bjvadd 1366 to your xorg?07:21
mudkipdesuyeah its a flat screen07:21
fryananyone know how to listen mp307:21
mudkipdesuhow exactly?07:21
chasetoyshey folks.... having bunches of problems with having my nvidia card detect my second monitor.... i have a 7950 and when i run nvidia-settings.... it sees second monitor as 640x480 max (its capable of 1280x1024).... ideas?07:21
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davidthedrakemudkipdesu, what kind of video card do you have?07:21
tigranbulmer: heh not getting anywhere with this, thx for w/e help you've given, ill try asking someone else07:22
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Andrew250CarlFK: new tab or termanal?07:22
zeeblefryan: use an applicaion like xmms, videolanplayer, amarok, etc etc07:22
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buckyh1st0: Alright, I made the 20 gigs unallocated again, how should I use gparted? Should I just make 1gb of it extended? What file system should I use?07:22
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buckyI don't want to reboot again07:22
bulmertigran: maybe drivers were designed for windows..and features not available on linux07:22
bjvvi /etc/X11/xorg.conf    res are listed by bit depth07:22
CarlFKAndrew250: new term.07:22
wolferinechasetoys, did you have the driver setup  (restricted) ?07:22
Sakkathanyone have a directfb guide.. specifically mplayer and links?07:22
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davidthedrakemudkipdesu, Look in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:22
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chasetoyswolferine, i downlaoded the driver directly from nvidia...07:23
mattshowI've googled for this and I haven't found any reports of anything, but is there an acknowledged problem with USB in feisty? My USB devices just don't seem to show up...dmesg doesn't show any errors, but then they don't appear in the lsusb output and no device nodes are created07:23
davidthedrakemudkipdesu, And look for the "Screen" section07:23
wolferinechasetoys, not good then07:23
wolferinechasetoys, good luck :)07:23
chasetoyswolferine, what should i do instead07:23
ubot3Factoid directfb not found07:23
nandemonaifryan, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#Multimedia_Codecs_.26_Browser_Plug-ins07:23
ubot3Factoid fb not found07:23
chasetoyswolferine, i can do anything needed ;p07:23
bjvtry to add 1366xwhaever to the end of the 24bit string07:23
Andrew250yea I found DD07:23
davidthedrakemudkipdesu, You'll see different resolution sections in there07:23
CarlFKAndrew250: ah, better than looking at top is: juser@e18:~$ ps auxw | grep " dd "07:23
bjvor 16/32 w/e you use07:23
fryanzeeble thanks07:23
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wolferinechasetoys, well, you should have checked some documentation, thats not how you want to install the nvidia drivers07:24
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fryannandemonai, thanks07:24
wolferinechasetoys, using Feisty?07:24
chasetoyswolferine, yes07:24
davidthedrakemudkipdesu, Designated by: SubSection     "Display"07:24
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wolferine!nvidia | chasetoys07:24
ubot3chasetoys: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:24
Andrew250CarlFK: woosh07:24
mudkipdesuits already there?!?07:24
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wolferinechasetoys, what driver is it?07:24
Andrew250CarlFK: with "?07:24
CarlFKAndrew250: yes.  my prompt: juser@e18:~$07:25
chasetoyswolferine, the one i previously dloaded?  latest from nvidia's unix section..... required me to stop gdm to install etc07:25
buckyWhat file system should the swap partition use? EXT 3? It should also be an extended partition right?07:25
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fryananyone know how to connect with wireless07:25
mudkipdesudavidthedrake: err its already there07:25
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wolferinechasetoys, more specifically, what version?07:25
Andrew250CarlFK: ok then what am I looking for in this sea of data?07:25
CarlFKbucky: the installer should set it for you07:26
playerzenbucky you can make it whatever you want, it doesn't have to be ext3, reiser works good for swap07:26
buckyOk thanks07:26
davidthedrakemudkipdesu, And it's not available under System->Preferences->Screen Resolution07:26
chasetoyswolferine, i dont know i dloaded it a bit ago...... im not sure how to answer that q now07:26
playerzenbut I usually go ext2 for swap space07:26
CarlFKplayerzen: um.. thats goofy07:26
bjvhave many ppl been coming in here with 'Api Missmatches' from the nvidia-glx pack?07:26
mudkipdesudavidthedrake: no07:26
sparrbulmer: i dont want it mounted.  i want the installer to see it.07:26
playerzenCarlFK: I'm a goofy guy07:26
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CarlFKbucky,  playerzen: use swap for swap.07:26
wolferinenp, chasetoys do you have nvidia-settings and nvidia-xorg ?07:26
bulmerplayerzen: you actually can set what file system type a partition is?07:26
davidthedrakemudkipdesu, Hrm, sorry, don't know what to tell ya. That's a really weird resolution. I can tell you that for sure.07:26
playerzenbulmer "mkswap <partition>07:27
wolferinesorry, nvidia-xconfig I mean07:27
playerzendon't use ext or reiser :P07:27
bjvive been moving from nvidia-glx-legacy, 2.6.20-16, -15 & normal nvidia-glx07:27
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bulmerplayerzen: right its not ext2 or reiser..its swap07:27
chasetoyswolferine, i have nvidia-settings... when i do sudo apt-ge tinstall nvidia-xorg .... says 'could not find package nvidia-xorg'07:27
buckyplayerzen: gparted won't allow me to set the file system when I set the new partition to extended.07:27
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wolferinecause its nvidia-xconfig chasetoys07:27
devinderbhullarHi anyone how do i configure the syslog.conf daemon on the host system to accept remote syslog messages over interface using UDP port 51407:28
buckyplayerzen: I can't set it to primary right? Can't the OS only read one primary partition at a time?07:28
chasetoyswolferine, ahh i see .. no i didnt have it installed07:28
wolferinechasetoys, have you editted the xorg.conf yourself?07:28
chasetoyswolferine, grabbing it now07:28
chasetoyswolferine, nope i let nvidia-settings do that fo rme... but i've edited it in the past so i'm comfy doing that07:28
CarlFKAndrew250: http://dpaste.com/17472/  5462 is the number we need on my box.  what is it on yours ?07:28
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wolferinechasetoys, have you backed it up?07:28
macogwdoes anyone know why the left margin is larger than the right when both are set to 1" in LaTeX?07:28
chasetoyswolferine, yes07:28
wolferinechasetoys, does nvidia-settings edit the xorg.conf properly, based on the changes you make in it?07:29
Andrew250CarlFK: 1456107:29
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CarlFKAndrew250: sudo kill -USR1 1456107:30
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skinnypuppy1334When is the next ubuntu stable coming?07:30
bjvbrb, this tiny cell phone is hell to type on07:30
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Andrew250CarlFK: why?07:30
CarlFKAndrew250: that will make dd display it's current byte counts07:30
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ubot3Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+107:30
bullgard4What is 'suspend2'? "Suspend2 is most easily described as the Linux equivalent of Windows' hibernate functionality. It saves the contents of memory to disk and powers down." So, is suspend2 a program, a script, a DEB program package or what?07:30
chasetoyswolferine, yes as far as i can tell07:30
davidthedrake!gutsy | skinnypuppy133407:30
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ubot3skinnypuppy1334: please see above07:30
bjvill start the NV driver till glx works07:31
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wolferinechasetoys, so you setup a higher res for the second monitor in nvidia-settings, but it doesnt change to that res?07:31
chasetoyswolferine, i want to mention i was getting 1280x1024 FINE until 10 minutes ago07:31
buckywhat file system is the best for ubuntu to run under? ext 3?07:31
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wolferinechasetoys, ah, so the second one was getting that res?07:31
chasetoyswolferine, actually nvidia-settings doesnt show a resoltuion higher than 1280x1024 now07:31
wolferine(i am assuming the second monitor is the only one having the issue)07:32
CarlFKbucky: anser to all your questions: whatever the installer sugests07:32
chasetoyswolferine, right.... 10 minutes ago... i was getting 1280x1024 on both... now i'm only getting it on the primary monitor (secondary ones is 640x480)07:32
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Andrew250CarlFK: I thought kill stopped something.07:32
optraz1hi, any idea how to read berkeley db using cli ?07:32
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yigalchasetoys: if it is nvidia have you used nvidia-settings using sudo and then adding the resolution for auto to your xorg.conf file?07:32
CarlFKAndrew250: man kill: kill - send a signal to a process  :)07:32
wolferinechasetoys, what did you do before the second monitor settings changed, reboot, downloaded something, installed something, or what?07:32
chasetoyswolferine, man i've been trying to figure out what that is... i think its reboot07:33
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scipiobullgard4: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Suspend2Kernel07:33
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wolferinechasetoys, ok, post your xorg.conf, as well as the output from lspci07:33
Andrew250CarlFK: thanks for being my man07:33
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Andrew250CarlFK: lol07:33
CarlFKAndrew250: 14561 is not the pid of the dd command.07:33
wolferine!pastebin | chasetoys07:33
ubot3chasetoys: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:33
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chasetoysyigal, ive used nvidia-settings using sudo.... but i havent tried adding resolutio for atuo to xorg conf file ..... not sure how ot do that07:33
chasetoyswolferine, ok coming right up07:33
abelfaecanyone know where i can find a torrent with ana ctive tracker for ubuntu ultimate edition dvd 1.4?07:33
wolferinechasetoys, on the same page it fine07:33
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chasetoyswolferine, ok07:34
eggzeckHas anyone successfully gotten a T-Mobile Dash USB Connection detected?07:34
CarlFKAndrew250: and you didn't include the spaces in " dd "07:34
Flannelabelfaec: that "Ultimate Edition" thing isn't official, and isn't supported in here.  You're better off getting real Ubuntu.07:34
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wolferine!anyone | eggzeck07:34
ubot3eggzeck: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:34
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Andrew250CarlFK: lol07:34
Andrew250CarlFK: shit07:34
wolferine!language | Andrew25007:34
ubot3Andrew250: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:34
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abelfaeci'm running original ubuntu, and i'm aware it's not official. I wasn't askig for support with it. I jsut wnated to know if anyone had a link to the torrent07:35
yigalchasetoys: very easy under X Server Display Configuration select Auto for resolution and then on the bottom "Save to X Configuration File"07:35
Andrew250so it's not doing anything right.  I thougth the hd would make more noise.07:35
Andrew250ok sorry07:35
abelfaecthanks though flannel, i want to try it out.07:35
chasetoysyigal, and wolferine : http://pastie.caboo.se/8994507:35
eggzeckwolferine: That didn't make sense, and is quite insulting to my intelligence. FIrst of all, the real question WAS indeed asked. Now if you have nothing to say, best to keep it shut.07:35
bullgard4scipio: Thank you very much for hinting me at this website. I have searched/looked for that several hours yet.07:35
scipiobullgard4: no problem07:35
wolferineeggzeck, becareful who you talk down to :)07:35
abelfaeci'm jsut guessing no one has any idea then07:36
harucan someone tell me how to get compiz fusion working on ubuntu please07:36
chasetoysyigal, interestingly enough, selecting 'auto' then apply... yields *no output* on my second monitor07:36
eggzeckwolferine: I care not who I talk down to. You're insulting me.07:36
eggzeckNo moving on...07:36
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scipioFlannel: try on linuxtracker.org07:37
wolferineeggzeck, maybe some errors might assist the person who has time to help you07:37
yigalchasetoys: don't even both with editing it manually just open "sudo nvidia-settings" and do what I told you then you get a nice resolution07:37
abelfaecscipio, was that directed at me? or flannel?07:37
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CarlFKAndrew250: got something like this yet: 137027837952 bytes (137 GB) copied, 407.613 seconds, 336 MB/s07:37
scipioabelfaec: that was for flannel :)07:38
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abelfaecoh.. strange.. kk07:38
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wolferineugh chasetoys this looks messy :)07:38
Flannelscipio: No, I imagine it was for him.07:38
h1st0wth up with nexuiz07:38
chasetoysyigal, i know i know.... but when i do that i get no output for second monitor07:38
abelfaecyeah, had to be for me.07:38
chasetoyswolferine, oh noes :(07:38
h1st0My player just looks up and strafes left lol07:38
scipiomaybe i'm just confused lol07:38
Andrew250CarlFK: I typed in " if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/sdb and then nothing happened.07:38
kousotutonyyarusso, ok, ubuntu obviously just wants to piss me off07:38
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wolferinechasetoys, i usually edit mine manually, so not use to seeing so much 'detail'07:38
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abelfaecscipio, in either way, the linuxtracker torrent is borked, the tracker sends bad data when i load it in almost any of my torrent clients07:39
abelfaeckind of a downer :/07:39
chasetoyswolferine, yeah i'm pretty frusterated.... i was getting perfect resolution for weekes!07:39
abelfaecand the html transfer rate sucks mad bawls :"/07:39
CarlFKAndrew250: cuz you haven't "Sending  a  USR1  signal  to  a running `dd' process" using "kill - send a signal to a process"  :)07:39
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:39
wolferinechasetoys, have you changed this since you found the issue?07:39
Dougieh1st0, Yeah its definitly not working. It just says there is no cdrom installed. I'm not sure why this drive would need any special module though07:39
Andrew250CarlFK: wooshe07:39
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chasetoyswolferine, yeah totally... thats the one that was generated by xorg.. and now i realize i'm pretty dumb, i didnt create a backup though i bet nvidia-settings did fo rme07:40
Andrew250CarlFK: come on carl I havn't accomplished anything yet and I've been sitting her for over an hour.07:40
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CarlFKAndrew250:  to send a signal to a process, you need the Process ID so you can tell kill what process to send the signal to.  (think email.)07:40
h1st0Dougie: hrm... maybe you need drivers for it but you shouldnt' that just wierd.  Possibly search the forums for your cdrom type07:40
abelfaecquick question, anyone know of any downlaod managers that split html file downlaods and speed up transfer rate? i know A ton of em for windows, but having issues finding one for ubuntu07:40
abelfaecgui prefered :/07:40
CarlFKAndrew250: sudo kill -USR1 1404107:41
wolferinechasetoys, look at the last line of the comments at the top of the xorg.conf, you might find the solution :) (btw, backup)07:41
kousotutonyyarusso,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34620/07:41
Dougieh1st0, yeah i tried searching the forums. It's a Toshiba usb HD-DVD rom drive...but works just like any other dvd drive anywhere else07:41
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CarlFKAndrew250: I thought you got it when i pointed out your mistake, but you never replied with what the progress was, thus my guess07:41
=== cimpli aloo
kousotuhey cimpli, whoever you are07:41
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MrProper_does anyone know of an equivalent package thats oss to canonicals 'landscape'07:42
Andrew250CarlFK: so what do you want me to type next?07:42
CarlFKAndrew250: sudo kill -USR1 1404107:42
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kousotuubot3, you're stupid07:42
ubot3Factoid you're stupid not found07:42
Andrew250CarlFK: just let me be your fingers.07:42
chasetoyswolferine, ok tired that07:42
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davidthedrakeHeh... pwnd | kousotu07:43
wolferinechasetoys, if you take out the -phigh flag, I believe you could use that to setup your display07:43
cimpliada oarang indonesia gak????????????????????????????07:43
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nalphacimpli: yes I am, but you can't speak indonesian in here07:43
Andrew250CarlFK: should I see someting?07:43
CarlFKAndrew250:  I need you eyes too.07:43
kousotushuddup davidthedrake07:43
chasetoyswolferine, ok i have run the dpkg reconfigure a bunch of times... i get correct resolutoin for firs tmonitor but second one has a max resolutoin of 640x480 when ii use nvidia-settings07:43
CarlFKAndrew250: yes.07:43
Andrew250CarlFK: nothing after that line07:43
wolferinecimpli, english only, or take it to another channel07:43
CarlFKAndrew250:  what about the dd command ?07:43
nalphacimpli: goto to ubuntu-id07:44
Andrew250it was still in front07:44
davidthedrakekousotu, Heh ;)07:44
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Andrew250see my paste07:44
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wolferinechasetoys, try and cycle the resolutions available, its ctrl-alt-(num pad) + and -07:44
Andrew250CarlFK: http://dpaste.com/17476/07:44
kousotucimpli, you german?07:44
wolferine!offtopic | cimpli07:44
ubot3cimpli: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:44
chasetoyswolferine, where do i do that  ; i'm confuesd07:44
CarlFKAndrew250: what does "in front" mean ?07:44
Andrew250CarlFK: this is right before the sudo07:44
abelfaecquick question, anyone know of any downlaod managers that split html file downlaods and speed up transfer rate? i know A ton of em for windows, but having issues finding one for ubuntu, GUI prefered :/07:44
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Andrew250CarlFK: see the paste07:44
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wolferinechase on a screen, it might cycle the res, when your on the screen07:45
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Andrew250on line 14041 there is a dd before the if=...07:45
CarlFKAndrew250: I am looking at the pasete, and ti doesn;t look lik you typed what I told you to type about 4 times now...07:45
genefitzabel, have you tried the firefox plugins?07:45
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CarlFKAndrew250: type this now!!!  sudo kill -USR1 1404107:45
=== kousotu sighs
kousotusomeone help ME!!!07:45
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nalphakousotu: what kind of help?07:46
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Andrew250CarlFK: I have.  See: http://dpaste.com/17476/07:46
=== CarlFK jumps up on desk yelling "kill kill!"
wolferine!ask | kousotu07:46
ubot3kousotu: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:46
kousotunalpha, getting my Symantec touchpad GONE07:46
Andrew250CarlFK: yes master I did07:46
abelfaecgenefitz naw, i haven't.07:46
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abelfaecshould i?07:46
Andrew250CarlFK: I will kill all07:46
kousotuwolferine, I've asked about 40 time by now lol07:46
nalphakousotu: sorry, didn't understand your problem.07:47
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CarlFKgood.  now look at the dd command (the one that is running)07:47
abelfaeci actually use epiphany (gnome browser) never dabble with firefox much aside from chatzilla07:47
Flannelkousotu: can't you just install gsynaptics and disable it?07:47
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wolferinekousotu, hard to answer if you dont ask it again though07:47
kousotuFlannel, idk...should't the be installed if it showed up?07:47
Andrew250CarlFK: and nothing happed.07:47
Andrew250CarlFK: see no results.07:48
genefitzabelfaec: I believe there are a couple of DL accelerators in the firefox available plugins. In Firefox, click tools then addons..07:48
Andrew250CarlFK: and no noisy HDS07:48
genefitzYou may find something in there..07:48
Flannelkousotu: What?  install 'gsynaptics' and then system > preferences > touchpad07:48
Andrew250CarlFK: HDs07:48
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chasetoyswolferine, any ideas07:48
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Andrew250CarlFK: :'(07:48
jeremyc_Guys, if you got questions PM me im bored..07:48
kousotuhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34620/ <after    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34617/ <before07:48
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Kyle___Hey does anyone know how to get a DVI monitor to work? Also how about a dual screen VGA and DVI thing?07:49
playerzenwhat is the internet ?07:49
wolferinechasetoys, trying to find out if you can cycle the res07:49
animeshhi i am using ubuntu-7.0407:49
chasetoyswolferine, i dont konw what you mean; or how to do it07:49
kousotuFlannel, I deletet the references of the touchpad from the config07:49
davidthedrakeFlannel, how can you determine if you have a synaptics pointing device for your laptop? (I think I do...)07:49
wolferinechasetoys,  I realize that07:49
CarlFKAndrew250: post the results of this again:  juser@e18:~$ ps auxw | grep " dd "07:49
animeshi have installed beryl Destop manager07:49
ubot3For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad07:49
playerzengood thing the SSL is there07:50
Flanneldavidthedrake: Most people do.  You should be able to see synaptics touchpad in your hardware list doohickey07:50
animeshafter successfullt installing that i am getting just white screen desktop07:50
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bjvok, jeremyc_  ive been swapping between kernel & restricted modules 2.6.20-16, -15, and the nvidia packages nvidia-glx & nvidia-glx-legacy07:50
Andrew250CarlFK: http://dpaste.com/17476/07:50
dfgasanyone know anything about virtualbox?07:50
bjvive just cant get a working configuration07:50
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davidthedrake!ask | dfgas07:50
ubot3dfgas: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:50
PanicBytedavidthedrake, almost all of them are synaptics07:50
animeshThere is no desktop manager on anything07:50
kousotuFlannel, what am I doing wrong??07:50
CarlFKAndrew250: heh.  looks like it is done07:51
animeshcan anyone please help me?07:51
dfgasanyone know anything about virtualbox? like how to enable vt?07:51
davidthedrakePanicByte, Thanks. Fair enough. I assumed so.07:51
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stiv2kwhats a good command line partition manager???07:51
genefitzKyle___: DVI monitors should work out the box. Dual monitors, you may find the info here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117407:51
wolferine!ask | animesh07:51
ubot3animesh: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:51
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zeebleparted, fdisk07:51
jeremyc_bjv, so what your saying is that you cant get the drivers to work under any of the kernels?07:51
PanicBytedavidthedrake, what brand laptop you have?07:51
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skinnypuppy1334I use VMWARE sever instead of virtual box07:51
CarlFKAndrew250: unplug both drives.  wait 5 sec.  plug in the 30007:51
davidthedrakePanicByte, dv6000 - but an odd version of it07:51
bjvjeremyc_: i tried regressing to -15 after it wouldnt work on -16 for me07:51
zeebleanimesh: goto the terminal with ctrl + alt + f1, login. do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:51
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Andrew250CarlFK: wow that didn't take long considering there should be over 50Gbs of music and 50Gb of other pictures and stuff07:51
davidthedrakeHrm, yea, gnsynaptics didn't work... got an error when trying to rock it.07:52
animeshi just want know what will be sollution?07:52
CarlFKAndrew250: it has been over 1005.97 seconds, :)07:52
bjvjeremyc_: the error is always API missmatch: kernel module does not match X module version, the kernel # never changes when i add/remove/purge/reconfigure nvidia-glx/legacy/new07:52
teKnofreakI have a custom desktop, it is available in the list under sessions during login, how do i make it the default session, for all the users of the system ?07:52
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PanicBytedavidthedrake, are you trying to disable "tapping" by any chance?07:52
stiv2kwhats a good command line partition manager???07:52
emonkey3i'm having trouble with getting 5.1 sound to work07:52
zeeblestiv2k: told you. parted. fdisk.07:52
Andrew250ok now what?07:53
bjvif i switch to -15 with -15 restricted modules the kernel number in the error message is 74xx, 16 is always stuck at 9639 i believe07:53
playerzencfdisk is good too07:53
emonkey3i have the surround and center bars up, but i'm not getting audio07:53
stiv2kzeeble: oh you didnt say it to me so i didnt notice it07:53
zeebleyeah, cfdisk. had forgotten about that.07:53
emonkey3from anything but the L and R07:53
davidthedrakePanicByte, Not at all, I was actually commenting on someone else's talks about it. I was just wondering how to determine if it was being used07:53
CarlFKAndrew250: it does seem kinda fast, so we will see what happened07:53
bjvand as none of the ubuntu packages apparently use 9639, i cant get a working config from the repos07:53
Andrew250CarlFK: http://dpaste.com/17476/07:53
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CarlFKAndrew250: post the output of fdisk -l07:53
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animeshhi zeeble  i have tried that but no terminal is coming and giving the error like kinit: no resume image, trying normal boot07:53
emonkey3my sound card is onboard nvidia nforce 407:53
underwatercowwould anyone recommend creating partitions for /usr and /tmp and /var, etc.? Or do you really just need /, and /home?07:54
stiv2kzeeble: anything with like a curses type interface/??07:54
emonkey3my OS is feisty07:54
davidthedrakePanicByte, 'cause it's super-sensitive on my laptop and for some reason enabling it opens the help screen *shrug* Just another anomaly I chalk up to the HP dv line of laptops on Ubuntu07:54
stiv2kah cfdisk got it07:54
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playerzenunderwatercow: depends, some people like to make partitions for everything.  If it's a server that needs to have some redundancy or something, I prefer many partitions07:54
Andrew250CarlFK: is it done?07:54
emonkey3anyone know what i might need to set to get 5.1 audio?07:54
CarlFKAndrew250:  sudo gpart  /dev/sdc07:55
Andrew250CarlFK: or should I compair it to the other drive?07:55
jeremyc_bjv whats the exact error?07:55
genefitzunderwatercow, all that is really required is / and /home, you can add other partitions if you wish, but that is a matter of choice.07:55
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MeroigoIf I get a new hard drive, can I make it mount to / and that way make the computer have alot of new space to store things on? Without having to worry about what hard drive the files are on etc...07:55
CarlFKAndrew250: na, lets just see what we can recover.  if it looks like it was only 1/2 done, then go back and make the copy again07:55
Andrew250CarlFK: begin scan...07:55
playerzenI always put /boot/ on a different partition no matter what07:55
jaminif anyone thinks they can get my mic to work, please try, i have looked and tried everything07:55
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genefitzI have a 300Gb drive for Swap, /, and /home, then a second Gb drive mounted for storage..07:56
Meroigoor can I have two hard drives mounting to /home/ maybe :P07:56
wolferinechasetoys, looks like you probably cannot do it with dual screens07:56
underwatercowif I have wine installed, which installs games to /home by default, and then I have to reinstall the OS, if I reinstall wine, will the games still work normally? or will I have to reinstall them?07:56
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wolferinechasetoys, next idea, backup your xorg.conf, run through nvidia-settings again, then hope for the best07:56
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Andrew250CarlFK: what time is it where you are carl?07:56
stiv2kzeeble: ?07:57
wolferineunderdog5004, if the games stored in /home, and its on a seperate partition, then sure07:57
CarlFKAndrew250: past my bed time :)  1am07:57
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jeremyc_Yo chasetoys, install the video card driver?07:57
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jeremyc_chasetoys, like have you installed it?07:57
Andrew250wow, how much later will you be here to guild my blind aXX07:58
chasetoysjeremyc_, yah i got newest nvidia drivers from nvidia's website a couple weeks ago07:58
wolferinejeremyc_, we have been through this all already07:58
genefitzunderwatercow, if you re-install the OS, most likely you are going to wipe out your home folder anyway. so probably. No to mention, I am no Wine expert and I don't know exactly how it does it's magic, so I am not sure that re-installing the system and wine would not require you to reinstall the games anyway07:58
bjv jeremyc_: hmm, it looks like they all were just dumped out onto the console not into Xorg.n.log07:58
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kousotuFlannel, GSynaptics couldn't initialize.07:58
kousotuYou have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics07:58
sn00pI'm trying to install ubuntu 7.04 it boots  up ok  and I hear sound but I get no video does anybody know why? I have a Nvidia Geforce 8800 gtx graphics ciard?07:58
Meroigoare there any good surround mixers for ubuntu that supports creative sound blaster 5.1? :P07:58
jeremyc_wolferine, sorry bout that.07:58
bjvjeremyc_: ill do a bunch of restarts & collect them all onto disk, brb07:58
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underwatercowgenefitz: if you re-install the OS, can't you tell it which partition is /home and tell it not to format?07:58
jeremyc_Bjv, your sure its an X error?07:59
skinnypuppy1334underwater, yep07:59
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genefitzunderwater, I believe that on some you can, But I have never tried to keep a partition when re-installing. I don't keep anything in my home partition for very long..07:59
skinnypuppy1334So long as /home really is a partition and not a dir in / partition07:59
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CarlFKAndrew250: here is what I get: http://dpaste.com/17477/08:00
Andrew250CarlFK: wow, how much later will you be here to guild my blind aXX08:00
CarlFKAndrew250: no much.  especially now that you made me look at the clock :)08:00
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skinnypuppy1334One other thing about this all the hidden files in the /home will remain..08:00
genefitzSkinny, oh yeah, I forgot, some put /home in the / partition don't they?08:00
Andrew250CarlFK: well if this works what's next?08:01
ubot3Factoid performance not found08:01
sn00pI'm trying to install ubuntu 7.04 it boots  up ok  and I hear sound but I get no video does anybody know why? I have a Nvidia Geforce 8800 gtx graphics ciard?08:01
genefitzI usually have seperate partitions when I install08:01
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wolferinesn00p, dual head card?08:01
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sn00pwolferine, yes08:01
kousotugenefitz, I put /home in /08:01
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wolferinesn00p, do you just have one monitor plugged it?08:01
skinnypuppy1334Choosing all the disk space for one partition or only defining / partition on install will make /home a directory on / part08:02
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sn00pwolferine, I got two but its not turned on to hdmi08:02
Andrew250CarlFK: still scanning08:02
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kousotuI'll be back08:02
CarlFKAndrew250: oh yeah, 300gig...08:02
wolferineyou have two, so is the display on the other monitor.. possibly?08:02
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kousotugoin on windows08:02
genefitzKousotu, I guess it is just a point if prefrence..08:02
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buckyhttp://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html Will that work with ubuntu?08:03
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Andrew250CarlFK: what did that origional list of drives look like?08:03
triplcHi all08:03
genefitzI have a 2 gig swap, 100 Gig root and the rest is home08:03
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CarlFKAndrew250: huh?08:04
skinnypuppy1334I'm downloading gutsy tribe 4, does it load the nvidia drivers and compfusion on the live CD?08:04
Andrew250CarlFK: can you paste it for me.08:04
Andrew250CarlFK: the origional -l of the two drives.08:04
theea hello there08:04
sn00pwolferine, any ideas?08:05
Flannelskinnypuppy1334: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions, thanks08:05
triplcWhere to define which ttys? In other distro, I can set it in /etc/inittab... but I do not know how to do it with Ubuntu. Pls help.08:05
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Andrew250CarlFK: I'm not getting anything08:05
wolferinewolferine> you have two, so is the display on the other monitor.. possibly?08:05
skinnypuppy1334thx flannel08:05
Andrew250CarlFK: nm08:05
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theeahow can i reinstal ubuntu without loosing data and formatting08:05
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skinnypuppy1334theea is your /home on a partition or is it a dir on / ?08:06
terapicodavedoes anyone know a simple way to do a netinstall by booting off a usb drive?08:06
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buckyhttp://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html Will this driver work with ubuntu?08:06
bjvjeremyc_: ok. i opted not to bother with reverting back to the -15 kernel & collecting those x errors, as the 2 from -16 were interesting enough08:07
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Andrew250CarlFK: so by that it looks like the units are the same.  Does that mean everything was copied?08:07
wolferinenite ppl08:07
triplcWhere to define which ttys? In other distro, I can set it in /etc/inittab... but I do not know how to do it with Ubuntu. Pls help.08:07
terapicodavetriplc: what does that mean define which ttys?08:07
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jeremyc_Bjv, i see... well I don't mean to send you back to the drawing board but are you running the latest version of X?08:08
triplcterapicodave, i want to disable login using tty108:08
bjv7.2.0 from the error log08:08
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theea<skinnypuppy1334>/home is on linux partition08:09
jeremyc_bjv,  I think you should try running the X configure script08:09
skinnypuppy1334its on the root partition then theea?08:09
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bjvthe error ive focused it down to is when im in this -16 kernel after running apt-get install nvidia-glx08:09
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bjvwhich uninstalls the nvidia-glx-legacy package (which runs)08:10
theeaskinn yes is in main root installed default08:10
bjvthe error: Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-7184, but this X module has the version 1.0-963108:10
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jeremyc_bjv, wait X can detect your video card right?08:10
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CarlFKAndrew250: no. that is just doing some math based on... um.. not really sure what.  physical drive spec.  fond somewhere08:10
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Andrew250CarlFK: ok08:11
bjvyes, i can run nv driver, with the nvidia-glx-legacy the xserver comes up, my card is too old to use nvidia-glx-new08:11
buckyare nvidia cards the only video cards that work with ubuntu?08:11
underdog5004wolferine, erm...what?08:11
AhadielTomato => DD-WRT, brb upgrading.08:11
bjvit is unsupported in glx-new08:11
skinnypuppy1334Ok just making sure we were on the same page.  Do you have any other partitions or free unpartitioned space?08:11
Shrimpy_bucky: ubuntu supports a crap ton of video cards08:11
wolferineunderdog5004, huh?08:11
buckyshrimpy: http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html08:11
chasetoyshey folks i get this error when lodaing eclipes: A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK)08:11
chasetoysmust be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine08:11
chasetoyswas found after searching the following locations:08:11
jeremyc_bjv, ugh08:11
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chasetoysi have already installed sun java08:12
underdog5004wolferine, a while back you said something about if the game is in /home on a different partition, then it's fine08:12
chasetoyswhat do i need to do next08:12
underdog5004to me08:12
CarlFKAndrew250: now that I read man gpart, I see we should have used sudo gpart  /dev/sdc -W /dev/sdc08:12
buckyShrimpy: How do I install those? I am completely new to ubuntu08:12
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wolferineunderdog5004, and...08:12
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jeremyc_bjv, you've tried all combinations of kernel and driver?08:12
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underdog5004wolferine, just wondering wtf that's all about...that's all08:12
Andrew250CarlFK: so what should I do?08:12
Shrimpy_well, its a .bin/run file08:12
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underdog5004was I active? I've been watching a movie for the last hour or so, lol08:12
Andrew250CarlFK: it's still scanning.08:12
underdog5004you addressed it to me...was it a mis-type?08:13
wolferineunderdog5004, i would rather sleep then listen to the attitude08:13
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wolferinenite, again08:13
Shrimpy_bucky: is your screen not working correctly? i don't know whyo you would want to install that08:13
theeaskinn i have a win partition that it not usable because hdd has some problems in it's area and in res no free space08:13
underdog5004wolferine, ok, good night08:13
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buckyyeah, my maximum resolution is 1024x76808:13
terapicodaveI'm having this problem with wubi: "An installation step failed. blah blah blah Load installer components from CD" Any ideas?08:13
bjvjeremyc_: -16 kernel & glx-legacy works08:13
chasetoys_anyone know how to deal with this A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK)08:14
chasetoys_must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine08:14
chasetoys_was found after searching the following locations:08:14
CarlFKAndrew250: let it keep scanning.  if it finds all the partitions, and all looks good, run it with the -W.  if it doesn't look good, then ... try the other 2 programs.08:14
chasetoys_i have already installed sun-java-608:14
bjv-16 kernel & vanilla-glx gets that error: API mismatch: version 1.0-7184, but this X module has the version 1.0-963108:14
Shrimpy_bucky: oh ok, i not going to be the best help but i think synaptic has ati-drivers in there but i can tell you how to run that file if you would like08:14
Andrew250CarlFK: ok great.08:14
bjvapt-cache show nvidia-glx-legacy shows that Legacy is 718408:14
Andrew250CarlFK: so start from square 108:14
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jeremyc_bjv, so if it simply works then why change it? out of curiosity?08:15
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chasetoys_anyone know how to get pass this erorr A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK)08:15
chasetoys_must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine08:15
chasetoys_was found after searching the following locations:08:15
chasetoys_damn it08:15
CarlFKAndrew250: actually, let me look at this more.  I know how to speed it up a bit08:15
chasetoys_i dont mean to paste twice08:15
chasetoys_i thought thi swas #elipse08:15
terapicodaveThis happens after download, and during the first boot up...I'm wondering if it's a bad thing to put the file wubi installs on my second partition(D drive in windows)08:15
bjvbecause legacy drivers run my geforce2 at 800x600 with no glx support08:15
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Andrew250CarlFK: I have a Centrino Duo, is the DVD using both processors?08:15
bjvi have always used vanilla glx on my geforce2, ive only regressed to try and get a working config08:15
skinnypuppy1334I'd try to boot live CD and delete everything on that partition you don't want and then resize it using gparted partition manager. then you'd have some free disk to create a new root part in install08:16
CarlFKAndrew250: yes.  run top, hit '1' which should show how much each cup is being used08:16
bjvthe error says to me: when you apt-get install nvidia-glx, *something* is still in the old config08:16
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ErythroJust wanted to say, Ubuntu > *08:16
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chasetoys_i want to install some extra fonts08:17
chasetoys_how can i do this08:17
bjvwhen i moved from -15 to -16, it was the old -15 modules, after playing with other options now im left with cruft from nvidia-legacy :(08:17
TiMiDochasetoys, depends on the fonts you want,08:17
theeaok thankx skinny08:17
Andrew250CarlFK: nothing happened08:17
jeremyc_Bjv, so delete the old config?08:17
chasetoys_TiMiDo, i just want some standard fonts...  the MS ones in particular08:17
TiMiDochasetoys, apt-cache search fonts08:17
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TiMiDoand then sudo apt-get install fonts08:17
bjvit's not the configs, it's the actual binaries these packages are supposed to be rolling out08:17
skinnypuppy1334make good sense to you theea?08:18
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bjv"Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-7184, but this X module has the version 1.0-9631. "08:18
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CarlFKAndrew250: 3rd line say cpu(s) or cpu0 ?08:18
jeremyc_bjv wait have you tried using the source?08:18
chasetoys_theres too many TiMiDo08:18
chasetoys_what woul dyou reccomend08:18
bjvi have in the past gotten nvidia latest & used their installer08:18
Andrew250bad command08:18
TiMiDochasetoys, don't know read the discription of it,08:19
bjvit was a headache to re-roll it every timei changed kernels T_T so i switched to using the repos one08:19
bjvbut now i get headaches still :(08:19
buckyHow do you run binary files?08:19
CarlFKAndrew250: then you didn't run top :)08:19
TiMiDobucky, chmod a+x then ./program.run08:20
bjvdpkg-reconfigure linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-386, dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-glx, & dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-kernel-common08:20
bjvive done those 3, in different orders :|08:20
TiMiDo(%BGraphics%B):%B[%B%B] %B (%BXFree86%B):%B[%B%B] %B (%BRes%B):%B[%B1280x1024%B] %B (%BBits%B):%B[%B%B] %B08:20
Andrew250CarlFK: run top, hit 'l'08:20
TiMiDo(%BMem%B):%B[%B230/1003M %C14[%C4||%C3||||||||%C14] %C%B] %B08:20
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Andrew250CarlFK: I typed that08:20
TiMiDo(%BNetwork%B):%B[%BDevice:Unknown In:0.00M Out:0.00M%B] %B08:20
TiMiDosorry about that,08:20
CarlFKyou typed my name? :)08:20
Andrew250lol of course not08:20
Andrew250CarlFK: Give me a little credit.08:21
CarlFKwhat about run?08:21
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Andrew250CarlFK: I tryed with an without08:21
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CarlFKdid you type hit?08:21
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CarlFKcretits=0.  put in a quarter.08:21
CarlFKhit is a verb, kinda like type08:22
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CarlFKtop is the command, all by itself.  run it. where it is top.  type 3 letters and the enter key....08:22
ritzcrackerhello all08:22
Andrew250CarlFK: I typed top and I got stuff08:22
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CarlFKAndrew250:  good.  now press 1.  the 3rd line should change08:23
ritzcrackerim stocked :) i got ubuntu 64 on my imac it runs so nice08:23
ubot3ritzcracker: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 334, column 8408:23
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bjvjeremyc_: hmm, exact problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46159208:23
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ritzcrackerhmm weird error in typing08:23
ritzcrackerokay thats better lol08:23
Andrew250CarlFK:  are you talking about gpart?08:23
ritzcrackeri got ubuntu working on my imac it runs so fast08:23
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CarlFKAndrew250: no.08:24
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Andrew2501 not L08:24
musyaim trying to install jedit with a debian installer, but it says only one install app can be ran at one time, but im running nothing else, i even tryed restarting the computer.08:24
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ritzcrackermusya: type ps-ax08:25
Andrew250CarlFK: yea I see two Cpus08:25
ritzcrackerwhat is the output08:25
ritzcrackerps -ax08:25
CarlFKanyone know how many sectors sdc is?  http://dpaste.com/17470/08:25
terapicodavehow do I skip or delete a step in the Ubuntu alternate installer?08:25
Andrew250CarlFK: 63 sectors/track08:26
musyaritzcracker: command not found08:26
ritzcrackermusya: i ment ps -ax08:26
CarlFKAndrew250: that is for 1 track.  how any for the whole disk?08:26
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Andrew250CarlFK: how do you find out how many tracks there are?08:27
musyawhere do you want the output?08:27
bjveehh. trying a dpkg-reconfigure on xorg-xserver?08:27
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CarlFKI think  it is >>> print  255 * 63 * 36483 = 58609939508:27
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bjvim just shootin in the dark here on this 7184 9631 API mismatch :(08:27
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musyaritzcracker: http://dpaste.com/17478/08:28
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ubot3I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:28
Andrew250CarlFK: there should be way more08:29
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Andrew250CarlFK: I had almost 60GBs of MP3s08:29
ritzcrackermusya: what is the error your getting again08:29
kahrytanAndrew250, Legal I hope08:29
boontoois there anyway of capturing network packets on a wireless card that doesn't support monitoring mode?08:29
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kahrytanAndrew250, that sounded like a no08:30
musyaritzcracker: "Only one software managment tool is allowed to run at the same time"08:30
boontooAndrew250: doing  some quick maths that would mean your very rich08:30
chasetoysdoes anyone know how to fix my authenticatoin so that only my thinkfinger swipe is required?  (right now i am prompted for both password and thinkfinger swipe)08:30
ritzcrackerwhat package are you trying to install08:30
musyaplease close other apps. e.g.'update manager' 'aptitude'08:30
Andrew250kahrytan: I put all of my rip on to 320 MP308:31
musyai got the debian installer08:31
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kahrytanAndrew250, You are obsessed with HQ music?08:31
Andrew250boontoo: that's my whole family's cds too08:31
ritzcrackerubuntu already has the debian installer08:31
Andrew250kahrytan: yep08:31
ritzcrackerone moment08:31
kahrytanAndrew250, Use lossless format08:31
musyathanks btw08:31
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Andrew250kahrytan: why would I need that if I have the CDs? right?08:32
buckytimido, you there?08:32
kahrytanAndrew250, to have it digitally stored08:32
TiMiDoyeah im here bucky08:32
boontooAndrew250: ah ok well 60 gigs is only about 3,000$ anyway08:32
Andrew250CDs are digital08:32
chasetoysdoes anyone know how to fix my authenticatoin so that only my thinkfinger swipe is required?  (right now i am prompted for both password and thinkfinger swipe)08:32
chasetoysoooops damn comp08:32
ritzcrackerI do not see why you would be getting that error but you do not need to install that package08:32
ritzcrackerbecause you already have it08:32
ritzcrackeryou can install .deb files by default in ubuntu08:33
kahrytanAndrew250, not that way08:33
buckyI entered those commands, I'm still having problems. Can you pm me?08:33
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TiMiDobucky, ask08:33
Andrew250I just put them on MP3s do I don't have to carry a huge CD player, now I have an ipod I can run with.08:33
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kahrytanAndrew250, You could rip to lossless and burn a dvd audio disc if you got dvd player capable08:34
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buckyI'm trying to install this ati driver, how do I run the file?08:34
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Chadhey Chris24 :P08:34
Andrew250my dvd player doesn't play lossless08:34
musyaritzcracker: i have jedit?08:34
ritzcrackerbucky: are you running ubuntu 7.0408:34
boontoodoes wireshark work over wireless im assuming it does08:34
axelwhere is dalnet08:35
ritzcrackerjust go to system - adminstration - restricted drivers08:35
ritzcrackerand enable the ati one08:35
musyaritzcracker: its always worked, but were you talking about jedit? or gedit?08:35
Andrew250CarlFK: what should I do?08:35
kahrytanAndrew250, You should have gotten a meizu08:35
buckyok, I'll try that thanks08:35
Chris24hi Chad08:35
axelhi... my sound card does not working08:35
CarlFKAndrew250: my head is getting fuzzy, but here is what I got:  assuming total sectors is 255 * 63 * 19457 = 312576705, round up to 320 000 000, sudo gpart /dev/sdc -K 320000000 -W /dev/sdc08:35
Andrew250kahrytan: never heard of it.08:35
ritzcrackermusya: what exactly are you trying to install08:35
Chadtwitter ftw, eh? :P08:35
ritzcrackeryou said debian package manager08:35
CarlFKAndrew250: (^C to abort the current gpart run)08:35
musyaritzcracker: jedit08:36
kahrytanAndrew250, Meizu. Chinese flavor to the ipod08:36
axelhi... my sound card does not working08:36
buckyritzcracker: thanks, I'm rebooting now08:36
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kahrytanAndrew250, http://en.meizu.com/ M3 is Nano clone and M6 is way beyond ipod video clone08:36
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boontooaxel: try typing lspci in console is your soundcard shown08:36
Andrew250CarlFK: didn't do anything08:37
ritzcrackerare you using apt-get08:37
ritzcrackerour sympatic08:37
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CarlFKAndrew250: the -K will keep it from scanning the 140 gig of the 300 that isn't part of the 160's bytes.  -W will prompt you to write out the part table it finds08:37
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boontooaxel try lspci | grep -i audio08:37
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Andrew250CarlFK: process didn't stop?08:37
CarlFKit it harder ?08:38
ritzcrackermusya: you using sympatic or apt-get08:38
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Andrew250CarlFK: what?08:38
kahrytanAndrew250, Meizu M3 supports WMA, WMA VBR, WMA LOSSLESS, OGG, WAV, FLAC Playback08:38
musyaritzcracker: nope i downloaded a .deb08:38
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Andrew250kahrytan: cool08:38
musyaand the debian package installer is installing08:38
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Andrew250kahrytan: that's great08:38
ritzcrackermusya: do this08:38
boontooaxel: sorry , lspci | grep  -i audio08:38
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dibblegosometimes I boot my ubuntu server and the network interface is eth0 and other times it is eth1, why? and how can I tell it to stop?08:39
skoenmanguys i need some urgent help i have a raid system wich i want to setup...setup goes well with no errors but the moment it reboots it gives me a error BAD FILE OR DIRECTORY. My part structer looks as follow /boot / and /var ....boot and var are raid 1 and / is raid 008:39
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kahrytanAndrew250, and m6 adds xvid support08:39
CarlFKAndrew250: you know what ^ is?08:39
kahrytanAndrew250, and all for $150 for m608:39
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Andrew250kahrytan: but if I put all my cd into lossless I'd have over 600GB of music, way over my current capasicty.08:39
skoenmanguys i need some urgent help i have a raid system wich i want to setup...setup goes well with no errors but the moment it reboots it gives me a error BAD FILE OR DIRECTORY. My part structer looks as follow /boot / and /var ....boot and var are raid 1 and / is raid 0 its 4X 500gig HDD08:39
Andrew250CarlFK: no08:39
kahrytanAndrew250, 150-20008:40
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CarlFKah.  ^=ctrl, so ^c is ctrl+c08:40
CarlFKhold ctrl key down, hit c08:40
CarlFKdamm kids... :)08:40
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Andrew250CarlFK: so do "sudo gpart /dev/sdc -K 320000000 -W /dev/sdc"08:41
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CarlFKAndrew250: yup.08:41
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Andrew250CarlFK: ok08:41
buckyI installed the ATi driver, it looks like it's running fine, but I still can't set my monitor resolution to anything above 1024x76808:41
kahrytanAndrew250, How many cds do you have?08:41
CarlFKAndrew250: on that note, I wish you the best.  im going to bed08:41
MeroigoI have a Ubuntu 6.06 live CD, can I install Ubuntu with it, and then easily update to 7.04 with the update manager? :P08:42
Andrew250kahrytan: more than I care to count and they are not all here.08:42
skoenmanguys i need help urgent got raid system 4x500gig hdds 3 partitions /boot / and /var getting error bad file or directory type.... its sata drives08:42
BetaTesterHi all. How can I check if I have opengl activated on nvidia. I have no driver installed.08:42
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Andrew250CarlFK: We're still think that all didn't copy right?08:42
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CarlFKAndrew250: hard to say.  you have a fast box, not sure how fast usb2 can move 160 gig08:42
dibblegohow can I tell my server the name of its network interface, since it seems to choose eth0 or eth1 arbitrarily?08:42
BetaTesterglxinfo | grep opengl ? or there is another command?08:42
ubot3For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:42
skoenmanguys i need some urgent help i have a raid system wich i want to setup...setup goes well with no errors but the moment it reboots it gives me a error BAD FILE OR DIRECTORY. My part structer looks as follow /boot / and /var ....boot and var are raid 1 and / is raid 0 its 4X 500gig HDD08:42
Kousotuanyone here speak german?08:43
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dibblegoKousotu, try #ubuntu-de08:43
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Andrew250CarlFK: Thanks for all your help CarlFK even thought most of what you tryed to teach me went woosh.  I thank you for at lease attemping to help me and not just posting links to the man and forums like others do.08:43
Kousotudibblego: I'd rather try herefirst lol08:43
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KousotuI'm not german-speaking08:44
BetaTesterAnybody how do I check from console if opengl is activated :(08:44
skoenmanguys i need some urgent help i have a raid system wich i want to setup...setup goes well with no errors but the moment it reboots it gives me a error BAD FILE OR DIRECTORY. My part structer looks as follow /boot / and /var ....boot and var are raid 1 and / is raid 0 its 4X 500gig HDD08:44
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raboofis it possible to suspend/hibernate, even if my root filesystem is an USB disk?08:45
boontooBetaTester: try glxinfo08:45
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CarlFKAndrew250: I would go back and note the few commands that you trred: dd and gpart are the main ones, if you want to see dd's progress, ps and kill.  if this doesn't work out, do it all again.  guessing because one of the kills killed it.08:45
Andrew250How can I format my laptops drive and mbr so that grub isn't there any more?08:45
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BetaTesterok boontoo thanks08:45
boontooBetaTester: or glxinfo | grep -i opengl08:46
raboofwhen suspending to RAM, the system seems to suspend OK, but when I resume, I'm left with a bash prompt and no filesystem (so no 'ls', 'shutdown', or anything at all available :) )08:46
jeremyc_HEY Guys I totally think you should google your problems08:46
Andrew250CarlFK: Will do08:46
CarlFKAndrew250: oh yeah, fdisk too.  cuz the /dev/sdx may not be the same if you un/plug the drive08:46
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CarlFKsee ya08:46
digitalskyi'm new to ubuntu... just set up my canon inkjet, but i don't have the program to do head-cleaning.  The cd that came with the printer only supplied windows and mac software.08:46
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digitalskyanyone know where i could do that in linux?08:46
Andrew250CarlFK: ok08:46
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Andrew250CarlFK: take care.  Have a good sleep08:46
Andrew250CarlFK: Thanks again08:47
BetaTesterboontoo, thanks08:47
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kahrytandigitalsky, did you check if there is on printer head clean method?08:47
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digitalskykahrytan: sorry what do you mean? i have the software to run head cleaning/alignment only for windows and mac08:48
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digitalskykahrytan: actually i haven't checked if they have linux version on their web. let me check08:48
chasetoysi compiled alsa from source on my t61.... and now i can access alsamixer.... and my HDA INTEL shows up in alsamixer... but when i try to play back a stream with xmms for instance:  ** WARNING **: oss_open(): Failed to open audio device (/dev/dsp): Device or resource busy08:48
chasetoys ..... any ideas?08:48
bullgard4What is meant by 'out-of-tree'? as in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Suspend2Kernel ?08:49
kahrytandigitalsky, Some printers may have method on it as well08:49
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kahrytandigitalsky, without needing the computer08:49
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buckyI got the ATi drivers working but how do I set my monitor resolution to something above 1024x768?08:49
digitalskykahrytan: hmm i don't see any head-cleaning button on the printer08:50
TiMiDobucky, sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:50
skoenmanguys i need some urgent help i have a raid system wich i want to setup...setup goes well with no errors but the moment it reboots it gives me a error BAD FILE OR DIRECTORY. My part structer looks as follow /boot / and /var ....boot and var are raid 1 and / is raid 0 its 4X 500gig HDD08:50
erikjaI'm installing Ubuntu7.04 on a laptop. The resolution is very low, and I then cannot see the "OK" that I want after  having choosed an option and want to carry on the installation. What can I do ?08:50
digitalskyin canon it appears they don't have software/drivers for linux08:50
Andrew250CarlFK: can I format my laptops hd at the same time I'm doing the scan?08:51
linxuz3rwhen it says 2 x 1gb model does it mean 2 memory "sticks" of 1 gb model?08:51
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kahrytandigitalsky, It's not a button. its a method. Ask Cannon support.  it could be to hold a button down for few seconds or  push few buttons in order.08:51
kayoticlinxuz3r that is correct 2 one gig sticks08:51
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witness273I have non Ubuntu specific question I hope someone here can help me with.08:52
witness273I had a power outage tonight and the UPS were used up so my servers crashed.  I have one that is giving me a file system error message and forcing a check using ext2.  Anyway I have run the check several times.  Is there a way that I can by pass the forced check, to see if things will still work?08:52
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digitalskykahrytan: oh ok i didn't know that.08:53
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joeblow988I just installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my toshiba x205 laptop and it doesn't appear to see my hd-dvd drive at all08:53
brad016I can not compile any source code. I untar The binary with "tar zxvf filename.tar.gz" and when I do "./configure" I gives me "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables08:53
digitalskykahrytan: but for alignment, it requires input from the user so I would imagine that it's probably not possible with just the 3 buttons on the printer and no display?08:54
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digitalskykahrytan: would something like "wine" work with these kind of software?08:54
cwraighi all, ii have a large unmber of cds (data) that i am trying to dump on a hard drive for backup, is there any way i can execute a bash script on media insert?08:54
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digitalskykahrytan: rather, would these software work in linux through wine?08:54
brad016Jordan_U, I can not compile any source code. I untar The binary with "tar zxvf filename.tar.gz" and when I do "./configure" I gives me "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables08:54
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buckyTimido, what do I change in xorg.conf?08:55
emilianohi everybody08:55
TiMiDobucky, the resolution08:55
kahrytandigitalsky, I don't know. Ask cannon08:56
emilianocould anybody help me with my sound card?08:56
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skoenmanguys i need some urgent help i have a raid system wich i want to setup...setup goes well with no errors but the moment it reboots it gives me a error BAD FILE OR DIRECTORY. My part structer looks as follow /boot / and /var ....boot and var are raid 1 and / is raid 0 its 4X 500gig HDD08:56
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buckyI understand, but there is 18 resolutions listed here.08:56
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scipiobrad016: sudo aptitude install build-essential08:57
boontoohowcome i cant load Kismet?08:57
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digitalskykahrytan: ok thanks08:57
scipio!sound | emiliano08:58
ubot3emiliano: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:58
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brad016scipio, Working08:58
ubot3The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:58
Andrew250can some one tell me how to format hd for NTFS so that grub is completely removed from the drive.08:59
emilianoscipio: none with sound, but with the integrated mic08:59
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ubot3Factoid screenlets not found08:59
MisoWhere can I learn about screenlets?08:59
joeblow988Hi, I just installed ubuntu 7.04, but it doesn't see the hd-dvd drive on my laptop at all. I dont have any other drive so how can I fix this?08:59
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witness273joeblow  is your drive IDE or SATA?09:00
brad016scipio, error: Unable to find libncurses or libcurses09:01
witness273In BIOS manually set it to IDE.  I ran into a situation 2 days ago that that fixed it09:01
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joeblow988ok, I will try that witness. Thank you09:01
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thirsti tried to connect to dial-up internet thru a usb modem(/dev/ttyACM0), the net connection lasts only for 5-10 seconds, and then the computer freezes, any idea about a fix. I installed tihs system with pnpbios=off option, does that matter ?09:02
boontooAnyone know how to enable Suid priv-dropping09:03
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scipiobrad016: what are you trying to install? are you sure you need to compile it and can't be found in repos?09:03
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linxuz3rdo you guys know how to enable 4 cpu cores?09:03
emilianosound works well, microphone doesn't work at all09:04
bullgard4What is meant by 'out-of-tree'? as in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Suspend2Kernel ?09:04
brad016scipio, Yes it is kismet wireless09:04
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brad016scipio, FYI I'm looking on google as you help me too09:05
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scipiobrad016: kismet is in synaptic09:05
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Andrew250how do you format on ubuntu?09:05
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chasetoyshey folks09:05
brad016scipio, what is that?09:05
MTecknologyI installed network-manager-gnome network-manager-pptp and then one of my preconfigured connections was loaded into the configuration. My problem is that When I click the network manager and go to VPN Connections my VPN connection doesn't show up.09:06
scipio!info kismet09:06
ubot3kismet: Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2006.04.R1-1.1 (edgy), package size 1011 kB, installed size 2552 kB09:06
brad016scipio, The script to install it?09:06
teKnofreakbrad016, $ apt-cache search kismet  kismet - Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool09:06
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scipiobrad016: go to synaptic and search for kismet. right click and chose install09:06
brad016scipio, I'll try that09:06
boontookismet wont load for me scipio =(09:06
teKnofreakbrad016, terminal --> sudo apt-get install kismet ;)09:06
boontoosudo kismet it says its loading but nothing opens09:06
brad016teKnofreak, Thanks man09:07
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scipioboontoo: i don't know sorry. never used it. hopefully someone more knowledgeable shows up09:07
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linxuz3rdo you guys know how to enable 4 cpu cores?09:08
chasetoysi have a t61 and it has a fingerprint reader.... i have edited my /etc/pam.d/gdm file here: http://pastie.caboo.se/89955 ... but right now, gdm asks me for my password && fingerprint!!!  how can i make it do either / or?  thanks!09:08
crolle17how to reanimate a stopped process?09:08
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Andrew250call a priest09:09
boontoochasetoys: have you tried googling?09:09
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chasetoysboontoo, i have tried my best yes09:09
boontoochasetoys: what is your distro09:10
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chasetoysboontoo, gutsy09:10
boontoook hold 1 second09:10
boontooim assuming 7.10 gutsy gibbon09:10
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sauvinHow do you get noatun to play mp3 files?09:11
boontoochasetoys:  if you haven't already try here http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Integrated_Fingerprint_Reader09:11
Kousotuyes, 7.1 is gutsy09:11
MyrttiKousotu: it's 7.1009:11
Myrttinot 7.109:11
Kousotu!mp3 | sauvin09:11
ubot3sauvin: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:11
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boontoo7.1 means the same as 7.10 doesn't it09:12
KousotuMyrtti 7.1 and 7.10 makes NO difference09:12
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Kousotuboontoo: exactly09:12
astro7610 stands for October09:12
boontoomathamatically anyway09:12
boontooperhaps aesthetically09:12
aviswell from a mathematical perspective it might not make a difference however i have only seen it as 7.1009:12
JohnuahI got trouble when install the ubuntu through Wubi09:12
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Kousoturight, but its version number is 7.1 or 7.10, the version number makes no diference how you type it09:13
dariuskaneDo I need 2gb actual writable drive space to use VMware?09:13
MyrttiKousotu: yes it does, as the 10 is for October09:13
Johnuahis there anyone who can help me?09:13
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KousotuMyrtti: in a VERSION number, it does not09:13
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Johnuahwubi wubi09:14
avismyrtii is right from a "naming convention" standard 7.10 is correct i think09:14
linxuz3rdariuskane: no09:14
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Andrew250How do I format on Ubuntu DVD?09:14
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boontooman im so noob at this wireless stuff09:14
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Johnuahwubi wubi09:14
Johnuah :o09:14
boontoodoes anyone know if my ndiswrapper wifi will support MadWifi?09:14
KousotuJohnuah: stop spamming09:14
dariuskanelinxuz3r, will vmserver let me mount a physical hdd in the virtual machine? or just work station does that?09:14
Kousotuboontoo: no, it won't09:15
boontoowhich states it only supports atheros09:15
JohnuahKousotu: all right , but I got trouble while installing the ubuntu by wubi09:15
dariuskanelinxuz3r, sorry not,, mount but boot from the physical hdd09:15
linxuz3rdariuskane: i have no experience of how vmserver works09:15
Kousotuboontoo: What wifi card09:15
avisboontoo, i use the wicd network manager and with it is integrated support for madwifi09:15
linxuz3rdariuskane: i assume you would09:15
boontooKousotu: is there anyway around the dilema that my wifi cannot capture network packets or do i just have to wait for someone to write a decent driver for it that can work in monitoring mode09:15
Kousotuboontoo: What card?09:16
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boontoohangon ill lspci it now09:16
boontoowell i know its a bcm 431809:16
dariuskanelinxuz3r, k well thx anyways... Im doing something a little off the beaten path :) my server is running the livecd and Im trying to test my encrypted boot drives with a vmware virtual machine :)09:16
JohnuahKousotu: are you a japanese?09:16
boontooKousotu: here 0a:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)09:16
Kousotucause kou means core?09:16
JohnuahKousotu: your name like a japan name09:17
KousotuJohnuah: That was the idea09:17
boontoohis name is like a japanese name09:17
boontooJohnuah: are you japanese?09:17
JohnuahKousotu: I wanna some help about wubi installation09:17
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Kousotukou (cow) actually meas core09:17
JohnuahI'm not09:17
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KousotuJohnuah: I don't know anything about wubi09:18
boontoowhat about sotu?09:18
=== Kousotu shrgs
JohnuahKousotu: I got it09:18
KousotuI ain't found a jap to ask09:18
boontooill ask my gf when she gets home =p09:18
Kousotuworks for me09:18
JohnuahKousotu: god09:18
boontooitl be funny if its something like anus09:18
boontooohwell close09:19
bullgard4What is meant by 'out-of-tree'? as in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Suspend2Kernel ?09:19
MTecknologyI set up a VPN connection. After configuring it, it doesn't show up in VPN Connections. Anybody know how to finish getting this to work?09:19
boontoo*revokes religous comment*09:19
dariuskaneKousotu, sounds like the horror stories of american tatooing japanese characters on their bodies and it turns out meaning some really obcense and insulting things about them....09:19
boontooso Kousotu any ideas about my wifi dilema?09:19
Kousotudariuskane: I doubt that09:19
Kousotuboontoo: you distracted me09:19
Johnuahdariuskane: how can you know that09:20
Johnuahdariuskane: is that based on the fact?09:20
dariuskaneKousotu, you doubt that kind of thing happens? many moon ago an asian MIT student wrote a paper on it09:20
avisboontoo, wicd might work for you it includes the selection of WPA supplicant drivers its not in the official repo but can be found using a google search.  i have heard it work in cases like yours when other methods might fail09:20
boontoodid it involve hallucinogenics09:20
Johnuahdariuskane: I know that game09:20
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dariuskanetry and google asian tattoo misinterpretation09:21
ubot3#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:21
boontooaivs: thanks ill pastebin my attempted efforts with wpa_supplicant09:21
Johnuahwe r all off topic09:21
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avisboontoo, well wicd comes bundled with it and you basically select the driver from a drop down list.  makes things simple plus i like it much better than gnome-network-manager09:22
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boontooavis: ok cool09:22
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JohnuahI'm installing the ubuntu through wubi now but it is choking at the screen of "importing document and setting from other system"09:23
chasetoyscan someone give me a good reccomendation for a package full of good fonts to use ?  (i think some internet sites require fonts i dont hav eon my comp)09:23
Johnuahcan anyone advise me?09:23
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avisJohnuah, for me it seems you might try not importing windows stuff.  if it fails while you are still doing that then i might consider that method might not work for you09:24
Andrew250can someone help me remove GRUB Boot Loader so that I can use windows again?09:24
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Johnuahavis: but you know, wubi will do that without my control09:24
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Andrew250I know it has something to do my my drive's mbr but I don't know how to edit it.09:25
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Johnuahavis: I just want to know whether I should force to reboot the computer or not09:25
Kousotudariuskane: I doubt I have anything offensive09:25
Kousotuboontoo: do you have Ndis wrapper yet?09:25
avisJohnuah, sometimes you have to when you have no other choice09:25
boontoowpa_supplicant.conf -->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34621/   output of wpa_supplicant -i eth1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34622/09:25
boontoothere you go kousotu09:25
dariuskaneKousotu, probably not :P I once chose an name for an online game that I thought was random... turned out meaning cheese in dutch :)09:25
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Johnuahavis: the most terriable is that  it's choking now09:26
dariuskanehad alot of people asking me if I was dutch :)09:26
Johnuahavis: I do not know if this is normal or not09:26
boontooavis: E: Couldn't find package wicd09:26
Kousotume read a pastebin?09:26
avisJohnuah, i wont say its normal or abnormal though i will say it doesn't seem like working for some odd reason.09:27
Kousotutri wircd09:27
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boontoonope no go09:27
Kousotuboontoo: get ndiswrapper09:27
boontooapt-cache time09:27
scipioAndrew250: you can fix that with a windows xp cd. press R to enter repair mode and then type fixmbr09:27
boontooKousotu:  i have that already09:27
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Johnuahavis: maybe you are right. can you provide me some advise?09:27
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Kousotuthat that makes this easy09:27
Andrew250ok thanks09:27
avisJohnuah, surely.  see if you can install another method somehow09:27
Johnuahavis:reboot or wait for more09:28
scipioyou need to boot from the cd09:28
sauvinI can't get Noatun to play mp3 files. Mplayer does, of course (mplayer plays ANYTHING), but it's cumbersome to use. Amarok does, too, but its interface is bizarre.09:28
sauvinHow to get noatun to play mp3s? I tried the directions given on pages indicated by the bot; they don't work.09:28
Andrew250but I'm hoping there is a way to do it using the Ubuntu DVD because I'm currently running a recovery process on a different drive.09:28
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Kousotuboontoo: http://fedoranews.org/mediawiki/index.php/How_To_Install_Your_Broadcom_BCM4318_Using_Ndiswrapper09:28
boontooKousotu: ive got that done and my wifi card works09:28
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KousotuI will help out wth commands, but there's the driver09:28
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boontoojust i cant connect to a wpa network09:29
boontooand i cant put my card into monitor mode09:29
skoenmanhow can i fix grub error 2????09:29
boontooand and09:29
Kousotu!mp3 | sauvin09:29
ubot3sauvin: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:29
avisJohnuah, it should not take all that long to import the settings.  if you are sure your hardware works in ubuntu through google then i would try checking your memory or fiddling with your bios.  if its unsupported its no use forcing it09:29
boontooskoenman: please provide more information09:29
sauvinKousotu, those DO NOT WORK.09:29
scipiosauvin: if you can't get that to work try xmms or vlc. xmms looks similar to winamp09:29
Andrew250skoenman error 2 or 21?09:29
Kousotusauvin: try medibuntu?09:29
GiorgosHi guys, i have just installed Ubuntu Feisty and I have problem with the sound card . It is not recognized...Could someone help me?09:30
Kousotuand I'll be clear in saying the DO09:30
skoenmanguys i need some urgent help i have a raid system wich i want to setup...setup goes well with no errors but the moment it reboots it gives me a error BAD FILE OR DIRECTORY. My part structer looks as follow /boot / and /var ....boot and var are raid 1 and / is raid 0 its 4X 500gig HDD09:30
sauvinI had noatun playing mp3s on the other Ubuntu install. Same computer, same version of ubuntu (same install disk, even). This one WON'T. Why?09:30
KousotuGiorgos: if it's not found, no sound, simple as that09:30
Johnuahavis: I got your advises. But my cd rom cannot support my Live Cd so I have to do through wubi09:30
scipiosauvin: maybe you need to select the alsa device?09:30
boontooimo xmms is good09:30
Johnuahwhat a odd ocassion09:31
KousotuGiorgos: I would like to ask however, what sound card?09:31
fictionHow do i talk to a freenode admin? would like to request a name that hasnt been used in ages09:31
GiorgosKousotu Intel09:31
sauvinHrm... maybe.09:31
KousotuGiorgos: that tells me nothing09:31
boontooGiorgos: can you please type lspci | grep -i audio in console09:31
Andrew250skoenman: no idea09:31
Andrew250I'm having error 2109:31
skoenmanhmm damn09:31
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Kousotufiction: try #help ?09:31
skoenmananyone else???09:31
sauvinNo, wait, that ain't it. Noatun just skips right over mp3 files; doesn't even attempt to play them.09:32
avisJohnuah, did you try this url for support ?  http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=23409:32
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Johnuahnot yet09:32
blazemongerMy setup is: a intel d865perl motherboard, two IDE drives, with limited BIOS options, and every distro ive tried is slow09:32
fictionKousotu, thanks09:32
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Kousotuno prob09:32
josh_whats upp?09:32
blazemongeri think it has something to do with a IDE drive on a motherboard that is PATA./SATA09:33
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skoenmanboontoo any idea???09:33
blazemongeri think it's due to driver or kernel related stuff09:33
Kousotujosh_: the sy?09:33
tapaswhat's a good local MTA to add a custom filtering to?09:33
Johnuahavis: I think that I can get suffient support through IRC chat09:33
GiorgosKousotu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3462309:33
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Johnuahavis: because of LIVE help09:33
blazemongerI want a system that will run a plain GNU linux system09:33
Kousotublazemonger: weren't you here earlier?09:33
Don64skoeman: http://www.uruk.org/orig-grub/errors.html try this09:33
skoenmank thanks Don6409:34
Kousotujosh_: *sky09:34
blazemongerand in agpgart , it puts my 3.0 agp card into legacy 1.0 mode09:34
josh_o haha09:34
ashinwhat is the most popular ubuntu internet browser?09:34
blazemongeris this something i need to enable in the kernel09:34
blazemongeryes Kousotu09:34
scipiosauvin: sudo apt-get install libarts1-mpeglib09:34
josh_im out.pce09:34
boontootheres another one that might help aswell sauvin09:34
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tapasashin: no one knows, but i guess firefox09:35
tapasi'm a multi browser user though :)09:35
blazemongeri wish i lived in a area that i could find geeks that know computers and linux09:35
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tapas[because they all suck] 09:35
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dariuskanewho knows which version of vmware support booting virtual machine from physical HDDs directly... server or workstation09:35
blazemongeri dont know any geeks09:35
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sauvinscipio, I'm trying what you said.09:35
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avisblazemonger, if you have tried many distros and are disappointed you might find that its your hardware slowing you down09:36
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ashinok ty09:36
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sauvinNope. Noatun just won't deal with mp3.s09:36
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avisblazemonger, i kinda expected gnome to be as snappy as XFCE however XFCE was much faster.  i'm a fan of gnome though so i stick to it09:36
pkakkarHi, I have ssh in /etc/rc*.d but when i reboot it don't start09:36
pkakkarI have start it manually using sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start09:37
boontoosauvin: try sudo apt-get install mp32ogg09:37
boontooconvert your mp3s into ogg files09:37
CBiLLanyone know why this is happening? fresh default install Ubuntu 7.04 desktop .. boots up to a default desktop clicking on Application or any of the taskbar menu does nothing but bring up a small yellow box09:37
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boontooCBiLL: is there any errors in the console?09:37
CBiLLhowever hitting alt-f2 then opening terminal and it would work fine09:38
CBiLLthe menu and task bar09:38
variantA tip for anyone running windows 2000/XP/2003 on QEMU - Disable ACPI support on the guest OS and the speed increase is fantastic09:38
CBiLLit only works when a terminal is open after a boot up09:38
pkakkarAnyone can help me?09:38
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boontooCBiLL: can i have the name of your video card?09:38
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Andrew250scipio: is there is a way to fix my mbr using the Ubuntu DVD because I'm currently running a recovery process on a different drive?09:39
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boontoosudo | grep -i video09:39
Flannel!grub | Andrew25009:39
ubot3Andrew250: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:39
FlannelAndrew250: first link there09:39
sauvinNope. Noatun still not playing mp3s.09:39
Andrew250Flannel: what?09:39
boontoosorry CBiLL lspci | grep -i video09:39
FlannelAndrew250: first link there gives you step by step for fixing your MBR09:40
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scipioAndrew250: no. if you want your windows mbr you need to boot from a xp cd09:40
pkakkarHi, I have ssh in /etc/rc*.d but when i reboot it don't start09:40
pkakkarI have start it manually using sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start09:40
Andrew250scipio: ok thanks09:40
anhey guys, is there anybody use R on ubuntu?09:40
MTecknologyI set up a VPN connection. After configuring it, it doesn't show up in VPN Connections. Anybody know how to finish getting this to work?09:40
MTecknologyplease help :)09:40
variantan: R being an alternative to X ?09:40
Flannelpkakkar: which version of ubuntu are you running?09:40
ward_what channel is best for help with nstx?09:40
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pkakkarFlannel, How can i check version.. I am in remote shell09:41
Flannelpkakkar: lsb_release -a09:41
anvariant,im using it in konsole09:41
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MyrttiMTecknology: you've got pptp-linux installed too?09:41
pkakkarFlannel, 7.0409:41
MTecknologyMyrtti, ya09:41
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anhello? andyone use R on ubuntu?09:42
MTecknologyMyrtti, I had a connection set up b4 and it was working. I imported the connection for my fresh Ubuntu install. Now it's not showing up.09:43
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variantan: I know of a package called gnu-R is that what you are talking about?09:43
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pkakkarFlannel, Any idea?09:43
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MTecknologyI know there's something fairly simple I need to do to get it working, but i can't remember what it is09:43
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dissectionHello. Anyone know what the url to the web interface of ktorrent is?09:43
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Flannelpkakkar: Whats the filename in /etc/rc*.d?09:44
anvariant,im not use gnu-R,im using R with a konsole,with syntax09:44
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variantan: R is not the easyest of programs to google for.. what is it exactly? (just out of curiostiy)09:44
variantan: oh, the language?09:44
ward_anyone who uses or used nstx ?09:44
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pkakkarFlannel, in /etc/rc3.d -- i think this is default boot level -- its S20ssh09:44
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anyeah,im talking about the R computing language,09:45
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variantan: sorry, i don't know anything about it. it's a bit obscure so this is really not the right place to ask09:45
MTecknologyhasn't anybody had the same issue with vpn?09:46
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dezmini'm not seeing user-mode-linux for my feisty 64 bit installation in synaptic?09:46
pkakkarFlannel, ?09:46
Flannelpkakkar: and that is linked it ../init.d/ssh?09:46
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sauvinR is an opensource version of S, a language for statistical analysis.09:46
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anvariant ,my question is  maily about ubuntu,09:47
QodoshAnyone here ever use Packet Protector for their wireless router?09:47
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variant!ask | an09:47
ubot3an: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:47
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estupendoceroI just installed 7.04 on my brother-in-law's computer - he uses earthlink, and needs to define DNS servers and search domains. I set them, and saved the settings as a location, but how do I set that location as default?09:48
blazemongersomeone please tell me what is happening with ubuntu because when i run it from hard drive it's slow as *#&09:48
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pkakkarFlannel, ?09:48
estupendoceroWhenever the machine is restarted, it loses network settings09:48
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tapasblazemonger: "it's slow as @#!" is about as unspecific as it gets09:48
JDhi, good night? day? wharever09:48
Andrew250do I need grub if I'm booting Ubuntu from a usb drive?09:48
variantblazemonger: that doesn't tell anyone anything..09:48
tapasblazemonger: what is slow?09:48
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=== sauvin notes that xmms, right from the get-go, does it
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blazemongermy drive performance09:49
dissectionAnyone know what the url to the web interface of ktorrent is?09:49
Flannelpkakkar: no, I have no idea what the problem might be.  perms on /init.d/ssh are good?  yeah, they are09:49
blazemongerand it puts my agp 3.0 video coard into 1.x legacy mode (agpgart)09:49
pkakkarFlannel, yes i think so..!09:49
blazemongeri know this system i have is fast09:49
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tapasblazemonger: use hdparm to measure the drive speed09:49
blazemongercuz in windows it's BLAZING fast09:49
anvariant,the latest R version is 2.5.1,but i used apt-get install to install a R on my linux ,R.Version() told me my version is 2.2.1,i wanna upgrade my R to the latest version09:49
JDhas somebody ever programmed in ajunta? i need to learn something about getting it perfect09:49
Andrew250or should I ask, can I boot Ubuntu with out grub?09:49
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blazemongerI thought i was going to be able to just build a PC from scratch and learn the intel architecture and start learning assembly09:50
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variantan: if you can't find a package for ubunto of the latest version you will have to download the source/whatever and install it your self manually from hte R website09:50
blazemongerwhat is a good LOW budget pentium 4 board with onboard sound and video09:50
blazemongerwhich will work with ubuntu09:50
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blazemongeror anything i throw at it09:50
ward_is it possible to setup nstx without a actual domain?09:50
chasetoys_can someone reccomend a font package i can istall?09:50
variantblazemonger: please ask random questions in #ubuntu-offtopic09:50
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scipioestupendocero: what if you go to system-admin-network in the DNS tab? keep only what you need09:51
linxuz3rblazemonger: i think there is pentium d09:51
JDhow do i get help here??09:51
variantchasetoys_: apt-cache search fonts09:51
linxuz3rlater guys09:51
tapasblazemonger: hdparm -tT /dev/you_drive_here09:51
Andrew250or should I ask, can I boot Ubuntu with out grub?09:51
variantJD: ask your qeustion09:51
estupendoceroSo a fresh install of feisty forgets network settings every time the machine is rebooted, any ideas?09:51
chasetoys_variant, tooo many optoins ;[09:51
estupendoceroscipio: that's what I did09:51
FlannelAndrew250: sure.  You can use a number of boot managers09:51
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variant!fonts | chasetoys_09:51
ubot3chasetoys_: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer09:51
blazemongeris it becaus/dev/sda:09:51
blazemonger Timing cached reads:   906 MB in  2.00 seconds = 452.52 MB/sec09:51
blazemonger Timing buffered disk reads:    2 MB in  4.04 seconds = 507.46 kB/sec09:51
scipioestupendocero: oh. and it won't keep them over reboot?09:51
Andrew250I mean with out a boot manager.09:51
estupendoceroscipio: but every time I reboot, it goes to no location09:51
blazemongerthis is running from CD now09:51
blazemongernot hd09:51
blazemongerwhen im on hard drive it's slow as *#&09:51
estupendoceroscipio: yeah09:51
JDand  what is this irc for?if it isn't to get help?09:52
m0u5egar i hate how my apps monopolize my sound so that other apps cant use it09:52
FlannelAndrew250: How would you boot without a boot manager?09:52
Andrew250I think my bios has a boot manager.09:52
m0u5e*cough* skype, *cough* audacious09:52
variantJD: yes, if you have a question, ask it.09:52
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tapasblazemonger: oh well.. if you haven't even booted fom the hd, how is anyone supposed to help diagnosing?09:52
m0u5ehow do i get it so that i am able to play multiple streams ( i already h ave alsa installed)09:52
pkakkarFlannel, Anywhere else i can put so it executes for sure..?09:52
Andrew250I can choose HD, CD, Network?09:52
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JDah, ok, has somebody of you ever programmed on anjuta??09:52
Andrew250Flannel: isn't that a boot manager?09:52
tapasblazemonger: just rnu hdparm with the hd as device09:52
blazemongerive been reinstalling for the past 12 hours09:52
FlannelAndrew250: No, your BIOS boots to a boot manager.  If you selected "HD" from that, it would bootto the boot manager on your HD09:53
anvariant , there is a deb http ?? on the website ,i tried ,but my version is still 2.2.1,I know I can compile it myself,but i prefer to know why i cant upgrade it through the deb http?09:53
variantJD: this chan is for ubuntu help..09:53
tapasblazemonger: why would you install linux more than once?09:53
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blazemongerhow do i change this /dev/sda to /dev/hda?09:53
Andrew250I can choose USB too09:53
tapasblazemonger: this is not windows ;)09:53
jzlhello, I was wondering if someone could help me with SATA support in 6.10..09:53
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blazemongerthyings were freezing in ubuntu when i had it09:53
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variantan: because htere is no official package for that version09:53
FlannelAndrew250: all those just boot to boot managers on each respective medium09:53
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blazemongerlike it would take the menu 2 minutes to load09:53
tapasblazemonger: so you _reinstalled_ it?09:53
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TravelocityQuestion I transfered a 2nd hard disk drive which contained ubuntu to a another system that had windows on the first harddribe, therefore there was no GRUB installed, how do I have grub install to the MBR and detect both OS'es?09:53
blazemongerim about to09:53
tapasblazemonger: don't you still have it on the hd?09:53
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variant!grub | Travelocity09:54
ubot3Travelocity: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:54
MTecknologyWhy can't this VPN just work?!?!09:54
Andrew250but when I installed Ubuntu on my USB drive Grub took over and now I can't boot to my HD.09:54
anvariant ,u mean there is no version in ubuntu sources?09:54
tapasblazemonger: anyways, your way to success is hdparm09:54
Andrew250I get some type of error.09:54
TravelocityI don't have a floppy drive09:54
variantan: correct09:54
scipioestupendocero: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188551&highlight=dns+reboot+lost09:54
tapasblazemonger: and reading dmesg output09:54
JDah, ok, damn, well thanks anyway!! :)09:54
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tapasi need to go to work now09:54
ubot3From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD09:54
blazemongerwhotapas: what do i do now?09:54
FlannelTravelocity: First link, not the second one.09:54
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estupendoceroscipio: thank you, I'll take a look09:54
blazemongerthing is my motherboard is this PATA/SATA stuff ive never heard of but i have IDE hard drives09:55
tapasblazemonger: first of all i would be interested what result you get from running thehdparm test on your hd09:55
tapassimple put the right device string after the command09:55
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jzlWhen I installed 6.10...would it have found and installed my sata chip automatically.  Its a dell 400sc poweredge09:55
anvariant ,but there is one in R website ,and I added that address to my sourcelist.09:55
tapasan: you plenk09:55
gikidhow do i view every computer on the network09:55
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gikida command...09:55
JDah,  a quiestion, how can i manipulate ntfs partitions of win, using ubuntu,?? how can i modificate archives in that ntfs partition?09:55
tapasan: commas are put, like this, after the words, not infront09:56
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valmarkoHi there. I can't find libdvdcss2 in multiverse . Any help, please ?09:56
jzlgikid: browse the lan?09:56
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antapas,whats that mean?09:56
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gikidjzl: i'm not running a gui09:56
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variantan: then if you have updated apt and upgraded the package you should get the latest version available in that source. it can be that the latest package created by thhe R folk is not as uptodate as their source release09:56
scipioestupendocero: this looks better: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282034&highlight=dns+reboot+lost09:56
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tapasan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plenk09:56
tapasan: i just told you.. you can read it there againa lso, though09:56
astro76!dvd | valmarko09:57
ubot3valmarko: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs09:57
MTecknologydoes this error mean anything to anybody? ** (nm-applet:9075): WARNING **: <WARNING>       nmi_dbus_get_vpn_connection_properties (): applet-dbus-info.c:635 - couldn't get 'name' item from GConf.09:57
valmarkothaks astro7609:57
estupendoceroscipio: thanks again, that looks very promising09:57
jzlgikid: netstat ?  not for sure.. im trying for help as well09:57
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JDhey alguien sabe como puedo modificar archivos en una particion ntfs del guindos??09:58
smartkingI have problem when install ubuntu desktop .iso with wubi09:58
blazemongerquestino is WHY is my video card in LEGACY 1.x mode instead of 3.0 mode?09:58
antapas,sorry,my english is not good ,can u say that again another way?09:58
m0u5ehow do i make sure that i am using alsa as my default sound mixer and not oss?09:58
blazemongerif someone can troubleshoot i will mail anything that i can obtain09:58
tapasan: you write like this: "bla ,bla".. correct would be: "bla, bla"09:58
Andrew250does anyone know of any ext2/3 recovery software for linux?09:58
GeneralKI'm wondering, does inability to switch consoles during disk format in Ubuntu's install indicate a complete lockup? And if so, does anyone know of any cases of the format freezing at 33% every time?09:58
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astro76!sound | m0u5e09:59
ubot3m0u5e: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:59
tapasan: i can't say it more clearly unless i assume you are a moron, which i don't want to. so you have to figure it out from here by yourself09:59
estupendoceroscipio: hey, that second link looks like the fix! I'm going to give that a try and see.09:59
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estupendoceroscipio: thanks a ton!09:59
JDdoes anyone know how to manipulate files in a ntfs partition??09:59
blazemongeri'm not a moron09:59
blazemongeri dont know PC land09:59
jzlJD: ntfs-3g09:59
anso ,give me that address again ,i cant open it09:59
scipioestupendocero: you're welcome. i hope it works out for you09:59
kauerJD: Ask your actual question....09:59
Andrew250does anyone know of any ext2/3 recovery software for windows?09:59
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sauvinext3 needs "recovery"?10:00
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m0u5eastro76: what if im using xubuntu? :X10:00
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JDkauer: and what can you tellme about samba?10:00
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=== jzl needs help with detecting a sata HD
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anandrew250,u can use ghost,it's cool10:00
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Andrew250Norton Ghost?10:00
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Andrew250an: Norton Ghost?10:01
JDml 2310:01
kauerI need to digitise some LPs. I am thinking of getting an external USB pre-amp, an "ARTcessories Phono PreAmp with USB". See http://www.network-et.com/index-pro.htm (it's the second last entry on that page). This looks like a USB sound card to the operating system. Can anyone advise whether these will work "out of the box" with Linux?10:02
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wkeanologosin a flatbed scanner's specification it says 'Scanning Area: Reflective' and 'Scanning Area: Transparent' what are these?10:02
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astro76m0u5e, there's also the Multimedia Systems Selector preference tool, no idea if that exists in xubuntu10:02
estupendoceroscipio: I have to reboot to check it, but I have that "ahh, it's fixed" feeling. Thanks!10:03
jzlHow can I see if an installed sata hd is even recognized?  It needs partitioned for use... but gparted dont show it.  anyone?10:03
kauerJD: You'll get better results if you ask specific questions.10:03
Andrew250I'm looking for a free option.10:03
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stuart-can tuxguitar read powertab files?10:03
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astro76jzl, see if it's listed by this command: sudo fdisk -l10:03
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jzlastro76: it's not10:04
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jzlastro76: that was the frist place I looked10:04
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m310107Hello, am trying to install a second nic onto my feist server. After a new install none of the nics seem to be working. Anyone got any ideas?10:04
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ubot3To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:05
pawanhow much space to allocate for edubuntu installation10:05
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dariuskanem310107, if none of them work might be an irq conflict10:05
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m310107@dariuskane thanks10:05
tapaskauer: USB audio is supported out of the box10:05
jzlastro76: I have an existing / working server that has 3 IDE drives... I have never used the sata ports.  now I am needing to expand storage and the sata is open.10:05
tapaskauer: as long as the device adheres to the USB-audio standard10:06
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tapaskauer: you might have to wrestle with braindead programs though. properly coded ALSA apps will have no problem whatsoever talking to a USB-audio device though10:06
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Don64wkeanologos: the reflective area is for scanning paper and such, the transparent area is for scanning film negatives and such10:06
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Phrozen_Onehow can I remove unused space from a gzipped archive of a dd partition image?10:08
m0u5emy pcm no longer registers10:08
m0u5ewhat do i do? :X10:08
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m0u5emoving my pcm up and down does nothing anymore10:08
astro76jzl, I don't even have any systems with sata yet... only thing I can think of is maybe check the bios10:08
m0u5eit used to do something, but not anymore... what should i do? :X10:08
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jzlastro76: great idea... I will do that now.10:08
pawanwhat type of partition to use for edubuntu10:09
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dariuskanePhrozen_One, a dd image needs to stay as is or itll be corrupted... you cant remove anything10:09
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GeneralKDoes inability to switch consoles during disk format in Ubuntu's install indicate a complete lockup? And if so, does anyone know of any cases of the format freezing at 33% every time?10:09
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astro76Phrozen_One, FYI, partimage doesn't save the unused space to begin with10:09
scipiopawan: ext3 i guess10:09
dariuskaneGeneralK, your using the alternate cd installer right10:09
ubot3SystemRescueCd is a Linux system on a bootable CD-ROM. It contains a number of admin tools including gparted and partimage. http://sysresccd.org/Main_Page10:09
pawanhow much space to allocate10:10
Andrew250does anyone know of any ext3 recovery software for Ubuntu?10:10
Andrew250something graphical?10:10
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GeneralKdariuskane: The DVD. I've tried the installer for a command line installation, server & the regular one.10:10
m0u5eokay, so i have both esound and alsa installed10:10
astro76Andrew250, what are you trying to do?10:10
m0u5ehow do i make alsa my primary?10:10
m0u5ethrough the terminal? :X10:10
m310107hi dariuskane, how can I diagnose or fix an IRQ problem, if that's what it is?10:10
bambamisn't there any package for bitbake in feisty?10:10
scipiopawan: depends on how big is your hardrive. and what else you have on it. 10G is enough to run and install plenty of stuff10:11
Andrew250recovery a files on a deleted ext3 partition.10:11
Andrew250I meant recover files10:11
dariuskaneGeneralK, never tried the DVD... but if you are creating LVM groups and parititon it can take up to a few minutes for each partition.. its a known bug... but it hasnt frozen... jsut slow10:11
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astro76Andrew250, how was this partition deleted?10:11
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Andrew250using the XP CD.  It was not formated just deleted.10:12
dariuskanem310107, well if you take the new card out and it works... then you replace the old card for the new card and it works again... then its a conflict10:12
GeneralKdariuskane, I had thought to try it without LVM. Same result. But I didn't know if it would recover from sitting there and not even letting me switch consoles or not.10:12
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skoenmanboontoo i got the raid working10:12
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scipiom0u5e: double click on the volume button then file-device-alsa10:12
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m0u5escipio: im using xubuntu, and id like to know if there is a way to do this through the term?10:13
Andrew250astro76: using the XP CD.  It was not formated just deleted.10:13
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nalphaanyone knows what is the category  D-Link Printer SErver I want to add it to hardware compatibility list in wiki.ubuntu.com thanx alot10:14
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lnxhow i can add all the shortcuts from metacity to xface ?10:15
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astro76Andrew250, I'm not sure how to do that, as for graphical tools, the only options seem to be commercial10:16
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scipiom0u5e: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41836010:16
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JDwhy do i compile compiz-fusion??10:17
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astro76nalpha, the hardware compatibility list doesn't seem to cover network devices like that, only devices that connect directly to the computer10:18
Andrew250astro76: is there some way to repair the partition?10:18
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astro76nalpha, really any print server should work, they all use either IPP or jetdirect type interface10:19
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astro76Andrew250, I'm assuming there is if commercial windows software claims to recover deleted ext3 partitions, but I'm not aware of how10:19
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Andrew250I've tryed one windows based version but it keeps locking up.10:20
astro76nalpha, no reason you couldn't add a section though10:21
astro76Andrew250, yeah I wouldn't hold my hopes up :/10:21
m0u5escipio: thx :D10:21
scipiom0u5e: did it work?10:21
Andrew250astro76: http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page maybe this?10:21
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scipiom0u5e: good luck :)10:21
m0u5escipio: i didnt upgrade to feisty though :(10:22
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scipiom0u5e: still edgy?10:22
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chasetoysif i'm running gnome but require a kde tray app... is it ok to sudo apt-get install kde ?10:22
astro76Andrew250, lol and I use that all the time, yeah you can try Test-disk program on that disk10:22
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m310107@daruiskane just rebooted and changed the BIOS from Auto(ESCD) to manual (left the defaults). Now I get eth cards up as entered in the /etc/iftab. But network not up: pinging the router/gw doesnt bring anything.10:23
m0u5escipio: no i got feisty to start with10:23
Andrew250astro76: can you help me set it up.  I'm a real linux noob?10:23
nalphaastro76: ow... okey thanx alot10:23
scipiom0u5e: ah. try it anyway. it's not like you'd break something :)10:23
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m0u5escipio: the problem is that my pcm no longer registers, i move it up and down and it doesnt change anything10:24
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valmarkoHow to get the best of ALSA. I have the feeling sound could be much better. I'm not saying linux is not capable. Perhaps it's just a matter of configuration10:24
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astro76Andrew250, you just need to download the sysresccd iso and burn it to disk and boot with it, beyond that I'm afraid I can't help much with Test-disk, you'll have to read the docs... http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk10:24
JDsomebody of you have an starbridge modem??10:24
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JDi worder how can i conecct it via usb10:24
lnxhow i can add all the shortcuts from metacity to xface ?10:25
Andrew250astro76: it's in the SPM10:25
blazemongeri'dwell who can reccomend a system that will work with gnu10:25
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astro76Andrew250, spm?10:25
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Andrew250astro76: synaptic Package Manager10:26
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JDhas someone ever connect an usb modem?10:26
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valmarkoI dont know why sound is excellent when using windows and ( it doesnt matter the distro. i already tried several ) with linux is so poor quality10:27
GaastonJD> yes, but a umts/gprs modem10:27
astro76Andrew250, good to know :)10:27
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FurryNemesisJD, what model is your modem?10:27
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QodoshIs it possible to get ubuntu on a pocket pc?10:28
Andrew250but I suck at linux I don't know now to run any programs10:28
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JDuhmm, i needed and adsl modem10:28
SlimeyPeteQodosh: nope, though Canonical have been working with... erm, Nokia I think... to make a mobile version so maybe in the future...10:28
JDi have and adsl starbridge modem10:28
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ubot3grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:29
FurryNemesisJD,just a sec, I'll see if there are instructions in the wiki10:29
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QodoshSlimeyPete: that would be awesome.10:29
Ratch3they can someone tell me which theme this is - http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/1633/august212007it6.jpg10:30
QodoshSlimeyPete: I am looking into getting a handheld comp, but I dont want to get one if I cant get a linux distro on one. No of any that works with a handheld?10:30
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FurryNemesisJD, don't suppose you speak spanish?10:30
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JDjajaja, both10:31
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SlimeyPeteQodosh: there are versions of Linux for PocketPC but make sure you get a PocketPC that will boot from a flash card. Else you could buy a GP2X or a Zaurus - they run Linux by default.10:31
Ratch3tcan someone look at this screenshot and pls tell me which gtk theme is it - http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/1633/august212007it6.jpg10:31
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FurryNemesisin that case10:31
familiehello I need to install an Win32 application for Making the Tax for my daddy on ubuntu, how can I do that?10:31
JDenglish and spanish, when you need help. you get everywhere10:31
QodoshSlimeyPete: What would you recommend?10:32
familiewine apperantly dont work10:32
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Arafangionfamilie: Your three alternatives are: (1) Upgrade wine to the latest version on winehq.org, (2) Install windows inside of a VMware session, emulating windows, and (3) Dualbooting.10:32
SlimeyPeteQodosh: Either the PocketPC or the Zaurus. Zaurus is difficult to get hold of these days though. I'd google around for "linux pocketpc" and see what state things are at if I wiere you - personally I haven't tried Linux on one for ages.10:32
Arafangionfamilie: There's a fourth alternative in that you could use a  different tax program that works natively on linux.10:33
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FurryNemesisthat's all I can find atm, am looking for more pages10:33
QodoshSlimeyPete: ok, thanks!  have you heard anything about the nokia 770?10:33
SlimeyPeteno, sorry10:33
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FurryNemesisthat is a more general guide10:34
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familieArafangion: which one? There is a veryy good one in Germany calles WISO and it is the best with videos and a "real" Wizard, my father is using this for years now10:34
familiethe vmware thingy sounds nice, may i try this?10:35
QodoshSlimeyPete: Thanks anyways. My I ask why you stopped using linux on a handheld? :)10:35
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Arafangionfamilie: Sure, but you require a windows installation CD.10:35
SlimeyPeteQodosh: I just got bored of using a handheld ;)10:35
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familieArafangion: I got all sorts of them no problem ;)10:35
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familie!vwmare > familie10:35
Arafangionfamilie: Then go to vmware.com (Or is it .org?), and get the free vmware server.10:35
JDthx man, i have already read that, but10:35
familieArafangion: okay, thank you I'll look10:36
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JDsomebody ever toldme something about PPP, but i don't know what it is10:36
familieits .com10:36
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familieJD: Point to Point Protocol. Protocol encapsulating a connection to a TCP/IP network through a modem and a telephone line.10:36
FurryNemesisIt's (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the protocol used by your modem10:37
familieFurryNemesis: full ack10:37
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FurryNemesissniped :p10:37
JDah, ok, but10:38
JDi'm not and advanced user, and i have to keep on studing taht10:38
familieArafangion: and WinXP will run properly on VMWare?10:38
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FurryNemesisI did it once before I got a router10:38
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FurryNemesisIt is doable, just take it slowly10:38
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ThirtysixwayI run windows98 on vmware fine10:39
FurryNemesisI too knew nothing10:39
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Ahadiel_familie, I prefer VirtualBox10:39
Arafangionfamilie: Sure.10:39
skoenmanif the apt-get doesnt want to work and you cant ping www.google.com but you can ping people on lan how do i fix it ...dns is setup correct10:39
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familieAhadiel_: pro/cons for this one?10:39
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Ahadiel_it takes up less resources as opposed to VMWare10:39
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Arafangionfamilie: Just don't install Vista.10:39
familieI basically need it only for one application10:39
Ahadiel_familie, easier setup IMO10:39
familieArafangion: hello no ;)10:39
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familieAhadiel_: is it in the reps?10:40
Ahadiel_I have 1 gb of ram, compiz fusion running, and I can run WIndowsXP fine in VirtualBox10:40
Ahadiel_familie, yes10:40
slytherinfamilie: What application?10:40
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Arafangionfamilie: Be aware that even though VMware claims to support 3D, it only does so on windows.10:40
familieslytherin: "WISO" It is a Multimedia Application for makin the Tax Report here in Germany. The best app for this.10:40
JDyeah i'm pacient with that, thx for the advise!10:40
ThirtysixwayvmWare runs slow for me10:41
skoenmanif the apt-get doesnt want to work and you cant ping www.google.com but you can ping people on lan how do i fix it ...dns is setup correct10:41
ArafangionThirtysixway: It likes RAM.10:41
Ahadiel_Thirtysixway, try VirtualBox10:41
familieskoenman: sudo dhclient10:41
slytherinfamilie: Wow. multimedia application for tax reports? What does it do? Play songs in background? :-P10:41
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ThirtysixwayIs it in apt-get?10:41
JDif i know something about it i'll publish it on ubuntu-es10:41
Ahadiel_Thirtysixway, yes10:41
haruhow do i change the default device for alsa10:41
lil-g-manhello people!10:41
familieslytherin: nope it is a famous tv show and a lawyer is explaining the  new laws and stuff in videos10:41
lil-g-mangood morning (in my timezone)10:41
familielil-g-man: 10.42 am :)10:42
skoenmanfamilie what does that do???10:42
ThirtysixwayI'll probably try it then, but not right now ;x10:42
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Arafangionfamilie: I suggest upgrading to teh very latest wine first.10:42
lil-g-manfamilie: 11.42 :)10:42
haruhow do i change the default device for alsa ??10:42
Arafangionfamilie: What version of wine do you have currently?10:42
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slytherinharu: Right click on speaker icon in panel. Open Volume Control. File->Change Device10:42
skoenmank that works thanks how do i get it back to static adress???10:42
lil-g-mandoes anyone know how to mute laptop's speakers but get sound from the headphone jack?10:42
haruslytherin, :i selected USB device there and totem and system sounds play fine..10:43
Arafangionlil-g-man: Impossible, usually.10:43
JDhey, how can i see the specifications of my procesor??10:43
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haruslytherin, : however alsamixer still says default device not found10:43
yanpoff topic: How would you pronounce the letter "L" if you were to type it using a real word?  Like 'real' is close to "ill"10:43
haruslytherin, alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device10:43
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lil-g-manarafangion: great :)10:43
skoenmanfamilie ????10:43
slytherinharu: Don't have much idea.10:43
Arafangionyanp: "real" is quite different to "ill", but that'd depend on the accent.10:43
haruhow do i change the default device for alsa ??10:43
astro76yanp, el :)10:44
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yanpArafangion: I guess so..nevermind.10:44
slytherinlil-g-man: I think you can mute PCM. That way you will hear sound only from headphones.10:44
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fyrestrtrwhat exactly do I have to remove from my system so that vmware-server will install? I only installed vmware-player, and that has already been removed (twice) with --purge and still I cannot install vmware-server because it is complaining that vmware already exists?10:44
Arafangionyanp: It all depends on the accent and listener.  There is an alphabet used for this, though - the phonetic alphabet.10:44
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lil-g-manslytherin: if i mute PCM i lose sound completely10:45
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lil-g-manslytherin: u mean mute it in alsamixer right?10:45
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slytherinlil-g-man: I don't use alsamixer. I use GUI. I think there must be some option for headphone jack sense.10:45
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familieskoenman: sorry i searched the xp cd :/10:46
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slytherinlil-g-man: Right click speaker icon in panel and open Volume Control. In Edit->Preferences see if you can find Headphone Jack Sense.10:46
familieskoenman: try sudo gedit /etc/networking/interfaces10:46
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ubot3grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:47
familieskoenman: do you have gedit in front of you?10:47
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skoenmanfamilie im using server interface but ill do that just now10:48
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m310107Hi there, am trying to get my 2 eth cards up. Can ping the router ( but not outside. Any ideas?10:48
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lil-g-manslytherin: nope no headphone jack in the list10:48
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skoenmanfamilie do you set it to static that ....??10:48
magihi everyone!10:48
magiI have one problem10:48
JDtellme magi10:48
HexJamguys, i noticed when it run apt-get it says "The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: <packages>" Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.   -- But the thing is, I use some of these packages, should i really issue that command?10:48
slytherinlil-g-man: What is the list then?10:48
pkakkarIs there someway i can start sshd on remote shell. I am not able to enter my remote shell as i sshd is not running after reboot10:48
VivisectorHi everyone, I just installed Gutsy on a macbook pro, and I'm not getting any sound.  I installed Amaork and the codecs, and I can see the visualizations playing with the shoutcast station, but I dont hear any sound.  I dont hear any login sound either.  Does anyone know how to fix this?10:49
ArafangionHexJam: Obviously not, which is why it doesn't remove it by default ;)10:49
robinno 'deb' command,why?10:49
magiThanks. I logined the OpenVPN, and the ifconfig tell me I successed opened tap0 tunnel10:49
lil-g-manslytherin: master, pcm, linein, iec958, ext mic, int mic, intmic10:49
magihowever, I found I still cannot access computers inside the VPN10:49
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astro76!apt | robin10:49
ubot3robin: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)10:49
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skoenmaniface eth0 inet static10:50
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HexJamArafangion: Cheers, I was just checking, I thought they might have been depricated/old packages or somthing.  That's a bit of a silly message really10:50
skoenman# dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed10:50
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fsckr!pastebin | skoenman10:50
slytherinlil-g-man: Did you go to Edit->Preferences in that window?10:50
ubot3skoenman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:50
pkakkarIs there someway i can start sshd on remote shell. I am not able to enter my remote shell as i sshd is not running after reboot10:50
magibut I cannot access computers in the VPN10:50
pkakkarIs there someway i can start sshd on remote shell. I am not able to enter my remote shell as sshd is not running after reboot10:50
RadicalMEg'd morning all!10:51
magiany suggestions?10:51
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lil-g-manslytherin: yeah10:51
ArafangionHexJam: What it does is that if you install package Foo, but Foo requires Bar, then Bar is marked as "automatically installed".10:51
skoenmanfamilie check prv10:51
lil-g-manslytherin: the name of the window is volume control preferencer10:51
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Travelocitywith regards to grub if u have a SATA DEVICE and a ATA harddrive and SATA is always first to boot, what what be teh designation of teh ATA device ie: (hd0,0)10:51
JDhave you tray to do a ping to another computer?10:52
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lil-g-manslytherin: maybe i should update alsa?10:52
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slytherinlil-g-man: Which version of Ubuntu?10:52
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HexJamArafangion: I see, handy i suppose if you want to slim down your system, but in this case i think it would probably destroy mine! Thanks for the advice!10:52
lil-g-manslytherin: 7.0410:52
magiJD: yes I've tried. however, not successful.10:52
Jordan_UHexJam, To add to Arafangion's comment, there is a package called "ubuntu-desktop" that exists only to depend on other packages that are useful for a Gnome desktop, if this is removed then all of the packages that it depended on will be marked as automatically installed but no longer needed10:53
slytherinlil-g-man: I am surprised why that option is not there.10:53
SelsiThis is an appropriate help channel?10:53
lil-g-manslytherin: i'm screwed :(10:53
slytherinSelsi: yes10:54
SelsiThanks =)10:54
SelsiI do indeed have a minor problem, but it is proving difficult to fix10:54
cewsapa u10:54
JDuhm,,..let me think, have you done a ping to your own card right?10:54
cewmaksud u10:54
robinno found "deb" as command10:54
m310107@skoenman: hi have static IPs configured for my eth cards via /etc/network/interfaces. More or less like you describe, but can't get beyond router...10:54
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slytherin!ask Selsi10:55
ubot3Factoid ask selsi not found10:55
HexJamArafangion: Jorda: Cheers for the help, l8rz!10:55
cewkon ngomong opo10:55
slytherin!ask > Selsi10:55
ThirtysixwayAnyone here use xubuntu10:55
cewbasa opo iku10:55
SelsiI believe I have corrupted my NTFS journal when i tried to install ubuntu10:55
skoenmanyeah mine is doing the same10:55
Selsion my main vista partition10:55
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SelsiFrom what I have read10:56
JDselsi,in wich partition didi yu install ubuntu?10:56
cewyes yes10:56
chuy_max<Selsi> that must be a signal :P10:56
Selsiit is caused by low version Gparted10:56
TravelocityAny grub xperts around? title Windows XP/Vista # You can use any title you wish, this will appear on your grub boot menu10:56
Travelocityrootnoverify (hd0,0) #(hd0,0) will be most common, you may need to adjust accordingly10:56
Travelocitychainloader +110:56
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Travelocitysorry guys10:56
cewgengeng u a10:56
slytherin!paste > Travelocity10:56
m310107hi skoenman10:56
cewsorry juga10:56
Selsiubuntu was installed in partition #210:56
cewo buntu10:56
Selsi /dev/sda210:56
skoenmanm310107 yeah i goty it working with dhcp10:56
Selsiwhere ntfs is /dev/sda110:56
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cewbasa alien yo10:57
skoenmanm310107 gonna try and go back to static now10:57
JDok, tell me again your problem?? you think you 've corruted the ntfs partition?10:57
m310107@skoenman: i'm keeping to static for now10:57
magiJD: yes,I can ping my own computer successfully. I am using an ADSL connection.10:57
Selsibasically, and I am having trouble getting an updated nftsprog for edgy10:57
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cewI g tell mi goblek10:57
slytherinTravelocity: State your problem10:57
skoenmanyeah i just needed to update sources10:57
astro76cew, what language are you speaking?10:57
cewno problem10:57
magiJD: and I can access the internet. however, not my VPN computer.10:57
TravelocityDoes the fact that qa OS is installed on a SATA harddrive change it's designation in grub?10:58
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JDuhmm, have you checked that you ip is part of the VPN group?10:58
m310107@skoenman static should be easier as long as all computers in the net keep to the rules10:58
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m310107@skoenman but I can't get beyond the router ...10:59
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magiJD: yes, in the ifconfig, I found the VPN group IP in part "tap0".10:59
slytherinTravelocity: Was it installed previously on another disk?10:59
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slytherinTravelocity: I mean the OS you are referring10:59
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SelsiYea, I read up on people having similar problems with corruption, ntfsfix usually fixed it for them, however I am restricted to edgy (booting from a flash drive, interesting story) and the repositories posted on the forums no longer function11:00
JDbut you are sure that you ip is in teh domain of the VPN, right?11:00
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SlimeyPeteTravelocity: if you're using grub to boot two different OSes from SATA and PATA disks, try swapping the disk IDs in menu.lst11:00
skoenmanm310107 had same thing also could not get past router to internet but can see computers on nework11:01
SlimeyPete(there's a known bug which has been around for a while now)11:01
magiJD: yes, it is in the VPN domain. actually I am trying to access the VPN of my school, so I confide about the IP.11:01
Travelocityno....I have a windows harddrive and a linux harddrive, I've installed the linux harddrive just now and am trying to add grub, however I need to edit menu.1st, I'm trying to figure out if /dev/sda/ is designated (hd0,0) still and if /dev/hda1/ would be designated (hd1,0)?11:01
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JDselsi, but you can't get into win??11:01
magiJD: it is in "tap0" if I use openVPN, or "ppp1" if I use vpnc11:01
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slytherinTravelocity: I believe your assumption is correct11:02
JDuhmm look,how didi you create your etx3 partition?11:02
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msjonesanybody know if kismet supports the IPW3945?11:02
m310107@skoenman hmm... wonder if it is /etc/network/interfaces setting... dns setting11:03
SelsiVista reacts interestingly to a corrupt ntfs journal, it half loads and fails on the driver crcdisk.sys if you are interested11:03
Travelocityk sly11:03
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skoenmanm310107 im gonna have look now11:03
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Selsiapparently the rescue disk fails at the same place, but since this computer has no CD rom drive, its not really an option anyway11:03
lil-g-manslytherin: would updating alsamixer fix the problem of not seeing headphone in volumemixer?11:03
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Selsiflash disk with edgy was the only functioning boot i can get on this computer11:04
Selsiand its ntfsfix option cant mount ntfs =(11:04
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m310107@skoenman /etc/resolv.conf settings: have nameserver [IP of gateway]  [newline]  search [home domain in my case home.xx] 11:05
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skoenmanhmm ???11:05
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m310107@skoenman yeah?11:06
skoenmanm310107 you need to run dhclient11:06
skoenmanand then do /etc/init.d/networking restart11:06
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JDuhmm, well, i don't know vista so much, let me see what i can find!!11:06
skoenmanm310107 mine is working now11:06
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Selsii have some links for you if you want11:07
m310107@skoenman dhclient... for DHCP. So you've got a dhcp server somewhere, probably on gateway/router..11:07
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Selsimy problem basically11:07
Selsiactually exactly11:07
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skoenmanm310107 do that then yoou just do the restart worked for me'11:08
mrga_croi build a C++ program, but how can i see if it's working11:08
Travelocity@sly, is the following the correct command to install grub on /dev/sda using infro from /mnt/hda1/root/boot/grub using "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/hda1/root /dev/sda"11:08
ward_how can i test if i can setup a DNS server with my connection? (its possible my ISP filters it)11:08
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ubot3For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:08
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m310107@skoenman dhclient... ha ha, OK. I give up. I'll give it a try. Must switch on my wireless routers' dhcp server first...11:10
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m310107@skoenman thx11:10
osfameronmrga_cro: run it?11:10
TravelocityAnyone know if the following is the correct command to install grub on /dev/sda using infro from /mnt/hda1/root/boot/grub using "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/hda1/root /dev/sda"11:10
Adnan_I want to enable gd2 support for php5 in apache2 and for that I need to install extension,how can I do it?11:10
JDwwell,it's exactly the same, make and chkdsk , see what happens11:10
kauertapas: Thanks for the info on USB audio! Just what I wanted to hear :-) (sorry, I was away a while)11:11
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magiJD: any suggestions?11:11
ubot3Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok11:11
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spiroohi, can i boot from an USB with ubuntu without to have to change BIOS?11:11
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magisome tell me to config the route, but I don't know how to!11:11
JDuhmmm, i'm trying to remember 'cause a friend of mine had the same problem a weeks ago11:11
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harucan someone please tell me why gmplayer keeps saying alsa-control: unable to find simple control 'PCM', 0, while mplayer plays the same video just fine?11:11
JDbut he never told me how to fix it11:11
sprashHi! what exactly is the difference between the ubuntu-linux-server and the ubuntu-linux-generic kernel? the server kernel just does not work.11:11
UB`do you know how to reset human icons?11:12
linopilsome channels have uBOTu disconnected11:12
mrga_croi compile it, and when i click execute, a just get that everything is fine. i use OpenLDev11:12
linopilnay particular reason?11:12
UB`I have some icons with wrong resolutions11:12
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TravelocityAnyone know if the following is the correct command to install grub on /dev/sda using infro from /mnt/hda1/root/boot/grub using "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/hda1/root /dev/sda"11:12
UB`they are blurred11:12
spirooCan I boot Ubuntu from USB? :P11:12
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Jordan_Uspiroo, Yes11:12
spiroowithout to change to boot from it in BIOS?11:13
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spirooI do not have permissions to BIOS11:14
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Selsiso you want me to try chkdsk?11:14
spirooand where do I lay it in USB. I have an U3 Cruzer?11:14
JDtry it,11:14
osfameronmrga_cro: I don't know OpenLDev, you might get better support from their mailing lists.  But if your program was supposed to output something, say to the console, check that that was output.  If it didn't have any output, then add it (for testing)11:14
SliMMi have a problem with ubuntu 6 lts11:14
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SelsiI am not sure how to do that within ubuntu11:14
spirooJD: cool, how do I do?11:15
spiroowhere should ISo be in USB?11:15
_Shade_hi there11:15
mrga_croi have output, Hello World,11:15
JDwhat?? spiroo11:15
pkakkarHow can do autologin in ubuntu 7.0411:15
SliMMactually, i think it's grub, it doesn't boot: Error 21, selected disk does not exist.11:15
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spirooJD: Where or how do I boot Ubuntu from the USB?11:15
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_Shade_how do i share the internet connection between linux and windows? How to set it up?11:15
JDyou have a laptop or desktop?11:16
magnetron!install | spiroo11:16
ubot3spiroo: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate11:16
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spirooJD: PC11:16
SliMMPici: please? :-)11:16
Jordan_U_Shade_, Over ethernet or with a virtual machine?11:16
jetscreamerpkakkar: the login setup in the system menu11:16
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spiroookay, go to go now11:17
pkakkarjetscreamer, through commands i have remote shell no graphical view..11:17
JDOK, WELL, when you turn on the pc, you should hit f2 to open teh bios menu11:17
_Shade_Jordan_U: ethernet11:17
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Jordan_U_Shade_, Install Firestarter, it makes internet sharing easy11:17
osfameronmrga_cro: then if that output is made then your program worked.  Your IDE may have a console view somewhere (check in the manual).  Otherwise try running the executable from the command line and see if it outputs to the console there.11:17
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ubot3The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:17
jetscreamerpkakkar: then edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf appropriately11:17
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SelsiHow would one go about getting the latest ntfsprog on edgy?11:17
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pkakkarjetscreamer, which line any idea?11:18
_Shade_Jordan_U: thanks, i will try11:18
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josiahany good startup guides for kubuntu/ubuntu? Information on adding repositories and which ones to add etc etc?11:18
Selsithats being the tricky part, usually with the latest ntfsprog, one can ntfsfix without errors11:18
_Shade_Jordan_U: and could you look at this link please?11:18
Jordan_U_Shade_, You may also want to install dhcp3-server to let Ubuntu assign an IP to the windows box11:18
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_Shade_the script gives me an error11:18
Vivisectordoes anyone know how to fix the speakers on a macbook pro?11:18
Vivisectorheadphones work, but not the built in speakers11:19
_Shade_ iptables v1.3.6: Bad state `RELATED '11:19
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Selsihttp://opensource.apress.com/article/163/taking-a-look-at-vista-part-iii <--- the link to people discussing my problem, incase you missed it11:19
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lil-g-manvivisector: i've got a laptop and i've got a problem with sound as well, when i plug in the headphones i get sound from laptop speakers and headphones.... and it sucks cuz i didn't find any good support on the web :(11:19
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jetscreamerpkakkar: under [daemon] , TimedLoginEnable=true TimedLogin=username TimedLoginDelay=8611:20
jetscreameris how i have it set11:20
JDi'm busy for a moment, i'll come back in 5 minutes11:20
_Shade_Jordan_U: will i have a peer connection available as well? you know with samba shares etc11:20
=== RadicalME [n=chatzill@a82-93-38-164.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #Ubuntu
pkakkarjetscreamer, will it login immediately11:20
jetscreamerthe 'just autologin' is a little different, man gdm.comf11:20
RadicalMEhi all11:20
Selsithey come up with pretty straight forward solutions, but I am having trouble getting their updated software for edgy, private repositories are gone11:20
jetscreamerset it to a value less than 8611:20
jetscreamertry 111:20
Jordan_U_Shade_, I would assume so, but I am not certain11:21
pkakkarjetscreamer, okay11:21
cirrus_lil-g-man: Run "sudo alsaconf" in a terminal, use spacebar to mute/unmute channels on your sound card until you get a combo you like...11:21
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giany911does anyone know how to enable / flashing windows/11:22
giany911in the taskbar?11:22
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Jordan_USelsi, I have only skimmed the link you gave but Vista has a built in partition resizing option, and NTFS has been changed with Vista IIRC11:23
SelsiI see11:23
daniele_982hello all!!!! i've installed softbeep but i not understand how it found and the man is very small. Sameone can help me?11:24
garryFreI have a friend had similar problems. The vista stored the drive parameters, and if any of it changed, it would refuse to boot, you would have to repair it and do some extensive editing and then re-activate it11:24
_Shade_Jordan_U: what about the dhcp3-server... do i need to set it up as well?11:24
Jordan_Ucirrus_, I think you mean alsamixer, and sudo is not needed ( or desired )11:24
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Jordan_U_Shade_, No, just install the package and select the DHCP option in firestarter11:24
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garryFreIn his case, his drive fried, so he got an identical sized drive, and tried to restore the image, and it was fubar11:24
Selsipeople post later on that they resized through ubuntu and it produced the same problem11:24
garryFretil he dis ome editing i11:25
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SelsiI am having minor success installing ntfsprog 1.13.1 from source though11:25
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garryFretil he did some editing, it would not boot. I don't have the link, but I remember it was a pain in the butt.11:25
Selsiso this may fix the problem11:25
ubot3To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:25
alyatHi, I am very new in Ubuntu....need help in setting up my wireless connection, anyone can help?11:26
Jordan_USelsi, The wiki actually advises to use Vista's resizing instead of gparted11:26
ubot3vista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org11:26
ubot3Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:26
=== Parisi [n=jblparis@pool-71-164-71-230.albyny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_U!dualboot | Selsi11:26
ubot3Selsi: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty11:26
alyatcan find anything useful there11:26
Selsiyes, that would have been wiser11:26
alyatcan't find actually11:26
daniele_982 i've installed softbeep but i not understand how it found and the man is very small. Sameone can help me?11:26
magnetronfeel free to ask your question, alyat11:26
alyatthanks magnetron11:27
Selsihowever, vista will not move files to repartition, it said the maximum amount of space i could make for another patition was 1.6 gigabytes11:27
cruise1i am having issues setting up my usb wifi dongle, it seems to fail to connect as a usb device as prism54usb fails with error 11011:27
=== mono [n=valentyn@gtng-d9bf7d8b.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
Selsiso i went ahead and used gparted, reported success11:27
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Selsibut killed the ntfs journal11:27
cruise1having looked online it seems that i need to use ndiswrapper, which i have the driver for11:28
JDspiroo are you there?11:28
alyatI installed ubuntu in my notebook but couldn't get it connected to my home wireless network11:28
phreckso what are my chances of getting a graphical terminal remotely via windows?11:28
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SelsiI may have fixed the problem Jordan11:28
Jordan_Uphreck, What do you mean a "graphical terminal" ?11:29
blazemongerthjere's no ide-core module!11:29
magnetron!enter | Selsi11:29
ubot3Selsi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:29
blazemongerwhat the hell11:29
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lil-g-mancirrus_: i did sudo alsaconf but i got command not foudn11:30
JDselsi, i had to go, but be careful with the partitions...11:30
_Shade_Jordan_U: the firestarter says that the eth0 is not ready11:30
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SliMMhow do i change colours of selections? ubuntu 7.0411:31
giany911does anyone know how to enable/disable flashing windows in the taskbar?11:31
Adnan_ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for uERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: Nser 'root'@'localhost' (using password: N11:31
phreckJordan_U: i want to remotely login to my linux box, and have an X session.11:31
phrecknever tried it before11:31
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Adnan_i am getting this error after running Mysql11:31
Jordan_Uphreck, I believe that is possible with cygwin + X11:31
Jordan_Uphreck, Then just ssh -X11:31
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phrecki need to do it from XP11:32
SelsiYea, I have had some experience messing up partition tables and NTFS journals and such, but I appreciate all the quick help, I will check if the problem is fixed, and if not I will work on it more, Thanks again, -Selsi11:32
SliMMhow do i change colours of selections? ubuntu 7.04how do i change colours of selections? ubuntu 7.0411:32
Jordan_Ulil-g-man, You want "alsamixer" ( no sudo )11:32
alyatcan anyone help me with my wireless connection?11:32
SliMMhow do i change colours of selections? ubuntu 7.0411:32
SliMMhow do i change colours of selections? ubuntu 7.0411:32
SliMMhow do i change colours of selections? ubuntu 7.0411:32
SliMMhow do i change colours of selections? ubuntu 7.0411:32
SliMMhow do i change colours of selections? ubuntu 7.0411:32
SliMMhow do i change col11:32
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Jordan_U!anyone | alyat11:32
ubot3alyat: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:32
magnetron!repeat | SliMM11:32
ubot3SliMM: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:32
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lil-g-manjordan_U: i've done alsamixer11:33
faileasphreck, freenx server and nxclient11:33
faileas!freenx | phreck11:33
ubot3phreck: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX11:33
alyatI can't get my notebook (installed with Ubuntu) connected to my hope network.11:33
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lil-g-manjordan_U: i got master, pcm, line in, iec958, ext mic, ext mic, ext mic, int mic, int mic11:34
Jordan_Ualyat, Do you know what chipset the card uses?11:34
Knucklesalyat: what chipset/11:34
ubot3Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:34
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mrga_croi still need help11:34
faileasphreck: its quite awesome and fairly painless to set up11:34
alyatis built-in with my twinhead notebook efio 260011:34
garryFreThat might help you get a selection of colors11:34
lil-g-manjordan_U, and no matter what i do i can't switch sound, whenever i do something, the sound changes on speakers and headphones at the same time, never independently11:34
Jordan_Ualyat, Can you pastebin the output of "lspci" ?11:35
mrga_croi compiled a program using g++, but how can i start that program11:35
alyathow do I check whether the driver is correct in ubuntu?11:35
RadicalMEhow to install adobe flash player @ linux?11:35
JDhey mrga_cro, wich compiler did you use??11:35
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Jordan_URadicalME, Go to a page that requires flash and let Firefox install it11:35
RadicalMEdoesnt work11:36
Jordan_URadicalME, Or install the flashplugin-nonfree package11:36
JDit has an IDE??11:36
Jordan_URadicalME, 64 bit?11:36
=== iblicf_ ...
RadicalMEnope 32 atm11:36
alyatwhere is the "device manager" equivalent in Ubuntu?11:36
Jordan_URadicalME, In what way does it not work?11:36
cruise1is it possible to stop prism54 probing when i plug my  usb wifi dongle?11:36
Jordan_Ualyat, System -> Preferences -> Hardware Info11:36
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RadicalMEJordan_U: i need to use manual installation, but when i try all 3 of the options, non of them work11:37
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Jordan_Ucruise1, You could blacklist the module11:37
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Jordan_URadicalME, Why do you need to use "manual installation", what three options, and in what way do they not work?11:37
JDyou used dos commands??11:38
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RadicalMEi went here: http://extraorly.blogspot.com/ thats my blog11:38
RadicalMEi needed to install the flash player11:38
magnetronalyat: linux is not windows, or even a cheap copy of it. Linux is different, it doesn't have a "device manager equivalent".11:38
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RadicalMEin order to open the youtube movies.11:38
=== iblicf_ ?
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RadicalMEI clicked install this plugin, at top of the window, it did some ...11:39
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RadicalMEoh wait, now it does work :D HAHA  thanks for your help anyways :D11:39
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cruise1Jordan_U: that is adding it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ?11:39
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JD uhmm, ok, haven't you tried anjuta?11:40
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Jordan_U!blacklist > cruise111:42
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guardiandoes ubuntu work on the latest mac book pro laptops ?11:42
guardianthe santa rosa ones11:42
daniele_982hello all!!!! i've installed softbeep but i not understand how it found and the man is very small. Sameone can help me?11:42
magnetron!hardware | guardian11:42
ubot3guardian: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport11:42
guardianah cool thx11:43
garryFreSorry, I don't even know what softbeep is.11:43
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guardiani have another question, are there already gutsy isos ?11:44
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daniele_982garryFre:  This utility may be used for redirecting beeps of the internal PC speaker to your sound card. I've not pc-speaker11:44
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mrga_croafter i compiled program, how can i start it11:44
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magnetronguardian: yes, but they are pre-beta. gutsy will be released in October11:44
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guardianmagnetron: where could i find them please ?11:45
magnetronguardian: if you install feisty now, you will have the option to upgrade to gutsy when it is released11:45
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guardiani know11:46
daniele_982guardian: softbeep?11:46
guardiani want to avoid installing feisty and instantly upgrade to gutsy11:46
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magnetron!gutsy | guardian11:47
ubot3guardian: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+111:47
RadicalMEim wondering why my movie player wont give me sound...11:47
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RadicalMEmy speakers are installed11:47
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JDhey, i've tried to instal a lib but it tellsme taht the file doesn't exist11:47
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JDwhat could it be?11:47
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ubot3If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:48
TMMhi all! I've got a question: I have two sites separated by a fairly slow link that have the NFS homedirectories for all the users in the network, now, the amount of users are increasing and I'd like to be able to asyncronously mirror the homedirectories of one  server onto a local server here, it would be find if that only happens once every night or something. I can't really use rsync as it would destroy the changes on one of the sides of the mirror11:48
TMM during sync11:48
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RadicalMEmy sound works while playing youtube movies...11:49
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RadicalMEjust not in the movie player.. the one that comes with ubuntu11:50
magnetronTMM: rsync is smart, you can configure it to use the latest version of a file.11:50
magnetronRadicalME: can you play mp3 files11:50
RadicalMEdont think so11:50
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RadicalMEim watching a .mov < iphone movie11:50
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magnetronRadicalME: the sound track of the .mov may be coded with mp311:51
RadicalMEhow to enable mp3?11:52
magnetron!mp3 | RadicalME11:52
ubot3RadicalME: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:52
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KappoIf you have a SATA harddrive and a ATA Harddrive in a computer, and both have bootable OS's, in menu.1st file, whta would be their designation to boot them, ie, (hd0,0) boots the sata drive11:53
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_Shade_czemu jak wlaczam kompa to mam eth0 niepodniesione? przez to mi siec nie dziala11:53
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magnetron!pl | _Shade_11:53
ubot3_Shade_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:53
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hashfreakis any body from germany11:54
magnetron!de | hashfreak11:54
ubot3hashfreak: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:54
RadicalMEhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP3 im @ latest ubuntu.. which guide should i follow?11:54
b00gab00hashfreak: /join #ubuntu-de11:55
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RadicalMEok i think i got the drivers11:56
ubot3Factoid source.list not found11:57
ubot3Factoid sourcelist not found11:57
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RadicalMEits working <311:57
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RadicalMEoh lol.. wait :D my video is gone now, and i only have the sounds11:57
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RadicalMEok.. a quick restart fixed that problem11:58
magnetron!easysource | ubot311:58
ubot3ubot3: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:58
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riaal_Why is dhclient sedning out only DHCPDISCOVER and not DHCPREQEST?11:59
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lil-g-manQUESTION: is it so that there are drivers for nvidia which are not released by nvidia? as in people make those drivers so they work better?12:00
TMMmagnetron, are you sure it's possible to have a 'multi master' sync with rsync? ie: sync the changes from A to B AND from  B to A without clobbering?12:00
magnetronriaal_: most of us are simple support volunteers, we seldom have the ability to explain WHY stuff happen :D12:00
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riaal_magnetron, Hm, well its not working =/12:01
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riaal_Is there any alternative to dhclient?12:02
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magnetronTMM: i haven't used rsync too much, but why would you use multiple masters? use one as the master, and let the other rsync with the --update option.12:04
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joseph1110216how do i check if ubuntu is using my video card?12:05
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magnetronriaal_: does the dhcp server answers look good?12:05
_ergo_guys what graphical clients for ftp do you consider best?12:05
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teKnofreak_ergo_, gftp12:05
magnetronfilezilla, _ergo_12:05
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TMMmagnetron, because there will be people using server B as their NFS homedir server, and other people will be using server A12:06
=== _ergo_ used filezilla on windows :-)
daniele_982hello all! someone know softbeep??? i've read the man, documentation but it not found.I not understand12:06
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joseph1110216how do i know if my graphics card is in use in ubuntu?12:06
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magnetronTMM: i understand that, and so do rsync. rsync will not overwrite newer files12:07
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kritzstapfriaal_: i think DHCPREQUEST is sent when dhclient recieves a DHCPOFFER12:07
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TMMmagnetron, OK, I'll just test it :)12:07
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tjs_G'day, sorry if this is easily found on google but I'm in failsafe terminal atm.. I downloaded the latest fiesty desktop image at work and just installed it on my inlaws machine, install went fine but GDM cannot start gnome, it says libjpg.so.62 has an invalid elf header12:07
magnetronTMM: remember to use --update12:07
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magnetronTMM: also try with --dry-run12:08
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KiraI have two directories and I suspect that some of the files with the same file names are identical. I used "openssl dgst" to generate a file containing SHA digests of the files from one directory. How do I verify the files in the other directory?12:08
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TMMmagnetron, thanks. I'll try with a couple of directories :)12:09
riaal_kritzstapf, sounds resonable12:09
frindouhello can you help me12:09
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pawanjust got a new upgrade notification for ubuntu12:10
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magnetron!ask | frindou12:11
ubot3frindou: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:11
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frindoui can write my password in terminal12:11
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frindouwhat i i do12:12
frindoui cant12:12
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kritzstapffrindou: you password wont show, just type.12:12
frindoui try12:12
frindoui can write all words but if it ask me for enter my password12:21
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frindoui cant write it12:21
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frindoui change to ubuntu i find it verry good12:21
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magnetronfrindou: even if you don't see any stars, it will recieve your password anyway.12:21
dwafrindou: just type it in and press enter12:21
dwait'll work12:21
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frindouok i try thank my friends12:21
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aa^wayhey, i really hate playing counter strike with 10 fps or something that, is there any programs what should allow me to make my monitor refreshrate little bigger? ( it lets me set 75 Hz only, but perhaps 80 Hz would help alittle or even 85.. ) and any programs to overclock in linux? im ready for everything expect for new hardware :( to get more fps, ive also tweaked my graphics to zero.12:21
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SlimeyPeteaa^way: refreshrate won't affect your FPS (unless youre using vsync, I guess)12:21
frindoubecause im begging in ubuntu12:21
magnetronaa^way: what graphic card do you use?12:21
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aa^waymagnetron: Nvidia geforce mx 44012:21
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oMishWhat is /usr/bin/esd ?12:21
oMishWhat pkg is it ?12:21
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daniele_982hello all! someone know softbeep??? i've read the man, documentation but it not found.I not understand12:21
magnetronaa^way: maybe your hardware just isn't enough12:21
dwaaa^way: what fps do you get in windows?12:22
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aa^waydwa: well it was pretty much 123 fps ( not constant tho, changed to 30-40 when i saw much players in cs , but it was enough ) now its going to 10-2012:22
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kritzstapfriaal: http://phpfi.com/25785312:23
dwathen you probably misconfigured your video drivers in linux12:23
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dwashould be about the same as in windows12:23
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aa^waydwa well it kinda is but running cs through wine takes pretty much memory and so on12:24
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CyberMadwhat is minimum memory that require to running ubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn12:24
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CyberMadmy ubuntu is very slow12:24
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dwai haven't tried it in a while but i didn't notice much difference between games in windows and in linux12:24
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kritzstapfCyberMad: how much memory do you use?12:24
CyberMadand how to check memory?12:24
CyberMadkritzstapf yes how?12:24
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CyberMadwait.. i do google12:25
frindoudwa can you give me site for ubuntu12:25
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dwaa site for what frindou?12:25
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kritzstapfCyberMad: cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal12:25
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frindoufor learn about ubuntu12:26
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kritzstapfor just "grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo".. grr ;D12:26
Jordan_Ufrindou, help.ubuntu.com12:26
CyberMadhehe thanks dude12:26
CyberMadwait a minute.. i check it12:26
frindouok thanks sahbi12:26
dwafrindou: ubuntuforums.org is also a very good resource12:27
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JakeConnor_helllllooooo cocky ubuntu users!12:28
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kritzstapfJakeConnor_: smoked some crack?12:29
CyberMadit's 239836 kB, the processor is AMD Duron 2600+12:29
JakeConnor_kritzstapf: yeah, good stuff12:29
magnetron!o4o | JakeConnor_ kritzstapf12:29
ubot3JakeConnor_ kritzstapf: Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-offtopic. It is asked that controversial topics: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.12:29
JakeConnor_apt-get more-crack12:29
kritzstapfCyberMad: shouldnt be very slow12:29
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frindoudwa i wanna installer a driver what i do12:30
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dwaa driver for what frindou?12:30
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kritzstapfCyberMad: maybe some process has a high cpu load?12:30
CyberMadwell, i install microsoft windows 2000 and XP before and that computer, and faster than ubuntu12:30
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JakeConnor_magnetron: i just came in saying hello... kritzstapf is the one bringing up crack :P12:30
CyberMaddo i need to tweak something12:30
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frindoufor ati12:30
CyberMadi just use default installation12:30
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kritzstapfCyberMad: you might start top on a terminal and check if there are processes with high cpu load or high memory usage12:31
bullgard4What is a 'Linux source tree'? See for example http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-linux-kernel/12:31
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CyberMaddoes upgrade the memory to 512 MB will affect much the speed?12:32
SlimeyPetebullgard4: it's the source code for the kernel12:32
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CyberMadi just run skype, gaim, mozilla firefox (open yahoo mail)12:32
dwafrindou: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI check out that document12:32
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CyberMadsometime i open OO.org Writer12:33
kritzstapfCyberMad: im using 512MB and its just fine, but 256MB should be enough for a default installation also12:33
bullgard4SlimeyPete: I disagree. If this was true, then there would not be a need for another name.12:33
frindouok dwa12:33
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SlimeyPetebullgard4: often, projects are organised so that there is a "trunk" (the main source) and some "branches" (specialised or unstable versions of the source)12:33
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SlimeyPetebullgard4: that sort of logic doesn't apply in I.T. ;p12:33
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linuxorHI, I need to enlarge some pictures (zooom) without losing quality, which software is the best ? thx12:34
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dwalinuxor: that's impossible12:34
CyberMadkritzstapf do you do something like tweak the performance?12:35
dwabut try the gimp12:35
kritzstapfexcept from vectorgraphics like svg ;)12:35
kritzstapfCyberMad: no12:35
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dwatrue kritzstapf :)12:35
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linuxordwa: I've tried gimp but I lose quality12:35
kritzstapfCyberMad: what exactly is slow on your machine, starting apps?12:35
pkakkarWhere in graphical view i can start stop services..?12:36
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dwalinuxor: you can't resize images without losing quality12:36
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kritzstapflinuxor: the original picture does not contain the information for higher resolution, the programm resizing it does not know either12:36
kritzstapfthe only way is interpolating and that way the picture gets more and more blury12:37
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linuxordwa: kritzstapf: I do not remember but Ive seen it in windows12:38
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dwalinuxor: i don't think any windows program can do such magic either12:38
kritzstapfyou may have seen it on tv when they use a webcam picture to scan fingerprints or sth12:38
pawanhow to install audacious plugin12:39
linuxordwa: kritzstapf: http://www.benvista.com/12:40
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frindoudwa it ask me enter password i can write it i try and i try12:40
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pkakkarWhere in graphical view i can start stop services..?12:41
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ubot3Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto12:41
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reallyjoelHow can I set a certain application to always end up in a specific desktop when I start it?12:41
dwafrindou: it's the same password you use to log in12:42
bullgard4SlimeyPete: You are wrong. Even Linux version 0.01 had a source tree, see http://kerneltrap.org/node/14002.12:42
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SlimeyPetebullgard4: Yes. A tree with just a trunk, I imagine.12:43
dwalinuxor: looks impressive but it's still using algorithms to zoom in, the quality is not perfect12:43
dwai'm not sure if such a program exists for linux12:43
kriser223hi i have a problem with usb any thing i plug in doesn't initiate for me to use can any help12:44
linuxordwa: ok thx friend, by the way I can use this prog with wine ^_^12:44
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reallyjoelHow can I set a certain application to always end up in a specific desktop when I start it?12:45
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IndyGunFreakreallyjoel: i don't think there is a way to do that.12:45
kritzstapfreallyjoel: stop repeating12:45
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dwalinuxor: no problem, good luck with the app :)12:45
bullgard4SlimeyPete: You are imaging, but not facing facts. The source I cited explicitely spakes of sub-directories.12:46
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SlimeyPetebullgard4: Why are you taking such a combatitive tone?12:47
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frindou_dwa it same problim i cant write my password12:47
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tjs_Hi, still having this issue, newly installed feisty, from the iso on the website, wont start any desktop, says invalid ELF header for libjpeg.so.6212:47
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SlimeyPetebullgard4: bits of the tree have to be stored on disk. They areoften stored in subdirectories, yes. Or else a revision control system might choose to store them some other way.12:48
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hypodynegday all12:48
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kriser223can anyone help my laptop can find the usb sockets and recognise things are being inserted but i just cannot access or use things i connect there12:49
hypodyneis there an easy way to use the md5sum.txt file on the ubuntu cd to actually check the files on the cd?12:49
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b00gab00hypodyne: md5sum -c md5sum.txt  (in the directory on the CD)12:50
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magnetronwhat are you connecting to the USB ports, kriser223?12:50
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hypodynehey thats great12:51
Jordan_Ureallyjoel, Check out devilspie12:51
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kriser223flashdisk, digital camera mem card reader12:51
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magnetroncan you see the files on the flashdisk12:52
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kriser223thats my problem i can't even find the flashdisk it's as if it's not mounting12:52
RouteWayhej i have problem! i need to format disc to ext3. i load ubuntu cd trying to format, but still after format and creating new partition i have 412 mb used space with old linux distro12:53
RouteWayon same partition12:53
kritzstapfkriser223: check dmesg12:53
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kriser223right typed that in terminal window now what12:54
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Jordan_URouteWay, What do you mean "with old linux distro on same partition"?12:55
kritzstapfkriser223: check what happens when you plug in the reader and when you plug in the card12:55
pescezhello, can somebody tell me which are those files that linux checks out when at boot time it says "reading files needed to boot"? because lately my computer takes a lot of time (like 1  minute or more) on that step... and i'd like to solve this problem!! thank you!12:55
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kriser223the last line on it says "usb 4-4: device not accepting address 5, error -110"12:56
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hypodyneokay so I have verified that the md5sum.txt file is not modified and that the hashes in the file also are okay..12:56
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hypodyneis there anything i am missing?12:57
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kritzstapfkriser223: can you paste the complete output, or at least everything related to this device?12:57
kriser223there is something about unlink  after wrong irq.12:57
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kriser223you wantit on paste bin12:57
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RouteWayhej i have problem! i need to format disc to ext3. i load ubuntu cd trying to format, but still after format and creating new partition i have 412 mb used space with old linux distro on partition12:59
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_imran_can anyone help me with mplayer, it wont play any vids, it just says error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device12:59
hypodynehmmm of course the md5sum program itself came with the cd.. if that was modified then modified code could be installed12:59
kritzstapfkriser223: try using different usb portas12:59
kritzstapflooks like a problem with the usb controller12:59
kriser223already tried get the same thing on all 4 ports01:00
Found_DeadG122how do you overvolt usb port vz softwae01:00
kritzstapfkriser223: do other usb devices work?01:00
_imran_can anyone help me with mplayer, it wont play any vids, it just says error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device01:00
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kriser223no can't get anything working is there any way i can manually assign irq01:00
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kritzstapfkriser223: you should check your bios settings01:01
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kriser223there is nothing in there about them01:01
b00gab00_imran_: try running   mplayer -vo xv movie.mpg01:01
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kritzstapfkriser223: nothing related to usb in the bios settings?01:02
Chippyhey, I want to uninstall the flash version I have installed, can anyone ovver me any advice?01:02
kriser223will check be back in about 10  mins01:02
b00gab00kriser223: you may have a broken acpi bios. try booting with acpi=off01:02
_imran_b00gab00, whats a mplayer -vo xv movie?01:02
b00gab00_imran_: try running mplayer from a terminal window01:03
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b00gab00_imran_: mplayer -vo xv your_movie_file01:03
kriser223how would i switch that off plz b00gab0001:03
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b00gab00kriser223: in the grub menu at boot01:03
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kriser223thanks will try back in 1001:03
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_imran_b00gab00, ive tried that01:04
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chalkie1983hey guys, im having some difficulties getting ubuntu to install on my machine, the disc wont load for some reason, and the net one which does it through dos keeps crashing when trying to detect os01:04
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_imran_b00gab00, when i type mplayer into terminal it just gives me a list of controls01:05
b00gab00_imran_: not just "mplayer" but "mplayer -vo xv path/to/your/moviefile"01:05
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Jordan_Uchalkie1983, The text based installer does not use DOS :)01:08
spiroo OKay here we go again. How do I bot from an U3 USB?01:08
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chalkie1983Jordan_U: whats the text based installer??01:08
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Jordan_Uchalkie1983, The net install CD uses a text based installer, ie it does not have a full GUI01:09
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Jordan_U!alternate | chalkie198301:09
ubot3chalkie1983: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal01:09
_imran_b00gab00, it doesnt work01:10
b00gab00_imran_: then i don't know01:10
_imran_b00gab00, ok01:10
chalkie1983Jordan_U where do i find this alternative cd?01:10
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terraceshi. I'm trying to install a rpm file on my new ubuntu box. Yet, it tells me I have missing dependency, but the mentionned files are on my server. what should I do ?01:10
Pici!rpm | terraces01:10
ubot3terraces: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)01:10
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Jordan_Uchalkie1983, There is a check box for it when you go to download the installer01:11
jribterraces: what program are you trying to install?01:11
Geek_terraces: any specific reason why you can't use apt, a deb or compile it from source?01:12
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chalkie1983Jordan_U: thankyou very much, thats been a great help i shall try that now, currently downloading at 870kbps01:12
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chalkie1983shouldnt be too long01:12
Jordan_Uchalkie1983, np01:13
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terracesjrib , Geek_ : the soft I want to install is available only on rpm (there's a tgz onlly for freebsd and solaris) : http://www.franz.com/products/allegrograph/index.lhtml01:13
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terracesI'll try with alien to see if that works better that rpm -i or yum re. dependencies01:14
princehowdy, does a PCIE Video Card use a specific PCI BUS? I'm having trouble getting my card working with ubuntu01:15
chalkie1983ive never had a linux system before, my friend at work tells me its the easiest transition from winblows to linux01:15
tuna-fishhelp me a bt with top, please: something is eating away the performance, everything is sluggy. Processor usage, however, is at 15% or so, and there is over 700mb of free ram. in top, the Wait number is 99%. how can I see what process is doing this?01:15
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Arafangiontuna-fish: run 'top', and sort by cpu useage ('P', I believe).01:15
princethe error I get is no matching matching device sectionf or instance01:15
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tuna-fishArafangion: nothing is using the cpu remarkably01:16
tuna-fishbut soething is grinding the disk01:16
terracesPici: alien worked, thanks01:16
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princeI am currently ussing irssi (text irc chat)01:17
SlimeyPetehi, prince.01:17
princehi slimey01:17
kritzstapfprince: you may look at the output of lspci01:17
spirooanyone know how to boot from U3 USB?01:18
Arafangiontuna-fish: i would assume it's updatedb.01:18
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spirooI wanna boot from USB and install on the pc01:18
giany911does anyone know some app to see transfer speed ? ( for nautilus ... ) ... slax used to have this by default ... but thats fluxbox if in not wrong01:18
giany911*if i'm01:19
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princekritzstapf:  I see a ID of 5:00.0 Its a gforce 760001:19
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stefg!install | spiroo01:19
ubot3spiroo: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate01:19
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princekritzstapf:  I see a ID of 5:00.0 Its a gforce 7600, should I change the ID in xorg.conf?01:21
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charliei just installed checkgmail but it is not listed in my applications list. I ran it from terminal, but of course it shuts down as soon as i end the terminal session. how can i run it by itself? or get it to run on startup?01:21
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Picicharlie: I could be wrong, but I thought checkgmail was a panel applet.01:21
kritzstapfprince: which id is in the xorg.conf?01:21
kimmey2k3its some about that at ubuntuguide.org charlie01:22
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larson9999am i the only one who prefers a plain old 2-d desktop?01:22
charliewhat does it mean if it is a panel applet?01:22
tuna-fishwtf? I looked in auth log, and it's full of this:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34639/ What's this all about?01:22
kritzstapfprince: yes, change it ;)01:22
princek, sec01:22
Picicharlie: right click on your panel, and select add to panel, check if the program is in that list01:22
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vltHello. Afer an upgrade from Edgy to Feisty the system only boots to runlevel "unknown". I have to run `telinit 3` (sic!) to run all the daemons listed in /etc/rc3.d/ -- `telinit 2` leads to "unknown", too. apt-get dist-upgrade returns "0 ..., 0 ..., 0 ..., 0 ..." so everything should be in a proper state. Any idea which pkg to fix and how?01:23
charliePici, i can't see it in the list when i go to add to panel01:23
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Picicharlie: Sorry then, perhaps someone else knows :)01:25
charlieok, thankyou for your help01:25
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Jordan_Uvlt, Still no progress with that one? :(01:25
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chalkie1983the new mirc system sucks01:26
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thecrossWhat is the best application to make electronic music with on linux?01:26
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marcelist jemand daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa01:27
IdleOnethecross: you might want to check out #ubuntu-studio01:27
Jordan_Uthecross, Possibly Adour01:27
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kritzstapfmarcel: yes, we are here, and german support is found in #ubuntu-de01:27
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princekritzstapf: well that was a a bit of a ride01:27
Jordan_Uthecross, * Ardour01:27
kritzstapfprince: hm?01:28
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thecrossJordon_U: Thanks01:28
Jordan_Uthecross, np01:28
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princekritzstapf: I'm getting fatal error no screens found01:28
princewhich is a step in the right direction01:28
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charliehow do i add something to my repository list01:30
ubot3The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:30
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princekritzstapf: says screen found, but none have usable configuration, not sure what I need to change at this point01:30
d4rkmonkeyHey, I edited something to make my startup more verbose, but I forget what, anyone know how to make it quiet again?01:30
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charliebash: !repos: event not found01:30
kritzstapfprince: can you paste the log and the xorg.conf?01:31
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IdleOnecharlie sdo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:31
spirooI do not understand after read the manual. How do I boot? I just wanna install the os from usb without having to  change anything in BIOS.01:31
IdleOnecharlie sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:31
princekritzstapf: private chat?01:31
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IdleOne!paste | prince01:32
ubot3prince: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:32
charliethanyou, if i add something that happens to already be there, would that cause problems01:32
princeIdleOne: due\de I've got no browser this is text based chat01:32
wayoutthereHow do I switch to other terminals while in GNOME or XFCE?01:32
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IdleOnecharlie: it could maybe01:32
Pici!info pastebinit01:32
ubot3Package pastebinit does not exist in edgy01:32
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Pici!info pastebinit feisty01:32
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charliemk, well its not too long actually, i can just check01:32
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ubot3pastebinit: A command line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB01:32
charliethanks for your help01:32
kritzstapfwayoutthere: ttys? try ctrl+alt+f1 (be back in X with ctrl+alt+f7)01:33
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ward_does anyone here use ddclient with dyndns? i'm having problems with it and i have no clue what i do wrong01:33
wayouttherekritzstapf: Thanks! That was it I just couldn think of it.01:33
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nperryAfternoon All - How can i change my res - I have got a 21inch tv and it only seems to let me have 800*600?01:34
Pici!fixres | nperry01:34
ubot3nperry: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:34
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wayoutthereDoes anyone know how to enable the framebuffer on a laptop?01:35
sandaru1nperry: most of the time, s-video TV output doesn't support high resolutions :(01:35
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Actionmanhow do u remove invalid servers from sources.list.save01:35
princekritzstapf: trying to figure out how to get the files to u01:36
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ubot3The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:37
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kritzstapfprince: sudo apt-get install pastebinit01:37
Jordan_Uwayoutthere, That could mean different things depending on the context, what are you trying to accomplish / what is not working?01:38
kritzstapfthen use "pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"01:38
d4rkmonkeyHow do you make startup display more in Feisty, like it did in Dapper?01:38
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princek krit01:38
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DSpairGood morning all...01:38
kriser223i have checked the bios there is nothing in there about usb and i cannot find out how to turn off acpi in the grub menu01:39
prince2802 kritzstapf01:39
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kritzstapfprince: ill check this after the breakfast ;)01:39
deadmoonwas wondering if you could digg http://digg.com/design/Funniest_Restaurant_Signs_and_Menus_sometimes_people_need_to_proof_read if you think its worth digging! :P (sorry for spammy like message! only digg if you like it01:39
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Jordan_Ud4rkmonkey, Remove the "quiet" parameter in grub, for even more info remove "splash" entirely01:40
princekritzstapf: ok....will that be long?01:40
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princeI'll post the log in a sec01:40
Jordan_U!offtopic | deadmoon01:40
ubot3deadmoon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:40
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d4rkmonkeyJordan_U I'm not familiar with grub, is there a file I need to edit?01:40
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loquitus_of_borgWhat do you recommend for encrypting files? I want to store my secure backup data on a 3rd party server but want to encrypt the entire tarball so that only if you know some passphrase, can you decrypt the file back to a state where it is usable. I don't want to use zip or anything. I simply want to encrypt a pre-existing file.01:40
Jordan_Ud4rkmonkey, /boot/grub/menu.lst01:41
princekritzstapf: 2803 is the log01:41
d4rkmonkeythanks Jordan_U01:41
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_Shade_i wanted to run firestarter automatically without need to put root pass every time and now i get this01:41
_Shade_sudo: unable to lookup Linux via gethostbyname()01:41
princemight as well grab myself sum breakfast01:42
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_Shade_it shows each time i want tu use sudo command01:42
Jordan_Ud4rkmonkey, np, I think that should work but I am not 100% sure, it can't hurt anything though01:42
Piciloquitus_of_borg: gpg is the standard method of file encryption on Linux.01:42
Pici!gpg | loquitus_of_borg01:42
ubot3loquitus_of_borg: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts01:42
_Shade_how can i fix it?01:42
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loquitus_of_borgPici: thanks01:42
_Shade_can someone help me?01:43
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_Shade_i think i have broke by /etc/sudoers file01:44
TataraKuterehey everyone01:44
_Shade_can i recreate it somehow?01:44
TataraKutereis this the place to get help about installing applications on ubuntu?01:44
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IdleOnetat: you got it01:44
Actionmanhow do u remove invalid servers from sources.list01:45
prince@ TataraKutere sure01:45
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TataraKuterei need to install beryl on my ubuntu01:45
ubot3beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects01:45
TataraKuterei have radeon 9550 graphic card01:45
TataraKutereI know..:)01:45
bastid_raZorcompiz-fusion is the replacement of beryl01:45
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ward_TataraKutere, try compiz-fusion01:45
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TataraKuterehow will i...? (compiz-fusion)01:46
ward_TataraKutere, just a moment i'll fetch you an easy howto01:46
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kriser223what would i put in the grub menu to turn off the acpi01:46
TataraKutereok..:) thanks a lot..:)01:46
Jordan_UTataraKutere, Compiz Fusion is not finished yet, beryl or Compiz are fine01:46
Jordan_Ukriser223, noacpi01:46
ward_TataraKutere, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48131401:46
TataraKutereok, if compiz is newer, let's try it..=)01:46
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princereally beryl was replaced by compiz-fusion...01:46
ward_TataraKutere, if you reply, put the person you reply to in the sentence, then it highlites in our screen01:47
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ward_TataraKutere, compiz-fusion tutorial:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48131401:47
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bastid_raZorJordan_U, is compiz-fusion meant for gutsy?01:47
princeward_: heh01:47
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kriser223thanks jordan01:47
ward_lol prince01:47
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TataraKuterehas it a shortcut (putting the person...?)01:47
Jordan_UTataraKutere, There is Compiz fusion ( which is *BETA software* ) and there is Compiz which comes with Feisty01:47
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princeward_: I've been scared to try beryl .....01:48
Jordan_Ubastid_raZor, It will be included in Gutsy01:48
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TataraKutereok, Jordan_U tell me which one to start with, where, how?..:)01:48
ward_TataraKutere, erm i have no clue what you mean, the tutorial is very clear01:48
ward_prince, no guts, no glory :p01:48
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=== bastid_raZor nods
RickHHello.  What's a good movie authoring tool for Ubuntu?  I have .MOV captured files from my video camera I want to edit and assemble.01:48
Jordan_UTataraKutere, First try going to System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects01:48
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Voriancompiz fusion should not be installed in Feitsy by new users01:49
princeward_: I like the KISS formula, and the if ain't broken don't fix it wisdom01:49
TataraKuterewell, Jordan_U, i tried, it didn't work01:49
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TataraKuterei had my edgy eft before, that time i updated edgy by internet to feisty01:49
ward_prince, the worst thing that can happen is you need to reinstall01:49
bastid_raZorVorian, true.. there is some effort to get it to work correctly01:49
Jordan_UTataraKutere, /join #ubuntu-effects01:49
TataraKuterethat time desktop effects worket01:49
princeward_: oh joy....and erase all my customizations01:49
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ward_prince, no, back them up lol01:50
VorianTataraKutere, does the "enable desktop effects" work for you?01:50
princemeh, not so easy01:50
TataraKutereno, not01:50
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TataraKutereI installed this os by the feisty live cd01:50
VorianTataraKutere, then you have other things to work on first.01:50
princekritzstapf: how long r u gone for breakfast, just so I know whento look for you :)01:50
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TataraKutereVorian, it does'nt work unfortunately, the screen goes white01:51
TataraKuterethen comes back01:51
bastid_raZorcompiz-fusion just released an update this morning01:51
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exarkunHow do I change the time of day at which updatedb runs?01:51
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TataraKuterebut the effects does not start01:51
ward_TataraKutere, you didnt install the restricted nvidia driver i think01:51
Vorianfollow Jordan_U's advice and join #ubuntu-effects01:51
TataraKutereno, i didn't, I have an ati radeon 955001:51
princeHow far into feisty cycle are we.....that'll help me figure out roughly when gutsy willbe out01:51
jacobanybody knows how or have little or more experience with C++?01:52
pkakkaris there some way i can make ubuntu works without writing sudo. I mean can i give default user full rights01:52
ward_TataraKutere, did you install the ATI driver? (i don't know anything about ati though)01:52
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Jordan_Uprince, Ubuntu versions are named by the year then month they are released, gutsy is 7.1001:52
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princeah october so about 2 mos away01:52
Jordan_Uprince, Yup :)01:53
princenvr really knew or paid attention to the version numbering01:53
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chalkie1983Jordan_U do you have any advise to give me before i install ubuntu on what to do when i get installed and loaded?01:53
jacobanybody knows about C++?01:53
=== prince curses blasted X and nvidia
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Picijacob: ##c++01:54
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emilianohi there01:54
jacobhi pici01:54
RickHjacob:  Sure, msg me.01:54
jacobpici i'm trying to figure out what using namespace std means01:54
Jordan_Uchalkie1983, Open up Applications -> Add /Remove and install whatever looks interesting :)01:54
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emilianomay anybody help me with my sound card? I've a strange problem01:54
Fatalusi have a problem01:54
RickHjacob:  Go to #c++01:54
princewhats dat emiliano01:54
Fatalusabout compiz fusion01:54
Fataluslike this http://rafb.net/p/7GwXpB58.html01:54
jacobi'm learning c++ and i'm trying to figure out what using namespace std means01:55
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jacobrickH what is #c++?01:55
princeWe all have problems Fatalus01:55
Picijacob: /j ##c++  I havent used c++ in years01:55
Fataluswho can help me ??01:55
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RickHIt's a channel.  Type "/join #c++"01:55
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emilianoprince: I have a realtek hda soundcard, it plays sound but the mic doesn't work01:55
PiciRickH: the channel is ##c++, but theres probably a redirect on #c++01:55
RickHPici:  Interesting.  Why the extra #?01:55
princeoh man been awhile since I played in linux, emiliano have u tried adjusting the mixer settings01:56
Prowler_1hello, what's the path Autostart/Applications? (7.04)01:56
emilianoprince: sure i tried01:56
PiciRickH: To denote that is not an official project channel.01:56
RickHKino seems to be a good one.  Thanks for all your help people. :)01:56
RickHPici:  Got it.01:56
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emilianoTried to compile a newer version of alsa too01:57
princeemiliano: alsamixer01:57
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PiciProwler_1: Are you trying to get a program to start when you login?01:57
chalkie1983Jordan_U ok cool thanks01:57
princeemiliano: 9x out of 10 the problem is in there, I woud google the setting for your sound crad if u can01:57
RickHJordan_U:  Each time I read your name, I think of "Jordan University" :)01:57
emilianoprince: already done, the microphone is unmuted01:57
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Prowler_1Pici: yes, and want to direct a download to diff app01:58
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princeand input turned up?01:58
Pici!startup | Prowler_101:58
ubot3Prowler_1: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot01:58
emilianoyes it is01:58
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emilianoI've two inputs01:59
princeemiliano: reload your sound module and lspci01:59
codecainewhats a program that looks up access points for wifi?01:59
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emilianofront mic and mic01:59
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Prowler_1Pici: Thanks, whare can i find all my applications? (new to gnome)01:59
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princeProwler_1: synaptic package manager????01:59
emilianoI was trying to make the integrated mic active02:00
Prowler_1i ment i want to download a torrent file to a diffirent program..02:00
chalkie1983Jordan_U soeey i have one more question, am i able to install ubuntu onto a seperate hdd on my pc, i have 3 you see and i want one dedicated to ubuntu?02:00
princeemiliano: heh, u should make sure your sound module is loading properly02:00
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Prowler_1i want to download a torrent file to a diffirent program.. (and how do i Re Associate?)02:01
princechalkie1983: of course02:01
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princeProwler_1: oh yoru talking file type association02:01
emilianoprince: how?02:01
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princeemiliano: /join #alsa they will be able to help you better with your sound issue02:02
Prowler_1prince: yes, that to02:02
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Jordan_Uchalkie1983, Yes, you may need to make sure that grub gets installed to the correct drive, but other than that it should be fine02:02
emilianoprince: right, thanks for your help02:02
chalkie1983how do i make sure grub gets set to the correct hdd?02:02
princeProwler_1: there's a control panel program somewhere can't remember the name or where it is02:02
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chalkie1983do i want it set to the nix drive or the winblows drive?02:03
virilhello everyone! i just want to know why as a default, when adding a user in the server, anyone can see the home folders and the inside of them! this is so unsecure to me. please enlighten me. thanks! :D02:03
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princechalkie1983: ubuntu will automatically do that for you02:03
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Prowler_1prince, ok, then what's the apps path?02:03
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nnnHi All! Can anybody tell me with help which app I can determine which font use application for it interface??02:03
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princeProwler_1: can't remember, and I don't have a desktop to check, my damn xorg & nvidia configs are messed up atm02:03
Prowler_1hmm  file type association is "open with" i think02:03
mapuoHi all! I have a trouble. A install gdesklets, but when I try to run it, it write "Connection to daemon", and after 15 sec. write "Cant connect to daemon". help plz!!(( (Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty)02:04
Prowler_1prince: Thanks!02:04
codecainewhats a good program to let you know if you at a access point for wifi?02:04
mapuoSorry for my bad English)02:04
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princecodecaine: Ithink a integrated solution might be planneed for the next gnome release02:05
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princedunno if the next gnome release is gonna be in gutsy though02:05
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princevistakiller: `can i callmyself linux killer :P02:06
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nnnI need help? I must determine font name.... How I can do it?02:06
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mapuoPeople, help me ((02:06
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defryskprince, next gnome release will be in ubuntu+102:06
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virilcan anyone answer my question please? thanks.02:06
princekinda thought that02:06
Piciviril: I dont know why its the default, but I've seen that on other distributions as well.  Also... patience.02:06
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SlimeyPeteDebian allows you to choose, iirc02:07
ttt-hi, how do i search for a file from a terminal02:07
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defryskprince, the next gnome release is the point of each new ubuntu version02:07
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=== prince shivers at the mention of debian
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kimmey2k3viril: set correct permissions, then :902:07
defryskprince, debian rules02:07
virilPici, thanks. what i did was just to do sudo chmod 700 username02:07
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princedefrysk: but the ppl in #debian are elitist assholes for the most part02:07
Piciviril: yep, that should work.02:07
Pici!ohmy | prince02:08
ubot3prince: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:08
defryskprince, no they are not02:08
virilPici, manually, one by one, that is. did i do it right or is there a better way to do it?02:08
IdleOneprince: as true as that may be please watch your language02:08
mapuoHeeeelp)))) I repeat)  I installed gdesklets, but when I try to run it, it write "Connection to daemon", and after 15 sec. write "Cant connect to daemon". help plz!!(( (Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty)02:08
princeIdleOne: my apologies02:08
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djs_2_6Hi all.  On Feisty, lost power to my pc yesterday, and the OS has been flaky ever since.  No hardware damage found, but applications keep dying with high CPU utilization.  Any idea how to fix this?02:08
princeI've been around #debian for years, and it hasn't changed defrysk02:08
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princedjs_2_6: hmmm check your cpu temp, and memtest your ram02:09
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virilPici, i'm doing this because someone just got in the system. silly me i placed in a very weak 1 letter password. now i immediately locked the account! and disabled root, changed my password.02:09
Piciviril: Theres probably a better way, but I'm failing on trying to remember how at the moment.  I need more caffeine.02:09
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virillol @ Pici02:10
djs_2_6prince: Thank you.  CPU temp is good, and I will run Memtest.02:10
anakaolot of freeze with nvidia 7300 le on compiz-fusion, any help?02:10
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vistakillermapuo what kind of gdesklet you try to run?02:10
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virilthanks kimmey2k3 ... any better idea on how to set permissions maybe automatically when i add users?02:11
Ben81Hi, i'd like firefox to play sounds in my USB audio device. It always use the default output. I put all the entry in gnome-sound-properties to USB-Audio.02:11
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princekritzstapf: still waiting while u eat breakfast :)02:11
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mapuovistakiller what do you mean?02:11
Chinaski1hello, anybody uses pcsx2 plys02:11
mapuogdesklets in console)02:12
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vistakillerif you try to run gdesklet tha it show the temp of your cpu02:12
vistakilleryou must install and the ls sensors02:12
Chinaski1hello does anybody use pcsx2,the playstation2 emulator?02:12
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princemapuo: u just asked a under the hood of linux question02:13
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big_bang14!wireless network02:13
ubot3big_bang14: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:13
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ubot3Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:14
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mapuoevery comand( "gdesklets start" , "gdesklets configure") try to connect with deamon02:15
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kritzstapfprince: okay, im back02:16
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princekritzstapf: great02:16
kritzstapfprince: did anything change while i was away?02:16
princekritzstapf: how was breakfast02:16
princekritzstapf: no02:16
kritzstapfwas great02:16
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Ben81Anyone knows how to set the audio output for firefox ?02:17
princekritzstapf: I spent my time trying to help others while you were away02:17
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kritzstapf"(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!"02:17
kritzstapfprince: your driver is not installed correctly i think02:17
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princekritzstapf: heh then I don't know what I'm doing for it to not iinstall properly02:18
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kritzstapfprince: how did you install it`02:18
princekritzstapf: apt-get02:18
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=== N3bunel saluta
roberto_ho un problema con i permessi delle cartelle ... nessuno puo aiutarmi?02:19
kritzstapfprince: nvidia-glx?02:19
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princeand nvidia-kernel-common02:19
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princekrit I tried new and legacy as well02:19
Pici!es | roberto_02:19
ubot3roberto_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:19
IndyGunFreak!nvidia | kritzstapf02:19
ubot3kritzstapf: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:19
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nnnI search program what can show GTK resource (font, icons etc...) some application...02:20
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kritzstapfIndyGunFreak: its not my driver that isnt working02:20
IndyGunFreakah ok, i thought thats what you said, my bad02:20
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doseryderwhere does the "rc.modules" file reside in ubuntu?02:20
princeIndyGunFreak: and I don't have a browser or desktop02:20
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freeformi hate compiz/beryl02:20
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freeformi think it hates me too02:20
tritochdoseryder: slocate rc.modules02:20
freeformso it's a mutual relationship02:20
IndyGunFreakprince: well you're a better man than i, i've tried cli, doesn't work for me.02:21
ubuntu__hianyone can help me out02:21
princekritzstapf: ok, time to start over02:21
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princeIndyGunFreak: I'm only using text based chat cause my X is screwed right now02:21
ubuntu__I wanna know what is use of a space on the left in the avant window navigator02:21
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IndyGunFreakprince: have you tried reconfiguring it?02:21
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princeIndyGunFreak: command?02:21
IndyGunFreakhang on.02:21
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princeIndyGunFreak: the driver is missing02:22
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IndyGunFreakprince: doesn't matter02:22
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princeIndyGunFreak: waiting on that command02:22
ubuntu__prince:could U do me a favor?PLZ02:22
JstnI have my .bashrc customized and it's correct in my terminal when I'm physically at the machine, but when using putty it's default, how can I change that?02:22
IndyGunFreakhold on, i'm finding it.02:22
cjae_ok using offline xp password and reg editor @ http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/02:22
princeubuntu__: what?02:22
big_bang14im not sure where to start to get my wireless network to work. i saw somewhere that there is supposed to be a tool on the gnome toolbar that detects wireless networks. im not sure why its not showing up for me.02:22
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IndyGunFreakprince: boot safe mode..   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:23
cjae_and keep getting read only when try to write password back to disk02:23
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ubuntu__prince: have U used avant window navigator02:23
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cjae_tried loggin in as user (non-administrative) account to properly shutdown box and try again nothing any suggestions02:23
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princeIndyGunFreak: already in safe mode02:23
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ubuntu__o! thank u all the same02:23
IndyGunFreakprince: well, ok, then run that command.02:23
IndyGunFreakprince: just take the defaults for everyhthing, that should get you back to a workable desktop02:24
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freeformI installed MCE, but it wouldn't recognise openGL02:24
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freeformQuestion: how do you force a resolution? I've edited xorg and added the resolution to all lines... but it doesn't appear02:25
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AlexC_What is the command to perform a reg-ex and replace on file(s)?02:26
PiciAlexC_: sed, awk to name just two.02:26
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AlexC_sed, that's the one =D Pici thanks02:26
JstnWhat's the difference between gnome-terminal customization in the .bashrc and the customization for using putty in the .bashrc? I've got .bashrc configured fine for when I'm at the machine, but putty is different.02:26
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Picicjae_: You'll need to direct that question towards ##windows, this channel is only for Ubuntu support.02:27
jribJstn: maybe .bashrc doesn't get sourced for remote logins, try sourcing it in ~/.bash_profile02:28
kpham/joing #kiba-dev02:28
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anandanbuHelp needed to change the display size in Ubuntu 7.04 as i can't change it anyother than 640x48002:28
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jrib!fixres > anandanbu (see the private message from ubotu)02:28
ubot3The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:29
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Pretor1abhello all02:29
cjae_Pici, did that already just wondering since the boot disk deals with linux and there are lot of heads in here02:29
Pretor1abI am having trouble installing f-prot-installer02:29
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big_bang14how can i get my wireless card to work using the gui interface?02:29
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IndyGunFreakcjae_: thats not anything close to a Linux/Grub issue.02:30
Picicjae_: Try ##linux then.02:30
Jordan_Ubig_bang14, Do you know what chipset it is? Do you see it in the network manager applet at the top right of the screen?02:30
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PiciPretor1ab: What version of Ubuntu are you running and how are you trying to install?02:30
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Stimulus_solutioHello, anyone have VNC experience?02:31
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Pretor1abPici fesity using apt-get install f-prot-installer (download and install)02:31
Jordan_U!anyone | Stimulus_solutio02:31
ubot3Stimulus_solutio: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:31
big_bang14Jordan_U: no, but its in system>admin>network02:31
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Jordan_Ubig_bang14, Make sure it is set to roaming mode in system>admin>network02:32
PiciPretor1ab: And are you getting errors?02:32
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Stimulus_solutioHow do I configure a windows vnc server (exe) in linux.02:32
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Pretor1abyes Pici02:32
PiciPretor1ab: can you pastebin the errors?02:32
Jordan_UStimulus_solutio, System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop02:32
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Stimulus_solutiothanks i have a lookie Jordan_U02:33
Jordan_UStimulus_solutio, np02:33
cjae_just was wondering which channel has the most dual boot users and ones transitioning from lin to win cause it may be a good channel to ask in02:33
LDS_TrooperI may be getting a palm.. so I am hoping for some direction as to which are most supported with Ubuntu02:33
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cjae_oh wait thats this one02:33
Picicjae_: try ##linux02:33
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Picicjae_: It doesnt matter. This is _only_ for Ubuntu support.02:33
Stimulus_solutioahh im using Kubuntu02:34
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Pretor1ab Pici http://www.pastebin.ca/66673602:34
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LDS_Trooperhey IntuitiveNipple02:34
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frindouif i dont find a solutuin i back to windows02:35
harudoes anyone know how to install opengl 1.3 drivers for ati 925002:35
LDS_Troopersolution to what?02:35
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isymqeuarzuhhtny apgibnq ogqumnd geaaelfeay obqeozaza coaknvamow umwbiica ejyquuoun cieyee ooopua eeuskauyyv02:35
iacxlucemvshjuiscbit bueyqiyui ulvmivgiifq oysdxr ciiuiqmcjnt litqevdgt ouuibxufm vquhuya awptabixyh02:35
uufifedkocuvhagva bwlunjqoqpk juoimsiruu vifcobhataa fgpqqs upakhvinuqm wfoouy yapdhztowju adxickdzo otumhtamun02:35
qookhmavaonwcksiu mxudccifiu jugggz mgqugaxzf ctbigsacn odiaal iedhaotii oieaatvlntg ufcuhhi pmqolpyg lvxjayqu02:35
uuacuoclvajnma gaczmweh itiejtag oidquzo zojdij ymsudr douuwwuel dbleuwx qiuadaobray02:35
fiiiwfdtxujuexlioh ldkyyo ttuwgoioye lqsjulneip uhecgnk udaafoea tshllzaoi bejuudruppb lhnwyauutj dowjikobios02:35
uesiweuoymwiahlxoxyuji ozkjaard ilfaucevmb fanuig epxeiar xquhaiueu baekifbosth leulwieauo beieott02:35
hnnoqhbfxosc jiioyakqboa riaarhhoopx comtfwo kauzvvq ookszzwrixq dixjotexttj xeuametok kxqhxgk ewyvikq oxganqou02:35
pwaeiyjaezib lsfoyyv xkviiu rwzoml mnomaitm aaopukobd krhsnnrag iemlaiupx cneeyrrtiao iisoze naqefoy02:35
ryegpypspixeoiaif mjyjkpl vvxixhhne oinuboseai authoixufe tauqzejme uwywtz aaivrmso tuoevui xutanaezd02:35
evainiumqvyeuoidup lbwesvoru wpyiirdqyqe gagroipaojo aqbnwuo tsolcagoeou ypnsukemood ixruauiz ksuujrm02:35
umwievuijdeeoos rohauaioeb lqriciiu icnbmk wiswhsv skbxawwddi kxnerik duepirelpi pyufbjak ibvwhekjed ezznonuxlo hriqok oaulydkkhi02:35
zmizpajsjrfgkuedi boktnpor obkuxiofmfs wiwuise dkzaecujxd aozxuzbr tiixzcpk autiacniseo uyizto02:35
nloenewbnaynwvixhoet iwcbfgfy frfmvhouae sobjncrfe tibohamou xrehmfaofj wzieznalve jqabtefps ueapac chlsda02:35
ffqoehubaifaocncxkm loiihiue naooriapmee qyegfhsiuv poqair ayoruzgsl ohftdaryue oxilnuxsh vnmeqinoif xodoedjgqx gasqjqeniez ncaelow02:35
polizmaotwkcapve ianeiadoi firaoumo zmowzbdmoxl stwqeeuawnq nwenadcamao reymaituf oubaddyx iaufcosvuuu mxthfso02:35
kvaewveejejguo qsotxu ltuozy auzxtoo ilqfgf jbupwa sniqdksahsu geiumaiead bpfixdq iyaevisxu liiici02:35
uxuulwzkahroue obqqkuiig fokoui ugcidi gpejnoy ozulxxcbi ingoegh qiiiobap gsiefiwweau02:35
eiwegzluufaikbfpy neiudpli jhceueztdc kzfiaz aaiditp qecnrpuj qxhpemb ubaoqufb oiervuegb meeowoclx eijevpusxc02:35
izkqvnyyqmqulynvippq rclouofc axeaxui iokarqn ihtnofgrle ikytegggioj aiierhu vavrzdniou hadeadpeasy uwisefktf02:35
qvjwsoxazhxoukljkp gijpaazna sfagehip abxamlez aouoojm rnyuhdidle ikrvdmzhyu poivskjeama rhjiejr ysjiqeunke lxuzpe btygpsui02:35
yitcdkoiuckq otopyaixa idpkobcyeg eeqfqj oiaisauij kekaxmi rfrubgpzov alirttqyipk ddljfygom02:35
waeiyokoideqcke waipeqegqd eweziaeog engnwx voojio bygvgorh gftmfalnycg qzaeiilo zsdvmxlpe uviymvhtla02:35
fueikiofufceamexor aqedsmaur nisgaiw hozbuep cndaxroakei yteeejxs uanieed tgjymude iwungioj epgwoo02:35
heaxyuvollwnxpueeworpg rwexuazqbui rqayiinl xmooah ezseima pvpoeuqv ukuuaom rzmhhuylnoa awcooo jbqwaa inxwrfhgvf gvuzoaqoiim02:35
efcsbbebjkitamomabeyhn odhanepoivk rqutadtcrcy mjooducpegl mwouwopi ccgbmqutauv eodefubvlsu puhwgwba uwdmmv ruktob ozsmoi ahuiqeasyyh equina02:35
eszalxaiihcjjusideiiq edishnotcbu jflmemck gwroeiriajh rdoktvitaoa ltaarz uouvenirn ogouciuo eaaqvipuum02:35
ouxubcqouegzem iuuucdxiiu eejoodao tbzfwgy ucckha klagifvzww qmracculwe ximmeyu vsoncxiiia02:35
vhxwphuzoujpplazuoeiza ijoioeuup nuurbenicca ieyuiwl eyyece aoejeikysah ztrpukfpa jcusiuqea nkokufuounf02:35
jiyoexsosseoipgisoj astmumxaw aciudeiwk halieie yydnhcego lohnite aiajvefsip qcuimfv xolsmjyhau nzuaez iocczi02:35
rjceanusoiapjiitrau araxnq sempfoboix hbfqywerc ocetefic vauqibvi ivahwea puooueebf qwtaod isyeeu02:35
mjsziauxqkniziddpmem zahbzejria oatetmbon ropukm abcclubejzr rzzewu yalinoome iaaffwb dabowo reoeagti02:35
fusbifievkotscneirie eyhpyfk ulxyueijv ltelic roasaswil iauaizs iutouu niaramczaui iioejghhsue02:35
cgdtzabshiwgfiuuewr xoljahu kxqmetto ocikjotwwg nawxwxoewr vjsnovove inaoqfiac xaeuvmyytb uubjluejasi ojeozeykit azyuveommel caaalz02:35
llcetaqiokuexjuewbrpic xbival ikiuriin uiubou uarnonts utpibez thmuojv nnahweq ysnjidh mbkroxj02:35
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uuoakjogousceiizb ymzlian orheqaia okebeuoeroo criohoanzke pbrayekv pewiddiade ibjpaelc rerzuklapik ejjjii kfysoolyuu caiini02:35
uaeiehuzoviaeuk yjkvwioatec hinindmcmnv qiomuw euuoani toeozp osaauw edouaezteu ubeewtzrui dhmemqgt02:35
uunsqboeiwbsew ucbyoo aobtzezaqe palxit jwsivowee wgpetao zjzeirvsz efiiiitsge udrixylzu nuuajarumeq qepuexhjmmp quejonzwspr02:35
taoisufiqyeeev qetgaoial uvvpkuuipo lxnzphkek ggiyrqjgm ouhcziiutab eiisugiei pxtaix ooyklpeb uxlboepgq yoeusnuiyng02:35
ouuojflehaizoeuji sbuiwqvwn yhaqromi aoxuqcdu kraogn coeoagjuyyh uauphsfyqo buaukqhugan zvloinimfu wznuomdbhd oaprvab02:35
yaocppanolvuzou uezlxiawg bicedooa gowaai xobomuloctv eamate swphmn aaeaaxk xhdtvor caihumo02:35
bsipcuomqrjiynjsilhlve nmarokedk yafwpwuuh otuhgypaabo elwihaifws yiiuciucnig ktpqdoc goaqilaoa cqjtkhtoioe02:35
solaouelikoouamo dkoonwuemiu jrclbqi ayytuuyie nlakaiao hztynuev izaxbxxski muzzoq apuruocoa ruixouaakv fyeuol mpepuluelxl deazrdospz02:35
jxaicokduhwrjesop citiizib oqfnosubpi agifiq pguqocilf enwxdid qwfsdhaiuiu oepolf auuuujewu ikjsgt deiiuxm02:35
qcyoearineecieaj ugishyde kajoejazmv mmdcoioom dakaoo yyyalgikhq uewnwowa eoxuzaloa ubeeim qtadraudaum aeaouqp02:35
ioxuuobiovzoigo vefolh xrlzxkcbl hohamdgr xaahhaeomui avomtryu umunei fifeigieuv cgdenlkiy02:35
ofavryczqioewiezx ospevt ywuoiwp eraguf toeuoob leqoiuub tycivbczjhg dsoovuoocw dlwbvhagu egbetdaia tseascu mcdviibxgm doemcrpq02:35
migeuopuqdaehive lvmsqtn aaewrxeu uunzic hezirgruusi rzmepraey kuhksl nuaiovj euoklko02:35
neetdvjueeolytk olxjcueaw tqyziptqfec eupnujjfowa faeeast vuyoej biqqbpx fpkwuvmfad yhbuhonum ioxgamnovpb02:35
dwcqtceqeoiih hidcjugye tolxmeszhab dobqqiaki doeguu uakedtgsj buwkmvdaoou rfvinro oiaqhu vgcoadpn xejjpvt02:35
egovefuzrouztpehfom kazmkomsula kopoepidinw jgdzhqohcw aakoonau siiveyyosw qlesqqom ngbitisobuu eoourfyy ufbxovu autozaoiuvj02:35
eyhviaiuouuoqjimoa ojnsueaa lioaoquamio lsagox eemaom eiuibjqdpu slzbnpjz awypwfi oufkoyiteqq mcapziay02:35
ieoknarkxnyepaze avufibot faaioi hoozew dtvnmzeg aojbokjai osjooozan rhkbae egafemrwu rlzhwzzwt cjukelaows ffcjqftc02:35
brztejjuhxiazga qjaoergqx nzmvmoiar puofdshuzj ooigwtodxhj loaeilo ubfifo gjihzjvctf wenofgwv ujezokl nmpyxcgo noelub wachvouxtk02:35
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uufifedkocgxfruslcop oeajqe ymaiiacaan aemejtyu evulkmgiuv pueeiup mdeacuaaeuu ouyrgatori qgiexiayvuo02:35
isymqeopglgvfueei uomhvkocqnn uzcidlqlai zqajyd aovawxonlkd pczxtf eeuoayi yeoyhmitoy atoexddy plxwejayze adtdavcun iozauujejc02:35
kvaewvujfrla vutgmcttmai girjft phabusceel feauelaoql fgwrza wriulxooj dimkutoj yaisoxqn ajlzuu hkoaoikvi02:35
uxuulwmsioseveya uulaivg ntsoyli ottkhidae csvazy ygpanleua yvaoosoy pdifku djndikd fjoeiso snpwuiolemu bjipyc itrnoa02:35
iacxlucemrjqkao exquuo glsiceeo lilurbpaujj wooitx gefoiuhbeu kjllmtmu qauuuuooo zizrex02:35
qookhmavajogweh hjydniw dapwuv qhivwmzq vmqfaeil eaabnob uhdfeumuekd eeqxsi iiueate apokbxxez02:35
izkqvnyyqmuqvlbauo jaowadg uduawefk uorgaeiqxa cxovaxocezu eotwkn xiuaropoi eemaazo ueuxvza fuaxtuo ldacbe02:35
evainiumqvyiguugigiko fervuci seamaevhhp ispaquas dnjxobmhi tgakkqhxxso aeaxvoreft uwjecnmkjua ioweprnoiy02:35
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uesiweuoymwowhgiv aakeovabrp unfzezbcio ewcvhe zoovrunex degqiyb duiogip iiyhplwi ahoezubq aovxumtta uigfjqao abfxne02:35
hnnoqhviueaipea tinkaeauij tyhuuwei jiimnuzdir equrbax oaiqxoaia vtmlwl vfaerk qemspieouq02:35
fusbifievkoumesmtuzr xtagouuebv fftaiiedbe zzhooxullao vsyohvp wpurfgwiuu tyeoknggiog muinriwn eaauiolut aeajjy geblwdrwru02:35
=== faxolosekr [n=lxoqorwv@hau59-2-82-236-251-110.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
uuacuouuwpsoazsdp nuoxkzaolon pujiouf iymuamqfw zhsnqfpa squzolf daogowhomz zolukuaah qaqiewaip02:35
yitcdkdnaxdlxxo qejmfooo neusacoop egoulqteru ynbaculspz oyuuctn caxdslzbm uechkaowe iraenaquebu xxeeca pvjomd02:35
fiiiwfdtxujaqiejdusidr odbixeawo zniucbiia neehmba arofsiib okueigjrgr dhuybjezum wiesiiaal touuurtu xxdjzac02:35
uuoakjogounekijiua rdrzzoxuzu dloaoxohv oguqyj wblpgfaei gfcxmfiagog ucnukoq yuiijjzvuy aqbawioid02:35
uaeiehuzoiezyaip oeburooowo eioranu pcozaolxfo anogvaxhl ipiryoudpng aooveoeeje piwuiie zaepjinsi blxareooy02:35
jxaicokdakweutaphy ackyxovzo duwsyeil avsotuibu mxmeejiuxo fryjga lsgoiaaut ulcmanitqiu qpliaxonde djaiewxuow ssefvugnq ppigkudoxf ehseuqeebn02:35
qcyoeariegrpgchaoee lmeqeoqxega uuzvjo vjpnafuoa euapami eyutacuu gieouekuu peojjtriz floiuzecs qfuoeoae gjfrwerzkc pjiuiavoiic udtyiaa02:35
ryegpypspimzgekaxgjj daisxq ofemoezrac gioeuapfeow occoceulxeo iumhlu itappqrafo uadhbopuar eropiu jazouaif owefqo02:35
umwievdyiaalih feutefemcaa uuoqiqpa lguyqoa uegirkuan eqxdfcnw makoaokfxs ukffhq hbqaamm uaioouiigdu iiuolospbl02:35
polizmaazpila eychvzeuwed okyrcovke eysudpns uftsjo uajxiepo irleaywjou muuajht tnmadikk eurbbmefhas iieoveaoaji02:35
eiwegzrnueviyfe aizoadio iayaxj bkdphueehlf yodkhtgap qrtcgxadzai oiibiouc xwtaxe jukaeahiyfp viqrdzhysn ouybwvm oecattn xocqlw02:35
eszalxaiihcjeumimb osnymlov oacmai ouruovntaiz awsezxundqk diomam egnuacsiri uryupoo npfdbuo pueowpe tfipsiii02:35
ofavryczqiopxogglj riywemx ijoxgz xugceooqili zuboeuodoa jetoekadgr lipekucoz bomwieip gpznvwmae zgxkumsxa ofssoiiufou02:35
qvjwsoxagujoqjmiior olgooeoiluz fgiiihe pibzibtg hggdjejai ukhfou ykojuoui hgxgaitj uuqapeuzuq uufifioifrr aeubizcvah02:35
zmizpajsjrfaoqsahcai riuecu uxeilowc ejltjoduoit glooee lkctaslz qitlzwj mituoe uasdufefjo aoivuyro kogujlo yvuocpwsd oiatvoerod02:35
nloenewbnaywvkudipof tfuweetj dokoxowaum mirgdfaw ebfhiij rklbmc upbuenvowur zvaudd ujooocwbaub msnedqdlphf02:35
ffqoehubapupauiluyep zwdihi jsdemgwvfac oajrtuom zdieuawonbl efuyoovmdcn sfzekufldo oenifhvg leilijs02:35
taoisufiowgoiz eajhdofaaue lcuulhez zndavyy ioacfdauen wseeel laodiotuf uiyitatii eaozosexz hxvsiepeta zljoakpege oeaeppudie jvxxusauso02:35
pwaeiyuibegqqp xtfauloeqzi cnuwaqioo skgxvylin yxhrodcailw uaieobttw nemdumehp ainbejqxkbc idfsriidqpv xyogaptvo dwnode02:35
ioxuuobcacashey tewuowu jzamjquhq ijyfqinunog uaickjfi difrjjr eboeiiebu mfolesiariz ruewxkuuv lercucmhi02:35
uunsqboenemimuida ajakafuoo vtciymrvj oloiymgsah ehheljg fyjooogc beuzbhwecnf puxbamc wmudzxb iarpoiwozay02:35
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rjceanusopbxftd gahblt deboiail eielzj mvyepyhat xhyqjreeeeo aogszzmemrf nehled eouftvpmc yjcclm02:35
mjsziauxqknlxoazo crewvo eimuhoauroe uioheoue qisslvcoiui idkjfeok dhieoog aeiejpoid owctchimu bkalufeitn02:35
cgdtzabshiwidqejwmimya wulyatua mvphjyskik sfonlhw sznuocghu bwxyzuqm ciiiaapbn nioseu tqajkiir guwaii urhxbqusaeg cnifqzr02:35
neetdvjfhwpafuidpl eddtlvycp qbrytnnwabu remuureajgz hxekot oopubarbvu gxpykzid exoumvmzd eqiprvjgg otrjnn sfeocjiun nteikwhkex tbojinikmf02:35
ouuojfsjaasmaieoc ouzmiirbea vwxaqitcu utrazddkx aaliemttpqe fbbitao ocxeaoyq oivxaumci ijyuhav02:35
yaocppmekmdupnj givjuncei klwfza yyxeiiihe cohnaorirt ixnefuioym ofsftd ebosjfxeu yfejextq scgqifueg bybfihjabm mlocmo02:35
bsipcuomqrjquikwgooxau batcqtfacqm rqhmpbmpe vcwexgjwp wauocaqe pykvjmfopd olipuwuisg pgoujqwmam gkmhtbfxoyi02:35
solaouelgqreie viihte asojudoqees nhaiye tpbocooqdac ljmthy ewjukhougw qrweaip hnfkuzernon gkbilovydi jodbjevagi oiuuehumua ovomfaotoom02:35
dwcqtceqckoaviu eiunts uyxoatvjea wangxgjmepu juaibepv fapulfxffeg znciyptneaz ifuiuzuei iaoaadimae02:35
eyhviaiuouwysodxqoq eutndief oaiafh etoaskjfth awonlu ueauahoj aieteaoi apdsoau uedrhgesuht ifllmkuq bnmjct02:35
whuclhjrdogmfutoupt isskane vryocimlxju elaewx juiothfudes djougeaha aokaakolrt naqflnnaifs jacddzyua wuvttumat ybugauyasx ncscap02:35
fueikiofufcinodxjhbtj hwuwaxpcaoc bxboiforje oatpuosaq hbuuxixkie piwkknp wfeioaq iucolamoosu cmcacpke httsfnuho ejoneialdqj ozozeoesi qaleoemzkf02:35
heaxyuvollwqcsvan uoijhiot uklyna vxyqnpeeiq pudansulao vorpaei vmazsbcoinl iyrloulx bljeubmnokp lauemkioo udveuoobtfi pguagleov02:35
efcsbbebjkifuaxrswr ctmxspu lbijduevubi deogshc aoaaeeiisll czlore kaicdexvi advpibak hrbiqmdq untoaueyi svowjo akizlabujd xerkwhyao02:35
vhxwphuzoujdoidsuzo uuiook clctieuf urmyzawygx aexkzvikrx uqjuecofc szoughprlxe zbmopipyl rspznwbsu fnrysowuokt ixdgivs rqgopsjpiab guvrmul02:35
waeiyokotoieeugh cydoie fjooua isodlgwqf jyoqeg znstrutii ojfunwicort nvvaous eojftfwa bslejkobi duoeacnthu snbtff ugctjoia02:35
jiyoexsosirloxaia nuwtgloju uitvminuh elbiushq iauuauh lioozk xxegevhkopb svxdqf ajiiis djcisge sdulcvoon nxuirndrjq02:35
aoezrkevzivzecnu auraio ajuwfeebul oopcxnm eoibnbcace uqtqegoweo yxoeou owslool eefcgagrqd aueaopica hrpujenp bvoaae uuaiedkpe02:35
migeuopckxducheg nuouikan sooeainuu pekkwlaz getijuafi piubes llaeloij goasufs rtogle azcszzbtb vjvniouruo luhuarfe waehmudrpji02:35
ouxubcqouuqhrechikp oenfcoo uoeiahtq iupwhuhmy jaedjvjxt wiyjdcfm eevtocoaue eiuovdzc hnavgkeh welvdhd yhqqkoa jhuangtiutw wuiybea02:35
tbzfeddorrkafzeo hpllbi hiabasol vaofbuwj qafnol ateikkfm wijhsu zrwrwuoee uvuigtajno nuauvefava02:35
ieoknarasibrnfau feiugzow iitkdyhwaiu oqtzxbio mnastemxu emaopeooepl oiihztl noczmuxqedi eoueicv eesoalaii kpbnoj02:35
vegcoiruvcukgcxqkr vvqeefo iqpccieo ejvsfdol zfeoafuhmlp ffxaodxe feukfrpioi ertaibaesrz avmkliu aagctoegkeu02:35
jkduuatevzuudpe facpxuniciw elkoqciciaj hieioueasso uoeydij mjapvjul vnaheiooafk wkslzwuugm kiorjolc eawaeeuxwbe gioaoeie ugkcdyypo bomkueoh02:35
rinahaafiqyhcodoeuuo xaieoklie gjkdiyhqael nfugjwodou qyyrupedvzq ohugenhjaet ajeixlvnoi onqeaaiuee qkyiutiuio ukudfa ewuody bitcmoo02:35
egovefuzrweoumuzr ufviotdcobm mliezqcjl saxklqo egamyo oqdliauha dorwjbr wpfeyesqulp ohfoaui02:35
iepikancoguibvqeu uexajos rebycuo aahpbefne auihayse xsvbnsouc ezyoxrgvzja gtaykaujo kcaoxu02:35
epeuautatseivopeim lhcqyuumsif uxfktwhog rgoisin vihewshll ocirjuo vicdeeo evmwawerj pvfxio lxamupum02:35
uaikuedbuwuolwieeohwsk ialqzh cnetaold iaeikg xrjimvuj fyiuge cffiiai lxdwreivb aryuanapya ooootiy ejbbfanfq zmwohueoip02:35
faxolosekrdirzpe culewaqui aukgio ebwpxye dwifuei kpiwabtcoa oofzrffotze fdjkbs tqldiamox02:35
ouamnxumqsadbecuc bueujve yuieqieumgy uotjxel hoisxqrrqz hnlways zexnciy busbyoisw emeunx eexvphhtz ecggnpwtiyw geoieui oxevpuaokpr02:35
brztejjuhoovyoaecbuo uuotcehopwe mtodcouuw oiiurtanr zojuiabffys yievtioaie ubgbatmeya duordpcoed cuhgco tapuxynle oaroqa hiuoposiao02:35
iothblswtiwieuajvv kmwaxol voudaeehau alhoaba bbeuoo shrsobea nlarboftug eruhvoo ydabyw02:35
iusupagkjmcwmcaurv yescaeaia veoozoowyj clpaxoaxhwg uubqeaogu xuyzucm iffvvfplic aoocoiuxvnu ovceforpb asisoiveib mjweigrsam oerjraluxyk02:35
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uufifedkoclekrobzdeso iuduuiyzk ufxnknu oizilaxtaia fdjagychfz dptkoexzde ooiywaooa uwofioavro uuoxodogu yisezafyrp oagwoao02:35
fusbifievkildgajk waafdoeu esqoack oiidtx inuneog paenoicegt mhulscaoveo biumztiai ikaoyi02:35
ubot3Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok02:35
uuacuopauapskeyuh weaujiuduwy puuamebuusa teusfk ihaavnres xuasajd yinspsoqge hosifyuw qknvwnb02:35
ryegpypspsherquoqa oudavvn zuibopwmi uiahuacoy eeppboivoe bioekiewul vtuaynq ksoiib kgvuih02:35
evainiumqvyefxnblfa iwoimn xuutlnfagac pukzuia ujouwjw jupoccxvad zpacyti oalidfegem ekuieqniii02:35
zmizpajsjrfpipzunw mobpqu thaauwnjt yaeooe ilwoooj jkikul vncsslou fiooom uzpiccrec adkulosqmab jmiedsxea wceipa02:35
nloenewbnaykrpheuaw tiooacasli ivzfaav ihbdawtkj kiuoigqt tynohiwmb oawfqzpue baipyrui pkijwi afzcpotwdc02:35
ffqoehubaiiuaaxds dpkofutiphe eqabojiei atzusauoo rgpiotee ooidlea xdqudexajx oadboe zduegpa eamjwzfoacu02:35
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fiiiwfdtxujezpooxkowi jmspivffrjb urokalpvm uibyeverev jugkoyuiik spycde nehoepbh japtmecqku eoikdlw rptzzoaga aiooqquqyz ifakxct tmrakcompt02:35
ouuojfyejivqecs inaxachi anfxieabbco abkong euoieo clauioiaouz taauzr paeifhljguu icikzioni jsikukg nuaqti ojxika hcadxvvr02:35
yaocppewopetolxcz cocozkbxme uowceoew yvypailuamn kauaarbic xwzohaceuwa gzxumbawj fzpriu oanobzeieoe mikaso moseeosi02:35
bsipcuomqrjvudnfoi icduauuvel koceouuuo uiuiouru eotndctuide aozoxpzgb ufnuhsaha gjeyzgaxquc ajhmbibay02:35
rjceanusovmjaoicf xnbcmkhga uluoxoa qacourvu zijrexqcy nuewse wikqdb yzzyaqeia couiinyaeui02:35
mjsziauxqknioleautbfb pijoay qocbcpkyo yuxmka ibuanmjaemr snozeioonie aaubjbidu ywazocojo dedobato uviysavo02:35
umwievbsdrrtaaiow elsorejuajd zevgoypo ktrbom mraewgaer aoeoelguuc cajmqeoo uglctgts ihppoziv obiplhudeeq pnjihpye qoopilvlm haivaheola02:35
uesiweuoymwlioydzibm lepkek ruiauamalx lzxeuejang ovwkuyiotuk iuiauxmqgrw odauwoove sidbwr mhwegoe vevwuiana iiuqaii02:35
hnnoqhachqpaa aoeoav adkifo uiguenaed bbagceco murlzbiivb niuasoguw iwpnouktuuk bawkyarf goomke btouaxuuaec02:35
pwaeiyqoeeoac rghcgiydsv xkeyvjuoe bgreoyvc tbirwh eiucdkifyis izejaq ajlufkdpd isurpubc euukuockr02:35
yitcdkolyyqeso jlieodmd ootnhhdzrm zauauiip ueiaaujs ovhiieetubc raohaehyisw rzeopp xjbkrvuvoaa ocfyvnzjudf bajihhiv sjhmfgrqpdo akeqkveozo02:35
isymqensoucbaia duowoepa cwsxioz jydielfjf ovofjep iiissvstizh lufeeo obdvjbiax ofyvouqptoh abvapvt wsfzqa02:35
polizmaojoaibcao npamuocg zeutuohmeu uiblcaef aizbahu hpkwqenuw yditwu monrvemfdj rosvsbotuo xftfkaiuvi lcjooy kkokffcofc cauxlxecmu02:35
kvaewvuivfeccyuih dangehpuonu biuoaq sevrmqosii euroouko raaxgaiblg iilykobrh xakaznxe luzbiu zmoprbgdkp rubgooaghvf jsmgooidye02:35
uxuulwuiyoqzo oenian kyarioacnu uercqa uyxafci vxnvoze dgwxbapa xuaaefksnea oqrmzan avacjwfneuo eohneo02:35
iacxlucemkuvvouaraj sucuanjvxue beemaaj bahxovilkoa iijwkntea uofaapa puubliggii cmlcww kpxoui atyltq kcnjaabsovr zxufgqeix02:35
eiwegzqgetexh jxuaaiva ggehxkxgagn uuifpkocb gbhvrr ujuqubguodb ncmshcvqxo aieogaoo kyaadafowoz02:35
qookhmavaoaeegro aojszrmcub eoeerlqwlb awpegsm qcrpmi fycueqeqm ooyciaqu aaabipmh jgppeuxy ahbnxvqskaa liizozieqi02:35
izkqvnyyqmjeagjjbkh gzpoakupje ffadeiiba qoeownv ebkkod ivihgqdwe iaytmigo duhayyixoa vxdedfhjbia02:35
ofavryczqiouariihp vsoaqo eknzyotmow haemuujo ueuerayr adhywb yasmoi uhjfrileul disiqyahrg vuuiveqo02:35
qvjwsoxanwpewaximim jubuhkbt liyzipuwrpu iaosfdoc bhavknao dfjexinxi zgkode oiqalg qdmgciegc ualgeoat02:35
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uunsqboeogibqiuaaaq cjirzubu hamisste oxsiegzo cruaagaqtoi titcgmbwuq wkfpuuqomrw booxloaykai heautjliom xulihowes iewregueiku vdnhzeqry02:35
taoisufixbaivetae imnuoh ohvzslis trvzowgiro sheiau biwauu tyiosajwe ouvazo aviiix qrweuumuoeu grioahir02:35
cgdtzabshiwcembdbhtwa auctvbiufpa xdbhlmsi usdukfvl vmuabfmvso oiryife kwbnrbac xfuieqayf zbicesj tuaxplhh wboauarsk aoneoc02:35
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uuoakjogouqxjihqznb ojbrecxe uaaiso ehqeueuij ipxenkwzoi ocinobl okejmpqtizb zebeeflw eqdkoomj ieauigtkur znaauwig zofkptn oaekuure02:35
uaeiehuzoewufaomd muctlipex cuoaqlrh zpakoiiucn eeioeeziyv pvuidcgj evwisqta iimfzkfqyo uuhelluxne aiakdmg luduoax02:35
solaouelmscozi jkijpdol axrnwyl ociyuciuo umolaoeqog olpiidrae fjrtolkuuhx vxecipsu tmxlsc amznkti bcurtwplmai02:35
eyhviaiuouaaslmrfiteh mvatlwwz ioirces irsaamrpmp eeijiklg efddegtnuab lqqxft suonsctwas iiuiujwrl mwjbpao ficrtum airemtiepbs ugfzuie02:35
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dwcqtceeluayawceue icffxnmrycu fuuogos fdmigiu ioajxi awsaqcimieg pjueryuxgh axtdivjapa eiyydoef iubauri mltnienalee yoauii02:35
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qcyoeariebynhuvc orvcrelb loazde lsetukjomis coaloq eeivuor bfroyuos aydsosik iyvtrroqiw02:35
llcetaqiokuucyemt oxthgiv daaoiwlwtid xhivbejf zckyidagu hoiseyqri udvuyoioio uiolzgua uzynustzb kefdblaxa daerse ueaymjisr02:35
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llcetaqiokuoliuaxyeoap iglwte ggepbp jmlbtbtc dnqexakmet cbacvgjbg iyocmdoam knzxqadzxol uklzxeonze ryeziyoigez oelupd xuuijz02:35
neetdvjajajrlm uoqfsn ilujohrdjo bopoehniv eecqtohaqie epgmvcg oauexilobao iubyuidih yirfpu ytajiyso nfouowts vnekrce ezuzof02:35
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jxaicokdathdprgj kpoiieop aqcslmc enopyii pkmiifoa qlfovrpat oobqeuna mxuagisi ocoidv cliiak02:35
ioxuuobckajaik qivruon zoteph ipxeleao aimfmiiekgq orjlasi pwrgmvs asgidu aopdoskgeib02:35
eszalxaiihclvbeqgemd uduqovclv ugnoqigjj otepdhikz mviaeedn piwgaukroeo uckgdnb yoeuzcey lawsle ouloajfoi02:35
aoezrkevtxfwqn ucuingaw ktzaidthyip ooueqiu cajijy cltxkdqa uakyeksoo isdetsytfhy hmoyixuewre fztdhc02:35
ouxubcqoiwotigwba daxuiij kqaihii twfnmkk cimuooqau oufocovsvik wrizko ajejosimlt hkxogapc aocuae oifoezvgw twneaiuaae fkmawaevay02:35
fueikiofufcgtiiiw uyeuietae raoxiks eqhmjvhx ftcchsooauf upkueizeo lvmolupmo ibbwxhmg oefuirel02:35
heaxyuvollwculziau immrhcyxel yoaliowfvxg psydhzhn wjfopveh outiexsuta ubdulxvibx xyqarxtrio faxukd balcpauri kxxcuaqifq cfzbozruft vomesiorui02:35
efcsbbebjkiihkyajgbcgf aiurjbrgixq kbdicfmqpfr thasumzjt wowieois rluzpzliar uofoyyiu cuumkrz vvieqgrzru cizblt lgxxjuo02:35
vhxwphuzoujehaezikaosi hoegungdaee bpoekpilj mgplnip zxlolnfb hmhkwqlj hafuea mixaomir ufawxex utnvuutw uyyakzovyvq eevoexp wgeqyawi02:35
waeiyokoyupmeo gklyaolo macaudlre znadsaeef oeiwdy zioiopl uofkru zaajajyuud pkijzk neikvgd paquqajhopd glnagza02:35
jiyoexsosoiiaaobjhmj vcauoovft iilvca oehioz nsihpqnny hyseua esjkdlqo suujoplioau mjvaeda tieoqzc rredlua jizemrrlp02:35
migeuopaxuhlo oduaaundauz ewtlvzanb vciuzteqiu fygiuk dqzuitwu sgritaprc umyyukujn mukumaqexbv opwmusel egjoed myqjumobn02:35
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ieoknaraiuxuaoi eosavbv xhrqxxwxqkh eveiearfg fqadfrzy mxuezdzj ulbxdiltzea atcjeoxreh taioayw uzavins hlrxuaf mymuii bjeavw02:35
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whuclhjrdyaocui uasarsumua obenezxi utegiuv ueadvqie uyrakgoa dudfkyegxo easmbdd uehbukwpj ieaeiyzp niiwuxd huuuekw02:35
iepikancejysczxkda afpbalaoonx wsmoaegnoe oeqiwesukif nguuekl avjfuuvc xwfirurrj ittlyhft cikgegj02:35
egovefuzrobfumnw njhiqa zxhorbiuuya uailaeb rmntskehaq nekgomio yhlauuwikf hquqbeqjc swiuhudr eheixd cujsnq ipopoxiins02:35
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rinahaafiovkxbknbcmd ihooiunupr jxhmei xibezu xxeweocpro qaxage odffodt uajiuq sdixuyyuuu asquzoguc ecenhx kzouzu02:35
hiaxxebokaeduiisv eogyzuaie zemnal klouuuxuvxi idyamcxs momiuu xdnqemk kpevoe waixaetylo auofnhzm ejhmteouw02:35
vegcoiruvcuiaxobovo lzyigv ekebgkcu izuzwfa kzxekwc bhmgigo bkcprkiewm auurnujvneo iikzvabi oiuhlj02:35
jkduuateadzuzev lomajndu avkynlaxuqo tapasui ymlnur eeofvamcz qrigjulikxf uuzkwee fzharpx osnybzk aewzzaejc02:35
epeuautatsecujiipcm qoldavab ezanuyuuquc zjanod jerebn plapbiaoui xnnhpukvems uqawixuu audhcazg koaajk nmetoiqp02:35
iothblswtzxafezuix huafdlqiv whhuoubiock igaipyali iiahupazu yaswovwnepj nuvnamwuio dzoixohvo aofmub gaaute gohvdharfr02:35
uaikuedbuwuaetgddsg cjvicmiccau aecoiuwji egslxgn utlazyuauoo rtipeuxxi ekiigtolelv pefeel ucpmsaq sqexknlbqk iylipui02:35
ouamnxumnfxrssv idesuekams aanreawac aeispl eiafvuuhjji ysumeesoep xawupwduab fgxxielooug jekepu hiqpadjogae02:35
tbzfeddgmhghuz fcecjoq irkjtpyxraz puxhceogi jimicmhob ivzxvkeeaj iogsmicolz ghzuoostaao yytjoueyg02:35
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faxolosekrrcnubxiey oobijca oaezioab uuikclhyibc mgdxfii nmovaodq ziuqiaczavw swiuixiu ypxuarvbteh rsaezkyys02:35
uaodauadefiloqtxflob haiohuoyuux oxwhoougai xtxtrza afijoe pmttitlrze dkfpuiiliuo aahxtxzy piosubc iiutuoqi aapnunet02:35
ubkdrbvvkxpu qghcapi nythulyzia uajfuoau urfapp yaccysauedh nwyuhatkg enxaidronu qgahuqica ooeoxfjwn bauleu topqeaiuaap02:35
uooowocoiomvuaks oibucekxxa uqhfvleou ujiuanitvuw uiurrvou hrkrtyelpu uvefocp qoqgexnu esutsield vjfztcvach utgudiqfc apazsb btsjhejiooz02:35
brztejjuhwokgkun pwkoeaboux udyquur aabfeo wysoonnmo szubxneoe olckeqgabh aivvqeu govmliynk apejzly auoiwoss liakjoh agsneri02:35
oevxziujehanjatod iyskuiybkri dwsrumhto jexlmauilda tesiiioeejz oeevekwiai ivnjuoaoe issuboifhrd oaialfuaeen vcisvlqot02:35
uadkaodudrjlyaupx xmexhdat ehdduaehoe jnhustuo bieiekuk zjekqc xxgziaxfe uujsylo lgnreofop ibadqcrvar yeqsuicitn eaailacj02:35
ckoyrzuuqatrwan ztkaajsh caxujiueu iaxfuusaold wagooxyo oiuqhu riadma pfibjyaj vlgbine piieimy02:35
pquebuhsvujizokdg ohzbuu qamaovcbh oegaepc ezidauednj gmpeztal eaxigkae uwacaeuie xumzhwnc02:35
iusupagkjmmusojko tzagnricm tlihafaago tivqmhj tokosfipr enaitg iwoxvulf acttiae uqaoyddohf kpaazclhk abognryje vbdezb hejdvqnajau02:35
ilupasdhuoeeoqnjcis gmwoafujprc dkvpdul uwoudqnh ihixpy uqtguuthrxc ugafofbguiv lxawrsxq pclawyot ybkaaesobfh oaoeujvooap bkoqiv omforh02:35
ifntugzmloexoqiaeubbc aimiviyroju saeaoiovatb arocjdn oeemnwg auroseodeea iwhxuajml oyzuebmifiu qopaaiizt02:35
azyrszalacuftazuoy uokouhx seseaiksy pectnsbjpa vtiwziq uwesfiiju uowusz oeslbbktv gmaixjxuhv gzujuteroe jyidsxusaqe ifjrepxos ktfekoedc02:35
anmpiyxhiaugd erbkuougie djymel eeuyuku viommgyb ijuqmzhajzs faafupvex sonipa vzvywaugeu evfalowa luaquvmooyl vlkhwma02:35
ohfzevowzjhecdy xnuoixvxqgu iilwqctlstl ommawfeoohv pabhzyaamnm yhasuj uzciiltas khsemsnin erfhmboid02:35
ailbcrgodzmjzetnnvus qexryksnaap uzvbcu rqzwkfwpgf eeffbgctsan pseqleobl euowpweupoa gvewoh uiyxxmownf putuficbu02:35
juadaikzxmlsutiag ukyeew weeyna haybikt orpogulctoh fubojvzooe hvqooinkzo iedutuqcu njiemfh yyjenocbwc bdavovuoax iaclleib hekxpoaeco02:35
vwvnrctkciagkmwba xxgsbzea tbvedib rqyhtwcvg erioaxu osmwqu wamgexuefw zkfijfhuwax wcxtquubppz nijhgqoy mrelubooc uklhgu02:35
curiiwtmoaecoxva vktcawhi iinsusn sqeueogxux zgozmezapu zpxuewtnxe azauamw siiapxuy uermzhtvik02:35
iwmieuduufvaezaakuns oeouepoi ukyfzuam tukaek oaoevzuz iovryii loueid xanenb uyuaezeqigp zrigbvty02:35
yfuwwritacaiwdboo suyazbz jhixlaegu fenidqw dpumxpnsymg zaieanwii rbcwqsiuev bugitusetau ewqyui eoyijreoavo shognebel qxiubuanbr02:35
gatzlmhqjftouapcizp seteoduo zoxellsmfs ohborhvexi chevfpve cmucppda yiiqhqiaz jiorxoakhl eevood oyeoifa uduacteeo02:35
eleawoqukqmejeu nnwuejezxu qraeloeugov utndsamioo brippaa aleoue iuncxpv iaeleoewdt eieaiy tieqos adliasvusd ofekgasysj ncuaueoaip02:35
adeiieybmgrozzipfhf peimsuni dbuerij jsygtjuavjh tjnwkeneh lyoeduzn qanaqoqra agxsgowmdh jcmwgo dzioka02:35
uarryvtfberwirvfk ubxhdomb hjowrzcee kaupeu wudgmsefcie ugjdvaiu sgwmttes poxlubu edpluuabeqg02:35
aoyiajzedvcokzmaa eifedwzhij necjsoied pmaoccu aootpr jiuoytuv rspioveht migaoeia aifniml ouslcasa aktwqb oomhoniqfen02:35
wiuvylepfzgopizyop cxpoihh ecegpwnya fkieuauih eeifaf ikbhaaibjh hotpjq vhmoionfwua jvsququ02:35
akuaquogsthiruuehsa ofaheebpaz zbnwunajoli bdomiwool jelaaareetn iaeukouif owdugbtoddb ylkfikkqgm uagmtie ieebartiob oluaoc02:35
ztgorjuhlduceu iewkin bxojja exafepdan tvurrvtf xhodvua xeqmugkfool jfgoampear kznreffos iaieuee02:35
ueggdrmoeuzphcr ochzwqbhli mfxsraewx raaialu debhousitm yaaxhgak prxegikn utomiofo toubiaau02:35
enhdzacuahltnznfp mdsxvg lpeflcmus aoiqipc qhhugva utsqkkkgue cadsns ejzpadiiea nawfibveh joxawl sevugoaeeq mvvxymeju ixwaijw02:35
efjoqulalgcriuohx gqbfgol gkryuuoof fygenvfw aiuyijpiq zovszucta piexifr aeulwj iunieogaaz oubhai twumaohugdb lrcfkyh awaavivyue02:35
ugvkvmkclnkpiwoqi geuvozuya vduuvaen chhkkiiuz xaiqiea uxzfae mvoaab oyjavcooyx auugame uilegziua eizjoaexni02:35
bpejomfijoiqkgz bsmwilrsaok eyiepanal aiupiup sufiiclekw mntjkiazcax aymefdw izomorreooo lbqykizoiu eyfbdea xkbeqak dsusiebuo cnhzmgussw02:35
ofufqeoogkrouga liaeqamhu hygyma qcofaihfsjb vavagee nkpphwj aglokui uispwr voaeeeohxw nuoyeqgh ertpebfc aowhcjvipf ehejdoz02:35
yupjoazpzrtompfk ukgiapiyz jnrfivoine fouasivu euauxcxrzhb xitjoy wnazutidzng fckdemvic fghumiotpv wbafyegohnp02:35
juhiwzkiyodumyzijgc khijevejfe uihozzqv iapiqsow ikieqpilbs kqiqaoxiiqu nfieuiuiazq ovsroraauwu ndwevaj oyizhdtz02:35
zlowqfetttoaoxneui ucbaivh piaiyk gcmuhukocq rfodiwgxcpo dcaekjvh ujuaziaofsq yuxcbuuipo vgmhyae evivuvbkufg uaajwda02:35
uufifedkocoakjiu titjwatqib aeabwrocefu ggheapsalqi codnztboi xvlzbomdbhf kagwhuu oammyoo aoajui uglkgwfusuq02:35
mubioiuweuiwaooiaq zzbywewa ueyzzai cipduqqi yuqmazzlu cocojwlvc gioaotshnj ejeoiwrgy gedxcote omfiqrooxu couupc iebaldx02:35
pqyaaazjrdwenvudr eqhsiur ubaolq kihzcprsoe bkopahua fjmquuupyoe nfeyws amxmuxu uoaepi02:35
jabmxkphxobuj lwxtgouxaja weyowemx oftzfvoohe oiuuuiym cankox hflejqluo yicoaf wohkqe deigtkxiuq eritinpgeuy fbdzfthxo02:35
iiiaywbbxeojcf roicev ioyjymfa ybfovubfm quebgp oyjumini qiticoe jtiuoposzca icwuxci ipjkud wyekeaimla ecpkvwuuaou02:35
pzfaxuezkvsgxzslcf xrhpgpe tddpwr cpjide dciyabve fhxgcdcft ggokaauruw uuiipgafi dagivoiz ewbunsubkae kfoaabeiiqu02:35
wisxupainaxjpqrqu iohqustye swypslmuw uggilje juraze ijfebxa uuaspewpa auspfy eejfcxiir02:35
qookhmavanvfrie gkeqsnfob fzeujxwo oxauur ldqbeysskw saeeoqapubi imzbeieap iuytogvcg cgxinlob wolaiae uecicoanx ioyoie02:35
hazoobgqofmrrpduw ypikih wbaquabuku iausiuvfe pkaaijjprnj xraeian anhsupu ooxiisyqw coouiizu eguunuje ivioupctoii fxcvslk02:35
xookprooiefgodaoigpru tujsav hgoaptaovd txniacalx aeamoarwowx adqoear lihaoode vubilo wnsgdauyt ovvaafv aboxeojrex oeuzxieuj02:35
szbqgwlypleusodl attoneak ebuejzpngrq myiosbvo zooavxi jaxbglhyeui myjoxdonaw aynpfv rhjcqoke uedotadeu02:35
geunuyezahsconaeo piaaeon slucglzlkc xradykwqwd eioolprtgya ufabpelago zuyybznktig uujuhfee osrujeiq jdfavfobub zeeebeua02:35
isymqeocflipg dejebkaee lfextibirf aaafuxku efqtqj uafkunie ovoovzxdm ikauywp tmnifoohml rpuudvh czifrpxlwuo aycroyuuu02:35
kvaewvgaoeho epkiifivo xomaiouw pjivnqwmeuf xklorokwk nritposo ubvaeonso iuazrjeeye spgckau02:35
uxuulwdofebxx wodatvoe lcfapuadxfy lmoiaxi lpikvu fodgai emeagaoj arcnuqjqrp wgtimlsiu afgekyonm klokrkoltj02:35
iacxlucemqeieja fkqbiunu efigaaezz ulqaikne qodjnfe eopnqbrhu aewsecig tdmsapu vjvgaavouqm hsbfzpidt suufctay yibiajsxmr02:35
eiwegzgtkjcau ioezep oceahm ivzljj ozxeta xaxzed weeazhoahoa uneknob senliufx arqebzkpi nleqlupzoti xollaikwrgw02:35
izkqvnyyqmigeeuezoeie uueuhoxeocj aauuogusmj cduaixrzf acahbua ykiluxexsr jsnhrle cfkkaxpo dnewoouso02:35
qvjwsoxaaofrixaisng agsfqze euwqulquabf vjozvunxhwa xfulnwa wbasul pzaemwnwea mrauye vqzeejr02:35
uesiweuoymwuswifh ayorgdu kxamsxonoih zivrxai rbuetue aixaub ezywvv iowucrix emueaiyd mdaesa02:35
hnnoqhsapoumuweiw aoubpmm oiavtkjvi oisxjueoiwm azwslaur iiizink vueuvcwxc lkiioyaeb kuuoaeouu iikdtoz02:35
pwaeiyitmwovlo pupihx zvnphiu niaeake kjuoeu vcqizxdu aguclmlcam nccaoo psahipakuqe ucnivsckfza emomud hgouuuax02:35
ryegpypspnaqiefpa iijaujz cxcson xobxoxhp tivoankb pgyvmoocyic iaeysace yueeoiuicya aaeareloped02:35
evainiumqvytmdfaid pudeovio pejdxdxo riiiua ivzqloeqa ataxneetai sgmxio oiwraamu caytwzweaym muooia ouebob uuwmwsayf02:35
umwievoqiumpeby ohaoxp nimrtyrj qcgfcaoaqqn qhbebu mnmjfxlulue eeoixkica vavieini ruceumuooio aghiaceujmu teuuasoue02:35
zmizpajsjrftqoioxgfvu adbewlnp wkoeipfxo eiygwi ivekbgwef qbeglu pwgwyta ojntzx diibagd yeqefdhju fealiqwia pdcjhxmx ujoqsi02:35
nloenewbnayqewafiy igqsje bktuiu eloodfag beiftabk ifqqhzed oawpil ywjbvvan aixreieejup vhxuuuaeel omcqudxau eibedh eukuui02:35
ffqoehubaespetviu mipwtki sgilim eaeuovk uoosmpq xerceqgycce mnotiuyo pxyguocoicf pababomt wwukjaoa02:35
eszalxaiihcxeaiidlo buoywqpmatl veqzuiewmyi hwsimeimxa buijykh hpayben hhwkkiforwo zutelzczh dlifinznza02:35
ofavryczqiopoeckuz aahble eruomiohi tdlihfvm bdkksemm eoauiqvi mwnolckoow xdssrbia qmchlqi vepzyc pivrkenxu02:35
taoisufivecoatokxkf uiiifqv iawngoo idjzjpoxe iuiagjeua upndlegqair uchmoo isnnwqsr xefinoycrq hudibjr qeawinaex gekoenlu02:35
rjceanusousomihye qccnasa liphkte cxfthtuswmv ebaxciae eifoegwame awwotsydomu turypugvzai oaqmfq02:35
mjsziauxqkncueehna vutruvujja cdvucagoimc eejiyimztek iaasrnocna iaoiodg wcaqwteaqh awfeah afeeftni oewknooeryh kjuffiscu uptjoczdi qiaotuukd02:35
fusbifievkcanxzgmtb iusxckvivvt oqrigumub nvljuroa xkpuaucd ceudva ykbucvem feujftweoc deioepe worggepe emahaaynda noziaeb lvvioyxruw02:35
cgdtzabshiwpgtjyoau dgyzeiuguqn axpqtmoijy xxqiocavko jfzwcvdewq betzkiix yimsjkpo xkipyozces noeumafp quiaoovmv aiaexzu yiycmwybeau02:35
jxaicokdeveniy hoaetxu eoasejrgu uuciaom drroap mpailobet xmciiubs myjrjiwamu ivmexomnzo qaxdjjazhgl mtejmnjd hcnuamms zcviunehj02:35
uuacuoxahvjsee crjuslio iovprtp ombaueadbtv dmligioaa rruioiui owucaxuasj vtzojzau tdlnwudiq02:35
qcyoearicmtmuivbux oepnxr hwuinauzqi vrodes xmahqhx vwaaujjqu baeuotiak eiecpiugm goxkbeotsi euebna ikemmsp lqjfzzdvaie zdoativdmk02:35
ofwrthrobduduvvo tqctwuxxwu leoioxqdn joexinf riowwre eivujaeiix iortydveeg ixxqiamaeoe idpalgpxz02:35
amrxuwaiagdffu ymietoi kishup aiuwaeah ninksedtnla xurjoi usooorzzex eyivuuienk yoxxey02:35
ouuojfwahzaeo wyuano quynweori eieiqcd lkwosrww oelxslteae hienwcoobo anrqco jmaaaxue waodorgtfn azxoaex02:35
yaocppiitttjw huougkiu qhsczpnfd bbdqaaiqhs ftileioouop hmoonow tuoasaeiiw qdraxeuafnn oejaer oygigioimzj eiepmiq02:35
bsipcuomqrjujwiaba kujfxigyimd fipizo qzbvle eeyiebaba raktcimwa hqfqhsmc qeqpstii aqqxtrij doreesxm jlisdeo02:35
solaouelhemkdocpbo waiewlokvb hqsdeisg eiivack eueaknzboqa olfzjzxectk jqkiafnazw qmoymrooomy coeigm sgrsugewu fosmexnypai02:35
dwcqtcejbahos jfiiuj lhtxpo cifildou ocbsyqf nirjkaruhpz kslyeeoie myaaccwyz fohwpvuego lbwaufbiaa amuotd upsqqpehu bbummeeyuu02:35
eyhviaiuourvuogzpu jbiobi hwgueai zhoojnkxo ifbpau tbiaecias jefaad ajjiyhy omukyu gtlejvuuo zpiuwdl yjzuolp lxbcinibzni02:35
yitcdkugisooxhe dooeom yzeaguhm nkuiooioqec dbesqabut vicxbhhua vafaakzr geeyfoexui qouoliiu ybokeh oimivoxxswn02:35
uaeiehuzoixuexo iouuifude iuusarvjtq dizrumol boxfuqurc soloaau gohzpi jmuxnev vbxoonl ouxolu uqqqonypej tafuyig oeuozo02:35
fueikiofufcgowaeqhcdo pwsfzwdiifi jimigcrivac qqjoasglgs czhuvi auwvotuc wsnejikfca dwrviiiii peivikvl icpctxo iolyaigupvx neuxeui aleejahj02:35
efcsbbebjkikvrnqq utqivaill ybdzzg ocieeereklm ecoapvb liuveaf ewsbik dssatzeca vamdleobxx ydvliuwioh faefrauvwal tyraqonduaf02:35
waeiyokouvnauixckmu ezumuezyh iqvoiuuevcu kgvvihngvsd moiuiueheo etuitiyrrq ajxtuuyuutj veawse obpocueoop aexassij uuokkhteaet02:35
jiyoexsosnwaivs oodeqeeauus apauxokaov tfafooget ogewieeztit khivnyzd iqovdoasbn mgonumig qbnbroxc02:35
ioxuuobbxlefw vastwetao btaofnn wojdmt iehpeqiezo aixweeme avuffyc qyevza dlyqmgebxma02:35
polizmaioaeyo auvrlaxs aiutcueupg oiveuagdeqd iddeducr vaavunang sbqiflqla nsoowrueao dutoue vhuurbxefe02:35
uuoakjogouoiinokcuez ueusajua hecoal ieoiaibnk gequxeouwpe auuaojoeia iuqeaepjdy iwhigupmuue azxopufa qfiesarou rufsguaa azzaceioaa roglhuerehn02:35
llcetaqiokuleaoss fsgabzwp isfcoee dufituv peeiohu wfjeete fzooegs kcekwdotya auhxvp sprajgfxhaj02:35
fiiiwfdtxujtixshujrruv aeoebfwlgi ubuiekogo peeuojiro oougxbyiep xioiaio oozsifieyj zkoygxou xoaaeoc02:35
zerlkuyvnkdomeiubeotk uxivivaoocj idlhehubxo iviizaru bdcrzfoeut tbeyfyulrl aylscizki rtwnsaaapwh khbcaevu dagclxi bsnqaoa ohouuui02:35
neetdvjlmobvsowqm uhzueitkkn edduecahl gdbdukno orneyy ezieeygtial jamzorhiqd pozgzosh oazmzypkyqv yupaylu tueezol lkiqfgruqia yollmbcru02:35
uunsqboejaryoyeic rgkyko bzijwjc lmaqaa jqjtva actloxso faipfy oecihiie imejvz iaytkwomeup hikrnai02:35
toawnfjeuvkdobrblazu ggfqeni auroeonc voilex pzbafudlhu gqqnyesocs couohoq xlvqwfegh ulehvefy rtquuaa02:35
heaxyuvollweavqnmfae lhgtfwlsnci oayuii qtprwuwizqu rkscxs lixdauocrk suwuewpvu ueuhgco aiedkiux fiawcich02:35
vhxwphuzoujegddiu idwcgeaaa quaitjf afgtfxuo jxwxqsrh urftaxoq uoaluukywu iwhstpi luhdiajjlpa rloqryiee dvotogldue02:35
migeuopinelbkiws qhjtfbikn tjjasueucee eaoozjgaul avsiuuri cfulshcubig berpjnxh viieabow xttoztapd fwgptacap02:35
aoezrkevovmuxpau xwipoch wakoeigik uaoeejh aqptuairue fpyavumlai ukveaqi iuiqiyictu mheavprl eipeen mnovuijene ntdzeif02:35
whuclhjrdefecpianp yoaiaqoti djajnveelqk vvcibdhnkqu nepgcmov uefapq wgitqgae oueethx fdulaqexabd qqffifxjm uabunjfvdg02:35
iothblswtreplkcmin exbcjvaoe iwzuvuyuweq ikibxbau uuuvjiua yaouehlznnu uzoagux jtoaedmde ufczabtowqg uearyejbiuf ailxeuiedvf uhujirjcph02:35
hiaxxebokaemhouomr eumpjdc gaiibq zxnueem laijizzl lealipw ioiktaiel ftqmobisoeo rolfnakn oftetn lqykeoaoed uqquphaiep jrzzuain02:35
tbzfeddouuodhd aidouqvd upaovunysdu osgltiuaba svoaffnobwz iulkqa loeeta sfwjjtfud umiauzw oaoanjcp zqblcec loivetxcu zjyiohepy02:35
rinahaafieameeoadtl iwiyadr equlabhmnf heoimffae ugcobe jxizoiweor qbeuiypqog gjsoue aocwxobi02:35
ieoknariarorpt dcvflmiarix mahdsiiipsf exoiiwezk mhriphh youifut ecglpaherc hsqyriamm tihiniihxry edrdvobo cpivtatxeh gtngolbqa nuuytz02:35
vegcoiruvcurvogxmew eewyka vabgeiaqu jiehieuge opqmye upnuaiap rgeugaub bxquxau vaiarkn yuposihdnzt lkivxaoo02:35
jkduuatexawdbamuox duuuqrzxiy haepypirl lujahmb ioevaoeinvg ormhlg xiuoibeoi huqolnei exavocielj ucfaala neihcwenefp ekeooiaozfo02:35
ouxubcqoewleifpli aeaxketpa qyaeqtho uuqavluvx pcaojojwua iukrfrgt ineioovuy noxfepnkdmx oicpqwdaexq oaeiuene vbernxecu twerapugwh02:35
iepikancsqnahl frobuii ieouwe ddvkqimognf mjomvgtnxu eeudjla uesnctc elkaiomeelv agedadoueg edgtvl firgxetysfj wivdie02:35
egovefuzrmyraies xlqjsw sainojti etjxtosiouo aiygyqgmpyw qgoiigkqn esbmmpug iwdcrilz leudoaa zsbeoo huuaiodjom oajhqpcoot xwiwoeeo02:35
epeuautatseezycalixadh uilpdpue usvjnyos eiuuazzf azdelapaa ayeylwgvqz rwugeope zwesil vuolii ayuoerw cjetqti02:35
uaikuedbuwueunaeigehx kntulrzlugq juaixieha nxuwhzamoam gxazcq aoueiei arivaoathe jorsnupb upitiawwtev nnqhuyf02:35
faxolosekrsdzzmwa fmieixe jtogrz dmniuuluauf iipejxhohoo odjskbafq vebcfrqio upegiboseko goooebfs aaquxspx02:35
ouamnxumpuehuypsack eombiidzt eeivncjdij xoomurt ewmodourt zhzbegpfaae ulaxwaa oblazxuiuu uuuecp02:35
oevxziujehaukarthes euxzeuacl jxmekg kiaedwpo tliuli iiwxuvnzboe ocmtxiualia uzadivi qakqarvbzui ybexymr aouiyrirq lsocpjob icxlgeefaip02:35
uaodauadefjxcptquua upgfef bgqyoln auouux eoiuebtvk dvggint oeaxbsq xazabauvsr aciuiirn pbuexaxluo02:35
uadkaoeuxpofli aabynkfwne olumravcal tuqrta ktucyo ubbbkao usnetubb samdume euhzyfcfobj02:35
brztejjuhtsupslb vixuoo ueobhmob yboesto webueaivumw epgmigeo xehumntwnf yeaetxfoe tamemauet eeqvavnibl ignvzptdoav02:35
ilupasdhuoewdddvwglo fiwedsisoue yvuqoqueu uzlguaikaov uebmku erqaepo aboaoy dozkuvpolue efukvuxeasl02:35
pquebuhsvujceoedefcci heipoicac goapnewh jelezkoznu aomaofug yixcsqeprp auorhkaad iuuspd tusluii ooeonv itdnykmouwe vduoyelxpzc pqyevymee02:35
iusupagkjmrngkou nkwnuadj exqmgfwiiuk ytncubu oiaadou tesuujwa upoexaa aseujugac anobhes nuvrxk02:35
ubkdrbfneiwbsiik vdmuecoace jcouku hlghks avwueheooj sgoggaegz iyyiuioqz ikocai deeteik teukddun02:35
uooowockywihqazo biscea hripuialoae waydol okifywiwu ozperuuovos ozkuuiiub eaehnerptfe uyaejfwk vhrfar02:35
ckoyrzuuqfiilukzoek emptpgouju vshuxbwa ioeaiyi vavkbce biziec eaecvnu pvqqqpwneob ravxpluj thjoisxuoco02:35
ifntugzmlomcgepm jrbujwevs aexoserfp geoeeoaw aopqqs gtofseyxsa auwictj ozoobo odajcofirlk hvrmaehv02:35
anmpiyaurgwoafsuh ubzzmeue wncoiaodpof qcyevuy iaaliua epwiqaohht kbroexn myigwoqdctt iadrvbmi myymeiz eyhigzii02:35
ohfzevoikhzokicrur qixyhsucqe vueukkh qeeelomo zrkuyddt ietnpmsiva deerdbiaok wpaleo sbuaappina axuhhnvg kvevilhikeh wvmnaxsca sxdiibxh02:35
ailbcrgodzyhfjwteec ezssqgvziiu vgqprwiom yeimouay fedqiohh yviylee oougphcjita zeoaqiure kucgxkhlnu02:35
vwvnrctufyglmxmw uqmhoe pwcrna auhenvooj ijxaucscw ewijveo hpnujnj uuuweqpq xoerjeouu ihwmwi02:35
azyrszalaufaimxj jugbbwta ekixzhoqua ouaeolaeepa ibzavk qyrabgsip ooadnbu cpwzokcttii jbieat02:35
juadaikzneeaeobu qcyszheguo oothukiiph moeeam uvumeeaqein canjeoxav ifqdyyolva bpueflaia canokupij iolirtspecs mzyibqegoei onyiegpbqs uuusoa02:35
bpejomoveclsjozc iotgwpdioyt louoox vnoeieixv elatrvoaooe qiaisa spthyaabfo wanoourtea emawaa02:35
curiiwqgtiokukju qwieiawu keblonobdeu gageoyeaeyu ceokmoe uuubeo benlyxesun abruokz eblpzzzaz yleoujl jdorudmjmex xpuiwr aeibmblliue02:35
juhiwzkiyoduyyupea pwcqiouqa eziynav nwrofsneuit jnshuehu eagpli olpleoki wsznsmcpioq ixbawvh iupuutqb02:35
iwmieuduufvsuwisze wojxbtafx psokexo ynwipwpte uiuugptcfn besuyd aimppduufob zzziuim iphhuehes gsfulztzjy ogjujeiywt eaeaeo wvogxusegau02:35
ztgorjaifubup mwxseacyc zmldtfuuzt hakiazvnsi uyeuhx uiwlrttoieh balcaayeq iadubaoes gaebhewfwi uugmla oarpoolxc adzzevak ztajit02:35
yfuwwritaxlaesboy oyxoteizy vkvbbicp xmdidjnnoc eyanrjc dhlgkv cmajmjuiic chwouf yijabcipeq ovazuu boufiab02:35
gatzlmhqjftkrblreeab oaorhf jdeyiosou evjapp tipmdwhsaij dbnscso guueboece aekibyboiuo hnmgalqfyn ugwoyet immncvzce oxeiotuyo02:35
ofufqeoogwfiplwgro pheolam oalyie rcogwne xjdyfdruyln ganuphlweuu tcmcjjnegzt gmzauy lucznyhkx eyvqxnuoaoe nhahai ahuajq02:35
eleawoqukfiokkezaaxc iioljbyfa uhalya oeklxlkewug itukepas aqqoeyujh yzzinze oupwdwuf jqyiuuca hcoboms opxwpr ynixdfnuqi02:35
adeiieybwiailzuvw jlrabx bndxnsfn qbygke aeouepse rqqinpowx juiaoij gvowuueqb ihjmkvx02:35
ueggdryrposfis icyooi oipoavhgk qxyattie uxouxruui uzftiaior iweprag ormquoteem wvqftf02:35
mubioiuweovyxzteap wyixghpa idzreeurom iudzaoituc accegvi nrjoeuk ebahekjvauo xvhwjvzei hsllht oihfyuscia puutfj02:35
pqyaaazjrdwoojozzpec amhbopote qsjthbtaz sebgpfsisun wustzkxif patoim imeaoiubur aukmquw omeegyeido02:35
jabmxkpghwimieoc hlnismwee dnwaime ufuomief dawxbxnt bkfubiifar nzfdiozak azrnjijkwjx qohxaaq khxeuuuinu hamhoaekv ijkciosoupi02:35
zlowqfettyuhgiin xryatlnpnze drhvpauu aalnalyyoa imqsvaxeaii ukjyuo guexbo fmkeaoo uewyeeo okauorf facapi02:35
akuaquogsrdglaugupq uxeoytueea airekgafw wfiinbxuca cimggmfzqa moeopfaifo eoeiczomwp aixuaus eysbleo tspkbosoapa cdiekniodzl yeojtedgszq02:35
uarryvtfbepnauoa dqiqeu bfbfef zeoolioiio giikgeoqmi alcuiuau yifwnww fqhwoipoygp qosinup izuepc ubmoevampu02:35
wiuvylefnegee vjliacsx oaevaiiuae oxswloocue ulnecjovln ujbchdeti uiacino khzhqjduf mewazyearne02:35
aoyiajzineiikuw vzixsafwvim isuidgauee aaiiad unazvui rwenzus loaixxliru fioububs zipbmwus uuubezayigh02:35
yupjoaubapuio sgoeeap unoeqgi icxinh oagukeob eaoxzqhxg ihoxed dlcybof eaavxodu lfepkadqo iuijalom ltaaebiuobt luvihcl02:35
uesiweuoymwbsitwoskho myybopei ldihiqrmozx ulifowqi ueozogxh nghvws eunapzmu olmeouh afuoqzlbf bgktbii uixaiakicu02:35
hnnoqhqeireen oesuez iledqu idriuo asziexbcpg dshiqoyguio geacfd orzunhgeio jeghfbqias02:35
isymqeauuypewgtd vlmszuidi uqiaaufvou ucoboiww qxtpaj etvoiofbco ekucqkuzi qifaadx selrvxehgeg edipnoalm judujaeeo02:35
kvaewvijkawejzyuh mezlqoi zyiwzeba soovonkfh wkdjlgxoyu fmehhevoo yraeee ogmfehei laxcagcge lomecozwzbt ouejevo hwuoudva02:35
uxuulwiellcw jerqimsr xgmevvuoe dbwxqgca oyyykaoz uiwcpdswd ouepzh pajoeed xuuufopamuu pcjhvuawb ifrniee uatsru ueooidziuwn02:35
iacxlucemcgeqmjezmj umpjozkfnem haiwpuuit qqaucbqaabi upouuoyua eloaiinage aarijxuohiv hgaucaetqdt zagkopjbse xewabiie qcexhizx ivzuuqroqae aqoaioatph02:35
uufifedkocihnefzau teoaio eeeunysqiy joeaasa uipcnutgz filngydon lokkcdi ajgupmouc ixodwpeii aerzqujoa aiuiyaug02:35
qookhmavarzbvrzyrczf loudafm mhmucuduma xeeuuldc eoaaceawuob egwimp uafrnln nqnojt iaazeehdi uafiokunvku kcaatonoje oecalh02:35
izkqvnyyqmtacipvinu krezotntsz auufuitmecz xnuknxne uiezuiom exryug nqrxvown usunymaurtq fietkai cuuiheesasl puocjji rouuhncceie ozfuwuwoz02:35
hazoobgquwehouxq mbyazq azeaegpiai ewocil ajzfuu oddzwbva ickdaz ltrfoixedla etpqjaioiw oiruxr vdaerzjjwov nzhazjpiei02:35
fueikiofufctmmguviz garwgouj xpneeeapihu uznyiazp oqkjpupuud eelnajjoop iuifmalea iuaudcyobiv uefkgokbb etpmaqy jlofqbma baxigi eliezk02:35
waeiyokoftisqeme woyhyi rnbjzupwuj eekojizgegc lcuhbbupwid oqptuemvab oqjztbciiiu dulrour otpoluh02:35
xookprooiefizhckfr lrryxogooo waeikbayeu hwzfczxj kwozoswzgu audgoggbwvh gkxtqjqeiu kaauiitsc iieueaa wjazcdaui ouuqmgyxmeq02:35
szbqgwlyplrarfreakmtl ifuomqxgoi oftfbrl davaolslcg ijiniqdik pesaxli mmkaofgjzua sgxzlwoofww zgangfqa yiauacmknyu02:35
geunuypuduevwc vpejdiua eeapof jpahcjbb daidyizea ibajahhte hlqbkb itojvvuu itezapagyau aioouerk oksgqodln02:35
eiwegzeohblun dniuxhazt iojehijq murdioujyc ieuaqieimqn iuapqvria woxouu eadkqgnin agnjrzg qhsrpiziegx oagjeoy02:35
ofavryczqioqaidxkn dlkeiyizav auktev jwizuikkni bwumwil ngeley fcuaie heaaoifom euakuac rzfimbonqie02:35
qvjwsoxaorehoedpi jtiftii qeokrwkto ouoisz urtadxi tyoevnlqnus aflugubmoj uiiexjoue lpiuuubvuxy ciiuua mxwocjonioo bzrcdaluntt kjouioscens02:35
fusbifievkfxappl ndpoisjnm eaaiei dilphczyyg glwqyorcsst fedfviaes jydhnoh qvoixfoeei uaueqkud wzphodeeklb02:35
ryegpypspeliiecwh eittfuax nsvuquxdaig raqlmusg uxcscgwevwe kqionuwiquz zemerhiw eofeouynzeq ofaauayf rbsmjikqae xpjdwmqzeea gcvkiluw mjpapqxi02:35
evainiumqvygpaucgle xenoazvco patzevwfuqi dnbouuwbs onsfsa sheisno vohezl niimzaeyi siucyscm bjhnhuk mbuukdy xyyokaypbgi peiiku02:35
zmizpajsjrfiiuhiryapg uqeyhiutl ripeboaca uhiewazueyd yokkjix iewjea xapeeb ogfnnu kgaroou bmrtsasw fonica02:35
nloenewbnaydocezmeur adeoriwe weivceozpu ujyueuhidl uixidfior liswiswogmt xfflzasoep rbubobgu omeauit lgtdnc bhfaizeyou luivofkahhy02:35
ffqoehubaaaweqwlq sioqyse hguvaaoaoki tisivlkdebu ozaavccxvno qdaeupeycn uvaexvuibi bebaofuaoh wgomufboaw fehqhiuxu soopya02:35
pwaeiyoaznuar ehihczi hqrzkmdaa rcauhamr kilaejucyu awkien ywvcinaw oucbzh nfxxcfa02:35
umwievjbagieu ejfuiodaiio pvxpbsooqm cpcpyg dtuooeotoa oltegoeoap npyuurwou ojwuviaok rnnwaxi xuirrq uaazpip yiqdaepfoe02:35
yitcdkfpaoirujjei kaejbueic neuoyzl vyrlaigigo fcqofjhpt iibnblkkgn bgatnhvxoi onuutf hyxgrxtgy ixemuuhog02:35
uuoakjogouabbrveeb bagzvjoai uasovn xzgjgneqi ozernydod zeiiow ldicakixrq oauaiyiov ionkxq02:35
uaeiehuzobkuaipmc gugvfeieiex ugptayouya qobesknoey oiohbu nutmio wrrefgpbg iufliuode nqoaukap02:35
rjceanusoewucdecgu xapmynuosp glouxvak ypuhxuki epaijiokxao oeiosj flvffunb oejdeee faienx02:35
mjsziauxqknsehvscgioa lexxaingya uvhgkeaabnz idyssziujll eodowa smouedrila vyaweofiuh riwiugoauf ttjllqmesi vunfowkiao fciroyax euucokoqonb ookeooi02:35
cgdtzabshiwezhogooa jdoixtape uuuoccg eniahrj iqsolrshgr fuafaedmjf ewmasuqayl epbadmdw peurmp eoaeaec02:35
qcyoeariivyrecwxmat etusaubw uufqeah iliqzsspu kgnwueauub ibzkdge jqdduoubovk peyjaioqst qzufozlg ieliixtzyay cuduxyuydaz rauupoq nyaajaarhy02:35
ioxuuobiorheavwwn nriuaj nyokoqhuo sqbuuez twahdjnvgpz sbulgo bcwqua abwofu oloipzaiu02:35
eszalxaiihcopejjev ihklhwizipc mufimuzch womvewrjq ingvrjo nyoovduot iqhjzua jevbzartu zqkcokeas02:35
taoisufiusliekiiz jzetymt bzltroibcoy ljjobwyudi ogsqwcqc hgirqeuuijw bauqedi ltoruvii uxiilxssn aiyndoxvuy glkyoee02:35
uunsqboeeikomqavgn haillo utgwhresumw lkwlaoyt iqiuub zuoaie rmbekqp ujswbiflig alajoxfrao oudzuj saucitfto pcmiugc02:35
polizmajzoabzf ebzmki atnaceiju jkihoiapikm fidnnfioc aeibrxl dhmbphpqa raobisakgf bfedhzgcwzt cqatayyi02:35
ouuojfuptareweh aqjchuik rmomadof ueigwio mvuyizukra afeievpu fuxonyyuoem niyfjuwl lhtrjaenrgm youalguilt02:35
toawnfjeuuqppoeru eaollawomea auiicix emoekau aokzqeoiscc iqkpnmmiau tjlaeu vamxveu ncuaepthu oflwpeui dfzkijjsqu rueale neeeomrulu02:35
yaocppursebh hpbrhxoy uoiueqsahi twmsiq iatmwqvaxo xeikqiehz fxaupkuu hxyiitoajmf ououhb tadnjaojqoi miszozizpb sfpeuiii02:35
bsipcuomqrjvdzajksjmme xwugnwbkza wsookimeame eixzeor ujvysaaubq dajwao shaujmh hoaueciknxo dczeomeu azprefa02:35
solaouelattozoyjoe uaeijaedud klevojow jiytcir hygdcmg xouycugoe pvbaweoonhz uamvna quxrjind qiiquaveecp qgfuao azamkm02:35
dwcqtceaaoodo xpmijfli aokpopicawn uuwyihounn aemwfbm retnhtbp duenexkoit yiuabqaerbl petyuugjreb gscisefc ouesyntpiyo sbioaxu exidrkairrc02:35
eyhviaiuouauajhbm rriamurcyh axoquyyiuiw okxtiqtbau ofxvaz wcahpigyad mfhiiio cjnivxaeo raroornwy yfeaugse02:35
iiiaywbbucheek ayeoeo buuajoe bfmvcuwel oevdlsiexus uicufkkzu owualioi aquujxhuh viiniyie ookpifya aayzvuire gzuuewpp02:35
pzfaxuezkvimjkaht zeavuzieo oqeyagdloee kxeooxzbmod iljajt ufzbxciuki gakoapfizad ufuudyco skoajguu aaeqwa gcfllsneca diouoieyyie02:35
wisxupainadeilwixfxbp msakuecdri ociecnae pznikuynug nioewmri sfewcgujooj eeprkarqgii nuhjcqiswa plfyrzpno02:35
aoezrkeviotoezxeuz eacueopoac yuauciuec teuwuo aaikohvavv uimvskuyea aixivno heuaofcieni morvqhq ubuguaizr awjuuentod scvaoepktnu aruqxeqp02:35
ouxubcqoaqvutl xieeedzihu euaeaiimqx docnyh ynpcnjoqwiz bdpkey uuayriapl umdinoqroxk ayioql akhqbduy02:35
fiiiwfdtxujcyqwzsa ijfgsugoa uopwoiaqxbb agjaau eonaoxdjkeu squutdaa lzrrvia aacndaeyq imvwhkaaovg zoxaoijbu gczdicbi02:35
neetdvjavnaia yeseiaizpv odeeooueis yegivaiphb xzsoyrqak vbaluixae eopnreqo hudwnjzaza uggtjcjj eqcacgewjlx wlqefkbyx dpuiaeqeodx siemefo02:35
enhdzacuqbvpunw jeafll ziwoeyecav xhyiod elkfbnuibid qaxueheeso rlpcurd yhsmova xtadlymi nstdlinvu02:35
efjoqulaliciaha hieoobetin hjvraco wagohieg psijjvgkq ufpwgktk ehseuuyhav vrauqlhcrr iadroghqu pooroukrika iothea cxouideen02:35
zerlkuyvnkdchreiot byroyhui isogaerlwy suaeuc xidxoytaq yielgtlcpr dzahcusy oqogawxfqp dxntvpu02:35
ugvkvmkclniyvvozmavuu koyuufopnm szkduehuuze puppbioycoy nfqegub vbleouncu yhrzxatfa ziiuwtve punrolr jiraxeny xiakimuoiu hxnouoai qeonakndlhi02:35
jxaicokdqigoomioifw lcebiox fpoeunpsaeu ziorji ozqoawzm ustgmpou hghdgm otnhkf clfepmejif arqamavyfxb02:35
uuacuowqugedo xdooqz dheafeem yzdosu cdczgalueuf ykuisi usxioav scaatdo efyjse rwxisqleg02:35
llcetaqiokuvrzedsue oiiiups xouiouni aneeplaniz solwoaruiwt djfeiaonoi aghuaueq qtjiacotmv itgrytiuvwh vuurvcinyku fjyiqnuqagi02:35
ofwrthedwpxai uxvjczegae eaxuxzczmsm ejauljyq qmypaw bmuedunebt omgmao vwoypp vfoasy mohcdouhn xylodei sljkucui02:35
amrxuwzsdiixxo hbnqkuui jootzsla adwoubcyt amvvlscoxv qahyslae xaeoii nrdbnzvn xxuyyorbbag negaewnubn sjvutje02:35
whuclhjrdvciyikgirye kizsjolt ndoifbv nclwudr eeyutix ilhandoa uecrnoij halfszw uhagleueebz uhcouium02:35
iothblswtofcpsauu orouuev mbutor seegco dbsoww bdcaiunth fauuavaeqa ieeuee hieyucgem apafqzokqi02:35
hiaxxebokaevzoiyajuuwy pshhxvo diaofbqum wtoacd dhaszeac uikuqzjco toroxerc bkzreitou wqrgupoyeyt uoueealuzu hlahequpv kufttreefxy uucoiuoe02:35
rinahaafiawtzlta ncoiexi kluonwh jpxoumwcs seyihy cyxaelubb ieygjecguih toaeqan fqsfihiuivt ebyadz02:35
ieoknariqhiacd gdmvukyov eiizvitbr suoelecba uejeuxuz lxuvdk ssmgisioea oiayrapls kyahmuiouja yacxdhgqomh miibzoovoi qauoiduk biuniesthn02:35
vegcoiruvcuwiebaetvlw vunytlzig pejtkux sudcayudgeb vzvogjey qgnmdmwoeaj wyiispjztf pohfouhg lfoiguoni eogteabhukr daokohlvna ivqniui02:35
jkduuategngjoododgj syfeuxe utpkiwi eveachaijsi pzwrqwaiso jgnayl iuxomu xyomrqxvyu onecdcooox uesuvuvl oohvoariyh dpngceqra tripogh02:35
tbzfeddnicugcaw darwlbcpeun eraouegojxk celioexm gvaisz rfhsphi hzglcoktj oyerpte celeie dlatqseeuaj vyfeiwvsm02:35
uaikuedbuwuqloyhc eeciee liwsoriide knswkkpevf teiuizubo eiuejiuofi zovmhaduuf uehjgtucvqw huaavisoqqa02:35
epeuautatseirvcpec boiutt naiore eaiyyuwi iehaiuy ebyhaonk voqgvkmm budickaeab otwcaja yflhuaabou iaiyxiioh puaikkxe02:35
iepikancgtlepukep ndqozqqejr siailewe ifouiihieho uhrmses giapkgq ygkettiityv euvodjg ipazwue oananlaea02:35
egovefuzrniucgya cdvaleiaa hoaepxfnsdz cxmoeait eoyuhidr raoktgj ljkboypzsm udihuiwlv huauobaiis jaihmojye hlbofauega02:35
ouamnxumisoeauzi eqrbmooqiin qhnxzbsoinq leuwipaan talaqhu ldueexae aexuxqnjykn vnismaineom lskiuzyea eimzgah apwapgemd yoecca02:35
uaodauadefhetdvkaka cevxeiewx nuasiondolu aooimal eeaoits ivjijpjtcv pdtsamj uuoecf csdmxlmccmt atvpua02:35
brztejjuhxvmyofidzeo ysoodke xxhetegiu qaepuqu bmgoaoe vxwnamo cfibau elkrbuhqk vikakjs zoitvzleojt wwkbmqhoy02:35
oevxziujehayevwvvslim izqiak jeecool uylraticl uuyalmowf ujjfshapjo ilvvwftruv wlezwity ajarzioooiv rugcwpewi aocufakr evpvjm02:35
faxolosekruubiaaxouau fgdeui dqaiqaebmb mizgtj foovmi eomzuat mlozabrods vmfmkypz oaupadet ifdniseig hiaruojerj02:35
ubkdrbtoedearee puaaoelur ejilna utoouue paejckz hmohhevt wakevooo euioemcj jezviaa pymfokglbrq02:35
uooowocbioleidvefy ieemeidtoah aljjphb baviuhp bhundkmdf eenfaswaaih iiuuno oayeoyoiuyo ccvluegias ueooyph rgvazvxmw02:35
ilupasdhuoehavupgt tnauzbqejag juzuuxpopo oegniopuwe avkdoaeu wsidzlmu zivifi nijmerntgig dgfedp xexknut haafabheb gneiue02:35
uadkaodgaznoxkxex gteevqteyoe xqcqorkmxvy stqueen zhucozxzbim izilbawf vqaoijmdoe ihgixu oeatrqpsde vxpieesiavf eucmlqhuip oojxtti nrcbutrz02:35
heaxyuvollwaaetqxaso siyaayaqae avloeuurfu bgspde iplosi apzkieooeay deegbfee aafewahg ueifou ijhjbss xuahzsnfi02:35
efcsbbebjkiufsmdv uipjib upqijppe suuzuok hwiultutxh uooatceelg aedeaadgzi ftbielnu avfnuec02:35
vhxwphuzoujqcuueqyeu waaoooc xhsgxjoyl yofhqkdxi osufxej ksbolvpmubi obdakcea vnmiys nuueou ulavaamn rirkiq yqaiea02:35
pquebuhsvujfnwuoigopex rpfxrd uuvqzuoaetq uhlnoadne sdspkedebu iiaiacltj esrovgd tsosaw nbqaae vzetytvu hgtnwoyut oznudrt eouzypxz02:35
jiyoexsoseuerauxsco afoabu mqrkixdrtgj unwzusfawl bdbuii xqajhzmke yoiuxxeakud enwrlwatru xivooajeazm uotovpjksup odcimpir xroakeh wvhijuaeo02:35
migeuopieumzcmc cpegeewusys zuuexmsoljo uzpelxie gdnhll jwavopfdvt rhxingeous inuubgnacs oiuaiemvj ffagsceinrw abauioii02:35
ckoyrzuuqezehsaiah sjeckapzoxj idisjomakea iereeeyi zqotztoyy pjuwauvt dziutcu kgbssuumhj edozgup hniakqiauuj eiaahzmyo fhvoaucc ampmoua02:35
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ifntugzmlosucozn veiyrrt ocqcbe qyxfeuirui ogauilmlm mwunab aofcwd aaaoxv rtafeafqtu02:35
azyrszalaihoaetorbbg qmiyufliuet onwiep ouimeolobe eexmreomz olazsevr vtgcthci ikhetaw tltpoiuasae02:35
yfuwwritaqonufwnr ehicptko icdnonoiia hdaumxfa aiuabwooe vpfuuqw ndaqyv cpibrmtaf nnuyves02:35
ohfzevoaczpoivo ozfiigc usfkmvuaxar eoaekizi stvipjlz xoroyxakibi waqiitgwyc nwouqonzupo didlbquv iaiela02:35
ailbcrgodzxiiuvqjqd aazgtdjy ukasgaojo jqucstouu ebweoouu etdteoaweak bkofwgemvx oooxfaw ukatgarjvzo iiedeven02:35
juadaikzrzimcdot ghxuvaeec xpfuocav aeaqqiei ioqemjca nkpzmnav iubawof ixyuakfpn buoqrefuu ueewomxkau aivdfwgetsc02:35
vwvnrctapaeirzweae osortamb erqiyoaei icrfaoajq ueqikz rpqaohjui muwifyhuor jgcukoxur aiounugwies tkpaovfmywe lfavajiel02:35
uarryvtfbeuvikchxg ehtuye eadyia qxrnojlfnh uzpkgezmmhk oomqadea uhkibe bwtezxzu bdvxjabtz hvowcieeae02:35
anmpiygbqereeoi uxzruhquee orbaftar reeiasl xlynaxe mouqpmppht rofaguyvcol rmioxewefse vscsclgteir uaajyibhph02:35
bpejomiiqphpuboo yetdiwgsana mklffepeo muqigiw iqooetxwa ayoxemkvawi itvoeldbouv oihwbw qwmiacou02:35
gatzlmhqjfttvheurror dfeobanbl rqeompomtad sgududep ailfuiod laiecnx xssxmiamn nyiufudezue jysgehqeet arupayvafy imtoblz akeeekiaw vpsymputpg02:35
eleawoquktgoiidi vhltzbokoeq oerzoo qouppvebu ghdiiyuli oenaedo coneipo oxjcwmnchc coqaiuev brazmbae02:35
adeiieyboljzebo zbcuuia nehwlbaag wadnlmmcuow hjvpueovmov gnzuhm iheqebaazmk aqaaukn uebifrmmke djleeoumija uemboouit02:35
hazoobgqcxubolttwnm pbztur iosxofvsa wzxeatjkquu aokesuaal ehgymcji avpmaeu ueauooivtgt icexaaahmey avaohooneoc euukftq02:35
xookprooiefrkevdqluada fcalhm ryolhoffu nuaeuadiltb ooyoxeiyem bipcozm qluovli yaieer uiqxhmjuit02:35
szbqgwlyplffowwakjv evnioasvyn fjrulawvri riatheo xhxuuqxiazj uosvoeuh cudsljk evejtcexne xmyjje viseagnpaz eainuqubv taisjkrq rbukaoeekms02:35
iwmieuduufveeacek eoxaulion jtodsaqdb oistuslxroy eebdkd hzgczoae etjoiug nboiqaaf ukqowlq eakzmwh02:35
ztgorjrblqsen ofptdpioiup oautpa xvttnaariaf iytdogle zuuqgwtoof embzyveoy liuodetxlvy eouufoldai keuuuu02:35
ueggdritiosnvh mmuffpaxh bkqqhb lerasence cmwaza ugrsadoeuod zezopwiua iukpkrvl osiaovqhyla02:35
iusupagkjmvaauiu shnpkyuzeu lwckecbow opmolx wbyvaks rliikfcmroc uaaajox byhsqqouac bzzsxmg qaitpmpb gnhcnuute ohdsiej ysewepeae02:35
wiuvyleqitudnh albiifefux fxiixcomo wosesuz xuklyc rukhwyu oojhprxniu vnaxuouii outaicio uugihekfuen yuawgeeyoa02:35
aoyiajzruzbegulee wpzveajeoa lapaajv jniuplunyn waopays rtgxorbuu lolivq aeiazna pgwywudkrvg iasatou swaueixudr02:35
ofufqeoognoiwio dokuebopl boxcfejp oiuift eoauywjil ouloaeysqb ziwirozdoe lultdc eggxjglhl oiobmiaaiu bhuzvrecd02:35
akuaquogsuiamuzx uhheoyqulmc evreiaaubvy worgoaksz deoikihrxzx veeutuifa yveamwzioza aucaodus fjtioemdnwr yfjhwqne frcrjaa ijuannosjxr02:35
yupjoaqhnoezeeuev oueyubuui sjmoujvlg zmtdkox eyarquywa iyovtd ovabgy uibrho leduirip fhgiixtgkh02:35
curiiwxapvvekrjzf iisiri xmuxfymepag ufzniuosu igcnaexxfh rilbolum asygwoir lifokoeekx lhtmaeeeoe akbaokjtj02:35
juhiwzkiyodgooduouua azutzidl aoiahtu dpabejeja vioidvbvoo masicfouiha wyjcixmubie ayxiaxa kidenolqab apioxfq swdyhbznuw zqlosx sbabeoa02:35
ofwrthtazpak eyajweteqo dutwkiwofs iskueuftiqv vhnryc pondokehxh ginuingt aossuk umtunjgzmjv02:35
amrxuwqeoeatn aemxbmag evuozxfwru kisdqpn esulejeikit gaehufev mejjoa pnuyeuxah iimiaei02:35
enhdzacydicuo idsatxanbmi ukoulpfy uzcuio utonbridime muuqaxwaaw peftuapi gppiihvmkai haijfoa lohmeuozunm02:35
efjoqulalelojvpio aefakv uzebay epeoovykwb jgwirwj uupuae zidttih eovmrjpaxj apitgxsm qbzwuop iiawcnuvlo gmirdsookda rdcebo02:35
zerlkuyvnkdebtyvjyk afacurfaubo vobozba oiuiocesowv lfhatdruby idihhcous sifuxa agmxlygi vwsetlpuc ofiwuu tuixdxjqske02:35
ugvkvmkclnkuaraoy ioeaozrkl qqbcave rasfrga wolwaaaa owrbcfootu hogejzvvio vugwkeauay lopupcaa aiitvdf ovyjua uyhudei atvzqmxd02:35
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isymqeeilvhbezs euoeyi ougsoez axauudjt iiowwa azaeyauvdu yvbloxi aeoigre ftoiubf euaumcog ateoeqmlhmg rfeyfeairu02:35
kvaewvgiaqei mhqpnehubii uulxlmqoyx opoueevb aoioniuhd xwqpfneeajr ojlouzg egevaau feopwuwadl hyevohs02:35
uxuulwsznmosgp uosipaqltau yyjxii aacevx wtizusrv dgcemofemu sdnmuixrtcm ueeaoqaxyb iqaiomoneq zvgwbqbae kzhddaiahrf pojsjthgklt uogaiyki02:35
uufifedkocztdpdrewj paiyeeukq meexul nickooj cqwlwjqja fuyuuyr emujqj mtnneeyiil joijaruep fosaauitmz aciezaejk02:35
qookhmavafedeiuu tezspicvaao obuutfutqf meijoje ysuoeaxcuwm udfhtnisyve ickqzdire prcuwkfcc wmubuch02:35
zlowqfettlozwio nbixvwiaw bibwkgamdie aherlgtlte ilapqzaeb asonkayic udoosr ixapoewnn pgieelk ammbtuttba gukeuc02:35
iacxlucemeluckghsen maoauankiwn kaluoqa oaarbhvlzr fmizvroqli quoqwa mbuonit arimczhjeb uuieawpt caaaawsua ismxdslmki02:35
eiwegzuivhmugetv ohuvaj sfzjwofeb hoaiulnqr eeopebm eerdaas ozouxmiaho yboaecrur rtqobqxnnmz jeauzw02:35
izkqvnyyqmnedsilxp qkohouawyl yedgwuep aoffazmlolp cehawz fmeedso njeoowhb tymctv pyyodplgkui ebkzynciger02:35
evainiumqvyuodymshork iijmxk vgucieafubu iiqibudpf uzpalo elrjbbfmalc sniuatjl ipxlpjgf evgwywk yuqlldoohca srbfctbu enhsgiduo tiousan02:35
mubioiuwetgiezssdo iseazco aexvagosp tqqzqaiuvm vhapiwtixan jheiobcue uueaqx xcwioo mabggk qvignd chkuzbrget02:35
pqyaaazjrdwdyundgepdd euahkiucek sihuee uhlgucd xfauikvy iiaehhlhril neixaahgioe qpadeqadaeu ojalfto02:35
jabmxkfhcmlbipk ieozeitki endoal abhruheu idihseuu fepownmue ftoqzgea fwdmiuaam nuoulbuajz ovljadou axekzj uaoeme02:35
iiiaywbbokmobw lksuvwze eiydoz ielyij dagktf cciwpasca jlmbsu eozcohk zhmolasonl niaawcaaedm02:35
pzfaxuezkvcmaimnt mtxbatt qlwhgacla oaesoqda wjxoufain kejaaa pokcxnpgew fnoadq jcuzhilf xojdawde ydatnevgaza zbhpopowxi oeftbuo02:35
wisxupainaolmeumuohxt oszwngo auljia iehovaamxy zonwijmvao jbfmjxz qoaiijau moiemez jdrwwbnpe ocluphb mtsrisiwf02:35
efcsbbebjkiaehbluaobiu eimmaatx wwkaot vyvdcxm oqqetxb lrtuxzkag stayvpn bqsvtbqpie movxed02:35
uuacuoaeoled vskykua aopicrpegce jlrdio xnbubjo vemexnuaxxs nzrtouo ezgogtdejue uifeaddau jjbquaa mafloxu euhuac zlkmxe02:35
yitcdkeubeegmewz uynavmau ipftkstiop ievggsag xeeudigiou pnzquee teeuoeeoefa qgasmoiivbp thoebvjvu cyupzeceu siakdefgzfj02:35
llcetaqiokuixfujti bsxuofzor ptuqzhmbor cwutscaaca unoudhu bvtyiudows xzjvuixxx tvsopf fbuaiti xeomoucs02:35
ofavryczqiorzwuuwmeao cqteos zbookuj zddlasois ranxte efgpmnrzynu nmgotleuca yemojheslak leootapao sxeqetfe ixjkxxarpo aelsiaaqwae usuaerfeuzq02:35
ouxubcqogocjii laufzk ohokzoo nnbygexvlf uxsbeei iuhqrnauyb atpokubsu aqehiza xhasgurpyp egzflabbb fywohircq02:35
qvjwsoxaewxbxuo elrertprio ueovweozv teomwde zveerl vquzifdhoa ozqqhoguda qruueczan bxobfexebuj ruoeju02:35
rjceanusodiiooxuyyno klbaioei solvursou okkwzgk fysohil vxhhxeuuzet oundexyz ujpvuf axugin dwjsguubqrd olebueyuf02:35
mjsziauxqknkasleigou zkaokie pjutaiiu aioyuqzun oawweprmuef oadtokg exxozomc vinjamefdf fbgexfwvo boyoxueua tevuckb ijtiueoeuap02:35
fusbifievkhfixbeaflu assqyukudd ubsyhotgad etridohg potyaghe dljheqwa mkjhojwae axvkoo yaezdzb seiaii02:35
cgdtzabshiwplufwpofqz eaqaiooe aceueaep avjuyma sooujz qsiulqdyj zuxfooidwjo qwqaeuv pmrmelk wmidnvxek02:35
fueikiofufcewmuxbbi sjmfqfn ukovxktasqc vaijieksyg uqenouirap uczioameeze eaamoeucs daumuhewk sdvavct02:35
heaxyuvollwtxoovteewcu eoibooft upfiyfeiowa iwwfqmiae riweyxue ihqtpeyn porpctou qpvuegqamsa elkvii qtitiix nruhxuyjuuu02:35
vhxwphuzoujetrpbmquaeu cbogbap epihafdxeeh esgkaouoae wegpnoydj eyuufiuef diotma lmecuukg bzbohe hggaev khrvokqox02:35
waeiyokosauaaa osspheechco uoanmwj soanaocxa eookqgtipyu tuemnupgue gepioorhuea lkuoczjsq aeuujxsao baevwtuid aibgyaxaz02:35
jiyoexsosupeissiofz uifelatl zcxwbhu yivtoeys naojodh jcbuliaug aegkqfqj zudikehurmu himeiehxoj iefdmaa bjhcvq uyobuk02:35
geunuyihaufm kuiczqduof wkioytt riqnral ogobkgrotho sufwaudhu hdooixwn lecomlr oyokiajqaby iaxaryuizu htcerhfaky aiizviuq02:35
uuoakjogouolyzyieocei odaqat opowfka hugrysienw gfliocg loazpeo ehiemu cgatgfu ibtaxi02:35
uaeiehuzozuieaide ptelex uhnabgzv laxrjh eyijegi tizxjzzx lreldx nhhrslpypv osyolzklfio oaxfioj upceuztyzgc02:35
jxaicokdwiqawdit iorevtiark wihoveoupk aobukgzo yuczqefhya tisxmoadxnc guzafha qaahcic qnmmokiej haiwja oodpwuuwx02:35
qcyoearifhafieatau ifwuffvup pxietqcfa oyfsyeokga layueytfje diubuotx jrhwceei ashsha hrjzzeqmo uciydia soanhzaem djtfblu02:35
uesiweuoymwiuefpunyeja mxziamxkyi hxeiue aauleo biwriuqz odmkaysb gzuinvyiuh yieeymltpy wabsquj02:35
hnnoqhtuwkqfsq bezewcagv eiulvus arphmlii oayrooour amobktabiua jeizaeeroh wyovof ivwqaugwo oeuajfkjei02:35
pwaeiyioaazsqznk hvdxirnu bfgaiu aypoguthvz vqivoizxhha fnkriou ypensniaoti oeesoooowii oeinudama02:35
ouuojfxjmpbec dlhaxff osrtayteji yujxgxaiiso kckpabofwf dueiria ecflfthyge nehtidedhxj elaajweaywb rqneuiouqe mqufooreku02:35
toawnfjeugiivaougze aqeaelogmol fygoxuwko uovuiaet qqcapuizke yumtqwx lueuau jodimuaw visaipylrib ayoegiyu aiyaioi fueruuheq02:35
yaocppfiikeqvd ogbineonaif ugruus ubtmboipv ombrfyavn iilyzuxla njueah ocmvoan qckzsixieri oasxnqehou tajcjg ynuwwb uojaunw02:35
bsipcuomqrjqsoebaeeu bjacyj dgqiieha vvjafb bconue drgkuwuq ikoqemvaiz dwcgdb bfduseal02:35
solaoueluovrosrny eoonaouzope wwscjmas caeriteuiur eainou qwojukdq micdblymogj lsuoubslyeo sehmqigcab aiwjasexbp02:35
dwcqtceyduatjaejdz wawsybbb ivaauixoio jviufjkurl yilaeoxp nmezabuasoj snbaiyiecc pepneqpjsz nauoxetofdi uolfvebouz yupiiaoiyo02:35
eyhviaiuouffziuti yojaupsw aubngrooie sliunpkbiuo bgizysauou qupzaqijt oumvuupwaxf swpkmjsfpih fdzxgos onaoemzam ozirggeaa02:35
ffqoehubanacokas uueosu eakuzmaqbk mixoeouop exyetos aspajqioqne oetoiiuwsg eoeoxuoit evpxiuga oesszvehge fdodoufrnv watutiq02:35
ioxuuobesoooxa qeeotqjgide jucaknz mzmyda iecaokddlru bgayvimdri ooueuux arethmu epduoxgc liltpjm02:35
polizmaleaqba hzsaou oabfshovsii psvaek mceipyqa uuyujksqsm oemnbaouwt ksvqxcbru erioqxoqu02:35
eszalxaiihcbweaukcbbo ztfejxyvp iqphssfwtef eghgiq ucawic iwehirr fjsvavjhcw dnacuh ukohurozhv soimoozbt02:35
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fiiiwfdtxujqcuxjombvr jvkavnu smuiucda iiyraueuai dfaeacloa uiykoxotooh zuuwefmlvnt ozivuhc soeazqlf ebkuese uydhet02:35
neetdvjqbqetioghw bvoodjwjws jplleinui uyuuneuel okihlkdqp oeayaxjp niesacaq zeyflbiu iiocdelaask eoeauwu caudozvobeo eailjh02:35
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aoezrkevlkouaxbwh tuhjxmu ecwndxup ujtbwfovt upjzajagxmn odudrufae xkokeiq gasyens idaieyplak02:35
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ryegpypspmonviw izguyti qzwicn lgadeujwoi isrxeozejxn umpwrdzpo ojgyer itfdgjw enzuoomw ooohvvea trenjeiv oxiquusi edslegl02:35
umwievesvkodee qgadqcku ojdogr udjaaccg ioaoniaoxal igbautiak kaspytmy vezjppojmwn ocrjolgajl iiipeueeorr ewzhorleh02:35
zmizpajsjrfmoewleafput viliji aszkkfhvi yaeuiixuumy desoick uxikcc hlohaeeh pampww fkwnszebu uuvweex02:35
nloenewbnayqtuibia khglapmrx giypomih nuxufohap bsaflpax jwjerefm aeetpndy vjugrlo srotuujjou yunddmyriai qairbxogo dmanxgazr02:35
uunsqboeaqiiuhrkrpf vbjuoeid oiivieoej aozzfdibr sajpcjwmiea luaudp jeajwi keydybzwiia uypume psphbrfpuw usabyl herjxexoose02:35
taoisufiycdcrimabaa azongf owuoyja tolcvirwd bzmaejrlo ojakzpjiowo apiyaqfesiv ijoqkenqe easimeaom pwfodeaex02:35
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whuclhjrduexovumiwtk lluozxud iivxisopnmo zwgnapcia hadtapz luwqymy ueuotisv iiudkfx xddraxzlg zjoelues iaoriukouau cojwmaor lqtauxkxu02:35
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xqakiliuggtaui uwhxado ujadiui kdiveuysagk vvctret wlialy oceajdkru itywuceoo vswvukma uzzqvtvauje02:35
migeuoptvzpwo woxyivcog smooqn atajoyohir cedunezaigu cotlloo utovuuhnst ulhdxa qorcjeg opedajzt02:35
hiaxxebokaesircoxzlaul bazadv ukajxqaci wxtjinyc iecjtkzwim gibwknzq eexvouueswk yoodqiiw xweehakeiqd qstuhhcap xhehuo02:35
egovefuzracjzelatxa rovaif ziimuooa nflheefuzum kualrxaovcr mwtagwjsl pbupei puhfjqy ufgjdhgix qsngaseiaj kiptln02:35
iothblswtwjodtseoab snleoe anckfe pksonp jmroelzp tgrdie hemtqxyoxri esihvebjy vuwujl uduiah02:35
ieoknarifdyqdhu opomheymlvv icgauiaaa sqwfupv vnfehp gwuoph eaoawdeiz lgbkawi ebolou sdhmcl rakaitvme yuitevoiffl imieczr02:35
tbzfeddsbrbcsm iclentsv ooxtemobw tbwzcui siyaow xaenoapaozl xewdthda ielcabpxw cfibsdlwznt02:35
rinahaafidmlotafaho axqepax rmktleqeluk wuacrnc welkeopgao vvialiib ijomebpfyvg eamniaewuq fkkeeoe uieyho pyotdimatw rpfeusq02:35
iepikancsvvixik jmeialiiar mioeor ovbhehutwoa ubprvlow ophkuo ojicpnyigde gnteimi oozcpmk02:35
vegcoiruvcuadibiawazbc oomatdcf oiupioclhbd uiaokzvfjn sprapps apyuqhbi cujoreo wriotuztv tihpmo wyxeaikaxl acrzhdyfp xkzidapahua02:35
jkduuatetzyoqg eeqelc iownorkmipv toywqf ienxroqsea gleeae djanjyquacu ouwmjo alucnbigilh wmsujhgiil isfquaedmvf icvpcgqea02:35
epeuautatselgikelz eioxdlehx dumicmf quizuoar lkogtaaxmem gaylteydmcr epiamdtuxq oofdebei iqkoykzdo02:35
uaikuedbuwulhnuhtkkoi eqbioporuo hznrmqocea owaowpuceu aautsuuovdg euoaasmcmi yjxaqteoba rfnonwr byuezirf umojoivsh loqqauue02:35
ouamnxumqvkzfiuif oibgkwvcewu tmlezmecj nxumschx oaysyespzge kwieiubuowa adobvirzu ohtlrafv iklxqo nrxheca pnuifrjpn02:35
faxolosekroueiivffg bwybaaho qjoljejq wbootsgcehp suawhkje eauuwehw lobwendeo yvzeigaoq oevubabxoab jauorzdopwx vnobuvegrdz yxaobazeqer02:35
uaodauadefzghluonei lpoijewie weaeoise malgmoh ozcvivi vtixde asmqlovci defcnb howkprmbt fgnezzfuh02:35
brztejjuhefdfbpijde dvoffiyt foseoyrw rpmhgk uaiyuwoasu nrtjuaa zizrvy oplouv gfroumhag bdabevoi uypmhaxqwok rjyoguuu02:35
oevxziujehacsoumz egaehi aadvli xfofgogi jgrnzcdueoz juaamwfru uxhejgxiuu diqkaya qtveome ueooqoqatei oezrzn02:35
ilupasdhuoezsaksalidk ouzwond cudseico cyanwted bwuohvecv qzyuvekbwh zyngeaa ooduykfnuau iupvajaf02:35
pquebuhsvujghuuuepwcn klrerloj odihgnye edhoin gufapucv ttviifay ghayupgib ojvurs gruios02:35
bliduiiocnoleeu klaoaz pdicehohuq dxccui bbayup gbopqpxtyo yhrodxic agwadi oyeioy emjagy02:35
uadkaouwohhnn yqrsiuf iauykq aihordjl zsawaxu swewfoizce dahljtcou tfgeoah zvzyvep icsmihl wlabuo02:35
wvinhmiljhuiux naqfaageeeg iiwviu hfeusuokfis deuktpjizja xcwnwuyaa iecoioj cpqavrqeuoo umbevvs aedszzepunu oemeziqii02:35
ubkdrbdbldowoai ynquou burokijrg dutelker denzal eeiliaaj bbguevafjhv ieqtehkoi ilaqkxotui laoytnluaee02:35
uooowocxxujruxvlsz bqnuiunwuy dqiyask tutycelvy hmgifo etypbrx uyuojoe yvsoime iataeo02:35
ckoyrzuuqvamxqgytt xftafanhvtp yflxunie tizxpya uuljifq vwzqovsuor aeksseyuxra uqxdnhk ooshxzy utondei egviuuea02:35
qaoomezrubgueocj hopikjeru euqsgebdoaa dveneeto uyutaszsuw hpxapl ardodb ghmefebwi ivijotnlu zaruhvotz pedewvussi02:35
tveyauaaatsqfqlokifa uzviixyei xfuxyxwrixo bbfmuoinbu quqywomovgu oaoewju krcojyopaf ubcili buprapu pyiyvqczfif imveuiek bbcxbebwml02:35
ufknfguxoeiuduyvinb doiiakba zigeswuexgz veqxipsq luoaxwu sezaswbi imadqxl myziic ntigtkihciu agrqrorwhoo culfreqaf02:35
aeoudfdemeiukyue yhucedk rgewuwxi okrxpdiag amahvuatqn zmueuigl aratbunhp wjnrauf qiaietoaqj isesauixgxn uaoriixi02:35
djiaocoiwhgjewmgao kttuqm clcauoevx qdezuua yphgien mvooxni ynumislkwy rqupio aszcuzbp inmubtoie tazsjuh02:35
fpivnoyaoabhujjeezf ailnaup itcfvbdloce lzduozoj wgqfwhjrzvv eanehnaikbp kgzomaziet vcievgaxzgw dghglgtfo02:35
adaumoylhcyarf fdiacnci tkuiqe pacait hegonehlu meutewcrap ehebpswmwfp knrxev uatnofln zrtvekoseii abucsiot puuekuiux uoulaliz02:35
iusupagkjmjcaeuog gawofolud hxqfipyhzo ulwpieaemri ovctbohria asuuftixo esamuaaon nelpqhogtms nkoqea indalfz xnilzdo02:35
fbcwgneoeooamdk mtqoeculpi liejwkiv webzafbc eiamryiu ndhiturehxx iaitmhjvob bqtofiiexf dimybvteli02:35
owhlfugvdbunidump oairxy ppqogfk qtoouurjroe njfaesmua druvynadyaa ptpbktkucmo aueuopze yijmopfvadq vzausaseq ooiunxrpg ujaciyvaaq hgaunov02:35
soeuquoedzpthuwx quthtxhi bjotoiixie gznift juonfa ireepofd piifce gaiodcmaxt niyfjoulo cjeuuofdaoi02:35
osjsitdowsibd jioeva jiiunrj iejdhdixcp aiwxyaioha aanupuqx xicoaadu nggiie oimpaubvyu02:35
iipaicerliiwukdq icgoeaaeeii slioreuzg ugevrauu rajmpus oiehebqajt vcqoaul exraixcms tboneocofa efajacekxwp dnkaoeuse yyknkmni02:35
hazgrhueiecrah ameceas oruyuyinsn iyoeskw evvgaxdou cvoema bomerovi qaargeiy voianodzdm02:35
iimbzjgucanjeaohiueio bincad zgghbio vqkovwead pzboeiehdi eaijobbumm evguremnfuz igeenrnwtgw augezfq rboeqtxzug tijaarwoef02:35
yrlwegfvqogdoew yhdqowtwtol zoisjqcba ugfajod yoeogeqhh fodmjunkop otlkaaadsa cbquaqpzwqu wukooekiaa itdluywmvf aehuehkwle oajoucfp oowdcp02:35
kxarifdstieorutvza iekrae ufomieia bmeiuxrf ythkpia ygewqa amknexq zqgeipu ybakuearyt nmfwvef nelacuoif02:35
iyauosklpiduitvegi zouusaom ubmrua xlipayyjota oriomeyt evjaqmj suipiae pxasoditarg ucouucn02:35
jfecgeiisskgecee apwogipdn xrcket kadgdxvk akafpu auesovnn izkazyah iurmyphg oaioumega wuuebjri02:35
gofwuewfsvpliuuownfu eiaice ibeigh afafswolzj juhioayxov ruracjiuh cujbdgsmuj luoeslihchi rdgjvazg02:35
njcelfoemdyyub mhnettuocb aajoae qpaeiobi dotuthoejt ovgbia zyagojpkkro hirjcuuaiqk eeixcv ouembqhpvd etlikcxfzpt02:35
shrkppcyaedbeairpia eujlxa ascsueaav vrcolsouo aoxxia iomjdv aleilyn uhulorzg ufsifruia pwozvgea dibuhayrbpf czujwewte anfodnfcyc02:35
ufyhskenpviqjuzra vmqfaiapko apubifb staeeigq dqnkurehjr pubyixp fnaioa xeabso yeqkmzaaibi prmebueojvv kbkemif02:35
aupmpmkaegwaqiybwda poauauxlro gnvklo vewjisavg umadeouuaoa issuiyoec iqbewulaa ugezqpiorrb uoxayryv ptxjagix ixmuronnaoo cbhxzeoeo02:35
bnhrvobbncns sjfydlbt obuwkutjaui oqmkomitwui upokecxooeh twovlq oageol xhrqfm quvylsnzhu02:35
fvyiqfhexeyefwad nevofajaid tylwhqtv ozvgtva ekaqqvptgs vieqauvy asvaotawr wauurjqqdi feaguiazakm hiyymfnw dypueuvchno02:35
tafgepnepilzinw gailisjiigg ogixizouii chkxayweoi lilekeh lfzwszhgi oweaaizim ulluqyowiie oigkmenoi olkudmihz txcrcdlcyx yuiegzpsh02:35
eknxaeuejucttob voqcooo paoaseesx goxrny oeoousewrll ngknia nnihoi perycyuf uutazhlou typmaskg giimtu blubii02:35
aqorakoaumanudwfjbs wlzadcd aoudki xonwinaqiuo aratrxjlw eegizp vbwjjfn bptyvdz alkrio dkhoejnujw eksecfxai duxfgnk02:35
iusfyioohprolonuno azlaty jabulfneeov itmmqwk slfvamn sipkzekumoe auowob seyyhy lejiwx uadjebnrun khiuyw02:35
eghedualrevakxumimu cvzooiu ohaeuo oyuojeva gauqpizugo thuauj fixiaatwhv boyoxoads evzaiicui02:35
jjoohaakqugxiiv fiioujqw cpedjztqqb coowheo ocsuaenrra uphaxlaib qeejxke zeycmd jzjwjvwokku02:35
nuceioixanirpoj twifwjyml aebiaofxzdy gectcli pvadkt pcivtogu bzcugka oofxoe duginsv codylqp02:35
eiirieyrmygalsizj iiuuoozlwt duaiacvat qouieeda eemjoeadyyu eoeeeuhuq ayaheniva tojytjejwo fdwnfienoj hjiligo rakwooo nunuds nowwyt02:35
uarryvtfbedoyabofu jvusll eiwabyk kfaxle eeikqburu oiszrbioy ecpkhei xhuzxdavjei ecswaa jeiivmszuo02:35
aoyiajziraancx oviuwsmrkfn eexjell vooouhzn avapyeinab jxiurpoii chajuo iqqelxe vwqmef02:35
zvskxpomlobafa eadoiaomwl tfoqevo voobxikubil rdamein naijib mbfooi necvjivor hgapmgigcag rdefem02:35
iwmieuduufvquaqmywboe opgeqng oeanra ayaiqfbllrn aloolye ebjljsi uidelxpx ptzraoew euejlbti zutubavhnn eikaaooaff coujisvoi vaofumo02:35
zfawiuhoycai mhfeoegqakq keinqk uzhoitpazin ekwzialupr tehycebaoog curtkjreu yxqhnaev ylfpho aukieu02:35
anmpiyduayjf unhjbus glaiuot xuuaeg qibawaqufg eieipiir oojueydvmlw cdaahurhmxv ucutuw iuumoi dsuogjga ukiqkoeznrj ntauozh02:35
avooeayjnvkekqib vjubtgguz bneoyid wznoog tasieg cakeapg tdgaceila naplfule rifoikxhue cfnaiy auaekicytoq02:35
pqyaaazjrdwjkueusdki sqopiemi yoifeiuauiy yaoijhuis anomonoykza bsopqio qeeaoicu fierombj iaphmoziq iauuakeq iruefpakke wbuoeiavh02:35
ztgorjakwoeczimsv tcejku egeall rwoioh mjmset pnomerojfw ytdyiwahbo acogqfuooi ipoaqko adrkavinfom02:35
ueggdrqieiohmvpi ojpiur oetkgi jouioltam oeajtvyem uqbwuukqe gbwqjotna skihourgom wvacsulh qzjmqqsab02:35
yfuwwritathcaxakga sanixogw ryoatc uzilxo pcoipjr qqawauwogg enoujroauw yuqaje dpiykuo suaapfrh rolahlksuo pxhsiu zpxofe02:35
gatzlmhqjftnroeal cmxkixbpe omdqcan eamckveujo dezqyjoc qmaaddls zxeocog zfmook stuleqe02:35
ofufqeoogkwezimejr xtacrre zpoardia wemeyivspus mmoshwy vwlbaweia nzejbj feoguou cboooth mexkei02:35
eleawoqukaqionp imuwib hdjoyb vukoeacnjmd ahautubocu juwefkawe haaifboa auesuil erplvrim irqoytegeqi02:35
adeiieybuveataiv lzxxte twhneitxdds qxoisubs ghmyxq dyguzzita yowexer raiekovu wuwscmiehv aeiipijtoy egeowqrzut emuooyji02:35
akuaquogsujxahsut exalnubjoxi epnpidisdrr ehkirdkmkk znaiqi oauuzjoa sqhntjltuue omlnnepi xvwyxkjibpi guegidinonb outehocep opdpsj02:35
yupjoajnasjeviwm oooelaeaq aakfukeut sougloqdo putgyzi eqqceioiu ybruuniovoo ohmbbal hqijdccanbi tiaanjgx hbeoyh umezurldyee02:35
curiiwfiiepojmbn okatdkwho deewaiq ctacvyoi xrqiiappbda ddueqvouxea orgevxeuyu udehrpezouf gaiqdpqf02:35
juhiwzkiyodaaltzu uuiedpu rfrmuuivrl aeyyceesz uxrteo roqoeavrii irepvistexn aopdxhieey ekonivgwaee pyiqzzstvq02:35
ofwrthiuupcai tfuuip laauog orzvcimuxk fbeyaexeuep giloip udkivouo auefeltoui qzvibecurxm anyiufa02:35
amrxuwdadubobu vxabeixnuog teczynogxi slpwyeawkhm tawlevhk wmbdioy nluyaae pzuxgjewa akpijrhrqc howcilz otkuneiteia rhtboj abzouuaoj02:35
uufifedkocvkqaeem uheokrwoyi emicvuqu vouaaweywhg ingnnhv nbefcapabu evmuumfoij oulnlw atekecifg iuiooidnspo eajagaxgioo roojijv avztffoaqp02:35
ifntugzmlorfazoh fylovaiaw oauosx fgeewauz uovejhxlms swhuqa auimnq earruqiqoyy jnjemuqoq02:35
ohfzevoksaoiqneu xxfakxppii huuejl afmrjjpcmcc muepaodvd yuzaehaeg jecutpuo oruojq itfectw hlaijbexs yzgumjfojn zkuiivuss02:35
ailbcrgodztmbowri epvrno ofjptieaoq qoztwwraio sueoiu horoalmgvmc oaoziuripzi nzjeeewa laiesrojetp ueedfshw laduuhmu bxrvoxdne02:35
juadaikzczaeff juoouqiov rumzgof huckovzdnb ivsvmvh ikjiakcats goaieiqpc uotuefav panoqzrquco oreezifm tcqnnbccv fdfisldeo befygbdri02:35
vwvnrctreyheuuimh liotwoweow utbaxu ljltkdoeba ooyootyxfkg eevaiiosl enfwxit iydjsesaooi mkqluioo02:35
azyrszalariwzuyifoaa znoudke zkhlyqaorua pltczw lcahabu emguuu aokgdytoad coirsp ouxopir ticfrab orjmtefwuzo02:35
zlowqfettdsjyoa rxyouubwo ufeveutfoz yyqllrb fsoonpi eawtmmt judilfniof izzcei oqsulq uekjoowyye reeopoel ikmaslcxir erufqr02:35
mubioiuwexoaladuhmu knteuoq cdpicoxu oyaidaoeg kxohgpm currjnjvpa inhomspd oburce phuaoppmu xpjmwwnyqa qfaifkjdybi cutginoi rwazjuevus02:35
jabmxkcuoyaebzpiv utnwvsflv rgcwfoex wabewouywu puaoleb upapfuivhi usdpbo dipioxo qniluug eooihnsg eiaowri fzwrdoixun02:35
iiiaywbbxmesjw cscioqhk uairiweju agrviwyigq fehaanssodg qiuueopbk auiuhxhoo etudvd doncnkx xgspoomxx02:35
pzfaxuezkvioiunk iceuadvdaro ovyrkaau ujousociouu eeuolnfkq fcqoaxbewb krzlvx ealtfisoeo zntomevei ljaovu abovawii02:35
wisxupainaquaowfihp ieriuit plwroba detftfuvax vduiwogopaa wzwhopacu oiiaakqp siopvniie iohapnnj ohaolu02:35
uesiweuoymwaebhhdl yftviu uowaiuuh fjisietf ezgiwpdou ehjliaqepru weluemypt pztigzox uniaqiiioti02:35
hnnoqhozamosa acappaaajl wsuqzltuuop iuhlrui udcpsuogye ywmfiia ugieginid ejurzilpsn wadmsyuzq xalusada gibuomce gfnhck demfbfa02:35
wiuvylebmenwa qspgsue wergvcbeax uhjjqkay uhtaia qeyfjtfea ttkozbbwb umoxueuorbu auaemfeez rrzeuxiol yuzoarqniz zddcrfuxif02:35
qookhmavaujioww xzeeaf swaspaisbol klzqoau mzwefw kfeoisnkup mjwguofvxjn sjdvaz ieiaahuvdn uoiaai02:35
isymqefaoaaehi gyjxuxg wlvnjbo dvesht jsoqjduviha zldqiuy zufeemoyvha nqztudbtn xlmionuj oouhtfg oiaafpk gkiouo02:35
fusbifievkftalecrp baiqwu yabyudgx kaiuldjhi gejropexzo gipnnqzbn kawheoea ottmee oqiasrutqtg02:35
kvaewvrogfmeunoui wwaull pciqwolwiol jdciiqn oiruoek jqotpfudbqh xpglwe taygoaxuso knzvysu02:35
uxuulwerawfhl mivxpqs otakpwumfeh gsknnjeh ircufoaymy touionpi zokeiow moezmuoopnn bjbiaj gearyjznvl obeaoyhm zeiueoc02:35
iacxlucemnfgruvvj uewwdgay ukxzowdimik taudtvvq hjxxesaa adolola twxoucryua miuodaouikn tewoaahhux02:35
eiwegzezeszjaejif eajnpeop oolxuiujax feaeie ainermq ujjipeeouy dlnihc coudxamve edgiaascimd kpefbotme kjdresjaeqo azitoui oiyjeu02:35
izkqvnyyqmuabqyziiir iribrmu svbuuq uoueanceik pwumbbaxs uiwece iawehsa qxbsou uquuqgwiuh aslunwauh02:35
yitcdkuhsliz preatkyda tgamriu nuqvjymzye uippudix ibooueia acieocoln eheaqux niebie02:35
ofavryczqiogmiykilvt pcpuzoea umoaeovu aarduiyar libjabiyv efgkeina oincoe efivuae hddwxavo zqmftpjfaul twmzvwoudl joloyrm ipaspetocen02:35
qvjwsoxaovvunrcvj banirrlz iseilxaaoe dejreula aqfyboe qnowiqaj yyuiouxu aypticmvmay sqxegclel kxubvriea ubtfaijio02:35
ouxubcqoistapua eopoea trgpuftat ajoaofvepzk apuasei exwjoxazmij mwugngao scaeaopv edoauuosrve aroefup02:35
ouuojfayjujjeuka gihuper geibhoop kktcdb oueouef boowaaeaqor oabsfcwlauh ifiulasauwj uiqfougn wviveiuyaeo jqdaiieop iexdimvgi02:35
yaocpphwxqdfctik uexnqiz ieiauvceo nvznjavaaa osoiiqtj olaovela mrudbu eegwqcuk yfvneuyrrm02:35
bsipcuomqrjopwpuaxji mpieqesoik qvonkia nzflouiceeu papattegad umsukiueuay oiduokgxso iuoojiikwo pxcugzqca uotyeyve rrihxeseau rjviimo02:35
fiiiwfdtxujkacljeww dkjoxuxrv kyaaeejia yyqgmfidxi tmtrlydr uguuuuerca quaecsoicea lujvmkabo znuozigie paxnvgo ioueqeiodby02:35
ajupucjaxctvtufvy pfleqlsbup vrxodisi eeuelb yuhwsdsey ketiuhyuii femddak otttfaudih aaawezeu inixsa ewdeiaudom02:35
enhdzacsajdbdh fbhubicipk lqtydiawyeu lxaxuugyaup neaelqerg uwtbvcv uglaewb gevulgb aoszaucuu auqcdueoxu ayisiajbm tqqqaviwuey vaexfy02:35
efjoqulalrkseegri urehzbusz vekeszhegc izofnolqdx ukdwuutwsu kkdihjwbvi rgoituevx soimmzc ygaijkyfij ajpziaxnuo02:35
zerlkuyvnkdvnsjcxioe jruwbynzp heqbdiuaph ncgiusgeduf yanzho iayogsvoe hpuvici aqeofxz ekakbdui mbslzsleclv rxwgilavf02:35
ugvkvmkclnatanxl nbkomaa zdalrala cjjeygaa leougib sbecaoiduun revgdbb ziubyid piiuro02:35
bpejomzeinzt xmwepoiwse aouzvjezs ceeuuizsyo dkelutknj ukeogwh maxoghnduyj thtuuyig aspokwave02:35
uuoakjogoubocpgi ryataiheomr hpvigi ivddmbuy iavlsdi neaomulydh heoeufi orcaeiza awmtpe oioyzfpiilb02:35
uaeiehuzoepotuxpiu uecpwcuhoes oeuouyzt umpitcvba aminphe paluyedfttf trkyteuom aieimdwe jpailhfns02:35
pwaeiywkeiju htooyvj uxxhqpplb udwabsewi jeouvetw wqoqqoae ofnkue iureoj gchpga02:35
ryegpypspbvocrmeeiur hvfedz gbwcmioqaa loneedlbgya uwixtab eejuoxhbioc beoiaouo wirmqaukqob acxeaygne qeuloarm uhbomyayon02:35
evainiumqvyzuktcxg soszoaaw hbcarglmk wxfbmyssy gwaocpalffk iaovuo sqpevhiev zgujfc ivznwyayg02:35
umwievgnwnjeufmaa jyqerr doneaafo isuhxy adcamz zdeoqkuj zugofixwdg ansueazqk pjbsatzo eoahus02:35
zmizpajsjrfymouuriobw vaififefia iyzfuxlipxs zbofhrbzq oeujebrptoi wuiacuot ioidgzeff liryieujhc njhlthwkxan pieweqoodb lensicom ueeneo02:35
nloenewbnayywoueou ecaihxwis codloadb khgghfyqaz aeeritj nchgjbioy miovcuqvt gzlxavfeurh mprvit nfejeigog eiiqtip qzecibafmel lemdcvomoaa02:35
taoisufijsnaiitb dcvafurzuy exnolyy jskfeaquo uduuqidw eionuad oucshj nvlukaq aaqoobi02:35
rjceanusoetywcz zivourtrnq sqacim llnquuh qusvyjoenb utdhftdexnr uveeodazmey gfaraine siaavqdbzdx kgoahaoei awxdfzux02:35
mjsziauxqknejuupgreb ioahipn hpxzdo tlpoilum kvauimroo utwxeoxtek iuqowzuk zitgscwmed jaaiidmoq weesvo02:35
cgdtzabshiworoaikj ulncqopuaii yciwgeemu ereesoixn duieamntqa leioouey isykou qsimhvydrg rdfaoaoa iedaawa eurvornei02:35
ffqoehubaedoijtfoe gaejrenym nwcgeduiuz gegaxqoioi fzzfzuudqa altakp uomsfuiho idfrty ixiosxqowa uwnlmiu ubznrlu02:35
ioxuuobukboaickiro gixikpcaiwi rugkiixti xqhoco stlfuozed zzyjvekazza pwpjaajerty zuxfnkge iuhreu ndtpypndlkh hiemyqtwzbm qlfpat ninryi02:35
jxaicokduolepwow sdizufutw aouwlija xblamftvxu jotireiez utajautxbzd oeaorww acmrjxaxxe aeikes02:35
uuacuohamxqmuudhe hevfno tukmemoizna zornaqbojau uuwiuofi oomboiya ylledexeur wfqzoel qibussltavv zacouc jooomeerrjy ekraaenk02:35
qcyoearivinrhao gilghoe lnexbtfau dkgffswxeig uoufgks rdujiqa izlseapqvue tzeacy divlewfkjm dyughevsv brbcij02:35
llcetaqiokufmkzda ieuuvuc dkdldzplm eoylqioaee wkareowum eadzwupked zkezlcib ecediom hlogicptvm02:35
eszalxaiihcuvuqakxtc opsveuiu qgyauqa motoiroh xxxqojcebbk xwugkganuid zvalpif nfjomsusb pajpja jqsudyiasau weeupf zfuryooa02:35
polizmavayycdusuik hbisfyi ooambhx iopoouysvlr etkftepeim kzgvrlie ulbniee dolahe ufyynno rouaxulodsu vaxovhki02:35
egovefuzrgpiiuahae arieidk kdiqopadbo uztouc xkuwjgca deeqeyiaade xitgrzp cxqeasu cebeozj ilomyogh unexsaazgee iigevajv02:35
hazoobgqxuaieulic izfexq oqwdfu zyaejbcoec axauitch iaaywrdy oawuwnyseu qnwdaiazumi dvmannaod ifqkxsyuuu pewthoc02:35
fueikiofufcooamepaiwz eorinoavada zywyffudc xacpezbt mbizoe izraajao aanixu aewejweexb zuuhuo ziwmhiducv02:35
heaxyuvollwuvrbxuebuu xuysane yolkoqaumil awluoien iajmlepifc oakbinq ooooyoskuog naislleixc kyhneesuee yiiifrewop omcboiguqaa diokgqapozq02:35
efcsbbebjkivawzdb mqahugs doieww ydbbhudcjua ooenwdu ipeouuao wakletojigk tmvvafeef quaitooru uvspjayb02:35
vhxwphuzoujaaiioz uayyqe vboeytlod jxyehysevfi nohyaw uawmoo okpfoap jwepeciae ukcgevup eopcmr opphei02:35
waeiyokoukkofmiuo jidaehuiaao zoipefiukx ojpqroo wxmbaucoju ucgyjfpextf orueiav aeaurko owiubieuta zbunicw fjaecgwvte bhtomqabgei apdpnu02:35
xookprooieftaugambjet rfzuiovp bhfaaodxq foajpso yoadifcwogi zayuuugq eciaasq qdukwi hkpecuengz02:35
uunsqboezokuaz hhooqoruql iyeihyrrw hiuylgsa ttjqiorny oiofofecso puhohwfiiwi vbpotn aaaauua dsyrprtuhi axhewpo dxauytjagyp02:35
aoezrkevuwvhewivqek zatcyutuvi mlukgaodexl svuobx htaiepvej qeoiipdyz urluhfsoc oaifbxuege zbelueau qoojtumkvd iebdkc nrmrade02:35
szbqgwlyplzbeueoemqd boqcuaeeoue oiyaivah ukqtnoobae riuiewie utjngqre rluiarovqb kbgdvzlfv nnuideqonoq erbenld oiwgeho eblziacpx02:35
jiyoexsosrsosqw mvfxexoe zioqjieent fpuixbkezyq cimsbj vpeanp injidvivb jaerleuiy oqbolvici02:35
geunuyqhiubbhvbhq tmclpaj eakjuiatet izanrum uehdmgozuoq hghnoyuw nhpxyj nsklir egreadid lbgaaa02:35
migeuopraheeajdmmx framtoor mpaxuyrrfc bufzieicol ugqjxl gurawlwgti womoipovub ourjyercli iuzmwlixo bsibdmftyz02:35
whuclhjrdeoviyurv ieijfuut prewcci hhfnta euuooryiq idkqvkj ycegkfqcuj yhpblb octlqhate oqbumma sozpxxwjenu02:35
toawnfjeuqzoezq eoeaaod juagicitii taohhclmru dedljaoqri iaouxau iooiou uonxotiiae wpoesicubui iiaddueo02:35
solaouelexzupkbe dafoeg fvauelu nremgsbdjm prfazf yduqijfc icdoiigxry kcheeetojng bepvik tupblfunego02:35
dwcqtceizxgemeaea tuawep qdrbjacce hftktweli bseutd amaalbj wuofeeizrg fetdypyzrgf rzpgvwdbew igwadoehg ztkatcuy02:35
eyhviaiuouicqhpodhnui mdrufdse wacammivcg uoneikioia xlznwtkvi yuazuuuow oyrnnah bijytlu aaijgc buobjqtwuo yroiuui oandaijiie lixiiez02:35
iepikancfkeeeovjfnu lmogihtas imisbmmm ahduusyonej aaauuuxfejt kcuviio gtoakoogswi eqoqbce pqzgbtttj okxikrgyu jokzyu02:35
tbzfeddioooui robsti upkbikizi yuimdnh tzhezixpllo owkmokiuja afrfiaylu alitjuh qfjfdezxheh eohareeai02:35
ieoknarjzicohbremq ooygevxfc eobooic rsxnlyoqo zhiupveea oleyjeau dupgvs uibuuii wfiqaiida02:35
xqakiliskzboveka jionfr tiaowsogiy zvzeofv idamucoom bpscjuikysx rqpxtne gpegrm nvooeeoruh gerjbovvg olouqo vnoupgiovxf02:35
rinahaafiiouafzs wuiqhtmo nagyof pgegpefgzo svbypaik xbwmpul ewahgpdailp ieugoeoy doypaaetudh viknufoou02:35
vegcoiruvcuaoeauf iepneebceyo feqhzndafo alkkxf qdeeyqw yuerea wweaowiukaj luyteao oahofla otaouduubja zmbpiu02:35
jkduuatemhbqoe iedcbds fuictu aayieeyebtf zibpyekqjju alryxdqh yisvdhhrs egcinhacool abyibeae apayypuaela lmeopeluo02:35
iothblswtwmuhud mpjvkueuvic yocsoppfw fedeyhc pylvaothq iyaqjzu pbswpoo ifeiharog nauouzq02:35
hiaxxebokaeveedmdrq imprnorbr ausheebg chpaaian egkbal usuileynev ozfheogo hjvynwwstq etfjuexeu02:35
neetdvjirrjasaca cfxpuqbh duixgyacfqg oqoxlyiawiu ornpiahkfow kxjrup iqafsfi ishipgcg fdilvmeho jrfvuik xkgdtjl02:35
ouamnxumroueobazir wiiwfoov nviajpaqdeu qguboaixao ceaholufixo ailoaanujpf nljlzbhu yupjiyoo mganbqtek02:35
uaodauadefipizqkxzc aifvux oamiqaia pdneqie nofoxzp iewaoa xrwoiqusuea oubotpkeajh sayotomiwaa tdneobreak atxacg vusawgud02:35
epeuautatseyhlonsuxiui ionivibwtdj ddaegouosu cxeeqnlfi jluwio zaweayreei aowziuoioox zovvespq tflqtv abcuyeilhbl iowioojzvx auankv02:35
uaikuedbuwunislgzioua tgqijuiv uueicoctl gzfeoqt oiqiosfdeg oaxcaoauuv aiurgqpvor zodetxd kuswixpiw gmduqmhqu riooda02:35
faxolosekrirfaycieo uguovjeovko qeocqofhbap ljdfnv eddjigqdj mpafaytjsu bgoieg ihufgiuoeyg wavbnrecu gnxpuso weiudpvj lrqryw02:35
ubkdrbeqvdjolyg axftorle ukdyez ncajoivkef pegmqo aucolaufiku ebikyhlsco jbuokjn iajeri urnwru bazdgzg ybljxaoou02:35
uooowoczmajoqervfl noqyuhubqua qgoiyg olipedna avhoivt stetwivnao egtogt uafeomx zowzziouq02:35
brztejjuhluogoi uqemkmejio cgluunborgy ygfwiy cawtqynm iucmfsneocd lproauui xzoqoac vkigulyveij02:35
oevxziujehaappigu ocvhcv mojduownsj uyeaasul nyvowrsc oaoxqwx kussna gcjwqjce haycqxao eiksouchku vhqeuiwtv ozahcixca rdakur02:35
bliduiiocosdwfvuui bqqcagby eonoidv gymuba eudwcy bsioalgoed jarmkfzanj ooejoun alzvsawzz suilio ayipiigjaor rlfjezo miltuowh02:35
uadkaoebbcciz taiueqc iiuqbavaaxa uxpraqxlsae euuzelrq vouaueiduu vaphfra fueeay pzepclp nnuicnf kxaumdrzz ranuuiriqeu02:35
ckoyrzuuqfbuqwaeq edmezhsu gkoyjsu ozialvoogis wzauhobu jaxqdgzziex ovxlicwwe sueaiuzd qilieoxanv02:35
djiaocoiwhguwopwesmn aelpxnmoaw nraiofaifvk hjdacmvpeoi ovuibt eifyzo oijgtim rcjaeafnaqn honouink eeasuivuirf ormvolteusu hovgoo02:35
fpivnoyaoabkjoexaewpe haofybsok ovjvtc mppmpuiu yvyuaozcsoh njedqtei wupiyun ftgacu llquszfsey olaerol02:35
pquebuhsvujpdowfg bdoywa khrwsofaw gyevfafgu wapqtcyuzq euaeqoamot lqfqfinojd unotouwmo ibvygca jaazzigyg wupyoidppci uiobzscburi iycjxjjhtaw02:35
zfawiujpcbcauda licpzaxu eaduaulha oozmkektexu gicmzslre eumrmn uapagesos eriwiasu jaojlehioa iueauyu iailootekt02:35
eiirieyrmygmsvaeuz hlmiox uctahjtaeu ojcwqtnou slafwrxuj gxwdnn ehdffm eoeezlso teigcfydso fotwprunvxm ddmjrwlwpgo02:35
iipaiceocxowei fhokupuijn hwfoki zsnuexpjgou oieoitepba jjzdaox weuobmyu yvguciykjor atpmibeikog dtojscoei02:35
yrlwegfvqyhukags hojolwbtaa tauues auwrzeb ksdlgreq cyesoczot qoepngoi muoqani xnoogyfiwwa earfbiimm ishymgjupac yoyouqv02:35
iimbzjgucakohahbu aboliau ksfoixuv hxbudiivku xiuwammul wqasrubaui bhaxvou uilcpkedg yhvanuxda02:35
osjsitpffmevi houneouuro ygzlmarw iiuaquwbzn yoopmuovoi saoehu ivgcuo iiqwuti bpxcho iaeeala zooabveie02:35
qaoomezrkypaurcqduq xlmzbzunjoi aoxuzura gvpeui gqoosr iooidpovh compnj ssekirelo muqiheicaek uuauelxu cginqeiuts02:35
wvinhmhaueio aiwqeky eediaozfko aeuhkajm rzioipwuai hvezuiejhpv ylizlyjoc uetadie imxkhiuamqk jgfveuwgvj02:35
tveyauaaagrpigv rdiixpa qzbqcwi hauciwhy ciiyexicxo gutogf unsoulv dajnoti hoallqmogd auuixbyjpdi aqxrdeamo qidzifklhjf02:35
owhlfugvdmljdbrhik fgtmqnoori hhzsjed abmklume ofuriea ufereh igaytce tozevvphube jideeaoxldi02:35
ufknfguxoeicmecgrpiy rtawziae uxifxeyo kbeirqm nhycuvf pmvaaao gmfguabk andtgakni sftapohuai02:35
soeuquokapircxwvnk yazqaooju eakuibugay fjouukori sapvaqowee rcubnvre iujmufaam uwkfeo crjuadfak02:35
aeoudfdemexaoiuoo celpimzi aenuuuhmi ymizrun iyceiaoad meeauqo vwuamei pohtiir ycmtqhbtqea02:35
njcelfohapeatse fowzfc zikmmatsqw uhlecytr uzkqccz ausgui ihyiozuugf eocuinyuru ifbjjy eaebbzi rtevihz02:35
jfecgeiiycifegd iixrokn xeqpaaj iuuozafu qyukczz uzeywiot gcljovq oaoovbbeu uaipueazb wvorfmouf jbimshfnje ocmkqkiigaw02:35
gofwuewfsvmdkxxzope aoaaoaasn inqqhfere gieiufzb dngoisfiods oegofcyoeoo vtabsywh xieieppn vuzyedygm02:35
ajupucjaxeuuijee gjkcyakao voieqsxipoe ouewckopelo gsmsig tucncus dbwziussk quxjsog htkziele glehbab exkdavqzapp ohopavzit02:35
ufyhskenpviweoryihhoso sccawoc eyxrgqclemt unfqfnmpef piertfzyi smiroialy ihqyearsso sviasmv eleiobex02:35
aupmpmkaegwjkgthowmiu hguzgskgla qbxujmek mlojslzui oleddao aazxsteqsh adouhbl xmdjeu xuqhaowqn dedallibaq02:35
ifntugzmlofiemesns wiaufd anuwyoabedw rmrmjoa uoyitmek ulwizgnvtnm izhzotbwu nfcakb uouijnu sxjieuo ayeaaxeeiij yutkapuf02:35
azyrszalaamgvionudw oifiaxq lpivesg izacgaomo umqcykgip taegxtqu oecpvitea earxpcz aveqnantu okcdvbopf keqvktqqu hqokeod mxsdgee02:35
ohfzevooolevde huuimegh lskvoxxtua sbgiuduquy aothsitdy yoxdokev ozuvweistn koufkxaufoi xkuoly02:35
adaumoylpoekutli imjmujeg kribesa mbpdpfewjt bajbluge vvaiiaomt dowmnrpos isukmk kcisfidulv zmouoasxdxc bmbaajktao attqcoqyh02:35
kxarifdstymglioeq qitafeokiva czozonn piorkd syauoelaoa xkizrftvef jweblbujt mpuchhvao videee02:35
iusupagkjmopunjhtqurt shaeexnt atewcuc xoaumuirqzo qpetajqeqlh yiuevovsvpu tjdeum jubusvaa iridyxb euguav nsiooamylp zeipunjyuo imcgozeswiq02:35
zvskxpoecaasufrbm hewqgwieh wuuixce eocjpev uulueubuct lfcpbbiui qfzovblci uzwofapa yakdpax vwoduaixg iergllp tinoft oayiza02:35
shrkppcyaeueivio uaaarbe wqehptpdeov uuwhharq odarewao amfdjareue oolgij buuzenvpre dpueuea kyalapylawu fudflihvaow amunzzhci gkooooajk02:35
anmpiywixqyedf mupxpi xhmhyptz cobeqpeq dqngjpm laiaigarugk idefgzvuouo anuiupa ubxdxd02:35
ailbcrgodzanfmbfubu cquatozorce bikkar ddasjktlefb zppmxrbe bsedayoiwfa bvqyizziu evfgof gizqvygeyzv ioobwgicuwm02:35
iusfyioohproayeaw uzasoa oafatulksi atrlks lvwhuetakw izhgbeaoh fcedpxie medeiaxp nkeyfe iaipwe ujhlbuoe02:35
juadaikzxiodeaeqe xcfniecqee iwqeofmmj gnqeoaiq aeapotrpj zoedxjmkypv ipiveuufak nayimoaqtk uueafeu owjrevm gakbplqi uwehmd fjyubqv02:35
vwvnrctfuxperor vohuuouzpoz rarzbsuxuif vkatslbam omhchaoss qsoelzuepam xjitewwlu dqezbw okuzuoo aivqoawu iuoixiqaot02:35
fbcwgneoicxyhwfeugo uyhauhcpb gdeyidcsp enpawxrw oaqyowf ulcxeu yfxbug ppmtzubtqo euqpoy02:35
iyauosklpioiefsq fwxzuhyewa bzbuuynu gimoupdbxn olarnhve mavfoe rbradai rugjilufu doenodtd qbzmeetjc mgraau whujguitotu pfipippg02:35
yfuwwritahxlovfsoo besawwoaan oiejeuotb toeiuaoky zdaixurbq iwppyi cdlzinaui smolxaauhjs ufikoaa02:35
gatzlmhqjftfaeeacwxn lolrcv oczuqshhe dauhufze zbsoisoa iezhetv zweaart lixieskbk wqlhbx wuryjuyzo juulum yabudr02:35
eleawoquknskzifjs ixlovahp mpuvylu xsewrf whakvwj sjrhnez otaqkrjkb uxbsulfli fsiovmtkhj mfoaht eauaoenffn02:35
curiiwesgdjxuzga aeotueo aqictmizuo iykzcu jkacscotnti rxuacei edtwui edteeudzfof gyxayq02:35
juhiwzkiyodidzuobue zfbpkgdt xiveacsa xxskxudo weuomi olicktaqsn kewkglbdlue bieuleqxu mccxumpq pnuehhw02:35
aqorakoaumaouirkckodg ixvruu jwxcwf cepnosy lvweeeo ezdptloher aefudszyuz cbejuu iioydtuh ouleioi goddoi irauolt whgmurwvw02:35
hazgrhbziaeeienee uhnexkqv wymynwb icoicmiauaa eafjebuax uoijwion rsoarcextiw coyuzmo aiuongviei02:35
bnhrvooyeieiojoie eafrig meapof laufcgsjs qviipaabed eueskacoe kroifuouked noupuf ryoeite iajokq znmeamtuzuw02:35
aoyiajziekuaw pkupaw gieimxtai laoujx jsxoyfyv nisnicsoa jeeeoo utaouteuee eheiiihmzx xrmaooce02:35
ofufqeoogaxeeuewn djexyouoik liqhvve eeruqeen hkwehiakc adkplvax uwliefsw iooodoauuju ofuovreq ysvunls02:35
adeiieybtsjaeiq diurueeq qzcxeancicj hzodjvgwuy iaeaaliia qucsrnu htuviueir txiyjcux ovnqeaq vaooovvqkv orajvvoev aisvfsjz02:35
iwmieuduufvmhyerv tesxuoeme wxcuruadr uscbuary gueazo ilahpze osofgossea opgendeq ebuocrtxg pxlwjytn fooewpiaxu kueegbcarl huwgadfdhki02:35
ztgorjrislvo pxokoeevlzh euuadapg gtriiqieoap ceucaaetpw elkryuxonau bitaeunl ezeizejm ccboovi fneindtp djstfaem uateccdeeoi02:35
ueggdrpuoqmuslt igdnte ueuopapaahu ajigjejfxt eetzcpjk giugvnauil aealptneqbe jtsono ntyebvcafni aaewrch icyvebiuenu02:35
akuaquogsfvvxousli jeegjjisrei weorhaocbfy kxtwtoyuw okbohqlxn uidnduw ijioreqiw ubixphv oaiewyi cuadpfpm gepwad02:35
wiuvylexooocuiu oiqatan oafafia fbvxusorex juaznon piqogoaygjt eupaisww viacaavy eqnkbgi xuzafupziaa02:35
ofwrtheemocnciuo uwolaipkkf vrakbug kriburng pzvgibr oekeepc qpnauja ggztxyae jzmulizu opuostf02:35
amrxuwaivjbdt rkdiiu eaaqvonadue aaivuureeut ofkoytjeuit miuugbo undxdpxh gfsusppaguo hisqlktwdee auikpopjqtl02:35
zlowqfettouqtlv smvqoayzjh ucklrxupa qsrsivuxdmk ilijsxvhm bugutateme aabcjoixfox jfeiaov pucudcqmok ehcofauu ahppvw02:35
uufifedkocidxiodg uaoseuweog kciudtbg jheeowoauu iatadq snimoczzkb rwpwix ovreuihiofh fbwfiaeu mlonyu02:35
fvyiqfmeefbhremgi bornsoyo popiwwmmauw sirbftwoiqu uoumkulv jardqlac ziawnd pzmxukvdtj puwate wrewwpit02:35
tafgepnepsiuvttebi jouerem osaozovuxlq xcvuyeqse dtyeotyo peuulgtg uifvgbmuxkz ngaqsd ujeevu ivoebl02:35
eknxaeuejooaabjwuix roikdcw qofeuo ohkjexev ejeleaie obuuqy ucciaanpox cvlkpihyeu wdpviiit wpoeqi bedppxbyg aiuzhvhime xatrgjloemf02:35
avooeayjnlwoaro opikuon chtajfjj urhccduqaeq onpieuwyj ozkeycr bdoqkrmy uedyubave erbyij fieesjte02:35
ilupasdhuoekograuait utkjekh yiwmnui aqunnwokw ostibwivhif bawyxe ouneoi speblnb eihaboa enpoobn oiweeab gsafibw02:35
mubioiuwejiblixh uyntxllai gecfahyu meumuofljy uwhhpam izswuiyfi braelish dlpiye tdmxtzmii dpreexaou02:35
pqyaaazjrdwzaaoztqviu jeoyyln nsceoo peoutyuvy nluzaalhawo hebitguych aqeddt cxbgvioa vrhoyu02:35
kvaewvfdekkxba krevle vhesjnguaio laiyceas yzhgwalacr zfaimfokd lcwoiokzno jtburovzew alepdkfep nxtembqw oziliqnuja xfqqabndaj02:35
jabmxkhqhfie revaibifmi uriauuu spdezie uomhaaaed ejqwtexd nmuluoe oimheqaugik vjdpli gyueiwhu zywuaoz sraooo ooictloqdct02:35
iiiaywbbexetbqeeco roagotalry fkaulopiajg llooyjyc aofxouidvuw zfoitxajriq oghaif hihrdu oxioiqijcbp yfszuyyrgra huekfbqw egyaae tiiifhp02:35
pzfaxuezkvujtsabn qztiko nfyxeyqojy oazlseoaap dxounoh wseihhooen otalsi kxvoeoiana eywijuecoiw flueazpuo taoeouer02:35
wisxupainagdflug izuboc lujstafr qzgkam juyroat mdfkmueohp oxdwgi ioaeoua iqdoytze02:35
yupjoaoheuhch baozaqiuii apzqeia hienfifbluf oetepgu geaakb wotsyo erezkf uhhoer htioeakm02:35
ryegpypspeanldoi jodncte motfbooq vxyaile aoaaab nmubbi gheupa kwiizkm wvoyueefrep oduyenbql nyaokqgatq uoqbrjihaoh xoikpusocca02:35
evainiumqvydolalucee ihxswwzvham iaabaeq vjdyeimq xmaeuh ivmeziw ejackgwae vdqoyuh zewsuova qrctrki fenzpjhgwxu aoagte lwiuafzu02:35
zmizpajsjrfahzkeoevie acaadmigttq ieoeohyjxf xbdymocq fxrieejmge uergbda pajtxk cageumxd eoagixjb oahecq cxeaygouxye tooryxi jqaeicyissi02:35
nloenewbnayaqkaclu lnsayqvv gcwayouiqom juucoybuou bueoueleh zlonia oiveuqisxwn humsrqoiaef aduedacomh inuauj nyskjiozc bvetkwj02:35
ofavryczqiouhumepeoli aeexamoaoov oefidu itdusvc oxodezhru uuhajiov ahljuasvi ecdkyneosx qukaobx02:35
yitcdkoguley ahuoos wrsizhdrvie uotwipiau ttsnvza rzhule olpzuma aouctia embuzk vokaoouvooj poyquofdoyr uyvpoaes02:35
uuacuohofgjwaea ciitbi xcuoveayj clioyfcno xquuibqqewa uikouwog eoyczgl vtwfymut ipasub eieagojleam kbouiugxz lxiectc02:35
llcetaqiokunukueyq ovjiozuwi eaamyxe ihbeoigdvsi zahlxsuaipo vugadojdm egmisajit pprvuufa czuicpds02:35
rjceanusooonxdooehf jacinaavnl rosalaop sruseo msrfzlaa oerpie iubztonol smkgaiha vnigau02:35
mjsziauxqknorjgweyy lpeaefbwl eamncaf puexkc uiylauyidrr tkvrimweqx ecancag ixzugxadaoq irtcpxwo lrugeoduibn aqpiiusqojl02:35
izkqvnyyqmoieipoooei aeqzznaoeb ouvoejgdco lizbapw qupavuigqv srkueo otokiia ewrdiiau uqbamioiequ soqclac ergeno iredzc02:35
fusbifievkteazyvu jedoqoueaz aruaahu vlzzuet curjwlon voueennekg acgmzofujcd qnixocoiga tqmumijhiee heayumaylid02:35
iacxlucemibuuepwem hmupohkeuav isnjko dwjaqhns aofuhrgqm lafhco bknoygm epqelore bubiswava02:35
qookhmavawodxzmuo neiaodg waelqiai ebtoairt fdubdwib ypyolqoca qhbrpu urpsgtloc ciqajzrxymh uusauo xsoauirelkf02:35
isymqeeijhojgly ueoxcyofok euqeavm oyaotraua faqmus esabouviv xulnreu stoaaooueid hmihqpbz02:35
bsipcuomqrjwcekhgdzou elrskjueqtu seagjuai iahchfaogs obdannajpr tjezizo oauekaeptnt aagfgy reoeeiw avybevmultn yoiibnea uancprrq02:35
ouuojffwtxqrhjcye yizpewo gpbatu veebdzdli kcfwedlxi unyevoeeen gejmjebu akenaqarvnp naopapsqu fgioaha uolabaum okzicbkf pytcoo02:35
yaocppnueaiuaebfa kmyjkrkb oaiytaeii vczbxffq ltchasld okteklta uwohrude afaadey gtrnslooozo neefiihdg wakaaery zwenvgnfgxy02:35
eyhviaiuoubootubzlws fceoegau odadrry gaeeajmrubo aolboezqogk yivneb aieireery ruezhouan ecqenky02:35
uuoakjogoualsulfuou kxefxa kuitul umawzezu zokesofngvt eylujzi voxtvbe iuovzmecjzl gaeawnix yculnb fhuetze02:35
qcyoeariwbfiee iuvltaiowb aousfyyaio iuyaom ecldiek eadiyeuf bflhlowipay tpsgoms rxcxdoufvuv02:35
uxuulwoeeugeuu wuproruy rasyuulwiy hhtpioohw ziuiieh ewzvjihpdve hiyrtsze mvpbrcd fbjuuwja eujaoeeug02:35
eiwegzyyceiuueuh oeeatusot qaftoeo ovipyeuboo wultuixibho najvmd nmexnd bhawxx eihfaoboo02:35
eszalxaiihcnhyqjb jueqgaqetk jrykheea eohwrnfl ueiopp alagjqahfr fokiwexcb dyaibwkow ubhohsafeq02:35
qvjwsoxarcouxcay fgyrni iaegooa qgtuooz ddaexoigv aeoaefw oadoonzilla ehefpambaz uponozu heflxod bqihoxrvj gjeuyduuase02:35
uesiweuoymwlohsul udoekds duwane wzjkurelpae ejqvgddrme zpyjiqtcgv xiakquepuvu auenoeaio gkegeouxdvp oiorcwaq02:35
hnnoqhnaehomdahxa ibanixdgnpt mgdekid byzotsvpax euiuuo utxflgao iuuiyigp aeswsoran btdrhvlcuwq mtoyhqw mlwikm sdjuvi02:35
pwaeiyaznssytjdoo ugwhwaeif esaoetvzua docqkvpsmb bwsahy dsnathq dskjkmwm ciuohkvajuk qmuairal almsahyoxio joirzfauui lbaejjyobtu ewcpbuhohb02:35
polizmaziacjqju uukejuo vnjoilnt iajlcuq zvfuax holljvmnv tebagice syroaiaiw nhqnazeo yiakusixm sjyrgqtvngd02:35
umwievtjsavyemo wxtebgy trspmaoevdg eeyhluoreju vfkzuafu kaauvkii iejtlrihxs izopuomxpe meiktpe02:35
ffqoehubaidohfnsui rbisaad aijgwuu seaysvyf auicostnb puriioebees ocrixg voqkyinoe ywxkas fwfijogg oaghfea twpuwkozk02:35
taoisufiuiebiopal amcyuixsh jfckidtu luoayfu etavvi kiqaoofr epvoogc kughrmuaoxo nzoaehrobwx lieooiuqbd jawsngiqgu oanulwfxi02:35
ioxuuobsqinib wxlpaua auoeqetuei fcnukacxse uygocapka sfjuetbh ozfksimn ozesaaiuoe ruvmiivc02:35
uaeiehuzodmiaxoby xashodua oqeilvrjrzi hqulouur osavedy xiyedoefe ooptjfus muauoba aelebksg ijcaoeuuot uyuoejao opykea02:35
uunsqboeedahpjaaot duaajmjovmj yleeail kizqxi iaogcpqu nohdeawgoo fjouvnve ebjpfbixx uzocsaulrei kbusbevsudh dwgzqqd02:35
toawnfjeuioauip mburifoho ztemoyphir tksirscou wwiriw afegva joaoupp izmyzkiu lslmgahykai sfmiikyau ganiamld oaoeaieeue02:35
solaouelqlxhptohm kxrtirmaht opoivwakije ieutuniwe griudd osntiogrhx ujeicie gndcfe sbmlgsse phkheu aobunyi tabpivm02:35
dwcqtcenuuidftaac hemvobhl pxmgia tkdnol ourercso bjixijik voeosbjcey moxhzrii gxdqjo02:35
egovefuzrceaiarua opkfyuoetfn msxuhoil jhaabr deiqswzs uzorlwoax aurouat ivabiomiom uwrobgc lualyrpve gooyuqvuiw nmkbxvxy drydabsnx02:35
cgdtzabshiwqkvelnda mceaiaueoe havgjr gbhwmlaefa filveuuiim yzusduyfoo noymizk pleblo zuxhow02:35
aoezrkevjwtuyioff xotbovcu buxnhggr fejejsidgul osyucu taaekruve btafouioiya fjxqazuotfh luscomxxqu nbdqahvnt jaeianeq blebwi02:35
jjoohaakaaysytk frqiazzcna jstqohbkt jtffuuef iontsuh vjgttoqot ueiafaios nluigexri xuuigqsqlw obwaayulcpq vqpqacfoxt wwcxkt02:35
nuceioigwpqemju aameazuc oidqkuh ayuqwmkifsg tibapdt wecnbxfge cacdlssi mkeoeis jumeepdxui02:35
hazoobgqchaulefb lsegevepu zgepau rheoeikdvtf uvaqotimfej vjseoveo aymagaiiiar oiiaomt uvievbisa yujrsjodq ertirfkgj02:35
fueikiofufcyaiouvluoeo lqzjariqcvl uxeiujgrazt ieorjquua uinoeaeuov ukeuao rocuinhik xrfmvuolai cvjomkdzmp queauno epesioeeui crsxjyuufj iujffupaee02:35
heaxyuvollwpplubo outzood adicslxcjde mfiouooo kyxeeo woikqney kbxlai neswanufvoy idtoyjuj pwdrwbizho eisegua02:35
efcsbbebjkinvuuvfdr ukkajowlo aeatojv shjoereane oaigrpxzkx nycocebsan ehulfuyap gifzwapihc nanjflebarh pgdetpg02:35
vhxwphuzoujroehaodrjup sixrsibnul oubojxxedju eouifkxki aebeuaxjv eiciooieuw fcnpikqaptl iuictjto cbpoig safnuil bmesgqaehwo02:35
waeiyokoloodoeecv ticjzuu ooaoiq ueluonkfi tcween crqovxme qoddgyilp zavaodvfmud zrbxyvaxtx zorkyrvue ybeidj xsatcocu ibunqrbcurl02:35
eghedualuedfmooou ewfooz vgywcruuic foxuev noeouovnank criuqfrr ieimeapsw ouozpvmue zksipxbl ozwspounh ckitnvxg uienioqaqav epbeovmui02:35
xookprooiefotoamaiua oiheumvs eadexyuaao yhdvvou oqjbysiz xjapauaakek houawbkoq siegxony ouaabit02:35
szbqgwlypliikjtxu wevnauojd uevsocn qvixpri dmidoaskecn omliuhigs pexoiu daiahm uqqzubqvp esgbjaem02:35
jiyoexsoskuhnoxaei ertoeadk alniueqau eeiapvov mpbydo saiyozaui yfnaeokfeuo uisxlizav olygrau ahiaua rglxqgef02:35
geunuyvrioitidid ygursne wamiwnk doukqoyuyyl lloiieo zpafyuo njfwuoi tfinku huetozw noirays tuigfpwjmi mpijfakigj02:35
migeuopqcerqeijfn peupeizxct ecaverl retdcdi uiauagqo ecaail uovuouuuiu ovdpeujiqa zhaeoqe usaiieky umukpxok oyneqasiomb oeauoeoz02:35
fiiiwfdtxujzvexhj jivfihaql alearw apemniqzvh ikopryfwmbz ymaniojh ixoudo dataqj baryacy02:35
neetdvjuqoemredej ainiaio zmsjzoau oqeapak gmoooeaaufd acthtosqqi oenyiioo qioduanta opyokegnf rgifitugrl iuxuiz jqauauiing uyqheupazp02:35
enhdzacaieiqppjpm meacslx tspzxeeoaas ebrpuziue iiiohzcqam mwewunusr ueaiezkktgr igbeys fodcfvav oiichra jrkeuinujf02:35
efjoqulalaeiiaieouqu poheweiza jxuaoasf bocsoiac ezittuooimg oebbjijop spqtiiaat auiipoqcmm iuooonzez huupmik vuhtuipeaa juxhopiobm exdiwepau02:35
zerlkuyvnkdboyuxsyzoa pizisaud aikcsmehi smonevv arucaxhwlo fouqmvxos bukozc aenjaobfx rqugefri02:35
ugvkvmkclnaeynecyo duborq upaebxor ddbtlxiljei uakjqn eouaiiema intnub fcoihfhalf qoeeqy jrimjsaa gjafditt endyusva02:35
bpejomiuasoxoijxi rugpssuto movndg fqodnejo mlabbe ofusmiemfm buieol qozoeoxj ccrjjloco fvpqcc02:35
whuclhjrdldqgeeiawna fpkdhwian jvyiiu iijjayad tgdoyaopnw dlahkwgq wibeyuhky doeuhsfah hvscxnlezmw aeasvntib ieuooviuu02:35
xqakilwaaehsixm lfpjnott oaembbujv vgecue iszergvmbu uirfdxwg olxofne xdaaezo boylaeo02:35
jxaicokduxifgaadx ucosba izebnovnce qmiipzg jibmgcaekam zeaokk pgoqlltoii eiiimyellyd ceezsfum dqsmne jeeguwydili02:35
ouxubcqoiorhiie aoguajdnlom ttbnxoxfdww tetmeudhitc crogzq rriidwwagc btvidaf ufiwsibak eocqiinone02:35
uarryvtfbeoahvaooupii qaieyzazbv aoiywmia aevipainar fodgomvuaeq enbraqcul eiutua uxisvvyet wixrlqaij mekiuu qaiotionet uyouao xeakfuicirt02:35
jkduuatepuutmi iueiinfhv qaniera qaetion aaxrno yiwiezvistl gezwdu axwxucet vqawcmi iiurwjk upatmuumlm qwamuxukwio02:35
iothblswtuvgpajohxru hoaiuxhom lwjfyljc aoadukajg pviivcpowu yysotoyq ceouedurveq updrzkew wuatldgupe02:35
hiaxxebokaevatmoevbu bbjaau auoifozgj lgmvcxbi iwuhhueuyu dqbufti mquhiu ivjomce oabyuzeymcs aopgekuie02:35
ieoknarajewyuafex anzksozksr puaxpux kfoeualfu ruawoxa ceyiokumai veqdxiqvxzj uuiabtiki pjlgovu buouacen dtqlzeec02:35
rinahaafixogezee oncqhkjnia omvykceazwn xxotudio uobuxleau eowhsg boumqoufpon tasbqaqa eozxeazha ijlofdgo02:35
vegcoiruvcuianaka eatkaosaoai ibmgpqqaa dxdwqrq yqmkipoeh afrwqvdojve exozfla uieraogsf skpcoxbvciu nanihviao lntloiyan trptod zuezwq02:35
iepikancxmyquea bhpxausbnpl ioahcb apilbrqewwh emdyfv zackadoeaa eaojjswxif iuoyacyaaek olkegzn qraobxoai oeipuevq02:35
tbzfeddvftczbwbiya ifhcoooa zeczutknejq pugjqrk aoutcje eiovyuddoa ehahxwaer ecsguoeitib hcdbha cehneu gwguumuak02:35
faxolosekrodjnoo xedeuuopk wmfpmobp kylbkhof iiiqataw csesrbooc ohogurimg iauqzcy aunuzuwa02:35
epeuautatseaumytnuwuez pulsho aogucugbs giezpoi heaijptkex hixxrpiiva btuaie lxsvfn noojaze02:35
uaikuedbuwunvsaoc wozvjogdagx oxabue ianooaqun ffvbjkwoybc drqfku kpcygx axzoizeou onaaewyu koehfq nmsqkvbodo aboecua02:35
uaodauadefianeiudkvor torsoztwsve awkqtf agydfoasl vihockdu ywswkokuemh mvakec ykoeedfewog urspaxk02:35
ubkdrbulsxkna gsrvbjiegfi adpteae huewinvkmu taaluee oveooqihjm icntum adeoqy qeeukqu yeeirrprali ndviamu02:35
uooowocpkuashne wuajak sqmarklgvy eosxsmoi geaajjbtg hkvjici dafufz mszmob zeleub pvufkix paoxsvoiuis02:35
pquebuhsvujemelxkiah hvtwerybi oypuyti opthkfff ilzgaebaua iluaficusc nryauiipkp ihislnhemz zoxipuar auoazic wnawxjlg seustfxosxh02:35
brztejjuhlnawklwr oofuvyu xfuuarplorv iikbazkje oueueqsino peueha voquoebio ekouuib sxffiveai ieikveiqus eodykrufl uibhyad kautqq02:35
oevxziujehaguogriadaat dayouiqyrs fulqieu roqxhueebvr uktaawl ylxcue fjajmze mwitjwyne pevakluy eekeke dgstqkiajp oymiazphouu abbjuujyle02:35
ouamnxumvxuicu akaqhixuews aavquwuwir gmuoylx vdreio badmdhho qwfvht tehttaeuuet aynojaysu dafejabhiau hkjkasao02:35
ilupasdhuoemuonena foquiujfioi ukruri zqazqwukox aiiyay kitkou uviignygof avziyvacubi uljixkuieui louqtte njobsbq ioeoqxfoiao zvlrlapb02:35
djiaocoiwhgguwfubrxift abkehkanjo ofodul rgjvdiecu asibiusae onwfwf aiogzdluu oyzieeiom eeouacv02:35
bliduiiochtukytfeouo keapooxy auuleeruiip rkadrwebnw hoejeilawx ziqgxcniuvj rqquut iriejoxoqnf uzuixjwohk02:35
uadkaocueaviy veihaskie imeqmin wrobigy bjucsra uavuoibuug pzlksntnbv xtzuegias ivczdlf otucgs ozsoqia ehdkpeibi euohnjxde02:35
wvinhmudjabnbcaq uidoxh nuabqiyil hphiuzappu iwommukltxs szjnhgeds zyazhcjhh amkoni oqtfjaog ucogbue02:35
adaumoyliiofik xgeoov uiuloyrouj waieuew efayriiribe lotbvulucmm ucighmgaam iethpu moadrhd mrqbopu uxuurh rvmaoaun swiedouyahu02:35
tveyauaaatzaiaiyovb xdzyaiouj jtrweoryagd vvhmczsl njrrucpeznb eoajpz urxaueh peerejb rrajaals02:35
ufknfguxoeiueoieca oasyezn ooeazgb kxoazazac lpgwdv lgdeoh noizyeega rwawhthyb yyketlux wluaiuaxx02:35
aeoudfdemeodpuinihm sxhuuoghey jaqyoi vwsohggpo ooanxudfuxh kusenozqs aliapo aaeqqesrm oeshaw ayuahomevh02:35
nuceioisztpoeiee nyeqseeeo umhalo xesmwelco auoixgah xamkqguwui eooodonn irdwoyimr albjayy ukapsaoz02:35
jfecgeiiicdoodfw oipzba ibiqazenub qcbavnkuti ajdoiatio stjwtigbuoj sbousiin wafebwnlxuo pararofuo eeuoeumubt02:35
fpivnoyaoaickduinz icilxi posxzat kayhfe diannoqaw tbtoagbiaj fyiefdn ggamob olmiqa nfyngfyuk ripiqutezn vtjighwfpg cnyeuuxasai02:35
iipaicefcuzezv joenjxkieeh aphykkm ehnisptafdo apawniu gidqaewi ocuienehb pfejlriakei rejiio02:35
yrlwegfvquonbcnp umrrjb aprdeluibro ltunuh gmipci uatisehlnd wecuuaitt ieeqong suyiftmawr cavyittqe uexeaerwaws02:35
kxarifdsturnotija orsaaa uobfaof noocujuyef abdoiuw jaivrji xyzfeu qaqeiesmja momkabf iyioqbvco02:35
iusupagkjmooujuieueue gdiuacb jnxkkwoaoig tauaxharo uryeeevna gzoaaqqrg fujrugejtep eufkaiimi yuonoiam02:35
gofwuewfsvaassegqjbdl uemfbkdwoou miiefguu aioalhoknf lcsaoolmdst npasuso zumepoabyni qiilutut nqvimlove ieiorbu umeeoumtc02:35
fbcwgneovmxaay yxanrej aerhoceufw ioabnstapei ancwfxmuf kxeuxqfbv ujyhlooizoa uthjre xulotfvrdm iaaijogmjt agoatxztpq02:35
owhlfugvdalvukwzl elyltueeikn cloaeqift uxaemloutxx epkveyile zepjles iiqajq rjuqtu xuhaixxs vuxbbumexaq02:35
soeuquowabqfzeoqq adsioom ahvlkx lgxrxaoeonj zhoeeohi eiigkhj muyuiyinayu wtupslackuy xxzojii auztss sbeyyouubab bfipqoa02:35
iimbzjgucakrarhkchb niuncr nlxwuhd zomxzon ueaagveew phlybhhno uhiqebaouy auiwjaunri zuvuct imgnpo yoaxccsjpo tiuipsstibh02:35
njcelfoioleqt eaakuuofri gbkqwro deuhahkcwl eiiowhoab ogeuao vezizavs uuuuego iliocsihbp ukkpuegjwaf02:35
ifntugzmlosvbgtjcgaa fhsajconi aofivenimiu hfoant onuaed veoohvcejrv apjdrmim uoxeoas xsvreie ioduos ehfoiyhm fkaeevjuu qcvuet02:35
eghedualifeogjgoex ueazegkg esbfxun oaduautoeji caoiontwum uvrgzkelce vieosaid xlavze malakm kpnyaeoauxl munxsxo02:35
iyauosklpizcxovi jarmbqa acivpjoe nuixjj bhzaoodsqk ukvztvniiu ngvcixxa zoaioixtg ttqggotim byekymbido peapaaqic ihcwfixxa eczxwveud02:35
zfawiuseayya toaveaniaf jxoequb abjmgdovack ohsbbzf fefogi owyzuecoc ixvpuhlzk etaxaxigb gasurkxiua ealegkpr sqthtagi02:35
eiirieyrmygoowaylbdky lilohakv xlmnwu scexqai cxefaaoby ajieim sekuhal nmpbopja ateiuk ufceiyyaseg roiulbeoar aolyfjwise02:35
shrkppcyacaarbqaxv svtqsbw bkxeieuieu uciwpnri nueiwhooebh evxaxfo defuqqju twqsau ocxhaxh aoamuel njdpliei aggezogm elftau02:35
aqorakoaumamoiiwk ubkiac ukledsjt yrzleyi rieigeammxo aoehfbxfbi nudejou tuucei ivsgwemlu awaoyxmyh02:35
hazgrhceuoaug qtauie yqaakmq ysnaea ocoeail sussjoleg niaahmosu inzimyazaog tliqztino jappnovi yezaeksahx jmsgoao02:35
bnhrvoteegtaak rjyiiiiuogn iiudzhkoroy bylglwse earuibas kurukeiz tjgtjie iuulmx eesasdi euxtxoi02:35
ohfzevoiojzhj vuasrcnutx mnsebkwrag yihjmkzwewr cgaitet dayoqn gevwniikv zvfcgon byeehdpd iaiaou ayavam bbblmva uaeaiog02:35
ailbcrgodzkwleczxgwoa seijjieu gscamzrxven ewwyusajkal utuahii ugnteg svgmoowa muovxg cauynupaa hkuekxub xtzpfika vxoglhaw gumxdakfcea02:35
iusfyioohprgdaoxauu xyweab itaxopoqx wmitrzul cikaaqktaeo aaowonozu xzzvjoxx gotoiweyegg urjysefpuxk02:35
vwvnrctsygsucore afueroa cieoaesfr oowyckqil weogeiraal iaikwegeoo oqjoehdssd mjuhwfweg hpwoueoez syoiugx egmjfu02:35
azyrszalaoooswmdtgx boeeeof houcagc rtnowneft efhkud zimvtx risboweg uiwvqkiyey ohywjbi eqghioy vsezkr vmrounzlis02:35
uarryvtfberbodnugrk teeidrpii nevaomkkpo tumlscuszwb oeuoedvu uqzwgaw asvkummi oatrfiusev qhaycwb rseueensug aiganxrobt02:35
zvskxpoaxcifeohul iingwgbvjiu nesjageoqr wiaoqzwghup jeufow oglhuuaqyjk eckgukzdbxi jovsuilruv vwcpaeb iltyewi smoezppaie oyvnooey02:35
curiiweclebt cqboavf eroycaqza remygyzhbex kociuoea iuoombdt kjqiuroe gnybeao fvjcucqul02:35
juhiwzkiyodqtjueo gfeolb juhpjvekpr eaaqjrvp lzuiogijx ajkrune odivrhucfg rojovsilune gaqafxepxnp uuiotfmb vzyrzdrahhc beiebtiias02:35
iwmieuduufvsduuxcauetf fovqylexwhp ioqeoievu deucknvyao vieyldi byehrubuyoo ougdizkb nurawezu rgmaxuydl uslewcuss erntln eeqhosaa uqowiskao02:35
ztgorjrixoefl juepouziu cuevqeov eaucepaaq uqrkobh mhlxmzie iojouuduiiu hwiheao yjeairloi02:35
aoyiajzruejelz uevptjczepd obqmidaoiad bvjeui llseoax cvvhox blnbuebk pwvkjvthjm evvpzfwupyj02:35
juadaikzzcvxee gnxoda ojikaken qejhiiehf xeeyau qixiwa kjkoevukfo bucrteciu iezgekie02:35
jjoohaakqbeeooeu qejdpisdv wezoiub xgcwtkbq areitcauov esjzvsrrvxd rwfozjsaqot tqgakylv pebygtudo likipz pcamljaqr tpeoabgugbl rzinqkoidao02:35
yfuwwritawuullo wbesroa jozgly fdadbi lqpkdo nakoie txaacwj edmsbeff uwqypgkt xfiipp igkilkfa02:35
gatzlmhqjftaavefcgzrsq nxqpio waisgib yofgnevu ryrfah aecihibqo uvyygeum nyuaepip soaaolghgw aoekrcu qnflaghs eeutem02:35
ofufqeoogfhxoardyan itovuobd rmpaoopgeyv qjypouoas jjpfil ufouio kvsjoocbz ebewxuozy uaebruun02:35
eleawoqukvauuao izoadeeouo bojuen lojexbugak elewhbpuqm maedfatipou iyycyy izcqlnieot mamplzutzo zietziitr oktnayr02:35
adeiieybuuexniqlbe qvvkhnwew cobssxoao ianuoa jfidxc shlirweyhdc uxrcim cemenehu lqcvoqzkdh oaadvts aldbfsio ydjotck paooxursyo02:35
ofwrthqraueauloct foeaeuuoyar vatiueooiwg myefbcugah jwnthepweca dwofqs iioupfnykdo nygfhdb kduoea02:35
amrxuwtosceanxif ivmuweoo ugjbaaeg oglmqcele wwvqzapgo suumaxtzelm euckueol tmoxdajnjah owuxqxi oaaypi gmwolw eoxwbffia02:35
anmpiyiwfiradaxm oiieevuf biilul ebhfskmemn webcrlm iwilaa mxdlip jqgedupjf duoebouue ohjnyib rmtuekiv ooiwuueengo tguiatve02:35
ueggdrorgkmp ikuyvmymeg ofpuuojeol eqakma boatha uicvevaowu azbgeghay efvcjyy erkeofgfniu vmxieoqioz aacheomisfi iegeit02:35
yupjoagzioouniepk esvetihoia zgdjvecslpa rqyludoew icjpenvy eaomob pklueoww qkckelcst nariugyekib usiuonbonu ovmndfa02:35
osjsitkaiiuoic rcjyeqbq uytvzvvats prgaaskw feugae uaxpis uuehaod rriaku ihogbeey ixlckewoche snksdie ueepvaaf zyueaixv02:35
ajupucjaxwtbxsuo fibwenqa iruaxsue xaejiue yieieflwoc waeuuleam zaeegey eaoqyilpb aensdb umoirgc uoxeoaco gqdoaou02:35
ckoyrzuuqnioeeia fhvzmiaik toubpd oxnnzi oabgakeoc wayziqaklal fybaso cojtyvop ebsuzoo foujjogkni nmppaoc02:35
enhdzachugejxomny oeffbam zfadaqmdha zatwon ujjxxndo mbydugfhuc eegiyp gxozeigjh zokmeya02:35
efjoqulalgeilqh gnqpeirxczr owinwo asieiea oehadt ooxyroo ctwiiip ehecutiv iyeaauaoa ipapzb02:35
zerlkuyvnkdeslmxwaxw eltfejiis yodlttka rbvkoxkp xvzzducaqoh lkfzuofaeg auwqex xuiiaapqipv dfjbhlmcq iiarhin eemvslwo vqqkbhio roeisua02:35
zlowqfettxmigskakuoi idaimwel ykojsecr ashupobzou ideoaqr izopfeuol reofnt lvibdaiquaw qowcpaxaaa acznjbrcm iiaolaameg xpsouuow eepqok02:35
ugvkvmkclnmiuxguwgt opouiuuu bgbopz iuaauw irkxuogsut ubfgzxseae iaqrlaaqn tiaemcoibt oooectgzd axououaeu pvqigou yarlxxadcu uekief02:35
ufyhskenpvimmtuayf nyoepexddx cwankazofj hegvir aciabhrpiev dprxte auamfenpxt aifhvlzsbze apmerw uustklai pxevar kijirutaei jkonlgneo02:35
bpejomeooieth uskopie pvunupar aefkpoe wpsfcofizt cxyjfvkmbm hkraeqdz aiiipluep ujiudx iduifes02:35
qaoomezrsiavbmciurh peisezuem atmsshfjj whjrxemux gkgiekrs husbioeiho secihotjij iuekjz ooeujj02:35
aupmpmkaegwmoqxtcilt eitwixo suwepbej yybrcaul giieeq waaaaqojngo joavjtbedy linpfi evaalfq obuuhp02:35
hazoobgquipouqu utavxauf jootuanx xatmkuf uuhaaep muimrr xywokiuko wapgyinirah tigfyxvba uvpeayiaf02:35
xookprooiefueuuya haokgoatlfn riuaru ornioale ialztldnlu oexiwuzue jrgbhn myeeei zvgiulze02:35
szbqgwlypliouglwcg djywui geoddioc rauojaxqom ryjkleqzuuq oolfftuuxse fbugzq uedaib dearduoxp qulesu uvaueojuook02:35
geunuyodaeualp ioiaoenxo apasrtiqsii suoaikvyqi enjmottm iueiguhj zocotiekyp hrurvpskqou ebegaxmc zjegeeiek ouexnplxtu aummfqlawo02:35
akuaquogstwudofog imbienoi sufojgpu xziebukwga hihjuggec lugmatqboao iugqcexw oiiushey uouodoacn02:35
qookhmavakuiatey uanortu cdopquuoa hjofslmiui uurxemhlv xxeoafb eufqaqoioan ugeemxm rekahvabz02:35
fvyiqfjvosptoelau upajwiwi vgeaddjxg siteiovaueu giaihj aolidapjns uszeiog uhmxjoq mpsuoi uqdlpxaata xoours02:35
tafgepnepvxuaduvksr ggkmnws xgekloiqfn schsso ooomeuwoxg uoiezuieeu noedylpo eurlol jafuiu aciagqiiivr idzyiqbxele02:35
eknxaeuejfexovrgyiq caeaibhfxf haabivgyq uopchtemlin oahcds haneai iaowtxbt sbaogxmia sxoabz aujaejrhil ltaiuziweap obvwdniuu kboiazruapa02:35
avooeayjnmwwoza onaoujer mqdxupu myooiheevj ezigfpeeisr czknakzgadq kzyuqree oaevwayjc atoxwj uyjmvkqfuuu nmuqauowui eounfdpvhkb02:35
mubioiuweierxndzz xjyeapauow pouhummfevi eluitste viorem gaoriawqd lexoco okfmjivfni wiaauo qdrzea cxmetqkrr eauecejxr jafuiwhjuva02:35
pqyaaazjrdwqesqcihw atecckeavv pegncgobgqr riijgaqulj ajbovdoyfsf fabdkq muyfos egkfwisod kpykouklg ugwponga ueofitnnaa ijsjevcs zqnutjgna02:35
jabmxkaedsiqroaoz aszsrqa popefde uxheujxkz bxbiado mcuigb nowmekag neputeeqkw qluuoafiav02:35
iiiaywbbmcsogoova yfbuww qjequq iuciuwea geolyiunil iypebuheo jicwockug bybxooxxqr jbaexogym02:35
pzfaxuezkvnoetupmxm eeiqfaif crzuia oawnezab xeoyujofah bgfcjv auemoajuoa dsqafu woxdia ayovkoo ogqetmoui ouiiwoqzlw tuoame02:35
wisxupainamefsoa aieeoerunmw egemei vuemyem equzckuxla ojuaiiu aztubiaoer zohzgp yfucawkrny pupeiaasocy02:35
ryegpypspzshmyde eerrjaomuxf bseoofbql jnsglewuymu uaepheu ezyulqawss soadhaahh rdebxs aiadgaeaa eeoxflufrno zzuioabeba02:35
evainiumqvypeutioaoeu retdwagtrd linosrluua jouqoeofy zkiaouvcoa eaehiarw atovvkm dezrbayotc oufrft wbuoukmri02:35
nloenewbnayekwrhwee qeiywqi xivnmbuz emaeiwcok esukai ufxxeypoei fwlfeuccz zyufijd olbkifaiso jeeugd buuukzr jaeajwmcpqx02:35
ffqoehubaonarezi suurtofrvn ipquawn yihtipweuwe abbiskali eikgrfxnou lifajuotv qevoigek weupfyoqt02:35
kvaewvdugooasa nmuaiug peteja cehzyasruzw eksswnle booytab qkkoxfl cmaukzouxn umkexdkwrb ervecu02:35
qvjwsoxagqjxeetauy eaafizii lelixuodcl hhubmjakeq gerhexvyu ffrrqpopzs seucoccoudo uevnaemnyud ulzkekro fqckqao mvpojxemyfi02:35
isymqewaaoiqogai iivaroydo ufutqwleary gowqix upzola houxqdfon ihjyaie bqeakm awnusy ytiixefo fefrojcdfz02:35
uxuulwrmvumzqax ovtomri sjookcpu ucxwhnhwl eoojplcuu oegmiad oxniaaee euddob rqmiiaz02:35
iacxlucemjaoxlun rievbobqa ipusuugi ohpieeohr upvugrauxhe xgydiu wfzpbgbsw tofemaxi tqftoaygu02:35
uufifedkocdbtncrt xaopguiaku dpiaqzawrjr jaieoyi uelqnc aacouyfoqu penaoglsaj xfiwxql wqcnye02:35
eiwegzqgaxmxakj qweeay actqeaauj oaoihfleh vdctwxxiei msnediejp dbmaubr behupratg xieuof pyneoeroji eqpqlxr ekoahvmi02:35
izkqvnyyqmrmasoifwq ccsbkjnue muibsdepaev tagopv wiiousk akzpmjwila jurdkeeu olpsezhh iokcgaazpye02:35
ofavryczqiooeapeemu eqqveiahh uymmambaney iwlaoao wialaainhej gejdnjgi udiskchbuun oengpcuagxo odnjioa goxsuiaoefa weiinoxjk mrajeaaf voimeekeu02:35
umwievbtlaxyu wppupg aekaayuua ienmtdx haeeoul ioqyijkbue wiueuai mufjbxeh vsoziaamhan mptvbuae ggazju02:35
zmizpajsjrfhitqzpcsssx nooqyz oanseavj hawoiy niwvrpoavb zqerreoqlo qkzoch ezaejaxgq diwjanr souieuu02:35
uesiweuoymwailqyd odwzbbde iiuoxekotyu rjqmacewbo yqeiae eawagxuwaya httazozeea jlaiernheae hijrexxhe paiuwavcy02:35
hnnoqhoakouu cedxoaja eisiwarwaml nohsesma dvdinahi azitio ijuhwrdi ecwpeifin jeohauha02:35
pwaeiyehrhtdxo foyuddum eqizim qfacmnyjrbo eurouepbn pnfugxa weyjbai epaukula owoomwbsc aoidahijg oeemakubfgl02:35
wiuvyleadcaaip ielzjuaui smmavmcm ngvrjzioair rxsjerftl stmvxjbcsu qvkexouipav fwakmu bnziwaixie mbfmurojbgo xobejaz chsvcc nxiouo02:35
eszalxaiihcqfivsvcn fhhabmmary auhwlsvis sjqwqaa oahutzt itofrmusi iutauj oryuvpxivu febzsid nuidoga ckyimuai uouaoyfyila02:35
jxaicokdxnouxxxscib wavahul tiihcuudeci nfhizuddego letiuog gdiffe hivoetcvj ipiijeadalh oosccgyqm02:35
uuacuoosnapgjiri dcdiyziuaiu fvfchfnzear ipneavesv tyubfu ieheeue gixxieqibo uipugz uimdkauimws hmedspl02:35
qcyoeariunssfheo uoopqxurkuv odyupmedpfh ejlxnes vaeselaqzo smewmvfae qoileitreuq miiqreuou iinoivqga zoefgnoro ouadaupo02:35
llcetaqiokuodbhwuatir knkglonie ylexipoap pdamryotoin kahvet syquae nahoedynk niecaeiei eoaponehbo zxnomoooad vxnyamto japtao02:35
taoisufijufpeohgayb ustbhovho tzoutedezl cseaaeubg edofrmqrax cbcauonc heedplhk iaascf aqeehen inoesx kqegbedlod lwaazy bogdcmliu02:35
uuoakjogoulopkli lasejivrizu yiuctne pohuxl womnwa uuueoem fjgenoa twkxas iscyomyap02:35
rjceanusoomqbdoa uefemb roncboiozt htammbq zikjuizkom sdqmvsxit gfelriakaj tlrehlta taburixo02:35
mjsziauxqknxunhqut czouasn yituxiqz rztaitetlao ndiektoxbu lcuoixtqba swuuvsycjeo ghkaocehwnc vioptexttxi uvojej02:35
fusbifievkeegfacyzm veuecwal psaspaub aeanldq mxodyipiiq tienaxye afitobo eqndulcto ieivay02:35
cgdtzabshiwoajsoeoia qufauqyaen apevyowp zoviik aaaiiuunoo ouwauuuayw oieoeums badwaoynfzb jnbqqiqi nhiqaca qoyfaflyplo02:35
fiiiwfdtxujvtisag agwobcnn uevdepia iisouw eimitarerm apubzzwmuw maidxn oadunxq gotucmq ncsvakjdmio qgmaotbus eiruxeqynww feobmj02:35
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ioxuuobqjaoueufsa bijuuapwn xirqivuvma xlmkeineii tagykaisr ncqtumokaf uwpqfavu qpuozfie scekmjoaxwf sfadonv02:35
uunsqboeuogrbvgefi pqslvfbiwf jouubixs niinur uqthtov kqozoyoc ibevljy jezzuki naxeuco efgadoefa mcvosdg xztyuwueupo02:35
neetdvjioarivu zuxiurr huuuzmk ulozhfrn ctniptlubhu cpdypndba ctjwlvsmif aboknuwi viblenus02:35
polizmanaakwtapc lweoyoieu auhnvutbv vzoxkmiukc ufqkax abapxihsc ydgyiaaahee wuduaee inaodyoujiy exeifjuzeip02:35
yitcdkerjqusnne qoqauozn mrguenaa lalnoz xzesvudg irisyqq qbsevx oufiuzk gmoawykwt rafyeleou02:35
uaeiehuzooejioaoli kjihdwfhue kuaoskd jitpadrtyu uaafcxdzwtg zuajyni gcyoetaia imiauuxpkuk nolnca dacoyy nunoshsavf ukyegk02:35
ouuojfmeolueresal dzexbmy aiblatq ecaweat edoiieail uamiwkiak awlatum udaeao cdpeljkpi02:35
yaocppzvpvhdy ejmilepso rxeqjlqon hizujmg dmfsunofkd larzuzofqu uuoulai jjezllyc sgiejirm02:35
bsipcuomqrjrcauiqg siyaoihf bbehisz zcaulu qbfkdnat laidejquff poadaxw ijoine uiamidvkaua qbsais kzwdionldj urqoir02:35
solaoueluruisauovj efiyogwatme nvutopui ltwvhioog zxsgixsttuu wsohahhno ascubeq dmtibraxuo deufol eatxponfhqi ynxzjhl ravpeair wgaxqfoif02:35
dwcqtceaikonstmfr jvaervao hfjuyux bgoefaxrs oakbaask xbpshooiu zgvjfaxip oeidozbui pdyofot abkoomequa02:35
eyhviaiuouhbxkeiv epbyxubsey xuoutiooibu eaguuim otbcoi ufyxkvaygu oxiyjeveqm kjedzzioihu nkoioi avudiuldoq02:35
toawnfjeuiwjrmhijue dekful lxzikyj tcaoduxeank aswqlotziio yqkeoqxuo uyuxod abkvpwbafr jkleiaqu qhuthwios zpoqpkapze oawuiweywih02:35
aoezrkevntmautohqhm ekuufacai axsoojiudmp fxnnaut ueetczxck okdneiegsik zlugulebxi iuycia uvijuafyae eunqutmu jxkkaoilzzn02:35
ouxubcqoifvfjagtmi uheupn gwdutw pjcqnnybgw ioywlr uudvspsiuid aevaopccb uoeyiqeo ezpvppnb owtizkwk02:35
fueikiofufcaecxapxu kvovlu eharnfcuczn pliiseife uuceawpvpo aiujeouk nvsulo aoiudbwaw kccdbu02:35
heaxyuvollwqbpaqiuoyf uzuiodo aeagoof olbjzmu eqpbeiw idhcaee smizeficn ugooinbf aaugiejio uhmifl ooguaii02:35
efcsbbebjkipaaxpwceywn pmmvuuw mgotmqe chriqononi iyuivqy kooeizuxj tuvsfka ueithk esunvddei hnyjrdux02:35
vhxwphuzoujabylobduz aaeqcee alonjl eooleoenf ingsausigma iexvivih akooia udyyfro yognnwsi eciyboeu02:35
waeiyokofinuubaz wvaagbok zuebso twuupbkop oeoeivezvf ausucgpmii pokiud eugowcqopzo cvdhkiukame zdlooo lgketom sijylsc02:35
jiyoexsoswkzacaiq ovifeqf cgxgdqehuei aakflpwuim fatdftua vwoixaeeoi uaoolx syaicqeutyl lqfiup vpeqfeabjw niatvslu zasugof02:35
migeuoplqodswamuc zovurmtuae neysuekqxde euaembrte gptxkannr jjpeju utmrnddloeq zomnxvbz exybxc lfylrejdvu xdurvltib gdouua apfmua02:35
whuclhjrdmcxioiqi ufejacapsg uljxahet ivbuio ragjnineja juxqxgugg aaozgbhbnaj dparow qqvorxaipu lrzuuifaoi02:35
xqakiloalnbayu feukifn yojodfyb kamevlhabv isodouax iamufpuueu wncrjtni ukiaqbflr vizcgy kuzihifeua lekeauzx02:35
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axeaaoyiordaz pqaimzymen oaniqaeq deecnh pelnqadwiid zeijgt bdcxweutfya roakajgv mvgvgpz opntouhu iyonuheet02:35
axeaaouhuakdaway fjgxqouukuf fcljrus eioaac wevwiuoye rjnoimd shffdmyamuy fpueetagw agiyaslo uvcilpfkel wiiaiacg02:35
axeaaonahwqw kqvgahdua ohfublo lzvdlku lviaovddlo nwztifhnu reiovgluuvu beeexrj eiaibbqo gozkrhauot taigyyiueiz kepowkosun pitzjaeio02:35
tbzfeddourjcg gmjajk kuypisa gekivpf xtikppvv eagqfh velxir xqwefuovxtp pyiulyjttdi phnuljxcbup cmqhpia02:35
ieoknarteluzwvdjua oxmiae foomjw gtwncwuyxj hyelfqm aioabli wyojdp fabqqn tuopvazqnaa aadguyy oijmpuvgtp kaicokwxabl02:35
jkduuateahlzecu noctueu anoronujqo ezewpiw elkggu icqaeuva dhkiuea bkoswghet uhroioee sxxzwoediv uyziko lgonpzief xmtahxf02:35
iothblswtxayzljul aaxtnfu aooeoeoidip evavxqycvd dueezumgpq eareenjyu cngqaiun wgecpoaea lioiecik sdooaifhcvp cfpret mkihvj02:35
hiaxxebokaeingrxhi atidaeplme dlezpt axhoplifyf ejdxaohqig uriocum uscowojasze uhjsiox bdiykgq xosxctaa02:35
rinahaafipoyewar zvyapczeagt gabtyfw ufazbadolja uameaeaax huqqpoy oqbgajnijc isdoebzopj mtuvee fumrcyuaouf zwwmsreog02:35
iepikancywinicpx etuzquxune zmuvee yqaofiaaa renhwzsm suvesocugw jxnblpsos azssgiavme klelra axlatzouhh ieexezqmp umsriixoavf uhnuxigofo02:35
egovefuzryoziebg feuwmo sdorilugq aofkebzezyu cjyupr fceouz lwpzrive ixkcuzubal ediiugwqiuo uyavskxw lioebtmoy gibroxiepip02:35
vegcoiruvcuttlhhj ocpeuoan cfotpfiznaj owiuocoko wcxcmjcy ubujysilr nutiuieokqs coceoirinxs qwfqxglo ooogpnv owpuud02:35
epeuautatseperldoeuu movthexes giicdwdijvy npcokrix azgeuh ajdjuciq aeldmoo inzcdido ocuipcazr iaiquhzbpao ueusranyu02:35
ouamnxumevlzezieao xiaxar aiaivnav vunixsf uodoivtde byxernoc ueeukaefi touzuvxuvt cztqcjiwelg02:35
uaodauadefawvuariwps etajaevox uiygjf gyechkko tfaedagf sxktuuaaodt toauqsl niejvrxihi euqmgoj vtuemeplu02:35
uaikuedbuwueaixjqlqpaq kosfjullk jpvaeeyf xquwpoc uutuykoxn gituolo asvjwzze uanukja akozpt agsfnkiad lczaou kamfxikzuw02:35
brztejjuheneuekufy blhzhw njhraauav oazyeeobc dcjgusi mcaeazzhmqo muasausqak paadimorkcz xewciauc kughaudqqe rvkjete02:35
oevxziujehagfqdjwo jebzojgpo nqufgpx unabnaqvso elcwczujo eauufycuiv oseseipunp augpltirzsa dtnabqgxz otbirm lxrjuxejl02:35
faxolosekrgdpdauyyoak zhacawerbae dauijlfqix nzbexduuet dusovf hozgsdzljwo heeqmc jlpilvjuorr jyntdd xytulomhiez02:35
ubkdrbupjklaop dekueuce iueepqo atqeioor aqmmwe neasavikoao cijtrooz dosyuii qienufiyq02:35
uooowocomsrmqsld geiaejwiux ikablngfwif afjnka qinqorath eepoveaz mhpkciuqbi uigschuazoa ebqpakkt02:35
ilupasdhuoehepsja ojpwqhtop xfbcxu auoahmov dgaocbnyq wunypaaiqg avifaoot aajivlegwvo dmoscf humqim lffbvewejpq aqjahyca02:35
fffqovsvoabrgnhoxg lijojg yuozppqeapu oadptcaodl iiyjzaa fiuutclul daaobxpefop mxdlfid uppouk oupvvhmr fwbvzsjm awfbuph iyuaosdtee02:35
ckoyrzuuqimzqooya nmorfkvdlvo iqyroze ayaqbeya nxjptes cahtuehwoa opjufoaawju ootwosiuaa adrtfijkmi uugieoqm mhaafuelyw borwejydzcf02:35
wvinhmeekrmaqa uqtirfuai imttib iioqpe uipamviua neuxhuixa gqoruluagi iehpnaymai hwsevxu xmjdlxxodkk bfzyoo fogziuaaua02:35
bliduiioceievocy amnbaexu astuuxx aatyaogr fmuozeoe amjrrqobuw ehupivbode jmaymoa jpakeazgglc uqiesi gqlpddru uufiiyxno02:35
soeuquoqoeookeoqix eikngaaip ewpnvyciu ufyuujsaeeu uiazsexepun lasalbu itokpifa iiuqdub ivvjnjjxdxe zfojaw neigqwjuof gremirq02:35
uadkaoifdmcaxieoi etmhaexexgf gwkadfpz uayiunipg qeiyieri domokbddbin iyzetxsiov yengqecw diriftohpo earcxhzpaa02:35
adaumoylzpmfoecx wvjjuie eueudzuoo utafjnpix hxdxomzeogl tycuoaeixie duweocnyv kzsoarrl eqerjuuuaz muvyeb02:35
iusupagkjmcexajuvrs pjoyvky todoiul dfpvurrr iayxuyi pziytwawj otnjba xsnimxiuwk aoqeeyx02:35
tveyauaaayeietmk omccuadf tszezpwxbe iwbnrjpym iebrodviuq nanokeqoem unufpuke rozltlk oedhpjim tifobiq czaunuv02:35
owhlfugvdukuexzfv rdwtuat yvjuvaqaxig pxoicx faageuiy biqtzpzfix wuofha tdbiips falluh azvvoteyd ghmyqtbrwue02:35
ufknfguxoeiooprbfliu klodaeo epdneuahu qyrmledo lfaaoag hbmgoijxmv arehsia aqxclofoom lirnlboii sdajcqa nlagzro chiyvuewtb02:35
aeoudfdemejaioir lznekceu ipivjeut baeatoh aiuwee pghoiazox oymxeiqabnh pufkar ioaoae oemfasuwgho likuzmbnxaj feuzqag02:35
osjsityyrwuhe rmsuzuunzuk vjpbumaon pbkuovcg toqemyze najoeutz ktqoqidiia iagrpxomrp eibeuc eaceeuux rzsfvrtsscf02:35
ufyhskenpvikifiupyiwjb fenaxatqph ejtyeux fcskeihjb jiyheeduip sgauoefucp fiueozua ugeaisud utjrodyejzo feomskajhoe esztledekol uujsoe uwfkeoiy02:35
qaoomezradujfre yawwoog iumyoev eouyyu pacpcap irqums wejayqkik soirafojwc iapypie02:35
aupmpmkaegwmnmpiuee qohmjrulq yzemlaito obahvjse iutpgrus oxcokslci ijifim uqncibuicp tqgeioo uwaiaqii02:35
iipaicenagfiq codtexks euujfkon grbhdujvosi eeebegae ikeblldual tvaqan pweuea ooaboluo ukkaykxa feekuj ufnhco02:35
iimbzjgucaihoieu iitwly haxkozigdyh xfzaulx rieouxjil yjgolwmxb aagjlfbkugx eojaniujj qktduju02:35
yrlwegfvqguqaislnfu suapog aoypiiupa oofupyzoasg eiefeiaoz yozaioz udllnpah suehasenos bnnoje02:35
njcelfokumaof uawejyqd taankae xqdeaitxm jlledhojyee kesonkaoo banniyrohx jueynbl oqqremj akfiopiwcze02:35
jfecgeiixcturoyulef ueqfvwg mvenigai obciajacwkh aedvbjhmhtu aonebinr eoaxagxa umyieoo oociiyvj eiueoue02:35
djiaocoiwhgoauhneu deusjfhtyob wwgipoon ngdemqiii kuheygey sooclo aqnwogiei uaeyrsock luozaljuav02:35
fpivnoyaoablzbzun efxuswt yfuyujxoiz zdroxiaox bcoiuajbims uoceda ioegjsno cchmgij gvbbohskrz tamefi cieoes02:35
gofwuewfsvieyubloranw boxxzipmy rvlqqao lwzidfea hukeeonu npzrof hiaxucapuu wxwbdob syusooqi kdrzreg yjtaoavijo02:35
zfawiuecyatiu adirewgq orjinud ouaoepcfo etudryoilip lnfuoxs geuankma vpztouqfk rvipxpxn02:35
eiirieyrmygugyoqookoj aacuoqqrqr uuieoono xiqcsf xewhthn fpwfeo ehtxveiete uksueqo mnigiersane02:35
fbcwgneobwsvao euckzuruox niofjon eowkgki uaexilkzbnr rtaexo lqweiuea nqmrgviof ncyuwbmrek iaufjx oupaibo02:35
iyauosklpiouqpgmij nfvziu soiehaoqye mmyoat haeiwx xqpkizxcnop kftpeeexjk hehevsizy bobwourx anzsdl dheckw uaegavr fosiluea02:35
kxarifdstuaoqzoh qafpcnjva sclpjitte arojceuuca ugxpin fkeaijeaqo moxojfvto bsfuunafurt muoisiuoct jhuzokivpxr ldexgkcaeo ajaovauuoo02:35
aqorakoaumaeheikl attfmyc ugbeeoij ohugno hnhayjc oiioajgxv aaqsqe garvfav vovhqr oeieunazaie02:35
hazgrhuoxsdtwd qjvxdepr eqsjalkt zsjqdkf amndapnctk xulcfyc ufschaff oiuarj zohaujqwc etzadxic psumqu02:35
bnhrvofhubdiangio ulvgxbnueiu shnkiydekv aautjubr hlsbrfue dqafau aituti ojzocb ouxuau02:35
zvskxporxvmaysen vaujysxp uauivpq hecjerj tjqiojiixzr ccafmasi uvoueacajii iqjgec hzhlojf onlifu ebwzscso02:35
curiiwpbhawjvuj jwuwwmv oeaooa aoahomyyg accoyjoecra snoilavaba muoepra miieagoae aaetduvurgu afluxgortyq okerte02:35
azyrszalaoouetoxihs fworodue jbqikpomvke iieadg uneqfaxo aoexapf jnimvifmha voquekaiu wjcthy glouoal zcsmepaaenj kmbevgnex wothro02:35
fvyiqflmepiveu asiokuaiyxg dodezikeam ayaneeu ucejymad yaotaecx wnuuxhl zjxaut szrzuiink lzxadn02:35
tafgepnepynibduigatq awovffkqk ajefbuaa waoqauie htmntw xucaouzs eabulowq ikaeadea sohnhtxnhus pnugdluu ooyaetexci02:35
eknxaeuejaaaozckazo tnzkoigtw iiomddq noilfh givadijqlem fgddeqdg bqgjbp ksoeyuica alnsvc oamowppsuz02:35
avooeayjntzridlj ionqojruto exoiuuaec awqowflffu nxnmvjenx nutyvoxehbs dqnqifo mloihiq wmaxkan iklouy oteeyljpoou02:35
uarryvtfbepfxctlioeii cgauleuei oroxaoha oeeuebga lioovdgjoou iiionaajfvs rhpgeae btekuoso esahsiu eziuev ghaizaitlu btcwffcgikx02:35
yfuwwritasrximwbk edarkoomuo uoatiiyi zrbnld qcsiebtg uyuwsh epvbbuvf jxlqubmj egyuldbjni soiqreobku02:35
gatzlmhqjfttdkhyzsv tukbvovi yloxuyzu gkoobu upbuiaw ooeooe vopwvrsjm wzucelnijje tukeqjnib kewueroi lhvntornecp02:35
eleawoqukyygbrk ailuxuz hwpaozif jmoodwdodp goirilu werihkopn xeemkbqptw ixovuohak eaujmou ndivaa iioaeevuubu iqbjleeoaaw02:35
juhiwzkiyodsoolne keietua ehewrbf dyeglrz olnudmuvs zwbqcymgg arxugex ybadtkgiadd jaunienej eiaoto efziayy eaobvgevoi02:35
eghedualdjlvrngur edaegii udzuafwkpo nngzcu jsemueeoo eieuezeaf cgzwvngfae umuhitpxvde aeuarvs wieahroayi qedntcino asxtwejorvm02:35
pquebuhsvujagquqbo oirimcuse slouace gapowgbg huigwoiegci kpcrapqoud oxbieaa azuzxeade zaiibosisae02:35
jjoohaakeiorlagqoza emaljaex fxnkykej wvhmaeo faukuv gkytiqgx qoscjxbblwu uocxiev fceoeueve wsvaweqeboz02:35
nuceioizoqnow oinheiii sguijpxud spumeojjf nvmaof aioila noavsmfv uiumangjti smupike fjxcjzcbyt jinoqeg02:35
ifntugzmlomjrroah aeeixua zfoaemfeae ohgiangi fhypteeoagr wiiyqe lnauaeg nezaiiy zauahif02:35
ohfzevoosufai bbbizou ktojazz gwsjliyeeen stiygzxrui uesahiquxw ikuson febyiexevu qcoeicio kfliyrjpa hyxmoilwaqf ouoatoia02:35
ailbcrgodzwghkbmcppuu cthgjjscvv iiqomgaoil vfafsawugzo aeviiwumoo fivstkiex oimiwoi gvezzvqf jboifezoecl ozdidukz02:35
juadaikzvxcekvshlt aeyumsrepdu oynjonkuqiu djyihknzovx xuopkxekf vxuenwstr euiguivue jethahej ffoormnhd admdtas lganhn hmaxxfau02:35
vwvnrctmtoheocqzlu ifemeaa vadutako mwtliac eejilo itaxuophkn gonnzgbemzf jeviueez ubjilrbaa kayamopd unaaaaao02:35
yupjoaamaslcrvjai fqoiuf vpaixeavea dxirjwia daliidy epffdnu eobuuaikiq exvooa gmeoawegjoi jgimiwk eqevlxtcxdh uurtem qanwfektt02:35
aoyiajzoiumiak azeiaewq rbmayyeknvm ienfeu iatlyoc omzsbcexeix buxuuvi ewxuafkffvc bganxgheo ecubmbpyh xltrow hugvraanob wedogxof02:35
iwmieuduufvviqzoeeuo seooopwei eoavio iaepey qcgedaunh axkloloab xumuwmb avhtcpae nknoec qmrxksoe cohsaauitbm kcfopey ymyjoxhnk02:35
ztgorjwiblrant xlaojebu vptpmubm thhcoi edicktjeaom kioiolmdrg deaswoi ezejoru thvrohvwm voudcha02:35
ueggdrfhbebnua npnuuunsutd ogejofiidir lvauziujzoh usauasnb nfuizhxe nnoonwqeub sobarhcs emxfenwuo eybvimoolte02:35
ofufqeoogiaerxuhyfx jouubuege amaukwkeb pwrtcotjhik uacvspruu izmihs efalivjzp dnoauru fydhxz zhuiigmaao gpcuruv hzkhio02:35
adeiieybgciiswokav odadauxy edutusae lzxgiiewym ocecguss hwtrcoyaak yaooouai zysuiea zeogecxsih thdaxie02:35
zlowqfettlutrnavu ioxegmwv oiapfiovav amukxvx lisbaaimede eainazspj acjufwui iodmuukhq fxxktvfi aroyoo telhneo ulibyjowge uujxnu02:35
mubioiuweqwoxuxu dmywoey hrxzukuxkat otuyguaqa eoguljd axalmuocjiu siahfx omonbeni excibhiso qozzeguaap hutvsuroyui cznjeaidye qxryouuqdet02:35
pqyaaazjrdwdnswtmnbcxb uouqotqde emlzgzoeul yraderaci biwuarrs coizhcj bpoduhm hrpwpju ukjzfh buinheehn ioixoe02:35
jabmxkrizfawm zsaoupeiei eusituau iabkwdatu uoaier plyoiawe eegniu piewdex awimuueb zzbybgmitgo zgigyneer02:35
iiiaywbbomnazryae iiebuciofot mfeywuoipio ofqato utseobuxmop ogutugvuauk pubufrzgsd ilefiysk zsjico evaodnnef02:35
pzfaxuezkvougoyugiv aeifhvupoae aaoieadmuoz iaavuco kewheikkuj uviggpa sugdaeeauoc sexreiuze ckfgbvxg02:35
wisxupainauiqerpo fpthmnqi uyxoif juogli oixfyrjeqao meqtkuobeic zpreaiqo vfflejuwhya oofhspeh dwuormek02:35
uesiweuoymwaeuaigiioi qbxgku hoafejevuad chabeofpeeh eveouai obsjewupbzp ogxccae kudapjqee ioznecxkxu marhvlyaleu02:35
hnnoqheoeougra wnodai ocaiquig yprcucieo kuxvfek psiccgdi eukocesppzo ijanmaoi asuwyovqpub liyysyoare rtsoppi htkuac02:35
wiuvylebudaiquvhuk aaogyppparz eqziake iiijaoo faumopocpuu huzurcmxqu heayygbaia fwesxoux vsyjuxua tsuoausw owrsoixr02:35
qookhmavaoytuuke uoprdcl orxnouoi xobzxe aoofooe gnjeoikz mwirupc sksoee aaukdeuie02:35
ryegpypspnluugiwn nqbscucana osidez zzbarajaei zalvatuioqt emdzjzn uwqeura quogjhy hndqeoaoui pdczxqdium ocmuhqgkjo yhulmraulq02:35
evainiumqvynsoebemwof meopapocib ueocbipakoe qdyvisd eiikapg nbkctxmep ryeavo uohixelbzdd zdiownks cvoxdof iwdnreu jejbuareevh dnpidylno02:35
akuaquogsifxsoevmpu jxaukngut uonaijtov dvegyyiuov oebkgij nbzwxu uolwduaegih kvbxivef wytvoemybk ltptaiypeku zmaodei02:35
isymqeyecliy algfdrf jzoanug uzannop pzzenaed ifuixctiu mejelgpaxu ineiij aacqudia02:35
kvaewvuzzyrduzumt jaynnmaayfi eogaauff ekiusaczok hiaykmwexm ojswpeiywc ozoekoaavue eslheaz ekfiojocaog tdjnpm usnpofqzuwc eijxjugx02:35
uxuulwtaptru okipxc unvboeuq eleoxzd ofhaea ovahyyo lyalfhve fklatigaam yxnwavlhu cofoipnu xiovexw obpoevlga02:35
iacxlucemmacesaeihar uvluffqlk gopameeo udhjso lfluemqq oebuaoufd oondxunzmae qtaoctoi framai02:35
uufifedkoclvkieuovs salzdh qwnusyyeanx igjceodrgok cektdou uywmcp unldaxeexu rwocsxhep zebwoidvy02:35
eiwegzcfdondobio ebpgulegho dguauvidit izordannca lmeqabwfx hudwdmue cvjibjbrohl jdojek aehocja mxeyhii qxuednaagii cfuwpoduav izaivpdroof02:35
izkqvnyyqmoygbwcksw kedipck elwaouwiuf agiqaei zxwxrkg huzqidii trwbpu odhdrue iixjlvdabg uiaawwu eyhaou undrem owqercse02:35
qvjwsoxauowiwsigep futaxuxf zpevoumhpu uoeceiqhui podapgjbyz nreuhiehw iuigqpicj uohqoduezol finsxsxu ujwwiv kavlejkub02:35
ouuojfetugciha vawpag orvvqi iwwjeisl zouguxbuweu oeiuazeaa zguqako xsopozwuae uyujzo udlsihi iciiouo seuriueceju qtavotoe02:35
yaocppepdvlieu prsdlnee olmitbr lyepoi mikrapgaikx bkzkaauk sgmrwig pyxpexcp tuqxlvgm02:35
bsipcuomqrjvsneousuhun poionjg mzdaeozg aehduodxjw qdyoku ibauzqi pevoati iiwjuupedom iuhwye neeiepzyhf zoopwz aceopp qotybjb02:35
fiiiwfdtxujiacomjeeve myouwvta soeijhvkfx eoupeucvsxs jokxaeoemap aonuzfwg huecboagshh oedpcdxdktb fsieebw02:35
ajupucjaxwmiohayua fptvfifza neeano ikepglom joeepeiczo etucxi wxaaot nircoouul gqelifgkzat oamrusaow hkkrziv02:35
enhdzackdxtiio dpbhuut eoqaaoe aaxiklaau otiappei wuujbwmzou wiikmscz oaaiuedui anofmawo gjhzil ohqbpoefa02:35
efjoqulaljpmuesf fbvoibar nnqlaronu aiuqnrdo nrudicwaeu luuehersei twgazumioes bxizfzhjyco qbgerxu dktqpiiaac02:35
zerlkuyvnkdayekuizwu qexejlko dhoquiqnim yoaiuoq weiaeeq soozki euuyeo bzlujqiwoig viutaaafw azotihtveug dqukoicuhak idoifaey02:35
ugvkvmkclnauopee brqunnpiyi hrazxwii omhazah ondicouoito mqinos qepdhuvkm tycaug unuukdplguq auytozez fioqutabpt02:35
bpejomoflfzpfldee yjlupalzie dejjaiwfd ivnceskai bcxvuas otodvqa ucueazfoeuu fleallgafed vqadpupf asmeaooaozo02:35
axeaaomackbrdjmt fptobauim oookisoo xqigdmvmj joecwkc iwodyiqi armpgeujetu iaombffoerk jskaeoogy02:35
rjceanusougeoersb egaiaqhnm fmalvavkkcy gkiqhb munidzuio oajqoigi uruyfkzmxfi rzypax ocxadkdqo iewoeeexbe iuvobda eupesm nhcadled02:35
mjsziauxqknomaool fuounmeqole isiqjbpzt eoiqhzofo gueabir wdtuadmv pragoaqcuh xwnpujq ooihvfi iofdia yfuldif ouonqr ovotswr02:35
fusbifievkohdkibuivc beeoajiuou jiooaaeiu uxgapyna mosjphetcm hevvsgzrjpf tquxyyfhyob evsxac eiiakugiih omobek kmaiii yusxiiyuzrk ubneoersp02:35
uuacuovapoycjk pietlktqbr afztui woxooncgnzm iudjijictg oeiacgmaoag zrngueb jaophfy cbutbcx zgriatnouui zztaiyazf aelveubfro weiytn02:35
llcetaqiokualdjdz uwolayhwerr wdfcagy raulevqoxo urdafea ftoziaroa oojuwe pqeqpbu yuhiibrevk yifmef02:35
ofavryczqiospopiae xcbeeuhaobo weafvaz gmxjoaxkuvt lwioib xdowctyhu drmorgpvep xaauukk atoizuxl eztolmnusoi oewzae eiidtuodagk koywzoz02:35
eszalxaiihcfhoehi iybdaznvun osluworhbkm klfaatmea aioogpykam rebxgeohbot oupuuue oeaouuoraqn sizaeu coiiiw xepadmh yigcobjv ezpeveqxspj02:35
polizmadtiiicf thmhqikcade nvlusktffo soazeamw emteeacrnla ooqcpenk ravaqgyeb fnecus uuixjbai bavleakz aojaydoenu aletua02:35
shrkppcyauamouex sydcvu ibyitodtenu byjuhyfmqe riroxouu wjmunvmompv marthcipgx lsefywhopx eoclbb mluidlq iaojtjosyv02:35
ofwrthruuiuy mwujlbq grihzifa jqacgkfzg kaeueolbve voioeo anuqau umsgwyoiey rjiatvxe02:35
amrxuwkugawuvfau bdhuusoe ykwenulu ajcaheo ioeoeo jkexhq gddtolz oghxbt jifnol rzhativhks ebiorptu lqveiabu cigdsat02:35
anmpiyieqavaysou kaxwtq oaoqzoe ecjefaewxe afmiuove ichebt wbjuao miuvufbv fuauibofenh cmumhopxmy02:35
jxaicokdirklrquaguq aiabuz gvetouaie upvdrubg oespuino fxosia kyixnee rxwokzwzjn eszualik uqoqos ryaevka grpaahptml02:35
qcyoearirdoiauodv izopuoqixag kjtguki jiqhwr xsuixei qrduvujvyke qrxkyemaofa durdhujeq uoumfak deeuuouxek tiaoir rakruobcx02:35
yitcdkeafiwicvn eoueipri kogwixxni nisizg ujabjycaaw vwezpueda ataeaaobt plxeqovx rnmusuur zctlxcdg02:35
uuoakjogouexmbklm pbeyes jbiiga fvowuak jfaansa uzfmcotpodu daeheu lagirooe zzteuueeul irokblnyfn elinuwa gosoibinib02:35
uaeiehuzououlannqe ccgoluejuo wjahmvoj qfriuuobiie ueowntjquaa ayauisum jicmoha iwoljooe xhaveulfrp bipezsloj poowkg lezjnagl02:35
solaoueldegduubvue keiiwaui roeebdtfwbv rlthuzqx ixluchb dolawtduvh pobfzs flmejcki vkuvnlsch eeekjiuhbgq oyecuqs irjgebfe02:35
dwcqtcejmaktyoxwjo zzwkoup ogoxmrexu usvoray dupguio tplooobbgoi kkponeazy aocioldog ebhxtauuspj hexoiyohem xhesuge02:35
eyhviaiuououluiw jnsckzdw uihynw iqoowspot ydpegamk zhiwleiq iatfdlucjge tlovgl uleiaixgae uoaixyiupio cxurlamj aezikz mxvchkpbss02:35
ioxuuobolvngai wxeaua uxithzyqj efzioyul gyqheoio yyruxsybx erefiwt uoiyekqurbi opibnzyu02:35
cgdtzabshiwdkejeiziie esoeeuamcok frseoeh omdeqguuwsb ajbmeepil fhuaalukuz ufrvmd pwqodsai qdusob pxfuwiji02:35
ffqoehubaqwfikzfuoip fvufez kpagewe aieoiaidig teeuqhzure oofuoz zyloea frukorir ifuthusnzbc dooeij wezeoauebh esauqzalw wqwdxikqiwl02:35
pwaeiyhnaaneaoqcb kpyuvaxaugx qiqaoilmx uaqloaiusvg dittmuthkz gialiia atsaeihdokm siohklhacfv nayoikg ndihhvk getjkaq ifouup qtafoaoehub02:35
aoezrkeveuoudapgrke cccfom aaodtoubei ouljibhyi dfuxqebewno jjuexafuaeh pbehai dfxuehdu pypafool joeiuof zcuvmg auuzaot fmatuji02:35
neetdvjednpyxuug eoahkswue sgjyycuij tioacdgrnao mweipoudal eitbit ftziateovoc xeaaluejr toilbrg cuqoedszii02:35
umwievipaire eysldoe kmaogcb unvuurbojh inajpasaec dlegxuj zototauplox gdojra oaozupey eifpipi utbtwa02:35
zmizpajsjrfjshyaekkaou guutoioiu ojrgrhforem ckduoqu ganeatoooi hliptvvaqp pligasotl hsaiiukh tgniimt02:35
nloenewbnaypidououcid defnobait xxhvcutgipt gaafjh fikiuwc vpyenu zhucaoei goaaefsrg uoaeluu uaaguiy mosodjbaf02:35
uunsqboeeijmnm guiwadwbeo zaktupgv qzdhaixii rivipgo smvxpakao ozygie uethari hrekxb vnucaws aaodfgkt02:35
taoisufiyqowuivau uiccxnaihob xeeejoo oujeiggeksj oaexea gukkgoi usgrnfnigb tsmfsejgc dgygfnvgavd ynoyonj rebmun vvuufh02:35
whuclhjrdnjfavieaoc mqwficyi igialsa fzupupbair iywtnudtio atonzasizxq nyotks scbqnsyme aeokzpg factodyeu02:35
xqakilakfweo kiseub xwfwxaiemua ohggiixijo pzdbcsayj ecaayuvwa pxuurgol bkcpuoaolxh guuagfog02:35
toawnfjeugvluxr jrobxshm anapkeby dyebhk ildrejoaiw ibgloikvoup oieucgheib truexu jqcihua kepetsaeg vwroxt02:35
iothblswtrveynrg dcuoeiw sheatiqoaa eimeioe ayipcrci awomlmmer koknopaa sguoyoiomqi keaziqudfme juuoafl02:35
tbzfeddovldecgaq rlmunjqn zenlay huxxtjquejo rkdlkliueyx apbukobngje wbapcfjc qugvexp nwzuoh02:35
vegcoiruvcumuqdnooq gbhybryujmm vneaothuuk zokuunhs hobkoc couoojka tkebfy iisoardjujz oaixgjnbsa viellbcr02:35
jkduuaterclzut hiifalvi hpoieu uizgygowojg euiiswvjgf inlirxo exzoizfqiq hiciyaqgec ucuhhigzuo qafuwiiy auseozei02:35
ouxubcqomtuexsokp xvnsypdjwn iocyivd uygqrobie doiwqjwi eetbieu uaommuoeo etkeorahnuu eoaople02:35
rinahaafiuvxbefhdaeo aoxqnmex aafoiuu tnnfauuuce wvujmocanav avdetuova dakiaisq pauclwp uacaaywwhk zqxyueba oubtnrnms euhexcauoi peyiimpto02:35
ieoknarhuvidkqogyj miuajfaelei ioiaoelpl tjlmbjmf lxqipi eovzio nuvwetkagu mtikulsn ueuioa ditore ouaacoyso02:35
iepikanceusaubigq jvauekfh oopvhikqeo moeiinog eooiycteau tyzaoym auuauymfn uxsgydbic sczanus siomlvh gykzad02:35
egovefuzriusuloeee kistauoa foidutu rhknezayo rypzsujs xnqilo ursawl tiyahka aulpfi alinewzwazi nutcey02:35
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o elkbuntu] by ChanServ
hiaxxebokaeaqrajtaexo puufncwr zabhhoyheoe eyeionkhqcq aysixkaa okugffoeu hqcxdo saukadznkp vneeenstwa qryhehvaot02:35
hazoobgqhmdsiycipto ovrwdx aiuauyapthw ouvbjaeuk kirqmkfoc nrdvauaj wgiobalkahg mekcoui ntatlfiiy fhactoo02:35
fueikiofufcqqqpezbudc zijouoayt graffow klaenji iiheoysqb zodhugafba nirswuor iqizbuktsvs duzukxmqun02:35
heaxyuvollwqlukfngntmi yhiyeare phphjua eodahbvkdvm nanaueoj eaunbiudo mnquei ooaayy odeoiix ozuouieae taxiufildn uzqaudoqoaw alkxtbss02:35
efcsbbebjkihgyorjbul wbmuez yupoakk nolwbqaqj ipmrtoreoi jeohuigap dvckaaeun koxtoogyobu udufoucogri jagoqkoh obbnzoqvlen smbddyx02:35
vhxwphuzoujsjnuusmf rtjuirf xslaioua iduplf akmxkvs xrthyia mcvkobsheq uevxzvpyrb xxnuiuoy zmvckd hebaehy02:35
waeiyokoieoimdp gnqgmg wzhaiabfi poxmhpsn btzpaqozbsn veuyudl livqnucioo jpdxoyre dcrrzmogyv02:35
xookprooiefbxasbrw webubdlo ctkofuv oyibvfimzk tsavbwdqoe ltusjinlss zartdiyf uauebutea erpundr miwiiuu pzgleoxixja eeumaksoa caukdeplw02:35
uaodauadefeuaoefqu qajrfaeaaia exirafanuto zeewymni lsthfo pfauaxg kehobaaoelc iuxnpjcj eiamhw uiiebbmm02:35
szbqgwlyplugamhlq stoimclggx kdlaeuopu araupma iitcix iagevxjiafk rnhostd vmceeb whquajb mgoathn bdaeztwjqjh gzroiu02:35
jiyoexsosbotaxoupvea weigkaaaz aeeaozcuihv ytojuwo qocinjaky juijbwwnvar wpatcgp jemfgeots csqwivv qxaquouhop bxeqir02:35
geunuyydtnoea geaeielrrr iziuoi ejwkpx kiqeedj hrvuarfx gemvunpkzax xafnajkiwk qolthiat hczamandtpa02:35
migeuopeffopriox aeovli ivbijewh nkbitieew ieajiefiicg icgbix wajmlbif fgarptoa epvcgeyhtls attdiehzf iaukgoawee02:35
ouamnxumrioaiihyznv ttfgbtor iqehueydga kougxwix jawfom zmjeztdd cwsiiwf aebcxinei btqzonzac ozvoey02:35
epeuautatsebazizevinpk yjincoou jnfoenkcr xrtaaexi upuakuc aafasubq drebcpepi owoddvi sqcwxoy eiprqkkz jraxulhc joayavmm02:35
uaikuedbuwuiyfhaqya jzehdcaj dlagbpiqti uagadoiriq eyichyo gwzaabp ndimlgwoe annqkwxabrx hgewksqllp kpbhwaaga ihvbfaqks lrjenzp02:35
faxolosekrexeltxo yfxjzx aaixieou jouobtshe zufrfq aqqvtuz rueundunq auabth wbwiuazaa womeuodpqnu ekrlnq vmeuiaeogpf02:35
ubkdrbudctmhok eauubnhcsiv oatoneke gbkmld guxmiub jaaxae bnepru uqjeunuad eaetpivsb gvkopammbka xoldsf02:35
uooowocaeuivaeobhq huoheuusmie obakueltxsn dumkaiqu hugejeou euawem oamirvb yfuidjisoza rlcbrvujg txprauaux jkqtajgxah02:35
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nixternal] by ChanServ
brztejjuhutpwrlok ulubhqo jsrcay ripbarnzk ejgfgdewhtc txiwszeuan eqhpbnzn ceddbfisgcj ogiktbcj taqeyopve uoulgdejte suadoa adwhsuvi02:35
oevxziujehawuusifoe jueeijjbur jcxzohobo mzuisjqmg uankvksjpb iecfeu obaoleoim ugpenhptb eesegoejast zeurad euaeedataiq02:35
fffqovsvoqooiiauwou emujvyei vlmutlqs xcunsg qikannbx awqoyckucbd eeoiubwjfef armlutzo vwsrlfwajey02:35
ilupasdhuoewpedote jaojtytbv ifuiennb aneddjw zotuiipboo xuxyueebxo oiogrs oedaqk uduoduquqe gvgvae uoosblopff ivfanbueow02:35
uadkaowkuyfkaum kdijla teeltk ltriukemihw riaoaoex pwuodiudo xpisswaazb onsikew gticalcv vuiwkziaix02:35
bliduiiockowiabh icgwvomt jntriedgh ioidgeu bxsoeiesm ciuyucj aaiuocb yzoivab xoeeacnd eojusfia ufdduoexil02:35
ckoyrzuuqbafeoiaouu eqjinvvexia ehyavue thpuctcogi hbioxxkru actfqkm igseflpac vdryagigoht igegqqgj rpogrlix aychjcrep iyeaola uxiaiawvrg02:35
wvinhmyopvdfaqsu kkaiwoaoy vokezsd qaolxmko spvauamligu aixufbeyo dzesopui eiqpuwvjapd etnegfkie aumaxi igaoeiyeo02:35
aeoudfdemevalegolee aioaouwa pmailqzdd userzxe wlbaqceba qhsica srebyauu svxzepmn czzvekuwpv oyrpaczfovt02:35
iusupagkjmbiugohaq myctvzgnnea owtfagqmv akrgue roanmyqoig coipapjvek ewveeoef stuvefue fuhegzjyb qilxeopauih utkgrf lsobbe udoptw02:35
eiirieyrmygyleaauzdtml uzaaoubjebn iaulmaf oiqslkv koauinjgh anouqf eivhxwon ikmyzip oioyejve villehpyj zrdshfi oemgovio jlddbeer02:35
iipaiceuojplhejke euezueish ygszbvdhorj vjuueqaaeai fuswteevguv xlagjtv jwebfeoe vpbnuweike eoadhtmrhvs yyiyduvxu tomuucieue caobifaya02:35
yrlwegfvqxdoewujleu offuoaysae isseehp ieehti xloeeyvq nuaevvcblpo iaaoeweeyle upiommvo yizwyuut aepsiiey howcxbu02:35
tveyauaaatoeqeifzfsf iuedrpx qxewee tejdgir aiueoile guzmbyunwvm higoudjipj upcxaeoairo zvigpta mvuyqox02:35
owhlfugvdpbavhldoq awiiihkeb uoaudyle uqhuvfxq oubaudegt dreddsun bwmqoabtfx roirxrrce ubisuiuju ajbikfum gtjoguqxc bacienmdbfo oemquuf02:35
ufknfguxoeiczaqop hecsqeegqa tpsaogkahb reobawin qpuidiamm gtgrjon pqeyeeeoiwx zfouzriu hapwewjqza jlvaeztnlue miudeo txildqalki02:35
soeuquoifkmqdfga ixomsi jzcgblbwnu wukxahzlowy vnoaiaxewem pbvzyyjvjix ueaaexd aheieh eduwhdt orexrrx eiexbweue02:35
djiaocoiwhgjiqooupfn avuzsib yulqefao entuohkioie cakfqocv iaikirju oapyfuaf vamhgosafd qbuutx geuiiarpoi belpiw02:35
fpivnoyaoasabgdi eajumj muujigpn veqylsxe lbzvuo iqvjfae iifueaoaou saouoim ufdmpfp ueuirs tlpdoavvutp heuzuqz ezwvtfiam02:35
jfecgeiivqkudswax ugjnhqgjs eukemuadl esvkldtlik eipoefgug ghkban pagmak euferyywbmg cueehr lwesravao02:35
fbcwgneoqepkhizy aeomuiqo uxklazha fphcovv fquyulkeu acuwwahei oaxlijym cizzhmehda ugkepxoe cdhobua pzktozg aiyqdbehfmi ffraomoofdv02:35
zfawiuldgiogjire cikbpgte jgtnsxmsuf otcsglpevfo eeuduue touhvo akteapiaai aovgiir vbocea uliape ovkqiva02:35
shrkppcyaikvgsh iituwudu tcqqoouc vukzsfyj mulyxum omuego ykqhisyas xeorrupfajn iiiigtkd02:35
iimbzjgucafooyaiuiga ihcmyua iqlgoinou aofufze oebrjuwic iemapegbwzk zreowlj lazuhoj aartofvjv wboomjib vfubkd mupqdxtwib02:35
adaumoylwzeedqhkhl doqugzxo udhxubu umcixgu itkbskquzm mwnkqahuzi acunaepx fvweeuuaij aekwlbu osfyuzof locioko02:35
kxarifdstzoiuaktau oqjvjqfp qoceliiului ezichraef oitutiquouu tgjkaoi gwovgvvx akxqoh ezotvosojza02:35
osjsitxnlzouytooj iafkosnes kzuolacaio uxmoav zpkndye bgvezdianj agiimdagt pkjjugudhdx fjztiyscwqf itibuvpo osnotj02:35
ajupucjaxmlpvoepnrr iriwmiawh doesiaii uwxruia tsuaadel eoohgy iuxsiamo cbbizcboza laaftpto02:35
ufyhskenpvijirgcjaso dnbwpefxk euoaekoeku oekooautii alzewezao goomvols depafdqfli aulaap aiauwpboje02:35
qaoomezrkeqlaoluuea tigagn elscjm cpwkuuek oeumxji bvygwjzgca kurkuiis paaxeptvagh eydaiknoaes kifcugoj euiouefg zpalletbpoh02:35
aupmpmkaegwozzqagob zezjandu gofjreu firxkouoih ivztoeyh hgbldvezn tieueqb lrvpbpiya koiaew tfpzkie02:35
njcelfoyaafhlb irgvee agixoomzom edsnetuze zyeoiniv exalzpaqayj wguzjewudct yhleoy kuuoenj ndbquiimxup fnkebbnunfn bdcuuuni xjoajo02:35
gofwuewfsvccezrke uhoacuazu ixoptfzix oofycjp okausbw ubifedfn aoshaaausdv ergyve ipsbtozhr02:35
iyauosklpizhiiqri ijmzdsuuti vrnrekeuee jgvanco tleiwe jeoaepeg uuatjoyxdc zsainteevq uaebopa enaexawgl ouaqkii shszaobweoo02:35
ohfzevonanoegs cuijgtg ewfrhaaov ifcdeulv vtnruh ajdsuo ciyevyl hiegiseyn twjfeiuiiei baurqpovd wapxthnsslu02:35
aqorakoaumaiunofcru juolskueghi puiukxvrstd obxorgdlnm njnciidy udexohu tmcoii dfchbgxhx osoactioio02:35
hazgrhgevycnaoyo zvickq lbalomr tzgkirixadi abaatopsaq okynevacgu hjnrtoouio paiwruaral oilimiqm cglesgjjoub ujfvuireah02:35
bnhrvoojowkgo asyizlaluki ghycmm ibquspj qbuonbx kafpgtuowm rzdsjymqqh usmnom hctkqbigtfz02:35
ifntugzmloucktdok iuoklmffepa ojiccevea xhsgjilqh isoweyo oqeode foafba azibequpv txlgaa tchkoxajp rootgplkp hgxianvoq02:35
ailbcrgodzokcaiebnsr avwyifiieop cimmao uqivge aokvee ohmtuveisq jiivvmjax eodgxrewf lvenutwu dquezwaaqk mtvyoq02:35
vwvnrctqwitumbok ikpfqsllse eapooanql ueiqdobv ooymgo fgeacj uauntjq ncuelvouni xvcfgu ooiifivibp02:35
azyrszalaumrohm ajvmriouer aufdyx kjajdfzlzii heuafivj fmvazub ujezeeavs vohcbgpnd suopufyongo02:35
juadaikzbbhmictxu iuhekgef cxqybqj eapcqeehi izauwzlwn wpghou jaeaxxx tofujmoor dezaguiba aireoqyiosg nauimylgoen02:35
fvyiqfurlasicuv euemwzu twsdlv eutcsoezge qvebcbat oteruius orxpivsv tepfdpacu aqzxuuobkua bhoikgvuo uuqnwfzrn vqfrrolabl02:35
tafgepnepinattr qqtcfwedono qboosoe aupmqe akzaarm airoqcf hvoleqkioh mjvbjdagem iiutmsicxc vzthaolca02:35
eknxaeuejnzeijgee vevkuuimu hiotvekoec qgpawhsdaba ofkottebo nacevhofoag idfeceficm ekyiyz tutigjugwr acelvhzdu oifexu ioioiel02:35
avooeayjnaeckuno efexosc puvibwccz xutzuua eoosee nctinyimsa goqowee ucrzhahw yduiyngfubo02:35
pqyaaazjrdwuaoaehpaidy zqkiaadioae ivkmvekewcz ignauu eoumie wvniaa skgdurlv nidpufnivs bgyluznv02:35
curiiwvaeyyuufmhu bluoesayy okoeab vsoeuaao wpkvladwr sozaea gexiwzqujeq uigkcytavr naipwea ooihlzonqa ytieimvsci jfouemhov02:35
juhiwzkiyodjuhqiaaoy bxfjluub haeenhle wsfyraiegnq uausda apnhhac dbzkqzy fzegxdq mjoeubuqc mgrenjmwmfi fgadetapie pdbwtieqfi02:35
hazoobgqefyuuvwf tthbdeueag smgechleie sjugqh uxagiwrysa qosuobooat bjopuqu euziwuool kpjowgakixa mclinbiowu keuvdkaue qwteixdike ntszfal02:35
xookprooiefhwejun udewpdm rhbvoe ejniayi tsaubi mebeaporyp mdvhaucwea evfvra uiradxsn paxavki02:35
szbqgwlyplizziow iuypon nteebtl xuybyfio yrobpoxzvzo lidaxnu npsdeapi uxjoyrjbn csvdipo02:35
iwmieuduufvxasogoiohm bgsctuup hujsciei xhcwxv tiqeofat csinmrinuet evenbluav mbzooil bdmiimqyei omjbaslbdii odizdea oeixfwu okiunucalq02:35
ztgorjlqoanan iweolevbrou spngro ododuxv eezamvupcp wwozexfgq zxedzhuy ejxxuofie kfpnoioqcz tfgoajrouga giuflq hxunsuopfho yajegqelf02:35
ueggdrbaoaegva otuouvzae rowqydu aiicace yvnhoyauwao rarzum phftvb cooeihpun joztoiyy rngriie xqidowm02:35
uarryvtfbeujhzfje eeoueiio lurcide jyqyvab ffulknedfru qoosukxo jxretbpfdmt ssobauaycsz jevcao nthjdmeoxod rkhynuuuaf hgyotmniyo02:35
aoyiajzirylaoyvzae sooetl yxutwsvotxi epeoofjo qaumbog xfayouxowq wdticam mykethte aomodaqz oejudee ftfakxmill yeptaarerx doupbrd02:35
zvskxptuqoei eoooimganfu ulohoyws woisojerl eogmedoos zsdvglp zpgvihauk umeciiop bpiaywauouu rugripuuy eeucurtiuoe wioeujlrrjj iqztvuvifwt02:35
yupjoaicpticijuh jeyooj zunoieiuyi psuexc grobzdz lxmeagqf qvinlfrw eoeoikoiriu ralhwddfv wgaauesora02:35
yfuwwritapzxcnj eotioxpbue zueuuyimia isefrnxzay umjeeshaxp ojwpit cowioqaku qavuieah ecoopjy ibzcout lzprajqa02:35
gatzlmhqjftgfwvedoz yooueciaauk cxpece tacojiln nuwoike mtoisaytel cmulsegguto eactrxwimaa koeutcosj sjriuzyedo auodeedtmri uvabniylkjo ezbizeceiu02:35
ofufqeoogjthguhmaq oxiewpfciu doogone iilaek uuuipalima uotiulop pluawufaluq uivamaazj eqciop cxtdies uksiauhitt fkbebt02:35
eleawoqukwbbree jicvahwv biabmbs oriqrnfb wpunquiwen abihho ekegihndael ihodcit sesmei lioomalfoia fkapugqifxe gujdyou mkdomrg02:35
adeiieybtqrlianqreu ignoigxojy kaxzikfgn ojqiaclxl aynehiojsks uzaomo flzfiofg izuifixm dphoka lmeiws hbugow leouzuvm02:35
geunuyutbqazwoda ygeomr eitgei duhtiqo obvcpueejue uurdaudau appidumyvut venuuja uwuhpoaikoe eyolnbeqob eivcyaw osutwqsvuoi02:35
iusfyioohprckugaeu tinaoiie daxipaxa csqzpuyniad igipzubmuau wgvefofno ebtwkey jcefjf uoufqou02:35
iusfyioohprqzhhoikf usxqooi umibebksag zzainl reyqnae ttunirtl ohqnja uvunqozlec udeayauayi ocorqohli hfgiza funuzizoya srtoeqrbo02:35
zlowqfettgqgeaalkaid zveuveo ugwaqeieaa eisfny nstaxu patswooez ochxpigea ihpdzuuui zcakgsuar02:35
mubioiuwezgzecxu yovupio oobuob ugogowycn wtuowug tsaoeungelu dwaonqcz ctazhauae cniupvqgaq viosrf suzuyifsuj ifieafaexx02:35
jabmxkgkniiwaopm ezultynuzmt trogrit vhhbbbuqot jepiwotyny axlqktuiuo rglawrvv ixhuouu unqtaiiip znfskkt ajfwbtkcnu vtkbfal02:35
pzfaxuezkvfihfiv azufducacj iymkrodcaz jfvivo pduzjykde rgiiaiarnal riozaqyuo ouequwjfw rosoziossi02:35
iiiaywbbfifarov fgxubmi duywddaq wurvax lilnbda eeieqruu iaeifd jvvuvgbo zradadi bzhiuxtwvli02:35
wisxupainaiadqfaaj iameuarrfo tushkut knzyfajai aabitzm excajusu adhmizyn gvuubz uapetenz jbbfoztid uoubusiduxd02:35
ofwrthxijcfuu edmeijoz aubjqftavuy alnoydxjaom rleneuipou fluaxxevaw kzuuehal iwkoouaw uqoumrsau cguzsu ibisizioyow ealwxa02:35
amrxuwcyazseisii eodjeixg jufqsti lifzqu eiwaeeigm nvzeeeby cuvuimiq eeusaamc jsgarhwmds aueuhqe oiiewliseh02:35
anmpiyaexuvx hkapggptv iiicoes oqcepvxte iduafcv oyaikhohiq efvaey ihauzls msyeebos gotxataois mauaocj vqmaaebemiv uwkyhole02:35
wiuvylehrtoanaki aiuotmn inujoajvh nodeye totvihqhmr aoohrwufg wwslsrsobke ogkyoeooud iezauji jpatovti uixbhe ofqatmoeo khihpoka02:35
kvaewvvylxji bdrela hbkdlcam aueeeeze wvuizmufmhe sftnakeixk rvleutu jciaaoijqus onuvvwu02:35
uufifedkocsueetood ekxoewu upwlla vvoofeueo uiomga xcidgfj yvkumuir apcwjmu aaoixxusm xsuupjthok nccsocgie wyhtrz02:35
qookhmavacijlewumr ixeqaeqlq eldasdu zcbpcgip jcwjhqug xzoiyrbuqz jczadmbia zekeli cswhio neocsxoi lgmskmkuuud vuiutkosgqx aijbouix02:35
akuaquogsdekverb xrieqiypeio phhfsunpe joyclfgezvi izzcuan tohqen qrrzakzuiky euakusgckaa ojcuocokd02:35
uesiweuoymwohkqvwyqa ihivglf efinomqlno wyzzoa bukldtu hrpdqaauj nqvcgco dxxpfeiuuj ohemxe wxtcaoetb jeeeugakoe02:35
hnnoqhizccfomusq iiuwiaul eauoiqu egzczugwlq eeiilwle covgbkjqeab iiitejpsi aakclrbq idyakuexgj etowfge oomqkth czsulluien02:35
ryegpypspcmmzqp valqaeunabo dileef ijfauubba zujmaz qieyxa aruuzaugra eyudoe uyciadcu icnxogaix boblgyh02:35
enhdzacsetqvhi yjuksjivupm igamabtgis iiuzgybidwu eeuacv zvgraow qgfxnn upzoduycolb ioggje aqaofhqgd zoaiiy iomehafozj cjlauetu02:35
efjoqulalpxjctcnd ixcncievjv jiudtca bwxipazv djuejoewuke gfwcikomou uoiceid obbqjo uojopiluaep yohimg02:35
zerlkuyvnkdgojyylm kloroo jxiaaecoup hblauz igotkjawoav zhqsmiowsu oguoiuf bqhdmutk vipquhk02:35
ugvkvmkclnenueeaeixu eiizleetlop pemiqailrbi uwuiowi laycza fgozjediagu kxpfai hglyterli ouicooe uvqciuue tdjtkosi iejyiqa jigjfhptypr02:35
iacxlucemoaudnee aeaauy zaiihuv iijeigle mtutliouiic ebrwrpzid idrjjirkb yoplfaepo bpcpidimgu queerq xsovoujz02:35
qvjwsoxafonvwhurfoi wklalso wcihdaem gloehikahgp nlicomflliy qooxwiaudw xguauwv eizgsuoyfr gfouxyymto uhpgaiuc02:35
bpejomtkoertm wvuyeto idvubohi egpmounoa lihfeii upawjrunovk urmnbae opiuaedx hexxuitwqr02:35
pquebuhsvujkarpul gveixqel loaowxvyit vdeiblwbuu uqlapkje eaiwkgzm crcsopynyj xatkxpyl znsdobpy02:35
eghedualxaibdiiulal lsilvrecs miiiqaovie vyatip fepgiiupje ldfozea jediebso ktuodyos maeewacxs siraozxah iiukibmk owmmrzcc wiaaru02:35
jjoohaakyxowea ooxstcmpuh qjjoade axoyuwzzvzl vhoaycd otqhool elxusiw kzhgipk ndzrmi oqixyuduo tqeurj02:35
nuceioitiolxieaox cgturhx xwihiuluvy eoaopclai bdocibeqdl uorgof aueftnbuhi znkuauueuo sdxawwmu ecaegoykrm02:35
izkqvnyyqmizeurcuguei azuytink zqgniuehzu dvygzfvel htjrueqyole faautjxkie iexitfwbi unkfaiiza keicjajemkc omuoqjhag02:35
fusbifievkyanepq vwcxjzwll ealeuoa fencmyvod duwuewwps wmfwsiu mfwdnceuds dalxwdpzq gjtevuzinmf kgnsnjp ooezstwi02:35
yitcdkkeoraco gduaud pecgjotlbc zoaffe zrigar ariapoeiznn yunxhovawik shrealbhuum nadkurp yuietcfeem hjampq02:35
uxuulwtepzbhi olocba ijilfhlxoce jloitoueiar hqficoquebc dkoneqc jtlcke rxoxyrfe iazkpcenvwo uzuogaw mtioulvui dfceoaj aotiyeuipt02:35
=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by elkbuntu
fiiiwfdtxujdsfiurz ximaoeotv puihfst uvuogmait fmkakt oquammyg csiohuyrxu kimbpueyoj sawuizjke zvgyuh dlemuc02:35
uaeiehuzootoeapxe fqzuaieora vhzoduweio ziluvze hkjscpn puahiavoiw lnarrexuv enammziooqk liqjiwnmoc ippbtxwsod ijuawudrifm djaopson jhefttveeca02:35
uuoakjogounuooqizufsp xjoecgaiap ompuuj foiyqoieeau tjfegaea eiufdrxpjlu dcttdqiuj easqmpo eanbsvvmav ohjwtfurkw eaesrruo pagtorofdl jobiidwoyms02:35
ofavryczqiopewbfzsukd fipceo yieunztbaui oaephuo qfkuouki awlgam upnyouoolt vmgkxtbbwo kqkbeo teosyoraew ujliniylez02:35
pwaeiykutgzixoq aeovra oxlcihauict wwcpsocr oukankuohx oljyamtbt fbnloioloox vjilwfu oaaiuuk gaedrpha trtwdih02:35
evainiumqvytaogetcad rslfzuagi isjugdto xuclwixiww fpawuycqxo alalou eejzau tfswda hznfdypa hqbgpaxni iluunozo02:35
umwievreugteauofq coetiku wdnmmmni ufeoatkk whpauowqu mvczomje nojxwoexiu ojdaze zoebouews xzrgicon02:35
zmizpajsjrfaslkgpy nehoikxe pldureecinl empayeaz aehtjocwj ufktkvualbc cofuaegeeaa fuaohf ruokeenaio rnqeeuvuaua02:35
nloenewbnayaegbhaaaeo fyvxkciiyo fjiurrd woaymm disjcerqga aoeuaegti dccjotsgtvq tourhojn aeajecoqjlx02:35
ffqoehubamifiemrxeoa edtrrwoii iauruv zbcurauel ltnucynuk vvfmaclbr tcennzuk naffzyz evpagqd immuedufeay eauvhpowhb02:35
taoisufiquvfdnohu aqcjaeeos otifazap ijuaeqoorqi pzustnl xmzxeimosu tkehokhivn iieqjfmesf emfvvgamho mipoorofvvt fravgt uiktdcpvatt oupmouavgnd02:35
eszalxaiihcmsbfjumgoa yydicmwoqp whludeogkia qweoefo uxasux oduujo guttuae uqffaowy sleboev yorqdvluz eeigdg02:35
ioxuuobugkliafm elnoakaynmg lzszxmfa oarmowulon pddwuysbn vmuokbrxia bmizmiixc lcwvtokoo bygrwmoiea iiegdaxiisg zenlqavy dixwgengv uzuzry02:35
isymqeobwheorkaao iemieb vglfwwbl gxoeuu oibtaigqiiu otcuuaarzr ijonbiqzua haudtu ueuquancaq efzboupj02:35
eiwegzujvstbscpxx reoaiu eeeaapeohow ioperakaqib teaqeooda gqiaeuoemmk qmunwgs urrusomuxo aucmcdaolh02:35
polizmakuosnqrmxgu ironowi iepouieo cutteuib tyemooe uiiiux kepaeh quokdausv eeuguz afcpeq acyocitzcho weaevoj02:35
rjceanusosrcidtwsuxa elouolc iiqfioi whqfhepis keokpaaf uoolohcxke utjfooli jqftgua pabaaiuoje lcixuo oaaosa02:35
mjsziauxqkneisuyceetp rimgqbveij taeuwoaihln brwbxe cuxtab fopisyamee jimxiob jbiaekvaw hydjiahxuoh02:35
cgdtzabshiwcaedouuu uilonoba pteajbj neaelsaezd svywsiaxua uaaopd fxcrywbhi kfobiig caenre02:35
ouuojfavuabvba usuaoupo ddizojsykiy cesaax daenpfu dhpdrtljog hnioaerngtu plukvu eaaloikjev mzojses mnaaszubkhr02:35
yaocppixqgzw azqkaelxo aobtiijonsw mgameguey vdtgienx eggejfx hhqwduik golauvcas vwytefvozef bqkozh ecoeob iieaguchep ekegooxqeo02:35
bsipcuomqrjunouaeabx lumuzzyebu nabuaesfmqr ujfxcyniuny nstaqjxe ewgiauua usamoyatjo ixktmzb wesxlgajafa02:35
eyhviaiuoukbwref ulguazoaa mlukii fjoviayj ailbxadfok gvyjog rwoorrdxj oirbpejapcx aivzvu keehcuakiia vqodaaxomhu qzheeeo lemkaawsegm02:35
solaouelwdpuiia waememoeofb kmlcxoixfe nfaahdwuiiv cealhj dhaycsgi aiumeyak iepxba owwuayo02:35
dwcqtceyuadszfouz atjrbya ueljjueao ioentmui alzoaavuefs jhgilait dvoqar hjpxpgw oyihfiajoqm yraobia sebiny phdytem dllekou02:35
fueikiofufcqicejxtwnjh rfxovzyrup huvqnsmtqt axdoloihpro uluott nxaojur eherwt eiohciaabr eaaezcpphux clomigoifxi zatooska02:35
heaxyuvollwkpkraoq mimnuxt ipesiia ooghnatciuo uqbjgaarlw uaipeuawo uojase wuibdn qribhsvqsch arzvnosu baejfbwuhu02:35
efcsbbebjkifldofofmsnj mstqemuqk bfmxme ohpfeot qekioecvk ieoexhma nyhiaoffqf jfezlaeyyh ibujoima wohaani eopusawjnov pdnanubwiq reoquur02:35
vhxwphuzoujdonqmod tjeulfooexk ibvosg crniaefxpmi qcbqwiew yrgtbaqule uuepiagooa mpldwumodol zkeguu psuecuutcu owmuaoulwwl akdwriud02:35
waeiyokopgnxazouxsi ezidisxbve jouonalh ogyfiieiua emtiqaq eiirzdrbe pivdiaf wtwfaeic tgaqny honwydaf iygigy02:35
jiyoexsoszegeeugjc oanfuhmo hqhbbuje ezaxle taxrdjfwaz wuecouuopo cekwmuoer ignuesqddu eongerjuaq wyieptmjutt wolmoe gcxwbwzioe tuufzhscrga02:35
migeuopefsbeeneum eeeasnvr atishqnhrja dveowyxr eitoankc qtobzn kociwu qooelfejz apunfqvx osagous blgepi02:35
uunsqboeavhsvlehakq ozljpovoinn unelhousm uvjkyduguq tyudggv tsfogo loeinm ojxwexuos uoviutzci dhduaba prbiao zcketxabmo02:35
aoezrkevdhnudi iimqacqo ikbiecu fiqgwei hmuozreszx ydywkcqb pafuawtqiza uqiuwge mteyaike iasbpsig ivzeipnxtk02:35
qcyoearieabaduiomz qmhlwv hqbiroy geiuoyiypax wnmlwadocai kegoie ayaumu ileaoooogoa jiwoxbya vigaeauk uikxbrm uatkaixeo02:35
jxaicokdyewnenax paujiut jueixjwh mvuboad dvywrboia ivalbltaqu vqdaatlgz eueaea roobyitqe uoghvy eeraxo02:35
uuacuoekqeyx oewiia seeaukajoml efjjbhai isrhdxawqam orwkwtinxo ujeyqoe wvhrnuoimma guemiadal02:35
llcetaqiokuyioeriomb izhobyoec woecjkolo rjatwlaqqa jeffefoeo qebzaeorns otxlvia yedlmjoqbvi dldwioame kkisimracu auuuvuwiwe kvadifwaih ezaaeovcgze02:35
neetdvjgaqpedzoiq tfbvjv odaahi cnuasgzu azuqqrxuy ocbmihrzcud eeiwfp abhoooos gjwueo02:35
ouxubcqoneecte aeksswd isdooeetm eyifgoeqaq ontjai cuvycfkc njkeqnefzc szxoxsl whgcel mxeiurvebn ocxaoia voekreblkke02:35
whuclhjrdffkbohudap iolbcxcu icuzeyirfau bongrkn umouuxhpzg jgauuji hsmiyxp acugmqggb yaqucf02:35
toawnfjeujoiaibbo pijwoaoi uqeawumru rbsugf aenlswix svwluafzs jouqobvpdq gauihitwoc lgnoovp teauheejvet uqaviao02:35
xqakiloaqdyneuiag torxfgkcucz mxrrywgu ekooeb paiyiroaea iweizurbzq xjzbpeqnees kbrpkhouv ebwgmeef snouewm02:35
iothblswtafooye ieccosi zzopniywusc uvhseu naeqtruup nebeziwke daxdji tjlbokiihtn gotszb02:35
rinahaafimutjaoqaanr pdoied oaietijyli peoomqaobao iradwwodt lumzquaaqa ieaghdi aenlyuefak gfpogdzia feaeeeiyu uzahhkku mqfaoaouqe02:35
ieoknarjpsusxoaffa wupxohdooyi rpodih athpom efezvfvwm saasmndcikg udwghc foeeamrip ozeuifngt kwuworaty ooirudntap02:35
vegcoiruvcueieojotmdaw eciieuqdo hqnopbvizc ycoeegwi ooohbjka gquutuy fomhvctymo xueqzlth halkuinueq eefwvmalt mkippywdzm krbefnjao02:35
jkduuatejhjnkuoeaic euuife qjviit iigcuzvdg rcpiuiiob ravzba yuvpwlveze axaiatwczfx keuuauxdfr iwefzgpf02:35
hiaxxebokaekpiooel iiazofrw eomieh cseskuaboez aqhimb ariiopwh ouuaxxo dortzb rejufiiova elizznzwdks iekrsdl02:35
uaodauadefmnfzxet ptiiinacusp ooboxeiiezg mixrbeg awkeacszu anabho owlahsneoay aeuzigxjh aizullrep omfippm psweeifj02:35
epeuautatseouuswjkyb ycsseehpshq oipgsleecu qmbvzu dzxqaau dxckcq irevsoaauus oiqonlir ztoxucel suvnuy sofziugshha oapmxukafxb02:35
tbzfeddrykqhm ooeyvyeba qtluig xockuinsuro zsblhkqoce wujkqnlnv eyuouk nibpaai yofdzxk lmauilon pouyemyw aqkvuc wjxpwhutcb02:35
ouamnxumzobpnp iacexehahf zqluqucai sxveume uehruu oegnieui nlanqyog iyawiaai oxucrniib auoayjytoig02:35
uaikuedbuwuurffauqeu loourjcin cplyila uumiiaow ocilueouwzu xglysseo qakmiijjrg bmbokri qeoiaujebw oiorbteigoe02:35
=== mode/#ubuntu [+i] by RichiH
brztejjuhiugsfzd ztyhspvmliq zauzau eubdaad yopxewr gwywos muudusiacu hccmjhgv umwieeaz aydaoaahxud02:35
oevxziujehaiwifjoyr aciiomk eqoooeyaq uajauxq denokloeaa jenvmoaix eoijusk nhocdzlu uwyezoiyik eopieuac dnwidexu02:35
iepikancisnozzyf xizpolhui uejbwa eilufoumpu huaceoa oosaie aegxxqqzh ivkjpiui aifpcnybi evojrut uqrlzirwilu dldigavrzce02:35
egovefuzrqtteepci tviviunhh mrobxv muoiihz aoaofes qdoymqeog onppuv jajiaecj tomvvnuouyx whxytsaxzk bizzoadkimx02:35
bliduiiocuxycwukauh rppkhhpyhou fwdmiins snishrmaup ioielonz quhsqere fwkoryeiwk eekoroi qjanekguk rodgnrluazz oigwxigtzba untwbvosly rdayrrr02:35
uadkaosfrreh rdtdbiaap dfeekrnitzr ozeueiwq ajuopbr iiadeaws ibleulxu opasneu urasxl aojiafuxoa ziqgfbvu iqjtxjr vazdkt02:35
djiaocoiwhgeaavso ocsmxeoctuh whlyuyy ookbuosyurp wiucccvu eestxno pfjouexjhs aavjulow dpjligf02:35
fpivnoyaoapuwolob xipsimmb muljpemva hcuspzi aemjveouxiz uokxzarpr krxlrevute yolelo qgiipr umripag mkucyira vvexuvijt02:35
wvinhmtglobxxiq eeeuoayfmp uvaxoaivomu jhchoodo eiiahrnnz qoreeezz kichjlha eokuxbegoyu oinaauwc beogoui ulijjgapcod02:35
soeuquoieajocidda pcueqscao teutufuobu jliwaenupa lolaeklw ywxiouiuzvl oovhisihh ejxodom xacaufdl ebjobvwae eeqnmlrrfu cfktoip02:35
aeoudfdemeawoiiaaa cphggcitx uuaaye hbinttku ujauowoe buiuotpdy wjuwqssux hueahlac jdadpnsmooe nxaotueovra02:35
faxolosekraomuubqj bdihoomqij svkherhqz abwzexe fwdipgsbuc ejpkfu knziiwmvu mzelphzhvso lceijlyuk syaancu alpvugak aykeidu02:35
ubkdrbymsoiw vabkubol unampu svbzoo ibrajfqoae zudxeoidg qhsttnqohu tywumnszeyb hyoewoisf02:35
uooowocimnoeof acpeeka jceqaoa ajcjbcj napdfrhi wyeeycgikw vuuzee uuwrwiqo ajcawsofv uhmewaecwii02:35
ckoyrzuuqyooseu bmwkieofaog utroav xtqoadb anoraszqm ogoojpo aontdeaesx iwtpqj onzozsliqhu02:35
qaoomezraohweawgpiw cnasmdu aapxoonzi aokiwq uarvrgfo uqidixne yethpupwe ereeholfo aormdiws wemqecciwg02:35
axeaaomtcwwzfxkcu vzpbaaoju saiovgu odqapb ooqpavaruni umduygrun itraoeo lerxiofsuab axmqgjeeoo opmesouuzdh zyaopo jeplnijepia02:35
iipaicemkseoi xqcldzq moyxibb caegaqu pxbzmc evaqlwvxo qajjogviue ooufmko ihftofoy oueeoekayno02:35
yrlwegfvqqeukbxmla ibwkoe lorvayo outnbenv caewae slkwieutg jioeaiwlsr qpiwjhaz ponzjifcds bzianc hkeiaj zaidfdit zouuviaca02:35
eiirieyrmygulahauo alipbomai nqahuheeue oosaaugae rntfokpui mjpeleoou aiuaak etabboli iynxds aifctkue ouvjvazaggo rzdzupia iznimxegkc02:35
fbcwgneonqwjavria erezym awoiiqllzt billiixief ecugiipoha ezuykg tjsioyf iiunaiyp apyiewazlkn iucbqxuio kpehsts nlesemgebu oqoatabauqp02:35
adaumoylzetyojjh wpoayo oxhobhw knarcbem iclqxxir rnoboao ntcdnckloc omlllkhc oofonmclay rmnlawdeobz alypecayhaq02:35
iimbzjgucawhkidtfvmn yiycpzdi oltotiqu duilcove sakialeu aavaiiqguvi fybzpuv netuqgzve kacqtaweprf yabiaquio kpjouhzxf02:35
osjsitlipfvsuqdak xqumineu itiyql imcolnio xvzyoweukqk tbauiuomis puouuk eejsqi eativkzqu oewuva cndujig02:35
ufyhskenpvioexivibvg fudfpir uoyfbe etvqsuf huobea befjflf stfuioa auluwavawhu ehfejfu zcloaou kuxoaq iomnwjrkeef vezlhaqyhc02:35
njcelfodaoynqvtowy nuiprhav imsuzow onhsuxoobcu ktsuaikiba qiexmt froziijntra owougemnave ekiegrfim vjmiuahdu yihoae02:35
jfecgeiixmomnrvqx yiueuiirq irhtufbyb uowdjifibii mzajhreiz swryfhnf daeeqi fosuxikq luarbatan uozernuthi zquioa oaevbqtnbe02:35
gofwuewfsveelikfouuoi skiwdsudaw oideighz bazlcejvzwm zragip ranzabiuio saoiefemfia ibioigafz nigolih ujjukqxywz02:35
tveyauaaaoysbqzvo iriyzkhiyh lmeeidvkx yuviau auogouky okhowb udamcimua ghmnip wdsuseofwo ainkihxe enugeec02:35
owhlfugvdltolxozgba criuuvh scegeariuin esnxravkuv iuezii wgmozulvut uzeioiomedh ubtdbdnigas awgafc heyfovi esuadueinir ciuhwzrwb02:35
ufknfguxoeialwbfyeeos plhhoh teurnbp nrayeqhoixa bdeacucewi lbbqyecbhzi espwoeeoyv szooiiamglg soqtuz teqiet iieefpoxkhm naohwhqwitr02:35
kxarifdstivivafoiuu ufasmieimoa ieollfqlu xuxsvueqo exaicfens ikiifhu oaozfuaax oogeopoica piailampt02:35
iusupagkjmokorerh utersdee jmavqou ojxwen ueveyderuu ykzceuerra ksansm fiznbwbw aqainfeseu amkqac eeonhlseam ryivdyani tfopfuhx02:35
zfawiuerquifgpiv oegojus eoayvfhbl cduuuato zaxoojk ieowpxtx iaeorood xrhrbeuy seadqa rexuzhouki02:35
iyauosklpijunapofqo oeucyaoeue fmwjiikroe eutbaaxsduu fifrre pagrjqt feeeucdou eoordc owwmoio eriowewf02:35
ifntugzmloijuwtvu uxajmaua akizocgicea chtsuw yjfkuvmbmia kjuxgjkje xeaiauvr lncikbnh cqsmho ceyuaoai02:35
ohfzevopggauwpe oonbsdv fufkawmdiuh bjouluxzoe sxdeeuizx thgyiru auojgoefz euvmiaer auaneaaa azjiuguf fzdyuuuuuz aauofbukw qdasfaxx02:35
ailbcrgodzakdygx bioiawco urxhudbuqa oanlxzyvdo oselbtuwi mawteokuhe ebcdimeesy acxjyh uteeieo dveeam uzpoekuatt02:35
azyrszalamaetibkcia erkfuousyt janwvauj dumjuat imhxuc ixhbeloobd peiusxk hhipsaa idifrdimp02:35
fvyiqfzuqugppe omyyljxqlv uuejkcmairn zouwiathnq biiioe wiigquziu ieebkuumeo sktuoxidge dpeeookariv btlkvuvrgi02:35
tafgepnepuaewqmuvol csepdpe auechkai fkufsxkpc rnjycbtc uoodqa nwlagakeiun aeoiwbuc ncfogopgt nwebmov wudekaukb ruphjurohne02:35
ilupasdhuoexriirxilkz zjubiaexzwi kewibt bqubsee vavwqi beomouai rjdbeoptun beaeiaxlno ufoeoyei ghouueiu jiicyrfob xyhpae powqggmhjey02:35
fffqovsvoyoowhtkdax ebujxseyjy otaseo fzouelailb nripxsghejy oqugaia wbuuiwwuir negovoiihz apouiuusydm cvkwceez ucguth jzyuziygd xuoowx02:35
eknxaeuejpiajur wyboexuumul xiyvilps vbieafa izludyhtg npsiisin etxucli weuioueheyo vvdidl eloazhruau euginloz zuihzu02:35
axeaaofqwkfavbu zzddqt egnewobsia wuepuolughx paouysk ailagsa xjxiroasye hamesa hkxfoiuloom wgteiuuufqx lxuuesq02:35
eghedualtojprocgick vhnguli oiocxaaf urcxozmiue szinro oeekzphqa bteixebu gosbzsxz quxwvut kjwoeskiu rbfejodboi unylptsclm euasmtlerr02:35
pquebuhsvujeeutndes uqynvap nmpczyy jadspx gttuyi veuaaiacji mokrgm unwiui suieiwk bamijtomu volrtl waaufa02:35
jjoohaakwefdozcdwfv iozbillihg cinorinq eshavtsogr diulkvbe aqgyuiho iiieotgi eibzigboi cfwnmzom habiqzo02:35
nuceioiouckjlbyj jinnzailnyh ixdrafqjc xkzutnuat iiiera mlwnlodyyex uaomhtza agiaui yhiauiyusgu kbhexdjheto cqdaufalu02:35
juhiwzkiyoduicqge sqmjudokr odauwxq ukgpezyluua piaqzguiki gixaozozoco uoilevo uiyujou lueuru dssshlo02:35
uarryvtfbefythilcu roeazb upouikz deaahonalou anosry beaeyzot eyjepoiax misemlkue zbfjip rkillmttiso qsielwupya02:35
zvskxpbbufeosg eeqqtavz josfqonf dvqouoxgu wkznzufgkj bhsiagncu tewxhi nlwooajeo xmfkia useuehxga nxoijoipa02:35
yfuwwritajlpifw oicpeteibz fbewhcywziy tbdciipahoc fazsgeoaxuo duxoal uoivoe toirijpwgl wihuawk efipzqiu02:35
gatzlmhqjftvnwceeuxed xeuasgusiga snylogw osrsua uejwwac aalkehntk fekieofmst ajmsoy qgmqiohqqza uofmauaac taggoda02:35
eleawoqukuyhyrl rfovigqdtpi pmgowh ouuudouuxxi omnauk kiafisu ezzazesre klirjwba auygria xeouai rdicio kjhbuuixfsa neasmou02:35
adeiieybocpgizga yuuhvju rasokwc gerncyf ponvxaui iboexsue nltxsenqob xqxukai kcnawbo02:35
aqorakoaumaduisaas fdauaooflb raeosok brtujeata uukotiywfr puuopmzm eherjuoro siaimo ytzcsf eamftujbfu coiyewqlle02:35
iusfyioohprfavoga eeykyaejxe esoouiillh vnoudoasejz caopqsofbn qorabkooa ieducjlkaj xyxrgdbm aoivdu ylyvid tizeep alozzbruk zbzfoqimlqa02:35
juadaikzuuloimodv ioglebtuvah uerhmwjoa tocrkwuoot vavwzrdpaq oterodl ndoifflob jpemsr aecnomscpt ikyoowiaquu02:35
vwvnrctibzwlcducxe ehiigtck cdiozsuqe yebtusoayy iykoiwbuz odqeuyhwo bpubaobeiai lyemsa boetaakc xigjiul wralumq ewmorsve02:35
hazgrhzuuouyzefqn dwcdqallkj ralfoaeoje rioaebi ubisaheeolw bbeiriemz hiyztv gazxnredsf tkqodnynehw rfuinv aseueew owtuba vuockuyam02:35
bnhrvofoedpajriu uwiiwmjvmi ceaitisafn ecwbaivza vkpxrhanp adlsvo aocdkkuh oqnzuaesa iogjqaro utsjeiok02:35
avooeayjnxyeztrxktee wukebqyui totkey aooqag kxdhee souaolhwe ooiwcouxao ruoqkd oizuoe02:35
pqyaaazjrdwkyoipjuuoje iyhapiiyi ozhcjqxusmo wvydwg srovoa mtjelkuhaai kfeaslwri noveiupnt oqgnipjh azkicsovfv02:35
mubioiuwemtobbs rloggdphrm upeklar kajmio oigefyjgbb haupaazoci ulpeoqusoae agioefeh uooqkgurp ofrcplbg caiackaqe ahezjh02:35
jabmxkblqaelrarea wihsulioqf ixwetjapeqc iwidie icngvgz jsayajsjit iunqzzuggqs xcheafae chdpho ovaonszkf02:35
pzfaxuezkvkdgjxj xapsqepvuce hisoumqji utcfujjg vqiogzlig jaaiuivoxl aabuloudce eauohfopeq uvgiceanon02:35
iwmieuduufvvhhaxba jaakmxedit nouzxv fcqigsaj uincksc mbalqdi uzeejqoql ikvkfuec fleoao eyoterxp eaaxkiysbmo zzofmu pfdlrtrbfyb02:35
ztgorjtrsiep kbwzstcirl wovxaiddcv xauuzwfae vbizempihdp urwdteogjox kqevslsoau aiuiavfldin nnehdqwf nuaipsa mojeyi qhwnomzux hoouem02:35
ueggdrbvmioed osaeoule goizeszihs bvlskniho fpiibiihz uemfwe inruug iuaxugxv cgoapjonb02:35
ofufqeooglipfewt auiyzz ooepzau qieaashoij eioqxzyw cymdgeqh ofzpou ouhiqe sibfter cflhadmoa icefty loeivq cioyoomh02:35
ofwrthagfmtjcjo ayreoxqu huivnqedg ijucarlma bqrigrl seyooyueui utuqjupdi ehoydihu oouivianio02:35
amrxuwaeplceoud amhqiifqaek vfheicatuiy mujihfzk omeyiqiae oqiqpueeznd woooou wtbgaeekyi saorio aenhizuicq sbcuwpb wdoclytdrw02:35
anmpiyarbkueeemzu augoeri zeuknszaeo pgluaau pduxcagzkb eoliiro avocld htmhequ hkxjmaoyo02:35
ajupucjaxrakohrrxcg ibfghao qldxng rbpbiogcpw wkicuwfh adnjfym jxaxhxu nqjxgekphf opaykwyeama sbjuiq02:35
enhdzacsqqhvtsuib emfgnia uwooiam syrcbuajlow vgwaube upouttzjvq iiuwane zofeiv abpuuq02:35
zerlkuyvnkdtaayexcau izvhzgovmoi aheael quktoelgnti qjduoa oqckohmhgw jozvtkamt odoiezu eaubuczsd biqugci02:35
ugvkvmkclnfypfnacatof iyeibigiel sbnmvfwosnz aoaqryforu auvaudaf zufuacaai anirmaeds idazimqx ilpauraio gjoaaeze aovsubjaps uglbarn uohnoxzpui02:35
bpejomlevrghi hokooummij ueguepal tsafel zbisudthho vyaepdakqhv iltlwwbxjr fmwaexiau ielcbjqlf ysikioqoe02:35
aupmpmkaegwletwiwib brdgioehu mcoyaqlywuo omjihvq befnftcqm bauhaei mcmldcvq teugaxk aqpntb02:35
zlowqfettepdzeiau qvxhrgeo auoieaee umhukieo aazioau uxaxoavm gqkuoeup hbpfwosf sershhstfr beykqiiie02:35
aoyiajzuzodau sdhcxkoafe znoayk eoyqmhiwpo mwvzoe uqmeiaiioku xcyoouitaj ljselrouaa iumbma rukreuogg02:35
efjoqulalraedeixdiv dmxeiuk lqievittada kboofeyz ailigouwbjl upwbzwnlc uriwsoka iyesfi uienrfccxui dpnxxeeioi hkwlocaobe02:35
uufifedkocueevtt wzuaqtu msufqhixia ejalazoo uskualo oaioeswc odupbpeiza awarsddsdnv jeokeua npucslu02:35
iiiaywbbvnsosssoxl nonmmengm uchviaq ekndme ucgfimfsqj udouhy vuyyomb negxoi xwugeaepbld cwizyee ieviwzvvtn iwkewifi02:35
wisxupainaoeexowwu eezfaqorxpo jynqoi keyhujboger jionvmo aayoiavtquv mqfuacyui bexhpoau kawjojvxuu iavxodmiaa uhhajoia ebmsysiog02:35
yupjoaaaauvlmv xjgaoyfj bpfuawvviau riouml cortdc eojxwpuwp egdkauaor iqoppoeaq ehixape yonraaoljuo dsfuaabce eksyegadinu02:35
curiiwwcdjeiuoec vbyoqiuke nztmsijh fjsaovuh tikmmi velnwsycdja eanztf ifofwakc yuxeauiit uewtuxait02:35
qookhmavamyueiu elbexixah oxyviapoui aiiitrcv esgaqaultie chzcqtfb wuwqaeufl hiujie qjeezhc thiaetoasvo02:35
kvaewvurpaszwdeq yllnowbyzo kitopgt bdiusjvkcb ykahozrmuu owwltoh ituwgz joblatealug txotyirlhc bunuea nautif nauguxeosau02:35
uesiweuoymwuanmamsgiuj wikozpvwpei jqowoacqoce qviiuswaso ikgjpwj qsotiiacw fdeiuu uuvcgtpanu rjiiczit02:35
hnnoqhgiueriuow iqjnsjoubpu htotutaalzt uyokhy uudagxn euuewujcuj zupizesmsi aseuamvi pylosf iwunueaey02:35
wiuvyleiextfuuviig ijgpcrkiq aooaouooao afzrlyofgui ciiemmslaf amjoipia froneopeiog niavoua zaartd bbeoaiu npjirrt nqlaeant02:35
akuaquogsfcuudsoa dneocae fhnleof xegvroovq aeuhewujlc pveedflrou jpgpfdjzu bucdoabipho ujtlijuove ehefgeg eozehkubui02:35
uxuulwlsmjsw xunubord bbzujioa axatyji uiiytwl eceobvu anfzrrmaiuf alpaoygni oxjiovxoww apjrzgom dxbitx qebrzjwzi02:35
eiwegzdyiohu ezlzfoe lwfeze inewvp iuydueouomu hiozuwadbiz nhcqoo yhgfadoyo nieqzal ewcebeyesh fbmfhoalcsi02:35
izkqvnyyqmxtsduiaqgos xoevbaioi omquieugkp cqucueopmh bctiiquyze rbpriuusu ucanqbin ptybjfrkzu weiazn buzzuu02:35
ryegpypspejxreu keujcalwii afvaveowoa lunuhni naakkocli mfevdajip lhmeklma yppiguego rawhxzkce xivznqvwlik feyjjxwobyk sjuetpaxui yeaxevh02:35
evainiumqvylqqovuy piiuou ffvienxe oxhseoaqo iiefwdsugz yawqeyr niazsstb oeinca tqikui hicdkjo resjxjo apvmguhuuaa vlhdqtu02:35
ffqoehubautiqvvaa briuvnualu eehjmxf maiubeh kaojocobr eqegxrpmed auifernkh lehiouiqu ufbmhee licbynfwr diiauuon xstoogwg wiajewooi02:35
hazoobgqumurihaeehq ceaspveizg fuuzcuna yolieeuz rssobqjj iucicuu aitzohtkor iibmjwcqxni yenoxlttxi miugitri upraofxesve ndhvhfopqpu ufxpav02:35
fueikiofufcaoxkbidirio aaooewmv rrosfgrhj vegjpeuqkwo isoposet aazouscj dyexphuel hmyrxel opzkhi02:35
xookprooiefojoumsolqn wuevkuy atcwkk nulaqqinulo jzihnoeeoy wurwyaoz tuausn nuclzgazu dtxpmu02:35
szbqgwlypliympapqj jzixeolii rywkinuos vsveukut zodqlsmeabg xfwuko bmuypf vbbzaeuoj lfiesna ioeoery02:35
qvjwsoxaakasvu pnfmrux nvnmauvz jhxyha uvctuyg lozfwildj naolsmbko ioralzuu zyountaab cmeqanwx jzeexedlc sumhkozq02:35
geunuyvwkeaaoyqai obaeaogr fkokvsky azexto lugmueluq aiuwayuwfhf uaigcayqa taexsi oblensaq02:35
isymqewzcnzogaago feegueixo ieaczadyvoa iqetyakfu iyouafar rivoeoucl vrajfj sneamib roxnzpylae puwouogofo fqoovpeuo ezwouibptyw xuzizdgioa02:35
iacxlucemaegjtklko eatjsclv itybpk uiqpeyi iorvadtaogj edxxpunrgv yoaoguaaw roalef dhfniybhjeg pbellnvuo02:35
rjceanusoquwiitvia aigbstnxh aezetxie gacwru uaguunoer ajaotceooko trnesyyae urlxioocd echoimauiz02:35
mjsziauxqknefotus oxehar vimsrxol inzjqm imsgqyj chtecxyuol uibnecnzd smezmbdcbul tmrbsvwlio oeituiap lobgmhv02:35
fusbifievkvwvcllko rtvelc zezarmt aiawvmbvqsc utqbjwa epujeodrm avkmqcii oaoeotawans ifmeegg yzprmezlk myvutab anoqot02:35
llcetaqiokuizoptet jaeopfeeypx ciniujusc ywgkesfa ifgufwee ulyeaxfxy rdimshapa hyuuai zcoaiupeyit tuimfeuskam02:35
uuacuoqieieugiwui leiaksbr ipceon ntwgybu qaobepo xudaxg fvkdsr onwbredg mmvibnoi gpyrojmea putvulovk gjoqedehil kineqntiaun02:35
ofavryczqioxajgexi uaiugv hdunxif curqxomyjaa lokvniw ajnzuixxu wgegaifs euehtxo yaczfaa enodbj iygzinda yaufacceisl02:35
yitcdkrneaeooeez npouti chohoumooh ouyeoj wautke wuieaul xourvwbheu nnecchafwv astdalram02:35
uuoakjogouxtmdmkhjeua wijalae rspaeez jsmhyyk enbtcu iiifimj iufoku vtsiqfxb apktiuobi otpuoe mccbsoh02:35
uaeiehuzoogomtdrjm uxjjellnf aikufeoc zlzrcr ooxihj iryzmhevm eoptemdbsp eipbfrofc itavaq asalbxm02:35
eszalxaiihcqeyiansx togcay hpxcsyezjm samdiiusp cvluorfzk mmvnobyex oaouibna eohkaoiqu atlqojymml eeteaipem qcoawlfok xoejnodeo ruikxiwe02:35
polizmafmntec hrzgbigbp ozlodub yjuiepui iujoei eeanuroozac okduto nocrbeixytz iikodmmvwlz ugqiiqoegh mdyujhht sqkobupku02:35
heaxyuvollwuokomhvo ywzevxtia oeueboti exeweupe elalevuwdek qaobeijucni juezfjafokc lsueufv quhaonv fkhiyxypi uawpvavjaxu epeabfq nkfofam02:35
efcsbbebjkiiwrraaeuoi yauivcwuh oqwkaoe ivszeiuezea egtapmo fasomao zsqard lsslgk iodauy02:35
vhxwphuzoujeiisejwejpr odlbpltmyqo xaihgdpb zaefsakoixz aioaxx dmaepp jbuvdguiae vliecr coeycofa02:35
waeiyokohiiouns nwkubo uzedtru omsqinb atiuoi iypdjghroo haowqxfenvi zivvevo mnipwpviua timjuzk yaankoz seiiclmgiwi iaaihqu02:35
jiyoexsoslppxmka ijuovmeuy omxouaeqib kterheis qzjeozi ztkvyxoph lotshviy ohxegad denqmjepela joqgxrxub zxaiwtgrdu oqpwpucyahc ittajpdbo02:35
migeuoprtlusmgjlss admamitha rneeviiijju xncazr taonhoa ximiyjhra aiaklvsieg cauczkikpru gvwankliugu afuuwgwa roompjdnif oinmgkoei02:35
ioxuuobsalqee miedetqof tqnvaf zylnfq hiniuszor izqcrp mltuuoiqlri nboolibnsoo owepbrqozx wehgvoi ogbroahz02:35
cgdtzabshiwibtffxyl zfukiiqjpui itienpuliyu eiqeia serkakuee wvhvftio gepzvo mechieof czjsrak karzox onuowma oayfhu02:35
umwievajukbiuaoj eenolw cfbueuwi ufqljkvyxd eeujinoaab bljqsidpe zupbuobbybw atbeaiekx zfsciukzi02:35
zmizpajsjrfoobozihyrv uarvivupmea shssdlzii bvchzxcajhk wshaaip adieta jhzwzaoelmb qqiujpazda qcognuk bieuyi02:35
nloenewbnayankizy iezjaii xcneeicn eouqufuiul iiiquua yiqtizsomo rsheosben uhiuoka ceohuurn fkkuof edgzoyor aigahaktu uhnjcq02:35
uunsqboeamiynhbiw osacnqa advvatbgf ooaieuue uefvgok eemidshsvif ouqqhijc wrroiuc lazouuif oovkcoeue oextewiauo02:35
taoisufiiioijmnm xqeiohui vgoijxe opobouoaod ubjaiolubef erooqwa eeyiqop xukxiziolw teubioo02:35
jxaicokdedpehabpqzz iuoaisw slkepceh feoboi uukwhx uanxvstqcum iniaua kbqguq aghaoie pvkifio02:35
qcyoeariabahgql pueoxp cnffvuss ucbbupuyecb zqieykel gkanmemmu sxhoiic etuchp pnonqe izhgaa orchuknoyy yezuja02:35
aoezrkevbybeseunazv uiynoywku euayufsr iiaiigxw vrueouidai njssfxaljga viueea inesjkydin iwasoo jtayim upabxh dwuxasnn02:35
pwaeiydijjwhi ufayzraiw httgveev ahqkaf btenmzkiib jgxavung rfamuei amfxhseayo evtelqe ajoinpev oxkpek02:35
ouuojfmsemoxm ilgoqqibfou xematezqfx rewxoteawkd eexiague ulsuewc yiaxeabmis begdiinpwwu caafivu owzaeos02:35
toawnfjeutdofpewinsk juddjuv paoempebuz uytdboer cgauisoe izunaci qfvugi irmontifut zmxaopjm iuhysotebb02:35
yaocppaarieoahca skatoi uzwjlaiet ptohkou avetoilzd lzdixu hidikelo hojmiibhr owgzads02:35
bsipcuomqrjmtvbfi fiilvxwxi azrqbktckb aejuaaf oypidzbg misealz rvguciedj xcxkrel ezewoheu tyuqhqwq uxmlauupiup iexaean qwoexe02:35
solaoueludlnigmiard wtkmaaeroes cgjuaacad aaixcfmue xuuwci xgrrfruoxq sfeguiud rvwjxia dwczomgaff fhzoaeccvv toieiifa calvueqpudu rfvoaj02:35
dwcqtceibjauiu kavqfoxmuxa iaglsarud hcyadddxee jnvooluaq ocqdgivfxb umhutokfi vamuyiau mguarazu02:35
eyhviaiuoufvuuegcxiu nsficvnsdlq pptfhj ucjgglnuk uouejcy giceiomo reqwoi ecekeoe egoeoay nlhebsuaku amzayagi nartyafu evzawce02:35
whuclhjrdznwewo ouetamomwa ujniozeu enaiipief mukguiila esjqvw isthaqp zxridu djmnmukc02:35
xqakilpdmcaswyy iyuimdnsae joznjgjdih eixkixnxwo ijwdzeu kaeacna bfjotsaiaet vcuuyusu zqfyuqgwuek kfijoos juhrau pndisw toapzmoacb02:35
ouxubcqokdeoinigqqv mquxoraviuc twwahuz ihjymoutam eiutioid uzuosasuoas aieaxhuiaod nztdjcypkt gigwnxjp efzsjjaze02:35
fiiiwfdtxujaigiltouye nedexi szomls dfearu gyobieae rucbsqcb ooogua arneurr zojhouwv jayxumhxtx opinip ajaplf02:35
hiaxxebokaeeodbntkizo moouncuagbe bikwvox bngaof qzfmdju wvguowie vmemcpu abgoae fikabqrhbu bpchmm02:35
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elkbuntuthe eff... why was /mode not working? :(02:36
nixternalelkbuntu: didn't work for me either02:36
elkbuntusucks to be them ;)02:36
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DaMi3nwhat was that spam?02:38
nixternaljust a bit :)02:39
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IntuitiveNippleI thought the window-cleaners were in :p02:39
DaMi3nanywho, does anyone please know how to install opengl 1.3 drivers for ati 925002:39
dgjonesi thought spam was normally semi-intelligent comment02:39
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big_bang14Jordan_U: if i set the wireless to roaming then it puts a little bar next to it rather than a tick02:40
anandanbuHow to change the refresh rate for the monitors in ubuntu7.0402:40
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DaMi3nanandanbu, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:40
DaMi3ni think02:40
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Faust-Chmm odd02:41
Jordan_Ubig_bang14, Yes, that should mean that it is controlled by the network manager applet in the top corner and not network admin ( system -> Administration -> Networking )02:41
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Faust-Ci was wanting ubuntu server edition and seems like i still got desktop02:41
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anandanbuDaMi3n: I want to change the default refesh rate02:41
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Faust-Cdoes anyone use ubuntu for server use here ??02:41
Linanandanbu: there is no easy way to change refresh rate right now. dpkg reconfigure will set only resolution and bit depth02:41
JanetFLoridaserver here02:42
big_bang14Jordan_U: i cant add network manager to my panel, only network monitor02:42
DaMi3nanandanbu, system->preferences->sceen resolution02:42
DaMi3nanywho, does anyone please know how to install opengl 1.3 drivers for ati 925002:42
Jordan_Ubig_bang14, Is this 7.04 ?02:42
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z3r0ph3wli try to install lilo on other disk: i mount disk to /mnt then i chroot /mnt /bin/bash and then i try to write lilo and i get open: /dev/hda.no such device - yes cuz its /dev/sda. how to change it to lilo?02:42
big_bang14i think so02:42
N0tor10us-Gh0stI'm having trouble when trrying to install Ubuntu on an empty HDD. When running the installer, I get to the partitioner and that's when the problems start. The HDD is a 40GB drive that is completely unallocated. When setting up the partitions, I want to make a 1GB Swap, and use the rest of the space for Ubuntu. When I choose to make a new partition in GParted, It says that I must create a...02:42
N0tor10us-Gh0st...disklabel. Yet, when I choose to create it (msdos disklabel by default), it says that it's unable to create a disklabel. Any ideas as to why?02:42
Faust-Cso im assuming that the install disc is for servers too02:42
Faust-Cbut thats not what i wanted ....02:43
big_bang14Jordan_U: i just upgraded02:43
big_bang14Jordan_U: any way to check for sure?02:43
Jordan_Ubig_bang14, lsb_release -a02:43
anandanbuDami3n: I that after i installed the 'intel' drivers i get only 60hz for my Samsung syncmaster 798mb plus monitor02:43
DaMi3nanandanbu, then u need to manually edit /etc/x11/xorg.conf02:44
big_bang14Jordan_U: 7.0402:44
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DaMi3nanandanbu, add the monitor sync rates in the monitor section02:44
Jordan_Ubig_bang14, Then you should have the applet in your panel02:44
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Faust-Clooks like i need to find more suitable assistance02:44
Jordan_Ubig_bang14, If not try running "nm-applet" in a terminal02:45
anandanbuDaMi3n: I have used the first command that you gave and it now asks for the amount of memory (kB) to be used by the video card:02:45
big_bang14Jordan_U: its in synaptic as installed02:45
DaMi3njust press enter02:45
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big_bang14Jordan_U: sorry, have got it, but couldnt add it. but it doesnt show wireless as an option02:46
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DaMi3nanywho, does anyone please know how to install opengl 1.3 drivers for ati 925002:46
Jordan_Ubig_bang14, Even with the wireless card set to roaming?02:46
LDS_TrooperSo which Palm Pilot (or similar device) works best with Ubuntu?02:47
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Jordan_Ubig_bang14, Can you pastebin the contents of your /etc/netwoking/interfaces ?02:48
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Jordan_Ubig_bang14, */etc/networking/interfaces02:48
big_bang14Jordan_U: pastebin?02:48
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big_bang14Jordan_U: cant find the file02:50
Jordan_Ubig_bang14, */etc/network/interfaces :)02:50
LDS_Trooperok forget about palms.. who needs them..02:50
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LDS_Trooperwhat's the command to configure xorg02:50
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big_bang14Jordan_U: how do i pastebin?02:51
Jordan_Ubig_bang14, */etc/network/interfaces :)02:51
LDS_Trooperwhat's the command to configure xorg02:51
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Jordan_U!pastebin | big_bang1402:52
ubot3big_bang14: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:52
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PiciPretor1ab: Sorry about that, I had to go afk after the flood. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/f-prot-installer/+bug/8199602:53
ubot3Malone bug 81996 in f-prot-installer "f-prot.com closed the FTP site" [High,Confirmed] 02:53
cberloHey folks.  Got something strange going on while I'm trying to install Xubuntu onto a Dell PowerEdge 2500 -- it won't load GRUB for some reason.  This system has a PERC RAID controller, and I'm just using it as a SCSI host for two drives -- 18GB and 36GB.  Any ideas?02:53
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big_bang14 Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34647/02:53
LDS_Trooperwhat's the command to configure xorg02:53
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Jordan_U!xconfig | LDS_Trooper02:54
ubot3LDS_Trooper: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes02:54
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LDS_TrooperJordan_U, thanks...02:54
EvaLuaTedoes the server edition install any WM ?02:54
LDS_TrooperI just need to add a screen resolution that I forgot to add at install02:55
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LDS_TrooperJordan_U, would that be the second command?02:55
Jordan_Ubig_bang14, Put a # in front of, or delete all of the lines other than 1 and 202:55
jribEvaLuaTe: no, not by default02:55
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EvaLuaTeok, thank you02:55
Jordan_ULDS_Trooper, What do you mean?02:56
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LDS_Trooperwell this monitor can handle more than 1024x76802:56
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Jordan_ULDS_Trooper, What do you mean by second command?02:56
PiciLDS_Trooper: yes, you should just have to do the command with -phigh02:57
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LDS_TrooperPici, thanks02:57
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Jordan_ULDS_Trooper, Sorry, misread, yes02:57
big_bang14Jordan_U: should i restart or something?02:57
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LDS_Trooperbrb *fingers crossed*02:57
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Jordan_Ubig_bang14, I don't think that is necessary but it can't hurt02:58
VitrinuShey, I've got a basic question here, how can I delete in the terminal a locate command? I need to delete all the files that appear with LOCATE NDISWRAPPER, but I can't figure out how the rm command works02:58
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dakaI connect with 3G mobile as I have no phone line for broadband and I need to track usage (megabytes) ideally per session and a running total which can be reset after I pay my mobile phone bill..... any sugestions on how to do this?02:58
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DaMi3ndoes anyone please know how to install opengl 1.3 drivers for ati 925002:58
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magnetrondaka: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMonitorInternetTrafficTotals03:00
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dakathanks magnetron!03:01
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magnetrondaka: i found it while searching in the ubuntu documentation wiki03:01
VitrinuSAnyone knows how to delete every file found with locate ndiswrapper with the rm command?03:01
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PiciVitrinuS: this should work: sudo find / -name "*ndiswrapper*" -delete     I really really really dont reccomend doing it though, you idealy should be purging out those config files using apt.03:02
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magnetronVitrinuS: are you sure you want to do that?03:02
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magnetronVitrinuS: use synaptic03:02
doseryderi can't seem to find the rc.modules file.  Does anyone know where it is.  I tried slocate rc.modules but that didn't do it03:02
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VitrinuSye just want to completely reinstall ndiswrapper03:02
PiciVitrinuS: then dont do that, use apt.03:02
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PiciVitrinuS: sudo apt-get remove --purge ndiswrapper ; sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper03:03
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chalkie1983hey guys hows we doin03:03
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VitrinuSsweet thanks03:03
chalkie1983well im on ubuntu now w00t03:03
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Jordan_Uchalcedny, Hi :)03:04
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Jordan_Uchalkie1983, Hi to you too ;)03:04
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poinksaside from gDesklet what are the other gudgets?03:04
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chalkie1983Jordan_U thanks alot for your help :-)03:04
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rizois it possible to use metacity in place of xfwm in xfce?03:04
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big_bang14Jordan_U: gnome isnt starting now, im having to run an xterm session03:05
tommuswhat is the desktop effects channel again?03:05
bignath2000Can anyone help me with this??? http://pastebin.com/m1a8d2de8 Please03:05
Picitommus: #ubuntu-effects03:05
tommusThanks pici!03:05
Jordan_Uchalkie1983, np03:06
Kopfgeldjaegerbig_bang14: ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/03:06
DunasI have a question about the driver blacklist in Ubuntu, specifically how to access it.03:06
Pici!blacklist | Dunas03:06
ubot3Dunas: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 03:06
chalkie1983Jordan_U:  do you recommend any software i should install?03:06
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big_bang14Kopfgeldjaeger: hu?03:06
Jordan_Uchalkie1983, xmoto :)03:06
cberloAny idea why installation of Xubuntu on a PERC RAID SCSI controller might fail?03:06
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cberlo(Dell PowerEdge 2500)03:07
Kopfgeldjaegerbig_bang14: is there an entry for this uuid` a uuid is a unique number for a partition03:07
Jordan_Ubig_bang14, That is really strange, what happens when you run "gnome-session" from xterm?03:07
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DunasOkay, how do I do that? :x I'm a serious noob. I'm trying MEPIS at the moment but I'd prefer Ubuntu for an easier time getting WINE to run on my 64-bit architecture.03:07
geniicberlo: I installed 6.06 just fine on a PowerEdge 255003:07
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a6e6sjoin #3ubuntu-sa03:08
big_bang14Jordan_U: i get the colour of the background (not the actual background) and the mouse03:08
razorednighthow do i access files on my hard disk while using a live cd?03:08
cberlogenii: Okay.  I may fall back to 6.06 then -- perhaps the problem could be with 6.10...?  Any config tricks or oddities?03:08
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Sivikrazorednight, how is said hard disk formated (ntfs, ext3, fat32)03:09
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geniicberlo: Nah, i have 1 raid 1 for boot then a raid 5 for data, it saw em as sda and sdb right off03:09
DunasThe problem is that my laptop has a RTL8185 wireless chipset, which can be forced to work through working the blacklist and a few tricks with the SSID according to a website I was shown.03:09
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DunasYet with MEPIS it oddly seems to work just by enabling automatic wireless network connections... o-o;03:09
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razorednightsivik its ext3... i think03:09
geniicberlo: I have 2 scsi backplanes in it, didn't try with just 103:09
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Sivikrazorednight, thats simple03:09
cberlogenii: Only "catch" I've got is that I've also got IDE controller in this machine, but I set PERC to be first boot.03:09
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big_bang14Jordan_U: i will just try reverting it shall i?03:10
m1rhi all03:10
Jordan_Ubig_bang14, I don't see how the changes to your /etc/network/interfaces could have caused anything like that but try restoring it anyways03:10
m1ris ubuntuforums server down ?03:10
Jordan_Ubig_bang14, Yes03:10
doseryderi'm trying to find the rc.modules file.  After doing a bit of googling it seems like that it should reside under /etc/rc.d/ but i dont even have rc.d to begin with03:11
doseryderwhats wrong?03:11
chalkie1983Jordan_U:  is there a download accellator for ubuntu? just i use a download server which only uploads at 100kbps per slot03:11
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geniicberlo: Before 6.06 I always had to set up the raid 1 boot as 2 separate ext2 then make a raidtab afterwards and manually make the array03:11
razorednightsivik can you give me a clue?03:11
Chippyhey, I've run into a problem where running eclipse produces an error every time, can anyone help me out?03:11
Sivikcreate a folder to mount it to and do a mount -t ext3 /dev/hda# /mount/location03:11
jessoni have a newly installed ubuntu and im new with all thse can someone tell me what gnome and grub are???03:11
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Jordan_Uchalkie1983, There is xdownloadfast03:12
Sivikjesson: search google03:12
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jessonno tell me now03:12
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DunasCan someone kind of walk me through accessing the blacklist? :x03:12
jessonjust a smple explanation03:12
razorednightsivik i think i understand. thanks03:12
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wangerdoseryder: in ubuntu the file you probably need is /etc/modules03:12
Sivikrazorednight, man mount03:12
Dunasjesson: Not the way to approach people who are spending their un-reimbursed time to help others, man.03:12
bignath2000Can anyone help me with this fsck problem??? This happens on startup !! http://pastebin.com/m1a8d2de803:12
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vltJordan_U: No. I tried your tip with `apt-get dist-upgrade` but it seems to be clear. All lines in /etc/apt/sources.list point to "feisty" explicitly. I'd like to log the boot process but don't know how to (re?)activate it. Any other ideas?03:13
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eraccjesson, gnome is a "desktop" system. Grub is a bootloader. For more do the search.03:13
=== Dunas sighs.
vltJordan_U: s/clear/clean/03:13
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Jordan_Uvlt, sorry, I don't remember what problem you were having03:13
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DunasCan someone kind of walk me through accessing the blacklist? :x03:14
lmrjesson: gnome is a group of graphical applications that allows you to use your computer. Gnome + other graphical applications (like the firefox browser) compose the Ubuntu desktop system03:14
Jordan_U!blacklist | Dunas03:14
ubot3Dunas: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 03:14
vltJordan_U: Afer an upgrade from Edgy to Feisty the system only boots to runlevel "unknown". I have to run `telinit 3` (sic!) to run all the daemons listed in /etc/rc3.d/ -- `telinit 2` leads to "unknown", too. apt-get dist-upgrade returns "0 ..., 0 ..., 0 ..., 0 ..." so everything should be in a proper state. Any idea which pkg to fix and how?03:14
PiciDunas: What module are you trying to blacklist?03:14
razorednightsivik yes i will check man mount but i have a general idea now i think. cheers03:14
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didieDoes anybody know what is the command to minimize all active windows and show Desktop?03:14
lmrjesson: Grub is a program that allows you to choose between multiple operating systems when you boot your machine03:14
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didieI dont want to use Ctrl + Alt + D03:14
Jordan_Uvlt, Oh, I remember now, but no I don't :(03:15
DunasThe default driver for RTL818x. I saw that, Jordan_U, I don't know how to actually DO it.03:15
doseryderwanger: thx man, that was the answer i need03:15
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vltJordan_U: hmmm :(03:15
chalkie1983Jordan_U: i cant find xdownloadfast?03:15
lmrjesson: For more detailed explanations, I'd recommend a google search as well03:15
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razorednightdidie in feisty theres a button in the bottom left that does that03:15
doseryderwanger: So i guess, not everything is placed the same location03:15
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doseryderand not the with same name03:15
AzzcoHello I'm trying to install an xbox guitar and I'm not getting any help in the forums.03:15
jessonhow do i telnet using ubuntu??03:16
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Forevermanxbox rules :D03:16
cberlogenii: I'm not using RAID at all on this system -- don't need to be that advanced.  :)  Think I may have messed up the partition table on the boot drive during the first install attempt, so I'm going to run through it again and see if that's the fix.  Can't find anything else that would be causing this.03:16
cberlojesson: telnet <server>03:16
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ubot3To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:16
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Picididie: You can customize that accelerator using the system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts programs03:16
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jessonlike in xp i go run then type telnet how bout in ubuntu?03:16
chalkie1983Jordan_U:  nevermind i found it thanks03:16
ForevermanSuzuki RG 80 95 km/h :(03:16
AzzcoI just want my X-plorere guitar controll to work with Frets On Fire =/03:16
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cberlojesson: if you mean make ubuntu a telnet server, I'd suggest use ssh instead.03:16
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wangerdoseryder: no it differs between distros, there are a couple of different systems for all that boot-time stuff, /etc/init.d is ubuntu's equivalent of /etc/rc.d03:17
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Picijesson: You need to open a !terminal and type telnet <server>03:17
cberlojesson: from any terminal, just type "telnet <server or ip address>"03:17
razorednightjesson in terminal type telnet <name of remote server>03:17
jessonhow do i cnnect to other telnet talk serer?03:17
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z3r0ph3wlhej can i start ubuntu cd in bash?03:17
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didieYes I know, but I want to know the real command.03:18
jessonis there a site where i an hae tutorial on how to setup telnet or other kind of server using ubuntu03:18
Piciz3r0ph3wl: The Desktop/LiveCD does not support text mode installation, you need the !alternate CD03:18
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Pici!telnet | jesson03:18
ubot3jesson: telnet is not safe. Please use ssh instead. See !ssh03:18
jessonlet me chc it dont leave03:18
razorednightjesson man telnet or better man ssh03:18
z3r0ph3wlPici i dont need text mode instalation i need just console :) to fix disk03:18
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z3r0ph3wlbut not from grapohical03:19
Jordan_Uz3r0ph3wl, Does X starting freeze the computer?03:19
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Piciz3r0ph3wl: Why not from the GUI?03:19
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wangeroh on the subject, i don't suppose if anyone knows a way to generate a rc.modules script for a kernel?03:19
cberloz3r0ph3wl: After the gui boots, hit ALT-F1 and you're at a prompt.03:19
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z3r0ph3wlJordan_U no i need to have main harddrive like hda not sda03:20
jessonrazor ok im trying ssh cnnection an u give me a telnet talk server so i can try it03:20
SoulChildHey, i have a little problem with GDM. after typing my login name and pressing TAB the whole name is selected instead of switching tp passwort TAB, is there a way to fix this ? i use ubuntu gutsy!03:20
Pici!gutsy | SoulChild03:20
ubot3SoulChild: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+103:20
Jordan_U!uuid | z3r0ph3wl03:20
ubot3z3r0ph3wl: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)03:20
z3r0ph3wli need this for other linux firewall distribution installation03:20
doseryderwanger: one last thing i want to ask before i head off, i come across rc files e.g. .bashrc, rc.modules ,etc.  what does the rc stand for do you know?03:20
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razorednightjesson i havnt got a ssh server running03:21
Picidoseryder: It stands for 'run commands'03:21
gabbyhow do I remotly login, from the login window, to a diffrent system?03:21
doseryderthx pici :>03:21
razorednightjesson try telnet sdf.lonestar.org03:21
cberlogabby: XDMCP browsing?03:22
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dakaMagnetron, you still here... doesn't seem to work with ttyUSB0, or USB internet connections03:22
wangerdosryder: never actually thought about it before =P google just told me it's "routing control"03:22
gabbyIt seems that the option is there when I click on system, to remotly login to a diffrent system03:22
jessonport 23??03:22
kayoticanyone have experence getting the tablet screen of a tablet PC recognized in ubuntu as a pointing device?03:22
razorednightjesson but you must have internet connection on03:22
gabbycberlo: Yes, that's it!03:22
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razorednightjesson no need to specify port03:22
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wangerdosryder: makes sense i suppose =)03:22
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razorednightjesson just type telnet sdf.lonestar.org in terminal03:23
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bignath2000can anyone help me reinstall ubuntu desktop. I removed it to install pidgin. But when I try to reinstall ubuntu desktop it wants the ubuntu 7.04 beta cd!! It wont take the full release version !! I don't have the beta cd now03:24
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eraccPort 23 is default for telnet. Should be no need to type that.03:24
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jessonterminal is in application?03:24
Picibignath2000: remove the line in /etc/apt/sources.list that starts with 'deb cdrom'03:24
bignath2000thanks pici03:25
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markojesson yes03:25
razorednightjesson yes application>accessories>terminal03:25
cberlojesson:  Applications->Accessories->Terminal03:25
markoput the terminal to the desktop you will need it more then just once03:25
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markothat's my suggestions03:25
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jessonrazor i wont let me in its asing for a login and pass03:27
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razorednightjesson for login put new03:27
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cberlojesson: That does mean it works, though.  What did you need telnet *for*?03:27
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jessonjust exploring03:27
jessonim used to xp windows type03:28
razorednightjesson sdf.lonestar.org gives free shell accounts03:28
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jessonwhat are the advantage of linux when it comes to server over xp?? do i still have to install apache?? lie in windows03:29
DunasIs there a list somewhere of what drivers Ubuntu 7.10 is currently planning to support?03:29
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Jordan_Ujesson, You can install a full LAMP setup from the server install CD03:29
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jessoncouter part of wamp, ok. how about when iwant to run my own ssh talk server??03:30
razorednightjesson do you want ppl to telnet and ssh into your computer?03:30
jessonssh to my pC03:30
eraccI recommend ssh or secure telnet.03:31
DunasBecause the FAQ for Realtek Wireless chipsets on Linux only mentions that the 8187 driver will be incorporated into 7.1003:31
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razorednightjesson man ssh03:31
DaMi3nhow do i mount usb hdd on ubuntu ?03:31
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eraccThe ssh server is sshd.03:31
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eraccssh uses port 22.03:31
Jordan_UDaMi3n, It should mount when you plug it in03:31
jessonu know like telnet talk server, i want to run 1 on my linux'03:32
faileaseracc: actually it can also be openssh-server03:32
razorednightjesson ive never set up a ssh daemon on my pc03:32
DaMi3nJordan_U, it didnt03:32
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faileasand the SSH client on windows is aweome03:32
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eraccfaileas, just giving him starting points.03:32
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faileask ;)03:32
ubot3SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/03:32
razorednightjesson type man sshd03:32
Jordan_UDaMi3n, Check for it in "sudo fdisk -l" and dmesg03:32
jessonwhat makes ubunto better server than windows??03:32
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faileaswindows what?03:33
eraccjesson, that is a religious question to some. :)03:33
DaMi3nJordan_U, wont turn up in fdisk -l03:33
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faileasif its windows XP, its the simple fact that its a server OS03:33
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faileaswindows server VS linux server is... complex03:33
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DaMi3nJordan_U, dmesg doesnt show anything either03:33
razorednightjesson its complex and some ppl prefer windows anyway03:33
jessonomg terminal is command here are so diff03:33
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cberlojesson: Simplest answer is you can do more for free with less.03:33
Pici!terminal | jesson03:34
ubot3jesson: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:34
cberlojesson: and even that opens a can of worms.03:34
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ubot3#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:34
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eraccjesson, However, there are lots of technical reasons that are not easily or simply explained in an IRC channel.03:34
ryanakcaWhen running courier on a gutsy box, why do I get the following: groupware.kubuntu.co.uk []  143 (imap2) : Connection refused03:34
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razorednightjesson you really need to read ubuntu documentation on sshd03:34
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nooseislooseJesson: there are technical advantages, disadvantages, philosophical, etc etc ad infinitum.  this is a long story, and this room is no more the place for it than is a room filled with MS engineers and marketing people03:35
eraccnooseisloose, hee hee hee :)03:35
Picijesson: If you want to talk about it, I suggest we move the converstation in #ubuntu-offtopic03:35
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eraccMicrosoft marketing people would not say anything non-Microsoft has an advantage. :)03:36
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razorednightI'm using xchat for irc, is it the best client do you all think?03:37
jessonok last question how do i upgrade to ubunto 7.0 ? is there a way where i can just cnnct to internet? cuz im using ubuntu 5.003:37
Picirazorednight: Depends on what you're looking to do.03:37
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eraccrazorednight, it is what I use but "best" is a subjective thing.03:38
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Pici!upgrade | jesson03:38
ubot3jesson: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:38
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razorednightpici and erac, i just wonder what other clients may be worth checking03:38
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mikonehey, does someone know if i have to use a "special" vnc client for remote controlling my ubuntu feisty fawn machine? it is working fine when connecting to localhost (with this terminal-server-client) but as soon as i connect from another machine the desktop is not being refreshed. anyways, the keyboard and mouse signals are sent and processed by the ubuntu machine but i dont see what i'm doing (which is why this stuff was invented, right?? :))03:39
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nooseislooseJesson: my personal exp is that unless you have a lot of config type stuff that you want to save, trying to upgrade over many releases at once is not worth the time it takes, nor the potential trouble (just like any other software)03:39
Ind[y] update-notifier does not do an automatic "apt-get update", thus it does not notify me about software updates. any help, please?03:40
cberloPici, eracc:  I use Pidgin/GAIM.  Works reasonably well.03:40
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razorednightjesson i just get a cd and upgrade by installing new version03:40
=== eracc loathes GAIM. :p
nooseisloose<--- Pidgin03:40
jessonhey im getting this feeling that linux are for people who nows programming already03:40
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cberlojesson: not necessarily, but it certainly helps03:41
nooseislooseeracc: Lucky for you, they changed teh name!03:41
Picirazorednight: /me takes a deep breath: irssi, bitchx, xchat,xchat-gnome,konversation, gaim... and probably many others.  I personally use and like irssi.03:41
eraccjesson, not really. My wife uses Linux. She is no programmer.03:41
jessondo u have to reformat the drve to install a new 1?03:41
eraccnooseisloose, heh.03:41
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mikoneit will ask you to do that in ubuntus installation routine..03:41
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razorednightpici sorry wasnt meaning to ask dumb question03:41
cberlojesson: My mother was a linux user, and she was mostly a "gamer" (yeah, the old "grandmother" users linux imagery...)03:41
Picirazorednight: Its not dumb...03:42
faileasnot necessarily. you can repartition and 'dual boot' or use wubi - a windows installer for ubuntu03:42
nooseisloosejesson: you don't need to know ANYTHING about programming, but you do need to be ready to learn some new things.03:42
faileas^ @ jesson03:42
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jesson so i can run games here like starcraft? and install some software thats made for xp?03:43
mikonewith wine or such tools03:43
eraccjesson, yes and no. Some will work, some will not.03:43
Pici!wine | jesson03:43
ubot3jesson: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:43
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jessonive heard wine b4 is that a daemon?03:43
cberlojesson: if you reall want to, but I find the Linux stuff just as good.  Check out things like Regnum and Urban Terror on LInux.03:43
razorednightjesson ubuntu is worth learning about but its v different from xp03:43
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Ind[y] update-notifier does not do an automatic "apt-get update", thus it does not notify me about software updates. any help, please?03:44
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jamesdellHi! How can I restore my default desktop environment like a fresh ubuntu installed?03:44
eraccjesson, if you are a hard core Microsoft gamer then stick with a Microsoft OS for that. You can dual boot.03:44
lonelystarWho has openssl setup package of the Aix system03:44
razorednightjesson i like playing alien arena, its a 1st person shooter quake-style03:45
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lonelystarWho has openssl setup package of the Aix system03:45
=== eracc notes there is Quake for Linux razorednight
defryskjamesdell, rm -rf .gnome/  && rm -rf .gnome2/03:45
Picilonelystar: Try asking in an AIX channel, this is only for Ubuntu support.03:45
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lonelystarPici, othanks03:45
defryskjamesdell, in your homefolder03:45
eracclonelystar, try asking in ##freebsd too.03:46
nooseisloosejesson: I use Crossover office, Wine, and I run quite a few windows apps without much trouble, also the Linux ver of ut200403:46
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jessoni got into linux cuz im learning phyton and perl and some guy said to me that i should get a linux03:46
jamesdelldefrysk, if I will do that my profiles and bookmarks will work to normal?03:46
razorednighteracc yes i read that somewhere, but i got alien arena on a cd, it uses quake 2 engine and it rocks!03:46
lonelystareracc, o03:46
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eracclonelystar, lots of Unix guys are in ##freebsd.03:46
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jamesdelldefrysk, i mean bookmarks and profiles of my firefox**03:46
jessonwats with his claim?03:46
defryskjamesdell, all gnomesetting will be removed , firefox and others are not gnome dpendent and will keep their setting, make sure to back up tho03:47
faileasjesson: well.. python and perl both run in windows as well. so i donno wht e said that specifically03:47
razorednightjesson, python and perl probably are best used in linux... but i am not a programmer so what do i know?03:47
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jamesdelldefrysk, thanks a lot03:47
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cberlojesson: I've used python in both; it's a little more seamless in Linux, I find.  ymmv03:47
jessonwell u now alot more thing than me03:47
jessonim just starting tho03:48
=== nocti 's shell is /usb/bin/perl
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eraccjesson, you'll learn. Just keep at it. :)03:48
faileasnocti: /usb/ ? you mean /usr/ ?03:48
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eraccfaileas, no it is on his USB key obviously. :P03:48
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wangerjesson: i find learning programming easier on linux, only because there're really good, easily available and completely free tools for everything03:49
Jordan_Ujesson, The only thing that I can think of is that A: Python and Perl are used much more often in linux than windows B: *NIX in general uses a lot of regex's, which are an essential part of perl03:49
cberlonocti: pretty cool running your perl from a usb...  ;)03:49
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vladuz976want to compile gimp 2.4 rc1, get error with gtk+ version. anybody know an easy way to get gimp 2.4 on feisty?03:49
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noctiheh, perl will kill your typing, im reverting to /bin/bash :(03:49
=== eracc grins
ubot3If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:50
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osfameronperl -debug isn't a great shell...03:50
jessonwell another thing im purchasing a vps whih run on linux cuz its alot cheaper \\03:50
Picivladuz976: you need to make sure that you install the correct -dev packages for gtk and all the other dependencies03:50
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Jordan_Uvladuz976, You can get pidgin from getdeb03:50
jessoni dont need to dl any program anymore03:50
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jessonits all here like the ssh03:50
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VivisectorI just installed ubuntu gutsy gibbon on my macbook pro core 2 duo, and i can hear sound through my headphones, but not the built in speakers.  Has anyone else seen this problem or know how to fix it?03:50
vladuz976Jordan_U, what is getdeb and what does pidgin have to do with gimp?03:51
TerrasqueJordan_U: but windows generate a lot of cursing, which also seem to be a integrated part of perl ;)03:51
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jamesdelldefrysk, how to restore my taskbar because I deleted it due to kiba-dock replacement?03:51
noctiVivisector: alsamixer?03:51
razorednightjesson yes ubuntu has lots of programs installed by default03:51
ubot3pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.03:51
vladuz976Pici, is there a dev package for gtk+ ?03:51
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eraccjesson, one of the reasons I love Linux is the completeness of the system after a basic install. That and the default security.03:51
Ind[y] update-notifier does not do an automatic "apt-get update", thus it does not notify me about software updates. any help, please?03:51
Jordan_Uvladuz976, It means that I have official stayed up to late and need to go to sleep :)03:51
razorednightis pidgin any good for irc?03:51
vladuz976Jordan_U, oh ok03:51
cberlorazorednight: I finf it ok03:52
jamesdellHi! How can I restore my taskbar because I deleted it due to kiba-dock replacement?03:52
jessonwat about antvirus where can i get 1 for linux?\03:52
defryskjamesdell, after deleting the folders do alt-ctrl-delete to restart gnome and also the panel should be restored afaIk03:52
PiciInd[y] : You are running Gutsy, it is counter-productive to cross-post issues that already have bugs filed for then in #ubuntu03:52
jessonor do i still need 1?03:52
cberlorazorednight: I use a couple of other messaging systems, so it's convenient.03:52
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Erythroctrl-alt-del to restart gnome?03:52
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cberlojesson: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade03:52
read_onlyhello all. I am working on small project here to boot linux into an old laptop. This laptop does not boot off of USB and the IDE connector is broken. It can ONLY boot from CD drive. I want to boot off a bootable CD that inturn starts linux from my USB drive. This I could achieve using SLAX CD, but I want to use Ubuntu not SLAX. Can anyone help me with this?03:52
Picivladuz976: depends what version you need. apt-cache search gtk | grep dev03:53
Vivisectornocti: ive tried messing with alsamixer with no success.  I even upgraded alsa to the latest RC version03:53
Ind[y] Pici: This issue happens to me on Gutsy and Feisty, both.03:53
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cberlojesson: antivirus programs are only bandage solutions.  Fixing the problem in the first place is the right way to do it, imho.03:53
wangerjamesdell : ctrl+alt+backspace, that is, incase you're here from windows =)03:53
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razorednightcberlo i use gaim for yahoo instant messenger so maybe i should upgrade to pidgin and use it for yahoo and irc too??03:53
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Ind[y] Pici: I had that in Feisty, so I dual-booted with Gutsy to see if it is fixed there yet. But as it seems, it isn't.03:54
cberlorazorednight: I'm only using GAIM at the moment (vanilla Ubuntu stuff).  Works fine.03:54
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vladuz976Pici, i need "GTK+ - version >= 2.10.13"03:54
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vladuz976Pici, you know what the package name for that is?03:54
razorednightcberlo, do you mean you are using gaim right now here on irc?03:54
Picivladuz976: let me look03:54
cberlorazorednight: Yep.03:54
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noctiVivisector: there's something similar in, im not sure tho, hope it helps, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/132050/comments/203:56
big_bang14the wireless network manager doesnt show any my wireless connection despite me having a card and it showing up in network admin03:56
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ubot3Malone bug 132050 in linux-source-2.6.22 "No sound from speakers on STAC92XX" [Medium,Triaged] 03:56
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Picivladuz976: Doesnt look like Feisty is up to the version.03:56
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nhenryI am unable to log on to my server after trying to authenticate using Active Directory03:58
eraccjesson, http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/faq/index.php?page=virus03:58
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vladuz976Pici, yeah that's what I thought. kinda sucks, i don't wanna start compiling everything from source03:58
nhenryany suggestions03:58
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wangerread_only: i don't really know anything about what you're trying to do, but can you not just specify root as your USB-filesystem on the boot options on an ubuntu CD? or indeed any CD that'll support it, i guess03:58
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cjaehi, can I get a txt file for xchat in ubuntu to load a bigger list of irc servers?03:58
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noctiVivisector: i think this is more apt, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198453 and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro03:59
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wangerread_only: i suppose that i'm trying to say is "i don't see any reason why it wouldn't work the same in ubuntu" =)03:59
read_onlywanger, I do not know how to do that.03:59
SlimeyPetecjae: a text file? What's wrong with just typing /list ?03:59
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read_onlywanger, I will try it.03:59
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read_onlyI did not really expect that it could just work like that04:00
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cjaeSlimeyPete, I want more servers to connect to and thought there might be a txt to dl on the net04:00
razorednightcompiling from source aint necessary often, there are loads of debs in the various repos04:00
Dusk_i don't want to use Mesa GLX indirect drivers i want to use fglrx what should i do to switch fglrx again?04:00
cjaeSlimeyPete, sort of like the one for peerguardian you know04:00
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Dusk_Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".04:01
Dusk_direct rendering: No04:01
Dusk_OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect04:01
SlimeyPetecjae: oh right. No, there aren't AFAIK.04:01
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SlimeyPetecjae: you could try dalnet, undernet, efnet04:01
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big_bang14 the wireless network manager doesnt show any my wireless connection despite me having a card and it showing up in network admin04:01
cjaeSlimeyPete, pm04:01
SlimeyPetethose are the biggest networks04:01
ubot3Factoid mesa not found04:01
razorednightin xchat i get a window with a long list of servers04:01
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ubot3To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:01
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fujoorhey guys, is there any webgui thingy for the lamp package?04:02
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wolferinefujoor, explain04:02
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Dusk_i don't want to use Mesa GLX indirect drivers i want to use fglrx what should i do to switch fglrx again?04:03
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Dusk_Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".04:03
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ubot3To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:03
Dusk_OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect04:03
fujoorwolferine: im not even sure what im out after, i just find it so freakin hard to install things on ubuntu, i cant even setup samba straight04:03
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wolferinefujoor good luck :)04:03
Pici!apt | fujoor04:03
ubot3fujoor: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)04:03
fujoorwolferine: yeah, woudl be easier if there was some web gui for installing things04:03
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cberlofujoor: What are you trying to install?04:03
big_bang14the wireless network manager doesnt show any my wireless connection despite me having a card and it showing up in network admin04:04
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fujoorcberlo: ok its not the installation itself, its the setup i ahve problem with, im trying to set up a simple server with rtorrent samba, ftp and irssi04:04
wangerread_only: google seems to turn up a good amount of stuff, http://pendrivelinux.com/2007/01/25/usb-x-ubuntu-610 no good to you?04:04
wolferinefujoor, you know lamp is just command line based?04:04
razorednightsynaptic is an online installing list thingy tho04:04
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wangerread_only: seems i was way off with my crazy idea04:04
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fujoorwolferine: ofcourse, ive managed to install everything, setup a static ip and so on, but i cant get samba to work, it keeps asking for a password even though i havnt set one up04:05
razorednightoh i think i misunderstood04:05
cre8torxwhere's the quickest easiest place to get a distro of ubuntu04:05
cberlofujoor: do you have a general set of instructions you're trying to follow to get the setup you want?  (LAMP server, etc.)04:05
read_onlywanger, you see, that doesn't work in my case. That tutorial assumes that the USB device is bootable. In my case, I cannot boot off the USB devices04:05
wolferinefujoor, samba has nothing to do with lamp, maybe you should start asking questions specific to your problem04:05
fujoorcberlo: no, what would that be? im not sure what ur asking me04:05
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fujoorwolferine: i know, i just stated that i have the server version04:06
cberlowolferine: I'd have to agree with that.  I'm cufoozed!04:06
read_onlyso I need to do something like load a basic linux kernel with the USB drivers in there and then load linux installed on the USB drive.04:06
big_bang14im trying to setup a wireless network from the gnome icon but i dont know how04:06
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read_onlywanger, this is a little tricky but SLAX comes with a default CD+USB solution.04:06
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fujoorcberlo: ok ok , im confused aswell, let me refrase that to a more accurate question, how do i setup samba to work with my other networks and how do i setup proftpd or any other good console ftp programs04:07
read_onlyI want to do the same with Ubuntu04:07
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wolferinefujoor, whether you are using a GUI based OS or the server, stating its the 'server' version tells no one anything about how you setup samba, nor what you problem is04:07
cberlofujoor: so basically you have no experience with ubuntu and you've jumped in head first into getting an advanced server setup going?04:07
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wangercre8torx: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/04:07
fujoorcberlo: well i have to start somewhere right? ive just been using win servers04:07
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jessonare there people here running ubuntu 5.0 ??04:08
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cberlofujoor: Yes, but you should first read about SAMBA, Apache, etc.  Ubuntu can install these things VERY easily.  configuring them is up to you.  ("apt-get install samba apache")  I don't know squat about torrents, so can't help you with that, but if it's hosted on apache, it's all in the configuration, not the installation.04:09
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cberlojesson: What's 5.0?  :)  Ancient??04:09
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fujoorcberlo: so any url to a samba guide perhaps?04:09
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jessonso im using an acient omg04:09
cberlofujoor: www.samba.org04:09
cjaeAncient Armadillo04:09
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jessoni thought this was the latest cuz a frend of mine gae it to me04:09
wangerread_only: yeah sorry i realised that after i said it, i guess the problem you'd have (if the CD isn't intended for that purpose) is that you haven't got any USB support to boot from, chicken and egg thing, so i guess you'd need an initial ramdrive to boot from the CD04:09
fujoorcberlo: I mean, how hard should it be to setup samba? ive went through the guides on howtoforge , but it still doenst work04:10
nooseisloosejesson: yes wipe and install gutsy04:10
cberlojesson: You have warty?  5.10?04:10
fujoorcberlo: ah thans04:10
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read_onlywanger, exactly04:10
jessonit sez here 5.1004:10
cberlojesson: an upgrade would be strongly advised!04:10
razorednightjesson theres no need to use such an old version. Ubuntu releases i think twice a year04:10
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read_onlynow I was thinking, if I install Ubuntu on the USB stick and will the SLAX CD boot into Ubuntu?04:11
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jessonhow do i upgrade download the cd? an i upgrade from this version to the latest??04:11
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razorednightjesson and if you cant download new version, shipit.ubuntu.com will send you cd in the mail04:11
cberlojesson: how fast is your connection?04:11
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jessoni can download yah but i meant how to upgrade, do i hae to reformate or just boot the new d??04:12
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jessonim on dsl04:12
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razorednightjesson you download and burn iso to the cd, then boot from that cd04:12
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cberlojesson: if there's nothing you're particularly attached to about that install, I'd do a clean reinstall over the whole thing.  Reformat.04:12
big_bang14 im trying to setup a wireless network from the gnome icon but i dont know how04:12
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jessoni C , lol i just thought i was using the latest im so confuse uz theres alot of distro out there04:13
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razorednightjesson i think mine is the latest stable version, 7.04 feisty fawn04:14
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jessonwhats new on that? or the difference?04:14
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razorednightbut there is a beta, gutsy gibbon some ppl are testing04:14
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cberlojesson: Until you're comfy with Ubuntu, stick with something without Tribe in the name... ;)04:14
jessonrazor do u now any site with tutorial on how to run script for ssh or telnet chat server?04:15
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razorednightjesson sorry no, you should check the ubuntu wiki04:15
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jessonhey im bout to download do i check this "  Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer.04:16
jessonFeel free to view the "04:16
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Vletjesson: if this is your first time, don't check that :)04:16
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Vletjesson: the graphical installer is nice04:16
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magnetronjesson: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28Linux_distribution%29#Releases has a list of the improvements from 4.10 to 7.0404:16
jessonwheres the link i dont see 1. let me chck again04:17
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TuomasTWhat is the reason for ubunty's good and seemingly increasing popularity?04:17
razorednightjesson the text based installer may confuse you, it would baffle the hell out of me04:17
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magnetronTuomasT: there is a lot of nice users to ask for help04:17
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SlimeyPeteTuomasT: lots of blog coverage, I think04:17
TuomasTI've always hated the theme and the colours scheme, but there must be something good about it :)04:17
magnetronhello pawan04:17
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SlimeyPeteand the fact that it's a bit friendlier than what came before04:18
pawanwhats up04:18
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razorednightjesson but really it depends if you want to keep an existing partition, for example i have ubuntu and xp both on my hard disk04:18
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TheCreationistIs it possible to remote connect with vncviewer without announcing to the host that you've connected?04:18
magnetronTuomasT: you can install blubuntu, a package that installs a blue theme for ubuntu04:18
jessonok so i dont chck it ? now if i dont chck do i still get the installer now the live cd? cuz i dont want live cd i want the full install04:18
TuomasTmagnetron: Yeah, but will the three-races together in harmony pictures remain? :)04:18
DunasCan someone help me? I'm having a problem accessing my Blacklist through the Terminal- I give it the proper password, but it doesn't accept it.04:19
VenkoHey, I have an issue with Ubuntu's colours. I've changed the theme and the splash screen to blue ones but during the login sequence Ubuntu still displays the default background colour while it loads Gnome. I'd like to change this to blue.04:19
magnetronjesson: the live cd IS the installer cd nowadays04:19
razorednightjesson i think you can do a full install off the live cd04:19
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VenkoFor the record it's the same colour as "No Wallpaper"04:19
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VenkoSo I'm assuming that's what it displays before it loads the wallpaper04:19
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jessonon the live cd do i install the upgrade from the destop of the live cd?04:20
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DunasI'm attempting to get an RTL8185 wireless chipset running but in order to do that I need to be able to access the blacklist. If I give it my password for root in any other situation it works fine.04:20
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VletVenko: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto04:20
razorednightjesson just run the live cd then click on the install button04:20
magnetron!blacklist | Dunas04:20
ubot3Dunas: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 04:20
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Dunassean@Dunas-laptop:~$ /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist04:21
Dunasbash: /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist: No such file or directory04:21
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jessonok cuz on my other cmputer i downloaded the cd upgrade and about 70 percent already but i chcked the box =( does it install using command line?04:21
razorednightvenko i find ubuntus themes and colors pretty boooring too04:21
magnetronDunas: so create it04:21
david003hello. can someone help me do this http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=25&lid=79?04:21
geniiDunas: I usually find that sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist   works04:22
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Dusk_i have this issue04:22
Dusk_dusk@dusk-desktop:~$ glxinfo -i | grep "direct"04:22
Dusk_direct rendering: No04:22
Dusk_OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect04:22
VenkoUm, I'm thinking maybe someone misunderstood what I meant.04:22
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razorednightjesson sorry i cant remember detail of how install looked04:22
YoshiBishiHey, for some reason my panels are in the same spot04:23
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VenkoI'm not trying to change the boot colours. I mean the colour inbetween the login and the desktop04:23
YoshiBishiOne is on top of the other one04:23
YoshiBishiWhat should i do?04:23
cberlojesson: easiest install is to use the desktop cd04:23
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cberloVenko: GDM colours/theme?04:23
VenkoEffectively the part that is below the desktop background.04:23
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jessonok then ill dl it again without chckng04:23
VenkoYeah, I think so04:23
Vletjesson: You can still install fine if you checked that box04:23
Vletjesson: but it's not quite so easy04:24
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VenkoSo that I don't get the brown displaying before the background loads. I'd like it to be a similar blue to my theme.04:24
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DunasThe nano did it, the blist is fine... thanks.04:24
jessonvlet yah but is it command line interface?? i mean do i hae to use linux command to install?04:24
razorednightjesson if you are installing clean over your whole hard disk it shouldnt matter04:24
cberlogenii: You still around?  Curious about your bios settings and if something may be holding me up here...04:24
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X3rusI have a problem with apache and php on ubuntu server 6.0. When I want to run a script using IE, Instead of processing the file it show me all the files that are inside the folder. someone had that problem before?04:24
jessonyah i dont care reformatting04:24
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Thunderfox933how do i defrag04:25
cberlojesson: No, it will lead you through install thorugh menus and such.  Partitioning might be a bit tricky -- can't recall.04:25
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geniicberlo: Yup i'm here04:25
razorednightjesson even text install is simple and all spelt out for you04:25
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praetDusk_: what card is that?04:25
SlimeyPete!defrag | Thunderfox93304:25
ubot3Thunderfox933: defragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units.04:25
pawanwhat time is it04:25
VletVenko: ooh... install gnome-splashscreen-manager04:25
TheCreationistIs it possible to remote connect with vncviewer without announcing to the host that you've connected?04:25
Dusk_praet, ati radeon 9600xt04:25
VenkoThanks :)04:25
=== david003 [n=david@89-97-35-71.ip15.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
jessongreat cuz i dont even want to partition04:25
cberlogenii: I put the PERC in SCSI mode and tried again.  Still no go.  I took out the IDE controller completely and I'm trying to install AGAIN.04:25
jessonjust plain install04:25
Thunderfox933i dont use ext3 or resier04:25
razorednightjesson all you gotta do really is agree yes with much of it04:25
praetDusk_: did you run ristricted drivers manager?04:25
jessonlol o then04:26
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faileasjesson: then you'll want to take a look at wubi04:26
Dusk_praet, fglrx is enabled from there..but still this output04:26
jessonwubi is?04:26
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Thunderfox933doe jfs prevent fragmentation04:26
david003hello. i wanted to play ut99 and i found this page. Can someone help me? http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=25&lid=7904:26
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cberlogenii: I get an odd error trying to install grub on this system:  Unknown partition table signature.04:26
magnetronfaileas: jesson is already running ubuntu04:26
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faileasmy bad ;)04:27
=== tEeHeE [n=misterbi@dsl092-239-216.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
magnetrondavid003: do you have the CD?04:27
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david003both goty cds04:27
=== j_ack [n=j_ack@p508D837C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
jessongreat im also downloading a linux fedora anyone know bout that? are they basically just the same? their all linux ryt04:27
ubot3To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:27
=== WeeJeWel [n=emile@ip54529f80.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
VenkoSeems I already had gnome-splashscreen-manager installed and that's also what I used to add the blue splash screen image. It doesn't change the brown background that displays before the background image loads though.04:27
=== big_bang14 [n=pattuzzi@88-106-142-251.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
razorednighthey in an older version, when pc was booting there was a list of operations being done, but now theres just a progress bar04:27
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david003magnetron: both goty version cd04:27
Thunderfox933my /home has 15% fragmentation04:27
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praetDusk_: did you reboot since installing driver?04:27
Dusk_praet, yep04:28
WeeJeWelIs it possible to use a gtk theme in kde?04:28
razorednighthow can i get that old style list during boot?04:28
big_bang14my wireless card isnt detected by network manager04:28
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geniicberlo: I didn't mess much in the bios. I just set up the 2 raid arrays, 1 raid 1 which is the boot and 1 raid 5 which is the data areas. I also did disable the other SCSI controllers which aren't connected to anything. I think i may have had to put a SCSI terminator on the last drive but otherwise pretty much stock config04:28
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pawanwhats the time04:28
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Dusk_praet, oh no it's disabled by itself04:28
ubot3FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX04:28
magnetrondavid003: you have to run the ut-install-428.run and ut-install-436-goty.run04:28
Dusk_praet, let me reboot04:28
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workmunchIs it possible to use compiz-fusion, dual-screen, i810 driver, different resolutions? Can't seem to get a clear answer on this one.04:29
DunasI'm trying to install a wireless driver for the RTL818x chipsets onto this laptop from a sourceforge wiki-page, but I have an error here.04:29
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praetworkmunch: maybe ask in ubuntu-effects04:29
VletVenko: oooooohh... open the login window control panel, and on the 'local' tab, there's an option for background color04:29
Gam3Junki3Where can I find xchat commands?04:29
Dunassean@Dunas-laptop:~$ find /lib/modules/`uname -r` -name ieee8021104:29
Dunassean@Dunas-laptop:~$ sudo rm -r /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/net/ieee8021104:29
Dunassean@Dunas-laptop:~$ sudo modprobe -r ieee8021104:29
DunasWARNING: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.save line 31: ignoring bad line starting with '^X'04:29
cberlogenii: thanks.  This is becoming a bigger issue than I'd hoped!04:29
david003magnetron: but did you read that page saying that it didnt install correctly and i had to do a thing?04:29
gcostelloVenko, Have you tried changing your wallpaper in gnome04:29
geniicberlo: this 2550 came with only 1 of the SCSI daughterboards, i put in another one from an old defunct 2450 but it was identical to the one in there04:29
workmunchthanks praet04:29
Dunas:x I'm not sure what to do about it.04:30
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VenkoI think Vlet solved it.04:30
VenkoThe only way to find out is to log out and in again.04:30
magnetronyes, david003. you need to run the script he pasted, and adapt it to your setup04:30
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david003so first i do the .run installer, then the script?04:30
david003magnetron: so first i do the .run installer, then the script?04:30
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DunasFollowing the instructions on http://rtl-wifi.sourceforge.net/wiki/Installing if it helps.04:31
=== razorednight waves goodbye to evryone
david003because it uo read the befare paraghraph it says to do that expot thing before, and then the script04:31
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david003magnetron: so exactly what do i tipe in shell04:32
VenkoIt worked :)04:32
VenkoThanks Vlet04:32
cberlogenii: what size are the drives you've got in that beast?  :)(04:32
david003sh installer.run04:32
david003export UT_DATA_PATH=/usr/local/games/ut/System04:32
magnetroni can't help you with that, david00304:32
david003then sh. script.sh04:32
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VletVenko: :)04:32
DunasAnyone know what to do in my situation? :x04:33
big_bang14my wireless card isnt detected by network manager. someone help?04:33
=== Dunas doesn't want to fubar his computer.
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david003magnetron: does it make sense though?04:33
Dunasbig_bang14: What wireless card is it?04:33
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magnetrondavid003: yes try it04:33
david003so in total there will be 3 commands in the terminal04:33
DunasI'm also having a problem with mine (RTL8185) and I found a sourceforge driver for it but I ran into an error and so far no one seems to know how to help (going on the assumption that they'd reply if they did.)04:34
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geniicberlo: On the raid 1 matched IBM Ultrastar  10K 16Gb, for the raid 5, 3(+1 spare) matched seagate Cheetah 10K 36Gb04:34
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big_bang14Dunas: its a ralink04:34
B-rabbitguyz i need some help, i am running freebsd on vbox but when ever i make a account and logout from vbox and log back in the account i made seems to be not there any more...any help will be greatly appreciated ;)04:35
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cberlogenii: Did you have to do any partition size tricks to get GRUB to load properly?04:35
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aunesWhat sort of aliases do I need to set up in order to run 'sudo apt-get *' when I run 'apt-get *' as a non-priveledge user?04:35
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DunasGuys, can someone help me with http://rtl-wifi.sourceforge.net/wiki/Installing under "Making and Installing the Driver"?04:36
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aunesI tried putting this in my ~/.bashrc  : alias apt-get='sudo apt-get'04:36
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VletDunas: What do you need help with?04:37
cberloaunes: You'd probably want to modify your sudousers file (with visudo) and put in the proper syntax to run apt-get as your username without requesting password.04:37
=== craigbass1976 [n=craig@pool-72-73-127-126.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
geniicberlo: ope, not on the 6.06 server install, it saw sda as the raid 1. but previously i had to make the partitions raid autodetect types, it was not seeing them as a single unit then, and then do where modify grub for md0 and then mkraid   etc etc04:37
DunasWell, and I know this is a total noob question, but I don't know how to get into the driver directory (first step)04:37
craigbass1976Is there a way to stop the red and blue being reversed in camorama?04:37
DunasAt this point the card's not even listed under network manager and I don't know how to change that.04:38
craigbass1976I thought I did this a couple months ago, but can't remember how04:38
geniiwork, afk04:38
cberlogenii: Alrighty then.  thanks again.04:38
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geniicberlo: np04:38
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VletDunas: Have you noticed that there is a Debian/Ubuntu section halfway down04:39
DunasThat's what I'm using.04:39
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VletSo, what have you done so far?04:40
DunasEverything up to entering the driver directory and using make.04:40
TheCreationistIs it possible to remote connect with vncviewer without announcing to the host that you've connected?04:40
DunasI don't know how to go into the driver directory.04:40
=== skater_24 [n=yayass@mon75-14-88-163-177-244.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
VletDunas: So, you don't know how to change directories? use 'cd'04:41
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faileasTheCreationist: i'd hope not04:41
VletDunas: like: cd somedirectory04:41
Stormx2TheCreationist: Certainly not.04:41
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Dunas:x Okay. Yeah, no, I don't know how to do much with Linux yet, but I'm trying to learn.04:41
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TheCreationistStormx2: Hmm... hard to catch your kidding selling drugs when they know to stop the conversation :)04:41
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VletTheCreationist: trying to spy on Richard Dawkins?04:42
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apastinenhi, anyone with experience with nvidia geforce 6150 & DVI??04:42
Stormx2Vlet: xDD04:42
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TheCreationistVlet: Ha.. there's a guy without a single original thought.  No.04:43
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maxiounetjoin #4,0 now for help on linux04:43
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Yoann512hi !04:43
Stormx2TheCreationist: If you suspect your kid is drug dealing, talk to the them about it. Trying to catch them in the act won't help anything04:43
helpmeHello, all my folders are set to ROOT ONLY with regards to my Read/Write Permissions settings. I wonder how can i fix this, thanks!04:43
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Stormx2helpme: Even in your home directory?04:43
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helpmeStormx2: yep, although its set to Read/Write allowed, i would like to edit it04:43
maxiounetjoin #4,0 now for help on linux04:44
Stormx2helpme: Could you pastebin a "ls -l ~" please?04:44
helpmeStormx2: what i mean is, i would like control over my File Permissions, and not Root. Using the Sudo command doesn't help at all.04:44
DunasAlright I'm on the step that says "Now all kernel-modules are build and they need to be insmodded into the kernel. This has to be done as root, because the normal user isn't allowed to add kernel modules." Do I need to exit the driver directory?04:44
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Stormx2helpme: You can use chmod to change permissions - chown to change owner/group04:44
maxiounetjoin #4,0 now for help on linux04:44
neverbluehelpme, if your file permissions are currently set to root, then you need sudo04:44
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FFForeveridentify 12345604:45
neverbluehelpme, man chmod and man chown04:45
Stormx2helpme: By default, everything outside your home directory is owned by root and not editable by "other".04:45
neverblueFFForever, never register in a channel04:45
Stormx2FFForever: You need a better password, mate.04:45
VletFFForever: lawl :)04:45
maxiounetScrounch, ? :/04:45
Stormx2FFForever: Also, change it now.04:45
PiciFFForever: I have the same password on my luggage04:45
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=== neverblue flies with Pici next time
apastinenwhat is wfb module and why my X doesnt find it?04:46
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DunasPici: Was that a spaceballs reference or just wishful thinking on my part?04:46
PiciDunas: It was indeed :)04:46
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DunasPici: Awesome. XD04:46
emilecan printing in ubuntu/cups configured in such a way that each print is copied as .pdf on the filesystem? and hints on how-to set this up?04:46
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PiciFFForever: ?04:47
=== splee-ugaka is now known as ryugaka
DunasIf I've just used make to build a driver and the instructions are telling me to now insmod it, do I need to leave the driver's directory to do so?04:47
FFForeverthere we go :)04:47
magnetronemile: there is a package for it, install it with Synaptic. search for it with Synaptic04:47
neverblueFFForever, you have to leave xchat casually04:47
neverblueor whatever your irc client is04:47
Piciemile: The cups-pdf package should install the stuff needed for a pdf printer04:47
FFForevernah i just beat u guys to the ghost command :)04:48
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VletDunas: I'd bet you stay in there04:48
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martinxdunas im pretty sure you stay there04:48
magnetronSuperBusinessman: you won in a lottery? :D04:48
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Stormx2FFForever: Change your password.04:48
FFForeverneverblue, i never did register in a channel :)04:48
helpmeI used sudo chown to change ownership of my 2nd harddrive but the Operation was not Permitted04:49
helpmewhy is that?04:49
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Scrounch[Remarque]  -NickServ- Password Incorrect04:49
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FFForeverStormx2, i did......04:49
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Scrounchhe have change ^^04:49
SuperBusinessmanmagnetron the reverse04:49
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DunasWhat's the maximum number of lines I'm allowed to paste in here?04:49
Stormx2helpme: The permissions depend on the options you use in fstab / mount04:49
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Stormx2!mount | helpme04:49
ubot3helpme: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter04:49
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FFForeveri was logging in when the damn thing auto joined me in #ubuntu.......04:49
magnetronDunas: 304:49
Stormx2helpme: Also, if the partition is NTFS, you'll need to install ntfs-3g04:49
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magnetron!past | Dunas04:50
DunasWhere can I paste them to show people otherwise?04:50
ubot3Factoid past not found04:50
magnetron!paste | Dunas04:50
ubot3Dunas: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:50
lenguys, I tried to install tomcat 6 with synaptics but it only has tomcat 5. Any one can help me?04:50
geniihelpme: because things in /dev need root ownership for the most part. thats why it's better to mount it then make a dir on there which the user that mainly owns it will use and that they completely recursively own04:50
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Stormx2len: Go to the tomcat website, see if they have a custom repo. Otherwise, build from source.04:50
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profanephobiahey can anyone help me set up a gprs modem04:50
neverblueFFForever, is it now 654321 ?04:51
neverblue!anyone | profanephobia04:51
ubot3profanephobia: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:51
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tarelerulzDo any of you know a good bit torrent client that ?  I ran Azureus ,but it keeps crashing .04:51
lenStormx2: and how can I run it as service?04:51
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FFForeverneverblue, nope :) 1234567 :)04:51
=== praet [n=praet@wsip-68-15-32-50.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2len: Check their forum/FAQ/man page/documentation04:51
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geniihelpme: You may also want to put the option     user    in the fstab for that drive so regular users can even mount it04:52
Pici!torrent | tarelerulz04:52
martinxprofanephobia, i use wvdial in ordcer to use my cewllphone as a gprs modem04:52
ubot3tarelerulz: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html04:52
lenStormx2: Okey dokey, thx04:52
DunasDoes anyone know if I'm doing something explicitly wrong in what I pasted? :x04:52
magnetron!deluge | tarelerulz04:52
ubot3tarelerulz: deluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or http://download.deluge-torrent.org/stable/ubuntu/feisty/ for downloading.04:52
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martinxprofane, i use wvdial to use my cellphone as a gprs modem04:52
Stormx2Deluge is fantastic, btw.04:53
martinxprofane, check out the man page for wvdial04:53
profanephobiamartinx ok thanks will this work for pc cards too?04:53
martinxprofane, the dial-up number i have to use is *#99#04:54
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Rogehow do i clear the apt-get cache so it downloads the right package instead of using an older one.(ill just state my situation here) i was using kernel 2.6.20-16 and while using it i installed nvidia glx which was also 2.6.20-15 i had to switch kernel to 2.6.20-15 because of a kernel panic (not sure why) so i need apt-get to install the right version of nvidia-glx and it just keeps installing the old one04:54
martinxprofane i dont know about cards but i'd imagine it would be the same...04:54
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neverblueDunas, why is the / in that?04:55
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Stormx2Roge: I don't think it depends on the kernel version o.O04:55
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tarelerulzI use utorrent on my windwos system and it great . I try Azureus ,but keeps crashing and I have all ways had problems with it04:55
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Stormx2Roge: Unless nvidia-glx is a script? You can apt-get --purge remove <whatever>. then reinstall it?04:55
Rogei think it does because x is telling me there is a conflict in the version when i try to use nvidia driver04:55
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praettarelerulz: i hear that utorrent works well under wine04:55
neverbluetarelerulz, probably has to do with how you installed it, check the 'ubuntu guide' on how to set it up04:56
Stormx2praet: Yeah, but why would you want to use it?04:56
bentob0xif you have a switch, with 1pc having a 10mb ethernet connection and 2pc with 1gb connection, if the 2pc with 1gb have to exchange data, will the switch go for the lowest common denominator and make the entire network 10mb?04:56
neverbluetarelerulz, google the guide04:56
Rogei did that Stormx2  but it keeps a copy of the .deb file and reuse's it when i reinstall i did try the purge option04:56
martinxi have heard bitorrent (or bittorrent?) is good04:56
praetI dont use it.04:56
craigbass1976Is there a way to stop the red and blue being reversed in camorama?04:56
Stormx2Roge: apt-cache clear I think.04:56
Rogeill try04:56
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Stormx2Roge: Although it won't make a difference.04:56
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Stormx2Roge: Because if it is using an existing deb, that's the latest version.04:56
zitnerI have a small question involving Gaim, and why it's windows can't be resized when it starts up.04:56
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neverblueDunas, just replying with a ? mark, is neither helping you, nor helping me help you :)04:56
ripper_has anyone in here tried using the "radeon" driver instead of the "ati" or "fglrx" driver and experienced frequent system crashes?04:57
Picibentob0x: Please ask in #networking.  This is the Ubuntu support channel.04:57
lil-g-mandoes anyone know how could i change the font in use in firefox on gnome???04:57
cberlomartinx: qtorrent is better04:57
Stormx2zitner: GAIM is pretty old, get pidgin.04:57
neverblueripper_, ask in #ubuntu-effects04:57
magnetronripper_: you?04:57
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Stormx2magnetron: xD04:57
ripper_neverblue yeah i tried radeon and had all kinds of crazy stuff going on but this isnt beryl or compiz related04:57
zitnerStormx2, I can't figure out how to compile it though, I'm new to linux.04:57
DunasHeh, sorry, neverblue. Uhh.04:57
DunasI don't know what you mean.04:57
Picilil-g-man: Optons>content>fonts04:57
martinxcberlo i dont use any torrents i was suggesting what i had heard04:58
neverblueDunas, you did post this on pastebin, correct?04:58
Stormx2zitner: i can walk you through it if you like.04:58
=== VisualStation is now known as Visual_BRB
tarelerulzneverblue , I install Azureus with Synaptic so I would think the install would go fine ,but I am wrong04:58
cberlomartinx: Oh, sorry.  I'll go back to trying to get Xubuntu on this server here...04:58
zitnerStormx2, ok, let me redownload it real quick then, lol.04:58
lil-g-manpici: in where???04:58
zitnerOne sec.04:58
neverbluetarelerulz, i lead you to the next journey, its up to you to take it04:58
Picilil-g-man: In Firefox04:58
Pici!away > Visual_BRB04:58
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bentob0xthx Pici04:58
Stormx2tarelerulz: Are you under feisty, yeah?04:59
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neverblueDunas, then, if you look at it yourself, you will notice a / in the module, you are attempting to insert04:59
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lil-g-manpici: i'm sorry that's now what i meant, i meant the font that is in use on the link bar, and menu04:59
tarelerulzAzureus has even not been the best on windwows .04:59
ripper_i switched to the "ati" driver things seem to be going smooth so far04:59
Rogeim not sure why it says there are conflicting versions then04:59
lil-g-manpici: the line with file edit view...04:59
=== arrea [n=txuarca@83.pool85-57-133.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu
neverblueDunas, that character '/' is whats giving you the error04:59
Stormx2Roge: Could you pastebin your full X log?04:59
martinxcblero can't you just install xubuntu-desktop thru synaptic?04:59
LunksFor some reason, I can't set any sound drivers with wine. I disabled it once, and now checkbox simply doesn't work. =\05:00
lil-g-manpici: i tried system preferences font, but nothing changed the font in use by the firefox05:00
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jessonwhat is xbuntu server?05:00
tarelerulzStormx2 , I think I am ,but I all ways forget the names of the versions.05:00
Rogewhere is the x log ?05:00
ubot3Factoid xbuntu not found05:00
Stormx2Roge: in /var/log05:00
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ubot3xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels05:00
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zitnerStormx2:  You want me to download source, right?05:00
PiciRoge: /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:00
cberlomartinx: I'm installing Ubuntu/Xubuntu to be my server; grub won't load though.  Trying to figure out why.05:00
Stormx2zitner: yep.05:00
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DunasDo I simply delete it or do I replace it with a space?05:00
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Stormx2cberlo: What error do you get?05:01
cberloStormx2: Unknown partition table05:01
Picilil-g-man: Did it change for any other applications? if yes, try restarting firefox.05:01
neverblueDunas, it helps if you reply with my nick in your post, as there are lots of other people in here posting quite often05:01
Stormx2cberlo: Eek.05:01
zitnerStormx2: Save it to my folder, or desktop?05:01
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martinxcblero oh right. sorry i cant help05:01
DunasAh, sorry, neverblue. :x05:01
Stormx2zitner: Desktop is fine.05:01
cberloStormx2: ... just using the default Xubuntu live cd to install and when it comes back from the install "no one home"...05:01
neverblueDunas, you can do what ever you like, but you want to probably insert a module that actually exists05:01
tarelerulzHow do you figure out what  version of Ubuntu you are using ? I know what kernel I am using .05:02
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Stormx2cberlo: why exactly are you using xubuntu on a server?05:02
lil-g-manpici: nope, the firefox dont doesn't change at all05:02
Pici!version | tarelerulz05:02
ubot3grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:02
ubot3tarelerulz: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell05:02
lil-g-manpici: i don't like the current one because for some reason it's real wide05:02
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cberloStormx2: because I want to build a "light" ltsp box.  Also tried straight ubuntu, but it's not working either, so I don't think it's the Xubuntu distro doing it to me.05:02
jribmaxiounet: don't do that join stuff in here any more05:03
Picilil-g-man: That might be specified by the firefox theme, I'm not 100% sure though.05:03
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Stormx2cberlo: Well it sounds like a hardware problem. Having a GUI on a server is a bad idea thought, you know/05:03
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cberloStormx2: Yeah, but it makes the Windows admins around here feel more comfortable...  :)05:04
zitnerStormx2:  Ok, downloaded.05:04
lil-g-manpici: how i couldn't think of that before :)05:04
Stormx2cberlo: Gimme just a couple of minutes to help zitner, then I'll help with the grub issue05:04
SunWuKungACTION gives Stormx205:04
tarelerulzI am use Ubuntu 7.04 and codename feisty .05:04
Stormx2SunWuKung: uh?05:04
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cberloStormx2: Thanks.05:04
Stormx2zitner: Right click > extract here.05:04
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jessonwhat is the counter part of grub in windows?05:04
=== cberlo burns a fresh 6.06 of vanilla Ubuntu
lil-g-manpici: i've got another question, is it somehow possible to make gnome not to use the whole bottom panel for the windows? as in if i open two windows the whole bottom is occupied by those two windows05:05
cberlojesson: nt bootloader05:05
Stormx2jesson: Windows boot loader.05:05
zitnerStormx2: Ok, done.05:05
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Stormx2zitner: Open up a terminal (Applications > Accessories)05:05
LunksFor some reason, I can't set any sound drivers with wine. I disabled it once, and now checkbox simply doesn't work. =\05:05
martinxtaralerulez, feisty is the latest stable release of ubuntu05:05
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Stormx2zitner: Then cd to the directory (cd Desktop/pidgin<tab>)05:05
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VenkoDoes anyone know where the Show Desktop Button icon is stored in the icon theme? I'm looking through the icon theme's folders and sub folders but I can't find it.05:06
Picilil-g-man: I think you can specify the width of that panel applet, if your right click at the far right, on the little separator thing and go to preferences, you may be able to change it from there.05:06
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zitnerStormx2: Ok, done, then hit enter?05:06
Stormx2zitner: Yeah.05:06
tarelerulzMartinx, Thanks for telling me that. I am just at lose With Azureus. It is said to be the best bit torrent ,but I had nothing ,but problems with it on windows and this.05:06
praetVenko: /usr/share/icons05:06
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zitnerStormx2: Ok, I'm in.05:06
VenkoI'm aware of that. I'm in /usr/share/icons/Tangerine05:07
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Stormx2zitner: Cool. Now: sudo apt-get build-dep gaim05:07
VenkoTrying to find the show desktop icon to replace it05:07
martinxvenko the show desktop button is down on the bottom left corner of the screen if thats any help05:07
Stormx2Venko: Tango isn't complete - some icons will be loaded from Tango or Human if not in Tangerine05:07
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VenkoOh right, thanks05:07
Stormx2Venko: Uhg. First tango should be Tangerine05:07
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praetVenko: /usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/places/user-desktop.png05:08
zitnerStormx2: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_feisty-security_multive_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)05:08
VenkoThanks :)05:08
Stormx2zitner: Woh, I haven't seen that one before05:08
Stormx2zitner: Hold on05:08
praetVenko: scalable in here : /gnome/scalable/places/user-desktop.svg05:08
Stormx2zitner: sudp apt-get update05:08
VenkoThere's no user-desktop in Tangerine though05:08
praetVenko: right.05:08
VenkoSo I find the one I want in the other theme and copy it over05:09
=== Kouryuu [n=mpark@sta-208-139-194-65.rockynet.com] has joined #ubuntu
tarelerulzI use utorrent for windows and I want to know where it keeps  torrent files so I can still be sharing torrent when I get into Ubuntu .05:09
VenkoDo I need the scaleable or the 32x32 one?05:09
Stormx2Venko: Depends.05:09
praetVenko: you could do this: find /usr/share/icons |grep desktop05:09
Pici!windows | tarelerulz05:09
ubot3tarelerulz: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents05:09
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praetand flip through05:09
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rocketsWhen you use ubuntu's network tools control panel to do a port scan, what does it use to scan?05:09
Stormx2rockets: nmap I assume.05:10
Picirockets: probably nmap.05:10
lil-g-manpici: thank you for the firefox theme advice, it does work, i got iFox theme and now font looks better05:10
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Picilil-g-man: Great to hear.05:10
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rocketsPici, cant be, nmap isnt installed by default05:10
rocketsi guess they could include it05:10
Duna1Hahahaha I managed to get this stupid thing to work in Ubuntu after months of reading about how it wouldn't.05:10
=== Vivisector [n=sholden@ip68-11-232-57.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
neverbluetarelerulz, did you read the link I gave to you, about setting up azureus?05:10
magnetronDuna1: get WHAT to work?05:10
Stormx2Duna1: What is the "stupid thing"?05:10
rocketstarelerulz, deluge ftw.05:11
Duna1RTL8185 wireless chipset05:11
cberloDuna1: Now you going to document it for the rest of the world to enjoy the fruits of your labour?05:11
=== AfterDea1h is now known as AfterDeath
lil-g-manpici: and thanks with the panel tip, i knew that it was somehow customizable but i never clicked there05:11
rocketsDuna1, you can get 99% of cards working with ndiswrapper anyway05:11
Vivisectordoes anyone know if there are any stability issues or other considerations in mounting a HFS+ partition RW?05:11
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Picirockets: let me check something05:11
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Duna1It's documented, I was following a website's instructions (Sourceforge, to be precise) and NDISwrapper didn't play nicely with this stupid card.05:11
tarelerulzRockets ,  Deluge sounds like  good one if you really into downloading stuff .05:11
rocketsVivisector, it'll destabialize the flux capacitor! don't do it!05:11
faileasrockets: if its its own ports... maybe netstat?05:11
Duna1neverblue - Thanks for your help.05:11
Stormx2Vivisector: Ask in ##linux. Also your username disgusts me.05:11
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neverblueDuna1, np05:12
rocketsfaileas, maybe, or maybe it just has nmap built in05:12
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VletStormx2: lol05:12
zitner_Stormx2:  Did you get back to me yet, I think I temporarily lost connection?05:12
tarelerulzIt is nice to have something other then Azureus out there for Linux that is feature rich client .05:12
faileasrockets: no real point in portscanning yourself ;)05:12
Duna1Now I just need to get to where sudo make install works right. :x Ummm. Hmm.05:12
lil-g-manpici: completely different questions, u know the software desklets? the widgets on gnome-look.org under desklets are they for gDesklets?05:12
martinxnetstat yeah, netstat is installed by default05:12
Stormx2zitner_: I did. Try: sudo apt-get update05:12
rocketsfaileas, yeah it allows you to scan anybody . . .05:12
VivisectorStormx2: Thanks... on both counts.05:12
=== mon^rch [n=anonymou@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
faileasrockets: its overkill ;)05:13
puccioHi, I've 2 distincts disk partitions for / and /home: how can I safely/easily reduce a little bit the / to enlarge the /home ? (they are contignous partitions)05:13
lil-g-manQuestion! in gnome-look.org the widgets grouped under desklets which software are they for???05:13
rocketsfaileas, ...05:13
=== Druid [n=trebor@mkb-131-9-209-82.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
zitner_Stormx2:   Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.05:13
=== Roge [n=roger@CPE001731f71133-CM001225db9aa0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2zitner_: Eek.05:13
RogeThe Xlog doesnt show the failed attempts05:13
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martinxfaileas, port-scanning yourself can be a good security measure to make sure no one unexpected is on your system05:13
Duna1It says "in the main directory" but I'm not sure what that is. :x Someone know?05:13
Stormx2zitner_: Could you pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list for me please?05:13
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Stormx2zitner_: Also, pastebin the output of the command I just told you to run05:14
faileasmartinx: never heard of that before...05:14
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Rogebut it says the driver version is version 10.11.somthing but the module doesnt match05:14
zitner_Stormx2:  You mean copy and post here?05:14
Stormx2zitner_: I'm sorry about this - this is an entirely different issue to installing gaim05:14
Stormx2zitner_: yeah05:14
RabbitbunnyI got Samba working, but I can't drop files onto the Ubuntu Box. What should I chmod the folder to, 755?05:14
zitner_Stormx: ok, one sec, I know, I'm so confused right now, lol.05:14
Rogei did try to install the driver directly from nvidia05:15
Picirockets: Looks like it has its own built-in scanner05:15
Rogeso i guess thats why05:15
wangerpuccio: gparted is pretty good, sudo apt-get install gparted05:15
Vletzitner_: You sure the share isn't just read only?05:15
=== Venko [n=sol@host81-129-120-45.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
pucciowahooooo, thanks !05:15
Picirockets: apt-get source gnome-nettools if you're curious05:15
pucciowanger, thanks!05:15
Rogebut i removed nvidia-glx and i unsintalled the nvidia driver and tried to reinstall one or the other and still no go05:15
=== panique [n=rechner@dslb-084-060-159-105.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
martinxfaileas, if you have services like ftpd or sshd runnning, evil folk sometimes try and crack ya05:15
geniiRabbitbunny: Make sure username connecting to the share is same as username on unix box that owns files/dirs in the share05:15
faileasmartinx: netstat will show that05:15
=== factorx [n=asdf@dslb-084-060-013-037.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
rocketspici i cant read python or c or whatever it is05:16
VletRabbitbunny: and make sure the share is not read only - it is by default05:16
Duna1In reference to a wireless driver I just set up, what would the main folder be for the command "sudo make install"?05:16
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Rabbitbunnygenii: They're not even close.05:16
tarelerulzWhat bit torrent client do you all use ?05:16
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rocketstarelerulz, Deluge ftw!05:16
martinxfaileas yeah i thought that was what we were talking about05:16
geniiRabbitbunny: You can also map incoming names with a general name which has access to those files/dirs etc in the smb.conf05:17
Stormx2tarelerulz: Deluge05:17
zitner_Stormx2:  I got the info you need, um, what do you mean share only.  I downloaded it from teh pidgin site.05:17
wangertarelerulz: deluge here05:17
faileasnmap scans foreign systems. netstat shows connections05:17
Rabbitbunnygenii: I'll try that route.05:17
=== Druid [n=trebor@mkb-131-9-209-82.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
tarelerulzRockets , is Deluge on synaptic yet or do I have to compile it from source or deb ?05:17
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oompaloompadeluge is on the repos05:17
rocketstarelerulz, deluge-torrent.org has a deb05:17
geniiRabbitbunny: Generally i create a system name like smbuser   then shown everything in a specific dir to that user. then map to that name in the smb.conf05:18
rocketstarelerulz, and its either in the repos or not, its not "on synaptic"05:18
Stormx2zitner_: I'm sorry - what? share only? If you've pastebinned it, gimme the link05:18
SunWuKungACTION gives Stormx205:18
Stormx2SunWuKung: Stop.05:18
zitner_Stormx2, I just hit copy, oh, hold on, lol.05:18
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martinxsunwukung whats that you're doing to stormx2?05:19
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tarelerulzRockets , Thanks  and everyone else for there help too.  Oh and I know it is not on synaptic ,but you know what I mean .05:19
=== siriusly [n=steve@77-100-64-130.cable.ubr14.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Rabbitbunnygenii: the general use I'm looking for here is for anyone on the subnet to be able to drop/media file into/out of the share folder.05:19
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kimmey2k3http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-increase-ext3-and-reiserfs-filesystems-performance.html <- anyone done this? is safe to do? .o05:19
=== GreyGhost [n=greyghos@unaffiliated/greyghost] has joined #ubuntu
Duna1What's the "main directory" in reference to "If you get a connection to your Access Point install it permanently with  sudo make install  in the main directory." From a Sourceforge document about a wireless chipset driver?05:19
ubot3Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:19
=== giniengo [n=giniengo@] has joined #ubuntu
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ubot3sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:20
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cberloDuna1: I'd hazard a guess that means "if you want to make your installation permanent after you've tested it, run 'sudo make install'"05:20
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zitner_Stormx2:  Maybe I'm missing something, how do I pastebin, to get the link?  I put it in, but it's not working.05:21
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:21
giniengobjr je viens de me connect.Alors expliqu moi comment a marche05:21
Pici!br | giniengo05:21
ubot3giniengo: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.05:21
Pici!fr | giniengo05:22
ubot3giniengo: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:22
prcrashDoes anyone know how to mount a ufs2 partition in Feisty05:22
neverbluezitner, you then copy the URL of the page into here, so someone can view it05:22
Duna1Yeah, thanks cberlo. >>05:22
Duna1No, but seriously, I mean where do I run sudo make install?05:22
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giniengobjr pici on peut faire connnaissance05:22
Stormx2Duna1: in the directory of whatever app you're compiling05:22
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cberloDuna1: In the directory where you compiled the source code...?05:22
russe11Hey, I'm trying to install skype via the skype repository, but I'm on an Ubuntu 6.10 computer and I'm getting errors like "Depends: libasound2 (> 1.0.12) but 1.0.11-7ubuntu3 is to be installed". Could that be because I'm on 6.10 rather than 7.04?05:22
zitner_Ok, I must be linux retarded, you just confused me with all the Ubuntu, pastebin info.05:22
Duna1Pardon my noob retardedness.05:22
geniiRabbitbunny: So make some system username like smbuser or whatever is easy to remember. then make their home dir the shared folder. then in smb.conf map all incoming names to that name. voila05:22
X3rusI have a problem with apache and php on ubuntu server 6.0. When I want to run a script using IE, Instead of processing the file it show me all the files that are inside the folder. someone had that problem before?05:23
=== blind [n=blind@c-76-23-172-141.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
neverbluezitner, pastebin has nothing to do with ubuntu05:23
Piciginiengo: /j #ubuntu-fr05:23
zitner_I know, I put a comma there, loll.05:23
blindHey, my mother has ubuntu and just got DSL, but I'm not sure how to hook up DSL on ubuntu. Can someone give me a hand?05:23
neverblueX3rus, its not really a problem, try in #apache05:23
Stormx2zitner_: A pastebin is where you can post text. You then hit the submit button, and it gives you a link (e.g. pastebin.com/paste.php?id=blah). You then give us the link, so we can view the text you pasted05:23
=== belracu [n=test@218-168-148-211.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pici!dsl | blind have you gone through this?05:23
ubot3blind have you gone through this?: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE05:23
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ElDoes anyone use QEMU for Windows XP?05:24
stefgprcrash: if the kernel supports it (readonly) theit must be like mount -t ufs2 /dev/foo /bar05:24
Duna1Uhh, right, um Stormx2, I don't actually know where that is. I just followed directions on http://rtl-wifi.sourceforge.net/wiki/Installing Under the Ubuntu/Debian section05:24
blindEl: I did, but VirtualBox is 10x better05:24
belracuEl I did use it05:24
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magnetron!windows | El05:24
ubot3El: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents05:24
zitner_Stormx2, Ah, ok now you're talking my lingo.  give me the link for pastebin, I'll give you my info.05:24
belracuuse in a file and  a seperate hdd partition05:24
Elblind can you get that to go online?05:24
prcrashThat's the thing... I don't think my kernel is patched for it05:24
kauerblind: do you have an ADSL modem, or an ADSL modem/router?05:24
ElBecause I can't get QEMU to go online05:24
blindEl: yes.05:24
martinxhaha ubot3 has a sense of humor05:24
ubot3To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto05:24
belracuuse tun05:25
blindkauer: just the modem.05:25
stefgprcrash: just try... you'll know then :-)05:25
Elblind: anything special or right out of the box?05:25
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jessonjust set it to dhcp it worked for me cuz i hae dynamic05:25
tarelerulzI download the deb for feisty and it says I don't have libc6 ,but when I look on synaptic it says I do ? what am I missing ?05:25
blindEl: right out of the box.05:25
belracuEl: use tun can get on to network05:25
kauerblind: Then it's harder :-) because the Ubunto box has to handle the connection. Read the stuff on PPPoA etc.05:25
ubot3#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:25
blindEl: VirtualBox also doesn't use 100% cpu like qemu was doing for me.05:25
Elbelracu tun?05:25
=== macd [n=d@cl-151.ewr-01.us.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu
Duna1Can someone help me find out where http://rtl-wifi.sourceforge.net/wiki/Installing installs/compiles the driver to up to right before running "sudo make install"?05:26
belracuEl, tunnel05:26
cberloStormx2: Hey, seem to have fixed it here -- don't understand why, but GRUB didn't like the partition size of 18GB for my boot drive.  Made a 250 MB boot partition, reinstalled and I'm on to the next step... whew!05:26
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kauerblind: With a modem/router, the device handles the connection and you just connect straight in with ethernet and DHCP (or not even DHCP if you don't want to).05:26
belracuEl, tunnel interface05:26
=== Duna1 is now known as Dunas
giniengobon je que vous ne comprennais le franais05:26
tarelerulzI mean I download the deb of delug and when I try to install it  said I was missing libc6 . I got feisty deb too.05:26
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Piciginiengo: /join #ubuntu-fr05:26
stefgprcrash: as i read Fesity supports readonly UFS205:26
Elbelracu, is that for QEMU?05:26
neverblueginiengo, tu ne parle pas en anglais?05:27
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belracuEl,  Grrr05:27
Elbelracu, nevermind05:27
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blindkauer: so basically the only way to NOT do it cli is to have a router?05:27
martinxginiengo, this is an english language channel05:27
belracuEl, u enable it in ur  linux host system ;)05:27
giniengonon seulement franais.et toi neverblue05:27
=== empek [n=empek@xdsl-6810.jgora.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
belracuEl,  just google and u will find05:27
neverblueun peux05:28
wangertarelerulz: check the documentation online for a list of dependencies, and just use synaptic or whatever to make sure they're all installed05:28
empekHello :)05:28
geniiDunas: whenever you are running make then make install, the first command normally just puts the .o files in the same directories where it finds the .c files to compile. the make install part is when it transfers the binaries etc to places like /usr/bin   and so on05:28
Elbelracu, already doing that05:28
Picineverblue: Can you ask giniengo  to type /j #ubuntu-fr ?05:28
belracui suppose there are many people fail to get network up with QEMU05:28
neverbluePici, you can too :)05:28
=== solid_liquid [n=Solidity@client-67-58-246-39.consolidated.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubot3Factoid starcraft not found05:28
neverblueim sure he was just replying to me :)05:28
=== Flynsarmy [n=chatzill@CPE-124-186-58-89.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
profanephobiawhy does http cache cleaner randomly run?05:28
giniengoalors tu me servira de guide neverblue05:28
empekCan you help me?  How I can install the Pidgin?05:28
ubot3wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:28
belracuEl, http://www.h7.dion.ne.jp/~qemu-win/HowToNetwork-en.html05:28
Dunasgenii: X-x Can I get that in dumbed-down-for-the-newbie-speak?05:28
neverblue!fr | giniengo05:28
ubot3giniengo: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:28
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Piciginiengo: crire /j #ubuntu-fr05:29
Elbelracu, thanks05:29
martinxginiengo ecrivez /join #ubuntu-fr05:29
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Picineverblue: I assumed you spoke french05:29
neverbluea little, just enough :)05:29
kauerblind: It's nothing to do with cli...?05:29
belracuEl,  if ur hardware support KVM then  u will find the performance is good05:29
blindkauer: that page ubotu gave me is ALL cli05:29
geniiDunas: Ok. Until you run the command "make install" it has not actually installed anything anywhere yet.05:29
neverblueginiengo, /j #ubuntu-fr05:29
belracuEl, my xp can bootup in 16Sec from Ubuntu05:29
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=== fsdsa [n=dsadsads@modemcable046.76-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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martinxginiengo, non!  /j #ubuntu-fr05:30
fsdsasomeone coud he lpme with a iptables question05:30
Elbelracu, sounds great :-)05:30
neverbluebelracu, you have too much time on your hands :)05:30
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neverblue!ask fsdsa05:30
osmosisIs Gusty stable enough to install yet ?05:30
ubot3Factoid ask fsdsa not found05:30
Flynsarmyempek: http://www.debuntu.org/pidgin-2.0.0-deb-ubuntu-feisty-fawn05:30
SeSp.j .net05:30
neverblue!ask | fsdsa05:30
ubot3fsdsa: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:30
DunasGenii: Okay. So I'd run make install from the same location I was running, for example, make from?05:30
empekFlysarmy, thanks :)05:30
kauerblind: well, generally setting stuff up is "cli", running startup scripts etc...05:30
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=== momotte [n=momotte@AClermont-Ferrand-257-1-64-25.w90-42.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
belracuEl,  but i think its just wast of time to use XP from Ubuntu cause u really do not need XPeeee when u have linux Ubuntu @ hand05:30
benn92647good morning everyone05:30
geniiDunas: Yes.05:30
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profanephobiaosmosis, gusty runs fine as far as i can tell but be prepared for problems until its final05:31
jribosmosis: no, only when it is released.  It's only good for people who want to help with development with testing and such and don't mind a broken system05:31
=== unimatrix9 [n=theGrid@a62-251-25-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2zitner_: Hi, was helping family with stuff.05:31
giniengocomment a se passe ici neverblue05:31
fsdsai cannot ping from to wan. My firewall is on  here the configuratio of the iptables: http://pastebin.com/m4ed0323505:31
ebumSomeonte know a program to monitor all connections to my computer and ports throught someone connects?05:31
Elbelracu, just using it to play my Steam games. Wine never works...05:31
Dunasbelracu: Sadly there are some things Windows can do that Ubuntu can't, mostly certain games and music players. :( I know this all to well.05:31
blindkauer: well, it's my mother, and im not there to do it for her, and she's not that experienced.05:31
Stormx2!fr | fsdsa05:31
ubot3fsdsa: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:31
neverblueginiengo, sorry, i dont speak french :)05:31
geniiDunas: If you need to uninstall afterwards, try    make uninstall    and if that doesn't work use    make dist-clean05:31
benn92647i need to make a bootable back up of my current fiesty (as it is finally working perfectly) but cant find documentation on how, can some one help me, please.05:31
Dunasgenii: Thank you so much. :)05:31
osmosisprofanephobia  jrib:  okay, thanks.05:31
belracuDuded,  but there are more things that XP cant do that Ubuntu can do ;)05:31
martinxno way would i use a release til its final. cos i'm a coward05:32
geniiDunas: you're welcome05:32
Dunasbelracu: True.05:32
=== jevargas [n=jose@Leased-Lines-209-83.tricom.net] has joined #ubuntu
belracuDuded, ;)05:32
=== kupesoft [n=dave@red-gw.cs.toronto.edu] has joined #ubuntu
faileasbenn92647: i think mondorescue does that05:32
Rabbitbunnywhat's the command to change the owner of a folder?05:32
belracui am linux since more then 9 years05:32
shiznix`don't know05:32
belracumy first PC was slackware05:32
benn92647thras windows ubuntu rules!....and get wine LOL05:32
FlynsarmyWhere can i find info on Gutsy Gibson? What it includes that Feisty Fawn doesn't etc05:32
Stormx2Rabbitbunny: chown05:32
SeSpRabbitbunny chown05:32
Gam3Junki3Can someone answer a quick newb question for me?05:32
DunasBelracu: I'm longing for the point where Ubuntu or something very similar becomes viable for gamers. :P05:32
ubot3Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)05:32
RabbitbunnyThank you05:32
lil-g-manQuestion: when u use divxwebplayer on windows u can save the video, is that somehow possible on ubuntu?05:32
Stormx2Gam3Junki3: Okay, I will: Yes.05:32
kauerblind: whether PPPoA or a modem/router, this is something you set up once, and it just works after that. If there are scripts you need to run each time, you can package them up behind a launcher icon on the task bar or whatever, so it's still click-to-go...05:32
belracubut i love ubuntu ... cause it really rocks like my old slack05:32
ubot3Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+105:32
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SlimeyPetehmm, not there05:33
ubot3I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:33
giniengoyou try neverblue,i'm trying to speak english,neverblue05:33
Stormx2Gam3Junki3: Do you have any other questions?05:33
Gam3Junki3How come the deb command isn't working?05:33
jriblil-g-man: mplayer offers that option, don't know about the other plugins05:33
martinxflynsarmy, ubuntuforums.org contains a section on gutsy i believe05:33
tarelerulzWell, Deluge  seems to be just want I was looking for .  Think on Ubuntu are coming along nice for me.  I have Linux yahoo chat cliet(gyachi) Deluge (real bit torrent client) .05:33
zitner_Stormx2:  I got the info you want in pastebin, it asks at the top for my name and syntax, what syntax should I use?05:33
geniiRabbitbunny: sudo chown -R username:groupname /dir/<orfilename>          <-- -R means recursive05:33
belracuDunas, Games are all not what PC is meant for ... so it depends from person to person05:33
jessonwhat are the thing linux can do that xp cannot>?05:33
neverblueginiengo, im sure #ubuntu-fr will assist better :)05:33
Stormx2zitner_: Just leave em both blank.05:33
ubot3Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications05:33
belracuu cant sell a car to some one who cant drive05:33
zitner_Stormx2:  Oh, then just hit paste?05:33
russe11Anyone know how I can install skype on ubuntu edgy? I can only find feisty packages.05:33
Stormx2zitner_: yeah05:34
wangerebum: nmap can be used to check open ports, nmap localhost, i don't know about a program to monitor traffic i'im afraid05:34
=== [GuS] [n=GDNet@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Ubuntu
ubot3To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto05:34
lil-g-manjrib: hmmmm when i go to stage6 it gets opened with totem05:34
benn92647faileas: what is that? and how do i use it?05:34
Stormx2!skype | russe1105:34
ubot3russe11: please see above05:34
=== charmingtechniqu [n=Charming@adsl-75-22-28-45.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
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russe11Stormx2, stefg, that doesn't answer my question.05:34
jriblil-g-man: mplayer plugin is not the default one05:34
faileasbenn92647: its in the repos. its pretty simple05:34
jesson!windows vista05:34
ubot3Factoid windows vista not found05:34
russe11Stormx2, stefg, I've followed the steps on that page. They work on feisty.05:34
fsdsai cannot ping from to wan. My firewall is on  here the configuratio of the iptables: http://pastebin.com/m4ed0323505:34
ElHey, I have an 32 bit install. If I try to install a 64 bit (yes I have the processor) can I just upgrade from the 32bit?05:34
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Stormx2jesson: Try !vista.05:35
zitner_Stormx2:  It's saying please correct errors, but it's not specify what fields, or highlighting anything.05:35
=== balthamaisteri [n=balthama@statip-80-95-136-45.kopteri.net] has joined #ubuntu
martinxebum there are things called packet sniffers but i don't know anything about them (other than they sniff packets)05:35
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neverbluerusse11, you should have the edgy sources, so use synaptic?05:35
geniiRabbitbunny: np05:35
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kurttihi, does anyone have experience on digital tv cards with ubuntu? do they work or just give a headache?05:35
Stormx2zitner_: Uhg. Which website are you using?05:35
kauerebumL It may not be quite what you are looking for, but try System->Administration->System monitor...05:35
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belracuEl, simple go get a 64bit Hardware05:35
cappizsomeone here using clamav and amavis?`05:35
unimatrix9etherape can give you an visual on what you are connected to05:35
russe11neverblue, skype is not in the ubuntu repositories. skype.com runs a repo, but it has feisty packages.05:35
=== Norrel [n=Happu@87-94-136-127.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
kauerebum: Be a bit more specific about what you want to see....05:35
=== sexcopter [n=james@sr-223.srsa01.resnet.ubc.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== shammon [n=sakamonk@vesimeluuni.kortex.jyu.fi] has joined #ubuntu
lil-g-manjrib: and another thing about mplayer, when i open avi (divx) i get an error error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device05:36
Elbelracu, what?05:36
fsdsasmeone got an idea? :S05:36
belracuEl,  sorry read half of ur mess ;)05:36
=== shammon is now known as shammon_
jriblil-g-man: go to preferences and choose a different video out (try xv or x11)05:36
belracunot sure  u can give it a try05:36
stefgkurtti: Most cards work quite well, some evn better than in windows05:36
neverbluerusse11, in the 'ubuntu guide' (google) it covers on setting up your repos for skype, and allows you to install via synaptic05:36
Elbelracu, rrriiigght05:36
=== neverblue doesnt understand why no one knows about the ubuntu guide :/
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zitner_Stormx2:  I'm using paste.ubuntu-nl.org.05:36
belracubut 64 bit Filesystem have bit different structure05:36
russe11neveryblue, I am installing from synaptic, but the repo that synaptic uses is for feisty. only.05:36
=== Aladin [n=lars@dslb-084-058-010-194.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2zitner_: Uhg. You pasted the stuff in, yeah?05:37
kurttistefg, any recommendations for a good and cheap card?05:37
neverbluerusse11, if you say so05:37
Stormx2zitner_: Try filling in your name05:37
jribneverblue: because it used to give bad advice at some point05:37
martinxrussell, there should be edgy repos too05:37
neverbluerusse11, maybe check that guide anyways05:37
benn92647faileas: thanks05:37
lil-g-manjrib: that works, now how do i make mplayer open videos on stage6 by default?05:37
ebumkauer Hm, i want to see, if someone connects to my computer to my web server or game server or any other application... i want to see which port he uses and his ip address...05:37
belracugooing to sleep05:37
zitner_Stormx2: Yea, exactly what you told me, I did.05:37
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belracuchat 2marrow :p05:37
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neverbluejrib, i found it the best resource ever, for a new setup05:37
kimmey2k3Any way to remove the black line that comes up and goes down as i maximize/minimize?05:37
jriblil-g-man: have you install the "mozilla-mplayer" package?05:37
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unimatrix9ethereal is also for monitoring network05:38
kimmey2k3Or, border. That is05:38
lil-g-manjrib: probably not:)05:38
neverbluewireshark now05:38
kauerebum: Do you want some kind of real time notification, or do you just want to be able to monitor what is going on?05:38
stefgkurtti: that very much depends on your country, and what there are new cards every three months at the moment...05:38
=== helloRobot [n=hellorob@CPE-69-76-34-134.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jriblil-g-man: k, you'll need to install mozilla-mplayer and remove totme-mozilla05:38
zitner_Stormx2:  I put my name in, the the page puts my stuff in as on page, but gives no link anywhere I can see.05:38
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stefgkurtti: see linuxtv.org05:38
Stormx2zitner_: Copy the address from the address bar.05:38
neverblueebum, thats recorded in logs05:38
kurttistefg, ok thanks.05:38
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zitner_It just says, posted by Zitner, oh ok, I see what you're asking, lol.05:39
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lil-g-manjrib: how do i remove totme-mozilla?05:39
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ebumkauer i want just to see....05:39
FlynsarmyDoes anyone know how to get flash player working in 64-bit firefox?05:39
harry-88hi,i'm nback05:39
jriblil-g-man: you can use your favorite package manager05:39
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zitner_Stormx2:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34667/05:39
unimatrix9internet sniffer : an other option is kismet05:39
lenguys, what's the default java path installation when we use apt-get. (java-6-sun)?05:39
Dunassean@Dunas-laptop:~/rtl-wifi$ sudo make install05:39
Dunasmake: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.05:39
stefgkurtti: http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Supported_Hardware05:39
ebumneverblue - i need to see in real time.. not in logs...05:39
tarelerulzI have something to say about deluge so far . I can't get any Internet site while using it . So that is big  strike againt it.05:39
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lil-g-manjrib: it doesn't find totem-mozilla05:39
harry-88who creates ubuntu05:39
jriblil-g-man: what version of ubuntu?05:39
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lil-g-manjrib: 7.0405:40
neverblueebum, there are books based on doing such a thing, maybe check for 'linux network tools'05:40
kauerebum: Most servers (game servers etc) will log connections etc either to their own log file or via syslog. So you could (for example) run /var/log/messages through grep and tail and have that running in a window. Then you'll see new connections, for example. If the activity thus logged is enough, you're done. Otherwise you need some kind of packet sniffer. tcpdump will do the trick...05:40
martinxharry88, a load of developers do05:40
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lil-g-manjrib: when i put totem it finds only movie player, movie player totem (xine backend)05:40
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neverblueebum, as for monitoring seperate applications, there are some 'top's available for apache, ftp, etc...05:40
harry-88the new version05:40
jriblil-g-man: try 'sudo aptitude remove totem-mozilla'05:40
Stormx2zitner_: Also pastebin the output of sudo apt-get update, please05:40
kauerebum: The logs ARE real time (well, to a few seconds, anyway)....05:40
DunasSo it's not going to install in that way.05:40
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russe11neverblue: The ubuntu guide you're referring to for ubuntu edgy (http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy#How_to_install_Messenger_.28Skype.29) refers to using the .deb file available from skype.com. I'm sure that worked at some point, but since then they've changed the .deb file available there to one that works with Feisty and NOT Edgy.05:40
DunasThat's the file where I was running make and such05:41
martinxharry88 what exactly do you mean?05:41
zitner_Stormx2:  You mean what it says after I type it in terminal?05:41
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Stormx2zitner_: Yeah.05:41
lil-g-manjrib: thanks05:41
VenkoIs there a way to have a separate window text colour for the panels/taskbars?05:41
ebumkauer neverblue thanks05:41
russe11So does somebody perhaps have the .deb package for skype for Edgy?05:41
VenkoI'd like them to use #FFFFFF but for the other windows to use #00000005:41
Flynsarmyruse11: Automatix installs Skype doesn't it?05:42
Pici!automatix | Flynsarmy  russe1105:42
ubot3Flynsarmy  russe11: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)05:42
Stormx2zitner_: First, make an edit to /etc/apt/sources.list. Open and editor: "sudo gedit /etc/apt/souces.list" and put a newline before every instance of "deb" on the final line05:42
lenguys, what's the default java installation path when we use apt-get. (java-6-sun)?05:42
kauerebum: Thanks because we helped, or thanks because you've given up on us? There are more ways to watch connections, the more we know about what you want, the more we can help...05:42
neverbluerusse11, i had no idea05:42
cappizsomeone here using clamav and amavis?`05:42
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zitner_Stormx2:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34672/05:42
russe11Pici, I know I know, Automatix is evil. But what if I can't find ANY other way?05:42
neverbluerusse11, can you not select previous releases within synaptic?05:43
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Stormx2russe11: You can find another way.05:43
russe11neverblue, there is but one version available.05:43
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lil-g-manjrib: i installed mplayer plugin but stage6 still gets opened with totem05:43
russe11Stormx2, I'm trying. Can you help?05:43
lil-g-manjrib: Browser Plugin using GStreamer 0.10.1205:43
jriblil-g-man: did you remove totem-mozilla and restart your browser?05:43
neverbluerusse11, ah, too bad :(05:43
Stormx2russe11: Well, what's the issue?05:43
wangertarelerulz : then that's just because it's conneted to a load of peers using a crap-load of bandwidth, not a problem with deluge specifically, try choking speeds and peers05:43
Picilen: What are you trying to do?05:44
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russe11Stormx2, still can't get Skype installed on Edgy. The only packages available are only compatible with Feisty.05:44
lenset $JAVA_HOME Variable05:44
lil-g-manjrib: i removed it then i installed mplayer and started browser05:44
lenPici: set $JAVA_HOME Variable05:44
ubot3I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:44
tarelerulzMost the time I download at  1. something mb and can still surf05:44
natbetrusse11: does it give errors when you try to install it in edgy?05:44
jriblil-g-man: join me in #ubuntu-classroom05:44
ben__How do I make ubuntu automatically (force)mount an NTFS volume regardless of whether it's 'clean'? I've tried various alterations of fstab, but it won't do it without sudo which requires that I type the whole thing in the terminal.05:44
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Picilen: take a look at the results of dpkg -L packagename for the list of files it installs.05:45
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russe11natbet, yes. "Skype depends on libasound2 (>> 1.0.12); however: Version of libasound2 on system is 1.0.11-7ubuntu3"05:45
squeeHow can I tell what version of Xorg I have installed?05:45
neverblueben__, write an alias for it?05:45
jimmerI have and interesting dvd problem that I can't find anything out about. If I play a copied dvd movie in my system it works great the first time but then it won't play in my system or on my TV's dvd player again.05:45
russe11natbet, and a couple others that are very similar.05:45
ben__neverblue: alias?05:45
ebumkauer emm, thanks for help :) i just need to see something like this: connected, port: 00000, time: 00:00 ...05:45
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lenPici: kk 1 sec05:45
russe11natbet, libqt4-core and libqt4-gui05:45
jribsquee: Xorg -version05:45
neverbluesquee, X -version05:45
nitronichi there, i seem to be having two problems with a brand new install of ubuntu: 1) it will not reboot properly (it locks up at the last phane on the graphical screen), and 2) USB thumb drives are not being mounted, despite them showing up in dmesg... it seems like no /dev/sd** device is being created. any ideas?05:46
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neverblueben__, its a way to make a long command, into something short05:46
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natbethave you tried getting updates for those?05:46
squeejrib, neverblue, thanks05:46
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russe11natbet, my system is up to date according to the update manager.05:46
zitner_Stormx2:  What do you mean by put a newline, you mean hit tab on it?05:46
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ben__I see. But I want the volume to mount automatically, on startup or when I plug it in (it's an external HDD)05:47
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Stormx2zitner_: No, a carriage return (hit return / enter)05:47
kauerebum: What servers specifically do you want to monitor? Do they log connections? If so, all you need is in the logs, and you can get it in real time. If not, the answer is harder, but not impossible. Do you need more help?05:47
jimmerAnyone available to help with a strange dvd problem05:47
stefgrusse11: you need skype 1.3 ... available here: http://nicky4.de/software/skype/skype_debian- (not checked )05:47
zitner_one sec, do you want me to save it when I'm done?05:47
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martinxzitner, the best way of ensuring a newline at the end of something is by hitting enter05:47
benn92647ok I loaded mondo, but i cant find a link to activate it on my computer-do i need to do the back up from terminal?05:47
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kauerjimmer: Ask your question, don't ask to ask a question.05:47
jimcooncatis "cups-pdf" the right package for a pdf printer driver?05:47
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Picijimcooncat: Yes.05:48
jimcooncatthanks Pici, I didn't want to try five different packages05:48
martinxbenn try typing monmdo in terminal05:48
JD_anyone know where I can find an updated dapper netboot image as per this bug: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/7364705:48
ubot3Malone bug 73647 in linux-source-2.6.15 "Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5708 not detected on install" [Undecided,In progress] 05:48
jimmerI have and interesting dvd problem that I can't find anything out about. If I play a copied dvd movie in my system it works great the first time but then it won't play in my system or on my TV's dvd player again.05:48
JD_I'm looking for something in the last week. the most recent one in the archive is over a month old05:48
KolbHi, can anyone tell me how to determine if my graphics driver supports 3D acceleration?  In xorg.conf I see "ati" under driver.  And GLXGEARS seems to run smoothly.  Otherwise I am not sure.05:49
=== sammyF [n=sammy@ALamentin-104-1-75-227.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
FlynsarmyIs there an equivalent of ZoneAlarm for Ubuntu? One taht pops up allow/deny messages when a program tries to access the internet?05:49
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unimatrix9glxinfo | grep direct05:49
tarelerulzany one else had  problem of not getting web site when downloading with deluge ?05:49
benn92647faileas: how do i get mondo to back up.  I loaded it from synaptic but cant find it anywhere in applications or system or preference?05:49
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zitner_Stormx2: all the final lines right, then save?05:49
ebumkauer I have CS server on port 27015, hltv on port 27020, web server on 80, ftp on 21, remote monitor on 5900... i just need program to see all connections to all these ports in one file or program :)05:49
faileasbenn92647: try typing mondo on the terminal05:49
unimatrix9firestarter - zone alarm like05:49
jriblil-g-man: you know how to get there?05:49
Stormx2zitner_: Yeah05:49
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Kolbdirect rending: yes    --->  accelerated, correct?05:50
PiciFlynsarmy: There really isnt the problem of malicious software that would be 'phoning home' on Linux.  There is firewall software available though, see the !firewall factoid.05:50
Iceeehello i am new here can someone please help me ??05:50
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zitner_Stormx2:  Done.05:50
Stormx2zitner_: sudo apt-get update05:50
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benn92647faileas: nope05:50
natbetrusse11: there are newer versions then what you have for edgy, I found the libasound2 one with a simple google search05:50
Stormx2zitner_: Hopefully, you won't get any error messages this time05:50
unimatrix9ebum does netstat give it?05:50
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BlauhautGuys my ubuntu is not mount normal cds , it is just mount the dvds05:50
garrapattI want to umount a device automonted by ubuntu inthe /media directory by another user that didn't mount it, is it possible?05:50
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russe11stefg, looks like that's exactly what I needed. Thanks for the link!05:50
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unagican anyone tell me how to fix the evolution error when i try to send mail 'MAIL FROM command failed: Service not available, closing transmission channel'05:50
Stormx2Blauhaut: What error do you receive?05:50
VletHow can I reset my iptables to ubuntu default?05:50
zitner_Stormx2: Still recieving the same stuff I sent you.05:50
faileasbenn92647: wierd. i'm not on my linuc system right now so i can't check05:50
Stormx2zitner_: Really?05:51
martinxflynsarmy, firestarter in synaptic is a wizard that will help you configure the firewall that is iptables05:51
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BlauhautStormx2; no error, i just plug in the cd to player and wait05:51
benn92647faileas: ok05:51
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BlauhautStormx2;  nothing happened but when i put dvds it is automactically mount it05:51
benn92647has anyone here used Mondo?05:51
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ebumunimatrix9 i searched, how to install netstats, but i didnt find step by step or something like this, how to install and work with this...05:51
Stormx2Blauhaut: And when you mount manually?05:51
carlos_how do i install gtalk on my machine05:51
natbetrusse11: you can try updating those 4 packages, kind of sloppy but it should work05:51
BlauhautStormx2; how can i mount manually?05:52
unimatrix9use terminal from gnome desktop and type netstat05:52
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Stormx2!mount | Blauhaut05:52
ubot3Blauhaut: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:52
CyberMadi have problem with microphone on ubuntu but audio-in is fine, i tried skype but there is problem with mic.. the mic is ok on XP.05:52
CyberMadhow to check / fix it?05:52
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ubot3Factoid mondo not found05:52
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lenPici: can I use this syntax for exporting $JAVA_HOME on /etc/bash.bashrc: "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun"?05:52
unimatrix9mondo backs up your install to tape drive...05:52
faileasmaybe not05:52
=== mattgyver83 [n=chatzill@pool-71-252-9-69.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Picilen: That should work05:53
Stormx2zitner_: Uhg. Okay. You see the line with ## Avant Window Navigator at the end? It says "multive", add "rse" so that bit reads "multiverse". Then add a hash (#) To every line after that one.05:53
FlynsarmyPici: Malicious software isn't the problem. In Aus we have download limits and i'd like to know what programs are accessing the internet and how much they're downloading and have the option to deny them when they try05:53
lenPici: Thxs05:53
carlos_i did apt-get install gtalk and it installed it05:53
Picilen: Actually.. its better to do it on your user's .bashrc05:53
DunasYou appear to be spamming the pastebin. I hate spammers so I won't let you. If you're not attempting to spam, please enable javascript so you can pass the antispam check05:53
Pici!caps | benn9264705:53
ubot3benn92647: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:53
benn92647faileas: soory for caps05:53
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benn92647sorry clone of sexybot ubotu05:53
carlos_but the prob is i can't see the graphicas05:53
ebumunimatrix9 i dont see there time, ip, port... there is somethng like this:  unix  3      [ ]          STREAM     CONNECTED     1441705:53
DunasO-o; I'm not spamming, in fact I just edited something. It's long, but I need it up there.05:53
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martinxwhat inexpensive digital tv cards are available in the uk that are compatible with myth tv?05:54
benn92647pastebin it05:54
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unimatrix9mondo alternative http://clonezilla.sourceforge.net/05:54
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benn92647dunas: use pastebin05:54
lenPici: I want java for every user05:54
DunasI was using the Ubuntu Pastebin05:54
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DunasThat's what gave me that message. x_x05:54
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Geek_benn92647: try mondorescue as the command...05:54
unimatrix9network monotoring http://www.ethereal.com/05:54
savvashow can i increase the frequency of update-manager checks?05:54
carlos_guy how do i install gtalk for google on my machine?05:55
tarelerulzSee how I can't get any web site while using Deluge . It would  short of turning it off . I just have you all for help .05:55
jimmerAnyone got any Ideas  what would cause copied dvd's to erase in my Feisty Fawn System...?05:55
Picilen: okay then :)05:55
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Stormx2carlos_: Doesn't work I'm afraid :(05:55
Picijimmer: rewriable dvds?05:55
VletAfter installing mysql using the meta package, I have mysql, mysql-ndb, and mysql-ndb-mgm all in my services... what's with the other two?05:55
cjaebest opengl games for ubuntu05:55
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benn92647geek: nope05:55
unimatrix9jimmer : no clue , should be impossible, you are unique05:55
jimmerno dvd-r05:55
carlos_ok thanks05:55
martinxjimmer have you tried different dvd playing apps?05:55
Picijimmer: Impossible, perhaps your dvd-reader is scratching them05:55
lenPici: thx for help, now I'm out for launch, later05:55
DunasIs there another pastebin I could use?05:55
carlos_i was really wondering how to do it05:55
ubot3pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:55
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PiciDunas: google for pastebin, there are alot.05:56
unimatrix9oh, ubot3 is my friend05:56
neverbluecrontab: '53 8 * * * user xset -display :0.0 dpms force off' command line: 'xset -display :0.0 dpms force off'. The command line works perfect, but the crontab command does not, am I doing something wrong?05:56
abhi_how can I activate my forward and backward page buttons in my mouse to be used in nautilus.. I have gone through the ubuntu extra mouse setting site but not found any solution. pls help.05:56
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ebumunimatrix9 how to get name of video card on my machine?05:56
benn92647dunas: if for some reason you cant use pastebin, try to e mail it to the person you want to get it, rreason is if you paste something that is more than 3 lines in here you might get booted out05:56
Vletcjae: Are you asking for games?05:56
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cjaeVlet, yes05:56
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carlos_do you have any idea how to install it05:56
DunasI'm gonna05:56
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DunasUse a different pastebin05:57
martinxebum try lspci05:57
=== Hal [n=home@adsl-074-244-213-185.sip.ags.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribabhi_: use xbindkeys or imwheel to make the buttons emit alt-left and alt-right05:57
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Vletcjae: Check out Alien Arena, Tremulous, and Nexuiz - I enjoy those05:57
lil-g-manjrib: i'm in the ubuntu-classroom05:57
ubot3Factoid dhspcd not found05:57
DunasI want someone from in here to be able to look at this information from me running sudo make install. :x05:57
barbieon startin compiz m gettin this error: /usr/bin/compiz.real: No composite extension05:57
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ubot3Factoid dhcpd not found05:57
abhi_jrid : ok..05:57
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ubot3Factoid dhpc-server not found05:57
Stormx2Lucios: Who is this for?05:57
ubot3Factoid dhcp-server not found05:57
Pici!dhcp | Lucios05:57
ubot3Lucios: dhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP05:57
jimmerI can copy dvd movies fine and they play great in my TV dvd player. but once I play them in either of my 3 Ubuntu machines they play great the firts time but won't play in anything after that. even the tv DVD.05:58
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martinxayone in the uk here using myth tv?05:58
Vletbarbie: ATI video card?05:58
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codecainehey how can you burn .wma files to a audio cd05:58
Stormx2Lucios: Please /msg the bot next time.05:58
DunasCan someone take a look at this and tell me if I did something wrong? http://pastebin.com/m528cc32b05:58
kauerebum: Dunno about some of those, but web and ftp certainly log to syslog, the others may too. The info you asked for is meaningless for apache, but there are dozens, maybe hundreds of weblog analysers out there and they could certainly help condense your web activity down to something more useful. For ftp, just grep whatever interests you out of the log into a window (or into a window and a file with "tee"). If you really need every connection, your best bet 05:58
cjaeVlet, free as in beer05:58
Stormx2!w32codecs | codecaine05:58
ubot3codecaine: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs05:58
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codecaineI have that installed05:58
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Luciosi keep thinking05:58
Stormx2codecaine: Try k3b05:58
ebummartinx Xm, this? : 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro IGP (rev 01)05:58
zitner_Stormx2:  I did what you said and saved it.05:58
sexcoptercan anyone tell me how to find the UUID of a partition, so i can put if in fstab?05:59
codecainetried it05:59
codecainesaid it couldn't do it05:59
Stormx2zitner_: sudo apt-get update.05:59
Lucioswhy i cannot access web..but can use this irc..05:59
kauerebum: Or commission me to write a custom monitoring program for you :-) If you are up for a bit of programming, look at libpcap...05:59
barbieit works on fc. now i've changed the distro. apt-get to install it... bt this error05:59
Stormx2Lucios: Maybe your DNS server is broken~?05:59
Luciosany idea?05:59
tckanyone use pidgin ?05:59
Stormx2tck: Yeah05:59
Pici!compiz | barbie05:59
ubot3barbie: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:59
jimmerMartinx: yes I have tried different player05:59
ubot3To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)05:59
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bentob0xhow do you search for files recently accessed?05:59
Stormx2savvas: /msg the bot.06:00
martinxjimmer, what tv card do you use?06:00
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Dunas!xchat | Dunas06:00
savvasStormx2: no thanks06:00
zitner_Stormx2:  It say done now.06:00
Vletcjae: Sorry? Yes, they are both beer free and speech free06:00
neverbluecrontab: '53 8 * * * user xset -display :0.0 dpms force off' command line: 'xset -display :0.0 dpms force off'. The command line works perfect, but the crontab command does not, am I doing something wrong?06:00
jimmerMartinx: don't have a TV card in the system06:00
DunasNot enjoying using GAIM for this.06:00
savvas!uuid | codecaine06:00
ubot3codecaine: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)06:00
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cjaeVlet, repos?06:00
Stormx2savvas: It's a rule. Don't "no thanks" me.06:00
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Vletcjae: google :p06:00
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savvasStormx2: it wasn't meant for me, so no thanks06:00
sexcopterok well i just found the answer to my question, it's "sudo vol_id -u <partition>"06:00
cjaeVlet thanks06:01
Vletlol @ "sexcopter"06:01
Stormx2zitner_: yay! Now: sudo apt-get build-dep gaim06:01
theory_Hello. I have a question. What is the command to install ndiswrapper on ubuntu?06:01
martinxjimmer how does your pc access the tv signal?06:01
kauerneverblue: Almost certainly a difference between your local user env and the env cron is running in.06:01
Pici!ndiswrapper | theory_06:01
ubot3theory_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:01
Stormx2savvas: Who was it for then?06:01
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ebum!video install06:01
ubot3Factoid video install not found06:01
DunasCan someone take a look at this and tell me if I did something wrong? http://pastebin.com/m528cc32b06:01
kauerneverblue: Exactly how does the crontab version fail?06:01
savvasStormx2: I used it again and put their nick, check your logs :)06:01
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tckStormx2, do you find that if your net connection goes down, and you were signed into pidgin as invisible, when the net comes back up, didgin signs in online06:01
theory_Anyone know the command?06:01
jimmerI play the dvd through VLC or Totem06:02
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abhi_jrib: how to associate the alt-left and alt-right to mouse buttons06:02
zitner_Stormx2:  E: Build-dependencies for gaim could not be satisfied.06:02
Stormx2savvas: Ah, it was a while back.06:02
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Stormx2zitner_: o_O06:02
Stormx2zitner_: Is that the only output?06:02
zitner_Stormx2:  I know, what the heck, lol.06:02
martinxjimmer so you don't actually record the tv shows with your pc06:02
jribabhi_: use the xbindkeys or imwheel program06:02
ebum!video driver06:02
ubot3Factoid video driver not found06:02
zitner_Stormx2:  Everything else printed fine till it said that, yes.06:02
theory_Its not apt-get its the other command, I just can't remember it.06:02
Stormx2ebum: Who is this for?06:02
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jimmerMartinx : no this is copied dvd backup.06:02
VletI'm running ubuntu server on a proliant server which as far as I know, has no 'power management' features... should/could I disable acpid and apmd?06:03
Stormx2zitner_: Could you pastebin the full output anyway?06:03
PiciDunas: Looks okay to me.  I'd check out the README and INSTALL files to make sure that you are doing it correctly.06:03
unimatrix9theory_ cant you use synaptic for that?06:03
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savvaszitner_: try: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop gaim06:03
abhi_jrib: I have installed the both. but not able to add the key bindings in xbindkeys-conf06:03
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martinx!tv card uk06:03
ubot3Factoid tv card uk not found06:03
Stormx2zitner_: Sorry about this, something fishy is up with your apt setup.06:03
ubot3Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...06:03
neverbluekauer, it doesnt turn the display to 'dpms force off'06:03
ebumStormx2 :) i dont know my video card name and i want to install driver... i dont know, how to do this06:03
h0dgeshey! how do i install nvidia drivers and get more resolutions? the max at the moment is 1024x76806:03
neverblueoh nos! not angry ops!06:03
Stormx2ebum: In any case, read what ubotu just put.06:03
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DunasPici: Thanks, I will. I just got worried when I saw the string of WARNING's.06:03
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=== Stormx2 slaps neverblue
haakwhat is date ubuntu new version ?06:04
neverblue!nvidia | h0dges06:04
ubot3h0dges: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:04
=== preco25 [n=andrew@C-59-101-167-106.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
neverblueoh nos!! an angry ops!!06:04
savvash0dges: system > administration > restricted drives manager, tick your graphics and it will download it for you06:04
Pici!gutsy > haak (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)06:04
unimatrix9ebum for an list of all your hardware , start gnome terminal and type lshw06:04
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kauerneverblue: I mean, do you get any error messages?06:04
unimatrix9you get all info about the system06:04
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unimatrix9hmm, diner is ready!06:04
unimatrix9bye bye all06:05
neverbluekauer, where would I get an error mesasge for xset?06:05
martinxebum it is definitely in the output of uspci, but you will have to do some investigating of what names are video cards06:05
Stormx2You own a diner? Cool!06:05
jimmerMartinx : Here is a little more. If the dvd's are copied on a windows machine the same thing happens when I play them in my machine. The first ime is plays ok but it won't play in anything after that.06:05
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neverbluekauer, I am assuming I wouldnt06:05
jribabhi_: put something like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34675/ in your ~./xbindkeysrc and restart xbindkeys06:05
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jribabhi_: you need to install xvkbd and update the file to use the right button numbers06:05
ebumunimatrix9 yes, but there is only this for video: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro IGP (rev 01)06:05
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zitner_Stormx2:  Ok, that's all good and done.06:05
Stormx2zitner_: May I have a link, please?06:05
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abhi_jrib; ok testing06:06
martinxjimmer your problem sounds bizarre. all i can think of is that your dvd drive is faulty06:06
kauerneverblue: Just for fun, what do you get if you type "sudo mailx" in a terminal window?06:06
zitner_Stormx2:  To what just got done?06:06
jimmerMartinx: sure got me pulling my hair out.. In my 34 years of computer work I have never come across anything like this..06:06
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kauerneverblue: What user is "user" in that commen line in crontab?06:06
Stormx2zitner_: Yeah, the pastebin I assume you just made06:06
neverbluesudo: mailx: command not found06:06
jimmerMartinx: it goes against all logic.06:06
kauerneverblue: commen = command06:06
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DunasAlright, only one way to be sure it works and that'd be to reboot and see if it loads...06:07
neverbluekauer, my 'all around' user, I have also attempted to use root06:07
kauerneverblue: so it is a real user?06:07
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neverbluekauer, obviously06:07
jimmerMartinx but the same thing happens in all three machines. 2 machines are running Edgy and mine is running Feisty.06:07
martinxjimmer, the dvd disc will play once, then never again.  So maybe the DVD drive is erasing the disc as it plays.06:08
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kauerneverblue: Which crontab is this command in? (BTW: When things are failing, *nothing* is obvious, OK?)06:08
martinxJimmer do you believe in ghosts? or mischievous pixies?06:08
neverbluekauer, I feel we arent getting anywhere with this, thanks for your time06:08
JanetFLoridaanyone, when i run 'configure', is there an ubunto standard as to where install paths should be pointed (/etc, /opt, /usr/local, etc.)?06:09
kauerneverblue: You give up to soon. work with me on this....06:09
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zitner_Stormx2:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34676/06:09
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neverbluekauer, replying to 'all' your questions is slowing me down :)06:09
cjaeVlet, any non-fps06:09
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haakuuE: mysql-server-5.0: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 106:09
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kauerneverblue: First we eliminate the obvious and the simple, and work towards the truth. Very zen. Very Sherlock Holmes.06:09
haakhelp me pls06:09
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martinxjanet, you should run the command ./configure in the directory that the configure file is situated06:10
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haakE: mysql-server-5.0: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 106:10
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garrapattdoes anybody used a LG L1510BF touchscreen in ubuntu?, I want to know the calibration parameters for the X.org.06:10
neverblueagent zero -ish ?06:10
jimmerMartinx yes some how something is getting over written... Most times the dvd won't even mount when I put it in after the problem starts with it and the odd time it will mount when I view the dvd files under that situation I can see the folders but can not access them.06:10
Stormx2zitner_: Oh, you were on a beta?06:10
martinxSuperbusinessman, you seem to be in a very volatile market06:10
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kauerneverblue: If you need help, ask. If you don't, DON'T ASK. Now do you want help solving this or have you just been wasting my time?06:11
ebumOK, i found video card: UniChrome Pro IGP. But how to install drivers to it?06:11
zitner_Stormx2:  It came with Ubuntu, I don't know.06:11
JanetFLoridamartinx, but i have an old version of program already installed (dansguardian), and the 'configure' defaults don't install in the same place as apt-get install put them06:11
Stormx2zitner_: What ubuntu version are you running? feisty?06:11
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jimmerMartinx I am starting to believe in Gremlins...06:11
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zitner_Stormx2:  Yea, what ever the latest one is right now, but not Gutsy, that's beta .06:12
Vletcjae: I dunoh - I like FPS's :) .... google's your buddy ;)06:12
=== andylockran [n=andylock@82-36-184-134.cable.ubr03.soli.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
martinxjimmer, i can think of no rational explanation06:12
kauerneverblue: You could try, for example, adding this to the end of that crontab line: " > /tmp/blah 2>&1". Then you will have ALL output. And yes, xset DOES generate output.06:12
Stormx2jimmer: What's the issue?06:12
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ebumneverblue OK, i found video card: UniChrome Pro IGP. But how to install drivers to it?06:12
FlynsarmyIs there a ubuntu equivalent of Autopatcher that installs all the latest updates in 1 giant setup file?06:12
martinxjanet sorry not enough info06:12
neverblueebum, ?06:12
Stormx2zitner_: Uhg. sudo apt-get --purge remove gaim06:12
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jribFlynsarmy: isn't that what APT does?  Or are you asking something else?06:13
jimmerMartinx : me either... By all theory it can't happen but it is...06:13
scipioFlynsarmy: use the update manager. system-admin-update manager06:13
ebumneverblue xm, dont know?06:13
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JanetFLoridamartinx, apt-get install installs a version to /etc, but it has bugs, ./configure installs to /usr/local. not desirable as i have 2 versions on disk now06:13
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neverblueebum, do I know you/ was I helping you?06:13
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zitner_Stormx2:  It is done sire, lol.06:13
martinxebum go to unichrome's website first. if they have no linux driver (as they probably wont) google for the driver06:13
Stormx2!checkinstall | JanetFLorida06:14
ubot3JanetFLorida: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!06:14
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zitner_Stormx2:  I know you're fustrated as I am, lol.06:14
FlynsarmyIf i use the update manager i need to re-download it all every time i reinstall ubuntu or for each comp i install it on. I'm after a setup file that i can just double click and it'll install all the updates without needing to download anything06:14
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ubot3I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:14
Stormx2zitner_: Heh, yeah, your setup is weirded out.06:14
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jimmerMartinx have even tried a different brand of dvd thinking that maybe the ones I got were erasable and were mis lables. but the same result.06:14
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Stormx2zitner_: Try that sudo apt-get build-dep gaim again?06:14
Paddy_EIREFlynsarmy: your 'just' looking for an package with all the updates in 1 click install.... ahh asking a little much arent we06:15
=== altf2o [n=altf2o@67-42-154-19.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
martinxjimmer how longs this been happening? did it all work ok before?06:15
FlynsarmyPaddy_EIRE: They did it for windows. I don't see why it can't be done for Ubuntu06:15
zitner_Stormx2: Nope same message about Build-dependncies for gaim could not be satisfied.06:15
Paddy_EIREFlynsarmy: shock horror this aint win06:16
neverbluethanks kauer06:16
jimmerMartinx all three dvd drives are lg drives and only one of them is light scribe.06:16
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zitner_Stormx2:  I don't get it.06:16
Stormx2!sourceomatic | zitner_06:16
ubot3zitner_: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:16
Stormx2zitner_: use that.06:16
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Geek_actually... windows is damn annoying initial updatewise unless you slipstream in06:16
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jimmerMartinx I have been fighting with this for about 4 months now...06:17
=== Aren [n=aren@d58-106-25-143.sbr2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
abhi_jrib: b:8 and b:9 to be added to that or not.06:17
kauerneverblue: Also check (silly to suggest, but check) that xset is in the path cron is using. Or just specify the xset path explicitly in the crontab entry.06:17
=== GoFcukYourself [n=ad@] has joined #ubuntu
=== Dunas [n=Dunas@] has joined #ubuntu
neverbluekauer, couldnt find the display :0.006:17
jribabhi_: b:8 means button 8, you can run 'xev' to figure out what button number your buttons are emitting06:17
GoFcukYourselfi'm using compiz fusion and when i rotate the desktop cube to another desktop, the taskbar shows me the same windows.. how can i fix this?06:17
=== draco [n=draco@e179171209.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
jimmerMartinx that was when I started fooling around with dvd movie copies.06:17
David-A<Flynsarmy>: does this help? (Transfering installed packages): http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=48363706:17
Pici!effects | GoFcukYourself06:17
ubot3GoFcukYourself: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects06:17
kauerneverblue: AHA!06:17
DunasWell that didn't work.06:17
martinxjimmer i dont see how you can sort it out as i cant see what can be causing it.  its hopeless06:18
neverblueweird though06:18
neverblueits the current display06:18
Paddy_EIRE!effects | GoFcukYourself06:18
GoFcukYourselfok.. thanks06:18
ubot3Yum! Err, I mean, APT!06:18
PiciPaddy_EIRE: I already did it.06:18
jimmerMartinx same here I don't get any sort of error message to even work with...06:18
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kauerneverblue: does the display exist at the time the cronjob runs?06:19
neverbluekauer, im outta ideas :/06:19
makioloFor wow , is best wine or cedega ?06:19
martinxjimmer have you thought of taking the drives to a repair shop?06:19
=== xRaich[o] 2x [n=raichoo@i5387E213.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
kauerneverblue: It's an X display, X has to be running...06:19
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neverbluekauer, of course :)06:19
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neverbluemakiolo, ask in #winehq06:19
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jimmerMartinx I have popped them out and put them in a windows machine and the problem doesn't happen...06:19
neverblueDunas, still fighting the battle?06:20
makioloi ask , thet say wine06:20
makiolobut have low performance06:20
DunasIt's driving me nuts, neverblue.06:20
neverbluemakiolo, obviously, its there channel :)06:20
=== wastedfluid [n=tom@c-71-57-214-110.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
neverbluemakiolo, see if you can get it to install in either :)06:20
zitner_Stormx2:  Quick question before I do this, will this mess up any of my programs, or games I have installed?06:20
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DunasCan't find where I installed it to, and I still need to run a temporary install again to make it work until I can get the permanent one going.06:20
Stormx2zitner_: No, it won't.06:20
martinxjimmer so its a linux/ubuntu problem... somehow ubuntu has haunted your drives...'06:20
=== KenSentMe [n=jeroen@kensentme.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
abhi_jrib: it does't emit any button.06:21
neverbluekauer, so, Ill supply some info on pastebin, give me a sec06:21
=== ThanatosDrive [n=edward@c-24-6-131-181.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dunassudo insmod rtl818x-newstack/r8180.ko is what I'm working with at the moment.06:21
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ThanatosDriveFellows, is it just me, or is Ubuntu's sound kinda...odd?06:21
Paddy_EIREabhi then your keyboard layout must be wrong06:21
DunasI went into ~/rtl818x-newstack/ and tried it both with and without the rtl-818x-newstack/ part.06:21
ThanatosDriveThat is, when I turn it up all the way, I hear some incredible amounts of crackling.06:21
jimmerMartinx yea the thing that confuses me about this is it is 2 different version of Ubuntu06:21
zitner_Stormx2:  I see the list, what do I do with it?06:21
DunasJust wish I could remember what I did before.06:22
martinxthanatos, i get great audio from ubuntu06:22
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makioloneverblue, my english sux ..06:22
ThanatosDrivemartinx, is your sound turned up all the way? And you use headphones?06:22
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Stormx2zitner_: Copy it into /etc/apt/sources.list (sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list)06:22
abhi_jrib: i have changed my xorg.conf. I will contact u after the reboot.06:22
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neverbluekauer: http://pastebin.ca/66696806:22
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Stormx2zitner_: Delete the existing content first06:22
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FlynsarmyDavid-A: It does, thanks. Do i type 'apt-cdrom add' on the new Ubuntu installation to get apt to read the packages from the cd-rom?06:22
ThanatosDrivemartinx I mean both Headphones sound is turned up to the max, as well as Master, and the RhythmBox sound is maxed. Try playing some DnB, like Pendulum.06:23
martinxthanatos, i use speakers. i have a dual-boot, xp on the other partition, and both sound as good as each other06:23
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dhruvhow do i get network manager into automatic mode from manual mode06:23
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zitner_Stormx2:  Ok, and I just saved it too.06:23
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neverblueDunas have you heard of tab completion?06:23
Stormx2zitner_: sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get build-dep gaim06:23
ubot3Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:23
ubot3Factoid hp not found06:23
=== Thorsten [n=THorsten@xdsl-84-44-158-144.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2kidbuntu: Who was that for?06:24
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Picikidbuntu: stop06:24
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ThorstenHello, I've got a probleme with my Wireless Card. He knows the wireless network, but doesn't connect to it... Any ideas?06:24
Dunasneverblue: No. >< I just got Ubuntu today, got barely any idea what I'm doing as it is.06:24
Picikidbuntu: ubot3 replied to you above.06:24
=== dxdt [n=s-mwolff@is-ecu-p01.unl.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2I'm totally sick of people calling ubotu for themselves in the channel. it annoys me beyond anything else here.06:24
ThanatosDrivemartinx: Maybe something is wrong with my sound drivers or maybe the lack of a soundcard is the problem.06:24
kauerneverblue: All is clear. You own the display. profx doesn't. You need to run that command as you, OR do something to give access to profx.06:24
=== Nightwalker- [n=omena@a88-114-32-192.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
mr_veg1hey ho06:25
neverblueDunas, its a file, in that dir, so you want to move into the dir, then add the module within the dir, so you dont have the / in the module name06:25
Stormx2let's go!06:25
=== praet [n=praet@wsip-68-15-32-50.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
neverbluekauer, i am profx :/06:25
ThorstenI try to connect to it, but it doesn't06:25
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ThanatosDriveStormx2: What's wrong with calling ubotu for yourself?06:25
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martinxthanatos you could be right, cos ubuntu in itself delivers audio wel06:25
kauerneverblue: It could find the display OK, it just didn't have permission to modify it.06:25
ubot3Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:25
=== benn92647 [n=benn9264@] has joined #ubuntu
Dunasneverblue: ...can you explain how to do that? ><06:25
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kauerneverblue: Scratch that then.06:25
FlannelThanatosDrive: you should do it in a query, not spam the channel06:25
ubot3Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:25
neverbluekauer, i ran the command as root as well06:25
=== tyo100 [n=tyo100@host-207-248-231-232.block.alestra.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu
ThanatosDriveFlannel: query?06:25
Pici!msgthebot | kidbuntu06:25
ubot3kidbuntu: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...06:25
=== mojojojo_ [n=jth@dhl53.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2ThanatosDrive: A lot of text gets unnecessarily put into the channel - it's already hard enough to follow06:25
Dunasneverblue: I'm sorry for asking so many questions, I'm just trying not to screw up the computer. :x06:25
kauerneverblue: Root won't have access either :-)06:25
mr_veg1can anybody tell, how to recover the music library after updating listen to 0.5, pls?06:26
FlannelThanatosDrive: /msg ubotu [whatever] 06:26
=== icespider69199_ [n=axel@cpe-70-124-28-233.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ThanatosDriveFlannel: Ah, thanks.06:26
neverbluethe messages received the logger "test"  when root as well06:26
benn92647anyone know of something other than mondo to use to back up my linux, monod is a massive headache and i cant get it to work.06:26
ThanatosDriveStormx2: Read faster :D06:26
neverbluekauer, yeah, thought it was just a shot in the dark06:26
Stormx2ThanatosDrive: No. it's easier just to /msg.06:26
=== johnny_67 [n=johnny@ip172-207-58-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
jrib!backup > benn92647 (see the private message from ubotu)06:26
David-AFlynsarmy: dont know, I used "Edit > Add CD" in Synaptic, I think.06:26
GoFcukYourselfbenn92647: go to synaptic and search for backup stuff06:26
benn92647doesnt linux have its own internal back up program06:26
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Picibenn92647: See the msg from ubotu06:27
Picibenn92647: er, ubot306:27
martinxthe bot kicked kidbuntu out for hassling him06:27
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neverbluekauer, i can run the command just fine, and the display goes into DPMS, its really bothering me :/06:27
GoFcukYourselfbenn92647: linux comes with no programs06:27
ThorstenI've got a probleme with my wireless card. "Hardware present: no" But with "iwlist wlan0 scan" he finds my network. I try to connect, but it doesn't06:27
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SuperBusinessmanmartinx ya06:28
=== micha_ [n=micha@p54BD1D47.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
SuperBusinessmanstocks rock06:28
Stormx2GoFcukYourself: Ubuntu comes with a whole bunch tho.06:28
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GoFcukYourselfStormx2: that's Ubuntu.. not Linux06:28
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martinxsuperbusinessman, how much longer you think you'll be wealthy... this time?06:28
DunasOn a side note to my earlier questions is there some way to disable a touchpad's "touch-to-click" functionality in Ubuntu? Because it's very sensitive and it's making me go nuts. ><06:28
=== Sp4rKy_ is now known as Sp4rKy
kauerneverblue: Try this: Run "xhost -localhost" in a terminal window, then trigger the cronjob. See if that works. If it does, a solution is on the horizon :-)06:29
Paddy_EIREFlynsarmy: another thing you may want to look at is 'aptoncd'06:29
neverblueDunas, isnt there a hardware toggle to do so?06:29
Flannel!synaptics | Dunas06:29
ubot3Dunas: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad06:29
Pici!synaptics | Dunas06:29
=== wanger [i=1000@spc1-derb3-0-0-cust26.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
PiciFlannel: darn, too slow ;)06:29
DunasThanks, guys.06:29
neverblueso xhost -localhost06:29
neverbluelocalhost being removed from access control list ?06:29
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kauerDunas: A screwdriver through the thing, if delivered with sufficient violence, will make the problem go away.06:30
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GoFcukYourselfwhy is ubotu renamed to ubot3?06:30
kauerneverblue: Sorry, "+"! I was that close... :-)06:30
FlynsarmyPaddy_EIRE: Perfect, thanks06:30
jribDunas: http://scottcollins.net/blog/2006/01/disable-touchpad-tap-in-kubuntubreezy.html is one google result, basically you need to use 'synclient'06:30
Dunasneverblue: Earlier you mentioned something about the directories and installing, can you help me figure out how to do what you instructed me to do? I didn't quite understand it.06:30
PiciGoFcukYourself: ubotu is offline temporarily, this is a temp replacement bot06:30
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GoFcukYourselfseen seen06:31
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Paddy_EIREFlynsarmy: you can also use a few tools together and what you will have is better than any win executable... 1 sec I'll find the links you need06:31
martinxubotu is way cooler than ubot306:31
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Paddy_EIREFlynsarmy: also very straight forward06:31
cberloanyone know how to cache ldap queries, so you can query 1000 at a time, and pick up where you left off?06:31
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neverblueDunas the module is in a directory, if you go into the dir, then just add the module, rather than typing 'dir/module', so it would just be 'module'06:31
=== rafilski [n=rafilski@201-048-058-083.xd-dynamic.ctbcnetsuper.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
rafilskiAEw galera06:31
abhi_jrib: still not working.06:32
David-Abenn92647: afaik ubuntu has no backup-prog by default. there are many to choose from in the repositories, dont know what is best.06:32
Paddy_EIREFlynsarmy: http://reconstructor.aperantis.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=3706:32
rafilskito comeando agora com o Linux06:32
abhi_jrib: my mouse have 7 buttons as given in xorg.conf06:32
jribabhi_: you installed xvkbd?06:32
DunasSo I'd go into ~/rtl-wifi/rtl818x-newstack/ and then do... what command? >_o; Sorry, neverblue, I'm still trying to figure this out. Also, thanks jrib.06:32
Flannel!br | rafilski06:32
ubot3rafilski: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.06:32
SuperBusinessmanmartinx i've left the stock market06:32
=== Infinito_ [i=lispecto@200-103-111-71.gnace701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
rafilskitem como alguem me da umas dicas06:32
abhi_jrib: yes06:32
neverbluekauer, nothing happened an same thing in /tmp/blah06:32
Paddy_EIREFlynsarmy: possibly over kill, but I find this an invaluable time saver06:32
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jribDunas: you asked about touchpad06:33
=== gizmo [n=gizmo@xdsl-87-78-154-140.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
kauerneverblue: Hm. Thinking....06:33
jribabhi_: you're on 7.04?06:33
ryanakca!es | rafilski06:33
ubot3rafilski: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:33
abhi_jrib: yes06:33
FlynsarmyPaddy_EIRE: Thanks!06:33
=== gutts [i=gutts@ADijon-258-1-110-158.w90-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
martinxsuperbusinessman, hurry back there before you lose all your money06:33
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neverbluekauer, just added >> to crontab, instead of > :)06:33
David-Abenn92647: quick and dirty bku: burn a cd with the cd-burn-prog that is installed by default06:33
=== did [n=did@feu30-1-82-242-58-68.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubot3#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:33
ThanatosDriveUhm, while this may not be an Ubuntu question, this is the only help channel I know of, and there's a lot of people here. So I'll just ask: Does anyone know if there is a philosophy IRC channel somewhere? That is, many people who are learned in philosophy.06:33
=== fyrestrtr [n=burhan@pdpc/supporter/student/fyrestrtr] has joined #ubuntu
jribabhi_: did you run 'xbindkeys'?06:33
=== Watermelon2 [n=Moo@host225.200-43-29.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Dunasjrib: Yeah, but I've been also fighting with my wireless chipset for a while. XD06:34
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dgameri'm out06:34
ryanakcaI have a dir, with 755 permissions. How could I have all new files in that directory be of the same permissions, instead of 750 ?06:34
neverblueDunas, put your pastebin URL up again?06:34
kauerneverblue: So was the result you just saw a new result or the previous result?06:34
PiciThanatosDrive: ##philosophy strangely enough ;)06:34
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abhi_jrib: run the xbindkeys-config06:34
jribDunas: I was just answering the touchpad question, I stay away from wireless...06:34
neverbluekauer, it was over written06:34
ThanatosDrivePici: Thanks. I was doing a /list but it was making my gaim really slow.06:34
jribabhi_: you need torun 'xbindkeys'06:34
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neverbluekauer, but was the same error06:34
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PiciThanatosDrive: /list is a horrible command. I always just do /topic ##possiblechannel until I come up with something06:34
abhi_jrib: done06:35
jribabhi_: now try the mouse06:35
=== Adlai_ is now known as Adlai
zitner_Stormx2:  Wow, this takes awhile!!  lol06:35
=== martinx waves goodbye
Stormx2zitner_: The build-dep?06:35
neverbluePici, within xchat, the secret is to open the channel list window first, then search within it :)06:35
Dunasneverblue: Alright, lemme look for it, need to dig it out of my history. :x06:35
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Picineverblue: I dont use xchat ;)06:35
zitner_Stormx2:  Yea.06:35
neverblueDunas, i could probably do the same easily06:35
Stormx2zitner_: Look on the bright side - it's working.06:35
=== kidbuntu [n=kidbuntu@] has joined #ubuntu
ubot3Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:36
neverbluePici, cli-er :P06:36
SuperBusinessmanmartinx not all, but most already06:36
Stormx2Kick him.06:36
zitner_Stormx2:  True, lol.06:36
Pici!ops | kidbuntu wont stop doing !printer06:36
ubot3kidbuntu wont stop doing !printer: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok06:36
jribkidbuntu: are you going to stop that?06:36
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %kidbuntu!*@*] by Hobbsee
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by Hobbsee
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %kidbuntu!*@*] by Hobbsee
Dunasneverblue: There it is. http://pastebin.com/m528cc32b From when I was trying to use 'sudo make install' for a permanent install. I'll try and find the one pertaining to the present problem, but I'm gonna need help finding the right file for that, too. ><06:36
kauerneverblue: So we still have the same problem, even after doing "xhost +localhost"? Hm. This IS a puzzle. Still thinking...06:37
=== PhilKC [i=PhilKC@freenode/staff/philkc] has joined #Ubuntu
abhi_jrib: no still not working..06:37
=== seanpcrowe [n=bert@host217-43-67-178.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mez!botabuse | kidbuntu06:37
ubot3kidbuntu: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...06:37
jribabhi_: pastebin your ~/.xbindkeysrc06:37
Stormx2zitner_: is it downloading, or installing?06:37
neverbluekauer, want me to -localhost :)06:37
DunasFound it, neverblue: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34655/06:37
zitner_Stormx2:  Ok, it's done.06:37
abhi_jrib: total file.06:37
=== DanteTHB [n=kuestner@gate.dig.de] has joined #ubuntu
jribabhi_: sure06:37
Stormx2zitner_: sudo apt-get install build-essential06:37
jrib!pastebin > abhi_ (see the private message from ubotu)06:38
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b14ck73425What could i do to the software, to make the system run smoother?06:38
ebumBzzz, cant find how to install VIA video card driver :(06:38
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neverblueDunas, do this: cd ~/rtl-wifi/rtl818x-newstack; sudo insmod r8180.ko06:39
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agresorHello i have big problems with Burning CD, I have DVD-RW and CD-RW  2 rooms' and I can not burn anything with k3b or cd-burner.    BURN PROCES FAILED. CAn anyone Help PLEASE ?????06:39
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mannytukidbuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots?action=show&redirect=UbotuUsage06:39
ebumBzzz, cant find how to install VIA video card driver :( PLz, Help someone :(06:39
Dunasinsmod: error inserting 'r8180.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module06:39
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=== neverblue passes out sense of humours, gives two to kauer :)
Paddy_EIREb14ck73425: many different things, spend some time in the forums.. there are many guides for optimizing performance06:39
zitner_Stormx2:  Done I assume.06:39
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Stormx2zitner_: Still in the pidgin directory?06:40
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abhi_jrib: pasted at :  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34680/06:40
zitner_Stormx2: Yes06:40
Paddy_EIREb14ck73425: also you could try running a more light weight desktop environment06:40
Stormx2zitner_: Run: ./configure06:40
tarelerulzIs the new Die hard out on dvd?06:40
Stormx2!offtopic | tarelerulz06:40
ubot3tarelerulz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:40
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haru_anyone know why i get this error : beryl: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/beryl/libjpeg.so : undefined symbol: jpeg_std_error06:40
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jribabhi_: when you run 'xev' and press the mouse button you want for back it says it is button 8?06:41
agresorHello i have big problems with Burning CD, I have DVD-RW and CD-RW  2 rooms' and I can not burn anything with k3b or cd-burner.    BURN PROCES FAILED. CAn anyone Help PLEASE ?????06:41
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neverblueDunas, are you in the tl-wifi/rtl818x-newstack ?06:41
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ganeshi have 2 hdd,in 1 i have ubuntu and vista on other..but hdd which had ubuntu crashed and now left with only 1 hdd ..problem is bootloader was in d crashed hdd..so now i m not able to boot vista..can any 1 help me??06:41
kauerneverblue: I just tried doing that xset command from a console, and it doid nothing at all. No output, and no blank screen. Note that I did it as me - the same user that I did it as inside X, where it did work. This suggests that there is a difference between the cron env and the local env other than just the user and the display name.06:41
stuart-hi guys, how come after i adduser 'guest', when i log in, there's no sound support for him?06:41
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Dunasneverblue: I should be, I copied and pasted the commands you gave me.06:42
jribstuart-: is he in the "audio" group?06:42
abhi_jrib: not a single button is appearing in xev06:42
zitner_Stormx2:  It's done.06:42
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stuart-jrib, how'd i check that?06:42
b14ck73425agresor, you need to find one that wont do that, and check your libraries. i use gnomebaker.06:42
jribabhi_: are you clicking in the box that popped up?06:42
stuart-jrib, i assume i need to add him to video group as well?06:42
Pici!grub > ganesh (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)06:42
Dunasneverblue: Yes, I am, rtl-wifi/rtl818x-newstack/.06:42
jribstuart-: with this command: groups USER06:42
neverbluekauer, did you confirm your $DISPLAY?06:42
Stormx2zitner_: Could you pastebin the last part? Where it says stuff like "blah.......... no"?06:42
abhi_jrib: yes06:42
jribstuart-: check the groups your current user is in and see06:42
neverblueDunas then do an ls, do you see the file?06:42
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ThanatosDriveabhi_: I assume you're trying to use extra mouse buttons? Correct me if I'm wrong.06:43
jribabhi_: then your mouse isn't setup correctly.  Did you setup evdev?06:43
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kauerneverblue: yes. No such var in the console, :0.0 in X. As expected.06:43
abhi_jrib: not setup the evdev06:43
ryanakcaI have a dir, with 755 permissions. How could I have all new files in that directory be of the same permissions, instead of 750 ?06:43
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jribabhi_: what mouse do you have?06:43
stuart-jrib, how do i add the groups to user guest?06:43
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zitner_Stormx2:  Are you asking for me to pastebin what just happened?  I don't think it worked only because of wwhat it says, but yea give me a sec.06:43
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jribstuart-: sudo adduser USER GROUP06:43
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stuart-jrib, thanks.06:43
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abhi_jrib: it is mercury. I guess u do't know about it.06:43
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Dunasneverblue: I see it, it's in the folder Module.symvers06:44
theeacan you help me to put full rights on a win partition?06:44
mattgyver83Is there a way via command line that you can determine where a package was installed to?06:44
neverbluekauer, #linux seems to know a think or two :)06:44
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kauerneverblue: Move that command into a script and run the script from the cronjob. More flexible, and you can experiment with things like env and set to see what other env stuff might be set or not set in the cronjob environment. There is something here we are missing....06:44
VletWhen I use synaptic to remove various apps, it will sometimes tell me that ubuntu-desktop is dependent on that etc etc... Is there a way to like, break a meta package leaving all of it's dependencies?06:44
neverblueDunas, then cd Module.symvers06:44
stuart-jrib, can i do more than 1 group at once in one line? e.g: adduser guest cdrom floppy audio dip etc.06:44
Paddy_EIREmattgyver83: whereis06:44
abhi_jrib : I working in mandriva after installing the imwheel but not in ubuntu.06:44
Dunasneverblue: Alright.06:44
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neverbluethen try and sudo insmod r8180.ko in there06:44
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abhi_jrib: sorry ,  I > it is06:44
jribstuart-: you can use usermod06:44
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neverbluekauer :P more work? :P06:44
theeacan you help me to put full rights on a win partition?06:44
mattgyver83paddy_eire, you are awesome06:45
jribabhi_: join me in #ubuntu-classroom06:45
Stormx2!ntfs-3g | theea06:45
ubot3theea: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:45
stuart-jrib, hows taht06:45
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Dunasbash: cd: /home/sean/rtl-wifi/rtl818x-newstack/module.symvers: No such file or directory, neverblue. :(06:45
Paddy_EIREmattgyver83: no probs, also 'locate' is handy :D06:45
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jribstuart-: read 'man usermod', I don't remember the syntax offhand06:45
theeathankx storm06:45
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abhi_jrib: jined06:45
zitner_Stormx2:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34681/06:46
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kauerneverblue: I can duplicate your results. I think it's time for me to go away and experiment. If you are around when I return, we can compare notes. At least we know  a few things it *isn't*.06:46
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Stormx2zitner_: Woh, what the hell did you do? o.O06:46
kauerneverblue: Is that entry in /etc/cron.daily or suchline, or is it really in profx's crontab?06:47
zitner_Stormx2:  I did what you told me to do, it seemed like everything was working, why, what's wrong?06:47
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Stormx2zitner_: Well, you pasted the contents of your sources.list straight into the terminal...06:47
Stormx2zitner_: Twice!06:47
zitner_I did?06:47
Stormx2Yeah, you did.06:47
stefgzitner_: tidy up your sources.list, man! get a fresh one at !easysource, then run apt-get update && apt-get -f install && apt-get dist-upgrade06:48
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stefg!easysource | zitner_06:48
ubot3zitner_: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:48
DunasThis is made all the more frustrating because I had it working before...06:48
Stormx2stefg: Yeah, he did.06:48
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Stormx2stefg: Check the paste he linked me to.06:48
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ADN__Hello,i tried to install Firestarter from "universe" repository and its enabled but i didnt find it on synaptic so, whats wrong,06:49
stefgStormx2: i did.... i assume the error at the end is a consquence of the messed sources.list06:49
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Dunasneverblue: That module.symvers file is apparently a locked file, and it registers as 0 bytes...06:49
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Stormx2stefg: Which error?06:49
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Stormx2stefg: The errors are down to him pasting the source-o-matic output into bash.06:50
GoodHabitHello. Can smb. help me? I have installed ubuntu feisty. And i have downloaded a *.tar file with game (warsow @ warsow[dot] net). So, in tarball are some libs, executables, etc. How to intall it in "true-way", help me please.06:50
DjViperADN__: alt+f2 gksudo firestarter06:50
edsonsomebody knows to say me what it would be this message? Aug 22 13:45:50 ubuntu kernel: [20056.636000]  VFS: busy inodes on changed media.06:50
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razorednighti had no problem finding firestarter via synaptic.  You must be missing a repo06:50
stefgStormx2: oh... i see06:50
neverblueDunas, are you compiling from the source, example: make, make install, etc ?06:50
ADN__may i shud chage the server?06:50
zitner_Stormx2:  Do you want me to delete my source list all together?06:51
Stormx2zitner_: No.06:51
=== SubOne [n=subone@c-76-25-132-85.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SubOnecan anyone tell me the full imagemagick command to convert a png to 24bit?06:51
Dunasneverblue: Yes, following instructions and links from http://rtl-wifi.sourceforge.net/wiki/Installing in the debian/ubuntu section.06:51
Lustbladercan someone tell me the name of a good html editing tool for ubuntu that's good for beginners ????06:51
ADN__DjViper sorry im newbie whats i sould do with alt+f2 ,,,,?06:51
neverbluekauer, i dont like you talking about me in a third person :P06:51
Stormx2zitner_: Could you please run ./configure?06:51
kauerneverblue: When I put that command in  MY crontab, it worked. So I repeat - what crontab is that command in?06:51
DjViperADN__: nevermind, mixed up heh06:51
neverbluekauer, just in crontab06:51
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kauerneverblue: Please tell me the command you used to edit that crontab :-)06:52
Stormx2zitner_: Be sure you copy that properly. Looks like last time you accidently didn't copy what I put, so instead pasted in a whole bunch of other text.06:52
ADN__DjViper im new to linux world06:52
Lustbladerany suggests???06:52
neverbluekauer, I pasted the crontab on pastebin06:52
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neverbluekauer, what else do you require?06:52
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DjViperADN__: ok06:52
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VletWhen I use synaptic to remove various apps, it will sometimes tell me that ubuntu-desktop is dependent on that etc etc... Is there a way to like, break a meta package leaving all of it's dependencies?06:53
darkstarFedorahello all06:53
Stuttergarthello everybody06:53
zitner_Stormx2:  Done, it says to type make.06:53
Stormx2Vlet: I wouldn't remove apps that ubuntu-desktop depends on06:53
bruenigVlet, meta package hell is fun, remove with apt-get06:53
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Stormx2zitner_: Do as it says :)06:53
kauerneverblue: You modified a crontab to plave the xset command into it. Precisely how did you modify that crontab? Did you (eg) type "vi /etc/crontab"? Did you use "crontab -e" a ssome user? How?06:53
FlynsarmyLustblader: http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html06:53
razorednightvlet, don't worry about ubuntu-desktop.  If it goes, nothing bad will hapen06:53
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Lustbladerthx Flynsarmy06:54
neverbluekauer, bbiab06:54
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StuttergartI have a gutsy box that is incrementing the label on it's ethernet interface after every reboot. So it started at eth0 and it is now up to eth9. It seems as though this is some kind of problem with persistent device naming in udev but I'm not sure how to fix it.06:54
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ADN__DjViper so?06:54
Stormx2razorednight: Except upgrades won't work?06:54
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Vletrazorednight: ahh, so if syn wants to remove it, it will not remove that which ubuntu-desktop installed in the first place?06:54
bruenigStuttergart, can it get to eth10?06:54
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DjViperADN__: sorry, I dont know what could be wrong if you enabled the uni. rep.06:54
razorednightis there a ubuntu game channel?  what's it called?06:54
Pici!gutsy | Stuttergart06:54
ubot3Stuttergart: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+106:54
theoeyCould someone tell me...how do you disable the wired connection....so that eth1 starts up on bootup and not eth0?06:54
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razorednightI didn't know losing ubuntu-desktop would lose you your updates too06:55
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bruenigrazorednight, it will not06:56
ubot3Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php06:56
bruenigrazorednight, ubuntu-desktop is not updated between releases06:56
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razorednightbruenig, someone here just told me it was!! Grr damn untruthers!!06:56
VletStormx2: I'm running server, but am also lazy so I wanted a gui :) ... just didn't want all the bloat that comes with it06:57
theoeyCould someone tell me...how do you disable the wired connection....so that eth1 starts up on bootup and not eth0?06:57
DunasHow do I open a text file as root, say, one that I want to modify but is listed as read-only?06:57
bruenigrazorednight, some packages that ubuntu-desktop depends on might be, but ubuntu-desktop itself won't,  you would still get the dependency updates however06:57
Lustbladertheoey: try running sudo pppoeconf06:57
scipioDunas: sudo gedit filename06:57
theoeyok thx06:57
Stormx2Dunas: gksudo gedit filename06:57
edsonsomebody knows to say me what it would be this message? Aug 22 13:45:50 ubuntu kernel: [20056.636000]  VFS: busy inodes on changed media.06:57
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bobanjcan some1 tell me what is the name of the dock in the cool beryl videos on youtube06:58
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ubot3Factoid awn not found06:58
scipiobobanj: avant window navigator06:58
Ahadielbobanj, avant-window-navigator06:58
dxdtbobanj: Avant06:58
Stormx2bobanj: * some1 :No such nick/channel06:58
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RadiantFirewow y a'll just jumped on him06:59
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scipioif all the questions were that simple :)06:59
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lImItaOwhen i try to install gnuchess package, apt-get tell me that gnome-games must be removed, how can i just update gnuchess?06:59
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dxdtedson: comes from ejecting media that isnn't unmounted usually.  A USB thing or a CD07:00
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zitner_Stormx2:  Ok it's done.07:00
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LustbladerlImItaO: sudo apt-get upgrade gnuchess07:00
Stormx2zitner_: sudo apt-get install checkinstall07:00
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zitner_Stormx2:  I already have that, I did it earlier.07:01
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kyncanilImItaO: gnome-games specifically conflicts with gnuchess, so you can't have both. You can install crafty however.07:01
Stormx2zitner_: Are you sure?07:02
neverbluekauer, using nano07:02
Stormx2zitner_: In that case: sudo checkinstall07:02
zitner_Stormx2: Yes, ok.07:02
_MattBwhat is a good GUI for BIND ?07:02
neverbluesudo nano /etc/crontab07:02
kyncanilImItaO: crafty is a good chess engine too i believe07:02
lImItaOi'm trying to use gnuchess with eboard07:02
kauerneverblue: Please tell me *what file* you edited. Full path....07:02
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kauerneverblue: Whoops, clossed line...07:03
zitner_Stormx@:  Create package dos?  Right?07:03
lImItaOI know, but i thought it was easy to add gnuchess07:03
neverbluekauer, there is only one crontab, in /etc07:03
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Stormx2zitner_: n, then enter.07:03
kyncanilImItaO: eboard suggests gnuchess | crafty07:03
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neverbluekauer, sorry, my bad07:03
zitner_Stormx2:  Don't create?07:03
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neverbluekauer, there is one in /usr/bin as well07:03
ubot3Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:03
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Stormx2zitner_: It doesn't really matter either way, but I'd go with "no".07:03
lImItaOkyncani: ok, than you07:04
zitner_Stormx2:  Oh, ok, just asking, lol.07:04
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kauerneverblue: OK, try this. Copy that line with your mouse. In a new terminal, type "crontab -e". Enter the line (WITHOUT the "profx") into the crontab that appears, which will probbaly be empty. Save and exit. See what happens. Remember to set the time for very soon so we don't have to wait too long...07:04
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kyeliA question on vmware: if I grant xp 1GB of ram, and some memory of the nvidia card, is it all used by ubuntu when it is the only system running? or do I lose a portion of the memory to xp even though it is not running?07:04
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tach00hi, anyone know how to configure cdrdao and cdrecord to run as root07:04
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zitner_Stormx2:  It say to write a decription, and end with an empty line or EOF?  I'm lost.07:05
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Stormx2zitner_: Hit enter two times.07:05
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neverbluekauer, did you view your crontab once you did the crontab -e ?07:05
zitner_Stormx2: Ok07:05
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kauerneverblue: yes.07:05
ubunoobhey guys, I wanna install xubuntu for the first time, and notice there's an alternative installer.. is this suggested for a more advanced linux user?07:05
ubunoobI'm usually on gentoo07:05
kyeliStormx2: A question on vmware: if I grant xp 1GB of ram, and some memory of the nvidia card, is it all used by ubuntu when it is the only system running? or do I lose a portion of the memory to xp even though it is not running?07:06
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kauerneverblue: Why?07:06
stefg!alternate | ubunoob07:06
ubot3ubunoob: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal07:06
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Dunasneverblue: Gah. To answer a much earlier question: I think so, following instructions and links from http://rtl-wifi.sourceforge.net/wiki/Installing in the debian/ubuntu section.07:06
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cappizsomeone here knows how i can change /var/lib/amavis to be chmod 770 -R on boot?07:06
=== savetheWorld [n=Lester@c-24-62-239-102.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubot3nvu is a WYSIWYG and code dual-function HTML editor for easily creating web pages.  The original developer is working on a full rewrite; meanwhile, another is doing bugfixes.  It is not in the Ubuntu repos for Feisty Fawn, but add your name to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WaitingForNvuFeisty to be notified when packages are available.  See also !html.07:06
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kauerneverblue: Um, forgot to mention; do this *as profx*....07:06
zitner_Stormx2: Done07:06
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neverbluekauer, there is no other :)07:07
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ubotuubunoob: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal07:07
Rogeis there a command to show which kernel im running ?07:07
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ
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kauerneverblue: The one, the only....07:07
kyncaniRoge: uname -r07:07
Stormx2zitner_: All finished, no errors?07:07
=== loar [n=leto@frnk-d933c0d3.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
kyncaniRoge: or uname -a07:07
ubotunvu is a WYSIWYG and code dual-function HTML editor for easily creating web pages.  The original developer is working on a full rewrite; meanwhile, another is doing bugfixes.  It is not in the Ubuntu repos for Feisty Fawn, but add your name to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WaitingForNvuFeisty to be notified when packages are available.  See also !html.07:07
osmosishow do I get beryl to work with ATI ?07:07
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kauerneverblue: Actually there is one other - root. Don't do this as root :-)07:07
neverbluekauer, same error07:07
=== VisualStation [n=visualst@138.159-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
zitner_Stormx2:  None, but what do I do now?07:08
Stormx2zitner_: Type "pidgin" and hit enter.07:08
osmosisI have beryl installed and beryl-manager running already.  The window manager stays stuck on metacity though.07:08
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neverbluekauer, must be my setup, someone mentioned the following: you'd need to set DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY to the correct values07:08
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tach00hi, anyone know how to configure cdrdao and cdrecord to run as root? please07:09
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neverbluei thik ill try the 'write a script, add the script to crontab' idea you had07:09
zitner_Stormx2:  It's says installation complete, then I typed pidgin and hit enter, and says command not found. Are you sure that's it?07:09
bobanjberyl on youtube....can some1 tell me where to get that cool animating jumping icons--quick launch i dont know what that is:D07:09
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razorednightI'm currently in 4 channels: #ubuntu, #unhack-oo,##unix and ##ufo... and this si the only one where people are actually talking07:09
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ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:10
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Picistefg: its lagging a little bit.07:10
kauerneverblue: Let me double check: As "profx" you typed "crontab -e". A crontab appeared (possibly empty) into which you typed the command "51 2 * * * /usr/bin/xset -display :0.0 dpms force off > /tmp/blah 2>&1" (with a different time, obviously). Then you saved that file and exited. At the appointed time, your screen did not blank and the same error as before was written to /tmp/blah (or whatever you called your output file). Is all that correct?07:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about awn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:10
ryanakcais it possible to assign more than one group to a file?07:10
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jribryanakca: no, but you can use ACLs07:11
neverbluewe are on the same page kauer :)07:11
razorednightwow, ubot3 has left!  things are looking bad07:11
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kauerneverblue: I'm starting to wonder.07:11
Stormx2Could someone remind me how to get the installed files of a package via command line?07:11
naliothrazorednight: ubotu will be here shortly07:11
Stormx2zitner_: Just one moment.07:11
Picinalioth: its already here.07:11
ryanakcajrib: hmm. thanks :)07:11
kyncaniStormx2: dpkg -L07:11
stefgbobanj: that's avant window navigator. ask google, and /j #ubuntu-effects for breyl questions07:11
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razorednightnalioth, thank heaven for that07:11
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Stormx2zitner_: dpkg -L pidgin | grep bin07:11
isidoroI have some problems with usb disk. a usb peb disk is shown as iPOD why? any help?07:11
osmosisis it even possible to get beryl to work with ATI ?07:11
neverbluekauer, i have been wondering all this time :)07:11
zitner_Stormx2:  Let me correct myself, everything went fine, then the last line says Installing Debian package...FAILED!  I don't get it, why.lol07:11
neverbluekauer, but learning soo much :)07:11
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YouKnowMeosmosis, yes07:12
osmosisYouKnowMe: how07:12
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stefg!effects |  osmosis07:12
neverblueDunas, find someone else to help you yet?07:12
neverblueDunas, i got very involved with my own situation :)07:12
ubotuosmosis: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects07:12
Dunasneverblue: No. :x Been working on that touchpad issue.07:12
Stormx2zitner_: xD. Okay. is synaptic or update manager open?07:12
Dunasneverblue: No worries. :)07:12
architectosmosis, check ubuntu forums07:12
=== Daisuke-Laptop [n=alexbe01@pool-71-97-155-54.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
neverblueDunas, i havent setup wireless myself, btw :)07:12
bobanji've installed awn....it just shows me the progs im running....:) uuu #ubuntu-effects thannnnnkkksssssss07:13
Dunasneverblue: You're certainly helping me a lot despite that. :P07:13
kyncaniAre ubotu and ubot3 fighting for bot supremacy ?07:13
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ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!07:13
neverblueDunas :)07:13
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zitner_Stormx2:  No, and I just did what you told me to type, and it says syntax error near unexpected token.07:13
=== Rabbitbunny loves Ubuntu.
neverbluekauer, ill try that script idea, and let you know07:13
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Stormx2zitner_: Which unexpected token?07:13
stefgkyncani: pathological bot schizoprenia :-)07:13
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zitner_Stormx2:  It doesn't say, or specify.07:14
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kauerneverblue: When you run crontab -e you edit your own crontab, not the central crontab. When I do that, I get a blank screen. It is a major puzzle to me why you do not.07:14
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Stormx2zitner_: Damn. Okay, screw it. Run "sudo make install"07:14
benn92647can someone please tell me how to get linux to make me an ISO of my back up, it refuses to do anything but try and burn a &#$*! link to my back up.07:14
zitner_Stormx2:  syntax error near unexpected token `;'07:14
Stormx2zitner_: Is that the only output?07:14
tach00hi, can anyone please tell me how to configure cdrdao and cdrecord to run as root? please07:14
kauerneverblue: BTW /usr/bin/crontab is the crontab *program*, while /etc/crontab is the central crontab *file*.07:14
RabbitbunnyHmm... If it says 19:02:23 remaining... That's minutes right?07:15
neverbluekauer, its puzzling that I can use the command on the cli and it works just fine07:15
zitner_Stormx2: Yes.07:15
Pici!sudo | tach0007:15
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neverbluekauer, I found that out :)07:15
benn92647sorry, I have reached my limit with linux at this moment in time07:15
ubotutach00: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:15
Stormx2zitner_: Did "make" return any errors?07:15
EstethI have the sun-java6-bin package, but my java version is 1.4.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu5) when i run any java programs. how do i use the newer version?07:15
Dunasneverblue: If you're still able to help I certainly need it. :P I checked the file that supposedly had what I needed, but it was locked with a 0 byte reading for its size.07:15
neverbluekauer, cat crontab :)07:15
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zitner_Stormx2:  None, just that.07:15
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kauerneverblue: which crontab should I cat? :-)07:15
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=== Rabbitbunny [n=me@h111.61.172.72.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
neverbluekauer :P07:15
PiciEsteth: sudo dpkg-reconfigure java07:15
RabbitbunnyHmm... If it says 19:02:23 remaining... That's minutes right?07:16
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tach00Pici: i am using kmediafactory and i get an error saying that they arent running in root, and i need to know if there is a way to configure that from the gui07:16
zitner_Stormx2:  Ok, it's making install, I know you're getting annoyed, I am, lol.  I can tell you're like what teh helll.07:16
sadmini want to start a service on boot07:16
sadminshould i add in rc.local07:16
neverblueso the crontab -e is the 'user' crontab, where as /etc/crontab is the 'system's crontab07:16
benn92647can someone tell me how to make a bootable copy of my back up, i cant even burn it linux wont let me.07:16
Stormx2zitner_: Exactly. This should have been a five-minute solution. Diagnosing problems over IRC is hard anyway.07:16
neverblueas in root's crontab07:16
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DunasBrb, hopefully.07:16
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Stormx2zitner_: Re-run ./configure, and pastebin the whole output to me.07:17
=== docmur [n=docmur@CPE00119519006b-CM014480104272.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
jossverHey I have a problem07:17
mannytuPriceChild said, "Please,  don't kill ubotu" in Ubuntu offtopic...07:17
neverbluebtw, this did work on my system, in the past, about a month ago07:17
zitner_Stormx2: Ok.07:17
docmurAny one here tried to compile Oregano 0.69 using scons07:17
kauerneverblue: yes.07:17
jossverto install Flash player in the version 5.04 ubuntu07:17
EstethPici: I get told there's no package called java07:17
=== Dunas [n=Dunas@] has joined #ubuntu
benn92647ubotu is a sexybot07:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a sexybot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:17
=== bullgard4 [n=detlef@dhcp119.vr.in-berlin.de] has joined #ubuntu
kauerneverblue: System's not root's.07:17
jossverDoes somebody know how to install flash player I have heard it is difficult to do that?07:17
razorednightLast year I bought a magazine, Linux Format 79 (May 2006) that contains a fine article all about crontab and job control.  I recommend it to all Linux users.l07:18
DunasAlright, that's the touchpad dealt with. :)07:18
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benn92647an someone tell me how to make a bootable copy of my back up, i cant even burn it linux wont let me.07:18
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homa_ranoI have a problem trying to install xubuntu on a partition. gparted sees the entire hard drive as unallocated space, but `sudo fdisk -l` correctly sees the 4 partitions including the ext3 one that it should be installing on07:18
kyncani!flash > jossver07:18
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thedashso who wants to make a Linux version of Winamp5 for me ?07:18
Stormx2thedash: No one with any sense?07:18
tach00pici: is there a console command that wll put cdrdao and cdrecord in root mode07:18
Rabbitbunnythedash: XMMS07:18
kyncani!gnash > jossver07:19
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Picitach00: I do not know.07:19
thedashRabbitbunny :: XMMS is Winamp207:19
benn92647an someone tell me how to make a bootable copy of my back up, i cant even burn it linux wont let me.07:19
PiciEsteth: Sorry, I was thinking of something else: this is correcT:  #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:19
tach00who would know?07:19
=== KanRiNiN [n=Anonymou@c-68-40-72-116.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DunasCan someone help me install this wireless driver to Ubuntu? I've gotten it to work temporarily but couldn't use sudo make install07:19
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Rabbitbunnythedash: What's so great about 5?07:19
PiciEsteth: It would help if I pasted the right thing:   sudo update-alternatives --config java07:19
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EstethPici: hehe07:19
thedashRabbitbunny :: it has the library function, and the titling is better too07:19
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Rabbitbunnythedash: submit to XMMS team.07:20
=== ubun756 [n=ubuntu@88-104-83-139.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
KanRiNiNHey guys.  I have a quick question on LVMs.  I have a 500Gb formatted to XFS that mounts at /mnt/BFD and a 200 on EXT3 that mounts at /.  Do I have to reformat both the use LVM to turn them into one contiguous drive?07:20
luite_thedash: you might like amarok if you want a library, at least if you don't hate KDE ;) (or maybe even if you do)07:20
kauerneverblue: BTW, look in /var/spool/cron/crontabs - is there a file "profx"? It should contain that command.... You probably should remove the command from the system crontab whil eexperimenting wiuth your own...07:20
Picithedash: You might be able to run winamp5 in wine.07:20
thedashluite_ :: I use amarok, but it has other problems for sure07:20
thedashPici :: yes I could, but that seems almost wrong ;P07:21
=== prabs [n=prabs@82-47-37-135.cable.ubr03.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
razorednightchanging nicks is damn important. If mine wasn't so perfect, I'd change it regularly. In fact I'd set cron to do it for me07:21
kauerneverblue: To give you hope I can only tell you that on my system, running that command from my user crontab *works*.07:21
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luite_thedash: an its main problem is that it doesn't try to be a winamp clone/ ;)07:21
ubun756how do i fix the mbr of my hda drive (windows) from ubuntu?07:21
Stormx2thedash: Try exaile, amarok, mpd, sonata.... the zillions of linux media players that are less bloaty and better than winamp 5.07:21
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EstethPici: Thanks, seems to have changed to the newer version of java, but eclipse is still complaining about not having java 5. perhaps i need the JDK instead of the JRE07:22
PiciEsteth: Probably.07:22
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Stormx2ubun756: define "fix".07:22
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Rabbitbunny(from Wikipedia) "chown -R us ./base07:22
tach00hi, can anyone please tell me how to configure cdrdao and cdrecord to run as root? please07:22
neverbluekauer, how can I view inside /var/spool/cron/crontabs ?07:22
Pici!java > Esteth (might want to read this too)07:22
neverbluekauer, login as su I guess?07:22
ubun756Stormx2: restore after grub messed it up07:23
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kauerneverblue: sudo ls /var/spool/crontabs07:23
Stormx2ubun756: grub overwrote it probably. What's the issue?07:23
kyncaniubun756: there's a package called mbr in ubuntu, it may do what you want. You'll also want to see !grub07:23
neverblueyeah, profx is in there07:23
kauerneverblue: er, sudo ls /var/spool/cron/crontabs07:23
kyncani!grub | ubun75607:23
ubotuubun756: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:23
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ubun756Stormx2: it won't boot now07:23
kauerneverblue: And the contents are as expected?07:23
razorednightI use rhythmnbox, the music player that actually comes installed by default in Ubuntu. With added mp3 codec of course, cos I'm a shameless thief.  I download music off the net too without paying for it!07:23
Stormx2ubun756: Windows?07:23
Stormx2kyncani: Not relevent.07:23
ubun756Stormx2: yeh07:23
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Stormx2ubun756: Is it listed in your grub menu?07:24
neverbluekauer, correct, without the user, same line07:24
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ubun756Stormx2: not got a grub menu anymore - i'm on a bootcd atm07:24
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Stormx2ubun756: What error do you receive?07:24
kauerneverblue: Just tried that command from root's crontab - same error as you. Just about to double check that it failks from the system crontab...07:24
jshriveranyone know if you can do basic logic programming in OpenOffice Calc? like if statements?07:25
jshriveror where I can find info on doing so07:25
ubun756Stormx2: grub says drive not ready or some such07:25
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neverbluekauer, i can run the xset command as me, or as root, and they both enter DPMS07:25
Stormx2ubun756: Ask in #grub perhaps?07:25
DunasCan someone help me install this wireless driver to Ubuntu?07:25
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benn92647where can i find my root trash at so i can empty it?07:25
neverblue!wireless | Dunas :)07:25
ubotuDunas :): Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:25
Stormx2benn92647: /root/.Trash07:25
DunasNot helping there. >< Still need to get this one problem figured out.07:25
neverblueDunas, :)07:26
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kauerneverbue: yes - from within X. Try rinning them from a console as you, or as root (CTL-ALT-F1 to a console, not just a terminal window)07:26
Stormx2jshriver: Hit F1.07:26
kornitsanyone know of a good graphical FTP program for ubuntu?07:26
bur[n] eranyone know how to connect to itunes 7 shares to either listen to or download music?07:26
ubun756Stormx2: ok07:26
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Stormx2kornits: gftp, fireftp07:26
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zitner_Stormx2:  You're going to slap me, I ran configure, and waited, then when it go tdone, I rettyped pidgin, and it's runnign, lol.  Ok, thank you so much, how do I get a shortcut in my menu and esktop?07:26
bulmerjshriver: i believe it uses java behind it, maybe ask folks at undernet #java07:26
neverbluekauer, good point, brb07:26
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gggggigis there a ubuntu deb for http://libopenraw.freedesktop.org/wiki/Exempi ?07:26
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magnetronfilezilla kornits07:26
j0nas`hello.  does anybody have WPA working with intel ipw394507:26
j0nas`im wondering if its supported07:27
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neverbluekauer, my res is messed up in tty's07:27
Anlarj0nas`: supported just fine07:27
magnetron!hardware | j0nas`07:27
j0nas`ipw2100 and 2200 are definitely supported, but im not sure if ipw3945 is...07:27
neverblueso I cannot see the command line07:27
ubotuj0nas`: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport07:27
j0nas`okay... well in that case07:27
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neverblueguess ill write that script after all :)07:27
j0nas`i cant figure out what im doing wrong07:27
jossverthank you07:27
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jossver have found the solution07:27
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j0nas`why is WPA not available as an option in my network configuration gui07:27
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jossverI have lookesd into the map where the installer was07:27
radioaktivstormanyone have an idea when the repos will have thunderbird 2.0? trying to decide whether I should wait for it or just go ahead and install it myself.07:27
khermansanyone know how to recover from /var/lib/dpkg/info07:27
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jossverand when I clicked on it it did it all automatic07:28
khermans deleted it by accident,07:28
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bur[n] erradioaktivstorm: when gutsy is released, thunderbird is in it07:28
kyncanijossver: all good then :)07:28
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Anlarj0nas`: 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)07:28
kauerneverblue: well, well, well, well! Just tried it from the *system* crontab, with "kauer" as the user, and the darn thing worked! I am now officially Very Confused.07:28
j0nas`does anybody have WPA working properly with ipw3945?07:28
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nighthawk07I got a machine with ubuntu 6.10 installed on it,. it had first problems loading the main desktop screen after the bar ran... so I put the bios on fail-safe mode,. and it loaded ok.... now I got the same problem and can't be able to solve it... anybody idea?07:28
radioaktivstormbur[n] er, ah thanks.... that's not too long... ill wait then :D07:28
Anlarj0nas`: works perfectly with wpa out of the box, no need to install anything over the default feisty07:28
neverbluekauer, didnt work in tty07:28
kauerneverblue: brb, gotta water the wisterias.07:28
jossverBut Kyncani07:28
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Prowler_1hello, looking for better gnome shortcut manager?07:28
jossverhow can you see on linux that it is installed07:28
j0nas`could you walk me through what you did? (high level)07:29
=== neverblue googles wisterias
zitner_Stormx2:  You busy my friend?07:29
Stormx2zitner_: Nah.07:29
j0nas`just open up the network config dialog, then picked WPA?07:29
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Picineverblue: flowers07:29
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neverbluePici, you dont look like google :P07:29
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Picineverblue: I'm wearing my google badge holder today :)07:29
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nighthawk07I got a machine with ubuntu 6.10 installed on it,. it had first problems loading the main desktop screen after the bar ran... so I put the bios on fail-safe mode,. and it loaded ok.... now I got the same problem and can't be able to solve it... anybody idea?07:29
Anlarj0nas`: if you mean by network config dialog the network-manager gnome that is on system tray on default ubuntu (NOT kubuntu/xubuntu) installation, yes07:30
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neverblue are you wearing your g00g le glasses too :)07:30
j0nas`Anlar: do you use the wpa_cli or wpa_gui tools?07:30
Picineverblue: no ;(07:30
bulmernighthawk07: what do you mean I got same problem?07:30
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zitner_Stormx2:  It's all done, and running, after all that bs, lol.  The second configure, then I hit pidgin and it's working.  I don'  know hat to tell you.  lol  Um, One last thing, How do I get a shortcut for teh menu and desktop?07:30
kyncanijossver: use the add/remove package manager, it will show you which packages are installed and which are not07:30
j0nas`Anlar: yes that is what i mean07:30
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Anlarj0nas`: neither, I use the networkmanager-gnome :)07:30
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nighthawk07blank screen after the loading bar : bulmer07:30
Stormx2zitner_: It might already be in there, you sure it's not?07:30
Picineverblue: Are you getting errors?07:30
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giany911umm guys i have a 80 gb ext3 partition ... the owner is root ... how can i change that ?07:30
Picineverblue: oops.07:30
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Picinighthawk07: are you getting errors?07:30
bulmernighthawk07: did you try selecting the low resolution?07:30
j0nas`Anlar: aptitude tells me network-manager-gnome is installed, but there is no executable for it07:31
kyncanijossver: or synaptic, which handle the entire package database and not just a subset of it07:31
webtech_m33anyone know how to stop  SYN_RECV attacks with iptables?07:31
neverbluePici :P are you?07:31
j0nas`Anlar: how do you run it?07:31
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Anlarj0nas`: you don't run it, it gets run automatically in gnome sessions after installing.07:31
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zitner_Stormx2:  Uh, it's not in my menu.07:31
nighthawk07bulmer: I can not select anything everything is blank07:31
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j0nas`Anlar: right, then you can go to the network-admin screen from there...07:31
bulmernighthawk07: can you do ctrl+alt+F1 and log in?07:31
kauerneverblue: After you set up that script, put this line just in front of the xset line: "export XAUTHORITY=/home/profx/.Xauthority". Ya never know...07:32
Piciwebtech_m33: Thats a bit too specific for this channel, you'd get a better response in #iptables07:32
j0nas`Anlar: thats what i've tried to do, but there is no option for WPA07:32
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Stormx2zitner_: Right click > edit. You can add it.07:32
neverbluekauer sure07:32
nighthawk07I'll try -- one sec bulmer07:32
giany911umm guys i have a 80 gb ext3 partition ... the owner is root ... how can i change that ?07:32
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Anlarj0nas`: left click on the icon on tray, if your ap is not listed then "connect to other wireless network.." ?07:32
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scratchmeHi all.07:32
zitner_Stormx2:  What am I right clicking on?07:32
NET||abuseHey guys.. i've been fighting with a problem in my gnome setup for a while.. just been subsiding in KDE land for a bit,, but i need gnome back07:32
Prowler_1looking for a better shortcut manager?...07:32
j0nas`Anlar: actually, there are NO APs listed07:32
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Dunassean@Dunas-laptop:~/rtl-wifi/rtl818x-newstack$ sudo insmod r8180.ko07:32
Dunasinsmod: error inserting 'r8180.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module07:32
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DunasDoes anyone know how to fix this?07:33
Stormx2zitner_: "Applications"07:33
NET||abuseI can't figure out why, but if i login with a gnome session, it just dies..07:33
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neverbluekauer, did work in either07:33
NET||abuseX restarts and i don't see why.07:33
bulmergiany911: you want to chate it which user?07:33
j0nas`Anlar: and connect to another wireless network is not an option07:33
neverbluekauer s/did/didnt/07:33
j0nas`Anlar: all i see is "Manual configuration"07:33
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giany911giany911 me07:33
scratchmeI have an issue when I use terminal services client on a particular server, it won't show the window.  If I use kill <processid> I get the reconnect dialog.  When I try against a different server, it shows.  Any tips?07:33
Anlarj0nas`: right click the icon first and you should see a tick on the "enable wireless" ?07:33
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neverbluekauer, output went to blah07:33
zitner_Stormx2:  Um, do you mean Accessories, because that doesn't work, and I must be blind.07:34
j0nas`Anlar: "Enable Networking" is the only option, and its checked07:34
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bulmerDunas: that seem to say, it was not compiled on same libraries or same kernel as what you got07:34
kauerneverblue: Stumped. Now we have two questions: Why does it work for me and not for you, and why doesn;t it work for you. Oh, and why did it used to work for you :-)07:34
Stormx2zitner_: No, above that... Applications. Right click > Edit menus07:34
kauerneverblue: And the output was...?07:34
Anlarj0nas`: system->administration->restricted drivers manager shows it installed?07:34
smyclopsi want set myself as root on the machine because i'm failing to install packages07:34
Dunasbulmer: >< How can I get it to work? I'm following instructions from http://rtl-wifi.sourceforge.net/wiki/Installing And I seriously need some help.07:34
nighthawk07bulmer: now it is loading properly... I'll get back if I encounter the problem again...07:34
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smyclopshow do i activate myself as the root user07:35
j0nas`Anlar: yes, ipw3945 driver installed07:35
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jossverI have installed flash player07:35
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jossverthank you all07:35
jossverIf you know I am a linux noob for the moment07:35
jossverthis is the first time I did it alone07:35
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Anlarj0nas`: okay then, check your dmesg and /var/log/messages. your laptop might have some kill-radio-switch?07:35
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jossverI love linux07:35
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j0nas`Anlar: it does have a switch... brb w dmesg output07:35
bulmerDunas: at what part of the tutorial it failed?07:36
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DougieOk why does the live cd work no problem with my usb dvd drive but the alternate doesn't?07:36
smyclopshey how do i active myself to became the superuaer?07:36
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pikohnI had no idea you wanted me dead mark07:36
daedrasmyclops: sudo07:36
kyncani!root | smyclops07:36
ubotusmyclops: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:36
j0nas`Anlar: what am i looking for in dmesg btw?07:36
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DunasBulmer: I've managed to fix this specific problem before but I can't remember what I did. It failed at "sudo insmod rtl818x-newstack/r8180.ko"07:36
Anlarj0nas`: couple last messages, for all errors and warnings07:36
zitner_Stormx2, Thank you for everything.  Sorry that I'm linux eTaRDEd, and my laptop gave you such a hard time, lol.  Hope next time we talk, it's on better times, lol.  Laters07:36
David-Asmyclops: or sudo -s for a session07:37
mugen_is there anythig in linux like chkdsk?07:37
j0nas`Anlar: okay i have this: [ 4351.612000]  ipw3945: Error sending LEDS_CMD: time out after 500ms.07:37
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benn92647can someone please help me to get simple backup to send the back up to my NTSF partion, it wont let me access it in the menu options07:37
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Stormx2zitner_: byeeee.07:37
smyclopsi have been using this sudo but i want to be always the siuperuser everytime i login07:37
Anlarj0nas`: that's not related.07:37
Stormx2zitner_: Hopefully I fixed a couple of other issues for you in the process.07:37
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j0nas`Anlar: okay brb, checking /var/log/messages07:38
bulmerDunas i dont know, follow those steps on the tutorial you posted07:38
scratchmeHrm.  I figured it out.  Apparently if it can't reach the destination, the window won't open.07:38
benn92647you probably dont really want to do that smyclops07:38
DunasBulmer: I am. It's giving me errors when I try to use sudo insmod rtl818x-newstack/r8180.ko07:38
scratchmeThanks all.07:38
erstazihow do I enable a port that an application (slimserver) did not enable?07:38
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kyncanimugen_: fsck ?07:38
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erstaziI have altered the iptables but no avail07:38
zitner_Stormx2:  If you did, I thank you for those too, but right now, I need a smoke, lol.07:38
mugen_thank you07:38
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sadminwhy abt my question07:38
smyclopsso there is no option for me to do that07:38
smyclopsthanks guys07:38
benn92647messing around as the superuser will inevitably cause you to make a simple error and crash your linux distro07:39
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bulmerDunas: did you remove the modules it said before inserting this new one?07:39
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smyclopsi have been troubling with this for some time07:39
Pici!boot | sadmin07:39
ubotusadmin: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:39
DunasI did...07:39
=== Ahadiel [n=michael@S010600131042857c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
pikohnlove is free to everyone07:39
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.07:39
pikohnonce you find it in yourself07:40
benn92647has anyone successfully created a bootable back up version for fiesty?07:40
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sadminstarnge my dhcp-server wont start on boot07:40
bulmerDunas: how about insmod those other modules too?07:40
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pikohnyou can share with everyone07:40
sadmineven i add in rcd3 and rc.507:40
sadminso i want to add in rc.local07:40
sadminis that ok07:40
j0nas`Anlar: it doesnt seem like there is anything noteworthy in /var/log/messages07:40
DunasThat's giving me "Can't read" errors.07:40
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bulmerDunas: prefix your response to me with my nick07:41
DunasBulmer: Sorry.07:41
daedraice-weasel... isn't that a browser07:41
bulmeror ill miss it07:41
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Anlarj0nas`: that is quite weird. 3945 is usually one of the best wlan chipsets for linux, and one common problem would have been a radio kill switch gone awry.. but it generates distinct lines on log about it07:41
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kyncanibenn92647: I just use feisty's livecd or a small debian rescue system I have with backup on external disk07:41
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Anlarj0nas`: paste your dmesg here http://pastebin.com/ and I will take an other look07:42
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j0nas`Anlar: thanks, brb07:42
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eyalberkodoes some one know for what is the package "ubuntu-desktop" ?07:42
smyclopshow do i install a firewall on my machine?07:42
rentshi, if someone can please tell me why my screen looks like this, then please PM me. http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/7651/sdfdflr7.gif07:42
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PriceChildeyalberko, it ensures everything else is installed07:43
PriceChildeyalberko, it is safe to remove as is contentless... but it is essential for distribution upgrades.07:43
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kyncanieyalberko: a meta-package to handle ubuntu's package selection07:43
smyclopsi just want to be able to set rules or parameters on my server07:43
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kyncanieyalberko: and upgrades as PriceChild said07:43
j0nas`Anlar: http://pastebin.com/d2f05952807:43
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kauerneverblue: When I create a script that calls xset and run it as root from the system crontab, I get the same error you do. When I run it as kauer from the system crontab, it works. If I add that XAUTHORITY line to the script just before the call to xset, it works for root too. Can you please paste your script to the pastebin?07:43
kyncani!firewall | smyclops07:43
ubotusmyclops: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:43
bulmersadmin try to use update-rc.d   man update-rc.d to get more info07:44
=== Vebbi [n=kake@ti411310a080-9547.bb.online.no] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
DunasOkay, let me see07:44
DunasTo install the driver for a rtl8187 or rtl8185 based card you have to build the driver and the ieee80211 stack needed by the driver. It can be done by make, so only type in make into the console, when you are in the driver main directory.07:44
sadmini did07:44
kyncanismyclops: or you might want to use something else like shorewall for a X-less install07:44
DunasSo where is the driver main directory? ><07:44
geniismyclops: There are some like firestarter or bulldog you may want to look into. Careful, you can lock yourself out of the internet07:44
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sadminbut suddenly my dhcp server wont start no idea why07:44
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PiciDunas: Probably where you donwloaded the package07:45
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Anlarj0nas`: ahh!07:45
PiciDunas: Did you look on the ubuntu forums for someone who has done this before, perhaps theres a how-to07:45
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ed_testeerHello has anyone been able to set-up open vpn here ?07:45
neverbluesorry kauer, had a phone call, so I tried it on a fellow co-workers ubuntu box07:45
j0nas`Anlar: ah?07:45
neverbluekauer, works just fine in crontab07:45
DunasPici: Following a how-to from http://rtl-wifi.sourceforge.net/wiki/Installing07:45
=== Fear is now known as JACK34
bulmerDunas: prefix your response to me with my nick, or I will miss it07:45
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neverbluekauer, this problem has me beat :)07:46
Anlarj0nas`: you are using suspend?07:46
=== stjepan [n=stjepan@78-0-3-177.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
lil-g-manPROBLEM no headphone in alsamixer :(07:46
stjepanhow can I cut (crop) a movie?07:46
geniismyclops: guarddog rather, than bulldog :)07:46
bulmersadmin: : prefix your response to me with my nick, or I will miss it07:46
kahrytanbulmer, tell him about tab key?07:46
j0nas`Anlar: no, it doesnt work for me, i sure wish it did though07:46
Silver_SeagullHello everyone, sitting on an ASUS G1 laptop with an Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller.  I get wireless but "Wired Connection" is always greyed out.  Any ideas?07:46
bulmerkahrytan: whichever works for him to prefix my nick07:46
sSiroSoriSscan someone please test out my webpage? the url is www.danielfrombrisbane.com    please let me know if it works? + read the journal/diary!!!!! Incredibly interesting data07:46
Pici!offtopic | sSiroSoriSs07:47
ubotusSiroSoriSs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:47
kahrytanSilver_Seagull, why are you sitting on your laptop?07:47
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Pici!etiquette > sSiroSoriSs (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)07:47
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j0nas`Anlar: i gave up trying to get suspend to work... :(07:47
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kahrytansSiroSoriSs, Goto #html on dalnet07:47
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Silver_Seagullkahrytan: It's warm and the day is cold.07:48
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aunesyea, so /who #channame in a channel with 1k+ people *murmur*07:48
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aunesits a bad idea.07:48
kauerneverblue: What works just fine in which crontab? Need to be careful here ;-)07:48
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radioaktivstormooh yeah... suspend....i gave up on suspend as well.... maybe Gutsy will have some improvements... I really can't wait. :D07:48
Anlarj0nas`: removing the kernel module "rmmod ipw3945" or something like that (lsmod shows them for you) and then "modprobe ipw3945" and recycling the network manager by logging out and back in will likely fix it.. but um.. it's a driver bug, and should be reported07:48
kahrytanaunes, You who'd #ubuntu didn't you?07:49
j0nas`Anlar: i wouldnt know what to report07:49
lil-g-manI've got no headphone section in the alsamixer07:49
kahrytanlil-g-man, Look under mic07:49
aunesyea :07:49
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j0nas`Anlar: do you know if there is a way to enable debug output or something with that driver?07:49
docmurAny one here tried to compile Oregano 0.69 on ubuntu07:49
codecainecan anybody tell me why this small script wont work?07:50
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kahrytanaunes, Did you learn what NOT to do ?07:50
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neverbluekauer, look at your xorg.conf, I have  Option "DPMS" in both my monitor sections07:50
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neverbluesince I dual07:50
Anlarj0nas`: make at launchpad.net a new bug report, just include the outputs of "dmesg" and "sudo lspci" and /var/log/messages for the beginning.. and 1-3 sentenced of the symptoms. the people will ask you for more if required.. there are already related reports so you likely get stacked to them and get automatical updates later07:50
kauerneverblue: I really think something, somehow, is borked on your system re X permissions. You might like to try copying .Xauthority away somewhere (it should get recreated) and just seeing if that helps. However, that's getting into the realm of superstition :-)07:50
smyclopssomething a guarddog sort of a firewall07:50
kauerneverblue: OK, just a sec07:51
lil-g-mankahrytan: it's not there07:51
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neverbluekauer, i usually manually 'adjust' my xorg.conf :)07:51
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smyclopshow can i configure that type of a firewall?07:51
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Silver_Seagullkahrytan: Any ideas on the ethernet mystery, as opposed to where I choose to park my bottom? ;)07:51
benkong2where or how can I find out about the Screen resolution app and how it works?07:51
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j0nas`Anlar: thanks for your help :S07:51
Dunas_AHAHA I think I did it07:51
kahrytanlil-g-man, if you got headset, mic is control for the microphone on the headset and regular volume for head phones.07:52
kauerneverblue: I have DPMS on both my monitors too.... sorry, did you think that was something good or something bad?07:52
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kmaynardSilver_Seagull, are you plugged in?07:52
smyclopsgenii do u have any ideas how to set that up?07:52
kahrytanlil-g-man, Linux isn't going to treat headset any differently then any other speaker/mic07:52
neverbluekauer, i think my X is hopped :)07:52
neverbluehooped :/07:52
kyncanismyclops: guarddog is very straightforward to use, i suggest you start reading docs about it on the net07:52
Silver_Seagullkmaynard: Yes, the ethernet is connected- I am booted to my Windows partition now, using the connection.07:53
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kauerneverblue: wait a sec, just trying someting...07:53
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kahrytan!wifi Silver_Seagull07:53
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kahrytan!wifi | Silver_Seagull07:53
ubotuSilver_Seagull: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:53
Actionmani want to install realplayer.bin what is the wright way to do this07:53
kahrytandid you read that yet, Silver_Seagull ?07:53
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sadminwhat i do now07:53
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bulmerSilver_Seagull: you dont want to have two interfaces active when you dont know what you're doing, it will confuse the route table and liably you will not get connectins07:54
jrib!realplayer > Actionman (see the private message from ubotu)07:54
lil-g-mankahrytan: i get the sound on headphones and on laptop speakers, i can't get the sound only on headphones07:54
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zanderim having input/output errors in k3b, cant burn dvd anymore07:54
zanderany ideas?07:54
smyclopsok do u have any site i can use which i can follow07:54
bulmersadmin: bulmer is the nick...what is the problem again?07:54
=== Usrl [n=feba@c-69-247-164-232.hsd1.ks.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Silver_Seagullkahrytan: It's my ethernet connection- Wired (eth0) not wireless, though I have attempted to diable the wireless to get he wired connection going with no luck.07:54
westlywhat is the lite version for ubuntu?07:55
kyncanizander: i'd say the media you read from or write to is damaged07:55
Usrlargh... I had my SD card working, and now I think I corrupted it.07:55
sadminblumer i have dhcp-server in update rc i can see it in rcd.1 2 3 4507:55
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sadminbut it wont start though07:55
sadminon boot07:55
Silver_Seagullbulmer: I have tried disabling the wireless as well as simply not connecting to any of the WEP/WPA-connected networks.07:55
UsrlHow do I format my SD card?07:55
Silver_Seagullbulmer: *protected   not "connected"07:55
Anoliswestly, the light version of ubuntu is named xubuntu07:56
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Picisadmin: Does it start manually?07:56
zanderkyncani: i just wrote a cd, burned successfully, and now everytime i try to backup my home folder, it fails07:56
Dunas_Can someone please look over http://pastebin.com/m1469cf27 and tell me if the install was successful or not? I really don't feel like messing around with this again...07:56
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westlycannot install xubuntu on ubuntu gnome itself07:56
bulmersmyclops:  http://www.linuxexposed.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=10707:56
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zanderis there a way to restart my cdrom drive or something? it seems that its hanging every time i try to burn07:56
Anolisyou can however install xfce on the standard ubuntu install07:56
Anolisand remove gnome07:57
smyclopsok thanks let me look into it07:57
neverbluekauer, I was trying to find a working command for another box in the office, i am sure I have enough knowledge now to a) setup crontab b) troubleshoot any issues I find07:57
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sadminpici yup07:57
neverbluekauer, thanks for all your help, I have a meeting to attend07:57
kyncanizander: look into /var/log/syslog, if you see errors about your hard drive, well ...07:57
kauerneverblue: Sorry man.... we tried :-)07:57
kenjiguys Im ussing this var mes=$(date -d yesterday +%m) but it show the month in spanish, I need it in english, can some one help me?07:57
UsrlHow do I format my SD card? (/.\;)07:57
JACK34everyone speak inglish?07:57
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kauerneverblue: And I should go to bet, its 4am...07:57
bulmersadmin: what is your command to start it?07:57
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JACK34somebody speak spanish?07:58
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Pici!es | JACK3407:58
ubotuJACK34: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:58
bulmersadmin: and you have looked into  update-rc.d  yes?07:58
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kauernight all.07:59
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zandergood call kyncani, it reads: ni> zander: look into /var/log/syslog, if you see errors about your hard drive, well ...07:59
zandercdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!07:59
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:59
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kyncanizander: well, since I assume this is a blank cd, this is perfectly normal08:00
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kyncanizander: you want to look for errors that appear when you start burning08:01
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erstazihow do I enable a port (9000) that an application (slimserver) did not enable? I tried to open the port with firestarter but to no avail08:01
zanderah true, sorry kyncani, i guess i gotta waste another disc haha08:01
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themolei just installed ubuntu on my somewhat old p3 650mhz laptop and the installation worked great but when ubuntu boots after reboot the keyboard isn't working. anyone know what to do?08:01
Usrlis there any way to have mount mount a device WITHOUT knowing the file system?08:01
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kyncanizander: or you could discriminate the interesting logs based on their log dates08:02
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Kaaofor somereason if i enable the xgl stuff throuigh the gui the cube randomly atops working?08:02
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Dunas_Can someone please look over http://pastebin.com/m1469cf27 and tell me if the install was successful or not? I really don't feel like messing around with this again...08:03
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heavenquakeMy sound's not working (intel HDA), and I've tried ubuntuguide.org with no luck.08:03
David-Akenji: type "locale"; try replace "date" w "LC_SOMETHING=C date" where SOMETHING is one of the locale vars.08:04
axisysdoes 7.04 support wpa?08:04
Daisuke-Laptopthrough wpa_supplicant08:04
lnxhow i can create shortcut ?08:04
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jrib!wpa > axisys (see the private message from ubotu)08:05
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zanderkyncani, i dont see anything08:05
kenjiDavid-A I need this just for a script not for all the system08:05
jriblnx: either create a launcher (right click on desktop -> create launcher) or create a symbolic link (right click on a file -> create link)08:05
=== seeebek [n=seeebek@p54BBFC0E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
bulmerDunas: is it working now?08:05
kyncanizander: well, from my experience, whenever you have an i/o error, you will see something appear in /var/log/syslog08:05
Actionmanwhere r the plugin helixplayer,firefox cant find them.08:06
David-Akenji: LC_SOMETHING=C date only change that date command and nothing else.08:06
lil-g-mandoes anyone know how to install newer version of alsa?08:06
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kyncanizander: you sure you're not trying to read from a blank cd ?08:06
heavenquakewhen trying to play music I get this:08:06
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heavenquakeCouldn't open audio.08:06
heavenquakePlease check that:08:06
heavenquake1. You have the correct output plugin selected.08:06
heavenquake2. No other programs is blocking the soundcard.08:06
heavenquake3. Your soundcard is configured properly.08:06
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Pici!paste | heavenquake08:06
ubotuheavenquake: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:06
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zanderkyncani: i am trying to burn data to a dvd using k3b08:06
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kenjitnks David-A its solved08:07
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n0dding0ffCould anyone please help me with a sound problem?08:07
mweichertanyone know how to mount a sharepoint library?08:07
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bulmerzander: dont attempt to back up and burn at same time..08:07
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mweichertI'm trying to use nautilus and WebDAV but I keep getting errors about authentication08:07
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zanderbulmer, sorry, i guess i mispoke, i am backing up, by burning to a dvd08:08
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zanderi am saving my info to a dvd bulmer08:08
bulmerzander not at the same time i hope08:08
savvasmweichert: try login once normally maybe you have reached the wrong passwords limit08:08
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zanderbulmer: no, its already in a file, i dumped it all into a file08:08
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bulmerzander okay, carry on08:09
=== nandemonai [n=nandemon@ppp121-45-1-102.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
DunasThere we go08:09
=== Dunas sighs.
DunasCan someone please look over http://pastebin.com/m1469cf27 and tell me if the install was successful or not? I really don't feel like messing around with this again...08:09
bulmerDunas: is it working now?08:09
=== Sonderblade [n=fsldfj@host-n81-189.homerun.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
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DunasBulmer: Yes, the question is whether it'll work when I reboot.08:09
kylliandu91la mifa08:09
UsrlAnyone care to help me with my SD card?08:10
=== Carry [i=u3br5n4x@xs6.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
themoleanyone know the solution to this problem: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/89141-keyboard-not-working-after-ubuntu-installation.html ?08:10
rambo3Dunes no08:10
rambo3Dunas no08:10
heavenquakePici: http://pastebin.ca/66707608:10
kylliandu91thank you08:10
kylliandu91my name is john08:10
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ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com08:10
bulmerDunas you probably dont need to reboot, go to single user mode, and then back to multi-user mode..ie telinit 1; sleep 10; telinit 208:10
Dunasrambo3: no what?08:11
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kornitshow might i tell what version of PHP i have installed?08:11
TylerJGillieshowd o you add keys to ubuntu 3rd party repos?08:11
savvaskornits: php --version08:11
DunasBulmer: I was actually just going to alt-ctrl-backspace out to login screen.08:11
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mweichertsavvas: what port should I use?08:12
bulmerDunas: you can try08:12
heavenquakeI know I'm sounding very impatient, but I'm going nuts without music >.<08:12
PiciDunas: ctrl-alt-backspace doesnt log you out.08:12
TylerJGillieson this site it says gpg key: 81836EBF - DD800CD908:12
TylerJGilliesbut i can't figure out how to get eh actual key08:12
TylerJGillieswow i can't type today08:12
DunasPici: Oh. Well, then, I might as well just logout.08:12
zanderkyncani, im gonna attempt another restart08:12
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PiciDunas: well, it does, but its much safer to actually logout.08:12
malnilionheavenquake, what was your question?08:12
DunasPici: Alright. I still, though, need to get it where it'll automatically load that module.08:12
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heavenquakemalnilion: I can't get my sound working. Intel HDA. Media players return this: http://pastebin.ca/66707608:13
PiciDunas: I personally think a reboot is needed to test that.08:13
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valemondoes anyone know what are nfs shares?08:13
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VletI'm having trouble connecting to my mysql server from another machine. I can ping the host, and the host shows no 'events' in firestarter, yet the mysql client claims it can't contact the host... any suggestions?08:13
Pici!nfs | valemon08:13
ubotuvalemon: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.08:13
malnilionheavenquake, that's no good :/08:13
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rambo3Dunas, there are alot of warnings there  did you wallow some wiki ?08:14
heavenquakemalnilion: alsamixer shows what it should show, though08:14
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Dunasrambo3: Wallow some wiki? o_o08:14
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malnilionheavenquake: What audio application is giving you that message?08:14
heavenquakemalnilion: audacious08:15
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rambo3yeah good luck then08:15
malnilionheavenquake, I'm assuming you've closed all other programs that might be grabbing your sound08:16
mweichertsavvas: this is what I'm using: dav://mweichert@
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heavenquakemalnilion: I won't know if any daemons are running that does it, but nothing visible is grabbing it, no.08:16
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heavenquakelast boot it didn't return an error. Just didn't output any sound at all.08:16
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heavenquakeafter a reboot it did this08:17
geniiCrap. Red channel indicates someone was likely talking to me on this channel but I was away so long it's gone past the top scroll08:17
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bobanjhow to install kiba-dock on 64 bit feisty...........wiki.kiba-dock.org is browken08:17
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Picigenii: 13:52 <smyclops> genii do u have any ideas how to set that up?08:17
heavenquakegenii: if it's important you could check your logs08:17
jund13hi everyone08:17
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lattywareHey all. I have a problem, I installed snakebite, an it depends on python2.3, now, I changed the script itself to run under 2.4 (it's fine, requires just a change to the first line), and that's fine, but now, any time I run apt, it complains of an unmet dependancy (I forced it with dpkg) - how can I stop it from complaining?08:18
geniiPici: Thanks :)08:18
Dunasrambo3: What'd you mean wallow some wiki?08:18
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geniiDamn he's left now too LOL08:18
rambo3Dunas, fallow08:18
Dunasrambo3: Yeah, I did. x-x08:18
zanderim getting wierd k3b problems, the sessions starts fine, buffers go all the way up, but the write speed remains at about 0.0, occassionally popping up to 16x, eventually the progress jumps from 0 to 50 and fails08:19
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malnilionheavenquake, have you tested your sound with aplay?08:20
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Dunashttp://rtl-wifi.sourceforge.net/wiki/Main_Page That one.08:20
axisysjrib: i do have wep going.. i use it all the time08:20
heavenquakemalnilion: http://pastebin.ca/66708608:20
benkong2help please! I followed the fix resolution guide exactly. Yet In my screen resolution selection box I still only have 1024x768 at 30HZ to choose from. What else could be wrong?08:20
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axisysjrib: how do i get wpa working.. that link says wep should work out of the box and it does08:21
bulmerVlet: why not temporarily turn off iptable rules and then connect your mysql client..at least you know if remote access is allowed08:21
malnilionThat's weird08:21
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benkong2I have a 1280x800 widescreen laptop with the xorg-intel driver loaded and the graphics driver is detected as a 965 intel card.08:21
zanderkyncani, still around?08:21
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kyncanizander: yep08:21
jribaxisys: I've never messed with wifi on linux, but the docs have a wpahowto page08:21
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zanderkyncani: can u make sense of this debugging prompt?08:22
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Rabbitbunnymy box keeps forgetting my USB hdd exists. I have to cycle its' power to find it again. I'm trying to copy 30g. This is not making it fun. Hints?08:22
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Vletbulmer: I've tried. no luck :-/08:22
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bulmerVlet: you tried what?08:22
heavenquakemalnilion: weird it is08:22
Vletflushing iptables08:22
axisysi must have misundersttod.. wep is wpa08:22
axisysjrib: correct?08:23
filloyHello all! My boot takes forever, so I decided to check what was going on. The error message is this: [69 579040] : ata1.01: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x4). Any idea of whats going on? thank you very much!08:23
magnetronaxisys: wep is deprecated, use wpa2 instead08:23
bulmerVlet then you know your setup for mysql is incorrect then...give the correct permissions08:23
bulmeraxisys: wep is not wpa08:23
Vletbulmer: It's not denying access though - the client can't connect at all08:23
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lattywareHey all. I have a problem, I installed snakebite, an it depends on python2.3, now, I changed the script itself to run under 2.4 (it's fine, requires just a change to the first line), and that's fine, but now, any time I run apt, it complains of an unmet dependancy (I forced it with dpkg) - how can I stop it from complaining?08:24
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kyncanizander: looks like writing to your dvd failed pretty soon, i suggest you try with a 2x speed08:24
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bulmerVlet what error are you getting without the firewall enabled?08:24
axisysmagnetron: so with 7.04 i should see wpa if it is available? cuz i do see few weps in my applet08:24
zanderkyncani, sure lets give it ahirl08:24
zandera whirl"08:24
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magnetronaxisys: you have to set the router to wpa too, the client have to use the same as the router08:25
axisysmagnetron, bulmer i did not configure anything .. that was out of the box.. it just sees few weps connection08:25
filloyAny idea on how to fix this error at boot:  [69 579040] : ata1.01: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x4) ? thank you!08:25
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Vletbulmer: ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'the.host.name' (111)08:25
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axisysmagnetron: well client being my ubuntu should just see the connection if the router configed w/ wpa08:25
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axisysmake sense08:26
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Vletbulmer: and I've double checked my my.cnf to make sure networking is enabled08:26
zanderkyncani: seems to be working, great call, lets hope it finishes08:26
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bulmerVlet on same server as mysql is running attempt to connect using localhost08:26
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uncle_meathallo, just  a question: can someone helps me about ekiga? I can't register It answer me STUN server "stun.ekiga.net" replies Port Restricted NAT, external IP. (apologize my english)08:27
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gradeckei got a little problem, and all i can find is the explanation for its start. everytime i change my root passwort it changes successfully but its back to my user pw after a reboot, is that supposed to happen?08:27
sSiroSoriSstraer me la cabeza del fedel castrow08:28
lattywareHey all. I have a problem, I installed snakebite, an it depends on python2.3, now, I changed the script itself to run under 2.4 (it's fine, requires just a change to the first line), and that's fine, but now, any time I run apt, it complains of an unmet dependancy (I forced it with dpkg) - how can I stop it from complaining?08:28
Vletbulmer: bulmer when connecting using the full hostname (not localhost) I can't connect either :-/08:28
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MongooseWAI just got a western digital mybook external HD. If I format the drive to NTFS, it will still work with Ubuntu, right?08:28
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filloysSiroSoriSs: that would be: "traedme la cabeza de Fidel Castro"....and why are you saying that :P?08:28
bulmerVlet that tells you something, your mysql setup is not done right...visit #mysql perhaps for assist, or google for it08:28
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Alysumhello Im unable to install Real Player08:29
Alysumchmod +x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin08:29
Alysumsudo ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin08:29
Alysumsudo: unable to execute ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin: No such file or directory08:29
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Vletbulmer: yeah, #mysql may be better. thanks for the hand holding ;)08:29
gooseI'm getting an error message setting up ubuntu, it's telling me that "Your CPU does not support long mode. Use a 32-bit distribution." anyone explain to me what that problem means?08:29
heavenquakemalnilion: you08:29
heavenquakemalnilion: you've given up on me? *08:29
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uncle_meatnobody for a little answer about ekiga ?08:29
Picigoose: What CD are you using?08:29
malnilionI'm trying to think about why that'd happen...08:29
b_9how do I get borders with compizfusion in feisty with an nvidia 7950gtx?08:29
Picigoose: I.E. Which ISO did you download and Burn?08:30
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magnetrongoose: you are trying to install ubuntu amd64 on a 32-bit computer08:30
heavenquakemalnilion: fair enough..08:30
filloyb_9: ill tell you, but in a sec...08:30
malnilionheavenquake, the worst problem I ever had with my card was bad audio quality :/08:30
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bulmerAlysum: where is this bin file at? cd to that directory08:30
goosePici: I just downloaded ubuntu-7.04-desktop-amd64.iso and used Nero to burn it to a 700MB CD08:30
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Picigoose: What kind of processor do you have in your computer?08:30
Vletbulmer: duh!.. just noticed in my.cnf: # Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.08:30
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goosemagnetron, it's an AMD 64-bit08:30
filloyb_9: run sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24  and then restart X (Control+Alt+Backspace) and then your good :)08:30
magnetrongoose: use the regular ubuntu 7.04 desktop08:31
Alysumbulmer: its a .bin file you cant cd into it08:31
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uncle_meatok .... bye bye08:31
gooseso just use the main distribution?08:31
bulmerAlysum: where is this bin file at? cd to that directory ...08:31
magnetrongoose: yes08:31
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Alysumbulmer:  its in my download folder08:31
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bulmerAlysum: when i asked where it is at, your answer should have been in directory such in such08:32
goosemagnetron, thanks. I appreciate it. My bandwidth hates you. lol08:32
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b_9thanks filloy I'll try it an be right back to sing your accolades!08:32
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bulmerAlysum:  then cd to that directory and see if that bin file has the correct perms now08:32
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Alysumbulmer: I am in the Downlaods folder in terminal and it has +x perms08:33
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GNinei got realplayer10 installed in home folder.  want to uninstall but it wont show in Synaptic.  how to remove all components of this software?08:33
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lattywareHey all. I have a problem, I installed snakebite, an it depends on python2.3, now, I changed the script itself to run under 2.4 (it's fine, requires just a change to the first line), and that's fine, but now, any time I run apt, it complains of an unmet dependancy (I forced it with dpkg) - how can I stop it from complaining?08:33
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DyskonnHi-o all. Anyone here good with perl?08:34
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magnetronGNine: as you installed it manual, you have to uninstall it manually08:34
filloyDyskonn: try #perl ;)08:34
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magnetron!ask | Dyskonn08:34
ubotuDyskonn: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:34
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Dusk_how can i make a password protected tar.gz file??08:34
magnetronDusk_: you can08:34
GNineso. can i just delete such realplayer folder. or are there other files related?08:34
bulmerAlysum: then go ahead and execute the subject file08:34
magnetronDusk_: you can08:34
magnetronDusk_: i mean you can't08:35
Alysumbulmer: I cant I get an error08:35
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Dusk_magnetron, how?08:35
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bulmerAlysum: and error is?08:35
magnetronDusk_: use an encryption tool like GnuPG08:35
VletCan anyone suggest a text gui text editor that can handle very large files (doesn't attempt to load it all into memory)?08:35
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DSpairDusk_, That functionality does not exist in either tar or gzip as far I can tell. You could use GPG to encrypt the resulting tarball though.08:36
DSpairVlet, gvim08:36
Alysumbulmer: same as always, bash: ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin: No such file or directory08:36
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Dusk_DSpair, ok thanks08:36
DSpairDusk_, No problem.08:37
GNineu need to specify the full path where the .bin file was placed08:37
magnetronhow large files, Vlet?08:37
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Vletmagnetron: 10, 20 megs... sql backups08:37
bulmerAlysum: do this and tell me where you are at... pwd  and then tell me the command you used to execute the file08:37
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VletI'll give gvim a try, but vi-ish things frighten me.. I don't want to have to spend time learning to use a text editor ;)08:37
eXcAliBuRi deleted my dhcp server from init.d, how can i now start my dhcp server08:37
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magnetronany GNU text editor will handle 20 MB!08:38
lattywareVlet: nano is nice for command line text editing.08:38
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Vletmagnetron: yes, they can handle it, but it's very slow because they will load the entire file into memory08:38
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Vletlattyware: nano does the same08:39
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magnetronVlet: loading the entire file into memory will make it FASTER compared to accessing it on the hard drive08:39
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bulmerVlet: why do you need to edit a mysql backup file?08:39
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lattywareVlet: Indeed, Magnetron has it on the ball.08:39
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lattywareHey all. I have a problem, I installed snakebite, an it depends on python2.3, now, I changed the script itself to run under 2.4 (it's fine, requires just a change to the first line), and that's fine, but now, any time I run apt, it complains of an unmet dependancy (I forced it with dpkg) - how can I stop it from complaining?08:39
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kenjiif I do LANG=C date -d yesterday +%B it show Agust but I can't keep this value in a var :S can you help me?08:39
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OPTIMusprime1212does xp home edition work on virtual box?08:40
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magnetron!windows | OPTIMusprime121208:40
ubotuOPTIMusprime1212: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents08:40
cberlokenji: how about:  myvariable=`LANG=C date -d yesterday +%B`08:40
rambo3OPTIMusprime1212, it does08:40
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Vletlattyware, magnetron, some editors only load into memory the portion of the file upon which you are viewing which is much faster, only problem is that they're usually vi-ish and me and vi don't seem to get along ;)08:40
OPTIMusprime1212thnks rambo3 and magnetron08:41
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kenjitnks cberlo08:41
cberloOPTIMusprime1212: actually, pro works decently, too.08:41
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kenjicberlo: what kind of magic the `` did?08:41
lattywareVlet: Well, fair enough, but sorry, I can't think of anything.08:41
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Vletbulmer: occationally I need to do it to change the schema name, as most backups tend to be fully resolved08:41
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OPTIMusprime1212yea i heard about pro working just not home and i got home not pro cberlo thanks =D08:41
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cberlokenji: `` tells bash to execute the stuff inside and give you the results.08:41
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GNineare all realplayer installed files put in the same realplayer folder ?  does it write anything to root or other directories?08:42
lattywareHey all. I have a problem, I installed snakebite, an it depends on python2.3, now, I changed the script itself to run under 2.4 (it's fine, requires just a change to the first line), and that's fine, but now, any time I run apt, it complains of an unmet dependancy (I forced it with dpkg) - how can I stop it from complaining?08:42
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:43
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cberlolattyware: This might work:  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-248176.html08:44
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eXcAliBuRi deleted my dhcp server from init.d, how can i now start my dhcp server?08:44
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bulmerVlet then sed perhaps may be better, you know which line have to be changed..08:44
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lattywarecberlo: Yeah, that's what I've done, but apt still complains, because the package lists python2.3 as a dependancy.08:45
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slashzulhi guys! what tool do u use to copy files from ubuntu to windows08:45
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Juhazlattyware, get the source package and "rebuild" it.08:45
yrlnry_I want to type in Korean.  I can use the "Keyboard preferences" dialog to select different keyboard, and there is a choice there for a Korean keyboard, but it only has Latin letters on it, not Korean letters.08:45
nickrudlattyware, you could either get the source and change the dependency, or create an equiv package for the missing dependency.08:45
slashzuldo I have to setup some type of samba to mount a share on ubuntu?08:45
lattywarenickrud: How would I do the second?08:46
yrlnry_Do I need to get a keyboard definition for a Hangul keyboard?  If so, where can I get one?08:46
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slashzulcan I mount a windows share from ubuntu08:46
magnetronslashzul: ubuntu can do that, use "connect to server" and connect to the windows computer08:46
lattyware!samba > shlashzul08:46
slashzulmagnetron. I want to mount the windows files on my filesystem08:46
lattywaremeh. Obviously not08:47
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slashzulnot just connect to windows08:47
magnetronslashzul: yes08:47
magnetronslashzul: then use mount and the cifs filesystem08:47
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GNineare all realplayer installed files put in one folder ?  is anything written to root or other directories?08:47
nickrudlattyware, it's been a bit, let me find a decent how-to08:47
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lattywarenickrud: Thanks.08:47
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cberloAlright, well I'm almost done for the day, so I'm outta here!  Thanks for the help today, folks!08:49
nickrudlattyware, heh, it's been so long I forgot where the best docs are: in the package. Install equivs , and look at /usr/share/doc/equivs08:49
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kyncanizander: did it work ?08:50
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lattywarenickrud: ok.08:50
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hwildehow can I deny apache access to everyone except localhost ?08:50
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kyncanihwilde: you could first have a decently configured firewall08:51
kyncanihwilde: (don't know about apache specific stuff later)08:51
hwildekyncani, and you could answer my question08:51
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kyncanihwilde: a decently configured firewall would already block access to anyone except localhost08:52
GNineare all realplayer installed files put in one folder ?  is anything written to root or other directories?  apparently yes, according to the RP install.log .  no write to other folders.  ok.08:52
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hwildekyncani, did I ask about firewall? no...08:52
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eXcAliBuRyour all fucking useless in here08:52
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nickrudlattyware, here's a quicky guide as well: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-helpers.en.html ; iirc this is what I used08:53
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tonyyarusso!ohmy | explody08:53
ubotuexplody: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:53
PiciThat was uncalled fory.08:53
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=== heavenquake goes nuts without sound
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tonyyarussohwilde: I'll have to check on the syntax - just a second08:53
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GNineactually i sort of agree.. however am not expecting anyone to solve my problems. do some research then ask questions, excalibut08:54
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GNinethats why i answered my own question08:54
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:54
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TJ__can some 1 help me i burnt the installer disc for ubuntu... but once it checks the hardware i get a black screen08:55
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GNinethats like a universal issue, tj08:55
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GNineam glad i didnt have to put up with that.. i used wubi08:56
TJ__GNine, what do you mean by that im noobish when it comes to Linux08:56
GNinein all my time playing with ubuntu i still havent been successful making a good .iso disc08:56
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GNinewubi is an online installer08:57
lattywarenickrud: Hmm. When I try and install the fake package, I get that it's conflicting with another. I just made one with default values and the package name as python2.308:57
scipioTJ__: you'd probably have to use the alternate cd for a text base install08:57
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Pici!wubi | TJ__08:57
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html08:57
ubotuTJ__: please see above08:57
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TJ__ill try both of your suggestions thanks a lot08:57
explodytonyyarusso: what?08:57
PiciTJ__: its Unofficial, you'll need to seek support for that at that website.08:58
explodywhat language?08:58
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heavenquakecan anyone help me with my sound-problem?08:58
tonyyarussoexplody: errr, bad tab-complete.  My fault.08:58
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nickrudlattyware, a sec08:58
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explodyah ok08:58
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tarelerulzThis may sound dumb ,but  when I put anything in the trash that is on windows partition it don't show up on the gnome trash.  So how am I sapost to delete it ?08:58
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html08:59
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lattywaretarelerulz: The windows trash is stored in a different location.08:59
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nickrudlattyware, what does it say it's conflicting with? what does apt-cache policy say about the conflicted package?08:59
lattywaretarelerulz: look up where that is, and look there to find the files.08:59
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tonyyarussohwilde: Okay, here we go:  <Directory /private> (or /, etc.), \n Order Allow,Deny \n Allow from localhost, \n Deny from all \n </Directory>.  Put that in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default (or default000, depending)09:00
tonyyarussohwilde: Then restart apache, 'sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart'09:00
lattywarenickrud: python conflicts with python2.3 (<< 2.3.5-14) and I don't know what you mean by the second half.09:00
tarelerulzI am looking at the directory right now . So what do I do ?09:00
lattywaretarelerulz: delete the files, if they are there09:00
hwildetonyyarusso, awesome!   I changed the Listen 80  directive to be Listen   and did /opt/lampp/lampp restart    seems to be equivalent09:00
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tarelerulzI did the move to trash and they never show up there09:01
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lattywaredo you have the correct permissions to do so?09:01
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ctothejshould I use Real Player for Linux (downloaded from real.com) or Helix Player (from repos) to play back rm video?09:01
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GNinei installed RealPlayer10 and i can run the program , but is still not playing realplayer content thru firefox   :-/09:01
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tarelerulzI am my normal user so I would think so .  They are auto mounted with ntfs-3g09:02
sSiroSoriSsif i do quite admit09:02
maxinatordo anyone know, how i can save the settings of beryl?09:02
sSiroSoriSslike a stick up ur arse i presume09:02
nickrudlattyware, try changing the name, and having it provide python2.3 (like the debian howto I gave earlier). python (as installed) conflicts with a python less than 2.3.5 (you can define that in the equiv, but you probably will get into a conflict there as well)09:03
sSiroSoriSsmaxinator, automatic calibration will be the first point of reference09:03
sSiroSoriSsif not.....do nothing09:03
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lattywarenickrud: OK, thanks for the help.09:04
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nickrudlattyware, you might have to experiment a bit.09:04
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Tinned_TunaI have a server here which will not boot the Ubuntu Server CD, i tell it to install from the menu that comes up, but then I receive this error: 'MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-ACPI'09:04
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PiciSonderblade: What are you talking about?09:04
MatirDoes anyone know why Ubuntu machines on an ldap network would have problems automounting USB devices?  According to 'id', network-authenticated users ARE in group 'plugdev'.09:04
PiciSonderblade: sorry about that.09:04
PicisSiroSoriSs: What are you talking about?09:05
Tinned_Tunaanyone know what could be causing this? I think I need to pass it some extra kernel parameters, I just don't know which ones.09:05
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dreasHey, I get this error when I log into Ubuntu 7.04: "error while loading shared libraries: libasound.so.2: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory"09:05
tarelerulzIt has never put the deleted file in the gnome trash. When I had mp3 player all the deleted files where in .trash file09:05
sSiroSoriSswww.DanielFromBrisbane.com can you please visit + download the entire site so I can feel good?09:05
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Pici!ops | sSiroSoriSs09:06
ubotusSiroSoriSs: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok09:06
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gnomefreakPici: im reading09:06
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qtzhi, i ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and added 1280x1024 as a resolution and now every time i try to start up ubuntu, even in safe mode, i get no output to my monitor09:07
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dreasHey, I get this error when I log into Ubuntu 7.04: "error while loading shared libraries: libasound.so.2: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory"09:08
qtzdoes anybody know why and how i can get ubuntu working again?09:08
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Matirqtz: try changing the resolution back?09:08
DunasCan someone help me set up Ndiswrapper? :x09:08
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nickrud!find libasound.so.209:09
ubotuFile libasound.so.2 found in lib64asound2, libasound209:09
dreasIt happened after I installed some RealTek drivers for my soundcard. Is there any way I can uninstall them again?09:10
nickruddreas, try sudo aptitude reinstall libasound209:10
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TJ__hey GNine, if i have a hd drive on slave with more space can i install Ubuntu on their ???09:10
dreasnickrud: ok, I'm on Vista right now, so I have to reboot. I'll try09:11
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maxinatorCan anyone say me, how i save the curretnt settings of beryl, so that i can try to install compiz-fusion ... and can just in case use my old beryl settings, if compiz-fusion dont work.....09:11
nickruddreas, and a tip: don't install drivers from the net, use the ones that come with the kernel you're using09:11
qtzi can't change the resolution back as i can't start ubuntu!09:11
tarelerulzI just deleted the whole .trash-normuser file09:11
yrlnry_How do I set up Korean language input on my Ubunto machine>09:11
nickrudqtz, you should be getting a terminal: log in, run the dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg again09:11
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TJ__on wubi can i install ubuntu on Drive D my HD set to slave or do i have to install it on the C Drive the primary one?09:12
yrlnry_How do I set up Korean language input on my Ubuntu machine?09:12
qtzwhen i start up, i don't get to the login screen, my monitor goes to sleep before then as there's no output09:13
nickrudyrlnry, I think system->admin-language support will do that, be sure to tick enable support for complex characters.09:13
bulmerqtz: ctrl+alt+F1  and login09:13
inbitado34how do i make a script for the file: ./xxxxx.sh ???09:13
qtzi tried that, nothing happens :/09:13
inbitado34to start it with an icon ???09:13
dreasnickrud: Heh, ok09:13
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bulmerqtz nothing? has it ever worked?09:14
maxinator@TJ__ it shouldnt matter09:14
Tinned_Tunadoes any one have any idea about my MP-BIOS bug?09:14
maxinator@qtz: try to press strg+alt+Back to see the Terminal in ... DOS-Mode09:14
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yrlnry_nickrud: Thanks!  I totally missed that item when I was scanning the menus looking for something relevant.09:14
slingintacoshi all, i'm having a problem installing fiesty on a compaq presario 300009:14
TJ__thanks maxinator :D09:14
maxinatorAgain my little funny Question :): Can anyone say me, how i save the curretnt settings of beryl, so that i can try to install compiz-fusion ... and can just in case use my old beryl settings, if compiz-fusion dont work.....09:14
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Iceman_Banyone familiar with Trendmicro's Housecall?09:14
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qtzi installed it a few days ago, everything was fine except the max resolution i could select from the screen reso menu was 1024x768 and i'm used to 1280x1024, so i added that option and haven't been able to start properly since09:14
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nickrudqtz, try booting up in recovery mode from the grub menu09:15
Iceman_Bim tryingt o perform a scan from Firefox, but it keeps crashing/locking up, anyone have a clue how to get it to work?09:15
slingintacosit says unmounting temporary filesystems.. umount: /cow: not found09:15
yrlnry_If I send a message to this channel because I have authenticated to the nickserv, will people see the message?09:15
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nickrudyrlnry_, if you're registered, they'll get it09:15
slingintacoscan anyone help?09:16
qtzi even tried recovery mode, the same thing happens, before any gui comes up my screen goes to sleep09:16
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maxinatorhow it goes to sleep.. is it black?09:16
hwildeqtz, hit ctrl+alt+f1 and restore your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to the original09:16
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qtzwhen i try ctrl+alt+f1 nothing happens09:17
maxinatorand with strg#alt#back?09:17
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qtzyes, it's black, my monitor's power switch indicates it's gone to sleep09:17
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yrlnry_nickrud: sorry, I garbled my question.  I meant to ask  "if I send a message *before* I have authenticated..."09:18
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Piciyrlnry_: You dont need to be registered to talk in this channel.09:18
nickrudyrlnry_, then no ;)09:18
CroXHow do I make a mount *not* automatically show up on my desktop?09:18
qtzsorry, what's strg? i tried ctrl+alt+backspace, the screen flashes for a second, sometimes some text comes up but then it goes straight back to sleep09:18
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noodles12in open office spreadsheet. After you've made a graph, how do you add the slope equation to that?09:18
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yrlnry_nickrud: "no", people will not see the message?09:19
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Piciyrlnry_: You dont need to be registered to talk in this channel.09:19
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nickrudyrlnry_, without registering, no pm's09:19
Picinoodles12: Try asking in #openoffice.org09:19
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slingintacosthen when i try to boot from hard disk , i get a grub error 17, can't identify filesystem09:19
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slingintacosdoes anyone know what i can do here to make this work?09:19
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aa^waywhats command for starting up terminal window?09:20
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nickrudaa^way, gnome-terminal09:20
kduboisanyone with a thinkpad x61/t61 get their soundcard working?09:20
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qtzis this a problem with my computer or with what i did? :/09:21
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LordBurritoHi there.  I'm trying to locate/install proftpd on 6.06.1 LTS.  apt-get says "proftpd" exists not.  apt-cache search proftpd comes up bupkis.  How to install proftpd?09:21
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ccesarioWhich is the file of static routes ?09:21
qtzshould i reinstall ubuntu? when i boot from the cd, everything is fine, the resolution is 1280x1024 which is what i wanted09:21
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nickrudqtz, if all you've done is change the X config, you could try booting the live cd, and copying over the working /etc/X11/xorg.conf to the disk09:22
dreasnickrud: Hey, thanks! It worked! :D09:22
yrlnry_Okay, I have gone through the "language tools" dialog and installed a lot of korean-related fonts and help files.  But I still don't know how to enable Korean input.  The System>Preferences>Keyboard dialog still lets me select a "Korean" keyboard that only shows Latin letters, not Hangul.09:22
nickruddreas, yw09:22
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nickrudyrlnry_, I think that would be under system-prefs-scim input setup09:23
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qtznickrud: sorry, how do i do overwrite the xorg.conf file?09:23
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neverblue2!anyone | slingintacos09:24
ubotuslingintacos: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:24
LordBurritoI'm trying to locate/install proftpd on 6.06.1 LTS.  All the Google hits say just "apt-get proftpd," but apt-get says "proftpd" exists not.  apt-cache search proftpd comes up bupkis.  Help?09:24
neverblue2LordBurrito, you havent editted your sources.list09:25
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nickrudqtz. start the live cd, mount the partition that you used as / , then sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /path/to/root/partition/etc/X11/xorg.conf  (you probably should back up the one on the disk first, just for fun)09:25
neverblue2LordBurrito, consult the 'ubuntu guide' for setting that up09:25
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LordBurritoneverblue2: Well, nobody *told* me to do that :)09:25
Tinned_Tunaneverblue2: do you have any ideas about my MP-BIOS bug ?09:25
neverblue2LordBurrito, I think someone just did :)09:25
TonrenI have a bunch of .avi's and .mkv's that I want to burn onto a Video DVD so I can watch them on my DVD player.  How do I go about doing th is?09:25
neverblue2Tinned_Tuna, please dont direct questions to me, but the channel instead, thanks09:26
LordBurritoneverblue2: I think so.  Where's this list located?09:26
frojndhello tehre. While I try to install ubuntu I get this error message: buffer I/o error on device fd0, logical block 0. What does this mean ???????09:26
SharkyPLhow can I compress data sent and received through my internet connection? because I'd love to see webpages (without java and images), but I use GPRS connection. problem is, GPRS is very expensive (50kb is 10gr, one page is about 200kb - makes lotta money disappear in seconds). is there any possibility to compress data or something? thanks in advance, SharkyPL09:26
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neverblue2LordBurrito, google the 'ubuntu guide'09:26
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LordBurritoneverblue2: 'k.  Tnx.09:26
Tinned_Tunaneverblue2: I already have, and very few people in this channel are actively answering questions now.09:26
neverblue2!patience | Tinned_Tuna09:26
ubotuTinned_Tuna: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:27
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NET||abuseHey guys.. i'm just trying to figure out how to get sound back on my machine,, one forum thread said try using /bin/bash audiowrapper --alsa --/usr/bin/firefox  but i don't seem to have an application called aidiowrapper09:27
TonrenHow can I change a .avi or .mkv to its VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS components so I can burn them to a DVD?09:28
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NET||abuseSound back in firefox/flash for my machine, the machine in general sound works just fine09:28
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Iceman_Bdo what folder does Firefox go to?09:28
frojndhello tehre. While I try to install ubuntu I get this error message: buffer I/o error on device fd0, logical block 0. What does this mean ???????09:28
Tinned_TunaI know about patience. but it seems that no one is actively answering questions any more in this channel, with the exception of you.09:28
neverblue2NET||abuse, reinstall it?09:28
qtznickrud: thanks! i didn't mount the partition last time, i'll try it now09:28
Iceman_Bthe oen that ships with Ubuntu09:28
neverblue2Iceman_B, which firefox09:28
NET||abuseneverblue, I've done that to death.. or re-install firefox??09:28
dreasok, then there's this other thing: I dual-boot between Vista and Ubuntu but everytime I have been running on Vista, GRUB freezes at "GRUB loading stage1.5" when I restart. I just have to reboot to make it work again but can I fix it somehow?09:28
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neverblue2NET||abuse, possibly try and reinstall FF09:28
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VenkoOK so I've almost finished installing a command line system. What should I install on it so I can manage it from another machine on the local server?09:29
neverblue2Venko, ssh09:29
Tinned_TunaVenko: SSH?09:29
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Tinned_Tunalol :p09:29
slingintacosubotu: I have a presario 3000 notebook on which it takes forever to install the system (7.04) and on restart it locks up after an error that says umount of swap failed09:29
neverblue2Venko, well, its the answer you need :)09:29
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neverblue2Iceman_B, in command line: which firefox09:30
Iceman_BIm trying to get the java plugin to work09:30
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VenkoI've never done this stuff so09:30
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VenkoI'm just checking :P09:30
Iceman_Baaah, I see09:30
neverblue2Venko, well, you made it to IRC just fine :)09:30
neverblue2np Iceman_B09:30
dreasI dual-boot between Vista and Ubuntu but everytime I have been running on Vista, GRUB freezes at "GRUB loading stage1.5" when I restart. I just have to reboot to make it work again but can I fix it somehow?09:30
NET||abuseneverblue, for some reason ubuntu-restricted-extras depends on flashplugin-nonfree why on earth??09:30
Tinned_Tunaslingintacos: ubotu is a bot and I don't think it will respond to that :-p09:30
SharkyPLVenko, if your server is a desktop version ( with X11) you could try VNC09:30
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:30
slingintacosI realized that after i typed it09:30
TonrenIs there an easy way to burn .mkv and .avi files to a video DVD?09:30
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neverblue2!patience | Dreas09:30
ubotuDreas: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:30
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slingintacosTinned_Tuna: do you have any advice for my question?09:31
neverblue2NET||abuse, *shrugs*09:31
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Iceman_Bit says /usr/bin/forefox09:31
keychainhallo, I've got a little problem with my ubuntu. a few years ago (2 or 3 I think) I installed Ubuntu hoary hedgehog on a computer used every weekend for playing some mp3. now I wanted to connnect a wlan device and, for doing that, upgrade the os, but it's not longer supported and I can't get the tist-upgrade working, since all packages are left untouched.09:31
neverblue2Tonren, look into tovid09:31
Tinned_TunaI'm not sure, when does it give you the umount error?09:31
Iceman_Bbut thats not a dir09:32
Midnight_Abuseslingingtacos, It should work tomorrow.09:32
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neverblue2Iceman_B, thats where you "executeable" firefox program sits09:32
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Iceman_Bah, alright09:32
SharkyPLhow can I compress data sent and received through my internet connection? because I'd love to see webpages (without java and images), but I use GPRS connection. problem is, GPRS is very expensive (50kb is 10gr, one page is about 200kb - makes lotta money disappear in seconds). is there any possibility to compress data or something? thanks in advance, SharkyPL09:32
Iceman_Bmorespecifically, Im looking for the plugin dir09:32
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slingintacosafter the  restart09:32
Iceman_Bsorry im so slow09:32
neverblue2keychain, willing to format, reinstall?09:32
Tinned_Tunakeychain: the quickest way is to backup any necessary files, and get the 7.04 disc and resinstall from scratch09:32
slingintacosthen it locks up and i have to manually turn it off09:32
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Midnight_AbuseYeh same thing happened here. Give it a day.09:33
neverblue2Iceman_B, its the program, if you want the folder, you cd /usr/bin09:33
keychaini got an isdn-line.. so reinstalling is not that fast -.-09:33
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neverblue2keychain, ISDN was fast, about 15 years ago :)09:33
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slingintacosMidnight_Abuse: you're telling me that it will take a whole day to shut down?09:33
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pikohnI'm begging you dont09:34
keychainbut I think, I got not that many options ^^09:34
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Midnight_AbuseIs it still on?09:34
Dusk_is there a way that ubuntu can save my session so when i started computer again it opens unclosed programs and windows??09:34
SharkyPLneverblue2, what kinda internet connection is fastest right now? DSL ? and what are the capabilities? in Poland fastest connection you can get is 15mbps09:34
slingintacosI started over again, it's on Partitions Formatting right now09:34
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Midnight_AbuseIf the OS doesn't work, try it tomorrow.. it should work.09:34
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Midnight_AbuseFew hours.09:34
pikohnIm going to try09:35
alvarezpneverblue2: I'm not so experienced on IRC, so excuse me if this question is dumb. With so many lines, it's easy for a question to be missed and lost in the scrollback buffer. Why should anybody NOT repeat their question?09:35
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keychainthx everybody for the help.. i'll install from scratch -.-09:35
msikmaHello, can anyone tell me when Hoary (5.04) will no longer be supported? Is it still being supported today?09:35
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Iceman_Bneverblue, I cant seem to find it09:36
cyrishow would i go about formating a dvd+r blank disc? the only tool i have is dvd+rw-format :/09:36
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Priceymsikma, it hasn't been supported for almost a year already.09:36
Iceman_B/usr/bin holds a Mozilla entry09:36
Iceman_Bbut its not a dir, it says09:36
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Dusk_is there a way that ubuntu can save my session so when i started computer again it opens unclosed programs and windows??09:36
msikmaPricey: I see, so I won't find anything in the repositories there.09:37
slingintacosDusk_: system>preferences>sessions09:37
dxdtDusk_: ummm KDE does that by default and I think there is a way to do it with Gnome but i"m not sure.  You could also always HIbernate the computer or put it on Standby09:37
Priceymsikma, nope09:37
SharkyPLDusk_: you could try the Hibernate option... it's kinda shutting down, but it leaves everything open.09:37
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scipioDusk_: gnome-session looks like what you want. never used it though09:37
SharkyPLyour computer stops working, but the session is saved on hdd09:37
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msikmaPricey: curious, how long is a product supported anyway?09:38
jessonwhat are the built in program here in ubuntu for server management??09:38
jessonlike ftp email server09:38
scipiomsikma: 18 months i think. or 3 years for LTS editions09:38
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Tinned_Tunajesson: you can either use SSH to control your server, or Webmin09:39
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Midnight_AbuseAny gamers? I want a gd shooting game.09:40
Midnight_AbuseSlaughtering.. some rlly hardcore suff.09:40
jessonid like to setup a webserver and email server do i have to download programs for that? like on xp i had to download wamp09:40
Tinned_TunaI think that's an FPS09:40
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hwildewhat is running on port 443 and how do I kill it ?09:41
Pricey!lamp | jesson09:41
ubotujesson: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:41
Tinned_Tunajesson: apache and postfix; you'll want to use the built in system called 'apt'09:41
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Midnight_Abusejesson, Look under 'aplications' :|09:41
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Tinned_Tunahwilde: HTTPS I think09:41
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Midnight_AbuseErr this sucks.09:41
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hwildeTinned_Tuna, I have LAMPP but I can't find anything about how to shut that off09:41
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kranghey all, what package do I have to install on Ubuntu 6.06 to enable usb-serial support?09:41
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Tinned_Tunashut what off? HTTPS?09:42
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isidorohi guys09:44
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dreasGRUB freezes everytime I have been using Vista. Can that be fixed?09:44
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dreasheh, hey09:44
isidorognome-mount -d /dev/sdc1 --unmount pop up me a error message that says impossible remove the directory... any idea??09:45
jessonim confuse are there console ,shell to manage server here in ubuntu?09:45
phixnayneed ubuntu guru: my program icons such as nm-applet and gaim no longer show up! I think they are acutally _behind_ the apllications/places/system menus09:45
phixnaywhat can I do?09:45
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phixnaythey have been that way for a week now09:46
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jessonhow do i run telnet server in ubuntu?09:46
instabin|workcan you get a bare gnome install on a ubuntu server.... with out all the games, openoffice, and etc09:47
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ccesariohey... where is the file of static routes ?09:47
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phixnayinstabin|work: I think so, try installing the server, and then apt-getting gnome09:47
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amorphouzer mesa.az.us.undernet.org09:48
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theganso_what up everyone09:48
nickrudInstabin, don't install the gnome package, it's a holdover from debian and doesn't quite work on ubuntu09:48
phixnaysup dawg!09:48
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theganso_where u from09:49
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phixnaynear dc09:49
instabin|worknickrud: then what should i install to get a bare gnome xsession on server?09:49
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jessonhey how do i run webserver here in ubuntu?? what do i hae to install?09:50
nickrudinstabin|work, once you have the server install, you can use aptitude in interactive mode to navigate to ubuntu-desktop, and select the packages you're interested in under that09:50
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Tinned_Tunajesson: Apache09:50
krangjesson: apache09:50
instabin|workjesson: apachee09:50
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theganso_chi-town here09:50
Tinned_Tuna!lamp | jesson09:50
ubotujesson: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:50
jessonwat are the server installed already in here??09:50
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kritzstapfis there a way to get a newer version of the tango-icon-theme?09:50
jessonlike in slackware09:50
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jessonit has lots of serer installed09:50
instabin|workkritzstapf: download one and install it09:51
kritzstapfinstabin|work: where to get?09:51
theganso_i have a question09:51
instabin|worknickrud: gnome-look.org09:51
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jesson!ssh server09:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ssh server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:51
nickrudinstabin|work, yeah, there's a place for themes :)09:51
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theganso_im trying to access all my music files i had on microsoft, i have a partioned hardrive and im on kubunu right now09:51
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instabin|workkritzstapf: gnome-look.org09:52
ErikTheREdHey all... I've got what's probably a silly n00b question... I'm trying to run a 32-bit binary app on 7.04/AMD-64, and it's griping about not being able to find a library called libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2. I've seen some references for creating a symlink to a newer version of the library for previous versions of Ubuntu / Debian, but I don't see those similar files in 7.04... any suggestions?09:52
dunderanyone ever have problem with a certain mobo not liking IDE drives??  Took me awhile to realize there's no problem with SATA drives, so I'm guessing it's the IDE controller or something... ??09:52
dunderGigabyte GA-G33M-DS2R board for anyone that cares09:52
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Tinned_Tunadunder: if the IDE controller on the drive has been damaged, or is unsupported by Linux (unlikley) then it's possible09:53
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phixnaydunder: I had a problem with cd drives related to the move to SATA... I hear it's gonna be fixed in gutsy09:53
dunderTinned_Tuna... 2 separate IDE hard drives won't mkfs.ext3!!09:54
dunderthe drives are fine in other machines09:54
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kahrytanphixnay, what problem?09:54
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pringleany1 using kiba-dock atm?09:54
dunderyes... i suppose i could try gutsy out09:54
Tinned_Tunadunder: a bad IDE controller and unsupported IDE controller would cause the same problems on all hard drives09:55
instabin|workdunder: I had same problem with 2 sata drives on raid controler09:55
Urikuwhat do you suggest to use to access the Linux HD from Windows?09:55
burgermannHi! I'm experiencing something wierd with mysql 5. It comes directly from official repos onto 7.04. But when I'm operating my webpage, the process mysqld_safe takes 99% CPU time. It keeps going at it, so I don't exactly know what to do09:55
phixnaykahrytan: acts like it's broken. for example, edgy boot disk works fine, but feisty boot disk stops halfway through booting up09:55
dunderistabin|work... yes, this board has raid09:55
dunderi don't think it's enabled, tho09:55
kahrytanphixnay, SATA cd drives?09:55
pringlei need some help with kiba-dock can some1 hlp pls09:55
phixnaykahrytan: while gutsy boot disk also works fine09:56
kahrytanphixnay, Im glad I won't use'em09:56
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dunderistabin|work:  any solutions?09:56
instabin|workdunder: my raid wasnt enable either..... but still had problems09:56
burgermannDoing a sudo killall mysqld_safe makes it stop, but as soon as I view my webpage, it starts again09:56
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kahrytanUriku, There is a ext tool for windows09:56
phixnaykahrytan: no, satas are fine! it's the old ide or whatever cd drives that have the problem09:56
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instabin|workdunder: I just keept messing with it untill it worked... Think i used the hd manufactures utill disk to erease everything on the drives09:56
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phixnayuriku: at fs-driver.org I think09:57
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Urikuyes, I'm wondering which one is considered good09:57
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burgermannis there a way to manually make Ubuntu start mysqld instead of mysqld_safe on boot?09:57
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Urikuyes, that's what I was going to install09:57
kahrytanphixnay, why?09:57
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dunderistabin|work, so just format the whole drive with manufacturer's utils??09:57
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instabin|workdunder:that was suposed to be hd manufactures utils... normaly they make a boot cd that you can download09:57
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dunderhmm... i'll look into that09:58
dunderthanks a bunch!!09:58
instabin|workdunder did your drives used to be in raid?09:58
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kahrytanphixnay, You sure it's not the motherboard?09:58
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phixnaykahrytan: it has to do with the move to only using the scsi drivers for everything I think.09:58
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phixnayyeah I'm sure09:59
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phixnaythe gutsy people told me they were fixing it, and sure enough they did09:59
kahrytanUriku, http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/ext2ifs.htm09:59
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exyanHow do I install java 6 update 2?09:59
phixnaylol every time I come here for help I end up helping others more09:59
kahrytanUriku, It's ready only though09:59
kahrytanread only10:00
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phixnayexyan: is it in synaptic?10:00
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jessonubuntu is not the ideal os for servers ??10:00
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exyanphixnay: it's not in feisty's repositories10:00
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exyanphixnay: and sun doesn't provide a deb10:00
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Urikuso use the fs-driver?10:00
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kahrytanphixnay, It's a conflict probably10:00
DSpairDoes anyone know if there is a backport of Xrandr from Gutsy to Fiesty?10:00
grayson can someone give me some help with ndiswrapper?10:01
exyananyone got a deb for java 6 update 2?10:01
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phixnayexyan: then I guess you'd have to build from source. this is when you ask yourself do I really need update 2 :)10:01
Urikudamn, it's from 200610:01
graysonIt 86ed my network card10:01
phixnayuriku: it works fine, at least the ext2 drivers I use do10:01
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exyanphixnay: I can make a deb myself, but I don't want to waste my time if there's one already10:01
kahrytanUriku, what is?10:01
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Urikuyes, I already have that installed I think, I was hoping to upgrade because it caused "corruption" to the data system10:02
Urikuor something like that10:02
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MohammadBoozaryHello Members10:02
eallikhi, can someone tell me where I can put an X related command I want executed at startup?10:02
MohammadBoozaryI need A proxy software for Ubuntu10:02
ealliksetxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:alt_toggle us,ee10:02
Urikuthough, it's says 1.10c, that's should be better than the installed 1.10b10:02
UrikuI hope10:02
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MohammadBoozaryI need a proxy software for Ubuntu Feisty Fawn10:03
Urikuit seems I installed it at 11/09/200610:03
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DSpairMohammadBoozary, Squid.10:03
phixnayeallik: complete guess, but try system>prefs>sessions>startup progs10:03
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Urikuwell, thanks10:03
DSpairMohammadBoozary, as root type "aptitude install squid"10:03
MohammadBoozaryDSpair: thanks10:03
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DSpairMohammadBoozary, NP10:04
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phixnayeallik: anything before that you'd have to somehow add it to the startup scripts10:04
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eallikphixnay: which ones?10:04
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MohammadBoozaryDSpair: thanks...10:05
phixnayeallik: sorry, I just know they exist, not how to use them, :/10:05
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dunderanyone know if gutsy has decent support for jmicron IDE controller??10:05
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mangojambohi ... how can I install gtkradiant for ubuntu?10:05
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sheldyhi all, i am trying to configure a wireless pci, I can see it in lspci but not in ifconfig. Any idea?10:06
eallikphixnay: OK, thanks.. I hope it works10:06
phixnaydunder: even if it did, it's not quite useable at this point10:06
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jessoni downloaded a chat program when i try to double click the exe file it wont let me why??10:06
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phixnayeallik: good luck10:07
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ealliktnx :P10:07
Shrimpy_jesson, run it in the terminal and see the reason10:07
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reconis anybody here good with XKB files?10:07
phixnaytonyyarusso: he just doesn't get it :P10:07
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jessonok i save it on the temp folder wat command should i type?? at terminal shromp?10:08
Shrimpy_jesson: wait. it's a .exe and your using ubuntu?10:08
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reizen1!wine | jesson10:08
ubotujesson: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:08
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jessoncant run it?? wat kinda file an i run here files lie .py?10:08
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Shrimpy_jesson: it will not work. you will either have to find it as a .deb. or a bin/run file.  (unless you know how to use wine)10:08
eljo__good evening10:09
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phixnayalright seeing as no one knows the answer to my question, I guess it's time to leave10:09
reizen1jesson: jesson, exe's are windows only, you can try to run it using wine and it may or may not work10:09
jessonwhere can i dl wine?10:09
Shrimpy_jesson: there are many chat progams for ubuntu that you might like better.10:09
jribjesson: do you know about the Package Manager in ubuntu?  That's the way to install software10:09
eljo__phixnay: question?10:09
jessonits a bot to connect to battle.net10:10
phixnayjesson: try to find a unix alrterative first though10:10
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phixnaymy application icons like gaim and netowrk manager have gone missing10:10
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phixnayI think they are hiding behind the application menu somehow10:10
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phixnaycause that's where the network manager speech bubbles seem to be coming from10:11
Shrimpy_sheldy: what type of card is it10:11
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jessonim also downloading a mandriva linux is that os for server? is it a good distro?10:11
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lixHi. What commandline command can I use to synchronise folders (with files) on two different computers? the newest files should be overwritten on either computer. is there domething like diff-rsync?10:12
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reizen1phixnay:I think the notification bubbles come from the notification area which is two vertical columns of dots10:12
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Shrimpy_jesson: linux is your best bet. but you need to know about the os and how to use it. ubuntu is made simple10:12
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reizen1phixnay: I know the notification area can be added by right clicking on the panel and then click 'add to panel'10:12
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phixnayreizen1: that's a start, I'll try it10:13
lixor do I have to use a versioning system?10:13
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reizen1phixnay:I just moved my notification area and my gaim, battery, and network icons moved with it10:13
jessonisnt mandriva linux?? is the command for unix and linux the same?? where can i learn command for the shell/ terminal?10:13
phixnayreizen1:  yay you fixed it!10:13
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reizen1reizend: that is good10:14
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reizen1haha I typed my own name there phixnay instead of yours10:14
bulmerjesson  yes very close, not all commands are available from distro to distro10:14
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phixnayreizen1: thanks a lot, that had been bugging me for a whole week10:14
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phixnayreizen1: lol happens to me too :P10:15
bulmerjesson: press tab twice and you get thousands10:15
Alysumhello which program is recommended for playing .ram under amd64 ?10:15
phixnayAlysum: real player10:15
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:16
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phixnayAlysum: assuming they have a 64 bit verseion10:16
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jessonwat about slackware is it more of a command line os?? is it more better that any other distro? what is the best distro ??10:16
cyrisi'm trying to burn some tar files to a dvd+r, can someone give me an example of how to do this via shell?10:16
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Alysumrealplayer is no compatible with 6410:16
nickrud!best | jesson10:16
ubotujesson: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.10:16
reizen1jesson: that is a question we all ask ourselves10:16
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phixnayjesson: this channel is only about ubuntu support10:16
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gnomefreakjesson: you might find an answer to that in #ubuntu-offtopic10:17
voidmageDoes anyone know what to do if grub never installed anything in /boot/grub?10:17
bulmercyris: you can enable verbose on k3b and you'll see the command it uses10:17
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mdolanis there a GUI for using KVM (i.e. like virt-manager in Fedora 7)?10:17
alvirociao a tutti10:17
bulmervoidmage: grub-install ?10:17
joeblow988hi, I have a toshiba laptop with an hd-dvd drive that ubuntu 7.04 apparently cant see at all. What should I do?10:17
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:17
gnomefreakalviro: please join #ubuntu-it for italian10:17
alviroho una domanda da farvi10:18
phixnayjoeblow988: how did you install ubuntu if it can't see the cd drive?10:18
reizen1!it | alviro10:18
cyrisbulmer: thanks. so k3b is a gui application for burning dvds ?10:18
ubotualviro: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:18
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jessonim downloading wine help me out how to install this after dl pls10:18
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joeblow988phixnay, the drive worked fine for the alternative cd install10:18
bulmercyris: yes10:18
joeblow988but now I can't read any cds/dvds10:18
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joeblow988I put them in and they dont mount at all10:19
Shrimpy_jesson: it might not always work. so don't get your hopes high10:19
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phixnayjoeblow988: well its a good sign the alt cd wored10:19
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phixnayjoeblow988: however sounds like you've found a bug10:19
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joeblow988do you think it would work in gutsy?10:20
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phixnayjoeblow988: it's worth a shot. keep in mind that gutsy is not stable yet though10:20
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phixnayjoeblow988: i'd go to launchpad and report the bug though10:21
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jessonubuntu or any other linux are really more of a command line?? like do u really have to use the terminal always?10:21
lenHi, guys, I'm trying to run a Dynamic Web Project with Tomcat 6 + eclipse europa 2.2 (with WTP) but I get the following error: "The Tomcat server configuration at /Servers/Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost-config is missing. Check the server for errors." Can anyone help me, please?10:21
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phixnay!bug | joeblow98810:22
ubotujoeblow988: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots10:22
nickrudlen, you could ask at #eclipse10:22
joeblow988ok, thanks10:22
phixnayhey is that the right url?10:22
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reizen1jesson:the terminal does have to be used as often as it would seem, most likely most of us offering help are more used to it and it is often the quickest way to tell someone how to do ssomething10:22
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phixnayyeah it redirects to the right place10:23
lennickrud: I asked there already, but nobody answered, in fact I didn't see anybody asking or answering there10:23
reizen1jesson: does not have to be used, sorry10:23
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phixnaysee you guys later :)10:24
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jessonyah trying to learn the cmmand is not easy but its really cool when running an os using commnd line10:24
jessonfeels like u know alot10:24
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reizen1!terminal | jesson10:25
ubotujesson: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:25
nickrudlen, oh.10:25
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gabbarhi everyone10:26
gabbari need some support..... i just installed ubuntu10:26
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lennickrud: btw when I try to use ./configure i got the following message: configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables10:26
gabbari installed ubuntu in c drive10:26
nickrudlen, for that , sudo aptitude install build-essential10:27
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gabbari have a 40gb hardrive10:27
Priceygabbar, ok you need to know that you didn't install it on "c drive"10:27
gabbarand i got 4 partitions10:27
Priceygabbar, you would have installed it on the partition that windows recognised and displayed as the "c drive"10:27
lennickrud: aptitude == apt-get?10:27
gabbarnow after installing ubuntu i cant see the other partitions10:27
nickrudlen, close enough10:27
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lennickrud: what's the difference?10:27
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gabbarwell i removed windows before installing uuntu10:28
lekremyelsewgabbar what program r u using to view them10:28
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mad_goldfishAnyone know why I'd suddenly be getting this error from my USB hard drive:  device descriptor read/64, error -7110:28
gabbari goto places->computer10:28
jessonwhat program do i need to run ftp and mail server?10:28
gabbarno specific program10:28
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Priceyjesson, don't use ftp, use sftp10:28
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lekremyelsewgabbar did you format the partitions or just put them in the table?10:29
gabbari cant see the other 3 partitions that i have10:29
nickrudlen, for a while, the biggest difference was aptitude tracked what packages were installed as dependencies, and removed them when no longer used, but apt-get seems to be adding that. And, aptitude comes with an interactive interface10:29
Jack_Sparrowgabbar: If you told the installer to use the entire drive.. that is what it did.. You can go to a terminal and do sudo fdisk -l for a listing of partitions10:29
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jessonyah where do i get that?10:29
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gabbari just put them in the table10:29
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GM_Alexi have a problem with my own kernel10:29
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GM_Alexcan somebody help me10:29
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lekremyelsewgabbar, you have to format them to have them appear in the file browser10:29
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gabbari have a lot of data in those partitions10:29
nickrudlen, I _love_ that interactive interface, it's great for looking at package relationships10:29
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gabbari see...... but how do i format them10:30
lekremyelsewgabbar and if one of them was swap then you wouldnt be able to see that one anyway10:30
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gabbarhow do i check if it was swap10:30
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alvirocome faccio ad entrare in ubuntu.it10:30
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jessonwhat does the terminal server client do??10:31
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Jack_Sparrowgabbar: applications-accessories-terminal and type sudo fdisk -l   that last letter is L   just to see your partition layout10:31
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Jack_Sparrowgabbar: You do not want to format them if you have data on them.10:31
GM_Alexnobody here who cam help me with the kernel problem?10:31
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:32
jesson!terminal server client10:32
lekremyelsewgabbar: sudo apt-get install gparted10:32
gabbaryeah i dont want to format them10:32
etuarduhi, i followed the instructions on the ubuntu wiki, but i'm still unable to play dvds with totem because, it says, some plugins are missing... someone can help me?10:32
kritzstapfis there a tool for watching dvb(-t) with a better OSD than kaffeine?10:32
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Kilianare there any compiz knowitalls in here? i could really use one :)10:32
reizen1Jack_Sparrow: I am not sure how often it happens but for myself 'fdisk -l' returns nothing, just so you are aware10:32
PriceyKilian, #ubuntu-effects10:32
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Jack_Sparrowreizen1: Then you are doing something wrong.. it should always work10:32
GM_Alexis there some room like ubuntu-kernel?10:32
jessonguys what does terminal server client do? is where i host my server??10:33
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benn92647hi everyone10:33
Jack_Sparrowjesson: Remote login...  remote desktop thingy10:33
reizen1Jack_Sparrow: that is what I thought but I cannot figure it out so I gave up on it, it works fine on other systems running ubuntu also10:33
gabbarjack sparrow :i cant find applications-accessories-terminal and type sudo fdisk -l   that last letter is L   just to see your partition layout10:33
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benn92647anyone here running Opera on fiesty fawn?10:33
Jack_Sparrowgabbar: Are you using Ubuntu?10:34
gabbaryeah, its ubuntu 5.0410:34
pringleI've downloaded a src file.....now how to install it??? sry Im a nooby10:34
Jack_Sparrowgabbar: That is very old...10:34
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Jack_Sparrowgabbar: EOL End of Life...10:34
gabbaroh no10:34
alvirociao a tutti!10:34
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Jack_Sparrowgabbar: Suggest you start with something more current.. Dapper at least10:34
salahany idea why rhythmbox don't play songs automaticly? I have to forward it a bit before a MP3 starts to play10:34
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GM_Alexeverybody is very communicative10:35
reizen1Jack_Sparrow, gabber: the terminal used to be in another location in the menu back then10:35
alvirodevo andare su ubuntu.it10:35
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alvirocome faccio?10:35
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jribalviro: /join #ubuntu-it10:35
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Jack_Sparrowreizen1: Yea.. but we need to get him off a version that no longer has security updates10:35
gabbarso shall i uninstall it and switch back to windows until my new ubuntu cd arrives10:35
urmommaer rizon10:35
gabbari really need the data10:35
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reizen1Jack_Sparrow: I agree10:35
gabbaror is there another way out10:35
jessoni have the wine already where do i extract it? and how do i install it??10:35
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Jack_Sparrowgabbar: I would wait.. yes...10:36
Techgurljesson why not use the WINE in the repository?10:36
jessonwat u mean? explain please10:36
benn92647anyone familar with opera web browser?10:36
Jack_Sparrowjesson: Install from the repos... not from the web...10:36
gabbarjack sparrow : for what10:36
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wamtyanyone here that is using Ubuntu 7.04?10:36
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Techgurlbenn92647, what do you want to know about Opera?10:36
Jack_SparrowgabbWait for the newer cd10:36
jessoni downloaded it from browser10:36
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GM_Alexi use ubuntu 7.0410:37
Jack_Sparrowjesson: USe synaptic or apt-get.....10:37
reizen1!install | jesson10:37
ubotujesson: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate10:37
wamtywhy are my taskbar buttons stretched?10:37
reizen1Jesson: sorry not what I was hoping for there10:37
gabbarso theres no way i can see the other partitions for now10:37
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Techgurljesson to install wine you can use synaptic or apt-get no need to download it unless there is a reason you need a newer one10:37
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jessonwhereis is that synaptic?10:37
Jack_Sparrowgabbar: Get to a terminal and type what I showed you..10:37
GM_Alexit's the default, it was also so in ubuntu 610:37
wamtyif i play an internet radio with XMMS and the filename is long, the taskbar will be long as well10:37
GM_Alexi think10:37
gabbarummm let me find wheres the terminal10:37
Jack_Sparrowjesson: system admin synaptic10:38
grigoradoes anyone know where Network Manager stores the WPA configuration? I am trying to configure WPA on a server that does not have NM. Thanks10:38
rvhihi, i have feisty, how do i get a kernel 2.6.19? my hardware only has drivers working on 2.6.1910:38
jessono got it now wat?10:38
Avseji have a problem. i need make some system. This system must be linux based, be able update from global repository and be able produce ISO images which consists some preinstalled soft (or installed on first boot). I have find ubuntu+reconstructor. Anybody have such problem?10:38
scipiowamty: try playing it with vlc :)10:38
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CharminTheMooservhi, see kernel.org10:38
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wamtyhow to make taskbar buttons in limited size?10:38
pppoe_dudeerrmmm... wwgr10:38
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pppoe_dudeoops wrong chan10:38
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David-Ajesson: or use the gui: system > add/remove... search=wine10:38
rvhiCharminTheMoose: is there a package, or i have load it manually?10:39
benn92647techgurl: i was working great now it is so slow and takes forever to load a page, and once it loads it it continues doing something in the background that is utlizing memory but it wont tell me what10:39
GM_Alex@warnty: sry i don't know10:39
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jessonomg wow let me look10:39
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GM_Alexcan anybody help me with a kernel problem?10:39
jessonwhere in accesories?10:39
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benn92647techgurl: how do i tweak opera and still have it work?10:40
=== nickrud thinks benn92647 should just ditch opera
PanicBytewamty, i want to know the same thing10:40
Jack_SparrowGM_Alex: If you are trying to compile your own... doubtful10:40
kshahanyone using any open source video conferencing, desktop sharing daemons which run on ubuntu? as a follow up - anyone using dimdim?10:40
GM_Alexno i'm not trying10:40
GM_Alexi want to run my ati card10:40
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jessoni dont see wine in add/remove is thre a way i install it at terminal?10:40
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CharminTheMooservhi, what kernel are you currently running?10:40
GM_Alexwith the normal kernel it works10:40
Jack_SparrowGM_Alex: Then perhaps you should ask your question... in detail and wait to see if someone knows the answer10:40
benn92647nickrud:yay! for nick..no way it lets me watch flash with sound and without crashing..no way I will ever go back to firecrap10:41
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Shrimpy_jesson: try automatix10:41
rvhiCharminTheMoose: 2.6.20-15-server10:41
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reizen1kshah: you can try ekiga perhaps10:41
jessonlet me loo10:41
reizen1!ekiga | kshah10:41
Jack_SparrowShrimpy_: Bad bad idea10:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ekiga - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:41
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gabbarguys i found terminal.... it is showinf the partitions there10:41
gabbarwhat i do now10:41
Jack_Sparrowjesson: Never try automatix..10:41
CharminTheMoosewhy downgrade? the code is either in the kernel or is a module you gotta load manually10:41
Shrimpy_Jack_Sparrow: it's not evil, but not nice10:41
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)10:41
Ubunterhow to make taskbar buttons in limited size?10:41
jessoni dont see wine here cant i get it using the terminal?10:42
UbunterUbuntu 7.04 i38610:42
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Jack_SparrowShrimpy_: Garbage....10:42
David-Ajesson; not accessoies i think. in xubuntu system>add/remove, similar in ubuntu10:42
CharminTheMoosejesson, the answer is a resounding yes10:42
Ubunterapt-get install wine10:42
kshahthanks reizen, will check it out10:42
Shrimpy_Jack_Sparrow: it does break but eveything breaks after a while. but you config it and its fine10:42
gabbarjack sparrow : i typed what u said in terminal.... i see the partitions what i do know10:42
Shrimpy_put some bandaids on it lol10:42
benn92647sudo apt-get wine confiq...i think jesson10:42
Techgurluse sudo -apt-get install wine10:42
GM_Alexok here's my problem: I made my own kernel and all works fine, but my ati card not. there's no opengl support. but with the normal kernel the ati card works. Have I forget any kernel modules? The radeon support is enabled in the kernel10:42
jessonlet me type then10:43
benn92647there you go10:43
Techgurlsorry sudo apt-get install wine10:43
Ubunteryeah the sudo part i forgot10:43
Jack_SparrowShrimpy_: It is NEVER something suggested in this channel10:43
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Ubuntersudo apt-get install wine10:43
Ubunterthat's all10:43
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Ubunterafter you type the password, all will be installed10:43
mad_goldfish!hal | mad_goldfish10:43
CharminTheMooseUbunter, what about wine-utils?10:43
Jack_SparrowShrimpy_: If you understand enough to fix it you understand enough to install it right in the first place10:43
CharminTheMooseheh i'm not using ubuntu atm..10:43
Ubunterjust try :)10:43
=== dfletcher waves to kshah. just installed ubuntu first time and am so happy :D
benn92647techgurl: so i figured it out..opera hates you messing with its skin LOL10:43
gabbarcan somebody help please10:43
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CharminTheMooseso forgive my ignorance10:43
mad_goldfish!usb | mad_goldfish10:43
CharminTheMoose!usb | mad_goldfish10:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:44
Techgurlbenn92647, I use opera wiht a skin10:44
Jack_Sparrowgabbar: You can put them in the pastebin and post the link back here for more help.10:44
Shrimpy_Jack_Sparrow: alright i'm not going to argue. it's effy. sorry10:44
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kshahdfletcher: me too on the happiness portion, so straight forward10:44
Techgurlthe problem I have with opera is getting the plugins to work on Feisty10:44
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gabbarwhats pastebin10:44
mad_goldfish!hd | mad_goldfish10:44
benn92647techgurl: mine had it taking forever to do anything as soon as i put back on the original skin it worked just fine10:44
Ubunterfor debian based linuxes10:44
reizen1!pastebin | gabbar10:45
ubotugabbar: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:45
Techgurlbenn92647, that skin might have an issue10:45
jessonCould not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied10:45
GM_Alexnobody any idea?10:45
jessonthats wat i get at terminal10:45
Techgurljesson, close synpatic10:45
CharminTheMoosejesson, use sudo10:45
PanicByteGM_Alex, whats the question?10:45
mad_goldfish!mass_storage | mad_goldfish10:45
Ubunterinstructions how to install wine on debian based linuxes (like ubuntu...) are on -> http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb10:45
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GM_Alexok here's my problem: I made my own kernel and all works fine, but my ati card not. there's no opengl support. but with the normal kernel the ati card works. Have I forget any kernel modules? The radeon support is enabled in the kernel10:45
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Shrimpy_jesson: did you sudo?10:45
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jessonlol wait10:46
mad_goldfish!uhci_hcd | mad_goldfish10:46
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benn92647techgurl: yeah, oh well skin is notimportant as long as it doesnt lock up I am happy10:46
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PanicByteno idea10:46
Techgurlbenn92647, cool10:46
jessonwats the pmlte ommand?10:46
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Jack_Sparrowjesson: close down the other apt-get or synaptic.. you cant have both open10:46
Vorian!ask | Ubunter10:47
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ubotuUbunter: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:47
Ubuntermy window list stretches buttons... why is that?10:47
jessonumm no installation candidate it sez here10:47
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alecwhI just got a desktop stolen with Ubuntu on it... and I have the IP address (via Dyndns.org) that the guy is using. I already reported it to the police, but I want to lockdown the computer from the guy booting up the OS. I have access via SSH right now, what can I do?10:47
TechgurlGM_Alex, when you changed kernels maybe you need to reinstall the ATI driver for that kernel10:47
CocodudeHello. I've been an idiot and deleted all the files in /boot. I have my root partition under LVM so I think I need a suitable initrd to get it running. I've got a suitable replacement kernel in /boot (unpacked from the AMD64 .deb) but was wondering if I can somehow make this initrd. I don't have a spare 64 bit system.10:47
Ubunteri wanna limit the size of window list buttons10:47
Ubunterplease assist me10:47
alecwh!enter | Ubunter10:48
ubotuUbunter: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:48
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Jack_Sparrowalecwh: Did you get a physical location from that?10:48
Ubunteri wanna limit the size of window list buttons... please assist me in doing that10:48
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eallikI'm not sure if this is a place to ask this, but does anyone know if it's possible to somehow tune my Gnome/Ubuntu installation to make windows draw faster or at least the whole window at one time, instead of different parts of it being drawn sequentially?10:48
CocodudeOr, alternately, does someone have a suitable /boot they can send me (that has LVM modules in the initrd)?10:48
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Techgurleallik, what video driver are you using10:49
Jack_SparrowUbunter: If you are asking about insdie WINE... ask in #winehq10:49
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Ubunterthis is NOT wine related10:49
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Ubunterthis is GNOME related10:49
benn92647wine can be a massive headache10:49
eallikTechgurl: are you sure this is about my graphics card? but ATI open source driver and the card itself is Mobile Radeon 970010:49
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ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:49
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raphaelUbunter: go to the window list preferences, size tab, maximum size10:50
benn92647and whatever you do..dontmake ubotu mad;)10:50
Techgurleallik not but the best performance is probably with the ATI proprietary driver10:50
Jack_Sparrowalecwh: You still here.10:50
opencanWhat command can I run in the Konsole to change my KDE desktop (using Kubuntu) into Gnome desktop?10:50
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benn92647ubotu is a sexybot10:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a sexybot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:50
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benn92647i love doingthat10:50
Ubunterraphael, thanks a lot!10:51
Ubunteranother question10:51
Jack_Sparrowbenn92647: Some of use do not share your enthusiasm10:51
eallikTechgurl: I've tested with the proprietary driver and the performance is 10x worse10:51
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Techgurleallik ok then10:51
Techgurleallik but I don't know what the problem is but the windows should not be drawing that slow10:51
Ubunterwhen i point to an item with a mouse pointer, a description pops up... how to disable those descriptions?10:51
eallikTechgurl: it might have been the settings, but I don't think any setting can cause a 10x drop in performance10:52
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opencanubotu sexual haressment10:52
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PriceyUbunter, in what program?10:52
opencandidn't work :<10:52
benn92647jack sparrow: Linux is not windows..its a hundred peoples idea of what an OS should be, so you kinda hve to learn to accept that you will need to do somework to get it going right10:52
eallikTechgurl: they're not VERY slow, but enough to be annoying... on Win XP everything is lightning fast10:52
hashfreaksome from germany ?10:52
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reizen1opencan: you can install the gnome version by installing the 'ubuntu-desktop' package, but it will not uninstall kde or any of its apps so you will see both in the meny10:52
UbunterPricey, everywhere10:52
Jack_Sparrowbenn92647: I was talking about your abuse of the bot.....10:53
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opencancan I delete KDE?10:53
PriceyUbunter, firefox, pidgin, nautilus, katapult, tty1, tty2, grub.....10:53
Techgurleallik, might be an ati bug10:53
CocodudeAw, is there noone here that uses an initrd, has a 64 bit system and uses LVM?10:53
UbunterPricey, Main Menu10:53
benn92647i never abuse ubotu-i love ubotu (he's a real person)10:53
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reizen1opencan: I have done this before but you have to remove the kde packages you don't want by hand using synaptic, but you have to be careful not to remove something you need accidently10:53
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lekremyelsewi was tring to install adobe reader the other day and it didnt work, and now every time i try to install anthing i get "E: The package adobereader-enu needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."10:54
Priceybenn92647, lets please stop the offtopic chatter.10:54
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Priceybenn92647, continue in #ubuntu-offtopic if you so wish10:54
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eallikTechgurl: but Desktop Effects (Compiz) runs smooth enough10:54
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opencan reizen, is there anything that can tell me whats OK to delete?10:54
benn92647well i had a question but it got answered..so i was just hanging outto see if anything came along i could help with10:54
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_MattBanyone know where i can find example configuration files for BIND where you have a domain and sub-domain (foo.com and bar.foo.com for example)10:55
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lekremyelsewcan anyone help me?10:55
reizen1opencan: when you choose a package to remove it should also tell you what else will be removed with it when you click apply10:55
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Techgurleallik, try turning off desktop effects and see if that helps performance10:55
hashfreakhow to talk with german poeple hier ?10:55
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opencanthanks :)10:55
Pricey!de | hashfreak10:56
ubotuhashfreak: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:56
Jack_Sparrowopencan: You can burn /var/cache/apt/archives to a disc to free up some room10:56
benn92647lekremyelsew: its best to just ask your question10:56
lekremyelsewi did10:56
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Ubunterwhat's the package name of GNOME Panel Menubar?10:56
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c0c4c0l4How can i change default file manager in gnome from nautilus to thunar?10:56
PriceyUbunter, gnome-panel ?10:56
benn92647lekremyelsew: make it more precise, like can someone help me with...10:57
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sn00pEverything is working in ubuntu but i'm not sure what video drivers I have installed because I cant go to nvidias driver properties force anybody help me?10:57
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Priceybenn92647, he was pretty precise...10:57
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UbunterPricey,  i need to disable descriptions for gnome-panel10:57
eallikTechgurl: I don't have desktop effects turned on, but I know they're smooth10:57
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lekremyelsewbenn92647 i already said i was tring to install adobe reader the other day and it didnt work, and now every time i try to install anthing i get "E: The package adobereader-enu needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."10:57
benn92647i must have missed it10:57
Priceylekremyelsew, where have you tied to install this from?10:57
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eallikTechgurl: besides, for instance, window resizing is equally VERY slow both with and without effects10:58
lekremyelsewbenn92647 apt-get and synaptic10:58
bjameshi all, I've got a terminal window open in Ubuntu 7.04 and I unselected "Show Menubar", now I can't get it back10:58
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UbunterPricey,  i need to disable descriptions for gnome-panel... please tell me how to do that10:58
bjamesI've tried Alt+keys10:58
benn92647lekremyelsew: sorry i didnt see that...haveyou tried to remove it completely?10:58
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Priceylekremyelsew, sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get -f install10:58
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Jack_Sparrowlekremyelsew: I use kpdf to read those...10:58
PriceyUbunter, I would guess the option is in gconf somewhere10:58
nickrudlekremyelsew, you can try sudo dpkg -r --force-reinstreq adobereader-enu10:59
Techgurleallik, are you running at a high resolution?10:59
eallikTechgurl: 1400x105010:59
gh0sty2kquick question folks, when i tar, im doing tar cvpf /root/lampp.tar /opt/ --exclude /opt/lampp/logs/ why is it still processing the logs folder and files?10:59
Badpenguin86My friend is using a broadcom wireless, but has an invalid access point.. is there a way to fix this?\10:59
nickrudlekremyelsew, after trying Pricey's10:59
David-Abjames: does right-click work?10:59
CocodudeOK, new question people. Is k3b on the Ubuntu Install/Live CD?10:59
PriceyUbunter, start "gconf-editor"10:59
scipiobjames: alt+V10:59
UbunterPricey, please find it and tell me the name of the string i need to change10:59
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Cocodude(k3b or any other DVD burner)10:59
Techgurleallik, I don't use ATI but it sounds related10:59
Jack_Sparrowc0c4c0l4: I just installed thunar... kinda nice... not as bloated as nautilus10:59
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lekremyelsewi want to get rid of it completely10:59
PriceyUbunter, then browse to apps > panel > global10:59
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PriceyUbunter, then uncheck the "tooltips_enabled" checkbox11:00
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Badpenguin86My friend is using a broadcom wireless, but has an invalid access point.. is there a way to fix this?11:00
eallikTechgurl: so you still think it's graphics related? beucase for me it doesn't make sense because it's just plain flat 2D11:00
PriceyUbunter, and a "please" wouldn't have gone amiss. Please remember I don't have to help you, so please be polite to anyone that does :)11:00
Opencan_hi again11:00
scipioCocodude: it's in the repos. you can get it with synaptic or add/remove programs11:00
=== HellDragon [n=Nocebo@unaffiliated/helldragon] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudlekremyelsew, if you can get it installed properly, then you can uninstall it cleanly.11:00
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jribgh0sty2k: tried placing the  --exclude /opt/lampp/logs  before the pathnames?11:00
Cocodudescipio: I need to know whether I can access it using the live CD unfortunately.11:00
gh0sty2kill try now11:00
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lekremyelsewnickrud which is what i am trying to do11:01
Opencan_reizen, i've tried to get ubuntu-desktop by the command "sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop" and he didn't find it11:01
Cocodudescipio: I've deleted /boot/* and have an idea on how to get it back (reinstall Ubuntu onto my swap, but I need to burn the Ubuntu CD/DVD first)11:01
=== adnans [n=adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
dfletcherin this ubuntu build of xchat, is there any way to enable the user list as a pane on the right instead of the popup thing?11:01
nickrudlekremyelsew, have you tried the apt-get update && apt-get -f install yet?11:01
gh0sty2kstill the same11:01
UbunterPricey, do i need to restart my computer now?11:01
Priceydfletcher, use xchat instead of xchat-gnome11:01
scipioCocodude: i see. give me a second11:01
PriceyUbunter, killall gnome-panel11:01
AzalynI'm trying to understand the fakeraid howto on the ubuntu site. The first step mentions to "boot the cd and select either 'Start' or 'Install Ubuntu'", but I don't see a "Start" option...11:01
dfletcherPricey: thanks11:02
PriceyUbunter, it will then restart fine and hopefully without tooltips11:02
AzalynI see "Install Ubuntu to the hard disk"11:02
benn92647lekremmyelsew: i think to remvoe something completely you do sudo aptitude purge "name of item" you have to know what it is or it wont remove it...after that then you just reinstall it11:02
Azalynand "Rescue another system"11:02
Jack_SparrowOpencan_: ap-get install ...11:02
PriceyUbunter, has that worked?11:02
Azalynand "check cd rom"11:02
Jack_SparrowOpencan_: apt-get install ...11:02
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lekremyelsewnickrud i get the same error11:02
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jribgh0sty2k: try a * at the end of your pattern11:02
Cocodudescipio: OK, ta11:02
lekremyelsewand it wont let me unisntall it either11:02
nickrudlekremyelsew, then try the sudo dpkg -r --force-reinstreq adobereader-enu11:02
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Opencan_thanks jackie :D11:02
UbunterPricey, it didn't11:02
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UbunterPricey, maybe i need to restart11:03
Opencan_"couldn't find package"11:03
lekremyelsewnickrud unknown option reinstreq11:03
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Opencan_should I add any repository?11:03
PriceyUbunter, and you're sure you unchecked it and closed gconf-editor11:03
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Jack_SparrowOpencan_: have you changed any sources/repos   have you apt-get update since?11:03
UbunterPricey, i did yes11:03
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UbunterPricey, then i typed killall gnome-panel into console11:04
Cocodudescipio: Oooh, I just found a Knoppix DVD that has it all, that'll do. Thanks anyway :)11:04
Opencan_I can't recall changing anything like that. I've added the Kubuntu DVD and thats it11:04
PriceyUbunter, I don't know then sorry.11:04
Opencan_should i apt-get update?11:04
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PanicByteOpencan_, if you having a hard time using apt-get try synaptic11:04
Jack_SparrowOpencan_: Wouldnt hurt... let me go find ubuntu desktop..11:04
scipioCocodude: oh great11:04
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Opencan_panic, couldn't find it with Adept :X11:05
Badpenguin86My friend is using a broadcom wireless, but has an invalid access point.. is there a way to fix this?11:05
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baastruphey there, im looking for a way to move 40gb of data, with resume support, so if the connection is lost i can resume, can anyone help me out here11:05
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Opencan_it updates11:05
=== Opencan_ will be right back ;0
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gadgeramahi all11:06
Jack_SparrowOpencan_: It comes up in synaptic, I have not added any repo other that multiverse and universe11:06
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Opencan_it needed an update first, it works now11:06
David-Abaastrup: rsync?11:06
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Opencan_thanks reizen1, jackie and PanicByte :D11:07
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stefg!rsany | baastrup11:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rsany - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:07
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stefg!rsync | baastrup11:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rsync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:07
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jribgh0sty2k: hmm, I see the syntax is supposed to be:  --exclude=PATTERN   do you have the  = ?11:07
alecwhIs there a GTK application for testing regular expressions? I'm a software developer, and I'd love an app like this...11:07
baastrupstefg, thx i will take a look on that11:08
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nick_hey all11:08
UbunterPricey, i did it!11:08
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DarxusI have 14gb of photos I want to back up onto DVDs.  Anybody know how to get mkisofs (or anything else) to automatically split the files into DVDR sized images?11:09
nickrudlekremyelsew, didn't abandon you, the boss called.11:10
nickrudlekremyelsew, how'd it go?11:10
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nickrudlekremyelsew, I just scrolled back. a sec.11:10
lekremyelsewnickrud still doesnt work, is there a way to manually uninstall it11:10
jrib!who | gh0sty2k11:11
ubotugh0sty2k: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:11
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UbunterPricey, i had to set that setting as default and then type killall gnome-panel into console -- and now the descriptions are gone!!11:11
UbunterPricey, thank you!11:11
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nickrudlekremyelsew, sorry, I got the option wrong (shouldn't depend on memory for little used options): try again, with  sudo dpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq adobereader-enu11:11
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nickrudlekremyelsew, be back in a couple minutes11:12
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scipioDarxus: try kdar11:12
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dfletchernow how am I supposed to get any work done with these amazing desktop effects. I just keep wobbling windows and switching desktops... :P11:13
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lekremyelsewnickrud, thx it worked11:14
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PanicBytedoes anyone know how to disable the macromedia flash supercookie?11:15
gh0sty2ksorry folks, sorted it11:15
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Unicorn13Hi All, is there a more complete HCL?11:16
Grungebunnyspaceman did you have a DUI or something?11:16
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magnetronby using gnash instead?11:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x11vnc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:20
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wormsSomebody speak french ??11:21
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magnetron!fr | worms11:21
ubotuworms: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:21
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pikohnI know it's you11:22
wormsmagnetron: i've found nothing on ubuntu.fr11:22
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pikohnno idea11:22
magnetronworms: /join #ubuntu-fr11:22
pikohnyou call yourself that11:23
pikohnyou are monsters11:23
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pikohnyou truly believe what comes around goes around11:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about liveusb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:23
pikohnif thats the case then what the hell is going to happen to you11:23
whazilla!learn liveusb11:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about learn liveusb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:23
pikohnbecause you a rich and i am poor11:24
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whazillapikohn:  ???11:24
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Jack_Sparrowwhazilla: google ubuntu on usb or linux on usb11:24
whazillaim as poor as anybody ;)11:24
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Red_EepsI don't know what is your problem pikohn, but you should leave and return when you are in the mood to help.11:24
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whazillaJack_Sparrow:  i have it thkx11:24
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Red_EepsI don't know what is your problem pikohn, but you should leave and return when you are in the mood to help.11:25
whazillawas just trying to see wheter the bot has it11:25
mattgyver83anybody using x11vnc?11:25
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Jack_Sparrowwhazilla: It has the info in with general installation options11:25
whazillaJack_Sparrow: can i add content to bot ?11:25
holycowfeisty is 7.07 right?11:25
Shrimpy_7.04 holycow11:25
whazillai have found a good link :)11:25
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keitocan anyone point me in the direction of a linux music software room?11:26
holycowthank you kindly dudes and dudettes, as the case may be11:26
keitoI need info11:26
whazillau install with livecd ur own version for liveusb11:26
Jack_Sparrowwhazilla: Ask an op about submitting it... I have a few myself11:26
Shrimpy_holycow: you're welcome11:26
whazillaso my finally i can load my hdd kernel modules :)11:26
pikohnYou probably think that is a complement11:26
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whazillaJack_Sparrow: who s the op ?11:26
Red_Eepskeito, what you need ?11:26
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Jack_Sparrowpricechild is here11:27
Jack_Sparrowwhazilla: many others.. but best not to disturb them with an ops call11:27
whazillaJack_Sparrow:  http://blog.guillermoamaral.com/2007/05/22/gentoo-20070-liveusb/  >> get this added11:27
whazillaas Liveusb11:27
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whazillaor put it on wiki :)11:27
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whazillai have to try it out now lol11:27
Jack_Sparrowwhazilla: Ok.. cya11:27
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keitoRed_Eeps: well I have rosegarden and ardour amonst other apss but I really need some guidance.  I'm used to cubase 24/32/sx/sx2/sx3 and using vst as my soundcard has no onboard midi sounds.11:28
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keitoRed_Eeps: I have used hydrogen for drum creation and like ardour for audio control but I want to start working on the synths!!!!11:28
Red_Eepskeito, not my department, but you at least asked the question and perhaps someone will help you. Hang in there.11:29
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pikohn  You're going to kick me11:29
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pikohnwhat else is new11:29
RedragonXhey guys11:29
keitoRed_Eeps: can people look back at irc conversation (like way back) or do I have to *keep* asking?11:29
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genefitzKeito, I have been trying to use ardour, but I keep getting jack errors11:30
=== keito knows nothing about irc
RedragonXi need help with blank window frames11:30
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keitoI can use ardour and jack fine11:30
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keitoRed_Eeps: what leads to the error11:30
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pikohnWhat book are you reading11:30
keitoRed_Eeps: you start jack first and have all the necessary bits?11:30
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b_9filloy, the command didn't give me handles on the windows11:30
keitopikohn: FYI - Ludmillas Broken English11:31
ubotuubuntustudio is a site for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best parts of Audio/Graphical/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories, and extra! Available at http://www.ubuntustudio.com. Or visit #ubuntustudio.11:31
RedragonXcan any one help me11:31
b_9maybe I have something conflicting in my xorg.conf?11:31
pikohnIts a bull11:31
stefg!ubuntustudio | keito11:31
ubotukeito: please see above11:31
keitoubotu: already looked into it11:31
Jack_Sparrowubuntu studio link is down atm11:31
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keitoubotu: it's the vst part I'm interested in (or the equivalent) and how to intergrate it with rosegarden/ardour11:32
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P_KableHi there11:33
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PriceChildJack_Sparrow, http://ubuntustudio.tv/11:33
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keitogenefitz: what errors11:33
pikohni guess that's what you meant when you said my dad is retired11:33
Jack_SparrowPriceChild: thanks...  just pointing out the link he just gave was down11:33
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Badpenguin86My friend has a broadcom wireless and get "access point invalid" when I enter iwconfig. Any idea11:34
ubotuubuntustudio aliases: ubuntu-studio, ubuntu studio, studio - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 00:13:4011:34
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=== keito is talking to a bot. oh dear
stefgkeito: ubotu is abot, and you should type /j #ubuntustudio and ask there11:34
Jack_SparrowBadpenguin86: How did he install the driver.. and what driver did he use?11:34
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RedragonXi need help..11:34
P_KableMy provider blocks port 25 (COX) so far I used evolution to receive/class/organise my mail, and a webmail interface to send mails ... I really expect to centralize everything in one single client such as evolution or thunderbird ... someone here knows how to set this up ?11:34
keitostefg: cheers11:34
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pikohnjust another nig11:35
PriceChild!no ubuntustudio is <reply> UbuntuStudio is a site for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best parts of Audio/Graphical/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories, and extra! Available at http://ubuntustudio.tv Or visit #ubuntustudio.11:35
ubotuI'll remember that PriceChild11:35
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PriceChildJack_Sparrow, that's fixed for next time :)11:35
pikohnyou are so stupid11:35
pikohncalling this a game11:35
keitoRedragonX: what do you mean Black Window Frames?  what do you need help with (getting them?)11:35
Jack_SparrowGreat.. thanks11:35
RedragonXi mean11:35
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Jack_Sparrowpikohn: Please keep on topic....11:35
keitodoes anyone know how to turn off the typing method overwrite and get back to insert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:35
Shrimpy_Badpenguin86: for a broadcom drive. you should get bcm43xx-fwcutter(you can get it through synaptic) or ndiswrapper11:35
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RedragonXdo u need a screen shot its hard to explain11:36
Jack_Sparrowkeito: hit the insert key11:36
xeerso i installed ubuntu with the LAMP option, where is apache/mysql/php installed at?11:36
keitoJack_Sparrow: ty. does that work for most software? (bluefish for instance)11:36
filloyi dont have sound with my Creative Live! 5.1. I muted the external amplifier in alsamixer because it prevents the sound card to work, but i cant find any other reason for why its not working :(11:36
nickrudxeer, all over the place :) /var/www is where you put your web pages, though11:37
Jack_Sparrowkeito: It is a keyboard toggle.. should work in most anything11:37
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xeernickrud: right, but i'm trying to reinstall php so i can enable xslt11:37
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keitoJack_Sparrow: you learn something new EVERYDAY11:37
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=== keito feels enlightened
Jack_SparrowIf only I was sure I was right..11:38
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keitoRedragonX: go on. lets not beat around the bush11:38
T3hMikeyAnyone know how to add screen resolutions? My monitor's a widescreen, and Ubuntu doesn't seem to have any widescreen resolutions11:38
keitoRedragonX: ;0)11:38
Shrimpy_IndyGunFreak: ahoy there, long time11:38
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:38
RedragonXi pm u11:38
xeeri'm running 2560x1600 on feisty11:38
keitoT3hMikey: edit the xorg.conf for you card (if it works) as far as I'm aware11:38
IndyGunFreakShrimpy_: yes it has been... where'd you disappear to.11:38
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whazillahi Jack_Sparrow from livecd :)11:39
nickrudxeer, I think you'd only need to install php5-xsl11:39
Jack_Sparrowwhazilla: Great...11:39
whazillanow making bootable LiveUsb11:39
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RedragonXkeito pm me plz11:39
xeernickrud, i wasn't aware of that package.. hrm11:39
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whazillaso i can reconfigure kernel to autodetect my hdd :)11:39
nickrudxeer, do aptitude search ^php5 , php5's split out in a bunch of packages11:39
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Shrimpy_IndyGunFreak: well just stoped showing up with problems lol.  but i've been fixing and installin on other boxes for fun11:40
keitoT3hMikey: the section goes......"Section "Screen"11:40
keitoIdentifier"Default Screen"11:40
keitoDevice"ATI Technologies Inc R420 JP [Radeon X800XT] "11:40
keitoSubSection "Display"11:40
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keitoModes"1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"......."11:40
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IndyGunFreakShrimpy_: same here... but i still hang out here a lot11:40
Jack_Sparrowkeito: Please Stop11:40
IndyGunFreak!paste | kei11:40
ubotukei: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:40
=== Drk_Guy [n=german@unaffiliated/drkguy/x-286837] has joined #Ubuntu
IndyGunFreaksome people just never listen no matter how ofte you tell them to paste.11:41
Shrimpy_IndyGunFreak: yeah. i think i am going to start hanging out more here. and try and help since i've been helped so much11:41
IndyGunFreakShrimpy_: yeah... once youv'e got a grasp on things, its easy to help people w/ the basics.11:41
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IndyGunFreakShrimpy_: and you'll learn a lot watching others solve more complex problems11:42
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GrungebunnyI hang out here to try to understand half the questions asked.. most time im left confuzzled. ha11:42
SkryptOk, I'm about to pull my hair out... How the hell do I install wpa_supplicant for a wired network?!?! http://www.stevens.edu/itwiki/cgi-bin/wiki/index.php?title=Linux_802.1x I'm using this tutorial but have no idea how to create a .confg file and blahblahblah. Please, someone save me before I give up on getting linux onto the internet at college.11:42
Skryptk thanks. lol11:42
Badpenguin86is there a command to just clear anything that has been edited about a wireless connection?11:42
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xeernickrud, once installed should i load the module in php.ini?11:43
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mattgyver83Does anyone here use x11vnc?11:43
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IndyGunFreakmattgyver83: negative.. what is it?11:43
bulmerSkrypt: umm W on the WPA is about wirelesss?11:44
thecrosshello,  i accidentally removed my wireless network monitor from the panel, any idea how I can it back.  I assume I need to create a custom application launcher. but I have no idea where to look for the application.11:44
Shrimpy_IndyGunFreak: yeah i hope so11:44
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PriceChildthecross, nm-applet ?11:44
RedragonXcan someone help me with blank as in "gone" window frames11:44
nickrudxeer, no, ubuntu uses /etc/php5/conf.d to track how to build the php.ini file; each package will drop the required lines into that directory and be automagically recognized11:44
thecrossPriceChild: ill try that11:44
mattgyver83IndyGunFreak; It allows you to view display:0 on a VNC connection, for true remote control11:44
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Jack_SparrowSkrypt: Where did you get hung up?11:44
IndyGunFreakmattgyver83: i see11:45
thecrossPriceChild: no, not that one11:45
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PriceChildthecross, right click add to panel, then add it from there?11:45
thecrossPriceChild: That is just general network, I want the wireless monitor11:45
scipioRedragonX: if you are using beryl try "reload window decorator"11:45
SkryptJack_Sparrow: I have NO IDEA how to create a .config file or build the stuff to compile anything11:45
Jack_SparrowSkrypt: Did you click the link that says download "This config file" then save it to your desktop11:45
thecrossPriceChild: Yeah I know that, I just dont know what application is actually monitoring my wireless network11:46
Grungebunnyskrypt gedit ?11:46
IndyGunFreakwoops.. gotta run Shrimpy_  see ya around.11:46
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Jack_SparrowSkrypt: HAve you used synaptic to install wpa-supplicant11:46
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RedragonXthat didnt work11:46
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Shrimpy_IndyGunFreak: see ya later!!!11:46
holycowbah, i forgot how to change the keyboard, i think this is in canadian french mode .. how do i change the locale again to change the kb layout?11:46
GInwow, google desktop search is so handy. glad they have it for Ubuntu :-)11:47
SkryptJack_Sparrow: where is that download? And I can't use synaptic because I don't have internet on that computer.11:47
Ghismoguys i've seen in my installed package list..and there's compiz but i can't run it11:47
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Jack_SparrowSkrypt: Ok.. so we need to back up a step...11:47
RedragonXthat wont work11:47
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Jack_SparrowSkrypt: Did you download the config file they offer you?11:47
angryogreDoes anyone know of a good assembly language for 7.0411:48
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Skryptthe wpa_supplicant.wired.conf? yes.11:48
Ghismohow i can run compiz11:48
Skryptghismo try #ubuntu-effects11:48
Skryptbut compiz --replace should work11:49
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erUSULGhismo: if you have 3d support just go to System>Preferences>Desktop Effects and enable them11:49
Jack_SparrowSkrypt: This page says it has the latest stable release..http://hostap.epitest.fi/wpa_supplicant/   ... but let me check the repos...11:49
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mattgyver83For some reason new windows are opening behind existing windows.... i was messing in Beryl earlier but does anyone know either what option i would have screwed with, or how to fix that?11:50
Azalyncan the ubuntu 'desktop' installer be used to install the server base system? like from the online repositories or something?11:50
Jack_SparrowSkrypt: You will need that get all of this over to the machine without internet...11:50
RedragonXcan someone help me with a bug11:50
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Ghismoit says that composite extension is not available11:50
SkryptJack_Sparrow: I'm using a flash drive for this11:50
AzalynI'm reading through this howto to get fakeraid working.. they mention at one point that you can do "apt-get install ubuntu-server"11:50
Azalynor something.11:50
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PriceChild!someone | RedragonX11:51
ubotuRedragonX: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:51
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Grungebunnyghismo did you install compiz yet?11:52
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SkryptJack_Sparrow: Here's what I've done so far. I downloaded wpa_supplicant.wired.conf to /etc/ and put in my username/pw. I downloaded 802wired.sh to /home/skrypt/.11:52
RedragonXi am trying that11:52
Ghismoyes i have it on installed package list11:52
Jack_SparrowSkrypt: So now we need to get you the wpasupplicant from the repo11:52
SkryptI've downloaded wpa_supplicant-.0.5.8.tar.gz and unpacked it. I replaced the wpa_supplicant.conf with my universities offered wpa_supplicant.conf11:52
RedragonXi have gone windows frames11:52
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greyfrogwhat is the command to set uuid on a disk again?11:53
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RedragonX can somebody help me with gone window frames11:54
Jack_SparrowSkrypt: This will take a minute as I need to get a list of the dependencies for it as well11:54
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Skryptnp mate, thanks in advance11:54
Jack_SparrowSkrypt: Do you have access to a ubuntu machine with internet?11:54
SkryptRedragonX, what window manager? compiz? compiz-fusion?11:54
nickrudgreyfrog, blkid tells what the uuid is11:54
dragonphyreAnybody know anything about a GUI for the whole pairing shenanigans with Bluetooth?11:54
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SkryptJack_Sparrow, no11:54
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Jack_SparrowSkrypt: Let me see what I can do here..11:54
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greyfrognickrud, thanks, I'll check that out11:55
RedragonX every window manger that has effect11:55
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SkryptRedragonX, that doesn't help. Is it a clean install of Ubuntu or did you change the effects managers?11:55
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RedragonXi am using metacity for now since11:55
kane77what movie player can play .mov files, can have playlist and be able to bookmark the position in playlist?11:55
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RedragonXclean with lastest nvidia drivers11:56
SkryptRedragonX, try metacity --replace11:56
scipioRedragonX: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2845487&postcount=5  if that doesn't work continue searching the forums for "missing borders" there are tens of posts with this problem with various fixes.11:56
SkryptRedragonX, follow what scipio said. if that doesn't work, ask in #ubuntu-effects11:56
RedragonXmetacity replace?11:56
RedragonXok thanks11:57
RedragonXlet me check11:57
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nickruddragonphyre, haven't tried it myself, but gnome-bluetooth is a gui in the repos11:57
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Jack_SparrowSkrypt: Can you join me in #Voyager for a minute....11:58
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ShaddoxHello everyone. Is a PCI Express video card able to be used on an AGP motherboard?11:59
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Jack_SparrowSkrypt: Did I lose you11:59
tonyyarussoShaddox: I believe not.  #hardware would know for sure.11:59
scipioShaddox: if you don't have a pci slot i don't think so11:59
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kane77Shaddox, i'd say no.. I haven't tried it...11:59
greyfrognickrud, strictly FYI (thanks for the help)...  to set uuid's, use tune2fs12:00
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ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE12:00
nickrudgreyfrog, ah, thanks. Didn't know they were adjustable. Wished I'd known that earlier when I was setting up grub for other os's. Thanks12:00
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kane77hmm.. can any video player save its state in playlist and continue from there?12:01
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angasuleholy crapamoli, there is no GUI to set up a pppoe connection?12:01
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tonyyarusso!pppoe | angasule12:01
ubotuangasule: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE12:01
angasuletonyyarusso: did you *read* that? it uses the terminal12:02
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stefgangasule: pppoeconf has a gui... an ncurses gui :-)12:02
tonyyarussoangasule: You may have to for that type.12:02
dragonphyrenickrud - That has nothing for pairing devices. There is no 'my bluetooth places' or it's equivilent on Linux... everything seems like it has to be used through the command line. and that's annoying.12:02
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angasuletonyyarusso: don't know where you live, but here every single broadband ISP uses pppoe12:02

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