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chibiacethere have been packages being updated in the gutsy repos right? my package manager is saying there are 0 updates02:03
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gnomefreakchibiace: yes02:03
chibiacei'll have a look on launchpad02:04
gnomefreakchibiace: what does uname -r output02:04
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chibiacegnomefreak: im using .22-9 generic02:14
Kousotuanyone knowhow to remove a touchpad? (ie make it never work again on Ubuntu)02:15
chibiaceKousotu: removing it from xorg.conf?02:15
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KousotuI did02:15
chibiaceblacklist the module?02:15
Kousotuthe entire section is gone02:15
KousotuI don;t know how to02:16
Kousotuand I'm on windowsright now02:16
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puccahi everyone02:16
Kousotumy ext3 driver isn't working :(02:16
puccaKousotu hi there...having problems with ubuntu :o...02:17
puccaDoes somebody knows if Gutsy Tribe 5cd is available for download?02:18
gnomefreakchibiace: you dont have the latest kernel it looks like02:19
nosrednaekimpucca: not yet I don't think... soon though02:19
chibiacegnomefreak: and it cant find any updates. i know02:19
gnomefreakchibiace: try a different mirror like gb.archive.ubuntu.....02:20
gnomefreakgb seems to be up to date afaict02:20
puccanosrednaekim humn...what a shame...as it is supposed to be out on the 23rd (today), I thought i'd start downloading from now...lol02:20
nosrednaekimwell... I know the Kubuntu one isn't... maybe the Ubuntu one is..02:20
puccahaving some mad problems with compiz fusion in gutsy gibbon02:21
puccanosrednaekim is there a website I can go to check if its available, cause, googling gives back way too many links02:21
nosrednaekimdunno.. I check the kubuntu front page.02:22
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Kousotupucca: just a minor one02:26
Kousotupucca: the one I hte most, touchpa02:26
Kousotuchibiace: how do I blacklist it? my ext3 wants to work today02:26
chibiaceKousotu: do you know what the touchpad module is called? you put that in a file, should be in /etc somewhere with blacklist in the name i think02:28
chibiacegnomefreak: yes a mirror problem02:28
chibiacegnomefreak: excellent02:28
Kousotuchibiace: I don't know what its called02:28
Kousotuchibiace: lemme boot up fedora and get the name02:29
chibiaceKousotu: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist02:29
chibiaceKousotu: sounds dodgy that the touchpad would stuff up your ext3 driver which should be in the kernel02:29
Kousotuchibiace: I'm on WINDOWS02:30
chibiaceuh perhaps there is another issue?02:30
Kousotuthe windows driver for ext3doesn't alays work02:30
Kousotuno, it's just the touchpad, I want it disabled02:31
KousotuI hate touchpads02:31
chibiaceoh lol02:31
nosrednaekimKousotu: is there a button on your laptop for it? like fn+ something?02:31
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KousotuI would have found that by now :(02:32
chibiaceKousotu: you could always physically remove it02:32
KousotuIm not opening up my laptop02:33
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nosrednaekimchibiace: lol I id that once.. the touchpad was broken and was interfering with the mouse.02:34
nosrednaekimchopping a few wires did the trick :)02:34
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chibiacenosrednaekim: didnt it have a plug ?02:35
nosrednaekimnope... it was pretty old.02:35
Kousotuchibiace: lemme boot my virtual fedora, and see if I can make that work02:35
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Kousotuchibiace: can we wok from that, and then apply it to Ubuntu?02:36
chibiaceKousotu: if you want02:37
Kousotuok, lemme load Fedora02:37
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Kousotuchibiace: any idea what "SELinux" is?02:39
RAOFSecurity Enhanced Linux.02:40
nosrednaekim"Security enhanced" developed by the NSA02:40
ArwenSELinux is a bunch of rules governing executables based on extended filesystem attributes (going by memory here)02:40
RAOFAFAIK it requires a fair amount of setup in Ubuntu before it works.02:41
Arwenit's not at all easy to use02:41
RAOFAnd it gave fedora people *huge* headaches when they turned it on.02:41
RAOFBut I think that's now fixed, pretty much.02:41
KousotuRAOF: yes, I have heard that too, and seen how to do it02:41
RAOFWe've got AppArmour installed & enabled at the moment, which is a simpler (but technically inferior, from what I've read) system for the same sort of thing.02:43
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Kousotuthere we go lol02:44
Kousotuchibiace: ok, fedora is loaded02:45
Kousotunow what?02:45
=== Kousotu waits for help now
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kibafirefox seem to be really slow in connecting and looking up stuff02:54
kibawhy is this?02:54
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv402:55
DanaGThat's one possibility.02:55
Kousotukiba: how long have you had the OS running?02:56
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kibaKousotu: since I brought and set up the computer03:18
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sidI have a camera built-in to my LCD on my laptop, how can I identify what type it is?03:19
kibaKousotu: ever since I upgrade my system to testing..it alway been slow03:19
Kousotukiba: then you might want o clean th cache03:19
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sparrwish me luck on dist-upgrade from edgy to gutsy03:19
Picisparr: You really shouldnt do that.03:20
sparrwow, fastest failed upgrade ever.03:21
RAOFsparr: Really, really go through Feisty.  Edgy->Fiesty->Gutsy *should* work.  Edgy->Gutsy is totally unsupported.03:21
Kousotucan anyone tell me why my touchpad still works?: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34620/03:21
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PiciKousotu: probably because its mapped to /dev/input/mice?03:23
KousotuPici: can you help me remove it?03:23
Piciremove what?03:23
Kousotumy touchpad03:23
Picihold on, brb03:23
sparrwell, if anyone cares...  dist-upgrade from edgy to gutsy fails completely03:24
Arwenwe don't care :-)03:24
Arwenskipping versions is intentionally not supported03:24
sparrit tries to install conflicting packages.  apt-get thinks that libdevmapper1.02 is both autoremove-able AND essential  :)03:24
RAOFsparr: See point "don't care" :)03:27
RAOFsparr: However, we *do* care if Edgy->Feisty->Gutsy breaks.03:27
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sparri wish ubuntu had something like debian unstable  :(03:28
ggilbertthey do, it's gutsy03:28
sparrthats the only down side to switching distros03:28
sparrubuntu+1 and debian unstable are nothing alike03:28
Arwenyou can permanent unstable by switching to the devel release as soon as it's out o.O03:28
Kousotuwb Pici03:29
sparrdebian unstable is rock solid 99% of the time for 99% of users.  ubuntu+1 is guaranteed to fail for almost anyone until at least a few weeks into the dev cycle03:29
Arweneh? it usually starts working without a glitch for me at the first beta03:29
sparrsure, first beta03:29
RAOFsparr: Indeed.  During the time when we catch up to Debian unstable :)03:30
sparrfirst beta for gutsy is still 5(?) weeks away03:30
PiciKousotu: I'd suggest figuring out what module your touchpad is using and then blacklisting it03:30
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Kousotupci: wel, can you help me with that?03:30
Arwensparr, I suppose. Other than the gdm failure at logout, it works fine here.03:30
ggilbertthe biggest difference is the length of the release cycle. Debian moved at a rather glacial pace, so the breakage was more spread out03:30
Arwenheh, glacial03:31
sparron another topic...  why does ubuntu 'waste' my time with wacom and synaptic entries in xorg.conf by default?  now that i finally have a machine with a wacom input...  it doesnt Just Work.  so whats the point?03:31
Kousotupici: well, can you help me with that?03:31
PiciKousotu: I'm thinking how to get that information03:31
Arwensparr, how so? having the entries is harmless03:32
sparrArwen: having them spams me with errors every time i have to look into the x logs03:33
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Arwenso, do a search and replace or something03:33
Arwenor edit them out03:33
InstabinAre the iso images updated with the new 100.14.11 driver03:33
sparri do edit them out03:33
sparrit seems bad to have (EE) lines in the xorg logs by default for most users03:34
sparrwhen they dont SEEM to help03:34
PiciKousotu: hmm... I'm not sure this is going to work the right way. Could you disable it through your BIOS?03:34
sparri was glad when i saw i had a wacom touchscreen.  "wow, ubuntu supports that out of the box, i know this because ive had to disable those conf lines many times"03:34
sparrand then...  doesnt work03:34
KousotuPici: I doubt it03:34
ggilbertsparr: That's kind of funny03:34
Arwensparr, well, wacom support is dodgy last I checked. You'd be glad if you had a synaptics touchpad though.03:35
KousotuPici: we can experiment in fedora if you want, I don't really care about it03:35
sparrim sure whoever i sell the tablet to will just reformat and install a pirated copy of xp tablet edition anyways...  but it would be nice to have it working in linux03:35
PiciKousotu: I dont feel comfortable doing that.03:35
KousotuPici: either that or jus wai for me to make a virtual Ubuntu03:35
PiciI havent touched fedora in years.03:35
PiciI'd double check your bios though if you really want to disable it.03:36
KousotuPici: o, leme make a virtul ubuntu then03:36
Kousotu(this'll just take a few mins)03:37
PiciI meant your computer's bios, not the virtual machine's bios fyi03:39
Kousotuyes, I know03:41
Kousotubut I doubt the Bios has that option03:41
Kousotuand this way we can ply wih no harm to worry about03:41
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PiciWell I dont think its going to work.  My laptop binds both the trackpad and the nub to psmouse, which probably also controls your external mouse. So blaclisting that might also remove regular mouse functions03:43
KousotuPici: hence the virtual ubuntu03:44
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Picihm... my sound appears to be broken with the new kernel03:54
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Tretlecould someone help me out with a gutsy installation04:02
TretleI have an oem copy of windows on a seperate partition but ubuntu detected it and wouldnt allow me to enter a user name in the installation process04:03
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Tretleso now I cant login because I dont know the username04:03
Kousotutry the windows one04:04
Kousotuin all lowercase04:04
TretleI did, no luck04:04
TretleI dont even understand why it thinks it should do that in the first place04:06
Tretlejust because another os ubuntu is being shared with is an oem doesnt mean that the users control should be taken away04:06
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KousotuTretle: I set it not to, I have my own login04:08
Tretleand where does it give you the option?04:09
KousotuTretle: were you install, mport "to inport non, select none and continue"04:11
CydeSwypehey all.  i've been troubleshooting all day (since the kernel upgrade).  trying to get nvidia back to its working state (so i can run compiz, external monitor, etc).  i've tried using the nvidia-glx-new package...but i think i'm still missing the nvidia kernel04:11
KousotuTretle: can you boot to windows?04:12
Tretleusing windows right now04:12
nosrednaekimCydeSwype: that should be a dependency of the nvidia-glx-new package04:12
KousotuTretle: open disc manager04:13
Tretlein windows04:13
Kousoturight-click "my computer" (compute on Vista) and select manage04:13
CydeSwypenosrednaekim: one would think so...but it doesn't seem to appear in synaptic.  i'm still thinking i may have some goofy sources04:13
KousotuTretle: What windows version are you running?04:14
Tretlegott you so far04:14
nosrednaekimCydeSwype: hmm humm04:14
Kousotuok, wanted to know04:15
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Kousotucause Vista is set up diferently than XP04:16
Tretlewhat should I be trying to do?04:16
Kousotuselect disk management04:16
Tretleget to a partition manager04:16
Kousotuthat's what disk management is04:16
Kousotuselect it04:17
Kousotuit shows (unknown partion,healthy)04:17
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Tretleit shows 3 of them04:18
CydeSwypewhat's that website where i can post a snippet for people to see?  i'll post my sources.list04:18
Tretledo u mean unknown instead of primary?04:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:18
CydeSwypeyeah that thing  ;^)  thanks04:19
Kousotuon the bottom is says Healthy (unknown)04:19
kelsa|martalliWhen I start up, the computer hangs and goes into what I believe is a maintenance shell.  It then gives ream after ream of error messages.  If I kill the udev preocess, then everything is fine....I wonder if it might be looking for some old external drive (this computer has been upgraded since dapper and now is on gutsy)04:19
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kelsa|martalliIs there a way to start off fresh with an new fstab, or am I taking a stab in the wrong direction?04:19
CydeSwypethat's my sources.list04:20
Tretledoesnt show that04:20
Kousotuwhat does it show?04:20
Tretlewhat exactly should I be trying to do? could I do it from gparted?04:21
Kousotuno, you want to remove the ext3 partions and star over04:21
Tretlesystem, boot, page file04:21
Kousotuon XP they come up Healthy ( Unknown partion)04:22
Tretleand it goes on like that in the drive header04:22
TretleI installed vista first and then ubuntu over it if that helps04:22
KousotuTretle: cn you send me a snapshot of the dick maager on VIstapleas?04:22
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nedware all these bugs going to be fixed or just postponed? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/tribe-5/04:23
nedwtribe-5 is tomorrow!04:23
Tretlehave no screenshot app04:23
Kousotutretle: print screen, paste in Paint04:24
Kousotuprint screenis the inbedded snapshot maker for windows04:24
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KousotuPici: hey04:26
PiciKousotu: hmm?04:26
KousotuPici: oh wait.. ubuntu v is still installing lol04:26
Tretlewill I post the screen on pastebin or what?04:26
KousotuPici: sorry, I though tit was done04:26
KousotuTretle: email it lol04:27
kelsa|martalliTretle: post the pic on flickr or something similar04:27
PiciKousotu: You're going to have to ask someone else to help you, I'm going afk for a few hours04:27
PiciKousotu: good luck04:27
KousotuPici: darn...04:27
KousotuPici: I'll be here all day ;)04:28
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Kousotudelete the 3 un nammes partions04:32
Kousotuleave C and D aloe04:32
Kousotuthat will remove ubiuntu from your system, and we'll work from there04:33
kelsa|martalliTretle:  By the way, if you ever wanted to do this without Windows (no windows on the computer, etc), you could do it with a livecd such as the gparted livecd04:34
Kousotukelsa|martalli: I've had alot of probelms with Gparted04:34
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Kousotukelsa|martalli: and this is about the easiest wy to do it04:35
kelsa|martalliKousotu:  It has always worked well for me, but I have probably used qtparted more (underlying program is the same however).  OpenBSD munched one of my laptops hard drives, so it has set sort of a low standard =)04:35
Tretlewell up to today I ws using gutsy as my main system for a few months04:36
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kelsa|martalliTretle:  A few months?  You must have installed tribe-104:36
Tretlebut the Im starting a course in advanced networks and software design and the college want the students to use windows04:36
kelsa|martalliI only apt'd up last week (I feel unadventurous now =)04:36
Rexbronhey, any Ubiquity devs in here?04:36
Rexbronbug 13417804:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134178 in ubiquity "[gutsy]  ubiquity crashes with InstallStepError: LanguageApply failed with error 2" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13417804:37
KousotuI felt rather gutsy (no pun intended) and installed Tribe4 alpha for a while04:37
kelsa|martalliIs there any way to start over with a new fstab?  I suppose just deleting the file won't work (like it might with my .gnome directory)04:38
kelsa|martalliMaybe I should rephrase it...if I delete (rename) my fstab file...will my system not boot?04:39
RAOFkelsa|martalli: Yes.  That is correct.04:39
Tretlebefore I go, you dont know why its taking so long to fix the duplicating documents and desktop in the places section of the panel so you?04:40
KousotuTretle: I don't know if his will work, but...04:41
Kousotulok for an EXT3 partion driver for VIsta04:41
Kousotuand then move what you want to keep04:41
Tretleeh.... I could always through a copy of dapper in and use gparted on that04:42
kelsa|martalliHere is my fstab: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34741/  There is an esternal USB drive with several partitions and I think this drive and the fstab has been confusing feisty and more so gutsy (gutsy really won't boot unless I kill the udevd from the maintenance shell)04:42
Tretlei'll give it another go04:43
Tretlethx for the help04:43
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Jordan_Ukelsa|martalli, An external drive shouldn't need to be in your fstab unless it needs to be dealt with in a specific way04:44
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kelsa|martalliJordan_U:  So I could delete/comment out the lines referring to the external drive and see if that helps?04:44
kelsa|martalliThe fstab and the whole install date back to dapper04:45
BotLobstahas anyone else noticed the progress bar on the startup splash screen not working in xubuntu?04:45
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DanaGWow, I installed Gutsy on a system that normally idles at 70 C, and now it's idling at 59.04:45
DanaGThis is a laptop that normally idles at 70 C, and at load can hit 85 or 87.  Oh, and it's an Athlon XP 1400.04:46
DanaGI'm surprised the CPU isn't dead, actually.  I set the hostname to "silicon-oven" to be somewhat clever.04:46
DanaGBut this dynticks really makes a big difference.04:46
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Kousotunp Tretle04:47
DanaGJust one issue with that old laptop: zero battery life.  Batteries are apparently dead.  They go from 0%, charging, to 100%, not charging, and back.  I pulled out the battery for fear of starting a fire, or something.04:47
kelsa|martalliDanaG:  Is that new with gutsy?04:48
DanaGThe battery thing?  Nope, it's there even in Windows.04:48
DanaGI just installed feisty by rebuilding 'instlux' myself, and then using net install.04:48
DanaGs/just/just today/04:49
Jordan_UDanaG, Yeah, I am just disappointed that we won't get the new scheduler for Gutsy04:50
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Jordan_UDanaG, I had a battery balloon to about three times its width, luckily I saw it and took it out of my laptop while it was still just a one cm bulge04:51
Vuenhey guys, is compiz still on by default on the latest testing releases of gutsy?04:51
Jordan_UVuen, Yes04:51
DanaGWhat's the proper way to get rid of dead batteries?04:51
Vuenare they making a whitelist of cards for which it will be enabled by default? and if so, where might one see such a list?04:52
Jordan_UDanaG, Many times the manufacturer will take it for proper disposal04:52
RAOFVuen: No, there's a blacklist of cards that can't work, and then we detect whether or not your driver/card combo can run compiz.04:52
Vuenthat's cool04:52
RAOFVuen: For details, see less $(which compiz) :)04:53
Vuenis everything ati on the blacklist? or have they released drivers that work yet?04:53
KousotuRAOF: can you help me blacklist my touchpad?04:53
RAOFKousotu: No, sorry.04:53
RAOFVuen: No.  The blacklist is currently "nv, vesa, vmware".04:54
Jordan_UVuen, Many older ati cards run CF fine with the open source drivers04:54
DanaGOh yeah, you should see the heatsink on that laptop: it's 1/2 inch tall, 1.5 inches broad, and 1 inch thick (through the fins).04:54
RAOFVuen: The open-source ati drivers run compiz fine, and the fglrx drivers don't provide the necessary features.04:54
DanaGSomebody at HP must've been drunk, or something, when designing that laptop.04:54
Jordan_URAOF, Shouldn't fglrx be on there too, or do they not put it there in case someone installs XGL?04:54
DanaGIt also has a floppy controller AND a spot on the PCB for the ribbon AND a slot on the exterior; however, the slot is covered with a blanking plate due to one oversight:04:55
DanaGIf you put a floppy drive there, it'd occupy the same space as the hard drive.  Oops.04:55
RAOFJordan_U: No.  We only blacklist drivers that die when we try to detect whether they can run compiz.04:55
Vuenah. makes sense04:55
Jordan_URAOF, Ahh, OK04:55
Vuenthat's sweet.04:56
Vuenany news on the kubuntu+compiz front? or is that still a no go?04:56
RAOFSince we can safely detect that fglrx is crap, we don't need to explicitly blacklist it :)04:56
Jordan_URAOF, What is the procedure for detection?04:56
RAOFDunno, ask a Kubuntuite :)04:56
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Vueni'm running kgutsy here, but i don't know whether compiz is on by default :p04:56
Jordan_UVuen, What GFX card do you have?04:57
Vuennvidia 660004:57
kelsa|martalliAhah...I still have the problem, but I discovered this bug report: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg382751.html which is exactly what I have04:57
Vuenno no, i can figure out whether compiz is running...04:57
RAOFJordan_U: Does the driver support: (1) GL_EXT_texture_from_pixmap (detected with glxinfo), (2) Is Composite enabled (detected with xvinfo)04:57
kelsa|martalliThey recommend uninstalling evms04:57
Vueni'm just wondering whether it's by default on a fresh install04:57
kelsa|martalliWithout evms, will I lose access to my external drives?04:58
Jordan_URAOF, I assume xvinfo is where some drivers crash?04:58
Jordan_UVuen, Enable restricted drivers and see :)04:59
Amaranthwhat scheduler?04:59
Amaranthgutsy has CFS04:59
Jordan_UAmaranth, Oh, nvm then :)04:59
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VuenJordan_U: i upgraded from feisty, i won't be able to see05:01
Vuenbesides, i'm already using compiz05:01
Kousotucn someone help me disable mytouchpad?05:01
Vueni'm just wondering whether it's on by default.05:01
Vuenon a fresh install.05:01
Vuenanyway nevermind05:01
Amaranthkubuntu is not getting compiz05:01
Amaranththey're waiting for kde405:01
Amaranthbecause, quite frankly, kwin blows compiz away05:01
Vuenok see that's all i wanted to know05:01
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DanaGOoh, on this snd-via82xx driver, ac97 powersave breaks Gnome.05:02
kelsa|martalliDoes kwin have the cube?05:02
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DanaGI think I should confirm that, and if it's true, that's a big bug.05:03
=== kelsa|martalli loves the cube and loves kde too
CydeSwypethis may be a bit of a newb question....but how do i know if i need nvidia glx, glx-new or glx-legacy?05:04
Jordan_UCydeSwype, Restricted manager should choose the correct one05:04
CydeSwypeJordan_U: cool.  trouble is, i tell the restricted driver manager app to "do the nvidia thing" and it says cool...makes me reboot...but i still come back up with an API mismatch error05:07
Jordan_UCydeSwype, Have you checked for any bugs filed in launchpad?05:08
CydeSwypeyeah...but i'm not really sure what to look for.  nothing comes up for api mismatch05:09
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CydeSwypewhenever i search the bugs on launchpad with just the term "nvidia" i get an error...guess i should report that to the launchpad people05:13
CydeSwypewent that time05:14
CydeSwypenothing blah05:14
CydeSwypehmm...modprobe nvidia should come back with something shouldn't it?05:19
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CydeSwypereboot time brb05:21
Jordan_UCydeSwype, It should output nothing unless there is an error05:21
=== Jordan_U has horrible timing
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DanaGDang, S3 TwisterK: no non-power-of-two textures.05:38
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johnficcaI'm pretty amazed I've not have a problem with gutsy gibbon in like two months05:40
Vueni've had problems05:40
johnficcawhat kind ?05:41
Vuenopen office wouldn't start for about two months05:41
Vuenactually it still won't start05:41
Vuensometimes it shows the splash screen, sometimes it doesn't... either way it doesn't start up05:41
johnficcayou could try downloading it from the web site05:41
Vueni don't use ooffice anyway05:42
Vueni use tex05:42
Jordan_UVuen, Using KDE?05:42
Jordan_UKDE unfortunately tends to not get nearly as much attention as Gnome05:42
Vueni don't really mind, honestly i couldn't care less. if i desperately need to open a .doc, i just use abiword05:42
Vuenbut i write *everything* in tex. lately i've been job searching so my resume, etc all in tex05:43
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Vuenand kile is so awesome05:43
johnficcaI like the new gummy clearlooks theme a lot05:44
Tm_TVuen: I prefer plain txt05:45
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Vuena plain txt resume isn't exactly presentable...05:45
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Tm_TI rather read plain text than overstyled doc05:46
Vuenso would i, but a potential employer wouldn't.05:46
wweaselI am trying to upgrade my Feisty system to Gutsy...passing "update-manager -d" simply gives me an update-manager window telling me there is nothing new to install05:46
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Vuenthey're likely to pass over your resume for something decently typeset.05:46
Vuenwweasel: that's because there isn't. gutsy's not out yet05:46
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wweaselVuen: I know it's ubuntu+1. The wiki said that should work05:47
Tm_TVuen: well, my last "job" liked txt more than doc, styled or not ;)05:47
Vuenah. that's a minority in the real world.05:47
DanaGMmm, 87 celsius... nice and toasty.05:47
CydeSwypeso for anyone interested:  after this morning's update to kernel -10, i rebooted and couldn't get nvidia working (had to switch xorg.conf to nv).  kept getting api mismatch error.  just now, i tried switching to nvidia-glx-new.  that didn't fix it, but when i went to restricted driver manager,and re-enabled nvidia driver (and rebooted) that fixed it05:48
DanaGOh, you need -c -d, not just -d05:48
Tm_TDanaG: Sauna?05:48
DanaGDo saunas get that hot?05:48
CydeSwypeso i guess the re-install of nvidia-glx was what solved it for me05:48
Tm_TDanaG: usually hotter05:48
Tm_TDanaG: if you're in Finland that is05:48
Vuen89 C? where are you???05:48
DanaGIt's a crappy laptop with an all-too-small heatsink.05:49
Tm_TDanaG: just had idea to heat up sauna, I like easy and tender so 90 C is my target05:49
DanaGPicture trying to cool an Athlon XP 1400 with something the size of an eraser (the rubber brick, .5" by .5" by 1" or so).05:49
wweaselDanaG: Still no offer to go to Gutsy with "gksudo 'update-manager -c -d'"05:49
DanaGBefore Gutsy, it would idle at 70, and load at 85 or even 90!05:50
DanaGNow it idles at 60, thanks to dynticks.05:50
Vuenwweasel: i just did sudo sed -i 's/feisty/gutsy/' /etc/apt/sources.list, then apt-get update and dist-upgrade... but the guides don't recommend that05:50
DanaGMy hostname: amaterasu05:51
Tm_TI wonder what temp my cpu is in idle, it's always 100 % busy05:51
Vuenso try at your own risk05:51
VuenTm_T: how come?05:51
Tm_TVuen: BOINC etc05:51
DanaGOn my current non-crappy laptop, I run 2 instances of folding@home, niced to +19.05:51
Tm_Tand compiling, ofcourse05:51
Tm_TI run World Community Grid05:52
Jordan_UDanaG, Why two instances ?05:52
wweaselVuen: alright, screw the guides :) it's a clean install, i'm fed up with trying to backport everything from gutsy into feisty to get my brand new laptop to work. if it's gonna be unstable, i might as well have the latest and greatest05:52
DanaG2 cores on my good laptop.05:52
DanaGBut I'm sending it in for service tomorrow, and the Athlon XP laptop is the least-crappy other one we have.05:52
Vuenwweasel: alright, do you know vi? pop open /etc/apt/sources.list and do :s/feisty/gutsy/g05:52
Vuenwweasel: sorry, make that :%s/feisty/gutsy/g05:52
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Vuensave, then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:53
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wweaselVuen: Just passed your sed command. Time to have fun, see if it works :)05:53
Vueni just typed that off the top of my head, no idea if it will actually work...05:53
Vueni recommend checking your sources.list to make sure it worked05:53
Vuenand comment out any third-party repositories (like wine, compiz, etc) before starting05:53
=== iblicf_ spap pascla
wweaselI did, and it did. And I commented out third parties...I've been meaning to learn how to use sed05:54
Vuenyeah, sed owns all05:54
wweaselVuen: It's working fine. Thanks for the help05:55
DanaGEek, the Metacity theme on the old laptop is different from the Metacity theme on my good laptop.05:56
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DanaGI wonder why that is...05:57
DanaGEek, Deskbar is no longer Deskbar.05:57
DanaGNow it's Desk-button-that-opens-a-window05:58
DanaGAnd doesn't go away on escape.05:58
DanaGAnd every time I type a letter, the window shrinks to the default size.05:58
DanaGTime to go back a few versions.05:59
DanaGHow can I figure out why the Metacity theme is different06:00
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ZombieDoes anyone have a working TV out configuration for an i810?06:11
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CydeSwypeokay, so now that i've got nvidia happy again...my other issue is that sound isn't working06:24
CydeSwypewas working fine before the kernel upgrade this morning06:24
CydeSwypeany ideas?06:24
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CydeSwypei think i got disconnected before my last message went through...06:31
CydeSwypemy last issue is sound:  had sound yesterday, lost it with the kernel upgrade this morning06:32
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randy026can someone help me06:33
Jordan_U!ask | randy02606:33
uboturandy026: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:33
randy026I just updated gusty and my nvidia drivers work compiz is working but now I have no window borders at all? How can I fix this?06:33
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randy026this happend to me last time I installed ubuntu to ... I really would like to switch but this crap happens lol06:35
Jordan_Urandy026, Does it work if you use emerald?06:37
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sparris there a [k] ubuntu packaged kernel with CONFIGURE_TIMER_STATS enabled?06:39
CydeSwypewow...#ubuntu didn't want to answer my question about sound issue.  i know i'm on gutsy and all, but thought it was general enough that they could help06:41
ertris there a quick and easy way to replace words in a text file from the terminal06:42
ertrlet's say i want to change sourclist feisty into gutsy06:42
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martalliertr: You can use sed, but I am not sure the right command06:48
Tm_Tertr: I think some basic commandline guides has examples06:48
martalliertr: I assume you don't want to do it by hand with vi or nanp06:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about commandline - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:48
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:49
martalliI found this link: http://itmission.org/Main/UbuntuSourcesListForFeisty06:49
martalliI believe you could alter that in the obvious manner for feisty to gutsy06:50
ertrmartalli: i could do it one by one with nano i was hoping for a less time consuming solution06:50
SeveredCrosssudo sed -i /etc/apt/sources.list 's/feisty/gutsy/g'06:51
martallithx SeveredCross06:53
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SeveredCrossYou're welcome.06:53
martalliYou may still need to go into the sources.list to make sure the only active repos are the archive.ubuntu ones06:54
martalliow your update-manager -d may fail (mine did, YMMV)06:55
ertrhmmmm doesn't work for me   sed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: `.'06:57
martalliMaybe try "sudo sed -e 's/feisty/gutsy/g' -i /etc/apt/sources.list"06:58
martalli(backup sources.list before playing - standard warning =)06:59
ertrthanks i did martalli06:59
martalliIf I install kde4 out of sheer curiosity and excitement...it will simply be an alternative to kde3, correct?  Or will it cause dependency chaos?07:00
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SeveredCrossYou might end up in dependency hell.07:02
martalliI selected 38 total packages titled kde4* and adept lists no packages to be removed...Hmmmm....maybe I will go for it an see what happens07:03
martalli(home computer->not production, only used for digging and email and the like)07:04
martalliwow - downloading 560M,,,,I hope my / partition can handle that =)07:04
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Amaranthcrap crap crap07:10
Amaranthnvidia-glx-new is 100.14.11 now07:11
Amaranthi guess i'll be installing 9755 manually07:11
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randy026can someone help me? I have no window decorations at all running compiz07:22
snadgeAmaranth: whats wrong with that? :P07:22
snadgeand this whole recent situation of the proprietry drivers splitting up into.. new, not so new and ancient is really annoying07:23
Amaranththank nvidia07:23
Amaranththey keep dropping support for older cards that are still widely in use07:23
Amaranththe 100.14.11 driver hard locks the system when any OpenGL app exits07:23
Amaranthon my machine anyway07:24
Amaranthand many others07:24
randy026I've installed emerald and themes and still no window decorations07:24
snadgedamn.. i think nvidia and ati should really put more effort into distro integration07:25
randy026ATI is no more lol07:25
snadgei dont think its good enough to just release a binary piece of crap.. and expect everyone to know what to do with it07:25
snadgeso we have situations where people try to enable proprietry drivers.. they dont work at all, then you're left in this situation to see if you can try and bodge the drivers in there yourself.. which may, or may not work etc07:26
sparrupgrade to kernel 2.6.22-9-generic broke my wireless network ability.  Just Worked fine in 2.6.20-something (feisty) and 2.6.14-something (edgy)07:27
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snadgemaybe there should be a package for the 9755 nvidia driver?07:30
snadgeif many people have issues with the newer one07:30
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randy026so no one has every had this problem?07:33
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Xemanthhow do i do dist upgrade from feisty to gutsy? Is there wiki for it ?07:34
Xemanthsnadge: what problem ?07:35
SeveredCrossNo window decorations.07:35
SeveredCrossRun emerald --replace from a commandline07:35
Xemanthi've had that problem too, i fixed it... but i don't remember what I did07:35
snadgeXemanth: amaranth was mentioning that OpenGL apps cause X to freeze when exiting?07:36
snadgehard locks system even07:36
Xemanthsnadge: nvidia binary driver ?07:36
randy026SeveredCross, I've already done that07:37
martalliXemanth: To upgrade from feisty to gutsy, run update-manager -d from the command line07:37
Xemanthmartalli: do i need to change sources.list feisty stuff to gutsy ?07:37
SeveredCrossrandy026: And? Any error messages?07:37
martalliI think it will do that itself....You should comment out any repos that are not *archive.ubuntu*07:38
martalliEven the canonical commercial distro07:38
randy026SeveredCross,  it just sits there waiting for me to kill it with no changes what so ever07:38
martalli(of course you should also comment out the repo which must not be named ... if anyone is still using it)07:38
randy026Yes it is... I didint have emerald installed before when this started though...07:39
randy026Then I installed it.. still didnt work so then I installed the themes still didnt work07:40
snadgeXemanth: yes.. 100.14.1107:43
Ayabaraany of you have acrobat reader working in gutsy?07:47
SeveredCrossActually, no,I lied.07:48
SeveredCrossNot installed, never needed it.07:48
AyabaraSeveredCross: what do you use? I've tried getting used to Evince, but it's just not my cup of tea07:49
SeveredCrossI just use Evince. ::shrugs::07:50
=== Ayabara feels picky
Xemanthsnadge: i haven't had any problems with it07:54
Xemanthsnadge: at least with ioquake307:54
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Ayabaraanyone else using acroread instead of evince?08:17
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iblicf_hi guys ,,how to deal with "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" when i use "dist-upgrade" ?08:40
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Xemanthiblicf_: try sudo apt-get -f install08:43
iblicf_Xemanth, ..okay ,thx ,i 'll try it08:44
ZombieDoes anyone have a working TV out configuration for an i810?08:45
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DSpairMorning all...09:00
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DSpairCan anyone offer advice on using displayconfig-gtk to get Multi-Head working under Gutsy?09:00
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=== praecox [i=mati73@borowiak.pl] has joined #ubuntu+1
praecoxhey guys09:18
praecoxI'm using Kubuntu Gutsy09:18
praecoxI have nVidia GeForce 5700 and after my last software upgrade and reboot09:19
praecoxXorg doesn't start properly, log says Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module.09:20
praecoxbut everything worked just fine before I did upgrade.09:20
pvandewyngaerdewhat kernel ?09:20
pvandewyngaerde(uname -a)09:20
praecoxnothing has changed in configuration since last upgrade.09:21
praecoxit's 2.6.22-9-generic09:21
praecoxit's distributed kernel with Kubuntu Gutsy.09:21
praecoxlsmod says nvidia module is loaded...09:21
RAOFthis is odd, since the new kernel is .22-10-generic :)09:22
RAOFpraecox: You're possibly running the nvidia-glx-new drivers?09:22
praecoxRAOF, well, I had some troubles during prior upgrades with that kernel and aptitude suggested removing it as it caused some conflicts there.09:22
praecoxRAOF, yes, exactly.09:23
RAOFBa baw!  New version, and the kernel module is only found in l-r-m...-10 :)09:23
praecoxRAOF, I can try to install new kernel, maybe dependency problems are now fixed.09:23
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RAOFThey are for me.09:23
=== RAOF is running nvidia-glx-new + -10-generic.
praecoxall right then, what package for -10-generic should I try to install then?09:24
RAOFlinux-generic.  That package should pull in all the appropiate fandangles09:25
praecoxany restricted ones?09:25
RAOFYes, it'll pull in those too.09:25
praecoxoh, right. got it.09:25
praecoxthanks. let's wait till installation is complete.09:25
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praecoxall right, got it. reboot.09:27
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praecoxkk, after reboot everything came back to normal. cheers guys.09:31
praecoxRAOF, thanks.09:31
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masterlokiis hplib broken in gusty09:32
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praecoxis there any way I can run Xinerama in XGL?09:37
dariuskaneevening folks... just finished a gutsy install and the new device mapper isnt very descriptive... my fstab is full of /dev/dm-0 ... /dev/dm-5 references with no clue as to which partition or drives those belong to... anyway to find out?09:37
praecox(as Composite doesn't run properly in Gutsy under KDE/Xorg)09:37
RAOFpraecox: ????  Really?09:38
RAOFpraecox: What's composite-broken with the nvidia drivers?09:39
praecoxRAOF, I have no clue, but it simply doesn't work. after running compiz --replace titlebars disappear for a moment, after that everything comes back to normal and he says compiz crashed.09:40
masterlokiHave some problems with my printer is ther anyone that can help me or gudie me though what I need to do to get it working again09:40
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praecoxRAOF, I've got lots of X Error: RenderBadPicture (invalid Picture parameter) 18109:41
=== RAOF blinks.
praecoxRAOF, odd thing is compiz --replace ran from terminal keeps running, but no effects are available. I mean titlebars comes back to normal, application doesn't stop but nothing happens/works.09:42
RAOFpraecox: By "nothing works' what do you mean?  Wobbly windows *aren't* enabled by default.09:42
Amaranthpraecox: if compiz fails to start it load metacity09:43
Amaranththe 'compiz' you're running is actually a shell script09:43
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praecoxRAOF, even if they're enabled, nothing happens.09:43
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Amaranthit does some system checks, tries to start the real compiz, and loads metacity as a fallback09:43
Amaranthso you're getting metacity, not compiz09:43
praecoxAmaranth, good point. so that's what happened here.09:44
shirishRAOF: how do I do xrandr , my screen is too large & I can't get the drop-down menu09:44
praecoxAmaranth, anyway, compiz shell script keeps running.09:44
praecoxAmaranth, any ideas what can be done to run it successfully?09:44
Amaranthif you're getting that error trying to start it, no09:45
praecoxAmaranth, I have already run compiz properly in XGL, but want it in my normal, daily environment. (as I can't get XGL to work with Xinerama)09:45
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praecoxAmaranth, is it a bug? should I fill in some forms?09:45
praecoxyes, nvidia.09:46
Amaranthi wouldn't bother09:46
shirishAmaranth: I want to have a bigger resolution, how can I do that, its an i845 GE/GV chipset . I used Display to change resolutions but can't see the menu now09:46
praecoxGeForce 5700 in exact.09:46
praecoxSegmentation fault (core dumped)09:46
Amaranthif you file a bug against compiz i'll move it to nvidia and it'll sit there forever since no one except nvidia can work on it09:46
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praecoxit's after my last X Error: RenderBadPicture (invalid Picture parameter) 181 entry.09:46
Amaranthshirish: can't see what menu?09:46
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Amaranthpraecox: sign up for the nvnews forums and complain in there09:47
RAOFpraecox: Another option may be to use the nvidia-glx, rather than nvidia-glx-new package.09:47
leo_rockwhello everyone09:47
Amaranthi know09:47
Amaranthpraecox: sudo vim /usr/bin/compiz09:47
praecoxRAOF, I believe I have already tried it some day as Amaranth has advised.09:47
RAOFpraecox: You'd need to manually remove the /lib/linux-restricted-modules/.nvidia_new_installed file.09:47
Amaranthpraecox: change INDIRECT=1 to INDIRECT=009:47
AyabaraI dist-upgraded and rebooted now, and my networking didn't come up properly by itself09:47
Ayabarahad to do a "/etc/init.d/networking restart" for things to work09:48
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praecoxAmaranth, ok, changed it. anything else?09:48
Amaranthtry to start compiz again09:48
praecoxAmaranth, ok.09:48
=== RAOF hasn't had that problem. He's using his new, improved Xgl packages :)
dariuskaneevening folks... just finished a gutsy install and the new device mapper isnt very descriptive... my fstab is full of /dev/dm-0 ... /dev/dm-5 references with no clue as to which partition or drives those belong to... anyway to find out?09:49
RAOFAmaranth: So, if --indirect-rendering now segfaults, how do we work around the BWB?09:49
AmaranthRAOF: you don't09:49
Amaranththat's not a good workaround anyway09:49
RAOFAmaranth: Spectacular!09:49
Amaranthit only helps a few people09:49
Amaranthfor everyone else it just messes things up09:49
Amaranthcan't use vsync, can't use mipmap09:50
praecoxAmaranth, I restarted X, just in case, and ran compiz --replace from terminal. same god damn thing:09:50
praecoxX Error: RenderBadPicture (invalid Picture parameter) 181 Major opcode:  157 Minor opcode:  8 Resource id:  0x1e0008909:50
praecoxSegmentation fault (core dumped)09:50
RAOFCompiz segfaults when selecting Gaussian blur...09:50
Amaranthpraecox: nvnews it is09:50
praecox(it's last entry)09:50
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praecoxAmaranth, so there is no other help for me?09:51
praecoxok, let me check nvnews...09:51
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Amaranthor just use nvidia-glx09:51
Amaranththe 100.14.11 driver _SUCKS_09:51
=== RAOF laughs derisively.
leo_rockwafter upgrading the kernel i have some sound issues. i plug in my headphone and the speakers keep working, anyone else with this problem?09:52
Amaranthunless you have a geforce 8xxx it's not worth using09:52
RAOFWhy expect nvidia to fix their bugs?09:52
MonkeyFitand if you do have an 8xxx series, is there anything better?09:52
RAOFMonkeyFit: No, you're stuck with it.09:52
AmaranthMonkeyFit: Buy intel09:52
RAOFThat too.09:52
praecoxAmaranth, well, I remind I have already tried it with no results.09:53
RAOFIntel are apparently soon to release some standalone graphics cards that don't suck at gaming.09:53
praecoxAmaranth, you advised me to check nvidia-glx iirc.09:53
MonkeyFitRAOF: do you have a source for this information09:53
RAOFMonkeyFit: Uuum, a half-remembered arstechnica article09:54
Amaranthpraecox: wasn't me09:54
AmaranthRAOF: that's a couple years away09:54
RAOFAmaranth: Just in time for my next laptop, then :)09:54
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Amaranthfor what i do the x3100 is perfect09:55
praecoxAmaranth, I'm pretty sure it was you and/or RAOF. we have spoken about it few weeks ago, while I was right after Gutsy installation and couldn't get Compiz to work.09:55
Assidanyone here using a samba pdc?09:55
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Assidx3100 ? isnt that the intel graphics chipset which is shipped with most dell lappy?09:56
praecoxAmaranth, and you also adviced me trying Xgl which worked for me but couldn't manage Xinerama to work with it.09:56
DSpairAssid: Yes, but not on Gutsy09:56
AssidDSpair: wouldnt matter.. the setup should be the same09:56
Amaranthpraecox: oh, yeah09:56
Amaranthpraecox: I think we came to the conclusion that you just couldn't use compiz09:57
AssidDSpair: im having major issues getting the users to authenticate and having the workstatiosn joing the pdc09:57
DSpairAssid: What are you using for your backend?09:57
Assidit just wont join09:57
RAOFHow is that possible?  Why are nvidia's drivers broken for a recent, but not too recent, card?09:57
praecoxAmaranth, that's why I come back here. just thought maybe some gutsy upgrades since then might have helped me with it. unfortunately I was wrong.09:57
praecoxAmaranth, yeah, exactly. only with Xgl. but please, tell me what's the real reason why I can't use compiz?09:58
praecoxAmaranth, I mean, as it works in Xgl, is it a bug in KDE/Xorg or what?09:58
Amaranthpraecox: nvidia is sucking big time09:58
AssidDSpair: im open for suggestions.. smbpasswd ok?09:58
Amaranthpraecox: when you use Xgl all nvidia has to do right is OpenGL09:58
DSpairAssid: That's probably the easiest.09:58
Assidor should i use tdbsam09:58
DSpairAssid: It's been a while, so bear with me.09:59
Amaranthpraecox: when you don't they have to do OpenGL, Composite, Render, and texture_from_pixmap correctly09:59
RAOFpraecox: You can try to resurrect the xinerama patch to Xgl.  We dropped it a while back because the packager didn't know how to fix it.09:59
DSpairHave you turned up debugging to 99 in the smb.conf file?09:59
=== RAOF should probably try to resurrect that patch, really.
AmaranthRAOF: jdong said he couldn't get it to apply because it was already applied but in a different way09:59
RAOFAmaranth: Oh, so xinerama+Xgl may work?09:59
AmaranthRAOF: according to praecox no10:00
DSpairAssid: Usually, the answer to these problems is screaming at you in the logs.10:00
praecoxAmaranth, well, I'm not authority here, but I just couldn't manage it to work.10:00
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Amaranthin think in seville when we were discussing using Xgl we had decided that dual monitors are a small enough group to ignore wrt to bling and sane user switching10:00
Amaranthin the short term, anyway10:01
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DSpairHas anyone had any luck with getting an Intel i945 working with Compiz and Xinerama/Xrandr?10:01
coNPNo sound today -- is it known?10:01
AmaranthcoNP: turn your 'headphones' up10:01
coNPNo sound card at all :(10:02
AmaranthcoNP: install linux-ubuntu-modules10:02
coNPWith yesterday's kernel.10:02
praecoxAmaranth, oh gee, so not only I'm unlucky guy who can't get Compiz working under my Xorg/KDE, but I'm also damn unlucky cause can't manage Xinerama to work with Xgl?!10:02
coNPThanks Amaranth10:03
coNPI hope this helps10:03
AmaranthcoNP: How did you not have that installed?10:03
RAOFpraecox: So, according to the xorg mailinglist, you should be able to do TwinView + Xgl fine, right?10:03
coNPFeisty box and dist-upgrade, dist-upgrade10:04
Amaranththis is what you should keep linux-generic installed :)10:04
AssidDSpair: username could not be found10:04
praecoxRAOF, yep, I've got it working fine.10:04
AmaranthcoNP: snd_hda_intel moved to linux-ubuntu-modules10:04
coNPAmaranth: I guess no linux-generic for me10:04
coNPI install it now10:04
RAOFAmaranth: And broke my sound, but that's a different story :/10:04
praecoxRAOF, but it's a bit confusing when my windows maximize to two monitors. that's why I do prefer Xinerama.10:04
RAOFpraecox: So, that leaves gnome-panel spread across both screens, yes?10:04
RAOFpraecox: Yeah.  Hm.10:05
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RAOFpraecox: You know, you could teach compiz about your displays I think.10:05
AmaranthRAOF: no xinerama hints10:05
praecoxRAOF, exactly. except the gnome part, I'm using Kubuntu. ;)10:05
RAOFpraecox: check out the "outputs", under general options.10:05
Amaranthhey, that could work10:05
RAOFpraecox: I'm not totally sure whether or not that will work, but it's worth a try :)10:05
praecoxRAOF, but I already see this will be pain in the ass...10:06
RAOFpraecox: Only once :)10:06
leo_rockwusing kernel 2.6.22-10. when i plug in my headphones the speakers keep working, is there anyone else with this problem?10:06
RAOFYou'd just add your two screen geometries to that list, and uncheck "detect outputs"10:07
atlas95leo_rockw: i have problem too10:07
atlas95whit intel-hda, i have only headphone working10:07
atlas95my speakers don't work since the upgrade10:07
praecoxRAOF, hm, sounds good. let me try this.10:08
leo_rockwatlas95, i knew you did lol. i wanted to know if we were the only two people10:08
atlas95leo_rockw: this is not really the same problem but here is a problem with sound and the last kernel...10:08
leo_rockwatlas95, i was going to file a bug report10:08
Amaranthsnd_hda_intel just got updated10:08
atlas95i have do one but do an other10:08
atlas95i'm not very good iin egnlsih for explain10:08
Amaranthpeople with sigmatel chips got screwed, from the sound of it10:08
leo_rockwthat's me lol10:09
atlas95leo_rockw: you have a intel audio too?10:09
leo_rockwHDA sigmatel10:09
Amaranthi've got conexant10:09
Amaranthso i got no issues10:09
leo_rockwi found your bug report atlas95 and left a comment there10:09
AssidDSpair: doesnt help :(10:09
atlas95leo_rockw: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)10:09
Amaranthatlas95: no10:10
leo_rockwi'm using the older kernel now10:10
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RAOFpraecox: Heh.  I've just tried it on mine.  It works :)10:10
RAOFpraecox: Well, kinda.10:11
leo_rockwatlas95, our problems are not exactly the same so i wanted to make sure what happened to me wasn't only on my end10:11
Amaranthatlas95: lspci -v -s 00:1b.010:11
Amaranthatlas95: the Subsystem line is the important one10:11
leo_rockwAmaranth, that was me on the bug report10:12
atlas95leo_rockw: we are not alone :)10:12
leo_rockwAmaranth, i'll add that to my comment then10:12
RAOFWow.  ccsm really doesn't like running on a 640x480 output.10:12
atlas95hmm Amaranth10:12
atlas95i pastebin the result?10:12
Amaranthit's one line10:13
atlas95Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Unknown device 309f10:13
leo_rockwmine says Dell Unknown device 01cd10:13
Amaranth        Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Unknown device 30a510:13
atlas95HP rox!10:13
Amaranthwell, we know me and atlas95 don't match10:13
Amaranthatlas95: you got a dv6000?10:13
atlas95a Nx942010:14
Amaranthah, the business ones10:14
=== Amaranth got a dv8000t
Amaranth17" widescreen ftw10:14
leo_rockwmy lappy is 17 wide... it's awesome haha10:15
atlas95what meen"ftw" please?10:15
leo_rockwFor The Win10:15
AmaranthFor The Win10:15
atlas95ha ok10:15
Amaranthmeans 'awesome'10:15
atlas95ok i understand10:15
atlas95english expression i hope :p10:15
atlas95it is a good laptop but i want to change it10:16
atlas95for have a nvidia card :( and more little10:16
atlas95i would like a sony viao sz610:16
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atlas95but $$$$$10:16
atlas95so, we wait FTS10:17
Amaranthi wanted a dell10:17
Amaranthbut they took away the one i wanted10:17
Amaranth15" widescreen running Ubuntu with free upgrade to 2GB RAM and 160GB HD10:18
atlas95yes or a dell, friend have it under ubuntu, it is excelent10:18
praecoxRAOF, yea, it's kinda working...10:18
atlas95of sorry,it is a nickname :p10:19
ggilbertok, compiz-fusion is evil. I will get nothing done tonight if I keep playing with the dodge animation.10:19
leo_rockwi'm using a dell and it works pretty well10:19
praecoxRAOF, but I still doesn't get it, why do I have 16 screens in pager, in dock?10:19
Amaranthpraecox: KDE?10:19
praecoxRAOF, I've got only 4 Desktops configured.10:19
RAOFpraecox: Ha!  That's bekause the kde pager sucks :)10:19
praecoxAmaranth, yep, KDE, Xgl.10:19
Amaranthpraecox: Use GNOME. :)10:19
AmaranthKDE's stuff doesn't support viewports10:20
praecoxI used to KDE, I've got Gnome at home.10:20
atlas95hmmm, i want to suggest on script for gusty and fglrx10:21
atlas95howto do?10:21
praecoxanyway, back to Xorg, Xgl on Gutsy seems to be unstable.10:21
atlas95it is a script for switch between, laptop screen, dual screen, or only external screen10:21
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Amaranthpraecox: rock solid for me10:22
Amaranthmuch better than straight nvidia, obviously :)10:22
RAOFpraecox: Me too.  What do you see on the crash front?10:22
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leo_rockweverybody have a good day/night... i have to go now10:22
praecoxAmaranth, well, some graphic issues, in example problems with shadows in KDE menu.10:23
Assidggilbert: disable dodge.. use fade.. and be happy10:23
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Assidi still cant get the damn osx type desktop10:23
Amaranthpraecox: KDE again :P10:23
Assidalso.. i cant get this pdc to work10:23
RAOFpraecox: Will you be here in 15min or so?  I'm going home, but I'd like to hear any Xgl related wierdness.10:23
AmaranthAssid: http://www.realistanew.com/random/desktop20070723.png <--this?10:24
praecoxRAOF, right before switching back to Xorg it simply 'closed' all my windows, hide wallpaper and like backed to startup screen with no reason. no error, no warnings. couldn't do anything. I had to force ctrl-alt-backspace.10:24
AssidAmaranth: slow connection.. hold up10:25
Amaranthbig image10:25
Amaranthif you're only dialup that'll take like 5 minutes to load10:25
AssidAmaranth: yep thats the one.. or something similar to that..10:25
AmaranthAssid: it crashed 5 times on my trying to take that screenshot10:26
Amaranthvery unstable10:26
Amaranthgot rid of it all10:26
praecoxand the weird thing - but probably also connected with KDE - all icons which normally appear in dock in KDE, like KWallet, Adept Notifier etc. after switching to compiz appears in top-left corner of screen.10:26
Assidawn ?10:26
Amaranthi had to halfway rewrite the GTK+ patch to do the menus10:26
Amaranthawn is the dock10:26
praecoxRAOF, yea, I can stay, will repaste it to you on request.10:26
Amaranthit is solid as a rock10:26
Assidi cant get awn to work...10:26
Amaranthpraecox: also a KDE issue10:27
AmaranthKDE is really broken10:27
Amaranthcompiz exposes its flaws and misimplementations10:27
praecoxor it's just not prepared for compiz...10:28
Assidsostupid pdc10:29
Assidi give up.. maybe play with it when i have more free time10:29
praecoxdoes it make any sense to switch from KDE to Gnome on Kubuntu?10:30
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jscinozhey guys, after the most recent kernel update, i have no sound, could someone walk through diagnosing and fixing the problem with me?10:32
Eq|workjscinoz : what sound chipset?10:33
praecoxjscinoz, install linux-ubuntu-modules.10:34
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jscinozits an intel onboard10:49
jscinozi had it working before by specifing the 3stack module in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base10:49
jscinozpraecox, already installed at latest ver10:50
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jscinozI'll be back in 20 mins, dinner10:51
praecoxjscinoz, have you got linux-generic package installed on your system?10:51
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atlas95anybody could say me how t odo too have a notify-send action when a download with transmission is finish?11:11
atlas95deluge-torrent have a plugin which do that but i don't want to use it11:12
atlas95i would like to add this function or tweak..11:12
Eq|workjscinoz : santa rosa?11:12
Eq|workatlas95 : ask the transmission people?11:13
atlas95they don't answer me :(11:13
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Eq|workwell, it isn't really a ubuntu issue..11:15
Eq|workit sounds to me like you'd need to make code changes to transmission11:15
RAOFpraecox: Hm.  I've never seen that before.  If you see it again, please file a bug :)11:18
praecoxRAOF, you mean disappearing windows and 'reverting' state to loading screen?11:19
praecoxRAOF, I've seen it few times.11:19
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praecoxRAOF, but can't reproduce it in any way, so I'm not sure if it's worth fileing.11:19
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__filip_What is the easiest way to install compiz fusion on kubuntu?11:22
RAOFpraecox: Hm.  Maybe next time that happens you could check ~/.xsession-errors?11:22
jscinozEq|work, yes11:22
praecox__filip_, there isn't one with Xorg, I'm affraid.11:22
praecox__filip_, at least with nVidia chipset.11:23
praecoxRAOF, sure, will do.11:23
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__filip_huh, is there anyone in here that have installed compiz?11:24
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Eq|workjscinoz : did you make any changes to your alsa modprobe stuff before?11:24
Eq|work__filip_ : compiz is installed by default in gutsy11:24
Eq|workyou don't do anything extra11:24
__filip_Eq|work:  :S I dont have it installed..11:25
praecox__filip_, I have. but it doesn't work on my chipset under Xorg, only Xgl.11:25
Eq|work__filip_ : how did you install?11:25
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__filip_I did a freash install from gusty tribe 4.11:26
Eq|workgui or alt?11:26
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__filip_is did this "sudo apt-get install compiz compiz-kde compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra  libcompizconfig-backend-gconf emerald" then "compiz --replace" Now it i thing it works, but i dont got any borders or what it is called..where you can minimize quit etc11:30
praecoxsame problem as I have.11:31
praecox__filip_, what graphic card?11:31
__filip_nvidia 7300 gs i thing11:32
praecoxso you probably won't be able to run compiz under Xorg.11:32
__filip_But where do i choose theme?11:33
__filip_or how have you done praecox11:36
praecox__filip_, you can try installing Xgl and running compiz there, worked for me.11:37
__filip_ok, i will try11:38
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jscinozeq|work, only change i've made was adding the line "options snd-hda-intel model=3stack" and it was working before the last kernel update11:42
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Eq|workjscinoz : check it's still there.11:45
__filip_praecox: I have installed xserver-xgl now but i cant ghoose xgl or something else but kde when i log in, gues i need to add som something to some file. I remember i did this when tried to install compiz on breezy..11:45
jscinozeq|work, it is11:45
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:46
praecox!xgl >> __filip_11:46
praecox!xgl > __filip_11:47
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Eq|workjscinoz : try turning it off?11:50
jscinozalready tried11:51
jscinozstill no sound11:51
Eq|workhrm. mine appears to be working since the update. not actually tried it yet though11:51
=== Eq|work tries
jscinozWhat laptop are you using?11:51
Eq|workit's a santa rosa one.. dell d63011:53
Eq|workwith sigmatel chipset for the audio11:53
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jscinozim using an XPS m133011:53
Eq|workhm.. no actual sound though11:53
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__filip_It worked praecox =)11:54
__filip_But when i have logged in all get withe so i did alt+f2 and typed compiz --replace and now it works11:54
__filip_is there a way to do this every time i log in?11:55
praecoxyep, you can add compiz line in Autostart I think.11:56
jscinozEq, any ideas?11:57
Eq|worknot really.11:59
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Jordan_Ujscinoz, What is the problem?12:04
jscinozNo sound since the last kernel update12:04
Jordan_Ujscinoz, What is the output of "asoundconf list" ?12:04
Jordan_Ujscinoz, Probably won't do anything but try "asoundconf set-default-card Intel"12:05
jscinozno good12:06
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Eq|workit's closer to working for me now.. but still no cigar..12:08
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AyabaraHey. anyone using KDE 4 in Gutsy?12:21
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kalmanhi all12:32
kalmanmy headphone doesn't exclude anymore the external laptop speakers :(12:33
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kalmanand in the Kmixer it seems that speaker control and headphone controll interact each other12:33
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rentshi, anyone got experiences with gutsy+beryl?12:44
Xemanthrents: lemme guess you have nvidia gfx card and your window deco doesn12:44
Xemanthdoesn't work12:44
rentsi just finished burning my iso and i have ati radeon12:45
Xemanthhaha ati :D12:45
Jordan_Urents, There is really no reason to use Beryl with Gutsy, beryl is no longer being developed12:45
Xemanthrents: compiz fusion12:46
Xemanthrents: if you plan to use ati's proprietary driver fglrx, no usable compiz fusion/beryl for you12:46
Xemanthwith open source driver slight chance :)12:46
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Jordan_Urents, Basically, if Compiz Fusion doesn't start automatically when you boot the LiveCD, you are probably going to need to set up XGL, which is a hack12:48
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rentswell, in feisty my beryl run very well with ati12:48
Jordan_Urents, Then your card is probably supported by the open source drivers, if so you shouldn't need to do anything in Gutsy12:49
Jordan_Urents, Do you know about dpkg and dependencies?12:50
rentsnot yet :P12:50
Jordan_Urents, See the topic...12:50
rentsyea, read it12:50
rentsi *think* i can handle it :P12:50
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rentsif not, i'll give google a try12:51
rentswhat about gutsy and vista dualboot?12:52
rentsany improvements in gutsy?12:53
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Jordan_Urents, What is there to improve upon ?12:55
Xemanthmore important question should be, any improvements in Vista compared to XP :D12:55
rentsi don't know really, maybe better support for vista's bootloader or something12:55
Xemanthnada improvements12:56
Jordan_Urents, Grub lets Vista boot, I'm not sure what more there is that it could do :)12:56
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Assidhrmm.. something in the timer or scheduler seems off in the this kernel image12:57
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Assidlike if i leave the machine idle for a while.. and come to use it.. its pretty sluggish12:57
rentsok, i'll try now12:57
rentsbye for now and thanks12:57
Assidanother thing is the nvidia-glx.. or X or something.. its kinda slow compared to what it was befroe the latest updates12:58
Assidif any developer does see this.. please do check this12:58
Jordan_UAssid, The only way to get a developer to see it is with a bug report, though I can see how that would be awkward since you can't pinpoint the problem01:00
Assidexactly :(01:00
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Assidhence im trying to request someone to look into it..  im sure there are some developers/ users who have way more experienve than i dop01:01
Assidtahts why i said it could be the scheduler .. or nvidia-glx or x or something cause it only happened aftert the latest update which had these01:02
Assidthe ui is less responsive.. sluggish.. sometimes hangs for a few seconds.. maybe 10 seconds too01:03
Assidwith/without compiz as well01:04
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Assidand oh yeah.. katapult.. i can never get it to work right01:05
Assid1 day it works,.. 1 day it doesn01:05
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AnRkeywoohoo it's tribe 5 day01:05
Assidhow soon before packages start upstreaming?01:06
Eq|workAssid : roll back to the previous kernel01:06
Eq|worksee what happens01:06
Assidnot sure how01:07
Eq|workdid you remove the old one?01:07
Eq|workif not, then just reboot and choose it in grub01:07
Assiddunno.. adept did it01:07
Assidyep.. 22.9 is there.. i will boot there and play with it01:08
Assidfirst i gotta run to the lawyer01:08
Assidi still have my doubts on nvidia-glx tho01:08
Assidcause yday .. i saw cpu usage of X go between 30-50% constant01:09
Xemanthwoot new linux flash player :D01:12
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soc_hi, i get the error "E: openoffice.org-reportdesigner: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" if i want to remove openoffice.org-reportdesigner01:50
soc_how can i fix that?01:50
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tehkAnyone know how new/complete kde4 in the gutsy repos is atm?02:00
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Eq|worksoc_ : it seems to think it isn't installed.. apt-get install --reinstall openoffice.org-reportdesigner02:01
Eq|workthen try and remove it02:01
Eq|worktehk : no idea.02:01
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Eq|workhrm.. think it's about time to get lunch..02:03
Eq|worknot sure there are enough people here for me to do so though..02:03
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soc_Eq|work: sory, didn't see you02:04
soc_doesn't work02:05
soc_same error02:05
soc_it seems i'm stuck02:05
soc_i can't reinstall it, i can't remove it ...02:06
AnRkeyXemanth, that looks really nice, finally we have decent flash movie capabilities.02:06
Eq|worksoc_ : dpkg --purge --force-all openoffice.org-reportdesigner02:07
AnRkeysoc_, have you tried removing it with --purge first and then installing it again?02:07
Eq|workAnRkey : he only wants to remove it.02:08
Eq|workbut the removal process seems a bit broken02:08
Eq|workfor reference - --force-all is NOT something you should use generally.02:08
soc_AnRkey: can't remember02:08
Eq|workit can result in a _VERY_ broken system02:08
soc_is possible though ...02:08
AnRkeyis tribe 5 gonna be late you think?, lots going on here today02:08
soc_so what should i do now?02:09
Eq|workafaik the tribe releases are just snapshots..02:09
AnRkeywhat does openoffice do that breaks X?02:09
Eq|worksoc_: see what i said above.02:09
Eq|workerr.. nothing?02:09
soc_so should i try dpkg --purge --force-all?02:10
XemanthAnRkey: yeah02:10
Eq|worksoc_ : yes. with the package name02:10
Hobbseei've never used --force-all, come to think of it02:11
soc_Eq|work: openoffice seems to be quite slow in overall development ...02:11
Hobbseeyes, but openoffice is a huge monolithic blob...02:11
AnRkeyXemanth, we just need them to give us photoshop now :D02:12
soc_Hobbsee: how could they solve that, iyo?02:13
soc_no, doesn't work!02:13
Hobbseesoc_: rewrite it differently, i guess02:13
soc_mh ok...02:13
soc_sounds bad ...02:13
soc_but if you look at it ...02:13
soc_c++, python, these weird uno-things, java, ...02:14
Eq|workthey could solve it by throwing it away.02:14
soc_dpkg --purge --force-all openoffice.org-reportdesigner <-- doesn't work ....02:14
Eq|workit's a huge mess.02:14
Eq|worki think you're going to have to edit the prerm script02:14
Eq|workshould be in /var/lib/dpkg/info02:14
soc_but there's nothing equal or better at this time?02:14
Eq|workspecifically, said script /should/ be /var/lib/dpkg/info/openoffice.org-reportdesigner.prerm02:15
Eq|worki find abiword and gnumeric pretty damned good tbh02:15
Eq|workand i don't really need anything beyond that.02:15
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soc_found that file02:17
soc_Eq|work: how good is there odf-support?02:17
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soc_there are no results of the odf-testsuite published as far as i know02:17
soc_but currently things seem quite bad sometimes between oo <->koffice <->gofice02:18
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soc_that seems the problem02:22
soc_what should i do?02:22
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soc_btw: is abiword developed anymore?02:22
Eq|worki think so.02:23
Eq|workand no idea about odf support.02:23
Eq|worksoc_ : find that bit in the prerm (or postrm) file, and remove it.02:24
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rentsso far so good02:24
rentsinstallation freezed once because of migration assistant and first login gave me just a blank screen02:26
rentsboth times reboot helped02:26
soc_is it right, that abiword doesn't even use odf as it's defualt format?02:27
w00tabiword uses it's own format as default02:31
w00tbut that doesn't matter to me, it doesn't suck so hard as OOo02:32
w00tI gave up on that after it kept crashing while trying to change styles, etc02:33
w00tfunnily enough, the same reason I stopped using it a few years ago on windows too02:33
soc_but it will be used for olpc ... if it then doesn't use odf as a default ... taht seems pretty bad to me ...02:34
=== w00t shrugs
w00tto me, the format doesn't really matter - whether or not I can edit the damn document without the software continually falling down around my ears, does.02:35
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AssidEq|work: you about?02:37
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Eq|workgoing for lunch02:40
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Assidhrmm okay02:49
Assidi dont know if i should play with the older kernel.. now its acting fine. this is trange02:49
AssidAmaranth: you around?02:51
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soc_w00t: yes, but would be nice for our odf vs. ooxml statistics :-)02:55
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=== Eq|work returns
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Eq|workargh.. mod_rewrite..03:33
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aantoonis there a way to use the hardware mouse in gaming instead of the cursor that comes with the game?03:36
Eq|workerr.. wtf?03:36
Eq|workthe cursor shown is a direct representation of the values recieved from the device03:36
Eq|work(in terms of position)03:36
Eq|workgiven that this is the ubuntu testing channel, and you've said 'the' game, i suspect that you're posting in the wrong chan anyway aantoon03:37
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aantoonwell it is gaming in general03:38
w00tEq|work: i'm guessing he means "is there a way to override games theming my mouse cursor"03:39
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aantoonerr, i use dapper and feisty and i have same problems with both distro in several games. the game cursor takes over and that gives problems03:41
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aantooni was testing a program called nwmouse, and it somehow worked03:42
Eq|workaantoon : what do you mean, the 'game cursor' takes over?03:47
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shirishhi all, I updated/upgraded my kernel yesterday . Today I purged the kernel as shown here in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34798/03:54
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shirishnow I have few questions for things which happened while it was purge, can anybody help?03:54
Eq|workwhat are the questions?03:55
shirishEq|work, thanx03:55
shirishEq|work: first of why it shows unmet dependencies, somethings got over-written or something else? line 1403:56
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shirishEq|work: then line 39 at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34798/ update-initramfs generated kernel, why did it do that?03:58
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Eq|workshirish : because you remove the kernel, which meant that other packages had to be removed04:00
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Eq|workthe other choice was for it to have reinstalled the kernel, but as you were trying to purge it, that's not very likely.04:00
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Eq|worki've no idea why mkinitrd tried to build a 2.6.22-9 initrd04:01
Eq|workyes i do04:01
shirishEq|work: go ahead04:01
Eq|workthe module removal postinstall scripts04:01
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Eq|workthey will tell it to recreate the initrd for that version04:02
Eq|workbut as you were already removing the kernel, that got removed moments after04:02
Eq|workside-affect of how ubuntu structure things04:02
Eq|worknothing to worry about04:02
Eq|workbtw, you should remove /initrd.img.old and /vmlinuz.old04:03
Eq|workthey're unnecessary04:03
shirishEq|work: ok cool. I was thinking as for a user like me while I dunno much about mkinitrd or update-initramfs apart from the fact that they are important04:03
Eq|workthe important part is lines 63-7004:04
Eq|workyou may also want to remove 2.6.22-8 btw04:04
Eq|workif -10 is working fine04:04
shirishEq|work: I could remove 2.6.22-8 also, but always keep a backup kernel, one never knows ;)04:05
shirishthat's the advantage one has in linux ;)04:05
shirishEq|work: can you look at this04:06
shirish  sudo ls -la  /initrd.img.old04:06
shirishls: /initrd.img.old: No such file or directory04:06
shirishEq|work: why does it say like that, is this a hidden file or something?04:06
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shirishEq|work: gnomefreak: how do I remove /initrd.img.old & /vmlinuz.old http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34798/04:10
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isidorohi guys... no one is on line?04:20
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isidoroI have annoing problem when I plug a usb pen stik... it is mounted with ipod icon than normal external usb disk as it is04:26
PiciIn Gutsy?04:27
isidoroPici: to be honest in feisty final release but please help me anyway becouse I saw that this is a old bug04:29
Piciisidoro: Why dont you ask it in #ubuntu where more people can see it and answer?04:29
Hobbseedoes it happen in gutsy?04:29
Hobbsee(as well)?04:29
isidoroPici: becouse I did but seems this is a development problem04:30
shirishHobbsee: Pici: can you guys have a look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34798/ and tell me how to remove /initrd.img.old & /vmlinuz.old is it already removed? for04:30
shirishshirish@Mugglewille:~$ sudo ls -la  /initrd.img.old04:30
shirishls: /initrd.img.old: No such file or directory04:30
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Hobbseeshirish: that's...not an error04:31
HobbseeThe link /vmlinuz.old is a damaged link04:31
HobbseeRemoving symbolic link vmlinuz.old04:31
HobbseeThe link /initrd.img.old is a damaged link04:31
HobbseeRemoving symbolic link initrd.img.old04:31
Hobbseeie, it's already removed.04:31
shirishHobbsee: I see, ah thanx ;)04:31
sparrwmy intel wifi card no longer Just Works with 2.6.22-9-generic (gutsy), worked fine with 2.6.17-10-generic (edgy) and 2.6.20-16-generic (feisty).  ideas?04:32
Piciisidoro: Are you running Gutsy at all and if so does the problem occur there?04:32
isidoroPici: no I have never run gusty04:33
Hobbseesparrw: there are many intel wireless cards.04:34
Hobbseesparrw: would help if you're more specific.04:34
Piciisidoro: Looks like the bug is logged here, and is confirmed to be an issue on Gutsy Tribe 4: bug 9028604:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 90286 in hal-info "USB flash drive recognized as a music player" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9028604:34
sparrwHobbsee: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection (rev 05)04:35
sparrwso says lspci04:35
=== Hobbsee would suspect a lack of linux-ubuntu-modules installed.
Hobbseesparrw: are you meaning "doesnt connect" or "doesnt get found"?04:35
sparrwdoesnt get found04:35
sparrwnot on knetworkmanager or iwconfig04:35
Hobbseedoes the light turn on?04:36
isidoroPici: yes exactly the same04:36
sparrwno, but im not sure if it did when it worked.  i didnt notice one way or the other then04:36
Hobbseesparrw: then i'll go with my first guess of l-u-m not being installed04:37
Picisparrw: is ipw2200 listed as being in use in lsmod?04:38
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sparrwPici: yes, by ieee8021104:38
sparrwHobbsee: where would i get that module?04:38
sparrwi cant seem to find it in main/universe/multiverse04:38
isidorowhere can i post lshal to let you see the differences between a usb pen disk mounted in a good way and the secon one as ipod?04:38
Hobbseesparrw: restricted?04:39
sparrwlooking there too04:39
Hobbseesparrw: linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-10-generic04:39
sparrwdidnt give the kernel suffix04:39
sparrwnew kernel since i installed 2.6.22-904:40
Piciisidoro: It would be best if you added the information to that bug report, along with the your version of Ubuntu, kernel version.04:41
Piciisidoro: I dont think theres anything we can do until the bug is fixed.04:41
isidoroPici: the strange is that this bug cames up only after I installed amarok04:42
isidoroPici: even if I configured Ipod for the real ipod device and no handle for the pen usb stik04:43
Piciisidoro: amarok really should have nothing to do with the way icons are shown on the desktop. Are you using KDE or Gnome?04:44
Piciisidoro: Then it definitly shouldnt make a difference.04:44
=== tehk [n=tehk@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
isidoroPici: can you say more04:45
Piciisidoro: What do you mean can I say more?04:45
isidoroPici: you mean amarok is sure not a problem04:45
aantoonEq|work: aantoon : what do you mean, the 'game cursor' takes over? well...start a game, any game in full screen and the mouse cursor turns in to a hand or a sword or something. nwmouse keeps the normal cursor, and above all it settings, so you don't have any lags04:46
isidoroPici: problems cames from gnome or ubuntu04:46
Piciisidoro: It looks like its a bug in hal-info,so... ubuntu04:46
isidoroPici: humm but is there a way to force to hal how handle usb devices?04:47
isidorognome-mount can do something?04:48
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Piciisidoro: I do not know.04:49
instabin|workIs there any way to make a new iso install image with the new packages?04:51
instabin|workspecificaly the kernel and restricted modules...04:51
Piciinstabin|work: um.. You mean like a daily build?04:55
instabin|workI geuss...04:56
Picihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com has them04:56
instabin|workan iso that has all the updates to tribe 4?04:56
Piciinstabin|work: Yep.  You might just be better off waiting for tribe 5 though.04:57
instabin|workPici: sweet thanks that will help with installing to the laptop with the 8400M04:57
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Eq|workaantoon : can't say i've ever experienced cursor 'lag'04:59
Eq|workand imo it detracts from the game to force it to be the os cursor.04:59
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aantoonEq|work: yes i know :(05:01
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shirishPici: I have a question, let's say I have a final release of feisty, gutsy or whatever release comes out, 2 months down the line, there are going to be something like 100 MB+ updates or something. In such a case, does cdimage.ubuntu.com also have a daily release with all updates there? I do know there would be a developmental daily release for sure.05:04
aantoonEq|work: but you don't know if there is a program like nwmouse (but then without the bugs) with puts the hardware mouse intop of the ingame mouse?05:04
hyljeaantoon: but thats ugly05:06
Hobbseeshirish: no05:06
aantoon hylje: :) yes05:06
instabin|workshirish: you could mirror the repository...05:06
aantoon hylje: but a game that dos not play is uglier :)05:07
instabin|workthen all the updates are allready downloaded...05:07
shirishinstabin|work: that would take a lot of bandwidth/work I guess05:07
instabin|workHumm... I might have to get a ps3 just to put ubuntu on it...05:09
instabin|workis there something special you have to do???05:10
shirishinstabin|work: I was under the impression that one has to do something special05:10
shirishinstabin|work: dinner calls, bbiaf05:10
instabin|workfound it05:11
instabin|workshirish: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_305:11
shirishinstabin|work: will look it up, although dunno what ps3 has to do with mirroring a repository but still will take a look.05:12
instabin|workhas nothing to do will mirroring the repo unless you set the repo up on the ps3  ;)05:12
Hobbseeshirish: although, there is going to be a dapper.205:13
sparrwwhich kde*-dbg package will help me with System Settings crashing?05:15
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Hobbseeerrr.....kdelibs-dbg would be the guess, if they actually have a debug package for it05:22
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tretlecan anyone tell me what doesnt work in gutsy 64bit version05:57
tretlecan anyone tell me what doesnt work in gutsy 64bit version05:57
tretlelike ntfs3g?05:57
tretlejust installed gutsy tribe4 64bit version and installing updates now05:58
tretlewas using 32bit version before that05:58
lemonadecheck launchpad05:58
lemonadeit's impossible to tell what doesn't work05:58
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tretleeven what genrally doesnt work in 64bit versions06:02
PiciFlash can be a pain to get working06:02
__timvalgrind doesn't work; flash in firefox doesn't work06:02
PiciBut thats not something that Ubuntu can fix.06:02
tretlewhats valgrind?06:02
__tima debugging tool, only interesting for developers06:03
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tretlewasnt the source released for flash or isnt there an open source version?06:03
Picitretle: Theres gnash.  Flash is still closed.06:04
Pici!gnash | tretle06:04
ubotutretle: An open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/06:04
tretledoes gnash have 64bit support?06:05
shirishubotu swfdec | tretle06:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swfdec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:06
shirishtretle: there is also another competing codec called swfdec, its not packaged though afaik06:06
tretlehmmm.... might be nice for gutsy64bit version of fiirefox to install one of the open source versions of flash that works with 64bit when you try and view flash06:08
shirishHobbsee: what was that about dapper.2, does anybody know?06:08
tretlesorta like how totem looks for codecs06:08
Hobbseeshirish: what about it?06:08
shirishHobbsee: any more news on it, or can you tell me where I can find more info on dapper.206:09
Hobbseethere's a milestone for it in launchpad, plans are for sept sometime, i think06:09
Hobbseeit's all fairly quiet still06:10
shirishHobbsee: cool, a redirect or URL would be better, launchpad is a big place to find stuff like this.06:11
Hobbseeleft panel06:11
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Hobbseenot that i'msure that really helps you much06:16
__timtretle: that's more or less what it does already: it will show you an 'install plugin ...' button (doesn't work for me, but that's a different matter :))06:16
Eq|workargh.. farking mod_rewrite06:16
tretle__tim , did it always do that, even with edgy/feisty?06:17
shirishactually what firefox should give pointer to gnash & not adobe flash-plugin (non-free)06:17
Eq|workshirish : that'd be great, except that the opensource flash plugins tend to be even worse than adobe's.06:18
__timtretle: I've never used edgy or feisty on a 64-bit machine, so don't know06:18
Eq|workif they work at all, they completely cane the machine06:18
shirishEq|work: I disagree with that, I am using gnash the latest packaged version & it works great, on youtube as well as elsewhere.06:19
tretleanother thing that wrecks my head is that you need to play a codec in totem for it to ask you whether you want to install extra codecs06:19
shirishEq|work: Of course there are issues, but nothing as before as crashing the browser or something.06:19
tretleshould allow you to do it in rhythmbox06:19
shirishtretle: the problem there is, all the formats & hence the codecs are non-free I guess.06:20
shirishubotu restricted formats06:20
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:20
tretleand it should be able to tell the difference between a video file and an audio file so when you launch audio from nautilus it launches in rhythmbox and video in totem06:20
shirishtretle: please look at the links ubotu has given.06:20
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tretlethat doesnt give any information on what I just said06:23
tretleI know you can just install the restricted codecs from totem and use them in rhythmbox06:24
shirishthen your question is?06:24
tretlebut rhythmbox should also give the user a prompt if the codecs are not installed when you try and play them06:24
tretlelike totem does06:24
shirishaha, ok, that's a good idea, maybe file a bug with rhythmbox perhaps06:25
tretleand totem should be the default for video and rhythmbox should be the default for audio06:25
tretleI dont like the way rhythmbox tries to play my audio and video06:25
shirishtretle: I dunno about that, me personally, I use exaile & vlc06:26
tretletotem should concentrate on video only06:26
shirishand I'm happy with both exaile for music & vlc for all my video needs.06:26
__timtretle: it's harder to implement in rhythmbox, that's why it hasn't been done yet AFAIK06:26
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=== Eq|work beats his head against mod_rewrite
shirishEq|work: what's mod_rewrite?06:28
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teratomadid ssh-add go away?06:29
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Eq|workshirish : apache mod06:29
Eq|workteratoma : no..06:29
shirishEq|work: ah, web server stuff06:30
shirishEq|work: never played with it hence didn't know06:30
Eq|workneed specific rules depending on somepage.php?blah=12306:30
Eq|workas in not matching that, do something06:30
Eq|workunfortunately, it seems to be ignoring what i tell it06:30
shirishEq|work: sad to hear that06:33
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neo2dot0gdebi keeps telling me that I have to close the other administrative processes, but I am seeing none.06:38
neo2dot0How can I check for theses processes?06:39
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Eq|workdamned infinite loops06:42
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jussi01grrr, why does firefox open slightly smaller than the actual screen size?06:47
Arwenbecause opening in fullscreen is stupid06:47
jussi01Arwen: why do you say that?06:48
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Assidjussi01:  it doesnt know how to save a full screen state06:49
Arwenbecause the reason we have multi-tasking OS' is so that we can run more than one app at a time06:49
Arwenyou can always maximize it if you want06:49
AssidArwen: i think he means less than maximised06:49
=== SeveredCross waits for the day when fsck.ntfs exists.
Assidthats gonnna be one day06:50
jussi01I want the freakin thing to start freakin maximised... is that clear enough??06:50
Arwenyeah right06:50
SeveredCrossI have to make a qemu installation of Windows XP just so I can chkdsk this goddamn NTFS partition and start moving it to ext3.06:50
Arwenjussi01, well, tough luck?06:50
SeveredCrossArwen: It's in the works...The NTFS driver guys are working on it06:50
Assidqemu ?06:50
=== jussi01 sighs
SeveredCrossNo, fsck.ntfs06:50
Arwenhuh, stays maximized here. Starts on the wrong display, but it works.06:50
SeveredCrossErr wrong person,06:50
ArwenSeveredCross, they don't even have mount.ntfs fully functional, why try to write fsck for it?06:51
Assidby any chance.. any one know how tyo get compiz to have a seperate taskbar per desktop ?06:51
Arwenit's somewhere in the compiz settings06:51
AssidArwen: cant find it.. too many options :(06:52
ArwenI think it's under general, but I haven't used compiz in a while06:52
SeveredCrossArwen: Don't believe me? Look at their website.06:52
Arwenlink please06:52
Assidhrmm.. whats qemu06:52
Arwenx86 emulator06:53
Arwenno, usually used for running a virtual OS06:53
Assidoh did i tellyou.. i got a 6600GT - 2nd hand .. for like 45 bucks06:53
SeveredCrossLook down the page, you'll see ntfsfsck--it's not started yet, but there are plans for it.06:53
ArwenAssid, GIVE ME06:54
Assidso im gonna use that till i buy my new machine in like 6 months06:54
ArwenSeveredCross, and ntfsdefrag too o.O06:54
Assiddo we even have a defrag for ext3 ?06:55
Assidthought its something i jjust didnt know about06:55
Arwenthere's defrag2fs, but it doesn't work on ext306:55
SeveredCrossExt3 doesn't need a defrag06:55
ArwenSeveredCross, YES IT DOES06:55
SeveredCrossOkay...I'd heard that it doesn't, I'm no filesystems expert.06:55
Arwennot as often, and not in "normal use", but it could definitely use a defrag tool06:55
SeveredCrossNo need to get testy06:55
Assidokay i need to code some more !06:56
ArwenSeveredCross, sorry, I read that BS way too often06:56
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ArwenSeveredCross, heh, the one tool they're missing is one that can change ntfs permissions06:57
SeveredCrossYep yep yep.06:58
shirishArwen: what about ntfs-config, tried it?06:59
Arwennope, what is it?06:59
Arwenshirish, oh, not those permissions. Permissions as in NTFS ACLs.06:59
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shirishArwen: ah, you meant access-control lists, that's interesting sure07:00
Arwenyeah, would make for a great recovery tool07:01
shirishArwen: true07:02
shirishArwen: but might have security issues also, unauthorized access, as it is knoppix has some great tools for breaking & entering :P07:03
Arwenbah, the ntfs driver already ignores the ACLs07:03
ArwenI'm thinking something like this: X user accidentally breaks his Windows setup. Sets all users to "deny everything". Can't boot. Uses ntfsacl or some equivalent to fix the permissions. Magic.07:04
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Do``could someone recommend a cd burning software that can burn audio cd-s directly from flac?07:17
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Do``i use gnomebaker for most of the time, but it seems to be freezing when i click on burn in gusty07:18
silesiaIs the Tribe 5 release still scheduled to happen today ?07:18
Arwenk3b maybe?07:18
jussi01brasero also?07:19
__timalso Serpentine probably07:19
silesiaAny special caveats when it comes to installing dev releases on laptops (ibm t60p) - it's not a prod. machine yet.07:24
seezersilesia: kubuntu gutsy works "perfect" on my t6007:25
silesiagood to hear that !07:25
Arwenit works "not very well" on my crappy Dell07:26
seezerfingerprint reader and hdaps (active protection) need a little handwork but it's not that hard07:27
silesiaOut of curiosity, how much "not very well" - I've quite a bit of Debian experience, but almost none with Ubuntu. I don't have a feel for how stable or unstable dev releases are.07:27
seezersilesia: http://www.thinkwiki.org07:27
silesia(I generally run Debian testing)07:27
seezerjust install gutsy ;) everything works out of the box here07:27
silesia:) - pulling down Tribe 4 as I type07:27
=== Skiessi [n=qwe@dsl-roibrasgw1-fe88fb00-133.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu+1
Do``ye works but how :PP07:28
Picifyi: newest kernel update sound on my t6007:29
seezerhm? :)07:30
shirishPici: so I'm not the only one who looks at kernel changelogs :P07:31
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Picier,  I missed a word in that sentence.07:32
wfarrhas anyone had more of these issues: $ ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr07:32
wfarrbash: ./autogen.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied07:32
wfarr$ ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr07:32
wfarrbash: ./autogen.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied07:32
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silesiaBroken /bin/sh link ?07:33
wfarrsilesia, nah, it's there07:33
wfarrI've reinstalled dash as well07:33
wfarrto no avail07:33
PiciI meant to say that the -10 update broke sound on my t6007:33
SeveredCrossTry bash autogen.sh --prefix=/usr and see if that works07:33
seezersilesia: ah one problem exists here (but trusting google and thinkwiki this is a hardware problem which could possibly be solved by biosupgrade or something): wired ethernet only works if cable was connected at boot time or by reloading "e1000"07:33
wfarrSeveredCross, that seems to do the trick07:34
wfarrI'll go file a bug07:34
seezerPici: ah. didn't get the problem in the beginning ;) still running 2.6.22-907:34
silesiaseezer: thanks for the heads up - I don't use wired eth often, but that's good to know.07:34
wfarrSeveredCross, when it gets to configure it craps out due to "checking whether the C compiler works... configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs."07:34
wfarrwhich shouldn't be the case at all - I've got build-essential and all the build deps07:35
wfarrI'm going to pastebin my config.log07:35
SeveredCrossSounds like you've got bigger issues than that.07:35
SeveredCross"Cannot run C compiled programs"07:36
SeveredCrossSounds like you're missing libc or something07:36
wfarrlibc6 is installed07:36
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SeveredCrossI have no idea then.07:36
wfarrwhat does "uname -p" return on your end?07:37
wfarrokay, so that's not out of ordinary on my end07:37
SeveredCrossOddly enough -p and -i are both unknown.07:37
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wfarrsame here07:37
wfarrI think I found the issue07:38
wfarrconfigure:3110: checking whether the C compiler works07:38
wfarrconfigure:3120: ./a.out07:38
wfarrconfigure: line 3121: ./a.out: Permission denied07:38
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wfarrfrom there it exits to the error of not being able to run C compiled programs07:38
seezerwfarr: is the mountpoint mounted with noexec?07:39
wfarrseezer, 'cat /etc/fstab;grep noexec' returns nothing07:40
wfarrer ; => |07:40
seezerbetter check /etc/mtab or `mount` but if you didn't remount it you should be fine07:40
wfarrproc, /sys, varrun, varlock, and /dev/sdb1 (my external HDD that has all my music and videos on it)07:42
wfarrmy config.log: http://pastebin.ca/66819407:43
wfarrfstab and mtab: http://pastebin.ca/66819607:43
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silesiawfarr: Can you try compiling a 'hello, world' program in the same dir and running it ?07:46
wfarrsilesia, I don't know C ^_^;07:47
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wfarrlemme try editing the mount options for the / partition and explicitly adding "exec"07:48
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sparrwin gutsy my intel 2100 wifi card did not work.  i installed linux-ubuntu-modules and now it shows up in knetworkmanager and iwconfig, but when i try to connect to a WLAN with knetworkmanager it does not get past 28% 'Activation stage: Configuring device'.  help?07:48
silesiaCopy that into hello.c ; then gcc -o hello hello.c ; then ./hello07:48
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wfarrthat worked07:49
wfarrlemme try something real quick07:49
mamefanX quit working for me today.  I found it's due to an old nvidia kernel module getting loaded at boot.  If I rmmod it then X starts fine.  How do I keep the old module from loading (or load the right one)?07:49
silesiaOK ... so C compiler is not a problem, exec/noexec is not a problem.07:49
wfarrall the things I tried to compile are currently on a dir on my external which mtab said had noexec07:49
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silesiaAh .. you didn't do that in the same dir ?07:49
mamefan[   34.776000]  nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.07:49
mamefan[   34.964000]  NVRM: loading NVIDIA Linux x86 Kernel Module  1.0-7185  Mon Apr  2 18:29:54 PDT 200707:49
mamefan[  652.636000]  NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module  100.14.11  Wed Jun 13 18:21:22 PDT 200707:49
wfarrwhereas I ran hello world from my / fileystem07:49
wfarrsilesia, I'll test in the other dir now07:50
mamefanIt's the 100.14.11 that works but only after removing the 1.0-7185.07:50
wfarrthere we go07:50
Do``is it weird that today there were no updates in the repositories?07:50
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wfarrit's a noexec on the external HDD07:50
Do``do i need to dist-upgrade again to go from tribe 4 to tribe 5?07:50
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wfarrbash returned permission denied this time07:50
seezerwfarr: just do mount -o remount,exec /mountpoint/of/external/hdd07:51
c00i90wnI want to upgrade to Gutsy so I did sudo update-manager -c -d but it says that my system is up to date, is this because it's not a final release?07:51
seezerc00i90wn: right07:51
c00i90wnseezer: I should make a s/feisty/gutsy/ in sources lists then?07:52
wfarrthere we go07:52
wfarrthanks seezer - you're a lifesaver07:52
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seezerwfarr: call me david hasselhoff07:52
seezerc00i90wn: could work but you could run into some problems which you have to solve manually. good luck ;)07:53
c00i90wnseezer: what would you recommend me?07:53
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seezerworked fine for me (around tribe1)07:54
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Picic00i90wn: Are you ready to use an unstable system that may break at any point?07:54
seezerc00i90wn: can't recommend it, but i'd do it that way, yes.07:54
khoafor a tribe4->tribe5 upgrade should i just, "sudo update-manager -d"?07:54
Picikhoa: no need.07:54
Picikhoa: just update as usual.07:54
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Arwendo, just normal dist-upgrade07:54
c00i90wnPici: Living on the edge is a sport for me, most of my apps are unstable :)07:55
mamefanX quit working for me today.  I found it's due to an old nvidia kernel module getting loaded at boot.  If I rmmod it then X starts fine.  How do I keep the old module from loading (or load the right one)?07:55
khoaPici: ok thats what I was thinking, thanks though, doing it know07:55
Arwentribe x -> tribe y is just like any other upgrade since you're not changing distro07:55
mamefanis there a better place to ask my Gutsy / X / NVidia question?07:56
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c00i90wnseezer: with --dry-run ?07:56
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khoacrossing my fingers that this will resolve the issues i had with pidgin TLS/SSL support07:57
khoaor at least provide a better starting point into fixing it07:57
=== Arwen just wants the f***ing GDM logout issue fixed
seezerc00i90wn: don't think it's needed, but it's your machine ;)07:58
Pici!ohmy | Arwen07:58
ubotuArwen: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:58
PriceChildArwen, which issue? And obscuring naughty words does _NOT_ absolve you.07:58
mamefanwhich was the naughty word?  GDM?07:58
ArwenGDM locks up my system if I try to logout07:58
Picimamefan: This is probably the best place, if you dont get an anwer immediatly, you can check lp.net to see if someone is having the same problem then try again in here later.07:59
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tretlecould someone tell me whether emerald is broken on gutsy?08:04
gnomefreaktretle: try in #ubuntu-effects they might know more08:05
tretleits so very inactive there08:05
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gnomefreaktretle: not much more in here if you noticed08:06
gnomefreaki have been way too busy to worry about compiz sorry08:07
Arwencompiz/compcomm has their own channel, no?08:07
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gnomefreakArwen: ubuntu-effects is the main one if you go to a #compiz it isnt just for ubuntu so they may not be as helpful as you might think08:07
tretleeh worth a try08:09
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c00i90wnwould the dist-upgrade remove my already installed compiz-fusion?08:13
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Arwenif it has a lower version number08:20
=== Some_Person [n=sam@adsl-70-240-105-143.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu+1
Some_PersonI like the way that Gutsy's taskbar has one set size for the open windows (like in windows). But in feisty, they stretch their size all the time. How do I make Feisty's taskbar act like Gutsy's08:20
hyljeupgrade to gutsy08:22
hyljei'd think simply fetching a new gnome-panel would do it08:23
hyljeit can break your gnome, mindyou08:23
Some_PersonI do not want to upgrade to Gutsy. It is too unstable.08:24
Some_PersonHow could it break my GNOME?08:25
hyljeit *can*, because it's probably from a different GNOME release than feisty's08:25
mon^rchis anyone else having lots of probs with firefox in gutsy?08:26
Some_Personwouldnt dependencies stop that?08:26
Dave2Define "lots of probs"08:26
hyljeyou can feel free to get most of gnome with it, yes08:26
hyljebut it's probably more effort than just coping with gutsy08:26
Some_PersonI couldn't even cope with the live cd!08:26
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Some_PersonAnd yes, Feisty has GNOME 2.18, while Gutsy has 2.1908:28
Some_PersonWhy don't they just backport 2.19?08:29
hyljeubuntu is not a rolling release08:29
hyljewe get struck big time every half a year08:30
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Arwenif you want dynamic upgrades, try Debian Unstable.08:30
hyljedebian's quite rolling08:30
ArwenUbuntu is basically 6 month snapshots of Debian.08:30
mon^rchfirefox crashes when I open "preferences" and lots of extensions are making it crash also -- help08:31
Arwendisable the extensions?08:31
mon^rchyeah, but08:31
Some_Person"unstable" is the key word there08:32
PriceChildArwen, plus a little polish08:32
Some_Personwell, i'll just live with it, like i've done since i started with ubuntu breezy, and be happy it'll be included in 7.1008:33
mon^rchomg... firefox is pooched... can I install a old version or something?08:34
hyljedebian testing is what can be unstable, debian unstable is generally stable, debian stable then..08:34
Some_Personand debian experimental is ultra-unstable?08:34
hyljewhat do you expect from the world "experimental"?08:34
finalbetaand debian experimental is ultra-unstable?, no it's called ubuntu.08:35
shirishisn't it experimental > testing > unstable > stable right?08:36
Some_Persondont forget oldstable08:36
shirishexperimental > testing > unstable > stable > oldstable that's better I guess ;)08:37
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Some_PersonSo Gutsy would be like testing, and Grumpy (when it comes out) will be like experimental?08:41
hyljenot directly comparable08:42
hyljeolder (LTS) releases of ubuntu approach debian stable08:42
crdlbshirish, it's unstable>testing>stable08:42
shirishcrdlb: ah so we sync always with unstable, with unstable being bleeding edge?08:42
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sparrwi wish i could have ubuntu's good configuration and integration with debian's rolling releases08:43
Some_Personso dapper=stable, feisty=unstable, gutsy=testing, grumpy=experimental?08:43
PiciSome_Person: No.08:43
ArwenSome_Person, no08:43
PiciSome_Person: We dont do releases like debian does.08:43
Arwenbecause Ubuntu has fixed-point releases08:43
Arweneach of those were directly comparable to Debian Unstable *when they were released*08:44
Picidapper=stable lts, feisty = stable, gutsy = stable upon release, gutsy+1 = stable upon release lts08:44
shirish'snapshots in time'08:44
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sparrwSome_Person: the latest ubuntu release is somewhere between debian testing and debian stable, in terms of age and features and stability.  the upcoming ubuntu release starts out worse than debian experimental and slowly gets closer to debian testing as beta approaches08:45
Some_PersonOne thing I want fixed bad in Gutsy is the desktop effects. I have the same problem I get in Feisty: where the titlebar sometimes turns all white. When using Xgl, however, I don't get the bug.08:45
PriceChildSome_Person, nvidia?08:46
ArwenI'm *really* waiting for the GDM logout bug to be fixed08:46
blizzowAnyone having serious issues with the new 2.6.22-10 kernel?  The external speakers on my laptop are now permanently muted.08:47
PriceChilddriver bug08:47
PriceChildSome_Person, are you using glx or glx-new ?08:47
PriceChildas I haven't seen it yet with -new08:47
Some_PersonI'm ok right now, using Xgl is a good workaround08:47
PriceChildyou'll have fun switching to -new I'm sure :P08:47
Some_PersonIs new a pain in the... well you know08:48
PriceChildI always found xgl really nasty08:48
Piciblizzow: What sound card?08:48
Some_PersonXgl actually blends in with my system pretty well08:48
ArwenWhen I used Xgl, it ate 140MB RAM :-\08:49
Piciblizzow: There is an issue with intel_hda on -1008:49
blizzowPici: Intel HDA08:49
Some_PersonHow do I check what my Xgl is using?08:49
hyljeaccelerated desktop eats RAM because it keeps your window textures in place08:49
hyljeinstead of forgetting them when something rolls over them and redrawing when it appears again08:50
hyljeit redraws them anyway08:50
PriceChildI've found compiz ridiculously cpu dependent lately08:50
Some_Person140 MB is less than Windows Vista used back when I had that08:50
PiciMe too08:50
Some_PersonHow do I check my CPU usage?08:50
PiciSome_Person: top, gnome-system-monitor08:50
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about find - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:51
instabin|work!find  nvidia08:51
ubotuFound: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-10-386, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-10-generic, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-10-rt, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-10-xen, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-9-386 (and 17 others)08:51
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Some_PersonMy system has 336 MB used memory right now08:52
shirishI dunno what could be the issue but each time I try !some command I generally get a error executing command statement in pidgin, any ideas anybody?08:52
Some_PersonIt's probably Xgl and Compiz Fusion08:52
Some_PersonStill, that's less than Vista!08:52
ArwenSome_Person, you know, Windows bashing doesn't really help anything08:53
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Some_PersonWindows bashing?08:53
Some_PersonFreenode must have a strict flood filter08:55
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kdub432when is tribe 5 coming out?!08:56
Some_PersonWhy was dapper a late release?08:56
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Arwenyay, I fixed my GDM problem09:04
sparrwany tips on how to find out why System Settings crashes on load?09:04
Arwenrun it in a terminal and check for error messages09:06
sparrwwhat is it called?09:07
jussi01sparrw: systemsettings09:09
jussi01sparrw: that should be the command for it09:10
sparrwyeah, thanks09:10
sparrwnada on console output, just KCrash warning me its crashing09:10
jussi01sparrw: sounds like it might be a bug.09:11
jussi01!bug | sparrw09:11
ubotusparrw: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots09:11
sparrwi dont know where the bug might be  :(09:12
sparrwcould be in any of a hundred packages09:12
jussi01sparrw: report the bug as system settings crashes, give details of what happens, and people who know will try and fix it09:13
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instabin|workwhat type of connection do you need to run xdmcp09:27
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blizzowinstabin|work: tcp?09:34
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tretleis anyone else having problems with xchat systray plugin?09:34
instabin|workblizzow: udp 11709:34
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instabin|workI ment was the required bandwidth....09:35
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PriceChildmakzy, thanks ;)09:37
instabin|workBasicly im trying to find something better than vnc for remote desktop09:37
makzynp. my bad! :)09:37
instabin|workI was thinking about nx free edition09:37
instabin|workor xdmcp or ltsp09:37
makzyi'll just copypaste my question. does anyone here run novell's gnome-main-menu under gutsy? is there a way to restore the functionality lost through the feisty->gutsy upgrade (install software, configure printers, etc) manually?09:38
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makzylike all the stuff missing in the control center sidebar...09:39
makzyand in the menu as well.09:40
blizzowinstabin|work: Why not an ssh tunnel with the -C flag?09:44
instabin|workblizzow: what does that do?09:44
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instabin|workIm on windows can i do that with putty?09:44
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blizzowit compresses the traffic going through the ssh tunnel.09:45
instabin|workwindows at work linux at home09:45
blizzowSo I'm assuming you're trying to blast a window from your linux home machine to your windows machine?09:45
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instabin|workblizzow: no the whole desktop09:52
blizzowYou could still start an Xnest session over an ssh tunnel to get a whole desktop09:53
blizzoware you using cygwin?09:53
sparrwgrr @ leaving things out of compiled packages09:53
sparrwthe only time i wish i was on gentoo09:54
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blizzowsparrw: no kidding, I went to use the clustering mode in fyre this morning and found out it's compiled without support for clustered rendering.09:54
tom4324847Hello!  Is the tribe 5 cd up yet?09:56
blizzowinstabin|work: I've done the Xnest over anssh tunnel with compression turned on and performance is so/so.  What's the matter with VNC?09:57
instabin|workblizzow: dont like it... Looking for something simple with no client...09:58
instabin|workIm starting to think nx server09:58
instabin|workwith the web companion09:58
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blizzowinstabin|work: VNC offers web connections too.10:10
instabin|workblizzow: from what im reading nx server is suposed to be faster than vnc also10:11
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spirooI got one big problem recently in Gutsy. After upgraded kerenl from 2.6.22-9 to 2.6.22-10 I cannot start Kubuntu correct. I tested ctr+alt+f1 like someone told me here before and had to hack me in byt repeating that combination.10:17
=== Frost^- [n=sweiss@CBL217-132-121-39.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu+1
instabin|workspiroo: what error do you get10:17
spirooAfter the loader with the kubuntu logo has loaded I just got blackscreen instead of bluescreen :D And the green light on the monitor blinks and do not get any response or what it calls10:17
instabin|workSpiroo: can you get to a console and...10:18
spirooI am not sure if it was after the kernel change, maybe some with splash image. Somewhere it said it couldnt find latest resume image on boot disk10:18
spirooI could get to console, but what to type then?10:19
instabin|workthat is f1 to f6 ... they are all consoles10:19
instabin|worklogin and type dmesg10:19
instabin|workcopy it to paste bin10:19
spiroowhat does the command do?10:19
instabin|workgives us a log10:19
instabin|workof whats going on10:20
spirooI do it now, I am logged in on linux as usual after hacked in10:20
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instabin|workspiroo: its not hacking in10:21
spiroowww.pastebin.org then?10:21
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spirooI know, but I repeated the ctr+alt+f1 and after a while got logged in on the graphical standard thingy10:22
instabin|workthe standeraed xserver console is ctrl+alt+F610:22
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instabin|workspiroo: did you get that dmesg log to past bin yet10:24
spiroosorry for the waiting, my internet is kinda slow. using wireless XD10:24
instabin|workcould some one else help spiroo I have to get home and take my daughter to her kindergarden orientation...10:24
spirooseems something is wrong with ACPI, PCI10:26
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spirooanyone else then?10:28
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sparrwi love dist-upgrade so big that when its done you have to update and dist-upgrade again  :)10:33
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XiXaQhello everyone. Can anyone tell me if xorg 7.3 will make it into gutsy?10:34
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sparrwspiroo: upgrade took an hour, and failed.  by the time it finished, there were new packages available that fixed the failure  :)10:36
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spiroosparw: I have upgraded like a thousand times, no upgrades or anything left to install10:37
sparrwim really hoping this fixes my kde problem, if not then i have to go back to feisty and try one package at a time10:37
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sparrwas to your X problem...10:38
sparrwtail /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:38
spirooX problem now?10:38
sparrwthe problem you are having with starting X10:38
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spirooIs X the problem?10:39
spiroohmm okay, what is wrong first of all probably?10:39
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sparrwcould be a mode line in your x config that isnt supported by your monitor10:39
sparrwor it could be calling a driver with a parameter that was broken in the new kernel10:40
spirooYes, that would be logical10:40
sparrwif the problem is not X then its a problem with the kernel almost certainly, and thats outside my experience10:40
shirishguys my pidgin had been behaving erratically, does somebody know who could take a look at it, I have filed a bug for it.10:40
spirooI have reconfiigured the Xserver-Xrog, but I has never been get this error10:40
sparrwafter the screen turns black10:41
sparrwif you hit ctrl+alt+backspace10:41
sparrwdoes anything happen?10:41
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shirishdoes anybody here how to use xchat?10:41
spirooI do not now, NOt tried, but I wanna fix the problem not do a workaround10:41
sparrwwell, if something happens then that means X is running10:42
spiroosparw: What should and can I do?10:42
sparrwreboot, get to the black screen, and hit ctrl+alt+backspace10:42
spirooreturn here?10:43
sparrwyes, and tell me what happened10:43
spirooif it happened anything, X-server is not problem, right?10:43
sparrwif something happens, then X probably IS the problem10:43
spirooah okay, hehe. OKay I wil lreboot, hope I can return to here soon. Cya10:44
=== shirish using xchat for the first time, don't know how to change channels :(
ysth1anybody else have no audio output with the 2.6.22-10 kernel update?10:46
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spiroohi again10:48
spiroosparw: Just for that I should test, no bacl screen was appeared this time :D10:48
spiroodo you know what problem could be?10:51
spirooseems that it appears sometimes10:51
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sparrwi dont know, sorry10:52
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napsy_hello. I installed emacs and when I try to run I got "No fonts match `Monospace-13'" What's wrong?10:54
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jkimball4ysth1: I have no sound either10:56
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blizzowjkimball4: what soundcard are you using?11:05
jkimball4blizzow: Intel HD Audio11:06
TheInfinityjkimball4: and you have no sound output, but nu errors? :)11:07
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blizzowjkimball4:   There is an issue with the intel hda cards with the gutsy 2.6.22-10 kernel.11:08
spiroosparw: thanks anyway. Hope you get the bug sorted out later. good luck with the stable version of Gutsy ;P11:08
jkimball4That's good.11:08
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jkimball4TheInfinity: I hadn't really looked into it.11:09
TheInfinityi know this prob from santa rosa platform, thats why i ask. and this bug is already reported, patches are out - i dont know why it is not updated until now11:10
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Alpha_Clusterdoes anyone know why i might be getting this very informative error when starting firestarter?11:30
Alpha_Cluster(firestarter:7627): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:11:30
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ggilbertAlpha_Cluster: are you running it from inside of X?11:40
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Alpha_Clusterive tried and it never starts11:40
Alpha_Clusterthat happens when i use gksudo and from su11:41
ggilbertopen a terminal and type echo $DISPLAY11:41
ggilbertok, and now try running fire starter from that terminal11:41
Alpha_Clustersame error11:41
ggilbertyou're root in the terminal or using gksu/sudo?11:42
Alpha_Clusterit has been crashing all day and finally it stoped starting11:42
Alpha_Clusterum this time was using gksudo11:42
ggilbertsudo -s to get a shell and then just type firestarter11:43
Alpha_Clusterok now it works11:43
Alpha_Clusterbut ssys it cannot find /usr/bin/esd11:44
ggilbertso maybe there's a gksu issue11:44
=== Alpha_Cluster is once again fludded by things trying to access a port >.<
ggilberthmm, it doesnt seem to have changed recently11:46
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WarboErm, does anyone know of any major sound updates happening, like maybe in the newer kernel? My laptop's speakers no longer turn off when I plug in headphones, and the volume control has separate Speaker and Headphone controls (both of which control the speakers AND the headphones)11:52
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osmosiscan anyone verify if this is fixed in gutsy?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/4253211:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 42532 in ubiquity "MASTER: "New partition size" UI is confusing" [Medium,Confirmed] 11:53
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Alpha_Clusterohh firestarter crashed and burned11:56
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compengi_Warbo, check alsa mixer12:06
compengi_Warbo, maybe after the kernel update it was muted12:06
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Warbocompengi_, what was muted? The problem is that my headphones are useless, since the speakers still output sound at the same volume when they are plugged in. If anything there is too much sound :P12:08
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yaccinwhen i install a new language in kcontrol/systemsettings, why do i get firefox and gimp installed?12:12
yaccini dont want them!12:12
DanaGHmm, Totem won't let me enable subtitles.12:12
ArwenDanaG, heh, this is why I use MPlayer.12:13
Arwenanti-aliased subtitles are fun12:14
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DanaGI use Kaffeine.12:14
pwnguintoo bad mplayer tanks on a lot of high res stuff12:15
sidI'm trying to get the built-in camera in my Acer laptop to work. lots of guides say to compile this module and load it, but on Gutsy it's already done with this kernel. I just have to modprobe it.12:15
sidShould I compile it from trunk anyway? How can I tell what version the driver is?12:15
pwnguintotem recently has been doing better than mplayer for me on some more demanding videos12:15
sidhttp://rafb.net/p/EVWA9e40.html Is it possible to make this camera work in Ubuntu?12:15
sidthat is my camera12:15
pwnguinbut totem's controls over subtitling is... not good12:15
tehkWill gutsy ship with free flash?12:17
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sidtehk: looks like it. it ships with it right now.12:18
sidtehk: You'll get a choice when flash is needed, it will install on the fly. so you can chose adobe, or gnash12:19
tehksid, awesome. Is it able to atleast play youtube? If so amazing.12:19
sidyes, it plays youtube/google video12:19
sidthere are some bugs, but it's definitely coming along nicely12:19
tehkwow - 64 bit is now an option for me12:19
sidsee #gnash if you want to thank them12:19
tehkwill do12:20
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RxDxUpdate the topic, Tribe 5 is released12:20
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yaccingreat i just installed tribe 4 -_-12:27
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hwildeanybody have j2sdk1.5 available?12:43
sidHow can I use the microphone, audacity/vlc both show no input devices listed12:46
sidThis is a new laptop, and I have a microphone port with a mic12:46
sidhmm, gnome-sound-recorder works fine.. but audacity and vlc show nothing listed12:47
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sidahh, mic works now12:59
sidjust the damn webcam12:59
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AnRkeytribe 5 is out for desktop, server and alternate on i386 and amd64 but is it gonna be built for PPC?01:02
AnRkeyi have all the iso's but no PPC01:03
voidmagetribe 5 says that kde has the blue splash screen when loading kde now?01:10
voidmagehow do I get that to show?01:10
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