
jjesseor <note>text</note> ?12:42
LaserJockI think I use <para>12:42
LaserJockusually it doesn't hurt12:42
jjesseso <note><para>12:42
LaserJockthat *should* work12:42
jjessebeen awhiule since i did work :(12:43
LaserJockme too12:43
LaserJockbut grepping the packaging guide shows that I use <note><para>12:43
nixternal<note><title>This is for jjesse</title>12:51
nixternal<para>do it like this!</para>12:51
nixternal:)  you don't need to use title of course12:51
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jjessenixternal: i'm in the midst of a rewrite of add-applications.xmlo02:51
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j1mchi mdke10:33
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