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katkinhi popey10:19
katkinpopey: have you had a look at the shop yet?10:19
popeyI have, yes10:33
popeyadded a few things to my basket, went to check out, and was impressed with the launchpad integration, it picked up my home address with zero input from me10:33
jendawow, that's cool :D10:35
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popeyI thought for a moment "how the hell does it know my address?!" then figured it must have got it from shipit10:36
katkincool, glad it was easy, anything that particularly took your fancy or anything you thought was missing?10:38
popeyI am a sucker for branded T-shirts :)10:39
popeypolo shirts too10:39
jendakatkin: I liked the keychain10:39
katkincool :)10:44
popeyit's not surprising though that people I meet who get given free software, seem to expect free t-shirts too :S10:46
popeywhen you start to explain the difference between a program which can be copied digitally, and a garment that requires raw materials, they lose interest quickly :)10:46
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jendapopey: my to-be-lawyer self would start explaining that they aren't in fact becoming owners of the software, because software cannot be owned - which is why they don't pay for it :)11:38
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tsmithejenda, ooh what's the discussion?11:44
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jendatsmithe: < p.o.p.e.y.> it's not surprising though that people I meet who get given free software, seem to expect free t-shirts too :S11:58
tsmithejenda, people would run away if you started that :p11:59
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=== popey runs for the hills
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elkbuntuping katkin12:43
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katkinelkbuntu: hello hello01:23
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elkbuntukatkin, did gerry fill you in on the tshirt discussion yesterday?02:32
katkinelkbuntu: I'm not sure, we have had lots of discussions about t-shirts lately :)02:53
elkbuntukatkin, gerry came in to #ubuntu-women yesterday and discussed whether the 'Linux for Ladies' shirts should be pulled completely, as he felt it may have been blurring towards a 'not caring about women' attitude02:54
katkinelkbuntu: i see02:55
katkinelkbuntu: what was the verdict?02:55
elkbuntueveryone seemed to agree that there is no problem leaving the 'linux for ladies' shirts there, as some people like them and we cannot dictate to people what they can and cannot like or want02:56
elkbuntubut, if complaints continue after the new shirts have been in the shop for a few weeks, then revisiting the idea would be appropriate02:57
katkin elkbuntu: ok, thanks very much for the update :)02:58
elkbuntuno problem. i pinged you yesterday, but concluded something shiny had you distracted ;)02:58
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gerr1hi all03:35
jendahey gerr1 04:17
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