
=== tgm4883_laptop [n=tgm4883@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
cornellHi tgm488302:09
cornellor ... HI tgm4883_laptop02:09
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superm1troy_s, did you see the xubuntu usplash recently?02:11
tgm4883_laptophi cornell02:11
cornellGot a cable plugged into the ASUS card.  I can see it Watch TV, but no sound ;-(02:15
cornellCan't seem to switch to the hauppage card.02:15
tgm4883_laptopwatching live tv?02:17
tgm4883_laptopare you using the guide or just changing channels?02:17
cornellAnd I've  no sound when watching recordings.  (previously recorded)02:17
cornellUsing the remote to change channels02:17
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cornellAlso tried the ssh -X doesn't seem to work.02:19
cornelllive tv just froze02:19
tgm4883_laptopuse the guide and select a channel02:19
cornellmy ssh (normal) isn't responding :-(02:20
cornellLogged in as me02:22
cornellStarted frontend02:22
cornellmaster backend isn't running02:23
tgm4883_laptopok, what are your two tuners again02:23
cornellStarting frontend again... cannont connect to backend...02:24
cornellDang... every step forward, two back :-(02:24
cornellHauppage 350 and ASUS02:24
tgm4883_laptopok, well start the backend from the script02:24
cornellNo error messages02:25
cornellthen started frontend... can't connect02:25
tgm4883_laptopand it's still not started?02:25
cornellps aux says it's running.  Before frontend said it wasn't running.  Now it says it can't connect02:26
tgm4883_laptopso it's running or not?02:28
tgm4883_laptopwhat does the log say?02:28
cornellIt's running, according to egrep, and the terminal that started it.  Where's it's log?02:29
cornellOr mysql's log?02:29
cornellls -la02:29
cornell /var/log ?02:29
tgm4883_laptopmythtv backend log?02:30
cornellFound mythtv and mysql directories in /var/log, is that them?02:30
cornellAt 1730 it finished recording that 70's show... who told it to do that?02:32
cornellUm... log ... last thing it says is New DB connection (1), connected to data base 'mythconverg' at host local host, running as the master server.  Then two other New DB connection's connected to database 'mythconverg' at host localhost.02:33
cornellbefore that Some comments about liveTV recording, when I was switching about.  You'd suggested changing channels02:34
cornellJust for g&g, I started mythtv-setup.  Window came up asking if it's ok to close the backend process.02:36
tgm4883_laptopnothing looks out of the ordinary02:37
tgm4883_laptopwant to pastebin say the last 100 lines?02:37
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:37
cornellJust the last 100? and may I use my pastebin?02:38
tgm4883_laptopuse pastebin for that02:39
cornellbbiab, the little one needs me02:40
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, you want to take a  look at this?02:43
tgm4883_laptopif your busy thats cool02:44
superm1never seen such things prior02:44
superm1i'm at a loss for an answer here02:44
tgm4883_laptoplolthats what I said02:45
cornellI'm special that way...  My problems aren't normal ;-(02:52
superm1cornell, what tuner?02:52
cornellI'm guessing that would be the ASUS.02:52
tgm4883_laptopand a 35002:53
cornellAnd I'm wondering if the 1730 entries are from when I tried switching the cards, some one had said the Y or C cards.02:53
cornellYes, I've a 350.  Last evening, myth switched from the hauppauge to the ASUS.02:54
superm1so which one is /dev/video0 theren?02:54
cornellDon't know why.  It was right after I installed the lircrc.02:54
superm1and perhaps didt they accidently flip02:54
cornellI'm thinking that video0 is 350...  lspci doesn't say.  How else can I confirm02:55
cornelllspci --> http://cornell.pastebin.com/m1abc104c02:56
cornellCan't start mythtv-setup...  Won't run with backend running.  Won't kill the backend, there isn't one running.02:57
superm1well dmesg shows you likely02:59
superm1which is which02:59
cornellfrom dmesg:Initialized Hauppauge WinTV PVR-350, card #003:01
cornellIs that what we want?03:01
cornellps aux shows two backend entries, one the egrep and one /usr/bin/mythbackend belonging to mythtv.  So backend is running03:04
cornellmythtv-setup started... looking at capture cards... /dev/video2 is card type MPEG-2encoder card (PVR-x50, etc...  Probed info: ASUS PVR-41603:06
cornellThat don't sound right03:06
cornellvideo0 is card type Analog V4L capture card... probed info Hauppauge WinTV PVR-35003:08
cornellShouldn't the card type match the probed info?03:09
superm1well i'm wondering if you are hitting the annoyance03:09
superm1of them switching back and forth03:09
superm1experiment by rebooting 2 or 3 more times03:10
superm1and see if they show up the same03:10
cornellWell but... um...  ok.03:10
cornellNow, backing out, it says, twice, card 0 (type ) is set to start on channel 2, which does not exist.  Do you want to fix these problems.03:11
cornellYes or no?   Just hit no and go ahead and reboot?03:11
superm1well don't mind those problems.  if the cards are set wrong03:11
superm1because your just going to reboot and come back in to look again03:11
cornellWant to see the dmesg?03:13
cornellOk.... now  video0 card type Analog V4L capture card, probed ASUS, video 2 card type MPEG-2 (PVR-x50, probed.... ASUS03:15
cornellAnd, from dmesg: Initialized Hauppauge WinTV PVR-350, card #003:16
superm1okay so same as last time around03:17
cornellBTW, I went into mysql manually before, seeing it the users got screwed up.  select * from user.  There's an entry, forget the user, but the domain is some domain I've never heard of.  That doesn't seem right.03:19
cornellNo...  I saw that one, figured it was ok03:20
superm1Yea it is03:20
cornellAnd it's root !03:21
superm1as a user?03:21
cornellIn the user table03:21
superm1that was from the build host03:22
superm1i have no idea how thta would have gotten in though?03:22
cornellLooks like the password's mine, so they can't get in with it.03:22
cornellvideo0 is Analog V4L, Hauppauge, video2 is MPEG PVR x50, ASUS03:23
cornellSHould I just delete these and create them again?03:23
superm1well just set the type of them appropriately03:23
superm1dont need to delete them03:23
cornellOk... recollection says that the ASUS is an Analog V4L SO I'll set that03:24
cornellvideo device video2, Audio device /dev/dsp03:25
cornellAudio sampling None (?)03:25
cornellDefault input Tuner103:25
cornellVBI device empty03:25
cornellSound right?03:25
superm1just make sure it matches the autoprobe03:25
jamssuperm1-  good work with the lirc-generator  it's an easy way to get started with new remotes03:25
superm1jams, you gave it a shot?03:26
jamsa quick one, but yeah i did look at it03:26
cornellAudio sampling rate of none?03:26
superm1jams, yea that's the goal for it.  its not meant to be a permanent solution for the problem currently, but until the standardized namespace is done03:27
superm1it will do the trick03:27
jamsi see you even added the options i was goint to suggest =)03:27
superm1to turn on and off different apps?03:27
jams -l and -L03:27
cornellOk, changed.  Try watching TV?03:27
superm1yup cornell03:28
superm1hopefully better this time round03:28
jamsi almost overwrote my own configs03:28
superm1well that's why it renames the old ones03:28
cornellSame messages about card 0 (type ) si set to start on Channel 203:28
superm1go back in and make sure channel 2 exists then03:28
jamsit's good work03:29
jamsalso glad it's in python =)03:29
superm1yea, i've started to really like python03:29
jamsfar to many apps are tainted by perl03:29
superm1since thats all i've coded this summer in03:29
cornellCOuld not connect to the master backed server03:29
superm1that's what the control centre and the live autostart are too03:29
superm1cornell, check and see if it started in the backend log again03:29
superm1and if not why03:29
jamslive autostart?03:30
superm1jams, its an app for configuring a mythbuntu frontend to run off a cd, but its able to save settings to a flash drive03:30
superm1so your "live frontend" can start immediately03:30
superm1if you plug the flash drive in03:30
cornellLooks like, superm1, Three DB connections, first one says starting up as the master server.03:31
superm1cornell, then try the fe again03:31
cornellOk... terminal says trying to connect to backend server:, timed out. ummm it's timing out in .001 second.  Isn't that kind of quick?03:33
superm1did your ip change?03:33
cornellMe...nope  Same Ip.  (already did an ifconfig.  mmm I was going to say ipcop agrees, but I can't connect to it :-(03:35
superm1well nmap your ip the (
superm1and make sure the backend is listening on it03:36
cornellAh... nonstandard port...03:36
cornellnmap my ip?03:37
superm1you changed the port?03:37
superm1apt-get install nmap03:37
superm1and then nmap IP03:37
superm1shows ports open03:38
cornellNo... ipcop... the web console, doesn't use 80.  ipcop says mythtv's on 27 also.03:38
cornellIt also seems I've some uninvited guests.03:38
cornellBut ipcop config's anotherquestion.03:38
superm1try restarting the frontend process?03:39
cornellok...nmap Not shown 1695 closed ports.. ssh open http open.  That's it03:39
superm1so no mythtv on it03:40
superm1did you change the port number03:40
superm1or did you change its listening behavior03:40
cornellDid not change any mythtv ports03:40
superm1double check them03:40
cornellActually\, haven't changed any ports03:40
superm1in the general page03:40
superm1because if nmap is saying its not listening03:40
superm1but the backend log shows it running03:40
superm1that is the most logical place to look03:40
cornellHappen to be in mythtv-setup... host address backend setup, ip addresses are right, explicit, server runs on port 6543, shows status on 6544, port master runs on 654303:42
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tgm4883_laptophow do you download a file over ssh?03:45
superm1well maybe you've gone mad then?03:45
superm1i mean you have been speaking to tgm4883_laptop a lot haven't you?03:45
superm1tgm4883, sftp or scp03:46
cornellMy input connections all list none?03:46
cornellsuperm1: do the ports look right?03:46
superm1yes those are right03:46
superm1cornell, you do need to set input connections03:46
cornellThought so... perhaps changing the capture cards lost the connections03:46
cornellScan of for channels or Fetch channels from listings source...  Don't do either?03:47
superm1zap2it right?03:48
cornellRight, ok03:48
cornellUmm.... how do I press the button?  HIghlight and press enter?03:49
superm1space maybe?03:50
cornellShouldn't it be saying something?03:50
superm1not neces03:50
cornellHighlight and space... tried that.03:50
superm1could show up in the terminal behind03:50
cornellHow do I know it's done?03:50
superm1you'll have channels there :)03:50
cornellStarting channel?03:51
cornellFInished there (I think) went to channel editor... channels are there.03:52
cornellSHould I scan them?03:54
superm1no need03:54
superm1should be good to go now03:54
cornelloooh... lots of card 0 etc messages.03:55
cornellI'm not running mythfilldatabase03:56
cornellWatch tv... black screen03:57
superm1plug in the cable?03:58
cornellBlack screen which takes a long time to get out of.03:59
cornellYes, at least it was03:59
cornellWell... gotta go04:03
cornellThanks much for your help...04:04
cornellPerhaps, tomorrow, I should just try installing again.04:04
cornellWhat do you think?04:04
cornellAnd, if so, from livecd or alternate?04:04
superm1well if you try installing again04:04
superm1i say wait ~1 week04:04
superm1because we'll have a brand new alpha out04:05
superm1with schedules direct support04:05
superm1and a few other fun things04:05
cornellSchedules direct support?04:05
cornellReplacement for Zap2it?04:06
cornell(registrations closed)04:07
cornellTell me when I can register ;-)04:10
cornellNIght all04:10
cornellAnd thanks much04:10
cornellAnd you think re-install might be a good idea?04:10
cornellLIvecd or alternate?04:11
cornellin a week04:11
superm1well if yo udont solve this by then04:12
superm1won't hurt04:12
superm1but we'll chat more tomororw04:12
superm1or so04:12
superm1troy_s, did you see this recently? http://evalicious.com/xubuntu.png04:16
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tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, were you able to build the iso today now that the kernel can be updated?05:54
superm1ubiquity is a mess though05:54
superm1i've spent most of the day on it05:54
tgm4883_laptopnot sweet05:54
superm1fixed most of it05:54
superm1but there is still a big annoyance left with it05:55
superm1that you can't disable pages anymore05:55
superm1with the way things changed upstream05:55
superm1or at least i can't find a good way to do it05:55
tgm4883_laptopwell let me know when i need to start seeding alpha 405:55
superm1well 0.20.2 needs to be released first :)05:55
tgm4883_laptopoh yea :)05:55
tgm4883_laptopi forgot05:55
tgm4883_laptophopefully i will get my wireless and sound back after this update05:57
superm1i haven't updated my laptop yet to it05:58
superm1i'm a bit wary to do so right now05:58
superm1because of all these other things that need to be pushed up yet05:58
tgm4883_laptopyea, holding off on production systems is a good thing05:58
tgm4883_laptopI just use my laptop for work, nothing important :)05:59
superm1oh crap.  i've got some work to do tonight too06:02
superm1man i wish there were more hours in a day06:02
superm1i really wanted to have this ubiquity stuff sorted out06:02
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pretenderim getting the sound pausing or choppy every 30 second or so mythtv can anyone help.    Im running sempron 3000+ 512 ram and a nvidia 5200 with a pvr 150 tuner09:45
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cornell_workMorning all01:09
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cornell_2Morning all01:11
cornell_2DaveMorris...  I worked some more on it, with the help of tgm4883 and superm1.  And it's going bad to worse.  They helped me go through the settings and did manage to help get my backend back to running properly, well connecting to it anyway.01:12
cornell_2I'm thinking of just re-installing.  superm1 suggested waiting a bit, apparently there's a new alpha scheduled for next week.  I'm thinking maybe I should go ahead if just for the practice.01:13
cornell_2And wondering if I should use the livecd or alternate cd.01:14
cornell_2Any opinions, anyone?01:14
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romerni just installed ubuntu 6.06 LTS, need to know if i need to install again a new ubuntu 6.06 using the same CD to setup MythTV?01:34
romernaccording to documentations it seems, am confused.01:37
lagawhy would you have to reinstall?01:37
romernI'm not sure but the instructions seem to point to another install. Shall I just proceed to install mythTV with 1st Installation?01:40
lagasure. although ubuntu 6.06 comes with an old version of mythtv01:41
romernthanks anyway01:46
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troy_s<superm1> troy_s, did you see this recently? http://evalicious.com/xubuntu.png04:28
troy_sYeah I did.  Overkill tacky.04:28
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DaveMorrissuperm1: mythbuntu uses fluxbox dosent it, how big is this compared to xfce?04:42
lagait uses openbox04:42
troy_sHrm... didn't know that.  Interesting.04:43
DaveMorrisopenbox then, you know what the size difference is?04:43
lagaDaveMorris: use apt-cache show to find out04:44
DaveMorrisI was just thinking if we had room for xfce instead of openbox it'll feel more like Gnome - which IMO more ubuntu users are used to04:44
lagapersonally i wouldn't care04:45
troy_sDaveMorris: What was the decision to go with openbox over fluxbox?04:47
DaveMorrisI joined after they had already chosen openbox04:47
troy_sOr laga on that.04:47
tgm4883It does bug me that I have to double click on the things on the desktop when it looks like I should have to single click04:48
=== DaveMorris takes me a while get used to it each time because I use gnome/xfce
lagatgm4883: that should be easy to fix04:49
tgm4883laga, other than that, it's functionality is fine04:50
tgm4883i think it's the mouse pointer04:50
tgm4883for the record, I prefer the double click04:50
tgm4883it's the little things like that, the mouse pointer turns to a hand and I feel I should have to single click04:51
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cornell_2No opinions about installing livecd versus alternate cd?05:20
lagaif you don't know the difference it won't matter i suppose05:21
tgm4883i think i prefer the alternate cd05:32
cornell_2Well, I kinda used the livecd, got screwed up, probably because I interrupted in the middle ;-)  And there's a nice wiki page going step wise through the alternate CD.05:33
tgm4883well if your going to use the guide, use the cd that comes with it.  I prefer the alternate cd just because I don't need the live env during install05:34
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hugolpcan anybody tell me wheres the txt file created in the mythtv instalation with the pasword?05:59
laga /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt05:59
lagaif you have to change it, use sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database06:00
hugolpthanks laga06:00
tgm4883laga, you should give a warning with that.  If you do things like that instead of manually changing text files, they tend to work correctly06:04
lagatgm4883: that sucks, huh?06:04
=== tgm4883 needs breakage
tgm4883It just doesn't feel like it's mine unless I break it06:05
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cornell_2Well... tgm4883, in that case... my mythtv is definitely mine... cause it be broke06:53
=== superm1 sneaks in tells laga to straighten out the building with -03 stuff, and sneaks back out :)
tgm4883that superm1 is sneaky07:18
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cornellWell... installing from the livecd, again.  For practice ;-)12:36

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