
=== mc44_ [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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cecwell I was on now I can't get back to #ubutnu01:10
naliothcec: you need to be tested  :)01:10
cecserver is set to port you specified01:10
Priceycec, the topic in #ubuntu-read-topic asks you to change your port then _ask_ for a test :)01:10
naliothcec: you can join #ubuntu now, thanks for your patience  :)01:11
cec Thanks01:11
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Tm_Tmooh mooh05:00
naliothwho let you out, Tm_T ?05:00
=== Tm_T hides
=== LongPointyStick [n=mystery@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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Tm_Tubotu <305:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:38
naliothTm_T: dontcha know it's a coldh-hearted robot?05:52
LongPointyStickpoor robot05:53
ubotuJordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu06:06
Tm_Tand no ops awake again?06:08
Tm_Toh boy06:08
Jordan_UHappens far too often unfortunately06:10
Tm_TI my kingdom doesn't spread that far yet06:10
wolferinedo a /whois06:11
wolferinehe is in a few channels06:11
Tm_Twho is?06:11
naliothTm_T: the leash is off06:12
Tm_Tyes, what about his channels?06:13
naliothTm_T: you gonna handle #ubuntu ?06:13
Tm_Tnalioth: hey, that's not what I meant :)06:13
wolferinei really dont think it requires and explaination06:13
wolferinegod, i must be getting tired06:13
Tm_TI think it's handled already06:13
Tm_Twolferine: well, I'm in more channels06:14
wolferinethats great to know :)06:14
Tm_Tnalioth: there was one dangerous joke, but I think he realised it already06:14
Tm_Tnalioth: will need action in repeat though06:14
naliothTm_T: of course06:15
wolferinein each channel, I beleive06:15
wolferineits in #kubuntu as well06:15
wolferineas well as #linux06:16
Tm_Twhat is?06:16
wolferinei guess your not seeing the entire picture06:17
Tm_Tno I'm not06:17
naliothTm_T: yuri* has 'joked' in many channels06:17
wolferine<yurimxpxman> `sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/mem` :D06:17
Tm_TI see, then let me kick him!06:17
tritiumI don't think it's necessary06:18
wolferinethat was posted in those three channels, and probably the other channels he was in06:18
Tm_TI do think06:18
Jordan_ULuckily his command wouldn't work anyways :)06:20
wolferinesorry, I had assumed you were in #ubuntu06:20
wolferinemy bad06:20
Tm_Twolferine: I am06:20
Tm_TI were too, though not active06:20
tritiumI was not active either, but saw the !ops call.  After reviewing how the situation was handled, I think things are fine as they are.06:21
Tm_Ttritium: maybe06:21
wolferinehe posted it in each linux based channel he could join06:22
Tm_TI hope he and others learned from it and it wont happen again06:22
tritiumNice to meet you, by the way, Tm_T 06:30
Tm_Tmeet me?06:30
tritiumThis is the first time we've talked, as far as I recall, yes.06:31
Tm_Tyou mean meat me?06:31
Tm_Ttritium: oh, I see, hello :)06:31
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elkbuntuhmm... i thought there was an ubuntu gaming channel or something08:11
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Tm_TI thought too08:17
Tm_Tthere isn't?08:17
elkbuntunot according to the channel list. there probably is, just no people in it08:27
elkbuntu-ChanServ-      Channel: #ubuntu-games08:28
elkbuntu-ChanServ-      Contact: Eleaf, last seen: 38 weeks 3 days (11h 9m 26s) ago08:28
elkbuntu-ChanServ-   Registered: 1 year 27 weeks 3 days (23h 23m 50s) ago08:28
elkbuntuthere we go08:28
=== rob1 [i=RobertSt@freenode/staff/rob] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ubotuemile called the ops in #ubuntu10:10
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)10:16
Amaranththey seem to be gone now10:32
Amaranthhad a bunch of spammers in #ubuntu10:32
jendaJenda "the bullet" Vanura10:32
Amaranthdifferent IPs, etc10:32
jendaok, probably taken care of by now.10:32
Amaranthgot like 2 klines pop up from somewhere so i think it was cross-channel10:33
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jribShinkai [i=Shinkai@]   dcc exploit 5 minutes ago in #ubuntu05:54
jribare we still notifying !staff about that?05:54
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PriceChildwolferine, Is there anything further we can help you with?08:10
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neverbluewhat about me?08:23
naliothneverblue: you have a /part key sequence08:24
neverbluethat was directed to PriceChild  :)08:24
PriceChildneverblue, you don't have a history on the bantracker... and have been quite helpful in #ubuntu so I don't feel as strongly against you... feel free to leave though :)08:24
PriceChildWe do like to keep this channel mainly operators.08:25
PriceChilddocta_v, Is there anything further we can help you with?08:33
=== effie_jayx [n=valles@ubuntu/member/effie-jayx] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Gary hides from PriceChild
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SeveasHe wasn't idle anymore ;p08:52
PriceChildshh you :)08:52
PriceChildHe hasn't come back...08:53
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Garyactually, I do have a question08:54
Garyuser in #ubuntu-uk "<killerspam> hi guys, is there a reason I can't access #ubuntu?"08:55
PriceChildI'll look into it08:55
Garyhe just said he is banned, apparantly08:55
PriceChildi'd guess as he has spam in his name08:55
naliothGary: all supplicants should be sent here08:55
PriceChildyep that's why08:55
naliothGary: it's not an #ubuntu-uk matter08:55
PriceChildSeveas, I always love "/cs bans nick" :)08:55
Garyoki, i'll send him right away08:55
=== killerspam [i=equilibr@82-46-54-188.cable.ubr14.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildkillerspam, please change your nick to join #ubuntu08:56
PriceChildwe don't permit nicks with "spam" in them.08:56
killerspamah that's why08:57
=== killerspam is now known as killerspm
jribor killerham08:57
killerhami like that one08:57
killerhamcheers guys08:57
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=== tonyyarusso [n=yarussoa@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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Meztonyyarusso, Ping09:15
tonyyarussoMez: pong09:15
Seveasnice nick :)09:19
SeveasThough I'd prefer killerpeanutbutter09:19
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tonyyarussobtw, /me has no nice scripty capabilities atm.  Fresh copy of irssi on a Windows computer at school.09:21
naliothtonyyarusso: can't scp all the goodies from your home box?09:22
naliothoh wait09:22
naliothwindows would share all your passwords with the world and solar system09:22
tonyyarussonalioth: I don't have the port forwarding up at the moment (should do that later)09:22
naliothnever mind09:22
tonyyarussolol, true09:22
tonyyarussoI can however bring a copy of the relevant scripts on my flash drive next week09:23
Seveastonyyarusso, bring an ubuntu live cd as well :)09:23
SeveasMez, when is the next dj mez show?09:24
MezSeveas, when i've re-ripped all my CDs09:24
tonyyarussoSeveas: Well, as of next Wednesday or Thursday I'll be running around with a full Ubuntu install on a hard drive that inserts into these little rack doohickeys here.09:24
SeveasMez, BWAHAHA :)09:24
MezI managed to wipe my music by restarting X in the middle of a move action09:24
MezSeveas, and i'm in the process of launching an online station09:25
Seveasthat sounds interesting09:25
PriceChildMez, i'm at "home" home now so i'll have to listen on your next run... do you do requests? ;)09:25
MezI will do.. lmao - but I'm also gonna be a while - maybe a month or more09:26
Mezand PriceChild seeing as youre home, we should meet up for a drink at some point09:26
naliothMez: you use X things to move data?09:27
Mezyep, cause i was being lazy09:27
Mezand moving about 20 Gig, I like a progress bar09:27
SeveasMez, use scp09:28
MezSeveas, locally ?09:28
Seveasit can copy locally too and has progress bar :)09:28
naliothMez: scp works locally (SURPRISE)09:28
=== Mez shrugs
Mezshall remember that in future then ;)09:29
naliothGUIs are tools of Satan09:29
=== PriceChild minimizes xchat
jribI wish launchpad was themable so I could create an ncurses theme09:32
Seveasjrib, greasemonky to the rescue?09:33
jribhmm, maybe09:34
naliothanybody heard of / used the Broadcom firmware cutter to get their broadcom chips working?09:41
=== Mez has
ubotuMilhousePunkRock called the ops in #kubuntu09:53
Mez<alluak1> where can i get xxxpasswords?09:57
Mez* alluak1 (n=eugene@ has left #kubuntu (requested by Mez: "Please read the code of conduct")09:57
Mez<alluak1> xxxpass for adultbouncer plz09:57
Mez<alluak1> i will trad adultcheck gold09:57
gnomefreakMez: why didnt you +b work?09:58
PriceChildgnomefreak, +b doesn't mute if they're in a channel09:58
gnomefreaki saw what happened but he was still there (under different network maybe)?09:58
Mezit did, kicked him, however the channel wasnt set to dissalow external messages09:58
PriceChildsurprised me a little while ago too.09:58
PriceChildThat should be on chanserv's lock Mez.....?09:59
gnomefreakah that would explain that09:59
gnomefreakPriceChild: +n09:59
Mezshould be, but wasnt09:59
Mez(I did set it!)09:59
gnomefreakall the other channels have it set09:59
PriceChildI'll poke Riddell about it seen as he has 3010:00
PriceChildthere's no topic lock either10:00
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)10:00
gnomefreakPriceChild: its set now, shouldnt have a need for riddell10:00
Mezit's not set though10:00
gnomefreakPriceChild: they left the topic lock off for a reason10:00
=== rob looks
Mezon the mlock10:00
naliothMez: yes?10:00
Mezcan someone add +n to the mlock for #kubuntu please (nalioth, rob)10:01
robMez, its on already10:01
Mezon the mlock?10:01
Mezbecause I can set it -n and then chanserv doesnt come back and kick it back on10:02
Mez(which is what the mlock is for)10:02
robthere you go10:02
robwhy do you need the mlock though?10:03
Mezcause it was somehow off today for some reason ... I dont know why - but best to have it there jic10:03
PriceChildWell somehow it went -n... which there's never any real reason for so just to be safe.10:03
naliothare we discussing topic lock or no external messages in #kubuntu ?10:03
Mezty tob10:03
PriceChildMez, do you know why there is no topic lock?10:03
MezPriceChild, no idea10:03
PriceChildnot topic lock10:04
MezI'd assume the same thing10:04
PriceChildbut no +t10:04
PriceChildgnomefreak said there's a reason :P10:04
Meznalioth, we're on about +n :P10:04
PriceChildWhich intrigues me.10:04
robok, I'm off to work, anything else?10:04
Meznope, thanks rob10:04
PriceChildHave a good day :)10:04
robokay, cheers! Bye! :)10:05
MezI've set iot +t for now, if gnomefreak wants to, they can remove it ;)10:05
nalioth#kubuntu has traditionally been -t10:05
PriceChildRight ok thanks nalioth.... best leave it at -t i guess mez :)10:05
Meznalioth, fair enough, I was just mimicing #ubbuntu10:05
Mezbut, meh - +n should be there ;) and now is10:06
Mezthanks rob10:06
naliothon occasion it is +t'd due to trolls, but for the most part, it has the topic open10:06
PriceChildcool :)10:06
Mezso why not the same for #ubuntu ?10:07
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mneptokGary: oy10:44
Garyoy?  is that even a word?10:44
tonyyarussoof course10:46
tonyyarussojust don't ask us to define it ;)10:46
=== grndslm [n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildtonyyarusso, incoming10:47
PriceChild*is slow* :)10:48
grndslmWould you please allow me into the Ubuntu channel, I was kicked out for saying "ghey"... i wasn't calling someone that, i was saying it was saying it was messed up that intel's P35 chipset doesn't natively support PATA drives.  I'm sorry if you work for intel, but would you please let me in??  =-)10:48
tonyyarussoPriceChild: Meteor?  Baseball?10:48
PriceChildgrndslm, to start with... by "ghey" i assume you meant something like "gay" and so I would ask that you do not use that in #ubuntu channels as a derogatory term.10:48
=== effie_jayx [n=valles@ubuntu/member/effie-jayx] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildtonyyarusso, hehe we're both a little slow ^10:49
grndslmyes, i just find it rather messed up that 50% of IRC chat is derogatory10:49
GaryOMG, he sounds like a 70's throwback too10:49
grndslmbut, i will never use it again10:49
PriceChildgrndslm, if you ever see anything that breaks "/msg ubotu guidelines" then please inform an operator.10:49
PriceChildHowever that is _NOT_ an excuse.10:49
PriceChildAnd is not tolerated.10:49
PriceChildtonyyarusso was the operator who banned you so its up to him grndslm :)10:50
grndslmPleeeassseeee, tony!10:50
tonyyarussoOh goody - does this mean I get to mess with the bantracker from school?10:50
grndslmLemme back in, man!10:50
tonyyarussogrndslm: A sec.10:50
PriceChildtonyyarusso, lol10:50
tonyyarussoPriceChild: can you give me the link?10:51
PriceChildway ahead of you ;)10:51
tonyyarussogrndslm: aka dunder?10:52
grndslmyea, that's my mom's computer... and i didn't like the username dolphin10:53
=== Seveas throws Gary back into the seventies
Seveasand kicks him in the nuts for that Bee Gees vibe10:53
GarySeveas, I just spoke to mneptok - it was funny10:53
tonyyarussogrndslm: Yeah, you've had your speech, just try to be more aware of what you've typed before hitting enter in the future.10:54
SeveasGary, and your brain didn't melt?10:54
=== mneptok is wearing his ABBA Fan Club thong
GarySeveas, it did, slowly, like being in a big microwave10:54
grndslmthanks, i will think twice as hard next time10:54
Seveasbtw, I did an IQ test today. It came back negative, WOOHOO!10:54
PriceChild!tmi | mneptok 10:54
Seveasmneptok, webcam!10:54
tonyyarussogrndslm: Should be all set to rejoin now.10:55
tonyyarussoSeveas: lol10:55
mneptokSeveas: libcam1394 needs filter improvements. shots of my pelvis cause it to segfault.10:56
Seveasmneptok, I'm not surprised. Imagine what shots of a lower region will do....10:56
grndslmaight, thanks again tonyyarusso!10:56
=== grndslm [n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
PriceChildSeveas, any eta on ubotu? 8-)10:56
mneptokSeveas: you heard about the Skype outage, right? ;)10:56
SeveasPriceChild, yeah, I'm about to kick him into gear10:56
Seveasmneptok, I *caused* it10:57
mneptokSeveas: by filming my groin?10:57
GarySeveas, thats understandable, I've seen the ginger10:57
Seveasmneptok, no, your buttocks10:57
Seveasyour groin would have caused a complete meltdown of level310:57
mneptokyeah, thanks for that kicking. i had to go to the hair salon this week to get the coiffure fixed.10:58
PriceChild*recalls gump's pronunciation of "buttocks"*10:58
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=== tonyyarusso is trying to figure out how one compiles code on Windows
ompaultonyyarusso, you don't you throw it at it and hope some of it sticks11:16
tonyyarussoompaul: pretty much.  Looks nasty.11:18
mneptoktonyyarusso: leave the source in an obvious place and hope an e-mail Trojan compiles everything it finds.11:52
tonyyarussomneptok: hahahahaha11:53
tonyyarussoOh well, I only have to survive a week before I have a portable Ubuntu system for all of the school computers.11:53
PriceChilduuuu xchat in gutsy makes it easy to hilight on nicks now :)12:02
PriceChild*finds paint in hair*12:06
ompaulmneptok, wait for it - our local lug got a grate mail from a pimp who wants to outsource a bit of linux work: Looking for a Linux expert to help 3rd party company on Ver:4 install...$$  12:12
ompaulso ehh what is Ver:4 install 12:12
ompaulgnutools or something?12:12
=== ompaul giggles
ompaulI went to lunch today with our lug chairman today - I had the cheezeburger with no cheeze and no bun12:13
ompaulallergies +112:13
ompaulompaul 012:13
PriceChildwatch xero ompaul...12:28
naliothPriceChild: you can remove the _ ban12:35
PriceChildty nalioth 12:40
naliothif that entity shows up again, he's evading dozens of klines to feed his addiction12:40
ompaulanyone want to tell them they are o4o by voicing the bot01:00
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v ubotu] by ChanServ
ubotuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-offtopic. It is asked that controversial topics: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.01:00
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o ompaul] by ChanServ

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