
kane77barbarella, how do I do this in vlc?12:02
tonyyarussoangasule: Minnesota, USA, and I just plug and go.12:03
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barbarellakane77:reading i3ds your best friend12:03
barbarellakane77:owps, reading is your best friend12:03
nickruddragonphyre, sorry I don't have a bluetooth device. Maybe bluez-gnome? (you can be my testbed :)12:04
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dragonphyreI've installed just about everything that has bluetooth in the name under the sun. XD12:04
FlashWolfhello people12:04
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FlashWolfsomebody here already set up apache on ubuntu?12:05
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angasuletonyyarusso: it asks you for the username and password?12:06
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tarelerulzany one use the bit torrent client call Deluge and have it take out firefox getting web pages . If so what did you do about it ?12:07
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npepinpeHey, is there any place where I could get a comprehensive list of modprobe error codes? My sound card driver keeps giving me a "probe failed with error -12"12:08
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Siviknpepinpe, did u trying searching the error on google?12:08
fujin_hey, how can I set my default soundcard? have a usb card an onboard12:08
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fujin_but the onboard is broken12:08
npepinpeI did. There's nothing on error -1212:08
tegohave a black fog on movie player ?12:08
npepinpeThe only way I know how to fix this is by reinstalling alsa, but it's the third times this happens and I don't want to have to do it every time.12:09
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tehkI created a Templates folder in my home directory but the templates inside do no add anything to my right click menu. Does anyone know of a solution?12:10
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jerryrighteris there another extractor for .rar files to use?12:10
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PriceChildjerryrighter, other than unrar?12:11
T3hMikeywhat's the command to restart Xserver?12:11
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jerryrighteryes pricechild12:11
scipionpepinpe: try this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=49952012:12
PriceChildjerryrighter, No, rar is a non-free format.12:12
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jerryrighterah ok thnks pricechild12:12
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magnetronPriceChild: maybe he was referring to unrar-free12:14
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PriceChildmagnetron, I didn't know about that12:14
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Drk_GuyHow can i d/l an entire CVS repo?12:14
PriceChildmagnetron, thanks *looks if he's still online*12:14
PriceChildbah no... :(12:15
npepinpeThanks scipio, but to no avail. My sound driver just isn't showing for some reason, and I can't troubleshoot it since I don't know what code -12 means.12:15
thedashwhat was that command to test audio channels ?12:15
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Drk_GuyI have something for the community, if someone wants to check: www.linuxgoodies.wordpress.com12:15
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Drk_GuyGuys, How can i d/l an entire CVS repo?12:15
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kwizardhey guys and gals12:16
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kwizardcan someone help me please12:16
barbarellaDrk_Guy:maybe we don't want to know!12:16
Drk_Guy!ask | kwizard12:16
ubotukwizard: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:16
Drk_Guybarbarella: It's something cool12:16
quaalwhy is ubuntu failing to mount a cd/dvd when i put it in? http://pastebin.ca/66733612:16
scipionpepinpe: what do you get when you type gksudo asoundconf list12:17
npepinpeJust the onboard card (VIA)12:17
barbarellaDrk_Guy:spam it is12:17
thedashI seem to have no sound anymore, advice ?12:17
Drk_GuyJust check it out12:17
Drk_GuyThe site is created and managed by me12:17
npepinpeI used to get my Audigy2 listed, but for some reason the modprobe gave this : EMU10K1_Audigy: probe of 0000:00:0e.0 failed with error -1212:17
kwizardI want to install an extra IP address on  my server but I cant remember the commands, currently I have 3 IP addresses running all designated in virtual host blocks to document roots.  Does anyone follow what I am tryin to do here?12:17
diseaseranyone know of an irc channel regarding cellular phones/GSM/etc?12:17
bulmerDrk_Guy: if you are allowed to the web site.. can try wget -r  5 ftp:/xxxx.com/12:18
scipionpepinpe: oh.. no idea what that is :(12:18
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barbarellaDrk_Guy:so you can't tell what is.12:18
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Drk_GuyI just want you to check by yourself12:18
npepinpethanks anyway :)12:18
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Drk_Guybulmer, it's cvs12:18
bulmerkwizard no..can you clarify a litle bit more?12:18
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kristoferI'm trying to get my laptop's native resolution to work.. but for some reason it's defaulting to 1024x768 even without that mode in xorg.conf12:19
kwizardBasically I want to install another IP address, I think to find the ip addresses already installed s ifconfig is that right?12:19
barbarellaDrk_Guy:i'm lazy to copy and paste the link, can't you tell me.12:19
kristoferit uses an i810 driver..12:19
bulmerkwizard: you can use ifconfig or ip12:19
Shrimpy_kristofer, is it an intel video card12:19
nickrudkristofer, install 915resolution , and take a look at /usr/share/doc/915resolution12:20
kwizardi cant remember the commands to install an IP thats all12:20
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BlueSurfhello ,i have a dual boot win xp/ubuntu  and can't get my wireless card to work with ubuntu can anyone help?12:20
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kwizardI have updated the virtual host blocks and ports.conf file12:20
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kristoferShrimpy_, yeah, it is.. I'm gonna check out nickrud 's advice..12:20
Drk_Guybarbarella: It's a Z650 Lex drvr automagic install script12:20
PriceChildkwizard, please tell us the name of the wireless card chipset12:20
Shrimpy_Kristofer: ok but is it a bcm43xx?12:21
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kwizardthere is no wireless card it is an Ubuntu server12:21
PriceChildkwizard, whoops wrong nick :)12:21
fujin_anyone tell me how I can set my default soundcard to my USB card?12:21
PriceChildBlueSurf, please tell us the name of the wireless card chipset12:21
kristoferShrimpy_, yeah, I've got that wireless adaptor, but it's fine.12:22
thecrossany ideas on how I can clean up my sound?  i have a constant buzzing noise through my headphones, and when the display changes (ie open new windows , typing, etc) i get a strnage interaction with the sound12:22
BlueSurfit is a wireless-g linksys card12:22
BlueSurfchipset unknown12:22
BlueSurfmodel wkpc54g12:22
PriceChildBlueSurf, type lspci in a terminal and pastebin it please.12:22
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Some_PersonWhat exactly is Xgl?12:22
Shrimpy_kristofer: ok lol wrong statment. but there is a video package for a 1200x800 res.  (debain and ubuntu)12:23
PriceChildSome_Person, ask in #ubuntu-effects please12:23
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BlueSurfim not in ubuntu right now im in win xp, like i said my wireless card dosent work in ubuntu so theres no internet12:23
kristoferShrimpy_, :) thanks..12:23
thedashhey guys, I lost power, and now I have no sound, any suggestions ?12:23
fujin_is there a way to change what the 'volume control' media keys actually control?12:24
nickrudthedash, turn on the power?12:24
fujin_or how to specifically disable my onboard audio12:24
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nickrudfujin_, system-prefs-keyboard shortcuts12:24
scipiotheconartist: one idea here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476146&highlight=bad+quality+sound12:24
kwizardSo I take it no one knows anything about Ubuntu servers then?12:24
fujin_nickrud: that's not what I asked12:24
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Shrimpy_kristofer: its either xserver-xorg-video-i810  or xserver-xorg-video-intel12:25
fujin_nickrud: I want to change what soundcard it controls. The keys are working12:25
fujin_they are just controlling the wrong soundcard12:25
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thedashI tried doing a generic 'speaker-test' and it gives me this error :: Playback open error: -16,Device or resource busy12:25
Drk_GuyI want to d/l WineX12:25
Drk_GuyApt-get has it=12:25
kitcheDrk_Guy, no it does not have cedega12:26
kristoferShrimpy_, yeah I've tried both of those.. it's probably a user error. I'm just trying to solve it though..12:26
Drk_GuyWineX!!!!, no Cedega!!!12:26
kitcheDrk_Guy, you do know WineX = Cedega12:26
Drk_GuyWineX is the cool one, Cedega is the lame one12:26
Drk_GuyWineX is GPL, Cedega isn't12:26
Shrimpy_kristofer: ok :)12:26
Drk_GuyBut they both have the same stuff ;)12:27
tokjDrk_Guy: no. winex is the cvs version of cedega, without some features12:27
nickrudfujin_, ah, try right clicking the volume control, and prefs. You can make some selections there12:27
Drk_GuySo, i have the URL of the repo12:27
tokjDrk_Guy: winex IS NOT gpl. is afpl12:27
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Drk_GuyBtu i don't know how to d/l it12:27
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Drk_GuyWow, thx tokj12:27
BlueSurfPriceChild: i tried using ndiswrapper and it seems to detect my card but wont let me enable the connection12:27
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PriceChildBlueSurf, I can't help with ndiswrapper, never used it.12:28
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PriceChildBlueSurf, best i can do is direct you to documentation if i know the chipset12:28
kitcheDrk_Guy, checkout the sources for it and compile12:28
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Drk_GuyI have the svn repo, where the sources are, but i don't know how to d/l it the right way12:28
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BlueSurfPriceChild: I cant find out the chipset for this model12:29
EmperorcezarI'm having a real problem with network manager. It will not let me change from whatever network it attaches to when it starts12:29
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jacob_how do i launch an mpg (video) file from the terminal>?12:30
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wilhola disculpa me ayudas, como puedo instalar un ADDON CD mediante comandos?12:30
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Drk_Guy!espaol > wil12:31
lImItaOwil: creo que aqu hablan ingls12:31
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Drk_Guywil, en el canal #ubuntu-es te dan ayuda en ESPAOL12:31
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David-Avlc name.mpg or xine name.mpg if you have vlc or xine installed12:31
Drk_GuyAqui solo es para ingls, epero me comprendas12:31
T3hMikeycould someone help me get my resolution working right? I tried that stuff on that link from !res, but it's still not working. I edited in the resolution I want to the xorg.conf file, restarted Xserver, and it still won't show up on the screen resolutions preference box12:32
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tokjDrk_Guy: http://www.cedega.com/license.php?source=1 here are the instructions. i can't help you further12:32
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abelfaecI'm looking for a torrent, or a mirror for ubuntu ultimate 1.4 dvd edition. I'm aware it's unsupported, and i don't need help isntalling it or setting it up, however it'd be awesome if someone here had a link, the linuxtracker torrent has a borked tracker on it. and all the mirrors have capped bandwidth usage12:32
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chuy_max<T3hMikey> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:33
jacob_does anybody know how to launch an mp3 or mpg file?12:33
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jacob_from the terminal12:33
ari_stressuse mpg32112:33
T3hMikeychuy_max, I did that, and I told it to add my resolution, then restarted Xserver again just in case, and it still won't show up on the list12:33
chuy_max<jacob_> depends in the app you want to use, mpg321 plays mp3 from the console12:33
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Drk_Guytokj: Sorry, but i had that url WAY back12:33
clearzenJacob: Do you have a xsession running?12:33
tyler_Has anyone here managed to actually get a Chaintech AV-710 working? I've been trying desperalty to get it working properly. It seems I can any one of:  Sound to SPDIF, More than one app playing sound at the same time, OSS emulation working, but not more than 1 at the same time. This shouldn't be that hard.12:34
jacob_chuy_max mpg321 is a program for the terminal?12:34
abelfaecno one have ubuntu ultimate 1.4 dvd iso sitting around? willing to make a new torrent or something :/12:34
chuy_maxjacob_ yes12:34
macdtyler_, you could try changing from OSS to alsa12:34
neverblue2!offtopic | abelfaec12:34
ubotuabelfaec: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:34
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jacob_Drk_Guy what is xsession?12:34
tyler_macd: I am using alsa. 7.04 install fresh off the CD12:34
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chuy_max<T3hMikey> in GNOME, System -> Preferences -> Screen resolution12:34
tokjDrk_Guy: you have to agree the AFPL license so you can read the download instructions12:34
abelfaecthat's not really off topic.12:34
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T3hMikeychuy_max, yes, that's where I've been going to try to change it, but the new resolution refuses to show up there12:35
clearzenJacob: xsession is your user interface basically12:35
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neverblue2abedo, really, you want someone else to open a torrent for you, and you feel thats not off topic?12:35
macdtyler_, well, if you head on over to alsa-project.org they have a pretty good troubleshooting guide along with some scripts that dump enough info to let us better diagnose the problem12:35
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neverblue2abedo, there are lots of sites for downloading ubuntu, your more than happy to use them12:35
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abelfaeci was just asking if anyone had it. It seems fairly ubuntu - applicable.12:36
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chuy_max<T3hMikey> if it refuses to be shown, either your driver/video card doesn't support higher resolutions, your monitor doesn't, you didn't configure it right, or I don't know .. :)12:36
jacob_chuy_max, how do i use mpg321?12:36
jacob_to launch an mpg12:36
smoenuxO.o ... Process >> Beagled - Helper >> Using 72% + CPU ..!! :( ... How can I stop it ?? what is it doing?12:36
chuy_max<jacob_> mpg321 launches mp3, not mpgs, if you want video use mplayer12:37
neverblue2abelfaec, now your disregarding the fact that you wanted someone to torrent it?12:37
T3hMikeychuy_max, well, I'm dual booting windows, and this is what I've been using on Windows, so I'm pretty sure it's supported. Last time I tried Ubuntu, it was pretty easy to add the same resolution, but this time, it's being a pain12:37
jacob_mplayer is a terminal program?12:37
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jacob_command line program12:37
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abelfaeci was asking if anyone had it, neverblue2, and a possible solution i offered up was a torrent, i also asked for links, or any other solution.12:38
neverblue2jacob_, every application in linux is run via the command line12:38
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neverblue2abelfaec, so your asking me for links?12:38
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chuy_maxjacob_ you can launch all apps from the terminal, obviously you can't display a video in the console12:38
neverblue2jacob_, some open a GUI interface, some do not12:38
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David-Asmoenux: probably indexing. it runs nice (low priority) so it dosnt disturb other processes so much.12:38
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Drk_GuyHey guys, if you want some linux tips and tricks (specially for Ubuntu ;) ) visit my site!12:39
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abelfaeci am not specifically asking anything of you, neverblue2, actually, i don't plan on asking anything of you. I was askign a room populated with abotu 2000 users if anyone knew where to find a file. So no, it was nto directed at you.12:39
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neverblue2jacob_, some ppl recommend opening applications in a command line, as if the program fails, the output from the program will display in the shell, which helps to resolve the issue12:39
Drk_GuyPm me for the URL12:39
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neverblue2abedo, good luck :)12:39
clearzenJacob: check this out http://polishlinux.org/apps/cli/moc-console-audio-player-for-linux/12:39
David-Asmoenux: ... see "top" PR column12:40
smoenuxthx David-A ... Isn't it bad for the cpu to run like this though ??12:40
smoenuxor will it stop once the indexing is done?12:40
Shrimpy_i was wondering if somebody could tell me if anybody could teach me how to use aircrack12:40
David-Asmoenux: yes if will stop12:40
smoenuxcools ^_^12:40
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smoenuxthats ok then .. :) makes me happy12:41
smoenuxThanks for the help12:41
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David-Asmoenux: using cpu is generally not bad for the cpu (unless the cpu fan is broke)12:41
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neverblue2jacob_, does that help you to understand?12:42
smoenuxah ok... :P ... I don't know enough on the subject... which is why I was a wee bit worried :P12:42
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neverblue2!offtopic | Shrimpy_12:43
ubotuShrimpy_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:43
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kenji88whats up ?12:47
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nickrudeveryone went home, kenji8812:48
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maxinatorhello everybody, can someone give me the command to close the normal gnome-desktop? nautilus --no-desktop dont seem to work12:50
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lImItaOit's possible to keep aspec ratio in ManDVD?12:51
jerryrighterhow do you turn on 3D acceleration12:51
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David-Amaxinator: do you mean like logout?12:51
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ThirtysixwayMy friend was having computer trouble and they were like "can you fix it?" I told them I'd get them a ubuntu disk lol12:52
Sivikgood for u12:52
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nickrudmaxinator, if you mean just not drawing the icons on the desktop, run gconf-editor  and untick  /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop12:52
ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD12:52
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ThirtysixwayWhat port does vpn use?12:52
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Arrick2227 default12:52
Arrickbut you can change it12:53
ThirtysixwayWhat about vnc?12:53
ThirtysixwayThe remote desktop on ubuntu12:53
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neverbluevnc 338912:53
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neverblueor tahts Remote desktop12:53
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ajehuk9300 - 9400 rings a bell - Ill check12:53
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dane2ubuntu doesnt want let my laptop run in anything higher than 640x480, how can I fix it :/12:53
maxinato1/name maxinator12:54
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ThirtysixwayCan't you change it in xconfig or something?12:54
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Grungebunnydane get the right video driver?12:54
Arrick5900, 690012:54
neverbluevnc is 590012:54
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neverbluethanks Arrick :/12:54
Falstiuson vncserver is generally 590x where x is the display number (1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc)12:54
dane2Grungebunny: I don think they have one for linux, but why would my laptop need it and my desktop not need it?12:54
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ajehukknew there was a 9 in it...12:54
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Grungebunnydane did you enable the driver from system>administration>restricted drivers ?12:55
dane2I tried and it says that my system doesn need any restricted drivers12:55
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ajehukwierd - my iptables rules show 5800 + 5900 for vnc12:55
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neverbluedane2, that means its enabled :)12:56
Arrickuhmm, thats correct now that I think about it12:56
Arrickajehuk ^12:56
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ajehukArrick - yeah it is.12:56
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dane2so why doesnt it work, then?12:56
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riotkittieAnyone well versed in ndiswrapper - I'm using a usb adapter with the prism2 chipset and while there is some degree of support for it, I can't use anything but WEP. if i go the ndiswrapper route, wpa/wpa2 should work ?12:56
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riotkittieI'm thinking about buying another adapter with an ralink chipset but at the same time, i'm not eager to spend money on one12:57
thecrossis there any way to clean up the sound on my laptop?  I get a constant buzzing noise that I can hear when wearing headphones. and when I move the mouse around or type I get a strange interconnection with the sound card12:57
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maxinato1sorry, but my wlan ***** ..... how can i kill the gnome-desktop nautilus --no-dekstop dont work12:58
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Falstiusthecross: have you tried turning down the microphone?12:58
riotkittiethecross - what kind of sound card does your laptop have?12:58
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thecrossriotkittie: how do i find out?12:58
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thecrossFalstius: Ill just try12:59
Falstiusthecross: mute microphone and line in.  I had that help on one laptop (and it is easy to try)12:59
riotkittiethecross : yea, its probably the mic; Falstius is a genius :P12:59
ajehukriotkittie - I decided that for the added reliablity and since I use quite a bit of wireless kit at home (2 laptops and a handheld) that spending a little extra cash for stabilities sake was worth it - I ended up spending 17total for 3 adapters that just work.  (7 for a dell card for the handheld and 10 for the two pcmcia cards) well worth it12:59
scipiothecross: i gave you a link earlier but i think i hit the wrong name with tab. did you see that?12:59
thecrossFalstius: nope, made no difference01:00
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riotkittieajehuk > if i could pick up cards for $3 ... :P01:00
thecrossscipio: nope did not see it01:00
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scipiothecross: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476146&highlight=bad+quality+sound01:00
ajehukriotkittie - ebay? its what I did in the end01:00
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scipiothecross: try what other suggested as well01:00
ajehuk\lright maybe not $301:00
ajehukwhats that these days? 1.5001:01
riotkittieajehuk > i've been watching eBay for like two weeks. the adapters i'm looking for, with the chipsets i need are going for about $3001:01
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riotkittieif i was using my laptop full time, i might bite. wait. my laptop has a pcmcia card that works fine with linux :P01:02
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EmperorcezarAny ideas on why nm applet would refuse to change networks? It also never progresses past the connecting animation even though it is fully connected.01:02
ajehukriotkittie - thats what I though initially but apart from the dell card (shoulda bought a few of them the local cex store resells them at )) all of mine are unbranded wit a linux compatable chipset...01:02
mjgoinsanyone know why so many packages would show up as coming from 'an untrusted source' if my sources.list only contains lines referring to ubuntu.com sites?01:02
riotkittieajehuk > what chipset is it, if you know offhand?01:02
Arrickhey all, how would one go about making ubuntu server 7.04 into a system that will route (or forward) port 80 calls to different servers inside the network01:03
ajehukI dont know off hand - but I can have a quick look....01:03
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johnny^Bwhats up peeps01:03
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dane2dell should make more drivers linux compatible01:04
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AncientRelicSIS Mirage graphics, anyone know where I can get a decent Linux driver for it?01:04
riotkittiedane2 > i'm sure that they're getting to it.01:04
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ajehukriotkittie - ralink but they are some generic german brand01:04
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Midnight_AbuseYeh heard Dell was gonna make Linux preinstalled.01:04
AncientRelicDell is01:04
dane2theyve had plenty of time though01:04
AlgorthmicControMidnight_Abuse: That's really old.01:05
dane2they put dell on some of their desktops already01:05
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ajehukriotkittie - dont know what the dell one is but it was listed on one of the familiar sites as compatable01:05
Midnight_AbuseWhat, me? :| Oh thanks.01:05
ajehukand its quite old01:05
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gbwhello, i have a strange phenomena today, that is in the network manager icon, there is no wireless network option, but i have wireless connection, does anyone know what is the problem?01:06
AlgorthmicControMidnight_Abuse: and they already have, the thing is they charge a 100 dollars more just for the manufactures to install it and somehow still preloaded it with Dell shit, they don't want to use profits and money, IE a simple copy of XP Home home on a dell branded computer costs ~$9901:06
riotkittieajehuk > ahhh, yea. i'm looking for something with an ralink chipset. i've got a list of usb adapters that contain them, including the generics. but im not having much luck finding anything but d-links and linksyses. i'm sure a new batch will pop up within the next couple of days. perhaps i'll have better luck then :D01:06
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thecrossI tried that link you gave me, but it made no difference. I still get a buzzing sound all of the time.01:06
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AncientRelicriotkittie: what about Zydas USB adapters?01:07
ajehukriotkittie - I think it is about timing - Oh and I was after pcmcia cards and there seem to be boatloads of them available at any one time.01:07
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AncientRelicmine work perfectly in Feisty01:07
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mjgoinsdo you need a new gpg key for aptitude after upgrading to a new ubuntu version? All my sources (which are the standard ubuntu repositories) are showing up as untrusted01:07
riotkittieAncientRelic: do those use the ralink chipsets?01:07
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AncientRelicZydas is the chipset01:08
lImItaOit's possible to keep aspec ratio in ManDVD?01:08
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AncientRelicthey're actually Airlink101 cards01:08
ramza3my sound sometimes doesnt work, can I restart the sounder server to restart and what would the command be?01:08
riotkittieAncientRelic: oh :o01:08
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AncientRelicriotkittie: cheap Fry's stuff FTW01:08
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ajehukriotkittie - but I will say that compared to using my previous card with ndiswrapper, these cards are sterling, I can finally listen to music and watch films down stairs without all the cabled hassle... (Oh and I can finally stream music to my handheld whilst Im in the garden - that is really nice...)01:08
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riotkittieAncientRelic: oh yea, Fry's is awesome. i will have to go look around their site01:09
scipiomjgoins: i don't think so. see !easysource and replace the whole file just to be sure01:09
gbwcan someone give me a shot?01:09
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AncientRelicwhy can't Intel put up Ubuntu drivers01:09
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riotkittieajehuk: i need this for a desktop :P  i could solve my problem by just yanking the cable from my La Fonera and killing my hotspot...  :|01:10
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AncientRelicriotkittie: you're trying to get your desktop wireless?01:10
ajehukriotkittie - that'd be... elegant....01:11
nickrudmjgoins, you can try sudo aptitude update ; that may clear the untrusted01:11
thecrossanybody have any other ideas why i get this buzzing sound on my laptop? it seems like it might be related to the display. as anytime there is movement on the display there is a change in pitch01:11
BlueSurfhow do i find out what the chipset is for my linksys wkpc54g wireless-g notebook adapter?01:11
Midnight_AbuseWhat are pro/cons about computers?01:11
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AncientRelicBlueSurf: Linksys is probably Broadcom01:11
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riotkittieAncientRelic: my desktop is wireless. in terms of connection.  but i can only get WEP under linux.01:11
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:11
nickrudMidnight_Abuse, pro, they make good anchors after a while01:11
riotkittielinksys might be ralink. they have a few.01:11
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Midnight_AbuseI need more, and ty.01:12
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gbwok, i solve it, i check my /etc/network/interfaces and find out there is suddenly a new line auto eth1 appear01:12
BlueSurfancientrelic, yeah thats what i think too but my specific card has 4 different versions01:12
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riotkittieBlueSurf > open a term and type "lspci | grep linksys"  without the quotes ... or lspci alone01:12
AncientRelicMarvell, BlueSurf ?01:12
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ward_had anyone got a speedtouch 510 ? i've wasted several hours and i still dont have a simple port forward01:12
ward_i really don't know what to do anymore :s01:13
knoppixhow do i listen music in ubuntu?01:13
AncientRelicMarvell was bought out by Atheros IIRC01:13
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riotkittieknoppix: music as in music? or music as in mp3?  or some other 'restricted' format?01:13
ward_knoppix, xmms among other software01:13
AncientRelicward_: is that a router?01:13
Midnight_AbuseWhat other communication tools where built from the 'computer'?01:13
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riotkittieatheros <301:13
ward_AncientRelic, its a modem with built in router, yes01:13
riotkittiempg321 ftw.01:14
AncientRelicward_: DSL huh?01:14
ward_AncientRelic, yes (dynamic ip)01:14
BlueSurfAncientRelic, so how would I go about installing my wireless card?01:14
silvertip257I needed to move partitions, so I deleted my swap and moved it.  How to I recreate a UUID that I can enter in my /etc/fstab config ?01:14
riotkittieknoppix: what is your issue exactly -  do you not have codecs? or are you lost in terms of software?01:14
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=== N3bunel away
AncientRelicBlueSurf: I presume you tried jsut plugging it in01:14
Falstiussilvertip257: when you ran mkswap it gave you the uuid.  If you didn't write it down, run mkswap again :)01:14
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mjgoinsscipio: thanks, that worked01:14
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freakyfeltgot a quick question about trying to boot ubuntu on my macbook pro if anyone could help01:15
silvertip257Falstius:  thanks !01:15
scipiomjgoins: excellent01:15
cecHi I'm having a problem with a slowdown in the time it takes to launch programs--even a terminal takes forever. htop shows cpu and ram usage are minimal. No major changes except updates. Any ideas where I can look. Using 7.04 a Thinkpad x6001:15
riotkittieknoppix: if you're using the GNOME desktop ... open up the application menu and go to...  sound? media?  im not looking at it so i'm unsure but there are players in there01:15
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AncientRelicward_: Honestly, best bet is to get a pure DSL modem, chuck the integrated router AT&T locks those suckers tight01:15
knoppixyes, i'm using01:15
knoppixvery good01:15
AncientRelicthen run out and get a WRT54GL01:15
BlueSurfAncientRelic, yes of course , and I also tried ndiswrapper01:15
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ward_AncientRelic, i use it as pure ADSL modem, i got a seperate router :-)01:15
knoppixmy english is bad01:15
silvertip257Falstius:  so I just need to run "mkswap /dev/xxx" to get the UUID ?01:16
ward_AncientRelic, DHCP from the modem = OFF01:16
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ward_AncientRelic, its jsut that i can't forwards a port with this weird thing01:16
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freakyfelti tried booting from the live cd on my macbook pro and i hit the BusyBox and it came up with an error about not being able to log in to tty, leaving me with an (initramfs) prompt01:17
AncientRelicward_: I'm stumped then, honestly when confronted with that integrated crap, I just dug out a modem without a router from my salvage :P01:17
Falstiussilvertip257: you'll need to run swapoff /dev/xxx first, but yes.01:17
silvertip257ok -- it's off already b/c I destroyed the UUID earlier ;)01:17
nickrudcec, when I had that problem recently, it was because my hostname wasn't consistent. I edited /etc/hostname to the correct name, edited /etc/hosts so that the hostname appeared after localhost, and ran /etc/init.d/hostname.sh start (sudo is needed for each)01:17
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ward_AncientRelic, i don't have a salvage lol01:17
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AncientRelicward_: try Craig's List I've seen DSL modems still wrapped floating around in there01:18
AzihHey guys, I just installed meld a tool for diffing/merging etc. and I need to run it as sudo so that I can actually merge stuff. How do I do that?01:18
AncientRelicfor like 10-2001:18
ward_knoppix, what is your regular language? there are also ubuntu channels in other languages01:18
cecnickrud, thanks funny, just changed my hostname so that has to be it much obliged!01:18
knoppixbut i using english01:19
ward_AncientRelic, what is Crag's List?01:19
scipioAzih: i'm guessing here but try "gksudo meld" if it has a gui01:19
AncientRelicward: www.craigslist.org01:19
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ward_AncientRelic, thanx01:19
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AzihI think that worked scipio. Thanks.01:19
musikgoat|laptopward_: its an internet garage sale of all sorts of things01:19
scipioAzih: you're welcome01:19
ward_haha musikgoat|laptop01:20
AncientRelicmusikgoat|laptop: More ebay with out the hassles ;)01:20
ward_well i'm unemployed, no money for modems when the old one is still working01:20
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AncientRelicward_: I might be there soon too, so I feel for you01:20
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knoppixward: where do i can download RPM and DEB packages?01:21
ward_knoppix, hmmm i don't think there's a vietnamese channel, not sure01:21
AncientRelicanyone know about video drivers?01:21
knoppixyou can use english01:21
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neverblueAncientRelic, whats that?01:21
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ward_knoppix, i know, but local irc rooms can be handy sometimes01:22
ward_AncientRelic, nvidia or ati?01:22
knoppixward_: uh, thanks01:22
AncientRelicward_: SIS01:22
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neverblueAncientRelic, old card?01:22
ward_AncientRelic, no dunno anytihng about those01:22
AncientRelicneverblue: brand new mobo01:22
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ward_all nvidia here01:22
neverblueAncientRelic, waiting for the question....01:22
thecrossso nobody has any other ideas on how I can get this buzzing sound to stop on my laptop?01:23
ward_does anyone know how to port forward a SpeedTouch 510 ?01:23
AncientRelicneverblue: well Intel has Linux drivers on their site for it, but they're for SUSE, Fedora, and Mandrive01:23
musikgoat|laptopward_: portforward.com01:23
AncientRelicaka RPMs01:23
neverblueAncientRelic, and?01:23
AncientRelicAny way to use those with Linux?01:23
neverblueAncientRelic, im sure you can use the drivers already available01:23
AncientRelicneverblue: they work at 800x60001:24
neverblueAncientRelic, talk in #ubuntu-effects, they probably have had more experience with it01:24
AncientRelicbut not at higer res's01:24
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neverblueAncientRelic, which driver?01:24
ward_musikgoat|laptop, doestn seem to help01:24
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AncientRelicIIRC, whatever's on the CD01:24
freakyfeltanyone know anything about booting ubuntu on a macbook pro?01:25
ward_musikgoat|laptop, but in the help of the modem it even says its not possible to port forward stuff that are comming in from outside :s01:25
cecnickrud, That fixed it thanks.01:25
nickrudcec, yw01:25
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musikgoat|laptopward_: not alot of modems have routing,   what is your ip address that you get from the modem?01:25
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Pe3khello, pls I would like to publish video I recorded on web but it is large (mpeg2, 720x576, 24fps  - 1 minute has over 400MB) . could anybody give me advice  - which format / software shall I use?01:25
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neverblueAncientRelic, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep driver01:26
ward_musikgoat|laptop, my modem is connected to my router, DHCP is off on the modem, the ip my router gets from the modem =, the ip i have from the router is
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AncientRelicneverblue: give me a minute to check01:26
neverblueAncientRelic, put that in a shell, and check the results01:26
knoppixi can learn C language where?01:26
FalstiusPe3k: if you don't need to be super concerned about quality, just use mencoder file.mpg -ovc lavc -oac copy -o file.avi01:26
Sivik192.168.#.# is a internal ip address01:26
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neverblueknoppix, online, of course01:26
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ward_offcourse it is... ffs01:26
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AncientRelicward_: The point is your router/modem is doing NAT once01:27
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AncientRelicand your other router is doing NAT again01:27
ward_AncientRelic, i know that i portforwarded both01:27
Sivikward_, thats over kill to do redundant nating01:27
neverbluelater everyone01:27
ddelonyknoppix: Heres01:27
musikgoat|laptopyeah, double nat can sometimes be an issue01:27
ward_AncientRelic, my modem to my router, my router to my webserver01:27
musikgoat|laptopbut your stuck with that modem, so do with what you can01:27
ddelonyOops, Here's a tutorial: http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave/C/01:27
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musikgoat|laptopward_: what speedtouch 510 version is it01:28
ward_Sivik, the modem has no wifi, the router does, this is not my house i don't make the calls...01:28
musikgoat|laptopSpeedTouch510Alt SpeedTouch510i SpeedTouch510v4.0 SpeedTouch510v4.2 Speedtouch510v4.3 Speedtouch510v5 Speedtouch510v601:28
ward_musikgoat|laptop, a v4, latest firmware installed01:28
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Sivikward_, then the person who is in charge is a moron when it comes to networking01:28
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alexbOrsovaI have a problem with an ISA SoundBlaster 16S sound card, on ubuntu 7.04, can anyone here help me?01:29
ward_Sivik, the moron in charge would be my dad without knowledge of networking01:29
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Sivikward_, what kind of ap/router?01:29
musikgoat|laptopward_: this doesn't do it?  http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Thomson-Alcatel/SpeedTouch510v4.0/FTP.htm01:29
ward_Sivik, a belkin, let me see for the exact type01:29
Sivikhave u tried reading throught the manual01:29
freakyfelti tried booting from the live cd on my macbook pro and i hit the BusyBox and it came up with an error about not being able to log in to tty, leaving me with an (initramfs) prompt. any ideas?01:29
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ward_musikgoat|laptop, i cant even find the list of modems on that site, first time i see this01:30
ward_let me see01:30
knoppixhow do i create a IRC account?01:30
Pe3kFalstius: thanks a lot :) it reduced size of video 1 minute long to 14MB ..with good quality ;)01:30
knoppixi using KNOPPIX01:30
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Grungebunnyknoppix you dont' need an account to use irc.. your using it now :)01:30
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FalstiusPe3k: yeah, the default quality is good enough for most things.  There are lots and lots of confusing options you can use if you want (but it is generally not worthwhile)01:31
dho_ragusknoppix: /msg nickserv01:31
DrodI want beagle search, in Add/Remove Applications, what is the difference between Search and Search & Indexing?01:31
ddelonyknoppix: You can, however, register your nick.01:31
musikgoat|laptopknoppix seems like it would already be registered, but give it a shot01:31
ward_musikgoat|laptop, thats exactly what i did and that didnt work01:32
=== Sitherae [n=sitherae@cpe-76-182-208-164.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ddelonyYeah, the hard part of picking a username is finding one that isn't already taken. :-)01:32
alexbOrsovahow do you register usernames?01:32
Pricey!register | alexbOrsova01:32
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musikgoat|laptopmeaning, you got into the right settings,  everything worked right per the instructions, but you cant get the ports forwarded?01:32
ubotualexbOrsova: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration01:32
dho_ragusfreakyfelt: what version of the livecd did ou try?01:32
SitheraeSo.. Guys im about to buy a new graphics card... going to be Nvidia an reccomendations on what manafacturer to use?01:33
freakyfeltive installed it on parallels and on a home built pc fine01:33
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musikgoat|laptopSitherae: i have a BFG,  it has a lifetime warranty01:33
ward_musikgoat|laptop, they save fine, portforwarding jsut doenst seem to work, and the router is fairly straightforward, should work fine01:33
dho_ragusfreakyfelt: huh... weird.  i haven't tried it, but i'd expect that it would work.01:33
ddelonySitherae: ATI driver support really sucks.01:33
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Sitheraeddelony: I know I have ATI right now.. so im getting Nvidia01:34
SitheraeSo BFG is good?01:34
freakyfeltdho_ragus: any idea how to get it to load up from that prompt?01:34
musikgoat|laptopi have a BFGtech 7800 GT, and I've loved it01:34
dho_ragusSitherae: bfg is the best, definitely get the most frags with that.01:34
=== dho_ragus remenisces about owning the bfg room in q3
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alexbOrsovaI have a ISA SoundBlaster 16S but I can't get it working in Ubuntu 7.04, can anyone help?01:35
alexbOrsovasound card01:35
musikgoat|laptopward_: what are you trying to forward?01:35
dho_ragusISA?  it's likely that the hardware is broken01:35
Sitheraemusikgoat: 256 or 512?01:35
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alexbOrsovano it works in Windows ME01:35
ward_musikgoat|laptop, http01:35
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dho_ragushuh, well that's a good first step in troubleshooting01:36
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ward_musikgoat|laptop, but i also tried another port, and forward that into port 80, didnt work either01:36
musikgoat|laptopSitherae: mine is 25601:36
ward_so normally it can't be my ISP01:36
freakyfeltshould i try the text-based installer?01:36
Grungebunnyinteresting thing..01:36
alexbOrsovaI also have a SoundBlaster 16XV (still ISA) but I cant get that one to work either01:36
musikgoat|laptopbut the GTX is a good card, amongst others01:36
GrungebunnyAccording to DesktopLinux.com's just completed survey, the number of Desktop Linux users has more than doubled in the past year, and Ubuntu remains their Linux distribution of choice. Of significance, Ubuntu's growing prominence has made GNOME surpass KDE as the most popular desktop environment.01:36
alexbOrsovaif either worked I'd be happy01:36
alexbOrsovabut neither do01:36
kyuubisealfor those of u that are having troubles with internet......there's a bug in it(ubuntu)01:36
dho_ragusa bug??  are you kidding??01:37
ward_kyuubiseal, then file a bug report :-)01:37
kyuubiseali found a awesome beryl program for windows01:37
alexbOrsovaI have also tried 'sudo modproe snd-sb16' and it gave an error01:37
john_Hey, can somebody please help me? I'm trying to install WASTE (http://waste.sourceforge.net/). I've already downloaded wxwaste 1.5 beta 4 and unzipped it, but i'm new to Ubuntu (and linux in general) and i'm not sure what to do...01:37
P_Kablewhere can I set thunderbird as default mail client under ubuntu ?01:37
musikgoat|laptopa bug in teh internets?01:37
kyuubisealti did01:37
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dho_ragusdude, stop the show and let's find THE bug01:37
musikgoat|laptopoh noes01:37
ward_lol musikgoat|laptop01:37
kyuubisealmy friend abu keeps getting it01:37
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ddelonypr0n on teh intarnets? :-)01:38
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:38
kyuubisealhow do u avoid it01:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about humor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:38
dho_ragusdon't know anything about humor?  apparently not.01:38
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kyuubiseali know humor01:39
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild01:39
kyuubisealit jumped!01:39
Grungebunnyjohn_ http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/01:39
musikgoat|laptopward_: why do you think your ISP may not be blocking 80?01:39
Pricey!offtopic > kyuubiseal01:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about isa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:39
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dho_raguslots of ISPs block port 8001:39
moo2manual changes to /etc/resolv.conf keep being over-written by the system - is there a preferred way to set IPs for DNS?01:39
lImItaOit's possible to keep aspec ratio in ManDVD?01:39
SitheraeAre 8600GTSs good?01:39
ward_musikgoat|laptop, i tested another port too (and surfed to it the right way)01:39
dho_ragusit's best to just use a high-number alternate port.01:39
kyuubisealhave u tried yod'm 3d01:39
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HansHermansis there a way to install eclipse through apt-get without installing gcj? I just want it to use sun's java. The binary from eclipse.org returns errors01:39
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musikgoat|laptopSitherae: the 8xxx series has a differnent chipset01:39
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freakyfeltdho_ragus: would i have a better chance by trying the text-based installer cd?01:39
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musikgoat|laptopi don't know if the linux drivers for that are stabel01:39
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kyuubisealalienware rocks heh01:40
Sitheraemusikgoat: Ahh01:40
mahasamatmanI am going to do a reinstall and want to keep all of the data my wife and I have saved - can I just burn a copy of the home directory?01:40
musikgoat|laptopi could be wrong though, i haven't checked lately01:40
dho_ragusfreakyfelt: probably not.  you can try some additional boot options though, like noacpi or that sort of thing01:40
kyuubisealUbuntu has an internet prob01:40
freakyfeltkk. thanx01:40
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alexbOrsovadoes anyone here have a working soundblaster in ubuntu linux?01:40
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ward_musikgoat|laptop, so what i tried too: portforward port 8888 entering the modem from outside, to port 80 going trough the router01:40
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dho_ragusalexbOrsova: i thin i do...01:40
AncientRelicneverblue: still around?01:40
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ward_and the router should have portforwarded port 80 to my PC01:41
alexbOrsovasee if you can find out what kind it is01:41
dho_ragusalexbOrsova: yeah, an audigy.01:41
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musikgoat|laptopward_: and that didn't work as well?01:41
john_Grungebunny: thanks, i'm reading it over. hopefully this will help01:41
alexbOrsovaoh, that's pretty recent01:41
ddelonyIs ISA support enabled in the Ubuntu kernel by default?01:41
scipiomoo2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282034&highlight=dns+reboot+lost01:41
alexbOrsovai dont know01:41
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ward_musikgoat|laptop, correct, that didnt work, shall i try it again to make sure i didnt overlook anything?01:41
alexbOrsovahopefully because I doubt I can compile my own kernel01:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about snd-sb16 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:41
musikgoat|laptopward_: I would try direct to your modem01:42
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musikgoat|laptopsee if the forwarding will work before crossing the second NAT tabel01:42
ward_musikgoat|laptop, great idea, brb01:42
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mahasamatmanI am going to do a reinstall and want to keep all of the data my wife and I have saved - can I just burn a copy of the home directory?01:42
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alexbOrsova@mahasamatman: why not?01:42
CTho__I installed XP and it clobbered grub.  I'm booted from the ubuntu CD now - how do I restore grub?01:42
alexbOrsova@CTho_: run the install cd, then01:43
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alexbOrsovacancel the installation01:43
mahasamatman@alexb0rsova - I want to make sure that's all I need to do01:43
alexbOrsovawhen it asks you to select a step, choose install grub01:43
scipioCTho__: http://www.google.com/bookmarks/url?url=http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php%3Ft%3D224351%26highlight%3Drecover%2Bgrub&ei=DMrMRvDaJYiGqwPjgs3cDw&sig2=t8kh4VxoSYTJ2wMBrNMxPw&zx=_BYU2LnAKnU&ct=b01:43
ddelonyalexBorsova: My guess is that since Ubuntu is designed for newish hardware that the stock kernel only supports PCI. The kernel configuration menu does have options for supporting ISA. Kernel configuration isn't that hard once you ge the hang of it. It's a rite of passage for any Linux user.01:43
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild01:43
=== Gaaston [n=hledoux@150.229-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
Grungebunnyim convinced I need to compile my kernel01:44
alexbOrsovawell I don't know anything about C/C++01:44
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Cap1ainwhat is events/0 ?01:44
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ddelonyalexbOrsova: You don't have to. Configuration is menu-based.01:44
Cap1ainits taking 99% of my cpu and has been running  for 166 minutes01:44
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alexbOrsovaI can program in many languages but I've never tried to lean the big one (C++)01:45
ward__musikgoat|laptop, DHCP on the modem = on, i was wrong01:45
dho_ragusCap1ain: kill it01:45
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alexbOrsovaddelony:ike an executable that does it all for you?01:45
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Cap1aindho_ragus, shouldnt i figure out why its doing that?01:45
ddelonyalexbOrsova: When you unpack the kernel source you can either use a text-mode menu or an X menu.01:46
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dho_ragusCap1ain: if you're looking for enrichment. ;-)01:46
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ward__musikgoat|laptop, what would be a good port to choose instead of 80 ?01:46
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ward__musikgoat|laptop, would 8888 be ok?01:46
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alexbOrsovais there any way to enable ISA support without recompiling? if not, I might do it...01:46
musikgoat|laptopits all up to you01:46
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squarebottleI know how to add programs to the startup by going to Applications>Sessions, but how do I add things to the Sessions startup list via the command line?01:47
alexbOrsovait just seems odd that it's not an option or something01:47
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ddelony!kernel module01:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel module - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:47
Cap1aindho_ragus, kill -9 wont kill it01:47
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dho_ragusCap1ain: `sudo kill -9` ?01:47
Cap1ainim logged in as root01:47
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dho_ragusoh, well that's not a good idea.01:47
ward__musikgoat|laptop, now i immediately get an error, so i think the modem jsut refuses01:47
ddelonyalexbOrsova: Linux uses often loadable kernel modules for device drivers.01:47
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CTho__scipio: alexborsova: thanks01:48
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dho_ragusCap1ain: `sudo apt-get install pstree` and then run `pstree` and see what it's a child of01:48
t0th_-somebody help-me?01:48
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musikgoat|laptopward__ your ISP could have made the modem do that01:48
musikgoat|laptopthats my only gues01:48
alexbOrsovaddelony: I already tried 'sudo modprobe snd-sb16' and it gives me an error01:48
Cap1aindho_ragus, okay, thanks01:48
alexbOrsovaddelony: I assume that's the modules you're talking about...01:48
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ward__musikgoat|laptop, its not a locked model :-)01:48
CodemasterMMhey guys, i'm getting a '/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: samba is broken or not fully installed'01:48
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CodemasterMMi've tried purging/removing it, reinstallingi t...01:49
CodemasterMMit still returns with the same lovely problem01:49
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:49
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ddelony!sound card01:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sound card - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:49
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.01:49
squarebottle know how to add programs to the startup by going to Applications>Sessions, but how do I add things to the startup list via the command line so that it'll appear on the Sessions Startup list when I get back home?01:50
CodemasterMMso no one knows how to fix my package problem?01:50
ddelonyGreat easter egg!01:50
kanuhawhat is the command to use when sudo alone won't work and gives a permission denied?01:50
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alexbOrsovaok, but I still dont have sound after following !alsa01:50
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alexbOrsovaI guess I'll have to visit those sites01:50
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:50
ddelony!sound blaster01:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sound blaster - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:51
CodemasterMMhey guys, i'm getting a '/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: samba is broken or not fully installed' - i've tried purging and removing the package, but i continue to receive the same configuration problems.01:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:51
kanuhawhat is the command to use when sudo alone won't work and gives a permission denied?01:51
CodemasterMMkanuha: you could use 'su' and change into root01:51
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dho_raguskanuha: what is the full command you're giving?01:51
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anathematichow do i change the time / date on my ubuntu server?01:52
gnomefreakkanuha: sudo -i or sudo command01:52
=== squarebottle sighs.
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dho_ragusanathematic: sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org01:52
kanuhadho_ragus, echo 'none /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,devmode=0666 0 0' >> /etc/fstab01:52
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dho_raguskanuha: ok, that's happening because redirection runs as your user01:52
alexbOrsovaddelony: after looking at those pages I recognized them immediately, I checked them before coming here :)01:52
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alexbOrsovaall three of them01:52
squarebottleHow to add to the startup. Via the command line. Such that it would appear on the Sessions list. Anybody?01:52
CodemasterMMhey guys, i'm getting a '/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: samba is broken or not fully installed' - i've tried purging and removing the package, but i continue to receive the same configuration problems.01:53
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morpheus_hi everyone01:53
morpheus_i need some help bad01:53
kanuhagnomefreak, thx, I think -1 is what I was looking for01:53
anathematicdho_ragus:  still giving me the in correct date telling me it's wednesday still, wait how do i change the time zone then?01:53
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dho_raguskanuha: you can do `sudo bash -c "echo 'none /proc/bus/usb usbfs autho,devmode=0666 0 0' >> /etc/fstab"`01:53
morpheus_i have three nics in my pc01:53
dho_ragusanathematic: tzconfig01:53
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dho_ragus!ask | morpheus_01:53
ubotumorpheus_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:53
gnomefreakkanuha: there is no sudo -1 command its sudo -i01:53
morpheus_one to the dsalmodem, and the other two i want to route traffic to different subnets, how do i do this01:54
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CodemasterMMso no one knows how to fix my package problem01:54
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alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: what distro are you using?01:54
sparrim trying to use an old ibook hard drive for a linux installation.  qtparted is telling me the partition changes cannot be committed, that i should unmount the drive.  it is not mounted.  if i edit the partition table in fdisk and reboot then fdisk sees the changes but qtparted still sees the old weird mac partition layout.  help?01:54
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john_when i'm in the Terminal and i do: "man something" how do i leave the command's description and get back?01:54
t0th_-somebody help-me?01:54
dho_ragusmorpheus_: google "routing howto"01:55
morpheus_wil do01:55
dho_ragusjohn_: hit the letter q01:55
ddelonyJohn_ just type q01:55
gnomefreakt0th_-: its faster if you tell us the issue01:55
morpheus_will do, sorry01:55
alexbOrsovajohn_: have you tried pressing the 'q' key?01:55
CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: Ubuntu Fiesty01:55
dho_ragusjohn_: that's the standard `less` controls.  ctrl-d, ctrl-a, /findstring, etc..01:55
alexbOrsovathat's 7.04, right?01:55
Cap1aindho_ragus, oddly, i fixed ti by putting my wlan adeapter in ad-hoc mode01:55
alexbOrsova(i hate these codenames... :)01:55
alexbOrsovawhen are you getting the error?01:56
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dho_ragusCap1ain: strange01:56
ward__alexbOrsova, 7.04 means the 4th month of 200701:56
CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: I was trying to remove & purge samba and then reinstall it01:56
t0th_-the ubuntu dont start the X01:56
dho_ragust0th_-: try `dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg`01:56
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gnomefreakt0th_-: what driver are you using what video card do you have?01:56
alexbOrsovaward_: i was talking about feisty fawn, dapper and so on01:56
t0th_-i am trying01:56
ward__t0th_-, maybe you have a problem with your xorg.conf then01:57
alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: how did you try to remove the package?01:57
john_i'm trying to run a batch file, but when i double click it, gedit opens up. so i try dragging and dropping it into the terminal and hitting enter. it then says permisison denied. then i tried adding the word "sudo" in front to make it run the batch as root, but it says no such command01:57
alexbOrsovausing synaptic?01:57
t0th_-driver: vesa video card ati xpress 120001:57
john_so how do i run the darn batch file?01:57
gnomefreakt0th_-: vesa isnt working?01:57
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CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: sudo dpkg -P samba and then sudo aptitude remove samba, to makes sure it was gone01:57
gnomefreakt0th_-: what is the error you are getting?01:57
alexbOrsovajohn_: you can't run .bat (batch) files in linux01:57
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ward__alexbOrsova, i know01:58
gnomefreakt0th_-: do you have vesa as the driver in xorg.conf?01:58
dho_ragusjohn_: try doing `sudo -s` and then running the command.01:58
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ddelonyjohn_ You chmod files to make them executable.01:58
t0th_-yes gnomefreak01:58
=== Randy [n=chatzill@70-58-155-80.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
john_thanks for the tips, i'll try it out01:58
dho_ragusjohn_: try my tip last.  seriously.01:58
ward__can anyone help me out? trying to port forward with a speedtouch 51001:58
gnomefreakt0th_-: can you copy your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to pastebin also put the error you are getting when you start x on pastebin01:59
john_yah, i'm in as root now. thanks :)01:59
alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM:  try to remove it using synaptic01:59
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alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: and if you're really brave try to remove the files manually01:59
CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: I'm using the server version, so I do not have a gui01:59
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ddelonyjohn_ Scripts usually start with a shebang (#!) line to tell the kernel which interpreter to run the script with: i.e #! /bin/bash for a shell script, /usr/bin/perl for perl.01:59
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t0th_-gnomefreak wath url?01:59
dho_ragusCodemasterMM: if you're using server you could try asking in #ubuntu-server01:59
gnomefreak!pastebin | t0th_-01:59
ubotut0th_-: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:59
kanuhawhats the command to reload fstab?02:00
ward__can anyone help me out? trying to port forward with a speedtouch 510 and i have no clue whats going wrong, everything is setup fine02:00
dho_raguskanuha: fstab -a02:00
kanuhadho_ragus, thx02:00
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mangojambokanuha: sudo reboot    ;)02:00
wangerward__ : you'll need to read the documentation that came with your router, this channel's for ubuntu support02:00
ddelonykanuha: mount -a02:00
nickrudCodemasterMM, try sudo dpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq <package>02:00
simonlbhi i need sound help with alsa02:00
mangojambohi .. can I install compiz-fusion using an ATI card ?02:00
alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: and if all else fails just remove the files by hand02:00
simonlbaccording to sound preferences i have about 7 different devices :/02:01
ward__wanger, are there other channels for this?02:01
dho_ragus!alsa | simonlb02:01
ubotusimonlb: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:01
=== techjim [n=iaintgot@c-68-80-48-203.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
john_ddelony: i see what you mean. the .bat file looks very much like it should be ran in windows. pity, too... i was hoping it was some type of magical script that would install this for me...02:01
CodemasterMMnickrud: i'll try that02:01
CodemasterMMnickrud: nope, that failed when i tried to reinstall it02:02
wangerward__ : maybe, hang on - i'll have a look around for something appropriate sounding02:02
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CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: it's weird, though - I only modified the /etc/samba/smb.conf file and i have deleted that02:02
nickrudCodemasterMM, could you put the complete error from a removal attempt with apt-get on a pastebin02:02
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ward__wanger, thanx a lot02:02
alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: well that's the problem02:03
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alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: if you modified it by hand, it's possible you made a mistake02:03
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CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: right, I deleted it and purge removed the package02:03
alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: and that's why it said it 'wasn't fully configured'02:03
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alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: you should have restored it to a previous state before attempting to remove it02:03
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alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: I once had a similar problem with X1102:04
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CodemasterMMim sure that was fun02:04
nickrudalexbOrsova, it should have uninstalled anyway, but possibly it may fail because it couldn't stop samba. The error should tell02:04
alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: i modified a configuration file and afterwards, it wouldn't start and kept giving me errors02:04
CodemasterMMoh boy :x02:04
wangerward__  nah there doesn't seem to be anything of any use on freenode, it's used primarily by the open-source software community02:04
alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: not only that but I couldn't uninstall or modify it02:05
CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: i hope samba has a sample smb.conf maybe...02:05
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nickrudCodemasterMM, it's a fixable thing, where's the error report?02:05
gnomefreakt0th_-: i still need the error02:05
ward__wanger, my nick is not registered, i can't reply, please join #wardsmodem02:05
t0th_-i have Xorg.log02:06
t0th_-1 minute02:06
alexbOrsovaso can anyone help me with my sound card???02:06
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MonkeyFithi everybody02:06
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:06
t0th_-http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34732/ the error02:06
CodemasterMMi'll post a reinstall attempt, alexbOrsova02:06
alexbOrsovawow I totally guessed that02:06
alexbOrsovaok, go for it02:06
MonkeyFitso i just got me an 8800GTX, and was going to install Ubuntu, but i can't get anywhere past the disc boot menu02:07
CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: http://pastebin.com/d6f1855e302:07
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gnomefreakt0th_-: do you have xserver-xorg-video-all installed?02:07
MonkeyFitit goes to a black screen like it's going to switch to the loading animation, but then stays a black screen02:08
MonkeyFiti can't make it to the live CD GUI02:08
alexbOrsovacodemastermm, it looks like it tries to start samba before reinstalling it02:08
CodemasterMMthat's weird02:08
gnomefreakt0th_-: also make sure you have the desktop package installed if gnome its ubuntu-desktop02:08
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t0th_-i install ubuntu default02:08
alexbOrsovaof course that fails so apparently it gives up on reinstalling it02:08
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alexbOrsovaof course if it didn't fail maybe the reinstall might work02:09
=== BlakeRG [n=blakerg@ip68-11-136-133.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
alexbOrsovaso I think you need to get a sample samba config file02:09
=== BlakeRG [n=blakerg@ip68-11-136-133.br.br.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
alexbOrsovafor the one you modified02:09
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alexbOrsovaor look for the backup (you know, with the ~)02:09
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MonkeyFithas anybody ever run into my problem?  of not being able to get into the Live CD GUI02:10
alexbOrsovathis channel sucks you in02:10
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alexbOrsovaive helped 4 people so far and haven't really received that much help in return02:10
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t0th_-more people eith the same problem02:10
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bulmeralexbOrsova: so?02:11
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CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: yeah, i know how it is; what sound card problem do you have, although i am sure i won't know anythin about it02:11
alexbOrsovamy SOundBlaster 16S (ISA, not PCI) wont work02:11
CodemasterMMoh wow02:11
mcrandellois the UUID garbage in the grub menu.lst a required thing? It sort of showed up out of the blue this last install02:11
alexbOrsovaI've already tried 'sudo modprobe snd-sb16'02:11
alexbOrsovait errors out02:11
=== Caplain [n=shane@adsl-75-45-244-23.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
alexbOrsovasaing the device doesn't exist02:12
t0th_-in debian my X work fine02:12
t0th_-the problem is with the ubuntu02:12
nickrudCodemasterMM, yoiu could try dpkg -i --force-conf-miss ,it'll reinstall the default config files02:12
alexbOrsovawhen I can see it installed in my computer :)02:12
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bulmermcrandello: garbage? you think they designed those things with garbage?02:12
nickrudCodemasterMM, erm --force-confmiss that is02:12
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CodemasterMMnickrud: yeah, that'd be perfect02:12
mcrandellobulmer, well it certainly doesn't look human readable, not even when I feed it to a leet speak translator ;P02:13
simonlbi'm not quite sure how to describe my audio problem, but audio input seems to default to the wrong device.  what works is "YMFPCI (hw:0,3)", which is an option in some programs (audacity, skype, wengophone) but not in others (ekiga)02:13
=== Kousotu [i=Invincib@adsl-68-20-14-116.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
domshow to disable java online games inside my firefox because most of my internet students  are playing online games? how can i disable it?02:13
simonlband reading from /dev/dsp doesn't work either02:13
nickrudmcrandello, grub still recognizes the old syntax02:13
bulmermcrandello: well its not, its just a numbering02:13
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alexbOrsovabulmer: 'so?': it doesn't encourage repeat use02:13
bulmeralexbOrsova: maybe if you are patient..someone that knows will assist02:14
nickrudthe uuid's make sense in the long run, I just wish it was more, language-like02:14
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zythdoms: sudo apt-get remove sun-java6-plugin02:14
alexbOrsovaI've been on here for 2 hours02:14
mcrandellothat's my problem too02:14
domshow to disable java online games inside my firefox because most of my internet students  are playing online games? how can i disable it?02:14
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mcrandelloI just don't like looking at those long ass 43oih345o...etc things02:14
bulmeralexbOrsova: i have been here more than that..so be patient02:15
bmxmarinedoes anyone know of a good p2p program02:15
alexbOrsovadoms: uninstall or disable the plugin (check about:plugins)02:15
CodemasterMMnickrud: http://pastebin.com/d7d81319b02:15
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bulmerbmxmarine: azurreus is one02:15
bmxmarinein ubuntu?02:15
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Flannel!uuid | mcrandello02:16
ubotumcrandello: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)02:16
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dho_ragusbmxmarine: azureus does run in ubuntu02:16
Flannelmcrandello: You can always use the old stuff, it's just less robust.02:16
alexbOrsovabulmer: out of curiosity, how long have you been here? and how mush spare time do you have?02:16
domsmy sun-java6-plugin is not installed in my synaptic but still i can play java online games? how can i disable it?02:16
puccahi everyone02:16
alexbOrsovabulmer: do you have a wife and kids?02:16
bmxmarineis it a program i can search for files and download, or is it more like a handler for torrents?02:16
mcrandellowell gods forbid I get my two hda1's confused with one another ;^)02:16
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dho_ragusbmxmarine: it's a torrent client, no search built in.02:17
gnychishow do i install a .deb i downloaded from getdeb.net ?02:17
CodemasterMMbmxmarine: just recently Azureus added a search02:17
dho_ragusbmxmarine: for that type of function you'd need something like gnutella02:17
bulmeralexbOrsova: yes, you want to adopt mine, they can be yours..lolz02:17
simonlbmy sound cards are using these modules: snd_via82xx, snd_ymfpci02:17
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CodemasterMMbmxmarine: I believe the search they added is more for legal torrents, though02:17
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alexbOrsovabulmer: lol :)02:17
bulmerthey eat a lot and they are hard headed02:17
thedashare there any non-alphanumeric characters that Ubuntu doesn't ignore in the folder sorting ?02:17
domsmy sun-java6-plugin is not installed in my synaptic but still i can play java online games? how can i disable it?02:17
dho_ragusgnychis: dpkg install file.deb, i think02:17
alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: what does samba do exactly?02:17
simonlbeverything in alsamixer is set correctly according to every guide i could find02:17
mcrandellocan I assign my own UUID's somehere, something like "dev-hda1" instead of the cd-key to vista in there?02:17
CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: windows-accessable shared directories, etc.02:17
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bmxmarineknow of any that would fit that bill?02:18
simonlbi just have to use a bizarro device to read microphone input that's only available in some apps02:18
nickrudCodemasterMM, let's do a complete removal; aptitude purge samba , and show me the failure log from that02:18
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alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: have you deleted the file that you modified?02:18
simonlbany way to make /dev/dsp read from the proper device?02:18
CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: yes02:18
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dho_ragusbmxmarine: nah, i don't do p2p on ubuntu, but you could try `apt-cache search p2p` or `apt-cache search gnutella`02:18
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Flannelmcrandello: you can.  Using... uh, some file system tool that I don't remember the name of.02:18
CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: there is no error when i purge it02:18
alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: after your failed reinstallation attempt, was it replaced?02:18
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simonlb(which is YMFPCI - AC'97 (hw:3,0)... whatever that means)02:18
domshow to disable java online games inside my firefox because most of my internet students  are playing online games? how can i disable it?02:19
CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: no, last time i tried to reinstall it, the config file was not replaced, which baffled me a bit02:19
domsmy sun-java6-plugin is not installed in my synaptic but still i can play java online games? how can i disable it?02:19
mcrandelloFlannel, ah okay then that's something else to look up then once the system is rebuilt02:19
bmxmarinei think i will, i got pissed at vista and i moved back to linux after 5 years02:19
bmxmarinei just got tired of reinstalling vista02:19
CodemasterMMbmxmarine: wow, what made the experience so horrible02:19
alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: it baffles me too...02:19
mcrandelloI'm just a little upset that on top of clobbering the options that kept my wifi running it added that02:19
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=== CodemasterMM tries another reinstall of samba
CodemasterMMyup, it fails again02:20
CodemasterMMso very weird.02:20
alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: maybe it's an optional config file that you need for samba to work with your system02:20
dho_ragusbmxmarine: i used vista since it was available in beta, and i finally gave up on it completely a month or two ago.02:20
diazepamopenvpn gurus - can anyone tell me what directory i should put the ca.crt  client1.crt and client1.key files ?? (on the client machine of course)02:20
alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: do you remember the steps you took to install samba?02:21
CodemasterMMdiazepam: honestly, for me, i just keep all of my ssl certs in one directory and memorize that location since i have a variety of services that use them02:21
bmxmarineyea i sent the program back to microsoft and said don't worry about giving me money i then converted all of the family computers ( 7 of them )  to ubuntu and now everyone is happy02:21
CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: yup, just a simple aptitude install ;)02:21
CodemasterMMbmxmarine: wow02:21
bmxmarinehow did you change you font color?02:21
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alexbOrsovabmxmarine: why didn't you ask for money?02:22
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simonlbanybody know how to turn off microphone loopback?  nothing in alsamixer seems to adjust it without turning off capturing altogether02:22
CodemasterMMonce games work natively or emulation works very well, linux will definitely be used more, at least for me ;)02:22
diazepamCodeMaster - thanks02:22
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nickrudCodemasterMM, you could remove  add -v to the first line of /var/lib/dpkg/info/samba.postinst and run it directly, see what error messages you get02:22
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bmxmarinei told them i will cause more damage to them by turning everyone i meet onto linux02:22
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CodemasterMMnickrud: yeah, i can try that - see what verbose debug problems it hits02:22
Flannelmcrandello: You can do it without repartitioning.  You might even be able to do it live (without booting to a liveCD)02:22
alexbOrsovabmxmarine: did you get a reply?02:22
dho_ragusbmxmarine: if you were talking about my font color, things show up differently if you use a persons full handle in the line, so when you're addressing somebody it stands out to them.02:23
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alexbOrsovabmxmarine: that's why i type your name when im talking to you02:23
alexbOrsovabmxmarine: it stands out :), so did you get a reply from redmond?02:23
bmxmarineyea weird, they sent me a copy of vista and a year of there  support  and a letter gay02:23
alexbOrsovabmxmarine: can you email me the letter :) ?02:24
bmxmarine<alexbOrsova> like this?02:24
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bmxmarineno i see02:24
alexbOrsovabmxmarine: yea02:24
bmxmarineso then is worked?02:24
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alexbOrsovabmxmarine: yeah it worked02:25
bmxmarinei remember irc way back in the day02:25
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bmxmarine<alexbOrsova> way back not all these colors02:25
simonlbanybody have any ideas?  i've already RTFM and not had any luck02:25
CodemasterMMwell that was funny02:25
alexbOrsovabmxmairne: haha :)02:25
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alexbOrsovasimonlib: whats the problem?02:26
bmxmarine<alexbOrsova> the kernel is so adept now tho, i cana even to fluid 3d02:26
nickrudCodemasterMM, don't tell me, when you did it verbose, it worked ;)02:26
CodemasterMMalexbOrsova, nickrud: I just touched the config file (/etc/samba/smb.conf) and it worked02:26
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simonlbafter lots of headaches, i finally got microphone input to work, but it's on a device i can't seem to access with every app02:26
alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: good job, im gonna quit now02:26
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CodemasterMMhaha okay02:26
bmxmarine<alexbOrsova> now if only i could find a good mmo game for linux02:26
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bottigerI want to be able to write a "" by pressing ALT+w. how do I do that in my xmodmap-file?02:27
thedashhow could I return all folders that contain a certain filetype, but each one not more than once ?02:27
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CodemasterMMbmxmarine: yeah, like i said - if games or emulation worke well02:27
simonlball the settings in alsamixer seem to be correct02:27
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CodemasterMMbmxmarine: mainly, a DirectX emulation or a DLL-replacement that translated it into OpenGL02:27
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bmxmarineCodemasterMM: you play any games?02:27
simonlbi'm not sure how to describe it, but the proper device to read seems to be "YMFPCI - AC'97 (hw:0,3)"02:27
CodemasterMMbmxmarine: yes, I just picked up Bioshock yesterday, even02:28
simonlbbut that's only an option in some applications.  using YMFPCI doesn't work02:28
bmxmarineCodemasterMM: still trying to figure that out wine is sooo slow?02:28
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CodemasterMMbmxmarine: could take a look at Cedega02:28
CodemasterMMiirc, their CVS is free02:28
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simonlboutput to /dev/dsp works fine, but input doesn't02:28
simonlband i'm so very very confused02:28
bmxmarineCodemasterMM: i was getting like 60-70 fps in windows now in wine inm like 4002:29
=== mattasdffda [n=blah@c-24-131-235-82.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CodemasterMMtry using Cedega, it's made for games02:29
Badpenguin86My friend gets access point invalid on his wireless when running iwconfig. Any helo?02:29
bmxmarineCodemasterMM: i tried it along time ago but there has to be a way without paying for a service02:30
Midnight_AbuseAnyone program in C++?02:30
Midnight_AbuseScript :|02:31
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CodemasterMMMidnight_Abuse: what'cha need concerning C++02:31
bmxmarineCodemasterMM: there was another program , crossover or something like that02:31
CodemasterMMbmxmarine: yeah, the Cedega CVS is free, but the stable version isn't... it's weird02:31
Midnight_AbuseHaha right now nothing, Just wouldlike to see some of your work ;)02:31
=== nickrud stopped long before c++, and is grateful
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CodemasterMMMidnight_Abuse: haha, well, i haven't coded in a while sadly.02:31
sudobashhey sorry im in a terminal so bare with me... Is there a fix for a very slow Grub loading window?... Ubuntu loads fine even VMware runs XP with no problem..... Hardware: P4 2.4, 512 m, 82865 vid., WD80 (WD800), 256 allocated to VM... The bios looks fine although i noticed it take 20 sec of waiting to even find the HD.... no lower than 20.... WTF? Should I use lilo or is there a fix for this?02:32
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bmxmarineCodemasterMM: shit windows has got me lazy with my typing, its starting to come back tho02:32
Badpenguin86My friend gets access point invalid on his wireless when running iwconfig. Any help?02:32
sudobashit take like 2-3 min to load grub02:32
bmxmarineCodemasterMM: where can i find the free one?02:32
bottigerCodemasterMM: still - didn't the lock down thier CVS a long time ago? because to many people just used it instead of paying?02:32
nickrudlol, interesting name, sudobash  (but I know nothing about your problem, sorry)02:32
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CodemasterMMbottiger: not sure02:33
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sudobashor is the problem in my HD?02:33
sudobashor bios....02:33
CodemasterMMbmxmarine: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO%20Cedega%20CVS02:33
bottigerCodemasterMM: I think so, and because distros like gentoo just made ebuilds for the CVS-version.02:33
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bottigermade it to easy for people to install02:33
bmxmarinebottiger: there is i can't remember where i fount it hto i think i just googled grub  configuring02:33
CodemasterMMbottiger: last time i checked at least it was free still02:34
frankgCannot access the internet - I can ping the gateway but cannot ping internet IP - what next?02:34
lurkinghelp: im trying to run a script off a cd but it appears everytime i mount it, its set to Read-only file system02:34
bottigerCodemasterMM: okey - It may be me who is outdated02:34
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bottigerCodemasterMM: haven't used cedega for years02:34
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bmxmarineCodemasterMM: i'll be back in a min im going to try it out02:34
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sudobashanyone know if there is a fix for a very slow grub loader?02:35
alexbOrsovahey does anyone here know if people can start their own channel?02:35
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bottigeralexbOrsova: on irc? sure - just join an empty channel02:35
CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: should be able to - just register it with chanserv02:35
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lurkinghow do you mount a read-write cd? (trying to run a install script off a cd but its write-protected)02:35
alexbOrsovaCodemasterMM: how do you do that?02:36
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bottigeralexbOrsova: /msg chanserv help02:36
CodemasterMMalexbOrsova: join the channel you want first, then do a /msg chanserv help and he can help you do the rest :)02:36
bmxmarine<CodemasterMM> shit there has to be a faster way?02:36
CodemasterMMwell, 'it' rather, not 'he'02:36
wickedhey sorry im in a terminal so bare with me... Is there a fix for a very slow Grub loading window?... Ubuntu loads fine even VMware runs XP with no problem..... Hardware: P4 2.4, 512 m, 82865 vid., WD80 (WD800), 256 allocated to VM... The bios looks fine although i noticed it take 20 sec of waiting to even find the HD.... no lower than 20.... WTF? Should I use lilo or is there a fix for this?02:36
bmxmarine<CodemasterMM> it think i might tinker with it more tomorrow02:36
=== Deags [n=deagsdoe@ip68-103-45-197.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
CodemasterMMbmxmarine: there might be, but i haven't found one, nor have i installed it in a long time02:36
dogmeatis there an installer switch that causes resolution to be low?02:37
dho_raguswicked: did you try re-instaling grub with `grub-install` ?02:37
dogmeatinstalls at 600x800?02:37
bmxmarine<CodemasterMM> is that how you are running bioshock?02:37
Deagshi what is a good vnc server i can get that will go well with tightvnc on my linux machine that i can apt get02:37
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CodemasterMMbmxmarine: oh, no, i haven't tried the game in linux yet :x02:37
wickedthat wouldnt cause any trouble booting would it?02:37
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CodemasterMMbmxmarine: i don't think any of my linux machines have the hardware for it02:37
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dho_raguswicked: not if you do it right02:38
bmxmarine<CodemasterMM> yea that is the only thing making me miss windows02:38
Badpenguin86My friend gets access point invalid on his wireless when running iwconfig. Any help?02:38
wickedwell i installed beryl and vmware on this machine02:38
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wickedbut the one im talking about is at my work02:38
SkryptI need to build, make, and install wpa_supplicant without the internet on my computer (without access to the internet on that computer) Someone care to help?02:38
bastid_raZorpidgin people who use encryption.. anyone having run issues with it?02:38
wickedbut it also has vmware on it02:38
bmxmarine<CodemasterMM> mine is nothing great but good enough i think02:38
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alexbOrsovabmxmarine: why do you miss windows? I was reading the nickserv help02:38
bastid_raZorCLI pidgin as user doesn't work.. only works if run as root02:38
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Deagsi am in search of a good vnc client that is easy to setup and secure i currently have tightvnc on my windows machine so would be great if it was compatable with that02:39
wickedLINUX running vmXP is the best way to not get a virus or adware and spyware02:39
alexbOrsovabmxmarine: so i missed it02:39
bmxmarine<CodemasterMM> just because there are no mmo linux native games worth a damn02:39
CodemasterMMDeags: anything based on VNC can be compatible, from what i hav eseen02:39
CodemasterMMbmxmarine: rumor is that WoW will be native soon, but i hate that game02:39
Deagsso whats a good one that i can apt get code that will be secure02:39
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wickedis it very hard to change from grub to lilo?02:39
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CodemasterMMDeags: well, i know xvncviewer is available02:39
wickedi know a good bit about ubuntu... decent amount02:40
quaalwhy is ubuntu failing to mount a cd/dvd when i put it in? http://pastebin.ca/66733602:40
alexbOrsovawicked: is it very hard to install lilo?02:40
=== mattasdffda [n=blah@c-24-131-235-82.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Deagsapt get xvncviewer?02:40
wickedwell to change the config02:40
bottigerbtw - is there any other difference on ubuntu desktop and server other than preinstalled packages?02:40
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wickedconfiguration i expect02:40
lurkingunable to run script off a write-protected cd02:40
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alexbOrsovawicked: all you have to so is install lilo02:40
=== brum_ [n=brum@adsl-69-209-114-36.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.02:40
bmxmarine<CodemasterMM> yea me too but hey if only we could get better driver support from the manufactures the linux might grow imensly02:40
=== ztomic [n=bruce@adsl-65-70-214-101.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
wickedsudo apt-get install lilo02:41
wickedbut will it configure itself?02:41
wickedor easy atleast?02:41
Deagscodemaster is it sudo apt-get xvncviewer ?02:41
alexbOrsovawicked: I don't know, I've never installed it. but i suspect you need to install it from a bootable cd02:41
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wickedsudo apt-get install xvncviewer02:41
ztomicwhats the scoop on envy? I can't get fglrx to work and using envy now... good idea?02:41
dho_ragusbottiger: i'm unaware of any other differences.02:41
dho_ragusbottiger: the repositories that are used are the same02:41
alexbOrsovawicked: google 'lilo install' and read the documentation on the lilo homepage02:41
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dho_raguswicked: i'd do `grub-install --root-directory=/ /dev/sda` or whatever before trying lilo.  just to give it a shot.02:42
bmxmarine<CodemasterMM> i do like my ati crd tho with the new kernels i am able to utlize some of my new hardware02:42
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wickedwhat about this... when you install vmware from synaptic it failed to configure 3 or 4 times before i manually configured it.....02:42
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ztomicIs envy taboo here?02:42
CodemasterMMbmxmarine: yeah, both AMD/ATi and nVidia are making open source drivers soon02:42
wickedvmplayer i mean02:42
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Deagsit says i already have the newest version02:43
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Deagshow do i run the xvncviewer then02:43
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers02:43
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wickedgets stuck on looking for unused subnets... chaning dhcp configs and stuff....02:43
bmxmarineit will be sooooo nice the gaming in linux will definatly benifit02:43
JohnuahCan I burn Ubuntu into a DVD disk?02:43
alexbOrsovaJohnua: yes, but you'll need a bootable DVD image02:43
wickedthere is an ubuntu dvd torrent02:43
wastrelDeags:  vncviewer <vnc-server-address>02:43
alexbOrsovaJohnua: wait, why would you want to do that?02:44
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wickedits fast too02:44
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Deagsi want this computer to be a server02:44
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Deagsso what do i do then wastrel02:44
wastrelserver i dunno02:44
alexbOrsovaJohnua: it fits on a CD so why would you need a DVD?02:44
JohnuahalexbOrsova, My rom is very odd, it can not drive CD but only DVD02:44
lurkinganyone help me with my "mounting" issue?02:44
bmxmarinei am still trying to figure out how to install *,run files......02:44
dho_ragusbmxmarine: `/bin/bash ./file.run`02:44
alexbOrsovaJohnua: what? :S02:44
wickedare there any processes that can be eliminated to improve performance in ubuntu? and tweaks?02:45
Deagswicked how do i get the vnc server to work do u know?02:45
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ztomicDeags: you also need the display... <vnc-address:0>02:45
JohnuahalexbOrsova: maybe it has got something wrong02:45
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ztomicDeags: you also need the display... <vnc-address:1>02:45
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JohnuahEvery CD can not be read by my rom02:45
SkryptI need to build, make, and install wpa_supplicant without the internet on my computer (without access to the internet on that computer) Someone care to help?02:45
JohnuahBut DVD is okay02:45
wickeddownload the tightvnc server script and exec it with: sudo sh "filename"02:45
alexbOrsovaJohnua: I don't understand what you mean by 'cant drive the CD only DVD'02:45
wickedsudo sh02:45
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JohnuahalexbOrsova: yep02:45
Deagsztomic i have no idea what that means02:45
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Deagshow do i get that wicked02:46
wickedit should be a script02:46
alexbOrsovaJohnua: do you have the correct drivers installed?02:46
wickedtightvnc.com or realvnc.com02:46
bryan986Anyone know what I can do If I cant remove a file because it says "Text file busy"? I can't figure out what is using it...02:46
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alexbOrsovaJohnua: are you on Linux right now or Windows?02:46
wickedtight is the best i believe02:46
bmxmarinedho_ragus: says i need to run as a su?02:46
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Deagsso just go there and not apt get it?02:46
JohnuahalexbOrsova: I have burn 5 cds , they can be read by other computer02:46
dho_ragusbryan986: you can `sudo rm -f filename`02:46
JohnuahI'm in Win02:46
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Deagsshouldnt there be a way to apt-get tightvnc server?02:46
wickedor use synaptic to install it for you02:47
bmxmarinedho_ragus: im trying to install the new ati drivers02:47
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dho_ragusbmxmarine: `sudo bash -c /path/filename.run`02:47
bryan986dho_ragus, still can't remove it that way02:47
ztomicDeags: #xvncviewer IP.AD.AD.XX:Displaynumber02:47
Deagsi cant fight it on synaptic02:47
alexbOrsovaJohnua, well then I guess your challenge is how to make a bootable DVD image02:47
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CodemasterMMDeags: you can always do an aptitude search [package]  or apt-cache search [package] 02:47
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alexbOrsovaJohnua, apart from that I don't see what else you can do02:47
dho_ragusbryan986: ...you can't remove it with sudo rm -f ?  what do you get for `sudo whoami`?02:47
Deagsztomic i dont understand what that means ata ll02:47
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JohnuahalexbOrsova: you are right02:47
ztomicDeags: doode! do you know the IP?02:47
Deagslol code i have no idea what that is im like really new to this02:48
Deagsthe ip to what02:48
Deagsthe comp i wanna connect from?02:48
ztomicDeags: doode! to connect to.02:48
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bryan986dho_ragus, I get root02:48
JohnuahalexbOrsova: Can you give me a DVD iso link?02:48
Deagsi wanna connect to this comp from my windows machine02:48
alexbOrsovaJohnua, you see, that's the thing, I don't think there is a DVD image available02:48
SkryptCan someone tell me how to follow these directions? lol http://www.stevens.edu/itwiki/cgi-bin/wiki/index.php?title=Linux_802.1x#Wired_802.1x_.28linux.2902:48
ztomicDeags: doode! you have no clue at all do you02:49
SkryptI just need to know how to compile the wpa_supplicant and install it02:49
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alexbOrsovaJohnua, all DVD players canm also read CDs02:49
Deagsi have never done any of this before on linux02:49
Deagsi have it working on my windows machines just fine02:49
dho_ragusbryan986: then you should be able to remove it.  if you can't, it might be a read-only filesystem.02:49
boyamalexbOrsova, you're right...cd's only02:49
Deagsbut no clue how or what to do on linux02:49
Deagsthats why i am here02:49
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ztomicDeags: I came in late. Lets make sure I know what you wanna do. What do you wanna do?02:49
bryan986dho_ragus, lol I just made the file earlier02:49
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alexbOrsovaJohnua, start asking around how to convert bootable CD image to bootable DVD image shouldn't bne that hard02:50
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JohnuahalexbOrsova: I know that, but my DVD rom had ability to read CD days ago, but after intalling the ubuntu ,it can not02:50
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dho_ragusbryan986: show me some of your terminal output in a pastebin02:50
Deagslol ok ztomic i am on this machine that has ubuntu on it and i wanna have a vnc server so i can connect to it from my windows machine02:50
alexbOrsovaJohnua, wait so you already installed Ubuntu?02:50
Deagsthis is going to be a webserver and i dont wanna have to go on it everytime i wanna make a change02:50
lastnodeguys, need some help. any pcmcia cards / brands that KNOWN to work with the kernel? (that have OSS drivers basically)02:50
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alexbOrsovaJohnua, so you can't read CDs from Ubuntu?02:50
JohnuahalexbOrsova: while rom working ,the sound is not normal02:50
ztomicDeags: gnome?02:50
Deagsi believe so yes02:51
JohnuahalexbOrsova: I cannot02:51
john_i'm still trying to install WASTE (http://waste.sf.net/), but i can't seem to do it02:51
alexbOrsovaJohnua, but you can from WIndows, right?02:51
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john_the package comes with the source code, but when i unzip it and try doing things like "make" it doesn't work02:51
JohnuahalexbOrsova: I also can't browse the CD in win xp02:51
ztomicDeags: system->prefs->remote desktop... simple! whats the problem?02:51
Johnuahbut dvd is okay02:51
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alexbOrsovaJohnua, but you could do it before you installed Ubuntu?02:52
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bryan986dho_ragus, http://pastebin.com/d1a9edd1602:52
Deagsty ztomic didnt know there was one packaged to it lemme try it out02:52
alexbOrsovaso can someone here remind me the command for getting hel wth registering a channel?02:52
MegaqwertyAnyone know how I could pipe the results of a bunch of different programs into another? (i.e. echo "this" && echo "is" && echo "a" && echo "test" | zenity --text-info --title "Testbox" )02:52
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JohnuahalexbOrsova: yes, I could do it before installing ubuntu02:52
alexbOrsovalike nickserv but for channels02:52
PicialexbOrsova: /msg chanserv help02:53
dho_ragusbryan986: what's the full path?02:53
MegaqwertyalexbOrsova: just a guess, but talk to chanserv?02:53
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alexbOrsovaJohnua, well that's a pretty serious problem...02:53
alexbOrsovathanks Megaqwerty02:53
JohnuahalexbOrsova: what's the problem really02:53
dho_ragusbryan986: also, do `sudo lsof | grep '/out'02:53
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Deagslooks as if everything is wokring just fine now ty02:53
alexbOrsovaJohnua, it means that your hardware has been damaged02:53
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john_i guess what i'm asking is: how do i compile the source?02:53
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sipaluihello, I can not mount my floppy diskete02:54
JohnuahalexbOrsova: oh no, r u sure02:54
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alexbOrsovaJohnua, i have to go eat, but tell someone else here your problem and everything you told me, they should help you02:54
Megaqwertyjohn_: make02:54
Darkkishhow do I mount an iso file?02:54
alexbOrsovaJohnua, no im not sure02:54
Pici!iso | Darkkish02:54
ubotuDarkkish: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:54
=== Pthag_ [n=Pthag@dyn-62-56-62-125.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
|_ockeok so i installed the debian menu (apt-get install menu) and ive tried enabling it by rigth click on menu -> edit menus, check in the debian box02:54
JohnuahalexbOrsova: you have scared me02:54
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john_Megaqwerty: 'make install' doesn't work :( i'm still new...02:54
|_ockebut it doesnt stay, no matter what i do and the menu never appears02:54
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Megaqwertyjohn_: can you describe what you're trying to do?02:55
=== dho_ragus kinda likes the hdiutil offered by bsd...
john_i'm trying to install WASTE (http://waste.sf.net/)02:55
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wastrelwaste eh02:55
Megaqwertyjohn_: give me a second to take a look.02:55
squarebottleHey, is there a way that I can make a program (namely Azureus) startup minimized, so that its icon is on the taskbar?02:55
bryan986dho_ragus, full path is /media/network/sharename/files/linux, no output from `sudo lsof | grep '/out'02:55
wastreljohn_:  i suppose you have build-essential installed?02:55
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JohnuahQwerty, can I burn Ubuntu ISO into a DVD disk?02:56
sipaluievery time i right click on the floppy, it say given UID is not a mountable volume02:56
john_wastrel: it was already checked in synaptic, so i guess that means it is...02:56
dho_ragusbryan986: can you `cat filename` on either of those files?  the network mount might have stalled02:56
Megaqwertyjohn_: which one are you trying to install?02:56
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john_Megaqwerty: wxwaste_1.5_beta_402:56
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dho_ragusbryan986: actually do `head filename`, easier on the eyes and resources.02:56
john_the annoucement of its release on the sf page makes it sound like what i'd want.02:56
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Megaqwertyjohn_: downloading it now...02:57
bryan986dho_ragus, I do get the beginning of the file from that02:57
john_Megaqwerty: thanks02:57
sipaluiI'm newbie at this ubuntu thing, and I really need to read from the floppy disk02:57
ztomicEnvy worked. sux that I have to rebuild the driver every time I install a new kernel.02:57
pasclahttp://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/3054 help! what's wrong with it.02:58
wastrelwhat's envy?02:58
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dho_ragusbryan986: oooh, you know... it could be in use by somebody on the other system.  you might have root privs on your local system, but not on the remote system.02:58
ztomicDeags: di you figger it out?02:58
Deagswell kind of02:58
dho_ragusbryan986: you might have to delete it from the remote mount's OS02:58
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!02:58
Megaqwertyjohn_: ./configure --prefix=/usr02:58
ztomicDeags: whats the problem?02:58
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Deagsits working but on my windows machine all i see is a picture of the screen that doesnt change02:58
pasclahttp://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/3054 help! what's wrong with it.02:58
john_ok, let me try to do that02:59
bryan986dho_ragus, yes I could ssh into that box and delete it, but I kinda want to figure out why I cant now. I'm the only person who uses this share and I haven't started anything on the remote computer02:59
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ztomicDeags: what do you mean?02:59
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john_Megaqwerty: i assume i first have to cd my way to the unzipped dir?02:59
dho_ragusbryan986: my assumption is that you have not mounted the remote share with the remote system's root user, so you don't have proper permissions to remove the file.02:59
Megaqwertyjohn_: yep02:59
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Kousotucan somene help me disable my touchpad?02:59
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dho_ragusbryan986: i could be wrong, but that is a possible perfectly valid explanation.02:59
ztomicmust be a virus02:59
sipaluiI've read the help file, but it didn't work03:00
john_john@john-ubuntu:~/waste source$ ./configure --prefix=/usr03:00
Deagslike lets say i open the applications menu i dont see that on my windows machine only onthe linux machine so i have to look at the linux screen and direct from the windows machine03:00
john_bash: ./configure: No such file or directory03:00
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bryan986dho_ragus, well the question then would be how I created a file with higher permissions than I have03:00
sipaluiplease anyone enlighten me03:00
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Megaqwerty !ksynaptics | Kousotu03:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ksynaptics - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:00
Megaqwerty !info ksynaptics03:00
ubotuksynaptics: Synaptics TouchPad configuration tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 209 kB, installed size 1012 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc sparc)03:00
Kousotuit don't work03:00
dho_ragusbryan986: it's possible you didn't.  you could have created the file, then another process opened that file.  or you might have some weird permission on that dir like +t03:00
KousotuI already tried that03:00
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ztomicDeags: that's a whole other issue.03:01
john_Megaqwerty: it says ./configure: No such file or directory03:01
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ztomicglad I could help though.03:01
Megaqwertyjohn_: your directory is messed up...there is a configure file in the one I downloaded03:01
Megaqwertyjohn_: http://umn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/waste/wxwaste_1.5_beta_4.tar.gz03:01
dho_ragusbryan986: i'd do the `lsof` on the other system and see what's up03:01
Megaqwertyjohn_: is that the right one?03:01
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dho_ragusbryan986: samba might still have that file open for something, or whatever network share daemon you're using.03:01
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KousotuMegaqwerty: [20:00:37]  ubotu : ksynaptics: Synaptics TouchPad configuration tool for KDE. *Uses Gnome*03:02
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bryan986dho_ragus, it's in use on that machine by smbd03:02
john_Megaqwerty: yes03:03
bryan986dho_ragus, stupid samba!03:03
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MegaqwertyKousotu: It will still run on GNOME03:03
bryan986dho_ragus, guess I have to compile this piece of junk on my local hard drive03:03
MegaqwertyKousotu: just will run faster on KDE03:03
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dho_ragusbryan986: if its speed you're looking for, check out distcc03:03
KousotuMegaqwerty: I tried the gsyn... but it says it won't work03:04
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KI4IKLTo install ubuntu on the laptop, or not to install ubuntu ont he laptop.03:04
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MegaqwertyKousotu: dunno...ask someone else. I just remembered that Ksynaptics dealt with touchpad stuff03:04
john_Megaqwerty: nevermind. i deleted my download and tried the one in the link you sent. this time something happened...03:04
Megaqwertyjohn_: okay, good03:04
t0nedefKI4IKL check your wireless card first, then think hard, everything else seems to go just fine, at least in my experience03:05
KousotuMegaqwerty: can it be disabled the "manual" way?03:05
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bryan986dho_ragus, nah, I didn't even get to the make part, I was just trying to configure and it created those files that cant be removed03:05
MegaqwertyKousotu: sure...I think you can comment out the section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:05
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b_9I need help with compiz fusion...  Nvidia 7950gtx ubuntu 7.04 laptop...   I don't get window handles....  I've tried some sudo command someone gave me03:05
dho_ragusthat is odd that smbd would keep those open though.03:05
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:05
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=== dho_ragus thinks there needs to be a fuse module for remote smb that opens the filesystem on the remote host with the privs used for authentication.
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southafrikansehello. How can I get multiple wallpapers on Ubuntu with Compiz-Fusion?03:06
KousotuMegaqwerty: I did that to. lol infac, I got pissed of and deleted the section. it STIL works!!03:06
=== Kousotu his hair out
=== Kousotu rips his hair out*
SkryptCan someone tell me how to follow these directions? lol http://www.stevens.edu/itwiki/cgi-bin/wiki/index.php?title=Linux_802.1x#Wired_802.1x_.28linux.2903:07
SkryptI just need to know how to compile the wpa_supplicant and install it03:07
MegaqwertyKousotu: are you sure it isn't still there? and if so, have you restarted X afterwards?03:07
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KousotuMegaqwerty: yes, several times03:07
MegaqwertyKousotu: hmm...give me a second.03:07
t0nedefSkrypt what version of ubuntu you using?03:07
KousotuMegaqwerty: and I'm guite sure it'sgone03:07
KousotuMegaqwerty: will do03:08
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nickrudKousotu, you trying to use gsynaptic?03:08
bryan986dho_ragus, thanks for the help, at least I know it is samba messing it up. I dont really want to fool with it more than that so I will just delete em remotely03:08
Kousotunickrud: I did, it doesn't work03:08
dho_ragusbrynk: no problemo.  try sshfs next time, it's a little more friendly.03:08
dho_raguswrong person03:08
Kousotunickrud: I would rather have it blacklisted03:09
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dho_ragusbryan986: that sshfs comment was (obviously) for you03:09
nickrudKousotu, you need to add  Option          "SHMConfig"     "true" to the synapics stanza in xorg.conf and restart03:09
bryan986dho_ragus, thanks I'll have to look at that sometime03:09
Kousotunickrud: so It wil not load at all, and I wo't have to deal with it03:09
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MegaqwertyKousotu: have a look at this: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/03/24/disable-synaptics-touchpad/03:09
Kousotunickrud: one roblem with that.. I deleted the entire section recognising the tuchpad03:09
ztomicSo Envy installs the proprietary ATI driver? What is the difference between it and fglrx?03:10
nathan___anyone know why I get the error while trying to run Kompozer on Ubuntu 64-bit and how to fix it?  error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:10
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nickrudKousotu, rebuild it :) and to turn off the pad, use   Option "TouchpadOff"  "1"03:10
tonyyarussonathan___: I think version 0.7.7 had a 64-bit build bug.03:10
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Kousotunickrud: can't it just be blacklisted?03:11
nathan___that is 7.703:11
dho_ragusbryan986: yeah, definitely check it out.  it works as easy as `sshfs user@hostname:~/remotedir ./mountpoint`03:11
dho_ragusthen you can browse "remotedir" as if it were the folder "mountpoint" on your local box03:11
nathan___I downloaded the i686 binary, is that wrong one? here's the site: http://kompozer.net/03:11
nickrudKousotu, possibly, but those are the methods I learned03:12
MasticoreIs there a special format for the skydome image?03:12
MasticoreIts just turning grey over here03:12
dho_ragusbryan986: the down-side is that everything is encrypted, so bulk transfers over fast networks will be pretty slow.03:12
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tonyyarussonathan___: Unless you're running it in a 32-bit chroot, yes, that's the wrong one.  You'd have to build your own, quite likely (or wait a few days - may have something for you soon)03:12
bryan986dho_ragus, and then I would be able to get rid of samba...03:13
bryan986i still need it for windows03:13
Kousotutonyyarusso: how would I go about backlisting my touchpad?03:13
tonyyarussoKousotu: not sure if what I said before didn't work03:13
nathan___I am just gonna go back to 32bit I think... I don't have any reason to be on 64-bit anyways03:13
bryan986dho_ragus, though I'm sure there is some software to mount a drive over ssh03:13
Kousotutonyyarusso: darn...03:13
nickrudKousotu, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34733/03:13
dho_ragusbryan986: i've actually been looking for something and can't find anything, but the next best thing is winscp03:13
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nickrud!find  libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 | nathan__03:14
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nathan___do what now03:14
ubotunathan__: File libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 found in libgtk2.0-0, vmware-player03:14
nickrudnathan__, yes, you're right, the i686 one won't work on 64 bit03:15
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drpressurequick question: if i use a passphrase to protect my gpg/ssh private keys... what algorithm does it use, is it AES?03:15
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nathan___does that mean i should apt-get that libgtk2.0-0 ?03:16
dho_raguswow, i didn't know ubotu could find.03:16
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nickrudnathan__, no, you should look for a 64bit kompozer03:16
dho_ragus!find id_rsa.pub03:16
ubotuPackage/file id_rsa.pub does not exist in feisty03:16
nickrudnathan__, I did that find before I saw your second post about your architecture03:16
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bmxmarinewow i am bored03:18
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bmxmarinexubo: whats up?03:18
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Skryptt0nedef, 7.0403:19
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t0nedefSkrypt you should have wpa isntalled by default then03:19
screenname92834hi folks03:19
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screenname92834I am trying to build a tarball03:20
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mattasdffda/msg jackets  hello03:20
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t0nedefSkrypt, i wrote a tut how to use it, lemme give you a link03:20
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lurkinghelp with mounting cdrom properly!!!03:20
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Kousotusome tell me why mytouchpad is still workin?: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34620/03:20
screenname92834the configuration flips out 'cos it can't find gtkgl-2.003:20
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coopsterI'm having a heck of a time trying to install cmake.  When I apt-get it, I get the error "files list file for package `libfaac0' is missing final newline". Has anyone run into this or feel like they can help me troubleshoot it?  I don't even know where to start.03:20
screenname92834I can't find that module anywhere.03:20
screenname92834What shoudl I do?03:20
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mattasdffdajackets: hello...trying again...03:21
t0nedefSkrypt: http://undergroundsystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3040 oh, also, for broadcom cards use wext ok03:22
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Skryptt0nedef, it's for a wired connection..03:22
t0nedefskript but only if broadcom doesn't work for ya03:22
Manignuglurking: can you be more specific03:22
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KousotuMegaqwerty: look at this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34620/03:22
t0nedefskrypt wpa is for wireless only, it doesn't work on wired03:22
lurkingtry mounting cdrom and everything is Read-Only File System (unable to run script) can someone please explain the proper way of mounting this. i have attempted 'mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom' and everything is still write-protected03:22
Justi1what are some features of ubuntu or other programs that would function like 'windows briefcase'?03:22
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SkryptI don't know mate... it's just what everyone's said to do... I need to get IEEE 802.1x and PEAP03:23
Skryptjust following the bloody tutorial03:23
screenname92834woo hoo!!03:23
screenname92834what shall I do about gtkgl?03:23
t0nedefSkript, if your using an ethernet cable, your way out of your way, that stuff is for wireless networking03:23
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t0nedefwell, not the other stuff, just the wpa stuff03:24
Manignuglurking: Have you tried sudo su03:24
Skryptt0nedef, than tell me wtf to do... i'm pulling my hair out here...03:24
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lurkingim trying to install slickedit03:24
t0nedefSkrypt, ok, first of all, what exactly are you trying to do?03:24
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lurkingManignug what details do you need?03:24
SkryptI'm trying to connect to my universities network.03:24
SkryptTrying to get access on Ubuntu 7.0403:25
t0nedefSkrypt: awesome, and your using an ethernet connection right?03:25
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Jordan_UJusti1, What does 'windows briefcase' do?03:25
nathan___how can I tell if I am running the 64-bit or the 32-bit ubuntu, in general?03:25
MegaqwertyKousotu: looks good to me03:25
t0nedefSkrypt nice, what university are you at, because i'm gonna need a bit more info03:25
SkryptIt's a hard connection. Straight from the back of the computer to the jack which i'm using now with my laptop.03:25
Manignuglurking: how about changing permissions03:25
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SkryptUniversity of Florida.03:25
t0nedefSkript i need to see if they have listings of their security03:26
SkryptThey're using IEEE 802.1x authentification and Protected EAP03:26
KousotuMegaqwerty: my touchpad still works :(03:26
lurkingManignug: ive tried that and it keeps saying that its Read Only file system03:26
Skryptt0nedef, want me to PM you?03:26
MegaqwertyKousotu: I think ubuntu has automagical powers.03:26
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lurkingManignug: even tried mounting with -w flag and still no success03:26
Manignuglurking: cdroms are read only file systems03:26
nathan___how can I tell if I am running the 64-bit or the 32-bit ubuntu, in general?03:27
lurkingManignug: but i thought when you mounted it you could run the scripts in /media/cdrom03:27
Skryptnathan__, do you have a 64bit processor?03:27
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scipionathan___: uname -a03:27
Kousotuwb Pici03:27
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nathan___x86_64 so that's 64 bit.. thanks bud03:28
t0th_-the ubuntu dont start the X03:28
darwin81If I'm using KDE programs in GNOME can I chnage their theme?03:28
t0th_-driver: vesa video card ati xpress 120003:28
Manignuglurking: only if they dont write any files to the root of the script03:28
squarebottleAnybody know any good tools for automatically making a list of all your hardware that you can print out?03:28
Manignuglurking: can you paste your error03:28
t0th_-http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34731/ xorg.conf03:28
t0th_-http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34732/ the error03:28
MabanHow can I make my MX Revolution's side buttons act as "foward" and "back"?03:28
Picisquarebottle: sudo lshw03:28
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lurkingManignug: the error when running the script is Permission denied; when i try and change permission or mount as -w i get Read Only file system03:30
Darkkishwhen I'm playing a game03:30
Darkkishhow do i regain mousecontrol outside of it?03:30
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Pici!mouse | Maban03:30
ubotuMaban: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto03:30
Manignuglurking: are you log in as root/su?03:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about game - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:31
Darkkishyeah no.03:31
lurkingManignug: the slickedit guide says just 'mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom' and then run the script03:31
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lurkingManignug: im running the commands with "sudo ..."03:31
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screenname92834hi folks03:31
Manignugtype in sudo su then try again03:32
DarkkishCome on.03:32
DarkkishWhen I'm playing a game03:32
Darkkishhow do i regain mousecontrol in windowed mode03:32
Manignuglurking: type in sudo su and try again03:32
screenname92834folks, can someone help me find a package / library called gtkgl?03:32
KousotuManignug: it's "sudo -i"03:32
lurkingManignug: still says permission denied03:32
Kousotulurking: try sudo -i03:33
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lurkingManignug: tried that too03:33
Manignuglurking: have you tried cp to a writeable folder03:33
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t0th_-somebody help?03:33
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lurkingManignug: tried copying it to a home folder and it copied as a Read Only file system03:34
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MSIGuyAnyone her have a U3 Thumbdrive?  You know, that whole "automount" thing?03:34
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z1ng3rHey, guys.  I'm trying to install some things with apt and there are some broken installs from some time ago stuck in the queue of things apt needs to do.  Apt won't go past them.  How can I make apt or aptitude forget about the broken stuff?03:35
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sph109I am trying to setup a file share from my ubuntu computer to a windows xp computer.  I can open the network share from ubuntu but when I try from windows, it problems for a login password...  how do I fix the problem?  I do not want to use  security03:35
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Manignuglurking: thats all got for right no.w03:35
lurkingManignug: thanks for trying03:35
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z1ng3rsph109 Try turning on guest access for the share.03:36
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sph109zIng3r  how ?03:36
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coopstermy aptitude is all screwed up.  any package i try to install results in an error about the libfaac0 files list missing final newline.  how can I fix this?03:36
gaboche no puedo instalar el skype:S03:36
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:36
z1ng3rWow.  Nothing but questions tonight.03:37
Manignuglurking: is it a read only system file or read only file system?03:37
t0th_-somebody help?03:37
gabosi ayudaaaaaaaaaa03:37
sph109zIng3r:  how do I turn on guest access ? (:03:37
scipio!es | gabo03:37
ubotugabo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:37
z1ng3rt0th_-: spit it out.  What's up?03:37
DralidAre there any alternatives to the "GOOM: What a GOOM" visualization in Rhythmbox?03:37
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gabou copado donde entro a eso?03:37
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gabosoy nuevo en estop03:38
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lurkingManignug: says file system03:38
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Manignuglurking: ok sorry i cant help03:38
scipiogabo type: /join #ubuntu-es03:38
coopster!es | gabo03:39
ubotugabo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:39
Mabandoes imwheel support up yo 11 buttons including mouse wheel up/down?03:39
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coopstererr, sorry for repeat.  out of it tonight =)03:39
t0th_-MY PRoblem03:39
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z1ng3rt0th_-: So what's your question?03:40
t0th_-meu ubunti dont start the X03:40
InuiI am trying to dual boot Ubuntu and Vista, and I have repartitioned, and restarted from CDROm, and then hit start or install, but it seems to be stuck on "run-parts: /etc/dbus-1/event.d/20hal exited with return code 2" can anyone tell me what this means?03:40
Justi1is there a feature in ubuntu like "windows briefcase"????03:40
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wastrelwhat's windows briefcase?03:40
z1ng3rIs it that .Xauthority error?03:41
Gaming1hello guys, I accidentally closed a bit torrent download, is there a way of resuming it?03:41
Justi1wastrel: syncs files between computer and pendrive03:41
t0th_-in Xorg.0 log http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34732/03:41
falstiusGaming1: reopen and save to the same place.03:41
ErythroGaming1: just restart it, it should resume where you left off03:41
wastrelnot sure03:41
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wastrelrsync or hm that othre thing03:42
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wastrelthere's a file conduit for it03:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rsync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:42
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Gaming1how to open bit torrent again after closing it?03:42
z1ng3rt0th_-: What screen resolutions and color depths do you have?  Make sure at least one of those is listed in the "Screen" section of xorg.conf.03:42
ErythroGaming1: same way you opened it before03:42
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ErythroGaming1: you ran a .torrent file?03:43
P_KableI'm discovering mozilla-thunderbird. How can I make thunderbird download graphics in all received messages ?03:43
t0th_-http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34731/ xorg.conf :)03:43
z1ng3rAnyone here know how to clear out the list of things that were going to be installed from aptitude?03:43
Gaming1Erythro:Yes..., but I directly opened it from the web without saving it, and removed it from downloads in firefox03:43
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zirocan someone tell me how to install winrar in ubuntu?03:44
wastrelJusti1:  opensync has a file conduit you could set up03:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opensync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:44
derenrichAll of a sudden I have white boxes around all of my menus. Anyone know how to fix this?03:44
Manignugziro: do you have wine03:44
=== Kilroo [n=Kilroo@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cellofellow!rar | ziro03:45
ubotuziro: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free03:45
ErythroGaming1: find that website again and open it again :)03:45
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Gaming1Erythro: I think I will look for a different torrent client....03:45
z1ng3rt0th_-: Try changing your default depth to 16.03:45
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ErythroGaming1: either way, if you download the same torrent again and save it to the same place as before, your client should resume the download where you left off03:46
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Justi1wastrel: do you know which package(s) I should install?03:46
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musikgoat|laptopsay i have a bunch of folders with subfolders,  how can i find out the size of the whole contents from shell?03:46
Justi1the file plugin?03:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about utorrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:46
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musikgoat|laptopls -l only gives me the folder size 4.0KB03:47
cellofellowGaming1: try Deluge.03:47
derenrichutorrent is windows only03:47
cellofellowutorrent is, yeah, windows.03:47
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astro76musikgoat|laptop, du -sh /directory/03:47
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scipioP_Kable: you should be able to find an option in options-privacy. allow images or something like that03:48
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P_Kablethx scipio03:48
DSpairCan anyone direct me to a package for Xorg 1.3 that I can install on Fiesty?03:48
MonkeyFitI have a strange problem03:48
ErythroP_Kable: I just looked for that option but couldn't find it. But are you sure you want to do that? It's not a good idea generally03:48
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cellofellowDSpair: Xorg 1.3? What?03:48
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cellofellowDSpair: you mean 7.3?03:48
RadiantFireDSpair: you won't find one, thats too low level to be backported03:48
DSpaircellofellow: Same thing03:49
jerryrighterhow do i make my OpenGL Direct Rendering to kick in?03:49
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jerryrighteror turn on03:49
DSpairRadiantFire: Bummer...03:49
Manignugmonkeyfit: yes?03:49
cellofellowDSpair: they aren't even including 7.3 in Gutsy, so happy hunting.03:49
MonkeyFitI can't boot into a gui03:49
RadiantFirecellofellow: they have actually03:49
foxrayjerryrighter: install your video card driver03:49
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DSpairI really want to use the new Xrandr stuff to allow for hot-plugging my Monitors.03:49
cellofellowI thought they weren't. They change their mind again?03:49
RadiantFirecellofellow: the issue was xserver-core 1.403:50
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RadiantFirenot xorg 7.303:50
jerryrighterfoxray it is installed i have nvidia and for somereason it thinks i have a intell03:50
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MonkeyFitI have an 8800 GTX and it wouldn't show the GUI with the regular install, so i got the alternate install and did a text based install03:50
cellofellowjerryrighter: just change the driver in xorg.conf to nvidia.03:50
jerryrighterso foxray i was fixinf it03:50
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jerryrighterfoxyray fixing*03:50
foxrayjerryrighter: disable your intel onboard video03:50
P_Kablewow thunderbird really rocks ... besides the excellent junkmail smart filter, it has a Mail scam tool !!!03:50
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DSpairRadiantFire: Know of any other ways to hot plug monitors under Linux? I have an Intel 945 chipset.03:50
jerryrighterhow do i do that foxray03:51
=== P_Kable is discovering don't blame him :)
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MonkeyFitwell, now it's installed, but it won't show the GUI, I can get into the recovery console at least03:51
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cellofellowP_Kable: discovering is wonderful. I'm just discovering LyX and LaTeX.03:51
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cellofellowGonna help with school lots.03:51
vip3rousmangoI keep getting an error when i try to access winecfg and wine uninstaller.. I keep getting fixme:wave:ALSA_AddCaptureDevice Add suppot for DSCapture03:51
rG0di need help03:51
foxrayjerryrighter: bios has your video card settings, sometimes you can't turn it off, then you'll need to edit your xorg.conf file03:51
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P_Kablecellofellow, what is that ?03:51
MonkeyFitand i'm pretty sure it does actually boot, but it just doesn't send anything to my monitor03:51
rG0dproblem with compiz03:51
z1ng3rrG0d: Speak.03:51
RadiantFireDSpair: not really, you can upgrade to Gutsy, but it might be pretty unstable still03:51
STixxi downloaded americas army off the internet..how do i run it....it is a armyops250linux.run file03:51
jerryrighterok i will thanks foxray03:51
cellofellowP_Kable: a WYSIWYM document processor. Build on TeX, it's for scientific documents mostly.03:52
Erythrovip3rousmango: don't worry about it :)03:52
RadiantFireSTixx: enable the "executable" permission on the file in properties, then double click it03:52
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cellofellow!lyx | P_Kable03:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lyx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:52
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DSpairRadiantFire: The install of Tribe4 keeps hanging on my Toshiba Laptop.03:52
vip3rousmangoErythro: execept i can't access winecfg or uninstaller because of it.. i just get that in the output and wine dies03:52
MonkeyFitbecause when i let it sit for a while, hoping something would come up, I hit ctrl-alt-delete, and my computer then restarted03:52
rG0dz1ng3r, after run compiz Maxsimize Restore and other tabs of KDE Window dont work correctly03:52
RadiantFireDSpair: well, tribe 5 is tomorrow03:52
cellofellow!latex | P_Kable03:52
ubotuP_Kable: tex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX03:52
DSpairRadiantFire: I C...03:52
P_Kablecellofellow, oh yes I used it last year for my maths class ...03:53
=== DSpair crosses fingers hopefully.
cellofellowP_Kable: cool then.03:53
ezra1964hello everyone, i have a quick question03:53
cellofellowP_Kable: it's math stuff is sweet.03:53
z1ng3rrG0d: Sorry, dood.  You've got me there.  I know about --->||<--- this much about compiz.03:53
vip3rousmangoErythro: i've never gotten any errors with wine before... i was installing guild wars and everything froze on me so i restarded kde and this is what happends03:53
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rG0dz1ng3r,  see MY dekstop Pic
z1ng3rezra1964: Just ask it.03:53
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ezra1964I see scripts in /etc/cron.daily, but roots crontab is empty, anyone know how those scripts are getting run?03:54
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Erythrovip3rousmango: you are running winecfg from terminal?03:54
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cellofellowezra1964: those are for anacron.03:54
vip3rousmangoErythro: yeah03:54
rG0di have problem with compiz need help03:54
rG0di have problem with compiz need help03:54
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z1ng3rrG0d: You're missing the window handles and control buttons?03:55
cellofellowezra1964: they aren't in the normal cron that sets things to run at an exact time(s), but instead are set to run once a day. Same with cron.hourly and cron.weekly and cron.monthly.03:55
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ezra1964anacron, that would explain why there is no cron service03:55
ari_stressrG0d: compiz si blown out temporarily03:55
rG0dz1ng3r,  yeah yeah03:55
Erythrovip3rousmango: hmm im getting that error too but winecfg runs anyway...03:55
rG0dz1ng3r,  yeah yeah03:55
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z1ng3rTry changing your window manager.  The one you are using may not be compatible with compiz.03:55
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ezra1964thank you !03:56
t0nedefdamn, i just found his answer, and he quits03:56
rG0dz1ng3r,  how i can change it?03:56
vip3rousmangoErythro: well winecfg doesnt run when i type it in.. i get 6 lines of error output after the ALSA one, also wine uninstaller won't uninstall apps while it was working, now it won't even run.. it just gives the same error output as winecfg03:56
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z1ng3rrG0d: I'm not a kde guy, so I'm not surewhich one you'd use.  It'd probably be in the kdecontrol or wtf the control panel is.03:56
Erythrovip3rousmango: what are the other 6 lines?03:56
t0nedefoh well, gonna switch over to my other system, brb everyone03:56
vip3rousmangoErythro: do you want me to pastebin?03:56
rG0dtnx z1ng3r03:57
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z1ng3rrG0d: Beryl seems to work pretty well as an eye-candy substitute for compiz.03:57
rG0dz1ng3r,  im dont use Gnome03:57
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cellofellow!ask | DocPheniX03:58
ubotuDocPheniX: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:58
cellofellowwrong one03:58
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vip3rousmangoErythro: ok here you go: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34736/03:58
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IrishDavehey guys, is there anyone in here with much experience of ssh? I have a system in work that I can ssh remote log in to and I want to try and log in and set something to run and continue to run when I log off the ssh session?03:58
z1ng3rrG0d: google "beryl kde" and click on the second link from the top.03:58
DocPheniXa linux swap is an extended partition correct?03:58
cellofellowIrishDave: use screen03:59
DSpairHmmm . . . In this channel, the squeaky wheel doesn't always get oil.03:59
=== DocPheniX total linux noob
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DSpairDocPheniX: Not necessarily. It can be any type of partition as long as it has the code of 0x82.03:59
cellofellowIrishDave: once you log in, run `screen` and if the connection is broken, or you detach the screen session, the app in the screen terminal will keep running.03:59
=== Maban knows what you mean
t0nedefok, i'm back03:59
ari_stressDocPheniX: not necessarily03:59
DSpairOr is it 0x83?04:00
IrishDavecellofellow: how can i then return to that program?04:00
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DSpairNo, it's 82.04:00
Erythrovip3rousmango: are you using the latest wine?04:00
cellofellowIrishDave: use screen -r to reattach the session.04:00
vip3rousmangoErythro: yup04:00
cellofellowIrishDave: the manpage has ooodles of information.04:00
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IrishDavecellofellow: ill jus try it out now :) i didnt check the manpage, didnt think really, spent all night reading wiki pages trying to get wireless working on gf's laptop wasnt in mood to do it again :)04:01
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rG0dz1ng3r, tnx04:01
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ari_stressIrishDave: you need a break04:01
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cellofellowIrishDave: to detach the screen the command is C-a d. There, you have all the info you need.04:02
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desudesuneed help on getting 1366x768 resolution on ubuntu feisty , i already tried editing the xorg file but it wont show up on the screen resolution  app04:02
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DocPheniXgot it04:02
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IrishDaveari_stress: thanks, im not too bad, jus want to get a simulation running on a pc in work so i can have results in morning04:02
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cellofellowsounds good. You could have also set up cron, and if you've a working MTA the output would have been emailed to you.04:03
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anandanbuIn My Ubuntu 7.04 machine i am not abel to open the website http://meetings-archive.debian.net/ using firefox what could be the problem04:03
cellofellowwhat error, anandanbu?04:04
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MonkeyFitanybody run into problems with Ubuntu booting, but not actually showing anything on the screen, not even a loading animation?04:04
DocPheniXanother quick question, is xfs directly bootable by linux?04:04
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DSpairDocPheniX: Yes.04:04
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anandanbucellofellow: the website doesn't open for me today as it was fine yesterday04:04
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vip3rousmangoOk what does this error mean? X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)04:04
IrishDavethanks cellofellow! It's working perfectly :)04:04
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mrignsmy recycle bin in the gnome panel shows the empty-icon after relogging or restarting X, the same goes for some other apps using dbus, rebooting helps, restarting dbus doesn't04:04
cellofellowanandanbu: what error does Firefox give you? Timed Out? Not found?04:04
ari_stressDocPheniX: don't use xfs for big files (such as movies) though. it slows as a turtle04:04
cellofellowIrishDave: you are welcome.04:05
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t0nedefanandanbu: server may be down, i tried, and i'm getting timeouts04:05
cellofellowthat would do it04:05
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anandanbucallofellow: there is no error but the website is loading and loading04:05
DocPheniXwhat file system would you guys reccomend?04:05
MonkeyFitntfs :P04:05
cellofellowanandanbu: you wait for a minute or two it will give a timed out error.04:06
KousotuDocPheniX: linux automaticaly makes ext304:06
the_hattercan ubuntu resize ntfs partitions?04:06
ari_stressDocPheniX: ext3, reiserfs for small files, but since hans is in jail, no good04:06
cellofellowDocPheniX: I just use ext3.04:06
cellofellowthe_hatter: yes04:06
MonkeyFitwhat are you using the file system for?04:06
Kousotuthe_hatter: yes04:06
Erythrovip3rousmango: did you change any funky settings in winecfg before?04:06
anandanbucellofellow: ok what may be the problem04:06
cellofellow!ntfs | the_hatter04:06
ubotuthe_hatter: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:06
the_hatterfantastic, thanks04:06
vip3rousmangoErythro: funky settings? no. only turning windows emulatuion from on to off...04:06
Kousotucellofellow: he didn't ask that04:06
cellofellowI noticed the factiod didn't have what he wanted.04:07
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cellofellowI thought it had something about it though.04:07
t0nedefanadanbu: yes, i can't ping it, server def down04:07
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Kousotucellofellow: np, that's wh I just answered right out lol04:07
Erythrovip3rousmango: you could try to rename your .wine folder to something else and run winecfg.. this should create a fresh .wine folder04:07
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WheelDwellerAny LDAP mavens here?  I have one that works, I just need some tuning.  Feisty's different from Dapper...04:07
vip3rousmangoahh genious04:07
tegomy movie playe gave me black screen only with movies and i get install all file for make it play ?  thats happen i think when i make the firest complete update\04:08
mrignsmy recycle bin in the gnome panel shows the empty-icon after relogging or restarting X, the same goes for some other apps using dbus, rebooting helps, restarting dbus doesn't04:08
anandanbucellofellow: it gave me a timedout error04:08
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cellofellowanandanbu: now we know it's them not you.04:08
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Erythrovip3rousmango: keep in mind that anything you installed in the fake c drive is in the old .wine folder04:09
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anandanbucellofellow: yeah thansk for the info04:09
vip3rousmangoErythro: ok, that worked.. now what? I just copy the files back over into the new wine folder?04:09
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lightcaphow is it possible to get a "No such file or directory" from bash when trying to execute a file I know full well *is* there...04:09
Erythrowell, if you installed anything that messed with the registry that wont be enough to run them04:09
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cellofellowlightcap: are you tryint to run it like ./thefile or just thefile?04:10
lightcapno like ./thefile04:10
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Jack_Sparrowlightcap: or syntax.. typo...04:10
lightcapwell either way frankly it doesnt work04:10
cellofellowlightcap: is it executable?04:10
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lightcapit's the eclipse 3.3 executable04:10
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lightcapwierdest thing...04:10
cellofellowlightcap: is the permissions set to executable?04:10
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lightcapI can call ls on the file, I can call file on the file...04:11
=== zatoichi todos se la comen en especial MAxi
lightcapyeah it is...04:11
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phpusmocan someone help me compile icecast..it's my first time04:11
lightcapeven if it weren't that's not the error you'd get if the perms were wrong04:11
cellofellowlightcap: what sort of file is it?04:11
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Jack_Sparrow!compile > phpusmo04:11
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lightcapeclipse: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped04:11
IndyGunFreakanyone know how i would go about disabling my touchpad on my laptop, i prefer my mouse.04:11
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Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: my dells and hp have a button at the top of the pad that disables them04:12
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cellofellowIndyGunFreak: removing it from xorg.conf should work.04:12
loquitus_of_borgHow would I get a list of all the files in a directory (or its subdirectories) that have ".MM.DD_" in the filename, where MM is the current month (from 01 to 12) and DD is the current day (01 to 31)?04:12
lightcapit's a 64-bit system but that shouldn't matter either, eh?04:12
cellofellowlightcap: actually, yes04:12
cellofellowstill doesn't make the errors make sense.04:12
lightcapcellofellow: right, well I mean for this issue04:13
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: hm, don't have that.. cellofellow  thats an idea i hadn't thought of.04:13
tegowhat about movie player is anyone know?04:13
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cellofellowtego: which app?04:13
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Peloloquitus_of_borg,  gui ?   menu > places > search,   you can add several parameters04:13
tegoapp ?04:13
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: I kept bumping that button and could not figure out why the pad wouldnt work04:13
madman91tego: if you are looking for an application to watch movies.. use vlc or mplayer04:13
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IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: lol04:13
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cellofellowtego: Totem, MPlayer, Xine, VLC?04:14
tegoi just install my ubuntu  and  install the 3 codecs04:14
cellofellowso, Totem04:14
ari_stresshi guys, can i install feisty 64bit on 32bit notebook?04:14
cellofellowtego: I recommend MPlayer. MPlayer and VLC available together will play absolutely anthing.04:14
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Peloari_stress, no04:14
tegoit play  but when i make the complete update for the friest time gave me black sccreen04:14
Jack_Sparrowari_stress: no04:14
ari_stresshmm :(04:14
cellofellowari_stress: no, but you can the other way around.04:14
wastrelari_stress:  1.  no.   2. why?04:14
tegonormal movie player \04:15
Pelotego,  go in synaptic,  search for gstreamer,  install all the gstreamer 10 packages04:15
ari_stresswastrel: i need to test building ltsp client environment for 32bit on 64bit feisty04:15
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cellofellowtego: no such thing.04:15
tegothanks pelo04:15
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Peloari_stress, you can install 32 on a 64 bit machine but not he other way around04:15
erika14212is it possiblr to check status on ubuntu cd;s04:15
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Peloerika14212,  status of what ?04:16
cellofellowari_stress: umm, you still need a 64bit CPU.04:16
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Jack_Sparrowerika14212: From shipit.. the free ones?  dont think so04:16
cellofellowari_stress: even virtualization won't help. Emulation will but that is really really really slow.04:16
MonkeyFitwhich drivers *should* give me at least very basic functionality with a 8800GTX?04:16
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MonkeyFiti'm not even looking for 3d at all04:17
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MonkeyFitjust something to display the gui04:17
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piratepenguinwhy doesnt the ubuntu packages provide git-config etc?04:17
PeloMonkeyFit,  did you try   menu > system > admin > restricted drivers ?04:17
MonkeyFitwell, i need to get to the gui first04:17
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Jordan_UMonkeyFit, VESA should give you a GUI04:17
Jack_SparrowMonkeyFit: The vesa should work on anything at 1024x76804:17
ari_stressthanks cellofellow, i guess i need to install feisty 64bit on a real 64bit machine.04:17
PeloMonkeyFit, trying to run the live cd ?04:17
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MonkeyFitit's like it boots to it, but doesn't actually send a signal to my screen, it's weird04:17
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MonkeyFitand the same thing happened with the live cd, had to text install with the alternate cd04:18
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Jack_SparrowMonkeyFit: did livecd boot to a gui then you did the install04:18
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cellofellowari_stress: the 64bit architecture is different than the 32bit. You wouldn't try to install the PowerPC (Mac) edition on an Intel PC would you?04:18
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=== Jordan_U curses Ubuntu's broken VESA
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=== cellofellow curses Debian/Ubuntu's broken s3virge.
=== Pelo gives Seveas a cookie
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Pelot0th_-,  what is that ?04:19
Jack_SparrowMonkeyFit: can you get to a terminal, using escape on boot the get recovery mode etc04:19
ari_stresscellofellow: no, of course not :D04:19
t0th_-my Xorg.0.log04:19
erika14212ill go do another request04:19
erika14212on ubuntu shipit04:19
MonkeyFiti can get to recovery mode04:19
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Jack_Sparrowerika14212: IT may not take it if it is to the same address04:19
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Pelot0th_-,  it would help if you wrote the nick of the person you are pasting the link for04:19
MonkeyFitbut anything graphical doesn't seem to get sent to the monitor04:19
cellofellowari_stress: now, since the 64bit is an extension of the 32bit, it is possible to run 32bit code on 64bit processors.04:20
=== rompstar [n=raymond@c-24-16-13-15.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_SparrowMonkeyFit: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:20
cellofellowari_stress: like you can fit a small peg in a big whole, but not a big peg in a small whole.04:20
Pelot0th_-,  is anyone helping you ?04:20
MonkeyFitI'll try repackage, then vesa if that doesn't work04:20
Jack_SparrowMonkeyFit: Pick vesa as the driver and a res of 1024 and it should let you in to the gui04:20
Pelohello rompstar04:20
MonkeyFitok, brb to let everyone know how it went04:20
rompstari don't think Gd was included with PHP, how do I check and if need to change that to include Gd ?04:20
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Pelot0th_-,  then posting a log doesn'T do much,  what is your problem ?04:21
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Pelorompstar, www.packages.ubuntu.org04:21
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t0th_-i trynig startx the X04:21
Pelot0th_-,  what videocard do you hve ?04:21
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IrishDavethanks again cellofellow, its working and saving me a lot of trouble04:21
gooseI need someone to walk me through wirelessly connecting to an encryped network (I have the WEP key)04:21
rompstarthanks, I'll that that link04:22
t0th_-ati xpress 120004:22
Pelo!ati | t0th_-   did you try this ?04:22
ubotut0th_-   did you try this ?: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:22
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cellofellowIrishDave: screen is cool. You can run multiple programs in several full-screen or split screen windows.04:22
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t0th_-i using driverr vesa04:23
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Pelorompstar,  sorry wrong link http://packages.ubuntu.com/04:23
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goosecan anyone walk me through how to connect to a wireless network?04:23
Pelot0th_-,  and it ins,t working ?04:23
cellofellow!wifi | goose04:23
Erythrogoose: are you on gnome?04:23
ubotugoose: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:23
Erythrothere you go :)04:23
the_hatterhow long should i wait on a repartitioning a disk before assuming it isn't working?04:23
t0th_-no Pelo04:23
Erythrogood to know the features of the bot04:23
thedashis there a way to show all packages installed from a .deb package instead of a repository or something ?04:23
goosethank you, I'll try that link04:23
IrishDavethanks cellofellow I'll look into it tomorrow, must go to sleep not i got this working, night04:23
Pelot0th_-,   from the command line, sudo dpkg-reconfigure  xserver-xorg    select vese and 1024x768  when you get to it ,  select the suggested options everywhere else04:24
cellofellowErythro: whenever someone asks about stuff about wifi, I always reach for that link. I have 0 experience with it.04:24
t0th_-i do is04:24
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t0th_-but dont work04:24
Jack_Sparrowthe_hatter: A log time...  that is scary to force quit that... what are you using to partition the drive...04:24
the_hatterthe ubuntu installer04:24
Pelothedash,  check the buttons a tthe bottom left ofthe synaptic windows04:24
=== conspiracy [n=conspira@adsl-66-140-72-147.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
pringle some1 pls hlp...i have no title bar and i've allread added the Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"04:25
Pelot0th_-,  are you running the live cd or have you installed already ?04:25
pringle some1 pls hlp...BERYL....i have no title bar and i've allread added the Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"04:25
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t0th_-i install it with alternate cd04:25
Jack_SparrowPelo: It would be nice to have a bot trigger fixres to type that for us..04:25
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Pelopringle,  ask in #ubuntu-effects04:25
mbosowhat's the name of the make-like command that creates a place holder package when you do xxxmake install...04:25
conspiracyhi guys, is there an easy way to get beryl working under ubuntu, followed 2 diffrent tutorials and I cant get it workin04:25
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cellofellowpringle: so, no window borders? In Beryl? Sounds like Emerald, but that's all I know period.04:25
mbosobad description, I know04:25
Pelo!xorg | Jack_Sparrow04:25
ubotuJack_Sparrow: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:26
ubotuFor help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects04:26
Jack_SparrowPelo: I know about that one... but we seem to type that last one way too many times a day04:26
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Pelot0th_-,  you should at least have got the vesa driver from the live cd04:26
PeloJack_Sparrow,  ther is one ,  I just thought that was it04:26
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DralidAre there any alternatives to the "GOOM: What a GOOM" visualization in Rhythmbox?04:27
Pelot0th_-,  I mean form the alternate cd ,sorry,  I think you should try and install the ati drivers04:27
Jordan_Umboso, checkinstall?04:27
PeloDralid, google for rythmbox pluggins or something04:28
=== IndyGunFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
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bitwiseshiftleftquestion: in gnome, brightness controls work erratically, sometimes flickering wildly or going to max/min brightness for no reason.  device manager shows two backlight devices, which may have something to do with it.  any idea how to fix this?04:28
mbosoJordan_U: that's it!! nice04:28
mbosoJordan_U: thanks04:28
t0th_-http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34740/ my xorg.conf04:28
Jordan_Umboso, np :)04:28
Pelobitwiseshiftleft, for stuff like that I hink you better search in the forum04:29
cellofellowbitwiseshiftleft: sure it's gnome? It's not Xorg?04:29
bitwiseshiftleftbitwiseshiftleft: well, could be xorgs fault04:29
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bitwiseshiftlefti don't have kubuntu installed, so i can't tell04:29
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phpusmowhat's a good irc client for ubuntu?04:29
bitwiseshiftleft... or can i?04:29
wastrelphpusmo:  xchat04:29
Erythrophpusmo: irssi04:29
bitwiseshiftleftphpusmo: well, pidgin is ok04:29
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Jack_Sparrowphpusmo: I like konversation04:29
Jordan_Ut0h, And this is not giving you any GUI at all?04:29
cellofellowbitwiseshiftleft: login as failsafe terminal, it's an option under Sessions in the login manager.04:30
Pelot0th_-,  did you edit your xorg.conf file yourself ?04:30
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bitwiseshiftleftcellofellow: ok, i'll try that.  brb04:30
Jordan_Ut0th_-, And this is not giving you any GUI at all?04:30
t0th_-i try before the default file dont work04:30
Pelot0th_-,  where is the horizsync line and the vertrez ?04:30
=== wweasel [n=weasel@modemcable178.82-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
t0th_-dont have04:31
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t0th_-i dont know my specs04:31
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wweaselHow do I download a source package from Gutsy then compile it?04:31
Pelot0th_-,  cna we see the default ?04:31
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Pelowweasel, ask in #ubuntu+104:31
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t0th_-http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34740/ my corg.conf04:31
wweaselPelo: But I am not using ubuntu+1, the point is that I want to compile a package from deb-src gutsy in Feisty.04:32
Pelot0th_-,  that's the same one ,  where is the original made by dpkg-reconfigure ?04:32
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zythwweasel, use prevu04:32
ikoni have a problem04:32
ikoni need some help04:32
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Erythroikon: just ask04:32
t0th_-the original dont work too04:32
pjmanHi everyone. I'm trying to setup a dual-boot using nvraid1 (fakeraid/dmraid). Anyone out there with experience? I've installed the system following the guide here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=464758). I'm stuck on grub setup. I'm getting "Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition" no matter what I do...04:32
Jordan_Ut0th_-, And this is not giving you any GUI at all?04:32
Pelot0th_-,  please show me the original04:33
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ikonmy sound is not working04:33
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t0th_-i need reboot to do it04:33
bitwiseshiftleftso yeah, it appears to be HAL reporting two backlights04:33
Erythroim going to try this04:33
ikonthe sound is so low04:33
Erythro!sound | ikon04:33
ubotuikon: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:33
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t0th_-if i have it in linux partition04:33
ikonwhy is so low?04:33
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Pelopjman,  pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst file04:33
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bitwiseshiftleftat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video*04:33
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ikonwhy my sound is so low ?04:34
hiroshiXdoes linux automatically make use of multiple cores without tweaking?04:34
t0th_-http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=525436&page=2 same problem and notebook04:34
Jordan_Uikon, Was it working before and stopped or has it never worked with Ubuntu?04:34
Erythroikon: your volume is low?04:34
=== ianmcorvidae|alt is now known as ianmcorvidae
Pelo!sound > ikon check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu04:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:34
wweaselzyth: Brilliant. I honestly hadn't heard of it before04:34
=== raduzelinski [n=radu@host-86-106-224-128.moldtelecom.md] has joined #ubuntu
Xenguyer, yeh04:34
Jordan_Ut0th_-, Please answer my question04:34
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ikonerythro: is working, but the volume is so slow04:34
zythwweasel, yep, np :)04:34
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pjmanPelo: there is no "menu.lst" as I'm trying to create it using the grub utility04:34
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PeloJordan_U,  he's not realy answering questions04:34
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zythwweasel, also, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=268687&highlight=prevu04:35
t0th_-Jordan_U wath question?04:35
Pelopjman, then you better ask in #grub04:35
Gaming1Does Ubuntu install from bin files?04:35
Jordan_Ut0th_-, And this xorg.conf is not giving you any GUI at all?04:35
PeloGaming1,  yes04:35
pjmanPelo, thx, I'll try that04:35
Erythroikon: open volume control and make sure it is set high enough04:35
Xenguy!info thunar04:35
ubotuthunar: File Manager for Xfce. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.0-0ubuntu6 (feisty), package size 357 kB, installed size 3192 kB04:35
wweaselzyth: Already googled for it :) Thanks04:35
zythwweasel, hehe np04:36
zythI had to backport Mesa 7.01 myself04:36
zythI feel your pain :)04:36
ikonall is in maximun high erythro04:36
PeloGaming1,   put the bin file on your desktop,    open terminal ,  cd Desktop ,  sudo chmod 777 filename.bin  ,   ./filename.bin04:36
reflousanyone work in a paperless office & use a good document manager?04:36
Jack_SparrowXenguy: It is in the repos.. nice file manager04:36
Gaming1Pelo: Thanks...04:36
hiroshiXdo I need to do anything special to enable usage of a second core in ubuntu?04:37
Erythroikon: what about PCM?04:37
t0th_-any sugestion?04:37
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Jack_SparrowhiroshiX: no04:37
ikonerythro, what is PCM ?04:37
cafuegohiroshiX: The -generic kernel should pick up all cores automagically.04:37
b14ckikon: en.wikipedia.org04:37
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cafuegohiroshiX: 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' should list 'em.04:37
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Pelot0th_-,  when you talk to somene please type their nick at the beginning of each line04:37
ikonErythro: PCM is in high04:38
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hiroshiXcool, but do the programs need to be programmed to make use of the second core?04:38
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hiroshiXor do all linux programs use whatever core?04:38
Erythroikon: and make sure nothing is muted, the speaker button under the volume bars04:38
ikonErythro: is not muted04:38
PelohiroshiX,  core usage is a  kernel thing ,  not an app thing04:38
Jack_SparrowhiroshiX: All automagic04:38
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hiroshiXoh, thank you04:39
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Erythroikon: this is where my knowledge ends, please see the links04:39
hiroshiXall of you ;)04:39
t0th_-oks Pelo04:39
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Pelo!ati > t0th_-   check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu04:39
Jordan_Uikon, what is the output of "asoundconf list" ?04:39
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burepeCan someone give me a faq on setting up samba that is geared for children or stupid people like me. I want to share over samba between ubuntu and a mac with read and write privileges and a password. Since I am stupid I can not get it to work.04:40
MonkeyFitJack_Sparrow: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is a no-go04:40
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Jack_SparrowMonkeyFit: bummer04:40
Peloburepe,  www.ubuntuforums.org is probably your best bet,  just use the search feature04:40
MonkeyFitJack: although, something slightly different happened this time04:40
Jack_SparrowMonkeyFit: Ok...04:41
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stark_Hello everyone, could anybody help me with my problem?  I'm dual-booting Vista and Ubuntu (Feisty), with feisty on an external USB hard drive that is set first in the boot order, so apparently it shows up as hd0.  I can't seem to get Vista to boot.  Any help would be appreciated.04:41
Jack_SparrowMonkeyFit: Any change might tell us something04:41
MonkeyFitJak: instead of sending a continuous black screen to my monitor, it stopped sending one altogether, so my monitor went into power saving mode04:41
=== Pelo hates it when helpees use drama writing techniques to state their problems
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yurimxpxmanwhat's the memory device name?04:41
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Jordan_Ustark_, Does Vista boot when you don't have the external drive in?04:42
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stark_I'm trying to get it to boot in GRUB04:42
MonkeyFitJack: I just wish it would give me an error message or something04:42
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Pelostark_, can you please pastebin your  /boot/grub/menu.lst ?04:43
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n00dl3MonkeyFit: Thats scary04:43
Jack_SparrowMonkeyFit: when you hit escape to get grub menu... hit E.. remove quiet and splash from the command line.. it should let you follow the boot04:43
Ashfire908what's the command to rename a file?04:43
n00dl3Ashfire908: mv04:43
cafuegoAshfire908: mv file newfile04:43
yurimxpxmanAshfire908: mv04:43
MonkeyFitJack: ok04:43
stark_Pelo: I don't really know what "pastebin" is, but I guess I could just do a regular copy-paste04:43
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MonkeyFitJack: brb04:43
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yurimxpxmanstark_: no04:43
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Vuenhey guys, have you seen ubuntu.com?04:43
n00dl3stark_: copy paste into paste bin then paste the link04:44
Vuenit's GNOME04:44
Pelostark_,  n o04:44
yurimxpxmanstark_: http://www.pastebin.com04:44
Vuen's birthday today04:44
Pelo!pastebin | stark_04:44
ubotustark_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:44
Ashfire908!enter | Vuen04:44
ubotuVuen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:44
AmaranthVuen: no, that was the 15th04:44
n00dl3Happy bday Vuen04:44
n00dl3Oh.... >_>04:44
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Gaming1What is the default directory to where programs are installed?04:45
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VuenAshfire908: obviously i didn't mean to hit enter half way through a word...04:45
yurimxpxmanany ideas how to download the videos on this page? http://www.purevolume.com/videos/mxpx/sessions I'm stumped :/04:45
Pelostark_, the whole thing please04:45
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Ashfire908Vuen: i'm picky lol04:45
VuenAmaranth: ah. well cool beans anyway04:45
Jordan_Uyurimxpxman, Just grab them from /tmp04:45
stark_Oh, right, sorry: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34743/plain/04:45
yurimxpxmanJordan_U: I can't *find* them in /tmp :(04:45
wweaselzyth: As prevu seems to be apt-get installing a million things...it is installing these things to its build environment, not my root environment, right?04:46
BotLobstahas anyone else noticed that the splash screen progress bar on startup doesnt work?04:46
zythwweasel, correct04:46
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Pelostark_,  did yo make that entry for vista yourself ?04:46
zythI believe. lol04:46
wweaselzyth: Ok, good :) Thanks04:46
stark_Yes, GRUB didn't autodetect it for whatever reason04:46
yurimxpxmanJordan_U: it's not in there. The largest file in /tmp is a 1MB ethereal dump :/04:47
Pelostark_, ok ,  is vista on the first partition of the hdd ?04:47
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stark_To be totally honest, I'm not 100% sure, since it came preconfigured with Norton Ghost and a bunch of other crap.  It shows up as "sda3", if that helps04:48
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Pelostark ok I will tell you what to edit,  do not correct me ,04:48
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MonkeyFitJack_Sparrow: splash wasn't specified in grub, but I deleted quiet, same thing04:48
Ashfire908BotLobsta: you mean it's really jerky?04:48
MonkeyFitas soon as it leaves grub, it sends black to the screen, then stops sending a signal at all04:49
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BotLobstaAshfire908, no i mean like it doesnt show any progress but progress is being made04:49
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Pelostark_,  comment out the rootnoverify line ,  edit map (hd0) (hd1)   , edit  map (hd1) (hd0) , add root (hd1,2) , add savedefault ,   save and try04:49
Ashfire908BotLobsta: on the live cd?04:49
Mabananyone seen FIRESIDE91 lately?04:49
Gaming1I downloaded Realplayer and I dont know to run the .sh script...04:50
Jack_SparrowMonkeyFit: Just starting dinner here.. but please post your xorg.cong to the !pastebin04:50
BotLobstaAshfire908, no im running xubuntu gutsy.  i dont know whether or not its because of any of those04:50
MonkeyFithow do I post to pastebin?04:50
xavantedoes anybody know how do I format a directory with stuff inside??04:50
stark_Pelo: Okay, I'll try that, thanks, I'll be back shortly with results04:50
wweaselzyth: I'm having some trouble. Would you be willing to hear what is going wrong with prevu?04:50
Pelo!pastebin | MonkeyFit04:50
ubotuMonkeyFit: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:50
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zythwweasel, sure, whats up?04:51
Pelostark_,   the root and savedefault lines come before makeactive , btw04:51
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_rFu_So i have a weird problem. I had my brother install Ubuntu on his computer. Through messing with settings he changed his home directory from /home/user to /root04:51
_rFu_From command line how would he change it back?04:51
wweaselzyth: I want to backport xbacklight so that I can control my finnicky new laptop's backlight settings (it's the recommended way).04:51
wweaselzyth: xbacklight depends on xrandr => 1.2.004:51
Pelostark_,  actualy,  baste the final before leaving so I can check04:51
stark_Oh, yeah, I got that, but thanks for double-checking!04:52
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Gaming1Can someone tell me how to install realplayer?04:52
zythwweasel, and xrandr 1.2.0 isnt in feisty? then you'll have to backport the xrandr first ;)04:52
PeloGaming1,  where do you get stuck ?04:52
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Gaming1Pelo: As you told I ran the chmod command...04:52
Pelostark_,  move the root line after the map lines04:52
Ashfire908gutsy? that's the testing version. join #ubuntu+1 i've only used 6.04 LTS, 6.10 and 7.0404:52
MonkeyFitJack: ok, let me see if I can somehow extract it as i'm in windows at the moment04:52
wweaselzyth: I realized that, so i uninstalled xbacklight, backported xrandr 1.2.0, then backported xbacklight again - I figured that should work04:53
Ashfire908BotLobsta: gutsy? that's the testing version. join #ubuntu+1 i've only used 6.04 LTS, 6.10 and 7.0404:53
PeloGaming1,  sudo chmod 777 filename.bin  whre filename is the name fo the file04:53
stark_Pelo: Ok, I did that, anything else?04:53
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zythwweasel, yeah, I expect so04:53
wweaselzyth: It still tells me that "RandR version 1.1 too old"04:53
Pelostark_,  aside from that it looks ok04:53
Gaming1Pelo: I did that, After that....04:53
BotLobstaAshfire908, yea i asked there too but idk if this problem is a part of gutsy or something more general04:53
zythwweasel, did you install the new xrandr deb?04:53
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stark_Pelo: Ok, thanks, I'm going to reboot now04:53
wweaselzyth: yes04:53
PeloGaming1,   sudo ./finename.bin    notice the dot before the /04:53
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zythwweasel, in /var/cache/prevu ?04:54
Gaming1Pelo: I finished that too...04:54
PeloGaming1,  and ?04:54
Gaming1Pelo: It asked me for a destination drive, which I specified...04:54
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Gaming1Pelo: and I am stuck after that....04:54
PeloGaming1,  should have been someitng like /home/username/.realplayer04:54
PeloGaming1,  what is it asking you ?04:55
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Ashfire908BotLobsta, i've only see problems with non-testing versions when a livecd was used, and it sometimes was 'messy' (it didn't get drawn cleanly and had junk around the bar)04:55
wweaselzyth: exactly04:55
Gaming1Pelo: I gave it /home/syed/Realplayer...04:55
Gaming1Pelo: How to run it is bugging me....04:55
PeloGaming1,  that will work to04:55
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zythwweasel, and its saying the old one is still installed? Ehhh?04:55
wweaselzyth: is it possible that the build environment it is building against is still xrandr 1.1?04:55
Ashfire908BotLobsta: if you have 7.04, try that04:55
PeloGaming1,  there should be a menu item in sound/video04:55
zythwweasel, pastebin the error please?04:55
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BotLobstaAshfire908, hmm ok thanks.  if i were to file a bug what package would that be under?04:56
Gaming1Pelo: Nope...04:56
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PeloGaming1,  make one ,  the command is  realplay04:56
Ashfire908BotLobsta: oh, package? one sec04:56
wweaselzyth: The error is as follows: "RandR version 1.1 too old" - no more info given04:56
Gaming1Pelo: Command not found....04:56
DrodI noticed a process called "wxvlc" is now using 930MB of my RAM, the only thing open I have is a terminal windows....can I safely kill that process?04:56
zythwweasel, yes, but I want to see the context04:57
PeloGaming1, make sure you type it correctly  no caps    realplay04:57
Gaming1Pelo: nothing....same error04:57
wweaselzyth: Alright, what would you like me to pastebin? When I pass the command "xbacklight" that is the only text returned04:57
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zythwweasel, you did update your sources.list to have the deb-src for feisty be main restricted universe multiverse ?04:58
PeloGaming1,  try installing again , there is nothing more to it then what we have done04:58
zyththen apt-get update04:58
zyther for gutsy04:58
wweaselzyth: for gutsy? yes04:58
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wweaselzyth: and apt-get updated04:58
Ashfire908BotLobsta: i think usplash-theme-ubuntu04:58
Gaming1Pelo: Ok...04:58
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zythwweasel, it has all of them? univ-multiverse, etc? k04:58
wweaselzyth: and I did successfully backport xrandr 1.2.0 (man xrandr tells me about the new 1.2.0 options)04:58
wweaselzyth: yeah04:58
wweaselzyth: Confusing, I know :)04:58
PeloGaming1,  not much more I can do I'm afraid04:59
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dougieI set my resolution to 1680x1050 but my monitor is detecting it as 1736x1050 and its not filling in the whole screen04:59
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BotLobstaAshfire908, ok thanks05:00
Pelodougie, are you sure you have the correct resolution ?05:00
MonkeyFitJack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34746/05:00
Gaming1Pelo: Anyway, thanks....05:00
zythwweasel, I am thinking.  Try removing it all and rebuilding?05:00
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Pelolater folks05:00
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wweaselzyth: Is it possible that despite the fact that I backported xrandr to my computer, the prevu build environment does not have the new xrandr i backported?05:00
dougiePelo, yes I'm using a 22" LCD that supports 1680x1050 @ 60hz I setup xorg.conf manually and the OS is saying its at 1680x105005:00
zythwweasel, possible, trying running prevu-init again?05:00
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wweaselzyth: good idea05:01
dougieok he left......nice05:01
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dougiecrdlb, Think you can help me with a resolution problem :B lol05:02
lightcapcrazy, the problem was that it was a 32-bit executable and not a 64-bit05:02
wweaselzyth: Ok, this is even more problematic and confusing than i thought05:02
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lightcapwhat an odd error message to return in that case05:02
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zythwweasel, yeah, I don't get it.  Mesa 7.01 went for me just fine05:02
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Jack_SparrowMonkeyFit: that looks like it should work...  does the monitor give out of range or anything like that?05:03
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stark_Pelo: Thanks for the help, it worked perfectly05:03
wweaselzyth: While prevu-init took its very long time, I decided "why not just download the source for xbacklight, now that I've backported xrandr...it should build from source." So I did. And it gives the same error: version 1.1 too old05:03
zythsounds like something didnt remove properly when you did apt-get remove xrandr05:04
zythfor the 1.1 version05:04
Gaming1Pelo: Would you mind reading the code for the realplay file, I think I have to install some type of script....05:04
wweaselzyth: I didn't - I backported the new one then did apt-get upgrade05:04
zythtry removing it entirely05:05
zyththen install the 1.205:05
zythmaybe the upgrade was somehow broken05:05
wweaselzyth: from apt-cache show xrandr   -    Version: 1:1.2.2-0ubuntu1~7.04prevu105:05
P_KableI just won 4GB of ECC Registered ram on ebay. How long you think will it take to analyze it using MEMTEST ?05:05
zythwweasel, remove it anyhow05:05
zythwweasel, and --purge it05:05
wweaselzyth: --force-depends ?05:06
Jack_SparrowMonkeyFit: Other than trying some of these command line option I am out of ideas...   pci=noapci acpi=off noapic nolapic or  all_generic_ide ide=nodma vga=normal or 791 nomce pnpbios=off xdrvr=vesa xres=800x600 apm=off05:06
zythwweasel, well, make sure you dont purge all its dependancies ;)05:06
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zythjust be careful05:06
wweaselzyth: done05:06
wweaseland I installed the backported deb again05:06
zythwweasel, now use dpkg to install the debs you built05:06
wweaseland it still says that xrandr is too old05:06
wweaselwhich is absolutely insane05:07
stark_I have another problem though - no matter what I seem to do, I can't seem to get my resolution to go above 1024x768.  This kind of sucks, since I have a widescreen laptop.  Any help would be appreciated (I'm using the fglrx drivers, if it helps).05:07
zythReally bloody strange05:07
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zythit sounds like something is messed up in xrandr.  and I don't get it.05:07
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zythmaybe its checking the RUNNING version?05:07
MonkeyFitJack: thanks for all your help, this seems to be a problem very few have run into05:07
zythdo you need to restart X?05:07
wweaselzyth: Hey, that's an excellent point05:07
gooseI'm having trouble setting up the drivers for the wireless card on my laptop. it's a BCM4306 card, but I can't get it to work...05:07
zythI really have no real idea what xrandr is anyways :)05:07
zythbut try that05:08
Jack_SparrowMonkeyFit: Any time.. goodnight05:08
wweaselzyth: xrandr = rotation and reflection.05:08
zythahh ok05:08
zythyeah, try restarting X or something, in case it is checking the active ver05:08
goosehas anyone in here set up BCM43XX drivers before?05:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fwcutter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:09
wweaselzyth: That sounds 100% logical that it wouldn't work. Alright, I'll be back after I restart X. Excellent idea05:09
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wweaselzyth: Thanks again :D05:09
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zythwweasel, np, lemme know if it works05:09
arosenDoes anyone know how to disable the keyring manager?05:09
stark_Does anybody know how to help me?05:09
arosen!ask stark_05:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask stark_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:09
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zythgoose, check the forums, there is a howto for that on there05:09
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arosenstark_:just ask your question.05:10
goosezyth, I've read the forums and followed the directions word for word twice, but still can't get it connected to my network05:10
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zythgoose, ahh.  Yeah, then wait here and see if someone who knows about it shows up05:10
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zythits a common thing, so odds are someone will before too long05:10
stark_no matter what I seem to do, I can't seem to get my resolution to go above 1024x768.  This kind of sucks, since I have a widescreen laptop.  Any help would be appreciated (I'm using the fglrx drivers, if it helps).05:10
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PyChildplease help with sendmail,  i want to change the headers sent in mail from localhost, basically it says RootUserName sent this on behalf of ConfiguredEmailAccountName, i want it to simply say ConfiguredEmailAccountName sent this05:10
stark_(I asked it above already, sorry)05:10
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arosenstark_: no problem05:11
arosenstark_: do this sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:11
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arosenstark_: make sure and select the ati drivers!05:11
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arosenstark_: NVM DONT DO THAT05:11
craigbass1976Every time I want to get on a wireless network with wifi-radar, I'm asked to set up a profile or something.  I'm wondering if something is getting confused when I have too many profiled networks.  When I'm home, I have a bear of a time sometimes getting on the network, and don't know why05:12
JakeConno1how do i write a log message to a remote host?05:12
arosenstark_: send me your xorg.conf file ill fix it for you.05:12
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craigbass1976Other than today I had an ip from a network yesterday, and Ubuntu wouldn't let go if it after restarting the netowrk many times05:13
stark_arosen: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34748/plain/05:13
DrJuanohi everybody05:13
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arosenstark_: hold on i have do show something to someone first05:13
stark_arosen: Sure thing05:13
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DrJuanoDoes someone know if there is something similar to Kaillera for Kxmame?05:14
yurimxpxmanany ideas how to download the videos on this page? http://www.purevolume.com/videos/mxpx/sessions I'm stumped :/05:14
Bogaurdhmm, I just installed thunderbird 2, and now the fonts in thunderbird are super super tiny05:14
cyber-brainhow to change chmod to all directories,files,subdirectories and files in that subdirectories and subsubdirs......???:S05:14
zythcyber-brain, chmod -R05:14
craigbass1976cyber-brain, chmod -R05:15
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cyber-brainand chown?05:15
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cyber-brainthanx ;)05:15
scipiostark_: isn't that supposed to be 1280x800 instead of 1200x800? just comparing to mine, feel free to ignore :)05:15
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craigbass1976cyber-brain, chown -R user:group /folder/name05:15
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wweaselzyth: Hmmm....bash: /usr/local/bin/xbacklight: No such file or directory05:16
garyHow do I create a smb user?05:16
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zythwweasel, and you reinstalled it?05:16
stark_scipio: Actually, I'm not sure, hold on a second and I'll check it05:16
garysmbpasswd -a?05:16
cyber-brainand what about premissions for fat32 partitions???05:16
cyber-brainit says that i cant change the owner!05:16
craigbass1976cyber-brain, same as any ext3 one05:16
wweaselzyth...wow, this is really weird. It wasn't kidding when it said no such directory. /usr/local/bin no longer exists :/05:16
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nulliehumm, ubuntu installer can't run xorg on my notebook05:16
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zythwweasel, Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WHAT?05:16
DrJuanopersmissions for fat32???05:17
craigbass1976cyber-brain, where is it mounted up?05:17
aubadeWhy would crond only execute scripts in a users homedir and not elsewhere? :V Same permissions.05:17
DrJuanocan you do that?05:17
R4M0Nhey! i got kubuntu up and running with xgl + beryl on my system with a geforce 8500 GT. the problem is that in 24 bit color depth everything seems to be really choppy. if i switch to 16 bit everything is fine but xgl cant run in 16 bit mode... my resolution is 1680x1050@60Hz  any ideas?05:17
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wweaselzyth: Yeah....really f***** weird. (no swearing here, but that's the appropriate response)05:17
stark_scipio: I think you're right, I made the change05:17
zythwweasel, that is BEYOND bizzare.05:17
cyber-braincraigbass1976:  /media/winC (btw i have debian 4.0)05:17
wweaselzyth: I know. AND this is a clean install05:17
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stark_scipio: How would I change to that resolution?  Would I have to restart first05:18
scipiostark_: try restarting X maybe it will work05:18
craigbass1976DrJuano, I did when I still had windows.  had a fat partition to share stuff between xp and fedora05:18
zythwweasel, :S05:18
Tanmani think i might have done a bit a boo boo on my web server....05:18
scipiostark_: ctrl+alt+backspace05:18
stark_scipio: all right, I'll be back shortly05:18
wweaselzyth: Well, no more questions for now, let me try to fix this and I'll keep you posted05:18
craigbass1976cyber-brain, is it mounted there automatically, like in /etc/fstab?05:18
wweaselzyth: mkdir /usr/local/bin    :P05:18
zythwweasel, np...05:18
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garywhy can't I connect to my local machine?
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craigbass1976gary, is ssh server running?05:19
zerokill88HELP!   fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=1838782e-505d-40ec-8e40-83376fee19e9'05:19
zerokill88fsck died with exit status 805:19
Tanmanapache2. i did a apt-get install apache205:19
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garyhow do I find that out?05:19
stark_scipio: Holy crud, thanks, I've been having that problem forever, and it bugged me more than anything else.  Nice to know it was such an easy fix (dumb of me on my part to begin with).  Thanks!05:19
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craigbass1976gary, how are you trying to get in?05:19
Tanmanand after upgrading it and going to some php pages.the browser is now asking how to open the file php05:20
scipiostark_: wow excellent. i wasn't expecting that to work :)05:20
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Tanmanany idea how i can resolve it?05:20
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cyber-braincraigbass1976: nope!i've mounted it there as all other ext3 partitions!05:20
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garyI'm just trying to connect to samba to create an account05:20
tegoreally i dont wanna reinstall ubuntu on my lap but some time its freez and i wanna know how to makeit faster i install alot of programs  is there program help for that ?05:20
craigbass1976gary, sudo apt-get install openssh-server will install it if you don;t already have it05:20
kshahanyone here using DimDim?05:20
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stark_scipio: Honestly, me neither... makes me feel kind of dumb, :P  Thanks again, and good night to everyone who helped me!05:20
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rellikI've had beryl installed for some time now, and it's worked fine..  then one boot it didn't come up, and I can't find any error log.  the emerald theme is gone too, back to the default gnome theme...  beryl-manager > "Select Window Manager" shows beryl as active, but none of its features seem to be05:20
rellikthere is no log file in .beryl05:20
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craigbass1976cyber-brain, so there is an entry in fstab for this fat partition?05:21
garywhat is ssh used for?05:21
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craigbass1976gary, is samba running?05:21
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craigbass1976gary, logging in remotely.  I wasn't sure what you were talking about05:21
cyber-braincraigbass1976: yes!i've did it manualy05:21
wweaselzyth: I purged both packages, and am starting over. backported xrandr 1.2.0, time to restart X. I'll be back05:21
craigbass1976cyber-brain, and you can access it as root?  browse it and so forth05:21
WhattTheFuzzberyl is good... i tired comp fusion and it fuzzed everything up05:22
garyI installed samba and I see the ubuntu computer on the windows box05:22
craigbass1976cyber-brain, you might consider making a folder in your homedir and mounting it up there05:22
nulliehow can I adjust xorg configuration when installing ubuntu?05:22
wolferinerellik, remove/reinstall it?05:22
CodemasterMMso... what's the difference between a posixAccount and a shadowAccount?05:22
craigbass1976gary, how are you trying to access it locally?05:22
wolferinenullie, during the install, you cannot05:22
Jordan_Unullie, Are you using the LiveCD?05:23
scipiorellik: when at the login screen make sure you have selected the xgl session and not the default gnome05:23
WhattTheFuzzhey what is the main irc channel everyone connects to... i know its not ubuntu servers...05:23
nullieJordan_U, yes05:23
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garycraigbass: terminal05:23
craigbass1976WhattTheFuzz, irc.freenode.net05:23
craigbass1976gary, smbclient?05:23
nulliewolferine, I can't start installer due to non-suitable xorg configuration, what should I do?05:23
Jordan_Unullie, You can edit the xorg.conf just like a real install, and restart X ( though obviously not while running the actual installer ))05:23
wolferinenullie, get the alternate CD to install05:23
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nulliealternate cd?05:24
craigbass1976gary, you could telnet into localhost on whatever port samba runs on to see if it's accepting connections05:24
Jordan_Unullie, Press ctrl+alt+F1 to get to a terminal...05:24
wolferinetwo CDs, Live CD for gui install, alternate for command line install05:24
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nullieJordan_U, /etc/X11/xorg.conf seems to be read-only05:24
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Jordan_Unullie, Then run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" choose vesa, then run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"05:25
nullieJordan_U, ah, ok05:25
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garycraigbass: I'm local on the ubuntu box and just trying to create a smb account so that windows can connect to the ubuntu box05:25
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Jordan_Unullie, You need to edit it as root if you do it by hand, ie "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" but dpkg-reconfigure should do the trick05:25
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Tanmanwhat do i need to install php5 on apache05:27
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Tanmanit seems to have disappeared on me05:27
wweaselzyth: Still the mysterious "RandR version 1.1 too old" *rolls eyes*05:27
craigbass1976gary, did you get my pm?05:27
wweaselzyth: But not for want of trying, on either of our parts. Thanks so much for your help05:28
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garycraigbass: I need to register...hold on05:28
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craigbass1976gary, pm me when you're all setup05:29
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TheEconomisthey, anybody here good at upgrading from Breezy - Feisty?05:29
crackerboxi have a laptop with the nvidia 8400 video, that means i have to use the latest nvidia driver, problem is when im using compiz-fusion and restart, log off, or shut down, the system hangs, and i have to do a hard power off, (nothing else ((ALT+CTRL 1,2,3,5 BACKSPACE works)))  any ideas?  is there a way to use Xgl with the Nvidia card in gnome? If so would it be the same as how i got it working with an ATI card?05:29
TheEconomistbecause my system won't let me05:29
wolferinecompiz-fusion, shut it off05:30
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nomasteryodaTheEconomist, you change the repos in your sources.list05:30
crackerboxeven when i turn it of, it will hang05:30
TheEconomistWhenever I'd run apt-get update as a precursor to everything it would all fail....05:30
craigbass1976TheEconomist, good luck.  I went from dapper to feisty and it took forever05:30
TheEconomistno upgrades05:30
TheEconomistso I wiped the hdd and reloaded Breezy from scratch05:30
craigbass1976TheEconomist, probably better off backing up and doign a fresh install05:30
PurpleFoo1Qwk reality check.  Is there a way to install ubuntu by booting, say, a netboot image and sshing in to run the install?05:30
wolferinecrackerbox, well, thats what happens when you use beta/experimental releases05:31
TheEconomistnow it won't even look at the newer repositories05:31
crackerboxwolferine... that is a very poor suggestion'05:31
TheEconomistso I can't get the newer update manager05:31
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crackerboxnot helpful at all05:31
=== explosion slaps _-XPERT-_ around a bit with Henri
Jordan_UTheEconomist, Why are you using breezy?05:31
craigbass1976Likes the wind in his hair05:31
wolferinecrackerbox, truth hurts, I know05:31
crackerboxid rather you just not say anything if you dont have a valid suggestion05:31
dougiehow do i kill xserver and just use the command prompt?05:31
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burepeI shared a folder with samba on my ubuntu box and I can access it with my mac with no password and I don't have read and write permissions. I want the directory to be password protected and to beable to read and write so  I followed this faq https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently but after I finished the folder that I shared still has no password protection and no read write access. This is like the 10th time05:31
burepeI have tried to set this up and I never seem to get it right. Why is samba so complicated?05:31
TheEconomistwell, I had been using Breezy for the last (year?) or so.... and it's all I have official CD's for05:31
nomasteryodaTheEconomist, you can do it with apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade05:31
PurpleFoo1dougie update-rc.d remove gdm05:31
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TheEconomistnomasteryoda - that's the problem.... they're failing05:32
craigbass1976gary, you still there?05:32
crackerboxtruth hurts, but im sure being ignorant is a bit more painful05:32
TheEconomistI can't even get past apt-get update05:32
nomasteryodaTheEconomist, get a good sources list05:32
nomasteryodathere are some...05:32
nomasteryodahang on05:32
TheEconomist..... now that's an idea05:32
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wolferinecrackerbox, ignorant, yes, you would know a bit about that :)05:32
TheEconomistdidn't think about changing that05:32
nomasteryodathe servers did change i think05:32
=== explosion slaps _Therock_ around a bit with a large bass
nomasteryodai'm using gutsy now...05:32
dougiePurpleFool, so just do sudo update-rc.d remove gdm in the prompt?05:33
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crackerboxheres the thing: do you run compiz? do you have an nvidia card? no then stfu05:33
Jordan_Ucrackerbox, #ubuntu-effects for Compiz / beryl / CF, but you can't expect stability with an alpha piece of software05:33
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TheEconomistthe Ubuntu source-o-matic won't list for Breezy05:33
PurpleFoo1that'll stop you starting the x login dougie.  Next boot you're golden05:33
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dougiethis is the output i get05:34
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dougiedougie@dougie-desktop:~/Desktop$ sudo update-rc.d remove gdm05:34
dougieupdate-rc.d: /etc/init.d/remove: file does not exist05:34
PurpleFoo1dougie, if you want to stop the current one, /etc/init.d/gdm stop and quit the X session.05:34
Jordan_U!attitude | crackerbox05:34
ubotucrackerbox: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:34
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buck1I'm having problems with my sound. Ubuntu see's my sound card, but I don't get any audio.05:34
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dougiePurpleFool ok...lemme try that05:34
Mabanhaha i finally got wine working right05:34
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PurpleFoo1Sorry may have transposed the remove and gdm, try switching them. :-/05:34
wolferinecrackerbox, I run it, and I have an nvidia card, why does that matter05:35
Jordan_Ubuck1, have you checked that everything is unmuted in alsamixer?05:35
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TheEconomistok.... I think the sources is my problem05:35
unknown_ninjaCan anyone help me with wifi problem? I have an inspiron 5150 broadcom bcm94306mpsg videocard, I've tried soulutions found in the ubuntu forums but nothing works...any suggestions?05:35
TheEconomistanybody know where I can get a source list that will still work with Breezy?05:35
nomasteryodamy amarok is futzed on here... gutsy nor feisty will work right05:35
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PurpleFoo1dougie, why do you want to stop the X server?05:36
Jordan_UTheEconomist, Why are you using breezy?05:36
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Pelounknown_ninja,  what chipset is this videocard ? is ubuntu installed or are you tring to get the lilve cd going ?05:36
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TheEconomistbecause I didn't upgrade and have been using it for a while.  I'm trying to upgrade now to Feisty, but apparently because I can't use apt-get update due to Breezy no longer being supported, I'm screwed05:36
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buck1wait, I think I might have fixed my sound problem already05:37
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nomasteryodaTheEconomist, no hang on05:37
unknown_ninjaI'm actually running xubuntu... oops should I just join that IRC or can I get answers here05:37
PurpleFoo1So, install via ssh anyone?05:37
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TheEconomistnomasteryoda - ok05:37
scipioTheEconomist: is it impossible for you do download the feisty cd?05:37
PeloTheEconomist, you can only upgrade to the next release anyway, you'd have to be on edgy to upgrade to fiesty,,  save yourself some trouble,  clean install feisty05:37
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TheEconomistscipio - tried it.  For whatever reason the CD failed the checksum when I tried installing it05:38
Pelounknown_ninja,  you are on irc , but #xubuntu would be a better place05:38
nomasteryodaTheEconomist, you in the south?05:38
crackerboxubontu and Jordan_u - I came in the channel with a simple question.  Basically my question is "i am having a problem with Blank" The answer i got from someone was "dont use Blank"... how does this help the community.  Those type of non-solutions are better never even typed05:38
buck1No, I'm still not getting sound05:38
prabshi guys, im on feisty trying to run fretsonfire.. can anyone be kind enough to help me install the dependencies plz?05:38
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nomasteryodaTheEconomist, try this... http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/05:38
nomasteryodashould make you a nice one05:39
=== Pelo needs to start reading the questions better
nomasteryodaTheEconomist, now be sure to do .... sudo apt-get clean05:39
=== noflex [n=noflex@5634b408.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
TheEconomistnomasteryoda - I looked there05:39
=== t0nedef brain hurts
TheEconomistno Breezy option05:39
TheEconomiststarts at Dapper05:39
Pelo!cn | riv05:39
uboturiv: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk05:39
dougieok....what is the package to install to get the kernel source?05:39
Jordan_Ucrackerbox, It is not unreasonable when you are running alpha software, but even it it was you are being unnecessarily rude.05:39
=== xionox [n=xionox@ip70-172-203-155.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
hoffmanpm2buck: did you check your levels using alsamixer?05:40
wolferinecrackerbox, we dont get paid to answer your questions, everyone is volunteers05:40
nomasteryodaTheEconomist, no, you are using dapper?05:40
=== Pelo gives t0nedef some aspirn
WhattTheFuzzsudo apt light my cheeb for me05:40
TheEconomistno.... I'm using Breezy05:40
prabshi guys, im on feisty trying to run fretsonfire.. can anyone be kind enough to help me install the dependencies plz?05:40
TheEconomistthere's no option for Breezy05:40
crackerboxin answer to my own question... i think xgl will be the answer to the Compiz hangs on shutdown with latest Nvidia drive05:40
wolferinecrackerbox, you take the risk of using experimental software05:40
TheEconomistit starts at Dapper and goes up from there05:40
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TheEconomist(the site)05:40
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buck1jordan_u, I'm still not getting any sound. I know I have the correct device selected, and the volume is unmuted.05:40
nomasteryodaTheEconomist, does not matter which... going from Breezy to Feisty should work fine... i did it05:40
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t0nedefI hate wpa over wired security05:40
TheEconomiststraight through?05:40
nomasteryodano reboot until i was done though05:40
|amicrawler|hey guys i have a issue  i have been trying to get my z22 to sync with my ubunt05:40
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TheEconomistI've been reading that it gets totally fubar'd when you do that?05:41
nomasteryodakept update, dist-upgrade05:41
nomasteryodaerr, well if you are kinda needing it and you backed up data... its ok05:41
|amicrawler|did /dev/pilot  ,ttyusb 0-605:41
PurpleFoo1dougie kernel-source05:41
nomasteryodatake your time05:41
|amicrawler|will not go05:41
nomasteryodajust sec05:41
|amicrawler|it beeps05:41
TheEconomistok.... will do.05:41
Jordan_UTheEconomist, Did you try the alternate install CD for fiesty ( it's basically the same installer as breezy ) ?05:41
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PurpleFoo1dougie, did you stop gdm ok?05:41
|amicrawler|and petends it syncs but no info05:41
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dougiePurpleFool, yes it worked05:42
Mabanhow can i let my keyboard take ubuntu of of sleep mode?05:42
TheEconomistJordan - CD I used was corrupted05:42
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Pie-rateif i connect a tv to the dvi port on my ubuntu box, will it just work?05:42
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TheEconomistfailed MD5 checksum05:42
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TheEconomistbut I'll try nomasteryoda's idea05:42
TheEconomistand if that doesn't work, I'll try making another CD05:42
buck1jordan_u do you mind if I PM you?05:42
prabshi guys, im on feisty trying to run fretsonfire.. can anyone be kind enough to help me install the dependencies plz?05:42
nomasteryodaTheEconomist, you have a Feisty CD?05:43
wolferinebuck1, can I help?05:43
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|amicrawler|CAN ANY BODY HELP ?05:43
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wolferine!ask | |amicrawler|05:43
ubotu|amicrawler|: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:43
Jordan_Ubuck1, No, but I am not sure if I can help you any further.05:43
nomasteryoda|amicrawler|, what is going on?'05:43
|amicrawler|hey guys i have a issue  i have been trying to get my z22 to sync with my ubunt05:43
demonsporkwolferine beat me to it05:43
|amicrawler|and petends it syncs but no info05:43
|amicrawler|it beeps05:43
|amicrawler|and petends it syncs but no info05:43
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Jordan_U!return | |amicrawler|05:43
ubotu|amicrawler|: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:43
wolferine|amicrawler|, try and keep the questions to a line, please05:43
demonsporkwhat is the key combo to lock the screen?05:44
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nomasteryodademonspork, whatever you want it to be05:44
prabsbloody hell i cant believe its so complicated to get fretsonfire to run05:44
demonsporkI am refering to the default05:44
t0nedefdemonspork, depends on what you bind it too05:44
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demonsporkbut I found it05:44
dougiePurpleFool do you have pm's disabled or something?05:44
buck1wolferine, I'm having problems with my sound. ubuntu recognizes my sound card, I have it selected and unmuted but the tests for the pipeline hangup and I get no audio.05:44
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prabsthis is putting me off ubuntu now05:45
demonsporkhmm, its not helping05:45
buck1My sound in windows works fine.05:45
JavidIs it possible to add menus to the top bar? Right alongside Apps - Places - System? The menu editing thing just lets me add submenus.05:45
wolferinebuck1, this isnt a windows channel :)05:45
xionoxhi all05:45
buck1I know, i was just saying that my sound works fine in windows05:45
buck1so why doesnt it work in ubuntu05:45
imbecilei have my box setup... anything interesting to do anyone can recommend?05:45
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wolferinebuck1, what do you mean 'the pipeline hangup' ?05:45
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wolferinebuck1, i guess I have to be obvious, they are two different OSes05:46
vip3rousmangoAnyone know how or what to open a .bin with? It's Planeshift's linux install file??05:46
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nullieI still can't run xorg: DDC says monitor supports 1280x800, but x-server can't find such vesa mode05:46
nullieand I don't know how to disable DDC05:46
scipioJavid: try right click on it and chose Add to Panel05:46
wolferinenullie, post your xorg.conf on pastebin05:46
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wolferine!pastebin | nullie05:47
ubotunullie: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:47
buck1wolferine, if you go to system, preferences, sound. You can run tests on your audio hardware. When I run a test, it hangs up. I get no audio at all through ubuntu, despite having the right device selected and everything unmuted. My sound works fine in windows so I know this isnt a hardware issue.05:47
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|amicrawler|does any body have a clue about this issue?05:47
Javidscipio, that just lets me add launchers05:47
nulliewolferine, humm, it's default ubuntu config05:47
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wolferinebuck1, I dont think I can help, sorry05:47
wolferinenullie, there isnt such a thing05:47
buck1ok, thanks anyway05:47
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scipioJavid: ah right. don't know then sorry05:48
wolferinenullie, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:48
JavidI had the same issue on my laptop, I had to reset the bios to defaults but sound worked after that05:48
buck1Can anyone help me with my audio problem?05:48
Javidbuck1, ^^^^^05:48
wolferinebuck1, I suggest not mentioning 'it works in windows' in every question/answer you supply05:48
Jordan_Uvip3rousmango, Do a "chmod + x whatever.bin" then ./whatever.bin05:48
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yurimxpxmanwhat's the device name of the RAM?05:48
unagiwhats the command to see my cpu information?05:48
vip3rousmangoJordan_U: what?? what does that do?..05:48
JavidI dunno, it's a valid reason to assume it's a software issue05:48
buck1wolferine, I was just saying that to prove that it wasn't a hardware issue, chill out.05:49
Jordan_Uvip3rousmango, Or right click it, go to properties and make it executable, then double click it05:49
dougieis this the package i need? linux-source-2.6.20??05:49
skinnypuppy1334buck1, you may be better off looking on the forums for your particular sound card for the fix.05:49
wolferinebuck1, I am calmer than calm05:49
Jordan_Uvip3rousmango, Makes it executable then runs it05:49
vip3rousmangook well im going to try the terminal way :)05:49
unagiis there a command to see all about my cpu?05:49
tritiumunagi: cat /proc/cpuinfo05:49
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buck1OK, I'll try that javid05:51
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prabshi guys, im on feisty trying to run fretsonfire.. can anyone be kind enough to help me install the dependencies plz?05:51
vip3rousmangoJordan_U: ok, wine trys to open it and then nothing happends. it's supposted to be for linux..05:51
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wolferineprabs, I guess your not installing through synaptic?05:52
Jordan_Uvip3rousmango, Wine should not be trying to open it, did you set it to executable?05:52
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prabsis it in synaptic???05:53
=== tehk [n=tehk@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
vip3rousmangoJordan_U: it already says type executable05:53
vip3rousmangono, not in synaptic, its not a package05:53
vip3rousmangoor a .deb, its a .bin which is weird for linux =\05:53
scipioprabs: did you try following this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=415624&highlight=fretsonfire ?05:53
vip3rousmangoer.. at least for me05:53
_MattBthis should be an easy one: how can I get my DNS server to respond to queries on it's eth0 ip address and not just the loopback?05:53
wolferinevip3rousmango, new to linux?05:53
prabsscipio: ill check it now thanks05:53
=== iblicf_ spap pascla
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vip3rousmangowolferine: yeah.05:54
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wolferinei was being sarcastic05:54
skinnypuppy1334I'm shopping for a 20-22 inch LCD monitor to replace a 19" tube monitor. Anything I need to know before buying one? i don't use windows anymore just makeing sure what I get will work05:54
Dr_willisskinnypuppy1334,  pric4es are so good on that stuff now a days its great. :005:54
wolferineskinnypuppy1334, you should be fine05:54
Jordan_Uvip3rousmango, When you right click it and go to properties, then the permissions tab, is "Allow executing file as a program" checked?05:54
Dr_willisskinnypuppy1334,  its all about your budget and needs.05:55
wolferinehey Dr :)05:55
=== d3sty [n=plop@AFontenayssB-152-1-83-137.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
wolferine*grumbles* wants05:55
prabsscipio: it doesnt say anything about satisying the dependencies :(05:55
Dr_willisI like my Samsung 226bw - great look. but no speakers, and only the vga/dvi inputs.05:55
wolferineprabs, your compiling from source?05:55
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wolferine205BW here05:55
dougieOk that didn't work. Can anyone help me with installing the kernel source?05:55
prabswolferine: i downloaded the pack from fretsonfire, then ./fretsonfire.bin05:56
skinnypuppy1334Great glad to hear the lcd monitors are good to go then. Yeah prices look good for that kind of monitor realestate05:56
wolferinedougie, just add it in synaptic?05:56
prabsit asked for sdl mixer05:56
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wolferineprabs, and you have a guide to installing?05:56
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dougiewolferine, I tried that and i don't see a kernel-source package. I tried installing linux-source-2.6.20 and that didn't work either.05:56
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prabsnot really no, there seems to be no how-to for it :(05:56
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wolferineprabs, that seems odd05:56
prabsi do have a .deb as well, but it wouldnt install, says dependecies not complete05:57
Optimus55is it possible to get the panther switching effect in regular beryl?05:57
dougiewolferine, i'm trying to install the nvidia binary drivers and it needs the kernel source code05:57
wolferinewell, since its ubuntu, I am strongly leaning towards the .deb05:57
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Jordan_Uprabs, What dependencies does it say it needs and where did you get the .deb?05:57
wolferineprabs, trying to install a .bin when there is a .deb is just silly05:57
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prabsJordan: it doesnt mention any05:58
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prabswolferine: i tried the .deb first actually05:58
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wolferinedling now05:58
Jordan_Uprabs, Where did you get the .deb?05:58
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prabsJordan_U: i dont remember, debian something i think?05:59
panico_online_ alguem pode me dizer, aonde posso baixar o ubuntu?05:59
panico_online_ alguem pode me dizer, aonde posso baixar o ubuntu?05:59
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panico_online_ alguem pode me dizer, aonde posso baixar o ubuntu?05:59
Jordan_Uprabs, Debian .debs are not necessarily compatible with Ubuntu05:59
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wolferineprabs, if you look in the file you extracted, it tells you, in the readme.txt everything you need to know06:01
wolferineprabs, take the time to read it06:01
vip3rousmang0Ok, i still can't get this .bin to install06:01
wolferinevip3rousmang0, what .bin?06:01
MegaqwertyAnyone know how I could pipe the results of a bunch of different programs into another? (i.e. echo "this" && echo "is" && echo "a" && echo "test" | zenity --text-info --title "Testbox" )06:01
vip3rousmang0i tryed ./filename.bin in terminal and it says command not found06:01
Megaqwertyvip3rousmang0: chmod u+x filename.bin06:02
prabswolferine: it mentions something about sdl mixer.. i installed everything libsdl in synaptic still x crashes if i try to run it06:02
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Megaqwertyvip3rousmang0: yep06:02
wolferineprabs, so you have installed it?06:02
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Megaqwertyvip3rousmang0: give the owner execute permission06:02
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vip3rousmang0so.. in essence: chmod u+x PlaneShift_CBV0.3.019-x86.bin06:02
Megaqwertyvip3rousmang0: you've got it06:03
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_MattBhow long should one wait before asking thier question again? :)06:03
mbtAnyone know what the black magic incantation is to get 'pecl update-channels' to work?  'sudo apt-get install php5-xmlrpc' didn't do it... still complains about wanting xmlrpc.  :-/06:03
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MegaqwertyCan anyone help me with my above problem?06:03
wolferinegood luck prabs06:04
kerossenhi  every  brody :D06:04
sparredgy to feisty upgrade means a new kernel, yes?06:04
cafuegosparr: Yes, but you'r enot forced to actually run said kernel.06:04
sparrcafuego: i prefer to06:04
Megaqwerty_MattB: what's your problem?06:04
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vip3rousmang0Megaqwerty: yay it worked! Thanks.06:04
Megaqwertyvip3rousmang0: you're welcome.06:04
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yurimxpxman`sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/mem` :D06:05
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_MattBi'm trying to get BIND to work with outside requests, right now it only works on not
=== Gogs [n=henrique@201009224060.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
linuxgeekeryyurimxpxman: erm... :P06:05
Jordan_UDO NOT RUN WHAT yurimxpxman  JUST POSTED06:06
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yurimxpxmanJordan_U: LOL06:06
MegaqwertyI second Jordan_U's warning06:06
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok06:06
Gogshello... i am brazilian... i want to pratice/learn english, so, i ask: somebody want to talk with me?06:06
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mbtIndeed.  Dangerous command.06:06
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yurimxpxmanGogs: sure! :)06:06
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chuy_max<Gogs> maybe in #ubuntu-offtopic06:07
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SkryptI bloody well did it!06:07
wolferineyurimxpxman, why the command?06:08
Megaqwertywolferine: it's to mess up your computer06:08
Megaqwertywolferine: ...very badly06:08
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yurimxpxmanwolferine: just a joke ;)06:08
linuxgeekeryyurimxpxman: not the best idea in a support channel06:08
wolferineyurimxpxman, there are lots of new ppl in the channel, I dont think its appropriate06:08
yurimxpxmanlinuxgeekery: lol.. you're probably right :)06:08
Tm_Tyurimxpxman: that kind of jokes doesn't belong to Ubuntu world, thanks06:08
mbtThere are many new people around that might think that's just some tweak.06:08
linuxgeekeryyurimxpxman: well, maybe if it doesn't mess up your computer :P06:08
mbtThey'd be very unhappy to find out that at the very least, they are now forced to reboot.06:09
linuxgeekeryyurimxpxman: or if you put (really, DON'T run) at the end or something06:09
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Tm_Tlinuxgeekery: not even then06:09
MegaqwertyTm_T: yep, that just makes it all the more tempting06:09
linuxgeekerynever thought of that aspect06:09
ZombieDoes anyone have a working TV out configuration for an i810?06:09
wolferineanyways, yurimxpxman maybe you can leave?06:10
mbtZombie, I did on my Toshiba Satellite.  Just required using the Fn+F5 enough times to switch it properly.  Could never get it to work directly from the X.org config file though.06:10
MegaqwertyAnyone know how I could pipe the results of a bunch of different programs into another? (i.e. echo "this" && echo "is" && echo "a" && echo "test" | zenity --text-info --title "Testbox" )06:10
panico_online_ alguem brasileiro????06:10
panico_online_ alguem brasileiro????06:10
mbtMegaqwerty, Yes, you can use a subshell06:10
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wolferine!br | panico_online_06:10
ubotupanico_online_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.06:10
mbtMegaqwerty, For example ( cmd && cmd2 && cmd3 ) | someothercommand06:11
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Megaqwertymbt: Ah! thanks.06:11
mbtMegaqwerty, No problemo.06:11
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mbtMegaqwerty, That's particularly useful for statically scripting telnet sessions :)06:11
jaxon_how do i give this command "gk sudo"  when i m in kde?..thx06:12
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Tm_T] by ChanServ
WhattTheFuzz_im using xchat...how do i see user list..my left pane is server list only06:12
mbtjaxon_, kdesu is, I think, the command06:12
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Dr_willisjaxon_,  if using kde, you prioberly should use the kdesu command. (or was it kdsudo)_06:13
tritiumJordan_U: things okay?06:13
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:13
chuy_max<WhattTheFuzz_> drag the right menu, it is not visible the first time06:13
mbtAnyone know what the black magic incantation is to get 'pecl update-channels' to work?  'sudo apt-get install php5-xmlrpc' didn't do it... still complains about wanting xmlrpc.  :-/06:13
Dr_williskdesu = for kde. :)06:13
Jordan_Utritium, Yes, any reason they wouldn't be ?06:13
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naliothJordan_U: you called the ops06:14
jaxon_gksudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config          ...this is the line i m trying to covert in kde06:14
jaxon_ok...dr willis...i'll try06:14
tritiumJordan_U: because you called ops06:14
mbtjaxon_, You can either use a terminal and use "sudo" instead of "gksu", or you can substitute "kdesu" for "gksu"06:14
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Jordan_Unalioth, Ahh, yurimxpxman posted a malicious command06:14
naliothJordan_U: tritium was asking (i saw it)06:14
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=== tritium saw it too in scrollback
WhattTheFuzz_thanlks for ur help max06:15
Jordan_Utritium,  yurimxpxman posted a malicious command06:15
jaxon_cheers: mbt06:15
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mbtjaxon_, You're welcome.06:15
tritiumJordan_U: okay06:15
underdog5004Dr_willis, that sucks06:16
mbtbtw, on my issue, the installation of php5-xmlrpc added an appropriate extension= line... so I am confused as to what else needs to be done to enable that extension.06:17
Dr_willisunderdog5004,  :)06:17
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wolferineDr_willis, getting the boots?06:18
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Dr_williswolferine,  gotta love it. :) guess they dont want links to my  'themes' either.:) or my icon sets..06:19
Dr_williswolferine,  been working on some... interesting icons lately.06:19
dfgask, what are the normal packages i need to compile software?06:19
wolferine!offtopic :)06:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about offtopic :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:19
=== Dougie [n=dougie@pool-71-240-28-61.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_williswolferine,  just wait for my XXXubuntu release!06:20
mbtdfgas, build-essential at a minimum.06:20
scipiodfgas: build-essential i think06:20
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mbtdfgas, Depending on what you're trying to build, and what language it is in, you may need more packages, too.06:20
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dfgascool, thanks06:20
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mbtdfgas, no problem.06:20
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mbtLooking to get php's pecl utility to work, says it wants xmlrpc extension, installed it, enabled it, and it doesn't see it.  phpinfo(); does, though.  Any ideas?06:22
jerryrighterhow do find what vid card is really installed in a laptop the one on the website sayes one for this laptop and the xorg.conf sayes something dif how i really find what vid card i have06:23
mbtjerryrighter, lspci might be of some use, as well as hal-device-manager06:23
Dr_willisxorg conf is just saying what its set to use.06:23
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Dr_willisxorg.conf could be totally wrong.06:23
jerryrighterthanks mbt06:23
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mbtjerryrighter, no problem06:23
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jerryrighterwell Dr_willis it said on the sight i got a nvidia and xorg sayes i have intell06:24
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Dr_willisjerryrighter,  lspci is your friend. :)06:24
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mbtjerryrighter, very interesting indeed.  The Intel driver shouldn't work with NVIDIA hardware.06:25
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Dr_willisjerryrighter,  check under windows what it says is there also. is one way.. or run the restricted-manager tool and see what it sees.06:25
bobgillI just edited /etc/modprobe.d/aliases from a HowTo and a poster said "You don't need to reboot, just rmmod the module and restart the network and you're done." what does "rmmod the module" mean ?06:25
=== wolferine is glad Dr_willis has atleast one friend, .... lspci :)
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jerryrighterok thanks u two06:25
Dr_williswolferine,  I have lots of friends.. You just cant see them.06:25
=== mbt wishes Google was being friendly ATM
plattypus1Good evening ladies and gents!06:25
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mbtMorning, plattypus106:25
Megaqwertymbt: why do you say that? Haven't you heard they "signed up to be defender of linux"06:26
plattypus1I'm trying to bring a new user into the light, but his CD-R's all seem to be of the coaster persuasion.06:26
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amicrawlerhey guy i can get my plam to sync once or twice now06:26
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amicrawlerbut  will not listen any more06:26
mbtMegaqwerty, Google?  But they're not helping me with my problem.  :(06:26
sparrmy tablet is supposed to have a wacom "eraser" input...  how might that work, physically?06:26
plattypus1Anyone know a way to get Ubuntu to install from a USB thumb drive?06:26
plattypus1I have Windows, an ubuntu .iso, and a 1GB thumbdrive to work with.06:27
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Megaqwertymbt: any way I could help? or is it server side?06:27
Jordan_U!install | plattypus106:27
ubotuplattypus1: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate06:27
cafuegoplattypus1: syslinux06:27
mbtplattypus1, It takes some creativity, but you should be able to put an ISO image onto a USB thumb drive and use Debian's USB installer to do it, I think06:27
skinnypuppy1334Is your bios settable to BOOT USB ?06:27
plattypus1mbt, creativity is doable.06:27
Dr_williswell night all.06:27
mbtMegaqwerty, Basically, trying to get pecl to work correctly.  It complains of a lack of the xmlrpc extension, but that's installed and enabled...06:27
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plattypus1Woot! Help file that I was too inept to find. Thanks all!06:28
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mbtMegaqwerty, and phpinfo() run both through the CLI and Apache PHP setup says it's activated, but pecl says no go.06:28
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dfgasughh, still won't compile06:28
dfgasi know it uses gcc06:28
jerryrightermtb the restricted manager sayes intel(r) pro wireless 3945 coonection driver for linux06:28
mbtdfgas, what package?06:28
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jerryrightermbt connection*06:29
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Megaqwertymbt: man, it's times like these I wish I knew what pecl was... I wonder if google will be nicer to me....06:29
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cafuegoProbably because pecl isn't outright supported, as far as I can see.06:29
mbtMegaqwerty, pecl is the PHP interface to PEAR06:29
jerryrightersorry mbt its real late06:29
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mbtMegaqwerty, Supposed to be able to install custom scripts and the like.  Need it to try to interface an app with Amazon S3, which requires some libs06:29
cafuegombt: Are you using `dh-make-php' ?06:29
slapfacewarewhat cpu does qemu emulate? sparc ?06:30
cafuegoslapfaceware: ia3206:30
mbtjerryrighter, Understandable, is here do.  Looks like you do have an Intel.  Check out lspci in a terminal to see what it says for sure.06:30
rithienhey i have a rather perplexing problem setting up ubuntu, wondered if i could get some help06:30
mbtcafuego, dh-make-php?06:30
slapfacewarewhat's ia3206:30
cafuego!info dh-make-php06:30
ubotudh-make-php: Creates Debian source packages for PHP PEAR and PECL extensions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.0 (feisty), package size 27 kB, installed size 344 kB06:30
Jordan_Uplattypus1, If you want to use the .iso you already have instead of re-downloading you can use this guide and ignore the ext2 partition and persistence ( it won't work even if you do folloe those steps ) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:30
mbtcafuego, Will have to check for that.06:30
dfgasmbt: smg06:30
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Jordan_U!ask | rithien06:30
uboturithien: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:30
Megaqwertymbt: not knowing this stuff...I can only work with one issue at a time...working on the pecl xmlrpc issue06:30
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mbtdfgas, Please ask permission before sending PMs, will be with you in one sec06:31
cafuegombt: So it build a pecl extension source tree, which you can debbify and then install06:31
dfgasmbt: sorry06:31
plattypus1Jordan_U, that'd be great if I had a linux box to work with. Windows only. Vista even.06:31
rithienI have a desktop with an nvidia 8800gts card, but i cant boot into ubuntu without a driver for it06:31
jerryrighterok same thing intell but why would the website say nvidia its same year same make same model06:31
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mbtMegaqwerty, Understandable.  I am going to check that thing out about using the debian manager to build it.  That might be interesting, if it works.06:31
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randy026can someone help me please06:32
Jordan_Uplattypus1, Scroll down :)06:32
mbtjerryrighter, They lied.  Or you have a different revision of hardware, one or the other.06:32
jerryrighterok mbt thanks06:32
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plattypus1Jordan_U, sorry, long day, preciate it.06:32
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StegerAnyone know why Beryl isn't working on my ATI X1300?06:32
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randy026I just updated gusty and my nvidia drivers work compiz is working but now I have no window borders at all? How can I fix this?06:32
Jordan_Uplattypus1, Np :)06:32
Megaqwertymbt: alright. I think I've hurt my head enough tonight...I'm going to stick with stuff I know in the channel...good luck.06:32
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Jordan_Urandy026, #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy06:33
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randy026k thx06:33
rithiencan anyone explain how to install some nvidia drivers from ubuntu's recover mode (since I can't start x serv)06:33
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mbtMegaqwerty, Understandable, thanks anyway :)06:33
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Megaqwertyrandy026: make sure that in your xorg.conf, "Default Depth" is set to 2406:34
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mbtrithien, They are in the nvidia-glx and nvidia-kernel-common packages06:34
rithiendo i need to throw them on a usb key or can i download them from the recovery console06:35
JuftusHello! I seem to have the problem that 'dhclient eth0' is not run or it fails at bootup. 'dmesg | grep eth0' gives: "(..) eth0: no IPv6 routers present". Is this the reason, or is there something else I should check? If I run 'dhclient eth0' manually, it works fine.06:35
=== Aren [n=aren@d58-106-25-143.sbr2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
mbtrithien, If you have a network connection, you can use apt-get06:35
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rithienah, ty06:35
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jerryrighterhey mbt can i ask u one more i got cedega and trying to play this game i knwo will work well in windows but in cedega it runs real real real slow and lags bad06:36
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moyerim trying to delete a swap partition in gparted but im getting an error saying i need to umount any partitons over 506:36
rocketsmoyer, do swapoff on that partition first06:36
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mbtjerryrighter, what game?  I use Cedega for Guild Wars.06:36
mbtjerryrighter, With any game, it's a matter of tweaking it until you find just the perfect settings.  That much I do know.06:36
rocketsEww cedega06:37
rocketssuch  crap06:37
jerryrightermbt: its a hacking game like uplink06:37
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moyerrockets :it is off06:37
mbtrockets, Agreed, but Wine isn't there yet with Guild Wars.06:37
rocketsUplink is an awesome06:37
moyerPlease unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 506:37
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moyerthats the error06:37
rocketsmbt, thats too bad, I find that games that DO work under wine, work way better then they do under cedega06:37
jerryrightermbt can i pst u so we dont flood the chan with it so u could help me tweak it06:37
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yurimxpxmanis there a way to dump individual files from wireshark?06:37
mbtjerryrighter, The only thing I can recommend is trial-and-error.  That's what I had to do with Guild Wars.  If you were playing that, I could send you some working config files... but it's something else, so I am afraid you're going to have to just try.06:38
mbtjerryrighter, I won't be able to help you anymore than that, I am sorry.  :(06:38
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jerryrighterthnks mbt06:38
mbtjerryrighter, No problem06:38
rithienif i do apt-get install nvidia-glx will it auto configure my x-serv (so that i can boot normal) or is there an additional step to do that06:38
Megaqwertyyurimxpxman: I know you can save the files after you stop capturing...if that's what you mean.06:38
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CydeSwypehello all.  i'm in gutsy, but i think this is a general problem someone can help me with.  i lost sound this morning with the kernel update.  what things can i check/reinstall to get sound back?06:39
mbtrithien, If it doesn't do it automatically, issue "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"06:39
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yurimxpxmanMegaqwerty: the files from HTTP, such as web pages and pictures?06:39
mbtrithien, Then you can adjust the settings using a TUI front-end.06:39
wolferine!gutsy | CydeSwype,06:39
ubotuCydeSwype,: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+106:39
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Megaqwertyyurimxpxman: I'm pretty sure you could set a filter for that traffic and then save only the files that are matched by the filter06:39
CydeSwypewolferine: yeah, i'm in there too, but not getting a lot of support at the moment06:40
mbtcafuego, Thanks for the pointer.  It looks like it found my modules for me.06:40
Megaqwertyyurimxpxman: (I have never needed to save wireshark data before, so I wouldn't know for sure)06:40
wolferinesee the _only_ in the post?06:40
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st3v3dndanyone know why when I plug in a microphone no audio comes in?06:41
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codecainehi for some reason my sound not playing is there a way to restart the sound driver?06:41
VarangerIs there any faq/howto to compile to compile a module in the Ubuntu way?06:41
codecainewithout rebooting06:41
wolferinest3v3dnd, how do you know, what app is receiving the audio ?06:41
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st3v3dndI have a webcam installed and the builtin mic for that works just fine, but plugging in a regular mic fails06:42
st3v3dndwolferine: I was trying to setup ekiga06:42
yurimxpxmanMegaqwerty: I'm trying to dump a video from wireshark.. I'm not sure if that's possible or not.06:42
wolferineVaranger, google ubuntu guide06:42
mbtVaranger, Don't know about a FAQ or anything, but check out module-assistant (a package).  Nifty interface that lets you compile modules as needed.  Very useful if running a non-Ubuntu kernel.06:42
wolferinest3v3dnd, and you have setup the correct device in it?06:42
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rocketsIts absolutely safe to install kubuntu-desktop side by side with ubuntu-desktop right?06:42
Megaqwertyyurimxpxman: huh...I'm not sure how you would do it...what are you trying to do? Rip a video off a website?06:42
rocketsDamn the load on my box is 11 right now.06:42
jerryrighterhow do i install a formated driver .tgz06:42
yurimxpxmanMegaqwerty: yes, this one -> <http://www.purevolume.com/videos/mxpx/sessions>06:43
Megaqwertyyurimxpxman: if you have the video completely downloaded on the site, it should be located in /tmp :-P06:43
rithienok i went through and configured it, and it appeared to detect my card ok. when i boot up normal, i still get a blackscreen06:43
Megaqwertyyurimxpxman: it's a very nice trick06:43
wolferineyurimxpxman, now that we have you talking, why did you post that command in the channels you were in, which happened to be linux based channels?06:43
yurimxpxmanMegaqwerty: it's not, though. It's only stored in cache or something.06:43
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Megaqwertyyurimxpxman: i'll take a look then.06:44
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sparrhow can i get an onscreen keyboard at the gdm login dialog?06:44
yurimxpxmanwolferine: as I said before, it was just a joke. I was dealing with those commands at the time, and it popped in to my head, struck me as funny. I thought others would get a laugh out of it as well.06:44
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wolferineyou have a bad sense of humour06:45
totalnewbiehow to create root password?06:45
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mbtyurimxpxman, Perhaps in a room that isn't so oriented towards newcomers---say, a very low-level technical channel.06:45
yurimxpxmantotalnewbie: sudo passwd06:45
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:45
st3v3dndwolferine:  yeah, if I use usb input it picks up from the webcam, the only other option is nvidia nforce2, and that doesn't receive any input06:45
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mbttotalnewbie, You may want to re-think whether or not you want to do that.06:45
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wolferinest3v3dnd, what device is the mic in ?06:45
mbttotalnewbie, There is limited use for an enabled root account, and on Internet-facing machines, it can be a major risk just having the account open to brute-force attacks.06:45
yurimxpxmanmbt: some commands require it, such as openvt, but I also agree | totalnewbie06:45
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mbtyurimxpxman, True.  Such software needs to have a bug report filed, IMHO.06:46
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totalnewbiembt: how can i access any root file if i don't know the password?06:46
ari_stressguys, any news on compiz update? my feisty has been without running compiz for 3 days now :(06:46
st3v3dndwolferine: I'm not sure I follow. Do you mean where on the computer? If so, it's plugged into the builtin mic jack on the motherboard06:46
linuxgeekerytotalnewbie: use sudo?06:46
ari_stresstotalnewbie: sudo -i06:47
rithienapparently i cant access the command line when i boot normal either06:47
mbttotalnewbie, sudo lets you run commands as root.  By default, Ubuntu locks the root account so that only access through sudo is possible.06:47
wolferinest3v3dnd, which has onbaord sound, being the nvidia onboard sound?06:47
mannytu! sudo | totalnewbie06:47
ubotutotalnewbie: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:47
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st3v3dndwolferine: yeah06:47
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mbtThat bot is really nifty.06:47
Megaqwertyyurimxpxman: no idea... sorry06:48
st3v3dndno other sound cards in the box06:48
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wolferinest3v3dnd, and you select that device in ekiga, still it doesnt record (im assuming you did take the time to check the mic volume, and toggle it on) ?06:48
unknown_ninjacan I get xubuntu help here too?06:49
dfgasmbt, is there some cool package to install devel files?06:49
yurimxpxmantotalnewbie: an example of that would be `sudo aptitude install emacs`06:49
linuxgeekerydfgas: build-essential06:49
st3v3dndwolferine: Yes, I also tried the line-in jack, tried cranking up the volume, adding +20 db gain.06:49
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st3v3dndnothing comes through06:50
linuxgeekerydfgas: but I wasn't here for the first part of the question06:50
wolferinesure unknown_ninja, unless it is specific to just xubuntu06:50
mbtdfgas, Not that I know of.06:50
wolferinest3v3dnd, does the mic work?06:50
cryxwhen i create a user useradd -d /home/user -g wheel user and when i try log him in i get. no directory , logginh in whith home=/ so this means he cannot login in because he doesnt have permisions to /home. what permisions do i set for /home ?06:50
wolferinest3v3dnd, have you tested it in another environment?06:50
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st3v3dndwolferine:  Yeah, I use it during the day on another computer06:50
unknown_ninjaI have a dell Inspiron 5150 with a broadcom wifi and it's not working06:51
rithieni still get a blank screen when i try to start ubuntu normal, and if i go into recovery, it looks like it keeps trying to reset my connection06:51
wolferineoutta ideas here06:51
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mannytuI thought everyone had a home?06:51
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cryxmannytu, yea when i use useradd it doesnt cReate a default home for my user06:52
st3v3dndwolferine: Oh well, thanks anyway.06:52
yurimxpxmancryx: what happens if that user types `cd ~` ?06:52
wolferine!wireless | unknown_ninja06:52
ubotuunknown_ninja: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:52
cryxyrimxpxman, it logs in with / "rootZ"06:52
mannytu! useradd06:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about useradd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:52
unknown_ninjaI tried most of the help documents nothing seems to work06:53
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unknown_ninjaor wifi docs06:53
mannytu! usermod06:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usermod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:53
cryxyea ubotu isnt the smartest bot06:54
unknown_ninjaI'm reading one now as we speak06:54
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mbtMeh.  dh-make-pear isn't perfect.  lol06:54
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Megaqwertymannytu: why do you want to know about useradd?06:55
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wolferinenite ppl06:55
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chuy_maxhey wolferine06:56
mannytucryx: goto terninal and "man adduser"06:56
wolferinenot sure where your from chuy_max, but around here, nite means i am leaving :)06:56
cryxi know hw to use adduser, just not sure why its not creating a default home :P06:57
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cryxi figured home has the wrong permissions06:57
chuy_maxwolferine, :O, isn't it good night?06:57
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svega85hi i was wondering if there is a way to enable logging of ssh and everything that's done in ssh the way it's done in putty?06:57
wolferinei speak irc, I dunno about u :)06:58
chuy_maxsvega85, yes06:58
chuy_maxuse the console06:58
chuy_maxssh -l <user>06:58
svega85th console has logging?06:58
Megaqwertysvega85: well...I don't know about everything...but I know looking at /var/log/auth.log will tell you about logins06:58
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mbtHrm. If dh-make-pear doesn't work for getting a package from PEAR, there is probably no other way to create a deb package from it, is there?07:00
svega85chuy_max well i need it for a class to log all the commands i type and there ourput07:00
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mbtIt doesn't seem to want to get HTTP_Request, complaining about a file named '-'.  (Grr, I hate such filenames.)07:00
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Megaqwertysvega85: there's a pretty cool trick to do that...hold on, it's a script I have...I'll paste it07:01
svega85ok thanks07:02
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totalnewbiewhere can i find file lists my ip address?07:03
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Megaqwertysvega85: http://megaqwerty.pastebin.ca/66762207:03
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Megaqwertytotalnewbie: type ifconfig in the terminal07:03
Chad92Hey all, having troubles apt-getting openpanel07:04
Chad92I'm getting all the dependancies and everything, and it says:07:04
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Chad92E: Package courier-authlib has no installation candidate07:04
svega85will this save to a regular text file?07:04
Chad92what repo can I find it in?07:04
master_he has a new dell with an 8600m and the install for ubuntu crashes everytime but i think its the video card anyway ubuntu ultimate says u can install using driver update CD how can i make one?07:04
mbtChad92:  Section: universe/mail07:04
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SkryptI have two icons on my desktop, both point to my external hard drive... how do I remove one of them?07:04
Chad92mbt: what line should I put in?07:04
svega85Megaqwerty: will this save to a regular text file?07:05
Skryptone disappears with the drive if I unmount it...07:05
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mbtChad92, Enable the Universe repository... so deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ NAMEOFDIST universe07:05
Chad92I have it enabled07:05
master_he has a new dell with an 8600m and the install for ubuntu crashes everytime but i think its the video card anyway ubuntu ultimate says u can install using driver update CD how can i make one?07:05
mbt"deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ NAMEOFDIST universe"07:05
Megaqwertysvega85: it will save to a file which is in .tar.gz format, which can be either played back using script.sh -p name or you can untar it, and see just the text07:05
mbtChad92, What version of Ubuntu are you running?07:05
tondarhey all07:06
svega85ok thanks07:06
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mbtHrm.  Don't know if it's there then, check out http://packages.ubuntu.org07:06
mbterr .com07:06
tondarI want to upgrade to gusty using the alternate cd07:06
tondarmounted the iso07:06
mbtMan I am full of typos tonight07:06
tondarwhat do I do now07:06
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mbtChad92, I am running Feisty and I can say it's available for that, 'cuz it's in apt07:06
Megaqwertysvega85: when played back using the script, the timing is preserved, so it's just like watching you do the stuff in realtime. It's pretty cool.07:06
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+107:07
Chad92the package site says it can't be found07:07
Chad92what can I do?07:07
Chad92I need that package07:07
Chad92and the courier-authlib-userdb and courier-authlib-pipe07:07
svega85Megaqwerty: thanks i'll try it out07:07
tondarhow to upgrade from alternate cd?07:07
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mbtChad92, You have three options that I am aware of.  Build from source, backport from edgy or feisty, or upgrade your Ubuntu system.07:07
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Megaqwertysvega85: you're welcome.07:08
Chad92mbt: let's do backport :)07:08
Chad92what do I do?07:08
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mbt!prevu |chad9207:08
ubotuchad92: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details07:08
Chad92thanks mbt07:08
mbtNo problemo.07:08
master_hey guys i need help plz how do i make a driver updatew CD?07:08
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Chad92it can't find prevu either07:09
Chad92oh wiat07:09
=== Chad92 should actually read
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master_hey guys anyone knwo hwo to mkae that update driver CD or no?07:10
mbtChad92, lol, it's alright.  :)07:10
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PinkFloydIs there anyway I can change permissions or something so when I hotplug my USB HD, it doesnt give me an unprivileged error?07:10
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psanfilmaster_ could you explain what you mean, and what you need this cd for?07:10
mbtmaster_, There are 1,019 people in here.  If we all said "no", that would be one heck of a flood...07:10
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teKnofreakmaster_, you mean apt_on_CD ?07:11
master_lol ur right i am soorry07:11
burepeI set up this line in my fstab //    /media/burepe-share smbfs  credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,dmask=777,fmask=777  0    0 and I am getting this error burepe@ubuntu1:~$ sudo mount -a 12908: session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.) SMB connection failed  What am I doing wrong?07:11
DougieOk I have my audio connected through the optical output on my sound card to my receiver. It apears that my sound card is installed but i can't get this output to work. Does anyone know a guide or something or knows how to fix this?07:11
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teKnofreakburepe, can you please use a pastebin07:11
mbtmaster_, No problem.  Sometimes it can take a while to find someone who knows about what you're asking.07:11
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master_how do i write only to u like that?07:12
teKnofreakDougie, optical output ?07:12
PinkFloydIs there anyway I can change permissions or something so when I hotplug my USB HD, it doesnt give me an unprivileged error?07:12
Dougieteknofreak, yes07:12
Megaqwertymaster_: /msg nick message07:12
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SunsparcSolarisDoes anyone know? >_>07:13
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sow1so I have an ATI Radeon 9700 with the VGA/DVI connector plugged into 2 different monitors but I can't seem to get them both to work with extended mode so they both don't mirror each other.. anyone have any ideas07:13
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psanfilsow1, you have to set up your x config, there's directions on nvidia's website if you have 1 of their cards07:14
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SunsparcSolarisit's a Radeon, if you had read07:15
SunsparcSolarissow1, try ati.amd.com07:15
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star1Does anyone here know how to get a mouse with a "horizontal scroll" (a.k.a. tilting scroll wheel) to work?07:16
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totalnewbiehow to set my ip address?07:19
master_OK so it says on the ubuntu ultimate DVD 1.4 install using update driver CD.... how do i make a CD with the updated driver on it like it requests.07:19
SunsparcSolaristotalnewbie, you mean a static network address?07:21
SunsparcSolarismaster_, ditch Ultimate07:21
SunsparcSolaristotalnewbie, type "sudo network-admin" in the terminal07:22
SunsparcSolarisit'll bring up the GUI07:22
totalnewbieit has no gui07:22
SunsparcSolaristry a "sudo apt-get install network-admin"07:23
totalnewbieit's a server07:23
mbtAlright, I'm off.  G'nite everyone.07:23
SunsparcSolariswell I can help with that also :p07:23
sparrgot pressure sensitivity working on the stylus in gimp...  and my roommate laid claim to the tablet :)07:23
SunsparcSolaris"sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces"07:23
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totalnewbiewhat to type there07:23
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SunsparcSolarisone moment07:23
SunsparcSolarisdoes it say DHCP?07:24
AutumnCathello! Does ubuntu 7.04 support intel P35 chipset ?07:24
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SunsparcSolaristotalnewbie, got it?07:25
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scipio!hardware | AutumnCat07:25
ubotuAutumnCat: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport07:25
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totalnewbieit's a static07:25
TJ__can some 1 help me im having a hard time getting into the GUI with ubuntu studio i have it set up as dual boot with windows07:26
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totalnewbiei want to set a static07:26
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TJ__i get the error Cant access tty; job control turned off and i get a command script07:26
SunsparcSolarisadd in these three lines07:26
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SunsparcSolarisaddress x.x.x.x07:26
oddI am attempting to use a cuecat scanner and it does not want to do anything07:26
SunsparcSolarisnetmask x.x.x.x07:26
SunsparcSolarisand gateway x.x.x.x07:26
SunsparcSolarisI assume you know what those are07:26
TJ__i get the error Cant access tty; job control turned off and i get a command script07:27
TJ__when trying to boot ubuntu studio07:27
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JDLimbohow do I enable SSL for irc?07:29
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SunsparcSolarisstar1, you might try this site. http://www.tjl2.com/sysadmin/ubuntu-logitech-cordless-optical-mouse.html07:29
SunsparcSolarisI havent personally tested it, but it might help07:29
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brian__quick question... I want to be able to delete files from my windows partition... but its read only, and i cant change it by right clicking on the drive... how do i do this?07:30
SunsparcSolarisbrian__, edit ro to rw in your fstab07:30
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SunsparcSolarisand remoutn07:30
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brian__let me try that sunsparc07:30
SunsparcSolarisMight I add on the line that the Windows parition is on, not all ro's in general ;)07:31
TJ__sunsparcsolaris can u help me out with my problem?07:31
star1SunsparcSolaris: Thanks for the link, but that's more for adding extra buttons; you'll see that at the end, he has the same problem as me: "If I ever figure out how to get the wheel tilt working, I'll update this how-to."07:31
=== stevo [n=stevo@66-168-217-154.dhcp.mtgm.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
SkryptTwo links on my desktop are pointing to my external hard drive. How do I remove one of them?07:32
brian__damn, where is the fstab?07:32
SunsparcSolarisstar1, I just saw that :p07:32
SunsparcSolarisbrian__, /etc/fstab07:32
AutumnCatscipio: the wiki shown the hardwards could not work well. If I didn't find my harward , dose i mean that my hardward is supported ?07:32
SunsparcSolarisTJ__, how can I help?07:32
TJ__i have ubuntu studio installed07:32
therealnanotubebrian__: but... be careful if your partition is ntfs, writing to it from linux can screw it up. if it is fat32, then it's ok.07:32
TJ__set up dual boot with win xp07:32
AutumnCatscipio: the wiki shown the hardwards could not work well. If I didn't find my harward , dose it mean that my hardward is supported ?07:32
TJ__and when unbuntu is loading i get this in a command script07:32
bulmerbrian__: try this   mount -o remount,rw /partition/you/want/remounted07:33
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SunsparcSolarisTJ__, have you tried a reinstall?07:33
TJ__i get the error Cant access tty; job control turned off and i get a command script07:33
Dynatroni just deleted my /usr/share/icons directory using rm -rf...07:33
scipioAutumnCat: if it's not in the list it's not supported probably. you might try a search on the forums or even ask there.07:33
Dynatronby mistake :/07:33
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SunsparcSolarisDynatron, hope you have backup software installed on that dir07:34
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cellofellowWhich is faster, a 12x DVD, or a 40x CD? I am confused over the different numbering.07:34
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SunsparcSolarisDynatron, up crap creek without a paddle then07:34
Dynatronprobably gonna be a reinstall isn't it to recover07:34
luite_cellofellow: 12x07:34
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SkryptTwo links on my desktop are pointing to my external hard drive. How do I remove one of them?07:34
therealnanotubeDynatron: heh well, my /usr/share/icons is only 92 megs.07:34
SeveredCross12x DVD07:34
cellofellowluite_: ok. So is it about a 4:1?07:34
SeveredCrossI believe so, yeah.07:34
luite_cellofellow: the base speed of dvd is about 8 times as fast as the base speed of cd07:34
Dynatronupload it to me :)07:34
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cellofellowluite_: oh, ok07:35
therealnanotubeDynatron: got a server?07:35
therealnanotubeDynatron: where do you want me to upload?07:35
AutumnCatscipio: which list ? I found this -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMotherboardsIntelSocket775, and my motherboard is not in the list ?07:35
Dynatronlet me see07:35
Dynatronone sec07:35
therealnanotubeDynatron: ok. while you are looking, i'll tar.gz the whole dir :)07:35
Dynatronthanks dude07:36
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leo_rockwhello everyone07:36
scipioAutumnCat: like i said. if it's not in the list it isnt supported probably. or maybe it's very new. either way search for that model on the forums07:36
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AutumnCatscipio: ok07:36
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scipioAutumnCat: or download the cd and boot the livecd. you won't have to install anything and you can check what is working and what not07:37
brian__so my drive i am mounting is NSTF... editing info on this drive is running a major risk?07:37
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leo_rockwtoday's gutsy update changed something in my sound configuration. now when i plug the headphones on the speakers don't mute. anybody knows anything about this?07:37
therealnanotubeDynatron: no prob. :) it's tar.bz2-ing as we speak.07:37
Bakefyhow do i get amarok to refresh the new directory of music, and stop using the old music directory?  I made the change, but it wont take effect.07:37
scipio!ntfs-3g | brian__07:37
ubotubrian__: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions07:37
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brian__thanks scipio07:38
leo_rockwit never happened on feisty before. whenever i plugged the headphones in the speakers used to mute.07:38
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Zombiehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34757/ Help?07:38
AutumnCatscipio: i'm going to buy a new computer , so i have to make sure whether the chipset is supported07:38
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scipioAutumnCat: then i'm afraid google is your best friend at this point :)07:39
therealnanotubeDynatron: ok, it's only 27.7 mb in tar.bz207:39
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Dynatrontherealnanotube ok07:39
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therealnanotubehey, can anyone else get to mozilla.com? their site seems to be down...07:39
AutumnCatscipio: i searched google and i didn't found any useful message ..07:39
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leo_rockwtherealnanotube, i could07:40
therealnanotubeleo_rockw: just now?07:40
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leo_rockwtherealnanotube, just now, and very fast07:40
therealnanotubeleo_rockw: hmm... strange... i can't seem to make it, it just stays at "waiting for www.mozilla.com" and doesn't go anywhere..07:41
star1Does anyone here know any simple way for me to make it so that when I double click on the icon in the top left of a window, it closes the window?  For whatever reason, this is one of the few things from Windows that I really pine for, so having it would be awesome.07:41
therealnanotubeleo_rockw: mozilla.org works fine... but not .com07:41
leo_rockwtherealnanotube, i tried with ff and opera... both can open .com w.o a problem07:41
therealnanotubestar1: hehe, i was trying to find that out a year ago myself - and i found that it's not possible in gnome... :(07:41
therealnanotubeleo_rockw: hmm, well... thanks. could be some isp problem on my side, i guess...07:42
leo_rockwstar1, you can with kde07:42
star1therealnanotube: Crud, that really sucks.  Oh well, it's not that big of a deal07:42
leo_rockwtherealnanotube, np07:42
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star1leo_rockw: Interesting... I might just have to get kubuntu on here, then :P07:42
therealnanotubestar1: heh that's what i ended up saying. ;)07:42
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scipiostar1: if you are using beryl there are certain themes that have different locations for buttong. right now i'm using one that has the close button in the top left corner. other than that no ideas07:42
therealnanotubeDynatron: so, got any place for me to upload?07:42
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intelikeyhowto turn down the backlight on a lappy  ???07:43
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Dynatroni sent you the info in a PM07:44
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leo_rockwlatest gutsy update separated speakers and headphones into two different things and i can't mute one without muting the otherone, any help on this? (HDA soundcard)07:44
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therealnanotubeintelikey: there should be a key on your kb that controls that... like fn-arrowdown (on my dell)07:44
Dynatrontherealnanotube: let me know if you see the info07:44
therealnanotubeDynatron: didn't get it. are you registered? non-registered users can't pm...07:44
Dynatronoh i see07:44
wit_273I just updated to Gusty Gibbon and now I do not have the title bar along the top of my windows.  Does anyone know how to get that back?07:44
SkryptTomB_, do you have any involvement with EVE-Online?07:44
Dynatroni guess i'm not reg07:44
therealnanotubeDynatron: let me pm you my email address so you can email it to me07:45
leo_rockwwit_273, are you using beryl/compiz?07:45
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TomB_Skrypt, no07:45
wit_273compiz but it doesn't matter whether I have it running or not I still do not hve the title bar07:45
randy026how do I get in to the compiz settings?07:45
therealnanotubeDynatron: got my pm?07:46
Dynatrontherealnanotube: yes i see it07:46
therealnanotubeDynatron: got my email?07:46
leo_rockwwit_273, ok... then idk (i asked because it is a common compiz problem)07:46
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therealnanotubeDynatron:  i mean, my email address, in the pm? :)07:46
wit_273What is the solution in compiz?07:47
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wit_273That may solve my problem07:47
Dynatrontherealnanotube: ok it's sent07:47
randy026Can anyone help me i have no window decorations07:47
leo_rockwwit_273, beats me, i don't use eye candy, but i'm aware there's a problem with compiz that makes your top bar disappear07:47
Ben_Csdoes: apt-get install <package> , reinstalls a package if it is installed already, or only installs new packages?07:47
leo_rockwBen_Cs, only installs new packages07:48
leo_rockwBen_Cs, apt-get install --reinstall07:48
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therealnanotubeDynatron: ok, i connected. starting upload?07:49
Dynatrontherealnanotube: yes i got your PM, and i got your email. I emailed you the ftp username and info07:49
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Dynatrontherealnanotube: yea sure start it :)07:50
Ben_Csleo_rockw: then i have a problem. i restarted my comp, and gnome would stuck in loading (before restart it was fine). it's stuck after addintional reboots aswell. so i did: sudo apt-get install gnome , and it installed it. could feisty, remove gnome by itself?!07:50
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therealnanotubeDynatron: started it. my ftp client claims that it will be about 10 mins.07:50
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therealnanotubedo you see the file in there?07:50
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Dynatrontherealnanotube: ok cool man, thanks alot. Without you doing this it's pretty much a new install lol07:50
Ben_Csthe reinstallation of gnome didn't help07:51
leo_rockwBen_Cs, i don't think so. that's pretty weird07:51
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leo_rockwBen_Cs, do you get any error?07:51
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therealnanotubeDynatron: hehe yea... that would kinda suck. :) though i guess it may be possible to extract that directory out of the install cd somehow...07:51
n00dl3Ben_Cs: Should of seen why it was "stuck" o.O07:51
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Ben_Csdoes anybody know about the problem, when loading gnome - i get a beige screen with white rectangle at top left corner?07:51
Dynatrontherealnantube: yea somehow most likely07:51
n00dl3Ben_Cs: How did you install gnome?07:52
therealnanotubeDynatron: and... i hope you learned a lesson from this: regular backups are a must. :) though i admit that i don't back up the system directories myself, just the /home and the /etc...07:52
Ben_Csleo_rockw: not as far as i can see07:52
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tritochwhat could i use to backup my current configuration, maybe image the drive in an easy to restore way?07:52
Dynatrontherealnanotube: i also wiped out my entire /home directory too. I'm not sure how the command rm -rf /home/stephen/cedega wiped out my entire home directory..07:53
Ben_Csn00dl3: with the default feisty install07:53
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therealnanotubetritoch: i use rdiff-backup to make my backups... but i suppose you could also just use tar, or image the drive with dd07:54
jerryrighterhow do i check and see how much vid ram i have on my laptop?07:54
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xjkxHow do I share a printer with windows 98 ?07:54
therealnanotubeDynatron: well, if you accidentally typed a space after home, it would do that. eg, if you typed "rm -rf /home /stephen/cedega" or "rm -rf /home/ stephen/cedega"07:54
therealnanotubeDynatron: i think you might consider avoiding the 'rm -rf' command entirely, given your bad luck with it. :)07:54
Dynatrontherealnanotube: yea i guess it's late and i probably made a typo07:55
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leo_rockwDynatron, next time use tabs autocomplete07:55
Ben_Csn00dl3, leo_rockw: alt-ctrl-F8 shows it is in : running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) [ok]  , and the nothing...07:55
therealnanotubeDynatron: it's a better practice to /first/ cd to the directory, and /then/ delete it using a relative path. ie, "cd /home/stephen; rm -rf ./cedega"07:55
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therealnanotubeleo_rockw: yea, that's a good point, too. :)07:55
zobohobodogcould anyone help me out live to get a wifi card working on my laptop?  have gone through forum suggestions and not getting anywhere.  Linksys WPC54GS.  have done ndiswrapper etc ...07:56
Bakefyany good suggestions for an mp3 player (like ipod) that works with amarok really well?07:56
Dynatrontherealnanotube: yea i just did a slocate on cedega and started removing all the matches07:56
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Chad92ok, so I have prevu installed07:57
Ben_Cshow can i see what uotput is there when gnome loads?07:57
Chad92and I try the command:07:57
justonianI'm a pretty new linux user, I did a fresh install of ubuntu 7.04 feisty on an amd64 duo, with all the whistles (beryl, applets etc), has anybody had issues with it becoming unstable and crashing?  I have to do a hard-reset, keyboard, mouse, and screen lockup frequently07:57
Chad92prevu courier-authlib07:57
Chad92and it asks me if I am sure it exists07:58
bulmerzobohobodog: which chip is on that wpc54gs?07:58
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therealnanotubeDynatron: heh i see. in that case, the tab-autocomplete, as leo_rockw said, is your friend. also, if you are sure you are removing all matches, xargs is your friend. you could have "locate cedega | xargs -I'{}' rm -rf {}" would automatically remove all matches found by locate07:58
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Dynatrontherealnanotube: OH...i knew there must have been a way to just remove all matches from locate07:58
therealnanotubejustonian: could be due to beryl (most likely). try running with regular metacity wm without beryl, and see if it still crashes...07:59
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SlorHi folks.07:59
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leo_rockwhey Slor07:59
therealnanotubeDynatron: hehe, yea... fancy command line tricks are the key. ;)07:59
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Dynatrontherealnanotube: i gotta read the man pages for Xargs then07:59
justoniantherealnanotube: I thought the same thing, I've tried turning off beryl, and still run into the same issues.  I've checked syslog, and the only suspicious message I get is something about the nvidia driver tainting the kernel07:59
therealnanotubeChad92: w00t. :)07:59
Chad92eh.  more time wasted, in my eyes07:59
zobohobodogbulmer: just a second, let me see if I can figure that out07:59
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justonianit seems this issue is quite common for feisty users running 7.04 :(, and unfortunately google didn't turn out much help08:00
therealnanotubejustonian: hrm... i guess you could try running on the open source nv driver to see what happens? if the crashes stop, you at least narrow it down to the video driver.08:00
Ben_Cshow can i see what output is there when gnome loads?08:00
leo_rockwis anybody with gutsy here with sound problems since the last upgrade?08:00
justoniantherealnanotube:  I'll give that a shot, thanks nano08:00
therealnanotubeDynatron: yea, man xargs helps, probably even more helpful would be an "xargs tutorial" search on google. ;)08:00
=== odd [n=logan@adsl-75-8-105-159.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
SlorJust need a quick recommendation - I have a machine with dual P3-550 procs and 512MB RAM that I want to use primarily for internet services (ssh, ftp, maybe web, mail, etc.) and would also like to have at least basic local graphical desktop.  What distro might be best suited as "mostly server with some desktop" installation on that hardware?08:01
Dynatrontherealnanotube: ok cool.08:01
therealnanotubejustonian: no prob. good luck :)08:01
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SeveredCrossSlor: You can get ubuntu server edition and then install xubuntu on top of that?08:01
OsahZomgoshomgosh i love ubuntu08:01
oddokay. sorry to ask again, but i think I timed out.  Anyone know anything about cuecat?08:01
justonianoh nifty, there is a petition out on the web to have nvidia release their driver open source because it is causing lots of system crashes hehe08:01
leo_rockwOsahZ, don't we all?08:01
SeveredCrossThat way you get the server-oriented packages of Ubuntu Server Edition + the light Xubuntu desktop.08:01
OsahZhey can someone tell me will i have trouble installing ubuntu on a hard-drive on which Vista is installed08:01
bulmerBen_Cs: you mean during boot? you can see it via ctrl+alt+f1  while booting08:01
faileasSlor: Ubuntu server or alternate installer, then add on what ya need08:02
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therealnanotubeDynatron: ooh, ok, transfer complete! check out that tar.bz2 file, see if it opens...08:02
Dynatrontherealnanotube doing it now08:02
stax_tbSlor: i'd say debian08:02
faileasOsahZ: use vista's own repartitioner to repartition then install ubuntu...08:02
OsahZhey can someone tell me will i have trouble installing ubuntu on a hard-drive on which Vista is installed -- also i am looking to install it (make a new parition) and have that bootload let me choose an OS08:02
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OsahZfailes: i would like both OS :O possiblle?08:02
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Ben_Csbulmer: ctrl-alt-f1 shows login screen08:02
SlorServer Edition + xbuntu = just adding the xfce packages to SE?08:02
faileasOsahZ: yes. do NOT use gparted to partition, and read the instructions in the installer VERY carefully.08:03
intelikeyso is there not any way inside ubuntu to dim the backlight ?      i've tried all key combos and nothing seems to help ?08:03
faileasyou'll be find like that08:03
therealnanotubeSlor: i'd say freebsd or openbsd. with a lightweight desktop like xfce, or maybe openbox/fluxbox08:03
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OsahZfaileas: how would i access Vistas partitioner --08:03
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bulmerBen_Cs: yes, but during boot, everything that is happening is piped to that console, including at the time gnome is loaded08:03
OsahZfaileas: any run command?08:03
faileasOsahZ: IIRC its part of the hard drive maintainance snapin...08:03
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suupaabakaI resized my NTFS partition and made an extended ext3 partition for storage purposes... but it's set read only. How do I gain access to it and have it mount on login?08:03
leo_rockwintelikey, in KDE i use a powermanager app that lets me dim the light w/o using the keyboard shortcut08:04
SlorAt least for now, I'd like to narrow to *ubuntu distros.08:04
SeveredCrosssuupaabaka: Edit /etc/fstab, make the options for the parition have rw08:04
therealnanotubesuupaabaka: edit the fstab08:04
SlorAlso, what is the best version to get now - the latest?08:04
therealnanotube!fstab | suupaabaka08:04
ubotusuupaabaka: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:04
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SeveredCrossSlor: Re Server edition + xubuntu = xfce packages, that's a yes.08:04
suupaabakaThanks guys!!08:04
SeveredCrossInstalling xubuntu-desktop just pulls all the needed xfce packages at once.08:04
therealnanotubeSlor: oh, in that case, go for xubuntu.08:04
Slorgotcah - thanks severedcross08:04
Dynatrontherealnanotube: hmm for some reason, it won't extract08:05
Slorgotcha even08:05
therealnanotubeDynatron: what's it say?08:05
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therealnanotubeDynatron: what's your md5sum on it?08:05
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faileasSlor: I tend to use 6.06 LTS server on my servers.. thats the LTS.My GUIed Terminal server (VM) is running on Feisty. both seem pretty good08:05
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therealnanotubeDynatron: my local copy md5sums to "4a50f2499a6a4f42d05d1d68ba20f898"08:06
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Sloranything major missing from 6.06 compared to current releases?08:06
OsahZfaileas: i got to the poi9nt of 'Disk Management' i cant seem to find Create new partition button tho08:06
therealnanotubeSlor: i'd go for feisty. while dapper is 'long term support', a lot of the software in the dapper repos is getting long in the tooth...08:06
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Slorthat's what I was wondering.08:06
faileasOsahZ: ask in #windows ;)08:07
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faileasI can't remember, and i used Gparted (and had issues ><)08:07
SlorI have actually used xubuntu 6.06.1 before, and it seems like I might be missing out on some of the newer stuff.08:07
leo_rockwdoes anybody know how do i go about muting the speakers when i plug in the headphones?08:07
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Dynatrontherealnanotube: not sure, but once i extract using the bunzip2 command it creates a tar file,fine. Then i use tar -xvf and it starts to extract, once near the end it exists with tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors08:07
SlorOnly thing that concerns me is if the newer version brings any new bloat...08:07
SeveredCrossDynatron: Try sudo tar08:07
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therealnanotubeDynatron: hmm, can you try opening it with the archive manager?08:08
therealnanotubeDynatron: and try running the md5sum on it, just to make sure file transferred without corruption08:08
Ben_Cssudenly (didn't change anything) today, after reboot, gnome wont load. (the gdm does load), please help!08:08
Dynatrontherealnanotube i did that first, it failed and said that it didn't contain the files08:08
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suupaabakaIf my extended partition and its ext3 partition (sda5 and sda4 respectively) aren't listed in the fstab, should I add them?08:09
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Dynatrontherealnanotube: i'll be honest, i don't see the md5sum file in the ftp dir and i've never run one08:09
suupaabakaErr, sda4=extended, sda5=ext308:09
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OsahZDid anyone read the book "Just for Fun" Story of Linus Torvalds08:10
OsahZamazing and fun book guys its 1.50 on amazon08:10
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echelon3buy me a copy08:10
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GNinedo we have software to play realplayer content (without realplayer)08:10
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therealnanotubeDynatron: well, you're supposed to /create/ the md5sum from the file. just run "md5sum icons.tar.bz2" and it will spit out the sum. then you can compare to mine.08:10
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OsahZGnine -- did u try VLC (Video Lan Player)08:10
OsahZit can usually play everything almost for me08:11
GNinenot yet08:11
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therealnanotubeDynatron: any luck?08:13
suupaabakaWow... my fstab is scary.08:13
SlorOh, one other question - does ubuntu include a decent graphical interface for managing the bind DNS server?  Even if I have to run Gnome to do it...08:13
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therealnanotubeSlor: search in synaptic... :) but basically, if it exists, and it's open source, it will be in the repos. :)08:14
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SanityInAnarchyI have a CPIO archive which seems to be corrupt -- it seems to die at a file which is more than 4 gigs. I wonder if this is recoverable?08:14
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TJ__can anyone help me solve this error08:15
TJ__/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off08:15
TJ__i get that when trying to boot unbuntu studio08:15
cafuegoTJ__: Congratulations, youve boot process stopped in the initrd image.08:15
lil-g-manis anyone here running compiz fusion 0.5.2? did u get notification about new updates???08:16
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GNineexample of usage.. CBS.com has a show i wanna watch.. can vlc play that even tho the two streaming options are windows media or realplayer?08:16
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TJ__lol how do i fix this cafuego im new to linux08:16
peepsalothow can I tell if ubuntu has fam enabled in the kernel? http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Famd08:16
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echelon3do you guys use xchat08:17
tom17bombadil_how can i see what encoding a file has?08:17
mamouliani use xchat08:17
suupaabakaThis is the fstab entry for my NTFS partition: UUID=F2FC59C4FC5983AF /media/sda1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_AU.UTF-8 0 108:17
suupaabakaWould I have to do something along those lines for my storage partition?08:18
TJ__can you help me get ununtu studio to boot08:18
TJ__i used Wubi to install08:18
ajopaultom17bombadil_, try file filenmae08:18
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defryskwubi ?08:18
TJ__like you told me and i get this error08:18
TJ__/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off08:19
defryskis that supported by ubuntu ?08:19
mrignshalp, halp08:19
SanityInAnarchyDoes CPIO support largefiles?08:19
OsahZfailes: I want to develop linux software -- i have been a MS Developer 6yrs -- do you recommend any specific distro -- would ubuntu be a good start -- 'kubuntu'08:19
mamoulianubuntu is good start08:19
therealnanotubesuupaabaka: yes. :)08:20
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)08:20
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mamouliani started using linux about a year ago and thats what i started with08:20
therealnanotube!uuid | suupaabaka08:20
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ubotusuupaabaka: please see above08:20
justonianI can definitely say ubuntu has been the easiest linux install I've ever had08:20
LinuxProbieHey, how do I install shockwave?08:20
justonianand beryl is simply amaaaazing looking08:20
GNineam not a guru.. matter of fact.. i just started using ubuntu since last week..  i did use wubi for its installation but am far from being able to answer technical questions08:20
GNinesorry if i mislead you08:21
suupaabakajustonian: Beryl has been discontinued. Compiz-fusion is the successor.08:21
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html08:21
ubotuShockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave08:21
suupaabakajustonian: It's purrrdy ;)08:21
therealnanotubeOsahZ: ubuntu would be as good a start as any.08:21
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TJ__can anyone help me with this error08:22
unknown_ninjacan anyone help me with wireless problem?08:22
OsahZwill GRUB be installed automatically if it detects more than 1 OS08:22
TJ__/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off08:22
mamoulianyea it did for me osahz08:22
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mamouliando you have 1 or two disks?08:22
OsahZi have 1 hard drive on which i have 2 partitions08:22
Freeman77what does ubuntu set the root password to when you install via livedvd08:22
theeahello there08:22
OsahZ1 is windows, 1 is for linux08:22
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greghmmm i installed ubuntu and now it is going to take 18 hours to download all the updates...  is that normal ?08:23
mamoulianah ok. im not sure about that. i have win on 1 disk and buntu on other and it installed and did everything automagically08:23
luite_greg: depends, are you on 14k4? ;P08:23
therealnanotubeOsahZ: should be...08:23
diskinHi all, in the output of sar -b i see bread/s and bwrtn/s columns, is there a way to see which processes contribute to that load?08:23
OsahZFreeman77: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/f aq/root08:23
GNinethat sounds normal at on a 56k modem08:23
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OsahZfreeman77: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/root08:23
gregluite_: 56k08:23
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Freeman77OsahZ: 40408:24
OsahZnevermind they moved the page blah08:24
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Ben_Cscould: loading samba [fail]  , be affecting loading of gnome?08:24
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dezminI want to get the 'font string' for Dejavu San Mono 11 (my preferred editor font) for use with emacs. i try to select it with xfontsel but can only select size 12 (which also makes the font bold and italic). what do i do?08:24
GNineit took 15 minutes at 100mbps08:25
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TJ__/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off , can any 1 help me with this error???08:25
justoniansuupaabaka: I checked out ss's of Compiz-fusion, and the screenshots don't show anything new from beryl, what have u noticed that's new?08:25
OsahZFreeman77: I think just type in 'sudo passwd root'08:25
unknown_ninjamy wireless is listed on iwconfig as etho how do I get it to be wlao?08:25
OsahZand it lets you set a password08:25
TJ__gnine how long did it take u to install ubuntu?08:25
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OsahZHow long does it take to install ubuntu -- i cant wait =/08:25
OsahZIt did not let me select any packages -- is that normal08:25
therealnanotubeunknown_ninja: why do you care what the device name is?08:25
therealnanotubeOsahZ: shouldn't be more than about a half hour...08:26
therealnanotubeOsahZ: depending on system specs, etc...08:26
GNine30 minutes.. however i had to deal with a graphics card issue and x-desktop not working .. which added up to .. close to 48 hours08:26
yasserbuenas.. alguna sala en espaol ?08:26
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:26
Ben_Csfurther info: gnome still wont load. installed xfce. xfce loads fine. what could be the problem?08:26
leo_rockwhello everyone08:27
unknown_ninjatherealnanotube: I can't figure out why my wireless isn't working so I presumed it had something to do with that08:27
Freeman77wtf there's no root account08:27
therealnanotubeleo_rockw: hey, you're back. :)08:27
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greginstall took about an hour08:27
GNinemind you, i had no previous experience with it.. but i got hooked on it ...08:27
therealnanotubeunknown_ninja: ah... well the device name doesn't really matter. there's must be something else afoot.08:27
leo_rockwtherealnanotube, yup... i booted w/ another kernel... my sound problem is related to the new kernel... should i file a bug report?08:27
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gregFreeman77: sure there is a "root account"   it just doesn't have a password08:28
TJ__freak i dont think anyone can help me with my error :(08:28
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Ben_Csplease, anyone?08:28
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shekharhello can someone help me configure fstab so it mounts my phone on usb whenever i plug it in?08:28
JohnuahCan any one tell me that if ubuntu could support printer or not? HP 1022n08:28
therealnanotubeleo_rockw: hm, yea, i think filing a report on launchpad couldn't hurt. that's what gutsy is all about now, getting out the bugs.08:28
unknown_ninjaafter reading differnt forum sqwak I've come to the conclusion I'm already on the wron path08:28
GNinetty.. isnt that some networking error...?08:28
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tritiumFreeman77: read the info provided to you for the rationale behind using sudo08:29
willofthewisp_tmhow to make curl not output anything from a requested url?08:29
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therealnanotubeunknown_ninja: hmm, well, my wifi worked out of the box... so i really don't know much about fixing wireless problems...08:29
therealnanotubewillofthewisp_tm: don't request a url, and it won't output anything. :)08:30
Deagshello everyone so im putting together a webserver and i was wondering about installing php i did a sudo apt-cache search php and there r too many i am not really sure which one i need any ideas?08:30
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unknown_ninjatherealnanotube: how do I do the thingy that hightlights names address to you?08:30
willofthewisp_tmwell I mean, wget just uses -q parameter08:30
therealnanotube!lamp | Deags08:30
ubotuDeags: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:30
TJ__should i reinstall ubuntu???08:30
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JohnuahCan any one tell me if ubuntu could support printer or not? HP 1022n??08:30
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ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows08:31
Deagsty ill read that08:31
cafuegoJohnuah: http://www.linux-printing.org/ has a database you can query, it will tell you.08:31
Johnuahthank you all08:31
therealnanotubewillofthewisp_tm: hmm, what does 'man curl' say? (i don't have curl installed, so can't man it for you...)08:31
shekharhello can someone help me configure fstab so it mounts my phone on usb whenever i plug it in?08:31
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mike8901Is native macbook pro support comming in the next release?08:31
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gregshekhar: fstab doesn't work that way.08:32
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MisoCan ubuntu extract rar files?08:32
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therealnanotube!rar | miso08:32
ubotumiso: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:32
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cafuegoYes, use `unrar'08:32
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greg!rar > Miso08:32
suupaabakajustonian Hold on a tic.08:32
therealnanotubeMiso: "sudo apt-get install unrar" should do it, i think08:32
willofthewisp_tmI'm trying to run curl command by accessing a certain url. Is there a way that it would not output a file?08:32
shekhargreg:  why is it that when i ran the ubuntu live cd it automatically recognised and mounted the device, but not in the default installation? do i need to configure hotplug or udev or something?08:33
gregooops sorry i lag08:33
Deagsis there a really quick command to figure out exactly which version of ubuntu i have?08:33
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dfwlinuxguylsb_version -a08:33
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therealnanotubeDeags:  cat /etc/lsb-release08:33
suupaabakajustonian: Take a look http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Fbk52Mk1w08:33
tritiumDeags: lsb__releas -a08:33
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tritiumlsb_release -a, that is08:33
gregshekhar: becaues the device was plugged in when you started the livecd    and the cd is configured to "search for file systems"08:34
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EviltronicHello. I'm kinda new to ubuntu. I was just wondering if there is a way to change refresh rate. I have radeon 9550 and i have installed drivers just when i change to higher resolution i can not change the refresh rate... Just about 60... but my monitor supports refresh rate up to 12008:34
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totalnewbiewhere to set dns server?08:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about refresh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:35
suupaabakaeviltronic: Open up a terminal, and type sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:35
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:35
therealnanotube!xorg | Eviltronic08:35
ubotuEviltronic: please see above08:35
shekhargreg:  the device was not plugged in when i started the live CD... anyway can you guide me to what i can do to have the phone mount when it's plugged in?08:35
gregshekhar: i'm not telling you that ubuntu can't do that,  i'm telling you that fstab is read when the mount command is issued     and unless something issues the command then simply plugging in a device wont get it mounted   whether it's in fstab or not.08:35
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shekhargreg:  right08:35
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musikgoat|laptopis ncurses a part of another package?  build-essential?08:36
shekhargreg:  strangely though the live CD does this, it shows the phone with an iPod icon08:36
therealnanotubeshekhar: hm, well, if it mounted under livecd, then it's clearly possible to do that. ;) at least that's a good sign.08:36
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totalnewbiedfwlinuxguy looks like this file is empty08:36
musikgoat|laptopthanks cafuego08:36
Freeman77this privileged user model is sketchy08:36
gregshekhar: and i don't know enough about gnome/ubuntu to tell you what kind of automount system it's using.08:36
totalnewbiehow to fill it?08:36
shekhartherealnanotube:  i'm chasing after signs! been trying to figure this out08:37
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therealnanotube!sudo | Freeman7708:37
ubotuFreeman77: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:37
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dfwlinuxguynameserver ip.address.of.dns.server08:37
shekhargreg:  okay08:37
Freeman77i found it nano, thanks08:37
fifth-elementplz tell me the command for changing leftmargin in latex08:37
Freeman77therealnanotube: i just have difficulty with the security model that's all08:37
totalnewbiegive me an example please08:37
therealnanotubeshekhar: heh yea, sorry, but i'm not well versed in the automount. the stuff just works for me, so i never had to dig into it.08:37
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Freeman77therealnanotube: now instead of protecting my root account i have to protect my user account - and that's something that i run with all the time08:38
dfwlinuxguyi just did08:38
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gregFreeman77: while i totally agree with you.  if you don't want bit don't yank that dog's chain.08:38
totalnewbiedfwlinuxguy what if i only have the ip address?08:38
dfwlinuxguythat's what you are supposed to use08:38
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dfwlinuxguynameserver ip.address.08:38
Freeman77is there any way of getting rid of it08:38
totalnewbiejust type the ip?08:38
Freeman77i'd prefer just to type in a root password08:38
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therealnanotubeFreeman77: heh well... it's not about protecting your account, but about protecting your password. under the "root" system, you need to protect the root password, under the "sudo" system, you need to protect the user password. but... in the end, you only need to protect one password.08:39
Freeman77two passwords is better than one, imo08:39
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therealnanotubeFreeman77: but... iirc, there's a way to set sudo to ask for root password instead of user... i just don't recall offhand where to go look08:39
dfwlinuxguysudo passwd root     and away you go08:39
GNinesounds like ur not the only user then08:39
Freeman77dfwlinuxguy: is it that simple? what about disabling the 'privileged user' nonsense08:40
OsahZhey guys i installed kubuntu woohoo08:40
gregFreeman77: you can edit the sudoers file in /etc/ if you know anything about it.    and you can set a strong root password  if you like.08:40
tritiumFreeman77: there are very good reasons for using sudo.  It's not nonsense.08:40
therealnanotubeFreeman77: also, you could remove your user from the "admin" group (and thus remove your sudo privileges), and create another user who'd have sudo privileges....08:40
Freeman77alright sounds good guys, thanks08:40
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therealnanotubeOsahZ: cool. :)08:40
_ergo_hello, are there any trusted repositories for ubuntu ?08:40
justoniansuupaabaka, I think I just sexed myself, nice youtube video and I'm off to remove beryl and install compiz :)08:40
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suupaabakajustonian: Hehe... I'm waiting for a stable release.08:41
Freeman77tritium: i can understand that some may like it, but it doesn't work for me08:41
justonianthey label a release as stable08:41
leo_rockwOsahZ, yes another KDE user :-D08:41
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tritiumFreeman77: and that's fine :)08:41
iblicf_hello.,, how to deal with "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" when i use "dist-upgrade" ?08:41
totalnewbiewhat i have to set to make my inet run?08:41
OsahZhey guys when i click  'enable eth1 -- it enables for a second and disables'08:42
OsahZi cant connect to wifi :(08:42
huapleemy audio card can't work now08:42
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leo_rockwOsahZ, what are you using? knetworkmanager?08:42
kruckI'm having a funky problem with my wireless. I installed the drivers and everything fine, but it connects sometimes. Basically, it will be connected to my wireless network only occasionally on startup. If it isn't then I have to change some settings, then change them back before it will connect. This isn't so much of a problem, however randomly during use it will drop connection, and I have to keep on doing this. Not only this08:42
justoniansuupaabaka, I take that back, looks like just Compiz stable, but not fusion, think I'll wait too :)08:42
gregFreeman77: be advised tho   that because of the "modle" that ubuntu is built on, some things can be ran from the root account dirrectly.    "i know it sounds stupid."08:42
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suupaabakajustonian: Yep. Can't wait, though ;)08:42
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Freeman77i'm trying to get SELinux working to circumvent that08:43
totalnewbiei set my ip and dns but i still cant run my inet08:43
LikwidSteelHey, I'm trying to get ubuntu on my pc, does you image have to be in iso format?08:43
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ZombieDoes anyone have a working TV out configuration for an i810?08:43
onetwothreeCan someone help me setup my wifi08:43
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onetwothreei have a linksys wireless card08:43
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LikwidSteelcan anyone help me setup ubuntu?08:44
leo_rockwLikwidSteel, you have to burn the iso as an image, not the ISO file into a CD08:44
riotkittieLikwidSteel: what kind of help do you need?08:44
kruckdoes anyone know a different wireless client I can use instead of the Fiesty default?08:45
onetwothreeSomeone please help me setup Wireless internet -- i have a linksys wifi card -- when i enable the device it disables right again :/08:45
leo_rockwLikwidSteel, if you get a CD with just the ISO file you did it wrong.08:45
LikwidSteelwhat program should i use? poweriso?08:45
riotkittiekruck > whats wrong with the default?08:45
fifth-elementcommand for adjusting left margin in latex08:45
leo_rockwLikwidSteel, i used nero08:45
kruckonetwothree: you need to install the firmware (i think) that is what happens with mine08:45
riotkittiei used nero too :D08:45
duduThe aMlue is so slowly08:45
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kruckRiotkittie, this is my previous msg: I'm having a funky problem with my wireless. I installed the drivers and everything fine, but it connects sometimes. Basically, it will be connected to my wireless network only occasionally on startup. If it isn't then I have to change some settings, then change them back before it will connect. This isn't so much of a problem, however randomly during use it will drop connection, and I have08:46
Beta-guyis there an ISO image I can download of Ubuntu 7.10 for the PS3?08:46
riotkittiebut really, use whatever you're comfortable with... granted it burns images08:46
riotkittiekruck > are you using a wireless card with native support, or did you go the ndiswrapper route?08:47
LikwidSteelwouldn't luinux on your ps3 mes it up?08:47
leo_rockwBeta-guy, i googled ubuntu ps3 and i got installation tutorials08:47
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krucknope, it is bcm43xx. I didn't use NDISwrapper, I used something else, IIRC it was a download off of ubuntu forums in .deb08:47
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GNineu could mess up anything.. but u can also find ways of using linux on the xbox08:47
leo_rockwLikwidSteel, why would it mess it up?08:47
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therealnanotubejustonian: most of those effects in the video are available with beryl, too. (the ones i didn't see in beryl were the expo, the fire paint, and the add helper)08:47
krucki tried using NDISwrapper to start with it and it didn't actually make the wireless card work08:48
Beta-guyleo_rockw: I have 7.04 installed but I was wondering if there was an image of the unstable Ubuntu version08:48
leo_rockwBeta-guy, oh, ok... that i don't know... i have a gamecube, lol08:48
riotkittiewireless issues make me want to drink. and i'm lousy at solving them for the most part, sorry :P08:48
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=== riotkittie can't wait to get a new !$%@#%ing wireless usb adapter :|
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dariuskaneBeta-guy, the tribe 5 of gutsy is comming out tomorrow08:49
riotkittiealthough i should try ndiswrapper. but. ugh.08:49
NubbieBeta-guy: Gutsy is still alpha, but there are images available.08:49
kruckI'm guessing it is the wireless client or the piece of s*** BThomehub router, which has caused problems in the past08:49
onetwothreeHey i have trouble with my Wifi -- it is configuring the device -- but it never configures it08:49
onetwothreeits stuck on 28% all the time08:49
DSpairWell, I appear to be kinda stable up on Gutsy... Only problem is that I still can't get Xrandr to work.08:49
leo_rockwBeta-guy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_308:49
Beta-guynubbie: for PS3? where? I'll wait for tomorrow08:49
kruckyou know another wireless client i can install through apt-get?08:49
FlannelDSpair: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support, thanks08:49
duduHow can make the aMule fast?08:50
leo_rockwBeta-guy, at the botton you have information on gutsy for the ps308:50
dariuskaneI just loaded gutsy today... it has issues but no showstoppers08:50
NubbieBeta-guy: oh for ps3? i don't think ubuntu is supporting the PPC architecture anymore.08:50
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NubbieBeta-guy: that is what the PS3 uses is it not?08:50
sauvinWhy would they drop that?'08:50
riotkittienm-manager-gnome [which i *believe* is the default in 7.04]  has always been good to me. on my laptop, at least.  i cant use it on my desktop, thanks to my stupid adapter.08:50
Nubbiebecause nobody makes PPC computers any more?08:50
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Beta-guyPowerPC6 I believe is what the Cell processor is called08:51
leo_rockwwell, on the link i provided they seem to want people to test gutsy on ps3... so it should work08:51
riotkittiesauvin > because PPC users are a dying breed? perhaps there arent enough capable... or interested developers?08:51
=== sauvin points to the g4 powerbook over in the other corner of the room
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riotkittiemaybe they feel their energy is better spent elsewhere08:51
kruckatm I have stolen the ethernet cable from my desktop, been using this all night cos the wireless kept dropping while I was installing Beryl08:51
Nubbieit's weird though, my desktop motherboard has a chip on it that says cell processor, but it's a AMD board lol.08:51
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Martin__Hi everybody. I got a html-mail with an picture in it. How can I export it from evolution?08:52
Martin__Content-Type: image/jpeg; x-mac-type=4A504547; x-unix-mode=0644; x-mac-creator=3842494D; name=tilman.jpg08:52
Martin__Content-Disposition: inline; filename=tilman.jpg08:52
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kahrytanMartin__, use thunderhird08:52
riotkittiei'm tempted to yank the ethernet cable from my router :|  but... i'm running a hotspot :P and kinda have to keep it on.08:52
Beta-guywhy is Ubuntu dropping PPC support with the release of the PS3?08:52
openeduI have an existing installation that I would like to preserve.  I would, however, like to have the root file system on a RAID-1 partition.08:52
Martin__kahrytan, I won't install thunderbird for a single mail08:52
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dezminI want to get the 'font string' for Dejavu San Mono 11 (my preferred editor font) for use with emacs. i try to select it with xfontsel but can only select size 12 (which also makes the font bold and italic). what do i do?08:53
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kahrytanMartin__, Thunderbird is better then evolution08:53
NubbieBeta-guy: most ps3 owners won't install linux i suspect.08:53
leo_rockwBeta-guy, are you sure it won't work? they are providing gutsy images for ps308:53
randomanhey guys where are the header files for mysql installed08:53
randomanfrom the repo?08:53
randomanI cnat find them08:53
tsocks_tengo un problemita ...08:53
riotkittieBeta-guy: IIRC, this was in the works long before the ps3 came out. and ... well, what Nubbie said.08:53
Martin__kahrytan, but thunderbird I don't get to connect to my exchange server08:53
tsocks_I have a problem...08:53
Nubbiekahrytan: works for me is not sound advice. there's a reason evolution is standard, so help him use the program he wants.08:53
kruckI have to keep going downstairs in the middle of the night to turn the bugger back on, cos it just LOVES to drop connection in the middle of me downloading something :@08:53
kruckanyway, any other wireless clients?08:53
kahrytanMartin__,  thats a good reason :-P08:53
GNinei like evolution08:53
leo_rockwtsocks_, don't we all? :-P08:54
tsocks_I have a "SATA" hard disk ... and when i connect an IDE hard disk in my PC, grub say something like "Error 13" and doesn't allow to enter Ubuntu or Windows.... :(08:54
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kahrytanMartin__, Is it an attachment?08:54
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kruckI like just connecting to the internet and looking through my mail, dunno why ;)08:54
mike8901Is native macbook pro support comming in the next release?08:54
onetwothreeHey i have trouble with my Wifi -- it is configuring the device -- but it never configures it08:54
Martin__kahrytan, No - that'S the problem. It's inline. IE - it's encrypted in to the message body.08:54
onetwothreeit enables it for a second and disables it08:54
krucktsocks_: set boot priority in your BIOS to the drive that you normally have plugged in08:54
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Beta-guyTBH I only want to upgrade the kernel, but I'm willing to try the expiamental 7.10 release to get a newer kernel :)08:54
krucksee if that helps08:55
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leo_rockwBeta-guy, messed up my sound lol08:55
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sauvinI've been tempted to roll my own kernel but fear mismatch with all the other stuff ubuntu installs08:55
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Martin__kahrytan, should be normal mime-encoding, are there any tools to extract the single parts of the message ?08:55
riotkittiekruck > best i can offer is search synaptic/apt  :|08:55
Nubbiemy turn to ask a question now..... i don't know if anybody has any experience using Multisync, but here it goes. Using multisync, i set it up to sync my cell phone. i have no problem connecting, but it can only pull new data off my cell phone, it can't write new appointments to my phone. if somebody could help me figure this out i'd very much appreciate it because it's much easier to add stuff using evolution.08:55
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kruckonetwothree: this happens to me until I install the firmware. It will happen unless your wireless card has network support. A list of cards with network support is on ubuntu.com :)08:56
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kruckFFS, *unless your wireless card has NATIVE support*08:56
leo_rockwBeta-guy, you don't need to upgrade to gutsy to get the newer kernel08:56
kruckin Ubuntu08:56
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krucklol, cheers kitty08:56
=== riotkittie needs to find a cheap usb adapter :\
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Nubbiemost if not all intel wireless cards are supported using a restricted driver, and it should set up no problem.08:57
Beta-guyleo_rockw: how can I upgrade the kernel? I don't know anything about compiling the kernel08:57
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kahrytanMartin__, I don't use it08:57
NubbieBeta-guy: compile your own.08:57
leo_rockwBeta-guy, no need to compile08:57
Beta-guyNubbie: I was afraid of that :P08:57
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NubbieBeta-guy: it's easy, you should try it. if it messes up, you'll still be able to boot from an old one.08:57
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Martin__kahrytan, I'm not talking about evolution itsself. Do you know (command line) tools to extract mimeparts in general ?08:57
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leo_rockwBeta-guy, there's a guide in the ubuntuforums08:58
leo_rockwBeta-guy, lemme look for it08:58
kahrytanMartin__, Nope08:58
dariuskaneBeta-guy, kernel compiling isnt nearly as scary or difficult as it first seems08:58
riotkittieyea. you havent lived until youve compiled your own kernel. for the full effect, do it on a amd k6 333mhz. good times :|08:58
LikwidSteelIf I mess up my files and stuff I can still restore windows through my partition drive right?08:58
leo_rockwBeta-guy, yeah, compiling the kernel is not difficult or scary, that's true08:58
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NubbieBeta-guy: i've done it before, back before my usb remote was supported, i would compile my own kernel. it's kinda painless, takes a while though.08:58
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Beta-guyNubbie, I MAY give it a shot I love using the latest version of software08:58
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dariuskaneriotkittie, lol for the truely masochistic.. do it on a old 486 like I used to :P08:59
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leo_rockwBeta-guy, lemme find you that guide anyway08:59
kruckwould knetwork manager work?08:59
riotkittiedariuskane: if i still had one of those laying around, i might ;)08:59
leo_rockwBeta-guy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51197408:59
kruckas in, would it be compatible with ubuntu08:59
Nubbielikwidsteel: back your stuff up before you do any disk editing. thats good advice that goes towards anything.08:59
Beta-guyleo_rockw: thanks08:59
leo_rockwBeta-guy, i used the manual way08:59
dariuskaneriotkittie, they make great doorstops these days08:59
leo_rockwBeta-guy, np...08:59
leo_rockwBeta-guy, the latest version of the kernel is
GNinei still remember 386 with the white monochromatic DOS command line09:00
Nubbielol i grew up playing dos games09:00
Beta-guyI still use 2.6.2009:00
Nubbiemonkey island WOOT09:00
leo_rockwNubbie, ScummVM WOOT lol09:00
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leo_rockwNubbie, i beat all of them last week, haha09:01
dariuskanekruck, in the linux world redhat and ubuntu are distributions... its not a matter of compatibility... distros are like pre mixed bags of candy... anything works if you follow the instructions and have the right support software and libraries installed09:01
=== bobsomebody [n=bobsomeb@c-69-254-26-158.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nubbiemy cousin's commodore 64 just died the other year, i was really disappointed.09:01
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leo_rockwmy commodore 64 still works, but i never use it. that comp needs a linux haha09:01
bobsomebodyhi, im having trouble getting my laptop to the internet, i am on the network, i can ping the local network but i cant get outside to the net09:02
Nubbielol. install slackware on it.09:02
dariuskaneleo_rockw, I seem to remember someone put out a distro for the commodore64 awhile back09:02
riotkittieslack <309:02
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leo_rockwit doesnt have a harddrive, tho09:02
bobsomebodyim beind a linux server that forwards and masq's LAN09:02
Nubbiebobsomebody: it sounds like your DNS settings are not set up right.09:02
=== OsahZ [i=kodemazt@c-71-205-113-214.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
leo_rockwdariuskane, i heard that too... i know a guy that used that every morning to check his email09:03
dariuskaneleo_rockw, look hard enough and theres a way to do it :)09:03
GNinei like dhcp so much09:03
OsahZHey i have trouble with my Wifi -- it is configuring the device -- but it never configures it09:03
OsahZit enables it for a second and disables it09:03
riotkittiebrb. i'm going to alternate being completely useless here and playing tetrinet.09:03
leo_rockwdariuskane, i could use a tape09:03
riotkittieOsahZ > what kind of device?09:03
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dariuskaneleo_rockw, getting linux onto the tape would be the tricky part09:03
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Nubbieyou can buy a hard drive for a commodore 64. its like 8mb or something insanely small.09:03
OsahZriotkittie: linksys WRT54G09:03
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faileasleo_rockw: you could probably turn it into a console09:04
Nubbiebut of course it's not an IDE hard drive, good luck getting junk onto it.09:04
leo_rockwwell... it's better than just have it sitting there09:04
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leo_rockwfaileas, that would be neat! better than an xbox09:04
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Nubbiemodded xbox = arcade machine.09:04
faileasi mean a old school control console ;p09:04
dariuskaneOsahZ, defaintely check out the dd-wrt project to upgrade your linksys... the factory firware really bites09:04
paulc87anybody have broadcom wlan on an hp laptop?09:05
dfwlinuxguysorry not HP09:05
Nubbiepaulc87: ask your question.09:05
bobsomebodyNubbie, DNS is fine, its getting DHCP'ed from the server also09:05
paulc87cant get the wireless working for the life of me, ive used the FAQ09:05
Nubbiebobsomebody: i dunno, i have no experience with linux routers, good luck man.09:05
paulc87tried ndiswrapper, and the bcm43xx mod09:05
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bobsomebodyNubbie, there very handy, my firewall talks to me now :p09:06
faileasleo_rockw: http://members.elysium.pl/ytm/html/linux-term.html09:06
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Nubbiepaulc87: and you rebooted and stuff?09:06
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=== bobsomebody did the audiable log file tutorial on ubuntu help docs :P
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paulc87multiple times09:06
dfwlinuxguypaulc87 did you try installing bcm43xx-fwcutter09:06
leo_rockwfaileas, THANK YOU!09:06
=== Ashtefere [n=betezy@124-171-72-124.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
kruckpaulc, you can try what i did to get mine working...I'll try and dig out the link for you (buried in the depths of my history)09:06
paulc87yes dfw09:06
paulc87ive tried everything09:06
paulc87tried the same guide for SUSE10.2 also09:06
Nubbiebobsomebody: i just can't justify running a computer 24/7 to do a job a router can do using 1/50th of the electricity.09:06
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AshtefereHi guys, I was wondering if you could help me out with something fairly basic09:07
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:07
GNinenice point nubbie09:07
Ashteferehaha ok09:07
paulc87thanks kruck09:07
bobsomebodyNubbie, its also a file server and web server and a samba share host, and yeah, so it has alot of jobs09:07
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dariuskaneNubbie, actually a full linux router can do alot more then your regular router... which for a home network is usefull09:07
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Nubbieoh well if it's doing all that, thats cool.09:07
bobsomebody*it* dosent talk to me, but my logs do, might be a beter explination09:07
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Ashteferei have managed a windows network in a small call center for some time and they have decided to go ubuntu09:07
Nubbiei know they CAN do a lot :)09:08
Ashtefereunfortunately they need dual monitors09:08
Nubbiei used to have my xbox running XBMC as a file server. worked out well.09:08
bobsomebodyAshtefere, you need xinerma probably if there buget cut PC's09:08
paulc87i just noticed that ubuntu tribe 2 has new support for my wireless card09:08
Ashteferei am struggling to get a trial machine up just to install the ati drivers09:08
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riotkittieati can be a huge pita...09:08
bobsomebodyNubbie, lol, i dont have any game systems, but plenty of PC's09:08
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NubbieAshtefere: what ati cards do they use?09:09
bobsomebodyive got a 6 computer system that can do 8 screens and seamless switching by mouse moves with no kvm09:09
paulc87one more question if you guys dont mind09:09
Ashteferewell, i can get it to work switching to bash but then there is the xorg 7.2 error09:09
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Ashteferethey are all pretty basic machines09:09
dariuskaneAshtefere, theres several resources for a dual head ubuntu.... video drivers will be the roughest part.. if your testing on an old machine itll be more painfull then with a newer card09:09
bobsomebodyNubbie, http://x.jaywebdesigns.com/i_win.avi :P09:09
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Ashteferehodge podge shit09:09
Nubbiebobsomebody: my xbox hasn't seen an xbox game in over 2 years. its funny really.09:09
bobsomebodyi need to get a 36009:09
Ashteferewas going to use xinerama as you suggested09:09
robert__hi all i am having trouble burning cds i keed getting " wodim: OPC failed.09:09
robert__" i have a stakc of 100 ubuntu cds to burn for software freedom day and i have burnt 15 in a row and then it failed and is now giving me this error09:09
dfwlinuxguyashtefere http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html09:09
bobsomebodyi want to hack DVR code into it09:10
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Ashtefereyeah the nvidia ones will be fine09:10
bobsomebodybut still play games somehow09:10
Ashteferethe ati ones will be the problem09:10
Nubbiebobsomebody: lol you're a giant nerd! so many computers09:10
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Nubbiebobsomebody: it09:10
Nubbiebobsomebody: it's impressive though.09:10
bobsomebodyNubbie, you say that now instead of when i said "my computer talks to me"?09:10
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dariuskanebobsomebody, as long as the toaster isnt talking to you I think were ok09:11
bobsomebodyit will speak out IP's on external ssh's too09:11
Nubbiemy computer talks to me too, words pop up on the screen all the time. lol.09:11
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bobsomebodyno this one espeaks :P09:11
Ashtefereis there currently a way to install the ati drivers on xorg 7.2?09:11
bobsomebodyi need a damn mic so bad though09:11
Nubbiei've always wanted to try a netbooting thin client set up using ssh.09:11
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:11
bobsomebodyi want to experement with voice command programming09:11
leo_rockwhey, brb... need to restart X for the ati drivers to kick in09:11
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dariuskanehey the bots back cool09:12
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dariuskane!ati | Ashtefere09:12
ubotuAshtefere: please see above09:12
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MonkeyFitdoes anybody know why ubuntu will stop sending a signal to the monitor instead of showing a gui?09:12
Nubbiewow ubotu is getting smart, it no longer spams the same message over and over again.09:12
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NubbieMonkeyFit: your X is borked?09:12
bobsomebodyhave u hugged your ubuntu computer today?09:13
kruckpaulc87: I /think/ this is the one I used, I couldn't find it in my history so I just searched it up again http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40599009:13
NubbieMonkeyFit: do you have a command line?09:13
=== bobsomebody hugs all 5
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MonkeyFiti can install just the command line09:13
dariuskaneMonkeyFit, power saving feature09:13
=== bobsomebody wonders off
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:13
Ashteferewhat does !ati mean?09:13
Ashtefereahh ok09:13
MonkeyFitno, even on the livecd, it goes to black instead of showing anything09:13
dariuskanethe bot spits out info.. go check the url above for driver help09:13
Nubbielol. !ati makes ubotu send you useful information about ati cards lol.09:13
dfwlinuxguyit means don't use ATI09:13
Ashteferelol ok09:13
kruckif that doesn't work paulc87, then search ubuntuforums.org for bcm43xx and there are several methods to get it to work09:13
NubbieMonkeyFit: even on the live cd? using feisty stable?09:13
Ashtefereunfortunately they use cards beneath the 950009:14
NubbieMonkeyFit: what graphics card do you have?09:14
GNinenvidia is my friend09:14
MonkeyFitlemme tell you the vid card is 8800GTX09:14
Nubbieintel > all graphics.09:14
Ashtefere9200 le on this machine, many different types on the others09:14
NubbieMonkeyFit: is that brand new?09:14
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dariuskaneAshtefere, unfortunately X isnt my thing.. been a commandline slackware geek for 10 yrs :)09:14
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NubbieMonkeyFit: try running a gutsy alpha release. feisty may not have the right drivers to run that brand new card yet.09:15
MonkeyFiti thought I could get away with installing just a command line and then installing nvidia-glx-new which is supposed to include support as far as I can tell09:15
GNinerefresh your eyes09:15
NubbieMonkeyFit: google it up. i dunno i've never used nvidia cards.09:15
dariuskane!nvidia | MonkeyFit09:15
ubotuMonkeyFit: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:15
MonkeyFitNubbie: ok, I guess that's what I'll have to do, and I've tried googling, it's hard when you don't have any error messages to work with09:16
dariuskanethought the bot might have something different to say09:16
GNineglx worked just fine for me09:16
OsahZZdariuskane: i tried the router upgrade -- however they dont support my WRT54GX2 router -- according to their forums -- how would i fix my ubuntu wifi connection --09:16
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MonkeyFitdidn't even think about gusty though, thanks09:16
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dariuskaneOsahZ, whats your trouble exactly?09:17
OsahZZWell i go to Enable eth1 it shows green for a second and red again09:17
OsahZZi just want it to connect to wifi internet09:17
NubbieOsahZ: your wrt uses WPA2?09:17
thecrosshello, I'm having some problems with my sound.  when I test the sound playback device in sound preferences I get this error message "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not get/set settings from/on resource."09:17
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OsahZZNubbie: i am using WPA/TKIP09:17
Ashteferethe ubuntu guide tells me that i already have working 2d and accelerated 3d with the 920009:17
NubbieOsahZ: what wireless set do you have on your computer?09:18
Ashteferewhy does it lie to me? :(09:18
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OsahZZNubbie also a linksys wireless card09:18
NubbieAshtefere: fglrx won't work on a 9200.09:18
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Ashtefereok, so how do i get dual display with cards that old?09:18
NubbieOsahZ: check and see if your wireless chip is supported.09:18
dariuskaneOsahZ, I havent tried wifi in ubuntu yet... see if these guys can help...09:18
OsahZZNubbie: Where would i check -- have a link m809:19
Ashtefereis xinerama already installed in latest ubuntu? i did a pkg search in the add/remove and it didnt show up09:19
Ashteferebut i heard mention that it was already installed somwehre09:19
NubbieAshtefere: yeah but don't expect to run any 3D apps with it. doubt a call centre will need 3d support anyways.09:19
Ashtefereyeah its pretty basic09:19
Flannel!xinerama | Ashtefere09:19
ubotuAshtefere: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead09:19
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NubbieAshtefere: it may be installed, but you need to edit your xorg.conf file to enable it.09:19
Ashteferei assumed xinerama needed installed drivers though09:19
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NubbieAshtefere: follow that link flannel directed you to.09:20
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suupaabakaHow do I change ownership of a drive from root to my user account?09:20
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tegoiam now install beryl on my lap frpm synaptic i install  all about beryal ubuntu is that will make it done ?09:20
Ashtefereyeah opening09:20
Ashtefereit advises me to install the binary driver however09:20
devinderhi how can i backup iptables in ubuntu09:20
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Nubbiesuupaabaka: sudo chown -R <youruseraccount> /path/to/files09:21
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devindercan someone show me the command09:21
suupaabakaNubbie: Thanks!09:21
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xoRocki have 3 netcard, 1 for internet, 1 for network A, 1 for network B,  all are static ip, curently internet and network A is working, but not network B, just curious do i need to put different subnet mask betwen network A and B?09:21
Ashteferewell thanks anyway guys, ill try the paralipsis method tomorrow09:21
Ashtefereim going home to play some d209:21
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Opencanso there isn't a trigger like this :X09:22
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy09:22
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Opencanoh, there is :D09:22
Prowler_1hello, how to assign a key shortcut to an item?09:22
=== leo_rockw wonders is someone can guide him through the process of filing a bug
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about changetheme - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:22
NubbieOpencan: if you're looking for great themes check out the murrina ones, they'll blow you away.09:22
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big_bang14wireless wont show up in my network manager despite it showing in the network admin. why is this?09:22
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Flanneldevinder: iptables-save -c > /path/to/file/to/save/as09:22
NubbieOpencan: try installing art-manager, it will download themes for you.09:23
OpencanNubble, where can i find theme?09:23
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Opencanwith sudo apt-get install art-manager?09:23
leo_rockwhey frejda62_09:23
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Opencan(this theme, lost a word, talking about this murrina ones)09:23
Nubbieopencan: i believe.09:23
diskinHi all, in the output of sar -b i see bread/s and bwrtn/s columns, is there a way to see which processes contribute to that load?09:23
YaywalterI need help with Ubuntu, peoples.09:23
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YaywalterI can't connect to my wireless network. :/09:24
Nubbie!wireless > yaywalter09:24
frejda62_esky um nkdo09:24
leo_rockw!wireless | Yaywalter09:24
ubotuYaywalter: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:24
musikgoat|laptopim running ftpcopy,  what command can I use to pipe the screen output to a log file?09:24
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Yaywalterlol, thanks. Hopefully this helps me.09:25
Opencancouldn't find the package art-manager :X09:25
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dvmIs there any API to switch/change the SCIM language?09:25
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Geoffrey2what is the url for a list of devices supported under Ubuntu, and the drivers to use?09:27
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Project_Khello everyone09:27
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leo_rockwmaddash, lol09:28
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big_bang14wireless wont show up in my network manager despite it showing in the network admin. why is this?09:28
Project_Ki have a question09:28
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leo_rockw!ask | Project_K09:28
ubotuProject_K: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:28
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MTecknologyHow do I do password security in Linux?  -  I want to do things like force alpha-numeric passwords09:29
Project_Khaha fair enough09:29
devinderhow do i back up iptables in ubuntu09:29
leo_rockwhey Carb09:29
riotkittiebig_bang14 > what type of chipset is your wireless?09:29
theory`Hello all I have a problem.  Sometimes I can get online with my wireless ubuntu laptop, and other times i cannot. what could be causing this?  like now i am having to use my desktop because ubuntu will simply not recognize my wireless connection...09:29
Flanneldevinder: iptables-save -c > /path/to/file/to/save/as, I already told you that09:29
TenbladeHello.  For days now I've tried to get my laptop mic jack to work with Feisty but so far I haven't gotten even static.  Is there anyone here that would like to try to help?09:29
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riotkittietheory` > do you have your laptop with you at the moment?09:30
musikgoat|laptopfor a program that outputs a bunch of information on the screen,  how can I capture all that screen information to a file09:30
theory`riotkittie: , tes09:30
TenbladeI'm using it atm09:30
leo_rockwTenblade, the same happened to me until i upgraded to gutsy09:30
LikwidSteelWhen I try and boot from my disc it says, FAILED TO BOOT FROM DISK or something like that. What am I doin wrong?09:30
tinywingzhi i am new to linux just got ubuntu having problems with power saving/cpu frequency and some program issues - can anyone help?09:30
TenbladeIs Gutsy stable?09:30
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doseryderI *just* installed lm-sensors package and when I try to run "sensors" it doesn't seem to work properly.  After doing a little googling and reading09:30
mattiMorning :-)09:30
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musikgoat|laptopTenblade: not in my opinion09:30
doseryder  do i have to do a sensors-detect FIRST before it'll work?09:30
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Flannelmusikgoat|laptop: [stuff that gives output]  > /path/to/file09:31
leo_rockwTenblade, it's stable enough for dailiy use i'd say... but not for serious usage09:31
musikgoat|laptopFlannel: thanks09:31
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LikwidSteelWhen I try and boot from my disc it says, FAILED TO BOOT FROM DISK or something like that. What am I doin wrong?09:31
defaultanyone here use bluetooth09:31
TenbladeI did just read of someone who solved their mic problem by upgrading but I dunno if I wanna resort to that just yet09:31
FlannelTenblade: it's alpha software, but that belongs in #ubuntu+109:31
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leo_rockwTenblade, i was just pointing out that my mic refused to work with feisty, tho... i wasn't saying you have to update to gutsy now09:31
theory`riotkittie: , Yes i have it with me, i cannot get it to connect, i have numerous times.  it was connected while ago, i reset and now it wont connect.ugh.09:31
riotkittietheory`> ...  is this built in wireless? or a card/usb adapter?09:31
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tinywingzhi i am new to linux just got ubuntu having problems with power saving/cpu frequency and some program issues - can anyone help?09:32
theory`riotkittie: It is built in wireless.  Like i said i had it going a few minutes ago....there is a conflict somewhere.09:32
LikwidSteelWhen I try and boot from my disc it says, FAILED TO BOOT FROM DISK or something like that. What am I doin wrong?09:32
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gordonjcp!repeat | LikwidSteel09:32
ubotuLikwidSteel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:32
TenbladeWell, if all else fails I guess I'll leave Windows on here too until the next update09:32
`Stealthhey someon from macedonia?09:32
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gordonjcp!help | tinywingz09:32
ubotutinywingz: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:32
leo_rockwLikwidSteel, did you check it worked before? what happened when you popped it in windows?09:32
gordonjcp!ask | tinywingz09:33
ubotutinywingz: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:33
`Stealthok :)09:33
maddashLikwidSteel: check the integrity of the cd with md5sum09:33
riotkittietheory` > have you tried checking /var/log/messages to see if that provides any clue?09:33
OpencanNubbles, I can't find this art-manager :X09:33
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Project_Kwell i wanna install Kbuntu on my copmuter. i have 2 hard drives one 160gb and an external 500gb. I want to have a dual install on my 160gb hd but I do not kno how to do it. I currently have about 88.4gb of free hard disk space. When it came time to create a new partition I was very confused. my 160gb hd has about 5 different partitions, I believe they came fomr a failed fedora install.. How do I clean up my partitions, find out wic09:33
=== Dougie [n=dougie@pool-71-240-28-61.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
theory`riotkittie: , It does not.09:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lm-sensors - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:33
theory`riotkittie: , Is there anyway to permanently disable the wired connection function?09:34
FlannelProject_K: sudo fdisk -l (from a liveCd, that's an L) will list all your partitions with their types09:34
TenbladeDuring Ubuntu installation how do I make the new install use a separate partition for my /home?09:34
leo_rockwdoseryder, are you getting sensors fail at boot?09:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about installthemes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:34
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy09:34
ubotuTo change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.09:34
DougieOk well got a lot of issues worked out but there are a few things i need some info on. My video drivers seem to uninstall evertime i shutdown and then i have to reinstall them when the computer boots up. Also my bluetooth adapter doesn't work until i unplug it and then plug it back in. Does anyone know how to fix these issues?09:34
FlannelTenblade: Create a second partition for it, mark the second partition to be used as /home09:34
dariuskane!install | Project_K09:34
Project_Kflannel: im currently using a windows machine09:34
ubotuProject_K: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate09:34
doseryderleo_rockw: nope, I just want to install lm-sensors so i can monitor my hardware devices09:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about powersaving - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:34
TenbladeThanks flannel09:34
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simple-me!power saving09:35
doseryderleo_rockw: oh yea, ty for attending to my question buddy.  Are you a lm-sensors user yourself?09:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about power saving - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:35
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FlannelProject_K: you can either boot into a liveCD, or use windows software like partition magic.09:35
FlorentBonjour , et bon reveille a tous !09:35
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Flannel!fr | Florent09:35
ubotuFlorent: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:35
leo_rockwdoseryder, i installed them before but i got a FAIL at boot09:35
TenbladeFlannel:  If I do that I can easily reinstall different flavors and the new install will pick that up as my home right?09:35
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matheushow do I find my ip address at terminal?09:35
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate09:35
FlannelTenblade: You'll have to tell it to re-use that.  Flavors, you mean kubuntu/ubuntu/xubuntu?  You don't need to reinstall for those.09:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about power - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about battery - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:36
leo_rockwmatheus, i'm guessing you want ifconfig09:36
Flannel!fishing | simple-me09:36
ubotusimple-me: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...09:36
Tenbladeok thanks09:36
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:36
Tigran_is ubuntus installer .rpms?09:36
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FlannelTigran_: nope, deb09:36
OpencanHow can I install complete themes on Ubuntu?09:36
matheusthank you09:36
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matheusleo_rockw, thank you09:36
theory`riotkittie: , I am seriously not understanding this problem. My laptop just 'connected' out of the blue. What is the deal with this?09:36
leo_rockwmatheus, np09:36
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Tigran_Flannel: would you happen to know how to install MinGW?09:37
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doseryderleo_rockw:  when you say you got a fail at boot, it didn't hinder you from booting up did it?09:37
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FlannelTigran_: mingw is windows software.  It's fairly easy to install, sure.  But you'd have to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic09:37
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leo_rockwdoseryder, nope... it just said FAIL in red but everything continued as normal. i just didn't have lmsensors working09:37
theory`is there a slower paced channel to chat in?09:37
leo_rockwdoseryder, lmsensors don't work with all comps09:38
dayaany one have idea about azx_get_response timeout this,09:38
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leo_rockwdoseryder, maybe this will help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2780&highlight=lm-sensors09:39
tinywingz!load powernowd on start up09:39
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novato_brnew enterprise challenge intel with 64 cores processor09:40
LikwidSteelWhen I try and boot from my disc it says, FAILED TO BOOT FROM DISK or something like that. What am I doin wrong?09:40
Tenbladeanyone have a link that can help me get more info about events that Firestarter declares as "serious"?  Other than it saying ":serious" I have no idea what these events mean.  I've tried looking up ports but that doesn't tell me much.09:40
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doseryderleo_rockw: I think mine is okay but I am aware that lm_sensors "DAMAGE" the some eeproms (i.e. IBM thinkpads)09:41
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DougieOk well got a lot of issues worked out but there are a few things i need some info on. My video drivers seem to uninstall evertime i shutdown and then i have to reinstall them when the computer boots up. Also my bluetooth adapter doesn't work until i unplug it and then plug it back in. Does anyone know how to fix these issues?09:41
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CodemasterMMhey guys, how can i find the hash for a string in DEC and MD4?09:42
leo_rockwLikwidSteel, did you or did you not check that the CD was working before booting?09:42
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leo_rockwdoseryder, i can't help you there. when i tried to use lmsensors i had no output so i stopped researching them cuz my comp doesn't work with them09:43
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noiesmohey all looking for a way to log bandwidth used on some pcs on network they have static IP and go thru a local proxy server09:43
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MonkeyFithas anybody used gutsy yet?  how is it, is it pretty stable or still really buggy?09:45
randoman./libphp5.so into server: /www/modules/libphp5.so: undefined symbol: sqlite3ExprDelete09:45
randomanis that my fault?09:45
riotkittieMonkeyFit : its still alpha, afaik. not something you want to use as your primary or sole os09:45
leo_rockwMonkeyFit, it is usable... but bugs pop up every once in a while09:46
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riotkittiei havent tried it myself but i hear its coming along nicely. there's #ubuntu+1 for gutsy talk09:46
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riotkittieif i wasnt so terribly lazy, i might toss it on a naked partition :\09:47
rausb0how do i force the live-cd to skip a certain module when doing hardware detection?09:47
OsahZZhow come in ubuntu i cannot go to higher resolution than 800x in windows i could go to 1200+x09:47
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OsahZZwhy is this limited in ubuntu :(09:47
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Flannel!fixres | OsahZZ09:48
ubotuOsahZZ: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:48
big_bang14riotkittie: its a ralink09:48
=== CodemasterMM sighs
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riotkittiebig_bang14 > sorry, i've zoned out. what was your issue again... network admin / network manager... card not showing  in the latter?09:49
big_bang14riotkittie:  thats right09:49
big_bang14riotkittie: sorry, didnt see your reply for a while09:49
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big_bang14riotkittie: thats what ubuntu says my card is anyway09:50
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tegoi wanna ask about beryl i play it from terminal but when i close terminal its gone?09:50
big_bang14tego: if you close a terminal running a program it stops09:51
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riotkittiebig_bang14 > if you click on the network-manager icon [right click, i think... maybe left] , a menu should pop up. does it say networking's enabled?09:51
riotkittietego run it with a & at the end09:51
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riotkittiecommand &09:51
big_bang14tego: try doing alt f2 then running berly in there09:51
riotkittieit /should/ stay open then, i think09:52
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Project_Kflannel: thanks for pointing me in the right direction09:52
big_bang14 riotkittie: yes09:52
berto-ld.so is not on my 6.06.1 system; anyone know what package it's in?09:52
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SISI'm having difficulty getting my cdrom drive to function09:52
tegoit work thanks  big and rio09:52
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berto-i'm trying to create an scponly chroot environment and the setup script is complaning that it can't find ld.so09:53
musikgoat|laptophi, i don't know if this is the best place to ask, but i'm trying to compile something and it keeps failing during make with the following error  <unknown> tried to exec cc1 but failed (No such file or directory)09:53
musikgoat|laptopcan anyone help with this?09:53
SISWhen I try to access my cdrom, it says "mount: special device /dev/cdrom does not exist"09:53
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Paddy_EIREmusikgoat|laptop: have you installed the build-essential packages requires for compiling on linux09:54
musikgoat|laptopthat and libncurses509:54
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SISHow can I get my cd drive to work when it says "mount: special device /dev/cdrom does not exist"09:55
big_bang14musikgoat|laptop: i think you may need to ask in an irc more specific to the program your compiling09:55
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Paddy_EIRESIS: do you have media in the drive?09:55
SISPaddy_EIRE: yes, I do09:56
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OuchCould someone assist me in getting rid of the 'nm-applet default keyring' problem...WHAT PASSWORD IS IT WANTING ANYWAY?09:57
OuchIs it wanting the wireless network password?09:57
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gcostelloSIS: try to mount /dev/cdrom009:58
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=== Ouch is sick.
tegobig_bang my movie player with all movies now gave me black screen after update even the movies in the example home folder?i hear sound yes but when i move the time bar some time its appear09:58
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lnxi have web camera how i can capture a film (avi) and not only take a picture ?09:58
SISgcostello: it says mount: can't find /dev/cdrom0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab09:58
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rausb0Ouch: do not shout. no, the keyring applet asks for _setting_ a password to protect keys like the wpa key. so it prompts once for setting this password and after that only asks for it.09:59
devinderdoes ubuntu have iptables-save09:59
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Ouchrausb0: Okay, my apologies for shouting.  After one has set this password. Can you tell one how to change it?09:59
rausb0Ouch: sorry, don't know. i don't use gnome regularly, i use xfce.10:00
Ouchrausb0: Okay.10:00
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OuchIt sure would be nice to get an answer however.10:01
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OuchUbuntu is passed off as an excellent O.S....seems full of problems to me.10:02
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gcostelloSIS: can you post the output of "dmesg | grep CD" please?10:02
leo_rockwOuch, if nobody helped you yet it means that whoever knows the answer is not available or nobody knows the answer. if you don't like ubuntu there are plenty of distros out there10:02
FlannelOuch: it's asking for the first password you set with it.  You have a login password, and then a network manager password.10:02
emilei configured a hp-laserjet-4 (cups) and cups-pdf, both work fine independently. Now i would like to duplicate all prints send to laserjet to pdf for archiving automatically. Did any of you did this before or got any directions for me to look into?10:02
big_bang14 riotkittie: any ideas or should i ask the irc again?10:03
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FlannelOuch: the first time you connected to a wireless network, it asked you for a password10:03
OuchFlannel: Yes. how do change the password ..10:03
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FlannelOuch: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager#head-41669d33dd37ace3464ac217a60ffac444fff51410:04
seete3Does anyone know any USB Wi-Fi sticks that work out-of-box with ubuntu linux?.. I'm getting my friend into ubuntu, and he's given me some money to buy him a wifi usb stick. Thanks10:04
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unknown_ninjaSay, anyone know how to get back right click on xubuntu? Mine suddenly stopped working10:05
faileasseete3: check the compat list. the linksys WUSB54G works great for me10:05
OuchFlannel: Thank you.  Now this question.  The nm-applet password have to be the same password as the WPA password on the router?10:05
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seete3faileas:  How did you get it to work?10:06
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fyrestrtrOuch: no10:06
rausb0seete3: the problem is the ever-changing chipsets. i can tell you my us robotics usr805423 works (zd1211 chipset), but i cannot be sure if this device still has the same chipset now.10:06
faileasseete3: it was detected and ran, right out the box10:06
ironmataryaay it works10:06
Ouchfyrestrtr: There seems to be a conflict. When I bootup ubuntu with my wired connection and my wireless connection.10:06
seete3faileas:  thanks a lot10:06
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JuftusOn a fresh install of Feisty, I have to manually issue 'dhclient eth0' to connect to my private network. How would I get Feisty to connect automatically? There are the lines "auto eth0" and "iface eth0 inet dhcp" in my /etc/network/interfaces.10:07
FlannelOuch: if you make it the same as your login password, you can use libpam-keyring to automatically log you in to network manager with your login password10:07
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faileasseete3: best thing to do, still is to heck the hardware compatability list and base it off that10:07
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seete3faileas:  where is that?10:07
OuchFlannel: I am  attempting to do that. But it will not allow it.10:08
unknown_ninjaAnyone know how to repair broken right click on desktop (can't seem to find anythin in forums)10:08
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Ouchtheory@NONAME:~$ /usr/lib/libpam-keyring/pam-keyring-tool -c10:08
Ouchpam-keyring-tool: only one keyring action my be specified on the commandline10:08
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OuchThat is the error I get when I run the command it says10:08
jerryrighterm-audio mobile pre usb ported how do i install that in ubuntu feisty i plug it in it dont work how do i get it to worl the os is using my onboard sound card iw ant it to use the usb one10:08
faileasseete3: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported10:09
rausb0faileas: keep in mind that linksys (like any other vendor) keeps changing chipsets _without_ renaming the device. so WUSB54G can have a totally different chipset now. when did you buy yours?10:09
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faileasrausb0: erm... i didn't. i got it free >_>10:09
rausb0faileas: and do you know how old it is?10:09
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aysuhello www.islamdenizi.net10:09
pandorahello www.islamdenizi.net10:09
Guest921032hello www.islamdenizi.net10:09
astaIavistahello www.islamdenizi.net10:09
mywayhello www.islamdenizi.net10:09
faileasthen again i also got a WRT54G V4 when the GV5 was out10:09
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emilei hate spam10:10
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Ouchemile: Agreed.10:10
jerryrighterm-audio mobile pre usb ported how do i get it to work in my os i want my onboard sound card to stop so that one will work10:10
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rudwsbahello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:10
hnvdhello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:10
serpiIhello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:10
pmigulhello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:10
dtnyszopkchello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:10
oysxmreqhello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:10
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok10:10
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ironmatarok how do i block that10:10
riniverWhy is everyone saying hello <site> ?10:11
faileasnot everyone10:11
faileasits spamming10:11
ironmatarits a bunch of bots is what it is10:11
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dgjonesriniver, its spam, the ops will deal with it, just ignore it10:11
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kloeriit's taken care of now10:11
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jerryrighterhow do i get my m-audio mobile usb ported to work i plug it in and the os onboard one kicks in still10:12
YaywalterI'm a noob. I still can't figure out how to connect to my wireless network.  :/10:12
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seete3thanks for all your help, i'm now going to buy either the WG111v2 or the WUSB54GC. Cheers.10:12
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YaywalterI would install Ubuntu if I could connect to my wireless network. :|10:13
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jerryrighterhow do i install a usb sound card and turn the onboard one off10:13
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MonkeyFitis there a keyboard shortcut I can use at the login window to drop into a command line?10:14
unknown_ninjatry knetworkmanager fixed my wireless10:14
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rausb0Yaywalter: not all wireless cards are supported. which one do you have?10:14
OuchFlannel:  Thanks for the help. The simple solution is System | Administration | Keyring Manager though...10:14
OuchFlannel: Just lucked into that one.10:14
YaywalterErm, I don't know...10:14
unknown_ninjabroadcom bcm94306mpsg10:15
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fvgqebhello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:15
fzlqhello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:15
idkhohello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:15
poIyanahello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:15
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erdinchello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:15
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unknown_ninjathing kicked me butt10:15
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rmszgxyhello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:15
rmszgxyhello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:15
rmszgxyhello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:15
rmszgxyhello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:15
rmszgxyhello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:15
rmszgxyhello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:15
rmszgxyhello www.islamdenizi.net    irc.islamdenizi.net10:15
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unknown_ninjahmmm spam helping =>hello www.islamdenizi.net10:16
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Amaranthof course that doesn't help at all10:16
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emileare they open proxies?10:16
novato_brhow can I download from usenet?10:16
lnxhow i can make folder to show movies with picture ( no the movie icon ) ?10:17
novato_bri don't know10:17
Amaranthlnx: it won't unless gstreamer knows how to play the video10:17
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ironmataris freenode this bad they wont/cant do anthing about that? it looks to me like entire ip ranges ned klineing10:17
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unknown_ninjaso can anyone help with a lost mouse right click on desktop? I'm stuck using alt-f2 to open stuffs10:17
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emiledoes freenode check for open proxies upon connect (some irc servers do)10:17
fyrestrtremile: it does, read the MOTD10:17
kloeriironmatar: I'm k-lining them as I see them but I can't k-line in advance10:17
big_bang14wireless wont show up in my network manager despite it showing in the network admin. why is this?10:17
MonkeyFitanyone?, does anybody know if there's a keyboard shortcut to drop to a command line at the login screen?10:18
lnxAmaranth , this is the problem , gstreamer play it and still it have the movies icon10:18
riniverWhen i try to sudo apt-get update it stops on Connecting to wine.lowvoice.nl (cant resolve host)10:18
ironmatardalnet klined all of aol because of stuff like that10:18
fyrestrtrMonkeyFit: ctrl+alt+f110:18
Amaranthlnx: must have failed to thumbnail it for some reason10:18
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Amaranthlnx: rename the file, let it try again10:18
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kloeriironmatar: we're not dalnet and we try not to hit innocent people10:18
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Amaranthalthough i've never seen an AOL user in here10:19
OuchQuestion. Is it possible to permanently disable the wired connection deal so that it wont interfere with my wireless connection?10:19
Amaranthsince it doesn't work on ubuntu anyway10:19
ErythroOuch: you could disable the interface10:19
lnxAmaranth , yea now its work10:19
unknown_ninjahrlp! mouse has eaten it's own rightclick works everywhere else but desktop10:19
YaywalterIn windows, how would I figure out what kind of wireless card I have?10:19
OuchErythro:  How is that done? I see no disable at startup feature on 710:20
lnxi have web camera how i can capture a film (avi) and not only take a picture ?10:20
riniverYaywalter: it'd be in device manager. right click on my computer, properties, hardware tab, device manager10:20
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fyrestrtrYaywalter: start > control panel > networking > right click on the interface10:20
b14ckYaywalter: right click my computer. go to properties. go to the hardware tab. click on device manager. look under wireless cards10:20
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JuftusOn a fresh install of Feisty, I have to manually issue 'dhclient eth0' to connect to my private network. How would I get Feisty to connect automatically? There are the lines "auto eth0" and "iface eth0 inet dhcp" in my /etc/network/interfaces.10:20
YaywalterI don't see wireless cards.10:21
YaywalterI see network adapters?10:21
fyrestrtrJuftus: sounds like an issue with your dhcp server10:21
b14ckYaywalter: ya in there10:21
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b14ckYaywalter: network adapters, sorry10:21
YaywalterBroadcom 802.11b/g WLAN10:21
b14ckthere you go10:21
b14ckthats it10:21
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leo_rockwi got to go... everybody have a good day/night10:21
Juftusfurestrtr: dmesg says something about no ipv6 routers being around. May this be related to my problem?10:21
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OuchErythro:  Have any ideas?10:21
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YaywalterHow come I can't connect to my linksys router in Ubuntu then?10:22
fyrestrtrJuftus: no.10:22
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fyrestrtrJuftus: but you can disable ipv6 if you are not using it.10:22
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YaywalterDoes it have anything to do with the fact that i'm currently just running it as a Live CD?10:22
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verb3k_guys I've compiled ntfs-3g from source on feisty and when I try to mount the partition it gives me the following message: fuse: failed to exec fusermount: No such file or directory10:23
verb3k_FUSE mount point creation failed10:23
verb3k_Unmounting /dev/sda2 (DATA)10:23
Juftusfyrestrtr: I don't know about that. Is it probable that I am?10:23
big_bang14wireless wont show up in my network manager despite it showing in the network admin. why is this?10:23
lnxi have web camera how i can capture a film (avi) and not only take a picture ?10:23
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openeduhow can i move my existing root partition onto a RAID-1 array?10:23
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ErythroOuch: Sorry, System->Administration->Network10:24
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Juftusfyrestrtr: btw, dhcp at boot time used to work on Dapper & the same network.10:24
openeducan i create an MD raid 1 array on another disk, then copy / onto the new partition after i format it?10:24
rivtoday i receive the live cd10:24
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OuchErythro:  It has no disable feature.10:24
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ErythroOuch: uncheck it10:25
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OuchErythro: Thats my problem. When I restart it will check itself aqain.10:25
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Travishey does anyone here know about mepis?10:25
jerryrighterhi i want to know how to disable my onboard sound card and enable a usb one i plug it in it does not work10:25
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verb3k_guys I've compiled ntfs-3g from source on feisty and when I try to mount the partition it gives me the following message: fuse: failed to exec fusermount: No such file or directory  FUSE mount point creation failed10:25
ErythroOuch: why are you disabling it again?10:25
Travisi need my shit to detect my wireless10:26
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devinderbhullari cant seem to save my IP tables10:26
devinderbhullarpLS HELP10:26
jerryrightercan someone help me?10:26
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OuchErythro: Because I don't have a wired connection. I have a wireless connection. And eth0 and eth1 try to start at the same time on bootup and cause a confliction that i can't get online.10:26
Travisanyone know how to get it to do that?//10:26
devinderbhullarno output10:26
OuchErythro: I have to manually go there and uncheck it everytime.10:26
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unknown_ninjaCan anyone help with right click issue with desktop? I lost the ability to get a menu suddenly10:27
GuillemTravis, I think it depends on your card type10:27
YaywalterI need help connecting to my wireless network... anyone?10:27
defrysk!patience | jerryrighter10:27
ubotujerryrighter: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:27
Hairulfrunknown_ninja: Just as the question mate,10:27
devinderbhullarcan some one help me with iptables-save10:27
Travisi have a broadcomm10:27
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teKnofreakYaywalter, yes10:27
jerryrighterdefrysk ive asked six times and no one will give me an answer10:27
GuillemTravis, I would try latest ubuntu install disc (which is live-CD as well): it has the network-manager which should work for you10:27
OuchI simply want to be able to boot up ubuntu and it automatically connect to my wireless network without asking for passwords or having to uncheck wired connections,etc.10:28
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:28
defryskjerryrighter, then be patient or come back oanother time10:28
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx10:28
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devinderbhullaranyone iptables-save10:28
Amaranth!bcm43xx | Travis10:28
ubotuTravis: please see above10:28
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GuillemTravis, I have a broadcom at another old laptop (I rarely use): follow the instructions since it works....10:29
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openedumy hard drive is going bad.  can i copy / to another hard drive or is there a better way to copy partitions?10:29
ErythroOuch: edit your /etc/network/interfaces file and comment out the appropriate device10:29
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Guillemopenedu, define "going bad"10:29
OuchErythro: I definately do not know how to do that.10:29
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Guillemopenedu, hardware failure or getting full?10:30
ErythroOuch: which is your wired card? eth0?10:30
openeduGuillem: it is causing my system to freeze every once and a while10:30
OuchErythro:  Yes.10:30
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ErythroOuch: sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces10:30
openeduGuillem: i am trying to move my root partition to a RAID-1 array10:30
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Guillemopenedu, then be careful, since the methods to extract data can be more or less aggressive....10:31
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ErythroOuch: the line "iface eth0..."10:31
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freakytallkidevening all10:31
ErythroOuch: you need to put a # in front of it10:31
riniverHi. I'm trying to install GHC but when i type ./configure i get the error "error: C compiler cannot create executables". Any ideas?10:31
devinderbhullardoes anyone know how to save iptables10:32
devinderbhullarin ubuntu10:32
riniverWhat i really should ask is How can i tell if a program is available with apt?10:32
Guillemopenedu, I don't remember which is the lower aggressive one... sorry (I had a failure once and I did it wrong, and when I was told about choices it was too late)10:32
devinderbhullari tried sudo iptables-save > textfile10:32
devinderbhullarbut bash permission denied10:32
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YaywalterI need help connecting to my wireless network in Ubuntu10:32
OuchErythro: There is no line that says that.10:32
teKnofreakriniver, apt-cache search app-name10:33
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unknown_trojan%C7 Yaywalter: what's your network card?10:33
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OuchErythro:  Wait, Yes there is, sorry.10:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:33
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teKnofreakYaywalter, tell us what you tried ?10:33
YaywalterAccording to device manager it's broadcom 802.11b/g WLAN10:33
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:33
OuchErythro:  Is there something I should type in there to make eth1 automatically connect?10:33
Guillemopenedu, for data preserving (permissions, etc), tar should be the choice.... but for minimizing the reads and so on I'm not sure.10:33
ErythroOuch: paste the contents of the file here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org10:34
teKnofreak!broadcom | Yaywalter10:34
ubotuYaywalter: please see above10:34
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YaywalterI've looked at that.10:34
tonsofpcsso, the Xen kernel works with my SD card reader [built in to notebook] , the normal and lowlatency kernels work with my wireless card.  How about one that works with both (I don't care if it's xen or not, I'd actually rather have not or both of them)?10:34
YaywalterIt didnt help10:34
OuchErythro:  I found it.10:34
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:34
OuchErythro:  Is there something I should put in there to make eth1 start automatically on bootup?10:34
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unknown_trojanYaywalter: arey you trying to connect to a wpa encrypted router?10:35
vltHello. Afer an upgrade from Edgy to Feisty the system only boots to runlevel "unknown". I have to run `telinit 3` (sic!) to run all the daemons listed in /etc/rc3.d/ -- `telinit 2` leads to "unknown", too. apt-get dist-upgrade returns "0 ..., 0 ..., 0 ..., 0 ..." so everything should be in a proper state. Any idea which pkg to fix and how?10:35
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lnxi have web camera how i can capture a film (avi) and not only take a picture ?10:35
unknown_trojanis it wep?10:35
teKnofreakOuch, if you have switched on your wireless then it should be starting automatically10:35
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ErythroOuch: it should be starting already10:36
OuchErythro:  ok.10:36
OuchErythro:  Let me see if this worked.10:36
OuchErythro:  I appreciate your help.10:36
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zendoHi. I know that this kind of question is for tomcat channel, but they seem to don't know about the problem and it's maybe due to package/configure ubuntu scripts. The problem is that when I installed tomcat5.5 (tomcat5 worked well) and tried to start the service, it reports OK but no server is running, ie. I get error when try to access "localhost:8180" (port that is specified for non-ssl in /etc/tomcat5.5/server.xml), and log are empty(!!?).10:37
zendoCan someone please tell me what am I doing wrong?10:37
unknown_trojanYaywalter: try knetwokmanager10:37
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unknown_trojanYaywalter: oops knetworkmanager10:38
Yaywalterunknown_trojan: How do I get to that? I tried adding it but it started trying to download it, and i'm not even connected to the internet.10:38
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unknown_trojanYaywalter: are you able to connect via ether?10:39
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Yaywalterunknown_trojan: I dunno, my router is in my mom's room and she's sleeping. lol10:40
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zendoAnyone please?10:40
dromeraarg, my pc just hang (again. this happens almost every day), what can I check to see what happens and to fix it?10:41
unknown_trojanYaywalter: I used = sudo apt -get install knetworkmanager10:41
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sportwhat is a reason that a cmd in terminal would work whilst not working as a launcher cmd?10:42
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Yaywalterunknown_trojan: Type that in at the console thingy or whatever its called?10:42
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unknown_trojanYaywalter: yar it's a terminal10:42
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Yaywalterunknown_trojan: And I can do that from the live CD?10:43
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_mEo_Does anyone here have an ipod nano?  If so, where do I put the photos when copying from linux?10:43
unknown_trojanYaywalter: nope you needto hit up a repository10:43
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Yaywalterunknown_trojan: And how do I do that? lol10:43
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unknown_trojanYaywalter: to fix all of you problems you need to be able to get online with the unit your trying to fix, you need to wire connect friend10:44
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astro76sport, what command?10:44
Yaywalterunknown_trojan: M'kay, thanks.10:45
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devinderbhullarhow do i test if  my ip tables are working10:45
mnl_vlcDoes anybody  know where can I find older linux distros?10:45
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mnl_vlclike RH 7.210:45
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devinderbhullari ran intall IPTables::IPv4 and10:45
devinderbhullarit failed the test10:45
unknown_trojanYaywalter: which reminds me does my name highlight when I do "Yaywalter:" (been a while since I've done IRC)10:45
astro76!ipod | _mEo_10:46
ubotu_mEo_: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod10:46
riniverWhy does ctrl+- work in terminal but not ctrl++? when i do + it just types in an equals sign10:46
YaywalterYeah it does10:46
_mEo_No, i'm not after that10:46
_mEo_I'm after photos10:46
sportastro76 xhydra --hydra-path /usr/local/src/h*/hydra-gtk/src10:46
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unknown_trojanYaywalter: thanx think I've gone senile10:46
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sportastro76 the wildcard maybe?10:46
astro76sport, I believe so10:47
Travis_where do i detect devices on mepis?10:47
astro76sport, it's not using bash to do the substitution10:47
unknown_trojanso can anyone help with a mouse issue?10:47
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Travis_please help, im so lost10:47
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LoneShadowanyone using elisa ?10:48
astro76_mEo_, there's a link about adding videos in there, maybe it's similar?10:48
Erythro_mEo_: gpixpod10:48
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dromerso, my pc has been having these hangups (kernel panics? everything just freezes and the keyboard lights blink) and I have no idea why it happens (just now I was watching a movie) and it's just not normal. Does anyone have an idea what I could check to seew hat actually happens? which logs etc.?10:48
_mEo_Thanks for that Erythro10:48
fyrestrtrTravis_: perhaps you should try #mepis10:48
unknown_trojanTravis: what's up?10:49
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Travis_i have a prob10:49
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unknown_trojanmouse right click death anyone? anyone?10:49
rentshi, if someone can please tell me why my screen looks like this, then please PM me. http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/7651/sdfdflr7.gif10:49
Travis_my wireless card10:49
fyrestrtrdromer: maybe a power or overheat issue. Maybe your bios has a log for system events? Might want to check that.10:49
Travis_my system wont detect and use it10:50
fyrestrtrunknown_trojan: just restart X10:50
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dromerfyrestrtr: where might I find that?10:50
fyrestrtrdromer: in your bios10:50
unknown_trojanTravis: are you connected to the net now with troubled system?10:50
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manny_god damn10:50
Travis_not really10:50
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Travis_its my wireless10:50
sportastro76 haha thanks works great now10:50
dromerfyrestrtr: these hangups have happened after 3 mins or 3 days, very irregular10:50
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Travis_a bcm43xx10:50
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manny_rents your os is jacked10:51
Travis_it wont detect it10:51
fyrestrtrdromer: clean the dust out of your PC, check cooling and heating.10:51
AmaranthTravis_: You need to install the firmware10:51
rents'jacked' ?10:51
unknown_trojanfyrestrtr: did and it did nothing! I'm alt-f2 ing to start programs :(10:51
dromerfyrestrtr: I don't think my bios has a log I can check10:51
astro76sport, if you really needed to use the wildcard, you could probably make the launcher: bash -c "your command here"10:51
Amaranth!bcm43xx | Travis_10:51
ubotuTravis_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx10:51
manny_yea jacked up i never seen anything like that before10:51
Travis_i did al that10:51
fyrestrtrunknown_trojan: how did you restart it? what were you doing before this happened?10:51
unknown_trojanfyrestrtr: I installed knetworkmanager10:52
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manny_rent maybe its the langauge pack?10:52
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dromerfyrestrtr: the fans are spinning like they should, I don't think it's a heating/cooling-problem10:53
fyrestrtrdromer: then i don't know what it is.10:53
unknown_trojanfyrestrtr: after a few clicks it died and took menubar with it. I have to command start menubar in a terminal10:53
fyrestrtrunknown_trojan: does the problem persist after you reboot the system?10:53
dromerI've been having this for at least a month now10:53
unknown_trojanfyrestrtr: Unfortunetly yes10:54
rentsmanny_, tried to install libc6 and this is the result10:54
fyrestrtrunknown_trojan: what dm are you using?10:54
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unknown_trojanfyrestrtr: what's a dm?10:55
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unknown_trojanfyrestrtr: device manager?10:57
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unknown_trojan%C10hmmm anyone else got an idea of my mouse issue?10:58
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thill2708anyone know what to do when they get this, when they're trying to create an ad hoc network?11:00
thill2708Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :11:00
thill2708    SET failed on device ath0 ; Invalid argument.11:00
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Travis_still aint working : (11:00
Travis_i just need the pc to see its there11:00
riniverDoes anyone know how to get flash player working in Firefox 64bit?11:01
astro76Travis_, if you look in /lib/firmware/, you have files that start with bcm43xx ?11:01
astro76Travis_, and exactly what model do you have?11:01
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astro76thill2708, I don't think all cards support that mode11:01
astro76Travis_, like 4306, 4318?11:02
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thill2708arg :(11:02
Travis_4318 yea11:02
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astro76Travis_, you need ndiswrapper for that one11:02
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astro76Travis_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4318_%5BAirForce_One_54g%5D11:03
KDanhow can i tell from a unix prompt what DNS server is being used to resolve DNS queries?11:03
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Travis_i already have one11:03
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astro76Travis_, if you haven't done so, you need to follow the directions on that page exactly11:04
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astro76KDan, if you do an nslookup it will tell you11:05
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Travis_oot@2[~] # sudo apt-get remove network-manager network-manager-gnome11:05
Travis_Reading package lists... Done11:05
Travis_Building dependency tree... Done11:05
Travis_The following packages will be REMOVED:11:05
Travis_  knetworkmanager network-manager network-manager-gnome11:05
Travis_0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 3 to remove and 77 not upgraded.11:05
Travis_Need to get 0B of archives.11:05
Travis_After unpacking 3858kB disk space will be freed.11:05
Travis_Do you want to continue [Y/n] ? y11:05
Travis_(Reading database ... 72846 files and directories currently installed.)11:06
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Travis_Removing knetworkmanager ...11:06
Travis_Removing network-manager-gnome ...11:06
KDanastro76: cheers11:06
nalphaanyone can help me? I'm already install php5 on my ubuntu, but it's not works, <?php phpinfo(); ?> doesn't works on my firefox browser? what happened? thanx.11:06
Travis_Removing network-manager ...11:06
astro76!paste | Travis_11:06
ubotuTravis_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:06
Travis_root@2[~] #11:06
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tonyyarussoHow do I set my system to force a full filesystem check on next reboot?11:06
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Travis_root@2[~] # echo 'blacklist bcm43xx' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist11:06
Travis_blacklist bcm43xx11:06
Travis_root@2[~] #11:06
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astro76tonyyarusso, sudo touch /forcefsck11:06
tonyyarussoastro76: ty11:07
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ironmatari need to install Wine  i note a 64 bit wine mentioned at top of wine install guide  or should i be looking at 32 bit wine?11:11
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t4m1n0hello there11:15
verb3k_guys if I use the same kernel supplied by ubuntu (from repositories ) but with applying 1 patch , will the graphics driver work with it? or I need to reinstal it another way? thanks in advance11:15
lnxi have web camera how i can capture a film (avi) and not only take a picture ?11:15
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astro76verb3k_, I would think it would work, no harm in trying either11:16
astro76!webcam | lnx11:16
ubotulnx: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:16
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t4m1n0I'm having some problems during the installation of feisty 7.04: Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0  I get this erroc constantly. I read on a lunhpad about this bug and some guys say that I have to disable floppy in bios if I don't have floppy in a machine. But what if  I don't have an option to disalbe floppy in a bios ??? please help11:16
verb3k_astro76,  will I be able to receive updates ?11:16
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astro76verb3k_, if you installed a kernel update it would replace the one with your changes11:17
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crasher5doesnt ubuntu install drivers for floppy on install even if u dont have a floppy drive eg. notebooks for example?11:19
sudoi don't think so11:19
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crasher5or at least their support11:19
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sudoin the hardware detection process i think it find only the required drivers11:20
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AlexAnyone with suggestions on syslog analysis software?11:20
dgjonescrasher5, i think it possibly does, so that its ready in case a floppy drive was fitted, similar to the way that usb key's are configured ready for when one is plugged in11:21
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sudoso what you are saying is ubuntu has a cache of driver ready to use which are not loaded11:22
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crasher5so why doesn't t4m1n0 just skip the step by F6 i think before the installation starts?11:22
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astro76sudo, yeah it's in the kernel11:22
sudooh yeah they are addon modules to the kernal11:23
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loswilliosI have installed linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-10-386 but there is no nvidia.ko to load11:24
ikonhow can i defrag my ubuntu?11:24
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loswilliosonly nvidia-agp and nvidiafb11:24
ironmatari installed fiesty with a live cd   started live cd   selected mount  hd  dloaded the alternitive iso image  selected install from administration  when that had ran   important note  reboot comp  hold the blasted cd eject button so u get the live cd out before os starts and the new install of ubunto 64 bit  works like a charm11:25
astro76ikon, linux filesystems don't really suffer from fragmentation11:25
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sudoditto no defrag needed11:25
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sudohowever fscking is good11:25
ikonno defrag needed? never?11:25
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loswilliosso, is there a document which describes how the binary nvidia driver is implemented in ubuntu?11:25
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astro76!nvidia | loswillios11:26
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ubotuloswillios: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:26
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ironmatarso what should i do for wine?  64 bit or 32?11:26
ikonbut if i want to defrag, how can i do it?11:26
astro76ikon, correct11:26
crasher5how do i set up shortcut keys for keyboard layout switch?11:26
loswilliosastro76: yeah I know that, but my nvidia.ko modules isn't generated11:27
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riniverWhere is httpd.conf located to when you insatll LAMP?11:27
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ikonany clean tool for ubuntu?11:28
loswilliosI see only a bunch of *.o files11:28
astro76riniver, sudo updatedb && locate httpd.conf11:28
astro76ikon, clean what?11:28
loswilliosuse slocate11:28
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astro76loswillios, locate probably actually uses slocate, I'm not sure11:29
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astro76loswillios, it does11:29
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astro76lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 2007-06-29 23:11 /usr/bin/locate -> slocate11:29
ikonany tool for improve ubuntu11:29
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astro76ikon, lol, improve what?11:29
ikonspeed for ejample11:30
iblicf_hello everybody ...11:30
ironmatarid like to use wine 64 bit for my install so i can run eve  but the note says page not supported anymore   and the other 2 wine clients mentioned in install guids are for diffrent versions of ubunto11:30
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ironmatarso im totally at a loss to which to get11:31
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gordonjcpikon: more memory?11:32
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iblicf_does anybody know how to re-allocate one ext3 patrition11:32
t4m1n0I'm having some problems during the installation of feisty 7.04: Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0  I get this erroc constantly. I read on a lunhpad about this bug and some guys say that I have to disable floppy in bios if I don't have floppy in a machine. But what if  I don't have an option to disalbe floppy in a bios ??? please help11:32
ikoni need improve my ubuntu to maximum efficiency11:32
Erythroikon: use xubuntu11:32
HairulfrHmm, is there a pastebin for images?11:32
exodoshi, is there any way I can debug libflashplayer.so with gdb?11:33
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ikontheres no other way to improve my ubuntu without format?11:34
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tegomy movie player gave me black screen i cant watch movie11:34
tipoteHi all ! I was considering switching to ubuntu from a source-based distrib to reduce time spent in working on the distro, but I don't like the 6-month schedule. I'd like a distribution that is has no freezing time, always upstream. Is there a way/a repo to make ubuntu behave like that ?11:34
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tegoeven the movie in the example home folder11:35
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SlimeyPetetipote: you could use gutsy. Then when gutsy's released, upgrade to the next version.11:35
SlimeyPetetipote: stability will be an issue though11:35
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pennywizeI'm trying to vnc to computer outside my network to assist a friend but it's not working.  Anyone care to help?  I'll fill you in on all the details11:36
tipoteSlimeyPete: ok, thanks. I don't really like to have to upgrade every 6 months...11:36
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Erythrotipote: it's pretty seamless through the manager11:37
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ironmatarwonders if my posts are lost11:38
SoLpeXin ubuntu can you apt-get install ncurses ?11:38
tipoteErythro: ok11:38
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ErythroSoLpeX: yes11:38
riniverIs there a way of seing a list of servers and what ports are running on my comp?11:38
KenSentMeIs it possible to use tabcompletion in terminal to switch to the next word instead of displaying all possibilities. Can it work like it does in Xchat?11:39
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SoLpeXi do it and it says that the package is missing11:39
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ErythroSoLpeX: hmm it does for me too11:39
KDanhow do you specify a ^M symbol in vi's search and replace? (:1,$s/^M//g is what I want to achieve basically)11:39
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SoLpeXsudo apt-get install ncurses?11:40
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KDanriniver: netstat -t11:40
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ErythroSoLpeX: yes, but try to look for it in synaptic11:41
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riniverI'm tryign to figure out where the apache that is running is located on my comp. i Typed apache2ctl -k stop into the terminal but it says it's not running11:41
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riniverand there is no httpd.exe in the processes list of system monitor11:41
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SoLpeXit cant find it :(11:42
Erythroriniver: maybe netstat11:42
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ErythroSoLpeX: there's ncurses-base, ncurses-term, and a bunch of others11:42
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SoLpeXin Add/Remove Erythro ?11:43
Jordan_Uriniver, Make sure you are viewing all active processes11:43
Erythrosystem -- admin -- synaptic package manager11:43
SoLpeXcheers bro11:43
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rentshi, if someone can please tell me why my screen looks like this, then please PM me. http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/7651/sdfdflr7.gif11:43
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Jordan_Urents, Are you using another language?11:44
Erythrorents: i'm guessing fonts missing?11:44
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riniverJordan-U: Thanks. apache2 is in the list but i still don't know how to stop/restart it11:44
rentsi was using english, tried to install libc6 and this is the result11:44
Jordan_Uriniver, DId you go to view and select "all processes" ?11:45
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rentsand now i cant even do anything because i can't see nothing11:45
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tehkis there a way to retrieve a list of all installed packages so when I reinstall I am one sudo aptitude away from having the same system?11:45
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Erythroriniver: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop11:45
Jordan_U!cloning | tehk11:46
ubotutehk: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate11:46
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riniverErythro: THat got it. thanks11:46
tehkJordan_U, you are my hero11:46
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Jordan_Utehk, If you copy over all of the files in your home folder then you will have the same preferences set also11:47
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tehkYea my home is on its own drive11:47
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ironmatar what is the deal with the 64 bit wine package    note on install guids says its not suported   why not?11:48
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ironmataroh so i am here11:49
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GoFcukYourself!hi | ironmatar11:49
ubotuironmatar: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:49
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ironmatarso what do i do for wine so i can play eve-online11:50
cy__hello, i installed ubuntu feisty yesterday.. now i want the terminus bitmap font within konsole (kde terminal) .. but i get this error: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1864eb81  .. anyone know how to solve this?11:50
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gcostelloKDan: type control+v, then control+m11:51
Jordan_Urents, Can you test to see if it is just a problem with X by going to a console with ctrl+alt+F1 ( use ctrl+alt+F7 to get back into the GUI / X )11:51
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GoFcukYourselfironmatar: what type of game is eve-online?11:51
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GoFcukYourselfstrategy ?11:51
rentsi'll give a try soon, i'm in windows atm11:52
ironmatarthe 2 32 bit packages are for lower versions of unbunto  and the 64 bit pakage says that page is not supported anymore   so where am i supposed to find the proper app package11:52
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tom_how can i find out what version of ubuntu i'm running11:52
ErythroGoFcukYourself: it's a space MMO11:52
ironmatareve-online is the largest mmo on th net11:52
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Jordan_Utom_, lsb_release -a11:52
GoFcukYourselfwhat's MMO?11:52
ironmatarand yes space11:52
tego_i get my connection from lan cyber cable wanna know how make netcut xp program didnt effect on my ubuntu11:52
ErythroGoFcukYourself: massively mulitplayer online game11:52
tom_Jordan_U: cheers11:52
allbertNo LSB modules are available.11:53
allbertDistributor ID:Ubuntu11:53
allbertDescription:Ubuntu gutsy (development branch)11:53
GoFcukYourselfsounds like a bandwidth hog11:53
Jordan_UIronhand, You could  create a 32 bit chroot, but for most people there is really no large benefit to running a 64 bit OS in the first place11:53
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MonkeyFitis there an easy way to get the nvidia 100.14 driver?11:54
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luckybastardi am running my freshly installed ubuntu on a pentium 2 (450Mhz) and my system maneger tells me i am using 100%cpu all of the time, but "Top" tells me otherwise11:54
ironmatarrunning a brand new assempled from parts 64 bit system why shouldent i install 64 bit os11:54
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luckybastardat any rate my comp is running rly slow11:55
crasher5ironmatar tou shouldn't?11:55
luckybastardhelp plz11:55
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Erythroluckybastard: you might want to try xubuntu on that kinda hardware11:55
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Jordan_UIronhand, If you are new to Linux it can be harder to use certain ( almost invariably proprietary ) pieces of software, and there is for most Desktop uses no noticeable speed increase11:55
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luckybastardErythro, well my rly old ubuntu (3 or 4 point something) had no problems11:56
ironmatardont know why yer calling me ironhand11:56
ironmatar;] 11:56
nox-HandSomeone got a link to the default sources.list? I messed mine up COMPLETELY :)11:56
mqduckhey... can anyone tell me how to change the default debconf question priority setting thingie?11:56
nox-Hand /away *11:56
Jordan_Uironmatar, Tab completion :)11:57
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Erythroluckybastard: *shrug*11:57
faileasnox-Hand: i could pastebin one, but mine are all singapore mirrors11:57
nox-Handfaileas: No worries, I just need to change the .(singapore) out with dk11:57
nox-HandIf you would :)11:57
kritzstapfwhere to set if ubuntu uses kdm or gdm?11:57
faileasone moent11:57
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Jordan_U!sourecomatic | nox-Hand11:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sourecomatic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:57
Erythromqduck: just go to software sources in system-->administration and remove all the third party and extra repos11:57
Jordan_U!sourceomatic | nox-Hand11:58
ubotunox-Hand: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:58
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Erythroor that11:58
luckybastardill install xubuntu then11:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:58
gcostellokritzstapf: /etc/X11/default-display-manager11:58
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ironmatarso where is the 32 bit wine version for fiesty11:58
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nox-Handfaileas: Never mind, Jordan_U found a sources.list helperr :)11:58
nox-HandThanks though11:58
luckybastardi cant like "upgrade" ubuntu to xubuntu right?11:59
faileasi was SSHed into my irc server for something else anyway11:59
luckybastardso i can save all my settings11:59
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faileasluckybastard: install xubuntu desktop, then change the default DE on logon i think11:59
Jordan_Uluckybastard, Yes you can, just remove ubuntu-desktop and install xubuntu-desktop11:59
mqduckErythro: im not sure you understand what i mean. i mean the debconf/priority=[critical/high/medium/low]  setting11:59
netcrash__How can I view the logs with color formated ( multitail style ) with an application like less ?12:00
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Jordan_Uluckybastard, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce12:00
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Erythromqduck: woops, that wasnt meant for you12:01
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luckybastarderm.. won't i loose my graphical interface?12:01
kritzstapfgcostello: thanks, i did it with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" now ;)12:01
Jordan_Uluckybastard, Not if you install xubuntu-desktop first12:02
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Erythroluckybastard: If you have an existing Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or Edubuntu installation, it is possible to install Xubuntu and retain your current installation. To do so, just go into Synaptic (or Adept if you use Kubuntu) and install the xubuntu-desktop package. There you are! Next time you login, you can choose Xubuntu from the Session menu on the login screen.12:03
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luckybastardErythro, thx that's what i wanted 2 know12:03
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gcostellonetcrash__: aptitude show ccze12:03
Erythrogoogle ftw12:03
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phoenix7i have a problem with my laptop sound card.12:05
netcrash__gcostello: thanks12:05
ironmatarso is that 64 bit wine package useless thats mentioned in install guides?12:05
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GuillaumeBHi, i installed Ubuntu 7.04 in a Toshiba Sattelite A135 and i don't have sound at all! Somebody now about?12:06
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tom_hey guys anyone here installed skype on dapper? if so are the wiki instructions too up to date for dapper?12:08
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Paddy_EIREGuillaumeB: type 'lspci' in a terminal and pastebin it12:09
Paddy_EIRE!paste | GuillaumeB12:09
ubotuGuillaumeB: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:09
kritzstapfmy father is running ubuntu with gnome on a 500MHz laptop, would it be much faster using Xfce?12:09
ironmataris there a Wine help room?12:09
Erythrokritzstapf: probably12:10
Paddy_EIREkritzstapf: enlightenment is good as is fvwm-crystal12:10
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kritzstapfPaddy_EIRE: hum?12:11
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xiantiahi all12:11
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GoFcukYourselfkritzstapf: it would be much faster running fluxbox12:11
phoenix7my laptop is a hp compaq v3000 with this output of lspci for its sound card. "00:10.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)". the problem is when i plug a headphone to its port both headphone and speakers work :(12:12
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kritzstapfGoFcukYourself: im not expecting my father to use fluxbox12:12
Paddy_EIREphoenix7: thats odd12:12
screenname92834folks, does anyone know about opengl and its libraries?12:12
phoenix7Paddy_EIRE: how can i solve it?12:12
xiantiawhy knetworkmanager after manuel config, don't want list all wifi acces point, how i can reset manuel config , please ?12:12
teKnofreakphoenix7, it happens to me too, since long12:13
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GoFcukYourselfkritzstapf: i don't know about him.. i'm just saying fluxbox would be blazing fast compared to xfce12:13
Paddy_EIREkritzstapf: looks pretty idiot proof to me http://www.freesbie.org/share/1.1/manual/fluxbox.png12:13
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ranaelhow do i install ubuntu on a USB stick?12:13
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GoFcukYourselfand yeah, fluxbox isn't that hard actually12:14
Paddy_EIREranael: google 'install ubuntu usb stick12:14
GoFcukYourselfyou just have to know how to configure some config files.. those are easy too12:14
phoenix7teKnofreak, Paddy_EIRE: it is related to alsa driver (snd-hda-intel) and in windoze all things are right.12:14
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kritzstapfPaddy_EIRE: looks pretty ugly to me12:15
Paddy_EIREkritzstapf: hmm, must be a matter of taste I think its pretty nice12:15
ranaeli don't find any good tutorial.12:16
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kritzstapfanyway, editing config files is not the he likes to configure thinks, and i dont want to do such things for him everyday :D12:16
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Paddy_EIREranael: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5151 <-- this took like 2 secs to find ;)12:17
Paddy_EIREkritzstapf: well thats what he has you for12:17
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ranaelPaddy_EIRE: that one didn't help me much12:17
MonkeyFitanybody know how to get an 8800GTX wroking?12:17
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kritzstapfPaddy_EIRE: interesting12:17
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Paddy_EIREranael: sorry but I cant see anything wrong with that guide12:19
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ironmataris there a wine support room ?12:19
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zyclopmy TTY has problems with the output of umlauts. Can anyone help?12:19
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pberzosaai alguien12:19
GuillaumeBsory I'm back12:19
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GuillaumeBhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34774/        there is the log12:20
tom_does anyone know what version of skype will work with dapper?12:20
Paddy_EIREironmatar:  /join #winehq12:20
ironmatarthank you paddy12:20
GuillaumeBubotu? are you still there?12:20
tom_GuillaumeB: ubotu is a bot12:20
zyclopmy TTY doesn't support Unicode, but X does. Who can help?12:20
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GuillaumeBohhh ok thx12:21
MonkeyFitmy 8800GTX won't work, at all, not even with the live cd12:21
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GuillaumeBsomeboy can help me whit my Sound problem?12:21
Paddy_EIREkritzstapf: http://fvwm-crystal.org/screenshots/preferences-menu.jpg <-- you could set it like this for him12:22
KenSentMeHow do you open a file that contains a & in it's name in terminal? The shell doesn't accept the &12:22
zyclopKenSentMe, how about \& ?12:23
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kritzstapfPaddy_EIRE: atm hes using gnome without having much problems with speed, i think xfce would be okay.12:23
Paddy_EIREno probs12:23
KenSentMezyclop, yep, that's it! Thanks12:23
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zyclopKenSentMe, np12:24
kahrytanxfce is nice12:24
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kritzstapfhm, xubuntu-desktop contains abiword etc., is there another metapaket containing less apps?12:25
Paddy_EIREkritzstapf: apt-get install xfce12:26
kritzstapfthere is no paket called xfce12:26
Paddy_EIRE1 sec12:26
faileasapt-cache search xfce ;)12:26
kahrytanxubuntu-desktop would install xfce12:26
faileas(don't include the ;)! )12:26
GoFcukYourselfapt-get install xubuntu-desktop12:27
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kahrytanit is metapackage12:27
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Paddy_EIREkritzstapf: xfce412:27
kritzstapfare you ignoring the question and just throwing in some useless comments?12:27
kritzstapfi know about xubuntu-desktop12:27
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Paddy_EIREkritzstapf: what?12:27
kritzstapfPaddy_EIRE: not you12:28
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kritzstapfPaddy_EIRE: thanks to you :)12:28
hcaWhy do some computers allow downloads while others says they are not available?12:28
Paddy_EIREhca: explain in more detail please12:28
GoFcukYourselfhca: what?12:29
Paddy_EIREmaybe he's talking about repos12:29
Paddy_EIRE!repositories | hca12:30
ubotuhca: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:30
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hcaWell when we download games some will download onto the computers while other say the architecture doesn't support the programme.  All our PC are the same?12:31
Paddy_EIREkritzstapf: what did that xfce4 package pull down with it app wise? is it big12:31
hcaA bit confused!12:31
=== Paddy_EIRE wants to try xfce but has waaay to many desktop environments
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SlimeyPetehca: what game? how are you downloading it?12:33
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kritzstapfPaddy_EIRE: would be: gtk2-engines-xfce libexo-0.3-0 libthunar-vfs-1-2 libxfce4mcs-client3  libxfce4mcs-manager3 libxfce4util4 libxfcegui4-4 thunar xfce4  xfce4-icon-theme xfce4-mcs-manager xfce4-mcs-plugins xfce4-panel  xfce4-session xfce4-utils xfdesktop4 xfwm4 xfwm4-themes12:33
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Paddy_EIREkritzstapf: hmm, that aint bad12:33
hcaWe are downloading it via "Add/remove"12:33
GoFcukYourselfi find xfce more difficult to configure than fluxbox12:34
Paddy_EIREhca: your saying the computers are all the same, are all the versions of ubuntu the same12:34
hcaYes they are12:35
hcaWe installed them from the same cd12:35
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rentsJordan_U, reinstalling :P12:39
rentswhole os12:39
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rentsgutsy this time12:39
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Jordan_Urents, Almost certainly not necessary, but OK. Also, don't expect Gutsy to be in any way hassle free...12:40
ootmCan someone tell me how I can see / monitor my cpu temperature using ubuntu server ( no GUI )?12:40
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lousygaruais there a /dev/**something** for the touchpad on a laptop?12:41
Paddy_EIREif I was to 'sudo aptitude install gtk2-engines-gtk-qt' would that automatically switch to that theme engine or is there something else I must do?12:41
Paddy_EIREis it a theme in the theme-manager perhaps12:42
rentsJordan_U, any experiences with gutsy+beryl?12:42
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zyclopootm, sensord, perhaps?12:42
Jordan_Urents, Gutsy comes with Compiz Fusion, #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy though12:43
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ootmzyclop, thanks ill google it :)12:43
isidoroI have a problem with a usb pen stik12:43
rentsok, thanks12:43
isidoroubuntu mount that stik with a ipod icons12:43
zyclopootm, maybe read the manpage, too12:43
isidorobut that's not a ipod12:43
ootmzyclop, ah yes of course :) thank you12:44
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zyclopootm, np12:44
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brain_in_vathi, I have a G4 Mac Mini which is running Breezy. What's the easiest way to upgrade to something current? Can I use apt-get to do so?12:48
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kritzstapfbrain_in_vat: the best way would be reinstalling probably12:51
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brain_in_vatkritzstapf: that's a hassle for backing up information12:51
brain_in_vatbut I can do it if necessary12:51
brain_in_vatthe information isn't absolutely criticial12:51
brain_in_vatso I was hoping to do it with a package manager12:51
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kritzstapfthats why ive got /home on an extra partition ;)12:52
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brain_in_vatyeh, but I don't want to bother with all of that12:52
Carly7a|[^_^] |" hola? "|[^_^] |12:52
Carly7a|[^_^] |" q tal "|[^_^] |12:52
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Carly7a|[^_^] |" hola? "|[^_^] |12:53
kritzstapfhi there12:53
Carly7a|[^_^] |" hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "|[^_^] |12:53
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Carly7a|[^_^] |" i am speak in spanish "|[^_^] |12:53
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:53
kritzstapfCarly7a: stop using those extra ordinary smiley decoration12:53
Carly7a|[^_^] |" hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo "|[^_^] |12:53
Carly7a|[^_^] |" ahhh "|[^_^] |12:53
Carly7a|[^_^] |" yo ayudaaa "|[^_^] |12:53
kritzstapfand also stop spamming12:53
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Carly7a|[^_^] |" kritzstapf no entiendo "|[^_^] |12:55
kritzstapfi dont speak spanish12:56
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ootmCarly7a, no debes hablar con el "|[^_^] |" y "" - lo no bueno12:57
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tegowanna ask about command that make run program with time (at)12:58
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ootmin my bios before installing ubuntu should i set "plug and play o/s" to Yes or No?01:00
sudo_rm_-rf_for plug and play01:00
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ootmsudo_rm_-rf_, thanks01:01
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ironmatarok 4 am time for sleep01:03
riniverWhat's a nice FTP/SSH client for Ubuntu?01:03
ironmatarthanks guys and gals01:03
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rinivergFTP looks horrible01:03
sudo_rm_-rf_like on ubuntu01:03
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sudo_rm_-rf_or on a windows box to connect to a ubuntu box01:03
riniveron ubuntu01:03
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sudo_rm_-rf_most people use a gnome terminal and just use the ssh command01:04
professormorning boy and girls01:04
Pwnzanyone know of channel where i can know more about programming/talk to programmers..learn stuff..etc?01:04
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riniveri meant a GUI version so i can drag/drop folders into there01:04
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waxbloodWhy does X keep on  consuming 65% of my CPU time, without no evident signals of window activity?01:04
_aaamy new  1GB MP3 player will only download from win 2000 or XT, is there another way thru Ubuntu 7.04?01:04
professorPwnz, what language01:04
sudo_rm_-rf_for ftp maybe filezilla01:04
jribriniver: nautilus does ftp/ssh (file -> connect to server)01:04
sudo_rm_-rf_there's a deb some where01:04
PiciPwnz: ##java I believe.01:05
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professorPwnz, yea not sure, I am looking for a python room as well01:05
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cy__hello, i installed ubuntu feisty yesterday.. now i want the terminus bitmap font within konsole (kde terminal) .. but i get this error: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1864eb81  .. anyone know how to solve this?01:05
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jribprofessor: #python :)01:05
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waxbloodprofessor: #snakes01:06
riniverjrib: wow nautilis is great! thanks01:06
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ootmprofessor, #python01:06
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ootmjrib, oops sorry - just saw you already suggested #python01:06
sudo_rm_-rf_good  to hear01:06
professorthanks guys01:06
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mosnoguys, please help -- i need to stop my Asus F3SV's 1680x1050 LCD from making a "ringing" noise when it runs at native res (Feisty, upstream NVIDIA drivers).01:11
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ootmmosno, change the refresh a01:11
mosnoI commented out the HorizSync, and set the VertRefesh to 60 or 50, neither prevents it like it did on Gentoo 2007.001:11
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ootmmosno, change the refresh rate?01:11
zyclopI have problems with setting the console font. /etc/init.d/console-setup start sets it just fine, but when i switch to X and back to TTY, it's reverted to the standart font.01:12
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QuentusrexI want to setup a Ligthhpd server to flv video's stored on a separate NFS server. Should I go with the newest release of Ubuntu or with 6.06? What are the pro's and con's of each?01:12
romernHello, just installed ubuntu 6.06, need to know if i will reinstall a new 6.06 using the same CD to setup mythTV?01:12
Quentusrexto stream flv videos*01:12
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mosnoootm, to what? It's on 1680x1050 (native), VertRefresh 50, no HorizSync. Maybe I should set the Horiz, or something else?01:12
ootmmosno, I cant tell you to what - check the monitor manual to see what refresh rates it support and try those01:13
mosnoootm, the manuals dont get specific01:13
mosnothe website sucks01:13
Quentusrexmosno, google it01:13
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mosnoQuentusrex, tried, i'll try again i suppose.01:13
Quentusrexsomewhere you'll find a site selling your monitor that will say what the specks are.01:13
Quentusrexwhat model?01:13
QuentusrexI'll help01:13
mosnoAsus F3SV01:13
Ellonjust installed ubuntu and i'm having trouble with grub loading windows - it hands at "Starting up..." - my fstab and part of my menu.lst are here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34784/01:14
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attunixhow do I start gnome from command line?01:15
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SlimeyPete/etc/init.d/gdm start01:15
SlimeyPeteshould do it01:15
SlimeyPetewell, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start01:15
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attunixok. thanks01:15
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mosnoQuentusrex, maybe i should try Envy?01:16
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Quentusrex15.4" WXGA+ (1440x900) TFT colour LCD01:17
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Quentusrexthat's your monitor. now google those specs01:17
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mosnoQuentusrex, wrong, it's a WSGXA+ (1680x1050).01:18
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mosnotrying envy at the second01:18
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Ellonanybody have a suggestion? i've been googling this for hours01:18
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HairulfrEllon: Fixing your grub boot,01:19
QuentusrexI want a recommendation on whether to use 6.06 lts or a newer version for a lighttpd server that will stream flv files from a separate nfs server.01:19
HairulfrEllon: You need to boot of something I guess, to get a iso burned01:19
mosnoQuentusrex, "01:19
mosno* Comment out the HorizSync and VertRefresh lines.01:19
mosnoThe nVidia driver will automagically adjust to the correct resolution without the need for the HorizSync/VertRefresh lines." --from http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=Special:Newpages&feed=rss01:19
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sudo_rm_-rf_probable due to stabilty01:20
sudo_rm_-rf_but 6.06 is a lts01:20
Ellonwell i'm booting into ubuntu just fine atm01:20
sudo_rm_-rf_i got a lamp setup working on 7.04 but i guess it's preference really01:21
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mosnothat did it :)01:21
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mosnoi can still sort of hear it, but it's less now (or i got used to it... hrm)01:22
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triplcHi all01:22
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screenname92834hi folks01:22
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screenname92834folks, I have a problem running a newly installed app01:23
triplcWhere /etc/inittab? I need to do several things that I used to do it with /etc/inittab.01:23
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sudo_rm_-rf_ok what's wrong01:23
aa__help me01:23
screenname92834it just produces error no code for module (gtk gtk)01:23
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aa__i can't install my software01:23
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SlimeyPeteaa__: what software? what error are you getting?01:24
triplc(1) I want to disable login in tty1 (getty), so, the login should be only in tty2 (text, no GUI, no GDM). How to do it without /etc/inittab?01:24
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triplc(2) I want press ctrl-alt-del to "halt" instead of "reboot". How to do that in Ubuntu. please help.01:25
mosnotriplc, why not mod inittab accordingly'01:25
mosnoread man 5 inittab01:25
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triplcok, let me read the man page01:25
jribtriplc: /etc/inittab is replaced by /etc/event.d/* in upstart.  If no one here knows and the upstart docs don't answer your question, try #upstart too01:25
jrib!upstart > triplc (see the private message from ubotu)01:26
triplcman inittab---> No manual entry for inittab (!)01:26
screenname92834so I run my app and it says error no code for module (gtk gtk) and quite01:26
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sudo_rm_-rf_for the ctrl alt del thing01:26
jribscreenname92834: what application?  pastebin the entire output01:27
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sudo_rm_-rf_change the syntax for shutdown command01:27
mosnowhoa, i missed upstart, it's been a while since i've been back on Ubuntu :)01:27
sudo_rm_-rf_to -h to shutdown not restart01:27
screenname92834the application is called chart and it's part of the gnu software lib I think01:27
triplcjrib, thanks01:27
triplcsudo_rm_-rf_, thanks01:27
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sudo_rm_-rf_niceto hear01:27
screenname92834sorry what is pastebin?01:28
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jrib!pastebin > screenname92834 (see the private message from ubotu)01:29
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thecrosshello. having some problems with my sound. When i test the sound play back in Sound preferences i get this error message: "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not get/set settings from/on resource." and ideas would be much appreciated.01:35
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HBaloohy all01:35
HBalooi think mi irc dosen't working01:36
SoLpeXis there a way in ubuntu to see how much disk space is left?01:36
PiciHBaloo: looks to be working to me01:36
sudo_rm_-rf_go to naultus01:36
HBaloowow it works :)01:36
sudo_rm_-rf_and right lick the drive > properties01:36
Trist_anHi all, I am using Vmware server and installed Windows XP on it. I now want to add another second virtual hard drive to it. I used the built in part to create it but my Windows cannot see it. Anyone know how I can fix this?01:36
sudo_rm_-rf_it's there01:36
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PiciTrist_an: #vmware01:37
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HBalooknow any good channels?01:37
zirodayHBaloo: for what?01:37
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PiciHBaloo: http://freenode.net/primary_groups.shtml01:37
sudo_rm_-rf_got no idead about the vm Question01:37
HBaloocomputers, programming.. something like that01:37
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zirodayHBaloo: this is a support channel not a chat channel go to #ubuntu-offtopic01:38
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HBalookk sry01:38
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Trist_anthere is no one on #vmware01:39
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Trist_anor everybody is asleep01:39
Ellonjust installed ubuntu and i'm having trouble with grub loading windows - it hangs at "Starting up..." - my fstab and part of my menu.lst are here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34784/01:39
agresorHow to make network Betwen Windows Vista and Ubuntu Linux ?????01:40
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agresorHow to make network and File sharing Betwen Windows Vista and Ubuntu Linux ?????01:40
sudo_rm_-rf_samba my friend01:40
Ellonsamba i think01:40
agresorsamba ?01:40
ziroday!samba | sudo_rm_-rf_01:40
ubotusudo_rm_-rf_: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:40
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sudo_rm_-rf_SMB share protocol01:40
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Trist_anEllon did you install ubuntu after or before Windows?01:41
Elloni can still access all my windows files from within ubuntu01:42
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Trist_anbut you can't boot windows while you can in ubuntu?01:42
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SoLpeXsudo_rm_-rf: I cant find naultus :/01:43
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sudo_rm_-rf_SoLpeX what do you want to do?01:44
kauerif anyone here has used an external USB audio card or audio digitiser with Ubuntu, I'd like to hear about your experiences, and what hardware you used. If anyone has used the ARTcessories Phono Plus (previously known as the Micro PRE) that would be very interesting.01:44
riniverIs there a utility or way to get the ubuntu system manager to display current cpu usage in the same way that the windows equivalent does?01:44
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kauerneverblue: Did you make any progress with your cron/xset problem?01:45
serenityUKEllon: the only difference with my one is it say root instead of rootnoverify.... i don't no if that makes a difference01:45
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sudo_rm_-rf_gnome system  monitor01:45
Elloni've tried both with the same result01:45
Ellonmost things i've found with google say rootnoverify should be used for windows01:45
SoLpeX<sudo_rm_-rf_ I w ant to see how much disk space I have left01:45
emeristeriniver, I think I saw something like that available to be added to the panel.01:45
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Hylk0rwhen I execute a program with gksu, sys.getuid() doesn't return 0, how come? And how can I know that a program has root access?01:46
emeristeRiniver -- You know the panels at the top or bottom of your screen?01:46
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kauerHylk0r: try geteuid01:46
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emeristeright click on one of your panels and then click on 'add to panel'01:46
Hylk0rok thanks kauer01:46
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digitalspaghettiWhats the easiest way for me to add a java application to my paths so i can execute it via command line anywhere, rather than /having/to/point/to/the/directory  ?01:47
sudo_rm_-rf_SoLpeX click computer then the disk drive right click then there will be a summary of the space avaliable01:47
Piciscreenname92834: What program is giving that output?01:47
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emeristeWhen you click on 'add to panel' that brings up a window. Go to the category of stuff you can add called, 'system hardware'01:47
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screenname92834pici: it's called chart.01:47
SoLpeXokay thanks01:48
mosnosecret maryo chronicles sucks when your keyboard 'forgets' you're holding run01:48
Piciscreenname92834: How did you install it? Is it in the repos?01:48
emeristeThere's something there called, 'System Monitor'01:48
screenname92834can someone just tell me how you get the username of the person you're talking to at the start of your msg?01:48
riniveremeriste: Got it, thanks01:48
Pici!tab | screenname92834 :)01:48
ubotuscreenname92834 :): You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:48
VenkoHow do I go about setting up an entire filesystem as a shared folder through the command line?01:48
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screenname92834!tab | pici testo01:48
ubotupici testo: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:48
Piciscreenname92834: the tab key...01:48
screenname92834oh right!01:49
screenname92834ha ha01:49
Piciscreenname92834: i.e.: i type sc<tab> and it completes your name01:49
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kauerdigitalspaghetti: Probbalythe simplest way is to put the whole invocation into a script, then run the script. If you keep your Java stuff in one place, you could also set up a CLASSPATH in your .bashrc or whatever, so that jars etc are found from wherever you are. It depends a bit on whether you run jars or classes.01:49
sudo_rm_-rf_screenname92834: ?01:50
Ellonscreenname92834: you can change your nick with /nick NewNick01:50
screenname92834yes indeed01:50
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screenname92834so this application01:50
Ellonya know if you want something more personalized01:50
screenname92834I'll get the url out01:50
IdleOnescreenname92834: best to type the first 3 letters01:50
digitalspaghettikauer, it's a jar01:50
kauerlong clever screen names are a pain in the proverbial unless they are unique in the first couple of characters.01:50
fruitbatJim I have two OSs on my hd, ubuntu and xp pro.....but there are 5 partitions. I can account for the two main ones and the linux swap, but why the two others - named 'extended' and 'unknown'01:50
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screenname92834kauer: agreed.01:51
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digitalspaghettikauer, but i don't keep my classes in one place, it's just a simple application for compressing javascript01:51
kauerdigitalspaghetti: OK, then either solution will do. CLASSPATH in your profile, or write scripts. Personally I'd write scripts.01:51
digitalspaghettiok, i'll look for a tutorial on writing bash scripts01:51
m0u5edoes anyone know if the window manager uses direct rendering to the graphics card by default?01:51
screenname92834Pici: http://directory.fsf.org/productivity/stock/chart.html01:51
m0u5eif not, how do we enable it?01:52
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serenityUKfruitbatJim, extended partitions have other logical partitions inside them... because the old pc HD could only have 4 main  partitions01:52
ron__how can I change my task bars to a prettier ones? (I want it big, shiny and preffered glittery) and does anyone have a recommandation of a theme with LARGE icons and all shiny things?01:52
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nalphahow to run beryl? I'm already install it.01:52
sudo_rm_-rf_ron__: check out gnomelook.org01:53
Piciscreenname92834: Did you install it with the .deb or did you compile from source?01:53
fruitbatJimthaznks serenityUK01:53
nalphaipx: and?01:53
ron__under which category?01:53
ipxyou have the manager in your system tray, there you can activate it etc01:53
sudo_rm_-rf_ron__: it's got a lotta theme's skin's etc01:53
ipxread a guidew01:53
ipxits alot easier01:53
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serenityUKfruitbatJim, so you could have 3 old logical partitions and one extended with could have loads more old ones inside.. it's a workaround to stay compatible with 80s pcs01:53
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ron__yeh, but I don't know what the terms means01:53
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nalphaipx: where is the guide?01:54
ron__like, what is GTK?01:54
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: check ubuntubuide.01:54
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ipxnalpha: there's alot of guides01:54
sudo_rm_-rf_it's in the wiki01:54
kauerdigitalspaghetti: it's not hard. lets say you need to start your Java proggy by setting a classpath and executing some_very-long_complicated_command. Just create a text file called (say) "proggy". Make the first line "#!/bin/sh", make the secodn line a classpath declaration like "export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/path/to/my/jarfile", and the third line is your long complicated command. Save the file, "chmod u+x filename" and you can now just run "proggy" and forge01:54
ipxfirst of all, ask questions related to desktop effects in #ubuntu-effects01:54
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kauerdigitalspaghetti: that's "chmod u+x proggy" of course :-)01:55
screenname92834Pici: I compiled it from source. Is Ubuntu a debian system?01:55
boontooi would like to report a bug01:55
riniverSo noone knows a way of getting flash player working with Firefox 64-bit?01:55
boontoowhere do i report the bug?01:55
Piciscreenname92834: It is.01:55
bobsomebodyscreenname92834, yes and no01:55
Pici!bug | boontoo01:55
ubotuboontoo: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots01:55
Pici!flash64 | riniver01:55
uboturiniver: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava01:55
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nalphaipx: okey thanx01:55
bobsomebodysome debian stuff dosent work 100% from what i hear, and some ubuntu stuff dont work on debian01:55
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nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: scared with your name, but okey thanx01:56
screenname92834!bug | gourdin01:56
ubotugourdin: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots01:56
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Piciscreenname92834: I'm going to compile that from source and see what happens here.01:56
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sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: what's wrong01:56
screenname92834Pici: it took me ages to get all the associated libraries in place01:56
boontoocan someone post it for me im not registered =(01:56
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: one command user's should never use01:56
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Piciboontoo: It would be best if you registered yourself.01:57
denni1Hey there, i need some help... How can i change the mount point, and how will it affect the data on the partition?01:57
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nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: If we put your name on a console,doesn't it will delete entire system?01:57
=== [GF] Thor^^ [n=thor@216-27-138.0512.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
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[GF] Thor^^hi01:57
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: yes every thing + forced01:57
[GF] Thor^^how can i setup C Compiler so it can make executables?01:57
jrib[GF] Thor^^: what are you compiling?01:58
[GF] Thor^^eggdrop01:58
nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: so the system may not be booting again? you already try that??01:58
boontooanyway just so the channel knows, if you have trouble playing back videos specifically such as windows video formats .avi and the likes, turn off desktop effects and it solves it01:58
jrib[GF] Thor^^: no need to compile eggdrop, it is in ubuntu's universe repository.  Use your favorite package manager to install it01:58
faileas[GF] Thor^^: i think build-essential is what ya need01:58
sudo_rm_-rf_denni1: change the mount point's in fstab01:58
saxinwhere can I find some nice wallpapers for my ubuntu desktop?01:58
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denni1hey, can anyone help me???01:58
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serenityUKdenni1, it won't effect the data it will be safe but it might effect the permissions such as making it readonly.. as root edit the file:   sudo gedit /etc/fstab01:58
jrib!themes > saxin (see the private message from ubotu)01:58
[GF] Thor^^oh =P01:58
[GF] Thor^^ty ^^01:58
sudo_rm_-rf_saxin: check out gnome look01:58
boontoosaxin: www.gnome-look.org i believe01:59
jribsaxin: you can try places like devianart in addition to what ubotu sent you01:59
jribsaxin: deviantart even01:59
kauernalpha: No, sudo_rm_-rf_ is not dangerous as is. The underscores defuse it, plus there is no filespec following. You'd need to tweak it quite a bit to do any damage with it.01:59
saxinjrib: Yeah, any other suggestions than deviantart?01:59
digitalspaghettikauer, ok got that - now how do i pass in a variable?  the command for example is java -jar yuicompressor-1.1.jar myjsfile.js01:59
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jribsaxin: ubotu sent you a list in a private message, do you see it?01:59
digitalspaghettiso I would like to do ./jscompress myjsfile.js01:59
sudo_rm_-rf_kauer: yeah just seeing how stupid new user would be01:59
nalphakauer: I know to run it.. heheh5x. but never I'll run it. thanx all02:00
saxinjrib: but that is not what I'm looking for.02:00
jribsaxin: then you need to be more specific02:00
saxinIts a well-known page like deviantart.. but i cant remember the name02:00
saxinwith high-res wallpapers02:00
kauersudo_rm_-rf_: Ignorant is not the same as stupid. Don't confuse the two, and try not to insult people.02:00
[GF] Thor^^ok, where is the eggdrop config located? /etc?02:00
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: there's a youtube vid of some guy doing it on a fresh ubuntu install02:00
screenname92834ignorant is not the same as nescient either02:00
screenname92834people always confuse the two.02:01
nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: wew, do y ou know the link?02:01
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:01
=== TheMafia [n=TheMafia@74-135-181-34.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
TheMafiahow can I make a program use my java 5 install instead of my java 6 install?02:01
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denni1serenityUK, can i also do it from the LiveCD?02:01
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: http://youtube.com/watch?v=tWtby4JpD1k02:02
kauerdigitalspaghetti: the command line parms are $0 $1 $2 etc. $0 is the name of the script though, not that useful. a common idiom is to grab a required parm into a better name, like "INFILE=$1 ; /do/something/to $INFILE"02:02
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: http://youtube.com/watch?v=syzc8IiLz4802:02
serenityUKdenni1, you mean to change an ubuntu installed on your hd or to mount temporarily while in liveCD?02:02
=== cpilka [n=cpilka@brsg-d9beca70.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
cpilkahi folks. i have some trouble running nfs server. after few hours of working i always get a "lockd: server xx.xx.xx.xx not responding, timed out". anyone here has a hint what's going wrong there?02:03
sudo_rm_-rf_both are pretty funny02:03
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digitalspaghettigot it kauer, thanks :)02:03
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serenityUKwelcome Jones02:03
[GF] Thor^^ok, where is the eggdrop config located? /etc?02:04
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sudo_rm_-rf_hi Jones02:04
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moo2I just started using ubuntu for serious work for the first time - I do like the polish on this baby -- using 7.04 a few quirks at the start - but smooth sailing now -- I'm liking it!! -- I just wanted to say great work!!!!!!!!!!!!02:04
JonesHi I just installed UBUNTU today and installed a whole bunch of apps, restarted, then all of a sudden it pups up with "Internal Error, Failed to initialize HAL" and now all wireless and networking are stuffed02:04
JonesGreetings everyone ^^02:04
=== DelPede [i=Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
sudo_rm_-rf_moo2: much apreciated02:05
JonesJust wondering if I could get some help on the matter, I'm kind of new to this OS, my computer skills are average >.<02:05
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sudo_rm_-rf_Jones: Yes02:05
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throvoldim having a typical problem running beryl on ubuntu dapper drake (6.06LTS)02:06
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denni1serenityUK, my problem is that i've destroyed my Ubuntu-installation by changing my partitions or something, and now im going to install a new ubuntu from the livecd but i want to save data... i've put the data to an empty partition, but i want the mounting point to be different.. should i wait changing mounting point untill after installation, or can i use the installation to do that?02:06
throvoldi've installed the 96.39 nvidia drivers, fine, update the xorg.conf file ok with the correct settings im aware of02:07
JonesAny ideas? >.<02:07
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throvoldbut beryl-manager just gives me the black screen, then re-runs GDM, anyone have a clue as to what i should do?02:07
denni1have someone in here tried the dell xps m1330?02:07
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[GF] Thor^^where is the eggdrop config located? /etc?02:08
jrib[GF] Thor^^: tried reading /usr/share/doc/eggdrop/README.Debian ?02:09
serenityUKdenni1, when you install after language etc choose manual partitioning instead of let ubuntu mange my partition... then you can pick a partition to mount as / from drop down menu and others will say things like /media/sda2 you can change to /media/mystuff or something02:09
digitalspaghettikauer, I'm getting there but still need help:  http://digitalspaghetti.pastebin.ca/66785402:09
sudo_rm_-rf_[GF] Thor^^: most probably02:09
[GF] Thor^^thanks Jrib02:09
digitalspaghettithat script gets me as far as Unable to access jarfile :/home/digitalspaghetti/Tools/yuicompressor/build/yuicompressor-1.1.jar02:09
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denni1serenityUK, and the data on the partition will not be gone after installation?02:10
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decayhow do i install my own program in linux? for example, i'd like to type "my_script" in console instead of "python my_script.py"02:10
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serenityUKdenni1, no that will set up you /etc/fstab for you.. just don't install ubuntu over the top of it lol... you said the data was on a spare partition?02:10
throvoldAnyone know how to solve the black screen problem, with beryl?02:10
Pici!effects | throvold02:11
ubotuthrovold: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects02:11
polopolohello all, what is driver update cd, you can see it on the install cd02:11
marbrunner@denni1, be suare that u dond format the partition02:11
jrib[GF] Thor^^: there's an example one in usr/share/doc/eggdrop-data/examples/eggdrop.conf.gz .  You can probably copy somewhere, modify it how you want, and then tell eggdrop where it is.  Check 'man eggdrop' to see either where it looks by default or how to pass a custom conf file (-m I believe)02:11
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JonesSerenityUK, I have an error popping up on reboot, Internal error Failed to initialize HAL, do you know what that means and how I can fix it?02:11
denni1yeah, i've got three partitions, exept the swap... one only containing what i want to save...02:11
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denni1serenityUK, thank you very much... a big help for me..02:12
jrib[GF] Thor^^: some online ones: http://www.egghelp.org/files.htm#config http://www.egginfo.org/?page=config02:12
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TheMafiahow do you make tar exclude things like /sys and /proc?02:12
jribTheMafia: --exclude02:13
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serenityUKJones are you able to reach the desktop?02:13
wangerdecay: you need to put it in a location in your PATH variable, see it but typing "echo $PATH"02:13
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TheMafiajrib, that is what I am using and it does not work02:13
polopolonobody knows what 'driver update cd' is?02:13
jribTheMafia: paste your entire command02:13
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JonesYes I can02:14
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JonesHow do I beep you as well with chat? ^^02:14
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daedraarrg this Dana IRC has system beeps everytime someone submits a message02:14
screenname92834Pici: so it don't work then02:15
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vltHello. Afer an upgrade from Edgy to Feisty the system only boots to runlevel "unknown". I have to run `telinit 3` (sic!) to run all the daemons listed in /etc/rc3.d/ -- `telinit 2` leads to "unknown", too. apt-get dist-upgrade returns "0 ..., 0 ..., 0 ..., 0 ..." so everything should be in a proper state. Any idea which pkg to fix and how?02:15
serenityUKif you type someones nick in s sentence Jones it will highlight it.. there is also TAB to autocomplete a nick02:15
decaywanger, that gave me"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games02:15
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decaywanger, so i need to put it in usr/bin?02:15
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polopolookey, I go somwhere else02:16
nalphaguys how to start beryl??? please help me, I can't find the tutorial and guide..02:16
JonesserenityUK: Ahh ok, so yes I can access the desktop, just that wireless and other networks are down when it was working perfectly on previous boot02:16
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:16
kauerdigitalspaghetti: For a jar in a classpath you need the full path and name of the jar file to be in the class path. You just have the path. However, in this case, because you have a jar file, you don't need the class path at all - just provide the full path to the jar file and all will be well. What you've got won't work because even in the best case you've added a colon to the front of the path. The path, as you are using it, is not a class path, it's just a02:16
nalphaI'm already install beryl and emerald-themes how to start it?02:16
vltnalpha: `beryl-manager`02:16
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sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: use beryl manager02:16
nalphavlt: command not found02:16
serenityUKJones, i'm looking at similar in the forums... can you look in System->Admin->Services and see if (dbus) is ticked near the bottom02:17
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nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: where is the beryl manager?02:17
wangerdecay: yeah that'd work, sorry i didn't read your question properly the first time, to make it executable you need to put a #! /usr/bin/python at the beginning of the script and make it executable with chmod02:17
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sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: system tools02:17
nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: I Just found beryl-setting-manager02:17
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serenityUKJones System Communications Bus (dbus)02:18
JonesserenityUK:  yes it is ticked02:18
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: make a shell script with this02:18
decaywanger, thanks02:18
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: beryl-manager02:18
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: beryl02:18
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: then execute it02:18
vltnalpha: /usr/bin/beryl-manager belongs to the pkg beryl-manager.02:18
kauerJeez I hate it when i compose a great long helpful message and send it only to find out the recipient has left! Grr. What a waste of my time.02:18
emeristeYou could post it and maybe those of us who are lurking will benefit.02:19
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msjonescan anyone recommend the best bluetooth adapter for ub?02:19
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: does it work02:19
lousygaruawhen using dual-monitors with a single X screen, can i set the gnome-panels to be only on one of the monitors instead of spanning on both?02:19
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sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: does it work??02:20
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nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: hm... beryl-manager command doesn't recognized, but I executed beryl, and it's running now... ? how come???02:20
=== FelixFrankeser [n=Felix@p508415D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
FelixFrankeserIs Ubuntu + Quicktime possible?02:20
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sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: that's odd cos beryl comes with beryl manager02:20
serenityUKJones are you mounting any network SMB drives in fstab?02:21
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kauerlousygarua: If you use go to the panel properties and turn off expand, I think it will only gro enough to accomodate the items on it. Otherwise it expands to span the screen.02:21
magnetronnot the quicktime software, but you can still watch quicktime videos02:21
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: and with beryl manager you can choose which window manager you want02:21
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JonesserenityUK: sorry I dont know what that means, it's just a normal laptop :P02:21
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: woop's02:21
=== ToddEDM [n=todd@S0106001310a006c0.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
lousygaruakauer: yeah i was thinking of it as a temporary solution02:21
sudo_rm_-rf_beryl manager is a seperate packager02:21
msjones<FelixFrankeser> install mplayer (sudo apt-get mplayer-nogui02:21
sudo_rm_-rf_beryl manager is a seperate package02:21
serenityUKJones it means mounting windows drives over network02:22
msjones<FelixFrankeser>this supports .mov and .3gp extensions02:22
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nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: wew, I don't know about it, but I try install beryl with sudo apt-get install beryl, now I install beryl-manager... :)02:22
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kauerlousygarua: I don't understand. It's permanent until you change it. You can change it any time.02:22
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sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: also install (sudo apt-get install beryl-manager_02:22
JonesserenityUK: I do have a windows installation on a separate partition, but other than that, no drivers over network02:23
daedrasudo_rm_-rf: your name is EVIL02:23
lousygaruakauer: well, yeah. but i don't use the dual monitor all the time and when single monitored i'd like my panel to expand :) (laptop that is)02:23
nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: oh yeah thanx alot02:23
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: apreciated02:23
nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: It's right isn't your name is annoying the others :)02:23
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vlt!quicktime | FelixFrankeser02:23
ubotuFelixFrankeser: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:23
ToddEDMhey guys.... how do i share a partition on  my network...02:23
sudo_rm_-rf_daedra: it's not evil unless you put it in a terminal02:23
TheMafiawhat are the paths that java uses?  I want to force a program to use 1.5 instead of 1.602:23
daedrasudo_rm_-rf: all you need to do is change it to sudo_rm_-rf_/* and its uber evil02:24
vlt!nbd  | ToddEDM02:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nbd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:24
vltToddEDM: nbd02:24
netcrash__Hello , I need a fast install simple wiki to work has a Diary, any ideas ?02:24
sudo_rm_-rf_daedra: not as much as dd with /dev/null02:24
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kauerlousygarua: So you want it to automatically figure out whether or not it should expand across both screens? It depends upon whether your second screen is still "there" even if not connected. Personally I think two clicks is not a high price to pay....02:24
serenityUKJones can you try opening a terminal an pasting:  sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart02:24
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kauerlousygarua: sorry, three clicks.02:24
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects02:25
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AfterDeathsudo_rm_-rf_: no, they're pretty much equally evil02:25
kauerlousygarua: argh, OK, four :-)02:25
lousygaruakauer: well, this non-expand trick doesn't work with the window-list when many windows are opened....02:25
JonesserenityUK: I'll do that now02:25
lousygaruakauer: just looking for a more elegant way to fix that :)02:25
sudo_rm_-rf_AfterDeath: only the insane and stupid use them for evil02:25
adamkAnyone know I can get Ubuntu to *not* overwrite my xorg.conf file when it first boots up and detects a different video card from last time?02:25
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humbolto I forgot my luksKeyPhrase. At least I don't remember exactly. I want to write a file with all combinations I think it could be and run luksOpen for each line. I know how to read the file line by line in bash, but my cryptsetup thing does not work, since I am testing it with a partition I still remember the passphrase of.02:25
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humboltoCan anybody help me with the proper cryptsetup command?02:25
humboltoThis is what I have and what does not work: while read line; do echo "$line" | sudo cryptsetup -d - luksOpen /dev/loop0 testcrypt ; done < asboe/phrases202:26
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: also it's recommend to install beryl-settings to be able to tweak it02:26
nalphahey anyone will stop to destroying ubuntu with sudo rm rf / ??? Heres's the support channel, not evil channel :)02:26
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nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: okey02:26
TheMafiatar cvf - / --exclude "/proc/*" --exclude "/lost+found/*" --exclude "/dev/*" --exclude "/mnt/*" --exclude "/media/*" --exclude "/sys/*" | ssh cdavis@ "gzip -c > /home/cdavis/omerta.tar.gz"02:26
JonesserenityUK: ok done, it opened my file browser02:26
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TheMafiawhy won't my tar command actually exclude those files?02:26
sudo_rm_-rf_daedra: nice sudo02:26
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kauerlousygarua: If your laptop can't tell whether the second monitor is there or not (i.e., it still expands the panel across a non-existent screen) then I don't see how you can automate it. You might be able to do something with the stored panel properties, I suppose, to at least reduce it to a single click....02:27
JonesserenityUK: if I click on the network connection icon, it says that no network devices were found02:27
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serenityUKJones now try:  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart02:27
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sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: how beryl??02:27
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lousygaruakauer: actually, my nvidia allows me to use the two monitors as two seperate x screens, but that requires x restart and i hate losing all my progs... damn linux02:28
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sungodit's nice day.........02:28
JonesserenityUK:  it reconfigured network interfaces, but nothing still frm the netwrok connection icon02:28
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nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: it's nice, but heavy in my integrated graphic processor :)02:29
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: what graphics02:29
screenname92834Pici: what's up folks?02:29
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fsckrmorning ubuntu.  Can anyone recommend a good todo application that notifies me of upcoming appts or events other than evolution?02:29
sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: i run beryl with intergrated graphics on a laptop (intel) run's great02:29
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nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: I don't know came with my asus motherboards, it's seems intel...02:30
sudo_rm_-rf_fsckr: sunbird02:30
serenityUKJones maybe click on network icon to manual setup02:30
nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: yups02:30
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JonesserenityUK: yep02:30
fsckrsudo_rm_-rf_, isn't that an email proggy?02:30
nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: sry, I means runs good, but not fast enough...02:30
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sudo_rm_-rf_nalpha: intel suplies open source drivers with 3d acceleration02:30
fsckrsudo_rm_-rf_, ill look into it02:30
sudo_rm_-rf_fsckr: it's a time management app as well02:30
fsckrsudo_rm_-rf_, ok thx my friend02:31
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sudo_rm_-rf_fsckr: there's no deb in repo's but there's a shell script in the tar gz which work's great02:31
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ToddEDMok guys , i set up a shared folder .... then when i go on my windows machine, and browse for it.. it asks a password...02:31
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nalphasudo_rm_-rf_: nice to chat with you, I must to go home now...02:32
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sudo_rm_-rf_fsckr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27820602:32
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ToddEDMits not my login username/password02:32
fsckrsudo_rm_-rf_, thx02:32
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MiravlixGreetings, anyone know if upstart init, support sysvinit's way of restarting it self to upgrade the code without a machine reboot?02:32
rickjonesi'm upgrading to feisty and i keep geting an error : W:mdadm: no arrays defined in configuration file.02:32
rickjonesis this important ?02:33
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JonesserenityUK: there is nothing in there, no connections whatsoever02:33
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ToddEDMdoes anyone know what im talking about>?02:33
serenityUKJones there seem to be other people on the forums with same problem by searching for "Failed to initialize HAL" but different solutions to fix..02:33
serenityUKJones do you know how to use synaptic?  try reinstalling dbus and HAL02:34
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JonesserenityUK: ok I will try02:34
hjmillshi - how do I compile something to install into /usr/local/bin instead of /usr/bin?02:34
Miravlixrickjones: Do you use raid? mdadm is the raid tools, so it's only important if you setup a raid.02:35
sudo_rm_-rf_hjmills: should be in the config02:35
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sudo_rm_-rf_hjmills: or make file02:35
serenityUKJones System->Admin->Synaptic then search for dbus and HAL seperately then ightclick and mark for reinstallation02:35
hjmillssudo_rm_-rf_, any way I can change it at compile time?02:35
rickjonesMiravlix : no sadly i'm not. so it's not important for anytrhing else but RAID ? ok, thanks.02:35
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JonesserenityUK: yeah it's reinstalling now02:36
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fsckrhjmills, i think there are options with /.configure look at the read me of what you are building02:36
sudo_rm_-rf_hjmills: ./configure02:36
hjmillsfsckr, thanks02:36
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hjmillssudo_rm_-rf_, thanks02:36
fsckrsudo_rm_-rf_, typo :P02:36
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rickjonesone other thing, why is the feisty upgrade take so long? would be nice to have it automated, these breaks when it asks for user imput make it a long install when you can't sit by the machine for 2 hours02:36
serenityUKJones then I guess reboot and cross fingers lol02:36
JonesserenityUK: haha02:36
fsckrsudo_rm_-rf_, im on morphine02:36
sudo_rm_-rf_hjmills: fsckr for real man02:37
fsckrsudo_rm_-rf_, yes i had surgery the other day02:37
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Miravlixrickjones: Not sure, it didn't take more than a few minutes for me, I guess the primary slowdown is in the amount that needs to be downloaded.02:37
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rickjonescould just be me then, ok cheers guys02:37
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sudo_rm_-rf_fsckr: how ya feeling02:38
ToddEDMguys, i really need some help.... when accessing  the linux server from my windows machine, it asks for a password..... its not my username/password......any i dea what it is?02:38
Miravlixrickjones: It is downloading something like 300 MB, so it will take a few for some02:38
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sudo_rm_-rf_ToddEDM: ssh?02:38
fsckrsudo_rm_-rf_, rough had like 4 inches cut out of me to get rid of skin cancer02:38
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LichnetThis happened to me once again. A friend gave me a recorded CD-RW to put in some pictures. Tried nautilus cd/dvd recorder and it gave error. Tried K3b, error too. HAD TO USE WINDOWS (ARGHHHH) to write the CD-RW02:39
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ToddEDMim just trying to access a shared partition02:39
JonesserenityUK: bugger, it didn't work, hal error still there02:39
sudo_rm_-rf_fsckr: sad to hear get well02:39
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fsckrsudo_rm_-rf_, thx appreciate it02:39
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sayanrijucan anyone confirm if Ubuntu can play ogg files out of the box, *without* installing codecs and all?02:39
sudo_rm_-rf_ToddEDM: check administration > shared folders02:39
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JonesserenityUK: would it be advisable to do another installation? Even though I would like to know how it got to this situation02:40
ToddEDMsudo_rm_-rf_:  thats where i made the share.. i will go back and check02:40
hjmillsfsckr, yeah, hope its all ok02:40
sudo_rm_-rf_sayanriju: ogg is open source so yes i guess02:40
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serenityUKJones did you do HAL as well as dbus?02:40
sudo_rm_-rf_ToddEDM: it should be there02:40
bababaZZhi there. i recently installed ubuntu on my desktop, i see the loading bar filling up, but when it should show the user login, the screen black's out, and displays it cannot display the resolution. can someone help me?02:40
fsckrhjmills, thx right now all is well just recuperating02:40
JonesserenityUK: yes I did02:40
sayanrijusudo_rm_-rf_: yes, i thnk so too...but can anyone CONFIRM this?02:40
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sudo_rm_-rf_sayanriju: it's a open standard so yes02:41
sudo_rm_-rf_but i don't wann boot a live cd02:41
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hjmillswhat would happen if I had two different programs with the same name, one in /usr/bin and the other in /usr/local/bin with them both in the path?02:41
sayanrijusudo_rm_-rf_: thnx!02:41
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sudo_rm_-rf_sayanriju: appreciated02:41
fsckrhjmills, make a separate symlink to each program02:42
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LichnetNo one ever answers me. Why Cant i record a cd-rw ?02:42
SlimeyPeteMaybe no-one knows the answer.02:43
sudo_rm_-rf_Lichnet: what's the prob?02:43
serenityUKJones well one person says it was the latest HAL updates and downgrading to previous fixed it... so it might happen again if you reinstall >_<02:43
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juliusHey all, how do i delete the programs auto started by being in /etc/init.d/02:44
juliusby delete i mean stop from autostarting02:44
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ron__Is there a program on ubuntus defult repositories for high level sound recording and editing like Adove Audition for Windows?02:45
sudo_rm_-rf_Night to all, and may the Ubuntu spirit be with you02:45
fsckrnight sudo_rm_-rf_02:45
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JonesserenityUK: ahhh shame... oh well, thanks very much for you time02:45
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serenityUKJones http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=315264102:46
IdleOneron__: #ubuntu-studio02:46
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ron__thanks idle :D02:46
serenityUKJones near the botton02:46
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ToddEDMsudo i see the share in there , but it doesnt say anyhing about setting a password02:46
kakarutuhow do i know what version of ubuntu i'm using?02:47
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IdleOnekakarutu: type lsb_release -a in terminal02:47
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armanis it possible to ask questions in pm? it is messed up in there02:48
armanmy question is about gnomeradio...02:48
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ubotupostfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto02:49
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NaitseHi, there is a way to execute a script or command at the logout of a session?02:49
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serenityUKhi User17091982 you have to register you nick to send pm on freenode to stop spam02:51
serenityUKit why most ppl in main channel02:51
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JonesserenityUK: thanks I;'m trying now02:52
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User17091982how can i register my nickname02:53
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Pici!register | User1709198202:54
ubotuUser17091982: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration02:54
User17091982my question is about gnomeradio... in mixer source there is only dig1 but i think line0 or line1 must be in there so i cannot get any sound from radio02:54
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NaitseHi, there is a way to execute a script or command at the logout of a session?02:55
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JonesserenityUK: it didn't seem to downgrade properly, I think it needed an internet connection to download to downgraded version... unfortunately with my wireless not working thats not possible02:56
MiravlixNaitse: bash_logout, for more details see man bash02:56
aantoonhello, any one knows how to tackle mouse-lag problems with neverwinter nights?02:56
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JonesserenityUK: yeah, it didnt work properly02:57
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serenityUKJones that is what he means by manual config..  you could try unticking roaming mode setting to static ip02:58
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guyvdb_When my ubuntu is authenticating using passwd is it doing this through pam?02:59
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JonesserenityUK:  I just did, it keeps reverting back to roaming03:00
geniiguyvdb_: It tries PAM methods first then if nothing in pam config file applies it falls thru back to system login method (passwd)03:01
JonesserenityUK: wait, I got it03:01
JonesserenityUK: So I do the hal downgrade again?03:01
serenityUKyes if you can ping google03:02
ootmwhat is a good way to generate load on a linux server ? ( i want to push my cpu temp up to test the heatsink )03:02
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VenkoWhere does Apache's htdocs folder end up if I install the LAMP package?03:03
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JonesserenityUK: I can't ping google, the static IP didn't work after all :S03:03
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VenkoI can't find it anywhere.03:03
ootmVenko, /var/www/03:03
serenityUKootm try compiling kernel ? that uses both cores03:03
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ootmserenityUK, tnx03:04
serenityUKJones try:    sudo ifdown wlan0;    sudo ifup wlan003:04
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=== N3bunel saluta
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xoRockneed help, i have 2 nic card connected to 2 different network, but only 1 is working (accessing file sharing) and the other is not, what should i do?03:05
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praetootm: there are load tools like cpuburn, http://pages.sbcglobal.net/redelm/ , stress http://linuxquality.sunsite.dk/articles/webapptesting/loadgenerators.html03:05
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armanis there anyone from Turkey?03:06
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Pici!tr | arman03:06
ubotuarman: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.03:06
Erythroanyone have any experience with toshiba laptops? my laptop has a little lcd on the front that in winblows would display the time and such info but in ubuntu it's always stuck on "Welcome". Are there any drivers or utils out there for something like that?03:06
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JonesserenityUK: Do I type all of that in? I typed sudo ifdown wlan0 and got "ifdown: interface wlan0 not configured"03:06
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serenityUKJones yes first bit brings down the ifup trys to reconnect wireless03:08
mazakerciao a tutti03:08
serenityUKit was two seperate commands03:08
ootmpraet, thanks!03:08
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Some_PersonMy desktop cube won't rotate on Compiz Fusion; can you help me? There is no one active in #Ubuntu-Effects.03:09
JonesserenityUK: typing the second one in gives "ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0"03:09
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xbow_hi all, where can i get libmp3lame.so ?03:09
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serenityUKSome_Person, have you setup the control panel for compiz?03:10
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Some_PersonserenityUK: Yes, CompizConfig Settings Manager03:10
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Pici!find libmp3lame.so | xbow_03:11
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ubotuxbow_: File libmp3lame.so found in liblame-dev03:11
pirrohhi there, someone is running dapper?03:11
pirrohI need your /etc/inittab03:11
m0u5ehaha oops03:11
xbow_ubotu, ok tnx03:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok tnx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:11
pirrohcause I'm trying to fix a little bug03:11
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Some_PersonserenityUK: By the way, if it matters, I'm using Xgl03:11
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xbow_!find libmp3lame.so03:12
ubotuFile libmp3lame.so found in liblame-dev03:12
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serenityUKSome_Person, once you tick 'rotate cube' you just need to   crtl-alt-mouse103:12
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Some_PersonserenityUK: I know, but its not working03:12
serenityUKSome_Person, you know there are two options? Desktop cube and rotate cube?03:12
Some_PersonserenityUK: I know03:13
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armani have a problem about radio service of my tv card (avertv studio 203) i use 7.04 /2.6 i use gnomeradio03:13
Some_PersonserenityUK: I ticked both03:13
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serenityUKdoes it wobble?03:13
Some_PersonserenityUK: Yes, when I tick it03:13
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pirrohso, noone with a dapper installation?03:14
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bohawhat means <CRLF> ?03:14
serenityUKSome_Person, what about without the mouse... crtl-alt-leftarrow?03:14
Some_PersonserenityUK: Doesn't work03:14
bohawhat key do i have to press03:14
Piciboha: carriage return, line feed.  the standard DOS newline characters03:15
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humboltowhat is the command to securely delete a file?03:15
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serenityUKshred i think03:15
Lichnetsudo_rm_-rf_, A friend gave me a already recorded cd-rw, he wanted some pictures in. So I tried to use nautilus cd/dvd recorder and it gave error. Tried k3b and error too03:15
bohaPici, so what do i write in terminal ?03:15
serenityUKshred wipes 25 times on default lol03:15
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Piciboha: Huh? Enter?03:15
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aantoonhello, any one knows how to tackle mouse-lag problems when gaming.03:16
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MrWGWis it possible to install and configure GRUB from the Ubuntu Live CD without installing Ubuntu itself?03:16
electronickhez voiture03:16
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praveen__heh is it possible to run tomcat and apache2 on the same terminal ?03:17
bohaPici, well it says send data ending with <CRLF>.<CRLF>03:17
bohabut if i pres enter, dot, enter doesnt work03:17
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Piciboha: Press enter then a dot, then enter again03:17
unicsi just successfully installed ubuntu server, how could i install kde ?03:17
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wangerMrWGW: yeah, run grub-install, see "man grub-install"03:17
MrWGWpraveen, just type & after the app03:17
MrWGWand it will run in the background03:17
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MrWGWty wanger03:17
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bohaPici, ok it works tnx to you03:18
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JonesserenityUK: I think I'll just reinstall, and not use programs like automatix03:19
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armani have a problem about radio service of my tv card (avertv studio 203) i use 7.04 /2.6 i use gnomeradio in mixer source there is no line0 or line1 instead there is dig1 and i cannot get any sound03:19
serenityUKooo automatix is naughty... if you just want codecs/realplayer installed try Mint Linux... it's Ubuntu but with codecs03:19
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electronickI use an mp3 in my car03:20
electronickoriginal isn't it?03:20
JonesserenityUK: mint linux... is that a program or another OS?03:20
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:20
meng_hi, attempting to install Ubuntu from a CD resulted in forced reboots. any ideas what could be the problem?03:21
electronickbut I understand just a little of ubuntu03:21
serenityUKit's another distro.. basically the just take ubuntu add codecs/reaplayer/flash preinstalled and change the ugly ubuntu colours lol.. you can still update from ubuntu cos it is underneath03:21
electronickI have one question there are openoffice in portuguese?03:21
electronickI guess not but just for sure03:21
unicswhich GUI uses less resources, kde or gnome ?03:22
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zythunics, xfce03:22
JonesserenityUK: I did install it using wubi though, would that have affected anything?03:22
serenityUKgnome... xfce even less though, fluxbox even less03:22
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slingintacosdoes anyone know how to use fdisk to write zero out a drive?03:23
Picielectronick: openoffice.org-l10n-pt  is the portuguese language pack for OOo03:23
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unicszyth, i meant from those two03:23
electronickI installed a Toshiba portable only with ubuntu03:23
electronickAnd I'm satisfied03:23
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aantoonany one knows how to tackle mouse-lag problems in feisty???03:24
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riaalHow do I stop an torrent in rtorrent?03:24
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scratchmeHi all.  Is there a decent wysiwyg HTML editor for simple editing that you would recommend?03:24
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serenityUKJones sorry I never tred that.. I only have windows around for games these days.03:25
serenityUKriaal, crtl-s03:25
big_bang14my ralink wireless card deteriorates after a couple of minutes use. this was the same in windows too. is there a way to fix this?03:25
serenityUKriaal, press again to remove it03:25
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JonesserenityUK: haha true, thanks anywayI'm just reinstalling now, thanks for your time, cya round03:26
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fyrestrtrscratchme: nvu or bluefish03:26
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fyrestrtrslingintacos: dd can do it.03:27
NET||abuseHey all,, i've a weird thing happening on my top panel.. the tray icons, (beryl manager/ nm-applet, gnomewallpaper) are all squashed to a single pixel03:28
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NET||abuseso i just have 3 virtical lines in my tray.. it's really odd..03:28
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scratchmefyrestrtr, for someone who's used to apps like frontpage or dreamweaver, which would you recommend?03:28
big_bang14my ralink wireless card deteriorates after a couple of minutes use. this was the same in windows too. is there a way to fix this?03:28
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unicsevaluate@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:30
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unicsReading package lists... DOne03:30
unicsBuilding dependency tree03:30
unicsReading state information... Done03:30
unicsE: couldn't find package ubuntu-desktop03:30
unicssame for kde03:30
fyrestrtrscratchme: nvu03:30
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:30
scratchmefyrestrtr, thanks, I'll check it out.03:31
Piciunics: have you done an apt-get update recently?03:31
ootmunics, apt-get update?03:31
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ootmhehe stereo03:31
unicsumm, i just installed ubuntu server like 2 minutes ago03:31
idefixfrom what country is tk the domainname?03:31
Piciunics: Try that first ;)03:31
unicswell, i don't have an internet connection yet03:31
charlie_i attempted to install madwifi to help with wireless reception but it doesnt work, now i cant get any reception at all, i just tried to install ndiswrapper but im not sure if it worked, i still cant connect, do i need to uninstall madwifi somehow? im not sure what to do03:31
fyrestrtridefix: .tk is owned by a corporation03:31
unicsand i also don't know how to configure internet03:31
unicsthat's why i wanted to install some GUI first03:32
lynucstk != turkey??03:32
Piciunics: Well, you wont be able to install anything from apt if you dont have an internet connection.03:32
serenityUKthe Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Tokelau, a territory of New Zealand located in the South Pacific03:32
fyrestrtrlynucs: no.03:32
unicsthen could anyone help me configure the internet connection please ?03:32
unicsi have a router, connected to a cable modem03:33
serenityUKgood ol wiki03:33
big_bang14my ralink wireless card deteriorates after a couple of minutes use. this was the same in windows too. is there a way to fix this?03:33
Piciunics: does ifconfig report an eth adapter?03:33
SlimeyPetebig_bang14: sounds like duff hardware.03:33
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unicsumm, what should it look like if it would ?03:33
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unicsthere are like 8 lines of output03:34
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aantoonthinking.....is there a way to use the hardware mouse in gaming instead of the cursor that comes with the game?03:34
Piciunics: Something like: eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:D0:B7:CB:94:FB03:34
unicsthere's only 'lo       Link encap:Local Loopback'03:34
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unicsthat's the first line of the output03:34
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marti149hi guys, how do you fsck a fat on ubuntu?03:35
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Piciunics: Do you use wireless?03:35
Picimarti149: fsck.vfat I believe03:35
unicsno, ethernet cable03:35
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Piciunics: do you know what kind of ethernet card you have?03:35
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unicswait, i'll look03:36
charlie_i attempted to install madwifi to help with wireless reception but it doesnt work, now i cant get any reception at all, i just tried to install ndiswrapper but im not sure if it worked, i still cant connect, do i need to uninstall madwifi somehow? im not sure what to do03:36
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big_bang14SlimeyPete: nothing can be done?03:36
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mattycozehi guys03:37
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unicson the board it says: EtherLink XL PCI03:37
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mattycozei'm having trouble trying to get my Sony Erickson phone to USB file transfer with ubuntu, tried following these instructions but got lost at udevinfo; http://www.olivierberger.com/weblog/index.php/2006/11/12/66-transfering-files-to-the-sony-ericsson-k610i-from-gnu-linux-through-usb-obex03:38
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Mclovin_Schoolgood morning everyone03:38
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unicsthen: 3C900B-TP003:38
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unicsand then: REV A03:39
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Mclovin_SchoolI am at school and all i have to say is ssh and irssi is a wonderfull thing03:39
faileasassuming they don't block port 2003:39
=== faileas needs to check if his does over next term
Mclovin_Schoolfaileas: there are remote ssh clients online java based that you can use03:39
Mclovin_Schooland i also have on server running 22 and another on port 11503:40
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Mclovin_Schooljust for backup03:40
unicsPici, i'm pretty sure it's this one: http://www.shopping.com/xPO-Generic-Memory-MODEM-LINUX-PCI-ETHERLINK-SKU-3C900B-TP003:40
mattycoze hey ppl - i'm having trouble trying to get my Sony Erickson phone to USB file transfer with ubuntu, tried following these instructions but got lost at udevinfo; http://www.olivierberger.com/weblog/index.php/2006/11/12/66-transfering-files-to-the-sony-ericsson-k610i-from-gnu-linux-through-usb-obex03:40
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workstohardcan anyone tell me the best way to check if a remote system is listing on a port besides using telent port%x03:40
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Piciunics: okay. looking.03:40
Piciworkstohard: nmap03:40
faileasMclovin_School: java based ones can't handle a blocked port.tried it ;p03:40
unicsok, thank you :)03:40
SlimeyPetebig_bang14: I doubt it. If it happens in both OSes then it's probably a hardware issue.03:41
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Mclovin_Schoolfaileas: thats how im using it right now03:41
Piciunics: What version of Ubuntu are you running?03:41
faileasMclovin_School: not a good firewall then ;p03:41
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workstohardnmap didnt work03:42
Ghismohey  guys what is the name of the chanel of ubuntu about desktop look?03:42
serenityUKworkstohard, look into nmap... it has various port scanners both stealth and legit03:42
ubotuFor help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects03:42
Mclovin_Schooldoes anyone have good tips on getting a static ip from comcast?03:42
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unicsPici: 7.04 server03:42
serenityUKsorry to slow03:42
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Mclovin_Schoolor getting a reverse dns03:42
Mclovin_Schoolthat would be nice too03:42
workstohardwell im looking for just a default tool :))03:43
faileasMclovin_School: how about dynamic dns?03:43
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workstohardnothing extra03:43
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Mclovin_Schoolfaileas: thats what im doing right now but i would love to have a static ip and a reverse dns03:43
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ostannardMclovin_School: dyndns.com will give you a domain name that is automatically updated to your IP address by software03:43
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Mclovin_Schoolostannard: i know lol but i want a reverse dns03:44
hpwho's there03:44
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isidorohi guys03:44
serenityUKworkstohard, have you tried System->Prefs->Network Tools  it has a port scan03:44
MasticoreAnyone know why I get black screen in VLC 50% of the movie? I have installed Codecs.03:44
isidoroany of you has experience with hal?03:44
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sacredheartIs it possible to make cron run like every 30 seconds without coding some sort of daemon-wrapper to the script in perl or python?03:44
workstohardthis is for my server all cli03:45
isidoroI ma getting crazy03:45
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ostannardMclovin_School: what do you need rdns for?03:45
isidorowhere can i discuss about hal for ubuntu?03:46
Mclovin_Schoolmainly so that i can be mclovin@roflsox.net03:46
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Piciunics: try doing this: `sudo modprobe 3c59x`03:46
hpwho knows why i can't receive the last word in this chatting room03:46
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unicsok, and after that ?03:46
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mattycozehey anyone know how to fix CD drive problems with ubuntu, i can't get it to read the CD"s i put in there, when i try accessing the CD drive on my laptop it comes up with; mount: special device /dev/hdb does not exist03:46
mattycozewtf does that mean?03:47
serenityUKworkstohard, try knocker it claims to be simpler scanner than nmap03:47
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ostannardMclovin_School: you need normal dns for that, and dynamic dns if the IP of your server will change03:47
Piciunics: ifconfig03:47
scratchmefyrestrtr, I grabbed KompoZer, it is based on nvu, and seems to work.  Thanks for the lead.03:47
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isidorostupid but annoing problem... an usb pen stick has ipod icon instead of normal gellow external usb disk03:47
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unicsPici: still no eth :/03:47
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dropetyhi. I have a linux box with a video output which keeps dimming (screensaver?) after not touching the keyboard for a while. Any hints on how to prevent this?03:48
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aantoonmattycoze: hdb is not your cddrive it is /media/cdrom03:48
Mclovin_Schoolostannard: no, i need a reverse dns set up on my isp side in order to make my ip provided by my isp to also point to roflsox.net03:48
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yeniklasorrDo you know a app for to be a dj on a shoutcast server (with playback support) ?03:48
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ostannarddns turns roflsox.net into the IP address of your server so that an email can be sent03:49
Mclovin_School!google shoutcast linux03:49
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Mclovin_Schoolright but for ident it reaches for ip not roflsox03:49
isidorohal says block.is_volume = true  (bool) but is wrong that's not volume but a storage03:49
mattycozeaantoon well i dunno why that would come up03:49
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aantoonmattycoze: how many partitions do you have and how many disks?03:50
ostannardrdns turns an ip address into a domain name, computers can only contact each other with ip addresses03:50
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bensodegood mornig!  Looking for an app to duplicate a CD, something like Roxio in the Windows world under Ubuntu03:51
workstohardanyother tools just to check if a service is listing and not scanning?03:51
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Piciunics: I'm not really sure.. sorry.  Maybe someone else in the channel can assist you.03:51
aantoonbensode: k3b03:51
bensodeworkstohard, have you tried "netstat -an | grep LISTEN"03:51
ostannardMclovin_School: you need to buy the domain roflsox.com and set it to point to your IP address03:51
mattycozehave only one hard drive, and a CD drive, on the HD i dunno how many partitions it's got03:51
unicsok, thank you Pici :)03:51
bensodeaantoon, anything that doesn't require the KDE base?03:51
Haza1Hello folks, Newby here. How might i go about setting the JAVA_HOME enviroment variable in Ubuntu?03:51
aantoonbensode: ok JuK03:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:51
mattycozewhen i installed Hoary Hedghog way back it did a clean install03:52
unicsso can anyone help me configure my ethernet card please ? it's this model: http://www.shopping.com/xPO-Generic-Memory-MODEM-LINUX-PCI-ETHERLINK-SKU-3C900B-TP003:52
praetbensode: in command lines: sudo umount /dev/cdrom   then  readcd dev=/dev/cdrom f=file.iso03:52
serenityUKunics try lspci is is listed at the bottom03:52
bensodeaantoon, requires kde lol03:52
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unicsserenityUK, umm, please explain that in bash commands, as i'm pretty new to linux :)03:53
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unicsjust 'lspci' in bash ?03:53
bensodeDoes the ISO process work with bootable CDs?  I'm looking to duplicate a bootable CD03:53
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aantoonmattycoze: use synaptic and install a partition program03:53
praetHaza1: echo $JAVA_HOME will tell you what is already set03:53
serenityUKunics sorry i meant open a terminal and type   lspci    it will list the pci devices detected on startup... it should say Ethernet controller near end of the list..if not it is a driver problem03:53
Mclovin_Schoolunics: sudo lspci03:53
mattycozekk anythign you had in mind aantoon03:53
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geniibensode: If you make an iso image of a bootable cd and burn one from that image the result will be a bootable cd again03:54
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bensodeGener1c, Cool thanks my Windows experiences have been the opposite of that ;)03:54
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unicsohh, i see, it says: 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: 3Com Corporation 3c900B-TP0 Etherlink XL [Cyclone]  (rev 04)03:54
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Haza1praet: when i run the echo command i get a blank line :/03:55
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Haza1echo $JAVA_HOME that is03:55
_imran_how do you remove programs in ubuntu?03:55
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SlimeyPete_imran_: the same way you install them: using add/remove programs or synaptic.03:56
praveen__hi pple03:56
praetHaza1: you can set the var in your .bashrc file like this: JAVA_HOME="PATH_TO _YOUR_JAVA_INSTALLATION"  then next line:  export JAVA_HOME03:56
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unicsserenityUK, what to do next ?03:56
serenityUKunics, try tryping      dmesg  |  grep eth0    to read any messages from the boot text03:56
genii_imran_: If you compiled it from a tarball/source then go into the home dir of that untarred source and do: make dist-clean03:56
Haza1<praet> Cheers mate i will give it a try03:57
_imran_SlimeyPete, but the program i installed is not in the synaptic list03:57
_imran_genii, i didnt compile it03:57
SlimeyPete_imran_: ah. How did you install it?03:57
unics'dmesg | grep0' doesn't return anything03:57
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mattycozeaantoon should i use swapd03:57
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wolferineis there something comparable to Microsoft's Project in linux?03:57
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unicsgrep eth0*03:57
genii_imran_: Then use the method SlimeyPete suggested03:58
aantoonmattycoze: hold on03:58
praveen__is it possible to use tomcat and apache at the same time03:58
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_imran_SlimeyPete, i downloaded a script, and copied some commands into terminal (took instructions from a site)03:58
MasticoreAnyone know why I get black screen in VLC 50% of the movie? I have installed Codecs.03:58
serenityUKunics, maybe wireless try    dmesg  |  grep wlan003:58
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unicsit's not wireless, i'm connected through a ethernet cable03:58
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wolferineMasticore, is it just that movie, or did you try others03:58
KlrSpzis there a doc on how to install .deb files?03:58
SlimeyPete_imran_: ah. Then you will have to read the README or INSTALL file which came with it. There is no standard method for uninstalling software under Linux.03:58
KlrSpzactually le tme ask, where's the doc on how to install .deb files03:59
Masticorewolferine: I did try many movies.03:59
SlimeyPete_imran_: also, check the website for the software03:59
wolferineKlrSpz, use synaptic03:59
PiciKlrSpz: sudo dpkg -i file.deb   Or just double click in gnome.03:59
wolferineMasticore, half of the movie meaning what?03:59
serenityUKunics,  try    dmesg  |  grep Ethernet03:59
KlrSpzwolferine: well i am, but i'd actually like to get more familiar with aptitude03:59
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wolferineKlrSpz, ask google :)03:59
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genii_imran_: It would help if you posted the link for the instructions you follwed03:59
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Masticorewolferine: its switching to black every 5 sec or so.03:59
unicsserenityUK, nothing, also treid lowercase03:59
wolferineMasticore, for how long?04:00
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aantoonmattycoze: i would go go for "parted" or gparted04:00
_imran_genii, here is the link http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/songbird04:00
Masticorewolferine: maby 5 sec movie and 5 secs black.04:00
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wolferineMasticore, and in other media players?04:00
Masticorewolferine: the same04:00
Piciunics: do dmegs | grep eth -i04:01
genii_imran_: OK, reading04:01
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Piciunics: dmesg rather04:01
wolferineMasticore, its your codecs04:01
Masticorewolferine: Mplayer, Totem etc04:01
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wolferineMasticore, google 'ubuntu guide'04:01
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mattycozeaantoon yeah i'll get gparted cause i'm no good with a command line04:01
Masticorewolferine: I followed ubuntuguide.org04:01
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wolferineMasticore, it will explain what codecs are needed04:01
unicsdmegs | grep eth -i doesn't reply anything either04:01
aantoonmattycoze: exelent04:01
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wolferineMasticore, maybe your videocard, is the correct driver being used, have you had any other 'graphical' issues with other applications?04:02
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wolferineis there something comparable to Microsoft's Project in linux?04:02
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mattycozeokay i've got ext 3 /dev/sda1, extended /dev/sda2, and linux-swap /dev/sda504:03
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Masticorewolferine: Nope, everything else works fine. Beryl running fine too.04:03
=== ivan_ <>
wolferineMasticore, is beryl running while your watching movies?04:03
_imran_genii, there is a command to remove songbird but it doesnt work04:03
genii_imran_: It has on the very first page there the command to uninstall that. eg: put the script for it on your dekstop, then run: cd ~/Desktop ;chmod +x ; removesongbird.sh;./removesongbird.sh04:03
Masticorewolferine: Yes, also tried to disable beryl04:04
genii_imran_: Yes, you need the sript from the link, then also to make it executable with the chmod  command as they show. You may need to execute the chmod with sudo04:04
bohahow can i get to this screen : http://www.michaellarabel.com/external/restricted-1.jpg ?04:04
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_imran_genii, forgot to dwnld the script04:04
mattycoze@ aantoon; okay i've got ext 3 /dev/sda1, extended /dev/sda2, and linux-swap /dev/sda504:05
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moo2Where can I find out what all these vim packages are for ?04:05
Masticorewolferine: Its not returning black without beryl, but the movie is laggin.04:05
jribmoo2: apt-cache show PACKAGE  should give you a description04:05
aantoonmattycoze: that means you have two partitions and a swap04:06
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mattycozeaantoon okay, that's kewl - does that affect the CD device function tho lol?04:07
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aantoonmattycoze: no, you have to mount it04:07
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serenityUKunics, the driver for your card is called 3c95x.... can you try    lsmod | grep 3c   to see if it is loaded ?04:08
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anomalyif I want to share a dir with samba to a remote computer, do I have to also install vnc or could the remote computer just map the network drive through windows using instead of //name/share ?04:08
aantoonmattycoze: hold on i am looking for a howto04:08
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Haza1praet: so i went to open in vi /home/myuser/.bashrc and added the lines: JAVA_HOME="/usr/bin/java" and on the next line export JAVA_HOME04:08
Haza1if i was to echo $JAVA_HOME should i see the result now? because i dont04:09
faileasanomaly: VNC is merely a remote control software. you don't need vnc to share files over samba04:09
Picianomaly: windows can map to an ip address just like it can map drives to a name: // for example.04:09
unicsserenityUK, 1 minute please, i just loaded another LiveCD to see if this recognizez the board, as i'm suspecting it's broken (the LAN2 LED on the router is not lit)04:09
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anomalyPici does the remote computer have to share the same workgroup?04:09
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unicsoops :/04:10
Picianomaly: not to my knowledge.04:10
wolferineMasticore, sounds like beryl is playing with you04:10
serenityUKunics, ok i get that sometimes.. try a differnt pci slot aswell or upluging power cable for 30secs04:10
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geniianomaly: If they are not in the same workgroup you may need to use the IP address initially to find it04:10
anomalyPici I had though I had set up samba right on the server to use /foo as the share. and from windos shouldn't it be ?04:10
unicsserenityUK, power cable from PC or router ?04:11
Picianomaly: Yes.04:11
serenityUKmind you that is for my onboard ethernet not pci04:11
geniianomaly: //x.x.x.x/foo04:11
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anomalyI had thought so.. hrmm.. will just have to tinker with it some more. sshd is working so I know its not a connectivity issue in general then.04:12
=== ivan_
serenityUKmy other pci ethernet only works in certain pci slots.. i hate hardware04:12
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serenityUKim a software guy04:12
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Piciivan_: ?04:13
anomalythanks for the help, Pici and genii.04:13
unicsbut the guy i got the PC from said internet worked for him04:13
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ivan_<Pici> sorry,test04:13
geniianomaly: Good luck with it04:13
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serenityUKivan_, any sentence with name in will highlight, you don't need brackets04:14
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unicsserenityUK, unplugged the cable for 30 seconds, and then booted, still the LED won't lit04:15
aantoonmattycoze: do you have a cdrom icon on your desktop?04:15
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mattycozeaantoon no, sometimes it comes up tho04:15
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mattycozehave a disk in the drive with somethign i wanted to install but mmm04:16
unicsserenityUK, and when executing 'lsmod | grep 3c' i get: 3c59x      46760   004:16
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aantoonmattycoze: if you put a cd in it, it comes up?04:16
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unicsand then: mii            6656   1  3c59x04:16
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Haza1Hmm what is the default JAVA_HOME directory in Ubuntu? =/04:16
mattycozeit reads it and comes up with an "unable to mount volume" error message, so no it's not on the desktop04:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rmvb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:16
jamesdellhello, anyone had successful try to play the *.rmvb format movie?04:17
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mattycozeaantoon; details; mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)04:17
aantoonmattycoze: dos it do that with ALL cd's you put in there?04:17
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mattycozeaantoon i'll try a music CD04:17
diskinHi all, in the output of sar -b i see bread/s and bwrtn/s columns, is there a way to see which processes contribute to that load? Thanks.04:17
unicsserenityUK, should i try another PCI slot for the ethernet card ?04:18
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serenityUKunics, ok so the driver is loaded hmmm..  and you say ifconfig is just loopback?04:18
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unicsserenityUK, yes04:18
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serenityUKivan_, you can also use TAB to autocomplete.. you don't have to type the full names04:19
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mattycozeaantoon; hmm, yeah it displays on the destop but this error message is; Couldn't display cdda:///dev/scd0, there was an error launching the application04:19
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KlrSpzok gotta logout/in for a group change, bbiaf i guess04:19
A3(sorry to interrupt, but here goes my first irc session! whoehoe)04:20
unicsserenityUK, i also have to say the other LiveCD usually recognized all types of internet connection and set them up properly, but it didn't work for this one either04:20
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serenityUKunics, yes try another slot.. the thing is it should light up before linux or windows even boots.. hardware thing not software04:20
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unicsserenityUK, ok, 1 minute04:20
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aantoonmattycoze: try some other cd's like the install ubuntu install cd, if it starts up, remove it again04:20
serenityUKunics, can you try the card in another pc?04:20
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unicswell, that would be this PC, and i'm not confortable rebooting this one :/04:21
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aantoonmattycoze: if it reads ANY other cd then it is not your cd player but something elsw04:22
aantoonmattycoze: else04:22
serenityUKunics, you can have to network cards in one pc.. you should be able to add it and see if it lights up without breakin gthe other one04:22
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mattycozeaantoon it works perfectly with the OpenOffice suite cd lol04:22
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aantoonmattycoze: that was what i thought :)04:23
mattycozelol now what can i do? the disk i was trying to install was for windows Pc's but i never thought that would matter04:23
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mattycozecd's a cd' and it's just got files on it04:23
aantoonmattycoze: do you have a mp3 on your disk? play it, just double click on it04:24
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mattycozei have tons and they all work through Xine, i accidentally removed all the original ubuntu media stuff04:25
kazim59wow... I wonder why was I using GNOME... Xfce is so great!!04:25
mattycozeaantoon, the ones that come preinstalled04:25
aantoonmattycoze: well it should not matter, you should be able to browse it :-/04:25
dandanilaprepeleguys i wanna ask u something04:25
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Pici!ask | Dougie04:25
ubotuDougie: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:25
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unicsbrb, restarting to see if ehternat card works04:25
mattycozeokay i'll try the original disk now in the CD drive04:25
SyntaX-how to create tables thru OpenOffice Impress?04:25
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aantoonmattycoze: no04:26
serenityUKkazim59, yes thunar is not bad filemanager04:26
aantoonmattycoze: hold on04:26
mattycozeaantoon kk04:26
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aantoonmattycoze: with distro do you have, dapper, feisty ?04:26
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kazim59serenityUK: why would anyone prefer gnome then? if they need lots of GUI things, use KDE... otherwise use xfce etc..04:26
mattycozeaantoon i run fiesty04:26
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dandanilaprepeleif i make a bootable mp3 usb player with some linux like dsl or anything else ... then can i use the mp3 player for playing music ?  ?04:27
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SyntaX-Hi, how to create tables with OpenOffice Impress? there seems to be no "Insert Tables" option04:27
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Pici!offtopic | dandanilaprepele04:27
ubotudandanilaprepele: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:27
ivanhoeanyone knows a software to manage pulic library?04:27
jamesdellhi kabus04:27
serenityUKkazim59, only recently has xfce had icons for the desktop.. it used to be so fast the disabled icons.. now they added do to poular demand.. also gnome gomes with lots of applications04:28
yeniklasor_Do you know a app for to be a dj on a shoutcast server (with playback support) ?04:28
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dandanilaprepeleso can anybody answer me ?04:28
dandanilaprepeleif i make a bootable mp3 usb player with some linux like dsl or anything else ... then can i use the mp3 player for playing music ?  ?04:28
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kazim59serenityUK: oh... but I just tried it for the first time04:28
=== faileas once thought about doing it with dos ;p
faileaswell windows 3.1104:28
Picidandanilaprepele: That is not an Ubuntu support question.  You're free to ask it in #ubuntu-offtopic.  Thank you :)04:29
serenityUKkazim59, if you want a bar like gnome you can tell it to fill the whole screen along the top or bottom04:29
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dandanilaprepelefaileas: did u answe me :P ?04:29
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faileasdandanilaprepele: yup04:29
kazim59serenityUK: thats what I m loving... no bars! lol04:29
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unicsserenityUK, i just switched the cables, and it seems it wasn't plugged in properly because the LED lits now04:29
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dandanilaprepelefaileas: so it wont affect the mp3 player ?04:29
faileaswhy should it?04:29
aantoonmattycoze: if you click on a mp3 dos totem movie player start?04:29
serenityUKunics, ahhh!! hardware eh?  grrrr04:29
unicsserenityUK, still 'dmesg | grep eth0' didn't reply anything04:29
dandanilaprepelefaileas: k thanks04:30
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mattycozei don't have totem, should i install it?04:30
aantoonmattycoze: dos it ask you to install stuff?04:30
serenityUKunics, what about ifconfig?04:30
unicsserenityUK, still Loopback04:30
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mattycozeaantoon nah04:30
aantoonmattycoze: how come you don't have it it come's with ubuntu. yes install it04:30
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=== faileas wonders why someone smart enough to make his own livecd not know that ;p
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mattycozelol i accidentally uninstalled it aantoon when i was having an attempt at trying to get rid of that annoying keyring manager04:31
mattycozebah still can't get rid of it04:31
mattycozeoh well04:31
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unicsserenityUK, do you have any idea on what could be wrong ?04:32
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aantoonmattycoze: oh boy i think you have to resetup ubuntu again :( is the cd problem the only problem you have, think not he04:33
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mattycozeaantoon kk installing now,04:33
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mattycozeaantoon mmm that kinda sucks04:33
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mattycozeaantoon how long till the next release of ubuntu?04:34
serenityUKunics, when you click on network icon and choose manual config does it mention wired connection?04:34
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unicsserenityUK, i'm running the 7.04 server version, i don't have a GUI04:35
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SlimeyPetenext release is in October, hopefully04:35
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mattycozewhen's the next release of ubuntu guys? Gutsy?04:35
aantoonmattycoze: there already is a next but, i would not recoment it, btw it was not feisty that gave you this problem, you just don't have the codecs installed04:35
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SlimeyPetemattycoze: october. Yes, gutsy.04:36
dxdtmattycoze: unless there are unforseen problems, the release is on a 6 month cycle so just add 6 to the decimal of teh current version 7.04, and you get 7.10 so October of 200704:36
serenityUKunics, try pasting this in terminal:   sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth004:36
mattycozeaantoon yeah i know, but i was thinking the update would fill in the gaps04:36
aantoonmattycoze: :)04:36
unicsi'm beeing asked for the assword04:36
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unicsdo i type it in serenityUK ?04:36
serenityUKunics yes you can copy and paste04:37
unicsifdown: interface eth0 not configured04:37
praetHaza1: you have to logout and log back in for that script to run04:37
tckanyone set up a preseed file before ?04:37
unicsIgnoring unknown interface eth0=eth004:37
aantoonmattycoze: best to not update but do a fresh install04:37
daitrying to learn bash ls gives files and directoties but what if I only want to return directories04:37
unicsserenityUK, it's another computer, i cannot copy/paste :/04:37
aantoonmattycoze: feisty that is04:37
unicsanyway, what does that mean ?04:38
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mattycozeaantoon well thanks anyways04:39
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mattycozegtg man04:39
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anomalytestparm comes out ok, I am ssh'd in obviously as well to edit smb.conf, yet from the windows remote computer.. still failing to connect. anyone fairly familiar with samba? :)04:39
bulmerdai you pipe it to grep like so  ls -la|grep ^d04:40
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daiok will try that04:40
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bulmerdai no single command can do everything so you make use of the other commands..by piping or redirecting..04:40
unicsserenityUK, any idea what that output means ?04:40
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daitidy but what about say just returning directories in the home folder04:41
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bulmerunics do you have an eth0 ?04:41
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kenjihow can I purge or uninstall not used packages?04:41
serenityUKunics, i expected that from down but was there nothing from ifup?04:41
ward_how can i manually set my IP adress in ubuntu?04:41
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unicsbulmer, i have an ethernat card, yes04:41
kenjihow can I purge or uninstall not used packages?04:42
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serenityUKbulmer, no his card is detected and module loaded but no eth0 in ifconfig or dmesg04:42
sparrwhow can i specify a parameter for a module that is loaded at boot time (automagically, discover?)04:42
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unicsserenityUK, no, no reply from ifup04:43
serenityUKkenji, try sudo apt-get autoremove04:43
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jerbeari've installed a few programs from source... what's the best way to get rid of them? the prefix is /usr/local04:43
anomalybasically, one machine a couple miles away needs access to the other machine so it can run a dos program for whatever reasoning. is samba the right path? vnc seems too much for this seemingly simple task.04:43
ward_how can i manually set my IP adress in ubuntu?04:43
kenjiserenityUK root@duritz:~# apt-get autoremove04:44
kenjiE: Operacin invlida: autoremove04:44
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bulmerward_  use ifconfig or edit the /etc/network/interface  file04:44
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scowbydoes anyone here know about getting sound working in VMWare?04:44
dxdtjerbear: make uninstall in the same source that you did make install in.  In the future, you should use a progame called checkinstall.  Use this instead of make install and a nice package will be made such that you can remove the programs much faster and better in the future.04:45
scowbyi've been working on this for over a week now.04:45
scowbyno understanding of /dev/dsp - why it wouldn't be accessible.04:45
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ward_bulmer, ifconfig myip ?04:45
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bulmerward_ i dont know the exact syntax at the moment, can you man ifconfig04:46
serenityUKward_, click on the network icon an choose manual.. then on wired choose properties and untick roaming04:46
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serenityUKward_, then you can choose static ip from the drop down menu04:46
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aantoonstill can use some help in mouse lag problems04:47
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serenityUKunics, try dhclient eth004:47
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jerbeardxdt: i tried checkinstall, but when i tried to install the package it looked like it was trying to install it to /usr instead of /usr/local and it failed04:48
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jerbeardxdt: if it helps, the program i'm trying to install is pidgin04:48
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unicsserenityUK, with sudo ?04:49
serenityUKsorry yes04:49
KlrSpzhmm... this aptitude isn't half bad04:49
KlrSpznot quite portage, but not bad04:49
unicsi get some errors04:49
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Haza1Im trying to get tomcat working and i have followed this tutorial step by step yet no luck04:50
unicswait' i'll write the whole message down on pastebin serenityUK04:50
ward_serenityUK, there's no manual there04:50
ward_bulmer, no problem i'm looking in the manual now (but i'm kindof bad with manuals thats why i asked the syntax)04:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:50
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Haza1anyone point me in the right direction to figure out why this might not be working? :)04:50
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ward_serenityUK, no i can't04:50
serenityUKward_, left click not right click... you could also goto System ->admin->Network04:50
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ward_serenityUK, in system -> admin -> network thats possible04:51
ward_not with the icn04:51
Pragma__Hi! Ware i can find deb packet of iscan driver!? Please? give me link!? =)04:51
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serenityUKward_, ok click on properties button for wired.. then untick roaming and choose static ip from the menu04:52
BlackAlexhow do i set these variables in ubuntu (www.psp-programming.com) in ubuntu?  it says to modify the "login script" and add those statements but I cant find it.04:52
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Pragma__Hi! Ware i can find deb packet of iscan driver!? Please? give me link!? =)04:53
marti149hi guys, how do you fsck  fat or /quit on ubuntu?04:53
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BlackAlexWhere can I find the login script for ubuntu so i can modify it?04:54
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giany911BlackAlex modify what?04:54
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bulmerward_ it will be like ifconfig eth0 192.168.x.x netmask broadcast
unicsserenityUK, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34805/04:54
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JowiBlackAlex, depends on what you are after to modify. /usr/share/xsessions is one way of doing it.04:55
BlackAlexgiany911, on psp-programming.com i am supposed to set two system variables PSPDEV and modify the PATH.  It says I should add statements to a "login scripts'.  I knew how to do this in cygwin on windows but i cant find it.04:55
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serenityUKunics, now try ifconfig04:55
giany911BlackAlex ..sorry thats way above my paycheck :)04:55
erUSULBlackAlex: in your home .bashrc or .bash_profile04:55
unicsohh, there is eth0 :)04:56
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serenityUKunics, now try ping www.google.com04:56
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Pragma__ Ware i can find deb packet of iscan driver!? Please? give me link!? =)04:56
unicsstatistics 6 packets transmitted, 6 received, it seems to work ...04:56
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serenityUKi think we need to do more to get it to work on reboot?04:57
unicsumm, like what ?04:57
serenityUKatleast it works.. i think the cable was half the problem04:57
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bulmerBlackAlex: there are some login settings set at  /etc/login.defs too04:58
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unicsanyway, back to the INITIAL problem, i still get 'E: Couldn't find package ubuntu desktop' when doing: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'04:58
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Jack_Sparrownnunics  did you apt-get update         first04:59
Piciunics: sudo apt-get update now :)04:59
armani have a core 2 duo cpu, i want to install ubuntu 64bit, i wonder if i will have any trouble about softwares or drivers?04:59
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Piciunics: Glad you got it working too :)04:59
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Piciarman: You may have difficulty with proprietary software like flash.04:59
Jowiarman, flash support04:59
unicsohh, yeah, forgot about update :)04:59
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serenityUKarman, the trouble with 64bit is java and flash... flash is easy to fix i haven't fixed java yet.. it can be done im told05:00
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serenityUKoh and quake 4 doesn't work in 64bit.. but all drivers are ok05:00
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TheMafiahow can I specify what version of java a program should use?05:01
TheMafiaI have both 1.5 and 1.6 installed and 1.6 has a printing bug that 1.5 does not05:01
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Jack_SparrowSynaptic installed Soom and quake but they do not show up in the list of games.  How do you run them?05:01
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JowiTheMafia, "sudo update-alternatives --config java" should let you chose05:02
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Jack_SparrowMake that Doom was installed...05:02
unicswow, damn, it really works, this is so cool =)05:02
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JowiJack_Sparrow, "dpkg -L packagename" will list the installed files05:03
serenityUKJack_Sparrow, try opening a Terminal and typing the name... if it works we can set up a shortcut05:03
SuperLagwhich iw* command is it that will tell you which APs are in range?05:03
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fqhIs there a leader or manager in here?05:03
staar2_hello i got problems with cd burning05:03
unicsso, will the internet auto-start on ubuntu startup or will i have to start it every time, and if yes, how can i configure it to auto-start ?05:03
Jack_SparrowWill give it a try.. thanks05:03
fqhseveas and elkbuntu ?05:03
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serenityUKunics, try reboot... if not we can set up a manual ip05:04
staar2_Which cd burning program should i use i need write a avi to cd05:04
SuperLagfqh: does it matter?05:04
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unicsserenityUK, wait, i'm just installing kubuntu-desktop, this may take a while =)05:04
fqhno matter. But I don't know05:04
Jowi!burn | staar2_05:04
ubotustaar2_: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto05:04
neverbluefqh, did you need help with something?05:04
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staar2_huhu i use gnome and i need some simple burner05:05
elkbuntufqh, what is your problem?05:05
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TheMafiaJowi, but I only want to use 1.5 for this specific program, not all of them?05:05
BlackAlexhmm that set the PSPDEV variable but it doesn't think the PATH variable is set.  How do you view variables contents in the terminal?05:05
staar2_could someone anserw ?05:05
Jowistaar2_, go to Places -> cd/dvd writer (i think it's called since i don't use gnome) then drag'n'drop the file and click on "write"05:05
aantoonare there no game-ers in the channel?05:05
fqhsure. in future. thanks05:05
DFMI need help installing Adept so that I can actually run it in Ubuntu. I don't want Kubuntu but I do want to use Adept. I can install it using Synaptic however when I run it I cannot use it to install software, only look at it.05:06
serenityUKlol ok unics np05:06
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JowiTheMafia, don't know05:06
neverblueDFM, error when attempting to install software ? (not sure why you have to have Synaptic and Adept :)05:06
xc_legendi  game05:06
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NovemberSkyI'm Waitting for CDs, :(05:07
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BlackAlexhey i edited the .bashrc file and logged out and logged back in but the toolchain says that it doesnt exist in my PATH yet05:07
=== unics will be right back
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serenityUKstaar2_, my favourite is k3b but i heara gnomebaker is a simpler one05:07
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DFMNo error during install, I just prefer Adept to Synaptic. Problem is when I run adept it tells me that I do not have permission to use it to install anything. I have to enter password to install it but then I can't use it.05:08
staar2_i used that which come by default in ubuntu05:08
staar2_and atm it works05:08
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JowiDFM, perhaps you already have synaptic open? you can not use two package managers at the same time.05:08
DFMPassword in Synaptic that is.05:08
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neverblueBlackAlex, maybe as in #linux?05:08
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praetDFM: sudo ?05:09
ddonkyis there a guide to dual boot win2k?05:09
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administrator_is there a german channel?05:09
staar2_hm which should be faster gnome or KDE ?05:09
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Pici!dualboot | ddonky05:09
ubotuddonky: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty05:09
DFMJowi: I made sure not to have synaptic running and even rebooted to make sure.05:09
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SlimeyPetestaar2_: both about the same. Gnome may be a bit quicker.05:09
neverblue!gr | administrator_05:09
ubotuadministrator_: #ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes05:09
staar2_k ty05:09
ddonkyPici - thanks05:09
Pici!de | administrator_05:09
ubotuadministrator_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:09
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perkaIs it possible to run ubuntu from a USB drive? I have a fully working installation on a HDD that I have put in a USB-box.05:09
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neverbluede is german?05:10
Picineverblue: yes.05:10
neverblueok, look an ass :)05:10
DFMpraet: When I run it from terminal with sudo I get the same thing.05:10
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neverbluethen whats gr I wonder?05:10
Jack_Sparrowperka: yes05:10
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ddonkygnome_  - youshouldn't run as root05:10
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perkaJack_Sparrow, anything in particular I need to consider?05:11
DFMIf I install Kubuntu it works just fine under either desktop. I just don't want to install K when I am trying to get used to the simplicity of Gnome.05:11
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praetDFM: try this: sudo killall kio_file    and  sudo killall adept    and try again05:11
Bartman_how can you do a ubuntu server install off the normal desktop cd?05:11
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Jack_Sparrowperka: Not really, other than having it use vesa driver for use on different systems05:11
serenityUKBartman_, there is a special server cd05:11
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Bartman_I know.. but I don't have it right now.. and was wondering if you could do it off the regular cd05:12
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Bartman_I believe I've done it with past versions 6.x..05:12
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praetBartman_: you could use the desktop edition and install server applications?05:12
perkaJack_Sparrow: So how do I start it, do i need to install grub on the computer I am running it from?05:12
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Bartman_never mind.. I'll just get the cd05:12
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administrator_wrde des nicht gehen wenn ich Truecrypt ber wine laufen lasse?05:13
aantoonany one here that installed neverwinter nights and had mouse lag?05:13
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neverblueaantoon, using wine?05:13
Jack_Sparrowperka: google linux on usb and you should find a good tutorial... sorry I dont have access to the link atm... I hate to tell people go google this or that.05:14
aantoonneverblue: no05:14
Jowiadministrator_, try in #ubuntu-de :)05:14
DFMpraet: Ok I will try when I get home from work. If I have tried running it after a fresh boot it would seem that nothing would be running like adept to begin with. Further if you have synaptic running and try to run it again or do an update it tells you that you can only have one running.05:14
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Dr_willisneverwinter nights  - has  a native linux client. :) it can be a challange to get going I rember.05:14
perkaJack_Sparrow: It is the installation from my laptop, I do now wish to reinstall or reformat or anything, it is just temporary until my computer is back from repairs.05:14
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xc_legendaantoon no i used the loki installers and it ran as a native copy05:14
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fqhIt seems that the the root's password must not be set to be same with the normal user's. in ubuntu. really ?05:14
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serenityUKfqh, no i have mine the same05:15
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St3a1tHhi guys , how can i change the charset of just one terminal so i can use BitchX in iso-8859-1 and see correct chars in some international channels ?05:15
NovemberSkyhow to talk with someone? the backround will be yellow05:15
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neverbluefqh, man sudo05:15
Jack_Sparrowperka: That site will tell you how to create a ubuntu usb ... and it works... I thought I used the install cd to create it...  HAve you considered running livecd  with a persistent usb.... it is quick to set up.05:16
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neverblueNovemberSky, please rephrase your question, or make note of the language you speak05:16
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aantoonxc_legend: no mouse lag?05:17
perkaJack_Sparrow: the live cd sounds like a plan. Can I configure the livecd to use the root filsystem (or at least home directory) from my usb drive?05:17
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atxatxMy syslog shows messages from both PHP4 and PHP5, is this normal?05:17
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Jack_Sparrowperka: yes05:17
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perkaJack_Sparrow: cool, thanks!05:17
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Jack_Sparrowperka: The base image for persistent is just over 40 megs05:18
JavidHow do I find out the full path to a program?05:18
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serenityUKJavid which program05:18
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Javidin this case, xmms, but I'll need to do it for others05:18
nathanhow do I make a link where it just runs the program instead of asking me to run or display it?05:18
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serenityUKJavid which xmms05:18
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perkaJack_Sparrow: yeah but I do not want it to use an image I want it to use the already present home directory on the usb drive05:18
Jack_Sparrowperka: If you need help .. just ask...  I made an ISO of basic persistent flash so I can stamp copy on usb for friends05:19
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serenityUKJavid, no which is a command lol... type which xmms05:19
Javidoh, ok05:19
Jack_Sparrowperka: Create persistent drive... then copy over home to the usb05:19
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neverblueatxatx, did you install both?05:19
Jack_Sparrowperka: Any changes on persistent drive are same as a hd install05:19
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serenityUKJavid, lol i can see how that looked for u05:20
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Javidyep. thanks05:20
neverblueJavid, type 'which xmms' :)05:20
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Jack_Sparrowperka: You will run into a couple issues with permissions... as the default user on persistent is "Ubuntu"05:20
JavidI got it already05:20
neverbluei know05:20
nathanhow do I make a link where it just runs the program instead of asking me to run or display it?05:20
underdog5004genii, are you free?05:20
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JavidI am saving that quote now. that was neat05:21
neverbluenathan, what program?05:21
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neverblueand its not already doing so?05:21
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Jack_Sparrowperka: Once you create PER. usb then boot to it and create user name from other system05:21
HattyFirefox is segfaulting. It was working find up until yesterday  (it would randomly hang and then X would hang) and now it just wont start at all. Any ideas or anyone have same problem?05:21
neverblueyes, is kopozer not already doing so?05:21
nathanwell what I did is I dragged the program onto the desktop but I presses alt05:22
neverblueHatty, as on irc.mozilla.org /j #firefox05:22
atxatxneverblue: Synaptic only shows php5 installed, and I don't remember installing both, but I do recall installing "php" and "php5" at separate times05:22
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nathanthat popped up a menu and i chose make link here05:22
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nathanand the link asks me to run or display05:22
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neverblueatxatx, possibly you can find answers in #php05:22
nathanit works if I choose run but it's annoying is all05:22
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neverbluenathan, so you want to add it to your menu, or to the desktop?05:23
nathanboth actaully05:23
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kazim59I've messed up my fonts directory... I copied windows fonts to some linux fonts directories.. since then a lot of apps have difficulties showing some fonts... how do I fix it??05:23
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nathanbut the one I'm talking about is the desktop one right now05:23
neverbluenathan, rigth click the menu (where no icon is) and you can add a program easily05:23
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ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer05:24
overIs there chinese?05:24
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neverblueas for the desktop, you will probably want to search down the icon for the program, then if you right click the desktop, 'create launcher', add in the program, and the icon, then it should show up on the desktop05:25
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nathanok but how do I fix the one on my desktop05:25
adnanHelp needed: Hi there dudes, I need help installing my usb wireless adapter, it runs on the atheros 5223 chipset but obviously at the moment madwifi doesn't support usb devices and I've tried using the Windows drivers with ndiswrapper but to no avail. I would greatly appreciate any help. Thanks05:25
neverbluenathan, as for how to start the program, you should just type in 'kompozer' or get the results from 'which kompozer'05:25
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neverbluenathan, delete it, if you want05:25
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neverblue!wireless | adnan05:26
ubotuadnan: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:26
neverblue!ch | over05:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:26
nathanI want one on my desktop that when I double click it, the program runs without asking me if I want to run it, how do I do that?05:26
serenityUKover, try #ubuntu-cn05:26
adnanneverblue, thanks05:26
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neverbluenathan, read above, please05:26
serenityUK!cn | over05:26
ubotuover: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk05:26
atxatxanother log-related question: my user.log and syslog show gconfd starting/stopping frequently, also seeing "failed to send buffer", is all this normal05:27
nathanyou said to delete it or add to menu bar05:27
neverbluethanks serenityUK :/05:27
neverbluenathan, please read what I wrote05:27
nathanthis irssi isn't scrolling up for some reason so plz say again =/05:27
serenityUKneverblue, i cheated and retrieved a channel list lol05:27
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neverbluenathan, it will be in your logs05:27
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nathanok how can I check that05:27
Javidkuake + irssi = huzzah05:28
neverblueim sure you can figure that out05:28
Jowinathan, you should be able to just right click on the desktop and select Create Launcher.05:28
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nathanyeah that works! I wonder why making a shortcut/link doesn't work but that does05:29
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JavidHow do I rig a command, as root, to run as a normal user?05:29
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adnanneverblue, that link would be handy only problems is when i do lspci my usb wireless device isn't listed at all05:30
kauerneverblue: "gr" is Greek. Did you figure out that cron/user prob? As far as I'm concerned it "works for me", so I'd be interested in how you fixed yours...05:30
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SlimeyPeteJavid: su -c <command> <user>05:30
SlimeyPeteI think05:30
neverblueadnan, not good then05:30
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Dougieisn't there an app that makes deb or ubuntu packages out of source?05:30
neverbluekauer, no, I never did, spent too much time on it05:30
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adnanneverblue, but when i go to hardware information it lists the device as AR5523 usb device I think i just need to find a way to wake it up05:31
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neverblueadnan, I cannot be of assistance, the link is all I can supply for you05:31
adnanneverblue, ok thanks05:31
JowiDougie, checkinstall is one way05:31
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Jowi!checkinstall | Dougie05:31
ubotuDougie: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!05:31
atxatxneverblue, how do i check my crontab for those entries05:32
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matthew_i am using ubuntu ultimate edition and for some reason a lot of the text in my browser is white on white background, which is hard to see, anyone know how to change that05:32
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kauerThat's a worry: "(01:32:20) ubuntu left the room." :-)05:32
neverblueatxatx, excuse?05:32
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kaueratxatx: Don't talk to neverblue about crontab entries, he may go postal on us! :-)05:33
serenityUKmatthew_, do you mean web pages or the menus?05:33
atxatxneverblue, sorry i was saying earlier i had entries in my syslog for php4 and php5, both of those are CRON entries05:33
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Javidsu -c doesn't do it, it just gives me an error about symlinks05:33
matthew_web pages in my firefox browser, like gmail05:34
crasher5matthew Edit - Preferences - Content - Colors - Text05:34
SlimeyPeteJavid: can you not just su <username> and run it manually?05:34
crasher5is that set to black? :)05:34
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serenityUKmatthew_, goto menu edit-->preferences...  then content tab... there is a colors button... untick system colours and pick your own?05:35
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Javidno I can;t05:35
Javidwell.. maybe05:35
Javidlemme see05:35
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Jack_Sparrowmatthew_: You have options in firefox to fix that05:35
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neverblueatxatx, kauer warned you :)05:36
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baastrupHi, im trying to setup a mailserver, but should I use amavis-new or amavis-ng?????05:36
matthew_cool i got it now thanks05:36
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jessonguys what is the command in terminal to install or download wine??05:36
kbrosnanmatthew_: inside the browser window or in the browser menus?05:36
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neverblueatxatx, did you ask about your situation in #php?05:36
Picijesson: sudo apt-get install wine05:36
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atxatxyeah those guys are weird05:36
atxatxthey speak in code05:36
neverbluejesson, sudo aptitude install wine :)05:36
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spectiveOk. I'm having a problem in that certain system daemons such as slapd and notably dhcp3d run extremely slow when they start up. i.e. the start-up messages are printed a line at a time every 10 seconds. Using strace, they seem to be pausing on the "send" syscall. Any ideas? Please?05:36
matthew_inside the broser i said use web pages default colors05:36
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nathanhow do I read the log file in irssi?05:37
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neverblueatxatx, they are use to ppl not reading before entering the channel, they try and 'weird' those ppl out :)05:37
neverbluenathan, maybe try google?05:37
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Dougiehmm. ok well i get an error doing that =/05:38
Picinathan: 11:25 <neverblue> nathan, as for how to start the program, you should just type in 'kompozer' or get the results from 'which kompozer'05:38
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jessoni downloaded wine but its on my desktop how do i install it if its in my destop already??05:38
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Picinathan: /lastlog nathan 3005:38
unicshow can i make programs autostart at startup ? (like kde for example)05:38
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neverbluePici, spoonfeeder :P05:38
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pringletrouble installing nvidia drivers....when i run nvidia-xconfig  x wont start05:38
nathanyou guys are so sweet =] 05:38
atxatxneverblue, they asked me 'does your design document call for both php4 and php5' and so on, clearly they are on another level05:38
Picijesson: Why don't you want to install it from the repos?05:38
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wangercd /usr/src/05:38
neverblueatxatx, I have -voice in the channel :)05:39
wangerha, sorry05:39
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kauerjavid: The symlinks problem is unlikely to be a problem with su itself. Can you give us more info? The solution (su) suggested by SlimeyPete is good...05:39
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jessoni got used to windows where u just 2x clic it anyway im downloading it again from the termnal05:39
DougieJowi, I built the package with checkinstall and then it gives an error something about broken pipe? Let me pastebin it05:39
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Picineverblue: I'm not going to make a user jump through hoops just to get a logfile when you could have just repeated it.05:39
neverbluepringle, using any documentation for setting that up?05:39
atxatxneverblue, i don't follow, sorry newb here05:39
fireglow26[SUST] hi05:39
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neverbluePici, I dont like to repeat :)05:39
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JowiDougie, ok. not sure i can help but i can have a look05:39
serenityUKJavid, if you want to just issue one command you need quotes like....   su username -c 'some command here'05:39
neverblueatxatx, means I cannot speak in the channel05:39
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fireglow26[SUST] could i use a ubuntu desktop machine in order to use it sometimes as a server ?05:40
nathannow people don't have to repeat for me since I can read the logfile! And I tried in #irssi but no one answered05:40
Picijesson: Its much better to install it from the repositories. That way if theres an upgrade, it gets updated automatically.05:40
Picifireglow26[SUST] : Sure.05:40
pringlei was using beryl....I've uninstall it and I wanted to try Compiz...so im following instruction from the Compiz page05:40
neverbluegood job nathan :)05:40
nathanthanks again I'm off to work!05:40
Javidroot@sporkwieldingferret:/# su bacon -c 'xmms'05:40
JavidUnable to create symbolic link: File exists05:40
DougieJowi, ok....it seems to have worked the second time strange...05:40
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fireglow26[SUST] cause i need a x-screen cause i am noob05:40
pringlemabye its because previously i was using envy?05:40
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=== Javid thinks jesson will have many pains getting used to linux
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MrMistHey guys05:41
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MrMistI'm having big problems installing the server version of Feisty. The installation stops at 85%05:41
MrMistAny ideas why ?05:41
kauerjavid: OK - the error message is telling you exactly what the problem is. Something in that command is trying to set a symlink, but the link it wants to create alreay exists. Often caused by reversing the parsm to "ln -s"....05:41
atxatxneverblue, you mean php channel right? anyway i just want to make sure php isn't killing my system resources, there are 10 instances of php-cgi in my system monitor05:41
WaxyFreshi need a link to a netboot floppy for xuuntu,please?05:41
JowiDougie, the only prob I've found so far with Checkinstall is that the version numbers may need to be modified in order for a install to succeed :)05:41
jessonyah its hard but i bought about linux already05:41
jessona book*05:41
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fireglow26[SUST] some howto how to use ubuntu like a webserver ?05:42
Javidjust running xmms sets a symlink? x.x05:42
neverblueatxatx, you can see my posts in here (yes, the #php)05:42
neverbluefireglow26[SUST] , google 'ubuntu guide'05:42
sipiorMrMist: any hint of what it was doing at that point?05:42
fireglow26[SUST] thx05:42
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kauerjavid: what is "bacon"? Is that a username?05:42
neverbluefireglow26[SUST] , also, look at LAMP05:42
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DougieJowi, one sec05:42
MrMistsipior: It says: installed php5-mysql05:42
pringlecan some1 pls help me installing nvidia drivers05:43
jessonwhat better run webserver using the ubuntu server edition or run server under ubuntu destop??05:43
pringlei cant start x05:43
gordonjcpjesson: depends what you're trying to do05:43
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sipiorMrMist: is there a "details" tab you can open up on screen?05:43
DougieJowi, here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34809/05:43
gordonjcpjesson: if you want a "local" webserver for development, desktop is fine05:43
jessoni want to run a webserver and mail server05:43
gordonjcpjesson: if you want a server, install the server version05:43
pringlenvidia-xconfig wont do the trick eather....error loading nvidia module05:43
unicsis SSH server installed by default on ubuntu server 7.04 ?05:43
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Picijesson: Do you also want to use it as a desktop computer?05:43
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre05:44
Picijesson: Then ubuntu-desktop is better05:44
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/05:44
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serenityUKpringle does it say API mismatch?05:44
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pringleerror loading nvidia module i think05:44
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:44
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JowiDougie, you need to ./configure and make as normal before running checkinstall.05:45
jessonpici do i monitor and run my server using the terminal ?05:45
serenityUKpringle so you installed from nvidia web site?05:45
w1relessm0nkeyunics, no the server needs to be installed... sudo apt-get install openssh-server05:45
DougieJowi, oh ok05:45
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MrMistsipior: Ah... luckily the setup program dumps messages to another terminal05:45
WaxyFreshi need a link to a netboot floppy for xuuntu,please?05:45
pringleand when i run nvidia-xconfig x wint start05:45
Picijesson: You can do whatever you want.05:45
unicsthank you w1relessm0nkey05:45
MrMistsipior: Seems the installation program tries to resulv norwegian servers, however they seem down05:45
kauerjavid: I wnder if "xmms" is actually a script. Do "which xmms" and then check the file it returns...05:45
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serenityUKpringle i think it is because you had old ubuntu drivers still on they need to be removed before you install from nv website05:46
jessonpicci the dowloadng is done wat command do i run next?05:46
pringlemodprobe --show-depends nvidia05:46
w1relessm0nkeypringle, nvidia-xconfig has never worked for me, it's easier to install the drivers manually.05:46
pringleinsmod /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/i2c/i2c-core.ko05:46
pringleinstall /sbin/lrm-video nvidia05:46
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre05:46
sipiorMrMist: yes, a large part of Surfnet is down atm, that may be your trouble05:46
JowiDougie, so if you normally do "./configure --prefix=/usr" + "make" + "sudo make install" you now do "./configure --prefix=/usr" + "make" + "sudo checkinstall"05:46
pringlecan u tell me how to do that05:46
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jesson(Reading database ... 93184 files and directories currently installed.)05:46
jessonUnpacking wine (from .../wine_0.9.33-0ubuntu1_i386.deb) ...05:46
jessonSetting up wine (0.9.33-0ubuntu1)05:46
RickJonesi give up05:46
MrMistsipior: Any way I can get the setup program to use other servers?05:46
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RickJonesnothing wants to install java for me on feisty05:46
kauerjavid: And what does "less /usr/bin/xmms" tell you - it it a binary?05:47
serenityUKpringle type   sudo apt-get remove nvidia*      then reinstall nvidia package like   sudo sh NVIDIAxxx.run05:47
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SlimeyPeteRickJones: you enaled universe/multiverse and told synaptic toinstall the sun-java6 packages?05:47
Javidit's a binary05:47
sipiorMrMist: you might try selecting a different location at the beginning, as i assume they choose servers based upon that information. play around, see what you can find.05:47
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MrMistsipior: I get an error from security.ubuntu.com05:47
unicsps x05:48
pringleworking.......a sec05:48
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w1relessm0nkeypringle, download the appropriate driver from the nvidia website, save it to your home folder.  hit ctrl+alt+backspace to get to commandline. run sudo sh NVidiadrivername.sh05:48
kauerjavid: Then check the profiles on bacon's account, maybe something odd is going on in .bashrc or similar.05:48
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serenityUKwell im using the 8800 drivers maybe old one are different05:48
w1relessm0nkeyanswer the appropriate questions, and you should be set.05:48
sipiorMrMist: might want to wait a bit, till the network craziness dies down05:48
unicsok, how can i start openssh-server after installing ?05:48
jessonhow do i know if i have the wine installed already??05:48
Javidyou have it05:48
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w1relessm0nkeyunics, after installing it should start up automatically.05:48
DougieJowi, ok this is not working...i installed netpbm using the checkinstall and it says its successful but then the app i'm trying to install that uses it as a dependancy says its not there05:48
MrMistsipior: Ehm... I've allready formatted the drive05:48
unicswhat's de default listening port ?05:48
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Javidyou should just be able to doubleclick on windows executables now05:49
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w1relessm0nkeyunics 2205:49
kauerunics: do "ps ax | grep sshd", you'll probably find it's already running.05:49
kauerunics: 2205:49
sipiorMrMist: don't worry, it'll stay formatted :)05:49
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unicsok, thank you :)05:49
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w1relessm0nkeyno problem, good luck05:49
MrMistsipior: ehm... but I want to use the PC05:49
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JowiDougie, netpbm is already available05:49
ShinkaiDCC CHAT C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\05:49
Jowi!info netpbm05:49
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ubotunetpbm: Graphics conversion tools. In component main, is optional. Version 2:10.0-11 (feisty), package size 1165 kB, installed size 4108 kB05:49
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KlrSpzso can you not assign a SUPER + <key> in gnome!?!?! it's automatically assigning Super L05:49
kaueruics: and if all else fails, "/etc/init.d/sshd [stop | start | restart | ...] 05:49
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Javid!info yakuake05:49
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ubotuyakuake: a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.5-4ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 73 kB, installed size 512 kB05:49
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w1relessm0nkeylove the yakuake!05:50
sipiorMrMist: well, you can boot from the live CD, or just try selecting another server set05:50
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Javidhell yeah, that's the first thing I install05:50
unicsand how can i start kde after installing ?05:50
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JowiDougie, maybe the app you want to use need a different version of it. check the README or webpage or manual of the app you try to install.05:50
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kauerjavid: status on the symlinks prob?05:50
Piciunics: Did you install kubuntu-desktop?05:50
DougieJowi, is it the libnetpbm?05:50
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unicsPici, yes05:51
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Piciunics: then: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start05:51
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Javidwell, the last thing you said exceeded the limits of my linux knowledge, so I'm basically stuck floundering05:51
JowiDougie, i don't know what you are looking for so I can't help further than this.05:51
unicsPici, is there a way to auto-start this when ubuntu starts up or does it already ?05:51
DougieJowi, its ok... there was an update for netpbm so i'm going to see if that helps05:51
Piciunics: It does it by default.05:52
JowiDougie, "apt-cache search netpbm" will list some packages you might or might not need.05:52
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unicsok, thank you05:52
Curs0rso I got this python script from someone to reload my cube images, the problem is, unless the filenames change it won't refresh. What can I do about that?05:52
DougieJowi, yeah i did that05:52
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kauerjavid: Maybe it would help if you told us why you want to start an X program as a different user (or are you the user "bacon" on this system?).05:52
JavidI am bacon05:52
vinicrihi everybody05:52
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:52
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PiciCurs0r: Might want to ask that in #python05:53
vinicrii'm trying to install build-essential through apt-get and i get the error message E: Couldn't find package build-essencial05:53
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Curs0rPici, actually I meant to ask in #compiz-fusion-dev ;)05:53
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vinicrii'cant compile C source code with gcc05:53
Picivinicri: Thats because its build-essential05:53
jessonwhy cant i extract zip file on my filesystem or hardrive?? all my extracted files are only allowed on destop help please05:53
vinicrii't missing the hearder files05:54
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Javidkauer,  OK. I'm using TPB to catch hardware button inputs, and the config file gives me one line for the command to run. Ihave to sudo tpb for it to catch the inputs right, and I don't want everything running as root05:54
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vinicrithx. what a shame.. sorry05:54
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Javid!info tpb05:54
ubotutpb: program to use the IBM ThinkPad(tm) special keys. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6.4-2.2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 54 kB, installed size 264 kB (Only available for i386)05:54
kauerjavid: Then why do you want to (as root) runn xmms as you? It seems a bit bass-ackward...05:54
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wolfsonghi hopefully this will be an easy question...i modified xorg.conf to add another resolution but once i restart gnome i still don't see the option in the list of available resolutions...tried rebooting but that didn't work...any ideas?05:54
kauerjavid: Sorry, crossed line. wait05:54
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jessonwhy cant i extract zip file on my filesystem or hardrive?? all my extracted files are only allowed on destop help please05:55
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wangerjesson: that questions all kinds of confusing, is your desktop not part of your filesystem or harddrive?05:55
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jessonno i mean i cant extract them on bin usr folder05:55
Picijesson: Where are you trying to extract the file?05:55
jessonor any other folder05:55
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Dr_willisjesson,  clarify that a bit.05:55
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serenityUKjesson, only root can do that05:55
=== Javid thinks letting jesson near sudo will end badly
Dr_willisjesson,  writing to those dirs. needs root priviliges.05:55
jessonhow do i get root?05:55
Picijesson: 1) You can only do that with sudo 2) Why would you want to do that, that sounds bad.05:55
Dr_willisoops wrong nick. :) sorry05:56
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GigaClonjesson you should be able to extract in your home directory05:56
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Dr_willistime to learn some linux basics.05:56
wangerserenityUK : ah nice catch =)05:56
Pici!sudo | jesson05:56
jessonhow do i make my own folder then on my hardrve?05:56
ubotujesson: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:56
Picijesson: You have your own folder in /home05:56
fyrestrtrjesson: mkdir ~/somedir05:56
jessonlet me look dont leave05:56
vinicrii'm trying to install postfix and it requests the 'db'. Where do i find it?05:57
serenityUKjesson, the folder in home with your name is like MyDocuments all your user files go in there05:57
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Jowijesson, your /home/username (and possibly /tmp) is the only folder you can write to by default without having higher privileges.05:58
jessoni C, now i have the downloaded exe program on my home folder under that i made a folder named bot how do i run the program inside the bot folder using wine??05:58
ObeLisK_12183Heey @ aLL05:58
unicsany idea why i can't connect through SSH to my machine ?05:58
crasher5jesson sudo nautilus05:58
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ObeLisK_12183help me please xD   www.pennergame.de/ref.php?uid=1218305:58
fyrestrtrjesson: wine ~/bot/nameofile.exe05:58
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jessonlet me try05:58
tomawObeLisK_12183: please don't spam that url here.05:59
lukeAnyone know how to fix java under feisty to allow Azureus, Frostwire and Limewire to work.05:59
tomawObeLisK_12183: It's against both the game policy and freenode policy :)05:59
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MrMistsipior: I'm trying to connect to a swedish server now05:59
Pici!postfix | vinicri have you read these06:00
ubotuvinicri have you read these: postfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto06:00
ObeLisK_12183tomaw oKay :))06:00
jribluke: did you install sun-java6-jre?06:00
imranfHi, I've recently installed ubuntu fiesty fawn.. and tried desktop effects but I think my system doesn't support them06:00
imranf<imranf> now the desktop becomes white .. and I am stucked.. ! :(06:00
imranf<imranf> how to disable the "desktop effects thing" from gnome-console?06:00
jribluke: did you make sun your default java?06:00
unicsso, i'm connecting to the internet through a router which is connected to a cable modem, i have 2 machines connected to this router and one of them is running ubuntu with openssh-server but i can't connect through putty to that machine, any idea why ?06:00
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lukejava broke when i did a kernel update from ubuntu.06:01
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jribluke: you need to expand on "broke"06:01
lukehow do I make java my default06:01
jrib!multijava > luke (see the private message from ubotu)06:01
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RonWhat's the key combination to open a new instance of the terminal in an installation without X installed? I forget...06:02
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serenityUKunics, can you ping the server from the other machine?06:02
lukeOk, java worked perfectly and all my java based apps worked great. But after the kernel update it stop working06:02
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wangerRon: alt+F1/2/3/4/5/6 what you're after?06:02
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RonWanger: That's it. Thanks. :D06:03
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vinicrii would be stupid trying to install it with the sources. i thinking i'm getting a quite apt-getholic..06:03
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RonWanger: Much appreciated.06:03
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jribluke: what happens when you type 'frostwire' in a terminal?  Paste the output on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:03
imranfHi, I've recently installed ubuntu fiesty fawn.. and tried desktop effects but I think my system doesn't support them now the desktop becomes white .. and I am stucked.. ! :(06:03
imranfHow to disable the "desktop effects thing" from gnome-console?06:03
Picivinicri: always give in to peer pressure06:03
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wolfsonghow do i reload xorg.conf after making changes?06:03
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jribwolfsong: restart X (ctrl-alt-backspace)06:04
serenityUKwolfsong, crtl-alt-backspace06:04
serenityUKdamn too slow06:04
unicswell, serenityUK, actually the IP is the same for both machines, so i could aswell be pinging the same machine :/06:04
serenityUKunics, something is wrong they can't have same ip06:04
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unicsserenityUK, well, they do06:04
wolfsongwouldn't a reboot also load the changes?06:04
lukeJava reports a memory dump fault and Frostwire closes.06:04
jribwolfsong: yes, but that's overkill06:04
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unicsi got to www.whatismyip.com, and both machines seem to have the same IP06:04
Piciunics: Yes. Thats normal.06:05
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jribluke: pastebin the entire output06:05
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wolfsongi added another screen resolution but i don't see it listed06:05
serenityUKwolfsong, crtl-alt-backspace just reloads X  reboot shutsdown whole machine and restart06:05
kauerjavid: Can't really help you more without massive investment of time in tpb :-(06:05
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serenityUKwolfsong, it's quicker06:05
Piciunics: ifconfig on your ubuntu computer and then putty into the address that shows up there.06:05
wolfsongeither way i still don't see the option i added06:05
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zaferhey guys i have question regarding GRUB06:06
lukeOk will do.06:06
zafermy stupid friend06:06
zaferinstalled windows06:06
unicsPici, which one 'that shows there'06:06
zaferthen installed ubuntu06:06
jrib!enter | zafer06:06
ubotuzafer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:06
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serenityUKunics, something like
zaferbut forgot to install grub...i guess he said no when the option was given  to install it during the ubuntu installation06:06
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Piciunics: unics There should be an entry that has something like:  inet addr: 192.x06:06
Javidthat bot just has an answer for everything doesn't it06:06
wolfsongi added 1280x1024 but the highest screen res i can select is still 1024x76806:07
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zaferis there anyway to install GRUB ?06:07
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jrib!grub > zafer (see the private message from ubotu)06:07
Pici!grub | zafer06:07
ubotuzafer: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:07
Picijrib: arg, sorry06:07
SkryptHow can I create an SSH Tunnel in Ubuntu 7.04? (My only experience is with Putty.exe)06:07
unicsinet addr:192.1682.101   Bcast:   Mask:
dvs01i have a zombie (rhythmbox) whose parent is init.. how do i kill this undead process? its preventing me from starting new instances of rhythmbox06:07
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unicsso, which one ? :)06:07
serenityUKgotta be quick off the draw here lol06:07
pringle:( i cant make the nvidia drivers to work06:07
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KlrSpzdon't kill init06:07
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KlrSpzyou'll hose your session06:07
sparrw[how]  can i calibrate my wacom tablet?06:08
dvs01that i know06:08
Picidvs01: kill -9 `pidof rhythmbox`06:08
imranfsomebody, how to disable "desktop effects" from terminal?06:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:08
dvs01pici: kill -9 wont kill the zombie06:08
unicsserenityUK, but that would be only from my other machine, right ?06:08
dvs01i tried06:08
Picidvs01: hmmm06:08
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jribluke: I have to go, but just repeat your issue and include the link to pastebin when you are ready06:08
M_42Does anyone here know how to force a LCD to turn its blacklight off?06:08
unicsi mean, i could't connect from another machine (not inside this network) to that IP, right ?06:08
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serenityUKunics, yes in putty connect to like dialing a telephone umber06:08
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serenityUKunics, no all the 192.168.*  addresses are private hidden behind your router from the internet06:09
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unicsserenityUK, ok, how could i connect from another machine, outside my router network to that machine ?06:10
jessonomg this is so hard how do i move my exe program to the c:\program files in wine?? the ryt side part of wine06:10
_SomebodyHello. I have a problem with Gnome Nautilus: it crashes when I try to open any directory. I use Ubuntu 7.0.4 and this is a nautilus-debug-log.txt file: http://pastebin.com/d78ab76fd Can you help me to solv it?06:10
Piciunics: You could use your router to forward all ssh requests to one of your computers inside your network.06:10
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serenityUKunics, you need to do port forwarding on the router06:10
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alesanis there a program to set the numeric keypad in cursor mode without pressing on the num_lock key?06:10
jessonomg this is so hard how do i move my exe program to the c:\program files in wine?? the ryt side part of wine06:10
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serenityUKunics, does the router have the internet on one side built in modem?06:10
sudobashim having a problem with cups-gutenprint... I can install the ppd driver for my specific cannon IP3000 and it will install to the /dev/lp0... the only thing is when i try to print the print que gets filled but says the job has been stopped.... am i missing some usb driver or something?06:11
M_42Does anyone here know how to force a LCD to turn its blacklight off?06:11
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Picijesson: ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/06:11
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jessonpici yah but the program i want to run is the home/bot06:12
jessoni thin i can run it if i can put it in the program files06:12
kauerM_42: A screwdriver. Place the point under the LCD and lever until it all goes black. Or if it is running under X and understands DPMS you could use "xset -display :0.0 dpms force off"06:12
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Picijesson: Have you tried running it off your desktop?06:13
jessonyah didnt work06:13
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M_42kauer, thanks  what file do I need to put that command in?06:13
Picijesson: by doing wine program.exe?06:14
MrMistm reboote her n06:14
praet_Somebody: try reintalling nautilus-cd-burner06:14
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sudobashim having a problem with cups-gutenprint... I can install the ppd driver for my specific cannon IP3000 and it will install to the /dev/lp0... the only thing is when i try to print the print que gets filled but says the job has been stopped.... am i missing some usb driver or something?06:14
=== tanaka [n=tanaka20@xdsl-81-173-153-34.netcologne.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"]
kauerM_42: It depends - when and how do you want to turn the LCD off?06:14
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recondoes anybody know offhand how to generate a GPG revocation certificate?06:14
jessonyah i did that on terminal 206:14
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M_42kauer,  I want it to go to a bank screen after the computer is inactive06:15
jesson wine ~/bot/eternalchat.exe06:15
BerylliumHi; I have an LG DVD-RW drive that I'm trying to use to install Ubuntu 7.04 on an MSI P35Neo/Core 2 Quad system. The boot menu works, but it won't boot the OS - says no filesystem is found, and dumps me to BusyBox.06:15
LiberCogitoI have Cedega installed, how do I set it up so that all users have access to the way its configured under the main user's login?06:15
BerylliumSo, how can I get my drive to show up so the install can proceed?06:15
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Picijesson: so move it to the folder I suggsted, you can use ctrl-h in nautilus to show hidden files and folders like .wine06:16
jessonmove it where?06:16
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Beryllium(It's an ATA/IDE DVD-RW drive)06:16
sudobashis there anything special i must do to get a usb printer to work with gutenprint?06:16
kauerM_42: Use the screensaver function - System->Preferences->Screensaver and select the screensaver theme "Blank screen". Way simpler.06:16
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serenityUKBeryllium, is that an IDE drive?06:17
PiciM_42: You can do that from the power managment off of the preferencces menu06:17
bruenigsudobash, um define special, the vast majority of printers are usb06:17
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lukeAny knows how to fix broken java under feisty, one example is that when I run Azureus I get errors and it closes here is the link to see the error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34811/06:17
M_42kauer, yes it is set to do that, but the backlight stays on and it is just a black screen06:17
BerylliumserenityUK: Yes it is.06:17
LiberCogitoI have Cedega installed, how do I set it up so that all users have access to the way its configured under the main user's login?06:17
=== dropety [i=dropety@s5592d5ad.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
BerylliumIDE DVD drive, SATA hard drive, and the CD won't let me get into the GUI to install ubuntu06:17
serenityUKBeryllium, i have a p35 platinum... you need to add a special kernel boot parameter write this down...06:17
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kauerM_42: What bruenig said...06:17
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praet_Somebody: try reinstalling nautilus-cd-burner06:17
Berylliumoooh :) *takes notes* :)06:17
serenityUKBeryllium, generic.all_generic_ide=106:18
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kauer'night all.06:18
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_Somebodypraet, not helped. I installed this package and restarted X server06:18
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serenityUKBeryllium, so press f6 to edit kernel options  then add generic.all_generic_ide=106:18
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_Somebodypraet, problem still occurs06:18
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praet_Somebody: same error?06:18
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cyrenityhi all06:18
VletSetting a binary as u+s means that anyone who runs it is actually running it sudo the binaries owner, right?06:18
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serenityUKBeryllium, you will need to add this to grub after install ... if it works I will tell you how06:19
BerylliumI used "F6" to add that to the boot parameters, and it said unknown option ignoring ...06:19
=== loran [n=loran@ANantes-258-1-70-103.w90-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
cyrenityam getting this error when i restart dhcp06:19
cyrenity No subnet declaration for eth1:1 (
cyrenity<cyrenity> ** Ignoring requests on eth1:1.  If this is not what06:19
cyrenity<cyrenity>    you wan06:19
cyrenityany idea06:19
serenityUKBeryllium, wait...06:19
JeevesMosscan someone help me figure out some (I'm guessing it's going to be a stupid problem) networking issues06:19
Berylliumbut that might be a follow-through warning06:19
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M_42kauer, sorry I missed what bruenig said.   What was it?06:19
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serenityUKBeryllium, it says that but you still need it... when it says reading files needed to boot you are ok06:19
Vletcyrenity: So set a subnet... subnet maybe?06:19
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_Somebodypraet, no. I'll post new error file in 2 minute06:19
Berylliumk, thanks06:19
keitohow do i customize icon themes06:19
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mweichertI've added an entry to the /etc/crontab file, but the command isn't executed - how should I debug?06:20
Pici!themes > keito (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)06:20
Pici!changethemes > keito (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)06:20
JeevesMossvlet:  are you any good with troubble shooting conection issues?06:20
gaston_anyone knows how to intall te scanner from a epson printer06:20
cyrenityno its not done06:20
serenityUKBeryllium, I hope it works for you took me weeks to figure out06:20
LiberCogitoAnyone know how to make the configuration for a specific application accessible by all users? (I'm using cedega on Ubuntu 7.04, and its wanting me to install the game all over again on another user profile)06:20
cyrenityi am running dhcp on virtual interface06:20
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VletJeevesMoss: I dunoh - what's your problem?06:20
keitoPici: i've installed osx icon sets and others but I want to make my own06:20
cyrenitywith ip netmask
Berylliumheheh, and now the XServer won't work. Joy :)06:20
BerylliumserenityUK: Yes, it got me further into the install. Thank you :)06:21
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serenityUKBeryllium, choose safe graphics mode and add the option06:21
Picikeito: Beyond my knowledge set, sorry.06:21
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_Somebodypraet, http://pastebin.com/d277bf3a406:21
JeevesMossvlet: I can connect to the box from another system internal to the network, but I can't connect via SSH externally (and yes, I have port mapping, and the unit in the DMZ)06:21
Vletcyrenity: So you do have a subnet defined, but dhcpd is complaining about not having one?06:21
keitoPici: I'm guessing you can just overwrite the current set 80)06:21
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BerylliumserenityUK: ooh, good call. Thanks.06:21
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Picikeito: I think you can, but if you want to package it for others to use, thats not really ideal.06:22
cyrenitywhere i define06:22
cyrenityi change /etc/default/dhcp-server too06:22
cyrenityto listen dhcp on eth1:106:22
VletJeevesMoss: Do you have firestarter installed? Perhaps your firewall is blocking all non-local traffic to sshd?06:22
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu
cyrenitybut still dhcp complaining06:22
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JeevesMossvlet:  and if I try to ping, I'm getting a "icmp_seq=10 Destination host unreachable".  I'm thinking that it's a DNS error, but I don't know how to fix it.  I don't have a firewall on this system.  it's being taken care of by the router06:22
VletJeevesMoss: Well, it sounds like it must be your router06:23
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serenityUKBeryllium, you need to add   generic.all_generic_ide=1   to grub to happen every time you boot..  come back and i will tell you how06:23
JeevesMossvlet:  hummm, and I can't get apache to start06:23
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Vletcyrenity: do you have a subnet definition in /etc/network/interfaces06:24
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cyrenitysee my dhcp file06:24
grendal_primehey got someone here that needs a native windows partion on there pefectly working ubuntu box. they have the partion set up but he is worried about it hosing (we are sure of this) the mbr and putting the ntldr on it.  Isnt there a tool for restoreing or reinstalling grub onto the mbr after doing this?06:24
Berylliumthanks very much, serenityUK :) I really appreciate it06:24
rsaHallo i need some help to compile something... and i dont know how to do that :(06:24
cyrenityi wont do that06:24
BerylliumI'm goign to go update some posts I made on ubuntuforums to include that tip06:24
JeevesMossvelt:  the unit is actully sitting in the DMZ as well06:24
fyrestrtr!grub > grendal_prime06:24
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VenkoIs there a guide to the Desktop Effects or similar? I can't find any information on them other than how to enable them. There's more in them than I originally thought as I managed to zoom out and show my programs side-by-side a few minutes ago - I haven't a clue how I did that.06:24
cyrenityam just trying it did eth1:1 netmask
imranf how to disable "desktop effects" from terminal?06:24
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serenityUKimranf, try sudo apt-get remove compiz06:25
sudobashyou all help people with rediculous problems and questions every time i ask a good question no one says a thing06:25
amonkeyi installed apache2 & php5 on feisty, apache works fine but when i try to use a php file in the browser apache sends me a phtml file. what do i do?06:25
fyrestrtrimranf: edit xorg.conf -- and disable the composite extension06:26
=== bao [n=bao@cpe-74-73-17-239.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rsai got this output when i tried to compile something.. can anyone help me? http://pastebin.com/m139c67c ?06:26
MrObvioussudobash: Maybe you're asking the wrong question? lol06:26
cyrenityshould i do add in interfaces file and restart my networking06:26
imranfthanks for advice u two.. I'll restart and try that.06:26
MrObvioussudobash: What's your question?06:27
sudobashmaybe you all just dont know anything except answers to stupid questions06:27
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sudobashim having a problem with cups-gutenprint... I can install the ppd driver for my specific cannon IP3000 and it will install to the /dev/lp0... the only thing is when i try to print the print que gets filled but says the job has been stopped.... am i missing some usb driver or something?06:27
Vletsudobash: You asked if there was anything special you had to do. That's not a very specific question06:27
sudobashthe printer shows up and says ready06:27
Pici!attitude | sudobash06:27
ubotusudobash: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:27
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MrObviousHmm I'm not a printing person.06:27
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ma3xHI, i have just installed ubuntu server 6.06 and it did not recognize my Ethernet Adapter how can i install it? Where can i find drivers from?06:27
sudobashi help ppl here all the time06:28
sudobashbut its hard to get help06:28
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serenityUKsudobash, have you searched ubuntuforums.org  ?06:28
kingstonbI've currently got a problem when i log into my desktop, i can't run any programs06:28
cyrenityno use velt06:28
unicshow to create a new account from terminal ?06:28
cyrenityany idea what to do06:28
sudobashlooked everywhere06:28
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fyrestrtrma3x: find out what kind of network card you have.06:28
Vletcyrenity: no, sorry06:29
cyrenityhow i make dhcp listen on eth1:106:29
_Somebodyproblem with Gnome Nautilus (ubuntu feisty fawn 7.0.4): it crashes when I try to open any directory. This is a nautilus-debug-log.txt file: http://pastebin.com/d277bf3a4 Can you help me to solv it?06:29
Piciunics: adduser06:29
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unicsPici, thank you06:29
Piciunics: man adduser for syntax06:29
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rsai got this output when i tried to compile something.. can anyone help me? http://pastebin.com/m139c67c ?06:29
M_42kauer,   do you know is it possible to make ubuntu stop sending any signal to my monitor,  it will power off on its own if it has no signal06:29
dxdtHow can I make the ubuntu ssh default stop timing out so soon?  Like if I leave an sshed terminal open to it, it kills the connection fairly quickly :(06:29
Vletma3x: try searching for your card model # and ubuntu on google or ubuntuforums?06:29
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Pici!b-e | rsa06:29
ubotursa: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:29
kingstonbit just displays it on the task bar06:29
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kingstonbbut doesnt load anything06:29
ma3xIBM 10/100 . But on my previous Fedora 7 it worked with Intel 10/100 Express driver.06:30
kingstonbanybody got any ideas?06:30
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erUSULrsa: install build-essential06:30
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rajiv_nairhello all:)06:30
bittinHi rajiv_nair06:30
unicsif i typed 'man adduser' how can i get out of the manpages ?06:30
MrObvious!hi | rajiv_nair06:30
uboturajiv_nair: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:30
unicsctrl+c doesn't work06:30
MrObviousunics: Try escape06:31
=== eracc [n=eracc@72-4-41-2.365-2.jaxnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
sudobashis .ttp similar to .ppd?06:31
Vletma3x: Do you know the exact model of the card?06:31
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serenityUKunics, q06:31
MrObviousOh q. Right.06:31
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unicsohh, ok :)06:31
rsaerUSUL: thanks06:31
sudobashgutenprint uses .ppd driver file... looks like turbo print is using .ttp06:31
serenityUKit;s based on vi06:31
serenityUKsame as less06:31
wolfsongany idea how to change the screen resolution once xorg.conf is updated?06:32
MrObviousNote to self: If you idle in this channel then make sure you are on Ubuntu so you can actually play with it instead of guessing from Winblows at work. :(06:32
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serenityUKwolfsong, which graphics card do you have?06:32
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rsaerUSUL: what will build-essential do?\06:32
wolfsongGeForce 440006:32
serenityUKrsa, it installs the basic c compiler and libraries and headers06:33
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rsaserenityUK: ok thanks06:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ttp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:33
greenmanspirithello, does anyone know if there is a flash plugin for firefox that works on the 64 bit linux?06:33
sudobashdoes anyone know what a .ttp file is?06:33
=== Saenger [n=saenger@dyndsl-091-096-043-224.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
serenityUKwolfsong, if you use the nvidia drivers fromthe website there is a special control panel..  try typing:   sudo nvidia-settings06:33
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MrObviousgreenmanspirit: If you just download the 32 bit, put the flash file itself into the plugin directory of the 64 bit firefox, it should work just fine.06:33
DougieEverytime I'm playing music from my NTFS drive with xmms and then try and open the drive to browse the files it freezes my computer. Anyone know whats going on here or how to fix it?06:34
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serenityUKwolfsong, you must  press the button to save the changes to xorg.conf06:34
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Berylliumsudobash: heh, dunno if this will help, but: http://filext.com/file-extension/TTP06:34
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ma3xIBM 10/100 Ether JET PCI Management Adapter06:34
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greenmanspiritMrObvious: thanks, now I just need to remember where the plugin directory is06:34
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serenityUKwelcome nick06:34
=== Chivite [n=fchivite@107.Red-80-36-174.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
wolfsongserenityUK:  command not found06:34
vltHello. I want to replace iptables's "-j MASQUERADE" which I used before on my dialup connections with "-j SNAT --to-source <my ip addr>". Is this enough or do I need an additional rule for the answer packages to find their way to the NAT client?06:34
abhi_is there any babytrans-dictionary debian package available for ubuntu. I can't find it in synaptic or google.06:35
MrObviousgreenmanspirit: cd / && sudo find | grep firefox06:35
sudobashwow yeah that makes since... Atari TOS Executable With Parameters06:35
sudobashubuntu printer drivers for atari06:35
sipiorvlt: i believe the SNAT takes care of that06:35
MrObviousgreenmanspirit: Or you can do what rajiv_nair posted.06:35
MrObviousgreenmanspirit: lol06:35
brueniggreenmanspirit, /usr/lib/firefox/plugins06:35
vltsipior: Thank you.06:35
rajiv_nairgreenmanspirit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins ;)06:36
serenityUKwolfsong, try enabling the restricted 3d drivers..  I am using the ones from nvidia website not ubuntu.06:36
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MrObviousI'm on Winblows so I can't look this stuff up.06:36
rajiv_nairfreemanspirit: Currently there is NO Adobe Flash implementation available for 64-bit processors. However, two options exist:06:36
rajiv_nair    *06:36
rajiv_nair      You can easily install a 32-bit version of Firefox and Flash without a chroot, see AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins for more information.06:36
wolfsongserenityUK:  how do i do that?06:36
rajiv_nairthat was pasetd from ubuntu community site06:36
wolfsongdo i just add the repository and then install?06:36
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:36
MrObviouswolfsong: ^^^06:36
keitoanyone know how to make an icon pack for ubuntu (or where to go to find out)06:37
=== Nightwalker- [n=omena@a88-114-35-26.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
wolfsongMrObvious: thanks06:37
serenityUKwolfsong, try System->Admin->Restricted drivers... and tick enable.. you may need to reboot06:37
ubotuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)06:37
MrObviouswolfsong: YW.06:37
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MrObviousserenityUK: I thought you said tickle enable. lol06:37
MrObviousI had to look at it twice. I need a Monster energy drink.06:38
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Shrimpy_keito: art.gnome.org has a lot of icon packs and also has a how to guide06:38
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benn92647is there a way to configure evolution to open my netscape.net e mail?06:38
MrObviousbenn92647: If it has pop3 then yes.06:39
benn92647mrobviuos: how wouldi find that out?06:39
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MrObviousbenn92647: Look in the netscape help files.06:39
rajiv_nairbenn93647: check ur netscape.net account settings i gues06:39
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MrObviousWhoops X-Chat crashed. :\06:40
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greenmanspiritthats kind of a pain that you have to install the 32 bit firefox in order to set up flash06:41
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serenityUKkin winblows lol06:41
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=== MOTZ [n=riefler@83-215-155-58.hage.dyn.salzburg-online.at] has joined #ubuntu
ma3xwhat is the Ubuntu Server "default" root pass? when i installed it, it did not asked me to set 106:41
MrObviousgreenmanspirit: At least you can get flash.06:41
ma3xand now i cant log in as root06:41
keitoShrimpy_: ty06:41
rajiv_nairgreenmanspirit: or you cld try other free software alternatives06:41
=== SeveredCross [n=bojan@c-24-60-139-195.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
serenityUKgreenmanspirit, there is no 64bit flash for windows either!!!! windows user just use a 32 firefox lol06:41
MOTZgerman hely anyone?06:41
MrObviousma3x: Are you using sudo?06:41
rajiv_nairgreenmanspirit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash06:42
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unicschecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables06:42
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:42
Geek_!de | MOTZ06:42
ubotuMOTZ: please see above06:42
=== rrecio [n=rrecio@c951ddea.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
MrObvious!hello | newbeeeee06:42
Geek_oops ;_06:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:42
unicswhat does that mean ?06:42
MrObvious!hi | newbeeeee06:42
ubotunewbeeeee: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:42
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onatswhat's the command to see all the open ports on my machine?06:42
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MOTZok ich lese06:42
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serenityUKunics, sudo apt-get install build-essential06:43
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newbeeeeei have some problem with a Ubuntu 7.04. i can't convince him to make my microphon to do his job06:43
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rajiv_naironats: i think netstat will show u that :-?06:43
MrObviousma3x: Sorry. "sudo" uses your account password. For example I log in with password (edited). To use sudo I use the password (edited).06:43
MOTZalready read ubuntu wiki06:43
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unicsserenityUK, thank you, and sorry if i'm annoying but i'm new to this :)06:43
newbeeeeesorry for my english with english i'm newbeeee to:)06:43
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grendal_primethaks fyrestrtr06:44
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scipiogreenmanspirit: see this http://blog.nixternal.com/2007.08.16/flash-and-64-bit-systems/06:44
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serenityUKunics, that's why we're here.. and why ubuntu is the greatest lol!06:44
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MrObviousnewbeeeee: Your question is very vague.06:44
scipiogreenmanspirit: no need for 32 bit firefox06:44
MOTZhave problem to run  extensa acer 5210 with wlan06:44
onatsso next, how do i open up ports?06:44
MrObviousMOTZ: What is the wi-fi adapter?06:44
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MrObviousonats: On your router?06:45
newbeeeeei have the system instaled. it works. the only thing what does not work it is my microphon06:45
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onatsmrobvious, no, on my ubuntu machine, am working in a lan06:45
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onatsport 5060 seems to be closed.. cant connect to my asterisk server06:45
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MOTZerm broadcom 431106:45
big_bang14my ralink card seems to be dropping in speed at about every 45 min (havent checked time) this is odd because in windows it seemed to start dropping as soon as a connection was made. usualy when i restart the computer its ok, but not alway. i can figure out what the problem is.06:45
MrObviousonats: Then your network administrator has a port blocked.06:45
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx06:45
newbeeeeei made a test under w... and there i can usit without any problem06:45
knoopxhi all06:45
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MOTZoh thx06:45
newbeeeeehi knoopx06:46
onatsmrobvious, i'm the network administator.. hehe its a home network06:46
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rajiv_naironats: to simple listen on a port "nc -l -p <port no.>" should do the trick06:46
serenityUKflash in 64bit is easy peasy there is a script to install nspluginwrapper for you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47692406:46
MrObviousonats: Then log into your router and forward the port 5... (whatever it was)06:46
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onatsmrobvious, but i'm working within the LAN06:46
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onatsso i dont think there needs to be port forwarding right?06:46
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MrObviousonats: Hmm guess not then.06:46
tripitakaI've got a 64bit centrino laptop here. Should I install the 32bit or 64bit ubuntu for full package goodness?06:46
erUSULrsa: build-essential is a meta-package that installs many programs needed tu build software from source like gcc; make; dev libs; linkers etc06:46
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sidHow can I see the device ID for my built-in camera on my laptop. It's built-in to the LCD06:47
dxdtAnyone here installed the webalizer with Ubuntu?  Can the whole world see these stats by default?  Can that be changed?06:47
ostannardonats: what is the actual error message that you get?06:47
rajiv_nairtripitaka: 32bit ubuntu means lesser headaches i guess06:47
scipiotripitaka: i'd say 32bit06:47
MrObvioustripitaka: You can install both and see which one works for you. Fourtinately flash is possible on 64 bit Ubuntu.06:47
serenityUKtripitaka, you only really need 64bit to use more than 3gb ram06:47
MrObvioustripitaka: They're both free.06:47
rocketsAnybody know how to invoked the useradd/userdel etc scripts you set up in samba via smb.conf06:47
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BlueDevilcan anyone help me build a package for the latest nvidia driver? i have a custom built kernel06:47
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serenityUKtripitaka, i have 8gb so i need 64bit06:47
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onatsostannard, failed to create a udp socket (SIP) on port 5060 - address already in use06:47
greenmanspiritwhich if further along gnash or swf-player?06:47
rajiv_nair8GB RAM :O06:47
tripitakathat's three and a half votes for 32 bit, half a vote for 64. Motion carried.06:47
sidrockets: #samba06:47
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serenityUKtripitaka, if i had 2 i would choose 3206:47
onatsbut checking nmap, only ipp port is open06:48
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sidgreenmanspirit: gnash06:48
sk0tHow can I change the menu button in GNOME? from the Ubuntu symbol to something else ?06:48
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sidgreenmanspirit: by a long shot06:48
serenityUKyes it new coputer from june06:48
erUSULBlueDevil: just run the NVIDIA***.run with sudo06:48
greenmanspiritsid: thanks06:48
ostannardonats: is that when you try to start the server?06:48
rajiv_nairsk0t: open gconf editor06:48
big_bang14my ralink card seems to be dropping in speed at about every 45 min (havent checked time) this is odd because in windows it seemed to start dropping as soon as a connection was made. usualy when i restart the computer its ok, but not alway. i can figure out what the problem is.06:48
sk0trajiv_nair, ok then what?06:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about builddeb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:48
onatsostannard, its when i try to connect my softphone to the server...06:48
BlueDevilerUSUL: will that build and install a package?06:48
rajiv_nairsk0t: luk for apps/panels/object_0(or 1)06:48
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MrObviousBlueDevil: No that installs the NVidia drivers.06:48
MOTZroadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01)06:48
MOTZDell Wireless 1390 card?06:48
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sk0trajiv_nair, thanks I will try that.06:48
MOTZis it that?06:48
rajiv_naircheck "use custom icon"......and set the path for custon icon in "custon_icon_path"06:49
MOTZits a acer06:49
benn92647mrobvious: can I configure evelotion to open up free e mail? I cant find any information on the pop3 addrress of the free netscape.net e mail address i have06:49
erUSULBlueDevil: it will build the kernel module and install the xserver driver etc06:49
MrObviousMOTZ: Sounds like a wi-fi card to me.06:49
BlueDevilMrObvious: how can i uninstall them if i need to?06:49
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gaston_hello i try to install the sacaner from a epson cx490006:49
MrObviousbenn92647: Probably not.06:49
gaston_and i follo the guide from this web http://www.tuquito.org.ar/foros/viewtopic.php?p=6417&sid=b207c659064e4709c040f6a127a0445d06:49
knoopxdoes twinview split what you see in both monitors?06:49
erUSULBlueDevil: yu have to stop X06:49
MOTZmust be that only have one in notebook06:49
gaston_and i cant starrt the  scanner06:49
MrObviousBlueDevil: Just edit xorg.conf to change the driver from nvidia to nv.06:49
unicshow to run synaptic, or will i have to install it first ?06:49
gaston_anyone knows another way from run the sacanner06:49
MrObviousMOTZ: Do you know the chipset?06:49
MOTZthin the 431106:50
sk0trajiv_nair, should I find the one that says Main Menu?06:50
MrObviousMOTZ: Try the following:06:50
MOTZread that there are probs06:50
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx06:50
rajiv_nairsk0t:dont think so06:50
MrObviousMOTZ: I have a 4318 and I use fwcutter and it works great.06:50
big_bang14my ralink card seems to be dropping in speed at about every 45 min (havent checked time) this is odd because in windows it seemed to start dropping as soon as a connection was made. usualy when i restart the computer its ok, but not alway. i can figure out what the problem is.06:50
ostannardonats: pastebin the output of netstat -a06:50
MrObviousMOTZ: I posted it already.06:50
MOTZalready tried06:51
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sidHow can I see the device ID for my built-in camera on my laptop. It's built-in to the LCD06:51
MrObviousbig_bang14: Wi-fi?06:51
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rajiv_nairsk0t:Under apps > panels > objects > object_X, where X is the number of the "object" that is type "menu-object", check 'use_custom_icon' on the right and give a path to the icon under 'custom_icon'06:51
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rajiv_nairsk0t:thats it i guess06:51
MOTZthen he copied 1 file errors are normal as i read06:51
onatsostannard, nestat -a | grep 5060 yields no lines...06:51
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sk0trajiv_nair, thanks, I will find it now that I know where to look.06:51
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rajiv_nairsk0t: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Vista-Panel?content=60077 ;)06:52
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big_bang14MrObvious: yes06:52
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frojndhello there06:53
rajiv_nair!hi | frojnd06:53
frojndHow can I connect my head ears with bluetooth USB ? The device allready accpeted pin codce. But where do I actually start bluetooth ?06:53
ubotufrojnd: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:53
MrObviousbig_bang14: Odd. I'm not sure. Maybe someone would have an idea. Sorry :(.06:53
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big_bang14my ralink card seems to be dropping in speed at about every 45 min (havent checked time) this is odd because in windows it seemed to start dropping as soon as a connection was made. usualy when i restart the computer its ok, but not alway. i can figure out what the problem is.06:54
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rajiv_nairi gotta go.....gudbye every1 :)06:55
sk0trajiv_nair, thanks, that worked perfectly.06:55
rausb0big_bang14: what type of wireless encryption do you use?06:55
rajiv_nairsk0t: never a problem :)06:55
unicswhat libraries to install to get TCL functionality ?06:56
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serenityUKbye raj06:56
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wolfsongserenityUK: what was the control panel command you mentioned?06:57
MOTZBroadcom 4311"06:57
MOTZon iwconfig he said broadcom 431106:57
serenityUKsudo nvidia-settings06:57
wolfsongserenityUK: thanks06:58
rausb0big_bang14: maybe the AP is too far away from the card?06:58
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Jowibig_bang14, could be the router/AP. try a different channel.06:58
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serenityUKwelcome gv06:59
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gvsa123what application can i use to format disks like floppies and usb's?06:59
Jowibig_bang14, "different channel" as in a different channel on the AP/router. not a different IRC channel :)06:59
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big_bang14 Jowi: i know what you mean, i tried and it made no differnce07:00
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wolfsongserenityUK: i don't see the resolution i want...how do i add it?07:00
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gvsa123and is there something that integrates well with gnome so there are right click options to format a disk or something? is there?07:01
MOTZhe alwasy said interface doenstg support scanning07:01
ma3xgosh i am soooo dissapointed of all linux versions... anyway, thanks for the help guys07:01
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BerylliumserenityUK: It looks like I won't need to add that line to grub to boot the system, only to get the DVD drive working ... so I can do that later. :) But the system has an NX8400GS GeForce PCIe card. Any idea how to get that working in Xorg?07:01
recongvsa123: for just simple formatting, gparted works bretty well.;07:01
electronickLINUX RULX07:01
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electronickmas edit scand07:02
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MOTZit works07:02
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Jowibig_bang14, normally a drop in connection or a slowdown is due to interferences. Try a few channels without encryption. if that does not help call the AP/router manufacturer. it might be hot, need a FW upgrade, be broken or all of the above... It could also be wireless phones that uses the same channels.07:03
MOTZhe is scanning07:03
gvsa123recon: oh that's it already? no other that provides something like quick options when you right click on the disk?07:03
serenityUKBeryllium, as that is a new card I would download the driver from nvidia web site... i have 8800 and I prefer the latest drivers to the ubuntu package07:03
BerylliumOh, I found some walkthroughs. I should beo kay for the video card ...07:03
Berylliumoh? okay. Thanks :)07:03
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serenityUKBeryllium, yes if you have SATA you will be ok that boot ooption is just for IDE drives.. don't loos it though07:03
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Badpenguin86Anyone here play doom3 on linux?07:04
idefixso never can windows software be installed on a ubuntu machine not even without wine :|(07:04
electronickcan a portable be allways on?07:04
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recongvsa123: on media, you could hit places>Computer, right click on the drive, and there should be a format option.07:04
UbuntuN00B_HBGCould anyone help me troubleshoot my ATI-drivers... everything seems to be in place, and xorg.conf is correct... but running fglrxinfo still says im running mesa...!07:04
gvsa123recon: i saw one in synaptics, but it was for made for kde and i checked the website, it says it hasn't fixed the formatting of usb's yet...07:04
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recongvsa123: it should just work by itself.07:04
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recongvsa123: what do you need to format, a flash drive?07:05
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gvsa123recon: yep07:05
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gvsa123recon: you meant /media07:05
recongvsa123: you might want to try this script: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30272407:06
wolfsong serenityUK: i don't see the resolution i want...how do i add it?07:06
benn92647does fiesty fawn have like a last good configuration option?07:06
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BerylliumserenityUK: np. I added it to the work wiki :)07:07
gvsa123recon: can't find the format option though07:07
serenityUKwolfsong, eh?  when i click on resolution menu it show everything from 320x240 to 1680x105007:07
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DrakeJusticeanyone have a link related to kde4 development?07:07
serenityUKBeryllium, do you want tips for nvidia website install?07:07
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wolfsongserenityUK: the highest resolution i have is 1280x800 and i want 1280x102407:07
serenityUKBeryllium, are you 32bit or 64bit?07:08
_ergo_what is better to use ? using apt-get (or synaptic) , or rather compiling from source ?07:08
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Berylliumthe CPU is 64bit, but I don't know how to check if the kernel is running in that mode07:08
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ward__how can i open port 80? it shows up filtered when i test it from within my LAN on another PC07:08
serenityUKapt-get because it update when new version are out, and easier to uninstall07:08
giany911synaptic _ergo_ :)07:08
PiciBeryllium: `uname -a` see if its AMD64 or not07:08
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serenityUKBeryllium,  uname -r07:08
benn92647ergo: depends on what your trying to do, each has its purpose07:08
Berylliumit's a Core 2 Quad07:08
PriceChildBeryllium, well did you install using the 64bit cd?07:08
solid_liqhave the sources for breezy updates changed at some point?07:08
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bruenigsolid_liq, breezy is end of life, there will be no more updates, it is dead07:09
PriceChildsolid_liq, breezy has reached end of life and is no longer supported07:09
Berylliumsays it's running generic. No idea, doubt it.07:09
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solid_liqI thought breezy was 5 year support?07:09
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solid_liqor wait07:09
PriceChildsolid_liq, that's dapper (3 year desktop, 5 year server)07:09
bruenigsolid_liq, you are thinking dapper, and dapper is 3 year support on the desktop 5 on servers iirc07:09
solid_liqthat's 6.0407:09
serenityUK_ergo_,  apt-get because it updates when new versions are out, and is easier to uninstall07:09
Jowisolid_liq, dapper is long term07:09
PriceChildsolid_liq, 6.0607:09
_ergo_benn92647, im learning , ill be prramming a bit (pgsql, php), having fun , some games, general use, im new to *nix systems in general07:09
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.07:09
recongvsa123: do you really need to have a right-click option? that link should give you the instructions to add a right-click option.07:09
solid_liqbruenig: so how can I upgrade breezy server to dapper server?07:09
JKtheCJerhey everyone, how do you reinstall a module (using apt-get)?07:09
bruenig!upgrading | solid_liq07:10
ubotusolid_liq: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:10
JKtheCJeri tried to patch rtl8187 and screwed it up07:10
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solid_liqbruenig: so just the normal switch to dapper from breezy in sources?07:10
electronickthx for the .gif07:10
bruenigsolid_liq, ubotu told you07:10
benn92647ergo: for that look at compiling from source..there's alot of thing out there now to make it alot easier..search first in synaptic for anything related to compile or c++ and start there07:11
solid_liqbruenig: I've done it plenty, I just wanted to make sure this wouldn't be any diff. because of breezy being end of life07:11
giany911g++ comes preinstalled and it can compile .cpp's07:11
JKtheCJerhow do you reinstall a module using apt-get, etc...?07:11
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PriceChildJKtheCJer, "module"? And what are you "really" trying to do?07:12
serenityUKBeryllium, sorry uname -a and at end on right it will say i386 or x86_6407:12
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JKtheCJerPriceChild: yes, "module" as in "device driver", im "really" trying to fix an unsuccessfully patched module07:12
MetaMorfoziShi all07:12
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giany911JKTheCJer why do you use Synaptic ? it's much easier07:13
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MetaMorfoziShow can i determine that i can use sata 2.0 hdd on my motherboard?07:13
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gvsa123recon: it would be much easier if we had something integrated to nautilus or something... or maybe that's a hangover from windows... lol... i'll just go get gparted though...07:13
=== Tribes [n=Tribes@pD9E85D17.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildJKtheCJer, use packages.ubuntu.com to find which package the file is in07:13
PiciMetaMorfoziS: ask in ##hardware07:13
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PriceChildJKtheCJer, then use sudo apt-get install --reinstall <packagename>07:13
JKtheCJerPriceChild: k, thank you07:13
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Berylliumsaid i686. Heh.07:14
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BerylliumI have to find a few network cables to get it online, just a sec07:14
serenityUKok 32bit07:14
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serenityUKstep 1:  download the driver from here about 14mb..  http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/100.14.11/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run07:14
unicschecking for Tcl library... found /usr/lib/libtcl8.3.so.107:14
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benn92647metamorfozis: might just check your motherborads website and look up your specs there..if you have sata pots then chances are you can, might just need a bios update07:15
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unicschecking for Tcl header... {not found}07:15
unicswhat should i install ? :/07:15
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serenityUKBeryllium, oh you haven't done your first lot of update yet lol.. that will take a few minutes about 50+ updates07:16
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unicsi installed tcl8.3 and 8.4 via synaptics, but it doesn't seem to work ...07:16
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BerylliumTechnically speaking, I shouldn't be getting the video card working; I have a set of pre-made scripts I need to run on the box to convert it into a thin client server ...07:16
=== Phrozen_One [n=Username@pool-72-73-104-199.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Piciunics: you probably need the tcl -dev package(s)07:16
FFForever2does anyone know a nice color pallet program for linux that i can say pick green and move it up and down to control the color contrast?07:16
Berylliumso maybe I should just do that work-related stuff instead :)07:16
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Phrozen_Onehas there been any recent updates that have broken sound?07:17
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serenityUKok.. its not hard... just install  build-essential first to setup the compiler07:17
PiciPhrozen_One: Are you running Gutsy?07:17
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DougieWhats a better alternative to Amarok? I can't seem to get it working with FLAC correctly and seeing as 90% of my collection is FLAC it's just not going to work.07:17
Phrozen_OnePici, Feisty07:17
PiciDougie: Exaile is a GTK alternative to Amarok.07:17
sipiorDougie: you having problems with seeking in a flac file?07:18
fyrestrtrDougie: exaile07:18
allorderhow to fix date&time my time on toolbar is ok but not in console07:18
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Dougieyeah i tried exaile07:18
PiciPhrozen_One: Okay, ask the channel again ;)07:18
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Phrozen_Onehas there been any updates to break Intel ICH6 with AC'97 codec sound cards recently? I rebooted to not have sound07:18
mariaalguien sabe espaol07:18
Pici!es | maria07:18
ubotumaria: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:18
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Dougiesipior, seeiking?07:18
PiciFFForever2: Trying to remember the name of one...07:19
JKtheCJerok, apprently packages.ubuntu.com does not list individual modules, ill try a new question: how can i reinstall every module without compiling the kernel or doing a full ubuntu install?07:19
hetzzubuntu+webcam, tried easycam but it aint working. (says installation succeded but i se a lot of errors in terminal) any tips?07:19
sipiorDougie: going from the beginning to the middle, back to the beginning...seeking07:19
allorderhow to fix date&time my time on toolbar is ok but not in console07:19
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JKtheCJerim this close to just backing up and formatting07:19
PriceChildJKtheCJer, you can search to see what package a file is contained in.07:19
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serenityUKFFForever2, GIMP has complete colour control but it is quite comlex07:19
Dougiesipior, nope thats working07:19
JKtheCJerah there it s07:19
sipiorDougie: what problems are you having, then?07:19
PriceChildJKtheCJer, hehe :)07:20
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heavenquakeIm on the Ubuntu livecd, and has chrootet to my installed Arch system, in order to do some maintenance. Yet I cant, because the chrooted system complains about not enough diskspace07:20
FFForever2serenityUK, i am looking for something basic :), i use to have one on windows it was nice and all but wine hates me and does not like it07:20
Dougiesipior, it won't play them at all07:20
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dxdtheavenquake: that is weird.  can you mount your archlinux drives and everything OK?07:20
serenityUKFFForever2, so you wan basic photo editing?  i think google picassa can do that07:20
PiciFFForever2: Try out agave07:21
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heavenquakedxdt: everythings okay, I can navigate my drives and view my files07:21
Dougiealso they all seem to be distorting the music A LOT like there is too much output gain or something07:21
MOT1it works ths people!07:21
sipiorDougie: hmm...so how could you tell that seeking worked? :)07:21
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serenityUKhey wolfsong did you fix it?07:21
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sipiorDougie: you're using the xine backend for amarok?07:21
JKtheCJerunfortunately its inside a package called: linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic07:21
zanderhi all, i'm in the middle of a feisty server installation, and it's giving me the option to install a DNS server. I understand what a DNS server does; it works like a phonebook, converting domain names to IP addresses. What i'm not sure about is why I would want to install one. Don't all ISP's provide two of them???07:21
Badpenguin86Anyone use doom3 on linux?07:21
Dougiesipior, well they work in exaile lol07:21
sipiorDougie: best to use that, then :)07:22
Dougiesipior, i installed amarok-engine07:22
PriceChildJKtheCJer, "unfortunately" ?07:22
dxdtzander: that is for people who actually want to run their own.  I did for a while for example.  If you don't know why you would need it, you don't need it.07:22
Picizander: They are used inside corporate networks for name resolution, if you dont know why you would need one, dont install it.07:22
PriceChild!anyone | Badpenguin8607:22
ubotuBadpenguin86: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:22
=== Warhol [i=wop@75-128-93-60.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
heavenquakedxdt: Strange. I can write to the disk with vim and create directories, but the package manager is making a fuss07:22
JKtheCJerwell perhaps not, im sort of afraid of running apt-get reinstall linux-image-*07:22
zanderthanks dxdt and Pici ;)07:23
serenityUKzander, when i installed server on my laptop i just chose no to the packages for plain install07:23
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dxdtheavenquake: which?  You  mean pacman or apt-get?  That is a realy weird problem.07:23
heavenquake dxdt: error: failed to commit transaction (not enough space on disk)07:23
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heavenquaketheres like 15gigs of space in all, so it should be enough :/07:24
sanguisdexhow do I reboot nautilus?07:24
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dxdtheavenquake: weird.  Anyone in #archlinux know?  Like have they heard of the problem?07:25
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=== MaQui [n=jose_lui@236.Red-88-19-114.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
heavenquakeIve asked but got no reply07:25
bruenighe hasn't even asked the question in there07:25
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serenityUKsanguisdex, press crtl-alt-backspace to restart X07:25
GInfirefox uses 30%+ of the cpu all the time. :S07:25
serenityUKsanguisdex, save you work !07:25
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GSVClawI'm getting the message - "Make sure you have the 'universe' component enabled" while trying to install Wine... how do I fix this please?07:26
hoodyhi there ... i need help! a folder called ""$HOME" is beeing created automatically. if i delete it it's back there just a few seconds later.07:26
unicsok, sorry, i got disconnected, did you get my last question ?07:26
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=== N3bunel brb restart
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serenityUKno unics07:27
sanguisdexthank you07:27
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unicsok, i'll ask again07:27
heavenquakedxdt: hmm.. Can I unmount and try again? as in, how do I do that07:27
GInhoody, why not just leave it there?07:27
unicschecking for Tcl library... found /usr/lib/libtcl8.3.so.107:27
unicschecking for Tcl header... {not found}07:27
unicswhat should i install ?07:27
dxdthoody: lol whut?  Were you editing something recently and acidentally added the extra " mark in that?  Because "$HOME" will reference your set home, but ""$HOME" has an extra " mark and might be your problem.07:27
hoodycause it's inside my home directory and it's annoying07:27
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PriceChildBadpenguin86, no, if you are having troubles with doom3, ask and give us details.07:27
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dxdtheavenquake: unmounting I dunno off the top of my head.  I can't remember how the livecd automounts things. :-/07:28
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heavenquakedxdt: its not automounted. I mounted manually. But cant unmount because it says the device is busy07:28
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hoodythe exact path to this folder is /home/hoody/"$HOME07:28
serenityUKunics, tcl8.4-dev  if that is your version maybe 8.3...   the -dev packages mean headers07:28
dxdtheavenquake: close the windows and such to that you have open for it and then you should be able to umount it.07:28
mcsdGVVClaw: a quick google search of "enable universe component wine" returned a linuxgaming page the describes The Universe Component: These are open-source software packages, not distributed by default, and they are unsupported by the Ubuntu staff, although they do provide the distribution. Users must enable the universe component by editing the file /etc/apt/sources.list after installing Ubuntu.07:29
unicsi only installed tcl8.4, didn't know the -dev packages were required too07:29
heavenquakedxdt: did that07:29
unicsthanks :)07:29
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serenityUKglglgll i've never used TCL07:29
Badpenguin86I am trying to install doom3 on linux, but cannot find pak0003 an pak0004 on the cds07:29
dxdthoody: I'm pretty sure from your description that something you might have been messing with was actually typoed so now it is creating a folder called "$HOME instead of just using the variable $HOME which has the path to your home.  I would check out any files you were messing with recently for that typo.07:29
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=== cellofellow [n=josh@69-71-169-124.mammothnetworks.com] has joined #ubuntu
GSVClawIs this a normal requirement for installing wine?07:29
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PiciGSVClaw: Yes.07:30
dxdtheavenquake: I dunno then.  I'm not familiar enough to help out :-/  you gots some weird problems heh07:30
allorderhow to fix date&time my time on toolbar is good but not in console07:30
elias85hello.any programs to rip cds to mp3?07:30
Pici!universe | GSVClaw07:30
JKtheCJerwell i just reinstalled the kernel-image package and am about to reboot, wish me luck07:30
ubotuGSVClaw: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:30
Picielias85: soundjuicer07:30
heavenquakedxdt: fair enough. do you know how I query the filesystem for its size and used space, then? preferably in mbytes07:30
dxdtallorder: you could install ntp, the network time protocol and have stuff synched up with servers.  sudo aptitude install ntp07:30
hoodydxdt: i'll search for something like that but i don't think i did sth. like that07:30
=== jerryrighter [n=doug1212@h97.36.255.206.cable.lngv.cablelynx.com] has joined #ubuntu
GSVClawThanks guys. :)07:30
dxdtheavenquake: ummm df -h or something like that I think07:31
elias85Pici : does it encode to Variable Bit Rate (VBR) ?07:31
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jerryrighteri have a m-audio pro usb sound card im trying to get to work i plug it in it wont work and i cant shut my onboard one off any ideas?07:31
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Dougiewhy does music sound so much better in linux :) lol07:32
Picielias85: I dont know07:32
serenityUKBadpenguin86, i dont now about doom but quake it is in baseq4 folder...have you tried Places->Search for files and choosing lopk in CDROM07:32
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hoodydxdt: hmm i guess banshee creates this folder07:33
cellofellowelias85: Ogg encoding is usually variable. I think LAME supports it.07:33
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cellofellowelias85: for MP3.07:33
benn92647jerryrighter: go into system-prefernce and then sound...se if you can see your USB sound card there07:33
allorderhow to fix date&time my time on toolbar is good but not in console, someone told me to do: sudo aptitude install ntp and i got this message:  No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.07:33
hoodydxdt: maybe a bug .... i'm using gutsy07:33
unicsin the processtable, how can i view programs that are being run by other users ?07:33
jerryrighterthanks benn07:33
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serenityUKBadpenguin86, look in   base/pak003.pk407:34
unicsi mean, by users other than myself07:34
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cellofellow!ntp | benn9264707:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:34
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ProN00bcan someone report two bugs for me ? (remote desktop preferences doesn't allow more than 8 chars for password and needs a default US keymap for keys to work correctly)07:34
JKtheCJerwow, reinstalling linux-image brought the module back07:34
JKtheCJerthanks PriceChild!07:35
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=== PriceChild highfives JKtheCJer
JKtheCJernow if i can just get my Alfa 500mW wifi adapter to play nice with monitor mode, ill be off the races07:35
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mcsdelias85: if you look up LAME's entry in Wikipedia it list soundjuicer as compatible software with LAME07:36
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elias85mcsd : why is so complicated to rip a cd to mp3? isnt there any programs to install and do your job?07:37
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mcsdpatent infrigment likely07:37
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Badpenguin86Why do you want mp3? ogg is better07:37
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jerryrighterbenn926747 it works now but for some reason whne i do flash player it goes to onboard i want the onboard totally shut down07:37
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cellofellowbenn92647: that's weird. THe package is ntp and is in Main, so it should be available.07:37
elias85Badpenguin86: because mp3 plays on all players07:38
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cellofellowelias85: you mean software or hardware players?07:38
Badpenguin86I have tried open arena and glest and I just get a black screen when i try to play it. Nvidia restricted drivers07:38
cellofellowbenn92647: you the one with time problems, right?07:38
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cellofellowBadpenguin86: OpenArena works here on nvidia legacy.07:39
MrObviousI need mp3s too.07:39
benn92647jerryrighter: but you didnt see it07:39
elias85cellofellow: hardware players:) well any mp3 encoders with VBR ?07:39
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:39
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mcsdLAME does VBR07:40
jerryrighteryes benn92647 but whne i go to a web site with flash it goes to the onboard one but it works with everything else07:40
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snHas any 1 seen the new ubuntu screen shots07:40
cellofellowbenn92647: I know what it is. You've already got NTP you just need to set it up. Tell the Date and Time utility to Synchronize with net.07:40
benn92647jerryrighter: what build are you using?07:40
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serenityUKsn, im running gutsy gibbon testing as my main desktop lol07:41
elias85mcsd: i should only install lame?07:41
gvsa123sn: i tried it also07:41
=== giany911 Rebooting the Maxtrix
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jerryrighterhold on benn92647 let me see07:41
gvsa123sn: but i'm back with fiesty... hehe07:41
Mrowkojad:] 07:41
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serenityUKsn, compiz fusion built in!07:41
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gvsa123sn: desktop search too07:41
ironmatarubuntu seems to have set everything up   but im pretty shure the mb drivers get wiped when you format  and the video drivers,   so how do i determine what is installed driver wise and what isent07:42
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mcsdelias85: I believe and I can be wrong, haven't tried; LAME I believe is a plugin to other pieces of software like soundjuicer07:42
elias85mcsd: aham07:42
cellofellowelias85: mcsd: it's a library for encoding in MP3, simple.07:42
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serenityUKsorry JCDG my nick isn't registered I can't private chat07:42
jerryrighterbenn92647: im using feisty 7.407:42
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sparklinghi al07:42
JCDGserenityUK ok, don't worry, tell about it here, have you had a lot of problems?07:43
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jimmy_deanis moving a user account (the login credentials only, username, password) from a Red Hat Linux box to an Ubuntu box as easy as copying the entry for the user in /etc/passwd and their accompanying shadow password in /etc/shadow?07:43
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Badpenguin86Installing doom3 cannot find pak003.pk4 or pakoo4.pk4?07:44
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serenityUKBadpenguin86, look in   base/pak003.pk407:44
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sidHow can I see the device ID for my built-in camera on my laptop. It's built-in to the LCD07:44
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bish0p|hmy gnome-terminal has developed a problem after I setup dual head (only change i've made to the system) -- it now just crashes when i try to load it up.. i've been forced to use xterm.  anybody seen this behavior before?07:44
benn92647jerryrighter: it's actually an easy fix..mrobvious can probably tell youthe folder to go in to to set he DSP to"aoss", I bet right now it is set to "none" can you ask him to direct you to the right folder?07:44
cellofellowjimmy_dean: the /etc/passwd line should be fine. the shado line may be different.07:44
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MrObviousMe? Huh07:44
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sparklingat home i use an lcd monitor 17'' and i have setted up resolution to 1280x102407:45
sparklingsometimes i go out with my barbone and i use an old crt monitor 15''07:45
sparklingbut when i connect monitor to pc and i start ubuntu the screen become black and i don't see anything07:45
sparklingif i connect the pc to a new monitor more than 15'' i see all becouse the resolution it always 128007:45
sparklingis it possibile to autodeteect monitor connected and change automatically the resolution to a lower if the monitor doesn't support the current resolution?07:45
sparklingfor example the crt 15'' support as max 1024x768...07:45
Picisid: lspci, lspnp, lsusb07:45
jimmy_deancellofellow, ok, is there a good way to migrate accounts from Linux box to Linux box?07:45
sparklingcan feisty autodetect that the crt support only this resolution and automatically change it to 1024x768?07:45
Pici!enter | sparkling07:45
JeevesMosscan someone give me a hand figuring out why I lost connection to my server?07:45
ubotusparkling: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:45
MrObviousI saw my name being profamed. :(07:45
jerryrighterthanks benn07:45
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:45
jimmy_deanbish0p|h, use xfceterm4, it's way better07:45
mamefansince updating to the latest gutsy I'm having trouble with X (nvidia).  It fails on boot but I can 'rmmod nvidia' and then it works.  It seems that the wrong kernel module is getting loaded07:45
sparklingsorry for enter07:45
mamefan[   34.964000]  NVRM: loading NVIDIA Linux x86 Kernel Module  1.0-7185  Mon Apr  2 18:29:54 PDT 200707:45
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mamefanit should be:07:45
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Anlarsparkling: it should fall back to something else automatically07:45
mamefan[  652.636000]  NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module  100.14.11  Wed Jun 13 18:21:22 PDT 200707:45
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cellofellowbish0p|h: it's xfce4-terminal07:45
serenityUKJCDG,  only a few alpha things should be ok by release.. some shutdown gnome freezes, and make a change such as system font size and firefox dimms and unresponsive for 20 secs07:45
sk0tDoes anyone know where I can find a good REPO with the latest thunderbird?07:46
jerryrightermrObvious can u tell me what folder to go into to set the DSP to aoss ?07:46
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benn92647mrobvious: you might know the location of the folder, i cant remember it..it contains the line to activate the sound for websites07:46
sparklingAnlar, unfortunately no...maybe the xorg is not right configured...07:46
mamefanhow do I keep the 1.0-7185 kernel module from loading (or load the 100.14.11 instead)?07:46
sngvsal123 is it good mate07:46
MrObviousNo. I don't even have Linux in front of me now. :(07:46
JeevesMossstaar2:  hello07:46
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staar2how i can use my windows part?07:46
JCDGserenityUK uhmmm, ok, but have you known how to fix those things?07:46
benn92647ok let me see if i can find it07:46
cellofellowstaar2: FAT32 or NTFS?07:46
serenityUKJCDG, no there is nearly 50meg updates everyday07:47
cellofellowstaar2: you need ntfs-3g07:47
JeevesMosssparkling:  can you help me figure out this little networking issue?07:47
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sparklingJeevesMoss, i can try07:47
gvsa123sn: well i don't know how software development goes. i'm just an end-user. also i tried the tribe. so it's not a release candidate yet, and still has quirks...07:47
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fyrestrtrsk0t: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThunderbirdNewVersion07:48
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+107:48
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PP188when i run "who" , tty :0, is it X ?07:48
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Anlarsparkling: your should have dpms on, and some other potential modes configured07:48
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sk0tthanks fyrestrtr07:48
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PiciPP188: tty7 is usually X07:48
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cellofellowPP188: odd, there is tty and an X display it there.07:48
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sidWhat is a simple CLI program to compress images?07:49
c00i90wnI want to upgrade to Gutsy so I did sudo update-manager -c -d but it says that my system is up to date07:49
JeevesMosssparkling:  ok, I added "DNS <foo> and DNS2 <foo>" to my interfaces file, and changed the nameservers from the ones that my ISP (local to me) had to ",," in the resolv.conf file.  then I forced a reboot.  the box is static, and now I can't ping the IP07:49
cellofellowPici: mine is tty4.07:49
sparklingAnlar, how i can see if the dpms is on?07:49
c00i90wneven though I use feisty :S07:49
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Picicellofellow: 'usually' :)07:49
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serenityUKJCDG, compizfusion AppAmour Xorg7.3 gnome 2.20 should be good, plus new config such as appearance, screen res, multimedia07:49
cellofellowPici: granted, I use startx instead of gdm.07:49
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Pici!gutsy | c00i90wn07:49
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ubotuc00i90wn: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+107:49
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benn92647jerryrighter: hate to leave you hanging like that but forthe life of me I cant remeber the folder....best people to ask are pricey,pricechild,gravemind,nickrud or indygunfreak...if you can get one of them they will know07:49
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ironmatarwhy is ubuntu changeing versions so fast? it looks like fiesty has onle been out les than a year  and im going to have to change everything in les than 2 monthes????07:50
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staar2what is mount point ?07:50
PP188Pici, cellofellow, here, shows: User/TTY/Date: pedro    :0           2007-08-23 08:3207:50
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JCDGserenityUK i wanted to install it, but maybe i'll wait for the release, have you a lot of time using ubuntu/linux?07:50
sparklingJeevesMoss, i use a router...i configured all informations about connection in router...then in ubuntu i configured a static ip lan, with, and for the gateway/primary dns and it works07:50
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openeduI have an Ubuntu installation that is failing to load all the way.  i get kicked into a shell with 'initramfs>" and don't know what to do07:50
c00i90wnPici: thanks :)07:50
finalbetaironmatar: you don't have to anything07:51
Anlarsparkling: it's on by default07:51
gvsa123sn: what i like about it is that the live cd installs well on my system. i was never successful with installing fiesty from the disc. i always had to install edgy, and then upgrade from the server07:51
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openeduthis is after I put the root file system onto an MD Raid-1 array07:51
serenityUKJCDG, it's my main system.  windows only for games now and again07:51
staar2hello i dont know how to use nfts-3g ?07:51
PriceChildironmatar, you don't have to change for 18 months, or 3-5 years if using dapper07:51
staar2what is mount point ?07:51
JeevesMosssparkling:  well, I was figuring with a static, it should be accessable internally even if the DNS is screwed up.  but after the reboot, I can't get ANYTHING to work07:51
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PriceChildironmatar, a new version appears every 6 months07:51
PiciPP188: :0 is X07:51
LadyNikonis there a program like winscp for linux?07:51
=== jbird [n=jbird@c-69-250-118-240.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jaxt0rI have a fresh Fiesty install on a new system but I don't see the Ubuntu boot logo... I just get a blank screen until the login screen comes up.  Same thing on the Live CD.  The big issue is that I'm trying to install nVidia drivers and when Xorg bails out my monitor stays blank and I have to reboot.  I also tried booting with vga=normal, no luck.  Any ideas?07:51
sparklingAnlar, and with the dpms should detect the monitor and change automatically the resolution?07:51
JCDGjjajajaja, i support you, how much time have you been using linux?07:51
PP188Pici: ah ok.. thanks..07:51
Pici!mount > staar2 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)07:52
jbirdI am new to Linux any help07:52
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LadyNikonjbird: ask your question07:52
GInjbird, just ask07:52
Pici!ask | jbird07:52
ubotujbird: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:52
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crackerboxhey guys07:52
jbirdhow do you install games?07:52
jbirdlike quake 307:52
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LadyNikonjbird - gotta use wine if they dont have a linux port07:52
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JCDGsomeboy has medal of honor installed??07:52
jbirdwhat is wine07:53
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GInjbird, google for Ubuntu quake 307:53
crackerboxI have to press ESC to get the beryl window switcher off the screen after i bring it us using ATL+TAB... any ideas?07:53
jbirdwhat medal of honor?07:53
Pici!effects | crackerbox07:53
ubotucrackerbox: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects07:53
gvsa123Wine Is Not an Emulator :)07:53
Pici!games | jbird07:53
ubotujbird: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php07:53
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jbirdso I need wine to install games07:53
cwhHello! I just installed Banshee to use with my Ipod! It works great, but I would like banshee to automatically start when I plug in my ipod, instead of Music Player. How is this done?07:53
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serenityUKJCDG, well first was redhat 4.2 i think in 96 but no internet just from magazine cd, then again around 1999-2000, then seriously since 200507:53
gvsa123jbird: only if you the game isn't ported for linux...07:53
MOTZwie kann ma sicherheitspasswort abfrage ausschalten07:54
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crackerboxpici no one is talking there07:54
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serenityUKJCDG, you dont' know how hard it was before broadband internet07:54
staar2i dont know how to use nfts-3g under gnome ?07:54
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Dougiewhats a good easy to use cmd line irc client?07:54
Picicrackerbox: be patient.07:54
PiciDougie: irssi07:54
fyrestrtrDougie: irssi07:54
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jetscreamer#/dev/hda1      /mnt            ntfs-3g noauto,users,noexec,rw,umask=022,fmask=0113,dmask=002,uid=1000,gid=1000,nls=utf8        0 007:54
JCDGjaja, yeah i know i used dialog at 56Kbps07:54
=== Bulli [n=janis@dyndsl-080-228-195-008.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
jetscreamerstaar2: ^^07:54
Dougieis it already built into ubuntu?07:54
jbirdthe game doesn't run when I click on install07:54
sncan any 1 help i have a trust web came how do i get it 2 work on ubuntu thanks07:54
=== Jacob [n=jacobmp@ubuntu/member/jacob] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:55
PiciDougie: I dont believe so.07:55
LadyNikonjbird: see above07:55
PiciDougie: Its in the repos though,.07:55
gnomefreakDougie: you have to install it now07:55
Dougieok thanks07:55
MOTZso  an emu?07:55
=== HeyGabe [n=GabeWoll@rrcs-67-53-147-221.west.biz.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete]
benn92647staar2: click applications look under system tools and make sure you have the partion or drives mouned, then it is a simple click to be able to write to them07:55
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gnomefreakused to come with ubuntu dapper and edgy i believe07:55
gvsa123jbird: maybe that's because it wasn't made for linux. and that's where wine comes in.07:55
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LadyNikonAnyone know of a program that runs in linux that similar to winscp?07:55
jbirdso after I install wine I will be able to install games07:56
fyrestrtrLadyNikon: scp07:56
ironmatarhow to list what drivers are installed on system?07:56
LadyNikonfyrestrtr: is that a gui?07:56
fyrestrtrironmatar: lsmod07:56
cwhHello! I just installed Banshee to use with my Ipod! It works great, but I would like banshee to automatically start when I plug in my ipod, instead of Music Player. How is this done?07:56
ryanakcaI have a partition in an lvm. I'm wondering if it's possible to make that partition/volume smaller, so as to create a new one?07:56
ironmatarin terminal fyre?07:56
gvsa123jbird: sometimes yes, sometimes no. i don't think it works well for everything. i only tried it on keepass and... i forgot the other.07:56
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fyrestrtrironmatar: yes07:56
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staar2i dont got tools  for partitation07:57
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JCDGuse gparted07:57
fsdsasomeone can help me wqith cacti. i have a problem wrote; ERROR: opening '/root/cacti/rra/localhost_load_1min_5.rrd': No such file or directory07:57
JCDGyou have it  in your live cd07:57
gvsa123jbird: it will appear as a menu entry where everything should be intuitive.... i think.. :)07:57
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ryanakcajbird: you're probably better off with cedega if you want to play win games on linux07:57
fyrestrtrLadyNikon: you can add a new scp location from nautilus in gnome. Open any file manager window, then click Go, then Network.07:57
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BucketfaceMay I have a little bit of fast help :D?07:57
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jbirdcan I install wine from add/remove ap[plications07:58
Kaylamy sound wont work???07:58
JCDGserenityuk jaaja, but with windows...my first game was prince of persia07:58
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serenityUKJCDG, that was dos lol07:58
gvsa123jbird: not sure if it's there, but i know i installed it from synaptics07:58
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jbirdwhat is synaptics07:58
benn92647staar2: make sure to right click on the partion in places>computer..then highlight the drive and then right click from there select mount..it should then appear as mounted after that go to applications system tools and then click write to drive07:58
gvsa123why do we have add/remove and synaptics both at the same time by the way?07:59
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PriceChildgvsa123, add/remove is "nicer" for beginners... doesn't show the actual package names etc.07:59
JCDGjajaja, yeah, i used windows 3.1 as mi fisrt OS, i didn't know la meirda i had, jajaj07:59
gvsa123plus we also have apt-get and aptitude, and sometimes people install automatix?07:59
cwhHello! I just installed Banshee to use with my Ipod! It works great, but I would like banshee to automatically start when I plug in my ipod, instead of Music Player. How is this done?07:59
PriceChild!automatix | gvsa12307:59
ubotugvsa123: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)07:59
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gvsa123PriceChild: ok. i'll stick with synaptics07:59
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PriceChildgvsa123, synaptic gives you loads more options like pinning etc.08:00
serenityUKJCDG, ha i was 8bit on amstrad and bbc in the 1980s, then amiga in the 90s08:00
JCDGserenity did you register?08:00
brueniggvsa123, apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, add/remove, auto-codec, clearly it is easier to overwhelm with 5 package managment devices08:00
gvsa123PriceChild: pinning... ?08:00
BucketfaceSo I'll go ahead!08:00
Bucketfaceos[Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 2 (5.1 - 2600)]  uptimeins 10secs]  cpu[2-Intel , 1728MHz, 0KB (7% Load)]  mem[Usage: 573/1023MB (56.01%)]  hdd[88.82GB/111.78GB]  gfx[NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300] 08:00
staar2hm there is only unmount only then it should be mounted right ?08:00
BucketfaceThey're the stats in case that's important08:00
JCDGjajajaaj, you seemed to be an expert in OS08:00
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ariczc64 \o/08:01
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BucketfaceBut ya, I was using the liveCD and I thought "Hmm, it says some usb broadband modems don't work, it's the only means of internet I have so I better try it"08:01
cwhI found the answer to my ipod question, thanks. :)08:01
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benn92647staar2: yes08:01
BucketfaceThe thing wasn't detected08:01
Bucketfaceat all08:01
Pici!enter | Bucketface08:01
ubotuBucketface: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:01
serenityUKJCDG, to be honest the only reason I have games is because my PC is new and I wanted to use the 8800GTS for cool stuff, i don't really play them much just use the internet on linux..08:01
Badpenguin86Run open arena...get black screen. nvidia restricted drivers08:02
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benn92647staar2: now does the partion show on your desktop?08:02
jbirdAnyone want to help me install wine08:02
ryanakca!wine | jbird08:02
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ubotujbird: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:02
PriceChildjbird, "sudo apt-get install wine" done08:02
gvsa123bruenig: and all of those have to be present? isn't it a little redundant?08:02
JCDGah, ok, so, for what i see you live in the Uk, is there a lot os linux/ubuntu users?08:02
staar2but i cant write there anything08:02
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BucketfaceSo anyway, usb broadband modem, wasn't detected. However, a regular USB flashdrive was recognised and I could open it and stuff... How do I get my usb broadband modem to work! It's kinda important.08:03
PiciBucketface: DSL?08:03
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jbirdprice says command not found08:03
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GInBucketface, I would search google first08:03
brueniggvsa123, of course not :P, you mistake the phrase unnecessarily redundant and complex for, simpler08:03
brueniggvsa123, happens to the best of us08:03
PriceChildjbird, don't use the "s08:03
Pici!dsl > Bucketface (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)08:03
serenityUKJCDG, i play quake4 online, fear multiplayer,, colinmcrae dirt, rainbow6vegas, infernal, flatout2, stalker, c&c, COH08:03
jbirdI got it to work08:03
jaxt0rHas anyone been able to get Fiesty working with an 8800GTS and P35 chipset?  I can't even get the boot logo to show and the systems hangs on reboot.08:03
Pici!offtopic | JCDG serenityUK08:04
staar2could anyone help me ?08:04
ubotuJCDG serenityUK: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:04
PriceChildBucketface, http://eciadsl.flashtux.org/ i think08:04
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PriceChildjaxt0r, you'll need to install the nvidia drivers manually08:04
benn92647staar2: its mounted now go to applications from your desktop toolbar,then go to system tools then you should be able to go to NTSF...from there and click on it it gives you an option to write to the available NTSF partions you have select read and write to drives08:04
serenityUKPici i can't pm not registered08:04
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PiciserenityUK: Then register or go to -offtopic08:04
jbirdwhat does unable to mount media mean?08:04
serenityUKPici i think i helped enough ppl the past few hour08:04
jaxt0rPriceChild: I'm not even that far... the Live CD hangs the machine when I reboot and during boot the system goes into an unknown video mode before Xorg kicks on.08:05
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AzzcoHelp? libfreetype6 is broken and apt wants to uninstall (most of) my system08:05
gvsa123bruenig: :) i never did touch add/remove... never installed via the terminal... i just thought why have different ways of doing the same thing... oh well...08:05
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jbirdhow do I open a cd?08:05
jaxt0rI never get the Ubuntu logo progress bar screen... but I eventually get to X.  Weird.08:05
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bullgard4What is the command-line command to launch the 'Hardware Sensors Monitor' = Gnome Sensors Applet 1.7.10?08:05
gvsa123jbird: ???08:06
PriceChildjaxt0r, boot in safe graphics mode08:06
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elias85i ve just inserted an audio cd and amarok cant play it! even when I double click the audio cd icon it doesnt open.what can i do?08:06
randy026Can someone help me get emerald working? compiz is working just no window decorations08:06
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jbirdkeeps saying unable to mount nedia08:06
ryanakcaI have a partition in an lvm. I'm wondering if it's possible to make that partition/volume smaller, so as to create a new one?08:06
Azzcorandy026: what graphics card?08:06
PriceChildrandy026, #ubuntu-effects please08:06
PriceChildAzzco, ^08:06
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figjamanyone got one of the new Vostro 200 machines from Dell? if so what video driver do you need to get off 'vesa' mode?08:06
randy0266600 GT Nvidia08:06
staar2i dont got anything under system tools how i can write to nfts08:06
AzzcoOh sorry PriceChild ^^08:06
jbirdwhat does unable to mount media mean?08:06
gvsa123jbird: then you have to mount it first.08:07
bullgard4jbird: Be more precise and repeat your question.08:07
PriceChildfigjam, please pastebin the output of lspci08:07
jaxt0rPrice: tried, same result. :-/  the installed system does the same thing as the live disc.  It's like the framebuffer doesn't work but vga=normal in Grub doesn't fix it.08:07
staar2it shows me thats unmounted08:07
jbirdhow do you mount08:07
PriceChildjaxt0r, I'm not sure sorry08:07
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PriceChildjbird, how are you trying to mount, where do you get that error?08:07
benn92647starr2: you need to reinstall ntsf configuration tllo then08:07
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jaxt0rit's all good... the hardware might just be too new thanks08:07
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jbirdI am just trying to open a CD to install a game08:07
staar2but how i can reinstall it ?08:08
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jbirdwhen I put a music cd it works fine08:08
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gvsa123jbird: that's the game you were referring to a while ago?08:09
jbirdwhen I put a game cd in it it will not work08:09
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jbirdI just want to install games on linux08:09
BucketfaceHmm, neither of those sites were much help.08:09
J-_!wine > jbird08:09
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jbirdI install wine and nothing08:09
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tj__msg Dougie08:09
gvsa123jbird: that's where you use wine... don't know if it works with cd's08:09
benn92647staar2: if you have all the repositories already you can try sud apt-get install ntfs 3g08:09
jbirdwhen I install it all I get are errors08:10
ironmatarwell it aint windows thats for certian  still learning the interface myself   ,sill perusing the lsmod list but im no shure what i be lookin for a header for mb and vid drivers08:10
staar2i installed it08:10
J-_jbird: what game?08:10
gvsa123jbird: you have to use wine to install it.. it's not automatic or something08:10
jbird clvm08:10
jbird redhat-cluster-suite08:10
jbird system-config-cluster08:10
benn92647starr2: sudo apt-get install ntfs 3g08:10
jbirdneverwinter nights08:10
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jbirdcan anyone help08:11
staar2k i dont see the sda3 nfts disk icon on desk, i unmounted it and how i can mount it for use ?08:11
WaxyFreshi intalled wubi ran it restarted and now its asking if i want to uninstall t, hat did i do wrong?08:11
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J-_jbird: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=619708:12
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J-_the game won't run.08:12
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Dougietj_, join #dougie08:12
figjamPriceChild: http://figjam.pastebin.com08:12
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ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html08:12
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figjamhttp://figjam.pastebin.com/m6ac51220 <-- PriceChild08:13
PriceChildfigjam, you can use the "i810" driver08:13
jonathan__Oh, fail.08:13
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jbirdI have to add the cdrom to wine08:13
gvsa123jbird: open wine and use it to install the game08:13
=== figjam installs it again
benn92647staar2: go to places>computer>highlight the drive and right click it>then select mount volume08:13
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bullgard4What is the command-line command to launch the 'Hardware Sensors Monitor' = Gnome Sensors Applet 1.7.10?08:14
randy026what was the channel I was just in? for compiz questions08:14
staar2i dont got therevnfts driver08:14
gnomefreakrandy026: #ubuntu-effects08:15
randy026ah thanks08:15
fsdsasomeone could help me out with cacti anaging?08:15
fsdsamanaging? i got trouble08:15
staar2i used the sudo mount -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 /dev/sda3 /media/sda308:15
fsdsaRRDTool Says:08:15
fsdsaERROR: opening '/home/cacti/rra/localhost_load_1min_5.rrd': No such file or directory08:15
staar2sudo mount -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 /dev/sda3 /media/sda308:15
ironmatarinstalling  mb drivers  what might be the command to use for that?08:15
ScuniziI've got a font viewer program called Opcion that is java.  I can right mouse click and say start with Java version xx and it works. But I'm having problems creating a desktop launcher icon that functions. Anyone have a clue on this one?08:15
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jbirdI am trying but wine freezes08:15
staar2mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda3 is already mounted on /media/sda3 got this message08:16
Dougietj_, you there?08:16
jetscreamerdo not use the regular ntfs driver for writing08:16
J-_jbird: http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/wiki/Neverwinter_Nights (cadega)08:16
jetscreameruse ntfs-3g08:16
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staar2what command ?08:16
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jetscreamerstaar2: something along the lines of this fstab line, amend it for a mount command:  #/dev/hda1      /mnt            ntfs-3g noauto,users,noexec,rw,umask=022,fmask=0113,dmask=002,uid=1000,gid=1000,nls=utf8        0 008:17
Piciironmatar: Do you need motherboard drivers?08:17
JCDGhey i had a problem with ntfs-3g, i couldn't moutn mi ntfs partition08:17
jetscreamerworks here08:18
jetscreamerall i know08:18
ironmatarim not shure whether i need them agian or not08:18
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staar2i used this and got error sudo ntfs-3g /media/sda3 Error opening partition device: Is a directory08:18
staar2 Failed to startup volume: Is a directory08:18
staar2Failed to mount '/media/sda3': Is a directory08:18
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ironmatarattempting to determine that  and also how to get the vid drivers installed for a gigbyte 8500gt08:19
Some_PersonI like the way that Gutsy's taskbar has one set size for the open windows (like in windows). But in feisty, they stretch their size all the time. How do I make Feisty's taskbar act like Gutsy's?08:19
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arfyhi all. How to i get ldconfig to pick up libs under /usr/local/lib?08:20
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jbirdwhen I use wine to config my cdrom it just freezes and does nothing08:21
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ironmatarpart of my problem is the file headers  appear so diffrent from what im used to08:21
ShaddoxHi everyone. How do I install a USB webcam? I plugged it in, but I don't know what software I need or anything.08:21
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Pici!webcam | Shaddox08:22
crasher5can i successfully set up the java plugin (the jre one) for my firefox ubuntu feisty amd64?08:22
ubotuShaddox: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:22
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jbirdI did what wine told me to do and it is still not working08:22
JCDGhello, i have a problem, when my kubuntu starts in the gdm screnn it only loads till a parto of the bar?? how can ia restore teh system08:22
jbirdI just want to install a game08:22
openeduhi :).  i am having troubles.  my system does not get to the login screen.  it kicks me into an `initramfs' and i don't know how to diagnose/fix the problem08:22
ironmatar lsmod lists everything  but im not shure what im looking at08:22
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SlimeyPetejbird: are you sure tha the game can be installed using wine? many can't.08:23
sipiorjbird: dude, there's a native client for NWN, don't trouble with wine08:23
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SlimeyPeteoh, NWN?08:23
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SlimeyPeteyeah, download the linux version08:23
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jbirdI want NWN and unreal 2004 to play08:23
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staar2i have no idea how to use windows part08:23
SlimeyPetejbird: there's an official port of NWN which is free if you already own the windows version08:23
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hhp2kHey everyone, is there a channel on here that can help me out with computer hardware?08:24
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SlimeyPetejbird: UT2004 has a linux installer on the CD08:24
gvsa123jbird: like what was said, not everything works well with wine08:24
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jbirdI can't open the CD with unreal 200408:24
Picihhp2k: ##hardware :)08:24
graulichwhenever I start a movie on movie player it makes a tiny short sound (the first sound of that movie) then shuts down. what do I do?08:24
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MrObviouscrasher5: Let me see.08:25
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hhp2kpici: Thanks =)08:25
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bullgard4Wie heit der Kommandozeilenbefehl, um den'Hardware Sensors Monitor' = Gnome Sensors Applet 1.7.10 aufzurufen?08:25
SlimeyPetejbird: you can't even see the files on the disc?08:25
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre08:25
tj__Dougie you their08:25
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jbirdsays unable to mount media08:25
crasher5i tried like 5-6 manuals tutorials etc.08:25
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SlimeyPetejbird: ah. Does the CD work under Windows?08:25
PriceChild!de | bullgard408:25
crasher5i have all newest versions of packages08:25
ubotubullgard4: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:25
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tj__can some 1 help me to get into the GUI08:25
jbirdwindows yes linux no08:25
graulichwhenever I start a movie on movie player it makes a tiny short sound (the first sound of that movie) then shuts down. what do I do?08:25
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SlimeyPetejbird: hmm, odd. Do other CDs work under Linux?08:26
tj__i get a videocard error tells me to edit xserver-xorg08:26
jbirdhow do I open a CD to use it?08:26
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mcsdjbird: when was the last time you read that cd under windows08:26
jbirdany music cd works08:26
jbirdjust this morning. it works fine08:26
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vltHello. Afer an upgrade from Edgy to Feisty the system only boots to runlevel "unknown". I have to run `telinit 3` (sic!) to run all the daemons listed in /etc/rc3.d/ -- `telinit 2` leads to "unknown", too. apt-get dist-upgrade returns "0 ..., 0 ..., 0 ..., 0 ..." so everything should be in a proper state. Any idea which pkg to fix and how?08:26
SlimeyPetejbird: what about data CDs? They are read in a different way from music CDs.08:26
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jbirdany data cd says unable to mount media08:27
tj__Can some 1 help me get into the GUI, i cant get in i configured the xserver-xorg and i installed nvidia drivers!.... can some 1 help me08:27
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SlimeyPetejbird: hrm. It might be worth entering the model of your CD drive, and then your motherboard, into google to see if there are any known problems under Linux.08:28
figjamPriceChild: thanks, it seems to work now, heck knows why I struggled for 3 days!08:28
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tj__Can some 1 help me get into the GUI, i cant get in i configured the xserver-xorg and i installed nvidia drivers!.... can some 1 help me08:28
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PriceChildfigjam, you learn something new every day :)08:28
Picitj__: Are you getting an error?08:28
jbirdlighton is my cdrom08:28
PriceChildfigjam, that card should have been on the i810 driver by default thoguh... wierd that it wasn't08:28
gvsa123SlimeyPete: even if music cd's work?08:28
picard_pwns_kirkis there a place where I can get Ubuntu Studio lables?08:28
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jbirdliteon is my cdrom08:28
figjamPriceChild: i am hardly a n00b though (:08:29
tj__Pici yes i am... a blue screen tells me i needa reconfigure xerver-xorg08:29
picard_pwns_kirkis there a place where I can get Ubuntu Studio labels?08:29
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SlimeyPetegvsa123: mmm. Music CDs can be read via the CD audio cable, rather than the IDE cable.08:29
tj__im using a cmd based irc right now08:29
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figjamPriceChild: it was fun though, now i can play with the rest08:29
figjamhey ciaron (:08:29
PriceChildfigjam, oh we're all newbs deep down.08:29
gvsa123SlimeyPete: i see08:29
Picitj__: usually that screen has a place where you can see a detailed report, does that screen have any errors that look well, like errors? Usually denoted with (EE)08:29
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jbirdwhy can I not install anything08:30
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SlimeyPetegvsa123: they *can* (and often are) read via the IDE cable too of course, but not always - depends on the PC.08:30
gvsa123SlimeyPete: different routes for different kinds of data?08:30
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PriceChildjbird,We don't know.08:30
figjamit is just with the new Vostro, gutsy is about the only one that has drivers for it08:30
graulichtotem crashes half a second into any file I try to play. anyone know this problem?08:30
PriceChildjbird, maybe if you gave us the errors you are receiving we could help.08:30
tj__at first i got Vesa can not read V_Bios, Screen(s) Found, but none have usable configuration08:30
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gvsa123jbird: maybe because you are trying to bring into linux what is supposed to stay in windows? :)08:30
SlimeyPetegvsa123: yeah. I think it's a relic from the days when PCs weren't fast enough to decode CD audio on the processor, so CD drives were designed to be able to pass the audio straight to the soundcard.08:30
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Dougietj_ join #dougie i don't think your getting my pm's08:31
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gvsa123SlimeyPete: i see08:31
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tj__yah im not im talking to someone right now i dunno how i would be able to exit either08:31
mcsdjbird: if you just put this box together maybe one of the IDE pins bent on the drive08:31
PriceChildDougie, users can't send pms unless they !register08:31
tj__join #dougie08:32
graulichtotem crashes half a second into any file I try to play. anyone know this problem?08:32
jbirdno matter what game I put in I get the same message unable to mount media08:32
graulichdoes anyone even seen the messages I send?08:32
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jbirdI know why unreal2004 is not working it is a DVD and I just have a cdrom08:33
gvsa123jbird: lol08:33
sipiorgraulich: we see you.08:33
SlimeyPetejbird: lol, oh right08:33
Picijbird: That would do it.08:33
graulichthx sipior08:33
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SlimeyPetejbird: ok, well if you go to the NWN website there is (or was, years ago) a way of downloading the linux version of the game08:34
SlimeyPetethat should run fine, without wine08:34
tj__Pici you know how to fix my problem?08:34
jbirddo I need an application to install games like diablo 208:34
lnxthere is program in ubuntu to view the weather is your town\area ?08:34
ostannardjbird: what error messages are you getting?08:34
graulichjbird, Wine is just great to install DII with.08:34
MrObviouscrasher5: Try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#head-6524a0c56845e40dccd32676dad42830325e570708:34
Picitj__: I think Dougie wanted to see you about your issue in #dougie I assumed he was helping you.08:34
sipiorlnx: there's a weather applet for gnome-panel08:34
PriceChildjbird, go to appdb.winehq.org and search there for the game to find out how to get wine working it. More help in #winehq08:34
graulichlook it up on winehq.org08:35
MrObviouscrasher5: Make sure you enable multiverse first.08:35
SlimeyPetejbird: I think you will need to use wine to install diablo. Check winehq.com - there is a compatibility database which will tell you whether it will work.08:35
tj__yah he recommened something i already tried08:35
DougiePici, yeah he's my friend i told him to go here so he doesn't have to keep rebooting into windows :)08:35
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource08:35
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MortarManI wanna connect subwoofer to pc but i have to change MIC line into Sub output. Anyone can help me ? I am using AC97 and ALSA mixer08:35
jbirddiablo 2 works with wine08:35
Shaddoxjbird: http://appdb.winehq.com/ is your guide to everything. I am a Super Maintainer for several apps there.08:35
lnxsipior , i have it but it but there isnt my city , i can add it somehow ?08:35
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DougiePici, i'm reading over some guides atm08:35
Picitj__: What kind of video card do you have?08:36
_imran_Help!compiz-fusion not working...its set up in sessions to start when i log in and it was working fine, but now it isnt...can anyone help?] 08:36
tj__Nvidia GeForce408:36
sipiorlnx: you'd have to find the configuration file that holds the weather station info, and modify it. you might see if there's a maintainer for the applet, and send off an email about the best way to do this.08:36
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Dougietj_ you have to run the nvidia-xconfig script08:37
Dougietj_ just type it and hit enter08:37
Picitj__: I think you need the nvidia-glx-legacy package for that08:37
tj__i downloaded that08:37
Dougienah he doesn't need legacy08:37
Dougiejust glx08:37
_imran_Help!compiz-fusion not working...its set up in sessions to start when i log in and it was working fine, but now it isnt...can anyone help?] 08:37
ostannardMortarMan: is your problem physically connecting the speakers to your computer? if so, this is the wrong place to ask08:37
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tj__how do i run?08:38
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lnxsipior , its sounds "long" . . . there are other software that can do it ?08:38
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Dougietj, go back to the other channel you gotta do more then just install the package08:38
JeevesMosswho in here is a wiz with network configs?08:38
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sipiorlnx: i'm sure there is, but you will likely have the same problem with them08:38
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MortarManostannard: my problem is to configure software for physical connecting ;) where should i go ?08:38
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gvsa123230am here... time to sleep08:39
JeevesMossdougie:  are you any good with netwrok configs?08:39
gokhan_totem not run.. "GtkRadioButton aborting.." I'm using 2.19.608:39
_imran_Help!compiz-fusion not working...its set up in sessions to start when i log in and it was working fine, but now it isnt...can anyone help?] 08:39
DougieJeevesMoss, nope08:39
ostannardif you can play sound through normal speakers or headphones then you only need the physical connection, no software needs changing08:39
ironmatardo you have to run the xorg  edit for any Nvidia cards08:39
sipior_imran_: i suspect you'll find more help in #ubuntu-effects08:40
sparrwi need my user to run a script as root without a password prompt.  this line in sudoers doesnt help like i thought it would:  %admin ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/backlight08:40
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Pici!effects _imran_08:40
ostannardspeakers, headphones and subwoofers all use the same connections08:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about effects _imran_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:40
Pici!effects | _imran_08:40
ubotu_imran_: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects08:40
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serenityUK_imran_, if you look in the hidden directory in your home folder /home/username/.config/autostart you can delete the file for compiz08:41
Seveassparrw, is that line *below* the default %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL line?08:41
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jbirdI got it working08:41
jbirdI am good08:41
serenityUK_imran_, where username is your folder such as imran08:41
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MortarManostannard: i can plug in headphones but i need one more jack for subwoofer. i have to change MIC linein jack to sub out . . . some emulator or what. . .08:41
_imran_serenityUK, why would i want to do that?08:41
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sparrwSeveas: same issue above or below08:42
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jbirdI am installing diablo 208:42
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serenityUK_imran_, i thought you couldnt log in because of compiz?08:42
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ostannardMortarMan: you cannot do that, the circuitry on the sound card is only designed to do one thing per socket08:42
figjamPriceChild: actually X croaks with the i810 driver, the experimental intel one seems to work08:42
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PriceChildfigjam, its all good :P08:42
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figjamat least the framerate is better now (;08:43
Seveassparrw, it should be below08:43
tunedoutHello everyone ! I have Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn is this the most up to date verision ?08:43
sparrwSeveas: so i thought.  still doesnt help.08:43
staar2i dont know how to use windows partitaion (beginner)08:43
PriceChildfigjam, i don't know much about the intel chipsets so just said i810, i think the intel one is just a wrapper that tries to select the best08:43
PriceChildtunedout, yes08:43
amrhey all08:43
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ostannardMortarMan: the subwoofer should have connections for normal speakers, or you need an amplifier/some sort of splitter/filter to connect them all08:43
serenityUKtunedout, next version out in october08:43
Seveassparrw, and I spotted your mistake, it should be %admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/backlight08:43
tunedoutgreat thank you !08:43
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sparrwSeveas: thanks08:43
jbirdAny good Linux games out there08:43
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sparrwSeveas: whats the (ALL)?08:44
jonathan__I'm a total newbie to computers, I wish I read up on stuff before I got Ubuntu. D:08:44
figjami wonder if Dell is actually going release Ubuntu on this range, if so it will be rather nice08:44
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Seveassparrw, iirc a list of usernames you can sudo to to run the command08:44
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tunedoutWhen the new version comes out, will I have to to do a fresh install of ubuntu or can I keep all my software and saved stuff. ?08:44
serenityUKtunedout, you can uprade easily08:44
_imran_serenityUK, no, i cant get compiz to work08:44
staar2i dont know how to use windows partitaion (beginner) ?08:45
MortarManostannard : i have connection for normal speakers (jack) but i have to have two jacks!! one for high frequency speakr and one for low frequency speaker.  ehm , i have realtek ac97 and in winxp ac97 manager i can do that.08:45
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PriceChildtunedout, you will be able to follow !upgrade to upgrade to gutsy08:45
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sparrwSeveas: ahh, first time ive done a group rule, thanks08:45
amri am losing functionality i had in windows . i have High definition audio built in sound card and in windows i have control app that enable me to configure the sound chunnel of each of my 6 jacks in my sound card but that is not in linux how to do something like that there ?please help i am using ubuntu feist fawn08:45
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sparrwSeveas: do i have to log out to get new sudo rights?08:45
tunedoutare there any betas out yet ?08:45
sparrwok, then its still not working  :(08:46
serenityUK_imran_, ok it sounded like you were stuck... if you try launching compiz --replace from the terminal you should see any error messages08:46
graulichstill can't get totem to stay on for more than a millisecond once I try to play a file... the problem is completely format-independant... what gives?08:46
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Ianmanhi all08:46
amri am losing functionality i had in windows . i have High definition audio built in sound card and in windows i have control app that enable me to configure the sound chunnel of each of my 6 jacks in my sound card but that is not in linux how to do something like that there ?please help i am using ubuntu feist fawn08:46
kane77why are windows when they are unminimized opening also few pixels on the next desktop?08:46
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Seveassparrw, can you pastebin your complete sudoers file?08:47
amri am losing functionality i had in windows . i have High definition audio built in sound card and in windows i have control app that enable me to configure the sound chunnel of each of my 6 jacks in my sound card but that is not in linux how to do something like that there ?please help i am using ubuntu feist fawn08:47
ziroasking your question over and over wont get you you answer its going to make people ignore you08:47
n0dding0ffDoes anyone know of a website for configuring KDM?  I'm afraid I'll screw up my display.08:47
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pramzamr, what card ?08:47
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amrbuilt in sound card08:48
ostannardMortarMan: ac97 is an audio codec, what sound card do you have08:48
cbx33guys got a question - recently say the last month my wireless card in my laptop keeps dropping out, my wifes seems to be ok, and my laptop seems to be fine at work too.  any ideas08:48
amrmother board 945pl-g gigabyte08:48
cbx33the kernel dmesg just says08:48
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cbx33link is not ready08:48
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n0dding0ffpramz: ATI RS480.08:48
JeevesMosscan anyone help me figure out why my little server can't see the net?08:48
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cbx33if i press the button on the laptop to turn off the radio and turn it back on again it usually works08:49
cbx33though it can take a while to pick it back up08:49
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n0dding0ffpramz: Sorry, ATI RC41008:49
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poophello, when i log into my desktop, i can't seem to run any programs or even nautilus but if i log into gnome failsafe it works fine08:49
UbuntuN00B_HBGHi all! Im trying to troubleshoot my nonwoking ATI-drivers.... If I run 'lsmod | grep fglrx' shouldnt I get any output then?08:50
PrimoTurboHow do I disable my monitor from turning off after a few hours? Under Power Management Preferences everything is set to Never, yet my monitor turns off/goes to sleep after some time anyways...Thanks08:50
pramzamr, ATI does not release drivers for their chipsets, try installing the alsa mixer and see if that helps08:50
poopis my profile messed up? If so, how can i reset it?08:50
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JeevesMossanyone want to take a stab @ this one?08:50
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n0dding0ffpramz: Sorry, I thought you were asking me.08:50
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pramzamr, which board do you have ?08:51
PiciJeevesMoss: Sounds like your routes are messed up.08:51
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amri downloaded my drivers from www.realtek.com.tw and i am afraid to install it and screw my ubuntu installation08:51
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serenityUKPrimoTurbo, may something in your bios?08:51
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PiciJeevesMoss: What does the output of route look like?08:51
amrgigabyte 945plg08:51
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PrimoTurboNothing in my bios08:51
JeevesMosspici:  any ideas how to fix it?  This is a remote server, and I've allready locked myself out of it @ least once today08:51
walkoverhow is i^x defined in terms of cos and sin ?08:51
PrimoTurboon windows this doesn't happen08:51
PrimoTurboThis is some setting in Ubuntu08:51
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MortarManostannard : SiS 746 . . .08:52
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amrwait i'll give you link to product page08:52
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staar2i dont know how to use windows partitaion (beginner) ?08:53
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STixxi downloaded americas army..and when i run the program it tells me this " extraction failed..signal caught, cleaning up....press return to close this window"...What do i do?08:54
pramzamr checking08:54
PiciJeevesMoss: route add default gw <gatewayaddress>08:54
JeevesMossPici:  where am I adding that?  the resolv.conf file?08:54
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amrand this is link to chipset vendor http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=14&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false08:54
Rudd-Ohi guys08:54
PiciJeevesMoss: Default gateway is usually your router08:54
darkwhat do you want to do? a partition or try to move one that exist08:54
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Rudd-Oquick question: how do I disable APT downloading several files from several servers at the same time?08:54
PiciJeevesMoss: No, on the shell.08:54
sparrwSeveas: sure, gimme a minute08:54
SunWuKungACTION gives sparrw08:54
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PiciJeevesMoss: with sudo of course.08:54
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PiciSunWuKung: why are you doing that again?08:55
JeevesMossPici:  sorry, I'm a n00b when it comes to this kind of networking.  what is the syntax again?08:55
PiciJeevesMoss: route add default gw <gatewayaddress>08:55
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DougiePici, is there a log for gnome? like the booting he got an error about sound something or other might not work08:56
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sparrwSeveas: aha, typo!  my bad08:56
PiciDougie: For gnome or xorg?08:56
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DougiePici, he said it was a gnome error08:56
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Rudd-OGNOME does not log anything08:56
ironmatarall nvidia drivers need to have xorg modified?08:56
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JeevesMosspici:  http://pastebin.com/d782e94e208:56
Rudd-Obut you might find a file named .xsession-errors in your home directory which may contain the error output of applications started under your session08:57
DougiePici, ok this is the error "There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon"08:57
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Kopfgeldjaeger!learn test as Test if everybody may edit this.08:57
PiciDougie: I've heard that error before, but I honestly dont know what the fix is.08:57
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DougiePici, I'll search the forums08:57
Pici!bot | Kopfgeldjaeger08:57
ubotuKopfgeldjaeger: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:58
JeevesMosspici: did you get my post?08:58
PiciJeevesMoss: What does the output of `route` say?08:58
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:58
STixxi downloaded americas army..and when i run the program it tells me this " extraction failed..signal caught, cleaning up....press return to close this window"...What do i do?08:58
killerhamhi guys. I've just tried installing ubuntu, first time. Booted up the DVD, the 'loading' animation came up, and then I reach a blank screen. Core2 Duo 6600, 8800GTS if that helps08:58
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EvaLuaTeCPU load averages0.00 (1 min) 0.08 (5 mins) 0.13 (15 mins), what does 0.08 mean ? 8% ?08:59
PriceChildSTixx, there isn't an aa client for linux anymore...08:59
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KortalhDoes anyone know if there's a way to get my laptop to hibernate? It's a Sony Vaio PCG-FRV37, and apparently it doesn't support APM... is there anything I can do?08:59
PiciJeevesMoss: Ahh.. Thats the issue.08:59
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JeevesMosspici:  how do I fix it?08:59
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serenityUKkillerham, did you try the safe graphics mode menu option?08:59
PriceChildSTixx, americas army ended linux support some time ago.08:59
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JeevesMosspici:  I'd REALY like to get ahead of this so I can get on with getting the rest of it set up.  as I said, I've never interfaced a linux box to the net before.08:59
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killerhamyes, that was even worse :O the PC speaker started going crazy once the animation finished09:00
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STixxpricechild..no way..i just downloaded it last night.....09:00
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jerryrighterjeevesmoss ask other sin the chat room jeesh pici has helped u best he /she can give pici a break dang calm down jeevesmoss09:00
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PriceChildSTixx, http://americasarmy.com/downloads/ - windows only now. Linux support ended a while ago... please prove me wrong :)09:01
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serenityUKkillerham, try pressing F6 to edit boot options and changing spash to nosplash   that will disable the logo09:01
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JeevesMossjerryrighter:  @ least he's contribuiting.  you on the other hand are just sitting there complaining.09:01
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demo1When i log into ubuntu what other user specific scripts are run other than .profile?09:01
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killerhamserenityUK ok, should i be looking for anything in particular?09:02
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STixxpricechild...http://americasarmy.filefront.com/file/AASF_Direct_Action_v25_Linux_Full_Install;49654....check that out..09:02
jerryrighteruh jeevesmoss i would but i wouldnt help people like u i am learning by watching hello me a noob just like u learn and watch09:02
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DougiePici, ok looks like we gotta reinstall gnome just to let you know something went wrong with the gnome install i suppose. We're trying it09:02
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UbuntuN00B_HBGHi all! Please help with my ATI / fglrx driver... xorg-driver-flgrx is installed. Ive done 'depmod -a' but flgrxinfo says no fglrx... 'lsmod | grep fglrx' returns nothing... 'lsmod fglrx' says 'FATAL: Error running install command for fglrx'  - - - what to do?09:02
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Ianmandoes anyone else have problems burning CDs/DVDs in Feisty?09:02
JeevesMossjerryrighter:  oohhhh, soooo sorry I'm not "up to your level"09:02
PriceChildSTixx, that's v2.5.... americasarmy is now on 2.809:02
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Ianmanmy system locks up if I do09:02
serenityUKkillerham, you can also delete the quiet option.. that will give you more text for a detailed error message... i have e6600/8800gts it should work09:02
STixxpricechild..correct..so it wont work then ..or what?09:03
serenityUKkillerham, only trouble was my IDE drive but we probably have differnt motherboards09:03
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PriceChildSTixx, you won't be able to play on the internet servers... and 2.5 is reeeally old isn't it?09:04
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STixxpricechild..to be honest i have no idea..im 16..and just wanted to play the game..and i downloaded it..09:04
EvaLuaTeso, could anyone please tell me what 'CPU load averages' are measured in ? percent ?09:04
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PriceChildSTixx, age has nothing to do with it :)09:04
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php09:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cpu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:05
OntzAwow, this channel is massive!09:05
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PriceChildSTixx, if you really want to play that game, i'd suggest windows. There are lots of great first person shooters on linux though like tremulous, enemy territory, lots of others... that i don't know :)09:05
STixxpricechild..where would i find those?09:05
ironmatarsigh   Do all nvidia drivers need to be installed with the modifid xorg?09:06
PriceChildSTixx, sudo apt-get install tremulous09:06
OntzAI have a question, is there anyway to block a package from updating?09:06
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PriceChildSTixx, http://enemy-territory.4players.de:1041/news.php09:06
PriceChild!pinning | OntzA09:06
ubotuOntzA: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto09:06
lnxhow i can clear alt+f2 ?09:07
OntzAthank you very much09:07
serenityUKSTixx, it's all about Nexuiz09:07
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STixxpricechild..thank you for the help..much appreciated09:07
imranfserenityUK: u ignoring pvt?09:08
PriceChildSTixx, uuuu yes nexuiz is good.09:08
PriceChild!pm | imranf09:08
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serenityUKSTixx,  Nexuiz  is like quake.. free multiplayer great graphics just find it on add/remove programs09:08
ubotuimranf: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.09:08
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J-_Counter Strike also works with wine09:08
serenityUKimranf, sorry I can't do pm because my nick isn't registered09:08
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imranfok no problem09:08
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STixxserenityuk....pricechild..thank you both.!..gotta love Ubuntu!..09:09
serenityUKdid you fix compiz?09:09
imranf"sudo apt-get remove compiz" removed the desktop effects package..09:09
imranfbut I am still getting the white screen after logging in..09:09
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lnxhow i can clear alt+f2 ?09:10
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imranfhow to boot ubuntu in verbose mode, so I can say NO to effects package loader..?09:10
serenityUKimranf, hmm. maybe try create another user account and see if it can log in.. then you will know if it a driver issue or a setting on your desktop09:11
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imranfthe Live CD runs fine.. it is happening after "I chose to run desktop effects"09:12
imranfI can't create new user without GUI09:12
imranfu know the terminal way?09:13
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serenityUKsudo adduser someone09:13
bullgard4What is the command-line command to launch the 'Hardware Sensors Monitor' = Gnome Sensors Applet 1.7.10?09:13
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JCDGhow do i modify the fstab from the recoverymode?09:14
serenityUKJCDG, sudo nano /etc/fstab09:14
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JCDGthx serenity09:15
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ironmatarwhere do i find the  instructions for installing nvida drivers  the one guide i tried is a 404 error09:15
JeevesMosscan anyone give me a hand with configuring my routes?09:15
TSCHAKWerkis there a way to get ubuntu to STOP auto-mounting a specific CD-ROM?09:16
lnxhow i can restart "run command" ( delete all the command that have been done ) ?09:16
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ironmatarnew install tsc?09:16
PiciJeevesMoss: I'm here again, sorry about that my irc client was really lagging09:16
frojndhow can I install .deb file?09:16
Faust-Cis there a ubuntu server channel ?09:16
PiciJeevesMoss: Do you know the IP of your router?09:16
jribfrojnd: what are you installing?09:16
serenityUKironmatar,  did you download from the nvidia website?09:17
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imranfThanx serenity, I'm going to give it a try now.09:17
Faust-Canyone have exp w/ nfs09:17
frojndjrib: gbtsco (bluetooth thing)09:17
bullgard4frojnd: Use the program Synaptic.09:17
frojndin commandline?09:17
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ironmatari have the vid card cd right in front of me09:17
jribfrojnd: sudo dpkg -i file.deb09:17
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JeevesMosspici:  yes.  I can now log on to SSH remotly.  The router's IP is
OntzAnice, now my SVN versions of mplayer and ffmpeg are pinned :)09:17
lmosherMy secure wireless connection as school was a pain to set up awhile ago.. I had to set up a wpa_supplicant.conf to use WPA-EAP, CCMP TKIP, and eap=TTLS. I also had to provide a certificate and a subject match with auth=PAP. Is there a graphical and/or easier to use wireless tool that can handle these settings?09:17
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frojndjrib: thanx09:17
OntzAthanks again PriceChild09:17
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Faust-Cjrib: how would i search for a pkg via apt-get ?09:18
john_doehow do I see the names of the caracters I can bind to key with xmodmap?09:18
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PiciJeevesMoss: try: `sudo route add default gw`09:18
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jrib!apt > Faust-C (see the private message from ubotu)09:18
john_doeFaust-C: apt-cache search09:18
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Faust-Cjrib: ty09:18
ironmatari havent dloaded andything for driver yet either09:18
John1need help addressing a USB external floppy disk drive.09:18
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ScuniziFaust-C, if your on the command line try "aptitude" graphical text installer09:18
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JeevesMosspici:  it says it allready exists.  I can get out to the net, but is is VERY slow, and it won't resolve most things.09:18
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dxdtFaust-C: aptitude search will make the output more readable.  Try to use aptitude more than apt-get. Apt-get was never actually meant to be used directly which is why it is a little messy.09:19
serenityUKironmatar, if you have a new card you should get the latest from the website, otherwise use the ubuntu restriced driver.. the cd's are always old09:19
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lmosherCan anyone help with accessing a  wireless network with WPA-EAP security?09:19
Faust-Cdxdt: o i c09:19
Faust-Cdxdt: yeah im playing around w/ server edition09:19
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Faust-Cdont want nothing aside from what i need09:19
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ironmatarok im looking for the instructions on how to set up the nvida driver09:19
dxdtFaust-C: that is fine, you can still use aptitude--it is command line as well.  Just slightly nicer and such.09:20
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dxdtironmatar: they are everywhere09:20
ScuniziFaust-C, you can always apt-get install xubuntu-desktop for a lightweight gui then uninstall it.09:20
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Faust-CScunizi: i might do that09:20
VletSo anyone know what the policy is for editing ubuntuguide.org?09:20
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ironmatarthereseems to be diffrent methods people are useing09:20
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da1hey, i need help09:20
Seveashi da1 :)09:20
ScuniziFaust-C, I've done that and access the gui via ssh... it's not real pretty but works.09:20
serenityUKironmatar which card do you have?09:20
Seveaswhat's the problem?09:21
ironmatarand im a little confuses due to linux being a new os to me09:21
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john_doehow do I see the names of the caracters I can bind to key with xmodmap?09:21
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PriceChild!nvidia | ironmatar09:21
ubotuironmatar: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:21
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PriceChildironmatar, (btw what card do you have?)09:21
JeevesMosspici:  ok, I think I figured out why it was so slow (I had it pointing to the wrong name server to start with, so I pointed it to a web baised name server), but now I can't get apache2 to start09:21
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lmosherCan anyone help with accessing a  wireless network with WPA-EAP security?09:21
da1i just set up ubunto, and i think i may have accidentally gotten rid of windows... which i didn't want to do, i wanted to have the option to go from one to the other... is there anyway i can get this fixed?09:21
kane77can I configure the terminal to be slihtly blurred when transparent (in compiz)?09:21
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ironmatargygbyte 8500gt fanless09:22
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Scunizida1, was the windows version Vista?09:22
ironmatarsorry not a typist09:22
da1no, it was XP09:22
jorgphow do I disable acpi on boot from a feisty cd?09:22
Scunizida1, and do you have more than one drive in the machine?09:22
PriceChildironmatar, ok well you're going to have to install the drivers manually rfom nvidia.com sorry. Its too new to be supported by Feisty. It will be supported in october in gutsy09:22
da1i don't know09:22
OntzAdal you got lucky, getting rid of windows is something awesome ;)09:22
serenityUKironmatar, you should use the website for 8seris modern cards ill get the link for you09:22
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PiciJeevesMoss: My connection is flaking out.09:23
da1not when my parents are pissed off09:23
serenityUKironmatar, ,  http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/100.14.11/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run09:23
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ironmatarthank you09:23
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PiciJeevesMoss: do: `sudo route delete default` then the command I said before.09:23
JeevesMosspici?  lol, awww.  welcome to my world.  anyways, I can't get apache to start.09:23
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da1but is there any way to bring windows back?09:24
serenityUKironmatar, let me know when you have it i'll tell you how to install09:24
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ironmatarthank you09:24
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OntzAdal: what exactly have you done?09:24
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OntzAI mean, can you still see the XP partition?09:24
lnxhow i can clear all the command that i have done ? (alt+f2) ?09:24
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ironmatarnot afraid of doing things with ubunto but id rather not do another 2 hr install atm09:25
jribjohn_doe: 'man xmodmap' should mention the two files.  I don't remember them offhand, but let me know if you can't find them09:25
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RichiHi need the firmware for a broadcom 431109:25
da1i think i messed up with the partition in the install...09:25
RichiHis there a ubuntu package for that?09:25
da1but is there anyway to get it back09:25
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ironmatarok i have it serenityUK09:25
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john_doejrib: thanks!09:25
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OntzAwell it depends on what happened09:25
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OntzAif you erased the XP partition and then installed ubuntu on top of it...09:26
Scunizida1, do you get the grub menu on startup?09:26
da1see i think i might have done theat by accident09:26
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ubuntu_hi all09:26
Legendrehi hi.. which repo contains ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 ?09:26
da1grub menu? i'm not sure09:26
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serenityUKironmatar, have you tried to install the ubuntu restricted drivers before? we need to remove them first09:26
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da1can you describe?09:26
Scunizida1, is it a store bought machine like a dell?09:26
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ironmatari have not insalled any vido drivers on this install at all yet09:27
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ironmatariv been doign research09:27
Scunizida1, ok.. dell has a hidden partition on the drive accessable with a function key on boot.  It will let you reinstall windows.09:27
da1awesome... how do it get to that?09:27
JeevesMosspici:  ok, sorry, I lost the connection to my box there for a sec.  So, ideas on this apache problem?09:27
tonyyarusso!info ndiswrapper-utils-1.809:27
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ubotuPackage ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas09:27
serenityUKironmatar, first install the compiler to setup... open a Applications->Accessories->Terminal and type   sudo apt-get install build-essential09:28
Scunizida1, that is if you did erase that as well.. I think it's F2 on boot.  but you only have a second or two to hit it at the right time.09:28
Legendreok, that kinda blows.. since the howto says I need it :)09:28
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OntzAehm da1, before doing anything, did you have any important information in the XP partition?09:28
tonyyarusso!info ndiswrapper-utils09:28
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper-utils does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas09:28
da1well... we had pretty much everything on there09:28
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da1F2... i did see that09:28
OntzAI ask this because doing that you will only recover a clean XP, not the data you had in it09:28
LegendreI"m going through a lot of BS trying to get a broadcom wifi working =/09:29
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da1i think we'll be fine09:29
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Legendredriver is installed, as is the module.. but the radio just isn't working09:29
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killerhamI'm not having much luck with install. It got to "starting gnome display.." and soemthing about starting cpsrvd. Then I got a black screen with an underscore in the top left, then nothing09:29
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da1but on the F2 menu, i don't know where the reinstall windows is09:29
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killerhamI tried nosplash, deleted quiet, --vga=77109:30
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da1but is there a chance of getting my old windows back?09:30
Legendredon't you run 'zztop' to reinstall windows from the dell save partition?09:30
john_doejrib: No, it's not there. it mentions /usr/lib/X11/XKeysymDB but I don't have that file09:30
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killerhamI have 2 graphics cards, 1 nvidia 8800GTS, and one 7100GS09:30
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jribjohn_doe: do 'locate XKeysymDB', it's somewhere else09:30
MarieKcan someone please help me upgrade my system?09:30
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PriceChildMarieK, "upgrade" ?09:31
frojndwoohooo bluetooth works thanks to: http://www.stgraber.org/2007/05/18/bluetooth-headset-manager/09:31
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da1please help09:31
frojnda simple gbtsco :)09:31
OntzAda1: i've PMd you09:31
frojnddon't know how this works..09:31
frojndbut it does..09:31
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da1can you try again?09:31
ironmatarits working on that serenityUK09:31
MarieKyes i want to have the Feisty (7.04)09:31
Legendre!info wifi radar09:31
da1i'll pm you09:31
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ubotuPackage wifi does not exist in feisty09:31
Legendre!info wifi-radar09:32
ubotuwifi-radar: graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.7-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 38 kB, installed size 232 kB09:32
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ironmatarreally i know about installing things willynilly  usualy results in a re-install of the os09:32
serenityUKironmatar, now you are going to have to quit the desktop and install from the command line.. so you might want to write things down09:32
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da1OntzA? do you have my message?09:32
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MarieKno one can help?!09:33
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kane77are there any gedit fans here? what does gedit use to select a syntax highlighting? I want to use the rhtml highlighting for .rhtml files, but it always selects html instead...09:33
da1ok can someone please help me?09:34
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serenityUKironmatar,  to quit X  type    sudo  /etc/init.d/gdm stop    and to restart later type   sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start     but don't do it yet lol09:34
bruenigkane77, file extension I thought09:34
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da1i think i may have destroyed my windows unintentionally during the partition in the installation09:34
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xjkxwhen i do sudo echo 1 > /proc/I-dont-remember/ip_forward it says permission denied, even though i have full sudo access on sudoers :<09:34
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PriceChildxjkx, you can't pipe like that09:35
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PriceChildxjkx, the "left" side gets sudo, but the "right" side doesn't.09:35
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jribxjkx: the redirection is done by your shell which only has your user's rights.  Instead, do echo 1 | sudo tee /blah/blah09:35
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makzydoes anyone here run novell's gnome-main-menu under gutsy? is there a way to restore the functionality lost through the feisty->gutsy upgrade (install software, configure printers, etc) manually?09:35
OntzAda1 I think we have to register to send pms09:35
PriceChild!gutsy | makzy09:35
ubotumakzy: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+109:35
da1then just help here?09:35
xjkxPriceChild: jrib thanks09:35
da1either way09:35
ironmatarok i got that serenityUK09:35
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makzyPriceChild: didn't ask for support... asked for a favor. :)09:36
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da1i'm gonna restart and see if it works09:36
makzyoh, now I get it. sorry. :P09:37
serenityUKironmatar,  now when you are in the command line change to where you saved the driver.. it should start you in the home directory...  type ls  to see where you are and cd to move around09:37
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MarieKcan someone help me fix GTK?! PLEASE!?09:37
bruenigpwd to see where you are09:37
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serenityUKironmatar,  to run it type:   sudo  sh NVIDIA.xxxxxxx.run09:37
bruenig!doesn't work | MarieK09:37
ubotuMarieK: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.09:37
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LaCtoSEMarieK, what need doing?09:37
ironmatarfiles are auto dloaded to desktop so i can see them09:37
OntzAda1: wait09:37
MarieKi try to open it and it will not open09:37
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OntzAdon't use the Dell restore function yet09:38
MarieKit opens for a second and then closes09:38
killerhamwould having 2 graphics cards cause my problems on installation?09:38
OntzAfirst try to recover the data09:38
LaCtoSEMarieK, have you read the install guide?09:38
xjkxjrib:  echo 1 | sudo  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward (says command not found, of course :>)09:38
bruenigxjkx, sudo tee09:38
serenityUKironmatar,  ok so you will probably have to type   cd Deesktop  to change to they dir... then type ls to see the NVIDIA file09:38
kane77bruenig, yep I thought so, but it just always does this... html instead of rhtml.. i have the propper mime type... so I'm not realy sure why that doesn't work..09:38
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bruenigkane77, does it know rhtml?09:38
phenomdal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery09:38
xjkxoh sry, i thought tee was a misspelling :>09:38
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jribxjkx: you forgot the "tee"09:39
MarieK!doesnt't work09:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about doesnt't work - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:39
jerbeari'm having trouble with a gnome panel... some of my launcher icons are not staying where i put them after locking their position09:39
bruenigkane77, it may not have highlighting for that type09:39
serenityUKironmatar,  to run it type:   sudo  sh NVIDIA.xxxxxxx.run     and just answer OK to all the questions...  you can use TAB to autocomplete the name you dont have to type it all09:39
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OntzAtoo late09:39
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phenomdal: Although I have accepted defeat on a couple botched installs.09:39
bruenigMarieK, when you say "gtk" what do you mean exactly09:39
ironmataralrighty then09:39
serenityUKironmatar,  it will say no match found do you want to compile your own anwser yes yes yes OKOK OK it seems dauntingat first but it's easy09:40
OntzAphenom: da1 is going to destroy everything, if he uses de Dell recover function...09:40
bruenigMarieK, ok run it in the terminal and pastebin what it shoots out if any09:40
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MarieKhow do i do that?!09:40
ironmatarwell if it hasent been installed there wouldent be a match found09:40
kane77bruenig, what do you mean? it has rhtml highlight mode for that.. and it works when I manually select it.. it just misinterprets files... (however if I have  line with content type set to text/rhtml it selects the proper highlighting mode.)09:40
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serenityUKironmatar,  then when you restart you should see the nice NVIDIA logo on login09:40
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fsdsaguys, a simple quesiton, is there a way to make crontab execeut every 10 second? look like crontab min is 1 minutes09:41
bruenigkane77, oh see I was inquiring as to whether it had that highlight mode or not09:41
bruenigfsdsa, no09:41
da1i installed ubuntu and i think i messed up the partition... now i can't get to windows at all, someone help?09:41
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da1i can get to the grub menu... but i don't know the command09:41
bruenigfsdsa, you can have it execute a script that will run a command every 10 seconds09:41
MarieKok i tired to run in the term. and it closes right away after its done09:41
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xjkxhow do i run a command in background?09:41
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bruenigxjkx, command &09:42
jerbeari'm having trouble with a gnome panel... some of my launcher icons are not staying where i put them after locking their position09:42
ironmatarright serenityUK09:42
phenomdal: do you see windows in the grub menu? :/09:42
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ironmatarthanks ill do that now09:42
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ParaDoX34690can anyone tell me why I can't stream MP3's or video from my windows box to my ubuntu with either VLC or XMMS??09:42
fatbrain_Hi, when I install Nvidia drivers (from nvidia webpage) they load correctly when doing a "gdm restart", but when I reboot, I get an error message stating that the driver could not be loaded. But if I run the Nvidia install again, and restart gdm it works !!! any way I can avoid having to reinstall the driver every time I reboot?09:42
kornitsi am trying to understand https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto09:42
kornitsreally badly written to be honest w/ you09:42
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da1i don't see windows in the grub menu09:43
LaCtoSEMarieK, how did you install gnutella? via synaptic or manually?09:43
bruenigfatbrain_, how do you know it is working when you restart gdm?09:43
joakim-fatbrain_, make sure youve got nvidia-glx uninstalled09:43
fatbrain_bruenig: I get the nvidia logo and hardware accleration works :)09:43
joakim-and the other packages you need to have uninstalled09:43
serenityUKfatbrain_, you need to uninstall the old ubuntu driveres first !!!...  type:   sudo apt-get remove nvidia*   then reinstall09:43
Judg3_Dr34Dhi there, where can I see all the keyboard shortcuts in Feisty?09:43
joakim-had the same problem once before09:43
ParaDoX34690fatbrain_: Install your Nvidia driver using this: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html09:43
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kornitsi am attempting to set up a mail server that will probably serve about 1000 users09:43
joakim-worked all the time.. but after rebooting, X couldnt start09:43
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fatbrain_joakim-, serenityUK: I'll try that, thanks09:43
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kornitsjoakim-: try typing startx09:44
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da1windows isn't in the grub menu for me09:44
serenityUKfatbrain_, it happend to me it says API mismatch on reboot  but install fixed it.. just remove the old ones first09:44
da1can i change that?09:44
joakim-kornits, i dont have a problem :)09:44
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joakim-its fatbrain_ ;)09:44
MarieKLactose, what now?09:44
kornitsdal that happens all the time09:44
OntzAda1 can you paste the partition table here?09:44
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LaCtoSEMarieK, you could try reinstalling it via synaptic09:44
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STixxi downloaded tremulous....and when i click on it..it loads..and then my compputer goes to the log in screen...help?09:44
OntzAi asked you to do it in a pm, not to flood the channel...09:44
da1i can try09:44
OntzAbut whatever09:45
kornitsi forget how to fix it as i use windows boot menu09:45
da1how do i do that?09:45
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phenomdal: If you correctly installed ubuntu along with the boot loader "dual boot" you should see an option to select to boot windows. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery09:45
serenityUKSTixx, I tooold you Nexuiz mate..  you can't beat Nexuiz for free a game09:45
kornitsi think you need to edit the chain0 file in Windows09:45
MarieKLactose, should i uninstall it first?09:45
fatbrain_here goes, (back in a bit ;) cheers)09:45
OntzAis it a sata driver?09:45
darkhackanyone know how to disable the logon splash screen?09:45
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LaCtoSEMarieK, you can do09:45
STixxserenityuk...i wuz gunna dowload that too..but i cant download 2 programs at the same time..ill try the nexuixz09:46
Dougiewhy does bluetooth have to be such a pain09:46
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igor47hi, i have this really really annoying problem where a computer keeps gettings its ip from dhcp instead of using the static address i've assigned.  i used the network console utility and then edited the /etc/network/interfaces file, too, but it keeps doing it09:46
serenityUKSTixx, better graphics, plus lots of online players09:46
killerhamis there a way to make ubuntu ignore my second graphics card when installing?09:46
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STixxserenityuk..alrighty...i guess u cant beat a deal like that09:46
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OntzAda1 try this in a shell: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda09:46
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killerham..or infact, just booting to the installing09:47
igor47anyone know how i can make ubuntu not do dhcp?09:47
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lnxwhat is the best way to run WINDOWS games (exe) in linux ?09:47
ParaDoX34690Has anyone had any experience streaming MP3 or video from a windows system to ubuntu using VLC or XMMS? The system is on my own network, and I can access everything on the system, I just can't play music off of it without first copying it to my local machine.09:47
LaCtoSEMarieK, you can try looking for gnutella at www.getdeb.net09:47
serenityUKSTixx, lol im sure tremulous is ok  but i was really impressed by Nexuiz multiplayer yyou can play team like CTF etc09:47
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ParaDoX34690lnx^: Get Transgaming Cedega09:47
MarieKLactose, this is what it said in synaptic http://pastebin.com/m5fdeecb509:47
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STixxserenityuk..ooohh....thats fancy!..09:48
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LaCtoSEMarieK, ok. install all those files.09:48
lnxParaDoX34690 , didnt found it in synaprtic from where i can getit ?09:48
sparrwim trying to find a 'wacomcpl' binary for ubuntu (or debian) so that i can calibrate my touchscreen.  other than building it myself from source, any ideas?09:48
MarieKim not sure how?!09:48
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r00tyHi does anyone know when tribe 5 is online?09:49
ParaDoX34690lnx^: you won't find it in synaptic...09:49
OntzAnexuiz is good to be a free game, that's true, but I prefer Quake 3 o Unreal Tournament, both of them work in Linux09:49
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LaCtoSEMarieK, you can search for them in synaptic or on google09:49
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sparrwr00ty: check the roadmap09:49
lnxParaDoX34690 , so from where toget it ?09:49
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ParaDoX34690lnx^: if you pm me, i'll point you in the right direction.09:49
arf1hi all. Hw do I get ldconfig to pick up libs under /usr/local/lib? I'm trying to run a program and it complans that it can't find find the lib, but I checked the dir and it's there09:50
r00tysparrw: its today, just didnt know time09:50
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MarieKwhat would i put in for synaptic to search for them?!09:50
darkhackYou know, after gutsy release, I hope ubuntu would do a gui redesign aspecially the splash screen09:50
LaCtoSEthe file names09:50
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lnxParaDoX34690 , i can pm people ( dont know why ) can you pme ?09:50
OntzAParaDoX34690: why don't just share your music and video files?09:50
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MarieKwhich are?!09:50
lnxcant *09:50
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OntzAlnx you have to register en freenode09:51
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r00tydarkhack> which parts of gui?09:51
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ParaDoX34690OntzA: It is... I have many shares setup... mp3's, videos, etc (ftp server and all)... with complete permission to everything09:51
OntzAtyping /msg nickserv register passwordyouchoose09:51
r00tydarkhack> you can install themes?09:51
ParaDoX34690lnx^: are you on yahoo or anything like that?09:51
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darkhack<r00ty> first the boot screen where the word ubuntu need to be 3d or make it look smooth.09:52
VletI'm working on a tutorial for ubuntuguide and need to know if everyone's www-data user has the ID of 3309:52
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OntzAParaDoX34690: you are sharing them from a windows system and trying to read them from Linux?09:52
serenityUKdarkhack, you can change the splash easily with gnome-splashscreen-manager   they are just picture files you can download from www.gnome-look.org09:52
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lnxParaDoX34690 , irc only (hate im ), why you can tell me here ?09:52
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ParaDoX34690OntzA: Yes, that would be correct.09:52
marti149what package to install tcp_wrappers09:53
ironmatarserenityUK:   i ran the fist etc command and it dumps me to this fullscreen terminal  kind of expected that  however the cd and ls commands dont show any results09:53
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kornitsi have a quick question.   I have setup squirrelmail on my ubuntu machine, if i wanted to provide e-mail accounts for let's say 1000 people, how might I add e-mail addresses to my ubuntu machine and have them be able to check their e-mails from a web interface09:53
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OntzAthe best way to do that is using smbfs and mounting the shared folders, works like a charm09:53
ParaDoX34690lnx^: because what I would tell you isn't exactly legal... I could just tell you to look for a torrent on a site like... oh... I dunno... isohunt.com or torrentreactor.to and tell you to see if you can find the installer and also the engine and that you shouldn't have a problem then...09:53
AznVietKid92hi can anyone help me here?09:53
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Jowisparrw, doesn't wacom-tools package contain something for that?09:54
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kornitsit would also be helpful to add e-mail accounts and boxes via a web interface09:54
kornitsany ideas?09:54
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imranfserenityUk: it was successful user creation and now the effects trouble is over09:54
sparrwJowi: no.  it has xsetwacom, but not wacomcpl09:54
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Jowisparrw, oh09:54
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TMH_hi. I would like some information on compiling my kernel the "ubuntu" way09:54
darkhack<r00ty> Second The splash screen need to be different instad of retangle which to must kind get old.09:54
sparrwJowi: and im rather annoyed with the package maintainer for leaving that out09:54
lnxParaDoX34690 , i understand . . . so there isnt free software todo it like wine but better ?09:54
OntzAlnx: have you ever heard of mininova.org?09:54
PriceChild!highno | TMH_09:54
ubotuTMH_: A higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos.09:54
TMH_I really like the ubuntu kernel, but I need to change some things09:54
PriceChild!kernel | TMH_09:54
ubotuTMH_: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:54
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serenityUKimranf, good so it wasn't drivers..  you can copy your bookmarks from the other users home dir09:55
sloopy d;ljk;ksidpw oose09:55
sparrwJowi: now im going to have to build the package myself09:55
Ninja_Can I image a drive using dd?09:55
sparrwNinja_: yes09:55
sloopy d;ljk;ksidpw oose htyrtpertjor tuorut0euir yeiry eity rt yeirye yreyeiyeiteiteiytrieyrtetye9ryeiyerdfyeiryeryieryeiryeiroere09:55
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imranfyes.. but it is the least previliged account..09:55
lnxOntzA , yes09:55
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PriceChildTMH_, please be aware that if you install a custom kernel... it could easily create random bugs... and would be very unfair to ask for support here for other "unrelated" things on your system without mentioning the custom kernel. THey aren't supported.09:55
serenityUKironmatar,  maybe it put you in the root home dir... try tying the full path such as   cd  /home/ironmatar/Desktop  or whatever you username is09:55
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Ninja_sparrw: Will this copy the mbr?09:55
AznVietKid92Hi, when my cd drive boots Ubuntu into the menu, I pressed "Start or Install Ubuntu" and it went to a black screen with a dash flashing top left, and 2 horizontal columns of text that say Int 14: and Stack:09:55
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sparrwNinja_: not sure09:56
darkhackAnyway, ubuntu so far is doing an excellent job09:56
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AznVietKid92anyone here know what the problem is?09:56
sparrwAznVietKid92: that sounds like a crash.  try install in safe video mode?09:56
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AznVietKid92tried that09:56
AznVietKid92does the same thing09:56
TMH_pricechild: thank you, I just need to apply a patch to my disk drivers. I'm pretty sure that I know what I'm doing, I've done it before.09:56
sparrwAznVietKid92: or try playing with the boot options09:56
sparrwAznVietKid92: or google the precise int14/stack text09:56
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lnxVMWARE is good one ?09:56
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dcordesWhere is the apt "statfile" located?09:57
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killerhamwhen I tried installing in safe mode, my pc speaker went crazy. When I install in normal mode, I get a flashing dash, but nothing. Could it be the fact I have 2 graphics cards?09:57
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OntzAlnx what do you want to do with vmware?09:57
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PriceChildTMH_, remember to import the old ubuntu sources, .config etc. and try to apply the patch to those09:57
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ParaDoX34690lnx^: just go to www.isohunt.com, search for cedega, download cedega-6.0.2, and also cedega-engine-6.0.2... that's all that you'll need09:57
PriceChildTMH_, not kernel.org09:57
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darkhack<killerham> Have you tried installing in text mode?09:57
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PriceChild!piracy | ParaDoX3469009:57
ubotuParaDoX34690: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o09:58
kane77how can I get blur in compiz?09:58
dcordesParaDoX34690: that's illegal09:58
imranfI get 401:00/f4, 402:f0/d4, 403:00/f4,.... and it says "Not Automatically fixing this." how to resolve the issue?09:58
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imranfdurint the boot process09:58
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ParaDoX34690wow.. ya know.. if y'all read what I said like... oh... 20-30 lines ago, you'd have seen where I said that "what I would say is illegal".09:58
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andrasis there someone here who use netbeans ?09:59
lnxParaDoX34690 , you said that is not legal are you sure its ok ?09:59
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unknown_trojanCan anyone help me with a problem with mouse?09:59
ParaDoX34690no, scroll back up... i DID in fact state that what I would tell you is illegal.09:59
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imranfI get 401:00/f4, 402:f0/d4, 403:00/f4,.... and it says "Not Automatically fixing this." during the boot process. How to resolve the issue? Any ideas?09:59
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SkryptHow can I create an SSH Tunnel in Ubuntu 7.04? (My only experience is with Putty.exe)10:00
phanto1How to fix broken package10:00
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poningruSkrypt, ssh -L10:00
poningrudo a man ssh10:00
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AznVietKid92so anyone have any suggestions on my problem10:00
AznVietKid92the screen shows10:00
AznVietKid92Int 14: CR2 df800000 err 00000000 EIP c020c384 CS 00000060 flags 0001000710:00
AznVietKid92Stack: c00f8050 c03f129b c0371d8c 00000002 c00f8059 000f8050 0000000000 000000000010:00
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imranfI get 401:00/f4, 402:f0/d4, 403:00/f4,.... and it says "Not Automatically fixing this." during the boot process. How to resolve the issue? Any ideas?10:01
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steph_16thhi, anyone knows how to stream a webcam with gaim-msn or amsn??10:01
unknown_trojancan anyone help with mouse issue?10:01
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imranfis there a way to chkdsk?10:02
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imranfI think I'm having filesystem errors10:02
imbecileanyone know how (or where to) install figlet fonts?10:02
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Pici!fsck | imranf10:02
ubotuimranf: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot10:02
phanto1Help please!How to fix broken package in synaptik10:02
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Phrozen_Onehey guys, why would I reboot make my sound stop working if no major updates\package changes occurred?10:03
lnxOntzA , i want to run games with vmware10:03
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Mughican anyone recommend a firewall with a gui for kde ?10:04
OntzAno way10:04
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OntzAvmware is not to run games10:04
tonyyarusso!firewall | Mughi10:04
ubotuMughi: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).10:04
hashfreakjoin #ubuntu-de10:04
student_adminok i had ubuntu installed for a while now. the reason i installed it was my xp installation was giving me problems ..now i've gotten around to finally reinstalling xp.. but i want to dual boot ubuntu too. my partition still exist i just can'yt boot into it now. can i do something with grub to be my boot manager again and mount ubuntu installtion that way i keep all my files and settings or...10:04
student_admin...install ubuntu and keep file and settings10:04
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OntzAit doesn't have graphic acceleration (well there is a kind of acceleration, but it's DirectX 7 and reaaaally slow10:05
serenityUKok imranf i think i know how to make the user account full privillages like the old account10:05
student_admini'd like to get this done in the next 2 hours10:05
AznVietKid92does anyone know of this problem when they boot ubuntu?10:05
AznVietKid92Int 14: CR2 df800000 err 00000000 EIP c020c384 CS 00000060 flags 0001000710:05
AznVietKid92Stack: c00f8050 c03f129b c0371d8c 00000002 c00f8059 000f8050 0000000000 000000000010:05
Jowistudent_admin, yes you can re-install grub10:05
Jowi!grub | student_admin10:05
ubotustudent_admin: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:05
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ParaDoX34690lnx^: if you're gonna want to run windows games, I suggest you either get that cedega like I was trying to tell you, or just stay with windows... vmware blows running games... it doesn't have the graphic support that you'd need10:05
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imbeciletetris would be really easy on vmware.. you would have like a minute to get everything lined up10:05
serenityUKimranf  you basically have to add the user to lots of groups such as the admin group to allow you to sudo10:05
student_adminyou guys are the best10:05
unknown_trojanCan anyone help with mouse issue? I've rebooted x amount of times, I can no loger use right click to open a menu (my main means of accesing programs in a menu. It just stopped working in the middle of using10:05
student_adminless than 4 mins in this and i alreaDY HAVE A SOLUTION10:06
serenityUKimranf  what is the name of the new account?10:06
Skryptponingru: so if I wanted to create a SSH Tunnel to this irc I'd use "sudo ssh -L [kubrick.freenode.net:] :6667:
imbecileor the open source equivilent to tetris of course10:06
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Jowiunknown_trojan, have you tried with another mouse?10:07
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imranfit is "admin001"10:07
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serenityUKtry pasting this into the terminal(press enter to copy when selected):     sudo usermod -aG adm,dialout,cdrom,floppy,audio,dip,video,plugdev,netdev,scanner,lpadmin,powerdev,admin admin00110:07
unknown_trojanJowi: I'm on a laptop, and I would love not use an extra device10:07
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Jowiunknown_trojan, so the mouse is actually a touchpad? could be a loose cable under the keyboard.10:08
serenityUKoh imranf you have to be able to do sudo lol... change to old account with      su  myoldname    then you can run the sudo command10:08
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FetchDoes anyone know of an apt repo with a version of the 2.4 kernel that works on 6.06 LTS?10:08
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unknown_trojanJowi: It was working fine then poof no more menus no more 3rd button click mode either10:09
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armancan anyone help me installing nvidia driver for 8600GT PLEASE????,10:09
rzozif i have a very large read-only file that i want fast access to between processes and enough ram to store it, but i want the processes to treat it as a file as well as only load the pieces of it into memory that are requested, what should i use?  i can't really use mmap because i need it to be opened as if it were a file.10:09
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unknown_trojanJowi: It works fine everywhere else except desktop10:09
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neverblue!nvidia | arman10:09
ubotuarman: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:09
Phrozen_Onehey guys, why would I reboot make my sound stop working if no major updates\package changes occurred?10:09
Jowiunknown_trojan, what do you mean by that?10:09
serenityUKimranf, did you see that second bit?  change to you old account with su  then you can run sudo10:10
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neverbluePhrozen_One, im sure it has nothing to do with it10:10
PriceChildPhrozen_One, because you changed something10:10
imranfyes sereneity I'll try it and let u know10:10
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Fetchrzoz: you want a memory-backed temp filesystem10:10
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kane77so how do I configure desktop-effects? (when I added comiz-extra? how do I enable the extra plugins??)10:10
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MOTZhow do i install flash player 9 under ubuntu ? already have the file10:10
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Phrozen_Onebut all the sound levels I feel are relevant are maxxed out, the app's sound is maxed, etc.10:11
tunedoutI get this on some websites using several webrowsers '] ALj)10:11
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rzozFetch: like a ramdisk?  i was looking at that but i'm under the impression that i'd have to load the entire file into it before i could use it.  i think i want more of a big cache that acts like a file.10:11
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serenityUKimranf, i just setup a spare account here and it seemed to work10:11
neverbluePhrozen_One, what application are you using to listen to the audio?10:11
tunedoutits like everything is encrypted anyone ever experience that ?10:11
armanthere is no Ubuntu 7.04 supported binary driver for 8600GT10:11
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PriceChildMOTZ, i think its in the backports repo, if you enable that from system > admin > software sources then install flashplugin-nonfree10:11
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PriceChildarman, no, the card was released after feisty's release sorry.10:11
Jowiunknown_trojan, you mean that the second mouse button works except on the desktop or what?10:11
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mz_having some problemes with /dev/dsp, my soundcard isn't there anymore after an unexpected reboot... any ideas on how to make it come back?10:12
unknown_trojanJowi: I can still right click on menu bar, on applications it still works, but not on desktop. I'm using desktop mouse right click to open menu to other applications... now I don't mind alt-f2, but I just customized the menu10:12
Phrozen_OneRhythmbox....but other applications cannot produce sound either10:12
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MOTZill try10:12
unknown_trojanJowi: yes10:12
beta-guy_I want to compile the latest kernel to run on the PS3, is there a quick howto on doing this?10:12
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neverbluemz_, lspci10:13
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PriceChildbeta-guy_, there is a ps3 install cd10:13
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mz_neverblue, mz@gantz:/dev/snd$ lspci | grep -i audio10:13
mz_00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)10:13
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PriceChildbeta-guy_, http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/feisty/release/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-powerpc+ps3.iso10:13
LamorackHi all10:13
PriceChildbeta-guy_, or for others see http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/feisty/release/10:13
neverbluemz_, so the device is there, check you volume levels10:13
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neverbluehey serdar_10:14
mz_but i can't choose it con kmix...10:14
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beta-guy_I have ubuntu installed, I ju8st want to upgrade the kernel10:14
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demonsporkI have an unreadable NTFS partition that also has ntldr and boot.ini on it.  They load correctly on system startup, but once the system is started (either Ubuntu or Windows) I cannot read the partition.  How do I fix this partition and/or reformat it and reinstall the bootloaders?10:14
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BucketfaceHey, I am trying to figure out how to get my o2 broaband modem to work under Ubuntu V 7.04. It's a huawei e220 and all the searches on google have been for vodafone version, I'm sure it's applicable to the o2 modem too but either way, it's over my head right now... Can anyone help please?10:14
PriceChildbeta-guy_, I'm confused then... upgrade from what to what?10:14
MOTZhow do i install the file?10:14
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imranfSerenity, I have Root Account, Imran (doesn't work after logging due to effects), and new "admin001" (least previlleged account, unable to sudo) What specific command to enter based on scenario?10:14
PriceChildBucketface, how does it connect to the machine?10:14
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ironmata1well i seem to be missing something somehow i get the pc/dos like screen w blue text  but even copying the exact name header as me desktop the way it shows in terminal dosent get me there serenityUK10:15
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BucketfaceUbuntu doesn't recognise it even, whereas it does recognise a regular flash drive.10:15
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demonsporkBucketface, does it have an ethernet port on it?10:16
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beta-guy_from 2.6.20 to 2.6.2310:16
BucketfaceIt only has the usb connection.10:16
serenityUKimranf,  ok if root works  change to that by typing   su     then type    usermod -aG adm,dialout,cdrom,floppy,audio,dip,video,plugdev,netdev,scanner,lpadmin,powerdev,admin admin00110:16
PriceChildbeta-guy_, why?10:16
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PriceChild!highno | beta-guy_10:17
ubotubeta-guy_: A higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos.10:17
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serenityUKimranf,  you can use copy and paste!!10:17
sk0twhat are some of the best REPOS to use?10:17
PriceChildsk0t, the ones installed by default10:17
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sk0tPriceChild, they are the best ?10:17
imranfyeah :)10:17
serenityUKironmata1, which bit are you stuck i dont understand?  cant launch NVIDIA10:17
PriceChildsk0t, definitely.10:17
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sk0tPriceChild, arent there any others that offer added benefit?10:17
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PriceChildsk0t, Seen as you are asking this question, I STRONGLY advise against adding 3rd party repositories.10:18
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EsRaAya ldrcamm10:18
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EsRaAkimse yokmu10:18
demonsporkBucketface, it is very likely that there is no USB linux driver for your modem (ADSL or Cable?)10:18
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PriceChildsk0t, they will easily break your system, you won't know what to trust etc.10:18
sk0tPriceChild, fair enough.10:18
Jowiunknown_trojan, do you let nautilus to draw the desktop (do you have icons and stuff on the desktop or is it blank)?10:18
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beta-guy_I can't installed Windows on Qemu because the PS3 keeps ejecting the cd some one release a kernel 2.6.22 that reduced this issue, however I haven't installed it I want to move to 2.6.2310:19
BucketfaceThis USB mobile broadband modem is the only means of internet I have in my current location. I have a WiFi card that I can't test seeing as there is no WiFi here!10:19
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serenityUKironmata1, which bit are you stuck i dont understand?  cant launch NVIDIA10:19
imranfAll my partitions are auto mounted at logon, I don't want certain partitions to automount.. HOW?10:19
PriceChildBucketface, this "modem"... it draws power from the pc.... requires the usb connection?10:19
ironmata1i clse out everything  open terminal  enter the sudo stop command for ini.d i  desktop quits and i get what loosk like a old fashiond dos programming screen10:19
demonsporkBucketface, what are the specs on your computer?10:19
PriceChildBucketface, or is it one with the option of ethernet/wireless/usb ?10:20
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BucketfaceIt draws power from the usb ports.10:20
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ironmata1cd / dosent seem to work10:20
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PriceChildBucketface, eciadsl.flashtux.org was always good to me for usb adsl but yours isn't listed there :(10:20
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serenityUKironmata1, what is your user account called?10:20
unknown_trojanJowi: I do have Icons tha function, it's only on the desk top that it doesn't work ( or my double click to switch work spaces)10:20
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BucketfaceThe LED does flash when I insert it, but no sound is heard and I can't seem to find it anywhere unlike when I connect a regular flashdrive10:20
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SDis oneko still available?10:21
ZtaWhen I try to install gnome-session, apt-get install also wants to install radeontool.  Why this dependency?  I don't have a ATI card, so how can this be a dependency?10:21
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unknown_trojanJowi: I've looked through the forums and can't find an applicable answer yet... maybe my wording sucks10:21
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ubuntucan I chroot into a system that hasn't been booted even once, without damaging anything?10:22
demonsporkimranf, the file "/etc/fstab" contains all the settings for your file system.10:22
PriceChildubuntu, should be fine afaik10:22
imranf All my partitions are auto mounted at logon, I don't want certain partitions to automount.. HOW?10:22
serenityUKironmata1,   ok  so you want     cd  /home/ironmatar/Desktop           then you should be able to see the file you downloaded with   ls10:22
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SDcan someone give me the name of a # that would be able to tell me please10:22
demonsporkimranf, in order to keep something from automounting, simply change the option "auto" to "noauto10:22
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serenityUKironmata1,   to  run that file when in the directory type    sudo sh  NVIDIA.xxxxxx.run10:23
imranfwhere demonspork? where is this information stored?10:23
Jowiunknown_trojan, I'm searching through the gconf-editor but haven't found anything yet. in the meantime have you tried creating a new user and log in with that to see if the problem is only for this user?10:23
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sloopyimranf, change auto to noauto in /etc/fstab10:23
demonsporkimranf, the file "/etc/fstab" contains all the settings for your file system.10:23
serenityUKironmata1,   you can use the TAB key to auto complete10:23
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ironmata1is number of xx's  critical10:23
heavenquakePriceChild: because then I won't bother rebooting in order to install some packages, if I can do it off the liveCD as well.10:23
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unknown_trojanJowi: Good Idea I'll try it in a sec10:24
demonsporkfor example, one of my lines is "/dev/sda3 /media/disk auto rw,auto,user 0 0"10:24
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demonsporkimranffor example, one of my lines is "/dev/sda3 /media/disk auto rw,auto,user 0 0"10:24
serenityUKironmata1,   no it was an example...  but it is case sensitive  just type the first few letteres NVI   then you can use the TAB key to auto complete10:24
demonsporkimranf for example, one of my lines is "/dev/sda3 /media/disk auto rw,auto,user 0 0"10:24
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spanglesontoastanyone know why my 3d accel would not be detected with fglrx10:24
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BucketfacePriceChild, http://ske.sourceforge.net/html/projects/huawei/huawei_tre.html .10:25
ironmata1ok bb in a few depending10:25
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demonsporkimranf, to keep that partition from mounting automatically, I simply change "rw,auto,user" to "rw,noauto,user"10:25
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PriceChildBucketface, you're on feisty right?10:26
imranfdemonspork: is this correct? "/dev/sda3 /media/disk noauto rw,noauto,user 0 0"10:26
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demonsporkimranf, you need to look at the line that is in YOUR fstab file, don't use my line10:26
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BucketfacePretty sure I am.10:26
niuqhow can i make a bulk change of picture's names10:26
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PriceChildBucketface, "lsb_release -a" just to be sure10:27
KlrSpzwhat does it mean when i do an apt-cache search "pkg" i get: E: Regex compilation error10:27
BucketfaceI'm not currently under linux right now10:27
imranfsure.. but do I need to replace all occurrances of auto -> noauto in the line?10:27
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BucketfaceI have no other means of connecting to the internet than this!10:27
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BucketfaceI got it from www.ubuntu.com10:27
BucketfaceI can figure out which one it is.10:27
PriceChildBucketface, ok well that guide is pretty good.... print it off or save it somewhere to read it whilst on ubunut.10:27
PriceChildBucketface, as long as you're on feisty it should be fine10:28
BucketfaceWell, I don't know how to do any of that stuff yet.10:28
BucketfaceI have run the liveCD and messed around for a minute :D10:28
BucketfaceThat's it.10:28
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BucketfaceYup, it's Ubuntu, 7.04, Feisty Fawn10:28
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imranfhehe sure demonspork..! but do I need to replace all occurrances of auto -> noauto in the line?10:29
niuqhow can i change the name of a bunch of pictures inside of a folder: something like  something.jpg, blabla.jpg >>>>> 1.jpg, 2jpg10:29
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.10:29
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PriceChildBucketface, well those instructions will work, use them :)10:29
KlrSpzapt-cache search '*java*'10:29
KlrSpzE: Regex compilation error10:29
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KlrSpz^^ why?? ^^10:29
PriceChildBucketface, 'dmesg' is a program you should start in a terminal before plugging in the modem to be sure10:29
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tonyyarussoniuq: man rename10:30
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niuqtonyyarusso: i have 440 pictures there...10:30
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demonsporkimranf: "/dev/sda3" is the device, "/media/disk" refers to the mount point, then the "auto" refers to the filesystem type (such as NTFS, reiserfs), then the next is the rest of the options, "rw," (read-write access) "auto," (whether or not to automount it) and "user" (who mounts it)10:31
bruenigKlrSpz, I didn't realize apt-cache was regex, but I imagine the problem is the leading *10:31
niuqtonyyarusso: in some folder i have 100 pictures and in others more than 50, i wont go picture by picture.10:31
BucketfaceOkay, I see that is says that there. Will I need to fully install it and then try, or will I be able to test it from the live CD?10:31
demonsporkimranf, only the second occurrence of auto refers to automounting10:31
KlrSpzbruenig: in either direction it seems to fail10:31
KlrSpzor wait, does it need to be perl regex?10:31
imranfok I got it. thanks10:32
bruenigKlrSpz, take the quotes off of it10:32
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bruenigKlrSpz, and then if that still fails removing the leading *10:32
niuqtonyyarusso: i thought i could make a script, but i'm not really good with it, im just starting10:32
niuqhow can i change the name of a bunch of pictures inside of a folder: something like  something.jpg, blabla.jpg >>>>> 1.jpg, 2jpg10:32
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tonyyarussoniuq: rename takes regex as arguements, so if you can make one that will match, it will step through.10:32
BucketfaceThanks for the help~!10:32
XiXaQdoes anyone have a URL to a document describing the differences between feisty and gutsy?10:32
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KlrSpzand what's weird is "apt-cache search java" returns php510:33
demonsporkBucketface, I have a quick question, how are you talking to us without internet access?10:33
KlrSpzwhich does NOT have java in anything i can see returned10:33
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tonyyarussoXiXaQ: a sec10:33
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niuqtonyyarusso: didnt get it10:33
go6|infeisty freezes during boot -- at this line: sr1: scsi3-mmc drive: 40x/40x dvd .... blah... blah...10:33
bruenigKlrSpz, it is probably in the description10:33
bruenigKlrSpz, javascript maybe10:33
KlrSpzbruenig: mmm ok, how do i see the desc?10:33
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bruenigKlrSpz, apt-cache show php510:33
demonsporkI have an unreadable NTFS partition that also has ntldr and boot.ini on it.  They load correctly on system startup, but once the system is started (either Ubuntu or Windows) I cannot read the partition.  How do I fix this partition and/or reformat it and reinstall the bootloaders?10:33
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soulriderif any of you guys has 5 minutes to spare, i need som testers for my program http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=531709 i would appretiate any suggestions or improvements, no matter how small10:34
ironmatarcan u post that link agian for this thing serenityUK so i can read up on it  i appear to be missing some detail or somehting im doing wrong10:34
PriceChild!offtopic | soulrider10:34
ubotusoulrider: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:34
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KlrSpzbruenig: ok yeah it's in there, i see there's a --names-only option as well10:35
imranfdemonspork, on windows machine u can use "Partition Magic"10:35
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serenityUKironmata1,   if it says missing  .so file  that is normal    did you launch the installer?10:35
bohaim trying to install ati drives10:35
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Billy_!iso | billy_10:36
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bohawhen i type aticonfigure --initial10:36
tonyyarussoXiXaQ: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy10:36
bohaa get this10:36
salahany idea why I don't have permission to make a sshfs directory on my own home directory?10:36
bohaany ideas10:36
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bruenigKlrSpz, oh is there? I always used to just grep it again to get a --names-only effect10:36
dvs01whee.. i just got hired as a sysadmin =D10:36
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ironmatarno i seem to be navigating improperly after issing the gdm stop command and desktop closes10:36
tonyyarussodvs01: for?10:36
KlrSpzok next question, to get java to work in FF, do i use sun-java6-plugin since i have the sun j6 jre?10:36
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niuqhow can i change the name of a bunch of pictures inside of a folder: something like  something.jpg, blabla.jpg >>>>> 1.jpg, 2.jpg10:37
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KlrSpzniuq: there's a couple ways10:37
dvs01i'd rather not disclose on irc10:37
KlrSpzniuq: what DE are you using?10:37
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niuqKlrspz: what does DE stands for?10:37
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XiXaQDesktop Environment.10:37
=== Sonderblade [n=fsldfj@host-n81-189.homerun.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
niuqKlrspz: i am using gnome, if that what you mean10:38
newbiesomeone has troubles installing nvidia drivers with a fx5200 card?10:38
ironmatar64 bit fiesty install serenityUK10:38
pingu_ladyi imported a theme to Emerald Theme maneger but how can i activate it? i double click on it but nothing changez10:38
=== newbie is now known as Lamorack
Bucketfacedemonspork, I am currently on Windows :D10:38
KlrSpzniuq: yes, install gqview10:38
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KlrSpzit's great, and has a nice renaming tool in it10:39
serenityUKironmatar,  ooooh u are 64bit... you need to download the other version10:39
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niuqKlrspz: ok10:39
KlrSpzotherwise, i can write you a small 1 line bash script to rename everything in natural sequential order10:39
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imranfWith Ubuntu Live CD System Security is at stake, all the partitions are auto mounted and accessible to everyone. How to prevent this?10:39
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ironmatarsorry my bad10:39
niuqKlrspz: that would be great, i tried something like that, but i'm just starting with bash scripts10:39
serenityUKironmatar,  i have 64bit too... http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/100.14.11/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-100.14.11-pkg2.run10:40
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pingu_ladyi imported a theme to Emerald Theme maneger but how can i activate it? i double click on it but nothing changez10:41
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KlrSpzwell the gqview is great anyway10:42
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serenityUKironmatar,  but it didnt sound like you got that far.... it is case sensitive when you change directories but you can use tab to help too... type  cd /home  and press tab twice to see a list of home folder then type first letter and press tab to autocomplete10:42
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imranfWith Ubuntu Live CD System Security is at stake, all the partitions are auto mounted and accessible to everyone. How to prevent this? I don't want Live CD to automount everything and risk my data to others?10:42
niuqKlrspz: ok, im trying in right now10:43
crasher5Hi, i have a little smthn that i want to install, the first step of the installation process as stated in the readme file is to run the configure script. However, i can only open it with a bunch of text editors and when i try ./configure it says: sudo: ./configure: command not found. In order to complete the installation i need the Makefile generated from the configure... What can I do in this situation?10:43
demonsporkis there any way to download the packages directly from the repositories and then install the .deb on a machine?10:43
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ironmatarits normal to have the desktop close and get a  diffrent non gui like text screen right10:43
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serenityUKironmatar, yes because the graphics card is running in the desktop ... you have to goto textmode to install drivers10:43
exalargeimranf: use encrypted partitions10:43
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unknown_trojanJowi: It worked! Thanks Jowi, but what do you think happened, and what would you suggest I look at to try to understand it?10:44
imranfwhere can I find more info?10:44
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protododowhat's the best way to migrate from ubuntu to xubuntu without a fresh install?10:44
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serenityUKimranf,   www.truecrypt.org10:44
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KlrSpzi can't get any sound from my box, even though alsamixer shows the right hardware and the right module is loaded, AND it's all unmuted and turned up10:44
UrallOShereticsYou're all OS heretics who diss any program not associated with OS, even if it's better. You enjoy leading a lifestyle and pushing ideas over on everyone else when you can't see your ideas fail because there's too many factions of you. P.S. Elkbuntu sucks a fat one.10:45
ironmatarok i am prety shure im getting to there just a navigation of that i seem to be having a bit os a issue with10:45
UrallOShereticsYou're all OS heretics who diss any program not associated with OS, even if it's better. You enjoy leading a lifestyle and pushing ideas over on everyone else when you can't see your ideas fail because there's too many factions of you. P.S. Elkbuntu sucks a fat one.10:45
UrallOShereticsYou're all OS heretics who diss any program not associated with OS, even if it's better. You enjoy leading a lifestyle and pushing ideas over on everyone else when you can't see your ideas fail because there's too many factions of you. P.S. Elkbuntu sucks a fat one.10:45
=== GdM [n=alex@86.155-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
serenityUKimranf,   but it might slow down you machine if you do the whole partition10:45
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KlrSpzand yes, i'm part of the audio group10:45
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yeniklasorrDo you know any application or plugin that working with shoutcast and has playback feature (to be a dj) ?10:45
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=== ironmatar throws the rope tangle bomb after urall
crasher5anyone, please?10:45
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imranfhmm I was considering that.. is it compatible on windows?10:46
exalargeimranf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto10:46
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niuqKlrspz: great! pretty cool app, thank you so much10:46
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serenityUKtrue crypt works on windows and linux10:46
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ironmatarok off to try hat thing once agian10:46
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KlrSpzniuq: np10:47
Dougiecan someone help me with upgrading to udf 2.5?10:47
crasher5really, can someone recommend me something? :(10:47
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niuqis deluge a bittorrent client?10:48
serenityUKcrasher5, you need to   cd   to the directory that you extract the source before you run  ./configure10:48
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n0dding0ffIs there anyone here who's an ALSA expert?10:48
crasher5i did that10:48
serenityUKcrasher5, you don't usually run   ./configure and  make  as sudo  only   sudo make install the third step10:48
Dougieyou need to have the build packages installed10:48
demonsporkn0dding0ff, there might be one in #ALSA10:49
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serenityUKcrasher5, try   sudo apt-get installl build-essential10:49
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serenityUKcrasher5, try   sudo apt-get install build-essential  with one L lol10:49
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DougieserenityUK, yeah that one thanks! lol10:49
unknown_trojanJowi: Are you still on I figured it out...10:49
n0dding0ffdemonspork: No one's responding on there.  I think they all fell asleep.10:49
KlrSpzi can't get sound to even work on my pc even though alsa says it all works10:49
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demonsporkthere were several helping me the other day10:49
demonsporkKlrspz, are you on a laptop?10:50
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KlrSpzdemonspork: no, desktop10:50
KlrSpz00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)10:50
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demonsporkklrSpz, do you also have Windows on it?10:50
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KlrSpzsnd_hda_intel module loaded10:50
DougieklrSPz, Are you using digital/optical output?10:50
protododoAnyone in here know anything about completely removing gnome and installing xfce?  I'd like to avoid a fresh install of xubuntu because I've added a lot of apps that I like.10:50
KlrSpzalsa started10:50
=== sarge [n=sarge@144.Red-88-2-126.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
KlrSpzDougie: , no, analogue10:51
Dougieyou check and see if its muted?10:51
Dougierun alsamixer10:51
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Dougieall that10:51
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seclein_gutsy tribe 5 isn't out yet, right?10:51
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gordonjcpprotododo: you could do sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop10:51
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Dougiegutsy channel is ubuntu+110:52
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kornitsok... so i've edited my xorg.conf file t0 include more resolutions, but the resolutions are still not listed in my display settings10:52
poningruseclein_, it will be out today10:52
crasher5serenityUK, make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop. In the README file it says it needs the Makefile obtained after running the configure shell script10:52
kornitshow can I fix this10:52
seclein_poningru: ok thx10:52
KlrSpzodd... restarting alsa for the 100000000th time got it to work10:52
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Dougiecrasher5, did you do the build-essentials?10:52
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Dougiecrasher5, and you did ./configure and make?10:52
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crasher5no for christs sake..10:53
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crasher5i cant run the ./configure10:53
Dougieif you installed build essentials you should be able to now :)10:53
therethinkerHi, I'm having trouble doing a CVS checkout10:53
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therethinkerI want to get this: http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/camtrack/trunk/ But I have no idea how to do that using svn10:54
therethinker(Sorry, SVN checkout)10:54
crasher5i have the script in the same folder, i can only open it with a text editor and i cannot run it as a shell script as i am supposed to...10:54
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tarelerulzI am trying to play a dvd and I am wondering what is it I need to download from synaptic to play  commercial ?10:54
imranfThis place is coooool. Thank you all. Bye!10:54
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serenityUKbye imranf10:54
sparrwtarelerulz: commercial?10:55
crasher5i think it is going to piss me off and i will just delete it and try searching for an alternative10:55
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autumnxis there anyway i can install screenlets on ubuntu?10:55
crasher5Dougie or serenityUK10:55
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therethinkerCrasher5: are the permssions correct?10:55
serenityUKcrasher5, try   sh ./configure10:55
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Dougiewhat program is it crasher5?10:55
serenityUKcrasher5, or  try   sh configure10:55
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autumnxi need some help with a small program10:55
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therethinkercrasher5: chmod +x configure , then try running it10:55
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tarelerulzI  rented a commercial dvd and I want to know what I need to get to play it ?10:56
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crasher5omg I am so sorry, thank you therethinker10:56
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PriceChild!libdvdcss2 | tarelerulz10:56
therethinkercrasher5: That worked? Good, you're welcome :-)10:56
PriceChildbah no ubotu...10:56
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PriceChildone minute tarelerulz10:56
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ironmatarauto complete dosent seem to do anything in that text screen and cd seems to be a command but i get no result and ls lists nothing10:56
PriceChildtarelerulz, <ubot3> For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:57
autumnxi need help installing a small program called "screenlets" has anyone done this?10:57
therethinkerCan anyone help with SVN? I just need to get something10:57
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Dougieok anyone able to help me upgrade to udf 2.5?10:57
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Peloautumnx,  I beleive they have a .deb file on their site so you can install easily10:57
serenityUKok ironmatar lets copy the NVIDIA file to the root home folder so you don't have to cd anywhere... it should be where you land in text mode...10:58
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autumnxfeels ignored10:58
ironmatarit takes a while autumn10:58
Dougie...wah cry :) lol10:58
pvlautumnx whas the problem?10:58
Dougiewe are all ignored10:58
=== heavenquake ignores autumnx
=== Pelo thinks autumnx needs to pay attention when his nick gets highlited
frojndwtf, my pannel all of the sudden went up into upper side of screen ?? how can I put it baack down as default?10:58
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=== evilofisho_ agrees.
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therethinkerfrojnd: Can you just drag it?10:59
stephen_wsgalguem pode me ajudar...10:59
pvlfrojnd click nd drag10:59
Pelofrojnd,  just drag it10:59
autumnxi want to install a simple program called screenlets (http://www.flickr.com/photos/lord_darth_vader/498811153/in/photostream/)10:59
serenityUKironmatar   press Alt-F2 and type  sudo nautilus  then   drag the  file  to   /root folder10:59
Pelo!es | stephen_wsg10:59
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stephen_wsgtenho um outro HD e naum estou conseguindo adicionar arquivos nele10:59
autumnxit looks like that, i want ubuntu to look more modern, like vista10:59
Pelostephen_wsg,   escribar  /join #ubuntu-es10:59
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Nikanyone knows how to edit your menu.lst file inside GRUB11:00
Dougieyeah ubotu died or something11:00
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Nikmy entry for ubuntu dissappeared11:00
PriceChildDougie, he'll be back in a few minutes11:00
frojndvery nice :)11:00
Peloautumnx,   google for the screenlets website,  they have a deb file to install on ubuntu11:00
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therethinkerNik: Why don't you edit it using a liveCD?11:00
jerbearhow can i keep my launcher icons consistent on the gnome panels? every time i logout/login, they're all jumbled and moved around11:00
Dougieok so anyone know about upgrading to udf 2.5?11:00
therethinkerCan anyone help with SVN? I just need to get something11:00
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PeloNicke,  gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:00
sparrwafter i 'apt-get source' a package and apply a patch, how do i build it as a package?11:01
PeloDougie, try the forum11:01
=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-76-29-25-210.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Niktherethinker: How can I reach the partition ?11:01
Dougiehmm i think i searched once and it said something about copying a file and that didn't work...lemme look again11:01
serenityUKironmatar   so  you browsed  to   /root   and  put the 64bit file in there?    it  should be there when you go to textmode...  type  ls see if you can see it11:01
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vernonsup all11:02
ironmatarok  brb11:02
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vernoni wish to know how to turn off the desk top effects11:02
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autumnxi came up with an error11:02
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Pelovernon, menu > system > prefs > deskotp effects ,  uncheck the correct box11:03
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jerbearhow can i keep my launcher icons consistent on the gnome panels? every time i logout/login, they're all jumbled and moved around11:03
autumnxi use edgy version and it said there is no PUB_KEY11:03
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Peloautumnx, read the stuff on the site11:03
autumnxok, well i'll be back in 1 hour or so11:03
Jack_Sparrowjerbear: That isnt normal...  what all have you installed and how did you install it?11:03
serenityUKautumnx, the key is just a warning you can press Y  to ignore11:03
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jerbearJack_Sparrow: nothing out of the ordinary11:04
Nikhow come, if I do a 'locate vm' to locate my kernel it gives thz /boot directory as result but when going to the directory it doesn't find the kernel?11:04
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LeminnesHi, does anyone know if it is a driver for Nexgear FE331 Wireless Card? Probably not, since it's not listed as a supported card... but it never hurts to ask, I guess.11:04
fuzzyive been trying to find drivers for alc260 sound card, can anyone point me in the right direction?11:04
Jack_Sparrowjerbear: HAd to be something.. that isnt how it is for the rest of us..  HAve you ever used any scripte to install anything?11:04
RAdamsNik: the kernel may be hidden11:04
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RAdamsNik: try pressing ctrl + h11:05
Leminnessorry, *netgear11:05
jerbearJack_Sparrow: nope11:05
bruenigNik, it is in /boot11:05
jerbearJack_Sparrow: i've added launchers from the main menu11:05
NikRAdams: does this also work inside grub?11:05
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Jack_Sparrowjerbear: Then I dont have enough to help you...11:05
frojndOMG!!! I accidantally try to install some support for USB and I install usbmgr. :S And than there were notes like removeing kernel, amarok etc.... How can I stop this???11:05
RAdamsNik: no11:05
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Nikcause my linux dissappeared from my dual boot11:05
RAdamsNik: is grub not finding root?11:05
Jack_Sparrowjerbear: Adding launchers would not do it.11:06
fuzzyi need drivers for my ALC260 sound card, can anyone point me in the right direction?11:06
Pelofrojnd, just kill it11:06
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evilofisho_dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 20307 package `g++':11:06
evilofisho_ `Depends' field, reference to `cpp': version contains ` ' How am I supposed to correct this?! : <11:06
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frojndPelo: ok but how can I restore what it allready done..11:06
demonsporkHow do I change the default application to open a particular filetype?11:06
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walkoverwhere do i change my default browser in kubuntu11:06
bruenigdemonspork, right click, properties11:06
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bruenigwalkover, update-alternatives something or other11:07
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AquaFoxDuring install if I boot ubuntu in nosmp will the kernel NOT support smp?11:07
acemothis game says requires SDL, SDL_ttf and SDL_mixer libraries installed, when i try to run it, im getting this error: pygame.error: Couldn't find matching GLX visual, what can i do to try to fix it?11:07
Pelofrojnd,   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop amarok   and whatever else you installed after the initiall install11:07
NikRAdams: yes it is but when typing: kernel /boot/ it doesn't find the kernel nr11:07
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SkryptI have a 2nd, useless, external hard drive icon on my desktop -- how do I remove it???11:07
serenityUKlol @  greg is now known as cheeseboy11:07
BucketfaceDelete :D?11:07
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RAdamsNik: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435111:07
asdfasdfajust out of curiousity...i want to use my new kubuntu install to crack my wep key on my router11:07
SkryptBucketface: wont work mate11:08
asdfasdfau can do that with aircrack right?11:08
Skrypt"You cannot move the volume "Mybook" to the trash."11:08
SkryptI cant unmount it either11:08
AquaFoxAfter the install will smp be supported?11:08
walkoverbruenig, what?11:08
BucketfaceOh ya...11:08
evilofisho_dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 20307 package `g++':11:08
evilofisho_ `Depends' field, reference to `cpp': version contains ` ' How am I supposed to correct this? :<11:08
BucketfaceThat poses another question.11:08
bruenigwalkover, the program is called update-alternatives11:08
frojndPelo: Is there any log for the list of what this program delited, couse I can't scroll up in my konzole11:08
BucketfaceHow do I make it so I am able too access all my documents from Linux, Dual boot planned btw.11:08
walkoveri just want firefox to be my standard browser instead of konqueror11:08
walkoverok ill try11:09
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Jack_Sparrowevilofisho_: HAve you changed your sources.list and added anything?11:09
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serenityUKskrypt try   sudo  umount  /dev/sda1   or whatever the device is11:09
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therethinkerCan anyone help me with SVN?11:09
redis it feasible to install ubuntu on an MD raid-1 array?  I cannot figure out how to do it with feisty11:09
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SkryptserenityUK: that just removes the other icon.11:09
s_v_e_n@ res yes it word11:09
s_v_e_ntake the alternative install cd11:10
Jack_SparrowBucketface: You will be able to read them, writing to them (If ntfs) will require ntfs-3g11:10
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GNineglx refers to nvidia drivers11:10
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xero9364red: use the alt cd11:10
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evilofisho_Jack_Sparrow: Yeah.. Well, I enabled some of the disabled ones.11:10
xero9364Hello Ubunter11:10
demonsporkI need to reformat the partition that has GRUB on it, how do I reinstall GRUB exactly as it is now after I do that?11:10
Jack_Sparrowevilofisho_: use the pastebin to post your sources.list... it may have clues11:10
serenityUKskrypt you can see the devices by typing  sudo fdisk  -l       (L for Larry)11:11
Mrazis there a decent linux app that outputs record uptimes?11:11
GNineaqua.. why install without smp if u want it11:11
evilofisho_Jack_Sparrow: Alright, hold on.11:11
s_v_e_n@red: user the alternate install cd, make two partitions type logocal volume for raid and the at the top of the menue appears raid configuration11:11
serenityUKskrypt then umount the device for mybook11:11
neverblueis it possible to install higher than IE 6 ona linux box?11:11
AquaFoxGNine the website says so: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/hp_dv6000_series_%28dv6116eu%2911:11
redxero9364: where can i find that?  i only see desktop and server11:11
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xero9364neverblue: Internet explorer sucks, but yes.11:11
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neverbluewhere xero9364 ?11:11
xero9364red: It should be under the desktop category11:11
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xero9364neverblue: I don't know. Have you tried IEs for Unix or whatever?11:12
BucketfaceJack_Sparrow, I will be able to read them and listen to my music use stuff from my documents etc. right off the bat, but in order to download stuff outside of my linux partition, I would need to get a thing called ntfs-3g?11:12
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BucketfaceWhere to find?!11:12
neverblueyes, installs only upto 6.011:12
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ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:12
Ubunterhey guys11:12
=== Haz [n=botrotar@88-107-103-130.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
evilofisho_Jack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.com/d3364678811:12
serenityUKhi Ubunter11:12
xero9364neverblue: Then I'm stumped. IE sucks anyway, though.11:12
Hazis there a decent linux app for ubuntu that outputs record uptimes?11:12
SkryptserenityUK: Ok, I have a mybook. It has 2 icons on my desktop. One icon functions normally with the hard drive. The other just never moves...11:12
neverbluexero9364, I think you mentioned that once already11:12
SkryptIf I unmount, the one icon removes but the other doesnt....11:13
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Jack_Sparrowevilofisho_: So you have run automatix... bad boy...11:13
Ubunterthere is a question i have relating to the GUI installer for ubuntu (ubiquity)11:13
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Jack_Sparrow!automatix | evilofisho_:11:13
ubotuevilofisho_:: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)11:13
xero9364Jack_Sparrow, what's wrong with Automatix? I used it and **NOTHING BROKE OMG!!**11:13
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evilofisho_Jack_Sparrow: Damnit.11:13
redxero9364: thanks :)11:13
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xero9364red: It was s_v_e_n who helped you.11:14
Jack_Sparrowxero9364: Read the link provided11:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:14
serenityUKSkrypt, I have a mybook too... are you letting it automount or did you add a line in /etc/fstab?   do they have the same name or is one like MyBook_11:14
evilofisho_Jack_Sparrow: Well, thanks anyway.11:14
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neverblueah, xero9364 is asking questions11:14
reds_v_e_n: thanks :)11:14
neverblueis it possible to install higher than IE 6 on a linux box?11:14
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Skryptit's "MyBook" and there's no line in fstab11:14
Jack_Sparrowevilofisho_: IT is not as simple as uninstalling it.. and the problems it causes are not always immediately seen..11:15
nickrudneverblue, sure, with vmware11:15
Skryptthey're both "MyBook"11:15
serenityUKjust ask Ubunter .. it is busy in here u have to shout abit11:15
Dougieyeah this is all i can find about installing the udf2.5 patch A UDF 2.5 filesystem driver (the UDF driver included in Feisty Fawn 7.04 only supports UDF 2.0). A driver for Feisty Fawn's 2.6.20-15 kernel is attached to this page. Copy it to /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/fs/udf/udf.ko11:15
neverbluenickrud, thats a solution, but not the one I am looking for, thanks though11:15
evilofisho_Jack_Sparrow: Yeah, I know. Even if I uninstall it the damage is already done.11:15
redi actually have an ubuntu install that i cannot get to start correctly after i cp'ed it to another (raid) partition11:15
nickrudneverblue, I should have added a smiley11:15
Hazis there a decent linux app for ubuntu that outputs record uptimes?11:15
marko-_-how do you make an directiory or an file in terminal ?11:15
BucketfaceJack_Sparrow, so NTFS-3g is already in ubuntu when I install the OS, I just need to like, activate it?11:15
neverblueops, I should have :)11:15
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Jack_Sparrow Bucketface  yes.. you should have no problems11:16
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Dougiemarko-_-, mkdir for directory file you just do something like nano blah.txt or whatever11:16
xero9364Jack_Sparrow, Holy sh**. I didn't know Automatix did all that dangerous crap. (uninstalls it immediately)11:16
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EvilSporkWhat kernel does 7.04 server run now?11:16
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Jack_Sparrowxero9364: Sorry.. but it is too late for that...11:16
fuzzyim trying to get my sound working on my laptop, i have a alc260 sound card, can someone point me in the right direction?11:16
Bucketfacethankies then~!11:16
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:16
Ubunter!pastebin Ubunter11:17
xero9364Jack_Sparrow, nothing broke. It's not too late if nothing is broken.11:17
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serenityUKjust ask Ubunter .. it is busy in here u have to shout abit11:17
xero9364!pastebin | Ubunter11:17
drgebwhat tools do you all recommend to monitor your SMART harddrives ?11:17
evilofisho_Jack_Sparrow: What could be a possible solution?11:17
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ubotuUbunter: please see above11:17
redi have been getting booted into the `initramfs` prompt and i am clueless about how to get the OS on the raid partition to boot up correctly.  mdrun /does/ start the raid device but i cannot figure out how to boot the OS on the raid device11:17
EvilSporkI've used smartmontools for such11:17
Ubunterokay never mind pastebin now11:17
Jack_Sparrowxero9364: Yea.... Keep thinking that..11:17
exalargeEvilSpork: 2.6.20-1611:17
EvilSporkThank you.11:18
=== Planet-X [n=joshua@cpe-72-230-22-26.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
xero9364I seriously see nothing broken. GNOME still works, and everything I do works like a charm (including GRUB)11:18
Jack_Sparrowevilofisho_: A fresh install  is the easiest bet...  or a backup prior to using automatix if you have that.11:18
Ubunterthere is a question i have relating to the GUI installer for ubuntu (ubiquity)... in the Advanced section there is the default value (hd0)11:18
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xero9364I'm not taking that kind of risk though.11:18
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evilofisho_Jack_Sparrow: Alright, thanks for the help.11:18
therethinker!svn | therethinker11:18
Ubunterwhat if i change that value to (hda1) ??11:18
GNineas of aug, 2006 there is not higher version of IE for linux than version 6.11:18
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Jack_Sparrowevilofisho_: Wish it was better news...  People here are happy to help you install anything we can the right way11:19
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vltHello. Which command do I need to execute to hibernate my laptop?11:19
serenityUKUbunter, do you mean when installing grub  or the root of ubuntu?11:19
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Dougieok i think i figured out what i did wrong :)11:19
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UbunterserenityUK,  i mean when install GRUB11:19
GNineubuntu is not grub11:19
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Ubunter*when installing11:20
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neverblueis it possible to install higher than IE 6 on a linux box?11:20
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bjameswill Ubuntu have a newer kernel soon?11:20
GNineneverblue. my small research sais no11:20
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bjamesand is there an automated update process11:20
bohawhy do i get this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34818/11:20
neverblueGNine, same here11:20
KaedennGreetin's. What package should I download if I want an extremely comprehensive, user-friendly calculator application that allows me to plot 2D or 3D graphs, where x and y can both be of arbitrary degrees?11:20
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EvilSporkWould I lose any interesting functionality on 6.06 server by installing the latest vanilla kernel? I want to get the max6650 driver so I can make my old Intel server stop screaming11:20
nickrudbjames, with gutsy; the kernel in feisty might get some backported stuff, but the kernel version won't change11:21
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evilofisho_Jack_Sparrow: I just popped in the installation CD, am I supposted to like.. Make a clean install or 'Run upgrade'..?11:21
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ompaulbjames, it will have a new one with the new release or a new one if the devs think that it needs such a serious patch to the old one that is about it11:21
KaedennFor example, I want to graph 14x^3 + 18y^3 = 011:21
EvilSporkI asked about 7.04 before, just wondering if that'd get me a new enough version... yes, i'm lazy11:21
GNineit was in the works but thats about it11:21
KaedennWithout solving for y.11:21
_Lyxus_I have qa centrino duo, is this option is better that the normal 32 bits 64bit AMD and Intel computers11:21
ArmitageHey, can anyone please tell me how to connect to the internet through my Treo 68011:21
serenityUKUbunter, ok well  hd0  means putting it on the MBR of the first drive,  which is normally what you want... you can install it on another partition but you should only do this for a reason11:21
UbunterI do not want that GRUB overwrites my MBR (Master Boot Record)... instead, I want it to be installed into the first sector of a boot partition11:21
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Ubunterhow can i do that?11:21
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bjamesit's just that I installed Ubuntu 7.04 a few weeks ago and it came with 2.6.15/16 kernels11:21
kornitsanyone have any ideas why my screen resolution is not seemingly supported11:21
Ubunterdoes the ubuntu installer has that option?11:21
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bjamesI have since compiled but I'm having problems11:22
silva_i have display adapter  NVIDIA geforce mx8 64mb11:22
bjamesnamely with the package manager and ndiswrapper11:22
kornitsi keep trying to add it into my xorg.conf file, but it does not seem to take effect11:22
silva_how install11:22
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kornitswhat am i doing wrong11:22
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=== silva_ plz
PriceChildbjames, we don't support custom kernels in this channel because of those problems :)11:22
bjamesit would be nice if there was an update kernel option somewhere in Ubuntu11:22
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nickrudbjames, I have 2.6.20 in feisty?11:22
bjamesit's not custom, just newer11:22
bjamesnickrud: how?11:23
GNinekaeden: i think there is some choices in synaptic about scientific type calc progs11:23
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bjamesdid you compile yourself?11:23
PriceChildbjames, i suggest you downgrade back to the old kernel.11:23
nickrudbjames, it's the one that came with it.11:23
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ArmitageCan anyone tell me how to connect to the internet through my Treo 68011:23
serenityUKUbunter, the grub numbering is zero based and means   (hd X, Y)    where X is the drive and Y the partition...  so (hd0,2)   would put it on the third partition11:23
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silva_i have feisty 7.0411:23
bjamesnickrud: why did your version come with a different kernel to mine?11:23
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bjamesI've tried booting into the other (older) kenrnel, but it's a bit screwey11:23
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EvilSporkIt kinda looks like max6650 may be in 2.6.21-rc5 and later11:24
UbunterserenityUK, what about (hd0,1)  ??11:24
Pingu_ladyanyone can help me with a compiz theme?11:24
ratonn?: Anyone ever try connection to a wireless network with special characters in its ESSID? The one I'm trying to connect to has a french accent, and ubuntu fails to see it. Windows sees it.11:24
serenityUKUbunter, that would be the second partition on the first drive11:24
STixxi downloaded nexuiz...but i  dont know how to exit the game..and it doesnt work that fast...it is EXTREMLY slow..11:24
GNinekornits: i think YOU didnt set all possible supported resolutions.. i did that manually by reconfiguring x-desktop.   just a suggestion11:24
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bjamescan anyone explain why 7.04 comes with different kernels?11:24
Jack_SparrowPingu_lady: try #ubuntu-effects11:24
nickrudbjames, you probably installed the particular kernel version, rather than the kernel meta package. Try installing linux-image-generic or linux-image-lowlatency11:24
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serenityUKUbunter, but you will need some way to call grub...  do you have another distro installed?11:25
kornitsGNine: how do I do that?11:25
bjamesnickrud: how?11:25
nickrudbjames, sudo aptitude install linux-image-lowlatency11:25
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UbunterserenityUK, yes11:25
evilofisho_Jack_Sparrow: I just popped in the installation CD, am I supposed to like.. Make a clean install or 'Run upgrade'..?11:25
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thecrosshello.  I'm having some problems with my sound.  When I test the playback device in Sound Properties I get this error message "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not get/set settings from/on resource." I've tried getting new alsa drivers from a "fresh" kernel, but still no luck. any ideas would be much appreciated.  I've been working on this for the last 2 days, and I'm going insane!11:25
nickrudbjames, try dpkg -l 'linux-image*'11:25
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Pingvillerjust a stupid question... what does linux-image-lowlatency do? :P11:25
serenityUKUbunter, ok you can daisy chain them and have grub call another grub if that is your thing11:25
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gatenI'm having trouble with the mysql-server package. It doesn't install a /etc/init.d/mysql file. i've tried to remove and purge it, then reinstall it but no go. any help?11:25
empekHello :)11:25
UbunterserenityUK, is (hd0,1) always the boot partition?11:26
GNinerun sudo command from terminal :  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:26
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jerryrighterhi there empek11:26
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serenityUKUbunter, no you can put it anywhere check carefully11:26
Jack_Sparrowevilofisho_: Use live cd to backup your var/cache/apt/archives... and anything else of importance... then full install11:26
angryogreHey, should I use Beryl for Ubuntu 7.04? or is there something better?11:26
UbunterserenityUK, is (hd0,1) the boot partition?11:26
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nickrudPingviller, apt-cache show linux-image-lowlatency will tell you better than I11:26
ArmitageCan anyone tell me how to use Ubuntu 7.04 to access the Internet through a Treo 680?11:26
evilofisho_Jack_Sparrow: Alright, thanks again.11:27
gatenangryogre: compiz-fusion is better in mho11:27
STixxi downloaded nexuiz...but i  dont know how to exit the game..and it doesnt work that fast...it is EXTREMLY slow.....help?11:27
GNinedont change anything but the resolutions you want supported for ur monitor.. of course, u need to know what can your monitor support11:27
serenityUKPingviller, the low latency kernel if favourite of musiction because it reduces the milliseconds of response time for their instruments  but it is not so good for serverse11:27
Pingvillernickrud: I'll try that one ;)11:27
angryogregaten: how is it better?11:27
UbunterserenityUK, is (hd0,1) always the boot partition if we say that ubuntu installer made the default layout?11:27
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vltArmitage: What's a Treo 680?11:27
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jerryrighteryes angryogre compiz fusion is better but its unstable right now also11:27
serenityUKUbunter, you can put it anywhere check carefully11:27
vxxvError in terminal when launching an installer.sh -- "Permission Denied" -- Need to know how to circumvent this permission denied in order to install a game, (UT2004)11:27
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Ubunterokay, anywhere11:27
EvilSporkAh, hey, looks like Gutsy Gibbon will come with the driver I need... as incredibly lazy as this is, I think I'll wait for that then upgrade the whole distro. Yes... just to get one driver. I'm silly :D11:27
gatenangryogre: i find it more stable and much fast than beryl. and it is now the "new" beryl, as the compiz and beryl team have collaborated to create it11:28
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Jack_Sparrow!sudo | vxxv11:28
ubotuvxxv: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:28
GNinevxxv:  maybe u need root priviledge11:28
serenityUKUbunter, i have never done the default layout... and if you already have partition that will effect it... be carefull11:28
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AquaFoxWhat does the memtest do?11:28
Pingvillernickrud: but it didn't really give me any info what so ever :(11:28
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PeloAquaFox,  test you memory11:28
gatenAquaFox: it checks your memory for errors'11:28
Pingvillerjust alot of text which didn't make sense to me :P11:28
vxxvGNine -- Do I type "sudo linux-installer.sh" ?11:28
AquaFoxAnd if it finds any errors?11:28
UbunterserenityUK, never did the default layout? gee11:28
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EvilSporkThat and nicer ntfs11:28
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GNinenot sure..11:29
PeloAquaFox,  you get new memory, if you are lucky it is still under warranty11:29
serenityUKUbunter, I have lots of things installed i justdo manuall and choose my partitions11:29
nickrudPingviller, it gave you the most important: it depends on the latest low latency kernel, and just above it tells you exactly what that kernel is.11:29
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AquaFoxI have a laptop Pelo I can't get new memory.11:29
Dougiewell that didn't work either11:29
GNinehowever, if u do run sudo and it goes thru.. then it works, right?11:29
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PeloAquaFox,  did you run memtest and get an error ?11:30
UbunterserenityUK, are you a programer?11:30
angryogregaten: what about a good assembly language?11:30
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gatenangryogre: what do you mean?11:30
AquaFoxPelo no I got PCI: errors which were already in the bug repo of Ubuntu.11:30
serenityUKUbunter, yes C++  i do 3D games stuff11:30
nickrudPingviller, What that means :) is, if a newer kernel comes out, linux-image-lowlatency will also be rereleased; since you have it installed, it will be automatically upgraded, thereby pulling in the new kernel.11:30
jerryrighteraquafox u can too upgrade ur mem/ram  in a laptop its underneat in a little panel wella t least mine is11:30
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csc`AquaFox: TRAITOR11:30
Pingvillernickrud: well, I have no idea what so ever of what that could be :P11:30
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Dougiei think it may be because i'm using a different kernel11:30
AquaFoxcsc`, you idiot Arch doesn't boot on this shiz.11:30
reya276How can I fix this Error "Failed to execute child process "su-to-root" (No such file or directory)"11:30
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PeloAquaFox, search the error in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org11:30
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Pingvillernickrud: yeah, but what is it FOR? :P11:30
angryogreJust trying to find how to use an assembly language for ubuntu, and it's kinda confusing.....11:30
csc`AquaFox: then your shiz sucks11:31
AquaFoxThank you.11:31
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nickrudPingviller, oh, the lowlatency: it has some patches that are supposed to make the desktop more responsive11:31
serenityUKPingviller, low latency  means quicker response  by milliseconds it is used my musicians on ubuntu studio to have a fast desktop but servers dont need it11:31
gatenangryogre: oh, check google. there are a couple good tutorials out there11:31
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vxxvPROBLEM: bash: ./linux-installer.sh: Permission denied         ---- How do I launch this file?11:31
=== Pelo should realy run a memcheck one of these days
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Pelovxxv,   sudo chmod 777 linux-installer.sh   the install again11:32
angryogreyea, but I have no idea where to find where program to run what I read11:32
bruenigor chmod 111 it11:32
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PingvillerserenityUK: I don't use my laptop for any music except for listening :P if it would speed up my response times for accessing my desktop I'd be glad anyway though :)11:32
vxxvPELO -- can I talk to you in private?11:32
Pelovxxv,  no11:32
bruenigwould chmod 111 work I wonder11:32
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GNinePCI errors , ok.. maybe u need to tell11:32
reya276How can I fix this Error "Failed to execute child process "su-to-root" (No such file or directory)" ?11:33
Pingvillernickrud: well, sounds good on paper at least :P11:33
Pelobruenig, should   1 = execute11:33
GNinevxxv:  u need to specify the entire path to the .sh file11:33
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vxxvGNine - I am in that folder, will do so, though11:33
bruenigPelo, ah it gives permission denied11:33
jerryrighterangryogre www.google.com how to install and run what ever it is u need =D that r the ubuntu forums might be ur best bet11:33
Pelovxxv,  where is the linux installer file located ?11:33
serenityUKPingviller, i wondered about that.. it's meant for realtime stuff like twiddling knobs but I don't know if it makes nomal use better11:33
bruenigPelo, 555 works though, so I guess you need to be able to read it to execute it11:33
reya276Sorry, I tried to run Samba from the start menu and I got this error" Failed to execute child process "su-to-root" (No such file or directory)". How can I fix it11:33
Pelobruenig,  maybe it needs to read before executing11:33
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kornitsok... well i am at the section gnine where it asks me about resolutions, some have asterisks next to it, and others don't. I am not sure how to add asterisks to the ones that don't have it11:33
nickrudPingviller, true. I run it because low latency was shiny and new once, now it's entrenched :)11:33
vxxvPelo /home/v/Files/UT/linux-installer.sh11:33
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Pelovxxv,    cd /home/V/Files/UT11:34
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PingvillerserenityUK: cool :) I do have some lag when my Amarok is displaying the new song list :P it's a slow laptop so I don't really blame it, but is there any cons for installing that package?11:34
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nickrudseems likely a file needs to be readable to be executable11:34
angryogreyea, been lookin all over, not much11:34
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FFForever1PhilKC, are you there?11:34
AquaFoxWhen I boot I get a /bin/sh: can't access tty;11:34
GNineuse the cursor .. hightlight and press space bar.. as long as u see the option as selected ...11:34
AquaFoxjob ccontrol turned off11:35
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Pelovxxv,  sudo chmod 777 linux-installer.sh      then      sudo ./linux-installer.sh11:35
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AquaFoxCD boot I mean.11:35
nickrudPingviller, none that I know of11:35
serenityUKPingviller, that would probably be the HD.. laptop HDs are slower to save power/size11:35
FFForever1is there an irc op here?11:35
gatenangryogre: http://asm.sourceforge.net/resources.html#tutorials11:35
PingvillerserenityUK: true.. :P11:35
kornitsoh ok... do i need to restart for changes to take effect?11:35
PeloFFForever1,  they are probably hidding , what do you need ?11:35
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Pingvillernickrud: then I might as well try it out and see if it does anything :)11:35
AquaFox/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off <-- Anybody?11:36
FFForever1i need to reset my password (lol) kinda forgot it............11:36
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serenityUKhardisks are the slowest part of the computer... apart from printers lol11:36
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vxxvPELO -- life saver.11:36
PeloFFForever1,  are you logged in right now ?11:36
Pelovxxv,   snce I was 1611:36
PeloFFForever1,  join  #freenode you need a network admin11:36
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Pingvillernickrud: I guess it should start working right away? :)11:37
nickrudPingviller, no, it'll be a new kernel entry on your grub boot menu11:37
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Pingvillernickrud: ok I've only been on Feisty for a week ;) what does that mean exactly? :)11:37
serenityUKPingviller, you need to reboot for kernel stuff11:37
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PingvillerserenityUK: cool :)11:37
demonsporkWhen I try to start tightvncserver -httpport 80 :3, it goes through a bunch of lines talking about how it can't start xtightvnc and then it gets a permission denied when it tries to ListenOnTCPPort11:38
serenityUKPingviller, you should see a new option on the list when you boot11:38
asdfasdfahow do i access airsnort if i just apt-get install'd it11:38
Pingvillerthanks both of you :) guess I'll notice if it does anything11:38
bruenigasdfasdfa, dpkg -L airsnort11:38
Pelodemonspork,  change the permission of that xtightvnc file11:38
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nickrudPingviller, when you reboot, you should see (after the bios splash) a list of possible kernels to run. There'll be a new one, low latency to go along with generic and windows (if you have that)11:38
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demonsporkPelo, what do I need to change it to?11:39
Pelodemonspork,  try 75511:39
tarelerulzI intalled both libdvdcss2 and libdvdread3 I still can't play my dvd . What am I missing11:39
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Pelotarelerulz, review the instructions11:40
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Pelo!dvd | tarelerulz11:40
ubotutarelerulz: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:40
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demonsporktightvncserver runs fine when I use a port like 8080?11:40
Pingvillernickrud: I'm only using windows for my internet-bank, and got a VirtualBox-machine for that part ;)11:40
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btorioummm... i just tried to restart my ubuntu box.... and all i get is a mouse and white screen11:40
btoriowhat can i do to fix this11:40
Spee_DerGood evening everyone.11:40
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demonsporkPelo, where is xtightvnc?11:41
serenityUKwelcome Spee_Der11:41
nickrudPingviller, vmware for me ;P11:41
jerryrighterello there spee_der11:41
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Pingvillernickrud: works too I guess ;)11:41
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Pelobtorio,  boot recovery mode  sudo dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg11:41
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Pelodemonspork,   locate  xtghsgtdfljrwekrwer whatevere11:41
Pingvillernickrud: I just tried VirtualBox first and was happy with the solution, so I don't have any reason to switch :)11:41
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btoriopelo: how do i boot into recovery mode11:41
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Pelobtorio, reboot,  from the grub menu select recovery mode11:41
Dougiei'm using kernel 2.6.20-16-realtime and the udf patch is for kernel 2.6.20-15-generic you think that makes a difference?11:41
demonsporkPelo? what11:42
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serenityUKnickrud, VirtualBox is open source.... but VM is sweer11:42
Pelodemonspork,   in the terminal   locate filename11:42
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demonsporkit doesn't do anything11:42
PingvillerI'm guessing VM got it's perks11:42
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Pingvillerbut until I feel VB is missing something I won't have a reason to try it ;)11:43
nickrudserenityUK, true. I chose it on ratings; I subscribe to the 'use open source except when it's not good enough for a critical system'11:43
demonsporkPelo, it doesn't do anything11:43
Pelodemonspork,  that is because you donT' have that file on your computer   which would explain why you can'T start it ,   so a search in synaptic and install it11:43
btorioPelo, what should I do to configure X... i jst tried to do it before the problem11:43
jerryrighterserenityUk what exactly is the dif with vm and virtual box dont they both do the same thing? and i hear vm is slower then Vbox11:43
Pelobtorio, select vesa11:43
serenityUKPingviller, VM is a private company so it is polished, but VirtualBox is open source11:44
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PingvillerserenityUK: private doesn't always mean good ;) just look at MS ;P11:44
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steffhi all11:44
nickrudPingviller, you took the words out of my mouth :)11:44
jerryrighterhi steff11:44
steffhi :)11:44
Spee_DerHello steff11:44
demonsporkPelo, I can start the server successfully on other ports11:44
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steffhi :)11:44
Pingvillernickrud: ;)11:44
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phenomVMware owns. :) Anything else is blasphemy.11:45
GNinebtorio, the complete commad looks like :    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:45
Pelodemonspork,  I don'T know anyting abotu vnc , I was just giving you some general advice11:45
Pingviller<-- happy blasphemer11:45
serenityUKjerryrighter, VM works on windows too,   VirtualBox is just for linux i think11:45
Dougiei'm using kernel 2.6.20-16-realtime and the udf patch is for kernel 2.6.20-15-generic you think that makes a difference?11:45
PingvillerserenityUK: correct :)11:45
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Paddy_EIREserenityUK: I always found VMWare to be very fisherprice11:45
steffbye all11:46
=== khar [n=khar@87-205-33-168.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #ubuntu
btorioumm that command isn't working11:46
tarelerulzPelo I install libdvdcss2 and I can't play dvds .  What player does that work for .  Maybe I don't have the right player to use that11:46
nickrudbtorio, if yo don't want to wade through a lot of redundant settings, use sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg11:46
jerryrighterah so wouldnt that mean that vbox would be faster then vmware then.       serenityUK?11:46
btorioit started into a command line interface11:46
=== Pelo thinks fisherprice makes the thoughest cd player on the market
Paddy_EIRE!dvd | tarelerulz11:46
ubotutarelerulz: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:46
GNineif ur using a pci device u better read the error report and figure out where it is located11:46
Spee_Derbtorio, what is the trouble with X please ?11:46
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btorioand after typing it in it just gives me info about dpkg11:46
Pelotarelerulz,  should work for all of them ,  but totem doesn't work well with dvd,  try mplayer vlc or xine11:46
GNineintegrated video is a default as far as i could tell11:46
nickrudlol, fisherprice11:47
btorioSpee-Der, at first it was not showing all my screens resolution11:47
serenityUKjerryrighter, VirtualBox is opensource based on old QEmu but using the Intel VT instructions for hardware accelleration11:47
=== PanicByte [n=PanicByt@c-71-192-191-253.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
btorioso i reconfigured x11:47
=== ironmatar [n=ironmata@pool-71-112-180-6.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
btorioand restarted11:47
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btoriothen it showed a white screen with a mouse but nothing else11:47
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Pingvilleroh another stupid question :D11:47
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Pingvillerwhat does fisherprice mean? :P11:47
Spee_Derbtorio, did you edit xorg.conf ?11:47
PingvillerI'm usually up to date about english expressions but that one is over my head11:48
OntzAbut does VirtualBox have USB support?11:48
serenityUKjerryrighter, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_virtual_machines11:48
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Paddy_EIREPingviller: cheap and nasty... eye candy for children11:48
Spee_Derbtorio, or should I say, /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:48
nickrudPingviller, a nearly indistructible educational toy company11:48
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Pelobtorio,  reconfigrue it again,  pick vesa for a driver,  select the default suggested for everythign else, and then come back and we'll tell you how to get your extra resolution11:48
jerryrighterthnks serenityUk looking at it now11:48
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OntzAI see in that comparison that it has USB, is it USB 2.0?11:49
Pingvillerso how is it used? this stuff is soooo cool, it's totally fisherprice?! :P    ?11:49
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serenityUKjerryrighter, if you are going to try VM use VMServer because it supports SMP  (dualcore)11:49
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Paddy_EIREkvm and qemu11:49
PeloPingviller,  fisherpirce is a toy company,  they make very tought products, and on the whole their electronics are very relaiable and much more highend then you would expect11:49
nickrudPingviller, I think it's a matter of perspective: simple enough for a child, I think is the intersection here11:50
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phenomjust,, just blasphemy. VMware is the best,,, ONLY tool to use to analyze vulnerable environments/viruses and the like. VMware is an admins best friend. :)11:50
GNineit would help if you knew your hardware type , btorio11:50
jerryrighterah cool ok thanks serenityUK ill keep that in mind11:50
Pingvillernickrud: ah thanks :) I'm a sucker for language-usage :P11:50
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ironmatarok serenityUK i tried the installer command in terminal and the cd directiory change and list commands and tab complete works there however it gave me a instller fail message as still running a X app  xorg?11:50
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PingvillerPelo: thanks to you too :P11:50
btoriomy graphics card is an Intel Q965/Q96311:50
nickrudPingviller, I also. I drive friends nuts11:50
btorioDell Optiplex 74511:51
xero9364Anal retentive women.11:51
Pingvillernickrud: cheers for driving friends nuts :D11:51
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PriceChildxero9364, not in here11:51
serenityUKironmatar, yes that is why the init.d thing to drop to text mode11:51
tarelerulzI installed to different thing to play dvd and they don't work .  So I am at lost and I did need the intructions .11:51
phenomcommand line kiddies cry when an app has too many widgets, and cry when it is simple. :)11:51
BucketfaceI am in hte middle of isntalling Ubuntu11:51
opohoHi people I have a question, I'd like to know how to convert flacs into oggs without losing additional metadata11:51
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ironmatarthe gdm stop command just dros me totaly out of desktop and nothing works there11:51
GNineam talking about whether ur video is pci or not .. ur crt type ..  stuff like that11:51
PeloBucketface, having problems ?11:51
btoriowith a 19" Dell EP198FP11:51
BucketfaceWhat should I choose when creating a partition for a dual boot11:51
nickrudphenom, rlfol11:52
btorio1440x400 max resolution11:52
OntzAtarelerulz: to play DVD-Video use xine11:52
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serenityUKironmatar, but you just do the same thing as in the terminal11:52
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ironmatari did and got nada11:52
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GNine1440x400?  whew.. i dont even think thats .. possible11:52
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PeloBucketface, step back to the desktop ,  open ghe partition manager in  the admin menu ,  resze yoru exsisting windows partition to make some space availabe  and use that when you install11:53
jerryrightertarelerulz u could also use VLC in synaptics to play dvds also i find it better for movies then xine11:53
Paddy_EIREGNine: yeah it is... I have seen much highier11:53
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osmosiscan anyone verify if this is fixed in gutsy?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/4253211:53
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PeloBucketface, I'm told the installer can do it but I've never see the screen in question and I rather do it before where I can check and make sure11:53
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nickrudpretty narrow screen11:53
uavstrebeanyone have experience with component video to usb adapter?11:53
GNinenah.. high is 1600x126011:53
PriceChild!gutsy | osmosis11:53
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ubotuosmosis: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+111:53
Bucketfaceokay, that's cool.11:53
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OntzAthe best program to play movies is mplayer11:54
GNine1440x400 is bs11:54
Iamroot!u | GNine11:54
ubotuGNine: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:54
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serenityUKironmatar, you are doing lowercase LS  not 1S aren't you?11:54
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=== Pelo grabs ubotu and uses it to beat Iamroot
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serenityUKls for list11:54
Iamrootit's pronounced ell ess11:54
ironmatarand right11:54
Iamrootand list11:54
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BucketfaceSo... resize my windows partition, and leave 20GB free space for Ubuntu, and do I need to do anything else?11:55
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IamrootBucketface: Delete Windows partition. You won't miss it.11:55
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nickrudBucketface, a swap partition, rough 1.5 to 2 times your ram11:55
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BucketfaceI need the stuff from my windows D;11:55
BucketfaceI want dual boot.11:55
PeloBucketface,  you migh want to defrag and back up before resizing just in case but no not realy,  select guided whn you install and tell it to use the unalocated space11:55
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ironmatarso i dont know whats wrong or what im doig wrong11:55
PeloBucketface, ubuntu will install a boot menu so you can dual boot11:56
BucketfaceI have defragged it alreayd :D11:56
IamrootGrub is yummy.11:56
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ironmatarwith choclet11:56
PeloBucketface,  then quit fooling around and get to it :)11:56
teddy_#join gentoo11:57
sidhttp://rafb.net/p/EVWA9e40.html Is it possible to make this camera work in Ubuntu?11:57
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=== Spee_Der is waiting fro grub to finish cooking..... Y U M !
IamrootPelo, Bucketface, indeed. What he said.11:57
Peloteddy_,  /join #gentoo11:57
serenityUKironmatar,  what happens when you type ls??11:57
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ironmatari get a  new blank line11:57
IamrootserenityUK: I get a list of all the files in my current working directory.11:57
btoriowell i chose all the default options, and now everytime i turn on my computer it starts to load (i hear the sound of it entering the login screen) but my monitor tells me the optimized video mode is 1440x900 60hz, and no image is displayed11:57
hommalhow do i open gconf?11:57
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ironmatarin termina i get proper lists11:57
nickrudironmatar, what do you get when you type pwd11:57
PriceChildhommal, gconf-editor11:58
Pelohommal,   terminal  gconf-editor11:58
teddy_thx Pelo..I like Ubuntu too..It is my main workstation at work!11:58
PriceChildhommal, you don't open gconf... you edit it11:58
BucketfaceSo how much is 20GB in MiB? Like 25,500?11:58
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jcfialaOooh.  Good guess.11:58
serenityUKironmatar,  do you have a long prompt such as   root@machine>    or a little one like #11:58
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Iamrootneverblue: Mebibytes.11:58
phenomBucketface: I'd spring for another hd and back everything up first. I've never heard an admin say they have never messed up partitioning. Make sure TO install grub as a boot loader, or your going to have problems.11:58
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hommal"Open the gconf-editor, and go to apps->gnome-btdownload->settings."11:58
nickrudisn't MiB 1000 vs 1024 ?11:58
Peloppl keep telling me they like ubuntu as if I made it11:58
hommalthats what i want to do11:58
IamrootMega binary bytes11:58
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Pelohommal,   terminal  gconf-editor  then navigate yoru way to where tehy tell you11:59
nickrudPelo, it comes from being prominent here11:59
ironmatarubuntu gives me a box for a login name and the pwd box11:59
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ironmatarer then11:59
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=== Pelo thinks being prominent makes you a target
ObeLisK_12183Hey at aLL =)11:59
ObeLisK_12183can somebody help me please?=D  on this site here:  www.pennergame.de/ref.php?uid=1218311:59
PingvillerBucketface: usually when calc'ing that I just add 5% and hope it's about right11:59
ObeLisK_12183thanks =)11:59
Bucketfacewhat do you mean? Install grub as a boot loader, I've not even installded ubuntu yet!11:59
jcfialaNice to meet you all - I've just installed ubuntu at work, and spent what felt like two hours trying to get skype to work... which I eventually did.11:59
IamrootObeLisK_12183, are you a spambot?12:00
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PeloObeLisK_12183,  it's not a good idea to just post a link,  tell us what it is about first12:00
emeristeWhen you install ubuntu it installs grub for you.12:00
IamrootLOL PWNED12:00
serenityUKit's spam Pelo he was here before12:00
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PriceChildserenityUK, Pelo one second....12:00
PeloPriceChild, ?12:00
PriceChildahh didn't notice his kline12:00
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PriceChildwas just about to ban :)12:00
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hommalpelo, what do you mean by "terminal gconf-editor"? there's even a wikipedia entry on the gconf-editor without saying how to open it - LOL! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gconf-editor12:01
serenityUKPriceChild, it was a different name last time12:01
btoriowell my xorg.conf file is probably so messed up by now12:01
IamrootPriceChild: That's a gaming site that he spammed. He just tried to get more d00ds12:01
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btorioit still isn't working12:01
lynucs__my dvd-burner is pretty slow.. it burns dvd's with x0.8-1.6 speed.. no matter which tool.. it is an IDE drive, but emulated as a scsi drive. kernel 2.6.20. hdparm doesn't give any info, i guess becaseu of scsi. can anyone help??12:01
btorioi tried reconfiguring it12:01
Pelohommal,  open a terminal window  type gconf-editor  ...12:01
btorioi selected all the default options12:01
rithienok, i need some serious help getting ubuntu installed lol12:01
btoriorithien: what's up?12:02
Iamrootrithien: Okay. Where are you stuck?12:02
BucketfaceNew size for window's partition is 91500MiB, that leaves 22971 MiB for other parrtitions go time :D?12:02
ironmatarif you would link that guide to nvida driver install i think i need to do some reading12:02
hommalpelo :-) ah, ok thanks!12:02
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IamrootBucketface: You'll regret keeping Windows.12:02
phenomBucketface: when you install ubuntu you will see the option to install grub as master bootloader?? I believe,, any way "yes".. Windows is probably installed as primary in the MBR and will boot right to windows.12:02
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rithienwell, i have a custom built desktop, with an nvidia 8800 gts (no built in graphics card)12:02
PingvillerBucketface: that's how I started... then I ended with a full reformat to ext3 and adding a VirtualBox for my Windows-stuff12:02

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