
laserbeak432 questions01:10
laserbeak43how do i tab in emacs?01:10
laserbeak43pressing tab does nothing01:11
laserbeak43and how do i tell emacs that i'm writting c++ code?01:11
cellofellowno idea, never touched the thing.01:11
cellofellowhuge GNU that thing is. Intimidating.01:11
laserbeak43hehe ok01:11
laserbeak43found an emacs channel01:11
laserbeak43yeah i agree01:11
laserbeak43but i don't think i'll fully understand programming till i understand compiling more01:12
laserbeak43the lower the level the more i'll learn i think01:12
cellofellowso, use vim or scite. Much simpler text editors, with all the power you need.01:12
laserbeak43but so many people recommend emacs01:13
Jester45im +1 to scite01:14
Jester45and nano is nice01:14
Jester45for quick config editing and mousepad is good for copying from or something that needs a lot of scrolling01:15
laserbeak43i do like wscite01:15
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cellofellownano is like mousepad. Simple and pleasant. Also not for code.01:16
laserbeak43lol PHUCK THAT01:16
laserbeak43scite it is01:16
laserbeak43i forgot about all those commands lol!!01:16
Jester45i said01:18
Jester45nano is good for config editing01:18
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Jester45nothing about coding01:18
cellofellowyou did? ok. :(01:19
cellofellowI still like SciTE for that better. Has highlighting.01:19
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Balaams_MiracleTotally off-topic, but i just had to share this gem: "The lady was using a power strip to plug her computer and other devices into. Windows was completely frozen, and she was unable to shut down the machine by using the power button. She mentioned the power strip, so I told her to flip it off. She said, "Ok, I gave it the finger. I feel better.""01:54
Balaams_MiracleI'll go back into lurkhood now :-))01:54
=== kekk follows
=== Jester45 points Balaams_Miracle to #xubuntu-offtopic incase he didnt know about it
=== Balaams_Miracle didn't know about it yet, now he does :-)
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Balaams_MiracleSomething on-topic then, is there a way to get my numlock turned on by default? Because doing it manually (or forgetting to do it) is getting very boring....02:00
kekkindeed, was just wondering that earlier02:00
cellofellowMy BIOS turns it on by default, but once the Linux kernel boots, it turns it off.02:03
Balaams_MiracleAnd therein, my friend lies the problem. Once the OS is booted and ready for use, it's off. So i want the not do that anymore, if possible :-)02:05
cellofellowno idea02:06
viddthere is an app to turn on the number lock02:06
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Balaams_MiracleThat seems rather silly to me, an app to turn a setting (numlock) on after Linux has turned it off bny default. IMO, all that's needed is change the default behaviour02:08
Balaams_MiracleAh, thankjs.02:08
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=== Balaams_Miracle cna't tpye.
viddunlike windows, linux does not allow itself to be spoon-fed junk from the system bios02:10
Balaams_Miraclevidd, i know. But i would at least expect to be able to change the default numlock status from within Xfce.02:11
viddjust follow the guide i gave ya02:12
Balaams_MiracleThis is silly. If this setting can be changed from within Gnome (without the need to install anything extra!), why can't it be changed from within Xfce?02:14
ubotutex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX02:14
viddbecause xfce != gnome02:15
viddbesides (i think) gnome comes with numlockx02:16
Balaams_MiracleIf it does, then the guide is very flawed. Why try installing an app if it should already be present on the system?02:17
viddi dont use gnome, so im not 100% sure02:18
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viddand xubuntu does NOT have numlockx by default02:18
kekkmy ubuntu doesn't have it02:19
viddthen i have no idea how gnome turns the numlock on02:20
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laserbeak43can i assign a hotkey to my xfce applications menu like how the windows button launches the start menu in windows?02:35
zialsapplications -> settings -> keyboard settings02:36
zialsgo in the shortcuts tab, and add a new "theme"02:37
laserbeak43hmm ok i'll try it02:37
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laserbeak43so how would i find the file for the application menu02:38
zialsits.. the xfce menu02:39
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laserbeak43zials: YOUKNOW WHERE I CAN FIND THAT?02:46
laserbeak43sorry about the caps02:46
cellofellowwhat's the matter?02:46
zialsit should be on your panel02:46
zialsif not, you can add it02:47
zialsright click panel -> add new item -> select "xfce menu" from the list02:47
kekkhe wanted a keyboard shortcut for it, no?02:47
vidd[ctrl] [esc]  should bring it up02:47
cellofellowit's already ^Esc02:47
cellofellownever managed to get it to respond to just Super though.02:48
laserbeak43i already have the applications menu02:48
cellofellowis something not showing in the menu?02:48
laserbeak43i'm in the keyboard settings menu02:48
laserbeak43i want to press a button to get the applications dropdown list to show up02:48
zialsyea, go in the shortcuts tab02:48
laserbeak43but when i try to add a key in the shortcuts tab02:49
laserbeak43it tells me to browse for an application02:49
cellofellowIt never works with just one button. Works with two though. (^Esc)02:49
zialsyea, so in the "themes" box, click "add" at the bottom02:49
laserbeak43i want to open the applications menu02:49
laserbeak43im there02:49
zialsnow, the list of shortcuts should be accessible, right?02:49
kekkRegarding shortcuts, why doesn't '/bin/bash' work with Ctrl+Alt+T?02:50
laserbeak43it browses for files02:50
cellofellowkekk: try `Terminal`.02:50
kekkno dice02:50
cellofellowMine has xfce4-popup-menu already mapped to Control+Escape02:50
kekkoh, I got it now, thanks cellofellow02:51
cellofellowkekk: I have Terminal mapped to ^M-t. (^ is ctrl, M is menta, alt.)02:51
kekkoh, ok02:52
cellofellowthe Meta key is on normal PC keyboards Alt.02:52
cellofellowIt's on other layouts a different name.02:52
kekkyep, I get it02:52
cellofellowJust comes from the UNIX background of the softwares.02:52
cellofellow^M-Home opens Thunar at my ~/ dir.02:53
cellofellowwell, I'm gonna go zone out for a little while.02:53
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kekkhmm, when I try to map the xfce4-popup-menu and press the super, it shortcuts it to super+super_l..02:53
laserbeak43zials: http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/6596/screenshotbb4.png02:54
zialslaserbeak43 - you input "xfce4-popup-menu" for the applications menu shortcut02:55
zialsyou'll see that its already mapped to control + escape02:55
kekklaserbeak43, can you help me with beryl? I don't have desktop icons nor can't find a way to change the background picture02:56
zialsonce you hit "ok" it'll ask you to hit the key that you want to assign the command to...02:56
laserbeak43zials:  cool02:57
laserbeak43the windows icon wont work02:57
laserbeak43i wanted to makeit usefull02:57
laserbeak43i really dont know what to tell you02:57
kekkok, no problem02:57
laserbeak43all i did was install it from synaptic02:58
laserbeak43and it worked02:58
zialsmhmm, do you have a menu key? (some keyboards have it next to the windows key)02:58
laserbeak43i know if you download icon files(i dont know how or where)02:58
laserbeak43i know you can load them into beryl02:58
laserbeak43i'll look for the option02:58
laserbeak43oh yes02:58
kekkno, no need to, I'll try to find it myself02:58
laserbeak43zials: you mean the right click key?02:59
laserbeak43does that do nothing in linux?02:59
zialssee if it does anything o.o02:59
laserbeak43you sure?02:59
laserbeak43nah it isnt doing anything02:59
laserbeak43u sure kekk?02:59
kekkyep, laserbeak4303:00
zialsyea, the right-click one, its what I use... never found a use for it (my windows keys are set to compose key)03:00
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laserbeak43kekk: settings manager>general settings>main tab>icon option> browse button03:04
laserbeak43zials: thanks a lot :)03:04
zialsno problem ;)03:04
kekkthanks, laserbeak43, I'll try that03:05
laserbeak43hmm doesnt seem to work unless the mouse is hovered over the taskbar03:06
laserbeak43oh well you cant have it all....03:06
kekkI don't find the option O.o03:07
laserbeak43what version you using?03:07
laserbeak43did you know that beryl is obsolete?03:07
laserbeak43it's been replaced03:07
kekkcompiz-fusion, yeah03:07
=== laserbeak43 is too lazy to find the updated software
laserbeak43yeah that's it03:07
kekkI actually just wanted to try it out03:07
laserbeak43i'm gonna remove beryl and get compiz-fusion03:08
kekkI didn't think I would be able to get 3d stuff on my machine but I'm happy I got it working :)03:09
laserbeak43yeah :)03:09
laserbeak43it's suprisingly easy on the system03:09
kekktoo bad my laptop is too sucky and can't have any 3d stuff :(03:10
kekkand it's 4 am so I'm gonna hit the sack, night03:10
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homa_ranozials: re 8 hours ago, I tried gparted from the xubuntu alternate cd, but it still didn't see any partitions03:18
homa_ranodo you think the gparted live cd would give better results?03:19
zialsalways a possibility03:20
viddhoma_rano, what are you trying to do?03:20
homa_ranovidd: I have a laptop that I'm trying to set up double booting windows and xubuntu, but gparted on the livecd sees the drive as all unallocated space, despite "sudo fdisk -l" correctly seeing the 4 partitions03:21
viddwhen you ran gparted on the alt cd... did you choose "manually configure partitions"?03:22
homa_ranoyes, it too did not see any partitions03:23
homa_ranoyet I can still run windows on its partition, and windows sees the blank one I'm leaving for xubuntu03:23
viddi dunno03:26
homa_ranoit's a tad frustrating03:27
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homa_ranohmm, it seems this bug is known in gparted03:33
homa_ranoand the gparted livecd doesn't have it03:33
homa_ranotime to burn another cd-r!03:33
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DocPheniXso for some od reason04:35
DocPheniXmy machine would autopartition04:35
DocPheniXbut its kicking butt and taking names after manual partitioning04:35
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retourNeed help to install my scanner! On Mandriva it was detected as some USB device but I had to pick up driver manually. But here nothing shows. How to see list of my USB devices in the system???05:01
Jester45i think lsusb05:02
Jester45i will look05:02
maxamillionJester45: yes05:02
=== Jester45 is a good guesser
Jester45i figured it was ls*05:02
maxamillionretour: there might possibly be some sane or xsane libraries you need to install, its something i believe mandriva installs by default05:03
Jester45i never noticed i got like 8 things05:03
retourBus 001 Device 004: ID 04a5:2040 Acer Peripherals Inc. (now BenQ Corp.) Prisa 620UT. Ok it returned this now how to manually pick driver for it? I have Xsane installed but it quits with error05:04
maxamillionretour: honestly sane devices are a pain to configure most times .... i am trying to think of a front end for its configuration05:05
retourhmm it wasnt under Mandriva? It gave me detected device and option to go with manual config - all with good graphic hmm wizard05:06
retourshould I install everything I find related to scanners and scanning?05:06
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maxamillionretour: well, you might need to install a sane library that works with your scanner ... i would search google for the make and model of your scanner along with the keyword sane or xsane05:09
retourthanks a million maxamillion!05:11
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ThatLazyGuyhow can i change the default program that opens zip files06:28
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cellofellowI had a question that I totally forgot.07:29
cellofellowoh, yes. Which is faster, a 12x DVD drive, or a 40x CD drive?07:30
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dev1Hi all! I need to configure xubuntu-desktop and then deploy it on many pcs. The question is: howto close all xfce setting (right click on panel, etc) from users?08:24
dev1Or there is a tool like Kiosk for KDE?08:24
laserbeak43dev1:  i have no true idea, but i'm assuming that you could create a custom user or there already is a user with very restricted privelages?08:27
dev1personal bin dir for example?08:29
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Ben_Csmy comp (feisty) today stopped loading gnome. installed xfce - loads fine. gnome still wont load. weird no? same files/resources. still xfce loads and gnome doesnt...08:30
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laserbeak43dev1: no idea...08:38
laserbeak43but i'm sure it can be done08:38
laserbeak43Ben_Cs: pretty weird yeah08:38
laserbeak43most of my software is gnome based08:39
laserbeak43what does terminal say when you try to load gnome?08:39
Ben_Cswell, gdm loads fine.08:41
Ben_Csthen after logging in08:41
Ben_Csstuck on beige screen, with white small square in cornel08:41
Ben_Csdamn gnome. will run kde and xfce instead then08:43
Ben_Cslaserbeak43: the annoing thing about xfce is that it's empty on xubuntu install and it's feature full on Ubuntu install and then xubuntu-desktop install.08:44
Ben_Csit's like: it gets all the nice things only from gnome...08:44
laserbeak43Ben_Cs:  that sucks... sorry to hear that, unfortunately i'm too much of a newb to be of any real help08:47
laserbeak43speaking of being a noob08:47
laserbeak43codeblocks is frozen08:47
laserbeak43and when i run 'kill codeblocks'  i get a message saying 'bash: kill: codeblocks: arguments must be process or job IDs' but i forgot how to veiw the processes08:48
laserbeak43ahh the process manager :P08:49
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cy__hello, i installed ubuntu feisty yesterday.. now i want the terminus bitmap font within konsole (kde terminal) .. but i get this error: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1864eb81  .. anyone know how to solve this?11:52
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loswilliosI have a question regarding the windows-key (super-key)12:24
loswilliosI want to call the xfce-menu with it12:24
loswilliosbut everytime I configure it in xfce-settings, it becomes Super+Super_L12:26
loswilliosand doesn't work.12:26
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cy__i installed ubuntu feisty yesterday.. now i want the terminus bitmap font within konsole (kde terminal) .. but i get this error: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1864eb81  .. anyone know how to solve this?01:05
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ThundermanHi, can I install Xubuntu with floppys :D04:24
Ramlaheh.. xfce isn't that lightweight :P04:26
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ThundermanCan I install Xubuntu with floppys?04:39
j1mcThunderman: no, there's no supported way to do that.04:43
laserbeak43maybe with a floppy and an internet connection04:43
laserbeak43but dont ask me how to do that...04:43
ThundermanI have also internet connection so is it possible? :)04:44
j1mcthe xubuntu install image is almost 700mb.  you would need tons of floppies.04:44
ThundermanIf I just boot it wih floppy and then download from internet04:44
j1mcThunderman: i take it that the computer you have doesn't have a cdrom drive?04:44
ThundermanI have CD-RW drive but i can't copy files04:45
j1mci would take the hard drive that you want to install to, put it in a more capable computer...04:45
ThundermanNow I have Debian (GNome) wich is too heavy for my computer04:45
j1mc... install xubuntu onto it there, and then put it in the regular computer you're going to use.04:46
pleia2Thunderman: so don't use gnome? you can easily install xfce on debian too...04:46
ThundermanHow? :)04:46
pleia2or fluxbox, or a zillion other lightweight window managers04:46
pleia2apt-get install xfce4 ?04:46
j1mcpleia2: yeah, that would work.04:46
j1mcapt-get install xfce404:47
ThundermanIt's now downloading it04:47
ThundermanThanks :)04:47
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ThundermanIt's still a Gnome :/04:53
pleia2Thunderman: when you log in, did you choose xfce from the gdm login screen?04:53
pleia2I forget where you choose, "session" or something04:53
ThundermanNo I didn't :D04:53
ThundermanSo Ctrl + Alt + Backspace?04:54
pleia2a simple logout will bring you back04:54
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ThundermanNow I'm using XFCE05:02
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pleia2Thunderman: great! fluxbox is nice too if you find xfce too heavy05:03
ThundermanI saw that there is also "Metalitiy" and "WMfe" or something like that05:04
ThundermanTHey could be more lighter than this :/ But is the Fluxbow and openbox so pretty than XFCE, Gnome and KDE? :D05:04
pleia2windomaker isn't bad either, but no, not as pretty as xfce, gnome and kde :)05:06
ThundermanOf course i want also pretty, not just Light ;)05:06
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test3rSo what's the ~ time until they release 7.1 ??? I noticed it's in v.Tribee4 now05:08
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loswilliostest3r: in october05:10
loswilliosthat's why it's called 7.1005:10
loswilliosis there a way to preload openoffice with xubuntu somehow?05:11
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test3rYeah just make a custom bootable disk. also dont forget to redo your manifest05:18
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test3rI almost forgot I have some other irc clients to test out - bb05:26
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test3rnice.  i got xchat up and going.05:32
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ThundermanI tried to change sources list (/etc/apt/sources.list) but it was write protected, how could I install nVidia legacy drivers?05:35
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test3rholy niceness batman! it looks ALOT like mirc05:41
test3rmuch much better than stupid gaim.  seems lightweight.05:43
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WaxyFreshi need a link to a netboot floppy for xuuntu,please?05:44
test3rhmmm id help you out, but ive never heard of a boot floppy for *buntu.05:45
test3rdoesnt mean it doesnt exist, though. Good luck!05:46
WaxyFreshANY method that  dosent need a cd?05:46
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate05:47
test3rsup sheep =)05:48
ThundermanI could install ubuntu and then download XFCE and then install nVidia legacy drivers easily?05:50
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test3rthats not a nice quit msg05:57
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KlrSpzok so i read you can install xubuntu-desktop and get the xubuntu pkgs, but synaptic is saying it doens' texist05:59
test3rKlrSpz > you prob have to change your repos05:59
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KlrSpzIf you have an existing Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or Edubuntu installation, it is possible to install Xubuntu and retain your current installation. To do so, just go into Synaptic (or Adept if you use Kubuntu) and install the xubuntu-desktop package. There you are! Next time you login, you can choose Xubuntu from the Session menu on the login screen.06:05
KlrSpzdoesn't say anything about repos06:05
TheSheep!info xubuntu-desktop06:07
ubotuxubuntu-desktop: Xubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.29 (feisty), package size 11 kB, installed size 40 kB06:07
KlrSpz? wtf does that mean06:08
TheSheepKlrSpz: that means that the xubuntu-desktop package is in the main repository for feisty and is not installed by default06:09
KlrSpzyeah, but it's not finding it when i search for it, and select "All Available Applications"06:09
TheSheepKlrSpz: use synaptic06:09
TheSheepKlrSpz: not that funny application installer06:10
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M_42Does anyone here know how to force a LCD to turn its blacklight off?06:10
KlrSpzthought that was synaptic06:11
KlrSpzhow do i get to that?06:11
KlrSpzoh nm voudn it06:11
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test3rSo - when you are changing distros like KlrSpz was, there, and he's coming from another Desk Manager, is that part of the steps he found online, probably? Because when he reboots he's gana have to dump to TTY and hak a file, yes?06:36
Ramlaerr, you can choose which desktop environment to log on to in kdm/gdm? or what do you mean?06:38
test3rWell - I'm saying after he has two installed, after installing the xubunu-desk  pack, he will have to tell GDM (probably) to switch itself off and tell kernel to use XFCE raw instead, Im guessing.06:39
test3rI wonder how one switches over the desk manager06:40
test3rbuncha poop if u ask me he should gut it and start with 704 live cd hahahahaha06:41
test3r704 xubuntu i mean06:41
Ramlawhy switch gdm off?06:46
Ramlaxubuntu uses gdm06:46
test3rOK! I forgot. So maybe the setting is in GDM itself . You could tell GDM to use the xubuntu-desktop instead of what it Was using perhaps (the Ubuntu desk core which I forgot what its called)06:47
RamlaYeah, the session can be chosen there in the logon screen06:48
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test3roh wow!!!!!!!!! that shows up in There, huh? Neato. on my laptop I pimped out my login screen, changed the icon next to the prompt box and added a sound even06:49
test3rall with the auto-menu thats inside of Applications. it was quick painless.06:49
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test3rVery slick.  Windows doesn't have anything I've found that lets you alter their login screen. They prefer to have their logo prominently displayed I suppose06:50
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cheesebo1i need http://boredklink.googlepages.com/wl_apsta.o but links dead07:05
cheesebo1where else can i get it?07:06
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zialscheesebo1 - I think vidd has it hosted at -> http://vidd.us/downloads/index.php?path=deb/07:15
cheesebo1thank you07:17
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KlrSpzanyone know of any decent docs about compiling the compiz-fusion from git on ubuntu?08:16
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Legendrehi hi.. which repo contains ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 ?09:25
somerville32!info ndiswrapper-utils-1.809:29
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas09:29
somerville32!info ndiswrapper-utils09:30
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper-utils does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas09:30
Seveas!find ndiswrapper09:30
ubotuFound: linux-image-2.6.20-15-386, linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic, linux-image-2.6.20-15-server, linux-image-2.6.20-15-server-bigiron, ndiswrapper-common (and 8 others)09:30
Seveas!find ndiswrapper-09:30
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cheeseboyhw do i play stage 6 videos in firefox?10:03
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protododoHello everyone!  After successfully installing ubuntu and upgrading and adding a whole bunch of apps, I realized I wanted to use xubuntu.  I have installed xubuntu desktop and removed ubuntu-desktop, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to remove the rest of the gnome components10:48
protododoAnyone have any idea?  If I try to remove gconf, for instance, it tells me that xubuntu-desktop uses it and it will be removed as well.10:49
kekkwouldn't it be easier to mark down what you added and do a new install of xubuntu? or is bandwith a problem? I don't have any more ideas, sorry10:50
protododoI guess that wouldn't be so bad - I guess I'll do that10:51
protododoThanks for the help10:52
kekkheh, no problem10:52
kekkgood luck10:52
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cheeseboyhow do i tell package to install depencies anyway?12:28
clefiaHi. I've just restarted Xubuntu 7.04 to find all my panels failing to load12:28
cheeseboy  pidgin: Depends: pidgin-data (>= 1:2.1.1) but it is not going to be installed12:29
cheeseboyhow i force it?12:29
cheeseboyother than manually installing 1 by 112:29
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clefiahow do I get my panels back?12:33
clefiai can't even open the panel settings via 'Settings Manager'12:34
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clefiaWhy do I lose my Panels once in a while after restarting Xubuntu feisty? I can't start 'panel manager'12:50
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