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jamohow to install  jre on ubuntu 7.0411:28
jamoI added extra repositories 11:29
jamoand sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts11:30
jamobut it didn't install anything11:30
man-dithen its probably already installed11:53
man-dimake sure you have multiverse listed in your sources.list11:54
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jamoman-di: yes12:30
jamoman-di: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted universe multiverse12:31
jamodeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted universe multiverse12:31
man-diwhich arch are you on? i386? amd64?12:31
man-diwhat does dpkg -p sun-java6-jre output?12:32
man-diand apt-cache policy sun-java6-jre12:32
jamoman-di: could i put output dpkg here?12:34
man-diuse http://paste.debian.net/12:39
man-dior some other paste bin12:39
man-diI mean dpkg -l sun-java6-jre12:44
jamoman-di: http://paste.debian.net/3534812:46
jamoman-di: I got it12:53
jamoman-di: Thanks a lot12:53
man-disorry, was away to get some food01:30
man-diwhat was the solution?01:30
jamoman-di: I got it01:30
jamoman-di: now I try to install Phpeclipse01:31
jamoI have to go 01:31
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yrlnryI just installed sun java on my Ubuntu laptop.  But I don't know how to properly set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.05:51
yrlnrythe page at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java doesn't say.05:51
yrlnryOn other machines, the java stuff was all installed into /usr/local/java, and I set JAVA_HOME to that, but that isn't the case here.05:51
leoneldid you updated hte alternatives for java ?05:51
tmarbleyrlnry: did you see...? /usr/share/doc/sun-java6-jre/JAVA_HOME05:52
yrlnryI didn't see that.  Thanks!05:54
leonelman-di:  installed  icedtea  and worked fine with  tomcat  05:54
yrlnryIs there an ubuntu package for jdbc, or do I need to download that directly from sun?06:00
jamesstansellyrlnry: the jdbc interfaces should already be included06:03
jamesstansellgenerally the db vendors supply the drivers themselves06:04
yrlnryThanks.  How should I set JDBC_HOME?06:05
jamesstansellwhat uses JDBC_HOME?  that doesn't ring a bell with me06:05
jamesstansellwhich app are you trying to run?06:06
yrlnryIt's required for one of the targets that Maven is trying to build.06:06
yrlnryEmbedded error: /home/mjd/treebase/trunk/treebase-web/${env.JDBC_HOME} not found.06:06
yrlnryI guess the next step is to look at the pom file.06:07
jamesstanselljust guessing - but you'll need an appropriate JDBC driver and the JDBC_HOME would be set according to where you put the driver06:08
yrlnryThe pom file has:06:08
yrlnry        <fileset dir="${env.JDBC_HOME}">06:09
yrlnry                <include name="jdbc.properties"/>06:09
yrlnryMaybe the right approach here is to ask the guy who wrote the pom file.06:09
yrlnryThanks for your help.06:09
jamesstansellgood luck :)06:09
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