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coNP@schedule Budapest11:37
ubotuSchedule for Europe/Budapest: 24 Aug 14:00: MOTU Team | 27 Aug 17:00: Screencast Team | 28 Aug 17:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 28 Aug 21:00: Technical Board | 29 Aug 22:00: Edubuntu | 03 Sep 15:00: Community Council11:37
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kraut@schedule berlin12:20
ubotuSchedule for Europe/Berlin: 24 Aug 14:00: MOTU Team | 27 Aug 17:00: Screencast Team | 28 Aug 17:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 28 Aug 21:00: Technical Board | 29 Aug 22:00: Edubuntu | 03 Sep 15:00: Community Council12:20
Hobbsee@now sydney12:39
ubotuCurrent time in Australia/Sydney: August 24 2007, 20:39:38 - Next meeting: MOTU Team in 1 hour 20 minutes12:39
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dholbachMOTU Meeting in ~15 minutes!01:44
coNPMOTU Q&A session in ~15 minutes! :D01:44
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: MOTU Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 27 Aug 15:00 UTC: Screencast Team | 28 Aug 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 28 Aug 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 29 Aug 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 03 Sep 13:00 UTC: Community Council
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dholbachwelcome everybody to the MOTU meeting!02:00
ScottKGood morning.02:00
coNPGood afternoon.02:00
dholbachis there anybody who'd volunteer driving it?02:00
=== TheMuso puts his hands up to do minutes, and announcements for events/future meeting.
dholbachis there anybody who'd volunteer doing minutes?02:00
dholbachTheMuso: you rock!02:00
dholbachScottK: would you mind driving it?02:00
ScottKNot at all.02:00
dholbachour agenda is very short today: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings :)02:00
=== ScottK looks for the agenda
ScottKThere's only the fixed topics.02:01
ScottKDoes anyone have anything for geneneral MOTU discussion before we start on those?02:01
ScottKgeneral even02:01
ScottKOK.  I guess not.02:02
ScottKNext meeting?02:02
dholbachin two weeks?02:02
TheMusoI guess two weeks from now is good.02:03
ScottKSounds good.02:03
dholbachshould we try to go for another time next time?02:03
TheMusoAs for the time, what cycle of rotating times are we following?02:03
dholbachTheMuso: none at the moment if I recall correctly :)02:03
TheMusodholbach: I think so.02:03
ScottKIIRC we've been bumping it +- 12 hours each time.02:03
TheMusore a different time next meeting.02:03
dholbachoh ok02:03
ScottKSo 2 weeks + 12 hours02:04
ScottKAny objections?02:04
TheMusoScottK: If I am right, thats a Saturday, at 0 UTC>02:04
TheMusoI don't mind, but I am sure folks in Europe would like to speak up.02:04
dholbachI will be on a plane at that time02:04
dholbachbut you've showed before, that you can deal easily without me :-)02:05
ScottKdholbach: Would you like to propose an alternate time?02:05
dholbachand it'd be fair for US/AU people02:05
dholbachah no, I won't be on a plane, but it might be a bit late for me anyway02:05
TheMusodholbach: This time is more appropriate for au people than not, as its our evenin02:05
dholbachI think it's fine having a meeting suited for AU and US people - that's good02:05
TheMusosat mroning people are often out and about02:05
=== TheMuso feels this is a 3-way convo.
ScottKAt least it's up to 3.02:06
TheMusobut its fine for me02:06
ScottKSaturday at 0000 UTC it is then.02:06
ScottKNext hug day....02:06
TheMusoWell... I am not involved with them.02:07
ScottKdholbach: Any suggestions?02:07
ScottKNext Friday is the first day after New Package Freeze.02:07
dholbachI ponder trying for once to roll it into the 'regular' Hug Day02:07
ScottKIt might be a good time to kick off the focus on bug fixing.02:07
Hobbseeyes, so all MOTU's please keep (or start) reviewing packages02:07
dholbachoh, that's good too02:07
dholbachwhat do you think about making a selection of say 20 universe bugs and make a triage list like for the normal hug days?02:08
=== dholbach looks for an example
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dholbachas you can see on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20070822 - it has worked REALLY well02:08
ScottKdholbach: I'd rather focus on fixing rather than triaging.02:08
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ScottKdholbach: Maybe pick a few packages that have got a lot of bugs and recent updates to get the bug backlog cleaned up.02:09
dholbachok, we could have a 'fix list' as well02:09
dholbachScottK: good idea02:09
dholbachwe should propose that on the list and focus on getting the list ready until next friday02:09
ScottKAs an example (not for next Friday because it won't get out by then) would be democracyplayer/miro.02:10
dholbachyeah, that's really popular02:10
ScottKlisten is another one.02:10
ScottKIs there a way to get LP to give me a list of universe packages sorted by the number of open bugs?02:11
ScottKNevermind, we can deal with that later.02:11
ScottKAny objections to Universe hug day next friday?02:11
dholbachno, none at all02:11
TheMusoNot from me.02:12
ScottKREVU day....02:12
TheMusoAren't they every MOnday?02:12
dholbachScottK: maybe CC brian@canonical.com for that - he wrote a couple of tools using py-lp-bugs02:12
ScottKI'd say for the next week EVERY day is REVU day.02:12
TheMusothats what we decided a few emetings back02:12
dholbachoh, good thinking02:12
TheMusoScottK: GOod idea.02:12
ScottKdholbach: is that the same person as bdmurray?02:12
HobbseeScottK: i think so02:13
dholbachScottK: yes02:13
ScottKOK.  Up through New Package Freeze, every day is REVU day.  Lets get going .... [fade to uplifting music] 02:13
dholbachsorry, need to close the windows, thunderstorm coming up, brb02:14
ScottKNext Q&A.02:14
=== ScottK waits for someone to volunteer to run it.
TheMusoScottK: Well how about we see how this one goes.02:14
ScottKFine with me.02:14
ScottKI don't particularly like the idea of making people think there is a special time for asking questions.02:14
ScottKI'd rather they thougth they could ask questions any time.02:15
TheMusoScottK: Agreed.02:15
ScottKOf course you may have noticed that in general I'm not a fan of structure and process.02:16
ScottKdholbach: We'll delegate the next Q&A to you based on how this one goes.02:17
dholbachI think it's good to have a call for participants and gathering them in a place02:17
ScottKDoes anyone have any other MOTU business/discussion?02:17
dholbachI'm happy to run them02:17
ScottKdholbach: When then?02:17
dholbachin two weeks again?02:17
HobbseeScottK: only how we handle UVF, with native packages, and packages in bzr02:18
dholbach12:00 utc is good for me and if somebody did one at 0:00 that'd be awesome02:18
TheMusoHobbsee: WOuld you rather have the rest of the UVF team here?02:18
HobbseeTheMuso: yeah02:18
zulim here02:18
zulkind of but not really awake02:18
ScottKdholbach: Pick a time that's not the same time as the meeting though.02:18
Hobbseei think stevenk has gone walkabout.02:18
Hobbseethe others of us appear to be here02:18
dholbachScottK: 12:00 UTC should be fine then02:19
TheMusoHobbsee: What about gpocentek?02:19
TheMusoOr is he not UVF?02:19
ScottKsoren: You awake?02:19
HobbseeTheMuso: didnt think he was02:19
ScottKHe's not.02:19
HobbseeScottK: he  just ponged, so yes02:19
TheMusodunno where I got that idea.02:19
ScottKHobbsee: "How we handle UVF"02:20
ScottKOver to you....02:20
=== Hobbsee stands at the podium
=== soren wanders in
sorenScottK: Sure am.02:20
=== zul pays attention
Hobbseeobviously, UVF is so that we can keep universe's quality up02:20
ScottKI thought it was so I could get more bug mail.02:21
Hobbseeideally, we'd approve everything that people file.02:21
ScottKIdeally everything people file would be worth approving.02:21
Hobbseetherefore, it's the MOTU's responsibility to actually judge what is good to file, and what isnt.02:21
Hobbseeso please, all MOTU's, think before filing.02:21
Hobbseeto our hopefuls, please also think before filing, although we wont yell at you so badly if you dont.02:22
Hobbseethe question is, how do we want to handle things like new bzr revisions, and/or new native packages?02:22
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sorenHobbsee: New packages are fine.02:23
ScottKFor packages that only affect other distros (like ubuntustudio or mythbuntu) I say given them a blanket waiver.02:23
sorenHobbsee: At least for another week, iirc.02:23
Hobbseeer, new native package revisions02:23
gpocentekTheMuso: I'm not in the uvf team02:23
HobbseeScottK: yes, that sounds sane02:23
TheMusogpocentek: SO I found out. Sorry for the confusion.02:23
_MMA_Man. Im gonna need a log.02:24
ScottKIf they want to break something that's their business.02:24
zulfor those who dont know the motu team is Hobbsee, soren, stevenk, scottk, and me02:24
sorenFor new bzr revisions, it's difficult to say anything in general. If it's minor bugfixes or minor new features, no problem. If it's potentially disruptive, it needs to be more closely evalueated.02:24
TheMusoFor UbuntuStudio's case, its seed updates, artwork and settings updates. Thats all.02:24
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ScottKAny objections to blanket wavier for native packages that only affect derivatives?02:25
_MMA_Ant the art we should be able to update until Ubuntu's artwork deadline.02:25
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ScottKzul, soren?02:25
Hobbseealso, do we want to require that all UVFe's go through the sponsorship process first (a MOTU ack), before they hit the UVFe queue?02:25
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zulScottK: isnt he?02:25
ScottKHobbsee: That's a good one.02:26
Hobbseeideally, we'd get rid of a set "motu-uvf" team for gutsy+1, and have all motu's acting as a sanity filter02:26
sorenOh, if derivatives want to break their own stuff, let them. No problems here.02:26
Hobbseethat's one of my master dreams, and plans.02:26
ScottKzul: StevenK is on the team, but not here.02:26
HobbseeScottK: he just joined.02:26
StevenKSure I am.02:26
Hobbseebecause that will stop things being blocked so much02:26
ScottKStevenK too then.02:26
coNPSorry, ScottK, what do you mean by "Any objections to blanket wavier for native packages that only affect derivatives?"02:26
ScottKHobbsee: But blocking is kind of the point.02:26
HobbseecoNP: ie, the people who want to upload ubuntustudio stuff can, as it wont affect the rest of the archive.02:27
ScottKwhat Hobbsee said....02:27
coNPThanks Hobbsee, ScottK.02:27
=== TheMuso is point MOTU for ubuntustudio.
TheMusoSO it all goes through me.02:27
HobbseeScottK: the point is, the MOTU's (hopefully) wont file for things that dont deserve a UVFe, and the MOTU's will tell the hopefuls that it does not fit the freeze requirements02:27
Hobbseeer, if it does not02:27
StevenKThe ubuntustudio stuff in question are just meta-packages?02:27
TheMusoStevenK: metapackages, settings for UbuntuStudio desktop layout/artwork, and artwork itself.02:28
HobbseeScottK: and that we can check what the MOTU's are acking, because they'll still go thru motu-uvf for this cycle.02:28
TheMusoso very very little architecture specific code02:28
HobbseeScottK: and advise them of unwise decisions02:28
StevenKThe thing is, I'm not happy doing a blanket for native packages, since that covers a multitude of sins.02:29
Hobbseeas you'll note, we seem to have a different group of -uvf people each time, so theoretically, any MOTU's should be competent at it.02:29
HobbseeStevenK: i think that'll be up to the filers, and then our, discression.02:29
StevenKHowever, I'm happy for a blanket ubuntustudio metapackages/settings/etc exception.02:29
HobbseeStevenK: [22:24]  <soren> For new bzr revisions, it's difficult to say anything in general. If it's minor bugfixes or minor new features, no problem. If it's potentially disruptive, it needs to be more closely evalueated.02:30
ScottKStevenK: Agreed.  Just for native packages for derivatives.  Mythbuntu too?02:30
HobbseeScottK: yes, mythbuntu, ubuntu studio, xubuntu too, i would expect.02:30
StevenKSounds fine to me.02:30
TheMusoHobbsee: xubuntu is main02:30
HobbseeTheMuso: this is true, btu i'm suspecting they still have the odd package in universe tha tpeople use02:30
StevenKI'm not certain about having to get UVFe's sponsored, though.02:30
HobbseeStevenK: as in, the sponsoring done first, not afterwards?02:31
ScottKHobbsee: So far the UVFe rate isn't to bad.  How about we leave it for now.02:31
StevenKScottK: +102:32
zuli would like to see a debdiff as well or am i just crazy?02:32
HobbseeScottK: OK.  i'd appreciate it if the people could think about it too02:32
ScottKzul: debdiff for a new upstream version will likely be painful to read.02:32
Hobbseezul: diffstat may be of more use, there02:32
ScottKDiff of the debian dirs might be useful.02:32
HobbseeScottK: we can probably request that stuff as appropriate?02:33
StevenKA diff of debian would be useless in my opinion.02:33
StevenKA changelog entry is the minimum02:34
ScottKOf course we've already approved a UVFe for a package with the changelog entry "rewrote the entire package".02:34
Hobbseeyeah, well.02:35
Hobbseethat would be a pain to support the old version02:35
ScottKI wouldn't approve that now, but it was just a day or two after the freeze.02:35
=== ScottK would prefer motu-uvf was subscribed, not assigned.
ScottKAny other opinions on that?02:36
zulif it affects a spec then I woudlnt have a problem with it02:36
zulif not we would have to be very very very careful02:36
StevenKScottK: Agreed02:37
HobbseeScottK: oh, so *that's* why my script isnt working.02:37
Hobbseeit tries to unsub motu-uvf, not unassign.02:37
=== ScottK will update the wiki unless there is an objection.
TheMusoOk, just to make it clear for minutes, and to save me reading tons of log, what has been decided?02:38
ScottK1.  motu-uvf should be subscribed, not assigned on bugs.02:38
ScottK2.  Blanket UVFe for ubuntustudio/mythbuntu/xubuntu (if any) only packages.02:39
coNPScottK: does it mean that you should unassign yourself before?02:39
ScottKcoNP: You are welcome to assign yourself to any bugs you want to be assigned to.02:39
ScottKJust don't assigne motu-uvf.02:39
ScottKassign even.02:39
ScottK3.  People asking for UVFe's please don't be stupid.02:40
ScottKFeel free to reword that last one.02:40
ScottKI think that's it.02:40
coNPScottK: okay, just asking because it is similar to the UUS / UMS procedure, where you are supposed to unsubscribe yourself.02:40
ScottKAnything else?02:40
coNPI have another question, maybe not a very good one, but can we ask the archive admins to do the approved UVFe syncs ASAP? I think it is quite crucial to let these packages as many testing as possible...02:41
ScottKWith, but for a UVFe you have further action after it's approved, so it's different.02:41
ScottKcoNP: If it's needed for a particular special reason, yes, but generally no.02:41
ScottKYou have to trust them to have a reasonable work priority for all the stuff they do.02:41
geserwhat think the other members from the motu-uvf team about updated native packages (new version): do every change need an UVFe?02:41
ScottKNone of them are fully dedicated to archive admin.02:42
=== coNP understands.
geserI've talked with Hobbsee about it in #ubuntu-motu and she was ok that small changes (around < 30 lines) don't need an UVFe02:42
Hobbseegeser: i was proposing that, yes02:42
=== ExpresS [n=chris__3@dyn-88-123-134-105.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ScottKI think the rule for other native packages should be don't do something risky, ask if you are unsure.  If you break something and don't fix it, well send Mithrandir to your house to eat you.02:43
ScottKOr something like that.02:43
HobbseeMithrandir: dont get too excited.02:44
=== Hobbsee hugs Mithrandir :)
=== Mithrandir hugs Hobbsee back and goes to the post office to get his new brain crusher^W^Wbarley crusher.
Hobbseeheh, oh dear.02:44
=== TheMuso must try sheep's brains one of these days.
=== Hobbsee locks Mithrandir out of his house, and takes all the keys back to au.
HobbseeScottK: sounds sane.02:45
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=== popey worries about Hobbsee sometimes
Hobbseepopey: hm?02:45
zulHobbsee is what happens to you when you doo too much02:45
ScottKAny more UVF issues/questions?02:46
Hobbseeoh right, is htat what the problem is?02:46
HobbseeScottK: can i have a psychic pony?02:46
=== Hobbsee shines her red evil eyes at popey
ScottKHobbsee: If they pony were psychic it would know to run and be uncachable.02:47
highvoltagewhen is the next motu-council meeting?02:47
highvoltage(assuming there is such a thing :) )02:47
Hobbseehighvoltage: i think it's by email.02:47
TheMusohighvoltage: MC never meets.02:47
Hobbseedholbach: what do you want to do about new people for the MC?02:48
TheMusoHobbsee: Good question.02:48
=== TheMuso nominates Hobbsee for MC.
Hobbseeas sistpoty has resigned.02:48
=== coNP hopes he can vote :)
TheMusoAnd I have a feeling crimsun is also likely to02:48
dholbachHobbsee: I expected a question from sabdfl or somebody of the TB to be honest02:48
dholbachHobbsee: I'll make sure to get an answer on that quickly02:48
Hobbseedholbach: OK, cool.02:48
highvoltageHobbsee, TheMuso: aaah02:49
ScottKHobbsee: Are you through your list then?02:49
HobbseeScottK: i think so02:49
TheMusoHobbsee: Better check. :p02:49
ScottKAnyone else with stuff for the MOTU meeting?02:49
ScottKGoing once02:50
ScottKGoing twice02:50
ScottKMeeting adjourned.02:50
dholbachthanks a lot ScottK02:50
ScottKThanks everyone for coming.02:50
dholbachthanks a lot TheMuso02:50
=== TheMuso will have minutes available hopefully within 24 hours.
=== dholbach hugs ScottK and TheMuso
=== ScottK would much rather run the meeting than write minutes. Thanks TheMuso
TheMusoAnd same with announcements.02:51
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Hobbseeso of course, now jono shows up...02:51
TheMusoWell I'm outa this chan.02:51
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jonoI am not here, currently in a meeting02:52
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 27 Aug 15:00 UTC: Screencast Team | 28 Aug 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 28 Aug 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 29 Aug 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 03 Sep 13:00 UTC: Community Council | 08 Sep 17:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers
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