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gnomeza | lo all | 04:52 |
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antoinexp | hello evrybody ! | 10:39 |
antoinexp | is there anybody ? | 10:46 |
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kwwii | agoliveira: feel like helping me figure out how to use the theme tools? I have a template pic ready | 02:54 |
agoliveira | kwwii: Hi. I can try, sure, but right now I have to finish something to upload. Can you wait a bit? | 02:56 |
kwwii | agoliveira: sure, no hurry | 02:56 |
agoliveira | Cool | 02:56 |
agoliveira | I'll ping you back | 02:56 |
kwwii | cool | 02:59 |
kyleN | my favorite topic ;) | 03:07 |
kwwii | it won't be once you hear how it works :p | 03:11 |
kwwii | the one good thing I've found so far is that the colors used in the theme are also defined in template.png | 03:15 |
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asac | kwwii: hi bavarian master ;) ... how is the theming going? | 03:57 |
kwwii | asac: coming right along | 03:58 |
asac | kwwii: i think bob already asked you ... do you expect to run into issues to theme GtkMenus the same way as the other hildon menus? | 03:58 |
kwwii | yes, but I haven't tested things enough yet really | 03:59 |
kwwii | I think it will be a matter of making them look nearly the same | 03:59 |
asac | ok ... no problem ... so you cannot say if its possible or not? | 03:59 |
asac | hmm | 03:59 |
asac | kwwii: is a hildon menu technical different from a gtk menu (from theming pov)? | 04:00 |
kwwii | yes, I think so as the hildon version uses pics to define the look iirc | 04:03 |
kwwii | implementing our test theme should clear up a lot of issues (and raise others) | 04:05 |
agoliveira | kwwii: Hi. Want to take a look at those tools? | 04:06 |
kwwii | agoliveira: love to | 04:10 |
kwwii | basically, take a look at the hildon-theme-bootstrap | 04:10 |
agoliveira | kwwii: Ok, what can I do for you? I actually just fixed a bug and packaged it :) | 04:10 |
agoliveira | Hmmm... what do you need specificaly? | 04:11 |
kwwii | it seems that this tool downloads a whole environement to build in, and creates a new copy of the existing theme with new names (so one can simply replace pics) | 04:11 |
agoliveira | Yes, so it seems. | 04:12 |
agoliveira | kwwii: Did you check the maemo wiki about this? | 04:14 |
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kwwii | yes, all I found was info that there was no documentation yet | 04:14 |
agoliveira | kwwii: Weird... there was some information about how to make themes. | 04:14 |
kwwii | http://maemo.org/development/documentation/how-tos/3-x/howto_customization_bora.html | 04:15 |
kwwii | that is the best I could find | 04:15 |
kwwii | and that has nothing to do with these tools | 04:16 |
kwwii | it does explain the pieces pretty well though | 04:16 |
agoliveira | I see. I'm sorry but I cant' help you with that. Maybe you should ask one of the Nokia guys or at the maemo maling list. They should be able to help you. | 04:18 |
kwwii | I asked the person who made the other theme but I think he is on vacation | 04:18 |
agoliveira | Oh crap... | 04:19 |
kwwii | I promise you that I will not be able to figure this out alone and still get my other work done | 04:20 |
kwwii | :-) | 04:20 |
kwwii | this tool creates a clean package, so if I change the artwork in it (all the names, etc are changed) how can we build this to see if it works? | 04:21 |
agoliveira | kwwii: Let me try to figure something out but I may not have the time to do it for you today as I need to deliver some uploads before you-know-who nail my b**** on a table :) | 04:23 |
kwwii | no problems, I just want to move forward on this sometime soon | 04:23 |
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Charliefjohnson | Need help on USB NIC - Drivers loaded but no interface. (SMC USB NIC on a Menlow) Any ideas ? | 04:44 |
Mithrandir | Charliefjohnson: ifconfig -a doesn't list it? | 04:44 |
Charliefjohnson | No | 04:44 |
mjg59 | Charliefjohnson: Correct driver? | 04:45 |
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Mithrandir | what does the last couple of lines of dmesg say when you plug in the driver? | 04:46 |
Charliefjohnson | I'm wrong. ifconfig -a does show it. | 04:47 |
Mithrandir | ok, just do dhclient eth0 ; apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade and reboot and it should be fixed. | 04:47 |
Mithrandir | moblin-image-creator is broken and doesn't build images correctly right now and I don't think I have time to fix it before the weekend | 04:48 |
Charliefjohnson | Mithrandir: What about the GUI. I assume I have to install the flash player first ?? | 04:50 |
Mithrandir | yes, you can install flashplugin-nonfree too | 04:50 |
Charliefjohnson | Then is it just a "startx" ?? Or is there some other step to get the GUI up ? Right now if you "startx", you just get Xwindows with a xterm. | 04:51 |
Mithrandir | no, if it upgraded ume-config-crown-beach, then just reboot. | 04:52 |
Mithrandir | (you should have 0.10) | 04:52 |
Charliefjohnson | I downloaded the 20070824.1 build, so how do I know ? The manifest says ume-config-crown-beach 0.3 | 04:54 |
Mithrandir | yeah, probably due to said moblin-image-creator bug. Just do the apt-get line I wrote above. | 04:56 |
Charliefjohnson | Mithrandir: I'll try it thanks. | 04:58 |
Mithrandir | please tell me if that fixes it. (It does for me, but independent verification is good) | 04:58 |
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Charliefjohnson | Mithrandir: OK. Another dumb question. Does the current UI have way to get to an xterm ?? | 05:14 |
mjg59 | Running it from the menu appears to work | 05:14 |
mjg59 | (top left corner) | 05:14 |
Charliefjohnson | mjg59: It isn't there on the ume-config-crown-beach package. (i.e. the Menlow build instead of the Samsung.) | 05:16 |
mjg59 | Oh, sorry, confused | 05:16 |
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Charliefjohnson | Mithrandir: Can we work on getting Menlow on par with Samsung ?? | 05:23 |
Mithrandir | Charliefjohnson: it should be now. | 05:24 |
Mithrandir | Charliefjohnson: it's the item above the network tools, iirc | 05:25 |
Mithrandir | we should just get whatever prevents the titles from being shown fixed. It's silly. | 05:25 |
Charliefjohnson | Mithrandir: Not there. The Extras menu just shows Calculator and Network Tools | 05:25 |
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mjg59 | xterm is in utilities, not extras, IIRC | 05:26 |
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Mithrandir | Charliefjohnson: yes. Click just above it. | 05:27 |
Mithrandir | this is the same way on the q1 | 05:27 |
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Charliefjohnson | Mithrandir: OK. Got it. Thanks | 05:32 |
Charliefjohnson | Mithrandir: Got GUI, Network and even Browser up on Menlow. Thanks for bearing with me. | 05:36 |
Mithrandir | Charliefjohnson: ok, sounds good. No problem | 05:37 |
Charliefjohnson | Mithrandir: Do we expect ume-config-crown-beach 0.10 to be in Monday's daily build ? | 05:39 |
Mithrandir | Charliefjohnson: I hope so. I need to fix moblin-image-creator, and given it's getting a couple of hours outside my work hours already and I'd like to spend some time with my wife before flying to boston, it might not happen for Monday morning. | 05:40 |
Mithrandir | I'll do a build when I have something working, thouh | 05:40 |
Mithrandir | though. | 05:40 |
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Mithrandir | I'll tell you once I know more | 05:43 |
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seb128 | agoliveira: did you do the tasks changes since yesterday? | 05:56 |
agoliveira | seb128: Hi. DOing it right now. Will upload in a few minutes. | 05:58 |
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seb128 | agoliveira: I do a work break now, I'll look at the update later | 06:04 |
agoliveira | seb128: Ok, thanks. | 06:05 |
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agoliveira | seb128: Tasks sent | 06:27 |
mjg59 | I've uploaded contacts-snapshot - this includes a hildon version that will be built on lpia | 06:28 |
mjg59 | (Oh, oops - except I think I've probbly forgotten the build-depends for lpia) | 06:28 |
mjg59 | There's no ability to edit contacts in the hildon interface yet | 06:28 |
mjg59 | With luck we'll get that added over the weekend | 06:28 |
mjg59 | Mithrandir: Weirdly, the fan on my Q1 just started working again | 06:30 |
agoliveira | mjg59: Does it have a fan? Didnt notice. | 06:39 |
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Mithrandir | mjg59: weird. | 06:41 |
agoliveira | mjg59: Could you please also upload Cheese, even with the bugs you mentioned? I would like to have as much applications as possible available next week. | 07:06 |
mjg59 | agoliveira: Yeah, working on it now | 07:07 |
seb128 | agoliveira: what is required in cheese? | 07:07 |
agoliveira | seb128: Hildon interface. | 07:08 |
agoliveira | seb128: mjg59 is working on it. | 07:08 |
seb128 | k | 07:08 |
seb128 | 0.2.2 has been uploaded today | 07:09 |
seb128 | just for information | 07:09 |
Sciri | agoliveira: Will this new updated Cheese that's getting uploaded be configured to use V4L2 instead of V4L1? On our test box Cheese doesn't work out of the box with our camera because the camera is V4L2? | 07:09 |
mjg59 | It tries v4l2 by default | 07:09 |
mjg59 | It always has done | 07:09 |
agoliveira | seb128: But falls back to VL1 | 07:09 |
agoliveira | V$L1 | 07:09 |
agoliveira | duh... V4L1 :) | 07:10 |
Sciri | Hmmm...odd. Thanks mjg59, I'll look at it some more. Tony in the office here said that the problem was it didn't work with V4L2... | 07:10 |
Sciri | Something about gstreamer pipelines needing to get configured properly | 07:10 |
agoliveira | seb128: Thanks. BTW, I have a question for you. The hildon support for stardict requeires version 3.0.0 and we have 2.4.8 in the repo so I need to request a sync first and then send my patch? | 07:11 |
seb128 | yes | 07:11 |
seb128 | and you also need an UVF exception now to get a new version | 07:11 |
seb128 | agoliveira: did you try to build this package? | 07:13 |
agoliveira | seb128: Which one? | 07:14 |
seb128 | the tasks update I mean | 07:14 |
agoliveira | Yes, sure. | 07:14 |
seb128 | weird | 07:14 |
agoliveira | seb128: Why? What`s wrong? | 07:14 |
seb128 | you patch configure.ac and don't update configure | 07:14 |
seb128 | so the change should not be used during the build | 07:15 |
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agoliveira | seb128: Strange... let me check this. Anyway, is the format right this time? | 07:15 |
seb128 | agoliveira: yes, the configure.ac should be in the same patch though | 07:16 |
seb128 | and the second patch I was mentioning was the autoconf run to update the configure | 07:16 |
agoliveira | So the patch would also to have configure file on it? | 07:16 |
agoliveira | Or a patch to an updated configure? | 07:17 |
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seb128 | agoliveira: 01_hildon_build.patch would have the changes which are in your 02_autoconf.patch at the moment | 07:20 |
seb128 | agoliveira: 02_autoconf.patch is made this way | 07:20 |
seb128 | cdbs-edit-patch 02_autoconf.patch | 07:20 |
seb128 | autoconf | 07:20 |
seb128 | rm -rf autom4te.cache | 07:20 |
seb128 | exit 0 | 07:20 |
agoliveira | seb128: Weird because AFAICT, I did exactly like that. | 07:20 |
agoliveira | Geez... let me see this. | 07:21 |
seb128 | http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8973228/tasks_diff | 07:22 |
seb128 | that's the diff you attached | 07:23 |
agoliveira | seb128: Ok, I can see there's a code patch, an autoconf patch, changelog and rules patches. You're telling me that the second pacth is missing a patch for configure file, correct? | 07:26 |
seb128 | agoliveira: the build uses the configure, not the configure.ac | 07:26 |
seb128 | if you edit the configure.ac you need to run autoconf to get the configure updated | 07:27 |
seb128 | and your changes used | 07:27 |
agoliveira | Ok, let me try again | 07:27 |
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lenkawell | agoliveira, hi | 07:32 |
agoliveira | lenkawell: Hi Len. Just a sec. | 07:33 |
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agoliveira | lenkawell: DId you get my message? | 07:40 |
lenkawell | yes, did you get my reply? | 07:40 |
lenkawell | agoliveira: yes - did you get my reply? | 07:41 |
agoliveira | lenkawell: No. I guess that's because I'm registered user and you're not. I had this problem before. Would you mind to email me? Even better. | 07:42 |
lenkawell | agoliveira: will do | 07:42 |
agoliveira | Thanks | 07:42 |
agoliveira | lenkawell: Got it. Thanks. | 07:45 |
lenkawell | agoliveira: ok, great | 07:46 |
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kyleN | agoliveira, how would I figure out what the current control panel applets are (paths and packages)? | 07:56 |
agoliveira | kyleN: Sorry but I don't understand what you're asking. | 07:57 |
kyleN | I recall there was mention at the status meeting ago about new control panel "applets", wasn't there? | 07:57 |
kyleN | I am wondering what we now have | 07:58 |
kyleN | a "week" ago (left out the word week) | 07:58 |
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mjg59 | Woo. Cheese working nicely. | 08:17 |
agoliveira | kyleN: Sorry, I didn see youa;;;;;;;[;;;s;.;;; | 08:19 |
agoliveira | kyleN: Gee... sorry again. I didnt see you're message before. You shoud ask some Intel guys. They are working on the applets. | 08:20 |
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agoliveira | I think that rob_ can answer that. | 08:21 |
agoliveira | robr ?) | 08:21 |
mjg59 | agoliveira: Just doing one last test build, then I'll upload cheese | 08:23 |
agoliveira | mjg59: Cool. Thanks Mathew. | 08:24 |
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mjg59 | Ok. Cheese works happily with a plug-in webcam | 08:32 |
mjg59 | Fits the ui nicely | 08:32 |
agoliveira | Cool. Is this camera recognized as v4l1 or 2 | 08:34 |
agoliveira | ? | 08:34 |
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Sciri | I had cheese working fine with a Creative Webcam on our menlow test system yesterday...it's just that prototype board camera I can't get Cheese to recognize. | 08:35 |
Sciri | I can get luvcview to see the prototype board camera by giving it a -f luv but cheese complains about /dev/video0 can't read memory... | 08:37 |
mjg59 | agoliveira: This is a v4l1 device | 08:38 |
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mjg59 | I suspect that the issue is driver functionality rather than v4l1/2 | 08:38 |
agoliveira | mjg59: Nice. Should work on mine too. I'll give it a try later if I have time. | 08:38 |
Sciri | mjg59: That's what I figured...we're looking into the driver issue now... | 08:39 |
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kyleN | rob_, how can I determine what's been added to control panel applets in the last week or so? | 08:49 |
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kyleN | Hi, are there any intel folks who could help me get a handle on what's been added in the way of control panel applets in the last week? thx | 09:03 |
kyleN | I'm striking out here in my efforts to get a sense of control panel plugin status ;-) | 09:10 |
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seb128 | agoliveira: the diff looks ok now, I would rather do the configure.ac change to 01_hildon_build.patch to split code change and autotools run but that's up to you | 09:33 |
seb128 | agoliveira: you should likely add Build-Depends on some hildon package on lpia though | 09:34 |
seb128 | I doubt it'll build without it | 09:34 |
agoliveira | seb128: Finally :) Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. | 09:34 |
agoliveira | seb128: Now I'm strugling with quilt :( | 09:35 |
agoliveira | Totally different approach | 09:36 |
seb128 | agoliveira: the tasks upload still need that Build-Depends changes before being uploaded | 09:37 |
agoliveira | seb128: Ok. Can you give me a tip on this case that the Build-Depends is specific to an arch? | 09:43 |
seb128 | agoliveira: libhildon-1-dev [lpia] | 09:44 |
agoliveira | seb128: I understadn what to put, just not sure about the syntax of debian/control in this case. | 09:45 |
seb128 | I just give it to you | 09:45 |
seb128 | s/give/gave | 09:45 |
seb128 | what else do you want? | 09:45 |
agoliveira | seb128: I meant, should I create a whole new entry like this: | 09:49 |
agoliveira | Package: tasks | 09:49 |
agoliveira | Architecture: lpia | 09:49 |
agoliveira | Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libhildon-1-dev | 09:49 |
agoliveira | Description: a simple to do manager | 09:49 |
agoliveira | Or this can be simpler? | 09:49 |
Mithrandir | why do you force it to lpia? | 09:50 |
Mithrandir | and why on earth does it depend on libhildon-1-dev? | 09:50 |
agoliveira | Mithrandir: I'm not, I'm trying to understand seb128 instructions. | 09:50 |
seb128 | Mithrandir: bug #134336 | 09:50 |
seb128 | Mithrandir: the patch uses --enable-hildon on lpia, that requires a Build-Depends on some hildon lib, no? | 09:51 |
=== rustyl [i=rusty@nat/intel/x-825c4fca3d64f1cf] has joined #ubuntu-mobile | ||
Mithrandir | seb128: yes, it does, but the line above was Depends, not Build-Depends. | 09:52 |
=== agoliveira feels like being caught in a middle of a fire fight... | ||
seb128 | agoliveira: hum, no, you just want to add the packages to Build-Depends with a "[lpia] " next to them to specify it's for this arch only | 09:52 |
agoliveira | Sorry | 09:52 |
agoliveira | I miswrote the line | 09:52 |
agoliveira | So it should just be Build-Depends: cdbs (>= 0.4.37), debhelper (>= 5), intltool, libecal1.2-dev, libgtk2.0-dev... libhildon-1-dev [lpia] | 09:53 |
agoliveira | Not miswrote, I actually misread seb128's message. | 09:53 |
seb128 | agoliveira: right | 09:54 |
agoliveira | Cool. Fixing. Sorry for the mess. | 09:54 |
seb128 | and probably some others as well | 09:54 |
seb128 | I didn't check but the configure has | 09:55 |
seb128 | libosso, libossomime | 09:55 |
agoliveira | Yep. | 09:55 |
seb128 | so you need to add the package shipping those .pc as well | 09:55 |
agoliveira | Hmmm...? | 09:56 |
agoliveira | You're talking about the libs metioned having the .pc files? If so, they are ok already. | 09:57 |
agoliveira | Oh, understand now | 09:57 |
Mithrandir | the point is you need to build-depend on what provides those. | 09:58 |
agoliveira | Mithrandir: Got that. Just got a little confuse on the phase above. | 09:59 |
=== agoliveira makes a quick break for a coffee | ||
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Charliefjohnson | agoliveira: What chat apps is being considered ?? (are you still on ?) | 11:47 |
agoliveira | Charliefjohnson: Hi. Chat is what sense? irc, im? (if I'm here, I'm on :) ) | 11:47 |
Charliefjohnson | instant messaging. | 11:48 |
agoliveira | This is to be privided by intel according to the last info I have. | 11:49 |
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Charliefjohnson | agoliveira: It does say that in the SOW that I'm looking at. Let make sure that is an agenda item next time. | 11:55 |
agoliveira | Charliefjohnson: Just raise your concern and we can discuss that, no problem but last time we speak abot this, there was concernregardign add stuff like giam/pidgim due problem with patents over the protocols. | 11:57 |
Charliefjohnson | agoliveira: Yes. I just talked to Mauri about it. Empathy is a possibility right ? | 11:59 |
agoliveira | Yes, technicaly, there's no problem. I can say legally thougt as this kind of silly patents are not valid here in Brazil but if you use jabber you will fine AFAIK. | 12:00 |
agoliveira | s/can/can't | 12:00 |
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=== _Fanfare_ [n=ralph@p508B3BCA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-mobile | ||
_Fanfare_ | Hi there | 12:15 |
_Fanfare_ | anyone with wacom knowlege here? | 12:54 |
_Fanfare_ | any chance to get my usb wacom tablet Bus 004 Device 002: ID 056a:0090 Wacom Co., Ltd to work? | 12:55 |
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