norsetto | anyone knows how to check who sponsored a package!? | 12:39 |
LaserJock | it's not easy | 12:39 |
ajmitch | norsetto: depends, what package was it? | 12:40 |
LaserJock | you can check the .changes and see what GPG key signed it | 12:40 |
norsetto | Laserjock: OK, that would be in the build queue I guess | 12:41 |
norsetto | ajmitch: any package; I rather like to thank the person that sponsors my packages; I appreciate the work they are doing | 12:42 |
superm1 | norsetto, what packages? i saw ScottK going over quite a few last night | 12:43 |
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norsetto | well, the last two were gobby and battleball | 12:43 |
superm1 | hm didn't hear mentions of either | 12:43 |
norsetto | well, anyhow, whoever that was: THANK YOU. I appreciate your work very much. | 12:45 |
LaserJock | ajmitch: did you see that we can now check out packages in the +queue ? | 12:46 |
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superm1 | LaserJock, that's pretty cool, i just saw that | 12:47 |
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geser | norsetto: gobby and battleball were sponsored by dholbach | 12:48 |
norsetto | geser: the guy is crazy; is almost 1pm.... | 12:48 |
norsetto | make it 1 am :-) | 12:49 |
geser | :) | 12:49 |
norsetto | geser: how can you check it? | 12:49 |
geser | check the signature from the mail on gutsy-changes | 12:50 |
norsetto | geser: thanks | 12:51 |
geser | norsetto: it's easier if you still have those mails in mutt and dholbach's key in your keyring :) | 12:51 |
geser | the uploads got accepted now but the signature itself is older | 12:52 |
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norsetto | geser: I'm not subscribed to that in any case, but I can check the archive ..... | 12:52 |
geser | battleball: Signature made Wed 22 Aug 2007 11:58:37 CEST | 12:52 |
geser | and gobby: Signature made Wed 22 Aug 2007 08:37:57 CEST | 12:53 |
norsetto | geser: I see, so it can take quite a long time. I thought it was quicker than that | 12:53 |
norsetto | geser: I mean, how do you guys know that a package has not yet been sponsored? the bug is still there and everything | 12:54 |
geser | it only says when he signed the .changes files but not when he did the real upload | 12:54 |
geser | you usually comment on the bug when you did upload so others don't need to waste time uploading just to find out somebody else did | 12:55 |
norsetto | geser: yeah, makes sense | 12:56 |
norsetto | oh well, as somebody said its 1pm, and old farts like me need their beauty sleep | 12:58 |
norsetto | good night all | 12:58 |
ajmitch | LaserJock: no, I didn't see that | 12:59 |
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ajmitch | hello mr jml | 01:00 |
jml | hi | 01:01 |
jml | the entire screen should pulse red when batteries are low | 01:01 |
LaserJock | ajmitch: one more step towards complete MOTU domination :p | 01:03 |
ajmitch | LaserJock: I'm not seeing the step... | 01:04 |
ajmitch | jml: I prefer just having a nice soothing blue overlay on your desktop, with some white text explaining what is wrong | 01:04 |
LaserJock | ajmitch: it's one less thing that requires DC access | 01:05 |
ajmitch | but we had them at | 01:05 |
LaserJock | I'm saying that I believe that's the last step before it's technically possible for MOTU to process NEW | 01:06 |
ajmitch | | 01:06 |
ajmitch | right | 01:06 |
=== ajmitch can't see MOTU processing NEW soon | ||
LaserJock | but I wasn't aware of that link, that's good too | 01:07 |
ajmitch | yeah I was reminded of it a day or two ago | 01:07 |
LaserJock | probably not, although they keep adding archive admins | 01:07 |
LaserJock | at some point I can see them having a core-dev do it | 01:07 |
LaserJock | non-Canonical core-dev that is | 01:08 |
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bigon | Nobody for reviewing a new package? | 01:20 |
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pygi | bigon, people sleeping :p | 01:26 |
bigon | pygi: I need some sleep too :o | 01:30 |
pygi | bigon, well, it's 1:30AAM :P | 01:30 |
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RAOF | bryce: Ping, re bug #126255 - the snapshot is in the bzr branch that launchpad has apparently decided is inaccessible at the moment. | 02:08 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 126255 in xserver-xgl "FTBFS" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 02:08 |
bryce | raof, if you can post a tarball of that somewhere, I'd be happy to take a look at updating. | 02:09 |
RAOF | I can do a more traditional package, if you like. | 02:10 |
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=== RAOF watches as bzr push goes ssssslllllloooooowly | ||
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persia | I've just been preparing the final announcement for the next MOTU meeting, and noticed that there was a schedule conflict with the next Q&A session. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding which should be rescheduled, or believe that the conflict should not matter? | 02:18 |
mok0 | !log|mok | 02:21 |
ubotu | mok: Channel logs can be found at | 02:21 |
RAOF | bryce: Bug updated, with links to a source package and a bzr branch that you can actually pull from (stupid launchpad :() | 02:23 |
bryce | raof, ahh excellent, thanks. I'll take a look at it tomorrow | 02:24 |
RAOF | bryce: It also contains the session files to fix the other wishlist bug. | 02:25 |
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leonel | hello .. I don't understand this apparmor is a security addon for gutsy and it's in universe .. would be better if it got official support in main ?? | 03:16 |
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ajmitch | leonel: yes, and it is in main | 03:17 |
superm1 | leonel, it is in main for gutsy | 03:17 |
leonel | woot ! downloaded from universe and it's there .. | 03:18 |
leonel | checked on and its in main | 03:19 |
ajmitch | the only binary package I know of that it builds for universe is apparmor-modules-source | 03:19 |
leonel | ajmitch: superm1 thanks | 03:19 |
ajmitch | which isn't needed by most people | 03:19 |
leonel | that mistake made me more paranoic .. | 03:20 |
leonel | paranoid .. | 03:20 |
leonel | thanks | 03:20 |
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soothsayer | Is there a way to get a backtrace of a program that doesn't crash (it's stuck in a loop). A signal I can send? | 03:30 |
leonel | doh ! I was downloading for feisty thinking it was gutsy .. | 03:33 |
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bddebian | Heya gang | 06:20 |
tonyyarusso | hey | 06:24 |
bddebian | Hello tonyyarusso | 06:26 |
tonyyarusso | How's it going? | 06:26 |
bddebian | OK thanks, you? | 06:30 |
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MarcC | how do I get some GPL'd GIMP gradients included in a repo? | 06:31 |
tonyyarusso | Not that great - see my Planet post today | 06:31 |
minghua | MarcC: I don't know, but why would you want to get them included in Ubuntu repo instead of sending them to gimp upstream? | 06:34 |
MarcC | minghua: no idea really...I'll check with the gimp people, thanks | 06:35 |
superm1 | ouch tonyyarusso, that's pretty brutal to lose | 06:36 |
tonyyarusso | superm1: yeah :( Still investigating options though. | 06:36 |
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bddebian | Gah, what category should a guitar tuning program go in?? | 07:32 |
tonyyarusso | audio? what are the choices? | 07:32 |
bddebian | That's a darn fine question. I'm trying to find a reference for all of the categories | 07:34 |
_MMA_ | | 07:35 |
_MMA_ | bddebian: What are you working with? | 07:36 |
_MMA_ | fmit? | 07:36 |
bddebian | gtkguitune | 07:36 |
bddebian | Thx btw | 07:37 |
_MMA_ | np. | 07:37 |
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_MMA_ | bddebian: It could go a couple of ways I would guess. Maybe see whats listed in fmit's .desktop? | 07:39 |
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mayeco | we have a tribe 5! | 08:00 |
mayeco | nice nice :D | 08:00 |
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coNP | Hey Ubunteros! | 09:23 |
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dholbach | good morning | 09:39 |
superm1_ | morning dholbach | 09:40 |
dholbach | hey superm1! | 09:41 |
=== dholbach hugs superm1 | ||
=== superm1 hugs dholbach, so today's the day to forward app to TB right :)? | ||
coNP | Hey superm1. I won :D | 09:42 |
superm1 | haha coNP, so you did... | 09:42 |
=== coNP has now super cow powers. | ||
coNP | No, that is apt. | 09:43 |
dholbach | yeah, absolutely | 09:43 |
superm1 | something about me never can understand the output of 'apt-get moo' | 09:43 |
coNP | Subhuman: Maybe that's why you are not a MOTU yet :D | 09:46 |
coNP | oh, sorry, I meant superm1 | 09:46 |
superm1 | soon enough, i guess i'll learn :) | 09:47 |
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coNP | Good afternoon (I guess), Hobbsee! | 09:52 |
superm1 | dholbach, perhaps you'd know, i asked a little bit before you joined in -devel, but didn't get any responses. if you include a Section in the source part of debian/control, is that alright when uploaded to ubuntu, since ubuntu has an override system? | 09:53 |
Hobbsee | evening coNP! | 09:54 |
dholbach | superm1: yeah, absolutely ok to add it | 09:55 |
superm1 | oh and in case my it wasn't clear in my sarcasm, congrats coNP :) | 09:55 |
coNP | thanks, superm1 :) | 09:55 |
coNP | BTW, do you know a Gnome application like KDE World Clock? :D | 09:55 |
Hobbsee | coNP: dont think there is one. it'd be too useful. | 09:55 |
^^MAg^^ | there is on in Suse SLED SP1 | 09:56 |
superm1 | dholbach, great, that will make more universe source packages to work both in ubuntu and on a PPA (since PPAs dont have overrides) | 09:56 |
coNP | Actually I wonder if it would be hard to port. | 09:56 |
Hobbsee | coNP: [17:58] <seb128> Hobbsee: the default clock in GNOME has timezone, right click, preferences, display several timezones | 09:58 |
superm1 | Hobbsee, woah, that is some neat stuff. very useful | 10:03 |
Hobbsee | superm1: thank seb, i dont use gnome | 10:04 |
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dholbach | superm1: I'll write to techboard now | 10:09 |
superm1 | thx dholbach :) | 10:09 |
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Hobbsee | dholbach: you'll be at the meeting in 4 hours? | 10:10 |
dholbach | Hobbsee: yes and running the q&a session simultaneously | 10:11 |
Hobbsee | ...impressive | 10:11 |
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coNP | Wow. :) | 10:15 |
coNP | Is it a good practice to assign bugs to MOTU? | 10:15 |
Hobbsee | coNP: no | 10:15 |
coNP | And should they be corrected? | 10:15 |
Hobbsee | coNP: subscribe u-u-s if they have patches, otherwies unsubscribe motu | 10:16 |
Hobbsee | MOTU is a team of people - but no one actually does anything with those bugs. | 10:16 |
coNP | It is incomplete. | 10:16 |
coNP | I was wondering why it was assigned to MOTU. | 10:16 |
coNP | I was going to close it for there was no answer from the submitter | 10:16 |
coNP | Asked smart question & reassigned to myself :D | 10:17 |
Hobbsee | hehe :) | 10:17 |
coNP | Hobbsee: thanks for the ONTV green light. | 10:17 |
coNP | This can mean my very first upload :) | 10:18 |
Hobbsee | then the person who marked it was likely incompetent, and didnt know what they were doing. | 10:18 |
Hobbsee | coNP: yay! :) | 10:18 |
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coNP | I guess I can dput package to ubuntu. Right? | 10:21 |
dholbach | you should | 10:21 |
Hobbsee | coNP: yep | 10:22 |
coNP | Too late :) | 10:22 |
coNP | After it got accepted I should mark the bug "fix released" and assign it to myself, right? | 10:22 |
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Hobbsee | coNP: yeah. or uplaod it, and mark it as fix released. | 10:27 |
Hobbsee | coNP: most people wont touch it, if they see it's already well in progress | 10:28 |
Hobbsee | coNP: of course, there are exceptions, who you are then free to enlighten on bug ettiquite | 10:28 |
coNP | What do you mean? | 10:28 |
Hobbsee | coNP: once you've uploaded the package, you can mark the bug as fix released (or use the changelog closing love) | 10:29 |
Hobbsee | coNP: so it doesnt really matter which bits in particualr you do - it's more for notifying anyone curious of what is happening. | 10:29 |
coNP | Yes. I forgot that, but will use it in the future. Yes, I also thought that "fix released" is the most important part so that poor MOTU UVF team does not need to check it again and again :) | 10:30 |
Hobbsee | coNP: then agian, there are some people, who i wont name names, who like going and changing bugs at random. those you are welcome to harrass | 10:30 |
Hobbsee | coNP: exactly :) | 10:30 |
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Hobbsee | er, s/harrass/politely inform about bug ettiquite, with a large brick, if needed/ | 10:30 |
coNP | :D | 10:30 |
Hobbsee | :) | 10:31 |
Hobbsee | dholbach: what's the protocol on adding people to the MOTU council? | 10:36 |
Hobbsee | out of curiousity? | 10:36 |
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Q-FUNK | didn't Ubuntu use to publish diffs as a series of split patches? | 10:36 |
Hobbsee | Q-FUNK: | 10:37 |
Hobbsee | coNP: or at least, that's my understanding. i may be wrong | 10:39 |
Q-FUNK | Hobbsee: hmm... nope, that's not it. those are unified diffs. | 10:39 |
coNP | BTW if I upload packages should I include the origtargz at for the first time and omit for next uploads, right? | 10:39 |
coNP | I mean <M>ubuntu1 with the orig.tar.gz and <M>ubuntu<N> versions without one. | 10:40 |
Hobbsee | coNP: if the same orig.tar.gz is in the ubuntu archive, you dont need to upload it again. | 10:41 |
Hobbsee | coNP: as in, so ubuntu or debian revisions you dont need to, but a new upstream release you do | 10:41 |
coNP | Yes. That is I was right to upload ontv orig.tar.gz, but for possible future fix uploads I don't need this again | 10:41 |
Hobbsee | or for a merge | 10:41 |
Hobbsee | yeah, i think so | 10:41 |
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Q-FUNK | dholbach: what was the rationale behind dropping database support for planner, again? | 10:55 |
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norsetto | morning all | 11:22 |
coNP | hey norsetto | 11:22 |
=== norsetto bows humbly | ||
norsetto | Would you guys say that this: is a MIT/Expat License? licensecheck reports it as unknown. | 11:24 |
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Jazzva | norsetto: I wouldn't... Especially because of this: the unknown license "with or without fee", MIT/Expat "free of charge"... | 11:34 |
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norsetto | Jazzva: yes, its more permissive | 11:36 |
Jazzva | And: unknown license "Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute"; MIT/Expat: "to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell"... The first one doesn't forbig the rest that's in MIT/Expat's license, but it also doesn't exclusivly permits it... | 11:36 |
Jazzva | *forbid | 11:36 |
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norsetto | jazzva: actually its the "same", with or without fee and the MIT says sell | 11:38 |
norsetto | what the heck, I will ask to my lawyer | 11:39 |
Jazzva | norsetto: :)... I'm not really good in licenses... | 11:39 |
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norsetto | jazzva: my lawyer is, she is actually specialised in software IP rights | 11:41 |
Jazzva | norsetto: That's good :)... | 11:42 |
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TheMuso | dholbach: I'm about to do gnome-orca/gnome-speech now. Ok if I ping you when they are ready for upload? | 11:47 |
=== coNP asks someone to check my cheese and gnome-phone-manager UVFes. Both have 1 ACKs | ||
=== norsetto bows humbly | ||
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DarkSun88 | Hi | 11:51 |
coNP | No. I am wrong. gnome-phone has none (bug 134229). | 11:52 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 134229 in gnome-phone-manager "Please update gnome-phone-manager to 0.10" [Wishlist,Incomplete] | 11:52 |
norsetto | DarkSun88: Hi there | 11:52 |
DarkSun88 | Hi norsetto | 11:52 |
coNP | But I stop spamming for now :) | 11:52 |
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=== norsetto stops bowing too | ||
dholbach | TheMuso: absolutely | 11:54 |
norsetto | dholbach: daniel, can we have a little talk (30 sec max)? | 11:55 |
TheMuso | dholbach: Ok Thanks. | 11:55 |
dholbach | norsetto: of course | 11:56 |
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coNP | mok0: reviewing wulfware now :) | 12:23 |
coNP | mok0: not advocating, but most parts seem to be okay :) | 12:31 |
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geser | mok0: wulfware/xmlsysd: you shouldn't depend on update-inetd (which doesn't work with xinetd), it's the job of the inetsuperserver to depend on update-inetd. | 12:41 |
geser | mok0: and drop netkit-inetd from depends: it was replaced with openbsd-inetd and you already depend on the inet-superserver virtual package | 12:43 |
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TheMuso | dholbach: gnome-orca: - I will have gnome-speech done shortly. Just waiting for a test build. | 12:47 |
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geser | mok0: please use lsb functions in the init script | 12:48 |
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dholbach | TheMuso: rock on - will check it out in a bit | 12:48 |
mok0 | geser: elaborate, please | 12:48 |
mok0 | geser: I don't know what lsb functions you mean and for what purpose I should call them | 12:50 |
StevenK | RAOF: Around? | 12:51 |
=== Jazzva is now known as Jazzva|away | ||
geser | mok0: . /lib/lsb/init-functions in you init script and use the log_*_msg functions instead of echo to print the output | 12:51 |
mok0 | geser: Ah, ok, thx. Will do | 12:51 |
geser | mok0: see the other init-scripts in /etc/init.d how they use them | 12:52 |
TheMuso | dholbach: gnome-speech: | 12:52 |
Fujitsu | :O impossible, I got assigned an AM | 12:52 |
mok0 | geser: sure | 12:52 |
StevenK | Fujitsu: Who was assigned to you? | 12:52 |
mok0 | geser: did you notice anything else? | 12:52 |
Fujitsu | StevenK: zorglub | 12:53 |
StevenK | Hrm. | 12:53 |
StevenK | That nick doesn't ring a bell with me. | 12:53 |
mok0 | geser: It's the most complicated package I've done yet, so there can easily be things I've missed | 12:53 |
=== Hobbsee pokes StevenK and Fujitsu into doing some reviewing | ||
StevenK | core-devs are exempt. | 12:54 |
=== Fujitsu hides. | ||
Fujitsu | Hah. | 12:54 |
=== Fujitsu wonders if he can convince someone to upload a new soundconverter to Debian. | ||
=== coNP reviews a package if Hobbsee reviews one of my UVFe requests. :) | ||
=== StevenK also hides. | ||
geser | mok0: as you shouldn't depend on update-inetd (there was a discussion about it on deb debian-devel-ML) you should check in{inst,rm} if update-inetd is executable | 12:55 |
Hobbsee | coNP: which one? | 12:55 |
Hobbsee | StevenK: no, you're not | 12:55 |
coNP | Hobbsee: bug 134229 | 12:55 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 134229 in gnome-phone-manager "Please update gnome-phone-manager to 0.10" [Wishlist,Incomplete] | 12:55 |
Hobbsee | Fujitsu: you cant hide. | 12:56 |
Hobbsee | Fujitsu: and i'd try a DD for soundconverter | 12:56 |
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geser | mok0: that's all I've found on a first look | 12:56 |
Fujitsu | Hobbsee: There is a DD lurking :P | 12:57 |
Hobbsee | coNP: done | 12:57 |
Hobbsee | Fujitsu: indeed. so do a review, then poke him | 12:58 |
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Fujitsu | Hah. | 12:58 |
=== Fujitsu reviews. | ||
Hobbsee | soren: ping | 12:58 |
coNP | Thanks, Hobbsee. | 12:58 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: ping | 12:59 |
norsetto | Fujitsu: would you minding me into merging apt-watch? | 01:01 |
coNP | Do you think it is worth accepting a package that is likely to be included in Texlive in Gutsy+1 ( | 01:02 |
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Hobbsee | norsetto: looking at the changelog, that should be a sync. | 01:02 |
Hobbsee | norsetto: depending on what the apt deps are | 01:02 |
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norsetto | Hobbsee: well, the build-depends should still be updated, no? | 01:03 |
Hobbsee | norsetto: it's only going to be building for gutsy anyway, which will likely be higher than the version mentioned in the control file. | 01:04 |
Hobbsee | assuming its' only a version thing. | 01:04 |
Fujitsu | norsetto: I believe it will be a sync, but I haven't touched it in ages. | 01:04 |
Hobbsee | Fujitsu: you did the last apt rebuild for it | 01:05 |
geser | norsetto: I guess the build-depends was only bumped to ensure that it got build with the recent apt at that time | 01:05 |
Fujitsu | Hobbsee: I don't think that really counts as touching. | 01:06 |
=== DktrKranz [n=Luca@ubuntu/member/dktrkranz] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Hobbsee | Fujitsu: indeed. | 01:06 |
norsetto | right, so its just a question of checking, and it it build its a sync | 01:06 |
Hobbsee | geser: yeah, that's the usual logic. | 01:06 |
StevenK | Hobbsee: buoh reviewed | 01:06 |
Hobbsee | geser: of course, apt's a bit of a pain of a package, so... | 01:06 |
Hobbsee | StevenK: yay! | 01:06 |
=== Hobbsee hugs StevenK | ||
StevenK | Heh, I try. | 01:07 |
Lutin | (don't know if it should be kept but the apt version in apt-watch in not the only change, we use libgamin instead of libfam) | 01:07 |
Hobbsee | Lutin: then i suck. | 01:07 |
Hobbsee | Lutin: i wonder why i didnt mention it in the remaining changes... | 01:08 |
norsetto | lutin: indeed | 01:08 |
Lutin | + an added buildded on gdk-pixbuf | 01:08 |
norsetto | luting: yeah, would you know why that? | 01:08 |
Lutin | nope | 01:08 |
Lutin | Hobbsee: maybe it was part of 'Retaining ubuntu builddep changes' you mentionned | 01:09 |
norsetto | lutin: was checking and only libgdk-pixbuf-gnome-dev depends on it | 01:09 |
Hobbsee | Lutin: oh, point | 01:09 |
norsetto | ok, let me check how it builds with just libgamin instead of libfam | 01:10 |
=== Fujitsu has been seeing a few too many package bug lists over the past day. | ||
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Lutin | norsetto : the libgdk-pixbuf-dev thing is no longer needed, it has to ne dropped | 01:24 |
coNP | Hobbsee: reviewed latex-cleveref | 01:24 |
norsetto | lutin: good, I just building without it :-) | 01:24 |
Hobbsee | coNP: \o/ | 01:24 |
=== Hobbsee hugs coNP | ||
coNP | Hobbsee: can you please harden the state of bug 119796 with a brick? Sync has been approved by the MOTU UVF before, but it is not enough for everyone :( | 01:25 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 119796 in openbox "Please sync openbox (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 01:25 |
ScottK | Hobbsee: pong | 01:26 |
Lutin | norsetto: actually - the builddep was removed from the debian package 2 years back | 01:26 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: i'm looking to get our uvf people together for a meeting, but we're missing 2. | 01:27 |
Hobbsee | will try to get people at teh end of the meeting | 01:27 |
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norsetto | lutin: yep, builds without any problem | 01:27 |
Hobbsee | coNP: looks done to me...they'll do it with confirmed. | 01:28 |
=== Hobbsee hits it with the triaged stick anyway | ||
Lutin | norsetto: yep. would have been weird as apt-watch doesn't use it | 01:28 |
coNP | Hobbsee: yes, but shows this might change any time | 01:28 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 119796 in openbox "Please sync openbox (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Unknown,Fix released] | 01:28 |
=== coNP [n=conp@unaffiliated/conp] has left #ubuntu-motu ["c-x] | ||
=== coNP [n=conp@unaffiliated/conp] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
coNP | Why do people think they should override (1) the bug assignee, (2) the MOTU-UVF, (3) the package archive admins... :( | 01:29 |
Hobbsee | coNP: true. | 01:29 |
Hobbsee | coNP: er, who did that? | 01:29 |
coNP | Hobbsee: I give you 1 try. | 01:29 |
Hobbsee | coNP: was this before or after i yelled at him for it? | 01:30 |
coNP | It was right now. | 01:30 |
coNP | Err... it is frustrating when you work on bugs, get them approved by the MOTU-uvf and wait for the archive admins and see your bug changed back ... | 01:30 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: ping | 01:30 |
Hobbsee | coNP: agreed. | 01:30 |
Hobbsee | coNP: oh, he's assigned motu-uvf *again*, and changed the description? | 01:31 |
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coNP | BTW partially he did the right thing as I forgot to put parts of the changelog into the description (because it was attached as a changelog.diff) | 01:32 |
Kmos | Hobbsee: hi | 01:32 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: can you tell me what i said to you about changing other people's bugs, including sync requests? | 01:33 |
Kmos | Hobbsee: not to change them.. i've added the new version to the changelog | 01:33 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: and subscribed motu-uvf? | 01:33 |
Kmos | and set motu-uvf | 01:33 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: why? | 01:33 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: how is that included in the "do not change them?" | 01:33 |
Kmos | maybe because need to re-check ? | 01:33 |
ScottK | So how is that "Not chaniging" | 01:33 |
mok0 | geser: I was away, I saw your comment on update-inetd | 01:34 |
ScottK | Which big is it? | 01:34 |
Kmos | ScottK: I only do that because I see a new version | 01:34 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: no, it doesnt. remember that people *usually* know what they're doing. | 01:34 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: so to go and hijack their bug is Very Bad (tm) | 01:34 |
Kmos | Hobbsee: *usually*, i only try to help.. | 01:34 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: especially without asking them first. | 01:34 |
ScottK | Kmos: You were told "Don't change", you understand that, and yet you do it anyway. | 01:34 |
Kmos | ok.. | 01:34 |
ScottK | Not OK. | 01:35 |
coNP | I am *usually* available here. And *usually* ask for a sync from the latest version. | 01:35 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: well, you annoy people when you hijack bugs. you may want to help in another way (like, working on bugs that people arent already working on) | 01:35 |
ScottK | coNP: Which bug number? | 01:35 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: | 01:35 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 119796 in openbox "Please sync openbox (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Unknown,Fix released] | 01:35 |
ScottK | Thanks. | 01:35 |
coNP | ScottK: actually you approved that :) | 01:36 |
coNP | With Hobbsee together. | 01:36 |
ScottK | Right. | 01:36 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: usually, the updater will ask us if it needs a re-request, or if anything else needs to happen. you dont need to come and do that. | 01:36 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: (because they likely already have, and it's not documented on the bug) | 01:36 |
Kmos | Hobbsee: i don't know that one :( | 01:36 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: dont understand, or did not know previously? | 01:37 |
mok0 | geser: so I check if update-inetd is executable, but what if it isn't? Abort or try to salvage? | 01:37 |
Kmos | Hobbsee: don't know really | 01:37 |
ScottK | Kmos: WHat part of don't change other people's bugs is confusing you? | 01:37 |
Kmos | coNP: first sorry again :( i think i'm doing something to help | 01:37 |
coNP | Kmos: thumb rule. If the bug is assigned to someone or to some team do not ever change its state. | 01:37 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: dont know *now*, or didn't know *then*? | 01:38 |
Kmos | ScottK: not anymore.. | 01:38 |
=== Hobbsee attempts to crack the language barrier. | ||
Kmos | Hobbsee: I know now :) | 01:38 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: cool :) | 01:38 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: then i hope we wont have to have this discussion again :) | 01:38 |
ScottK | Kmos: I doubt it. You know until the next time you think it would be helpful to ... | 01:38 |
Kmos | Hobbsee: I hope too | 01:38 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: calm down... | 01:38 |
=== coNP as well :) | ||
=== Jazzva|away is now known as Jazzva | ||
Kmos | ScottK is always a bit nervous | 01:38 |
Kmos | with me, ofcourse :) | 01:39 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: he's seen too much of your screwups, and is skeptical of whether you've learned | 01:39 |
norsetto | lutin: bug 134490. do you want to sponsor it? | 01:39 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 134490 in apt-watch "Please merge apt-watch (0.3.2-9) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] | 01:39 |
Kmos | Hobbsee: people are not perfect and do mistakes. | 01:39 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: indeed. which is why "ask questions first, act later" :) | 01:40 |
mok0 | geser: forget about last question I understand it now | 01:40 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: but as long as you keep learning, you'll be fine | 01:40 |
Kmos | Hobbsee: i think that too | 01:40 |
Kmos | i'm waiting for ddclient for long time and nothing was been done | 01:40 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: it's in the queue. | 01:40 |
Hobbsee | like many things | 01:40 |
Kmos | if I ask here for it again.. someone kill me | 01:40 |
=== DrKranz [n=Luca@ubuntu/member/dktrkranz] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Hobbsee | quite likely. | 01:41 |
Kmos | Hobbsee: currently is not working at ubuntu.. | 01:41 |
Hobbsee | someone will get to the queue | 01:41 |
Kmos | because you the stuff | 01:41 |
Kmos | *of | 01:41 |
Kmos | Hobbsee: i'm still waiting and doing other stuff :) | 01:41 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: cool. pick bugs that others *arent* already working on. | 01:41 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: there are 30000 in the system, i'm sure you can find some :) | 01:42 |
Kmos | Hobbsee: i understand that :) don't need to mention again | 01:42 |
Hobbsee | i think | 01:42 |
\sh | hmm... | 01:42 |
Kmos | i've 248 on my bug list | 01:42 |
Hobbsee | cool | 01:42 |
Hobbsee | nice | 01:42 |
Kmos | :) | 01:42 |
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\sh | social problems can't be solved technical ;) | 01:44 |
dholbach | MOTU Q&A session in ~15 minutes! | 01:44 |
TheMuso | dholbach: Isn't there the meeting as well? | 01:45 |
Fujitsu | Erm, meeting, isn't it? | 01:45 |
dholbach | meeting in #u-meeting | 01:45 |
dholbach | Q&A session #u-motu | 01:45 |
dholbach | sorry for the confusion and double booking | 01:45 |
Fujitsu | That sounds slightly counter-productive. | 01:45 |
dholbach | that was entirely my fault | 01:45 |
dholbach | it's just too late to change now and the meeting agenda seems short anyway | 01:46 |
Hobbsee | dholbach: so another daed meeting. | 01:46 |
dholbach | Hobbsee: it's important we have them regularly | 01:47 |
Hobbsee | dholbach: it's important there is life in them | 01:47 |
TheMuso | the agenda is only fixed items | 01:47 |
dholbach | we won't make up agenda items just for the sake of it :) | 01:47 |
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
=== norsetto wonders if it is possible having the Q&A sessions as an agenda item | ||
TheMuso | norsetto: You could mention it under other business. | 01:49 |
coNP | You should ask this question when the Q&A session begins :) | 01:49 |
norsetto | oh my god, just got an email from the IRS!!! | 01:50 |
norsetto | wife just called for lunch, will be a bit late in both events (not that anyone will notice :-)) | 01:51 |
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mok0 | geser: so, summarizing, 1) dependencies and 2) post* scripts? | 01:52 |
mok0 | geser: never mind, looking at revu now | 01:54 |
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coNP | mok0: I also sent some comments to REVU | 01:58 |
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dholbach | welcome to the MOTU Q&A sessions! | 02:00 |
dholbach | so who of you is currently going through the MOTU Mentoring process or plans to become a MOTU soon? | 02:01 |
=== coNP runs away... | ||
dholbach | coNP just recently joined the MOTUs and did great work on the Desktop - if you have desktop questions, be sure to ask him :) | 02:01 |
=== dholbach makes a note to assign reviews to coNP in the future :) | ||
=== dholbach hears no objections | ||
dholbach | :-) | 02:02 |
=== mok0 puts up his hand | ||
dholbach | does anybody have packaging related questions? problems with any packages? | 02:02 |
dholbach | hey mok0 - how are you doing? | 02:02 |
mok0 | Working on the wulfware package. | 02:03 |
dholbach | mok0: nice - is that a new package? | 02:03 |
mok0 | Yes, a suite of programs for monitoring a cluster | 02:03 |
dholbach | woah rocking | 02:03 |
dholbach | did anybody help you with getting that rolling? | 02:03 |
mok0 | We've used it here for several years | 02:04 |
=== jrib is here just to see what others ask | ||
dholbach | welcome jrib - if you have any questions or anything, just shout :) | 02:04 |
dholbach | mok0: so how is packaging it coming along? | 02:04 |
mok0 | It's close to being ready. There are a few outstanding issues with init scripts and maintainer scripts | 02:05 |
mok0 | The package contains an inetd controlled daemon | 02:05 |
mok0 | ... it complicates matters that you cant ccount on xinetd being installed... :-( | 02:06 |
dholbach | right :-/ | 02:06 |
dholbach | but it sounds like you're doing well | 02:06 |
dholbach | who did reviews of your package up until now? | 02:06 |
mok0 | I'm on top up it ;-) | 02:06 |
dholbach | good :) | 02:06 |
mok0 | I have ~10 years of RedHat experience | 02:07 |
dholbach | norsetto did some great work on organising mentoring and packaging himself - do you have any questions? | 02:07 |
Hobbsee | dholbach: can i have a pony? | 02:07 |
geser | what do you want a pony for? | 02:08 |
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Hobbsee | i want a psychic pony to do everything i want. | 02:08 |
bigon | could someone have a look at (it's a new pkg) | 02:08 |
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dholbach | ok, in absence of other questions, let's have a look all together at bigon's package | 02:09 |
mok0 | What does it do? | 02:09 |
Hobbsee | !packagingguide | 02:09 |
ubotu | The packaging guide is at - See for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at - See also !backports | 02:09 |
geser | Hobbsee: too late, that one is already given away: | 02:09 |
mok0 | So, we use dget to download it? | 02:10 |
dholbach | dget -x | 02:10 |
Hobbsee | geser: heh :P | 02:10 |
dholbach | bigon: I notice that debian/copyright mentions LGPL 2 and it's 2.1 in the header of files | 02:11 |
dholbach | I have the following script in ~/bin/check-copyright "find . -name '*.java' -name '*.pl' -name '*.pm' -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.cc' -o -name '*.hh' -o -name '*.py' | xargs head | less" | 02:11 |
dholbach | and find that helpful with reviewing | 02:11 |
mok0 | dholbach: what's the copyright on your script :-) | 02:12 |
dholbach | hehe, public domain ;) | 02:12 |
dholbach | has 0.14.0, but debian/changelog "tapioca-glib ( gutsy; urgency=low" | 02:13 |
Hobbsee | dholbach: is that in the developer tools in bzr? | 02:13 |
dholbach | sorry, need to close the windows, thunderstorm coming up | 02:13 |
dholbach | Hobbsee: dunno yet | 02:13 |
geser | aren't -dbg packages created automatically so no need to create them in debian/control? | 02:14 |
dholbach | yeah, we have -dbgsym packages, so for Ubuntu that's a bit pointless | 02:15 |
mok0 | It's GPL 2.1 and not 2 as debian/copyright says | 02:15 |
ScottK | mok0: You mean LGPL 2.1? | 02:16 |
geser | bigon: you can drop the -dbg package | 02:16 |
dholbach | bigon: how did you generate the tarball? | 02:16 |
=== mok0 checks again | ||
mok0 | copyright says LGPL2 | 02:17 |
bigon | geser: well debian don't generate debug packages | 02:17 |
mok0 | script says LGPL2.1 | 02:17 |
dholbach | right | 02:17 |
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dholbach | is this package in debian already? | 02:17 |
soren | Hobbsee: pong | 02:17 |
geser | ah, I see it now. It's an update for an existing package and not a completely new one | 02:18 |
bigon | dholbach: in the new queue | 02:18 |
dholbach | ok | 02:18 |
dholbach | apart from that it looks ok to me | 02:19 |
dholbach | just running a test build | 02:19 |
Hobbsee | soren: uvf team is getting together to decide on some things soonish. got a preferred time? | 02:20 |
mok0 | my pbuilder has some problems locating dependencies | 02:20 |
soren | Hobbsee: Soonish as in "a few hours" or as in "a few days"? | 02:20 |
Hobbsee | soren: either. please see -meeting | 02:20 |
mok0 | intltool_0.35.5-4_all.deb Unable to fetch file | 02:20 |
dholbach | can somebody reactivate my account on REVU? | 02:21 |
dholbach | mok0: are you on feisty? | 02:22 |
mok0 | In debian/control, I see a field "Uploaders:" -- is that used in Ubuntu? | 02:22 |
geser | dholbach: did you tried to recover your (new) password? | 02:22 |
dholbach | mok0: no, it's not; but as this is a package that goes into Debian, it makes sense for them and we keep it | 02:22 |
dholbach | geser: yes, it says "None" | 02:22 |
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dholbach | hey _czessi | 02:23 |
Hobbsee | dholbach: which address did you use to register? | 02:23 |
mok0 | OK, and same for "XS-Vcs-Bzr:" ?? | 02:23 |
dholbach | Hobbsee: | 02:23 |
dholbach | mok0: no, we use that too | 02:23 |
dholbach | mok0: apt-get source tells you about it, when you're about to get source for a package | 02:23 |
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dholbach | does anybody else have questions about packaging or a different package? | 02:23 |
=== coNP is here again. And does not complain if he has to review some packages. At least not for now :) | ||
mok0 | What does the priority field mean? | 02:24 |
dholbach | mok0: nothing to Ubuntu | 02:24 |
mok0 | I've been told to put "Optional" in there | 02:24 |
mok0 | this one has "extra" | 02:25 |
dholbach | we override it anyway, as far as I know the only difference it makes is using 'essential' | 02:25 |
=== xxxxx1 [n=xxxxx1@] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
dholbach | dpkg will inform you about that, when you try to purge an essential package | 02:25 |
mok0 | ... which nothing in universe is, I guess... | 02:25 |
=== norsetto scrollsback | ||
=== AlinuxOS [] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
xxxxx1 | morning people | 02:26 |
dholbach | geser, Hobbsee: any idea on why I can't login? | 02:26 |
dholbach | hi xxxxx1 | 02:26 |
xxxxx1 | hey dholbach :) | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | dholbach: yeah. | 02:26 |
coNP | Hey xxxxx1 | 02:27 |
dholbach | uh-huh? | 02:27 |
xxxxx1 | coNP ! | 02:27 |
geser | dholbach: no, you need siretart or sistpoty for help | 02:27 |
Hobbsee | dholbach: is it time critical? | 02:27 |
Hobbsee | geser: i should be able to do it as well | 02:28 |
coNP | dholbach: I guess if you upload something you can get your password back. | 02:28 |
dholbach | Hobbsee: no, I would just have liked to comment the package with the few things we found | 02:28 |
dholbach | bigon: did you file a needs-packaging bug for that package? if so, I would add my comments there | 02:28 |
dholbach | coNP: aha? | 02:28 |
Hobbsee | dholbach: cool. i cant fiddle with REVU and run a meeting point at the same time, unfortunately | 02:29 |
=== dholbach just uploaded something to REVU to see if that makes it work | ||
dholbach | does anybody else have questions about packaging or a different package? | 02:30 |
bigon | dholbach: no I didn't | 02:30 |
dholbach | bigon: ok, then I'm sorry, I can't add those comments | 02:30 |
mok0 | I'd like to ask about the init script, then | 02:31 |
mok0 | I'll pastebin it, hang on | 02:31 |
dholbach | fire away | 02:31 |
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norsetto | sorry guys, was having lunch | 02:32 |
mok0 | | 02:32 |
mok0 | geser tells me to use lsb functions, is that a complete rewrite? | 02:33 |
dholbach | no, it's just in the messages iirc | 02:33 |
bigon | dholbach: | 02:33 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 134504 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] tapioca-glib" [Undecided,New] | 02:33 |
Hobbsee | dholbach: did it work? | 02:33 |
jrib | here's a question: how hard is it to rename a package? | 02:34 |
Hobbsee | dholbach: try another p/w recover | 02:34 |
dholbach | Hobbsee: it was not accepted yet | 02:34 |
dholbach | jrib: just the binary package or the source package? | 02:34 |
jrib | dholbach: binary | 02:34 |
dholbach | jrib: in any case you have to make sure that rdepends are fixed | 02:34 |
=== Hobbsee notes that dholbach could technically go and change it himself | ||
geser | mok0: no, just source /lib/lsb/init-functions and use the log_*_msg functions instead of echo for output. the rest is the same | 02:35 |
dholbach | jrib: you have to make sure that you have proper replaces/conflicts | 02:35 |
dholbach | jrib: and you might have to tell the archive admins that push it into main if it was there before, etc | 02:35 |
mok0 | geser: got it | 02:35 |
dholbach | jrib: I think that's about it | 02:35 |
jrib | thanks | 02:36 |
dholbach | ok super - any other questions? | 02:36 |
=== norsetto raise an hand | ||
dholbach | looks like we get a lot of stuff tackled in here :) | 02:36 |
dholbach | norsetto: shoot | 02:36 |
norsetto | well, its not really a technical question | 02:36 |
dholbach | hat's ok | 02:37 |
dholbach | that's ok :) | 02:37 |
=== norsetto thinks technical questions are easy :-) | ||
norsetto | I've stumbled against some packages while doing merges/sync/updates etc. | 02:37 |
norsetto | which, quite frankly, were in a bit of a bad shape | 02:37 |
dholbach | bad shape as in how? | 02:37 |
dholbach | outdated upstream version? | 02:38 |
dholbach | 'old-fashioned packaging'? | 02:38 |
norsetto | well, full of warning/errors, bad licenses, missing dependancies, etc. | 02:38 |
norsetto | bad changelogs, you name it .... | 02:38 |
dholbach | right | 02:38 |
dholbach | the thing is: if you do those changes, we have to carry the diff | 02:39 |
norsetto | now, what is the best course of action? suppose its just a merge, should the packager also correct these errors? | 02:39 |
norsetto | dholbach: exactly | 02:39 |
dholbach | for example I would not do an ubuntu1 upload just change the Standard-Version from 3.5.2 to 3.7.1 | 02:39 |
dholbach | if it's something that's important and makes a difference for our users | 02:39 |
dholbach | or helps to clarify the license or something | 02:39 |
dholbach | then I'd do that change | 02:39 |
dholbach | try to be pragmatic about it | 02:40 |
norsetto | dholbach: right, but what about licenses? | 02:40 |
norsetto | dholbach: the user don't really care | 02:40 |
dholbach | of course, but we do | 02:40 |
dholbach | Canonical might get in trouble for shipping wrong license information | 02:40 |
dholbach | or we'd have to remove it from the archive or things like that | 02:40 |
norsetto | well, we do have some packages which are a mess license-wise .... | 02:41 |
gnomefreak | anyone have the address for fridge meetings? ive been all over the site nad still cant find the schedule | 02:41 |
norsetto | we just inherit from debian | 02:41 |
dholbach | if you really want the package to be in a good shape and are not afraid to carry the diff for a while and really care abou it, do the changes and forward the patches to the debian bts | 02:41 |
dholbach | gnomefreak: | 02:41 |
dholbach | norsetto: we can only fix packages we come across | 02:41 |
gnomefreak | dholbach: sorry i meant web address im trying to set my calendar to the meetins schdule | 02:42 |
dholbach | gnomefreak: hang on | 02:42 |
dholbach | webcal:// | 02:43 |
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gnomefreak | ah ty | 02:43 |
dholbach | any other questions? | 02:44 |
dholbach | any packages? packaging problems? unclear documentation? processes? | 02:44 |
norsetto | yes, actually it would be nice to have some feedback on docs | 02:44 |
ScottK | mok0: One other comment on your init script: In Ubuntu /var/run is a tempfs, so your init can't assume that the PID dir will exist. | 02:44 |
dholbach | norsetto: fire away | 02:45 |
norsetto | dholbach: well, I was hoping to get questions :-) | 02:45 |
ScottK | mok0: Also the PID file should go in /var/run/packagename, not /var/run directly. | 02:45 |
dholbach | norsetto: ah ok :))) | 02:46 |
=== dholbach hugs norsetto | ||
dholbach | everybody hug norsetto :) | 02:46 |
porthose | do you still have to be a beta tester to get a ppa | 02:46 |
norsetto | oh OH | 02:46 |
=== norsetto hugs back everybody | ||
dholbach | porthose: "You must be an Ubuntero (i.e. have signed the Ubuntu Community Code of Conduct), a member of the Launchpad Beta Testers team and have uploaded your GPG key all in your user profile in the dogfood environment." | 02:46 |
dholbach | | 02:46 |
dholbach | porthose: so I recommend talking to mrevell on #launchpad about that | 02:47 |
norsetto | I would perhaps add a reference in the wiki pages to the debian policy; its really a basic document that every packager should know by heart (I think) | 02:47 |
porthose | k thanks | 02:47 |
\sh | dholbach, which is commercial vendor will sign the CoC ,-) | 02:47 |
dholbach | \sh: it's far from useless | 02:47 |
dholbach | norsetto: I think it's in - no? | 02:48 |
norsetto | dholbach: hmmm, don't think so | 02:48 |
\sh | dholbach, let's say it the other way around: it makes no sense...PPAs right now are not useful for third party vendors..or for community people like the motus who are providing packages with universe build-deps...right? | 02:49 |
\sh | (regarding the documentation of PPAs from 1.1.8 changelog) | 02:49 |
Hobbsee | \sh: you can use the overrides | 02:49 |
norsetto | I mean, whenever I have a doubt, 90% of the time the answer is there, ready to be read | 02:49 |
dholbach | \sh: why are they not useful for MOTUs? | 02:50 |
dholbach | norsetto: exactly | 02:50 |
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\sh | dholbach, regarding the documentation (quick start guide) it tells the reader that universe/multiverse can't be used for building, just packages from main | 02:51 |
dholbach | norsetto: if it's not on there, we should definitely add it in a prominent place | 02:51 |
norsetto | dholbach: ok, I'll take care of that | 02:52 |
\sh | if LP would be so nice to respond my http request...I could underline that with a quote...but | 02:52 |
dholbach | \sh: where does it say that? | 02:52 |
\sh | dholbach, they changed it | 02:53 |
norsetto | dholbach: i would also like to pump up a bit the FAQ, anything you guys would like to see addressed there? | 02:53 |
dholbach | \sh: ok good | 02:54 |
dholbach | norsetto: we should ask people who get their questions answered on ubuntu-motu-mentors@ to write a small paragraph on that page :) | 02:54 |
ScottK | norsetto: Don't take stuff out. Last time someone pimped the FAQ I had to go back and put some technically important stuff back in. | 02:54 |
dholbach | ScottK: I thought norsetto wanted to *add* stuff? :) | 02:54 |
\sh | ah no | 02:55 |
norsetto | indeed | 02:55 |
ScottK | dholbach: That's what he said, just making sure. | 02:55 |
\sh | dholbach, Quote: "Dependencies: Your package's Build-Depends will always be satisfied using: | 02:55 |
\sh | * | 02:55 |
\sh | the latest packages from the PPA you're uploading to | 02:55 |
\sh | * | 02:55 |
\sh | the main Ubuntu archive. | 02:55 |
dholbach | ok | 02:55 |
\sh | " | 02:55 |
soren | main Ubuntu archive != Ubuntu main archive :) | 02:55 |
dholbach | \sh: I doubt that means 'main' | 02:55 |
dholbach | \sh: but you have a point - that should be clarified | 02:55 |
dholbach | \sh: would you be so kind and raise that with mrevell? | 02:56 |
\sh | he's on launchpad? | 02:56 |
dholbach | yes and he should be on freenode | 02:56 |
dholbach | ok thanks everybody for this great Q&A session | 02:56 |
dholbach | keep on asking questions in here | 02:56 |
Hobbsee | \sh: he just came off lunch | 02:56 |
dholbach | and on | 02:57 |
dholbach | I'm going for lunch now, so see you all around later | 02:57 |
dholbach | thanks again! | 02:57 |
norsetto | thanks dholbach, thx all | 02:57 |
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TheMuso | dholbach, highvoltage, norsetto, since I have not heard back from one of my mentors, I'd like to consider one of my mentoring slots open, assuming I don't hear anything in the next few days. | 03:03 |
TheMuso | s/mentors/pupils/ | 03:03 |
\sh | ok...ppa quickstart guide updated | 03:04 |
tsmithe | man-di, did you get my latest e-mail? (i sent it through gmail smtp rather than my local postfix, still gotta fix that) | 03:04 |
highvoltage | TheMuso: ok, we'll make a slot available. thank you. | 03:06 |
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=== coNP reviewed | ||
coNP | reviewed rotoscope, indeed :) | 03:10 |
ScottK | tsmithe: You might consider giving him a hint when you sent it... | 03:14 |
tsmithe | man-di, Yesterday, 20:50 UTC | 03:15 |
man-di | tsmithe: nope | 03:15 |
tsmithe | hmmph | 03:15 |
tsmithe | man-di, ok it should have sent this time | 03:17 |
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man-di | tsmithe: got it now | 03:20 |
tsmithe | yay | 03:20 |
porthose | MOTU's could you please review/advocate thank you | 03:32 |
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Hobbsee | porthose: why not just request a sync for it? | 04:08 |
porthose | Hobbsee: ???? | 04:09 |
Hobbsee | porthose: oh, i thought it was in debian, looking at this. | 04:09 |
coNP | 404s | 04:10 |
Hobbsee | debian bug #407337 | 04:10 |
ubotu | Debian bug 407337 in wnpp "ITP: ampache -- For The Love Of Music" [Wishlist,Open] | 04:10 |
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Hobbsee | porthose: are you pushing that to debian or ubuntu? | 04:12 |
coNP | ScottK: what do you mean "upload when ready" | 04:12 |
coNP | bug 134229 | 04:12 |
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ubotu | Launchpad bug 134229 in gnome-phone-manager "Please update gnome-phone-manager to 0.10" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 04:12 |
ScottK | coNP: The UVFe is approved. | 04:12 |
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ScottK | You are a MOTU, so you can upload it. | 04:13 |
coNP | I see. Then I might misunderstood your final sentence | 04:13 |
ScottK | The "when ready" part was because you're new I didn't want you to feel rushed. | 04:13 |
coNP | I see. Thanks :) | 04:13 |
coNP | I guess I am ready now :) | 04:15 |
porthose | Hobbsee: both If I can | 04:15 |
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Hobbsee | porthose: eaiser to get it into debian and sync | 04:15 |
Hobbsee | porthose: else it has to go thru NEW twice | 04:15 |
ScottK | Hobbsee, soren, StevenK, and zul: I've gone through and converted all the existing UVFe from assignments to subscriptions as decided at the meeting today. | 04:15 |
soren | ScottK: Cool. | 04:16 |
StevenK | ScottK: Great. | 04:16 |
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ScottK | StevenK: Bug 129591 and Bug 129593 got taken care of today. Progress. | 04:17 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 129591 in python-f2py "Please remove python-f2py from Gutsy" [Wishlist,Fix released] | 04:17 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 129593 in python-scipy-core "Please remove python-scipy-core from Gutsy" [Wishlist,Fix released] | 04:17 |
porthose | Hobbsee: so go through debian first? | 04:17 |
Hobbsee | porthose: probably easier to, yes | 04:18 |
ScottK | Hobbsee: But if he does that, it won't be in Gutsy. | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: we're not granting uvfe's for that? | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: for "it got stuck in the debian NEW queue?" | 04:18 |
ScottK | Dunno. | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: it's still less work doing that then getting the ubuntu guys to do a NEW inspection, then debian repeating that work. | 04:18 |
ScottK | Agreed. | 04:19 |
porthose | Hobbsee: sorry to waste your time. Thanks | 04:19 |
Hobbsee | porthose: no problem | 04:19 |
=== Hobbsee archives | ||
Hobbsee | porthose: you can request a sync of it when it gets into debian (and get a UVFe at the same time) | 04:20 |
porthose | Hobbsee: archive Themeampache also It is a theme package for ampache | 04:20 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: if we dont, it sounds like "beaurocracy for beaurocracy's sake, instead of using sense" | 04:20 |
ScottK | Understand. | 04:20 |
Hobbsee | porthose: ah, thanks. archived too. you're getting both into debian? | 04:20 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: which i dislike :) | 04:20 |
=== ScottK too. | ||
porthose | Hobbsee: trying to | 04:21 |
Hobbsee | porthose: cool :) | 04:21 |
=== coNP hugs porthose and wishes him good luck :) | ||
porthose | ***porthose hugs coNP back | 04:22 |
Lutin | ScottK: about gmountiso: there is no upstream changelog and the install log _is_ actually included in the buildlog | 04:23 |
ScottK | Ah | 04:24 |
=== ScottK looks again. | ||
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ScottK | Lutin: Acked and sorry about that. You might consider adding a CHANGES file for your next release. | 04:30 |
Lutin | ScottK: I'm no upstream, but I'll tell him :) | 04:31 |
ScottK | OK | 04:31 |
coNP | Where can I look if there is an ITP for a given package? | 04:32 |
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ScottK | ajmitch: The rc bug list seems to have vanished.... | 04:35 |
ScottK | coNP: Look in Debian BTS in the wnpp pseudo package. | 04:36 |
coNP | Thanks. I found that since | 04:36 |
geser | ScottK: that only means no bugs to fix :) | 04:37 |
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coNP | Okay. What to do with a package that has an earlier version that has been removed from Debian (because of no rdepends). | 04:40 |
coNP | I mean | 04:40 |
Hobbsee | coNP: which package? | 04:40 |
=== Hobbsee WTF's over ddclient. | ||
Hobbsee | ScottK: i agree with you. | 04:40 |
ScottK | Hobbsee: Thanks. | 04:41 |
Hobbsee | coNP: why did it get removed from debian? | 04:42 |
coNP | I don't see too much point of a lib without programs using it. Especially now... | 04:42 |
coNP | If I understand them correctly, because of there were / are no rdepends. | 04:43 |
coNP | | 04:43 |
ubotu | Debian bug 349254 in "RM: gtkglextmm -- Ro??; RC buggy; no rev-deps" [Normal,Open] | 04:43 |
ScottK | Plus it had bad bugs. | 04:43 |
azeem | the version number is dubious, aren't gnome-- packages more or less in sync with gnome upstream version numbers? | 04:43 |
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coNP | azeem: _more_or_less_ | 04:43 |
Hobbsee | coNP: any idea if it's anyone's archive day today? | 04:43 |
Hobbsee | coNP: usually just file a bug stating that, and tha tit has no rdepends, to remove source and binaries, and subscribe u-a | 04:44 |
Hobbsee | coNP: but it may be pitti's archive day, in which case he may just want to fix it | 04:44 |
coNP | Hobbsee: wait. | 04:44 |
Hobbsee | coNP: oh, wait, screw that. it's not in ubuntu. | 04:44 |
azeem | this is about whether it should get in | 04:45 |
dholbach | TheMuso: thanks for letting us know | 04:45 |
Hobbsee | dont mind me. trying to figure out ddclient has sent my brain insane. | 04:45 |
coNP | azeem: exactly. | 04:45 |
coNP | I asked why this package is needed. | 04:45 |
coNP | I think it will be all right for now (= between tribe 5 and 6) | 04:45 |
ScottK | dholbach: I pushed swfdec 0.5 back from motu-uvf to uus because it's a new package. | 04:45 |
dholbach | ScottK: oh ok | 04:46 |
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zorglu_ | q. there is a nice little oneclick installer called, glick. the author doesnt have the time to maintain it, or package it. glick is nice work because you just copy a single file on your disk and you can execute the package (no need to preinstall a packaging system). it would be a nice alternative to dpkg. it wont be cool to have such a nice stuff to go to waste due to the author lack of time. anybody volunteering to get this packaged ? | 04:47 |
zorglu_ | for more info | 04:47 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: there's already 0install, and it'll probably be rejected for the same reason as klik was | 04:47 |
azeem | the glick author is a Gnome VIP though | 04:47 |
azeem | so maybe after he released 1.0 it might be worth a look | 04:48 |
zorglu_ | azeem: the stuff is already working. but rougth. and alex doesnt have the time to maintain it | 04:48 |
azeem | zorglu_: maintain what? | 04:48 |
azeem | he's not a Debian/Ubuntu guy, so he won't maintain .debs I assume | 04:48 |
zorglu_ | azeem: glick. like to do a wiki, the pacakge for all the distro, maintain a doc etc.... | 04:49 |
azeem | ah, ok | 04:49 |
=== ScottK wonders why on earth we should care if an upstream author is a Gnome big shot? | ||
geser | coNP: I'm looking on gtkglextmm on REVU: don't ship .la files unless you have a good reason | 04:49 |
coNP | geser: I am not the one who made that package | 04:50 |
zorglu_ | currently glick is a blog entry and a working code. if nobody package it, do web site it wont go beyond this | 04:50 |
azeem | ScottK: because that might imply he's not a random guy on crack | 04:50 |
geser | coNP: sorry | 04:50 |
ScottK | It might. | 04:50 |
zorglu_ | azeem: any idea on how i could find somebody to do that | 04:50 |
zorglu_ | well i dont care about the author, i care about the project :) | 04:50 |
azeem | ScottK: I didn't say "include whatever he does without review" | 04:50 |
ScottK | But it also says nothing about understanding anything about how Debian distros are built. | 04:51 |
coNP | geser: np. I was just wondering why we need that package... | 04:51 |
azeem | zorglu_: he should just use the usual Gnome infrastructure | 04:51 |
ScottK | From my perspective anything that says "Please ignore the packaging system, Trust me. It'll be fine." is random crack until proven otherwise. | 04:51 |
zorglu_ | azeem: he got no time. as in if nobody takes over, the stuff will remain a blog entry | 04:51 |
ScottK | Sounds good to me. | 04:51 |
Lamego | azeem, what is glick about ? | 04:52 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: well some people would like to publish linux software without passing a LOT of time doing all the packages for all the distributions | 04:52 |
azeem | Lamego: 0install | 04:52 |
azeem | sort of | 04:52 |
Lamego | ok, i don't like it :P | 04:52 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: one click installer do provide this oportunity | 04:52 |
ScottK | And they are welcome to do that, but I don't think we should be publishing the tools to make it easy for people to break their systems. | 04:52 |
azeem | zorglu_: he just released 0.2, the project isn't quite dead yet | 04:53 |
ScottK | Either the packaging system is needed or it's not. Pick one. | 04:53 |
zorglu_ | azeem: hehe he got no time to work on it :) | 04:53 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: no black and white | 04:53 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: easy install got advantage, full blown apt stuff got others | 04:53 |
azeem | Lamego: | 04:53 |
ScottK | Not 100%, but close. I think you've got to either respect the packaging system or know what you are doing. | 04:54 |
ScottK | One click ignore the packaging system is a recipe for disaster. | 04:54 |
Lamego | azeem, I don't like the 0install concept of software distribution | 04:54 |
zorglu_ | ok what is so bad in providing easy to install software ? | 04:54 |
azeem | I'm not letting myself dragged into this discussion | 04:55 |
Lamego | zorglu_, nothing, that is why that is already available on most of the distributions :) | 04:55 |
coNP | If I review an application that segfaults at the startup should I mention this? (i.e., should I assume that it is the fault of upstream / the packager or that my system is on crack)? | 04:55 |
ScottK | zorglu_: What's easier than apt-get install X? The issue isn't the easyness of the isntall. | 04:55 |
ScottK | coNP: Aboslutely | 04:55 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: have you tried to publish a software on linux ? :) like doing 10 packages, going thru all the stuff. it takes a LOT of time | 04:55 |
Lamego | Zombie, sure, I do that everyday :) | 04:56 |
white | coNP: nah, applications segfault is a feature for most of the applications around ;) | 04:56 |
ScottK | zorglu_: We already have gdebi and gdebi-kde for easy install of properly packaged stuff that's not in the official repositories. | 04:56 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: before reaching apt, it require a lot of time | 04:56 |
zorglu_ | gdebi to require the .deb | 04:56 |
ScottK | Yes, but that's unrelated to how easy it is to install. | 04:56 |
zorglu_ | aka the revue queue | 04:56 |
ScottK | Yep. | 04:56 |
zorglu_ | etc... | 04:56 |
ScottK | Nope/ | 04:56 |
zorglu_ | you know the stuff which is so slow that it is a problem ? | 04:57 |
ScottK | You can make your own .deb and distribute them. | 04:57 |
Lamego | Zombie, it takes a lot of time, specially if you are not specialized on building packages for a particular distribution or using a particular build system | 04:57 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: exactly! and now you multiplies that by all distributions | 04:57 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: how long does it takes ? :) | 04:57 |
ScottK | People doing the 0install/one click whatever just want to avoid the packaging work. It's nothing to do with ease of installation. | 04:57 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: just me publishing on ubuntu took me like 2weeks (im a coder not a packager) | 04:58 |
ScottK | Which gets right back to either the packaging work is needed or not. | 04:58 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: supporting redhat/suse etc.. is out of question. because i dont have the boxes to install them all | 04:58 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: and no black and white | 04:58 |
Lamego | zorglu_, that is why I use only one distribution, and I am only concerned on that particular distro I am using ;) anyway I understand the benefits of 0install, autopackage, etc, but, they are not able to meet their goals | 04:58 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: apt got advantage, one click installer got others | 04:58 |
ScottK | WHat is the one click advantage? | 04:59 |
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Lamego | zorglu_, well, those 2 weeks, are Ubuntu QA & Processes, that is not related to package or building, that is related to processes and QA | 04:59 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: well im publishing linux software, and i want people to use them independantly of their distribution :) | 04:59 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: no :) i didnt go thru ubuntu, i made my own repository | 04:59 |
ScottK | zorglu_: We are a distribution and we don't want your crack to break our users stuff. | 04:59 |
ScottK | I think I'm done here. | 05:00 |
Lamego | zorglu_, well, 2 weeks to build one package :P ? | 05:00 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: apt got version/dependancy, one click got easy to publish in all distrib (so much faster to get the package for the user) | 05:00 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: well it takes that much believe me, you have to learn all the stuff | 05:00 |
ScottK | zorglu_: Ask yourself why it has version dependencies? They are mandatory. Generally they are there for a good reason. | 05:01 |
ScottK | are/aren't mandatory. | 05:01 |
ScottK | urgh. | 05:01 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: i agree with you, only external dependancy are mandatory | 05:01 |
Lamego | zorglu_, I build about 10 packages per week, they do not follow Ubuntu/Debian restrict requirements, neither do they meet the same quality level, but, they do work and never broke any system (so far) | 05:01 |
ScottK | Lamego: That you know of. | 05:02 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: and you should not suppose that people write software to break other people boxes | 05:02 |
ScottK | I don't know the details of how you do stuff in your .debs, but others have done stuff that works fine until the user tries to upgrade later. | 05:02 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: well during this week, i do write the software :) | 05:02 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: im a coder not a packager | 05:03 |
Lamego | zorglu_, in my case, I am no longer a coder, and just a packager ;) | 05:03 |
ScottK | zorglu_: I get the impression that you don't really understand why we do packaging. | 05:03 |
ScottK | I'm pretty sure the answer to your original question is No, BTW. | 05:03 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: put yourself in my shoes :) i have the software and want to publish it ?:) | 05:03 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: well you jsut mean taht you dont want to do it, may other will :) | 05:04 |
Lamego | zorglu_, anyway, I missed the initial subject, is this about the glick packaging :P ? | 05:04 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: yep, and me willing to have somehting to make it easy for people to publish software | 05:04 |
ScottK | It's pretty clear I don't. You're right, someone else might, but I haven't seem anyone jumping up and volunteering. | 05:04 |
zorglu_ | easier than doing the X pacakges for the X distributions :) | 05:04 |
zorglu_ | X being 4 at min, and like 150 at max :) | 05:05 |
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zorglu_ | and it would reduce the revue queue | 05:05 |
zorglu_ | aka less 'obsolete' package in apt | 05:05 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: ok lets forget the one click installer then | 05:06 |
Lamego | ScottK, in theory, any non official packages or specific system customization may break dist upgrades, still that depends on the quality of the packages, being unoffical does not mean, problematic | 05:06 |
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zorglu_ | Lamego: what are the other possibility for me ? a tgz in /opt ? | 05:06 |
Lamego | zorglu_, I love one click installers, I love gdebi :) | 05:06 |
Lamego | I love, one click install, for one distribution :) | 05:07 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: me too! lets have one now :) | 05:07 |
zorglu_ | ok more seriously | 05:07 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: what are the other possibility for me ? a tgz in /opt ? <- what can i do ? any suggestion | 05:07 |
Lamego | zorglu_, if you mean, for all linux distros, then we will get into that, over-debated question, why do we have, rpm, deb, .tgz, ubuntu, redhate, suse, etc | 05:08 |
zorglu_ | well yes i mean to publish the stuff on linux, so all big distro | 05:08 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: what are my alternatives ? tgz in /opt with some script on the website ? | 05:09 |
Lamego | zorglu_, or you believe that some day, all the big distros will converge to common polices, or you don't | 05:09 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: well i dont want to wait for them to publish my softwares :) | 05:09 |
zorglu_ | what can i do today | 05:09 |
Lamego | zorglu_, you must follow the static building approach, and still, for specific software, you will need to know each system specifics, for things like setting up services | 05:10 |
Lamego | or identifying if a specific external runtime requirement is met on that particular distro | 05:10 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: i already worked on it and run in chroot :) | 05:10 |
zorglu_ | i want it to be easy to install | 05:10 |
ScottK | Lamego: I agree. I like you doing .debs (even if they aren't perfect) over unpackaged stuff. | 05:10 |
ScottK | zorglu_: If it's packaged it IS easy to install. You don't want easy install (we have that) what you want is to avoid the packaging work. | 05:11 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: ? | 05:11 |
Lamego | zorglu_, if you want a one click installer, for multiple distros, user autopackage or 0install, or a similar approach | 05:11 |
Lamego | use | 05:11 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: no i want to publish the software | 05:11 |
ScottK | You said you want easy install. We have that. It's not what you want. | 05:12 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: my goal is not to crack people computer | 05:12 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: no idea what make you think it is my goal | 05:12 |
Lamego | zorglu_, if you want to publish the software, for all distros, we can't help much, if you want to build for ubuntu, we can :P | 05:12 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: ok how long to get a given software in the ubuntu repo ? | 05:12 |
ScottK | zorglu_: You keep saying you want easy install, but we have that already, so it makes no sense. | 05:12 |
Lamego | zorglu_, if you want your software available on the ubuntu repositories, it will take some weeks, or it may not even enter on this release, which means, months | 05:13 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: hehe you got my point :) | 05:13 |
Lamego | zorglu_, if you want to provide it, on a single .deb install, it can take 1h :) | 05:13 |
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geser | ScottK, Hobbsee: a new upstream version of zeroc-ice-csharp slipped though and it build-depends on a newer icestorm (newer zeroc-ice) | 05:14 |
Lamego | if you software uses autotools, 1h, to be available for all ubuntu users, from an untrusted source, a web site :D | 05:14 |
ScottK | zorglu_: As long as neither Debian nor Ubuntu are frozen, I can release, get a package into Debian, sync'ed into Ubuntu in less than a week. | 05:14 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: man you are definitly agressive | 05:14 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: no idea what i did to you | 05:14 |
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zorglu_ | ScottK: relax take a beer or something | 05:15 |
ScottK | zorglu_: You hit one of my pet peeves on a day I'm grumpy anyway. | 05:15 |
Lamego | zorglu_, he does the same to me, but he is not agressive, he just has an aggressive stule of communication :P | 05:15 |
Lamego | style | 05:15 |
ScottK | Lamego: You have no idea. I'm actually restraining myself. | 05:15 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: well he should read the code of conduct once more then | 05:15 |
geser | ScottK, Hobbsee: upload the old version as or sync the rest of zeroc-ice too (8 further source packages)? | 05:15 |
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zorglu_ | ScottK: me too, but i definitly better at that :) | 05:16 |
Lamego | zorglu_, does your software uses autotools, do you want to make your software available in the next hour ? It will be available to 10k ubunt users, in 1 day :P | 05:16 |
ScottK | zorglu_: We are merely having a spirited discussion. I haven't accused you of anything. You seem to read more into what I say than what I say. | 05:17 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: ok so it is the average delay. say a week to be more realistice | 05:17 |
Lamego | zorglu_, i am not refering to ubuntu repositories :) | 05:17 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: well i disagree | 05:17 |
Lamego | I am refering, to one click install :) | 05:18 |
Lamego | for ubuntu users, only | 05:18 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: so you mean like doing the .deb ? | 05:18 |
Lamego | sure | 05:18 |
zul | one click install dont you mean like gdebi? | 05:18 |
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zorglu_ | ah ok, well i got the .deb already :) you remember the 2weeks ? :) | 05:18 |
zul | *sheesh* | 05:18 |
Hobbsee | geser: hmmm... | 05:18 |
Lamego | zorglu_, so why don't you make it available ? | 05:19 |
zorglu_ | zul: well it works IIF you run gnome and you got proper mimetype everywhere :) aka not yet happened | 05:19 |
Hobbsee | geser: i'd guess that we'd want to sync the rest. | 05:19 |
Lamego | zorglu_, it works, if you have Ubuntu >= 6.06 installed | 05:19 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: well you see im trying to for like 30min now. the one click installer was about that | 05:19 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: i got kubuntu 7.04 | 05:20 |
Hobbsee | geser: as we probably dont want to support the old versions either | 05:20 |
geser | Hobbsee: ok, I'll prepare the necessary UVFe to bring the zeroc-ice packages in sync | 05:20 |
ScottK | geser: As long as it's a sane upgrade, I'd say go ahead and sync. | 05:20 |
Lamego | zorglu_, I have no experience with Kubuntu, but I guess .debs come associated to some single click installer.. I guess.. | 05:20 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: well guess again :) | 05:21 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: but ok you can download it from the web and do dpkg -i | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | Lamego: they do | 05:21 |
Lamego | zorglu_, like I said, I am refering to one distro, one flavor :) | 05:21 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: like your personnal box only :) | 05:21 |
Lamego | zorglu_, you don't need to downlaod them, and open the terminal, because, by defaylt, they will be installed by a package manager | 05:22 |
Hobbsee | even in feisty, there was a "right click, install package" option | 05:22 |
Lamego | who ever decided to provide that as default on Ubuntu, was sure of the security concerns, of a single click installations, but still made it available | 05:22 |
Lamego | which means, your particular problem, maybe relevant to other distros, it is not, for Ubuntu :) | 05:23 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: well here, it is click and the usual 'do you wanna save this file or do ark on it' | 05:23 |
Hobbsee | Lamego: and we reject all bugs from such packages | 05:23 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: see the part about "right click, install package" | 05:23 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: well i hope i could see it :) | 05:23 |
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zorglu_ | Hobbsee: oh i see, you assume i run konqueror | 05:23 |
Lamego | Hobbsee, sure, who ever provides packages, is responsible for them, ubuntu* or not :) | 05:23 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: no, actually | 05:24 |
Hobbsee | well, you can do it from the desktop too | 05:24 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: well firefox doesnt have that for sure | 05:24 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: this is true. it's a kde thing. | 05:24 |
Lamego | zorglu_, I assume, you do a standard installation, because if you don't have a standard installation, then, I don't understand your concern, with one click installer, for non standard users | 05:24 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: well i dont want to enter in 'khtml and its support of current web page' either | 05:25 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: i was assuming you dont use firefox as a file browser. | 05:25 |
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zorglu_ | Lamego: well i do run a plain kubuntu 7.04. where all packages comes from ubuntu repository | 05:26 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: the upshot of this discussion, though, is that MOTU does not wish to even vaguely support glick, etc, or other methods of 1 click install, than what we have now | 05:26 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: ? firefox is a web browser | 05:26 |
Lamego | well, how does kubuntu handlers .debs clicks from the default browser ? | 05:26 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: exactly, which is why you're likely using konqueror, and the right click "install package" from konqueror | 05:26 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: ok i wish to publish software on linux, where can i get more info on how to do that ? | 05:26 |
Hobbsee | for file browsing | 05:26 |
Hobbsee | uh, google. | 05:27 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: :)))))))))) | 05:27 |
Lamego | Zombie, , a standard user, uses whatever comes installed by default :) | 05:27 |
Lamego | errm, zorglu_ | 05:27 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: helpfull of you :) | 05:27 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: your question is very broad. you know the saying about "stupid questions get stupid answers"? the same applies to vague questions. | 05:28 |
Lamego | zorglu_, you are on the right place to get info about subject, and let me inform you, Linux is not windows, there are distributions, which their own set of policies and technical decisions | 05:28 |
Lamego | such decisions affect the flexibility of the software distribution system, unlike on other OSes on which you have a single provider | 05:28 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: ok more specific then, i made my apps as easy to run as i could, aka no external dependancy, running in chroot. now i want to make it as easy as possible for user to install. how can i do that ? | 05:28 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: well i run linux for like 15year now, i got basic knowledge of it :) | 05:29 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: get it into the ubuntu/debian repositories for ubuntu/debian, else provide a tarball so people can compile it | 05:29 |
Lamego | zorglu_, so why are you doing a question for which you know the answer :) ? | 05:29 |
Hobbsee | or use klik, or whatever alternative you choose | 05:29 |
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zorglu_ | Lamego: well it is the first time i want 'external people' to use my software, so no i dont know the answer | 05:30 |
Lamego | zorglu_, you may not like the answer, but you know it :) | 05:30 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: klik is not installed by default on ubuntu, correct ? | 05:30 |
dholbach | can somebody check bug 133052? | 05:30 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 133052 in ubuntu "[needs review] swfdec0.5.1 [needs upload] " [Undecided,Fix committed] | 05:30 |
dholbach | it just needs another review | 05:30 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: correct. | 05:30 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: any other similar installer installed by default ? | 05:31 |
Lamego | zorglu_, ok, so, again, you must know, if you want your software generally available for Linux, you must identify the major linux distros, and you must ask them to help you | 05:31 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: i'm sure that's been answered above... | 05:31 |
Lamego | zorglu_, just grab a list of the distros you want to target, send a mail to their packaging process with "Please help me, could you build a package for my software?" | 05:31 |
zorglu_ | i surely hope i knew all you think i know :) | 05:31 |
Lamego | I am sure you will get instructions | 05:32 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: kick is not installed by defualt, any other similar installer installed by default ? | 05:32 |
Lamego | zorglu_, with the time we have spent here, on IRC with a discusssion which is mostly concerned to UBuntu, you woudl already have an answer for all the major distros | 05:32 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: i got them from ubuntu and i spent 2 weeks just ubuntu :) | 05:32 |
Lamego | zorglu_, the only one click installed that I know to be installed as default, on Ubuntu (not sure about Kubuntu), is gdebi | 05:33 |
Lamego | zorglu_, I Am not even sure that all distros provide a one click install software | 05:33 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: ok | 05:33 |
Lamego | configured, by default | 05:33 |
Hobbsee | Lamego: gdebi-kde is by default in gutsy, too | 05:33 |
zorglu_ | any news from cnr ? | 05:33 |
Lamego | Zombie, cnr = apt | 05:33 |
Hobbsee | no, you would have seen a press release if they had | 05:33 |
Hobbsee | Lamego: cnr is different - the linspire thing, with commercial stuff, iirc | 05:34 |
Lamego | I am not sure what else you expect from CNR, apart from the wrong information that commercial companies like to use to promote their products | 05:34 |
Lamego | Hobbsee, in tecnology terms, is the same stuff :) | 05:34 |
zorglu_ | well single apt for all distro :) | 05:34 |
Lamego | they use .deb packages, and they use apt repositories :) | 05:34 |
zorglu_ | aka not X package for X distroy :) | 05:34 |
Hobbsee | Lamego: true that | 05:34 |
Hobbsee | Lamego: oh, is it actual .deb's? | 05:34 |
Lamego | Hobbsee, I dont tried it, but from my readings, the last linspired, used a plain apt repository, they just dont provide synaptic, install, to force the users to use the CRN client appt (which is an apt installer) | 05:35 |
Lamego | but again, this was from readings, i didn't tried myself | 05:35 |
Lamego | Zombie, there is no APT for all distros | 05:35 |
Lamego | cnr, is comercial crap :) | 05:36 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: fudge. you changed motu-uvf stuff, so my filters no longer work! :P | 05:36 |
zorglu_ | i dont care about commercial or not, i just want a way to publish my software to make it easy to install | 05:36 |
zorglu_ | seems hard as hell | 05:36 |
Hobbsee | it is, when you dont seem to be listening, yes. | 05:37 |
ScottK | zorglu_: The key part is that you are after making the packaging part easier. The install part is already easy. | 05:37 |
ScottK | Hobbsee: Sorry. | 05:37 |
=== Hobbsee goes and tweaks | ||
zorglu_ | ScottK: well spending 2-3months doing all the packages doesnt seems easy to me :) | 05:38 |
zorglu_ | i spent 2week to only do 1 for edgy | 05:38 |
Zombie | Lamego: apt is availiuble for all distroes that use DEBS or RPMs. | 05:38 |
Zombie | Lamego: apt is availible for all distroes that use DEBS or RPMs. | 05:38 |
Lamego | zorglu_, sure, but CNR promises to provide packages for several distros, based on money that they expect to get, from comerical .debs, for which people will pay | 05:38 |
Zombie | Thats about 70% | 05:38 |
ScottK | zorglu_: I'm not saying that packaging is easy. I'm saying that the packaging is what you want to be easier, not the installing. | 05:38 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: well 3month of works isnt cheap either | 05:39 |
Lamego | Zombie, if you do the same with ubuntu MOTU, like, Canonical will promote comercial software, to pay MOTU work, and I am sure they would also be able to provide your software for 2 or 3 distros :) | 05:39 |
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zorglu_ | ScottK: again no black and white. i want my user to be install the software easily, without me spending 3month at each new versions | 05:39 |
zul | anyways this kind of offtopic now | 05:40 |
ScottK | zorglu_: That's exactly what I said. You want the packaging to be easier. This isn't about the user, it's about you. | 05:40 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: BOTH!!! | 05:40 |
Lamego | Zombie, sure it is, but if your software requires a system dependent function, or a library which is not available it will not work | 05:40 |
zorglu_ | [17:39] <zorglu_> ScottK: again no black and white. i want my user to be install the software easily, without me spending 3month at each new versions | 05:40 |
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Lamego | Zombie, you can't install a Feisty .deb on another distro, which has a major libc6 difference | 05:40 |
ScottK | But the user already can install software easily. | 05:40 |
Zombie | Lamego: You are confusing me for that guy zorglu_ | 05:40 |
zul | *whistles* off-topic | 05:40 |
Lamego | Zombie, now it was for you | 05:40 |
Lamego | :) | 05:40 |
Lamego | about the "apt is available for all distros" :) | 05:41 |
Lamego | that doesn't mean, you can provide a single process for all distros, just because you use apt, or can use apt, on all of them :) | 05:41 |
zorglu_ | ok lets me more productive | 05:41 |
Zombie | I know that. I didn';t say apt would download from the same repository | 05:41 |
Zombie | I said apt is availible | 05:41 |
zorglu_ | what is the average length in revue queue ? | 05:41 |
ScottK | Back before I used Ubuntu/Kubuntu and was using opensuse, apt was the preferred method for installing software when SUSE released broken update tools with opensuse 10.1 | 05:41 |
zorglu_ | you guys do statistict about that ? | 05:41 |
Lamego | Zombie, yes, but that will get into the same issue, someone will need to reviewt it, for each distro ;) | 05:41 |
Zombie | There is only one major feature Apt Lacks. | 05:42 |
ScottK | zorglu_: It's mostly a function of package quality. | 05:42 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: ok what is the average | 05:42 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: in time | 05:42 |
Zombie | Parallel Installation ability. | 05:42 |
ScottK | My point is the average is irrelevant. | 05:42 |
Lamego | zorglu_, in my oppinion, REVU is bad, but I was already informed, it was the best that could be done with the available resources | 05:42 |
Lamego | zorglu_, can you improve it ? I mean, REVU and all the Ubuntu release processes ? Do you have time to do it :) ? | 05:43 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: well it is :) you see have to find out how i can publish those software so how much i wil l have to spend on it | 05:43 |
ScottK | The primary problem with REVU is lack of qualified reviewers. | 05:43 |
Lamego | that was the answer I got :P | 05:43 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: do you got statistic about how long is the revue queue ? | 05:43 |
Lamego | and no, I do not have the time, and I am sure, you also don't have the time :P | 05:43 |
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zorglu_ | well i write software :) | 05:44 |
Lamego | zorglu_, I don't need that, I have tried to use it, and noticed that you need to come here and ask "Please check my package" | 05:44 |
zorglu_ | me coder, no packager :) | 05:44 |
ScottK | zorglu_: Just to give you another perspective, if you look at Debian Mentors, lots of packages rot there for months. I've never had a package need more than 2 days to get uploaded. | 05:44 |
Lamego | which makes it bad enough on my personal oppinion :) | 05:44 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: well ok how long do i have to come everyday to ask that ? | 05:44 |
=== ScottK is not a DD, but makes decent packages. | ||
Lamego | I see Debian Preposed Packages, with months :D | 05:44 |
ScottK | zorglu_: If the package is right, probably just once. | 05:44 |
Zombie | zorglu_: I understand that, you have to understand how the Linux ecosystem works as far as making software. I'm a Mandriva packager. | 05:44 |
zorglu_ | hehe :) | 05:45 |
Lamego | zorglu_, I don't know, I dropped the official packaging efforts :) | 05:45 |
zorglu_ | ok i cant get numbers :) | 05:45 |
ScottK | Zombie: You are? Then maybe I need to talk to you... | 05:45 |
Zombie | Yes why? | 05:45 |
zorglu_ | ScottK: well the point is 'right' is very unclear :) | 05:45 |
Lamego | because I personally don't have for that, but, there is people which have, because, it is alive and working :) | 05:45 |
Lamego | time | 05:45 |
Zombie | I'm an 'Apprentice" Mandriva packager | 05:45 |
zorglu_ | Zombie: and how long is mandriva revu queue ? | 05:45 |
Zombie | It varies, depending on circumstances. | 05:46 |
Lamego | zorglu_, if you are going for numbers, you then would need quality numbers | 05:46 |
Lamego | if you want to compare, queues, you will also need to compare quality :) | 05:46 |
zul | still kind of offtopic guys.. | 05:46 |
zul | enough | 05:46 |
Zombie | Generally, a *correctly* Packaged Source RPM is submitted into the Cooker | 05:46 |
Lamego | zul, we are talkking about REVU, that is offtopic ? | 05:46 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: well i just want to plan this. how much will it cost me to publish this software. if i plan 3months, i wont do it. i dotn have the money | 05:47 |
Zombie | If ts stable enough, it can be 'backported' into stable releases. | 05:47 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: it is as simple as that | 05:47 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: cost? | 05:47 |
zul | Mandrake and RPMS is definently off topic | 05:47 |
Lamego | zorglu_, you dont need to do it, you just need to file a bug, with need packaging, and someone will do it for you | 05:47 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: if it is 2weeks. i can spare this money | 05:47 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: yep, you know work/rent/food/time cost | 05:47 |
Lamego | zorglu_, MOTUs and hopefules, and other people like me, also loose money, providing packages for the open source community :) | 05:48 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: if you're looking to make profit, you're probably trying the wrong wya | 05:48 |
zorglu_ | well my software cost me 2 year full time :) | 05:48 |
Lamego | do you know how much money did I loose with my converstation with you here :) ? | 05:48 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: and you're also wasting time here, when youv'e been given answers. | 05:48 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: well you should read what i write | 05:48 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: seriously | 05:48 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: i do. | 05:49 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: unfortuantely | 05:49 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: moauaou | 05:49 |
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zorglu_ | so impossible to get numbers ? | 05:49 |
zorglu_ | like i should try and hope it doesnt last 5month ? | 05:50 |
Lamego | zorglu_, I already asked if you wanted to make your package avaiable in 1h, you told me, no :) | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: generalizations tend to be widely inaccurate. | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: it depends on the package quality, how many people are reviewing, how long the queue is, and what stage of development we're in. is that a good enough answer? | 05:50 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: well you take when the package go in revue queue, and when it goes out. you do that for all package, and you divide, you got an average :) | 05:51 |
Lamego | if you want it, available on the ubuntu repositories, you must understand, that those packages are managed and depend on hundreds of volunteer (lost money) people | 05:51 |
Hobbsee | obviously, but see the [01:50] <Hobbsee> zorglu_: generalizations tend to be widely inaccurate. | 05:52 |
zorglu_ | ok lets be productive, i guess one of you guys can do that much more efficient than me | 05:52 |
Lamego | which means, you can't loose money, just because other people which are loosing money, are not fast enough for your :) | 05:52 |
Lamego | you | 05:52 |
zorglu_ | is there a company available i could pay to do that ? | 05:52 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: well this is basic math, and this is not inaccurate | 05:52 |
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Hobbsee | zorglu_: okay, so 3 months on average | 05:52 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: because of the packages that sit and the original reporter doesnt update them. | 05:53 |
Lamego | zorglu_, you want to pay for what exactly ? A package to be included on the ubuntu official repositories ? | 05:53 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: how's that for a wet finger in the air guess? | 05:53 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: i want the user to install it | 05:53 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: like an unhelpfull personn | 05:53 |
Lamego | zorglu_, what is your target audience ? | 05:53 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: well, you did press for an answer....even though you were told that no helpful answer existed. | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: what did you honestly expect? | 05:54 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: 2 possibilities 1. we dont do statistic on how efficient the revue is or 2. the stat have been done and the result is X | 05:54 |
zorglu_ | ok im not productive | 05:55 |
=== ScottK guesses zul wasn't around for any of my LP is proprietary "discussions | ||
zorglu_ | i guess i should contact canonical and pay :) | 05:55 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: the answer is the first | 05:55 |
Lamego | zorglu_, if you want to provide a software, available at one click install, for all linux users, there is no such possibility, because, not all distros provide single click installer tecnhology by default | 05:55 |
Hobbsee | zorglu_: go ahead, that's one way to get what you want done. trying to shove volunteers into doing what you want, and claiming that you're losing money at teh same time, is hardly effective... | 05:56 |
white | !info id3lib3.8.3 gutsy | 05:56 |
ubotu | Package id3lib3.8.3 does not exist in gutsy | 05:56 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: ??? | 05:56 |
white | i will learn it at one stage ... | 05:56 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: i do like the 'claiming' :) | 05:56 |
white | !info libid3-3.8.3-dev gutsy | 05:56 |
ubotu | libid3-3.8.3-dev: ID3 Tag Library: Development Libraries and Header Files.. In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.3-6build1 (gutsy), package size 254 kB, installed size 832 kB | 05:56 |
zorglu_ | Hobbsee: like im lying now :) | 05:56 |
Lamego | if you want to it available, for distros X,Y,Z, do you want me to do that research for you ? And in exchange you will fund an open source project ? :D | 05:57 |
white | someone wants to update id3lib3.8.3 to the -7 revisiion | 05:57 |
zorglu_ | ok sorry for the 'harshness' of the discussion | 05:57 |
=== Hobbsee shrugs, and ignores this channel until it becomes productive again | ||
zorglu_ | Lamego: well this code is 2year full time of my life :) given for free to the community, it is already a funding :) | 05:58 |
white | Hobbsee: you are leaving me? :/ | 05:58 |
white | !info nufw gutsy | 05:58 |
ubotu | nufw: a per-user firewalling daemon that interferes with libipq. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-1 (gutsy), package size 35 kB, installed size 160 kB | 05:58 |
Lamego | zorglu_, sure, but not enough to fund all open source projects, and other peoples 2 or 10 years of non paid work :) | 05:58 |
Hobbsee | white: poor you | 05:58 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: well not full time :) | 05:58 |
white | someone wants to investigate this nufw version as well and maybe upgrade to the newest debian version | 05:58 |
white | Hobbsee: :) | 05:59 |
StevenK | white: We are in UVF. | 05:59 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: ok thanks, you are the only one who remained calm, and i value that :) | 05:59 |
white | StevenK: i am just forwarding security related stuff | 05:59 |
Lamego | zorglu_, if you work full time, it means you have some income, or someone pays your bills, and I am very happy that you are a full time open source developer, which is not that common as some open source think :) | 05:59 |
white | !info asterisk gutsy | 05:59 |
StevenK | Ahh | 05:59 |
ubotu | asterisk: Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.4.10~dfsg-1 (gutsy), package size 2033 kB, installed size 5264 kB | 05:59 |
StevenK | white: In which case, please file a UVFe for nufw | 06:00 |
=== Hobbsee could just file the sync request, but then would need a UVFe for it. | ||
zorglu_ | Lamego: well note that i DO try to publish it :) just that it is very hard | 06:00 |
white | StevenK: i am a communication device, not a ubuntu develooper | 06:00 |
ScottK | Heh | 06:00 |
=== Hobbsee hits enter, and lets ScottK and StevenK ack it | ||
white | the 1:1.4.11~dfsg-1 version of asterisk fixes a few security problems | 06:01 |
StevenK | Hobbsee: Sync asterisk, too | 06:01 |
zorglu_ | Lamego: ok have to go now. and thanks for sticking to the code of conduct | 06:01 |
white | !info po4a gutsy | 06:01 |
ubotu | po4a: tools for helping translation of documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 0.31-1 (gutsy), package size 647 kB, installed size 1732 kB | 06:01 |
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Hobbsee | StevenK: done | 06:01 |
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white | !info zziplib gutsy | 06:02 |
ubotu | Package zziplib does not exist in gutsy | 06:02 |
ScottK | Did you subscribe motu-uvf? | 06:02 |
white | !info libzzip-dev gutsy | 06:03 |
ubotu | libzzip-dev: library providing read access on ZIP-archives - development. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.83-8 (gutsy), package size 92 kB, installed size 580 kB | 06:03 |
white | zziplib should be synced as well | 06:03 |
white | i think that's it so far :) | 06:03 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: no, i used requestsync | 06:04 |
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ScottK | OK. | 06:04 |
coNP | Is requestsync able to file an UVF as well (if needed)? | 06:05 |
Hobbsee | coNP: not in current state | 06:06 |
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geser | white: id3lib3.8.3 sync to -7 2 hours ago | 06:13 |
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norsetto | ScottK: hey, were you waiting just behind the door!? | 06:32 |
ScottK | Just reading #ubuntu-bugs | 06:32 |
coNP | norsetto: are you then one who filed mass-sync/merge bugs last recently? :) | 06:33 |
norsetto | coNP: yeah, got bored with nothing else to do | 06:33 |
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norsetto | coNP: and 6 bugs is not really a mass-filing, is it!? | 06:34 |
coNP | Just joking. | 06:34 |
ScottK | Careful. Now that you're a MOTU and stuff you'll scare people. | 06:35 |
=== coNP does not want to. | ||
norsetto | as if ScottK is not enough to scare me..... | 06:37 |
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bmm | Any MOTU: I'm looking for the first advocate after the first update of boswars; | 06:42 |
=== norsetto points to coNP (revenge, sweet revenge) | ||
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coNP | okay | 06:43 |
coNP | I'll review boswars, bmm, norsetto | 06:44 |
coNP | Something to make *ScottK* scared :D | 06:44 |
norsetto | nothing can scare ScottK; he is the primordial scare | 06:44 |
ScottK | Ironic you say that since you've never interacted with me when I'm not restrained by the Ubuntu CoC. | 06:45 |
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norsetto | ScottK: that was meant as a compliment | 06:47 |
coNP | bmm: if you need scons, please include it as a build dependency | 06:47 |
ScottK | Understood. | 06:48 |
ScottK | Now I'm scared. (scons). | 06:48 |
norsetto | ScottK: by the way, feel free to talk to me as you like, I don't mind at all (I quite like it to say the truth) | 06:48 |
coNP | (sorry me (scare me ScottK)) | 06:48 |
ScottK | No problem (either of you). | 06:49 |
coNP | ScottK: sorry I does not wanted to say that you violated the CoC or something like that | 06:50 |
ScottK | coNP: Don't worry. I've only violated the CoC in public once on an Ubuntu channel and there was no confusion at all when I did it. | 06:50 |
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=== norsetto remembers it .... | ||
=== coNP remembers that | ||
=== norsetto high-five coNP | ||
ScottK | As I said... If I've violated the CoC we'll all know. | 06:51 |
coNP | Sorry. I was not even intend to say that. | 06:51 |
norsetto | ScottK: especially the CoC | 06:52 |
ScottK | Heh | 06:52 |
coNP | It was a bad joke started with scaring norsetto ... | 06:52 |
norsetto | coNP: there was no bad joke coNP, we are all here to have fun | 06:53 |
coNP | O.k. | 06:53 |
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Lamego | ScottK, are you referring to the last time we had a conversation ? :) you have broken the "Be respectful" ? | 06:53 |
=== norsetto hugs coNP and ScottK | ||
ScottK | Lamego: No. | 06:53 |
ScottK | Our last conversation was pretty mild compared to the time I'm thinking of. | 06:54 |
Lamego | ScottK, ah ok, so you are doing your own judgment of your own actions :) | 06:54 |
ScottK | Yes. | 06:54 |
=== norsetto has to really drag ScottK in the hug but he manages it (barely....) | ||
Lamego | ScottK, CoC was not indexed to the person bad temper, at least the last time I have read it ;) | 06:54 |
Lamego | last | 06:55 |
ScottK | That's true. | 06:55 |
ScottK | Any time you feel I've violated the CoC, you are free to bring it to the community council and have it debated there. | 06:55 |
coNP | bmm: did you get this issue regarding scons? | 06:55 |
norsetto | btw, we have a little problem, all I can show for the change (beside the code) is this: New upstream release (a new iterative lexer) | 06:55 |
ScottK | norsetto: For what package? | 06:56 |
norsetto | yappy | 06:56 |
Lamego | ScottK, that would not be productive, it would not help me, it would not help you, and it would not help anyone else :) | 06:56 |
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ScottK | Lamego: I agree. | 06:57 |
ScottK | norsetto: If that's it, then that's it. | 06:58 |
bmm | coNF: Hi, yes, sorry for the late reply | 06:58 |
Lamego | I feel happy enough with the ability to be on a open channel and tell you that you may be breaking the CoC more often then you believe you do. which is not wrong as long realize it :) | 06:58 |
coNP | bmm: np. I was just saying that, because I am in a reviewing mood, so if you can correct this, I would be glad to continue :) | 06:59 |
bmm | coNP: sorry for the late reply, but I fixed the scons dependency now. | 06:59 |
coNP | bmm: take your time. | 07:00 |
norsetto | Lamego: what is the point of your comments? Looks very much like a personal attack to me | 07:00 |
bmm | coNP: do you want me to upload it with that change, or do would it be possible to add some other fixes? | 07:00 |
Lamego | norsetto, is is not, it means what it means, you were talking opening about CoC, and I did my comment, which means, what means | 07:00 |
coNP | bmm: upload them. I'm looking for other issues in the meantime. But I need this fix to test the package | 07:00 |
norsetto | lamego: well, if I were you I would stop it here | 07:01 |
ScottK | Lamego: You are certainly free to say it. | 07:01 |
bmm | coNP: k, I'll fix it, do a build with a chroot and ping you about the new upload when it's on REVU. Thanks for taking a look! | 07:01 |
norsetto | ScootK: anything else you think is needed in bug 134552? | 07:02 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 134552 in yappy "Please merge yappy (1.8-1) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 07:02 |
=== ScottK looks | ||
coNP | bmm: thanks. I am likely to add comments in the meantime. Feel free to ping me again if you have uploaded the package again. | 07:02 |
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Lamego | norsetto, I am talking on the open to ScottK, apropos of a conversation on the channel, and based on my presence on the last 2 days, do you feel I am doing a personal attack and should leave ? | 07:03 |
bmm | coNP: will do. | 07:03 |
=== ScottK doesn't think Lamego should leave. | ||
ScottK | norsetto: Install log? | 07:03 |
norsetto | ScottK: yeah, its in the one in the second comment | 07:03 |
ScottK | Ah | 07:04 |
ScottK | norsetto: I unsubbed uus since the UVFe isn't approved. I acked. Please subscribe motu-uvf. | 07:05 |
coNP | bmm: what do you think about debian bug 437382 | 07:06 |
ubotu | Debian bug 437382 in wnpp "ITP: boswars -- futuristic real-time strategy game" [Wishlist,Open] | 07:06 |
norsetto | ScottK: there is another package i actually forgot to add the install log, its as pathetic as the other one | 07:06 |
ScottK | OK. | 07:06 |
bmm | coNP: This is the same game, and I've read up on their approach. I don't know when it will enter debian and because of that, it won't be able to be there as soon as it can when done as an ubuntu version. | 07:07 |
bmm | coNP: as soon as the package comes into ubuntu (via debian), this package will be changed into a debdiff to get the desktop file in the package. | 07:07 |
coNP | bmm: so you say you want boswars appear in gutsy. And therefore you don't want to wait till it appears in Debian? | 07:08 |
coNP | OTOH I don't see why Debian would not include a desktop file | 07:08 |
ScottK | coNP: They use a different menu system IIRC. | 07:09 |
ScottK | Don't they? | 07:09 |
=== coNP does not know. We sync some Gnome packages IIRC | ||
bmm | coNP: I don't want to wait till it gets into Ubuntu through debian. Also note that the ITP was filed after I packaged this game, but because REVU was down, I couldn't post my work. (launchpad bug 128416) | 07:10 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 128416 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging]" [Wishlist,In progress] | 07:10 |
=== norsetto remembers a package from debian, including icon and desktop menu | ||
bmm | coNP: so I decided to just continue for now. | 07:11 |
coNP | bmm: okay. I was just asking what do you think... :) | 07:11 |
=== norsetto also remember that there was nothing in the package that actually installed them ...... | ||
coNP | I guess including a good game is worth the effort | 07:11 |
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Lamego | boswars was downloaded by 3000 Ubuntu users, since 5 Mar, in case that is relevant to decide about the effort | 07:14 |
coNP | Lamego: is there some statistics? | 07:14 |
Lamego | (not lookingo into the amd64 builds) | 07:14 |
=== coNP is for boswars. Just to clear up things :) | ||
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Lamego | coNP,, the stats are based on package downloads, only for the main package | 07:15 |
Lamego | includes both version 2.3 and 2.4 | 07:15 |
coNP | I see | 07:15 |
Lamego | and I am not looking into the amd64 downloads, which usually small | 07:15 |
Lamego | are | 07:16 |
norsetto | ScootK: thx | 07:18 |
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norsetto | ScottK: thanks | 07:21 |
ScottK | No problem. | 07:21 |
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Zeograd | hi all | 07:22 |
ScottK | Hello. | 07:22 |
Zombie | Hi. | 07:23 |
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norsetto | hi there | 07:23 |
Zeograd | Zombie: thx for pointing this chan out | 07:23 |
Zeograd | ScottK: so I've been told you would like to package hugo for ubuntu ? | 07:23 |
ScottK | Yes. | 07:23 |
ScottK | Rather than start from scratch, it'd be nice to use your Debian source package as a basis. | 07:24 |
ScottK | It appears to produce a sane package and there's no point in duplicating efforts. | 07:24 |
Zeograd | sure | 07:25 |
Zombie | Welcome. | 07:25 |
Zeograd | would you like a binary .deb or rather sources with a suitable debian/ directory ? | 07:25 |
ScottK | Everything we do here is based on source packages. | 07:25 |
Zombie | sources., | 07:25 |
Zeograd | ok, hang a sec | 07:26 |
ScottK | I've got the tarball and the .deb from your web site. | 07:26 |
Lamego | what is hugo ? | 07:26 |
ScottK | It's a game. | 07:26 |
Zeograd | a pc engine/coregraphx video game emulator | 07:26 |
ScottK | What he said. | 07:26 |
Zombie | Lamego: Its meant to emulate the Turbo Grafx 16, so you can play Dracula X | 07:27 |
Zeograd | ScottK: best way to get it is | 07:27 |
=== ScottK looks | ||
ScottK | Right. That doesn't have the debian dir which is the bit I'm looking for. | 07:28 |
Lamego | still blind on it, does it have an homepage :P ? | 07:28 |
Zeograd | oh | 07:28 |
ScottK | In particular your debian/rules. | 07:28 |
Zeograd | Lamego: | 07:28 |
Lamego | are the games/cds easy to find ? | 07:29 |
Zombie | Lamego: No, many of these things are collectors items. | 07:29 |
Zeograd | ScottK: anonymous cvs then, | 07:29 |
Lamego | ok | 07:29 |
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Zeograd | ScottK: (typo in username) | 07:30 |
ScottK | Zeograd: Trying | 07:30 |
ScottK | OK | 07:30 |
=== coNP has a new cloak :) | ||
Zeograd | ScottK: and module is named "hugo" | 07:30 |
norsetto | gotta go, see u tomorrow | 07:30 |
coNP | bye norsetto | 07:30 |
ScottK | OK. | 07:30 |
Zombie | Zeograd: Are there patches that will fix Death tallking to you, and Dracula talking to you in the beginning of the game? | 07:31 |
Zeograd | Zombie: hmm no. Those sounds are made using ADPCM which is one of the few sound generation mode of pc engine. In the current version, it is slightly broken, enough to be not hearable :/ | 07:32 |
Zombie | In the build I have, you can't hear it at all. | 07:33 |
Zeograd | Zombie: actually, it's really really low, but you can't hear it, indeed. Older builds (DOS versions) had it working better | 07:34 |
bmm | coNP: How do you close a bug from the changelog? Should I add "Closes LP: number" ? | 07:35 |
coNP | bmm: (LP: #number) IIRC | 07:35 |
pygi | nod | 07:35 |
bmm | coNP: thanks | 07:35 |
coNP | bmm: you are welcome | 07:35 |
pygi | coNP, you want to do an ACK? :D | 07:37 |
coNP | pygi: what ACK? | 07:38 |
pygi | coNP, | 07:38 |
pygi | :) | 07:38 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 133052 in ubuntu "[needs review] swfdec0.5.1 [needs upload] " [Undecided,Fix committed] | 07:38 |
ScottK | Zeograd: It's checking out now. | 07:38 |
ScottK | Thanks. | 07:38 |
=== ScottK remembers why he likes svn better than cvs.... | ||
superm1 | ScottK, mythtv and mythplugins are both going to be in need of UVFe's, is it alright if i just put them in the same bug? | 07:38 |
ScottK | No they aren't. | 07:39 |
ScottK | You got a blanket UVFe at today's MOTU meeting. | 07:39 |
coNP | pygi: may I ack them? | 07:39 |
coNP | s/them/it/ | 07:39 |
ScottK | pygi: SInce it's a new package, it'd be easier if you uploaded it to REVU. | 07:40 |
superm1 | oh really. I was asleep still during the meeting, very early here. I'll check the minutes | 07:40 |
pygi | ScottK, but a) I don't have gpg b) keys would have to resync c)etc :P | 07:40 |
ScottK | Ah. | 07:40 |
ScottK | coNP: It's a new package so it'll need you and one other MOTU. Not just you. | 07:41 |
pygi | ScottK, dholbach already ACK'ed :) | 07:41 |
coNP | ScottK: I think dholbach is one | 07:41 |
ScottK | OK. | 07:41 |
coNP | In fact I am sure he is one :) | 07:41 |
ScottK | Then you would just upload it. | 07:41 |
coNP | But I should check it first, right? | 07:41 |
pygi | yes :p | 07:41 |
ScottK | Aboslutely. | 07:42 |
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ScottK | Absolutely . | 07:42 |
=== coNP checks it if no one want that. | ||
coNP | wants* | 07:42 |
pygi | coNP, the package is fine anyway :D | 07:42 |
=== pygi gotta make swfdec-mozilla then | ||
=== coNP asks his pbuilder first. | ||
joejaxx | man this is weird | 07:46 |
joejaxx | tomcat will not run unless i try and open catalina.out | 07:47 |
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superm1 | ScottK, i just checked over the meeting notes. I don't think mythtv and mythplugins will necessarily be exempt, since they are usable/functional in ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu as well. Would you agree? (I don't want to get in trouble for my first upload once i get MOTU :)) | 07:49 |
ScottK | Ah | 07:49 |
superm1 | all the other mythbuntu-* stuff would of course be exempt by the description there | 07:50 |
ScottK | Then no. | 07:50 |
superm1 | Okay thats what i had thought. I'll follow standard uvf processes then for them | 07:50 |
ScottK | Please do it in two bugs then. | 07:50 |
coNP | Subhuman: Yeah. It is very painful to be a MOTU. All this responsibility stuff, you know... | 07:50 |
coNP | superm1: again ^^^ | 07:50 |
coNP | Subhuman: I am sorry. | 07:50 |
superm1 | coNP, lol | 07:50 |
ScottK | coNP: Shhh. Don't tell him. Let him be suprised. | 07:51 |
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coNP | pygi: do you have a reason why to keep Standards-Version 3.5.6? | 07:53 |
pygi | coNP, not really, but no harm done I guess | 07:54 |
=== coNP had to find something to mention... :) | ||
=== pygi kicks coNP :p | ||
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coNP | pygi: More respect towards a MOTU, please :D | 07:54 |
=== pygi does it again | ||
coNP | pygi: your package looks sane. | 07:56 |
pygi | coNP, did you doubt? :) | 07:56 |
coNP | In fact I did not | 07:56 |
pygi | hehe :) | 07:56 |
pygi | coNP, I'll feel free to bug about swfdec-mozilla today or tomorrow =) | 07:58 |
coNP | wait | 07:58 |
coNP | you say in the changelog you bump soname | 07:58 |
pygi | hm, yes? | 07:58 |
coNP | why do you have in your package? | 07:58 |
coNP | you say you want to have 1.0.0 | 07:58 |
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pygi | coNP, ehm, yes? Doesn't patch get applied? | 07:59 |
pygi | coNP, the patch in debian/patches should solve that? o.O | 07:59 |
=== coNP looks | ||
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Lamego | are the any priorities related to libraries upgrades ? | 08:01 |
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Lamego | anyone ? | 08:03 |
coNP | pygi: (1) I don't see the point to have it 1.0.0 | 08:04 |
coNP | (2) you patch and not configure | 08:04 |
pygi | coNP, 1) well, it should be 1.0.0 according to upstream :P 2) well, that's the way it should be? :P | 08:04 |
coNP | pygi: then why does upstream tarball have 0.0.0? | 08:05 |
bmm | coNP: Just so you know, I've uploaded a new version of boswars BUT it might not show up for a long time (had problems before). I'll ping you when it's there, but feel free to put your mind to something else in the meantime ;-) | 08:05 |
pygi | coNP, because upstream made a mistake? | 08:05 |
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coNP | pygi: no. You have to run autoconf afterwards. | 08:05 |
coNP | bmm: as I said it looked otherwise okay for me. I'll check it if it arrives to REVU. Feel free to ping me again | 08:05 |
pygi | coNP, ah, you're right! | 08:05 |
coNP | since it is 0.5 I don't think you would need increase soname manually | 08:06 |
pygi | coNP, ah, ok, just dont do anything then. I'll work on 0.5.2 probably anyway (or we'll do debian sync, and then modify packages to our likings) | 08:07 |
pygi | coNP, well, I changed (tried :P) to 1.0.0 after talk with upstream ;) | 08:07 |
coNP | Maybe it is needed for 0.5.2. But not for 0.5.1 | 08:07 |
coNP | Especially if it is a new package | 08:07 |
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pygi | coNP, well, since even 0.5.2 is new package (!) probably no point to upload 0.5.1 ;) | 08:08 |
pygi | coNP, anyway, thanks =) | 08:08 |
coNP | pygi: no. If we upload 0.5.1 then we can upgrade to 0.5.2 | 08:08 |
coNP | But I see your point. | 08:08 |
pygi | coNP, 0.5.2 breaks api/abi from 0.5.1 :) | 08:08 |
pygi | (don't ask :P) | 08:08 |
coNP | Yeah. Therefore you need to bump soname | 08:08 |
pygi | ok, I'll see about 0.5.2 (or debian sync and modifying ... depends when they'll get 0.5.2) | 08:09 |
=== coNP would say you should prepare a sane 0.5.2 package. It should not be very hard :) | ||
pygi | coNP, trust me, 0.5.2 will be a mess =) | 08:10 |
=== pygi isn't sure somebody would want to hear the story xD | ||
coNP | pygi: why? A new package cannot break neither ABI nor API... | 08:10 |
pygi | coNP, you want to hear, really? :) | 08:11 |
coNP | I am not sure | 08:11 |
coNP | :) | 08:11 |
pygi | because I gotta merge two upstream tarballs into one (swfdec, swfdec-mozilla) and write a package for that :P | 08:11 |
coNP | pygi: why? :) | 08:11 |
pygi | coNP, because of main inclusion, because upstream doesnt yet properly track abi, and that way it cannot go into main :p | 08:11 |
pygi | coNP, so we do some hacks to make it possible to go in :p | 08:12 |
pygi | but I'm still thinking about it :p | 08:12 |
coNP | But anyway. Do you want to fix swfdec 0.5.1 so that it can be uploaded? | 08:12 |
pygi | coNP, no :) | 08:12 |
pygi | coNP, I'll work on swfdec 0.5.2 ^_^ | 08:12 |
pygi | coNP, more sane :p | 08:12 |
pygi | coNP, you agree? :) | 08:13 |
coNP | pygi: feel free to bug me :) | 08:13 |
pygi | coNP, will do, thanks =) | 08:13 |
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pygi | coNP, should I mark the bug invalid? | 08:29 |
coNP | pygi: as you wish | 08:32 |
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coNP | pygi: if you don't want your package to be uploaded, you probably should mark it invalid | 08:36 |
pygi | coNP, nod =) | 08:36 |
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pygi | coNP, done | 08:38 |
coNP | thanks :) | 08:39 |
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DktrKranz | could you please give me a suggestion on bug 130059 ? | 08:39 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 130059 in plr "R_HOME environmental variable not set" [Undecided,Fix released] | 08:39 |
DktrKranz | pitti suggested me to avoid patch systems, but source files are inserted into a tarball and uncompressed at build time | 08:40 |
DktrKranz | unless I forget something, I need a patch system, even a trivial one | 08:41 |
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bmm | sistpoty: boswars seems stuck in the REVU queue again, could you take a look at it when you are possible. | 08:42 |
coNP | bmm: you cannot upload it? Or you have uploaded it but does not appear? | 08:42 |
bmm | coNP: I've got to go, so can't fix the "stuck in queue" of boswars now, I'll get back on this all later. Thanks for your time! (uploaded (without problem) not showing. | 08:42 |
coNP | bmm: okay. | 08:43 |
ScottK | superm1: Congratulations. | 08:43 |
superm1 | thanks ScottK :) | 08:43 |
ScottK | superm1: Just a few days until New Package freeze. Get reviewing ... | 08:43 |
superm1 | you found out before i did | 08:43 |
=== ScottK reads mail regularly. | ||
superm1 | ScottK, that's my goal for sunday, reviewing as much as i can :) | 08:44 |
=== coNP hugs superm1 | ||
superm1 | who needs to add me as a reviewer to revu now? | 08:44 |
=== superm1 hugs coNP but with a sharp object behind his back because coNP beat him... | ||
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coNP | ScottK: can you also deal with the REVU queue or should we wait for sistpoty? | 08:51 |
ScottK | I can't. | 08:51 |
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ScottK | siretart can | 08:51 |
ScottK | Hobbsee can ( LongPointyStick ). | 08:51 |
zul | she aint here i think | 08:52 |
coNP | ScottK: Okay, thanks. | 08:52 |
=== coNP wonders if superm1 has uploaded his first package :) | ||
superm1 | yup | 08:53 |
superm1 | did it less than a minute after ScottK told me I had MOTU | 08:53 |
ScottK | She's not. That'w why I included LongPointyStick. That's here logger. She'll get it later if no one else does. | 08:54 |
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ScottK | superm1: Tell me in the bug that it works for you and include the install log and I'll ack it. | 08:58 |
superm1 | ScottK, i'm getting the mythplugins build finished so i can install them all at once, and then ill add the install log | 08:58 |
ScottK | OK. PIng me when it's done. | 08:58 |
superm1 | k | 08:58 |
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bmm | coNP: ping for boswars. My previous thought about it being stuck in queue was totally wrong, I just dput to ubuntu :-) It now appeared in mear seconds :-D | 09:08 |
bmm | coNP: got to go though, so talk to you (and the rest) later. Bye! | 09:08 |
coNP | bmm: reviewing | 09:09 |
coNP | too late... | 09:09 |
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superm1 | ScottK, see bug 134580 and bug 134581 | 09:12 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 134580 in mythtv "MythTV UVFe For 0.20.2 release" [Undecided,New] | 09:12 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 134581 in mythplugins "Mythplugins UVFe for 0.20.2 tagged release" [Undecided,New] | 09:12 |
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ScottK | OK. Looking | 09:13 |
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ScottK | superm1: Ack'ed by me. | 09:15 |
superm1 | ScottK, k thanks. i'll get uploaded then | 09:16 |
=== coNP guesses you need two of ACKs | ||
ScottK | superm1: I didn't set it to confirmed. | 09:16 |
ScottK | Maybe zul will look at them. | 09:16 |
superm1 | "Once one of the [WWW] team members marks the bug as Confirmed you can proceed with uploading." | 09:16 |
superm1 | oh confirmed | 09:16 |
superm1 | not acked | 09:16 |
coNP | BTW you should edit this description. | 09:18 |
superm1 | which one? | 09:18 |
coNP | "Once one of the [WWW] team members marks the bug as Confirmed you can proceed with uploading." | 09:18 |
coNP | Or let people read wiki pages very carefully | 09:18 |
superm1 | its not apparent on that page that two motu-uvf need to ack it from glancing over the page | 09:19 |
coNP | Because that belongs to some MOTU UVF process | 09:19 |
ScottK | Agreed. | 09:19 |
coNP | That is separate from the UVFe process | 09:19 |
coNP | At least I think so | 09:19 |
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Adri2000 | superm1: out of curiosity, why is mythbuntu-default-settings not a native package? | 09:30 |
superm1 | Adri2000, in case it was to be adapted by any other distro | 09:30 |
superm1 | or derived from in some form by another distro | 09:31 |
superm1 | the gentoo mythtv packager is already looking at adapting a few of the mythbuntu-* packages actually | 09:31 |
zul | ScottK: at work right now but I will when I get home | 09:31 |
superm1 | thanks zul | 09:31 |
Adri2000 | superm1: ok | 09:32 |
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superm1 | ScottK, because of the breadth of this problem with schedules direct, i'm also going to do an SRU for this in at least feisty. It doesn't seem to be addressed in wiki pages regarding if I can use the updated packaging in an SRU, do you know? My gut feeling says no. | 09:34 |
ScottK | For an SRU you want the absolute minimum change possible. Meaning you can't update the version, you need to pull the patch for just that change out (and not the updated packaging either). | 09:34 |
superm1 | that's what i had thought | 09:35 |
superm1 | keescook and i were discussing this | 09:35 |
superm1 | the problem is that patch is dependent on a very large number of other patches | 09:35 |
superm1 | so we were going to look into a microversion exception | 09:35 |
superm1 | such as what firefox and a few other apps have | 09:35 |
keescook | ScottK: without the fixes, mythtv in the US is totally useless too. :( | 09:36 |
superm1 | keescook, do you have that wiki page about microversion exceptions handy? I was looking for it, but can't seem to find it again | 09:37 |
ScottK | Right. | 09:37 |
superm1 | well and don't forget canada, they lose the data too :) | 09:37 |
ScottK | Well absolute minimum varies... | 09:37 |
superm1 | | 09:40 |
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keescook | superm1: that's the one; mythtv doesn't have tests, which is the only hiccup. | 09:48 |
superm1 | keescook, well i wonder if they would be willing to make an exception to allow users to ack this | 09:48 |
superm1 | if not enough MOTUs test it | 09:48 |
superm1 | because i know there are plenty of people that will be glad to comment on the bug after trying ti | 09:49 |
superm1 | i'm writing a mail to the TB right now. I'll CC you on it. | 09:49 |
keescook | is there an SRU bug started for it? | 09:49 |
superm1 | I'll do the mail, you make the bug? | 09:49 |
keescook | superm1: isn't it all in the bug? | 09:49 |
superm1 | well we need an exception since it is such a large change do we not? | 09:50 |
superm1 | i was writing to inquire for the exception | 09:50 |
keescook | okay, cool. opening new bug... | 09:50 |
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keescook | superm1: actually, we need a UVFe to get it into gutsy first, then we can do the SRU... | 09:51 |
superm1 | keescook, i filed the UVFe bugs, just need one more ack | 09:51 |
keescook | which I see you already have | 09:51 |
superm1 | and i've got the packaging ready for them | 09:51 |
keescook | superm1: okay, ack'd it, but I think it needs a 2nd ack from the moto-uvf team, right? | 09:53 |
superm1 | keescook, are you motu-uvf? | 09:54 |
keescook | I'm not, perhaps I can convince soren to look at it? | 09:54 |
superm1 | perhaps :) | 09:54 |
superm1 | although soren has been idle the last 4 hours, perhaps not present | 09:55 |
^^MAg^^ | where I can find gutsy roadmap with dates? | 09:58 |
coNP | ^^MAg^^: /topic #ubuntu+1 | 09:59 |
coNP | | 09:59 |
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^^MAg^^ | thx | 10:00 |
keescook | zul: can you ACK bugs 134580 and 134581 for UVFe? | 10:01 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 134580 in mythtv "MythTV UVFe For 0.20.2 release" [Undecided,New] | 10:01 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 134581 in mythplugins "Mythplugins UVFe for 0.20.2 tagged release" [Undecided,New] | 10:01 |
ScottK | keescook: zul said he was at work and would look at it after he got home. | 10:02 |
keescook | ScottK: ah! okay, sorry, I missed that. :) | 10:02 |
=== Pumpernickel [n=Pumperni@about/essy/bacon/PuMpErNiCkLe] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
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erable | Hi | 10:07 |
coNP | reviewing is fun | 10:07 |
coNP | reviewing can be hard | 10:07 |
geser | reviewing never ends | 10:08 |
erable | My REVU account is dead. it's possible to re-sync my REVU uploaders keyring ? | 10:12 |
coNP | erable: what is your problem? You cannot upload or you cannot login? | 10:13 |
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erable | coNP: Login it's impossible. | 10:14 |
coNP | erable: In this case I would recommend you to upload Some Random Goodness (TM) to put your REVU account in motion again. | 10:14 |
coNP | erable: i.e., dput, wait till it appears, and then try to recover your password again. | 10:15 |
erable | coNP: ok | 10:15 |
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erable | I want to upload qdevelop package but there is this message "Already uploaded to Doing nothing for qdevelop_0.23-1_source.changes" | 10:20 |
ScottK | Zeograd: Are you still around? | 10:21 |
Zeograd | yes | 10:22 |
geser | erable: remove the .upload file and try dput again | 10:22 |
erable | geser: this file doesn't exist | 10:25 |
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coNP | erable: dput -f <it> | 10:26 |
erable | coNP: upload is now ok | 10:28 |
coNP | erable: cool. You'll get your login back. Did you have reviewer rights? | 10:28 |
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erable | coNP: I had right but now (after crash server) It's impossible to login | 10:33 |
coNP | erable: oh. I guess you need LongPointyStick or siretart or sistpoty to regain your rights | 10:33 |
erable | thank | 10:36 |
geser | members of ubuntu-dev should be able to recover the password as this team got imported into the new REVU | 10:38 |
erable | geser: ok. thank you | 10:40 |
soren | keescook: hm? | 10:42 |
keescook | soren: just trying to get the green-light on the mythtv UVFe | 10:42 |
keescook | namely 134580 and 134581 | 10:43 |
soren | Bug 134580 | 10:43 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 134580 in mythtv "MythTV UVFe For 0.20.2 release" [Undecided,New] | 10:43 |
Lamego | are there any plans to place revu with some version control system that would allow collaboration on the debian/ changes ? | 10:45 |
soren | Er.. The description seems to only mention the changes w.r.t. to scheduling info that is to come from another place, but there are loads of other changes. That's not necessarily a problem, though, I'm just saying. | 10:45 |
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superm1 | soren, there are two big changes listed for mythtv, its the scheduling and the memory usage | 10:46 |
superm1 | soren, the other changes are related to mythplugins | 10:46 |
superm1 | at the linked changelog | 10:46 |
soren | superm1: Yes, but they're also going to be part of the upload, no? | 10:47 |
superm1 | well in bug 134581 :) | 10:47 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 134581 in mythplugins "Mythplugins UVFe for 0.20.2 tagged release" [Undecided,New] | 10:47 |
Lamego | bug 127637 | 10:48 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 127637 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] rotoscope" [Wishlist,In progress] | 10:48 |
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soren | superm1: Sorry, I'm too darn tired to make any sense of anything right now. I'll look at it tomorrow if noone has done it yet. | 10:53 |
superm1 | okay soren thanks | 10:53 |
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alex-weej | gaaaargh | 11:21 |
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alex-weej | i am rebuilding libbonobo | 11:21 |
alex-weej | i made a change to and added dbus-glib-1 to one of the PKG_CHECK_MODULES bits | 11:21 |
alex-weej | but when i debuild i just get activation-server-main.c:57:28: error: dbus/dbus-glib.h: No such file or directory | 11:21 |
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alex-weej | do i need to run autosomething somehow? | 11:22 |
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geser | alex-weej: did you also add libdbus-glib-1-dev to build-depends? | 11:32 |
alex-weej | geser: it doesn't matter, i'm only testing a hack | 11:32 |
alex-weej | geser: apparently i need to run autoconf | 11:32 |
geser | if the package doesn't it you need to do it | 11:33 |
alex-weej | yeah its working now | 11:33 |
alex-weej | this isn't really a downstream patch, i just need to test it on a downstream package | 11:33 |
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alex-weej | i'm making bonobo-activation-server exit when the session bus closes | 11:34 |
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ianm_ | anyone interested in packaging a widely used, blogged about, youtube'd piece of GNOME software for which a KDE equivalent exists in the repos? to make it easier, it's in ruby and all dependencies are already available in Ubuntu | 11:39 |
coNP | ianm_: sure. What is that? | 11:42 |
=== coNP loves both ruby and gnome | ||
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ianm_ | coNP: me too :D it's gnome screen ruler, home page: | 11:44 |
coNP | I guess I have seen this / something similar before | 11:44 |
ianm_ | this has been around for years (previously written in C) | 11:45 |
coNP | maybe the kde app you've mentioned | 11:45 |
ianm_ | yeah there's a kruler | 11:45 |
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ianm_ | coNP: this version has been out for about 8 months with 0 reported problems | 11:47 |
coNP | cool | 11:47 |
coNP | so you want me to make a debian package out of it? | 11:47 |
ianm_ | coNP: yeah I'd love it | 11:47 |
ianm_ | coNP: the other one on that site, a chess clock, is also Ruby/GNOME and is simple and works well. although the screen ruler is way more popular | 11:49 |
coNP | so it is your software :) | 11:49 |
ianm_ | yes | 11:50 |
coNP | this ruler is very cool indeed | 11:50 |
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coNP | chess clock might be also useful under some circumstances | 11:50 |
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ianm_ | it is actually quite useful if you have a laptop and don't feel like buying a real chess clock ! | 11:51 |
ianm_ | it works really well with a laptop sitting next to the board, although you have to sometimes tell people to not slam your keyboard haha | 11:52 |
coNP | :D | 11:52 |
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ianm_ | coNP: so let me know if you need anything from me. I assume the software works fine "installed" but I've only ever used it from the development directory | 11:54 |
coNP | Wow. Really-really cool. | 11:55 |
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ianm_ | coNP: which? | 11:57 |
coNP | ruler | 11:57 |
coNP | BTW should it be called gruler or screenruler? | 11:57 |
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ianm_ | coNP: I prefer screenruler because it's simpler and avoids the silly g prefix syndrom, what do you think? | 11:59 |
=== coNP would call it gruler | ||
coNP | silly g prefix syndrom can be very useful :) | 12:00 |
coNP | but screenruler is nice as well | 12:00 |
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ianm_ | coNP: well, using screenruler would require some work as the executable is gruler.rb | 12:02 |
coNP | ianm_: gruler as well since we need an executable to put in /usr/bin :) | 12:03 |
DarkSun88 | Today is my birthday. Happy birthday to me :D | 12:05 |
=== coNP wishes happy birthday to DarkSun88 | ||
DarkSun88 | Thanks a lot Aron. Congratulations for join in MOTUs | 12:07 |
coNP | Thanks, DarkSun88 :) | 12:07 |
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=== DarkSun88 drink offering at all. | ||
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beuno | anyone know how I can work around a package looking for a library which name has changed? | 12:13 |
coNP | beuno: what do you mean? | 12:14 |
beuno | coNP: the library used to be called "libgig", but now it's called "libgig6" | 12:15 |
beuno | so it fails to compile | 12:15 |
coNP | If you depend on libgig-dev, shlibs-magic will take care of it. | 12:15 |
beuno | I do depend on libgig :( | 12:16 |
coNP | If not you should build depend on libgig6-dev | 12:16 |
coNP | or libgig6 | 12:16 |
beuno | I think it's hardcoded in the makefile | 12:16 |
beuno | (the problem is deeper then the packaging it seems) | 12:16 |
coNP | beuno: you migh pastebin your debian/control file? | 12:17 |
beuno | coNP: | 12:17 |
beuno | argh, it's incomplete, hold on | 12:18 |
beuno | | 12:18 |
beuno | so I get: You need to have libgig version 3.1.0 installed! | 12:20 |
beuno | (while doing dpkg-buildpackage -S -rfakeroot) | 12:21 |
beuno | the file has this in it: | 12:22 |
coNP | what is the problem? | 12:22 |
beuno | which seems like the one screaming about it | 12:22 |
coNP | build depend on libgig-dev (>= 3.1.0) | 12:22 |
beuno | nope, still complains | 12:23 |
coNP | what does it complain about? | 12:24 |
beuno | same thing: | 12:24 |
beuno | checking for GIG... Required libgig version not found! | 12:24 |
beuno | You need to have libgig version 3.1.0 installed! | 12:24 |
beuno | make: *** [clean] Error 255 | 12:24 |
beuno | and my control file is: Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), libgig-dev (>= 3.1.0) | 12:25 |
coNP | do you have libgig6 installed? | 12:25 |
beuno | so I have to just to package it? | 12:26 |
beuno | er, "do I have to" | 12:27 |
geser | beuno: which package is it? | 12:28 |
beuno | geser: linuxsampler | 12:29 |
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beuno | | 12:29 |
beuno | it was packaged in Ubuntu until dapper, which is where I believe the libgig transition went on | 12:31 |
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