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the_hatter | Hey, I'm trying to use Capistrano to deploy a RoR application to an Ubuntu6.06 server, and I get the following error message >> LoadError: no such file to load -- openssl >> I have openssl installed on my machine, but it continues to fail. | 12:52 |
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=== ajmitch would assume that it's the ruby bindings for openssl that it's missing | ||
ajmitch | namely the libopenssl-ruby package, or libopenssl-ruby1.9 | 01:00 |
the_hatter | sweet, thanks. I tried apt-get with openssl-devel and openssl-ruby, but not with lib | 01:05 |
ajmitch | 'apt-cache search' is your friend | 01:07 |
the_hatter | Indeed, I forgot that command. I used to have Mandriva, but have since seen the light. | 01:08 |
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kraut | moin | 09:13 |
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binary_blob | hi all. i have a feisty server at home, and there was a recent update to rsync that caused a problem. would someone mind taking a look at my pastebin to help me out? | 04:03 |
binary_blob | http://pastebin.ca/669191 | 04:03 |
CrummyGummy | I have a blue screen of death on a feisty setup. :( hehe | 04:07 |
CrummyGummy | Anyone here installed it on HP cc3310 | 04:08 |
binary_blob | CrummyGummy: sorry, not me. | 04:08 |
pmjdebruijn | binary_blob: weird, have you tried apt-get install -f | 04:08 |
CrummyGummy | Any ideas why it would hang? | 04:09 |
binary_blob | pmjdebruijn: no, do you think there's a chance that the package was corrupted during download? | 04:09 |
binary_blob | is there a way to clear my dpkg cache and redownload the package? | 04:09 |
pmjdebruijn | it's possible, though not liekly | 04:09 |
pmjdebruijn | likely | 04:09 |
binary_blob | ok... i forgot to run irssi over 'screen' so i'll have to exit from here, give the "-f" a try, and come back. | 04:10 |
binary_blob | brb | 04:11 |
CrummyGummy | or the tigpr2u. Pretty much the same thing... | 04:15 |
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CrummyGummy | It crashes round about the detect network devices part, whats next? | 04:25 |
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CrummyGummy | hmmm, it was a network card it didn't like,... | 04:35 |
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lousygarua | what do you use for incremental backups? if rdiff-backup any good? | 05:55 |
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j1mc | hi all, earlier i had posted this pastebin ( http://pastebin.ca/669191 ). | 06:40 |
j1mc | the problem was that i had set 'noexec' as an option on the /var partition in my fstab file | 06:41 |
j1mc | removing that option fixed the problem | 06:41 |
j1mc | just thought i'd mention it. :) | 06:41 |
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Shane-S | can I reset the default users password if I have access to the server? I am trying SSH and none of the users/passwords are working that I thought would | 06:45 |
Shane-S | I know root is disabled and I have to use sudo, so will that cause an issue? | 06:45 |
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Shane-S | never mind remembered it | 06:56 |
mralphabet | sudo password someuser | 06:56 |
mralphabet | or self | 06:57 |
mralphabet | sudo password | 06:57 |
coNP | passwd | 06:57 |
mralphabet | ^^ true | 06:57 |
coNP | instead of password, I guess | 06:57 |
mralphabet | my bad | 06:57 |
Shane-S | well I am good now, I remembered it, I forgot I used a different username then normal :P | 06:58 |
Shane-S | how do I keep all the packages and such updated, my google, is returning updating 6.06 to feisty, I just want to make sure it is up to date security wise | 06:59 |
Shane-S | just apt-get update? | 07:00 |
sommer | Shane-S: apt-get update then apt-get upgrade | 07:02 |
Shane-S | ahh ok, I will wait till the evening encase it breaks :P | 07:03 |
Shane-S | then I will be like...who me...I didn't do anything ;) (surry to fix what broke) then be like but I fixed it for ya :D | 07:03 |
Shane-S | should be fine though, had no issues with the gui desktops that I made into lamp's | 07:04 |
sommer | you can also to apt-get upgrade -s to see which packages will be installed. | 07:04 |
Shane-S | ohh neat thanks, I am slow to understand the man page | 07:04 |
Shane-S | reading it...but always scared I will break something | 07:05 |
mralphabet | apt-get update gets the new file listings from the apt servers | 07:05 |
mralphabet | so you have to do that before you run upgrades | 07:05 |
mralphabet | or . . . should at least | 07:06 |
Shane-S | I did that already | 07:06 |
Shane-S | gosh quite a few need upgrades | 07:07 |
Shane-S | thanks | 07:07 |
Shane-S | I will be sure to run that tonight | 07:07 |
Shane-S | will the upgrade reset anything I had to alter, like IPv6 being enabled? | 07:08 |
mralphabet | nope | 07:08 |
Shane-S | its on a network that doesn't support IPv6 yet | 07:08 |
Shane-S | ahh alright thanks | 07:08 |
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stiv2k | hi | 10:24 |
stiv2k | for some reason, in samba, every user i add gets assigned the same (incorrect) gid | 10:24 |
stiv2k | instead of the gid that matches with their username | 10:24 |
stiv2k | and its sorta messing up my filesystem organization | 10:24 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: how do you create your users ? | 10:38 |
stiv2k | mathiaz: smbadduser | 10:40 |
stiv2k | wait are you talking about system users | 10:42 |
stiv2k | or samba users | 10:42 |
stiv2k | i use useradd for system users | 10:42 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: are you using the smbadduser from the samba-doc package ? | 10:47 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: which version of samba are you running ? | 10:47 |
stiv2k | umm | 10:47 |
stiv2k | one sec | 10:47 |
stiv2k | Version 3.0.24 | 10:47 |
stiv2k | wait | 10:48 |
stiv2k | not smbadduser | 10:48 |
stiv2k | that command doesnt exist :P | 10:48 |
stiv2k | i use smbpasswd | 10:48 |
stiv2k | perhaps that my problem? | 10:48 |
mathiaz | well - smbpasswd will add entry to your smbpassword file | 10:49 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: it won't touch the system accounts. | 10:50 |
stiv2k | mathiaz: so am i using the right command? | 10:50 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: when you say it that every user gets the same gid, you mean on the files created ? | 10:50 |
stiv2k | well | 10:50 |
stiv2k | pbedit shows this for all the samba users: | 10:50 |
stiv2k | Primary Group SID: S-1-5-21-4271386153-3904370233-1644803865-513 | 10:51 |
stiv2k | and when i transfer files over samba, the ownership shows up as | 10:51 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: that's normal | 10:51 |
stiv2k | steve:ridethelightning | 10:51 |
stiv2k | instead of steve:steve | 10:51 |
stiv2k | or paul:paul | 10:51 |
stiv2k | its paul:ridethelightning | 10:51 |
stiv2k | etc | 10:51 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: what'S the gid of ridethelightning ? | 10:51 |
stiv2k | mathiaz: how do i look it up | 10:52 |
mathiaz | grep ridethelightning /etc/group | 10:52 |
stiv2k | ridethelightning:x:1001: | 10:52 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: do you use the group / force group option in smb.conf ? | 10:54 |
stiv2k | mathiaz: im not sure | 10:54 |
stiv2k | mathiaz: would you like to see my smb.conf? | 10:54 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: could you pastbin somewhere ? | 10:57 |
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mathiaz | stiv2k: make sure it doesn'T have any confidential information | 10:57 |
stiv2k | mathiaz: i dont think it does | 10:58 |
stiv2k | one sec | 10:58 |
stiv2k | http://pastebin.com/d569db73 | 10:59 |
stiv2k | mathiaz: i followed a howto when i got samba running | 11:01 |
stiv2k | i dont really know what half of the paramaters do... :/ | 11:01 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: I don't see anything obviously broken. | 11:03 |
stiv2k | mathiaz: yeah i know :/ | 11:07 |
stiv2k | maybe its not a samba thign? | 11:07 |
stiv2k | maybe somethigns messed up in my system? | 11:07 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: do the users have their primary group set correctly ? | 11:10 |
stiv2k | mathiaz: how do i check that? | 11:23 |
stiv2k | sorry i went out for an extended stoge session | 11:23 |
stiv2k | that might be the problem | 11:24 |
stiv2k | i dont know how to check that | 11:24 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: groups username | 11:25 |
stiv2k | that shows the current group | 11:25 |
stiv2k | right | 11:25 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: that shows the list of group a user is in | 11:26 |
stiv2k | mathiaz: it appears to be OK | 11:26 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: you can also use the id command | 11:27 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: it'll give the actual gid | 11:27 |
stiv2k | ok | 11:27 |
stiv2k | yeah i dont see anything out of the ordinary | 11:27 |
stiv2k | but if i transfer a file over thru samba | 11:28 |
stiv2k | the ownsership always shows up with the wrong group | 11:28 |
stiv2k | im gonna go try to reproduce it right now | 11:28 |
stiv2k | how do i retrieve a password for someones account | 11:31 |
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mathiaz | stiv2k: well - you can't. That's why it's called a password. | 11:33 |
stiv2k | but im a sysadmin | 11:33 |
stiv2k | well how do i retrieve their smbpasswd | 11:34 |
mathiaz | stiv2k: same thing. | 11:34 |
stiv2k | ok | 11:35 |
stiv2k | well its not letting my log in as myself | 11:35 |
stiv2k | from my friends laptop | 11:35 |
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stiv2k | oh snapo | 11:46 |
stiv2k | mathiaz: i think i found something | 11:46 |
stiv2k | mathiaz: i've figured out the problem | 11:46 |
stiv2k | its not samba related at all | 11:47 |
stiv2k | but i dont know of a solution | 11:47 |
stiv2k | yu gotta help me | 11:47 |
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