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LaserJock | cprov: I don't understand why debian/copyright wouldn't be necessary? Did seb128 give a rationale? | 03:34 |
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kduboi1 | why don't you get karma for writing and committing code? | 03:55 |
cprov | LaserJock: some sources simply do not contain debian/copyright, sometimes because they use a template (copyright.in as php4) or because they have special mechanisms to handle multiple copyright (as linux-source). | 04:11 |
cprov | LaserJock: what seb128 requested (and was supported by cjwatson and infinity) is to cope with empty/missing debian/copyright for now, until we have a better idea about how many packages are in this situation. | 04:13 |
cprov | LaserJock: does it sound more correct (feasible) to you ? | 04:13 |
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LaserJock | cprov: yes, I was thinking he was talking about them being able to have no copyright info at all in debian/ which is not good | 04:48 |
LaserJock | cprov: but yeah, I've run across packages before with copyright.in or multiple copyright files | 04:48 |
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norsetto | *cough * * cough* | 06:07 |
norsetto | anyone that could know how to build a debian package on a PPA? (without the need to change the source package obviously) | 06:10 |
norsetto | perhaps editing the override file? | 06:15 |
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mpt | Goooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! | 08:01 |
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MFen | where launchpad talks about blueprints, it suggests using a wiki if the blueprint needs a detailed discussion | 08:23 |
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MFen | does anyone have a suggestion for what the wiki should be? | 08:23 |
MFen | i haven't seen one *in* launchpad, so i'm assuming the feature is intended to be used with an externally-hosted wiki | 08:23 |
beuno | MFen: the best way is to look at some examples: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/rosetta-stats-enhancement | 08:24 |
MFen | hmm, true | 08:25 |
mpt | MFen, it's intended to be used with a project's own wiki | 08:26 |
MFen | mpt: assuming we do things like, host a wiki. :) | 08:26 |
mpt | yes | 08:28 |
mpt | Eventually we hope to be able to host them in Launchpad | 08:28 |
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ubotu | New bug: #134758 in malone "Record who subscribed each subscriber to a bug report" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134758 | 08:50 |
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ubotu | New bug: #134761 in launchpad "Label missing on second password entry during registration" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134761 | 09:11 |
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mayeco | can I make create a new project and register a new branch in launchpad just to learn and test the bzr? | 09:48 |
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_SiLENT_ | what is launchpad? | 10:06 |
MFen | http://launchpad.net/ | 10:06 |
_SiLENT_ | i wanted to order ubuntu cds and ended up here | 10:06 |
_SiLENT_ | why it is not working | 10:07 |
Nafallo | it is? | 10:09 |
_SiLENT_ | it is not | 10:09 |
_SiLENT_ | maintenance | 10:09 |
Nafallo | have you created a login so that you can login and proceed with your shipit request? | 10:10 |
Nafallo | oh. how nice. | 10:10 |
_SiLENT_ | when will I be able to enter? | 10:10 |
_SiLENT_ | I want ubuntu | 10:10 |
Nafallo | works for me | 10:10 |
_SiLENT_ | Sorry, you can't do this right now | 10:11 |
_SiLENT_ | Launchpad is currently offline for maintenance. We're sorry that this means you can't use it right now. The good news is that it will be back online soon. | 10:11 |
_SiLENT_ | You can find out more about why Launchpad is offline at: | 10:11 |
_SiLENT_ | http://news.launchpad.net/maintenance | 10:11 |
_SiLENT_ | You can also receive notification of scheduled downtime by signing up to the Launchpad Users mailing list. | 10:11 |
_SiLENT_ | Thanks for your patience while we work to improve Launchpad. | 10:11 |
_SiLENT_ | The Launchpad team | 10:11 |
beuno | _SiLENT_: try refreshing, you might of hit a bad server | 10:11 |
beuno | control + f5 | 10:12 |
Nafallo | there is no maintaince at the moment, right? | 10:12 |
beuno | Nafallo: I don't recall having an announced maintance announcement | 10:13 |
beuno | and it's working for me :D | 10:13 |
mayeco | _SiLENT_: you can order cds here : https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ | 10:13 |
Nafallo | that's what I thought. | 10:13 |
mayeco | to order cds you need a launchpad account | 10:14 |
mayeco | so create and order the cd's | 10:14 |
_SiLENT_ | what is difference between ebuntu, kubuntu and ubuntu? | 10:17 |
mayeco | edubuntu is for kids and to learn | 10:18 |
_SiLENT_ | for me :) | 10:18 |
mayeco | kubuntu is ubuntu with kde desktop enviroment | 10:18 |
_SiLENT_ | wht is kde ? | 10:18 |
mayeco | and ubuntu is gnome | 10:18 |
mayeco | is a desktop enviroment | 10:18 |
mayeco | is like the look and feel | 10:18 |
_SiLENT_ | and what is gnome? | 10:18 |
mayeco | other desktop enviroment | 10:18 |
_SiLENT_ | kubuntu is like windows? | 10:19 |
mayeco | you can see some screenshoots in google | 10:19 |
mayeco | use "gnome" and find images | 10:19 |
mayeco | or "kde" and find images | 10:19 |
_SiLENT_ | ok thx | 10:19 |
_SiLENT_ | can i order all three ubuntus? | 10:19 |
mayeco | sure | 10:20 |
mayeco | but first you need a launchpad accout | 10:20 |
mayeco | account | 10:20 |
_SiLENT_ | *request | 10:20 |
_SiLENT_ | i did | 10:20 |
mayeco | go here: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ | 10:20 |
mayeco | login | 10:20 |
mayeco | with your launchpad email | 10:20 |
mayeco | and password | 10:20 |
_SiLENT_ | i already requested ubuntu | 10:21 |
mayeco | ahhh and you get it? | 10:21 |
_SiLENT_ | i am adding others | 10:21 |
_SiLENT_ | ebuntu | 10:21 |
mayeco | ahh ok | 10:21 |
_SiLENT_ | if version changes | 10:21 |
mayeco | they maybe.. send you edubuntu and kubuntu | 10:21 |
mayeco | the most common is ubuntu | 10:21 |
_SiLENT_ | will I be able to request again? | 10:22 |
mayeco | yes | 10:22 |
_SiLENT_ | I'm requesting to Russia, I wonder if it'll come :) | 10:22 |
mayeco | I request my cd's here | 10:22 |
mayeco | to Panama, Central america | 10:23 |
mayeco | and I get it here | 10:23 |
_SiLENT_ | is Ubuntu the best nix system? | 10:23 |
mayeco | Ubuntu is a distribution | 10:23 |
mayeco | but... I think is one of the best | 10:23 |
mayeco | there are many distributions | 10:24 |
_SiLENT_ | what other nixes are available? | 10:24 |
mayeco | suse, red hat, mandriva, debian(ubuntu father) etc..... | 10:24 |
mayeco | yes | 10:24 |
MFen | those are all linuxes | 10:24 |
mayeco | there are many manymany | 10:24 |
_SiLENT_ | ooohhh | 10:24 |
_SiLENT_ | I wanna know which is best | 10:24 |
_SiLENT_ | btw | 10:24 |
mayeco | you can see all here : http://distrowatch.com/ | 10:24 |
mayeco | maybe not all but most | 10:25 |
_SiLENT_ | the programs for linux | 10:25 |
MFen | you linux bigot :) openbsd, solaris, aix are others | 10:25 |
MFen | but you probably want ubuntu, based on your questions | 10:25 |
_SiLENT_ | they are compatible with all nix systems? | 10:25 |
MFen | it is the easiest to install, and is missing nothing | 10:25 |
_SiLENT_ | the same programs go for all nixes? | 10:25 |
MFen | no | 10:25 |
_SiLENT_ | no?? | 10:25 |
_SiLENT_ | different programs for different systems? | 10:26 |
MFen | it's complicated. a program compiled to run on one linux probably runs on most of the others | 10:26 |
_SiLENT_ | ok | 10:26 |
MFen | and openbsd as well, for that matter | 10:26 |
_SiLENT_ | openbsd is also nix> | 10:26 |
_SiLENT_ | ? | 10:26 |
MFen | yes. openbsd is unix, but it isn't linux. forget i said it, because what you want is ubuntu. | 10:27 |
_SiLENT_ | lol | 10:27 |
_SiLENT_ | unix linux | 10:27 |
_SiLENT_ | God help | 10:27 |
_SiLENT_ | :) | 10:27 |
_SiLENT_ | Ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu | 10:27 |
MFen | hey, windows isn't much better. there's about 8 versions of that too | 10:27 |
MFen | not even counting ultimate vs professional vs. corporate vs. chunky peanut butter flavors | 10:28 |
mayeco | hey | 10:28 |
_SiLENT_ | I know only three | 10:28 |
_SiLENT_ | we don't count obsolete ones! | 10:28 |
_SiLENT_ | 95, 98 Me | 10:29 |
mayeco | MFen: dont talk about how bad is windows, talk about how good ubuntu and gnu/linux | 10:29 |
mayeco | please | 10:29 |
_SiLENT_ | now is only XP and Vista | 10:29 |
MFen | i didn't say windows was bad | 10:29 |
MFen | anyway, this is all very offtopic | 10:29 |
mayeco | yes but... is not good | 10:29 |
mayeco | my opinion | 10:29 |
mayeco | offtopic right? | 10:29 |
_SiLENT_ | nix is harder | 10:29 |
mayeco | but KDE is very easy | 10:30 |
mayeco | you should try it | 10:30 |
_SiLENT_ | Kubuntu? | 10:30 |
mayeco | yeah | 10:30 |
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_SiLENT_ | ok, I finished requesting all three | 10:30 |
_SiLENT_ | will see | 10:30 |
mayeco | it's easy to use and very nice | 10:30 |
_SiLENT_ | in 6-10 weeks :) | 10:30 |
mayeco | :D | 10:30 |
MFen | ok, i'm off to install OS X. :P | 10:31 |
MFen | which is also unix! | 10:31 |
MFen | bbl | 10:31 |
mayeco | mmm wait | 10:31 |
mayeco | i dont remember | 10:31 |
_SiLENT_ | don't tell! | 10:31 |
mayeco | wiki | 10:31 |
_SiLENT_ | I am also going | 10:31 |
_SiLENT_ | thx for help | 10:31 |
_SiLENT_ | bye | 10:31 |
mayeco | ok | 10:31 |
mayeco | np | 10:32 |
mayeco | hey | 10:32 |
_SiLENT_ | wht? | 10:32 |
mayeco | and tell your friends they have options | 10:32 |
mayeco | not the same OS in the PCs ubuntu | 10:32 |
_SiLENT_ | wht options? | 10:32 |
mayeco | now you have ubuntu and many linux distros | 10:32 |
mayeco | not the same os | 10:32 |
mayeco | get it? | 10:32 |
_SiLENT_ | nope | 10:32 |
_SiLENT_ | what do u mean? | 10:33 |
badders | Is the code that lets you look over the source on codebrowse.launchpad.net open source and available anywhere? | 10:33 |
mayeco | that you now have options to install other operative sistem in your pcs | 10:33 |
_SiLENT_ | "and many linux distros" | 10:33 |
_SiLENT_ | ? | 10:33 |
mayeco | yes | 10:33 |
mayeco | I found it | 10:33 |
mayeco | is darwin | 10:33 |
_SiLENT_ | what distros | 10:33 |
mayeco | http://distrowatch.com/ | 10:33 |
mayeco | the Darwin is the macos nix | 10:34 |
mayeco | sooo | 10:34 |
mayeco | install in all your pcs | 10:34 |
mayeco | and tell all your friends do the same | 10:34 |
mayeco | :D | 10:34 |
_SiLENT_ | i will install ubuntu everywhere? | 10:35 |
mayeco | yes! | 10:35 |
mayeco | hehehe | 10:35 |
_SiLENT_ | u want me to promote ur free stuff, for short | 10:35 |
mayeco | install ubuntu in everywhere | 10:35 |
mayeco | you should do it | 10:35 |
_SiLENT_ | y | 10:35 |
mayeco | :D | 10:35 |
mayeco | that way we all win | 10:36 |
mayeco | and the bad guys lose | 10:36 |
_SiLENT_ | what if I am a commercial soft developer :D | 10:36 |
mayeco | you can help anyway | 10:36 |
_SiLENT_ | hey | 10:37 |
mayeco | with parts of code | 10:37 |
mayeco | what? | 10:37 |
_SiLENT_ | but windos is soooo compatible | 10:37 |
mayeco | yes | 10:37 |
_SiLENT_ | and nixes aren't | 10:37 |
mayeco | now we have free drivers and more compatible | 10:38 |
mayeco | now is diferent | 10:38 |
mayeco | is not like 4 or 5 years ago | 10:38 |
_SiLENT_ | i don't mean only hardware | 10:38 |
mayeco | we have more compatible and better drivers | 10:38 |
mayeco | what you mean? | 10:38 |
_SiLENT_ | software too | 10:38 |
_SiLENT_ | for example | 10:38 |
_SiLENT_ | IE ActiveX | 10:38 |
_SiLENT_ | is used in some e-bank I use | 10:39 |
mayeco | you can use you ie activeX in linux | 10:39 |
mayeco | you can run ie in ubuntu | 10:39 |
mayeco | www.tatanka.com.br/ | 10:39 |
_SiLENT_ | look, windos is as free to me as lininix is :) | 10:40 |
_SiLENT_ | wht should I worry | 10:40 |
mayeco | is not about the cost | 10:40 |
_SiLENT_ | about what? | 10:40 |
mayeco | ubuntu should cost more that 1000 dolars | 10:40 |
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mayeco | is about freedom | 10:40 |
mayeco | nodoby is in your pc, no spyware | 10:40 |
_SiLENT_ | wht free with ma WinXP :) | 10:40 |
_SiLENT_ | I am free | 10:41 |
mayeco | no company is lokking your stuff | 10:41 |
mayeco | no | 10:41 |
mayeco | with windows | 10:41 |
_SiLENT_ | it's exactly like that with me right now | 10:41 |
_SiLENT_ | no one locks me lol | 10:41 |
mayeco | the best spyware in the world is windows xp | 10:41 |
mayeco | that is not freedom... | 10:41 |
_SiLENT_ | no one spies me | 10:41 |
mayeco | the best spyware spy and the user dont know | 10:42 |
mayeco | becouse that is the best | 10:42 |
_SiLENT_ | lol | 10:42 |
mayeco | :D | 10:42 |
mayeco | is not about cost | 10:42 |
mayeco | is about freedom | 10:42 |
_SiLENT_ | exactly | 10:42 |
mayeco | :D | 10:42 |
_SiLENT_ | exactly | 10:42 |
_SiLENT_ | I am right now cost-free | 10:42 |
_SiLENT_ | and overall free | 10:42 |
_SiLENT_ | and also am free of investigating linux | 10:43 |
mayeco | yes | 10:43 |
mayeco | is nice | 10:43 |
_SiLENT_ | y should i lose the 3rd freedom? :) | 10:43 |
mayeco | mmmmmmm i dont get it | 10:43 |
mayeco | hehehhehee | 10:43 |
mayeco | check this | 10:43 |
mayeco | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_rights_management | 10:43 |
_SiLENT_ | i know what it is | 10:44 |
_SiLENT_ | I don't care | 10:44 |
mayeco | vista do that thing | 10:44 |
_SiLENT_ | it doesn't touch me | 10:44 |
_SiLENT_ | vista do it? | 10:44 |
mayeco | yes | 10:44 |
_SiLENT_ | how? | 10:44 |
_SiLENT_ | and where? | 10:44 |
mayeco | ahhaa I dont know | 10:44 |
mayeco | never use vista | 10:44 |
_SiLENT_ | lol | 10:44 |
mayeco | i just heard that | 10:44 |
mayeco | hahahahahhahaa | 10:44 |
_SiLENT_ | u know what i think? | 10:44 |
mayeco | i never touch a vista pc | 10:45 |
mayeco | what do you think? | 10:45 |
_SiLENT_ | i think everything will be okie-dokie with vista | 10:45 |
_SiLENT_ | as it was with XP and 98 | 10:45 |
_SiLENT_ | it will be nicely cracked and place in a nifty cd in local store here | 10:46 |
_SiLENT_ | *placed | 10:46 |
_SiLENT_ | and i will buy it for $2 | 10:46 |
_SiLENT_ | and thank Bill Gates | 10:46 |
_SiLENT_ | +pirates | 10:46 |
_SiLENT_ | :) | 10:46 |
_SiLENT_ | and try Ubuntu Mumuntu, see that is hard and throw it to dustbin | 10:47 |
_SiLENT_ | and say my friends not to try nix and lose their time | 10:47 |
_SiLENT_ | :P | 10:47 |
mayeco | yeah | 10:48 |
mayeco | that is nice | 10:48 |
_SiLENT_ | yes | 10:48 |
mayeco | but a ilegal copy of windows is bad | 10:48 |
mayeco | why? | 10:48 |
mayeco | becouse the make you use it.. | 10:48 |
_SiLENT_ | why is it bad? | 10:48 |
mayeco | they make you need it | 10:48 |
_SiLENT_ | it is as good as it is | 10:48 |
_SiLENT_ | for ne | 10:48 |
_SiLENT_ | *me | 10:49 |
mayeco | get it | 10:49 |
mayeco | if you use windows and only know windows | 10:49 |
mayeco | if you get a job they have to buy a windows for you | 10:49 |
_SiLENT_ | yes | 10:50 |
_SiLENT_ | their problem | 10:50 |
_SiLENT_ | lol | 10:50 |
mayeco | and in schools is the same | 10:50 |
_SiLENT_ | ok | 10:50 |
_SiLENT_ | if nix was common | 10:50 |
mayeco | they "donate" that software to the kids | 10:50 |
_SiLENT_ | it would be nice | 10:50 |
mayeco | and the kids only learn that os | 10:50 |
mayeco | yeah | 10:50 |
mayeco | would be nice to teach other os | 10:51 |
mayeco | and theach os that you can see the source code | 10:51 |
mayeco | and see how it works | 10:51 |
_SiLENT_ | when I was at school all computers had unlicensed windos copies lol | 10:51 |
mayeco | in my school to | 10:51 |
mayeco | but for years I only learn that system | 10:52 |
mayeco | and is bad | 10:52 |
_SiLENT_ | all in all u r right | 10:52 |
mayeco | I now have piece of my brain with that | 10:52 |
mayeco | wasted... | 10:52 |
_SiLENT_ | we should think about our future | 10:52 |
mayeco | yeah | 10:52 |
=== WebMaven [n=webmaven@nv-65-173-67-149.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
mayeco | like 200 years ago people fight you our freedom | 10:53 |
_SiLENT_ | but it would be good if all developers concentrated on one version of nix system | 10:53 |
mayeco | yeah... | 10:53 |
mayeco | but... | 10:53 |
mayeco | that will create another windows | 10:53 |
_SiLENT_ | so that there wouldn't be so many different ones | 10:53 |
_SiLENT_ | no | 10:53 |
mayeco | yes... | 10:53 |
mayeco | :D | 10:53 |
_SiLENT_ | if the whole world works on the same OS | 10:53 |
mayeco | the good thing is that you have may many flavors | 10:53 |
mayeco | for every pc and every specification | 10:54 |
mayeco | you can install in a 386 | 10:54 |
_SiLENT_ | ok | 10:54 |
mayeco | and in a atlhon 64bit.. | 10:54 |
_SiLENT_ | now I can't program | 10:54 |
_SiLENT_ | I am planning to learn | 10:54 |
mayeco | it's easy | 10:54 |
mayeco | is like moving from automatic car to a manual car | 10:54 |
_SiLENT_ | when I have energy and time, I will pay some attention to this problem | 10:55 |
mayeco | first time... the car will shutdown but in 2 weeks you can make it | 10:55 |
mayeco | :D | 10:55 |
_SiLENT_ | which is... | 10:55 |
_SiLENT_ | 2 years? | 10:55 |
mayeco | 2 weeks | 10:56 |
_SiLENT_ | but my plan was to earn good money by programming | 10:56 |
mayeco | in 2 years you will be a super linux developer | 10:56 |
_SiLENT_ | and it is not compatible with ur ideas | 10:56 |
mayeco | yeah | 10:56 |
_SiLENT_ | ok now I go | 10:57 |
_SiLENT_ | gotta sleep | 10:57 |
_SiLENT_ | thx for useful info | 10:57 |
mayeco | ok | 10:57 |
mayeco | bye | 10:58 |
_SiLENT_ | bye | 10:58 |
mayeco | ..... to much talking... | 10:58 |
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mpt | darn | 11:19 |
mpt | For future reference, the answer to badders' question was https://code.launchpad.net/loggerhead | 11:19 |
gnomefreak | for PPA does every binary in control have to have a Section bleh in it? | 11:33 |
kiko | I believe so -- just like regular packages, no? | 11:38 |
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LaserJock | kiko: ping | 11:46 |
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mayeco | can I make create a new project and register a new branch in launchpad just to learn and test the bzr? | 12:25 |
=== helix84 [n=a@adsl-dyn220.91-127-65.t-com.sk] has joined #launchpad | ||
LaserJock | mayeco: you should do that on demo.launchpad.net | 12:37 |
mayeco | ok! | 12:37 |
mayeco | thank you! | 12:37 |
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