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Arwen | An honest question: do you guys think that people really know that Linux (or any other "free" software) exists as an alternative to their proprietary systems? | 01:26 |
Pici | !offtopic | 01:27 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 01:27 |
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rikai | Arwen, yeah, definitily a good question for -offtopic. :D | 01:28 |
Arwen | meh, nobody's talking right now | 01:29 |
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pwnguin | so what exactly was the point of changing -386 to the default boot kernel? | 01:32 |
Arwen | they didn't | 01:32 |
Arwen | -generic is | 01:32 |
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pwnguin | lies | 01:33 |
pwnguin | i upgraded yesterday, and i get a surprise -386 kernel installed and defaulted | 01:33 |
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pwnguin | and wireless broke | 01:33 |
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Jack_Sparrow | May I have a link to dowload Gutsy...? | 01:35 |
s-x-u | !gutsy | 01:36 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 01:36 |
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s-x-u | http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | 01:37 |
Arwen | pwnguin, reinstall the generic one | 01:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | s-x-u: I got that... but is a link available? | 01:37 |
Arwen | probably just an apt failure | 01:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | Thanks | 01:37 |
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pwnguin | Arwen: its already installed, and -386 purged. just curious what the point of that whole affair was | 01:38 |
s-x-u | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/ | 01:39 |
Arwen | like I said, it was probably a failure in dependency handling | 01:39 |
s-x-u | this one sorry | 01:39 |
Arwen | it didn't happen to me | 01:39 |
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Jack_Sparrow | s-x-u: NP... Getting the Alt now.. | 01:40 |
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Sonicadvance1 | Oi, is Tribe 5 of Gutsy Stable enough for normal use? :P | 01:42 |
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sparr | since upgrade to gutsy, when i rotate my desktop with xrandr it doesnt resize, so i have a large black rectangle on one side | 01:44 |
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Arwen | Sonicadvance1, works fine here but I haven't tested any unusual use circumstances | 01:44 |
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Sonicadvance1 | I see, I tested Gutsy before there were any Tribe releases, was pretty unstable then :P | 01:45 |
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s-x-u | Sonicadvance1: it depends also on your hardware i think have gutsy running without problem | 01:46 |
goodhabit | Hello. How i can update my feisty to Gutsy? | 01:46 |
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Sonicadvance1 | It's a terminal command goodhabit | 01:47 |
s-x-u | sudo update-manager --help | 01:47 |
Sonicadvance1 | update-manager -d | 01:47 |
goodhabit | TY! | 01:48 |
Sonicadvance1 | aren't I such a good friend? | 01:48 |
s-x-u | or change your repository list | 01:48 |
deobfuscate | Anyone know when tribe 5 comes out | 01:48 |
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goodhabit | How i know have i gutsy repo on my mirror? | 01:48 |
goodhabit | *Or not. | 01:49 |
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jrib | goodhabit: ubuntu.com/testing you need to update update-manager first | 01:49 |
goodhabit | jrib: About learning how-to update-manager i understood. | 01:49 |
pwnguin | man, gpg is kicking my ass | 01:49 |
goodhabit | And how i can know have my remo it? | 01:50 |
jrib | goodhabit: what do you mean? | 01:50 |
pwnguin | gpg --send-key key-id <-- what is a key id? | 01:50 |
goodhabit | jrib: I have a mirror of repo on local network. How i can know, have that repo gutsy repo too? | 01:51 |
goodhabit | On have not. ) | 01:51 |
jrib | pwnguin: your name works, like 'jason' | 01:51 |
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jrib | pwnguin: technically though keyID is that 8 character hexadecimal string attached to your key I think | 01:52 |
rexy | are there any backports for gutsy yet from the .23 kernel tree? | 01:52 |
pwnguin | jrib: that sems more logical | 01:52 |
jrib | deobfuscate: yesterday? | 01:53 |
deobfuscate | heh | 01:55 |
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deobfuscate | release schedule bookmarked and downloading | 01:55 |
deobfuscate | How is it | 01:55 |
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goodhabit | Is it safe to update tu Gutsy now? | 01:59 |
Arwen | no | 01:59 |
Arwen | ot | 01:59 |
Arwen | it'll be "safe" when it's released | 01:59 |
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goodhabit | I mean +|- safe, I have used testing, unstable debian, ~ unstable (beta) distro Gentoo. And they was working ok with me. | 02:00 |
goodhabit | Is it really unsafe? | 02:01 |
Arwen | No. Hardly. | 02:01 |
goodhabit | Cuz release is soon. | 02:01 |
Arwen | Tribe 4 worked with a couple issues for me, tribe 5 seems fairly solid. | 02:01 |
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goodhabit | And about repo, Sorry for questions-repeating, but how can i know, have i necessary (and recomended) ) files at my local mirror? | 02:03 |
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chowmeined | What do I do with all these bugs I keep finding? | 02:34 |
jrib | chowmeined: see if they've been reported and if not report them bugs.ubuntu.com | 02:34 |
jrib | (and fix them if you want :)) | 02:34 |
chowmeined | im not sure i know how, but ive already found 4 in the installer | 02:35 |
chowmeined | i dont even have it installed yet | 02:35 |
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chowmeined | not sure i know how to fix them* | 02:36 |
jrib | I was kind of kidding about fixing them, reporting them is a big help | 02:36 |
chowmeined | ok, ill go report them (if they dont already exist) | 02:36 |
jrib | chowmeined: great, thanks! | 02:36 |
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jrib | chowmeined: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReportingBugs might be helpful | 02:38 |
chowmeined | thanks | 02:39 |
chowmeined | hmm, that was was already reported back for feisty.. its still in gutsy | 02:40 |
chowmeined | that one was* | 02:40 |
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rexy | yeah one that plagues me was too :/ | 02:40 |
chowmeined | the manual partition editor takes like 5 seconds to refresh every time you add/modify a partition with it | 02:41 |
chowmeined | in the installer | 02:41 |
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rexy | anything useful in the logs? | 02:42 |
chowmeined | its just how it was designed... | 02:42 |
chowmeined | that part needs to be rewritten to put all the partition settings into a data structure, and then when they click next to batch perform all the operations at once | 02:43 |
rexy | sleep(3600^random()); P? | 02:43 |
pwnguin | has displayconfig worked for anybody? | 02:43 |
chowmeined | no it rescans the partition tables every time you change an option | 02:43 |
chowmeined | like if you want to change a partition from ext3 to xfs.. or add a partition to the list of ones you want.. it rescans every time (doesnt actually do it until later) but rescans anyways | 02:43 |
rexy | it doesnt make any changes then, so that would seem a bit pointless | 02:44 |
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chowmeined | exactly | 02:45 |
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carla | hello, can someone help me with ubuntu? i just installed it. when i reboot my laptop it tells me to choose between ubuntu kernel generic or windows xp. when i clik on ubuntu generic, it takes me to a command screen. from there i don't know what to do besides entering my user name and password. | 03:00 |
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carla | any help? | 03:02 |
carla | advice? | 03:03 |
carla | what command should i type to enter the system? | 03:04 |
w00t | you (probably) want #ubuntu - this channel is for testing the development version | 03:04 |
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Arwen | Can someone test the "device database" tool? It gets stuck at "video" for me. | 03:09 |
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kduboi1 | what is the difference between the libwnck18 and libwnck22 packages? | 03:53 |
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Arwen | one is newer | 03:55 |
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kduboi1 | yeah, but why did they change the package name instead of the version? it breaks the installs of lots of eyecandy... | 03:56 |
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hrp2171 | hello, i would like to update my 7.04 to gutsy over the net. where do i find out info on what to put in sources.list | 03:58 |
kduboi1 | nevermind, apparently both can exist peacefully on the same system... | 03:58 |
hrp2171 | not the final but the interim release | 03:59 |
kduboi1 | hrp2171: you can get a cd, or do update-manager -d, i think (i might be wrong...) | 03:59 |
hrp2171 | basically i want to keep up with devel releases up until final and so on | 03:59 |
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pwnguin | neat. my custom gnome launcher is broke | 04:08 |
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Assid | hrmm | 04:12 |
Assid | opengl + compiz on nvidia = hell | 04:13 |
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teajay | Hello, anyone feel nicely enough to help me with a problem? | 04:25 |
Arwen | depends on the problem | 04:25 |
teajay | hehe | 04:25 |
teajay | yeah | 04:25 |
teajay | I'm getting two errors while trying to upgrade to Tribe | 04:26 |
mamefan | Is there any support for Artec T14A USB HD Tuner? | 04:26 |
Arwen | teajay, they are? | 04:26 |
teajay | warning: could not initiate dbus | 04:26 |
teajay | current dist not found in meta-release file | 04:26 |
Assid | updating to tribe ? your updating via apt ? | 04:26 |
teajay | I've been doing some searching to no avail | 04:26 |
teajay | update-manager | 04:26 |
Arwen | hmm, that one again. Sorry, no clue what the deal is with it. | 04:26 |
SeveredCross | Another guy was getting that earlier. | 04:27 |
Assid | not sure.. as far as i know.. apt should update without any issue | 04:27 |
Arwen | if you're feeling lucky, you can change "feisty" with "gutsy" in your sources.list and force a dist-upgrade | 04:27 |
Assid | actually thats what i did | 04:27 |
SeveredCross | You could always go the brute way and sed -i /etc/apt/sources.list -e 's/feisty/gutsy/g' and then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 04:27 |
teajay | did that work? | 04:27 |
SeveredCross | That should work without any issues, it worked perfectly for me. | 04:27 |
teajay | ok | 04:27 |
Assid | me too | 04:27 |
mamefan | That method got me to gutsy without too much trouble. | 04:28 |
Assid | !sources | 04:28 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 04:28 |
Assid | !easysource | 04:28 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 04:28 |
Arwen | can cause issues / need fixing if you have a lot of hacked/local packages | 04:28 |
Assid | there.. that one | 04:28 |
teajay | thanks | 04:28 |
teajay | i'll give that a shot | 04:28 |
=== Assid goes back to coding php | ||
gnomefreak | Assid: dont use easy source please as it hasnt been kept up since edgy/early feisty | 04:29 |
mamefan | Any advice on the Artec T14A USB HD tuner? I'd really like to get it working in Linux so I can ditch the Windows partition. | 04:29 |
Assid | really? | 04:29 |
Assid | actually i had got my hands on someones sources.list | 04:30 |
Assid | the nick at the moment however escapes me | 04:30 |
Assid | you know.. we need some better suport for synching stuff.. like mobile phones and stuff | 04:30 |
Assid | its painful to do it in linux | 04:30 |
Assid | i mean look at mac's isync .. and ofcourse i cant really compare windows 3rd party cause thats what people mainly develop for | 04:31 |
Assid | but seriously tho, it gets painful to sync it | 04:32 |
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chowmeined | mamefan: not sure | 04:33 |
teajay | hrmm | 04:34 |
teajay | http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main libc6-dev 2.6.1-0ubuntu1 | 04:34 |
teajay | is what it's downloading from now | 04:34 |
teajay | so I guess im updating to Gutsy | 04:35 |
teajay | Grading sorry | 04:35 |
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Mulder | will gusty have /dev/parport0 created automagically? | 04:36 |
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rockets | Mulder, is that for a paralell port? | 04:42 |
Mulder | yes | 04:42 |
rockets | just curious | 04:42 |
Mulder | the character device file isnt created by default in feisty | 04:42 |
Mulder | i could just mknod it myself | 04:42 |
Mulder | but i'm curious as to why itwas even removed | 04:42 |
rockets | no idea, i know nothing about paralell ports under linux, i was just curious | 04:43 |
Mulder | ah ok | 04:43 |
rockets | sorry man :-( | 04:43 |
Mulder | no problem | 04:43 |
rockets | Mulder, this is in tribe 5 right | 04:44 |
Mulder | oh i havent got gutsy installed | 04:44 |
Mulder | am just wondering if this behaviour is being inherented in gusty | 04:44 |
Mulder | heh | 04:44 |
=== Mulder uses feisty | ||
rockets | oh | 04:44 |
Mulder | inherited | 04:45 |
rockets | maybe ask in #ubuntu-dev | 04:45 |
Mulder | ah | 04:45 |
SeveredCross | Bah, it's too bad there's no way to see the speed of a copy operation while it's going. | 04:45 |
rockets | they might know a bit more about future plans | 04:45 |
SeveredCross | KDE does it, but GNOME doesn't. | 04:45 |
rockets | SeveredCross, there is in kde | 04:45 |
rockets | yeah. | 04:45 |
rockets | F0r | 04:45 |
rockets | For "simplicity's sake" | 04:45 |
Mulder | SeveredCross, strace it | 04:45 |
rockets | A non-geek user will be like wtf im not downloading something | 04:45 |
SeveredCross | Yeah. | 04:46 |
Mulder | if it's not memory to memory copying, it will call read/write calls that will show up in strace | 04:46 |
SeveredCross | I'd really just like to see it because I'm curious about the throughput of my external HDD. | 04:46 |
rockets | Mulder, yeah but to calculate what they mean on the fly in your head, come on | 04:46 |
rockets | SeveredCross, search synaptic for HD burnin or something | 04:46 |
chowmeined | does the plugin finder even work? | 04:46 |
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Mulder | well, no heh but it's a good thing to keep in mind if you ever suspect the program has crashed | 04:47 |
gnomefreak | chowmeined: atm it is broken | 04:47 |
SeveredCross | Well, I always do cp -v | 04:47 |
chowmeined | oh | 04:47 |
chowmeined | so much for that | 04:47 |
gnomefreak | we were testing it this morning | 04:47 |
rockets | i use grsync | 04:47 |
SeveredCross | Oh, I forgot about rsync. | 04:47 |
SeveredCross | That's good. | 04:47 |
rockets | nah | 04:47 |
gnomefreak | chowmeined: i am unable to reproduce the complaints so its not on all systems | 04:47 |
rockets | not rsync | 04:47 |
rockets | grsync | 04:47 |
SeveredCross | Same idea. | 04:47 |
SeveredCross | :- | 04:47 |
rockets | yeah | 04:47 |
SeveredCross | I did totally forget about it. | 04:48 |
gnomefreak | night | 04:48 |
SeveredCross | WTH it skipped a bunch of stuff... | 04:49 |
SeveredCross | rsync: readlink "/media/sda6/music/Iron & Wine" failed: Input/output error (5) | 04:49 |
SeveredCross | Is it because of spaces in the path? | 04:49 |
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SeveredCross | Fuck it, I'll just put up with the lack of information. | 04:54 |
SeveredCross | I feel like even Ctrl-C is missing some files. | 04:55 |
SeveredCross | Oh fuck, I'm getting I/O errors on the disk...Shit. | 04:56 |
RAOF | !ohmy | SeveredCross | 04:57 |
ubotu | SeveredCross: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:57 |
RAOF | Also, yes. You would appear to be in trouble :) | 04:57 |
SeveredCross | Not more bad sectors..This would be my second failing drive. | 04:57 |
SeveredCross | I wonder if it's just a hosed NTFS partition... | 04:58 |
RAOF | Maybe. Booted into windows lately? | 04:59 |
SeveredCross | Not since I deleted my Windows partition. | 05:00 |
SeveredCross | ^_^ | 05:00 |
SeveredCross | I should've converted that partition when I still had space to shuffle things around. | 05:00 |
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SeveredCross | Now ntfsresize won't let me resize, so I had to go out and buy an external HDD. | 05:00 |
SeveredCross | Good thing I did, if this one is dying like my first one did, I'll need it. | 05:00 |
RAOF | Oh. You've got an ntfs partition you can't repair the errors on. Hm. | 05:00 |
SeveredCross | I've booted up Win XP inside qemu and ran chkdsk still no dice. | 05:01 |
SeveredCross | chkdsk says it can't write to a readable spot. | 05:01 |
SeveredCross | So I think either the partition is badly hosed or the drive is going. | 05:01 |
RAOF | Can you mount partitons inside qemu? Cool. | 05:02 |
=== RAOF didn't actually know that :) | ||
SeveredCross | Yep. | 05:02 |
SeveredCross | You can pass them as physical disks. | 05:02 |
SeveredCross | You have to be root, but you can just pass something like -hdb /dev/sda5 | 05:02 |
SeveredCross | And it'll look like a physical disk to qemu. | 05:02 |
RAOF | Aaaaaaah. Right. | 05:02 |
SeveredCross | Wow. I can't believe I'm only getting 9 MB/s transfer rate. | 05:04 |
SeveredCross | Internal HDD to external HDD, USB2.0 | 05:05 |
SeveredCross | The external is a 3.5", 7200 rpm drive. | 05:05 |
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jscinoz_ | hey guys | 05:21 |
jscinoz_ | How can i reinstall gtk? | 05:21 |
Arwen | apt-get install --reinstall <package names> | 05:22 |
jscinoz_ | what is the main gtk package? | 05:23 |
Arwen | libgtk2.0 | 05:23 |
jscinoz_ | cheers | 05:23 |
Arwen | libgtk2.0-0* | 05:23 |
jscinoz_ | alright running the command now, lets see if it works | 05:24 |
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anderbubble | I've got an HP LaserJet 1000 installed and configured, but Cups won't print a test page: "Printer not connected: will retry in 30 seconds..." | 05:25 |
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jscinoz_ | gah didnt work, when i try to log in i get "GTK Warning: this process is currently running setuid or setgid" and then it logs me out, what can i do? | 05:29 |
alex_mayorga | hello, anyone can help me to get back running after 2.6.22-10 broke gnome? | 05:31 |
alex_mayorga | after I log into gdm the desktop tries to load and then crashes back to gdm | 05:32 |
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alex_mayorga | I get to see the panels up and down for a couple of seconds, thanks in advance | 05:32 |
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noir | Where is the applications menu icon stored in gutsy, i tried replacing distributor-logo.svg and its not changing. | 05:36 |
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RAdams | Does anyone have sound working in Pidgin on Gusty Tribe 4? | 05:41 |
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alex_mayorga | I do, not sure on what tribe I am right now, though | 05:42 |
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RAdams | alex_mayorga, did it work out of the box for you? | 05:42 |
DanaG | Wow, this here old laptop only has 72 wakeups per second. | 05:43 |
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DanaG | When I'm on my Core Duo system, I get in the 600s, at least. | 05:44 |
RAdams | DanaG, it's a deep sleeper | 05:44 |
RAdams | :D | 05:44 |
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DanaG | And a re-frickin-diculously hot-running laptop. | 05:44 |
DanaG | it idles at 70 C and hits up to 89 at load. | 05:44 |
RAdams | lol | 05:44 |
DanaG | And the fan doesn't turn on until 75. | 05:45 |
RAdams | George Foreman Laptop Grille | 05:45 |
RAdams | patent it | 05:45 |
alex_mayorga | RAdams, yes, luckily :) | 05:45 |
DanaG | I like some HP stuff, but this cheapo laptop is a 'you get what you pay for' kind of thing. | 05:45 |
RAdams | alex_mayorga, what is the sound method? automatic? | 05:45 |
RAdams | and are you using (default) for the event sounds? | 05:46 |
rikai | 600s in what? | 05:46 |
DanaG | It's an Athlon XP 1400, yet they try to cool it with a tiny heatsink about the size of a pack of gum. | 05:46 |
rikai | @ DanaG | 05:46 |
RAdams | riaki: (23:43:54) DanaG: Wow, this here old laptop only has 72 wakeups per secon | 05:46 |
DanaG | 600 or so wakeups on the Core Duo machine. Currently, it's being sent in for service, which is why I'm using he old laptop. | 05:46 |
RAdams | or as I like to call it | 05:47 |
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RAdams | the LapToaster 5000 XC | 05:47 |
DanaG | I named this system 'amaterasu'. | 05:47 |
alex_mayorga | RAdams, Intle 82801CA-ICH3 (Alsa mixer) | 05:47 |
RAdams | DanaG, how fitting ^^ | 05:47 |
DanaG | This old laptop is a Pavilion ZE1210. My good laptop is a Gateway M685. | 05:47 |
DanaG | The Gateway has the love-it-or-hate-it behavior of always leaving the fan on when connected to AC power. | 05:48 |
alex_mayorga | RAdams, and in Pidgin it's Automatic | 05:48 |
RAdams | alex_mayorga, using custom Sound command or just "ALSA" from the popup box? | 05:48 |
RAdams | oh | 05:48 |
RAdams | ok | 05:48 |
RAdams | ty | 05:48 |
alex_mayorga | np | 05:48 |
RAdams | tinkering brb | 05:48 |
rikai | I'm glad, all the laptops/desktops i've set up jsut worked. | 05:48 |
DanaG | I need a better hostname for the good laptop; my current hostname 'm685' is rather, er, unimaginative. | 05:48 |
alex_mayorga | any idea of my new problem on my laptop? | 05:48 |
RAdams | found the problem | 05:50 |
RAdams | alsa isn't working :| | 05:50 |
RAdams | NVidia nForce3 - IEC958 | 05:50 |
RAdams | test tone is silent | 05:50 |
RAdams | but I hear sound in the system, rhythmbox, etc | 05:50 |
RAdams | :| | 05:50 |
DanaG | I tried hwdb-gui on this laptop, and it stalled when showing the caption "Video" but showing the question from Audio. | 05:51 |
DanaG | s/ when /, / | 05:51 |
alex_mayorga | can anyone take a look, please https://answers.launchpad.net/gnome-desktop/+question/12139 | 05:52 |
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RAdams | alex_mayorga: please post the contents of your most recent gdm log | 05:54 |
RAdams | /var/log/gdm | 05:54 |
RAdams | put it in pastebin.org | 05:54 |
RAdams | or the pastebin that floats your boat :) | 05:54 |
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SeveredCross | Obviam marinus := := := O:= := := := | 05:56 |
SeveredCross | Oops. | 05:56 |
SeveredCross | Sorry! | 05:56 |
RAdams | aren't we all | 05:56 |
Solarion | is the new xorg-video-ati xrandr 1.2 support going to be pulled in to gutsy, or do wa have to wait for gutsy+1? | 05:57 |
RAdams | gstreamer-properties only gives a test tone when the output is set to either Automatic or ALSA with the Default card selected... but not with my nVidia nForce3 device selected... the only sound card I have. How odd. | 05:58 |
RAdams | anyone know where pidgin's sound files are stored? | 06:00 |
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rikai | I want them to replace esd with pulseaudio already... :/ | 06:03 |
rikai | RAdams, /usr/share/sounds/purple i think? | 06:04 |
RAdams | rikai, checking | 06:04 |
rikai | makes sense, since the libary for pidgin is named libpurple. | 06:04 |
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rikai | *library | 06:04 |
=== RAdams gives rikai a gold star | ||
rikai | lol, second one today. :D | 06:04 |
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p54A1E9BC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
RAOF | Solarion: I believe that the xorg maintainer wants to pull the xrandr 1.2 driver. And you can help by testing it! | 06:06 |
jscinoz_ | Alright, I asked before and no one even bothered to reply, i have aserious problem which results in be being unable to login to X properly. Basically whenever i login from GDM, i get an error stating something about Gtk running setgid or setuid. I am then dropped back to GDM. I'm currently typing this from BitchX, as i obviously cant login. How can i fix this problem? | 06:06 |
RAdams | jscinoz_: can you post the output of your most recent gdm log? | 06:07 |
RAdams | /var/log/gdm | 06:07 |
jscinoz_ | one second | 06:08 |
RAdams | jscinoz_: It's been awhile, but as I recall you can send that log as an email using pine | 06:08 |
jscinoz_ | pine? let me install it | 06:08 |
jscinoz_ | "pine has no installation candidate" | 06:09 |
RAdams | >.> | 06:09 |
RAdams | It was another distro, most likely | 06:09 |
jscinoz_ | and aside from that GDM is fine, its my actual session that fails | 06:09 |
jscinoz_ | something about Gtk using setuid or setgid | 06:10 |
RAdams | oh wait | 06:10 |
RAdams | I saw something on that | 06:10 |
RAdams | sec | 06:10 |
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jscinoz_ | Radams? | 06:12 |
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CydeSwype | hey gang. working on getting sound restored. can someone point me to a good intro to debugging sound? not sure if it's a gutsy issue or not (not bug ticket in launchpad) | 06:13 |
CydeSwype | !audio | 06:13 |
RAdams | jscinoz_: I'm looking for it | 06:13 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 06:13 |
RAOF | CydeSwype: hda_intel? | 06:13 |
jscinoz_ | alright | 06:13 |
CydeSwype | RAOF: believe so, modprobe will tell me right? | 06:13 |
RAdams | jscinoz_: do you have lynx installed, or another text-based browser so you can view a low-fi post from the ubuntu forum? | 06:16 |
RAdams | I found what I had seen | 06:16 |
CydeSwype | RAOF: aplay lists hda intel. i take it that's a known issue then? | 06:16 |
RAdams | Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or setgid. | 06:17 |
RAdams | This is not a supported use of GTK+ | 06:17 |
jscinoz_ | tyes Radams | 06:17 |
jscinoz_ | yes* | 06:17 |
RAdams | is that the error, jscinoz_ | 06:17 |
RAdams | ok | 06:17 |
RAdams | one moment | 06:17 |
RAdams | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=520698 | 06:17 |
jscinoz_ | tyes | 06:17 |
jscinoz_ | hang on | 06:17 |
alex_mayorga | RAdams, any chance I see the same? | 06:18 |
CydeSwype | btw, sound was working on previous kernel (-9) | 06:18 |
jscinoz_ | ill try the things it says on that | 06:18 |
alex_mayorga | I'll have a hard time managing to extract the logs :s I'm yet a bit n00b :) | 06:18 |
jscinoz_ | Cydwype, my sound also died with .10 | 06:18 |
RAOF | CydeSwype: You'd be interested in bug #131368 | 06:19 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 131368 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "Dell 1420n audio not supported under Gutsy" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131368 | 06:19 |
CydeSwype | RAOF: perfect. thanks! i'll subscribe | 06:19 |
RAOF | CydeSwype: I'm just testing that proposed fix at the moment. | 06:19 |
RAOF | (It takes a while to rebuild l-u-m) | 06:20 |
jscinoz_ | Radams, what am i looking for in that thread? | 06:20 |
jscinoz_ | most of that refers to ATI, im using an nvidia card | 06:21 |
jscinoz_ | which was working fine until yesterday, when i tried to update my alsa-drivers from source and one of them messed with gtk somehow | 06:21 |
RAdams | jscinoz_: the update you ran likely contained a gtk+ program attempting to run under setuid, which is a no-no. Hence, the crash | 06:23 |
jscinoz_ | so how can i fix it? | 06:23 |
RAdams | Can you remove the driver patch? | 06:23 |
jscinoz_ | already have | 06:23 |
jscinoz_ | and i've tried reinstalling libgtk2.0-0 from console, no luck | 06:23 |
jscinoz_ | >_< | 06:26 |
jscinoz_ | any ideas RAdams? | 06:28 |
Solarion | RAOF: I'd be glad to help test | 06:28 |
RAdams | jscinoz_: let me think about it. removing the driver patch should have done it... you might need to reconfigure several packages... >.< | 06:28 |
jscinoz_ | what commands? | 06:29 |
jscinoz_ | and to think simply because of the .10 kernel killing my sound, i've now hosed GTK... | 06:33 |
RAdams | jscinoz_: post in the gusty tribe 4 forum as well, in case someone there thinks of an idea | 06:34 |
jscinoz_ | i highly doubt elinks will let me post in a forum.. | 06:35 |
jscinoz_ | theres got to be a way to return GTK to its normal state somehow | 06:36 |
RAdams | jscinoz_ sorry, forgot you don't have another system. I'll post it for you. what's your forum name? | 06:38 |
RAdams | I'll post under my name and mention yours | 06:38 |
jscinoz_ | jscinoz not to sure if i have an acct | 06:38 |
jscinoz_ | i think i do though | 06:38 |
alex_mayorga | RAdams, what output did you ask before? | 06:38 |
RAdams | alex_mayorga: /var/log/gdm | 06:38 |
RAdams | inside are several logs. the most recent one is the one we need to look at | 06:39 |
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crackerbox | the new printing system looks great | 06:40 |
crackerbox | is there a back port of it for fesity? | 06:40 |
jscinoz_ | just thinking if it says GTK is running setgid or setuid, is there a way to remove those from the process? | 06:41 |
RAdams | jscinoz_: dpkg-reconfigure libgtk2.0-0 (TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK) | 06:41 |
RAdams | it might bork your gtk even further... gtk is crotchety | 06:42 |
RAdams | but it might also work | 06:42 |
RAdams | :| | 06:42 |
jscinoz_ | talright | 06:42 |
jscinoz_ | hango n | 06:42 |
jscinoz_ | done, ill see what happens when i log on this time | 06:43 |
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jscinoz_ | no change. | 06:43 |
RAdams | jscinoz_: can you type a forum post for me to paste into ubuntu forums? I'll give you a link to the lo-fi thread so you can read what people post | 06:45 |
jscinoz_ | alright hang on a min | 06:45 |
khermans_ | anyone here running gutsy on x86_64? | 06:46 |
khermans_ | open("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmozjs.so", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) | 06:46 |
khermans_ | strace is showing that firefox wont run due to 64-bit libs being whacked | 06:46 |
khermans_ | worked a week ago or so | 06:46 |
jscinoz_ | "Hey everyone, I'm running Ubuntu 7.10 Tribe 4 on a Dell XPS M1330. The most recent kernel update (.10) caused my sound to stop working. After trying to fix this problem by manually installing a newer alsa-driver from source, I can no longer log in. When i log in from GDM i get an error about GTK running setuid or setgid. I've since uninstalled the custom alsa driver, but this has not fixed my problem. My only way to ask for he | 06:47 |
jscinoz_ | behalf) How can i fix this?" | 06:48 |
RAOF | khermans_: Work *right now* for me. | 06:48 |
jscinoz_ | hows that Radoms? | 06:48 |
jscinoz_ | radams* | 06:48 |
khermans_ | RAOF, can you look at your strace? | 06:48 |
khermans_ | do you have a libe/x86_64-linux-gnu directory? | 06:49 |
RAdams | jscinoz_: My only way to ask for he... message truncated | 06:50 |
RAdams | everything before that looks fine | 06:50 |
jscinoz_ | alright hang on ill type after that | 06:50 |
jscinoz_ | ...lp is through BitchX (console irc client) or elinks (RAdams is posting this on my behalf). What can i do to fix my gtk problem?" | 06:51 |
alex_mayorga | RAdams, a bunch of DISPATCH ERROR! _glapi_add_dispatch failed to add glVertexAttrib4iv! and DISPATCH ERROR! _glapi_add_dispatch failed to add glVertexAttrib4bv! DISPATCH ERROR! _glapi_add_dispatch failed to add glVertexAttrib4ubv! DISPATCH ERROR! _glapi_add_dispatch failed to add glVertexAttrib4usv! DISPATCH ERROR! _glapi_add_dispatch failed to add glVertexAttrib4uiv! | 06:51 |
RAdams | alex_mayorga: there's a bug for that on launchpad. try searching launchpad for "_glapi_add_dispatch failed to add" | 06:52 |
alex_mayorga | OK | 06:52 |
jscinoz_ | RAdam's have you got the link to the lofi version of the thread? | 06:53 |
alex_mayorga | RAdams, I guess I suck at searching :( | 06:56 |
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RAdams | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3249120 | 06:58 |
RAdams | jscinoz_: trying to find the lowfi version, one moment | 06:59 |
jscinoz_ | alright thanks | 07:00 |
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RAdams | jscinoz_ I cannot find out a way to switch to "lo-fi" >.< see if this is readable... http://ubuntuforums.org/printthread.php?t=534243 | 07:01 |
jscinoz_ | yeah that is, but thats the wrong thread i think | 07:02 |
RAdams | http://ubuntuforums.org/printthread.php?t=534243 | 07:03 |
RAdams | shows correct for me | 07:03 |
jscinoz_ | shows some thread about wifi for me | 07:03 |
RAdams | .__. | 07:03 |
jscinoz_ | dont worry, the full version displays well enough | 07:04 |
RAdams | k lol | 07:04 |
RAdams | >.< | 07:04 |
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RAdams | I'm going to bed, but I've marked your forum thread to see what happens. Good luck! | 07:04 |
jscinoz_ | Alright thanks | 07:04 |
jscinoz_ | im going to go watch TV or something CLI linux isn't much fun >_< | 07:05 |
RAdams | lol | 07:05 |
RAdams | night | 07:05 |
jscinoz_ | you too | 07:05 |
jscinoz_ | :) | 07:05 |
RAdams | :) | 07:05 |
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Dana1 | Hmm, trying to use either ShadowFB or EXA on savage results in visual corruption. | 07:07 |
Assid | argh | 07:09 |
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MrChicken | Hello | 07:10 |
MrChicken | I'm trying to find a php4 deb package for gutsy | 07:10 |
Assid | MrChicken: move to php5 | 07:10 |
Assid | php4 has reached EOL | 07:11 |
MrChicken | Assid... I will be, but it takes time to migrate a big project into php5 | 07:11 |
MrChicken | and I kinda wanted to move to gutsy | 07:12 |
Assid | yuo might have to do it from source.. | 07:12 |
Assid | php developers themselves dont support php4 anymore | 07:12 |
Assid | so i cant think why kubuntu release maintainers would want to have the headaches to manage them | 07:13 |
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MrChicken | hehe right :( | 07:13 |
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Dana1 | What exactly is shadowfb? | 07:15 |
CydeSwype | MrChicken: php from source is pretty straightforward | 07:15 |
CydeSwype | so long as you don't need a ton of modules compiled in | 07:15 |
MrChicken | I just need php as an apache module | 07:16 |
Assid | you will need more than that | 07:17 |
Assid | like mysql/pgsql support and a few things here and there | 07:17 |
Assid | so you could just install php from source.. as i said | 07:17 |
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Adlai | what happened to xwinwrap/has it been replaced by something | 07:22 |
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Dana1 | !search zd1211.ko feisty | 07:28 |
ubotu | Found: fawn, slow, nvu, audacious, deluge, kde, shipit, feisty, pidgin, releaseparty | 07:28 |
Dana1 | whaaaaaaa? | 07:28 |
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DanaG | !help search | 07:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about help search - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:28 |
Assid | how come avant window navigator never made it to gutsy ? | 07:29 |
RAOF | Assid: Because noone packaged it. | 07:29 |
Assid | :( and i cant even get it to run from source | 07:29 |
RAOF | There's a Debian ITP for it, it'll probably make it into gutsy+1 | 07:29 |
RAOF | Assid: These facts may well be related :) | 07:30 |
Assid | you ever managed to get it running | 07:30 |
RAOF | Yeah. | 07:30 |
RAOF | But it's not really useful. | 07:30 |
RAOF | It's not as good a task bar as gnome-panel, basically. | 07:31 |
RAOF | It's shiny, though. | 07:31 |
Assid | hrmm gnome panel doesnt give you something like how mac's dock work | 07:33 |
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RAOF | Assid: Neither really does awn. | 07:33 |
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Assid | eh ? | 07:34 |
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fsckr | hmm how come nvidia-glx 9755 driver isnt' in repos? only option i have is 100.14.11 and 9639, 7185 | 07:39 |
fsckr | i would like to downgrade from 100.14.11 to 9755 | 07:39 |
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DanaG | You can dig around on a mirror for older debs. | 07:40 |
pavka | hello all | 07:40 |
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fsckr | DanaG, i just uninstalled the 100.14.11 and I'll download 9755 from nvidia | 07:41 |
alex_mayorga | any help with https://answers.launchpad.net/gnome-desktop/+question/12139 | 07:41 |
pavka | everybody knows why dont working output to ttyS0 in xen kernel (gutsy)? In generic kernel it works. | 07:41 |
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CydeSwype | Assid, do you need help installing awn? | 07:50 |
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CydeSwype | i can probably walk you through | 07:50 |
CydeSwype | it has a good number of packages needed to build it | 07:50 |
Assid | sure.. i did make install. i have the preferences icon in the menu | 07:50 |
Assid | hwoever when i run it nothing happens | 07:50 |
CydeSwype | and like RAOF said, it's not exactly like mac dock, but i think it's pretty darned close | 07:50 |
CydeSwype | have you tried running from command line? | 07:51 |
fsckr | ok uninstalling nvidia-glx-new and installing 9755 didnt work. when I installed 9755 i got module glx missing error. How do I successfully downgrade from 100.14.11 to 9755 in gutsy? | 07:51 |
CydeSwype | that would show you if an error was occurring | 07:51 |
Assid | CydeSwype: http://assid.pastebin.com/d566bd595 | 07:51 |
CydeSwype | fsckr, i was having trouble with glx recently...my solution was to install a different glx (new for me) and then reactivate in restricted drivers. restricted driver manager wasn't installing properly until i forced something else in it's place | 07:53 |
CydeSwype | but that's not exactly downgrading...just another solution to consider | 07:53 |
CydeSwype | assid, when was the last time you did a bzr update and re-made it? | 07:53 |
Assid | bzr update ? | 07:54 |
CydeSwype | the project is VERY active and there's an update almost daily | 07:54 |
fsckr | well CydeSwype gutsy repos doesn't have nvidia-glx 9755 drivers it has everything in between... | 07:54 |
CydeSwype | bzr is bazaar, it's like subversion or any other repository | 07:54 |
Assid | oh.. hrmm dont have that | 07:54 |
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Assid | hmm speaking of glx.. i wonder if i should use the nvidia drivers from the site | 07:55 |
CydeSwype | assid, https://launchpad.net/awn | 07:55 |
CydeSwype | you'll need to install bazaar (via apt-get) | 07:55 |
CydeSwype | then you can grab the source and build | 07:55 |
Assid | yeah downloading bzr now | 07:55 |
CydeSwype | cool | 07:55 |
Assid | although http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~awn-core/awn/trunk is down | 07:56 |
CydeSwype | fsckr, yeah, i was running some other version before the -10 kernel upgrade which hosed me | 07:56 |
Assid | so i got the sources somewhere else | 07:56 |
CydeSwype | i had to grab fresh, default drivers via the restricted driver manager | 07:56 |
fsckr | i can successfully uninstall 100.14.11 but when I install 9755 glx fails to load and me doesn't understand | 07:57 |
fsckr | :) | 07:57 |
Assid | CydeSwype: doesnt work for me | 07:58 |
Assid | Installed schema `/schemas/apps/avant-window-navigator/title/font_size' for locale `C' | 07:58 |
Assid | make[3] : *** [install-data-local] Error 1 | 07:58 |
Assid | make[3] : Leaving directory `/opt/sysinstaller/avant-window-navigator-0.1.1/data' | 07:58 |
grumpymole | Assid: There is also a script getAWN.sh that will automatically downoad latest bzr updates for AWN, compile them and relaunch AWN, if you want to stay up-to-date with the latest bzr developments | 07:58 |
Assid | grumpymole: the bzr resource is down | 07:59 |
grumpymole | link here: http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2007/08/awn-staying-up-to-date-with-latest.html | 07:59 |
Assid | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~awn-core/awn/trunk | 07:59 |
grumpymole | i see, but when it up again | 07:59 |
Assid | been 2 weeks since ive been trying awn | 07:59 |
Assid | gave up on it finally | 07:59 |
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Assid | bah | 08:02 |
Assid | im going to bed | 08:02 |
Assid | my eyes are burning | 08:02 |
Assid | i dont know how you guys keep your eyes open for more than 18 hours a day | 08:03 |
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CydeSwype | not sure what happened to the bzr repo... | 08:04 |
CydeSwype | maybe just down for tonight | 08:04 |
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DanaG | Odd: pidgin's "close tab" buttons are now links. | 08:05 |
CydeSwype | aighty i'm off too. assid, we'll try again some other time =^) | 08:06 |
CydeSwype | hasta | 08:06 |
DanaG | For some reason, this laptop isn't recognizing cardbus cards until I remove and reinsert them twice. | 08:07 |
DanaG | Correction: I sometimes have to sudo pccardctl insert. | 08:07 |
fsckr | this makes no sense..why would gutsy only have choices for 9631 or 100.14.11 nvidia drivers | 08:08 |
fsckr | ridiculous | 08:08 |
DanaG | Damn, kernel oops. Time to reboot. | 08:08 |
crdlb | fsckr, it also has 7184 :P | 08:09 |
crdlb | make that 7185 | 08:09 |
fsckr | yea i know | 08:10 |
fsckr | horrible | 08:10 |
fsckr | ive tried uninstalling 100.14.11 and i can do that with np but when i install 9755 and try to log back into X i get this http://pastebin.ca/669907 | 08:10 |
crdlb | did you upgrade/reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx after installing 9755? | 08:13 |
fsckr | no i didn't not is that required? i wasn't aware | 08:13 |
crdlb | no that would have caused this though :) | 08:13 |
fsckr | well lemme try this again | 08:13 |
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musikgoat | hi folks, I'm looking for help with network manager, ever since I've updated to gutsy, at first I could only connect to non encrypted networks, but now I cannot even connect to unencrypted networks anymore | 08:28 |
musikgoat | with my intel pro3945abg card | 08:30 |
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juri__ | hey, i just successfully upgraded from feisty to gutsy, everything else seems to work ok except evolution/bogofilter spam filtering | 09:22 |
jscinoz | woo i fixed GTK | 09:22 |
jscinoz | i win the interwebs :P | 09:22 |
juri__ | i had been having some complaints about bdb versions so i did the dump wordlist - recreate it dance, but it doesn't seem to help | 09:22 |
juri__ | i don't see any complaints in .xsession-errors, but ~/.bogofilter/wordlist.db doesn't see any action and all spam gets through | 09:23 |
juri__ | has anyone else had problems with this? | 09:23 |
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jscinoz | How can i upgrade from tribe 4 to tribe 5? | 09:25 |
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contrast83 | Greets, everyone... | 11:00 |
contrast83 | Any other Kubuntu users having problems with the navigation panel in Konqueror? | 11:02 |
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ksivaji | anyone using gusty here ? | 11:09 |
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coNP | ksivaji: I guess everyone is. | 11:10 |
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Jordan_U | contrast83, Have you looked at launchpad to see if any bugs have been filed? | 11:29 |
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contrast83 | Jordan_U: not yet | 11:30 |
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contrast83 | scratch that. just filed one. | 11:36 |
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Do`` | um | 11:57 |
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Do`` | The following packages have been kept back: xserver-xorg-video-all | 11:58 |
Do`` | i just got this when upgrading | 11:58 |
Do`` | and to get the new version i need to | 11:58 |
Do`` | The following extra packages will be installed: xserver-xorg-video-amd | 11:58 |
Do`` | the question is why | 11:58 |
Do`` | i have nothing in my pc that has an amd logo on it | 11:58 |
Do`` | my cpu is intel core2 and my graphics card is nvidia | 11:59 |
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RAOF | Do``: We install all possible video drivers by default. They're not very big, if you don't use them they don't get run, and if you ever change your hardware things can just work. | 12:03 |
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Do`` | i see | 12:09 |
Do`` | thanks for explaining it .) | 12:09 |
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juri__ | re: my issue with bogofilter, turns out you have to select it in mail preferences -> junk -> default junk plugin, hope it works now | 12:10 |
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Tribe5user | Is the the plugin finder for firefox working? | 12:14 |
RAOF | Tribe5user: No idea. I presume so? | 12:17 |
Tribe5user | it just hangs for me, where do I report bugs, the ubufox package? | 12:19 |
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Assid | stupid kernel image | 12:28 |
Assid | it lags my machine if idle | 12:28 |
hylje | what? | 12:34 |
Assid | if i leave my machine idle.. and come back to use it later..it just lags like crazy | 12:35 |
Assid | also right now.. im not sure what got updated. But since the last 1-2 updates, general usage wise as well its slower (with compiz) | 12:36 |
Assid | yep sluggish without compiz as well | 12:39 |
Assid | i think its the nvidia-glx | 12:41 |
Assid | err.. anyoneknow which drivers of nvidia is used for the 6600GT? | 12:41 |
RAOF | Either nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new, depending on what you've selected. | 12:42 |
Assid | err.. im using nvidia-glx | 12:43 |
Assid | but im thinking i;ll use the nvidia drivers from the nvidia site | 12:43 |
Assid | its too sluggish | 12:43 |
RAOF | Assid: Please don't. | 12:43 |
RAOF | nvidia-glx-new contains the latest nvidia drivers. | 12:44 |
Assid | i do remember nvidia-glx getting updated in adept in one of the last 2-3 updates.. after which X has been always cpu hungry | 12:44 |
Assid | and ui being rather unresponsive at times | 12:44 |
Jordan_U | Assid, Have you checked for any bug reports and if there are none filed one yourself? | 12:45 |
=== Utnubu [n=ubuntu@ip79.134.1511H-CUD12K-03.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Utnubu | hi all | 12:46 |
Utnubu | Does anyone know how I can enable hpet in Gutsy kernel without recompiling? | 12:47 |
RAOF | You need to do it in your bios, if I remember correctly. | 12:47 |
Utnubu | RAOF: I have a Laptop bios which has nearly no options. | 12:54 |
Utnubu | Maybe I need the force hpet patches | 12:54 |
RAOF | That would be it. Which means you'd need to recompile. | 12:55 |
Utnubu | Another problem is the i8042 interrupt but this seems to be the touchpad. | 12:56 |
Utnubu | RAOF: Which isn't so good on a live cd :) | 12:56 |
=== fiveiron [n=fiveiron@74-137-162-129.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Assid | RAOF: i tried. but last time they just got rid of my bug | 12:58 |
Assid | cancelled or something | 12:58 |
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RAOF | Assid: Probably "invalid". Also, I don't think I've suggested you file a bug :) | 12:59 |
Assid | personally tho if they i dont have a usable gui that doesnt go crazy and i cant use compiz, im prolly heading back to xp | 12:59 |
Assid | yeah invalid | 12:59 |
Assid | i cant have my machine lock up cause i leave it idle and come back to a broken link | 01:00 |
Assid | without compiz as well.. its laggish | 01:00 |
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hylje | you can have compiz on xp? :P | 01:00 |
Assid | the 6600GT is a pretty decent card. And its pretty hard to believe i cant get a decent performance out of it | 01:01 |
Assid | hylje: thats why i said with compiz on linux | 01:01 |
RAOF | Assid: So, try to check out what's actually wrong. A "my computer is sluggish" bug is unfixable, unless you can give more info :) | 01:01 |
=== BentJ [n=BentJ@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
finalbeta | how do I install the headers for my current kernel? The tribe 5 cleared the tribe 4 kernel headers en the tribe 5 kernel doesn't boot. No I can't start my vmware | 01:01 |
Assid | RAOF: i even told them its something either in the earlier kernel.. or nvidia-glx | 01:01 |
Assid | but i will boot into the older kernel and try | 01:02 |
Assid | although the nvidia-glx driver is gonna remain the same | 01:02 |
RAOF | Assid: So, if it's a problem with nvidia-glx, there's *nothing* we can do. | 01:02 |
Assid | thats why i wanted to know which drivers do i get from nvidia's site for nvidia-glx ? | 01:02 |
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finalbeta | if I search in synaptic, there are no headers anymore for my kernel. | 01:02 |
Utnubu | I have found a way to compile only two modules of the Ubuntu kernel (the sony_acpi component for brightness and centrino-speedstep for undervoltaging) so there is no need for a new kernel. The problem is that sony_acpi is now integrated in ubuntu-modules which prevents me from compiling it against the standard kernel. This don't mean that it is impossible but I don't know how. Anyone have a idea? | 01:03 |
=== fuoco [n=gad@nor75-13-82-225-86-68.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Assid | also opengl apps + compiz = hell .. however feisty used to work with opengl app +compiz | 01:03 |
Assid | alrite brb .. formula1 qualifying | 01:03 |
Assid | + will come back and finish this site development.. it shoulda been done 2 days ago :( | 01:04 |
Assid | RAOF: will buzz youlaters :P | 01:04 |
RAOF | Assid: Anyway, I suggest Xgl. | 01:04 |
RAOF | It fixes all the nvidia crap. | 01:04 |
Assid | no 3d accel :( | 01:04 |
RAOF | Incorrect. | 01:05 |
Assid | there is 3d acc ? | 01:05 |
RAOF | No direct rendering, which is in no way equivalent to no 3d accel. | 01:05 |
RAOF | Assid: There *is* 3d accel. | 01:05 |
RAOF | Wine hates Xgl, but that's a wine bug. | 01:05 |
Assid | hrmm | 01:06 |
Utnubu | 3d accel is very bad on intel hardware according to powertop :) | 01:06 |
hylje | wine opengl doesnt like it | 01:06 |
Assid | i actually use wine for alot of things | 01:06 |
hylje | but directx emul does | 01:06 |
=== ion [n=ion@70-59-226-160.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Assid | and i do mean ALOT of things | 01:06 |
RAOF | Assid: You can always go "DISPLAY=:0 wine <foo>" | 01:06 |
Assid | hrmm true | 01:06 |
Assid | alrite | 01:06 |
Utnubu | RAOF: and xv hates Xgl => nearly any video player, and screen resolution hates Xgl and VNC hates XGL and so on :) | 01:06 |
Utnubu | everything is the fault of the apps but not of compiz | 01:07 |
Assid | everything hates xgl ? | 01:07 |
RAOF | Utnubu: Not that i've noticed. | 01:07 |
Utnubu | VNC doesn't work at least in past | 01:07 |
Utnubu | no screen updates | 01:07 |
Assid | hrmm i need vnc! | 01:07 |
Utnubu | XV doesn't work on intel hardware | 01:07 |
RAOF | Utnubu: Compiz problem. | 01:07 |
RAOF | Utnubu: But does under Xgl | 01:07 |
Assid | i access my box remotely quite often | 01:07 |
Utnubu | Really? | 01:07 |
finalbeta | How do I install headers files for 2.6.22-9? | 01:07 |
Assid | compiz + xgl = issues for vnc ? | 01:07 |
Utnubu | RAOF: Afaik the VNC happens on both 3d desktops | 01:07 |
RAOF | finalbeta: You don't, they've probably been removed from the archives. | 01:08 |
RAOF | Utnubu: Yes. Compiz breaks VNC. | 01:08 |
Utnubu | And if I change resolution in tribe 5 I got a black screen with only mouse | 01:08 |
RAOF | Actually, it's probably Composite that breaks VNC, but eh. | 01:08 |
Assid | crrap | 01:08 |
finalbeta | Whaa. So I now have a useless install. | 01:08 |
Assid | finalbeta: kwin --replace & | 01:08 |
Assid | get back on kwin | 01:09 |
Assid | ok brb.. after f1 | 01:09 |
Utnubu | Assid: If you are the only one who mange vnc connection it is no problem, only remote control doesn't work | 01:09 |
Assid | Utnubu: i need remote control.. i sometimes login from my cell phone | 01:09 |
Utnubu | ok, then no compiz until the fix it | 01:09 |
Assid | havent done it recvently however so i dont even know it works.. last time i did was when i was on windows | 01:09 |
Utnubu | the bug is open | 01:09 |
Assid | any luck of it being done before gutsy goes public ? | 01:10 |
Assid | or am i waiting for gutsy+1 ? | 01:10 |
=== Assid considers moving back to xp.. i realy havent had that many issues with it. but @ same time i dont want to have to force to be upgraded to vista or have chances for possible viruses | ||
Assid | im sooo confused | 01:11 |
Assid | alrite im outta here.. bb 40 mins | 01:12 |
finalbeta | Assid, it will take allot longer then Gutsy +1 | 01:12 |
Assid | hrmm | 01:12 |
Utnubu | but the strange thing is that in Gutsy compiz is enabled by default | 01:12 |
Utnubu | Assid: At least it has high priority | 01:12 |
Assid | k brb.. i wanna watch f1 | 01:12 |
finalbeta | They wont enable it. | 01:12 |
Utnubu | finalbeta: It is enabled at least on Live CDs and this is the plan afaik | 01:13 |
finalbeta | It will be" more available " | 01:13 |
finalbeta | read the dev list, they wont enable it. | 01:13 |
Utnubu | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vnc/+bug/77442 | 01:13 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 77442 in vino "No screen updates when using desktop-effects with vnc" [High,Confirmed] | 01:13 |
Utnubu | finalbeta: cool :) | 01:13 |
Utnubu | should be produce less bug reports | 01:14 |
finalbeta | sanity will stop them from doing so. | 01:14 |
Utnubu | -be | 01:15 |
finalbeta | you would have to be mad to put something out by default that brakes whole other parts of the system. | 01:15 |
Utnubu | yes | 01:17 |
Assid | okay advertisement | 01:18 |
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Utnubu | RAOF: Do you know what "long term" Power usage means in powertop? | 01:32 |
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Assid | hrmm | 01:40 |
Assid | do you guys think i should upgrade my machine to a c2q ? q6600 ? .. i currently have a p4 3ghz | 01:41 |
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anderssons | update.manager -d gives me "current dist not found in meta-release file" ??? | 01:47 |
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rocky | does anyone know if there is an active problem where the Tracker search option doesn't show up in deskbar-applet even when libdeskbar-tracker is installed? | 01:48 |
Hobbsee | anderssons: likely saying that gutsy isnt released, yes. | 01:49 |
anderssons | Hobbsee: but update manager gives me no option to update to tribe 4 | 01:50 |
anderssons | im on feisty | 01:51 |
rocky | what's the best way to troubleshoot deskbar-applet issues? | 01:53 |
rocky | log location perhaps? | 01:53 |
Hobbsee | anderssons: do you have feisty-proposed? | 01:54 |
Hobbsee | !gutsy | 01:54 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 01:54 |
Hobbsee | !upgrade | 01:54 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 01:54 |
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Assid | hrmm | 02:10 |
Assid | i cant boot to the previous kernel and have x :( | 02:11 |
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nosrednaekim | you got intel or ATI graphics? | 02:15 |
Assid | intel | 02:15 |
Assid | err | 02:15 |
Assid | wait | 02:15 |
nosrednaekim | *nvidia or ati | 02:15 |
Assid | nvidia | 02:15 |
Assid | dammit.. stop confusing me.. this code is already refusing to work | 02:15 |
Assid | nvidia - 6600GT | 02:16 |
nosrednaekim | yeah... there you go. It uninstalls the previous kernel driver so as not to have conflicts or something... ATI did that for me. | 02:16 |
Assid | hrmm | 02:16 |
nosrednaekim | change the driver to nv, an it should work. | 02:16 |
Assid | well.. im tyring to find out if the kernel image is causing a problem for me.. OR if its nvidia-glx | 02:16 |
Assid | something is causing my machine to start acting strange after its idle for some time | 02:16 |
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Assid | there.. ui is lagging already now | 02:25 |
nosrednaekim | od | 02:26 |
Assid | checkt his : 20180 assid 15 0 82640 22m 17m S 44 1.5 1:06.14 kftpgrabber | 02:26 |
Assid | 6042 root 16 0 92524 54m 6432 R 45 3.6 3:09.88 Xorg | 02:26 |
Assid | 45% cpu by xorg | 02:27 |
Assid | thing is.. i cant really reportt tyhis | 02:27 |
Assid | exactly | 02:28 |
Assid | so it becomes totally unusable and unresponsive | 02:28 |
Assid | and i keep saying something is wrong .. but they just mark as invalid and close it. they dont ask me to try another package or whatever | 02:29 |
nosrednaekim | does "nv" fix anything? | 02:30 |
Assid | if i use nv .. no more compiz.. | 02:34 |
Assid | and i get the lag even when im not on compiz | 02:34 |
Assid | i guess i can try it .. but let me finish this script first | 02:34 |
Assid | you want me to use the current kernel... with nv driver right ? | 02:36 |
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nosrednaekim | yeah | 02:38 |
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Assid | bah this is absolutely unusable | 02:39 |
Assid | hold on.. i think i will do it now | 02:39 |
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Assid | okay im using nvidia .. no compiz.. default kwin | 02:42 |
Assid | lets see what happens | 02:42 |
Assid | need to use it a bit first to see if it starts lagging | 02:43 |
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nosrednaekim | k. | 02:43 |
Assid | 7790 assid 15 0 82248 22m 17m S 36 1.5 1:17.71 kftpgrabber | 02:45 |
Assid | starting to feel a bit .. | 02:45 |
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=== ris [n=ris@cpc4-bedn1-0-0-cust277.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Assid | windows are sluggish.. thats kinda odd for kwin right ? | 02:46 |
nosrednaekim | yeah | 02:47 |
nosrednaekim | are you all updated? | 02:47 |
Assid | yep.. everynight ... first thing i recheck is updates.. even though i do have adept notifier on | 02:47 |
nosrednaekim | I had problems with what you are mentioning on my ati card, but only if I wake up after a suspend | 02:48 |
nosrednaekim | otherwise its fine | 02:48 |
Assid | i can see the old trailing windows | 02:48 |
ris | new kdm colour scheme - im not a fan im sorry to say | 02:48 |
nosrednaekim | does it look like your disk is being used alot? | 02:48 |
nosrednaekim | ris: little to green for you? | 02:48 |
Assid | could be google desktop too.. thats what i was just checking | 02:48 |
Assid | now if i can only figure out how to shut it off | 02:48 |
ris | nosrednaekim: one of my little design rules is never mix blue-purple with blue-green | 02:49 |
Assid | hrmm windows still leaves a trail | 02:49 |
ris | nosrednaekim: choose a side and stick to it | 02:49 |
nosrednaekim | I think they are trying to move all the way to blue-green | 02:49 |
Assid | 6709 root 15 0 52508 36m 6628 S 19 2.4 0:43.47 Xorg | 02:49 |
ris | nosrednaekim: and actually the backdrop itself is hovering on the border | 02:49 |
Assid | time to try nv instead | 02:49 |
ris | nosrednaekim: well i hope they make up their minds, because the two clash horribly | 02:50 |
nosrednaekim | ris: yeah... thats a known bug with the artwork. | 02:50 |
Assid | brb | 02:50 |
nosrednaekim | its not centered, right? | 02:50 |
nosrednaekim | ris: you can go to #kubuntu-devel and voice your concerns. | 02:51 |
ris | nosrednaekim: man, i keep finding out about new channels | 02:51 |
ris | as long as its a known issue | 02:52 |
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nosrednaekim | the uncentered login? it was in tribe4 at least. | 02:53 |
Assid | nosrednaekim: nope,.. cant use nv driver | 02:55 |
Assid | screen comes up with Hz ? | 02:55 |
Assid | damn.. dont know what to do | 02:56 |
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finalbeta | Hello, what is klog? It's taking 50% CPU for me. | 02:58 |
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jscinoz | how can i upgrade from tribe 4 to 5? | 03:00 |
TheInfinity | jscinoz: just make a (dist) upgrade | 03:01 |
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shirish | hey guys, does anybody know about /etc/fstab | 03:02 |
shirish | esp. where barrier=1 should be used? | 03:03 |
Assid | http://www.mediafire.com/?3ekyzmnkm2c <--- there.. | 03:03 |
Assid | when i move a window around.. it lags.. | 03:04 |
Assid | i mean move super fast.. i got clones all over | 03:04 |
Assid | this is using nvidia 6600GT | 03:04 |
Assid | and oh yeha.. the nvidia-glx drivers | 03:04 |
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Assid | if anyone can get this to the release maintainers would be great | 03:06 |
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Assid | hrmm ,, even the bouncy icon (when you start a new app.. the icon bouncing at the mouse side) has got a trail | 03:07 |
tehk | What app is this? | 03:07 |
Assid | thunderbird.. firefox.. anything | 03:11 |
Assid | kftpgrabber | 03:12 |
Assid | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/+bug/129340/comments/4 | 03:12 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 129340 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 "System slow downs with desktop effects enabled" [Undecided,New] | 03:12 |
Assid | yeo the last 2 are me | 03:12 |
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jscinoz | cheer theinfinity | 03:15 |
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Do`` | http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/01/31/google_goes_desktop_linux/ <- woo? | 03:39 |
sparr | since upgrade to gutsy, when i rotate my desktop with xrandr it doesnt resize, so i have a large black rectangle on one side. would that be a bug in xserver-xorg or something more specific? | 03:42 |
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probono | hi all, is there a way to fine-tune the new visual effects? for example, i find it not logical that newly-opened windows fade in "shrinking" rather than "growing" | 04:01 |
stdin | probono: install compizconfig-settings-manager and change it | 04:04 |
probono | thanks stdin | 04:04 |
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@01-036.200.popsite.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
cyphase | Anyone know why UXTerm and XTerm are in the applications menu in gutsy? | 04:05 |
probono | stdin: do you happen to know which package contains ubuntu's default configuration for compiz? i'd like to file a wishlist item | 04:06 |
nosrednaekim | isn' there a compiz-ubuntu? | 04:06 |
stdin | probably compiz-gnome | 04:07 |
jussi01 | !info compix-ubuntu | 04:07 |
ubotu | Package compix-ubuntu does not exist in gutsy | 04:07 |
jussi01 | !info compiz-ubuntu | 04:07 |
ubotu | Package compiz-ubuntu does not exist in gutsy | 04:07 |
jussi01 | !info compiz-gnome | 04:07 |
ubotu | compiz-gnome: OpenGL window and compositing manager - GNOME window decorator. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.5.2-0ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 164 kB, installed size 1388 kB | 04:07 |
probono | thanks a lot | 04:08 |
cyphase | Do``: about that goobuntu link.. it's from January of 2006 | 04:09 |
cyphase | Do``: they're using it in-house, but it's not for distribution | 04:10 |
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Amendt | Pidgin is now 2.1.1 Can I turn off who is leaving/entering this channel? | 04:25 |
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cheeseboy | hi | 04:28 |
=== Arwen stabs cheeseboy. | ||
Arwen | yes? | 04:33 |
SeveredCross | Well that was nice. | 04:33 |
SeveredCross | :-P | 04:33 |
Arwen | Bah, I know him. It's no big deal. | 04:33 |
cheeseboy | Arwen: what u doin here u ubuntu hater | 04:35 |
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Arwen | same to you, aren't you on Debian Etch? | 04:35 |
cheeseboy | i was switched back tho cause wireless failed on etch | 04:36 |
frafu | Hello, Could anybody please check whether at-spi-registryd is running at gdmlogin (= plain login screen)? I would like to know whether it is a problem in ubuntu-gutsy or only a problem with my setup. Thanks in advance. | 04:36 |
cheeseboy | i was nvr ubuntuu hater tho :-P | 04:36 |
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finalbeta | I keep getting this and eventually my system freezes, now I don't use that card. Can someone help me blacklist it? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34996/ | 04:53 |
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nosrednaekim | finalbeta: gimme a lsmod please | 04:57 |
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finalbeta | nosrednaekim: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/134593 | 04:58 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 134593 in linux-source-2.6.22 "System Freeze Tribe 5 Kernel" [Undecided,New] | 04:58 |
finalbeta | it's posted in that bug report, perhaps the other information is of use to you too. | 04:58 |
nosrednaekim | ok | 04:59 |
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finalbeta | I'm on Tribe 5 now, no freeze yet, but it never took longer then half an hour. | 05:00 |
nosrednaekim | finalbeta: I need your lsmod... its not on that bug-report | 05:01 |
finalbeta | ohw, sry | 05:02 |
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finalbeta | nosrednaekim: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8982298/lsmod.txt | 05:03 |
nosrednaekim | k | 05:03 |
nosrednaekim | alrighty... | 05:04 |
nosrednaekim | edit "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" and add the line "blacklist prism54" to the end. | 05:05 |
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finalbeta_ | crash | 05:09 |
nosrednaekim | finalbeta_: did you get my last message? | 05:09 |
finalbeta_ | yes, I had just done that | 05:10 |
sparr | can anyone confirm that moving buttons in kde child panels is broken in gutsy? | 05:10 |
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nemik | damnit, irq 23 on t61's still randomly drops and then usb ports stop working | 05:11 |
finalbeta_ | nosrednaekim: it's not loading anymore, will see if it helps or not. Thank you for your help. | 05:11 |
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sparr | or even non-child panels | 05:12 |
nemik | how is usb ports stopping to work every 7 minutes on a top business laptop 'medium importance'? | 05:12 |
finalbeta_ | nosrednaekim: for some reason klogd is taking 100PU in tribe 5. perhaps that has something to do with it, I close it down manually. | 05:14 |
finalbeta_ | 100PU* | 05:14 |
sparr | nemik: how is "top business laptop" relevant? | 05:15 |
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sparr | anyone using i810 x display driver in gutsy right now? verify a bug for me? | 05:28 |
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nosrednaekim | sparr: do you have your panel locked? | 05:30 |
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sparr | no | 05:31 |
_Shade_ | does gutsy have compiz-fusion on its repos, or just the older version? | 05:31 |
sparr | the buttons are movable | 05:31 |
sparr | but they dont move correctly | 05:31 |
sparr | the outline box sometimes displays in the wrong place, or not at all, and when i drop them sometimes OTHER buttons jump around | 05:31 |
nosrednaekim | hmm | 05:32 |
=== nubbe [n=martin@c83-248-145-131.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
nubbe | Will xorg 7.3 be in gutsy? | 05:37 |
sparr | so, can you verify? | 05:38 |
nosrednaekim | nubbe: no | 05:38 |
nosrednaekim | sparr: nope..i'm on fiesty right now until I can update some things in gutsy | 05:39 |
sparr | oh, k | 05:39 |
sparr | if i had it to do over again, id stick to feisty on my tablet | 05:39 |
nubbe | nosrednaekim, okay | 05:39 |
sparr | might reinstall | 05:39 |
nosrednaekim | nubbe: although a good amount of the technology in 7.3 was backported for 7.2 | 05:40 |
nosrednaekim | everything but hotswapping of monitors pretty much | 05:41 |
nubbe | nosrednaekim, k, that sounds a bit better :) I had trouble finding what is actually happening with "ubuntu+1" | 05:42 |
nosrednaekim | Bulletproof x is still go. | 05:43 |
nubbe | is there any good place to see what's in and out? the About Ubuntu/testing is a bit fuzzy | 05:44 |
nosrednaekim | not sure... maybe #ubuntu-motu | 05:44 |
Arwen | Bulletproof X is still go? I haven't seen a trace of it. | 05:45 |
nosrednaekim | from what I heard, yes | 05:46 |
hylje | https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xorg7.3 | 05:46 |
Stormx2 | What is bulletproof x? | 05:49 |
Arwen | The idea that X should never crash/fail/etc | 05:49 |
nosrednaekim | or at least failunrecoverably | 05:50 |
nubbe | a fallback graphical environment when regular X is broken | 05:51 |
nubbe | :) | 05:51 |
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ragatu | hi everyone | 06:04 |
nosrednaekim | hey | 06:05 |
ragatu | I just booted the gutsy gibbon tribe 5 livecd, and enabled extra effects...but I only get wobbly windows, how do I get the cube? | 06:06 |
ragatu | can someone help? | 06:07 |
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ralph | Can some one tell me how to get around the bcm43xx errors upon boot up? I am unable to figure out how to get around them and complete the boot up. | 06:11 |
ragatu | how do I have access to compiz fusion configuration manager in gutsy gibbon tribe 5? | 06:12 |
nosrednaekim | ralph: boot into recovery mode, edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and blacklist bcm43xx | 06:13 |
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ralph | nosrednaekim: Will the work for booting the first time off of the live cd? | 06:14 |
nosrednaekim | oh.. off the liveCD | 06:14 |
nosrednaekim | no | 06:14 |
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ralph | nosrednaekim: That is my problem. I can not get around these blood error codes and complete a live cd boot up. | 06:15 |
nosrednaekim | ralph: do the alternate installer.. | 06:15 |
ragatu | nosrednaekim do u know how do I access compiz fusion configuration manager in gutsy gibbon tribe 5? | 06:15 |
nosrednaekim | ragatu: DL "ccsm" the compiz settings manager | 06:16 |
ragatu | nosrednaekim thanks | 06:16 |
ralph | nosrednaekim: ok, off to download that cd. Thanks | 06:16 |
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ragatu | nosrednaekim do I just install ccsm or do I have to install all those extra plugins and backend config and all that? | 06:19 |
nosrednaekim | IDK... just get what it reccomends... | 06:19 |
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=== penguin42 is gently thinking of dist-upgrading his machine to gutsy | ||
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Arwen | gently? o.O | 06:46 |
penguin42 | is it mostly stable with the normal bunch of problems or are there any nasties? | 06:46 |
Arwen | seems to vary with the user. Works fine here. | 06:46 |
penguin42 | Arwen: Well it's got to the point where a bunch of my bug reports are at the 'please try them in gutsy' stage - and I can get myself out of most problems but if it's still flaky I'll wait | 06:46 |
penguin42 | are there any particular known nasties? | 06:48 |
SeveredCross | Works fine for me. | 06:48 |
nosrednaekim | penguin42: kubuntu has some bad artwork.. thats about all i've heard. | 06:49 |
penguin42 | hmm OK, I'll do a distupgrade | 06:49 |
Arwen | nosrednaekim, bad artwork? Screenshot please. | 06:52 |
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nosrednaekim | Arwen: the boot splash and kdm screen is not centered | 06:52 |
Arwen | ah | 06:53 |
penguin42 | damn, one of those really nasty problems | 06:53 |
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shirish | hi all, anybody up? | 07:07 |
penguin42 | all asleep | 07:07 |
=== penguin42 snores | ||
=== shirish snores too ;) | ||
=== Arwen snorfs | ||
Arwen | :-) | 07:08 |
shirish | Arwen: hey ;) | 07:08 |
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shirish | guys I am trying to get where xfce4-netload-plugin is put up on launchpad | 07:09 |
shirish | I am not able to find an entry for xfce4-netload-plugin on launchpad | 07:09 |
shirish | :( | 07:09 |
shirish | while aptitude & dpkg -l shows them perfectly xfce4-netload-plugin | 07:10 |
Arwen | try searching under the source package | 07:10 |
shirish | Arwen: how? | 07:10 |
Arwen | apt-get source xfce4-netload-plugin, then see what it downloads | 07:11 |
Arwen | that'll be the source package name | 07:11 |
IntuitiveNipple | Anyone know which gnome start-up script is likely to handle the Log-In sound (settings are in ~/.gnome2/sound/events/gnome-2.soundlist) but using inotifywait & lsof I can't capture the process that is accessing it | 07:11 |
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shirish | Arwen: it downloads xfce4-netload-plugin-versionno. | 07:12 |
mtfuchs | does usplash meanwhile support typing in luks passwords during the boot process whithout stopping usplash? | 07:12 |
shirish | Arwen: got it, my bad | 07:13 |
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finalbeta_ | anyone else who has Gstreamer broken after upgrading to tribe 5? | 07:26 |
SeveredCross | Nope, Gstreamer is fine. | 07:27 |
Arwen | dunno, haven't checked | 07:27 |
__tim | broken how? upgrade from what? | 07:27 |
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penguin42 | hmm update-manager -d doesn't show anything | 07:28 |
finalbeta_ | upgrade from tribe 4 | 07:28 |
finalbeta_ | internal gstreamer error, state change failed. | 07:29 |
Arwen | totem-gstreamer is parsing my files right, so I think it's local to your setup | 07:29 |
SeveredCross | Banshee plays things correctly, as does Totem on my end. | 07:30 |
finalbeta_ | ok, thanks, must be on my end only. | 07:30 |
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sparr | apt thinks that knetworkmanager is an autoremove candidate. bug? | 07:42 |
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qazibasit | hi ppls | 07:47 |
qazibasit | how are you? | 07:47 |
qazibasit | can anyone tell me how can i compile my c codes in ubuntu | 07:47 |
Arwen | your c codes? | 07:47 |
SeveredCross | If you're trying to compile a C program, you're looking for gcc. | 07:48 |
qazibasit | i mean my C scripts | 07:48 |
SeveredCross | sudo apt-get install build-essential | 07:48 |
qazibasit | but it is saying that lib not found | 07:48 |
Arwen | qazibasit, gcc -o out file.c | 07:48 |
Arwen | of course it's more complicated than just that, but oh well | 07:48 |
hylje | qazibasit: the usual libs installed do not include development headers | 07:48 |
qazibasit | ya i was doing this but it is saying stdio.h is missing | 07:48 |
Arwen | build-essential | 07:48 |
qazibasit | what do you mean ok | 07:48 |
qazibasit | so now i will use the sudo apt-get command | 07:49 |
SeveredCross | Build-essential should fetch the correct libs IIRC. | 07:49 |
qazibasit | thanks | 07:49 |
qazibasit | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 07:50 |
qazibasit | what should i do now | 07:50 |
qazibasit | ? | 07:50 |
Arwen | do you have adept/synaptic/whatever running? | 07:52 |
qazibasit | what is this | 07:52 |
Arwen | ... | 07:52 |
qazibasit | i am just upgrading my files right now | 07:52 |
qazibasit | there is an update notification | 07:52 |
Arwen | oh, in which case you can't install anything | 07:52 |
qazibasit | and thats all | 07:52 |
qazibasit | oh | 07:53 |
Arwen | only one package manager can run at a time | 07:53 |
qazibasit | but i thought that this is a multi threaded OS | 07:53 |
qazibasit | i mean multi tasking | 07:53 |
Arwen | .... | 07:54 |
qazibasit | means multiple things at one time | 07:54 |
SeveredCross | Well. | 07:54 |
SeveredCross | You can multitask. | 07:54 |
SeveredCross | But package management is not a multitaskable task. | 07:54 |
qazibasit | how | 07:54 |
Arwen | multi-tasking requires you to write code multi-threaded. If you want to think of a scheme where two programs can change random files on your system without conflicting, be my guest | 07:54 |
qazibasit | oh | 07:54 |
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SeveredCross | Because different package managers could install different versions of different packages. | 07:54 |
qazibasit | :) | 07:54 |
qazibasit | ok | 07:55 |
SeveredCross | If there were two allowed to run at the same time. | 07:55 |
SeveredCross | So, package management forces a lock on the package database to prevent package conflicts. | 07:55 |
qazibasit | hm | 07:55 |
qazibasit | tell me one more thing | 07:55 |
qazibasit | like can i install packages of my fedora on ubuntu | 07:55 |
SeveredCross | Nope. | 07:55 |
qazibasit | why | 07:55 |
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SeveredCross | Well, technically, yes, but it's a bad idea. | 07:55 |
qazibasit | linux is the same | 07:55 |
qazibasit | oh | 07:55 |
SeveredCross | Because Fedora uses RPM and Ubuntu uses APT/Dpkg? | 07:56 |
troxor | has anyone noticed that dpkg hangs and zombies around halfway through a daily upgrade? | 07:56 |
SeveredCross | And files aren't necessarily laid out the same in a given package. | 07:56 |
Arwen | troxor, no | 07:56 |
SeveredCross | Generally there's an equivalent Ubuntu package--just do apt-cache search package-name | 07:56 |
SeveredCross | troxor: Ditto what Arwen said, nope. | 07:56 |
qazibasit | but i think RPM is good than this dpkg | 07:56 |
SeveredCross | Ugh. | 07:56 |
qazibasit | coz i think RPM has a huge library than dpkg | 07:56 |
qazibasit | and thats more compitable | 07:56 |
SeveredCross | Then use Fedora? | 07:57 |
penguin42 | qazibasit: You can use 'alien' to install RPMs on debian based systems; but you really shouldn't unless it's the only way | 07:57 |
SeveredCross | Or build a Debian-based distro that uses RPM. | 07:57 |
Arwen | qazibasit, um.... NO | 07:57 |
qazibasit | no fedora is not detecting some of my device drivers | 07:57 |
Arwen | and please try to talk in English | 07:57 |
qazibasit | and i feel that ubuntu is more easy to use | 07:57 |
qazibasit | and sorry my friend my english is not good | 07:57 |
SeveredCross | And the .deb package library is just as big as RPM, they're just a bit harder to find sometimes. | 07:57 |
qazibasit | ok | 07:57 |
Arwen | there might be a lot of RPMs out there, but it's not like they're all compatible | 07:58 |
Arwen | since there are multiple versions of Red Hat, SuSE, Fedora Core, etc etc | 07:58 |
SeveredCross | I don't have a single piece of software that I couldn't find a Debian/Ubuntu package. | 07:58 |
Arwen | SeveredCross, I have 2 :-) | 07:58 |
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SeveredCross | Which ones? | 07:58 |
Arwen | and several other packages manually recompiled | 07:58 |
SeveredCross | Oh, actually, one package whose .deb is horrendously outdated--aMule. | 07:58 |
SeveredCross | That's the only thing I've built from source on Gutsy that I can recall. | 07:59 |
qazibasit | isnt it hard for a programmer to develop same packages on different versions | 07:59 |
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Arwen | qazibasit, no | 07:59 |
spaz | hello | 07:59 |
SeveredCross | Not really. | 07:59 |
qazibasit | how come | 07:59 |
spaz | i just upgraded from feisty to gutsy and now i can't boot the 2.6.22-10 kernel included by default | 07:59 |
Arwen | the developer writes one upstream version which individual distro developers patch and stuff to get working | 07:59 |
spaz | it spews out nothing but "read outside of bounds" errors (something like that, actually) | 07:59 |
SeveredCross | Building debian packages might be a bit harder than RPM's, but they're generally better IMO. | 07:59 |
qazibasit | oh now i got it | 08:00 |
SeveredCross | spaz: Hmm...Can you be more specific about the error? | 08:00 |
spaz | SeveredCross, i wish lol | 08:00 |
spaz | it's a series of errors, really | 08:00 |
spaz | let me see if i can't find it | 08:00 |
penguin42 | SeveredCross: Interesting; I find it easier to build debian packages | 08:00 |
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SeveredCross | Actually to be totally honest I've never built an RPM, but it always seemed easier from the guides I've seen. | 08:01 |
qazibasit | well then u might be using ubuntu for a long time penguin42 | 08:01 |
SeveredCross | I know you can build .deb's without problems using checkinstall but that's not quite what I meant by a debian package. | 08:01 |
qazibasit | and u have it on ur reflexes | 08:01 |
SeveredCross | And checkinstall can build RPM's and all kinds of other packages. | 08:01 |
SeveredCross | I'm not familiar with the other debian package building stuff though, but I wish I was. | 08:01 |
penguin42 | qazibasit: Nod; I do find I have to use RPMs at work though and don't like having to get them to build | 08:01 |
qazibasit | hm | 08:02 |
penguin42 | ok does anyone know if there is a bug along the lines of 'update-manager -d doesn't show gutsy' ? | 08:02 |
qazibasit | well guys i am feeling like i am lost here because this is all too complicated | 08:02 |
qazibasit | i also have aother very lame question | 08:03 |
qazibasit | *another | 08:03 |
SeveredCross | penguin42: Yes, a lot of people have been having that issue. | 08:03 |
penguin42 | SeveredCross: OK; I seem to remember on my last machine it did it when I tried to upgrade to Feisty | 08:03 |
cecko | hi all, is there an official way of installing the proprietary nvidia driver in Gutsy? isn't it the nvidia-glx-new package? | 08:04 |
SeveredCross | cecko: It should be nvidia-glx-something, depending on your card. | 08:04 |
qazibasit | i want to know if there are any preexisting profiles made by the vendor having common passwords? | 08:04 |
qazibasit | like admin or other which i need to change | 08:04 |
cecko | SeveredCross, so I dont have to download it from nvidia's page | 08:04 |
SeveredCross | cecko: You shouldn't, no. | 08:05 |
SeveredCross | qazibasit: Users? | 08:05 |
SeveredCross | No. | 08:05 |
qazibasit | ok | 08:05 |
SeveredCross | Canonical doesn't provide any user accounts with Ubuntu. | 08:05 |
cecko | SeveredCross, thx | 08:05 |
SeveredCross | The root account doesn't even exist--it's disable, you have to use sudo for everything, though you can get a root console via sudo -s or sudo -i | 08:05 |
SeveredCross | You're welcome cecko. | 08:05 |
qazibasit | and one more question like if i want to give ppl accounts on my computer so is it possible | 08:06 |
SeveredCross | Yes...System --> Administration --> Users and Groups | 08:06 |
qazibasit | i got it now SeveredCross | 08:06 |
qazibasit | ok | 08:06 |
=== penguin42 notes it is a shame aptitude is such a long word | ||
qazibasit | and what are vulnerabilities do i need any for my PC | 08:07 |
SeveredCross | Security stuff? | 08:07 |
SeveredCross | Not many known. | 08:07 |
qazibasit | ys | 08:07 |
qazibasit | ok | 08:08 |
SeveredCross | There are no servers that are enabled that listen to the outside world by default. | 08:08 |
qazibasit | thanks bro | 08:08 |
qazibasit | ok | 08:08 |
penguin42 | hmm that looks small - 9min for a distupgrade | 08:08 |
qazibasit | i am thankful to all of u who helped me here | 08:08 |
penguin42 | no problem | 08:09 |
qazibasit | now its time for me to go and do some experiments with my newly installed OS | 08:09 |
qazibasit | bye | 08:09 |
qazibasit | see u all when i will feel like i am lost | 08:09 |
qazibasit | till then take care | 08:09 |
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Infecto | hi folks :) | 08:13 |
Infecto | can some one tell me what can be wrong | 08:13 |
penguin42 | sure if you tell us the symptom | 08:13 |
Infecto | i upgrade to latest kernel and my sound is dead | 08:13 |
Infecto | i try to alsamixer | 08:13 |
finalbeta_ | Infecto: me 2. | 08:13 |
Infecto | and it has all chanels unmuted | 08:13 |
Infecto | but dont work | 08:13 |
finalbeta_ | just gstreamer? | 08:13 |
finalbeta_ | or other frameworks to? | 08:14 |
Infecto | all | 08:14 |
Infecto | nothong works | 08:14 |
finalbeta_ | ah, just gstreamer for me. | 08:14 |
Infecto | for me all. its wery wear. | 08:14 |
SeveredCross | Is it an IBM laptop? | 08:14 |
Infecto | no no | 08:15 |
SeveredCross | Because I think the kernel broke sound on IBM laptops. | 08:15 |
Infecto | but its hda intel | 08:15 |
SeveredCross | You may have a similar chipset. | 08:15 |
Infecto | ? Card: HDA Intel ? | 08:15 |
SeveredCross | Hmm, I have an HDA Intel card and mine's fine. | 08:15 |
Infecto | ? Chip: Realtek ID 861 | 08:15 |
Infecto | hmm | 08:15 |
SeveredCross | Mine's a SigmaTel chip..I also recall hearing something about Realtek breakage. | 08:16 |
SeveredCross | Check Launchpad... | 08:16 |
spaz | hmm...the logs don't appear to be saved.. | 08:16 |
spaz | brb | 08:16 |
SeveredCross | spaz: Do you have two PC's? | 08:16 |
SeveredCross | One that you could IRC from and the other to boot | 08:17 |
penguin42 | you might like to try: kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*) ; sudo modprobe -r $(lsmod |grep ^snd |awk '{print $1}') && sudo modprobe snd-hda-codec && sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=auto | 08:18 |
penguin42 | that fixed a sound screwup on feisty that sometimes breaks on Intel chips in case it's the same one back again | 08:18 |
penguin42 | just reloads the modules | 08:19 |
=== fsckr [n=rich@pool-71-100-42-63.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
c00i90wn | Why there aren't linux-* packages on gutsy? Like linux-686 for example | 08:23 |
Infecto | penguin42: no, dont help :( | 08:23 |
penguin42 | Infecto: Hohum | 08:23 |
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=== penguin42 will find out if ti affects me in a few minutes after this upgrade has done | ||
SeveredCross | c00i90wn: I think the generic image is good enough and specific images aren't built, but I'm not sure. | 08:24 |
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Infecto | 82801G thats my hipset | 08:28 |
Infecto | sound card | 08:28 |
Infecto | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/134734 | 08:28 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 134734 in ubuntu "Sound not working after upgrading to gutsy (Intel 82801G HDA)" [Undecided,New] | 08:28 |
Ax-Ax | i wanted to upgrade 1 thing to gutsy, but i wrote upgrade instead of update after i put in the gutsy dep | 08:28 |
c00i90wn | SeveredCross: I see, weird though, optimized builds should be faster :S | 08:29 |
Ax-Ax | is it possible to downgrade them to fiesty again? | 08:29 |
Ax-Ax | it was deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted | 08:29 |
Ax-Ax | :( | 08:30 |
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Ax-Ax | almost every of my program are fiesty | 08:30 |
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tatters | this new gui for X where is located? | 08:34 |
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sal002 | From what I understand - do not run this on VirtualBox? | 08:38 |
Ax-Ax | i didn't want to ugrade to gutsy :( | 08:39 |
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Ax-Ax | i added "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted" to upgrade one program, but then, of course, i wrote upgrade instead of update :( | 08:43 |
Ax-Ax | now i wonder; is there a way to downgrade everything again? | 08:44 |
Arwen | no | 08:44 |
Ax-Ax | ok | 08:44 |
Arwen | well, you can pin the older packages at 1001, but that could cause breakage | 08:44 |
Ax-Ax | oh | 08:45 |
Ax-Ax | i tryied that | 08:45 |
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Ax-Ax | didn't happn anything | 08:46 |
nemik | what are some good command-line ssh mp3 players? | 08:46 |
nemik | what are some good command-line ssh mp3 players? | 08:47 |
Arwen | uh... what? | 08:47 |
hylje | mpg321 / 123 | 08:47 |
nemik | sorry posted twice | 08:47 |
Arwen | hylje, but he said a "ssh mp3 player" o.O | 08:48 |
nemik | well i'm using moc now but it has a strange problem of all sound coming out as very fuzzy | 08:48 |
hylje | im not aware of players streaming stuff through ssh | 08:48 |
nemik | yea sorry don't know how to describe it, i guess just a cli mp3 player. no idea why i said ssh actually | 08:48 |
nemik | except maybe that i ssh into my music machine to play things :/ | 08:48 |
Arwen | mpg123/mpg321 are the standard mp3 players. You could use mplayer too. | 08:49 |
nemik | yea but for those you usually have to put in songs kind of one by one. this one is great: http://moc.daper.net/screenshots but has a bug that all sound comes out as fuzzy | 08:50 |
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runge | Hi! | 08:57 |
runge | I have bin using Gutsy for a week now. and if I may say so: great work! | 08:58 |
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=== penguin42 stares at aptitudes wacky conflict resolution stuff | ||
tehk | Hello does anyone know why I cannot select what driver I am using with displayconfig-gtk? Also I cannot seem to save to a profile. | 09:11 |
SeveredCross | penguin42: You've noticed that too? | 09:12 |
SeveredCross | It suggests the stupidest things sometimes. | 09:12 |
wailer | why did the official bittorrent die half way through my download | 09:12 |
PriceChild | wailer, the great thing with bittorrent is that you can resume if your client fails. | 09:14 |
nosrednaekim | so can wget... | 09:14 |
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finalbeta_ | if the server supports it. | 09:15 |
ompaul | bittorrent makes it happen that way, you got X good chunks, please get more and seed some | 09:16 |
penguin42 | SeveredCross: I think I feel more comfortable fighting it with dpkg | 09:17 |
penguin42 | If I accept a suggestion in aptitude about keeping something at the current versions, if I just dist-upgrade again will it give me a chance to push it forward again? | 09:19 |
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arpu | hi all | 09:32 |
arpu | after todays update i have no sound :-( | 09:33 |
arpu | anybody an idea ? | 09:33 |
arpu | i use a macbook with ubuntu gutsy | 09:33 |
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penguin42 | arpu: Other people have said the same | 09:34 |
arpu | penguin42, ok thx :-( | 09:35 |
arpu | can i do something ? | 09:35 |
arpu | i think it is a problem with the new kernel ? | 09:35 |
arpu | 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) | 09:35 |
arpu | sound card ^ | 09:35 |
penguin42 | yeh that's what the guys said about an hour ago | 09:38 |
wailer | PriceChild: after 1 hr & no luck I went back to direct downloading the os | 09:38 |
=== penguin42 looks like it will affect me when this update finishes | ||
wailer | PriceChild: CLIENT FAILS - SERVER FAILED | 09:39 |
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PriceChild | :s | 09:40 |
wailer | bloody servers - always playing up | 09:40 |
wailer | :) | 09:40 |
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rohan | gutsy won't have the updated version of eclipse IDE ? | 09:44 |
rohan | because eclipse 3.3 is a major upgrade over 3.2 | 09:44 |
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=== JDahl [n=joachim@3e6b0cd5.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
JDahl | I just installed gutsy on a new notebook, and I thought I'd see compiz-fusion in action. It seems to work fine, but the only effects I see are wobling windows - how do you activate some of the other effects? | 10:11 |
JDahl | btw, I didnt install extra packages - I just activated compiz from Preferences->Appearance->Desktop effects | 10:13 |
twilight | JDahl: you can install compizconfig-settings-manager and activate other effects from System->Preferences->CompizConfig Settings Manager | 10:13 |
JDahl | twilight, does that work transparently, or do I have to change other configurations also? | 10:14 |
JDahl | twilight, i.e., I don't want to completely mess up my otherwise successful Gutsy installation | 10:15 |
twilight | JDahl: there aren't problems with that GUI (famous last words ... :) ) | 10:16 |
=== frying_fish [n=frying_f@ACCAA6D8.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Solarion | "*stretch* I wonder what the Ubuntu repositories are up to? | 10:22 |
Solarion | Oh, functioning perfectly and not treating users like thieves." | 10:22 |
Solarion | http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/174096756/m/437008596831/p/2 | 10:22 |
Solarion | :) | 10:22 |
JDahl | what is the "super" key in compiz? | 10:23 |
crdlb | JDahl, windows key | 10:23 |
Solarion | JDahl: often, the Windows key | 10:23 |
Solarion | it can be remapped if you prefer | 10:23 |
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=== Solarion has Compose on Menu | ||
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pwnguin | Solarion: come here just to make trouble? ;) | 10:28 |
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=== Xenocide is now known as pwnguin | ||
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penguin42 | right lets see if I can reboot | 10:35 |
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antmangaka | hello :) | 10:38 |
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TheInfinity | hmm. what would you recomment - vmware fusion or parallels? do you know a test comparing these both? | 10:39 |
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antmangaka | if I try to open a folder, it closes goes back to desktop folder, is there a fix for that? | 10:40 |
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penguin42 | well, sound seems to work here | 10:41 |
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JDahl | I like the desktop cube, but it's very slow at "settling"... | 10:46 |
=== penguin42 must try it again, it didn't used to play nicely with the workspace switcher | ||
Solarion | pwnguin: eh? I don't follow | 10:52 |
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penguin42 | Has anyone had nspluginwrapper running? | 10:59 |
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newpers | i use feisty and want to get the most recent release of erlang and yaws. what's the best way of going about doing so? | 11:00 |
penguin42 | are they in feisty-backports? | 11:01 |
newpers | i just tried to update my sources to gusty and then apt-get install erlang-base-hipe, but there was a problem retrieving the package | 11:01 |
newpers | penguin42: i'm new to ubuntu. so i'll check it out | 11:01 |
pwnguin | Solarion: i said that before i read the link, whoops | 11:01 |
Solarion | k | 11:02 |
penguin42 | newpers: If it isn't in the backports you can file a bug against feisty-backports and they seem to often try a build within a couple of days | 11:02 |
newpers | penguin42: from what I observed, ubuntu has no interest in developing for feisty anymore | 11:03 |
penguin42 | newpers: Yeh; but that's what the backports are for | 11:03 |
newpers | for example, they've abandoned ubuntu-xen-desktop-amd64 | 11:04 |
newpers | penguin42: ok, i'll check it out | 11:04 |
newpers | thanks | 11:04 |
penguin42 | newpers: It's builds of gutsy packages for feisty; as far as I can tell almost automatic | 11:04 |
davmor2 | Before I post this as a bug. Should the printer applet disappear when the print job has finished? | 11:05 |
penguin42 | davmor2: It wouldn't surprise me if it was certainly optional for it just to show you that there was a job in progress | 11:05 |
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rigas | hi everyone | 11:11 |
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rigas | I just tried to boot gutsy gibbon tribe 5 from the livecd, but is just about to give me a desktop, it says "could not start X your GDM might not be setup correctly" something like that...can someone help me out on that?please | 11:13 |
TheInfinity | watch xorg log ;) | 11:14 |
penguin42 | rigas: Two questions; did you have feisty working ok, and secondly what type of graphics card have you got? | 11:15 |
penguin42 | OK; trick with nsplugi | 11:15 |
penguin42 | OK; trick with nspluginwrapper and gutsy; if you had it previously installed (it didn't used to be packaged and I alien'd it) tell it to remove the old plugins with -r and read them - seems to have fixed it here | 11:16 |
rigas | penguin42 I had feisty installed, even though it wasnt doing everything I wanted, like effects and wifi, but for example, right now I'm in a livecd of gutsy gibbon Tribe 4.and it works fine, apart from not being able to have any desktop effects, I even have wireless working...my graphics card its ATI Radeon Xpress.right now the only linux distro that I have installed is Sabayon 3.4e, and I also got Vista, but that shouldnt stop | 11:19 |
rigas | the livecd from giving me a working desktop, because right now I'm in another livecd, only difference is that its a previous release. | 11:19 |
rigas | penguin42 | 11:20 |
rigas | TheInfinity that's what I got from the log | 11:20 |
TheInfinity | oh okay ;) | 11:22 |
DanaG | sndrv_pcm_hw_params: Assertion `err >= 0' failed. | 11:23 |
DanaG | argh | 11:23 |
rigas | penguin42 how I'm I gonna trick it if I have no ubuntu os installed? :s | 11:24 |
penguin42 | rigas: OK, so it sounds specifically like a tribe 5 problem doesn't it - given that 4 worked OK for you; and it's not the problem I'd seen noted somewhere about Intel cards some people had with 5 - sounds like you should report the bug together with lspci etc from tribe 4 | 11:26 |
rigas | penguin42 well, I used the same tribe 5 livecd in my other laptop, and it worked like a charm...that's what I dont understand :s | 11:27 |
=== penguin42 thinks he preferred the music note icon rather than the new radio icon for rythymbox | ||
penguin42 | rigas: That's OK, it just means tribe5 doesn't like that laptop | 11:27 |
penguin42 | rigas: Bug report it with details of the hardware of the machine it doesn't work on - that's what the tribes are for! | 11:27 |
rigas | penguin42 ...lol...oki doki...I'll give up on him then...will wait for tribe 6 | 11:28 |
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penguin42 | ok, how do I extract a package I added to a bug incorrectly - I accidentally added a baltix linux-source-2.6.22 to a bug (93230) | 11:39 |
penguin42 | I seem to have removed the package but not the tag that it affects baltix (it might do but I haven't come accross baltix before) | 11:40 |
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=== penguin42 realises he can now run powertop and declares it cute | ||
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wailer | why is there no panel applet to open the dvd tray? - be one up on windows | 12:01 |
wailer | #!/bin/sh | eject | 12:02 |
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wailer | #!/bin/sh | eject -t to close | 12:03 |
wailer | click icon - bend down & the tray is open.. | 12:03 |
penguin42 | wailer: Can't you right click on the DVD icon on the desktop to eject it? | 12:04 |
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wailer | penguin42: yep - right click then select eject | 12:06 |
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davmor2 | Does anyone know why libburn4 got removed? | 12:08 |
penguin42 | davmor2: Still showing up for me in apt-cache search | 12:09 |
BFrank | has anyone else had tribe 5 crash on partitioning installing files? | 12:09 |
wailer | penguin42: for six months I've had an icon on my launchbar to open & shut the tray & have found them convenient - ubuntu home page talks about the user friendliness of the OS - thought it would be an asset? | 12:09 |
penguin42 | wailer: That's a fair comment | 12:10 |
wailer | :) | 12:10 |
davmor2 | penguin42: I had it install in tribe 4 when I installed brasero now it isn't | 12:10 |
BFrank | I don't understand why there isn't a symlink for cdrecord to wodim in gutsy | 12:11 |
wailer | penquin42: in panel it would be an option not forced on a person | 12:11 |
penguin42 | wailer: If there isn't an applet somewhere to do it then I'd try filing a bug against something (not sure what!) | 12:12 |
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penguin42 | lots of things tend to fight over removable media; e.g. before I did this upgrade I went to burn a DVDrw backup of my system; I started k3b to do that and when I hit burn something else got in and ejected the blank; not sure what - and things asked me what I wanted to do with the blank, and rythymbox probably had a sniff at it to see if it was playable | 12:14 |
wailer | penquin42: made my own so I'm happy - not sure if others or developers think it is appropriate | 12:14 |
penguin42 | wailer: Have you made it into a debian package? | 12:15 |
wailer | penquin42: it is a two line script to open & 2 lines to close | 12:16 |
penguin42 | nod | 12:16 |
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=== penguin42 suspects it would be best to get it into gnome-applets or something (it would probably need to be a bit more substantial , e.g. have a config for which device) or as a modification to the disk mounter applet in there perhaps? | ||
wailer | penquin42: #!/bin/sh | eject - to open - #!/bin/sh | eject - t - to close - then make executable | 12:17 |
penguin42 | yeh | 12:17 |
penguin42 | be back in 5mins | 12:18 |
wailer | penquin42: different file for each - to clarify | 12:18 |
DanaG | Why use scripts at all? Just call eject directly. | 12:19 |
wailer | only from terminal | 12:22 |
wailer | as I said - use them from my launchbar | 12:23 |
DanaG | Custom Application Launcher | 12:23 |
wailer | yep | 12:23 |
penguin42 | wailer: It might be worth looking at whether the kde guys have what you want - I'm not sure; but it seems a reasonable thing to make easy for people; others might claim the fact that you already have the device icons on the desktop is enough | 12:24 |
wailer | penquin42: if what was there was enough I wouldn't have learn'/ | 12:25 |
wailer | I wouldn't have learnt to make these things | 12:26 |
penguin42 | nod | 12:26 |
wailer | penquin42: I am a gnome user | 12:26 |
penguin42 | I'm curious that you have a close button - I don't think I've ever seen anyone have one of those | 12:26 |
wailer | penquin42: it was there to use... | 12:27 |
wailer | penquin42: i read about it in an article about backdoors | 12:28 |
wailer | am I now too spoilt for choice?? | 12:29 |
penguin42 | hehe | 12:29 |
wailer | :) | 12:29 |
wailer | penquin42: my setup makes it hard to get to the dvd button when the tray is open - so for me it is a GOOD thing | 12:31 |
penguin42 | ah ok | 12:31 |
=== penguin42 notes something feels faster on feisty - but I haven't figured out what | ||
DanaG | Actually, try this: eject -T | 12:32 |
DanaG | traytoggle | 12:32 |
wailer | DanaG: traytoggle? | 12:34 |
SeveredCross | Toggles the tray's state. | 12:34 |
SeveredCross | If it's open, it closes it, if it's closed, it opens it. | 12:34 |
wailer | learn something new every day! | 12:35 |
wailer | didn't mean to distract everybody - apologies | 12:36 |
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wailer | how to use traytoggles in a script? - it's new to me | 12:38 |
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wailer | SeveredCross: just ran a script with traytoggle and had no luck - help on this | 12:48 |
SeveredCross | wailer: eject -T | 12:49 |
SeveredCross | Is tray toggle. | 12:49 |
dankh | after installing Tribe 5 , the speakers on my laptop doesn't work anymore. Headphones work, but no speakers. So my question is , this is related to which package so I can submit bug on launchpad ? | 12:50 |
wailer | been running eject -t for months - tray (space) toggle ?? | 12:50 |
pwnguin | dankh: i think it's alsa | 12:50 |
pwnguin | every time i mention headphone detection i get asked to try the latest alsa drivers | 12:51 |
pwnguin | which means building an out of tree kernel, and alsa | 12:51 |
pwnguin | ugg | 12:51 |
dankh | wow | 12:51 |
SeveredCross | wailer: Uh... | 12:52 |
SeveredCross | Once more, for good measure: | 12:52 |
SeveredCross | EJECT -T | 12:52 |
SeveredCross | (eject shouldn't be in caps, I was just emphasizing) | 12:52 |
SeveredCross | The command to toggle the state of your tray is "eject -T" | 12:52 |
SeveredCross | DanaG said that half an hour ago. | 12:52 |
dankh | I'll check alsa to see if there is a similar bug, but it's not only about speakers also the volume levels aren't accurate , no more volume hotkeys on the laptop, and no mic detected ??? | 12:53 |
SeveredCross | I think it's a problem with realtek chipsets. | 12:53 |
SeveredCross | Because (Tribe 5 kernel) works fine for me on my hda intel. | 12:53 |
SeveredCross | But I have a SigmaTel chipset. | 12:53 |
dankh | This happend after the Tribe 5 release, my laptop is HP nc6400 , the kernel driver for the audio device is "HDA Intel" | 12:55 |
wailer | SeveredCross: I've just been trying to make a script with traytoggle - tray toggle - & had no luck - hehe - for months I have used eject -t - small T | 12:57 |
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pwnguin | SeveredCross: ive ot hda intel and the latest update has rather screwed with my sound | 12:57 |
SeveredCross | wailer: Traytoggle isn't a bloody command! | 12:57 |
SeveredCross | It's a term. | 12:57 |
SeveredCross | To use the traytoggle capability, issue the command "eject -T" | 12:57 |
SeveredCross | How many times do you have to be told? | 12:57 |
SeveredCross | pwnguin: Can you find out your chipset? | 12:58 |
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wailer | I know that now after several scripts | 12:58 |
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pwnguin | SeveredCross: if you tell me how | 12:59 |
wailer | I had both open & close tray for months!! | 12:59 |
SeveredCross | wailer: Then what's the issue now? | 12:59 |
pwnguin | SeveredCross: ichm7 | 12:59 |
SeveredCross | Hmm... | 12:59 |
pwnguin | 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) | 01:00 |
wailer | you kept saying tray toggle or eject -T | 01:00 |
pwnguin | this might be something ive caused myself | 01:00 |
dankh | yeah , hmm ... I HAVE exacly the same 82801G (ICH7 Family) | 01:00 |
wailer | :) | 01:00 |
wailer | :) | 01:00 |
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SeveredCross | Mine is ICH7 too I think. | 01:00 |
SeveredCross | wailer: What's your issue..If you've had eject and close for months, why are you here and why were you talking about it before? | 01:00 |
dankh | but no speakers no sound no microphone , no correct volume levels , etc... | 01:00 |
SeveredCross | Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01) | 01:01 |
pwnguin | what's the alsa file? | 01:01 |
SeveredCross | Mine's rev 01 | 01:01 |
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pwnguin | alsaconf, i think.. | 01:01 |
wailer | see above | 01:01 |
dankh | alsactl version 1.0.14 | 01:01 |
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SeveredCross | Guys with alsa issues: Open a terminal, type alsamixer | 01:01 |
SeveredCross | What's your Chip set? | 01:02 |
wailer | I thought it might be a good addition to panel | 01:02 |
SeveredCross | (You can read it in the top left corner) | 01:02 |
pwnguin | realtek | 01:02 |
wailer | that is all | 01:02 |
pwnguin | id162 | 01:02 |
wailer | that is all | 01:02 |
pwnguin | 262 even | 01:02 |
dankh | HDA Intel | 01:02 |
SeveredCross | dankh: Wrong area. | 01:02 |
=== DanaG [n=dana@66-169-236-47.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
SeveredCross | You just read me Card not CHip | 01:02 |
pwnguin | dankh: thats the card. see "chip" below it? | 01:02 |
dankh | sorry | 01:02 |
dankh | Analog Devices ID 1981 | 01:02 |
SeveredCross | pwnguin: That's why you're having issues. | 01:02 |
SeveredCross | Realtek is broken I believe. | 01:02 |
DanaG | What is backingstore, and why does Xorg show it being disabled? | 01:02 |
SeveredCross | I don't know what Analog Devices is. | 01:03 |
pwnguin | SeveredCross: its not broken, just weird. but i remmeber messing with some alsa config file that controlled some things | 01:04 |
Arwen | DanaG, heh, I've got one of those | 01:06 |
Arwen | SeveredCross, Analog Devices makes cheap integrated sound chips :-P | 01:06 |
bluefoxicy | ... | 01:08 |
bluefoxicy | there was an ad for Ubuntu Live in the April 2007 issue of Hakin9 | 01:08 |
bluefoxicy | does everyone stick stuf in that mag | 01:08 |
dankh | there are many similar bug reports in launchpad with HDA Intel (Analog Devices) , I thnik since 2.6.22 something get wrong | 01:09 |
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Amaranth | make sure you have linux-ubuntu-modules installed | 01:11 |
=== penguin42 seems to have got lucky and having Intel sound work here (Realtek mixer) |
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