
bruenigsabgenton, I will say no as I haven't a clue what you are talking about12:02
sabgentonjust curious12:02
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sabgentonnever mind12:02
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kanuhais there a fix for the compiz cube problem?12:03
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sharperguyare there andy issues with the low latency kernel that mess up skype?12:03
deraminI need the rt2500 wireless driver. I got the source from the package manager, and followed the readme, but rt2500.ko failed to build and I got [module]  Error 1. Does anyone know what I can do to get this driver working?12:03
bruenigthat damn error 112:04
bruenigthat's a tough one12:04
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arctic01hello. I installed Ubuntu 7.04 on y laptop some days ago and updated the whole system. Now the harddisk partition is broken, the system is completely unable to boot. Is this a known problem or am I simply unlucky?12:04
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arctic01i feel that one packages of the updates has messed up my system12:05
matozoidhi all any idea how I can try the cube effect of compiz? what keys to press?12:05
deraminarctic01: how did you determine the partition is broken?12:05
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bruenigarctic01, package updates won't break your partition table I am pretty sure12:05
ompaularctic01, seems unlucky and more to the point when you say upgrade was it an attempt to get 7.10?12:05
arctic01deramin: because i found this out using dsl. it reported a broken partition table on two of three partitions12:06
PriceChildmatozoid, ctrl+alt+ drag mouse 1.... further help in #ubuntu-effects please12:06
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erUSULderamin: did you instaled the kernel-headers? 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)'12:06
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arctic01ompaul: no, regular 7.04 updates12:06
kanuhamatozoid,  control+alt and mouse12:06
deraminerUSUL: yeah, they're there12:06
matozoidkanuha: PriceChild: thx12:06
ompaularctic01, that should _never_ break your disk - is your disk borked?12:06
diogo_weird. what am I doing here?12:07
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arctic01nope, it is not borked. it is pretty new, all other OSs work perfectly. just to point out, I am not a linux noob12:07
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erUSULderamin: i run a custom kernel and compile the drvers found here http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php/Downloads12:07
arctic01just wondered if there were massive reports of broken partition tables12:07
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erUSULderamin: the cvs-hourly tarball for rt250012:07
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deraminok, well, the reason I was using the package manager is that compiling really confuses me12:08
zlaptopxhey im having a little troube with installing ubuntu, some which I have fixed but the one which I can't is that when I go to install it from the live CD it only allows me to install it on the entire HDD (even when trying manually) so is there anything I can do to create the partition before the install?12:09
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bruenigderamin, compiling just requires you to run scripts12:09
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arctic01I guess I have to reformat and reinstall...12:09
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erUSULderamin: well i thought that ubuntu kernels have ralink support built in doesn't work for you?12:09
PriceChilderUSUL, they do12:10
deraminno. it doesn't work.12:10
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erUSULderamin: well the ones in the page i paste should compile fine if you have build-essential and the kernel-headers12:11
deraminwell, huh, it seems to think it has a wireless card, and it shows a wireless network up in the network dohack, but it won't connect to a network I know is working12:11
slim100zlaptopx:- some live d's have gparted on them so do it before install12:11
barbarelladeramin:is it an usb, pci or pcmcia device?12:11
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albertmkWhat do you guys think about VMWare for Linux?12:12
albertmkDoes it work okay?12:12
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OPTIMusprime1212works fine12:12
Falstiusalbertmk: works fine ... do you mean using linux as the server or client?12:12
VSpikealbertmk: works for me12:12
deraminbarbarella: pcmcia12:12
barbarellaalbertmk:the player you mean?12:12
albertmkusing linux as client12:12
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albertmkCause I want to run windows under linux12:13
Anlarof course vmware works.12:13
EpochWolfhello, I'm getting a frequency out of range warning on my LCD with the Live CD12:13
albertmkall right then12:13
barbarelladeramin:there is your issue12:13
Falstiusalbertmk: the OS in the VM is the client.12:13
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EpochWolfAnd I an using safe graphics mode12:13
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albertmkso why to use Wine when you can run VMWare?12:14
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erUSUL!vmware | albertmk12:14
ubotualbertmk: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers12:14
barbarelladeramin:is it a e-tech?12:14
aurelienyou speak french,12:14
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deraminbarbarella: it's a corega12:14
Pici!fr | aurelien12:14
ubotuaurelien: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:14
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erUSUL!virtualizers > albertmk12:14
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Badpenguin86How can I get mp3 to automatically play in vlc instead of movie player?12:14
aurelienIM not speak english12:15
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albertmkYep, I want a virtual machine running windows (arg!)12:15
albertmk=] 12:15
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:15
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barbarelladeramin:have you tried the 8390 module12:16
VSpikealbertmk: I did that when I switched from windows, so I could keep using XP, Office, Activesync, ACDSee while I gradually found my feet and switched over12:16
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albertmkI see12:16
deraminBadpenguin86: right click on an mp3, go to properties, and there should be a way to set the default player for that file type12:16
albertmkCan you run games with VMWare?12:16
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VSpikealbertmk: still have it for visual studio12:16
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DrNick1albertmk: ish.12:16
VSpikealbertmk: nope.  Cedega is what you need for that12:16
deraminbarbarella: no. where can I find that?12:16
Badpenguin86 /msg deramin Duh. lol thanks12:16
albertmkoh damn =] 12:16
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:16
Ami1hi all12:16
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deraminWine or Cedega are better for games. less slow12:17
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VSpikeBeginning to wish I'd kept ACDSee around though12:17
emeristeWine is pretty slow on my computer.12:17
ompaulAmi1, this is not a normal chat channel, it is purely for support of the ubuntu operating system, chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic12:17
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barbarelladeramin:modprobe -r rt2500;modprobe 839012:17
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ubotuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html12:17
emeristeJust running Yahelite (a yahoo chat client) on Wine is too slow. I cant imagine playing games on it.12:17
Grungebunnyacdsee was good stuff12:17
albertmkCedega is not free, omg!12:17
VSpikeNeither digikam, gimp or gthumb will print photos correctly for me12:17
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albertmkI already played Starcraft with Wine12:18
apt_getif i remove a file in a ext3 file system with SAMBA,  its possible to recover it?12:18
albertmkruns ok12:18
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deraminCedega works better for noobs like me, though XD and it's not that expencive12:19
knightzcansomebody help me with thiss gcc error?12:19
GNineemerist, you need a new puter12:19
knightzchecking for C compiler default output file name...12:19
knightzconfigure: error: C compiler cannot create executables12:19
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Pici!b-e | knightz12:19
ubotuknightz: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:19
erUSULknightz: install build-essential12:19
DrNick1knightz: sounds like there's something quite wrong with your build system :?12:19
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DrNick1after all, a C compiler which can't create executables is of rather limited use, really!12:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about undelete - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:20
VSpikeHow can I reset the whole font setup and installation on feisty to default settings?12:20
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DrNick1VSpike: reinstall?12:20
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VSpikeDrNick1: you mean certain packages?  If so, which ones?12:21
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barbarellaapt_get:ext3 zeros out12:21
DrNick1err, well no, re-installing would solve  your problem :p  a quicker way however might be to remove your preferences folders from your home dir.12:22
oldmonkeyWho can help me with VPN settings?12:22
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VSpikeDrNick1: that would be a quicker way to a broken system, I think :)12:22
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DrNick1well, it'd just reset them to default values12:22
BrendanWIs it possible to change my root/mainuser password?12:23
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ompaul!root | BrendanW12:23
ubotuBrendanW: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:23
bruenigBrendanW, which one, root or main user?12:23
DrNick1hence why if you want a clean desktop from a re-installed system if you've kept your home dir, just remove everything beginning in a dot and you have default settings for everything12:23
VSpikeDrNick1: which preferences are you talking about?12:23
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=== mrksbrd yells for Genii
CraftI have an athlon64 desktop where the screen randomly goes white and the system locks up, usually it's when I'm working in firefox. I only have firefox, gaim and synergyc running. Is there a log somewhere that would dump data regarding these crashes?12:23
knightzok trying12:23
knightzchecking for C compiler default output file name...12:23
knightzconfigure: error: C compiler cannot create executables12:23
FlannelBrendanW: Your main user password isn't your root password.  You don't have a root password, nor do you want to set one.  To change your user password, just use `passwd`12:23
knightzshit sorry12:23
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bruenigknightz, do which gcc12:23
knightzok try build-ess*12:23
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ubotuForgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords12:24
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=== bruenig likes his root password
ompaulknightz, take it easy with the language, and install sudo apt-get install build-essential12:24
DrNick1not sure quite which directory stores your font settings though... would be in your gconf somewhere i'd imagine12:24
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knightzok i did12:24
DrNick1sorry that isn't particularly helpful tho heh12:24
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BrendanWThanks guys, I got it.12:24
BrendanWI guess I was confused.12:24
VSpikeDrNick1: It's more the system level font config I want to reset, not user level12:24
DrNick1i see.  what's happened with it then?12:25
knightzi got /usr/bin/gcc12:25
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matozoidhow do we enable mp3?12:25
bruenig!codecs | matozoid12:25
ompaul!mp2 | matozoid12:25
ubotumatozoid: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mp2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:25
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DrNick1matozoid: we install extra plugins :)12:25
mad_goldfishIs there a command for accessing the XClipboard from the command line so I can pipe it into a script?12:25
=== ompaul goes to school again to learn how to type 3
matozoidthanks all :)12:25
DrNick1mad_goldfish: interesting question.  if anyone has the answer i'd be quite interested also...12:26
matozoid!mp3 | matozoid12:26
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aspirehi... i added irc.spotchat.org server to kopete.. then when i restarted my pc... i could not connect to spotchat.org... kopete said it is offline... how do i make it online?12:26
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erUSULmad_goldfish: xclip ?12:26
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ompaulmatozoid, it is the same as the info you already have12:26
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DrNick1aspire: contact the server admin and get them to fix whatever's making it offline?12:26
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SystemOverloadYay, I am finally up and running on Ubuntu :D12:26
matozoidompaul: :)12:26
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DrNick1SystemOverload: congrats \o/12:27
VSpikewell, I normally use kde, and the fonts are very odd.  Mostly way too large, in many things, although way too small in others.  They also sometimes suddenly decrease in size when I open a gnome app.  In Evolution, they are just random...12:27
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SystemOverloadI am used to windows, but so far this is nice.12:27
DrNick1VSpike: :S12:27
SystemOverloadI just need to learn alot.12:27
VSpikeDrNick1: and when I try to use gnome, I get a nasty error: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fontconfig/+bug/13138212:27
SystemOverloadI am trying to install the latest nivida drivers12:27
mdiousSystemOverload:  just make sure you have fun with it ;)12:27
DrNick1SystemOverload: well, any problems with non-obvious answers, give people a shout in here :)12:27
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aspireDrNick1: i use pidgin, the irc.spotchat.org is ok12:27
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deraminbarbarella: so after I run those commands, is there any setup I should do with the driver?12:28
VSpikeDrNick1: I have a feeling they are all related, so I just wanted to go back to a default setup12:28
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SystemOverloadDrNick1, I wanted to install Beryl. On the website, it has alot of different files.12:28
DrNick1argh too many people talking to me12:28
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ritzcrackercan anyone help me with vpopmail12:28
aspireDrNick1: before i restarted my pc... irc.spotchat.org is ok12:28
ritzcrackerI have it running but I can not seem to login to pop server12:28
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emeristeHow does a person become an expert about Ubuntu or Linux?12:28
DrNick1SystemOverload: 7.10 Gutsy will be out soon, that'll have Beryl by default if you want to save yourself some work just wait until that's out :)12:28
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SystemOverloadWhen do you think that will be out?12:29
EvaLuaTe'The programs included with the ubuntu ....', this is showing whenever i login to my ubuntu install, is there a way to change this message for all users ?12:29
knightzemeriste (FTFM)12:29
mad_goldfisherUSUL: Thanks. I've found it in apt-get, I'll give it a shot.12:29
knightzemeriste (RTFM)12:29
ritzcrackeremeriste: trial and error :)12:29
DrNick1Gutsy's due in Oct12:29
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SystemOverloadOh ok, thanks for the info12:29
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ompaul!rtfm | knightz12:29
ubotuknightz: Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.12:29
GNineSystemOverload, this is better than windows .. in my experience12:29
emeristeThere's so much to know.12:29
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erUSULmad_goldfish: xclip -o shold output the contents of the Xclipboard to stdout12:29
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SystemOverloadI am just having a problem installing the latest nivida drivers and setting my resolution12:30
rog-mahal_can anyone here help me with some xchat problems?12:30
emeristeIt's almost overwhelming I think. To try to really understand Linux.12:30
SystemOverloadGNine, I agree.12:30
ompaulknightz, we give full info - or urls or nothing :)12:30
emeristeI'm not saying just being able to use Linux. That's quite easy.12:30
deraminemeriste: the official Ubuntu book is very handy if you're willing to pay $35 for a tome of knowledge that's all on the internet (though not as nicely presented on the internet)12:30
EvaLuaTeso, could anyone please tell me where to find/change the welcome message that displays when a users logs in to the install ?12:30
SystemOverloadI downloaded the latest release for the nivida drivers.12:30
SystemOverloadit is a .run file12:31
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mdiousEvaLuaTe:  check /etc/motd12:31
ritzcrackerevaluate: /etc/motd12:31
DrNick1emeriste: there is professional qualifications you can get if you're looking to prove you can admin' a linux box or set of boxen well... LPI certification is what you need if you want the bit of paper12:31
deraminSystemOverload: look up Envy. finds and installs the drivers for you. it's wonderful12:31
emeristeI bought a book called, 'Beginning Ubuntu' by Keir Thomas. It is where my installation disk came from. It was quite good.12:31
SystemOverloadOh, awsome!12:31
EvaLuaTemdious, thank you12:31
SystemOverloadThanks for letting me know12:31
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erUSUL!envy | SystemOverload12:31
ubotuSystemOverload: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!12:31
GNineby now i wouldve rebooted windows 150 times since i installed ubuntu.12:31
erUSUL!nvidia | SystemOverload12:31
ubotuSystemOverload: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:31
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SystemOverloadI just reformatted and installed Ubuntu about 20 minutes ago12:32
mdiousEvaLuaTe:  not sure if it will help as mine has the output of uname -a by default...(I'm on 6.06 lts)12:32
PiciEvaLuaTe: /etc/motd.tail actually12:32
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AnlarGNine: no idea, I've seen Windowses going for updates of several years.. you must have done something wrong then12:32
GNinenah.. windows is what was wrong12:32
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DrNick1in terms of uptime, a linux server will sit there quite happy for several years before needing a reboot.12:32
bulmerGNine: you had everything right yesterday..you rebooted?12:32
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barbarellaemeriste:the best thing in opensource is that you can debug to solve the problem, wich you can't in windows/vista12:33
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GNinei did not ask a question.  i was commenting about the volatility of windows OS12:33
DrNick1most of the time a reboot for a linux server is because of hardware problems like a stuck tape. otherwise it's to do with a kernel upgrade12:33
savetheWorldMy grandma can't wait to debug...12:33
EvaLuaTeso, what's the difference between /etc/motd and /etc/motd.tail ?12:33
rog-mahal_can anyone here help me with some xchat problems?12:33
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GNinewhich anlar seems to defend ...12:33
rog-mahal_i can't accept any xdcc transfers12:34
SystemOverloadWell, I see like I would like to use gparted.12:34
mdiousbarbarella:  not to mention all the free tools out of the box to help troubleshoot...instead of having to pay to do the same thing on windows :(12:34
PiciEvaLuaTe: man motd.tail for information. It explains it better than I can.12:34
SystemOverloadIt comes in a .gz file, and when I extract it there are many files12:34
EvaLuaTeok, thank you :)12:34
SystemOverloadAnd like the source and things like that12:34
SystemOverloadHow do I go about installing it?12:34
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erUSUL!synaptic | SystemOverload12:34
ubotuSystemOverload: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto12:34
PiciSystemOverload: gparted is in the Ubuntu repos, there no need to install it.12:34
deraminSystemOverload: it's in the add/remove thing12:35
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EvaLuaTeNo manual entry for motd.tail :/12:35
SystemOverloadI see, thanks12:35
=== Openix [n=theballz@60-234-217-69.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
SystemOverloadSorry for all of these stupid questions.12:35
mdiouswhat is motd.tail?12:35
DrNick1also its kind of a myth that the BSD's are more stable and/or offer better performance than a linux system.  in actual fact, the linux kernel is quite a bit more mature than the BSD's in many situations.  performance wise, OpenBSD is particularly horrible.  but then security comes first with them12:35
PiciEvaLuaTe: What version of Ubuntu are you on?12:35
deraminSystemOverload: there are no stupid questions when you're starting out.12:35
EvaLuaTePici: 7.04 server12:35
=== Hearts|Laptop [n=tsharpe@166-70-210-101.ip.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu
PiciEvaLuaTe: Odd: The  initiation script /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh prepends a line containing information about the  system  to  /etc/motd.tail  and  stores  the resulting  file  in  /var/run/motd.  /etc/motd  is  a  symbolic link to /var/run/motd (the system can not assume /etc to be writable).12:36
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PiciEvaLuaTe: If /etc/motd.tail doesnt exist, just use /etc/motd like normal12:36
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EvaLuaTewell, actually both of them exist, but they have pretty much the same content12:36
=== Billy [n=billy@p5B12173C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
deraminI'm still having wireless trouble. is there a way to see what driver a device is trying to use? In all the "fixing" I've been doing for it, I'm afraid I may have misdirected it12:37
Billy!rpm | Billy12:37
SystemOverloadIf I would like to install Beryl, I just download the files and use the manager to install them?12:37
preaction_deramin, lsmod12:37
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SystemOverloadI need to download the core and all the other parts right?12:37
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deraminSystemOverload: use the add/remove installer. you may need to add repositories, but it's all there and easy to install12:37
erUSULSystemOverload: beryl is in the repos too in universe you can use synaptic to install it12:38
SystemOverloadOh, thanks again :D12:38
heyadayofrom a shell, how do I unblock mysql port 3306 for incoming connections?12:38
deraminpreaction_: thanks, I'll try that12:38
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SystemOverloadBRB, I need to restart12:38
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greywhindhi - i have a question on behalf of someone else. he's getting errors when trying to apt-get update. sources.list: http://rafb.net/p/h2swOh45.html apt-get update output: http://rafb.net/p/xOoACc24.html12:38
barbarellaEvaLuaTe:it is more a debian issue for accurate information of what you want to display for users.12:38
XyhthyxHey everyone. Can anyone tell me if it's possible to hide the Desktop folder from your home folder?12:38
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stiandoes anybody have any experience with suspending a laptop under linux? (ubuntu 704)12:39
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mdiousXyhthyx:  Why would you want to do that...I guess you could just delete it (not sure what the consequences of that would be though ;) )12:39
stianIt seems to suspend fine, but when I wake it up, the screen remains black12:39
mad_goldfisherUSUL: Very cool, thanks.12:39
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EvaLuaTebarbarella, well , i would just like to know what the difference between motd and motd.tail is and what i should edit12:39
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erUSULgreywhind: usually this are temporary server side errors. Just wait a few hours and try again the update12:39
erUSULmad_goldfish: no problem12:40
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Xyhthyxmdious: It can't even be renamed heh.12:40
deraminpreaction_: if the device I want is used by nothing, does that mean there's no driver yet for it?12:40
ompaulXyhthyx, yeap but it would not be what you expect you will have no desktop at all12:40
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preaction_deramin, or it means the driver isnt loaded12:40
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michael_if i have everything working in ubuntu, ie video drivers installed. then can i just install the kde desktop (kubuntu) from synaptic and not have to reinstall drivers?12:40
greywhinderUSUL: i don't think that's the problem, since the file can be downloaded properly by hand, and it's been going on days.12:40
mdiousXyhthyx:  why do you want to get rid of it?12:40
Xyhthyxompaul: Ok I figured that would be the end result.12:41
barbarellaEvaLuaTe:you have to edit motd.tail12:41
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demonsporkIs there any way to install an ubuntu system without modifying the Bootloader?12:41
deraminpreaction_: how would I load a driver?12:41
sirjoebobanyone know how to launch a saved virtual box session at startup?12:41
astro76michael_, indeed, just install kubuntu-desktop package12:41
Xyhthyxmdious: No reason, I just don't use it.12:41
preaction_deramin, either modprobe or insmod12:41
michael_astro76 ok thnx12:41
mdiousXyhthyx:  can't you just delete it then?12:41
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erUSULgreywhind: has he/she tried changing the mirrors?12:42
deraminah. ok. hmm, I reallt seem to not have a pcmcia driver, then12:42
neverbluegrats Pici12:42
greywhinderUSUL: what mirrors should he try?12:42
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Xyhthyxmdious: Nope, it can't.12:42
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zlaptopxwhat format should i make the partition of for ubuntu out of fat, fat32 or ntfs (only choices on vista)??12:43
barbarellademonspork:yes, than you have to install grub on the first sector of your partition...but you still need a bootloader12:43
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erUSULgreywhind: anything but us ones maybe canadians or mexican (close to the us)12:43
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mdiouscan anyone get to this link?  http://www.fedorasolved.org/network12:43
Xyhthyxmdious: Wait, apparently you can. Wonder my that folder had different permissions o_O12:43
deraminzlaptopx: fat32. but if you want to duel boot it with Vista, just leave an unalocated partition and the install with partition it12:44
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greywhinderUSUL: where would i find the correct links for those, do you know?12:44
mdiousXyhthyx:  you got me interested, mine has the same permissions as the others in my home dir12:44
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sirjoebob_anyone know how to launch saved virtual box session on startup?12:44
ompaulXyhthyx, mdious please take that to pm and you can discover between you how to break your machine12:44
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sirjoebob_anyone know how to launch saved virtual box session on startup?12:45
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erUSULgreywhind: it will suffice to change all acuurrences or the us string to ca (for canadian) e.g 'deb http://us.archive....' will be 'deb http://ca.archive...'12:45
sirjoebob_(sorry for double post)12:45
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emmcHi guys... how could i take my /usr dir to another hd without destroy my actual configuration?12:45
ompaul!nickspam | ZioMiP^away12:45
ubotuZioMiP^away: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines12:45
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emmcHi guys... how could i take my /usr dir to another hd without destroy my actual configuration?12:46
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barbarellaemmc:man fstab12:46
MeroigoWhere can I check the current usage of CPU and RAM, and also specific for different programs?12:46
shiznix`that's a secret12:46
pvlhow can i find out what video card i have?12:46
erUSULemmc: carefully ;P just make the new partition copy the files over (cp -a to preserve permisions iirc) and edit fstab to reflect ther changes12:47
gerropvl: do lspci and see what it says about video cards12:47
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gerropvl: lshw for full information on hardware your using12:47
mdiouserUSUL:  could you use dd also?  or is cp better for moving directories around?12:47
erUSULMeroigo: top, htop, System>Admin>SystemMonitor12:47
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greywhinderUSUL: according to a bug report I found, duplicate "feisty main restricted" and such in the sources.list could cause this kind of error. maybe if he comments out the deb-src lines?12:47
deraminMerigo: there's a monitor for the panel, and there's also the system monitor under System -> Administration12:47
Itchy^HoBosystem > administration > system monitor12:47
pvlk ty gerro12:47
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gerropvl: sure no prob12:48
erUSULmdious: dd can not copy dirs12:48
emmcso i copy my usr directory to my new partition and then i mount the link to the new config?12:48
mdiouserUSUL:  ah sorry...I'm a retard12:48
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erUSULgreywhind: deb-src are for source packages they should not interfere with deb lines12:48
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MeroigoerUSUL, oh, there it was. :) thanks.12:48
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greywhinderUSUL: true... that's what I  thought... but i'm having him try it anway12:49
Epic0how do i log in as ROOT?12:49
EpochWolfI'm getting a "Frequency out of range" message on my monitor when booting the LiveCD and I can't fix it.12:49
Epic0if i am the only user of this pc12:49
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erUSULemmc: then you mount the partition under /usr (with usr as mount point)12:49
astro76!root | Epic012:49
ubotuEpic0: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:49
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barbarellaemmc:you have to set a linefor the /usr in the /etc/fstab file. If don right, i can't see any problems12:49
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mdiousI'm off, cya everyone12:49
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erUSULgreywhind: yeah it will do no harm. if you want you can generate a fresh sources.list in source-o-matic12:50
Epic0i am trying to run win xp pro under vmware server12:50
Epic0i have everything set up12:50
erUSUL!source-o-matic | greywhind12:50
ubotugreywhind: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:50
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greywhinderUSUL: thanks12:50
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erUSULgreywhind: no problem12:50
deraminEpochWolf: under System > Preferences > Screen Resolution, have you tried turning down the frequency?12:50
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EpochWolfderamin, ... I'm not even installed yet...12:51
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:51
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deraminEpochWolf: shouldn't matter12:51
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EpochWolfderamin, yes, doesn't work12:51
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deraminEpochWolf: other than that, try rebooting and loading in safe graphics mode12:51
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T`hi, i just upgraded y linux box and i have a non-smp kernel12:51
T`how do i make ubuntu use a smp one?12:51
EpochWolfderamin, I was in safe graphics mode :(12:51
deraminEpochWolf: nuts. I'm out of ideas then, sorry12:52
bruenigT`, run this in your irc client: /exec -o uname -a12:52
EpochWolfderamin, yeah... the funny thing is, CentOS worked just fine.12:52
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EpochWolfIt just runs too slow.12:52
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bruenigor don't12:53
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barbarellaemmc:still there is one thing, copy the files to the other partition with -p option (man cp)12:53
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T` Linux rx1 2.6.20-16-386 #2 Thu Jun 7 20:16:13 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux12:54
T`bruenig, i had a P4.. but i just got a core duo box12:54
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T`so have 2 cores now12:54
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T`its still using the same old kernel.. and apt-get update isn't getting the smp one12:54
riaal__Im trying to share my NFS to an mac running OSX, it mounts fine but says (Permission denied) works on my other linux computers, I have this flags (rw,sync,unsecure)12:54
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rexyubuntu servers in trouble? wont load for me12:54
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ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)12:55
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deraminIf I light this computer on fire, will it help me get pcmcia drivers? Failing that method, how can I get said drivers, particularly for a pcmcia wireless card.12:55
erUSUL!generic | T`12:55
ubotuT`: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)12:55
cdm10T`: the generic kernel should support your 2 cores just fine. Also, apt-get update isn't designed to install new stuff based on hardware changes12:55
barbarellarexy:that's a lot off information12:55
rexyderamin what type of card12:55
T`cdm10, but i dont see more than one core in /proc/cpuinfo12:56
deraminrexy: Corega12:56
rexybarbarella,  eh?12:56
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barbarellarexy:said 'ubuntu servers in trouble? wont load for me'12:56
cdm10T`: I'm not sure why that is... but apt-get update certainly won't fix it.12:56
rexythe browser connects but wont load12:56
T`well, do i need to pass some options to the kernel?12:56
rexywondering if the servers are ddos'd12:56
T`i want both the cores to appear..12:56
T`that way i can use vmware and assign it one of the cores12:57
rexyderamin what type does lspci report12:57
rexythe manufacturer isnt important, the type of chip is12:57
deraminrexy: 012:57
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GNinei dont think thats an ubuntu question12:57
skrovhas anyone here using rsync/grsync ?  i am having a problem with the --delete option which is causing all my destination files to get deleted (after the first sync) because it thinks those files are no in the source (even though they are),   i check the rsync manpage but i still have no clue why it cannot see those files in the source, any ideas ?  thanks12:57
demonsporkbarbarella, How do I do it?12:57
xangeI got a new monitor, its a widescreen...how can I fix it so that X is right and the console is correct?12:57
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deraminrexy: it's a ralink that uses the rt2500 driver12:58
demonsporkbarbarella, how do I install the ubuntu system without installing the bootloader?12:58
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cdm10demonspork: every OS needs a bootloader.12:58
rexydid you get the drivers loaded?12:58
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cdm10demonspork: do you mean you don't want the menu to show up?12:58
demonsporkI don't want to install Grub with this in particular install12:59
demonsporkI already have a bootloader to use12:59
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cdm10demonspork: what bootloader?12:59
rexydemon install grub on the ubuntu partition12:59
deraminrexy: they should be built in, but they aren't working. I have tried to get them through the package manager and to compile them myself, neither of which have worked12:59
T`anyone here has a core duo cpu?12:59
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:59
rexythen boot the ubuntu partition using your bootloader12:59
greywhindT`: I do.12:59
rexyderamin, what exactly isnt working01:00
barbarellademonspork:the question is asked when you install the system.01:00
T`greywhind, hi.. do you think you can tell me how many cpu's it list in /proc/cpuinfo?01:00
barbarellademonspork:yes, than you have to install grub on the first sector of your partition...but you still need a bootloader01:00
greywhindT`: sorry, but i'm booted into Mac OS X at the moment. i'm almost certain it lists both cpus, though01:00
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demonsporkbararella, so one of the options is "no boot loader"01:00
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T`hmm ic01:00
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T`i see only one01:00
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deraminrexy: the network dohack up in the notification area sees the wireless network, but it won't connect. I know this network is working01:01
cdm10T`: you might want to check your kernel options, although I'm not sure what they should be.01:01
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barbarellaemmc:yes install grub, but on the first sector of the partition01:01
rexyderamin are you using native drivers or ndiswrapper?01:01
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rexyand a wpa or wep network?01:01
tombaranyone here that frequently plays wow via wine is expiriencing problems after last kubuntu update?01:01
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pvluhm, my desktop icons wont show. and file explorer is frozen01:02
riaal__Im getting, "You do not have the right permission" when trying to brows a nfs share that I just mounted on an macbook, anyone have a clue?01:02
riaal__works fine on linux01:02
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cdm10pvl: hint alt-f2, and type < nautilus -q >01:02
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deraminrexy: I believe I am using native trivers, though I've failed to fix this from a driver end so many times I'm not sure what state they're in. lsmod has always indicated that there is no loaded driver for the pcmcia slot01:02
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cdm10pvl: then, do it again, but do just < nautilus > this time01:02
deraminrexy: non-encrypted network01:02
barbarellademonspork:yes install grub, but on the first sector of the partition (sorry emmc)01:03
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cdm10pvl: if < nautilus -q > doesn't kill nautilus, try < killall nautilus >01:03
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GNinei used to play wow..  dont care for them greedy bastards anymore01:03
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Badpenguin86Any known problem about fullscreen games on nvidia restriced?01:03
demonsporkbarbarella, I already have grub installed (I am on ubuntu now), when grub installs it rewrites the MBR and tells the computer to use it01:03
Hump_/w GBPLTW GBPLTW01:03
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demonsporkbarbarella, is there any way to prevent it from installing the boot loader in the install wizard01:04
minsthi all01:04
fsckrwhat does the dbus-daemon process do?  I have like 20 of them in my system monitor01:04
sirjoebob_i am running compiz-fusion with 5 desktops. anyone know how to set a cap to cover the full desktop?01:04
mbakerAnyone tried to use an 8000-series nvidia card with the Fiesty restricted drivers (1.0.9755)?01:04
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barbarellademonspork:so you have 2 ubuntu systems installed?01:04
sirjoebob_i am running compiz-fusion with 5 desktops. anyone know how to set a cap to cover the full cap?01:04
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demonsporkbarbarella, I want to have 2 installed01:04
cdm10sirjoebob_: sorry, that's not possible.01:04
pvloo thanks01:04
cdm10sirjoebob_: caps can only completely cover 4-desktop setups01:05
EpochWolffsckr, it's part of gnome01:05
barbarellademonspork:you have to be more accuret01:05
rexywell if the driver wont load that is the first place to investigate01:05
sirjoebob_bummer. guess i will use a cap with a solid bg. thanks for the help01:05
pvlcdm10 thanks, it worked01:05
cdm10pvl: no problem01:05
rexydid dmesg turn anything up?01:05
fsckryes i know that much EpochWolf but why have like 20 instances of them01:05
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demonsporkbarbarella: I just don't want the second install to install GRUB, I want it to be left to me to manually configure it using the already installed GRUB01:05
sirjoebob_anyone know how to run a saved session of a virtual box at startup?01:05
EpochWolffsckr, not sure. Let me check my system01:05
YourWebIsSucksfckn web01:05
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jvaihey all, is ubotu back from vacation?01:06
rexydemonspork you can just set it to the partition on ubuntu, and ignore it afterwards01:06
demonsporkbarbarella, is there any option in the menu that would prevent it from installing GRUB?01:06
cdm10!test > jvai01:06
rexynot sure if you can forgo installing grub altogether01:06
YourWebIsSucksCoffee hi. how r you?01:06
cdm10!test | jvai01:06
ubotujvai: failed01:06
EpochWolffsckr, I got 5 running01:06
YourWebIsSucksCoffee hi. how r you?01:06
jvailol.. ok ok ty01:06
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cdm10jvai: nope, it's working :)01:06
YourWebIsSucksc00i90wn, zaebal01:06
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YourWebIsSuckscdm10 ti zaebal idi na huy01:06
fsckrim running gutsy though not sure if that would make a diff01:06
barbarellademonspork:than you say now, and edit /etc/boot/grub/menu.lst to add the new installed system01:06
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YourWebIsSucksfsckr ti dolbaeb01:06
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demonsporkrexy, when GRUB installs, it rewrites the MBR, and says "Hey, I am over here" so that it will load01:06
YourWebIsSucksjvai pedik01:06
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YourWebIsSucksdemonspork zavali ebalo01:07
erUSULfsckr: yes it does; help for gutsy in #ubuntu+101:07
ritzcrackerHi can anyone help me with qmail/vpopmail setup from source01:07
rexydemonspork, afaik you can configure it to not install itself to the MBR01:07
demonsporkbarbarella, that is what I plan to do01:07
cafuego!ops | YourWebIsSucks spam01:07
ubotuYourWebIsSucks spam: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici01:07
cdm10YourWebIsSucks: please cut it out01:07
rexywhich would solve your problem01:07
PiciYourWebIsSucks: Language?01:07
marko_can someone tell me which graphic card should i use i want it to be supported by ubuntu and that beryl will work on it fine and it must be so not an old card you know so please help me i have no idea01:07
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demonsporkrexy, so that is an option?01:07
cafuegota :-)01:07
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greywhindmarko_: nvidia is better than ATI for linux.01:07
Pici!ru > YourWebIsSucks (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)01:07
fsckryea erUSUL yea ive posted there thx01:07
rexyit should be demonspork01:07
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rexymarko any nvidia card will do01:07
marko_greywhind, i know01:07
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marko_but which one01:07
marko_no i have01:08
marko_8600 gt01:08
Badpenguin86Any known problem about fullscreen games on nvidia restriced?01:08
greywhindmarko_: any recent one you can afford?01:08
rexydepends on your wallet01:08
Pici!enter | marko_01:08
ubotumarko_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:08
marko_and i tryed many tutorials and stuff and the card isn't recognized01:08
rexythat one is fine01:08
marko_greywhind, well01:08
marko_kinda yes01:08
rexyyou need to install the nvidia drivers01:08
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deraminBadpenguin86: I haven't run into one01:08
rexygoogle feisty nvidia01:08
demonsporkrexy thx, I just need to install an Ubuntu system that I can crash and redo repetitively01:08
marko_but remember i just need it that beryl work's01:09
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marko_rexy tryed it..01:09
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sirjoebob_i am trying to setup my virtualbox to launch as soon as i log in and dont know where to start.01:09
deraminmarko_: you could try looking at Envy. I've had good luck with it01:09
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rexydemonspork installing grub on the ubuntu paritition will do that01:09
marko_deramin, i don't wanna look I'm not that good in hardware so i'm asking you01:09
gnomefreakplease dont use envy01:09
rexyyou can then just boot ubuntu directly using your own loader, or boot the partition ubuntu is on01:09
barbarellarexy:demonspork left01:10
=== MeRodent finally got 8800gts and beryl working. :P
mbakerderamin: what nvidia version have you installed with Envy? Can't get 8300 or 8500 to work with repository drivers.01:10
marko_MeRodent, well i don't need a good one like that :)01:10
ompaul!envy | mbaker01:10
ubotumbaker: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!01:10
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MeRodentI think the same drivers should work.01:10
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rexyi have a 16Mb ati M6 mobility, heh, vroooooom01:10
deraminmbaker: I don't remember. whatever it first advised me to do. XD01:11
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omega21hi there,01:11
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greywhindrexy: heh. i've got an x1600 (128 mb) that i hate because it's ATI01:11
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omega21I'm on fiesty, how do i get MP3 playback?01:11
rexyhow can i disable joins/leaves in xchat01:11
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ompaul!mp3 | rexy01:11
uboturexy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:11
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marko_MeRodent, what are you sending me ?01:11
bulio|does anyone have a guide on installing compiz fusion on ubuntu?01:11
rexyclose ompaul :P01:11
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Piciomega21: See above for mp3 info.01:11
mbakerubotu: I've tried the restricted drivers, but they don't recognize either the 8300 or 8500.  lspci shows them as unrecognized devices, and X-server complains that it can't read the GPU name.01:11
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ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs01:11
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greywhindbulio|: using AIGLX or XGL?01:11
erUSULbulio|: google surely has a few01:11
Pici!bot | mbaker01:12
rexybulio there's a guide in the forum01:12
ubotumbaker: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:12
MeRodentmarko_ instructions on how to get new driver working.01:12
flemnosrexy, right-click on the channel tab and uncheck the option for join/part messages01:12
bulio|greywhind: I'd like AIGLX since its integrated intel graphics01:12
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RalphmanHi, I have a kubuntu Edgy system which seriously crashes when I try to print photos using photo-grid-print. ANyone give me tips on how to suss out what is going on? The hard drive hammers away for a while, the screen goes blank, then it becomes unresponsive. There is a core in /01:12
mbakerPici: what does that mean?01:12
marko_MeRodent, i tryed that01:12
greywhindbulio|: alright. search for Ubuntu Feisty Compiz Fusion AIGLX (and maybe add "HOWTO" to that)01:12
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Picimbaker: You were replying to a bot. Its just spits out stuff when we do !commands01:13
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Picimbaker: i.e., its not a real person.01:13
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mbakerPici: got it, thanks.  first time here.01:13
rexyare the ubuntuforums down? they wont load for me01:13
marko_MeRodent, ups i didn't tryed it01:13
marko_i will it tomorow thanks01:13
marko_i hope it works :/01:13
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Picirexy: working here.01:13
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gnomefreakrexy: they open here01:14
rebeccahey, i need some help getting drivers to not load, i tried adding them to the blacklist but that doesnt seem to have worked, im trying to use ndiswrapper to get a ralink rt2500 wireless card working01:14
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rebeccaat the minute each time to get it working i have to do:01:14
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MeRodentmarko_ I followed the instrcutions step by step and worked immediately. (after 2 weeks of trying).01:14
rexyhhmm they work from a different computer just fine01:14
crzyboonCan someone tell me whether intelExtreme2 IGP will allow me to use beryl on ubuntu?01:14
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PriceChildrebecca, why? that card works fine out of the box.01:14
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rebeccanot with wpa01:14
PriceChildcrzyboon, should do yeah01:15
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PriceChildrebecca, ok... well even then don't use ndiswrapper... i'm pretty sure there are other drivers you can use to get that going01:15
rexynot likely01:15
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rexyi use ndiswrapper too to get wpa working01:15
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rebeccai had a look and the ndiswrapper was what the wiki suggested PriceChild01:16
rexyis the driver spelled correctly in the blacklist01:16
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PriceChildrebecca, hehe believe the wiki then.01:16
chemturionhey there, I need some help with getting my NETGEAR Mobile PCI card to work, i try to install the diver using nsid wrapper, but it says its already installed (though it dosn't show up on the list as being so) and it shows up in device manager as an unknown device01:16
c01100011is there a package around for a compiz tray icon ?01:16
rexyPriceChild, unless the native driver does wpa it's pointless to use01:16
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d1006anyone know how to disable ARB_VBO in either xorg.conf(possible?) or Wine?01:16
PriceChildc01100011, #ubuntu-effects please01:16
rexybut appearantly the 23 kernel is going to bring better support01:16
PriceChildrexy, well we won't get that for another year in ubuntu01:17
crzyboonPriceChild, but still impossible if I were to install a different DE as in xubuntu, yes?01:17
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PriceChildcrzyboon, impossible?01:17
Stevciao a tutti01:17
crzyboonI thought someone said in here earlier that the beryl installation is only possible once gnome is installed.01:17
rexyPriceChild, well 6 months, gutsy is going to do 22, so it's probably in the 8-4 release i suppose?01:17
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rebeccai have to manually unload (rmmod) rt2500pci rt2x00lib mac80211 eeprom_93cx6 even though they are all listed in blacklist and spelt correctly... PriceChild and rexy01:17
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Pici!it | Stev01:17
ubotuStev: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:17
Stevhem... hi01:17
rexyrebecca are you manually loading them somewhere perhaps01:17
Stevi've a problem with network-manager applet01:17
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rexyand did you disable networkmanager?01:17
EpochWolfStev, what's the issue?01:18
crzyboonPriceChild, of course you know by impossible i mean not ready out-of-the-box. i can't think of anything impossible when it comes down to linux ;)01:18
pierre243What Ubuntu do I need to download for a iMac ?01:18
Stevi can see wireless networks but cannot connect to them (with other programs everything works fine)01:18
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PriceChildcrzyboon, it should be ready out of the box... just start compiz01:18
nickrudrexy, is it generally true that ndiswrapper is necessary for wpa?01:18
Stevseems that it's all ok but dhcp :D01:18
rebeccanope, im using networkmanager, i want to use it rexy because this laptop is for a friend who doesnt like terminal01:18
greywhindpierre243: Intel or PPC?01:18
EpochWolfStev, that's a driver issue.01:18
Stevif i manually run dhclient eth1 then it works01:18
PriceChildcrzyboon, after an apt-get install of course01:18
EpochWolfStev, which wireless card?01:18
chemturionhey im having trouble getting my netgeat WN511T card to work, ive tried using NSIDwrapper but it says the driver is already installed01:18
EpochWolfStev, oh.. interesting.01:18
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rexytry disabling it anyway and see if that solves the problem01:18
rexyquite likely it loads the wrong drivers?01:19
rexynickrud depends01:19
pierre243greywhind... That is mostly my question... For a friend01:19
nickrudrexy, not to put you on the spot or anything01:19
Stev02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)01:19
rebeccais there any other way to remove the modules rexy?01:19
rexywell you can move/delete them01:19
pierre243Power PC I guess01:19
rebeccarexy how do i delete them?01:19
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EpochWolfStev, nice... that card has decent drivers.01:19
greywhindpierre243: is the iMac a PowerPC iMac? released before 2007?01:19
rexythey are under the /lib/modules tree somewhere01:19
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rexythey are named the same as in lsmod01:19
crzyboonand does ubuntu play nice with windows boot manager? i've already got XP and vista on the same PC- trying to see if a third one works- and what better candidate than ubuntu.01:20
EpochWolfStev, I don't know what the issue would be..01:20
StevEpochWolf: if i run dhclient then i get an ip and everythiong works but the "shape" on the applet keeps spinning and after a while it disconnects01:20
RalphmanAny help with a system crash would be - system fries when printing pictures....01:20
rexynickrud that's ok, not sure about every driver, but the open source for my driver has no wpa support, just the windows driver has, hence i use that through ndiswrapper01:20
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MeRodentchemturion: does ndiswrapper have the driver bound to the card?01:20
ward_how can i find out if my RAID controller is supported  by Feisty?01:20
Stevif i manually connect everything works (or if i use wifiradar)01:20
EpochWolfStev, do you have any ethernet cables plugged in?01:20
greywhindpierre243: i mean before 200501:20
nickrudrexy, ok, case by case. Thanks01:20
chemturionmsrodent: how do I check?01:20
Stevnot now :P01:20
ward_(asus a8v mainboard)01:20
MeRodentndiswrapper -l01:20
rexythe core problem seems to be that the linux kernel in ubuntu does not yet have a wpa implementation and thus every driver for wireless cards has to do that themselves01:20
greywhindpierre243: ugh... wrong again. I really mean 2006.01:20
rexyso really the answer is, depends, some cards have native wpa support i think while others require ndiswrapper01:21
Stevseems that nm-applet forgets to get an ip :P01:21
EpochWolfStev, okay, then just use a different method until someone can help you fix it. It's out of my experience01:21
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:21
pierre243it is 1998 I think. An old One01:21
erUSUL!fakeraid | ward_01:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fakeraid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:21
greywhindpierre243: you want the PPC version of Ubuntu, then.01:21
pierre243Power PC G3 233 MHz01:21
StevEpochWolf: ok, tnx for your time :)01:21
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EpochWolfStev, no problem.01:22
rexythat's not old, thats ancient :D01:22
pierre243Well I thought that... But where ??? :(01:22
ward_erUSUL, thats software?01:22
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greywhindStev: i also had to disable networkmanager because it would fail to connect to networks, whereas dhclient connected correctly.01:22
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rexyerr where the iso's are there are also ppc versions01:22
PriceChild!ppc | rexy01:22
uboturexy: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ01:22
rebeccahopefully that's done it, lets go try01:22
pierre243I can see X86, AMD... Sun based...01:22
PriceChildpierre243, see ubotu ^01:23
Stevgreywhind: i'm just trying to easily connect to a wpa network, but now i'm trying to get it working on an open network01:23
rexyPricechild i didnt need that , really01:23
EpochWolfpierre243, ppc is for older apples01:23
ubotudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP01:23
Bjornalfward_: no it's a description of what cheaper motherboards pass off as "Raid Controllers"01:23
rexythough i didnt know support was dropped01:23
pierre243no ppc as such on download site01:23
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greywhindStev: i use iwconfig and dhclient through a terminal, since network-manager wasn't working. it seems fine.01:23
BrendanWHow do I use the "broken" filter to find broken packets in my system?01:23
PriceChildrexy, and cds aren't with releases, they're now with ports01:23
Bjornalfi have the same thing.. it requires drivers/software to use the raid properly01:23
ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:23
crzyboondoes ubuntu detect windows vista/xp installations on the same hard disk/01:23
PriceChildpierre243, did you see ubotu's message?01:23
nickrudGNine, comprehensive page, now if there was a link there that told which needed ndiswrapper ...01:23
EpochWolfcrzyboon, yes01:24
crzyboonwoo hoo.01:24
pierre243ubotu site ? ok, I go...01:24
PriceChildpierre243, no01:24
Bjornalfi found a tutorial by searching for ubuntu and fakeraid on google01:24
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PriceChild!ppc | pierre24301:24
ubotupierre243: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ01:24
Stevgreywhind: any solution to easily connect to wpa networks?01:24
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ward_Bjornalf, i'm sitting here with a friends who wants to intall ubuntu, so it should work with this howto? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:24
=== Pelo notices PriceChild
pierre243Thank you ubotu01:24
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:24
quantumfluxi've come because i need help with my laptop wireless01:24
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Bjornalfyes.. that's the one01:24
pierre243I go there right away01:25
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GNinea little reading wont kill you01:25
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greywhindStev: umm... i know that w/ ndiswrapper you need a wpa extension... not sure about other drivers.01:25
quantumfluxcan someone help me?01:25
Pelo!wifi | quantumflux01:25
ubotuquantumflux: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:25
quantumfluxi do have wifi01:25
Peloyou shoud get started with that how to01:25
quantumfluxits not working01:25
quantumfluxit should be working01:25
Pelowireless is wifi01:25
greywhindStev: look up wpa-supplicant01:25
Stevgreywhind: i'm not using ndiswrapper01:25
erUSULward_: your moba has two chipsets the VIA and a promise one both supported by linux afaik. if you configured a raid volume trough bios you have to check if dmraid support your conf to access the volume01:25
quantumfluxdoes it really matter what you call it?01:26
Peloquantumflux,  well , do you know if you have it or not ?01:26
Stevgreywhind: seems a quite messy...01:26
cribbenshowdy, I'm having some problems installing ubuntu from the alt install cd. One problem is that it doesn't partition the disk properly. It creates the partitions but doesn't format them or anything. It seems to detect my hdd as SCSI when it is SATA, should it do that?01:26
quantumfluxi do have it01:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmraid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:26
ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:26
=== SystemOverload [n=systemov@ool-457821a5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
quantumfluxi recently converted my laptop over to ubuntu01:26
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SystemOverloadI got alot of things up and running now, but I was wondering how to switch themes01:26
quantumfluxinstallation went smoothly01:26
=== nickrud thinks the wiki needs to subpage older releases
SystemOverloadin Gnome01:26
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erUSULward_: http://tienstra4.flatnet.tudelft.nl/~gerte/gen2dmraid/01:26
Peloquantumflux,  I'm sorry,  from your original question I assumed you where having difficulties iwth your wireless connection01:26
quantumfluxi am01:26
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Pelo!theme | SystemOverload01:27
ubotuSystemOverload: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:27
quantumfluxmy wired connection works fine01:27
deraminSystemOverload: System > Preferences > themes01:27
quantumfluxand my wireless card worked fine under windows01:27
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SystemOverloadThanks Pelo01:27
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chemturionOk so when i install a new driver into NSIDwrapper, it does not show up in the installed drivers list01:27
SystemOverloadAnd deramin01:27
ward_erUSUL, ty, i also found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:27
quantumfluxso i know its not a hardware problem01:27
ward_erUSUL, what do you think of that howto?01:27
greywhindhmm... seems ubotu hasn't updated itself for opendesktop.org yet :P01:27
quantumfluxi know its not the router because I am currently running it through the computer i am on01:27
Peloquantumflux, please don't use the enter key for puntuatioin, this is a busy channel and it makes it hard to follow you01:27
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deraminSystemOverload: you can download the art manager through synaptic and use it to easily get a ton more things, too01:27
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rodrigoSome brazilian here?01:28
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Peloquantumflux,  I don'T knwo much about wireless connections myself,  please review the instructions in the link I ' gonna make ubotu give you , that should get you stated wiith the basic01:28
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Pelo!wifi | quantumflux01:28
ubotuquantumflux: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:28
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ironmata1any luck installeing Skrypt01:28
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DigoUnitedAlgum brasileiro aqui?01:29
Pelo!br | rodrigo01:29
uboturodrigo: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.01:29
Pelo!br | DigoUnited01:29
ubotuDigoUnited: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.01:29
DigoUnitedfoi mal01:29
erUSULward_: thats the one i was looking for ;) if you already created a raid volume through Bios or from windows with asus utilities you will need dmraid to access the volume from linux01:29
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:29
quantumfluxi'm sorry, i've read them, i'm beyond the basics at this piont01:29
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Peloquantumflux,  ok then your best bet is to ask a specific question01:29
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Peloand be patient01:29
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Judg3_Dr34D/server dionisos.irc.gr01:30
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Skryptironmata1: What mate?01:31
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quantumfluxokay, so here goes.  My wireless can see that the connection exists but when i tell it to connect to it, it reads and reads and reads and never connects.  I know its working so do you know why it isn't connecting.  could it be the driver?01:31
ward_erUSUL, ok thanx, i'm not sure i'm just asking for a friend i'm at, he wants to intall ubuntu but wasnt sure about raid support for his controller01:31
PeloJudg3_Dr34D,  you have to do that from the connection window , not form a channel01:31
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ironmata1have you gotten eve running yet?01:31
Bjornalfhave a question about multi monitors.. with nvidia drivers can i have 2 separate resolutions and screens? i need to set up a simple background to put terms with log tails on.. i also need to know how i tell it which screen is the main screen.. currently my CRT keeps grabbing control no matter which port it's on01:31
ironmata1grrr ant thats not my nick01:31
deraminI am having the same problem as quantumflux with an RaLing pcmcia card01:31
Judg3_Dr34DPelo: i am using gaim and it doesn't seem to work01:32
erUSULward_: if he wants to use the raid only in linux it is better to not use fakeraid and use software raid01:32
cdm10Judg3_Dr34D: you need to go to Accounts>Add/Edit and make a new IRC account01:32
PeloJudg3_Dr34D,  maybe the ppl in #gaim can tell you how01:32
cdm10Pelo: it's #pidgin now01:32
rexyderamin did you google for your particular card and read the wifi docs?01:32
cdm10Judg3_Dr34D: go to Accounts>Add/Edit, hit New, set it up for IRC on that network.01:32
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Judg3_Dr34DPelo: new account... hmmm... is there an alternative for irc except gaim01:32
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deraminrexy: tried to. they're in Japanese01:33
ward_erUSUL, no he wants multiboot with xp (he didnt like vista :p)01:33
Skryptironmata1: no sir01:33
quantumfluxi didn't but i doubt i would get much luck with troubleshooting it with ubuntu01:33
PeloJudg3_Dr34D,  xchat01:33
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SkryptWhat's the easiest way to crop .mpg files?01:33
cdm10Pelo: xchat is good, but gaim works fine...01:33
Judg3_Dr34DPelo: ok... off to search for it01:33
Judg3_Dr34DPelo: thanks01:33
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Peloquantumflux,  did you try looking it up in the forum ?  www.ubuntuforums.org , use the search feature for wifi problems01:33
ward_erUSUL, i mean he's replacing vista with ubuntu :p01:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xchat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:33
demonsporkThe right Alt key on my keyboard doesn't work when I try to use it in any keybinds.  When I try to use it to set a new keybind in the Keyboard shortcuts menu, it says that I am pressing "Alt R" when I press the right Alt key. Could someone help me fix this01:33
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ironmata1ok how do i change my nic01:33
PeloJudg3_Dr34D,   terminal  sudo apt-get install xchat01:34
quantumfluxi'll check there01:34
riaalhow do I rename a folder from the terminal?01:34
erUSULward_: world domination at our hands at last ;P01:34
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:34
PeloGNine,  for a package  do  !info xchat01:34
erUSULriaal: mv01:34
Skryptriaal, mv folder newfoldername01:34
ward_erUSUL, anyway thanx for the fast help, i'm out :-)01:34
cdm10Judg3_Dr34D: I recommend using Xchat instead of Gaim, but if you do want to use gaim, I can show you how to use other IRC networks with it. That's probably the quickest solution, but Pelo is right to recommend Xchat.01:34
Judg3_Dr34DPelo: thanks again :D01:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xchat-gnome - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:34
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:34
SkryptWhat's the easiest way to crop .mpg files?01:34
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quantumfluxwhat is the url to the forums?01:34
Peloquantumflux,  chck back here if you still hve trouble,  the channel population changes and so does the knowledge base01:34
Skryptquantumflux: www.ubuntuforums.org01:34
cdm10!msgthebot | GNine01:34
ubotuGNine: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...01:34
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Judg3_Dr34Dcdm10: thanks for your seggestions :)01:34
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Peloquantumflux,  www.ubuntuforums.org01:34
SkryptWhat's the easiest way to crop .mpg files?01:35
cdm10!repeat | Skrypt01:35
ubotuSkrypt: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:35
PeloSkrypt,  I like avidemux01:35
rebeccaok, i am a step closer, is there any reason why I would have to unload and reload ndiswrapper to make it work after boot? rexy01:35
SkryptPelo: thanks mate01:35
Judg3_Dr34DSkrypt: i think avidemux is quite good01:35
GNine!root | cdm1001:35
ubotucdm10: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:35
Pelo!botabuse | cdm1001:35
ubotucdm10: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...01:35
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=== Omega11 [n=none@c-75-68-207-148.hsd1.vt.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Omega11Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) needed to gain every revenue increase and cost reduction possible from its most profitable sales channelits e-commerce Web site. Thanks to a migration from Linux technologies to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Internet Information Services 6.0, the Microsoft .NET Framework, and the Microsoft server product portfolio, SWISS is meeting that goal. Agility, as measured by the frequency of software 01:35
Omega11thants and expamle01:35
cdm10Pelo: i was not abusing the bot... I thought he was fishing. Maybe my perception was wrong.01:35
Omega11how windowsw is beter then linux01:35
bruenig!ops | Omega1101:35
ubotuOmega11: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici01:35
lgcmy Ubuntu brown disappeared when I upgraded to Feisty. What config file do I have to look at?01:35
PeloOmega11, please go spamming elsewhere01:36
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Pelolgc,  brown what ?01:36
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Jack_Sparrowbruenig: Do you have a link to downoad Gutsy?01:36
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+101:36
rexyrebecca, yes, the problem using ndiswrapper and wpa is that it's not loaded on demand as by network manager, sadly there is no solution at the moment. Your best bet is to adding it to the rc.local script so the network gets started at boot. This does not reconnect the network after suspend/hibernate, so you might want to create a start-network button on the desktop01:36
Pelolgc, do you mean  the deep brown background ?01:36
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lgcPelo, hi. The typical Ubuntu brown color of, for example the applications frame or the bar.01:37
goodhabitHello. Help me please. I wanna to make Kubuntu from my ubuntu. I made sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop, but how to deinstall ubuntu-packages? Or there is another way to "clean" change?01:37
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cdm10lgc: go to System>Preferences>Themes and see if you can choose Human there, that should fix it.01:37
rebeccarexy: DOH01:37
rebeccabut thanks01:37
Pelolgc,  orange actualy,  check in menu > system > prefs > theme   the theme name is human01:37
brueniggoodhabit, not a great idea to use aptitude to install meta packages01:37
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nickrudgoodhabit, you don't need to uninstall ubunut, just choose kubuntu from the sessions options when you log in01:37
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rebeccathanks rexy01:38
Mulderis /dev/lp0 the same as /dev/parport0 on feisty?01:38
cdm10nickrud: he just wants to get rid of the unused GNOME stuff01:38
lgcPelo, cdm10, thanks, it worked!01:38
cdm10lgc: no problem01:38
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goodhabitYes, i see change checkbox, but i don't want GNOME packages?01:38
brueniggoodhabit, there is no explicit way to do it01:38
cdm10goodhabit: When I switched from Xubuntu to Ubuntu, I removed Xubuntu-desktop then removed what I saw that bugged me... there's probably a better way to do it.01:38
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rexyrebecca the good news is that it's probably fixed in the new release after gutsy, the bad news is that that will take another 7 months01:39
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rexyunless you install backports off course01:39
GNineto clean unused packages and other (...)  do :  sudo apt-get autoremove01:39
bruenigrexy, hooray discrete releases01:39
nickrudcdm10, true, but there's no clean way that I'm aware of. Maybe you know a package or two that sits at the bottom of gnome that can be apt-get remove'd?01:39
rexyhooray what?01:39
AngryElfhey folks, after I run the NVIDIA driver it restarts X and everything is great, after a reboot, it's broken again...any ideas what the install does, that a normal boot doesnt?01:39
goodhabitSo "clean" way does not exist?01:39
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cdm10goodhabit: not that I know of, and GNine's apt-get autoremove won't do the trick, sorry to say01:40
deraminAngryElf: did you change the configuration files?01:40
AngryElfderamin, the nvidia driver did01:40
brueniggoodhabit, I wrote a script once that compared the two meta packages and determined the difference in packages and removed those packages which were different, it should still work, it is buried in the forums somewhere though01:40
goodhabitI saw autoremove @ google. But it is useless...01:40
cdm10goodhabit: i'm pretty happy with my self-cleaned-out Ubuntu.01:40
EpochWolfIs there any advantage of using LVM with my new system?01:40
cdm10bruenig: ooh, that's cool...01:40
sportanyone know of a safe way to reboot the bios w/o taking off the case?01:40
GNinecdm10, wrong.. the trick i refer to does work to uninstall UNUSED software in your system01:40
cdm10!offtopic | sport01:40
ubotusport: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:40
Burlynndo you have to install something additional for wep 104/128 to work in ubuntu?01:40
BrendanWHow can I find/remove incomplete packet files installed on my system?01:41
rexygoodhabit, autoremove just removes libraries without programs depending on them, if you need to remove programs you will have to manually prune them through synaptic or apt-get01:41
bruenigapt-cache show ubuntu-desktop | grep Depends, then just go from there, pretty easy01:41
sportcdm10 ill put that down as a no01:41
PeloEpochWolf,  only if you want to have a parttiion spread over two or more hdd01:41
cdm10GNine: I know what autoremove does. However, it won't work in that case.01:41
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cdm10sport: no, put that down as a "go to another channel"01:41
Picibruenig: or just apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop01:41
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nickrudgoodhabit, there's always debfoster, it'll walk you through. Just be cautious about what you remove01:41
cdm10bruenig: but that only lists 1 level of dependencies, right?01:41
goodhabitAnd last question. How i can update distro to beta version?01:41
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sportcdm10 sorry, what01:41
bruenigcdm10, it doesn't matter01:41
Sonicadvance1is Tribe 5 of Gutsy Stable? :D01:41
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cdm10goodhabit: you should ask in #ubuntu+101:42
cdm10Sonicadvance1: nope01:42
bruenig!gutsy | Sonicadvance101:42
ubotuSonicadvance1: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+101:42
rexysport if you mean resetting the bios then no, the only way to reset a bios is by fiddling with the jumper or taking out the battery01:42
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goodhabitTY very much!01:42
sportrexy thx01:42
Sonicadvance1oh woops, forgot about that channel01:42
cdm10goodhabit: no problem, sorry I couldn't help you more01:42
rexySonicadvance1, no, it's alpha stuff01:42
Pelosport,  do you mean reset thebios default ? most of them have that option in there somewhere01:42
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deraminAngryElf: I've got the same problem. it doesn't actually save the changes to the file. you need to do that manually. the nvidia thing will allow you to copy the path to the file. open the terminal and do "sudo gedit [file path] " where [file path]  is what you get from the nvidia thing.01:42
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goodhabitActually, u can. A have installed nvidia-glx, then nvidia-glx-new for testing. But if I try to downgrading, X doesn't works.01:43
goodhabitSmb know why&01:43
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GNinehow bout updating the bios01:43
AngryElfderamin, i'm talking about the driver install, not the GUI util01:43
PriceChildgoodhabit, i do... there's a file somewhere you need to delete, one mo01:43
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sportpelo: i was wondering more about password locked bios: and as rexy confirmed you need to work with the jumpers01:43
Codemaster|Mobil CodemasterMM01:43
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Pelosport,  is this your computer ?01:44
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PriceChildgoodhabit, sudo rm /lib/linux-restricted-modules/.nvidia_new_installed01:44
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sportpelo: this one im on is...01:44
jefismehey guys01:44
goodhabitPriceChild: TY! I'll try right now...01:44
ironmata1AngryElf:   if the vid card for nvidia is not in the restricted drivers list you will have to do what i did and install the driver manuely01:44
jefismeim haveing printer problems01:44
Pelosport,  no need to play with jumpers , just remove the battery for 5 minutes01:44
Pelosport, I don'T recommend you mess with someone elses computer01:45
rickb|serverhello, what is the likelyhood that ubuntu will find and use an intergrated intel wifi card? :)01:45
Pelorickb|server,  pretty good actualy,01:45
rexythink it has a native supported driver01:45
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rickb|serverThat is good. Because I am thinking of putting ubuntu on the laptop.01:45
Pelorickb|server,  lookup your hardware on this see if there are any worries  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport01:45
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:45
deraminAngryElf: I expect that it's still the same problem. x isn't configured to match the driver. the path to the config file should be /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:45
rickb|serverIs there any different power usage? linuxwise?01:46
scipiorickb|server: you can always boot the livecd and check it out. no need to install anything01:46
AngryElfderamin, yea, but if I restart GDM after the install it loads up fine -- so it's using that file01:46
AngryElfwhy would it change after a reboot?01:46
EpochWolfPelo, does LVM slow down the computer at all?01:46
sportpelo: if you want to know my evil plan its to convince my school to let me reset a bios to do a presentation on ubuntu vrs windows01:46
Pelorickb|server,  you can have cpufreq moduling , fancontrol and stuff like that01:46
Burlynndo i need to install another package to use wep 104/128?01:46
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rexywhy would you need to reset the bios to install ubuntu01:46
scipiorickb|server: there's also a list of suported !hardware if you want to read that first01:46
jefismei cant get ubuntu to recognise myy lazerjet 1018 on my usb port01:46
rickb|serverk :)01:46
sportpelo with booting ubuntu off of a jump drive of course01:47
PeloEpochWolf,  I don'T rightly know, it's just a diffrent partitonning skeem01:47
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deraminAngryElf: not sure then. I would still double check that file, though.01:47
rexygoogle ubuntu windows, there's a program which installs ubuntu on windows or something01:47
deraminAngryElf: just to rule it out01:47
EpochWolfPelo, okay. I'll play it safe ;) and just go my standard route.01:47
rickb|serverAnd one more thing!! :) What is the command to mount an NTFS drive with read and write permissions?01:47
cdm10rexy: it's called wubi01:47
Pelosport,  take your own box the school and hook it up to a screen there ,01:47
goodhabitHere is a good channel. I tryed to ask on my localised, but there is only spam and flood, and noone is operator (01:47
rexythat's the one01:47
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bruenig!ntfs-3g | rickb|server01:48
uboturickb|server: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:48
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ironmata1ok i have a  windows game client that i want to run with wine  do i setup the client in ubuntu or wine?01:48
bruenigironmata1, wine01:48
rickb|serverk :)01:48
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PeloEpochWolf, I've considered  lvm but I just when for a little twisted  mounting skeem instead,  like I have a /dev/sdb2 mount to /home/jean/Download01:48
rexyironmata1, wine is a program in ubuntu, you can check on the wine site to see if your game is supported and what you need to do to get it working01:48
helloRobotwhat is a registered, but unused domain name worth? like if i want to make an offer on it?01:49
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cdm10!offtopic | helloRobot01:49
ubotuhelloRobot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:49
bruenigrexy, wine is a program for linux OSes01:49
sportpelo thats plan B :D and probably what I'll end up doing01:49
EpochWolfPelo, I'm fine with messing with my fstab to mount things differently..01:49
ironmata1eve-online  is what im trying to ge runnin01:49
rexybruenig, well generally yeah01:49
helloRobotcdm10: sorry01:49
rexybut this is an ubuntu channel01:49
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GNineIronmatal, you answered you won question and didnt even realise it01:49
bruenigrexy, well your statements is what confuses ubuntu users into thinking well thinking what you just said is true somehow01:50
PeloEpochWolf,  you can do that stragihtfrom the install proccedure if you want to , no real need to mess wth fstab, but I trust taht you can handle it, I was just letting you know how I went about doing it01:50
bruenigwine is developed for ubuntu is what that indicates01:50
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rexywine is a program you use in ubuntu to run windows programs, you're reading to much into that imo01:50
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=== Pelo drulls wine 0.9,44 is out
bruenigrexy, have you seen the ubuntu users loose on the internets01:51
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Peloor is it drool %?01:51
bruenigrexy, someone is confusing them01:51
rexyironmata1, i use cedega to run eve-online, works just fine, never tried wine, but appearantly that too works01:51
qebabrexy: you play eve-online from linux? :o01:51
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rexyqebab, yep01:51
qebabmight be it was a bad idea to close my account if that's possible01:51
qebaboh well, money saved01:51
rexygtc's 4tw01:52
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ironmata1blast it my nicj is ironmatar not ironmatel01:52
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Bjornalfanyone have any experience with running 2 monitors on an nvidia card?01:52
GNineused to play warcraft.. linux and FSF open my eyes to a new something..  i took the red pill01:52
sportwhats the meaning behind a network process appearing as program = python instead of the name of the app?(as seen on firestarter)01:52
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ironmata1how come /nick dosent work to change me nick01:52
jvaieve online is niiiice01:52
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cdm10ironmata1: what client are you using?01:53
bruenigironmatar is already in use01:53
spiderfirehello..my cursor is stuck in X...anyone know what i can do01:53
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cdm10ironmata1: that command doesn't work in gaim, you need to go to Accounts>Add/Edit to change it01:53
rexysport, the program is writtin in the python language, and python is used to run it01:53
Pelosport, it's just using python to run the prog,  you can see which prog is actualy running by checking hte command line  option in the prefs01:53
Pelospiderfire, meaning your mouse won't move ?01:54
spiderfirePelo: ya01:54
bruenigsport, programs written in python are scripts, they are interpreted scripts, it is like running perl or bash, perl or bash is what is really running, the scripts are being interpreted by those things01:54
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rexybruenig, i'm new to the ubuntu community, i guess i have to addept a little still01:54
Pelospiderfire,  this is going to sound silly but have you checked the mouse plug ?01:54
Bjornalfironmata1: if you're from seattle then the irc server thinks you are using ironmatar otherwise someone beat you to it01:54
spiderfirePelo: it happened after i hit a button in terminatorX called mousegrab01:54
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Pelospiderfire,  ah01:54
cdm10rexy: no, you need to synaptic a little...01:54
cdm10wow, that joke sucked01:54
GNineit grabbed your mouse alright01:54
rexypretty much heh01:54
c01100011#ubuntu effects ?01:54
spiderfireya so its a software prob01:54
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rexyi never use that :/01:55
Pelospiderfire,  I suggest you try using arrows and tab to  get to that button again and uncheck it of whatever01:55
ironmata1ok how the heck do i register my nick with nickerv  with gaim so my nick stays01:55
bruenigironmata1, is the nick registered?01:55
bruenigerr guess not01:55
cdm10rexy: adept is a package management frontend, and you misspelled adapt as addept :)01:55
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ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration01:55
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spiderfirePelo: well i cant i killed the process01:55
erUSUL!register | ironmata101:55
kitche!register | Ironhand01:55
ubotuironmata1: please see above01:55
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ubotuIronhand: please see above01:55
bruenigironmata1, well you can't register it when someone else is using it01:55
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Pelospiderfire, you can also reboot, that will probablyfix it ,    open a terminal ,  type sudo reboot01:55
rexyyeh but it takes to long, i just use apt-get01:55
ironmata1   /j works  how come not the other base irc commands01:55
qebabapt-get is fantastic01:55
spiderfirePelo: problem is im running stuff01:55
cdm10ironmata1: because it's designed to behave like a normal IM app, not an IRC app01:56
spiderfireis there a kb shortcut for the gnome menu?01:56
bruenigironmata1, what other commands are you talking about, we already explained why /nick isn't working01:56
qebabI tried mandriva one of these days and I really missed apt-get01:56
cdm10ironmata1: try Xchat, you may like it better01:56
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cdm10bruenig: probably things like /server01:56
=== Bjornalf likes irssi
qebabironmata1: or if you don't mind terminal, use irssi :)01:56
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:56
bruenigcertainly /server works in gaim01:56
Pelospiderfire,  alt_f2 to get a one line command prompt01:56
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cdm10bruenig: it doesn't, i just tried01:56
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rexyspiderfire, no but there is a tool which allows you to add shortcuts to certain stuff, gnome-keybinding-properties01:57
cdm10bruenig: you need to add a new IRC account on a different server01:57
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bruenigqebab, just use the package management of mandriva, there is not much difference01:57
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ironmata1  more like /nickserv /chanserv /memoserv  /help01:57
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bruenigwell /nickserv should be /msg nickserv01:57
cdm10ironmata1: well, those are all aliases for /msg nickserv/chanserv/whatever01:57
qebabbruenig: I guess I'm just too used to apt-get01:58
kitcheironmata1, those aren't base irc commands they are client specific01:58
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Mulderparport0 is picked up by kernel, but a /dev entry is not made. so how do i access the parallel port?01:58
bruenigqebab, it is kind of a silly comparison then to say you missed something which is completely replicated but in a different way01:58
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brueniglike people coming from red hat saying they missed yum01:58
qebabbruenig: possibly :)01:58
josephineso can any one give me a reason ubuntu wouldent recogniose a usb device01:58
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bruenigjosephine, by not recognized you mean?01:59
Pelojosephine, what kind of usb device ?01:59
cdm10josephine: what sorta device?01:59
qebabbruenig: I still have mandriva and I'll give it another chance, but this is hardly the channel for that discussion01:59
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bruenigjosephine, by not recognized you mean?01:59
cdm10josephine: have you gone to System>Administration>Printing?01:59
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Pelojosephine,  menu > syustem > prefs > removable media,  fourth tab  check the box for the printer01:59
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GNinehave you set the right driver for that printer02:00
ironmata1is cedega better or easier to work with than wine?02:00
cdm10GNine: I don't think it's that she can't print, I think she just can't get the printer recognized at all.02:00
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cdm10ironmata1: it works with some more games02:00
PeloIronhand,  cedega is more expensive then wine02:00
Peloironmata1, cedega is more expensive then wine02:00
underdog5004which program would I use to strip "/path/to/my/files" from a file several hundred times?02:01
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josephineBus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:000002:01
josephineBus 001 Device 004: ID 046d:0928 Logitech, Inc. Quickcam Express02:01
josephineBus 001 Device 003: ID 046d:c51a Logitech, Inc.02:01
josephineBus 001 Device 002: ID 046d:c505 Logitech, Inc. Cordless Mouse+Keyboard Receiver02:01
josephineBus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000002:01
cdm10!paste | josephine02:01
ubotujosephine: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:01
=== heyadayo [n=heyadayo@pool-72-87-174-150.plspca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
Pelounderdog5004,  openoffice.org ?02:01
rexyunderdog5004, sed probablly02:01
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Pelounderdog5004,  gedit also has a "replace" freature02:02
GNinesome people just like to go the long way02:02
=== Armitage_ [n=jerrad@adsl-75-43-167-14.dsl.okcyok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Armitage_Can anybody tell me how to access the internet via my Treo 680's virtual modem? I'm running Ubuntu 7.04.02:02
=== Pelo finds the channel quite nice and relaxing tonight
=== tomer_ [n=tomer@adsl-68-125-69-8.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
josephinelol sorry im new to lonux:)02:03
underdog5004thanks, all02:03
josephinesorry im new to linux02:03
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PeloArmitage_,  I would look up hte modem in the forum see if anyone has mentionned it02:03
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Armitage_Ok thanks02:03
alexsleatim having a bit of trouble with my install with 7.04, when I try to install via the live CD it doesnt see my partitions? anything I can do?02:03
Pelojosephine,  you are fogiven , you have a lot of unlearn02:03
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Peloalexsleat, step back to the desktop ,  check if gparted sees them ? if so , when intalling use the manual partitionning02:04
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=== Pelo still think we need a #window-rehab
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about encrypt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about encryption - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:05
josephinelol my brother installed ubuntu then left for college and i decided i liked linux beter02:05
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alexsleatpelo nope it doesnt show up in that either..02:05
cdm10Skrypt: are you searching ubotu for yourself, or for someone else? If you just want an answer for yourself, please use /msg ubotu instead of !02:05
PeloSkrypt,  there are a few packages for that in synaptic , just use crypt as a keyword for a seard02:05
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=== TheCreationist [n=elyon@c-71-205-67-153.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloalexsleat, if you have specific quesitons we can give it a try but to be honest I have no idea what a virtual modem is02:06
cdm10Skrypt: what sort of encryption are you trying to do?02:06
josephineso i hit that box and i still get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34953/02:06
cdm10Skrypt: email encryption? file encryption?02:06
astx813I'm looking for a Media Center option for a machine with no tuner card.  I like how easy it is to rip DVDs & CDs in Myth, but I don't think it can be made to work without a capture card02:06
Skryptcdm10: oh sorry, mate02:06
Skryptfor myself.02:06
TheCreationistOKay, I have no idea what happened here.  I can no longer play ANY movie files.  All the .MPG files from my camcorder no longer play in Totem, or play in VLC but without sound.  It's been a couple days since I've tried playing them, so I can't exactly tell which updates did it.02:06
astx813Anyone have suggestions?02:06
Skryptand file/folder encryption.02:06
Pelojosephine,  is hte printer powered on ?02:06
alexsleatgparted doesnt show my partitions either so is there any way of getting them up in the install?02:06
rexySkrypt, check the security section on the ubuntu wiki02:07
ubotu #ubuntu-jp  #kubuntu-jp 02:07
TheCreationistAnyone know how I can get this fixed?  I've already autoremove --purge'd totem and vlc.02:07
cdm10Skrypt: that's ok... install Seahorse, it lets you use gnupg with a GUI frontend. You can then encrypt files and folders, text, and emails02:07
rexySkrypt,  there are 5 or 6 wiki's on loopback/file/filesystem encryption02:07
bruenigTheCreationist, this is ubuntu christian edition?02:07
rexykeep your key safe :D02:07
josephinepowered on plugged in i even tried 3 separate cords for the usb02:07
TheCreationistbruenig: No... straight 7.0402:07
bruenigwell there's your problem02:07
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brueniggod smites all non christian edition ubuntus02:07
=== Toma- [n=e17@i156-171.nv.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk02:07
ubotu #ubuntu-jp  #kubuntu-jp 02:07
TheCreationistbruenig: So basically you have no idea... thanks.02:07
bruenig!attitude | TheCreationist02:08
ubotuTheCreationist: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:08
rexysure it isnt korean?02:08
Peloalexsleat, this is an internal hdd ?02:08
TheCreationistbruenig: Then don't be an asshole about it.02:08
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bruenigis there anyway we can make ubotu say that but by replacing attitude with "your stupid nick"02:08
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josephinei tried it on my grandpas xp system and it worked no problem02:08
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lgcI just installed ntfs-3g and when I ran the configurator it came up with a CLI to force-mount. When I did so, I got 'WARNING: Dirty volume mount was forced by the 'force' mount option.'. Should I worry about it?02:08
alexsleatyeah pelo its an internal one on my new hdd02:08
alexsleati mean laptop02:08
CoasterMasterI'm having problems getting ninan to work02:08
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TheCreationistbruenig: Are you serious?  You refuse to help because you disagree with my nickname? lol02:09
cdm10TheCreationist: no, he made a joke...02:09
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Pici!english | wea02:09
ubotuwea: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:09
Peloalexsleat, and there are already linux partitons on it ?02:09
=== ehc [n=evan@wall.pacinfo.com] has joined #ubuntu
TheCreationistgood grief02:09
Pelotheconartist, frankly man you're nick sets my theet on edge as well02:09
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/02:10
alexsleatpelo no there is 1 storage, 1 with vista and 1 bit of free space where i was going to install ubuntu02:10
TheCreationistPelo: Your's sets me off too what's your point?02:10
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cdm10Come on, his nick is fine... I don't like creationism, but seriously, I don't think anyone should be set off by that nick.02:10
=== inbitado34 [n=mano@200-100-229-72.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
TheCreationistPelo: I would never refuse to help someone and then make fun of them because their nickname reflect beliefs I don't agree in.02:10
Meroigowea; #ubuntu-cn02:10
lgcPelo, I just installed ntfs-3g and when I ran the configurator it came up with a CLI to force-mount. When I did so, I got 'WARNING: Dirty volume mount was forced by the 'force' mount option.'. Should I worry about it?02:10
=== IndyGunFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigTheCreationist, like ubotu said, this is a channel of volunteers which means that they make their own rules on who they help02:10
josephineok it still will not detect the printer at all02:10
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=== JeevesMoss [n=jeevesmo@] has joined #ubuntu
dapallox1hey, i have ubuntu taking up my entire hard disk, but now i need to resize it so i can have a ntfs partion... but qtparted wont let me resize it.. how can i do it?02:11
weathank you02:11
=== zbadone [n=jeff@dt163n11.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Peloalexsleat, could this hdd be encrypted or something ?02:11
TheCreationistbruenig: Granted... but if you have nothing but insults for someone asking for help, then keep your mouth shut.02:11
JeevesMossdoes anyone here know how to configure ISPConfig?02:11
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bruenigTheCreationist, I was just trying to get some specifics02:11
astx813Does anyone use Linux Media Center?  Is it built on top of Freevo or MythTV or is it its own thing?02:11
lockdanyone having trouble with Eclipse, specifically the Visual Editor02:11
Pelolgc,  I have no idea sorry , that,s never happened tome02:11
TheCreationistOKay, I have no idea what happened here.  I can no longer play ANY movie files.  All the .MPG files from my camcorder no longer play in Totem, or play in VLC but without sound.  It's been a couple days since I've tried playing them, so I can't exactly tell which updates did it.02:11
gordonjcpwonder what mail client creationists use02:11
TheCreationistAnyone know how I can get this fixed?  I've already autoremove --purge'd totem and vlc.02:11
GNineid ok with TheCreationist  if he was linus torvalds himself02:11
bruenigTheCreationist, are you saying we should take god having smited your pc off the table?02:12
alexsleatpelo not that I know of, I tried to install ubuntu earlier but it showed up then but I restarted and now it doesnt show02:12
bruenigI mean he can do anything02:12
goodhabitSorry for lot of questions - the right and left buttons of my mouse don't work together, It is bad for me, cuz time after time i am playing one game...02:12
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dapallox1please, i really need help with this02:12
=== hagedorn [n=hagedorn@p5484FB1E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
gordonjcpbruenig: I think if God had smitten TheCreationist's PC, he'd have done a better job of it than that02:12
lgcPelo, thanks, anyway. I'll keep asking.02:12
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gordonjcpbruenig: I'm thinking big shafts of lightning here02:12
Peloalexsleat, you can still boot vista ?  I would try another reboot02:12
rexyTheCreationist, not sure if this will work but try installing the programs again with the --reinstall flag02:12
lgcI just installed ntfs-3g and when I ran the configurator it came up with a CLI to force-mount. When I did so, I got 'WARNING: Dirty volume mount was forced by the 'force' mount option.'. Should I worry about it?02:12
=== garryFre [n=garryFre@adsl-71-157-182-88.dsl.chi2ca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
brueniggordonjcp, good point, although he also made this hell hole known as earth so you can't be sure02:12
ironmata1ok enough of this02:12
alexsleatIv tried a few reboots pelo :/02:12
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Pelolgc,   try looking up the error msg in the forum02:13
=== whta [n=ssb@74-134-218-218.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
alexsleatmaybe I should try another distro02:13
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Peloalexsleat, does the live cd see the hdd  ?  or  does it now see both the hdd and the partitions ?02:13
TheCreationistrexy: Nope.  Totem still hangs without starting the video, and VLC will play video but no audio.02:13
gordonjcpbruenig: meh, earth's what you make of it02:13
=== pabneedsmoney [n=pablo@r74-192-4-8.bcstcmta01.clsttx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigTheCreationist, have you tried to play it in firefox/02:14
pabneedsmoney ubuntu02:14
lockdPelo: it must see the hdd to see the partitions, and it must see the partitions to be useful02:14
josephinelol i like the earth its whare the nerds are02:14
gordonjcpbruenig: I'm pretty much a shoulder-to-the-wheel kind of guy myself, and it's done me pretty well so far02:14
rexyTheCreationist, make a new user account and login as that maybe it's a messed up user setting02:14
PeloTheCreationist,   in vlc,  in the properties make sure that alsa is the selected output devide02:14
=== superbob [n=superbob@modemcable082.114-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
alexsleatpelo just the HDD saying 160gb, and when I try manually it says "160gb free space".. which im sure its not lol02:14
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=== miip__ [n=miip@p54A5554B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Armitage_Can anyone tell me how to access the internet via my Palm Treo 680's virtual modem? I'm running Ubuntu 7.04.02:14
Pelolockd I'm tring to narrow the problem down02:14
bruenigArmitage_, you put ubuntu on your treo?02:15
=== mon^rch [n=anonymou@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Armitage_ha ha no, I wish02:15
Armitage_I'm running Ubuntu on my laptop02:15
Peloalexsleat, are you sure this is the right hdd ? just incase you hve more then one02:15
=== khermans_ [n=khermans@c-71-233-79-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
alexsleati only have 1 in here pelo02:15
Peloalexsleat, raid might also be an issue if you have 2 80gig put together02:15
=== bruenig cheers Remote
Peloalexsleat, I'M out of ideas02:15
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=== Pelo congradulates bruenig remotely
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rexywell you could check with fdisk manually02:16
alexsleatpelo thankx for the help tho :) ill have a look around on google for some answers02:16
josephinepelo, im still not seeing the printer when i run lsusb02:16
alexsleathave a good night :)02:16
=== hagedorn [n=hagedorn@p5484FB1E.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Peloalexsleat, you could also look up your lappy model in the forum02:16
alexsleatalright will do02:16
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Pelojosephine, ok powered on , connected,  can you see it when you run the cups printer app ? to setup a new printer ?02:17
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josephinelet me try02:17
=== CoasterMaster [n=bmschwar@c-67-188-105-119.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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=== Pelo is thinking of going to buy a small bag of chips
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=== phaedra [n=phaedra@24-177-233-102.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
CoasterMasterHas anyone ever gotten Ninan to work for them?  I can't seem to get it to work properly.02:18
ectospasmis there a way to automate updates?  Meaning, download and install all updates automatically?  As it stands, I just blindly click update anyway...  I know I could put it in a cronjob... is that the Ubuntu way of doing it, too?02:18
cdm10ectospasm: go to System>Administration>Software Sources, you can set that up there.02:18
=== revikati_ [n=revikati@53d82660.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
Peloectospasm, frech install ?  you just have to catch up02:18
=== khermans_ [n=khermans@c-71-233-79-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
GNineoh.. set printer.. sounds like we going my driver way02:18
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cdm10Pelo: what? He wants updates to be installed automatically rather than having him confirm it first.02:19
PeloGNine,  sometimes some stuff needs to verified first02:19
rexyyour driver way?02:19
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ectospasmPelo:  No, not a fresh install02:20
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=== tetragon [n=seneca@206-248-135-167.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelorexy,  he's appropriating  troubleshooting methodologies,  ignore him02:20
josephinepelo, im still seing nothing in pelo02:20
Pelojosephine,  what printer model ?02:20
=== fsckr [n=rich@pool-71-100-42-63.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
josephinelazerjet 101802:20
rexythat's easily done02:20
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cdm10josephine: this may be a stupid question, but have you tried a different USB port?02:20
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cdm10josephine: also, is the printer on?02:20
=== Pelo thnks usb for anything other then storage is the work of the devil
Pelojosephine,  company ?02:21
=== Lam_ [n=Lam@ip24-136-43-152.ga.at.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
josephineyes i hae02:21
cdm10Pelo: what would you use, parallel?02:21
Pelocdm10,  2 of them and one serial plotter02:21
cdm10Pelo: ok, to each his own...02:21
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ectospasmPelo:  I use USB for input devices, and my printer... as long as everything is USB2.0, it's cool02:22
Pelojosephine,  I'd give the forum a shot,  search for your hardware model see if anyting is mentionned02:22
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josephinepelo that still wont work02:22
=== jshriver [n=jshriver@cblmdm72-240-169-56.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
josephinetried that with no help02:22
=== jarrod_ [n=jarrod@c-76-27-255-181.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloectospasm,  thans for reminding me ,   josephine   did you check to make sure that the usb cable, port are all compatble with the usb format of the printer ? ie usb1 usb2 ?02:22
jshrivergreetings, trying to upgrade to feisty and I keep getting "Failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock02:22
jshriverran update-manager -c as root02:23
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cdm10Pelo: it's all backwards compatible, it doesn't matter02:23
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Pelocdm10, I've had trouble with flash drives02:23
GNinespecially if it was the provided printer cable02:23
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=== SystemOverload [n=SystemOv@ool-457821a5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribjshriver: do you have other dpkg or APT processes running?02:23
SystemOverloadHey guys, im back again.02:23
cdm10Pelo: well, that's just weird...02:23
jshrivernot that I'm aware02:23
=== mad [n=matthew@cpe-24-166-220-22.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Peloafk going for beer and crips02:24
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jribjshriver: try 'ps -ef | grep apt' maybe02:24
goodhabitAbout downgrading NVIDIA drivers - removing /lib/linux-restricted-modules/.nvidia_new_installed doesn't help ( there is a error log from /var/log/Xorg.0.log : http://nopaste.com/p/a7JtkbD3f02:24
gordonjcp!language | Pelo02:24
ubotuPelo: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:24
SystemOverloadCan anyone help me with OpenArena, the game?02:24
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jshriverodd looks like apt is running02:24
=== scizzo- [n=scizzo@vxj-104-197-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
GNineusb 2.0 - most common devices use that standard.. u mustve got the mongol version02:24
SystemOverloadWell, the question is more about sounds.02:25
Pelogordonjcp,  what is wrong with crips ?02:25
=== khermans_ [n=khermans@c-71-233-79-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jshriverdo you guys recommend going up to 7.10? or just .4?02:25
gordonjcpPelo: some people might be offended by the B word02:25
=== Theory_ [n=theory@] has joined #ubuntu
quantumfluxI found a solution!02:25
Pelogordonjcp,  those ppl need to get la...02:25
gordonjcpPelo: think of the children!02:25
scizzo-Hello, I can't get my X working again.....I have a new graphics card and a new monitor however I only get the error: libwfb is needed and not installed when starting GDM. Have tried to reconfigure the xserver and so on but nothing helps02:25
=== Amo34 [n=juan@] has joined #ubuntu
quantumfluxuninstall Network Manager and install Wicd.  For whatever reason it works if your wifi sill not connect to your router02:25
scizzo-anyone has any idea?02:25
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Theory_okay,Question. When I bootup, I have to type sudo ~/connect to connect to my wireless router manually....i want to make ubuntu run sudo ~/connect automatically02:26
Pelogordonjcp, that is generaly how children come about02:26
Pelook brb for real now02:26
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GNineok.. am getting bored.. il to mess my system up with beryl or somthing02:26
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rexyTheory_: put it in your rc.local in the /etc dir02:27
Theory_rexy, ok.02:27
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rexyis there a difference btw between the ati and radeon driver for X, i noticed different behaviour, but both gave me similar glxgears stats02:27
tetragonHi, I've been looking for a way to disable the SCSI subsystem on the kernel used by the Xubuntu 7.04 desktop disk, but have yet to find one.  Does anyone know of a way to do that?  I have a Thinkpad i1200 that's hanging on boot during SCSI subsystem initialisation.02:27
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Theory_rexy,  Can you tell me how to do this?02:28
NET||abuseHi everyone,, I'm using virtual box to emulate IE6 on my laptop these days, but i wanted to make a duplicate of my current winxp image on there, and then update IE7 on that duplicate disk image only, so i can boot into either image, how can i do that?02:29
NET||abuseThere doesn't seem to be a straight forward way02:29
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NET||abuseor maybe i'm just missing something obvious.02:29
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NET||abuseIf anyone can help me it would make my life WAY less complicated :)02:29
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goodhabitHow about using vmware and booting from physical hdd with win?02:30
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lgcMy "mounted" Windows partition is empty after installing ntfs-3g. Any clues?02:30
NET||abusegoodhabit, dont' have xp on a physical hdd on this laptop02:30
rexylgc cd in and out of the directory?02:31
NET||abuselgc, oh god,, that sound horifically scary02:31
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rexyalso check that it's mounted02:31
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NET||abusegoodhabit, the only xp i have on the laptop now is the oem xp key, but only in a virtual box image02:31
lgcNET||abuse, I hope you're not right.02:31
NET||abuselgc, seriously hope i'm not right also :( god dang that would suck monkey testes.02:32
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jimmy_dean_yay! I got to install ubuntu server over Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 today02:32
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rexywhen did the ntfs get out of unstable anyway?02:32
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lgcNET||abuse, can you translate that02:32
DjViperrexy: ntfs-3g ?02:32
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NET||abusegoodhabit, so any other clue as to how i can do that..02:32
NET||abuserexy, when that 3g package was released.02:33
rexywell ntfs was just readonly for a long time, didnt even know there was a new one02:33
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lgcNET||abuse, are you into monkey testes?02:33
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rexyis it stable?02:33
rexyor ymmv?02:33
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DjViperrexy: it's quite stable02:33
lgcrexy, didn't work.02:33
Arrickhey all, whats the quickest mirror for an english 7.04 desktop ISO?02:33
NET||abuselgc, emmmm, right, yes, i like to cook them and eat them with vinegar02:33
rexycheck that it's mounted with mount02:33
IndyGunFreakhow do you clear your notify list?02:33
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive02:33
goodhabitWho can paste in private for me a part of xorg.conf, what describes mouse? Please.02:33
rexyawesome stuff02:33
Arrickive tried 3 so far and they havent been more than 25kbps02:33
NET||abusegoodhabit, sure,02:33
SkryptHow do I encrypt a folder with seahorse?02:34
DjViperrexy: remember to always properly unmount ntfs partition, ie on removable drives etc02:34
lgcNET||abuse, you are entitled to your own preferences, certainly.02:34
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Theory_rexy, Do I have to put in the whole script in rc.local? or just the command sudo ~/connect02:34
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Arrickthat was good, which one is the fast one now rexy ?02:35
rexySkrypt: http://www.google.com/search?q=seahorse+ubuntu+encrypt+folder02:35
Arrickone out ther has to be able to do 200+kbps02:35
rexyTheory_: just the command to start the script will do02:35
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Theory_ack rexy02:35
lgcNET||abuse, but I will surmise you're not French, Chinese or Mexican, since your recipe for monkey testes is quite plain.02:35
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rexyArrick: fast one what?02:35
Arrickahh now the thing is dl'ing faster02:35
NET||abuselgc, dude, seriously,, your takin that waaaaaayy too serious02:35
Gus_hi there, can anyone help me restoring lilo on my system after a windows installation (i know the live cd doesn't have a rescue mode)02:35
Gus_im a bit lost02:36
Arrickrexy when i connected to that mirror you had posted, it was at 25kbps02:36
my_keyI'm trying to install feisty on an amd 64 here, but for some reason the bios doesn't recognise the IDE cdrom drives. Screwed the box open and found out they'r connected to a maxtor ultra ata 133 pci adapter card. Does anybody happen to know how i can make them recognised in an american megatrends bios?02:36
Arricknow its at 33302:36
rexyyou need to boot first Gus_02:36
Skryptrexy, been there, no good.02:36
Gus_how do i boot rexy ?02:36
rexytry a live cd02:36
Gus_im on live cd now02:36
rexydoes ubuntu even have lilo on there?02:36
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rexycan you switch to grub?02:37
Gus_i do have grub02:37
rexydo you know how to configure grub?02:37
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Gus_nope, how do i restore grub then02:37
rexyhonestly i have no idea02:37
rexylet me google02:38
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DjViperno, we forbid you from googling :P02:38
rexyfine you give the answers then heh02:38
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rexyanyway you're better of installing grub then lilo02:38
rexylilo, is ancient02:39
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rexyis there a way to start the grub configuration part from the command line in ubuntu?02:39
rexythat would probably be easiest i think?02:39
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AzzcoHelp I get strange errors! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34954/02:41
Azzconot only ccsm02:41
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foug_has anyone tried playing bioshock in ubuntu yet?02:43
kingnothingI've somewhat tracked down a strange problem I've been having for some time now. Occasionally, programs will take an arbitrarily long time to open, somewhere around 10 - 20 seconds, and I noticed that it only happens when my internet connection drops out. What causes it and what's the fix?02:43
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rexyfoug_: yep, http://www.google.com/search?q=wine+bioshock02:44
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foug_rexy: first result shows Bioshock demo problem" on the ubuntu forums, lol02:45
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foug_rexy: have you tried it out?02:45
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nickrudkingnothing, this is on gnome?02:45
rexyi just entered your question into google02:45
mcrandellodoes anyone know where they hid gran paradiso in ubuntu studio and how can I get rid of it?02:45
fougo ok02:45
kingnothingnickrud: gnome with beryl and emerald02:45
Pelokingnothing, disabling ipv6 migth help ,  but the number of addons in firefox might also be at issue02:45
kingnothingPelo: not using firefox02:45
=== Pelo shuts up now
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GNinethere are 30 packages in synaptic for Beryl, can i just pick the one plainly called beryl and have a functional .. beryl?02:46
rexymaybe it's the dns resolv thing, seem to recall a problem where linux would try to resolve some dns, for some reason, and obviously that times out02:46
PeloGNine, ask in #beryl02:46
nickrudkingnothing, that's usually something do do with your hostname; make sure that /etc/hostname doesn't include a domain, and that /etc/hosts has your hostname at
mcrandelloI searched synaptic for gran and paradiso, looked under firefox and mozilla and I can't find anything which would indicate which package I need to nuke02:46
rexyyeh that02:46
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craigbass1976can anyone think of a way to automate pulling data from pdf files?  I was thinking php, but can't find any examples yet02:48
kingnothingnickrud: all that's in etc/hostname is the name of my box, and etc/hosts is correct02:48
rexyyou mean like convert pdf to text files?02:48
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rexyor pdf2html02:48
mcrandellocraigbass1976: pdf2html and pipes02:48
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mcrandellolots and lots of pipes02:49
rexydont forget some sinks02:49
nickrudkingnothing, have you changed your hostname recently?02:49
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rexyyou need some decent drains to keep the plumming going02:49
kingnothingnickrud: nope, never changed it02:49
kahrytanrexy,  lol02:49
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prezer_latifhi all02:49
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numusdoes anyone know how to use gpartition with a ntfs drive with a bad sector02:50
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kahrytancraigbass1976, look at perl?02:50
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mcrandellocrap and now I changed the default browser in gnome i can't find the executable to get rid of it02:50
mcrandellooh bother02:50
craigbass1976kahrytan, I haven't. Do you know for sure it's possible, or just think so?  I'm checking out pdf2html right now02:50
mcrandelloanyone know what the executable for mozilla gran paradiso is/02:50
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Pelomcrandello,  terminal,  locate paradiso02:51
cnymikehow do i get the user list to show up to the side in xchat?02:51
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nickrudkingnothing, then I'm stumped; I'm sure it's something to do with gnome trying to resolve an address, the network in GNOME is fundamental02:51
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kahrytancraigbass1976, There might be a module02:51
mcrandellobash: lolcate: command not found <-lolcate02:51
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Pelocnymike, it's resize to noting, mouse over the right edge untill you get the bouble arrow02:51
mcrandellothat's what I get for typing angry02:52
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kingnothingnickrud: alright, i'll see if i can find anything along that line. thanks for giving me something to go with02:52
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numusanyone know how to partition a ntfs drive with badsectors02:52
kbrosnanmcrandello: firefox02:52
=== Pelo wants cheesbuger now
cnymikePelo: i'm full screen now, nothing happened02:52
=== nickrud goes to get the subway from the fridge
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rexynumus, toss the disk, saves you pain02:53
Logikoshi, i'm useing ubuntu 6.06 LTS server .... its been working great for months ... so i havent had to login for months, now when i try to login it wont let me (i'm useing the correct password) please help02:53
Pelocnymike,  playarond with the settings in the display menus , don'T look for it , just screw around,  it will get reset02:53
numusrexy the disk has given me no problems except with ubuntu02:53
mcrandellokbrosnan: firefox just brings up regular vanilla firefox. I can tell because my extensions aren't all disabled02:53
PeloLogikos,  caploks ?02:53
rexynumus if it has bad blocks it's going to die, soon ussually,02:53
cnymikePelo: another thing Ubuntu didn't include02:53
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LogikosPelo: no ...02:53
kahrytancraigbass1976, http://search.cpan.org/02:53
numusrexy windows doesn't find the bad block.. only ubuntu02:53
rexyLogikos:  try booting into it from grub02:54
rexythen see if someone changed your password?02:54
LogikosPelo: if i use the wrong pass it says login incorrect, if i use the right pass, it tells me last login, etc etc .. then says that there have been 3 failed logins since such and such date .. then kicks me out02:54
kbrosnanmcrandello: if you are going to play around with alpha versions learn -no-remote and -profilemanager switcher02:54
Pelocnymike, the settings are just wieid in the default install, it's easy enought to fix02:54
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devn i hate window managers02:54
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rexynumus, do a full surface scan in windows if you want to be sure02:54
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devnim going full console from now on02:54
cnymikeif only there was something in the preferences about display settings02:54
numusrexy it is because the drive was used in replay tv02:54
mcrandellokbrosnan: I don't want to play around with it, I want it dead and off my system :^)02:54
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kbrosnanmcrandello: you can only have one instance of firefox runing and granpardiso counts as firefox02:54
Logikosrexy: it acts different when i use the correct pass ... i know its the right pass, if i use any other pass it says login incorrect02:54
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PeloLogikos,  try login in as user  root  , same password,02:54
mcrandellokbrosnan: ah02:55
PeloLogikos,  just temporaraly02:55
numusrexy there is a file that wont format off that it must think is a bad sector02:55
LogikosPelo: ok i'll try, sec02:55
devnwhy does kdewallet not recognize my root password?02:55
devnits farking annoying.02:55
rexynumus just wipe the disk then, and see how it goes02:55
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tigranhey, how can i make the top applet, the one that has 'Applications' 'Places' 'System' font color white only02:55
rexypartition, format install02:55
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LogikosPelo: that sez login incorrect ... i didnt think it was possible to login as root anyways? *shrugs*02:55
fougthe bioshock PC demo won't install for me, has anyone else tried this? I get an error box but it's blank02:55
mcrandellokbrosnan: killall -9 firefox && firefox still got the good old version I know and love02:56
rexyLogikos try logging in as a normal user?02:56
PeloLogikos,  it was worth a shot , that's all I have02:56
devnkillall window_managers02:56
jribmcrandello: the process is named "firefox-bin"02:56
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rexystop killing my windowmanagers02:56
numusrexy ubuntus partition will do it.. just gpartion wouldn't lol02:56
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devni hate window managers!02:56
rexyi like my windows key :/02:56
=== devn screams it
mcrandellojrib: firefox-bin: no process killed02:56
rexytwm 4tw02:56
tigranhow can i make the top applet, the one that has 'Applications' 'Places' 'System' font color white only02:56
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LogikosPelo, rexy: i've tryed loging in as 2 different normal users, when i use the correct pass it kinda logs me in, tells me last login date etc, then kicks me out saying 3 failed atempts, if i use the wrong pass, it only says login incorrect02:56
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devnhow do i run ubuntu without a window manager?02:57
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Pelotigran,  right click on it ,  properties,02:57
jribmcrandello: ask #ubuntustudio02:57
devni just want multiple consoles02:57
Pelodevn, from the command line02:57
devnPelo: how?02:57
rexyLogikos, odd, can you physically access the server?02:57
Pelodevn, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:57
rexyor is it a colocated server?02:57
tigranPelo, has nothing for font color02:57
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jribdevn: do you know about screen?02:57
BrendanWDoes anybody have any screen capture software they would recommend for Ubuntu?02:57
devnjrib: yes, screen -r02:57
devncontrol a + d02:57
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rexyscreen -x if you want to party with multiple people02:58
ryanakcaIf you don't want someone to be able to log in, I assume you set their shell to /dev/null?02:58
mcrandellojrib: 'k02:58
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rexyryanakca: yeh that will work02:58
ryanakcaI could --disable-login , but, wouldn't that mess up their mail login?02:58
pmcnabbis there a way to use "alternatives --config x" in a non-interactive way so that, say, a script could change the system-wide alternative?02:58
Pelotigran,  sorry I didnt, realise you meant font,  somwhere in  gconf-editor I expect,  propably under /apps/pannel02:58
Logikosrexy: yes, i can, and what i'm describing are my atempts to login at the box itself, not remote02:58
ryanakcarexy: thanks02:58
devnjrib: isn't there a way to have like 6 console windows that you can get to by typing: alt + 1, alt + 2, etc02:58
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rexyLogikos you can boot into single mode by modifying the grub command line02:58
rexythay way you wont have to login, nor can you be booted back to the login screen02:59
jribpmcnabb: try looking at 'man update-alternatives', hint: --set02:59
cnymikePelo: are you using GNOME-xChat?02:59
larson9999oh boy, i started the gutsy update02:59
rexyryanakca: depends, the mail can be checked against local accounts, but you dont login even then, so setting it to null should not interfere with that02:59
Pelocnymike, please don'T blaspheme in the channel02:59
rexyyou should consider ldap for more then a few users though02:59
jribdevn: that's enabled by default, but screen on one is superior imo (you know  ctrl-a c  creates new "tabs" in screen?)02:59
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ryanakcarexy: ok, thanks02:59
devnall i want is 5 console windows: irc, vim, lynx, command line, and a music console02:59
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Logikosrexy: how can i do that... if i cant login how do i modify anything at all ?03:00
devnjrib: i didnt know that03:00
devnthat's cool03:00
rexydevn ALT-F1, ALT-F2 etc03:00
devnah sweet, thanks03:00
=== devn is so happy
rexyor tweak your ini file to autostart the consoles without logging in03:00
kingnothingnickrud: found the fix... /etc/hostname has just my hostname in it. looking in etc/hosts, there was not a corresponding entry with myhostname, although there was for localhost and myhostname.domain, so I added the one for myhostname, and the problem seems to be gone.03:00
Pelo cnymike  you can get "regular" xchat from the add/remove menu03:00
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devnthis reminds me of my slackware days03:00
devnlong long ago03:00
jribdevn: google for some screen tutorials, the gentoo wiki has some nice tweaks too03:00
jrib!screen > devn (see the private message from ubotu)03:00
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Logikosrexy: each time i use the right pass, it tells me that there have been 3 failed atempts to login ... could that have somethign to do with this?03:00
devnanyone else refuse to use a window manager?03:00
nickrudkingnothing, I think that's what I said, but maybe not clearly ;)03:01
tigranPelo: no font color there03:01
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rexyu gave that up devn after my linuxfromscratch days03:01
kingnothingnickrud: :)03:01
devndont you remember how simple it felt?03:01
devnhow right it felt?03:01
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Pelotigran,  that's all I have for you , chek in the channel or03:01
=== Flynsarmy [n=chatzill@CPE-124-185-96-45.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
gerrodevn: I could live without panels and icons, the resource save would be amazing03:01
rexyi said that too, but i was totally incomprehensible03:01
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Pelo!theme > tigran  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu03:01
rexydevn: no03:01
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rexyi still use consoles a lot03:01
=== goundy [n=iGotIt@248.119-200-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
larson9999lfs: i got tired of compiling with gentoo so i switched to lfs :)03:02
rexybut try browsing porn in lynx03:02
devnnot to mention (and i mean no offense) open source window managers are hardly impressive by industry standards03:02
rexynuff said03:02
tigrank, thanks Pelo03:02
rexyyeah gentoo was much better03:02
devnrexy: this is exactly why i want no images03:02
devnno more pr0n time wasting03:02
rexystill thinking of getting it for gaming03:02
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Geek_devn: "industry standards" -> compared to?03:02
rexyheh yeh much better i agre03:02
=== Pelo thinks a beer might have been a bad idea, it's too damp and hot here
devnGeek_: OSX, Vista03:02
devnIMHO better WMs than Gnome or KDE03:02
Logikosrexy: you sugested modifing grub, how do i do that if i cant login?03:02
poningruanyone need help?03:03
devnLogikos: use a live cd03:03
nickruddevn, mutt, lynx, elm, zvg, and bmv. What more do you need?03:03
Peloponingru,  with what ?03:03
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poningruuh... you are in #ubuntu03:03
poningruso with ubuntu03:03
rexyWhen grub boots you can edit the start command03:03
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rexybefore it boots linux03:03
poningruand devn please dont use this channel for whatever argument you are having03:03
rexyedit the line that boots the kernel and add single03:03
Geek_devn: your comparing composite desktops to non composite ones. would be more accurate to look at compiz, beryl or matisse rather than vanilla KDE and Gnome03:04
Peloponingru,  do you have anyting specific or should we just trow a bunch of wikis your way  ?03:04
Logikosdevn: ok ... i'll try, thanks03:04
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poningruPelo: no dude I am offering to help03:04
larson9999rexy http://www.asciipr0n.com/03:04
poningruI dont need help...03:04
Flynsarmyponingru: You knwo of any Firewalls taht pop up allow/deny messages like ZoneAlarm? Do you know any progs that allow you to limit ul/dl speed of applications like Netlimiter for windows?03:04
rexyi'm not really into all that larson, but thanx03:04
goundyguys I can't modify my keyboard03:04
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Peloponingru, oh, just take a number then,  a noob will be with you shortly03:04
goundyI get this http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/2319/screenshotgnomesettingszo8.png03:04
nickrudlol, Flynsarmy ask the easy ones ;)03:04
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goundyhow to solv this problem? thank you03:04
=== Planet-X [n=joshua@cpe-72-230-22-26.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gerrodevn: you seriously haven't tried xfce with compiz-fusion :P03:04
=== devn pukes
devnits like going to vegas03:05
larson9999rexy just saying links can do pron03:05
poningruFlynsarmy: hmm firestarter is good for firewall stuff03:05
devnits a nice place to visit, but i wouldnt want to live there03:05
poningrudevn: please leave argument and stuff out of here03:05
devn(compiz fusion)03:05
poningruthere is #ubuntu-offtopic03:05
FlynsarmyFirestarter does not have allow/deny popups03:05
Flynsarmyit is not what i'm looking for03:05
devnponingru: apparently you haven't noticed the 9 people baiting me03:05
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rexyFlynsarmy: you want the adblocker plugin03:05
rexyfor firefox03:05
poningrudevn: please dont let them03:05
rexyand probably noscript too03:05
Pelogoundy,  what are using to modify your keyboard, and what kind of mods did you have in mind ?03:05
poningrutake it to #ubuntu-offtopic please03:05
FlynsarmyI have the adblocker plugin for firefox03:05
gerrodevn: yeah I agree its not very useful, I just use a stripped down xfce setup03:06
mcrandelloponingru: I'm having a problem with crouching firefox-hidden paradiso03:06
Geek_devn: if you want to compare, it would be older OS X, windows explorer (non aero), CDE vs linux desktops.03:06
goundyPelo, am using the assistant in system>preference03:06
rexyfirestarter just filters network traffic, not popups03:06
goundyPelo, mod: kbd03:06
poningruGeek_: please take this argument to #ubuntu-offtopic03:06
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devnno that's okay, i stand on my original argument, and until kde or gnome /feels/ like OSX or Windows, I refuse to call it a quality window manager03:06
Flynsarmywhich is why i'm not using it. I'm looking for a firewall with the allow/deny popups03:06
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Geek_poningru: i'm not sure this is either offtopic or an arguement03:06
Pelogoundy,  are you trying to get the strokes to match the keys on your keyboard ? are you tring to create keyboard shortcuts ? what ?03:07
rexyFlynsarmy: there isnt any03:07
poningruFlynsarmy: hmm sorry dude dont know of any03:07
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goundyPelo, trying to get my print screen and my alt-gr working :s03:07
Logikosdevn, rexy: i booted to a live cd, which option do i select, start ubuntu in safe graphics mode?03:07
jribGeek_: anything that's not about ubuntu _support_ is offtopic here03:07
rexyand there most likely wont be any either, as a firewall filters traffic03:07
poningruGeek_: its not support, you can take it up for discusstion in -ops if you so wish03:07
FlynsarmyAny netlimiter type apps then?03:07
rexyLogikos you can do that yeah03:07
rexyand then check your passwd03:07
Geek_*shrug* right03:08
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Atlantizhey guys what do you think of this new site? http://www.doctorrescue.com/03:08
devnLogikos: whatever will get you to a place where you can edit your settings on the other drive, you'll be fine03:08
devnAtlantiz: I think it sucks.03:08
Pelogoundy,  ok , printscreen key works in combination with alt and crtl and shift ,  and works by default,    alt-gr doesn't work for anyone you can'T get ascii characters that way03:08
jrib!offtopic | Atlantiz03:08
Pelogoundy,  so basicaly I think you are barking up the wrong tree03:08
ubotuAtlantiz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:08
devnAtlantiz: sorry, bad place to advertise without any information03:08
rexyFlynsarmy: what does netlimiter do?03:08
devnso i wont view it, and assume it sucks03:08
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goundyPelo, the wrong tree ?03:08
FlynsarmyAllows you to limit the ul/dl speed of each application03:08
Atlantizoh sorry03:08
Atlantizjust a little exited03:08
poningruFlynsarmy: hmm trickle exists03:08
Atlantizi finally made it03:08
gerroAtlantiz: I agree with devn that site is lame03:08
Pelogoundy,  an expression, meaning you won'T get anyting out of hwat  you are trying to do03:09
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devnAtlantiz: you should give up on the internet03:09
goundyPelo, you know with dapper and edgy my keyboard was working perfectly03:09
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poningrubut it wont control speed after the program has started03:09
rexyFlynsarmy: not sure, if there is it's a program that modifies the iptables for you which governs how packets are handled03:09
goundybut since I put feisty ....03:09
etaleI issued "sudo echo level 7 > /proc/acpi/ibm/fan" and got permission denied--what's wrong. Please help! I keep asking everywhere and nobody even responds...03:09
gerrogoundy: exit your keyboard settings in xorg.conf same as they were before then03:09
rexyetale: you are not root03:09
msuiterdoes anyone know how to get the First run wizard to run after installing kubuntu-desktop?03:09
gerrogoundy: meant edit not exit sorry03:09
etalei did sudo03:09
goundygerro, I tried it03:09
poningruetale: I dont think you are supposed to be able to do that03:09
rexytry quoting it03:09
Pelogoundy, that's a different issue then   not sure what but diffinately not what I thought your issue was , my mistake , sorry,  I don'T know how to help03:09
gerrogoundy: still having trouble?03:10
goundybut I got an error from xkbcomp03:10
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poningruwhat are you trying to do?03:10
jribetale: redirection is done by your shell, use  '| sudo tee'  instead of  '>'03:10
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devnwill a sudo /etc/init.rd/gdm stop kill all the extraneous processes running within the WM?03:10
gerrogoundy: what sort of keyboard is it bluetooth?03:10
goundyPelo, np thanks for your attempt ;)03:10
devni just want to be at a fresh command line03:10
rexydevn mostly03:10
shiznix`I'll soon find out03:10
goundygerro, no, I've an acer laptop03:10
jribdevn: yes, tends to do that03:10
devnk, good :)03:10
pmcnabbjrib: sorry for the huge delay, but does --set affect all the slave alternatives entries?03:10
gerrogoundy: are you typing on it now? is it just certain key combinations its missing?03:10
gerrogoundy: then add them in03:11
goundygerro, print screen and alt gr won't work03:11
Flynsarmyponingru: Thanks. Looks like what i'm after. I don't need to set any proxy settings in each app or anything, i can just choose which app to limit and set the limits?03:11
devnfor what it's worth, if you have trouble with your USB keyboard I finally got mine working today at grub bootloader03:11
etalejrib ! thank you!!!03:11
=== neozen [n=neozen@c-71-228-16-126.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
devnso all hope is not lost03:11
goundygerro, I tried to modify for example from BE (belgium) to FR (french) but I got an error from xkbcomp03:11
doug_anyone in here from texas?03:11
gerrogoundy: you probably uninstalled the program that handles print screen. On xubuntu it doesn't even have that app so I configured imagemagick to take a snapshot and timestamp it in my pictures folder03:11
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rexygnome-keybinding-properties that program you can use to set more funky key bindings and enable special keys03:12
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goundygerro, i didn't uninstalled anything I've just upgraded from dapper -> edgy -> feisty03:12
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goundynothing else03:12
gerrogoundy: you speak french, belgium, and english?03:12
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goundygerro, in belgium we speak french ^^03:12
neozengoundy: is the screenshooter xfce applet a possibility?03:12
ryanakcaHow can I erase 'Last login: Fri Aug 24 23:54:17 2007 from <host>'03:12
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rexythe belgiums speek vlemmish or whatever too :P03:12
goundyneozen, sorry?03:13
ryanakca(aka, what file contains that?)03:13
rexysome of em anyway03:13
goundyrexy, a part speek vlamish and the other one french :)03:13
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goundyrexy, wikipedia can tell you more about that :)03:13
rexyquite aware <--dutch03:13
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jimcooncatand pommes frites ain't no french fries03:13
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neozeng'ok.... meant gerro03:13
Logikosdevn, rexy: ok, i'm booted to safe graphics mode (it loaded very very slowly) ... what do i do now? ...03:13
EvaLuaTeif i selected 'console login' at startup, can i change back to kde login without restarting ?03:13
bulio|how can I do a text based install with the 7.04 desktop CD?03:14
goundygerro, I got this http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/2319/screenshotgnomesettingszo8.png03:14
gerroneozen: umm? alt f4?03:14
rexypost the line in your passwd file that contains root03:14
cdm10bulio|: you can't you'll need the alternate cd03:14
bulio|standard install is much too slow03:14
cdm10!alternate | bulio|03:14
ubotubulio|: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal03:14
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devnthank jesus for this terminal03:14
devni love linux.  i love my terminal.03:14
=== Blackits [n=edu@67-96-20-190.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
=== devn hugs everyone
bulio|the live CD is so slow03:14
Bjornalfif i'm removing an app (compiz-core) and it wants to remove the ubuntu-desktop package is that going to screw up my system?03:14
gerrogoundy: did you install the necessary keyboard files from synaptic?03:14
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cdm10Bjornalf: no03:14
goundygerro, no nothing03:15
cdm10!ubuntu-desktop > Bjornalf03:15
rexyBjornalf: ubuntu-desktop is just a placeholder03:15
scratchmeHi is there a way to see file access to see what file I could be missing for a program that gives an error on start?03:15
neozengerro: xfce4-screenshooter-plugin ...handles screenshot generation03:15
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gerrogoundy: try doing that03:15
HaaShello all03:15
rexy!ubuntu-desktop > me03:15
neozengerro: probably already installed03:15
goundygerro, Okay thank you ;)03:15
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HaaSopen files *.3gp with ubuntu ?03:15
gerroneozen: interesting but it didn't have a prinit scrn combo setup?03:15
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Logikosdevn, rexy: ok, i'm booted to safe graphics mode (it loaded very very slowly) ... what do i do now? ...  how do i fix the login problem ?03:15
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:15
neozengerro: ahh.. gotcha03:15
=== ThatLazyGuy [n=DaLazyGu@pool-151-205-125-166.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
goundygerro, I've kbd and the xkb thing too03:15
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rexyLogikos: check your passwd file03:16
Bjornalf!ubuntu-desktop > Bjornalf03:16
gerroneozen: nope its not installed for me but I will check into it03:16
HaaSopen files *.3gp with ubuntu ?03:16
rexypast the line wich has root in it03:16
goundyyou know it says that xkbcomp bug03:16
cdm10!repeat | Haas03:16
ubotuHaas: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:16
cdm10!multimedia | HaaS03:16
ubotuHaaS: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications03:16
rexy!restriced | HaaS03:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restriced - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:16
goundyso I want to remove and reinstall it but I'm afraid ^^03:16
cdm10rexy: already got it03:16
HaaSok ok sorry :(03:16
gerro!pr0n | HaaS03:16
SuperkuhAnyone know how I could check if hardware tcp checksum offloading is enabled on my (mobo integrated) NIC under ubuntu (feisty) (or if a more general answer exists for debian-like, or even general linux systems)?03:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pr0n - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:16
Bjornalfok so i let it be taken out and put it back in after so it can mangage upgrades and such?03:16
neozengerro: if you truly have xubuntu it should've been installed ::ponders::03:16
rexyawh :/03:16
gerroneozen: I have 7.04 xubuntu03:17
goundynm. I'll change feisty by debian03:17
cdm10gerro: try the command < sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop >03:17
EvaLuaTeso, if i'm in console mode, is there any way to change back to kde ?03:17
HaaS7.10 ?03:17
FlynsarmyWhat's the difference between ubuntu and xubutu?03:17
goundyThanks guys ;)03:17
BDBMXcould anyone think why i get command not found for /etc/init.d/samba ?03:17
cdm10HaaS: 7.10 is the next version of Ubuntu03:17
rexyevaluate alt-F703:17
gerroneozen: oh seeing how you know a bit about xubuntu how can I set swiftweasel as default browser and remove that sliver of autohidden panel?03:17
jarrod_anyone know of a good book for learning bash from the ground?03:17
jribpmcnabb: what do you mean?  I'm not familiar with "slave alternative entries"03:17
HaaSchannel ?03:17
dgaFlynsarmy: xubuntu uses xfce as its desktop environment instead of gnome03:18
cdm10Flynsarmy: one uses GNOME, one uses XFCE. They're both different desktop environments, and they have some different apps.03:18
gerroneozen: other than that xfce is freakin awesome (^_^) 'O03:18
rexyFlynsarmy: xubuntu is a lighter version, less features03:18
HaaSabout next version ?03:18
EvaLuaTeohh, thanks rexy03:18
cdm10Flynsarmy: Xubuntu is better for lower-end PCs.03:18
pawanpawan here03:18
cdm10!gutsy | HaaS03:18
_RockoBDBMX, maybe you haven't installed the samba-server package03:18
ubotuHaaS: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+103:18
ryanakcaHow can I erase 'Last login: Fri Aug 24 23:54:17 2007 from <host>' (aka, what file contains that line?)03:18
BDBMXso its not on by deafault?03:18
HaaScdm10, ok man, thx ;-)03:18
rexycdm10: the really low end, gnome runs fine in 250m/1ghz here03:18
astro76jarrod_, "Learning the bash Shell" from O'Reilly is great.03:18
HaaSsee ya03:18
=== Tigran [n=chatzill@netblock-66-245-212-252.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
jribpmcnabb: yeah, just grepped the man, "I don't know" is my answer :/03:18
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pmcnabbjrib: when i change one of the alternatives, there are several other associated binaries (slaves) that are changed, too. i do this for java 1.5 & 1.6 concurrency03:18
gerroFlynsarny: and anyone whom wants a slim non buggy WM with out a gnome straight jacket03:18
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pmcnabbjrib: ok, thanks03:18
cdm10rexy: well, even on high-end PCs, Xubuntu is a little faster... but GNOME is certainly pretty snappy on most PCs.03:18
rexybutbut, gnome is so purdy03:19
Tigranwhen I try to login says Im out of disk space...what do i do??03:19
cdm10rexy: XFCE is very nice-looking too03:19
neozengerro: yeah it is ::dances::03:19
=== khermans_ [n=khermans@c-71-233-79-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rexyi know, but i barebone eve/cedega straight onto X anyway :D03:19
dgakubuntu has worked the best on my laptop out of the box (i have a dell inspiron 1501)03:19
Flynsarmygerro: I have gnome and it doesn't seem very buggy to me?03:19
cdm10rexy: it's based on GTK+, so you'll be able to get the same themes and stuff.03:19
gerroneozen: what country you from?03:19
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cdm10Flynsarmy: we didn't say buggy, it's just not as fast on lower-end hardware as XFCE.03:19
devnhow do i change the resolution/font of my console?03:19
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rexyi have tried it once, but it didnt stick03:20
larson9999i configure gnome, xfxe, kde to look pretty much the same03:20
devn(note: not in a window manager)03:20
jarrod_astro76 found the book- different authors- does it have the fish on it?03:20
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slestak|awayanyone have ubuntu on a dell e1*05 or inspiron 6000?03:20
neozenchicago specifically03:20
cdm10devn: you need to change the vga line in /boot/grub/menu.lst03:20
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gerroneozen: ah rare I see someone do the ::03:20
devncdm10: does that include my font?03:20
pabneedsmoneyanyone here know how to fire up apache on this ubuntu box?03:20
slestak|awayive got probs with sound solid on left channel, drifts in and out on right channel03:20
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cdm10devn: it'll change the resolution that's used for the vttys03:20
rexydevn http://www.google.com/search?q=font+console+linux03:20
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astro76jarrod_, yes it's the fish book :)03:21
cdm10devn: you'll want to change it on the "defoptions" line of the file, which you'll need to edit with < gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst > and then you'll need to run < sudo update-grub > and reboot03:21
nickrudpabneedsmoney, sudo aptitude install apache2  and dump your stuff in /var/www03:21
rexyslestak: i have it on a Dell C61003:21
ThatLazyGuyHow can i place the windows on top of the panel  in Xubuntu?03:21
cdm10devn: I'm not sure what VGA number code you need, though03:21
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slestakrexy: is your sound pretty solid on both stereo channels?03:22
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jarrod_astro76 good thanks, and how often does shell scripting come into play?03:22
devncdm10: yeah i just realized its just one number03:22
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devncurrently its set to 791, but its commented out03:22
cdm10devn: yeah, defoptions is supposed to be commented out03:22
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=== Cribbens [n=ubuntu@202-89-158-22.dyn-dsl.ubs.qsi.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
neozenThatLazyGuy: you don't to my knowledge03:23
Logikosrexy: i cant dclick the drive because its not removable, i opened a terminal and i'm trying to remember how to mount the thing ... i tryed mount -t /dev/hda1 /mnt ... and it didnt work what am i missing, and after i mount it, where do i find the passwd file ?03:23
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cdm10devn: don't just randomly change it, though... I'm googling for a reference on what number code corresponds to what resolution03:23
rexyslestak: yeah, but you probably have a different sound card03:23
rexymy laptop is like 4 years old already03:23
neozenThatLazyGuy: panel is always on top in xfce4 to my knowledge03:23
slestaki should check google.  thx03:23
devncdm, im looking for 1280x102403:23
cdm10devn: ok, i'll try to find that03:23
rexyLogikos:  mount /dev/device /mount/ppoint03:23
neozenThatLazyGuy: probably a configuration file somewhere can override it03:23
CribbensHowdy! How do I stop ubuntu from automounting partitions?03:23
cdm10Cribbens: remove them from /etc/fstab03:23
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Cribbenscdm10: thanks!03:24
ThatLazyGuyneozen: thanks =)03:24
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devnthanks cdm, im protesting the window manager, so im apt-getting lynx right now03:24
rexylinks is better03:24
neozenThatLazyGuy: can always autohide the panel03:24
ThatLazyGuyneozen: the panel shadow is covering the windows03:24
astro76jarrod_, I have second edition, 5 out of 11 chapters cover shell scripting specifically03:24
OPTIMusprime1212y do people in ubunut-effects ignore questions for?03:24
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neozenneozen: ahh....03:24
l0l0lhi everyone03:24
rexyOPTIMusprime1212: probably they are afk, or dont know the answer03:24
cdm10devn: hey, i think i found what you need. Here are the numbers for that res:03:24
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neozenThatLazyGuy: might want to seek help in #xubuntu03:24
devngo for it03:24
OPTIMusprime1212well rexy the worst thng to do is ignore someone and tick them off03:25
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neozenThatLazyGuy: last I checked they're still awake over there03:25
neozenhoallo Blackknight03:25
gabrielmonnerati have problem with compilation of zope. shows this message "Versions 2.4.2 also work, but not as optimally."03:25
rexyOPTIMusprime1212: the world doesnt spring into action just because you ask a question, be patient and wait03:25
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OPTIMusprime1212i have waited rexy 20 min03:25
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Blackknightdoes anybody know how to get a usb keyboard to work?03:25
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devnrexy: unless that question is: do you want free money?03:25
cdm10devn: 8bit is 775, 15bit is 793, 16bit is 794, and 24bit is 79503:26
jarrod_astro76 awsome i think this will be choice.03:26
OPTIMusprime121220 min and not one responce not even to a hello03:26
mebaran151_why can't gedit have syntax highlighting like the vim....03:26
Blackknightit does03:26
rexyhello is for offtopic03:26
neozenOPTIMusprime1212: ...keep in mind..... people don't monitor chatroom fulltime03:26
=== inbitado34 [n=mano@201-69-71-179.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
mebaran151_Blacknight, not in the same league though03:26
devncdm, hm okay, so there's no talk of resolution?03:26
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cdm10devn: i'd recommend finding the highest one that works03:26
rexyresolution is for wm's ;)03:26
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cdm10devn: all of those are for 1280x102403:26
inbitado34where do i install GDM themes ???  which folder ??03:26
devnits just a bit-depth dependent resolution?03:26
devnah okay03:26
neozenOPTIMusprime1212: quite frequently, people monitor several channels at once..... can be difficult to keep up w/ them all03:26
mebaran151_I arguably prefer Gedit's interface, especially for buffers03:26
cdm10devn: i did all the work for you :)03:26
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mebaran151_but it's syntax highlighting is painfully bad03:27
BlackknightI like joe03:27
cdm10inbitado34: just drag 'em into System>Administration>Login Window i think03:27
devncdm10: i appreciate it03:27
rexyhe wanted to go bareback, get googling with links03:27
astro76jarrod_, I highly recommend it03:27
neozenOPTIMusprime1212: (for instance ... I'm monitoring 6 right now)03:27
=== brian___ [n=brian@adsl-070-145-042-102.sip.aby.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Logikosrexy: ok i did vim /etc/passwd ... and i see root, and many others, but i dont see any of my normal logins ... or any passwords ?03:27
=== brian___ is now known as MrCollins
Blackknightis there a module I need for the keyboard?03:27
OPTIMusprime1212jeesh neozen y?03:27
MrCollinswhen I disabled my proprietary drivers *Nvidia03:27
mneptokLogikos: you cannot edit /etc/passwd with an editor.03:27
mneptokLogikos: what are you trying to do?03:27
MrCollinsmy X windows is now just all white after I login....03:28
MrCollinswhat can I do?03:28
rexymy Desktop effects wont turn on when i enable them, i just get some white blobs. The wm appears to be restarting but that's pretty much it, cant do anything but kill the stuff03:28
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MrCollinsim in irssi from command line03:28
cdm10rexy: do you have your drivers set up?03:28
mneptokMrCollins: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:28
rexycdm10: yeah ati driver03:28
^majik^was there a recent MySQL 5.0 update that caused mysqld to not start?03:28
rexysays DRI rendering works03:28
cdm10rexy: hmm, i dunno... sorry i can't help you03:28
=== carla [n=carla@ool-4576861a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
rexyMrCollins: did you say you removed the nvidia drivers?03:29
Blackknightcheck the X error log03:29
carlai need help with ubuntu03:29
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carlaplease please please03:29
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:29
cdm10!ask | carla03:29
ubotucarla: please see above03:29
=== khermans_ [n=khermans@c-71-233-79-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Logikosmneptok: my 6.01 LTS server system wont let me login, when i login with any correct username and pass it starts to login telling me the last login date/time, then tells me that there have been 3 failed logins, then kicks me out, if i use any wrong username/pass, it simply says login incorrect, rexy advised me to boot to live cd, and now i have a terminal window open to that drive ... not sure what for yet, please help if you can03:29
cdm10rexy: heh, faster than me :03:29
neozenOPTIMusprime1212: one for lug for college, one for xubuntu, (since it's what I run and thus, know best), one for this channel, since its always filled w/ people looking for help, one for foresight linux (small distro based on a revolutionary package management concept that's caught my interest), and finally one I monitor for social reasons03:29
cdm10damn, :)03:29
MrCollinsrexy: yes03:29
rexyLogikos: what is in the passwd file, the root line03:30
mneptokLogikos: do you have an ssh server installed?03:30
Blackknightsounds like me03:30
OPTIMusprime1212anyone know hwo to use beryl real good?03:30
rexyMrCollins: most likely it ist still trying to boot the old drivers03:30
OPTIMusprime1212ah i got u neozen03:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xreconfigure - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:30
carlaok i installed ubuntu .... never used it before and now i'm with some black screen and cant do anything but enter my pass and user name03:30
Logikosmneptok: yes03:30
mneptokrexy: root does not have a password in Ubuntu03:30
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MrCollinsrexy: how do i fix? I will do what mneptok said03:30
Blackknightsounds like a console login03:30
mneptokLogikos: boot the machine normally. when it gets to the GDM login screen, try ssh-ing in as a known-good user.03:30
Logikosrexy: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash03:31
rexywell thats' not the problem then03:31
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Cribbenswhen I use gparted from the live cd to create & format partitions it seems to work, but I was wondering: shouldn't it take a while to format like 180GB of fat32? It seems to be so fast that I wonder whether it worked correctly03:31
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Logikosmneptok: ssh login doesnt work either, i've tryed03:31
mneptokLogikos: what error do you get? exactly?03:31
OPTIMusprime1212anyone in here know how to run beryl and use it real good03:31
Logikosmneptok: i have at least 2 known good user/pass combinations03:31
carlawhen i reboot i must choose between xp and generic03:31
rexyMrCollins: you need to reconfigure the X server03:31
MrCollinsmneptok: is the bus iD what I get when I do lspci?03:32
mneptokMrCollins: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:32
rexydpkg xorg-commons --reconfigure i think, anyone confurm?03:32
MrCollinsi did03:32
MrCollinsi am in that mneptok03:32
neozenOPTIMusprime1212: there's a ton of good tutorials for beryl/compiz/compiz-fusion in the forums03:32
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rexydo a grep /etc/X11/xorg.conf nvidia03:32
mneptokMrCollins: accept the defaults, except for driver and resolutions. choose the ones you want to use.03:32
neozenOPTIMusprime1212: and if you're on a thinkpad, there's a whole site to help: thinkwiki.org03:32
Logikosmneptok: when i use a good user/pass i dont get an error, i get normal stuff, last login etc, then kicks me out03:32
MrCollinsthx rexy and mneptok03:32
rexyoh nvm me then03:32
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rexydo the dpkg thing03:32
Logikosmneptok: i can paste it to you in pm if you want03:32
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vrkhanshi i am installing E and I got this error msg No package 'theora' found03:33
mneptokLogikos: sounds like bad shell environment variables03:33
vrkhanswhat should i do03:33
kode4u_is there some software can capture screen to movie?03:33
OPTIMusprime1212well neozen i was jsut wanting to know how to make beryl do the unfold like all four desktops side by side like fusion does and beable to switch to them with out a prob and they stay that way03:33
=== quasar8888 [n=quasar88@pool-70-18-2-184.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
cdm10kode4u_: yep, i recommend gtk-recordMyDesktop03:33
mneptokLogikos: boot to recovery mode and rm any .bash* files in the home dir of the affected users03:33
Logikosmneptok: from the councel (not from remote ssh) it does say something about there have been 3 failed login atempts right before it kicks out03:33
cdm10kode4u_: it's in Add/Remove03:33
OPTIMusprime1212neozen: i have tried looking it up nothing on that03:33
cdm10kode4u_: there's also Istanbul, but that doesn't work well for me.03:33
neozenOPTIMusprime1212: why not just run compiz-fusion?03:33
carlahow do i remove ubuntu from my laptop? i also have xp and don't want to remove it....03:33
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kode4u_cdm10, oh, I'll try it. Thank you.03:34
pawanwhat is ubuntu tribe five03:34
larson9999remove ubuntu? egads!03:34
neozenhoallo pawan03:34
OPTIMusprime1212neozen: i have tried ten seconds in or i mess with one thing it crashes and i cant fix it thus install uninstall install and uninstall03:34
Logikosmneptok: to the best of my knowldege it affects all users, however conviently all of the user names are my own... what will that do if i do that?03:34
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@c-67-187-117-112.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cdm10pawan: it's the latest alpha development version of Ubuntu 7.10 (codename gutsy)03:34
vrkhansdoes any one help me in that03:34
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carladont know what else to do!!03:34
=== seanpcrowe| [n=bert@host217-43-67-178.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
mneptokLogikos: rm /home/$USER/.bash*03:35
vrkhansi am trying to install E and got this msg No package 'theora' found03:35
rexypawan: alpha software, not for normal use03:35
neozenpawan: tribes are like alpha releases..... they might work... but they're mainly for testing... don't use them if you don't want to risk something breaking, going boom, or not working at all03:35
Logikosmneptok: and how do i boot to recovery mode, with the original cd?03:35
MrCollinsok thanks mneptok03:35
mneptokLogikos: from the GRUB menu03:35
neozenOPTIMusprime1212: ....bummer...03:35
MrCollinshow do I kill and restart X without reboot?03:35
cdm10carla, this may not work, but you could try deleting the Ubuntu partition and resizing your Windows partition back to full size, then using your Windows install disk to restore the bootloader.03:35
cdm10MrCollins: ctrl-alt-backspace03:35
neozenOPTIMusprime1212: does compiz alone have the effect you want?03:35
Logikosmneptok: i have no grub menu unless i boot to a cd03:35
MrCollinsthx cdm1003:35
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rexyMrCollins sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart if you are in a console03:35
cdm10Logikos: hit escape when you boot, it'll come up03:35
vrkhanserror: Package requirements (ecore03:35
vrkhans           ecore-x03:35
vrkhans           imlib203:35
vrkhans           theora) were not met:03:35
=== the_guy [n=theguy@adsl-68-76-102-84.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Logikoscdm10: thanks03:36
=== Nickname [n=Name@cpe-75-85-200-99.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
OPTIMusprime1212no neozen but i know fusion does and not sure if beryl does03:36
vrkhanswhat should I do03:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:36
mneptokLogikos: "Press ESC to enter the GRUB menu"  5 4 3 2 103:36
cdm10MrCollins: you can also do ctrl-alt-f1, log in, and do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:36
neozenMrCollins: cntrl-alt-backspace03:36
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mneptok^^ every boot ^^03:36
cdm10MrCollins: rexy's thing won't work in a normal terminal03:36
kitche!info theora | vrkhans03:36
carlahow do i resize the partition?03:36
ubotuvrkhans: Package theora does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas03:36
neozenMrCollins: press it at any time...03:36
OPTIMusprime1212hi thee the_guy03:36
the_guyanyone know about totem for kubuntu03:36
MrCollinsthx everyone!03:36
cdm10carla: boot the Ubuntu LiveCD and go to System>Administration>GNOME Partition Editor.03:36
MrCollinsthe X is still white....03:36
rexycdm10: err why wont it work from the console?03:36
=== Tangaroa [n=dturover@c-67-169-68-46.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
vrkhansso what should I do03:37
neozenMrCollins: hmm.... what kind of graphics card have you got in the beast?03:37
carlai'll try that03:37
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MrCollinsNvidia Geforce 203:37
mneptokvrkhans: libtheora-bin03:37
neozenMrCollins: that'd be why03:37
cdm10rexy: if you try it in a normal desktop terminal, it'll start the restart script thingy, which will kill x, thus killing the terminal, leaving gdm only stopped and not restarted :)03:37
bluebananais there a linux command that will give the answer for 6/15/07 + 90 days?03:37
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cdm10rexy: as soon as that kills off x, it'll also kill the script that's supposed to be starting x back up03:37
mneptokMrCollins: did you install nVidia drivers?03:37
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rexywell those are called shells right :P03:38
OPTIMusprime1212neozen i got a intel i810 is that prob why fusion crashes? it handles beryl fine03:38
MrCollinsmneptok: yes03:38
rexynot consoles :D03:38
Blackknightbluebanana, try the date command03:38
mneptokMrCollins: how did you do that?03:38
cdm10rexy: i guess :)03:38
MrCollinsback a few days ago and it went 640x48003:38
bluebananaBlackknight, ok. thanks03:38
Blackknightor use python03:38
MrCollinsfrom the nvidia package from apt-get03:38
iconecan anyone help me ? I need a php editor03:38
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rexyicone any editor can produce php code03:38
mneptokicone: sudo apt-get install bluefish03:38
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MrCollinsor was the autoinstaller? either one...03:38
neozenMrCollins: ::shrugs:: I've got friends that have the intel950 card.... it uses the i810 driver.... but they say beryl, compiz, and compiz-fusion all work just fine03:38
rexyyou can use gedit it has php support i think, or kate03:38
vrkhansmneptok: thanks03:38
mneptokMrCollins: nvidia-glx?03:38
Blackknightgedit, vim, pico, whatever03:38
MrCollinsyes mneptok03:38
vrkhanshow did you find this03:39
cdm10rexy: those do syntax highlighting and nothing more03:39
iconeok (Y)03:39
nickrudicone, gphpedit is trying03:39
iconegonna check it out03:39
cdm10rexy: actually, i don't know kate, but that's all gedit does03:39
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OPTIMusprime1212uh neozen that was to wrong person lol03:39
bluebananaBlackknight, "man date" has no math functions03:39
mneptokMrCollins: grep /etc/X11/xorg.conf nv03:39
vrkhansif i need to find some other files what should I do03:39
mneptokMrCollins: what do you get?03:39
MrCollinsone sec03:39
rexyyeah kate only does that too, no additional checks03:39
OPTIMusprime1212but i get u neozen03:39
neozenyep... that it was... sorry 'bout that03:39
kitchecdm10, well there is no php editor anyways so all it does anywho is syntax highlightening and such03:39
GNinethat #beryl/compiz_fusion channel was scarily useless03:39
neozenOPTIMusprime1212: long day at the office staring @ java code03:39
cdm10kitche: i'm assuming php has some sort of indentation conventions...03:40
Blackknightbluebanana, you'll probably need to scrpt t03:40
rexyheu only python has those :D03:40
=== mneptok JIT compiles neozen
Blackknightpython, perl, php, whatever03:40
OPTIMusprime1212neozen then i am thnking that it then got installed the wrong way then03:40
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MrCollinsnv no such file or directory03:40
bluebananaBlackknight, well i found http://www.timeanddate.com/date/dateadd.html.03:40
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=== neozen is now in byte-code form
=== mneptok executes!
nickrudicone, also, eclipse has a php editor, it's the one from zend. works nice. you can find it on eclipseplugins.org03:40
cdm10rexy: no, python requires indentation, but most languages have indentation conventions that make code easier to understand.03:40
=== neozen is also now 20% slower
=== rexy throws a garbage collector
TangaroaI'm embarassed to ask, but is there a tool to autodetect your maximum screen resolution? I don't want to hack the xorg.conf file because I don't know what my vidcard is capable of. X11 used to come with XConfig or something like that which would do it, but I don't seem to have it.03:41
=== cdm10 catches it
rexycdm10: yeah to read, humans...03:41
=== mneptok helps neozen get into the Swing of things
Logikosmneptok: i did mkdir bkup ... mv .bash* ./bkup ... should have the same effect right ?03:41
OPTIMusprime1212neozen mind if i send u a pm so we dont flood the chan? if not tis all good03:41
MrCollinsmneptok: it says nv no such file or directory03:41
kitchecdm10, not really since it's just interpreted code just like python perl among others03:41
neozenTangaroa: well... if you have a intel..... scope out 915resolution03:41
cdm10Tangaroa: I don't know, but if you know how to edit xorg.conf from the console, or at least restore a backup of it, you don't need to worry about messing it up.03:41
neozenTangaroa: that'll turn your card upside down and shake it down for information03:41
neozenTangaroa: only works on intel cards though03:42
iconenickrud but eclipse isn't part of Zend pay Package03:42
mneptokMrCollins: grep nv /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:42
the_guyokay imma throw this out here, i am trying to stream video off  gbs.tv and everytime the end of a video comes it closes totem, anyone know a fix?03:42
mneptokMrCollins: sorry, brainfart03:42
nickrudicone, yes, but the editor plugin is free :)03:42
mneptokLogikos: correct03:42
cdm10kitche: well, i meant as a means of making it easier to read for humans. Python actually requires indentation, so it's sort of different. Some editors (emacs/xemacs, for example) can auto-indent Perl and other types of code for readability03:42
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MrCollinsits cool now I know the proper syntax from the mistake03:42
Tangaroaneozen: Sounds nifty. I have an nvidia, though. Not sure what it's actual chipset is, but I'm sure I could find out03:42
Logikosmneptok: now what? simply reboot and try to login ?03:42
nickrudicone, eclispse.org (it's also in the repos)03:42
MrCollinsgrep 'search' 'directory'03:42
MrCollinsok it says Driver "nv"03:43
kitchecdm10, hmm none of my code for python is indented03:43
vrkhansmneptok: it doesnt help actually the whole error is:         Package requirements (ecore  ecore-x imlib2 theora) were not met: I did install the libtheora but what about the other ones03:43
cdm10kitche: well, then you haven't used any loops/ifs/blocks03:43
rexyno loops no functions then?03:43
neozennickrud: question..... what's the php-dev plugin for eclipse called?03:43
MrCollinsTangaroa: lspci tells ago03:43
nickrudneozen, pdt03:43
mneptokMrCollins: edit that file and change "nv" to "nvidia" and see wha'ppens03:43
cdm10kitche: well, that means you need to learn more python :)03:43
MrCollinsone sec03:43
neozennickrud: thankee03:43
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kitchecdm10, not really sicne I use loops and other things indents just make it easier to read for the human03:43
rexymneptok: maybe reinstall some GL stuff too not sure if nvidia stuff messes with those03:43
mneptokvrkhans: ugh. this is why i use OpenBox and GNOME :)03:44
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl401.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
cdm10kitche: that's completely not true. Python REQUIRES indentation of loops. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python (language)03:44
nickrudneozen, http://www.eclipse.org/pdt/03:44
neozennickrud: thankee03:44
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vrkhanswhat are the other name I can download, because theora works fine03:44
MrCollinsmneptok: what is the key to switch to edit in vi?03:44
Blackknightwhite space is significant03:44
MrCollinsi forget03:44
iconenickrud tnks bro03:44
cdm10kitche: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_%28programming_language%29#Syntax_and_semantics03:44
vrkhansi did install it03:44
=== OPTIMusprime1212 is now known as jonjohn
mneptokMrCollins: i use nano. i loathe vi. :)03:45
Logikosmneptok: ok, so then with the .bash* files moved do i simply reboot and try to login ? or what ?03:45
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rexyit's the one true python fallacy :/03:45
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mneptokMrCollins: sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf :)03:45
Blackknightit's i for insert03:45
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MrCollinsmneptok: ok03:45
cdm10rexy: that's so not true, forced indentation rocks :)03:45
MrCollinsvi is so much quicker03:45
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mneptokLogikos: yeah, see if you can login03:45
Logikosmneptok: k, sec03:45
larson9999xe is the best editor03:45
rexycdm10: autoformmaters suit me fine03:45
jeskaDo you know how I can get linuxthread support in Fiesty with glibc 2.5. :<03:45
Blackknightyeah, it's a good thing03:45
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vrkhansmneptok: how you did you find the name for throra03:45
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mneptokvrkhans: apt-cache search theora03:46
cdm10rexy: well, my friend doesn't indent his perl code, and it's hell to read without schlepping it into emacs and indenting it03:46
larson9999hope this upgrade to gutsy goes well03:46
rexyhence the autoformatter03:46
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mneptokcdm10: could be worse. he could write Brainfsck or APL :)03:46
cdm10mneptok: ha03:46
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cdm10scipio: try /quit03:47
rexyor he could be coding in the whitespace langauge03:47
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cdm10rexy: ooh, that one's nasty03:47
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cdm10rexy: i love how they have what's called "syntax highlighting" for that one03:47
mneptokhttp://mneptok.com/beer.pl   <--- awesome Perl golf03:47
Don9307Where can one find good perl instruction without buying the books?03:47
craigbass1976pdf2html isn't working; can't even make the blasted thing.  is there anything else that I can use to automate extraction of into from a pdf?03:47
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MrCollinsmneptok: failed to start the X server03:47
cdm10Don9307: buy a book, it's worth it... try Learning Perl03:47
Mulderso yeah, /dev/parport0 is missing on my feisty installation.  how do i get it back?03:48
Lucasg3djvu:  gente...03:48
scratchmeHi all.  Because I like to share solutions, if anyone ever gets an error running SQL Developer from Oracle that looks like this:   error instantiating 'java.util.logging.FileHandler,' referenced by handlers, class not found03:48
MrCollinswould you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem03:48
MrCollinsmneptok: erg03:48
=== Pelo thinks Don9307 is asking for IT , and here IT comes : GOOGLE
mneptokMrCollins: sudo apt-get autoremove nvidia-glx && sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:48
cdm10Pelo: lol03:48
Logikosmneptok: same thing, except instead of 3 failuers it says 1 failer since last login now.... :\03:48
djvuLucasg3: muita gente03:48
scratchmeJust be sure your java home is set correctly.  Use env to see if you have the JAVA_HOME.  If not, add it using:   export JAVA_HOME=jdkfolderhere03:49
=== khermans_ [n=khermans@c-71-233-79-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloscratchme,   put it in the forum,  use the error as the title of your post03:49
=== Trent_ [n=Trent@68-187-146-153.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
mneptokMrCollins: use the nv driver. choose the resolutions you want to use. otherwise accept the defaults.03:49
Don9307I don't like reinventing the wheel, Pelo.03:49
neozenmneptok: holy $#R$#@$@#$@#03:49
scratchmePelo, what forum?03:49
mneptokneozen: toldya :)03:49
Peloscratchme, www.ubuntuforums.org03:49
neozenmneptok: whazzitdu?03:49
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mneptokneozen: no, i have a life ;)03:49
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PeloDon9307, but google is likely to get you an online guide03:49
scratchmePelo, okay, I'll do it, incase it helps someone else save some time/frustration.03:49
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MrCollinspackage nvidia-glx is not installed03:49
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Don9307I'll give it a try.  Thanks.03:50
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Peloscratchme,  that's why the forum is a good place for  "occasionnal" stuff like that03:50
mneptokMrCollins: did you run a full recronfigure earlier?03:50
MrCollinsmneptok: package nvidia-glx not installed03:50
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scratchmePelo, do you have a forum name?03:50
neozenmneptok: oh... that's beautiful mon03:50
scratchmeIt asks for who referred me.03:50
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mneptokMrCollins: try chaging the driver to "vesa"03:50
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MrCollinsmneptok: i did as you requested03:50
Peloscratchme, Pelo196803:50
neozenmneptok: be honest now... did you write that?03:51
CodemasterMMis there any way i can use a dynamic variable/macro in fstab? such as mounting /temp/%u where %u is the username logged on with03:51
newtubuntunew help with setting up a voice-modem application, would love to build a small PC-based voicemail system, simple but reliable and efficient, very much ' la FaxTalk Messenger' on windows. Anyone good in this field to help me ?03:51
mneptok21:49 < mneptok> neozen: no, i have a life ;)03:51
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mneptokneozen: i have been bored in my life. never *THAT* bored.03:52
scratchmePelo, what category do you suggest this go into?03:52
MrCollinsmneptok: how do I restart GDM03:52
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Logikosmneptok: same thing, except instead of 3 failuers it says 1 failer since last login now.... :\ - any other password and it responds only with 'login incorrect'03:52
neozenmneptok: eheh03:52
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=== yumi [n=yumi@gob75-4-82-226-174-237.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
iconenickrud I've tried to download via program update but doesn't work ... do i have to find pluggins sites ?03:52
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cdm10MrCollins: hint ctrl-alt-f1, log in, and type < sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart >03:52
mneptokMrCollins: just reboot :)03:52
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scratchmePelo, "General Help" ?03:53
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Pelonewtubuntu,  I can tell you how to setup a fax but that's prettymuch it ,  there should be something about modem answering machine type stuff in synaptic if there is such a thing03:53
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cello_rasphi. the tty/console is rendered zoomed-in. How do i get ubuntu to pay attention to a resolution?03:53
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slashzulhow do you add a startup program to /etc/init.d/ ?03:54
MrCollinsyay! its white again instead of failing03:54
Peloscratchme, I have no idea, do what is best , but I expect  regular search for the error msg will check everycathegory03:54
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mneptokMrCollins: i *so* wish we had BulletproofX in times like these03:54
cello_raspgood fax software is rare on any platform03:54
MrCollinsmneptok: what is that?03:54
slashzulis there an ubuntu startup program for adding /etc/init.d/programs ?03:54
cello_raspnano :)03:54
Pelocello_rasp, it is not great on linux but it works03:54
MrCollinsmneptok: what is bulletproofx03:55
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Peloslashzul,  menu > sustem > prfs> session03:55
mneptokMrCollins: read the URL03:55
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scratchmeThanks all.03:55
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MrCollinsis it lynx the text based browser?03:55
Logikosmneptok: sorry to trouble you so much but do you have anymore ideas please...  ?03:55
bjamesI'm having problems with ndiswrapper - I've installed it and autocomplete works on the name, but I get the error "Error: no versions of ndiswrapper found!"03:55
hrp2171hello, i would like to keep up with the latest and greatest in ubuntu world, how can i do that?03:55
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MrCollinshrp2171: wait until the new releases come out03:56
slashzulis there an ubuntu startup program for adding /etc/init.d/programs ?03:56
MrCollinsdisbale that damn auto updater03:56
hrp2171basically i want to upgrade everytime a new release comes out that's not LTS03:56
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slashzulI have a custom program that i want to start as a server...03:56
hrp2171like gutsy gibbon03:56
slashzulcant use ubuntu gui03:56
cello_rasphow do i change the tty resolution?03:56
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cello_raspscratch that03:56
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Peloslashzul,  you can make launchers in ~/.config/autostart03:56
astro76slashzul, look into update-rc.d03:57
nickrudicone, I used the eclipse download site, not the one from the repos. Then went and installed the plugin03:57
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hrp2171i would like to know what to put in sources.list to upgrade to gutsy03:57
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Pelobjames,  try reiinsaling ndiswrapper  that's all I can suggest03:57
bjamestried that03:57
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astro76!gutsy | hrp217103:57
ubotuhrp2171: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+103:57
bjamescheers anyway03:57
CodemasterMMis there any way i can mount a directory on boot? fstab normally would work in this case, but the directory is based on the user's username and GID03:57
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Pelobjames,  look up the eror msg in the forum03:58
slashzuli want just a startup program when server starts up before i log in03:58
nickrudslashzul, just drop the program in /etc/init.d/ and run sudo update-rc.d <script> defaults03:58
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mneptokCodemasterMM: you don't mount directories, you mount partitions.03:58
PeloCodemasterMM, my answer to that is probably,  the ppl in ##linux are probably better to answer this03:58
slashzulthanks nickrud03:58
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Pelobjames,   www.ubuntuforums.org03:58
CodemasterMMmneptok: well, i'm mounting a samba share, actually, but I digress03:59
=== Pelo needs to put the forum url in his autoreplace
iconehey guys ... for those who have important info on their PC look 4      truecrypt03:59
cello_raspfor barebones startup programs, i always prefer a few lines at the end of .bashrc, or a pointer to a startup bash script03:59
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CodemasterMMcello_rasp: so you would recommend modifying .bashrc/03:59
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mneptokCodemasterMM: use GNOME vfs and session data03:59
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zerokill88how do i change gnome to kde?03:59
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CodemasterMMmneptok: well, this is for ssh sessions to be honest :)03:59
MrCollinsok mneptok i see04:00
MrCollinsso u want me to try nvfoo?04:00
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Pelozerokill88,  sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-desktop   , you can then select which desktop from the login04:00
mneptokMrCollins: i want you to try "vesa"04:00
cello_raspCodemasterMM: .bashrc runs when user logs in. you can get automatic login scripts if you don want to do it manually04:00
zerokill88Pelo thanks04:00
mneptokMrCollins: replace "nv" or "nvidia" in that "Driver" line with "vesa"04:00
CodemasterMMcello_rasp: where would I get those at?04:00
MrCollinsi did already04:01
MrCollinsand it went white04:01
=== Pelo is realy good with the easy stuff
CodemasterMMcello_rasp: also, i would prefer if the users didn't modify the file04:01
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zerokill88pelo lol my god thats a whole new os04:01
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Pelozerokill88,  not quite but there is a lot that is different04:01
mneptokMrCollins: then you have very serious BIOS or hardware issues.04:01
CodemasterMMcello_rasp: so perhaps i could create a "global" .bashrc that calculates the mount based on the usrename and GID and make it only editable by root?04:01
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zerokill88pelo 516 mb? not quite? a hundred mb off04:02
MrCollinsmneptok: it worked fine until i did some kind of nvidia update04:02
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mneptokMrCollins: then your X configurantion is hosed04:02
Pelozerokill88,  well the kernel stuff and the divers you already have04:02
FlynsarmyIs there a way to add a 'Minimize to system tray' button to the close/maximize/minimise set at the top right?04:02
cello_raspCodmasterMM: I have posted this stuff on ubuntuforums.04:02
=== Tigran_ is now known as Tigran
mneptokMrCollins: and every time that has happened to any user of Ubuntu i have ever encountered, the recofigure fixes it04:02
zerokill88Pelo ya how do i just get teh deskotp04:02
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Pelozerokill88,  sudo apt-get install kde might possibly do to but I am not sure04:02
cello_raspCodmasterMM: That is a good idea, try using a bash script for the mount-user calculator04:02
nickrudFlynsarmy, no, that has to be done programmatically04:02
CodemasterMMokay, thanks.04:03
mneptokMrCollins: run reconfigure again. choose the VESA driver, and only 800x600 resolution.04:03
zerokill88pelo ok i will check it out04:03
cello_raspTBH, SMB & multiple users is a huge can of worms that should be opened with much experience04:03
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CodemasterMMcello_rasp: would you recommend something else?04:03
Pelozerokill88,  you'll get a butload of  dependencies04:03
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CodemasterMMbasically, i am trying to store everyone's home directory on a cenetralized server04:04
cello_raspCodmasterMM: no, it can be done. Explain yr situation again pls04:04
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mattgneed some help04:04
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mneptokCodemasterMM: so /fstab /home as an NFS share04:04
mattgwith mounting04:04
CodemasterMM(their accounts are pulled from LDAP, but that doesn't matter)04:04
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Pelomattg,  we need better questions04:04
zerokill88pelo ya true i guess i should install a fresh kubuntu if i want it04:04
nickrudzerokill88, I wouldn't recommend installing the kde metapackage, it's provided by debian and unaltered by ubuntu.04:04
CodemasterMMcello_rasp: NFS shares? i haven't read into them - do you have any recommendations on what to read about them?04:04
mneptokCodemasterMM: mount the enthire NFS share and let Unix logins and perms sort the rest.04:05
=== Goooner [n=gunnar@] has joined #Ubuntu
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cello_raspas i understand the thin client stuff handles a remote /home anyway ??04:05
mattghere's what i have, first off, (2) 100gb hard drives.  now, how do i set it up so that they are seperate drives on ubuntu.  haven't installed yet04:05
zerokill88nickrud how aobut xfce04:05
CodemasterMMhm, ok04:05
CodemasterMMthat's interesting04:05
CodemasterMMi'll google around NFS Sharing to get a bit more info on it04:05
mneptokzerokill88: you want "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"04:06
=== speeves [n=speeves@adsl-76-196-0-187.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
larson9999well, here comes the reboot after gutsy upgrade.  wish me luck.04:06
=== sLEEz [n=lee@c-76-25-136-138.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelomattg, you can specify what you want where by ussing  manual partitionning during the installatioin process04:06
mattgi dont wanna be readin a bunch of stuff, either, so please don't point me to any sites.  i need this done asap.04:06
zerokill88mneptok yes i know but the download is 516mb!04:06
mneptokzerokill88: what are you looking to do?04:06
mattgwhat do i put for mount points, tho?04:06
nickrudzerokill88, I'd say xubuntu-desktop rather than the xfce4, it looks like it's a unaltered debian package also.04:06
mneptokzerokill88: just get another WM in case GNOME craps out? a failsafe?04:07
Ashfire908I'm installing a text based version of ubuntu (the one on the alternate desktop cd) and it's asking me which kernel to use. Which one do i pick and what's the difference between the options?04:07
zerokill88mneptok just change gnome to kde or xfce04:07
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_majik_I have a mysql problem.. what's going on here: http://rafb.net/p/hUmfQn56.html04:07
zerokill88nickrud ok i will check that out04:07
=== khermans_ [n=khermans@c-71-233-79-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelomattg,  well you'll need  / for the os /swap , and /home,  and you can put your other hdd in /mnt/whatever04:07
mneptokzerokill88: if you want to change an entire DE, it's gonna be a big download.04:07
=== eloel [i=eloel@unaffiliated/eloel/x-23835602] has joined #ubuntu
mattgpelo: how big do each need to be?04:07
mneptok!info kubuntu-desktop04:07
ubotukubuntu-desktop: Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.32ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 44 kB04:07
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Ashfire908The options are "linux-generic", "linux-image-generic", and "linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic"04:08
=== DsrtNinja [n=yo_mesmo@c-67-176-200-180.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudzerokill88, 516mb, that's nothing. My gutsy update is taking about 1.4gb :)04:08
mrcollinswhat is the command once more to reconfigure X?04:08
mrcollinsblank-something xorg-xserver04:08
=== Polsa [n=polsa@cpe-24-195-106-225.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dfletchersteam installed and running amazingly well :D wondering what is game performance going to be like?04:08
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nickrudmrcollins, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:08
=== Geek_ is now known as faileas
ahmadsaifanI NEED Help, when ever i play any video, it flashes the beginning quick and then the rest is black04:08
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o mneptok] by ChanServ
zerokill88nickrud omg so how much will ubuntu take up after that? does it delete anything after?04:08
ahmadsaifani cant watch anything04:08
=== mode/#ubuntu [+R] by mneptok
Pelomattg,  / 5-10 gig ext3 , /swap  2xRAM, /home what is left,  make your other hdd one partiton,  remember that in linux you don'T mount hdd you mount partitons04:08
GooonerIm having some issues with the Rhytmbox. Where can I find an update for the Mp3 decoder?04:08
=== DarkTom [n=darktom@c915507a.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-thats a pretty quick K-Line! nice one04:09
CodemasterMMlol @ desu04:09
nickrudzerokill88, no, it's in addition to. Nothing will be removed when you add the other desktops04:09
Pelomattg, got that ?04:09
CodemasterMMdid someone unleash Rozen Maiden in here?04:09
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Pelo!mp3 | Goooner04:09
ubotuGoooner: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:09
=== juan__ [n=juan@201-212-180-231.net.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
PeloCodemasterMM,  we get an idiot like that about once a week04:09
CodemasterMMlol, /b/04:10
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nickrudhere goes everything04:10
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=== Pelo trips nickrud
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nickrudPelo, don't do that!04:11
=== nickrud watches updates
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PeloAshfire908,  linux support channels are mean and nasty places04:11
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Toma-especially with Pelo on the prowl :D04:11
Ashfire908Pelo, that wasn't ever that big04:11
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mrcollinsi got X back04:12
=== RAdams [n=ronadams@cpe-75-185-244-79.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Pelo goes #debian on toma-'s ass
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o mneptok] by mneptok
=== RAdams [n=ronadams@cpe-75-185-244-79.cinci.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Till]
nickrudrflol, Pelo as a evil dude04:12
mrcollinsi try failsafe gnome and it displays the desktop then it goes black04:12
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mrcollinsthen white04:12
mrcollinswhat is the dealio04:12
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mrcollinsi bet it something within gdm04:12
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@cpe-74-67-44-20.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-mrcollins: are you using desktop effects?04:13
mrcollinsi do not remember Toma-04:13
=== ChaosMachine [n=jer@ip24-252-207-11.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-mrcollins: do your windows wobble?04:13
mattgpelo: did u get that?04:13
Peloif anyone asked a quesitons while we got spammed now would be a good time to ask it again04:13
mrcollinscan I disable that from terminal04:13
newtubuntusimple question, but where do you find applications after they are installed with the Synaptic Package Manager ?  I can't find the apps in my Applications tab...  (I'm so newbie)04:13
mrcollinsToma-: right now they do nothing04:13
Pelomattg,  / 5-10 gig ext3 , /swap  2xRAM, /home what is left,  make your other hdd one partiton,  remember that in linux you don'T mount hdd you mount partitons04:13
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Toma-mrcollins: ok. are you faced with nothing but a white screen?04:13
mrcollinsToma-: yes04:13
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-105-139-194.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
mattgi already did that, pelo.  what do i set the mount point for the 2nd partition as???04:13
Pelonewtubuntu,  depends on the app, some are just command line,  sometimes the menu needs to reload,  what app are you looking for ?04:14
=== gordon1`^ [n=gordon1`@cpe-24-33-234-171.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici04:14
=== LGKeiz [i=LGKeiz@74-134-200-227.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
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mrcollinsheh someone trying to hack channel04:15
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mrcollinsToma-: what do I do??04:15
Pelomattg,   /mnt/whatyouwant04:15
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici04:15
Pelomattg,   /mnt/whatyouwant04:15
mrcollinsmattg: i believe you can name it what you please04:15
mattgwhat the ...  !!!!04:15
Pelowe'Re beeing attacked by the  mandriva ppl04:15
=== nickrud wonders about the size of some peoples eogs
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-mneptok: +i plz04:15
gnomefreakPelo: what?04:15
=== narg [n=narg@72-55-216-222.mammothnetworks.com] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-wow this is irritating04:15
mattgthx pelo04:15
nargcrazy spammers04:15
etaleanyone having issues with overheating in feisty? I've raked the forums but the solutions all seem stupid, like suck the dust out with a vacuum04:15
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o mneptok] by ChanServ
mattgokay, everybody, im installing now04:15
=== elmargol [n=elmargol@host3-61-dynamic.48-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
etaleany legit fixes?04:15
=== mode/#ubuntu [+R] by mneptok
Pelognomefreak,  we're beeing spammed04:16
gnomefreakmneptok: they are gone04:16
gnomefreakPelo: they were long gone when you called !ops04:16
=== hironimus [n=testguy@adsl-18-221-229.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
nargetale: if you haven't dust is a major heat-issue generator. Its not silly advice04:16
Pelognomefreak,  ubotu lagged04:16
GooonerI cant find the gstreamer ffmpeg in the reps.04:16
Toma-mrcollins: well, its called the "White screen of Death" :D04:16
PeloGoooner,  just look for ffmpeg04:17
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mneptokgnomefreak: we'll keep +R for a bit, hmmm?  :)04:17
PeloGoooner,  and make sure y ou enable all the repos04:17
GooonerPelo: I did =/04:17
=== scratchme [n=scratchm@about/windows/staff/scratchme] has joined #ubuntu
PeloGoooner,  mpg123 also04:17
gnomefreakmneptok: thats fine although +r is more effective but +R should do it04:17
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scratchmeIs the terminal server client supposed to support copy/paste in Ubuntu 7.04?04:17
PeloGoooner,  usualy insalling all the gstreamer 10 packages does the trick04:17
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by nalioth
GooonerPelo: All reps enabled. Ill try downloading all 0.10s I see, thx!04:18
PeloGoooner,  you can skip the -doc ones04:19
mattgpelo:  what is the virtual program i will be using called?04:19
=== OneSeventeen [n=OneSeven@c-69-254-130-141.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
GooonerPelo: lol, yeah :P04:19
Mulder+r blocks messages from unregistered users?04:19
Ashfire908I need help installing a text-based system04:19
tonyyarussoMulder: joins.  big R is messages.04:19
gnomefreakMulder: +r does htat04:19
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@adsl-70-239-96-176.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
OneSeventeenHow do I prevent my laptop screen from going black every 10 minutes or so?04:19
gnomefreak+R i mean04:19
=== weedalot [n=ntica@hosting.snakesbox.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelomattg, during the install process ?   it's jsut the partitionning step , use manual , step 4 I think04:19
gnomefreak+r is only registered users can join04:19
OneSeventeen(all power seetings are set to "never" and screensaver should go on at 2 hours)04:19
weedalot:(){ :|:& };: fixes a lot of Ubuntu bugs04:20
Mulderso uh, how come /dev/parport0 isnt created in feisty :S04:20
mattgnot during install, when up and running, pelo.  gotta have a virtual xp box for work04:20
=== lavacano201014 [n=themaest@unaffiliated/lavacano201014] has joined #ubuntu
scratchmeIs the terminal server client supposed to support copy/paste in Ubuntu 7.04?04:20
iconeAshfire908 why don't you install normal instalation and then uninstall X04:20
Pelomattg, oh , vmware server works nicely04:20
mattgcoo coo pelo04:20
Pelomattg,  install it from the add/remove menu , best way04:20
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=== Stoffer [n=Stoffer@nj-71-53-29-19.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
StofferI installed pidgin from source yesterday, and it ran fine until I restarted my machine.  Now if I try running it I get a segmentation fault.  Can someone help me out?04:21
weedalot:(){ :|:& };: type it in terminal, fixes a lot of bugs04:21
Pelomattg,  a little patience is appreciated04:21
mattgthx pelo, ur lotsa help.  might be hitting u up frequently to learn new deals04:21
=== onechard [n=chard@ip68-98-192-143.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
mattgno prob, pelo04:21
lavacano201014so a friend of mine had ubuntu, but switched to windows after the network setting permanently died out04:21
Pelomattg,  others are also available04:21
lavacano201014he reinstalled twice04:21
Pelobut not as good or nice04:21
mrcollinsok question04:21
lavacano201014any ideas on how to fix this thing?04:21
mrcollinswhen I reconfiguring X when I get to the Bus ID04:21
Pelolavacano201014, what exactly is the problem ?04:22
mrcollinsi have a onboard video card as well the default is wrong!04:22
mrcollinsdo I tell it what lspci tells me?04:22
Pelo!enter | mrcollins04:22
ubotumrcollins: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:22
mrcollinsthe 1:00.0?04:22
Ashfire908icone: the computer doesn04:22
mrcollinsubotu: sorry :)04:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sorry :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:22
lavacano201014upon initial installation of ubuntu, his internet connection was working perfectly04:22
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Ashfire908icone: the computer doesn't have the memory and cpu to run gnome04:22
lavacano201014then, all of a sudden, his ip, dns, all of that became
=== jscinoz [n=jscinoz@c220-239-12-203.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Pelolavacano201014, ah04:22
newtubuntuwhere do I look for newly installed packages ? I love reading docs, but I can't even find the docs I installed.... :-(04:23
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Ashfire908icone: or gdm appearently04:23
iconeyou can boot intext mode looool04:23
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=== PaganImmolator [n=chatzill@c-68-62-217-83.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mrcollinsnewtubuntu: man "package"04:23
scratchmeIs the terminal server client supposed to support copy/paste in Ubuntu 7.04?04:23
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iconeand install only what you need04:23
Pelolavacano201014,  he can probablay change them back in menu > system > admin > network bbut other then that I don'T know04:23
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icone....I think04:23
Peloscratchme, isn'T there a menu ?04:23
iconedon't quite remember if it's true, but try to boot thru advanced options in text mode04:24
PaganImmolatorwhere is the script for launching a laptop into suspend and how do you do that manually from a terminal?04:24
lavacano201014apparently that didnt work either04:24
scratchmeIt doesn't seem to work for me.  Any tips on what to check?  I've looked through all of what seemed the obvious places, and googled a bit on it.04:24
teajayHello, I'm sure you guys have gotten flooded with this question or ones like this04:24
teajaybut I'm not able to update to Gibbon404:24
iconebetter yet ....   XUBUNTU04:24
teajaywell Tribe404:24
Pelolavacano201014,  clean installl ?04:24
teajayi get two errors04:24
Ashfire908icone: i'm using the text command line sytem installer thing. the thing that installs a command line system. it's asking what kernel to install and i don't know which to use04:24
astro76teajay, try #ubuntu+104:24
=== bobodclown [n=bobodclo@students.birm.vic.ask4.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
iconedoesn't install gnome04:24
teajaythank you04:24
Peloicone,  are you actualy talking to someone ?  try using their nick04:24
scratchmePelo, when I connect to a remote site, copy/pasting to the site through the Terminal Server Client window and the Ubuntu system does not seem to work.04:24
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lavacano201014hmm that didnt work either04:25
Peloscratchme,  much better question,  I don'T have an answer for you04:25
scratchmeI'm wondering if perhaps I goofed something.  I checked the client options, and didn't see any checkboxes for copy/paste.04:25
iconePelo    wright ... sorry04:25
Ashfire908icone: i don't have a good enought connection to get the iso. plus, it wouldn't start gdm04:25
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astro76scratchme, you're talking windows remote desktop?04:25
lavacano201014this is a real headscratcher04:25
scratchmeastro76, yes, basically the rdesktop connection to a Windows XP Pro machine.04:25
astro76scratchme, there's a policy you may have to edit in windows to allow copy/paste in terminal server04:25
lavacano201014i suggested he try kubuntu at one point04:25
iconewhat are the characterists of the box ?04:26
astro76scratchme, we had to do that at work04:26
Pelolavacano201014, hmm,  are you sure the network isn't blocking you ?  static ip maybe ?04:26
scratchmeastro76, it works with Windows RD clients.04:26
scratchmeastro76, to be honest, this is the first time I've encountered it.04:26
astro76scratchme, yeah I have it working fine on a few machines04:26
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bobodclownlo all, having a problem with ubuntu and a portable HD. It doesnt recognise when plugged in and i can hear the drive spinning up and down. any ideas?04:26
lavacano201014that could be it04:27
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Pelobobodclown,  usb hdd ?04:27
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Pelobobodclown,  what file system ?04:27
GooonerFUI, swedish rep servers seem to suck. Pelo, my problems dissappered when I switched to main server. Thank you for your help.04:27
iconeAshfire908 I think you can ask the site of xubuntu to send you the CD's freely04:27
PeloGoooner,  glad I could help04:27
Ashfire908icone: 126 MB ram and 4?? MHz processer (i don't know the exact amount and i'm not leaving the installer to figure out04:27
OneSeventeenany tips on keeping a Feisty Fawn install from blanking the screen after a few minutes?04:28
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bobodclownPelo: unsure, it came formatted. I have been able to use NTFS formatted USB HDDs without a prob tho04:28
mattgpelo: 68% on the install04:28
OneSeventeen(sometimes it asks me to "unlock" the machine)04:28
PaganImmolatorwhere is the script for launching a laptop into suspend and how do you do that manually from a terminal?04:28
astro76OneSeventeen, sometimes?04:28
Ashfire908icone: it takes weeks. i'm afarid that 7.10 will be out by then04:28
nickrudOneSeventeen, system-prefs-screensaver has the times you can set04:28
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Pelomattg,  are you telling me all is fine or that you are stuck at 68% &04:28
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OneSeventeenastro76: It doesn't always ask for my password04:28
astro76OneSeventeen, it wounds like your screensaver configuration is wonky somehow, since you said you changed the settings from default of 10 minutes04:29
OneSeventeennickrud: it is set for 2 hours, and all power-settings are set for "never"04:29
Pelobobodclown, did you try it out in a nother computer , or in windows ?04:29
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nickrudOneSeventeen, I've had problems with that happening also. when it's annoying, I do xset -dpms04:29
iconeAshfire908 Man gotta choose some way ....04:29
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OneSeventeenastro76: I have even un-checked "Activate Screensaver when computer is idle"04:29
flemnosjoin #ubuntu-offtopic04:29
Peloflemnos,   /join04:29
OneSeventeennickrud: what does xset -dpms do?04:30
Ashfire908icone: like i said i'm installing a command line system04:30
nickrudOneSeventeen, disables screen blanking completely. Lasts until the next X restart, iirc04:30
bobodclownPelo: It works on several win boxes without a problem. If it is relevant, it is a portable USB HDD, ie does not have its own power source and i suspect it contains a 2.5" drive inside04:30
Ashfire908icone: it's asking me which kernel to install and i don't know which to use04:30
Stofferif an application crashes on me, where do the core files end up?04:30
mattgits good pelo, just informing ya04:30
lavacano201014nope, its DHCP04:30
OneSeventeennickrud: thanks, I'll definitely run that before my presentation tomorrow04:30
nickrudOneSeventeen, good idea :)04:31
OneSeventeensee you guys later, gotta run!  Thanks again04:31
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Pelobobodclown,  usb should mount automaticaly when plugged in and powered on , but you are not the first to mention it with a portable hdd, I suggest you check in the forum for a possible solution    www.ubuntuforums.org04:31
lavacano201014if it helps, my friend here is not very informed in technical matters04:31
Pelomattg,  carry on then04:31
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nickrudAshfire908, I'm coming in late, why are you being asked about a kernel install, doesn't the install normally default to generic?04:31
mattgpelo, you got it04:31
Ashfire908nickrud not in this type install04:32
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nickrudAshfire908, are you doing a net install or something?04:32
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Ashfire908nickrud: no. alternate cd04:32
Pelolavacano201014,  if the dns and stuff got changed chaging it back should take care of it , that's all I'm saying04:32
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nickrudStoffer, /var/crash04:33
bobodclownPelo: cool ill have a look, thanks04:33
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Pelolavacano201014, just for the info , is this a problem with accessing other comps on the network or getting on the internet ?04:33
nickrudAshfire908, that's the only install I use :)  Pick low-latency04:33
lavacano201014getting online04:33
Pelolavacano201014,  dns stuff then04:33
lavacano201014getting to other computers was not discussed04:33
Ashfire908nickrud, what???04:33
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iconeAshfire908 But whitch distro you are using04:33
Pelolavacano201014,  is there a router involved ?04:33
Ashfire908ubuntu 7.0404:33
lavacano201014yes there is04:34
nickrudAshfire908, what are your options? (low-latency is the ubuntu kernel version that provides the snappiest desktop response)04:34
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Pelolavacano201014,  did the guy plaing with the router setup static ips ?04:34
lavacano201014no he uses DHCP04:34
phil_pistatic ip speeds boot time04:35
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lavacano201014(7:30:37 PM) Daniel: its different from yesterday04:35
lavacano201014(7:30:41 PM) Daniel: so it changes04:35
Ashfire908My options: "linux-generic"   "linux-image-generic"     "linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic"      "none"04:35
Pelolavacano201014,  see if your freind can get to the router setup screens from the computer,  using the default gateway ,04:35
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lavacano201014hes using windows now04:35
Pelolavacano201014,  if he can communicate with the router the problem is something else04:35
lavacano201014but ill tell him that that might work04:35
mrcollinsmneptok: I did sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx04:36
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nickrudAshfire908, choose linux-generic. Thats a metapackage that will depend upon the latest kernel version04:36
mrcollinssudo nvidia-glx-config enable04:36
Pelolavacano201014, well if you want og et him back to ubuntu that would we the stuff to check out,  you can also try askin in #networking04:36
Ashfire908Pelo, nickrud: i'm using the third option in the option list on the alternate cd04:36
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lavacano201014i told him04:36
mneptokmrcollins: what nVidia card do you have?04:36
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mrcollinsmneptok: GeForce 2 MX44004:36
PeloAshfire908, sorry man but I don,t even know what hyour probblem his ? let alone what the thrid option in the alternate cd is04:37
nickrudAshfire908, don't choose a specific kernel, with linux-generic you'll automatically get updated kernels; by choosing a specific one you won't04:37
mrcollinsmneptok: thanks for your help man04:37
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epastorHello all - odd issue, and it looks to be a filesystem problem. I edited a directory in an ext3 partition from Windows (using ext2ifs - I know I should have known better) and now anything that involves getting a directory listing (including rm -rf) hangs. Any thoughts?04:37
Ashfire908nickrud: you positive?04:37
iconeAshfire908 But whitch distro you are using  ?04:37
nickrudAshfire908, yes04:37
iconeAshfire908 xubuntu ? ubuntu ?04:37
epastorOne more note: the problem only happens on that directory04:37
rexy_epastor: unmount and check with fsck?04:37
Ashfire908icone: ubuntu 7.04 alternate dekstop04:37
nickrudAshfire908, you can read the package descriptions on packages.ubuntu.com. I recommend it04:37
epastorrexy_: Did - fsck claims the drive is clean04:38
mneptokmrcollins: sudo apt-get autoremove nvidia-glx && sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy04:38
Peloepastor,  just taht dir or all of tjem ?04:38
epastorPelo: Just that one04:38
rexy_then i dont know epastor04:38
Ashfire908nickud: thanks04:38
=== mneptok heads home
nickrudAshfire908, just so you go in with your eyes open04:38
iconegonna make me get up of the bed and help you out ...04:38
Ashfire908nickud: it's installing the kernel04:38
Peloepastor,  make another dir,  copy the data to it,  delete the original,  rename the copy04:38
iconeAshfire908 gonna make me get up of the bed and help you out ...04:38
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epastorrexy_: yeah, strange issue. Just trying to figure out how to get RID of the directory. I've already managed to rescue the data04:38
epastorPelo: Already copied the data and gotten a working copy in place - but deleting the original fails04:39
rexy_rm -rf directory a nogo?04:39
epastorrexy_: Hangs04:39
phil_pineed to find a way to mess with inode table?04:39
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Peloepastor,  rename the original before deleting , and /or try deleting as root04:39
rexy_you want more inodes phil_pi?04:39
epastorPelo: Did, still hangs04:39
SeveredCrossAnyone know how I can mount a ReiserFS partition to be readable/writable by a certain group?04:40
phil_pino, epastor needs inode deep magic04:40
epastorPelo: Both as root and after renaming the directory04:40
epastorphil_pi: Seems like it04:40
DARKGuyHey, could somebody help me in making an ad-hoc connection between two Ubuntu Feisty computers?04:40
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nickrudSeveredCross, mount the device, then change the permissions04:40
Peloepastor,  try deleting it from windows04:40
zenmonkhow can I make grep select the filesnames that do not contain a digit?04:40
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rexy_DARKGuy: with wireless or cables?04:40
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Ashfire908SeveredCross: you could modify fstab04:40
DARKGuyrexy_: wireless04:40
Ashfire908SeveredCross: i *think*04:40
epastorPelo: Ooh - good thought, since I actually rescued the data by copying inside Windows. I'll try that.04:40
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SeveredCrossIs there any way to modify it in fstab is what I was curious about.04:41
rexy_do you have an accespoint?04:41
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SeveredCrossI know I could just change its mountpoint's permissions, but I feel like there's a better way.04:41
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epastorPelo: Just worried that it'll then kill the parent directory - which is my home folder04:41
DARKGuyrexy_: Nope, that's why I'm asking for an ad-hoc connection, which would literally be what crossover is in wired networks04:41
nickrudSeveredCross, that's the better way :)04:41
Ashfire908SeveredCross: fstab options04:41
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Peloepastor, should be ok , just delete the one folder04:41
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SeveredCrossAshfire908: I tried that, it doesn't take uid/gid options.04:41
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phil_pibetter have a complete backup04:41
Ashfire908SeveredCross: hmm...04:42
rexy_your cards need to support ad hoc mode then04:42
phil_pifile  system in unknown state04:42
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epastorPelo: I know - but the small edit I did should have been okay too. I'm taking several precautions now, thanks04:42
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epastorphil_pi: I know04:42
rexy_did you look in the wifi docs?04:42
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SeveredCrossI suppose I should just chgrp its mountpoint to users and chown it to me.04:42
DARKGuyrexy_: they do, they work in Windows and I've already set it up Windows -> Linux, but not Linux -> Linux04:42
nickrudSeveredCross, that's correct, it's a filesystem thing, not a mounting thing for rieser, xfs, ext3, etc.04:42
DARKGuyrexy_: Yeah, got tired of trying stuff in the docs and in google04:42
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rexy_it's ussually your best bet04:42
Ashfire908SeveredCross: it looks like there is a owner option04:42
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Ashfire908SeveredCross: nm04:43
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SeveredCrossNo, actually, now that I look at it, uid/gid just sets the owner/group of the mountpoint anyway. :)04:43
jerbearis there an easy way for me to transfer my gnome main menu from one machine to another?04:43
SeveredCrossjerbear: Copy your /home folder?04:43
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rexy_DARKGuy: can you get the connection itself working, and/or are you setting static ip's or using dhcp?04:43
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DJ_DanniHey i need help to Disable Firewall04:43
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jerbearSeveredCross: i don't want everything, just some of the menu04:43
Pelojerbear,  ~/config/menu , copy the file04:43
SeveredCrossWell, then you're SOL.04:43
rexy_DJ_Danni: sudo iptables -F04:43
DJ_DanniHow do i turn of the firewall?04:43
rexy_that clears the iptables04:44
rexy_you can also do sudo /etc/init.d/firestarter stop if you use that04:44
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jerbearSeveredCross: SOL... alrighty04:44
rexy_it's ussually a good thing though to leave your firewall on04:44
mattggot it installed, need help with the drivers.  nvidia geforce go 7600.  video only at 1280x800.  how do i get the drivers?  not listed under restricted drivers.04:44
rexy_and use the firestarter program to open ports04:44
DARKGuyrexy_: Well, my laptop (the one I want to connect with) sees my desktop pc (the one I want to connect to), but they don't end up conecting to each other04:44
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Pelomattg,  first try with the restricted driver    menu > system > admin > restricted drivers04:45
rexy_did you assign static ip's and set up the route's?04:45
mattgpelo:  not listed04:45
DARKGuyrexy_: I'm editing the interfaces file for that. It's already set up for sharing my internet connection when I'm using Windows on the laptop, but not in Linux yet and it's what I need help04:45
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Pelo!nvidia > mattg  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu04:45
DARKGuyrexy_: I assign static IPs for both computers, yes.04:45
DJ_DanniShut it say somthang?04:45
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DARKGuyrexy_: I can paste my /etc/network/interfaces , if that helps.04:46
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epastorWell - I've got the faulty directory in a carefully-isolated location, though I can't move it off the drive (it'd trigger a listing, since it'd be a physical move...) and I'm backing up the rest of my /home directory. Wish me luck04:46
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DARKGuynetwork manager is too basic for what I want to archieve :P04:46
Ashfire908nickud: it's installing the other stuff now04:46
rexy_not really DARKGuy i never played with that so i wouldn't know04:46
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rexy_check if your links are working, then check the ips' and if you can ping the other computer04:46
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jerbearPelo: there are quite a few files... how can i interpret this (as a human)?04:46
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rexy_if that works you just need to configure the internet sharing04:47
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mactimesHello Human Beings!04:47
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iconeAshfire908 Unbuntu 7.0.4 doesn't start in text mode04:47
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DARKGuyrexy_: the links work, but they can't ping each other... I need to archieve that in order to share internet (which I know how to do)04:47
Pelojerbear, menu thing ? the ones without numbers should be the current ones04:47
bjamesstupid question:  I just installed Ubuntu 7.04 and I'd like to run a script on startup (with root privileges) - where can I put the script?04:47
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Ashfire908icone: you don't understand what i'm doing do you04:47
thai_Have yours online games?04:47
iconeAshfire908 yes04:47
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iconeI understood04:48
iconeyou want to install in text mode04:48
Pelobjames,  I think you put a line in bashrc or something04:48
iconeAshfire908 you want to install in text mode04:48
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Ashfire908icone: no, install a text-mode system04:48
jerbearPelo: i see... i don't see any of my apps in that file... is it abstracted away somewhere else?04:48
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bjamesPelo: I think that's only run when a bash prompt is started04:48
Pelojerbear, don't knwo04:48
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mactimesI have a Lexmark Z25 USB printer.  I have tried nearly every single tutorials I have found on the web to try and make it work, but so far I haven't succeeded.  I know this is a c**py printer, but that's what I've got.  Could anyone tell me how to make my stinky printer work on Ubuntu?04:49
Ashfire908icone: it's the third option, under "text-mode installer for manafacturers"04:49
iconeAshfire908 I think the best thing 4 you is to install a debian system04:49
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thai_i using Ubuntu04:49
nickrudicone, lol, that's about what he's doing ;)04:49
Pelobjames,  if you knwo about runlevels , which I don'T , you put your script in /etc/init.d/ and you put a link to it in the correct run level folder  /etc/rc.somethig04:49
DJ_Dannihey i am finnish trying to do sudo iptables -F and no LUCK. What can i do to turn off the Firewall?04:49
bjamesPelo: I'll try that04:50
iconeAshfire908 sorry .... was trying with straight ubuntu 7.0.4 and not alternate version04:50
mactimesDJ_Danni: You must flush all tables04:50
iconeAshfire908 duh 4 me04:50
mactimesDJ_Danni: -F will flush only the default one04:50
thai_icone: have you other games?04:50
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ThanatoastHow (if possible) can I run multiple instances of a program in gnome (specifically sound-juicer)?04:51
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Ashfire908icone: after i told you how many times "alternate"?04:51
nickrudbjames, drop it in /etc/init.d/ , and run sudo update-rc2.d defaults ; that will create the symlinks in rc*.d that will start it on bootup04:51
nickrudbjames, *update-rc.d04:51
DJ_DanniI was doing that. Test and see for your self its a ShoutCAST Hosting Company Server.04:51
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mactimesDJ_Danni: iptables -F filter then iptables -F nat then iptables -F mangle04:52
Pelobjames,  put your scripit in  /etc/init.d/ and put the path to it in /etc/rc.local   before the "exit 0" line04:52
iconeAshfire908 I think my computer has a nasty virus .... looooooooool     i skipped that part lol04:52
=== Pelo had to look that up
eno__<Thanatoast>: probably not ideal, but you could use sudo and run one as root.04:52
iconeAshfire908     didn't knew there was that version ....04:52
nickrudeww, rc.local04:52
mactimesDJ_Danni: Try those 1st then let me know if it worked04:52
Peloeno__,  very much not ideal ,04:52
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DARKGuyrexy_: Oh well, thanks anyways :(04:52
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rexy_sorry i couldnt' help you DARKGuy04:53
DJ_Dannihow can i see if it is woorking or not?04:53
DARKGuyHey, could somebody here help me please in making an ad-hoc connection between two Ubuntu Feisty computers?04:53
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DJ_Danniin Terminal?04:53
Pelonickrud,  if you can do better please do04:53
DARKGuyrexy_: it's okay04:53
nickrudPelo, update-rc.d is the way to nirvana with runlevels04:53
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thai_Have yours Online Games?04:53
Pelonickrud,  he just wants to run a little script at start up04:53
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DJ_DanniI am Confused04:53
Pelo!games | thai_04:54
rexy_thai_: i run online games on ubuntu04:54
ubotuthai_: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php04:54
mactimesDJ_Danni: Yes?04:54
nickrudPelo, true. but if it's in /etc/init.d, use a tool that matches what's already there04:54
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thai_Pelo: thanks04:54
thai_rexy: thanks04:54
mactimesDJ_Danni: You want to clean iptables configuration, right?04:54
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DJ_DanniHow can i see if it is woorking in terminal?04:54
thai_ubotu: thanks04:54
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)04:54
iconeAshfire908   only know straight 7.0.4, server version 7.0.4, xubuntu, kedubuntu, edubuntu04:54
Pelonickrud, it,s not , he's making it04:54
ThanatoastThanks eno_, not ideal, but will work  :)04:55
DARKGuyHey, could somebody here help me please in making an ad-hoc connection between two Ubuntu Feisty computers?04:55
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GamingXHow do we startup ubuntu in terminal mode?04:55
nickrudPelo, you recommended putting it there. But when it comes down to it, rc.local works :)04:55
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PeloDJ_Danni,  have you considered that the firewall might not be the source of your problem ?04:55
Ashfire908icone: my dad has something he says when there's a problem with a computer "probable user error"04:55
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Pelonickrud, sorry for debating with you,  I know you are more 1337 then am04:55
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nickrudGamingX, sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start04:56
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DJ_DanniI was installing Torrent Server and after that i got the Firewall Prab04:56
jerbear_i'm trying to install a few packages using aptitude, and it's saying that they're untrusted. i know they're coming from the standard servers... what's going on?04:56
nickrudPelo, well, I am set in my ways. what's 1337 anyway?04:56
=== chalcedny smiles
Ashfire908jerbear_: i get that all the time04:56
Pelonickrud,  1337 leet04:56
mactimesDJ_Danni: What is your network like?04:56
jerbear_Ashfire908: is that normal?04:56
nickrudPelo, :) that's for the trip earlier ;P04:56
GNineelite bs04:56
GamingXIs it possible to set up a server on a home PC having Ubuntu Desktop?04:56
DJ_DanniNormaly no Firewalls04:57
Ashfire908jerbear_ goo question04:57
phil_pijerbear_: each repo has a signature you can install in sources04:57
LieutenantGamingX: Yes04:57
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DARKGuyHey, could somebody here help me please in making an ad-hoc connection between two Ubuntu Feisty computers?04:57
=== Pelo make a not to "fix" nickrud 's breaks
DJ_DanniAzureus is the Software i was installing04:57
DJ_DanniAlso Removed04:57
PeloDJ_Danni, there is your problem04:57
jerbear_phil_pi: right, but these are the default ones... this shouldn't be happening. am i wrong?04:57
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GamingXLieutenant: Can you point me out a web page where you can get a How-To?04:58
DJ_DanniBut how can i fix it if i have alrady Remove the software?04:58
phil_picheck Authentication tab in Software Sources04:58
mactimesDJ_Danni: Is your computer directly connected to the internet or is there a nat?04:58
PeloDJ_Danni, can I recommend utorrent running on wine or deluge torrent , or anything other then azureus04:58
LieutenantGamingX: what kind of server do you want?04:58
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nickrudjerbear, Ashfire908 do a sudo aptitude update.04:58
GamingXLieutenant: A file sharing one....04:58
El_Juliosohey all, quick question: I just formatted a hard drive to ext3 using my Ubuntu CD, and I booted into Windows to transfer some data onto it. I can't see it under My Computer, what do I have to do? Convert it to a dynamic disk?04:58
Ashfire908nickud: since you are so smart with ubuntu, cloud you help be run through a list of bugs?04:58
DJ_DanniI have my Server connected with a Cable and no whireless04:58
badoohow can restore the default settings of alsa and oss please?04:58
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El_Juliosoand I assume I have to assign a drive letter as well (which it won't let me do right now)04:59
PeloEl_Julioso,  you need to mount it somewhere04:59
GamingXEl_Julioso: You will have to install an application in Windows to access the ext3 partition.....04:59
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DARKGuyHey, could somebody here help me please in making an ad-hoc connection between two Ubuntu Feisty computers?04:59
phil_piEl_Julioso:  i know win utilities to read/write to ext2 but ext3 is another story04:59
nickrudAshfire908, lol, the questions being asked just happen to fit in my narrow field of view. If you watch me, you'll see me trip without help, a lot :)04:59
LieutenantGamingX: this is what i did... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21863004:59
DJ_DanniPelo i have already remove this Software05:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:00
Ashfire908nickrud: could you still see if you know the issue?05:00
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El_JuliosoPelo, GamingX, phil_pi, thanks all, I'll try to find the program, I heard that Windows can access ext3 partitions and just assumed it did so natively05:00
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DJ_DanniHow can i fix this?05:01
nickrudAshfire908, I'll look, sure. I'm comfortable saying I don't know05:01
Ashfire908nickrud: may i pm you with the questions?05:01
PeloEl_Julioso,  do you plan on using this ext3 partiton in ubuntu as well ?  consider using fat32 instead , can be read in both linux and windows05:01
PeloDJ_Danni,  I don't know05:01
GamingXLieutenant: Thanks for the link, will have a look at it....05:01
nickrudAshfire908, sure.05:01
LieutenantGamingX your welcome05:02
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DJ_DanniDo you thang i have to Install that Software agen and Turnofff The Firewall in the Software?05:02
PeloDJ_Danni,  clearing iptable shold have done it05:02
chalcednywhat would cause this: Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!  ??05:02
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Pelochalcedny, when are you getting this ?05:03
DJ_DanniPelo with sudo iptables -F ?05:03
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nickrudDJ_Danni, you can see what iptable rules are running with sudo iptables -L05:03
PeloDJ_Danni, someting like that, I'm not very familiar with iptables,  try man iptables see what the comands are05:03
chalcednyPelo: we had a laptop whose drive died (running windows) put a new used drive in it and ubuntu.. it booted earlier today, but now i got that .05:04
jerbear_anyone have any good suggestions for themes?05:04
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DJ_DanniUUUU ok Confused what i am seeing there:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S05:04
El_JuliosoPelo: I am actually just using it to transfer files between Windows and Ubuntu for the time being, because Ubuntu won't work with my RAID arrays, I am eventually going to format to XFS05:04
z0rzI'm trying to install compiz fussion on an ATI x800 card ... I "sudo apt-get isntall server-xgl" and it says "Package xserver-xgl is not available, but is referred to by another package."05:04
z0rzThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:05
Pelochalcedny, hmm, could be a lot of things,  butI don'T think that he windows drive dying had anything to do with it05:05
z0rzis only available from another source"05:05
lemonedowine on ubuntu can run Warcraft III?05:05
El_JuliosoPelo: After I've transferred my files to other drives, that is05:05
DJ_DanniPelo is it in Inpute, Forward or Output?05:05
mactimeslemonedo: Sure it can.  I run on mine05:05
PeloEl_Julioso,   fat32 should have been your fs of choice then05:05
chalcednyPelo: ok, my son did the install and he's out of state now. is there anything i can do?05:05
z0rzHow can I install xserver-xgl?05:05
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neozenlemonedo: I stick to starcraft and ms powerpoint viewer05:06
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DJ_DanniPelo is it in Inpute, Forward or Output?05:06
PeloDJ_Danni, I'm missing most of the info about your problem  Iisten to nickrud on this , he knows more about it them me anyway05:06
neozenlemonedo: it might be able to do warcraft II now05:06
El_JuliosoPelo: good point, I didn't even think of that05:06
Pelochalcedny,  sorry man , too many ppl asking me stuff,  remind me what the issue is ?05:06
lemonedoi can run starcraft with wine, but cannot WorldEdit.exe05:06
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neozenlemonedo: say what you want about ms powerpoint viewer.... but its a hell of a lot lighter then openoffice.org-impress05:06
El_JuliosoI'll either go back and reformat it, or just get the ext3 driver, whichever is quicker05:06
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Pelolemonedo,   wine /path/worldedit.exe  or whatever05:07
chalcednyPelo: you go ahead, i don't want to wear you out.05:07
DJ_Danninickrud are you there?05:07
PeloEl_Julioso,  if you don'T need to transfer data out ,  fat32 , much safer05:07
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Pelochalcedny,  just remind me , I think things are slowing down05:08
troy-I am having problems with Pam-Mount not unmounting dm-crypt containers when logging out via SSH, however it does work when logging in via the terminal05:08
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lemonedoit's true WorldEdit.exe exists in system process, but not visible05:08
troy-can anyone help me fix this one? :)05:08
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chalcednyPelo: * masta has quit (Nick collision from services.)05:08
chalcedny<chalcedny> Pelo: we had a laptop whose drive died (running windows) put a new used drive in it and ubuntu.. it booted earlier today, but now i got that .05:08
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chalcednyerror: Kernel Panic..05:08
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chalcednyPelo: Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!05:09
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Pelochalcedny, sorry,  I got you confused ,  ok I know  try booting the recovery mode,  then boot back the regular way05:09
GamingXEl_julioso: Are you trying to copy files from windows to ubuntu?05:09
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Pelochalcedny,  you didn'T have a raid or lvm setup on that comp did you ?05:10
chalcednyokies pelo ty muchly :)05:10
PeloGamingX, the other way around05:10
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Pelochalcedny,  no promises05:10
scratchmePelo, just wanted to thank you, sometimes giving help can be thankless.05:10
chalcednyPelo: it's just a Compaq laptop05:10
Peloscratchme,  I don'T allow private msg please talk to me in the chanel05:11
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El_JuliosoGamingX: not directly, I'm transferring from RAID arrays that only Windows recognizes onto a single drive, then deleting the RAID arrays, formatting the single drives into XFS, installing Linux, copying the data back over and finally formatting my "swap" drive into XFS as well05:11
Peloscratchme, much appreciated, you are welcome05:11
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iconehi again .. can anyone tell me how to install php pluggins in eclipse ?  i've already downloaded pluggins from sourceforge and uncompressed it05:11
Logikoshi, i have a 6.06 LTS server which i cant login to via ssh or councel, the login and pass are correct, when i try it logs in then kicks out, if i use wrong pass it simply says login incorrect ... so the password is not the problem .. i've posted this problem in more detail here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=534149 Please help05:11
DJ_DanniI am getting this error05:11
DJ_Danni08/25/07@03:11:21> [yp_add]  yp.shoutcast.com gave error (nak)05:11
DJ_Danni<08/25/07@03:11:21> [yp_add]  yp.shoutcast.com gave extended error (Cannot see your station/computer (IP: from the Internet, disable Internet Sharing/NAT/firewall/ISP cache (Connection timed out).)05:11
Pelochalcedny,  try what I said and see if it helpw05:11
El_JuliosoPelo: what do you mean by "safe"?05:11
iconetryed to update thru eclipe update system, but nothing ....05:11
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troy-anyone here familiar with pam-mount05:12
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PeloEl_Julioso,  the  ext2 thingy for windows is not 100% reliable05:12
kakarutuhi all05:12
Peloicone, http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/  look at the  section that fits the ending ofthe file you dled05:12
GamingXCan anyone tell me a good place to find source codes for some small projects?05:12
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iconePelo Ok, tnks bro (Y)05:13
Pelotroy-,  the fforum is your friend05:13
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PeloGamingX,  sourceforge05:13
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DJ_DanniPelo i am not shure what i can do:(05:13
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GamingXPelo: Thanks...05:13
troy-Pelo, what forum?05:13
PeloDJ_Danni,  please tell me what the actual problem is , not what you thnk happened but what you try to do that doesn't work05:14
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DARKGuyHey, could somebody here help me please in making an ad-hoc connection between two Ubuntu Feisty computers?05:14
Pelotroy-, www.ubuntuforums.org05:14
Logikoshi, i have a 6.06 LTS server which i cant login to via ssh or councel, the login and pass are correct, when i try it logs in then kicks out, if i use wrong pass it simply says login incorrect ... so the password is not the problem .. i've posted this problem in more detail here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=534149 Please help05:14
=== zachy is now known as zakame
El_JuliosoPelo: thanks, by the way, what's with Ubuntu formatting by default using the msdos "disk label"? should I be using those on my hard drives if I'm only running Linux, or is there any real difference?05:14
troy-Pelo, nobody here can help me? :(05:14
martaboleh gabung05:14
DJ_DanniPelo when i had Azureus i soat that the Firewall was on.05:14
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PeloEl_Julioso,  I don't know, I recommend useing the defaults when ever possible05:15
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PeloDJ_Danni, and now ?05:15
martaai no05:15
DJ_DanniIs Removed05:15
newpersdoes anyone use the yaws (feisty) package?  /etc/init.d/yaws stop doesn't appear to work05:15
DJ_DanniBut i am Installing it agen05:15
Pelotroy-, no one is volunterring,  so try again later, or on different days, meanwhile try finding help in the forum05:15
DJ_DanniAnd i am gooing to cheek if i can Turn off the Firewall therew05:15
DARKGuyHey, could somebody here help me please in making an ad-hoc wireless connection between two Ubuntu Feisty computers? first PC is already set up, I need to know how to connect 2nd.05:16
troy-thanks Pelo :(05:16
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z0rzSET theme lyynx05:16
z0rzerr .. haha05:16
PeloDJ_Danni, azureus gives that same msg for a lot of things,  could be a router issue requreing  you to forward a port,  could be an issue with your isp blocking standard p2p ports,  it 's probably not iptables,  try askin for thelp on this in #azureus-support05:17
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PeloDJ_Danni,  and I know I use to do support in #azureus05:17
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PeloDARKGuy, did you look in the forum ?05:17
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iconePelo      ..... hey man ... i know how to install any prog in ubuntu, don't know is how to aplicate a update in eclipse ... its diferent05:18
PeloDJ_Danni,  I very much suggest you try another bittorrent client then azureus05:18
bullgard4My Ubuntu 7.04 laptop initially would not resume from hibernation. Butt it does so after I installed the uswsusp package. Is it true that there is by default another resume mechanism in Ubuntu 7.04?05:18
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Peloicone, check in an eclips channel or the eclipse website05:18
kevin__hi there05:18
Logikoshi, i have a 6.06 LTS server which i cant login to via ssh or councel, the login and pass are correct, when i try it logs in then kicks out, if i use wrong pass it simply says login incorrect ... so the password is not the problem .. i've posted this problem in more detail here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=534149 Please help05:18
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chalcednyPelo: it did the same error after i restated, hit esc and enter at recovery mode.05:19
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PeloLogikos, did you also search in the forum for other mentions of this problem and the solutions provided ?05:19
Pelochalcedny, I think you are in for a clean install,05:19
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chalcednyPelo: i think the thing likes windows05:19
kevin__does anyone know how to get a subwoofer working in ubuntu?05:19
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LogikosPelo: yes, i've read every similar post i can find so far...05:20
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Pelochalcedny,  you can move your /home folder to a seperrate partiton using the livecd to keep your data and settings05:20
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chalcednyPelo: i think since this is a new to us drive and it had windows before, there isn't much to save, am i right?05:20
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Pelochalcedny, don't say things like that ,  I promised my aunt I would install  xubuntu on her compac pressario in a couple of weeks05:21
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DARKGuyHey, could somebody here help me please in making an ad-hoc wireless connection between two Ubuntu Feisty computers? first PC is already set up, I need to know how to connect 2nd.05:21
zerokill88we're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo, how aobut you, you you, you can come too, too , too, we're going to the zoo, zoo zoo05:21
kanuhahow can I keep the unmaximized size off the windows?05:21
chalcednyPelo: i think you have an excellent idea, i hope she LOVES it, i do!05:21
Pelochalcedny, you would be the one to know,  if you have saved files and work on it ,05:21
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Pelochalcedny, it was an easy sell,  the comp was a gift from a cousin in the us,  and everhitng on it is in english,  which she can,t speak05:22
chalcednyPelo: nope i had those on windows and the drive froze/   ours is an armada 170005:22
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Pelochalcedny,  then go ahead and clean install ubuntu ,  best of luck05:23
ZoffixHello, I recall using some command to find header files (*.h) It would least every package the specified header files is in. Can anybody refresh my memory, please?05:23
GamingXI need to know how to get source codes for applications that are installed on my PC....05:23
chalcednyPelo: linux will save her all that defragging and blue screen nonsense05:23
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chalcedny((((((((( arnducky ))))))))))))05:23
Pelochalcedny, I know, but it's a very old computer, I'd never heard of a duron  before   64 mg RAM  15 gig hdd,  I hope xubuntu is  light enough05:24
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Pelochalcedny,  donT do that in this channel please05:24
chalcednyPelo: if ubuntu is too big try a custom debian install05:24
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anderbubbleIs this the right place to discuss problems with Tribe5?05:24
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Pelochalcedny, I'm not that 1337 ,05:24
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Peloanderbubble,  #ubuntu+105:25
chalcednyPelo: you do fine here :)05:25
=== Priswell [n=ronnie@c-67-182-52-190.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelochalcedny,  it,s a nack05:25
GamingXHow to view source codes for the applications installed?05:25
LinkeratorHey, I'm running Ubuntu Linux to virus scan my friend's Windows partition, what's the name of the virus scanner? I forgot it05:25
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chalcednyPelo: remember to put it as 'volunteer work' on your cv /resume.05:25
=== pHiLip_S [n=philip@c906201a.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
PeloLinkerator, clamav ?05:25
LinkeratorThanks a bunch, GamingX05:25
anderbubblePelo, thanks05:26
Pelochalcedny, lol05:26
konam_someone knows the Wine channel?05:26
Pelokonam_,   #winehq05:26
rexy_winehq or wine-hq i think05:26
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=== Pelo drops a pin
jacobhow do i send a command in the terminal to log out of the current user?05:28
kanuhais there a gui for clamav?05:28
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FezzlerDoes anyone know about using undev to create a condition where a specific program loads after a USB device is plugged in and recognized?05:28
chalcednyPelo: don't laugh too hard, it's excellent experience to use05:28
FezzlerI guess it associates the device with a program?05:28
Pelojacob,  exit ?05:28
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jacobpelo no05:29
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Pelochalcedny,  for someone in IT , not for an industrial designer05:29
iconePelo ended up in a page with files with extension    PDT   <---   I already searched sites with explanation on files extension, but none knows that kind of file... any ideia ?05:29
jacobpelo it's as if you log out of your current user and have the log in windows screen05:29
DARKGuyHey, could somebody here help me please in making an ad-hoc wireless connection between two Ubuntu Feisty computers? first PC is already set up, I need to know how to connect 2nd.05:29
DARKGuycome on, somebody must know ~.~05:29
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iconePelo ..... oops05:29
Pelojacob,  sudo restart ?05:29
iconemy mistake05:29
troy-anyone familiar with pam-mount?05:30
iconePelo my mistake05:30
GamingXWhere are the source codes stored on the PC?05:30
=== Pelo beats icone mercilessly
=== SineFato [n=CJ@cpe-66-27-145-133.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
PeloDARKGuy, did you try looking it up in the forum ?05:30
SineFatoapt-got milk?05:30
iconePelo didn't saw a plus sign before the filetype .....      its a forum inside other forum05:30
GamingXI wanted to view the source code for certain applications that I have installed?05:30
=== Srbija [n=ubuntu-a@ip68-0-17-66.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
iconePelo   loooooooool05:31
DARKGuyPelo: yeah, but most threads come up with connecting to APs and routers, not ad-hoc :(05:31
iconePelo   sorry man05:31
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iconePelo   don't want to be newbie  .... lol05:31
DARKGuyor maybe I'm using the wrong search sentence o.o05:31
PeloDARKGuy, try asking in #networking05:31
DARKGuyI dunno but it's frustrating really05:31
iconePelo but it's this virus my computer has ....... lol05:31
DARKGuyoh? I didn't know they helped with Ubuntu there?05:31
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arkiveI was unchecking some things in administration > services and now it closed, now I can't get back in and after I rebooted it gave me an error about failing to initialize hal. Is there anyway to set this back to defaults?05:32
PeloDARKGuy,  donT' know if they do but they probably know some tricks05:32
DARKGuyPelo: thanks a ton for the suggestion ^_^05:32
=== mon^rch [n=anonymou@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
chalcednyPelo: depends on how full your resume is i guess, volunteer work, can count, you rapildly find solutions for a variety of user problems, helping x number of users per day/hour/year to find solutoins to computer / operating system problems.05:32
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GamingXPelo: How do you read the source codes?05:33
Peloarkive, probably but I don'T know it ,  try the forum www.ubuntuforums.org05:33
tigranhey, how can i record audio coming from my sound card?05:33
PeloGamingX,  using  some text editor05:33
bruenigor cat05:33
GamingXPelo: I mean where are the source codes stored on the PC....05:33
=== slimz [n=slimz@modemcable023.68-57-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigGamingX, they aren't, you need to get them yourselves05:33
bullgard4My Ubuntu 7.04 laptop initially would not resume from hibernation. But it does so after I installed the uswsusp package. Is it true that there is by default another resume mechanism in Ubuntu 7.04?05:33
bruenigGamingX, or you can do apt-get source package, I think05:34
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El_JuliosoPelo and GamingX: thanks for the help, keep up the good work, I'm off05:34
Pelochalcedny, yeah, I know,  I got started on ubuntu because I wanted to get familiar wirh linux for potential jobs, I almost always end up being the computer goto guy05:34
=== blerd [n=k@125-238-205-235.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
GamingXEl_Julioso: I did nothing.....05:34
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tigranhow can i record audio coming from my sound card?05:34
PeloGamingX,  I do not know05:34
GamingXbruenig: I thought source codes were downloaded along with the applications....05:34
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Pelotigran,  with soundrecorder I think , in the sound/video menu I think05:35
=== SystemOverload [n=SystemOv@ool-457821a5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
arnduckyLinda, if you wish to chat with me, join #ubuntu-offtopic05:35
bruenigGamingX, no, applications are distributed in binaries, the source does no good except to at the very least double the amount of disk space05:35
chalcednyPelo: it's a gift :)05:35
MBR666GamingX, no. not always. usually with a tarball file. but when using apt-get you have to download source or app+source as seperate packages05:35
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Pelochalcedny, curse05:35
bullgard4/sys/power/resume shows "8:9". What does '8:9' stand for?05:35
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=== Pelo thnks SystemOverload 's nick doesn'T boad well
bruenigbullgard4, probably would ask that in ##linux05:36
GamingXbruenig, MBR666, Thanks....05:36
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SystemOverloadlol :D05:36
=== RAdams [n=ronadams@cpe-75-185-244-79.cinci.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Till]
SystemOverloadI got everything all set up the way I like so far.05:36
SystemOverloadBeryl, some programs, themes.05:36
PeloSystemOverload,  congradulations05:36
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SystemOverloadBut, I seem to be having a problem with text on certian web pages being too ligh05:37
=== jscinoz_ [n=jack@c220-239-12-203.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
r0b-is there a way to request the Ubutnu Server CD05:37
imbecilehowdy all!  I was wondering what this "anarchism" package was and how to run it05:37
r0b-i downloaded it and the installer says its corrupt05:37
SystemOverloadlike on the official ubuntu website, the text is almost white on a white background05:37
GamingXWhen I kill an apt-get in the terminal using Ctrl+C will the partially downloaded package be removed?05:37
jscinoz_hey guys, when i log in my session crashes saying that GTK is running setuid or setgid, how can i fix this?05:37
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bruenigr0b-, did you check md5sum?05:38
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r0b-no :(05:38
bruenigr0b-, well do that05:38
=== RAdams [n=ronadams@cpe-75-185-244-79.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
r0b-im gonna hang on05:38
Pelochalcedny, I think of myself as a veteran user , not much phases me anymore,  I can look at most problems with calm,  ( me lost 10 years worth of drawings in a hdd crash ) , I've experienced the worse , everthing is uphill05:38
RAdamsDoes anyone know how to make sounds work on Pidgin?05:38
bruenigr0b-, just use the torrent and you will be sure of its not being corrupted05:38
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madman91and torrents pwn05:38
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SystemOverloadThat really sucks Pelo05:38
Peloon this ladies and gents, I bid you g'Night05:39
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RAdamsNight Pelo05:39
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madman91goodnight Pelo05:39
chalcednywow Pelo :(05:39
SystemOverloadSee ya05:39
PeloSystemOverload,  I survived,  nothing thatI realy needed anymore,  I hated that employer anyway05:39
imbecilecya pelo05:39
chalcednysleep well Pelo05:39
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chalcednyim glad i met you05:39
SineFatoapt-got milk?05:39
SystemOverloadOh, thats good then :D05:39
=== midnightToker [n=mcd@c-67-165-219-40.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Pelo waves goodnight to the channel and everyone in it
AlgorthmicControHow do I reset Xorg?05:39
RAdamsDoes anyone know how to make sounds work on Pidgin?05:40
bruenig!doesn't work | RA05:40
ubotuRA: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:40
zAackI would like to know if someone know a GREAT site/tuto/doc about linux and ubuntu.. I'm searching something that would explain the why and not the how. i.e. Instead of : aptitude install xxx yyy, it would explain why it needs package, how it is used.. etc (this was just a stupid example)05:40
AlgorthmicControRAdams: Compile from source05:40
=== daytona89 [n=root@CABLE-72-53-60-45.cia.com] has joined #ubuntu
cdm10bruenig: whoah, i didn't know about that factoid...05:40
SineFatohit the pidgin, it will make a sound eventually05:40
cdm10RAdams: it works for me... what pidgin are you using? Where did you get it?05:40
=== angel [n=angel@adsl-72-50-10-41.prtc.net] has joined #ubuntu
daytona89I just changed my vidcard to an ATI PCI one, and X won't start... :(05:40
imbecilehow do i run "anarchism"? i want to give it a look through05:40
brueniggo into preferences, etc...05:41
azizjoin #ubuntu-sa/05:41
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RAdamsI'm using Gusty... so off to #ubuntu+1 I go...05:41
SystemOverloadImbecile, do you have a link to it?05:41
cdm10RAdams: good idea05:41
daytona89I'm very new to ths. Where do I start?05:41
imbecileSystemOverload:  its in the repos05:41
lemonedohas anyone a solution to this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3023452 ?05:41
angelIs there a way to use chmod to turn off the executable bit for all files except folders?05:41
SystemOverloadLet me check it out05:41
=== Aviatrixie [n=erika@pool-72-77-91-165.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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imbecileSystemOverload:  cool thanks man :)05:42
lemonedoi have video, but no audio with totem playing .rm05:42
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jscinoz_Can anyone help me get gtk working again so i can log in? im typing this from console >_<05:42
=== don^ [n=h@cm102.theta32.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
tigranPelo: what would I put for record from inpit: to record from my sound card?05:42
=== GamingX is leaving
daytona89how do I get xwindows (gnome) to start again if it won't?05:42
arnduckyCan anyone here help me configure my TV tuner card which is seen by V4L but doesn't work?05:42
bruenig|laptopI think for some reason mac spoofing messes with IRC05:42
imbecilei love ubuntu and its users... people in here are dang helpful05:42
lemonedoyou can see the detail here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=302345205:42
=== BigTo3 [n=bigtoe70@cpc1-hatf3-0-0-cust104.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig|laptopprobably some network thing05:42
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SystemOverloadAnd what problem are you having?05:43
MBR666imbecile, a$$ kisser. lol05:43
lemonedowhat is the best packages to paly .rm file?05:43
angellemonedo: Are you using totem-xine?05:43
=== CowzRule [n=CowzRule@68-112-170-130.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig!codecs | lemonedo05:43
ubotulemonedo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:43
don^can anyone help me regarding installing ubuntu 7.04 ? as it reqested me to key in username and password05:43
Aviatrixiejust thought I'd stop in and say hello.05:43
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SystemOverloadHI Avia05:43
daytona89I just changed my vidcard, and xwindows won't start...05:43
=== Felarin [n=sean@cm33.sigma192.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
imbecileMBR666:  just honest man... they have gotten me outta numerous problems05:43
midnightTokerhas anyone here synced a blackberry with evolution?05:43
MBR666imbecile, same here. i've helped and been helped05:43
Logikoshi, i have a 6.06 LTS server which i cant login to via ssh or councel, the login and pass are correct, when i try it logs in then kicks out, if i use wrong pass it simply says login incorrect ... so the password is not the problem .. i've posted this problem in more detail here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=534149 Please help05:44
Aviatrixiehi systemoverload  :)05:44
rexy_don^ heh you can just use any username and password you like, it's what you use to log on to your computer, so make sure you remember them05:44
=== DJ_Danni [n=djdanni0@adsl5-9.simnet.is] has joined #ubuntu
nomasteryodadaytona89,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:44
=== mannytu [n=mannytu@cpe-67-9-82-200.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DJ_DanniPelo i have tryed all no Luck:(05:44
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bruenigDJ_Danni, pelo is gone05:44
nomasteryodadaytona89, use that command in a terminal05:44
angellemonedo: edit ~/.xine/catalog.cache and search for realaudio , change the demux priority to 10 , that should give you sound.05:45
daytona89no I need help with a ubuntu problem.05:45
=== mattg [n=mattg@ip68-104-158-11.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nomasteryodadaytona89, the video card right?05:45
DJ_DanniI have a Firewall Pab05:45
daytona89I don't know linux at all, so I'm stuck.05:45
iconePelo   hey bro .... not getting along with this .. can U gime a hand ?05:45
daytona89nomasteryoda: yep.05:45
=== secleinteer [n=scl@adsl-70-237-196-12.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
mattgim still having problems with my geforce go 7600.  driver isn't right, had to reinstall05:45
daytona89How do I get it to change video cards / use mine properly?05:46
nomasteryodadaytona89, type this command in the terminal that is presented to you when x does not start.... sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:46
=== crackerbox [n=owner@74-135-34-212.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
midnightTokerIs there a better channel to ask about syncing a blackberry?05:46
lemonedoangel: thanks, but it is already 10...05:46
=== jeremyc [n=jeremy@c-69-142-193-118.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
crackerboxhey guys05:46
=== Ro [n=rohit@c-24-21-228-215.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DJ_DanniI have ShoutCAST Server's and i have Trobole with Firewal.05:46
nomasteryodahowdy crackerbox .... welcome05:46
crackerboxtribe 5 looks nice05:46
=== Aviatrixie is proud to say she adopted Linux when Breezy was released and has only been forced to boot M$ 3 times since. (well... not counting installing the upgrade stuff for his PC I gave him last xmas)
=== noir [n=noir@pool-72-65-109-4.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
crackerboxvery cool printer support05:46
=== Palintheus [n=tbrown@ip72-200-193-178.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["See]
crackerboxplug in and print!!05:46
noirhow can i change my application menu icon?05:47
nomasteryodaubuntu+1 is the point of discussion for tribe05:47
nomasteryodawell worth a burn then....05:47
DJ_DanniCan Somone help me with Firewall prab?05:47
iconecan anyone gime a hand on installing php plugin 4 eclipse ?   not quite understanding how to do it ... be thankfull05:47
crackerboxactaully i was gunna relate it to feisty.. do you know if the printer thing is backported?05:47
don^can anyone help me regarding installing ubuntu 7.04 ? as it reqested me to key in username and password when i boot up from the cd05:47
=== nikolet [n=nikolet@adsl-75-18-6-33.dsl.tpkaks.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
angellemonedo: was it 10 by default you mean or did you change it before?05:47
Logikoshi, i have a 6.06 LTS server which i cant login to via ssh or councel, the login and pass are correct, when i try it logs in then kicks out, if i use wrong pass it simply says login incorrect ... so the password is not the problem .. i've posted this problem in more detail here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=534149 Please help05:48
lemonedoangel: i think i didn't change05:48
=== Fezzler [n=christop@unaffiliated/fezzler] has joined #ubuntu
crackerboxnoir: lets see... alt+f2  then type gconf-editor and click run05:48
mattgis anybody able to help with the graphics?05:48
angellemonedo, maybe you are looking at the wrong one, it shouldn't be 10 by default I think.05:48
=== AngryElf [n=Angryelf@ip24-255-126-187.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
DJ_DanniCan Somone help me with Firewall?05:48
rexy_don^ heh you can just use any username and password you like, it's what you use to log on to your computer, so make sure you remember them05:48
=== gnurph [n=gnurph@c-69-140-139-178.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
noircrackerbox: and then what?05:49
crackerboxthen it should be under apps > panel > object 0 > custom icon05:49
nomasteryodaDJ_Danni, what firewall? your hardware firewall?05:49
angellemonedo: did you install w32codecs?05:49
iconeDJ_Danni Do you have webmin ?05:49
=== nickrud [n=nickrud_@] has joined #ubuntu
AngryElfhow do I put an environmental variable into a custom application launcher?05:49
lemonedoangel: yes05:49
nickrudAshfire908, you still about?05:49
AngryElfvariations on "DISPLAY=:0.0 someProgram" don't work05:49
angellemonedo: try using gxine05:49
arnduckyDJ_Danni, sudo apt-get update; apt-get install firestarter05:49
don^can anyone help me regarding installing ubuntu 7.04 ? as it reqested me to key in username and password when i boot up from the cd05:50
nickrudAshfire908, sorry, the upgrade kicked me off the net until I rebooted05:50
DJ_DanniI need to turn off the Firewall05:50
jeremycanyone know ANYTHING about perl modules and CPAN i need help for a project im working on, for my towns local access television station.05:50
crackerboxmake sure you also check "use custom icon" as well as specifying which image you want to use05:50
FezzlerAfter running a command-line program, ./dl ttyUSB0, ending with Ctrl C, when I try to restart it doesn't run. ??05:50
Ashfire908nickrud: it's ok.05:50
nickruddon, that's create username and password, I believe05:50
mannytudaytona89, I had to go to the "Restricted Divers Manager" to turn my Nvidia on... (Enabled)05:50
crackerboxDJ: from terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/firestarter stop05:50
zAackSo much texts in this channel during 1minute.. I would like to know if there's a good tutorial that could EXPLAIN more about linux/ubuntu. (And not just saying to do that or that to accomplish that) I've read alot of things and I want to RTFM, I just don't know a good source to read.05:50
DJ_Danniarnducky i need to turn off the Firewall05:50
=== badoo [n=jean-hug@bas13-montrealak-1167894506.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
mattgmannytu: mine isn't under the restricted drivers manager...can u help me?  nvidia geforce go 760005:51
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angellemonedo: in catalog.cache do a search for realadec , that one should be priority 1005:51
nickrud!rute | zAack05:51
ubotuzAack: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com05:51
crackerboxDJ_Danni; are you using firestarter?05:51
DJ_DanniNot shure05:51
noircrackerbox: object 0 is for synaptic not for my application menu logo05:51
DJ_DanniI was Installinf Azureus05:51
arnduckyDJ_Danni, scroll back to crackerbox's post (or just use the GUI menu button)05:51
gnurphare there man pages for the GUI for Nessus?05:51
gnurphor do they use different documentation?05:52
DJ_DanniWhat do you mean?05:52
arnduckyDJ_Danni, the one labeled "stop  ;-P05:52
angellemonedo: before I meant to say real_audio not realaudio, my bad.05:52
lemonedoangel: thanks now it works :)05:52
nomasteryodaDJ_Danni, is having issue with Azureus and its NAT firewall thing.... ? Right? That would be what is changed via the Hardware router between him and the Interweb...05:52
arnduckyDJ_Danni,  crackerbox> DJ: from terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/firestarter stop05:52
angellemonedo, no prob.05:52
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crackerboxok... is there an default setup > objects > menu_bar ?05:53
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mattgnobody can help me with the nvidia geforce go 7600 graphics issue? :(05:53
crackerboxwhats the problem mattg?05:53
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larson9999well, so far gutsy seems ok05:54
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crackerbox7600 should be easy05:54
crackerboxuse the latest nvidia driver05:54
nomasteryodaya that one should be05:54
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mattgcrackerbox: the driver isn't right, maxes out at 1280x800 when should be 1440x900.  driver is NOT in the restricted drivers05:54
nomasteryodanvidia-glx-new or some such05:54
crackerboxuse envy05:54
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AviatrixieI've found it better to stay with default drivers for ATI 7xxx cards05:54
DJ_Danniarnducky Command not found05:54
crackerbox7600 is nvidia dude05:55
gnurphany takers on a Nessus question?05:55
mattghow do i get envy?05:55
tigranhey Pelo, which device do I put so it records sound coming from my sound card?05:55
crackerbox1 sec05:55
mannytumattg: I looking at what I have...05:55
nomasteryodamattg, type command 'lsmod |grep nvidia" and let us know if you see nvidia05:55
Aviatrixienot a dude  :)05:55
z0rzCould someone reply back to me with z0rz: in their message?05:55
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crackerboxinstall that deb05:55
DJ_Danniarnducky Command not found05:55
crackerboxenvy will install under System Tools05:55
noircrackerbox: yest there is05:56
mattgnothing comes up, nomasteryoda05:56
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nomasteryodamattg, that is because you are using the nv driver... i.e. the open source driver that is default05:56
z0rzCould someone reply back to me with z0rz: in their message?05:56
angelIs there a way to distinguish between files and folders using chmod?05:56
crackerboxnoir: specify a custom icon using full path ie /home/owner/image.png05:57
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ParisiNew mIRC, nice.05:57
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nomasteryodaopen your package manager mattg and look for nvidia05:57
jscinoz_Hey guys, as soon as i log on, my session crashes and says something about "gtk running setgid or setuid" what can i do to fix this?05:57
crackerboxnoir: and check the box for "use custom icon"05:57
noircrackerbox: does it have to be a png05:57
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SystemOverloadI have a quick question. I use a USB headset, and I got it to work fine with Teamspeak05:57
crackerboxit could be svg maybe05:57
SystemOverloadbut, I want it to work with websites in firefox.05:57
crackerboxpng is perfered i think05:57
SystemOverloadAnd other games05:57
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z0rzAnyone use irssi?  If so what theme are you using?05:57
crackerboxits what i use05:57
SystemOverloadHow do I set it to work with games and the system, not just TS?05:57
daytona8990so I ran the command to reconfigure x, but when x tries to start, my monitor reports that it's out of range...05:57
noircrackerbox:  I tried with an svg but it didnt work.05:57
DJ_DanniI realy need to take off the Firewall05:58
nomasteryodacrackerbox, svg works too05:58
mattgokay, i have the NVidia binary X.Org driver and the NVidia binary X.Org 'legacy' driver05:58
DJ_DanniAll my Shoutcast Server's are down05:58
SystemOverloadthe driver is /dev/dsp105:58
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mattgnot installed ***05:58
nomasteryodaDJ_Danni, is it installed?05:58
DJ_DanniThang not.05:58
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DJ_DanniShe said Command not found05:58
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nomasteryodathen you need to edit your hardware firewall settings... usually in say Firefox and login and edit...05:59
mattgnomasteryoda: okay, i have the NVidia binary X.Org driver and the NVidia binary X.Org 'legacy' driver05:59
nomasteryodayou need the newer one for that card05:59
nomasteryodanot legacy05:59
daytona8990nomasteryoda: if I set that config program to use very low resolutions (800x600 and lower) just to get x running again, can I later up my resolution to what the monitor will support (1600x1200) somehow?05:59
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DJ_DanniI have already tryed to turn off the Firewall in my Router. and no Luck:(06:00
nomasteryodadaytona8990, which card is it again?06:00
mannytumattg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34963/  this is what I have loaded...06:00
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nomasteryodaDJ_Danni, you need to port forward06:00
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nomasteryodato your local IP06:00
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DJ_DanniI also have that on my Server COM06:00
nomasteryodaof your PC you are using06:00
daytona8990some pci Radeon one (7000, 7200, not sure) but it has 32MB06:00
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DJ_DanniIt have woork befor not after i install that software:S06:01
mattgthink i might be able to get it, seeing that06:01
don^can anyone help me regarding installing ubuntu 7.04 ? as it reqested me to key in username and password when i boot up from the cd (it not creating username or password)06:01
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noircrackerbox, neither svg nor png are working, any ideas?06:01
mannytumattg: search NVIDIA :- )06:01
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mattgdo i need to restart my computer?06:02
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SystemOverloadIf I do a command in the terminal, and it asks for a password, I can't type my password in.06:02
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daytona8990nomasteryoda: it's an ATI Radeon 7200 with 32 MB ram06:02
mannytumattg: yes you will...06:02
the_hammerguest,guest and root root don^ try that06:02
RAdamsWhere does Pidgin install the sounds by default?06:02
SystemOverloadLike, nothing happens when I press my keys. Is it because it is numbers?06:02
zAackthanks ubotu06:02
DJ_DanniWhat can i do?06:02
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nomasteryodadaytona8990, if you know the modes to add to the xorg.conf file, you could add them06:03
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nomasteryodai'm sure someone has a good xorg.conf file for that card06:03
nomasteryodaand monitor06:03
mannytumattg: Did you back up your xorg.conf file?06:03
konam_how can i write an space on the console?06:04
DJ_DanniCan somone help me befor i go to sleep?06:04
SystemOverloadI am not able to type my password into the terminal when it asks me, any tips?06:04
nomasteryodakonam_, use "\ "06:04
konam_an example?06:04
MBR666i want to set up my one xubuntu box so i can login to X from across the internet. where do i begin on that? or even just ssh06:04
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daytona8990nomasteryoda: what is that command that you gave me before? I'll run that again rather than manually editing xorg.conf. I think I'll just set it to ridiculously low resolutions for now.06:04
nomasteryodathe "\" is the escape character06:04
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nomasteryodafor any special character06:04
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Cinhow do you set your default audio device wih the alsa mixer?06:04
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don^What is the correct username/password combination to login to the Xubuntu 7.04 livecd06:05
wastedfluidanyone know the name of htat mozilla plugin that lets you choose your media player in firefox?  It's something like.. mediaplayerconnectivity.. or something like that.06:05
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nomasteryodadaytona8990, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:05
RAdamsdon^: ubuntu/no password06:05
tawoohanyone have a fix to get MapleStory to work in Ubuntu Fiesty??06:05
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nomasteryodadon^, you simply type what you want there... there is no password for the live cd06:05
DJ_DanniCan somone help me with this Firewll befor i go to sleep?06:05
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RAdamsdon^: might be xubuntu/no password06:06
don^RAdams  ???06:06
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mattgstill didnt fix it :(06:06
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre06:06
RAdamsnomasteryoda: the username exists on the livecd06:06
RAdamsfor permissions reasons06:06
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RAdamsdon^: put xubuntu for the username. there is no password06:06
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DJ_DanniCan somone help me with this Firewll befor i go to sleep?06:06
nomasteryodaubuntu as user and blank for the password06:06
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don^RAdams thanks i try it out06:07
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nomasteryodaDJ_Danni, once again is the Hardware Firewall (aka your Router) setup to portforward to your PC?06:07
nomasteryodayou must have that setup06:07
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DJ_DanniThat is on my Server06:08
nomasteryodaDJ_Danni, then try this... sudo iptables -F06:08
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DJ_DanniBut :port dose not worrk06:08
DJ_DanniHave alrady Tryed06:08
File13when i plug in my headphones the audio still come through my laptop speakers, i tried resetting X but that didnt do anything, any suggestions?06:08
Arrickheya everyone06:08
DJ_DanniI do not see any Chances06:08
nomasteryodaFile13, they are USB headphones?06:08
Arrickon the 7.04 distro, how do i go about making my wireless and wired connections both able to connect at the same time all the time06:08
File13regular headphones06:08
CinFile13, heh, me too06:08
nomasteryodaFile13, what sound card?06:09
Cinmine are USB headphones06:09
Logikoshi, i have a 6.06 LTS server which i cant login to via ssh or councel, the login and pass are correct, when i try it logs in then kicks out, if i use wrong pass it simply says login incorrect ... so the password is not the problem .. i've posted this problem in more detail here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=534149 Please help06:09
DJ_DanniDo i have to restart after sudi-iptabels -F?06:09
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Cinthere's some simple command to change the audio device, but I can't remember it06:09
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File13im not sure what soundcard it is how do i check06:09
SystemOverloadI can't get any sound out of firefox, but Teamspeak works.06:09
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RAdamsSystemOverload: x86 or amd64?06:09
nomasteryodaFile13, if you run "alsamixer" in console as user, you should be able to see what is muted...06:09
noiranyone else got any ideas?06:09
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File13HDA NVidia06:10
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SystemOverloadIt is a USB headset, and I know the driver is06:10
nomasteryodaFile13, and Cin you might have to edit the asoundrc file and alias ports for sound... that is part of the answer06:10
Arrickon the 7.04 distro, how do i go about making my wireless and wired connections both able to connect at the same time all the time06:10
nomasteryodabut all i know for now... tired... zzz06:10
nomasteryodabest of luck people...06:10
DJ_DanniDo i have to restart after sudi-iptabels -F?06:10
SystemOverloadand it is an "alsa mixer"06:11
nomasteryodaDJ_Danni, no06:11
DJ_DanniI do not see any Chance06:11
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nomasteryodarestart Azureus if you want to see06:11
nomasteryodaif it works06:11
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nomasteryodatakes a minute or 206:11
DJ_DanniAlready removed06:11
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MBR666i want to set up my one xubuntu box so i can login to X from across the internet. where do i begin on that? or even just ssh06:11
mattgi'm getting rather upset with this laptop06:11
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nomasteryoda!ssh | MBR66606:12
ubotuMBR666: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:12
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nomasteryodasudo aptitude install openssh-server06:12
MBR666i know what ssh is. i want to set up my machine to login to06:13
tarntowanyone here use opera?....i m wondering which flashplayer file to download from adobe...should it be tar.gz or rpm or YUM file...cheers06:13
nomasteryodado that and start sshd06:13
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mattgdoes anybody have any other ideas about this geforce go 7600?06:13
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nomasteryodathat is all i have done on ubuntu and always wrked for me06:13
File13nomasteryoda do you perhaps know of a link about editing that file06:13
marioHow can i install bery on fisty fawn06:13
SystemOverloadNomaster, what is wrong06:13
nomasteryodaFile13, hang on06:13
marioHow can i install bery on fisty fawn06:14
SystemOverloadMario, use the add remove programs06:14
SystemOverloadand search for it06:14
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nomasteryodamario, you mean Compiz?06:14
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marioi am in add remove programs then06:15
mannytumattg: did it come up on the "Restricted Drivers"06:16
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josephinehey my ubuntu wont detect my usb printer06:17
mattgi did the regular one, no effect, so i did the legacy one, and still nothing06:17
jacobi need help installing a tgz file, can somebody help me06:17
bruenigjacob, you can't06:17
jacobit's one of my first attempts to install tgz files06:17
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RAdamsjacob, what is the file06:17
mannytumattg: did you turn on the Desktop effects/06:17
bruenigjacob, you can extract if you like06:17
mattgno because the driver isn't there06:17
RAdamsjacob, you can't "install" a tgz, but it may contain source you can build an application from06:18
Arrickwas I really on windows so long that everyone in this channel ignores me, or is it just me thinking that?06:18
bruenigtgz is a binary package format06:18
jacobi'm trying to install this software, which has two parts to it06:18
bruenigthere is not source in it06:18
malociteevening all - does anyone know a program that I can run that will allow me to change the names of every file in a directory to follow the same naming scheme?06:18
Arrick!simultaneous network connections06:18
jacobRadams, that's what i mean06:18
mattgmannytu: when i just tried to enable it, says it's not able to06:18
RAdamsbruenig: source files can be stored in a .tgz archive06:18
Arrick!network interfaces06:18
RAdamsfor another program06:18
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bruenigRAdams, tgz is a package format, it is like a deb or rpm06:19
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:19
mannytumattg: did you try to load the driver at add/remove?06:19
jacobradams yes?06:19
mattgyeah, no effect06:19
bruenigRAdams, now I suppose you can call a tarball whatever you want, I could call a tarball with source files a .deb for instance06:19
josephinecan any one help me get a usb device to register06:19
RAdamsbruenig: I know. and makefiles are sometimes located in .tgz's requiring they be manually extracted06:19
mariohow do yall know all thiss stuff is their a book or somthing\06:19
tigranhow can I record streaming sound from my sound card?06:19
mattgand envy isn't in there06:19
bruenigRAdams, tgz is slackware's binary package format06:19
nomasteryodamattg, did you edit the xorg.conf file and change nv to nvidia?06:19
bruenigRAdams, it never has makefiles06:19
RAdamsbruenig: My bad, you're right... was thinking of something else06:20
jacobradams yes06:20
mattgteach me, please!06:20
RAdamsthat installer won't work for ubuntu, as it's a binary for slackware06:20
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RAdamsanother distro06:20
RAdamsthere might be a converter06:20
jacobradams, you went to the site i sent you?06:21
RAdamsbruenig is correct, a .tgz file contains nothing you can install in ubuntu.06:21
RAdamsjacob, one moment06:21
mattgjust installed the driver...now what, nomasteryoda06:21
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mattgi'm a noob...06:21
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nomasteryodamattg,  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup06:21
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RAdamsjacob, i see no play where you posted a link06:21
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mattgnomasteryoda: done06:22
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mariohow can i download limewire in ubuntu06:22
nomasteryodamattg, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf   ... then find the line with "nv" and change to "nvidia"  ... the Ctrl+X and Ctrl+Y then06:22
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konam_nomasteryoda for any special character?06:22
nomasteryodakonam_, sure06:23
mattgnomasteryoda: there's nothing in there...06:23
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jacobradams http://www.parallax.com/html_pages/downloads/software/software_basic_stamp.asp06:23
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konam_please, give an example please, i don't understand very well06:23
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morlocholy shit 995 people.. we could take over the world06:23
konam_with the spaces..06:23
jacobradams, you got it?06:23
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jacobradams, you got the site now?06:23
nomasteryodamattg, that would be what?... nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:23
josephineis any one here we already own the world06:23
mattgnomasteryoda: yes06:24
nomasteryodaerr, major error then... you must have an xorg.conf file06:24
RAdamsjacob: I sent you a query06:24
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josephinelol i wish i had a nerd bf to do this stuf for me lol06:24
nomasteryodalook at the backup you made...06:24
jacobradams, i'm not registered to send private messages06:24
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doug_does anyone knwo anything about ssh?06:25
mattgnomasteryoda: am i skunked?06:25
nomasteryodamattg, no06:25
RAdamsjacob, yes, you must be registered on freenode to send messages. can you just paste it here?06:25
leifkWhat about ssh?06:25
jacobradams http://www.parallax.com/html_pages/downloads/software/software_basic_stamp.asp06:25
nomasteryodamattg, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and get one there again...06:25
doug_leifk like to make a ssh account and beable to talk to someone through it06:25
nomasteryodachoose the nvidia driver from the list instead of nv06:25
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nomasteryodathen reboott06:26
mattgnomasteryoda: says it's not installed06:26
nomasteryodagood luck06:26
RAdamsjacob, which under Linux?06:26
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melvinhow can I install & use the nvidia drivers from the command line?06:26
nomasteryodamattg, you using feisty?06:26
jacobradam, i also have anoter site if that doesn't help06:26
nomasteryodaand another one...06:26
jacobradams i also have another site if that doesn't help06:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:27
mattgnomasteryoda: umm...idk. how do i check?06:27
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jacobradams http://bstamp.sourceforge.net/download/06:27
leifkUh ssh is replacement for telnet for gaining access to remote servers06:27
konam_nomasteryoda please, can you give an example. ie: /home/user/docs and imgs/ how i translate that to the terminal?06:27
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nomasteryodauname -a will work06:27
Logikoshelp please, i have a 6.06 LTS server which i cant login to via ssh or councel, the login and pass are correct, when i try it logs in then kicks out, if i use wrong pass it simply says login incorrect ... so the password is not the problem .. i've posted this problem in more detail here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=534149 Please help06:27
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RAdamsjacob: download the source from here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=78424&package_id=79509&release_id=42133506:27
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mattgnomasteryoda: says nothing about feisty06:27
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mattgnomasteryoda: Linux mattg-ubuntu 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 06:17:24 UTC 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:28
nomasteryodakonam_, example ... cp /home/username/my\ documents /home/username/my\ newdocument\ folder06:28
Cink, so I'm using amarok, and it's using alsa. how do you change which audio device alsa uses? (or make it use the sytem default)06:28
danfganyone having trouble with ImageMagicks composite not working at all? i follow the simplest example and nothing, no image overlay06:28
nomasteryodamattg, that is feisty06:28
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nomasteryodamattg, sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg?06:29
Ashfire908hi, how do i set the time on a computer that has no gui and no direct access to the internet?06:29
RAdamsjacob: do you have bstamp-2006.05.31.tar.gz downloaded?06:29
nomasteryodasomeone please help mattg i'm too tired to think anymore06:29
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mattgthx for what you have done, nomasteryoda06:29
OPTIMusprime1212leifk i had a friend set up one for me where we could chat in it but he got rid of it and said for me to make us one if i want to talk on it06:29
OPTIMusprime1212leifk i dont know anything about how to make one06:29
xjkxI have xubuntu, what happens if i run apt-get install ubuntu-desktop? it will delete xfce?06:29
danfgAshfire908: you can set it on the CMOS setup06:29
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nomasteryodaAshfire908, time-admin?06:30
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jacobradams, yes i finished downloading it06:30
Ashfire908xjkx no06:30
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jacobradams and i placed it in a new directory06:30
johnuahIs there any software which can make me input non-English language06:30
RAdamsjacob: right click and select "Extract Here"06:30
Ashfire908danfg do i set it to utc or local time06:30
xjkxAshfire908: what about the command?06:30
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jacobradams ok done, what now?06:31
mattganybody able to help with nvidia geforce go 7600?06:31
josephinecan any one here help get ubuntu detect my printer06:31
danfgAshfire908: no idea :(06:31
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genefitzmattg: what problem are you having?06:31
RAdamsjacob: in terminal: cd path/to/bstamp06:31
wastedfluidhello.  I just setup ndiswrapper.. but whenever I reboot, Knetworkamanger shows 0 networks available.. however, if i modprobe ndiswrapper.. instantly, new networks appear..how do I add this to autostart this command every login?06:31
Ashfire908xjkx, no. it will not delete xfce06:31
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xjkxAshfire908: sure, and what will it do06:32
nomasteryodaAshfire908, try sudo tzselect06:32
KarlosIIAnyone know of any software that allows you to run MAC OS linux?06:32
mattggenefitz: driver isn't working properly...generic...and it's not listed under restricted drivers06:32
johnuahI want non-English input, who can help to do06:32
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RAdamswastefluid: you need an executable in init.d06:32
Ashfire908xjkx, install the ubuntu-desktop meta package06:32
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KarlosIIAnyone know of any software that allows you to run MAC OS software on linux?06:32
jacobradams im in the directory06:32
Ashfire908nomasteryoda, i have the timezone set06:32
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BrendanWCan anybody show me how to do the full box effect with beryl, along with some other affects like the kiba-dock or whatever it's called? If so, message me. It's too hectic in here to get help easily.06:33
RAdamswastefluid: do you know how to make bash scripts?06:33
genefitzmattg, I believe the go 7XXX series are supported under the 100.14 drivers in nvidia..06:33
genefitzI know the 5200 is.06:33
xjkxAshfire908: for me it means install gnome06:33
RAdamsjacob: sudo apt-get install -y build-essential06:33
daytona8990nomasteryoda: I'm back up and running. Thanks for your help!06:33
KarlosIImattg, could u explain tome your issue?06:33
Ashfire908xjkx, that's what ubunu-desktop is06:33
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mattgkarlosII: driver isn't working properly...generic...and it's not listed under restricted drivers06:33
KarlosIIthat doesn't explainwhat it's doing06:34
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johnuahno one know?06:34
jacobradams, it got something06:34
KarlosIIdefine not working properly06:34
jacobradams, press enter?06:34
RAdamsjacob, yes06:34
mattgit's not doing anything!!!06:34
konam_nomasteryoda thanks!06:35
RAdamsjohnuah: repeat your question please06:35
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johnuahRAdams: I want to non English language input06:35
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johnuahwhich software supports that06:35
Ashfire908danfg i think i set it in utc cause hwclock --show says it's in my time zone06:36
jacobradams, the terminal is asking me to place in the disc labeled "Ubuntu 7.04 _Feisty Fawn_ - Release i38606:36
RAdamsjohnuah: as in type documents in another language?06:36
daytona8990when I try to click on "users" under "admin" it won't allow me to access it... Anyone ever run into this?06:36
KarlosIImattg, what happens when you boot?06:36
jacobradams, can i insert a different copy of the ubuntu cd and still make it work06:36
mattgumm...it's booted right now06:36
bruenigdaytona8990, just do it via cli06:36
Cinhow the smeg do you set what audio device alsa uses? why is this so complicated?06:37
arsen420where can i find help on freedbs?06:37
genefitzmattg, did you just install the driver?06:37
RAdamsjacob: yes, but you can also go to System --> Software Sources and deselect the CD as a source06:37
daytona8990(sorry, I'm a newbie... :) ) What's the command?06:37
RAdamsjacob: no need for it if you have internet :o06:37
KarlosIImattg, are you getting a blank screen on the desktop screen?06:37
bruenigdaytona8990, well what are you wanting to do06:37
KarlosIIfrom gdm06:37
mattgi'm up and running, i just dont have the right driver installed.  i put the driver on that's listed under system tools, and it's still not working06:37
mattgi am using the laptop right now06:37
KarlosIIwhat happens?06:37
genefitzmattg: have you rebooted since you installed the driver?06:38
KarlosIInot working is extremely vague06:38
mattgthe display isn't 1440x900 like it should be, and i have no effects06:38
mattgmany times06:38
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genefitzmattg, okay, have you gotten the "restricted driver" notification?06:38
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mattgit's not under the restricted driver deal, genefitz06:39
Ashfire908what is the command-line file editor?06:39
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bruenigAshfire908, there are a few, vim the most popular06:39
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konamsomeone knows of a program to configure lans between two computers on ubuntu?06:39
SystemOverloadHow can I get sound to work in firefox?06:39
genefitzmattg: what driver did you install?06:39
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KarlosIIPastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org -paste your xorg.0.log to here which is in /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:40
mattgNVidia binary X.Org driver06:40
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audiodevice - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:40
mattgis it not x64 compatible?06:40
OPTIMusprime1212anyone know how to set up a ssh account and how to make it where u can talk on it with someone else? if anyone knows u can pm me if u like06:40
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KarlosIImattg, let me know when u have done that06:41
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johnuahhow can change the fonts instead of the default?06:41
mattghow do i view it, karlosii06:42
mattgi am a noob who is totally confused06:42
genefitzmattg: are you sure you installed the driver correctly?06:42
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KarlosIIcommand line06:42
KarlosIIgedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:42
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RAdamsjacob: did you get build-essential installed?06:42
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jacobradams, it's asking for the same exact disc i used to install ubuntu in my machine06:43
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jacobradams, i don't have that cd06:43
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Ashfire908ugh, anyone here know how to set the linux clock?06:43
KarlosIIgenefitz, thats kinda a silly question to ask a noobie06:43
RAdamsjacob: remove it as a source. Administration --> Software Sources06:43
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RAdamsjacob: uncheck the cdrom06:43
genefitzKarlosll, not actually, many scan over directions and miss a step.06:44
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KarlosIIwell, a noobie 99% of time will not see a mistake they made06:44
genefitzheaven knows I did when I first started using linux06:44
jacobradams, where it says "installable from CD-ROM/DVD?06:44
KarlosIIgenefitz, I also need to ask him if he is using a AGP or PCIE card06:45
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RAdamsjacob: yes06:45
KarlosIIthos interfaces make a big difference in xorg conf configuration06:45
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KarlosIIby 1 line :)06:45
jacobradams, give me a minute or two06:45
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Ashfire908can i run wvdial and use another program in a command line only enviroment?06:45
don^anyone know the username and password for ubuntu 7.04 LiveCD06:46
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genefitzTrue true.. Also Karlosll, he will have to do the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to get his 1440 x 900 resolution..06:46
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KarlosIIgenefitz, why not use nvidia's auto select06:46
johnuahIs there anyone who can help me to non-English input and fonts changed?06:46
genefitzfor some reason, 1440 x 900 is not native with the nVidia driver06:46
johnuahI'm not a English native really06:47
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genefitzKarlosll, it wasn't available on my desktop..06:47
jacobradams, it looks like is working06:47
RAdamsAshfire908: hwclock --set --date="9/22/96 16:45:05"06:47
jacobradams, it worked06:47
RAdamssorry, just saw that06:47
KarlosIIgenefitz, nvidia auto select still lets u select it06:47
jacobradams, how do i run the program?06:47
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RAdamsjacob: build-essential is installed?06:47
genefitzIt could have been a problem with the Acer monitor, but there was a lot of posts about it as well..06:47
Ashfire908RAdams, thanks!06:48
Morgan555anyone know how to upgrade AWN to have the mirror effect on the bottom? trhe more OSX look?06:48
jacobradams yes06:48
mattgis there a problem with the x64 version of ubuntu and the nvidia drivers?06:48
genefitzKarlos, when I installed the nVidia driver, it wasn't available in the auto-select..06:48
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ronald__on windows, with remote desktop, i can attach client devices to the remote session or redirect server devices to clients (sound, for example). is there anything like that available on linux platforms?06:48
KarlosIIgene see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34964/ my xorg.conf06:48
jacobradams, what do i do next?06:48
genefitzI hadt to do the reconfigure06:48
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konamsomeone knows of a graphical tool to configure LANs?06:48
KarlosIIit simplifies screen res selection06:49
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RAdamsronald_: tsclient06:49
RAdamsjacob: type make06:49
RAdamsin terminal06:49
RAdamstell me the last 2 lines of output06:49
Cinsee, it looks like there is _no way_ to change my output device for salsa. _but I've done it before_!! what the hell is the command D: !!06:49
ronald__RAdams: ah, for linux clients to windows servers. what about linux clients to linux servers?06:49
KarlosIIOption "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP" <--- is for PCIExpress cards where you are using the 2nd DVI port06:49
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mattggenefitz how do i reconfigure?06:49
johnuahI wanna people to help me and I got a lot of problem with ubuntu because I'm a Ubuntu newer06:49
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jacobradams, what now? the program is installed? How do i run the program06:50
KarlosIIMattg, did you do what I asked????06:50
genefitzKarlosll, as I said, the auto-configure set me at some odd resolution, I never could get my display right under normal terms. I had to do the reconfigure command to get the resolution fixed..06:50
mattgexactly what did u ask, karlosii06:50
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genefitzIt is a common problem..06:50
KarlosIIgive me the url plz so I cna look at it :)06:50
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mattgno i didn't, karlosii, because i am a noob and i have absolutely no idea how to view those things or make changes06:51
KarlosIIgenefitz, yeah nvidia drivers can be extremely buggy yet very stable06:51
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KarlosIImattg I gave you the command to view it06:51
mattgwell i have no idea, didn't do it because i got frustrated and restarted06:51
KarlosIIgedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:51
doug_ hey can some give me a hand on hwo to set up a ssh account where me and someone else cal log in and talk to oen another non 3rd person party wise06:51
SystemOverloadIs it possible to have more then 1 program using a audio device at the same time?06:51
SystemOverloadSeems like it is not06:51
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BrendanWWhat software would you recommend for a screencapture in Ubuntu?06:51
mattgnothing in there, karlosii06:52
KarlosIIcopy that and paste it to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:52
jacobradams, what do i do now?06:52
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jacobradams, i already typed make06:52
SystemOverloadBrendan, I would use the program it comes with.06:52
SystemOverloadWhy, are you looking for an alternative?06:52
melvinI can't get the nvidia driver to work. It keeps telling me it can't initialise the kernel module06:52
KarlosIIgedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log <---copy this command06:52
dashgrhello, how can i connect wirelessly with my laptop to a connection as i can with windows?06:52
SystemOverloadmelvin, try using a program called Envy06:52
melvindashgr: sudo aptitude install wlassistant06:53
genefitzKarlosll: it wasn't a big issue once I figured it out. after I ran through te re-configure program, I found it was very easy, graphical, and after a reboot of the xorg, I was set and rocking..06:53
mattgokay, there we go06:53
dashgrthanks melvin06:53
SystemOverloadIt auto-installs the latest video drivers for your card06:53
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genefitzHowever, I never got effects working on my desktop, every time I would turn the effects on, I would lose my window controls.06:53
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doug_im wanting to set up a ssh where me and one other can join it and talk with out having 3rd party anyone know if so who ever knows can pm me if it makes it easyer06:53
genefitzI just stopped using the effects when I was on Ubuntu06:53
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ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!06:53
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KarlosIIgene I c..... it took me 4 days to figure out I needed Option "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP" otherwise I was getting a blank screen06:53
Avt3kkok now how I boot dapper live cd and use safe mode and also use all in memory?06:54
anonyuser993I have 2 drives on my computer both sata.  1 drive has ntfs/ext3/swap/ext2 partition on it and I can read all of them fine from windows but my second drive is an entire ext3 partition and Im unable to get the windows ext2 driver to recognize it as such06:54
genefitzKarlosll, I can feel your pain there...06:54
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genefitzI don't really use Ubuntu anymore. I use Freespire (Kubuntu with some extras)06:54
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jacobradams, i got two warnings when i typed make06:55
Avt3kklinspire costs $ :/06:55
genefitzAvt3kk, I use freespire, not linspire..06:55
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larson9999oops! my truemobile card needs orinoco-cs...not in gutsy yet.06:55
Ashfire908RAdams, do i use --utc or --localtime to set it? i'm going to use --hctosys after i set the hardware time06:56
Avt3kkya well linspire would be better06:56
=== FruitieX [n=rasse@a80-186-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Avt3kkfreespire has the popup setup on booting so easy06:56
dashgrmelvin this wlsassitant work with gnome?06:56
Avt3kkI know ya lol06:56
genefitzAvt3kk, I have used both, and frankly, I can't tell much of a difference..06:56
larson9999good thing i got a backup06:56
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mattgdid u see it, karlosii?06:56
RAdamsashfire908: depends on whether you want the hardware clock running utc or your timezone... unless you have a specific reason for using utc on the hardware clock, it's usually easier to just use --localtime06:57
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melvindashgr: yes. It will automatically install the QT library and it will run in gnome.06:57
RAdamsjacob: post the complete terminal output at pastebin.org06:57
dashgralright thanks a lot06:57
melvindashgr: make sure you run it as root06:57
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Avt3kkthis is kind of dumb but so you guys know what I use I made it06:57
Ashfire908RAdams, how does windows handle timezones?06:57
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genefitzThe one thing I have to say I like thought Avt3kk, is the CNR plugin.. Makes installing doftware a no-brainer..06:57
mattgkarlosii:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34965/06:57
KarlosIIyes sec looking it over06:57
dashgroh i already ran it as a user, should i cancel it?06:57
KarlosII(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)06:57
KarlosIIcan u paste your gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:57
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Avt3kkya well I dont have linspire06:58
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Avt3kkto use cnr06:58
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mattgumm...what's the correct name?  nothing is showing up, karlosii06:58
genefitzAvt3kk. CNR is available for Ubuntu, Linspire, Freespire, Fedora, and Suse, I think...06:59
Avt3kkI have radeon x800 vid card and sata harddrive I want a live cd that has limewire on it and runs from the memory only06:59
genefitzIt just comes pre-installed in Freespire and Linspire06:59
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KarlosIIthat is the correct name and path /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:59
ronald__with linux clients and linux servers running sshd, how can i get any given client's devices mapped on any given server?06:59
KarlosIIls /etc/X11/06:59
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:59
jacobradams http://pastebin.org/112106:59
KarlosIIand you'll see it06:59
mattgkarlosii: nothing there06:59
Avt3kkso what live cd has all that?06:59
mattgsays no such directory, karlosii07:00
=== Vegancheesesteak [n=chatzill@pdpc/supporter/active/VeganCheeseSteak] has joined #ubuntu
KarlosIIo_O, your using ubuntu right?07:00
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Avt3kknow yes07:00
genefitzWhat Live CD has what?07:00
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KarlosII X one one07:00
Avt3kk I have radeon x800 vid card and sata harddrive I want a live cd that has limewire on it and runs from the memory only  <<<<07:00
KarlosIIshould exists07:01
dashgrmelvin: hey also, when i play .wmv movies i don't get any sound, is there a way i can possible convert it to something else that can produce sound?07:01
Arrickhey all, i have wireless and wired connections, and both work, but only one at a time, how do I enable both to connect constantly?07:01
mattgkarlosii:  Linux mattg-ubuntu 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 06:17:24 UTC 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:01
jacobradams, unknown error or is everything going according to planned?07:01
ArrickI get the following from ifconfig output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34966/07:01
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mattgkarlosii: still nothing07:01
Ashfire908RAdams, so do i use --localtime then the local date, or --localtime and then the utc date07:01
melvindashgr: google medibuntu and install the w32codecs package07:01
Vegancheesesteakhi everybody. is there a faq that tell you how to setup sendmail in ubuntu 6.06 im really stuck and cant find anything usefull on google07:01
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mattgwait a sec, karlosii07:01
dashgrmelvin: alright thanks again07:01
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ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell07:02
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pvlwhats KSycoca?07:02
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RAdamsjacob: make a post in ubuntu forums with the everything in your terminal window in it, surrounded by the [code]  command. So like this:07:02
RAdams[code] terminalstuff[/code] 07:02
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Arrickon the other hand, why does my wireless connect constantly to 169 addresses? is this a BUG or am i imagining things? I turned the network manager off trying to be able to connect both, but nogo07:02
genefitzAvt3kk, I dopn't know of any live CD that had limewire that can run in memory, because I don't know of the ability to wriute to a drive in live mode for most distros..07:02
Ashfire908Vegancheesesteak, check the forums?07:02
mattgkarlosii:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34967/07:02
Avt3kkpuppy linux does07:03
Avt3kkbut it dont have limewire07:03
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RAdamsJacob: Then message me on the forums if you want me to look at it. I'm going to bed, tired...07:03
=== MrChicken [n=Dorphals@pcsp163-73.supercabletv.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
Avt3kkand not sure if it can run with my video card....07:03
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jacobradams, i closed those previously closed terminals07:03
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jacobradams, carry out the commands again?07:03
MrChickenI am running ubuntu gutsy but I need to install php4 ...07:03
Avt3kkty guys07:03
MrChickenyet I cant find a package under aptitude07:03
genefitzAvtekk, Pully may, but I don't know if you can use it to write to drive. If you are using Limewire, it has to put the DL files somewhere.07:03
scott_question about creating .tar files07:04
genefitzoops, puppy even07:04
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genefitzMaybe DSL from a thumb drive..07:04
melvinMrChicken: #ubuntu+107:04
jacobradams ok never mind, i understand, i'll look for other help07:04
VegancheesesteakAshfire908: i did find one article about getting it work with php and followed that. but it was not very detailed07:04
Ashfire908MrChicken, PHP 4 is discontinued, so there might be only PHP 507:04
KarlosIImattg take this file07:04
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jacobradams, you can just go to bed07:04
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dashgrmelvin: hey how can i check which ubuntu release i have? i remember there was a command to check but i forgot what it was07:04
Avt3kkty genefitz :D07:04
nj786can you download more ubuntu games?07:04
mattgkarlosii:  that was crazy07:05
melvindashgr: lsb_release -a07:05
dashgrmelvin: thanks07:05
KarlosIIwhat was07:05
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mattgwhen that popped up07:05
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scott_when I try to .tar my 6 Gig photo directory I get an invalid archive. unpacking it reports unexpected end of file. is there a size limit for tar files   using tar -czvf07:05
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KarlosIIheh, did u accept?07:05
Ashfire908Vegancheesesteak, sendmail is a command right? if so open a terminal and run man sendmail07:05
Arrickcan anyone here help me out with my issue, or should I look for help on another network, because it looks like Im not even being seen here07:05
mattgyes, but its doing nothing...07:05
MrChickenAshfire908 ... I know, but I need to run a specific app that only works on php4 (or so its claimed)07:05
ronald__scott_: as far i know there is no limit. try without the gzip as gzip is memory intensive. try the gzip after a tar -cvf07:06
melvinMrChicken: #ubuntu+1 is the place for discussing gutsy07:06
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Ashfire908MrChicken you might beable to run it under php5 right away, with some modification to the config, or to the code07:06
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AlgorthmicContromy Restart and shutdown menu in ubuntu were wiped out07:06
Ashfire908melvin: it's about php5, not gusty07:06
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AlgorthmicControcould anyone hellp?07:06
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melvinMrChicken: it was probably written before PHP5, so I suspect it'll run in 5 anyways07:07
melvinMrChicken: have you tried?07:07
Morgan555Arrick, whats your problem?07:07
nj786can u dlownload any games on ubuntu>07:07
scott_thanks..will give that a whirl. I am using it with a bash script and kcron to backup files. had to resort to cp for the photo archive and .tar.gz for everything else.07:07
MrChickenI'm gonna give it a try and see07:07
Ashfire908melvin: php4 and php 5 are not fully compatable07:07
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pvlnj786 google ubuntu games07:07
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KarlosIIsec mattg, trying to find the original link07:07
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KlrSpzhey guys, when i boot up, i get this error: prism54usb  probe failed with error -110 and i have to physically remove/plugin my wifi dongle; anyone know how to have it successfully probe on boot?07:08
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KarlosIImattg, here grab this file http://www.kanotix.com/files/install-nvidia-debian.sh07:08
mattgim checkin something out07:09
wayne_Can you help Me07:09
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melvinwayne_: what's your problem?07:09
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:10
KarlosIIctrl alt f1 to that screen and login and run that script by typing sudo sh install-nvidia-debian.sh -a (it wlll prolly ask for a password when u do that), ctrl alt f7 to come back to your desktop07:10
bruenigmattg, I would probably be wary of a script such as that07:10
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pvlwhats KSycoca?07:10
KarlosIIbruenig, grow up07:10
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KarlosIIkanotix is a legit distro07:10
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=== saiae [n=saiae@c-75-72-55-126.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mattghow do i run it, karlosii07:11
bruenigKarlosII, it doesn't mean the script will work idiot, envy is a perfectly legitimate program too but it will screw stuff up, automatix is not intended to be malicious but it is awful07:11
ubotuTo get to the tty terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).07:11
KarlosIIsee my previous statement07:11
saiaehow do I install an ethernet device that isn't automatically being installed via command line?07:11
wayne_do you know  VirusScaner07:11
wolfsonghow do i setup X apps like editors to run sudo?07:11
KarlosIIbruenig, I know it works I use it07:11
bruenigKarlosII, unless your setup is identical to whoever wrote the script, it fails, the script because it abstracts it leaves you no idea what to do07:11
bruenig!worksforme | KarlosII07:11
ubotuKarlosII: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/07:11
=== radar1976 [n=shaun@S0106000e2e0c0037.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
melvinwayne_: do we know VirusScanner?07:12
bruenigKarlosII, automatix does just fine on lots of computers too07:12
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wayne_can you call me07:12
ArrickMorgan555: trying to get my wireless and lan to connect at the same time07:12
KarlosIIbruenig, the script is compatible with ubuntu as per the author kano who i kknow personally07:12
bruenigKarlosII, so is envy, but it fails07:12
KarlosIIhe designed it to work with ubuntu07:12
bruenigKarlosII, so is automatix07:12
melvinwayne_: ?? are you 12 or something?07:12
bruenig!envy | KarlosII07:12
ubotuKarlosII: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!07:12
mannytubruenig never sleeps...07:12
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KarlosIIbruenig, yes I know what envy is07:12
scott_what does everyone think of automatix07:12
melvinwayne_: what do you want to know?07:13
bruenigKarlosII, that was made excplicitly for ubuntu, but it screws up07:13
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wayne_...virus sCANER07:13
bruenig!automatix | scott_07:13
ubotuscott_: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)07:13
elkbuntubruenig, try to avoid calling people idiots. KarlosII please /msg ubotu automatix and click the link to read the developer evaluation07:13
KarlosIIenvy, only screws up because of bugs in nvidia most of the time07:13
melvinwayne_: there's no need for a virus scanner in GNU/Linux07:13
bruenigelkbuntu, sorry, just got a bit heated when I was told to grow up after I said to be wary of automagic install scripts on something like that07:13
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VegancheesesteakAshfire908: ah the problem was my path to sendmail from php.ini. its /usr/sbin not /usr/bin07:14
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elkbuntuKarlosII, not true. it actually is capable of totally removing half of Ubuntu. it did so to a poor fellow just a few days ago07:14
scott_envy was good for getting the drivers but then nvidia settings screwed up my x11 config file.07:14
KarlosIIelkbuntu, wtf07:14
elkbuntuKarlosII, the poor guy lost the whole of GNOME because of automatix07:14
KarlosIII nvr told mattg to use automatix07:14
KarlosIIneither have I told him to use envy07:14
saiaeanyone know how to install an ethernet device that isn't automatically being installed in command line?07:14
bruenigKarlosII, installing nvidia drivers require xorg modifications, that requires stream editing, stream editing relies on certain hooks in the file, those hooks might not be the same might be located other places, there is far too much variance in that situation07:15
=== dashgr [n=dashgr@pool-70-23-94-61.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Arrickscrew it07:15
KarlosIIfor the reason of I know the script I gave him works and takes many things into account and fixes many issues that envy and automatix have07:15
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KarlosIIbruenig, your aregument is pointless07:15
bruenigKarlosII, explain where I am wrong?07:15
dashgrmelvin: hey, do you have any other solutions to my no sound on movies problem? The w32codecs didnt seem to work07:16
=== plex0r_ [n=plex0r@adsl-066-156-083-089.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
KarlosIII'm trying to help a noobie, and making him edit compile nvidia drivers manually is pointless task07:16
genefitzOkay, lets not make this a pissing contest!07:16
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KarlosIIthat is where your wrong, so using a script is the best method to help him07:16
bruenigKarlosII, well fundamentally from a design perspective the script is questionably able to do this07:17
effie_jayxhey guys... anyone here with a IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller07:17
=== ironmatar retires behind the blast wall and makes fresh coffee
bruenigKarlosII, I can write a short script that can do it on mine, but the universality of any such script is highly questionable07:17
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bruenigwhich is why envy has problems07:17
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Ashfire908effie_jayx, i don't have one but what's the problem you are having07:17
bruenigand why this invariably will have problems, perhaps it will work for him, but in practice it is fundamentally a poor idea07:17
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effie_jayxAshfire908,  my mic is not working properly07:18
KarlosIIbruenig, thats your opinion, I would not be recommending  the link if I knew it had issues....it's designed to work with ubuntu07:18
bruenigKarlosII, so is envy, that is the point07:18
effie_jayxAshfire908,  I try cranking up the mic voule and the sound becomes garbled07:18
KarlosIIfor bloody sakes I never told him to use envy07:18
wolfsonganyone know how to setup X apps like editors to run sudo?07:18
IcemanV9saiae: what kind of ethernet device? but, you're online?07:18
bruenigKarlosII, but it is the exact same thing07:18
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=== mattg [n=mattg@ip68-104-158-11.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
KarlosIIyes mattg07:18
bruenigKarlosII, a python script versus a bash script, the problems that envy can't overcome are exactly the problems this can't07:19
CydeSwypeKarlosII: i used envy on feisty and installed everything easily, but i was lucky07:19
mattgi hit ctrl alt f1 before reading the whole thing07:19
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genefitzbruenig, well, if you have a better solution, offer. If not, let someone else do the helping..07:19
KarlosIIwhat happened when you  ran that script mattg07:19
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CydeSwypeit ended up causing more problems though when i tried to install it "for real"07:19
mattgi didnt run it....07:19
mattghow do i do it again?07:19
effie_jayxAshfire908,  any clue?07:19
Ashfire908effie_jayx: hmm07:19
=== MajorVictory [n=chatzill@74-139-69-72.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
KarlosIIctrl alt f1 to that screen and login and run that script by typing sudo sh install-nvidia-debian.sh -a (it wlll prolly ask for a password when u do that), ctrl alt f7 to come back to your desktop07:19
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effie_jayxAshfire908,  this little glitch is no very common07:20
brueniggenefitz, a better solution would be to go through it normally07:20
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KarlosIImattg, hopefully everything works at that point, there may be a slight manual modification to your xorg.conf we need to make07:20
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brueniggenefitz, but your assertion is fundamentally stupid, if someone says do rm -rf / and I say don't do that, you can't say that because I haven't posited something myself that I haven't a place to talk07:20
genefitzbruenig, well, apparently that didn't work, so what next?07:20
Ashfire908effie_jayx: anything that could be causeing noise like a power cable near the mic cable07:20
KarlosIIbruenig, I'm not going to waste my time wondering if he did everything I asked of him and spend hours doing so07:21
SystemOverloadHow can I run tightvnc after I installed it07:21
Ashfire908effie_jayx: (I doubt it's you sound card)07:21
SystemOverloadI need to start a server.07:21
KarlosIIbruenig, that command is a different situation07:21
effie_jayxAshfire908,  not quite... it is a head set.. brand new,,07:21
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genefitzbruenig, if you are posting things like than, someone should stand up because it is malicious. My point is, that all I have seen you do is just put down other's solutions..07:21
bruenigKarlosII, oh ok, I thought the idea was to help him, that was the criterion that I was using to weight that advice, under the criterion of not wanting to spend much time on it, then you are certainly correct, although envy would probably be an even better solution under that criterion07:21
genefitzMy point is if you have a better solution, give the solution..07:22
effie_jayxAshfire908,  could it be the sound capture device?07:22
wolfsongSystemOverload: i just used System>Preferences>Remote Desktop07:22
mneptokmattg: it's a pretty bad idea to run shell scripts some guy on IRC gives you, unless you can parse them and make sure they're kosher.07:22
KarlosIIbruenig, just move along I'm putting you on ignore.....07:22
KarlosIImneptok, unless they are from legit sources07:22
SystemOverloadWell, I need a friend who is using Windows to be able to connect07:22
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SystemOverloadAnd I think I need tightVNC for that07:22
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effie_jayxAshfire908,  there are many options if I click the drop down box07:22
mneptokKarlosII: define "legit"07:22
bruenigKarlosII, it is a design problem you moron07:22
mattgmneptok i found it on the net, too, so im just gonna do it07:22
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wolfsongSystemOverload: i was able to do it with those steps07:23
Ashfire908effie_jayx: i'd rather start with the simple options.07:23
mneptokmattg: what are you trying to do?07:23
daakuanyone know of a tool that can merge multiple maildirs?07:23
mattggot the x86 version burning anyways, so if it dont work, reinstall07:23
inflexI need to access some libs that are in my home dir (ie, ~/foo/lib  , how do I add them into the LD search path?07:23
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KarlosIImneptok, know valid sites such as ubuntu, kanotix ( a legit distro)07:23
SystemOverloadDid it work for windows?07:23
mattgget my nvidia geforce go 7600 workin proper07:23
wolfsongSystemOverload: yes07:23
KarlosIImattg, huh?07:23
Ashfire908effie_jayx, actually thats a good idea07:23
IcemanV9SystemOverload: yep. i have done it with my parents' PC (winxp)07:23
SystemOverloadNice, do they use a VNC client or RDP?07:23
mattgthe guy's wondering what i'm doing, karlosii07:23
mneptokKarlosII: this .sh of yours is hosted on an official Ubuntu server?07:23
effie_jayxAshfire908,  well... I shall fiddle and see07:23
KarlosIIits hosted on a official kanotix server07:23
Ashfire908effie_jayx, what's in the box right now?07:23
wolfsongTightVNC Viewer07:23
bruenigmneptok, I don't know if it is even worth it, it is one of those people that come in here every once in a while who doesn't have the slightest idea what they are talking about but being as this is #ubuntu doesn't have much to worry about07:24
mneptokmattg: the nVidia drivers provided by the repos aren't working?07:24
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SystemOverloadSo If I use the Built in they can connect with TightVNC?07:24
SystemOverloadNice, thanks07:24
KarlosIImneptok, ubuntu repos nviidia driverr setup sucks07:24
bruenigmneptok, the sort of situation where if he were to say it in any other distros channel, 20 people would come down on him in a fury but unfortunately no such thing can be had here, if only pelo was still on07:24
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IcemanV9SystemOverload: RDP works also if it is winxp pro07:24
Ashfire908effie_jayx, what's in the box right now?07:24
mneptokKarlosII: not what i asked07:24
mattgnope, mneptok.  they aren't under restricted, the ones in add/remove wont work...why is x64 being so difficult?!07:24
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SystemOverloadOh, thanks for that Iceman, good to know :D07:24
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SystemOverloadWhat will the address be?07:25
SystemOverloadMy IP and port 5900?07:25
KarlosIImattg, did u run that script?07:25
elkbuntuKarlosII, kanotix 'approving' something does not validate it for Ubuntu.07:25
mneptokmattg: even the -new branch?07:25
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mattgeven that, mneptok07:25
KarlosIIelkbuntu, the same applies to ubuntui07:25
mattgim still burning my cd, karlosii07:25
mneptokmattg: what problems are you seeing?07:25
dashgranyone know how i can get sound working with wmv video files?07:25
rexy_dashgr: does it work in general?07:25
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mattgmneptok: low resolution, no effects07:26
IcemanV9SystemOverload: just IP addie (leave port as it is)07:26
KarlosIIwhat cd are u bruning I only asked for u to download that script?07:26
SystemOverloadoh ok.07:26
mattgi was burning x86 version, karlosii07:26
SystemOverloadMY friend is going to try it out, let me see how this works.07:26
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klingonI have a drive that is just 1 big ext3 partition.. is there any way I can break it up into more than 1 part07:26
effie_jayxAshfire908,  ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Arquitecture07:26
elkbuntuKarlosII, back off please07:26
bruenigmattg, but how could that be, you ran the script, I don't understand07:26
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KarlosIIOh of ubuntu livecd07:26
bruenigthe script, remeber the name of it07:26
dashgrrexy_: the video works but not the sound07:26
bruenigit was from kanotix07:26
mneptokmattg: did you enable the resolutions you wanted wihh a dpkg-reconfigure or editing xorg.conf?07:26
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bruenigI don't get it07:26
genefitzThere are some install systems I think work, some I don't trust. As I said earlier, I use the CNR plugin. I don't think all install scripts are evil.07:26
MajorVictoryif you edit a partition to become a swap, and it errors two seconds later, and then says that partition is empty, is it possible to change the partition back to normal?07:26
IcemanV9SystemOverload: you'll have to tweak a little bit with your friend (depends on how s/he set it up :)07:26
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rexy_dashgr: i understand that, but does it work in general, can you play music files and hear them07:27
bruenigKarlosII, I like how you say it was designed for ubuntu, have you read the thing?07:27
CydeSwypebruenig: i happen to agree with you.  i think the default nvidia drivers are the right way.  fortunately, gutsy is looking really good with the default support and having compiz fusion on by default should make karlos's .sh (and envy) completely unnecessary.07:27
bruenigKarlosII, it checks for kantox_version first07:27
SystemOverloadOk, let me see how this works Icemanv907:27
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dashgrrexy_: oh lol, yea it works07:27
KarlosIIbruenig, YES07:27
bruenigCydeSwype, well that way works too07:27
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bruenigand then debian version both of which will shoot out errors07:27
rexy_dashgr: sound muted?07:27
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KarlosIIbruenig, I know what it does......07:27
IcemanV9SystemOverload: have fun and good luck07:27
wolfsonganyone know how to setup X editors sudo?07:27
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effie_jayxAshfire908,  trying diferent stuff didn't work07:27
KarlosIIbruenig, Kano is the author of it07:27
morlocI think that's so awesome that Groening uses Ubuntu :)07:27
elkbuntuKarlosII, kano is not the author os automatix07:27
KarlosIIand of kanotix....it still works with ubuntu07:27
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KarlosIIelkbuntu, shut the heck up I said nothing of automatix07:28
IcemanV9wolfsong: gksu <X program>07:28
rexy_oi language07:28
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bruenigKarlosII, there is some disconnect in understanding of the design problems such a script could have then, I don't see how you can grasp that due to the necessary stream editing the lack of universally consistent xorgs that such scripts are inevitably problematic07:28
dashgrrexy_: no my instant messaging sounds work07:28
MajorVictorycan anyone help me?07:28
Ashfire908effie_jayx is the mic jack in the mic port and not the line in?07:28
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mneptokKarlosII: Envy is a hack and should only be used by experienced users with no other options. and even then, they should be sure to pray to whatever gods they worship.07:28
rexy_dashgr: i assume your playing in totem, is the slider there moved open?07:28
effie_jayxAshfire908,  it is pretty hard to miss it ... it is a laptop ;)07:29
KarlosIIelkubuntu abuse of power, Kanotix is the author of the script and kanotix distro........07:29
pvlwhat is Sycoca?07:29
KarlosIImneptok, wtf is with you guys talking abotu envy or automatix, the script is not releated to those07:29
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dashgrrexy_: i am usign totem, how do i check?07:29
Ashfire908!ask | MajorVictory07:29
ubotuMajorVictory: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:29
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MajorVictoryif you edit a partition to become a swap, and it errors two seconds later, and then says that partition is empty, is it possible to change the partition back to normal?07:29
wolfsongIcemanV9: how do i do it from Nautilus if i right click and Open?07:29
bruenigKarlosII, the problems are universal I have already explained it to you07:29
rexy_there is a slider bottom right of the program or at least a sound icon you can click on07:29
sacamanoHi....I can't find a good guide of how to install an RPM07:29
sacamanoi tried rpm ivh package07:30
sacamanoit came up with a massive list of options07:30
Ashfire908effie_jayx is the headset wireless or wired07:30
rexy_just click on it07:30
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bruenigKarlosII, the stream editing and lack of universally consistent xorgs make it prone to failure, you can't get around that without getting around one of those07:30
KarlosIIbruenig, tell me that after you have used the aforementioned kanotix script and had problesm, thank you07:30
SystemOverloadHey iceman, my friend is having some problems.07:30
effie_jayxAshfire908,  wired07:30
rexy_in the gui, should bring up an installer07:30
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SystemOverloadHe can get on, but like, he can't see anything moving when he moves things around07:30
IcemanV9wolfsong: that .. i don't know. i just type it in the terminal.07:30
mattgIT WORKED!!!  but i dont have any title bars...07:30
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SystemOverloadbut I see him messing with things07:30
bruenigKarlosII, so until xorgs are the same on every computer or the script does not require stream editing, it is a bad idea07:30
KarlosIIwhat do u mean title bars mattg?07:30
mattgto close stuff...07:30
mattgto move stuff...07:30
elkbuntuwindow decoration07:30
wolfsongSystemOverload: what type of problems? did he use VNC or RDP?07:31
KarlosIIthats odd07:31
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SystemOverloadTightVNC, he is going to reconnect,. hold on.07:31
wolfsongthanks IcemanV907:31
KlrSpzCan anyone help with this error on boot? prism54usb: probe of 1-5:1.0 failed with error -110tvbox07:31
KarlosIIso u have a desktop sorta?07:31
MajorVictorywell i'll have to come back tomorrow looks like i gotta leave07:31
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Ashfire908effie_jayx, describe again what happens if you turn the sound all the way up07:31
MajorVictorycya guys later07:31
LoveToS_pamSkuptina o Malome Gospoinu Dne na Cetinju, pod vidom da mire neke glave07:31
LoveToS_pam    Glavari su se makli na stranu, a narod kolo vodi.07:31
IcemanV9SystemOverload: RDP? it'll won't show on his monitor; only on yours - it's a drawback07:31
genefitzmattg, try disabling effects.. Effects did that on my computer too. when I enabled them the title bars went away..07:31
LoveToS_pam    Bog se dragi na Srbe razljuti07:31
mattgi have a desktop...everything's good, just no titlebars07:31
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SystemOverloadOh, that is what happens with RDP?07:31
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KarlosIIgene, disabling effects in xorg.copnf, right?07:31
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mattgyeah, thats it, genefitz07:32
CydeSwypemattg, install emerald?07:32
SystemOverloadI see, so let me start up a VNC server07:32
effie_jayxAshfire908,  well ... the audio of any song or movie becomes garbled .. with lot's of static... and07:32
IcemanV9SystemOverload: VNC is better if your friend wants to see what you are doing07:32
genefitzmattg, for some reason it does that, what I had to do for effects is remove the native compiz and install fuzion07:32
KarlosIIah there we go :)07:32
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mattgill try emerald07:32
effie_jayxAshfire908,  it doesn't get any input from the mic07:32
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KarlosIImattg so everything working now07:32
SystemOverloadOk, let me do that, he wants that :D07:32
mattgyeah, karlosii, thx07:32
quadricolourI am using Nintendo DS.07:32
IcemanV9SystemOverload: i would do, too. ;)07:32
SystemOverloadHow do I run the tightvnc after I got it and intsalled it with apt-get?07:32
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Ashfire908...it's not the mic?07:33
KarlosIIno problem.....forgive these noobs for trying to stop me from helping you, who are new at this :)07:33
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KarlosIIand using the KISS formula07:33
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mattggenefitz can u walk me thru that, plz?07:33
IcemanV9SystemOverload: tightvnc-viewer (use tab key to complete typing)07:33
SystemOverloadFor me, would it be server?07:33
genefitzKarlosll, the way it always goes. Some people are too stuck in the "one way" idea that they automatically dismiss anything that can possibly be helpful..07:33
effie_jayxAshfire908,  i'm guessing there is something wrong with alsa07:34
Ashfire908effie_jayx,  ...it's not the mic?07:34
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genefitzMatt there is a wiki that can walk you through it, hold on, and I will get you the link..07:34
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mneptokKarlosII: that script pulls unsigned code from a URL. simple spoofing or DNS poison could result in a user executing unknown code. please do not recommend that to Ubuntu users. if Kanotix wants to do it, fine.07:34
SystemOverloadLike, what would the whole command be?07:34
IcemanV9SystemOverload: no, on your friend's07:34
effie_jayxAshfire908,  bough it brand new... it is a headset07:34
Ashfire908effie_jayx, is it the mic?07:34
SystemOverloadYea, he needs to use the tightvnc viewer07:34
SystemOverloadBut, I need to make a VNC server, a tightvnc server that is.07:34
bnovcif i have an old ubuntu cd from a year or two ago, should i just use that to install andthen upgrade to the newest07:34
effie_jayxAshfire908,  I tested it on a stereo and it works07:34
IcemanV9SystemOverload: oh! okay. another way around then. YES.07:35
Ashfire908effie_jayx, is it the mic?07:35
SystemOverloadNow, what would the whole command be? Sorry if I am annoying you :P07:35
effie_jayxAshfire908,  not the mic... no07:35
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foxraydoes ubuntu support tv tuner cards? i have a ati tv wonder ve (phillips bt878) card lying around07:35
Ashfire908effie_jayx, mute the mic.07:35
Ashfire908effie_jayx oh07:35
effie_jayxAshfire908,  the mic generates static07:35
mneptokfoxray: th question is "does ATI support Linux?" and the answer is "not really"07:35
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effie_jayxbut I can't pick up andy audio07:36
Ashfire908effie_jayx ???07:36
wolfsongSystemOverload: i didn't have to use any commands...just set the Remote Desktop to allow users to connect07:36
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IcemanV9bnovc: yes, you can. but, you'll have to go thru every single version like breezy -> dapper -> edgy -> feisty07:36
SystemOverloadBut I would like to use VNC, not RDP.07:36
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effie_jayxAshfire908,  the computer won't capture any sound from the mic07:36
Ashfire908effie_jayx, is it a cheap headset?07:36
bmachinewhat up07:36
SystemOverloadHe can connect, but its RDP or he can see but gets no results when clicking on things07:36
wolfsongSystemOverload: it does use VNC07:36
bryckwyndowsfoxray: i would check ati.com07:36
SystemOverloadI want to start a tightvnc server, not through the built in program07:36
fsckrhow can i downgrade from 100.14.11 nvdia driver to 9755?07:36
fsckrwithout breaking the system07:36
effie_jayxAshfire908, I would say... Not "el cheapo" brand but... it is a nice set07:37
bmachineanyone have luck with peerguardian?07:37
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bmachinein ubuntu 7.0407:37
Ashfire908effie_jayx, waht exactly is your problem?07:37
wolfsongSystemOverload: try the setting07:37
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wolfsongit should show the VNC viewer address07:37
effie_jayxAshfire908,  it is best described here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=512849&highlight=00%3A14.5+Multimedia+audio+controller%3A+ATI+Technologies+Inc+IXP+SB400+AC%2797+Audio+Controller+%28rev+02%29+mic07:37
bruenigbmachine, I didn't think peerguardian had a linux port, everytime I have checked it always pointed to some linux thing that was similar07:37
IcemanV9SystemOverload: use tab key to complete typing .. tightvn (tab) ... it should complete the whole thing (get server instead of viewer)07:37
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SystemOverloadBut all I type is just tightvnc-server?07:37
SystemOverloadoh oh oh I see.07:38
bmachinebruenig, actually i have found it does...I just can get it to work right07:38
bruenigbmachine, link?07:38
SystemOverloadLike that works for firefox, but not for tightvnc07:38
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pvldoes anyone have any idea what sycoca is?07:38
bryckwyndowstry thgat07:38
bryckwyndowserr vncviewer07:38
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IcemanV9SystemOverload: it works in the terminal07:38
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bryckwyndowsi think tight installs as vncviewer and vncserver07:38
SystemOverloadThat works bryck, but I need to start a tightvnc server07:38
IcemanV9bryckwyndows: what about server? vncserver?07:38
SystemOverloadIceman, I tried it.07:38
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SystemOverloadcommand not found07:39
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bnovcIcemanV9: should work though right?07:39
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Ashfire908effie_jayx, is the problem that the mic doesn't work or that it works but not so well07:39
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IcemanV9bnovc: yes. what version on the old CD?07:39
effie_jayxAshfire908,  it doesn't work...07:39
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wolfsongSystemOverload: have you tried enabling Remote Desktop?07:39
GreyGhostis there a way to make apt ignore or warn me when it tries to install a perticular package ? like i dont want it to ever install SDL_gfx package even if its a dependency for another app ...07:39
Ashfire908effie_jayx do you get sound from the mic at all07:40
SystemOverloadYes, hold on07:40
bruenig!pinning | GreyGhost07:40
ubotuGreyGhost: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto07:40
effie_jayxAshfire908,  no07:40
bryckwyndowsthis channel is hopping07:40
bryckwyndowsbe well people07:40
bnovcIcemanV9: not sure yet, about to try it07:40
bryckwyndowsim out07:40
SystemOverloadto install it I do this07:40
SystemOverloadsudo apt-get install tightvncserver07:40
GreyGhostbruenig ,thanks i'll read :)07:40
wolfsongIcemanV9: found the answer http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75610&highlight=nautilus+edit+root07:40
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Ashfire908effie_jayx if the mic muted? (in the volume control)07:40
SystemOverloadIt is installed already07:40
SystemOverloadNow, I just need to access it07:40
=== bruenig bets wolfsong searched nautilus edit root to find that
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BrendanWWhat would you guys recommend I use for a screencast in Ubuntu?07:40
wolfsongSystemOverload: if it's installed then what i said should work fine i think07:41
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wolfsongbut i also installed the vncserver pkg07:41
effie_jayxAshfire908,  well if I mute it no sound comes on...07:41
tazman34685what would you guys use a podcast07:41
bruenigBrendanW, instanbul recordmydesktop come to mind, I have used recordmydesktop I think07:41
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IcemanV9wolfsong: very cool. never done that before. always done in the terminal. good find. :)07:41
Ashfire908effie_jayx, the mic07:41
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Ashfire908effie_jayx, not the main07:41
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wolfsongi never found a specific way to start the tightvnc server07:42
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SystemOverloadI GOT IT!!!07:42
SystemOverloadhold on07:42
BrendanWbruenig: Is that one activated in Terminal and converted to .OGG?07:42
effie_jayxAshfire908,  I have done that ...07:42
genefitz_mattg: this may be able to help you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=485284&highlight=compiz07:42
wolfsongSystemOverload: cool07:42
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bruenigBrendanW, I don't know07:42
genefitz_if you are using X6407:42
KlrSpzanyone get prism54 to work??? on bootup it fails to where i have to unplug and replug my usb wifi and then it works07:42
SystemOverloadNew 'X' desktop is systemoverload-desktop:107:42
BrendanWbruenig: Alright, I appreciate the help buddy.07:42
SystemOverloadSo I got that, and now he can connect to me with tightvnc?07:42
rjhi need help in getting wine going07:42
wolfsongSystemOverload: should be able to07:43
effie_jayxAshfire908,  what If I mute it?07:43
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IcemanV9SystemOverload: vncserver is it? i just found it in the search. systemoverload-desktop:1 sounds right. way to go! :)07:43
bmachinebruenig, http://forums.phoenixlabs.org/f15-peerguardian-linux.html07:43
effie_jayxAshfire908,  all sounds are ok.. still no mic input07:43
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bmachinebruenig, had to find it...haha07:43
SystemOverloadI had to do tightvncserver07:43
Ashfire908effie_jayx, you have volume control open and not the icon on the top bar07:43
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SystemOverloadCrap sorry07:43
SystemOverloadabout the language.07:43
SystemOverloadWhoops :(07:44
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masterlokiAug 24 22:21:29 mloki-gusty kernel: [71342.395967]  agpgart: Found an AGP 3.0 compliant device at 0000:00:00.0.07:44
masterlokiAug 24 22:21:29 mloki-gusty kernel: [71342.395992]  agpgart: Putting AGP V3 device at 0000:00:00.0 into 8x mode07:44
masterlokiAug 24 22:21:29 mloki-gusty kernel: [71342.396031]  agpgart: Putting AGP V3 device at 0000:01:00.0 into 8x mode07:44
effie_jayxAshfire908,  yes07:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nopaste - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:44
elkbuntu!paste | masterloki07:44
ubotumasterloki: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:44
IcemanV9SystemOverload: ah. just scrolled up the search. yep. i see tightvncserver. that should do it.07:44
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masterlokiI have been getting this for the last day or so can anyone help me understand it07:45
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SystemOverloadIt did, but do I still have to allow remote connections with the built in vnc program?07:45
TrentG-I made a bit of a messup with an nvidia driver since I was running livecd then forgot to restart it and then run the install...so it cannot be found and wont run X server. How do I go about getting defaults back so I can boot it and then sort the drivers?07:45
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SystemOverloadBecause it seems as if he can't connect to the tightvnc one, only the built-in07:45
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Ashfire908effie_jayx, edit -> preferences07:45
wolfsongSystemOverload: possibly07:45
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Ashfire908effie_jayx, select everything07:45
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AfterDeathmasterloki: all it's telling you is it found an AGP v3 video card07:45
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bruenigbmachine, yeah that page doesn't go anywhere, just sits and loads I guess07:45
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wolfsongdoes it make a difference?07:45
IcemanV9SystemOverload: yeah. it should pop up the message if you want to allow or reject his connection07:45
FBINinjaok i got a few questions, i'll shoot them off when i get to that point07:46
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doorsmanhow do i install a .tar.gz archive ?07:46
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wolfsongIcemanV9: only if you have that option enabled07:46
effie_jayxAshfire908,  select everything where in sounds?07:46
bruenigbmachine, they do appear to have a sourceforge page though, I always just use built in client blocking07:46
Ashfire908effie_jayx, ???07:46
masterlokiso it not to big of a deal to conser about07:46
SystemOverloadYup, hold on07:46
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hhp2kHey guys, I'm trying to install a new font. Have the font on the desktop and the font folder open, but when I successfully place the fonts in the folder, they're nowhere to be found. Placing them in the folder again prompts me to replace them, which I do, and still they're simply not there. Anyone know what's going on?07:47
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IcemanV9doorsman: you need to untar the archive first before you can install07:47
Ashfire908effie_jayx, in volume control click "edit" in the menu of the volume control window, and click on "Preferences"07:47
effie_jayxAshfire908,  you told me <Ashfire908> effie_jayx, edit -> preferences  then <Ashfire908> effie_jayx, select everything... where .. in sound?07:47
Ashfire908effie_jayx, a window should appear07:47
TrentG-wow is it always busy in here like this ?07:47
TrentG-never really been here before07:47
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hhp2kTrentG-: Always, always07:48
Ashfire908effie_jayx, in volume control click "edit" in the menu of the volume control window, and click on "Preferences"07:48
Ashfire908effie_jayx, a window should appear07:48
z0rzdoorsman: Something that is .tar.gz could be a binary or source code.. it could be also something else (it's essenitial just a comprossed archive) .. you can probably open with the GUI though..07:48
elkbuntuusually busier07:48
hhp2kelkbuntu: Yeah :P was about to say that07:48
Ashfire908effie_jayx, select all the options by putting a checkmark in the boxes07:48
TrentG-might find google easier if its like this :p07:48
effie_jayxAshfire908,  done07:48
n2diy_TrentG-: no this is slow, sometimes we have 1100+ users.07:48
doorsmanIcemanV9, i've already put it in a folder on the desktop07:48
Ste-FoyBonne nuit tout le monde. Good night everybody. Or have a nice day, Bonne journe.07:48
elkbuntuwait for the next release... 1600 users when feisty was unleashed07:48
Ashfire908effie_jayx, click close07:48
z0rzTrentG: yeah this is actually pretty slow.. Everyone has to adress everyone or it's too complicated.. You can't read every response usually07:48
doorsmanz0rz, i've already tried that and i can't :/07:49
Ashfire908effie_jayx, any new options/tabs?07:49
effie_jayxAshfire908,  yes...07:49
elkbuntumeanwhile, idle chatter > #ubuntu-offtopic07:49
z0rzdoorsman: Well I can.. The only thing I can think of that I did was intalll rar (or was it unrar?) try sudo apt-get install rar07:49
effie_jayxAshfire908,  same tabs07:49
Ashfire908effie_jayx, what's new?07:49
effie_jayxAshfire908,  mores volume07:49
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IcemanV9doorsman: then it should have bin file in that folder to install; btw what are you trying to install?07:49
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bmachinebruenig, what client you use?07:50
Ashfire908effie_jayx, what switchs are there07:50
effie_jayxline in, IEC958 playback AC97  PC speaker07:50
shellhackhello everybody, I want to know it there's a way to play a .smv video in ubuntu?07:50
doorsmanIcemanV9, sauerbraten07:50
shellhackany idea?07:50
=== HelpMe [n=luke@pool-71-112-58-212.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
effie_jayxAshfire908,  line in is muted07:50
HelpMeI have a problem07:50
z0rzshellhack: Who are you talking to?  What was your previous question?07:51
Ashfire908effie_jayx, what switchs are there07:51
shellhackor convert it to a playable format?07:51
z0rzHelpMe: Don't ask to ask, just ask.07:51
IcemanV9shellhack: have you tried totem?07:51
TrentG-I made a bit of a boo boo with installing ubuntu, I was stuffing around with drivers with the livecd and installed an nvidia module and then forgot to restart and went into a livecd install...now of course it cannot find the module and I cannot startx so being limited in knowledge of these faults I dont know how to fix it07:51
shellhackmplayer and vlc07:51
ubotuHelpMe: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:51
IcemanV9it doesn't work?07:51
shellhackand I just can hear the sound07:51
HelpMeI try to watch jerico on cbs.com but the media player ( i think windows media player) wont play !07:51
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z0rzshellhack: Sorry I didn't see it... I scan'd twice07:51
dvs01w00t. my gf and i are celebrating my new job as a linux admin07:51
shellhackbut I cant see it07:51
effie_jayxAshfire908,  headphone, PCM , Line in (muted) , CD, mic (muted) if I unmute it static.., IEC958, PC speaker07:52
shellhackz0rz: I want to know how to play a .smv video en ubuntu07:52
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shiester_miestergday everyone07:53
wolfsongdvs01: congrads07:53
shiester_miesterwhat does this mean: "ping: sendmsg: operation not permitted"?07:53
IcemanV9doorsman: never heard of sauerbraten ... did you check if it is in repo?07:53
Ashfire908turn the mic volume all the way down, unplug the mic jack from the mic port, and unmute the mic07:53
z0rzshellhack: Did you try in #ubuntu-es ?07:53
Ashfire908effie_jayx,  turn the mic volume all the way down, unplug the mic jack from the mic port, and unmute the mic07:53
HelpMeSomeone pleas tell me why this video wont work on my ubuntu!  http://www.cbs.com/primetime/jericho/video.php?cat=1&video=1&page=1&inner=115261  thanks!07:53
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doorsmanIcemanV9,  it's a fps based on Cube07:54
effie_jayxAshfire908,  done07:54
shellhackz0rz: let's say that there's no  good information about it07:54
z0rzshellhack: Don't know.. it looks like all the smv help for ubuntu is in spanish..07:54
Ashfire908HelpMe: windows media can't work on ubuntu, cause it's for windows07:54
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Ashfire908effie_jayx, and?07:54
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n2diy_shiester_miester: you don't have permission, try sudo ping.07:54
SystemOverloadI got him able to connect to my console by doing07:54
IcemanV9doorsman: ah. out of my league. i don't have any effects installed.07:55
SystemOverload:1 is the desktop07:55
effie_jayxAshfire908,  sound is fine...07:55
SystemOverloadbut it needs to be graphical07:55
Ashfire908HelpMe: you should be able to use some other meadi player to play it07:55
TrentG-hmm ok07:55
shellhackz0rz: give me the link, I am a original spanish speaker07:55
shiester_miestern2diy_, sudo ping does the exact same thing07:55
HelpMeAshfire908:  did it ork for u?07:55
effie_jayxif I enable the mic... sound gets static07:55
shellhackz0rz: Im dominican07:55
shiester_miesterI'm trying to get ubuntu networked with a windows xp box07:55
IcemanV9SystemOverload: terrific!07:55
Ashfire908effie_jayx, turn the mic up  some07:55
SystemOverloadI am so close07:55
Ashfire908HelpMe: too busy to mess with it07:55
shiester_miesterI set up IP addresses and subnet masks, and I'm trying to ping it07:55
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effie_jayxAshfire908,  no sound07:55
shellhackz0rz: El espaol es mi negocio07:55
doorsmanIcemanV9, http://www.sauberaten.org07:56
effie_jayxshellhack,  english here ;)... try #ubuntu-do07:56
n2diy_shiester_miester: what are you trying to ping? can you ping
shiester_miesteryeah that works fine07:56
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shiester_miesterand obviously I can ping the interweb07:56
Ashfire908effie_jayx, what options are there in the switchs tab?07:57
shiester_miesterthis box has 2 NICs, the other one is plugged into another computer07:57
shellhackeffie_jayx: I know that, Im telling to someone that I speak spanis07:57
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shellhackeffie_jayx: I speak english too07:57
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effie_jayxAshfire908,  options?07:57
Taladanshiester_miester: what services are you trying to share across your network?07:57
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effie_jayxI have three tabs Ashfire90807:57
shellhackeffie_jayx: but thanks for your so needed help jayx07:57
shiester_miesterwell first I'd like to get ping happening :P and then file sharing07:58
Ashfire908effie_jayx what's in switches07:58
Taladanis the smb daemon or the LISA daemon running on your linux box?07:58
BrendanWSo does anybody else have a suggestion for software to screengrab?07:58
n2diy_shiester_miester: Well then, something isn't configed correctly.07:58
shiester_miestern2diy_, yes I thought much the same07:58
shiester_miesterwhat should I be configuring?  any ideas?07:58
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Taladanshiester_miester: is the LISA daemon running on your linux machine?07:59
z0rzshellhack: I'd look into converting those smv videos...07:59
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n2diy_shiester_miester:Yes, the device that isn't responding.07:59
shiester_miesterTaladan, i have no idea what that is, so if it has to be manually started, no07:59
shellhackz0rz: ok, that helps too07:59
effie_jayxAshfire908,  line in, cd capture, mic capture (ticked), Mic boost (+20dB), video, Phoen. IEC958, Aux, Mix , Mix mono07:59
z0rzI don't know how the sony music video format works... Does it use some sort of protection?07:59
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Ashfire908effie_jayx what's in options08:00
shellhackz0rz: yeah, but how I can to see the content of a video, that I want for my mp4 player?08:00
shiester_miestern2diy_, all I did was click the network manager applet in the tray and set the IP & subnet automatically for the 2nd NIC08:00
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effie_jayxAshfire908,  options?... where is that?08:01
n2diy_shiester_miester: Why did you do that?08:01
z0rzshellhack: I'm not understanding your question/english08:01
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SystemOverloadhow do I close tightvnc once it is running08:01
shellhackz0rz: ok08:01
Ashfire908effie_jayx the tab08:01
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shiester_miestern2diy_, the ip/subnet is already set on the other computer, so i was under the impression that they needed to be on the same subnet to work08:01
IcemanV9SystemOverload: pkill tightvncserver08:01
effie_jayxAshfire908,  there is no option's tab08:02
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z0rzshellhack: You want to see the content of the smv video?  Does your mp4 player support the smv format?08:02
effie_jayxAshfire908, playback, record,08:02
shellhackz0rz: I want to know how to play an .smv video file in ubuntu or how to convert it to other playable format08:02
zirodaySystemOverload: pkill tightvnc?08:02
shellhackz0rz: yeah08:02
fsckrok im trying to uninstall nvidia drivers 100.14.11, and I can do that without a problem but when I install 9755 and try to get back into x i get an error saying glx module not loaded...http://pastebin.ca/669907 anyone shed some light on this?08:02
SystemOverloadI did that.08:02
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CodemasterMMSystemOverload: you might enjoy xkill08:02
n2diy_shiester_miester: Ok, but the boxes can't share the same IP address, but they do share the same subnet.08:02
TrentG-meh ive worked out this isnt what I need for this problem08:02
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zirodayfsckr: how did you install the drivers?08:03
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SystemOverloadLet me check it out08:03
shiester_miestern2diy_, of course, the IP addresses are different by +108:03
shellhackz0rz: but I want to know what kind of video Im gonna to put in my mp4 before?08:03
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TrentG-you can only be so patient in the period of time you have to motivate yourself08:03
fsckrout of x by running sudo sh NVIDIA yada yada yada08:03
shellhackz0rd: do you understand me?08:03
fsckrit installs fine08:03
fsckrbut when i sudo gdm start i get that error08:03
TrentG-copy, paste and goodbye08:03
effie_jayxAshfire908,  sorry... I have.. this in options08:03
effie_jayxAshfire908,  line in, cd capture, mic capture (ticked), Mic boost (+20dB), video, Phoen. IEC958, Aux, Mix , Mix mono08:03
=== supoib [n=supoib@ool-44c760dc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
effie_jayxAshfire908,  bad gnome translation08:04
shellhackz0rz: I want to play the video in ubuntu before to transfer it?08:04
z0rzshellhack: You want to preview your smv videos before your convert them?08:04
n2diy_shiester_miester: Ok, are they sharing a router or switch, can you ping them?08:04
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zirodayfsckr: you are meant to install the m by sudo apt-get nvidia-glx08:04
shellhackz0rz: yeap08:04
shiester_miestern2diy_, nope, just a crossover08:04
z0rzshellhack: So I assume you have a lot of SMV videos?08:04
z0rzshellhack: I'm afraid the only answer I can find is "Use windows"08:04
=== z0rz ducks
pvlis there a command to check for empty directories08:04
fsckrziroday, what do you mean meant to install the m08:05
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z0rzshellhack: Do you have access to a windows computer that you can use temporarily?08:05
nj786is there a pool game for ubuntu?08:05
n2diy_shiester_miester: The boxes are connected via a crossover cable, and you can't ping them? Bad cable?08:05
IcemanV9or use wine with FX (for winxp)08:05
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shiester_miestern2diy_, nope, i use the same cable for windows->windows networking08:05
shellhackz0rz: yeah I have 15 videos in .smv format08:05
z0rzshiester_miester: Do you have a link light?08:05
shiester_miesterused it for years08:05
fsckrim running gutsy and nvidia-glx is actually the 9631 drivers :_08:05
nj786is there a pool game for ubuntu08:05
shiester_miesterwell the lights on the NIC are flashing so its linked at the hardware level08:05
shiester_miesternj786, yes08:05
zirodayfsckr: the instructions for installing drivers on ubuntu is to sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx. or use the restricted drivers manager for teh very reason theya re easy to remove08:05
Rabiddogwow your brave using a alpha08:05
Ashfire908effie_jayx, sorry, i don't think i can help you. i'm really tired and i'm beingging to think your sound card might not work with ubuntu. search the fourms to see if it is supported by ubuntu08:06
nj786shiester_miester: is it good? graphic wise?08:06
fsckri have 2 choices in gutsy nvidia-glx which is 9631 and nvidia-glx-new which is 100.14.1108:06
z0rzshiester: Fresh install of ubuntu?  Do you have any firewalls? iptables? firestarter?08:06
pvlnj786 yes there is but you probably have to compile it08:06
effie_jayxAshfire908,  thanks for the great effort...08:06
n2diy_shiester_miester: So the only thing that changes is booting linux or windows?08:06
nj786pvl: ok where can i find this and what do you mean "complie"08:06
=== IcemanV9 can watch Jericho w/o problems
shiester_miesternj786, its ok...what would you want fancy graphics for in a pool game?08:06
shiester_miestern2diy_, yep08:06
shellhackz0rz: I have windows in this computer, but just my cousin use it08:07
shiester_miestern2diy_, and I'd love to be able to do the networking from ubuntu, since thats one less thing I have to rely on windows for08:07
zirodayfsckr: this support channel is only for 6.06 and 7.04 please go to #ubuntu+1 for 7.1008:07
nj786shiester_miester: im just asking lol, where can  i find this pool game?08:07
effie_jayxAshfire908,  I will try to fix it... ;)... thanks for all08:07
pvlnj786 well for one thing you can google ubuntu billiards or whatever it may be that you are looking for08:07
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RabiddogIcemanV9, jericho......bugs me in regards to the direction its heading08:07
Ashfire908effie_jayx, ok, good luck08:07
shellhackz0rz: Im windows phobic08:07
shiester_miesternj786, its in the repos...open add/remove programs and look in games, its in there somewhere08:07
fsckralready been there no help and I know what this channel is used for08:07
n2diy_shiester_miester: Hmmm, tha is interesting?08:07
CodemasterMMi need a bit of NFS help - i have a directory mounted from one machine (machine 'A') across to another machine (machine 'B') as /home/, but it seems that whenever i ssh into machine 'B' as a new user, it fails to create the user's home directory - this might be due to the fact that the home folder (on machine 'A') is owned by root and is chmod'd to 755... anyone have any idea how i can solve this?08:07
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nj786shiester_miester: what is the game called?08:07
pvlnj786 and most of the time for linux, games and other things that you download outside of synaptic come as source files08:07
shiester_miesternj786, billiardGL08:07
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z0rzshellhack: that's a good thing.. but I'd attempt to use it to convert those smv files to something useable08:08
pvlnj786 using the terminal youd have to compile and install them08:08
mattgso...here's the deal...i totally funked up my x64 version, but x86 has the drivers.  i just wanna make sure that the partitioning is right08:08
barbiehi, how can i use an iso image of debian as a repo?08:08
z0rzshellhack: And I don't expect you to have a good windows experience using an arcane video convertor.. video converting sucks on windows (atleast from what I've used)08:08
zirodayfsckr: than please dont ask on this channel - gutsy is not even beta for a reason08:08
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shellhackz0rz: Its likes say a friend "if doesnt work in linux, dont use it"08:09
iconealgum a ?08:09
mattganybody who is good with the partitioning, hit me up08:09
zirodaybarbie: System > Admin > Software Sources08:09
iconesomeone there ?08:09
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zirodayicone: english only :)08:09
shellhackz0rz: I just want to know if there's a way08:09
CodemasterMMis there somewhere i can have NFS support, perhaps?08:09
barbieziroday: will it take iso as the source?08:09
pvlis there a command to search for unused files and directories?08:09
CodemasterMMthere is no #nfs, of course ;)08:09
z0rzshellhack: Yeah.. I wouldn't use smv either.. but you're the one stuck with the format ;)08:09
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zirodaybarbie: you have to specify the cd as a source08:09
z0rzshellhack: Not from what I can tell08:10
fsckrziroday, its not like im killin someone or hurting anyone by askin in this channel.  installing nvidia drivers is pretty much the same no matter what you using08:10
barbiebut i dont have a CD. i have iso image of dvd08:10
nj786shiester_miester: its not on add/remoove i searched for it08:10
shellhackeffie_jayx: what is an agent?08:10
zirodaybarbie: in theory yes in reality doubtful :)08:10
lemonedoDoes anyone know why rosegarden doesn't make any sound?08:11
shiester_miesternj786, you have to click "show -> all available applications"08:11
barbiewhat if i specify /dev/loop0 as the cd device08:11
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barbieafter mounting the iso image?08:11
nj786shiester_miester: nvm i got it thanks08:11
zirodayfsckr: please use 7.04 if you want support on this channel :)08:11
IcemanV9barbie: i think you can. need to edit sources.list to add iso image via loop0. not sure if it works, but you can try08:12
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z0rzWhat would you'll suggest for remote control of audio?08:12
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z0rzs/you'll/you all/08:12
rexy_z0rz: depends what you want to use for remote controll08:12
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z0rzrexy_: Suggestions?08:12
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n2diy_ziroday: 7.04? I won't touch that, 6.06 is LTS.08:12
z0rzcommand line would be cool.. but so would a web interface08:13
z0rza beautiful web interface (possibly skinable with a community already developing) and a command line interface would be my wet dream08:13
IcemanV9s/you all/y'all/ ;)08:13
lemonedoRosegarden does not make any sound...08:13
LinuXubuntuHello, guys! :) I need a little help. Well, here is the deal. I need to acess the server of my LAN. How do I do that?08:13
z0rzIcemanV9: or is it ya'll ?08:13
shellhackif somebody get any information send it to my email08:13
zirodayn2diy_: fsckr is trying to find support for nvidia drives for 7.10, i told him the latest this channel supports is 7.0408:13
rexy_z0rz: well you either have a remote control and adevice on your computer or you use another computer08:13
iconecan anyone help me with an issue ? when I first installed this system ubuntu 7.0.4 the date was wrong, and I didn't realized, some time ago I fix the time, but when the computer rebooted it was cycling betwen reboots and the utility fsck that runed automaticaly during the boot and kept always saying an error message that the time in the files was in the future and rebooted again.   Always this cicle, until I went to bios, changed the date to08:14
icone (yes you can laugh ..)  2050.   Now at least it boots normally, but I would like to fix the date and the files .... Any idea ?08:14
rexy_if you have infrared i'm sure you can whip up an interface for it08:14
rexy_but i dont know how08:14
n2diy_ziroday: Ok, roger that.08:14
IcemanV9z0rz: :) it means i should turn in for the night.08:14
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z0rzrexy_: remote control meaning.. from another computer08:14
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z0rzIcemanV9: Heh.. alright08:14
LinuXubuntuYep... remote control...08:14
LinuXubuntuWich device do you guys recommend?08:14
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rexy_z0rz you can use ssh and alsamixer08:14
z0rzLinuXubuntu: I think he thought I meant .. a remote control.. like a Logitech Harmony or something08:14
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zirodayn2diy_: lol08:15
rexy_or use synergy to share keyboard and mouse08:15
n2diy_ziroday: :)08:15
z0rzrexy_: Already am :D08:15
z0rzFirst thing I set up after I changed my resolution08:15
LinuXubuntuz0rz: OK...08:15
iconedudes ... please ... please .. please ... just read this :08:16
LinuXubuntuSo, I'll look for synergy, ssh and alsamixer08:16
iconecan anyone help me with an issue ? when I first installed this system ubuntu 7.0.4 the date was wrong, and I didn't realized, some time ago I fix the time, but when the computer rebooted it was cycling betwen reboots and the utility fsck that runed automaticaly during the boot and kept always saying an error message that the time in the files was in the future and rebooted again.   Always this cicle, until I went to bios, changed the date to08:16
icone (yes you can laugh ..)  2050.   Now at least it boots normally, but I would like to fix the date and the files .... Any idea ?08:16
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z0rzrexy_: That's a possibility..  I think I want a web interface though..08:16
rexy_LinuXubuntu: i have no idea, i was talking to z0rz08:16
archigosHey - how would I change my number of workspaces?08:16
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z0rzIs there a video player for linux that has cli and web access?08:16
rexy_z0rz well google for it if someone made it already, or code an interface to alsamixer ;)08:16
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archigosthe preferences when I right click on the switcher doesn't let me choose how many to have08:17
z0rzarchigos: Right click your workspace (by your trash, or wherever you have them) preferences.. and hit the up down arrows08:17
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z0rzarchigos: Hmm.. mine does. Not sure08:17
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Syrahi installed ubuntu using alternate disk into a pen drive, but its not booting08:17
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archigosI wonder what config file that uses08:18
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SyrahGrub gives an Error 1708:18
vladuz976how can I check how much memory my computer has?08:18
archigosas, I'm positive the reason I don't see it is because I'm running gutsy08:18
iconeSyrah some bios don't boot at all from usb08:18
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z0rzrexy_: I think I want more than just volume up and down.. maybe like a command line program.. kinda like when you run top .. it takes over the terminal..08:18
Syrahmine has an option to choose to boot from USB drive08:19
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b0xiivladuz976: cat /proc/meminfo08:19
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dashgrhi my sound doesn't seem to be working, how can i fix this?08:19
b0xiidashgr: various ways08:20
vladuz976b0xii, i look for MemTotal on top?08:20
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dashgrb0xii: i'm open to suggestions08:20
rexy_z0rz: amixer is what you want then08:20
b0xiivladuz976: yes08:20
rexy_dashgr: is it unmuted?08:20
kapowanna know the channel of wine and games08:20
dashgrrexy_: i is08:20
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vladuz976b0xii, MemTotal:      1554504 kB that mean 1.5Gb?08:20
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iconecan anyone help me with an issue ? when I first installed this system ubuntu 7.0.4 the date was wrong, and I didn't realized, some time ago I fix the time, but when the computer rebooted it was cycling betwen reboots and the utility fsck that runed automaticaly during the boot and kept always saying an error message that the time in the files was in the future and rebooted again.   Always this cicle, until I went to bios, changed the date to08:21
icone (yes you can laugh ..)  2050.   Now at least it boots normally, but I would like to fix the date and the files .... Any idea ?08:21
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b0xiiugh...gibbon alpha 5 is taking 10x as long to install than alpha408:22
iconewould the package "timestamp" have anything to do with it ?   It appears that is not in the repository either ...08:22
dashgrrexy_: is there anything that i need to downlload to make the sound work?08:23
=== robd [n=robd@ppp-71-139-15-249.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
b0xiiicone: check your bios time08:23
robdHey guys08:23
vladuz976"free" command shows I only have 70880kb of free memory, but swap uses 0. why is it using so much memory?08:23
robdWhat package do I need to install to get fsck for hfs?08:23
robdI've tried hfsutils but it wasn't included :(08:23
robdvladuz976: What do "buffers" say?08:24
iconealready did so08:24
iconei've tried everithing ...:s08:24
b0xiivladuz976: linux uses as much memory as is possible...unlike windows08:24
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SystemOverloadAhh, he can't see what is going on my computer08:24
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iconeb0xiii've tried everithing ...:s08:24
shiester_miesterreally? why is that?08:24
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vladuz976robd, -/+ buffers/cache:     257488    129701608:24
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iconeb0xii i've tried everithing ...:s08:24
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robdvladuz976: Okay... congrats you've got disk cache08:24
cycomvladuz976: it's not actually USING that memory actively, it just has stuff cached there.08:24
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iconeb0xii already did so08:25
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robdDoes anyone know about HFS support on Ubuntu?08:25
b0xiivladuz976: it's a good thing08:25
cycomvladuz976: it doesn't use swap unless it needs to cache something because it's honest to god USING all of that memory.08:25
supoibhowdy all08:25
vladuz976robd, cycom, oh i see so what i am really using is only the 257488kb08:25
decayHello. I made a python script. I'd like to execute it by just typing the name of it. how do i do that?08:25
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vladuz976b0xii, so that should be more than enough memory then08:25
nj786shiester_miester: i dont like the game08:25
robdMy boss lost his drive on his Mac (bad blocks), I did a dd of his drive image and now I'm trying to mount it to save "everything important, like your job"08:25
b0xiiwtf is up w/ the gibbon alpha5 install...taking ages08:25
supoibdecay: you'll have to mark it executable first08:25
nj786shiester_miester: is there one with the pool stick? lol08:25
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shiester_miesternj786, what?08:26
b0xiirunning a athon 5000+ w/ 2GB ram08:26
shiester_miesternj786, its a GAME...its never going to be like actual, real pool08:26
supoibdecay: chmod o+x scriptname08:26
shiester_miesterwhy dont you just go and play a game of pool...08:26
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shiester_miesterits not that hard to find a pool hall08:26
b0xiior darts08:26
nj786shiester_miester: i know but some games actually have the visual POOL stick08:26
shiester_miesterso what08:26
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shiester_miesterthat doesnt make the game bad08:26
supoibdecay: once you do that, execute the script by typing in the name08:26
b0xiior some midget wrestling08:26
nj786shiester_miester: like yahoo pool for example08:27
makuseruhow do i make a two part rar archive?08:27
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supoibnow, if you're working from the directory where the script is located you'll have to do ./scriptname08:27
nj786shiester_miester: im asking if there are any other pool games08:27
shiester_miesternj786, I believe they left it out to show more accurately exactly where you are aiming08:27
CodemasterMMi need a bit of NFS help - i have a directory mounted from one machine (machine 'A') across to another machine (machine 'B') as /home/, but it seems that whenever i ssh into machine 'B' as a new user, it fails to create the user's home directory - this might be due to the fact that the home folder (on machine 'A') is owned by root and is chmod'd to 755... anyone have any idea how i can solve this?08:27
nj786shiester_miester: and its slow08:27
shiester_miesternj786, do I look like a computer game critic?08:28
iconeb0xii I have to change the bios date to the year 2050 to the box boot normally, other wise it was cycling thru the fsck and reboots08:28
shiester_miesterit plays pretty similar to an actual game of pool, physics wise08:28
nj786shiester_miester: im just asking, no need to get upset08:28
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shiester_miesterI'm not...08:28
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b0xiiicone...that's messed up08:28
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supoibCodemasterMM: do these new users have accounts on machine B?08:28
b0xiiicone: if this is a fresh install, i'd try again08:28
nj786shiester_miester: do you know any other pool games besides this one?/08:29
rexy_dashgr: no just the drivers and alsa, which come preinstalled08:29
rexy_do you not have sound anywhere?08:29
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CodemasterMMsupoib: yes08:29
shiester_miesternj786, when I want to play pool, i get in my car and drive to the pool hall and play an actual game of pool08:29
CodemasterMMsupoib: they are accounts pulled from LDAP08:29
b0xiiicone: what version of ubuntu?08:29
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shiester_miesternj786, look through the other games in the repos, and maybe check out google or something...I'm sure there are thousands of pool/snooker games around08:29
rexy_open up a terminal and type alsamixer, then with the arrow keys move all sliders to the red and make sure they are unmuted, you can umute and mute by using the m key08:29
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CodemasterMMsupoib: I'd make the directories myself, but i'm trying to stay in the mindset of "what if my LDAP had 6,000 people in it ;)"08:30
nj786shiester_miester: thankyou, and sorry for asking08:30
supoibCodemasterMM: i understand08:30
supoibCodemasterMM: scalability is key08:30
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CodemasterMMi know why i am getting the error, i just am unsure how to get around it :)08:30
kazim59./configure says You must have the GLib 2.0 development headers installed to build..... what package is meant?08:30
CodemasterMMwithout compromising security08:30
shiester_miesternj786, don't be sorry...why do you assume that I'm angry?08:30
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z0rzrexy_: Oh I like alxamixer .. now I just need something like xmms cli version or something08:30
rexy_glib-devel kazim08:30
mattgso...i think i have it all figured out08:31
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iconeb0xii the problem is that is a install with a few months .... :(  i've googled and I already been in IRC several times to see if someone can manage the problem, but until now ... nothing ...08:31
b0xiiz0rz: mpg12308:31
rexy_z0rz not sure if there is one08:31
nj786shiester_miester: its the way u are responding seems like i am soing somehting wrong08:31
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rexy_for xmms that is08:31
kazim59rexy_: no glib-devel in repos08:31
nj786shiester_miester: its gonna be hard to find another pool game08:31
shiester_miesternj786, i don't think so...there are LOTS of them08:32
shiester_miesterI've played quite a few08:32
mattg80% install, see you all in a bit08:32
rexy_kazim search for it a bit it's inthere08:32
iconeb0xii already have important files here ... I didn't realized at the beginning this problem, only several months later ... :(08:32
nj786shiester_miester: for ubuntu?08:32
b0xiiicone: oic08:32
supoibCodemasterMM: to be honest, i'm not really all that well versed in LDAP08:32
shiester_miesternj786, you can just use wined08:32
CodemasterMMno problem08:32
b0xiiicone: what version of ubuntu?08:32
supoibso i don't think i'd be much help to you08:32
z0rzb0xii: Would I want mpg321 or mpg123-alsa ?08:32
shiester_miesterand probably run most of them08:32
supoibbut, one question08:32
CodemasterMMsupoib: it's not really an LDAP problem, more of an NFS problem08:32
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CodemasterMMbecause i've seen people "sharing" their home directories,08:33
makuseruhow do i make a two part rar archive?08:33
b0xiiz0rz: 321 is a bit more stable i would think..been around for 10 years08:33
CodemasterMMbut i am unsure how to make them highly dynamic08:33
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z0rzDoes it support playlists?08:33
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shiester_miesternj786, why is it so important that they be specifically made JUST for ubuntu?08:33
supoibCodemasterMM: i was just wondering, the daemon that creates these accounts on this box, does it have write access to the /home directory?08:33
shiester_miesternj786, why can't you play a windows pool game in wine, if its better than the linux games?08:33
nj786shiester_miester: wine does not alwys work08:34
kazim59rexy_: got it.. it was libglib2.0-dev08:34
CodemasterMMsupoib: ah, you're right, it might be that.08:34
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rexy_kazim there is also a build meta package08:34
iconesince it apear in the download site I installed right away08:34
shiester_miesternj786, so?  that doesn't mean its not worth trying out08:34
z0rzb0xii: Does it support playlist?08:34
CodemasterMMsupoib: i'm unsure what deamon account it uses, do you know how i would check that?08:34
iconeb0xii since it apear in the download site I installed right away08:34
rexy_search for build with apt-cache, it will install most generic stuff you need to compile08:34
shiester_miesternj786, wine works for me most of the time08:34
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nj786shiester_miester: do you know a windows pool game that will work i mnot that good with using wine08:34
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databuddyim in ubuntu feisty - vlc - in metacity fullscreen does not take over the full screen - but in compiz it does08:35
shiester_miesternj786, no I don't, you should download a few and just try them out.  I haven't played a windows pool game for a while, i tend to play games that are actually fun...08:36
alexinim having an error "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executable" gawk, and gcc are installed. this happens with the ./configure (so im not even able to procede with make) im actually trying to install FUSE, but this error is happening on other packages too.  is anyone familiar with this?  i'm new to ubuntu08:36
nj786shiester_miester: yeah thats the problem with linux games most of them suck....and some windows games do not work08:36
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shiester_miesternj786, not true at all, nexuiz is pretty good08:37
shiester_miesterand my favourite windows games run fine in wine08:37
shiester_miesterin some cases they run better than in windows :P08:37
nargalexin: Have you installed build-essential?08:37
b0xiigod i hate ubuntu support for ati08:37
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shiester_miesterb0xii, you got that the wrong way around08:37
decaysupoib, sorry just read your messages. Connection stopped for a bit08:37
shiester_miesterb0xii, you meant to say: ati's support for linux08:37
z0rzalexin: Try sh /etc/make.conf08:37
shiester_miesterb0xii, its not ubuntu's fault that ATI is lazy08:37
decaysupoib, do you mind if i PM you?08:38
alexini don't believe so; how can i check? (ive only been on ubuntu for a few hours here) .. ive just been configuring the gui08:38
shiester_miesterif they refuse to write proper driver's, there isn't a whole lot anyone can do08:38
aroonifolks; i was trying to install yahoo messenger but i couldnt... it said i needed: 'libssl 0.9.6'... (i was installing from a .deb package that i think was originally for debian)..... how do i get this libssl package for ubuntu?08:38
alexinokay. ill try the sh /..08:38
kazim59hey ppl... debian 4 offers a 3-DVD distro that has got sooo many packages... i've been using ubuntu for 2 years.. I wanted my college lab. pcs to get installed ubuntu.. but they are gonna install debian... how do I convince them?08:38
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nargalexin: open a terminal and do: 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'08:38
shiester_miesterkazim59, does it really matter? the fact that they are installing linux is good enough imho.  debian isn't that bad08:38
decaysupoib, i only got the last message of yours =(08:39
nj786shiester_miester u mind walking me through this windows game through wine?08:39
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=== Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_
b0xiishiester_miester: true, ati has to be the *worst* graphic company w/ linux support08:39
shiester_miesternj786, depends which game08:39
shiester_miesterb0xii, yep, i agree08:39
kazim59shiester_miester: we convinced them that rpm is an hell.. so now they are switching from fedora to debian08:39
z0rzalexin: Also check the spelling of your CFLAGS08:39
nj786shiester_miester: http://www.onlypoolgames.com/08:39
b0xiishiester_miester: they used to be good like 8 years ago08:39
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nj786shiester_miester: 1st one08:39
alexinis build-essential required for all packages?08:39
shiester_miesternj786, go and download soldat, www.soldat.pl.  It's awesome08:39
aroonihwo do i fix thiws: E: Couldn't find package libssl0.9.608:39
Flannelalexin: build-essential is all of the required to compile08:40
nargalexin: compiling anything without it is annoying08:40
kazim59shiester_miester: ubuntu got a friendly feeling debian lacks ... :(08:40
Flannelalexin: components.  Mhmm.08:40
z0rzalexin: What version of gcc are you using?08:40
shiester_miesternj786, you mean you want me to install it for you or something?08:40
nj786shiester_miester: the file is .exe how do i run it?08:40
shiester_miesternj786, probably better if you actually learned how to use wine08:40
shiester_miesternj786, go to #winehq, they can help you with that08:40
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alexinumm i think the first one.. i saw it somewhere..08:40
shiester_miesternj786, also, read the wine documentation08:40
nj786shiester_miester: yes, as in can u walk me through08:40
dashgrrexy_: hey i have alsamixer and my sound card is being read but i still have no sound08:40
shiester_miesternj786, don't be lazy :P08:40
b0xiiwow hdparm was not automatically activated in my Gibbon Alpha 5 cd08:40
dashgrb0xii: hey i have alsamixer and my sound card is being read but i still have no sound08:40
nj786shiester_miester: im a visual learner lol08:40
Flannelb0xii: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support, thanks08:41
shiester_miesternj786, that's a cop-out08:41
z0rzalexin: gcc -v08:41
shiester_miesternj786, everyone can learn, even you08:41
nj786shiester_miester: come on lol08:41
kazim59is there any multi-dvd compilation of ubuntu that I can download... that has got lots of packages?08:41
nj786i really wanna play08:41
kazim59coz ubuntu dvd isn't just enough...08:41
shiester_miesterso go and find out how to08:41
Flannelkazim59: If you want, use AptOnCD to download the entire repos.08:41
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alexin 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' seems to be working08:42
=== dane [n=bowen@CPE-75-81-215-86.we.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
alexinor atleast didnt give me errors08:42
shiester_miesternj786, sorry but I don't have time to hold your hand so you don't have to bother learning how to use linux :P08:42
shiester_miesterand, I have to go08:42
shiester_miestercya everyone08:42
z0rzalexin: heh.. yeah that is normally it.. but I was trying the more technically approach08:42
b0xiidashgr: sorry chap, but i'm a bit busy atm08:43
nj786shiester_miester: lol if u show me this i wont have to ask u how to use win using a .exe file08:43
b0xiiwish i could help all of you08:43
=== vladuz976 [n=vladuz@FLA1Adt199.kng.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu
b0xiidealing w/ alpha5 issues of my own atm08:43
Flannelnj786: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine08:43
alexini havent tried the "Try sh /etc/make.conf" but now im just back at  "root@XP2500:/home/alexin/Downloads/fuse-2.7.0#08:43
=== mattg [n=mattg@ip68-104-158-11.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
OlgemHow do I execute a command in a terminal without it taking up the terminal itself, allowing me to close it without killing whatever I'm running?08:43
alexincan i just continue with a regular ./continue?08:43
dashgrb0xii: thats ok08:43
Flannelalexin: Why are you trying to install fuse?08:44
alexini mean.  configure08:44
mattgfresh install, how do i change permissions so i can read/write on sdb1?08:44
vladuz976sony vaio VGN-c71b centrino duo, i only get barely an hour of battery life and sleep mode doesn't work, what can I do?08:44
alexinto use ntfs-3g08:44
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b0xiisigning off from lappy onto new alpha5 desktop...brb08:44
Flannelalexin: You don't need to compile anything.  Just install ntfs-config, and then go to the config option i nyour system menu08:44
FlannelOlgem: just use alt-f208:44
alexinoh, heh i was getting the package and files from the website08:46
alexinbut the build-essential did get that working part working though, thank you!08:46
Flannelalexin: Right.  Don't do that.  First place you should look is the repos, and then only if it's not there do you get creative.08:46
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dashgrhey guys, anyone know how i can get sound?08:47
decaysupoib, ?08:47
alexinI have a dual boot windows system you see, my friend took only linux for about 4 days before he gave in back to windows, not only most of my Enginerring software is for windows (and i know windows well haha).08:47
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alexini hopeing to go more than 4 days08:47
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eubey-tabletwhat you mean dashgr08:48
=== Matir [n=david@c-76-17-119-30.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dashgreubey-tablet my sound isn't working even though its unmuted08:48
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eubey-tabletdashgr laptop or desktop08:48
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abkdashgr: clap, stomp, or whistle.08:48
eubey-tabletdashgr which one08:49
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dashgreubey-table laptop08:49
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dashgreubey-tablet hp08:50
cristi01hello i can't get the volume higher... at it's max it is barely hearable08:50
eubey-tabletdashgr yeah whatbbrand/model08:50
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dashgreubey-tablet hp dv200008:50
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b0xiinow if only adobe lightroom was available for linux...08:50
paii want to see my friends on Yahoo! Webchat.... what program should I use?08:50
dashgreubey-tablet my card is an HDA nvidia (says alsamixer)08:51
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cristi01can anyone help me with the volume problem ?08:51
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eubey-tablettry changing the sound driver in settings-soundsi think08:51
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sauvinVolume problem?08:51
cristi01uhm yeah at it's max is still barely hearabla08:52
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dashgreubey-tablet how do i get there?08:52
sauvinI just had one myself. Damndest thing... I had NO sound until I fired up mplayer and turned up the volume there.08:52
paii want to see my friends on Yahoo! Webchat.... what program should I use?08:52
=== Twinxor [n=Twinxor@c-71-198-169-143.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sauvincristi01, do you have kmix installed?08:52
sauvinAnd what are you trying to hear?08:52
eubey-tabletdashgr my only gu3ss is that something random is muted so in th3 mixer show all the devices and turn allvolumes up08:52
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cristi01sauvin: uhm i don't know let me see08:52
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sauvinIf not, there ARE other mixers if you don't want to deal with KDE components.08:53
dashgreubey-tablet how do i show all the devices08:53
mojojojo_is it possible to decrease cpu speed in Ubuntu?  I have laptop and Dual 2 Codre08:53
=== sauvin wants a dual codre!
cristi01sauvin: nope08:53
rexy_frequency scaling mojojojo_ should be on by default08:53
=== Olgem [n=Olgem@host-69-144-136-61.bln-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #Ubuntu
sauvinKk, cristi01, um... how about alsa-mixer?08:53
mojojojo_or... Is it possible to switch to other laptop mode which would be more energy saving?08:54
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mojojojo_rexy_:  where can I set it?08:54
sauvinI'm sorry, cristi01, that'd be alsamixer08:54
rexy_if you have turned it on in the bios the frequency scaling will automaticly scale down when it can08:54
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mojojojo_rexy_:  i see...08:54
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=== homesick_ [n=thomas@a221.lrz.vpn.lrz-muenchen.de] has joined #ubuntu
rexy_you can add the frequencey applet to your toolbar to see if it's scaling08:54
eubey-tabletdashgr i think its innoneof theoptions in te sound mixer, i cant r3member i'm onnan xp machine righ4 now08:54
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mojojojo_rexy_:  which applet?08:55
rexy_right click on your taskbar, select add applet and then look for an applet with frequency stuff in it's name08:55
rexy_it's under system something08:55
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E38E91.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
rjhdoes anyone know how to: cd to the dir of the program, then 'wine program.exe'08:55
cristi01sauvin: i am installing kmix now08:55
Flannelrjh: do exactly what it says.08:56
=== schlort [n=schlort@cpe-70-115-165-126.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
supoibrjh: do you know where you installed the program from windows perspective?08:56
supoibi.e. c:\program files\blahblah08:57
rjhya c drive08:57
sauvinDamnit, I didn't want you to have to download crap that uses KDE components if you're not running KDE :\08:57
=== Adlai [n=leif@cpe-66-67-2-154.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
supoibso it's c:\program.exe?08:57
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cristi01sauvin: ok i installed kmix08:57
orcahello, quelqu'un speek french?08:57
doug_when is et something up for the mouse to move it or something how do i put it that way say for the cube to move it how do i put it for the left and right mouse buttons to move08:58
Adlaiorca: un petit peu08:58
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:58
doug_i knwo where to go08:58
doug_and stuff just not what to type in it08:58
hagabakarjh: wine's c drive is in ~/.wine/drive_c/08:58
sauvincristi01, now that you've installed kmix, fire it up and make sure PCM is turned up.08:58
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cristi01sauvin: bless you08:59
cristi01sauvin:it works08:59
bullgard4What is the result of a printk statement? See for example in http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/14154/08:59
sauvinEee! :)08:59
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orcamerci Adlai, en fait je recherche un chanel : rendez-vous.be, tu connais? merci :-)08:59
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sauvinOrca, t'es certain ce serait sur ce net-ci?08:59
Al2O3hello, I'm new to ubuntu, but not linux or hosting my own domain.  I have though not been online with a domain for some time.  What registry sucks the least at this point...?  Suggestions are welcomed.09:00
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mojojojo_rexy_:  hmm.. well... it scales down to 59%... 1GHz fore one core and probably the same for the other core... but... i think it's still too much considering I'm sometimes just surfing the web...09:01
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mojojojo_or talking on the irc :)09:01
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supoibAl2O3: they have a few suggestions here: http://nodaddy.com/09:01
Adlaiorca: je ne l'ai jamais entendu, dommage09:01
orcaSauvin, je viens d'installer Ubuntu et avant j'avais XP, je ne connais pas encore ce prog, alors je cherche!!09:01
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Al2O3:)  no go daddy :)09:01
rjhhagabaka can i privet message?09:02
Al2O3I have heard go daddy blow little bubbles.09:02
Adlaiorca: #ubuntu-fr09:02
Lappyhello I have Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) sound card, and the sound that comes out of my speakers is messed up... it sounds like when you try to listen to a music file on very high volume but on a speaker that doesn't support that much.09:02
orcamoi je suis belge et je me trouve sur quelle partie de la planete terre??09:02
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cristi01uhm i have another problem.. when i try to install flashplayer it says:ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the09:02
cristi01       Adobe Flash Player installer.09:02
hagabakarjh: if you have something long, pastebin, otherwise just talk here09:02
decaysupoib, you still there?09:02
sauvinOrca, veuilles taper /join #ubuntu-fr dans ton logiciel IRC...?09:03
Al2O3wholly crap, go daddy midgets and girls, and the fake boobbies. along with those losers (rich though) at west coast recycles.09:03
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rjhone on one usaly help out alot on getting things done with me09:03
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b0xiiwow alpha 5 completely b0rked my keyboard09:03
rexy_mojojojo_: i think the scaling is set in the bios09:03
rexy_so you'll have to change it there09:04
rjh and my brain is been cooking for a while09:04
doug_i have an update named compiz-core i install it through the auto update but it keeps poping up for me to install it09:04
cristi01so can anyone help me with the flashplayer installer ?09:04
rexy_not sure on that one though09:04
chuy_maxgod, I'm installing ubuntu on my laptop, waited for over 10mins and it's stuck at 6%09:04
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chuy_maxis this normal?09:04
orcaAdLai, Sauvin merci je vais sur #ubuntu.fr , merci a tts les deux :-))))))09:04
chuy_maxI remember my desktop box delaying like for 3 mins or something, but not 10 MINS09:04
bullgard4chuy_max: no.09:04
b0xiichuy_max what version?  the alphas take 10x as long09:04
Flannelchuy_max: Are you using the alternate CD?09:04
Lappydoug_: I had the same problem, did you try to install compiz-fusion while already having compiz earlier?09:04
Adlaiorca: #ubuntu-fr, not #ubuntu.fr09:04
rexy_mojojojo_: dont forget, you are running probably a laptop with a nice video card and 1gb of ram and a 7200 rpm hd09:04
chuy_maxyeah, alternate CD, feisty09:04
doug_yes lappy09:05
Flannelchuy_max: LVM?09:05
Adlaipas #ubuntu.fr09:05
rexy_those thinks suck juice like there is no other09:05
doug_it still pops up lappy09:05
rexy_you can turn down the backlight to save more energy09:05
Lappydoug_: uninstall compiz, and install it fresh.09:05
chuy_maxFlannel, no, standard partitioning09:05
doug_lappy will that mess up fusion?09:05
Lappydoug_: this is what I did, and it worked cleanly.09:05
sauvinOrca, veuilles me joindre sur #ubuntu-fr, PAS #ubuntu.fr, d'acc?09:05
cristi01when i try to install flash player it says ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the09:05
cristi01       Adobe Flash Player installer.09:05
Lappydoug_: remove fusion as well, remove everything compiz-related, and re-install compiz-fusion.09:05
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Flannelchuy_max: Did you verify the CD?  bad packages do that (although, they'll eventualy fail)09:06
cristi01can anyone help me with an install?09:06
doug_ugh ok thanks lappy09:06
Lappydoug_: no worries.09:06
mojojojo_rexy_:  it's not that nice :D09:06
zirodaycristi01: you cant install flash in that architecture09:06
Flannel!flash64 | cristi0109:06
ubotucristi01: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava09:06
Flannelziroday: you can too.09:06
orcaok Sauvin je le fait attend revien ok merci ;-)09:06
doug_uh wait lappy one small prob09:06
sauvincristi01, I think you may find that 64-bit *nix is going to be a bit frustrating for a while. It's NEW and not thrillingly well supported yet :\09:06
cristi01flannel: thanks09:06
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Lappydoug_: yes?09:06
=== Adlai [n=leif@cpe-66-67-2-154.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
zirodayoh woops sorry was thinking about something else09:07
doug_i lost and forgot to book mark the site i used to install fusion lappy all i member is it was from ubuntu and it was the compiz and beryl mixed one09:07
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mojojojo_rexy_:  I wonder how will it influence energy saving when the magnetic HDs will be no longer put in laptops09:07
decaycristi01, are you using 64bit linux?09:07
Flannelsauvin: it's hardly new.  And it's fully supported by everything Free.  Only thing that anyone would ever have problems with is closed source stuff.  Exemplifying one issue with closed source.09:07
=== octoberdan [n=user@pdpc/supporter/active/octoberdan] has joined #ubuntu
b0xiiwow, just checked my web stats and there's more safari users than firefox users09:07
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cristi01decay: yes i am09:08
Lappydoug_: I dont have it bookmarked either... am sorry.09:08
doug_and all others i used lappy would crash this one so far hasnt09:08
rexy_mojojojo_: well depends on the use really, flash disk require significant energy to write afaik. but they should be an improvement09:08
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sauvinFlannel, it's relatively new, and while I really don't doubt opensource supports it well, it's precisely these kinds of things that can be so frustrating.09:08
decaycristi01, there are issues with flash and 64bit linux distros.09:08
rexy_for laptops however the big energy suckers are your cpu, screen and wireless09:08
decaycristi01, they do work well on 32bit though :)09:08
doug_well not ur fault lappy u done nothing wrong09:08
chuy_maxFlannel, I guess I just have an old PC =(, it delayed more than 10 mins in 6%, P3 @ 1Ghz09:08
doug_btw cute name lappy09:08
b0xiicristi01: shy away from the 64bit distros for a while until all the kinks get worked out09:08
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cristi01b0xii: hmmm so what do i do meanwhile?09:09
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Flannelchuy_max: Are you sure the CD is good?  It can't hurt to restart right now (well, except the lost time), if you want to reboot and verify the CD09:09
b0xiicristi01:  i know these things shoud've been taken care of a loooong time ago, but i've had an AMD 5000+ that I still cant use for 1.5 yrs on a 64 bit linux platform09:09
dashgrrexy_: oh rexy, welcome back...still having some sound problems09:10
=== hene [i=hene@hkibrasgw1-feaadd00-240.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Lappydoug_: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Compiz-Fusion-on-Ubuntu-58113.shtml try this one out maybe?09:10
cristi01b0xii: lol :)))09:10
b0xiicristi01: install x86 version09:10
Lappydoug_: thanks. :)09:10
chuy_maxFlannel, yeah, I installed my desktop PC with the same CD a month ago, checked it at the time, it's not scratched09:10
cristi01b0xii: ok installing it now09:10
=== Olgem [n=Olgem@host-69-144-136-61.bln-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #Ubuntu
b0xiicristi01, it will work just as well unless you have 4+GB ram09:11
rexy_mojojojo_: have a browse on the ubuntu forum about frequency scaling maybe you are able to get it down a bit09:11
Flannelchuy_max: well, Go do something else, have some tea or something, and then come back and see if it's changed.09:11
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doug_lappy yw and oh oh oh nonono lappy bad one it cashed me few times lol09:11
b0xiithat's when the 64bit shit kicks in09:11
rexy_dashgr: you dont have any sound at all?09:11
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dashgrrexy_: yea no sound at all09:11
mojojojo_rexy_:  ok, I'll do that09:11
rexy_dashgr: have you checked your card is supported?09:12
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:12
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mattiMorning :)09:12
dashgrrexy_: i believe my card is supported because i used to have sound when turning on and turning off my computer09:12
dashgrrexy_: and when i check alsa it reads my card as it is09:12
rexy_hmm that would mean your sound works, but that you dont have sound with a particular app09:13
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rexy_if you restart now do you have sound?09:13
Lappydoug_: well good luck, I think you can ask in #compiz-fusion09:13
cristi01b0xii: well it still doesn't work ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the09:13
cristi01       Adobe Flash Player installer.09:13
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cristi01god damn it09:13
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rexy_that makes sense, since there is no 64 bit version ?09:14
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b0xiicristi01: no, reinstall w/ a x86 version of ubuntu09:14
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Al2O3wow, reading about one or two or more people's horror stories about godaddy.com I will not use them for sure.09:14
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z0rzEverytime I try to play a mp3 in mpg123 it gives me "[../../../src/audio.c:264]  error: No supported rate found!"09:14
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b0xiicristi01, or else you'll run into other problems like the flash under x6409:14
rexy_Al203 you get what you pay for, also #ubuntu-offtopic09:14
Al2O3have to admin, the go daddy juggs are nice and milky cold.09:14
dashgrrexy_: yea i tried restarting but no sound09:14
Al2O3rexy_: thanks.09:15
cristi01boxii: oooooh right...09:15
rexy_did you checl all your sliders dash?09:15
b0xiiflash is not yet supported under x6409:15
b0xiiits gay i know09:15
Al2O3just joined #ubu-oft09:15
rexy_if you had sound on startup/shutdown it has worked09:15
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cristi01lucky me09:15
dashgrrexy_: how can i check my "sliders"09:15
rexy_check the sound icon09:15
cristi01b0xii: thanks a lot anyway09:15
dashgrrexy_: sorry i dont know wat sliders are =(09:15
dashgrrexy_: my sound icon says there's sound available09:16
rexy_click on it and look at the slider09:16
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dashgrrexy_: it's at 72%09:16
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rexy_dashgr: right click on the sound icon and select volume control09:18
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rexy_you see a bunch of sliders?09:18
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hypodynegday all09:18
dashgrrexy_: yea they're all up09:18
rexy_do master or pcm have a red X?09:19
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hypodynehow do I update gaim?09:19
dashgrrexy_: no there's no red x09:19
xoranyone know if items on deleted from xfce's desktop can go to ~/.Trash instead of trash:///09:19
rexy_start a terminal and type ps ufax | grep esd09:20
rexy_should print a line or two/three09:20
rexy_it's a pipe sign |09:20
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dashgr/bin/esd -terminate -nobeeps -as 1 -spawnfd 2409:21
dashgrdashgr    6131  0.0  0.3   5416  3704 ?        S    01:57   0:00  \_ /usr/bin/esd -terminate -nobeeps -as 1 -spawnfd 2409:21
dashgrdashgr    9723  0.0  0.0   2880   752 pts/0    S+   03:21   0:00      \_ grep esd09:21
rexy_dont post that here, heh09:21
rexy_but ok, esd is running09:21
rexy_start totem09:21
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rexy_and open up the Examples directory in your home dir and open Experience obuntu.ogg09:22
bullgard4English help wanted: Is there a difference between 'to print' and 'to print out' as in "a function that prints out a message, during bootup"?09:22
rexy_Is it playing?09:22
HelpMeHello, whenever I play video on my Ubuntu Laptop, the video is kinda choppy, like when a camera is moving side to side it gets anoying because it looks choppy, how do i fix this?09:22
z0rzEverytime I try to play a mp3 in mpg123 it gives me "[../../../src/audio.c:264]  error: No supported rate found!".  Anyone know how to fix this?  (happens on both my ubuntu boxes)09:22
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Flannelbullgard4: no09:22
sauvin"print out" is often taken to mean "to the printer".09:23
bullgard4Flannel: Understood.09:23
rexy_z0rz: restricted formats perhaps09:23
rexy_!restricted > z0rz09:23
z0rzHaha yes they are09:23
z0rzDamn mp3!!09:23
dashgrrexy_: it's playing but there's no sound09:23
sauvinmp3 is restricted?09:23
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rexy_dashgr: click on the sound icon in totem09:24
rexy_what is the slider at?09:24
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T-DoomdayNeed help please. I get a error on this. ./configure --prefix=/home/mitchell/Programs/Wine --target make depend && make && sudo make install09:24
dashgrabout 75%09:24
dashgrrexy_:about 75%09:25
aroonii need to wipe my laptop because i'm returning it tomorrow.... what should i use to do this?09:25
rexy_dashgr: are you sure you sound is connected properly?09:25
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rexy_arooni if you are not paranoid a simple format would do the trick09:25
faileasarooni: wipe it totally? how about boot and nuke?09:25
dashgrrexy_: i'm not sure, how can i check? I think it's correctly correctly09:25
aroonifaileas, what do u mean boot & nuke?09:25
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aroonirexy_, simple format writes 0's ?09:26
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faileasarooni: its a livecd darik's boot and nuke09:26
rexy_dashgr:  i have no idea how you should wire up your computer, check your manual how to connect the cables09:26
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aroonifaileas, ooooh cool09:26
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rexy_arooni: format just erases the inode tables09:26
rexy_it doesnt erase the data09:26
aroonifaileas, how long does that take?09:26
aroonifor a 100 gb drive?09:26
rexy_but it requires some effort to get back09:26
dashgrrexy_: i'm on a laptop09:26
faileasarooni: takes a while09:26
bullgard4sauvin: Thank you for explaining.09:26
rexy_do you have a sound control on the laptop desh, a slider of sorts?09:27
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sauvinDepends on who's making the effort. The crime lab at Quantico probably wouldn't even notice a few missing inodes.09:27
aroonifaileas, would it be done overnight?09:27
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faileasarooni: probably. depends on how many passes09:27
dashgrrexy_: it conrols the master sound and wheni adjust is raises or lowers the master09:27
dashgrrexy_: and i raised it to max09:27
aroonifaileas, can i do it for certain partitions09:27
aroonifaileas, i want the laptop to still boot to windows tomorrow09:28
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rexy_!sound > me09:28
arooniso they can verify it works09:28
z0rzBah humbug!09:28
faileasarooni: i can't remember, check it?09:28
arooniand so i just want to blow away my linux partitions09:28
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z0rzRexy I went to that page, but I accidently skipped passed the 7.04 instructions and went straight to the 6.10 instructions and did them.09:28
sauvinSo, blast 'em, delete 'em and use gparted or something to expand the Windows partition to the entire drive.09:28
faileasarooni: if its just a partition, you could probably run secure delete from windows... its meant for files but would work09:28
sauvinWhy do you want the linux partitions gone?09:29
Geoffrey2if I'm trying to block ads, etc in my web browser, the addresses go in /etc/hosts?09:29
rexy_Geoffrey2: that will work yes09:29
aroonisauvin, cuz i'm returning my laptop tomorrow...and if they boot to see if it works when i return it... i want them to see windows09:29
rexy_dashgr: then i dont know, it should work really09:29
sauvinSo set grub to launch Windows automatically.09:30
dashgrrexy_: thats ok, thanks for trying09:30
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rexy_arooni just remaster it with your windows disks then?09:30
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arooniyah i guess i could rexy_ y09:30
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rexy_dashgr: if you had sound at startup you could try a reinstall, obviously something is messed up, but if the startup sound works then your card is supported09:30
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rexy_arooni: unless you are really paranoid about people retrieving data from your disk there is not much to worry about, a simple reinstall of windows will make retrieving any data on it pretty hard. Off course if you have materials on there you wouldn't want to end up on the internet erasing isnt a bad idea09:31
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Flannelarooni: shred09:34
Geoffrey2rexy_, with the only hitch being that I get Unable to Connect messages where the ads used to be....minor annoyance I guess...at least my browser isn't locking up now09:35
mattghey, where do i get vmware from?09:35
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supoibdoes anyone have any experience with sending sms messages to a phone from ubuntu?09:36
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DougieI used gparted to resize my file partition...and i think it screwed it up i can't seem to mount the drive09:37
rexy_Geoffrey2: well you can use the adblock plugin for firefox09:37
rexy_supoib: try gnoki09:37
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rexy_it interfaces with a nokia to send sms messages09:37
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rexy_if you mean websites i'm sure there is an applet that interfaces with one of them, google will tell you09:38
mojojojo_How can I check which frequencies my cpu provides?09:38
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figjammorning chaps09:38
Dougiemojojojo, not really anything to do with your OS but what cpu do you have?09:38
rexy_mojojojo_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=248867 it's a bit outdated but some usefull information in there09:39
jscinozis it just me or is sound from OSS very tinny?09:39
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Dougiewhats wrong with ALSA?09:40
supoibrexy_: thanks for the suggestion, but from the looks of it it's only for nokia phones09:40
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rexy_supoib: think so, there are some other apps for it too,been awhile since i played with it. i'm sure google will turn up a program which is already in the ubuntu repo09:40
supoibyea, i've been looking at smssend09:41
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jscinozthe .10 kernel killed ALSA :P09:41
supoibthe attwireless script doesn't work09:41
supoiband no updates to it09:41
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rexy_supoib: i guess there isnt much demand for it09:42
IAmWilli am trying to pull emerald, but it depends on libwnck18 which isnt installable. How do I make libwnck18 installable so I can get emerald?09:42
jscinozanyone know how to pair a new bluetooth device via bluetooth-applet?09:42
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supoibrexy_: seems that way.09:42
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supoibrexy_: but that's the beauty of open source, i can take a look at the app and see if i can write my own script09:43
rexy_yeah, but honestly why would you want to since you can use free sms services on the web09:44
jscinozHow can i pair a bluetooth device to my laptop via blue-tooth applet?09:44
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supoibi need to automate this09:44
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supoibfor a cron job or whatever09:44
decaysupoib, hi09:45
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supoibor if i'm away from the computer and have a long job running, i'd like to know when it's done or what-have-you09:45
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supoibi can think of a myriad of applications of this09:46
mojojojo_rexy_:  yeah, I visited this link beforehand, but I can't seem to find any information which frequencies are available on my laptop... from what I found managed to read there are 3 frequencies among which 1GHz (which I is currently set) is the lowest... I'm just wondering whether it's a linux matter or is it that hardware only provides only these 3 options...09:46
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rexy_i'd guess hardware mojojojo_09:47
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faileasmojojojo_: as i understand. yeah, there's only 3 levels for freqency09:47
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rexy_scaling down frequency has a big impact though09:47
binMonkeyi keep hearing about how bad ndiswrapper is.  can i use madwifi for bm4318 cards.09:48
rexy_and your processor will idle as much as it can itself too09:48
mojojojo_hmm.. what about turning of one of the cores... is it possible?09:48
mojojojo_turning off*09:48
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rexy_probably not09:49
binMonkeyshould be bcm4318.09:50
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rexy_you can turn of your wifi when you are not online to save energy, and you can use function keys to dim the lcd screen09:50
nathan___if anyone knows how to install compiz fusion on ubuntu, I could use the help09:50
supoibrexy_: i have another question, do you know of a free web based sms service?09:50
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rexy_supoib: honestly did you try google before asking?09:50
supoibso much junk09:51
r00723r0i know one off the top of my head09:51
FlannelbinMonkey: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/utils/bcm43xx-fwcutter09:51
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r00723r0supoib: i don't think you did google09:51
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nathan___if anyone knows how to install compiz fusion on ubuntu, I could use the help09:51
r00723r0"free sms" gives great links09:51
ThanatosDrivenathan__: #ubuntu-effects09:52
binMonkeyFlannel: thanks.  i tried that one before but it kept dropping on me.  so far ndiswrapper works for me but i wonder if there's something better out there.09:52
nathan___no one in there09:52
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supoibtoo bad they append spam to the end of the message09:52
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Evan_can anybody help me with my wireless prob. i seem to be connected to the network but i cant acess the net09:53
supoibEvan_: do you have encryption on your wireless?09:53
pike_Evan_: can you ping the router?09:53
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ashu18what's a monitor sync problem?09:54
Evan_im i have a encryped password but i got entered that and am connected to the network09:54
Evan_how do i ping the router?09:54
ThanatosDrivenathan__: Well, that can't be right, beause I'm in there, and I see 72 other people in there.09:54
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pike_Evan_: wep or wpa?09:55
decayyour sync rates are wrong09:55
decayeithe vertical or horizontal, or both09:55
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ashu18my ubuntu splash screen isn't showing up and the display is a bit weird too09:55
supoibEvan_: i'd suggest you first turn off the encryption and verify that works09:56
jscinozHow can i pair a new device using bluetooth-applet09:56
ashu18it happened after i swapped my standby motherboard with my original one09:56
pike_Evan_: so basiaclly youre doing 1) sudo iwconfig eth1 essid someroutername key 12345567 2) sudo dhclient eth1  and getting an ip address?09:56
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup09:56
Evan_well ubuntu says i am connected at 84% strength i have like steps telling me the strength not two computers09:57
pike_Evan_: really mac filtering is not broadcasting ssid is about as secure as adding wep into the mix. its so easy to crack09:57
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Evan_my router said when i added the wep that ssid would be turnt off09:58
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binMonkeyis madwifi for atheros chipsets only or can i use it with bcm4318 also?09:58
rexy_!wifi > binMonkey09:59
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rexy_there is a link in there as well specific for that chipset i believe09:59
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binMonkeyrexy_: a link in where?10:00
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:00
Evan_pike_ i my wireless isnt at eth110:00
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TooR4uHow to make the background of the desktop transparent by using beryl??10:00
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Till__hi @ all i have ubuntu 7.10 and i cant creat ne fils with right click new file empty file. why doesn't this work?10:01
pike_Evan_: yeah that was just an example youd replace device name with whatever yours is and of course first sudo ifconfig devicename up10:01
binMonkeyrexy_: i just googled !wifi and notwifi and found nothing.  what am i not understanding?10:01
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:01
Evan_pike_ i dont know what my device is i bought it yesterday and it pluged and played10:02
rexy_ubotu bot links to where you want to go10:02
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Evan_i think its a expresscard10:02
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rexy_oh it's private, sorry thought it would be sent here10:02
binMonkeyrexy_: what does that mean?10:02
mojojojo_rexy_:  I found neat console utility... cpufreq-selector... you can choose CPU governor.. it's quite comfortable...10:02
nathan___if anyone knows how to install compiz fusion on ubuntu, I could use the help10:02
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djs_2_6Hey all.  What is the name of the app that sits by the clock that deals with wireless connections?10:02
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Till__some one an idea?10:02
rexy_mojojojo_: you only use that to set the policy, the default one seems to work fine for me10:02
painescan i install a specific wine version via apt? cause apt-get will pull the latest version, but I need an older version like 0.9.40~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-1 instead of 0.9.43~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-110:03
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rexy_https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs just go there binMonkey , it should link to a page specific for your card10:03
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rexy_ the ! thing is just a control for the bot in this channel to pump it for information10:03
Till__hi i have ubuntu 7.10 and i cant creat ne fils with right click new file empty file. why doesn't this work?10:04
supoibnathan__: type glxinfo | grep rendering in console. what does it say?10:04
binMonkeywill someone tell me what !wifi means, please?  maybe i'm just not hip to the irc lingo.10:04
pike_Evan_: id disable wep on the router. you can always enable it later.  sorry im not going to be alot of help right now10:04
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EuphidimeI have a quick question relating to mouse problems, it isn't terribly important. I have a standard two button USB mouse with a scroll wheel. Scrolling with the wheel works fine, but clicking with it doesn't. Usually I click with the scroll wheel to open/close tabs in Firefox, which is why it's really bothering me that it's not working. Any suggestions?10:04
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rexy_binMonkey: it just controls a bot in this channel10:04
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Evan_im not quite sure how to turn the wep off10:04
rexy_check the link i pasted and go from there to get wifi working10:04
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binMonkeyrexy_: sorry, but how do i use it?10:05
ziroday!welcome | binMonkey10:05
ubotubinMonkey: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.10:05
rexy_!wifi | binMonkey10:05
ubotubinMonkey: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:05
supoibnathan__: did you read any of their docs?10:05
binMonkey!wifi | binMonkey10:05
rexy_there that link is where you can find information about setting up wifi10:05
zirodaybinMonkey: you have to have a word after it like !welcome or !bot to use it10:05
nathan___yes and I've tried 2 different sources and also an automated script10:05
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ziroday!bot > binMonkey10:05
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m0u5eanyone know why flash is so incredibly slow on ubuntu?10:05
rexy_m0u5e: what kind of computer?10:06
m0u5ei have the adobe-flash plugin installed, but its just incredibly slow10:06
nathan___so freaking hard to install one damn program =/10:06
m0u5erexy_: 2.8ghz p4 intel i84510:06
binMonkey!bot > binMonkey10:06
rexy_hmm odd10:06
m0u5erexy_: 512mb ram10:06
m0u5erexy_ yeah... is there a setting somewhere i can change about flash?10:06
pike_Euphidime: you could always do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  but unless you know a bit about what youre doing you might be worse off afterwards.10:06
rexy_dunno m0u5e, did you try googling for flash ubuntu problems?10:06
zirodaynathan__its really easy use trveniho repos and just sudo apt-get then correct pacakges10:06
m0u5erexy_: yeah, i dont see any ones which are similar... so i wonder if its something with my configs?10:07
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nathan___I keep running into trouble with that10:07
nathan___it is the buggiest program ever possibly10:07
rexy_m0u5e: honestly your guess is as good as mine10:07
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rexy_nathan__ what are you trying to install?10:07
WillHi, I'm running Xubuntu, but I have done an alternative install, so I'm at the terminal. I did "sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop" and it installed it, however, what is the command to boot the desktop up?10:07
rexy_will startx10:08
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doug_CF_Installer-Updater_v.3.sh i used this to isntall compiz fusion but it wont work now i cant get it to unisntall all the crap it installed and i tried the uninstall it had it didnt work10:08
doug_any ideas10:08
doug_i asked in ubunut effects10:08
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rexy_its a slower channel doug_ if anyone know the answer they'll respond, eventually10:08
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doug_rexy i have10:09
m0u5eanyone else's flash is incredibly slow?10:09
doug_im waiting for an answer as we speak rexy10:09
Till__hi i have ubuntu 7.10 and i cant creat ne fils with right click new file empty file. why doesn't this work? help10:09
iceekI have problem with page loading under ubuntu 7.04 (don't care what browser), some pages dont load, some stop loading in half way, some works normaly, I have cable internet and router/gateway to home network. In wireshark I can see wrpong checksum in some packet or something like that :(. Same problem with newest gentoo ive cd. Older distribs are OK. What is wrong?? I try turn off ipv6, it didn't help :( ...10:09
m0u5erexy_: i wonder if its my graphics card... do you know if flash as of default, direct renders to the graphics card?10:09
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rexy_Till__: are you running gutsy? also check if your disk is full, also if you're new better just install feisty10:10
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binMonkeyrexy_: and ziro, thanks.  where can i learn more about how to use the bot stuff?10:10
rexy_m0u5e: maybe if it's using 3d stuff, you could try installing the binary drivers10:10
thykohello all10:10
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rexy_binMonkey: dunno, it's just to automate handing some information10:11
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thykoim trying to follow this howto http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-106186.html10:11
thykobut the sourceforge server seems to be down10:11
Till__rexy_: yes gutsy, i did yesterday sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, the system look likes good :) the disj isn't full...10:11
thykois there somewhere else i can get the source10:11
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rexy_thyko: i'd venture a guess and say that howto is out of data10:12
WillWhat is the best DOS to use in linux?10:12
rexy_!wifi | thyko start there10:12
GInwhere to go to select another sound theme?10:12
ubotuthyko start there: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:12
WillSince i have a pentium 3 500hz?10:12
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=== thyko has a look at those ....
rexy_Will if you just want a console system you can try the alternate installation iso10:12
CupidWolfhi all10:12
rexy_that has no wm, or install xubuntu which is a light version with graphics10:12
CupidWolfi've used the wget command to download Tribe 510:12
CupidWolfand I can't find the file :D10:12
m0u5erexy_:  3d stuff?10:12
rexy_graphic acceleration10:13
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Willwell I'm saying I want to run DOS programs in linux, which software should I use with my p3 500mhz?10:13
Till__i'm back in a few minutes10:13
supoibCupidWolf: what directory did you run it from?10:13
supoibwget that is10:13
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rexy_Will dosemu is a program that runs dos programs10:13
CupidWolfhome I thing10:13
thyko! wireless10:13
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:13
CupidWolfopened a new terminal10:13
doug_is ther ea way to reinstall ubuntu live cd with out loosing all my musc movies and music vids but redue all other data?10:13
CupidWolfsudo -i10:13
CupidWolfthen wget10:14
WillI'l try dosemu then10:14
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rexy_doug_: dont format the drive, and manually remove everything but home10:14
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CupidWolfdownload successful, but wheres that file :D10:14
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rexy_in the directory you started the wget CupidWolf10:14
doug_ok rexy exactly how i do that?10:14
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supoibCupidWolf: try looking in /root10:14
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CupidWolfyeah sure10:14
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CupidWolfyou're right !10:14
CupidWolfthanks :)10:14
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doug_rexy do i load the live cd first via boot mode or ?10:15
rexy_you boot the live cd, then click on your harddisk, and remove everything bar the home dir, then when you are asked to partition you select the manual option, and then configure the partitions and toggle the format option10:15
doug_ok thanks rexy10:15
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rexy_be sure to do manual partitioning and setting the partitions such that the format is disabled10:16
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rexy_automatic will just format the disk10:16
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halfbloodprinceHey people.. i just burned the ubuntu ISO image to CD using K3B.. the image seems to have burned properly, but it's not booting from the CD. My bios is set to boot from CD though.. any ideas?10:17
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rexy_does it boot straight to something else halfbloodprince?10:17
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rexy_/ignore joins10:18
Lappyhow can I find out the macaddress of an IP address?10:18
rexy_err that didnt work, heh10:18
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halfbloodprincerexy_ right now, i have a dual boot system installed. windows xp and kubuntu, i'm repartitioning my hard drive and want to install ubuntu in place of kubuntu. when i start the computer, it opens GRUB as usual, doesn't boot from the CD10:18
rexy_on your local adress lappy  arp -a10:18
Lappyrexy_: that will tell me everything or just my pc?10:19
rexy_well halfbloodprince either the iso is burned wrong, your cd is broken, or your not booting the cd iso first10:19
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halfbloodprincei thought k3b would burn it as a bootable CD?10:19
rexy_Lappy: all mac adresses on the local network that your machine currently sees10:19
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xorburn it at a slow speed10:20
xorlike 4sx10:20
Lappyhmm... rexy_ so any pingable address?10:20
halfbloodprincexor: what difference will that make?10:20
Rat409halfbloodprince: did you md5sum it?10:20
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xorif you burn it too fast data gets corrupted10:21
halfbloodprinceRat409: yes, the md5sum was proper10:21
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xorworks ok for music, etc.. but not operating systems10:21
rexy_Lappy: well a mac adress does not guarantee it has an ip but ussally yeah10:21
rexy_you can ping an mac adress, but normal ping should work just as well10:21
halfbloodprincexor: i burned at the default speed.. the average was 33x I think10:21
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rexy_halfbloodprince: try manually booting the cd using F1210:21
xorhalfbloodprince: if you have a disc to spare, try it at 4x.. or at least 8x10:21
rexy_in the bios10:22
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xorhalfbloodprince: but make sure you're directing the BIOS to boot from cd10:22
halfbloodprincerexy_: so when the computer starts i should press f12?10:22
wailerthe live cd should have files on it not an iso10:22
Lappyrexy_: am on a LAN, and it only showed my own IP, it didn't even show my desktop's IP/macaddress10:22
m0u5egar... i wonder if theres a repos for the newest intel i8xx driver set out there?10:22
rexy_halfbloodprince: just look at the boot screen10:22
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rexy_you can hit the pause button to pause it10:22
rexy_it will say hit yadda yadda to do boot yadda yadda10:23
dijixIs it possible to boot from a disk from within a VM?10:23
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halfbloodprincerexy_ ah alright, i'll try that10:23
halfbloodprincerexy_ thanks :)10:23
rexy_dijix: some support booting a real partition, most require images though10:23
halfbloodprincei'll try that and be back10:23
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rexy_Lappy: well maybe it hassnt seen it yet10:23
rexy_what do you need the mac for?10:23
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xorgod i love xubuntu10:24
dijixrexy_: It would certainly help dual-booters to be able to stay in linux all of the time10:24
Lappyrexy_: on our LAN/internet, some people use other people's IPs, and when I get an 'IP conflict' I want to know the culprit's mac address so I can tell the ISP about it so they could ban the mac or find out who it is.10:24
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rexy_dijix: well you can just install windows into a vm10:25
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New2UbuntuHelpw00t finally got my stupid Netgear WG511v2 working on ubuntu :D10:25
rexy_i think vmware does support it, but it might be the server version or a commercial variant10:25
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rexy_New2UbuntuHelp: i have the same, what did you use?10:25
xorvirtualbox might10:25
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dijixrexy: Hrmm.. that would work, too.10:26
New2UbuntuHelpndiswrapper :)10:26
tondarhey all10:26
rexy_what type of vm is that xor10:26
rexy_New2UbuntuHelp: yeah same, doesnt work with networkmanager though :/10:26
New2UbuntuHelphave ya got msn?10:26
tondarI was trying to install awn on ubuntu this is the result of command line10:26
New2UbuntuHelpi can sorta give u my settings see if that works?10:26
=== TIHan is now known as Will
xorrexy_: very similar to vmware.. dunno exact difference, but i got it to work much easier10:27
tondarhere is the link to error: http://pastebin.com/d5b2e6d9e10:27
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Willrexy_, apparently startx doesn't work10:27
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xorrexy_: also there's qemu10:27
goonwhat dc clients do you use?10:27
rexy_Will then your x has a configuration problem10:27
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WillAny way to go to default configuration?10:28
rexy_i have the vmware server on my workstation , works alright, but i dont need windows much, just some solaris 10 running in there now10:28
New2UbuntuHelphey ive got beryl on here, only problem is it doesnt load on startup so if i want to see the amazing affects i have to load beryl manually, anyone know of a way to get it to start automatically? cheers10:28
tondarplease help with awn installation10:28
rexy_Will erm yeah, but i dont know the command from hard10:28
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rexy_anyone the xorg --reconfigure command?10:28
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ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes10:28
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tondarthis is the link to the guide I used: https://launchpad.net/awn10:29
Willheh xserver isn't install it says10:29
Willso now i have a problem10:29
tondarand here is the reult i get after installation: http://pastebin.com/d5b2e6d9e10:29
GInhow do you rename a file/folder without right clicking on it and selec rename?10:29
rexy_!xubuntu | Will10:29
ubotuWill: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels10:29
tondaranyone with awn installation?10:29
rexy_that should get you a light x10:29
New2UbuntuHelpso does anyone know how to change the windows that loads?10:30
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supoibNew2UbuntuHelp: system -> preferences -> sessions -> startup programs tab, click new and the command is beryl-manager10:31
supoibtry that10:32
New2UbuntuHelpthanks ill try it10:32
goondoes enybody know where to get linuxDC++?10:32
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rexy_goon apt-cache search directconnec10:33
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knuttieshi, how do I find out the type of RAM on my box?10:33
nathanI am so sick of this I've been trying to get my desktop to look good for three days now10:33
knuttiesi used lshw10:33
rexy_knutties: free -m10:33
rexy_oh wait type, you can see that in the bios10:34
knuttiesrexy_, that gives me the free memory10:34
nathanWhen I try to turn on compiz --replace, I lose my title bar and I can't do anything but ctrl-alt-backspace10:34
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nathanit's windows 98 all over again =[[10:34
rexy_when booting it should say if it uses sdram or ddr10:34
tondarsome one help me with this: https://launchpad.net/awn10:34
knuttiesok, let me try looking at it now10:34
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zirodaynathan: complaining isnt going to solve your porblem10:34
knuttiesthanks rexy_10:34
rexy_nathan what video card do you have10:34
TooR4uHow to change the icon of a particular folder ....?10:34
TooR4uI am using fiesty10:34
rexy_right click -> properties?10:35
zirodayrexy_: how long have you been on for?10:35
nathanrexy_: I have no idea, and apparently there's no way to find out using ubuntu10:35
zirodaynathan: yes there is10:35
Jordan_Unathan, You should use the built in desktop effects, at the very least it will fall back to metacity after a few seconds if it fails10:35
zirodaynathan: give me a min10:35
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nathanthe build in desktop effects don't work now10:36
Jordan_Unathan, System -> Preferences -> Hardware Information10:36
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TooR4uHow to change the icon of a particular folder ....?10:36
zirodaynathan: in a terminal - lspci | grep VGA10:36
TooR4ulike windows?10:36
zirodaynathan: see what it returns10:36
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rexy_ziroday: a whois will tell you that10:37
Jordan_UTooR4u, That is not possible with *NIX file systems10:37
BlueXeroI have a problem with my Add/Remove programs10:37
TooR4uJordan_U, :(10:37
dijixnathan: I'm having the same problem10:37
zirodayrexy_: whois?10:38
BlueXerohow do I check '/etc/apt/sources.list10:38
zirodayrexy_: oh rite sorry im being thick10:38
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dijix07:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0295 (rev a1)10:38
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scipioBlueXero, what do you mean check? view it?10:38
BlueXerowell... It says10:38
Jordan_UBlueBird, System > Administration -> Software Sources10:38
BlueXeroThis is a major failure of your software management system. Please check for broken packages with synaptic, check the file permissions and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.list' and reload the software information with: 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install -f'.10:38
scipio!easysource | BlueXero10:39
ubotuBlueXero: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic10:39
Jordan_Udijix, Did you enable the nvidia drivers in System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager?10:39
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dijixJordan_U: Yes10:40
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scipioBlueXero, so go that website and copy paste the list and use that instead of the one you have now. then do a sudo apt-get update10:40
GInit would be great if gnome display a button on the window to play all audio files if it contains a lot of audio files.10:40
Jordan_U BlueXero Your sources.list is most likely fine unless you have added anything to it manually, try just running "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install"10:40
nathanI don't see my video card in there10:41
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nathanI think it's a ati10:41
Jordan_Unathan, ATI makes crappy Linux drivers10:41
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Jordan_Unathan, They don't support compiz / beryl10:41
zirodaynathan: when you ran the command lspci | grep VGA did it return anything10:42
BlueXerook, but the sources.list is a read-only file, so how do I edit it?10:42
zirodayJordan_U: yes they do10:42
Evan____is there a GUI for editing grub?10:42
Jordan_Uziroday, Only through XGL, not directly10:42
[diablo] can anyone recommend the best compizfusion repo for feisty please?10:42
scipioBlueXero, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list10:42
nathan00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)10:42
Jordan_U!gksudo > scipio10:42
zirodaynathan: that means you have a intergrated intel card10:42
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[diablo] I tried http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net/amaranth/ubuntu and found them buggy as hell10:43
nathani see10:43
zirodaynathan: which is very unlikely to be able to run compiz fusion10:43
scipioJordan_U, correct I should use that instead10:43
Amaranth[diablo] : #compiz-fusion10:43
nathanwell it was working earlier today so10:43
xori've run compiz fusion on intel integrated fine10:43
[diablo] Amaranth, ah, sorry, am I right in saying their your packages?10:43
Jordan_Unathan, That should work with Compiz / Beryl just fine, do you get an error when you try to turn on Desktop Effects?10:43
nathanyeah it just says unable to start10:43
Amaranth[diablo] : yeah10:44
Amaranth[diablo] : go there and i can try to help you10:44
[diablo] im there dude10:44
[diablo] thank you10:44
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scipioBlueXero, next time do 'gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list &' :)10:44
nathankeep in mind, that this is a fresh install as of this morning, then I ran this script that's supposed to install it automatically, now none of it works at all10:45
nathannot even the built in one now10:45
BlueXeroit didn't work10:45
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atari2600acan someone help me w/ something?10:46
GInwow, I like Audacious, it has unicode support! :-)10:46
Jordan_Unathan, Can you pastebin the output of "compiz --replace & sleep 2 && metacity --replace" ? ( that will start compiz then wait two seconds and go back to metacity so it shouldn't freeze up )10:46
atari2600ahow do you make shortcuts or the equivelant?10:46
BlueXeroman, I cant fix this problem10:46
BlueXeroIt keeps coming up with that error10:46
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Jordan_Unathan, Ahh, keep far far away from random scripts10:46
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scipioBlueXero, did you do what Jordan_U suggested?10:47
Jordan_Unathan, Compiz comes pre-installed with Feisty, so I have no idea what that script did... but it probably wasn't good10:47
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nathanit still froze10:47
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CodemasterMMwoah, an op.10:47
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Jordan_Unathan, And it didn't come back after a few seconds ?10:48
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nathanI'll do it to a file on my desktop10:48
Paddy_EIREnathan what script.. was it provided by the ubuntuwiki10:48
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nathanlemme see10:48
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nathanthis script: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50876910:49
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BlueXeroThanks sooooo much Jordan_U10:49
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Jordan_UBlueBird, np :)10:49
nathanwhat was that command again10:49
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rexy_wow lots of banning10:50
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tonyyarussorexy_: UNbanning :)10:50
rexy_oh right10:50
Jordan_Unathan, Ahh, that installs Compiz Fusion, which isn't even Beta yet, it is very unstable10:50
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zirodayah that makes sense10:50
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Paddy_EIREhey tonyyarusso got a funny one for ya http://www.wimp.com/windows/10:50
Jordan_Unathan, You probably want regular Compiz or Beryl which are stable10:50
nathanI want a cube dezktop and someone told me that's what I need for that and transparency and stuff10:50
goonthank you rexy_ :)10:50
Paddy_EIREnathan you seen how many problems on that thread10:50
Jordan_Unathan, They were wrong10:50
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nathanyou guys are who referred me to them =[10:51
nathanok well I'm going back to beryl where i started in the first place...10:51
Paddy_EIREnathan as you have a essentially a fresh install just go on and reinstall and try and avoid early beta software10:51
elkbuntuPaddy_EIRE, ah, like the 'really good edition' spoof?10:51
Paddy_EIREelkbuntu: yeah the messages are quite funny10:52
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Paddy_EIREelkbuntu: been keeping busy ?10:52
elkbuntuPaddy_EIRE,  always. meanwhile this discussion should be in -offtopic10:52
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ompaulokay I am about to remove a few bans10:53
ompaulyou will get a bit of scrolling10:53
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Spee_DerGood morning everyone.10:53
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barbieits afternoon here!10:54
jfmorn Spee10:54
Jordan_USpee_Der, Goodnight :)10:54
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scipio2 am here, good morning10:54
Spee_DerCheers ompaul10:54
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GInwhat command to use to count the number of mp3 files in a directory when using the terminal?10:55
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=== Spee_Der is just relaxing with 2nd cup of morning coffee.....
barbieGIn: ls -lh | wc -l10:55
jfis just having 2nd to last beer getting ready for bed.10:55
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Spee_DerWay to go jf.10:56
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Jordan_UGIn, ls -lh | grep .mp3 | wc -l10:56
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[lovebase5] http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/ind10:56
jfyou on east coast there Spee10:56
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[lovebase5] http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/ind10:56
-[lovebase5] :#ubuntu- http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/ind10:56
[lovebase5] http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/ind10:56
-[lovebase5] :#ubuntu- http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/ind10:56
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deveshhow to umount swap10:56
Spee_DerI'm working on audio problem in Feisty 7.04. Can't find the Sound Blaster LIve  card for some reason.10:56
barbieswapon -a10:56
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jfyou ran alsa conf?10:57
Spee_DerI'll try that now jf.10:57
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Spee_DerI have the gui for alsa also.10:57
deveshi have a problem on detecting sound card on debian10:57
deveshdebian 410:57
deveshwht to do10:57
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Spee_DerIt is seeing both on board sound and the card, but won't send audio to the card.10:57
Spee_Derhi spider10:58
spiderfirecan the 64bit ubuntu run the 32 bit programs?10:58
GInJordan_U, ls *.mp3 | wc -l. will this work?10:58
Jordan_USpee_Der, What is the output of "asoundconf list"10:58
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Spee_Derlemme look10:58
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unknown__can anyone help with disappearing wireless card issue? It is a broadcom it was working, and now it's not and poof!10:59
Spee_DerJordan_U, CS46xx and Live10:59
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Jordan_USpee_Der, Is "Live" the one you want to use?11:00
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spiderfireis this true. if you have a 64bit ubuntu you dont need a 32 bit ubuntu cause you can run 32bit programs?11:00
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jfspee, you run alsamixer?11:00
Spee_Derjf, yes.11:00
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jfnot all spider11:00
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astro76unknown__, do you know which card specifically? (try: lspci | grep -i bcm )11:00
Spee_DerJordan_U, yes, prefer Live as it feeds the external amplifier to drive the 300 W speakers.11:00
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Jordan_USpee_Der, Then try running "asoundconf set-default-card Live"11:00
spiderfirejf: what about a 32bit chroot in a 64bit ubuntu?11:00
bullgard4What is meant by 'system logger' in the sentence "openlog() opens a connection to the system logger for a program."11:01
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Spee_DerJordan_U, ok.11:01
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kevincjhello everyone11:02
Spee_DerSound is still from the internal speaker.11:02
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Jordan_Uspiderfire, Yes, 64 bit Ubuntu can run just about anything ( ouside of drivers ) that 32 bit Ubuntu can, but it can be hard getting things to work ( nspluginwrapper / 32 bit chroot )11:02
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Spee_DerIt is not going to the sound card, yet.11:02
unknown__astro76: 02:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)11:02
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Spee_Derhi kevin11:03
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jfas far as I know cannot run 32 bit adobe flash, some apps.  Can run under wine for most of those however.  Could be wrond on both instances.  normal slack user.  trying ubuntu11:03
Jordan_Uunknown__, have you tried bcm43xx-fwcutter?11:03
kevincjhi spee_Der11:03
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Jordan_U!flash64 | jf spiderfire11:03
ubotujf spiderfire: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava11:03
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jfwhy not ndiswrapper11:03
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astro76unknown__, yes have you used bcm43xx-fwcutter or bcm43xx-firmware ?11:03
Jordan_Ujf, It isn't native11:03
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astro76bcm4306 works perfectly without ndiswrapper11:03
spiderfireJordan_U: can i use an already existing 32bit install?11:03
jfeasier for new to run than fwcutter11:03
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jfthanks for link ubotu11:04
unknown__Jordan_U: bcm43xx-fwcutter gets errors11:04
Jordan_Ujf, No, to use fwcutter you just install bcm43xx-fwcutter, there is nothing to "do"11:04
Spee_DerDo I need to re-start something now with the asoundconf default set for live perhaps ?11:04
jfi always had problem in slack with fwcutter.  but it is native correct?11:05
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Spee_DerI need more coffee, b r b.11:05
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Jordan_Uunknown__, Ahh, probably md5 mismatch again, I have the firmware that it installs on my site, you can just copy it to /lib/firmware ...11:05
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unknown__Jordan_U: md5? what's that?11:06
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astro76unknown__, or the package here also installs the firmware directly: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/dists/feisty-cafuego/bcm43xx/11:06
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Jordan_Uastro76, That package is old11:06
astro76how so?11:07
Jordan_Uunknown__, It is a way of checking file integrity, basically the place where the package downloads the firmware changed and the package hasn't been updated11:07
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Jordan_Uunknown__, Here is the .zip file, extract it to your desktop http://trogdoor.googlepages.com/firmware.zip11:08
haboohey guys11:08
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jfJordan - does the fwcutter extract cab files from win. drivers to load at boot?11:09
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thykohow do i connect to WPA wireless network? The network thingi is only giving me the option to use WEP11:10
Jordan_Ujf, It extracts .fw ( firmware ) files11:10
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Jordan_Uunknown__, Tell me once you have the firmware in a folder named "firmware" on your desktop11:10
robthyko, while I don't recommend it just yet, Gutsy has wpa support in network manager out of the box11:10
unknown__Jordan_U: kk got it11:10
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unknown__Jordan_U: I have the "firmware"11:11
Spee_DerJordan_U, do I need to re-start something for the Live card to work now ? I did the asoundconf set-default-card Live.11:11
Prowler_1whare can i find the process manager?11:12
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jfthyko- I think this is the one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2662311:12
Jordan_Uunknown__, Ok, now run " sudo mv ~/Dektop/firmware/*.fw /lib/firmware"11:12
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bootmanager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:12
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Jordan_Uunknown__, Change "Dektop" to "Desktop" :)11:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about processmanager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:13
Prowler_1!process manager11:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about process manager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:13
m0u5ewhats the command to give me the cpu usage of a specific process?11:14
Spee_DerProwler_1, system > admin > system monitor11:14
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scipiom0u5e, top?11:14
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m0u5escipio: i need the cpu usage of a specific process11:14
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m0u5escipio: i tried ps... but i wasnt able to specify a specific process -_-;11:15
Prowler_1Spee_Der: Thanks11:15
unknown__Jordan_U: done no return error11:15
Prowler_1you know what is the key shortcut for it?11:15
Spee_Derno. I do it from menu11:15
Jordan_Uunknown__, Now, for security, run "sudo chown root:root /lib/firmware/*.fw"11:15
jffavorite Java or C/C++ ide's?11:16
Jordan_Um0u5e, Use grep11:16
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unknown__Jordan_U:  Also done. No return error11:16
Spee_Derm0u5e, you could also use system > admin > system monitor for more specific information on each process and value.11:16
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unknown__Jordan_U:  Man I gotta say none of this was in any forums11:17
Jordan_Uunknown__, Ok, now reboot and your wireless should work ( the reboot isn't needed but I forget how to restart network-manager :)11:17
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Spee_DerJordan_U, that can also be done through system monitor menu/functions11:17
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WildZeckhi how to lauch clamd daemon under feisty  please ?11:17
Jordan_Uunknown__, That is because usually you just install bcm43xx-fwcutter and it does all this for you11:18
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unknown__Jordan_U:  Thanks again I'll try rebooting my computer now11:18
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z0rzHmm.. I just installed Azureus.. and ran the configuraiton wizard.. and I don't remember if I finished it or not.. but now if I open Azureus the config wizard pops up for like 1 sec and then the whole program crashes... Any solutions?11:20
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robz0rz, might not what you want to hear, but try Deluge, its pretty good11:21
robno java too11:21
z0rzrob: Absolutley what I wanted to hear..11:21
jfi say uninstall and re-install.   Works fine in feisty.  But I agree with Rob on the Java bit11:21
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WillHow do i open a .tgz11:21
jfinstallpkg *.tgz (in slack anyways)11:22
astro76!tar | jf11:22
ubotujf: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression11:22
astro76Will, see above11:22
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m0u5eJordan_U: how would i use grep?11:23
z0rzrob: Does deluge support encryption?11:23
Willok, also why do I always have to compile programs that are made for linux, why cant they just make them pre-compiled11:23
astro76jf, I used your nick accidentally ;)11:23
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astro76Will, what programs? they probably are11:23
Willbecause now i have to compile dosemu11:23
Jordan_Um0u5e, ps with whatever arguments >11:23
WillDOSEMU is in the packages but its not the latest version11:23
robz0rz, yes11:23
zirodayz0rz: yes11:23
astro76!info dosemu | Will11:24
ubotuwill: dosemu: The Linux DOS Emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2.2-8 (feisty), package size 947 kB, installed size 2204 kB11:24
Spee_Derps ax11:24
z0rzHow do I get it?11:24
robz0rz, if you are on Feisty, grab the .deb from the deluge web site (more up to date)11:24
z0rzthen just double click the deb?11:24
Jordan_Um0u5e, < ps with whatever arguments > | grep <process name>11:24
astro76Will, well if you absolutely need the latest version then I guess11:24
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WillDOSEMU is at 1.4.011:24
Spee_Derps ax will show all tasks running11:24
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alsahey i need help11:24
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alsathe Network manager isnt showing my systray11:24
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WillWell the newest version in the readme or notes says it fixes a lot of sound and midi problems11:25
alsait crashed the the gdesklet11:25
alsaand now no matter what i install or reinstall11:25
alsathe network manager wont show11:25
alsajust the notifications11:25
doug_i got a portalble disk drie usb ported i am trying to delete things in it but they come back"/media/disk...}_Large.jpg" cannot be deleted because it is on a read-only disk.11:25
Jordan_Ualsa, What happens when you run "nm-applet" ?11:25
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soniumhow can I change the language of xchat spell check?11:25
alsanothing =\11:25
doug_i tried to change the promission but it wouldnt let me11:25
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Jordan_Udoug_, NTFS?11:25
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doug_jordan its a 1gb usb flash drive11:26
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rob1z0rz, sorry wireless networked dropped out, the url is: http://deluge-torrent.org/11:26
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alsaJordan_U : what do u think11:27
alsais it repairable11:27
Jordan_Ualsa, As a test, try creating a new user and logging in as that user and see if it shows up then11:27
alsaive been googling it for hours11:27
Jordan_Ualsa, Almost anything is repairable, it's just a matter of how hard :)11:28
alsa... yeah11:28
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armani want to install nvidia 8600gt drivers i have 2 options, first i can install the driver from nvidia web page. second there are nvidia binaries in package manager, which one should i use? (i want to install compiz-fushion)11:29
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garryFreI just got here, what's happening doug_ ?11:29
z0rzrob1: Love it.. it's fast too!11:29
Fer_reLINUX FOREVER!!!11:30
Fer_reWINDOWS MUST DIE!!!11:30
Fer_reLET'S KILL GATES!!!11:30
doug_garryfre i got a flash usb 1 gb drive it wont let me delete anything in it11:30
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Jordan_UFer_re, Calm down and please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic11:30
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doug_garryfre it all comes back as read only i change the disks permision it still wont do it it still goes back to the read only11:30
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garryFreuse the binaries, get the kernel image matching yours, there is a glx there, and get nvidia-settings and nvidia-config and run the nvidia-config from command line.11:31
sagarpmy install is hanging indefinitely at "setting up the clock"11:31
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Fer_reJordan_U: it's not offtopic!!! All Russian linux-users is drinking a lot of vodka today!11:31
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doug_garryFre u talking bout my binaries?11:31
z0rzHow can I play mid files?11:31
garryFreThat is strange, that you can't write it11:31
WillI really have no idea how to compile dosemu 1.4.011:31
GaryFer_re, this is a support channel, not a chat channel11:31
WillI wish they just released a compiled one11:31
Jordan_UFer_re, This is a support channel, anything not pertaining to support is offtopic11:31
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garryFrewas talking about how to install nvidia drivers11:32
sagarpif i just kill the install and reboot at "setting up the clock" will it be ok? what else does it do after that? anyone know?11:32
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Fer_reggg... OKay, I think I drunk too many today =(11:32
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garryFreI don't think so, it has to install the boot loader.11:32
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alsaam back11:33
Jordan_Ualsa, Did you try creating a new user?11:33
alsaits not creating a user11:34
alsaill try by terminal11:34
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alsaur good :D11:34
ndeehey there, I'm using beryl & feisty fawn & the ATI driver and xorg hovers at around 25-50% CPU usage, also when I don't do a thing. Anyone knows maybe what the problem could be?11:34
alsait showed11:34
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unKNOWN_trOJANJordan U: It worked! Thanks again for the help...11:35
alsaJordan_U :-)11:35
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Jordan_UunKNOWN_trOJAN, np :)11:37
aldcorhelp... i installed Archlinux... fluxbox and KDE... when i write startkde or fbrun, than - Coudn't load Xserver11:37
Jordan_Ualdcor, This is #ubuntu11:37
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aldcorit doesn't matter11:38
aldcorsomebody maybe now..11:38
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doug_can someone run me through the steps to reinstall evrything with out loosing the stuff in the home folder rexy told me while ago but i couldnt get it going11:38
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doug_i need someone that can run me through it on aim or msn11:39
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Jordan_Ualdcor, have you done "pacman -S xorg" ?11:39
aldcorjoakim- yes11:40
aldcorJordan_U yes11:40
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aldcormaybe i should configure xorg?11:40
Jordan_Ualdcor, Yes, you need to run "xorgconfig"11:41
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Jordan_Ualdcor, Or pacman -S hwd and use that, it's easier11:41
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garryFresay doug_ During install most distros have an option to leave the partitions there so as not to over-write information. That might help you. The other way might be moving it to a memstick11:42
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aleph0hello everyone11:43
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aleph0I'm having great trouble installing ubuntu on an hp compaq 6751s.11:43
doug_garryFre i cant do anything with the mim stick its messed up11:43
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Jordan_Udoug_, Do you have your /home an a separate partition?11:43
aleph0in particular, I am now using the alternate install cd for text mode install11:44
doug_what command do i type to get to this folder ~/compiz11:44
doug_no jordan_U11:44
Jordan_Udoug_, cd ~/compiz11:44
sonofsamhello internet land!11:44
aleph0my question: is there any way I can tell the installer NOT to format the partitions? (I have already formatted by hand - and the installer always hangs on formatting)11:44
doug_hmm sayes no suck folder jordan_U11:44
EvaLuaTewhen trying to install vhcs with 'sudo sh vhcs.sh' i get 'vhcs.sh: 127: Syntax error: Bad substitution', does anyone have an idea on what could be wrong ?11:44
Jordan_Udoug_, Then you don't have a ~/compiz, maybe you want ~/.compiz ?11:45
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Jordan_UEvaLuaTe, sh != bash11:45
mebaran151I've installed flashplugin with nspluginwrapper on my x86_64 system11:45
mebaran151it works alright11:46
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mebaran151except the fonts all show as square boxes11:46
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mebaran151I've installed the ms font set and checked my font paths11:46
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mebaran151but I'm at a loss as to what else to do11:46
Jordan_Umebaran151, Did you follow the wiki ?11:46
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EvaLuaTeJordan_U, i'm pretty new to linux, this is what the site said i should do, first wget the sh script and then run that command, i have no idea what i have done wrong :/11:46
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kauermebaran151 whats the problem again?11:47
Jordan_UEvaLuaTe, What are you trying to do?11:47
mebaran151flash plays youtube and everything11:47
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mebaran151but whnever it loads something like a fileuploading box11:47
mebaran151or something like that11:47
EvaLuaTeJordan_U, i'm trying to install vhcs11:47
mebaran151it only shows square fonts11:47
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Jordan_UEvaLuaTe, I think there is a .deb for that ...11:49
Javidcan gparted resize a partition?11:49
EvaLuaTeJordan_U, could you please help me find it or tell me how to search for it and install ?11:50
deveshyes gparted can do11:50
Jordan_UEvaLuaTe, I am looking now11:50
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EvaLuaTethank you :)11:51
m0u5eJordan_U: (this is kinda belated...) thx :D11:51
Jordan_Um0u5e, np :)11:52
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DromarJavid, of course11:52
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JavidI wish man could spit out a page on stuff without installing it first11:53
Dromarjust don't forget to do it from a live cd if you want resize / or /home11:53
fyrestrtrJavid: you can search online for manpages11:53
Hexagon_who java cliens??????????????????11:53
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JavidI want to resize my current system drive so I can fuck around with other OSes in the extra space11:54
mattgyver83Hey room, how can i figure out what # usb port I am using, would it be the Bus number reflected when running lspci?11:54
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:54
Javiddo I have to do that from a livecd?11:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about care - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:54
DromarJavid, yes11:54
kynananyone tried out linux mint?11:54
mattgyver83im sorry, i meant lsusb, not lspci11:54
Javidok. fanks11:54
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JavidHere's hoping I'm not back here in an hour going "how the hell do I fix this"11:55
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Dromargood luck ^^11:55
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Jordan_UEvaLuaTe, I am not finding anything, try replacing "sh" in that command with "bash"11:55
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EvaLuaTelike sudo bash vhcs.sh ?11:56
jfanyone know about resizing ext3 filesystem.  Because qtparted and parted are not doing the job11:56
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jfedit.. partition11:56
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ndoHello!:) Is anyone expirienced in hardware around here? Could damaged CPU affect a motherboard (damage also maybe)? plz, ty!11:56
Jordan_UEvaLuaTe, Yes11:56
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Jordan_Undo, You might try ##hardware11:57
unKNOWN_trOJANndo: erp umm... huh?11:57
rezzndo: anything is possible11:57
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ndoJordan_U: kty :P11:57
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Ghismoguys where i can find the internet temporary files11:58
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Ghismoi mean the directory11:58
jfwouldn't that depend on the browser?11:59
rezzi have problem with ubuntu, i had it for few times in a row, i reinstalled ubuntu, installed all updates, xmms, aMSN and nvidia drivers from restricted drivers management, then i boot.11:59
EvaLuaTewow, it works, thanks Jordan_U :)11:59
rezzbut ubuntu wont load11:59
rezzis this some wide known problem or is it just me?11:59
kynandoes ubuntu freeze up or just not load at all?11:59
Jordan_UEvaLuaTe, np11:59
fyrestrtrrezz: its you :)11:59
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rezzgnome tries to load the login screen, but the loading cursor just stays12:00
rezzdamn. any ideas?12:00
kynanhmm never experinced that problem...12:00
Jordan_Urezz, Can you get to a terminal with ctrl+alt+f1 ( ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to X )12:00
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ndojust.. i have got a PC from a friend. I doesnt start. So im sure its cpu (from msi diagnostic kit at the back). But while i was turning him on and of, by replacing parts from my PC (ram/vga/psu). He asked for it. I was sure enough its cpu. So, it doesnt start at all right now. Earlier it was all working and just no image on the screen. Thats kinda it, hehe.12:00
kynandoesnt start? hmm could be loose cpu fan wire thats happened to me...12:02
rezzJordan_U: im not sure, im on live cd.. but while it loaded i did press ctrl + alt + f7 key, and then it just crashed12:02
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jfsorry Ghismo, ask again.  wifey says time for bed12:02
OPTIMusprime1212can someone that knows how to reinstall from live cd with out loosing the home part help me through gaim?12:03
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wailerrezz: happened after new nvidia driver?12:03
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rezzwailer: gnome didnt start up12:04
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wailerrezz: try reconery from grub menu12:04
Ghismoi wish to delete all the internet temporary files12:04
Ghismobut i can't find them12:04
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MeRodentarggh!! My panels have dissapeared.12:04
rezzwailer: what do i don in recovery?12:04
MeRodentAnyone know how to get them back?12:04
wailerrezz: did it say anything about x not starting12:05
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ndoJordan_U: nobody is responding at #hardware :(12:06
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Optimus_Primehello robot, I am ubuntu12:06
rezzwailer: no, i doubt. but im not sure12:06
wailerrezz; at the prompt type type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:06
nathanhowcome when I start beryl I have no title bars? this is totally fresh install of ubuntu and beryl12:06
D3B14NMeRodent;   in terminal; killall gnome-panel12:06
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wailerrezz: lets you check/change graphic settings12:07
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kynanis there a shortcut for terminal like alt f2 for run?12:07
sheri97help me with compiz please?12:07
rezzwailer: what do i do there?12:07
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nathanhowcome when I start beryl I have no title bars? this is totally fresh install of ubuntu and beryl12:08
Jordan_Ukynan, You can create one12:08
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wailerrezz: go through the stages slowly12:08
kynanah ok then just checking there wasnt already one cheers12:08
MeRodentd3b14n: thanks mate12:08
sheri97i install compiz but nothing is doing with my desktop,windows,any effects12:08
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D3B14Nnathan did you install the graphic drivers ?12:08
mrbjoer1How do I chmod a folder, and all subfolder and files?12:08
D3B14NMeRodent;   youe welcome12:08
wailerrezz: choose vesa as a way to get graphics back12:09
nathandon't think so...12:09
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sheri97my graphic adapter is SiS and i dont find driver12:09
D3B14Nnathan you need to install the drivers, and eedit your xorg.conf for beryl/compiz12:09
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ubuntu_ok im in live cd how do i fix it where i can reinstall evrything butthe home folder12:09
wailerrezz: then you can do more to get it working right12:09
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Jordan_Unathan, What happens when you try to use the built in desktop effects?12:09
rezzokay thanks bye12:09
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rezzil be back12:09
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Jordan_Uubuntu_, You will need to put your /home on a separate partition12:10
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nathanthey work12:10
nathanoh now it works12:10
aileanguys, is there a way to quickly switch between keyboard layouts in GNOME?  I regularly type in both english and spanish and it's a bit of a pain to have to go into preferences each time.12:10
ubuntu_how jordan_U12:10
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msikmaHi everone, I was wondering if anyone knew how to keep GDM from being started up. I want to boot up my computer and log in via text mode.12:12
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octoberdanailean: Try #gnome12:12
Toma-ailean: add a "Keyboard Indicator" to your panel12:12
ubuntu_jordan_U do i take the home partition and drag it into the live cd desk?12:12
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Jordan_U!boot | msikma12:12
ubotumsikma: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto12:12
unKNOWN_trOJANCan anyone help with mplayer not playing a dvd that I have? I've install win32 & some file from medibuntu and it still won't work, any suggestions?12:12
Jordan_Uubuntu_, No...12:13
waileraileen: you can use a panel shortcut12:13
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octoberdanailean: Write a script and map it to an unused keyboard button/combination?12:14
Jordan_Uubuntu_, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome You will need to start from your harddrive install IIRC12:14
msikmaJordan_U: I don't think this is it. I've already modified grub to ensure that I won't see the graphical boot, but I'm certain that GDM is started via some other script than the boot options.12:14
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gordonjcpquick question about installing12:14
gordonjcpwhy does it ask me to set a keyboard layout during installation, and then ignore it?12:15
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gordonjcplogic dictates that if you set your keyboard layout while you're installing, you're most likely to want to continue using that layout12:15
aileanguys, is there a way to quickly switch between keyboard layouts in GNOME?  I regularly type in both english and spanish and it's a bit of a pain to have to go into preferences each time.12:15
unKNOWN_trOJANgordonjcp: sounds like it could be many things unfortunatley12:16
Jordan_Umsikma, Read the whole message, you can use bum to prevent gdm from starting automatically12:16
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gordonjcpunKNOWN_trOJAN: no, it's one thing; the installer just plain doesn't set up your keyboard12:16
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gordonjcpunKNOWN_trOJAN: this is probably something more for the dev lists though ;-)12:16
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unKNOWN_trOJANgordonjcp: whats your hardware?12:17
waileraileen: right click on a panel - click ad to panel - application launcher - preferences12:17
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EvaLuaTehow can i enable root login on ubuntu 7.04 ?12:18
gordonjcpunKNOWN_trOJAN: generic desktop pc, but this is true of any hardware12:18
gordonjcp!root | EvaLuaTe12:18
ubotuEvaLuaTe: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:18
Norrel!root | EvaLuaTe12:18
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Jordan_UEvaLuaTe, Why do you want to log in as root? ( you shouldn't )12:18
EvaLuaTei have a program the requires root to install (i think that's the problem ... :/ )12:19
msikmaJordan_U: I can't seem to find what you mean, and I can't find "bum".12:19
NorrelEvaLuaTe: sudo12:19
EvaLuaTeNorrel, it doesn't seem to work with sudo12:19
keithhhhhIs there any disadvantage of installing ubuntu 5.10 then upgrading to 7.04?  I have a fresh new HD12:19
ubuntu_jordan_U it doesnt tell me how to move the home partition12:19
wailersudo apt-get12:19
EvaLuaTei get permission denied when the program tries to vreate a file :/12:20
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EvaLuaTecreate even12:20
Optimus_Primetry www.google.com12:20
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EvaLuaTeme ?12:20
gordonjcpEvaLuaTe: did you read the link that the bot gave you?12:20
Jordan_Umsikma, sudo apt-get install bum12:20
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unKNOWN_trOJANgordonjcp: I'll never understand... today Ubuntu install won't grab my broadcom. Yesterday xfce4 saw it fine.12:21
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EvaLuaTegordonjcp, yes i did12:21
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gordonjcpunKNOWN_trOJAN: I just did a clean reinstall, and although lspci sees my soundcard, nothing else wants to talk to it12:21
whtais there ANY WAY at ALL to get opengl applications to work in an XGL session with an ATI card? :(12:22
gordonjcpEvaLuaTe: so you know what to do then12:22
EvaLuaTewell, it doesn't work with sudo :/12:22
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mwewhta, people in #ubuntu-effects may know more about it12:22
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Jordan_Uwhta, You can run them from the underlying x server instead of XGL, /join #ubuntu-effects12:23
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gordonjcpEvaLuaTe: you haven't read the page, have you?12:23
EvaLuaTei have12:23
unKNOWN_trOJANgordonjcp: Another curiosity... I've done exactly the same things to install mplayer in xfce and now in ubuntu, and guess which is not working...12:23
gordonjcpno, you can't have12:23
kritzstapfdoes the server install contain anything the desktop install doesnt?12:23
whtathanks guys, i'll ask over there12:23
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Jordan_UEvaLuaTe, In what way does it not work with sudo?12:23
gordonjcpEvaLuaTe: otherwise you'd know how to start a root shell, wouldn't you?12:23
Norrelkritzstapf: server version of kernel12:23
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gordonjcpEvaLuaTe: go back and read it right to the end ;-)12:24
msikmaJordan_U: thanks, I will look into it12:24
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almienso just running ubuntu liveCD on a thinkpad... and when booted it gives a blank black screen instead of a graphical desktop - is this normal?!12:24
ubuntu_if i delete .compiz .emerald .kde .update-notifier and .update-manager-core would that ruin the drive?12:24
unKNOWN_trOJANgordonjcp: it makes better sense if it were 2 different computers, but there not :p12:24
RdKili have a small problem that's been confoundng me for days, does anyone mind helping out a guy with his first linux install?12:24
Jordan_Ualmien, No12:24
EvaLuaTeJordan_U: i get a 'Permission denied' when the installer tries to create a file12:24
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Jordan_UEvaLuaTe, It may be trying to write to a read only file system12:25
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gordonjcpEvaLuaTe: some things don't work well from sudo; then you need to use a root shell12:25
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unKNOWN_trOJANgordonjcp: oops "they're" ... nap time I guess12:25
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almienthe "blank screen" thing happens with pretty much every version of ubuntu I've tried (but not on pclinuxos or mepis)12:25
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ubuntu_hey Jordan_U if i delete those files the .compiz .emerald .kde .update-notifier .update-manager-core would that harm anything?12:26
Jordan_Ualmien, Can you get to a terminal with ctrl+alt+F1 ?12:26
EvaLuaTegordonjcp, i can't find the section on how to use a root shell on that site :/12:26
wailernever had a blank screen in ubuntu12:26
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gordonjcp!root | EvaLuaTe12:27
ubotuEvaLuaTe: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:27
gordonjcpEvaLuaTe: read that page12:27
gordonjcpit's there12:27
gordonjcpI've got it right in front of me12:27
Jordan_Uubuntu_, At most you should rename them so they aren't used but still are available to put back12:27
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EvaLuaTeohh, right, it's at the bottom, didn't notice :/12:27
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EvaLuaTethank you12:27
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gordonjcpEvaLuaTe: *told you*12:27
ubuntu_jordan_U i stillc ant figure out how to move the home partition12:27
gordonjcpEvaLuaTe: this is how we learn, y'see12:28
almienthat's the weird thing - ctrl-alt-F1 and similar just don't do anything on my machine, it's just blank and unresponsive12:28
gordonjcpand it's why we don't spoon-feed answers ;-)12:28
EvaLuaTeAMAZING, it works now =)12:28
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MegaIRChello there guys12:28
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Jordan_Ualmien, Do you see the usplash?12:29
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haboosup guys12:30
RdKilmornin haboo12:30
ubuntu_if i hook up a ethernet wire from a ubuntu os and axp os how do i get it where i can transfer files?12:30
BlueStorm_Nitro tha CiMien12:30
haboo:) good morning12:30
almienusplash?  I see the text-mode stuff (starting HAL, starting CUPS etc) then it blanks12:31
Jordan_Ualmien, Some BIOSs don't work well with usplash, you could try starting without "splash" in the kernel parameters at boot12:31
RdKilubuntu_: 1st you need a crossover ethernet cable.  or a router.12:31
Jordan_Ualmien, Then it is probably a usplash problem12:31
ubuntu_RdkiL i got a router12:31
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Jordan_Ualmien, Wait...12:31
joakim-just install samba on your linux box then ubuntu_12:31
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Jordan_Ualmien, What version of Ubuntu?12:32
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joakim-and connect both comp's to the router obviosly12:32
almiensame with both 7.04, 7.1012:32
RdKiljoakim-: that's something i've been meaning to learn how to do.  is it hard?12:32
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ubuntu_joakim how would i get it to the xp with samba?12:32
heanolis there some special package you need for network manager to manage wlans too?12:32
heanoli have a wlan0 but the nm-applet doesnt seem to want to manage it12:32
joakim-RdKil, to install samba?12:32
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joakim-sudo apt-get install samba i guess..12:32
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ubuntu_joakim is it hard to run samba?12:33
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Jordan_Ualmien, Do you know how to change boot options on the LiveCD?12:33
ubuntu_joakim both comps r hooked to the same router12:33
RdKiljoakim-: aye.  i have some files on an ntfs drive i want copied over to whatever format linux uses.  i know i need smaba to talk to teh two computers, but i've never set it up before.12:33
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joakim-i think samba comes oob with ubuntu anyway12:34
LamegoRdKil, if both drives are on the same computer, you do not need samba12:34
almienI've got F6, is asking me to type boot options12:34
ubuntu_joakim can one os be ubuntu and another os be xp and it still work?12:34
joakim-thats what samba is for12:34
almienany idea what the thing to type is12:34
LamegoRdKil, samba is only required if you need to access to a windows share, over the network12:34
Jordan_Ualmien, Do you see "splash" there?12:34
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almienF6 at boot just gives "Boot options:____________________"12:34
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Jordan_Ualmien, With 7.04 ?12:35
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Jack333is there anyway to autodetect windows network share in ubuntu12:35
kakarutuwhen i open a new tab in firefox, my PC freezes, and "Caps Lock" and "Scroll Lock" was blinking, i restarted the PC, and it was fixed, im using ubuntu 7.04, what happened to my PC?12:35
Jordan_Ualmien, That isn't possible ....12:36
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doug_joakim do i have to have samba ont he xp os?12:36
almiennot possible?12:36
almienthis is 7.10 I'm using at moment12:36
joakim-no doug_12:36
RdKiljoakim-: hmm... true.  however it has backups of stuff from teh rest of teh family's computers and they want to keep access to it.  I was origionally going to install the ntfs drive in a windows xp comuter, install samba, transfer teh files to teh linux computer, remove the ntfs drive install it into the linux computer, format so linux can use it, copy teh files back over again.12:37
Jordan_Ualmien, Use 7.04, 7.10 is not finished12:37
joakim-click on places -> network and if youve got a windows box on the network, it should show up there12:37
doug_joakim do i have to have them hooked with eithernet cause there both wireless right now12:37
RdKiland then set samba uup so my borthers can see them.12:37
joakim-no doug_12:37
joakim-as long as theyre connected to the router12:37
doug_ok joakim i got it installed so hwo do i get it to run?12:37
joakim-click on places -> network and if youve got a windows box on the network, it should show up there12:38
Jack333joakim where do you find places in kubuntu?12:38
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almien7.04 is pretty much exactly the same, I can find a CD to try it again, but I had to use "safe graphics mode" to install it, and then every time it booted, you'd have to reboot the machine at least once before it would come up with a graphical desktop (i.e. first time you boot it fails, second time it might work)12:38
joakim-dunno Jack33312:38
joakim-check konqueror12:38
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maaksmaaks> hi12:38
maaks<maaks> i just wanted to know , how to launch compiz with emerald12:38
maaks<maaks> is there a specific command to type in ?12:38
maaks<maaks> i'm using the compiz --replace command12:38
joakim-maaks, compiz --replace -c emerald12:38
maaksthanks joakim- :)12:39
almienso in this respect they look similar.  there isn't anything on the 7.10 buglist which I need...12:39
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doug_joakim how i get samba up i dont see it int he apps i installed it via sudo apt-get12:39
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Jordan_Ualmien, That is *far* from meaning that 7.10 will work for you12:40
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RdKiljoakim-: doe sthat make sense, or is it there an easier way?12:41
GInany one knows a tool to change the wallpaper every 10 minutes like in OSX?12:41
joakim-take it here OPTIMusprime121212:41
almienwell, at the moment I have just one major problem, that it doesn't boot-up. and that does exactly the same thing in both versions (no particular preference for which one I'll use, but this problem doesn't seem to be a version-related thing).  Just burning a kububtu 7.04 CD now to try12:41
EvaLuaTe'CRITICAL ERROR: Module [MIME::Entity]  WAS NOT FOUND !', what does this mean ? :/12:42
Lamegoalmien, the CD does not bootup at which part ?12:42
OPTIMusprime1212joakim i installed samba but dont see it12:42
joakim-you need to have samba-common installed RdKil12:42
Lamegoif the kernel does not boot, choosing another window manager, will not help12:42
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LamegoOptimus_Prime, samba is not a desktop application12:43
OPTIMusprime1212well hwo do i use it then lamego12:43
LamegoEvaLuaTe, it means, that module, was not found :)12:43
EvaLuaTeLamego, what would i have to install ?12:43
almienLamego: after all the text-mode stuff (starting HAL etc) it blanks (and ctrl-alt-f1 and similar have no effect).  I'm aware that kubuntu is no different, the suggestion was to use 7.04 instead of 7.10 hence the new CD.  but I already know that won't work because I tried it before12:44
LamegoOPTIMusprime1212, depends, do you need samba, to share local files with remote windows computers, or do you need samba to access windows shares ?12:44
joakim-try typing smb:/// in nautilus/konqueror OPTIMusprime1212, dougsko RdKil12:44
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Lamegoalmien, 7.10 was not released, you should only used it, if you are planning to file bug reports on it12:44
OPTIMusprime1212lamego i need it to transfer songs and music vids and music12:45
Lamegoalmien, anyway, you should do it, because, eventually someone will check it, and eventually fix whatever is required to make 7.10 work for you ;)12:45
RdKiljoakim-: so if i do that it should download and install and work relatively easily then eh?12:45
OPTIMusprime1212lamego it will be going on to a xp os from ubuntu12:45
LamegoOPTIMusprime1212, between 2 different computers ?12:45
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OPTIMusprime1212yes lamego12:45
joakim-RdKil, no, as i said, a package called samba-common has to be installed12:45
joakim-then you can go to that address12:45
joakim-which is is the windows-network on the router12:46
joakim-(or, should be)12:46
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Jordan_Ualmien, But you havn't tried it without usplash12:46
LamegoOPTIMusprime1212, but one of them will be a server ? Or you just want to interchange files between each other ?12:46
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LamegoRdKil, if you want to access to a remote windows share, you just need to use one of the several samba share capable browsers12:46
OPTIMusprime1212lamego: i need to reinstall ubuntu and dont want to loose all my music and stuff12:46
Lamegothey should be responsible for the "samba-common" install, you don't need to install that by hand12:47
RdKilhmmm... ok.  thanks for the help joakim-, i'd love to stay and work through this but i still haven't finished installing kubuntu on thelinux pc yet so i think i got ahead of myself here.12:47
LamegoOPTIMusprime1212, well, if are new to Linux, you should dual boot12:47
joakim-you can even see the samba-ntwrk in firefox :)12:47
joakim-it should be installed by default RdKil12:47
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almienJordan_U: yes, that's a good point. do you know the boot options to do that?12:47
Lamegoshrking your current XP partition, and use the remaining space, for Ubuntu, tha is my suggestion12:47
RdKilhmmm...  all this linux talk confuses me some mornings.12:47
LamegoRdKil, forget linux, what you want to do, is to access to a windows share, right ?12:48
Jordan_Ualmien, Just hit F6 and *remove* the word "splash"12:48
OPTIMusprime1212i was going to do that lamego but i still need to transfer my stuff first and our flash drive craped out on me12:48
Lamegoi mean, forget whatever you think is too complex, and is not :P12:48
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LamegoOPTIMusprime1212, why do you need to tranfer ? Don't you have enough free space ?12:48
OPTIMusprime1212no lamego its all ubuntu os12:49
Lamegook, so you want to move to a windows ?12:49
OPTIMusprime1212lamego: and to install xp i have to use the disks that came with the laptop to get xp on it i dont have any reg xp disks12:49
RdKillol, what i want to do is have a small home workgroup setup where the windows pcs can see teh linux and the linux the windows.  read and write files between each other, and that's it.12:50
Lamegoah ok, you have a ubuntu only laptop, and want to conver it into a windows xp+ubuntu ?12:50
lucky_hi all12:50
OPTIMusprime1212yes lamego12:50
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OPTIMusprime1212hey lamego can i pm u so we dont flood the chans and i dont get so confused12:51
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LamegoRdKil, "seeing each other" to access to a windows share from a linux system, you will need to use a samba capable browser12:51
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arunhello people12:51
arunCan someone please help me with partitioning? I am trying to partition as: 40GB Windows XP partition, 30GB FAT32 shared partition, 512mb swap, 15GB as / and the rest as /home  . how do i do this? I am trying, but as soon as i create a total of 4 partitions (including swap), it allocates the rest of the space as 'unusable'. What am I doing wrong?12:51
RdKilLamego: k, i'm good with that concept.12:51
LamegoRdKil, to acess the linux share from windows, you will need to install samba, the service, and setup the shares12:51
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LamegoRdKil, if all depends on your expectation for "seeing each other" :P12:52
almienJordan_U: turns out the CD I have is text-mode installer so I'm trying that now. But once it's installed, is there a method to remove this usplash from subsequent boot-up options?12:52
cyberixIs the 7.10 release going to include a _desktop_ version of gobuntu?12:52
Lamegoalmien, yes there is12:52
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Lamegocyberix, what is gobuntu ?12:52
faileasi was about to ask the same thing ;p12:52
RdKilLamego: lol, yeah good old generalization terms eh?  they need to have read/write permissions on both sides.12:53
arunanyone? :)12:53
cyberixLamego: Free software flavor of Ubuntu.12:53
astro76you can only have 4 "primary partitions", but one of those 4 can be an "extended partition" which contains more "logical partitions"12:53
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astro76arun ^12:53
LamegoRdKil, ok, so, what you want to do, is to create file shares, on both sides12:53
cyberixLamego: To be released along with 7.1012:53
habooIs it true that Google is launching its OWN linux distro??????12:53
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Lamegocyberix, no idea12:53
faileashaboo: no12:53
RdKilLamego: that sounds about right.12:53
Lamegohaboo, that question is off topic12:53
arunastro76: so how do you suggest I do this?12:54
LamegoRdKil, ok, you have 2 tasks, 1 is very easy, the 2 is a bit harder12:54
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Lamego1 - Setup the windows share on the windows box, and access it from linux12:54
RdKilLamego: i was afraid you'd say that. lol12:54
arunastro76: i don't think you can create extended partitions using the partitioning utility in the installer12:54
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arunor can you?12:54
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Lamego2 - Setup the linux samba share12:54
Lamegopick one :P12:54
RdKillol, i'll have to come back to them both for now.  i need to go get ready for work.12:55
Jordan_Ualmien, Yes, sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst look for the line "# defoptions=quiet splash" and remove the word "splash" ( do *not* uncomment the line ), then run "sudo update-grub"12:55
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RdKilbut thatnks for the help.  can i come back here in a few days and get some help from you?12:55
Lamegook :P12:55
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astro76arun, I'd probably do it like this: {XP primary, / primary, extended{swap logical, fat32 logical, /home logical}}12:56
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arunastro76: if i create them as logical, then they automatically get grouped into an extended partition?12:56
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arunor do i have to create an extended first and then the others within that12:57
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astro76arun, depends on the tool12:57
OPTIMusprime1212hey lamego mind if i pm u so i dont get confused with all the other ones in this room12:57
arunastro76: i'm using the partitioning utility from the installer. when you choose 'manual'12:57
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msikmaHm. A Dutch translation on the Launchpad (for 7.10) has been made and confirmed to be correct, but I'm pretty certain that it has a grammatical mistake. How would I be able to make a comment on the translation?12:57
astro76arun, I'd highly recommend exiting out of the installer and using System -> Administration -> Gnome Partition Editor instead12:57
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almienJordan_U: thanks, trying that now12:58
msikmaActually, I'll ask in the dev channel12:58
alsais there a way to get ubuntu to reinstall BASIC installed packages ?12:58
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arunastro76: so i should use gparted to create the partitions and then install ubuntu?12:58
alsawithout having reinstall12:58
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astro76arun, yes, you'll still use manual, but you'll only specify the mount points, and check the format checkboxes12:59
kajiura06can somone help me12:59
almien(the F6 options not displaying any text by default -- I think that might have been because it displays the text for whatever option you've selected in the menu above it -- so if you've selected something other than 'boot the CD' the text might be blank)12:59
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Anlarmsikma: just go and correct it yourself at rosetta :)12:59
astro76arun, also if you have trouble with gparted on the livecd, there's also the gparted livecd :)12:59
astro76!gparted | arun12:59
ubotuarun: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php12:59
arunastro76: hmm.. i'll try that. i'm just worried i might mess something up, not too clear about how to create an extended partition.. is it easy with gparted?01:00
msikmaAnlar: I did suggest a new version, but since the other version is "reviewed", I'd rather also make a comment to explain w hy it is incorrect01:00
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astro76arun, do you have data on the drive?01:00
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Anlarmsikma: it is in any case slow process, but I think they review it by time :)01:01
msikmaHm, quite a shock to see so many grammatically incorrect suggestions on Rosetta. :P01:01
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arunastro76: i've backed up my data, and i have only windows xp installed on the hard drive (40GB). The rest of the 120GB is free, but i would like to retain my windows partition. I've used gparted to format external drives before, never to create extended partitions01:01
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msikmaOne of the most common mistakes in Dutch is called the "English disease", where words that should be written together are written as separate words.01:01
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Tribe5userWhere can I get the AWN dock?01:01
msikmaE.g. "installatie programma" instead of the correct "installatieprogramma" (install program)01:01
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larson9999i upgraded to gutsy yesterday and things are going well.  but one thing i can't figure out is fontsize in the address bar in firefox is smaller.  too small really.  how do i change that?01:02
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Anlarmsikma: in finnish that happens ats well.. especially younger people have that and it really sucks01:02
nomasteryodaarun, just resize the partition and leave windows on the left side of the graphic bar representation in gparted...01:02
astro76arun, if the 40GB is already at the beginning, you're all set, it's safe (and you've backed up just in case)01:02
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alsais there a way to get ubuntu to reinstall BASIC installed packages ?01:02
astro76I think he has it sized already01:02
nomasteryodaarun, like astro76  just said01:02
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msikmaAnlar: yes, exactly, especially younger people make that mistake often. I hear that Finnish is a language in which words get combined pretty heavily, too.01:03
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msikmaIsn't this called an "agglutinative" language?01:03
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alsaany one help01:03
almieninteresting... so same "blank unresponsive" effect with the "splash" option removed...01:03
arunastro76: it's at the beginning, yes01:03
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caribou_Is it possible to wrinte on a Ntfs partition from linux ?01:04
wailerkajiura06:just ask the question01:04
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astro76!ntfs-3g | caribou_01:04
ubotucaribou_: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:04
Anlarmsikma: I don't know what it is called, ut our language is dying in any case :/ luckily the Finnish translations at least for most common applications seem to be pretty aok. for instance Gnome project had a pretty good finnish team working on it years ago already01:04
kajiura06i cant run the cd01:04
arunastro76: will i have to set mount points in gparted itself, or do i do that with the installer?01:04
larson9999caribou_, yes.01:04
alsacaribou_ : ntfs-3g01:04
caribou_astro76, thank you :)01:04
alsaubotu !ntfs-3g01:04
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caribou_and the others :p01:04
nomasteryodaarun, the installer01:04
wailerthe live cd?01:04
Tribe5userkajiura06: what exactly happens01:04
alsais there a way to get ubuntu to reinstall BASIC installed packages ? without reinstalling ubuntu01:04
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arunnomasteryoda: thanks01:05
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arunastro76: thank you for your help, you've been great01:05
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joakim-alsa, sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop might work01:05
elena_ghello, I can't get my microphone working, in windows everything worked...01:05
elena_gI use Ubuntu 7.0401:05
astro76alsa, you can apt-get install --reinstall any package, what's the problem?01:05
wailerkaliura06: your bios set to boot the cd drive first?01:05
kajiura06the cd boots but it wont start01:05
alsaastro76 : i need it to reinstall all the basic packages01:06
kajiura06i receive errors01:06
msikmaAnlar: I don't know how it's done in Finnish, but in Dutch, the rule can be simplified (more or less) to this: a word contains only one, not more or less, emphasized syllables (i.e. stress).01:06
alsasome one screwed with my system and i got a lot of missing packages01:06
alsaand i dont know which are exactly or how to recover01:06
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joakim-you could install ubuntu again too i think.. without formatting the disk01:06
nomasteryodaalsa, doing aptitude install ubuntu-desktop should make it work01:06
arunastro76: wish me luck :P01:06
alsanomasteryoda : u think ?01:07
Lamegoalsa, first, if you get into that serious problem, you must have added a large incompatible repository on your sources.lst01:07
Anlarmsikma: Finnish is a few dozen times more complex than most of the other languages.. :)01:07
astro76joakim-, the installer requires at least / to be formatted01:07
nomasteryodaheck, worth a try alsa01:07
ionI need the most updated guide to install compiz fusion01:07
joakim-aight astro7601:07
wailerkajiura06: look at the cd & see whats on it - in windows or something01:07
alsanomasteryoda : here it blows lol01:07
poIf I switch to a tty-console in ubuntu and exceed the screen height by writing commands, it doesn't scroll down automatically and thus I can't see the commands that I wrote. how can I fix it?01:07
Lamegoalsa, your first step for a possible (or not) resolution, is to remove that repository from the list01:07
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arunalright, see ya01:07
kajiura06its the cd and i use the test peature and it says it works 100%01:07
alsaLamego : come again01:08
iceekI have problem with page loading from some servers with firefox and opera. ubuntu 7.04, cable internet, routet/gateway, home network, notebook works well on same system (ubuntu live cd). Can someone help me please?01:08
msikmaAnlar: I've studied French, Spanish and German, and I think that Dutch too seems to be a bit more complex than most languages. Especially speaking Dutch is difficult because there are so many useless yet required words.01:08
Lamegoalsa, "some one screwed with my system and i got a lot of missing packages"01:08
Lamegoyou just have missing, or do you have broken packages ?01:08
wailerkajiura06: is it an iso file or several files01:08
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alsaLamego : yeah01:08
alsamissing packages01:08
Lamegoif you are just missing, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-minimal" you will resolve your problem01:09
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joakim-msikma, it seems like half the dutch dictionary is made up of weird 4-letter words :)01:09
alsalike I DONT SEE MY NETWORK interfaces in network01:09
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alsadidnt fix the prob :S01:09
Lamegoalsa, ah, so you have a bigger problem yo do not have network ? or you do have, but the interfaces are not listed ?01:09
almienok, looks like I'm installing PcLinuxOS again, thanks everyone for help...01:09
nomasteryodaalsa, is it the system you are running xchat on?01:09
alsai have pppoe running01:09
Lamegoalsa, describe "did not fixed the problem", what was the error when doing those commands ?01:09
kajiura06it is many files01:09
alsano errors01:09
alsajust still some packages are missing01:09
iceekI have problem with page loading from some servers with firefox and opera. ubuntu 7.04, cable internet, routet/gateway, home network, notebook works well on same system (ubuntu live cd). Can someone help me please?01:10
joakim-does it say which packages are missing?01:10
Lamegoalsa, those commands does a basic install, you can only be missing packages which are not part of the basic install01:10
alsachill im rebooting01:10
nomasteryodaalsa, try running "ifconfig -a" and see what network stuff is active01:10
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alsaMO NETWORK devices found lol01:10
Lamegoalsa, so your problem is not about missing packages anymore, is about missing network devices01:11
wailerkajiura06: it might just be a bad burn - does it go like normal at boot?01:11
alsaifconfig displays all01:11
Lamegodo not mess your question, otherwise you we will mess on the answer01:11
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kajiura06no it open up the ubuntu setup on startup01:11
msikmajoakim-: unless you start combining words, like "IBM-computer" or "grotestedenbeleid".01:11
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Lamegoalsa, does ifconfig displays the interfaces, if it does, then you are just refering to a GUI which does not display the network interfaces ?01:11
alsa"Network Settings is BLANK "01:11
joakim-msikma, same thing in swedish with combining words, but in swedish the words tend to be a bit longer01:11
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wailerkajiura06: then?01:12
kajiura06when i run the run/install i get an error msg01:12
msikmajoakim-: I think English is the shortest language that I know01:12
joakim-"het weer is heel mooi vandaag"01:12
msikmajoakim-: that's entirely correct :P01:12
joakim-lots of small words :)01:12
Lamegoalsa, ifconfig gives you the correct configuration from an OS perspective, so what you mean, is that you have a problem with a graphical configuration utility01:12
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joakim-where from nl are you?01:13
alsaLamego : you're prolly head on that01:13
Anlarmsikma: the longest grammatically correct Finnish word is: epjrjestelmllistyttmttmyydellnsknkhn.01:13
msikmaI'm from Rotterdam, in South Holland.01:13
wailerkajiura06: that's normally a bad burn - try burning the disk at slowist speed01:13
msikmaAnlar: that's amazing, what does it mean?01:13
joakim-nice, im living in den haag but got some friends in rotterdam01:13
Lamegoalsa, are you refering to the network manager applet ? How do you into that "Network Settings" screen ?01:13
Anlarmsikma: it takes almost couple pages of text to explain.. no thanks, I won't take on that task :)01:13
joakim-but im swedish though :)01:13
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wailerkajiura06 OSs are finicky when being burnt01:14
poIf I switch to a tty-console in ubuntu and exceed the screen height by writing commands, it doesn't scroll down automatically and thus I can't see the commands that I wrote. how can I fix it?01:14
alsaSystem -> preferences -> Network01:14
msikmajoakim-: I don't go to Den Haag often, but I like it there. I always go to the final exam expo of the art school in Den Haag.01:14
mc2tsneed help with sound card..i can hear sound at start up but there is no sound from any of the programs..Sound blaster audigy platnuim s/c01:14
msikmaThe  Den Haag art school is the best in the Netherlands, in my opinion.01:14
kajiura06is 8x good enough01:14
joakim-den haag is pretty much a mix of amsterdam and rotterdam i think..01:14
joakim-i really like the people from r'dam01:14
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Anlarmsikma: I hear dutch daily, because I'm in Brussels01:15
joakim-but the city is a bit too new01:15
EvaLuaTewhat's the command to create a file ?01:15
joakim-amsterdam is just a theme park01:15
astro76EvaLuaTe, touch ?01:15
joakim-wouldnt be able to live there01:15
jscinozHey guys, How can i make anew group that is allowed access to uinput without root?01:15
wailerkajiura06: I am bittorenting gutsy at the moment - Iwill burn at 4x01:15
Lamegoalsa, I have no, System -> Preferences -> Network, are you using Feisty ?01:15
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coldlegcan somebody please tell me the command line for changing the screen resolution?01:16
alsa"administration - > Network01:16
wailer*I will01:16
Lamegocoldleg, you will need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:16
Lamegoit is not a command, its a configuration file01:16
Lamegoor, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, for the full reconfig01:16
Lamegothe last one, is a command :)01:16
kajiura06ok tnks01:16
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pohow can I change the console font size, but this is not gui console.01:17
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Lamegoalsa, first you must identify the package, related to your problem01:18
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Lamegoopen a terminal01:18
Lamegowhile keeping the network settings window open, we will try to identify the broken utility/package01:18
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mc2tsi need some sound card help...SB Audigy01:19
Lamegoalsa, on the terminal: ps -ef | grep network01:19
alsa1 sec01:19
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alsaLamego , after reboot01:20
alsait appears on my System -> administration -> Network01:20
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alsabut i cant see the wireless in my Network Manager on systray01:20
Lamegoalsa, , ok, and I am teaching you to identify which program is that menu entry refering too :)01:21
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Lamegoalsa, I am assuming the interfaces are listed on ifconfig, with a proper configuration, as per my question some minutes ago01:21
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alsaLamego , listen the "System - administration  - Network " displays ! upon reboot01:22
pohow can I change the console font size, but this is not gui console.01:22
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alsabut the problem persists that the NetworkManager (  nm-applet) doesnt see the wireless01:22
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Lamegoah ok01:23
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kajiura06can someone answer one of my quick questions01:24
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wailerpo: are you using an editor or no window manager01:24
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mirfI have a strange thing happening with a partition, can anyone explain this: http://tinyurl.com/2w2opy01:24
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powailer: no window manager01:24
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mirfKaja, what question?01:24
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mirfkajiura06,  what question?01:24
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powailer: at the expert setup of ubuntu, I changed the font size to a small size, and now I want to revert.01:25
kajiura06can uyou use ubuntu on a really old computer like pentium 201:25
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mirfyou can01:25
mirfkajiura06, BUT...01:25
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mirfkajiura06,  the standard desktop install will be extremely slow, you can use the server edition to install a more lightweight system 1 sec I will you a link01:26
wailerpo: sorry - never go there01:26
kajiura06can u use xubuntu?01:26
Lamegokajiura06, how much memory does it have ?01:26
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CuzzHi, can some help me connect to the internet. I have 2 computers. The windows xp comp is connected to the net and i would like to connect ubuntu via lan to the internet. Im using 7.04. PLS THANX01:27
Lamegomemory is one of the most relevant resources on an old computer01:27
jyrkililjaI've got a problem with Ubuntu and networking...01:27
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ironmatarim really haveing a hard time underatding how to operate ubuntu   and wine together  is there some kind of easy way t do this? that dosent require days of reading docs and tutorials?01:27
jyrkililjaWe've got a Ubuntu box as a SVN server and it drops network connection quite often.. And what's worst, is that it doesn't renew the connection...01:27
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astro76Cuzz, are you saying you want to connect the linux machine to the winxp machine, and have winxp share the connection? or do you have a router?01:27
iceekI have problem with page loading from some servers with firefox and opera. ubuntu 7.04, cable internet, routet/gateway, home network, notebook works well on same system (ubuntu live cd). Can someone help me please?01:27
Lamegojyrkililja, which ubuntu version, which network type ?01:28
mirfkajiura06, maybe - some good ideas on here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132370&highlight=old+computer01:28
kajiura0610 gig01:28
jyrkililjalamego 7.04 Server01:28
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jyrkililjaNetwork type is ethernet01:28
jyrkililjaAnd router is Airport Extreme01:28
mirfkajiura06, I did a minimal erver install once and added things as I needed them, fluxbox :D01:28
CuzzAstro79: Connect the linux machine to the XP machine and have the XP sahre the connection yes. No routers01:29
astro76kajiura06, that must be your hard drive size, not your memory01:29
kajiura06so the errors i get is due to low specs?01:29
alsaLamego :  still working on that01:29
Lamegojyrkililja, that is very odd, it must be related to your network device driver (assuming you don't have a physical network problem)01:29
lieterironmatar, winedoors01:29
Lamegoalsa, if the wlan interface is listed, you have a problem with the "network-manager" utility01:29
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LamegoI don't have knowledge how does it get the network interfaces cards list01:30
alsai downloaded the tar01:30
jyrkililjaLamego: I'll try another network card later today...01:30
Lamegoalsa, uh ?01:30
Lamegothe tar ?01:30
alsatar of the Network manager01:30
alsato try to reinstall using tar ball01:30
astro76Cuzz, that's mostly a windows issue, you need to setup Internet Connection Sharing in windows. Then you either need a switch/hub, or a cross-over ethernet cable01:30
Lamegoalsa, you are on ubuntu, things should be reinstalled from repositories01:30
Lamegonot from source tarballs01:30
alsabut the idea here ! is that it said that wireless tools is either installed incorrectly or that it is not installed01:30
alsabut it installed01:30
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alsaLamego , Im an old fart when it comes to linux01:31
alsai love tars01:31
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iceekI have problem with page loading from some servers with firefox and opera. ubuntu 7.04, cable internet, routet/gateway, home network, notebook works well on same system (ubuntu live cd). Can someone help me please?01:31
kajiura06can someone help me with some error messages01:31
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Lamegoalsa, the idea here is, or you are experiencing a bug, or you have someone changed some configuration or some system file on a way it shouldn't01:32
Lamegoerm, you or01:32
Cuzzive done that, and the two comps are connected. Ubuntu can see the XP machine but not vica versa. Ubuntu cant access anything on the xp machine either. I did the whole connection sharing on windows01:32
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astro76Cuzz, you can ping each machine from the other?01:32
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ironmatarlietr and what is winedoors?01:32
Lamegothe package is installed, and should be ok, you can reinstall with 1 command, if you believe the problem is with the installation01:32
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wailerkajiura06: don't ask for help just ask01:32
Cuzzim complete noob soz , how can i ping quick01:33
LiberCogitoIs there anyway to make gnome do the right click for a full menu like xfce does?01:33
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wailerif someone can they will01:33
Lamegoinstalling an already installed packaged, from a source tarball, means you are very experienced, and it doesn't match with your question here, or you are doing something the way you should not, which would explain your problem on the first place ;)01:33
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astro76Cuzz, ping IP, e.g. ping, from a terminal in linux and from the command prompt in windows01:33
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iceekI have problem with page loading from some servers with firefox and opera. ubuntu 7.04, cable internet, routet/gateway, home network, notebook works well on same system (ubuntu live cd). Can someone help me please?01:35
wailerLiberCogito: gnome.org will know01:36
Cuzzfrom windows command prompt: Packets sent 4, packets received 401:36
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wailericeek: are they newer browsers on ubuntu01:37
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iceekwailer: i dont think so01:40
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msikma20 translations done, 198 to go...01:40
Cuzzafter finding both system's IP adresses, i was able to successfully ping each other, so the connections work01:40
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Drk_Guyforget it01:40
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iceekI have problem with page loading from some servers with firefox and opera. ubuntu 7.04, cable internet, routet/gateway, home network, notebook works well on same system (ubuntu live cd). Can someone help me please?01:40
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wailericeek: new things have bugs - it must be a setting in your browsers01:41
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wailericeek: or other progs taking up cpu01:42
astro76iceek, what do you mean by "notebook works well on same system (ubuntu live cd)"?01:42
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iceekwailer: I try connect notebook same way, and firefox run with no problem01:44
jyrkililjaHi crazysoilder!01:45
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iNoobI have an question about my macbook and ubuntu installation01:45
Cuzzhow is it possible to connect with iburst if you need packages from the net to make it work?01:45
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ironmatarlookinf for a list of commands for ubuntu and what commands i should be useif with wine so i can get back to my game on my own comp  i read docs till i can see and i dont get it01:46
wailericeek: cd browser settings may be different to other browsers01:46
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ironmatarer caont01:46
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wailericeek: is it only with certain sites - traffic?01:47
iNoobI tried to make a seccond partition on my macbook but i don't get it. Even with the terminal command he gives errors. And i have enough space01:47
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wailericeek: from here can only suggest things to try01:48
iNoobCan someone help me with my ubuntu 7.04 installation?01:48
iceekwailer: firefox loads some page with np (ubuntu.com), some load "half way", some doesnt load at all01:48
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alsaLamego : get this01:48
alsaim missing GTK201:48
alsatill now01:48
wailericeek: np?01:49
ironmatari fel like ripping out my hair over all this  command like programming01:49
iceekwailer: i try disable ipv6, didnt help01:49
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dothello, is it possible to get shockwave player on ubuntu01:49
iceekwailer: np means no problem01:49
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Cuzz Hi, can some help me connect to the internet. I have 2 computers. The windows xp comp is connected to the net and i would like to connect ubuntu via lan to the internet. Im using 7.04. PLS THANX01:50
wailericeek: check permissions for sites - that might be restricting things01:50
ironmatarwhy wont ubuntu work with mouse clicks and the like arrrgh!01:50
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CuzzConnect the linux machine to the XP machine and have the XP sahre the connection. No routers01:50
iceekwailer: i always did01:50
larson9999linux rocks!01:50
wailericeek: anything running in other windows will you browse/01:50
bhuvan__i get this error while i am upgrading my laptop http://swechabox.selfip.org/~bhuvan/error01:51
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larson9999dot, if i need shockwave sites i use wine+firefox01:51
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dotlarson9999: is that the only way to get habboraiding?01:52
EvilBroSuppose one would be stupid enough to even consider 'tampering' with the source code of things like nautilus... how would one (more concrete: myself) go about this so ubuntu isn't completely ruined when something goes wrong?01:52
larson9999dot, don't know what habboraiding is01:52
doti was at my friends computer yesterday and we closed the pool01:52
dotaa ok01:52
ithielDon't Forget the Big Habbo Raid on September Eleventh! Be there and declare closure!01:52
dotwell thanks alot01:52
dotithiel: we will close the pool desu01:52
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wailerEvilbro: on an old computer first like I do:)01:53
iceekwailer: no nothing, in other browser (konqeror) run all pages01:53
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ithieldesu desu desu desu desu01:53
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wailericeek: so if it is only those browsers then there must be a setting issue - go throughn them again slooowly01:54
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EvilBrowailer: I actually have one of those, so that might even be an option. Still suppose I have set it up, how do I avoid frying the setup the moment I recompile nautilus? (or am I being too paranoid here? I know I might be, but that's just the trauma of being followed all these years :) )01:55
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wailerEvilBro: "linux is for the curious mind" - pcman is a tabbed file browser - for something different01:56
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wailerEvilBro: break & fix - you'll learn more!!01:57
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EvilBrowailer: well, yes, but there is also the thing about testing the depth of the water with both feet...01:57
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Actionmani install googleearth.bin its crashing how do i remove i tried ( sudo apt-get remove GoogleEarth) and its not there but the icon is there  Couldn't find package GoogleEarth01:58
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larson9999just break, you'll teach others more.01:59
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Matic`MakovecHm, maybe a bit not-Ubuntu question but anyway. What system (binary, hexadecimal...) is when you have for example this: 01100101 ? :x02:00
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wailerEvilBro: like anything you want to fix/change - do one thing first then test - if it all goes pear shaped on a comp with no important stuff on it - you lose 1/2hr reloading ubuntu02:00
HobbseeMatic`Makovec: binary02:00
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EvilBroWhat would be a light linux with gnome distro? (my just dubbed 'experiment computer' is oldish :) )02:01
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astinusMatic`Makovec: thats 101 in binary02:01
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Matic`MakovecOkay, thanks. Would any of you know how to translate it to "human-readable"?02:01
Matic`MakovecI foprgot how to calcualte :x02:01
Matic`MakovecOh, thanks :)02:01
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kekkI'm having problems connecting to my wifi network. iwconfig sees the correct mac of the router but cannot connect.. I just installed ubuntu, had xubuntu on it previously and under that the device worked fine02:02
larson9999EvilBro, my preference for such computers is xubuntu.02:02
inbitado34where do i install a splash screen ?02:02
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inbitado34wich  folder ?02:02
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EvilBrolarson9999: but that doesn't have Gnome, right?02:02
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erUSUL!info gnome-art | inbitado3402:02
larson9999EvilBro, no, but it's gnom-ish02:02
ubotuinbitado34: gnome-art: install GNOME themes from art.gnome.org. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-5 (feisty), package size 26 kB, installed size 200 kB02:03
wailerEvilBro: gnome now uses lots of resources - that is why there is xubuntu02:03
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Matic`Makovecastinus, may I ask how did you get this?02:03
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EvilBrolarson9999: but since I want to tamper with nautilus, not having gnome might be a bit of a problem...02:03
astinusMatic`Makovec: erm, conversion02:03
larson9999EvilBro, just try gnome02:03
larson9999EvilBro, just try i mean ubuntu then02:03
EvilBroI am running ubuntu02:03
Matic`MakovecYeah, but how does that go? I forgot it, that's the problem :X02:03
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Cuzzhi, my network between my XP and ubuntu PC works fine, how can  share the XP internet connection. PLS thanx.02:04
astinusMatic`Makovec: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_numeral_system02:04
larson9999EvilBro, on that machine?02:04
Matic`MakovecAlright, I'll check, thank you02:04
EvilBrosilly me02:04
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kekk!info wifi02:04
ubotuPackage wifi does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:04
astro76!wifi | kekk02:05
ubotukekk: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:05
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astro76you can also /msg ubotu whatever :)02:05
kekkoh, ok02:05
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inbitado34ubutu, i have art-manager installed, but if i want to install a personal splash screen i don't know how02:06
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jscinozwhat can i do if a package requires a certain dependancy, but this depandancy has been renamed (the program in question requries libqt3c102-mt, which is now replaced simply by libqt3-mt)02:07
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pois there a tool in ubuntu, which can download a website completely?02:07
inbitado34erUSUL, i have art-manager installed, but if i want to install a personal splash screen i don't know how02:07
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Slartpo: wget/curl are great02:08
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Slartpo: those are console based... there might be others with a gui if you want that02:08
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CuzzHow can i share my XP internet connection with another ubuntu PC?02:09
SlartCuzz: you want to know what settings to do on the XP computer?02:09
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johnCuzz: Have you tried using a router and connecting both the XP and Ubuntu computers to it?02:10
Cuzzanything that will help. I did setup internet sharing on the XP02:10
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Cuzzno, isnt thereomething easier02:11
SlartCuzz: then the ubuntu-machine should work as it is.. might want to do a reboot (easiest way) to get a new ip-number etc02:11
SlartCuzz: unless you've done some special configuration on the ubuntu machine02:11
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Cuzzi cant connect directly to the internet with my Ibrst connection because i need to get packages from the net to make it work, how ridiculous is that...02:11
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poSlart: is it easy to download a website with wget, or should I write a script or sth?02:12
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keithhhhhwhat is the best dvd iso burning software for ubuntu 5.10?02:12
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johnCuzz: oh, i see. like if you're behind a college network... and they only provide said software for Windows (or, maybe OSX, but still no linux)02:12
Cuzzi connect to the internet with Iburst on the XP machine, and would like to share the connection over a simple lan connection02:12
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elkbuntupo, i believe wget has a recursive flag02:14
ptutenGood morning all02:14
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johnCuzz: i'm sorry, i don't think i'll be able to help other than to recommend searching on microsoft.com (since you want configuration settings for XP)02:15
ptutenWould someone please refer me to a noob channel?02:15
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Cuzzi need conf setting for ubuntu02:15
mirfptuten, #noobuntu02:15
elkbuntuptuten, this is a channel for all levels of advice. what do you need help with?02:16
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Cuzzor a program like pppoe  that worked perfectly on 6.1002:16
elkbuntumirf, dont tease the newbies02:16
ptutenThanks mirf! just new to the scene and didnt want to bog a channel that wasnt meant for noobs02:16
mirfptuten, no I was kidding02:16
elkbuntuptuten, the channel mirf said does not exist02:17
johnmirf: lmao that's just mean...02:17
Cuzzbut now i need extra packages from the net in 7.04 tin order to connect to the net... ridiculous, so now im trying to connect via the xp machine02:17
mirfI'm so sorry02:17
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elkbuntuptuten, if you ask your question, someone might be able to answer :)02:17
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elkbuntui have not yet refined the skill of 'mind reading' unfortunately ;)02:17
poIf I switch to a tty-console in ubuntu and exceed the screen height by writing commands, it doesn't scroll down automatically and thus I can't see the commands that I wrote. how can I fix it?02:17
johnputen: this channel has many very friendly and talented people. i'm sure if you ask your question, they'll be happy to help to the best of their ability02:17
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poelkbuntu: thanks02:17
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elkbuntupo, according to wget --help, it's -r, but you may want to read the manual page for fuller usage explanations02:18
ptutenThanks, I appreciate the info02:18
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ptutenwill hang out and just try to read the posts and learn something02:18
johner. i gotta go. later all.02:18
poelkbuntu, ok I'll take a look at it :)02:18
elkbuntuptuten, that's an excellent idea :)02:19
ptutenThanks John!02:19
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ptutenNo major issues, just wanting to learn. Just installed 7.04 and I am very impressed whit how Ubuntu has come along02:20
ptutenEverything works right out of the box on this ThinkPad R4002:20
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ptutencept a Cisco Aironet 350, but I think it is just a matter or an id10t error02:21
elkbuntuptuten, is that a wireless card?02:21
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ptutenYes it is, but I am hardwired in right now.02:22
ptutenHave read several post that say it should work out of the box02:22
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ptutenso I believe that it is just an issue with me being a noob02:22
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ptutenWell hate to hit and run, but must do so. I will definetely stop back in again!02:23
elkbuntuptuten, unfortunately, uniform wireless support is one of those things that is really difficult to get cooperation from vendors on. they like to change components even within model numbers, which can make life really hard, especially when they change it to a chip that is proprietary :(02:23
Cuzzag poes man. Ok so in this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MobileWirelessBroadband02:23
vltHello. I got a really unexpected NFS problem. The client (Dapper) wants to open "/mnt/server/file" but "file" on the server (Feisty) is a symlink to the server's "/mnt/somewhere/realfile". Now *the client* tries to follow "/mnt/somewhere/realfile" which obviously doens't exist. How can I force the server to deliver "realfile" to the cient?02:24
ptutenThanks for the info and the link02:24
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Cuzzit says: sudo apt-get install libc6-dev, but i dont have internet so (hoe de fok) how do install libc6-dev? Please  ek vra fokken mooi02:24
ptutenLater all!!02:24
elkbuntuptuten, lists.ubuntu.com is the mailing list collection too, reading archives is often useful02:24
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MrCollinsanyone awake? :)02:26
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snyp0rHello, i got a problem with my soundcard (soundblaster audigy platinum ex), the emu10k1 driver was installed and doesnt seem to work. Now i wanted to change to another one but i cant because unloading the driver was blocked by whatever, i dont get any information02:26
Cuzznee almal is deur die kak man02:26
kekkyep, MrCollins :02:26
read_onlyI am trying to make a live cd in Ubuntu using the Debian Live CDmethod. I cannot find the "live-helper" package though. Does anyone know how I can get this?02:26
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[diablo] Hi, guys, is anyone here been running Ubuntu 7.04 64 bit desktop sucessfully for a while please?02:27
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tinosBeen going good for about a day. But before that I had problems because my SWAP wasn't big enough.02:27
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nandemonai[diablo] : I have a 64bit server with XFCE if that helps...02:28
[diablo] yep02:28
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[diablo] nandemonai, i've just bought a box with a Intel Quad in it02:28
ironmatarok whats going on02:28
nandemonai[diablo] : It's been rock solid since the upgrade so I can't complain.02:28
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[diablo] got 32bit installed at the moment, but thinking of changing to 64bit02:28
nandemonai[diablo] : Ah, this is AMD 64bit.02:28
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Slartpo: did you get anywhere with wget? sorry I was off... was fixing dinner02:29
GNinesome kid reversed engineered the iphone already02:29
[diablo] I'm wondering how much preformance I lose ... I've compiled the latest kernel off kernel.org and am running that, not that that is gonna make a difference02:29
primskif00k iphone02:29
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[diablo] nandemonai, how u manage things like Flash?02:30
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mirfprimski, I couldn't agree more02:30
GNinedinner?  its breakfast here02:30
nandemonai[diablo] : Well I've found it performs better but like I said it's mainly a server.  I've not yet come across a 64bit exclusive problem. Flash isn't installed so can't help you there. I'm pretty sure you can run 32bit libs so you can get stuff working that wouldn't otherwise.02:31
bullgard4Is it true that 'Compiler Type and Version' of Ubuntu 7.04 is gcc-4.1?02:31
primskimirf ;) nokia was making better phones 5 years ago, well except the touch screen, which is crap anyways :p02:31
SlartGNine: well.. clearly your watch is broken.. with the earth being flat and all ;)02:31
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nandemonai[diablo] : Dont hold me to that though, I just remember seeing something about it a while ago.02:31
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[diablo] nandemonai, yeah, I run Ubuntu Server extensivly at our offices....02:31
GNineflat, eh?  think broccoli02:31
vanbergewould anyone like to help me out?  i just want to enable the desktop effects on 7.10.  when i enable them, i lose my window borders.   im running an nvidia 6200 with nvidia-glx-new02:31
[diablo] but just wanted to push this machine to its max02:31
mirfprimski, yeah people are jumping on the touch screen thing, even these heat sensitive buttons like lg chocolate or samsung e900 - what's the point?02:31
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wangervlt: http://uw714doc.sco.com/en/SDK_sysprog/_Using_Symbolic_Links_with_NFS.html just read this cause i was interested, seems to explain it, no use?02:32
nandemonai[diablo] : Well I'd say give it a go, backup of course. If things go sour you can always revert to 32bit.02:32
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[diablo] aye02:32
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masterlokiI am having problems getting deluge to work in feisty02:32
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[diablo] I'll dd the partitions02:32
nandemonaiWise move. ;)\02:33
ironmatar iv spent the last week reading faq's and the like and guides  i use my comp for entrtainment  and id really like to get back to my game,  im really sick of being pointed to cryptic guides and faq's that lis 3-5 diffrent ways of doing something  and no answer is really right except for whatever one works  and everyone i talked to about getting linus for my comp said Ubuntu is easy  well im not finding it so. im not a program02:33
[diablo] I've got 1TB of storage so I'm sure I can find somewhere to put em02:33
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predaeusvanberge, http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?s=084b4d1886a70f63de3f1a067f5a78f2&showtopic=580879&st=0&p=588779280&#entry58877928002:33
nandemonaiironmatar: What game out of curiosity?02:34
bullgard4Ist es richtig, da bei Ubuntu 7.04 Compiler-Typ = gcc und Version = 4.1 ist?02:34
=== [diablo] wondered the same
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Slartironmatar: what are you doing that requires you to run off into faq-land?02:34
nandemonaiOuch, good luck.02:34
predaeus!de | bullgard402:34
ubotubullgard4: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:34
Slartoh.. running games..02:34
^rike^hi! When I try to eject a dvd i get the message "Cannot eject the volume"; If i try to eject again, the dvd gets ejected. Any suggestion to fix this?02:34
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poSlart: Thank you Slart, wget works very good!02:34
predaeusbullgard4, try "gcc --version"02:34
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nandemonaiironmatar: Ubuntu is easy. Getting cross platform games working is not. And don't expect it to perform to well either.02:35
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Slartpo: nice.. there's a looooong manual with switches, switches, more switches and other stuff.. I guess you found that =)02:35
ironmatar i hav wine installed  but i just dont get cli interfaceing very well02:35
nandemonaiironmatar: Such is life trying to run closed source games I'm afraid.02:35
wangervlt: appears that realfile needs to be inside the /mnt/server resource, anyway, else the client won't be able to follow it02:35
nandemonaiironmatar: well let's see.. you have winecfg to set it up from memory and far as I remember you just install and the $wine game.exe02:36
Slartironmatar: if someone told you that you'd be gaming happily ever after on your linux machine I think they lied.. some games work some of the time.. most doesn't02:36
vanbergepredaeus, that looks similar - but im not using fusion02:36
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predaeusvanberge, as far as I know that option was always a requirement.02:36
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bullgard4predaeus: Thank you for advising.02:36
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vanbergepredaeus, copy that.  tyvm.  :-)02:37
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Slartironmatar: if you're looking for something a bit more polished I'd recommend taking a look at the commercial versions.. cedega and others.. I think they are a bit easier to get started02:37
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iceekAnyone has problem with showing pages in firefox from various servers??02:37
allenhi guys02:37
ironmatarid use cedega  but they want a cc card02:37
Prowler_1what's the command for diecoverynd monitor H&V-Sync data?02:37
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:38
GNinei think of linux in terms of computing ... not gaming.. i have game consoles for that02:38
ironmatarand money every dam month instead of a program i could flat buy and dload02:38
Slartironmatar: they want money.. =) no other ways of paying?02:38
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wailericeek: still not working hah - lol02:38
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Slarticeek: give us an url that doesn't work for you and we'll try it02:39
iceekwailer: yeah, you're right :(02:39
wailericeek: which page?02:39
ironmatarthey want money for a better product fine  but theyr rinnign as some kind os subscription  which i cant afford nor do i have the cc card for it02:40
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iceekSlart: well www.pctuning.cz for example, but it doesn't matter, pages work well I see them on second PC02:40
=== Slart is checking out pctuning.cz
AscheHI All02:40
fruitbatJimwhen I use the'users' command from the shell I get my login name twice...why would this be?02:41
wangerAsche yo02:41
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Slarticeek: ok.. apart from being in some weird language it seems ok02:41
Asche GM Wanger02:41
paalcan someone tell me how to connect my wireless network?02:41
astro76fruitbatJim, different terminals, etc... type 'who' to see what they are02:41
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fruitbatJimalso there seems to be remembered searches in google that I'm sure I didn't make02:41
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iceeksimply on my desktop Firefox and Opera does't show pages from various server, on second PC (same system - ubuntu 7.04, same install everything works well002:42
wailerIceek: it's an issue on the one computer - that's where to look - lol02:42
read_onlyhello all. I have a question regarding make-live on Ubuntu02:42
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wangerpaal: click on the little network monitor icon in the top right corner of your screen, next to the clock, select your network from the list, and input your WEP or whatever02:43
read_onlywhen I use make-live on ubuntu it does generate the iso file. Any pointers?02:43
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GNinehmm.. got some nu updates02:43
wailericeek: router settings??02:43
iceekwailer I don't think it is HW problem, may by driver problem02:43
peraxmtyIceek: If you do a wget on the problem page and then open the resulting file on firefox does it open?02:43
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paalwanger, i tried that, but i cant find any networks..02:43
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iceekperaxmty" yes this way works well02:44
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paalwanger, maby i have to install some drivers for the network card?02:44
arturo_on_railsjoin gentoo02:44
wangerpaal: then it's probably a driver problem02:44
read_onlyalso I cannot seem to use apt-get install live-helper to install the package.02:44
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iceekwailer: what exatly, I agree it can be my problem ...02:45
paalwanger, how can i find out wich card i have? and how can i install the drivers?02:45
arturo_on_railsHi guys, the ubuntu kernel recognises my wireless card natively (WG511 softmac) via the p54 driver (I believe)  Where can I get the sources of that?02:45
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wailericeek: going to look at my router now02:45
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peraxmtyiceek: what kind of error message do you get in firefox or opera02:46
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wangerpaal: where does your card go? pcmcia, usb, pci?02:46
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GNineu probably got integrated02:47
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jthomasHi, whenever I start firefox, it comes up with the start new session, restore old. How can I fix this?02:47
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paalwanger, i dont know but its integrated somehow.. im not that familiar with laptops...,02:47
lieterhi, quick question: i've just got me a switch with a COM(serial) interface for setup... what program can i use to see that terminal?02:47
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iceekperaxmty: nothing exatli, timeout, means still Transfering data from ...02:47
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astro76lieter, gtkterm, minicom02:48
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lieterthnx :)02:48
wailericeek: maybe not router as all 3 of my comps use the same settings - all work the same02:48
wangerpaal: that's cool, in a terminal, type " lspci -v | less "02:48
FordCortinadoes anybody know what the tux-mac gtk theme is called?02:48
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peraxmtyiceek; are you using a proxy server?02:48
wangerpaal: and erm... go looking02:48
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pawanalcohol 120 for ubuntu02:49
iceekperaxmty: I try look by wireshark, what problem is and some kind of wrong checksum message I watched there :(02:49
simonlbanyone use ekiga softphone?02:49
pawanor ultraiso for ubuntu02:49
wailericeek: is it like the pages time out?02:49
iceekI don't use proxy02:49
iceekwailer: yes , exactly02:50
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peraxmtyiceek: good idea02:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alcohol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:50
wailericeek: hmmm... a min02:50
CuzziHi, anybody know how to share an XP internet connection with ubuntu 7.04 over LAN?02:50
kazolI just installed jre and I can't find it anywhere.02:50
kazolIs it supposed to be in /usr?02:50
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GNinewhats JRE02:51
finalbetakazol: in synaptic you can see what files where installed with a package.02:51
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kazolJava Runtime Environment02:51
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GNinethen look for java.. ur not gonna see jre02:52
iceekwailer: I have SMC router, but same PC work on microsoft os adn also on older Gentoo distribution for example, newest Gentoo live CD has same problem ...02:52
kazolI'll try reinstalling it and see what msgs I get.02:52
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finalbetakazol: I gave you the solution.02:52
peraxmtyCan anyone reccomend a good site for GTK themes? will those change my window manager decorations too?02:52
finalbetabut go ahaid and re install02:53
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kazolfinalbeta: I have installed other java runtimes but there is a specific one that I manually installed.02:53
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nivekc1does anyone know wh everytime i watch a viseo on the net it is tinted blue?02:53
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre02:53
Cuzzi Hi, anybody know how to share an XP internet connection with ubuntu 7.04 over LAN?02:53
paalwanger, it said broadcom corperation dell wireless 1390 wlan mini-pci card (rev 01)02:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about identd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
finalbetakazol: then it will be in /opt02:53
peraxmtykazol: try sudo /find / -name java -print02:54
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peraxmtykazol: oops find / -name java -print02:54
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wailerIceek: been reading - in network on bum comp what is the setting - static or ...02:54
wangerperaxmty : perhaps check out gnome-themes-extras first ( sudo apt-get install gnome-themes-extras ), if there's nothing you like there check out gnome-look.org02:54
GNineoops find  (lol)02:55
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paalwhat now wanger?02:55
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iceekwailer: there is dhcp on my SMC router ...02:55
nandemonaiCuzzi: Yeah, it's finiky though.02:55
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nandemonaiCuzzi: XP can act as a gateway/dhcp server.02:55
jthomasHow can I add resolutions to ubuntu?02:55
wailericeek: but on the box02:55
nandemonaiCuzzi: Then just use dhcp on the ubuntu box.02:56
vanbergeso... if i lost both of my panels for some reason, any way to re-create them?  i'm kind of stuck.  Not sure how desktop effects removed my panels, but oh well.02:56
kazolperaxmty: Thanks.02:56
iceekwailer: dynamic settings02:56
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GNinenetworking for dummies: dHcP02:56
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wangerpaal: just a sec, i don't know anything about that particular card so i'll have to google a bit02:56
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GNinedont get offended.. just use it02:57
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iceekwailer: Automatic configuration (DHCP)02:57
kemistoris there an nvidia kernel available or is my graphics card automatically detected?02:57
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kekkkemistor, look in the restricted drivers manager02:57
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GNine!glx | kemistor02:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:58
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GNinewhatever ... lol02:58
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kemistorGNine, kekk: where's the restricted drivers manager?02:58
simonlbanybody have any idea why i have like 7 sound devices but only 2 sound cards?02:58
pawanany ps2 iso game burner02:58
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wailericeek: I get the same probs but only when it is obvious the site is busy - I click back then forward & usually get in - can you try this?02:58
simonlb(sound blaster and an internal one)02:59
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto02:59
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kekkkemistor, System > Administration > restricted Drivers Manager02:59
wangerpaal: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092 semms to be a very complete HOW-TO to get it working, it uses ndiswrapper which allows you to use your windows drivers for it, do you have those available? a windows partition?02:59
kazolWhen I look for "java", all I get is:02:59
paalno windows :D02:59
waileruboto is wise02:59
kemistorkekk: thanks.02:59
nRkiStMajor sound problems in Feisty please help http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34986/03:00
kekkkemistor, can you enable the driver there? does it list the nvidia driver? no problem btw03:00
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peraxmtykazol: it doesn't seem to be installed03:00
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wangerpaal: actually, that's not even necessary, it provides a link to the drivers for download03:00
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wangerpaal: so erm... yeah, i don't really help you anymore, just try to follow the guide and come back if you have a question or a specific problem03:01
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wangerpaal: can't* help anymore03:02
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nRkiStSimonlb: One of those is probably an onboard card, the others might be mixer chips onyour installed cards03:02
simonlbwhat are mixer chips exactly?03:03
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aileanguys, is there a way to quickly switch between keyboard layouts in GNOME?  I regularly type in both english and spanish and it's a bit of a pain to have to go into preferences each time.03:04
wailernRkiSt: what is it doing/not doing03:04
nRkiStSimonlb: for mixing sound.03:04
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fsckrim trying to mount a share permanently in fstab and one of the mounts on the windows machine is My Documents.  What do I use in fstab for the space between My Documents because I know im not suppose to have space03:04
vanbergeanybody up for helping me enable desktop effects? :-(  i thought i had made progress but i cannot even enable them.  I was able to enable them before and just not show the window borders.03:04
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nRkiStwailer:  I have no sound at all. physical connections are ok. see my post at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34986/03:05
wailerAilean: are you on feisty?03:05
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simonlbhmm okay... i wonder because i think alsa is defaulting to the wrong device for audio input03:06
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:06
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Zemusy halo thar! Quick question. :)03:06
kazolperaxmty: I used the cmd "sudo ./jre-6u2-linux-i586.bin"03:06
vanbergebrb restarting x i guess03:06
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ZemusI am out of blank cds. I have an old version of ubuntu. Can I install it, and then upgrade to the latest version without burning new isos?03:07
JC_Denton_zemus, yes03:07
ZemusJC_Denton_, sweeet. Is it easy?03:07
Cuzzinandemoan: How do i setup the XP gateway/dhcp server and how can i use DHCP on the ubuntu pc?03:07
Meyvnwhy aren't there any good bittorrent clients for linux?03:07
ZemusMeyvn, asureus is available for linux :<03:07
Meyvnazureus is giving crappy speeds03:07
Meyvncompared to utorrent03:07
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JC_Denton_zemus. yes simply use update manager. update all software first then hit the update ubuntu button03:07
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jyrkililjaHello again!03:07
ubotukqemu is a kernel module (now free under the GPL license) for speeding up the !QEMU virtual machine. Installation instructions can be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/KQEmu - see also !qvm8603:07
ubotudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP03:07
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kazolperaxmty: But I get thousands of "inflating" lines and then "linking: jre1.6.0_02/javaws/javaws  -> ../bin/javaws" and several "creating..." lines such as "Creating jre1.6.0_02/lib/rt.jar."03:08
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ZemusJC_Denton_, awesome, will it be exactly like installing the newest version from scratch? The end result, that is?03:08
MeyvnZemus: perhaps something is off with my config, that's the only thing I can think off03:08
ZemusMeyvn, .... I'm quite positive you didn't mean to send that to me xD03:08
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MeyvnZemus: I did ;)03:08
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ZemusMeyvn, where did that come from? :/03:09
simonlbhow do you change the default audio input device?03:09
jyrkililjaAnother question: How to configure ubuntu to sync date & time from a server. The Ubuntu installation is server, so no GUI is usable.03:09
MeyvnZemus: with regards to azureus03:09
JC_Denton_zemus.. its recommended to burn a new cd but it should just work. After updating I did have some k/b probs but if theres no other option...03:09
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Zemushmm. :/03:09
ZemusI'll just buy some at the walmart, I guess.03:09
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Slartjyrkililja: check out ntp.. I don't know the exact steps03:10
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vanbergeif anybody would be willing to help me with X - i would appreciate it... i am hurting.  :-/03:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:10
Slart!info ntp03:10
ubotuntp: Network Time Protocol daemon and utility programs. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.2.2.p4+dfsg-1ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 319 kB, installed size 856 kB03:10
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wailerAilean: I have made shortcuts using the panel to go to certain apps03:11
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wailerailean: one click wonders03:11
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jyrkililjaOk. Have to check it. When I have local access to the server (networking is down, as you might remember)03:11
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ashu18What is a monitor syncing problem?03:11
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ashu18My Ubuntu quiet splash isn't working and it's supposedly because of some monitor syncing problem03:12
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simonlbi have an audio input device which works, but it only appears in SOME apps, and it's NOT the default as much as i'd like it to be.  any way to change that?03:13
predaeusvanberge, also ask in #ubuntu-effects it is the beryl/compiz etc. support channel03:13
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wailernRkiSt: those " quirk " lines are interesting... - try another pci slot maybe03:13
vanbergepredaeus, i thought that was compiz fusion / beryl03:14
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vanbergei am not using fusion- just enabling desktop effects... that's just 'compiz' right?03:14
vanbergenot fusion03:14
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nRkiStwailer: i don't think it's a slot issue, as it worked in dapper at that slot and IRQ, but I'll give it a shot.03:15
predaeusvanberge, depends on your ubuntu version, I think gutsy has fusion already but is still in beta stage. anyways, ubuntu-effects is for them all.03:15
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Zemusmy roommate keeps calling me and threatening suicide03:16
ZemusNext time she does it, I'm going to ask her if I can have her ipod.03:17
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BucketfaceYou really should03:17
BucketfaceOr else03:17
Bucketfaceyou should say "DO METEO"03:17
Bucketface"DO THE FRICKING METEO"03:17
jscinozwhat can i do if a package requires a certain dependancy, but this depandancy has been renamed (the program in question requries libqt3c102-mt, which is now replaced simply by libqt3-mt)03:17
CuzzHow can i install gcc-3.4 and libc6-dev without an Internet connection on ubuntu?03:17
Zemuswait, I thought it was #ubuntu ... oh, no that's #ubuntu-offtopic with no language xD03:17
Zemus#defocus every now and then, but if you don't cuss too much you probably won't get in trouble.03:18
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plantastareet fuk03:18
wailernRkiSt: I read an article from Knopper that said that linux sometimes ignores the bios settings - change them to see if you get something??03:18
BucketfaceI think I'm going to join an off topic channel D; This place is great, but not if I want to like, say something hilarious.03:18
fsckrwhat does one recommend to install if all i want is to be able to have awn and maybe screenlets?  Although the other eyecandy is awesome I'm really gearing towards performance and reliability.  I haven't been able to run any gl games with compiz-fusion03:18
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:19
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CuzzHow can i install gcc-3.4 and libc6-dev without an Internet connection on ubuntu?03:19
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iceekwailer: I look like, I'm not only one who has this problem https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+question/577303:20
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nRkiStwalier: been there, done that, will try again after I switch slots03:20
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wailernRkiSt: wireless & sound give some people heel - all to do with drivers methinks03:20
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fsckrGNine, was that meant to be for me offtopic03:21
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drhumanisthi people03:21
drhumanisthow can i ask a question? :)03:21
CuzzHow can i install gcc-3.4 and libc6-dev without an Internet connection on ubuntu?03:21
drhumanistis there a standardized way?03:21
fsckrdrhumanist, just ask03:21
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drhumanistoki :)03:21
nRkiStwailer:  yeah its a beach03:22
Zemusthe fact that he had to ask that makes me think he just came from #debian.03:22
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waileroops - ment iceek - duh03:22
drhumanisti activated "allow local adminstrator to log in" in Ubuntu Feisty Fawn,03:22
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drhumanistnow it just does not boot!03:22
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silvertip257I'm trying to use Dia (Gnome Drawing Prgm) and the imgs that I import get shifted to the side when I export it to an img file.03:22
drhumanistthe screen goes blank after Ubuntu logo dissappears03:22
fsckrneed to be more precise that that drhumanist just doesn't boot03:22
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fsckrpastebin your xorg03:23
rexy_how can i lower the fan speed settings in sensors, it has a preset minimum under which the rmp's wont display03:23
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fsckrshouldn't be logging in as administrator anyway its not needed03:23
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drhumanistyeah i know it was a mistake of the worst kind :)03:23
drhumanisti am a beginner in Linux that's why03:23
gnuskoolmicken, hello03:23
wailericeek: sorry - more people have firefox issues - I was sure it was the site being busy - change sites & it doesn't happen03:24
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mickenhow do I get a swedish keymap to work swith special keys [] @?| with a sun type 5 keyboard with xorg on a sparc ?03:24
wailernRkiSt: sorry03:24
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drhumanisti used the recovery mode... it stops in "activating networking" phase...03:24
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drhumanistdoes this info help a bit :)?03:24
CuzzHow can i install gcc-3.4 and libc6-dev without an Internet connection on ubuntu?03:25
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drhumanistif you tell me how to undone "allow local adminstrator to log in" setting..... it would be of great help03:25
drhumanistbut from the terminal i guess... cos no graphical interface appears03:25
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fsckrdrhumanist, i wish i could tell you that....ive used ubuntu for nearly 2 years and I have never done that so I am not sure03:25
nRkiStWailer: I think its a driver issue03:26
fsckri hardly doubt that caused your problem though03:26
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drhumanistwell i changed that setting one min ago and voila: it is not working :)03:26
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drhumanisti do believe it is the cause :)03:26
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wailernRkiSt: I still only use comps that are a year or two old for that very reason03:27
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drhumanistnow i am back to shitty vista :(03:27
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custardspewerhello, how can I install fusion-icon in ubuntu?03:27
danieligpoor drhumanist03:27
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wailernRkiSt: people need time to develop these things - i DON'T KNOW HOW BUT APPRECIATE THEIR WORK03:28
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waileropps - chubby fingers03:28
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drhumanistwell any advice will be highly appreciated?! :)03:28
drhumanistuninstall ubuntu? reinstall? :)03:29
danielighello folks, I am sorry can't find my nicknames password I am online03:29
nRkiStwailer:  Me too! Much love to the open source community03:29
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danieliglove to all the OS03:29
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allenis thgere argh03:30
allenvirtual drive for ubuntu03:30
danieligby the way is here anyone who knows about an issue with the gcc in feisty? (have build-essential and g++ installed!)03:30
professorheu I got a question about somethings on laptops How do you get a wireles card to work in ubuntu, its a broadcom, and will this always be this hard03:30
lastnodeI enabled desktop effects in feisty and now GNOME is dead. Will reconfigruing ubuntu-desktop fix this?03:30
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lastnodeprofessor: i can help you. what's the chipset?03:30
allengnome or kde?03:31
wailerailean: any luck yet?03:31
lastnodeprofessor: broadcom what? 4318, 4306?03:31
danieligproblem is: checking for gcc... gcc03:31
danieligchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables03:31
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danieligSee `config.log' for more details03:31
professorlastnode, when I look it up it reads it as 431103:31
professorbut I am not sure03:31
lastnodeprofessor: come in #ubuntu-offtopic, less traffic and I can help03:31
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professorlastnode, how? I am a noob at ths03:32
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HirvinenDilemma. Menisk nukkumaan nyt vai vasta illalla.03:32
lastnodeprofessor: /join #ubuntu-desktop03:32
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about panel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:32
HirvinenWhoops, wrong channel.03:32
lastnodeprofessor: /join #ubuntu-offtopic03:32
fsckrdrhumanist, are you in kde or gnome03:33
professorlastnode, /join #ubuntu-offtopic03:33
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lastnodeprofessor: you need to type that instead of sending me a message.03:33
Grungebunnywhat are the big differences between kde and gnome?03:34
drhumanistfsckr: i am in Gnome03:34
fsckrdrhumanist, im looking03:34
professorok there03:34
drhumanistfsckr: thanks03:34
Actionmani install googleearth.bin its crashing how do i remove i tried ( sudo apt-get remove GoogleEarth) and its not there but the icon is there  Couldn't find package GoogleEarth03:34
danieligI am pasting this logfile in http://pastebin.ca/67015903:34
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iceekis there some apps, which can capture desktop work to avi ??03:35
lastnodeprofessor: ok03:35
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:35
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lastnodeprofessor: have a read of those pages, im gonna brb03:35
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)03:35
Lappyhow can I login to my VPN server?03:35
SkiessiActionman: If you install with google's own installer you can't remove with a package manager03:35
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Kartihi all, just a quick one, looking at an ASUS M2N4-SLI motherboard, anyone know of any issues with linux or kubuntu?03:36
Grungebunnywhat are the main differences between kde and gnome?03:36
Actionmanok,how do i remove it03:36
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Skiessiwhen did it crash?03:36
lastnodeKarti: look in the hardware listing03:36
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ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:36
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 03:36
Kartilastnode: many thanks03:36
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Actionmanwhen i tried to start program03:37
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lastnodeKarti: not a problem. hope the mb works well. :)03:37
danieligGrungebunny ask about philosophy some like this some like the other, others again swear only by xfce or some other desktops03:37
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SkiessiActionman: GoogleEarth.bin or the installed one?03:37
fsckrdrhumanist, did you ever give root a password?03:38
fsckrand can you get to a terminal at all03:38
AnlarGrungebunny: KDE = shuttle cockpit, good and loved by engineers. Gnome = desktop for real people.03:38
danieligis there anyone keen on helping me with this compiling error?03:38
drhumanistfsckr: no, that i remember03:38
SkiessiActionman: what does it say?03:38
Skiessilike in the console/terminal03:38
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Grungebunnyanlar what if im somewhere between both? ;)03:39
Actionmanwhen it crash it reboot03:39
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danieliginstall both Grungebunny03:39
drhumanistfsckr: i can get to a terminal in recovery mode03:39
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fsckrdrhumanist, brb03:39
AnlarGrungebunny: I'd still go with Gnome, mixing them is bad.. you know, the software from KDE will look and feel different on gnome desktop and vice versa..03:40
drhumanistfsckr: okay03:40
danieligand decide what you need when and when you need what03:40
fsckrdrhumanist, on your vista machine google gdm.conf see what you come up with i have to deal with my kids at the moment03:40
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drhumanistfsckr: okay :) thanks anyway03:40
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Actionmanboth verson do the same thing crash and reboot but the .deb i did unstall that one03:41
kondeDrakulanyone know if i can share 2 pc's with cable USB ?03:42
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sparrmy tablet PC has a serial connection for its wacom tablet screen that Just Works thanks to wacomdrv and discover(?) voodoo.  but it stops working when the computer hibernates (suspend to disk?).  i am hoping this can be fixed by re-initializing the serial connection.  any ideas or suggestions?03:42
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stone_hi guys, any person know were i can download  logins screens?03:42
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professorlastnode,  you still around03:43
sheka_3531can you pls go on a link???03:43
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Grungebunnystone search for art-gnome or gnome-art in synaptc03:43
wailerstone: gnome.org03:43
Skiessistone_: or http://www.gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=15003:43
defrysklook for gdm themes03:43
Skiessibut i recommend that art-gnome or gnome-art03:44
defryskapt-cache search themes | grep gdm03:44
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javaJakestone_, http://art.gnome.org/themes/gdm_greeter/03:44
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javaJakestone_, then to install the theme, see http://art.gnome.org/faq.php#q703:44
wailerlots at gnome.org03:44
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javaJakewailer, well, it is gnome.org. :)03:44
Grungebunnyart-gnome is a lil login screen manager that downloads a list of them from online to pick n choose from.. neat app03:44
defryskits gnome-art03:45
Grungebunnyyeah gnome-art03:45
javaJakeGrungebunny, oh, nice... will have to look at that one03:45
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javaJakeGrungebunny, except it wants to install ruby. :?03:45
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Grungebunnyjava dunno maybe it needs it?03:46
javaJakeNvm, right, got it03:46
javaJakeIt's a Java variant IIRC03:46
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yellow_chickenwhat is x-mplayer2 plugin?  how to check what's install in my firefox? and how to install that x-mplayer2 plugin03:46
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javaJakeyellow_chicken, type "about:plugins" in the address bar and hit enter03:47
javaJakeYou'll get a list of all installed plugins03:47
professorjoin/ #ubuntu-desktop03:47
defrysk /join #blah03:47
pawanany new screensaver for ubuntu03:47
javaJakeyellow_chicken, x-mplayer2 plugin handles "AVI video" with the extensions "avi, wma, wmv".03:48
yellow_chickenjavaJake: ah.. i see,03:48
custardspewerhello, how can I install fusion-icon in ubuntu?03:48
defryska nice screensaver is a turned off screensaver03:48
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javaJakecustardspewer, did you get it at art.gnome.org?03:48
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javaJakedefrysk, :P03:48
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yellow_chickenjavaJake: there's no x-mplayer2 listed in firefox03:48
javaJakepawan, hey03:48
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custardspewerjavaJake, not sure what you mean03:48
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yellow_chickenjavaJake: my firefox can play wmv and wma, i think03:49
javaJakecustardspewer, well, wherever you got it from should have docs on it.03:49
custardspewerI'm using Trevino repositories03:49
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javaJakecustardspewer, I'd point you to http://art.gnome.org/faq.php#q4 but I'm not sure if they are right for your situation03:49
arunsomething weird happens every time i start my computer. both my / and /home partitions are checked by fsck, because apparently they have not been checked for 3000 (or an insanely large number of days). I just installed Ubuntu like 2 hours ago, is there any way I can fix this?03:50
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wailerarun: happens the first time only03:50
javaJakeyellow_chicken, what is your real problem then?03:50
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javaJakearun, yea, it'll happen every 30 days.03:50
arunwailer: i've restarted twice now, and both times it fsck-ed my partitions03:50
javaJakearun, is your clock getting reset?03:51
arunjavaJake: i know it happens every 30 days, but i just installed it 2 hours ago03:51
yellow_chickenjavaJake: i don't know.  but firefox telling me x-mplayer2 is needed, which package should i get?03:51
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javaJake!codecs | yellow_chicken03:51
ubotuyellow_chicken: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:51
ProNoobarun, something borked with your onboard clock ?03:51
wailerarun: oops - only did it to me once each of the 4/5 times I've installed03:51
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custardspeweryellow_chicken, you should either have totem-mozilla plugin or mplayer-mozilla plugin (both in fiesty repos) installed03:52
wailerarun: try again tomorrow after the date changes03:52
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arunwailer: alright, will do03:53
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wailerarun: lol03:53
Lappyanyone know what vpn-client to use, and how to use it to connect to a VPN server created on windows?03:53
arunalso, i've set my fonts to use deja vu condensed.. but some apps like firefox, openoffice, etc use just deja vu sans (not condensed)03:53
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arunany idea why?03:54
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arunall programs don't do it, only firefox, thunderbird, openoffice03:54
yellow_chickencustardspewer: totem-mozilla lugin works, thanks03:55
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christian_What MSN reminds most of Live Messenger for Ubuntu? =)03:55
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defryskchristian_, that would be amsn03:56
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DILDoes any know the max capacity for an RAR archive03:56
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defryskgaim/pidgin is better however03:56
wailerarun: have never changed fonts & never had probs - why do so many people change - the benefit?03:56
christian_defrysk: Can you add smileys and use them in amsn? As you did in live messenger.03:56
arunwailer: the condensed version just looks better :) to me, at least03:56
flushanyone using dd-wrt ?03:56
defryskchristian_, honestly do not know , never use amsn03:57
christian_defrysk: What do you use?03:57
defryskwhy not use msttcorefonts for better firefox results ?03:57
defryskchristian_, I use pidin, gaim for 7.0403:57
javaJakechristian_, Pidgin (called Gaim in Ubuntu) is much much better than aMSN. Unless you want voice.03:57
defryskchristian_, gain should be installed nativly03:58
javaJakechristian_, aMSN uses the ugle GTK v1 stuff.03:58
javaJakechristian_, but Gaim... now that's purty. :)03:58
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javaJakechristian_, relatively, mind you03:58
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christian_javajake & defrysk: Tnx, are pidgin and gaim the same?03:58
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defryskgaim is purdy an has multy protocol support03:58
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javaJakechristian_, yes03:58
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armancan anyone tell me03:58
christian_javaJake: Why different names then? :p03:59
defryskchristian_, yes exept for the name , aol made them change it03:59
armanhow can i access my dvdrom from03:59
javaJakechristian_, AOL got all "ooo that's mine" on Gaim (see the aim part in Gaim?) and so they had to change their names03:59
probonohi all, is there a way to fine-tune the visual efects in gutsy?03:59
defryskchristian_, you can thank the legal peeps of aol for that03:59
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javaJakechristian_, 'course, didn't matter for the 4-5 years (how long's Gaim been around anyway?) that Gaim was around until just recently. *rolls eyes*03:59
big_bang14i get the error cannot open /dev/tty0 when i try to start the xserver using "xinit --". im trying to run mpx but i dont know much about the xserver. how can i fix this?04:00
javaJakeGaim and AOL had an agreement of some kind a while back too that was supposed to settle this, but AOL somehow squeezed around it04:00
christian_javajake & defrysk: Hehe, tnx for answer. I shall try it04:00
defryskprobono, /j #ubuntu+104:00
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probonothanks defrysk04:00
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cheeseboy how do i install network-admin? its not listed as that under apt04:01
javaJakechristian_, np, btw, FYI, Gaim's File Transfer doesn't always work, so if you get transfers taht won't go or cancel instantly, then you know why. The reason's because Ubuntu uses wicked old versions of everything, so we're behind.04:01
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cheeseboychristian_: debuntu has pidgin in their repo04:01
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kauerjavaJake: I use GAIM; how do I send a file to you? Not that I want to, I just want to know how :-)04:02
christian_javaJake: Didn't see that one comming, if that problem appears I know why.. tnx :)04:02
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javaJakecheeseboy, I know, btu I don't touch 3rd party repos except for Wine, because 3rd party repos are targets for unsynced dependencies and whatnot.04:02
christian_cheeseboy: I'm using ubuntu04:02
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javaJakekauer, In IM window, the menu Conversation -> Send File04:03
christian_    *  Windows04:03
christian_    * Source04:03
christian_    * Fedora Core04:03
christian_    * CentOS / RHEL04:03
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armanforumhello everyone i need some help please04:03
christian_which one should i chouse?04:03
javaJake!paste | christian_04:03
ubotuchristian_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:03
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kauerjavaJke: No such option...04:03
armanforumhow can i mount my dvdrom04:03
javaJakekauer, in the IM window?04:03
javaJakekauer, in Gaim?04:03
javaJakekauer, you have to actually open an IM with someone to transfer a file04:03
Vinceneed help please04:04
christian_javaJake & uboto: I forgot that, I will use it next time. But which one should I download from when I use ubuntu?04:04
javaJakearmanforum, Ubuntu should do it for you04:04
javaJakearmanforum, are you trying to play a DVD?04:04
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armanforumno i am at shell now04:04
armanforum@ my other computer04:04
kauerjavaJake: Well, I have a menu item "Conversation", another "Options" and a greyed out one "Send to". Under "Conversations" there is no "Send file". I'm not sure it's the "IM window" though, it's the window this conversation is appearing in...04:04
javaJakechristian_, hrmmm04:04
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Vincei have a silicon image raid controller host and, it isn't recognise by Ubuntu (7.10)04:05
armanforumi need the proper shell commadn04:05
kauerjavaJake: OK, how do I start an IM with someone in GAIM?04:05
javaJakechristian_, does CentOS link to a .deb file? Otherwise I'd say stay away from those downloads unless you can handle errors and whatnot04:05
big_bang14i get the error cannot open /dev/tty0 when i try to start the xserver using "xinit --". im trying to run mpx but i dont know much about the xserver. how can i fix this?04:05
javaJakekauer, in the conversation window is what I meant04:05
n2diybig_bang14: try startx04:06
kauerjavaJake: Ah - if I right-click their name in the names list on the right, I get a mini-menu, and send file is on it.04:06
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lama_hello world04:06
javaJakekauer, you must be using a different version of Gaim - I don't get that. :P04:06
CuzzHow can i install gcc-3.4 and libc6-dev without an Internet connection on ubuntu?04:06
javaJakelama_, welcome04:06
christian_javaJake: I don't find any deb.file at the page. Shall I download the version for Windows and drive it through Wine?04:07
kauerjavaJake: IN help about I get "GAIM 2.0.0beta6", it came as part of Feisty.04:07
lama_i have problem with feisty and old pc with apm i ve disabled acpi and loaded apm but pc doesn power down04:07
javaJakekauer, Huh, same version as me. :P04:07
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javaJakechristian_, no04:07
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lama_im sure apm is loaded and it worked fine with other oses04:07
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christian_javaJake: why?04:08
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javaJakechristian_, because that's... well... OK, you _can_, but it'd be much better if you get it to run without wine04:08
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lama_could anyone help me or give some hints what else should i do?04:09
christian_javaJake: Yeah, I know.. But seriousely, Isn't pidgin for ubuntu?04:09
kauerjavaJake: In my "main window" I see this conversation. To the right is a narrow vertical pane containing the nicks of all those on this channel at the moment. If I right click on a name in that list, I get "IM", "Send file", "Ignore", "Info", "Add" and "Last Said" as options. I'm about to try sending you a (harmless, text) file as an experiment.04:10
javaJakechristian_, well, cheeseboy has a repo that'll get it for you.04:10
=== javaJake nudges cheeseboy
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javaJakekauer, oh oh oh04:10
javaJakekauer, lol04:10
javaJakekauer, you are using Gaim in IRC. I get it now04:10
andreperrierMy wireless signal is unbelievably weak.04:10
javaJakekauer, i mean, swap that - using IRC in Gaim04:10
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vanbergedoes anyone use drivers from nvidia's site?  or always nvidia-glx* from synaptic04:11
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cheeseboyjavajake h/o my net is broke 9 packets transmitted, 4 received, 78% packet loss, time 18023ms04:11
andreperrierCan anyone help me with my wireless signal strength please?04:11
javaJakecheeseboy, :)04:12
javaJakecheeseboy, OK04:12
javaJakechristian_, OK, here's how to get Pidgin:04:12
javaJakechristian_, open System -> Administration -> Software Sources04:12
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Milliniumquel code pour recherche un dossier ou fichier ?04:12
Dusk_the ubuntu servers are too slow to upgrade...why is that??04:12
andreperrierCan anyone help me with my wireless signal strength please?04:12
javaJakeandreperrier, move closer to the router? ;)04:13
andreperrierMillinium: nautilus04:13
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cheeseboyjavaJake: deb  http://repository.debuntu.org/ feisty multiverse deb-src http://repository.debuntu.org/ feisty multiverse04:13
javaJakeandreperrier, you want to post what card you are using and what drivers04:13
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christian_javaJake: Jupp, I'm there. :) Just continue writing04:13
Milliniumnon en console04:13
javaJakechristian_, OK04:13
andreperrierJavaJake, there's only 20 feet of distance :(04:13
drockAnyone built a server cluster w/ ubuntu?04:13
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andreperrierJavaJake, it is all D-Link04:13
CuzzSomeone PLS help!  Im stuck. I need gcc-3.4 and libc6-dev packages for iburst internet connection to work, but i need to download them. I cant share my XP internet connection because i need NFS and SAMBA. So now im stuck Any ideas?04:13
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javaJakeandreperrier, you want to post what card model you are using and what drivers04:13
cheeseboyjavaJake: wget http://repository.debuntu.org/GPG-Key-chantra.txt -O- | sudo apt-key add -  to authenticate it04:13
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javaJakecheeseboy, I know04:14
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andreperrierJavaJake: It runs "out of the box".04:14
javaJakecheeseboy, thanks04:14
javaJakechristian_, sorry, OK04:14
christian_javaJake: Heh, that'so k04:14
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javaJakeandreperrier, OK, what model number/name is it?04:14
snyp0rHello, i got a problem with my soundcard (soundblaster audigy platinum ex), the emu10k1 driver was installed and doesnt seem to work. Now i wanted to change to another one but i cant because unloading the driver was blocked by whatever04:14
javaJakechristian_, open third-party software tab04:14
kaue1javaJake: well, starting a transfer borked GAIM big time. No other messages but mine appeared, the transfer didn't start, and I had to terminate GAIM and restart it. Yuk.04:14
javaJakechristian_, click Add04:14
kekkany idea why my wifi doesn't connect automatically but rather I have to use sudo ifup rausb1 to get it working? it worked fine automatically in xubuntu.04:15
wailerCuzz: only way is to find a connection to plug the box into to get what you need04:15
javaJakekaue1, yea IRC file transfer isn't very good in my experience04:15
cheeseboyso anyone know what pacckage i need to install network-admin?04:15
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javaJakechristian_, add this line: deb  http://repository.debuntu.org/ feisty multiverse04:15
andreperrierRouter WBR-131004:15
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christian_javaJake: Done, next? :)04:16
wailerCuzz: 1/2hr at a friends place should do04:16
kaue1if there's an op around, you can chuck kauer, it's me and I'm dead :-)04:16
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javaJakechristian_, next, download this file somewhere were you'll remember: http://repository.debuntu.org/GPG-Key-chantra.txt04:16
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javaJakechristian_, (P.S. don't close Software Sources yet)04:16
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javaJakekaue1, talk to the people in #freenode about ghost nicks - I forget how to kick them, but they'll know04:17
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javaJakechristian_, in Software Sources, click on the Authentication tab04:17
cheeseboykaue /ns ghost nick pass04:17
javaJakechristian_, and click Import Key File. Select the file you downloaded and click OK.04:17
javaJakechristian_, now close Software Sources.04:17
cheeseboy @ kaue104:18
javaJakechristian_, in Synaptic you should find pidgin and you'll be all set04:18
kaue1/ns ghost kauer04:18
javaJakeUh oh04:18
javaJakeYou didn't register04:18
javaJakeThat means you have no control over that nick04:18
javaJakeNext time register the nicks you want to use. :)04:18
kaue1javaJake: Didn't know I had to, wouldn't know how.. :-)04:18
AmendtI am using pidgin as my irc client. Can I turn off who is leaving this channel?04:18
christian_javaJake: Am I supposed to save all the text at that page into a txt-file and open it from "Import key file"?04:18
javaJakekaue1,  It should automatically be kicked within 30 minutes to an hour04:19
cheeseboykaue1 so eith wait for it to ping out or see if someone will kill it04:19
javaJakekaue1, when you have the nick you want, write /msg nickserv register <pickapassword>04:19
vanbergeis pidgin 2.1.0 the latest?04:19
javaJakekaue1, then whenever you signon, write /msg nickserv identify <pickapassword>04:19
javaJakevanberge, no04:19
javaJakevanberge, 2.1.1 or something like that. :)04:20
=== vanberge will have to update
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kaue1javaJake: seems like  lot of trouble for a nick. I don't that much care what I;'m called....04:20
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javaJakevanberge, just learned about this thing - http://www.debuntu.org/04:20
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christian_javaJake: I have to repeat: Am I supposed to save all the text in that page into a txt-file and open it trough 'Import key file' ?04:20
javaJakekaue1, well, that's fine. Keep in mind some channels require you use registered nicks04:20
Dusk_it's too slowww...i tried all the servers04:20
javaJakechristian_, yea04:20
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javaJakechristian_, sorry04:20
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javaJakechristian_, wow, that question passed right by me04:21
Cuzzwhat a F&^K up, guess ill have to install 6.10, at least  can use the pppoe there FFS04:21
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vanbergejavaJake, sweet they have it on a rep04:21
javaJakevanberge, yep04:21
christian_javaJake: You didn't understand that question? .p04:21
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javaJakechristian_, yes, you are supposed to save all the text into a txt file, and then open it using Import key file04:22
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javaJakeCuzz, sorry we can't help, but we aren't entitled to help you just because you want help. If we knew the solution we'd help.04:22
KossilarWhat's the problem you're having Cuzz?04:23
javaJakeCuzz, you need to check your install CD, otherwise you'll have to manually download the packages and their dependancies04:23
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Cuzzno its fine i understand, im just frustrated now04:23
javaJakeKossilar, scroll up: "I need gcc-3.4 and libc6-dev packages for iburst internet connection to work"04:24
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javaJakeCuzz, also, good spelling helps04:24
snadgewhats the main difference between 386 and generic kernels?04:24
javaJakesnadge, trust me, you want generic. I believe this question was asked before, and you want generic04:24
defryskgeneric kernel is wat is says, work on any (most) i386 based cpu04:25
vanbergejavaJake, is it normal for "sudo apt-key add -" to take 1 minute plus?04:25
Cuzzwhere did my bad spelling cause a misunderstanding?04:25
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javaJakevanberge, no04:25
javaJakevanberge, not unless the wget is taking a while04:25
snadgejavaJake: but i have a piece of crap cpu (crusoe processor) thats barely p3 equivalent04:25
vanbergeit looks like the wget finished... and that hte apt-key is hung up04:25
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javaJakevanberge, yea, that isn't normal. :)04:26
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christian_javaJake: I've added the file. Now what?04:26
javaJakeCuzz, well it helps to have good spelling only because then you appear polite, and that you want to take the time to be polite.04:26
javaJakeCuzz, and it just plain looks better. :)04:27
javaJakechristian_, close out software sources, let it update, and then open Synaptic04:27
vanbergejavaJake, wierd... must still be doing something because my update manager just popped up with an update to pidgin...04:27
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CuzzOk no problem04:27
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javaJakevanberge, hit enter04:27
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javaJakevanberge, maybe your terminal came back and you didn't realize it04:27
vanbergejavaJake,  ah... yep. it did04:27
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vanbergeit didnt display emty cmd line04:28
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n2diyI just had a power failure, and discovered my UPS is shot! My system came back up after complaining about the unclean shutdown, and everything appears ok, but now my sound doesn't work. I have a bash script file, that I run to load my sound card modules, but it is returning 'no such file or directory' errors?04:28
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javaJakevanberge, :)04:28
CuzzI am going to try to download all the packages and their dependencies and transfer them with USB, and try and install them with the [ackage installer04:28
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CuzzHopefully it will work04:29
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javaJaken2diy, well, there's several possible issues. There's a file the script can't find. There's a module/file the commands inside the script can't find. The script itself can't be found.04:29
javaJakeCuzz, OK04:29
javaJakeCuzz, wish you luck! This part can take a _lot_ of patience04:29
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wailerCuzz: the cd gives only the basics - nearly everything else comes from the internet - thats linux04:30
Cyrus25801is there a way to recover a file after deleting it04:30
javaJakeCuzz, also, I'd do a little research - downloading packages and going through all that work will be frustrating if it doesn't work. Make sure the solution you found will most likely work before jumping in04:30
javaJakeCyrus25801, no, that's the beauty of ext3. ;)04:30
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n2diyjavaJake: the script is running, it has four commands, and I get four errors when I run the script.04:30
javaJakeCyrus25801, ext3 really deletes when you delete for security reasons I believe?04:30
Blindetgnome wont load after enabling that root user can sign in from the login screen, how to fix this?04:30
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Calixanyone mind helpin me out with a noob question or two?04:31
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javaJaken2diy, OK, then thsoe commands are having issues, not the script.04:31
javaJake!paste | n2diy04:31
ubotun2diy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:31
javaJakeUse taht to show me the script04:31
javaJake!ask | Calix04:31
ompaul!ask | Calix04:31
ubotuCalix: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:31
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vanbergeso who has started using the new alpha vs. 7.04 ?04:31
javaJakeompaul, barely beat you04:31
Calixmetatron@metatron-desktop:~$ sudo tar -zxvf ubuntu-firewall.tgz04:31
Calixmetatron is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.04:31
Calixmetatron@metatron-desktop:~$ sendmail: fatal: file /etc/postfix/main.cf: parameter setgid_group: unknown group name: postdrop04:31
javaJake!paste | Calix04:31
ubotuCalix: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:32
Calixer, it was only 3 lines tho?04:32
ompaulCalix, 2 is too much04:32
Cyrus25801javaJake: ah man i really need that file04:32
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javaJakeCalix, you do not have sudo powers. If you are not the administrator of the computer, you don't need these, and you need to talk to the administrator.04:32
Calixi am the admin04:32
Calixi think ive somehow removed myself from the sudo group but i got no idea how lol04:33
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javaJakeCyrus25801, yea, sorry, there is no way to get it back. The system writes over your file with a bunch of "0"s or whatever when you delete. It's gone. :(04:33
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javaJakeCalix, O-uch!04:33
Blindetgnome wont load after enabling that root user can sign in from the login screen, how can i fix this in recovery mode?04:33
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javaJakeCalix, OK, is there another user with sudo powers?04:33
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javaJakeCalix, and did you edit the sudo file without the special sudoedit command?04:33
ompaulCalix, it can be edited to appear on the same line ;-) and as javaJake says the user needs to have admin powers, this is your problem, the first user set up has this ability and if you broke it that much you better have a live CD handy04:33
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finalbetaCyrus25801: there should be a way04:33
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javaJakeCalix, you NEVER EVER EVER EVER edit the sudo file without sudoedit because such things as this happen04:34
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Cyrus25801javaJake: and if it is ext204:34
finalbetalinux only removes the refference to the file, not the file04:34
javaJakeCalix, thankfully there's a way to get you back in to sudo powers04:34
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Calixi didnt edit the sudo file tho04:34
Calixall i did was mess about with some user groups04:34
wailerBlindet: what did you change as root?04:34
javaJakeCalix, hmmm, OK, well, here's what to do...04:34
Cyrus25801If anyone has any idea of how to retreive a deleted file please tell me04:34
gfortiesCalix, you should be able to fix the sudoers file by booting into single user mode.  reboot your machine and edit the boot line in gurb appending the number 204:34
christian_javaJake: Tnx, I got pidgin now. :)04:34
Blindetwailer, nothing04:34
finalbetaCyrus25801: http://e2undel.sourceforge.net/recovery-howto.html04:35
christian_I find some differents between gaim and pidgin thou04:35
gfortiesCalix: this will log you in as root04:35
javaJakeCalix, reboot, and when it comes up with a countdown or OS selection, hit ESC, then hit the down key until you selec thte first "Recovery" option04:35
javaJakechristian_, yw04:35
variantdoes anyone know about setting the region on a new dvd drive with regionset? is it possible to set it to be somehow "region free" ?04:35
javaJakeCalix, gforties said in summary what I am telling you.04:35
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Cyrus25801how do I check if i have ext2 or 304:35
variantCyrus25801: mount04:35
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christian_javaJake: What does 'yw' stands for?04:36
javaJakechristian_, your welcome04:36
variantCyrus25801: run mount in a terminal.. it will tell you.04:36
Calixafter i load up in recovery mode what do i do then?04:36
christian_javaJake: :)04:36
tritochhow do i start my inet server?04:36
nephishif an nvidia card has an svideo out, does xorg do some kind of scan to ensure that the monitor is actually svideo?04:36
n2diyjavaJake: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34993/04:36
javaJakeCalix, then you'd wait until a terminal appears, and then you can edit the sudo file and run "sudo adduser <yourusername> admin"04:36
Cyrus25801variant: thanx04:36
aurel42Hi there... I believe the support for my notebook video chip was broken somewhere between 6.10 and 7.04, any suggestions on how to upgrade Ubuntu "gradually" to find out what exactly it was that broke? Can I get ISO images of "historic" Ubuntu releases? (Samsung M50-1860, NV GO6600)04:36
variantTidus: "/etc/init.d/servicename start"04:36
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Cuzz6.10 was better imho. Connecting to the internet was made easy, and once connected, Ubuntu was great! But 7.04 us frustrating...04:37
macogwaurel42: likely the driver04:37
Cyrus25801finalbeta: thanx but that is only for ext2 what about ext304:37
tritochvariant: it's not listed in init.d04:37
wailerblindet: have you tried cntrl-alt-bkspc04:37
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javaJakeCuzz, don't generalize based on your experience, please04:37
macogwaurel42: did you need to install a driver with the command line on edgy?04:37
javaJakeCuzz, 7.04 is better for me04:37
varianttritoch: try running the name of the program, like xinitd or whatever it is04:37
Blindetwailer, no i havent, what does that do04:37
javaJakeaurel42, well, you can get the 6.10 disk and apt-get install each package that is to be upgraded, I suppose....04:37
tritochvariant: not in usr bin either - or a shell command at all04:37
CuzzOff course that is from personal experiebce04:37
wailerBlindet: restarts x04:37
macogwCuzz: 7.04 got rid of my full-system lockups and saved me the "install networkmanager" step04:37
varianttritoch: what is teh exact program called?04:38
tritochvariant: and it's inetd i want, not xinetd04:38
ompaulCalix, you need to (A) do visudo (B) and make sure you have the line:   %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL04:38
javaJakeCalix, also, you'd want to run "sudo sudoedit /etc/sudoers" and make sure "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL" is listed in there04:38
tritochvariant: inetd04:38
n2diyjavaJake: never mind, loos nuts behind the controls!04:38
wailer7.04 rocks04:38
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aurel42macogw: actually, I don't think so, because I see the same problem with a range of driver versions, and it happens with the proprietary nvidia driver as well as the nv driver. I suspect a problem in kernel or libc or something like that.04:38
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ompaulCalix, make that (A) sudo visudo (B) and make sure you have the line:   %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL04:38
macogwaurel42: did you get it working with basic vesa at all?04:38
aurel42macogw: yes, 1024x768 works fine everywhere04:39
aurel421024x768 using the vesa driver, that is04:39
javaJakeCuzz, you are telling everyone 7.04 stinks because it doesn't work for you. That is the same as someone saying all PCs stink because theirs never turned on. :)04:39
iceekwailer: I've got it, finally04:39
=== Lukemob is now known as g-Sofie] Lukemob
tritochvariant: the package is called netkit-inetd if it makes any difference04:39
macogwjavaJake: and they probably didnt have it plugged in ;)04:39
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wailerBlindet yah... lol04:39
varianttritoch: yeah, i know it. try running sudo updatedb ; slocate inetd04:40
javaJakemacogw, or they fried their power supply because they added one too many hard drives *flashback* :|04:40
giany911can anyone help me to format a usb ... disk ? actually a mp3 player ?04:40
macogwjavaJake: you can do that?  good job04:40
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tritochvariant: one up, i did slocate bin*inetd and it only finds the update-inetd program (it's for adding to the conf file)04:40
javaJakeIt was a really low-power supply. :P04:40
CuzzNo sorry, 7.04 is probably great once you are up and running, im  just having problems connecting,04:40
bulmertritoch: i believe ubuntu is using xinet more than inetd04:40
varianttritoch: just do "slocate inetd"04:40
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bulmertritoch: i believe ubuntu is using xnetd* more than inetd04:41
aurel42macogw: 1400x900 works on 6.06/6.10 with kernel 2.6.15, it worked for months with Debian/etch (before it got to stable), it doesn't work with Debian/stable or 7.04 now (it switches to the graphics mode and displays garbage, without crashing the system)04:41
tritochvariant: want the results?04:41
giany911can anyone help me to format a usb ... disk ? actually a mp3 player ?04:41
wailerCuzz: the problem is your connection meyhod - not the OS.04:41
tritochbulmer: i have no results for slocate xinetd04:41
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javaJakeaurel42, that's X then04:41
finalbetaCyrus25801: Seems you can't, but google...04:41
tritochbulmer: i dont believe it's isntalled at all04:41
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macogwaurel42: and which driver did you use on there?04:41
Cyrus25801finalbeta: thanx04:41
varianttritoch: yeah pastebin it04:41
faileasgiany911: formatting a mp3 player dosen't sound like a good idea04:41
javaJakeaurel42, you need to grab /var/log/Xorg.0.log right after the crash and see what it says.04:41
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rafaelscj I got 7.04 cd. How do I to upgrade?04:41
bulmertritoch: see if you have a  /etc/xinetd.d04:41
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javaJakegiany911, no, it isn't a good idea. You want to use the manufacturer's utilities instead.04:42
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aurel42macogw: on debian, nv and nvidia, on ubuntu, nv.04:42
tritochbulmer: no results for slocate xinetd at all04:42
CuzzYes its the connection and the tutorial provided, only one aspect...04:42
tritochthen again, variant: i may not have inetd installed either :wtf:04:42
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giany911... does are Windows only and ... i dont want windows right now ...04:42
aurel42javaJake: I don't think the X server is aware that it crashed -- since it didn't. It just displays garbage and keeps running.04:42
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javaJakeaurel42, ah04:42
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wailerrafaelscj: nothing above 7.04 is stable yet04:42
christian_How can I pimp my desktop? I want it more good looking and better to use04:42
javaJakeaurel42, that's trickier. :)04:42
macogwaurel42: did you try any of the xserver-xorg-video-nvidia, -nvidia-glx, and -nvidia-glx-new?04:42
bulmertritoch: try locate instead of the limited slocate04:42
wailerrafaelscj: do you want to test?04:43
faileasgiany911: you might risk damaging the mp3 player. i SERIOUSLY suggest not to04:43
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rafaelscjwailer, I am using 6.0604:43
javaJakeaurel42, if you don't get help here, going to the #xorg channel's a good idea.04:43
javaJakeaurel42, what ard are you using?04:43
giany911faileas i cant get it to work! ... its a mtp device ... and i cant actually access it, although i could in the past04:43
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aurel42macogw: on Ubuntu, no, not yet. I can try, but I don't really have much hope.04:43
SliMMmy ntfs partition is a bit broken04:43
macogwgiany911: gnomad2 is for mtp devices04:43
aurel42javaJake: NV GO6600 (it's a laptop)04:44
SliMMso after using ntfs-config it only mounts forced04:44
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giany911macogw yes and when i try to use it ( it worked before ) now it just crashes04:44
faileasgiany911: MTP devices don't always work. i used gnomad2 before, but it was a pain to get working04:44
macogw!ntfs-3g | slimm04:44
ubotuslimm: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:44
wailerrafaelscj:" gksu update-manager -c04:44
rafaelscjwailer, thanks04:44
SliMMi don't really care about this, the problem is that it doesn't appear anymore on my desktop and in 'Places'04:44
macogwgiany911: do you have a LOT of stuff on the player? gnomad seems to have buffer issues making it crash when trying to retrieve the tracklisting from the player04:44
aurel42javaJake: and thanks for the hint about #xorg, I'll try that.04:45
giany911thats the problem i deleted all mp3s macogw04:45
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macogwgiany911: oh04:45
giany911and heres is the output flush_handles(): LIBMTP panic: Could not get object handles...04:45
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SliMMmacogw: i know what ntfs-3g is, the partition is force munted under /media/hda304:45
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javaJakeaurel42, dang, I have to go. :(04:45
genefitzSliMM, are you running dual boot or linux alone04:45
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Gener1csay, what burning prog whould you recommand best?04:46
macogwSliMM: to add stuff to the places menu, go to it in nautilus, grab its name from above the large pane and drag it into the little pane04:46
SliMMgenefitz: dualboot, but i've broken my windows xp with gparted04:46
Gener1csay, what burning prog whould you recommend best?04:46
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javaJakeaurel42, but I'd search that card in the forums - if you can't get it to work, someone else probably couldn't, and so there's probably a solution out there just waiting for you. :)04:46
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macogwGener1c: i like gnomebaker04:46
javaJakeaurel42, also, your monitor might be incorrectly detected.04:46
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Gener1csomething more like nero?04:46
giany911i read somewhere ... that somebody fixed this by formating the mp3 player(although he did it from windows )04:46
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macogwslimm, did it tell you to do checkdisk -f on windows and you didnt?04:46
SliMMmacogw: it used to be in 'places' and on my desktop, it isn't there anymore, why?04:46
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genefitzOh, okay. I had the problem with my windows partition and was able to fix it running check disk in XP04:46
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macogwGener1c: i think there's nero for linux04:47
javaJakeGener1c, k3b04:47
Gener1cyeah i know04:47
macogwGener1c: k3b probably has a more nero interface04:47
javaJakeGener1c, awesome stuff k3b is04:47
Gener1cbut the nero for linux sux ass04:47
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scottsimpson296my nvidia-glx install exits with no error message and doesn't install, can anyone think why?04:47
christian_How can I pimp my desktop? I want it more good looking and better to use04:47
Gener1ccool ill dl it04:47
aurel42javaJake: I suspect my notebook model ain't too popular. Web searches don't come up with much, ALSA has been broken for ages, which indicates that there's not many developers using the model. :)04:47
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macogwi dont think k3b does re-encoding for audio disks though, does it?04:47
SliMMmacogw: i didn't delete the registry entry regarding partitions, that's why windos isn't working :)04:47
javaJakeaurel42, ah, yep04:47
wailerSliMM: will it still boot?04:47
christian_How can I make my desktop more comfortable and better to use?04:47
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macogwSliMM: ive never had to do that04:48
macogwchristian_: play with settings04:48
SliMMwailer: yes, it boots, but it freezes after log in04:48
christian_macogw: Where's that settings?04:48
gfortieschristian_: that is completely based on personal preference.  screw around with it til you get it the way you like it04:48
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:48
javaJakeaurel42, that's a bummer - that's when you really have to get creative and think. Try the alsa mailing list, try the #xorg channel, Google different things, etc.04:48
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genefitzNero for linux is useless. You can do everything with K3b than you can with Nero for linux.04:48
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:48
macogwchristian_: there's tons of them.  system > preferences have a bunch04:48
javaJakechristian_, System -> Preferences has a bunch of stuff04:48
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javaJakechristian_, but besides that you'll ahve to name specific things.04:49
giany911macogw any ideas  ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34995/04:49
javaJakeI ahve to run... ttyl everyone04:49
macogwchristian_: you can go to gnome-look.org and download themes. you just drag the package into the theme manager window and it installs04:49
SliMMmacogw: isn't there a way to mace the ntfs partition automatically appear under places and ~/Desktop?04:49
genefitzNero for linux doesn't have a movie encoder, which honestly was all it is good for in windows04:49
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Johtoi like that its very fast and easy to burn .iso files unde gnome, very nice to have this burning feature integrated on gnome :)04:49
macogwSliMM: i dont know how the thing on the desktop works, probably a setting that i dont know about, but i told you how to get it into places04:49
christian_javaJake & macogw: Tnx, I will check it out.04:49
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wailerSliMM: I'd think about a linux rescue cd - maybe - gave up windows years ago!04:49
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Johtoit oly toke me two clicks to burn  .iso file, and erase the disk beforehand04:50
SliMMwailer: there's a live cd for editing that registry entry, but i don't feel like doing it now :P04:50
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Johtojust burning the newest gutsy, gotta try at least that live-cd portion, not going to install it yet though..04:51
kauerI've got an ATI card going, dualhead, everything works perfectly except that the cursor on the second screen is invisible. It's there. it works, but it is not visible. I have dualhead working with the "ati" driver, the "fglrx" driver and the "radeon" driver, just with fglrx the cursor is AWOL. Any simple answers?04:51
macogwchristian_: you may like to install gnome-main-menu  it gives a different interface for the menu04:51
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noelferreirathere's any dock option for mozilla-firefox?04:52
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Taffy-nayI've installed Half Life using Wine and it has placed the Icon for it on the desktop along with a file called "Half-Life.lnk".......can I move the game icon to the games section of my applitations menu and is the "Half-Life.lnk" file needed? can I delete it?04:52
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giany911macogw http://www.misticriver.net/showthread.php?t=50579 i found the same error here ...he guy fixed it by formating ...so how do i format it ?:)04:52
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macogwi dont know04:53
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giany911... lets say its an usb disk04:53
wailerTaffy-nay: drag'n'drop is your freind04:53
giany911... volume bla bla appears on my desktop04:53
SliMMfor all the linux & yahoo users: go and vote here the first two suggestions http://suggestions.yahoo.com/?prop=ydn04:53
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rizowhat is the optimum resolution for X04:53
Johtorizo: ? depends on your display !04:54
Taffy-naywailer: I figured that was the case. would deleting the other file cause an issue though?04:54
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rizoI feel x to be slow on higher resolution04:54
rizoat 1280 x 102404:54
Johtorizo: again, depends on your display, your graphic card and other hardware, lol04:54
Nylink|Ubhow much should i allocate to my / mount and my /home mount?04:54
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rizomy hardware can support 1280 x 1024 but still04:55
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Johtorizo: of course you NEED proper hardware accelrated drivers too04:55
gfortiesNylink|Ub: how big is your drive04:55
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rizoI have the correct drivers for linux04:55
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JeruvyIf I want to install ubuntu on a external esata drive is there anything special I should do?  How do I distinguish between my various drives and raid in the partition setup?04:55
Johtorizo: no wonder if its slow if you run it in some weird compatible non accell mode04:55
Nylink|Ub320 gb, but most of it is used, so i partitioned off about 20 gb04:55
bullgard4Who can explain the following observation: My laptop shows a rather high temperature (61 and 50C) even though there are no demanding applications running. But if I kill a Gnome terminal tab which runs a MC, the temperature will lower to normal values (46 and 44C).04:55
Johtorizo: ok, list your hardware04:55
CuzzCan someone at Ubuntu please fix this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MobileWirelessBroadband   that will enable fresh 7.04 users to setup a connection without having to download 2 packages and install all their dependancies.04:55
wailerTaffy-nay; a link does nothing but direct you to another file - so deleting it only means you can't use it to get to that file04:56
rizoits pretty old Integrated sis730/630 card on the pc that feels slow04:56
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robbitDoes anyone know whether the Acecad flair II GT-504 graphics tablet is supported in Ubuntu04:57
Nylink|Uband i already allocated 2gb for swap04:57
gfortiesNylink|Ub: with a size constraint of 20 gb, i might not use a /home partition at all.  just put everything in /, except of course your swap04:57
sherkinCould someon tell me if evince displays correctly color in dvi files ?04:57
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Johtorizo: oh, no wonder then, i was thinking youd had new hardware ...like at least pentium4 and nvidia card...04:57
Nylink|Ubah okay, thanks gforties04:57
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baikonurrobbit: probably google knows it04:57
gfortiesNylink|Ub: you need at least 10GB for your system partition these days04:57
Johtorizo: so you are most likely not using "hardware" accellrations..04:57
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Johtorizo: everyting is drawn on software, thats why it gets slow FAST when resolution goes up04:58
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wailerTaffy-nay: lol04:58
rizonope but there is a huge speed increase between 1024x768 and 1280x102404:58
robbitbaikonur: If they know they dont want to tell me!04:58
Taffy-naywailer: oh right, ok. i'll rename it first to see if it's being used at all. The "drag'n'drop" to the games menu isn't working thogh04:58
Johtorizo: yes, you have shitty gfx card04:58
Johtorizo: get a better card04:58
aurel42rizo: perhaps you discovered the memory limit of your card. ;)04:58
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rizowell its just a spare comp so not really worth a new card04:59
Johtorizo: ok, dont complain then, suffer :D04:59
Johtorizo: and use lower rez04:59
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rizoI was just wondering why this happened04:59
baikonurrobbit: what about the first link: http://www.google.ch/search?num=100&hl=en&safe=off&q=%22Acecad+flair+II+GT-504%22+ubuntu&btnG=Search&meta=04:59
JeruvyIf I want to install ubuntu on a external esata drive is there anything special I should do?  How do I know which drive is it (seems to think all my drives are scsi)?04:59
sherkinHi there, anyone available ?05:00
wailerTaffy-nay: I have luck with - right click - cut - then in folder  - right click - paste05:00
Johtorizo: you are hitting the max memory of the cards framebuffer and stuff i think with the higher rez05:00
aurel42rizo: try lowering the number of bitplanes, that should help if it's a memory issue.05:00
Johtooh he left05:00
EvaLuaTehow can i change the mysql root user password ?05:00
EvaLuaTeif i don't know the password05:00
binarydigitEvaLuaTe: #mysql05:00
robbitbaikonur: thanks - will check05:00
EvaLuaTeok, thanks05:00
baikonursherkin: that's not how it works. you aks a question and if somebody knows the answer he or she answers05:01
christian_macogw: I liked the gnome-main-menu, but I don't find it.. can you give me a link?05:01
wailerTaffy-nay: oops - linux platform - check permissions05:01
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aurel42EvaLuaTe: start mysqld with --skip-grant-tables, reset password, shutdown mysqld, restart normally05:01
Blindetwailer: ctrl alt backspace didnt work05:01
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sherkinok baikonur05:01
Blindetgnome wont still load05:01
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Taffy-naywailer: thanks05:01
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EvaLuaTeaurel42, could you please tell me the commands or tell me where to look for them, because i'm pretty new to linux and i don't know how to do that05:02
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triplchi all05:02
sherkinbaikonur: I'd thought my question was simple, maybe not clear enough ?05:02
SliMMhere is my problem: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d2e81300b05:03
gfortiesEvaLuaTe: you can find the location of mysqld using: locate mysqld05:03
saxinLooking for a program that will take a "screenshot" of an area that I make with the mouse. Any suggestions?05:03
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wailerBlindet: working on a dual boot are you?05:03
aurel42EvaLuaTe: perhaps purging and reinstalling mysqld is easier, if you don't keep important data in it?05:03
andy_Hey, can the live cd successfully resize an ntfs partition?05:04
aurel42EvaLuaTe: make that "mysql-server"05:04
gfortiessaxin: gnome-screenshot05:04
Blindetwailer: no im not, its my friends ubuntu05:04
EvaLuaTeaurel42, i don't have anything important in my mysql for now05:04
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SliMMwhat should i do, windows can't start (it boots, but it freezes)05:04
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wailerBlindet: you said it worked - so lets start another attempt:)05:04
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baikonursherkin: I didn't saw your question, sorry. I thought you just came in and asked if someone is available. I guess if nobody answers, nobody currently here knows the answer to your question. It's sometimes better to ask a question in a forum, e.g. ubuntuforums.org if you don't get an answer here05:05
andy_SliMM install Ubuntu05:05
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Blindeti didnt say that it did work05:05
MiLLSliMM: delete windows partition n installl ubuntu :D05:05
SliMMandy_: i am running ubuntu, i don't want to delete the windows partition05:05
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sherkinthanks baikonur, have a nice day !05:05
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SliMMjust look here, my ntfs-config error: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d2e81300b05:06
noelferreirathere's any dock option for mozilla-firefox?05:06
SliMMandy_: i suggest u use gparted, it's great05:06
andy_SliMM, did you do anything to break your windows install? (like use it?)05:06
baikonurnoelferreira: what do you mean by "dock option"?05:06
SliMMandy_: i used gparted badly05:06
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andy_what did you do exactly05:07
wailerBlindet: at prompt type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - * sloooowly go through the steps - choose vesa for the card driver as a failsafe then at the end hit cntrl-alt-bkspc05:07
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SliMMandy_: but the problem is not about running windows!!05:07
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giany911so i have this usb disk .... how can i see where is the device actually ? ... i mean in /dev/05:07
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aurel42EvaLuaTe: well, then try to purge mysql-server using the package management tool of your choice (aptitude, synaptic, sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server) and then reinstall it (please be aware I'm new to Ubuntu, too, so no guarantees *g)05:07
triplcHi all05:07
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gfortiesgiany911: when you plug it in, type 'dmesg | tail'05:07
SliMMandy_: i don't want to run widows, i just want to mount the ntfs partition without using 'forced mount'05:08
jkenn337I'm having a problem with ubuntu 7.4 feisty fawn version. I can run it from the live cd on my wife's dell desktop but not on my computer.05:08
gfortiesgiany911: there should be some hardware event that lists the device node05:08
triplcWhat is good Flash Player for Ubuntu 64-bit? I am using Gnash.... but it does not play YouTUBE correctly.05:08
noelferreirabaikonur: the bar where the icons of the programs stays where the are in background05:08
triplc(Flash plugin)05:08
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mikereSliMM: Looks like you have to either boot windows to clear the flag or use force.05:08
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andy_SliMM: ooh, so you're trying to access that data?05:08
jkenn337she has an intel video driver and I have an nvidia card, she has on-board sound-max digital sound and I have a sound blaster live sound card and logitek USB headphones which my computer sees as another sound card.05:08
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SliMMtriplc: desn't adobe have such a flash player?05:09
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Blindetwailer: i now phoned to my friend, and he will call me to tell the results..05:09
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BucketfaceIf you want flash player05:09
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triplcSliMM: really? for Ubuntu 64-bit? Ok, let me check again05:09
Bucketfacejust go to youtube and install it directly in firefox~~!05:09
SliMMandy_: yes05:09
jkenn337any ideas on how I can get it to run? I am totally blind and cannot see the screen. Orca also loads on my wife's computer when I press alt f2 and type orca and press enter. my wife is also blind.05:09
gfortiesSliMM: if you can, i would suggest converting your ntfs partition to a fat32 partition05:09
wailerBlindet: let me know how it goes :)05:10
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SliMMgforties: i just need some utility for doing the filesystem check in linux05:10
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Moniker42hey, how do i get tabs in nautilus?05:11
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EvaLuaTeso how can i start mysqld from the command line /05:11
gfortiesSliMM: fsck.ntfs ??05:11
robbitbaikonur: Took me to Ubuntu Documentation site, which gives me all the info I'm looking for. Thanks for your help05:11
SliMMtriplc: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&promoid=BIOW05:11
SliMMtriplc: doesn't this work?05:12
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W1nst00nHowdy, Y'all05:12
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triplcSliMM: Oh... all I've checked is Ubuntu's repos... I haven't check adobe yet05:12
W1nst00nIs it possible to install WinXP after installing ubuntu to a HDD, or must I install Windows first?05:12
D3B14Njkenn337;   doesn't the CD startup at all ?05:12
wailerMoniker42:pcman was made to get tabbed file browsing05:12
rakkahowcome ubuntu wont open my rpm?05:13
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JeruvyEvaLuaTe: mysql05:13
baikonurnoelferreira: you mean beside the clock, where for example the xchat or gaim icon resides if the application is started? no, I don't think that's available for firefox. What purpose what such a dock icon have?05:13
W1nst00nrakka, do you have alien?05:13
faileasrakka: RPMs arn't ubuntu's native package format...05:13
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PaulEUHello! I have problem with hibernation since when I changed monitor into newer (15" LCD -> 20" LCD). After change monitor, I fixed xorg.conf and it works fine for 1400x1050 resolution, I'm using driver nvidia.05:13
D3B14Nrakka install alien ( sudo apt-get install -y alien05:13
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mikereSliMM: I have no idea if fsck will work on ntfs.  Have you tried fsck -A?05:13
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PaulEUHibernation works without problems on old monitor, now I'm doing (System -> End -> Hibernate) and it works OK, but when I try get back on the computer I have black window (empty) and cursor of mouse is visible. Mouse of course works, keyboard works only with command SysRq, other command doesn't works (for example: Ctrl+Alt+F1).05:14
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icelinkhi there05:14
piyoyo207hablan espanol05:14
arunwhere do i change fonts for kde apps, and where do i change the colour for the title bar font (it doesn't seem to change from white)05:14
PaulEUHow can I fix it ? :/05:14
jkenn337yes the cd starts up.05:14
jkenn337but I don't hear the ubuntu music.05:14
wailermoniker42: pcmanfm in synaptic05:14
icelinkis there a program especially created for creating panorama-photos from single ones05:15
gfortiesSliMM: knoppix has a great many tools for fixing ntfs errors.  i would suggest a google search for knoppix ntfs05:15
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W1nst00nbah... I have to install ubuntu second.05:15
jkenn337I also have a linksys wifi USB adapter and a USB keyboard.05:15
benThere are numerous programs for Windows claiming to shred usage tracks. I came to find where windows caches and logs were and did it manually. I want to do the same thing for Feisty. Is there a program that erases common usage tracks, and if not where are ubuntu's logs and caches?05:15
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SliMMgforties: i have a knoppix cd05:15
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PaulEUis it possible that the graphics card and drivers are too old?05:16
wailerben: ubuntu logs let you know if someone is using your comp unauthorised05:16
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PaulEUI have ubuntu 7.04 with all updates05:16
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Moniker42wailer, i'm installing it just now05:17
captinehi all.  anyone here use Zimbra collab on ubuntu?05:17
benwailer: they won't be. And I don't know how to interpret them and detect it anyway05:17
benI don't want my computer to surveil itself05:17
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captinealso, how bad is it (as a home user) to have one machine running file shareing, email server, document server, web server and firewall?05:18
wailerben: if " they won't be ' then why delete them?05:18
Piciarun: kcontrol05:18
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benwailer: it's a project of mine to over-protect my PC. I've got it encrypted so it's unlikely anybody else will get in. The next step is to give them nothing to find if they do05:19
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benI simply need an exhaustive list of where ubuntu records my activities. So far I've got var/logs05:20
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Adlaiben: ~/.*sh_history05:20
wailerben: the best way I have found on a linux system is to set cron up to check the password list file for changes - someone will go there before your logs05:20
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benAdlai: sorry, where is that?05:22
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fligeni am having a laptop power problem, can someone please help me?05:22
benI see it's a hidden file05:22
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Adlaiin your home directory05:22
Adlaiit's the log of shell commands05:22
=== SakJur [n=sakjur@h141n11.malarenergi.ias.bredband.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm05:22
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mariocesar_boHi all, how can I use Screenlets or Cairo-Clock with out using Compiz ?05:23
bencheers wailer05:23
bencheers adlai05:23
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knowmadI'm installing the server image using alt installer but network autoconfiguration is failing. I can get a connection if i use a shell and run dhclient directly. any ideas?05:23
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knowmadUbuntu 7.0405:23
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wailerscreenlets - I use gdesklets from the repos & am mostly happy05:24
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wailer-edit-with no compiz05:24
fligeni am using Ubuntu 7.04 with a HP Laptop, when i unplug the power and shut the lid my computer will not go into power save mode and it drains the battery, any ideas05:25
Moniker42wailer, so is pcmanfm an extension of nautilus or a replacement?05:25
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knowmadfligen: does it go into power save mode if you leave it plugged in?05:26
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knowmadno surprise05:26
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Moniker42knowmad, try messing around with the power saving settings?05:27
benAre all .xxxx_history files logs, and will all log files outside of /var/log end with "_history"?05:27
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wailerMoniker42:It is made by a bloke studying medicine in hong kong because he wanted tabbed browsing & couldn'nt get it anywhere else!05:27
fligeni have set it to power save in 15 min, with no joy05:27
knowmadtry the forums or google. i use a thinkpad t23 and there were some helpful tips at thinkwiki.org.05:27
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Moniker42wailer, ah. why doesn't nautilus have it?05:27
fligenok ty05:27
jkenn337hello, can someone send me a private message or send me an email at jkenn337@gmail.com to discuss my ubuntu booting issue? or add me to msn at kenn6498ku@hotmail.com or add me to skype, my skype ID is: jkenn33705:28
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knowmadmoniker42: i think your reply was addressed to fligen; i'm looking for help with network autoconfig when installing with alt. installer05:28
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wailerMoniker42: -maybe- give them time??05:28
Moniker42knowmad, oh, yeah - my bad.05:28
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Moniker42wailer, time? NEVER!05:28
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Moniker42wailer, in fact - i'm heading to #nautilus right now to complain...05:28
wailerhehe :)05:28
Moniker42wait, there isn't a #nautilus :(05:29
wailerMoniker42: does pcman have search yet?05:29
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Moniker42wailer, i realised i can't be bothered working out pcman and that i'd be quicker stopping procrastinating by finding new file browsers and just copy the damn files i need to05:30
Gener1csay is there better or faster loading or preformance on gnome apposing to kde?05:30
Moniker42i'm avoiding reinstalling windows...05:30
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jkenn337hey could one of you guys email me about the boot up on live cd issue? jkenn337@gmail.com . maybe it doesn't like my nvidia video card?05:30
wailerhahahehe :) :)05:30
tehkHow would I go about using an existing home partition for a new ubuntu install? I know how to do it once I get the system up ad running but my question is -  Does ubiquity see my account when I mount my home drive as /home? Does it auto detect that account as an admin?05:30
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Gener1csay is there better or faster loading or preformance on gnome apposing to kde?05:30
engieHiya. Ive got a creative webcam nx (a USB SPCA5XX camera with the ZC3XX image sensor). I using it with Ubuntu Feisty and its using the GSPCA drivers. Whenever I use a program that connects to it there are huge delays on starting the program (including v4l-conf), and if the program tries to change any of the settings of the camera. What could be causing these delays?05:30
wailerI heard pcman doesn't yet have search function but soon will05:31
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Blindetwailer: it didnt work and ym friend gave up and re-installed everything again05:31
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dthacker-ltHi, I'm using a non gui install and I can't find the option that will let me add physical volumes to a volume group05:32
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_WeeJeWelHow can I make sudo doesn't require a password.. i did it before05:33
wailerBlindet: sorry to here that - a reinstall only takes 1/2hr - if there's no important stuff to lose!05:33
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gfortiestehk: your account information is generally stored in /etc/*05:33
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gfortiestehk: /etc/passwd /etc/shadow and /etc/sudoers05:34
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Pretoriabhi all05:34
gfortiestehk: you need to make sure the UID's of the new password list match the UID's for the associated files on the /home partition05:34
tehkgforties, so you would suggest just recreating my main account then just deleting it and mounting my home partition in its place?05:34
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Pretoriabhow do i setup Xvnc as a service05:35
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ubuntu__staram sie zainstalowac kubuntu od samego rana i mimo roznych kombinacji za kazdym razem wyskakuje mi 'Uruchomienie grub install (hd0) nie powiodo sie. Bad krytyczny/' moglibyscie pomoc? prosze!!05:35
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wailerall says g'day05:35
ubuntu__- na 94 % ://///////05:35
bassinboyfor some reason when i touch my touchscreen, the cursor jumps to the bottom corner05:35
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Anlarubuntu__: use ext305:36
ubuntu__crap it is english ;P05:36
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Pretoriabi am having trouble setting up vnc as a service05:36
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hhp2kHey everyone, I was wanting to know how you change individual icons in ubuntu.. I have a whole host of icons I downloaded but all I can seem to find is how to change the whole theme, and going through the individual file properties (using gnome, fyi) doesn't seem to provide me with the ability to change them, just emblems. Can anyone help?05:36
ubuntu__so... i'm trying to install kubuntu for all the day and always on 94% i'm receiving alert that Grub install failed can someone help ? :] 05:36
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mirko_bukHi everybody05:36
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ubuntu__Anlar: eee... i'm using ext3 for all linux partitions :/05:37
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Pretoriabi am having trouble setting up vnc as a service05:37
=== drummerboy tries to install ubuntu/xubuntu on a virtual pc in parallels on mac osx. there's a error message containing "ACPI: can not access RSDP" (or like that)
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@xdsl-21965.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
mundungushi guyz properly  ,i have an opera debian package,how can i install it and add to applications menu?05:38
KromelProblem: Every time I reboot, X Server is broken.  After reinstalling the driver, I can get GDM to work.  However, when I reboot, I have to reinstall the NVIDIA driver again.05:38
mirko_bukJust a question:05:38
mirko_bukDoes oss-emulation work for alsa drivers on ubuntu 6.06?05:38
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate05:38
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wailerhhp2k: make your own theme by copying the ones you want into a folder you made then selecting that as your theme - you have to check the permissions first05:39
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Meroigosince i did the following on ubuntu guide, no sound device options works in Skype. I tried to delete ~/.asoundrc, but nothing changed... http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_setup_surround-sound_speakers_.285.1_and_others.29_with_ALSA05:39
Meroigowhat to do?05:39
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mundungushi guyz properly  ,i have an opera debian package,how can i install it and add to applications menu?05:40
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=== Ruhh waves at Punisher
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tehkmundungus, click on it then click install. Assuming its a ubuntu deb05:41
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jkenn337hello I'm having a problem with the ubuntu live cd not booting.05:41
ziggy__Hey, does anyone here run Guild Wars with Cedega?05:41
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jkenn337the cd spins for 5 or so minutes and i don't hear any music or anything.05:41
Surgermundungus: sudo dpkg -i <packagename>05:41
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jkenn337does ubuntu work with nvidia video cards and pentium processors?05:42
ziggy__Jkenn337, what does it say you have on the cd on a different computer?05:42
wertigo8888I've a text problem with stellarium under 7.04. I can't read any text... only dots and lines. can someone help me?05:42
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tehkjkenn337, yes.05:42
jkenn337does it work with logitech USB headphones and linksys wifi adapters?05:42
mundungusk surger thanks,lemmi try that.i tried double clicking it but its only opening in archiver05:42
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tehkjkenn337, depends on what wifi chip05:42
=== radar1976 [n=shaun@S0106000e2e0c0037.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
WX9Jatt requires odd port settings  for its email. anyone know how to change them in evolution ?05:43
ziggy__jkenn337, Do you have the files properly burned? Or have you just copied an ISO to it?05:43
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jkenn337it's a USB wifi adapter from linksys05:43
Surgermundungus: Or set up the opera repository and "sudo apt-get install opera"05:43
jkenn337yes the files are propperly burned05:43
jkenn337I tried it on my wife's computer and it works on that one.05:43
ziggy__jkenn337 - Does the computer have an operating system already on it?05:43
jkenn337they both have windows xp on them.05:44
ziggy__Which one?05:44
jkenn337her machine has intel video drivers and a celleron processor05:44
Surgermundungus: http://www.opera.com/support/search/view/841/05:44
ziggy__So, it just loads windows instead of installing?05:44
tehkjkenn337, depends on the chip inside. They release tons of different wifi dongles with many different chipsets. Some have drivers. Others are Win locked or can only be used with ndiswrapper on ubuntu.05:44
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madrazrHi all05:44
ziggy__Hey Madrazr05:44
jkenn337mine has nvidia with a pentium processor hers also has on-board sound with soundmax digital drivers mine has sound blaster live on it.05:44
madrazrCan someone help me installing Drupal on fiesty, I installed from Synaptic but it is giving some process erro05:45
jkenn337sound blaster live sound card and I also have logitech USB headphones plugged in. also tried unplugging the wifi adapter and headphones before booting ubuntu live cd, but no go there either.05:45
ziggy__jkenn337, Does the computer load windows instead of booting from the cd?05:45
tehkjkenn337, what happens at boot? Does the 'Start installing ubuntu' prompt come up?05:45
jkenn337I don't know because I'm blind. none of our computers have monitors connected to them.05:45
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jkenn337and what is ...?05:46
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jkenn337maybe it's not compatible with my nvidia driver or nvidia video card or sound card?05:46
ziggy__jkenn337 Try installing it after logging into your windows user05:46
ziggy__Thats not possible05:47
WX9Janyone know how to change port settings in evolution ?05:47
jkenn337I also have a USB 2.0 card installed because this machine is from 2002 and din't come with USB 2.0.05:47
ziggy__Because linux recognises windows05:47
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madrazrthis is the error I get, "E: drupal-5.1: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1"05:47
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tehkjkenn337, what happens when you boot.05:47
tehkjkenn337, explain it05:47
Gener1ci cant burn!!05:47
ziggy__tehk, he is saying its not booting05:47
Gener1csay whats the gnome-baking channle here?05:47
ziggy__Well, I would like to ask if anyone runs guild wars in this channel. If so, I need some help, I have CrossOver, Wine, and Cedega.05:48
tehkziggy__, well if he has his CD has the first boot device it will at least load the 'install or load from first harddrive' prompt05:48
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jkenn337as far as I can tell it just hangs. when I press keys like enter and space nothing happens. when I booted on my wife's computer the music played eventually then I was able to load orca. it asked me some questions which I answered and then it said for accessibility to be enabled I had to log out and log back in. I didn't know how to do that with the keyboard so I was kind of stuck at that point. but it works on hers.05:48
[DarkSun] does anyone know if dri works with an ati x155005:48
bullgard4Who can explain the following observation: My laptop shows a rather high temperature (61 and 50C) even though there are no demanding applications running. But if I kill a Gnome terminal tab which runs a MC, the temperature will lower to normal values (46 and 44C).05:48
[DarkSun] bulio|, cuz gnome is HOT! lol, idk, sorry05:49
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ziggy__bullgard, Have you looked into power saving tools?05:49
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wailergnome uses lots of resources these days05:49
madrazrCan someone help me installing Drupal on fiesty, I installed from Synaptic but it is giving some sub-process error05:50
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tehkmadrazr, did you install lamp?05:50
Adlai<3 lamp05:51
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ziggy__Anyone here run guild wars?05:51
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jkenn337it's getting pretty hard for me to folow this chat. could someone email me at jkenn337@gmail.com ?05:51
jkenn337again that's jkenn33705:51
madrazrtehk: yeah I installed lamp through tasksel05:51
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Stormx2jkenn337: Just use PMs.05:52
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madrazrtehk: and also lamp is just working fine here, I am using it for my php development05:52
tehkmadrazr, ok I would suggest not using the drupal in the repos05:52
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jkenn337what is pms?05:53
foxrayI think lm_sensors got my senors mixed up, i'm running the cpu at 100% and its staying at a constant 32C, while the system temp is at 41C. what in the world?05:53
madrazrtehk: what to do then, and whats the prob with the one in repo??05:53
tehkmadrazr, just get drupal from their site - copy it into /var/www then follow their readme from then on05:53
JeruvyHow to install ubuntu fiesty on eSATA?05:53
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gfortiesfoxray: it could be the hard drive making a lot of heat.  or the GPU05:53
madrazrtehk: oh soooper is it as simple as it is?05:53
EAGI am looking around for some info regarding NFS and folders which are mounted with "mount --bind". The "mount --binded" stuff won't show up and I am scratching my head...05:53
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tehkmadrazr, install phpmyadmin from the repos also05:54
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foxraygforties: are you sure this isn't lm_senors got my system temp mixed up with my cpu temp?05:54
mundungusave sorted out the opera .deb ,thanx guyz05:54
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JeruvyHow to install ubuntu fiesty on eSATA?05:55
gfortiesfoxray: no i'm not sure, but it's a possibility.  unfort, i dont know much about lm_sensors to help you anymore05:55
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madrazrtehk: one more question I am developing a web based app for a small company, its a web based form processing app. I am using LAMP for that, I am planning to use drupal only for creating HTML pages is it a correct procedure, I donno exactly what drupal is used for, I thought it would do the job for me. Is it right???05:55
tehkmadrazr, then use that to make your drupal mysql account and make an empty database. Then follow the readme. All that says to do is navigate to you installed/ and it should prompt you for the database username/pass and database name05:55
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mundungusjus to ask, ave been trying to create a cron job to be running this php script daily at a certain time but the php script is neve executed wen the time comes,is there anyone who's done that?05:56
mc2tsi need some help with my sound card....05:56
tehkmadrazr, drupal is only a CMS05:56
davetarmacis there a GUI to configure WINE?05:56
madrazrwhat is it used for?05:56
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gfortiestehk: did you get my PM?05:56
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madrazrtehk: I just wanna generate HTML pages, because I am lazy in writing HTML code05:56
tehkmadrazr, it controls content for your site, Not a web deelopment tool. It is an entire site.05:56
madrazrtehk: what else do you suggest05:57
tehkgforties, no I did not05:57
madrazrtehk: I want a visual designer sort of05:57
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:57
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allenanyone knows how to install winxp while in ubuntu :-/;05:57
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tehkmaddler, well then I would suggest you look in the add/remove program for thinsg like bluefish and all. they are not so visual but php and todays web cannot be done visually.05:58
rbilallen, you could use VMPlayer05:58
allenVmplayer :-/05:58
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vmplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:58
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allenrbil:  what does it do05:58
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faileasallen: vmware05:58
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gfortiestehk: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35009/05:58
tehkmadrazr, well then I would suggest you look in the add/remove program for thing like bluefish and all. they are not so visual but php and todays web cannot be done visually.05:58
faileasits a way to run an OS in another OS05:58
alleni want to run the setup05:59
allenwill it work?05:59
faileasjust the setup?05:59
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tehkgforties, thanks! It helps perfectly05:59
faileastry wine05:59
allencoz i dont have the cd only my backup..05:59
allenwine failed..>_>05:59
Kromel*cries*  My X Server crashes every time I reboot.05:59
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madrazrtehk: I will write the PHP code manually, thats not a prob actually, I just want HTML thats it, like drawing coloumns etc etc, just a Open Source alternative to DreamWeaver sort05:59
EAGAnyone good at NFS?05:59
madrazrI tried BlueFish I did not like it much06:00
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:00
gadgeramathere's always amaya from the w3c06:00
mundungusjus to ask, ave been trying to create a cron job to be running this php script daily at a certain time but the php script is neve executed wen the time comes,is there anyone who's done that?06:00
faileasallen: then you're not gonna have so many options..06:00
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madrazrtehk: I liked a dreamweaver a lot. I am looking for a similar alternative06:00
madrazrtehk: *I liked dreamweaver06:00
Jim-Reaperanyone here installed CSS on ubuntu?06:00
tehkmadrazr, bluefish or many of the others will work for you06:00
engieHi. When I press shift-2 for speech marks (british keyboard) nothing happens, but then if I press e for example I get an e with two dots above it. How can I disable this behaviour, I will never need to do european characters06:00
SurgerJim-Reaper: CSS as in cascading style sheets?06:01
madrazrtehk: bluefish doesn't have WYSIWYG sort of interface06:01
madrazrtehk: ok got to go, urgent bye06:01
tehkmadrazr, open up add/remove. Then navigate to programming06:01
Jim-Reaperno sorry...counter strike source...teh game06:01
bullgard4ziggy__: A google search for 'power saving tools' AND ubuntu yields no useful results. What do you mean by 'power saving tools'?06:01
madrazrtehk:  thanks a lot06:01
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madrazrtehk: yeah sure I will06:01
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madrazrtehk: I will try, bye06:01
madrazrtehk: thanks a lot06:02
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ziggy__Is there anyone here that Uses Guild wars?06:02
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wangerengie: sounds like you're using the wrong keyboard map, you can change it in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file - best to make a copy of this file before editing it though06:02
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JeruvyI'm thinking you cannot install ubuntu on a eSATA drive.06:03
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SlorHey folks - quick question:  I found the info on supporting my SB16 AWE32 ISA card (modprobe snd-sbawe ; modprobe snd-pcm-oss ; modprobe snd-mixer-oss ; modprobe snd-seq-oss).  Where is the most appropriate system file to put these commands?  Should they go in /etc/modules, somewhere in /etc/modprobe.d/, elsewhere?  Also, am I missing anything else?06:03
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SliMMhow do i add applications to the applications menu?06:03
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engiewanger: There (there it goes again) nothing set in the xorg.conf. When I go to the gnome keyboard chooser applet it shows what keys I am pressing correctly06:03
tehkSliMM, just right click on it and select edit menus06:03
jimmygoonSliMM, use the Menu Editor System->Preferences->Main Menu06:04
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vecnahdo someone know a copy program that would state the speed and time remaining?06:04
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vecnahI am looking for some replacement to good old cp06:04
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engievecnah: rsync can be useful, or scp06:04
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vecnahI ll try taht thanks06:05
tehkvecnah, google visual cp06:05
xKintaroIs there a way you can run 32 bit apps on 64 bit Ubuntu06:05
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wangerengie: sorry what do you mean by "not set"? is there no entry for a keyboard in your xorg.conf?06:06
Surgervecnah: http://clpbar.sourceforge.net/06:06
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EAGIs it impossible to share folders (which have stuff mounted with mount --bind) in a NFS share?06:06
engieyes, but there are no special options in there06:06
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engieI just tried adding nodeadkeys, will give it a pop06:06
wailerSliMM: feisty has a control centre06:06
jimmygoonengie, have you don't the dpkg-reconfigure routine?06:07
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jimmygoonwailer, what control center?06:07
arunI want to downgrade my ttf-dejavu package. what would be the best way to do that? i've got a deb of the version i want, but when i tried to install it, it says 'warning: newer version installed'.06:07
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jimmygoonarun, you can ignore that warning and still install it06:07
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bnovcis ubuntu known not to work with 8800GTS? I get no screen found. looks like a few other people had trouble on google but i dont see too many06:08
wailerjimmygoon: system - preferences- control center on mine06:08
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jimmygoonwailer, you have installed that06:08
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jimmygoonIt is "gnome-control-center"06:09
JeruvyxKintaro thats how it's recommended06:09
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wailerjimmygoon: came standard - saw it in mandriva and thought it was good - good on ububntu06:09
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pike_bnovc: the nvidia linux drivers fro 8800gts i have heard problems with but id do a google seach like "site:ubuntuforums.org nvidia 8800gts" im sure its fixable and im sure it will get betting in coming monts06:10
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arunjimmygoon: no i cant install it. the install package button isn't clickable, it's grayed out. the exact message is 'Error: A later version is already installed'.06:10
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jimmygoonIt is not installed by default in ubuntu though, you can install it from the repositories, but it is not in a fresh install...06:10
Holek_hi there, is there any to change ie. "a" to "b" in some strings in bash script?06:10
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jimmygoonarun, oh, it says error, in that case you can try installing it from the command line and force it06:10
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arunjimmygoon: what would the command be06:11
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gfortiesHolek_: sounds like you want to use 'sed'06:11
pike_Holek_: sed -i 's/a/b/g' file.txt or you can pipe something to sed06:11
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Holek_hihi, thx, will try06:11
wailerjimmygoon: I had it on my system for a month or two before getting on the net06:11
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DownixAlright, Ubuntu now installed on sons computer06:11
_darioHello everybody.06:12
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_darioJust a question06:12
_darioHow can I enable OSS emulation on alsa drivers, ubuntu 6.06 ?06:12
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achtzehnis there a tool for cutting mp3's, I want to remove the first few seconds from one.06:12
Downixthst reminds me, I need to figure out how to turn on his audio06:12
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Downixand switch the mouse06:13
gfortiesachtzehn: audacity06:13
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jimmygoonwailer, I'm not going to argue about this, I have a week old copy of ubuntu feisty and it does not have it. the betas/alphas of fiesty did however, I do believe that it was not in the final. Anyhow, if anyone else wants the control center and doesn't have it. it is "gnome-control-center"06:13
Downixfor some reason it defaulted to the ps2 port, but I prefer the serial mouse06:13
Enselicachtzehn: you can do it losslessly with ffmpeg06:13
wailergot feisty from a magazine dvd06:13
Downixyes it's an old system06:13
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pike_achtzehn: audacity as stated is very nice and intuitive06:13
achtzehnEnselic: ! oh great I didn't know that06:13
Enselicachtzehn: ffmpeg -i original.mp3 -ss 10 withoput-first-10-seconds.mp306:13
DownixI use audacity for my audio work06:13
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Enselicachtzehn: you might need to complie ffmpeg yourself first though to get the mp3 encoding support06:14
larson9999got this dazzle thing given to me.  wonder if it'll work06:14
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Ubnubhello, I can't get sound working in my new install06:14
Enselicachtzehn: sorry, you need   -acodec copy   too06:14
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fsuddinhello all06:14
pike_!sound | Ubnub06:14
achtzehnEnselic, can one also make a fade-in?06:14
ubotuUbnub: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:14
MDK2hey, new user here06:14
MDK2glad to be apart of the community06:14
wailerjimmygoon: did not know it wasn't in the final release  apologies06:14
pike_Ubnub: hope that helps06:14
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fsuddinso whats with gloobuntu06:14
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fsuddinor goobuntu06:15
fsuddinor whatever it's called06:15
MDK2even tho i'll probably be leeching information rather then contributing it =P06:15
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jimmygoonwailer, it may have been, I might be confused, I'm not sure at this point, but I don't think it was, but now I'm intrigued and am going to isntall it :D06:15
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fsuddinthe one google wants to make06:15
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Enselicachtzehn: I don't think so, but with mencoder you can afaik06:15
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pike_MDK2: thats usually a given for first 6 months or so :)06:15
Enselicachtzehn: not losslellsy though, obviously06:15
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fsuddinanyone willing to field an install question?06:15
jimmygoonarun, it would be dpkg -i --force-downgrade PACKAGE.dev06:15
Enselic!ask | fsuddin06:16
ubotufsuddin: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:16
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jimmygoonarun, it would be dpkg -i --force-downgrade PACKAGE.deb06:16
MDK2pike: sounds like a deal to me =P06:16
fsuddini booted with tht ubuntu cd, clicked onthe install icon and and i get two errors:06:16
wailerjimmygoon: ubuntu is working hard to be user friendly - GUI - control center makes things easier for sure06:16
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fsuddinproblem while loading OAFID:GNOME panel_trashApplet and the same with Mixer Applet06:16
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fsuddinshall i ignore06:16
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Some_uxnever been in such a busy open Irc channel06:17
lindarWhere can I find the development headers for GTK 2.0?06:17
Enselicfsuddin: did you check the CD for defects? there is a menu when booting it06:17
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fsuddini did06:17
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fsuddinis it my cd?06:17
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jimmygoonwailer, strange. I have it installed but it doesn't show up in Pref/Admin and it doesn't replace "system" either :S I would actually like that better :S06:17
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achtzehnEnselic, so helpful, thank you!06:17
jimmygoonfsuddin, sounds like a problem with the CD06:17
lindarMy terminal tells me, "You must have the GTK+ 2.0 development headers installed to compile Pidgin." So where do I get those?06:17
Enselicachtzehn: np :)06:17
MDK2PROBLEM: I just burned my ubuntu 7.04 disc... i run windows now... need to repartition so that I can dual boot windows and linux without reformatting... PM me with advice, thank you.06:17
Some_uxGDK ? is that some sort of lib based on Gimp ?06:18
jimmygoonfsuddin, is this plain 7.04 desktop? Try doing the disk check and then trying again06:18
fsuddinalso when i initially boot with the cd before it loads ubuntu i get this error: Buffer I/O error on device fd0 logical block 006:18
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SeveredCrosslindar: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev06:18
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fsuddintheni get a hdc:drive not ready for command06:18
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fsuddinbut ultimately it loads06:18
fsuddinafter an hour or so06:18
lindarSeveredCross: You're awesome.06:18
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jimmygoonfsuddin, are you launching the CD from a floppy boot disk? cause fd0 is the floppy drive (I'm think)06:18
Downixegads, Ubuntu impresses me06:18
SeveredCrosslindar: Nah. :)06:18
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fsuddini dont have a floppy drive06:18
MinuteElectronHow do I install emacs? (i.e. what apt-get do I want?)06:18
jimmygoonMDK2, search for 'gparted' tutorials in reference to dual booting06:18
wailerjimmygoon: someone earlier ( apologies ) said to right click applications to add stuff if I'm not wrong06:19
jimmygoonfsuddin, hm, strange06:19
fsuddinfrom the cd image i burned and booted with06:19
SeveredCrosslindar: Make your life easier: sudo apt-get build-dep gaim06:19
SeveredCrossMost of the build depends are the same.06:19
Downixis there a floppy install system for it?  I'll put it on his laptop too06:19
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saylarhey guys06:19
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fsuddinany clue? i just want to abandon windows and embrace ubuntu06:19
saylari got a problem with my soundcard (creative audigy 2). i had to replace my motherboard with a new one, i'm using the old system and everything is working except the soundcard. any ideas what could cause the problem?06:19
fsuddinoh why06:19
fsuddincant i06:19
lindarSeveredCross: You're right. You've just launched me into dependency hell.06:19
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pike_fsuddin: thats the install cd? id grab alternate installer though i dont know itd matter with that error. ive found livecd  to only be useful on pretty new machines06:20
=== lindar tries other command.
Ubnubi have the same problem with creative audigy 206:20
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pike_fsuddin: too slow and cluttered06:20
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saylarwell, it was working fine with the old motherboard06:20
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fsuddinwhats too slow and cluttered06:20
=== Aren [n=aren@d58-106-25-143.sbr2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
lindarI wanted to use pidgin because GAIM keeps crashing.06:20
fsuddini hope you dont mean me :)06:20
Downixsaylar:  which chipset on each mobo?06:20
UltrabucketPidgin is better than game06:20
fsuddinwell is there an installer without live cd? i know i want this06:20
pike_fsuddin: the livecd :)06:21
jimmygoonfsuddin, How old is your PC?06:21
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fsuddinthat makes me feel better06:21
saylarlet me check Downix06:21
pike_!alternate | fsuddin06:21
ubotufsuddin: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal06:21
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pike_fsuddin: its not really any harder to install06:21
fsuddinok, can i boot with this cd?06:21
fsuddinthe alternate one06:21
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Enselicfsuddin: yes06:21
pike_fsuddin: yeah but only to a limited shell otherwise itll just load the installer06:22
Holek_pike_: sed don't work with pipe06:22
fsuddini want ubuntu to take the whole disk space and i dont have a windowed cd to format my computer first06:22
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Ubnubhow do you change the default audio device? i followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting, but I didn't get it to work06:22
arunIs there anything I can do to improve how KDE apps look in Ubuntu?06:22
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saylarthe old one had an nForce 430 chipset06:22
fsuddinok so in summary: download and use the alternate cd06:22
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arunMake them use the native GTK skins if possible?06:22
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Holek_pike_: it wants a file, while I want him make changes in simple string06:23
Some_uxwell , here goes: I've just install ubuntu on my laptop. Bit overwhelmed by it. I cant enable desktop effects, as i get a white screen. I've searched the forums for a solution but did not find one which worked. To the best of my (limited knowledge) it would appear that GLX for my nvidia 7300GO card is not functioning properly. (I also get a: Failed to allocate mem message when the kernel boots)06:23
=== froob [n=froob@82-32-250-185.cable.ubr12.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
pike_Holek_: something like cat file.txt | sed 's/foo/bar/g' > newfile.txt06:23
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saylarUbnub: there was no need for me to change anything, i put in the card and it was detected06:23
pike_Holek_: yeah you can do that too06:23
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Holek_pike_: with...?06:23
pike_Holek_: can you pastebin what youre trying to do with sed?06:23
saylarand the new motherboard has a AMD's 690 chipset06:23
Ubnubreally? mine keeps on using the realtek drivers, but i want it to use the audigy06:23
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pike_Holek_: of if its like a line or two here06:23
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saylarbut it's like half a year ago that i installed the thing, so i can't remember ;)06:24
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Holek_pike_: better tell you ;) I just want to change in bash in $astring this "/", into this "\"06:24
wailerSome_ux: disable desktop effects then set your card up first06:24
ubuntu__ok i have xp installed how do i make xp 20gb and ubuntu the rest of the hd06:24
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saylarnow when i try to start mpg123 with a song it says can not open default sound device06:24
ubuntu__im a teh partition part06:25
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Some_uxwailer: how do i setup my card ? (I'm a linux newb)06:25
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lindarI'm having particular difficulty with a set of .WAV files that came packaged with a sequencer that I have. Any media player I use says I need a codec to play the files, but it doesn't tell me WHAT codec.06:26
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lindarAny way I can tell what codec I need?06:26
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pike_Holek_: /join #bash and meet me in there06:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about netscape - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:26
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Grungebunnywhat are some of the better irc clients for linux?06:26
ashu18i have a monitor synchronisation problem...can anyone help me?06:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about navigator - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:27
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Blissexlindar: '.wav' os the extension for AIFF format container files. Various tools exist that scan AIFF containers to tell what is inside, directly or heuristically.06:27
lindarGrungebunny: Chatzilla and xChat.06:27
DownixGrungebunny:  I use BitchX, have for years06:27
kekkGrungebunny, xchat for example06:27
wailerSome_ux: there is an entry for restricted drivers -system - admin - restrict... - go there06:27
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Downixbut I'm also a console junkie06:27
westlyis there a netscape navigator for ubuntu?06:27
saylarirssi if you like the commandline ;)06:27
Grungebunnydownix is it still terminal based? I know it was years ago06:27
lindarBlissex: Link?06:27
Jack_SparrowGrungebunny: Konversation, KVIrc06:27
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Jeruvylindar you could turn on all the repo's in the universe and look for the codec with the container you require06:27
Downixwestly:  Firefox06:27
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BlissexGrungebunny: it is a very wide question. Depends a lot on your style inclinations. Some people prefer text based, some prefer cute, some prefer functional.06:27
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westlyI like netscape06:27
fsuddinwow u guys are great06:27
fsuddinand gals06:28
Blissexlindar: just do a web search for AIFF tools...06:28
DownixGrungebunny:  I think someone made an X version, let me check06:28
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dapjerhi all i hope some one can help me( ive bought an entire new pc without OS but i boot the install cd (5.10) it runs and suddenly stops and says at the end (0)"kenel panic" trie to kill idle or so ...06:28
fsuddinill see yall on the flipside06:28
kbrosnanwestly: new netscape like v8 or old netscape like version 7 or less?06:28
Some_uxwailer: I only see an entry for my wireless in the restricted drivers06:28
ashu18my ubuntu quiet splash doesn't work...any ideas?06:28
Downixnope, still console06:29
westlysentimental value, website show linux version but do not have .deb version06:29
ubuntu__will anyone help me with hwo to set up xp as 20gb and ubuntu as the rest of the hd i have xp installed alrdy06:29
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corevetteanyone care to help digg? http://digg.com/television/7_Life_Lessons_Learnt_from_Battlestar_Galactica06:29
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ckin2001i think the live cd lets you resize the xp partition06:30
wailerSome_ux: go to system - admin - synaptic  -  then click search  -  enter nvidia06:30
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arunwhy won't kcontrol list any of my gtk themes?06:30
ashu18Can anyone help me please?06:30
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Some_uxwailer: there is no such option in the menu. but i can do : sudo synaptic06:31
gforties!ask | ashu1806:31
ubotuashu18: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:31
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ashu18gfortis: i have asked the question already twice, if you haven't noticed06:31
alanhaggaiHi, ubuntu-destop is being removed when I do: sudo apt-get remove gaim . How can I remove gaim without removing ubuntu-desktop?06:32
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DownixOk, need to buy more ram and a vid card for this system here06:32
bruenigalanhaggai, ubuntu-desktop is a meta package hack, it is not of any significance, just let it go06:32
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ashu18gforties: i have already asked the question twice, if you haven't seen yet06:32
Downixany good course for an nVidia PCI card?06:32
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alanhaggaibruenig, thank you :)06:32
wailerSome_ux: u r saying there is no entry for synaptic packet manager06:32
kekkany idea why my wifi doesn't connect automatically but rather I have to use sudo ifup rausb1 to get it working? it worked fine automatically in xubuntu.06:32
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sebacan someone help with smartlink modem installation06:33
bruenigkekk, the interface isn't being brought up at boot you mean?06:33
Some_uxwailer: my bad, found it06:33
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kekkbruenig, yes06:33
sebacan someone help with smartlink modem installation ?06:34
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bruenigkekk, a somewhat hackish way to fix it is just to add ifup rausb1 to /etc/rc.local so that the command is run at boot06:34
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kekkbruenig, ok, thanks, I will do that06:34
gfortiesashu18: if you feel you must post for help multiple times, do everyone a favor and post the full question again so that we don't have to scroll up to find what you said earlier (asuming we didnt join after you posted in the first place)06:34
Some_uxwailer: there is a whole lot of packages there06:34
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bruenig!hi | Donahue06:35
ubotuDonahue: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:35
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wailerSome_ux: by now synaptic to me is synaptic packet manager - apologies06:35
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ashu18ok, here's my question: i have a monitor synchronisation problem with ubuntu06:36
GolhnWhy sometimes I have sound and sometimes no when I turn on the pc using ubuntu 7.0406:36
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ashu18my ubuntu splash screen doesn't show up while start up and shut down06:36
JohtoGodTodd: do you have multiple soundcards?06:36
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Optimus55does any mac os run in ubuntu vmware?06:37
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JohtoGodTodd: sorry, i meant Golhn06:37
ashu18this dpesn't happen with windows xp (i have windows - ubuntu dual boot)06:37
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bruenig!enter | ashu1806:37
ubotuashu18: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:37
ashu18bruenig: ok i ll do that06:37
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JohtoOptimus55: of course06:38
GolhnJohto. No is an integrate on. I have a compaq c502us06:38
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JohtoOptimus55: vmware is vmware, doesnt matter if its windows or linux version06:38
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Optimus55Johto: so you can run say leopard from within ubuntu?06:38
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ashu18gforties: did you get my problem now?06:39
JohtoGolhn: oh, ok, well i had the same when i had two cards, i have integrated + pro card in pci slot, i found it randomly chose the wrong one some times..i fixed my problem by disabling the integrated in bios (i only like to use the pro card) :)06:39
JohtoOptimus55: uhh, thats illeaka06:39
JohtoOptimus55: illeaga06:39
GolhnI only have one soundcard06:39
JohtoOptimus55: www.insanelymac.com06:39
Optimus55Johto: how come?06:39
JohtoOptimus55: everything you need in that topic06:39
wailerashul18: splash screen can be the ubuntu logo with progress bar or a picture u want - what's not happening06:39
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JohtoOptimus55: DUH06:40
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Optimus55Johto: lol.. i'm just confused... so running xp in linux is illegal too?06:40
JohtoOptimus55: osx86 isnt exactly legal u know06:40
JohtoOptimus55: aah, forget it :I06:40
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Optimus55Johto: ahh okay okay i see what u mean now06:41
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DaBeowulfCan you use LD_PRELOAD to override multiple libraries on running a bin in the terminal?06:42
JohtoOptimus55: if you really have time and patience, and skill, and compatible hardware, try running it outside vmware, like in "native" real mode..its 90% like the real thing if ur harware is supported, www.insanelymac.com forum gives more info ...06:42
Some_uxwailer: I see a whole bunch of glx related packages06:42
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Golhndon't know why that is happening, I only have one sound card06:42
Optimus55Johto: thanks06:42
JohtoOptimus55: http://mbnet.fi/pviljaka/osx86_woot.jpg here's my screenshot when i was running mine..it worked pretty good..now i'm hooked to get a real mac and OSX !06:42
wailerSome_ux: a min06:43
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sebacan someone help with smartlink modem install ?06:43
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matthew_how do I find out what my local IP address is?  what is the terminal command?06:44
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bruenigmatthew_, ifconfig | sed 's|:| |g' | awk '/Bcast/ {print $3}'06:45
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reconI found a great perl tutorial at http://www.perl.org/books/beginning-perl/ , however, _every single chapter is a seperate PDF file_. Is there any way to contencate them, or at least, make them a bit more convienent to access? I know this isn't strictly a ubuntu problem, but figured this'd be the best place to ask.06:45
Optimus55Johto: and this is on x86 hardware?06:45
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saylarrecon, try wget06:46
JohtoOptimus55: yes06:46
bruenigrecon, hmm, I would pick a perhaps more knowledgeable room myself06:46
saylari don't know the exact syntax, but wget can do that for sure06:46
wailerSome_ux: if it is not " 64 " not ' devel ' not to do with a game then it is what will help06:46
JohtoOptimus55: i can give u link to youtube video of the same setup06:46
matthew_ok, so I am trying to SSH into my desktop from my laptop but it is saying "connection denied".  how do I allow connection?06:46
JohtoOptimus55: my video06:46
reconsaylar: i already have a local copy of each PDF file.06:46
Optimus55looks good06:46
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saylarmatthew_: you installed a ssh server?06:47
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saylaroh *g*06:47
matthew_no, guess not06:47
wailerSome_ux: overclock is at your choice06:47
matthew_what is the package name06:47
fruitbatJimhow do I enable the universal repos?06:47
saylarthat will do the trick ;)06:47
Calixhey im having a problem with other users accounts being able to open firefox, any ideas what im doing wrong?06:47
bruenigfruitbatJim, what version of ubuntu06:47
Some_uxwailer: i installed ubuntu 7.04 (64) btw06:47
saylaropenssh-server afair06:47
JohtoOptimus55: check this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4yll9gYngo06:47
bruenigCalix, you don't want them to be able?06:47
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bruenigfruitbatJim, they are enabled by default06:47
Calixi want them to be able but they cant06:47
MavUaaHHI am looking for a simple guide on making emacs to work as a C/C06:47
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bruenigCalix, what happens when they try?06:48
greendracoi am new to ubuntu and i am trying to load it no a compaq proliant 1500 that allready has windows 2000 server and i dont have the windows user/password.06:48
Calixwhen another user opens it it just stays minimized and then closes, never fully opens06:48
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fruitbatJimah ok, I was hoping to find apache tomcat there but I cant06:48
MavUaaHH I am looking for a simple guide on making emacs to work as a C/C++ IDE. Can anyone help ?06:48
bruenig!ot | MavUaaHH06:48
ubotuMavUaaHH: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:48
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bruenigCalix, run it in the terminal and see if it gives you anything of use06:48
wailerSome_ux: that's what I just used to check the repositories06:48
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wailerSome_ux: do you have all repositories enabled?06:49
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Some_uxwailer: how do i know06:49
kbrosnanCalix: are you trying to run more than one instance of firefox under one ubuntu account?06:49
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bruenigthat wouldn't cause that to happen anyways06:49
christian_where can you change the menu and stuff like that in ubuntu?06:50
bruenigchristian_, /usr/share/applications06:50
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ckin2001@some_ux - cat /etc/apt/sources.list06:50
bruenig!pm | Calix yeah just run "firefox" in the terminal06:50
ubotuCalix yeah just run "firefox" in the terminal: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.06:50
vsayikirani am using ubuntu 7.0.4 my lappy is latitude D520n06:50
Lamegoyou mean 7.04 ;)06:51
vsayikirancan any aone tell me how to record my voice06:51
bruenig!enter | vsayikiran06:51
ubotuvsayikiran: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:51
christian_bruenig: And where from applications?06:51
bruenigchristian_, you see the text files in /usr/share/applications?06:51
vsayikiranwhich applications06:51
Calixbruenig it executes normally from terminal on this account anyway06:51
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wailerSome_ux: at the top of the synaptic package manager there is -  settings - click that - repositories06:51
christian_bruenig: I don't think so. You don't mean Applications from the regular menu at your desktop?06:52
bruenigCalix, try to recreate the error while launching from terminal to see if something is revealed06:52
bruenigchristian_, no /usr/share/applications06:52
vsayikiranhow to record voice in ubuntu 7.0.406:52
Some_uxckin2001: it says : universe multiverse06:52
christian_bruenig: I don't understand where that is.06:52
Optimus55Johto: looks nice. vid quality is a lil poor, but otherwise nice. thing is.. it looks a lot like my ubuntu setup with beryl :D lol i didnt even kno mac had a cube.06:52
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Calixit only errors when on the other accounts, ill try to do it from there06:52
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Optimus55Johto: makes me want to upgrade to compiz fusion, altough i hear it doesnt come preconfigured like beryl does06:53
vsayikiranplz nyone tell me how to record voice06:53
bruenigchristian_, do you know what I mean when I say C:\Program Files06:53
ompaulhi we are about to get a large scroll - it is caused by some housekeeping in about 15 seconds I will let it start06:53
christian_bruenig: Yeah06:53
ompaulhi we are about to get a large scroll - it is caused by some housekeeping in about 5 seconds I will let it start06:53
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vsayikiranmy lappy is DEll D520n series06:53
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bruenigchristian_, ok, well that is called the path as I am sure you are aware, paths in linux start with /06:53
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@125-238-33-104.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz *!*@nc-71-49-63-52.dhcp.embarqhsd.net!#ubuntu-read-topic *!*@cpe-74-69-166-0.stny.res.rr.com!#ubuntu-read-topic *!*@mic92-6-82-227-94-181.fbx.proxad.net] by ompaul
wailerSome_ux: there is an oppurtunity to have the chat page on one window & synaptic on another to avoid clutter - different to windows06:53
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ *!*@ *!*@cpe-65-26-159-83.cinci.res.rr.com *!*@cpe-024-211-162-196.nc.res.rr.com] by ompaul
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@static-acs-24-154-64-57.zoominternet.net *!*@24-231-174-83.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com *!*@pool-71-123-85-216.wma.east.verizon.net *!*@] by ompaul
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vsayikirandoes anyone know how to record voice in ubunut06:54
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@p548E1E81.dip0.t-ipconnect.de!#ubuntu-ops *!*@24-247-171-54.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com *!*@h105n2fls31o823.telia.com *!*@cable-87-116-180-142.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] by ompaul
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ *!*@ip190-66-132.cust.bit.net.au!#ubuntu-ops *!*@ *!*@201009152076.user.veloxzone.com.br] by ompaul
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@dsl-t5-66-243-207-7.pivot.net!#ubuntu-ops *!*@ *!*@201008224100.user.veloxzone.com.br *!*@] by ompaul
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ *!*@X0222.x.pppool.de *!*@eu85-86-25-36.clientes.euskaltel.es *!*@207-255-217-130-dhcp.cbe.md.atlanticbb.net] by ompaul
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ *!*@235-172-114-200.fibertel.com.ar *!*@ *!*@x1-6-00-14-6c-dc-6f-b1.k200.webspeed.dk!#ubuntu-read-topic] by ompaul
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ *!*@ *!*@ *!*@!##offtopic] by ompaul
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bruenigchristian_, so /usr/share/applications would be like C:\usr\share\applications or some such06:54
tarelerulzoptimus55, for start great name , Beryl is a great look windows manager .  Don't all ways need ,but it shows what can be done .06:54
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ompaulhi we are about to get a large scroll - it is caused by some housekeeping06:54
ompaulsorry about that06:54
ompaulbut we needed to do some serious housekeeping06:54
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bruenigthat just means more people06:54
vsayikirani want to record my voice in ubuntu plz tell me hw to do it06:54
wailerall at once???06:54
bruenig!repeat | vsayikiran06:54
ubotuvsayikiran: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:54
Some_uxwailer: using two different computers, another one for the chat06:54
stefgvsayikiran: application- mutimedia- sound recorder... pretty obvious, isn't ir?06:55
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Optimus55tarelerulz: thnx! i basically want to upgrade to fusion because of the vids with new window switching effects. i personally can't use ubuntu without beryl and avant because they're actually useful06:56
vsayikirani have tries sound recorder but it is not working06:56
bruenig!ot | Optimus5506:57
ubotuOptimus55: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:57
ompaulvsayikiran, audacity06:57
wailerSome_ux: you can do it all on one - I have chat on one window bittorrent on anothern - movie - & synaptic  making four open windows06:57
christian_bruenig: So I can change alot from there? And how can I make the icons at my desktop smaller?06:57
stefgUhoh... the first beryl addicts appear.... One should think turning compiz fusion into a prescription drug :-)06:57
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JohtoOptimus55: osx doesnt have "cube" ..its a thirdparty software06:57
vsayikiransound recorder does not work for me06:57
wailerno clutter!!06:57
bruenigchristian_, I don't know, I have never used desktop icons06:57
JohtoOptimus55: yes, the video was from phone cam, flickers and with bad framerate, in reality it was smooth06:57
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christian_bruenig: Ok, but I've not found that place yet. Where should I go from Applications, Places and System?06:58
stefg!sound | vsayikiran06:58
ubotuvsayikiran: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:58
vsayikirani doubt whether ubuntu detect my internal mic06:58
=== bruenig is too tired to explain the idea of directories and how directories make paths
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vsayikirani am able to play sound06:59
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fruitbatJimI wish I could play sound :(06:59
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vsayikiranbut i am not sure whther the ubuntu detect my internal mic06:59
vsayikiranmy laptop is Dell Latitude D520n06:59
fruitbatJimwell I've had nothing but silence since fiesty07:00
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bruenig!enter | vsayikiran07:00
ubotuvsayikiran: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:00
vsayikiranhaving internal mic07:00
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stefgfruitbatJim: if you have intel hda audio see the !intelhda factoid for a link07:00
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NOTiSECHi, does anyone know if this adapter http://pan.fotovista.com/dev/2/0/46000502/g_46000502.jpg works on a Dell Optiplex GX110?07:00
bruenig!ot | NOTiSEC07:01
ubotuNOTiSEC: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:01
ConstyXIVis glchess supposed to be horribly broken?07:01
wailerbruenig: right click icon - select stretch then move it smaller with your mouse07:01
vsayikirani am not able to record sound07:01
fruitbatJimhow do I get that link? I'm not a regular ircer07:01
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bruenigwailer, don't tell me that, tell that to whoever needed it07:01
vsayikirandoes any one know how to record sound in ubuntu07:01
NOTiSECubotu: This is about Ubuntu07:01
ck42Is the installed setting for a FF ext3 system using data=writeback?07:01
stefgvsayikiran: check the mixer, probably the input is muted07:01
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto07:01
wailerbruenig; apologies07:01
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ompaulNOTiSEC, that is a bot07:02
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NOTiSECompaul: oh =)07:02
wailerchristian_: see above for bruenig...07:02
Armitage_Can anyone tell me how to access the internet via my Palm Treo 680's virtual modem? I'm running Ubuntu 7.04.07:02
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christian_wailer: Heh, where07:03
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wailerten lines up or so07:03
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bullgard4Who can explain the following observation: My laptop shows a rather high temperature (61 and 50C) even though there are no demanding applications running. But if I kill a Gnome terminal tab which runs a MC, the temperature will lower to normal values (46 and 44C).07:05
wailerchristian: right click an icon - select stretch then with the mouse move it to the size you want07:05
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hhp2kHey guys, what's the terminal command to uninstall compiz-fusion?07:05
bruenighhp2k, #ubuntu-effects07:06
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hhp2kthanks :P07:06
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kekkhey I need help with wifi. I'm using the troubleshooting page at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiTroubleshooting and iwconfig sees everything but ifconfig doesn't list by card. sudo ifup says 'Ignoring unknown interface'. router sees the computer07:06
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Max0hi ive just installed googlearth and followed there guide07:08
Max0when i run it it logs me off07:08
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Max0any ideas?07:08
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stefgbullgard4: Could be a bug in gnome terminal. Does this happen if you run mc in a plain xterm window, too?07:09
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wailerchristian_: any luck??07:09
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christian_wailer: No, will you explain for me?07:09
Some_uxI think i messed things up too badly, i'll make a clean install then start from there07:09
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christian_wailer: I've still not found that place.07:10
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Grungebunnyokay on partitioning.. 20 gigs is 20,000 megs right?07:10
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stefgkekk: have you checked if you require any firmware and put it in place properly?07:10
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wailerchristian_: first off - I was talking about desktop icons & making them smaller - is that what you want?07:11
stefgkekk: check 'dmesg' for suspicious messages07:11
kekkstefg, it worked fine under xubuntu, out of the box07:11
mtfuchsdoes usplash meanwhile support typing in luks passwords during the boot process whithout stopping usplash?07:11
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christian_wailer: Oh, my fault. :p07:11
christian_wailer: Yes, I want that. How?07:11
matthew_in SSH, how do I copy a file from the remote computer to my local computer?07:11
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stefgmatthew_: man scp07:12
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kekkstefg, dmesg sais 'rausb1: no ipv6 routers present'. rausb1 is the card07:12
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stefgkekk: ah... could be that ipv6 gets in the way07:12
christian_wailer: How do I make them smaller?07:13
stefg!ipv6 | kekk07:13
ubotukekk: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv407:13
kekkstefg, can I disble it?07:13
wailerchristian_: I right click on my trash icon & a menu comes up - do you get that as well07:13
stefg:-) ^^07:13
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bullgard4stefg: I cannot repeat this phenomenon or experiment. It was the 1st time that I observed it. I will try hard to re-establish a similar situation and try to observe.07:13
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christian_wailer: That trash icon in the corner? Yupp07:13
caribou_hi :)07:13
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lindarTwo questions: 1. What do I do to get .ogg support in XMMS. 2. How do I enable German language support (i.e. make the whole OS be in German)?07:14
stefgbullgard4: Blaming gnome terminal is quite popular with me.... seems to have picked up some bugs lately07:14
Imadplz help i can't get my DVD to play !07:14
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matthew_in SSH, how do I copy a file from the remote computer to my local computer?07:14
GInlindar, I think xmms support ogg by default07:14
GIn!media > lindar07:15
lindarGIn: Nope.07:15
caribou_I have a kind of font or dpi problem, I see all the text strangely like if the pixels were not in the monitors physics pixels ... is  anyone see what i mean ?07:15
kekkmatthew_ , scp07:15
wailerchristian: in the corner probably means it is a panel object - what is the icon you want to make smaller - so I can be sure07:15
GIn!media |  lindar07:15
ubotulindar: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs07:15
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matthew_kekk: I don't understand how to use scp.  can you give an example07:15
kekktype man scp07:15
lindarIt needs some sort of dependency, GIn.07:15
ashu18stefg: what's exactly the monitor synchronisation problem that u were talking about yesterday?07:16
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bullgard4stefg: Hm. Thanks for suggesting. I will try to observe it more closely.07:16
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Lamegomatthew_, you can use the file browser for that07:16
matthew_kekk:  I did.  like most man pages, it helps almost none07:16
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kekkmatthew_ , can't help you then, haven't used it myself07:16
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Lamegomattgyver83, with most man pages, it helps a lot, if you are used to the terminal07:16
Lamegoerm, it was matthew_07:17
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Lamegoif you are not, please use nautilus, it supports SSH07:17
Imadi can't get my DVD to play ! i installed all the libraries but i can't find the package "libdvdcss2" !07:17
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marko-_-ok so guys i need help i finaly magaed to work my graphic card with this www.freewebs.com/niggaindahood/how.txt but now my wireless won't work it worked like charm but now it isn't... help please07:17
Ruhhmatthew_, try going to Places->Connect to Server->Select SSH07:17
ckin2001scp (yourusername@the ip):(thefile) (yourusername@theotherip):location to copy to07:17
Lamegomatthew_, Places -> Connect to Server -> SSH07:17
ashu18stefg: i have windows too and i don't face any problems with that07:17
matthew_Lamego:  disagree, man pages are useful when you already know how to use a program and need to know more options.  when you've never used a program before, it's useless IMO.07:17
emptycan someone look at my error at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3251220#post3251220??07:17
matthew_I just need an example of the scp command.07:18
johnficca1can I get my usplash to work for my 22" widescreen monitor, my res is 1680x105007:18
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ckin2001@matthew : scp (yourusername@the ip):(thefile) (yourusername@theotherip):location to copy to07:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about panel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:18
Lamegomatthew_, disagree, main pages explain the program purpose and syntax07:18
DrClawAnyone here use Cinelerra by chance?07:18
benqlkhow can l read my cellphone's menory card when my cellphone connect to pc use USB07:18
stefgashu18: somehow the either monitor is not able to display the resolution in which the usplash is shown (ususally 640x480 in 60 Hz), or the monitor / video adapter gets confused about the DCC capabilities so the monitor switches off in order to avoid damage07:18
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benqlkwho can help me!?thanks07:18
marko-_-any idea ?07:19
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stefgashu18: you could try different vesa modes by adding boot arguments like vga=791 (1024x768x16)07:19
sebacan someone help with gnome-ppp and smartlink pci modem ?07:20
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto07:20
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sebaty stefg07:20
emptycan someone look at my error at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3251220#post3251220??07:20
emptycan someone look at my error at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3251220#post325122007:20
stefgseba: you need the -386 kernel... -generic's smp feature interferes with th SL daemon07:20
bruenig!repeat | empty07:20
ubotuempty: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:20
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wailerchristian: right click panel then select  - properties - then choose size to suit07:21
Imadplease help me with DVD setup07:21
emptylol.. sry.. cause of the question mark i retyped07:21
UltrabucketUh, I was installing pidgin, but I hadn't uninstalled gaim, so I think I'll just stick with gaim. So, anyway, I have this almost finished pidgin thing though, how do I remove it?07:21
matthew_ckin2001:  didn't work.  While logged into ssh I tried:  scp file matthew@matthew-laptop:/home/matthew/file  and it said: ssh: matthew-laptop: Name or service not known07:21
bruenigUltrabucket, how were you installing it07:21
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stefgempty: that's quite harmless. read about secure apt and update the key from tuxfamily07:22
bruenigmatthew_, you need to give the ip I believe07:22
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lindarAny way I can convert a batch of audio files into regular .wav files without having to individually convert each one? Any particular program that can do that?07:22
UltrabucketI just searched for that, and I was using it.07:22
DrClawWhen I open a file in Cinelerra the first 9 min of audio are fine then it goes to static noise for the next 9 min then keeps alternating. Do you think this could be a sound card driver issue? Kino has no problem with the file.07:22
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ckin2001try scp matthew@localhost:file matthew@matthew-laptop:/home/matthew/file07:22
bruenigUltrabucket, so deb?07:22
bruenigUltrabucket, and the deb didn't remove gaim?07:23
johnficca1so widescreens don't work well with usplash yet ?07:23
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emptystefg :  where should i go to read it?07:23
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)07:23
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bruenigUltrabucket, that is an old deb, pidgin is far beyond beta07:23
Ultrabucketoh right07:23
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LamegoUltrabucket, are you seeking for a pidgin package for Feisty ?07:24
Moniker42hey, how do i find out which of my partitions is the boot partition?07:24
bruenigUltrabucket, but if it didn't remove gaim, and I think it probably should have removed it but third party debs are sketchy that way, then just apt-get remove pdigin07:24
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stefgjohnficca1: you won't get a native reso, but interpolated 1024x768 looks decent. i mean it's the splash, nothing /really/ important07:24
Iam4Him2my computer freezes at shutdown screen wont shut down all the way can someone help please07:24
mtfuchsdoes usplash meanwhile support typing in luks passwords during the boot process whithout stopping usplash?07:24
UltrabucketWell, yeh, lamego, I am trying to do that07:24
UltrabucketCan you link me to a similar thing?07:25
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Grungebunnyiam4him is it a laptop?07:25
LamegoUltrabucket, google.com, pidgin deb, use the second link07:25
stefgIam4Him2: known bug with Fesity kernel on some systems07:25
Grungebunnyiam yeah its a bug.. gotta wait till next upgrade.07:25
stefgiamsearch launchpad07:25
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stefgsearch launchpad07:25
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wailerchristian_: the panel is the same as the taskbar in windows07:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lbug - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:25
Iam4Him2whats launchpad07:26
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots07:26
johnficca1stefg: ok thanks07:26
LamegoUltrabucket, that package was properly build, it will replace gaim07:26
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Iam4Him2im using Mepis linux07:26
UltrabucketBut how exactly do I install it and such?07:27
LamegoUltrabucket, you just open it from the browser07:27
Lamegoboth packages, pidgin and pidgin-data07:27
marko-_-ok so guys i need help i finaly magaed to work my graphic card with this www.freewebs.com/niggaindahood/how.txt but now my wireless won't work it worked like charm but now it isn't... help please07:27
Lamegoor better, save them first, then launch, first pidgin-data, then pidgin07:27
UltrabucketDownload pidgin07:27
UltrabucketSaving it to desktop07:27
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LamegoUltrabucket, but in general, you must be carefull installing .deb s from random sites07:28
UltrabucketOkay ;d07:28
UltrabucketI shall.07:28
UltrabucketThanks for the help, and heads up.07:28
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stefgmarko-_-: did you have any particular reason not to use the nvidia-drivers from the ubuntu-repos? I think you disable the restricted manager by sidestepping the offical installation method, so teh driver for your wifi is affected07:29
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kekkstefg, did what you told me, blacklisted ipv6. now see the connection in if and iwconfig but the noise level is around -200dBm and can't get an ip07:29
marko-_-i tryed everything this is the only method for working my graphic card07:29
kekkstefg, router now shows signal as 0 for this client07:30
Moniker42-how do i find out what partition grub is installed on?07:30
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babuspidycan anyone help me with configuring the sound devices for skype in ubuntu07:30
Lamegomark_, what graphic card do you have ?07:30
stefgkekk: i like to blame network manager and avahi :-) if you don't need it, apt-get remove --purge them07:30
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kekkstefg, how will removing them help?07:30
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stefgkekk: network manager is a pile of bugs07:31
marko-_-please help07:31
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kekkstefg, how can I connect without them?07:31
bruenignetwork manager is a front end07:31
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bruenigit is not needed to connect to anything07:31
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stefgkekk: using the good old network applet in the system-admin menu07:31
bruenigiwconfig ifconfig dhclient07:32
Lamegomark_, were you unable to start gnome with your initial installation ?07:32
bruenigthats all07:32
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Lamegoi mean, marko-_-07:32
doug1234ok im trying to dual boot xp and ubuntu im at the stop where it wants me to import my xp accounts do i do that or is it not really  needed  i also want to beable to swap files and stuff back and forth from xp to ubuntu and ubuntu to xp07:32
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marko-_-Lamego, what ?07:32
marko-_-everythingis working fine but my wireless doesn't work07:32
Lamegodoug1234, it is not needed07:32
xjkxSamba problem http://www.pastebin.ca/67036307:32
doug1234thanks lamego07:33
babuspidylamego can u help me pls07:33
Lamegomarko-_-, that was not the question, the question is why have you followed a risky procedure that caused your latest problem07:33
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stefg!wifi | marko-_-07:33
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ubotumarko-_-: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:33
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marko-_-Lamego, because i tryed like everything for the last 5 days and nothing worked07:33
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Lamegomarko-_-, what was you graphics card model, why didn't you kept with the official driver manager ?07:33
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marko-_-because i didn't worked07:33
vsayikiransound recorder doesn't work for me, so how can i reocord sound07:33
Lamegomarko-_-, ok, did you came here and asked for help on that problem ?07:34
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vsayikirani am having internal mic07:34
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Ahadielvsayikiran, try audacity07:34
marko-_-yes but if you were 5 days solving problems for a f*cking graphic card and then finaly did it but then wireless won't work07:34
marko-_-would you be pissed to right ?07:34
b4l74z4ri've been having problems with my pc spontaneously rebooting in windows, so now i'm running ubuntu live, does it have some kind of hardware diagnostics utility where i can put my system through its paces?07:34
GolhnSomeone may help me with this. The sound works sometimes but others no, no error just no sound07:34
taminodoes anyone run ubuntu at 1440x900?07:34
Ahadielvsayikiran, sudo aptitude install audacity07:34
evri2can someone help me with flv files?I cannot seek!07:34
Lamegomarko-_-, you have a new problem, because you have done something unsupported, you have resolved one problem and created another07:34
Lamegoand I am trying to figure your initial problem, so that you can revert, your change07:35
marko-_-and that's why I'm asing now what to do07:35
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vsayikiranfirst i want too know whthr it detect my internal mic h/w07:35
maekanyone know of any 802.11n adapters that are supported without ndiswrapper? thanks.07:35
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Lamegomark_, another person already told you, probably your wifi depends on a restricted driver, which you have disabled as part of your fix on the initial problem07:35
vsayikiranwell is there ny problem with sound recorder07:35
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marko-_-and what should i do now ?07:36
Lamegomark_, meaning, without understanding, you broke your wifi support, to have graphics card support07:36
vsayikiranmy lappy is Dell latitude D520n07:36
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Lamegoyou should first tell us,  what is your graphics card, what was your initial problem07:36
stefgvsayikiran: what sound hardware do you have?07:36
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marko-_-nvidia 8600 gt07:36
fsuddinhi all: do i want to partition with LVM or not07:36
vsayikirani can record sound in winxp07:36
fruitbatJim how do I change which JVM I'm using from the ubuntu one to java6 (already installed)07:36
vsayikiranbut not inn ubuntu07:37
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stefgvsayikiran: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=347081&highlight=hda+intel+recording07:37
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matt3453can anyone help me out, sound was working on the live cd, now that i rebooted into the proper install, i've got nothing07:37
stefgand http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=272166&page=2&highlight=microphone07:37
Lamegomarko-_-, after installing what was your problem, were you unable to startup the graphical environment ?07:37
kazim59"See you at 'Freed.in - freedom in technology & software" - India's leading free and open source community event. 28- 29 September 2007, New Delhi. Visit http://freed.in07:38
marko-_-after installing what ?07:38
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stefg!sound | matt345307:38
ubotumatt3453: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:38
vsayikiranstefg, so can u tell how to record using sound recorder package07:38
vsayikiranwithout instaling new one07:38
lindarLooking for a program that can mass-convert audio files to .wav format. Any suggestions?07:38
Lamegomarko-_-, I mean, what was your problem, after installing Ubuntu, what problem had you related to the graphics card07:38
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marko-_-ubuntu didn't recognize it07:38
kazim59lindar: mplayer07:39
qazibasithello ppl tell me how can i compile my c programs on ubuntu07:39
angeli am a newbie when it comes to ubuntu07:39
qazibasitcoz it is saying that i am missing some lib files07:39
BlackSliverim about to install ubuntu as primary system07:39
stefg!build | qazibasit07:39
ubotuqazibasit: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:39
vsayikiranbut how can i know that ubuntu detects my internal microphone07:39
fsuddincan anyone suggest whether or not i should use the lvm option for partitioning07:39
angelcan any 1 help me please??07:39
BlackSliverwhats about raid0?07:39
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angeli want to run paltalk on ubuntu07:39
qazibasitya use raid and manual07:39
Ashfire908will a debian package work in ubuntu07:39
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qazibasitor u will loose other OS07:39
delmarhey everyone. My thunderbird just stopped working and I can't figure out why.  I click on it from the menu, 'starting thunderbird mail' appears in the task bar for a few secs then disapears - crom command line typing ' mozilla-thunderbird' I get " run-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute /opt/thunderbird/mozilla-thunderbird-bin ".    not sure whats wrong :(07:39
ubotuangel: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:40
qazibasitcoz it will format all the drives u have07:40
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BlackSlivercan anyone msg me who knows about raid installation?07:40
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stefgfsuddin: if you have just a single harddisk on a desktop machine don't use lvm. makes things unnecessary complex07:40
angelhow can i run paltalk on ubuntu?07:40
ckin2001delman - ls -l /opt/thunderbird/mozilla-thunderbird-bin07:40
qazibasiti know07:40
qazibasitwell do one thing07:40
LamegoBlackSliver, do you understand the risks of using RAID0 ?07:40
qazibasitif u have windows del the partitions on which u want to install linux07:40
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dutler>hello y'all - i need help getting an app to start automatically when tomcat starts. i have ubuntu7.04 sunjava6, tomcat5.5.23, and postgresql8.2  (iv asked in the tomcat channel and only got anti unbuntu response back :))07:41
qazibasitand then in linux when it asks for partition07:41
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qazibasituse raid and manual procedure07:41
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Lamegoblackest, if one of the disks fails, you will be unable to recover the data from ALL the disks on the RAID07:41
qazibasitand make a "/" partition that is the root07:41
Lamegoi mean, BlackSliver07:41
delmarckin2001, ahh silly me. u are right.. that isn't even there.. but what has happened? :(07:41
BlackSliveri know what raid0 is07:41
ckin2001not sure :p07:41
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BlackSliverthats not the point07:41
Lamegook :P07:41
BlackSliverim going to make backups to the network07:41
fsuddinstefg thanks07:42
doug1234how do i swap music movies and music vids from ubuntu to xp and vise versa and beable to play music in xp and run ubuntu?07:42
qazibasitand then make a swap for like 500 MB07:42
angeli installed paltalk on ubuntu successfully but cannot get it to run07:42
BlackSliverim installing winxp (as secondary os) at this moment07:42
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ckin2001if your profile is still in home directory, i would reinstall07:42
BlackSliverseems to work so far07:42
ckin2001i saw an update for thunderbird in my synaptic upgrades today07:42
delmarckin2001, is there supposed to be a symlink to thunderbird-bin perhaps?07:42
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BlackSliverthus windows is the dumb system i think its okay to install it first ^07:42
Pelodoug1234,  make a fat32 partition and put the movies and music on it , you can access it from both OS07:42
qazibasiti am new on ubuntu07:42
hambobowats the command for the menu.lst07:42
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qazibasitbut its more like fedora07:42
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IAmWillis it even possible to get pcsx to work and not freeze up?07:43
doug1234pelo how do i make a fat32?07:43
Pelohambobo, gome again ?07:43
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sparrall of my kde apps want to use the same wallet, "kdewallet", is there any way to change that?  i want some to use a password-less wallet, and others to use the normal kdewallet07:43
qazibasitnot good than fedora but i feel that its good in a sense that it detects my device drivers07:43
hambobohow do i get to the menu.lst07:43
stefgsparr: #kubuntu07:43
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xjkxSamba problem http://www.pastebin.ca/67036307:43
sparrstefg: yes07:43
Pelodoug1234,  install gparted,  make some room on a hdd by resizing one of the partitions on it,   create a fat32 (vfat) partition in the available space07:44
UltrabucketThat was easy07:44
delmarckin2001, created a symlink and that works07:44
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ckin2001ahh, k07:44
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angelany 1 got paltalk working on ubuntu or linux red hats?07:44
ckin2001weird that it disappeared :./07:44
stefgsparr: i mean, please ask that in the #kubuntu irc channle.. this is ubuntu... gnome-centric07:44
Pelohambobo,   gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst   don't delete anything just comment it out07:44
qazibasiti am enjoying kstars right now :)07:44
doug1234ok thanks pelo07:44
qazibasitits fun07:44
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sparrstefg: i mean, yes i asked that in the #kubuntu irc channle07:44
delmarckin2001, yeah. im using ver .. manually installed it iirc. the ubuntu version seems to be earlier version.07:45
BlackSliverso.. back to my problem ^^07:45
=== FusE-- [n=Cole@adsl-69-234-139-70.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelodoug1234, fyi that will only work if you on a hdd you are not using,  you might want to do it from the live cd,  you wonT' need to intall gparted, it's in the admin menu07:45
BlackSliveris it possible to install ubuntu with extended install disk on raid0 (hardware raid)07:45
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[lovebase5] http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/env07:45
-[lovebase5] :#ubuntu- http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/env07:45
[lovebase5] http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/env07:45
-[lovebase5] :#ubuntu- http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/env07:45
[lovebase5] http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/env07:45
Pelo!raid | BlackSliver07:45
ubotuBlackSliver: Raid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO07:45
-[lovebase5] :#ubuntu- http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/env07:45
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ckin2001ya, ubuntu just got to this week07:45
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doug1234pelo i am installing ubuntu on all the rest of the hd now is it to late now or?07:46
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici07:46
=== Downix [n=gregory@97-158.97-97.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
qazibasithelp me find a way to compile my c codes07:46
seanwr00723r0, klined.07:46
Pelodoug1234,  did the install get started yet or are you stilll in the questions dialogs ?07:46
DownixI got an odd error07:46
Flannelqazibasit: What you having trouble with?07:46
Downix"C compiler canot make executables" ??07:46
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:46
doug1234pelo its 73% installed07:46
gnomefreakrob: ?07:46
r00723r0great, seanw07:47
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Pelodoug1234, too late, you can do it after07:47
FlannelDownix: what are you trying to do?07:47
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gnomefreakr00723r0: ?07:47
stefgdelmar: there's a third party repo for TB 2 (some italian guy) I'd suggest uninstalling all thunderbirds (the manually added, and the 1,5 from the repos), add the feisty TB 2.0 repo and reinstall from there. This will end the mess you're in07:47
r00723r0gnomefreak: nothing, sorted out07:47
naliothgnomefreak: spammer07:47
DownixFlannel:  build AROS07:47
Pelodoug1234, it will be easier for a new user anyway07:47
doug1234pelo how big does this fat32 have to be?07:47
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FlannelDownix: alright.  You should install the 'build-essential' package07:47
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sparrstefg: so, since we understand each other  :)07:47
delmarstefg, yeah a TB 2.x repo would be great. any info/links to the repo details?07:48
marko-_-well ?07:48
Pelodoug1234, how much space do you need for your movies and music ?  how much room can you spare from your OSes ?07:48
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Grungebunnypelo mah man hows it hangin?07:48
marko-_-Lamego, ?07:48
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DownixFlannel:  First distro I've found without being able to compile something out of the box.  Guess I got spoiled with gentoo07:48
Pelohello Grungebunny   , half way down to my knees07:48
stefgdelmar: deb http://ubuntu.iuculano.it feisty thunderbird07:48
doug1234well all i got is 80gb so i got xp 20gb and ubuntu 6007:48
delmarstefg, mint. thanks. will look into that.07:48
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dutlerso, i dont see a ubuntu server change... where should i collab / get help for issues like mine?07:48
Pelodoug1234,  20 gig for sharing would be ok I think07:49
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hambobohow do i change windows into defult OS07:49
Novagenesishello..having some problems mounting my ipod07:49
FlannelDownix: There's very little need to compile anything.  Most people wouldn't use it, so it's wasted space on the CD.  It's super easy to install a toolchain though.07:49
doug1234so pelo ur saying make the fat32 20gb's?07:49
PeloNovagenesis,  use gtkpod07:49
Novagenesisit's on scsi9 for some reason..i can't find a mounting point for that07:49
DownixFlannel:  So I'm seeing.07:49
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Pelodoug1234, its, only a suggestion07:49
Novagenesisgtkpod seems to want me to have it mounted first, unless i'm missing something07:50
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DownixBuild-essential is already the newest edition07:50
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Flanneldutler: which app do you want to start when tomcat starts?07:50
doug1234pelo: well i heard of a way of accessing and swaping files back and forth from one os to another with some kinda program i can install on xp07:50
dutlerhi, its openbravo07:50
Downixok, now it's running configure w/o a problem.  *boggle**07:50
PeloNovagenesis, I know several ppl have a hardtime getting ipods to work , there is probably some more info in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org07:50
doug1234pelo: also heard itd let u play music off xp07:50
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Lamegodoug1234, you can use an ext3 driver07:51
Skrypthow do I create two SSH tunnels at once? For example, I want to tunnel to this IRC and another IRC... would it be... ssh -C -L 1234:irc.freenode.net:6667 4321:irc.afraidyet.net:6667 -p 22 skrypt@    ?07:51
qazibasiti didnt get such problem with my ipod07:51
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NovagenesisPelo, While I've checked at least 15 sites, and haven't found a solution, I'll check out ubuntuforums.org07:51
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doug1234lamego how much space does that need?07:51
SeveasSkrypt, almost correct07:51
Pelodoug1234,  there is a driver for xp to read /write ext3 partitions  it is not 100% reliable,  a fat32 partition is07:51
Lamegodoug1234, its an utility for windows07:51
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Lamegoit takes a few kbs07:51
Seveasssh -C -L 1234:irc.freenode.net:6667 -L 4321:irc.afraidyet.net:6667 skrypt@
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SkryptOoo, ok. thanks mate07:52
Lamegothat space question is not relevant :)07:52
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doug1234pelo:the fat32 if i make it can i like say take thngs off it and put thm on the os or whne i put them on it there on there for good?07:52
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asafmGuys, I have some problems making my mic work in Ubuntu 7.0407:52
alex___asafm: plug it in07:53
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NallemanHi, not an ubuntu question exactly, but how can I change the "exif information" on pictures?07:53
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stefgasafm: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=272166&page=2&highlight=microphone07:53
Downixhmm, where can I find pngtopnm?07:53
Pelodoug1234,  you can put yoru stuff on the fat32 partition and leave it there ,  you can both ubuntu and windows xp have native access to fat32 so you will be able to use the files from both07:53
Seveas!find pngtopnm07:53
Novagenesisright now, the ipod getting plugged in isn't even showing up in dmesg07:53
alex___Nalleman: look at exiftool07:53
ubotuFile pngtopnm found in netpbm07:53
SeveasDownix, --^07:53
Novagenesisit was, an hour ago, but that doesn't help now07:53
xjkxSamba problem http://www.pastebin.ca/67036307:53
arcad3hi ..i have something strange running on a certained port07:53
BlackSliverwell.. is it possible to use / install windows using http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html ?07:53
arcad3how can i find the source?07:54
Seveasarcad3, what is it?07:54
Nallemanalex___, thank you!07:54
Seveasarcad3, sudo netstat -ltnp07:54
arcad3or backdoor07:54
benqlkfor help! l use USB connect to my cellphone!but l can not read the memory card!how can l do?07:54
Pelodoug1234, in ubuntu the fat32 partition will look like just another folder, and in xp it will look like  d:\  ( or anoter letter , which ever is available)07:54
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DownixYou know, I should learn how to use Linux with USB devices sometime07:54
doug1234pelo i do the fat32 from live cd?07:54
alex___Nalleman: no problem :)07:54
Pelobenqlk, lookup your cell's model in the fourm07:54
Pelodoug1234,  yes07:54
arcad3hey thanks it gone...was a backdoor07:54
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BlackSliveruhm.. my question? :P07:55
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BlackSliverany answer?07:55
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fredlhi guys, does anybody know how you can suspend a system from the commandline?07:55
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PeloBlackSliver, I gave you instructuions on using  ubuntu with raid about 30 min ago07:55
arcad3fredl: halt07:56
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stefgBlackSliver: software raid is done very differently in Linux and windows, so no way to use a Linux softraid in windows07:56
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BlackSliverthat was the first link07:56
evri2Can someone help me with flv files?I cannot seek.(plz do not suggest converting)07:56
vsayikirani am trying to record sound07:56
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BlackSliveris it possible with that method to use bot ubuntu and windows?07:56
asafmWhere do you change the input source to mic on Alsamixer?07:56
Nallemanalex___, cant find it, but maybe "exiftags" would do?07:56
vsayikiranin my ubuntu OS07:56
fredlarcad3, suspend with halt? how does that work?07:57
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Pelovsayikiran, don'T use the enter key for punctuation it makes you hard to follow07:57
arcad3complete shutdown07:57
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fredlyeah okay arcad3.07:57
vsayikiranwhen recording sound with it and trying to save the file i got error message that invalid parameter07:58
PeloBlackSliver, if no one here knows how to help you , try searching for answers in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.org07:58
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numusif i install xubuntu ontop of ubuntu will i have to redo all my autoload settings and stuff?07:58
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stefgvsayikiran: so what have you tried until now to get it work?07:58
doug1234is 6k 6gb? or is it 60k 6gb?07:58
Pelovsayikiran,  what are you using ?07:58
naliothnumus: there is no such thing as "installing on top of"07:58
fredlarcad3 - I asked about suspending the system, not a complete powerdown.07:58
Flannelnumus: Which autoload settings?  For gnome?07:58
Novagenesisok, my ipod is neither mounted nor nonmounted...removing it physically and re-adding it doesn't make any changes to dmesg and my OS doesn't even detect anything there..is there a clean fast way to flush that out and let it detect the ipod again?07:58
numusyes flannel07:58
ferossfredl: try 'suspend'07:58
arcad3waht u meedn by suspend ..bad english07:58
Flannelnumus: I believe so, yes.07:58
doug1234pelo i got gparted up and running now what07:58
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ckin2001fredl man apmsleep07:59
vsayikiranmy laptpo is having internal mic i dont know whether it detect t07:59
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vsayikirani am using ubuntu 7.0.407:59
fredlckin2001, I don't seem to have apmsleep07:59
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tigranhey, is there any way to set up eclipse to cross-compile to windows?08:00
ckin2001from manpage -        apmsleep - go into suspend or standby mode and wake-up later08:00
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fredlfeross - I don't seem to have suspend.08:00
vsayikiranso anyone can solve my problem08:00
Pelodoug1234,  select the big ubuntu partiton,  right click,  unmount,  right click resize,  apply,   click in the available space  create a new partition, select all available ,  format fat32 , apply08:00
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fredlwhich pkg is that in ckin2001?08:00
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ubotuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:00
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ckin2001apmsleep, i think08:00
MOTZwie kann ich pw abfrage ausschalten bei meie08:00
Pelodoug1234,  after that , boot up ubuntu from the hdd,  and come back here we'll tell you how to mount it08:00
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Pelo!de | MOTZ08:01
ubotuMOTZ: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:01
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doug1234ok pelo08:01
doug1234thanks pelo08:01
tigranhey, is there any way to set up eclipse to cross-compile to windows?08:01
fredlckin2001, can you do dpkg -S `which apmsleep` ?08:01
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PeloMOTZ,      /join #ubuntu-de08:01
vsayikiranplz tell how to record sound in latitiude D520n series laptop08:01
naliothMOTZ: shreiben sie /j #ubuntu-de08:01
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MOTZthx cu08:02
ferossfredl: you can also try hibernate ... apt-get install hibernate08:02
Pelovsayikiran,  meny > applications > accesories > soundrecorder  ( or possibly in sound/video)08:02
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fredlfeross - don't want to hybernate though I think.08:02
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tigranIs there any IDE that can cross compile to windows or is there any way to set up eclipse to cross-compile to windows?08:02
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bobnI have a strange problem.  I boot a machine up and let it get IP via DHCP.  Then I edit /etc/network/interfaces to make it a different, static IP.  Then I do '/etc/init.d/networking restart' but afterwards the DHCP address is still in use.  Rebotting the machine causes the static address to be used.  Any ideas what is doing this?08:03
fredlhmmm... well currently I think the suspend/hybernate on my system is done through ACPI which I understood is preferable over APM....08:03
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naliothtigran: google and use cygwin08:03
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Pelotigran,  I only understood half of what you asked, but I'm pretty sure the answer is no08:03
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fredland it works well from GNOME too, so I'm not sure if I want to mess that up.08:03
tigranIve been googling for 3 days lol08:03
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naliothtigran: cygwin is a unix like toolset for windows08:04
fredlso I'll go ask on #gnome I guess how I can do the Gnome suspend from the command line, thanks guys08:04
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ferossfredl: when you suspend in gnome does it look like your lappy is completely off or do you see a blinking light somewhere?08:04
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MOTZthey didnt spea to mee ;)08:04
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MOTZin german dis08:04
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tigrannalioth: I need it the other way around08:04
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NovagenesisI can find nothing on the forums to explain my issues with the ipod...right now, it's locked as scsi9 even if I remove the ipod....dmesg doesn't show any connection/disconnection of the ipod...nothing I see on any sites seems to work...please someone suggest something more than "RTFM"< cuz I have08:05
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PeloMOTZ, not all channels are as busy as this one , you need to be patient , ask your question and wait08:05
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PeloMOTZ,  and ask again a bit later08:05
MOTZwhere can 1 disable the passwort for wlan ?08:05
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vsayikiranwell pelo, i tried that sound recorder software , but i am getting one error "invalid parameter"08:05
PeloMOTZ, no problem ,  if you speak english we can answer you here08:05
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Pelovsayikiran, when ?08:06
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vsayikiranjust now only  i tried08:06
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Pelovsayikiran,  do you get anyting more then just invalid parameter ?08:06
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Pelovsayikiran, does your sound work ?08:06
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vsayikiranso pelo do u know wot coulb be thw problem08:07
vsayikiranyes sound is working fine08:07
lindarHow do I convert an audio file to .wav with MPlayer?08:07
doug1234ok pelo back and in hdd08:07
Pelovsayikiran, I'm trying tofigure it out , give me a couple of minutes and answer some more quesitons08:07
Pelodoug1234,  hold on08:07
doug1234ok pelo08:07
tigranlindar: just use soundconverter08:07
mwelindar: I don't think you can convert with mplayer08:08
vsayikiranpelo my laptop is Dell latitude D520n series08:08
Pelovsayikiran, when doyou get the message ?  when you start the app ? when you try to record ? when you try to save the file ?08:08
bobnsox is good for a lot of that, lindar08:08
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Pelovsayikiran,  I don'T think it is a hardware problem08:08
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vsayikiranwhen i try to save file08:08
Pelodoug1234,  ok   open up a terminal08:08
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Pelovsayikiran, ok what is the save name that you are using ?08:08
vsayikiranya it is not hardware prob;em bcoz  hav recorder several times in winxp08:09
doug1234ok pelo its open08:09
Pelodoug1234,  type  blkid and find the /dev/.....  address of the fat32 partition (fyi  linux calleds them vfat)08:09
fyrestrtrwhere can I get a list of all games that are available for ubuntu .. from official ubuntu repositories?08:09
Pelovsayikiran, ok what is the save name that you are using ?08:09
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vsayikiranafter recording when i press save button it gives this error08:09
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stefgvsayikiran: be aware that linux filenames may not contain spaces08:09
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SlorWhich VNC server to use - 3.3.7 or 4.1.1?  3.3.7 seems to be the default installed client.  What does 4.x get me that 3.x doesn't?08:09
Pelovsayikiran,  ok so you dn't even get to give it a file name ?08:10
fyrestrtrvsayikiran: well, they may -- you just have to quote or escape them.08:10
vsayikiranyes exactly08:10
mwestefg: they may08:10
doug1234pelo i dont see the vfat08:10
mwestefg: if the spaces are escaped08:10
stefgmwe: ok, if you quote it08:10
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Pelovsayikiran, ok I think the app is broken,  go in syanptic and search for soundrecorder and resinatll it08:10
DudeMcGeeHey guys & gals. I was hoping someone might be able to answer a question of mine?08:10
Pelodoug1234,  it might be listed as fat3208:10
wailerlinux probs - permissions08:10
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mweright quoted or escaped :)08:10
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux08:10
doug1234pelo: all i see is this /dev/sda1: TYPE="ntfs"08:11
doug1234/dev/sda2: UUID="18bf0969-4bd9-45ac-ba59-647ef7cf8788" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"08:11
doug1234/dev/sda5: UUID="7a3720aa-1893-471d-8f1b-3f4c364bd5ee" TYPE="swap"08:11
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vsayikiranok pelo can u tell how can  u test my internal microphone08:11
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Pelodoug1234, ok  type  sudo apt-get install gparted08:11
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mwevsayikiran: try recording your voice or something08:11
Pelovsayikiran,  we usualy get ppl to test their mic by using the sound recorder ,08:11
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doug1234pelo done08:12
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Pelovsayikiran,  try this,    record something , and then play it back, don'T try to save it08:12
Pelodoug1234,  ok check in the admin menu and start gparted08:12
vsayikiranit doesn't play08:12
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doug1234pelo ok08:12
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Pelovsayikiran,  menu  > system > admin > synaptic package manager , search : soudrecorder  , right click  reinstall08:13
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NovagenesisMy ipod is inaccurately reported as attached.  Is there a way to clear out the scsi9 port or the usb port equivalent for it, to free it up so I can attach it for real?08:13
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vsayikiransee in winxp if i record sound i can see voice bar showing the volume changing08:13
Pelodoug1234,  do you see the fat32 partition in there ?08:13
fyrestrtrvsayikiran: is your microphone unmuted?08:13
vsayikiranyes unmutes08:13
Pelofyrestrtr, good call08:13
doug1234hmm pelo for some reason it didnt set it08:13
jesSon_newbieguys im going to purchase a vps to learn anyway the vps run on linux and it sez i can access it bu ssh or putty, my question is am i going to install run that server using only a terminal?? which means its a must that i should know terminal commands ?08:13
EvaLuaTehow could i repair a broken installation of a program ? kubuntu-desktop for example08:13
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fyrestrtrvsayikiran: from the mixer applet.08:14
DudeMcGeeI have the Ubuntu CD here and I'm wondering if the OS will be compatible with my wireless card? I'm on a Dell XPS M1210 with a Dell Wireless 1500 Draft 802.11n WLAN Mini-Card.08:14
fyrestrtrEvaLuaTe: broken how?08:14
vsayikiranwhere is this mixer applet08:14
Pelodoug1234,  you need to click apply after you've done the stuff ,   do it again , you shuld be ok in the real ubuntu08:14
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fyrestrtrvsayikiran: double click the speaker icon on the top right of your desktop.08:14
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jesSon_newbieanyone help pls... do i access vps via terminal only??? does that mean i must know how terminal command on linux works??08:14
matt3453stupid question - how do i properly shut down X so i can install Nvidia drivers?08:14
matt3453"sudo init 3" doesnt do anything08:15
doug1234pelo do i have to unmount the ubuntu? one08:15
fyrestrtrmatt3453: close everthing, logout. Then go to a terminal (ctrl+alt+f1), login, then sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop08:15
jesSon_newbieguys im going to purchase a vps to learn anyway the vps run on linux and it sez i can access it bu ssh or putty, my question is am i going to install run that server using only a terminal?? which means its a must that i should know terminal commands ?08:15
Pelomatt3453,   sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:15
jesSon_newbieguys im going to purchase a vps to learn anyway the vps run on linux and it sez i can access it bu ssh or putty, my question is am i going to install run that server using only a terminal?? which means its a must that i should know terminal commands ?08:15
mwematt3453: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop will stop it08:15
stefgjesSon_newbie: wihout any command line knowledge you will have a very hard time administering it...08:15
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Pelodoug1234, is there unallocated space on the hdd ?08:15
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doug1234no pelo08:16
fyrestrtrjesSon_newbie: yes.08:16
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doug1234be back in a few pelo08:16
Pelodoug1234,  then you will need to reboot the live cd to do it,  you can't unmount the ubuntu partiton because you are duing it08:16
ahmadsaifanIm having problems with Video playback, nothing is displayed and there is no sound08:16
ahmadsaifanm having problems with Video playback, nothing is displayed and there is no sound08:16
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DudeMcGeeIf anyone has an answer to my question you can PM me or whatever.08:16
ahmadsaifanIm having problems with Video playback, nothing is displayed and there is no sound08:16
stefg!codec | ahmadsaifan08:16
ubotuahmadsaifan: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:16
hambobowats the command for menu.lst08:16
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vsayikiranok pelo once more which is the best sound recorder package in ubuntu08:17
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fyrestrtrDudeMcGee: just boot your computer with the CD (its a livecd); see what does and doesn't work. You can also check the laptop compatibility page at the wiki.08:17
ahmadsaifanstefg, those links dont help me, i tried them already08:17
PeloDudeMcGee,  check in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport08:17
waileror right clickjeeSon_newbie: google linux commands cheat sheet08:17
ahmadsaifanIm having problems with Video playback, nothing is displayed and there is no sound08:17
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fyrestrtrahmadsaifan: what are you trying to play?08:17
vsayikiranwhich is best sound recorde in ubuntu08:17
Pelovsayikiran,  there is no such thing as the best , some ppl like sound recorder some ppl like  audacity, your choice08:17
ahmadsaifanany type of video08:17
ahmadsaifanonline and offline08:17
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fyrestrtrahmadsaifan: install the codes.08:17
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ahmadsaifanwhat codes?08:17
Peloahmadsaifan,  using  beryl ?08:17
ahmadsaifanput that in terminal?08:17
vsayikiranthanx pelo08:17
wailerwailer apologises08:18
ahmadsaifanyes im using beryl08:18
stefgahmadsaifan: so can you play the example video?08:18
ahmadsaifani think that might be the problem08:18
Ax-AxI accidentaly added one (just one) gutsy dep in sources.lst, can i downgrade the programs again?08:18
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Pelovsayikiran,  there are some issues with beryl and video,  ask about them in #beryl08:18
ahmadsaifanwhat example video?08:18
fyrestrtrAx-Ax: how did you accidentally do that? Just curious.08:18
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fyrestrtrahmadsaifan: look at the Examples folder in your home directory08:18
youknowmeI need to change some things in the "games" folder, but I don't have permission. How do I become a super user while using the file browser?08:18
ahmadsaifantry to play one?08:18
Pelofyrs he accidentely thought it would be a good idea :-)08:18
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fyrestrtryouknowme: what are you trying to change?08:19
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youknowmeI installed a game and the installer put the link to start it in the wrong file08:19
ahmadsaifando i put that in terminal?08:19
Peloyouknowme, gksu nautilus08:19
fyrestrtrahmadsaifan: no.08:19
Ax-Axi upgraded  a package and forgot to remove the dep08:19
stefgyouknowme: <alt-f2> and 'gksudo nautilus'08:19
fyrestrtrahmadsaifan: can you play the demo video in the Examples folder?08:20
ahmadsaifanok?/ then help me08:20
ahmadsaifanlet me go try08:20
youknowmethanks guys!08:20
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ahmadsaifanno, it doesnt work08:20
ahmadsaifanit shows no video, but i hear the sound08:20
fyrestrtrahmadsaifan: disable beryl.08:20
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Pelolater folks08:20
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ahmadsaifani disabled it08:20
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fyrestrtrahmadsaifan: now try it.08:20
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ahmadsaifannow try to play a video?08:21
ahmadsaifanok, brb08:21
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IAmWillis there a way to downgrade libwnck22 to libwnck18?  It isnt in my package manager but its required for emerald08:21
ahmadsaifanit worked, so beryl is the problem?08:21
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TelioHello everyone!08:21
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fyrestrtrIAmWill: best to ask in #beryl08:21
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fyrestrtrahmadsaifan: yes; it is a known issue in beryl. Ask in #beryl.08:21
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ahmadsaifanit redirects me to compiz-fusion08:22
ahmadsaifannot beryl08:22
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ahmadsaifanwhen i click on #beryl, i go to compiz-fusion08:22
ahmadsaifannot beryl08:22
fyrestrtrahmadsaifan: compiz-fusion is the new beryl.08:22
asdfI'm trying to create a bash script so that I can right-click on an image and automatically upload it via FTP -- can anyone help?08:22
IAmWillfyrestrtr, ask the beryl channel about a package problem in an ubuntu os?08:22
ikoniaahmadsaifan: its been merged] 08:22
fyrestrtrIAmWill: ask them how to upgrade to compiz-fusion ;)08:22
Ax-Axi want to downgrade to fiesty, even thogh i didn't upgrade to gutsy08:22
ssarangiHi all, can anyone tell me how to install feisty fawn with a usb flash drive08:22
ikoniassarangi: its not straight forward08:22
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stefg!install | ssarangi08:22
ubotussarangi: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate08:22
fyrestrtrAx-Ax: what did you install from fiesty?08:22
ikoniassarangi: there is a document on the community maintained wiki08:23
TelioPlease, i wanna test the gutsy in my notebook. My doubt is it will work the wireless (ipw3945) it will work or i have to install manually?08:23
fyrestrtrAx-Ax: from gutsy rather.08:23
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IAmWillfyrestrtr, i know how to do that... I am trying to get libwnck to downgrade in xubuntu before I install emerald08:23
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ikoniaTelio: so test it08:23
DudeMcGeeSo if my wireless card isn't on the hardware support page then I can pretty much deduce Unbuntu isn't going to be a good choice?08:23
ssarangiikonia: I found one which said to do a modprobe08:23
Ax-Ax fyrestrtr: i can check08:23
Spaceman3750Yay, I finally got SMF with TinyPortal working08:23
fyrestrtrIAmWill: the real answer it to check the policy for the package.08:23
ikoniassarangi: there is more than a modprobe08:23
Spaceman3750DudeMcGee: Probably08:23
DudeMcGeeI don't see my wireless card listed and I depend pretty heavily on wireless.08:23
finite9multiload-applet-2 is consuming a constant 3% CPU.  What is this utility used for and why is it consuming during idle?08:23
doug1234pelo: it wouldnt let me do the fat3208:23
fyrestrtrIAmWill: there is some deb trick to 'freeze' a version; it escapes me now.08:23
ahmadsaifanfryrestrtr, why noone is talking there?08:23
ssarangiikonia: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html#usb-copy-flexible is this the link08:23
ikoniaIAmWill: apt-policy08:24
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fyrestrtrahmadsaifan: probably all are trying to figure out why the videos aren't working :)08:24
IAmWillfyrestrtr, k, will take a look into that08:24
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magnetronDudeMcGee: more like that wireless card is a poor choice :D08:24
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doug1234pelo it said i cant do it to lack of space i resized the one but it still wouldnt do it08:24
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Telio[ikonia] : i will.. im downloading right now.. i am asking if someone had experienced gutsy with ipw394508:24
ikoniassarangi: what do you want me to do with that link ?08:24
IAmWillikonia, okay, are the older packages still in the repos?08:24
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ikoniaTelio: it works in fesity08:24
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fyrestrtrTelio: is that intel wifi? Looks like it. If so, it should work.08:24
ikoniaIAmWill: yes08:24
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ssarangiikonia: Just wanted to confirm that it is the same link or not08:24
IAmWillikonia, they just dont list them?08:24
ikoniassarangi: there are many links08:24
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hambobowats the command for menu.lst08:24
ikoniaIAmWill: who doesn't list them where ?08:25
ikoniahambobo: you need an editor08:25
lindarWhere do I get the most recent GTK devel headers?08:25
fyrestrtrIAmWill: it only lists what is to be installed by the package policy.08:25
ikoniahambobo: the program "grub" uses it08:25
Telio[ikonia] : 7.04? Automatically? I installed Mandriva and did not work.. Thanks for help..08:25
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Ax-Axfyrestrtr: a lot of things from deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted08:25
DudeMcGeeThe Dell mini-card 1500 is a pretty popular wireless card.08:25
fyrestrtrlindar: from gnome.org ?08:25
ssarangiikonia: how about using the hdd.. is it a bit straightforward08:25
hambobowat the command08:25
DudeMcGeeI don't see why Ubuntu wouldn't support it.08:25
ikoniaTelio: what has mandriva got to do with it?08:25
ikoniassarangi: nope08:25
fyrestrtrAx-Ax: eh ... good luck.08:25
ikoniahambobo: what command for what ?08:25
Ax-Axi know08:25
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finite9anybody know about multiload-applet??08:25
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IAmWillikonia, list them in the managers... ie synaptic08:26
Mba7ethhi all08:26
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fyrestrtrhambobo: its /boot/grub/menu.lst08:26
ikoniaIAmWill: you don't install a card in synaptic - you install software08:26
hamboboi cant use the slash08:26
ikoniahambobo: then your keyboard is setup wrong08:26
DudeMcGeeWelp, I guess Ubuntu sucks then if it can't support popular technology.08:26
fyrestrtrcheck your keymap.08:26
DudeMcGeeNot worth using.08:26
fyrestrtrDudeMcGee: guess so. Better go back to Windows :)08:26
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hambobois it gksu \boot\grub\menu.lst?08:27
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fyrestrtrhambobo: NO08:27
ikoniahambobo: its /08:27
abkhambobo, gksu gedit08:27
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abkthen the file you want to edit08:28
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abkin this case, /boot/grub/menu.lst08:28
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sal002Anyone else try to run 7.10 on VirtualBox and get an old CPU error?08:28
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asdfis there a way to send username and password to ftp from gnome-terminal?08:28
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Torturedi just bought a new router, my wireless on my laptop has worked in the past, i havent modified anything in the settings and ubuntu wont connect to it even without wep .. can anyone help?08:29
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wailerwww.linuxdevcenter.com/linux/cmd/ !gksu08:29
ikoniasal002: 1.) virtualisation is not good for testing 2.) gusty is in development08:29
stefg!gutsy | sal00208:29
ubotusal002: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+108:29
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application>  See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info08:29
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ikoniaTortured: setup your router08:29
Torturedikonia: for what?08:29
ikoniaTortured: your wifi config08:29
Mba7ethguys i have just got a cisco router !! how can i access a router thru a rollover cable connected to the serial port on my box ?08:29
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=== Dunas sighs.
Torturedikonia: config it for what?08:30
ikoniaMba7eth: minicom08:30
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ikoniaTortured:setup your wirless network08:30
Torturedikonia: i have08:30
whtaa friend of mine is about to install but he needs to resize a windows partition. I've never had to do this so I'm just making sure that the risks of data loss in this process are fairly low?08:30
ikoniaTortured: then setup your ubuntu wireless card to connect to it08:30
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ikoniaTortured: you can't swap routers and expect it to work, more so if your using keys08:30
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wailerwhta: defrag first08:31
asdfis there a way to send username and password to ftp from gnome-terminal?08:31
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faileaswhta: XP is fairly safe. vista has its own resizing tool.08:31
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ikoniaasdf man ftp08:31
stefgwhta: i wouldn't consider it reliable, so it's the perfect moment for a backup08:31
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Torturedikonia: uh its not that simple without security on keys are not a factor08:31
asdfikonia: couldn't figure it out from man08:31
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musyadoes anybody know why the ubuntu servers are slow lately?08:31
ikoniaTortured: are you using security options ?08:31
ikoniamusya: there are many, which ones. And no they are not all slow08:31
whtaok thanks all. also gparted can handle those resizes at install, right? or should i have him use a windows utility to do it08:32
vltwanger: [NFS and symlink problem] : Thank you, yes, your link shows the problem but offers no solution. Mmh. When using CIFS from the client it would work fine.08:32
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musyaikonia: when downloading php or java they are slow08:32
Torturedikonia: as i said before, no. i have tried with and without wep running and it fails to connect either way08:32
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Bspechow do i add/remove user accounts from ubuntu?08:32
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EstethI'm trying to use WINE for some fullscreen apps, but dualview is positioning the fullscreen across both of my monitors. Is there a way to tell dualview/wine to ignore the left-most monitor when i want to fullscreen? compiz does this for me for maximizing, but not for fullscreen.08:32
musyaor even updates08:32
wailermusya: 11/2hr into a torrent for gutsy I lost connection to servers tonight - not happy08:32
stefgwhta: rather use a windows utility to resize ntfs partitions. gparted can do it , but is slow and sometimes fails08:33
musyai cant always update either08:33
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snarrfHello. Does the amd64 version still have issues with 3d drivers, wine, flash, etc?08:33
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musyai get bad connection08:33
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musyaand my internet is fine08:33
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Grungebunnywhat is that package that lets you install the codecs to run mp3s and others?08:33
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ikoniaTortured: and as I've said you can't just change routers and expect it to work08:33
EstethGrungebunny: It depends what app you want to play them in08:33
Grungebunnyesteth say amarok08:34
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TooR4uHii .. i am using fiesty on amd64 bit and i want to install realplayer ..  how to do that .. i have searched through google ...08:34
coffeemughi everyone08:34
TooR4uBut i am not able to find it08:34
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Torturedikonia: why not .. without security it should just pickup the signal, its all set to dhcp08:34
BrendanWI used the command compiz --replace -c emerald &, and now I have no bar at the top of any of my programs? What can I do to revert it back to normal?08:34
EstethGrungebunny: I think amarok runs from xine codecs, so perhaps doing a search on synaptic for xine and finding the right packages will work. That's how it works for Exaile, rythmbox, and totem, but with gstreamer packages instead of xine08:34
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ckin2001powercycle the router :p08:34
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ikoniaTortured: well somethings not working then08:35
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coffeemughow does one add a path to $PATH variable? I added it to .bashrc and it works only in shells, but it doesn't seem to be set for the entire session08:35
giany911macogw man i solved my issues with the mp3 player:)08:35
EstethBrendanW: gtk-window-decorator --replace08:35
Torturedikonia: well it works fine in macosx, but ubuntu will not connect to it08:35
stefgTooR4u: no realplayer for 64bit08:35
ikoniacoffeemug: .bashrc is only for shells08:35
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wailerTooR4u: tried synaptic08:35
tininHi, I'm compiling a game (freedroidrpg) and I get " WARNING: openGL libraries/headers could not be found. " What packages should I install?08:35
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TooR4uwailer, yup08:35
Random832how do i get the old-school cursors?08:35
ikoniatinin: the opengl libraries08:35
coffeemugikonia: I could add it to session, but then it will be only for essions08:35
TooR4ustefg, ohhh08:35
tattersthis new gui for X where is located?08:35
BrendanWEsteth: Didn't work. :[08:36
Random832i.e. in cursor.bdf08:36
coffeemugis there a way to add to both without repeating myself08:36
ikoniacoffeemug: what are you talking about "sessions"08:36
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macogwgiany911: thats good. what was wrong?08:36
soundraycoffeemug: to change it system-wide, edit /etc/environment08:36
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EstethBrendanW: hmm. I'm not sure then, sorry. That's allways been what worked for me when i lost window decorations :S08:36
TooR4ustefg, how to record "RSTP" protocol ..?08:36
wailerToor4u: realplayer is a commercial program$$$08:36
coffeemugikonia: gnome sesisons08:36
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TooR4uwailer, ohh08:36
coffeemugsoundray: I want to set it for a specific user08:37
TooR4uwailer, then ... how to record rstp protocol ..?08:37
giany911macogw not sure i had to use linespire to upload my mp3s... only os ... live cd that worked from like 5 distros08:37
BrendanWEsteth: What is the command again?08:37
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BrendanWTerminal didn't seem to accept it.08:37
tininikonia yes, but wich packages are those, I found a lot of OpenGl related things in synaptic08:37
stefgTooR4u: all you can do is installing a 32 bit chroot environment...08:37
ikoniatinin: read08:37
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EstethBrendanW: "gtk-window-decorator --replace" Keep in mind it'll only work if you're on GNOME, not GTK08:37
macogwgiany911: weird08:38
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BrendanWNope, still nothing.08:38
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Random832Esteth: what's that do?08:38
TooR4ustefg, okey .. u know how to record "RSTP" protocol?08:38
BrendanWI don't even know the difference between GNOME and GTK :/ Haha.08:38
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wailerTooR4u: synaptic has plugin for kplayer ?08:38
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EstethRandom832: It should give you a window decorator back08:39
TooR4uwailer, yahh .. i think it may not work properly ...08:39
stefgTooR4u: look into vlc, maybe it can do it08:39
TooR4ustefg, okey .. 1m08:39
tininikonia what should I read??08:39
ikoniatinin: the package notes08:40
BrendanWUgg. This is totally stressing me out. :/08:40
tininI've done08:40
wailerTooR4u: don't be scared... cost nothing to try :)08:40
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BrendanWShould have never messed with Emerald.08:40
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ikoniatinin: then you know what packages you need08:40
tininikonia: don't be so ugly, I've done it08:40
ikoniaI'm not being ugly08:40
ikoniathe package contents show you whats in the packages08:40
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ikoniaif you read through them you'll find the package you want08:40
BlauhautHow can i change the default .mp3 file icon , i want to it my new icon08:41
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EstethBrendanW: You should just be able to uninstall emerald and everything should be ok, as far as i know. try #ubuntu-effects for a more specific channel to your problem08:41
TooR4uwailer, okey .. i am doing that ..08:41
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macogwBlauhaut: right click on an mp3 and go to properties and you can pick an icon. i believe it will associate them all with that icon08:41
soundraycoffeemug: you might be interested in this discussion originating in launchpad: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneTruePath08:41
BrendanWI used package manager to uninstall it, but its still messed up.08:41
doug1234how do i transfer my music from ubuntu to xp dual booting08:41
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soundraydoug1234: install ext2fsd in Windows. It will let you read your ext3 filesystems.08:42
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doug1234soundray when i try to ptu it over there it sais i dont have permision08:43
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aantnare there any ppc users here?08:43
soundraydoug1234: can you rephrase your problem pls08:44
Mba7ethanyone have tryied minicom ..... plz i want to access my router ? i have set the parameters as 9600 8N1 flow control none !!! but i didn't got anything from the router ? how to do it ?08:44
demonstealeri cannot connect to a wireless connection becuase everytime i attempt to connect i am requested for a keyring password which i have not set myself and which i dont know of. Help!08:44
coffeemugsoundray: do you know if that's implemented yet?08:44
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PriceChildaantn, i think there's a #ubuntu-ppc... but what's your real question?08:44
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soundraycoffeemug: no, sorry. BTW, try setting your path in $HOME/.gnomerc08:44
aantnI'm just looking for someone to test something08:44
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kekkdemonstealer, isn't that the password that was prompted when you installed ubuntu. the password of the admin account08:45
doug1234soundray i got music on ubuntu i am trying to get into the xp folder called music from ubuntu it said i do not have permision to do this i did sudo nautilus but cant acces the xp drive from that way08:45
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coffeemugsoundray: yeah, I can do it with gnome, but that means I have to set it twice08:45
aantnI'm a ppc user myself and I'm trying to create a ppc compiz fusion repo08:45
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coffeemugsoundray: once for bash, once for gnome08:45
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BrendanWI can't even get ctrl+alt+left/right to work now.08:45
BrendanWThis is a mess.08:45
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demonstealerkekk no that password doesnt work with this problem08:45
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soundraycoffeemug: have you tried setting it in /etc/environment, but with a directory name containing a user-dependent variable (e.g. :$HOME/bin:)08:46
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coffeemugsoundray: hmm, that could work08:46
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needinfoProblem: Using Sound Juicer locks my system. Ctl-Alt-Backspace/F1 does nothing. Can only reboot in recovery mode. Restart gdm. HAL fails to initialize. Do a normal reboot. System good again until I use Sound Juicer. When using sound juicer. It works fine for one CD then usually locks midway through second one. How do I fix this? Using Feisty. Done dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg many times...08:47
needinfo...with no change.08:47
soundraycoffeemug: it depends on where and how /etc/environment is sourced, of course...08:47
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caribou_anyone is using Gdesklets ?08:48
astro76coffeemug, if you add it to ~/.profile instead of ~/.bashrc, it should work in gnome also08:48
BrendanWDoes anybody have any idea how to reverse the effects of compiz --replace -c emerald &?08:48
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godlygeekBrendanW: just a guess: metacity --replace ?08:48
wailerdemonstealer: with a name like that & you want to know how to access a network that you don't know the password to - c'mon08:48
fr500BrendanW: metacity --replace08:48
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coffeemugok, let me try to log out and back in08:49
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BrendanWgodlygeek, fr500: Thank you both very much. That worked perfectly. You guys are all so knowledgeable and helpful!08:49
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kane77is there any app that would measure path the pointer travels? I need that for finding out length from map...08:50
godlygeekBrendanW: np.  :)08:50
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darkus_hello peeps, i`m new ubuntu ps3 user.. very good first impressions!!08:50
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aantnsomethings happened and alt-tab no longer switches windows08:50
godlygeekubuntu runs on the ps3?  is that supported?  lol08:50
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aantnwhere can I change the keyboard shortcut for that08:50
Ashfire908what's the commandline text editor?08:51
darkus_well its running great here!08:51
soundraykane77: there is one for KDE called kodo. Might work in gnome, too.08:51
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hiffyis there some way to boot into a live cd, without burning it to a cd?08:51
aantngodlygeek: as supported as my computer (which is a ppc)08:51
scipioAshfire908, nano or vi08:51
godlygeekAshfire908: nano (if you don't feel like learning anything) (vim or emacs if you do)08:51
kane77soundray, thanx.. i'll try it08:51
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hiffyAlbeit, it's tempting to get the free cds08:51
godlygeekaantn: cool. :)08:51
AdlaiAshfire908: if you use nano, call it with -w08:51
kane77hiffy, some virtual box? like vmware08:51
BrendanWOh geez. The second I enable desktop effects and have the four workspaces again, the same problem occurs.08:52
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Adlaiif you're editing config files or anything similar08:52
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darkus_anyone know any IRCnet servers?08:52
hiffykane77, well, I wanted to boot this machine I'm running into it08:52
aantngodlygeek: and we (the ppc community) are very much alive :D08:52
hiffy'cos I want to reinstall, but without burning a new cd08:52
hiffyeh, whatevs. I'll figure something out08:52
wailerIRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage |08:52
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soundrayhiffy: have a look at the install page, there are several potentially helpful links:08:52
soundray!install | hiffy08:53
ubotuhiffy: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate08:53
godlygeekaantn: Really?  not a lot of new machines use ppc...08:53
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:53
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lockdwhy might my system just balk on 1280x1024, it even claims to be widescreen display08:53
BrendanW!freenode channels08:53
lockdis there a way I can force X to display at max resolution?08:53
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Blauhautmacogw; it is not working it just chance the one icon not all of them08:53
Calin_anyone have an idea why with my own bind9 server running, I can resolve my local addresses fine with both nslookup, and dig.. (like www.provident.local, ftp.bowser.local) and i can connect if i use just the prefix part (ping www, ping ftp which resolves to full name bowser.provident.local) .. but i can't ping www.provident.local  (says unable to resolve)08:53
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wailerlockd: its a driver issue08:54
SkryptHow do I change the name of removable media? (ie. My ipod)08:54
lockdwailer: what can I do?08:54
aantngodlygeek: works fine on mine08:54
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hiffyI got rid of my floppy drive some time ago08:54
aantngodlygeek: I'm even running compiz fusion08:54
hiffythanks soundray.08:54
aantnand it runs fine08:54
lockdwailer: rebuild the driver? I could care less about coding in assembler08:54
macogwBlauhaut: oh umm ok idk then, sorry. i mean, i know it can be done, but i dont know where exactly the icons live08:54
wailerlockd: what is the video card?08:55
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godlygeekaantn: cool.  :)08:55
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lockdwailer: nvidia geforce 7 series08:55
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BlauhautHow can i change the default .mp3 file icon , i want to it my new icon08:55
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SkryptHow do I change the name of removable media? (ie. My ipod)08:56
BrendanWDoes anybody have any idea as to why when I enable desktop effects and four workspace the top bar of my windows disapear?08:56
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wailerlockd: enable all repositories then load latest drivers08:56
lockdwailer: which repositories? in /etc/apt/sources.list, just the commented out ones?08:56
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BrendanWI miss my 4 workspaces.08:57
lockdwailer: the backports? ?08:57
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wailerlockd: synaptic package manager - settings - repositories08:57
RndmHerook, im new to nix and ubuntu, when i download something say like bitchx and its in the tgz how do i install it, im used to windows where u can just click setup and go, trying to learn nix08:58
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hiffyHm. Okay, a better question. What do I do if Ubuntu/the kernel isn't seeing my cd drive?08:58
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lockdwailer: well I prefer not to keep running things in X, i'm closing it a lot08:58
lockdwailer: is enabling the backports enough?08:58
godlygeekBrendanW: that probably means that emerald is crashing... though i don't know why it would.08:58
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BrendanWI don't even have it installed anymore.08:59
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BrendanWHow would I disable it.08:59
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RndmHeroi just needa know the command to unzip these archives and where to put the stuff so i can do the install08:59
godlygeekBrendanW: uh.. then the gtk-window-decorator...08:59
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astro76RndmHero, always check if it's available through Ubuntu's package repos first, bitchx is, you can install it with synaptic08:59
Novagenesisquestion: if rmmod --force fails due to a false "resource busy" is rebooting the only solutoin?08:59
lockdwailer: i.e. that is the only thing disabled08:59
godlygeekBrendanW: or whatever.  I'm not a big compiz person.08:59
astro76!synaptic | RndmHero08:59
ubotuRndmHero: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto08:59
wailerlockd: backports enable old stuff to use new stuf ( simply )08:59
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RndmHeroahh, ok, thanks :)08:59
BrendanWgodlygeek: One last time, what is the command?08:59
lockdwailer: is that what I need?08:59
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BrendanWgtk-window-decorator __________09:00
fr500BrendanW: werid i have 4 viewports instead of workspaces with compiz09:00
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lockdwailer: you didn't give me -which- repos to enable, that is the only thing I have disabled09:00
godlygeekBrendanW: do 'metacity --replace' to fix things09:00
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godlygeekBrendanW: then open up a terminal, and type 'compiz --replace' there.09:00
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godlygeekgodlygeek: Hopefully you'll get some useful input dumped to the terminal to tell you what went wrong.09:00
tunedoutI completely forgot how to start a file with the extionsion .sh09:00
wailerlockd: 7 series should be using the newest drivers09:00
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fr500BrendanW: and byt default compiz has 2 viewports, at least on compiz fusion from compiz09:01
tunedoutCan someone refresh my memory09:01
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Flanneltunedout: sh [script] 09:01
Calin_tunedout chmod +x it then it'll run.09:01
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RndmHeroanother question, how would i install something that is not in the repositories ?09:01
fr500RndmHero: you can either find 3rd party repos09:01
tunedoutThanks ! thats what I thought Sh.09:01
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godlygeekBrendanW: Er... the thing i sent to me was supposed to go to you  hopefully something useful will show up in the terminal.09:01
lockdwailer: oh, you mean the NEW drivers, that is another package entirely09:01
fr500RndmHero: compile yourself09:01
CuzzHi, i have a 250GB HDD slave with two partitions. One partition has NTFS and the other has ubuntu installed. I cannot see the ubuntu partition in windows. Is it possible to completely format the whole HDD from windows? Thanks09:01
BrendanWfr500:  When I enabled desktop effects it would give me 4 workstations.09:01
wailerlockd:patcience - enable all then search - nvidia09:01
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RndmHerodont know how to compile myself, still new to this stuff09:02
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fr500RndmHero: of get some debs for instance from www.getdeb.net09:02
tunedoutrun-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute09:02
godlygeekCuzz: you can completely format it, yes.09:02
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RndmHerostarting with ubuntu because everyone said its the easiest to use09:02
RndmHeroso far they have been right09:02
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godlygeekCuzz: windows might not be able to READ the drive, but it can certainly ERASE it.  :)09:02
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CuzzThank you. How, i can only see the NTFS partition and have formatted that09:02
fr500RndmHero: yes but if you want bleeding edge software somtimes you need to compile09:02
Nap_When I start my PC with ethernet cable unplugged, I never get the network back when I plug the cable (and the ethernet LED of the PC stays off). Why ?09:02
soundrayRndmHero: what do you want to install?09:02
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tunedoutI think I know what I'm doing wrong. In Ubuntu there is no SU right ?09:02
lockdwailer: no, not patience, just had to wait to install synaptic09:03
godlygeekCuzz: I dunno, I haven't used windows in years..09:03
fr500RndmHero: most of the time default repos + seveas and cafuegos have done it for me09:03
soundray!sudo | tunedout09:03
ubotutunedout: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:03
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CuzzI want to make the whole 259GB into 1 partition again, like an out of box HDD :)09:03
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tunedoutThanks again !09:03
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godlygeekCuzz: but i'm sure it's possible.  you just need to lookup how to repartition a drive, rather than reformat a partition.09:03
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fr500RndmHero: and on many many cases compiling is not that hard once you get the hang of it09:03
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RndmHeroim just saying in general, nothing right now, was just trying find out how to do it in the future since bitchx is already on here09:03
jamesstansellcan anyone explain how to get openoffice calc (feisty) to print?09:03
Cuzzk thanks09:03
Calin_Cuzz: gnome partition manager can do it09:03
wailerlockd: my dog was eating my neighbour09:03
RndmHeroany link i can read on learning how to compile myself?09:03
soundrayCuzz: it's best to boot an Ubuntu Desktop CD and use gparted to delete the ext3 partition and resize the NTFS one.09:03
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godlygeekCuzz: yeh, i'd just do it in linux.09:03
astro76!compile | RndmHero09:04
ubotuRndmHero: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:04
RndmHeroi dont care if i mess anything up, i put this drive in here to learn on09:04
fr500RndmHero: getdeb has many upto date packeges, and as for compiling yourself, it's mostly program dependant09:04
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tunedoutjeez it keeps sauomg cannot execute. any ideas ?09:04
tunedoutsaying *09:04
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Calin_tunedout: chmod +x it to make it executable09:04
tunedoutCalin_ I will try that. Sorry for not trying before :)09:04
soundrayRndmHero: most compile advice is specific to the software in question.09:04
jamesstansellI have a spreadsheet in openoffice 2.2 that I want to print but I'm geting blank pages09:05
ckin2001print preview show anything?09:05
RndmHeroi just wanna learn this so i can finally destroy every trace of windows ever in my house09:05
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tunedoutSays the same thing. Whats the Chmod command do ?09:05
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jamesstansellckin2001: page preview show the same blankness09:06
soundrayRndmHero: most source packages that you download contain an INSTALL file that tells you how to compile.09:06
lockdwailer: thanks, I'm going to attempt starting new drivers09:06
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RndmHeroahh, sweet09:06
RndmHerodidnt know that09:06
Calin_chmod changes permissions on the file.. +x changed the executable flag on it.09:06
wailerlockd: lol09:06
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soundrayRndmHero: but for most purposes, you will find software in the official or inofficial repositories.09:07
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ckin2001@james - can you try highlighting the portion you want printed and then previewing?09:07
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EvaLuaTewhat is ubuntu Dapper Drake ? are all 6.06 versions named Dapper Drake or is there a special release with that name ?09:07
jamesstansellckin2001: that was what we tried first09:07
RndmHerook now heres a noob question, how do i log into root seeing as you cant login to root through the login screen09:08
ckin2001eek, ok09:08
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AdlaiRndmHero: sudo su09:08
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erUSUL!root | RndmHero09:08
ubotuRndmHero: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:08
AdlaiRndmHero: sudo -s09:08
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nox-HandAnyone know of a simple media app that can be easily full screen controlled and looks a bit like frontrow in the way it works (bluetooth java phone control?)09:08
RndmHeroterminal and sudo su ?09:08
Calin_RndmHero sudo -s or sudo bash.09:08
godlygeekerUSUL: all 6.06 are DD09:08
jamesstansellI'm on another machine now and seeing more what I expected - maybe something wrong with that user's account?09:08
erUSULAdlai: the correct form is 'sudo -i'09:08
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SeveredCrossI would suggest to use sudo -s or sudo -i and not sudo bash or sudo su09:08
AdlaierUSUL: the correct form is whatever works09:08
godlygeekEvaLuaTe: I meant that for you.  all 6.06 are DD.09:08
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soundrayAdlai, Calin_: please don't recommend sudo bash or sudo su. It mixes up the environment.09:09
erUSUL!worksforme | Adlai09:09
ubotuAdlai: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/09:09
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EvaLuaTegodlygeek, even the server edition ?09:09
alecwhHow do I delete a file in the terminal?09:09
godlygeekEvaLuaTe: yes09:09
EvaLuaTenice, thanks alot :)09:09
godlygeekalecwh: rm filename09:09
PriceChildalecwh, rm <file>09:09
alecwhthank you.09:09
soundrayalecwh: also, have a look at the ubotu link:09:09
soundray!cli | alecwh09:09
ubotualecwh: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:09
PriceChildalecwh, you'll find that a lot of commands are the first and 3rd letter of a word... CoPy, LiSt, MoVe, ReMove etc. etc.09:09
alecwhOk, awesome. :)09:10
jamesstansellckin2001: I'm getting a remote connection back to the machine that had the printing problem09:10
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FlannelRndmHero: Ubuntu doesn't use the root login, uses sudo instead.09:10
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wailertips for command line www.linuxdevcenter.com/linux/cmd/09:10
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PriceChildalecwh, if you're even unsure of how to then use that command, prefix it with "man", for example "man rm", to see what you can do with it besides the obvious... or which way round to put destination/target etc.09:10
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alecwhPriceChild, how do I exit the man?09:11
AdlaierUSUL: if you want to say that something is "the correct form", you should specify why09:11
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PriceChildalecwh, q09:11
RndmHerook, is compiling basically using the same commands used when compiling and eggdrop ? because i know how to do that09:11
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Adlaisoundray provided a good example of that09:12
PriceChildalecwh, you could probably have found that from "man man" ;)09:12
Calin_guess never had the problem of no root login, since right after ubuntu was installed i switched to ldap domain logins, and for windows to connect.. required root heh.09:12
godlygeekRndmHero: what on earth is eggdrop?  :)09:12
PriceChildalecwh, but i'll let you off :P09:12
RndmHeroirc bots09:12
godlygeekRndmHero: compiling without a package is usually "./configure && make && sudo make install"09:12
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jamesstansellckin2001: another account on the first machine does the same thing with the file in question09:12
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PriceChildRndmHero, read the "README" file, or "INSTALL"09:12
needinfoAnyone care to tackle my Sound Juicer lock-up problem?09:12
chris2710alecwh: you can also try info <command> or <command> --help oder -h. Btw. konqueror can show info:<command> or man:<command> formatted as html09:12
jeskaDo you know how I can get linuxthread support in Fiesty with glibc 2.5. :<09:13
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ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows09:13
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jamesstansellit's an ods file created with OOo calc 2.209:13
alecwhOk, got it, thanks. :D09:13
BlauhautHow can i change the default .mp3 file icon , i want to it my new icon09:13
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erUSULAdlai: others have said so if you use sudo su the shell reads the init scripts of the user and that is a security risk (you may have a harmless as user command there but not so harmless if done as root) the same probelm happens with sudo -s so i allways recommend 'sudo -i'09:14
BrendanW This is what my screen looks like.09:14
BrendanW http://www.brendanwelsh.net/ubuntu/Screenshot.png09:14
BrendanW I installed emerald, and this is what happened.09:14
BrendanW It's fine when I use no desktop affects and no cubed viewports.09:14
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twagerI have just set up compiz..Anyone tell me how I kill compiz and get back to the normal desktop ?09:15
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alecwhI've got an older brother in the marine corps, and we sent him a laptop with ubuntu on it. Before I sent it, I installed something for his ipod, and I think I may have messed it up. I sent it to him without rebooting and testing, so he's got a computer that won't boot up into gnome. I REMEMBER installing something like "gnome-common" for a package, and I'm new to ubuntu. Is there a simple way to resolve this? He doesn't have the internet...09:15
godlygeekBrendanW: did 'compiz --replace' from a terminal show any output?09:15
CuzzCan i format an ubuntu partition from windows without linux? The linux partition is corrupt.09:15
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ckin2001@james - im at a loss right now09:15
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ckin2001can you scp it and print from your local machine with it? or did you try that already09:15
rexyhow can i remove the minimum rpm setting for fans in lm-sensors, if the fans spin slower then that number lm-sensors just reports 009:15
BrendanWgodlygeek: My screen flashed, nothing changed. No output in the terminal window.09:16
godlygeekalecwh: select to boot into single mode, log in, and do 'apt-get remove IPODPACKAGE'09:16
AdlaierUSUL: interesting, thanks09:16
BrendanWCan somebody help me, using remote desktop?09:16
erUSULAdlai: no problem09:16
godlygeekBrendanW: hm.  odd.  compiz always puts something in the terminal for me.  no clue then.09:16
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jamesstansellalecwh: did you send the ubuntu CD with the laptop?09:16
alecwhgodlygeek, well, after I "attempted" to install it by doing all that stuff, I just used synaptic.09:16
jamesstansellckin2001: looks like defining a print range is helping09:16
godlygeekalecwh: synaptic and apt-get are just two interfaces to dpkg.09:16
mattggood afternoon, everybody09:16
BrendanWOh, yes it did.09:16
BrendanW This is what my screen looks like.09:17
BrendanW http://www.brendanwelsh.net/ubuntu/Screenshot.png09:17
BrendanW I installed emerald, and this is what happened.09:17
BrendanW It's fine when I use no desktop affects and no cubed viewports.09:17
godlygeekalecwh: a package installed by one can be removed by the other.09:17
alecwhjamesstansell: No, he's clueless. I had to make icons on his desktop for "INTERNET" and "EMAIL"09:17
BrendanWDidn't copy.09:17
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musyaanybody know a good xvid player09:17
stefg!effects | BrendanW09:17
ubotuBrendanW: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects09:17
alecwhgodlygeek: He really needs the ipod package though. I THINK it may just be a messed up Ghome09:17
nikolajvlc player09:17
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl401.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
godlygeekalecwh: gnome, or gdm?09:17
BrendanWstefg: I'm in effects. :/ Haven't gotten much help.09:17
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers09:17
godlygeekalecwh: does he even get a login prompt?09:17
fyrestrtralecwh: I'm sure one of his army buddies knows some linux? The US Army is one of the heavier users of linux.09:17
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Peloanyone know how I could dl the other repos and put them on cd for someone without an internet connection ?09:18
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jamesstansellPelo: look up aptoncd09:18
alecwhgodlygeek: This is how he described it: "I turned it on, and I got the ubuntu loading screen, then the screen went black, and all he could see was the spinning circle in the middle (the loading symbol)09:18
kondeDrakul1anyone know if can connect 2 pc's with cable usb ?09:18
Pelojamesstansell,  in the synaptic or on the site ?09:18
musyai couldnt find vlc in the repos.09:18
stefgBrendanW: this doesn't entitle you to just go offtopic in here. Beryl/Compiz is alpha and causes trouble, and there's a separate channel for a reason09:18
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BrendanWstefg: Sorry, I won't ask about it here again.09:19
godlygeekalecwh: is it set up for automatic login?09:19
jamesstansellPelo: the homepage is http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/09:19
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alecwhgodlygeek: no09:19
fsckrwants the file of gstreamer do I need to download to play mp3s?09:19
Pelojamesstansell, thanks09:19
godlygeekalecwh: then GDM, not Gnome, is broken.09:19
LichnetI was listening to music using XMMS, my mouse is broken and sometimes makes things i dont want. I dont know how but suddenly the music sound stopped and it does not work! No sound! Whats happening}? What can I do?? (I HAD to use windows and the sound works normal there)09:19
wailerlinux doesn't like USB network09:19
alecwhGDM... ok.09:19
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godlygeekalecwh: GDM is Gnome Display Manager, it's the thing that gives you the login boxes.09:19
=== Pelo can'T beleive he got an answer to his question , this channel is so awesome
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alecwhgodlygeek: What command can he use to fix that without using the IPOD app?09:19
alecwh!ipod > alecwh09:20
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jamesstansellPelo: I'm sure there have been some posts about aptoncd on planet.ubuntu.com, too, if you care to look there09:20
godlygeekalecwh: nice try.  lol.09:20
Pelojamesstansell, thanks I will09:20
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jamesstansellthere might also be some other options, but that's the first that came to mind09:20
UltrabucketHmm, I have a broadcom card for wireless, and I'm pretty sure it's not working seeing as I can't get it to activate. So how do I activate it, also, there are no wireless networks around here, so I can really test it with that09:21
UltrabucketWhat should I do to get it working?09:21
Pelojamesstansell, yeah, cheking it out right now,  might not be quite what I had in mind but it migth do in a crunch09:21
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alecwhgodlygeek: How can I fix it? :P09:21
LichnetI was listening to music using XMMS, my mouse is broken and sometimes makes things i dont want. I dont know how but suddenly the music sound stopped and it does not work! No sound! Whats happening}? What can I do?? (I HAD to use windows and the sound works normal there)09:21
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godlygeekalecwh: I would just do 'sudo apt-get remove NAME_OF_IPOD_PACKAGE; sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'09:21
Pelojamesstansell,  I was thinking more along the lines of that full 6 cd set but downloadable09:21
chris2710fsckr: tried gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3  ?09:21
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox09:21
godlygeekalecwh: no guarantees that that will fix it.. but it's worth a shot...09:22
lgcHi! My Feisty is unable to mount my Windows partition. It won't take the UUID format for it. Any clues?09:22
alecwhit was banshee, btw09:22
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:22
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jamesstansellPelo: another option is apt-cacher, but maybe more work involved09:22
fsckrchris2710, ty09:22
kolosiema mowi ktos po polsku??09:22
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ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:22
bobsomebodylol @ server kernel: [816422.499125]  Unknown Input: SRC= DST= SPT=31337 DPT=3200009:22
groutwhats the latest compiz beryl thing?  Its still called compiz fusion right?09:22
godlygeekalecwh: that would remove the broken package and try reconfiguring X.09:22
jamesstansellPelo: I'm not sure even a double-layer DVD can hold 6 CD's worth of data09:22
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UltrabucketCompiz fusion~!09:22
UltrabucketEAsy to installl reallly..09:23
Pelojamesstansell, I'll look into that as well,  basicly the idea is this, I'm gonna install xubu on my aunths comp, but she has no internet,  and only a cd drive,  so the dvd is out of thequesiton,09:23
alecwhgodlygeek: thanks, I'll give it a shot.09:23
UltrabucketHmm, I have a broadcom card for wireless, and I'm pretty sure it's not working seeing as I can't get it to activate. So how do I activate it, also, there are no wireless networks around here, so I can really test it with that... How do I get it to work?09:23
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Pelojamesstansell,  6x700 = 4200 , dvd = 4.3 gig09:23
stefg!plwifi | Ultrabucket09:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about plwifi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:23
kolojest ktos?>09:23
GInis there anything utility similar to the Vista sidebar?09:23
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jamesstanselloh, OK09:23
stefg!wifi | Ultrabucket09:23
ubotuUltrabucket: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:23
lgcFlannel, you there?09:24
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tunedoutSorry for all the questions but how do I update the list of software in the Add/Remve applications tool.09:24
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BrendanWI'm just going to do a "fresh install" of Ubuntu.09:25
rexyhow can i remove the minimum rpm setting for fans in lm-sensors, if the fans spin slower then that number lm-sensors just reports 0 cant seem to locate the setting09:25
fsckrchris2710, actually an easier way to do it on fiesty :)09:25
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BrendanWWould I have to clear the partititon or can I throw the LiveCD back in and just reinstall it?09:25
wailertunedout: try synaptic instead09:25
mattgi can't get either vmware or virtualbox installed...anybody know of a good virtualpc program?09:25
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GliderMikevmware should be pretty easy to install, what's the issue?09:26
Flannellgc: I am09:26
tunedoutwhats synaptic09:26
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lgcFlannel, hi. My Feisty is unable to mount my Windows partition. It won't take the UUID format for it. Any clues?09:26
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto09:26
mattgi dont believe it's getting the packages, GliderMike09:26
dr_WillisI perfer vmware to vutrialbox, depends on what you are doing however.09:26
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Flannellgc: does it take the /dev/ format?09:26
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Random832is it normal for the master volume not to affect the headphones?09:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reformat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:26
GliderMike@mattg: what happens when you try 'sudo apt-get install vmware-server' ?09:26
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ubotufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot09:27
mattgglidermike: couldn't09:27
dr_WillisIm not sure that vmware server is in the normal repos? or is it now?09:27
lgcFlannel, even the old format contains /dev, as in "/dev/sda1", isn't that right?09:27
dr_Willis!info vmware-server09:27
ubotuPackage vmware-server does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas09:27
Calixim having a problem with firefox, i had removed it from my system with synaptic but when trying to reinstall it with apt-get i get an error - dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)09:27
GliderMikeyep its in the repos09:27
wailerubotu is wise09:27
mattgglidermike: couldn't find package vmware-server09:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is wise - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:27
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers09:28
dr_WillisGliderMike,  ive seen it in the 'mint linux' repos. but not the normal feisty ones.09:28
godlygeekmattg: enable to alternate repos09:28
GliderMikehmmmm, maybe in univser or commercial reps?  I'll look09:28
Calixany ideas?09:28
godlygeekmattg: universe or multi09:28
radioaktivstormquestion... is there a way to put the close button etc on the left side in metacity? ive discovered that i like it that way09:28
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dr_Willisvmware-PLAYER is  in them.  :)09:28
mattghow, godlygeek09:28
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godlygeekmattg: synaptic has an option for it. somewhere.09:28
UltrabucketOkay, so my card isn't supported, how do I get it to work :D?09:28
scipioradioaktivstorm, right click on the button to remove it and then right click on the panel bar to add it again where you want09:28
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BrendanWIs there a simple way to "start fresh" with Ubuntu?09:29
BrendanWJust whipe all my files, etc?09:29
SlartBrendanW: reinstall?09:29
dr_WillisBrendanW,  depends on what you want to clean.09:29
GliderMikeit is in multiverse09:29
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UltrabucketNdiswrapper :D?09:29
scipioradioaktivstorm, nvm i understood you wrong09:29
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soulrideri know i probably shouldnt as this here09:29
dr_WillisBrendanW,  remove the users config files/home dir stuff and log back in.09:29
GliderMikeMattg: go to settings --> repositories09:29
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psweetmahi, i know there's a command which will tell me what process is using /dev/dsp but i can't remember what it is.  can anyone reming me?  thanks09:30
soulriderbut does anyoine know how i have to configure windows so i can see ht eprinter from linux?09:30
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Omega_Is there any good gui for mencoder that I can get with apt-get install for feisty?09:30
BrendanWWould that make a fresh install of everything?09:30
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erUSUL!cups | soulrider09:30
ubotusoulrider: Printing in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows09:30
BrendanWI just want to start over as if it we're just installed.09:30
Slartpsweetma: probably lsof.. check the man-page09:30
dr_Willissoulrider,  'share' the printer under windows. for a start09:30
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psweetmaSlart, that's the one.  thanks09:30
soulriderdr_Willis, tried that, but it still asks for a password09:30
soulrideri hate windows so much...09:30
dr_Willissoulrider,  i always make my linux users have the same username/password as the Windows users.09:31
GliderMikeamen to that Soulrider.  Amen.09:31
wailerradioaktivstorm: right clicking on the panel lets you add many options - right click an icon in panel & you can move it09:31
mattgthere isn't anything that's just "vmware-server", glidermike09:31
Slartpsweetma: you're welcome09:31
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lgcFlannel, did I get your question wrong or what?09:31
soulriderdr_Willis, its my dads computer, not mine09:31
Calixanyone have any ideas why firefox wont install with apt-get?09:31
BrendanWSlart: How would I go about reinstalling Ubuntu?09:31
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Flannellgc: Right.  /dev/sda1, does that work?09:31
GliderMikemake sure the multiverse repo is setup, then be sure and hit reload.  you should then have "vmware-server"09:31
jamesstansellCalix: does apt-get say anything?09:31
lgcFlannel, yes.09:31
SlartBrendanW: the same way you installed it.. put the cd in and reboot09:31
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BrendanWAlright, thanks.09:32
dr_Willisi always share the printers on the linux box. If you dont have full access to the windows box. it may not allow remote printing then. or make a new user on the windows box with the same name/pass as the linux user.09:32
hiffySo, Ubuntu isn't seeing my cdrom drive. I know it works, because I just tried an old live cd I had lying around and it booted fine. Any ideas as to where I can start looking through?09:32
Calixyeah james dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file09:32
CalixE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)09:32
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radioaktivstormwailer: i suppose i should clarify myself, i was actually referring to the window border. sorry about the confusion09:32
SlartBrendanW: just make sure you don't want any of the files on the computer09:32
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dr_Willissoulrider,  theres that 'using samba' book thats avail in the repos and online. that walk ya through the windows part i BELIVE.. not sure about the printers part.09:32
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jamesstansellCalix: sounds like a postfix installation issue09:32
dr_Willishiffy,  mount it manually, see if dmesg sees it.. hmm..09:32
Flannellgc: just use that then.  ARe you sure the UUID is corrct on your windows partition?09:32
stefghiffy: see 'dmesg' for a start09:33
soulriderdr_Willis, i tried doing the share thing, the thing is that another windows machine is having issues too i think09:33
Calixjames how can i go about fixing that?09:33
hiffydr_Willis, the Device Manager isn't listing it09:33
soulriderany irc channels i could ask? more windows related09:33
lgcFlannel, when I installed ntfs-3g I suspect that, *somehow*, it did away with all the info on my Windows partition (not that I care much about it, but it shouldn't happen).09:33
mattgall i see is vmware-server-kernel-source09:33
=== hiffy tries dmesg
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jamesstansellCalix: sorry I'm not familiar with that - I'd have to search09:33
Flannellgc: erm, you can mount it with /dev/sda1 right?09:33
larson999did i miss the earth shattering answer to my question about xdmcp while i was disconnected?09:33
Some_uxI keep getting: failed to allocate mem resource, when i boot. even when install from boot disk. I get this error both with the 32 and 64 versions of ubuntu. I'm not sure if it is kernel related or some sort of driver issue09:33
lgcFlannel, how can I know? It says that the UUID=erweerge334rwqerwer.... device does not exist.09:33
troythetechguyI'm running Ubuntu 6.10 and have Kino 0.9.0 installed.  How can I upgrade to the newest version of Kino using synaptic?09:33
dr_Willishiffy,   this is a normal ide cdrom drive?09:34
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PMantisI just lost a bunch of pictures on a digital camera - vfat. How can I undelete?09:34
PriceChildtroythetechguy, ubuntu is frozen after release09:34
radioaktivstormooop found it  :D thanks for trying thouh ^_^09:34
wailerradioaktivstorm: I don't have a window border ??09:34
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faileasPMantis: photorec maybe?09:34
PriceChildtroythetechguy, only critical security fixes and bug fixes get updated09:34
dr_Willis UUID=erweerge334rwqerwer  is NOT a valid uuid i think09:34
Flannellgc: remove the UUID line, use /dev/sda109:34
PriceChildtroythetechguy, any particular reason why you want the latest version?09:34
erUSUL!info testdisk | PMantis09:34
Flannellgc: OR, you can use blkid to get the UUIDs09:34
ubotupmantis: testdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.5-1build1 (feisty), package size 550 kB, installed size 1784 kB09:34
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Flannel!uuid | lgc09:34
ubotulgc: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)09:34
hiffydr_Willis, well, it's a cd burner.09:34
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radioaktivstormwailer: found what i was looking for: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/put-closemaximizeminimize-buttons-on-the-left-in-ubuntu/09:35
hiffydr_Willis, but other than that, afaik it's a regular IDE device09:35
ResPiDeRhow do I enable emerald?09:35
dr_Willishiffy,  shoudent matter. ya got a /dev/cdrom entry?  try mounting it manually yet?09:35
mani77hi all. i bought a new acer 4520 and am having problems with sound. can anyone help?09:35
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troythetechguyPriceChild, I'm trying to capture video from my canon camcorder, and Kino keeps freezing.09:35
stefgSome_ux: !effects | ResPiDeR09:35
stefg!effects | ResPiDeR09:35
ubotuResPiDeR: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects09:35
PMantiserUSUL: Thanks!09:35
hiffydr_Willis, No /dev/cdrom. My nautilus windows have a 'CD-ROM 1' entry, but they complain that the system can't find /dev/hdc09:36
troythetechguyPriceChild, Thanks for the release information, I did't know that.09:36
stefg!boot | Some_ux09:36
ubotuSome_ux: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto09:36
Calixjames could i query ya a sec?09:36
PriceChildtroythetechguy, have you checked any of the bug-trackers to see if others have the same issue with your model of camera?09:36
lgcFlannel, damn! The bug persisted from Edgy to Feisty! When I do 'blkid' I end up with a garbled terminal! I remember you told me Edgy was quite buggy, but I certainly hoped this bug would go away with the upgrade.09:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about panel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:36
hiffydr_Willis, It's as if my system used to be able to see it, but not anymore. I suspect it has something to do with a kernel upgrade, but I just booted in to the earliest one available on my grub menu09:36
jamesstansellCalix: installation and upgrades forum at http://ubuntuforums.org/ would also be a good start09:36
PriceChildtroythetechguy, because you never know there might be a fix out there.09:36
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:36
dr_Willishiffy,  interesting.   it may be /dev/scd009:36
troythetechguyPriceChild, No, where would I do that, on canon's site?09:37
soulrideri think i got it working, the terrible part is that i have to log in as my dad there, apparently windows is so crappy it cant even sahre a printer correctly09:37
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Calixjames if i could open up a website i'd be there :)09:37
hiffydr_Willis, No scd0 listed.09:37
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hiffydr_Willis, I don't think the kernel is seeing it. Lemme peruse the dmesg a bit better.09:37
Flannellgc: well, I have no idea why that's garbled.  But you can always just use the old /dev/sda1 instead of UUIDs to mount your partitions09:37
dr_Willishiffy,  interesting - could ttry a 'dmesg | grep cdrom' or dmesg | less , and look to see if its seeh anywhere.09:37
dr_Willishiffy,  yea. sounds odd..09:37
PriceChildtroythetechguy, nope... launchpad.net is the ubuntu bug tracker amongst other things... you could search at bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/kino09:37
stefgsoulrider: you need an account on the windows box.09:37
lgcFlannel, will that be also palatable to ntfs-3g?09:38
PriceChildtroythetechguy, and quick googles for the model of the camcorder and kino might turn something up09:38
PriceChildtroythetechguy, you don't want to bother with upgrading kino if its not gonna fix the issue09:38
troythetechguyPriceChild, Thanks for your help!09:38
alsaany one know how to set a screen saver as your wallpaper ?09:38
alsacant find the X script for it09:38
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Some_uxwell, ubuntu loads. but i keep getting that annoying message on boot. also i can make desktop effects work09:38
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PriceChildSome_ux, #ubuntu-effects for desktopeffects help09:39
phoenixzAnybody knows if and when pidgin (new name for Gaim) will be available for ubuntu?09:39
hiffydr_Willis, so yeah. Nothing on dmesg. Any other clues? I'll probably give up soon and just buy a new livecd off the website09:39
Flannelphoenixz: Pidgin is in gutsy.  It won't be in feisty.09:39
PriceChildphoenixz, it will be in gutsy in 7.1009:39
Flannellgc: yep.09:39
dr_Willisphoenixz,  proberly it will be in the next release. it MIGHT appear in backports.. but dont bet on it.09:39
chris2710phoenixz: you can compile from source09:39
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UltrabucketUm, helpl pl0xerz, I see that I will need a broa dcom driver of somesort... using ndwiswrapper to help. I have WirelessAssistant... How do I go about getting WirelessTools?09:39
PriceChildphoenixz, ubuntu is frozen after release09:39
stefg!pidgin | phoenixz09:39
ubotuphoenixz: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.09:39
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PriceChildphoenixz, only critical security fixes and bug fixes get updated09:39
soulriderstefg, why? thats stupid.. its printing the test page... there goes all my ink >.<09:39
PriceChildphoenixz, keeps things stable09:40
alsaany one know how to set a screen saver as your wallpaper ?09:40
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alsacant find the X script for it09:40
lgcFlannel, should I file a bug report about the output of blkid?09:40
phoenixzunderstood.. :) So I gotta wait for the next version of ubuntu09:40
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stefgsoulrider: because you need some account to authenticate ... add a user on the windows box with the same user/pass as your ubuntu login09:41
Lappymy Lappy's screen blinks sometimes, anyone knows what the problem could be?09:41
doug_what r the codecs to play wmas in amarak and rythombox09:41
alsaany one know how to set a screen saver as your wallpaper ?09:41
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vltHello. I try to umount a fs but get "device is busy". `lsof | grep mnt` is empty. What's going on here?09:41
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Flannellgc: Yeah09:41
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lgcFlannel, how does one do that?09:42
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stefgvlt: run 'sync' and try again?09:42
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Flannellgc: launchpad.net, the package blkid is in is: e2fsprogs so file a bug against that.  If that's not where it goes, someone will move it.09:43
soulriderstefg, when i add it from another windows PC it doesnt ask for a pass or anything09:43
opensoreshow can i remove the 'suspend' and 'hybernate' buttons from the shut down menu09:43
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:44
PriceChildopensores, in gconf-editor somewhere, one minute09:44
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:44
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soulriderdoes anyone know what the port to configure cups from a web browser is ?09:44
PriceChildsoulrider, guessing... 3306 ?09:45
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opensoresah, that's it09:45
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lgcFlannel, it seems it's not new, but there is no posted answer for it.09:45
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soulriderPriceChild, nope :(09:45
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PriceChildsoulrider, see stef.g  :)09:45
PriceChildsoulrider, i wonder what 3306 is then... 8-)09:46
soulriderthat works stefg :P PriceChild09:46
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doug_anyone know the codec to be able to play .wma formated music? in amarak and rythombox?09:46
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PMantiserUSUL: What option in testdisk do you recommend?09:47
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kitchedoug_, need w32codecs installed if it's DRM'd .wma your kinda screwed with playing them from what I understand09:47
stefg!w32codec | doug_09:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about w32codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:47
stefg!win32codec | doug_09:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about win32codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:47
stefg!w32codecs | doug_09:47
ubotudoug_: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs09:47
stefgts, ts09:47
PriceChildopensores, /apps/gnome-power-manager/general/can_{hibernate/suspend}09:47
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doug_thanks stefg and kitche09:47
earthmeLondoug_ http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Multimedia_Codecs09:48
soulrideris there a way of adding a nice CUPS logo to the pages printed? i remember seeing it somehwre and it was quite cute :P09:48
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Some_uxAre the two issues even related ? (the failed to allocate mem resource and the lack of desktop effects )?09:48
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stefgSome_ux: i guess not09:48
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dr_Willissoulrider,  how about a nice overlay/watermark of "Top Secret" :)09:48
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MonkeycracksCan anyone help me out with installing Radeon 9250 drivers on Ubuntu?09:48
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:48
soulriderdr_Willis, im gonna add thatw hen i print code :P09:48
Monkeycracksstefg, I followed that...09:49
Adnan__hi again!!09:49
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opensoresThanks PriceChild09:49
PriceChildopensores, np09:49
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Adnan__i havee installed WINE deb but i dont know how to start it09:50
stefgAdnan__: #winehq09:50
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PriceChild!wine > Adnan__ (see the pm from ubotu)09:50
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Adnan__but i mean i installed it but i dont know under which category got installed09:51
Adnan__how can we know the detailed about installed package09:51
Adnan__i have DEBIAN menu installed09:51
PriceChildAdnan__, it is not a graphical application09:51
PriceChildAdnan__, read the pm from ubotu09:51
Monkeycracks'Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers'09:52
Calixanyone very familiar with dpkg problems willing to help me out a bit?09:52
doug_earthmeLon thnks09:52
PriceChild!anyone | Calix09:52
ubotuCalix: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:52
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.09:52
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mirson of a bithc09:53
Calixwell heres the error im getting dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)09:53
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wailerubotu missed the point09:54
Calixany time i try to install a package it happens09:54
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mirI want to get to irc.Max-evolution09:54
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PMantisDoes anyone know how to undelete files on vfat ? testdisk seems to be for recovering partitions, not individual files.09:54
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kekkubuntu-desktop is absolutely safe to remove, right?09:55
kekkit being only a meta-package and all09:55
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ubotuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM  and others.09:55
PriceChildkekk, reinstall it during distribution upgrades09:55
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sanguisdexis there a package source that has thunderbird 2 in it?09:55
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kekkPriceChild, but if I remove for example evolution, it will get installed when I install ubuntu-desktop?09:56
Some_uxwell, at least my card is listed in the supported cards list09:56
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PriceChildkekk, yes09:56
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kekkokay, thanks, PriceChild09:56
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z0rzHow can I play mid files?09:57
bjamesI've just installed VirtualBox (open source virtual machine), but it has "issues" obtaining the screen resolution and adjusting itself accordingly - it loses part of the screen.  Is there a way I can make it fullscreen (without "autohiding" the gnome controls)09:57
Monkeycracks/etc/X11/xorg.conf in Section "Module", should I change dri to ati?09:57
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scorp123hi all09:58
wailershould say load" dri"09:58
Some_uxok, i think the failed to allocate mem resource is related to my card, as it says: PCI: failed to allocate ...09:58
Monkeycrackswailer, it does09:58
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waileror section"DRI"09:58
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doug_why does my music soudn so low i got evrything turned way up but it still sounds real low09:59
neoport0little help here09:59
ConstyXIVis the webkit epiphany anywhere near stable?09:59
=== fogos [n=marco@CableLink38-9.INTERCABLE.net] has joined #ubuntu
Monkeycracksi'm pretty new to linux, and I can't even seem to get video card drivers installed.. been trying for the past few days09:59
Calixso no one has any experiance with this error im getting when trying to install packages via aptitude apt-get or synaptic? dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)09:59
=== PMantis [n=sswitzer@cpe-74-65-53-178.rochester.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
beastwhen ever i try to update or install, i get a slew of error messages http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35036/09:59
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neoport0im trying to get the 3d effects for a SiS intergrated marage 2 card to work09:59
beasti think the root of the problem is ttf-opensymbol09:59
neoport0having a bit of a problem becuse i wanna use bearly on my pc09:59
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wailerMonkeycracks: is there "mode = 0666"10:00
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stefgbeast: run sudo apt-get -f install10:00
ConstyXIVneoport0: i don't believe sis works on ubuntu for 3d.  i could be wrong though10:00
scorp123neoport0: "beryl" you mean :)10:00
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beaststefg: i tried that already, here let me paste what comes up10:00
alsaany one know how to set a screen saver as your wallpaper ?10:00
alsacant find the X script for it10:00
snscan anyone help me installing compiz-fusion?10:00
doug_why is my sound so low for10:00
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scorp123ConstyXIV: you are right, a SiS probably isn't fast enough and does not provide some of the needed features.10:00
ConstyXIVsns: go to #ubuntu-effects.10:01
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rob_palsa: Nobody is answering you because that question makes little sense!  What are you really trying to do?  If you really want to capture a screenshot of your screensaver, you can do that and then set the captured image as your desktop background...10:01
kekkConstyXIV, I have a SiS card, couldn't get it to work. there's a thread in the forums I believe that list the cards that don't work10:01
ConstyXIVscorp123: i was talking about a complete lack of DRI support10:01
neoport0well what about gaming10:01
tuxdoug_, Adjust your sound volume through the alsamixer command type: alsamixer in the terminal and look through the master volume and wave to see how low they are10:01
neoport0somthing with like 16b or somthing10:01
mikeh0209why would my Intel P3 750Mhz running Ubuntu Studio 7.04 randomly lock up and need to be reset to come back on?10:01
neoport0i mean10:01
alsaany one know how to set a screen saver as your wallpaper ?10:02
godlygeekalsa: no, it's possible, i just don't know how.10:02
scorp123mikeh0209: overheating maybe10:02
scorp123mikeh0209: or defective CPU and/or defective RAM10:02
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godlygeekalsa: it's listed on a site named, i believe, "gnome-hacks"10:02
mikeh0209well, the highest temp is 104deg f10:02
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godlygeekalsa: google for it.  :)10:02
rexyon what component?10:02
Calixgodlygeek do you have any ideas how to fix this error im getting with dpkg?10:02
neoport0is SiS supported in festiy10:02
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doug_tux master is 00 and PCM is 100<>10010:02
stefgmikeh0209: could be a sign of failing ram. let a memtest run overnight10:02
rexyneoport0: err yeah10:02
godlygeekCalix: what error?10:02
mikeh0209I did a ram test already with no bad results10:03
rexythe chipset/video should work10:03
ConstyXIVhas anyone used the Epiphany with WebKit (the KDE/Mac rendering engine) instead of Gecko?10:03
Calixdpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)10:03
rexyDid you upgrade recently mikeh0209?10:03
tuxdoug_, Raise the master volume10:03
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Calixits when i try to install new packages10:03
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doug_how tux?10:03
neoport0im in drapper right now and i try to run pracing10:03
stefgmikeh0209: how long did you run it? one pass only?10:03
mikeh0209i am using the generic kernel10:03
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Calixwith any tool, aptitude, apt-get, synaptic, all same error10:03
nubbeI got ubuntu 7.04 is there any way to enhance the for example how k3b and amarok works?  I get a shitload of error messages (when started form term) and often knotify pops up.10:03
neoport0and lagsss like hell10:03
tuxdoug_, By using the arrows on the keyboard10:03
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mikeh0209I let it run all night10:03
doug_tux all it did was high light evrything10:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:03
beaststefg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35037/10:03
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Monkeycracksradeon 9250 is not mentioned there10:04
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bjamesany ideas how to make a window fullscreen?10:04
tuxdoug_, For example like the up arrow on the keyboard raises the volume while the down arrow lowers it10:04
godlygeekCalix: locate statoverride  - find out what that file is.  :)10:04
doug_tux: the master will not move10:04
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ConstyXIVMonkeycracks: i think the 9250 is supported by the OSS driver10:04
=== neitcho [n=nikn@c-f04d72d5.06-160-7673743.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
eitreachmy old radeon 9250 worked nicely with Beryl, but lacked with Cedega, for instance. It could do some basic opengl stuff, but not much else in Ubuntu.10:04
Calixgodlygeek the problem is im a linux noob and my browser wont install so i cant even look up the best way to do what ya just told me heh10:04
doug_tux: i dont have a mic so i dont care what thats at10:04
mikeh0209what is the purpose of the +2.5v from the power supply10:04
neitchoE: Rad 51 i kllistan /etc/apt/sources.list har fel format (dist-tolkning)10:04
neitchoE: Listan ver kllor kunde inte lsas.10:04
godlygeekCalix: what i just told you was a command.  ;-)10:05
tuxdoug_, Do you have a sound card installed on the machine or just onboard audio?10:05
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godlygeekCalix: type it into a terminal.10:05
rexyMonkeycracks: it will still work, but you get fancy acceleration stuff, not a real issue unless you need it for gimmics/games10:05
neitchovad ska jag gra synaptik gr inte att ppna10:05
godlygeekCalix: locate <filename>10:05
doug_tux i have a laptop so onboard10:05
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bjames+2.5V might be the core voltage rail10:05
nonix4Where could I find a howto for 7.04 w/ lvm+raid1 /boot, lvm+raid5 / and the typical NAS services like nfs, samba, etc?10:05
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rexy+2.5, sure it's not just the battery?10:05
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mikeh0209bjames it seems this voltage falls to 1.70v10:05
alsacant find the X script for it10:06
Calixgodlygeek well it spit some info back at me about where the files are located10:06
bjamesthat sounds about right10:06
alsaany one know how to set a screen saver as your wallpaper ?10:06
bjamescore voltage most probably10:06
tuxdoug_, Tried going to the volume appet on the desktop of gnome to your top right and right-clicking the icon then clicking on open volume control?10:06
stefgbeast: something with the openoffice packages is broken. i'd suggest to remove all offending packages and then reinstall them again10:06
godlygeekCalix: yep.  the file you want is in /var/lib/dpkg.10:06
rexymikeh0209:  did you try running the system with an open case, and or with a big fan pointing towards it10:06
godlygeekCalix: so, 'cat /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride'10:06
godlygeekCalix: what's in that file?10:06
Calixgodlygeek just gedit the file and look for the group?10:06
rexysounds like overheating or a power supply that cant cope10:06
doug_tux its all the way up10:06
godlygeekCalix: ok, gksu gedit /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride10:06
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emptyOh my god, i just lost my sound on my feisty desktop.. can anyone help?10:07
tuxmy guess is it isn't detecting the onboard audio10:07
mikeh0209rexy no because I have 3 case fans, and a power supply with two fans and it never feels hot10:07
beaststefg: sorry, but what command would remove them10:07
godlygeekempty: sudo /etc/init.d/alsautils restart ?10:07
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bjamesdoes nobody in here know how to fullscreen a window?10:07
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bjamesI feel stupid for asking, but it seems no-one knows10:07
tuxdoug_, Try typing in asoundconf list in the terminal10:07
mikeh0209i have a 500 watt ps10:07
emptygodlygeek: i will try.. thx10:07
kekkbjames, fullscreen how?10:07
godlygeekbjames: that's window manager dependent... i don't use metacity, so i don't know... :)10:07
neoport0alsa.confok for sound card problem10:08
neoport0go to your synaptic package10:08
tuxwhereas asoundconf list will display the list of available sound cards10:08
godlygeekkekk: he probably means "not showing titlebar"10:08
stefgbeast: sudo apt-get remove .... and then paste the list of packages at the end of your paste10:08
bjamesis metacity the gnome default?10:08
Monkeycracksdon't worry, i feel stupid for not knowing how to set up my video card drivers :P10:08
doug_shows intel tux10:08
Calixgodlygeek its got that postdrop bit listed several times in the file10:08
=== Sir_Lewk_ [n=luke@c-76-98-224-234.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kekkbjames, try F11 for firefox for example, don't know for others10:08
neoport0type in search alsa-base10:08
nickrudbjames, double click the top window bar?10:08
neoport0and run alsa10:08
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bjamesno, I don't want to MAXIMISE, nor do I want an application to hide some of it's toolbars10:08
mikeh0209How do i test to see if my cpu is going bad10:08
godlygeekCalix: cd /var/lib/dpkg; sudo cp statoverride statoverride.bak; gksu gedit statoverride'10:08
wailerbjames:be more specific - what won't work10:08
bjamesF11 just puts firefox into a "minimal menus" mode10:09
tuxdoug_, Try this now asoundconf set-default-card intel or whatever type of card its displaying10:09
St3a1tHis it possible change the default character encoding from UTF8 to ISO-8859-1 in  just one session inside gnome-terminal ?10:09
emptygodlygeek: still soundless10:09
neoport0another question10:09
godlygeekCalix: so, make a backup copy, edit the original, and remove those lines.10:09
neoport0is is there away to config yoru bandwith on your etho card10:09
bjamesyou may have missed my original question...10:09
godlygeekCalix: then see what happens.10:09
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godlygeekbjames: what was your original question?10:09
doug_tux its all the same10:09
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Calixyeah godlygeek i have the file open10:10
bjamesI've just installed VirtualBox (VM), but the guest OS doesn't fit in the window so I want to fullscreen it10:10
wailerbjames: fullscreen a window??10:10
godlygeekempty: sorry, that was my guess... what does 'cat /dev/urandom >/dev/dsp' in a terminal do?10:10
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godlygeekempty: it should make a lot of static until you hit ctrl-c...10:10
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doug_tux it was working fine yesterday am now using amarak so could it be cause of that?10:10
bjamesthe gnome panels are getting in the way, so I want the window manager to give the window the entire screen10:10
b4l74z4ris there an app in ubuntu that can give me the various system temps?10:10
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bjamesso when it fullscreens it isn't spilling over the edges10:10
Sir_Lewkis there an easy way to upgrade to KDE 3.5.7?  Kubuntu seems to currently use 3.5.610:10
Some_uxok, reading the BinaryDriveHowto. it claims that System  Administration  Restricted Devices Manager would be the recommended way to install the drivers. unfortunately,  such an option does not exist in the manager10:10
Monkeycrackscan someone tell me more about the open source drivers that work with radeon 9250?10:10
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Calixgodlygeek should i maybe paste to ya the contents of this file?10:11
tuxdoug_, I highly doubt it though have you tried another media player like Banshee, BMPX, XMMS, or some other media player10:11
emptygodlygeek: no static10:11
=== christian__ [n=christia@201-13-171-163.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildMonkeycracks, ask what you want to know.10:11
doug_not yet tux10:11
St3a1tHis it possible change the default character encoding from UTF8 to ISO-8859-1 in  just one session inside gnome-terminal ?10:11
=== mathieu_ [n=mathieu@AToulon-257-1-55-232.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
doug_tux let me go try that and i elt u know10:11
godlygeekCalix: no, don't do that.  just backup the file, remove those lines, and cross your fingers.10:11
tuxI gotcha10:11
godlygeekCalix: worst case scenario you can restore the backup.10:11
MonkeycracksI've been asking how set up any sort of working drivers. I have a Radeon 925010:11
godlygeekempty: hm.  no errors, either?10:11
Calixjust remove anywhere that it says postdrop?10:11
Monkeycracks!ati, doesn't help me out any10:11
PriceChildMonkeycracks, the card doesn't work out of the box?10:11
mikeh0209is there a program to test cpu for problems10:11
godlygeekCalix: that's what i'd try.10:11
tuxdoug_, Forgot to add there was one media player that did that too me it didn't add the right sound device and I couldn't hear the music playing10:11
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tuxbut that was BMPX10:12
bjamesok then, I'll change the question - where should I ask about metacity?10:12
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emptygodlygeek: nothing come out, after typing10:12
tuxconfigured it correctly and it worked10:12
bjames"gnome" is asleep10:12
St3a1tHmikeh0209:  mprime10:12
MonkeycracksPriceChild, apparently not. I can't run any form of game10:12
wailerbjames: spilling over the edges suggests that the monitor has settins that aren't right - there are buttons on the front for that10:12
bjameswailer: no, you don't understand me10:12
bjamesit is a VM10:12
godlygeekempty: no idea, then.10:12
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bjameson a laptop10:12
dutlerhi, can anyone help with a tomcat issue? everthing works fine i jsut need to get an appliation to start automatically10:12
PriceChildMonkeycracks, ah so it does work... just not 3d.10:12
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Some_uxdo i need to install something for the restricted devices manager so it can install the nvidia drivers ?10:12
bjamesthe screen settings are fine - i.e. the host OS runs perfectly10:12
wailerbjames: I'm patient10:13
emptygodlygeek: just now i install another mixer.. but found that it is not a DJ mixer,10:13
PriceChildMonkeycracks, I ahve no idea if fglrx works on that card... but you might want to tell the good people what problem you're experiencing.10:13
MonkeycracksPriceChild, I guess that's the problem10:13
mikeh0209where do i get mprime10:13
doug_tux: rythombox does nto play at all10:13
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MonkeycracksPriceChild, ...unworkingness?10:13
PriceChild!doesn't work | Monkeycracks10:13
eitreachmonkeycracks> which driver are you using now?10:13
ubotuMonkeycracks: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:13
nickrudSt3a1tH, export LANG="iso-8859-1" I think works10:13
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St3a1tHmikeh0209: google it :)10:13
emptygodlygeek: then the problem come in after i restart my system10:13
godlygeekempty: sorry, sound isn't really my thing.10:13
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Monkeycrackseitreach, that's a good question10:13
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wailerbjames: try again with different words10:13
=== domin [n=domin@249.Red-83-46-129.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildMonkeycracks, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep driver10:13
neoport0what would be a good graphics card to get with ubuntu10:13
godlygeekempty: remove that mixer?  :)10:13
lgcFlannel, could it had to do with a mangled MBR?10:13
nickrudSt3a1tH, the exact variable value escapes me at the moment10:13
neoport0somthing to run berly on but cheap also10:13
PriceChildneoport0, intel10:13
bjamesthe GUEST OS inside the VirtualBox window is running at the same resolution as the host, so in order for it not to clip I need to remove everything from the display (panels, etc) so the VirtualBox window has all the space10:13
MonkeycracksI just set up linux today10:13
tuxdoug_, Try typing this into the terminal Speaker-Test10:14
alsaany one know how to set a screen saver as your wallpaper ?10:14
tuxit will test the speakers to see if they play10:14
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St3a1tHnickrud: i tried that10:14
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Calixgodlygeek it seems the problem is in the first line10:14
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emptygodlygeek: removed, now only the original volume control left.. and it doesnt produce sound10:14
Feistyfreakok..... I'm about to lose it10:14
MonkeycracksPriceChild, that did seemingly nothing in the terminal10:14
FeistyfreakFeisty won't let me get FGLRX running!10:14
dominhelp my10:14
godlygeekempty: I'm sorry, I'm really beyond my area of expertise.  I don't know what to tell you.10:14
PriceChildMonkeycracks, try capital D for driver maybe10:14
doug_tux its coming back playback open error -19 no such device10:14
godlygeekCalix: what's the first line?10:14
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PriceChildFeistyfreak, i haven't a clue with fglrx10:14
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Calixgodlygeek: root postdrop 02555 /usr/sbin/postqueue10:15
Monkeycracksah yes10:15
St3a1tHi tried export LANG=en_US.ISO-8859-110:15
dominalguien me ayuda10:15
bjamesI don't want to use autohiding as I'm running Compiz and I want the VM fullscreen on one side of the cube10:15
jd_hey, is there anyone who could answer a wine question?10:15
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godlygeekCalix: are you running a server?10:15
Feistyfreakwell... no... I take that back....... fglrx runs.... it just doesn't do anything10:15
emptygodlygeek: it is alright.. i just have to figure out something10:15
dominUbuntu Ulttimate10:15
zitnerHeylo, I'm trying to install the Avi Player plugin for xmms, but don't know how, and the read me is confusing.10:15
Feistyfreakfglrxinfo still returns Mesa for video10:15
bjamesjd_: try a wine channel?10:15
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stefg!es | domin10:15
ubotudomin: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:15
jd_there's wine channels?10:15
MonkeycracksPriceChild, http://pastebin.ca/67051510:15
tuxseems the device wasn't detected which in turn would probably mean you have to configure the sound device I'll see if I can get info on that10:15
bluefox83zitner, why are you installing an avi player in a mp3 player?10:16
bjamesI think I'm going to try compiz channel, as I don't think I'm being clear enough/nobody understands the problem here10:16
wailerbjames: sorry - apart from the dishes linux does all that I need - don't need no other OS10:16
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bjamesthanks for the responses though :)10:16
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beaststefg: ok it's removing all the offending packages right now and going to install them back after its complete10:16
PriceChildMonkeycracks, you've got two drivers listed.... please copy the entire cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf please10:16
Feistyfreakis there something running in the background that overrides third party versions of Ubuntu modules?10:16
jthomasHi, How do I remove the drive icons from the desktop?10:16
godlygeekCalix: dpkg -l postfix10:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:16
PriceChildjthomas, in gconf-editor, one minute10:16
godlygeekCalix: does that return anything?10:16
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jthomasPriceChild: Okay.10:16
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PriceChildjthomas, open that program then browse to /apps/nautilus/10:16
FeistyfreakUbuntu has their own version of FGLRX, but I blacklisted it and it still is overriding the ATI version causing DRI issues10:16
bjameswailer: a VM doesn't just have to be used to run other OSes10:16
MonkeycracksPriceChild, http://pastebin.ca/67051810:17
Calixcommand not found10:17
zitnerBluefox83, because I it has the option, and all the other players that come with Ubuntu won't play my avi videos, and that with the DivX codec installed.10:17
PriceChildjthomas, /apps/nautilus/desktop, then uncheck volumes_visible10:17
bjamesI will be using it for kernel development (without killing the host OS)10:17
godlygeekCalix: you mistyped something.10:17
doug_tux: u get my last message?10:17
ubotuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)10:17
jthomasPriceChild: Thank you :D10:17
tuxdoug_, Trying to find this information about how to fix the sound on Ubuntu its somewhere on Ubuntuforums.org10:17
godlygeekCalix: you have to have dpkg installed.10:17
godlygeekCalix: dpkg -l postfix10:17
tuxyes doug_10:17
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PriceChildMonkeycracks, so do you have two graphics cards, and two monitors?10:17
wailerbjames: I have no need so I haven't explored - sorry10:17
bluefox83zitner, i have a plugin for amarok that will pass a .avi file over to whatever movie player i tell it to...10:17
bjamescheers anyway10:17
MonkeycracksPriceChild, I have an onboard one and my PCI Radeon 9250. Only one monitor10:17
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doug_tux: ah ok cause its hard for me to keep up with all the tells10:17
godlygeekbjames: I don't run metacity, so no clue.10:17
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PriceChildMonkeycracks, two cards?10:18
MonkeycracksPriceChild, My Radeon 9250 has support for two monitors, but I do not use them10:18
Calixok it returned a postfix and version 2.3.8-210:18
zitnerBluefox83, please hook me up, I use amarok for everything.10:18
jthomasAlso, can I run my apache2, mysql, and php5 server, and then on the side have a server for ruby? Or will they interfere?10:18
tuxdoug_, Try going to system >> preferences >> sound >> and see what card its displaying in the (default mixer track)10:18
PriceChildMonkeycracks, If i were you I'd clean up your xorg.conf and remove the card you don't want.10:18
godlygeekCalix: postfix is a mail server.  you PROBABLY don't want that installed.10:18
bluefox83zitner, ok, let me see if i can find where i put it :D10:18
godlygeekCalix: can you think of any reason why you'd want it?  :)10:18
MonkeycracksPriceChild, I have no idea how to do so, this is my first day of linux :P10:18
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neoport0so i guess no 3d cabablitity for this SiS chip10:18
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Calixcan i just remove it?10:19
TtyS2where can i find xlib6g10:19
=== domin [n=domin@249.Red-83-46-129.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
godlygeekCalix: then 'sudo apt-get purge postfix'10:19
kekkneoport0, I'm afraid so10:19
MonkeycracksPriceChild, it seem sto be [Read Only]  as well10:19
doug_tux its HDA intel alsa mixer10:19
godlygeekCalix: purge, not remove, to delete config files, too.10:19
dominsudo aptitude install beryl is correct?10:19
eitreachmonkeycracks >gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf - remember to take a backup.10:19
PriceChildeitreach, gksudo10:19
Calixit said invalid operation purge10:19
tuxdoug_, That's the only one in there right10:19
eitreach*cough* sorry.10:19
crdlbPriceChild, gksu = gksudo :)10:19
PriceChildMonkeycracks, I'm scared to let you loose editing this file10:19
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crdlbthey're symlinks10:19
PriceChildcrdlb, meh ;)10:19
PriceChildah i didn't know10:20
dominsudo remove?10:20
neoport0other then that any *cough*hackt0rs in here10:20
PriceChildMonkeycracks, if you get it wrong... you'll be dumped to terminal10:20
doug_tux: i also see realtek ALC861 (OSS MIXER)10:20
MonkeycracksPriceChild, I'm afraid to touch it as well10:20
dominspeek spanish??10:20
crdlbMonkeycracks, in a terminal, run: glxinfo|grep vendor10:20
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godlygeekCalix: huh.  'sudo aptitude purge postfix'?10:20
Calixgodlygeek? purge doesnt work mate :(10:20
PriceChildMonkeycracks, especially as afterwards... i still won't be able to help with the fglrx other than reading the wiki with you.10:20
PriceChild!es | domin10:20
Calixoh aptitude10:20
ubotudomin: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:20
Calixsudo aptitude purge postfix10:20
crdlbMonkeycracks, and tell me how many 'ATI' and 'SGI' you see10:20
=== SakJur [n=sakjur@h141n11.malarenergi.ias.bredband.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
godlygeekCalix: it should have worked with apt-get, but lets try aptitude instead, if you have aptitude installed.  :)10:21
neoport0hey were are there good themes for ubuntu10:21
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Monkeycracksserver string = sgi, client string = ati10:21
=== ResPiDeR [n=respider@201-42-206-101.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
tuxdoug_, You could try switching to that realtek device and try switching the device in the volume applet towards the top right corner10:21
godlygeekCalix: for the love of god start putting my name before the messages you send me.  :)10:21
crdlbMonkeycracks, sudo apt-get --purge remove xorg-driver-fglrx10:21
wailerPiceChild: if he opens box & removes card that has no monitor...10:21
=== zeroflag [n=zeroflag@213-203-244-174.kunde.vdserver.de] has joined #ubuntu
Monkeycrackscrdlb, its working10:21
tuxthen right-clicking on the volume appet and clicking on preferences10:21
Monkeycrackson removing i guess10:21
Monkeycracksalright, now what?10:22
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crdlbMonkeycracks, glxinfo|grep direct10:22
beaststefg: no good, any other suggestions?10:22
Calixgodlygeek: sorry mate :D10:22
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doug_same thing tux10:22
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zeroflagis it possible to make ubuntu act as a bootable firewire slave? (possibly pointing to virtual drive-images?)10:22
Monkeycracksdirect rendering = yes10:22
crdlbMonkeycracks, \o/10:22
godlygeekCalix: it's just really hard to see what messages are to me without hilighting.  :)10:22
Monkeycracksthat was it lol?10:22
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ResPiDeRHey I have ALT+F3 set to "run a terminal" in keyboard shortcuts, but now I'm getting an error window when I press ALT+F3 that says "Text was empty (or contained only whitespace)". Whats that?10:22
stefgbeast: so what happened?10:22
godlygeekCalix: plus my screen has lots of glare right now since i'm sitting outside.  :)10:23
Monkeycracksone second10:23
tuxdoug_, Is onboard audio enabled in your BIOS10:23
bluefox83zitner, wake up dude, the script is comin at ya10:23
Calixgodlygeek: i think u fixed it for me mate :D10:23
doug_tux: how do i check and enable10:23
zitnerBluefox83, I'm awake, lol.  I see.10:23
Monkeycrackscrdlb, now am I going to need to reboot for changes to take effect?10:23
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zitnerBluefox83, um, when it's done, what do you want me to do?10:23
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crdlbMonkeycracks, shouldn't need to10:23
=== DelPede [i=Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
beaststefg: i removed all the offending packages, except ttf-opensymbol which wouldn't uninstall10:23
intr80Anybody know how to keep ubuntu from automounting every time I plug in a usb device/cd ?10:24
bluefox83zitner, when you get that, just load it with amarok's script manager as-is10:24
godlygeekCalix: I sure hope so.  I knew i'd heard of postdrop, it just took me a while to remember that it was related to postfix and you almost certainly didn't want that installed.  :)10:24
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beaststefg: then i reinstalled them all, but i still get those same errors10:24
TtyS2where can i find xlib6g?10:24
tuxdoug_, Depends on the motherboard you have to reboot the machine and usually press a certain button to get in to the BIOS10:24
KsiLaptopHello, need to get my interfaces back to eth0/1, etc10:24
bluefox83zitner, no need to open it up since amarok loads things that way10:24
Monkeycracksi need something to test this on10:24
tuxdoug_, Here's a list http://www.inventio.co.uk/getbios.htm10:24
KsiLaptopFor some reason its up at eth6 and 710:24
Calixgodlygeek: well i got my browser back finally! woohoo, now i can figure stuff out on my own when i mess it up haha10:24
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zitnerBluefox83, Um, how do I go about doing that?10:24
KsiLaptopI've just never had to do this before.10:24
rexyanyone got k8temp to work? does it require acpi to be turned off?10:24
bluefox83zitner, well you can start by accepting the dcc...10:25
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doug_thnks tux10:25
etaleis it possible to reload the default panel in gnome desktop?10:25
beaststefg: i think ttf-opensymbol is the root of all my problems, if that was fixed, i htink open office could them be configured10:25
stefgbeast: how comes you're trying to install openoffice-experimental? i suggest getting a clean sources.list, sudo apt-get update and then install openoffice again10:25
zitnerBluefox83, I knew that, lol.10:25
crdlbMonkeycracks, planetpenguin-racer :)10:25
zeroflagis it possible to make ubuntu act as a bootable firewire slave? (possibly pointing to virtual drive-images?)10:25
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zitnerBluefox, it didn't work, it said function not supported.10:26
godlygeekCalix: glad i could help.10:26
bluefox83zitner, the file hasn't been sent yet...10:26
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Monkeycracksdownloading ;)10:26
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=== bluefox83 wonders if zitner knows how to accept a dcc >.>
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zitnerBluefox83, I know how to, next to the new window that opened up, next to status, Failed (Connection failure: operation is not supported)10:27
beaststefg: i'm not trying to install openoffice-experimental. In the errors I get, it says openoffice.org-common depends on experimental, but I was trying to fix ttf-opensymbol first10:27
Monkeycrackscrdlb, the text looked like -'s and _'s10:28
Monkeycracksso i never made it past the menu10:28
bluefox83zitner, you might want to turn your dcc features on then..what client are you using?10:28
wailerMonkeycracks:  you pm'ed me but didn't let me  know - hehe :)10:28
beaststefg: my list is clean anyway, i haven't added any repositories to it10:28
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Monkeycrackswailer, sorry heh10:28
Monkeycracksdidn't mean to10:28
ProNoobare there any tools to configure my keyboard layout customly ? to customize it, because some of my keys (like 4) don't show up correctly10:28
ctotheji'd like to be able to create arrow lines in gimp. How can i most easily do this?10:28
crdlbMonkeycracks, try restarting X10:28
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Monkeycracksctrl+alt+backspace    then startx?10:29
crdlbthat would work10:29
wailerMonkeycracks: took me a while ....10:29
stefgbeast: but having a dependency error would indicate a broken repo... this isn't gutsy, isist?10:29
Monkeycracksbe back soon10:29
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zitnerBluefox83, I'm using Konversation.10:29
Monkeycrackshopefully ;D10:29
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beaststefg: nope feisty10:29
KsiLaptopAnyone know how to renumber network interfaces?10:29
godlygeekMonkeycracks: ctrl-alt-backspace restarts x on its own.10:29
godlygeekmon^rch: you don't need startx.10:29
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godlygeekKsiLaptop: isn't the right way using udev10:30
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KsiLaptopgodlygeek: I've never done it before.10:30
alsahow to add a command to execute on startup ?10:30
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godlygeekKsiLaptop: *shrug*  :)10:30
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rocketsAnybody running Ubuntu on an XPS 700?10:30
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alsahow to add a command to execute on startup ?10:31
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godlygeekKsiLaptop: I might be wrong.  googling 'renumber network interfaces' should help, though.10:31
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nickrudalsa make a reference to it in /etc/rc.local10:31
KsiLaptopgodlygeek: Done that.10:31
KsiLaptopNot much useful.10:31
Taffy-nayI installed half live with wine and am having an issue, the Hazard course works, but the main game does not, it just closes down. any ideas?10:31
mannytuXPS = $$$10:31
rocketsAnybody gotten RAID working specifically on an xps 70010:31
stefg!info ttf-opensymbol10:31
ubotuttf-opensymbol: The OpenSymbol TrueType font. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.0-1ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 178 kB, installed size 348 kB10:31
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godlygeekKsiLaptop: sorry.  :)  I'm on a slow internet connection, or i'd try to help.10:31
neoport0does ubuntu use gk210:31
neoport0gtk 210:32
neoport0ro whatever10:32
waileralsa: system - preferences-sessions - startup progs10:32
Adlaineoport0: yes10:32
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cavediverHi. I'm browsing my other computer using sshfs in nautilus and when I try to play a movie for instance totem says it won't support it. How can I play over the network ?10:32
neoport0adlai were is a good place to find themes10:32
neoport0good themes10:32
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Adlaithe internets10:32
nickrudalsa, put the name of the script on a line by itself just before exit 0.10:32
cavediverIs there a way to install support for sshfs streaming to totem ?10:32
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neoport0yah but any preticuler site10:33
jd_hey, how would i unhide my wine folder10:33
Adlaiprobably gnome-look or gtk-look or something, just google it10:33
nickrudalsa, hmm, "startup" here is an important word. Just what do you want to start up?10:33
eitreachneoport0> if you install art manager, you'll have access to some nice stuffs.10:33
Adlaijd_: seems easiest just to make an un-hidden symlink to it10:33
godlygeekcavediver: does totem say that it supports it if you copy it to the local machine?10:33
Ashfire908!gaim > Ashfire90810:34
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cavedivergodlygeek: yes then it works10:34
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beastcan someone point me to a clean sources,list for feisty?10:34
godlygeekcavediver: huh.  weird.  switch to gmplayer?  :)10:34
stefgcavediver: tried that some months ago and ended up using vlc10:34
nickrud!source-o-matic > beast (see the private message)10:34
godlygeekcavediver: yeh, vlc is nice, too.10:34
cavedivergodlygeek: There is no input plugin to handle the location of this movie10:34
alsai added this command to make a screensaver run with -root10:34
cavediverIs the error message10:34
alsabut it doesnt show10:34
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nickrudalsa, in gnome?10:35
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alsaxscreensave/saver -root10:35
antmangakahello :)10:35
nickrudalsa, and the advice I gave won't work, it's not for stuff inside of X10:35
cavediverIf I use open with another application and types in vlc it just starts but not showing the movie10:35
alsai added the application to the startup10:36
B_166-ER-Xmy Gnome session keep crashing on startup (telling it didnt last 10 seconds and all) i have no idea... heres the log :  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35041/10:36
B_166-ER-Xplease :)10:36
alsaand i tried running from command line10:36
KsiLaptopYou know what, I do need to just reinstall this anyway.10:36
godlygeekcavediver: where is the sshfs mounted at?10:36
nickrudalsa, as I understand it, gnome's desktop is not really the X server root screen, but a window drawn upon it. Therefore, the fancy root window tricks don't work10:36
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antmangakai have a problem with the desktop, I updated to gutsy stuff and now everytime that i want to open a folder i closes and goes back to desktop folder...10:36
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godlygeekcavediver: does "vlc /mnt/sshfs/something" work?10:36
nickrudalsa, because they're hidden behind the desktop10:37
cavediver godlygeek not mounted, i'm browsing in nautilus and doubleclicking10:37
erUSUL!gutsy | antmangaka10:37
ubotuantmangaka: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+110:37
godlygeekalsa, nickrud: right.  the desktop is a window drawn on top of the root screen, to support icons.10:37
alsanickrud please explain10:37
antmangakaty :)10:37
godlygeekcavediver: i have no idea, never used sshfs that way.10:37
godlygeekcavediver: i'm a console man myself, and prefer to mount and umount things by hand from a console.10:38
cavediverin the address bar10:38
B_166-ER-XAlso : I am able to be here, because i just opened a terminal killed 'bonobo'  then restarted nautilus, alls works well, be the 10 second gnome window is still there... and i i close it, it restart X10:38
alsathen how to set the screensaver as wallpaper10:38
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TheMafiahow do I figure out which /dev my modem installed to?10:38
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nickrudalsa, the best way to demonstrate would be for you to run gconf-editor, and in apps/nautilus/preferences turn off draw_desktop. Then you'd probably see the screensaver stuff you're trying10:38
erUSULTheMafia: which type of modem?10:38
godlygeekalsa: no idea.  i don't use metacity.  though disabling desktop icons might do the trick?10:38
emeristeHow do I uninstall from the command line again?10:38
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godlygeekalsa: yeh, nickrud's stuff sounds better10:38
godlygeekemeriste: sudo apt-get remove packagename10:39
nickrudalsa or show desktop, or whatever it is exactly10:39
stefg!apt | emeriste10:39
ubotuemeriste: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)10:39
TheMafiaerUSUL,  usr pci modem10:39
emeristeOkay remove. Thanks.10:39
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godlygeekemeriste: if you knew apt-get, you should have done a "man apt-get"  :)10:39
alsawhere is the nautilus found bro10:39
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emeristeProbably true. Probably true. :)10:39
neoport0is there away to get onto yahoo chat rooms with a linux client10:40
nickrudalsa, in a terminal, run gconf-editor  . The tree is on the left, navigate to /apps/nautilus/preferences10:40
neoport0is not10:40
erUSULTheMafia: pci modems are a pain in linux... usually they are softmodems or winmodems10:40
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erUSUL!dial-up | TheMafia10:40
ubotuTheMafia: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto10:40
TheMafiaerUSUL, agreed, however this one I am pretty sure is a hardware modem10:40
erUSULTheMafia: check that link10:40
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_tuxneoport0, Use pidgin its GAIM but they had to change their name due to copyright they have Yahoo! chat rooms10:41
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neoport0tux does it alow you to connect to yahoo chatrooms10:41
Yodudeplz i needhelp with DVDs10:41
PriceChild_tux, doesn't gaim do that fine also?10:41
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PriceChild!libdvdcss2 | Yodude10:41
ubotuYodude: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:41
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_tuxneoport0, Yes the only issue is Yahoo servers disconnect most of the time and getting in is a big issue10:41
godlygeekPriceChild: gaim changed its name to pidgin.10:42
alsanickrud im there10:42
_tuxPriceChild, Yes but GAIM is an older version now10:42
alsajust where is that option u spoke of10:42
PriceChildgodlygeek, I kinda know :)10:42
PriceChild!highno | _tux godlygeek10:42
ubotu_tux godlygeek: A higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos.10:42
beaststefg: i got a clean sources.list with only the default repositories, but still the same problem10:42
PriceChild_tux, gaim is in ubuntu, works perfectly and is supported by us.10:42
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PriceChild_tux, Please do not recommend users install other things with no reasoning behind it.10:42
nickrudalsa, now look for show_desktop, and uncheck it10:42
_tuxPriceChild, I agree10:42
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snsoneanyone help me getting fusion-compiz working (when i open it, it doesn't do anything)10:42
Some_uxok, ubuntu installation is taking me way more than i expected10:42
godlygeekPriceChild: !gaim_is_a_piece_of_crap_no_matter_what_they_call_it_today | PriceChild10:42
nickrudalsa, after that try your xscreensaver -root stuff10:42
PriceChildsnsone, #ubuntu-effects10:43
godlygeekPriceChild: ;)10:43
erenpls somebody help me10:43
godlygeekeren: I'm melting...10:43
PriceChilderen, state your problem and we'll try10:43
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_tuxI personally prefer up to date software but that's just me10:43
pupi120290hello, it is possible to compile python-programs?10:43
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PriceChildpupi120290, python code is compiled when run10:43
alsaoki removed it10:43
stefgbeast: did you sudo apt-get update after replacing sources.lsit to actually make the changes effective?10:43
alsaand ran the root thing10:43
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beaststefg: yes, then did an apt-get upgrade, but to no avail10:44
erUSULpupi120290: psyco does JIT compilation (with C) of python10:44
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ereni have a problem about installer of grub.when i want to install ubuntu to my sata hdd...it is going to %94th part and it gives a error message "(hd0) failled)10:44
alsanickrud still not happening ...10:44
wailerSome-ux: still??10:44
erenan error*10:44
neoport0i dont even see it supports ubuntu10:44
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stefgbeast: quite inexplicable ...10:44
neoport0pigen dont suport it?10:44
PriceChildneoport0, please use gaim, it is installed by default.10:45
beaststefg: i know :(10:45
erUSULpupi120290: http://psyco.sourceforge.net/introduction.html10:45
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pupi120290ok ill take a look at it10:45
beaststefg: i've been chipping away at it for days now10:45
rocketscan i use dmraid and then install ubuntu via gui the normal way10:45
rocketsor do i have to use debootstrap10:45
neoport0pricechild i would if i knew how to connect to a chatroom threw it10:45
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alsaany one10:45
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nickrudalsa, then I'm not sure why it's not working; I haven't used that stuff since gnome 1.x . I do know that the root window stuff will work with fluxbox and friends, though.10:45
alsaany other solution10:45
PriceChildneoport0, buddies > join a chat, choose your yahoo screen name and name of channel10:46
godlygeekalsa: I can't help.  I don't know how to work around metacity problems, I don't use metacity.10:46
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beast when ever i try to update or install, i get a slew of error messages http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35036/10:46
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erenhelp pls10:46
stefg!easysource | beast10:46
ubotubeast: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic10:46
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nickrudgodlygeek, don't blame metacity, blame nautilus :)10:46
beaststefg: that's where i got my clean sources.list10:46
PriceChild!please | eren10:46
ubotueren: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience10:46
PriceChilderen, is this problem repeatable?10:46
godlygeeknickrud: Is metacity just the decorator?10:46
PriceChild!pm | neoport010:47
ubotuneoport0: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.10:47
godlygeeknickrud: Whatever, I hate them both.  :)10:47
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ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.10:47
eren: i have a problem about installer of grub.when i want to install ubuntu to my sata hdd...it is going to %94th part and it gives an error message "(hd0) failled)10:47
snsoneanyone help me getting fusion-compiz working (when i open it, it doesn't do anything) (yes', i've tried #ubuntu-effects, but nobody is replying there)10:47
PriceChilderen, is this problem repeatable?10:47
nickrudgodlygeek, manager, but nautilus calls for the window10:47
PriceChildsnsone, go back to -effects and be patient please :)10:47
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godlygeeknickrud: In any event, *box for the win.10:47
erenyes i tried10:47
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erenmaybe 5-610:47
nickrudgodlygeek, you are a philistine ;)10:47
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PriceChilderen, and the same happens every single time?10:47
erenit gives error message10:47
godlygeeknickrud: If I even start X anymore, it's into openbox.  :)10:48
VenkoShould I be using OSS or Alsa in WINE?10:48
erenyes on the %94 same error message10:48
neoport0ok well it did not connect10:48
godlygeeknickrud: but, vim, screen, and irssi are all I need.  hehe10:48
neoport0there is no window10:48
neoport0or aything10:48
Some_uxargh. what do i do with PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource #6:20000@c0000000 for 0000:01:00.010:48
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pupi120290psyco is like the gcc compiler for python?10:48
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beastcan anyone help me with these error messages? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35036/10:48
Some_uxthere is too many posts about it10:48
godlygeeknickrud: I really find the default gnome wm unbearably ugly and kinda slow.  the *box are lightning fast.  that's all i have to say about it.  :)10:49
nickrudgodlygeek, don't forget bmv and zgv now. How can you do without?10:49
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erenPriceChild,could it be fix?10:49
godlygeekgotpunk`: what are bmv and zgv?10:49
godlygeeknickrud: ^to you, rather.10:49
PriceChilderen, I'm not sure sorry.. I'd suggest you attempt using the alternate install cd.10:49
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jd_is there an ubuntu equivalent to alt f410:49
ereni tried too lol10:49
ereni am using sata hdd10:50
nickrudgodlygeek, they're svgalib pdf & image viewers10:50
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PriceChildjd_, yeah, alt+f410:50
erenit is not hda10:50
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rubenHi, using urxvt, what is the way to disable bold colors? I can't read blue directories :(, any idea?10:50
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hetaumahi I have a pc with C: emty and windows on E: . If I install ubuntu on C: would grub have any problems loading win ? or would windows have any problem after that with the change of drive letters? boot.ini is still on c:10:50
PriceChildjd_, anytime :)10:50
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mariocesar_boHi, how can enable composite with out using compiz?10:50
pupi120290ruben: try ls -l10:50
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godlygeeknickrud: ah.  fbi and fbgs are framebuffer versions of the same stuff.  :)10:50
pupi120290so ill now what permission you have10:50
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godlygeeknickrud: and mplayer has a -vo for framebuffers if i need to watch video.  hehe10:51
PriceChildmariocesar_bo, #ubuntu-effects please.... and I think you dont' understand what "composite" is ;)10:51
erenPriceChild. i tried diffrent cds and installs .i am using sata harddisk and it gives (hda) error10:51
Ashfire908is there a command to purge memory used for caching10:51
PriceChilderen, even on the alternate cd?10:51
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nickrudgodlygeek, I've vaguely heard of that :)10:51
Berto2hi.  I recently changed /etc/network/interfaces but when i restart /etc/init.d/networking, it's still old behavior.  How do I force it to use /etc/network/interfaces ??10:51
PriceChilderen, I haven't a clue/10:51
neoport0Pricechild it will not connect10:51
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godlygeeknickrud: I have the same functionality as if i were running X, and I look way more 1337 if a script-kiddie walks by.  :)10:52
erenthnx price child.i think i ll return to pardus lol.it is enought.but ubuntu is best i am sure that10:52
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ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:52
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mariocesar_boPriceChild: I want to use cairo-clock and sreenlets with out compiz10:53
PriceChildmariocesar_bo, #ubuntu-effects please10:53
BrendanWI'm back with a fresh install. All is well again.10:53
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BrendanWHowever, I have a question.10:53
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sauvinI have a statement.10:54
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mariocesar_boPriceChild: if i install this package, i would install compiz ... i don't want this10:54
zitnerBluefox83, I have the file, how do I use it with Amarok, you said?10:54
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godlygeekI have a headache.10:54
PriceChildmariocesar_bo, #ubuntu-effects please10:54
=== sauvin hands godlygeek a vial of migraine pills
=== Curs0r [n=doc@ip68-228-38-31.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Adlai hands sauvin a #soapbox
=== godlygeek already had some on his desk. :)
=== godlygeek is, unfortunately, in the field, far away from his desk :)
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=== godlygeek is waiting for a **** instructor to be available to jump out of a plane with him, and rapidly running out of battery while waiting.
BrendanWWhen you download a package and run it to install software, does that package save itself onto your system during the install?10:55
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BrendanWAs in, does the actual .deb file move somewhere on your system?10:56
PriceChildgodlygeek, please keep ontopic and avoid excessive /me :)10:56
godlygeekBrendanW: They might be in /var/cache/apt10:56
godlygeekPriceChild: Apologies.  :)10:56
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BrendanWgodlygeek: Thanks. I'm only wondering because I was trying to decide whether to keep an inventory folder of all my pkgs.10:56
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter10:56
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godlygeekBrendanW: you can check what's on your system with a 'sudo updatedb' followed by 'locate -r '.*\.deb$'10:57
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godlygeekBrendanW: why would you want to do that?10:57
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snooohey im having probs in xubuntu, dunno if you guys could help - trying to set the volume on the microphone for my USB phone, but whenever i put the volume up it goes back to zero. it used to work, and the speaker works fine10:57
snoooany ideas what could be affecting it?10:57
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BrendanWgodlygeek: I don't know. I have a tendancy to save installers on Windows, and was wondering if I should on Ubuntu.10:58
neoport0im lost pricechild10:58
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php10:58
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godlygeekBrendanW: I see no reason.  the repositories aren't going anywhere, if you need to install... and the uninstall info isn't stored with the .deb10:58
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newpersi'm looking for the most recent package of yaws (which i believe is in gusty).  i'm using feisty, so what's the best way to get & install this package10:59
BrendanWgodlygeek: Thanks for the advice. I won't be doing that now.10:59
sauvinThe repositories aren't going anywhere, probably, and mirrors abound, but what's to say Internet is always going to be there? A thunderstorm took it out completely for nearly twelve hours a few days ago.10:59
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PriceChildsauvin, the entire internet?10:59
newpersi tried just modifying my sources list, replacing feisty to gusty (only temp.).  the problem is that it says the pcakge does not exist10:59
newpersalthough i see it listed10:59
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PriceChild!gutsy | newpers10:59
ubotunewpers: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+110:59
godlygeeksauvin: so, then, you want 'every package needed for a base install', not 'every package you've installed'...11:00
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sauvinPriceChild, effectively so if nobody in town could reach it :D11:00
BlueXeroHow do you change the default program that a file type opens up with?11:00
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godlygeeksauvin: sounds like more of a job for aptoncd than for downloaded .debs...11:00
sauvinBlueXero, in what?11:00
erenPriceChild error fixed with bios .i must close the "sata"11:00
snooocan anyone help me at all?11:00
PriceChilderen, bios update fixed it?11:00
sauvinI repeat: in what?11:00
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BlueXeroExplorer/My Computer11:01
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BlueXeroI want to change the music player that is default11:01
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sauvin"My Computer"?11:02
godlygeekWell, I'm glad I managed to help some people out, but I'm outta here.  :)11:02
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scipioBlueXero, if you right click on a mp3 file lets say properties-open with-select your favorite program to make it default11:02
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ben_I've got several tasks I want done with one launcher. Delete this file, modify this one... Am I best off writing a little text script and then making a launcher run that script?11:02
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BlueXeroyeah, worked. Thanks11:02
scipioyou're welcome11:02
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mannytubruenig, Hello11:04
Ashfire908is there a command to free up ram?11:05
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cipherhello, I am having a problem with mono11:06
SayersHow can I have firestarter start up without requiring a password?11:06
cipherit is saying that gtk-sharp is not installed11:06
cipherwhen gacutil -l |grep gtk11:06
ciphershows 1.0 and 2.10 installed11:06
wailerI have a small script to use an icon in the panel to open dvd tray.. anyone interested?11:07
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rexyAshfire908: no, but you dont need too, memory managment in linux is pretty good. It is a good thing if all your memory is being used, and if you look closely you see a lot of it is used for buffering to speed things up11:07
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Ashfire908rexy does program or cache get move to swap first11:07
bruenigwailer, eject11:07
bruenigwailer, is that what the script says11:08
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wailerafter bin sh11:08
wailereject -t to close11:08
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bruenigwailer, the script does both?11:09
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wailerone for each11:09
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rexyAshfire908: your swap will only contained unused program code, cache is a buffer, that doesnt get swapped, if more ram is needed buffer space is freed and reallocate for program memory11:09
bruenigwailer, you could probably write something to have it do both, I wrote a script that will toggle mute on and off, you could probably use the same principle11:09
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cipherno one has a solution to the issue I am having, is anyone else having trouble with mono11:10
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wailerbruenig: I use one icon on a launchbar for each - how would I combine that to one script??11:11
bruenigstupid connection11:11
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rocketshow can i identify a drive in the sense of (hd0,1)11:11
cipherhd0 is that channel11:11
bruenigwailer, basically have the script write and read a configuration file each time11:12
cipher,1 is the partition on that drive11:12
rocketscipher, but in this case its a dmraid device11:12
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rocketscipher, its fakeraid11:12
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bruenigwailer, so basically what you would do is when the script opened the tray, it would write "opened" into a file, and the next time you ran it, it would read the file, realize it was opened, and then close it and then write "closed" in the script and so forth and so on11:12
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ciphersorry, I have not done fakeraid11:12
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naki35366hi all!11:13
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wailerbruenig: that's more than I know about - trying to get newbies a step more into possibilities..11:13
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cipheris anyone having trouble with mono?11:13
naki35366please anyone can help me to resolve my glx module problem ?11:13
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cipherwhat's wrong11:13
MrCollinsare there any ubuntu specific packages of limewire u guys know of?11:13
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naki35366Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:13
bruenigwailer, the mute one works like that pretty much but a tad bit more complex, because I have to get it to save the sound level before it mutes and then restore that sound level when it unmutes, so it isn't as easy as writing "mute" and "unmute"11:14
naki35366this is my glxinfo11:14
naki35366so I can't use the 3d acceleration11:14
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GInhow do you format a ntfs partition to an ext3 on Ubuntu? any gui app for this?11:14
wailerbruenig: more detail - write to has me thinking I need to learn more11:14
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cipherdid you edit your xorg.conf file ?11:14
bruenigwailer, here I will write an eject thing to do that because I am bored11:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:15
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naki35366but it'seems that the module is missing on my machine11:15
wailerpastebin channel11:15
hende07anyone know of a good isoburner11:15
[diablo] evening guys11:15
naki35366how I can restore it ?11:15
MrCollinsubot limewire for ubuntu11:15
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[diablo] is there any GUI tools to manage Xen for Ubuntu please?11:15
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ciphernaki: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx11:15
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter11:16
naki35366I've a intel 915g video card11:16
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naki35366is the nvidia glx compatible ?11:16
hende07does anyone know of a good isoburner for ubuntu11:16
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cipherthat's the problem11:16
cipherI don't think so11:17
naki35366I've just activate it on the past11:17
mannytuhende07: K9copy11:17
ben_hende07: doesn't one come with it? Under places11:17
cipherI think that the 915 has different drivers11:17
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naki35366but now it's again disable... :-)11:17
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naki35366i use the i81011:17
hende07i dunno im trying to backup ps2 games11:17
ben_ignore me, forgot the ISO bit....11:17
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phyrewallok, question: better window manager to use with Compiz-fusion? emerald or compiz-gtk?11:18
ciphersorry, idk11:18
naki35366ok thanks! :-)11:18
naki35366please anyone has ideas to help me ?11:19
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ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava11:19
wailerbruenig: if you paste it let me know where11:19
=== BrendanW [n=brendan@ppp-71-140-2-126.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
phyrewallI'm using emerald right now, since I was using Beryl... but in synaptic, compiz-gtk is marked as "ubuntu supported"11:19
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user01is there a good source for finding high speed internet? i cant seem to find any service providers11:20
hende07so does anyone know how to burn a iso with ubuntu11:20
BrendanWSorry for the large amount of questions I have been asking, it's just Ubuntu is a bit overwhelming at first, and the little things that have happened have been bothering me.11:20
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crdlbphyrewall, compiz-gtk has been deprecated (it was merged into compiz-gnome)11:20
crdlbso don't try installing that package11:20
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bruenigwailer, ok, I didn't actually test this, but I am pretty sure it works, if not, it is a typo or something, it is fundamentally good: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35049/11:21
user01i guess i have to go sattelite11:21
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soulriderBrendanW, people are here to help, ask as much as you want11:21
BrendanWNow I am having issues with certain icons not showing up in the Applications menu, and since the fresh install I can't get the cube transition when switching workspaces to work.11:21
soulriderBrendanW, did you change the icon theme maybe ?11:21
naki35366please anyone know how to activate the mesa 3d ?11:21
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phyrewallok, then I must mean compiz-gnome, but same question applies, is it better than emerald?11:21
soulriderBrendanW, also, what you probably want is compiz11:21
crdlbnaki35366, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:22
maelcumhende07: k3b is the best, but it's a kde program so probably not installed on your machine (yet) if you don't have kubuntu11:22
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naki35366ok thanks crdlb!11:22
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hende07i got it11:22
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asywhat user and password/GDM display thanks install ?11:22
maelcumhende07: there is a "burn iso" entry in the "extra" or similar (don't remember) menu11:23
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wailerbruenig: didn't try it but saved to learn.. - four lines in two progs seems simpler...11:23
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bruenigwailer, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35051/11:24
michaelhi room.11:24
bruenigwailer, use that one, it needs to read the configuration file everytime, the one I gave before won't read it the first time you run it11:24
asywhat user and password ?11:24
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maelcumhas anybody got a very simple way to install ubuntu from usb stick? note that i'm not a newbie but just lazy :)11:25
bruenigwailer, you need to learn how the brackets work and tests like that to do any bash stuff really11:25
BrendanWsoulrider: Yes, I do want compiz. How would I go about getting it.11:25
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Lappydoes hibernate not work if you have compiz-fusion on?11:25
michaelcan anyone tell me what modem that i might find at wal-mart work out of the box with ubuntu?11:25
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josephinehi can any one help me get my usb printer to register im getting it seen in the kernel but it will not register on lsusb11:25
bruenigmichael, any of them11:25
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michaeljosephine what kind of printer do you have?11:26
crdlbnaki35366, sudo apt-get --reinstall install libgl1-mesa-glx11:26
maelcumbruenig, michael: i *really* doub that. note that i'm not american (so no walmart nearby), but the cheapest modems are invariably winmodems11:26
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josephinehp lazerjet 101811:27
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bruenigmaelcum, oh you are talking dail up?>11:27
michaelbruenig: are you for real? just plug it into my pci slot and ubuntu will set it up with out me having to download any frivers?11:27
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bruenigmichael, *11:27
naki35366ok crdlb i try just now!11:27
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michaelwhy are they called win-modems when windows dont provide the driver?11:28
wailerbruenig: excuse my ignorance - but now , with 2 progs , 2 lines each , aren' t I taking the simplist route to get the job done -11:28
josephinewhats weird is the kernal reacts to it but will not recognise it as a functioning device11:28
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crdlbnaki35366, then restart X11:28
maelcummichael: because the only work with windows, of course11:28
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wailerbreunig: I've just started learning basic11:28
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bruenigwailer, well simpler in terms of programming perhaps, but from an end user's standpoint, it is easier to just click on button that toggles than one to eject and one to put back11:28
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naki35366ok just a moment please11:28
obihow can i put grub to boot the ubuntu .iso ?11:29
maelcumlosemodems would be a cool term for that kind of hardware11:29
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nathan__in beryl, how can I make my application menu transparent?11:29
nathan__i tried type=menu but that's not it11:29
josephinemichael,  whats weird is the kernal reacts to it but will not recognise it as a functioning device11:29
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wailerbruenig:I agree on that. The press that I read lives of the term " bloatware "11:30
stefg!install | maelcum11:30
ubotumaelcum: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate11:30
michaelnathan__ just back click on the menu bar and go to properites11:30
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AlgorthmicControXorg is becoming very unstable, and a simple #dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg won't reset it, I tried using backups, but Xorg Is still not working11:30
bruenigwailer, you are saying the toggle is bloatware?11:30
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naki35366nothing :-(11:30
josephinemichael: whats weird is the kernal reacts to it but will not recognise it as a functioning device11:30
naki35366Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:30
naki35366Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual11:30
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crdlbnaki35366, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log again11:31
ibookhey guys11:31
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nathan__michael: that only changes the bar, I'm talking about the menus themselves11:31
AlgorthmicControHey crdlb!11:31
Lappycan someone redirect me/help with fixing my hibernate? I cant return from hibernation.11:31
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ibooknewbie question: how do I refresh my ip and tcp/ip settings in ubuntu...I've having trouble connecting to my wireless router11:32
michaelim useing gaim. is there a way to turn off message that says who joined or left the room? >:o11:32
obithx ubotu11:32
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michaeloh, sorry nathan. not really sure11:32
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wailerbruenig: no no ! the view piont of my previous comments came from the influence that my reading had on myself - asking an opinion in a round about way\11:32
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nathan__does anyone know how to make the menus transparent using beryl? I tried type=menu but it's something else, and 'grab' doesn't work since it closes itself...11:33
maelcumstefg: uhm, thanks. that was actually helpful. wonder why google didn't find that :/11:33
michaeldid he just thank a bot?11:33
josephinemichael: any ideas?11:33
wailer*\ chubby fingers11:33
michaelhmm, does add printer not see it?11:34
ozzloyhow do i compile c into mips with gcc?11:34
ozzloyon ubuntu11:34
crdlbnaki35366, in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf , do you have Load "glx" ?11:34
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josephinemichael: not at all11:34
stefanoqualcuno sa un buon sito per installare compiz11:34
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naki35366one moment i check11:35
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michaeljosephine: hmm, try lsusb and see if you see it anywhere11:35
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:35
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mattgso here we go, i need a virtual machine.  vmware isn't available.  any ideas?11:35
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wailerbreunig: why the lines that are empty??11:35
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bruenigwailer, what?11:36
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Some_uxI forgot what i need in order to compile drivers11:36
michaelhow can i get gaim to stop telling me who joins and leaes the room, all most as bad as vistas allow or deny message. >:o11:36
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josephineoddly it wont give an out put any more11:36
JamesinatorIs there a tool to detect network sniffers, arp cache poisoning, or other network attacks over a hostile LAN/WAN?11:36
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michaeltry a reboot. not ery often that linux needs one but it sometimes works.11:37
wailerbreunig: lines 3 5 9 11 1211:37
nathan__does anyone know how to make the menus transparent using beryl? I tried type=menu but it's something else, and 'grab' doesn't work since it closes itself...11:37
bruenigwailer, oh, blank lines make it easier to read and understand11:37
josephine brb11:37
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bruenigwailer, they don't matter11:37
michaeljosephine: if that dont work come back and tell me k11:38
chickenFhello. Is there a cool gui to change compiz parameters in ubuntu (feisty=?11:38
wailerbreunig  : is that something that I have to learn about bash??11:38
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michaelbash is something you want to learn11:38
waileri type slow still11:38
crdlbchickenF, only if you use compiz fusion11:38
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bruenigwailer, blank lines are optional, most people use them because it makes it easier to read11:38
michaelyou can do just about anythiong with it alone with python11:38
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bruenigwailer, like putting spaces between words11:38
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chickenFcrdlb, what is compiz "fusion"?11:39
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wailerbruenig:I get it - and the comments help as well thanks11:39
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michaelubotu gaim help11:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gaim help - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:39
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crdlbchickenF, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion11:40
michaelubotu gaim irc11:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gaim irc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:40
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bruenig!botabuse | michael11:40
ubotumichael: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...11:40
chickenFthx crdlb11:40
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wailerbruenig: for such a simple yet useful function I can't understand why it is not an option in the panel11:41
bruenigwailer, there is a button on your computer to do that11:41
michaelbruenig: thnks, didnt know that thought he was here to help11:41
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bruenigmichael, if you want to throw random stuff at him, you can do it in pm11:41
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christian_which player should I use to play avi, mpg and mpeg files?11:42
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wailerbreunig: I've never come across it - but I've never looked11:42
michaelbruenig np, sorry, just checking11:42
LaCtoSEtotem works fine christian_11:42
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chickenFcrdlb, well I am on feisty, and the following processes are running:  5439 ?        00:00:00 compiz11:42
chickenF 5441 ?        00:00:03 compiz.real11:42
GInI have formated a new ext3 partition, but how to set gnome to automount it at startup and allow normal user to write to it?11:42
bruenigwailer, its the one right by the tray11:42
nathan__anyone know how to change the color of the menus to black?11:42
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michaeljosephine: anyluck?11:43
josephinemichael: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35057/11:43
wailerbruenig:hehe - I hit my icon then reach down & the tray is open - why I made it in the first place11:43
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bruenigwailer, if you are going to be down there, then just press the button on the computer itself11:44
michaeljosephine: talk in pm so i can see your messages11:44
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blixeyI'm installing Ubuntu for the first time11:44
rocketsAnybody know what hd in grub something is if its via dmraid and theres a hotspare11:44
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blixeyan error appeared saying X server couldn't load or something11:44
kane77hi, how can I make screenlets come up at startup??11:44
blixeyI have quite a new graphics card11:44
wailerbruenig: that ten or sio seconds are important to me!!11:44
blixeyNvidia G8400 M11:45
bruenigwailer, ten seconds?11:45
bruenigwailer, less than 1 second from my experience11:45
ozzloypeople can see what i'm typing, right?  someone say my name to confirm please11:45
ozzloycool thanks11:45
bruenigand I imagine the mouse manuevering to get to the panel takes just as much time11:45
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wailerbruenig on average - yeh - can be more waiting for it to spin down11:46
Lappysudo: timestamp too far in the future: Aug 26 00:35:11 2007 <-- wth?11:46
Kossilarblixey you might need to grab the proprietary drivers11:46
crdlbchickenF, that is normal11:46
blixeyah right..11:46
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blixeyare there drivers on the site possibly?11:46
crdlbchickenF, what exactly do you mean by parameters?11:46
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michaeljosephine: try plugging your printer into another slot11:47
chickenFcrdlb: things like speed of effects, fps etc..11:47
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KossilarBlixey: nvidia.com I think should have them. There are linux specific drivers.11:47
michaeland unplug you camra just incase11:47
blixeyah I see..11:47
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crdlbchickenF, using compiz fusion will give you a more powerful settings manager11:47
blixeythanks Koss...I'll take a look at Nvidia's site11:47
crdlbif that's what you mean11:47
whasswhen i run startx i get "no devices detected". what causes this?11:47
blixeyI'll be back soon.11:47
wailerbruenig: using eject has noticibly cut down the wait time on all 4 comps - it's brutal :)11:47
KossilarCool. Good luck.11:47
blixeythanks Koss.11:47
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bruenigwailer, well you need to use to toggle script, then you can really show off11:48
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chickenFcrdlb, thanks for the howto, but I do not think I want to add an unsupported package repository11:48
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crdlbchickenF, then you can use it in october :)11:49
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chickenFcrdlb, ;) with the fix for java swing and all opengl application bugs ;) ?11:49
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wailerbruenig: thanks for showing me some more of the basics - much appreciated!11:50
michaeldoes anyone know the code name of the ubuntu comming out in oct?11:50
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=== WhiteRaven [n=WhiteRav@c-71-60-170-82.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
LaCtoSE7.10 ?11:50
WhiteRavenHey, guys, I need some help getting an Ubuntu/XP dual boot up.11:50
PriceChildmichael, gutsy gibbon11:51
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WhiteRavenAnyone willing to give me a hand?11:51
michaelk thanks11:51
PriceChildWhiteRaven, what are you having a problem with?11:51
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flow__I'm not so pro11:51
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WhiteRavenAlright, I have kind of a wierd setup.11:52
WhiteRavenI have an XP machine and an extra hard disc.11:52
dcordesHello. What is a good program in Ubuntu to capture webcam video with?11:52
WhiteRavenCan I slave the extra drive to the XP machine and tell Ubuntu to install to that?11:52
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KossilarYeah, you should be able to.11:52
PriceChilddcordes, i assume ffmpeg or mencoder/mplayer would do it11:53
WhiteRavenIs it as simple as sticking the second HDD in as slave, popping in the Ubuntu disc and saying "Install to Slave?"11:53
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LaCtoSEyes WhiteRaven11:53
dcordesPriceChild: I need to see what I'm recording.11:53
blix2008hi Koss11:53
maelcumWhiteRaven: i'm afraid that this won't work so easily...11:53
KossilarWhite Raven: I'm pretty sure that the Ubuntu installation process will deal with your drives and set up a boot manager for you so you can select your OS at boot.11:53
KossilarHello. Blixey I presume?11:53
WhiteRavenSo, I should just insert the HDD and the ubuntu disc and it'll let me choose the HDD, then?11:53
PriceChildWhiteRaven, yeah it's pretty self explanatory... with the install process, you acn choose "manual", or you could just say "use the whole of this drive and do what the hell you want"11:53
maelcumWhiteRaven: because the bootloader will be set up to load from a certain disk (master/slave) and this will change.11:54
blix2008yeah...it's blixey...just before I continue..how do I deal with being able to log back in with the same user name?11:54
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KossilarBlix: What do you mean?11:54
WhiteRavenWill it work or not?11:54
PriceChildWhiteRaven, you'll want to install grub to the mbr of the disc you boot from though11:54
PriceChildWhiteRaven, of course it will11:54
blix2008well I closed the MIRC client before11:54
blix2008and then I tried returning11:54
GIn$ umount /media/sdb111:54
GInumount: /media/sdb1 mount disagrees with the fstab11:54
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GInwhat does that mean?11:54
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blix2008and it said my user name was already in use11:55
WhiteRavenPardon me, I just took the plunge to Linux today and I'm not really sure what any of that mean.s11:55
michaelis there a spades game for ubuntu? i miss spades11:55
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KossilarMaybe you didn't log out properly.11:55
blix2008yeah I did log out ungracefully11:55
adamorjamesHow do I run the default bt client through the terminal?11:55
KossilarI'm not sure. I'm pretty new to IRC actually.11:55
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PriceChildmichael, applications > games > blackjack11:55
blix2008that's cool..I'll figure that out after11:55
maelcumWhiteRaven: if you don't know linux well already i'd recommend to setup the target disk as master or find another way to install if that is too much work.11:55
blix2008Well back to my issue11:55
adamorjamesJust get it started through the terminal11:55
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michaelbut thats blackjack not spades??11:55
PriceChildmichael, wait not that oen11:55
blix2008I was wondering what I should be downloading11:55
PriceChildmichael, aisleriot solitairs11:56
WhiteRavenSo, it'll be easier if I change my XP drive to the slave and make the Linux drive the Master?11:56
blix2008there appears to be only one credible download11:56
josephinenerdgirmichael: are you getting my pm?11:56
PriceChildmichael, when that's launched you can choose what kind frmo "select game"11:56
blix2008Linux IA3211:56
KossilarTell me your system specs and I'll grab a link for you.11:56
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=== ianmcorvidae [n=ianmcorv@ip72-211-151-55.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
adamorjames*How do I get the default bt client started through the terminal?11:56
KossilarWhat's your card again?11:56
michaeljosephinenerdgir: did you unplg your camra?11:56
blix2008I've got a Vaio FZ18L11:56
KossilarWhat video card are you using again?11:57
=== emmanuelux [n=emmanuel@ARennes-352-1-97-31.w86-199.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
blix2008Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GT11:57
wren_I'm having the most frustrating time configuring my wireless. It's the only network for this computer, and I can configure it manually using ifconfig and iwconfig. However, sometimes it fails and I have to reenter my password to restart it, I can't get it to connect on startup, and gnome doesn't seem to recognize it properly. All I want is for this computer to connect to the wireless silently without my help at boot and if it ever g11:57
wren_ets disconnected. Any suggestions?11:57
=== onechard [n=chard@ip68-98-192-143.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== hende07 [n=hende87@c-71-197-145-171.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
maelcumWhiteRaven: erm... oh, somehow i thought the second disk should go into another machine afterwards. forget what i said and just do what you were told be the other guy(s). sorry.11:57
=== bgel [n=corevett@adsl-75-18-203-65.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kossilarare you using 64 or 32 bit ubuntu?11:57
=== dankh [n=dankh@chy94-4-82-241-29-154.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
michaelPriceChild: i dont see spades anywhere?11:57
=== Tigge__ [n=tigge@bacchus.olf.sgsnet.se] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildmichael, probably under a different name... "looks"11:58
WhiteRavenI did install linux on the new HDD while it was in the old PC to try it out.  Will that be an issue if I'm just going to reinstall linux over top?11:58
=== wAndyw78 [n=andy@p54A2D754.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu []
KossilarAre you in Ubuntu right now?11:58
hende07does anyone know of a fast torrent client that is compatible with linux... azareus is slow11:58
michaelPriceChild: thanks, let me know if you find it, id loe to play.11:58
=== bluefox83 [n=bluefox@dynamic-acs-24-239-249-234.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
josephinenerdgirmichael: yes i did11:58
blix2008Im in Vista right now11:58
KossilarBut you have an ubuntu installation on your computer right?11:58
bluefox83does anyone know how to upload themes to the gnome website?11:59
=== dankh [n=dankh@chy94-4-82-241-29-154.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu []
PriceChildmichael, I "think" its a variation of "spider"?11:59
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blix2008no..I'm trying to install a version11:59
maelcumWhiteRaven: certainly not if you choose "use whole drive" in the installer. that will flatten the drive first and ask questions afterwards :)11:59
michaeljosephinenerdgir: and lsusb still shows your camra?11:59
blix2008the problem is I can't because of the graphics11:59
KossilarOkay, does the LIVE CD work?11:59
PriceChildmichael, select that, then choose one suit?11:59
blix2008yeah it does work...I just downloaded the image and burned it11:59
josephinenerdgirmichael: yea11:59
WhiteRavenDo I still have to change the Ubuntu drive to master and make XP the slave, though?11:59
=== luisbg [n=luisbg@18.Red-88-23-98.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildmichael, well, spider 3 suits11:59
kekkhende07, Deluge perhaps11:59
KossilarSo when you boot from the CD, what happens? Do you get a usable desktop?11:59
michaelPriceChild: k, thanks. ill try it but i dont thank thats it.12:00
=== pissedoffdude [n=pissedof@adsl-69-106-200-54.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
michaeljosephinenerdgir: hmmm...12:00
=== hosti [n=hosti@c130-211.icpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildmichael, sorry if it isn't :) But maybe it'll distract you a little :)12:00
maelcumWhiteRaven: probably not, just try it out. the worst thing that can happen is that no os boots at all i guess, which can easily be fixed with fdisk /mbr from the windows install cd.12:00
=== Murdok [n=murdok@74-130-52-120.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
WhiteRavenJust to be safe, though, I'll make XP the slave.12:01
michaelPriceChild: its ok, at least you tried. i can find hearts which is sorta like it but not quit spades12:01
=== capiira [n=capiira@dslb-088-065-201-041.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu
WhiteRavenIt's going to ask me which disk to use, though, right, master or slave?12:01
WhiteRavenWhich disk to install to, rather.12:01
josephinenerdgirmichael: its so weird eh?12:01
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michaeljosephinenerdgir: very, still thinking12:01
=== blix2009 [n=blix@5ac3c8d2.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu
maelcumWhiteRaven: i'd go with the windows drive as master. no os likes its main g12:02
blix2009what just happened/12:02
nathan__how do I make the menu black?12:02
maelcumdrive getting changed12:02
KossilarI'm not sure man.12:02
WhiteRavenAlright, I will.12:02
WhiteRavenThanks for the help, guys, I really appreciate it.12:02

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