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Brian___edubuntu is good for collage :-p03:03
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ti-grrri loaded edubuntu today on a server that used to be a k12ltsp. i have noticed that it seems alot slower than k12ltsp. are there any tips?03:43
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sbalneavEvening all04:30
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:36
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sbalneavnight all08:57
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NubaeI'm trying to enable usb disks and pendrives on a ltsp system (on the terminals) using a script I found at the ubuntu wiki... but it says its for 4.2, and doesnt seem to work12:47
Nubaeis there a easy way to do this?12:48
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Nubaeinvoke-rc.d: initscript dbus, action "start" failed. <-- I get this error with dbus, and I cannot seem to fix it... anyone run into this problem?02:43
Nubaethis is in a chrooted ltsp env.02:43
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aalibhey dude02:46
Nubaehi aalib02:47
aalibi need help!!02:47
aalibbig help!02:47
Nubaewell me too... dont think anyone is around...02:47
Nubaetell me your problem and I'll tell you mine :-)02:47
Nubae(02:42:58 PM) Nubae: invoke-rc.d: initscript dbus, action "start" failed. <-- I get this error with dbus, and I cannot seem to fix it... anyone run into this problem?02:48
Nubae(02:43:26 PM) Nubae: this is in a chrooted ltsp env.02:48
aalibgot problems with my ati drivers02:48
Nubaehah, well there I can help you02:48
Nubaejust went through that02:48
Nubaewith ltsp?02:48
Nubaeterminal server02:49
aalibbtw im N00b itseems02:49
Nubaeahh... ok02:49
Nubaeso, normal edubuntu install then?02:49
aalibjst ubuntu 7.0402:49
Nubaewhy u here on edubuntu then?02:49
Nubaeanyway... u need the fglrx driver to install ati on ubuntu in most cases02:50
aalibhw do i do dat02:51
Nubaewell, can u get to X at all?02:51
Nubaehehe, ok, best bet is to check one of the many how tos in ubuntuforums.org02:53
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Nubaegotta run02:54
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sbalneavMorning all04:33
sbalneavogra: Hey, I added a check to ltsp-update-image to check and see if proc's mounted.04:34
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dv310p3rI am looking for some help with edubuntu06:11
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sbalneavdv310p3r: What's your problem?06:28
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dv310p3rI have installed Edubuntu after running the Live CD first, and it doesn't seem to be the same thing. The live CD was perfect for my kids, but the actual install is void of all the apps that the Live CD had.06:47
dv310p3rI want to run something that the kids can use without having to log in.06:47
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dv310p3rRight now, i am installing the Add On cd, but everytime I try to add something, it has a conflict of some sort or another.06:48
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dv310p3rAnyone there?06:54
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sbalneavdv310p3r: You need to install the second cd07:13
sbalneavedubuntu got so big, it wouldn't fit all on one cd, so all the educational apps got put on the second cd.07:13
Nuba1hey sbalneav... working on a weekend :-)07:13
sbalneavHello Nuba107:14
Nuba1we talked the other day... I have a massive issue with hald and dbus07:14
Nuba1they're broken in the chroot environment07:14
Nuba1seems circular problem cause I cant remove or install stuff to a big extent without getting back to the same point07:15
sbalneavWell, we've done no work on hald and dbus in the chroot.  It doesn't surprise me it doesn't work.07:15
sbalneavIn fact, one of the major things that holds us up is that dbus isn't network aware.07:16
Nuba1oh and how would I connect a usb drive then?07:16
Nuba1pen drive07:16
sbalneavThe way we do it now.07:16
sbalneavpen drives work fine in edubuntu.07:16
Nuba1hmmm... well thats what got me into this mess, trying to get a pendrive on the local system to work07:17
Nuba1ok... I went through a similar wiki... but I'll do this one too07:18
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Nuba1I've probably messed up my local apt-get now with this hald and dbus issue... can I remove them somehow and get back to the default07:19
sbalneavYou, of course, made a backup copy of your chroot before you started playing with it?07:20
Nuba1well... ummm07:20
Nuba1god... I was gonna make a backup when everything was working properly 8-)07:20
Nuba1so... install a copy of edubuntu on another disk and copy over chroot?07:21
sbalneavmv /opt/ltsp/ /opt/ltsp.mucked_up07:21
Nuba1ok, thanks a lot07:22
sbalneavAnd, once you've got a clean chroot created...07:22
Nuba1back it up :-)07:23
sbalneava quick cp -r /opt/ltsp /opt/ltsp.pristine saves a lot of waiting.07:23
Nuba1yeah can see the benefit in that now :-/07:23
Nuba1so, XGL is not supported at all under LTSP?07:24
sbalneavNo, trying to do fancy graphics over the wire just isn't a good idea.07:24
sbalneavWell, off to the beach for the day.07:25
Amaranthlarge textures over the wire == ouch07:25
Nuba1enjoy, thanks a lot07:25
sbalneavI'll be afk 'till tonght07:25
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