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ubotuNew bug: #134811 in blueprint "Mail notification includes new whiteboard, but not status change" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13481102:16
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ubotuNew bug: #134816 in malone "Descriptionless file attached from Windows includes entire pathname" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13481602:40
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ubotuNew bug: #134833 in launchpad "wrote 1 seconds ago" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13483306:00
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tonyyarussoAny takers for bug 66105 ?  (fix-it-friday, fairly minor)08:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66105 in launchpad "Team admin can't contact prospective member who hides e-mail addresses" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6610508:09
Hobbseetonyyarusso: it *is* a weekend.08:11
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Which means it won't scroll off and will be the first thing people see Monday morning, right?  :P08:12
Hobbseejoins and parts.  maybe08:12
tonyyarusso(ie, I'm up, you're up, why not everyone else?)08:12
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Straphkahey all11:17
StraphkaI have a problem and was wondering if anyone could help me out11:17
Straphkawith launchpad that is11:18
spivStraphka: possibly11:18
spivWhat's your problem?11:18
StraphkaI have branched a code tree from a project of which I am the author, but now I am unable to delete the branch11:18
StraphkaAlso it says only straphka can commit to the branch, while I am logged in as straphka11:19
StraphkaI am probably missing something obvious11:19
gnomefreakStraphka: edit it and change name to whatever it is now .old and mark it abandoned11:19
spivgnomefreak: Actually, it is possible to delete some branches now, iirc.11:20
gnomefreakspiv: when? 1.1.8?11:20
Straphkabut how do I change the name? It seems I am not the owner11:20
spivgnomefreak: right11:21
Straphkayou can delete branches, did it a few days ago actually, but now I do not have the option11:21
gnomefreakStraphka: if your not the author you cant11:21
gnomefreakunless you have upload rights11:21
Straphkabut I am11:21
=== gnomefreak never seen the delete option
StraphkaI created it, and it says: You cannot upload to this branch. Only Straphka can upload to this branch.11:21
spivThe "straphka" user is indeed the owner of that branch.11:21
Straphkabut I *am* straphka11:21
spivgnomefreak: it only works in pretty limited circumstances still :(11:21
spivgnomefreak: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/13398811:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133988 in launchpad-bazaar "Explain why a branch can't be deleted" [Undecided,New]  11:21
gnomefreakStraphka: are you signed into LP11:22
gnomefreakspiv: ty11:22
StraphkaI can do other things11:22
Straphkait's just like the username is correct, only I have a different id or something11:22
gnomefreakonce PPA gets a remove option ill be happy :)11:22
Straphkaeven if I would be able to unregister it I would be a happy man11:23
StraphkaI can branch another one, but I am afraid that when I do that, I end up with another branch without an owner11:23
spivStraphka: what does it say on the top right of the page, next to "Logged in as:"?11:24
Straphkaspiv: Straphka11:24
spivStraphka: and where does it link to?11:24
Straphkaspiv: https://code.launchpad.net/~yoram-hekma-gmail11:24
Straphkawhich is me11:24
spivAnd to be clear, what's the URL of the branch you're looking at?11:24
Straphkaspiv: https://code.launchpad.net/~straphka/babyweb/dev-feeds11:24
spivAh, well that explains that :)11:24
Straphkait does?11:25
spiv"straphka" is a different use to "yoram-hekma-gmail" :)11:25
StraphkaI thought it was just my display name11:25
Straphkahum, that would be pretty embarrasing11:25
Straphkabut why does it say that I am logged in as straphka then?11:26
spivIf those are both you, you probably want to merge those accounts (https://launchpad.net/people/+requestmerge) to avoid more confusion :)11:26
Straphkaah 11:27
spivThe user with id "yoram-hekma-gmail" has a display name of "Straphka"11:27
spivE.g. see https://launchpad.net/~yoram-hekma-gmail11:27
Straphkaok, that would explain it11:27
Straphkawhy do I have 3 accounts though?11:28
Straphkacan't remember creating them..11:28
Straphkaoh well, I will request a merge11:28
Straphkathanks for the help11:28
spivYou're welcome.11:29
Straphkaspiv: my hero11:32
spivStraphka: you're welcome!11:34
Straphkaone more problem, which is entirely my fault11:37
StraphkaI had 3 accounts named straphka right11:37
StraphkaI merged one11:37
StraphkaBut I cannot merge the other because....here it comes....I do no longer have the email address11:37
Straphkaand...er....forgot the password11:37
Straphkamailing list?11:38
spivStraphka: file a question at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad11:41
spivStraphka: an admin will see it, and should be able to help you out.11:41
Straphkaspiv: ok, thanks again11:47
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ubotuNew bug: #134860 in soyuz "information sent in build failure mails is wrong" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13486012:30
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sorenUploading to PPA is still to upload.dogfood.launchpad.net?01:52
soren...so if I've just created a new team and activated PPA for it, I won't be able to upload to it since dogfood uses a user database from June, right?01:53
Kmossoren: nop02:04
Kmosi think02:05
Kmossoren: https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart02:06
Kmosthat's not updated02:07
Kmossoren: mail sent to launchpad-users02:09
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sorenKmos: Sure? I can't connect to ppa.launchpad.net via ftp.03:04
Kmosupload.launchpad.net ?03:05
Kmossoren: doesn't work03:05
sorenKmos: upload.launchpad.net is for Ubuntu only, I believe.03:05
Kmos2. Upload your source packages to upload.launchpad.net.03:05
Kmosno.. it's for PPA03:05
Kmossoren: let's wait to mrevell update the help quick start03:06
Kmoscprov isn't here03:06
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nansub0111hello. is there a "gettting started" section on the help.lanuchpad.net site? 04:53
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helix84danilos: ping?05:02
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ubotuNew bug: #134916 in rosetta "wrong items displayed in translator's last changes" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13491606:51
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piedoggieon having trouble figuring out how to upload to the launch pad bzr repository for my project07:20
Odd_Blokepiedoggie: 'bzr push sftp://<username>@bazaar.launchpad.net/~<username>/<project name>/<branch name>'07:26
Odd_Blokepiedoggie: You can probably use bzr+ssh:// in place of sftp://, which might be faster.07:27
Odd_BlokeAnd the branch will be created if it doesn't already exist.07:27
piedoggieI must have missed that on the project page07:29
=== unimatrix9 [n=theGrid@a62-251-25-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #launchpad
unimatrix9hello there07:45
unimatrix9any advisors around?07:45
piedoggienot advisor but maybe I can help07:46
unimatrix9a burning question about translations , i have been translating an programs lang into native lang07:47
unimatrix9its at 99 % , but i am afraid to push it to 100 % , becuase i dont really know if it will be checked before its taken into the program, what do you know about this?07:48
piedoggienope.  Haven't gotten there yet07:48
piedoggiestill groping around the edges of getting project started and managed07:48
unimatrix9if you are member of launchpad, you can start an project there, and begin with it, and hope , or try to get others involved07:50
unimatrix9just try to be clear about what you want, and how its best to get there..07:50
Odd_Blokeunimatrix9: What project are you translating for?07:50
piedoggieunimatrix9: Project 1 akasha: incredibly simple Web framework built for disabled people like myself.  Learn in the morning, use in the afternoon and you can go home and sleep at night07:52
piedoggiecurrently of someone building me a new parser because the one I inherited was... a bit crufty...07:53
unimatrix9i see07:54
piedoggie2: collection of Python modules are used in different projects, 3: different anti-spam system (reputation-based).  Good enough that my customers that use it are cranky because I haven't kept up with CRM 11407:54
piedoggieI think I finished my collection (esjtools) and I'm hoping this afternoon to wrap it into the antispam system and start using it in anger07:56
unimatrix9intelligent use of e-mail is the best spam buster...but i like the effort you put into this topic...07:57
piedoggieone thing that people don't seem to grok is that the use of filters actually increases the volume of spam07:58
piedoggiefolks are also bad at math for a lot of these things07:58
piedoggiebzr push sftp://esj@bazaar.launchpad.net/~esj/esjtools/trunk  tells me it's not a branch08:00
piedoggiedo I need to do some sort of init first?08:00
unimatrix9sorry have to go visitors...08:01
unimatrix9:P bye bye08:01
piedoggiek later08:01
Odd_Blokepiedoggie: Have you set up SSH keys?08:49
piedoggiemy other project works fine08:50
piedoggieI don't use launch pad enough to remember the magic for startup08:50
Odd_Blokepiedoggie: Well, I just created https://code.launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/esjtools/test using bzr push sftp://daniel-thewatkins@bazaar.launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/esjtools/test08:51
piedoggieI get the "not a branch" message and why look for the bzr history, it looks like it's gone.  I probably screwed something up which is okay.  The history was unimportant08:53
Odd_Blokepiedoggie: You may want to use push --overwrite...08:54
piedoggiegiving it a shot08:55
piedoggieesj@base606:~/projects/x$ bzr push --overwrite sftp://esj@bazaar.launchpad.net/~esj/esjtools/trunk08:58
piedoggiebzr: ERROR: Not a branch: /home/esj/projects/x/08:58
Odd_Blokepiedoggie: Oh, I fail at giving advice.  That means that the local directory isn't a Bazaar branch.08:59
piedoggieno problem08:59
Odd_BlokePresumably this is something you're just migrating into bzr?09:00
piedoggieI've given more than my fair share of bad advice09:00
Odd_BlokeYou'll want to 'bzr init; bzr add; bzr commit -m "Initial import."' and then try pushing again.09:00
piedoggiethis is something that was in bzr locally but then it has gone through so many changes that I think I lost the old history09:01
piedoggieso yea, I'll try the local creation first09:01
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mptGooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!09:31
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mptnansub0111, https://help.launchpad.net/10:02
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mptspiv, did you report a bug about Straphka's problem?10:08
piedoggieOdd_Bloke: looks like I have my branch up there10:09
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Odd_Blokepiedoggie: \o/10:11
ubotuNew bug: #134957 in launchpad "Using display name for "Logged in as..." is ambiguous" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13495710:16
piedoggieOdd_Bloke: :-)  now to create the third and final project and start merging changes10:17
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jimtIs there a way to "recover" a project?  I am the lead developer of eXe... which a former developer seems to have registered as http://launchpad.net/exe  http://launchpad.net/exe-project and http://launchpad.net/exe1   But he is no longer active in the project and seems to have forgotten the passwords involved.  I would like to start using Launchpad for translations and thought it would be better to use one of these existing projects rather t11:14
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beunojimt: you should file a question in: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad11:33
jimtOk.  Thanks.11:33
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s-x-u(00:35:55) s-x-u:  i became a member of the xubuntu users team (because i am one) but couldnt find any info on what this team is doing is it only to count how many are using xubuntu ?12:43
s-x-u(00:37:44) s-x-u: (on launchpad)12:43
s-x-u(00:41:29) s-x-u: i also found if i click the answers tab there are a few actions i can click : Answered, Assigned, Asked, Commented,  Need attention, Subscribed,  and Answer contact for. but no action to actually ask a question ...?12:43

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