
=== penguin42 wonders if there is a list of packages that are new to Gutsy
DanaGHm, EXA is broken for Savage.01:16
Arwenhmm, newest X11 updates killed one of my apps01:16
DanaGI wonder how well a Voodoo3 will work..... well, I'll be trying one on an Athlon XP in a little while.01:19
AmaranthDanaG: EXA is just plain broken01:20
Amaranthit never has worked well01:21
MisterNwhat's EXA? :D01:21
DanaGWhat is it supposed to do, anyway?   I was just trying it because I was curious, after seeing it under 'man savage'.01:21
penguin42hehe voodoo3 is quite old; nice card in their day01:21
DanaGToo bad NV killed them.01:22
DanaGOr rather, assimilated them.01:22
BFrankI don't understand why there isn't a symlink for cdrecord to wodim in gutsy01:22
BFrankdoes anyone know why?01:22
DanaGYay, triggers are cool for things like update-initramfs.01:24
DanaGNo more running it 3 times!01:24
=== DanaG throws an air-hug (or at least a high-five) at whoever (singular or plural) implemented that designed and implemented that feature.
Amaranthi believe that was ian01:26
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wailerfyi - eject - t doesn't toggle the tray  state - only closes01:35
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Pumpernickeleject -T01:36
PumpernickelCommands are case-sensitive.01:36
wailereject -T only works one way - if open will close - won't then shut01:37
tyabuxI just booted gutsy tribe 4 live on a machine that uses nvidia 6600 and tried to enable desktop effects, but I was told I needed to enable the restricted drivers. I did, and it told me it couldn't be found. Has anyone been able to do this? Perhaps it has changed for tribe 5?01:37
=== DanaG [n=dana@66-169-236-47.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
pwnguinis there a secret to getting mplayer to show up on the "other applications" menu?01:39
penguin42my Others menu is one hell of a mess - I'm not sure it should be a top level menu01:39
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tyabuxhow can I find out wether the restricted drivers are available from archies.ubuntu.com?01:41
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wailertry it twice in the terminal01:42
DanaGIs this "Xfwm4.5-svn" windeco theme the default for Xubuntu?01:42
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DanaGHow can I tell whether Composite is accelerated on my video chip?01:50
Arwendoes it run really slow? no? then it's accelerated01:51
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Dusk_hi there i've upgraded gutsy...but there's a firefox problem01:51
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DanaGIt runs decently quickly (xfwm4), but takes a lot of CPU when dragging windows.01:51
Arwenthat's normal01:51
Dusk_when i try to open firefox session manager selection screen is coming but it'sbroken01:51
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LaserJockok, I'm wondering about about system-config-printer01:53
LaserJockit seems to work fine *except* for it keeps disabling my printer01:53
LaserJockso every time I want to print I have to go into system-config-printer and re-enable it01:53
LaserJockhas anybody else had a similar problem?01:54
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DanaGHow do you drag something from xfce menu to the panel?01:55
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pwnguinthis should be dead simple...02:07
pwnguinhow do i get nautilus to open a .ogg via mplayer?02:08
Arwenright-click -> properties -> open with -> add mplayer02:08
pwnguinthen what?02:09
Arwenthen it's done..02:09
pwnguinit doesn't work..02:10
pwnguinmplayer doesn't even show up as an program in the list02:10
Arwenadd it02:10
pwnguinyou click add, and it comes up with a list of selections; or you can use a custom command02:10
pwnguinmplayer isnt a selection so i tried custom02:11
Arwenand then?02:12
pwnguinit shows up without an icon, and i still only get "Movie Player" aka totem as a choice02:13
pwnguinhold on, tracker just pwned me02:13
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pwnguintechnically, i guess its a .ogm02:16
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LaserJockso you do have mplayer installed?02:17
Arwenpwnguin, it shows up as an option in the "open with" menu doesn't it? Just check it.02:17
Dusk_hi there i've upgraded gutsy...but there's a firefox problem02:17
Dusk_when i try to open firefox session manager selection screen is coming but it'sbroken02:17
pwnguinarwen: it doesnt02:19
pwnguini just get a dialog02:19
pwnguin"open with other application..."02:20
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Arwenscreenshot. On the open with tab, there should be a "add". You can hit "use a custom command" and enter in your own.02:20
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pwnguinArwen: new and interesting datapoint: this works for local files, but not remote ones02:23
Arwenyeah, that's a limitation I've heard of02:23
pwnguinstupid gnome vfs02:23
pwnguinor rather, stupid totem, for not rendering subtitles correctly02:24
Arwenheh. subtitles?02:24
Arwenwho needs those? ;)02:24
pwnguinmy roommate apparently :P02:25
DanaGOdd, my volume keys don't work in XFCE.02:25
pwnguinArwen: im guessing that rather than set up a fifo or something to programs that dont support gnomevfs, it just refuses to hand it over =(02:29
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LaserJockman, this thing is bugging me. I had my printer working just fine :(02:41
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ed1tis there a mp3 support?02:49
ed1twith amarok02:49
Dusk_ed1t, yes it is02:50
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Dusk_what can i do to return feisty again??02:50
ed1twhat libraries do i have to down?02:50
ed1ti downloaded gstreamer ones02:50
Dusk_ed1t, ubuntu-restricted02:50
Pici!downgrade | Dusk_02:51
ubotuDusk_: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.02:51
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=== rob bites the nipple
LaserJockDusk_: reinstalling  usually works best02:52
LaserJockunless it's just a few packages02:52
ed1tanybody know the name of package i need to for playing mp3 in amarok/02:52
LaserJocked1t: did you try to play one?02:53
ed1tdoesnt work02:53
ed1tamarok just freezes02:53
LaserJockI think you need libxine stuff02:54
LaserJockI'm not on Kubuntu so I can't remember exactly02:54
ed1tit works in rythembox but not in amarok02:55
LaserJockyeah, rhythmbox uses gstreamer, amarok uses xine02:55
ed1tit worked02:57
ed1ti just added some xine packages lol02:57
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AnRkeyare there any problems with USB priorities in gutsy?03:17
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wfarrhas anyone been able to sort out the borked colors on Radeon cards at 16depth?03:41
Arwen16-bit? why not use 24-bit?03:42
wfarrArwen, it makes Compiz nigh-to-unusable03:42
wfarr7500 Radeon here ;)03:42
wfarr16depth works peachy except for the recent colour distortion03:42
MisterNwfarr: i recommend not using compiz at all.03:43
Arwenwell, 16-bit color needs to be upscaled to 24-bit color on many displays, so that could be part of it03:43
Arwenyou could just turn off some effects :-P03:43
wfarrArwen, it's only existed with this last iteration of the radeon driver03:44
DanaGWhat exactly is Backing store?03:45
DanaGWhen I enable it, Xorg takes much more CPU power for lots of things.03:47
Arwenwhere are you seeing that?03:47
Arwenin Windows, backing store is the process of duplicating RAM to swap.03:47
DanaGIt's something you can enable in xorg.conf.03:48
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wfarrit must be driver regressions03:48
wfarrusing xrandr to rotate the screen makes the display go blank until you manually kill X03:48
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DanaGIt's disabled by default, anyway.  I was just enabling it to satisfy my curiosity of what it is, but it still hasn't really answered the question of what it is.03:49
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PumpernickelDanaG: It makes the server remember data for covered windows, instead of putting the burden on the client to redraw itself.03:52
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DanaGSo is it supposed to be good or bad?03:53
PumpernickelIt's supposed to be useful, sometimes.03:54
DanaGRight now it just seems to increase Xorg's CPU usage.03:55
Amaranthwhat's what?03:55
DanaGThen again, I _am_ using Composite with the Savage driver.03:55
DanaGS3 TwisterK.03:55
PumpernickelThis may not be one of those times, then.03:56
AnRkeyhow can i run a the repository chooser from the ubuntu installer03:57
AnRkeyworking on a vm that i wanna allow the repo to be chosen on first boot03:57
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jscinozIs the bug in the .10 kernel that kills alsa on intel based cards goign to be fixed soon?04:02
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klaxiandoes anyone have problems where you can't move windows when running compiz?  also, window placement doesn't seem to be aware of toolbars04:05
klaxianis that a known issue or is my configuration just messed up somehow?04:06
jscinozklaxian do you have window decorations?04:06
klaxianyes, compiz is definitely running04:06
klaxianeffects work fine too04:06
jscinoznot sure then sorry04:06
klaxiani just can't move windows04:06
jscinozi had the no window deco's for a while and obviously you cant move windows then either04:07
klaxianit used to work in gutsy, but then it stopped04:07
klaxianperhaps something got broken04:07
klaxianor my config is messed up somehow04:07
jscinoztry doing an apt-get remove --purge for all the compiz packages04:09
jscinozthen reinstall with a blank config04:09
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klaxianthat won't purge my user config tho04:12
jscinozgo into ~/.compiz or wherever it is and delete it04:12
klaxiannothing in gconf?04:12
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jscinozdont think so04:27
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khermans_my gutsy on thinkpad is incredibly fast!04:28
troxorhas anyone noticed that dpkg hangs and zombies around halfway through a daily upgrade?04:29
khermans_all my gui apps are running amazingly quickly as of recent updates, what happened!??!04:29
khermans_this is great04:29
khermans_i have never seen gnome so responsive04:29
jscinozNothing khermans, ubuntu is always uber :P04:29
khermans_jscinoz, i have been running ubuntu since warty04:29
khermans_this is like never before04:30
jscinoznot sure :P04:30
Picikhermans_: composite desktop makes everything feel alot smoother04:30
jscinozi wish compizfusion didnt hang my entire system on logout/switchback to metacity/run something else with hardware accel04:31
khermans_Pici, not compiz, i have it off04:31
khermans_jscinoz, yes i notice compiz/beryl fai lto work with fadst user swtiching04:31
Picikhermans_: Well then, I dont know.  But if it aint broke...04:31
jscinozi think its because of indirect rendering04:31
jscinozwhich fixes the black window bug, but causes it to hang on exit04:32
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klaxiannow i'm not getting any window decorations at all with compiz :-P04:41
klaxianmade it worse lol04:41
klaxianmust be bugs with compiz i guess...it worked perfectly on feisty and on gutsy before a couple weeks ago04:43
klaxiansomething must have changed04:43
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t0phr3anybody else having trouble burning gutsy to CD?04:46
jscinozt0phr3 are you using the DVD?04:46
t0phr3nope just CDs04:46
alex_mayorg1Can anyone help me deal with bug #13482704:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134827 in xorg-server "[tribe 5]  xorg  1:7.2-5ubuntu7 broken" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13482704:47
alex_mayorg1maybe even confirm it04:47
t0phr3jscinoz. nope just CDs04:48
jscinozhmm, im out of ideas, i thought it might be DVD, because the tribe4 dvd iso is oversized04:48
t0phr3jscinoz i never had a problem before gutsy04:49
t0phr3i haven't burned a successful CD yet04:50
t0phr3md5sum is fine on the image04:50
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hrp2171im currently running 7.04 and trying to upgrade to tribe 5 but can't.04:51
hrp2171ran sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade then gksudo "update-manager -c -d"04:52
hrp2171error was warning: could not initiate dbus04:52
hrp2171current dist not found in meta-release file04:53
t0phr3i always do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:53
t0phr3doubt that is the problem though04:53
hrp2171what is dist-upgrade supposed to do04:54
t0phr3distribution upgrade04:55
hrp2171im going to try it04:55
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t0phr3still no clue on my burning problem huh folks?04:57
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Hobbseet0phr3: i'd try not to get hrp* to upgrade, if he doenst know what a dist-upgrade is....05:02
Hobbseet0phr3: my psychic pony is on holidays, your burning stuff contains very little useful info.05:02
t0phr3Hobbsee, forgot i put that in another chat05:04
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klaxianthis is weird...compiz is running and working, but i don't have any window decorations...any ideas?05:05
Hobbseeklaxian: gnome?  kde?05:05
Hobbseeis gnome-window-decorator running?05:05
t0phr3Hobbsee: anyway, i download an image, check the md5, burn it to disk, files are corrupt, burn at slower speed, files corrupt, burn on another machine, files still corrupt.05:05
Hobbseeunsure if it's named quite that05:05
Hobbseeklaxian: then run it.  that's why05:05
klaxianHobbsee: no, it's not05:06
t0phr3Hobbsee: any ideas?05:06
klaxianHobbsee: doesn't seem to run...05:06
klaxianit's gtk-window-decorator, right?05:06
klaxianit doesn't start05:06
klaxianjust hangs05:06
Hobbseet0phr3: is the md5sum correct between the archive version and the downloaded image?05:06
Hobbseeklaxian: no idea, i dont run gnome.  and i suspect it's supposed to hang, nad give window borders.05:07
t0phr3Hobbsee: yes, everytime05:07
klaxianHobbsee: yah, it's just not giving borders :-P05:07
Hobbseet0phr3: what are you burning under?05:08
Hobbseet0phr3: as in, distro, and what program are you burning with?05:08
Hobbseeklaxian: hmm.  it doesnt mention it segfaulting or anything?05:08
klaxianHobbsee: nope, just hangs05:08
Hobbseeklaxian: i'd check launchpad about g-w-d05:08
t0phr3nautilus and gnome-baker in linux, infrarecorder in windows05:09
klaxiancompiz was working except i couldn't move windows so i reinstalled compiz* and now i have this problem :-P05:09
Hobbseet0phr3: fails on all of them?  how weird.05:09
Hobbseet0phr3: er, assuming you mean "corrupt" as in, doesnt contain the same md5sum as wehn you started burning?05:10
t0phr3Hobbsee: the CD check fails, you know the one that you do after booting from the CD05:11
t0phr3Hobbsee: yeah, get the md5sum corruption error05:12
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Hobbseet0phr3: ah right.05:13
Chadwick|359Anybody else notice their ipw2200 Wifi card disappear today? I don't see anything about it in launchpad or the forums05:13
Hobbseet0phr3: hmm, i thought that the burning tools would actually let you verify the image as well.05:13
Hobbseet0phr3: this was ubuntu gutsy desktop i386, btw?05:14
t0phr3Hobbsee: desktop and alternate05:14
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Hobbseet0phr3: how odd.  tribe 5 results came back fine for that05:15
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t0phr3Hobbsee: yeah i tried tribe 5 as well05:15
preachermay be a dumb question but if i got tribe4 installed with all update current do i have to reinstall tribe 505:17
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DanaGOh yeah, nvidia 100.14.11 adds two new features on my laptop:05:18
Hobbseepreacher: no.  just do the daily upgrades.05:18
DanaGGood: hotkey display switching,05:18
DanaGBad: locks up Xorg, requring alt-sysrq-k, upon ending Compiz.05:19
=== starscalling is now known as nekostar
preacheri thought so - so if keep up with daily upgrades when final release comes out will my system be equal to final release iso's05:20
t0phr3Hobbsee: so there was an actual bug on my issue?05:21
Hobbseet0phr3: to be honest, it sounds local.  sounds like something wrong in your setup.05:21
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Hobbseet0phr3: the fact that 6 other people didnt find it, doing the same check...05:22
t0phr3Hobbsee: on all three PCs?05:22
tretle_can someone help me get flash working on 64bit gutsy firefox05:22
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Hobbseet0phr3: well, that's what i would have thought.  but if no one else can actually confirm it, there's no real way to track down the problem?05:22
Hobbseet0phr3: the type of cd's might be my other guess.  *shrugs*05:23
t0phr3tretle_: i don't think there is a 64bit flash05:23
t0phr3Hobbsee: ain't that some crap05:23
Pici!flash64 | tretle_05:23
ubotutretle_: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava05:23
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Picitretle_: I dont know anything about flash on 64 bit systems beyond !flash64 ;)05:24
Hobbseet0phr3: yeah.  if you can actually isolate the problem further, then that'd be good.  but if people have no way to reproduce it - ie, works fine for htem, then any bug you file on it will just get ignored anyway - or marked as wontfix - WFM.05:24
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tretle_whats going on with the duplication in the panel does anyone know05:26
tretle_that bug has been there since at least tribe 205:27
tretle_in places05:27
Picitretle_: What duplication?05:27
PiciDo you have a bug # or link to the bug report?05:27
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alex_mayorg1do I report this on dmesg APIC error on CPU1: 40(40) ?05:28
t0phr3tretle_: bout like the one for the intel ipw394505:29
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t0phr3Pici: [Bug 122602]  Duplicated entries in Places Menu05:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122602 in gnome-panel "Duplicated entries in Places Menu" [Medium,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12260205:29
=== Hobbsee wishes people would understand the phases of ubuntu development, before whining on how bugs havent been fixed yet.
alex_mayorg1hey I have those dupes too05:31
=== nickrud wants it all, and he wants it now ;P
t0phr3Hobbsee: not whining, i just use the power switch thingy and all is fine :)05:31
alex_mayorg1Documents and desktop05:31
Hobbseenickrud: patches welcome :)05:32
tretle_and im not whining either05:32
Hobbseet0phr3: i realise that - your thing is just weird.05:32
=== nickrud scuttles back under his rock
Hobbseetretle_: likewise, patches welcome :)05:32
tretle_but correct me if im wrong but the panel code isnt very complex compared to other code which has higher priority05:32
Hobbseeprobably not too hard to fix, either05:32
Hobbseethis is true05:33
Hobbseethe focus on bugfixing has recently started05:33
Hobbseepreviously, the focus was on getting other stuff written, etc05:33
alex_mayorg1where do I start looking?05:33
t0phr3Hobbsee: i just can't get a frickin fresh copy installed lol05:33
nickrudfeature freeze, why I waited to yesterday to install.05:33
t0phr3everything i have is upgraded from fiesty05:34
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cheeseboyi changed my source list to gusty and did apt-get upgrade05:35
Hobbseet0phr3: :)05:35
cheeseboy and my power wen out during it05:35
Hobbseet0phr3: i'd try with the cd testing for tribe 605:35
=== Arwen hands cheeseboy a UPS
Hobbseet0phr3: or use an old tribe, and upgrade from that05:35
cheeseboyand now i get permission denied for everything05:35
Hobbseet0phr3: probably more useful if you help test tribe 6, actually, if you're already running gutsy05:36
cheeseboyhow do i fix it?05:36
alex_mayorg1try sudo rm the lock file it tells you05:36
t0phr3cheeseboy: please tell me your /home is on another partition05:37
alex_mayorg1Hobbsee, how do I get to tribe 6 already?05:37
cheeseboyalex_mayorg1: is prolly gonna give me permission denided on rm05:37
Hobbseealex_mayorg1: time machine.05:37
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alex_mayorg1sudo is your help as is -f05:37
t0phr3Hobbsee: i'm getting tired of waisting CDs05:38
cheeseboyth0ph3r not sure but proably not05:38
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alex_mayorg1don't have that feature yet :(05:38
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cheeseboyth0p3r why?05:39
alex_mayorg1do people actually checks https://iso.qa.stgraber.org ?05:40
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t0phr3cheeseboy: because if it were me, i'd start fresh05:40
Hobbseet0phr3: rewritables are your friend :)05:41
t0phr3cheeseboy: if /home had its own partition then you wouldn't have to back it up05:41
cheeseboyubuntu should have system restore05:41
Hobbseecheeseboy: indeed.  write one.05:41
cheeseboyi dont have anything important on /home05:41
Hobbseecheeseboy: although, i wonder how windows handles an upgrade if the power goes out.05:41
Hobbseealex_mayorg1: yes.05:42
Hobbseealex_mayorg1: what about it?05:42
cheeseboydunno but it works05:42
alex_mayorg1just wondering if it's worth to report on it05:43
alex_mayorg1I try to be a considerate bugger, given that I'm yet not a patcher05:43
Hobbseealex_mayorg1: report what, sorry?05:43
DanaGHmm, take a look at this site's color scheme:05:44
DanaGOrange and blue can work together, if done right.05:44
Amaranthbut they don't there05:44
Amaranthtoo much orange05:44
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Amaranththat's blue and orange working together05:45
Amaranththey've been moving to less and less orange though05:45
DanaGOkay, how about just looking at the background?  Nice orange, anyway.05:45
DanaGI see no orange on sitepoint.  :(05:46
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AmaranthDanaG: well, only the logo now05:46
Amaranthlook in the wayback machine05:46
alex_mayorg1Hobbsee: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~alex-mayorga05:47
DanaGWhat date?05:47
DanaGAah, 2004.05:48
alex_mayorg1anyone having problems with the flash plugin not being detected by firefox?05:48
alex_mayorg1I installed it via aptitude05:49
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alex_mayorg1and yet every time I go to a flash site it tries to install the plugin again05:49
DanaGUsing granparadiso?05:53
DanaGGranparadiso doesn't see flash, for some reason.05:53
alex_mayorg1no it's
alex_mayorg1where to report?05:57
hyljefeisty package menager fuzzed up my X when it did its magic06:00
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hyljemight anyone know has anything been done for that?06:00
hyljewhat happens exactly is that the bitmap moves to the left quite a few pixels06:01
hyljethe bitmap being the image "below" the mouse in the display06:01
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alex_mayorg1DanaG, known bug?06:04
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DanaGI don't know, actually.06:09
DanaGOh, and I just noticed something in Xubuntu: checked checkboxes look grayed out.06:09
tretle_hmmm.... I was just thinking, maybe it would be good if gutsy64bit edition had the 32bit version of firefox included along with easy installation of all the plugins from the get go06:11
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alex_mayorg1that would be cool, but gutsy is now in feature freeze if I'm not mistaken06:12
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Hobbseealex_mayorg1: it is, and i suspect tretle_'s request is unfeasible anyway, due to cd size.06:14
Hobbseetretle_: you're aware of ubuntu-restricted-extras?06:14
IntuitiveNippleWhat would be the implications of reverting to gnome-session 2.1.18 (as is in Feisty) ?06:15
tretle_yes i know about restricted extras but that doesnt help very much in getting stuff like flash working on a 64bit machine06:16
Hobbseetretle_: gnash?06:18
alex_mayorg1isn't gutsy supposed to include compiz out of the box?06:19
tretle_gnash doesnt have flash9 support only flash 7 which is pretty much useless seeing as most things use 9 now06:19
Hobbseealex_mayorg1: it currently does.06:20
Hobbseetretle_: suggestion:  complain to those who make flash, to make a linux 64 bit version.06:20
alex_mayorg1never mind I had to enable restricted driver06:21
alex_mayorg1Hobbsee: +106:21
alex_mayorg1try here http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=fp_beta_feedback06:23
Hobbseetretle_: you're not aware that reverse engineering is very slow?06:24
DanaG /my major peeve is the new deskbar-applet.06:25
alex_mayorg1the backspace not working as back button on firefox is a bug or a feature?06:26
Hobbseealex_mayorg1: feature.  you can change it06:27
tretle_im not saying they are reverse engineering it too slow, fair dues to them for getting this far. it doesn't make the problem go away though and until its fixed the user should have an easy replacement to use06:37
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tretle_hence including 32bit firefox with the 64bit os06:37
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tretle_even microsoft had to do something similar for windows xp64bit06:38
DARKGuyGreetings, could somebody guide me in how to submit a package for gutsy so I can send one tomorrow or 28th max. ?06:38
tretle_if there isnt a native 64bit solution to flash 9 support find a workaround06:39
tretle_that simple06:39
tretle_when a solution becomes available use that06:39
alex_mayorg1Hobbsee, thanks06:39
DARKGuycheck the forums, flash works on 64bit... well at least on my feisty o.o06:39
tretle_yes i have it working06:40
tretle_but on firefox32bit06:40
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Hobbseetretle_: patches welcome.  also, ways of making cds larger are also welcome.06:40
DARKGuybut it works on 64 too o.o06:40
tretle_not firefox 64bit06:40
tretle_any time someone brings up an issue theres people like you with your generic cd responce06:40
tretle_grow up06:41
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tretle_it gets anoying when you try and sugest something and people dismess it because of cd size06:41
Hobbseealthough, i wonder if one would then stop putting 64 bit firefox on the cd.06:42
tretle_for instance a that flash viewer included with gutsy is pretty useless on the 64bit version without haveing 32bit firefox running to download the flash so why not replace that feature with 32bit firefox06:43
Hobbseebecause that requires ia32libs on the cd, doesnt it?06:43
DARKGuynow that's messed up, why not to edit the flash viewer so it uses firefox64 instead? -.- it's so un-64 xD06:44
tretle_i think there should at least be a package availablein the main repository to get firefox32bit06:44
jscinozIs there an ETA on when Alsa on intel sound cards running under the .10 kernel will be fixed?06:45
tretle_and a spae in yelp describing how the user can get flash working06:45
Hobbseetretle_: just checking - you have to run firefox 32 bit with ia32libs or something, or in a chroot, right?06:45
tretle_hence 32bit06:46
Hobbseetretle_: how well does the chroot option work?06:46
Hobbseeyeah, of course06:46
tretle_emulation libraries06:46
Hobbseeno, not ohw does it work - how *well* does it work?06:46
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tretle_firefox32bit on gutsy 64bit works perfectlyworks perfectly06:47
jscinozwhat package can i find "ld" in?06:47
tretle_where as the 64bit version is pretty much useless06:47
tretle_if you want to watch flash video etc06:47
tretle_wich is what the common user does these days06:48
Hobbseeare there disadvantages in having hte 32 bit browser on a 64 bit system, under a chroot, compared to having a 64 bit browser natively?06:48
tretle_cant think of any off the top of my head06:48
tretle_id say there would obviously be a performance difference so 64bit might be able to handle more tabs than 32bit but how much tabs does the user actually use06:50
Hobbseethen i suggest you write a mail to ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com about why it might be a good idea to drop the 64 bit, and include the 32 bit firefox in a chroot.06:50
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Hobbseeobviously, one cannot have both, and it would have to run in the chroot, instead of the ia32libs solution.06:51
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soulrider_got any links on how to upgrade ?06:54
soulrider_or 'upgrade'06:55
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:55
Hobbseesoulrider_: but if you have to ask, you probably dont want to run gutsy yet.06:55
soulrider_thanks Hobbsee long time no see :)06:55
soulrider_Hobbsee, yeah, why not :P my gentoo installation is working perfectly well so... :P06:55
soulrider_i actually isntalled ubuntu to try out gutsy06:56
Hobbseesoulrider_: if you can run gentoo, then you can read the documentation on how to manhandle apt and various other useful tools when things break, so you should be fine.06:56
soulrider_Hobbsee, that link only states how to upgrade to stable releases06:56
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Hobbseeoh, hmmm, someone changed the factoid, or the upgrade notes06:57
soulrider_is it like in other releases? just change the repos adn thats it ?06:57
soulrider_i remember it was like that in dapper to edgy06:57
soulrider_ah, ok06:57
Hobbseewell, and update obviously06:57
soulrider_lol, yes06:57
soulrider_im gonna tyr it06:57
soulrider_i had such good time sint he kubuntu IRC....06:58
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ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide07:06
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cdm10How do I upgrade Feisty to Gutsy? I've got the latest and greatest update-manager, and I ran update-manager -d, but it's not prompting me to install Gutsy.07:43
cdm10do i need to enable feisty-proposed?07:43
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forevertheunihi..I'm having a prob while upgading to gusty07:44
forevertheuniinvoke-rc.d: initscript netatalk, action "start" failed.07:44
forevertheunisubprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 107:44
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forevertheuniok solved07:45
forevertheuniI remove /etc/init.d/netatalk07:45
forevertheuniand remove and reinstalled the package07:45
cdm10How do I upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy Tribe 5? It's in a VM, so I'm not too worried about messing it up.07:54
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DanaGOdd: setting mode_option for the module savagefb does not actually set the mode!07:56
DanaGAlso, I can't seem to get the initramfs tools to load the module and set the mode.07:56
cdm10I have update-manager 0.59.23 installed, but update-manager -d just loads the normal update-manager...07:56
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RAOFcdm10: Are you using appropriate quoting?  Last time I tried, I needed to run something like: gksudo 'update-manager -c -d'07:58
cdm10RAOF: I ran it without the gksudo... normally, update-manager does that automatically when you hit Install Updates.07:58
cdm10RAOF: the instructions on the website don't mention gksudo, perhaps that should be fixed07:59
cdm10RAOF: it also doesn't mention the -c08:00
DanaGubotu: debian bug 41606308:00
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DanaGdebbug 41606308:00
cdm10RAOF: I did gksudo 'update-manager -c -d' and it still isn't working... I just did sudo apt-get update, so my sources should be up-to-date08:01
DanaGHow can I get initramfs-tools to run fbset?08:05
DanaGRight now it seems to assume that the module gets the parameter mode=XXXxYYY-RR08:09
DanaGbut I need it to run fbset.08:09
cdm10OK, I'm REALLY stuck here... I've been gksudo update-manager -c -d-ing for a while and I haven't gotten anywhere.08:10
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cdm10I mean, I've tried update manager -c, update manager -d, update manager -cd... nothing prompts me to install a new release08:14
xtknightwhat about dist-upgrade?08:14
cdm10xtknight: update-manager --dist-upgrade?08:15
cdm10the instructions on the ubuntu testing site just said to use update-manager -d08:15
xtknightyeah well i'm not sure how to fix that but if you just want to getit done08:15
xtknightcdm10,  in /etc/apt/sources.list replace "feisty" with "gutsy" then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"?08:15
xtknightgoogle around a bit on ubuntu dist-upgrade to make sure this sounds correct08:15
cdm10xtknight: I thought that was frowned upon at this point08:16
Hobbseecdm10: no08:16
cdm10Hobbsee: so... that's what I should do?08:16
xtknighti thought this was the same thing update manager did08:16
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:16
xtknightyea those should be the proper steps.  i recommend removing 3rd party repos beforehadn08:17
xtknightbeforehand *08:17
cdm10well, this is pretty much a perfectly clean Feisty system08:17
cdm10I sort of wanted to do it "by the books"08:17
xtknighthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgradesManual  (except replace feisty with gutsy, and edgy with feisty)08:18
xtknightis there anything wrong with installing a clean gutsy VM?08:18
DanaGAah, I see something here: savagefb doesn't work the same way as everything else.08:18
cdm10xtknight: it's damn slow...08:18
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Hobbseextknight: no - although it doesnt test your hardware08:20
Hobbseecdm10: the dist-upgrade with the tool will probably crash - seeing as it's a WIP08:20
cdm10I think I'll just go with what I know, and install from an ISO08:21
cdm10at least I don't have to burn it first08:21
hyljehow would i go about downgrading packages08:24
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forevertheunihi..how do I setup compiz?08:42
forevertheuniif I install 3rd party apps and fusion-icon08:43
forevertheunithe cssm doesn't control the running compiz08:43
RAOFWhy aren't you using the packaged compiz? :(08:43
forevertheuniI was using compiz-fusion08:43
forevertheuniwell..it's compiz08:43
forevertheunipackage anyway08:44
BFrankGutsy is the first version of ubuntu that finally gets the refresh rate correct on my monitor08:44
forevertheuni+ some plugins that came from beryl08:44
BFrankwhat exactly is gutsy doing to get such a high refresh rate automatically?08:44
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hyljeBFrank: newer X08:44
RAOFforevertheuni: You know, compiz-fusion is installed & enabled by default in Gutsy, right?08:44
anderbubbleI'm having trouble getting cups to print with an HP laserjet 1000.08:45
forevertheunibut I had someprobs08:45
forevertheuniRAOF, I couldn't move windows and didn't have the cube 'cause the plugins were not loaded08:45
RAOFThen *please* file bugs rather than using other packages.08:45
forevertheuniand..when I loaded them with compiz-manager it didn't change a thing...I rebooted and it now works08:46
BFrankdoes anyone know why Gutsy install freezes on my machine when trying to partition?08:46
forevertheunibut I'm running fusion-icon and I think compiz is running from it..not from "normal ubuntu" procedure08:46
forevertheuniwhere am I suposed to configure compiz normally in gutsy?08:48
forevertheuniIt's not a fresh install08:48
BFrankgconf-editor, right?08:48
forevertheuniBFrank, :/ use fdisk :D08:51
BFrankinteresting, earlier versions of gutsy, like tribe 2 didn't have the problem08:51
BFrankI wonder why tribe 5 has the problem08:52
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RAOFforevertheuni: ccsm.08:56
DanaGCan somebody help me with a regex I'm trying to make?08:56
RAOFDanaG: Fire away.08:56
DanaGI'm mucking around in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top/framebuffer08:56
DanaGI'm trying to do the reverse of the line08:57
DanaGThat seems to take everything to the left of the colon.08:57
DanaGI want to make a variable STUFF= everything to the right, instead.08:57
DanaGBut I can't figure out how the percent-signs and asterisk work.08:58
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DanaGOh, I just figured it out.09:00
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DanaGYay, now to see if initramfs-tools can be made to do fbset that way.09:01
=== DanaG runs off to reboot.
anderbubbleWhen I try to print a test page (or anything else, for that matter) I can see the job in cups, but the printer stays at "processing" indefinitely.09:01
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zorlinHey guys09:06
zorlinWho thinks its a good idea to start organizing some release parties soon?09:06
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Hobbseewhen do we release again?09:07
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aroonican i resize NTFS partitions from within gparted?09:07
Hobbseemid october.  hmmm.09:07
Hobbseearooni: usually, yes.09:07
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anderbubbleI have now noticed that cups continuously reports "Printer busy; will retry in 5 seconds..." for my printer09:28
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anderbubbleAm I perhaps missing the firmware file? I don't have /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1000.dl09:37
anderbubbleThis seems to be the case. I downloaded sihp1000.dl from the foo2zjs site manually, and added it at /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1000.dl, and it works now. (This should probably be fixed...)09:44
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DanaGHmm, how do I let my machine respond to arp requests?10:09
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aroonihow do i format a dvdrw disk?  gnomebaker isnt cutting it ;(10:43
khermans_arooni, cdrecord -blank10:43
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finalbetaarooni: try K3B as a burn program, it really is the best on nix.10:53
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whyn0tI need help with mdadm. I have a clean system on sda, an empty sdb and I'd like to construct my arrays from the data on sda but don't know which mode (Assemble, Build, Create) to use11:00
whyn0tI precise that I couldn't use the raid assistant of the CD and that's why I'm doing it by hand.11:00
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whyn0tI also add that, yes, I just asked this question on #ubuntu. not that I like doubleposting but I just discovered ubuntu+1 and since I'm running gutsy, this question should go here11:02
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PC-Entethe Gusty install CD wounr run on my HP 6715s11:04
PC-Entei tred aternate and Desktop11:05
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whyn0twhat version (nightly ? tribe ?). And what was the problem ?11:05
PC-Entetribe 5 and tribe 211:05
PC-Entemoitor turns black --- most time at "Parition mananger"  and nothing happens11:06
PC-Entewaitet 20 min11:06
whyn0teven with alternate ? wow11:06
PC-EnteFeisty Desktop and alternate worked11:06
whyn0thow are partitioned your disks ?11:07
PC-Enteand work still11:07
PC-Ente80 GB HDD11:07
PC-Entefirst 8 are FreeDos, this was there before11:07
PC-Enteis primary11:07
PC-Entenex logical is Feisty 64bit because 32 dosent work with Hard-Disk11:07
PC-Entethan logical Swap11:08
PC-Entelogical Home11:08
PC-Entefree space left vor gusty11:08
whyn0thmm wait11:08
whyn0twouldn't a dimple distribution upgrade from feisty be okay for you ? or do you really want to reinstall from a CD ?11:08
PC-Entei want to install 32bit11:09
whyn0tyou have EIGHT freedos partitions ?11:09
PC-Enteno one11:09
PC-Enteno, one partitions11:09
PC-Entesry that 811:10
PC-Entemy mistake11:10
whyn0tno problem :)11:10
PC-Entei want do test the Hard Disk with gusty, because with feisty 32bit i have nerly 1 Mbit write/read speed11:11
PC-Entethats to slow...11:11
PC-Entei also testing Fedora install DVD right now11:12
PC-Enteseems to stop at "Running anacoda, the Fedora system installer - please wait11:13
whyn0tcould you detail your hardware (HD, chipset, ...)11:13
Assidwassup finalbeta11:13
finalbetaeh? I'm fine, nice to meet you.11:14
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Assiddoes qtparted resize parititons while retaining data ?11:14
Assidi need to resize these partitions.. create a soft raid11:14
finalbetacheck the menu's, gparted can do it for a bunch of file systems. But I would take a backup for sure.11:15
PC-Enteand someone with the same notebook made a detailed scan under windows http://rafb.net/p/3GHWPB94.html11:16
Assidwell.. i have a single  / parititon on the primary drive..11:16
Assidif it blows up.. i lose the os :(11:16
finalbetaTake backups.11:16
Assidmaybe i should make a file based filesystem?11:17
PC-Enteokay i quess fedora and gusty installer have the same problem11:17
finalbetamaybe you should stop making excuses to take backups.11:17
PC-Entethe hard disk is weeeeeeerrryyy slow11:17
finalbetatake backups!11:17
PC-Entebecase fedora reacted after 30 min11:17
PC-Ente"plasse wait"11:17
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Assidalrite.. lemme see.. else i might just have it rsync to the 2nd drive instead11:18
whyn0tPC-Ente : strange that the 2 distros have the same pb11:18
PC-Entepd ?11:18
Assidseems to be a hardware issue.. or unsupported hardware PC-Ente11:18
Assidi wonder if i should upgrade to a quad660011:18
PC-Entei should use another one to test11:19
Assidokay anyone wanna give me some advice11:19
Assidi have a p4 3ghz prescott.. 1.5GB ram.. nvidia 6600GT graphics card atm..11:19
whyn0tPC-Ente > I think your AMD/ATI chipset is not fully supported by the current kernels...11:20
whyn0tmaybe in gutsy+111:20
Assiddo i really need an upgrade?11:20
PC-Entethis woud be a long time to wait11:20
finalbetaAssid: only if the pc can't do what you need it to do. or does it to slow.11:20
TheInfinityPC-Ente: you can compile your own kernel. i have the same prob with a santa rosa platform and mbp :/11:20
Assidwell.. i dont really find that much of a speed loss atleast not in linux11:21
finalbetaI have the same system specs. No need for an upgrade here.11:21
PC-Entesounds like hard work11:21
PC-Entebut i would try11:21
PC-Enteif than WLAN would work well to...11:21
PC-Entebecaise bcm43xx doesnt work11:21
finalbetareport it as a bug, you shouldn't have to compile yourself.11:22
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PC-Entethe hardisk thing ?11:22
finalbetabcm43xx works. I have it on my laptop. Ubuntu configured it.11:22
PC-Entedosent work at my laptop bcm43xx: FATAL ERROR: BCM43xx_IRQ_XMIT_ERROR11:23
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PC-Entekay i report the bug at launchpad11:23
Assidfinalbeta: you ever gamed on linux through cedega or something?11:24
finalbetaAssid: linux is not for gaming. use windows for that. cedega is asking for troubles. I already waste enough time at normal bugs in linux.11:24
Assidi dont like to dualboot..11:25
finalbetaI wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.11:25
Assideither i use win/ lin11:25
Assidactually.. alot of my apps currently run through wine :(11:25
Assidincluding my torrents11:25
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Assidim thinking of shifting back maybe11:26
Assidthe support for 3rd party and stuff is just too tempting11:27
Assidi really wish someone would give me some kinda input/advice11:28
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finalbetaYou are asking what you should do,, I don't understand that... You ask if you should upgrade your PC. do it it you feel you need to. If you want to use windows, use windows. Do what feels best :p11:29
Assidhrmm.. thats the thing.. total confusion11:29
finalbetaFor some people linux will be a great choice. for some it will be a nightmare.11:30
finalbetaall depends on needs and hardware really.11:30
Assidwell hardware wise i think its doing a great job11:30
Assidim tired of wondering when my machine will crash due to a virus or whatever..11:30
finalbetaI've been using ubuntu as my main OS for over a year now. And I'm still thinking of converting back. (not to vista though, I'll never run that again.)11:31
Assidbut at the same time.. i want to be able to game.. and be able to synch my cell phone and stuff11:31
finalbetasome things it does well, some things it does horrible.11:31
finalbetaThe reason I stay with it is that you can see it improve and that I like to learn.11:32
Assidyeah me too. but sometimes it just hampers productivity11:32
finalbetaIf I was a normal PC user just interested in music, surfing and gaming, I wouldn't use ubuntu.11:32
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PC-Entedamn black window with FEdora now, too11:32
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Assidmines all that.. + development11:33
Assidmostly web based development11:34
Assidso dreamweaver and a few other windows app is pretty much helpful to me11:34
Assidand i dont care what people say about the alternatives.. there are just some apps that do it better11:34
snadgeso use windows and dreamweaver then11:34
davmor2Assid:  What do you think of Kompozer?11:34
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Assiddavmor2: havent tried it11:35
davmor2it's the community continuation of nvu11:35
Assidyeah.. but seriously tho.. there isnt anything that comes close to the likes of DW11:37
snadgei personally dont see the fuss.. i use vim and firefox myself11:37
Assidsnadge: i dont wanna have those issues like viruses and apps crashing and taking the whole system down.. and some dll screwing up something else11:38
Assidhence i keep scratching my head wondering what to do11:39
finalbetasnadge: if you used dreamweaver you would see. It really is a great program. But I got sick of webdev, so I quit that.11:39
snadgei have used dreamweaver a few times, it has some nifty features i'll admit11:39
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davmor2Assid: I didn't say it did.  But it is getting to be a very useful tool slowly11:39
snadgebut nothing i just absolutely couldn't do without11:39
Assidwell wine is currently running dw for me11:39
Assidalthought my license of flashfxp is going waste.. thats a brilliant ftp client11:40
Assidi still cant use vnc in listening client mode11:40
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Assidi.e. people invite my machine to directly connect to theirs .. very useful if they are behind a nat11:40
davmor2foxftp/gftp/kftp(i think) and others11:41
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Assidkftpgrabber aint bad.. i must admit.. but seriously try flashfxp if you can.. brilliant11:41
davmor2quite happy with gftp does what I need it to.  But then I'm low level.11:42
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=== Assid is still super confused
Assidi stil gotta think whether i need to upgrade or no11:44
Assidcause i can same some cash as my mom is coming down from US.. i can get some parts from there11:44
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finalbetakftpgrabber is ok, it can do the advanced stuff, gftp can't do much other then make an ftp connection to a standard server. but yeah, flashfxp is the best. someone posted a patch to make it work. But like so many, it got ignored.11:47
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Assidhrmm didnt find any patch11:57
Assidwasnt that supposed to make it to wine11:57
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fuocoanyone knows if powerpc gutsy status is much worse than official archs these days?12:02
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jscinozin the file /usr/include/linux/input.h what is the BTN_ event for scroll wheel up or down?12:11
pvandewyngaerdejscinoz:  can you see this with xev ??   x events12:13
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jscinozXev doesnt tell me12:13
pvandewyngaerdebutton 4 and 5 here12:14
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jscinozwhen i use those in that file, they simply act as right clicks12:14
pvandewyngaerderightclick is 3 here12:14
jscinozit is for me12:15
jscinozbut im sayin 4 and 5 act as additional right clicks12:15
jscinozfor some reason12:15
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petterahhello, anybody else have problem getting 1920x1200 on their herd5 with gui tools?12:16
petterahmax posible is 1600x120012:17
TheInfinitynon gui? ;)12:17
TheInfinityor i think kde offeres more then 1600x120012:17
petterahhehe yeah, nongui of course, but... with the new gtk config utility :)12:19
jscinozwhats the command for the new gtk utility?12:19
petterahit detects my monitor fine, and uses nvidia geforce4 generic driver.... i think it uses nvidia, not nv, because I have some desktop effects... like dropshaddow on all menys12:20
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jscinozcan anyone confirm that KEY_SCROLLUP and KEY_SCROLLDOWN in /usr/include/linux/input.h correspond to the mouse scrollwheel up or down12:25
pvandewyngaerde177/178    i dont think so, but i totally dont know12:28
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Tribe5userI don't think the plugin finder for Firefox is working. Other people have the same problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/13442601:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134426 in firefox "[gutsy]  plugin finder service runs forever" [Undecided,New] 01:10
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soul9whyn0t, j'aurais une autre question...01:42
soul9g un clavier qui a des touches multimedia01:42
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soul9et je voudrais pouvoir utiliser les deux, donc je devrais changer les usageIDs01:43
soul9mais je ne comprend pas trop01:43
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soul9whyn0t, comment je pourais avoir les usageids de mes touches multimedia01:47
coNP!fr |soul901:47
ubotusoul9: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:47
soul9whoops :-S01:48
soul9ht ez ciki01:48
coNP!hu | soul901:48
ubotusoul9: Magyar nyelv segtsget az #ubuntu-hu csatornn tall01:48
soul9whoops, now that's definitely confusing :-D01:48
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tapasdoes the graphical conf tool for x work in kubuntu too?01:58
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jscinozhey guys, im on a XPS m1330 laptop with an intel sound card, when alsa starts i get the following error: "ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL default" and i have no audio via ALSA. What can i do to fix this?02:27
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fdovingdoes anyone have compiz working with kde-window-decorator on gutsy? - kde-window-decorator crashes on me.02:35
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Do``when i enable the window effects in tribe 502:47
Do``all the window frames disappear02:47
Do``what am i doing wrong? :)02:47
jeffferrarithat was a prob in fiesty too02:49
jeffferrarigoogle for "ubuntu window decorations"02:49
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stefgGusty herd 5 desktop fails to install on my testing box (p4, 1,5 Ghz, 256mb). ubiquity just dies and freezes the box when trying to partition the drive (i guess) how to get ubuquity to put out a log? I ran it from terminal, but stays quiet....03:03
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kenpokarateboy>hello! I'm trying to upgrade to gutsy tribe 5, but when i run update-manager -d, it outputs to the terminal "current dist not found in meta-release file", and then runs update manager, but provides no option of upgrading to gutsy. any advice would be greatly appreciated03:05
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Priceykenpokarateboy, i'm not sure if the update-manager can handle uprgades to gutsy yet... if i were you, i would backup then edit my sources.list from feisty to gutsy03:13
kenpokarateboyokay, i'll try that. Thanks!03:14
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VorianPricey, update manager can handle it with some love bug #12939203:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129392 in update-manager ""update-manager -d" in Feisty presents no option to upgrade to Gutsy (dup-of: 127263)" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12939203:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127263 in update-manager "update-manager cannot find meta-release info" [Undecided,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12726303:20
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ubuntuhi there03:25
ubuntuI'm testing Gusty tribe03:25
ubuntuworks great03:25
ubuntuthe only "regression" I have noticed is that my headphone didn"t work anymore03:25
ubuntuspeaker is ok but mic is ko03:25
ubuntuworks on Feisty03:26
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|Lunar_Lamp|fglrx drivers don't load with latest kernel updates - I assume that's because the fglrx packages haven't been updated.03:49
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soulrideri just upgraded, it all went smooth except for one thing, configuring initramfs-tools04:27
soulrideri know the problem is that i dont have enough space on my partition04:27
soulriderit it possible for me to remove my RUNNING kernel so i can free enough to config the new one? or can I delete my running kernel from my gentoo installation and from there dpkg --configure initram-fs ?04:28
soulrideralso, i see generic and 383, are those the same kernel or different ones?04:29
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:07
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:08
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:08
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:09
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse05:10
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sparrapt thinks that knetworkmanager is an autoremove candidate.  how can i fix that?05:14
TerraMasterI've been trying to mount an external harddrive and nothing is working, any help?05:15
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TerraMasterI've been trying to mount an external harddrive and nothing is working, any help? I get its showing up in lsusb but I cant do anything more05:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about external - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:22
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:22
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:22
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse05:22
ubotuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems05:23
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TerraMasterI've been trying to mount an external harddrive and nothing is working, any help? Ive found it in lsusb but I cant do anything else.05:24
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TerraMasterBus 004 Device 003: ID 05e3:0702 Genesys Logic, Inc. USB 2.0 IDE Adapter05:25
TerraMasterHow do I mount this?05:25
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PiciUnplug it, plug it in and look dmesg to see if it gives a devicename05:28
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deobfuscateIs there still a way to use Emerald THemes in Gutsy and Compiz-Fusion manager?05:29
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soulriderproblem solved, i can honestly say my upgrade to gutsy was smooth :)05:37
TerraMaster[57203.786462]  usb-storage: device found at 305:48
TerraMaster[57203.786465]  usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning05:48
TerraMaster[57208.780562]  usb-storage: device scan complete05:48
TerraMaster[57214.555648]  usb 4-3: USB disconnect, address 305:48
TerraMaster[57214.555808]  scsi 1:0:0:0: scsi: Device offlined - not ready after error recovery05:48
TerraMasterI get this05:48
TerraMasterok alot more then that05:51
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VorboteTerraMaster: Can you use the device with other OS in the same machine?05:58
VorboteTerraMaster: As well, have you tried using another USB port in a different root concentrator?05:59
jg1Hi I've hit some problems with missing dependencies in gutsy (specifically libqt3-mt missing when attempting to install libqt3-mt-sqlite), where should I report this (if at all)?05:59
Vorbotejg1: launchpad against the source package06:00
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VorboteIf there was a very recent update of libqt3-mt, you may have hit an unsynced mirror.06:01
jg1What's the primary for gutsy?06:01
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jg1Okay will try directly against there first06:02
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jaime-sananyone here have any experience in ruby on rails?06:05
jg1What do I do with packages that are broken due to dependencies, do I report them against the package or its dependency?  (Example is cogito)06:05
jaime-sani have a question about setup in tribe 506:05
Vorbotejg1: against them. It is either bad timing in repo updates or a problem with the packaging.06:06
jg1How long does it take for the repos to update?  Wondering if I should leave it a day or so before reporting it to avoid false positives...06:06
Vorbotejaime-san: don't ask to ask. Just ask and be accurate and precise. :-)06:06
=== Vorbote doesn't read minds. :-P
=== JohnFlux [n=JohnFlux@konversation/developer/JohnFlux] has joined #ubuntu+1
jaime-sanwell I installed ruby on rails via repositories, and installed the oracle package from oracle's website, I can't find any documentation on integrating the two though06:07
Vorbotejg1: In my experience it is somewhat random. It depends on the source package size and the number of packages in the build queue.06:07
jaime-sanI setup my database.yml file in the config directory to look at oci however it complains06:08
jg1Is there any visibility in to the build queue from the web?  If not I'll just guess at a day and after that report it06:08
jaime-sanerror is: ./script/../config/../vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/oracle_adapter.rb:685:in `oci_connection': Oracle/OCI libraries could not be loaded: no such file to load -- oci8 (LoadError)06:08
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Vorbotejaime-san: if there is no ruby db interface for Oracle in the repos, which there is not as it is propietary software, you won't connect no matter what.06:09
VorboteYou'll need to hunt down an oracle db ruby driver somewhere and compile it yourself.06:09
jaime-sansounds fair06:09
=== Joe_CoT [i=joe_cot@ubuntu/member/joeterranova] has joined #ubuntu+1
Joe_CoThey, i dist-upgraded to tribe 5 last night, and my headphone jack doesn't work. I found a topic on their being a separate alsa slider for headphones now, but not for my card06:11
VorboteJoe_CoT: you may need to run asoundconf to generate a new configuration for your card.06:12
Vorbote(That message appears when installing alsa-utils, but you won't see it if using Synaptic or update-manager and do not monitor the installation process...)06:13
Joe_CoThmm, ok. do you know what the actual command would be? alsaconf help isn't all that helpful06:15
Vorboteasoundconf --help06:16
Joe_CoTyes, that's what i mean, and there is no man. if asoundconf reset-default-card was supposed to do it, doesn't seem to have helped06:16
Vorbotedo asoundconf list06:17
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Vorbotethen asound conf set-default-card <card name detected>06:17
VorboteIf it only gives you Intel as a name, you may need to go digging deeper, checking the sound kernel modules loaded (lsmod | sort| less will do)06:18
VorboteBut giving it Intel as a name should be fine, in principle.06:18
soulriderhello guys! Ive managed to get Gentoo's bash colors working on ubuntu for all users, but they dont work unless i type 'source /etc/profile' every time i start a console. Is there any way of automagically running this command every time a console is opened ithout editing each users bashrc file ?06:19
VorboteAdd it to /etc/bash_profile06:20
Vorboteinstead of /etc/profile06:20
Joe_CoTVorbote: it's just the standard snd-hda-intel driver. ran the alsaconf command, and restarted alsa-utils. No change in alsamixer, and still no sound when i plug in headphones06:20
soulriderVorbote, i didnt change /etc/profile at all06:20
ArwenUbuntu doesn't have a /etc/profile. The file should be at /etc/bash_profile06:21
soulriderArwen, it does have /etc/profile06:21
Arwenah, oops06:21
soulriderso i append 'source /etc/profile' to /etc/bash_profile ?06:21
VorboteHmmm... Then it is time to file a bug against the kernel. I suspect there is something wrong with the alsa drivers because with my sound chipset I get a lot of warnings in dmesg that do not show up with a vainilla kernel.06:21
Arwennever mind, it belongs in /etc/profile06:22
Vorbotesoulrider: no. bash reads bash_profile instead of profile if it finds one.06:22
soulriderVorbote, i dont have /etc/bash_profile06:22
Joe_CoTVorbote: that's what i figured, I just don't know what project to file against. linux-source-2.6.22 ?06:22
soulriderVorbote, the thing is i didnt change profile at all :P06:22
Vorbotethat's the one06:22
soulridershould i rename /etc/profile to /etc/bash_profile ?06:22
Joe_CoTVorbote: ok, thanks a lot! What should i attach? lspci? anything else?06:23
=== FFForever [n=FFForeve@pool-71-108-124-108.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
VorboteI think lspci and dmesg for the errors06:23
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soulriderVorbote, i dont understand what it is i gotta do then =/06:24
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FFForeverwhy does it keep droping my download speed when downloading tribe 5?06:24
Vorboteadd the commands to /etc/bash.bashrc06:24
ArwenFFForever, server load?06:24
FFForeverArwen, it was doing it also 3days ago....06:24
FFForeveror well 2 something like that....06:24
soulriderVorbote, if i add source /etc/profile to bashrc it stays looping until i press ctrl c06:25
Joe_CoTVorbote: I found mine, thanks :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/13457906:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134579 in linux-source-2.6.22 "headphone jack stopped working on vaio sz" [Undecided,New] 06:25
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rvallesI've tried to upgrade to gutsy but I'm having a bit of trouble06:26
rvallesbasically, set the sources.list to gutsy where there was the old one, and update-manager -d06:26
rvallesbut it said it couldn't do a full upgrade, only a partial upgrade06:26
rvallescontinued and all06:26
rvallesand it finished... but now I have tons of packages held back.06:27
soulriderrvalles, do sudo aptitude dist-upgrade06:27
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soulridersee what errors it spits06:27
soulrideri upgraded to gutsy last night06:27
VorboteNo, I never said to source /etc/profile in /etc/bash.bashrc. MAy I suggest you read the manual page for bash, the INVOCATION and the FILES sections?06:27
Joe_CoTVerbose: I'm new to filing bugs. Where would i attach my info? Putting dmesg in the reply seems a bit much06:27
rvallesThe following packages have unmet dependencies:06:28
rvalles  libfreebob0: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.5-5) but 2.5-0ubuntu14 is installed.06:28
rvalles               Depends: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.2-20070516) but 1:4.1.2-0ubuntu4 is installed.06:28
rvallesand so on06:28
VorboteJoe_CoT:  There is a small form at the left where you attach files, use that.06:28
FFForeverArwen, how come there are no mirrors for gutsy?06:28
rvallesthat with every imaginable library.06:28
VorboteFFForever: of course there are mirrors, the same as for the previous releases.06:29
FFForeverwhere are they?06:29
FFForeverive looked at most of the us ubuntu mirrors and none of them have gutsy06:29
Vorbotervalles: if you are upgrading from feisty to gutsy you need to dist-upgrade06:29
rvallesVorbote: yes, I'm doing aptitude dist-upgrade06:30
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VorboteFFForever: that's a mirror problem,.06:30
rvallesyet, ot doesn't work06:30
rvallesmaybe something is wrong with my sources or something06:30
rvalles  libfreebob0: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.5-5) but 2.5-0ubuntu14 is installed.06:30
rvallesthis sort of thing06:30
rvallesif I aptitude show libc606:30
rvallesit's 2.5-006:30
rvallesand there seems to be no 2.5-506:31
rvallesso I'm missing something06:31
Vorbotervalles: hmm... Interesting. I really cannot say, I've been running Gutsy before the release of Tribe 1 and only had minor problems with the dist-upgrade then.06:31
Vorbote(because it was so close to feisty at that time).06:31
rvallesVorbote: can you paste me the apt sources?06:31
VorboteSure, I'll use #paste06:32
rvallesuse /msg ;)06:32
VorboteEven better ;-)06:32
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Vorbotervalles: no luck. I'll use #paste06:34
FFForeverdoes anyone else have this problem with ubuntu (and the soudn app) if you use the lower sound key on your kb and lower it all the way when you use the sound up key it won't unmute the speakers06:34
Vorbotervalles: done06:34
rvalles1366 packages upgraded, 295 newly installed, 20 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:34
rvallesNeed to get 1519MB of archives. After unpacking 1566MB will be used.06:34
rvalleslooks like it was sources' fault06:34
rvallesmirror had nothing or sth06:35
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rvallesbase isn't in the mirrors06:36
rvallesuniverse is, for gutsy06:36
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VorboteHa! A paste channel with flood protection. There are some Einsteins afoot.06:36
Vorbotervalles: http://rafb.net/p/MVeDHY39.html06:37
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rvallesVorbote: nice06:45
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rvallesVorbote: I figured out that mirrors don't have gutsy's main06:46
rvallesVorbote: but they have universe, multiverse and such06:46
rvallesVorbote: so once I put the main one you have me, it found everything.06:46
rvalles2/j #ativo06:46
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Vorbotervalles: Great!06:47
thomp1can someone help me with a file issue I seem to have maybe lost some contents06:50
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antmangakahello :)07:12
antmangakai have an issue :( , inm gutsy everytime i open a folder it closes and goes back t desktop folder ?07:12
elkbuntuantmangaka, check launchpad for recent bugs against nautilus07:13
antmangakaok thank you07:13
antmangakawell, it works fine if i use open in new folder07:14
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kousotuhey, I got a question about MP3 to OGG07:17
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Arwenkousotu, yes?07:26
kousotuas answered in ubuntu07:27
kousotubut I do have a 2nd07:27
kousotuhow to you mod volume on ogg files?07:28
Arwenby turning your speakers up/down?07:28
Arwenand why are you converting mp3 to ogg?07:28
kousotuI mean the file itself07:28
Arwenwith vorbisgain07:28
kousotuArwen, I ned it for an app07:28
kousotu2 ogg files07:28
Arwenor rather, you said OGG, so I don't know. Vorbisgain only applies to Vorbis files (duh).07:29
kousotuanything for editing mp3 on linux?07:29
kousotucan it be installed with apt-get?07:29
=== Arwen shudders at converting lossy files
kousotuyouever heard of Frets on FIre?07:30
kousotuheard of Guitar Hero?07:31
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Arwenoh wait, Guitar Hero? yeah07:32
kousotuFoF is sorta like a GH clone07:32
kousotubut you need ogg and midi07:32
Arwenmidi lol07:33
Arwenbeep BOOP beep beep BOOP07:33
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kousotuwell, it'd used to keep track of the notes07:33
kousotueven GH uses it07:33
kousotuand ppl say I'm nuts07:34
antmangakahey guys, how do i change the way nautilus opens folders? its set to nautilus --no-desktop but i want it to use --browse, how do i change that to be default for everything?07:34
Arwenedit the nautilus.desktop file07:34
=== Vorbote observes that MIDI is the standard format for digital production and exchange. We dinosaurs built the world you live in, kids .-P
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antmangakahehehe, Arwen, where is that file located? :P07:36
=== DerekS [n=DerekS@cpe-66-65-46-91.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
kousotushuddup Vorbote07:36
Arwendunno, slocate should find it07:36
=== Vorbote will shut up and you'll never know what I know about digital music production...
Vorbotes/I know/he knows/07:37
ArwenMIDI is like sheetmusic, you don't record stuff in it07:37
Arwenwell, it's not "like" sheet music, it IS sheet music.07:38
VorboteRight on.07:38
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=== Vorbote prefers MODs probably only for sentimental reasons (and that one embeds the samples in the file so they reproduce with fidelity everytime).
kousotuVorbote, make sense07:41
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VorboteHahahaha! You show you are young and green :-P07:41
VorboteMODs or Tracker MODules. That was the format for digital music used in the Amiga07:42
kousotuI wasn't around got Amiga07:42
kousotuI'm only 20 lol07:43
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VorboteWhy do you tink there are so many dinosaurs out there who wold only let their AMiga boxes taken away from their cold dead fingers?07:43
VorboteThe MOD scene is still big.07:43
Vorboteand gstreamer can play them, yay!07:44
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Vorbotekousotu: Check this interview http://amp.dascene.net/detail.php?view=5350&detail=interview07:46
kousotuVorbote, I'm busy atm07:47
kousotustupid thing...07:47
kousotuI had to save in .WAV07:47
VorboteMark it, that guy is one of the leaders of the ModTracker scene...07:48
kousotuI douch on Linuxn't surf m07:48
kousotuI don't search much n linux*07:48
=== kousotu HATES his touchpad
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antmangakahmm editing nautilus.desktop didnt work :(07:50
=== DerekS [n=DerekS@cpe-66-65-46-91.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
kousotuok, I need to convert MP3 and WAV to OGG07:51
kousotuwhat can do it?07:51
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kousotuI want to use X btw, not terminal07:51
VorboteChanging subjects. I'm having a strange problem with Kubuntu updated as of last night. I have it in a disk I move around for testing machines and when it starts up it doesn't find the network interface. But when I log in and use NetworkManager it finds the interface alright but not in eth0 but some other number.07:51
VorboteYes soundconverted is OK...07:52
kousotuwhat's the app name?07:52
=== Skiessi [n=qwe@dsl-roibrasgw1-fe88fb00-133.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu+1
jg1Is there a 'getting started with gutsy' wiki?  I've done a couple of things to /etc/apt/sources.list that in retrospect seem to be obvious whenever you start testing gutsy but I had to find out about them myself.07:53
AnRkeyhow can i increase my usb mouse's priority on my system? I am having problems in gutsy while running vmware607:55
AnRkeyjg1, everything about gutsy is here http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/tribe507:56
Vorbotejg1: if you mean adding external repositories, I doubt you'll find official information about it. Perhaps in the ubuntu Forums wiki, I don't remember the address off-the-top-of-my-head07:57
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jg1It's more of a case of adding main to the basic archive (rather than using the CD which is how it defaults) and not using country-specific archives07:58
VorboteAhhh. Be assured that's a temporary hiccup.07:59
kousotunow to go see if it works07:59
jg1Fair enough but it is on the tribe5 ISO which I assume will be used by everyone until beta1 shows up07:59
jg1So may be worth flagging somewhere (or are there not that many people testing it?)08:00
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VorboteProbably most of the early adopters have been running it for a while now (I've have since Tribe 1)08:01
VorboteAnRkey: Check the following sysctl flags:08:01
jg1Fair enough I've just started with tribe 5 (bought a new computer so figured I'd put gutsy on there rather than feisty to see how it went)08:01
Vorbotedev.mac_hid.mouse_button_emulation = 008:02
Vorbotedev.mac_hid.mouse_button2_keycode = 9708:02
Vorbotedev.mac_hid.mouse_button3_keycode = 10008:02
VorbotePlay changing values (although these ones only define keycodes...)08:02
Vorbotethe lst two I mean.08:02
Vorbotejg1: So, that's a bug in the installer I'd think.08:03
Vorboteif it doesn't activate all the repositories08:03
jg1Well it points gutsy/main to the install CD rather than on the 'net, which I suppose would be okay for the final release but not at the current stage where packages are being updated so frequently08:04
AnRkeyjg1, gutsy is still beta and not stable at all...08:04
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jg1AnRkey: Yep just trying to work out which problems are misconfigurations/misundertandings on my part rather than real reportable bugs08:05
Kousotuworking great, thanks guys08:05
AnRkeyVorbote, what does that have to do with USB priorities?08:05
Vorbotejg1: That's no bug, really. Just comment out the CD entry in sources.list and it will stop asking for the cd. We all have learned that in the school of hard knocks08:06
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VorboteAnRkey: nothing really, that was a shot in the dark.08:06
jg1Vorbote: yeah but if you comment that out then you lose the entire 'main' repository08:09
jg1First line of sources.list: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Alpha i386 (20070823.5)] / gutsy main restricted08:09
jg1Which is fair enough08:09
jg1But the next active line is:08:09
jg1deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy restricted08:10
jg1i.e. without 'main'08:10
jg1Which is what I was trying to point out, there is no default online source for 'main' in a tribe 5 install08:10
jg1I've fixed mine locally, but was wondering if that is how it is meant to be or if I should bug it08:11
=== arooni_ [n=arooni__@c-67-183-138-62.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
arooni_folks!  i need to reinstall ubuntu.  i had a previous installation rocking with a 10GB partition for root and a 23 GB partition for home.  but now when i load up the partitioner.... i see that the 10GB partition is listed as : /media/sda1, and the 23GB partition is listed as /media/sda5.   what should i do ? ... i was thinking:  blow away the 10GB partition for /root/ .... create a new partition for home... and copy data from /me08:11
arooni_ i mean: /media/sda1 over later08:11
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tehkAnyone know if displayconfig-gtk will work with nvidia tvout08:18
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Amaranthtehk: if not just use nvidia-settings08:20
tehkAmaranth, well I am currently but that does not support on the fly switching.08:22
arpuhi all08:24
arpuis this a known bug with the new kernel ? my isign cam does not work :-(08:25
arpuwith the old kernel i get it working with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22562108:25
arpubut no cam with new kernel08:25
KetsubanHi, I'm trying to get nVidia drivers working with my 8xxx-series cards; I found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=514161 but can't follow its instructions since it requires me to drop to the commandline and disable gdm. If X is disabled then I get a blank screen and nothing else, so I'm kinda stuck there. I'm hoping there's a script of some sort which does the job for me, since Envy doesn't work in gutsy.08:25
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=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@p508F068A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu+1
TheInfinityhello ...08:30
TheInfinitydid someone try installing gutsy via alternate cd?08:31
TheInfinityi get an error while configuration of software08:31
TheInfinityand i dont know if its the cd or not.08:31
TheInfinityinstalling command line kubuntu works.08:31
=== DanaG [n=dana@66-169-236-47.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
AnRkeyTheInfinity, have u checked the iso's md5sum?08:32
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PriceChildra12q, what was wrong with the restricted driver manager?08:39
PriceChildit has the _LATEST_ driver in there?08:39
ra12qnothing I suppose.08:39
PriceChildso why didn't you use it...?08:40
PriceChildbecause that works ;)08:40
PriceChildand is supported by ubuntu seen as its packaged for ubuntu08:40
ra12qI'll let this dist-upgrade run and use ti.08:40
=== justintime32 [n=justin@pool-71-245-80-213.syrcny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
justintime32hi, are there any ubuntu devs in here?08:43
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nosrednaekimjustintime32: usually they hang out over at #ubuntu-motu08:43
justintime32ok, thanks08:44
TheInfinityAnRkey: hmpf. reboot because i cant access hfs+ until now ;)08:44
justintime32does anyone know why there are no more login sounds?08:44
=== BinaryMutant [n=cas3@adsl-074-245-016-099.sip.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
Arwenbecause they're annoying :-P08:44
justintime32yeah, but i like them :(08:45
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arpuno one have a problem with new kernel and isight cam ?08:45
amanhi everone08:45
amanplz help08:45
justintime32i think the stupid console beep is more annoying08:45
BinaryMutanthow do i stop compiz from starting by default?08:45
justintime32go to the appearance utility08:46
justintime32on the desktop effects tab, select "No effects"08:46
PriceChildBinaryMutant, system > preferences > appearance, choose the desktop effects tab and turn it down to no effects.08:46
justintime32yup :)08:46
Pici!ask | aman08:46
ubotuaman: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:46
amanPriceChild plz tell me how to setup internet connection in ubuntu 7.0408:47
PriceChildaman, #ubuntu please08:47
BinaryMutantthats cool, thanks08:47
justintime32wrong channel08:47
BinaryMutantif I remove evms will it do anything bad to my system?08:47
PriceChildIts not often there's a feisty user in #ubuntu+1...08:47
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justintime32is anyone in here using the bcm43xx driver?08:48
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BinaryMutantI don't think that driver works08:49
AnRkeyTheInfinity, i never get corruption and on friday i just could not install gutsy from live cd08:49
justintime32it does, i've  used it before08:49
justintime32not for a while though08:49
AnRkeyTheInfinity, checked the md5sum and it's wrong08:49
TheInfinityi installed from alternate08:49
justintime32i was wondering if it could operate at 54 Mb/s yet08:49
AnRkeyTheInfinity, all that after 2 hours of messing around :D08:49
BinaryMutantI've always got errors for it, broadcom isn't very nice to linux users08:49
justintime32do you have the firmware installed08:50
TheInfinitybecause its almost impossible to install from live cd ;)08:50
TheInfinitybecause its a mac08:50
AnRkeyi now make sure that all network cards in our company are intel08:50
AnRkeyno more problems08:50
TheInfinityi boot into mac osx and check the md5sum there08:50
TheInfinityhfs+ problem comes later ...08:50
AnRkeyi just don't buy hardware from vendors that don't support us. So i won't support them :D08:50
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=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@p508F068A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu+1
TheInfinityokay ...08:52
justintime32is it weird that I haven't gotten any updates since upgrading to gutsy, which was a couple days ago?08:53
justintime32oh, wait, xorg update :)08:53
TheInfinitymd5sum is correct ...08:55
TheInfinityand validation of data after burning was also ok ...08:55
justintime32what is the command to start compiz if it crashes08:56
justintime32isn't it compiz --replace &08:56
justintime32or something08:56
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justintime32yup, it is08:57
nemikis the poor signal quality on thinkpads with ar5212's fixed or identified what is wrong?08:57
rexy_when doing the upgrade, does it need to reboot and fetch more packages? since i'll have to fix the network first08:57
Arwenusually no08:57
TheInfinityAnRkey: and now? bug report? just for test burning to another cd?08:57
rexy_i was reading on the wiki about reporting how stuff works with the new release, should i just create a new page or is there a submission form where you can check off all the stuff that works?08:58
rexy_and whine extensively about what doesnt off course08:59
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DanaGOh, I've used bcm43xx (with a cardbus card), and I found that every so often the connection would just randomly die, and I'd have to remove and reinsert the card, or at least the driver.09:01
Asad2005is it safe to upgrade from 7.04 to tribe 5 and what is the best way to do it09:03
AnRkeyTheInfinity, ?09:04
TheInfinityAsad2005: alpha softwareis never save ;)09:04
TheInfinitymy md5 sum is correct ...09:04
AnRkeyTheInfinity, chat to the boys and girls in #ubuntu-installer, they helped me out with the network instalelr09:05
AnRkeyinstaller at least09:05
Asad2005TheInfinity, ok whats the best way to upgrade09:05
TheInfinityAsad2005: if you want a safe update -> waiting for final09:06
TheInfinityif you want to test -> use the way you like and write bug reports if it failes ;909:06
Asad2005TheInfinity, i will accept some risk but want to know the best way to upgrade ubuntu09:07
TheInfinitythe best way is console I think, the way which should be the best is GUI :)09:07
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ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots09:08
=== claria [n=aem@dslb-084-057-142-053.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
KetsubanI daresay you're probably all sick of hearing people ask the same question about nVidia drivers and 8xxx-series cards, but whatever. I'm looking to install nVidia drivers so I can turn on lots of nice eyecandy effects and make the most of my 8800 GTX, but the drivers in the repository just lead to X not loading correctly (and since the commandline is not working correctly for me I can't do anything about that short of use th09:10
Ketsubane CD to replace xorg.conf and try something else).09:10
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jttcan anyone shed some light on the UUID's changing when installing a second feisty on another partition09:16
jtti know it is a problem just looking for the fix09:16
jtti can get around it but just wondering what is doing it and if it is addressed09:16
=== Distro^Junkie [n=distroju@mctnnbsa29w-156034025076.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
soulriderdoes anyuone have a problem with gnome not wanting to shut down? if i clickt he quit button it locks up =/09:19
BinaryMutantdoes deskbar use trackerd now?09:21
Distro^Junkiejust installed Tribe 5 and so far only major problem is the menu is messed up with alot of entries of _: Entries in K-Menu09:22
Distro^JunkieTheInfinity: whats wrong ?09:25
TheInfinityin ubunu-installer is noone and i just want to know if i should write a bug report or not ;)09:26
TheInfinityand does somebody try kubuntu alpha and can look if some bugs work with his / her kubuntu, too?09:27
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Assidi still think the kernel is slow09:28
Distro^JunkieTheInfinity: I'm running the latest alpha myself09:28
TheInfinityalso kubuntu? or ubuntu?09:29
TheInfinityhmm ... do you have any probs with knetworkmanager?09:31
Distro^Junkiehaven't tried it09:31
Distro^JunkieI just finished installing the system09:32
TheInfinityhttp://files.ernestoruge.de/misc/bugs/Netzwerkkarte2.png <-- just look at this ;)09:32
TheInfinityand look if you also dont get a subnet mask09:32
TheInfinityand - is your rj45 loaded after boot?09:33
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Distro^Junkieeverything looks good here09:35
Distro^Junkiewhat version you running ?09:36
Vuenhey guys, every time i log in i get a message "unable to start kbluetooth: no bluetooth adapter found!" anyone know what's up?09:36
Distro^Junkiealpha 5 ?09:36
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Distro^Junkiebrb gotta reboot09:37
=== CodeImp [n=dont@s55910c2b.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1
DanaGNetworkmanger seems buggy lately -- for some reason, if I have ethernet plugged in before it starts, then NetworkManager doesn't detect that the connection is up.09:38
DanaGAnd the NVIDIA 100.14.11 has that lovely freeze on Compiz exit.09:39
=== chris_ [n=chris@pool-71-108-124-108.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu+1
chris_how do i get my wobbly windows back???09:39
chris_beryl is not in the repo :(09:39
chris_i miss my cube and fade effects.....09:40
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chris_anyone wanna tell me?09:41
ArwenBeryl is DEAD SOFTWARE09:41
Arwenthat's why it's not distributed anymore09:42
chris_ok................., how do i get my cube and transparency effects back?, and my wobbly windows09:42
chris_its running by default?09:43
chris_i am not running meta city by default.....09:43
ArwenIf you use complete English sentences, it would be easier to understand you.09:44
=== Distro^Junkie [n=distroju@mctnnbsa29w-156034025076.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
chris_..., how do i enable compiz.... (since you say its not enabled by default..........) with wobbly windows and the cube effects enabled.09:45
DanaGOh, here's something GOOD about 100.14.11: hotkey display switching.09:46
DanaGAT least on my laptop.09:46
DanaGHowever, it doesn't change screen resolution, for some reason -- instead, it goes into panning mode.09:46
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chris_any one want to help me?09:48
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jgmchris_: http://www.sourceguru.net/archives/71 has some details09:50
chris_jgm i don't have a compiz tray icon....09:51
jgmOnce you have followed the instructions in the link on that page then you can type that in to the console to get it09:52
=== lacostej [n=jerome@c9171BF51.dhcp.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu+1
jgm(Or possibly it just shows up, I can't remember, but I set that up yesterday so it does work)09:52
lacostejI just upgraded my laptop from feisty to gutsy and am running into some fonts issues09:53
lacostejthe browser looks very ugly09:53
lacostejsmall fonts, no bold (in gmail), etc... pidgin on the other side looks OK09:53
chris_jgm, how come ccsm does not come standard with gutsy?09:54
jgmNo idea09:54
Amaranthbecause it's not a tool for regular users09:54
Amaranthit's in universe09:55
Amaranth!info compizconfig-settings-manager09:55
ubotucompizconfig-settings-manager: Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2+git20070814-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 493 kB, installed size 3180 kB09:55
Distro^Junkieanyone here have their k-menu messed up ?09:56
Distro^Junkielike a bunch of _: Entries in K-meni09:57
lacostejnext time I search the web before asking something...09:58
rexy_you found what caused it lacostej ?10:00
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lacostejrexy_: trying a fix...10:01
rexy_upgrading my laptop atm too, heh10:03
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lacostejrexy_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/12081110:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120811 in firefox "firefox displays fonts smaller than it should have" [Undecided,Confirmed] 10:04
chris_how do i change the number of desktops i have?10:06
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rexy_hmm all cups related packages failed to install, bug says this was fixed for tribe 510:29
rexy_cups-pdf n such10:29
DanaGWTF?  I scroll a little on the touchpad, and then let go, and it keeps scrolling all the way to the bottom of the page.10:30
DanaGWhat's up with that?10:30
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DanaGAnd how do I disable that feature?10:30
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ropiku_can anybody help me with some problems on gutsy10:33
_cap__I'm sure people would prefer if you told them what the problem is...10:34
ropiku_i have many problems10:34
ropiku_one is the same in edgy10:34
AnRkeyDanaG, disable the touchpad?10:34
ropiku_a bar of 1px tall and about 300px wide that appears in the left of the screen and in the right of the screen. The contents of both are interchanged (what should appear on left apears on right)10:34
_cap__has anyone tried livecd -> usb drive with gutsy?10:36
_cap__I can get it to boot to "squashfs: version..." but it hangs there (this is tribe5 using the wiki guide for livecdusbpenpersistent)10:36
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rexy_ropiku_, what card?10:38
ropiku_rexy_ 950GMA, intel integrated10:38
DanaGHeh, here's something entirely pointless: http://www.nero.com/eng/NeroLINUX.html10:38
rexy_lcd then?10:38
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DanaGBut I want to use the touchpad; I just want to ddisable coasting.10:38
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ropiku_rexy_, well, I have tried with tribe2 and it worked, I have a laptop with 1400x1050 screen10:39
rexy_hmm, funky xorg settings? recalibrate lcd screen?10:40
rexy_altough i cant imagine the latter, ussually it just crops for me10:40
ropiku_now I can't play videos. it gives "BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)"10:40
=== zerwas [n=zer@p5480B472.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu+1
rexy_heu that sounds bad10:41
zerwasIs someone here who uses gimmie? http://www.beatniksoftware.com/gimmie/Main_Page10:41
ropiku_I can give you the xorg conf if you need10:41
ropiku_yeah, it's weird10:41
rexy_sounds like it's just a case of broken software10:41
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rexy_ok lets stop with stating the obvious things, post your xorg.conf, maybe that's causing it10:42
rexy_or try the vesa driver10:42
rexy_that is the basic default thing iirc, see if it gives the same problem10:42
rexy_if it's not the driver or xorg.conf then i'd just downgrade X to a previous version10:42
rexy_see if that fixes it10:43
ropiku_i'll try vesa now10:43
zerwasok, someone here who has an ATI Rage Mobility-Card?10:44
_cap__is there a way to get gutsy live to boot to mega-failsafe-single-user-text or something? (debugging this pendrive boot...)10:44
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ropikuwell, on vesa I don't have that weird pixel bar10:45
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ropikuand videos work10:46
rexy_drivers it is  then10:46
ropikuso it's from the intel driver ?10:46
rexy_well the evidence suggests that, since you only changed the driver10:46
rexy_either downgrade to get a working intel driver, or wait for a new patch10:46
rexy_also file a bug about it10:46
rexy_search for it first though, see if it's already listed and add to that.10:47
rexy_the joys of alpha :)10:47
ropikuwell, I thought I was using new software that fixed old bugs10:47
ropikuxserver-xorg-video-intel on launchpad is ok to file bug ?10:49
rexy_no you are using experimental software that is being fixed for release10:49
rexy_i'd guess so10:49
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ropikuso where?10:50
davmor2rexy: what the trouble?10:50
rexy_davmor2,  nothing yet, well cups failed to install, but other then that it's still installing10:51
ropikuthanks a lot10:51
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davmor2bug 134284 for the intel trouble10:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134284 in xorg "The X intel driver is not functioning correctly" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13428410:53
davmor2the above bug comes with a work around for the intel driver10:54
_cap__is there a boot option to disable apparmour?10:54
rexy__cap__, you can disable the service, that prevents the apparmor profiles from being applied10:55
rexy_they are a good thing to have though if you are running any services on the internet10:55
rexy_in general too i suppose10:55
_cap__...I wanted to eliminate apparmour in my hunt for a working usb-live-stick10:55
_cap__something makes it hang just after squashfs and unionfs.. no helpful messages10:56
rexy_you sure apparmor has to do with that?10:56
_cap__not a bit10:56
_cap__but if it can be disabled boot time then I'll know for sure10:56
rexy_all it does is check if a particular program is allowed to access it10:56
_cap__it registers a security framwork with the kernel, as such it can cause anything...10:57
rexy_you can unload it at runtime, though i forgot the command for that10:57
rexy_but using the init.d script probably works10:58
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_cap__..since my system doesn't boot that far I'll skip it10:59
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rexy_well you can remove it from the rc scripts11:02
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rexy_the installation went fine, but now i get all sorts of errors about stuff that failed to install, heh this should be good11:04
lacostejHei. I upgraded some hours ago and I just found out that my whole sound system doesn't work anymore.11:04
lacostejI rebooted the machine, just in case, looked at the alsa settings, and did some lsof to check if something goes wrong with the devices (dev/snd/*)11:05
lacostejmplayer doesn't display any error in the terminal so it looks like everything works, but no sounds goes out of the system.11:06
rexy_hmm no errors at all bar cupsys and then installation failed completely11:08
davmor2right click on the sound and make sure that the pcm is up11:08
rexy_whats was the dpkg command to start the configuration process?11:08
rexy_nvm got it11:09
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lacostejI also tried to run mplayer as root (just in case), but that didn't help11:09
lacostejthe one thing that I find strange is that it looks like alsamixer has less entries than it used to have. None are mute of course, but still.11:10
davmor2lacostej: do you have and intel hda sound card?11:10
lacostejdavmor2: looks like : "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02"11:11
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davmor2known fault I think check out the docs on the wiki11:11
lacostejdavmor2: found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22/+bug/13136811:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131368 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "Dell 1420n audio not supported under Gutsy" [High,Triaged] 11:14
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davmor2yes that was the tribe 4 known bug.  thought they had fixed it though.  could be wrong?11:18
rexy_will apt-get dist-upgrade complete the upgrade process, it broke off after configuring the packages11:18
davmor2rexy_: you may need to do an apt-get install -F11:19
lacostejdavmor2: not yet fixed. I couldn't find the new l-u-m package. So rebooting into Windows to watch a movie.... first time in 7 years. Damn it. I just couldn't resist the update this afternoon.11:20
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rexy_well currently working through a dpkg-reconfigure11:20
rexy_should be good, only 950 packages :D11:20
rexy_davmor2, do i need to finish the dpkg first before running dist-upgrade again11:23
DanaGI never dpkg-reconfigure xorg; instead, I like to partly do things partly manually, and partly let Xorg figure stuff out itself.11:23
davmor2:( 950 was it11:24
rexy_pretty much the default feisty installation11:24
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rexy_just trying to make sure now that it'll boot11:25
rexy_as long as it does that and has a connection anything else can be fixed, heh11:25
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rexy_hmm dist-upgrade doesnt do anything11:32
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rexy_dpkg-reconfigure bombed out when asking for the location of the flash tgz, it said hit enter and it will fetch it if needed but instead it failed11:34
DanaGThat's odd: the Totem plugin for Firefox doesn't do codec-search/11:38
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DanaGOdd: this thingy needed TWO runs of codec-finding to play.11:44
DanaGAnd yet it still failed on H.26411:45
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rexy_where can i get the flashplugin-nonfree package gutsy expects?11:47
rexy_it expects to see it in /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree, and autodownload if it's not but it just fails11:48
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Distro^JunkieTheInfinity: did you ever fix your problem ?11:53
TheInfinityno, had no time to test it again11:53
Distro^Junkieyou running behind a router ?11:53
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Distro^Junkieif so try doing a manual configuration and add your router ip11:55
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Distro^Junkieanyones k-menu listings messed up ?12:05
deobfuscateAnyone know why the Broadcom firmware cutter doenst work in Gutsy12:06
sparrDistro^Junkie: in what way?12:06
Distro^Junkielike having _: Entries in K-Menu for each listing then the description of the program12:07
Distro^JunkieI'm running alpha 512:07
sparrno idea, sorry12:11
Distro^Junkieno biggie as that's my only problem12:12
Distro^Junkieeverything else seems to be working trouble free12:12
sparrdo me a favor?12:13
sparradd a few non-kde application buttons to your panel and rearrange them?12:14
deobfuscateAnyone tested on a Dell E170512:14
sparrim having some very weird glitches with that12:14
Distro^Junkiesparr: what apps did you add ?12:15
sparrjust some scripts that i wrote12:15
Distro^Junkiemaybe they are the problem12:15
sparrthey dont interact with kde at all12:15
Distro^Junkiewhat did you use to make the scripts ?12:16
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Distro^Junkieare they dependent on anything ?12:16
Distro^Junkienot sure then12:17
sparrme either, hence my asking other kubuntu+1 users to try it12:17
Distro^Junkiespecially since they don't interact with kde12:17
sparri think kicker is broken12:17
Distro^Junkieanything is possible with a beta12:17
sparrso...  will you try it?12:18
penguin42hmm I should be able to start another session in KDE shouldn't I ?12:18
Distro^Junkienot sure what I have that isn't kde based12:18
sparrjust point them to /dev/null12:18
sparrdoesnt matter12:18
sparrits the buttons themselves that are the issue12:18
sparryou dont have to press them12:18
penguin42hmm or can you only have another user logged in at the same time12:18
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Distro^Junkieno trouble so far sparr12:21
Distro^Junkiebbiab need to run a few errands12:22
fignewpenguin42: nope, you _should_ be able to have more than one graphical user logged in at the same time12:26
penguin42but what about yourself in different session types?12:26
fignewnever tried12:27
fignewbut I'm sure it's possible12:27
fignewpretty sure you can12:28
fignewcause at work my home drive is NFS mounted, and I can log in at multiple workstations at once12:28
penguin42oh yeh but that's just NFS12:28
fignewsame idea though12:28
fignewthere might be some locking problems12:29
=== penguin42 tried 'switch user' and logging in as myself again with a different session and it just popped me back hre
fignewthat's cause it's trying to be "smart"12:29
fignewyou can start a new session from TTY112:29
fignewwith startx -- :112:29
fignewor :2 etc12:29
=== penguin42 was trying to replicate the normal process just to see what the KDE session looked like
rexy_ wait it quick switches by starting more Xinstances?12:31
penguin42I assume so - it would be the easiest way12:32
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sparrwhen i installed kde it offered a slow/fast slider that turned a lot of options off an on.  i think one of those options was generating thumbnails in konqueror.  where can i find that option afterwards to toggle?12:45
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forevertheunihi all.i'm having only one prob in gusty12:50
forevertheunimy snd-hda-intel doesn't load correctly12:50
forevertheuni...I mean it loads12:50
fignewsparr: 1 sec12:50
forevertheunibut the sound is really low and all the options I used to had were lowered to only master and PCM12:50
penguin42is this straight after loading or after a suspend or something?12:50
databuddyfresh install and when i put in codecs etc and play avi files the aspect ratio is WAY off12:52
fignewdatabuddy: what video player?12:52
penguin42databuddy: Check the resolution and dpi is correct?12:53
forevertheuniI used to have this in my /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1 model=3stack12:53
forevertheunito fix it..12:53
forevertheuniI inserted the line12:53
forevertheuniand it doesn't work now12:53
forevertheuniI tryed recovery mode and loaded the module manually and I still only have those 2 options12:53
forevertheuniit's a pain to have the sound this low12:53
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databuddyi dunno whats supposed to be correct for 20" crt @1920x144012:53
forevertheunihi all.i'm having only one prob in gusty12:54
forevertheuni<forevertheuni> my snd-hda-intel doesn't load correctly12:54
forevertheuni<forevertheuni> ...I mean it loads12:54
databuddyi have at 96dpi12:54
forevertheunibut the sound is really low and all the options I used to had were lowered to only master and PCM12:54
forevertheuni<forevertheuni> I used to have this in my /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1 model=3stack12:54
forevertheuni<forevertheuni> to fix it..12:54
forevertheuni<forevertheuni> I inserted the line12:54
forevertheuni<forevertheuni> and it doesn't work now12:54
forevertheuni<forevertheuni> I tryed recovery mode and loaded the module manually and I still only have those 2 options12:54
forevertheuni<forevertheuni> it's a pain to have the sound this low12:54
fignewsparr: run kcontrol from the commandline12:54
penguin42forevertheuni: Lots of people are having intel sound problems; yesterday there were a bunch of people saying they couldn't get it to work; mine is OK but breaks after a suspend12:54
fignewsparr: then desktop --> behavior12:55
DanaGdatabuddy: google for "javascript dpi"12:55
forevertheuniand then12:56
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forevertheunibah :/12:56
forevertheunialways disconnecting12:56
penguin42forevertheuni: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/13416712:56
forevertheunidid anyone replied to me?12:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134167 in linux-source-2.6.22 "sound does not resume with 2.6.22-10-generic" [Undecided,New] 12:56
penguin42that's one of the bugs - I wish I had a note of the bug number; but the same was true in early feisty12:57
forevertheunimanual alsa ?12:58
forevertheuniI have sound12:58
forevertheunibut with headphones I have to set it to max to ear something12:58
forevertheuniand it's not after suspend or something12:58
forevertheuniit's always12:58
penguin42forevertheuni: Yeh I've had that in the past01:00
Distro^Junkieanyone elses adept crashing ?01:00
forevertheunipenguin42, so new compilation should put it ok right?01:00
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forevertheunioh..but I remember now01:01
forevertheuniI just listened to an online radio streaming and it was ok01:02
forevertheunibut everything else isn't01:02
forevertheunietc etc01:02
databuddyi installed totem-xine and fixed dpi and its good01:02
=== databuddy hates gstreamer neway
=== penguin42 never has totem working
=== penguin42 always uses gmplayer
forevertheunipenguin42, yeps I used mplayer for the stream01:03
forevertheuniand vlc for the videos01:03
forevertheuniShould I recompile alsa-libs and utils with --prefix=/usr01:05
forevertheunipython.c:26:27: error: python/Python.h: No such file or directory01:07
forevertheunibah I hate python error01:07
forevertheuniI never know how to fix them01:08
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deobfuscateAnyone know why my laptop doesnt shutdown when I shut it down, just hangs01:11
forevertheuniafter X going away?01:11
forevertheuniacpi prob maybe01:11

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