
davmor2pygi: yeah that all part of the same suite though isn't it? along with cdrskin12:30
pygidavmor2, part of same project, that is true12:30
davmor2pygi: why was it dropped?12:31
pygidavmor2, I'd rather not discuss it since it wasn't me who dropped it12:31
pygione of the reasons might be that lead developer of Brasero (Phillipe) who supported libburnia a lot has less and less time to work on it, and one more folk has joined12:32
pygiso he isn't actually properly maintaining the backend for libisofs/libburn, and he prefers dead projects12:32
pygidavmor2, enough arguments? :)12:32
davmor2Yes thanks just wondered.  So brasero will still work fine with the nautilus burn is that correct?12:34
pygiI don't know how it works, sorry12:36
pygiI have no intentions to fix software that isn't maintained12:36
pygiI know that Phillipe was talking something about removing n-c-b dependency12:36
davmor2:) fair enough12:37
pygidavmor2, any more questions? :)12:37
=== IntuitiveNipple [n=TJ@alexandros.tjworld.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pygidavmor2, anyway, I hope to make Brasero obsolete (i.e. I'll have a better app ;))12:38
davmor2oh oh oh when :)12:38
pygino promises of anything12:39
pygibut I know it will support libburn & libisofs fully12:39
davmor2pygi: :) it's sounding good already.  Let me know if you need it testing12:40
pygidavmor2, it'll take some time to get it to testing phase :P12:41
pygiwe're currently playing with some mockups ideas, /me believes in high usability applications12:41
davmor2pygi: I did say if I could of said when :P12:42
pygiok ok :D12:42
pygidavmor2, I'll poke you to comment on mockups when I think they're ready tho :p12:43
pygidavmor2, feel free to hangout in #libburn12:44
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manchicken_Any pythoners about?05:09
=== Hobbsee slithers
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superm1_hey Hobbsee you about?05:35
Hobbseesuperm1_: yes05:35
superm1_would you be able to sponsor a ubiquity upload that evand posted earlier?  He was looking for someone with main upload rights05:35
superm1_probably ~9 hours ago he posted it, but according to gutsy-changes no one has taken it05:36
Hobbseeevand: ping05:36
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs05:38
superm1_Hobbsee, according to my scrollback, it was at 18:21 UTC05:38
Hobbseesuperm1_: thanks05:39
=== jordi_ [n=jordi@115.Red-213-96-69.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseeoh, is ee05:39
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Hobbseesuperm1: done05:53
superm1thx Hobbsee appreciate it :)05:53
superm1Hobbsee, when i dput an SRU, its still 'dput ubuntu blah.changes' just the target release in debian/changelog will be say feisty-proposed, correct, no where special to dput?05:57
Hobbseesuperm1: correct05:57
=== bbengs [n=ben@68-185-255-135.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bbengshello all, new to ubuntu here06:01
=== Hobbsee waves
bbengsneed some help with WPA, can anybody help me?06:03
Hobbsee#ubuntu for support06:03
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=== Hobbsee curses apport
IntuitiveNippleWhat would be the implications of reverting to gnome-session 2.1.18 (as is in Feisty) ? See bug #12902906:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129029 in gnome-session "[Gutsy Tribe-5]  No Sound on Login Screen or during Login" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12902906:20
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evandHobbsee: pong06:31
Hobbseeevand: hiya.  ubiquity uploaded06:32
Hobbseeevand: no problem :)06:32
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thullyHobbsee - ping06:40
HobbseeYou sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I am around.06:40
Hobbseethully: hi, what's up?06:41
thullyhi, I was the one on the mailing list...06:41
Hobbseeah!  welcome!06:41
thullyI saw your response and replied - thanks.06:41
Hobbseethully: no problem.  what were you interested in working on?06:42
thullyWell, basically I have a few issues with the way the default system is configured...06:43
thullyI mentioned the total lack of reasonable iPod support as being one thing - meaning sync, transfer, etc06:43
Hobbseeoh, sec, let me read the new emails on that thread06:44
thullyOK - no sense going through what I said again.06:44
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thullyJust please don't flame me - I know I'm just a random user...06:45
ScottKthully: Random flaming is not, in general, the Ubuntu way.06:46
=== Hobbsee wonders what gtkpod is
Hobbsee!info gtkpod06:47
ubotugtkpod: manage songs and playlists on an Apple iPod. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.99.8-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 528 kB, installed size 2220 kB06:47
ScottKIn Ubuntu the flaming is more specific and focused.06:47
thullyOK - well, I just experienced it in a response to a question I posted to devel-discuss.  Apparently off-list, though I didn't notice that until too late06:48
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ScottKThat's aytypical and I hope you don't think it's always that way.06:48
Hobbseewow, gtkpod is small.06:49
Hobbseethully: would just including gtkpod solve the problem of the IPOD mess, or would one need to switch to banshee too?06:49
thullyyes, but it is somewhat hard to use.06:49
thullyHence, switching to Banshee - unless the rhythmbox have any plans to fix their iPod issues this century - is preferable06:50
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Hobbseefonts you should take up with bryce, and he can repoint you06:51
Hobbsee3) wont happen06:52
Hobbseeand the last point...you've got the wrong idea.06:52
Hobbseeyou must have missed the specs stuff from UDS - it is public, and people can talk - there's VOIP and such in there06:53
Hobbseeof course, the powers that be within canonical are going to be picking teh stuff that they want to see the developers that they pay to work on.06:53
Hobbseethose who are not paid by canonical, however, can do whatever they like.06:54
thullyOK, though I'm unlikely to travel several hundred miles (much less several thousand) to attend one of these conferences..06:56
thully(or km)06:56
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Hobbseethully: you've heard of VOIP, i take it?06:57
thullyyes - voice over IP06:58
Hobbseethen you'd know that if all goes well, they have that in the conference rooms at UDS, so you can listen/speak with that.06:58
Hobbseewhich would not require going in there :)06:59
thullyyeah - that's good to know...06:59
thullyI'm still concerned that there is too much going on Ubuntu that is behind closed doors (or mailing lists) - the business of the technical board especially07:00
Hobbseeyoud' really have to take that up with the tech board, but i doubt there's terribly much going thru there07:02
thullyI guess I see debian-devel with 50 messages a day, and see Ubuntu's equivalents with 2 and wonder what's going on...07:02
thullyI just picture some closed "core development" mailing list or people in cubicles at canonical doing the main core work internally07:05
Hobbseethully: i dnot htink that happens07:06
Hobbseebut then, i dont work for canonical, so i dont know for sure :P07:06
Hobbseethully: you'd find it's mroe busy towards the beginning of the cycle, and such, i suspect.07:10
Hobbseewe've passed feature freeze07:10
thullyyes, I can see that...07:11
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thullyJust had my connection reset by that darned Peer :)07:12
Hobbseemmm.../me goes and murders peer07:13
thullyIs there any way to make that happen less?  It seems to be every 30 min or so when I use IRC07:13
Hobbseefix your connection?07:14
thullyI guess I didn't figure it was broken.  I'll be on a better connection in a week or so, though (school connection)07:14
Hobbseeit's either that or freenode throwing a fit07:15
thullyThis connection is pretty bad, though, compared to most - it's satellite.  Makes me want to scream when using Launchpad - HTTPS is ultra slow.  Beats dial-up, though...07:16
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thullynext week, I'll be on a 50Mbps connection at school07:17
Hobbseei'm jealous.07:17
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thullyanyway, I'm curious - why Ubuntu for you?  Why not Debian, or some other distro...07:19
Hobbseefor me?07:20
Hobbseei like ubuntu, i like the community07:20
Hobbseei like how i can get stuff done07:20
Hobbseeoh, and i dislike rpm hell.07:20
=== pygi eats Hobbsee
Hobbseehey!  i dont wish to be eaten!07:21
=== Pici- [n=Pici@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
thullyrpm hell - exactly why I won't touch anything that doesn't use debs (as far as Linux distros go - I have been mostly OS X for a few years but want back in to the OSS world)07:22
Hobbseeand being able to touch whatever is good07:23
Hobbseewithout the whole "maintainer lock" thing.07:23
thullyI see - that's why you don't like Debian, it has the "maintainer" concept07:23
Hobbseeyou asked why i do stuff on ubuntu, rather than another distro07:24
Hobbseeyou never asked which distros i like, or dislike07:24
Hobbseethere is a difference07:24
=== Hobbsee does occasionally get stuff uploaded to debian too
thullywell, most others have maintainers as well...07:25
thullyI wasn't saying you disliked Debian, necessarily...07:25
=== Hobbsee thought dont like == dislike
Hobbseebut ignoring semantics....07:26
thullyI meant "like Ubuntu more than Debian"07:26
Hobbseeah, yes, true07:26
Hobbseeit's cool how we can actually implement a change across the whole distro, without 3 miles of red tape.07:26
ScottKAnd have an actual supported/stable release every 6 months.07:28
thullyAs for me, I've spent this summer torn between Ubuntu and Debian - I like Ubuntu's focus on usability (especially if one has to - heaven forbid - use a non-free driver), but Debian has seemed more open and I like their stability07:28
HobbseeScottK: that part is nice, too07:28
nixternalScottK: couldn't sleep :)07:28
thullyHonestly, I don't mind the Debian release cycle, but I'd like to be able to update major components in between releases without doing a whole system update07:29
xtknightthere are the backports07:30
Hobbseeone day, maybe someone will make a fork of debian that works that way - because there some demand for that.07:30
xtknighti guess you could backport main components but i dont know why you would want to07:30
StevenKSpeaking as a Debian developer, I hate the politicing that Debian has fallen to.07:30
Hobbseextknight: not for big components - they say no (thank goodness)07:30
xtknightevery 6mo you get a breath of fresh air with all the new gnome and main components07:30
StevenKI like the community, and what Hobbsee said. Doing large changes without having to placate 16 developers and co-ordinate with them.07:31
thullyStevenK: can you elaborate about your politicing comment?07:32
thullyI guess my general comment is that - especially in the Debian case - it seems one may want to update just a few components without updating the whole system07:34
xtknightthully,  using newer components on a ~stable base will make it unstable, right?  is this not what you're after?07:34
realistI believe the politicing has been avoided in part, by the fact Ubuntu's project leader is a sabdfl :-)07:34
StevenKthully: It seems that Debian has fallen to using politicing to gain (or conversely, lose) favour with certain maintainers. The whole thing about certain maintainers will say "STFU, I'm not changing my mind, and if you want to force me, GR it."07:34
minghuathully: Depending on which components we are talking about.07:35
realistthully: Debian is a so-called democracy07:35
realistStevenK: some developers seem more focused on politicing than actually getting stuff done07:36
StevenKAgreed, but they would be the silent minority07:36
=== TheMuso thinsk he will chime in here with his views.
realistStevenK: you mean... vocal minority? people who get stuff done, would be less vocal07:37
supervillaindoes politicing means hypocrity?07:37
realistsupervillain: no07:37
TheMusoI appreciate the time saved by using Ubuntu, and finding all my hardware just works. I also like the fact the community is a lot easier to get into, and get involved with.07:37
TheMusoI also have a dislike with the Debian new maintainer procedure, in that it takes ages.07:38
Hobbseeoh yeah, i forgot that one.07:38
TheMusohense why I haven't applied yet.07:38
realistHobbsee: I can see the potential for the lack of "maintainer lock" to cause qa issues07:38
xtknightubuntu = good parts of debian used to the advantage of the average user07:38
thullyI guess I was finding the opposite, though I figure I must have just run into some good Debian developers and bad Ubuntu developers (at least for first impressions)07:38
xtknightfor the advantage*?07:39
Hobbseerealist: which is why the bar to MOTU is quite high, to make sure we only get people who can make sane decisions about what they're doing.07:39
TheMusoAnd one of the debian maintainers I work with can be a bit of a pain at times.07:39
realistNot that I can qualify that statement... without some empirical evidence... yet07:39
Hobbseethully: keep in mind - the ones doing lots of developing arent responding to random maisl on the mailing list.07:39
StevenKTheMuso: That's a terrible thing to say about me.07:39
StevenKTheMuso: :-P07:39
Hobbseethully: and some of the ones who are replying as "developers' dont actually have upload rights - nor am i sure how much they actually contribute (as there's sponsorship stuff too)07:40
TheMusoStevenK: heh. How dare you falsely accuse me of being a bastard!07:40
=== TheMuso should really do the minutes from last night's meeting.
thullyHobbsee: I know that, with regards to the Ubuntu list.07:41
TheMusoerm... Friday night.07:41
realistTheMuso: I've not applied for new maintainer either... because I feel that my application would get swept under the carpet07:41
TheMusorealist: I don't feel that, it would just take too long, and since I can do so much in Ubuntu, I'd likely loose interest.07:41
Hobbseerealist: then again, some of the debian maintainers have no clue WTF they're doing, so cause qa issues themselves, too...07:41
realistThe debian AM seem far too busy to bother getting them all delt with07:41
TheMusoHobbsee: Aint that the truth. Too many times I have seen crackful packaging files./07:42
TheMusoFor example, I think I've seen one or two packages that don't even use debhelper to build.07:42
realistTheMuso: that's what I mean though... seems that they aren't serious about attracting new developers07:42
realistTheMuso: how recent are these packages?07:43
HobbseeTheMuso: do i want to ask what they use to build instead?07:43
TheMusorealist: I am in no real position to comment about that, but I am sure people would disagree.07:43
Hobbseeor would i prefer to live in blissful ignorance?07:43
realistHobbsee: deprecated tools I would assume07:43
xtknightcheckinstall :)07:43
Hobbseextknight: that would fail the archive.07:43
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TheMusoHobbsee: Well, standard copy/chmod/cd/mkdir/etc commands07:43
realistTheMuso: just from an outsiders perspective07:44
HobbseeTheMuso: ahhhh.  yes, well, that's probably not surprising07:44
xtknightwell when i begun making debs i used to use checkinstall, then modify the control files to look a little more sane.  but this was only in the beginning07:44
HobbseeTheMuso: seeing as debhelper requires things like copy07:44
StevenKxtknight: DIE07:44
xtknightthese were personal debs not anything uploaded :P07:44
Hobbseextknight: ewwww07:44
TheMusoIf you use checkinstall, you should be using slackware.07:44
StevenKHobbsee: Actually, copy() is a Perl-ism07:44
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=== RAOF was saved from checkinstall by it's inability to run on amd64
TheMusoNow theres a distro with absolutely shite standards.07:45
HobbseeRAOF: checkinstall was more fun when it kept segfaulting07:45
Hobbseedamned StevenK.07:45
=== StevenK feigns innocence.
HobbseeStevenK: you cant.  your name and key was used for the upload that fixed it.07:45
thullyI guess Slackware's standards are pretty much "whatever Pat Volkerding wants"...07:45
TheMusothully: Indeed.07:46
thullyIf he says "No GNOME", than no GNOME it is!07:46
thully(that is, of course, a real example...)07:46
TheMusoYet he claims that his "package management tools" keep you from dependency hell.07:46
StevenKHobbsee: I know. I can try ...07:47
thullywhat are those tools - tar zxvf?  Pretty much...07:47
TheMusothully: Yes.07:47
TheMusoWrapped in some bash scripts.07:47
StevenKHum. A personal mail asking me to update Gnucash.07:48
=== thully [n=ubuntu@dpc6746164142.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
thullyfscking Peer!07:48
RAOFActually, I'd like an updated gnucash.07:48
StevenKRAOF: Then update it, dear Henry. :-P07:48
RAOFStevenK: Exactly what I was leading up to :)07:48
StevenKRAOF: Heh07:49
RAOFWhat I'd like *even more* is for the CBA to offer a non-broken export format from netbank.07:49
Hobbseedream on.07:49
HobbseeCBA is broken in konqueror, too.07:49
StevenKAnd this is why I went to Westpac ...07:50
wolfeheh Gnucash07:50
StevenKEven though my mother works for CBA07:50
wolfepeople actully use it?07:50
RAOFAn export format, I might add, that was never meant as an export format, and has been explicitly disendorsed by its designers.07:50
RAOFBut, oh no.  We couldn't implement a standard, that would be sane </bitter>07:50
wolfeRAOF: you want insane, look at EDI07:51
wolfe"instead of implementing a sane communication later for people to submit their content, lets use a 15 year old outdated method"07:51
wolfeThe EDI interface, or Electronic Data Interchange, is an interface that will allow an external system such as Echo, Qualifax, CMHC, and the like to pump data into AKAIMS for state and federal reporting07:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134840 in ubuntu "Ubuntu should open yelp at first boot after install" [Undecided,New] 07:52
RAOFOh, yeah.07:52
Hobbseeoh.  dear.07:52
StevenKHeh. That was only five minutes.07:53
=== thully [n=ubuntu@dpc6746164142.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
wolfewhy in the world would it open yelp after first boot?07:53
Hobbseewolfe: it gets better, read teh report07:53
StevenKthully: If you're using a DW6000, it needs to be fixed.07:53
wolfeI'm going to comment on it07:53
wolfetahts just stupid07:53
Hobbseeserioulsy, does *anyone* do the guided start tour on XP?07:53
thullyI'm using an HN7000S07:53
Hobbseelast i checked, it was quite easy to find yelp07:54
wolfesomeone please set it to E_WONTFIX07:54
StevenKthully: Ugh. Send it back. :-)07:54
RAOFwolfe: One of my friends is implementing Tasmania's new driverss licence system, and it's a similar situation.07:54
StevenKWait. Tasmania have cars?07:54
=== StevenK hides.
Hobbseewolfe: done07:55
minghuaI can't believe the first reply to #134840 is "I agree"...07:55
thullyStevenK: any known Peer-resetting issues with the HN7000S?07:55
StevenKthully: It actually maybe the service you're using, as opposed to the satellite receiver.07:56
StevenKI know of at least one service over here that does not like long running TCP connections.07:56
thullywell, I don't have any issues surfing the web...  but that doesn't have long-running TCP connections07:57
StevenK(Where long running is something that takes longer than, say an average webpage to load)07:57
thullyI'll be on my school connection next week, though - no more satellite issues and FAP for me...07:57
=== thully [n=ubuntu@dpc6746164142.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
StevenKthully: Oh, I get it. You or someone else complain about it, and it drops out.07:58
thullyFor those who don't know, FAP = fair access policy.  Basically, if you download more than 425MB in a day or so, they cut your speed dramatically07:59
StevenK425Mb in a day? I can download that in a few hours.08:00
StevenKI do, actually, when my mirror syncs.08:00
thullyit really sucks, but less so than 28.8 dial-up - at least there's a period between 3-6am where they let you download as much as you want08:00
StevenKBut only if the TCP connections last less than five minutes?08:01
thullyno - those downloads work fine.  I grab Ubuntu ISOs then08:01
StevenKIn which case, you need to IRC between 3 and 6 am. :-P08:01
thullyAnyway, I have to go - it's some ungodly hour here.  I'm still undecided regarding Ubuntu vs. Debian (I've heard both sides), but I may be back here in the future - hopefully when I'm on a better connection...08:03
wolfeI dislike ignorant people :/08:03
wolfeso I posted a reply to bug 134840 :P08:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134840 in ubuntu "Ubuntu should open yelp at first boot after install" [Undecided,Won't fix]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13484008:04
=== wolfe beats ubotu with a mouse
thullyStevenK: only 1 hr to go until then :)08:04
thullyAnyway, this channel has had a distinctly different impression than that RTFM flame I got yesterday08:05
thullyregarding Ubuntu08:05
xtknightthully, i'm a bit confused, what's the end goal here (the debian vs ubuntu stuff)?08:06
Hobbseethully: oh, and ubuntu has a code of conduct, and i'm not sure about debian.08:06
xtknights/bit confused/confused08:06
thullyI guess I'm looking to help out with/develop/package/test a distribution, and I'm unsure whether to do debian or Ubuntu08:06
Hobbseebear in mind though - this is a weekend - so we're all less on topic today08:07
wolfeflamers can see the door after a /kb hits them going out ;)08:07
xtknightthully, maybe you want to start coding the projects you mentioned on ubuntu-devel?  or get together a group to get them done? : )08:07
realistI'm currently undecided about which distro to invest time in also08:08
StevenKHobbsee: Not really.08:08
thullyyes, maybe...08:08
wolferealist: invest time in Ubuntu ;)08:08
thullyI like that Ubuntu makes it easy to install things even if you need (HORROR) a non-free driver08:09
realistI'm actually leaning towards Debian... since that's the mother distro :-)08:09
wolferealist: well it depends wether you want to work on the user side or the system side08:09
realistI figure my work could filter to Ubuntu anyway08:09
xtknighti think your improvements are better suited to desktop/avg. users so ubuntu makes more sense..08:09
Hobbseerealist: indeed.  and that's why i dont think it's an either/or thing.08:10
Hobbseerealist: incidently, a lot of the devs contribute to both directly08:10
xtknightpeople in debian might still want to use /dev/this instead of have a gui to sync their ipod.08:10
wolferealist: if you want to perfect the user xp, ubuntu. I fyou want to fix up the system side(apache, rdb,s, etc), debian08:10
Hobbseewolfe: for the latter half, push it to debian, and then make sure it gets back to ubuntu too08:10
Hobbseeseeing as bits are ubuntu specific as well08:10
thullyWorking on fixing bug #1 is an interest of mine, and I'm afraid Debian is more concerned with other things08:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/108:11
realistWhat if I wanted to perfect the user experience for sysadmins?08:11
Hobbseerealist: then do it in boht distros08:11
wolferealist: sysadmin with users or dcs?08:11
Hobbseerealist: assuming that debian will accept your patches.08:11
Hobbseerealist: it wouldnt be hard to get involved with the ubuntu server team, for one thing08:12
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realistWell, I'm a UNIX admin in a software dev team by occupation08:12
realistHobbsee: thats where I'd end up, if I were to contribute08:13
=== wolfe uses ubuntu on plenty of his servers..
wolfethough at DCs, I do tend to use FreeBSD :)08:13
thullyyeah, I guess I see Ubuntu as the distro more suited towards me - I've just got this lingering fear that users like me can't do much of anything outside the "universe"08:15
realistWe use mostly OpenBSD08:15
Hobbseethully: well, for upload rights, it's universe first.08:15
Hobbseethully: but better to contact the devs who are working on the bits that you'r einterested in - they're good at accepting good patches.08:15
wolfefunny when OpenBSD wrote in the random memory allocation, then everyone else wanted it08:16
wolfeVista has it now :)08:16
realistThey've got encrypted swap by default now too08:17
StevenKAnd when you have to communicate with Theo, I'll laugh.08:17
wolfeTheo is fine with me :)08:18
realistwolfe: ditto08:18
wolfedon't be a dumbass or say something stupid and you'll be fine.08:18
StevenKOr do *anything* that makes him think less of you. I've read some of his commit messages.08:18
realistHis abrasive nature is slightly exagerated08:18
StevenKActually, the BSD community is the reason I don't use it.08:19
wolfeStevenK: there is nothign wrong with the BSD community08:19
wolfe#linux on efnet has a hostile environment which tops the BSD community08:19
StevenKThe whole of EFNet can go jump.08:19
wolfewhen I first looked at Linux, it was indeed the hostile community.08:19
realistefnet. enough said08:19
wolfethe bsd channels on efnet were perfectly okay ;)08:20
wolfeDianora can be a bitch sometimes :)08:20
wolfeshe is however, a good person08:20
thullythe community (and in particular the developers) is actually what it comes down to for me.  I've actually had good experiences with Debian in that regard.  Kind of the opposite of what everyone says...08:24
thullygotta log off now - bye...08:25
wolfehear that sound? The sound my of grammar flying out the door. :( I need to focus instead of thinking while writing comments :)08:39
wolfeXD oh, I just thought of the comment I made to the bug. I referred to ADA making my whole comment sound like people who need Yelp must be disabled. X)08:44
sbalneavYawn. 2 am.  Night all08:57
sbalneavThx Hobbsee!08:57
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Utnubuhi all03:27
UtnubuIs it a bug or feature that gparted mount all hard disk devices after start and partition operations?03:28
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UtnubuIsn't it dangerous?03:29
Nafalloit doesn't03:30
Nafallognome-volume-manager does03:31
UtnubuThis makes sense but if I change partition or something like that it shouldn't be mounted.03:31
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UtnubuI think gparted stops before doing something but how knows :)03:32
Nafalloyea, I think its clever enough not to play with mounted stuff03:32
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andrea-bsWhat are the differences between python-central and python-support?04:25
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xtknightcan someone take a look at Bug 134911 ?  what is the rationale for the current source code of the Screen Resolution applet?06:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134911 in gnome-control-center "[gutsy]  Screen resolutions other than current are not listed" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13491106:36
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anderbubbleCUPS is missing the firmeware for the (foomatic-supported) HP LaserJet 1000. The firmware file is expected to be at /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1000.dl, and when I manually downloaded it (from the foomatic website) and placed it there, it worked immediately.07:43
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Utnubuhi all08:39
UtnubuDoes anyone know why powernowd is still used? Why not using only the kernel governors?08:40
amanhi Utnubu08:40
mjg59Powernowd is only used on hardware where ondemand doesn't work08:40
stgraberaman: read topic, then if your request for help is on topic, directly ask, don't wait for someone to tell you that you can speak :)08:40
Utnubumjg59: But it still uses cpu ticks even if ondemand is enabled. But thanks for answer. Backwards compatibility is important.08:41
amanstgraber sir i want to setup an internet connection on ubuntu 7.0408:41
amanstgraber but cant do so08:42
amanstgraber i have an direct internet broadband08:42
amanstgraber no router or modem is involved08:42
amanstgraber direct wire connection into lan card08:43
amanstgraber its working fine in windows08:43
stgraberaman: that's support question, so you'd better join #ubuntu (anyway, check that you see your NIC with ifconfig, if no maybe it's just unsuported)08:44
mjg59Utnubu: No, it's not running at all if ondemand is used08:44
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mjg59If ondemand can be enabled, the init script never runs powernowd08:44
beunohello, I'm sure someone in here might be able to calrify something for me, I'm finishing this week's UWN, and there is a story on the whole xserver 1.4 delay, Xorg 7.3 has been included in gutsy though, right?08:46
stgraberX Window System Version 1.3.008:46
stgraberRelease Date: 19 April 200708:46
stgraberbeuno: that's what's installed on my Gutsy box08:47
beunoso it's just xserver which is delayed, right?08:47
=== beuno is trying to make sense of all the stories floating around
mjg59No, we don't have X.org 7.308:50
mjg59We have 1.3 of the server, which was an intermediate release08:50
mjg59Xorg 7.3 will include 1.4 of the server08:50
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pupi120290hello. i created a gtk::window and added a vbox to it. the vbox contains a toolbar and a scrolled window. the toolbar always covers half of the window. how can i fix that08:51
pupi120290it should look like the toolbars in all other apps08:51
pupi120290PS: im using gtkmm08:51
beunomjg59: great, that clears it up a bit, thanks08:51
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mjg59pupi120290: This channel is for discussion of development of Ubuntu, not development using Ubuntu08:51
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pupi120290ok then where is the channel for discussion of development using ubuntu?08:52
andrea-bsI've a problem with bzr:08:52
Utnubumjg59: You can easily check it with Gutsy and powertop08:52
Utnubuit runs08:52
andrea-bsbzr commit08:52
andrea-bsbzr: ERROR: The file id __init__.py-20070717073125-ixdavddg6tfiyj3y-3 is not present in the tree08:52
andrea-bsls -aR | grep __init__.py-20070717073125-ixdavddg6tfiyj3y-308:52
beunoandrea-bs: you might want to ask in #bzr instead08:53
andrea-bswhy it shows me this error?08:53
andrea-bsbeuno, ok, tnx08:53
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Utnubumjg59: Thanks for help.08:57
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varzaCould you add this patch to sane for make working Lexmark x1100 series scanner?10:32
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dobeyvarza: file a bug in launchpad requesting that?10:42
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rexy_i have a bug when upgrading from feisty now, which is listed as resolved for tribe V, should i make a new bug or add to that?10:45
rexy_cups-pdf pckg config failed, mostly vanilla feisty, but the service wasnt running10:46
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