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damntechHello I am unsure if this is the right channel but (Sys Admin here) has anyone here worked with KVM from a real implementation perspective?08:15
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rautelagit-cloning ubuntu' s xen3.1 git repo stalls after sometime, any idea why?09:20
ionanyone know of a howto to compile a kernel with cfs scheduler patch?10:05
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arno-tHi I'm a newbie on kernel compiling - Can I use a .config file from an earlier compilation (earlier kernel source) to compile a new? Will there be any problems with new or deprecated options between versions? Is the .config the only file I need?08:02
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defendguinwho do i speak to about getting a driver updated?08:42
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Chorusanyone succeded in compiling 2.6.22-*-xen for amd64?09:51
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`23megIs there the slimmest chance that we jump to .23 for Gutsy? There's a lot of demand from users, as usual, mostly due to CFS and I/O problems in .21 and .22 that have been fixed10:44
defendguin`23meg: how are you calculating user demand?10:51
`23megextrapolating from number of forum posts :)10:53
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