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johnc4510beuno: ping07:00
beunojohnc4510: pong07:40
johnc4510couple of questions please07:41
johnc4510who does the "What Is It?07:41
johnc4510beuno: ^^07:42
=== juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
beunoah, that's the game where you have to guess an image07:43
beunoI should find one for this week :D07:44
beunounless you have an idea for it...07:44
johnc4510under General Community News    MOTU has put something in and i'm not sure where it should go?07:44
johnc4510i have no idea  lol07:45
johnc4510on pic07:45
beunojohnc4510: don't worry, I'll go through the whole UWN in a while and fix things around07:46
johnc4510beuno: i've got one more article for loco team news   then i think i'm done07:47
johnc4510unless you have something else07:47
johnc4510or changes07:47
beunojohnc4510: yeah, I have a few things to add, I just have to finish waking up  :[07:47
johnc4510beuno: well, good morning, nothing like a rookie to spoil you're morning  :)07:48
beunojohnc4510: hahaha, not at all, you do a great job, no morning's spoiled  :D07:50
beunoI avoid checking email from work, that might spoil my morning ;)07:50
juliuxhi all07:52
beunohey juliux!07:52
beunohow's it going?07:53
juliuxnot too bad07:56
juliuxi moved from dresden to hannover this weekend07:56
juliuxbut my car was too small so i have to drive again:(07:57
beunoor you have too many things  :p07:57
beunohow far of a drive is it?07:57
juliuxits 3,5h08:03
beunoargh, a whole day's drive going back and forth...08:04
juliuxand i have to clean my old flat08:04
juliuxso i need 7h only driving. 1h packeging, 1h cleaning08:05
beunojuliux: and you start your new job tomorrow?08:06
juliux3.9 is my first working day08:06
juliuxthat is the only good thing08:06
beunoaaah, vacations!08:07
juliuxbut i have to go this week tuesday, wednesday and Thursday to the dentist08:07
juliuxso i have to make the rest of my movement next friday08:07
beunojuliux: call jenda, he can lift an amazing amount of weight, and he's cheap, just give him a few beers now and then08:09
juliuxbeuno, lol08:09
juliuxbeuno, i can give him his beer back08:09
beunojuliux: hahahah, even cheaper!08:10
=== jalrnc [n=joao@unaffiliated/jalrnc] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
beunojohnc4510: have you checked the Xserver story?08:34
beunoI believe xorg7.3 WILL make it into gutsy08:34
johnc4510beuno: in the articles it quotes Bryce Harrington from a Developers Meeting08:36
johnc4510looking further into it08:37
johnc4510beuno: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xorg7.308:38
johnc45102007-08-17 bryce: as discussed at the developer meeting yesterday, we're going to opt for leaving xserver 1.4 for Gutsy+108:38
beunoxserver 1.3 has been merged, as have most drivers08:39
beunoxorg 7.3 != xserver 1.4 I believe08:39
johnc4510beuno: read on down under 8/17 date08:40
johnc4510if i'm reading it correctly08:41
=== L1pe [n=felipe@132-3-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
beunoxRandR 1.2 has been included08:42
beunowhich, I believe, is xorg 7.2 main feature08:43
beunoer, 7.308:43
beunoI don't want to portray something like that incorrectly  :D08:43
beunolet me ask around...08:43
=== mrmonday [n=mrmonday@fullcirclemagazine/communicationsmanager/mrmonday] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
johnc4510i believe 7.3 will be in it, but they are holding 1.4    that's the way i read it   not sure08:44
beunoyeap, that's what I believe too08:46
johnc4510k, changing it08:49
beunojohnc4510: I'm going to remove it as I think it will cause some problems08:49
beunomainly because the article is actually wrong08:49
beuno15:46 < stgraber> X Window System Version 1.3.008:49
beuno15:46 < stgraber> Release Date: 19 April 200708:49
beuno15:47 < stgraber> beuno: that's what's installed on my Gutsy box08:49
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=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [+o beuno] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:beuno] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #53 is out! UWN #54 is in progress to be released Sunday August 26th
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:beuno] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #54 is out! UWN #55 is in progress to be released Sunday September 2nd
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [-o beuno] by beuno
=== L1pe [n=felipe@132-3-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== L1pe is now known as Lipe_
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ryanakcabeuno: hmm. we need to take some more pictures for Whatisit...11:56
ryanakcaor find some11:56
beunoryanakca: yeap yeap, I didn't have time to add them after all, but it was a big hit!11:56
=== ryanakca nods
=== ryanakca wishes his mum would get a new digital camera
beunoryanakca: maybe use wikipedia images which have open licenses?11:59
ryanakcahmm. I guess I could do a pixelized-type zoom12:01
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@unaffiliated/bassetts] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
beunoryanakca: icons and such work great too since they're vectors12:02
=== ryanakca nods

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