
pygithat's NEW then probably12:33
geserbeuno: have you resolved your gig problem?12:33
pygiI think it can for 4 more days12:33
beunogeser: yes  :D12:33
beunotaht package owes me 2 days of my life12:34
beunowhat's the process so get it in then?12:34
ubotuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU12:35
beunogreat, I'll clean it up a bit and upload12:36
beunothanks  :D12:36
beunooh, and also, what's the process in the changelog and such considering it has already been in ubuntu?12:36
gesergood question, I'd say you can start as if it was never included12:43
leonelScottK:  python-psycopg2 does not pull python 2.4 in gutsy  ....  tracing what package is  ..12:43
beunogreat, I'll clean it up and upload to REVU then, thanks geser12:44
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beunogeser: uploaded to REVU, does it take a while to show up?01:11
=== thinkl [n=tom@216-15-114-66.c3-0.arl-ubr1.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
thinklCan anyone tell me how to create a dependency on A or B in a .deb control file? I develop an application that requires python bindings for sqlite -- I used to depend on pysqlite2 -- now with sqlite3 built into python2.5 I don't need to. I'd like to depend on python2.5 or pysqlite2.01:12
beunoah, nothing, it got rejected for a good reason (I put unstable in the changelog)01:13
=== bmm [n=bram@cc400801-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bmmHi everybody. In the coming hour, I'm looking for any comments and advocates for boswars: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=7001:15
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thinklAh -- pysqlite2|python(>2.5) looks to be right.01:23
beunohmmm... I got "Signer has no upload rights at all to this distribution.", but I am in the Ubuntu Universe Contributors team already...  (been their for a while now)01:23
bmmbeuno: probably dput to ubuntu instaed of dput revu01:24
RainCTgood night01:24
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bmmSleep tight01:24
beunobmm: sounds right, thanks  :D01:24
bmmmy pleasure01:24
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beunoyay! it's up there!   now I just wait for someone to review it?01:40
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bmmbeuno: well, you kind of have to ask for it if you want to speed things up. But waiting for comments and keeping an eye on your mailbox (make sure you get the REVU messages) will also work.01:44
bmmbeuno: If you are online and asking for it, people are faster at working with you though. Mondays are REVU days as far as I know.01:45
beunobmm: aah, right, I believe I have 4 days, so it seems I do need to speed things up01:45
beunooh, great, I'll make sure I'm here monday  :D01:45
bmmbeuno: I'd have to look it up for sure, but I think the last meeting mail said it would be monday ;-)01:46
bmmbeuno: Why do you need it in 4 days?01:46
beunobmm: I hang around here all the time anyway, so I guess I'll bug random people I see active  :p01:46
beuno19:32  * beuno wonders if he can still get a package into Gutsy01:47
beuno19:33 < pygi> I think it can for 4 more days01:47
bmmbeuno: I mostly just say "Any MOTU, I'm looking for advocates for package.. etc". Ah, getting it into Gutsy would be nice indeed.01:48
minghuaI think pygi is talking about universe new package freeze.01:48
=== beuno suspects minghua is a MOTU and has the superpowers to review
bmmOh, yes, probably depends on wether it's new or an update.01:48
beunoit's NEW  :D01:48
bmmmine two :-)01:49
bmmbeuno: what is your package called? Mine is boswars.01:49
beunobmm: linuxsampler01:50
minghuabeuno: Yes I am a MOTU, but sorry I have neither time nor an Ubuntu system to properly review now.01:50
beunoit's for multiverse01:50
beunominghua: no problem, thanks anyway, it was worth a shot  :D01:50
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bmmminghua: do you know how I can do a get-source from revu? Then I can start posting comments on it ;-)01:52
minghuabmm: By "get-source" so you mean getting the source package?01:55
bmmminghua: yes, something that has the same effect as "apt-get source" but gets,extracts and patches a package from REVU01:56
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minghuaYes you can.01:56
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bmmminghua: how? The revu-report script doesn't really seem to do something like that. Could you possibly give me an example command or such?01:57
minghuabmm: Take beuno's package, linuxsampler, as an example:01:57
LaserJockanybody having problems with system-config-printer? I have to re-enable my printer every time I need to print :(01:57
minghuabmm: First get the package: dget http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/linuxsampler-0708260400/linuxsampler_0.4.0-1.dsc01:57
minghuabmm: Then extract it: dpkg-source -x linuxsampler_0.4.0-1.dsc01:58
minghuabmm: This is roughly what "apt-get source" is doing behind the scene.01:58
bmmminghua: great! Works like a charm, thanks!01:59
minghuabmm: As for the revu-report script, I don't know it at all so have no idea.01:59
bmmbueno: you need an ubuntu version added to the version in the control02:00
minghuaLaserJock: Isn't that a question for #ubuntu+1? ;-)02:00
minghuaLaserJock: Good afternoon BTW.02:00
bmmminghua: only documentation about reviewing I could find, but looked like you needed special privileges, but this works like a charm! Thanks!02:00
minghua...or good evening.02:00
beunobmm: you mean in the changelog?02:01
bmmbeuno: ah, yeah, sorry the changelog ofcourse :-S02:01
beunobmm: it would be 0.4.0-0ubuntu1, right?02:02
bmmbeuno: do "dch -e" from your linuxsampler directory and then add -0ubuntu102:02
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LaserJockminghua: I did ask in #ubuntu+1 but there about has helpful as usual02:04
bmmbeuno: Why do you have a Makefile.am in the debian/ directory?02:04
minghuaLaserJock: Tough luck.  You know where malone is. :-)02:06
beunobmm: I don't, the original tarball does  :D02:06
bmmbeuno: The debian directory should not be part of the orig.tar.gz and not part of the upstream release, why is it in there?02:06
minghuaBad, bad upstream.02:06
bmmbeuno: ok, so upstream already has a debian/ directory :-S02:06
beunobmm: exactly  :D02:06
beunoand the /debian dir upstream doesn't work and sucks  :D02:06
bmmI'm not sure what to do with that, somebody with experience who can comment?02:06
bmmbeuno: I think you might have to convince upstream to leave the debian directory out of their releases (minghua might know what to do)02:09
minghuaI agree that persuading upstream not to put debian/ dir in the released tarball is the most correct thing to do.  It may be hard to achieve though.02:10
beunominghua: it seems upstream has already been contacted in debian, and he hasn't responded02:11
beuno(it used to be in Debian too)02:11
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minghua(And don't take my words too seriously, I don't know the Ubuntu's guidelines on such issues very well.)02:11
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minghuabeuno: Used to be?  Why isn't it in Debian anymore?02:11
beunominghua: same reason then in Ubuntu, upstream added a non-commercial clause to the GPL02:12
beunoso it had to be removed02:12
beuno(it should of been moved to non-free, but it didn't)02:12
minghuaHmm.  I see.02:13
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beunook, I changed the versioning, I should just upload to REVU again and it will update"02:14
bmmbeuno: I think there is much more to change, but I'm not sure how to do it. However, you can do a "dput -f revu package_source.chagnes"02:14
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bmmbeuno: the "-f" will make sure dput pushes it to the server even though the same version has already been uploaded.02:15
beunobmm: great, thanks, uploaded and will try again monday when more people are here02:16
LaserJockbeuno: still trying that nasty app?02:16
minghuabeuno: Have you discussed the license issue of linuxsampler with anybody?02:17
=== minghua suspects linuxsampler is un-distributable as is.
beunoLaserJock: yeap, but I got it working  :D02:17
beunoLaserJock: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=7602:17
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beunominghua: I have, and I believe gpl + non commericial is fairly common, and is OK in multiverse02:18
LaserJockbeuno: have you consulted an archive admin?02:18
beunoLaserJock: no, I should get a hol on one of those02:19
beunowho can I contact?02:19
minghuabeuno: No, it's not common at all.  Basically the non-commercial requirement contradicts with GPL, which makes the whole package without any valid license.02:19
LaserJockbeuno: just email ubuntu-devel or ubuntu-devel-discuss maybe02:19
beunoLaserJock: great, will do, thanks  :D02:19
minghuabeuno: Do you know *any* other software that has a "GPL + non-commercial clause" license?02:20
beunominghua: I can't think of any right now, but I've heard about it in debian many times02:20
=== minghua doesn't think so.
LaserJockbeuno: given that Debian *removed* the package, I'd be careful02:21
minghuaDebian removed linuxsampler instead of putting it in non-free for a reason.02:21
LaserJockgenerally if it's non-free they move it to non-free, not remove it completely02:21
beunoyeap, although the DD that asked me to help package considered it was OK, so I went for it, I'll email -devel, and if it can't go in, I'll just have learned a but more  :D02:23
minghua-devel is moderated for non-developers, just FYI.02:26
beunohmmm, ok, I'll email ASAP then  :D02:26
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minghua-devel-discuss is open for all subscribers. :-)02:28
minghuaThe moderation is usually quite in-time, but you never know.02:29
beunooh, -discuss sounds more appropriate02:29
bmmbeuno: some things you might also want to tell MOTU people to take a look at are: no configure-stamp, but a touch on configure; copy of config.sub and config.guess doesn't need a test (is a build-essential); Changelog can be smaller and should contain "initial release"; Maintaier should be Ubuntu MOTU, you are the XSBC-Original...;02:30
bmmbeuno: a real MOTU probably won't agree with everything, and the upstream debian thing is your biggest problem at the moment.02:31
minghuabmm: config.sub and config.guess (from autotools-dev) is not in build-essential AFAIK.02:31
beunooooh, sounds like a lot needs to be done, I was used to debian guidelines  :D02:31
beunohere's the debian bug: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=32812102:31
ubotuDebian bug 328121 in linuxsampler "linuxsampler: Inconsistent and non DFSG free license" [Grave,Open] 02:32
bmmbeuno: minghua is right on that, you probably need to add autotools-dev to allow for that... Ask a MOTU when it comes to it ;-)02:32
beunowill do02:32
minghuaHmm.  I wonder why ubotu thinks 328121 is open.02:33
bmmbeuno: I'm also not sure wether echo '/usr/lib/linuxsampler' >> /etc/ld.so.conf is good to do, probably want an "echo '/usr/lib/linuxsampler' > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/linuxsampler.conf" there.02:40
bmmbeuno: but I'll stop bombarding you with details, as I'm not MOTU anyway :-)02:41
beunobmm: I'll look into all of it, thanks  :D02:43
minghuabmm: The point on touching /etc/ld.so.conf is very good.02:43
bmmcome to think of it, you probably just want a file installed into that directory, then you could drop the whole postinst/postrm. But I'm not sure about what the policy is.02:43
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JazzvaDo I need to add Debian's ITP to Ubuntu's needs-packaging bug report?02:45
beunobmm: I think you're looking at the upstream's /debian dir, I don't have any postinst/postrm files02:45
bmmbeuno: ah, yes, not sure why but I see it's in orig and not mentioned in the diff.gz, so it just sits there untouched?02:48
beunobmm: yeap02:49
minghuaJazzva: Yes, please do.  (Not that you *need* to add it, but it's very nice to do so.)02:50
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Jazzvaminghua: Thanks :)... I just wasn't sure if it's usual/possible for needs-packaging.02:50
bmmWell, I'm off to bed, but I'll be back in a day or so to get any MOTU to look at boswars. cya02:51
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mohammadwould a MOTU please review (Zekr Quran Translations) ? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=7503:14
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robdoes anyone know why schroot would fail to find /bin/bash et all, do I need to build the chroot before using it somehow?03:35
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luisbgrevu sent me this mail04:31
luisbgSigner has no upload rights at all to this distribution."04:31
luisbgbut I'm in the Ubuntu Universe Contributors Group launchpad team04:31
luisbgwhat other things I need to be able to upload to REVU?04:31
beunoluisbg: have you followed the steps to make sure you're uploading to REVU and not Ubuntu (which is the default)04:32
luisbgbeuno, I read that REVU is by default in dput now04:32
luisbggoing to check04:32
beunoI went through exactly that a few hours ago04:33
Hobbseeluisbg: it's not.  it never has been.04:33
Hobbseeluisbg: it never will be04:33
luisbgyeah, ubuntu was the default host04:34
luisbgchanged it to revu04:34
luisbgHobbsee, why not?04:34
Hobbseeluisbg: because the ubuntu developers upload direct to ubuntu04:35
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Hobbseeluisbg: and so the decision is made to keep the scripts with no extra options for motu's/core devs, and add extra switches and stuff for the people who dont have upload access04:36
luisbgHobbsee, and the motu to revu :P04:36
luisbgahhh I see04:36
HobbseeMOTU dont use revu for uploading new packages.  they dont need to.04:36
luisbgwho have upload access to ubuntu?04:36
Hobbseewell, for the most part04:36
Hobbseemotu and core dev04:36
=== luisbg needs to be a motu soon
Hobbsee(depending on the section that you're uploading to)04:36
luisbgI'm technically in the motu process04:36
luisbgjust haven't had too much time to go through it04:37
luisbgpackaging anyway04:37
luisbgHobbsee, btw... how is all?04:37
luisbghow are you doing04:37
Hobbseeluisbg: also remember that a whole bunch of these scripts come from debian, and the addresses are changed for ubuntu - so they tend to work in the same way for both distributions04:38
Hobbseei'm doing OK04:38
luisbgthanks for the help04:38
Hobbseeno problem04:38
luisbgI'm waiting for the revu sync to check it is in now04:39
Hobbseeit's not automated anymore04:39
luisbgthe package is the ubuntustudio-menu04:39
luisbgI invite everybody to check it, and look if it is ok for universe04:40
luisbgHobbsee, hmmm? how does it work now?04:40
Hobbseeluisbg: is it already uploaded?04:40
Hobbseeluisbg: it got moved, so it's a bit fo a WIP04:40
luisbgyes... Uploading to revu (via ftp to revu.tauware.de):04:41
luisbg...   ubuntustudio-menu_0.1_source.changes: done.04:41
luisbgSuccessfully uploaded packages.04:41
luisbgHobbsee, you got to pull the plug to make it sync? :S04:41
Hobbseeluisbg: yeah04:41
Hobbseeluisbg: it's taking a long time to do, as it's a slower machine04:42
=== Hobbsee waits for that to appear
luisbgautomatic stuff is better almost all the time04:42
Hobbseethsi is true, but if it's taking around an hour...04:42
luisbgHobbsee, thanks04:42
luisbghow slow is the "slower machine"?04:42
Hobbsee(it's not mine)04:43
luisbgfaster revu machine spec?04:44
Hobbseei'ts on an interim server, like the topic says04:46
Hobbseethe new machine isnt yet connected to teh network04:46
TheMusoluisbg: I am downloading it now.04:47
luisbgTheMuso, downloading it from where?04:48
TheMusoluisbg: revu04:49
luisbgis it up?04:49
luisbgI don't see it in the website04:49
TheMusoIts at the bottom.04:50
luisbgahhh there it is04:50
luisbgwhat a beauty04:50
luisbgHobbsee and TheMuso, thanks for all04:50
luisbg3:50 am here04:51
TheMusoAnd I just realised that I am not yet a reviewer.04:51
luisbggonna go sleep04:51
luisbg=) ciao!04:51
TheMusoluisbg: Ok I'll have a look and let you know.04:51
luisbggoodnight... see you tomorrow04:52
HobbseeTheMuso: which email do you use to login?04:52
HobbseeTheMuso: themuso@u.c?04:53
TheMusoHobbsee: themuso@ubuntu.com04:53
HobbseeTheMuso: changed04:53
HobbseeAltering themuso@ubuntu.com to level reviewer04:53
TheMusoHobbsee: THanks04:53
Hobbseeno problem04:53
TheMusomeh. THis package has problems already.04:54
TheMusoI have already found two.04:54
TheMusook now I can't seem to log in.04:56
HobbseeTheMuso: did you try recovering the password?04:56
TheMusoHobbsee: gah sorry! Seems that I am actually using themuso@themuso.com to log in.04:57
TheMusojust so used to using @u.c with it. :)04:57
TheMusobut since everything changed...04:57
Hobbseeahhh :)04:58
HobbseeTheMuso: no problem, try again04:59
HobbseeTheMuso: you should actually be able to login - there's a valid password listed here for you04:59
TheMusoHobbsee: Yeah I know. I do have it.04:59
TheMusoAh! Thats better.05:00
TheMusoNow to be an absolute bastard with this package.05:01
TheMusoas there is a lot done badly.05:01
=== TheMuso looks at a package like this, and automatically thinks... cdbs!!
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=== Hobbsee waves
xtknighthello Hobbsee long time07:09
xtknightbeen on a vacation myself but it feels nice to be back :P07:10
=== Hobbsee wonders what holidays and such are
xtknightsometimes the mind needs to be cleansed before working on more dpkgs07:11
nixternalHobbsee: I am with you there...what is a holiday again? :)07:11
Hobbseenixternal: no idea.07:11
nixternalmaybe one of these days I will figure it out07:11
xtknightit is that where everyone around you is doing stuff where you are sitting at home doing nothing07:12
nixternalahhh, OK, then I am on holiday everyday then :D07:12
xtknightonly holidays for me are birthday and other self-created holidays, trips to newegg.com order button, etc07:13
Hobbseextknight: oh right, i thougth they were called weekends.07:13
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nixternalhell, I don't even know what the sun is yet07:14
RAOFIt's the big ball of fire outside, where the bears are.07:15
Hobbseeoh, that's a type of machine.07:15
=== RAOF waves
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=== Hobbsee glares at RAOF
=== RAOF reads up on what needs to be in the email
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mattgcan anybody help me add UDF Volume Support?08:07
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RAOFHobbsee: Care to review a MOTU application?08:17
HobbseeRAOF: sure08:18
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TheMusoRAOF: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!108:20
TheMusoRAOF: I was *THIS* close to recommending you.08:21
TheMusoRAOF: Seriously dude, you WILL be a shoe in.08:21
RAOFHeh, thanks :)08:22
StevenKI should subscribe to motu-council so I can say nice things about RAOF08:23
RAOFWhat the hell?  Bug #134842 is a needs-packaging for a piece of OS X software!08:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134842 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging]  Fairmount" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13484208:23
=== TheMuso still has memroies of the days when the tech board appointed new MOTUs.
HobbseeRAOF: looks fine08:23
StevenKTheMuso: Me too08:24
RAOFRight.  Now to hunt down the email addresses of my sponsors so I can CC them :)08:24
StevenKRAOF: If I'm not on your sponsors list, add me too08:24
TheMusoRAOF: It isn't by chance a cross-platform app?08:24
StevenKRAOF: Actually, I should be - I uploaded kvm and specto (both Debian and Ubuntu) for you. :-)08:25
=== mrigns [n=mrigns@unaffiliated/mrigns] has joined #ubuntu-motu
RAOFTheMuso: Not as far as I can see on the project page.  All OS X screenshots, and it seems heavily tied into the OS X system.08:27
=== nu [i=neuro@host76-15-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoRAOF: ah ok.08:28
=== TheMuso stops procrastinating and goes to do something useful.
TheMusoback in a bit.08:29
RAOFHm.  How can I find who sponsored my uploads?08:40
Hobbseeshort of decrypting the key on the accepted mails in gutsy changes...08:41
Hobbseei'd just put the ones you remember, i think08:41
Hobbseeor bugmail, there's a thought08:41
RAOFYah, I'll hunt through that.08:42
RAOFHm.  I suppose that tracker-search is probably meant to return some form of search results at some point.08:47
=== davromaniak [n=cyril@LAubervilliers-153-52-16-160.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== nu [i=neuro@host76-15-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
RAOFWow.  I had no idea I had so many sponsors.08:53
RAOF!nickspam | nuu08:54
ubotunuu: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines08:54
RAOFThat would be really annoying if I wasn't doing something else :P08:54
StevenKRAOF: How many sponsors?08:58
RAOF7, I think.  I've sent off the email now.09:02
RAOFAlso, I don't think that's actually everyone, just the people who appear in mail containing "fix released" in my bugmail folder.09:03
RAOFHm, I wonder if it's worth trying for a UVFe for Empathy.09:03
nuureally sorry about the nickspam, just my psybnc being stupid09:04
nuushould be ok now, at least until i reconnect ;)09:04
RAOFnuu: That's OK.  It's just kinda annoying ;)09:05
nuuyeah, i know09:05
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RAOFHeh, too slow on the Empathy front :)09:06
HobbseeRAOF: i thought there was one, i thought i ack'd it09:07
RAOFHobbsee: Indeed, that's what I meant.09:07
RAOFI was just looking at the "hey, there's a new version of empathy".  Turns out we already know, and have already ack'd the UVFe :)09:08
robdo we still use pbuilder with gutsy?09:17
RAOFYou can, yes.09:17
robwhat is everyone using though?09:17
RAOFI use sbuild, because I've got a box with LVM set up as a buildd.09:18
RAOFThat's faster than pbuilder, and sends automated build logs by email.09:18
StevenKI use both09:18
=== Hobbsee uses pbuilder
=== Fujitsu hasn't had cause to use pbuilder since setting up sbuild.
robsbuild gives me the error "mailto not set" when trying to set it up09:20
robany ideas how to fix that one?09:21
FujitsuSet mailto in ~/.sbuildrc09:21
=== ytojack [n=ytojack@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== TheMuso uses sbuild.
robFujitsu, ok I don't have one of those, what is the format of the file to set that?09:22
TheMusoaving a log generated without specifically requesting it is a good thing.09:23
TheMusoAnd, through lvm snapshots, allows package install/removal testing to be a snap.09:23
robbugger it, I'll just use pbuilder :)09:24
HobbseeRAOF: TheMuso you're all getting moderated...09:25
Hobbseeclearly you dont subscribe to the MC09:25
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TheMusoHobbsee: I do.09:26
TheMusoIts not to say that RAOF's other sponsors are though09:26
HobbseeTheMuso: none of the mail has hit the MC yet09:27
Hobbseewait, yorus has09:27
=== Hobbsee suggests people use "MOTU application for x", so as to not get threaded onto other applicaitons.
Hobbseeor start a new mail09:28
TheMusoHobbsee: Woudln't that depend on which email client you use? I know for a fact Mutt can determine the difference, even if the subject is the same.09:29
TheMusodue to some thread headers that get added somewhere along the line.09:29
HobbseeTheMuso: true.  thunderbird usually picks up headings, but may not have this time, due to the original mail not getting to the list yet09:29
Hobbseeoh, hmmm.  weird09:30
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RAOFThat's actually one beef I have with gmail, it doesn't thread properly.09:44
RAOFShould I actually be subscribed to MC?  I suppose that's where my application will be discussed, so I might as well.09:46
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HobbseeRAOF: if people forget to CC you...09:52
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coNPGood morning!09:56
Hobbseemorning coNP09:57
coNPHey Hobbsee09:58
coNPAre bugfixes ever meant to cause an UVFe? I guess not, no matter if they are bugfix releases or they are patches. Am I right?10:02
Hobbseebugfix releases should be fine10:03
Hobbseeit's the ones with new features that ar eteh worry10:03
coNPAnd patches to fix bugs are also fine, right?10:04
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Hobbseeof course10:04
Hobbseewould seem slightly crazy to take all the patches from the usptream release, and apply them as patches, though.10:05
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Hobbseeas in, same code gets in the release, but with a lot more effort.  seems pointless.10:05
=== jeromeg [n=jerome@gra94-2-82-66-142-60.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== coNP advocates boswars now.
=== finalbeta [n=viper@d54C6865D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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jeromegScottK: I added some additional information some my UVFe request : bug 13473010:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134730 in dvgrab "[UVFe] Please sync dvgrab 3.0-1 (universe) from debian (unstable)" [Wishlist,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13473010:44
jeromegcould you please have a look ?10:44
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TheMusoOh I forgot. Congrats coNP.11:16
coNPThanks TheMuso :)11:16
=== pgquiles [n=pgquiles@200.Red-81-39-193.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
kompozerhello there11:19
kompozerI have a make: dh_testdir: Command not found when using pbuilder11:20
kompozerthough a simple fakeroot debian/rules clean works perfectly11:20
kompozercan anyoune please help me with this?11:21
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TheMusokompozer: At what point does that error occur?11:27
kompozerTheMuso: right when pbuilder starts the fakeroot debian/rules clean11:29
=== Pici- [n=Pici@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusokompozer: Is debhelper listed as a dependency for your package in Build-Depends in the control file?11:29
=== kompozer looking
kompozerno :-/11:31
TheMusokompozer: Well I suggest you add debhelper (>= 5) to your Build-Depends field.11:32
kompozerTheMuso: in fact I didn't even have any Build-Depends field11:32
TheMusokompozer: Well if you want your package to build, you will need it.11:33
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kompozerTheMuso: I have just added the "Build-Depends" field, did a debuild -S, then tried pbuilder again. Fakeroot has been installed but not debhelper. So I still get the same error11:35
TheMusocoNP: I'll join you on revu shortly, and will hopefull be able to give a second ack to the packages you have looked at.11:35
coNPTheMuso: cool11:35
coNPI was wondering if I should ask someone to do this :)11:35
TheMusokompozer: Where did you put your Build-Depends field?11:35
TheMuso!packagingguide | kompozer11:35
ubotukompozer: The packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports11:35
TheMusocoNP: I'll just get a few announcements sent out to the MOTU list, and then I'll join you.11:36
coNPTheMuso: Okay. Take your time :)11:36
=== norsetto [n=norsetto@host186-223-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
coNPHey norsetto.11:38
norsettoHey coNP; I'm glad I'm not the only madman around ;-)11:39
=== coNP hides
geserHi norsetto11:43
=== Pici- [n=Pici@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
kompozerTheMuso: thanks for your help, the build-deps field was at the wrong line11:43
norsettogeser: morgen :-)11:43
TheMusokompozer: Welcome.11:44
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TheMusoOk, that takes care of that lot.11:47
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=== coNP silently watches TheMuso spamming the MOTU lists... :P
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@184.187-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
norsettoTheMuso: did you get the email from highvoltage about mentoring?11:49
TheMusonorsetto: WHich one?11:53
TheMusoThe last one I got from him was the general ping that gets sent out occasionally.11:53
norsettoTheMuso: ok, we agreed that he was sending you an email with the new pupil; guess he was too busy the last twi days11:54
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TheMusonorsetto: Ok.11:55
norsettoThemuso: if I don't see it tomorrow I'll send it myself11:55
=== coNP has some ideas to teach to ubotu
=== mrigns [n=mrigns@unaffiliated/mrigns] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== coNP reviews evolution-rss
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norsettocoNP: I see you have advocated boswar; what is this when I try to debuild it: Checking for C library png... no12:08
norsettoDid not find png library or headers, exiting!12:08
coNPnorsetto: I did a pbuilder build. Are you sure you installed everything that is needed?12:09
=== coNP tries again to build boswars
=== coNP advocates evolution-rss
norsettocoNP: no pbuilder yet, that was a simple debuild -S -sa12:10
coNPnorsetto: I guess you should install libpng then.12:10
norsettocoNP: I had to install scons, anything else needed?12:10
coNPnorsetto: check the build deps :)12:10
coNPnorsetto: debuild should enumerate any missing dependencies.12:11
coNPI mean build dependencies12:11
=== TheMuso reviews xgrep
=== coNP reviews scolily
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-184-60.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoIts not imperative if a package's copyright file doesn't mention when the package was debianized?12:14
geserthere should be no need to run configure in clean12:15
norsettocoNP: any reason to have liblualib50-dev listed twice in build-depnds?12:15
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norsettocoNP: take it back, its not twice12:16
coNPnorsetto: liblualib != liblua12:16
coNPBTW I guess the second depends on the first. I'll check12:16
coNPSo liblua should go IMHO12:16
norsettocoNP: yeah, I only installed liblualib and liblua is a required dependency of it12:17
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coNPnorsetto: thanks for pointing out this.12:17
coNPnorsetto: do you have reviewer rights in REVU?12:17
TheMusocoNP: He is not a MOTU yet.12:18
coNPSure. He is a recepcionist.12:18
norsettoTheMuso: he is not a MOTU fullstop ;-)12:18
TheMusonorsetto: But you will be one day, won't you. :)12:18
coNPActually I mentioned this in my previous comment12:18
norsettoTheMuso: dunno12:19
=== coNP is for the eventual MOTUfication of norsetto :)
coNPOr MOTUification?12:19
coNPI am not sure... :)12:19
norsettofinally it builds! I had to download half of the bloody repository :-)12:20
norsettocoNP: you know, I'm a receptionist only thanks to my long and slender legs .....12:21
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=== coNP commented boswars. Thanks norsetto
=== norsetto bows
norsettobtw: if you guys need help with REVU today, I can always check a package and let you know my comments12:24
coNPnorsetto: let us know if you have any useful comments on any packages.12:25
norsettocoNP: useful I don't know; I certainly hope they will be12:26
norsettocoNP: just a stupid comment on boswars (I just installed it). the two icon names are the same, and you only recognise the difference when you hover your mouse over them. Perhpas it would make sense to rename the OpenGL .desktop file as Bos Wars GL12:30
TheMusouploading xgrep...12:30
coNPnorsetto: I personally think it is not an usual scenario to install both.12:30
coNPTheMuso: cool :)12:30
norsettocoNP: why not? for instance I have got two installations, one with accelerated 3d and the other not12:31
coNPOkay. You are right :)12:32
geserTheMuso: are you uploading to the right target now?12:40
TheMusocoNP: re evolution-rss. I couldn't advocate, because the debian/copyright file didn't mention where to find the GPL-2 license.12:40
geseryou right uploading to Debian12:40
TheMusogeser: heh yeah.12:40
TheMusoTwas in a hurry last night, and was doing a batch upload.12:40
TheMusoBack in a bit. Want to reboot this box.12:41
coNPTheMuso: it says it is at /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL12:42
coNPOh. Not exactly. You are right.12:42
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=== coNP reviews libvisual-projectm
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norsettodo you guys know what a fake sync is?01:05
Fujitsunorsetto: Normally used when somebody managed to stuff up the versioning, or a .orig.tar.gz differs between Debian and Ubuntu. It just means that Ubuntu delta (other than the changelog) has been dropped, but it can't be synced from Debian for some reason.01:08
norsettoFujitsu: ok, for instance if it is in the new queue?01:08
FujitsuI guess that would work, too.01:09
FujitsuAs long as it is identical to the version in NEW.01:09
norsettoFujitsu: in that case, it would not make sense to wait for the package to be in the official repo? Or pehaprs there is an urgency due to the UVFe01:10
Fujitsunorsetto: NFPU is in 4 days, so there is quite some urgency.01:12
norsettoFujitsu: ok, thx01:12
norsettocoNP: I have very few comments on tapioca; what is your email address?01:14
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coNPnorsetto: you can pastebin that to somewhere. Or msg me01:44
norsettocoNP: emailed them; they are really minor anyhow01:45
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coNPnorsetto: I added your comments01:50
coNPThanks for your work01:51
coNPnorsetto: Do you check package by hand or with some tool, BTW?01:51
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norsettocoNP: you mean the REVU tools? I can't use them, so its really by hand+debuild/pbuilder/lintian/linda etc.01:52
coNPI don't know what REVU tools are.01:53
coNPI have heard about them though, I guess01:53
norsettocoNP: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU/REVU-Tools01:54
norsettocoNP: its only for REVU admins01:54
coNPyou can use them on your machine as well01:55
coNP... but reading still in progress ...01:55
norsettocoNP: apparently you can access the REVU_report though01:55
norsettocoNP: time for lunch :-)01:56
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_wattazoum_I need some help here, I have just tried to upload my packages to REVU and got rejected ( Rejected:02:07
_wattazoum_Signer has no upload rights at all to this distribution.) Even though I am on ubuntu-universe-contributor team02:07
_wattazoum_what should I do ?02:08
TheMuso_wattazoum_: did you ensure you were uploading to revu? do "dput revu changesfile"02:08
_wattazoum_Nice one ^^ ( I did dput "package-version_source.changes")02:10
_wattazoum_like in the wiki02:10
_wattazoum_TheMuso:  Thank you very much02:11
_wattazoum_I guess that was the problem02:11
TheMuso_wattazoum_: You're welcome.02:11
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elkbuntuhmm... baaaaaaad oo.o. I never told you that you could suck up 98% of CPU and 74% of memory to change locale02:16
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JazzvaHmm... It's not OK to include WAV files in a package, right? I'm not sure if they are really needed...02:28
coNPJazzva: why?02:29
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JazzvacoNP: Well, they are binary files, after all... And I thought that it's not okay to include binaries. On the other side, pictures and stuff are binaries and are needed for icons in programs :). That's why I'm not sure...02:30
coNPI guess you can include them. It might be a good idea though to put them in a separate binary package like <packagename>-sound02:31
JazzvacoNP: Right... thanks. I still need to check if they're important for a package...02:31
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LamegoJazzva, if they take a significant size, it makes sense to have them on a -sound or -data, because they are architecture independent02:34
coNPOTOH why would an upstream tarball contain "unimportant" files... :)02:34
Lamegoif they are small, splitting them will just create another package, without any benefit, in my opinion02:34
JazzvacoNP: Some examples of something :)... Lamego, thanks for the help02:35
Lamegoif you are unsure they are needed, they should not be installed at all, to avoid you the need to verify the wav copyrights ;)02:35
coNPOh sure :)02:35
Lamegoif they are needed, you will test the software, and it will fail :P02:36
coNPREVU tools are cool02:36
JazzvaI guess so :)..02:36
TheMusoOk I'm outa here.02:36
JazzvaOne more thing... I need this package as a build-dep for another package... I suppose it should be a library package then... Any info related to making library packages?02:37
Jazzva*Any info on the web...02:37
LamegoJazzva, according to google: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/libpkg-guide.html02:39
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JazzvaLamego: thanks a lot :D... I will look at it :).02:40
Lamegofunny, "guidelines" on google, returns Debian on the first page of links02:41
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Jazzva...and GNOME ;)...02:44
Lamegoyup :)02:45
norsettocoNP have you got the tools locally?02:46
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cbx33hey all02:55
cbx33someone said they'd be willing to donate some server bandwidth to me for my python lessons02:55
cbx33heheh is the offer still available02:55
cbx33i'll need to run an icecast server on it02:55
norsettocoNP: you know, I'm wondering why there is no official check-list or a review-guidance sheet. For debian sponsorships they have this: http://wiki.debian.org/SponsorChecklist02:56
cbx33ping imbrandon yo ude you around02:56
cbx33i think i found a work around02:56
pygimeh, cbx33 !02:57
cbx33hey pygi02:57
coNPnorsetto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Reviewing provides some kind of list. Not full or official, though02:57
cbx33howz it going02:57
norsettocoNP: ok, thx for that02:57
gesersee also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewPackageRequirements when checking the license info02:59
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jussi01Hey everyone03:11
jussi01Is there still time to get a new package into gutsy? if so, when does the opportunity expire?03:11
StevenKWhen the new packages freeze for universe kicks in, in about four days.03:12
jussi01ok, great, Id better get working then :)03:13
Lamegountil the 30th if i am not mistaken03:14
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norsettohow could one check for the reason of a new package rejection (from the archive-admins)? Is it possible?03:38
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bmmHi, I've got a comment I'm not sure how to handle: I'm doing boswars-data (= ${source:Version}), but I'm told I should use another variable (${binary:Version}???). What variable should I use and where can I find a list of them? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=7803:40
bmm(I simply stole the ${source:Version} thing from xmoto, and can't find any documentation on which substitution variable are predefined)03:41
coNPbmm: checking03:43
bmmcoNP: no hurry, I've got enough other things to change ;-)03:44
coNPbmm: okay. Change them.  :)03:44
coNPWhat is this upstream tarball issue?03:44
coNPThe others are only smaller issues.03:45
bmmcoNP: that's my fault, the upstream tarball contains a boswars-src instead of a boswars directory. In my stupidity I moved it to bowars before my dh_make03:45
bmmMy bad03:45
norsettoriddell: ping03:46
=== DktrKranz [n=Luca@ubuntu/member/dktrkranz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bmmcoNP: "no need to put license.txt in the data package", does that mean I can leave LICENSE.txt out of the debian/docs file? (how do I exclude only the data package from having it?)03:47
coNPI guess what you put in docs will be in every package03:48
coNPYou should use the .install file03:48
bmmcoNP: ok, thanks!03:48
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bmmIs this warning avoided somehow? "warning: source directory './boswars-2.4-src' is not <sourcepackage>-<upstreamversion> 'boswars-2.4'"04:07
bmm(and a problem?)04:07
coNPbmm: it is not a problem, especially if you can avoid to change orig.tar.gz :)04:07
bmmcoNP: ok, then I'm dputting it now, I'll also post a comment on what has been done and what went wrong ;-)04:08
coNPbmm: cool :). Cannot wait boswars appearing in the Ubuntu repositories :)04:08
=== ceros [n=user@c-76-111-84-156.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bmmcoNP: made a mistake again, it uploaded the old orig tarball, don't advocate or look at it yet ;-)04:19
coNPokay :)04:19
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bmmcoNP: ping for boswars: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=8404:35
coNPbmm: checking...04:36
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bmmcoNP: I'm online for a at least another few hours, so take your time. If you can find more out on the binNMUable thing, that would also be appreciated. Also the copyright is very important, I don't want it bouncing out of the archive ;-)04:38
bmmcoNP: not trying to tell you how to do your thing, just worried :)04:38
=== coNP tries to handle everything...
=== bmm feels very demanding and decides to shut up for now.
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ScottKGenerically speaking bin-nmu is not applicable to Ubuntu.  We do it differently.04:47
coNPHey ScottK04:49
ScottKHey.  I'm not really here.04:49
bmmScottK: if ubuntu is more flexible (which seems to be the case) then I can see no reason not to do it the strict way ;-)04:50
ScottKI'm trying to get some other stuff done, but I can answer a quick question.04:50
bmm(although it doesn't matter for this package)04:50
=== coNP is sorry for noticing ScottK :)
ScottKbmm: I agree, but personally I wouldn't block an upload to Ubuntu on a binnmu issue.04:50
ScottKNot problem, just didn't want to get jumped on by everybody.04:50
bmmScottK: OK, no further questions, good luck with your work!04:51
=== coNP guesses it was not a blocker.
norsettocoNP: ScottK who? I see no ScottK.04:51
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=== coNP has sharper eyes...
=== norsetto should really try not to use these 8-) inside.....
coNPbmm: sistpoty seems to watch from a hidden place :)04:55
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norsettobmm: any reason for boswars-data to not depend on boswars or boswars-gl?05:01
norsettobmm: reason for asking is that removing boswars or boswars-gl do not remove boswars-data05:04
=== AndyP mutters rude words about svn merge
coNPbmm: you can remove LICENSE.txt.gz from all packages05:06
gesernorsetto: the reason is that this would introduce a cyclic depends05:06
norsettogeser: yes, both depending on each other, is that bad?05:06
bmmcoNP: ok, so that means I can go back to a single docs file again, right?05:07
coNPnorsetto: aptitude or apt-get would remove boswars-data. Or at least mention that nothing depends on that05:07
norsettogeser: is there no way to solve this? I expect that somebody that removes boswars also wants to remove the 70 MB of boswars-data05:07
norsettocoNP: no, they will not remove it, perhaps they will just mention that they can be autoremoved05:08
gesernorsetto: cyclic depends are problematic as dpkg doesn't know where to start and is forced to break of those depends05:08
coNPnorsetto: that is enough :)05:08
Lamegonorsetto, -data files do not usually depend on the "master" package, they just suggest it, at least from most of the official packages I have worked with05:08
coNPnorsetto: you might have installed boswars-data explicitly05:09
gesernorsetto: there was as larger discussion about cyclic depends on debian-devel ML some time ago if you are interested in the reasons05:09
Lamegotheoretically, the -data can provide resources to a 3rd party app, which will have it as a depend, and for which the primary package may not be required05:10
norsettogeser: et al. perhaps becuase I use dpkg to install, but removing boswars do not suggest an autoremove of boswars-data05:10
coNPnorsetto: that is what I thought "installed explicitly"05:12
norsettolamego: well, in this case it seems strange that noob users will not know they have 70 useless  MB on their HD05:12
ScottKnorsetto: Noob users will get it automatically and it'll be up for automatic removal.05:12
norsettoScootK: ok, so apt-get will take care of that?05:13
Lamegoif you have manually installed package X, you should know that you have it ;)05:13
bmmcoNP: I've changed to a single debian/docs with no LINCENSE.txt mentioned, let me know if you have more comments or would like another upload.05:13
norsettolamego: heck, have a look at the answer tracker, and you will surprised what noob users are capable of ......05:14
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Lamegonorsetto, features are not implemented on manual misuse, are based on common use ;)05:14
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Lamegobased on05:14
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coNPbased on common nonsense :D05:15
ScottKnorsetto: Yes.  When you do apt-get autoremove05:15
norsettolamego: in any case, as ScottK says that apt-get will take care of that, that would do05:15
Lamegopackages are not responsible for tracking other packages that depend on them, they dont have the authority do say "I am only required for Y" :P05:16
coNPnorsetto: it will. Since you are not likely to install "boswars-data" but either "boswars" or "boswars-gl" that would imply to install "boswars-data" as well as a dependency05:16
norsettocoNP: yeah, the trick is to install with apt-get, not dpkg05:16
ScottKAnyone who uses dpkg directly should understand this stuff.05:16
norsettoScottK: "should" :-)05:17
ScottKAnd if they don't, it's not a bug in the package or dpkg.05:17
norsettoScottK: indeed05:18
coNP... but you still cannot file bugs against LP users...05:18
=== xtknight [n=xtknight@c-68-43-122-211.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
xtknightwhat's the tool to edit a diff file?05:19
Lamegois there any way to force apt-get to resolve dependencies from a repository not listed on sources.lst ?05:19
Lamegoxtknight, a text editor :P ?05:19
Lamegoor you mean a dpatch ?05:19
bmmcoNP: what kind of bug would you like to post? "Dependency not met: IQ >= 20"?05:20
Lamegoor some other tool I dont know :P05:20
xtknighti dont know05:20
xtknighti will just remake the patch, i guess05:20
bmmxtknight: the best way is to just remake the patch ;-)05:20
coNPxtknight: editdiff05:20
xtknightit is a rather small mod (e.g. author name)05:21
ScottKxtknight: dpatch-edit-patch and cdbs-edit-patch too, depending on what you are doing.05:21
xtknighti put the wrong emial in my changelog05:21
ScottKxtknight: If it doesn't change the number of lines in the patch, just use any text editor.05:21
bmmYou could probably just use a text editor for that.05:21
bmmBut if you want to make more changes in the future, you are probably better of working in the originals and do a 'dch -e' after setting up your debian packaging environment variables.05:23
=== Pici [n=Pici@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bmmcoNP: I've had a comment on the license file from sistpoty. If you can't find anything else, I would like to do another upload. Let me know what you think.05:26
coNPbmm: still checking :)05:26
bmmcoNP: ok, I'll be patient.05:26
=== ThibG [n=ThibG@abo-247-238-68.guy.modulonet.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
xtknightdoes dch do something special other than just nano debian/changeloG?05:27
coNPbmm: okay for me. So the only thing is that you can remove LICENSE as GPL is available.05:28
coNPbmm: not that I would consider this as a blocker05:28
bmmcoNP: Ok, I'll dput what I have commented on now. I'll ping you again when it has arived. Thanks for your time!05:29
coNPxtknight: it knows about a lot of things how to edit the changelog. But basically, yes. It opens debian/changelog with a newly added template in your EDITOR.05:29
norsettobmm: I mentioned this to coNP, I have installed both boswars and from the menu I cannot distinguish which one is gl (of course I can hover with the mouse over it). The problem is that the menu entry is named after the Name field you use, and in both you use Name=Bos wars05:30
ThibGsorry for the multiple dputs on scolily, I mess up with making the orig ( yeah, it wasn't clean, and... since I'm the original author )05:31
coNPThibG: no problem :). Ping me if you think you have something worth reviewing :)05:31
bmmnorsetto: yes, I thought mentioning the fact it is GL or not would not be a thing for the menu, because to the user it's just boswars. So I've chosen to only mention the OpenGL part in the comment.05:31
=== coNP personally thinks bmm is right.
bmmnorsetto: I think that if the users are going to make a choice, they would do it in package management, not in the menu. But I don't know about the policy and am open for discussion.05:32
ThibGCan someone say me if there is an incoming scolily dput? (scolily's orig isn't up-to-date on REVU)05:32
coNPThibG: did you finish your upload?05:33
ThibGcoNP, yes05:33
coNPThibG: did you create a package with -sa (.orig.tar.gz)05:33
coNPThibG: you can check your .upload file if the .orig.tar.gz got uploaded05:33
bmmThibG: how much time has gone by, and did you do dput -f revu package_source.changes?05:33
norsettobmm: to me, it doesn't make sense to have two menu entries with the same name pointing to two differrent executable, but its just a personal opinion, I don't think there is anything in the freedesktop.org spec whcih covers this05:33
ThibGthe last orig doesn't have a debian/ directory05:34
bmmnorsetto: You are right on that, but I personally think there is no reason to have both installed in the first place.05:34
coNPThibG: I can confirm this based on http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=8605:35
norsettobmm: yes, its a rare case, I install both because I might login with my 3d enabled installation05:35
ThibGcoNP, http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/scolily-0708261930/scolily-0.4/ <- it says there is a debian/ dir05:35
coNPThibG: sure. In the debian .dif05:36
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ThibGoh yeah, right05:36
ThibGso, the package may be correct, now05:37
bmmnorsetto: Hmm... still not completely convinced, but I can see the benefit when you are using things like xforward or something else that isn't really opengl friendly. If you are going to have both installed, I could add (OpenGL) to the name...05:38
norsettobmm: I think it is a worthy change, and its not costing hours of manpower to do it (and I 'm sure somebody will file a bug on that)05:39
bmmnorsetto:  OK, I'll do it, because I just got to thinking it might help with bugreports users are doing.05:40
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norsettobmm: hartelijk bedankt voor een uitstekende package ;-)05:42
bmmnorsetto: NP05:42
ThibGcoNP, scolily should be correct, now05:42
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=== coNP is away now for some hours. I'll review both boswars and scolily if needed when I come back.
coNPbmm, ThibG  ^^^05:48
=== norsetto waves coNP goodbye
bmmcoNP: thanks! I'll ping you if it appears online05:49
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ThibGcoNP, thanks05:51
norsettoThibG: you are the packager for scolily right?05:52
ThibGnorsetto, yes05:53
norsettoThibG: I have got a couple of comments on the desktop file if you want them05:53
norsettoThibG: this entry: Encoding=UTF-8 is deprecated05:54
norsettoThibG: For this entry: Icon=scolily.svg; it would be better to avoid the file extension05:55
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norsettoThibG: and Application is not a valid category05:55
norsettoThibG: if you wait few seconds I will check with a validation tool (you can also install it yourself, its called validate-desktop-file and is in the desktop-file-utils package05:56
ThibGit says Encoding is required05:58
bmmcoNP: ping, boswars can now be found at: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=8705:58
norsettoThibG: the you are using the feisty version05:58
norsettoThibG: you really need the gutsy version (you can also install it from source from freedesktop.org)05:59
norsettoThibG: I just checked, and it was only those 3 I gave you already, in any case05:59
norsettoThibG: do you want an italian translation?06:00
ThibGnorsetto, oh, that'll be nice :)06:00
ThibGI'm not sure I'll put the new desktop file into the .deb ( I'm not familiar with debian packaging yet ) but it'll sure be in the next release ( I'm also scolily's dev )06:01
norsettoName[it] =Registrare delle partizioni scolily06:01
norsettoThibG: as you wish, but be aware that your package could be rejected06:02
ThibGhm yes...06:02
norsettoThibG: Comment[it] =Crea delle partizioni al volo registrando con un microfono06:04
geserbmm: re boswars: the short descript in debian/control shouldn't start with the word "a" (see http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/ch-best-pkging-practices.en.html#s-bpp-pkg-synopsis )06:04
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bmmgeser: good find, I'll edit that...06:05
ThibGDoes modifying this .desktop file require a patch system ( I've just heard about this, never tried yet ) ?06:05
ThibG( and thanks for the translation :) )06:05
bmmgeser: should I do another upload, or are you still looking?06:07
norsettoThibG: yes, its not in your debian directory, so you must patch it or change it in your tarball release (since you are upstream the latter its much easier)06:08
geserbmm: that's the only issue I found, but it's not necessary to do an upload just for it (it's only minor)06:08
ThibGnorsetto, ok, I'll update the tarball06:09
bmmgeser: Well, I'm going to do another upload for it anyway, so then I'll just set a timer for 10 minutes and upload it again.06:09
=== RainC1 is looking for an easy to solve bug
norsettoThibG: if you want a .po with the italian translation I can help you with that too06:10
RainC1ok I think I found one :p06:10
bmmgeser: do you think I should mention the name of the boswars packages, boswars and boswars-gl, in the boswars-data description? (adding something like: to play the boswars game install either boswars or boswars-gl?)06:11
ThibGnorsetto, if you wish, but scolily 0.4 has been released ;)06:11
norsettoThibG: I don't care, for the future release, as long as it can be useful for you06:12
ThibGok, thanks :)06:12
norsettoThibG: did you write the man page for Debian? It says so in it.06:13
ThibGnorsetto, I've written a short manpage, in English06:13
norsettoThibG: yes, you just say at the end that you have written it for debian (but it may be used for others)06:14
ThibGyes, I've sent the package to mentors.debian.net too06:15
norsettoThibG: ok06:16
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norsettoThibG: be aware that some reviewer could complain about the autostuff you have in the .diff.gz06:18
ThibGwhat autostuff in the .diff.gz?06:18
geserbmm: you can recommend boswars | boswars-gl (or the other way around). This doesn't introduce a cyclic depends but apt/aptitude install recommended packages by default you one gets also the game binary if one just installs the -data package06:18
ThibGoh, I see, I've maybe not unpacked the tarball when I fixed the dist thing06:19
norsettoThibG: you have changes in makefile.am, makefile.in and autogen.sh06:19
ThibGI'll fix it06:19
ThibGnorsetto, don't forget to put your name in translator-credits, if you translate scolily ;)06:20
norsettoThibG: and also several changes in some .po files (it guess because of the same problem)06:21
ThibGthat's strange... I really messed up with the tarballs :/06:21
bmmgeser: might be nice, I would have to look up the recommendations, never did that before... doing that now.06:21
norsettoThibG: perhaps, also the icons and the desktop file06:22
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ThibGnorsetto, ok, I've uploaded a new version of the package06:26
ThibGit should be much cleanier06:26
norsettoThibG: ok, I'm building the old one just to see how it goes06:26
norsettoThibG: its an interesting program, I wish I had it 30 years ago06:27
bmmgeser: Hmm... now I'm wondering wether it is "perfectly reasonable" to install the data without the binary or not (Recommend or suggest?)?06:28
ThibGnorsetto, not sure I was able to do this, not born ;)06:29
=== RainC1 is now known as RainCT
norsettoThibG: hmmm, we have a little cdbs/debhelper problem06:31
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norsettoThibG: postrm/posinst files are generate with calls to ldconfig (which is not needed)06:32
ThibGyeah, and there is something to avoid that?06:32
norsettoThibG: I don't know right now06:38
ThibGThe new package is uploaded06:39
bmmgeser: I've added "Recommends: boswars | boswars-gl" and ready to upload again, are you ok with that?06:40
norsettoThibG: there is a warning from dpkg-gencontrol but its ok06:41
ThibGwhat is this warning?06:42
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ThibGstrange, that fails to build, now :/06:44
norsettoThibG: dpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${misc:Depends}06:44
norsettoThibG: I think lilypond should actually be recommended; I don't think the program can work without it?06:45
ThibGnorsetto, the program can work without lilypond: it just output a lilypond score, not parse it ( btw, it can output ABC music and midifiles too)06:46
norsettoThibG: yeah, but I used it, and when it asked me to save, it crashed (as I don't have lilypond)06:47
ThibGDamn! Why make dist doesn't add scolily.desktop :/06:47
ThibGnorsetto, it *crashed* ? It didn't say you that you haven't lilypond?06:48
norsettoThibG: yes, and it crashed06:48
ThibGI think I know why06:48
norsettoThibG: perhaps you should also say where the pdf file is (ok, I know, RTFM)06:50
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geserbmm: that looks correct06:51
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ThibGnorsetto, that's interesting06:52
ThibGyou reported two bugs, thanks :)06:52
norsettoThibG: de rien; where is the pdf file actually, I can't find any reference in the lilypond docs06:54
ThibGnorsetto, in the working dir06:55
ThibGthat's the second "bug"06:55
norsettoThibG: too bad, I wanted to check how in tune I sing :-(06:56
norsettoThibG: I might have another one actually07:00
norsettoThibG: I deleted the 3 Test files (.ly, .pdf and .ps) and when I click on Start to repeat, crash....07:01
bmmgeser: The new version is online here now: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=90 if you have some time, check it out.07:02
ThibGnorsetto, I'll see if I can reproduct it07:02
norsettoThibG: no need to delete the files, it crashes anyhow07:03
ThibGstrange, not with me07:04
ThibGoh, but there's something strange07:04
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ThibGnorsetto, I can't reproduce it, strange07:09
ThibGAnyway, thanks for the feedback :)07:09
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norsettoThibG: its consistent, after one recording, press start and crash07:10
norsettoThibG: Also, I can't record anything (perhaps just a fault with my voice)07:11
ThibGHm... I'm going to re-build scolily and test again07:12
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norsettoThibG: independently if I run lilypond or not07:14
norsettoThibG: the crash on restart I mean07:14
ThibGyou press start, it works fine, and when you press start again ( without closing scolily ), it crash?07:15
norsettoThibG: yes07:16
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ThibGI can't reproduce it07:16
=== unimatrix9 [n=theGrid@a62-251-25-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ThibGis there any output?07:16
norsettoThibG: there are some license headers missing07:16
norsettoThibG: no, no output07:17
ThibGin which files?07:17
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unimatrix9if i may ask : is there an support channel on irc for translators of ubuntu packages ?07:18
norsettoThibG: lilypond-internal.cpp, midi-plugin.cpp, abc-plugin.cpp07:18
ThibGis it a blocker for a debian package?07:18
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norsettoThibG: yes07:19
ThibG( all the work is mine, except record.h and record.cpp, which are under GPL too )07:19
norsettoThibG: and it would be better if you copyright them all (none of them are copyrighted)07:19
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norsettoThibG: concerning lilypond, if you don't want to have it recommended, I think you could add it as suggested07:21
ThibGRecommends: lilypond07:21
ThibGIt's already recommended07:22
norsettoThibG: perhaps, I'm looking at the old one07:22
ThibGanother thing... could you try scolily under gdb? ( with the symbols )07:24
norsettoThibG: did you write a bug report too about packaging scolily?07:24
ThibGnorsetto, in debian, yes ( and RFS too, but it seems it didn't work :P )07:24
norsettoThibG: ok, is it compiled with debug support already?07:24
ThibGnorsetto, I think, and stripped when installed07:25
norsettoThibG: yes, no debugging symbols found07:26
norsettoThibG: little error in man page: you say two dashes options but the options are all one dash07:30
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jussi01Hmmm, can someone point me the the really good cdbs guide thats out there? I seem to have lost the link...07:31
ThibGnorsetto, ok07:31
norsettoThibG: you also say "For a complete description, see the Info files." but there are no Info files07:31
norsettojussi01: last I check the duckcorp site was down (sponsor closed the tap)07:32
jussi01norsetto: thats sad... does anyone have a copy saved somewhere?07:32
norsettojussi01: hey, just checked and its back :-)07:33
jussi01oh, and whats the correct syntax for closing a lp bug in changelog?07:33
norsettojussi01: https://perso.duckcorp.org/duck/cdbs-doc/cdbs-doc.xhtml07:33
norsettojussi01: LP: #xxxxx07:33
jussi01norsetto: brilliant, thanks a lot07:33
norsettojussi01: np07:33
ThibGok, that's done norsetto07:33
ThibGI'll soon upload a new package07:34
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norsettoThibG: what do you use for the copyright symbol? In the terminal its reported as  07:35
ThibGIn wich file is it?07:36
alex-weejcan a motu pick this patch up for music-applet please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/music-applet/+bug/9328407:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 93284 in music-applet "music-applet fails on second login session" [Undecided,New] 07:38
norsettoThibG: its reported by scolily -h and scolily -v07:39
ThibGstrange, it displays well with me07:39
norsettoThibG: I've got no locale or anything07:39
norsettoThibG: gnome-terminal07:40
ThibGLANG=IT scolily -h gives me a readable 07:40
norsettoThibG: if I set UTF-8 is displayed correctly07:40
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norsettoThibG: yeah, perhaps its better to just use plain ascii (c) or (C) (its really nittypicking :-))07:41
ThibGI dunno... when you do "ls --version" for instance, the "  " displays correctly07:43
norsettoThibG: for me its an ascii (C) that too. ok, gotta go now, Il send you an italian translation tonight07:43
ThibGthanks a lot!07:44
norsettoThibG: de rien, a+! :-)07:44
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ThibGbye norsetto07:44
jussi01Hmmm, how do I know which section to put something into? (http://genpo.sourceforge.net/)07:47
jussi01btw, has anyone seen persia recently?07:49
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Riddellnorsetto: pong07:59
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Riddellnorsetto: there's no way to check the reason for a New rejection, they should have e-mailed you and CC'ed ubuntu-archive mailing list08:00
norsettoRiddell: hi, sorry, was having dinner :-)08:13
norsettoRiddell: yes, I found it in the ubuntu-archive mailing list indeed, and emailed you about it08:13
norsettoRiddell: its just a mistake in the reference I used apparently08:14
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Riddellnorsetto: in debian/copyright there's a sentence which finishes "either version 2 of the License."08:22
Riddellit's an incomplete sentence, either needs to have an "or"08:22
sn9"either version of the license"08:23
sn9unless there were two version 2's08:24
broonieIt probably means to have the standard "or, at your option, any later version" boilerplate.08:25
sn9somehow, that's not there, apparently08:26
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coNPI guess bmm left.08:50
=== coNP reviews boswars anyway :)
ThibGre coNP08:51
=== coNP will review scolily as well :)
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norsettoRiddell: yes, its a mistake in the debian reference, never mind, in the light of the fact that the application is not supported anymore upstream, do you think is worth correcting that?08:56
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Riddellnorsetto: depends if the application is useful08:58
norsettoRiddell: as it is now, I doubt: its a cd builder for a custom distribution based in ubuntu, and right now only supports feisty08:59
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Riddelldoesn't sound worth it then09:01
norsettoRiddell: ok, lets nuke it then09:02
arpuinfo: uvcvideo for isight cam http://www.i-nz.net/files/projects/linux-kernel/isight/ does not work with new kernel   2.6.22-10-generic09:03
norsettohighvoltage: hi jonathan, do you remember we owe an email to TheMuso?09:03
highvoltagenorsetto: I talked to him on IRC, and thought that it was sufficient09:04
highvoltagenorsetto: I thought we owed an e-mail to the mentoree (if that's even a word)09:04
norsettohighvoltage: pupil :-)09:05
highvoltageah :)09:05
=== coNP advocates boswars.
coNP(again :))09:06
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jussi01Hmmm, is a copyright file that is gpl3 any different to a gpl 2 one?09:13
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coNPI guess you can write GNU GPL version 3 (or any later)09:14
jussi01yeah, I figured that :) just checking there wasnt some unforseen thing jumping up at me...09:15
coNPThe GPL-3 daemon has you09:18
coNPAll your base belong to GPL-309:18
coNPWhat do you think of?09:18
jussi01hehe, nothing, just checking09:19
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superm1any revu admins, it appears as though i still can't log into revu to do revus for anyone09:22
superm1with either of my addresses listed on LP09:22
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arpuanybody an idea with uvcvideo and  2.6.22-10-generic ?09:32
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ThibGhm... When gutsy will be "frozen"?09:50
ThibG(refusing minor bugfixes)09:50
Amaranththe 20th, i guess09:51
Amaranththat's beta freeze09:51
ThibGthat lets a little time to make a bugfix release of scolily :)09:51
coNPwhy do you need that?09:53
coNPhaven't you fixed everythin09:54
coNPI was to review it, but then I'll wait :D09:54
ThibGThere is a lot of minor bugs I haven't noticed in scolily09:54
ThibG(in upstreama)09:55
coNPBTW minor & major bugfixes are not affected by a freeze09:55
ThibGso, that'll be a new upstream version09:55
ThibGthe new upstream version will be in ~2 weeks I think09:57
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ThibG(the debian/ dir will be mainly the same)09:58
coNPA new upstream might not be allowed09:59
ThibGI'll do my best to release it quickly then10:00
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jussi01does qt3 libs == libqt3-mt-dev ??10:03
Lamegofor development yes10:07
ScottKThibG: If you are the upstream, just add patches for an Ubuntu revision for Gutsy (no new upstream), then release the new upstream when you are ready and use that in Gutsy +1.  No time pressure then.10:10
ThibGok ScottK10:11
coNPThibG: should I review scolily then?10:11
ThibGcoNP, yes, please10:11
norsettoThibG: translation on its way .....10:11
ThibGnorsetto, thanks :)10:12
ThibGOh, there is a new string : "Starting ALSA handler..."10:12
jussi01Hei, can I use cdbs for a package that only requires you to run a build.sh file to install?'10:12
Lamegojussi01, yes you can10:12
=== jussi01 waits for hints...
Lamegojussi01, dh_make -c gpl -b10:14
Lamegovi debian/rules10:14
Lamegoremove the automake default include10:14
Lamegoadd a new rule, <tab>install/packagename::10:14
Lamegoops, without the tab10:14
LamegoI assume build.sh will need some parameter, to install it over debian/tmp or debian/package10:15
=== coNP we would consider emacs users as well
jussi01ok, im trying that now... :)10:17
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jussi01so the rules file is as simple as:10:20
jussi01#!/usr/bin/make -f10:20
jussi01include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk10:20
jussi01with the missing tab...10:20
xtknightwhat's the most reliable way to tell if a package is in main or universe?10:21
jussi01xtknight: which package?10:21
xtknightapt-cache policy show says '        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Packages'.  so probably universe right?  But ubotu says (main).  Bug 13494910:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134949 in lirc "IDs for MCEUSB2 distributed by HP" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13494910:21
jussi01!inf waon10:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inf waon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:21
jussi01!info waon10:21
ubotuPackage waon does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:21
jussi01!info waon gutsy10:21
ubotuwaon: A Wave-to-Notes transcriber. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 85 kB, installed size 240 kB10:22
xtknightwell in #ubuntu-bugs.  it indicates this is in Main "New bug: #134949 in lirc (main) "IDs for MCEUSB2 distributed by HP" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/134949"10:22
jussi01there, use the bot10:22
xtknight!info lirc gutsy10:22
ubotulirc: Linux Infra-red Remote Control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 349 kB, installed size 1688 kB10:22
xtknightwhoops.  already subscribed main i guess it's too late to remove them from subscriptions10:23
=== coNP thinks this as well.
Lamegojussi01, sorry went away10:23
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Lamegohave you managed it ?10:23
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norsettoThibG: is the new string in the tarball you will package for ubuntu?10:25
ThibGnorsetto, no10:25
ThibGit'll be in the next release10:25
norsettoThibG: ok, then we are fine, once you think the .pot is ready let me know and I will add it to my .po10:26
ThibGthat will probably not be in gutsy10:26
=== ThibG is going to learn using dpatch
=== coNP votes for cdbs
coNPJust to annoy some people here :)10:28
ThibGIn fact, I have two main patches to do, to avoid crashes or major display error10:29
norsettoThibG: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PatchingSources10:29
ThibGthanks norsetto10:29
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norsettoThibG: for dpatch use man dpatch if you need something or just ask here; its pretty easy anyhow10:30
norsettoNO! My nemesis!!10:30
coNPNO! Use CDBS!10:30
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xtknight!info gnome-control-center gutsy10:30
ubotugnome-control-center: utilities to configure the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.19.90-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 656 kB, installed size 1640 kB10:30
=== ImNOTcesarefalco [n=norsetto@host186-223-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sn9jussi01: waon does not work10:32
ImNOTcesarefalcothere, this should make it clear10:32
ThibGcoNP, yes, I'll most likely use cdbs10:33
cfalcoDid I hurt anyone? :$10:33
ImNOTcesarefalcoYES, I've been pestered for days, you did say this, you did send that, well, I didn't10:33
coNP!ask | cfalco10:33
ubotucfalco: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:33
=== coNP is relieved norsetto has left the channel ;D
cfalcoWell, I only need to upload a package to REVU, but after server crash10:34
cfalcoI can't login anymore10:34
coNPcfalco: try to upload again. Or you cannot even upload any more. After an upload password recovery should work10:35
cfalcoI didn't mean to hurt anyone10:35
=== coNP neither :)
ImNOTcesarefalcocfalco: well, change your name then, and I may forgive you .....10:35
ThibGcoNP, cdbs patches are just diffs put to debian/patches?10:36
cfalcoI tried several times, but they wouldn't allow me10:36
superm1coNP, do we have to announce a NEW package to motu mailing list even if it was packaged ourselves (and hence not on REVU)?10:36
ImNOTcesarefalcosuperm1: you still need a +1 from another MOTU10:37
Kmosif someone wants to sync it from debian, new version with bug fixes10:37
superm1ImNOTcesarefalco, oh really.  didn't realize that :)10:38
coNPThibG: cdbs-edit-patch is the goodness of it IMHO. You can plainly edit sources / apply patch.10:38
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coNPImNOTcesarefalco: you mean for new packages prepared by a MOTU?10:38
ThibGcoNP, ok, good :)10:38
ThibGI'll make cdbs patches10:38
ImNOTcesarefalcocoNP: as far as I know (which is not much, admittedly), yes10:39
superm1ScottK, you here?  Can you comment to that?10:39
ThibGI'm tied... Time to sleep10:40
ImNOTcesarefalcoeven ScottK and dholbach have a package on review on REVU ;-)10:40
ThibGBye, and thanks to all10:40
jussi01sn9: how so?10:40
coNPbye ThibG10:40
coNPImNOTcesarefalco: I guess they only wanted to recover their REVU account10:40
jussi01sn9: I need to run, but could you send me an email/file a bug report? (jussi01 at gmail dot com) thanks10:41
ImNOTcesarefalcocoNP: devs did not need that, its only non devs that needed it10:42
coNPMOTUs are devs10:42
coNPand core-devs are devs10:42
coNPI am not sure which dev you mean here10:42
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ImNOTcesarefalcocoNP: both, in any case ask a MOTU, I'm not betting on this10:43
superm1ImNOTcesarefalco, both coNP and i are MOTU :)10:43
coNPYeah. That is the point.10:44
=== coNP suggests that ImNOTcesarefalco changes his nick to ImNOTaMOTU
ImNOTcesarefalcosuperm1: yeah, I meant a real one :-P10:44
superm1i dont see anywhere on the MOTU wiki pages alluding to a MOTU needing to submit his or her packages to revu as well.10:47
superm1ImNOTcesarefalco, where did you hear this?10:47
ImNOTcesarefalcosuperm1: I remember reading it, but where, I don't remember10:48
ImNOTcesarefalcosuperm1: I'm not kidding btw, I'm serious, can very well be wrong though, so just do as you would10:49
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superm1bryce, are you here?10:52
coNPsuperm1: maybe we should organize some MOTU newbie conference on IRC :)10:52
ImNOTcesarefalcosuperm1: if you think about it, it makes sense: 2 MOTU for a non-motu, and 1 MOTU for 1 MOTU10:52
ImNOTcesarefalcosuperm1: I mean, if I were a MOTU, I would appreciate in any case somebody looking over my shoulder10:53
coNPWait. In a half year it will be 2 MOTU for a non-MOTU, 1 MOTU for a MOTU and norsetto for me and superm110:53
ImNOTcesarefalcocoNP: who?10:54
coNPSorry. I am really tired.10:54
Lamegosomeone else should review "our" work, regardless of our status or experience, IMHO10:55
=== coNP absolutly agrees
coNPabsolutely even10:56
ImNOTcesarefalcoLamego: indeed10:56
Lamegobecause, we are humans ;)10:56
superm1okay coNP you want to give my NEW package a quick once over then (but i still get to upload it :))?10:56
=== coNP reviews the two packages he promised to review first
ImNOTcesarefalcoLamego: we might be animals, but we are just humans.....10:56
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cfalcopackage upload is in still in progress10:59
cfalcoI have limited upload bandwidth10:59
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cfalcomay I ask you here for a review, when it finishes?11:00
ImNOTcesarefalcocoNP: superm1: would actually make sense to record your experience as new MOTUs? To help future MOTU to get their bearing faster?11:01
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superm1ImNOTcesarefalco, i can see that as being useful, but it will vary from person to person and their past experience before becoming MOTU.11:03
coNPYes. It is YOUR way :)11:03
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xtknightfor Bug 134949 when Mario says "submit upstream" he means lirc sourceforge right?  what about debian or we dont worry about them?11:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134949 in lirc "IDs for MCEUSB2 distributed by HP" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13494911:05
ImNOTcesarefalcosuperm1: of course, the same for contributors. But, you had to ask few things, no? How to become a REVU reviewer, how to actually review, what tools are available and so on. I'm thinking about just a wiki page and just for NewMOTUs11:05
superm1xtknight, we diverted from debian11:05
superm1xtknight, their lirc packaging team is revamping the package, so in the meanwhile we are a bit ahead of them version wise11:06
xtknightokay, so in other words, i should submit this bug to the lirc sourceforge?11:06
superm1xtknight, correct11:06
superm1chris is pretty good about commiting things quickly11:06
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superm1even better, if once its in, leave the cvs revno in the bug, and it'll save me a moment having to determine when it gets put in :)11:07
xtknightah ok11:07
xtknightnever done cvs before so it may be awhile11:07
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superm1when you make the bug upstream, chris will let you know when its committed11:08
xtknightdo i email the lirc people?  how does it get into cvs?11:08
superm1you'll make the bug on the SF page.  and you probably won't need to touch cvs yourself.  if you can't determine the revno of the commit, just let me know it happened in the ubuntu bug and i'll find it11:08
superm1thx xtknight11:09
xtknightya should be later tonight hopefully11:09
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superm1coNP, here it is when you get a moment http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=9311:11
superm1i still can't revu other packages though, i thought Hobbsee changed me to a revu'er.  I'll have to check with her later11:12
=== norsetto [n=norsetto@host186-223-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
coNPsuperm1: you can also contact siretart or sistpoty to make you a REVU admin IIRC11:13
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cfalcocoNP, I finally manage to upload the package (sdlmame), recover still doesn't work anyway11:14
ImNOTcesarefalcoImNOTcesarefalco: you know, you are a pretty cool guy?11:14
ScottKFor people who are MOTU/core-dev, they still need a second dev to ack the new package.11:14
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-184-60.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
norsettooh well, it doesn't work11:14
Skiessiplease someone get LMMS 0.3.0 to Universe :I Ubuntu is missing good music tools11:15
jussi01Skiessi: really?? there are some pretty nice ones out there11:16
Skiessi0.3.0 just might be better than the current 0.2.1 in the repository11:16
jussi01!info lmms gutsy11:16
ubotulmms: Linux Multimedia Studio. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-1.1 (gutsy), package size 1543 kB, installed size 3784 kB11:16
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jussi01sn9: im here now, what was the issue with waon?11:17
sn9it just does not accomplish its purrpose11:18
jussi01sn9: why do you say that?11:18
sn9have you tried it?11:18
sn9if you try it, you'll see11:19
jussi01sn9: please explain exactly what you are talking about. are you using gwaon or waon?11:19
Lamegoanyone experienced with apt pinning ?11:19
norsettoLamego: a little bit11:20
sn9did not see gwaon11:20
pygiLamego, http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html11:20
Lamegopygi, I already read that, it doesn't help with my problem11:20
LamegoI have an APT:DefaultRelease set11:20
Lamegowhich I need11:20
jussi01sn9: and you have read the man pages?11:20
sn9yes. very limited11:20
Lamegoand I want to set pin on a package, so that it can be installed from an "unstable" APT11:21
sn9the requirement of a lack of polyphony is an understatement11:21
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sn9if there is the slightest noise, it throws everything off11:22
jussi01sn9: I admit it is a basic program, however, I am only the packager, so for feature requests etc please contact the writer11:22
sn9oh, i thought you wanted to use it for something11:22
cfalcook! Thanks God my package is now uploaded:11:24
cfalcoanyone willing to review it, please? ;)11:24
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brycesuperm1: yeah in and out11:37
superm1bryce, just wanted to see if anything more came out of discussion for openchrome.  I wasn't sure who was going to author the MIR for it11:37
bryceah, yeah go ahead - you could use my MIR for the -psb driver as a template to start from11:38
bryceif you draft it, I can give it a review and add it to the MIR queue11:39
xtknightsuperm1, ok the lirc usbid issue is now bug sf #1782138 and is linked to LP Bug 134949.  i guess all that is needed now is to wait until it is committed by cvs by the devs?11:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134949 in lirc "IDs for MCEUSB2 distributed by HP" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13494911:39
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superm1bryce, okay i'll see if i can steal a few moments in the middle of week to write it11:39
superm1great xtknight thanks :)11:40
xtknightsuperm1, thx for your help. i  just hope the lirc people get to it by time of Gutsy release11:40
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superm1xtknight, i've been doing the lirc uploads lately, and matching them up on the kernel patches11:41
superm1so i'll likely do it :)11:41
xtknightah cool11:41
xtknightbe back in a while11:41
coNPWhat does lintian "postinst-has-useless-call-to-ldconfig" mean?11:43
superm1coNP, does it make a call explicitly?11:43
coNPI mean I understand it invokes ldconfig, but since libs are deployed it might be needed. Do I misunderstand the situation?11:43
superm1coNP, is this a lib* package?11:44
coNPit is a package that also installs some libs11:44
superm1well i've been taught that even if you install some libs, you should have a sep binary package for them11:45
coNPsuperm1: scolily (http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=92) if you are interested11:45
coNPonly if something else is likely to use the libs IIRC11:45
superm1coNP, i'm building i'll take a look as soon as it finishes11:47
coNPsuperm1: thanks.11:48
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cfalcoIs there a MOTU online?11:51
norsettocoNP: I had that once too, it was caused by debhelper11:51
superm1coNP, Hm.  This appears to be because the libraries aren't installed into /usr/lib, but rather /usr/lib/scolily11:52
coNPnorsetto: Yes, I think you can remove simply the .postinst and .postrm scripts11:52
norsettocoNP: IIRC it was caused by dh_makeshlibs11:52
coNPnorsetto: sure11:52
norsettocoNP: let me check11:52
coNPsuperm1: therefore I doubt if they are still needed :)11:52
coNPcfalco: noone is of course.11:52
superm1since it's cdbs, you'll have to override the behavior of using dh_makeshlibs11:52
norsettocoNP: OK, got it, it was necessary to add a -n to that call11:53
TheMusoHey folks.11:53
cfalcook, lintian says "changelog-should-mention-nmu"11:53
cfalcoand "source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number"11:53
coNPcfalco: don't care of this11:53
coNPhey TheMuso11:53
superm1hi TheMuso11:53
coNPIs it so late :)11:53
norsettocoNP: which meant to not modify the scripts adding the useless call11:53
coNPnorsetto: yes, but as superm1 also said, cdbs is used here11:54
superm1coNP, since i can't comment on the revu's still, i see one other issue:11:54
superm1not all the docs are installed11:54
norsettocoNP: ok, then you need to tell CDBS to add that option to dh_makeshlibs11:54
coNPsuperm1: what do you mean by that?11:55
TheMusosuperm1: Did you hear that mythbuntu metapackages automatically get an UVF exception?11:55
superm1coNP, there is an ABOUT-NLS and an AUTHORS doc shipped11:55
superm1TheMuso, yes11:55
superm1TheMuso, but this is a NEW package11:55
superm1which i'll need one more MOTU to look over11:55
coNPI guess neither is needed. You should correct me :)11:55
coNPABOUT-NLS is totally irrelevant IMHO11:56
TheMusosuperm1: I know, I was just wondering if you knew. Nothing about what you are looking at here.11:56
superm1oh okay TheMuso11:56
superm1thanks :)11:56
superm1yea that meeting was a wee bit early for me to make it to.  i saw the minutes that you posted to the motu mailing list too11:56
superm1coNP, ah your right as i look a little closer at their contents11:57
=== coNP would advocate scolily. But it would be nice to fix this dh_makeshlibs call before it gets uploaded
cfalcoit's getting late, I'm going to bed shortly11:58
cfalcothanks for your help! :)11:58
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superm1beyond that, i don't see any other problems with it myself11:59
coNPsuperm1: which package?12:01
norsettocoNP: here: DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS12:01
superm1coNP, scolily12:01
coNPnorsetto: you mean a line like DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS = "-n"12:01
=== coNP is still not sure if they are not needed
norsettocoNP: yep (dunno about the "")12:02
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cbx33anyone seen imbrandon12:03
cbx33ping highvoltage12:04
cbx33ping doko12:05
coNPsuperm1: then we can advocate and upload it.12:06
superm1coNP, i can't comment on revu yet, but my comment will be there in spirit then :)12:07
coNPsuperm1: so what do you think. Does this issue needs to be solved?12:07
coNPI mean this ldconfig-issue12:07
cbx33ping TheMuso12:07
superm1coNP, i would say as soon as that is fixed its good to upload, but it should be fixed now rather than later12:07
=== coNP agrees
TheMusocbx33: Hey there.12:09
cbx33howz it going dude12:09
cbx33just thought I'd say hi12:09
cbx33havn't seen you in a while12:09
TheMusoVery well thanks. Yourself?12:09
TheMusoWell I've been around here. :)12:10
superm1cbx33, i haven't seen imbrandon in ages12:10
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=== coNP neither.
cbx33TheMuso, yeh I've been good12:10
cbx33superm1, yeh i know12:10
coNPOnly these newbies. superm1, norsetto, coNP everywhere...12:10
cbx33been looking for him for a while12:10
superm1cbx33, me too12:10
superm1he was hosting www.mythbuntu.org, until things went crazy.  he was supposed to fix things but never returned calls, emails, or pms12:10
superm1so we ended up having to find somewhere else to host12:11
superm1and rebuild the site from scratch12:11
coNPthat is bad12:11
cbx33superm1, you involved with mythbuntu?12:11
superm1cbx33, leading it :)12:11
cbx33I'm looking for someone to offer some hosting12:11
cbx33superm1, awesome - I'm currently installing linuxmce on a box12:11
cbx33got any argument for using mythbuntu?12:12
dokocbx33: just write, don't ping12:12
superm1cbx33, if we had our own hosting, i'd offer it but, a third party came in and offered to host us12:12
cbx33doko, was going to ask who I'd contact about the possibiliy of canonical sponsoring some hosting12:12
cbx33for python training lessons12:12
cbx33it'd be a live ogg cast12:12
superm1cbx33, honestly havent given linuxmce a shot, the reviews i've read for it, say that you need to have the hardware he had, and even when you do, things dont necessarily go as smoothly12:13
cbx33I wrote one such review12:13
cbx33I'm trying it again12:13
superm1for mythbuntu, i'm not going to push it until we're ready to at least say its beta :)12:13
superm1because there are a few outstanding items that are being sorted out12:13
cbx33doko, I think i have pretty much everything figured out, I'd be looking for someone to host an Ictcast server for me for a few hours a week12:14
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cbx33hey highvolt1ge12:15
dokocbx33: I don't think so, but you may want to ask dholbach or jono12:16
superm1cbx33, you might query hosting on the loco team servers12:16
superm1jono can point you at who to talk to about it12:16
cbx33ahhh yes12:16
cbx33never thought of jono12:16
superm1i dont recall the contact off hand12:16
cbx33I'll mail jono12:17
cbx33thanks doko12:17
cbx33sorry to have bothered you12:17
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coNPbigon: you submitted a new empathy package12:25
coNPbigon: you also added some telepathy-<libs>. Are the latter all needed to build the former?12:25
norsettocoNP: the correct syntax is DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_scolily := -n12:26
norsettocoNP: just tested by the way12:26
coNPnorsetto: thanks. Check out http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=9212:27
bigoncoNP: well tp-mission-control is needed to build the package. AFAIK the last version of tp-salut is needed too12:27
coNPAre these libs new?12:28
coNPOr updates12:28
norsettocoNP: yeah, you need to add the _scolily at the end (its package specific)12:28
coNPOkay, but there is only one package12:28
norsettocoNP: yes, but I think just without adding it it won't work (with it it works), we can test or just look at the mk file to check12:29
coNPnorsetto: /me pbuilded it this way12:29
norsettocoNP: ok, good to know then12:30
=== coNP thinks all these options can be used with and without specifying a binary package
norsettocoNP: but then you should tell him to delete the _scolily at the end of the other option, to be consistent :-)12:31
coNPnorsetto: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=9212:32

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