
=== Nixus_Maximus [n=simon@i577B5CA6.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, whats the deal??06:22
foxbuntusuperm1, hows it going06:22
tgm4883_laptoptheres a deal?06:22
foxbuntuyea...you were gonna donate to the server fund06:22
tgm4883_laptopI think it's buy one get one free for toilet paper06:22
=== tgm4883_laptop smacks head
tgm4883_laptopI totally forgot, started watching a movie06:22
tgm4883_laptopwhats the address again06:23
tgm4883_laptopI'll do it right now06:23
tgm4883_laptopok I lied, I can't do it right now06:23
=== tgm4883_laptop isn't exactly on his own wireless network if you know what I mean
tgm4883_laptopI just emailed myself though so I will remember06:24
foxbuntuso how are things going tgm4883_laptop06:37
tgm4883_laptoppretty good06:39
tgm4883_laptopjust waiting for a call06:39
tgm4883_laptopneed to rest this weekend06:39
tgm4883_laptoparen't you from Oregon?06:39
tgm4883_laptopsomeone's from Oregon06:40
tgm4883_laptopand now they live on the east coast06:40
=== tgm4883_laptop shrugs
foxbuntuI don't really know06:40
tgm4883_laptopanyway, we went to OMSI today and most of their computers are Mac's, the 1 windows computer they had was being worked on, and they had 1 Edubuntu computer06:41
tgm4883_laptopI thought that was pretty cool06:41
foxbuntuwhat is OMSI?06:41
tgm4883_laptopOMSI stands for Oregon Museum of Science and Industry06:41
tgm4883_laptopIt's a pretty cool place06:42
troy_sfoxbuntu: You in?06:42
tgm4883_laptopI hope he is06:42
tgm4883_laptopotherwise I'm talking to whoever has broken into his house06:42
foxbuntutroy_s, sure am, I was just gonna hit you up06:43
foxbuntuwhats up?06:43
troy_sjust a small exploration of the font logo styling06:43
troy_sand trying to work towards a palette.06:44
foxbuntuoh yeah?06:44
troy_sfoxbuntu: Let me hit you with a few of them...06:44
foxbuntucheck me email is waht you are saying06:44
troy_sfoxbuntu: ok check your gmail in a minute06:48
troy_sfoxbuntu: running off for now.06:48
troy_sfoxbuntu: hit me back with your thoughts.  they are all more or less just explorations on chrome.06:48
foxbuntutroy_s, sounds good06:48
foxbuntucatch you later06:48
troy_sfoxbuntu: pretty sure that is what you are looking for in some capacity06:50
troy_sfoxbuntu: the main issue will be evolving a palette around a chrome base etc.06:50
troy_sout for about an hour.06:50
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dns_does anyone know where the mythtv irc channel has gone?08:19
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lagasuperm1: isn't ubuntu-mythtv-frontend supposed to disable the screen saver?01:48
lagamine still turns on (using IEGD as the display driver, though)01:48
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dablitzgood morning01:54
dablitzis there anyone awake this mroning01:54
cornellMorning laga03:29
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lagamorning cornell03:34
cornellHow are you on the contents of .lircrc?03:38
cornellDo you know what the stuff in the file mean?03:39
lagawww.lirc.org knows03:40
cornellbutton = is the button on the remote?   And config = is the "command" to be passed.03:40
lagago to www.lirc.org it's all described there03:41
cornellRIght, I was typing when you entered that03:41
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keescooksuperm1: in and out; saw the SRU bugs -- how does it work for universe, does it just need a single sponsor?  is there no motu-sru team?05:47
keescookalso, I added a comment to the mythtv one -- can you get me links (or instructions) to do the SRU builds?  The debdiff is showing the orig differences, but I'd like the new orig itself.  :)05:48
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superm1keescook, actually i already dput them last night.  i didn't comment that in the bug though06:04
superm1it was late late (like 4am my time)06:05
keescooksuperm1: oh! hehe.06:05
superm1i tested the feisty ones in a vm06:05
superm1the edgy still need to be tested06:05
superm1so i havent dput yet06:05
keescookI'll test feisty on my real system once I can get at the build06:05
lagamorning superm106:05
lagatgm4883_laptop: thanks for the comment on my blueprint06:06
superm1morning laga06:06
tgm4883_laptopno prob06:06
tgm4883_laptopI also fixed a typo in one, and then realized it probably updated someone06:07
tgm4883_laptopit was the mythtv doc blueprint06:07
superm1keescook, at this point just need to wait for the archive admins to ack it i06:07
lagatgm4883_laptop: thanks06:07
keescooksuperm1: cool06:08
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superm1keescook, i'm having some internet troubles.  one of my routers and cat5 cables appear to have died07:07
superm1i'll be back in a bit07:07
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alpacahas mythbuntu been updated w/the new mythtv update for schedules direct?08:23
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rambo3where is my chess?08:29
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foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, thanks! That's a start08:38
foxbuntuI gtg however...later08:38
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rhpot1991anyone active?09:11
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superm1whew.  allegedly all is working again.09:12
rhpot1991I decided to upgrade to the weekly builds of mythtv from mythbuntu, and now I constantly have ubuntu-mythtv-frontend needing to be upgraded09:13
rhpot1991I upgrade it and it goes through without failing but never leaves the upgrade list, any ideas?09:13
superm1rhpot1991, hm that's an odd one09:13
superm1your using weekly builds on the PPA?09:13
superm1or back from when mythbuntu.org served them09:13
rhpot1991deb http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/ubuntu feisty09:14
rhpot1991is what I put in09:14
rhpot1991is that address still correct?09:14
superm1right.  okay so that's the PPA09:14
superm1for now yes09:14
superm1i'm waiting for the full out PPA launch to give out the new one09:14
rhpot1991its doing it on 2 of my boxes actually09:14
rhpot1991new one, 0.20.2?09:14
superm1well actually that will be on official ubuntu repos09:14
superm1as soon as it clears the archive admins09:15
superm1but after that the weekly builds will still do svn co's09:15
rhpot1991I was getting annoyed with random things in the official ubuntu repos not working09:15
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superm1i uploaded the stable release update for 0.20.2 last night to feisty-proposed09:16
superm1so you'll be able to grab it as soon as archive admins ack it09:16
rhpot1991nice, good work09:17
rhpot1991thanks for all the work you do09:17
superm1i'm glad to do it, i like to see things working :)09:17
rhpot1991its my understanding mythweather is still busted in that, correct?09:17
superm1Not in our packages09:17
rhpot1991our == mythbuntu, or official ubuntu?09:18
rhpot1991hmmmm I must have missed it getting fixed then, I installed the revamp by hand a while back09:18
superm1well our fix isn't in -fixes09:18
superm1it was taken from trac09:19
superm1but never applied09:19
superm1it makes it use weather.com instead09:19
rhpot1991ah ok09:19
rhpot1991where does apt store the packages after it downloads them?09:20
rhpot1991is there any way to get rid of the packages not authenticated error?09:23
superm1well yes but not yet09:29
superm1it's because PPAs aren't signed09:29
superm1once the full PPA goes live, i'm going to mirror them at atrpms09:30
superm1and sign them there09:30
rhpot1991hmmm just did a complete removal of ubuntu-mythtv-frontend and reinstalled it, still nagging me about upgrading it09:36
superm1rhpot1991, can you post the terminal output on a pastebin09:43
superm1hi Daviey09:43
superm1yes on atrpms :)09:43
superm1blasphemy eh?09:43
=== Daviey shudders
Davieyhey superm109:43
superm1axel is going to mirror us there09:43
Davieywhy-o-why atrpms?09:43
rhpot1991what is pastebin?09:43
superm1because axel is cool, and offered to09:43
superm1!pastebin } rhpot199109:43
superm1!pastebin | rhpot199109:44
uboturhpot1991: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:44
Davieyfait nuff.. does seem somewhat *evil* tho09:44
DavieyI bet axel converts them to rpms and insits people use alien ;)09:44
superm1to the outside world, no one will know they are really on atrpms09:45
superm1they will end up on a mythbuntu.org subdomain09:45
=== Daviey feels a heck loads more comfortable
Davieyie downloads.mythbuntu.org?09:46
superm1well something to that effect09:46
superm1i still have to determine how to rsync an http site09:46
superm1if its possible that is09:46
=== rhpot1991 hopes he did that right
rhpot1991frontend runs fine, I'm looking at tv as we speak09:47
superm1that's really odd09:48
superm1looks fine there09:48
superm1well once the next batch gets uploaded see if it persists09:48
rhpot1991install goes fine, but it doesn't know it09:48
rhpot1991thanks for the help09:49
superm1no prob09:50
Davieysuperm1: Well i scrapped my US VPS - the atlantic link was far too slow10:00
superm1Daviey, that was quick10:00
DavieySo getting a UK one - therefore i can become a UK mirror10:00
superm1that works10:00
superm1then foxbuntu will be the US one10:00
superm1and i dont know where polorix.net's mirror is10:00
superm1Daviey, you got a little to try to solve an issue that probably only needs an intuitive sed script?10:01
superm1okay grab the mythbuntu-livedisk branch10:01
superm1you should get revno 10, which i just pushed a bit ago10:03
Davieyurl for the lazy..10:03
superm1gutsy or feisty you on?10:04
superm1which one are you doing this checkout from10:04
Davieygot it.. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/mythbuntu/mythbuntu-livedisk10:04
superm1yea but you need to do bzr+ssh10:05
superm1if you're on gutsy10:05
Davieyerm feisty10:05
superm1or sftp on feisty10:05
superm1and do a bzr co10:05
superm1not bzr branch10:05
superm1foxbuntu, you here?10:05
superm1okay Daviey here is what is the issue.  during the install process, everything part of mythbuntu-live is marked autoremovable.  so you need to find a way to do a query for the depends on http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net/superm1/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mythbuntu-meta/mythbuntu-live_0.1~ppa1_i386.deb, and modify the dpkg database for each of the direct dependencies of mythbuntu-live to not be auto removable10:07
superm1https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/130578 discusses it10:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130578 in mythbuntu "Aptitude thinks all mythbuntu packages are unused and wants to remove during upgrade or installing of new packages" [Undecided,New] 10:08
superm1i'm imagining there is a way to dpkg-query the depends info10:08
superm1once the deb is installed10:08
Davieythere *must* be a cleaner way10:08
superm1well not that i can immediately think of10:09
Davieysuperm1: where in the script do you think this should go?10:13
superm1right after mythbuntu-live is installed10:13
Daviey#Step H: install everything else10:13
superm1i would say the easier way to turn off this behavior is with some apt preference to not mark a package as auto removable10:14
superm1but that would have a bad side effect10:14
superm1that all the dependencies of the packages mythbuntu-live depends on will have the same thing happen10:14
superm1which is less than desirable10:14
Davieyhmm.. maybe it is possible to set the on a particualar package10:14
superm1well perhaps you can /query that?10:14
superm1i've got the rest of the CD in shape right now with the new ubiquity10:15
superm1new myth10:15
superm1including control centre10:15
Davieydon't we want all the depends of mythbuntu-live set non-autoremovable?10:15
superm1but not the depends of those depends10:15
Davieyah.. good point10:16
superm1now the only way that i can think that might be cleaner is if they are set as recommends on mythbuntu-desktop, but that involves some extra work with the seeds, which is less preferable then this at the current point10:17
superm1because the definite behavior can't be tested until it clears the archive10:18
superm1its still in source NEW10:18
Davieylisting the depends is done.. now i just need to do the dpkg magic10:24
superm1how to set them non autoremovable is shown in that bug i linked10:25
Davieyedit /var/lib/apt/extended_states ?!10:27
DavieyI'm sure there must be a dpkg way10:27
superm1well that's why i think a sed script would be the way to go here10:27
superm1probably a sed script in a for loop?10:28
superm1that edits it in place10:28
superm1using sed -i10:28
DavieyI'll keep that in mind.. but i'll see if i can find a dpkg way first10:28
Davieysuperm1: so if `apt-get remove mythbuntu-live` gets called - it shouldn't remove the depends, right?10:48
superm1Daviey, it is removed by ubiquity10:48
Davieyjust remove the meta, mythbuntu-live10:48
superm1nothing should be marked auto removable after that10:48
superm1so remove it10:48
superm1and then see if everything else is marked autoremovable10:48
superm1if it isn't then, things are right10:48
DavieyI might have a solution, brb10:49
Davieyright done.. but it is untested10:52
DavieyThink of a way i can test it (easily)?10:53
superm1Build the iso10:54
superm1and then inside the build directory10:54
superm1remove mythbuntu-live10:54
Davieythought so :)#10:55
superm1well i mean that is the easiest way though..10:55
DavieyI will have to chroot into the */build and apt-get remove mythbuntu-live then10:58
Davieysuperm1: pm + flood11:14
tgm4883_laptopwoo hoo, I signed up for SD today11:20
tgm4883_laptopschedules direct11:20
Davieyah.. awesome11:20
tgm4883_laptopso i am ready for that switch11:21
Davieyis it free and as good as zap was?11:21
tgm4883_laptopnot free, but should be as good ad zap11:21
tgm4883_laptopits $15/3 months11:21
tgm4883_laptopsupposedly they are aiming for $20 year11:21
Davieygeez.. is it a new biz?11:21
Davieyie a myth'er who saw an oppertunity?11:22
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tgm4883_laptopit's a few mythtv guys and some other11:22
tgm4883_laptopschedulesdirect.com i think11:22
Davieywonder where they got the schedules from.. probably zap wholesale11:22
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, knows more about it than I do though11:23
DavieyI'll stick with my free UK 14 day lisitings.. ty :)11:23
tgm4883_laptopi'd stick with free listings too if they were availabe11:23
tgm4883_laptopbut I dont have a problem with a small monthly fee11:23
superm1its isaac richards, another mythtv dev, and two xmltv devs11:24
superm1they're not turning a profit on it11:24
Davieygood community effort!11:25
DavieyI wonder how long it will take for the listings to be mirrored tho :(11:26
superm1to be mirrored?11:27
superm1it is still using TMS servers11:27
superm1just a secure connection11:27
tgm4883_laptopIt's up and running11:27
superm1schedules direct? Yes it is11:28
DavieyI mean, what would stop tgm4883_laptop using his subscription, and mirroring the data in a format xmltv can understand?11:28
superm1and the new 0.20.2 version was uploaded to feisty-proposed last night.  as soon as archive admins ack it11:28
superm1Daviey, my understanding is the "Don't walk on the grass sign"11:28
superm1if you see that analogy11:28
DavieyI don't quite follow.. :S11:29
superm1well say in a public park11:29
superm1there is a sign that says dont walk on the grass11:29
superm1no one enforces it11:29
superm1but a majority of the people dont do it11:29
superm1sure you'll have a few guys here and there that disregard it11:30
DavieyYeah.. it would be a shame if it does.. cause obv. it increaces the cost for the rest of you11:30
DavieyPresumably the more people who sign up, the cheaper it gets - if they are non-profit11:30
superm1I'd like to think alot of hte people using myth have a certain set of morals/ethics here11:30
superm1Daviey, yes11:30
superm1their target is 20 USD/year11:30
Davieybut they could come down significantly with time11:31
superm1well i believe after the initial rush of pepole who sign up11:31
Davieywith enough users it *could* be $1 per/year11:31
superm1we'll see where it will go11:31
Davieysuperm1: did you see my last pm, regarding the bzr commit?11:32
superm1Daviey, No, must have missed it11:32
superm1let me see11:32
Davieyregarding commenting11:32
Davieysuperm1: commited11:34
superm1Daviey, ok pulling.  I have to wait for mythbuntu-default-settings to clear the archive, and then this should be ready to do testing with to announce alpha4 this week11:35
superm1ooh Daviey that's some really pretty magic there :)11:36
Davieyas they say KISS11:36
superm1Daviey, can you close the bug then too?11:36
superm1mark it as fix released11:36
Davieywill do11:36
DavieyKeep it simple stupid11:37
superm1well glad you did it then, because my sed magic that i played out in my mind was much uglier11:37
Davieyone thing tho - this only works with fresh installs11:38
superm1yes that's right11:38
DavieyWhich is a problem..11:38
superm1well at this point, we dont have a full out release, so i dont know id say its a problem11:38
superm1now come after the release in oct/nov11:39
superm1thta may change11:39
superm1but for now i say no worry11:39
Davieyfix released, or fix commited?11:40
Davieybug 13057811:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130578 in mythbuntu "Aptitude thinks all mythbuntu packages are unused and wants to remove during upgrade or installing of new packages" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13057811:42
superm1okay yea fix released is fine11:43
superm1its in our scripts now11:43
superm1so the future isos will cover it11:43
rhpot1991in the mythbuntu packages, does mythweater work correctly within mythweb?11:50
superm1rhpot1991, within mythweb i dont know for sure.  I haven't tried there :)11:51
rhpot1991hmmm, I installed the packages and they work again, but its not working under mythweb and I dunno if I have some of the revamp junking it up still or if it just doesn't work11:52
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DavieyDo people actually _use_ mythweather?!11:57
superm1i would lean towards the latter11:57
superm1because the patch only patches mythweather, not mythweb11:57
=== Daviey thought it had novelty value
rhpot1991its nice to be able to show it to my fiance as a feature and part of the reason I had to spend money on a multiple box setup here11:58
superm1Daviey, so do you know any method to mirror a http site's directory contents?12:01
superm1so i can mirror a ppa to atrpms?12:01
Davieydirectory contents?12:02
Davieyie, all linked files on a page?12:02
superm1well so say you browse the mythbuntu ppa right now12:02
superm1all the files that are listed when you browse it12:02
Davieywon't wget do that?12:02
superm1will it?12:02
Davieyyeah.. has a recursive option aswell12:02
superm1wll that appears to work somewhat12:05
superm1except its grabbing all these extra html files12:05
superm1and the ../ and ./12:06
superm1thats bad12:06
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Daviey_superm1: my VPS is now active, so I can mirror and sign now12:13
superm1Daviey, do you want to host packages or ISOs then?12:14
superm1okay i'll have to get bendailey to setup another subdomain for you then12:14
superm1the PPA that we are mirroring from is going to change really soon12:15
superm1so until it does, i dont want to announce the URLs12:15
superm1but for now, this is what needs to be mirrored12:15
superm1if you can sort out how to have wget mirror that and child directories only12:15
superm1then we're golden12:15
superm1but i accidently mirrored all of ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net when i tried12:16
superm1since every page has a "Parent Directory" url12:17
superm1haha i didn't realize you could smack ubotu12:19
superm1ubotu, *smack*12:19
ubotuOuch, that hurt!12:19
Davieysuperm1: i've done it12:27
superm1Daviey, how?12:27
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tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, I think we are ok on both the digg and bittorrent drupal plugins.    The bittorrent one did transfer to a couple people (maybe foxbuntu), and the dev said it looked like it was working good.12:34
superm1okay tgm4883_laptop12:35
superm1we'll get them installed tomorrow k?12:35
tgm4883_laptopsounds good, I'll continue to look into why the image inline one isn't working12:35
superm1image inline will be really sweet12:36
Davieypolorix seems really slow atm12:45
superm1i don't know how much he is hosting there at al12:45
Davieyor rather unstable speeds 70Kb - 2M/s :s12:45
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-52-22.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
DavieyI also want to use this server to torrent the release and ISO's.. maybe set up an RSS feed on the main server to streamline12:47
superm1Daviey, well tgm4883 has a torrent plugin for drupal we're gonna setup tomorrow12:47
DavieyRSS of .torrent and .iso12:47
superm1i don't know if it does rss for .torrent12:47
superm1actually tgm4883_laptop do you know what permissions you need to be allowed to install plugins?12:48
superm1er modules12:48
superm1i'll give you permissions12:48
DavieyThat's good.. i used to be 'admin' then i became a 'user' after the 'rebuild'12:48
Davieypoo i say12:48
superm1well there is only one 'admin' account this time around for some reason12:49
superm1so everyone else is an 'authenticated user'12:49
superm1i haven't taken moments to sit down and figure out all of the drupal permissions yet12:49
Davieysuperm1: can you do a speed test to my server?12:50
Davieydownload the latest iso?12:50
superm1sure give me a link12:50
Daviey(or start to gauge speed)12:50
Davieyroot of the URL you have in pm12:50
superm1my internet isn't a good representation though12:52
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, you have to be able to ftp in and upload them12:52
DavieyI've heard that one of the main pipes conneting across the alantic is naff atm12:52
Davieytgm4883_laptop: can you do a speed test for me?12:52
Davieypm url12:53
Davieysuperm1: if this is the case, then we really need to look at geo balancing based on requestor's IP12:54
superm1Daviey, is that easily done?12:54
superm1i mean how do you split the globe in half?12:54
Davieydunno.. wouldn't think it would be *that* hard.. but may cause some delay on requests.. dunno12:55
Davieynever done it12:55
troy_sfoxbuntu: Ping12:55
DavieyIP range of each country12:55
tgm4883_laptopDaviey, I forgot, im playing Gears of War online so I may have to test later12:55
tgm4883_laptopRIght now though, Im getting between 250 and 400 kb/s12:55
superm1well how do you decide where like australia belongs then12:55
superm1or chile12:56
Davieytgm4883_laptop: np.. IRC with one hand.. gaming with the other?!12:56
tgm4883_laptopdon't forget bloggin12:56
tgm4883_laptop3 handed12:56
Davieywell australia being in the commonwealth 'belongs' to the uk :o12:56
superm1okay bad example12:56
superm1say instead japan12:57
DavieyI know what you mean..12:57
DavieyI don't know to be honest.12:57
DavieyWhat does the ubuntu repo do, i wonder?12:57
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, once the modules are uploaded, you have to be able to do site building in order to enable and configure the modules12:58
tgm4883_laptopor maybe just content management for configuring12:58
superm1Daviey, they dont balance like that12:59
superm1archive.ubuntu.com is its own server12:59
superm1and so is us.archive.ubuntu.com12:59
superm1tgm4883_laptop, i'll look in a bit and see if i can figure out what you need01:00
DavieyOn that URL, downloading to my home connection i am getting > 2M/s01:00
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, what do you think about a donation plugin?01:04
superm1tgm4883_laptop, i dont know that its a good idea01:06
tgm4883_laptopfoxbuntu brought it up, so I just thought id pass it along01:06
superm1i just think it changes the dynamic of the project too much01:06
tgm4883_laptopah ok01:07
DavieyI don't think it would be *evil*01:07
tgm4883_laptopwell in any event, foxbuntu is looking for donations for hardware01:08
DavieyI mean, this project isn't sponsered by anybody - like some others01:08
superm1well but once you put money in, people expect a turn around for their money01:09
Davieyhmm.. i'm not sure i agree there01:10
tgm4883_laptopwhat if the donations were for something?01:10
DavieyIf we set up a forum, we could attach 'gold stars' to sponsers <grin>01:10
superm1we will have a forum at ubuntuforums01:10
Davieytgm4883_laptop: bounty rather than sponser?01:10
superm1its approved already01:10
Davieyis it?!01:11
Davieythat's news to me01:11
superm1its just not opened yet01:11
tgm4883_laptopDavie, no I was thinking that if we needed something (like foxbuntu needs hardware) we could then activate the donations01:11

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