
Wizardi just wanted to mention that my girlfriend installed kubuntu and told me it was shit01:08
Wizardand i still remeber whe she told me: no beryl, no sex01:09
Wizardi've never googled so much01:09
TheSheep!language | Wizard01:09
ubotuWizard: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:09
TheSheepguys, Pumpernickel is right, better move to #xubuntu-offtopic01:10
Wizardas you wish master01:10
s-x-uim in xubuntu-oftopic dont hurt people01:10
s-x-uit is not bizzy at this moment but maybe someone read the logs and waste time with reading less relevant things01:11
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sebas_I've installed Xubuntu but the network card is not configured, I think that the drivers are not installed01:24
sebas_Is it possible to install the drivers from the installation CD after doing the main install?01:24
PumpernickelWhat model is it?01:24
sebas_I'm not sure, it's an old ISA card01:24
sebas_but the point is how do I install drivers?01:25
PumpernickelThe drivers should be installed, but the interface may not be configured correctly.01:25
PumpernickelCould you pastebin the output of `ifconfig`?01:26
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:26
thingysudo ifconfig would be better01:26
sebas_well, actually I'm not using that pc.. I installed it on an old machine for my grandfather01:27
sebas_If the problem is that the interface is not configured correctly, what can I do?01:27
PumpernickelDepends on how it's configured.  It may simply not have been activated, or it could be something more complicated.01:30
TheSheepI think that isa cards are not autodetected?01:32
sebas_Pumpernickel: I remember I did # ifconfig eth0 up01:33
sebas_but it wasn't configured01:33
sebas_Well, I'll try to fix it another day when I'm there..01:33
PumpernickelTheSheep: Could be.01:33
sebas_or try to get a PCI NIC01:33
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thyraxhave a problem05:47
thyraxwhen i try to open firefox it says window already open05:48
thyraxanyone know how to get to the window it's not showing up05:48
thyraxanyone know how to uninstall firefox?05:51
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Ed933Is it possible to create a new menu shortcut06:41
Jester45open mousepad06:42
Jester45is english your only language06:43
Jester45copy [Desktop Entry] 06:43
Jester45so you have 3 lines06:43
Jester45then copy06:43
Jester45Terminal=false if its a gui app06:44
Jester45and Categories=06:45
Ed933what is type06:45
Jester45thats the type06:45
Ed933say I want to put in06:45
Ed933a program named 'A' which is graphical06:46
Ed933I have to type in06:46
Ed933[Desktop Entry] 06:46
=== Jester45 is just making this up from looking at the defualt entries
Jester45and for Categories06:47
Ed933do I need to save it06:47
Jester45you say you want it in Menu -> games you would put it as Categories=Application;Games;06:47
Jester45and save it in /usr/share/applications06:48
Jester45save anywhere or open a root mousepad and copy it there06:48
Jester45you need root power to save there06:48
Ed933so I gotta go into terminal and type in gksudo mousepad06:49
Ed933Yeah, I new at this stuff, still learning06:49
Jester45yes no copy/paste it all06:49
Jester45the only place you can save stuff by defualt without root powers is at /home/user/06:50
Jester45(or ~/ in a terminal for a shortcut)06:50
Ed933so ur home directory06:50
Ed933when I type in gksudo mousepad06:50
Ed933it asks me 4 my password06:51
Ed933I type it in06:51
Ed933and nothing happens06:51
Jester45a mousepad doesnt open?06:51
Jester45did you type mousepad right?06:51
Jester45what did the temrinal say06:51
Ed933it just sat there06:51
Ed933edward@linux:~$ gksudo mousepad06:52
Ed933and that's it06:52
Jester45click on the temrinal and press ctrl+C06:52
Jester45and try it with sudo06:52
Ed933yeah, that better06:53
Jester45and if THAT doesnt work save the first mousepad to your desktop as test and run sudo mv ~/Desktop/test /usr/share/applications/A.desktop06:53
Jester45ok copy/paste to root mousepad and save in /usr/share/applications/ and save as A.desktop06:54
Jester45replacing A with the real name06:54
Jester45wait a little bit and it should show in the menu06:55
Ed933Whoa nice06:56
Ed933thnx heaps06:56
Jester45hehe and i just learned it myself now :)06:57
Ed933where r all the icons stored07:01
Ed933I cant find them anywhere07:01
Jester45i think usr/share/pixmaps07:02
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kalikianaEd933, Incidentally 'pixmaps' is deprecated, recent packages store icons in 'icons/hicolor'07:09
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kalikianaI'm sorry, sup is one of the weird irc tokens I never got used to. What does it mean?08:11
Ben_Cssomething weird: when installed xubuntu, the volu,e control (mixer) didn't show any controlls. then when i run vlc, the mixer recognized the soundcard, but the volume controlls like PCM when changed (volume), it didn't show from desktop view. only after restart the mixer volume and volume changed from desktop view were bound...08:12
Ben_Cssup = what's up, in short08:12
kalikianaAh, what'_sup_, thx.08:13
Ben_Cstalking about irc tokens: what dows "lmao" mean?08:14
Ben_Csnever mind. googled it08:15
Ben_Cslmao = laugh my ass off08:16
Ben_Cslike lol08:16
kalikianaYep, except that it makes me think of cats until I realize it's that token. :P08:17
Ben_Csyes. a type of miyau08:18
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Ben_Cswhere do i put an icon theme? ~/.themes or ~/.icons or where?08:33
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Ben_Csnever mind. found it. ~/.icons it is08:38
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=== LikeVinyl is away: Haciendo una sopa de piedra. nete a la tribu GNU/Linux.
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dsmith_in trying to log into a xfce session09:29
dsmith_it says I have ben loged in less then 10 seconds09:29
dsmith_then kicks me out09:29
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m0u5ei hope they'll build a instant search feature into thunar -_-;11:47
m0u5eit'll be so much easier to sort through my documents in a large folder that way...11:47
predaeusm0u5e, as far as I know thunar has the instant search feature.11:48
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kalikiana_m0u5e, Just type a few letters and Thunar will try to find the first file beginning with those letters.11:59
m0u5ekalikiana_: for some reason its not working ;_;12:00
m0u5ekalikiana_: ohh wait, thats not what im talking about12:01
m0u5ekalikiana_: i mean like a search filter, where i type in letters (like in firefox) and it will instantly start mataching up files with those strings12:01
m0u5ekalikiana_: in the folder, ... it makes it easier fo rme to move like a bunch of files with "1881052" at the beginning, to a folder12:01
kalikiana_That's exactly what it does. Otherwise yu are explaining it very wrong. :/12:02
xorthunar does need a proper search though12:28
xorit only searches at the beginning of the filename12:28
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TheSheepxor: use meta tracker12:48
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hyper_chTheSheep: hiho01:06
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TheSheephyper_ch: hi01:08
hyper_chTheSheep: how are you?01:09
TheSheephyper_ch: sleepy01:09
hyper_chTheSheep: yeah, it's early morning01:09
TheSheep. . .01:10
hyper_chTheSheep: what you're up to?01:11
TheSheephyper_ch: learning django at the moment01:12
hyper_chTheSheep: django?01:12
hyper_chnot the music instrument then ;)01:13
TheSheephyper_ch: no, jazz musician01:13
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TheSheephyper_ch: Django Reinhardt01:14
hyper_chTheSheep: dunno him ;)01:14
TheSheephyper_ch: he was good01:15
hyper_chdunno jazz at all01:15
=== TheSheep pities hyper_ch
hyper_chTheSheep: each one his own taste in music01:16
hyper_chTheSheep: if you wanna see mine, let me know :)01:17
TheSheephyper_ch: it's good to have some basic understanding of one's own cultural heritage01:17
TheSheephyper_ch: sure always eager to learn :)01:18
hyper_chi've always been special regarding my taste of music ;)01:18
TheSheephyper_ch: everyone is special01:18
hyper_chI've never much bothered for lyrics in music... more whether I like how it sounds01:19
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wlfwhiterabbithi! plese, where should i click in order to set my lan card settings?01:45
hyper_chwlfwhiterabbit: Applications --> System --> Networking01:45
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wlfwhiterabbithyper_ch: yes, but my problem is that when i booted the pc wasnt linked to the router, and after having realized the link, in app-sys-net i couldn manage anything to say to my lan card "search the router and connect to it"01:48
hyper_chwlfwhiterabbit: ????01:48
wlfwhiterabbithyper_ch: sorry... doesn't matter (now i'm chatting because it's all right, but i had to reset in order to make it work)01:50
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foxrayi hear its possible to convert from ubuntu to xubuntu but is it possible to keep the gnome ubuntu as well?04:13
PumpernickelThat's the easiest way to do it, actually.  Getting rid of the Gnome parts is harder.04:16
PumpernickelInstall the 'xubuntu-desktop' package, and you'll have everything that makes Xubuntu what it is.04:16
foxraywasn't the whole reason of xubuntu04:16
foxrayto get rid of the gnome dependencies?04:16
foxrayi kinda have a low end computer a P3 700mhz and original ubuntu runs kinda sluggish on it04:17
PumpernickelWithin itself, yes.  But you can still install anything from Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, et al inside it.04:17
PumpernickelThe packages don't conflict (much).04:18
foxrayno use to debian just yet, i'm a rhel admin for a living04:18
foxrayso debian is unfamiliar territory04:18
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yotuxdoes anyone know howto change usplash settings05:07
yotuxPumpernickel: Thank you have install xubuntu and splash res to out of my lcds spec range05:09
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illu45Hello, could someone here help with a gcc-config/c compiler problem on gutsy?05:48
thingyillu45: What's the issue?05:49
illu45Well, I'm trying to get sound to work on my T61, following the steps here, as the easy fix didn't work: http://tinyurl.com/36khy7, and when I try to configure the patched alsa, it says: C compiler cannot create executables. When I run gcc-config, it says command not found.05:51
thingyillu45: Have you installed the build-essentials package?05:53
illu45hm, not sure.05:53
illu45Er, I can't seem to find it in the repos.05:54
Pumpernickel!info build-essential05:54
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3 (feisty), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB05:54
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thingyoops..my mistake. there was no s at the end...correct pkg name is build-essential05:55
illu45ah, ok05:55
illu45Nope, don't have it yet. Will give that a try :)05:55
Jester45when did tribe 5 get released05:56
illu45Hm..a few days ago, I think05:57
PumpernickelSometime about the 23rd, I think.05:58
thingyillu45: To give you a more accurate idea of whats involved in compiling alsa drivers from tar balls, look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto05:59
thingyillu45: it says you will also need the ncurses-dev gettext and linux-headers-`uname -r`05:59
illu45thingy, ah, all right, will take a look at it. That seems to have solved the C compiler problem, though, so thanks for the help :)06:00
illu45Hm... it seemed to get through the configure without any problems. Will install those if it fails to make, though06:00
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ricky90how can I disable the "desktop zoom"???? I haven't compiz fusion, only ubuntu server + xfce06:04
thingyricky90: how do you do this zoom feature? ctrl + alt + + ?06:13
ricky90nothing :(06:14
thingyhow do you activate this desktop zoom features?06:14
ricky90I haven't activated nothing06:15
thingywhat keys are pressed or mouse actions done?06:15
ricky90I have only installed xfce on ubuntu-server06:15
ricky90the max resolution on my ibook 12 inch is only 1024 x 76806:16
thingyricky90: ok is your monitor operating at some low resolution like 800x600 and you want it to be higher like 1024x768 etc? is that what you mean by desktop zoom?06:16
ricky90no no06:16
thingyok i give up then06:16
thingyi dont know wha tyou mean06:16
ricky90The desktop is zoomed06:16
ricky90and when I go to the margin with the mouse06:16
ricky90the screen moves with the mouse06:17
ricky90sorry for my english06:17
thingyricky90: The problem is that your Virtual desktop value is > then the screen res. to fix it you need to modify the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file06:17
thingyricky90: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and tell us what your screen resolution is06:18
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ricky90then: I set 800x600 there isn't this effect. But the max resolution on Mac OSX is 1024x76806:19
ricky90I want to use that resolution...06:19
thingyricky90: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and pastebin /var/log/X*.log (i forget what its actually called)06:20
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laserbeak43whats git?06:22
thingylinus's source code management system06:23
thingyis also a rude word in the uk06:23
laserbeak43yeah it's what we used to call annoying kids in miami06:23
illu45thingy, do you by any chance know how to install the gnome sound manager in xubuntu?06:25
thingyillu45: no. Haven't done that. That would definitely bring in a lot of gnome dependancies though. How come you want to install it?06:26
illu45Yes, I was afraid that it would. Well, the howto I'm following uses it, and I can't seem to find an equivalent for a "switches" tab in the xfce sound manager06:27
illu45howto link, if you want to see it: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=159516&page=1&pp=1506:27
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thingyillu45: you can use alsamixer to do the same thing06:28
thingyillu45: use left right arrow keys in alsamixer to move between the settings and use the m key to mute/unmute or the up down arrow keys to increase decrease volume06:29
thingyillu45: or you can use amixer and specify params to it do the same thing06:29
thingyillu45: youll have to man amixer to find out the params since i dont recall them off hand06:29
illu45thingy, ah, all right. I'll take a look at that, thanks.06:29
thingyillu45: alsamixer might be in the alsa-utils package in case you get a command not found06:30
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thingyricky90: whats the model of the mac you have?06:30
illu45Ah. No, I can launch alsamixer without any trouble, but I only see a Master and PCM slider, which are both unmuted and set to 100.06:30
ricky90ibook G4 12 inch06:31
thingyillu45: have you modifed the modprobe.conf file and added the options snd-hda-intel index=0 model=thinkpad bit? since that bit my specify some more mixers06:31
thingyyou will need to unload and reload the modules06:31
illu45Hm. I added that line in, yes. But I don't think I reloaded the module.06:32
illu45Should a system reboot do it?06:33
illu45ah, ok06:34
ricky90thingy, if I do a xorg-reconfigure it's the same thing?06:35
thingyricky90: I was looking at your xorg.conf file and its ok...your using the fb driver and the log reports that 1024x768 is a supported mode06:36
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thingyricky90: but it then says that the mode isn't a default mode...i suspect its the HorizSync28-5106:37
thingyVertRefresh43-60 lines which may be stopping X from setting the mode to 1024x76806:37
thingyricky90: can you comment out lines 104 and 105 in the pastebin which are in your xorg.conf file and reboot the box06:38
ricky90ok I do it and shoutdown. Thanks a lot for your support06:38
ricky90I have a enormeus headache06:39
illu45thingy, hm, I've added the line (and rebooted now), but I still have no sound and only two sliders in alsamixer. I'm guessing that I messed up the patch?06:39
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Ben_Cswell. back to good-old xubuntu06:41
thingyillu45: have you tested sound? by playing an mp3 etc?06:41
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illu45thingy, yep. I tried both the movie and the soundbite that come as examples with the install.06:42
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thingyillu45: does the blurb here match what you did? http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.04_(Feisty_Fawn)_on_a_ThinkPad_T61#ALSA_driver_update_.28hard_fix.2C_recommended_for_advanced_users.2906:46
illu45thingy, yep06:46
thingyillu45: specifically, "When doing "cp ../patch_analog.c alsa-driver-1.0.14/alsa-kernel/pci/hda/" use "cp ../patch_analog.c alsa-kernel/pci/hda/" instead Also, when you get to the part about modifying the modprobe.conf file, it doesn't exist in ubuntu. Adding "options snd-hda-intel index=0 model=thinkpad" to any file (even one you make yourself) inside etc/modprobe.d should work. I personally added it to the options file, and it works fine."06:47
=== yotux [n=nathan@24-196-133-163.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
illu45Yes, I figured they made a typo in the cp command. Although I'm not sure about the file modification06:48
illu45I just used "gksudo mousepad /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base" and appeneded that line to the end of the file06:49
thingyillu45: try this: sudo rmmod snd-hda-intel; sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel index=0 model=thinkpad06:50
thingyillu45: does that produce a change in the mixers shown in alsamixer?06:50
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illu45thingy, it says "ERROR: Module snd_hda_intel is in use"06:51
thingyillu45: hmm are you playing anything or is there a sound server running?06:52
illu45thingy, hm... Not playing anything, no. Not sure about the sound server, though06:53
illu45the xfce4-mixer-plugin is running... Trying to kill it now.06:54
illu45ah, ok06:55
illu45Hm. The command runs fine now, but no change in alsamixer, no06:55
thingyillu45: I read a bit more of that fedora forums post. Did you install all the patches to the alsa tarball? It actually recommends to just get the cvs version of alsa since it has everything already in it06:56
illu45Hm, I think I only got the patch_analog.c patch... I was looking for the cvs version of alsa, but couldn't seem to find it.06:57
thingyillu45: there are three patches: Fix Oops with AD1984 thinkpad model06:58
thingyFix AD1984 basic model06:58
thingyFix Thinkpad X61/T61 outputs06:58
illu45would the "rsync -avz --delete --exclude=.hg* rsync://alsa.alsa-project.org/hg [your_directory]  " command work?06:58
thingyillu45: lemme see if there is already any instructions on compiling cvs alsa in ubuntu06:58
illu45Ah, all right, thanks06:59
thingyillu45: here this looks good: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=321056206:59
thingyillu45: see the post by socrates.wei07:00
illu45Hm, ok. Looking at it now07:00
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illu45Hm, on the alsa-project.org link that he specifies, the download link says "This is the link to the main ALSA drivers, not the CVS versions.", is that all right?07:02
thingyillu45: The instructions are what need to be followed to get the cvs version. the link indeed only points to the releases07:05
Ben_Csis there a linux alternative to soulseek?07:06
TheSheepBen_Cs: what's soulseek?07:06
illu45Ben_Cs, try http://www.sensi.org/~ak/pyslsk/07:06
illu45thingy, ah, all right. So the I can use the link to get the release, and then follow the instructions to sync with the cvs version?07:07
thingyillu45: umm you could just run the rsync commands instead since otherwise if the release and cvs folder structure don't match it will re-download things again anyway07:10
illu45thingy, ah, ok07:11
illu45So, once I've done the rsync, I should just go into my alsa dir and run ./configure, etc, or will I have to go into all of the components' dirs and run ./configure etc. in each one?07:14
illu45Or, rather. Should I run ./configure etc. in just the alsa-driver dir, or in all of the components?07:16
thingyjust in the alsa-driver dir07:16
illu45ah, ok07:17
Ben_Csillu45: nice soulseek client07:18
illu45Erm, it seems there's no configure file in the alsa-driver dir07:18
thingyillu45: "Run the autoconf command to create the configure script"07:19
illu45Ben_Cs, ah, I haven't used it much. Don't use soulseek often.07:19
illu45thingy, ah, oops. Thanks :)07:19
illu45thingy, hm, sorry, one more thing. When I run ./configure --help, I don't see any --with-cards options. This is the output I get: http://pastebin.com/d3c6344d707:24
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thingyillu45: did you have to install automake/autoconf and libtool?07:26
illu45thingy, yes, I installed automake/autoconf manually. Installing libtool now as well.07:27
thingyit could be a typo i think...since they are asking to do a configure --help and the next line is asking to do a cvscompile --with-cards=emu10k1,usb-audio so...what does the output of cvscompile --help produce?07:28
thingyif it starts compiling then ofcourse ctrl-c it :-)07:28
illu45all right, will try :)07:29
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illu45thingy, ah, ok, that gives me a --with-cards list. Not sure which one to pick, though.07:30
thingyillu45: pastebin the list07:31
illu45thingy, http://pastebin.com/d4f3bef3507:31
thingyillu45: you need hda-intel i think07:32
illu45ah, ok. Will try that07:32
Ben_Csgxine crashes after i click close after config wizard. part of error code: The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'. any ideas?07:32
thingyillu45: for the options, just enable all options07:33
illu45thingy, well, it seems to have compiled and installed fine.07:36
illu45Ben_Cs, I've never had much luck with gxine, sorry.07:37
illu45thingy, I'll try a reboot and see what happens :).07:38
thingyBen_Cs: gxine is buggy. Use the xine-ui package instead07:38
thingy!info xine-ui07:39
ubotuxine-ui: the xine video player, user interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.4+dfsg+cvs20061111-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 1483 kB, installed size 3532 kB07:39
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Jester45xine sucks use vlc or mplayer07:41
illu45thingy, hm... still no sound, and I can't seem to open alsamixer. Gives this error: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device07:42
thingyillu45: pastebin the output of lsmod, sounds like the modules didn't load07:43
thingyargh...where did I put my xubuntu cd...blast!07:45
illu45thingy, lsmod pastebin: http://pastebin.com/d5939cb507:45
thingyillu45: yep it hasn't loaded your sound card module...it shouldve been snd-hda-intel i think07:47
thingyillu45: can you check /lib/modules/blah to see if snd-hda* exists somewhere in that tree07:47
thingyillu45: find /lib/modules -iname "snd-*" for example07:47
illu45thingy, output: http://pastebin.com/d705318f507:48
illu45seems to exist07:48
thingyhmm there it is: /lib/modules/2.6.22-10-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel07:48
thingyso what happens when you do a modprobe snd-hda-intel options suff here thinkpad somethign somethign07:49
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illu45you mean "options snd-hda-intel index=0 model=thinkpad" ?07:50
illu45in modprobe.d?07:50
thingyyep that07:50
thingyso do a modprobe snd-hda-instal index=0 model=thinkpad07:50
illu45Hm... "FATAL: Module snd_hda_instal not found"07:51
thingyillu45: is there a update-modules or modules-update command in ubuntu? im rebuilding my box and so i dont have access to an installation at the mo.07:52
thingyor you could do a depmod -a i think07:52
thingybut do a update-modules if it exists07:52
illu45Er, did you mean dong "modprobe snd-hda-intel index=0 model=thinkpad" ?07:53
thingybut if its says snd_hda_install not found it could mean that modules depedancies are outta whack07:53
illu45Ah, all right. That gives a different error: "FATAL: Error inserting snd_hda_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.22-10-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)"07:53
illu45update-modules gives no errors07:54
thingyafter doing the update-modules07:54
thingydo a depmod -a as well07:54
thingyand then retry the modprobe command07:54
thingysame thing?07:54
illu45no errors for depmod -a07:54
thingyillu45: well?07:57
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illu45ah, sorry, yes, same error07:58
illu45sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel index=0 model=thinkpad07:58
illu45FATAL: Error inserting snd_hda_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.22-10-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)07:58
Ben_Cshow do i search for a file in xfce?07:58
thingyillu45: can you remove the parameters in both the modules.conf file in /etc and from the cli when you type in the modprobe command07:59
thingyillu45: basically am trying to determine if the paramaters we're specifying is whats causing the message or is it a missing symbol07:59
illu45ah, so just do a sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel (and remove the other two parameters in the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base file as well?)08:00
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thingyillu45: yes08:00
cheeseboyhi dhcliassigns me an ip but i still have no internet what do i do?08:01
thingyillu45: after removing the stuff in alsa-base(just comment it out) also do a update-modules and depmod -a08:01
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thingycheeseboy: can you ping your gateway?08:01
ricky90thingy, now I have started the pc and it's all ok. Thanks. You're a genie08:02
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thingyricky90: heh08:02
=== thingy goes looking for my lamp
illu45thingy, still gives me the same error: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel08:03
illu45FATAL: Error inserting snd_hda_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.22-10-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)08:03
thingyillu45: anything interesting in dmesg?08:04
illu45thingy, long output. I don't see much, but here's a pastebin of the end: http://pastebin.com/d5ce2c1db08:06
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cheeseboythingy no says operation not permitted08:07
illu45cheeseboy, try running it as root08:07
illu45or use sudo08:07
cheeseboyillu45: same thing08:07
illu45cheeseboy, what are you trying to do, exactly?08:08
thingycheeseboy: pastebin output of ifconfig08:08
cheeseboyping sendmsg: operation not permitted08:08
cheeseboythingy i cant with no net08:08
thingyillu45: there's messages of module version mismatches and so can you confirm you did do all the steps in the alsa cvs guide?08:09
cheeseboyillu45 use the internet ..08:09
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thingycheeseboy: if dhcpclient is giving you an ip then the network card is talking tcpip fine...so i need to know what ethernet devices you have got there...in the output of ifconfig, does it show anything apart from eth0 and lo ? what is the ip of eth008:10
illu45thingy, doh, it seems I forgot to compile alsa-utils and alsa-lib. Sorry about that08:10
cheeseboythingy theres eth0  which i dont use lo and ra0 the one i use08:11
cheeseboybut i got same problem when i tried eth008:11
thingyillu45: gah!! youre jus tlike me...always in a hurry and not reading things through. that way is harder I assure you08:11
illu45thingy, hehe, so I'm learning :D. Again, appologies.08:12
thingycheeseboy: ok. so ra0 = wireless?08:12
cheeseboythingy yes but i know its not wireless' fault08:12
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thingycheeseboy: heh. are you sure? cos thats the normal symptoms when your encryption doesn't match..you get an ip but no traffic08:13
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cheeseboythingy yes i got same errors with mode,m plugged directly into eth008:13
thingycheeseboy: you need to enable the logging features of the wlan tools and look at what its saying when it setups the wlan...08:14
thingycheeseboy: modem? in eth0?08:14
thingycheeseboy: dsl modem or a analog modem?08:14
cheeseboyi plugged modem directly into eth008:14
illu45hm... seems I'm getting some python errors in configuring alsa-lib08:14
cheeseboycable modem08:14
thingyillu45: patebin08:15
thingypastebin even08:15
illu45thingy, just a moment08:15
thingycheeseboy: in that case does your cable modem have any mac filtering ability? if so, is your computer network card + wireless card mac addresses added to the mac filter on the cable modem?08:15
pilibeenhi, i'm having a problem connecting to my unsecured wireless network. I can only connect to it when it's secured...is this a common bug?08:16
cheeseboythingy no has nothing special like that08:16
cheeseboysomething is broken in xubuntu08:16
thingypilibeen: you really shouldnt be keeping the wireless unsecured. tempts people to abuse it08:17
thingycheeseboy: ok ignore getting the wireless to start working, concentrate on the wired connectin first since it will be easier to debug. can you hook it up righ tnow08:17
pilibeenthingy: yeah i know...but sometimes i go to other houses and cant connect b/c theyre unsecured. it would be nice to be able to connect to open networks08:17
cheeseboythingy no because i couldnt talk on irc then08:18
illu45thingy, too many errors, I just grabbed the tail: http://pastebin.com/d4af4d8a508:18
thingyillu45: cant diag with that...need more of the output08:19
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illu45thingy, all right, I think these are all the errors: http://pastebin.com/d6c6b198c08:20
thingyillu45: python.c:26:27: error: python/Python.h: No such file or directory <-- i think it wants the dev files for pything08:21
illu45hm, I got the python-dev files, but socrates.wei seems to have a solution08:22
thingyillu45: hmm so he does08:22
cheeseboytingy any ideas?08:23
thingycheeseboy: if you are stuck getting wireless to work, you are going to need to provide pastebins of the debug output so that people can see whats going on...ensure youve setup a crappy wireless psk as well08:23
illu45thingy, hm, all right... That seemed to have worked :)08:23
cheeseboyi know the wireless is fine08:23
thingycheeseboy: how?08:24
thingycheeseboy: just trying to understand what is and can be ruled out08:24
cheeseboyive used it before08:25
thingycheeseboy: ok...whats changed since then...have you done a dist upgrade, any new software installed? updates?08:26
thingyto which part?08:26
cheeseboyand had power failure diuring it08:26
cheeseboyall of the above08:26
illu45thingy, hm... more ./cvsconfig errors, now in alsa-utils :(. Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/d496c828008:27
thingyto your recollection when was the last time it worked and what happened in between it working nad not working08:27
thingycheeseboy: yes sorry08:28
thingyillu45: apt-get install gettext08:28
illu45thingy, ah08:29
Jester45illu45, thingy said that was a needed dependicy08:29
cheeseboythingy it was working during apt-get upgrade but pc shut off during it then it didnt work again08:29
thingycheeseboy: ack. a situ. like that will be difficult to resolve. your box could be hosed until you do a apt-get upgrade again somehow(i know without a network connection this will be impossible?)08:31
illu45Jester45, ah, yes. Found that bit now. Will install all the dependencies it lists08:31
cheeseboynot impoosible but pain in the arse08:31
cheeseboyneed to download all the debs manually :(08:32
Jester45you can download files from a diffrentmachine or a livecd and then copy them to apt's archive then it will not look for the files oneline08:32
thingycheeseboy: hmm lets see if googling helps in this case..what are symptoms...you cannot ping anything right? get a operation not permitted08:32
cheeseboythingy only operation not permitted for router08:33
cheeseboyfor like google.com nov such host08:33
thingycheeseboy: if you do an ifconfig, can you paste on a line what it shows the ip, broadcast and gw values as? also do you have a /etc/resolv.conf file?08:34
illu45thingy, all right, I've followed the AlsaCVS instructions properly now. Will reboot and see what happens08:34
thingyillu45: are you sure you read everything ? :-)08:34
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illu45thingy, yep... I'm not sure, though. Should I recompile alsa-driver now that I have the other bits done? It does say to do the alsa-driver before the -utils and -lib, though, so the order I did it in should be correct.08:36
cheeseboythingy in /etc/resov.conf it says nameserver
thingyillu45: ok reboot and see if works08:37
illu45thingy, all right08:37
thingycheeseboy: and thats your router, so if you ping it you get operationg not permitted. btw, do you have a firewall on that box?08:37
cheeseboyyes yes and nope08:38
thingycheeseboy: does this apply to you: http://www.uwsg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/net/9805.2/0046.html08:39
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cheeseboythingy yes i got that error doin traceroute08:41
illu45thingy, hm... still no sound. Getting the same error for sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel: FATAL: Error inserting snd_hda_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.22-10-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)08:42
illu45running "alsamixer" outputs "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device"08:43
thingyillu45: after compiling the alsa-driver did you do a make install?08:44
cheeseboythingy http://ubuntu-utah.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=345251 are my errors but he says it was iptables08:45
illu45Yes, I believe so. That was before I installed alsa-utils and alsa-lib, though.08:46
thingycheeseboy: I saw that as well but you say you dont have a firewall on your box08:46
thingyillu45: Your steps to compile the driver should have been: cd alsa-driver;autoconf; ./cvscompile --with-cards=intel_hda; sudo make install08:46
cheeseboythingy i do have iptables but i nvr tried using it08:47
thingyillu45: can you confirm that this is correct...specifically can you confirm that you specified --with-cards=intel_hda08:47
illu45thingy, yes, that's correct08:47
thingyillu45: can you please rm the snd-hda-intel.ko module in /lib/modules and redo these commands...and tell me if the snd-hda-intel.ko module re-appears. cd alsa-driver;autoconf; ./cvscompile --with-cards=intel_hda; sudo make install08:49
cheeseboythingy what should my iptables look like?08:49
thingycheeseboy: what when you list the rules?08:49
cheeseboyif i do iptables -L08:50
illu45thingy, the snd-hda-intel.ko module is located in "/lib/modules/2.6.22-10-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko". Should I rm just the file, or the whole dir?08:51
thingycheeseboy: umm i don't know...i think iptables blocks by default and so if no rules it could be that it block everything08:51
cheeseboy@ thingy08:51
thingyillu45: just the module please..08:52
illu45thingy, all right08:52
cheeseboyya i have no rules thingy08:52
cheeseboyi think @ least08:52
thingycheeseboy: lemme find out what it means to have to no rules in iptables08:52
cheeseboylike if i did iptables -F08:53
thingycheeseboy: well this links says by default it allows everything: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-31663.html08:53
illu45thingy, I've deleted the file and re-run the ./cvscompile and make install. Here is the new output for "find /lib/modules -iname "snd-*"": http://pastebin.com/d3f536c2b08:55
thingycheeseboy: are you sure the wireless is working fine? can you atleast enable the debug logs and look through to see if it associates successfully08:55
thingyillu45: ack!!08:56
thingyillu45: whats this: /lib/modules/2.6.22-10-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel entry?08:56
cheeseboythingy yes it get the essid name routers mac assigned an ip 80/100 link quality etc08:57
thingycheeseboy: um from you current box, can you ping the ip assigned to the wireless box?08:57
illu45Just the folder, I believe. You'd said to only rm the file08:57
thingyillu45: can you try a update-modules and depmod -a again and then modprobe the driver now08:57
illu45thingy, sure08:58
cheeseboythingy just incase how i tell iptables to acept anything?08:58
cheeseboycause i see no accept08:59
cheeseboyonly drop08:59
illu45thingy, running "sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel" now returns no errors (or anything else, for that matter).09:00
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illu45thingy, ah, there we go. alsamixer works now, and after enabling the speaker, I get sound :)09:01
thingycheeseboy: I don't know..I've tried googling just now and the closest I got is this: iptables -A INPUT -i ra0 -j ACCEPT ; iptables -A OUTPUT -o ra0 -j ACCEPT09:01
thingyillu45: YAY!!!09:01
illu45thingy, thanks so much for your help! Again, I appologize for my rashness09:02
thingyillu45: sure09:02
thingyillu45: put the options line back in alsa-base btw09:03
thingyand ensure it still works after doing a reboot09:03
illu45thingy, all right09:03
illu45should I do another update-modules; depmod -a; modprobe blah blah after adding the option back in?09:04
thingyyep since im pretty sure that the update-modules script merges in all the various module options and the depmod -a simply builds up the dependancy cache for the modules09:05
thingyso running them wont hurt and should produce no errors09:05
illu45Ah, all right :)09:06
cheeseboythingy will you pastebin your iptables?09:07
illu45thingy, what does modprobe do, exactly?09:07
thingycheeseboy: I don't have a working box right now...in fact am at the disk partitioning screen of the xubutu alternate installer...trying to make up my mind on how to partition :-)09:07
cheeseboyput your home on seperate partition09:08
cheeseboyrest doesnt matter09:08
thingyillu45: it loads a module and all its dependancies taking into account any options specified on the cli or in /etc/ somewhere09:08
illu45Oh, ok09:08
illu45All right, I will reboot, then. Will be back shortly.09:08
cheeseboywoot i got my ubuntu cds09:10
thingycheeseboy: the free ones?09:11
thingyI showed a friend how to sign up for the free cds and he kept asking me...whats the catch? and I told him there were none and he wouldnt believe me.09:12
=== illu45 [n=illusha@p-dynamic-border5-21.xDSL-1mm.sentex.ca] has joined #xubuntu
illu45woo, sound still works! :)09:13
cheeseboythingy yes09:14
cheeseboythingy can i finish the apt-get update from the live cd?09:14
thingycheeseboy: hmm good idea...you;ll have to figure out a way of chrooting into your installed system while booted into the live cd09:15
illu45Thanks again, thingy. I really appreciate the help :)09:15
thingyillu45: np09:16
thingycheeseboy: umm from doing chroots during installing gentoo, something like this might work...after your booted into the live cd, launch a term and mount your root as say /mnt/fiesty. then do a chroot /mnt/fiesty /bin/bash; source /etc/profile09:21
=== LikeVinyl [n=likeviny@OL212-29.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45you can also tell apt where to apply things from09:24
Jester45so like a apt only chroot09:25
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cheesebo1see thingy toldya wireless works :-P09:25
thingynot fair...i was going to point out that it only works since youve re-setup the config on the live cd and that the dist-upgrade may have screwed up the config on your box09:28
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cheesebo1>:( old gaim09:29
cheesebo1ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/fiesty09:33
cheesebo1mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'09:33
cheesebo1how do i fix that?09:33
Jester45put -t filesystemtype09:34
Jester45like ext309:34
cheesebo1mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5,09:34
Jester45well what type is it09:35
Jester45that was an example09:35
thingycheesebo1: are you using lvm2 ?09:35
cheesebo1thingy yea09:35
cheesebo1dunno what the difference is tho09:36
thingycheesebo1: is /dev/sda5 the lvm partition or the logical volume?09:36
cheesebo1not sure09:36
thingycheeseboy: im new to lvm2 as well.. heh am installing it for the first time on this setup.09:36
cheesebo1ya what i did09:37
cheesebo1no idea what it is tho09:37
thingycheesebo1: from the little i know about lvm2 so far...i think you have to use some other lvm2 specific command to mount stuff09:37
thingyi havetn actually booted into my box yet, the install is still working and once im in i can check and be sure09:37
cheesebo1anyone know the commands?09:38
Jester45google does09:39
cheesebo1google isnt a person09:39
Jester45yes it is09:39
thingycheesebo1: heres some examples: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/extendlv.html09:39
Jester45and how do you know im a person09:40
thingycheesebo1: looks like the volume group will have a file in it which will be the device that gets mounted09:40
cheesebo1thingy how i figure out what that file is?09:44
thingycheeseboy: umm09:44
thingycheesebo1: it will be one of the vg* tools...my box running fsck at the moment...I hate it when ubuntu forces this after an install...bah! a fsck on a 600gb partition takes AGGGgeeeess.09:46
thingyok here we go09:46
thingyfinding out09:46
thingycheeseboy: what does vgdisplay return on your box?09:47
cheesebo1bash: vgdisplay: command not found09:47
thingycheesebo1: do you have an vg* commands? i.e. type in vg and then press tab twice09:48
thingy cheesebo1: try typing in pvs09:48
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cheesebo1bash: pvs: command not found09:49
thingycheesebo1: is there a /dev/mapper folder on the live cd?09:50
cheesebo1thingy no09:51
thingycheesebo1: maybe this helps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery see the finding your root parititon bit09:52
cheesebo1/dev/sda5              32        4865    38829073+  8e  Linux LVM09:56
cheesebo1still no idea how to mount it09:58
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thingycheesebo1: most prob. your root partition is not on lvm2 since to do that requires manual steps in ubuntu. so your root partition cannot be /dev/sda5 since that is current marked as an lvm parition..or so I think...can you pastebin output of disk -l09:59
thingyfdisk -l09:59
thingycheesebo1: there you go...sda1 is the root partition10:01
cheesebo1no its not10:01
cheesebo1all i have is boot stuff there10:02
thingycheesebo1: the easiest thing you can do then is to reboot and when booted up in your own box to run vgdisplay -v as root and note down the LV Name and VG Name values for the root.10:04
thingybrb af10:07
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Ben_Csjester: happily back to xubuntu10:23
Ben_Csstill i use many usefull kde apps10:24
Ben_CsBTW why would anyone use xfce-terminal emulator. i like xterm much better10:25
Jester45was that a typo? you used kde and useful in the same sentence10:25
Jester45i like Terminal10:25
Jester45its prettier10:25
Ben_CsTerminal has bugs with htop. when i press F10 for instance, it handles the shortcut as Terminal shortcut instead of htop shortcut10:26
Jester45i dont use htop10:26
Ben_Cswhat do u use then?10:27
Jester45psaux iftop and top10:28
Ben_Csi like htop10:29
Ben_Cswell, gotta go now. c u later then10:29
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Jester45does anyone here not empty their trash to often?10:30
Jester45mine has 43577 items totalling 3,4 GB10:30
Jester4534.4GB *10:31
thingyJester45: jeez10:32
Jester45im guessing that large10:32
Jester45i download a lot of movies and linux isos10:34
Wizardjust to keep it in thrash ?10:34
Jester45i just never empty10:34
Jester45incase i want to watch it again or use it10:34
Jester45if i run out of space i will empty10:35
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illu45Ah, I usually empty often, but mine's been known to reach a few gigs10:39
illu45As far as xterm vs. Terminal goes, I prefer the simplicity of xterm, but its a pain when copying long outputs.10:41
Jester45so where is the trash stored at10:42
=== yotux [n=nathan@24-196-133-163.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
Onehey, could I have some help? ive got a problem on boot: a 'buffer I/O error on sdb logical block 0', and the output seems to loop, and display more error messages: 'ata2.00: exception emask ... frozen'. the system basically doesn't seem to boot.10:43
Onewell, boot to a gui10:44
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relaxotananyone here willing to answer some questions for me?10:45
relaxotani'm new to linux10:45
relaxotanneed a good distro for my low spec pc10:45
relaxotanthought xubuntu could be the one i need :)10:45
relaxotangot a 1.33 ghz cpu and 128 mb ram10:45
relaxotanenough to run smoothly?10:46
illu45Hm... I think you could run gnome on that, but yes, xfce would probably be better, especially with just 128MB of RAM10:46
relaxotanwhere can i get xfce?10:46
illu45I don't think you should have any trouble with smoothness with Xubuntu, no10:46
The_Kernelxubuntu is your friend10:46
illu45xubuntu comes with xfce as the default desktop manager :)10:47
relaxotani need to install xfce on top of it?10:47
relaxotanow ok :)10:47
relaxotanas i said i'm new to linux ;)10:47
relaxotani never thought about installing it, but i got backtrack 2 together with my new wifi card10:48
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relaxotantried it, but i's way to heavy for my old lappy ...10:48
cheeseboythingy you there?10:48
illu45backtrack 2?10:48
relaxotanwill i be able to run the same aps on xubuntu as those available on the backtrack distro?10:49
relaxotanbacktrack is a network security suite distro10:49
relaxotanlooks nice10:49
relaxotanbut way too heavy for my cpu :(10:49
relaxotanso maybeye xubuntu will do the trick ;)10:50
illu45Never heard of that one before. The apps should be compatible, yes. They probably won't be pre-installed, though. You'll have to get them from the repositories (using synaptic or apt-get install) or compile them from source, which you can get from the programs' websites10:50
relaxotanthis is a link to backtrack10:51
relaxotannow you know it too :)10:52
illu45Hehe, thanks10:52
illu45One, hm... the problem appears after the Xubuntu boot screen, I presume?10:53
relaxotanwhat problem?10:53
Oneafter grub. it's installed, and i'm running it from the hard drive.10:54
relaxotanow ok :)10:54
One@ relax: :P10:54
illu45Hm, right after GRUB? Before the boot screen?10:54
illu45Bah, seems I need to reboot, brb10:55
illu45firefox crashing10:55
cheeseboyhow do i mount a lvm partition?10:56
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Onesorry, realised part of what I said was crap. I don't mean 'doesn't boot', I mean, doesn't get into the normal xubuntu os and gui.10:59
One*os environment11:00
Oneeh, i'm a linux newbie . (probably like everyone else coming here though, I s'pose)11:00
illu45Ah... do you see the boot screen before the error messege?11:00
Onewhat exactly is the 'boot screen'?11:02
OneI turn the thing on, and grub appears, I select to run, and the terminal-esque messages start to flow11:02
Oneand in those text messages, this error appears11:03
illu45Ah, ok11:03
illu45the "boot screen" is the thing that has a Xubuntu logo in the middle of the screen, with a small progress bar below it11:03
Oneah, no, that doesn't appear afaik11:04
illu45Ah, ok... have you tried booting from a liveCD?11:04
Oneyes, that gets me to the boot screen11:05
Oneit has worked before the install, and got into the xubuntu gui11:06
illu45Ah, ok...11:06
illu45But you haven't been able to get to a GUI after having installed it?11:06
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Onewell, the error messages (and a lot of them) seem to loop for hours, so I presume I can't reach the gui11:08
illu45Hm... odd. The installation didn't give any errors?11:08
Onethe os was very, very slow to work with from the livecd, but the install worked (the second time round, the first time it was complaining about permissions to mount the hd, which mysteriously didn't appear second time)11:09
illu45Ah... hm... Can you boot into the Recovery mode?11:10
Oneit gives the same error messages11:10
Onewell, afaik. it operates very slowly (system is 333mhz amd k6-2, pc100 316mb ram (says memtest))11:11
illu45Ah, ok11:12
illu45Wow... 333Mhz...11:12
illu45I'm not really sure what the problem is... If it was just a GUI issue, I would say reconfigure xorg, but since you can't boot into Recovery mode either, it seems the issue is more serious than that11:14
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cheeseboyhow  do i mount lvm partition from live cd?11:18
Onebk. i'll try recovery mode again, to make sure.11:19
relaxotangot some starnge behaviour while installing xubuntu :(11:19
relaxotanin the normal installer mode i get a blackscree11:19
relaxotanin the safe grafix mode i get all kinds of colored vertical lines on my screen11:20
relaxotanmaybeye it is not compatible with my cgrafix card?11:22
relaxotanit's all intel chips in my lappy, should not be a problem, not?11:22
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Ben_Cs[away] lvm?11:33
Ben_Cs[away] what's that11:33
Ben_Cs[away] ?11:33
cheeseboyi dont think you can helpif you dont know what it is11:35
Ben_Cs[away] but i just want to know11:39
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Ben_Csjust read about usb 3.0 aka wireless usb. well, nice for periferials but how about boosting the usb flash drives speed?11:40
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cheeseboyroot@ubuntu:~# chroot /media/gusty11:56
cheeseboychroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied11:56
cheeseboywhat i do wrong?11:57
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illu45cheeseboy, chmod +x [file  name] 12:07
cheeseboyillu45: what file i chmod?12:09
illu45cheeseboy, what are you trying to run?12:10
cheeseboychroot into my broken install12:10
illu45er, just do sudo chmod /media/gutsy instead12:10
cheeseboy+x ?12:11
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cheeseboyillu45: u mean chmod +x ?12:12
illu45Bah, "sudo chroot /media/gutsy"12:12
illu45without the quotes12:12
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cheeseboyroot@ubuntu:~# chroot /media/gusty12:13
cheeseboychroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied12:13
illu45oh, you are root..12:13
illu45what are the permissions on /media/gutsy?12:14
cheeseboyi like being root12:14
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extrastickyI installed xubuntu, worked fine with the alternate cd, then i just ran a terminal and wanted to do a "sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces" (or wherever you specify a gateway), sudo rejected my (user)password and now the login screen also rejects my password, i can't log into xubutun anymore. what's going wrong?12:15
extrastickysorry, i didn't find anything sufficent via google12:15
cheeseboyillu45: how i get the permissions of it?12:16
illu45cheeseboy, not sure, actually. Try just doing sudo chmod 777 /media/gutsy12:19
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cheeseboychmod: changing permissions of `/media/gusty': Read-only file system12:21
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cheeseboyillu45: help12:26
illu45cheeseboy, er, so the chmod was fine?12:26
cheeseboyi dont know12:26
Jester45its a readonly file system12:27
illu45Ah, ok12:27
cheeseboyhow do i fix that?12:27
Jester45so remount rw12:27
Jester45use mount with the remount option12:28
Jester45it wull umount and remount with write permissions12:28
Jester45man mount12:28
cheeseboyremount /dev/sda5/ubuntu-server /media/gusty12:28
cheeseboylike that?12:28
Jester45use man its your friend12:28
cheeseboyman is my enemy12:29
Jester45you will learn a lot morethan sitting here asking how to do everything12:29
cheeseboyno i wont12:30
cheeseboyid just waste more time reading the man12:30
Jester45like if you read it in the first place you would know how to remount12:30
extrastickycheeseboy: reading man pages is something you'll get used to12:32
extrastickyif you do it12:32
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cheeseboywell it isnt working12:33
tetragoncheeseboy: After a while, manpages became the first place I would look for instructions12:33
s-x-u i became a member of the xubuntu users team (because i am one) but couldnt find any info on what this team is doing is it only to count how many are using xubuntu ?12:35
s-x-u(on launchpad)12:37
s-x-ui also found if i click the answers tab there are a few actions i can click : Answered, Assigned, Asked, Commented,  Need attention, Subscribed,  and Answer contact for. but no action to actually ask a question ...?12:41
TheSheeps-x-u: #launchpad12:42
s-x-uTheSheep: already moving over there maybe you can explain me there ?:)12:43
TheSheeps-x-u: if I could, I'd explain already, but because I don't know the answers, I pointed you to the channel with People Who Know :)12:44
s-x-uyou are also member i see your face on the team photo am i right ?12:45
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extrastickyso, does anyone know a solution to my problem, maybe?12:46
s-x-uextrasticky: what is your problem i just joined ?12:47
extrastickyI installed xubuntu, worked fine with the alternate cd, then i just ran a terminal and wanted to do a "sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces" (or wherever you specify a gateway), sudo rejected my (user)password and now the login screen also rejects my password, i can't log into xubutun anymore. what's going wrong?12:48
extrastickyi forgot, after the "sudo" i tried a "su" (i hadn't read by then, that the root account is disabled by default)12:48
TheSheepextrasticky: it shoouldn't break anything :/12:50
s-x-ureboot and in grub select recovery mode than with useradd you can make a new user for administrator rights you have to ask someone else12:50
TheSheepextrasticky: you can just set a new password with passwd from the recovery mode too12:51
s-x-ujester45 is right you know (too) much about linux :) thesheep12:52
tetragonAnd on the note of my non-booting due to kernel hang Thinkpad of a couple days ago:  still not booting the 7.04 kernel, the last reported working kernel falls on the wrong side of a udev limit to work with 7.0412:52
TheSheeptetragon: you tried various kernel options at boot?12:53
tetragonTheSheep: The usual ones12:53
s-x-uhi tetragon bad luck i thought you already used your new super 7.04 system12:53
TheSheeptetragon: there is also thinkpad wiki dedicated to to various issues ith thinkpads12:54
tetragonTheSheep: I was able to convince the installer to work (for some values of)12:54
extrastickys-x-u, The-Kernel: ok i'll try that12:54
tetragonTheSheep: And there's no mention of this on thinkwiki12:54
extrastickybut the installation and everything was so easy and colourfull12:54
TheSheeptetragon: what model of thinkpad is it?12:54
extrastickyand now it's confusing and wrong12:54
tetragonTheSheep: An i120012:54
tetragontetragon: People have had it working with 2.6.1512:55
s-x-uextrasticky: that is with every thing as long as it works it is beautiful but if it dont it is nightmare12:55
TheSheeptetragon: say, does it have serial ata?12:57
tetragonTheSheep: Nope12:57
TheSheeptetragon: any suspicious bios options? :)12:59
tetragonTheSheep: Nope12:59
extrastickys-x-u: the only unix os i used before was freebsd...12:59
tetragonTheSheep: Where it hangs depends upon the option set01:00
TheSheeptetragon: there is someone who claims to have 7.04 instaleld without any problems and tricks: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43310801:00
tetragonTheSheep: The last one I tried was after '[  59.252560]  SCSI subsystem initialized' but I've gotten further in the past01:00
TheSheeptetragon: there seemsto be a solution: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47351001:01
TheSheeptetragon: if it works for you, add it to the thinkwiki :)01:02
s-x-utetragon: we didnt try the irqpoll01:03
s-x-u(for as far i can remember01:03
tetragonTheSheep: It doesn't need 'vga=792' when I did it, but I normally don't play with graphics when difficulties arise01:03
tetragonAnd I did use irqpoll in the past01:03
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=== tetragon waits to see if X actually starts
s-x-uyou better try to change your thinkpad for a hp compaq presario v5236ea01:05
tetragons-x-u: Not my thinkpad01:06

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