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nixternalJucato: !@#@)*))!)!!) WECLCOME BACK!!!!05:21
nixternaltried to sneak in here :)05:21
Jucatohehehe! hi nixternal! :O)05:21
Jucatothanks :)05:21
nixternalI see you got your qt book05:21
Jucatoafter.. um... a year since publication? hahaha05:21
nixternalI just grabbed the "foundations" book and danimo's book...both good books as well05:22
nixternaltruthfully, I like it the best though over the 2 new books05:22
Jucatothe only other Qt book available is the Design Patterns one...05:22
=== Jucato looks to see if danimo's around :P
nixternaldanimo's book is damn close though...he hits some things like designer which is cool05:22
ScottKnixternal: Good enough you can finish the pinentry-qt4 port yet?05:23
nixternalya, the bruce perens books are garbage..I have the design patterns one as well05:23
nixternalScottK: ya, I need to get some time here and start working on it05:23
Jucatonow all we need is a KDE book... which can't be started until 4.0 at least :(05:23
ScottKCool.  I'll keep harassing you.05:23
nixternalI know you will :)05:23
Jucatoluckily the other bruce perens books are free to download :)05:23
nixternalso far, only Hobbsee can out harass you05:24
Jucatoshe can outharass anyone :)05:24
ScottKBut right now I have to give a presentation on Tuesday in San Francisco, I fly tomorrow, and I haven't started it.05:24
nixternalI love when people go out and buy an ipod, then drop it off with like 50 cds they want copied over05:24
ScottKAnd I need data from the internet to do it, so I can't do it on the plane....05:24
nixternalScottK: ouch!05:24
nixternalI just started messing with latex-beamer these past couple of days05:25
=== ScottK has a plan to stay up all night and then sleep on the plane.
nixternalI think it is the best thing ever for a nice style and everything05:25
JucatoI always think of something else whenever I hear/see latex :)05:25
Jucatook back to work..05:25
nixternalya, I am getting ready to head to bed05:26
nixternalg'nite all05:26
Jucatoheheh g'night then!05:26
Jucatosee you when you wake up heheeh05:26
nixternaltrue that05:26
JucatoI'll be here again from now on :P05:26
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DaSkreechnixternal: MMMM .ogg :)05:28
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=== Tm_T is tarting in university today
JucatoTm_T!!!! hello sir! :)05:43
Tm_Thi hi :)05:43
Tm_TI'm sooo excited05:43
=== ScottK hopes Tm_T was missing a letter in that last bit.
Jucatoheheh :)05:43
Tm_TScottK: ?05:44
ScottKTm_T: Are you tarting in Uni tomorrow or starting?05:44
Tm_Ttoday, in 2 hours05:45
Tm_Tah yes, s missing, now I noticed :)05:45
=== Jucato thought Tm_T meant farting....
Jucatoinstead of tarting05:46
Jucatoteaching, btw?05:46
Tm_Tnope, student05:46
Jucatolucky you05:46
JucatoI have to start next year :(05:46
Tm_Twell, I assume I will teach too in some point05:46
Jucatoand it's an online/home learning/distance education course05:47
=== ScottK has vague recollections of having attended (and graduated) University a LONG time ago.
Tm_TScottK: I would've too if I had gone there earlier ;)05:47
=== Tm_T is an old fart
Jucatothis will be my 2nd course...05:48
ScottKAh.  How old if you don't mind my asking (usually I'm about the oldest person on these channels)?05:49
=== Jucato would be one of the young ones :)
Tm_TScottK: 112 years I think, cant remember anymore05:49
Jucatoyou're too modest :)05:49
=== ScottK is only 44, so you win.
Tm_Tseriously 2305:50
ScottKThat's not so bad.05:50
Jucato23 only?05:50
Tm_Tbut I already have several graduates05:50
Tm_Tand have tried pretty much any kind of job05:51
=== Jucato can't believe he's a year older than Tm_T...
Tm_TJucato: well that's only biological age, and that's usually irrelevant05:51
Jucatoyeah, we still need to factor in psychological, emotional, intellectual age.hehehe05:52
Tm_Tanyway, I hope I'm able to study there fully05:52
JucatoI wanted to take a full, 4-year, bachelor's degree course, if only my situation permitted it.05:52
Jucatoinstead I'll have to settle for a diploma05:53
Tm_TI can barely sleep atm, well messed head I got05:53
ScottKIt doesn't sound like you are sleeping at all.  Either that or you type well in your sleep.05:54
Tm_Tanyway, breakfast and stuff, wish me luck ;) ->05:55
ScottKTm_T: Good luck.06:08
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danimoRiddell: can you say when you can repackage the kdepim enterprise branch? staying without mail is pretty frustrating10:40
\shdandel, use mutt ,-)10:42
danimo\sh: yeah, because mutt can handle kolab resource folders to display my contacts... oh wait!10:43
\shdanimo, oh..you use kolab as backend...grmpf10:43
danimo\sh: no, but I use the kolab resource system, which works without kolab10:44
danimo\sh: it just declares certain folders to hold special data inside the mime part of a mail10:44
danimo\sh: works with almost any imap server10:45
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Tonio_hi there11:38
=== Jucato waves to Tonio_
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alleeTonio_: hi12:07
Tonio_allee: hey :)12:11
alleeTonio_: any BT news from you? :)12:12
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alleeTonio_: only suggested change from my side is still:12:14
allee[12:08]  <allee> Tonio_: independently please consider  'Exec=hciconfig | grep -q . && kdeblueooth'  works around disturbing warning when no BT device is available12:14
Tonio_allee: no news atm12:16
Tonio_allee: still searching for _stefans_ ;)12:16
alleeTonio_: k12:17
alleeanyone knows python-dbus code (w/o GUI that waits) that waits for dbus events?12:18
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mhballee: http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-python/doc/tutorial.html#setting-up-an-event-loop12:29
mhballee: although I'm pretty certain you already read that, so ignore me if you did :o)12:29
alleemhb: yep. nevertheless thx. qt section is empty .   but I'll just try with glib eventloop for now.  Finetuning can wait ;)12:32
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nixternalmornin', afternoon, evening everyone02:32
Hobbseehiya nixternal02:33
theblackpeterhi guys02:33
theblackpeteranyone here built kdebase from source?02:33
=== nixternal has one to many times
Hobbsee3?  4?02:33
Jucatohiya nixternal, Hobbsee of the LongPointyStick02:33
=== nixternal hugs Jucato
=== Jucato hugs nixternal back
=== Hobbsee tacklehugs nixternal and Jucato
Jucatoouch! my spine!02:34
Hobbseeoops, we broke him.02:34
nixternalJucato: that almost sounded like someone from the US...always looking for a reason to sue for money :p02:34
JucatoI was about to do that02:34
nixternalI bet you were02:35
theblackpeternixternal: how would i go about commiting the batches in debian/patches02:35
theblackpeterthat is, i just want to patch the source, not build them right away02:35
Hobbseetheblackpeter: patch -p1 < debian/patches/*02:36
theblackpeterbut there is no makefile target rule02:36
theblackpeteri cant check from here...02:37
theblackpeteror some other script file to do that02:37
Hobbseeyou just want to see if the patches apply, and then unapply them again?02:37
Hobbseeor you just want to apply hte patches?02:37
nixternaltheblackpeter: everything in patches gets applied during the build process02:38
theblackpeteri think the rules file in the debian folder does that02:38
theblackpeterbut i dont want to build it right away02:38
Hobbsee#check all patches apply, autoconf runs, and removes the patches again02:38
Hobbseesudo make -f debian/rules buildprep02:38
theblackpeterjust need to patch it02:38
mhbJucato: so you've decided to join the complainers upstream, eh? :o)02:38
Hobbseeyou want either of the commands i posted above.02:38
Hobbseedepending on what you actually want to do02:38
Jucatomhb: if you read it that way.02:39
mhbJucato: ( just kidding, I like those guys & their work)02:39
nixternalJucato: it is fun working upstream02:39
Jucatothat would be my priority for now.02:39
Jucatogetting to work upstream then poke Hobbsee *a lot*02:39
Jucatohehe :)02:39
nixternalKDE should always be your priority, with Kubuntu right there at its heels of course :)02:39
nixternalgotta remember, w/o KDE, we would be Ubuntu *puke* :p02:40
Jucatolol :)02:40
Jucatoor "Ubuntu with GNOME" *double puke?*02:40
Jucatoj/k :)02:40
nixternaldon't forget Linux too...but then again, KDE works on BSD as well, and soon Mac OS X and Wine'ohs02:40
HobbseeJucato: why am i being poked now?02:41
JucatoHobbsee: just for fun :)02:41
Jucatoyou're so lovable when poked :)02:41
Hobbseeoh right02:41
mhbnixternal: ya, except for some reason, Ubuntu's upstream doesn't hate it :o)02:41
Jucatowhy would they complain? GNOME's getting a lot of attention thanks to Ubuntu :P02:42
nixternaleither does our upstream02:42
Jucatothey just won the survey (ugh surveys!)02:42
nixternalat least I hope...there are a couple who may not like us, but at least our KDE looks like KDE for the most part02:42
=== Hobbsee goes back to her dinner then
Jucatoand there will always be naysayers02:43
JucatoHobbsee: have fun. be full. don't overeat (like I did)02:43
=== Jucato tummy aches
mhbnixternal: our upstream seems to complain about downstream a lot, which I dislike (complaining never solved anything)02:43
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JucatoI would think it's not fair to generalize that all of upstream does that. for one, quite a number of upstream developers use Kubuntu02:44
nixternalmhb: then we need to stop changing Konversation to the way we like and the way that is best :p02:44
nixternalthat was a low blow, and I apologize for that one02:44
Jucatodon't worry. He's not here :)02:44
Hobbseemeh, konversation.02:45
nixternaltry working with him on Yakuake02:45
=== Jucato shies away from the konversation
Jucatoer... conversation02:45
mhbnixternal: well, I didn't mean Sho, he actually came to the meeting and suggested improvements02:45
Hobbseehmm, i was supposed to look into that.02:45
nixternalI have a feeling that Yakuake will disappear anyways with KDE 4 since Konsole will have very similar functionality02:45
kwwiispeaking of which is someone going to make a new website sometime this year?02:45
Jucatonixternal: last time we talked (2 months ago), he said it won't02:45
nixternalkwwii: you are!02:46
Jucatohi kwwii!!!!02:46
nixternaland if you need help, I am here for you :)02:46
nixternalerr, support ;p02:46
kwwiinixternal: the design is done02:46
Jucato<--- cheerleading02:46
kwwiior at least 1 design is done02:46
nixternalI need to bzr up my website checkout02:46
kwwiinow someone has to actually code it02:46
nixternalthat is the easy part..the artwork is the hard part02:46
nixternalwe are not coding it to make it look like Ubuntu's are we?02:47
kwwiinixternal: no, we have a different design in mind02:47
kwwiimhb: have you thought about working on it further?02:47
nixternalkwwii: not using a cms either right (ie. drupal, joomla, and the rest), just flat out php right?02:48
kwwiinixternal: the idea was to use the same cms as ubuntu, iirc02:48
nixternalahh, drupal...that is one of my loves :)02:48
nixternalI am supposed to be updating the Fridge site, but haven't gotten all of the necessary info yet...probably never will02:50
kwwiiwell, mhb started to talk to me about it but it seemed like he did not like the design and therefor stopped02:51
kwwiianyway....next subject02:51
mhbkwwii: I did, but I have very little free time now, someone else has to lead the project02:51
kwwiimhb: ok, cool...we'll find someone eventually02:51
=== kwwii is off to the doctor
theblackpeterHobbsee: make -f debian/rules buildprep doesnt work02:53
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:53
theblackpeterand, by the way, I had to install cdbs02:54
Hobbseeunsurprising.  the package you're using probably uses cdbs as a build system.02:54
theblackpetercomming from a gentoo world, with ebuild patch, i guess i thought there would be something similar02:54
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nixternalkwwii: if you guys need help with it, I am able to help02:56
=== Hobbsee wonders if !nothing or !doesn't work is better...
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theblackpeterHobbsee: ok, i'll patch it "manually", thanks for the help02:59
Hobbseetheblackpeter: well, you could use the other way, if you actually gave enough info.02:59
theblackpeterwhat way?03:00
Hobbseetheblackpeter: my psychic pony is on holidays, and i left my psychic frog at work.03:00
Hobbseewith the make -f...03:00
ScottKtheblackpeter: If you can explain to me wah ebuild patch does, maybe I can help.03:01
theblackpeterHobbsee: right, i cant find any buildprep rule03:01
HobbseeScottK: only if he actually gives enough info at all...03:01
theblackpeterHobbsee: info about what?03:02
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Hobbseetheblackpeter: oh, so you just looked for buildprep, instead of running the command.03:02
Hobbseetheblackpeter: you said "doesnt work" - see the factoid03:02
theblackpeterHobbsee: i asked if there was a way to auto apply all patches03:02
Hobbseetheblackpeter: indeed03:02
ScottKHobbsee: Agreed, just trying to stimulate some dialogue.03:02
Hobbseei told you both03:02
Hobbseeand you said one didnt work, but not why, or what happened when you tried it.03:03
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Hobbseewhich makes the exercise pointless, because, like i say, my psychic frog is at work :P03:03
theblackpeterScottK: ebuild pach is a command that that applys patches defined in a gentoo ebuild to the source03:03
nosrednaekimgentoo is another word for "voodoo" BTW.03:04
nosrednaekimthought you might like to know that.03:04
theblackpeterso you dont have to do "patch -p1 < debian/patches/*" yourself for instance03:04
ScottKtheblackpeter: OK.  Generally Debian build systems do that too, but there are several, and so whatever you are doing needs more description for us to help.03:04
ScottKtheblackpeter: What package are you trying to patch?03:04
theblackpeterScottK: kdebase03:05
Hobbseein which case both of hte commands i gave will work, if tried.03:05
ScottKYou have the source package then?03:05
theblackpeterScottK: or im trying to apply all the patches needed, such as the ones in debian/patches03:05
ScottKtheblackpeter: When you build the package, it will do that.  Why are YOU trying to apply them manually?03:05
Hobbseetheblackpeter: i think that buildprep is actually called somewhere in the rules, but isnt listed in the rules file - it's called by something else listed in the rules file.03:05
theblackpeterHobbsee:  patch -p1 < debian/patches/* works great, thank you for that03:06
Hobbseeno problem03:06
theblackpeterScottK: right, i dont want to build it right away, just need to apply the patches03:06
theblackpeterif that is possible...03:06
=== Hobbsee decides to go back to her dinner, isntead of repeating herself.
theblackpeterbuildprep would be nice, i'll double check if i missed something03:07
ScottKSure, but I'm not sure why you would bother.  If you are trying to look at patched source, try dpatch-edit-patch (read the man page).  That way you won't end up with a dirty source tree.03:07
=== Hobbsee knows that it does work on any of the big kde metapackages, as she used it herself when building 3.5.7 for kubuntu.
HobbseeScottK: i'd guess that he's trying to check if all the patches apply03:08
Hobbseewithout building the whole source03:08
ScottKWhich dpatch-edit-patch will generally accomplish.03:08
theblackpeterwell yes, i want the sources with the patches before i build them03:08
theblackpeternot to much to ask no :)03:09
ScottKHobbsee: What was wrong with dpatch-edit-patch?03:09
HobbseeScottK: nothing - that will let you edit said patches.  i guessed he was wanting to actually apply them03:09
HobbseeScottK: or does d-e-p actually check to see if the patches all apply too?03:10
ScottKIt applies all the patches before the one you specify if called correctly.03:10
ScottKIt has to to give you the modified source to work in.03:10
ScottKIf they don't apply, then it barfs.03:11
HobbseeScottK: ah right, yes03:11
ScottKThen you just give it a non-zero exit code and you are back exactly where you started.03:11
ScottKNo messing about with unpatch and a clean source tree.03:11
Hobbseehmmm, i should use d-e-p or c-e-p at some point03:12
theblackpeterScottK: the thing with dpatch-edit-patch is that you need to know the pach name right?03:12
theblackpeteri'm looking for a general way of applying all patches to a source package03:12
ScottKtheblackpeter: Yes, at listed on debian/patches/00list.03:12
ScottKtheblackpeter: IIRC you can specify it to do that.03:13
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theblackpeterScottK: i don't seem to have that file03:14
HobbseeScottK: it's cdbs.03:15
Hobbseetheblackpeter: use cdbs-edit-patch03:15
ScottKSame basic idea, but the semantics are slightly different.03:15
theblackpeterHobbsee: needed a +x on debian/rules, then buildprep works03:27
Hobbseeah yes, this is true03:27
theblackpeterit does a whole lot more then i needed, but i'll guess its good enough03:28
Hobbseeforgot about that - the rules file tends to be executable by default.03:28
theblackpeterone problem is that you need to be root03:28
Hobbseeyes, you need to sudo03:28
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theblackpeteranyway thanks Hobbsee, sorry about interrupting your dinner03:28
Hobbseeno problem03:28
theblackpeterScottK: and thanks to you too =)03:29
ScottKtheblackpeter: No problem.  Welcome to Kubuntu.  Please dive in and fix $STUFF.03:30
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freeflyinganyone have a look04:01
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Tonio_allee: maybe I ping you for a test ?04:03
Tonio_what if in kaffeine you go in xine config and select opengl as video driver ?04:03
Hobbseefreeflying: weird.  dosent happen in english04:03
Tonio_Hobbsee: hey :) can you test that for me please ? :)04:03
freeflyingHobbsee: yes, really wired, only on my laptop04:04
HobbseeTonio_: Error: Can't init new Video Driver opengl - using auto!04:05
Hobbsee00:04:55: xine: found demuxer plugin: AVI/RIFF demux plugin04:05
Hobbsee00:04:55: xine: found input plugin : file input plugin04:05
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Tonio_Hobbsee: same for me, and I suspect a bug, since xine-ui works like a charm and has no problem to init opengl....04:06
Tonio_Hobbsee: I'll investigate on that point04:06
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alleeTonio_: pong05:05
Tonio_allee: already got the response, sorry :)05:06
alleeTonio_: fwiw.  my teest script receives bt dev added/removed events.   Hah, now I've searching how to start a program from python *hides* ;)05:06
Tonio_allee: just discovered that kaffeine seems enable to load the opengl xinr driver05:06
Tonio_allee: works with xine-ui05:06
Tonio_allee: hum interesting :)05:07
alleeTonio_: yeah, my first lines of python ever.05:07
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manchickenWell, my system76 showed up.06:57
manchickenGrabbing kubuntu-desktop now.06:57
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manchickenOoh, the first-time wizard for KDE is sek-see07:08
Riddellerr, huh?07:09
Riddellthat shouldn't be shown with k-d-s07:09
danimoRiddell: hi!07:09
danimoRiddell: renag wrt updated kdepim packages07:09
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Riddelldanimo: I'll do it now (no promises, I'm on holiday today but if it goes smoothly I should upload tonight)07:10
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danimoRiddell: cool07:14
mhbRiddell: enjoy your holiday07:15
danimoRiddell: would be nice to have email again... and contacts particulary07:15
danimoRiddell: but yeah, fair enough07:15
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manchickenThis machine is super-sweet.07:48
Jucato(tastes like honey)07:49
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Riddellmanchicken: do they make the machines themselves?07:51
Riddellmanchicken: do they use the oem installer?07:53
manchickenMy buddies tell me that this is an asus machine with system76 branding.  Looks like they did use the OEM installer.07:53
danimocool, latest kernel update trashed the soundcard driver08:00
manchickenThe non-free flash plugin doesn't seem to be happy on feisty anymore.08:04
manchickenmd5sum discrepencies are causing the installer to abort.08:04
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manchickenDo we have an upgrade tool yet?08:21
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manchickenThe powermanager doesn't like me.08:24
manchickenIt keeps switching back and forth for no real reason.08:24
Riddelldanimo: compile error, any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35283/08:28
danimoRiddell: sounds a lot like a const error, so either someone didn't compile his change, or his compiler was more permissive08:29
danimoRiddell: either way... try to make findCategory() const if possible, and definitely talk back with the kde pim guys at #kontact08:29
manchickenI'm gonna update this machine to gutsy.08:30
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danimomanchicken: famous last words ;)08:30
manchickendanimo: Eh, I've done it before.  Except this time I'm not doing it on a machine with a broadcom or ATI. :)08:31
danimomanchicken: and hopefully no Intel HDA sound card08:31
manchickenCome to think of it, I have no idea what card is in this thing.08:32
manchickenHere goes nothing.08:32
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manchickenRiddell: I have a feeling that the deb installer on the repos for feisty's flashplugin-nonfree is out of sync with the tarball that it's trying to install.  I think that may be the source of the md5sum discrepency.08:53
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nixternalare we havin' fun yet?09:38
mhbI am :o)09:38
nixternaljust got home, no homework for today...I am ready to rock and roll!09:39
manchickenLongPointyStick: ping09:39
nixternalI would assume she is probably in midst of a Kubuntu dream right about now :D09:39
manchickenAny IRC team folks?09:43
mhbnixternal: how about starting some work on the Kubuntu redesign page?09:43
manchickenWe've got a jerkoff in #kubuntu trying to get newbies to forkbomb themselves.09:43
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Tm_Tmanchicken: thanks to you09:51
nixternalmhb: I can start working on that...is there a current BZR branch for it?09:52
mhbnixternal: not sure about this, let me check09:52
mhbnixternal: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kubuntu-website/trunk this branch was set up with the development in mind09:54
nixternalOK, let me check it out09:54
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mhbnixternal: I think I only branched from kubuntu.org09:54
manchickenTm_T: No problem.  Getting new folks to forkbomb themselves is just a scummy thing to do.09:54
mhbnixternal: we probably should merge in the Drupal code09:55
nixternalI can grab the latest code and do that09:55
mhbnixternal: and then find a server where we can hack and upload our testing CSSes09:55
nixternalI can host that09:55
manchickenThis is the longest I've ever used the default color scheme.09:56
nixternalhehe, I use the default KDE theme and color scheme09:57
manchickenI really like green.09:57
nixternalI have used plastik for as long as I can remember09:57
nixternaluh oh...future foresight guy? :p09:57
manchickenNaw, green is just my favorite color :)09:59
manchickenI'm Kubuntu through-and-through.09:59
nixternalblood in, blood out man...we need to put that in our membership contracts :)10:00
manchickenI've finally gotten to the point where I can very comfortably manage the whole system in kubuntu.10:00
manchickenI never really got to this point so comfortably on any other distro.10:00
manchickenOkay, gutsy is installed.  Reboot time.10:00
mhbnixternal: that's like super-ultra-fantastic10:01
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=== ryanakca wonders if he should do more server testing, or just mail out all the passwords/username combos along with howto-integrate with Kontact and let people fend for themselves
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manchickenHmm... it didn't update restricted modules it seems.10:08
manchickenHmm... I seem to be having some issues with the i3945 wireless card on gutsy10:10
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manchickenDo we have an eye-candy manager yet?10:46
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ubuntuIs it me or does Thunderbird kill the strigi daemon?10:47
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ubuntu_hi manchicken11:11
manchickenHowdy again11:11
Riddellmanchicken: nope11:13
Riddellwe seem to have lost the kcontrol module altogether for compiz11:13
ubuntu_does strigi die as soon as it looks at ~/.mozilla-thunderbird ?11:14
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manchickenRiddell: No fun.11:15
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ubuntu_Ok another strange thing in Gutsy is I can't altTab every now and again11:23
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nixternalubuntu_: for the issues you care experiencing, it would be best to a) file a bug report on Launchpad, or b) seek support in #ubuntu+111:44
nixternalthis is a development channel, and a majority of the people in here are either a) dev'ing away, b) sleeping, c) drinking :)11:44
nixternalor d) all of the above11:45
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ubuntu_nixternal: I think I got the alt+tab the super Key was stuck11:57
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manchickenWhile the wiki seems to favor compiz, it doesn't look like compiz is working too well.12:01
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ubuntu_assisted by d)12:04
nixternal/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpth12:04
nixternalanyone experience that building KDE 4 lately?12:04
ubuntu_nixternal: Gutsy?12:05
nixternalissue with the gpgme stuff12:05
nixternalI am building KDE 4 from svn12:05
ubuntu_nixternal: does striigi work in Gutsy for you?12:06
ubuntu_as soon as mine hits .mozilla-thuderbid it dies12:06
nixternalyes it works, but I don't use any mozilla byproducts12:07
ubuntu_I don't either12:07
ubuntu_but everytime I start the daemon the preferences show it looking at a set of folders12:08
ubuntu_ None of which exist I may add except ~/.kde12:08
ubuntu_if I delete them from the preferences they come back12:08
ubuntu_and as soon as it hits ~/.mozilla-thunderbid it dies12:08
nixternallibpth-dev wasn't installed..yay me for missing that one12:09
nixternalI don't even have a .mozilla anything in my home directory...12:09
ubuntu_me either12:10
ubuntu_but it's in12:10
manchickenIs there a gutsy repo for beryl?12:12
nixternalthe beryl repos are going bye bye, do you mean compiz fusion?12:12
manchickenCompiz is highly unstable right now.12:12
=== ubuntu_ hangs a clippy sign around nixternal's neck :)
nixternalwhat does my clipping sign say?12:13
ubuntu_I'm sorry a Vigor sign :)12:13
nixternalwhat is that?12:13
ubuntu_hi it looks like you mean $var12:13
nixternalmanchicken: you can use the feisty repos that beryl has, or at least used to have12:14
ubuntu_ok think I'll head home and beat up my ISP12:17
manchickenThere seems to be some issues with power-saving stuff.12:26
ubuntu_in compiz?12:26
manchickenNaw, in kubuntu in general12:26
nixternalyou think? I have had power-saving issues for ever12:27
nixternalto an extent12:27
nixternalguidance doesn't display cpu, it won't scale, and it gives me the bird every now and then12:28
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manchickengnome stuff doesn't... I thought it all used the same backend12:31
nixternaldid you get your new lappy?12:32
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