
=== Bauldrick [n=matt@host86-145-170-191.range86-145.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
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jason__10draik you need to download NEOGEO.ROM12:35
draikjason__10: Where do I get it?12:36
sparrhow can i tell kde [not]  to generate thumbnails for images?12:36
jason__10romworld.com usually under mame12:36
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draikromworld.com doesn't seem to have any ROMs12:37
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draikjason__10: Is that the name of the file? NeoGeo.ROM?12:38
jason__10i believe so, its like the main rom your other game roms rely on12:39
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jason__10draik: http://www.rom-world.com/file.php?id=2250412:40
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draikI got that12:41
draikWhat do I do with it?12:41
draikIt's a zip file12:41
jason__10put it in a directory erm, I put it in my home directory under a sub dir of ROMS and then in the config of xmame theres some directories you can set...12:43
sparrwhen i installed kde it offered a slow/fast slider that turned a lot of options off an on.  i think one of those options was generating thumbnails in konqueror.  where can i find that option afterwards to toggle?12:44
jason__10draik:  infact you can just put it in with your roms and re audit12:44
Kartiubuntufan: are you still needing asistance?12:44
draikjason__10: http://pastebin.ca/67175912:44
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draikWhere am I to place the ROMs?12:48
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jason__10i recomend downloading KXmame and just setting the directory to the roms12:48
draikI created my own folders12:48
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draikThat worked. Thank you jason__1012:51
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jason__10draik:  thats no problem12:55
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[ifr0g] huh, Its quite in here !01:00
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radiusquite quiet?01:03
[ifr0g] :)01:03
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[ifr0g] radius, what firewall script do you use ?01:04
radiusi use a hardware firewall01:04
radiusi used to use killerwall01:05
[ifr0g] Ooo.ok01:05
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radiusi move machines around too much - too much of a hassle to script now01:05
Bilangehardware firewall are the best (unless d-link has something to do with it :X)01:05
[ifr0g] radius, machines ?01:05
radiuswell i use neither dlink nor linksys - they have a set of issues on their own01:05
radiusmachines/pc's/servers ?01:06
Bilangeseems ive been lucky with linksys, but unlucky with d-link01:06
[ifr0g] ah ok01:06
[ifr0g] I use my whole pc a one big router :D01:07
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=== [ifr0g] wishes he has a dedicated server.
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Bilange[ifr0g] : actually ive had a good experience with shorewall if you're looking for a software solution. mind you, its very script and config files-oriented, so theres no gui officially, but that may worth trying01:09
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[ifr0g] Thanks Bilange, I dont really want to dirty my hands in some configuration file. I amlooking for something simple. Is it ? something with a gui !01:11
Bilangethat was what i was talking about: getting your hands dirty :(01:12
[ifr0g] Something that will warn with on incomming connections, something thatwill learn according to initial rules..01:13
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[ifr0g] hola ! :)01:18
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mileshello all01:19
milesi have a political question regarding linux01:19
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milesits a fact that Linus is not fond of the Gnome project01:19
mileslikewise, I read recently that he uses Fedora on his home machine01:20
milesso whats up with that?!01:20
milesthats like saying i hate xbox, but im gonna play halo01:20
hydrogenI'm fairly sure there is at least one off topic channel where that question is better suited01:20
milesman, but i come here cause i respect you guys01:20
hydrogenand its off topic01:20
=== miles cries
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milesooooooo, i get it, fedora is the community version of red hat, and a fedora is a hat01:22
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fignewlol miles01:31
elicould anybody tell me how can I make a partition bootable using parted?01:31
vbattsi would use cfdisk01:31
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elivbatts: I am on a macbook and it tells me that he doesnt know about gpt01:36
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fraxis there any special settings that u have to do in order to read DVD? when I browse them there are only alot of questionmarks instead of filenames.. any idea? thanks01:45
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angelixholy cow01:47
frax#india ?01:48
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[ifr0g] Holy Moooo :D01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about in - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:48
[ifr0g] !india01:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about india - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:49
BluesKajHow Now Brown Cow , What's noo with yoo ? :)01:49
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=== BluesKaj can't take the suspense :)
Jucato[ifr0g] : try #ubuntu-in01:50
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BluesKajhe 's not in india..ISP is verizon01:51
[ifr0g] Wow, ubuntu for indias :D01:51
[ifr0g] thanks..01:51
Jucatobah sorry wrong person :/01:51
Jucatoit was frax... :(01:51
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=== Jucato goes drink more coffee
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=== BluesKaj waits for a question
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[ifr0g] BluesKaj, Why did the Penguin cross the Road ?01:54
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rekorderanyone in here01:55
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JucatoBluesKaj: there goes your question(s) ^^^01:56
[ifr0g] rekorder, Yes, 321 in the room ..01:56
[ifr0g] now 320 :)01:56
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angelixi have a question...02:00
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[ifr0g] :)02:00
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angelixi ran the tool, whatever it;\'s called, to update Kubuntu to feisty fawn. it seems like it worked, except that at the very end, before it restarted, the client failed to allocate memory, and crashed...02:01
angelixso now i don't know if i'm running feisty fawn or not...02:01
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BioVorElsb_release -cs02:02
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angelixso how likely is it, that the installation completed and i'm not going to have any problems?02:04
[ifr0g] angelix, df -h | grep /$         ..?02:04
angelixshould i... know what that means? it looks like disk or file sizes to me02:05
[ifr0g] paste that line here.02:05
Jucatodf -h <--- free disk space, human readable format02:05
hydrogenangelix: i'd boot and see wheter it works or not02:05
angelix/ /dev/sda1             146G  4.2G  134G   4% /02:05
angelixdon't know how to escape /02:05
angelixi rebooted02:06
angelixit works.. i think02:06
hydrogenthen you are fine02:06
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[ifr0g] huh, Go ahead upgrade again..02:06
[ifr0g] and paste bin the errors02:06
angelixi can try?02:06
hydrogenit sounds like its fine02:06
angelixshould i update by commandline?02:06
angelixi wqs just trying to update packages, and it popped up a dialog box asking if i wanted to go to ff02:07
=== n30 [n=jedi@cpe-066-057-242-021.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
n30i have a question ...i just tried installing opera, but its not found in add/remove programs ...what's up with that?02:07
hydrogenI installed the deb from opera's site02:08
n30hydrogen, i also tried installing superkaramba ...same thing, not in the list.02:09
=== Jucato double chekcs
Jucatoer... checks*02:09
[ifr0g] n30,  Have you edited your source.list file lately ?02:10
Jucaton30: you're right. it isn't there. which is weird, but not surprising...02:10
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Jucaton30: try using Adept Manager instead of Add/Remove (if you can survive the interface)02:10
n30where's adept manager?02:10
n30found it :)02:11
n30checking now02:11
Jucatobut opera really isn't there02:11
hydrogenI find adept_manager much easier to use02:11
Jucato+ it's more "complete"02:11
JucatoI find it very annoying that add/remove doesn't show the same number of choices02:12
JucatoI mean packages02:12
n30Jucato, as do i.02:12
n30if it doesn't show as many packages it should be removed :)02:12
=== n30 just started using this a few weeks ago ....my main linux box is gentoo
n30brb, going to reboot.02:12
angelixonce you enable universe...02:12
VSpikeI like aptitude myself02:12
n30angelix, ?02:12
angelixlol, nothing02:12
Jucatoon Feisty, universe and multiverse are enabled by default already02:13
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Jucatoangelix: you try it. search for Superkarmaba or for gcc in Add/Remove02:13
n30yeah, i'm already using feisty.02:13
n30superkaramba isn't there though =/02:13
hydrogeni see superkaramba in adept_manager02:14
angelixi don't even know what that is! but i'll try...02:14
hydrogennot in add/remove02:14
n30adept_manager failed to run. wtg ?02:14
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angelixwhat is it and where do i look for it?02:14
Jucatoangelix: gcc is the GNU Compiler Collection, the C/C++/etc compilers02:14
doug__hey i'm trying to install the kernel, what repositories do i need in apt-get?  because it said it was a broken package.02:14
Jucatoangelix: bah nvm heheh :)02:14
angelixwell, i guess i chould have known that02:14
Jucatoangelix: I was just trying to demonstrate how add/remove doesn't show all packages available02:14
n30haha. adept_manager will not launch ....hmmm02:15
n30brb, going to reboot (unless someone else has an idea)02:15
angelixanyways, i can't, cause i'm trying to dl beryl right now. i realize this is probably asking for trouble. anyone have any luck using beryl with kubuntu, or is it ubuntu only?02:15
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Jucatoer. n30 don't reboot yet..02:15
n30needed to run it from xterm02:15
n30sudo adept_manager02:15
ubotuIn KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo02:16
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angelixthis is gonna break my computer, i know it...02:16
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doug__hey i'm trying to install the kernel, what repositories do i need in apt-get?  because it said it was a broken package.02:16
Jucatoangelix: not really02:16
nosrednaekimJucato: !!!02:17
nosrednaekimwelcome back!02:17
Jucatohehe thanks nosrednaekim :)02:17
Jucatodoug__: is that on gutsy?02:17
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angelixsome introduction to beryl i read explained that it was unstable and difficult to use02:17
angelixbut i like eyecandy!02:17
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doug__jucato: yeah i used the gutsy repo02:17
Jucatodoug__: you mean you mixed feisty and gutsy repos?!?!02:17
doug__jucato: i added it in my aptsources list02:18
Jucatodoug__: if you are using pure gusty (dang typos), try asking in #ubuntu+102:18
Jucatodoug__: ouch! not good...02:18
doug__jucato: I'm on feisty fawn02:18
Jucatonot good at all... :/02:18
doug__angelix: have you tried envy to install ati or nvidia drivers?02:18
Jucatogrrr! dang mosquitos!02:19
doug__jucato: why is it not good? lol02:19
nosrednaekimJucato:  doug__: I've read some tutorials on that.If you do it correctly, it should work.02:19
angelixooh.. envy?02:19
Arwenick, envy02:19
Arwenmore automated failure02:19
Jucatowell, basically you are mixing 2 very different versions, which could produce dependency/stability problems02:19
doug__Arwen: i used it and it works fine02:19
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/02:20
angelixno, it looked on the guide page like the basic driver would handle it02:20
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Jucatoangelix: what video card?02:20
angelixhold on...02:20
doug__nosrednaekim: do you have a link to the tutorial?02:20
JucatoI mean, what video card do you have?02:20
angelixKinfocenter claims radeon 9200 SE02:20
nosrednaekimdoug__: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubuntugeek.com%2Fhowto-upgrade-kernel2622-9-generic-in-feisty-fawn.html&ei=4BjSRqr9JoTeetDJ3akJ&usg=AFQjCNH9jsc6NkGDNzK4vdNfi5qvV27UdA&sig2=jB5cFUQ7ZRpHXHjw99FgCg02:21
angelixthis is a computer i have for messing around with02:21
nosrednaekimwhoops.. in't meant o paste the google redirect02:21
angelixmy main computer runs w2k02:21
=== jason__10 [n=jason@host81-129-211-189.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
angelixi have no idea what the hardware on this comp is like02:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:22
=== hydrogen points out that url is down
bauerhowto install development tools , gcc etc. ?02:22
databuddyFact:  The number of triplets born in the US in 1994 (4,594) was more than triple the number born in 1971 (1,034), an increase attributed to older age of the mothers and the use of fertility-enhancing drugs and techniques.02:22
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:22
doug__nosrednaekim: it's ok.  i tried that command and it said it couldn't find the package linux-headers-2.6.22-902:22
Jucatobauer: basic compiler and stuff, install "build-essential"02:22
nosrednaekimbauer: "apt-get install build-essential"02:23
draikjason__10: Do you knwo if there is a way to download repos all at once?02:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xeffects - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:23
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:23
nosrednaekimJucato: you were faster.... I was better :)02:23
draikjason__10: I mean in a way that I don't have to go ROM by ROM02:23
Jucatonosrednaekim: you were more specific, presuming he preferred to use apt-get, and not aptitude or synaptic or adept. hehehe02:23
jason__10hmm draik only if you download a massive torrent?02:23
nosrednaekimJucato: and you... umm.... win.02:24
JucatoI always do! hahahha02:24
angelixhow do i restart X?02:24
jason__10maybe you should try dosbox-pykde from kde-apps.org02:24
draikangelix: CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE02:24
Jucatoangelix: safe way: logout, then from the login menu choose Restart X Server or press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace02:25
angelixwill that even make it work? how do i make beryl run? i can see all the options but nothing does anything02:25
Jucatounsafe way, what draik said eheheh :P02:25
jason__10draik:  do you like old dos games?02:25
Jucatowell not really "unsafe"...02:25
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draikJucato: Are we judging, now? Tsk tsk...02:25
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flaccid0sheya Jucy02:25
draikjason__10: I was reading my Linux Journal and came across using xmame-x and wahcade02:25
jason__10draik: dosbox-pykde has a database of dos games like the database in kxmame but i believe you can download the game from the application just by choosing download, and it has scrrenshots02:26
Jucatodraik: heheh pardon me. just got up less than an hour ago :)O02:26
Jucatoyo flaccid0s!!!02:26
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=== angelix [n=angelix@pool-209-158-250-127.cap.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
flaccidaint seen you here for a while...02:26
Jucatoyep :)02:26
doug__nosrenaekim: any ideas?02:26
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flaccidits amazing it survived without you :)02:26
doug__nosrednaekim: sorry02:26
flaccidwb flaccid_ heh02:26
nosrednaekimdoug__: bout what?02:26
flaccidyou can kill me but i keep coming back02:26
JucatoI knew the channel would be in good hands one way or another. :)02:26
doug__nosrednaekim: any ideas? i meant to type your name but i mispelled so it didn't highlight for you lol02:27
flaccidyeah its been alright... alot of idling ~300 users02:27
Jucatonothing has changed :P02:27
Jucato!tab | doug__02:27
ubotudoug__: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:27
nosrednaekimdoug__: any ideas about how to get e 2.6.22 kernel? follow that tutorial...02:27
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Jucatonosrednaekim: I think he's saying that linux-headears-2.6.22-9 isn't there02:28
flaccidexcept that gutsy is like some ugly blue thang02:28
doug__nosrednaekim:  I did what jucato said lol02:28
JucatoI hope that the next release would have a name that's less prone to being misspelled...02:28
Jucatofiesty/feisty, gusty/gutsy...02:29
nosrednaekimdoug__: re-add that repository and get the headers..02:29
flaccidi've added a winpopup account in kopete. how do i see the list of windows machines and send a message to one?02:29
doug__jucato: yeah02:29
Jucatodoug__: there's no 2.6.22-9 because the latest is 2.6.22-1002:29
jason__10flaccid i think you just add the ip as a contact02:29
flaccidjason__10: ok i'll try thanks02:29
flaccidah i see02:30
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doug__jucato: I thought it was
doug__according to kernel.org02:30
Jucatoon Gutsy I mean02:30
flaccidi just sent one to my boss, lets see if he freaks out02:31
nosrednaekimdoug__: the . is different from the -. Dash means "ubuntu bug-fix version" basically02:31
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Jucatothat too :)02:31
=== Jucato headdesks again
doug__jucato: is it bad to get a new kernel from gutsy repos?  you sounded a little iffy on it02:31
flaccidits good if you are on gutsy02:32
Jucatowhich he isn't :)02:32
flaccidlol then not good02:32
Jucatobut if there's a proven/well-known guide to getting the kernel from gutsy on to feisty... let me not hinder you :)02:32
nosrednaekimdoug__: don't think it can really harma anything as long as you keep your old kernels around02:32
doug__nosrednaekim: yeah i know . is different from -. but why would a newer kernel be incompatible with fawn yet compatible with gutsy?02:32
Jucatoit's not just the kernel I'm concerned about nosrednaekim...02:32
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Jucatodoug__: as long as you disable the gutsy repo after you got the kernel, I think it would be ok02:33
nosrednaekimJucato: yeah, thats why you remove the sources line after installing and locking the kernel.02:33
flaccidthe kernel wouldn't really be a problem, the possible bugs in the kernel might be02:33
nosrednaekimI think the tutorial says to do that02:33
angelixok, this might sound like a stupid question, but when i installed beryl, was it supposed to start automatically? if not, what windows manager do i need to disable to run it correctly?02:33
JucatoI didn't read the tutorial :)02:33
flaccid!beryl > angelix02:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about coffee - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:34
=== Jucato is still confused as to the state of compiz, beryl, and compiz-fusion...
doug__jucato:  yeah.  I'll do that.  i think i understand why you're concerned because it's telling me i have like hundreds of updates, but it's all from the gutsy version02:34
Jucatoheh where's genii when you need him :)02:34
Jucatodoug__: yep. :)02:34
flaccidJucato: the state is that its good, but unstable and kubuntu has more issues than ubuntu02:34
flaccidwell kde than gnome02:34
JucatoI mean, the relationship of the 3 projects..02:35
flaccidi had beryl going perfect, but have a bug which doesn't seem to fixed yet so it can't even run02:35
doug__nosrednaekim: is there a way to get from a different repo?02:35
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flaccidJucato: just forks. compiz-fusion is bery and compiz making love again02:35
Jucatoberyl is supposed to be "merged" into compiz again right? resulting in compiz-fusion? why are people still saying beryl?02:35
nosrednaekimdoug__: I think the gutsy way is the easiest. although you might look intop a debian kernel repo02:35
flaccidyou can use any of em..02:35
nosrednaekimJucato: because fiesty still only has beryl02:35
doug__nosrednaekim: thanks02:35
Jucatohm.. ok...02:35
U238Willyso.. recent a bunch of KDE packages upgraded.. and after a reboot.. my video went from 1024x768 to 640x480.. any tries to change the video card or monitor in system settings to what i have (nvidia geforce2 / dell monitor E173FPb) and i get a grey hatch like screen.. with no chances to revert.. and I have to power down.. you guys have been great in the past at resolving issues.. any ideas?02:36
Jucatonever really got into them... but tested beryl before, and was fun. but still waiting for KDE 4 for something more stable :P02:36
nosrednaekimU238Willy: did you manually install any nvidia drivers before?02:36
nosrednaekimU238!!!! yeah!02:36
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U238Willyi have not.. i installed kubuntu straight from .iso/distro02:37
U238Willyand just installed packages through adept02:37
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flaccidneed to wait for beryl or compiz-fusion to be stable, not kde :)02:37
flaccidbrb, getting milk02:38
nosrednaekimU238Willy: run from the command line "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and select the vesa driver.02:38
Jucatomoo :)02:38
U238Willyi'm surprised though.. when i choose the right card or monitor.. i get a grey hatch (checkered... like hounds-tooth) screen02:38
=== miles [n=miles@d60-65-93-136.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatoflaccid: I was actually referring to KDE 4's own compositing :P02:38
=== U238Willy walks over to linux machine and tries.
=== miles flexes
nosrednaekimJucato: have you tried out KDE4 yet?02:39
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Jucatonosrednaekim: during alpha stages. but I'm holding off for now. want to be pleasantly surprised when the time comes02:40
nosrednaekimJucato: you certainly won't be if you tried now. although the apps themselves look great.02:40
=== rekorder [n=rekorder@c-71-230-8-69.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatoactually... I've just been to lazy to setup my kde 4 development setup (redundant?)02:41
Jucatothat and I tried to get away as much from Kubuntu/KDE for the past 2 months if you haven't noticed :P02:41
nosrednaekimyeah I actually did.02:41
doug__nosrednaekim: where would i go to ask for debian kernel repo?02:42
doug__nosrednaekim: thanks02:42
=== Materials [n=Konversa@CPE000f3d37aa61-CM00186832fd12.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
Materialshi, could someone tell me how to find the uncompressed size of a tar.bz2 file?02:43
rekordercan any one help me install drivers for a wireless network card02:44
Materialswith command line I mean02:44
rekorderthese instructions are confusing as hell02:44
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jason__10rekorder:  I might be able to do so !02:44
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jason__10rekorder: what card do you have?02:44
rekorderlinksys wpc3000n02:45
jason__10rekorder:  and you have the driver downloaded?02:45
rekorderi've downloaded ndiswrapper02:45
U238Willyok.. i just went through a litany of questions.. answered to the best of my ability.. and then.. it exited.. so i 'exit'ed the konsole.. and I'm rebooting.02:45
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rekorderand i have the cd that came with the card02:46
=== luke__ [n=luke@CPE0011950b2e61-CM001404b614dc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
rekorderi guess there might be an easier way to do it though02:46
jason__10hmm rekorder do you have yahoo or aim?02:46
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flaccidJucato: what does it use for compositing?02:46
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jason__10rekorder:  msn account?02:46
Jucatoflaccid: kwin_composite. it's own compositing built on top of a working/stable kwin :)02:46
rekorderi don't have any chat clients02:47
U238Willywell.. my login screen looks correct02:47
flaccidah yep reading on that now02:47
U238Willyor at the correct resolution02:47
rekordercan't we just do it thru a chat room?02:47
Jucatoum... hi?02:47
flaccidJucato: looks like there is a video on youtube02:47
jason__10rekorder: could do im just looking02:47
jason__10rekorder:  while im looking check out my site http://stimulus.newsit.es02:48
rekorderactually i gues it looks like the ndiswrapper has some drivers in it02:48
rekordernot sure if there the ones i need though02:48
Jucatoflaccid: yep. there are even screencasts from the kde developers' blogs. just forgot the links02:48
luke73newbie alert! is the the chat room for Kubuntu?02:48
nosrednaekimU238Willy: look good?02:48
nosrednaekimluke73: yep!02:48
nosrednaekimluke73: or at least the support chat room02:48
jason__10whats the card called agian?02:48
flaccidJucato: cool. so im assuming that when it goes in prod it will be stable as02:48
rekorderlinksys wpc3000n02:49
luke73does anybody know if kubuntu 7.04 comes with firefox installed?02:49
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rekorderi think that it does luke02:49
nosrednaekimluke73: no, it does not.02:49
rekorderbut i don' t think very well02:49
nosrednaekimluke73: but its simple to get02:49
U236Willy<-- on the linux machine..02:49
U236Willylooks great02:49
nosrednaekimU236Willy: looking good?02:49
U236Willyi'm back at 1024x76802:49
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luke73can I just use the adept manager?02:50
U236Willynosrednaekim, thanks so much!02:50
flaccidsure can luke7302:50
Jucatoflaccid: and you won't have to have the effects turned on if you don't want to. it sort of auto detects and degrades gracefully if you don't have the hardware02:50
nosrednaekimluke73: yeah02:50
nosrednaekimU236Willy: NP... you don't have any 3d acceleration though if that matters02:50
jason__10rekorder:  to be honest I would try downloading a linksys driver and trying that before using Ndiswrapper, usually with windows driver cd;s you actually have to install them to get access to the driver02:51
rekorderwell i did download a driver off of the linksys site02:51
rekorderbut it's an exe and i don't know what to do with it02:51
flaccidJucato: im scared on the stability02:51
flaccidwe see how it goes02:52
luke73ok thanks.. I guess once I've downloaded some of the packages for firefox I just have to restart and then I'll see them?02:52
U236Willywell.. i told wrote in  the monitor type (Dell E173FPb) and the video card (which I got from KInfoSys) as (NVIDIA Geforce2) and then just answered the rest of the questions as best as I could.. and.. now.. it seems like the video is set properly..02:52
nosrednaekimluke73: no need for a restart02:52
Jucatoflaccid: you shouldn't be. if you turned off the effects, it would be the same as plain old kwin02:52
Jucatoflaccid: that's the advantage of building the effects on top of already stable and proven code02:52
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flaccidthat would defeat the purpose of making them in the first place. its like here is a car that doesnt' work...02:52
flaccidJucato: yes but abstraction is expected!02:52
flaccidthats just professional programming principles02:53
U236Willyor.. atleast it's back to using 1024x768.. without any anomalies noted.. as of yet.02:53
Jucatoflaccid: defeat the purpose of making what in the first place?02:53
flaccidthe desktop effects/compositing02:53
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jason__10rekorder:  I could probably do it for you but unfortunately it would take a long time of trial an error and it would cost :P so its best just hackin at it bit by bit.02:53
U236Willyso.. thank again!02:53
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searaymancan somone help me install a patch to kopete?02:53
luke73thanks a lot.. I'll give it a try...02:53
jason__10searayman:  what patch?02:53
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nosrednaekimluke73: do you have kubuntu installed?02:54
searaymanjason__10, somehting called a kopete reloding kit? changes liek the look of the buddy list02:54
searaymanjason__10, i can point u to a link of the fiel i got02:54
Jucatoflaccid: well, kwin's main purpose is not just fancy effects. unlike compiz or beryl, it's a window manager first, before a compositing window manager. the compositing stuff is just added on top. not the other way around02:54
luke73nosrednaekim: yes.. just finished installing it02:54
Jucatoanyway.. sorry getting OT02:54
jason__10ok searayman02:54
nosrednaekimluke73: ah ok. how does it look?02:54
jason__10rekorder:  heres a site might come in handy ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/network/02:54
searaymanjason__10, http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=4976502:54
U238Willywelp.. winblows machine isn't needed.. so i guess this nick will quit..02:54
rekorderi'll check it out02:55
Q-collectivehello all, could anyone point me to a nice sound howto?02:55
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luke73nosrednaekim: looks fine to me. but this is my first install of linux. I thought I'd choose one that said it looked nice..02:56
searaymanjason__10, i downloaded and extracted it, and to patch i need to compile from source right? so shoudl i first uninstall the kopete i already have?02:56
jason__10searayman:  you have to download kopete source code and re complile it with this patch in it, Im not great at recompiling things02:56
jason__10searayman:  that would be a good idea02:56
searaymanjason__10, how shoudl i uninstall it to remove all of it?02:56
jason__10searayman:  I think purge is the option02:56
searaymanjason__10, sudo apt-get purge remove?02:57
jason__10but dont trust me, recompiling and completely removing is not my best area :)02:57
poroto82hi, does anyone know how to upgrade from dapper to edgy?pls(kubuntu)02:57
searaymanjason__10, i am not familier with the commadn02:57
rekorderwhat am i supposed to do with all those files?02:57
jason__10you can use Adept02:57
searaymanjason__10, adept kopete?02:57
jason__10rekorder:  there may be a zip compatible with your hardware with the driver file install02:57
poroto82changing dapper for edgy?02:57
jason__10searayman:  adept is a gui for apt02:57
jason__10you will find kopete inside and you can choose remove or purge02:58
flaccidJucato: yes i know all that...... that doesn't say anything for its stability. thats only something that we can test when its released.02:58
jason__10but to be honest im not sure if purge means complete remove02:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about purge - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:58
searaymancan somone help me compile kopete with a patch?02:58
Jucatoflaccid: it's already available in KDE 4 beta releases and earlier. you can start testing. didn't crash on me even in alpha02:59
rekordermy model isn't specifically listed, how can i tell if it's the correct one?02:59
jason__10well i would maybe try wpc5402:59
jason__10its probably common02:59
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jason__10searayman:  you need to try and compile it yourself and then see what problems come up, no one can do it for you ;)03:00
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=== joseph is now known as joseph1110216
flaccidJucato: need to wait for the final release then see what a variety of people say. then you can gauge if there are problems are much they impact03:00
Jucatoflaccid: but what I meant regarding stability is that kwin alone, in the first place, already works and is stable. now it has compositing effects. But if suddenly the hardware could not support it, kwin automatically switches to non-composited mode (even if you enabled composite effects). anyway... I'm not really the expert on these technical stuff03:00
luke73adept just crashed .. and now it won't load... says another copy is running?03:00
searaymanjason__10, well i am confused at one of the steps of compiling tghat i am reading in the readme03:00
[pyro] luke73: ps aux | grep adept then kill the pid03:01
jason__10uh hu03:01
Jucato!sound | Q-collective03:01
ubotuQ-collective: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:01
Jucato!adeptfix | luke7303:01
ubotuluke73: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:01
joseph1110216does anyone here know of any good packet sniffers for wireless for windows that doesnt require a freaking usb adapter?03:01
flaccidJucato: yep and hopefully you don't loose functionality when that occurs, and hopefully it doesn't occur at all. i'll wait for prod release03:01
[pyro] luke73: or what Jucato said ;)03:01
Q-collectiveJucato: thx03:01
joseph1110216anyone know  of  any good packet sniffers for windows?03:01
luke73i do that from a consol?03:02
jason__10searayman:  sorry mate im no good for ya03:02
Q-collectiveoh god, arts... >_>03:02
=== U236Willy is now known as U238Willy
[pyro] joseph1110216: wireshark03:02
flaccidjoseph1110216: ethereal03:02
jason__10joseph1110216:  i think you can get ethereal03:02
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nosrednaekimluke73: yeah03:02
drifjoseph1110216: you could try also smartsniff - it's basic but easy to use03:02
[pyro] joseph1110216: wireshark / ethereal are the same03:02
joseph1110216ok wireshark and ethereal dont need usb adapters do they?03:02
Jucatoflaccid: of course it won't lose functionality. you do lose the shadows, translucency, etc. but the basic stuff will still be there. think of it like using kwin and then using beryl+aquamarine then turning beryl off...03:02
searaymanjason__10, this is wher ei am confused03:02
searaymanjason__10, 3/ In a console, type :03:02
searaymanpatch -p1 -d KOPETE_DIRECTORY < kopete.diff03:02
searaymanWhere KOPETE_DIRECTORY is to be replaced by your kopete directory, in my case './kopete-12.2'03:02
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=== Jucato also points to #kopete for more possible help
ahvargashi is it posible to start 2 desktop enviroments with xinerama?03:03
luke73ok cool03:03
luke73Setting up java-common (0.25ubuntu2) ...03:03
luke73Setting up libnspr4 (1.firefox2.0.0.6+1-0ubuntu1) ...03:03
luke73Setting up libnss3 (1.firefox2.0.0.6+1-0ubuntu1) ...03:03
jason__10searayman:  good idea, try the kopete room03:03
nosrednaekim!pastebin| luke7303:03
ubotuluke73: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:03
flaccidJucato: yes i know the concept. you are assuming already thats its totally graceful. theory is different to practice.03:03
jason__10luke73:  Do not install JAVA On this IRC what have I told you!03:03
joseph1110216does smartsniff or ethereal save packets in a .cap format?03:03
searaymanjason__10, no on eis respondign or talkign in there?03:03
Jucatoflaccid: from what I experienced on alpha, it was quite graceful enough :)03:03
luke73install java?03:04
Jucatojason__10: hm? O.o03:04
jason__10i thought you were talking german for a minute searayman, lol only kiddin03:04
flaccidJucato: yes and my point is that you don't judge stability on one users exprerience of the beta version..03:04
jason__10luke73:  Sorry i was just jokin at the apt pastes03:04
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drifjason__10: I found it amusing remark ;)03:04
jason__10drif:  got my drift03:05
Jucatowell, based on some comments from previous blog posts or dot kde articles, so far so good. but yeah, don't take my word for it. I'm not that reliable, being away for months03:05
[pyro] bbs03:05
luke73heh heh03:05
jason__10thanks, i try :-[03:05
jason__10plus I had a couple of drinks03:05
nosrednaekimluke73: so firefox works now?03:05
jason__10geeks and drink eh03:05
luke73I'm a windows guy giving up windows.. it's kinda like withdrawl symptoms.. haha03:05
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flaccidJucato: looks very promising then03:06
jason__10luke73:  we all go through it mate03:06
jason__10i only use windows to help people fix windows03:06
Jucatoflaccid: don't worry. I'll be one of the first to be disappointed if this doesn't work out. I've been excited about this for almost a year now :)03:07
Jucatoimagine: the coolness of compiz/beryl with the stability and functionality and KDE-ness of kwin!03:07
jason__10i just came up with a little slogan... "If only Linux run the world...."03:07
Jucato(plus Plasma)03:07
jason__10debug "if only linux RAN the world"03:07
luke73jason_10: how do I remember all those commands? I guess it's like learning a new language..03:08
Jucatonot that far from reality, considering the web mostly runs on *nix (I think)03:08
Jucatoluke73: constant usage, effort to memorize/remember, etc. :)03:08
flaccidJucato: agreed. vista got in early however...03:08
jason__10luke73:  well to be honest once youve settled into linux theres only a few commands you actually Need to use03:08
Jucatoearly? O.o03:08
jason__10and in the terminal you can press UP to goto last commands03:08
flaccidbill runs the world lol03:09
Jucatothat's a surprise hehehe03:09
jason__10flaccid: lol, i sort of was talking about the open source community, the spirit03:09
Jucatoanyway, need to work. afk :P03:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about afk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:09
flaccidjason__10: in that case, bsd owns....03:09
flaccidof course03:09
jason__10dont tell me that, ive just got my kubuntu as good as i need it03:09
flaccidim talking server...03:10
jason__10uh huh03:10
flaccidfreebsd/kde is faster than kubuntu, but lacks support because bsd has less support by vendors than linux03:10
flaccidubuntu is not a server OS03:10
searaymanjason__10, ok so i started to try myself, and think i am missing some dependancies coudl u give it a look and tell me what i need to install i am not familier with kde packages?03:10
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searaymanjason__10, http://pastebin.ca/67186303:10
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Jucatoubuntu server is a server os right?hehehe03:11
flaccidJucato: thats what they *call* it03:11
Jucatobah!! need to get to work!!! :/03:11
jason__10ok searayman03:11
flaccidthe fact that ubuntu's servers got hacked...03:11
ArwenServer's pretty nice if you want a lightweight desktop too :-)03:11
Arwenflaccid, an old badly administrated one did03:11
flaccideither way, it doesn't demonstrate security03:12
Arwenand it wasn't Ubuntu's per-say03:12
albertmkaMSN is not good, right?03:12
Jucatohm... those are 1) not official canonical servers; 2) running older versions of Ubuntu03:12
flaccidubuntu or ubuntu staff, doesn't really matter. the staff are behind ubuntu  :)03:12
Arwenflaccid, if obsolete and unpatched software gets r00t3d, that's not the fault of the developers03:12
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flaccidyes but ubuntu using old OS on their servers. that doesn't look good03:13
Arwennobody would be surprised if Windows 95 got pwn3d either.03:13
albertmkQuestion: aMSN doesnt work , right?03:13
Jucatoer.. no.. not really. we're talking about servers that are owned and run by Canonical which are *the* Ubuntu servers.03:13
Arwenflaccid, Ubuntu wasn't running those servers03:13
Arwenthey were community operated03:13
=== Jucato sighs...
flaccidArwen: it doesn't matter who. doesn't really show that the community is a secure workhorse...03:13
Arwenso what it really shows is... the Ubuntu community can't run squat!03:13
=== Arwen ducks
Jucatoit does matter who!03:13
flaccidits like a robber breaking in and then saying, we don't own the house we are just leasing it03:13
flaccidyes it doesn't demonstrate security03:14
Arwenflaccid, well, no ****. The community can't do anything.03:14
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!03:14
=== Jucato sighs again... analogies
flaccidwell this relates to kubuntu and its support very much so...03:14
Arwenflaccid, no, it's like a robber breaking into an unlocked house with a broken door and then blaming the guys next door for not doing anything.03:14
Arwenanyway, we're really off topic now03:14
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jason__10searayman:  im not sure03:14
flaccidits quite on topic03:14
flaccideither way, nobody can say that it makes ubuntu look secure..03:15
searaymanjason__10, its ok drif i think is helping me03:15
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Arwenflaccid, nobody did.03:15
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flaccidimplications did03:15
flaccidbut hey who cares03:15
halakarHow to uninstal a package via command line interface?03:15
halakarMy friend boned up his Kubuntu by installing a nvidia-glx driver with apt-get03:16
flaccidanyone that claims ubuntu is a decent server OS is in fairyland...03:16
Arwenhalakar, apt-get remove package, aptitude remove package, or dpkg -r package.03:16
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flaccidhalakar: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx03:16
nosrednaekimhalakar: to reconfigure the x server from the command line, run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and select the vesa driver03:16
flaccidif you upgrade kernel, you need to reinstall the nvidia driver as its kernel based03:17
flaccidnosrednaekim: xorg.conf could be fine..03:17
albertmkI need to install my ndivia03:17
albertmkjust need to apt-get install .... ?03:17
flaccid!nvidia > albertmk03:18
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jason__10!dont time out03:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dont time out - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:28
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Q-collectivehmm, I've followed the pages as suggested by !sound, but it didn't help me anything... any other suggestions?03:29
Jucatowhat seems to be the problem?03:29
=== Jucato takes a very short break from work..l.
Jucatoer.. where did that | come from?? O.o03:30
flaccidtry the debian sound wiki, Q-collective03:30
Q-collectivefrom your subconciousness? ;)03:30
Q-collectiveflaccid: good idea03:30
Jucatoif it's an arts problem, easy to replace it with something like sox...03:31
Q-collectivearts is running03:31
Q-collectivemodules are up03:31
Q-collectivemixer volumes are up03:31
Jucatono sound at all?03:31
=== Ralesk loses hair about AAAA lookups D:
flaccidlinux sound scares me03:31
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Jucatohm... well not everything in KDE uses arts anyway. only for system notifications...03:32
Q-collectiveflaccid: well, onboard sound and linux are like water and fire03:32
Jucatoso it might be a deeper (eeek!) sound problem... :(03:32
Q-collectiveJucato: indeed, my testing applet in this is a browser opened on youtube03:33
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halakarguys, how about the search command for packages using apt-get ?03:36
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flaccidi'd try debian wiki sound and get it to go with aplay first03:37
Jucatohalakar: apt-cache search03:37
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halakareven one that is not currently installed?03:37
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gadgets - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:45
albertmkGadget for Kubuntu?03:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gadget - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:46
ubotusuperkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org03:46
albertmkthanks a lot03:47
albertmksuperkaramba, this name sounds funny03:47
jason__10i tried karamba once but i think i was using gnome and it was buggy obviously its for kde tho03:47
Jucatoit was originally "karamba". but the later upgraded version became super03:47
Jucatono. karamba is for kde03:48
Jucatokaramba -- evolution --> superkaramba03:48
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JucatoGNOME has gDesklets03:48
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jason__10Jucato:  true, but that was also buggy for me03:52
hitmanWillynever really liked karamba myself03:52
Jucatosuperkaramba is, in a way, really buggy. because it's really a hack on KDE, when the devs didn't provide the infrastructure necessary for creating desktop applets03:52
Jucatothat's why Plasma was born03:52
jason__10im starting to apreciate a minimal desktop03:53
jason__10also im starting to think pressing TAB will complete any words in a normal sentance....03:53
hitmanWillyjason__10, heh, do that all the time myself, too03:53
hitmanWillyhabit, i guess03:53
hitmanWillydoesn't work when writing scripts, either :P03:54
jason__10and when im writing Im becoming more and more dyslexic because im used to pressing backspace and you cant really do that with a pen...03:54
hitmanWillyjason__10, it works with a pencil, tho03:55
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Arwenquick check: a 5.1 channel sound card has 3 outputs, right?03:55
hitmanWillyArwen, i think two is the norm03:56
Arwenhmm. Because my sound card confuses me. It has what looks like 4 outputs.03:56
jason__10hitmanWilly:  Pencil is slower than linux03:56
hitmanWillyyes, it is03:56
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halakarhey cvstrat03:57
jason__10i wander if Linus used Irc03:57
obf213how do i enable a gui when i try to start another session??03:57
U238Willywell.. i got my video back to 1024x768.. but now when trying to play video in kaffeine.. the video is really choppy.. and colored strange.. whereas before.. it was ok..03:58
jason__10obf213:  im not sure, you mean another X session?03:58
JucatoK Menu -> Switch user -> Start a new session?03:58
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cvstratadept manager finds a lot of nvidia stuff, should i just install the nvidia-glx package from there and se e if it gets all of the required dependencies?03:58
jason__10U238Willy: hm, i think i downloaded a new graphic driver to solve that03:59
flaccid!nvidia > cvstrat03:59
obf213jason yes03:59
U238Willyso.. for a geforce203:59
U238Willylook for nvidia drivers?04:00
obf213jason_10 you know when you do cntrl alt and an f-key it stars a new session04:00
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obf213but its all terminal based how do i get the gui04:00
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=== U238Willy looks for nvidia geforce2
Jucatoobf213: K Menu -> Switch user -> Start a new session?04:01
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obf213jucato, i dont want to switch users04:01
obf213i just want to start another session04:01
obf213i have started another session before04:01
nosredna_ekimU238Willy: you need "nvidia-glx-legacy"04:01
obf213bt its all command line04:01
obf213i want the gui also04:01
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U238Willybut do i need to change xorg.conf04:02
jason__10obf213:  TO be honest, i only ever used one x session at a time, maybe you can do more...04:02
U238Willyafterwards to use it?04:02
nosredna_ekimU238Willy: indeed04:03
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flaccidyou can do more X11 sessions via cli04:03
U238Willyok.. thank you.. i'll try my best04:04
flaccidbut i've never heard of a gui to create mroe04:04
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:04
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flaccidobf213: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/8004:05
tazgodxis there some kind of remote desktop tool i can use in kubuntu to connect to a vista machine?04:05
flaccidobf213: http://www.hermann-uwe.de/tips-and-tricks/multiple-x11-sessions04:05
Cannolianyone know a good avi player?04:06
Cannolii cant seem to get this movie to wokr in mplayer or kaffine04:06
jason__10Cannoli:  mplayer not good enough?04:06
Cannolii get an error04:06
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jason__10hmm, propbably to do with a codec04:06
flaccidwhat is the error04:06
flaccidusually better to fix an error. in this case all media players use the same codecs.. so getting another play probably won't help04:06
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:07
Cannolieorror opening/initializing the selected video_out (vo) device04:07
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flacciddid you google the problem04:07
flaccidand do you have libxine-extracodecs installed?04:08
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flaccidCannoli: if you have codecs installed. google shows lots of possible solutions: http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=error+opening/initializing+the+selected+video_out+(vo)+device+ubuntu&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-804:08
rc-1hi, ktorrent and other apps keep crashing like this : http://pastebin.com/m5ee7fb6a04:12
tazgodxCannoli: why not try VLC04:12
jason__10rc-1:  definately a QT problem04:13
jason__10have you tried doing a reinstall or upgrade?04:14
jason__10when was the last time you done a major upgrade?04:14
albertmksuperkaramba just crashs04:14
albertmksometimes it resemble windows apps04:14
rc-1jason__10: yesterday i installed kubuntu04:14
brycewhow do I view the logs in .gaim?  Does it also show the conversations, or just the status'?04:15
rc-1jason__10: fresh install, from live cd04:15
tazgodxanyone know of a remote desktop prog for kubuntu, that lets me remotely access a vista machine?04:16
jason__10rc-1:  hmm04:16
jason__10strange, i never had that prob, but if you open Adept (package manager) look to see how many packages could be upgraded.. it will tell you at the bottom04:17
driftazgodx: if vista supports some vnc-based software - then it should be rather easy04:17
driftazgodx: google for vnc04:17
jason__10hi again brycew04:18
jason__10usually there is a menu item for HIstory, if you click on the user with right mouse04:18
Cannoligot it working04:18
Cannolithanx :)04:19
albertmkanything else to improve kde look besides superkaramba?04:19
jason__10albertmk:  your not from Milton keynes MK are you?04:19
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rc-1jason__10: installing updates, ill let you know if it fixs :)04:19
jason__10or you really like mortal kombat?04:19
albertmkjason__10: no at all04:19
jason__10rc1 no probs04:19
jason__10albertmk:  no worries lol04:19
brycewSorry, got lost in reading some information lol Thanks for the welcome back jason__10!04:20
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jason__10albertmk: i always make my bottom panel Tiny and remove some of the items like virtual windows viewer, i change the time to not show date etc and I make my own menu of apps I only use in a nice order04:21
jason__10brycew: no worries mate04:21
jason__10albertmk:  also you know you have the icon with places, home folder and storage devices... I always make a mini menu similar to that called work, with all the tools i only use when im working. sort of makes it easier and it looks good. I also downloaded a set of nice icons04:22
flaccidtazgodx: krdc04:22
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jason__10albertmk:  tbh i think the trick with kde is not to use karamba and other gimicks that slow you down, just make the simple things look nicer like KDM login splash, the panel, wallpaper and icons.04:24
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jason__10so you have a nice look and speedy system04:24
tazgodxflaccid: got a link?04:24
flaccidtazgodx: install the package rdesktop and then run krdc . then use rdp:/myvistabox04:25
albertmkthanks for your information04:25
asdwerfzI need some help to create a Kubuntu boot disk04:25
jason__10albertmk:  its ok sorry for typin so much lol04:25
flaccidasdwerfz: use the livecd04:25
jason__10i love my kde desktop and its quite plain04:25
asdwerfzbut i want to initialize it from the hd04:26
flaccidasdwerfz: initialise?04:26
asdwerfzin the sda104:26
flaccidwhat do you mean04:26
jason__10asdwerfz:  its prob best to just install to a small partition04:26
jason__10a lot better04:26
flaccidwhat are you trying to achieve, asdwerfz04:27
asdwerfzwhen i used the winXP and the ubuntu the grub used to work04:27
tazgodxhow come i have one file that will never upgrade? it always says one file help back04:27
flaccidasdwerfz: you can reinstall grub via livecd04:27
flaccidtazgodx: try sudo apt-get install packageheldback04:27
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greenkoboldhave anyone successfully used Ubuntu 7.04's wxPython package? i mean, can you at least import it on python? (import wx)04:28
tazgodxshen i try to install like that it says it has unmet dependancies04:29
brycewQuestion for someone:  I'm trying to upload a picture to a website of myself... Everytime I browse to find the picture on my profile, click to choose and upload, it doesn't work.  I noticed when I select the desired picture and it shows up in the upload box, there's no .jpg at the end of it... is this why it's not working?04:29
flaccidasdwerfz: i'll check04:30
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:30
flaccidthere we go04:30
tazgodxand when i try to upgrade the unmet dependancy, it tells me newest is installed04:30
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asdwerfzI'll have a look04:31
jason__10brycew:  im not sure, it might be the script on the site playin up04:31
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flaccidtazgodx: pastebin the whole output of sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo lsb_release -a04:31
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brycewjason__10: it's my yahoo profile I'm trying to update lol When you pointed it out to me in your message, I realized it's been years since I updated that.04:31
brycewif none of you have tried the new Nestle Dibs, you're missing out... They are my new best friend for munchies lol04:33
brycewsorry for the off topic there04:33
drifbrycew: shame on you, promoting those greedy faceless corporations04:33
tazgodxflaccid: how do i pastebit the output?04:33
flaccid!pastebin > tazgodx04:34
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rc-1jason__10: didnt help :( what else should i try04:34
jason__10sorry rc-104:35
tazgodxso what would the syntax be for the output?04:35
brycewdrif: but they are soooooooooooo yummy lol04:35
brycewand the wife is at work, so I don't have to share >:D04:36
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albertmkjason__10: btw, tell me more about "KDM login splash"04:37
albertmkif you are not busy, of course04:38
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flaccidtazgodx: just run that long command and pastebin the output04:38
tazgodxi ran it, but got this "sudo: /etc/apt/sources.list: command not found"04:39
flaccidmy bad04:39
flaccidtazgodx:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo lsb_release -a04:39
rc-1freak so much stuff keeps crashing?04:39
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rc-1anyone know what http://pastebin.com/m7cd0fb51 could mean :?(04:40
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tazgodxflaccid: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35196/04:40
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flaccid!baddevice > rc-104:41
rc-1oh thanx04:41
rc-1i guess stuff is unstable for unrelated reasons then :\ (ktorrent, eclipse, firefox)04:42
flaccidtazgodx: what does sudo apt-get install libcompizconfig-backend-kconfig   return?04:42
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Daisuke_Laptopwell then, i've figured out my direct rendering problem04:42
flaccidrc-1: its for tablet support in xorg.conf. no actual problem04:42
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rc-1ah ok thanks!04:42
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rc-1how do i figure out why these apps are crashing? the only errors i see are the ones i pasted, which are unrelated?04:44
jakeHello, I made a cheatsheet for new Kubuntu users.04:44
jakeI was wondering if anyway has any problems with it or suggestions?04:44
flaccidtazgodx: were you here yesterday with same problem04:44
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tazgodxyesterday i was on my windows partition04:44
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Daisuke_Laptopjawee_: i'm going to take a look at that04:46
flaccidyou are trying to install compiz fusion basically, tazgodx?04:46
Daisuke_Laptopsounda like a good idea04:46
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tazgodxi tried, but it doesn't work. i was just curious how i can get rip of this icon in my taskbar telling me to upgrade04:46
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Daisuke_Laptopi can't justify telling users to use dolphin yet, as it feels woefully incomplete under feisty04:47
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jawee_Daisuke_Laptop: okay. :)04:48
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Daisuke_Laptopand it sort of implies (in the programs section) that you can no longer use the gnome equivalent in kde04:48
Daisuke_Laptopwhich just isn't true04:48
flaccidtazgodx: then just remove the repos (tuxfamily) and sudo apt-get update04:48
Daisuke_Laptopi like the list you have there though04:49
Daisuke_Laptopfor an integratoin-focused user, that's exactly what they'd be using :)04:49
jawee_Daisuke_Laptop: so you think the application part isn't helpful?04:49
Daisuke_Laptopoh, and the way the terminal commands are listed looks weird (pdf)04:49
Daisuke_Laptopit's helpful, but add a little disclaimer saying "you can still use the gnome alternative"04:50
jawee_I printed it out and it looked fine04:50
jawee_but I never looked much at the PDF on screen04:50
jawee_Are you using kpdf?04:50
Daisuke_Laptop(i use kde on my desktop, gnome on my laptop)04:51
jawee_I use KDE everywhere04:51
jawee_though it is slow on my old Celeron 46604:51
Daisuke_Laptopsee, that's the thing04:51
tazgodxflaccid:  thanks that worked04:51
Mr56kwhats the apt-get command for getting firefox ?04:52
Daisuke_Laptopthe fact that you CAN use kde on that is a testament to (k)ubuntu's flexibility with hardware04:52
Daisuke_Laptopsudo apt-get install firefox04:52
jawee_well I will try a new font04:52
jawee_this one doesn't look too great on screen04:52
jawee_I see what you mean04:52
Daisuke_Laptopi'm willing to bet xp wouldn't run nearly as well on that machine04:52
jawee_it looks ok printed04:52
jawee_I used to run XP on it04:53
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jawee_it was awful04:53
jawee_and no cleartype04:53
debiani386evening all04:53
Daisuke_Laptopi'm STILL fighting to get jbuilder working04:53
jawee_so the fonts were awful04:53
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Daisuke_Laptopapparently linux wasn't a high priority for the distributor...04:53
thevis there any easy way to resize a folder full of jpgs?04:53
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jawee_I'm saying Linux worked better than XP, since it can with 9804:54
thevI tried imagemagick, but it's really making me crazy04:54
Mr56kEverytime i try to open Adept installer from the K- Menu I get the error:  Another process is using the packaging system. Please close the other etc..   Well as far as I no nothing is open plus I even rebooted the machine. Whats next ?04:54
debiani386linux "worked" better then xp? does windows xp work better then linux now?04:54
debiani386or did you type 'd' meaning 's'04:54
Daisuke_Laptopjawee_: oh, definitely linux will work better than xp on that machine, that's what i was saying04:54
jawee_oh, ok04:55
jawee_debiani386: I'm just saying XP was a plain mess on it and it was from 2001. Linux runs faster and better from a modern 2007 distro04:55
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debiani386jawee >> ah.04:55
Mr56kanyone ?04:56
Daisuke_Laptop!aptfix | Mr56k04:56
ubotuMr56k: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 04:56
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debiani386sudo aptfix will fix your problem mr56k04:57
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jawee_anyway, thanks for the input05:02
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fangoriousi just burned a gutsy flight5 cd, and there doesn't appear to be a gui install mode, is that right?05:05
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dewitti had same problem as mr56k, used command listed by ubotu, but now it has error when i try to update05:06
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wersis there an alternative for GNOME's deskbar applet for KDE?05:07
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Jucatoperhaps the strigi applet05:08
Mr56kthat fixed it. Thanks Ubotu!05:08
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:08
Jucatoif you want to thank ubotu...05:09
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!05:09
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!05:10
Daisuke_Laptopwhazza deskbar applet?05:10
Jucatoit's a panel applet in GNOME05:10
jawee_darn, I was hoping for more messages05:10
Jucatoit can do searches, launch apps, webpages05:11
fangoriousdoes kubuntu have a gui installer?05:11
hydrogenso like katapult..?05:11
hydrogenwhich is installed by default05:11
Jucatosort of, except the search part :)05:11
hydrogenit kind of seraching05:11
hydrogeninstall google desktop :)05:11
Jucatoor strigi!!05:11
hydrogendeb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable non-free05:12
Daisuke_Laptopis beagle even updated anymore?05:12
Jucatostrigi will be installed by default in Gutsy :)05:12
Jucatoand it will be the default in KDE 4... so...05:12
jawee_I use kerry05:12
Jucatokerry is just a KDE frontend to beagle05:12
jawee_which is basically Beagle05:12
Jucatoyou still need beagle.. and mono05:12
hydrogenuse kat!05:12
jawee_yeah :\05:12
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Jucatokat's still alive?05:12
jawee_I'd use something better if it came along05:12
JucatoI thought it was on a respirator already05:12
fignewstrigi = gonna be in 7.1005:12
hydrogenuse it anyways05:12
jawee_But I don't want to use Google software05:12
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Daisuke_Laptopuntil i can use a cuecat to search for things by barcode, i'm not interested...05:13
jawee_though i did finally bite the bullet and get Google Earth05:13
hydrogenyou commie05:13
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searaymani have gnoem and kde and i want to find my path to GT files how can i do this?05:18
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searaymanneed help i keep gettign this error: configure: error: Could not find Kopete header files!05:22
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Jucatosearayman: what are you trying to do?05:24
Jucatooh the kopete patch thingy?05:24
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mmmiiikkkeeeadept updater keeps telling me that "compiz-core" is upgradable... enver after upgrading it05:26
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jawee__mmmiiikkkeee: I personally just use aptitude and never use the GUI tools for package management.05:27
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mmmiiikkkeeei normaly use apt-get.. but i like adept-updater so i _know_ when i need to get an update...any ways.. i installed with apt-get and it still thinks the package is upgradable05:29
searaymanJucato, configure a kopete plugin05:29
hydrogenmmmiiikkkeee: It does the same thing for me05:30
hydrogenmmmiiikkkeee: I think its a bug with the package05:30
Jucatosearayman: try installing kdenetwork-dev05:30
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searaymanJucato, ok one more things05:31
searaymanJucato, it says to do this: ./configure --prefix=/path/to/kde/3.505:31
searaymanJucato, what shoudl i do for my path?05:31
mmmiiikkkeeehydrogen: ok thanks... i will just wait for it to be fixed... I was just worried i messed up my compiz install05:32
coreymon77does anyone know anything about fink in here, because the people in the fink channel arent answering05:32
searaymanJucato, u there?05:33
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flaccidcoreymon77: you are using fink on ubuntu?05:33
flaccid!find fink05:33
ubotuFile fink found in zsh, zsh-beta05:33
Jucatosearayman: sorry stepped out a bit.05:33
=== flaccid looks at the channel name
coreymon77i know05:33
searaymanJucato, did u get my last messages?05:33
flaccidthis was #kubuntu last time i checked. see ##mac05:33
coreymon77but i though id give it a try05:33
jawee_coreymon77: Did you get a Mac?05:34
flaccidgo play with the arrogrance in ##mac05:34
Jucatocoreymon77: still about konvi?05:34
jawee_coreymon77: well funny place to run into you.05:34
intelikeyi have this nic i pulled from one box and put in another,  but in the other it don't work.   same *buntu/version   same driver/module    what am i missing ?05:34
searaymanJucato, ok i made progress got a new error now05:34
searaymanJucato, configure: error: X Screensaver extension header files not found!05:34
Jucatosearayman: by default it will be /usr where KDE is installed, so you don't need to do anything05:34
intelikeyJucato long C++ no time05:34
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Jucatoheheh :)05:35
JucatoI had to step out so that you could reclaim your throne in here :P05:36
intelikeywell did i ?05:36
searaymanJucato, any idea for this error?05:36
searaymanJucato, configure: error: X Screensaver extension header files not found!05:36
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Jucatosearayman: wait05:36
searaymanJucato, k05:37
Jucatonot sure if installing xorg-dev will fix that05:38
intelikeysearayman there isn't a specific xscreensaver-dev anything  so try the xorg-dev package05:38
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searaymaninaety, didnt find that package?05:40
intelikeyanyone want to look at my issue ?    http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3920705:41
flaccidok intelikey mate05:42
intelikey!info xorg-dev05:42
ubotuxorg-dev: the X.Org X Window System development libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.2-0ubuntu11 (feisty), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB05:42
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flaccidwas was the problem sorry intelikey05:42
intelikeyflaccid i'm talking on eth0  but can't get eth1 up05:42
tzangerI"ve got a 7.04 system I buggered up grub with05:42
flaccideth1 is wireless?05:43
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:43
=== flaccid looks
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tzanger/dev/sda1 is an xfs root filesystem, grub in the mbr of the same drive.  It says it's loading stage 1.5, then gives an error 17.05:43
tzangerI haven't got web access since that system is down, unfortunately05:43
flaccidintelikey: does the interface come up in ifconfig eth105:43
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intelikeyflaccid no05:43
unix_infidelis partimage included with the install / live cd?05:43
tzangerI know I can fix this if I could just tell grub what to do, but grub-install /dev/sda says it cant' read stage1, even though it's 512 bytes long and not reporting any read errors in dmesg05:44
intelikeyeth1: error fetching interface information: Device not found05:44
drifintelikey: found out which module kicks up that KTI adapter?05:44
intelikeydrif yeah the same one for the reltek  and that may be teh issue05:45
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drifintelikey: could be because lshw seems to be clashing those two :-\05:45
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unix_infidelhmm, i guess not then?05:45
cvstrat<--- finally has nvidia drivers installed and both monitors working05:46
intelikeydrif or hit someone that can say "oh yeah i had that problem..."05:46
intelikeyooops heh05:46
=== intelikey keeps hoping he'll stumble onto the answer
intelikeytranspose the posts...05:47
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intelikey/ me  is not a command.. :)05:47
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nicholaspaulMy USB Jump drive shows up in Gnome on the desktop - but where do i find it in KDE?05:47
fignewshould show up on the desktop in KDE too05:48
intelikeynicholaspaul we would hope the same place...05:48
nicholaspaulyes. but it doesnt. is there another route?05:48
intelikeymount it manually05:48
fignewdoes anything pop up when you plug it in?05:48
nicholaspaulno nothing.05:49
intelikeythat always works...   except when it doesn't.05:49
searaymanJucato, got my plugin to coa05:49
nicholaspaulit shows up in lsusb... how do i mount it manually?05:49
intelikeysudo mount <device> <mount/point>        translate <>     man mount if you need options.05:50
nicholaspaulhow do i know what the device is called?05:50
intelikeymight look like     sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/disk05:51
intelikeyif it shows in lsusb doesn't that give a device ???   i don't have anything usb to test.05:51
nicholaspaulit gives a number but not a /dev/hda type name05:52
intelikeycat /proc/partitions   should show05:52
intelikeynicholaspaul or;  sudo fdisk -l05:52
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nicholaspaulaah there it is. sdc1 thx intelikey :)05:53
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flaccidintelikey: sorry my gutsy crashed. any luck ?05:54
intelikeyflaccid no05:54
intelikeyi'm joogling still05:54
nicholaspaulintelikey - perfect, I got it :) Thx so much! (again!)05:55
intelikeynicholaspaul welcome welcome, welcome.   now stop crying on me and move on.05:56
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nicholaspaulintelikey: LOL05:57
=== Daisuke_Laptop pokes intelikey
Daisuke_Laptoppeople see you as a compassionate soul!05:57
kubuntunewbieDoes anyone know of any games available to download that are good and dont require much CPU?05:58
Jucato"intelikey" and "compassion" seem to be an odd couple...05:58
intelikeyDaisuke_Laptop yeah i try really hard to make a good false impression05:58
albertmkkubuntunewbie: StarCraft05:58
intelikeyerrr i mean first impression05:58
albertmkkubuntunewbie: StarCraft - Real Time Strategy05:58
Jucatofrozen bubble...05:58
Daisuke_Laptopbut...  starcraft isn't free05:59
intelikeykubuntunewbie    kolf   xsol   xboard05:59
albertmkyeah, it is not05:59
kubuntunewbiehow much does it cost?05:59
Daisuke_Laptopbattle of wesnoth05:59
albertmk10 bucks05:59
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cvstratwhy does it seem like any step by step tutorial is written for gnome users, not kde?05:59
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albertmkif you want to run it on linux, it will take some time06:00
Daisuke_Laptopbecause ubuntu is primarily gnome.06:00
flaccidintelikey: confirmed that the chipset/card is supported and which driver?06:00
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kubuntunewbieto be honest, this is my second time ever using linux and im just trying to learn it, anything fun i can do?06:00
Daisuke_Laptopand SC runs like a charm in Wine right out of the box :D06:00
flaccidcvstrat: people need to create kubuntu specific wiki entries06:00
intelikeyflaccid yeah.  been using it in the other box i just pulled it from...06:00
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Daisuke_Laptopkubuntunewbie: start by exploring the menus :)06:00
nicholaspaul/dev/sdc1 /media/1gig06:00
albertmkkubuntunewbie: start programming?06:00
ahvargaskubuntunewbie: learn hoe to program in python06:01
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albertmkkubuntunewbie: learn C Language06:01
flaccidso its basically not being assigned a logical name06:01
Daisuke_Laptopwrite pseudocode, pretend to comment...  bam, python program06:01
flacciddoes /dev/eth0 exist?06:01
intelikey kubuntunewbie   and "right click everything"06:01
flaccidintelikey: i mean /dev/eth106:01
intelikeyflaccid ls: /dev/et*: No such file or directory06:02
flaccidoh my bad06:02
flaccidits not like that on linux is it06:02
albertmkkubuntunewbie: start programming only if you like to do that06:02
sanzanricssh is very fun06:02
cloakableNope :P06:02
cloakableflaccid: nope06:02
ubotuwinamp is a windows music player. On Ubuntu you can use beep-media-player or xmms as alternative.06:03
sanzanricyou need to Linux boxes tho06:03
Daisuke_Laptopkubuntunewbie: what would you have done in windows?06:03
sanzanrictwo boxes06:03
flaccidum so how do you troubleshoot an iface on linux06:03
albertmkkubuntunewbie: This website is cool http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Main_Page06:03
albertmkkubuntunewbie: I cant send you private messages06:04
ahvargassanzanric: no dont need two boxes you can ssh to localhost06:04
Daisuke_Laptopphoto editing?  learn the gimp or krita!  have a music collection?  amarok is your friend.06:04
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intelikeyflaccid yeah that's the Q   and i'm still network illiterate.06:04
albertmkkubuntunewbie: start installing programmings like MP3 Players, Burn some CD/DVD etc06:04
intelikeybut jucato is the network pro  i'll ask him...06:04
albertmkkubuntunewbie: learn how to use the terminal06:04
brad_my wireless keeps disconnecting after a while, and then wont reconnect, and it wont start working again if you close knetwork manager and start it again06:05
albertmkIm also a newbie thou :D06:05
intelikey!cli | kubuntunewbie06:05
sanzanricahvargas: but that's only so fun06:05
ubotukubuntunewbie: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:05
brad_but if you restart the comp (w/o touching router) it will work when turned back on06:05
ahvargaskubuntunewbie: install beryl or compiz fusion06:06
brycewHow do I get java runtime for Firefox?06:06
sanzanricahvargas: i actually do that all the time but with a vm06:06
intelikeyoh let the poor guy explor the working system before you have him break it.06:07
flaccidintelikey: dang. yeah if this was bsd, i would know what to do because they use bios names. because linux uses linux logical names the process is crazy06:07
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ahvargassanzanric: ja ok06:07
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brycewDoes anyone here know how to get java runtime working for my firefox browser?  I'd like to play pogo.com games but it says I need java runtime :S06:08
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sanzanrictry downloading "cheese" from getdeb.net, if you like photobooth on mac os x you'll find its somewhat fun06:09
intelikey!java | brycew06:09
ubotubrycew: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.06:09
kubuntunewbiedo any of you guys use linux and nothing else?  i would like to rid my life of windows but this seems complex06:09
BioVorEI install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin06:10
BioVorEThat give me full java from apt..06:10
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intelikeykubuntunewbie here here.06:10
flaccidkubuntunewbie: i use linux,freebsd and mac os x :)06:11
intelikeykubuntunewbie i'm not alone you just asked at a bad time06:11
flaccidkubuntunewbie: with help here you can accomplish it06:11
sanzanrickubuntu-restricted-extras? or is that only on 7.1006:11
ahvargasanoyone know how to make X11 take diferrent files for configuration06:12
sanzanricyeah, it's only on gusty06:12
ahvargasi want to make a script to load my x with or whithout xinerama06:13
intelikey<not_trolling> "M$ is the OS for liars" "everyone using M$ lied about the EULA" </not_trolling>06:13
albertmkkubuntunewbie: I can tell you this: irc.freenode.com helps me a lot06:13
intelikey!beryl | kubuntunewbie06:13
ubotukubuntunewbie: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects06:13
albertmkkubuntunewbie: 4 months ago I was just like you :P06:13
NickPrestaMy power went out today and when I turned back on my computer, I got this message during bootup (I have my splash off): Error receiving uevent message: No buffer space available. Is this a serious message or a minute error that will go away next time my system powers down normally?06:13
intelikey!ubotu | kubuntunewbie06:13
ubotukubuntunewbie: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:13
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albertmkQuestion: Is there anykind of user friendly manual for kubuntu begginers ?06:14
albertmkHow to burn cds. etc06:14
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tazgodxwhats a good web page building app in linux?06:14
flaccidalbertmk: http://wiki.kubuntu.org06:15
albertmkyeah. it would be nice to have this06:15
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flaccidtazgodx: bluefish is ok06:15
sanzanrictry f1 while running a program06:15
ahvargastazgodx: dreamweber ruining with wine :P06:15
NickPrestaalbertmk, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty/ Most of that applies to Kubuntu, although not all of it06:15
flaccidalbertmk: the ubuntu doc team don't want anything further than what is available atm :(06:15
intelikeyNickPresta i'd say the initramfs is looking for usplash and you have it turned off   but without researching it, that's just a guess06:15
NickPrestaalbertmk, I'm an idiot: http://kubuntuguide.org/Feisty06:15
albertmkkubuntunewbie: you should add these websites to your bookmark06:15
brycewintelikey: I downloaded that sun java, read the page, but as I was downloading and installing the package, it gave me an error message saying the package was damaged.  I tried three different times :S06:15
ahvargas tazgodx: you also can run aptana06:15
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intelikeybrycew S:06:16
drifbrycew: not from repository then?06:16
intelikeybrycew ummm what's it's format ?06:16
brycewdrif: yes, downloaded it from adept manager06:16
kubuntunewbieis there a way to make it so that when i click on a URL konqueror opens it in a new tab as opposed to an entire new window?06:17
intelikeyuse apt-get06:17
NickPrestakubuntunewbie, middle click06:17
sanzanricaptana is my personal favorite06:17
brycewI tried installing these two: Sun Java6: sun-java6-bin, sun-java6-jr06:17
drifbrycew: I was just wondering which page you read - something from ubotu?06:17
brycewintelikey: what do you mean use apt-get?06:17
intelikeybrycew   sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-bin06:18
intelikeyin a konsole06:18
brycewwill try that06:18
intelikeythat way if it fails maybe we can tell why06:18
ahvargasyou can also use wajig instead of apt-get it is much simple06:18
brycewE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct             the problem.06:18
NickPrestarun it :)06:19
drifbrycew: jsut execute it06:19
intelikeysudo dpkg --configure -a06:19
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intelikeythen the get.06:19
intelikeysudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-bin06:19
intelikeythe "divorce" ???06:19
tazgodxis there a .deb package of aptana? :)06:20
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intelikeyme wonders about me english06:20
drifintelikey: hm?06:20
NickPrestatazgodx, http://aptana.com/download_all.php#linux06:20
NickPrestaunzip and run Aptana06:20
intelikeydrif then the "get"   get == divorce06:20
brycewintelikey: thank you! that worked!06:20
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intelikeybrycew welcome.06:20
=== Dan[EQ] [n=blah@c220-237-16-164.blktn4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
ahvargasyou can install automatix2 then install aptana06:21
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)06:21
drifyeah :D06:21
flacciddont install automatix or aptana - why would you?06:21
brycewintelikey: problems still - when I go to run a pogo.com game, its still saying I need to download java runtime.06:21
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intelikeybrycew you have it,  you may need to configure alternatives to use it though06:22
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drifintelikey: in which language?06:22
Dan[EQ] hey guys, I'm wondering if someone could help me. I'm having issues with the internet on Kubuntu 7.04 as well as ubuntu 7.0406:22
ahvargasok ok06:22
tazgodxflaccid: your saying not to get aptana?06:22
NickPresta!ask | Dan[EQ] 06:22
ubotuDan[EQ] : Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:22
brycewintelikey: what do you mean by configuring alternatives?06:22
intelikeynot sure of the syntax brycew check with others    sudo update-alternatives java06:22
NickPrestathere isnt anything wrong with aptana06:22
intelikeybrycew example only   ^06:23
NickPrestaflaccid, what's wrong with aptana? =(06:23
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intelikeydrif hebrew06:23
flaccidwhats right with it?06:23
sanzanricit's in java?06:23
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flaccidactually sorry, i thought aptana was something else06:24
drifbrycew: 'sudo update-alternatives --config java'06:24
flaccidmaybe it is ok06:24
NickPrestaI've been using it for a little while. It seems very professional and it's an unzip and execute standalone so it's fairly harmless. Of course, YMMV06:24
intelikeyi'm saying automatix is bad  though06:24
=== rockets [n=rockets@pool-71-247-35-247.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
NickPrestaautomatix is indeed _bad_06:24
kubuntunewbiei am trying to create a folder and it is telling me that i do not have permission06:25
flaccidyeah aptana looks fine. i thought it was something else. automatix is a no no06:25
intelikeykubuntunewbie then you probably dont06:25
flaccidkubuntunewbie: where are you trying to create it?06:25
intelikeykubuntunewbie but root does06:25
intelikey!root | kubuntunewbie06:25
ubotukubuntunewbie: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:25
Dan[EQ] I can ping websites fine but when I try accessing certain websites using Konqueror it times out. Also when running Adept Manager it doesn't download any of the headers. It looks like I can only access certain websites. Right now adept manager is trying to get a package saying "changelogs.ubuntu.com contacted. Waiting for reply..." I can ping the website fine. Getting response of 300ms06:25
tazgodxi installed automatix, but then decided to install it all manually anyways, but i have no problem with it :)06:25
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intelikey1worksforme | tazgodx06:26
intelikey!worksforme | tazgodx06:26
ubotutazgodx: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/06:26
intelikey!root > kubuntunewbie06:26
ahvargasok i get the point06:26
intelikey!kdesu > kubuntunewbie06:26
ahvargasautomatx sucks06:26
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intelikey!virus > kubuntunewbie please read this page for info on why/how/where linux security is not like M$ insecurity...06:28
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ahvargas !virus06:29
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2106:29
intelikeyyep read the link06:29
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intelikey!ff > kubuntunewbie06:30
drif!aptfix | brycew06:31
ubotubrycew: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 06:31
Dan[EQ] Also my internal router (Netcomm voip running dhcp) is at which when I put into my web browser I cannot access but I can ping. My wireless router (dhcp off) is at and is a linksys. I can access that fine.06:31
drifintelikey: > sends to private?06:32
intelikeydrif yep06:32
drifgood to know06:32
intelikey!ubotu > drif06:32
ahvargaswhich is the file that tells kdm how to startx?06:33
intelikeyahvargas something in /etc/kde3/kdm/06:33
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intelikeyor should i start saying  /etc/kde?/kdm/   nowadays06:34
ahvargasintelikey: you know how it works?06:34
ahvargasintelikey: i will like to pass some arguments to my x server before start06:35
intelikeyahvargas yeah pretty much.  enough to know i don't like it.   i only use xdm or gdm06:35
drif!pasteit > brycew06:35
intelikeyahvargas sell there should be a file in that dir for pre-start06:36
ahvargasintelikey: why? xdm can laod my kde ?06:36
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intelikeyahvargas yes, it can.  gdm can and with more features.   ?dm are only graphic login windows really.06:37
intelikeythey just log you into a desktop session   the DE takes over from there06:38
intelikeymore or less06:38
ahvargasintellikey:ok , thanks i will give it a try06:38
intelikeyahvargas before you do.06:38
ahvargasintellikey: any reference or how it is called? in /etc/init.d/xdm06:39
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ahvargasintellikey: i want to make a personal script for loding the x server06:39
intelikeyahvargas kcontrol has a section on settings in the login manager (kdm)   do look there for an easy gui way to accomplish your desired end06:39
verrlaraHow does one boot from a live cd? Do you have to hold down a button like you do on a Mac?06:40
ahvargasintellikey: but i dont care for an easy gui , i want to take the contro of it06:40
ahvargasintellikey: dont act like everyone except you is a fool06:40
intelikeyahvargas also for what you are talking about  you might want to look in /etc/X11/xserver06:40
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ahvargasintellikey: ok tahnks a lot06:41
=== intelikey seldom acts.
intelikeyverrlara that is entirely bios specific06:41
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intelikeysome bios's (bioi ?) can be set to not boot a cd at all or simply boot it if it's there and if not move to the next boot device...06:43
rayluwhere can i find usplash themes?06:43
cvstratcould anyone point me to a compiz fusion install tutorial for kde? cant seem to find one that doesn't have gnome specific steps06:43
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:43
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork06:43
raylu=\ duh06:44
intelikeyraylu you know,  i've not seen that question befor   or if i have i forgot06:44
intelikeyhave you googled 'usplash themes'06:44
intelikeyshot in the dark06:45
kubuntunewbieis there a good chess program for linux?06:47
fignewdepends, do you wanna play against the computer, or against people (over the internet)06:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kchess - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:48
flaccidwhats it called06:48
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flaccidthere is xboard06:49
flaccid!info xboard06:49
ubotuxboard: An X Window System Chess Board. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2.7-7ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 505 kB, installed size 2792 kB06:49
fignew!info gnuchess06:49
ubotugnuchess: Plays a game of chess, either against the user or against itself. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.07-4 (feisty), package size 88 kB, installed size 272 kB06:49
flaccid!info kchess06:49
ubotuPackage kchess does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:49
flaccidthere is an implementation of gnuchess for k06:49
fignew!info knights06:49
flaccidthats it06:49
intelikeyok i'll modprobe every driver in /lib/mod*/*/*/net/*   if one of them works "tov"      brute force the device,  but i'm not a hacker.06:50
fignewfine ubotu! ignore me!06:50
ubotuknights: A chess interface for the K Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-7.1ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 785 kB, installed size 1764 kB06:50
fignewI would try it... if I didn't suck at chess06:50
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intelikeyapplying force  if i ping out you'll know where i went06:52
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intelikeyjust did >>>  for Q in `modprobe -l | grep /net/` ;do modprobe `basename $Q` ;done   <<< nothing new in dmesg and no change on eth1's non-existance    bah.06:54
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rayluwhat does /etc/network/interfaces have?06:55
intelikeyhardly matters until the device is recognized06:55
cvstrati'm not sure what i did, i follow the compiz install step by step, and when i replace the screen flicks but nothing is changed06:55
rayluWell, eth1 isn't really a device06:56
intelikeyyes it is06:56
raylui thought it was just the logical name of a device06:56
raylucvstrat, run compiz in a terminal to catch the output?06:56
intelikeyi have an onboard eth0 and a pci eth106:56
rayluo.0, so where do i get usplash themes?06:57
intelikeybut the card is not working in this box.     works fine in the box beside me,  same system same driver06:57
cvstratraylu: well the install steps seem awefully simple, i don't get any errors at all06:57
drifraylu: do not look repository for those - seem rather lame ;)06:57
raylucvstrat, not the install steps...actually running compiz06:58
rayludrif ...ok?06:58
intelikeyraylu i already sujested google        https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=18776506:58
intelikeyand that's the first thing google shows06:58
drifraylu: because there are few ones06:58
cvstratraylu: /usr/bin/compiz: line 777: 13269 Segmentation fault      $*06:59
rayluintelikey, i left for a second :P i swear i didn't see that06:59
rayludrif, what i meant to say was "that wasn't helpful"06:59
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intelikeyraylu oh  well ok.  i'll stop talking through my hat then07:00
intelikeyi do want to repost it though.07:01
intelikey<intelikey> raylu you know,  i've not seen that question befor   or if i have i forgot07:01
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intelikey<intelikey> have you googled 'usplash themes'07:01
intelikeyjust for the sake of...    hmmm  never mind.07:01
intelikeyok i'm rebooting and turning the onboard off to see if that's the problem.07:02
arunif i install a guest OS on vmware, will the OS be installed in my /home partition or in my / partition?07:04
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drifarun: you can pick the location yourself - my bet atleast07:06
arundrif: alright, thanks07:07
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intelikeyok i'm flustered07:15
drifintelikey: what's the case?07:16
intelikeyjust doesn't work in this box.07:16
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drifintelikey: had to boot twice then?07:16
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intelikeyyeah   boot   test  test test    boot back online07:17
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driftried different pci slot?07:17
intelikeyonly have two...07:17
drifwell, the other one then :D07:18
intelikeyheh and i unpluged it and redid07:18
drifor just one free?07:18
intelikeyjust one free07:18
intelikeyyou know,  you may be onto something.07:18
intelikeysound doesn't work right on this thing either,   works but so quiet you can't hear it07:19
underdog5004I put in a wireless card in my uncles computer, but the computer wouldn't boot when it was in. When I switched the slot, it worked nicely07:19
intelikeypossable that the slot and the onboard sound are both dammaged.07:19
underdog5004or your sound card isn't properly supported...07:19
intelikeyif it were only that simple.07:20
intelikeyac97   :)07:20
drifintelikey: how many pci devices you have attached then?07:21
drifand how many slots on mb07:21
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drifboth occupied atm?07:21
intelikeyno i pulled the eth card07:22
drifand to which question you just answered to :D slots or devices07:22
drifapparently latter one07:23
intelikeyoh you did ask two things   heh  sorry i'm putting the card back in the other box,,,   one devicd two slots07:23
drifintelikey: ok, did you go through both slots then? that was left unclear to me07:24
intelikeydid i unplug my scsi card ?  no   but that's a must have.   so i'm not much interested in messing with it.07:25
drifwell not messing, just swapping slots07:25
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intelikeyyeah i know.   i may test the scsi card in the other slot next time i'm in that box,    but not right now.07:26
driffor some reason ethernet/soundcards have trouble working in certain slots07:26
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driffor some reason ethernet/soundcards have trouble working in certain slots07:27
drifintelikey: as root on irc?07:28
intelikeyno never07:28
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intelikeyi had hoped to get this box setup as a intermediate gateway    but that looks like it will have to wait for next weekend07:30
drifbusy week?07:31
intelikeywell maybe maybe not   but not much time at this locale07:31
drifnow some sleep - finally07:32
Dan[EQ] My default gateway is constantly being rewritten as using knetworkmanager. After I modify it manually and save it I will reload the manager and it will have in the field. Someone help?07:35
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intelikeyDan[EQ]  i wish i could.  i'm pretty green on networking stuff    you could set the ip in /etc/network/interfaces   i think07:37
intelikeyerrr that's not what you want07:37
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Dan[EQ] Might just revert to Kubuntu 6.06.107:39
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RaleskDan[EQ] : does the same to me too... thankfully I don't need to meddle with it regularly07:45
Dan[EQ] unfortunately it's totally stuffing me up07:46
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Dan[EQ] Not able to use apt-get at all... can't find the websites to download information however I can ping it totally fine.07:47
intelikeyDan[EQ]      you could set the ip in /etc/network/interfaces   >^ i do believe i remember setting a gateway there07:47
intelikeydnsmasq  ?07:48
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intelikeyDan[EQ]  you using dnsmasq  ?07:48
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intelikeyhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.us/39209 example07:53
flaccidDan[EQ] : pastebin /etc/network/interfaces07:54
flaccidyou can also remove networkmanager, but ubuntu doesn't seem to like that on boot07:54
Dan[EQ] will check it out07:54
Dan[EQ] Thanks!07:54
Dan[EQ] And intelikey I don't use dnsmasq... I don't know what that is =P07:54
Dan[EQ] I shouldn't have to modify my interfaces cause I'm using dhcp I though...07:55
=== intelikey has never used networkmanager... toche
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Dan[EQ] I have a feeling it's my netcomm router not playing nice with linux07:57
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intelikeytrue: bah: command not found    <<<  hehhe actual error.   my shell is "true"  :)08:01
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NickPrestaintelikey, I like `make love Make: Dont know how to make love. Stop.`08:05
flaccidDan[EQ] : then your dhcp server could be failing08:06
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flaccidrun dhclient manually08:06
flaccideg. sudo dhclient eth008:06
intelikeynickpresta: hehhe  yeah.      my /etc/passwd file   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3921008:07
NickPrestaintelikey, http://www.molgen.mpg.de/~wwwutz/Unix_Haters/old/unix-commands.html those are pretty good08:07
=== intelikey has no mouse attached, caught me with my mouse down NickPresta
intelikeypost me that tomarrow i'll thumb through it.  :)08:09
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intelikeyright now i'm gonna turn in earily    "i think that's the right phrase..."08:09
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NickPrestaheh. okay. Goodnight08:09
intelikeygoodday and shalom08:10
kubuntunewbieI have a netgear SC101 NAS-type drive08:10
kubuntunewbiedoes anyone know if it will work with linux?08:10
kubuntunewbieand if so how08:11
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jussi01does anyone know where on kmail I can set the browser that links open in? also where can I set it to have a tray icon?08:16
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=== Jucato checks
Jucatojussi01: system tray: Settings -> Configure KMail -> Appearance -> System Tray tab08:17
NickPrestajussi01, as for which browser, I think that is controlled by alternatives...08:17
Jucatoor rather by KDE Components -> Default Applications08:18
jussi01oh, so how do I set that for ff instead of konq??08:18
jussi01Jucato: kde components?08:18
Jucatofor KDE apps, K Menu -> System Settings -> Default Applications08:18
Jucatosorry that was the name of the group in KControl08:19
Jucatofor non-KDE apps and generally the whole system: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser08:19
NickPrestaThis is how I did it: `sudo update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox`08:19
kubuntunewbiecould someone please tell me how i can search the applications thingey08:19
jussi01hehe, thanks. whats the command for firefox? just "firefox"?08:19
JucatoI think so08:20
NickPrestakubuntunewbie, `man apt-cache`. Look for 'search'08:20
Jucatomaybe "firefox %u"08:20
jussi01Jucato: thanks a million :)08:20
Jucatojussi01: NickPresta too :)08:20
jussi01yes, thanks NickPresta also :)08:21
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=== NickPresta tips hat
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kubuntunewbiecould someone please tell me how i can search applications or browse them maybe?08:23
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NickPrestakubuntunewbie, `man apt-cache`. Look for 'search'08:24
NickPrestakubuntunewbie, or open up Adept and use the search bar...08:24
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Jucatokubuntunewbie: search for other applications? K Menu -> Add/Remove Programs or K Menu -> System -> Adept Manager08:25
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ubunturosfirefox is consuming (2.0.08:27
ubunturostoo much memory (I have 256 MB of RAM)08:27
=== nibou [n=nicolas@def92-8-82-236-12-218.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubunturosis that common? or is it just me?08:27
Jucatoit's firefox :)08:28
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Jucatoit's normal for firefox last I checked08:28
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ubunturosand now firefox "hangs" in between virtual desktops (workspaces)08:29
ubunturosin switching*08:29
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=== ubunturos had to kill Firefox :P
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NickPrestaubunturos, that isn't normal. It certainly doesn't happen to me08:31
ubunturosNickPresta: do you have any Add-ons installed?08:32
JucatoNickPresta: for a 256MB RAM machine, firefox does take up a lot of memory08:32
Jucatodunno if it has changed for the better recently08:32
NickPrestaJucato, no doubt. Especially with something like Beryl...08:32
=== ubunturos doesn't have Beryl
NickPrestaubunturos, according to my script, I have 33 extensions installed08:33
Jucatohe isn't running it08:33
NickPrestaI also have 6 tabs open08:33
JucatoNickPresta: how much RAM?08:33
ubunturosonce I start firefox, it consumes a lot of memory (around 40 MB) - irrespective of the number of tabs08:33
Jucatoalthough I don't know why it would hang when switching desktops08:34
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NickPrestaJucato, I know how to find the memory usage as a percent. What is the best way to find out it's numerical value (aside from doing TOTAL RAM / %)?08:34
JucatoNickPresta: um..no. I'm asking how much RAM you have08:34
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NickPrestaJucato, oh. 2GB =)08:34
Jucatowow! you're comparing it to someone w/ 256MB :)08:35
NickPrestaof course, I used a machine with 256 for several years and I still didn't notice a huge problem with Firefox08:35
Jucatowith KDE?08:35
NickPrestaKubuntu, infact08:35
NickPrestahow would one find the memory usage of an application? ubunturos, how do you know Firefox is using ~40MB?08:36
Jucatobut still, he isn't running beryl though...08:36
Jucatomemory usage reporting is a bit inaccurate actually08:36
ubotuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html08:37
ubunturosNickPresta: After I log in I issue a free -m at the console08:37
NickPrestawell, there are caches, buffers, etc, etc. Assuming we both use the same methods, it should be fine.08:37
ubunturosnote the values and then, start firefox08:37
NickPrestaubunturos, but those aren't directly from Firefox, IIRC. There are shared libraries, etc, that affect this, aren't there?08:37
ubunturosNickPresta: I"m not sure .. may be ..08:37
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kubuntunewbieokay, im new to this, can someone please help me out08:40
kubuntunewbiewhat i did was08:40
kubuntunewbiesudo apt-get install 3dchess08:40
kubuntunewbieand it appeared to have worked08:40
kubuntunewbiebut where did it go and how do i use it?08:40
raylualt+f2, 3dchess08:41
raylushould start you off08:41
kubuntunewbiecould not run the specified command.08:42
yeniklasorrWith which option must I burn a cd with K3b for creating a VCD compatible mp3 cd ?08:42
flaccid!info 3dchess08:42
ubotu3dchess: 3D chess for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-12 (feisty), package size 31 kB, installed size 132 kB08:42
JucatoI think it installed to either /usr/games or /usr/bin/games08:42
flaccidkubuntunewbie: you can check the bin file in apt:/show?3dchess in konqi08:43
kubuntunewbieand what does that mean? is there a way to create a shortcut for it?08:43
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Jucatokubuntunewbie: try Alt+F2, 3Dc08:43
ubunturoskubuntunewbie: add it to the panel ;)08:43
Jucatothe executable filename is 3Dc08:43
Jucatoto add it to the K Menu, just right-click on the K Menu icon and select Menu editor08:44
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kubuntunewbieOH great! ty so much08:44
kubuntunewbiethere is nothing 3d at all about this chess by the way!08:44
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flaccid3 as in 3 boards08:45
yeniklasorrWith which option must I burn a cd with K3b for creating a VCD compatible mp3 cd ? :(08:45
ubunturosflaccid: that was interesting to see in Konqueror - I didn't know that08:45
kubuntunewbieoh this program is crap, how do i uninstall things?08:45
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Jucatokubuntunewbie: how did you install it? if using apt-get, "sudo apt-get remove 3dchess"08:46
Jucatoif Adept Manger, just right click on it08:46
flaccidadept > kubuntunewbie08:46
brycewIf I want to login to root, I type su plus my password right?08:46
Jucatoflaccid: you missed the ! :)08:46
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Jucato!root > brycew08:46
flaccidah true08:47
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto08:47
NickPresta!info exmap08:47
ubotuexmap: determine how much physical memory and swap is used by individual processes. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10-1 (feisty), package size 142 kB, installed size 512 kB08:47
Jucatoyeniklasorr: you mean burn mp3's as an Audio CD?08:47
flaccidkubuntunewbie: read the howto thenyou don't have to ask us!08:47
brycewthanks Jucato08:47
flaccid!adept > ubotu08:47
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flaccid!adept > kubuntunewbie08:48
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kubuntunewbiewhy is it sometimes that when i get PMs they pop up a new window in konversation but other times they just stay in the main chat?08:48
yeniklasorrJucato : mp3's as mp3 cd, but when writing on data cd mode, my mp3 player can't play it08:49
ubunturoskubuntunewbie: a PM's purpose is that they open a "Private" Message08:49
flaccidbecuase one is a notice or message, the other is a real PM08:49
runleveltenthe one is a pm, the other is just a message with your name in kubuntunewbie08:49
Jucatoyeniklasorr: hm... not really sure. there shouldn't be a problem...08:49
kubuntunewbieoh okay, i had no idea, so how do i simply reply to someone without sending them a PM08:50
yeniklasorrJucato : could be about multisession ?08:50
Jucatodon't really know. sorry08:50
brycew!aptfix brycew08:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aptfix brycew - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:50
runleveltenkubuntunewbie: just type your message. Include their nickname if you want it to highlight like this message08:50
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:51
runleveltenkubuntunewbie: If you press tab after the first few letters of a nickname, you get auto-complete08:51
kubuntunewbierunlevelten: ahhhh08:51
kubuntunewbiedid that come up red on your screen?08:51
runleveltenThen that appears highlighted to me, you see?08:51
runleveltenYes. :)08:51
kubuntunewbieahh great, ty08:51
runleveltennp at all.08:51
kubuntunewbiei was PMing people and not even knowing what i was doing08:52
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kubuntunewbiehaha, im a moron, that must have been annoying, sorry all to whom i did that to08:52
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NickPrestausing exmap, my Firefox is using 262MB of virtual memory and it's sole use is ~115MB of memory (when you remove shared libraries and such)08:54
JucatoNickPresta: oh how small :)08:54
Jucatotranslate that to 256MB RAM?08:54
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comboimpossible?! yesterday i screw something with xorg, so i reinstall system (formatted only '/' partion - home was no-formatted) - and now - as i can see - Direct Renedering: YES; can someone explain WTF is going on with those ATI drivers?!08:55
NickPrestaHeh. I'm sure if I removed all my extensions and such, it would be smaller, but yeah, Firefox is generally a heavier option. No one ever said it wasn't ;)08:55
raylucombo, they're proprietary, so no :P08:55
rayluNickPresta, mozilla claims it's a "lightweight browser" :P08:56
combobut 3d does't work? :S08:56
raylum...no idea; g'night08:56
runleveltenfirefox lightweight? Pfft. Seamonkey is lighter now.08:57
runleveltenSo yeah, that was the plan initially.08:57
runleveltencombo what's impossible?08:57
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comborunlevelten: it shows me that i have Direct Rendering YES just after format of '/' partition :|08:58
combobut 3d doesn't work08:58
combo( ATI Radeon 9600)08:58
comboi didn't formatted /home partition so maybe somehow it caused that strange thing ? :/08:58
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comborunlevelten: do ya know maybe where is some good how-to install ATI drivers under kub-7.04 ? :}08:59
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:59
comborunlevelten: danke :D08:59
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runleveltencombo: Do you mean after a fresh install? What driver are you running?09:00
Raleskcombo: hah, a fellow 9600 user09:00
RaleskI saw the same, but the moment I started Xgl instead, I got Mesa and no direct rendering09:00
NickPrestaubunturos, you might just want to use Konqueror. According to exmap, I'm using a mere 16MB for Konqueror alone...09:00
Raleskso bleh :)09:00
runleveltencombo:  grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:00
combowhat mean what driver? idunno... ahev tried every... fglxr, XGL, AIGLX09:00
Raleskfglrx doesn't even work for me09:01
comboi have no knowledge 'bout that.. .just want to work it :)09:01
runleveltenfglrx is not some kind of alternative to xgl.09:01
ubunturosNickPresta: I do use Konqueror, but there are a few emails (I access web based email) that hang "konqueror" as well09:01
RaleskI get a black screen (not turned off, just black)09:01
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runleveltenAnd why you'd go near aiglx with an old radeon is beyond me.09:01
sparris there a kubuntu-on-tablet-pc howto?09:01
ubunturosNickPresta: may be they are random HTML emails :( :0/09:01
NickPrestaubunturos, oh. That sucks =(09:01
combothere is written driver: kbd, wacom, mouse, wacom, wacom, wacom and ATI09:01
combothat's all09:01
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combois this matter ? :}09:01
Raleskrunlevelten: 9600 isn't /that/ old :309:02
comboi just want to make my accelerate working! :|09:02
comboRalesk: one month ago i had BERYL on it ;P09:02
runleveltencombo: then you want fglrx.09:02
comboso i think it works very well :)09:02
ubunturosNickPresta: I have got used to Alt+O and Alt+D, so using two browsers isn't really difficult ;)09:02
runleveltenRalesk: I didn't say it was that old. I said it was old. :)09:02
comborunlevelten: 'fglrx'... let me ask u something... where was it....09:02
combowait a sec..09:02
runleveltencombo: You won't get such great easy beryl with fglrx on that card, but if you want games and stuff.09:03
comboi don't care beryl anymore09:03
comboBERYL sux09:03
runleveltenYou'll need it.09:03
comboit's borring any way09:03
=== runlevelten is using compiz-fusion/xgl/fglrx.
comboi just want make my screensaver work well :)09:04
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Ralesklast time I installed that crap, it clobbered my opengl .so which in turn made all the GL screensavers crash X :))  really good driver, thanks Ati, Inc :)))09:04
runleveltencombo: then install the non-free fglrx drivers :(09:04
Raleskor get a 9200 :D  lol09:04
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:04
comborunlevelten: is this non-free fglrx driver: ati-driver-installer-8.40.4-x86.x86_64.run09:05
runleveltencombo: read the howto.09:05
comboor definately from this guide u gave me ?09:05
comborunlevelten: ok09:05
sparri have turned on settings>desktop>behavior>fileicons>showpreviewsfor>images and i still have no thumbnails in konqueror.  help?09:05
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runleveltencombo: I've seen you referring to xgl and fglrx as if they do anything like the same thing. Stop trying to run before you can walk, have a nice cuppa, and follow the howto ;)09:06
runleveltenthat's my advice anyway :D09:06
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runleveltensparr: switched on previews in konqueror's view  preview and puyt it on icon view?09:07
comborunlevelten: one more question: is this good for *Kubuntu?09:08
=== runlevelten pours combo that cuppa
sparrproblem was the kde file size limit for preview generation, thanks09:08
runleveltencombo: yep.09:08
combocuz it would install synaptic for gnome, right ? :}09:08
Jucatooh hi sparr :)09:08
comborunlevelten: but as u advise :)09:08
combogoing work - sija!09:08
runleveltencombo: None of this will hurt. Package management GUIs are a single-instance app and you won't be running 3D games whilst using them.09:09
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runleveltenIt doesn't hurt to use synaptic imo.09:09
runleveltenwhich you won't be anyway :)09:09
Jucatobinary package managers are single instance apps... the only package managers I know of that aren't single instance would be source-based (Gentoo)09:10
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runleveltenI'm not aware of a GUI front end for emerge in kubuntu.09:13
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jussi01is it possible to connect a nokia 9300i to linux? if so, which software do I need?09:15
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runleveltenjussi01: I don't know about the 9300i so much, and it depends what you mean by "connect" - access the files? sync the calendar? bluetooth? usb cable? etc. :)09:16
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runleveltenBy bluetooth, probably yes. Through USB mass storage if the phone provides it, probably yes.09:16
runleveltenFor wired  management directly, there are programs called kandy and gnokii which I've never ever seen work, but you can do most stuff without them anyway.09:17
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NickPresta!info sdl09:19
ubotuPackage sdl does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas09:19
flaccid!find sdl09:20
ubotuFound: libsdl-image1.2, libsdl-image1.2-dev, libsdl-mixer1.2, libsdl-mixer1.2-dev, libsdl-ttf2.0-0 (and 54 others)09:20
flaccidi think you install libsdl-mixer.12 and the rest dep09:20
flaccidor just install all the non dev libsdl pkgs09:20
NickPrestaI want to compile my app. written in C++. It uses SDL. I installed all the -dev packages09:20
se7en^Of^9need help with KubuntuRestrictedManager what package do i have to install09:20
flaccidNickPresta: install build-essential to compile09:21
=== flaccid has never heard of KubuntuRestricedManager
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flaccidits a wip iirc09:22
flaccidits not made yet09:22
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=== jussi01 throws things at sysadmins taking his internet access...
NickPrestaIve had build-essential on this machine forever09:22
NickPrestaive compiled tons of other stuff09:23
NickPresta'm just having a problem with SDL in particular09:23
se7en^Of^9flaccid: yes i read that i just don't know how to install09:23
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holycowhi guys09:23
NickPresta!hi | holycow09:23
ubotuholycow: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!09:23
jussi01so anyone know the answer to my question? or did it not get through09:23
flaccidse7en^Of^9: [17:22]  <flaccid> its not made yet09:23
se7en^Of^9it runs on my desktop09:24
holycowi'm trying to add a new profile to kiosk profile manager but it requires a root pass.  i refuse to create a root account as it should be sudo aware.  does anyone know how to run it properly? maybe i should start it up with kdesu?09:24
holycowhello NickPresta09:24
se7en^Of^9guty tribe 509:24
flaccidjussi01: someone will answer if they can help09:24
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jussi01flaccid: I know, but I wanted to check it was seen as I disconnected straigh after09:24
flacciddid you look on the wiki?09:25
se7en^Of^9flaccid: my desktop has under system settings>>advanced>>resticted drivers ... my notebook doesn't ... what package would i have to install ???09:25
flaccidse7en^Of^9: i'll say it again. they have not made krestrictedmanager yet!!!09:26
NickPrestanow it works just like before09:26
NickPrestaincredibly strange.09:26
NickPrestaalthough it may be my fault as it is quite late09:26
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sx66how do you get opera installed?09:27
holycowwhat is the kde menu manager again? or where is the shorcut to it?09:27
flaccidse7en^Of^9: you can install restricted-manager however09:27
flaccidsx66: install the package 'opera'09:27
flaccidholycow: right click k button | menu editor09:27
sx66flaccid: I did, now what?09:27
holycowhaha danke09:28
flaccidsx66: run the program 'opera'09:28
flaccidit should put a menu item in there too09:28
se7en^Of^9ok i will try flaccid i didn't try that because it will install synaptic package manager as well ...09:28
=== flaccid nods
sx66flaccid: I went to opera.com, downloaded the ubuntu package, and when I click the icon I can not find it09:28
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flaccidsx66: thats wrong09:29
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser09:29
flaccidsx66: you don't install from the website. its in the repos09:29
flaccidonly install from the site if you want latest version. then you have d/l the .deb and install manually using dpg -i pkg.deb09:30
holycowand yet again a kde app outperforms the gnome equivalent09:30
holycowi know the dude that coded up the gnome menu editor, great guy but its slooooow09:30
holycowthis is wicked09:30
flaccidyeah but it seems to be missing a search (unless im blind)09:31
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paritosh1010whats the classpath and java_home for sun-java6-jdk installation09:32
flaccidthey are environment variables09:32
paritosh1010its /usr/lib/jvm/sun-java- right?09:33
paritosh1010no i mean..what are the values09:33
flaccidno idea sorry09:33
runlevelten"Write once..."09:33
holycowkiosktool is pretty cool09:34
paritosh1010runlevelten: ?09:34
holycowwhat draws the desktop in kde?09:34
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flaccidich bin macgyver09:35
se7en^Of^9hilfe kraut control09:36
krautse7en^Of^9: bitte?09:36
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paritosh1010what are the values of CLASSPATH AND JAVA_HOME set in kubuntu feisty for java6 packages?? anybody?09:36
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sx66flaccid: I am still lost on that link you have pushed, how do I install opera?09:37
flaccidsx66: do you know how to install a package09:38
sx66flaccid: no09:38
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto09:38
flaccidhave a read of that, then simply install the opera package with adept09:38
flaccid!info opera09:38
ubotuPackage opera does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas09:38
holycowadept needs a bit of work in comparison to synaptic but alas there is no point, synaptic works fine in kde09:38
flaccidyou probably will need to manage repos in adept and enable canonical commercial09:39
runleveltenLots of people are giving adept a chance to get it up to scratch, but yes I agree, synaptic is completely fine.09:39
runleveltenshould probably be default, to be honest.09:39
holycowi agree09:39
flaccidisn't synaptic gtk09:40
flaccidcan't be default..09:40
holycowand i am totally starting to hate bloody firefox09:40
holycowslow as ass no matter what you do in comparison to konq09:40
runleveltenWhy not, exactly?09:40
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holycowwell i'm not being totally fair09:40
holycowthe flash plugin takes it down a lot09:41
runleveltenI see firefox installed. Dumb superstition against using a particularly library is not for KDE users.09:41
combo_- where can i download 'libfaad2-0' from ??09:41
holycowthats really adobes fault09:41
flaccidrunlevelten: it needs to be a qt app because we are kde, not gnome09:41
holycowbut it still is just slow09:41
combo_runlevelten: dude - u're briliant! it works as hell :D:D THX a looooooot ;)09:41
runleveltenA qt app like firefox?09:41
flaccidfirefox is gtk09:41
combo_runlevelten:  i mean ATI drivers ;P09:41
holycowff isn't gtk, it has its own toolkit09:41
runleveltenno combo_: really glad to hear it.09:41
holycowits just binds to gtk bits09:41
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flaccidwhich is based on gtk...09:42
runleveltenflaccid: then it must be expunged from the KDE desktop surely, because Gtk is "unlucky".09:42
flaccidits simply an extension09:42
flaccidrunlevelten: its simple. kde uses qt, not gtk.09:42
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sx66I can not find opera in the resp.09:42
holycowi'm interested to see whats going to happen with the "re-merging" of webkit stuff09:42
runleveltenNot really, if nearly every user is going to have gtk anyway.09:42
flaccidsx66: enable the commercial repos in adept first then update the package list09:43
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holycowi'm not crazy about apple at all but maybe there are performance benefits we are going to see09:43
runleveltenHave your own opinion though. Somebody's got to fall prey to NIH I suppose.09:43
flaccidholycow: from what i heard webkit are denying khtml patches09:43
holycowflaccid: really?09:43
holycowdoesn't surprise me09:43
flaccidrunlevelten: NIH?09:43
combo_where can i get 'libfaad2-0' ? :}09:43
flaccid!find libfaad09:43
ubotuFound: libfaad2-0, libfaad2-dev09:43
flaccid!info libfaad2-009:43
ubotulibfaad2-0: freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - runtime files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.0.0+cvs20040908+mp4v2+bmp-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 193 kB, installed size 544 kB09:43
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sx66flaccid: where do I find the commerical repos in the adept?09:44
runleveltenwebkit and khtml are so divergent now it's barely worth bothering.09:44
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flaccidits not a matter of bothering really09:44
flaccidsx66: please read the adept tutorial09:45
sx66flaccid: all of the resp are checked....09:45
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:45
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holycowrunlevelten: who is trying to re-merge the webkit stuff?  sounds like someone thinks there might be something to it .. i could be wrong?09:45
flaccidsx66: make sure you have done https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu#head-9a7a4519857af012ff775e9c0f15fbce60173676 and updated the package list09:46
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Jucatoholycow, runlevelten: Trolltech is working with Apple (a bit) in merging WebKit and KHTML again. Trolltech is interested in using WebKit for Qt09:47
holycowokay in kde where to i tell it to turn on xdmcp?  in gnome it was gdm09:47
holycowJucato: ohhhhhhhhhh09:47
flaccidJucato: in other words they want the patches which apple is denying :)09:47
holycowi REALLY hate apple09:48
holycowthey take but give shit back09:48
runleveltenWell merging them should prove an interesting effort, heh09:48
Jucatoflaccid: they're actually working in Apple's repositories last I checked09:48
flaccidJucato: that doesn't mean they are getting what they want09:48
JucatoApple didn't really deny patches to KHTML. that wouldn't be possible because of GPL09:49
flaccidhow so09:49
Jucatoanyway, I'm hardly the one to know all the nitty-gritty details, since that topic in itself is highly kontroversial within KDE09:49
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flaccidput it this way, they did09:49
runleveltenThey just made it almost worthless trying to merge anything back in.09:49
flaccidkde devs are still going on about it09:49
JucatoApple still gave patches back, not in the way that KDE could make use of them09:49
holycowrunlevelten: and i bet its deliberate09:50
flaccidthey didn't get *all* the patches09:50
holycowi thought khtml was originally chose because it was cleaner codebase than mozilla right?09:51
runleveltenI don't know about deliberate, to be honest.09:51
flaccidthat would be one of the reasons09:51
runleveltenApple do seem to have a bit of a mental block about open source sometimes.09:52
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runleveltenDid you ever try to participate in Darwin? Pfffft.09:52
Jucatowhat can I say, it's Apple :)09:52
holycowthankfully they have all the bsd folks to leech off of and not give anything back09:52
holycowyey freedom09:52
Jucatoyay BSD license! hehehe09:52
holycowhow has qt been about particapating in open source? now that its gpld everywhere are there any corners left where they are being stingy?09:53
holycowi read something about wireless proprietary something or other09:53
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holycowtrolltech even09:53
Jucatowell there's still a commercial Qt license, if that's what you mean09:54
flaccidi thought that was finally rid of09:54
Jucatoand part of their development is still behind closed doors afaik... though they've been trying to really be open, again afaik09:54
runleveltentbh, the Qt that's available is great, if you're writing free Free software.09:54
flaccidah well09:54
Jucatoit's still dual licensed09:54
JucatoGPL or commercial09:54
holycowi actually like that they have a commercial component, as long as they are making money they keep on improving it ... but the biggest reason for gnomes existence in the past has been freedom of the qt toolkit09:54
Jucatoin the commercial license, you're free to choose your own license09:55
runleveltenindeed. It's reasonable, to be honest.09:55
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flaccidi think its reasonable09:55
Jucatoit is reasonable... but sometimes just.. um... how should I put it...09:55
Jucatowell not really...09:55
Jucatobothersome more like it09:55
=== jussi01 throws the discussion to offtopic, and asks if its possible to change the name of remote shares on the desktop?
ahvargashi anyone which file in its called the Xserver ??09:56
Jucatoer yeah...09:56
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:56
Jucatoheheheh ;)09:56
Jucatomy bad :P09:56
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holycowokay speaking of kde, where do i turn on xdmcp?09:56
runleveltenYou can rename the links in remote:/ jussi0109:56
holycowi need to watch a dvd remotely on a umpc :)09:56
ubotuxdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ to find out how to configure it09:56
jussi01runlevelten: aha, thanks09:56
holycowoh jees right09:56
holycowforgot about the bot09:57
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flaccidyou can query ubotu09:57
flaccidwiki is always best place to search as well and then google09:57
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flaccidthen here09:57
runleveltenyou can search the factoids if you want, too.09:57
Jucatoor.. bot first (PM of course), wiki, forums, then google :)09:57
jussi01runlevelten: hmmm, they dont exist in remote:/ ( I have samba shares mounted in fstab)09:57
holycowthat tldp post should maybe be a secondary post09:58
jussi01!factoids | runlevelten09:58
databuddyFact:  The white part of your fingernail is called the lunula.09:58
uboturunlevelten: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:58
holycowthere is no kdm specific info there09:58
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holycowi remember somewhere kde having a checkbox for this ...09:58
flaccidim off09:58
Jucatodidn't have time to turn him off :P09:58
runleveltenjussi01: what are you trying to rename - the mounts or links to the mounts?09:59
ahvargashelp , i want to kwnow which script start xserver10:00
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holycowis kubuntu handled as a community project or a small dev team?10:00
jussi01runlevelten: when you mount a samba share in fstab, it puts a link on the desktop called Remote Share (pathtoshare) I just want it to be called share10:00
runleveltenjussi01: well if you can't rename the link (which you probably can with F2) you will want to use desktop-behaviour to disable automatic display of10:01
runleveltenmounted samba shares, then create your own link.10:01
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jussi01no you cant rename the link :(10:01
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jussi01gah, its not fair... why cant it just be easy...10:02
runleveltencalled whatever you like. OK, then alt f2 kcontrol  Desktop  Behaviour  Device Icons and disable automatic creation of links to samba shares.10:02
runleveltenThen make your own custom link :)10:03
jussi01hehe, ok10:03
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AnAntHello, is there a subversion client that integrates with konqueror ?10:08
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jussi01!info ksvn | AnAnt10:09
ubotuanant: Package ksvn does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:09
runleveltenwell there's a kde subversion client and there's an svn:/ kioslave, although tbh I prefer qsvn for a gui.10:09
praecoxhey guys, what can I use to listen to streamed AAC+ format under Kubuntu?10:09
praecoxI installed xmms-mp4 but seems like it's not working.10:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about faad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:10
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:10
AnAntrunlevelten: you mean, I can do svn:// in konqueror ?10:11
gnomefreakAnAnt: kdesvn10:11
praecoxrunlevelten, there's not even a word about playing AAC+ streamed media in Kubuntu.10:11
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gnomefreakAnAnt: apt-cache search subversion will give you a bunch of results10:12
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runleveltenOh yeah, I hit that before10:14
runleveltenYou want faad anyway.10:14
praecoxwhat is faad?10:15
praecoxrunlevelten, will this package help me stream aac+ in xmms?10:16
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runleveltenI've no idea. I stopped using XMMS many years ago. It will provide the ability to decode them though.10:17
runleveltenWhich would probably be essential either way.10:17
praecoxrunlevelten, ok, so which player you recommend for streaming aac+?10:18
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runleveltenthere are various streaming servers available. It depends what you mean by stream.10:19
runleveltenamarok is cool for daap sharing, for instance.10:19
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Xetrai want to install kubuntu, but only have 650 mb cds, so it is too big10:21
drsyshello people i need some help here. i have an emu1212m soundcard installed ,compiled the alsa 10.14 drivers utils libs ,loaded emu10k1 module in the kernel but still cant get no sound.lspci finds the soundcard though10:21
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drsyscan anybody help out?10:21
shiz0rguessin no1 is alive ?10:21
praecoxrunlevelten, I mean I've got servers streaming media in AAC+ format. and I simply wanted to listen to it which I can't do it with xmms.10:21
runleveltenAh. What sort of streaming?10:22
praecoxrunlevelten, that's why I'm looking for other good player which can play this streaming media.10:22
praecoxrunlevelten, http://polskastacja.pl/play/aac_trax.pls10:22
runleveltenOpens fine in amarok here10:22
shiz0rdoes ne1 know anything about beryl and kubuntu compatibility ?10:22
runleveltenblap, it's playing.10:22
Xetrais it possible to install kubuntu from an .iso file?10:22
runleveltenRon Van Den Bueken Presents The Mystery - Emotion10:23
praecoxrunlevelten, oh, ok. let me try it.10:23
praecoxrunlevelten, could you possibly try in xmms?10:23
shiz0ryea Xetra10:23
runleveltenYou would need to be able to play aac mind you.10:23
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runleveltenis XMMS still packaged these days then?10:23
=== runlevelten looks
praecoxError Loading Media10:24
praecoxThere is no available decoder.10:24
praecoxrunlevelten, it is.10:24
runleveltenWow cool! You can still get xmms packaged. I must look for pong :)10:24
praecoxrunlevelten, look, this is what Amarok says to me when I try to play that stream.10:24
runleveltenpraecox: you installed everything to do with aac, right?10:24
Xetrai can start the kubuntu installed, but it says the cd is corrupt, but at least i can boot with it..then how can i run the installation from an .iso file?10:25
runleveltenfaad/faad2 etc10:25
Xetrainstalled=install cd10:25
praecoxrunlevelten, just installed faad.10:25
praecoxrunlevelten, restarted amarok but still the same problem.10:26
runleveltenonce you've successfully installed aac support, amarok should be fine.10:26
shiz0rXetra you can extract the contents of the ISO file with Isobuster10:26
runleveltenwot engine?10:26
praecoxrunlevelten, not sure what else is required for playing aac in amarok?10:26
underdog5004why won't this crontab entry work? it works when I manually run the script:  27 01 * * mon sh /home/matthew/.btbackup.sh10:28
runleveltenwell I have libfaad and libfaad2 installed here, not sure anything else is needed tbh, but I have the codec kitchen sink installed10:28
runleveltenI like to be able to play everything.10:28
underdog5004no ideas?10:29
praecoxrunlevelten, libfaad2-0 is already the newest version.10:30
runleveltenand faad?10:30
hangthedjfaac and libfaac010:30
praecoxrunlevelten, faad is already the newest version.10:30
praecoxhangthedj, oh, let me try.10:30
runleveltenfaac are the encoders.10:31
runleveltenI have them too, mind.10:31
praecoxlibfaac0 is already the newest version.10:31
praecoxand just installed faac.10:31
hangthedji just did a aptitude search for aac and thats what came up.10:31
runleveltenand you've restarted amarok after installing the support?10:31
praecoxdamn, still error loading...10:31
praecoxrunlevelten, yes.10:31
runleveltenWeird. I've had aac working perfectly since at least 1.4.510:32
hangthedjyou could always apt-get source amarok, then configure and see what your missing.10:33
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praecoxhangthedj, yeah, but it's serious waste of time for me...10:33
runleveltenright, xmms is here, let's see.10:33
runleveltenNo. XMMS doesn't work.10:35
praecoxyep. that's what I have already figured out by myself. ;)10:35
runleveltenYou don't need to read the amarok source. It should work.10:36
runleveltenWait... what version are you running?10:36
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runleveltenwait praecox... you did follow the instructions for playing proprietary formats, right?10:38
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runleveltenI've been working on the assumption you installed the libxine1-ffmpeg package..10:39
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vbgunzanyone know of a way I can audit the applications installed on my system and separate those which came with the system against those I've manually installed?10:44
praecoxrunlevelten, oh, right. works now. my bad...10:47
praecoxrunlevelten, thanks.10:47
runleveltenCool. :)10:47
runleveltenNo probs10:47
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kewlwhere these temporary (downloaded packages )files r stored??10:50
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vbgunzkewl:  /var/cache/apt/archives10:56
vbgunzif you're talking about apt-get10:56
kewlvbgunz:ok ya  i m using apt-get10:59
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vbgunzgood luck11:01
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kewlvbunz: if i cancel the upgrade..& start it again then.....will it start allover again or will resume itself??11:01
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kewlso can i do upgrading in parts or i `ll hav to keep pc for whole night??11:13
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aantnAre there any kde 4 packages for feisty?11:21
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Jucatoaantn: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php11:22
aantnhas anyone here used it?11:23
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Jucatodevelopers most probably11:23
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jussi01aantn: you will find more people who have used it in #ubuntu+1 , but that will be on gutsy11:25
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Jucatoor most probably developers... since the 1st beta isn't really still that stable or good enough for end-user testing...11:26
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mecannotreadguys do enyone know a good newstickerprogram for kubuntu11:26
jussi01aantn: I tried it a couple of weeks ago..11:26
jussi01its in the early stages of development.... not yet ready to be used, lots of stuff to be done, plenty of bugs and other annoyances...'11:28
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jussi01but that was a couple of weeks ago11:29
aantnI mostly use gnome anyway11:29
runleveltenmecannotread: akregator, or the newsticker applet for kicker.11:29
aantnI just think its smoother11:29
runleveltenAh, the famous smoothness algorithm.11:30
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aantnrunlevelten: lol11:30
=== jussi01 sighs
aantnthat reminds me of the classic joke11:31
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aantnwhen developing programs you can only pick two out of the three following goals: low budget, speed, and quality11:32
mecannotreadrunlevelten, thanx  for the info...11:33
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Ardinok, so i have slackware installed right now, and i'm downloading a kubuntu cd... but i just got kde the way i want... if i leave my home directory alone, wil my settings stay, or will kubuntu do something funky with them?12:01
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aristofonanyone alive?12:11
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Ardini am12:12
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Ardinbnut i dont think anyone else is12:12
=== Jucato yawns
aristofonhow do i find a server for efnet12:13
aristofoni hate IRC12:13
aristofonand im fucking stoned12:13
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:13
aristofonyes GNU bot12:13
Jucatowe also have forums and mailing lists12:14
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Roadrunner1985i have a question.12:15
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aristofonsup bra12:16
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Roadrunner1985i connect to a fritzbox over a atheros wlan. (wpa) i always need to enter a password before it starts connecting to the box.12:16
Roadrunner1985how can i change this?12:16
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aristofonis this for WoW?12:17
aristofonor phone12:17
aristofonor what12:17
jhutchinsRoadrunner1985: wtf is  fritzbox?12:18
Roadrunner1985jhutchins: it is a wlan-router12:18
jhutchinsIt's requiring a password? kubuntu is?12:18
aristofonim there with you12:18
Roadrunner1985jhutchins: i enabled autologin. it is ubuntu12:18
aristofonwill just have to chill12:19
jhutchinsRoadrunner1985: Where is the password required?12:19
Roadrunner1985jhutchins: after login. i stored the wpa-password. to access it, i need to enter one12:20
Raleskaristofon: off the top of my head it would be irc.efnet.org but I haven't been to those waters in ages...12:20
RaleskRoadrunner1985: ah, in kwallet?12:20
aristofonstrrraiighhttt uppp12:20
Raleskthat's a security measure.  it asks for the master password because that's good for you :)12:20
Roadrunner1985Ralesk: it is the tools for managing my keyrings in ubuntu. don't know the name now12:20
Roadrunner1985Ralesk: yea. it is nice. but i need to turn this asking off.12:21
Roadrunner1985cant? damn12:21
Raleskunless you don't set a master password to begin with12:21
Raleskwhich is a nasty way of getting around it :P12:22
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jussi01Roadrunner1985: is it the keyring password its asking for?12:22
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Roadrunner1985jussi01: yes it is12:22
jussi01Roadrunner1985: just go and create a wallet with no password.12:23
Roadrunner1985jussi01: how to do? i'm a bit new to ubuntu12:23
jussi01its got nothing to do with your sudo password12:23
jussi01Roadrunner1985: click on the wallet in system tray, file->new wallet then delete the old wallet12:24
Roadrunner1985jussi01: i found. but it wont create one without a password.12:24
jussi01just leave the password blank12:24
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bjwebbis there a way to change screen resolution for one user to + 1024*768 without affecting other users?12:25
Roadrunner1985jussi01: flieds: keyring-name, password and password. i entered a name and leaved passwords blank. but nothing happens.12:25
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Roadrunner1985jussi01: im using ubuntu 7.0412:26
jussi01Roadrunner1985: ubuntu or kubuntu?12:26
jussi01oh, this is the help channel for kubuntu12:27
jussi01but its different there12:27
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jussi01just install libpam-keyring12:27
jussi01should fix it12:27
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Roadrunner1985jussi01: okay. hope that it is fix now. otherwise i have no more ssh-connection ^^12:29
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jussi01Roadrunner1985: hope so too. sometimes it requires a small change to a certain file. have a search on ubuntuforums for libpam-keyring and you will find more info12:30
mecannotreaddoes somebody know how to install kde412:30
Roadrunner1985jussi01: thanks :)12:30
jussi01Roadrunner1985: :)12:31
Jucatomecannotread: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php12:31
Roadrunner1985so hope i have luck. see you later12:31
mecannotreadJucato, thanks for the info...12:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ita - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:38
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jhatlelidI suddenly get NOICE on my Optical 7.1 Audio output from my Abit IL-90MV (Only in Kubuntu, not in Vista or XP) Help :P12:41
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joseph1110216someone help. i type kismet in the terminal but it starts and says "waiting for the server to start before starting ui12:46
EviL_AciDitalian channel?12:46
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:47
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jussi01hey everyone, I need a basic paint program for kde, ideas?12:54
nicolasto secure my linux i m looking for a package name Shadow, but i cant find it... do you know where it is?12:55
joseph1110216anyone know of any packet sniffers for windows or linux, that dont need me to have extra hardware installed such as the linksys wrt54g router or the airpcap adapter.12:55
nicolasit's not basic but Gimp?12:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shadow - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:56
jussi01!info shadow12:57
ubotuPackage shadow does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas12:57
jussi01nicolas: no, i want something _basic_12:57
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nicolashttp://www.tuxpaint.org/links/?lang=en very basic :)12:59
jussi01ahhh, found one01:00
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jussi01!info krita01:00
ubotukrita: a pixel-based image manipulation program for the KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu1.1 (feisty), package size 3043 kB, installed size 9412 kB01:00
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Raleskan even more basic one would be kolourpaint :P01:03
Raleskbut that's pushing it01:03
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runleveltenno, kolourpaint sounds like what jussi01's asking for01:05
runleveltenIf it's for a small child jussi01, do check out tuxpaint.01:06
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jussi01runlevelten: no, I just needed to do some _basic_ manipulation and didnt have time to figure out/download the gimp. osrted now01:06
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JuJuBeeor whatever time it is where you are :)01:14
JuJuBeeI have added some menu items to the Kmenu and I wish to make this the starting point for all new users.  What do I copy to /etc/skel to make this happen from .kde?01:14
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riorioany experts on Kopete around?01:29
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riorioI'm trying to identify on irc but can't find the system tab01:30
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jussi01riorio: just do /ns identify paswordhere01:31
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riorio/nickserv identify harmageddon01:35
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rioriohow do I change my irc password?01:41
fkm./nickserv help01:42
fkmYoure welcome ;)01:44
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fkmI didn't look after my account for some time. So I can't really give you the command to the specific help. But I guess you'll figure that out yourself :)01:45
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riorioI found it :)01:47
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riorio  /msg nickserv set password <newpassword>01:47
runleveltenJuJuBee: There are global links directories, make your changes in there not /et/skel01:47
fkmHeheh :) IRC ftw!01:47
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hnsnheja sverige01:47
runleveltenor /etc/skel, heh01:47
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contrast83JuJuBee: Still around?01:51
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contrast83JuJuBee: /usr/share/applications is where you'll put most of those .desktop files, some will go in /usr/share/applications01:52
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malqoshow can i format my  ipod useing terminal?01:53
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fairmanHi, how can i see shared folders (via NFS) on another PC? (I set NFS sharing for one folder and i can not see on another PC with Kubuntu)01:56
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peterbuldgedo you guys kubuntu02:27
peterbuldgecause I kubuntu02:28
peterbuldgeI kubuntu like crazy02:28
PhinnFortall the time02:28
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peterbuldgeI kubuntu so much I need a salve or ointment of some type02:28
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peterbuldgewhat kind of plugins are available for kopete02:32
peterbuldgeI've looked around but I never really much02:32
peterbuldgeis it just not very extensible?02:33
PhinnFortwrite some yourself02:33
PhinnFortit has everything i need, so...02:33
peterbuldgeI was just wondering02:33
peterbuldgeI like kopete a lot02:33
peterbuldgepidgin I cant stand02:33
PhinnFortpidgin is fugly, too02:33
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peterbuldgeit has everything I need too really I just would like to see what crazy stuff people come up with for it02:34
peterbuldgewhat's so hard about putting webcam capability in the open source messengers02:35
peterbuldgeI mean02:35
peterbuldgekopete has it02:35
PhinnFortkopete has excellent support02:35
peterbuldgebut its like the only one02:35
PhinnFortamsn also has good support, afaik02:35
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PhinnForti dunno about pidgin, though02:36
peterbuldgeon xp I use miranda and I love it cause its so customizable02:36
peterbuldgebut no cam support02:36
Jucatoas for plugins... you might want to ask in #kopete if they have more 3rd party ones02:36
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peterbuldgein fact there's bascially a ban on the forums on even asking about it02:36
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peterbuldgeso what's so hard about putting in webcam support02:37
combohi, i wanted to ask what might be the reason of maximum RAM absorbtion ? :/ always there is in use about 700 mb of 758 mb DDR | everything works fine02:37
PhinnFortunderstandable, if people tend to whine about it02:37
peterbuldgeI'm not a coder so I do not know02:37
combowhere can i check this out ?02:37
PhinnFortcombo: linux automatically use all the ram to make your computer faster02:37
peterbuldgeand thanks for the tip juc02:37
Jucato!ram | combo02:37
ubotucombo: A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html02:37
comboPhinnFort & Jucato - THX :)02:38
Jucato"maximum ram absorption"... that sounds funky :)02:38
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Jucatoin short: Linux makes use of that RAM you spent your money on :)02:38
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peterbuldgeyeah linux runs so much smoother than xp02:40
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peterbuldgeyet in takes longer to start up02:40
peterbuldgetrade off02:40
PhinnFortwell, it boots several magnitudes faster here02:40
PhinnForteven though i have webservers and everything starting02:41
peterbuldgethat's odd02:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about speed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:41
peterbuldgeI have a pretty hefty pc02:41
PhinnForthave you disabled atimes and stuff?02:41
PhinnFortI don't02:41
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PhinnFort512mb ram, 1,8ghz athlon6402:41
peterbuldgeit doesnt really bother me cause once it starts it runs beautifully02:42
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peterbuldgeamd sempron +3000  1.99ghz  2 gb ram here02:42
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riorioKubuntu/KDE is stealing ctrl+tab from Blender.  How can I change the default shortkeys?02:43
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Jucatoriorio: System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts02:45
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malqoshow  can i format my ipod?02:57
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peterbuldgewhat's a good kde desktop search app?03:08
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Jucatostrigi (if your distro already has it)03:08
hydrogengoogle search!03:08
Jucatoit's the only truly kde-oriented one... of course there's kerry for beagle03:08
hydrogenwe did this last night03:08
Jucatolol yeah03:08
Jucatodeja vu (fonts)03:08
devilleasl pls???03:09
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hydrogenoh wait... l stands for location03:10
hydrogennot length03:10
hydrogenI always forget :/03:10
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Jucatoconvenient amnesia :)03:10
peterbuldgeyeah I do not wanna use google03:10
peterbuldgethanks for the suggestions03:10
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hydrogenalt+f2: locate:/blah03:11
hydrogenlow cost way03:12
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hydrogenwhich actually is fairly fast03:12
Jucatoexcept you have to rebuild the locate db once in a while03:12
hydrogenits on a cron!03:12
peterbuldgeI see03:13
Jucatoupdatedb? fast? O.o03:13
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hydrogen /etc/cron.daily/slocate03:13
Jucatooh slocate03:13
hydrogenrlocate would be better03:13
hydrogenbut no one tends to use it03:14
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maxamilliondoes kubuntu come with kppp as a default installed application03:15
maxamillionJucato: thanks03:16
Jucatofor dialup03:16
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maxamillionJucato: well ... i need it for a GSM network connection and the only documentation i can find is for how to set it up using kppp03:16
maxamillionJucato: thank you03:16
Jucatook then03:16
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Gast550hallo, ist der intel matrix raid controller mit kubuntu kompatibel ?03:23
pag!de | Gast55003:25
ubotuGast550: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:25
devillemay i ask somthing???03:27
pag!ask | deville03:27
ubotudeville: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:27
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devilley can't i connect to DALnet??03:27
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pagdeville, try to be more specific...03:28
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deville[21:25]  [Info]  Looking for server davis.dal.net:7000...03:29
deville[21:25]  [Info]  Server found, connecting...03:29
deville[21:28]  [Error]  Connection to Server davis.dal.net lost: operation is not supported. Trying to reconnect.03:29
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=== genii sips a coffee
pagtry some other dalnet server than davis?03:30
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devillei tried others03:31
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devillebut it jst wont work03:32
pagdeville, which irc-client are you using?03:32
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geniimaybe try port 6667 instead of 7000003:33
genii7000 rather03:33
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devillebut based on their website..its 700003:34
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JucatoI saved up a pool of coffee for you :)03:36
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geniiJucato: Cool, i appreciate it :)03:37
greendayhi guys .. i have a question ..03:37
greendayi wanna install guarddog..03:37
greendaybut it says : rc.firewall does not exist03:37
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greendayshould i create a rc.firewall file ?03:37
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Jucatooh I know next to nothing about firewalls... except the ones casted by mages03:38
__Blue2__dont know what to do03:39
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__Blue2__anyone has any idea ?03:40
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pag__Blue2__, so doest the installation fail because of this?03:41
geniiis there a file /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall ?03:42
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na82guygood morning! who knows why when i try to join to a irc channel it says i.e.: "closing link: unknown@xx.xx.xx. ... unauthorized connection"? what does it mean? what do I do wrong?03:43
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__Blue2__there is no file such as rc.firewall03:44
__Blue2__and installation is cancelled cause of that.03:44
genii__Blue2__: Try then: sudo touch /etc/rc.firewall       and see if guarddog can finish install03:45
__Blue2__genii: ok .. let me try it.03:46
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MMatichi guys03:48
MMaticI was hoping someone could help me03:48
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MMaticI have trouble setting up mu internet with ubuntu03:48
na82guyyou are not the one!!! :D03:48
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MMaticI couple of days I had installed ubuntu03:49
MMaticI plugged in my lan routed adsl and it worked!03:49
geniiwork AFK 3-5 mins03:49
MMaticbut now03:49
MMaticits not working03:50
MMaticon top of that03:50
MMaticI have a wireless conection03:50
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MMaticwhich is recognised03:50
reizend!enter | MMatic03:50
ubotuMMatic: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:50
__Blue2__genii: Thanx for your help. it worked now. and guarddog says " if you use guarddog firewall file will be overwritten " .. so no problem :)03:50
MMaticso I have wireless network which is recognised but it does not connect, it says that my hardware cannot supportthe security03:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about space - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:52
hydrogen!enter > /dev/null03:52
hydrogenwhat file do I futz in to make xhost + permanent03:53
MMaticit says "Error connecting to wireless network" then "The requested wireless network requires security capabilities unsupported by your hardware"03:53
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MMaticI have a belkin F5D9050B G PLus USB Netwwork adapter03:54
MMaticcould someone please help me..03:55
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MMatichow can I input a WEP Key into the wireless connection?03:57
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JucatoMMatic: right-click on the knetworkmanager icon, Manual configuration, select the wireless network device, Configure Device?03:58
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MMaticI dont have that optio04:00
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MMaticI see the wireless network, but when I right click on the actual wireless network it comes up with the same error message again04:00
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MMaticOk I think I see what you mean I am in the network settings04:02
MMaticthere is two wireless options wmaster0 and wlan004:03
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MMaticbothe say roaming mode enabled04:03
wershow do I join  #ubuntu-ph?04:03
wershow do I join  #ubuntu-ph ?04:04
Jucatowers: just click on it04:04
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MMaticwhat should I do?04:05
JucatoMMatic: sorry no idea04:06
MMaticwell do you know anything about the standard connection04:07
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foo25_Nickname in use O.o04:12
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__Blue2__what is the best html editor for kubuntu ?04:15
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Daisuke_Laptopor, for a realistic answer, check out bluefish and nvu04:17
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__Blue2__Daisuke_Laptop: which one is better ?04:17
__Blue2__which one do you prefer ?04:18
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Daisuke_Laptopi don't do much html work, so it's a tossup04:18
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Daisuke_Laptopboth are open, free, and in the repos, so it'll cost nothing to check em both out :)04:18
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__Blue2__i see .. thanx Daisuke_Laptop do you know if its possible to use " macromedia dreamwear " at kubuntu ?04:19
__Blue2__*dreamweaver :)04:20
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Daisuke_Laptopwhile you can probably run it under wine, it will likely present more problems than it's worth04:20
Daisuke_Laptopif you're looking for something dreamweaver-like, check out nvu first04:20
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rustalotthe live CD doesn't work04:22
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__Blue2__thanx Daisuke_Laptop i have another question. i enlarge the font at Konsole. but when reopen the konsole i see that my settlings are lost.. so i enlarge everytime.. do you have any idea about this ?04:24
martijn81__Blue2__: settings save as default04:25
__Blue2__i tried that but not worked.. let me try it again .. martijn8104:26
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fdovingJucato: nice to see you back. :)04:29
Jucatohehe thanks fdoving :)04:30
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MementoMoriany postfix guru here?04:30
fdovingMementoMori: depends on your problem.04:30
KartiDaisuke_Laptop: I think nvu is now Kompozer unless I am mistaken (for the moment)04:31
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MementoMoriit's very simple: I wanto a virtual domain to do only local delivery04:31
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Daisuke_Laptopwasn't aware of that change04:31
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Daisuke_Laptopsee, told you i didn't do much with html :)04:32
__Blue2__Karti: but i found nvu installation packages. .04:32
MementoMorifdoving: is this a simple problem? ;)04:32
fdovingMementoMori: well.. if you configure the domain as a local, it'll get delivered locally anyhow.04:32
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luhi was just trying to install adobe acrobat 7.0, following the instructions from wiki.ubuntuusers.de - and when i try to start it afterwards I'll get this message:04:32
KartiWas just looking the site and as was trying to get nvu  and the ubuntu page was saying that it was "Kompozer is a better nvu, to be used until next nvu release"04:33
luhpaul@atelier:~$ acroread04:33
luhexec: 758: /usr/local/bin/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread: not found04:33
luhthe file is there04:33
luhpermission is rwxr-wr-w04:33
__Blue2__Karti: i see.. is nvu something like "macromedia dreamweaver " ?04:33
luhanyone an idea?04:33
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Daisuke_Laptopi already told you that was the closest you'd get without struggling to run dreamweaver i nwine04:35
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Karti__Blue2__: It is a WYSIWYG app. The best thing about DW Suite is that the package consists of everything that you would require, with flash, graphics etc but Daisuke_Laptop is right.04:35
U238Willyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KompoZer (based on NVU..)04:35
KartiI currently use Quant+ but I am moving back to code only as its neater, thoughI also use Netfusion Object in Windows04:36
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__Blue2__i see.. thanx guys :)04:36
KartiU238Willy: I like the "where it was favourably compared to Adobe Dreamweaver."04:37
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U238WillyI've not used either.. though.. i have used Quanta+04:38
U238Willyi should try it out.04:38
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Kartiluh: have you tried sudo apt-get install acroread - worked for me?04:40
luhon feisty?04:40
luhcan't find that package04:41
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KartiSorry I also have the medibuntu repositories04:41
luhdo they work on feisty? or does that screw anything?04:42
luhelse I'll just add those repos04:42
KartiI have had no issues with my feisty for the last 4 months http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/ if you are interested04:42
luhis it a 32 or 64 bit system?04:42
KartiI'm on 64 bit but I used it on 3204:43
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U238WillyThanks, Karti04:44
luhi just tried to install the edgy version, but it complained about being a i386 packet and my system is amd6404:44
U238Willythat look interesting.04:44
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timmmmmmm any one here know how to install WL on dells04:45
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timany one ?04:45
Kartiluh: I am using it on AMD 6404:46
__Blue2__which IM do you use ?.. amsn / miranda / gaim or any others ?.04:46
luhcan you show me your repositories list? then i'll copy the parts i need Karti04:46
thewickermanIs there a way that by which I can force the installation of the package releases in the apt-get cache regardless of whether it is the newest version or not?04:46
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Kartiluh: did you add the repository following these instructions? http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repository-old.php04:46
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nevermindgot a problemo04:47
timi have nevermind04:47
timim still baffeled about how to get a WL on dell04:47
luhsorry to ask once more Karti - you have the edgy or the feisty repos of medibuntu?04:47
nevermindwell, im trying to connect to a windows network, to see the folders... how do i do that?04:48
Karti7.04 fiesty04:48
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__Blue2__Karti: maybe u know.. there is a program for to make desktop .. what is it ? gdesklat ? ..04:49
timconnecting to a windows servers hard04:49
__Blue2__make the desktop better *04:49
timone sec nevermind ill go get desk referance im a networking student04:49
nevermindnot a server, a router from home04:49
Kartitim what is WL?04:49
Karti__Blue2__: What do you mean make it better?04:50
timso what you just wanna connect to a route at home04:50
__Blue2__to add some new features for kde.. such as watch / notes .. new icons .. etc.04:50
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Kartitim: you need smbfs and ntfs-3g to access windows drives04:50
bahrwow kubuntu is much nicer looking an intuitive than xp :-o04:50
timi prefer kubuntu but ubuntu reconises my external04:51
Karti__Blue2__: I use Super Karamba if that is what you mean04:51
timand cant be botherd downlaoding the kde pakages04:51
neverminddoes anyone know how to connect to a windows router? and access windows based shared files04:51
Kartitim: they are small04:51
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timand never mind ive got a deskreference for networking infornt of me ill just look it up now04:52
__Blue2__Karti: its for kubuntu dapper drake right ? coz i heard that was something like gdesklet or gdeskjet or something like that ?04:52
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Karti__Blue2__: if you search in the command line by apt-cache search gdesklet you may get results04:53
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timok its too much stuff to write down in here for co nnecting to the router and access the shared files04:54
drifnevermind: just open konqueror and type smb:/04:54
Kartinevermind: if you use the Remote Places on the System Menu to connect you should be ok04:54
Kartitim it is easy...04:54
luhthx Karti - seems to work (downloading and installing right now)04:54
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timmy deskreference is talking about server not router04:54
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timdosnt talk about smaba and stuff like that] 04:54
dabbleranyone know of a QT version of firestarter?04:55
timand which kde files should i download to change the interface look04:55
dabbleror is firestarter ok on KDE04:55
KartiAs drif says you can also type in the ip address in the browser04:55
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bahrI just switched to Kubuntu from Windows, so I don't really know taht many applications in Linux, can somebody recommend me a descent usenet reader application?04:56
drifKarti: no need to even type ip - you can browse the workgroups etc..04:56
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Karti__Blue2__: Here is your required website http://www.gdesklets.de/04:56
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Arwenbahr, maybe trn04:56
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timmmmmmm why cant ubuntu be like suse nd ask if you want gnoe or kde setup04:57
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Arwenbecause then the install media would be twice as large?04:57
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timok good point04:57
Kartitim are you on the ubuntu server with no GUI?04:57
timnah im using gnome04:58
timwhy ?04:58
jussi01dabbler: guarddog04:58
jussi01!info guarddog | dabbler04:58
fdovingtim: it asks you to select which CD you want. Kubuntu or Ubuntu. basically the same thing.04:58
ubotudabbler: guarddog: firewall configuration utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 476 kB, installed size 1424 kB04:58
Kartijust gonna say install the desktop04:58
timwell you see04:58
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timwith my external which houses everything with kubuntu it dosnt reconise it but for some reason ubuntu 7 does04:59
__Blue2__Karti: thanx.. i have found it .. gdesklets is for gnome .. i should use superkaramba i think..04:59
timso im using ubuntu to access that solely04:59
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Karti__Blue2__: I only use a few bits but I am more than happy with it04:59
timwell karti you got a weblink to install kde desktop rather then gnome i wanna keep some key systems though that are in ubuntu05:00
Kartidrif: thanks for the workgroup info :)05:00
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_Shade_is there anyone using gutsy?05:00
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drifKarti: np :)05:00
Kartitim: I just do it through the command line - sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop (me thinks)05:01
timok ill try it05:01
Kartitim: just searched for it and it is that05:01
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timit cant find package kubuntu-desktop05:02
driftim: strange05:02
Raleskare you sure you're using ubuntu? :)05:02
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timwell im pretty damn sure05:02
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timtim@tim-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install Kubuntu-Desktop05:03
timReading package lists... Done05:03
timBuilding dependency tree... Done05:03
timE: Couldn't find package Kubuntu-Desktop05:03
driftim: got your repositories (sources.list) right?05:03
driftim: not Kubuntu05:03
Raleskdon't capitalise it05:03
driftim: do not improvise there ;)05:03
martijn81and use paste-bin05:03
Kartitim: try searching first but as they say no caps05:03
timdidnt know cmd was case sesative05:04
luhKarti, works - thx once more05:04
Kartilinux is case sensitive is it not *hides*05:04
timso if i install the kubuntu now will it just upgrade it to that05:04
Ralesktim: everything is case sensitive unless mentioned otherwise :)05:05
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Kartitim: from my server 7.04 it added the gui by using that command05:05
driftim: it's package name, not command - which is very case sensitive05:06
timthanx karti05:06
timi still need to get this stupid bcmwl5 sorted out05:06
Kartino probs, its only what I have learn't from these people in this channel ;)05:06
driftim: but like Ralesk mentioned - consider about everything case sensitive from now on05:06
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timkk drif05:07
__Blue2__can i update kde by using apt-get ?05:07
timhehehehe now blues asking :P05:07
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Ralesk__Blue2__: can update anything and everything with apt-get05:08
__Blue2__:) i m newbie :) and kde crashed all the time :)05:08
timyea blue you can im just doing it now05:08
timi dont find it crashs more of hangs for a few seconds05:08
Ralesktim: you're installing, not updating (which apt calls "upgrade", by the way)05:08
__Blue2__i think i should write " sudo apt-get update kde"  or with any functions with it ?05:08
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timits install kubuntu-desktop05:09
timnot update kde05:09
Raleskthe update command for apt-get fetches the newest data for its local database05:09
pag__Blue2__, see http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php to upgrade to newest version of kde05:09
__Blue2__" sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop " -05:09
__Blue2__what will be the old files btw ? will remove itsself ?05:09
Ralesk__Blue2__: you don't need to install it.  it's already on your computer.  (okay, it's more complicated than that, but anyway)05:10
Karti__Blue2__: if you have th edesktop already you don't need to do that05:10
timim not sure im just getting and installing the files now05:10
__Blue2__i have kde. it always crashed.. so i just wanna update it . :)05:10
timkarti you any good with wireless chipsets ?05:10
Ralesk__Blue2__: look at the link pag posted then05:11
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__Blue2__ok .. thanx..05:11
Kartitim: I only use a usb one, but if you ask others may be able to help05:11
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timwhich usb one you use05:11
timbecause im finding it way hard to install the chipset for mine05:11
timall the helps just lead to dead ends for me05:11
Raleskother than that, first update your apt  (sudo apt-get update).  Then you can choose to upgrade (which will install the newer versions of everything, without removing or installing new stuff though)05:12
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Ralesk(the latter is done with sudo apt-get upgrade, surprisingly :))05:12
Karti7.04 picked mine up automatically but I had to add wep etc and it was away05:12
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timcan you send me a link for the adding wep please and i might just go out and buy one05:13
__Blue2__Ralesk: so " sudo apt-get upgrade kde-dekstop " is ok ?05:13
Raleskjust upgrade05:13
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timcause this dells WL card isnt working anytime soon05:13
Raleskit doesn't take any package names as parameters05:13
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KartiRalesk: is there a major difference between the KDE for 7.04 and the latest or are they both the same?05:14
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Kartitim: what is the chipset and I will have a look as well05:14
Raleskiunno, maybe minor, sub-version fixes, dunno05:14
timok the chipsets are bcmwl5.inf and sys05:14
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timtheres loads to do with it its just i cannot get passed a certian bit it always seems to dead en05:15
Ralesk__Blue2__: I /think/ that apt-get install whatever does actually try to install the newest version of the whatever even if the whatever is already installed, but I'm not sure.05:15
timkarti select deaulft display is that kdm05:15
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Raleskin any case, an upgade is the safest bet, that's what you'll want to do and cross your fingers that it fixes your problem :)05:15
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drifRalesk: hehe, safest bet - but still keep fingers crossed eh?05:16
Kartiare you in the GUI yet05:16
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:16
timwell if i drop out ill be back in a few seconds casue im asuming that i need a restart and yea ive been in gnoe but05:16
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driftim: restart for what?05:16
Raleskdrif: well, safe it is, but it's not sure it actually fixes __Blue2__'s issues ^^;05:16
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driftim: you rarely need to restart unix based OS05:17
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timwell i dunno its installing kde and i thoguht maybe to change from gnome to kde you need restart05:17
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driftim: if it's X you need to restart press ctrl+alt+backspace05:17
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driftim: and you're back to login05:17
timnah dont need to restart x05:17
databuddyFact:  The white part of your fingernail is called the lunula.05:17
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:17
__Blue2__what happens if i reinstall newest kde while i have older one.05:18
driftim: from there chooce as kde session05:18
NaugasHi! I have to unmount, then remount to get my files and folders on ntfs partitions with native characters to show. Doesn't the boot process use fstab or??? using sv_SE.UTF-805:18
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driftim: I believe you do - if you want to access that kde desktop05:18
RaleskNaugas: using fuse or normal ntfs?05:19
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timwell im using gnome almost done installing kde and im just warning karti if i drop out it might be a restart because i belive hes tryign to help me with wirless05:19
Naugasshould I use locale= in fstab instead of nls=?05:19
driftim: ah, ok05:19
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Karti!wireless | tim05:19
ubotutim: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:19
KartiThere is another site that has all the chipsets that work with Ubuntu and Linux but I can't remember it at the moment05:20
timok thanks05:20
driftim: still wondering what you mean by restart though05:20
RaleskNaugas: indeed, nls is unsupported in ntfs-3g05:20
timturn off the computer and turn back on hehehe05:20
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driftim: no need05:20
timwell it cant obviosuly just pecie it all togeather while im still on can it ?05:20
palinialgun manual para instalar beryl+compiz en kubuntu?05:20
Naugashmm, but why does it work when I remount then?05:20
driftim: you can install devices drivers or remove them without restart05:20
Kartidrif: he got you there ;)05:21
Raleskhmmm, good question -- maybe then your environment's locale settings get taken into account?05:21
BluesKaji'm using konq as my default browser and I would like it open new URLs in a new tab ...what setting do I have to set up to do so ?05:21
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timim so happy when i go to turkey05:22
timno more confusing comptuers for a week05:22
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RaleskBluesKaj: Configure, Web Behaviour05:22
timmmmmmm might try wireless again after kde05:23
RaleskBluesKaj: do you want to also close tabs with middle-click like in every other browser?05:23
NaugasRalesk: Well, I'll try using locale in fstab instead. If it works, should I report it somewhere, since it's basically a fresh install of Gutsy tribe 4?05:23
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Raleskoh, they wrote ntfs-3g BUT nls in it?  that'd be a bug05:24
BluesKajRalesk, ok, i shudda noticed that , found it ...too bad they bury the setting 3 menu levels down :)05:24
timok its finsihed with the kde install but i cant see a change in desktop enviroment05:24
RaleskBluesKaj: yeah :)05:24
driftim: did you ctrl+alt+backspace?05:25
driftim: and login again05:25
ari_hi. i'm trying to install cedega and while i run the script, i get an error message telling me that line 628 in some file is fucked up and that an other file doesn't exist. how do i fix this thing ?!?05:25
drifI guess he did now..05:25
BluesKajRalesk, what's the setting for the middle -click close action?05:25
Raleskjust a moment, BluesKaj05:25
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timi just did then05:26
Kartitim: This should get your wireless going - http://backports.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=50750505:26
timand still no change in desktop enviroment05:26
timand thanks karti05:26
PriceChildari_, In purchasing cedega, you have also purchased support from transgaming.org Please go to their forums and request help.05:26
RaleskBluesKaj: in ~/.kde/share/config/konquerorrc, in the section [FMSettings]  put MouseMiddleClickClosesTab=true05:26
Kartitim: are you in the GUI or commandline?05:26
driftim: did you choose the new session type05:26
ari_PriceChild: i downloaded the cvs free version thing05:26
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PriceChildari_, :S05:27
timand i dont know how to choose new session type pressed ctrl+ alt+backspace and asked me to login in cmd lin and then came back with gui login05:27
driftim: your default session type is still gnome - you need to change it on login window05:27
Kartitim: you need to select the KDE session05:27
__Blue2__i gave up about kde for now .. i m just wondering if it's possible to update any program by using " apt-get " ?05:27
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kbuntuneed some help please, i can't connect to a hub with dcgui ..05:27
timhow do i select kde session05:27
Ralesk__Blue2__: yes, that's what apt-get upgrade does :)05:28
Kartiright click on the session and you should get the session types05:28
Accesshello, hello. Another convert from Windows signing in!05:28
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timwhere abotu is it05:28
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AccessGot fet up with Vista :P05:28
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Kartilogon page05:28
timsorry im sounding reallt dumb but i didnt see any thing about session05:28
BluesKajRalesk,  settings is still opening a new window instead of a new tab within an existing one05:28
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timjust user name and password really05:28
t4m1n0hello there05:28
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RaleskAccess: I can understand that :)  *hugs his precious XP on the other partition*05:28
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t4m1n0does anyone here uses Xchat? I don't where can I put a port for BNC05:29
arashaccess - tell me about it05:29
RaleskBluesKaj: close konqueror and open again?05:29
Accesshehehe :D05:29
Kartitim sometimes the graphics is higher on the start screen. MOve your mouse about to the edges and see if it moves05:29
doug_does anyone know in kernel config what cpu the centrino would be?  386, 486, 586?05:29
martijn81Karti: weird url of ubuntuforums :S05:29
driftiola: options on below -> change session05:29
drifsorry not tiole05:29
drifgot tab-backfired :D05:29
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Kartimartijn81: That was for Tims wireless issue05:30
Raleskdoug_: I think it's at least an i686  (so anything except 486 should be a safe bet if i remember correctly)05:30
martijn81i know, but still a weird ulr :)05:30
driftim: can you see 'Options' text on bottom of the login screen?05:30
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debiani386morning every105:30
doug_Ralesk: the options i have are 386, 486, 586, Pentium-Classic, Pentium-MMX, Pentium-Pro05:31
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debiani386. o (id choose 486, but i tend to like older computers)05:31
driftim: kde now?05:31
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debiani386. o (the mmx was my fav too)05:31
Kartidrif: this is sooooooooooo exciting!05:31
timyes thank you very much you guys05:31
Raleskdebiani386: we need a good choice for a centrino :)05:32
timok now who wants to help tim get wireless lmao05:32
drifKarti: the suspension you mean? ;)05:32
debiani386hmm pentium MMS05:32
timnow that we spent liek and hour on just kde05:32
debiani386the faster out of the pentium 1 class05:32
debiani386from my experience05:32
doug_debiani386: really mmx would work for pentium m?05:32
Kartidrif: of course!05:32
AccessI hate to sound like a cliche, but I have a n00b question. Have a GeForce 7600 GS and cant manage to get the resolution to go beyond 1024x768? Do I just have to download a video card driver, it seems the Device Manager identifies it correctly though.05:32
rustalothey guys, kbuntu doesn't work on my laptop, so I'm looking for another (fairly) easy-to-use distro with KDE. Do you have any suggestions?05:32
Kartitim: look here - http://backports.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=50750505:33
debiani386it would be best to download and install the driver05:33
RaleskAccess: could well be a monitor issue... or monitor detection issue05:33
debiani386thatway you can get a higher res and even opengl accelleration05:33
timwell i got the drivers05:33
zipperrustalot, you sure that it is a (k)ubuntu issue, and not a linux issue?05:33
timits just the instalation dosnt go too well05:33
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:33
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debiani386tim >> did you chmod the installation file?05:33
Kartitim: Try the instructions and see how you get on, its using ndiswrapper05:33
drif!doesntwork > rustalot05:33
kbuntucan anyone please help me with dcgui ?!?!?!05:33
AccessExcellent I was going to ask about 3D acceleration it seems to be non existent. Am I a fool for thinking Nvidia have Linux drivers from there site?05:33
timand ubot it dose sit ont he couch all day :P05:34
zipperAccess, not at all, they're there05:34
KartiAccess, yes they do05:34
pag!nv | Access05:34
timwell karti im sure ill be back soon to bug you more05:34
ubotuAccess: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:34
Arwen!nvidia | Access05:34
zipperAccess, but it's usually not the way to go. There is a guide on the wiki on how to install nvidia drivers05:34
zipperi'm too slow =(05:34
AccessGoGood to know the big guys support it05:34
Kartitim: no probs ;)05:34
AccessOh I see05:34
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Arwenyep, it's not like ATI05:34
doug_debiani386: what was your opinion?05:34
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BluesKajnope, Ralesk , konq still opens a new window with each URL05:35
debiani386tim >> after you download it, cd into the director you downloaded it to, chmod +x [filename] , then sudo ./[filename] 05:35
debiani386then it should install05:35
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RaleskAccess: nvidia's drivers are actually pretty good from what I heard -- I'm stuck on ati and want to strangle ati devs05:35
timyo deb explain a little more i05:35
timim not following completely05:35
zipperi love nvidia drivers, and while ATI's have become better they're still way inferior to nvidias05:35
RaleskBluesKaj: ahhhh you mean external URLs fed to it to remain in the one window?05:35
AccessHahah yeah ever since Nvidia swalloed up 3Dfx they have had the best software people.05:35
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Arwenzipper, become better? I haven't seen any improvements actually.05:36
BluesKajyes Ralesk05:36
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debiani386tim >> just download the file05:36
RaleskBluesKaj: I don't use that setting, but I'll see if I can make it happen, just a mo05:36
rustalotdrif: it won't give me a GUI; kdm is all messed up05:36
doug_anyone help please?05:36
debiani386tim >> then change the directory to the directory the file is in (by using the console)05:36
timim downloding now some gay warning about windows came up05:36
debiani386tim >> chmod +x [filename] 05:36
AccessNow about Samba, did I need a seperate partian for a windows machine to access files on this comp?05:36
debiani386tim >> sudo ./[filename] 05:37
rustalotdrif: and I got the thing about "cannot access tty; job control turned off"05:37
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zipperArwen, well, maybe i'm biased... dont have much experience with ATI to be honest, but a couple of years ago they were nearly useless. At least now it is actually possible to get them to work.05:37
RaleskBluesKaj: it works for me and I haven't even restarted the damn thing :)05:37
timdeb does it matter that its a .exe05:37
drifrustalot: someone else here had the same thing I recall05:37
doug_Ralesk: do you have any idea or a forum where i can go?05:37
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debiani386tim >> yes05:37
debiani386tim >> you need to download the linux one05:37
debiani386not the windows one05:37
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Raleskdoug_: what was your question again? ^^;05:37
kbuntuHOW TO USE DCGUI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!05:37
timwell i got sent link to windows05:37
Arwenzipper, ah. I thought you meant recently.05:37
debiani386the *.exe is linux05:37
drifAccess: not quite following..05:37
rustalotdrif: so I followed thee 'updated fix' here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=421588&page=205:38
debiani386tim >> hmm05:38
debiani386tim >> you may need to get the opensource driver05:38
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RaleskBluesKaj: hmm, did you check the last thingy in the Advanced Options button?05:38
doug_Ralesk: What cpu type to choose in kernel config05:38
debiani386tim .> for that, youi need to download envy05:38
rustalotdrif: that's when I got to the kdm being screwed up bit05:38
timthats what i got sent and download envy05:38
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timso sudo apt-get install envy05:38
Raleskah... well um, debiani386 recommended pentium-mmx, and that sounds the closest to whatever you may have.  safest bet is i386.05:38
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debiani386i downloaded envy from google05:38
arashHi, I'm using a very powerful computer, sitll easy window handling (moving around a window) is slow and it takes time for the windows to show the content (they start out blank when I unminimize them), any ideas?05:39
Accessdrif: I wish for a windows machine to access a sort of "Shared Docs" on this Ubuntu machine. I assume Samba is what I use? And from what I hear it requires a partitian that windows can "See"... am I mistaken?05:39
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debiani386heres the link to envy: www.debianadmin.com/envy-ati-and-nvidia-drivers-installation-made-easy.html05:39
rustalotbut I got a KNOPPIX disk running KDE 3 & Kernel 2.4 and it booted ok05:39
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ArwenI've got a problem with kaffeine and subtitles. Whenever two people are talking at the same time, the subtitles are drawn on top of each other, leading to an unreadable mess. Anyone have any ideas?05:39
doug_Ralesk: thanks05:39
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drifAccess: you're mistaken :D05:40
AccessExcellent :D05:40
AccessThankyou muchly05:40
Raleskarash: what graphics card do you have?05:40
arashArwen - maybe KDE channel know that better, but I'm no expert ;)05:40
AccessTo google I go!05:40
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arashRalesk - hmm, any easy way to check that?05:40
Arwenarash, yeah, this is irritating. One would think that 5 lines of code could fix it.05:40
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Raleskarash: do an lspci and look for a vga controller or somesuch05:41
arash02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0193 (rev a2)05:42
timdeb you do knwo envy is for gfx cards ??05:42
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Raleskarash: ah05:42
debiani386tim >> it is05:43
debiani386tim >> its compatible with nvidia and ati cards05:43
arashVista said it was "GeForce 8800 GTS" I think05:43
timim doing wireless cards05:43
timim doing a broadcom wireless card05:43
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ArwenI know that envy is crap..05:44
debiani386ok well, then open the terminal05:44
RaleskI have an ati and never had an nvidia before so I can't help...  you could try to install envy (it's just being talked about here right now) which installs the proprietary drivers for nvidia (and ati) cards05:44
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debiani386and type ndiswrapper05:44
Raleskor you could get the driver from nvidia's site directly05:44
timim doing the brocom wireless card with the bcmwl5.inf and sys drivers05:44
arashok thanks Ralesk :)05:44
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debiani386tim >> do you have ndiswrapper installed?05:44
timyep done05:44
arashRalesk, which is easier?05:44
timi do05:44
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debiani386open the console05:45
timopen the console ?05:45
debiani386the terminal i mean05:45
timok ] 05:45
Raleskarash: envy was made so that it's easier to install these drivers, but as an ati user I never had any good results (but... I blame ati for being terrible coders)05:45
timsorry should have guessed05:45
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debiani386now do you have the individual files or just the one exe file05:45
timits indiviual drivers05:46
Raleskthe nvidia driver is much better in quality, so you're likely to have success :)05:46
timok bcmwl5.inf and bcmwl5.sys on my desktop05:46
debiani386ok in the terminal05:46
debiani386cd over to the directory where all the drivers are05:46
timsee i dont knwo what that means05:46
=== genii thinks about fwcutter
debiani386then type ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf05:46
timcd over to the directory05:46
Raleskarash: sudo apt-get install envy  --- and if it doesn't work, then to uninstall, do a sudo apt-get remove --purge envy  (write this up somewhere)05:46
timalready installed cause i tried it earlyer05:47
debiani386ok type depmod -a05:47
debiani386then after thats done, type modprove05:47
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timit said fatal erroe05:47
timcoudlnt open it05:47
arashRalesk, so you think envy is better than going to nvidia site?05:48
debiani386it said that when you did depmod?05:48
timyea im just swtiching to root to try it05:48
Raleskarash: it's made for easy installing, but that's all I know about it really05:48
Ralesktry it first.05:48
timok said nothign then went to next line05:48
timim asuming it let me do it05:48
Raleskit'll just ask a few things and tell you what to do05:48
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timtyped modprobe and came up with the commands05:49
arashit couldnt find envy ....05:49
arash(apt-get couldnt find)05:49
debiani386oh wait05:49
debiani386modprobe ndiswrapper05:49
timroot@tim-laptop:~# modprobe ndiswrapper05:49
timFATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.15-28-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument05:49
Ralesko_o  for me neither... damn!05:49
timthis is where i always get stuck05:50
Ralesklemme google it05:50
debiani386you may need to remove and reinstall ndiswrapper05:50
Raleskhttp://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html > arash05:50
timok ..... so sudo apt-get remove ndiswrapper05:51
timcouldnt find just ndiswrapper so im gunner do ndiswrapper-utils05:51
timok ndiswrapper-utils is removed05:52
timi use ndiswrapper-utils cause no other seems avalible05:52
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timdebain you there ??05:54
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timuninstalled ndiswrapper05:55
slawek__i need drivers to motorola v54705:55
timwell ndiswrapper-utils05:55
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slawek__cell phone under ubuntu05:55
debiani386ok so now install it05:55
debiani386sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils05:55
slawek__please give me a link to a website05:55
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debiani386ok so cd into the directory where hte drivers are05:56
pag!patience | slawek__05:56
ubotuslawek__: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:56
debiani386then ndiswrapper -i [theinffile.inf] 05:56
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rustalotmy ethernet card is made by broadcom, how do I make it work?05:57
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timroot@tim-laptop:~# sudo ndiswrapper -i ~/desktop/bcmwl5.inf05:57
timbcmwl5 is already installed. Use -e to remove it05:57
timroot@tim-laptop:~# sudo ndiswrapper -e ~/desktop/bcmwl5.inf05:57
timDriver /root/desktop/bcmwl5.inf is not installed.Use -l to list installed drivers05:57
slawek__anybody available to help me?05:57
debiani386ok use ndiswrapper -l05:57
debiani386see what is installed05:57
zipperrustalot, you're in for a lot of fun... people usually tend to have a lot of trouble with broadcom (including myself. In the end, i had to give up. Ndiswrapper was simply too unreliable with WPA)05:58
AccessHello again, I seemingly have change the file associations of certain files. What does .run files meant to be opened with?05:58
timroot@tim-laptop:~# ndiswrapper -l05:58
timInstalled ndis drivers:05:58
timbcmwl5  invalid driver!05:58
zipperAccess, .run files are usually executables05:58
debiani386so try ndiswrapper -e bcmwl505:58
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Accesszipper: How do I make it know that, it keeps trying to open it in firefox :P (yeah yeah, im not sure what ive done)05:59
timok did that and it went to next line05:59
rustalotzipper: I know... when I got it, I made sure I had intel wireless, but I didn't expect to have problems with the ethernet!05:59
Access(yeah yeah im an idiot I know it :P, hehhe)05:59
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timrustalot know a good usb wireless which will work06:00
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timor a card to slam into the extension slot06:00
zipperAccess, never had any trouble with wired ethernet... so not sure what issues you could be dealing with. Only tried broadcom wireless chips06:00
debiani386linksys work excellent with ubuntu06:00
slawek__kurfa mac06:00
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debiani386my linksys should be arriving soon06:01
timare they easy to install or maybe auto install06:01
rustalotthe wireless will work fine, it's Intel. The wired connection is having problems.06:01
timwhich modle06:01
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debiani386there easy to install and the ubuntu help forums have guides for installation06:01
timim looking for a wireless card06:01
RaleskAccess: just open a terminal go to the directory and run the file :)06:01
AccessAhh okay06:01
timso linksys what modle number06:01
AccessThanks Ralesk06:01
debiani386and furthermore, there supported natively by ubuntu06:01
debiani386lemme check06:01
debiani386the WUSB54GS is the one ill be setting up06:01
debiani386its really small too, about the size of a large thumb drive06:02
timusb or extension slot06:02
AccessSpeaking of which, how do I access other computers My g/fs comp is called "Belzara" typing "\\Belzara" in a location bar doesnt seem to work :P06:02
timand what wireless it on 802. ??06:02
debiani386this one supports b.g06:02
timok good good06:02
Raleskand then hope you're able to browse the SMB network :)  > Access06:03
debiani386actually is just g06:03
debiani386with speed booster06:03
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debiani386well, g/b excuse me06:03
debiani386. o (would help if i read the entire thing)06:03
debiani386. o (:P )06:03
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timyo deb is this it06:04
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debiani386oh wait no woops06:05
debiani386http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833124076 this ones it06:05
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Raleskwell anyway, bye all for now06:06
driflaters Ralesk06:06
timcya ralesk06:06
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guillei just installed kubunto 7.0406:06
guillei am new on linux06:07
guilleso i need some help,06:07
timmmmmm any one know how to install edimax stuff06:07
Ahmucksup guille06:07
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debiani386tim if you want the guide, here it is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22520606:07
debiani386just shows you how to install it with ndiswrapper06:07
guilleright now i am upgrading everything with something called adept manager06:07
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pondushow do i wuit a channel in bitchx?06:09
Daisuke_Laptopuse /part to leave a channel06:09
Daisuke_Laptopuse /quit to leave irc altogether06:09
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AccessHmm is ther anyway to access SMB without Nautilus? (besides the terminal of course)06:10
Accesssweet thanks!06:10
Daisuke_Laptopmmmkay, got my new bookcase put together06:10
Daisuke_Laptopmakes me happy06:11
timwell i think i might retire for now06:11
debiani386k bye tim06:11
timive just orderd new WL card and book06:11
timlaters debain06:11
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rustalotI'm installing in text mode, and it's been stuck at 85% installed for a while now : "Installed openoffice.org-java-common"06:13
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rustalotI'ts not using the disk, either06:13
timoh yea one mroe question how do you register with RCI06:13
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pag!register | tim06:13
ubotutim: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration06:13
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pag!caps | McBee06:14
ubotuMcBee: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:14
jussi01!caps | McBee06:14
coreymon77McBee: can you please not use caps06:14
coreymon77McBee: we can see you perfectly with lower case06:14
McBeecoreymon77.`-> i'm sorry :)06:14
coreymon77McBee: no problem06:15
coreymon77McBee: doesnt adept-updater work?06:15
sparri have an onscreen keyboard.  when i use it to type into firefox's address bar, the autocomplete dropdown steals mouse focus AND appears on top of my 'on top of everything'-set keyboard.  can kwin help with either of those?06:15
coreymon77sparr: you can shut of autocomplete06:16
McBeecoreymon77.`-> yes.. but linux-image.2.6.22 doesn't exist06:16
sparrcoreymon77: so tempting.  id rather find a WM solution06:16
timDrunken piggy register06:16
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timDrunken piggy register06:16
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Daisuke_Laptopi thought we were just using .20 in feisty06:17
Daisuke_Laptopoh wow, he's actually using dapper (was in the caps, which i tend to ignore)06:17
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coreymon77sparr: well just shutting off autocomplete is my suggestion, i dont really know of another way06:19
sparrwindow specific settings > workarounds06:20
Daisuke_Laptoptoo bad there's no firefox setting: don't steal focus.06:20
sparrthis is the solution suggested elsewhere, might work06:20
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Daisuke_Laptopwhoa.  if there is one, that's where it would be D:06:20
coreymon77Daisuke_Laptop: you knwo, there is probably an extension for that06:20
coreymon77Daisuke_Laptop: knowing firefox06:20
jussi01tim: what are you trying to do?06:21
timset hide email on06:21
guillei need to install something to meka amarok play mp306:21
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coreymon77tim: /msg nickserv set hide email on06:21
guillewhat is it? i am already in adept manager btw06:21
jussi01!mp3 | guille06:21
timset email <drunken_piggy@oink.co.uk>06:21
ubotuguille: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:21
timregister <2323812>06:21
coreymon77tim:  you have to type exactly this06:22
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germainefrench room pls06:22
McBeei need install linux-image.2.6.22-rc3 and i'm using kubuntu dapper. how can I do it?06:22
coreymon77tim: /msg nickserv set hide email on (dont replace email with your email)06:22
mrksbrdi'm having trouble getting connected via wifi, it worked when i just had ubuntu installed , but when i installed KDE environment all went away06:22
coreymon77tim: email is a tag06:22
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soa2iiHi there!06:23
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coreymon77mrksbrd: what card?06:23
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soa2iiI just installed Kubuntu and aptitude shows nice font cache error after an initial dist-upgrade....06:23
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guillehi using an ati graphic card, i experienced some problems any idea?06:23
mrksbrdit is a intel pro wireless(built in)06:23
soa2iismth like that:06:24
soa2ii/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-malayalam-fonts: failed to write cache06:24
soa2ii/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-mgopen: failed to write cache06:24
soa2ii/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-oriya-fonts: failed to write cache06:24
soa2ii/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-punjabi-fonts: failed to write cache06:24
soa2ii/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-tamil-fonts: failed to write cache06:24
jussi01!ati | guille06:24
ubotuguille: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:24
jussi01!paste | soa2ii06:24
germainewho know  french room irc kubuntu06:24
ubotusoa2ii: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:24
pag!fr | germaine06:24
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ubotugermaine: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:24
jussi01!fr | germaine06:24
germainety usotu06:24
coreymon77mrksbrd: chipset?06:24
soa2iican anyone help me with that problem?06:24
mrksbrdlet me check06:24
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mrksbrd02:02.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection (rev 05)06:25
guillewhat was the problem soa2ii?06:26
jussi01Dont paste it again!!!!06:26
pagsoa2ii, " find /usr/share/fonts /usr/local/share/fonts /var/lib/defoma/fontconfig.d -type d -print0 | sudo xargs --null touch "06:26
soa2iii made an dist-upgrade (just installed kubuntu) and aptitude shows a lot of font chace errors06:26
pagsoa2ii, put that in Konsole - iirc that should work06:26
arunkaleis anyone here using thunderbird 2?06:27
Angeluscan someone help me with the folowwing error?06:27
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soa2iipag thx (:06:28
mrksbrdcoreymon77, it is showing connected to the router, but will not connect to internet06:28
coreymon77mrksbrd: okay, give me a sec06:28
sparris there a panel applet that will give me small icons (in multiple rows, like quick launcher) for launching non-kde applications?06:29
guilleMan i just love linux06:30
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Ahmuckhas yaquake been removed from the ubuntu repositories?06:30
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pag!info yakuake06:31
ubotuyakuake: a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.5-4ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 73 kB, installed size 512 kB06:31
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Ahmuckpaq, it is not coming up in adept or aptitude06:32
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pagAhmuck, well do you have Universe enabled?06:32
coreymon77mrksbrd: so, you are sure its connected t your network?06:32
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geniifor general info, that author last updated yakuake in mid 2005, so it looks to be abandonware06:32
Ahmucki have everything enabled06:33
Ahmucki have even tried different servers06:33
coreymon77mrksbrd: try pinging your router, see if it works06:33
pagAhmuck, feisty?06:33
Ahmuckis it possible i am getting intercepted for my packages?06:33
Ahmuckpaq yes feisty06:33
mrksbrdshows a sig meter w/91 sig strength, is ther e a manual command to double check??????????06:33
pagAhmuck, try copy-pasteing that line: sudo apt-get install yakuake06:33
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JucatoAhmuck: yakuake06:34
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Ahmuckah, there is the problem, ok06:34
Jucatoit's yakuake not yaquake06:34
Ahmuckthx, jucato06:34
Jucatono prob :)06:34
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Ahmuckyep, i musta had gaming in my head06:34
radiusdoes anyone use a 3270 emulator for kubuntu?06:35
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radiusx3270 is limited06:35
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JucatoAhmuck: that's how it's pronounced though. so you're partly right. but it's KDE.. so there's a K :)06:35
mrksbrdhmmmmm, no relplies06:35
coreymon77mrksbrd: well then, you clearly arent connected06:36
coreymon77mrksbrd: okay, tpye iwconfig06:36
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coreymon77mrksbrd: it should say beside a bunch of them, no wireless connections, and then say your network info beside one of them06:37
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coreymon77mrksbrd: does it?06:38
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jhutchins!info yaquake06:38
ubotuPackage yaquake does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:38
geniik not q06:39
Ahmuckis there a tool to install upon intial installation that will build md5 sums of installed packages to burn to cd that one can check against for changes?06:39
pontiacsomme de controle md506:40
coreymon77mrksbrd: okay06:40
coreymon77mrksbrd: so your interface is eth106:40
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coreymon77mrksbrd:i take it you know your networks essid and wep key?06:40
Drunkenhay any one have a edimax WL card06:40
pontiacy a   des lettre qui se sont affich06:40
pontiacavec des chiffre06:40
coreymon77!fr | pontiac06:41
ubotupontiac: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:41
Drunkenyou know how to install a usb one ?06:41
radiusguess no one uses terminal emulators except for me06:41
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coreymon77mrksbrd: okay, so type this06:41
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coreymon77mrksbrd: sudo iwconfig eth1 essid (your essid) key (your wep key)06:42
zblach__quick thing. Kicker is locked, and I can't unlock it. how can i manually unlock?06:42
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Drunkenmrksbrd you any idea how to set one up06:42
coreymon77essid and key are tags so dont replace them, replace the brackets stuff06:42
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mrksbrdok done06:43
coreymon77mrksbrd: try pinging again06:43
mrksbrdfrom terminal right?06:43
Drunkencorey are you helping him  setup deimax usb wirless lan06:43
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Drunkenreally ??06:44
coreymon77Drunken: no06:44
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Drunkencry smiley06:44
coreymon77Drunken: im helping him with something else06:44
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coreymon77mrksbrd: any response?06:44
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mrksbrdshowing signal meter now @ 006:45
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orchi all06:45
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coreymon77okay, apparently your card isnt beng recognize06:45
orcthink all are geeks here06:45
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orcany1 from bd?06:46
AccessWell I still seem to be having trouble getting my monitor above 1024x768. have updated to the latest Nvidia driver. It was recommended to me here that it could be my monitor. I cant seem to find my monitor in the Device Manager, any thoughts on how I can begin to rectify this?06:46
mrksbrdwhy would ubuntu see it, but not kde environment??, could it have messed something up when i put the KDE environment on here??06:46
coreymon77mrksbrd: whats your card again?06:47
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mrksbrd02:02.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection (rev 05)06:47
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coreymon77i think ive got it06:48
phoenix92xhi, I'm trying to have amarok build a collection on a filesystem mounted with sshfs. Sometimes it builds the collection and sometimes it doesn't, also this results in the directory just kind of unmounting and getting an error saying "Transport endpoint not connected" when I try to do say, 'df' and look for the mount, or when I try to browse into the folder itself. Has anyone experienced this?06:49
coreymon77mrksbrd: this is odd, im being told that it should work out of the box06:50
mrksbrdit should, i had it working b406:50
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mrksbrdhad to reinstall, loaded ubuntu....it worked....loaded Kde AND DIDN'T WORK ANYMORE06:51
coreymon77that does not make sense06:51
mrksbrdtell me about it06:51
arunkaleI'm using Thunderbird 2. Every time Thunderbird downloads new messages on startup, it just freezes and I have to force quit. Any ideas as to how I can fix this?06:51
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coreymon77kde is a desktop environment, its got nothing to do with wireless06:51
dimhello All, how to make the "text view" mode the default one in konqueror?06:51
arunkaleAlso it keeps downloading the same bunch of messages over and over06:51
coreymon77try this06:51
mrksbrdwondering if config file for it got screwed up somehow06:52
coreymon77can you access your router from anywhere06:52
coreymon77router settings06:52
coreymon77but your using a laptop right/06:52
mrksbrdalso have desktop running same06:52
mrksbrdbut on ethernet cable06:52
coreymon77i was going to say try using static ip06:52
coreymon77but thats not a good ide with a laptop06:53
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zblach__i'm unable to unlock kicker. how can I fix this?06:53
MaKaTiGuYneed some help06:53
coreymon77this really does not make sense, this card works out of the box06:53
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rustalotso I've been having some problems, and it says (EE) Screen(s) found, but none of them have a usable configuration . Fatal server error: no screens found06:54
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Drunkenhay any one like to help me install a edimax usb wireless card06:54
MaKaTiGuYwhat is the ideal speed in burning the kubuntu in a cd?06:55
pagMaKaTiGuY, I'd suggest 4x or less06:55
mrksbrdbest to burn @ low speed...less errors06:55
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scribblesanyone here have experience getting CS: Source working?06:56
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MaKaTiGuYpag: i have a nero essentials, but i can't get it to a 4x speed, the lowest speed is 10X06:57
JucatoMaKaTiGuY: lowest possible on your drive/medium06:57
mrksbrdanother weird thing corey, just was able to connect to neighbors unsecured, but won't even let me select mine06:57
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acemodoes anyone knows how the zeroconf plugin from ktorrent works?06:58
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MaKaTiGuYpag: i have a nero essentials, but i can't get it to a 4x speed, the lowest speed is 10X06:59
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pagMaKaTiGuY, Jucato already answered you - go at lowest possible06:59
MaKaTiGuYk tnx06:59
coreymon77mrksbrd: hmmm, i really ont know06:59
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Drunkenhow can you find out what series kernal your runnign07:00
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acemouname -r07:01
Drunkenthank you ace07:01
Drunkencould you help me understanding one more thing please ?07:01
pag!tab | Drunken07:01
ubotuDrunken: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:01
acemodepending if i unsderstand it =P07:01
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Drunkentell me if this read me file make sense instructions wise07:02
Drunkenits the read me on the driver cd ?07:02
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guillei got a genius webcam07:03
guillebut it does not work with amsn nor with kopete07:03
guillei get a blue screen on kopete any ideas?07:03
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acemoguille: does it works at all?07:03
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scribbleswhenever I open Counter Strike Source in Steam via Wine it shows the proper loading screen but then it just goes black and I have to restard KDE, any ideas?07:04
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carveanyone out there who can help me install a theme in kubuntu 6.06?07:04
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pag!changethemes | carve07:05
ubotucarve: To change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.07:05
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mrksbrdcory still thee?07:05
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Drunkenso ace07:06
Drunkendo you understand it07:06
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guilleacemo, it does work using windows07:06
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carvehow do I get to my themes?  Sorry I've only been using Linux for a week07:08
pfeinwhat does everyone like for CD ripping/encoding?07:08
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germainesorry room  french room pls07:08
pag!fr | germaine07:09
ubotugermaine: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:09
germainety ubotu07:09
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pagpfein, konqueror is nice for audiocd's :)  SoundKonverter works also quite well07:09
Angelusapt-get is saying that i have the base locked07:09
guilleDoes anyone know how to make a webcam in amsn or copete?07:10
Angelushow do i do that reconfigure thing?07:10
pag!aprfix | Angelus07:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aprfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:10
DrunkenCan any one help with a edimax usb wireless problem07:10
pag!aptfix | Angelus07:10
ubotuAngelus: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 07:10
pfeinpag: will konq create playlists?07:10
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pfeinpag: I tried kaudiocreator, but no playlists07:10
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mrksbrdDrunken, what did u need?07:11
pagpfein, probably not?  I don't personally use them, so I haven't ever looked for that feature07:11
Drunkeni need to have these instructions epxlained to me07:11
DrunkenFor 2.6 series kernel:07:11
Drunkena.  go to 'STA/Module' directory.07:11
Drunken    run 'cp Makefile.6 Makefile'07:11
Drunkenb. $make all07:12
Drunkenc. cp rt73.bin /etc/Wireless/RT73STA/# copy firmware07:12
pag!paste | Drunken07:12
ubotuDrunken: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:12
Drunkend.  run '/sbin/insmod rt73.ko'  (as root)07:12
Drunken        '/sbin/ifconfig rausb0 inet YOUR_IP up'07:12
DrunkenFor big endian platform:07:12
Drunkenthey make no sense at all for me07:12
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Drunkensorry mark my stupid identiy wont work for now07:13
Drunkenyou want the tar file [path name07:13
Drunkenyou wanna knwo the software07:13
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lee_how do i get in the ubuntu room07:15
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.07:15
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mrksbrdDrunken, was it a .tar file that u have to compile???07:15
arashHow can I make Kubuntu think there are 'two screens'?. I currently have that my TV is the one right to the main, any have experience in this?07:15
arashThe problem being is that Kubuntu isn't aware of that, for example maximize windows will make it take all space (even TV)07:15
Dr_willisarash,  what iois your videoc ard?07:15
arashlee_ type "/j #ubuntu"07:15
TachyonI'm dual-booting Kubuntu and Windows Vista.  I can mount the Vista partition but it doesn't let me access my user files from Kubuntu.  How can I get kubuntu to authenticate itself while mounting Vista?07:16
arashGTS 880007:16
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ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions07:16
Dr_willisarash,  i THINK the 8800 card has some issues at this time. may be fixed by now. for nvidia cards you want to enable the 'twinview' feature07:16
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jussi01Tachyon: ^^07:16
arashDr_willis sounds like my problem, what is twinview?07:17
Dr_willisarash, twinvies is nvidias 'feature' that allows more then 1 monitor.07:17
zipperI have 2 soundcards. I know that both works. How do i select which one should be the primary one (the one applications should use)?07:17
arashDr_willis, I have two screeens right now, so just fixing Kubuntu to treat it like two screens would probably make it flawless07:17
Dr_willisI use the   nvidia-xconfig  -A       command to tweak mine.07:17
Dr_willisarash,  i find that dual displays is NEVER flawless. :)07:17
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead07:18
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama07:18
arashThanks Dr_willis !07:18
Dr_willisI tend to just backup my working xorg.conf , then run 'sudo nvidia-xconfig  --twinview'07:18
Dr_willisthen restart X07:18
Tachyonjussi01: Merci.  Trying it now.07:18
Dr_willisthe nvidia driver readme has a lot of neat info for tweaking it also.07:19
timi think ill never get this card working07:19
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:20
Tachyonjussi01: er, I installed the configuration tool, but it isn't opening...07:20
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timany one any good with wireless cards07:22
timor know how to install RT7307:22
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timany one know how to install RT73 ?07:22
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timany one anyn good with RT73STAV1000_k2.6.8-2-386_DBN31.tar.gz07:26
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spirooHi, I need help again :D I cannot uninstall apache2.07:26
timyou tried being in root terminal07:26
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spirooyes of cource I have07:27
timand then sudo apt-get remove apache2.07:27
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spirooyes does not matter07:27
timeveyr one keeps dropping out07:27
timi dunno why07:27
timnot many people talking any more07:27
timhay root07:28
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spiroodoes not work with purge or anything. I deleted the conf files which I did not think mattered for the installation because I got some issues with module rewrite. Then it says it caanott find httpd.conf, apache2.conf etc ...07:28
timtry reinstaling then uninstalling07:28
spirooDoes not work07:28
timroot you any good with RT73STAV1000_k2.6.8-2-386_DBN31.tar.gz07:28
roothelpeverybody work with gambas07:28
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spirooWhen I reinstall it does not add the conf-files or anything07:29
timwhats gambas07:29
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zipperI have 2 soundcards. I know that both works. How do i select which one should be the primary one (the one applications should use)?07:29
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drifspiroo: tried apt-get --purge -f remove apache2 ?07:29
timtried deleteing the files by hand and sorting thoguh them07:29
spirootim: Is there any possibility to remove it manuelly and install freshly07:29
timah drif some one whos good at helping07:29
spiroodrif: nope will try07:29
drifspiroo: add sudo as well07:29
drifI forgot it07:29
timid say just delete the files one by one07:29
spirooof course ;P07:30
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timdrif you any good at or knwo how to install RT7307:30
driftim: RT73?07:30
driftim: explain a bit07:30
spirooHow do I delete when I do not know how to and where I should delete. I must do it inside dpkg also to get adept working07:30
timan edimax EW-7318ug usb card07:30
spirooAdept needs a better cleanup system07:30
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timruns on a RT7307:31
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drifspiroo: let me know if that works - then we'll think of something else07:31
spirooyes will do07:31
timso drif ever herd of it ?07:31
spiroowait a sec07:31
driftim: you mean RT73 as chip?07:31
timok i have this for instructions which are crap one sec ill get url07:32
spiroodrif, nope did not work, I send a print screen soon.07:32
timFor 2.6 series kernel:07:32
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spiroono I send pastebin instead07:32
driftim: modprobe rt73usb07:32
tima.  go to 'STA/Module' directory.07:32
tim    run 'cp Makefile.6 Makefile'07:32
timb. $make all07:32
timc. cp rt73.bin /etc/Wireless/RT73STA/# copy firmware07:32
timd.  run '/sbin/insmod rt73.ko'  (as root)07:33
tim        '/sbin/ifconfig rausb0 inet YOUR_IP up'07:33
driftim, stop that07:33
drifdo not paste here07:33
drif!pastebin | tim07:33
ubotutim: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:33
timsorry :(07:33
guillei am having trouble with my webcam?07:33
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driftim: did you try loading that module? or do you need to compile some other version?07:33
timi tried modprobe said module dosnt exsist07:33
spiroodrif: http://pastebin.org/125007:34
driftim: what did you type07:34
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timmodprobe rt73usb07:34
driftim: modprobe -l | grep -i rt7307:34
driftim: what does it give you?07:34
spiroodrif: sorry for the swedish language in some parts, but the important ones is in english though ;P07:34
timok can i send files over IRC if so ill send you the pakage07:34
spiroohow do I do this ?: Please set APACHE_ETC_SEARCH07:35
timit just went to the next line of coding without saying any thing07:35
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driftim: which version you have+07:36
driftim: older than feisty?07:36
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TachyonI installed the NTFS configuration tool, but it won't open.  When I try to open it using the menu, nothing happens.  Katapult gives me the error that KDE.init can't find gksu07:37
spiroodrif. ?07:37
_4strOTachyon: alt + F2 and then kdesu ntfs-config07:37
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_4strOTachyon: you can edit the link in the menu (by right clicking on it) and change gksu by kdesu07:38
timok i dunno if i have feisty drif07:39
timand read this07:39
timthis is what im rworking from07:39
guillewebcam trouble07:40
guillehow do i reinstall drivers?07:40
driftim: lsb_release -a07:40
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driftim: that should tell you07:40
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timubuntu 6.06 codname dapper07:41
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drif!didntwork > spiroo07:41
timoh and no lsb modules avalible07:42
TachyonWell, the tool lets me select if I can enable write support, but it doesn't do any of this "detecting NTFS partitions" business that the wiki suggests....07:42
driftim: well it's the codename we were after07:42
driftim: yup07:42
driftim: feisty seems to have r73 supported as default07:42
timand this means ?07:43
timso download feisty07:43
driftim: why you're using 6.06 - needing long time support perhaps?07:43
guillei am having trouble with my webcam and soon i am gonna shoot myself!07:43
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timwhat do you mean07:44
drifguille: it would help to know which webcam07:44
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tim... oh yea i got he offical guide to ubntu and it was 6.06 lol rather then 707:44
driftim: that's rather old release07:44
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timreally ?07:44
guillethe webcam i got is a genius07:44
timwell would i have any better luck with ubuntu 7.0407:45
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guillei am gonna chekc the web so i can give you a closer description07:45
rioriotim > maybe you should try later, there is a netsplit going on atm07:45
timnetsplit ??07:45
zipperI have 2 soundcards. I know that both works. How do i select which one should be the primary one (the one applications should use, or at least Amarok)?07:46
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AccessMmm still trying to display 1280x1024. Tried forcing it by adding the mode "1280x1024" in xorg.conf however it didnt work (although 1280x768 did, but thats not helpful :P). I googled my Auriga ColorPro 19D and it seems no one has the Vertical and Horitzonal numbers. Is there anything I can do?07:46
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driftim: simply put, yes07:47
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timso just upgrade to 7.04 for ubntu07:47
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driftim: that could work - I prefer clean intall though07:47
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DexterFhow do I play an image of a dvd as a dvd? player deosnt matter07:48
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robnickTachyon: You're trying to get ntfs-3g to work?07:48
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Tachyonrobnick: Indeed07:48
robnickTachyon: 'cause I didn't seem to get this "Detecting NTFS drives" thing either; so I ended up manually adding the line(s) to fstab07:48
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renehey everybody07:48
martijn81DexterF: depends on the image, iso you can mount with loopdevice07:48
timso you think that a clean install might already support RT7307:48
renejust checking in07:48
DexterFmartijn81: no iso, dir tree07:48
Tachyonrobnick: Yeah.  I could do that if I knew what they were.  My problem, however, is that I don't know how to get it to mount the partition so I can access all the files under my Vista account (in C:\Users)07:49
reneVista S*cks07:49
TachyonThe Vista partition itself mounts fine.  I can only access the public stuff.07:49
eagles0513875msft suxs in general07:49
robnickTachyon: Do you know which drive/partition it's on? (e.g.; /dev/hda1) ?07:49
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Tachyonrobnick: /dev/sda207:49
robnickTachyon: ah!07:49
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reneyoper & slackware & kubuntu rulez07:49
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Tachyonrene: Surprisingly, I've found that bashing something that isn't working and randomly celebrating that which does work doesn't really fix my problem. :-/  Usually it requires actual solutions, or at least lots of tea.07:50
robnickTachyon: For what it's worth, here's my line: /dev/sda1 /home/robert/ext ntfs-3g defaults,force 0 007:50
robnickTachyon: But I guess you have that, already07:50
TachyonYes, something quite similar.07:51
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renei am a really new rookie in linux07:51
driftim: it does - like I said it has rt73usb driver..07:51
robnickThe only wee-bit "special" I added was the "force" option, which forces a mount even if the partition table wasn't closed properly07:51
renebut got microsoft office xp installed on kubuntu and the printing witrh the hp photosmart 7350 works great07:52
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robnickrene: You installed ... Office XP .... on Kubuntu?07:52
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renecrossover office07:52
robnickrene: There's a good alternative called OpenOffice. Then again, maybe you're more used to it. :)07:53
arashubotu !ntfs-3g07:53
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions07:53
arashretarded, how do I whisper in irc :p? obviously /say just says the parameters...07:53
reneoffice xp is 1 of the most standard office versions in companys07:53
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Tachyonarash: I've read the page and the behaviour I encounter is not the behaviour expected.07:54
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robnickTachyon: Take a look at this; there's some info regarding Vista/ntfs-3g on it: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1058507:54
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acemodoes anyone knows how the zeroconf plugin from ktorrent works?07:55
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robnickTachyon: Any specific error you're getting? Or is it just empty? Else open two terminals; and tail -f /var/log/messages while mounting the NTFS-partition and accessing the folder.07:56
drif!aptfix > spiroo07:56
guillei have agenius webcam VideoCAM GE111 but i can get it to work07:56
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Tachyonrobnick: I can see the Default and Public user folders, but I can't see the Ben folder (for my account) in /media/sda2/Users/07:58
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spiroo!aptfix | spiroo07:58
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 07:58
spirooah thanks07:58
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murchadhTachyon: If you're root can you see them?07:59
robnickTachyon: And if you're accessing that folder through the console? (cd /media/sda2/Users/Ben/ or sudo cd /media/sda2/Users/Ben/)07:59
Tachyonsudo cd -- no command found08:00
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murchadhTachyon: kdesu konqueror, then browse to the mount directory in that instance of konqueror (don't go online with it though: not safe).08:01
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Tachyonmurchadh: No, same problem08:02
murchadhTachyon: Can you become root by typing su -08:03
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Tachyonmurchadh: No, but sudo su works08:04
TachyonStill the same problem though08:04
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murchadhTachyon: Can you ctrl+alt+F3 to get to a new terminal? Can you log in there as root? umount /dev/sda2, then try and mount it -08:06
antonio_estou tendo dificuldades em acessar o meu outro hd com so windows.  aqui que consigo ajuda?08:07
martijn81DexterF: just right click and action open with kaffeine or something08:07
murchadhTachyon: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /mount/point and see what errors you get.08:07
DexterFmartijn81: "or something", huh? nvm, smplayer gets the job done08:07
Tachyonmurchadh: No, when I try to log in as root it says "Login incorrect"08:08
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murchadhTachyon: It just seems to be a permissions problem. But not knowing much about Vista, there may be some form of encryption or somesuch you've enabled.08:08
TachyonI haven't knowingly enabled any such security08:09
TachyonIn fact, I've disabled most of Vista's security08:09
murchadhTachyon: But you can sudo?08:09
TachyonWhat is root's password supposed to be?08:10
ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:10
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murchadhTachyon: OK. sudo umount /dev/sda? (I think it was 2)08:11
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murchadhTachyon: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /media/sda2/users08:12
Tachyonumount: /media/sda2: device is busy08:12
murchadhTachyon: Make sure there are no terminals, instances of konqueror or any other process using anything on that drive.08:13
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Tachyonfusermount: failed to access mountpoint /media/sda2/Users: No such file or directory08:14
TachyonFUSE mount point creation failed08:14
TachyonUnmounting /dev/sda2 (RECOVERY)08:14
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Tachyonsudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /media/sda2/ works fine08:15
TachyonHowever, still no joy08:15
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robnickHow do you open it, then? As root?08:15
TachyonIn Konqueror08:16
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TachyonI'm still not sure why being root would fix my problem.  I don't think Vista knows the difference between root and non-root08:16
murchadhTachyon: Can you run Konqueror as root by using Run Command from the menu and then select run as different user under advanced options?08:17
ArtimusWith Vista, it's either root or "please enter your password"08:17
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murchadhTachyon: We kinda think your files are mounted with only root having access. This is how we'll rule out if we're on the wrong path. :)08:19
Tachyonmurchadh: i don't see "advanced options" under Configure Konqueror08:19
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murchadhTachyon: Press the Big K to bring up your menu, Select "Run Command", Type konqueror in the box, beneath it there is an advanced option.08:21
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Tachyonmurchadh: Which user shall I run as?  root?08:23
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murchadhTachyon: Yes, but you only need your sudo password.08:26
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TachyonOkay, done that.  Still can't see the folder08:27
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murchadhTachyon: Nothing at all shows up under /media/sda2?08:29
robnickTachyon: Running out of options here; but 1) Open a terminal and sudo tail -f /var/log/messages . Next; open another terminal and cd /media/sda2/Users/Ben/. See what happens in both terminals (if anything)08:29
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robnickEither A) It works (!) B) It gives a permission denied C) It says "Can't find .."08:29
robnickI think.08:30
Tachyonmurchadh: No, that shows up.  I mean, the Ben folder still doesn't show up in /media/sda2/Users/08:30
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robnickTachyon: What did my last suggestion do?08:32
Tachyonrobnick: First command appears to be logging stuff to that terminal.  Second command tells me the directory doesn't exist.08:32
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robnickTachyon: First command 'tails' (watches) the general logging file, and should give a new entry after accessing the directory08:34
robnickTho I'm out of ideas now for accessing that folder08:34
TachyonWell, thanks for your suggestions and patience.08:34
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robnickIt simply can't find it, so I'm pretty sure it's some new change with vista08:34
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murchadhrobnick: /media/sda2/Users is confusing, no? There's something iffy about mounting to /media/sda2 and it showing up that Users Directory.08:35
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TachyonGutsy should be here soon anyway, eh?  Usually when I encounter problems like these I just wait for the next release, do a clean install, and magically it works :D  (And gives me new problems!)08:35
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robnickmurchadh: It's simply displaying some public / general folders and not displaying user-specific folders. Which led me to believe it to be a permission thing, but if it reports it can't find the folder, then it can't find it08:36
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venikwhat is the latest version of THunderbird for Linux?  I have 1.5..08:36
venikon Windows it is 2.0..08:36
tsdgeosit's 2.008:37
BluesKajrobnick, hate to state the obvious but vista is notorious for it's silly security precautions ...perhaps the security settings for the file have to be set to low.08:37
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tsdgeosjust that ubuntu is not shipping it in 7.0408:37
venikbut when I upgrade from ADEPT I only get 1.5?08:37
veniki c08:37
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robnickBluesKaj: God help the man who's decided I'm not allowed to access my own personal folders from a different OS in case of "security".. :P08:38
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Tachyonrobnick: Would you like to borrow my voodoo doll?08:38
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Lynourerobnick: from which different OS?08:38
murchadhrobnick: Yeah, but if I run mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hda? /munt/point it will show up my C: drive contents at that mount point. I can't see where this Users dir comes into it.08:39
venikHow do I import old Thunderbird mail from and XP partition to an Kubuntu TB?08:39
BluesKajrobnick , one name i can think of ...bill somebody:)08:39
robnickTachyon: I recently switched; I still have my own ;)08:39
Tachyonmurchadh: In Vista, your user files are stored in C:\Users\yourusername\08:39
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robnickmurchadh: "Users" is the 'new Documents and Settings' folder of Vista; which is the folder Tachyon is trying to access08:39
murchadhBluesKaj: Hehe, Oh Yeah Bill Who. Anyway Tachyon reckons he set all the Vista security to low/off.08:39
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TachyonI also can't see other folders that my user created, like the wamp folder in C:\08:40
murchadhrobnick: But where is the Windows directory? (Never used Vista, please don't laugh)08:40
robnickmurchadh: On C:\Windows IIRC. Just "Documents and Settings" was shuffled around a little08:40
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TachyonI can access the windows directory08:41
TachyonWhich seems silly08:41
robnickWell no08:41
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BluesKajmurchadh, that why i still have an XP partition ...vista was just too intolerable ... I would migrate totally to Kubuntu if someone can come up with a decent scanning app for Linux08:42
TachyonI can't access _my_ stuff, but I can access all those terribly important system files :p08:42
robnickThe windows directory isn't owned by your user "Ben"08:42
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robnickSo that actually kinda makes sense; I'm just dumbfounded on the why and how bit of it08:42
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murchadhBluesKaj: Vuescan I used to use to get my Minolta DSIII working but it works now with sane.08:43
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murchadhBluesKaj: I still wouldn't claim that my kubuntu matches my old XP for scanning and printing (HP Photosmart 7960; the nightmares I had just to get it to print), but it is getting there. I'm trying to type now, with crossed fingers!08:45
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BluesKajmurchadh, Vuescan eh...hmm gonna take a look , thx :)08:47
zipperI have 2 soundcards. I know that both works. How do i select which one should be the primary one (the one applications should use, or at least Amarok)?08:47
BluesKaj<--- HP Scanjet 3500c08:48
arunkalei thought virtualbox was open source?08:48
arunkaleseems they have two versions...08:48
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murchadhTachyon: If you can see the contents of C: under /media/sda2/ then I would suggest that there are some Vista restrictions in place. It is the logical next step; back in to \/|574 and check it out (man I hated suggesting that which is why I typed it like that).08:51
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drif!aptfix > drif08:52
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wckdkl0wnhow do i enable java for firefox?08:53
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:53
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.08:54
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wckdkl0wnhow do i convert kubuntu over to ubuntu fiesty? i did this before but from ubuntu to kubuntu08:56
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datawolfwcknkdkl0wn I think you want apt-get install ubuntu-desktpo08:58
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datawolfopps apt-get install ubuntu-desktop sorry08:59
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nullkuhlguys how to acces the equalizer-audio manager from terminal ??09:01
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murchadhnullkuhl: alsamixer if you're using alsa.09:04
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ubuntu__help french room kubuntu pls09:05
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pontiacwho know  kubuntu in french09:06
jussi01!fr | pontiac09:07
ubotupontiac: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:07
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nullkuhlis kde 4 launched yet ?09:10
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kewlwhich envirnment looks best??09:11
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zipperkewl, there is no answer to that question09:14
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kewli hav used kde gnome & xfce....but the screenshots over net,,,they r completely different so......09:16
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zipperkewl, well, you could try out different themes09:18
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combo_what is good tool for have a back up ?09:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about konserve - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:21
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keep - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:21
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drifcombo_: ehm?09:22
combo_drif: do u know name of some back up tool for KDE ?09:22
combo_i need to make a back up very soon :)09:23
drifcombo_: fire up adept manager and type backup09:23
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combo_drif: ok ;>09:23
BlueKiddwho likes hip hop!09:23
drifcombo_: kubuntu-desktop has Keep as default backup util09:24
combo_drif: so one more question (maybe u would know) are icons downloaded from gnome-look.org working under Kubuntu ?09:24
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combo_drif: yes i know, but i removed it away09:24
BlueKiddnope only on gnu09:24
drifBlueKidd: #kubuntu-offtopic or #hipitihop09:24
combo_it wasn't good to me09:24
Ahmuckbackula, amanda, tar09:24
Ahmuckcombo_: bacula, amanda, tar09:25
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combo_Ahmuck: what are those names ?09:25
combo_...back up tools ? :)09:25
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Ahmuckcombo_: konserve as well09:25
combo_Ahmuck: ok then, i'll try some of these stuff :)09:25
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combo_hey - but how 'bout icons... would icons downloaded from gnome-look.org be working under kubuntu ?? :] 09:26
cprmptI run kubuntu on both my desktop and laptop machine - I use programs like Kontact to manage my personal info, is it possible to sync my laptop to my desktop over my lan?09:26
venikHow do I get a recording to work?  I tried several of the recording programs (to record from the Line-in input) but they all failed09:27
venikthe hardware works, since it works in XP on this machine09:27
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Ahmuckcprmpt: ksync09:28
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timis dirf still here09:28
drifdrif :D yes I am09:29
timive updated to ubuntu 7.0409:29
timi knwo took awhile09:29
driftim: from fresh?09:29
timmy radio for wireless works but it cant connect and yea from fresh09:29
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timso how do i check feisty version again09:30
driflsb_release -a09:30
combo_hey what is " :(){ :|:& }; " command ? have u ever tried that one ? :))09:30
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timso drif can you hewlp me instal RT7309:31
driftim: actually lsb_release -c09:31
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driftim: lsmod | grep -i rt7309:31
driftim: output of that09:31
Ahmuckhow do i verify my nic is running at 1G ?09:31
drifAhmuck: mii-tool09:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:32
timthere you go drif09:32
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drifAhmuck: although that seems to work on dapper, not on feisty :-\ atleast for me09:33
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driftim: ok, so driver is loaded09:34
timim not too sure ?09:34
timwell because it came up im asuming yes09:34
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tzangergood afternoon09:34
timive put driver disc in and shoving all drivers on my desktop09:35
tzangerI've got two completely different PL2303 USB serial adapters, and both act funny with Kubuntu... I'm running  these adapters work just fine under Windows XP, and also when running XP on this particular machine (dual boot)09:35
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Ahmuckdrif, same here09:35
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tzangerhow does one get a kernel source and compile it "the kubunutu way" ?  I can do this in my sleep in Slackware but that's now how things are done here09:36
tzangeris there some kind of apt-get install kernel- incantation?09:36
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juancamilohi all09:37
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arashHi, I have problem with sound, I have several headphone/loudspeaker connected, I'm that it only come sound from one, but How can i decide which one?09:37
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juancamiloi have a problem with beryl, i installed it and works, but the window borders are not showing?...09:38
=== arash asks Ubuntu channel aswell...
combo_arash: u have to type in console this command: ' perl -e 'fork while fork' & '09:38
manchickenThis system76 machine is freakin' sweet.09:38
manchickencombo_: That is not nice.09:39
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combo_] :->09:39
arashcombo_ -perl -e 'fork while fork' & is output, what does this mean?09:39
manchickencombo_: You seriously shouldn't be telling new folks to forkbomb themselves.  That's a really crappy thing to do.09:40
manchickenarash: Ignore combo_'s advice09:40
combo_arash: ok, don't do that ;P09:40
toxic316drif recon you could help me09:40
combo_someone fu**ed me with that so i wanted to try is this working on someone else ;P09:40
manchickencombo_: Doesn't make it any less of a crappy thing to do.09:41
LynoureCould someone help me with eclipse starting once, but after that it fails to start and gives error code=1 unless I remove my workspace09:41
combo_manchicken: but i could be funny...09:41
combo_chill out, dude ;)09:41
juancamilohi all, i been having problems with beryl, i can't get it to show the window border. when it loads the borders disapear...anyone?09:41
manchickencombo_: That's not funny.  That's malicious.  This is a support channel, and folks looking for support really don't need that crap.09:41
combo_manchicken: yeah, yeah.... :}09:42
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driftoxic316: hm?09:42
BluesKaj!beryl | juancamilo09:42
ubotujuancamilo: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects09:42
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combo_manchicken: what is this forkbomb doind exactly?09:42
manchickencombo_: Still not laughing.09:42
toxic316tis tim but with registerd name09:43
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!09:43
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:43
saragg77anyone up for a duelboot question?09:43
nullkuhlguys is kde 4 out yet ?09:43
llutzcombo_: it forks a perl-process until all mem is used09:43
combo_manchicken: no! i'm serious now. some dude told to type it in console... but i didn't do that09:43
toxic316<drif> infact might leave it for tomorrow09:43
combo_llutz: lol09:44
BluesKajsaragg77, ask !09:44
manchickencombo_: You know what it is, don't play stupid.09:44
combo_manchicken: i really didn't know!09:44
combo_i swear some guy told me that!09:44
combo_i'm noob dude!09:44
llutzcombo_: you know the  word "Kindergarten"09:44
llutz ?09:44
combo_how should i know such advanced command09:44
toxic316bet you are combo09:45
saragg77i am helping a friend with their pc, it is a dual-boot Kubuntu /windows xp ... windows side keeps getting blue screens, can I reinstall windows without corrupting kubuntu?09:45
combo_llutz: ja, aber naturlich :)09:45
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llutzcombo_: dann husch husch zurueck dorthin09:45
saragg77i've always installed windows first..then parttion magic 8 etc and kubuntu09:45
manchickenarash: I told you not to do it.09:45
combo_someone just put a little trick on me09:45
combo_arash: i told u not to do that!09:45
llutzarash: a fork-bomb09:45
combo_...little later :] 09:45
manchickenarash: combo_ just gave you a command that forkbombed you.  He's a jerk, I suggest you ignore him.09:46
combo_a command that causes computer crap-someething :] 09:46
arashwas that funny :( ?09:46
combo_manchicken: i'm not a jerk09:46
llutzarash: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forkbomb09:46
saragg77actually if i could get dreamweaver working properly in wine I could tell them to forget their duel-boot09:46
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combo_i just wanted to check out what's going to happen :] 09:46
combo_arash: and what happened ? :}09:46
arashI go ask ops to ban u at #ubuntu , you are the typical jackass that is striving against destroying the ubuntu community09:46
manchickenarash: That's a good idea.09:47
BluesKajyes saragg77 , just make sure you don't format the Linux partition (ext2 or ext3)...the linux partition will prolly be an unknown , just reformat the windows, either fat32 or NTFS09:47
saragg77cool thanks,09:47
combo_arash: oh... c'mon... why can't just u chill out09:47
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ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal or PriceChild!09:47
arashwell, It's up to them to punish you, but I tink tey should know!09:48
Tm_Tmanchicken: yes?09:48
combo_arash: did that command destroy something ?09:48
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Tm_T] by ChanServ
manchickenTm_T: combo_ is giving new folks forkbomb commands.09:48
arashcombo_ said I should do a command that crashed my comp09:48
arashplease ban him09:48
BluesKajsaragg77, one thing tho , you maynot be able to boot directly back into Linux after installing windows , since the bootloader will be hidden09:48
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arashand it didnt even work restart X09:48
combo_no! it's not that!09:48
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=== combo_ was kicked off #kubuntu by Tm_T (Tm_T)
arashYes you did. it was something with perl -e 'fork' ,09:49
manchickenTm_T: Muchthanx09:49
llutzidiots everywhere09:49
kewlcan any1 tune his guitar thr` linux??09:49
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llutzarash: it was: perl -e "fork while fork" & NO don't DO AGAIN!09:50
arashllutz , is the damage over now? or is it still infected on me?09:50
llutzarash: no it ends with reboot09:50
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arashllutz , ah, thanks09:51
BluesKaj!grub | saragg7709:51
ubotusaragg77: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:51
=== driverman [n=mike@cpe-24-164-166-228.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
saragg77can I get rid of the windows partion altogether and let Kubuntu take over the space?09:51
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BluesKajyes , if you wish saragg7709:51
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manchickensaragg77: You can use the Qt partition resizer (qtparted?) to do such a thing.09:51
saragg77I ask because I spent hours putting in codecs, plugins tweaks etc09:52
LynoureHow can I stop eclipse from crashing at startup without deleting my workspace?09:52
manchickenYou could either just reformat the windows partition for use on a separate mount point, or you could just resize your root partition.09:52
manchickensaragg77: Either way, you don't have to reinstall.09:52
saragg77and would preffer to delete windows and have Kubuntu make use of the ex-windows partion09:52
saragg77ok cool09:52
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manchickensaragg77: The only real question is whether you want to resize your root partition or if you want to just reuse the windows partition as its own partition.09:53
saragg77will qparted merge the old windows space with linux or should i keep it a seperate partion?09:53
manchickensaragg77: I prefer kate & quanta+ to Dreamweaver anyday anyway :)09:53
BluesKajsaragg77, someone mention partition magic , are you familiar with it? I hope so cuz it can cause some probs ..otherwise download and burn a bootable disk app called GParted . It's an excellent partition editor, live cd09:53
saragg77is quanta wysiwg in the same newbie friendly way?09:53
manchickensaragg77: That's up to you to decide.  I don't think it'll hurt anything either way.09:53
manchickensaragg77: It can be IIRC.  I don't do much wysiwyg.09:54
manchickennvu is09:54
manchickenDon't know if we have packages for that or not though to be honest.09:54
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saragg77thanks for all your help.. one last question.. do I have to run qparted from disk to do that?09:55
manchickenI think you may want to do it from a liveCD09:55
saragg77ok i will09:55
saragg77thx a million folks09:55
tuxedo_anyone know how to use an external hard drive09:57
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murchadhllutz: The first example on that wiki page is incredible. (And NO don't anybody bother experimenting, but wow)09:57
llutzmurchadh: use ulimit to test :)09:58
murchadhllutz: Cheers. :)09:58
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tuxedo_external hard drives anyonr?10:00
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arashHello, I have several headphones/loudspeakers contected to my PC. Only one functions at a time, that's OK, but is it possible for me to switch between the active one?10:03
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drifarash: alt+f2: kmix10:04
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Angelushelp!!! i compiled mesa from source and libdrm , now i dont have direct rendering, or maybe because i remove the via package and install unichrome , then remove unichrome and re-installed via10:05
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arashdrif , hmm, I checked that quite much, but It have so man buttons that doesn't even do anything, any idea what I specifically I should do=10:06
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drifarash: it's quite soundcard specific..10:07
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BluesKajAngelus, which graphics card ?10:07
drifarash: trial/error-method10:07
Angelusvia BluesKaj10:07
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Angelusvia chipset10:08
arashdrif, huh? trial/error-method???10:08
drifarash: try those out - see what happens10:08
drifarash: without seeing/knowing your soundcard - quite impossible to help10:08
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BluesKajAngelus, do lspci and look for the video controller , then twll us what that puts out10:09
AngelusVGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8378 [S3 UniChrome]  Integrated Video (rev 01)10:09
arashdrif, erm, what do you mean with trial/error method?10:10
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drifarash: 23:07.48 < drif> arash: try those out - see what happens10:10
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kewlcan any1 help me for tunning guitar with linux???10:11
arashdrif, I saw that message, but what you mean try them out? how should I start them?10:11
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:11
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drifarash: have something played out - click those switches and slide those sliders...observe10:11
arashah... ok , I'll try that10:12
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drifkewl: accurately or just give you reference sound?10:12
ubuntuI had the sound turned down10:12
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ubuntuWifi Works again :)10:13
AngelusVGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8378 [S3 UniChrome]  Integrated Video (rev 01)10:13
ubuntuGo tribe 510:13
ubuntunow what other bling does it bring?10:13
AngelusBluesKaj: did you see it?10:13
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kewldrif: i want to tune electric one......so definetely accurate10:14
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AngelusBluesKaj: do you thin its because i installed the latest version of libdrm and mesa? or because i did that re-install of the via driver and tried unichrome driver?10:15
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tzangeris there a trick in getting ATI proprietary video drivers running with kubuntu?  Any existing packages?  VESA's good but no XvMC is killing mythtv :-)10:16
Arwenyour mythtv box is so slow it can't handle MPEG-2?10:16
Arwenno real trick, just a lot of luck10:17
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aldinhow do i didable /etc/init.d/powernowd during start?10:17
tzangerArwen: no, the mythbackend is fine, but the VESA driver on the laptop just isn't good enough for playback (it's a duo core 3GHz)10:17
BluesKajAngelus ,  3D and DRI may be changed in your Xorg file , check it10:18
drifkewl: try lingot10:18
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Arwentzanger, ah, I would recommend buying an NVIDIA10:18
Angelusno the options to load GLX and DRI are ok BluesKaj10:18
Arwenwhat's your specific issue with fglrx?10:18
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tzangerit's kind of hard to wedge an nvidia card into the laptop :-)10:18
tzangerand I am addicted to these thinkpads10:18
Arwenbah, if you use a little effort it can be done :-P10:19
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ymsgqui peux m'aid10:19
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:20
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kewldrif: :-) , just tried it ....its highly sensitive10:20
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juancamilowhat's better beryl, compiz or compiz fusion?10:21
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kewldrif: moreover i m not getting how to configure lingot....10:21
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iraapt works adapt doesnt what did I break?10:23
juancamiloI've been trying to install beryl but, i can't get it to work all right, does anyone have it working, or can advise me to insatall a different 3d desktop manager?10:24
ubuntuira: I would guess adept :)10:24
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects10:24
iraI did hell How do I fix it!10:24
ubuntujuancamilo: try that chan10:24
ubuntu!doesnt work | ira10:25
ubotuira: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:25
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kewldrif:do u know how to configure lingote??10:25
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iraubuntu: it loads not (boolian) clicking on it does nothing it worked in the past10:26
ubuntuira: adept wont open?10:26
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irasome guys have all the | :-)10:26
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ubuntuira: open it from command line10:27
ubuntuira: type kdesu adept10:27
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ubuntusee if it throws any errors10:28
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iraubuntu: sudo: adept: command not found10:28
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ubuntuira: type kdesu adept_manyakuakger10:29
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ubuntuira: type kdesu adept_manager10:29
iraX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16710:30
ira  Major opcode:  14610:30
ira  Minor opcode:  310:30
ira  Resource id:  0x010:30
iraaskes for password10:30
ubuntuira: that's your password10:30
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ubuntuthat you used to login10:30
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irayes i entered it10:30
iraFailed to open device10:30
iraadept: not found10:30
iraafter i put in password10:31
ubuntuira: looks like you uninstalled it somehow10:31
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ubuntuira: no wait10:31
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ubuntu that's the kdesu adept10:31
ubuntutry kdesu adpet_manager10:31
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aaroncampbellHow long does it normally take for a ticket submitted to lauchpad to get assigned, or at least looked at?10:32
iraubuntu: runs10:32
DaleksUnitedif anyone has a spare minute, i have a quick question about installing kubuntu10:33
iraI guess just doesnt run from GUI10:33
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BluesKajDaleksUnited, fire away :)10:34
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scorpkinghey ppl. i connected with my motorola v360 using vlive and it's the conection i'm using now. the problem is i can ping a host, i'm on irc but no surfing from konqueror. my balance is 0.00 so i'm not sure how long the connection will last. :-)10:35
k4no dns ?10:36
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k4nice scorpking10:36
scorpkingi can ping google.com10:36
k4and dnslookup ?10:36
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scorpkinghow do i check that?10:37
k4windows ?10:37
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k4on linux ping www.google.de10:37
scorpkinglinux, kubuntu 7.0410:37
k4ping a name10:37
k4if there is an answer from a ip , everythings ok10:38
DaleksUnitedBluesKaj: During the install, if I choose resize IDE1 master partition (which is my windows one), will it delete windows, or just resize the partitin and leave the files intact?10:38
scorpkingit's working. maybe the connection is too slow. :-(10:38
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ubuntuk4: no totally true :)10:38
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k4DaleksUnited: normally if it says resize it would resize10:39
ubuntuover the weekend something funkified happened with my ISP where I could ping things and make a connection with servers but I can't get back any traffice10:39
ubuntuSo no browsing10:39
ubuntuit sucked10:39
DaleksUnitedk4: ok, ill give it a go10:39
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k4ubuntu: if you ping , packets are already going both ways10:39
DaleksUnitedi was just worried that it might not, because ive spent the day trying to find a way to resize it myself and failed10:39
ubuntuk4: I know it was freaky10:40
k4DaleksUnited: i think it only resizes free space at the end10:40
ubuntuk4: like only the first poing or the last would get through10:40
DaleksUnitedah, cool10:40
BluesKajDaleksUnited, it should be fine10:40
ubuntua traceroute would work inside the house then die after10:40
DaleksUnitedi defragged, so the last 20GB are free10:40
ubuntuDaleksUnited: smart10:40
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DaleksUnitedi just wanted to make sure because i have no way to reinstall windows if it goes wrong - i was given this PC by a friend sans disks10:42
BluesKajDaleksUnited, are you using the kubuntu live cd to resize ?10:42
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BluesKajyou'l be ok then10:42
mrksbrdhow do u find the latest kernal u are using?10:43
ubuntuuname -r10:43
DaleksUnitedive spent most of the day removing ubuntu 6.06/GRUB from the system10:43
scheurihi all....anyone an idea how to make my laptop auto-connect to a wireless router...including its wpa-key....I do not want to type it in all the time...10:43
coreymon77scheuri: yup10:43
ubuntuDaleksUnited: Oh? so you have Ubuntu?10:44
scheuricoreymon77: do you mind sharing this idea with me....some keywords to search goggle would be fine too10:44
DaleksUnitedubuntu - i did10:44
mrksbrdcoreymon77, i re-installed & now works fine10:44
DaleksUnitedwindows on a 30GB HDD, ubuntu on a 3GB10:44
DaleksUnitedwindows couldnt see the ubuntu disk, ubuntu couldnt mount the windows disk10:44
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ubuntuDaleksUnited: I'm confused now :) you have space for Kubuntu? why are you resizing?10:45
DaleksUnitedlol, sorry10:45
DaleksUnitedthe 3GB was needed in another PC10:45
DaleksUnitedso I had to resize the windows 30GB partition and make a new one on that disk for linux10:46
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DaleksUnitedi was at the IOI 2007 in Zagreb last week, and really like KDE/KDevelop, so decided to convert10:47
AngelusBluesKaj: dude now even my Xserver  aint starting :S , im on irssi and you know > I HATE COMANDLINE10:47
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ubuntuDaleksUnited: Welcome10:48
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ubuntuhi juancamilo10:48
coreymon77scheuri: system settings-network settings10:48
mrksbrdhow do u find what kernel is running on ur system??????????10:48
ubuntumrksbrd: uname -r10:48
BluesKajAngelus, you may need to reconfigure your xorg file "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"10:48
coreymon77scheuri: go there10:48
AngelusBluesKaj: i made dexconf10:49
aaroncampbellHow long does it normally take for a ticket submitted to lauchpad to get assigned, or at least looked at?10:49
ubuntuaaroncampbell: depends on the churn I'd suppose10:49
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BluesKajAngelus, your video driver is prolly the wrong one or it's pimped10:49
coreymon77scheuri: are you at network settings?10:49
aaroncampbellubotu: churn?10:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about churn? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:50
scheuricoreymon77: yes....I disabled roaming mode...however, WPA is not an option for the key10:50
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:50
mrksbrdkernel is now out is it advisable to upgrade this, and how would be the best way to do it???????????10:50
aaroncampbellubuntu: churn?10:50
AngelusBluesKaj: i tried 3 different , via from kubuntu. via from X.org, and via from Openchrome and didnt work :S10:50
AngelusBluesKaj:  i think im gonna re-install10:50
ubuntuaaroncampbell: how much work is going on and how many bugs are coming in10:50
Arwenmrksbrd, with apt?10:50
BluesKajAngelus, sudo invoke-rc.d kdm start10:51
ubuntumrksbrd: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:51
coreymon77scheuri: i take it you have the wpa-supplicant package right?10:51
ubuntumrksbrd: Do you have a Orange Box with a red sign that has an exclamation mark on it in the system tray10:51
scorpkingk4: think i found the problem - 78% packet loss10:51
ubuntumrksbrd: ok then the commands I just gave you10:52
scheuricoreymon77: well, yes...I am connected to it right now using wpa10:52
ubuntumrksbrd: You are on the machine now?10:52
coreymon77scheuri: okay, give me a sec10:52
AngelusBluesKaj: didnt work10:52
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scheuricoreymon77: sure...thank you10:52
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AngelusBluesKaj: what i cant understand is why did this happen? because i compiled mesa from source or because i remove via, install unichrome, removed unichrome and re-installed via? do you have an idea? did you ever compile mesa from source?10:53
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BluesKajAngelus, sudo cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... try to go back a previous version of xorg datewise10:53
manchickenAnybody know if aiglx works on the intel x3100?10:53
ubuntuintel is normally good10:54
nosrednaekimmanchicken: I think it does... got your new lappy?10:54
mrksbrdubuntu, why did u ask that??10:54
BluesKajno Angelus , I just used tyhe vesa driver to get X back and then tried to solve the problem after10:54
manchickennosrednaekim: Freakin' sweat10:54
manchickenStill getting used to the display and keyboard though.10:54
nosrednaekimthe darter?10:54
ubuntumrksbrd: cause if you boot while on the net it should give you notification that you can upgrade10:54
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AngelusBluesKaj: but did this happen because i compiled Mesa from source or doesnt have to do with that?10:55
nosrednaekimmanchicken: yeah... it took me like two weeks to get used to mine10:55
Angelusah btw BluesKaj now even vesa is not working :/10:55
manchickenTrying to get compiz on it now.10:55
nosrednaekimmanchicken: but now I really like it. it was mostly the arrow keys. ( they are in a reall weir position on mine)10:55
BluesKajAngelus,  yeah i think so10:55
manchickenI got mine in a week and a half.10:55
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: you around?10:55
nosrednaekimDaisuke-Ido: you too..10:56
manchickenThe full bottom row of keys seems to be off to the right just a little.10:56
Angelusso you cant compile your own Mesa on kubuntu BluesKaj10:56
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mrksbrdubuntu, showing no upgrades!!!!10:56
BluesKajAngelus, sudo cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... try to go back a previous version of xorg datewiseI don't know cuz i don't use mesa10:56
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: no need for a sudo10:56
ubuntumrksbrd: wait hold on what kernel version do you have?10:56
Angeluswhat do you mean try to go back to a preavious version? that just lists Xorg.conf10:57
nosrednaekimmanchicken: from what i've heard, you need the xorg-intel driver to get aiglx running on X310010:57
BluesKajok Angelus..  cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf...try to find a xorg file that's  prvious to the new driver install10:58
Arwenthe i810 and that one from earlier are deprecated now10:58
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ArwenIntel consolidated them all into the "intel" driver10:58
nosrednaekimmanchicken: off to the right.. is that defect or just a difference in the keyboard?10:59
manchickenI think it's a difference11:00
coreymon77scheuri: sorry, i got caught up with something11:00
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manchickenRestarting X11:00
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scheuricoreymon77: no worries11:00
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coreymon77scheuri: okay11:02
coreymon77type this into konsole11:02
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coreymon77kdesu kate /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf11:03
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scheuricoreymon77: empty...meaning there is no such file already11:04
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coreymon77scheuri: oh whoops, thats ubuntu11:04
ubuntu_Someone called?11:05
mrksbrdchk prvt msg11:05
ubuntu_sorry what were you asking?11:05
scheuricoreymon77: there is a difference between ubuntu and kubuntu in terms of wpasupplicant?11:05
ubuntu_My router died11:05
ubuntu_No pvt messages11:05
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coreymon77scheuri: slightly, there is a different way of doing things11:06
mrksbrdshould i not upgrade if system isn't offering?11:06
coreymon77scheuri: could you maybe ask someone else, im not all that familiar with wpa11:06
ubuntu_mrksbrd: you want the new kernel?11:06
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ubuntu_mrksbrd: What kernel do you have now?11:06
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mrksbrdonly if it will work & not mess something up!!!!!!!!!11:07
scheuricoreymon77: sure....but that helped already...so I need to modify that file....11:07
ubuntu_mrksbrd: What kernel do you have now?11:07
manchickenWhat's the display manager for compiz?11:07
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nosrednaekimmanchicken: dusplay manager? you mean "compiz --replace"?11:07
coreymon77scheuri: i tried11:07
ubuntu_mrksbrd: you will get a notification of the update in a few days i guess11:07
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scheuricoreymon77: I take it there is something in this file on your cmputer11:08
manchickenOkay, so kde-display-manager --replace isn't the way to go it seems11:08
nosrednaekimmanchicken: "kwin --replace"11:08
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ubuntu_mrksbrd: is there something in there that you need?11:09
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mrksbrdthat is the latest d/l of the kernal, just posted it so u could look @ it11:09
coreymon77scheuri: no, i use wep11:09
coreymon77scheuri: i dont even have the file11:09
SolifugusIs there a way to undelete a file?11:09
scheuricoreymon77: ah, I see...well, thanks for the hint...11:09
Solifugusto undelete a file i deleted from the command line?11:10
ubuntu_mrksbrd: I know11:11
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ubuntu_mrksbrd: anything in there that you need drastically?11:13
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coreymon77scheuri: i use kubuntu11:16
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coreymon77scheuri: the ubuntu wiki shows there being a different way of setting it up11:16
scheuricoreymon77: I have Kubuntu as well11:16
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coreymon77scheuri: i use wep though, not wpa which is definitely different11:17
scheuricoreymon77: indeed11:17
martijn81wpa does not seem to be stable to me either11:17
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scorpkingmrksbrd: try to google for ext3 undelete11:19
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ubuntu_Solifugus: Nope11:24
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ubuntu_Solifugus: First there is no trash on the command line unless you set it up yourself and second the ext3 file system REALLY removes a file so that sucker is gone11:24
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Solifugusubuntu_: u r mean11:25
trigerI need some help here11:25
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:25
trigerUmm how can i get yahoo chat rooms in kubuntu11:25
Solifugusubuntu_: but actually.. i installed with reiserfs 3.6... still.. i think the same is true.11:26
ubuntu_triger: I think that kopete should support them11:26
trigerI tried11:26
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ubuntu_Solifugus: the first thing kicks in then :)11:26
trigeri cant even get the new version11:26
trigeri dont know how to compile11:26
Solifugusubuntu_: i really try to avoid ext3... too many corrupted systems.. reiserfs has been much better for me.11:26
ubuntu_triger: sorry?11:26
ubuntu_Solifugus: More power man11:26
martijn81triger: newest 0.12.4 is in kde 3.5.6 and up11:27
ArdinOk, got a question about Kubuubu. i have slackware installed right now, and i have my home partition on its own. i just finally got kde the way i want it. if i install kubuntu, will it stay the same? (as long as i dont change the home mount point obviously)11:28
martijn81upgrade to that is in edgy and feisty already comes with it11:28
nosrednaekimArdin: yep..11:28
manchickenIs there a better, more kubuntu-focused, compiz doc?11:28
ubuntu_Ardin: Yeah11:28
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ubuntu_as long as you install the apps that you wnt11:28
trigerhow do i update to 7.0411:28
ubuntu_triger: what are you on now?11:29
trigerkubuntu edgy11:29
=== Ardin sighs and goes to burn the cd
ubotuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)11:29
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Ardinok, now is it really worth it? i mean, isthe package management system just that great? also, is it a debian based system, or is it more like the other linux systems i've used11:31
trigerReading package lists... Done11:31
trigerBuilding dependency tree... Done11:31
trigerE: Couldn't find package update-manager-core11:31
trigerSee no good11:32
ubuntu_triger: You updated the sources.list to feisty ?11:32
trigeri tried it failed11:33
ubuntu_triger: what were you falling?11:33
trigerLook i need to get into yahoo chat rooms kopete doesnt support it.11:34
trigerSo next ? what will11:34
ubuntu_following sorry not falling11:34
scorpkingtriger: what do you use on windows for chatrooms?11:35
ubuntu_yahoo does have a linux client11:35
trigerDoesnt make any sense11:35
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jhutchinsdoes pidgin?11:36
martijn81what about pidgin?11:36
trigerLinux uses yahoo client11:36
trigeri cant get pidgin on kde11:36
Ardin... why not?11:36
trigerIt is grub11:36
ubuntu_triger: I think you mean Gnome11:36
Ardin... i can install it on windows, i'm sure you can install it on kde11:36
ubuntu_Does'nt make a difference11:36
trigerwindows compared to linux11:37
trigerman your lost11:37
Ardin..... no, i'm really not11:37
trigerYes really you are11:37
ubuntu_ok then help us :)11:37
ArdinGTK+ libraries can be installed seperate from gnome11:37
trigermsdos it dfferent then kde11:37
scorpkingtriger: go to http://webmessenger.yahoo.com/11:37
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=== Ardin sighs
titancompu Hey, I have two internet connections available to me. My personal one and my schools. I have two NICs available as well. Is it possible to combine the power of the two internets together?11:37
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trigerIt wont let me in char rooms11:38
scorpking:-( google.com11:38
trigertried it11:38
Ardintriger:  what i was saying, was that if they have a windows client that is just a couple changed lines in source, that i'm pretty sure pidgin can be installed with KDE as your desktop enviorment. you just need to install the gtk+ libraries11:39
Ardinhell, i can prove it works under "kde"11:39
AngelusBluesKaj:  i managed to get my Xserver to start but im getting the following error now http://rafb.net/p/rK3MA140.html11:39
Ardini'm running it right now11:39
ubuntu_Ardin: just give him the apt command11:39
trigerI am about ready to go back to ubuntu11:39
Ardinubuntu_: never used apt yet... i have to install kubuntu first... i'm on slackware12.011:40
ubuntu_triger: you can get to yahoo chat under ubuntu?11:40
spirooare you still there drif, my internet just shutted down for a sec11:40
ubuntu_Ardin: ok :)11:40
trigerYea but it wont let me into the rooms11:40
trigeri dont know why11:40
trigeri double click it and nothing happenes11:40
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=== Ardin goes to burn Kubuntu
=== Ardin lights the channel ablaze
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trigerdont waste of time11:41
trigerdont download kubuntu11:42
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Ardin... its fine if you understand how linux works11:42
Ardinyou can install the gtk libraries11:42
Ardinin fact, most non kde applications need them11:42
trigerOk fuck this shit ardin you are the biggest idiot in this room see ye11:42
scorpkingtriger: be nice plz...11:42
Ardinwhoa... what the hell?11:43
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PriceChildtriger, no personal attacks int his channel and watch your language.11:43
Ardinwtf did i do now?11:43
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Ardin..... i was being nice! ... how did i manage to get him to go nutball by being nice?11:43
Ardinok, ubuntu_ i have a serious question for you11:44
Ardinubuntu_: if i install kubuntu.. will i turn into him?11:44
Ardincause i dont want that11:44
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Angeluslol Aranel11:46
Angelus* Ardin11:46
Angelusno dude, thats called attitude problem11:46
Ardinok, now one more question11:46
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Ardinis the command "make" installed by default? because i tend to compile alot of extra programs11:47
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Ardinand i just ran into something on a forum about it wasnt11:47
PriceChildArdin, sudo apt-get install build-essential11:47
Ardinthats it?11:47
Angelushmm not sure , but if its not u can always install it from Adept(kubuntu's package manager)11:47
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Ardinwell, hopefully if this goes correctly, this wont mess with my settings.. here we go11:48
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iwini have an external hdd and fat32 partition (on the internal) and im pretty sure it only shows up in konqueror if i have some special priviledge cuz it aint showing up now. how can i make it show up all the time?11:48
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scorpkingiwin: check the permissions on the directory where it's mounted.11:50
iwinscorpking: ok, now i know what to do when it shows up. but how do i get it to show up? login as root?11:51
msr2clo all11:52
scorpkingiwin: if it is in /etc/fstab you might wanna add 'users' to the options so you can mount it as a normal user. see the cdrom entry11:52
scorpkingiwin: sudo mount -a11:52
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clars_hi - is here a channel for _64 users?11:53
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ubuntu_this is it11:56
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Billiardhey could someone help me with bluetooth, i can view all the files on my phone but if i try to send or recieve it fails11:57
clars_can i run i386 apps on my _64 install - because skype does nor come in an _64 version11:58
scorpkingBilliard: check the logs in /var/log to see why.11:58
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects12:00
manchickenBot die?12:00
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qortranshow do I start a program that I've isntalled through Wine?12:00
qortransI don't find it12:00
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:00
scorpkingqortrans: it is in the /home/user/.wine directory12:01
qortransscorpking: how do I start it?12:01
scorpkingqortrans: go to the directory and run - wine program12:02
qortranswhat am I dong wrong?12:03
qortransWarning: the specified System directory L"c:\\windows\\system32" is not accessible.12:03
qortransis that normal?12:03
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scorpkingqortrans: never seen that. don't know. have you tried #winehq ?12:06
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Ardinwell, that sucked12:12
BluesKajIf someone asks about Yahoochat again , one way to access it is thru the Opera 9 browser if Kopete doesn't work12:12
garyhey i need to know how to make my media player play dvd movies12:13
Ardinso, i go and try and install kubuntu fiesty, and it just kinda hung when trying to read my partitions12:13
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Ardintried the installer 3 times. for today, i have given up12:14
ubuntu_Ardin: No You would have to install Ubuntu after years of unsing windows to become him12:14
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garyi have kunbutu on my gateway laptop everything works great12:15
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trippcan u take me the italian channel?12:15
Ardinubuntu_: yeah, but even then i'm not that stupid12:15
garyexcept i need decoder or something12:16
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:16
garykubuntu rocks12:17
garyeverything works if u know how to install and partiotion it right12:17
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Ardingary: everything works if you isntall it right12:17
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BluesKajgary, install libdvdcss2 and libxine-extrcodecs and w32codecs12:17
garyhow do i do that12:18
garyim knew to this distro12:18
BluesKajgary,  libdvdcss2 will enable your dvd drive to play copy p[rotected dvds12:19
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qortransis there an app in Kubuntu to mount damn bin cue and iso files?12:20
BluesKajgary, are yo familiar with command line ?12:20
qortransXP can with MagicISO12:20
ubuntu_gary: alt+space -> adept -> press enter12:20
DaleksUnitedok, im being really stupid - but in Kubuntu, how do you look to see which files are on a floppy disk :$12:20
BluesKajqortrans, kiso12:20
ubuntu_DaleksUnited: Mount it I guess12:20
DaleksUnitedassume im new to linux12:21
garythen whado i do t12:21
BluesKajDaleksUnited, system menu.storage media12:21
ubuntu_DaleksUnited: You see the K in the lower left?12:21
=== Ardin falls over laughing
ubuntu_gary: adept menu -> manage repos12:22
DaleksUnitedBluesKaj: shows as empty, even though I know GRUB is on there12:22
DaleksUnitedubuntu_ - yeah12:22
BluesKajoh grub12:22
ubuntu_DaleksUnited: click the computer beside it -> storage media12:22
DaleksUnitedubuntu_: ok, thanks - but its showing the disk as emtpy, when there is stuff on it12:23
kgxanyone ever got "System I/O error" in cyrus?12:23
ubuntu_gary: adept menu being the one in the top left corner12:23
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BluesKajactually DaleksUnited, try to edit grub itself12:26
ubuntu_gary: still there?12:27
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DaleksUnitedBluesKaj: how?12:27
DaleksUnited(i installed it onto fd0 instead of hd0 so that windows was left intact and boots normally)12:28
ubuntu_and you have to use a floppy to get into linux?12:28
ubuntu_that's ... archaic :)12:28
BluesKajDaleksUnited open grub with this command : alt+f2 then type ' kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst '12:29
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coreymon77ubuntu_: oh, i used to have to do that12:29
coreymon77ubuntu_: before my bro spent an entire day fixing my bios12:29
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DaleksUnitedubuntu_: i want it that way, so that windows will load normally if i dont do anything, and so that its really easy to get rid of linux late12:30
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BluesKajDaleksUnited, can you copy and paste your file to  www.pastebin.ca so we can take a look to further advise you ?12:31
W1ZrDHow can I get root permission in konqurer?12:31
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ubuntu_DaleksUnited: You know you can do that with Grub on the Hd right?12:31
ubuntu_W1ZrD: kdesu konqueror12:32
Ardincoolest feature of any music player: the ability to load a random playlist (not random files... a random list of files that it's gonna play)12:32
W1ZrDah, thnx12:32
DaleksUnitedBluesKaj: not easily...linux doesnt work with my wireless card, so that PC isnt online12:32
DaleksUnitedi think ive got the GRUB issue sorted now though12:33
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:33
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DaleksUnitedi tried that with ubuntu 6..ill try tomorrow with kubuntu712:34
DaleksUnitedlast question for tonight - how do I access my second HDD from linux?12:35
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ubuntu_Feisty worked with mone12:35
ubuntu_then gutsy broke it12:35
ubuntu_ Looks like tribe 5 fixed it12:35
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=== ubuntu_ hugs live Cd
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ubuntu_DaleksUnited: Mount it :012:35
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BluesKajDaleksUnited, ok then , you will see under 'examples" a few lines referring to windows..copy those lines down to " chainloader +1 " , and place them at the bottom of the file, and save the file12:35
ubuntu_DaleksUnited: Want a quick dirty way right now?12:35
DaleksUnitedubuntu_ - if youve got one12:36

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