
thumpers-x-u: re: xubuntu users team, it could be that the xubuntu users team isn't actually associated with any bugs or specs in Launchpad12:45
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s-x-uabout asking a question to a team ?12:46
thumpers-x-u: as far as asking questions, I don't think teams are targets12:46
thumperyou ask questions on projects12:46
thumpernot teams12:46
s-x-uok thanks /// i do not understand the last word im dutch 12:48
spivmpt: no12:49
thumpers-x-u: As Far As I Know12:49
s-x-uok thanks12:51
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tj9991hey everyone, I was hoping that I could contact someone about a translation template taking quite some time to import. I moved my project to a different name which uses the same template three days ago01:48
tj9991I can't get any translation done while it is in the queue, and I wanted to know if someone could speed it along, as I already had the previous template approved01:49
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_gpg_i aked this question few months ago, but well, I would like to know if Launchpad will be open source in the feature, any one got any related links about this fact please ?02:46
_gpg_good night02:49
spiv_gpg_: https://launchpad.net/faq02:53
_gpg_Sourceforge is open source02:53
_gpg_ty for the answer btw, the text didnt change for a while, honeslty i prefere to read "we dont want to open the code and we dont care" rather the to read "Sourceforge"02:56
_gpg_see you later02:56
mpt_gpg_, as I understand it, the code sourceforge.net runs is quite different from the open-sourced code03:04
mptbut anyway, we are actively planning to open the Launchpad code03:04
mptthere just isn't a definite date for it.03:04
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ubotuNew bug: #134997 in malone "Clicking "Add a comment" doesn't immediately let me do so" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13499707:05
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ubotuNew bug: #134998 in malone "Clicking assignee field's radio button should focus the field" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13499807:15
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ubotuNew bug: #135002 in launchpad-answers ""Ask a question" form doesn't auto-focus the "Summary:" field" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13500207:30
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ubotuNew bug: #135006 in malone ""Also affects distribution/package" doesn't focus distribution menu" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13500608:30
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ubotuNew bug: #135008 in rosetta ""Languages in Launchpad" page doesn't auto-focus search field" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13500808:50
ubotuNew bug: #135009 in blueprint "Search field isn't auto-focused on Blueprints front page" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13500909:00
mptthumper or jml, tell me about registering branches you're not the author of09:13
mptHow often does that happen?09:13
jmlmpt: I don't know.09:15
jmlmpt: it's entirely possible.09:15
mptI see that it's possible09:15
ubotuNew bug: #135010 in launchpad-bazaar "Green links in project cloud aren't explained" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13501009:15
ubotuNew bug: #135012 in launchpad-bazaar "Search field isn't auto-focused on Code front page" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13501209:15
mpte.g. https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesh/+addbranch09:15
mptI was just surprised09:16
mptbut I guessed it might be possible, from the awkwardness of the sentence beginning the form for registering your own branch09:16
mpt"Register a new Bazaar branch whose author is Matthew Paul Thomas."09:16
mptas if that's not what I'm doing already :-)09:16
jmlmpt: you mean something different from what I thought you meant.09:19
jmlI'm not sure if I like this feature.09:19
mptIs it morally different from getting a Bazaar import of a project?09:21
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mptI suppose it makes misattributing branches easy09:25
spivmpt: Well, it seems it has the potential for causing mischief, by allowing random people to attribute arbitrary work to other people.09:25
ubotuNew bug: #135014 in launchpad-bazaar ""Register a branch" page begins with awkward sentence" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13501409:26
spivIt'll still be "owned" by the actual registrant, but the owner can reassign it.09:27
spivSo that does seem dangerous.09:27
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ubotuNew bug: #135015 in launchpad "Search field isn't auto-focused on front page" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13501509:35
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unimatrix9translators around?09:46
ubotuNew bug: #135018 in launchpad "Search field isn't auto-focused on Projects page" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13501809:50
unimatrix9well thanks ubotu09:51
ubotuNew bug: #135020 in rosetta "Clicking "Add more lines" doesn't auto-focus the newly-expanded field" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13502009:55
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gnomefreakanyone know what the following error means? bzr: ERROR: Selected-file commit of merges is not supported yet: files debian/changelog10:25
ubotuNew bug: #135022 in launchpad-bazaar "TestCase.run_bzr loads plugins by default" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13502210:25
gnomefreaknevermind it was wrong package :(10:28
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ubotuNew bug: #135026 in launchpad "duplicate pptp projects" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13502611:00
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mpathyHi there11:59
mpathyhow can I delete a project I registered in launchpad?11:59
mpathyI found no link for that11:59
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jordi_mpathy: request the project to be hidden via a question.12:02
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pin17931Hi, import of an external svn repository for the opendental project failed. I was told to ask here for more info. Anyone can help?12:13
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mpathyjordi: Is it really that... cumbersome?12:21
mpathythats a feature every other platform hast12:21
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jordimpathy: apparently "remove" operations are quite complicated, due to the big amount of info the database holds.12:37
jordiif a project holds translations, for example, they would be shared across LP for others to benefit from them; removing them would be complicated, and is not yet supported as in "removing". For now, they are hidden.12:38
jordipin17931: with a bit of patience, someone will.12:38
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pin17931jordi: ok, I'll wait12:44
gnomefreakdo we have a date for release of PPA?12:47
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seb128carlos, danilos: could one of you look at bug #135051 and comment?01:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 135051 in gcalctool "Dutch upstream translation not included" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13505101:57
carlosI will take a look01:58
ubotuNew bug: #135052 in rosetta "assertion failure in POTemplateURL.__init__" [Low,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13505202:05
carlosseb128: that's no sense02:06
seb128carlos: what do you mean?02:06
carlosseb128: it's fully translated in Launchpad (at least for Gutsy)02:07
carlosand there is just one message that doesn't match what upstream has02:07
carlosseb128: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/gcalctool/+pots/gcalctool/nl/+translate02:07
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carlosseb128: and same in Feisty02:08
seb128carlos: might be due to the fact that language packs are outdated02:08
carlosand Dapper... so I don't really see any problem in gcalctool...02:08
seb128Version: 1:7.10+2007080302:09
carlosthat's not so outdated... but maybe, yes02:09
seb128do you know why they are not updated weekly nowadays?02:09
carlosbecause changes on PPA, Martin told me that they will not be updated while he's on out02:09
carloshe did an update last week though...02:10
seb128is he still updating them daily somewhere?02:10
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carlosseb128: he's using PPA, he built new packages around 19th this month and told me that was last version until he's back02:11
carlosso either it's blocked on the approval queue02:12
carlosor something went wrong and the upload to the archive failed02:12
seb128the upload failed most likely02:12
carloswill you answer that user?02:12
carlosok, thanks02:13
seb128I'll talk to him on IRC02:13
seb128you're welcome02:13
seb128thank you for looking at it02:13
carlosif there is something else that I'm missing, please ping me again02:13
seb128will do02:13
pin17931(sorry for asking again:) Hi, import of an external svn repository for the opendental project failed. I was told to ask here for more info. Anyone can help?02:14
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seb128carlos: do you know when the current translation has been imported?02:37
carloslet me check...02:40
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carlosseb128: it was not imported recently, it's there since, at least, 2007-04-13 (at least translations that changed something in Launchpad)02:42
carlosseb128: also, there is another file waiting to be imported02:42
seb128carlos: that's weird02:42
seb128the upstream translation has been updated in july and august02:42
seb128and we uploaded the new versions corresponding02:43
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carlosseb128: it could be that we already had those translations applied by someone else02:45
carloslet me see the mail log...02:45
carlosseb128: last import in Gutsy02:46
carloswas done 11th August02:46
carlosand all translations were accepted and applied02:46
seb128ok, thanks02:46
carlos367 translations02:46
seb128so it's likely due to the outdated language pack02:46
seb128and the example he gave me seems to be the only string which has been changed on launchpad02:47
carlosso the complain is about changes they did that are not applied?02:47
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seb128we really need to update language pack weekly02:47
carloswe were doing it, although the changes to production server of PPA broke that..02:48
carlosso don't worry, it's not usual that we get so long to update them02:49
bluekujacarlos, is ppa down atm?02:50
Fujitsubluekuja: What gives you that idea?02:51
bluekujaFujitsu, unable to upload02:51
bluekujamaybe wrong address02:52
bluekujaFujitsu, works fine for you?02:52
FujitsuHm, upload.dogfood.launchpad.net:21 is broken, it seems.02:52
carlosbluekuja: no, it's not02:52
bluekujaFujitsu, yep02:52
bluekujathat's why I cannot upload02:52
carloscprov: ?02:52
=== Fujitsu wonders if it's related to the move to production some time in the next few hours.
cprovcarlos: yes02:54
carloscprov: please, read the last lines02:54
carlosseems like upload.dogfood.launchpad.net is now down02:54
cprovcarlos: I'm checking02:54
carloscprov: thanks02:54
cprovcarlos: should be back.02:56
bluekujacprov, thanks ;)02:56
bluekujaworks fine now02:56
cprovbluekuja: nop02:57
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carloscprov: :-)03:00
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carlosseb128: btw, I'm not sure whether you know about this new urls: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/gcalctool/+imports03:04
seb128carlos: no, I didn't know about it, thanks03:05
seb128or I looked at something similar some time ago but I'm not familiar with it ;)03:05
carlosseb128: so you can see there whether there is something pending to be reviewed, or failed or even already imported (will only note that for three days since it was imported)03:06
carlosseb128: it's there only since last week03:06
seb128you had an import queue similar to that some time ago no?03:06
carloswe have such queue03:07
carlosbut with everything mixed03:07
seb128k, so that's probably what I looked at previously03:07
carlosseb128: you even have https://translations.launchpad.net/people/+me/+imports now03:07
=== carlos -> lunch
seb128enjoy your lunch03:08
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sorenRecently, there's been a few bugs on my bug list that I can't remember seeing there before, and I can't figure out why they're there. E.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/firefox/+bug/14911 .  I may be a subscriber (or reporter, actually) of one of the duplicate bugs, but I can't unsubscribe from this one (and hence make it go away from my bug list).03:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 14911 in firefox "Flash plugin problem with ARGB visuals causes crash" [Medium,In progress]   - Assigned to Mozilla Bugs (mozilla-bugs)03:20
sorenI'm not listed in the list of subscribers, by the way.03:22
kikosoren, let me check.03:22
kikosoren, what's your launchpad username, and what's the URL of the buglist page you are looking at?03:23
sorenusername: shawarma03:23
kikosoren, ah, the reason is that we now include bugs which you have /commented on/ in that default listing03:26
seb128that's not cool03:26
kikoI think that would be worth being customizable (what your default parameters for your bugs homepage was)03:26
sorenkiko: I might actually find that useful.. I'd like to be able to remove it from the list if I don't care anymore.... which I don't :)03:27
kikobut I haven't considered it yet03:27
seb128having an option would be nice03:27
seb128people tend to open bugs on wrong packages03:27
seb128and I don't want to have those bugs on my list just because I reassign and add a comment ;)03:27
kikosoren, the question is -- are you not actually interested in +subscribedbugs or +assignedbugs or +reportedbugs?03:27
kikosabe for seb128 03:28
kikosame 03:28
sorenkiko: Good point.03:28
sorenkiko: So the default page is the union of assigned, commented on and reported bugs?03:28
soren(or thereabouts)03:28
kikoI believe it also include bugs reported03:29
sorenEr... and subscribed bugs.03:29
kikowow, I did even worse than you. :)03:29
sorenHmm... That might not actually be completely braindead :)03:30
sorenThat could be useful at some point.03:30
sorenI've just gotten used to the main bug list page is the one I want and suddenly it wasn't anymore :)03:30
ubotuNew bug: #135061 in rosetta "Restricted manager translations not in gutsy" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13506103:31
kikoyeah, which is why I'm asking whether it should be customizable or.. something else.03:31
sorenFor me, subscribed bugs would be a saner default.03:31
kikodirectly subscribed bugs03:32
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kikomatsubara, I just filed a bug for https://devpad.canonical.com/~jamesh/oops.cgi/2007-08-26/B1248 which showed up this weekend03:43
kiko(so you don't have to :)03:43
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matsubarathanks kiko 03:46
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shirish hi all, how do I link the upstream bug-report in the new interface?03:50
ubotuNew bug: #135064 in launchpad "RenamedView dies when raising NotFound" [Medium,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13506403:50
shirishanybody, reported a bug in launchpad as well as in GNOME, now wanna track the GNOME bug-tracker, any ideas?03:51
Hobbseeshirish: doesnt look possible anymore, or kde.03:53
Hobbseewhat a pain.03:53
shirishHobbsee: thanx for the reply :(03:53
=== Hobbsee would assume you just file it under ubuntu, and use teh url field as a workaround.
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shirishHobbsee: for e.g. I made this bug-report https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gwget2/+bug/135065 & made up-stream bug report at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=470696 now how do I join the 2?03:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 135065 in gwget2 "use binary prefix instead of decimal SI prefix" [Undecided,New]  03:57
Hobbseeshirish: no idea.  i dont work on launchpad.03:58
shirishHobbsee: ok cool, thanx03:58
Fujitsushirish: You do the sane thing... `Also affects: Project'03:59
HobbseeFujitsu: not if the project isnt listed in launchpad, it seems.03:59
shirishFujitsu: GNOME isn't listed in projects I'm afraid :(03:59
FujitsuRight, you create the project.03:59
HobbseeFujitsu: you shouldnt have to, for a registered upstream bugtracker.04:00
HobbseeFujitsu: i'm sure we didnt used to04:00
FujitsuHobbsee: It has been like that for at least a year... probably a lot longer.04:00
HobbseeFujitsu: you'd still be able to put in the upstream URL iirc04:01
FujitsuYou need a project to link it to first.04:01
Hobbseeoh, so it does04:02
Hobbseewhat a pain04:02
Hobbseethat's why i end up filing everything KDE under kdebase.04:02
Hobbseeuntil i created the bzr dirs04:02
FujitsuI think there's a bug targetted to 1.1.9 to make project registration trivial.04:03
Hobbseei dont see why it cant say "i have a URL to the upstream tracker here, track this"04:03
FujitsuBecause it needs to know what upstream is...04:04
Hobbseecall it " KDE bug tracker"04:04
FujitsuNo, that's a bug tracker, not an upstream.04:04
Hobbseewell, you can select that, still without knowing the project.  or it can just parse the URL.04:04
Hobbseewhich wouldnt be hard, as it already has a list of all the registered bugtrackers.04:04
FujitsuBug trackers do not have a one-to-one mapping with projects.04:04
shirishFujitsu: I need to tell it that I've already a filed a bug in the upstream bug-tracker04:05
Fujitsushirish: Right, so you need to create a gwget(2) project.04:05
shirishFujitsu: even if I use https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/projects/+new there is nothing about where the upstream bug-tracker04:05
HobbseeFujitsu: indeed, but one would only need to know which bugtracker it was referring to04:06
Fujitsushirish: projects aren't linked to bug trackers initially...04:06
HobbseeFujitsu: rather than what package under what bugtracker04:06
FujitsuHobbsee: No, one needs to know which project it points to, in order to have some context.04:06
Hobbseeoh, hmmm.04:06
Fujitsu(yes, I'm defending LP's way of doing things... I never thought I'd see the day)04:06
=== Hobbsee thought that the context came from the project in ubuntu, actually)
FujitsuLP doesn't have an `upstream from Ubuntu' idea, it has the idea of separate tasks for distributions, upstream projects, and they're not related.04:08
Hobbseeah, true04:08
Hobbseehow useful04:08
Hobbseeyou know, i would have thought that the fact that they were listed on the same bug did make them rather related...or at least *should* make them rather related...04:08
FujitsuThe only way they're related is that hitting `Also affects' will often give a sane default if links have already been created.04:08
shirishFujitsu: for name its giving me an error 04:09
shirish Invalid name 'gwget(2)'. Names must start with a letter or number and be lowercase. The characters +, - and . are also allowed after the first character.            04:09
Hobbseeshirish: read what you pasted again.04:09
Hobbseeshirish: and then think on it.04:09
shirishah, the () are not allowed as its not told04:10
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=== Hobbsee should have thought up a sarcastic answer for that, she's sure.
Hobbseethe whole "stupid questions deserve stupid answers" thing.04:11
shirishHobbsee: agreed04:12
Hobbseeshirish: dont worry.  you're the third candidate for the stupidity award for the week :)04:12
Hobbseeshirish: but the other two are beating you04:12
shirishHobbsee: ah saddened rofl04:12
Hobbseeshirish: the winner will probably get me hitting them over the head with a shovel.04:13
shirishI can picture that pretty realistically too ;)04:13
shirishFujitsu: now we have 2 projects https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gwget2/ and https://edge.launchpad.net/gwget/ 04:14
Fujitsushirish: The former isn't a project.04:15
shirishHobbsee: I may still win the award 04:15
Hobbseeshirish: you havent asked who checks the bugs of $a particular launchpad team, yet.04:15
Hobbseeshirish: and you havent asked how to do something, done the complete opposite, and then bitched about it not working.04:16
shirishHobbsee: I'm trying, bear with me please04:16
Hobbseeshirish: so no, you're not winning.04:16
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Hobbseehint:  you dont *want* to win04:16
shirishHobbsee: I have seen your pic., hence even being 'hit' by you in any way would be a nice win (wink, wink) ;)04:17
shirishFujitsu: back to where we were, now what is to be done?04:17
Hobbseeshirish: then remind me to hit you with a *very* large piece of concrete.04:17
Fujitsushirish: Er, on the bug... `Also affects: Project', select project, enter URL, ..., PROFIT!04:17
shirishHobbsee: with pleasure 04:17
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Hobbseeshirish: i told keybuk this.  it wouldnt be pleasurable.  it would be a large piece of concrete, to the head, repeatedly.04:18
Hobbseeshirish: you'd end up on the floor, with lots of blood pouring out of your head.04:18
Hobbseeand in lots of pain04:18
=== Fujitsu prepares his nice metal spiky hammer thing.
Hobbseestill, if that appeals....04:18
HobbseeFujitsu: excellent!04:18
shirishHobbsee: bliss at last, then atleast wouldn't have to sit & see how to report stuff 'upstream' rofl04:19
Hobbseeshirish: i didnt know you wanted to be dead.  i'll have to remember that.04:19
shirishFujitsu: Hobbsee: finally done the deed https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gwget/+bug/13506504:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 135065 in gwget2 "use binary prefix instead of decimal SI prefix" [Undecided,New]  04:20
shirishHobbsee: always a pleasure to talk/banter with you04:20
shirishFujitsu: thank you for your help04:21
=== Fujitsu sighs.
shirishguys can somebody help me with framing this bug-report https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gwget/+bug/134960 (not a native English speaker) 04:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134960 in gwget2 "progess with decimal increment as well" [Undecided,New]  04:23
shirishnot sure if 'decimal increment' is the right term/word or not04:24
Fujitsushirish: I think it should be incremental, 19.0001%, 19.0002%.04:25
FujitsuCome to think of it, it could probably be 19.00000[12] %...04:25
shirishFujitsu: true, but I was trying so its better than now, with two decimal places after . which should be enough unless one is doing something like 20-30 GiB on a slow connection. Of course this is an assumption/presumption. 04:27
Hobbseeshirish: didnt you know, though...girls dont exist on the intarweb - so that cant be my picture.04:32
Hobbsee!girls | shirish 04:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about girls - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:32
Hobbsee!girl | shirish 04:32
ubotushirish: Girls dont exist on the internet.  See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/2704:32
shirishHobbsee: will have to read that for sure :)04:33
=== Odd_Bloke never quite groks that Hobbsee is a girl. I always imagine her as more of a cartoon tiger... :p
HobbseeOdd_Bloke: green alien.04:42
HobbseeOdd_Bloke: like the link says, girls dont exist on the intarweb.04:42
shirishHobbsee: honestly, wouldn't know what to call that.04:45
shirishHobbsee: I know my cousin sister uses gtalk & orkut all the time04:45
shirishHobbsee: as well as couple of women whom I know and are hot, so that would be extreme to say04:46
shirishHobbsee: what I would say is the anonymity of the net gives people to fake whatever one wants to04:46
shirishHobbsee: for all you know, I could be a 15 yr. old kid or a  50-yr. old desperate guy, who knows what or who is true for sure04:47
Hobbseethis is, of course true.04:48
Hobbseethis is why people often use aliases, at least until they're well into the community04:48
shirishHobbsee: true, and again being well into the community doesn't make things right overnight04:49
Hobbseeof course not04:49
Hobbseei still have people like you talking to me.04:49
Hobbseeand wanting me to bash them up.04:49
=== Hobbsee didnt come to ubuntu looking for a boyfriend, incidently.
=== Hobbsee doesnt particularly like people assuming that she wants one, just due to any pictures she has online.
=== shirish also didn't come to ubuntu looking for a girlfriend, also
shirishHobbsee: but if I like somebody's picture, is that a bad thing? for e.g. if you liked I don't know 'somebody who looks like Brad Pitt' would you talk with him or not?04:51
shirishof course this is all virtual04:51
Hobbseeshirish: depends.  do you go up to random guys on the net and start talking to them in the same way as you would a girl who you didnt know, also on the net?04:52
Hobbseeshirish: also, i may like their picture, but i wouldnt take it for granted that htey'd actually want me, unless they indicated that.04:53
shirishHobbsee: again depends, I have made some very good friends on the net, with whom I share a lot04:53
shirishHobbsee: of course, I'm not saying either way04:54
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shirishHobbsee: another thing, while you think of the whole 'woman' angle on this, think of coming from a certain 'nation' & people have similar reactions. 04:55
Hobbseei'm not sure of what you're meaning04:56
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shirishHobbsee: ok, I'll try to tell you what I mean04:57
kikoHobbsee, shirish: doesn't look possible anymore? what do you mean?04:57
shirishHobbsee: I come from East Asia, India, and there are a few upstream projects where I try to give comments, do stuff, whatever and even after few months have passed, got accepted in the community04:58
Hobbseekiko: it's very difficult ot figuer where to add an upstream link to a project04:58
Hobbseekiko: as in, a bug report upstream to connect to a bug report on launchpad04:58
kikoHobbsee, you mean "also affects upstream"?04:58
Hobbseekiko: what was that,yes04:59
kikowe could have04:59
kikolink to remote bug04:59
shirishthe moment I say I come from 'India', I get the same silent treatment as said in that report, or some kind of abuse for all 'outsourcing' and what not. 04:59
kikobut it's hard to design right because the upstream might use launchpad04:59
Hobbseekiko: this is true05:00
Hobbseeshirish: yeah, true.  05:00
=== Hobbsee wont make a remark about telemarketers.
kikoHobbsee, it might be easier if we said "Add a task"05:00
kikobut nobody lets me say that word05:00
shirishHobbsee: see 05:00
Hobbseekiko: still confusing as to what it acutally means.05:00
Hobbseeshirish: true, i see your point05:01
kikoHobbsee, well, we could explain what tasks were, and it'd be the only explanation necessary05:01
kikoi.e. nobody knew what wikiwords were before we explained them either.05:01
=== Hobbsee still dosent know what they are
shirishHobbsee: and I think that is partly the reason why also there isn't much activity from developing countries as in developing stuff upstream. 05:01
Hobbseeshirish: possible05:02
kikoHobbsee, wikiwords? :)05:03
Hobbseekiko: yes05:03
shirishHobbsee: I'm part of a LUG here, who's has been trying to promote Ubuntu and make people aware of IRC and stuff like that, apart from their own insecurities, I do hear stuff about this also05:03
kikoHobbsee, or "bug attachments". my point is that there are certain things you learn and then end up taking for granted.05:03
shirishkiko: wikiwords I guess like FriendlyAlien if I'm not wrong05:03
Hobbseekiko: true05:03
pin17931Hi, import of an external svn repository for the opendental project failed. I was told to ask here for more info. Anyone can help?05:03
Hobbseekiko: but based on the fact htat i *still* get confused on this stuff each time...it eihter means i'm clueless on this area of LP, or it's just confusing.05:04
shirishHobbsee: another thing I have been wanting to chew, just like Fedora has Fedora Ambassador for promotion of their project, does Ubuntu have something?05:05
shirishHobbsee: chew/chew on05:05
Hobbseeshirish: probably ask the marketing team.  (#ubuntu-marketing)05:06
shirishHobbsee: thanx05:07
shirishHobbsee: sorry for blubbering on that, don't think you wanted to hear that story05:07
Hobbseeit's ok05:07
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shirishHobbsee: take care05:08
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gnomefreakis LP bzr having issues for anyone else?07:41
kikonot that I know of07:42
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RainCTis it possible to remove revision from a Bazaar branch in Launchpad?08:07
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LaserJockkiko: available?08:08
kikoLaserJock, me!08:09
kikoRainCT, uncommit and push again08:09
LaserJockkiko: ok, the bug contact thing08:10
LaserJockin a number of teams I'm involved with we fairly regularly change bug contacts08:11
LaserJockit's not an every-day thing by any means08:11
kikoLaserJock, so, hang on I'm on the phone with tom08:11
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ircleuserI have an administrative need with our Launchpad project08:23
ircleuserIs there anyone here that can help?08:24
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kikoircleuser, yes, give me a moment.08:24
ircleuserok, thanks08:27
pparksKiko, I work with ircleuser as well and am available if you have any question regarding our account.08:30
kikoso LaserJock first08:31
=== ircleuser is now known as dwelch91
kikoLaserJock, how many teams are we talking about?08:31
LaserJocksorry, was afk08:33
LaserJockwell, there is edubuntu-bugs (I'm not admin) and motuscience (admin) and ubuntu-tex (admin)08:34
kikois that all?08:34
LaserJockthose are the ones that I'd be changing bug contacts on08:34
kikoI'll make you an admin of edubuntu-bugs08:34
LaserJockwell, but my question is a bit more fundamental08:34
LaserJockwith edubuntu-bugs I should be admin anyway08:34
kikoI'm failing to see fundamentals if that's the case :)08:35
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LaserJockteam admins can do pretty much anything08:35
LaserJockI personally feel ok with letting people set bug contacts08:35
LaserJockbut I'm not so crazy about letting them approve members08:35
LaserJockfor instance08:35
LaserJockI can understand for the bigger teams like bugsquad and ubuntu-memebers08:36
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LaserJockwhere things can get crazy08:36
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kikoI think limiting both things to team admins is not unreasonable, and I challenge you to find a case where a non-admin would need to set a bug contact without asking an admin for permission first.08:36
LaserJockheh, I used to have people do that all the time08:38
LaserJockespecially with motuscience and ubuntu-tex08:38
LaserJockwhen it's a team of developers or something, there's no reason to not trust your team08:38
LaserJockit sets a big "us vs them" thing08:39
LaserJockgranted, bug contact is fairly trivial08:39
LaserJockbut I don't know what else you guys are going to do in the future, you know08:39
kikothe rationale for this, LaserJock, was08:42
kikosetting a bug contact can cause a /lot/ of mail to be received08:42
kikoso it should not be generally available08:43
kikoit's not too much overhead to contact a team admin if you need this done.08:43
kikowe did not constrain subscribing the team to a bug by means of the same rationale (it's only one item generating mail)08:43
kikothere isn't really a fundamental principle here -- the policy is what causes the least harm and inconvenience simultaneously08:44
kikoand in this case this was the call made08:44
kikoif you can find concrete situations in which the current implementation causes significant harm and inconvenience, then we can reconsider08:44
kikobut so far I haven't seen convincing evidence :)08:45
LaserJockwell, me neither08:49
LaserJockI was more thinking that it would be good to give team admins some flexibility08:49
kikoLaserJock, in customizing the team policies? we have tried as a policy to avoid customizability unless really necessary08:52
kikoit increases the support and documentation overhead a lot08:52
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LaserJockkiko: hmm, that make some sense08:57
LaserJockbut I would think people would also find it sort of a turnoff08:58
LaserJockthey have this service, but they can't customize it to suit their needs08:58
LaserJockbut you're right about overhead08:58
kikoit makes the system harder to explain -- you need to ask the user "Do your team have option X enabled?"08:59
LaserJockyes, I write documentation too, I have an appreciation for that ;-)09:00
kikoif there was a significant drawback in not allowing it to be optional then I'd consider an option09:00
kikono pun intended :)09:00
kikobut in general I prefer it when options model something concretely different in the real world09:00
kikothan a flag you set to work around something.09:01
kikoanyway, next up!09:01
kikopparks, how may I help?09:01
LaserJockkiko: thanks for the chat :-)09:01
kikoLaserJock, it's always a pleasure to chat with someone so reasonable09:01
LaserJockI can be as stubborn as the next person09:02
LaserJockbut I do *try*09:02
kikoyou try to be stubborn?09:02
=== kiko nudges pparks
LaserJockno ;p , I try to be reasonable09:02
LaserJockkiko: I just sent a followup to the list, just to wrap the discussion up09:06
LaserJockin case somebody searches for it in the future09:07
kikothanks so much09:07
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pparksSorry was in a team discussion09:12
pparksAre you ready for us to ask you a couple questions09:12
kikopparks, sure I am.09:13
pparksWe are the team that's responsible for the HPLIP page.09:13
dwelch91The person who set up the page has left the company and we need access.09:14
dwelch91he was the only admin09:14
dwelch91(sorry, pparks' laptop ran out of battery)09:15
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pparksOkay have power again09:15
pparksSorry about that09:15
kikodwelch91, pparks: okay, that happens.09:16
kikopparks, can I suggest you create a team to manage that page, and I'll do the necessary reassignment?09:16
dwelch91can we be added as admins or reset the project?09:16
kikoby using a team you'll be able to delegate control of the project more flexibly09:16
dwelch91ok, what are the steps?09:16
pparksDo you have a link as well09:17
kikodwelch91, pparks: to create a team: launchpad.net/people/+newteam09:18
kikoyou can create it and add as many members and admins as you like09:18
kikoonce that's done just tell me the name of the team and I'll reassign.09:18
pparksDoing that right now09:19
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pparksTeam with hplip is already taken09:20
dwelch91We created a team named "hplip-team"09:21
LaserJockpparks: is Aaron Albright the guy that left?09:21
dwelch91how do we hook this up to the hplip project?09:21
dwelch91he must have created the "hplip" team as well09:21
LaserJockit looks like he created the hplip team09:21
dwelch91he needs to be removed from the project09:21
kikoI'll sort it out.09:22
dwelch91or team, etc09:22
LaserJockso maybe kiko can just make you guys admins for hplip09:22
dwelch91that would be fine09:22
dwelch91i don't think pparks has a lp.net acct, but i di09:22
dwelch91on a related topic, is it possible to purge the "answers" section of the project?09:23
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kikodwelch91, meaning you wouldn't want to allow people to post questions to your team?09:25
dwelch91no, we want to get rid of all the old stuff that aaron had done in there - get a fresh start - we are moving our support from sf.net to lp.net09:25
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kikodwelch91, that's awesome to hear. I see now -- by purge you mean "do away with old questions", I imagine?09:26
dwelch91its not a huge deal, but it would be nice to start with a "clean slate"09:27
kikodwelch91, okay, so you're now an administrator of https://launchpad.net/~hplip 09:29
dwelch91great, thanks09:29
dwelch911 more question - 09:29
kikodwelch91, as an admin you can add or remove people from that team by visiting https://launchpad.net/~hplip/+members09:29
dwelch91i reviewed your terms of service...09:29
kikoI imagine one thing you'll want to do is remove Aaron from that team (I didn't do it)09:30
kikoI also made ~hplip (the team) own hplip (the project)09:30
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dwelch91do you have the same restriction as sf.net on only allowing FOSS s/w in the project download areas?09:30
dwelch91great, thanks09:30
kikoas you can review at https://launchpad.net/hplip/09:30
dwelch91i will shortly09:30
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kikodwelch91, I'll arrange with mthaddon to delete the superfluous hplip-team now that we've established that ~hplip is what we all wanted.09:30
dwelch91ok, good09:31
kikodwelch91, I'm not sure we have the same restriction on the download area; it's a good question. 09:32
kikodwelch91, if you post a question to answers.launchpad.net/launchpad I'll make sure it gets answered.09:32
dwelch91We are going to be needing to host some proprietary plugins into our FOSS driver...09:32
dwelch91the overall project is FOSS, but in order to support some of our devices, we have to ship some closed source .so files.09:33
kikodwelch91, I see what you mean. well, just give me a URL to the question and I'll get it answered09:33
dwelch91we can't do that on sf.net, and are hoping we can on lp.net09:33
dwelch91URL to the question?09:33
pparksI got to run09:34
kiko<kiko> dwelch91, if you post a question to answers.launchpad.net/launchpad I'll make sure it gets answered.09:34
dwelch91oh, ok09:34
kikoI was referring to that09:34
kikodwelch91, one last question09:34
kiko~hplip is currently owned by aaron09:34
kikoshould I reassign to you or someone else?09:34
dwelch91he needs to be removed from the prj completely (replace w/me i guess)09:35
kikothe owner is the same as a project administrator in all regards except for the fact that he can't be demoted09:35
kikookay, I'll fix that up.09:35
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kikodwelch91, by the way,09:36
kikodwelch91, you'll probably want to change the contact email address for that team (which is currently set to aaron's email)09:36
dwelch91ok, will do09:36
kikodwelch91, if you need any explanation of how that works just ask.09:37
dwelch91i will give it a try 1st09:37
kikosure thing09:37
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dwelch91kiko, thanks for all your help09:40
kikodwelch91, you're welcome; just ask if you need any guidance09:41
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ubotuNew bug: #135153 in malone "xsane segfaults" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13515311:15
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mptok, the person Bugs advanced search page is getting out of hand12:36
mpt407 milestones listed12:36
kikompt, I asked BjornT to work on that and he blew me off!12:37
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LaserJockyeah, I agree it is getting more difficult to find what you want12:39
kikooh, that was tags. I'm confused. :)12:41
kikompt, we should probably omit milestones from that view.12:41
mptkiko, and what would be the replacement way of making them searchable?12:42
mptLet's say I want to return bugs assigned to me that are targeted to any of Launchpad 1.1.9, Launchpad Bugs 1.1.9, Launchpad Translations 1.1.9, or Soyuz 1.1.912:42
kikompt, is that really necessary for the person view?12:43
kikowhy don't you just visit the milestone pages?12:43
kiko(which is what I do)12:43
BjornTkiko, mpt: we should dislay on the relevant milestones (i.e., only milestones included in the bug listing)12:43
mptYou're suggesting I should visit four separate milestone pages?12:43
=== kblin sighs
mptBjornT, that would be good.12:44
mptAnd the same for tags, as kiko suggested.12:44
mptAt least, it would be a good start12:45

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