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sidWill Gutsy ship with Sun's Java?01:17
coNP!info sun-java5 gutsy | sid01:18
ubotusid: Package sun-java5 does not exist in gutsy01:18
coNP!info sun-java5-jre gutsy | sid01:18
ubotusid: sun-java5-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-12-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 7288 kB, installed size 16180 kB01:18
coNP!info sun-java6-jre gutsy | sid01:18
ubotusid: sun-java6-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-02-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 6178 kB, installed size 14164 kB01:18
sidcoNP: So it doesn't come by default?01:18
coNPI guess not01:18
mikeconceptsregarding x11vnc install, I needed to install vnc4-common, wondering if this is because I did not go throuth the remote desktop wizard because when I attempted to set a password with vncpasswd I saw vnc4-common was needed01:19
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forevertheunibah can't compile alsa-libs01:20
rexy_hmm i managed to fix the gutsy install, but how do i get the new plugin manager and the new xconfig thing, doesnt appear to be in the menu01:23
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DanaGHeh, even with XGL, Savage is still missing support for NPOT (non-power-of-two) textures.01:26
DanaGI wonder if windowed XGL would be useful as a replacement for Xnest.01:26
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forevertheuniok sound problem solve01:31
forevertheuninow the second :D01:31
forevertheuniwhen I login it connects to internet ok(wireless connection)01:32
rexy_boy that new indexing thing is fun, heh, lagging out my computer bad01:32
forevertheunibut after a while it looses the connection and I do pidof dhclient and nothing seems to be working01:32
forevertheuniso I have to run it manually to regain the connection01:32
RAOFDanaG: We were considering using Xgl as our default xserver - it makes sense for fast-user-switch. etc.01:43
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snadgeso XGL is technically better than AIGLX?01:46
atomicpotatoXgl has all kinds of technical issues01:49
rexy_i cant seem to find the firefox plugin manager or the tool to configure screens with or enable tv-out, what are they called?01:49
RAOFNot really.01:49
atomicpotatoXgl seems to be considerably slower than normal x.org01:50
RAOFXGL really totally different to AIGLX.  One is an X server, the other is a feature that drivers may or may not provide.01:50
RAOFatomicpotato: On fglrx, yes.01:50
RAOFOn most systems it should be faster.  At least, systems with working 3d.01:50
atomicpotatofaster for everything? or faster for 3d01:51
forevertheunirexy_, me neither01:51
RAOFFaster for everything.01:51
RAOFatomicpotato: Since the whole idea of Xgl is to make the huge 3d engine of modern graphics cards do all the 2d rendering.01:51
Kill_Xhey everybody01:52
atomicpotatobut not everyone has a "modern graphics card with huge 3d engine"01:52
atomicpotatoI've got systems with Intel Extreme Graphics and X300s01:52
RAOFWhich both have huge 3d engines01:53
atomicpotatolike probably the large majority of people01:53
atomicpotatoExtreme Graphics 2?01:53
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atomicpotatoit's CPU for almost everything01:53
rexy_well the graphic effects are working on my ati M601:53
RAOFCompared to the 2d engine, *any* card which does 3d has a huge 3d engine ;)01:53
rexy_not to sluggish, but it's not really quick either01:53
forevertheunigraphics effects are working in my gforce go 7700 :D01:53
atomicpotatoRAOF, is that so? because Xvideo seems a LOT faster than OpenGL video01:53
Kill_Xanyone developing linux-ubuntu-modules-* in here? ;)01:54
RAOFatomicpotato: I can't really comment there, but my guess is that XVideo has less setup/teardown costs than full-blown OpenGL01:54
happytigerHi I have no sound on a fresh install gutsy tribe 5 install... I ran asound-conf , but noticed it doesnt write anything to the asoundrc files?? Any way to get sound working in tribe 5 atm?01:55
RAOFKill_X: You wondering how to get your sound back with an hda_intel card?01:55
Kill_XRAOF: no.01:55
atomicpotatoRAOF, I am01:56
happytigerRAOF .. me to01:56
atomicpotatodon't have such a card, but it's important to know01:56
Kill_XRAOF: I am wondering about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22/+bug/129719 (last report is mine)01:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129719 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "[Gutsy]  performance of new rt2500pci driver is poor" [Undecided,Confirmed] 01:56
atomicpotatoOh yeah, I've got an app that doesn't work anymore since the last X.org update, you have any idea what changed?01:56
RAOFAll those with hda_intel problems may want to check out bug #13136801:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131368 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "Dell 1420n audio not supported under Gutsy" [High,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13136801:57
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RAOFKill_X: I've got no idea about that one, sorry.01:57
Kill_XRAOF, nm :)01:58
rexy_is there a way to force ubuntu to install all the new default features?01:58
sparrthanks fignew01:58
rexy_seems it missed a few when i upgraded01:58
Kill_XRAOF: just took me half a day to try to find this damned Bug on that CVS release from rt2x00, wasn't even able to FIND the damned function it occurs in :/01:59
Kill_Xand yes, I know C and C++ ;)02:00
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RAOFKill_X: Well, it looks like you're doing the right thing.  If you can build a driver that doesn't exhibit that bug, it's much more likely to be fixed.02:02
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Kill_XRAOF: well, that's the reason I install testing-versions for :o02:03
RAOFYay!  That's the spirit :)02:03
Kill_Xsee? :D02:04
Arwencan I get anyone to test a package real quick?02:05
DanaGI'd also like to see the bug of nonworking input on STAC9250 be fixed.02:06
DanaGOr at least commented on.02:06
=== ShackJack [n=nate@c-65-96-48-74.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
DanaGXGL is bad for one thing: playing OpenGL games.02:06
DanaGThen again, the current NVIDIA situation is worse -- X server crashes.02:06
Kill_XDanaG: bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu02:07
Kill_Xdid you already report that one?02:07
happytigerRAOF:  Oki so they fuxored sound by not compiling em in... Damn that is a bummer :-) Thx for the info. Was worried it was my hardware for a sec ... Would never dream Tribe would break such a commond sound chip Oohh well live gutsy .. sleep less lol02:07
DanaGLemme dig up a bug-report number.02:07
ShackJackHI Gutsy users... I'm having a weird issue with Fusion/fglrx/XGL where it just crashes X seemingly randomly (back to GDM screen)... Fusion doesn't report anything useful (except that it lost connection with X - Duh)..  Any other gutsy/fglrx users experiencing this?02:07
Arwenfglrx crashing? no way!02:08
ShackJackArwen: :)02:08
Arwenbut anyway, can I get someone to test package "smplayer"? It no longer functions02:09
ShackJackActually, it's been pretty stable until recently... And doesn't crash if I'm not running Fusion...02:09
Kill_XDanaG: if there's a bugreport, yet, add your problems as detailed as you're able to and wait for a comment...02:09
ShackJackIt does crash pretty consistently if I run glxgears, but when I try to run glxgears and output it to text file it doesn't crash (??!!)02:09
RAOFhappytiger: Also, my debdiff on that bug fixes it.  If you really want sound, you can build a new l-u-m package.02:09
happytigerYEah only problem I have with fushion these days is that I cant reboot ... It runs fine never goes down... But when trying to shutdown or reboot I cant.. gotta pulle the plug :-)02:10
Kill_XArwen: please be more specific02:10
Arweneh, never mind. quick google determined that it's a user error02:10
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Kill_XArwen: np :)02:11
happytigerRAOF How to build? I.e a short guide anywhere for this.. Used to compile on gentoo in the old days but since my ubuntu time haas started I never compiled any kernell stuff02:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 111145 in linux-source-2.6.20 "sigmatel STAC9250 on ATI HDA SB on gateway laptop - no sound capture " [Low,New] 02:12
RAOFhappytiger: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPackagingGuide/BuildFromDebdiff?highlight=%28debdiff%2902:12
happytigersuper thx gotta try this .. no sound sucks :-)02:12
DanaGubotu bug 12183302:13
RAOFhappytiger: note that in this case you'll probably need to apply the debdiff with -p402:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121833 in linux-source-2.6.22 "LCD backlight turns off between brightness levels during fades, and when on battery or at idle" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12183302:13
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rexy_hmm on that node the brightness keys stopped working too02:14
Kill_XDanaG: did you follow that one? ...02:15
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Kill_X08 Aug 07 15:55   Sarah Hobbs  linux-source-2.6.20: statusexplanation  Please read http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the script linked from that page.02:15
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DanaGArgh, had to restart X.02:20
Kill_X<Kill_X> DanaG: did you follow that one? ...02:21
Kill_X<Kill_X> 08 Aug 07 15:55    Sarah Hobbs   linux-source-2.6.20: statusexplanation   Please read http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the script linked from that page.02:21
DanaGWhat do you mean by "follow that one"?02:21
Kill_Xdid that?02:21
DanaGOh yeah, I linked to an alsa-info.sh pastebin I made.02:21
DanaGI don't have that machine on hand now (sent for service), so anything more will have to wait until I get it back, some time in the future.02:22
Kill_Xso i guess you'd have to wait until then... :/02:24
DanaGOh, and linux-sound.info seems to be down.02:26
DanaGEither that, or Charter's routing is borked.02:26
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DanaGI see, there are a couple of pastebins linked there.02:27
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DanaGodd: volume keys don't work in xfce.02:34
Kill_XDanaG: I can confirm that linux-sound.info is down atm., be sure to retry02:38
doug__is there a repo where i can get kernel for kubuntu?02:38
doug__using apt-get02:39
Kill_Xdoug__: no02:39
RAOFdoug__: You're running Gutsy?02:39
doug__RAOF: feisty02:39
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RAOFOh.  This would be the gutsy support/chat channel :)02:40
doug__what's the feisty support channel?02:40
RAOFOr, indeed, #kubuntu for Kubuntu :)02:41
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DanaGOh yeah, that bug report DOES seem to have the necessary info.02:44
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Kill_Xgee, that build error on rt2x00 CVS is INDEED annoying02:53
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Kill_Xespecially when ieee80211.h does not even provide the respective function the error is based on02:54
RAOFIt's possible that the hybrid 2.6.22/.23 kernel is freaking the build out.  That happened with libdrm & nouveau at one point.02:55
Kill_Xwell, I just took a look at the header files in /usr/src02:56
ameyermmm, horrible name for anything Linux...02:56
ameyerthat sounds like something Microsoft or Apple would write02:56
rexy_how can i see what patches went into my current ubuntu kernel?02:57
RAOFlib-direct-rendering-manager :)02:57
RAOFrexy_: apt-get install linux-source, then diff it against the vanilla kernel?02:57
Kill_XRAOF: I think libdrm and such are different02:58
RAOFrexy_: Note that the diff will be *massive*.02:58
ameyerRAOF: the acronm has a few... alternate meanings that are consumer unfriendly02:58
rexy_RAOF, i was hoping it was constructed using several different patches with a description as to why02:58
rexy_well what i really want to know if the new wifi stack made it into a patch heh02:59
RAOFrexy_: You could pull from ubuntu-kernel-git, if you wanted.02:59
Kill_Xieee80211 is an essential kernel addition, introduced with 2.6.22-rc102:59
RAOFrexy_: But many of the patches will be "pull in stuff from new 2.6.22.x release" and such.02:59
rexy_oh thought it was only in 23, i'll go test if the acx driver works with wpa then02:59
Kill_Xwell, not introduced, but made usable with that release03:00
ameyerwifi is a freaking mess...03:00
RAOFrexy_: Yeah, it's in the Ubuntu kernels.  As evidenced by the kinda-workingness of iwl394503:00
rexy_also any of you know how i can get all the stuff installed on the tribe5 release, somehow i didnt get the firefoxplugin manager and X config tool n such03:00
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Kill_Xameyer: true...03:00
ameyerit's not just Linux, as far as I can tell, it's a mess everywhere03:01
ameyerWired internet = you plug it in and you're good to go, wifi = you turn it on sacrifice a few virgins, and hope it works03:02
RAOFameyer: Or you have an intel card, and it Just Works (tm) :P03:02
Kill_Xthe legacy driver worked so far03:03
Kill_Xfor rt250003:03
ameyerwell, as far as I can tell, wifi and "Just Works (tm)" aren't particularly compatible on any current platform03:03
DanaGEven Intel.03:04
ameyerthen again, on some platforms, even ethernet can be an adventure03:04
Kill_Xfunny thing, RT2500 is known as the most linux chipset so far, actually03:04
DanaGIn fact, on my ipw3945 card, sometimes the iwl3945 driverworks better.03:04
ameyerlike if Windows doesn't ship the driver for your ethernet card...03:04
nosrednaekimor if you have Marvell LAN03:05
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databuddyis there a way without emerald-theme-manager to switch between emerald themes?03:05
databuddybetween one and the next i mean03:05
Kill_Xwell, rt2x00 was planned for upstream in feisty, too03:05
RAOFDanaG: Really, wow.  iwl3945 always dies after a while and then I can't shut down :)03:05
databuddyi keep installing that package from feisty b/c it seems to have been depreciated in gutsy ~___________~03:05
ameyerlike, I would have no sound, graphics, or network with a vanilla XP SP1 install...03:06
databuddyalso with intel or i810 drivers + desktop effects one cannot watch video03:06
Kill_XI could imagine a fallback to legacy in gutsy03:06
databuddyKill_X: yeah - i'm just saying someone should get with the program and toss in repos03:06
databuddy<FusioBot> A patch to enable composited Xv output for mplayer is attached to  http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/compiz/2007-July/002494.html . Ubuntu users can find a version of mplayer with the patch applied, in this repository: http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/dists/feisty/3v1n0/index.html03:07
ameyerwell, no acceptably working grahphics, it'd kinda work with the equivalent to VESA03:07
databuddyand one needs that mplayer for it to work in i386/686 and one has to compile to get to work in 64bit03:07
Kill_Xdatabuddy: I think I was talking about something different ^^03:08
databuddymust install libfaac0 then the mplayer deb03:08
Kill_Xdatabuddy: I myself (as hardware seller) consider 64bit OS's still as playground03:10
rexy_anyone know what the command is to start the plugin/extension manager?03:10
Kill_Xthere might be production-capable software, but to the end-user, it's still nothing else than a playground03:11
databuddyyeah as do i03:11
databuddytho its fun to play with a bit03:11
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databuddytho really its a big hassel to just get to use more memory03:11
RAOFEh, works for me.03:11
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aroonihey folks03:11
databuddytho i understand one can recompile kernel with bigiron support to use more than 4 gigs03:12
RAOFdatabuddy: Or just install the -server kernel, of course.03:12
arooniim having trouble with the intel x3100 video adapter... i get the login screen but as soon as i do, my screen goes black, when i restart gdm, same thing happens.  what is the name of the intel video package03:12
Kill_XRAOF: with Flash, Java and WMV? ;)03:12
aroonii will try to upgrade it?03:12
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RAOFKill_X: With flash & wmv.  I'm not sure about java browser plugin.03:12
databuddyKill_X: what co do you work with?03:13
Kill_XRAOF: that's what I'm talking about...03:13
RAOFKill_X: Maybe not java.  But I don't miss it if I haven't got it :)03:14
Kill_XRAOF: and flash? Is there a working plugin now?03:14
RAOFKill_X: nspluginwrapper gets installed if you try to install flash.  So, kinda.03:15
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RAOFKill_X: It works though03:15
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rexy_hmm no luck with acx :| says invalid argument03:17
Kill_XRAOF: well, I've got a Solaris64 just one reboot away, my last linux64 exp was with feisty03:17
RAOFrexy_: Same as bug #11853903:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118539 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "[regression]  acx does not load" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11853903:17
Kill_Xunusable for end-users03:17
RAOFCertainly not for everyone, true.03:18
rexy_i was searching for acx but  it didnt turn up anything03:18
Kill_Xlike solaris :)03:18
nosrednaekimrexy_: I think its acx11103:19
nosrednaekimif you aretalking wireless drivers03:19
nosrednaekimif not.. ignore me03:19
Kill_XDAMNIT, #include ieee80211.h - but this damned file does not even list the conflicting function03:20
=== Kill_X 's going mad
rexy_but it's very nondescript about the error03:20
rexy_just invalid argument, and nothing in dmesg03:20
rexy_dmesg just says acx, loaded, firmware=yadda03:21
Arwenhuh, I just noticed, but the new GNOME "Open" dialog is really nice03:21
rexy_intel driver bug latest xorg, cant find it , i suck, can someone find it and post it in that thread for that dude03:23
=== albertico [n=x@10.Red-88-6-130.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
alberticoi have a macbook and sound doesnt work here03:24
alberticoi recently installed tribe5 , first I needed to install esd because it wasnt installed03:25
RAOFalbertico: bug #13136803:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131368 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "Dell 1420n audio not supported under Gutsy" [High,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13136803:25
=== nosrednaekim kicks HDA intel
alberticois there a fix?03:25
RAOFalbertico: Yes, on that bug.03:27
alberticoI am looking ...03:27
databuddyoh and i noticed that right click >> send to desktop is working again with c-f on gutsy - <303:27
RAOF(The fix is to rebuild linux-ubuntu-modules)03:27
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Kill_Xalbertico: check out https://launchpad.net/bugs/131368 and you will find the solution03:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131368 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "Dell 1420n audio not supported under Gutsy" [High,Triaged] 03:27
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alberticoso I need to recompile the kernel03:28
Kill_XRAOF: got a minute in PM?03:28
RAOFIf it can't be done in #ubunu+1, yes.03:29
Kill_XRAOF: well, I'll do a pastebin and you will see03:31
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rexy_hmm the new xorg seems a to produce a bit more artifacts for me too03:31
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alberticoI cant find a fix03:32
cheeseboyhi im getting this error http://rafb.net/p/jqPX1t17.html anyone know how i should go about fixing it?03:33
RAOFalbertico: There's a debdiff attached to one of the last posts on that bug.  If you rebuild linux-ubuntu-modules after applying that debdiff, sound will work again.03:33
alberticoso I need to recompile kernel modules03:33
RAOFYes.  But not the kernel.03:33
Kill_XRAOF: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35193/03:33
RAOFKill_X: Grep is probably your friend.  Is that code meant to work against 2.6.23?03:34
Kill_X$ uname -r03:35
RAOFDon't be fooled.  That contains bits or 2.6.2303:35
xtknightwhy does gutsy have updates that sometimes can only be gotten by using dist-upgrade?  is there a special purpose or vibe to these?03:35
crdlbxtknight, dist-upgrade pulls in new packages03:36
RAOFxtknight: That's just a difference between upgrade & full-upgrade (as aptitude now calls it).  Full-upgrade can install new packages, upgrade can't.03:36
xtknightah so these ones that require "partial upgrade" are totally new pkgs?03:36
RAOFKill_X: You probably want to grep the source for the function that's called from, and the kernel headers for the actual function definition.03:37
xtknightwell i was getting linux-image-generic in the dist-upgrade path..03:37
crdlbxtknight, or they depend on new packages03:37
RAOFYes, since it's going to install the (new) linux-image-...-10-generic packages.03:37
xtknighti see03:37
xtknightbut they have become just "upgrades" now?03:38
xtknightand i havent done anything03:38
databuddypidgin a bit unstable with mousegestures XD03:38
Kill_XRAOF: well, if you know C/C++, you will see that there's a function call to a kernel-included function, which is issuing too many parameters03:38
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RAOFKill_X: Yes, I know.  You probably want to find the actual definition, and check the source to see if there's a #define somewhere that'll make it call the right prototype.03:39
Kill_XRAOF: well, thanks, did that already.03:39
RAOFKernel modules often do #defines against the kernel revision where the interface changes.  Since Ubuntu's kernel is somewhere between .22 & .23, that can mess up some module builds.03:40
Kill_XRAOF: I know that one, also.03:40
RAOFOk.  Sounds like there's nothing I can really offer you then :/03:41
Kill_Xjust wanted you to check, if you could find a 'ieee80211_rts_get' function somewhere03:43
Kill_Xwithin the kernel headers03:43
RAOFAh, certainly.03:44
=== RAOF fires up grep
RAOFThat's where it's defined for me.03:45
Kill_XI checked that file FIVE times03:45
Kill_Xmkay, perhaps I was stuck on -903:46
Kill_Xwhich makes no sense, either03:47
RAOFUnless it got added by -1003:47
Kill_Xno, it didn't03:47
RAOFHm.  Anyway, line 85303:47
Kill_Xshould be there since rc103:47
RAOFSorry, 83503:48
=== RAOF greps against -9
RAOF...and it is indeed in -9, same spot.03:48
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Kill_Xk, I only searched the ieee80211.* files03:52
RAOFHeh.  Recursively grepping the whole headers folder doesn't take that long :)03:53
Kill_Xno, it doesn't, but following kernel CCs would suggest ieee80211* should be the right place to look at ;)03:54
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DARKGuyGuys, could anybody tell me how do I submit a package for Gutsy release in the official repos?03:55
RAOFDARKGuy: You head over to #ubuntu-motu, and check out wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU03:56
DARKGuyThanks RAOF :)03:56
Kill_Xwhee, and according to source and declaration there must not be an error03:58
Kill_Xbut there is03:58
Kill_XRAOF: do you speak c/c++ ? :)03:59
RAOFThat's a strange heart you've got there :)03:59
RAOFYes.  I don't really have time to look at it now, though, sorry.04:00
Kill_Xyou don't have to04:00
Kill_Xjust tell me04:00
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Kill_Xvoid ieee80211_rts_get(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,04:00
Kill_X       const void *frame, size_t frame_len,04:00
Kill_X       const struct ieee80211_tx_control *frame_txctl,04:00
Kill_X       struct ieee80211_rts *rts);04:00
Kill_Xieee80211_rts_get(rt2x00dev->hw, rt2x00dev->interface.id,04:01
Kill_X  frag_skb->data, frag_skb->len, control,04:01
Kill_X  (struct ieee80211_rts *)(skb->data));04:01
Kill_Xhow many parameters in the function call (last one)?04:01
RAOFIt's got a surplus interface.id04:02
xtknightsame thoughts here04:02
Kill_Xah fuck04:02
Kill_Xalways ocerread the control04:02
Kill_X-c +v04:02
xtknightcan anyone add anything to Bug 134911?  i would like to get this fixed04:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134911 in gnome-control-center "[gutsy]  Screen resolutions other than current are not listed" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13491104:03
xtknighti'm not sure if this is happening for everyone, or just those with nvidia proprietary drivers, and why.  why the source code is like it is/how/whether this can be fixed/etc04:03
RAOFxtknight: Works for me, with proprietary nvidia drivers.04:05
xtknightRAOF, i wonder why?  the "i == current_size" in the source code seems to be doing exactly what it sounds like, at least on my machine04:05
xtknightwell what i didn't realize was that the second if clause was || not &&.  but now im even more confused as to why my proposed IF statement works and the second does not, properly.04:06
xtknighti have multiple screens, perhaps that has something to do with it, but i dont think so04:07
RAOFThe full source code you post doesn't even check current_size in the first if.04:08
RAOF(It's commented out)04:08
xtknightwhy should it be checking current_size there?04:09
xtknightit is checked later within the same clause04:09
RAOFThat's my point.  It isn't.04:10
RAOFActually, could you pastebin the code if you want me to look at it.  Launchpad mangles the code if you try to post it inline.04:10
Kill_XRAOF: thx for twice-counting, now bugfixing CVS REALLY gets interesting ;)04:10
xtknightRAOF, ok04:11
RAOFKill_X: Heh.  NP04:11
xtknightthis is odd though.  i'm trying to find out why my IF works and that one doesn't.04:11
Kill_Xso gn8 everyone04:11
xtknighti was thinking an order of operations problem maybe.  but then why does it work on your pc..04:11
RAOFGood question.  Maybe your nvidia drivers are lying in different ways.04:12
xtknightRAOF, http://rafb.net/p/HCAR2t88.html04:13
xtknightthat's the main.c code of the original file04:13
xtknightunmodified gnome-control-center display main.c code i should say04:13
RAOFWhat function am I looking for?04:13
xtknightline ~43404:13
xtknighti guess the point of i == current_size being checked twice is if show_resolution does not come back with whatever is the current res.04:15
RAOFYes.  If you've somehow fandangled a different res, you'll want it displayed.04:15
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xtknightwell it works now with the vanilla packages :\04:18
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xtknightbrb i'm going to reboot and try to reproduce this04:20
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xtknightRAOF, it works now.  not sure what went wrong earlier.  afaik it's always been like it was earlier, especially on feisty.  no idea what happened04:26
aroonium why does installing the build essential package require the install cD?04:29
aroonii dont have it anymore04:29
xtknightremove apt-cdrom from sources.list04:29
aroonithats the ticket04:30
arooniso i have completely destroyed my vista partition04:30
arooniwhich is a good thing04:30
aroonibut i want to know how i can use vmware04:30
aroonito boot to windows04:30
xtknightd/l vmware server04:36
xtknightso you can create a windows VM04:36
arooniok next q:  E: couldn't find package: libtoolize04:37
aroonihow do i get that04:37
arooni(while i'm compiling the alsa libraries)04:37
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xtknightsudo apt-get install libtool   ?04:38
arooniare you folks 100% linux?04:38
arooniand not dual booting?04:38
xtknighti dualboot with xp04:39
xtknight99% daily use=linux04:39
arooniwhat about aclocal xtknight ?04:39
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DARKGuyI dualboot and use XP when I need to try my multiplatform code in it, else, 100% linux04:39
xtknightarooni,  sudo apt-get install autoconf automake04:39
arooniwhat about vmware04:40
xtknightyou have to d/l vmware server from vmware.com04:40
aroonii know04:40
aroonibut experiences04:40
arooniversus dual booting04:40
aroonidual booting has been nothing but pain for me04:40
xtknighti love vmware.  i use it for my job which requires xp/excel.  but my vmware is faster than my native xp even (i'm guessing because it runs/writes to memory)04:41
arooni'Unable to determine python libraries.  probably python-config is not avaialble on this system.... please use --with-pythonlibs options04:41
arooniwhat do i need to install there04:41
xtknightsudo apt-get install python-dev04:41
xtknightwhat are you compling? alsa?04:41
aroonixtknight, knows all04:41
DARKGuyyou'll lose good 3D acceleration with a VM, doesn't matter if you use VirtualBox, QEMU or VMWare :/. If all you do are apps, then a VM is good... if you don't mind your entire system lagging a bit, but it depends on your computer's specs.04:41
aroonixtknight, ya04:41
xtknightsudo apt-get build-dep alsa04:42
xtknighti think04:42
xtknightsudo apt-get build-dep alsa-source04:42
arooniDARKGuy, i have a dual core 2.0ghz (intel) + 2 gigs of ram plus intel 965 chipset04:42
xtknightentire system lag is non existent if youre not doing anything in the backgruond04:42
xtknightim usually using either linux or xp04:42
xtknightarooni, pretty much exact machine here except 1.83ghz, and it's a joy to use04:43
RAOFarooni: You may be interested in kvm, then.04:43
xtknightkvm has always been slower for me than vmware, but if you're up on being gpl only it's the best choice04:43
aroonixtknight, you got t61 too?04:43
xtknightarooni, desktop pc though.  gigabyte ga-965p-ds3.  but 2 gigs of ram, 865, and dual core 1.83ghz04:43
DARKGuyarooni: more than enough04:44
aroonixtknight, i have a similar setup on my desktop pc04:44
aroonisoooo powerful muwhahahahha04:44
xtknighti run xp64 in a VM on a 32bit host usually04:44
xtknightfor now i am 64 on 6404:44
xtknightit works just as well04:44
aroonixtknight, i'm runnin 32 bit for linux04:44
xtknightyou can use 32 bit or 64 bit VMs, at least with vmware with a 32bit host.  maybe only with VT extensions, not sure about that04:45
xtknightthe reason i like vmware is because it provides mouse drivers for your VM so it's silky smooth.  with kqemu+kvm you get laggy mouse, at least last time i tried it04:46
aroonierror: this packages requires a curses library04:46
aroonihow do i get curses04:46
xtknightsudo apt-get install ncurses-dev04:46
xtknightdid you do that build-dep alsa-source?04:47
xtknightit should have downloaded everything you need for alsa, i think04:47
aroonixtknight, yeah but it didnly do ncurses-dev04:47
xtknighttry build-dep alsa-tools and build-dep alsa-utils04:47
xtknightparticularly tools, it gives you a lot of more needed pkgs04:48
arooniahh cool04:48
arooniwhat is the method for installing sun java 604:48
aroonidamn this is the speed i'm talking about 1061KB/s04:49
xtknight!info sun-java6-jre04:50
ubotusun-java6-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-02-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 6178 kB, installed size 14164 kB04:50
arooniis vmware server free?04:51
xtknightyes but not open souce04:51
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xtknightand vmware workstation is not free at all04:52
n0ydJust curious, in Gutsy, are the devs replacing gnome-print-manager with PrinterDrake?04:52
aroonido i want the binary or the source xtknight04:52
xtknightarooni, source for vmware srver (tar gz)04:52
n0ydOr can someone tell me if there is already a new printing interface/manager in gutsy?04:54
arooniwhats the name of the pcakge that install windows fonts04:54
arooniand are there any good packages that install a bunch of common fonts other than that04:54
xtknight!info msttcorefomts04:55
ubotuPackage msttcorefomts does not exist in gutsy04:55
xtknight!info msttcorefonts04:55
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.2 (gutsy), package size 32 kB, installed size 188 kB04:55
xtknightnot sure about other fonts04:55
aroonixtknight, how do u do that update alternatives thing04:56
xtknightfor java?04:56
aroonixtknight, exactly04:56
DanaG!info galternatives04:57
ubotugalternatives: graphical setup tool for the alternatives system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.4 (gutsy), package size 27 kB, installed size 276 kB04:57
xtknightarooni,  i think https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#head-fef9352fb26820bb774df978180c9dd3a60e777b04:57
xtknightor that04:57
n0ydNo one can answer my extremely easy to answer question? :)04:58
alberticoRAOF, are you there?04:58
aroonigot it xtknight04:59
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aroonihey folks i installed sun's java.... but how do i tell eclipse to look for that java?  i'm getting an erroRE: 'a java runtime enviorment (JRE) or java dev kit(JDK) must be avialble in order to run eclipse05:01
xtknight!info sun-java6-jdk05:03
ubotusun-java6-jdk: Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-02-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 9285 kB, installed size 31300 kB05:03
RAOFalbertico: Yes?05:07
alberticoRAOF, I dont now how to apply the patch05:07
alberticoI now how to apply a patch to a kernel source, but not to modules...05:07
alberticoI dont know the specific file name, not sure if I need to know that so...05:08
alberticoalberto@alberto-laptop:/usr/src$ ls05:08
alberticolinux-headers-2.6.22-10          linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-2.6.22            linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22_2.6.22-10.23.tar.gz05:08
alberticolinux-headers-2.6.22-10-generic  linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22_2.6.22-10.23.dsc  l-u-m.debdiff05:08
=== albertico :/
RAOFalbertico: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPackagingGuide/BuildFromDebdiff?highlight=%28debdiff%2905:09
alberticoApply the debdiff changes.05:10
albertico    *05:10
albertico      cd PACKAGE-* && patch -p1 < ../DEBDIFF05:10
alberticoBut this is not working for me, that was what I wrote, and ask me for file names.05:11
xtknighttry -p0,-p2,-p3,-p4,-p5,-p6 etc05:12
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xtknightthat's all i can suggest.  night05:13
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RAOFalbertico: Oh, yeah, sorry.  I think you'll need -p4 for that debdiff.05:23
alberticoyes I saw05:23
alberticoI did, but, is normal to need all this dependencies?:05:23
alberticodpkg-checkbuilddeps: Dependencias de construccin no alcanzadas: debhelper (>= 3) kernel-wedge (>= 2.24ubuntu1) linux-headers-2.6.22-10-386 linux-headers-2.6.22-10-rt linux-headers-2.6.22-10-server linux-headers-2.6.22-10-ume linux-headers-2.6.22-10-xen05:24
snadgeisnt pulseaudio default now?05:25
RAOFYes, you'll need all those dependencies.05:25
RAOFsnadge: No, thank god.05:25
snadgethank god? :P05:25
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snadgei know it has issues with flash 9 and wine05:25
snadgebut afaik, they were resolved or able to be worked around05:26
RAOFAnd it makes my laptop use 10% more power, and it breaks the volume control on my laptop :)05:26
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snadgethats a bit dodgey05:26
snadgewonder why it would increase power consumption05:27
RAOFWell, it keeps the soundcard active, and it locks one of the volume controls to 100% as a reference.  Since my card has only 1 volume control... ;)05:27
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snadgeas a workaround, i believe they were working on having the sound daemon release the device after a period of inactivity05:28
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RAOFThat would help, yes.05:29
aroonihey folks i'm having trouble installing alsa from source with the hda-intel card.... everything comiplies and installs (i think).... except for alsa-lib.... i'm getting errors compiling python.c05:31
RAOFarooni: Why are you building alsa from source?05:31
arooniRAOF, because tahts what the thinkwiki told me to do05:31
RAOFFair enough.05:32
aroonibelieve me id rather not05:32
aroonii hate compiling05:32
aroonii like intereprted code05:32
aroonineways... any ideas on how to solve05:32
RAOFYou'd need to pastebin the actual error, and probably the whole build log.05:33
arooniRAOF, wheres build log05:33
RAOFThe stuff in your terminal05:34
arooniRAOF, http://pastie.caboo.se/9120905:36
RAOFarooni: install python-all-dev05:37
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:37
arooniRAOF, same error :(05:38
aroonidamn am i hosed?05:39
RAOFEdit python.c, and change #include <python/Python.h> to #include <python2.5/Python.h>05:40
arooniRAOF, any idea where python.c is?05:41
RAOFYup: /home/chasetoys/dev/alsacvs/alsa-lib/modules/mixer/simple05:41
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arooniRAOF, better but still acouple errors yet05:45
arooniRAOF, http://pastie.caboo.se/9120905:45
arooniif u do sudo it works05:45
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RAOFarooni: That would be because you've tried to build with sudo at some point before :)05:49
arooniRAOF, is that bad05:49
RAOFNot terribly, but it means you get permissions problems like you just got theer.05:49
arooniRAOF, even though i installed alsa-utils, alsa-driver, and alsa-lib..... i still dont get a sound device05:50
arooninay ideas05:50
alberticoubuntu rules!05:53
alberticolinux rules!05:53
alberticoyou rules!05:53
arooniRAOF, cuz i did sudo make installl... is that a problem?05:54
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aroonihey can i revert my sound drivers to what was initially installed06:22
aroonifor alsa?06:22
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DanaGArgh, I'm having major issues playing WMV.06:26
DanaGThe Position bar wobbles around randomly, the audio desyncs from the video, and sometimes the audio stops entirely.06:27
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ToHellWithGAcould one of yall tell me where to look to see if the gutsy ffmpeg package was built with faac/faad support?06:42
RAOFI don't believe it was.  You can check the package dependencies, or just run "ffmpeg" to find out06:42
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ToHellWithGARAOF: i can't because i haven't moved to gutsy yet b/c my wireless driver was abandoned at some kernel change06:45
ToHellWithGAthat's why uncle sam needs you to volunteer06:45
DanaGXFCE's mixer is also buggy -- you can't control a different sound card.06:46
RAOFToHellWithGA: You can just use packages.ubuntu.com :)06:47
ToHellWithGAoh you sneaky devil you06:47
RAOFHowever, the answer is "no"06:48
aroonii cant install alsa from source06:48
arooniis there a way of reverting06:48
aroonito whats on the disk?06:48
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shirishguys is anybody able to resolve https://launchpad.net ?06:53
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shirishHobbsee: hey ;)07:01
Hobbseehi shirish07:02
shirishHobbsee: I'm unable to find any documentation regarding update-manager, doing a dpkg -L update-manager reveals there are update-manager entries in help/yelp but it shows nothing in yelp, it just shows about gnome-app-install07:02
shirishHobbsee: so at one end, I'm looking if you can confirm that such is the case, if it is, then what should I file the bug about, incomplete documentation or wrong documentation?07:03
Hobbseeshirish: are you interested in writing said missing documentation?07:03
Hobbseeshirish: i'd ask mvo - but he's quite busy, so if you offer to write it / help write it, you'll get further07:04
shirishHobbsee: I have no idea about what to write therein. For I haven't used 'update-manager' ever, all I ever used is 'sudo aptitude update' & then 'sudo aptitude upgrade'  now 'sudo aptitude full-upgrade'07:04
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shirishHobbsee: its for a friend who's a newbie & hence started to investigate 'update-manager' tool.07:05
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forevertheunihi..any big chances in kernel scheduling in gusty?07:06
forevertheuniI'm having a lot of breaks07:06
forevertheunilike everything stops for 1 or 2 seconds07:06
forevertheuniand..what's the command to the new screens conf app?07:07
forevertheuniI can't see it in system tab07:07
Hobbseeshirish: right.  i'd assume it'll get done along with everything else, at some point.  but youd' really do better to learn about it, and write some documentation on it07:07
DanaGAre there any nice but non-cpu-intensive xscreensaver themes?07:07
=== Hobbsee cannot confirm or deny, due to no yelp
HobbseeDanaG: i like aasaver - asciiquarium07:07
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shirishHobbsee: thanx for your help ;)07:09
shirishhelp/yelp lol07:09
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arooniim having a lot of trouble getting sound to work on my thinkpad t6107:19
arooniwith my t61 (and its intel-hda) i have alsa installed from source......  and it looks like the driver loads & such.. alsamixer is accessible.  but i dont hear any output... ideas?07:20
forevertheuniyou have no output or it's low?07:21
forevertheuniput it to max and connect some headphones07:21
forevertheuniI had the same prob07:21
forevertheuniI compiled new modules REMOVED THE OLD ONES and rebootes07:21
forevertheuniand it was ok07:21
arooniforevertheuni, no output even with headphones07:22
arooniforevertheuni, how did you REMOVE THE OLD ONES07:22
forevertheunirm -fv oldonesplace07:22
forevertheunifind /lib/modules/2.6.22-10-generic/ -name snd-hda*07:23
aroonii dont know how to do that07:23
forevertheuniI only have this ones now07:23
forevertheunito that find command07:23
forevertheuniand remove the others but those07:23
arooniforevertheuni, i have three listed07:23
forevertheuniwhich are the other 2?07:24
aroonii have:  /ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel; /ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko, and /kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko07:24
forevertheunioh..the first is a directory not file07:24
arooniso which should i rm07:25
forevertheunirm -Rfv /lib/modules/2.6.22-10-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel07:25
arooniok got that07:25
arooniwhats next07:25
forevertheunitry that07:25
ironmatar currently running fiesty 64 bit   but i have a problem  due to my vid card not being supported until gutsy ,gigbyte 8500gt fanless , i have been told to manuel install and somone ws really nice enough to help with that  howeve this morning my hd seems to ahve choked and i scraped and got another one so im haveing to redo everything     and the only command line piece i dont have written down  is teh get nvidia driver manuel 07:25
forevertheuninvidia manual install is easy07:26
forevertheuniyou pick up the driver07:26
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:26
forevertheuniyou need linux-headers for your version(sources)07:26
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arooniare you folks 100% linux?07:27
forevertheuniand then run the package from nvidia.com07:27
forevertheuniI am07:27
ironmatarsudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r ?07:27
RAOFironmatar: Or, you get directed to the wiki page, here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual07:27
forevertheuniI have a schrinked to the max partition with windows that came with the computer never accepted the licence..I'm still w8ting for refund07:27
arooniforevertheuni, now i get:  'the volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control.  this means that either you don't have the right Gstreamer plugins installe,d or you don't have a sound card configured07:28
forevertheunisudo depmod -ae07:28
aroonithats if i cdouble click the sound icon07:28
forevertheunisudo modprobe snd-hda-intel07:28
=== DanaG [n=dana@66-169-236-47.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
forevertheuniopen a terminal and type alsamixer to check if you have any controls07:29
DanaGargh, xscreensaver-demo died and became unkillable.07:29
DanaGEven with -907:29
DanaGeven with -SEGV07:29
arooniforevertheuni, function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device07:29
forevertheunisudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=auto07:29
forevertheuniu sure it's the hda-intel module?07:29
forevertheuni:/ weird07:29
forevertheunithe old hda-intel loaded and new one didn't?07:30
arooniforevertheuni, FATAL could not open: /lib/modules/2.6.22-generic/ubuntu/media snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko; no such file or directory07:30
forevertheuniis the alsa package u compiled from the latest?07:30
arooniwhen i do the modprobe07:30
DanaGI see: choosing "only one" kills it.07:30
forevertheunidepmod -ae07:30
ironmatarRAOF: iv read both those 2 links repetedly and i dont see the sequence for manuel install i was given07:30
forevertheuniit is going to the later07:30
arooniforevertheuni, next ?07:30
aroonii did the depmod -ae07:30
forevertheunisudo modprobe snd-hda-intel07:31
arooniok taht worked07:31
RAOFironmatar: Which means you've been directed somewhere worse than that guide :)07:31
arooniwithout a failure07:31
forevertheuniweird :/07:31
arooniforevertheuni, um so now i can get alsamixer07:31
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=== Dana1 [n=dana@66-169-236-47.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
arooniwith lots of options07:31
forevertheuniok :D I fixed my gusty today07:31
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forevertheunithat's why it's why it's fresh :D07:32
arooniforevertheuni, um do i have to do anything to get it to modprobe snd-intel on bootup07:32
aroonito make it work?07:32
forevertheuni...too much why's07:32
DanaGArgh, it did it again!07:32
RAOFironmatar: It doesn't matter that those aren't the directions you were given before.  They're good directions, and you should be able to follow them.07:32
forevertheuniarooni, should be ok now07:32
forevertheuniarooni, reboot and try again07:32
arooniforevertheuni, what volume bars do you turn up07:32
aroonifor alsamixer07:32
forevertheunipcm master?07:32
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
forevertheunipcm & master?*07:32
arooniforevertheuni, were you able to get the scroll think working (middle button)?07:32
forevertheuniwhat do you mean?07:33
arooniforevertheuni, http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.10_%28Gutsy_Gibbon%29_Tribe_5_on_a_ThinkPad_T61#Trackpad_scrolling'07:33
aroonikill the trailing '07:33
aroonidoing that didnt work for me :(07:33
forevertheuniI have no thinkpad07:33
forevertheuniasus a8js07:33
=== DanaG [n=dana@66-169-236-47.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
shirishforevertheuni: what is pcm?07:35
forevertheunisound ?07:35
forevertheunifrom system?07:35
DanaGAnd I have 2 X servers running, for some reason.07:35
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shirishforevertheuni: I know, but the full-form of pcm? Its an abbreviation afaik07:35
forevertheuniarooni, put that lines in /etc/xorg.conf restart X server and see if it's working07:35
arooniforevertheuni, sound works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pcm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:35
forevertheunishirish, good question07:35
arooniforevertheuni, and its really smart.... when i plug in head phones it doesnt come out of speakers07:35
ubotuSaying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail.07:35
arooninow ways!07:35
DanaGdang, I wanted it to say "I don't know anything about nothing".07:36
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forevertheuniarooni, O.o07:36
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.07:36
arooniforevertheuni, before with my sony laptop........... it wasnt that smart07:36
DanaGAah, that's what I was looking for.07:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about something - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:36
ironmatarraof  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  sudo sh NVIDIA.xxxxxxx.run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start     also when i run gdm stop it hangs  and i have to hit alt f2 to finish gdm stop to get to login and pasword lines07:36
zeebleshirish: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=define%3Apcm&btnG=Google+Search07:36
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:37
forevertheuniarooni, my girlfriends sony laptop is that smart07:37
forevertheuniand all the laptops I knew where smart...07:37
forevertheuniarooni, probably you didn't feed it right07:37
forevertheuniironmatar, yeah07:37
BinaryMutantfor some reason I've lost my terminfo file, everytime i load gnome-terminal it gives an error that says-  Failed to load terminal capabilities from '/etc/termcap'. Anyone know how to fix?07:37
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forevertheuniironmatar, or find a deb pkg :D07:38
ironmatarand serenityUK was kind enough to patently figure out it was hanging up07:38
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:38
forevertheunibah..I should be studying organic chemistry07:38
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:39
DanaGI had to chmod -x every xscreensaver 'hack'07:39
forevertheuniBinaryMutant, O.o do you have that file?07:39
DanaGAnd yet xscreensaver-demo still locks up on selecting stuff or scrolling.07:39
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:39
forevertheunioh btw..my networkmanager is behaving weird in gusty..(wireless part)07:39
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:39
BinaryMutantforevertheuni: I've only got a read me in /etc/terminfo/ and the readme doesn't say much07:40
forevertheuniyeah..like me07:40
forevertheuniBinaryMutant, don't know m807:40
forevertheunibaahhhhhh....it's always the same thing..I come here ask a question..nobody answers and I stay to help07:40
Hobbseeforevertheuni: this suggests that you know the answers to most of the questions, then.07:41
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RAOFironmatar: I'm not sure what your question is.07:41
Hobbseeforevertheuni: as for the kernel scheduler, you'd have to ask in #ubuntu-kernel when it's awake - but i dont htink they were planning on it07:41
forevertheuniwell...don't ask me what was before the big bang..I will not be able to answer07:41
forevertheuniI dunno07:42
forevertheuniI'll probably try to run feisty kernel07:42
forevertheuniand check07:42
ironmatarserenity gave me a command also before that that fetched the nvidia lib07:42
forevertheunibut it didn't load right...not sure if it was the nvidia stuff07:42
forevertheunioh..long ago were the days that I make menuconfig  and made to run only the things I need07:43
ubotuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux07:44
DanaGMy networkmanager is weirder with wired than with wireless.07:45
ironmatari spose i could just straight dload the driver but somehow i think that will bork the whole deal07:45
aroonihow do i install the applet that allows me to configure the compviz fusion effects?07:45
arooniits the UI portion07:45
arooniwhat package is that07:45
forevertheuniDanaG, I don't try wired anymore07:45
arooniHobbsee, cant find that package07:45
forevertheuniarooni, fusion-icon07:45
forevertheuniI think07:45
forevertheuniah that07:46
Hobbseeyes, run by using ccsm, iirc07:46
RAOFforevertheuni: fusion-icon is for people who... I don't really know, actually :)07:46
arooniforevertheuni, cant find the package compizconfig-package-manager07:46
aroonii mean RAOF07:46
crdlbRAOF, want to use emerald? :P07:47
forevertheuniRAOF, :D07:47
forevertheunicrdlb, :d07:47
forevertheuniRAOF, well..want to change to metacity any moment07:47
forevertheunipetty e17 doesn't have all those effects :(07:47
RAOFcrdlb: Not particularly :)07:47
aroonianyone know what package i should install?07:48
DanaGOh yeah, and my windows keep BLINKING and BLINKING and BLINKING when Urgent is set.07:48
DanaGHow do I get them to blink just ONCE?07:48
RAOFarooni: compizconfig-settings-manager.07:48
crdlbRAOF, I was continuing your statement :)07:48
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arooniRAOF, ftw!07:49
RAOFYeah, we should really fix it so that the wrapper let's compiz start it's decorator.07:49
forevertheunithat's why slackware as so many fans07:49
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aroonihow do i get these: If you install the Gnome Brightness Applet, it'll give you an easy way to change the brightness from within Gnome:07:53
aroonithe gnome brightness applet specifically07:53
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forevertheuniarooni, right click in the gnome-panel07:54
forevertheuniand add the applet07:54
forevertheuniwhere do I find the new screens app?07:54
=== Hobbsee wonders what happened to hardware keys to change that.
forevertheuniHobbsee, lol in my laptop..I could only dim..not the other way around07:55
forevertheunistill have that prob07:55
Hobbseedo both the dim and brigten keys show up correctly in xev?07:56
arooniforevertheuni, yup that works great07:56
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forevertheuniHobbsee, neither07:57
aroonii'm using feisty and beryl................. and every so often......... when new windows open.... they're all black.  i have to end up reloading the window manager which only makes it work for a bout 5 minutes......... any idea on what to do to fix?07:57
forevertheuniHobbsee, however sound keys do produce events07:57
Hobbseeforevertheuni: neither key shows up in xev, yet the dim works?07:58
forevertheuniarooni, start with compiz-fusion07:58
forevertheuniarooni, never had problem with beryl07:58
forevertheuniHopsbbsee, ye07:58
Hobbseearooni: feisty support isnt here, anyway.07:58
arooniforevertheuni, but does it work on 7.0407:58
forevertheuniarooni, liked beryl more07:58
aroonithats nother comptuer07:58
forevertheuniarooni, yes07:58
aroonion my lappy i have gutsy07:58
forevertheuniarooni, go to #compiz-fusion and type !ubuntu07:58
forevertheuniHobbsee, probably is not OS related..I dunno07:59
forevertheuniHobbsee, what's the screens new feature app name(to start in terminal)07:59
forevertheunican't find it :/07:59
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DanaGOn my laptop, brightness changing seems to be done a the kernel level.08:00
Hobbseeforevertheuni: beryl isnt even in gutsy.08:00
forevertheunicould find it in a gusty livecd08:00
Hobbseeforevertheuni: i dont know gnome, i dont run it.08:00
forevertheuniHobbsee, I know...did I said that?08:00
Hobbseeforevertheuni: oh, the not OS related as about the key events, right.08:00
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forevertheuniDanaG, I can use all the brightness apps to change the luminosity08:00
forevertheuniDanaG, it's not something I care much08:01
DanaGI can use the brightness applet, but going between levels turns the LCD backlight entirely off.08:01
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forevertheunioh. :/ dunno08:01
forevertheunibut these breaks are killing me :708:01
forevertheuniprobably is network related ...hmm or wine08:02
forevertheuniI'm playing a game with cedega08:02
forevertheuniMMORPG so..dunno08:02
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ubotuLaunchpad bug 121833 in linux-source-2.6.22 "LCD backlight turns off between brightness levels during fades, and when on battery or at idle" [Undecided,New] 08:02
zeebleanyone have a link to installing acrobat reader on gutsy?08:03
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DanaGIt's really annoying seeing my screen BLINK OFF twice during a fade.08:03
zeebleor a source08:03
DanaGIt kinda' defeats the purpose of a FADE, don'tcha think?08:03
DanaGIt's like a punch in the face.08:03
DanaG*POW* *POW*08:04
DanaGOh, and I don't get the Gnome OSD during brightness changes.08:05
DanaGI mean, automatic ones show the GUI, but hotkeys don't.08:05
DanaGLuckily, my BIOS has its own built-in OSD.  Nifty.08:05
DanaGToo bad there's no GTK Amarok.  If not for that one app, I wouldn't need any of KDE.08:07
DanaGI don't use KDE due to personal preference.08:07
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DanaGHowever, my only major _gripe_ with KDE is that I can't get stuff to fit in with Gnome or XFCE.08:08
zeebleas in?08:09
se7en^Of^9can i manuel start the resticted driver applet that starts on my desktop automatic but not on my laptop08:09
zeeblewhich driver is this?08:09
zeebleor rather, which applet08:09
se7en^Of^9restricted driver applet keeps poping up as soon as i get a new kernel and the applet will find the new .. nvidia driver and install it ..08:10
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=== forevertheuni doesn't have that prob
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se7en^Of^9the autoupdate doesn't work on my laptop as well but i can get around with sudo apt-get ...08:12
se7en^Of^9so nobody knows how to start the applet manualy08:16
DanaGrestricted-manager --check08:16
DanaGI think.08:16
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DanaGArgh, I wish windows wouldn't BLINK so much.08:19
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HobbseeDanaG: this is the nature of bling, i'm afria.d08:21
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arooni__ have a 100GB drive on my lappy... right now: / = 10GB, /home = 23GB, 67 GB is free.......  what should i do with the 67 GB?  make /home bigger?  make a backup partition for documents?  ideas?08:43
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zeeblemake /data1 and /data208:44
arooni__zeeble, why not make /home bigger?08:44
zeeblea smaller home is fine, as long as you have access to the data partition08:44
zeebleyou could. just personal preference08:44
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zeeblei usually like a small home.. like maybe 4GB, and the rest i call /dataXX for storage08:45
arooni__ahh i see08:45
arooni__zeeble, how do i resize partitions.... /home looks like its currently mounted08:45
arooni__and i cant resize mounted partitions i think right08:45
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RAOFarooni__: Not totally true, but good enough.08:46
arooni__RAOF, how do i proceed to resize my /home partition08:46
RAOF^^^ link seems like it's got a good name :)08:46
RAOFarooni__: With a livecd, generally.  Unless you've used LVM, which you almost certainly haven't.08:47
arooni__RAOF, so which live cd should i use?08:47
zeebleyes. the link recommends knoppix. which is the same as using the boot CD08:47
arooni__but can i get away with ubuntu's live cd?08:47
RAOFarooni__: Yes.08:47
arooni__RAOF, which live cd do i want to use?08:48
=== JDahl [n=joachim@3e6b0cd5.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu+1
RAOFarooni__: Which ever one you have lying around?08:48
arooni__knoppix looks german :(08:48
RAOFIt isn't.08:48
arooni__RAOF, none laying around; i used alternate install08:48
RAOFWell, not entirely :)08:48
RAOFarooni__: You can do it with the alternate installer, too, IIRC.08:48
JDahldid anyone else experience problems with bluetooth devices after the latest updates?08:49
arooni__RAOF, o rly!08:49
DanaGWTF?  My USB device keeps randomly disconnecting.08:51
arooni__RAOF, do you know where i can change it in the altnerate cd08:52
arooni__i'm not seeing an option08:53
zeeblewhen you boot with the alternate CD, does it have an option to boot in rescue mode?08:53
arooni__zeeble, i see: 'rescue a broken system'08:54
zeebleyeah, go ahead into that08:54
zeeblelet's assume your system is broken :)08:55
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arooni__zeeble, i hope we're not making bad assumptions here08:55
arooni__i'm 100% linux right now08:56
arooni__for the first time ever08:56
zeebleit could still break *disclaimer*08:56
RAOFarooni__: You go up to the "partitioning" phase, and then use the partitioner there to move stuff around.08:56
arooni__RAOF, ok dokes... but i dont want to install ubuntu all over again08:56
RAOFarooni__: I *haven't* done it that way, and it might not work.  You may be better off with a live cd.08:56
arooni__i'm happy with it this time :p08:56
zeeblejust create 2 data partitions08:57
zeebleand be done with it08:57
arooni__zeeble, no partitioner :(08:57
arooni__maybe i'll wait for the live cd i started downloading to finish08:58
zeeblewhat no partitioner?08:58
zeebledoesnt the rescue mode allow you to use parted?08:58
arooni__zeeble, it asked me for root file system08:58
arooni__then it gives me rescue ops08:58
arooni__like execute a shell in /dev/sda108:58
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arooni__execute a shell... reinstall grub boot loader; choose different root file system08:58
zeebleyes. it puts you into a chroot08:58
zeeblehmm, ok08:58
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zeebleanyone got sources for installing Acrobat Reader in gutsy?09:03
JDahlzeeble, I am pretty sure acroread doesn't work in Gutsy atm...  I gave up trying to fix it at and use evince for the time being09:05
coNPzeeble: I guess it does not run with the latest GTK09:05
RAOFThe license changed; it's no longer redistributable by us09:06
JDahlafter the latest updates I cannot use my bluetooth mouse. "hcitool scan" doesnt seem to work correctly - anyone else experienced this?09:07
coNPYes. But you could download and install it though for your personal use.09:07
RAOFcoNP: Oh, and *that* doesn't work?09:07
zeebleJDahl: coNP ahm ok09:07
zeebleRAOF: ah, ok09:08
coNPOkay. I was just saying that I have still the latest binaries from Adobe.09:08
coNPWhich seem to not  work with our GTK in gutsy09:08
RAOFAha!  Fair enough.09:08
coNPWhat is a totally independent reason not to use (use evince instead) from legal / copyright issues09:08
coNPzeeble: that is a nice illustration why proprietary software is bad.09:09
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JDahlmy only beef with evince is that fullscreen mode has scrollbars and buttons etc., which is annoying for presentations09:09
coNPNot evil (in this case :) -- as opposed by the copyright issue), but bad, since you cannot fix & compile it for yourself (and all Ubunteros as well :)).09:09
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Trewasdoes evince (or some other free pdf reader) support forms nowadays?09:10
=== coNP guesses some libpoppler (maybe SVN) supports forms, which won't get into Ubuntu before Gutsy+1 IIRC
zeeblewhat's evince, btw?09:14
se7en^Of^9my desktop has under system settings>>advanced>>resticted drivers ... my notebook doesn't ... what package would i have to install ???09:17
DanaGWow, Exaile's "files" view sucks.09:18
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se7en^Of^9need help with KubuntuRestrictedManager what package do i have to install09:20
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tehkAnyone having an issue where X does not shutdown when you try to shut the pc off?09:48
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saispopidgin under gutsy have lost the icon in the notification bar ?10:25
saispoall plugins are installed10:25
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coNPsaispo: seems that I have the icon in the notification bar10:26
saispodpkg -l | grep pidgin plz10:26
saispohave you a special plugins activated ?10:27
JohnFluxhey all10:31
JohnFluxthe current version of youtube-dl  doesn't work, but there's a new version out which does work10:31
JohnFluxany chance that someone could update the package? :)10:31
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praecoxhey guys10:34
praecoxwhat can I do to play streamed AAC+ in Amarok or XMMS in Kubuntu Gutsy?10:34
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saispopraecox: install bad and ugly plugins ?10:36
saispocoNP: no idea ?10:36
=== coNP does not know, sorry
=== coNP has some plugins installed and running
saispook, same as me10:37
saispowill try on a fresh10:37
praecoxsaispo, which are bad and ugly? could you guide me?10:37
saispopraecox: gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse10:38
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saispoxmms-mp4 - a mp4/aac audio player for xmms10:39
saispofor example10:39
praecoxsaispo, well, I did already try that.10:39
praecoxsaispo, but doesn't work, neither.10:39
praecoxsaispo, it says it's loading media and that's all what it does.10:39
praecoxsaispo, it works for me in VLC, but I just don't like this player much.10:39
DanaGArgh, there are no nice Gnome equivalents of Amarok.10:43
DanaGSure, there are things with media libraries; however, I want folder views!10:43
=== coNP uses Amarok.
praecoxsaispo, just installed plugins you listed but still got ,,There is no available decoder.'' error in Amarok.10:44
RAOFpraecox: You probably want libxine1-ffmpeg.  Amarok doesn't use Gstreamer10:45
DanaGRythmbox doesn't do it.  Banshee doesn't do it.  Exaile doesn't do it.  "Listen" doesn't do it.  Songbird doesn't do it.10:45
saispoDanaG: exaile, quodlibet ?10:46
DanaGI use Amarok, but I wish there were a Gnome equivalent.10:46
DanaGquodlibet?  Haven't heard of it.10:46
saispotry :)10:46
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aroonihow do i get: libboost-date-time1.33.110:46
praecoxRAOF, oh, right. works now.10:46
aroonihow do i get boost libraies in general10:47
DanaGOoh, I'll give that a try.10:48
DanaGOh, and Songbird wouldn't even play things.  It merely said "Error."10:49
DanaGWith no details.10:49
DanaG!find libboost-date-time1.33.110:50
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ubotuPackage/file libboost-date-time1.33.1 does not exist in gutsy10:50
aroonithats what we want to type10:50
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DanaG!find libboost-date-time*10:50
ubotuFound: libboost-date-time-dev, libboost-date-time1.34.010:50
DanaGAah, there's an answer.10:50
aroonihow are you folks doing this10:51
arooniis it just in the channel10:51
aroonican i do that on the cl?10:51
DanaGIt's a bot.10:51
DanaGBut there's also dpkg -s10:51
DanaGer, S10:51
aroonithis is bullshit.......... deluge-torrent wants libboost-date-time.1.3.3.........10:52
aroonithe .deb package10:52
DanaGquodlibet wouldn't play, either.10:54
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DanaGMon Aug 27 01:58:09 2007: GStreamer encountered a general resource error.10:58
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DanaGI see...... PulseAudio had died.11:01
saispoDanaG: songbird is not in gutsy ?11:02
DanaGI found something to install it.11:03
DanaGI edited the script to use /usr instead of /usr/local.11:04
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DanaGYay, looks like quodlibet works for me!11:05
DanaGNow I don't have any non-Gnome-fitting apps.11:06
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saispoDanaG: \o/11:15
=== saispo slaps pidgin !
DanaGI also like how scroll wheel is contextual.11:17
DanaGIt time-skips when over timer, and changes volume when over that icon.11:17
DanaGOh, here's a hint for anyone living in the USA: use mirrors.kernel.org as a source, listed above the official ubuntu mirror in sources.list.11:21
DanaGThat way, it'll be used if up-to-date, and the official mirror will be used otherwise.11:21
DanaGKernel.org sits on insanely large pipes, and can saturate almost any connection.11:22
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DanaGWhen on Charter's 3 megabits, that's what I get; when on campus at cal poly, I get whatever is the limit of my connection medium.11:23
pvandewyngaerdeanyone else experiencing extreme slow gnome-games tetris on kubuntu gutsy ?11:23
DanaGYou should try doing a net-install with Gigabit Ethernet.  It's mind-boggling.11:23
zeeblehow do you do a netinstall for ubuntu?11:24
zeeblei'd rather do that than everything else11:24
zeeblehate downloading a whole CD11:24
DanaGI think there's a netinstall CD.11:24
DanaGThen instead of selecting a country, use "custom" and mirrors.kernel.org11:24
zeeblenetinstall for ubuntu?11:24
zeebleoh great. let me check.11:24
zeeblethere's a debian netinstall that i abs love.11:24
DanaGIf not, you can manually rebuild "instlux" to use Gutsy initramfs.11:25
DanaGOne of these days, I should post a tutorial about that....11:26
zeeblejust make a netinstall cd image build script!!11:26
zeebleto create a netinstall image after each release11:26
zeeblei'd sort of worship you11:26
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DanaGYou can rebuild that to use Gutsy, but you need its source, the ubuntu-installer initramfs images, notepad, and a couple of things for Windows: NSIS (have to add to PATH) and Python.11:27
DanaGWhere would be a good place to post a tutorial?11:28
DanaGOh yeah, one bug with instlux: it deals with hidden utility partitions rather poorly.  You may have to hit 'e' at the Grub screen.11:28
slytherinDanaG: wiki.ubuntu.com or help.ubuntu.com/community11:28
DanaGI think some time tomorrow I may do that.  I'll just have to think of an appropriate title.11:29
DanaGEither that, or I'll write it up as a text file and give it to a dev to post in a nice format.11:29
zeeblec'mon.. you know you can format it properly too :p11:30
zeeblegotta go grab lunch11:30
DanaGHmm, way different timezone.11:30
DanaGI'm in Pacific Time, USA.11:30
DanaGIt's 2:30 AM here.  Time for bed.11:31
slytherinDanaG: I would recommend wiki.ubuntu.com and tafter cleanup move it to help.ubuntu.com11:31
DanaGs/Time/Way past time/11:31
jussi01@now helsinki11:31
ubotuCurrent time in Europe/Helsinki: August 27 2007, 12:31:15 - Next meeting: Screencast Team in 5 hours 28 minutes11:31
DanaG@now nowhere11:34
saispoanyone know where pidgin store his config ?11:34
DanaGDang, I wish it'd make a joke.11:34
DanaGOh, it's in ".purple".11:34
DanaGIt doesn't make sense, but that's those developers for you.11:35
ameyerthe replacement for libgaim(?) is libpurple11:35
slytherinsaispo: ~/.purple11:37
DanaGGood night, all.11:37
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saispothanks all11:38
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poningruzeeble: you know there is a guide for doing netinstall right?11:44
poningruzeeble: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot11:45
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zeebleponingru: thanks. had no idea about that.11:56
rexy_hmm what part configures the fn keys for backlight stuff? they dont work, (nor does xblacklight)11:56
zeebleponingru: netboot is not the same as netinstall11:56
zeeblethis assumes i already have a machine with linux running11:57
poningruzeeble: you can do that as well11:58
poningrujust go to /Installation11:58
poningruthere is a link to that11:58
zeebleponingru: hmm, let me read it thoroughly11:58
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slytherinzeeble: Check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows12:03
zeebleslytherin: that would assume i have windows too :)12:03
slytherinrexy_: Is it a thinpad?12:04
slytherinzeeble: And how were you planning ot install from net if you have neither?12:04
zeebleslytherin: dude, you boot from a mini install image. which is say 50mb, which does the base install, partitions, creates the filesystem, and recognises the NIC.. then you setup apt, and download whatever packages you want.12:05
zeebleor, you use tasksel12:05
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rexy_slytherin, no, dell C610, ati M6 mobility, open source driver12:05
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slytherinzeeble: Why not use Alternate CD instead if you don't like graphical install.12:06
slytherinrexy_: Sorry, no idea.12:06
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slytherinzeeble: Or is that you want a fully customized installation?12:06
zeebleslytherin: it is not that... it is just that i have to download the 700mb to install the whole system.. and then upgrade. which is again something like 700+200 = close to 1GB download12:06
zeebleslytherin: i'd rather download a small installer image, and then the rest of the 700mb12:07
rexy_hmm well seems i need to tweak some more, feisty gave me 4-5hours of battery life, gutsy barely makes it to 2.5 :/12:07
rexy_guess the screen at 100% doesnt really help12:07
slytherinzeeble: hmm.12:07
zeeblescreen brightness, and then you could see if you can step down the CPU speed if you are not using it fully12:08
zeeblethat'll extend your battery life12:08
rexy_frequency scaling works fine, just not adjusting the screen when on lcd12:11
zeebleah, good luck12:11
rexy_also laptop-mode has no installation canditate anymore, but i wasnt using that anyway12:11
zeeblemaybe the compiz effects taking up some proc power too12:12
rexy_power history indicates 8.4-9.4Watt, but not sure what those figures mean12:13
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rexy_or if they even are remotely accurate12:13
rexy_hmm the fn key events are not even registring12:18
rexy_compiz makes it a bit more sluggish too, it's a pretty old card, surprised it even worked in gutsy with 3d(it was broken for feisty, for me anyway)12:19
rvallesrexy_: which one is it?12:22
rexy_it's an ati M6 mobility LY12:22
rexy_seems to work ok vanilla style in gutsy, as long as you dont touch the new xconf tool, that breaks it by enabling xinerama and such12:23
rexy_just no backlight ,be it via keys and xbacklight12:23
rexy_i use xbacklight to flip the backlight, it sometimes turns off a few seconds into boot, due to a broken inverter, stopping and starting the backlight flips it back on12:24
rexy_the desktop search thingy could probably also do with a lower setting, first time i started gutsy is was cracking away for 5 minutes before i could do anything, and i barely have files on the laptop home dir :/12:27
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contrast83Greets, everyone...01:07
contrast83Is it safe to uninstall kubuntu-desktop, or should I wait until Gutsy's final release?01:08
rexy_uninstall kubuntu-desktop does very little01:08
contrast83I know. I guess I worded that poorly...01:09
contrast83I'm wanting to remove some of its dependencies. I'm just concerned that removing it prior to the official release might keep certain upgrades from going smoothly.01:10
rexy_well you can always do an install kubuntu-desktop later and see what it tries to install01:11
rexy_and then just pick manually what you want01:11
contrast83Smart. Wish I'd thought of that. :-)01:12
contrast83BTW, do you know when the commercial repositories will be online?01:13
bluefoxicycannot install traceroute :|01:18
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rexy_i have no idea, tried simply changing feisty to gutsy in the sources.list for the same repors?01:27
gnomefreakcontrast83: if they are going to be it will be after release most likely01:27
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rexy_hmm googlearth stuff shows up now when i try to install it01:28
gnomefreakcontrast83: deborphan will help with removal of meta packages01:28
gnomefreakor if you used aptitude to install it you can use aptitude to remove it and its depedns01:30
contrast83gnomefreak: thanks01:30
contrast83rexy_: you mean gutsy to feisty, right?01:31
gnomefreakcant do that01:31
contrast83that's what i thought, just making sure01:32
rexy_no change the tag from feisty to gutsy and hope they repackaged?01:33
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rexy_hmm 1% laptop battery togo01:34
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rexy_thought it was supoposed to suspend at that point01:36
contrast83Are you on Kubuntu, rexy_?01:36
rexy_gnome is hard enough on my old lappy01:37
contrast83bah :-P01:37
rexy_works pretty much the same way01:38
contrast83KDE's always run just as quick as Gnome for me, even on old hardware01:38
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contrast83i was just gonna recommend kpowersave. the default power management applet on Kubuntu sucks01:38
rexy_gnome-power-manager seems to work fine for me01:40
rexy_well on feisty anyway, evidently it needs some work on gutsy stil01:40
zeeblecant decide whether i want to install kde and check it out out gutsy01:41
rebuggerhi, ive got a new laptop (santa rosa), livecd doesnt start (i have read the bugreports), and started with the alternative-cd (it worked 1 time), but now it wont - i removed the "quiet"-option, set vga, and saw some lines, but now the screen is black - cant install01:42
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rebugger(gutsy tribe5)01:42
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crackerboxi need to use grep to set $foxfolder to gw7z7a40.default from Path=gw7z7a40.default in the firefox.ini file01:48
crackerboxcan someone lend a hand?01:49
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rexy_trying to copy over your firefox profile?01:51
Picicrackerbox: You know that you can just import your bookmarks using the bookmark manager.. right?01:55
jgmHi any idea which package provides /usr/bin/esd?  I can't seem to find it anywhere...01:56
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rexy_dpkg -S /usr/bin/esd ?01:56
rexy_maybe another flag, do dpkg --help and see what it says01:56
rexy_you can use it to find out what file belongs to a package01:56
jgmrexy_: does that work if the package isn't installed?01:57
rexy_not sure, i'd think not01:57
crackerboxpici im trying to set a variable to what my firefox folder is01:58
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crackerboxso i can install multiple extensions via copying them to the extension folder01:58
Picicrackerbox: ah.01:58
Picicrackerbox: You might have better luck asking for sed/awk/grep help in #bash.01:59
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rbrunhuber8995I can't start the live cd (tribe 5) because it complains that it can't find a filesystem with a live environment, but i can mount the cd myself in busybox02:13
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lumohahi folks. i am a tribe5 user. Since upgrading my system from feisty to gutsy, i got issues with vmserver. Does anyone here run vmware on gutsy 2.6.22-10?03:08
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lumohaobviously the gutsy apt-sources doesnt have the package  vmware-server-kernel-modules03:14
lumohathe any-any-patched vmware-source aborts the build process03:15
nosrednaekimlumoha: did you add the commercial repo?03:15
gnomefreaklumoha: server is nonfree iirc so we dont package it03:15
lumohagnomefreak: player != server03:15
rexy_hmm , how can i figure out if the acx driver in gutsy is the acx-mac version?03:16
Arwenlumoha, the vmware server package is in the commercial repository03:16
Arwenwhich has not been updated for gutsy yet03:16
ArwenGNOME 2.19 is a development version, right?03:17
lumohaArwen: thx.03:17
gnomefreak2.20 will be stable03:17
rexy_runs stable enough here though03:17
Arwenanticipated release date of .20?03:18
gnomefreakgnome releases even numbers03:18
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gnomefreakok back to work :(03:18
lumohanosrednaekim: is there already a commercial repo for gutsy?03:18
nosrednaekimI guess not....03:18
lumohaArwen told so :)03:19
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KetsubanDo the WINE packages on winehq for 64-bit feisty also work on gutsy, or are there instructions elsewhere I need to follow? I'm kinda stuck, since the 64-bit forum rarely talks about stuff working with gutsy, and the gutsy forum rarely talks about 64-bit.03:19
Arwenthey have 64-bit packages for feisty?03:20
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rexy_Heu most of the packages are availeable in 64bit03:21
ArwenKetsuban, you can try. They should work.03:21
rexy_just w32codecs and flash and such are 32 bit only03:21
Arwenrexy_, try reading what he said. We're talking about WINE.03:21
Arwen*the official packages from winehq*03:21
rexy_why wouldnt there be a 64bit version?03:21
Arwenbecause there hasn't been in forever. It looks like they finally put up one for Feisty.03:22
ArwenTry actually *going and checking these things before commenting*03:22
rexy_i ran 64bit with wine, worked fine, why do i need to lookup if it's going to work if it already worked for me?03:23
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/03:24
rexy_yeah because apt-get install wine is definitly a high breakage factor03:24
ArwenBecause when discussing the existence of 64-bit packages, it's nice to actually *make sure you know wtf you're talking about*03:24
ArwenDo the WINE packages on winehq for 64-bit feisty also work on gutsy, or are there instructions elsewhere I need to follow? <-- what part of "on winehq" don't you understand?03:25
gnomefreak!wtf | Arwen03:25
ubotuArwen: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:25
Arwenfine fine03:26
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Arwenwow, wine has a lot of build dependencies03:30
lumohais the upgrade of the commercial gutsy reps already sheduled?03:30
lumohaie with tribe603:31
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Hobbseelumoha: at some point, yes.03:32
lumohalast question: the deb source will be03:35
lumoha# deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy-commercial main03:35
Hobbseequite likely, yes03:35
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GuyFromHellI'm having issues with wpa_supplicant, getting a range of errors depending n the driver but all of them are "operation not supported" errors. any ideas?03:51
shirishanybody, reported a bug in launchpad as well as in GNOME, now wanna track the GNOME bug-tracker, any ideas?03:51
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instabin|workis there any way to get the live cd and install on to a bootable usb key03:52
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sayersWhy is Gutsy using 100% of both my cores?03:57
Arwenprobably that trackerd03:58
sayersWhat should I do about it?03:58
Arwenthe search indexing that got built in is still broken afaik03:58
Arwen'apt-get remove --auto-remove tracker'03:58
Hobbseesayers: my psychic frog suggests you have a look for out of control processes using top.03:58
Arwenand oh yeah, you should see if my conjecture is right03:59
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sayersArwen, So gutsy won't have the newest xorg? :(03:59
Arweneh? Why would I know? I don't think so.04:00
ArwenWell, correction. It does have the newest xorg. It won't have the newest xorg when it's released.04:00
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sayersIt should :(04:00
sayersWhat distro's will?04:00
Arwengentoo? :-p04:00
ArwenI think Foedora Core 7 does as well04:01
sayersI've never tried fedora.04:01
Arwenme neither04:01
sayersgentoo's use flags are annoying and also the whole 3 hour compile stinks04:01
ArwenUSE flags are pretty nice actually, they make configuring packages simpler04:02
Arwencompiling software like OpenOffice.org and KDE is a major pain though04:02
sayersthey arent good if you dont want to bother with them04:02
sayersI do want a kde-based distro04:03
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Arwenwow, compiling wine takes ages....04:16
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Do``i just noticed04:29
Do``the gnome system monitor now displays 1 cpu, while i have a dualcore intel cpu and in feisty i had to distinct cpu-s04:30
Do``is that a bug a new feature?04:30
shirishDo``: if I remember it got updated/upgraded last night, the gnome system monitor, have you updated/upgraded it?04:32
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Do``about an hour ago, yes04:32
Do``but it was the same - having checked back on screenshots i made - before that too04:33
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shirishDo``: did you report the bug in launchpad then? either the bug might have been reported by somebody or it might have to do with your specs. either way look in launchpad04:34
Do``no, i ask here first04:34
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bernard__Is xchat available for Gutsy?04:35
Do``yes, 2.8.4 works okay04:35
Pici!info xchat | bernard__04:36
ubotubernard__: xchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.4-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 300 kB, installed size 808 kB04:36
ArwenNeed to get 672kB/12.2MB of archives.After unpacking 53.4MB disk space will be freed.04:41
ArwenWhat's the deal? I sense something wrong04:41
Hobbseeyou've already got some of it downloaded?04:41
Arwenno, the 53.4MB will be freed part04:41
coNPArwen: do you have packages that will be removed?04:42
Arwenthat's why I'm worried04:42
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PiciDid it say it was removing packages?04:43
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coNPArwen: what is wine14?04:46
coNP!info wine14 gutsy04:46
ubotuPackage wine14 does not exist in gutsy04:46
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ArwencoNP, missing newline character04:47
PiciI dont see smplayer-themes in the repos either04:48
Arwenthat one's local04:48
rbrunhuberis there a dmraid version for gutsy that works with fake raid 5?04:49
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Arwenrbrunhuber, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52863605:01
Arwenseems to be dodgy05:01
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rbrunhuberArwen: Thanks. So I'll have to build my own live cd I guess.05:06
rbrunhuberArwen: There are patches from a Red Hat guy. There are even a lp bugreport05:07
HobbseeArwen: rbrunhuber that's a feisty thread, though05:08
HobbseeEDIT: Further research has lead me to dmraid 1.0.0.rc10, which in it's changelog notes RAID-5 support for nvidia. Current Ubuntu version is 1.0.0.rc9 which explains the lack of RAID-5 support. Will update with more info on how well it works.05:09
Hobbsee    dmraid | 1.0.0.rc13-2ubuntu5 | http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Packages05:09
Hobbsee    dmraid | 1.0.0.rc13-2ubuntu5 | http://mirror.pacific.net.au gutsy/universe Sources05:09
Arwen*disclaimer*, google work05:09
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Hobbseebut it's not on the cd, so...05:09
rbrunhuberHobbsee: they aren't on gutsy tribe 5 cd?05:10
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terlmannI getz 4092 fps in glxgears with Beryl On! woot !!05:11
Arwenterlmann, glxgears is not a benchmark05:11
Hobbseerbrunhuber: it's in universe.  of course not.05:11
terlmannI know that05:11
Arwen301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.019 FPS05:12
Arwenmm hmm :-)05:12
terlmannbut I am getting 4000+ fps in glx gears with beryl on using a radeon 9250 with xorg-ati05:12
rbrunhuberHobbsee: but i've downloaded the latest version when booted from the live cd. It complains about missing dm-raid45 target in the kernel05:12
Arwenterlmann, and I'm getting 60 fps with the same driver05:12
Arwenwanna guess why?05:12
terlmanndrag the edge of the window of glxgears so that the borders merge05:13
GalileoPkann man diesen popup effekt beim minimieren/maximieren bei compiz ausschalten?05:13
terlmannIts soo funnny05:13
GalileoPoh sry wrong chan05:13
Arwendoesn't do anything here, still 60 fps05:13
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Hobbseerbrunhuber: likely a bug, then05:14
Arwenterlmann, hint: vsync05:14
terlmanndrag the glxgears left border to the right till the black portion dissapears05:14
rbrunhuberHobbsee: I'm starting to cry now. It to me 2 months to get the ubuntu live cd booted, my whole computer is ripped in pieces. the bios is totally changed...05:15
rbrunhuberHobbsee: *to =took05:16
terlmannrbrunhuber : dump raid. In a year or so a new method of backing your data up will emerge. Raid = crap.05:16
rbrunhuberterlmann: i can't dump the raid there is there are 3 highly customized windows environments on it.05:17
rbrunhuberterlmann: i'd rather dump linux 'til my frustration level is down to normal.05:18
terlmannheh. your screwed. your windows is screwed too. do anything in windows or linux to fool with Raid and something will break. get rid of it immediatly.05:18
terlmannreal MEN back up their data to 5 - inch floppies and run their os from Laser disks.05:19
rbrunhuberterlmann: i go back to dos now. 1 process at a time ~12 commands. world was great then :-)05:20
robtaylorterlmann: 5 inch? you mean 8 inch.. right?05:20
rexy_and they are not afraid of folding said floppy's05:20
rbrunhuberrexy_: and they put them in their back pocket and use them as a live system :-)05:21
robtaylorlaserdiscs, pah, core ram loaded from 12" winchesters =)05:21
rexy_fold planes from them, ancient forms of communication05:21
terlmannI just did something to pidgen, lost the channel log. brb05:22
terlmannthere it is05:22
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terlmannok , rbrunhuber , back up all your data and then get rid of raid. solution found.05:23
rbrunhuberterlmann: I consider this as a nasty workaround.05:24
terlmannI don't. Raid IS a nasty workaround to true 1:1 static backups.05:24
terlmannusing raid just by itself places your data at risk. Take it from an expert on the matter.05:25
rbrunhuberterlmann: maybe fakeraid is nasty. Raid itself is in my opinion a very cool solution.05:26
terlmannI have never used raid and have machines that have lasted over 150% ELD , with surges and the like.05:26
terlmannraid is like a man that hangs off of a roof using 1 hand to hold on while he paints the eaves.05:27
terlmannat best it allows you instant backup solutions and larger partitions that span more than one drive.05:28
rbrunhuberterlmann: since this is no channel for discussion over raid we shoud stop this05:28
terlmannbut this is ubuntu related05:28
xtknightanyone with an "nvidia" module loaded on Gutsy?  do you also see 50 Hz refresh rate when you type "xrandr -q" in the terminal, or use the screen resolution applet?05:29
terlmannAs a lifetime Linux user, I do not endorse any of the 5 raid configurations , and I discourage you from using it.05:29
rbrunhubermaybe raid is an ancient africian word for "you'll never stop crying"05:29
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terlmann\/ :\/ |@ |:|\|_|# !05:36
terlmannoops , missed an a05:36
terlmann\/ :\/@ |@ |:|\|_|#!05:36
Pici!leet | terlmann05:37
ubotuterlmann: 1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.05:37
GuyFromHellis ubuntu running udev?05:37
GuyFromHell(i know i know i can find it online but it doesn't look like anything important is happening :P)05:37
PiciGuyFromHell: yes.05:37
GuyFromHellthank ya05:37
terlmanndo slcoate udev05:37
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terlmannwell you know what I was saying05:38
terlmannI hope05:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about udev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuto - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bots - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:39
terlmannself-actualization needed before the bot will become useful.05:40
ubotuwikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, you can find it at http://wikipedia.org05:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shuttleworth - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:40
terlmann!bill gates05:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bill gates - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:41
Pici!botabuse | terlmann05:41
ubotuterlmann: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:41
=== terlmann @!!@
terlmannmy new emote ;-). @!!@ = surfing at the speed of light.05:43
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alberticorwhy in compiz windows as expose are desactivated by default?05:44
Arwendon't know, go change it?05:45
Arwenprobably because the devs wanted to limit the default amount of effects so it wouldn't kill old GPUs05:45
alberticorArwen, is one of the most usable functions...05:46
alberticorindeed that, alt+tab are the most with wall desktop, cube was stupid :)05:46
alberticorI installed it, I am trying to find.05:46
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ArwenCube is stupid but pretty. Although for these new "widescreen" displays it looks really stupid.05:46
alberticorCube have no usable function.05:47
Arwenheh, it does let you see all your desktops at once though05:47
alberticorso what?05:47
Arwendunno, I don't use compiz. It doesn't work with my card.05:47
alberticorwall desktops do that, and you can manage windows in virtual desktops05:48
Arwenyeah, wall sounds a lot more useful05:48
alberticorit is, yes hehe05:48
Arwenanyway, I might try it out when my card works better or I can afford a new one05:48
alberticorbut analog to expose from osx, is very usable, so I was expecting to have it enabled by default05:48
Arwenyeah, I liked expose.05:49
alberticorI have an intel one, so it works perfect for me05:49
Arwenmore used to alt+tab though05:49
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alberticoralt+tab with real time windows miniature is usable too, yes05:49
ArwenATI  :-\, both drivers kind of work, but neither really works.05:49
Arwendunno, expose takes longer for me than alt+tab. Maybe I'm just used to it though.05:49
alberticorso, alt+tab, wall desktop and "expose" are the real usable things for me (opinion)05:49
alberticorwhat card do you have?05:50
ArwenRadeon X300 :-\05:50
Arwenit's utter crap05:50
alberticoraha.. no idea05:50
Arwenyeah, I might get a NVIDIA 7600GT when I have more money. They're fairly cheap and still useful.05:50
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alberticorI have a laptop and my intel 945 is enough for compiz05:52
alberticorindeed it works perfectly05:52
Arwenyeah, but I use OpenGL regularly05:53
Ramunasmy integrated nvidia 6100 works great too05:53
Arwenand not just for eyecandy :-\05:53
Arwentry playing games on either of those chips :-\05:53
RamunasNFS: Porsche runs just fine05:54
Ramunasjust as Fallout 2, Diablo05:54
Ramunasthose are the only games I play05:54
alberticorI dont play games here05:54
alberticorI'm not gamer :)05:55
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ArwenI'm not a gamer either05:58
alberticorThis used to be my desktop in the past, feisty with beryl... Some new apps are using compositing, thats nice.05:58
ArwenI use OpenGL for video playback05:58
Arwentakes a good amount of power actually05:58
terlmannAwen : do you run sauerbraten ?05:58
ArwenSauerbraten? nah, it always kernel paniced my system05:59
ArwenUsed to play Nexuiz, but my fps was always unacceptably low05:59
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alberticorHow can I disable .files showed in gtk browser?06:04
alberticorWhen home path is showed with all config files is useless...06:05
alberticortoo many files showed06:05
alberticorthat should be optional (I think)06:05
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PiciRamunas: Yep, that should work.06:06
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alberticoOk, thanks, so same as in nautilus.06:08
=== albertico xD
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xtknightis nm-applet showing 'disconnected' for anyone else (when eth0 is perfectly functional)?06:13
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jussi01xt on gnome or kde?06:14
jussi01xtknight: ^06:14
xtknightjussi01, gnome06:14
xtknighthaven't tried kde yet06:14
jussi01xtknight:  I had this issue on kde. try disabling and then enabling it through the applet...06:15
xtknightis it a bug though?06:15
jussi01but that was a few weeks ago06:15
jussi01xtknight: I dont know. does that fix it?06:15
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xtknightjussi01, yes, it does06:16
jussi01xtknight: have a look on lp. I think it was a bug06:16
albert23bug 13426706:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134267 in network-manager-applet "[Tribe5]  Need to de-activated and re-activated to work right" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13426706:17
jussi01there you go xtknight06:17
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jussi01thanks albert2306:18
xtknightahh thx06:18
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alberticoif I want emerald in compiz fusion I need to enable it with gnome session manager at init06:43
alberticoor is there a option in somewhere like compiz settings06:44
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Arwennope, init it06:47
Arwenquestion: why is the X server on tty8 instead of tty7 now?06:47
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saispowill be fixed ?06:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131368 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "Dell 1420n audio not supported under Gutsy" [High,Triaged] 06:55
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Raystlin_FMis anyone else experiencing a problem with no audio coming from headphones? all audio is being directed to the speakers07:00
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Picisaispo: Now that we're in feature freeze, the devs will be spending their time fixing bugs.  Since its high priority, I expect it will be fixed in due time.07:00
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saispowill wait :)07:01
saispodon't want to reinstall a feisty07:01
saispobut no sound :-/07:02
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Ramunasjust upgraded to Gutsy07:02
Ramunasafter enabling the compiz fusion stuff I have no window borders07:03
RamunasI remember I needed to add something to xorg.conf07:03
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tehkAnyone know if displayconfiggtk works with twin view?07:11
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Chorusif I have a directory with modules and a kernel and the DEBIAN-directory, how do I build a .deb from it?07:12
ChorusI'm running "fakeroot debian/rules binary-custom flavours=xen", but I'm not getting any .deb-files for some reason07:12
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robtaylorChorus: umm, if it has a DEBIAN directory, its not a source deb07:13
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robtaylorChorus: sounds like you have an unpacked binary package07:14
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robtaylorChorus: man 5 deb07:15
Chorusrobtaylor - well, I built a kernel from the git tree, everything is built, but the .deb-files are not generated, I don't know why07:15
robtaylorChorus: could you pastebin output of "fakeroot debian/rules binary-custom flavours=xen"?07:16
Chorusrobtaylor - One good thing to know here is that I'm using the git tree from zul. The real ubuntu-git-tree builds fine07:17
Chorusrobtaylor - well.. sure, I'm rebuilding right now thou, it will take a while07:17
Ramunasso, can anybody help me figure out why with compiz-fusion my windows have no borders?07:17
Chorusrobtaylor - theres no errors at all07:17
Chorusmaybe dpkg-deb -b will help07:18
robtaylorChorus: maybe on the setup you have the binary-custom rule doesnt actually produce anything07:19
Chorusrobtaylor - well, it produces a directory named linux-image-2.6.22-10-xen, with all modules and the kernel, but never makes a .deb-file of it07:20
robtaylorChorus: thats pretty broken =)07:20
Chorusrobtaylor - maybe zul made some misstake in the tree, but he told me it should be ok07:20
Chorusby the way, is there anyway to tell debian/rules to use -j3 as argument to make?07:21
robtaylorChorus: well it should call dh_builddeb, which does that last stage07:21
robtaylorChorus: just debian/rules -j307:21
Chorusrobtaylor - okay, I'll take a look at that as soon as the build is done07:21
Chorusrobtaylor - ah, too ease ;D07:22
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robtaylorChorus: though careful, parallel makes can get nastyily wrong07:22
Arwenthere's no way to add -j3 from dpkg-buildpackage is there?07:24
Ramunaswhere can I test that new UI for configuring X?07:26
bur[n] ersudo apt-get install displayconfig-gtk and run displayconfig-gtk07:26
Ramunashow come its not there by default?07:27
bur[n] erit might be07:27
=== bur[n] er shrugs
bur[n] erit will be by october of course07:27
bur[n] erand with that, i'm off07:28
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Ramunasstill no luck, can somebody try to help me get compiz-fusion to work properly?07:38
Ramunasit seems to work, but there are no window borders for some reason07:38
PiciRamunas: Have you asked in #ubuntu-effects, they are good at fixing that problem./07:51
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scizzo-hello everyone07:57
finalbetahello just you.07:57
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scizzo-I have huge problems understanding how the nvidia-glx-new module works....I am trying to search for why my new graphic card fails to load X. The nvidia-glx-new I know can't load libwfb (which is also listed in a bug) the driver however that someone put on the bug now gives me that the kernel module does not exist...well it can't be found07:58
scizzo-any idea how I should continue on with this?07:59
KetsubanAs far as I can tell the best solution is to install nvidia-glx-new and then insert libwfb and the two symlinks.08:00
scizzo-Ketsuban: hmmm yeah I read about that08:00
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scizzo-Ketsuban: just unpacking the .run driver and copy it?08:00
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KetsubanJust copy the libwfb file. I think someone commented on the bug to that effect.08:01
scizzo-Ketsuban: yep....I will try...thanks08:01
Norreldoes someone have a problem with video?08:01
Norrelall my video players crash :E08:01
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Ramunasam I supposed to get a million of device-mapper messages when booting up?08:04
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databuddyNorrel: you turned on desktop effects i take it?08:07
databuddywhat vid card08:07
Norreldatabuddy: Yes, I have turned them on. Intel X300008:10
databuddythats the way it is08:11
databuddyyou need to select um08:11
databuddywell are u running 32bit or 64bit os08:11
databuddy<FusioBot> A patch to enable composited Xv output for mplayer is attached to  http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/compiz/2007-July/002494.html . Ubuntu users can find a version of mplayer with the patch applied, in this repository: http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/dists/feisty/3v1n0/index.html08:12
databuddygo to that last linky08:12
databuddyinstall the libfaac0 then the mplayer and that will work08:12
databuddythen open terminal and type in gstreamer-properties08:12
databuddyclick on video tab and select plugin: no xv08:13
databuddyx window system (no xv_08:13
databuddyx window system (no xv)08:13
databuddyanyway totem should work then also08:13
NorrelI hope that :)08:14
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Norrelaccording to that guide I don08:18
Norrel't even need that libfaac008:18
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mlpugsudo modprobe ipw3945 -> Module not found . where do i get ipw3945.ko?08:19
databuddyno get the fixed mplayer08:19
databuddythen you can run it with xv08:19
databuddywhich takes less resources08:19
Do``http://lunapark6.com/ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon-710-new-features.html <- this page tribe 5 should already have this 'system/preferences/screens & graphics' and the tracker should be installed and the deskbar applet too, but i dont have any of them.. why?08:20
databuddymlpug: did you do a dist upgrade to the i386 ?08:21
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mlpugdatabuddy, i did normal update, upgrade, dist-upgrade recently08:26
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albert23Do``: screen&graphics is under system --> Administration08:27
Do``i dont have screens & graphics there either08:28
albert23I have a fresh tribe 5 install and it's there08:28
Do``i'm upgrading from feistry since tribe 3 and it's not here. want a screenshot? :D08:29
Ramunassudo apt-get install displayconfig-gtk08:29
Ramunasdo this08:29
albert23No need, I have seen more differences between fresh tribes and upgrades08:29
Do``it's still not there..08:30
Ramunasafter installing it appeared for me08:30
Norreldatabuddy: thanks, it worked :)08:35
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securebootwhen I build a new Xen kernel on Ubuntu Gutsy, it hangs on the "fuse init" line - even when I uninstall libfuse and fuse-utils.  Where is this coming from, so that I might purge it?08:36
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ompauldatabuddy, ping08:45
KetsubanOkay, adding libwfb.so didn't make the nVidia driver work, and it still doesn't make Xorg.0.log, so I can't tell what the problem is.08:48
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AnRkeywhat is the network-monitor-dispatcher?08:48
AnRkeyNetworkManagerDispatcher sorry08:48
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jussi01!info networkmanagerdispatcher09:08
ubotuPackage networkmanagerdispatcher does not exist in gutsy09:08
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scizzo-Ketsuban: you are having problems with nvidia-glx-new?09:22
Ketsubanscizzo-: yes.09:23
ramunasMcan anybody on gutsy share their sources.list?09:24
ramunasMI think I have a problem with mine09:24
scizzo-Ketsuban: what is the problem exacytly?09:25
Ketsubanscizzo-: quite simply, if I use nvidia-glx-config to start using the nvidia driver, X refuses to start. I have to reboot into recovery mode and switch back to nv in order to actually be able to use the computer.09:25
ramunasMDo``: could you share your sources.list with me? I messed up mine09:26
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rbanffyHi folks. I am using a prism2 usb (internal) under Ubuntu Gutsy. Anyone feelink like helping me getting this thingie working?09:26
scizzo-ramunasM: change the links to gutsy only maybe?09:27
scizzo-ramunasM: hold on I will give you mine09:27
ramunasMscizzo-: I'm on gutsy already09:27
scizzo-Ketsuban: hmmm do you get the error libwfb problem or kernel error?09:27
Do``ramunasM: sure, sec09:27
scizzo-ramunasM: ok....but what might be the error? links getting ign or something?09:28
Ketsubanscizzo-: I don't know. I can't use the commandline if X doesn't work until I reboot into recovery mode, and it doesn't create an Xorg.0.log file.09:28
Do``ramunasM: http://pastebin.com/m6a013da709:28
scizzo-Ketsuban: but do you get the blue background with text about it not starting?09:28
KetsubanNope. I get a blank screen.09:29
ramunasMDo``: thanks09:29
ramunasMscizzo-: I had some repos gone09:30
scizzo-ramunasM: aaa...ok09:30
scizzo-Ketsuban: you can't go Ctrl+Alt+F1 or anything?09:30
Ketsubanscizzo-, no.09:30
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scizzo-Ketsuban: hmmm sounds really weird09:31
scizzo-Ketsuban: it shouldn't stop that really09:31
Ketsubanscizzo-: but without X or a terminal and no Xorg.0.log I'm kinda powerless to find out why it's not working.09:33
Assidand this my friends is why msft sucks09:33
Assidmy windows just crashed.. firefox is totally dead.. torrents and stuff crashed..09:33
Assidwaiting for 1/2 the gui to disappear09:33
scizzo-Ketsuban: hmm09:34
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roemy disk is reading close to 500KB/s on an "idle system" any ideas how to further diagnose what program is the culprit?09:42
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ysth1just replaced flash with gnash.  thanks to everyone who worked on this.09:48
ysth1though the legal language the easy codec installer presents is a little harsh, given you can just install the same packages manually without that kind of talk09:49
ysth1what's missing from having youtube videos play via gnash in Feisty?  is it just gnash 0.8?09:50
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Arwenhow can I disable apparmor? it's making my system not work (tm)10:05
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manchickenAnybody know what the secret is to getting intel 3945 working under gutsy?  That's the only problem I'm having.10:13
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ysth1manchicken: there was a linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-10-generic update just in the last hour or two10:19
ysth1dunno if it's relevant10:19
manchickenI think that I just need to recreate the interface10:19
manchickenThe module is loaded, there's just no interface.10:20
manchickenIIRC, that's supposed to automagically appear.10:20
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ysth1about 1 in 5 boots, my wireless interface goes missing too; try restarting?10:23
ysth1(under both feisty and gutsy)10:23
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ubuntu My Wifi works again in tribe 5 :010:38
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Arwenwe can tell..10:38
socdoes someone know the policy on gimp?10:38
socwill it be updated to 2.4 if it will be released after gutsy?10:39
socor will it stay on 2.3.18?10:39
Arwenit will be updated if released before the FREEZE10:39
tehkThe freeze has occured10:40
ubuntuAnyone has gotten strigi to work?10:40
Arwenthen it's stuck10:40
tehkonly bug fix updates10:40
Arwenstrigi? sh: strigi: not found10:40
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ubuntuand it would be strigidaemon10:41
Arwenoh, the search thing10:42
ArwenI killed that right away :-p10:42
ubuntuArwen: so it started for you?10:42
ubuntuI can't get it to start10:42
Arwenthe GNOME equivalent did10:42
ubuntuit starts a process then it jsut dies10:42
Arwenand I hated it10:42
ubuntuArwen: Beagle?10:42
ubuntuyeah I hear many a bad thign about beagle10:42
Arwenit was called "tracker"10:42
Arwenkilled my CPU10:42
ubuntuoh! that one10:43
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socArwen: last time gaim was included as a beta and was later updated to final ... no such plans?10:45
Arwenit might happen, it even probably will happen10:45
Arwendon't ask me10:45
Arwenam I the only one that think's GIMP10:46
ArwenGIMP's new splash screen is stupid looking10:46
ubuntuthey change it every few months Just wait it out10:46
ubuntu not a big deal10:46
ubuntuOr better replace it with one that you like :)10:46
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c00i90wnWhen upgrading to gutsy from feisty it doesn't install the new gutsy features, how is that achived?10:54
scizzo-Arwen: the 2.3 splash?10:54
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Tomcat_c00i90wn: Do you have ubuntu-desktop installed?10:54
scizzo-Arwen: well the first rc of 2.4 is out now.....I guess the splash will change until the big release10:55
c00i90wnTomcat_: yes, that's what I thought and because of that I installed that meta package but for example compiz had to be started like before in festy, with compiz --replace10:56
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Tomcat_c00i90wn: Well, the new features are installed then... they just aren't enabled, because your old configs have been taken over, and they don't contain the new features... one of the few reasons why I reinstall every time (unfortunately). :\10:57
scizzo-c00i90wn: I got compiz going on my gutsy system by turning off the desktop effects and then run compiz --replace10:58
scizzo-otherwise nothing works for me10:59
c00i90wnTomcat_: actually it isn't completly installed, tracker for example didn';t got installed10:59
Tomcat_Mh. Weird.10:59
Tomcat_Maybe a missing dep in the alpha.11:00
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scizzo-what I did was: Fix the nvidia-glx-new with downloading and copy the libwfb to the right place, install a few more compiz packs and make sure that the desktop effects are not on at all, start compiz with compiz --replace11:01
scizzo-the reason I did this is when I turn on the desktop effect the cube function is not working at all11:01
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scizzo-some effects work...however the cube is not "registered" as it should. So this also means it messes up the workspace switcher....I could only change rows of the workspaces and not the amount of workspaces and so on11:02
scizzo-and there where only 1 workspace when starting the desktop effect.11:02
DanaG!info spiftacity11:04
ubotuspiftacity: A lightweight GTK2 based Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.13.89-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 331 kB, installed size 752 kB11:04
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DanaGLast update was Dapper.  Wouldn't that make it rather obsolete and in need of removal?11:04
DanaGHowever, it somehow feels subjectively faster than Metacity.11:04
c00i90wnscizzo-: compiz worked for me in a snap without any problem, but I had compiz already installed before upgradoing to gutsy11:06
DanaGHow can I get metacity to do compositing?11:07
DanaGAt least xfwm4 does compositing.11:07
ameyerDanaG: for what it's worth, compiz with all the fancy effects turned off is subjectively faster than metacity11:08
ameyerfor me I mean11:08
DanaGNot on a Savage.11:08
DanaGI use Compiz on my good laptop, but I'm on an older system at the moment.11:08
ameyeryeah, intel 845 on my desktop...11:08
DanaGIt seems to suppot Composite and AIGLX, but no non-power-of-two textures.11:08
Arwenno big deal, my card doesn't either11:10
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ubuntu_strigi anyone?11:12
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PiciHmm.. I'm getting xml parsing errors when I open some firefox menu items11:17
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DanaGChecking for non power of two support: Not present.11:23
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DanaGSo I can't possibly use Compiz.11:25
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PiciWho was just talking about power of 2 support before I rebooted.11:32
Kousotuis there any way to check Thermals in Linux?11:32
KetsubanPici: that would be DanaG.11:33
PiciKetsuban: thanks11:33
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PiciDanaG: Did you just install the latest compiz update? I'm getting the same error11:33
DanaGOdd: if I use 24-bit color, somehow non-power-of-two is supported, yet I get this:11:34
DanaGIf I use 16-bit color, I get this:11:34
DanaGChecking for non power of two support: Not present.11:34
DanaG(it falls back to Metacity.)11:34
DanaGI don't expect full features on such a weak GPU, but I'd at least like to have translucent titlebars and non-laggy-painting dragging.11:35
PiciMine was working before the most recent update :/11:35
DanaGEven before then, I couldn't run it.11:36
Kousotuis there any way to check Thermals in Linux?11:38
DanaG!info lm-sensors11:39
ubotulm-sensors: utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.10.4-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 496 kB, installed size 1520 kB11:40
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Kousotuwhat's the pacagename?11:40
Kousotupackage name*11:40
Kousotubut L and M right?11:41
PiciIsnt that what I typed?11:41
DanaGer, dash.11:42
DanaGthe dash was missing.11:42
Kousotucertain fonts look strange, that's why I asked11:43
Kousotuand lm can be run from live CD?11:43
DanaGYou can install the package when in the liveCD.11:45
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DanaGYou'll have to update the apt cache first.  I use 'aptitude update'.11:45
Kousotuoh yay...11:45
Kousotuhow long will that ake on LAN?11:45
DanaGFirst edit sources.list to point to the right mirror.11:46
DanaGIt defaults to archive.ubuntu.com.11:47
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=== dfgas [n=dfgas@adsl-68-254-170-85.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
dfgaswhere do i get the newest release  :D11:49
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dfgasi really want to check out these new features11:49
DanaGOh, do you mean "on broadband"?  To me, "on LAN" means "with a mirror on the LAN".11:50
DanaGIf in the USA, try mirrors.kernel.org.11:50
=== AnRkey [n=AnRkey@87-194-62-131.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu+1
ysth1dfgas: see the topic (and the warning just after the link)11:50
dfgasi have used many alpha and beta release versions, so its all good  :D11:51
KousotuI wasrefering to with eth hooked up11:51
KousotuI use Wiresless11:52
dfgasi thought i saw dvd releases as well when i downloaded it before11:52
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scizzo-well the update-manager -d didn't work for me....and the CD just got stuck on boot12:14
scizzo-maybe I should search the bugs on the problem with boot......the computer just stops and starts beeping loads on Tribe 5 CD12:15
cdm10So I was testing Gutsy, and it seems that while it can gracefully recover from not having an xorg.conf, it can't go into the failsafe vesa mode if the xorg.conf is actually messed up.12:15
scizzo-guerby: what did you do for it to gewt removed?12:18
scizzo-oops...sorry guerby12:18
scizzo-wrong person12:18
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scizzo-cdm10: did you do anything...or install something?12:20
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cdm10cdm10: what do you mean? I was just testing what would happen if I messed up my xorg.conf... when I deleted it, it got reset to a failsafe-ish one, but when I changed the driver to one that didn't exist, it didn't go into the failsafe mode12:21
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=== TerraMaster [n=haaf@d66-183-224-132.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:52 haaf-desktop NetworkManager: <debug> [1188252232.925869]  nm_hal_device_added(): New device added (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_5e3_702_noserial').12:22
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:53 haaf-desktop NetworkManager: <debug> [1188252233.153883]  nm_hal_device_added(): New device added (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_5e3_702_noserial_if0').12:22
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:53 haaf-desktop kernel: [90362.542910]  usb-storage: device found at 212:22
TerraMasterI get this when I go plug in my usb device... And it wont load and its disappears when I go to use lsusb in my teminal12:22
TerraMasterI also get this (another process tree12:24
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:52 haaf-desktop kernel: [90362.105466]  usb 4-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 212:24
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:52 haaf-desktop kernel: [90362.239687]  usb 4-3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice12:24
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:53 haaf-desktop kernel: [90362.485796]  usbcore: registered new interface driver libusual12:24
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:53 haaf-desktop kernel: [90362.542535]  Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...12:24
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:53 haaf-desktop kernel: [90362.542789]  scsi0 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices12:24
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:53 haaf-desktop kernel: [90362.542910]  usb-storage: device found at 212:24
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:53 haaf-desktop kernel: [90362.542913]  usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning12:25
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:53 haaf-desktop kernel: [90362.543029]  usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage12:25
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:53 haaf-desktop kernel: [90362.543091]  USB Mass Storage support registered.12:25
TerraMasterAug 27 15:03:58 haaf-desktop kernel: [90367.537321]  usb-storage: device scan complete12:25
TerraMasterAug 27 15:04:03 haaf-desktop kernel: [90373.312406]  usb 4-3: USB disconnect, address 212:25
TerraMasterAug 27 15:04:03 haaf-desktop kernel: [90373.312578]  scsi 0:0:0:0: scsi: Device offlined - not ready after error recovery12:25
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PriceChild!paste | TerraMaster12:30
ubotuTerraMaster: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:30
=== AlinuxOS [n=vsichi@host57-130-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu+1
ArwenMy printers don't work anymore because of apparmor. How can I disable it?12:34
=== SpudDogg [n=spuddogg@c-76-109-159-194.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
TerraMasterhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35322/ Please read and help me (details inside)12:51
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ysth1aha; the update-manager -d mystery solved12:58
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ysth1Is there a formal page giving instructions for updating Feisty to Gutsy?01:02
Arwenyou solved it?01:02
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=== DanaG [n=dana@66-169-236-47.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
ysth1yeah.  the release information is cached in /var/lib/update-manager/meta-release.  that file is fetched from one of three url's, depending on the switches you give, but it's always cached in the same file and the requests use the timestamp of it for If-Modified-Since.  So if you've asked for non-development releases, you won't see development releases thereafter.01:07
ysth1workaround:  sudo touch -t 197001010000 /var/lib/update-manager/meta-release01:07
ysth1just before doing update-manager -d01:07
ysth1correct fix: update-manager should keep separate files under /var/lib for each possible url it uses01:11
DanaGWTF? "These settings cannot work with your current window manager (Metacity)"01:15
DanaGBut I'm running xfwm4!01:15
DanaGAnd xfwm4 won't do alt-f2 under Gnome.01:15

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