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Kamping_Kaisercan i checkout *just* edubuntu and shared components from the doc?02:50
Kamping_Kaiseri want to try and add something about 64bit servers with 32 bit clients (if theres none already)02:50
Kamping_Kaiseri suppose on that thought, is it/should it be documented in a more generic place?02:54
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Mez_is it me, or is help.u.c down?11:55
Kamping_KaiserWorks For Me TM11:55
Kamping_Kaiserafk a bit11:59
MezI think my DNS is b0rked12:02
=== TeTeT [n=spindler@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Kamping_Kaisersorry, but can i poke again re the question i asked earlier? i'd be willing to do a page on 'ltsp multiarch' or some equaly uncatchy name if its needed, but i seem to be having trouble finding if its needed by searching the wiki/help (and i cant search svn)01:53
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mdkeKamping_Kaiser: sounds like it's pretty edubuntu specific; but no - currently you can't just check out edubuntu and shared stuff10:27
nixternalhiya mdke10:32
mdkehi nixternal10:34
mdkehow's it going?10:34
nixternalit's going...how about yourself?10:37
mdkegood thanks; just got back from Paris for a short holiday10:38
nixternalnice...I can use a holiday myself10:39
mdkeholidays rock10:41
mdketoday was a public holiday in the uk so we took advantage of the long weekend10:41
nixternalahh, I think we have one coming up here in a couple of weeks10:42
CIA-33Ubuntu Documentation: sbalneav * r4298 edubuntu/handbook/C/server.xml: Started work on handbook for gutsy11:03
sbalneavOh, isn't that cool.11:03
nixternalabout time :)11:05
j1mchehe :)11:08
=== atlas95 [n=atlas@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Kamping_Kaiseroh well. suppose i'm doing a full checkout then :S12:08
Kamping_Kaiseranyone else got doc.ubuntu.com gone walkies? i was hoping it could tell me how to do a checkout, or is it simply `svn co <url> <target>` as per last time i tried?12:14
Kamping_Kaiserthink i found it in the wiki12:19
Kamping_Kaiserany idea how big the repository is?12:20
nixternalit is decent sized, but if you are using broadband, it isn't all that bad12:20
Kamping_Kaiseri'm downloading it at work atm, hope dansguardian doesnt block stuff *grin*12:21
Kamping_Kaiseractually, https. should be safe12:21
Kamping_Kaisernow i have to go there to pick it up >.<12:22

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