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xhakerman-di, good evening09:43
xhakerman-di, any progress with eclipse? noticed it did timeout on i38609:45
man-dino idea what this is, I can build fine for i386 on my amd6409:47
man-diperhaps I will just upload it09:48
man-diI can build fine with sudo, but it also hangs for me when building with fakeroot09:48
man-diI dont know how the i386 buildd is setup09:49
xhakerman-di, yeah i386 is a case of hit or miss, it's pretty interesting that you can build it.09:50
man-dixhaker: with sudo09:50
man-diit fails in 99/100 cases with fakeroot on i386 and amd6409:51
xhakerman-di, what about powerpc. I didn't investigate that -ljawt bug.09:53
man-difrom reading the sources I think that might be fixed by your patch09:53
xhakerdidn't it fail to build already?09:54
man-disme powerpc guy tested this for me before uploading09:54
=== happyface_0 [n=ubuntu@d36-116-216.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-java
happyface_0hi all11:34
happyface_0I've been trying to get JDK installed forever now11:34
happyface_0can someone look at this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3263924#post326392411:34
happyface_0and if I install sun-java6 with synapec I get this error: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41485111:35
jamesstansellhi happyface_011:38
jamesstansellyou're trying to use the download from java.sun.com, right?11:41
happyface_0yes, if you look at the beginning of the thread - I followed that guys instructions11:42
jamesstansellyeah - that's probably off-topic for this channel11:43
jamesstansellbut you also tried the sun-java6 package, so that would be of interest here11:44
jamesstansellespecially if you were using the 7.10 gutsy pre-release ;-)11:44
happyface_07~ doesn't work with USB ubuntu11:45
happyface_0your settings aren't saved11:45
happyface_0unless 7.10 fixrd it11:45
jamesstansellI've never seen your dpkg error before11:46
happyface_0I just found that thread, seems other people are getting it too11:47
jamesstansellI have 2 libjli.so files11:48
jamesstansellone installed via dpkg/synaptic11:48
jamesstansell(this is feisty 7.10 btw)11:49
jamesstanselland one that I installed manually, probably from a glassfish download11:49
jamesstansellnever an issue with either11:50
jamesstansellyou have plenty of disk space?11:50
happyface_0like 700MB left11:50
jamesstansellare you 32bit i386?11:52
happyface_0hmm, I wonder if persistence is fixed in Gusty Gibbon11:53
happyface_0since its broken in 7.0411:53
jamesstansellnot sure - I'm not familiar with USB ubuntu11:53
jamesstansellwhat does "sudo apt-get purge sun-java6-bin" get you?11:54
happyface_0E: Invalid operation purge11:55
jamesstansellis this the version you were trying? 6-00-0ubuntu1~edgy111:56
jamesstanselloops - might have got that command wrong11:56
happyface_0what do you mean?11:57
jamesstansell"sudo apt-get --purge remove sun-java6-bin"11:57
happyface_0ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get --purge remove sun-java6-bin11:57
happyface_0Reading package lists... Done11:57
happyface_0Building dependency tree       11:57
happyface_0Reading state information... Done11:57
happyface_0Package sun-java6-bin is not installed, so not removed11:57
happyface_0The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:11:57
jamesstansellI'm more familiar with the aptitude commands11:57
happyface_0  java-common11:57
happyface_0Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.11:58
happyface_00 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 158 not upgraded.11:58
happyface_0I'm using 6.1011:58
jamesstansellwhat does "dpkg -l sun-java6-bin" say?12:00
happyface_0| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed12:00
happyface_0|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)12:00
happyface_0||/ Name           Version        Description12:00
happyface_0rc  sun-java6-bin  6-00-0ubuntu1~ Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 612:00
happyface_0ah yes,  6-00-0ubuntu1~12:00
jamesstansellthere's a way to get that column wider, but I always forget it12:01
happyface_0now instead of not finding java -version... it says "java: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:03
jamesstansellI'd like to get the status to purged instead of merely removed12:03
=== jamesstansell wonders if your manual install is somehow conflicting with the package?
happyface_0it shouldn't12:04
happyface_0this is rediculous12:04
happyface_0but I found this:  12:04
happyface_0feisty persistence patch so I could ptu that on USB12:05
happyface_0I wonder if 7.10 fixed it12:05
jamesstansellwhat does /usr/lib/Java6u2/bin/java -version give you?12:06
happyface_0/usr/lib/Java6u2/bin/java: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:07
jamesstansellvery weird12:07
happyface_0yes :S12:07
jamesstansellthis person got the same error but could fix it with a symbolic link: http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5127431&tstart=16512:09
happyface_0I saw that12:10
happyface_0but he installed differently or something12:10
happyface_0I dont have a /usr/bin/java12:11
jamesstansellyou probably saw this too? http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-java/2007-May/006279.html12:11
happyface_0nope let me see12:11
jamesstansellyour equivalent to /usr/bin/java is /usr/lib/Java6u212:11
happyface_0ok thanks12:12
jamesstansellexcept on a debian-based system like ubuntu you would expect /usr/bin/java to be a symbolic link to /etc/alternatives/java12:12
jamesstansellwhich in turn would link to the appropriate program, like /usr/lib/Java6u2/bin/java for you12:13
jamesstansellor /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- if the sun-java6-bin package would install correctly12:13
happyface_0so I need to...12:14
happyface_0link /usr/lib/Java6u2 to /usr/bin/java?12:15
jamesstansellI'm concerned why just calling /usr/lib/Java6u2/bin/java doesn't work12:16
jamesstansellI installed /home/james/opt/java/1.6/ from java.sun.com in a similar manner to you and I can call it directly all day long12:17
jamesstanselldid you ever try automatix or easyubuntu?12:17
happyface_0automatrix doesn't work12:18
happyface_0easyubuntu - i never knew could install java12:18
jamesstansellI wonder if automatix played havoc with symlinks and/or other configuration?12:18
happyface_0I don't think so12:19
happyface_0it just failed12:19
happyface_0I got all these errors and stuff before trying it12:20
jamesstanselldo you still have java-gcj-compat installed?12:20
happyface_0i don't think so12:21
jamesstansellone thing I never tried was "sudo update-alternatives --config java" - didn't figure I needed it12:21
happyface_0There is only 1 program which provides java12:21
happyface_0(/usr/lib/Java6u2/bin/java). Nothing to configure.12:21
happyface_0java-gcj-compat isn't installed12:22
happyface_0I'l brb 10 minutes12:22
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jamesstansellI would purge all your java-related packages and try reinstalling them12:26
jamesstansellnot sure why apt-get wouldn't purge - maybe try aptitude or synaptic?12:26

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