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dieguitohello dear kernel hackers, I came here to humbly ask someone to include the missing files mentioned in lp #129407, it's just an "oops" since they have been forgotten before09:19
dieguitooh BenC, I think you might be the guy in charge of the bug above ^ ?09:20
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zulthat microsoft keyboard driver bug sucks..02:41
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sorenzul: Did you ever push this change? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/12551203:48
zulno i havent yet03:49
sorenCan I assign the bug to you so it doesn't get lost?03:50
sorenDone. Thanks.03:50
BenCkylem: do we have updated snd-hda-intel in the tree yet that I can test on my system?04:01
BenCkylem: fyi, -10 boots without options on my AMD box that had the lapic timer problem04:04
fabbionehey BenC 04:06
fabbione-10- sound kind of sucks04:06
fabbionebut i guess that's known...04:06
fabbionei can't shut up my internal speaker anymore04:07
mjg59Yes, that's known04:07
BenCyeah, a version of snd-hda-intel we were testing didn't get backed out before upload04:08
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fabbionei don't have hda-intel04:09
rtgIs kylem planning on another upload soon to backout the regression?04:09
BenCfabbione: nothing changed there, so that's kind of an odd regression04:10
=== fabbione wonders if there has been a general change somewhere else
BenCmaybe a userspace problem?04:12
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tseliotBenC: did you have a look at my patches for the linux-restricted-modules? (bug 98641)04:40
BenCtseliot: yeah, we'll get them integrated04:40
tseliotBenC: great, I just wanted to know whether there was something wrong with them04:41
fabbioneBenC: i doubt it's user space.. booting in -9 works04:43
BenCfabbione: I'd be real interested if you could bisect that problem04:43
BenCthere really shouldn't be anything causing that between -9 and -1004:44
fabbioneBenC: it will be very difficult for me.. i can try tho04:45
fabbionei just don't have much time to do hacking anymore :(04:45
mjg59fabbione: It'll take about an hour, almost all of which is just waiting for builds04:46
kylemthere's no change to via04:46
BenCdidn't rtg pull in some changes to sound? Were any of them to snd core?04:47
rtgBenC: not on purpose, unless I've forgotten something (which is always possible)04:48
=== fabbione gets a clean clone
fabbionemjg59: it probably takes an hour on your machine.. this is coil powered :P04:49
fabbioneand i wish my core2 duo arrived today04:50
fabbionebut it didn't04:50
kylembasically there's been no changes in sound/ between the two.04:50
fabbionekylem: can you explain that to my internal speaker? it's already driving me nuts04:53
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kylem'internal speaker'?04:53
kylemyou mean the beeping?04:53
fabbione<fabbione> i can't shut up my internal speaker anymore04:54
fabbione-9- > silence as requested04:54
mjg59Wait. Under what circumstances?04:54
fabbione-10- > doesn't shut up04:54
kylemrmmod pcspkr04:54
mjg59If you mean the beeper, then that's got nothing to do with alsa04:55
fabbionemjg59: what do you mean "Under what circumstances"?04:55
fabbionewell alsamixer allows you to shut it up04:55
mjg59Well, you're not explaining what you're doing, what the result is or what the desired result is04:55
fabbioneor any mixer for the matter04:55
fabbionelet's try again from 004:55
fabbionethe internal speaker does beep04:55
mjg59System beeps?04:56
fabbionelike when you tab to do cmd completion04:56
fabbioneor you hit too many times del04:56
fabbionewith all the mixers you can shut that thing up04:56
mjg59That may be routed through your sound hardware, but it's common for it to be exposed as a mixer channel but not actually do anything04:56
fabbionewith kernel -9- it is silent04:56
mjg59With -9, can you make it louder with the mixer?04:57
fabbionewith -10- it beeps04:57
fabbionethe mixer shows me only on/off.. no volume settings for it04:57
mjg59With -9, can you turn it on with the mixer?04:57
fabbionemostlikely. i can't test in this exact moment. I would need to reboot this machine.04:58
fabbionewhat else can I check?04:58
mjg59If you could do that, it would be helpful.04:58
fabbioneon/off with 0=04:58
fabbioneon/off with 9?04:58
fabbioneon/off with 10?04:58
fabbionegit bisect and?04:58
fabbioneanything else?04:58
mjg59Well, we already know that doesn't work :)04:58
mjg59If it works in -9 and doesn't work in -10, then a bisection would be helpful04:58
fabbioneyes... my head is exploding...04:58
fabbionewill do asap04:58
fabbionethat means sometime in the morning tomorrow...04:59
fabbionegiven that i can't frigging sleep anymore at night04:59
fabbionethanks guys.. will let you know 04:59
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amitk_mjg59: you have worked with UVC drivers?05:56
mjg59amitk_: A little05:57
mjg59I played with the support for the Apple camera for a while05:57
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amitk_what do you think about pulling it into LUM?05:57
mjg59When did it vanish from there?05:58
mjg59We always used to ship it05:58
amitk_then I perhaps missed it.. let me check what version we are shipping05:58
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infinityI don't recall shipping such a thing...06:01
amitk_mjg59, infinity: LUM/media/usbvideo06:01
infinityAhh, LUM, not LRM.  I misread.06:02
amitk_it's just an older version. http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/06:02
kylemok, fixed lum uploaded.06:09
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gicmothe latest kernel update killed my sound ;-/06:22
mjg59gicmo: See launchpad06:23
mjg59The latest kernel update killed many people's sound :)06:23
gicmomatthew, ahh good to know I am not alone! ;-)06:24
kylemwhich driver?06:24
gicmoI have a macpro, so I guess it is snd_hda_intel or something06:24
mjg59Yeah, it will be06:24
gicmoI have only few controls left, like headphone, pcm, and 2 more, but if it is already known, I will shut up, unless I can be of any use on that one06:25
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Chorusif I have a directory with modules and a kernel and the DEBIAN-directory, how do I build a .deb from it?07:07
ChorusI'm running "fakeroot debian/rules binary-custom flavours=xen", but I'm not getting any .deb-files for some reason07:08
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bdmurrayamitk_: ping07:16
amitk_bdmurray: pong07:16
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bdmurrayYou have been looking at the usb suspend scanner bug right?07:16
amitk_bdmurray: yes07:16
bdmurrayWould that also affect usb mice at all?07:17
bdmurrayI am looking at bug 84762 at the moment07:17
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bdmurrayamitk_: any thoughts?07:31
mjg59Could well be07:34
amitk_bdmurray: it could. Although some people are mentioning edgy problems on the bug as well07:39
bdmurrayHow could I proceed with the bug report then?07:43
amitk_bdmurray: I am still going through the bug07:48
amitk_mjg59: upstream rejected your patch for this, right?07:48
mjg59Not as such07:48
mjg59Discussion is ongoing07:48
amitk_bdmurray: worst case, we need to collect the device ids (output of lsusb) for all the affected devices and put it in usb quirks. I would suggest that users disable autosuspend in sysfs and see it works for them07:51
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mjg59That needs gutsy, though07:53
mjg59It can't be runtime disabled on feisty07:53
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bdmurraySome people went as far to test with gutsy07:54
amitk_mjg59: true. I meant the users test with disabling autosuspend on the Gutsy live cd07:54
amitk_bdmurray: It seems that there are a few bugs mixed into this report. Some people report it not working at bootup...07:57
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bdmurrayamitk_: yes, I'd agree that report is a bit of a mess probably due to the genericness of the summary / title08:06
bdmurrayI think I found the right thing - /sys/modules/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend .  What are valid options in the file or how do I find out?08:19
zul1 or 0 perhaps (not sure)08:20
bdmurrayMine vmware image had a 2 in it08:21
bdmurrayWhich was surprising08:21
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xhakeryou should probably fix the latest kernel upload at the topic09:40
xhakerBenC, could you please let this in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2007-August/001696.html09:41
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