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summer_s4did i miss the meeting?03:44
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ionstormsummer_s4, no meeting since 4pm since ive been here05:44
summer_s4wut time is it now?05:44
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summer_s4what is utc?06:45
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Screencast Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 28 Aug 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 28 Aug 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 29 Aug 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 03 Sep 13:00 UTC: Community Council | 08 Sep 00:00 UTC: MOTU Team
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=== popey coughs
popey5 mins to the screencast team meeting04:55
=== popey gets some coffee
=== Hobbsee pours some 3 week old coffee all over popey's chair, while he's not looking
=== Hobbsee runs away again
=== popey returns to a wet chair
=== popey suspects this will be a quiet meeting
popeyBONG! Screencast Team meeting start05:00
popeyAnyone here for the screencast team meeting?05:00
popeyThis will be nice and quick then05:00
popey* Current status05:02
WebspotI'm here!05:02
popeyI have had little time to make or administer screencasts recently, however I now have quite a lot of time, so am planning to focus on the screencast team pretty much full time05:02
WebspotJust got here.05:02
popeyI have some outstanding videos to process05:02
popeythese should be done over the next week or so05:02
popeyHosting: We are now hosted by canonical \o/05:03
popeywhich is currently down :(05:03
popeyI will chase this up tomorrow when canonical staff are back at work, no sense bothering them on a bank holiday05:03
popeythere is another issue which is right now I don't have SSH / SCP access to the box05:04
popeyso currently i can't upload any new videos, but I suspect if I put them online on my own hosting, I could ask the admins to wget them onto the box05:04
popeyi would also like us to move from drupal 4.x to drupal 5.x but that can wait until the canonical guys have developed the drupal 5 ubuntu template we use05:05
popeyno hurry there, the site isn't broken as such05:05
popeyOk, that's the current status..05:05
popeyany comments before we move on?05:05
popey* Growing the team05:06
popeyThis I am a little stuck on..05:06
popeyone thing i think i need to do is stick to regular meetings05:06
popeysend out updates to the mailing list05:06
popeyand keep uploading new screencasts to bring people in05:06
popeywe have been given screencasts by people who are actually hosting elsewhere05:07
popeywith a view to putting them on the site05:07
popeywhich is fantastic, but I am concerned we don't have much "exclusive" content05:07
popeyi.e. we would then just be hosting stuff that can be found elsewhere05:07
WebspotI think we should stick to our own content.05:07
popeySuggestions for growing the team greatfully received!05:07
WebspotOn the site.05:08
popeyor have a section for "contributed content", i.e. not made by "Us"05:08
popeywhere "us" = "the 'team'" ?05:08
popeyi want to link to other sites, cross promote etc05:08
popeyok, glad that doesn't sound mad, will do that then05:08
popeymaybe not put them on the front page?05:08
popeybut have a link to them from the front page?05:09
=== avoine [n=avoine@modemcable003.251-59-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
popeyok, will do that05:09
WebspotSounds good.05:09
popeyok, next topic may get some interest from outside, I hope it will at least05:09
popey* Month Of Screencasts05:09
popeyA month of screencasts - one per day for the month of September - leading up to the release of gutsy in late October.05:09
popeyWeek one: Fundamentals week05:10
popeyPeople who have probably never used Ubuntu, at least not in anger, probably never used Linux, or maybe not recently, and may not even be aware of FOSS on other platforms like Windows05:10
popeyWeek two: Setup week05:10
popeySame as above, but presumes they have watched the first week. Builds on that so that people who have installed Ubuntu but only have a basic grasp of computer use can pick up some useful information05:10
popeyWeek three & Four:05:10
popeyNow we have brought people up to speed with the "What" and "Why", we move onto the more detailed good stuff like actually using your Ubuntu PC productively05:10
popeyEach video to be available as OGG and FLV _only_ initially05:11
popeymaybe available as AVI/MOV later - maybe on a pay-for DVD or something, I don't know, maybe only via torrent or something05:11
popeybut the rationale is that with only two video codecs to worry about things get a bit easier05:11
popeyless video processing and less time spent uploading05:11
popeyeach video will be 20-30 mins long (max) and would go in depth on a particular subject..05:12
popeyhere's my sample week one, starting this saturday (!) sept 1st05:12
popeyDay 1: Ubuntu - what is it!05:12
popeyDay 2: Linux - What is that too!?05:12
popeyDay 3: Freedom, Free and Open Licenses - not totally sure about this, but people need to know05:12
popeyDay 4: Why Use Ubuntu05:13
popeyDay 5: Getting Help - Forums, irc, mailing lists etc05:13
popeyDay 6: Tour of the Ubuntu desktop - What are all the icons you first see05:13
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popeyDay 7: Tour of the Ubuntu Applications - What are all the icons on the Applications menu05:13
popeySecond week looks a bit like this:-05:13
popeyDay 8: Installing Ubuntu - Overview of install process and what to do when things go wrong05:13
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popeyDay 9: Networking fundamentals - Wi-Fi, LAN, ISP, modems, connection types, basic diags05:14
popeyDay 10: Updating the system - Bug fixes, security updates, proposed packages etc05:14
popeyDay 11: Installing software packages from repositories - standard repos and additional ones05:14
popeyDay 12: Manually installing software - gdebi / compiling (perhaps - pref not)05:14
popeyDay 13: Printer and scanner setup05:14
popeyDay 14: ealing with Troublesome Hardware - Wi-Fi, printers, scanners, Video cards, USB devices05:15
popeyPhew again!05:15
popeyWeek 3 and 4 are still somewhat in a state of flux, here is a dump of some of the ideas :-05:15
popeyChoosing the right version05:15
popeyFirst steps - what you need to know about media playback05:15
popeyPlaying media05:15
popeyPlaying games05:15
popeyWriter, calc, impress, base05:15
popeyScribus, project05:15
popeyEkiga, Gizmo & Skype05:15
popeyThe last week might be called something like "productivity week"05:16
popeythe last two days of the month would be one day "getting involved" and one day "wrap up" for the month05:16
popeyand maybe the last one could also have Q&A05:16
popeypeople could write in questions through the month and I'd record that one right at the end05:16
popeysome/most of these I will record up front - before the day they go live, and let drupal make the content availabale at midnight or something05:17
popeycomments/questions? :)05:17
WebspotDo we have enough man power?05:17
popey"One man can make a difference Michael" I believe it was said on Knight Rider :)05:17
popeyWell, in total it's 30 days, at a max of 30 mins a day thats 15 hours video05:18
popeyI have automated much of the post processing now05:18
popeyand a lot of it will just be talking into the Mic, with little requirement for funky demos05:18
popeyi am actually not working at the moment - "between contracts" so I have quite a lot of time :)05:18
popeyit will be quite a task, that's for sure05:18
popeyoh, and I have a week holiday in mid sept :)05:19
WebspotIt's my last two weeks off now, so I'll try and keep busy on this too.05:19
popeyso I definitely need to do them up front05:19
popeyWe could use the mailing list for communication05:19
popeyone thing I don't want to do is release the videos early05:19
WebspotYeah. I signed up to it.05:19
popeyor release too much detail about whats in them05:19
popey(so I saw ;) )05:19
WebspotHas anyone else?05:19
popeyI have configured the RSS feeds on the site already05:19
popeyone other :(05:19
popeyonce this month kicks in I think we will see more attention05:20
WebspotEspecially if it ends up on digg :p05:20
popeyi asked the canonical admins about disk space and bandwidth and they were fine05:20
popeymax it should take is 8GB disk space05:20
popeyfor all the videos in 3 formats05:20
popeyso tomorrow I am going to make a promo video05:21
popeyday 0, if you like05:21
popeywhich I will put on the site, and it will be the first video in the rss feeds05:21
popeyto basically pimp it a bit and get the word out, and hopefully get some people subscribing to the rss feed05:21
popeyother than "you're mad"05:22
popeywhich I have had already from other people05:22
popeygood, next thing..05:22
Hobbseepopey: you're insane.05:22
Hobbseenot mad.05:22
popey^^ see05:22
popey* #05:23
popey* Screencast workflow05:23
popeyThe steps we go through are insane, too complex and need to be simplified05:23
popeymaybe less use of qemu, more use of vnc to the local host - to another user05:23
popeymake it easeir for people to contribute05:23
popeyI have had on my to do list for some time "make the screencast guide easier" but I haven't had the time to do it05:24
popeyit's now on my "must do real soon now" list :)05:24
popeyI had a meeting with Jono last week and he suggested that we attempt to to get some of the things we do integrated into a screencasting app05:24
popeyso for example the app could do the header/footer and so on05:24
popeyrather than having to use 8 different apps all over the place05:25
WebspotYeah, that would be useful05:25
popeythere is one screencasting app (commercial) - DemoRecorder (.com iirc) which is quite nice05:25
popeyI will contact the author - he seemed open to open sourcing it in the past, but that may not still be the case05:25
popeywould be nice if we could start with that, because it has some nice features that none of the others have - like almost zero cpu utilisation when recording05:26
popeyand video converters built into the product - not sure how useful they would be but still05:26
popeyi think this is a longer term idea which needs to be specced up05:26
popeyi.e. a specification for a screencasting app needs writing and putting on launchpad05:26
popeyI'll flesh out what Jono and I talked about and put it on the mailing list so we can have a chat about it in the open ok?05:27
popeyit would be good if you could look at what you do to create screencasts, and figure out where the time/effort goes05:27
popeya kind of time & motion study05:28
popeyfigure out where we are wasting time05:28
popeyi think if we can make the process easier and more efficient we might get more people involved05:28
popeywhat say you?05:28
=== toutouff [n=nicolas@gov91-1-82-234-90-217.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== popey gets a shrubbery
=== Hobbsee pretends to be the hiccuping guard
=== popey pokes Webspot
WebspotThe part that I spend the most time on is patching audio to video and joining it all up.05:31
WebspotHow will we make it easier?05:31
Hobbseeuse herrings05:31
Hobbseeutilise the power of the raw herring05:31
=== Hobbsee shuts up
popeygood question Webspot05:32
popeyi think we need to figure out all the time wasting bits and _then_ figure out how we fix them :)P05:32
popeywe'll discuss on the list yeah? :)05:33
popey* Any other business05:34
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=== popey thought he had more on there than that
popeywell, there is one other thing :)05:34
popeyIn my meeting with Jono last week he suggested that screencasts should be "in" ubuntu05:34
WebspotWe could build a application to browse through them and play them.05:35
popeymeaning, you go to Help --> Videos in _any_ app and a popup comes up with a seclection of videos you can watch - streamed perhaps - over t'internet05:35
popeypython + gtk + gstreamer, or qt for kde05:35
popeyI have a spec partly written and will put it on launchpad and then ping a mail to the list about it05:35
popeyanything else you can think of to discuss?05:36
WebspotCan't think of anything.05:36
popeylast thing then..05:37
popey* Next meeting schedule05:37
popeytwo weeks today?05:37
WebspotYeah. Sounds good.05:37
=== popey checks the fridge calendar
popeyso, same time on the 10th Sept?05:38
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WebspotAh! Problem. Might not be home from sixthform.05:38
WebspotDon't know my timetable yet.05:38
popeyduff day or duff time?05:38
WebspotWe could make the time an hour later.05:38
popeyor would the evening be better?05:38
popey8pm for example?05:39
WebspotShould be alight that.05:39
popeySo 19:00 UTC on 10th Sept yes?05:39
popeysorted, thanks for attending05:39
=== popey summarises meeting on the meeting page
WebspotIs there any particular screencasts I should start planning on?05:40
popeyfor the month of screencasts?05:41
popey"MoS 2007" as I am calling it ;)05:41
popeytell you what, lets talk about it on the list after I post this detail about the meeting yeah?05:41
popeywill be all nicely formatted and everything05:41
popeydoing it now05:41
popeyoh Webspot just remembered something05:44
popeywhen the site moved to canonical hosting they deleted all the drupal accounts execpt mine, so I will need to re-create yours - probably just needs a password reset email sending - will do that when the site comes back05:44
WebspotAh right05:45
WebspotI never need to log in really, anyway :p05:45
popeyunless you want to reply to comments to screencasts you have made?05:46
WebspotAh yeah. Forgot about that bit.05:47
Webspotpopey: Are the screencasts going to be planned in pretty much the same way, for the month of screencasts, as we do at the moment?05:51
popeywell. at the moment I have a separate page in my tomboy notes05:51
popeyfor each screencast, and am making notes myself05:51
popeyis that what you mean?05:51
popeyI can make a page on the wiki once we nail down the schedule05:52
popeyI'd rather not heavily publicise the content before they are set in stone (i.e. recorded)05:52
WebspotOk. How do we choose who does what screencast then?05:52
popeytoss a coin :)05:54
popeyI don't mind myself05:54
popeyonce I send the mail out, you can bagsy whichever ones you want :)05:55
WebspotAh right. Good :)05:55
popeyok, "offical" end of meeting05:59
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 28 Aug 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 28 Aug 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 29 Aug 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 03 Sep 13:00 UTC: Community Council | 08 Sep 00:00 UTC: MOTU Team | 08 Sep 17:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers
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