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real_ate... not sure if this is the right place to ask but can anyone tell me if a mobile phone can be used as a microphone? wanna know if it is impossible or not07:04
kwwiireal_ate: not the right place to ask07:05
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lucasrhi all07:11
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real_ate_sorry... got disconnected there... anyone get an answer for me? 07:13
agoliveirareal_ate_: Sorry, not what's channel is about. Check out the faq.07:14
real_ate_agoliveira: thanks ;) i shall continue my search elsewhere :P07:15
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rustylis anyone familiar with the xmessage launch feedback protocol used by libstartup-notify?10:30
rustylMithrandir, FYI, the matchbox crash that we see when starting an application as a dbus service is related to this protocol10:31
rustyli found a bug in libstartup-notification, but i'm a bit unclear on how this code should work10:32
MithrandirI have never looked at the code, so no.10:33
rustylseems the libstartup-notification is expecting an xmessage that looks like "add: some=value", but instead the message looks like "add: some:value"10:35
rustylthat combined with some braindead code that just assumes the parsing worked out ok, and then attempts to dereference a null pointer10:35
rustylbeyond the assumption that the parsing worked out fine, i'm now trying to figure out whos falt it is that the xmessage protocol has not been followed, just incase this is a symptom of something more nasty10:36
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agoliveirabspencer: Hi Bob. You told me once that you're providing the clock applet or am I in need of some sort of psichyatric treatment?11:28
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bspenceragoliveira, I haven't thought much about it11:29
bspencerwe could have a control panel applet for configuring it11:29
bspencerand launch said applet from the marquee plugin11:30
bspencerI also wondered if the marquee plugin should show a calendar drop-down when clicked11:30
agoliveirabspencer: For now I'll be happy to know if this up to you or us :)11:30
bspencerbut it currently doesn't have an owner.  Suggestions welcome11:30
bspenceragoliveira, yes, me too. 11:30
bspencerIt might be part of control panel... which we would cover11:31
bspenceror PIM, which we wouldn't :P11:31
bspencerarm-wrestle ?11:31
agoliveirabspencer: I just did threw a coin and I won. Sorry: it's up to you :)11:32
kwwiihi bob, adilson...any way we can set up a pow-wow to discuss the hildon-theme-tools?11:32
bspencerkwwii, pow-wow in session11:32
bspencerI turn the time to kwwii 11:32
agoliveirabspencer: Seriously, the PIM does not have support for it.11:32
bspenceragoliveira, ok.  well at a minimum we will have a clock applet and a configuration tool in control panel11:32
bspencerbut no link to a dates calendar11:33
bspencersound ok?11:33
agoliveira kwwii: Hi Ken. The problem is that I'll be here in US the whole week.11:33
bspenceragoliveira, coincidentally I will be too11:33
agoliveirabspencer: Coool.11:33
bspenceragoliveira, why is that a problem for pow-wow?11:33
agoliveirabspencer: Yes but youe on you territory :)11:34
kwwiibspencer: well, I downloaded the tools, ran hildon-theme-bootstrap (which creates and empty theme), added a template svg and png...how can I now build it to test it?11:34
kwwiiagoliveira: right, I was hoping that bspencer has an idea of how this stuff works ;-)11:34
bspencerkwwii, what libraries do you need to build?11:35
agoliveiraNo problem. JUst that Ill have a hard time to follow.11:35
bspencerkwwii, I haven't done it11:35
=== bspencer says shamefully
bspencerI just modified an existing plankton theme in the <theme> folder11:35
kwwiibspencer: I do not think I need to build any libraries, but rather create an installable deb out of the theme package I (think, hope) I created11:35
bspencerkwwii, if you are asking for help with the packaging, I can 11:36
kwwiibspencer: hrm, I would guess the long-run we will want to create an installable theme out of this, right?11:37
bspencerand create tools that make the deb pkg automagically11:37
kwwiito be honest, I am not sure if the hildon-theme-bootstrap will even do exactly what we want to do11:37
kwwiibspencer: how did you run the slicer tool? 11:37
bspencernever did11:37
bspencernever started with a template11:37
kwwiihehe, you really did cheat :p11:38
bspencerI figured it was pointless to embed my pics in a template when I knew they would never get used11:38
kwwiibspencer: well, the template I created is a quick tweak on the plankton stuff and now I need to test it...the colors for the theme are also taken from the template file - that is the real thing to test now11:38
kwwiibspencer: should I send you a tar.gz of the stuff I made? (the names and definitions are changed so it will not replace any existing theme)11:39
kwwiibspencer: I tried to find info on the maemo website and although I found a definition of pretty much every pic used I found no docs on the tools themselves11:40
bspenceri recall running the same circles11:40
bspenceris the slicer tool part of gutsy?11:40
=== bspencer checks
kwwiiyes, it should be in the hildon-theme-tools package11:41
kwwiiat least, I got it from launchpad11:41
bspencerand you can't get the slicer to work on your template?11:41
bspencerinstalling that package now...11:41
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kwwiibspencer: to be honest I did not try it yet, as we need more than just that tool11:44
bspencerlet me remind myself of the process...11:45
kwwiibspencer: there is also a tool for picking the middle color of the boxes on the right of the template and putting them in the right text file11:45
bspencer1) create a template png file (with layout file that specifies all the locations)11:45
kwwiithe bootstrap tool simply makes an empty package (while allowing one to enter the name, definition, author, etc directly in the terminal)11:45
bspencer2) run the slicer to create a directory of all graphics indidually11:45
bspencerhm... the bootstrap comes before #1 ?11:46
kwwiiand somehow in the build process there should be some tool to call the slicer and a couple of other tools11:46
kwwiiat least, I assume that the slicer is only a cutter-upper as there are other tools in hildon-theme-tools 11:47
bspencerwell, I thought it would be:  #3) put your directory of images , you directory of icons, and your matchbox theme and gtkrc files in a folder and run "theme-to-debian-package" tool11:47
kwwiibspencer: is there already a theme-debian-package-tool I am missing?11:48
bspencer#3 is a manual process 11:48
bspencerlooking at my list of exsting tools11:49
kwwiihrm, it is also important that in addition to the slicer we run at least hildon-theme-rc-parser11:49
bspencermk-bundle just seems to make a zip11:49
kwwiibasically, we want to cut it up, pick the right colors, make makefiles or whatever to put the files in the right places after install and then build the deb11:49
kwwiiyeah, I think that makes a theme which one can install without creating a deb or such11:50
kwwiiany idea what hildon-theme-subst does?11:50
kwwiiI assume it substitutes something :-)11:50
bspencermaybe just change the colors magically?11:51
kwwiiyeah, I was not sure if the rc-parser did that11:51
bspenceris Michael Dominic your friend11:52
bspencerhis name is on everything11:52
kwwiiyeah, as is my friend tuomas, but I think he is on vacation11:53
bspencerLet me try out bootstrap...11:53
bspenceri assume layout-4 is going to be recent for us?11:53
bspencerI haven't heard of anything newer11:54
kwwiithat is the latest that I now of11:54
kwwiiwe'll probably have to change a lot anywasy11:54
kwwiias there is a clock in the template, etc11:54
kwwiithe digital numbers for a clock are there too, I guess that is more along the lines of what we want11:55
bspencerkwwii, our clock is dumb and just uses a font11:55
bspencerit doesn't get number individually from a theme11:56
kwwiiwell then, we can remove all of that from the theme11:57
kwwiiI sent you a tar.gz file - installing it will probably make some things unreadable, etc but unless I can test it (including the colors) we will never know11:57
bspencerok, I'll look at it11:58
bspenceris it a sliced template?11:58
bspencer(lots of small files?)11:58
bspenceryou have the ability to create a target environment on your workstation, right?11:59
bspencerand try out your theme on it?11:59
kwwiino, it is not cut up yet12:00
kwwiiyes, I have a test system on my laptop as well as using the Q112:01
kwwiiI would rather test things on the Q1, so I see the difference in DPI, etc12:01
kwwiimy laptop is only 1024x768 so running it in a window is kinda hard (window deco, etc)12:01
kwwiiLOL, intel does not accept tar.gz as an attachment?12:04
kwwiiThe attached message was not delivered to the intended recipient.12:04
kwwiiThe following file(s) appear to be of a type that is not accepted by Intel;12:04
bspenceroh, sorry12:04
bspencercan you put it on a webserver?12:04
kwwiino worries, I'll put it on my server12:04
bspencerI ran ./autogen.sh12:07
bspencerthen configure12:07
bspencerand make12:07
bspencer(after bootstrap)12:07
kwwiiok, mail resent...check it out and let me know what you think (not sure how much longer I will be awake tonight)12:07
kwwiihehe, so revolutionary :-)12:07
bspencerall the files seem to be in template dir12:08
bspencerand the "data" dir12:08
bspencerbut I don't see any generated package12:08
kwwiion my end it appears to need to be in a build environment somehow as it complains about hildon-theme-layout-4, etc.12:10
kwwiianyway...time for sleep here...we can talk about this tomorrow12:13
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MithrandirCharliefjohnson: just uploaded a fixed moblin-image-creator, so tomorrow's images should be fine.12:30
CharliefjohnsonMithrandir: OK. We'll check them out then.  12:31
Mithrandirsorry it wasn't fixed earlier; just too much going on here.12:33
ian_brasilit would probably be a good idea to document 'how to make a theme' as soon as someone figures out how it is done ;)12:48
kwwiiian_brasil: I plan to do it as we figure things out12:49
ian_brasili was hoping you were going to say that :)12:50
ian_brasilwhen i made a theme for maemo i used this http://thememaker.garage.maemo.org/About%20Theme%20Maker.html ...i don't know if it helps12:52
kwwiiI was hoping that we could come up with something like that in the end as well12:53
kwwiiit won't fit quite for what we need right now, but we could adopt it or make something like it12:54
kwwiiactually, that gives me a good idea...I can test my theme and color using that on my N77012:57
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bspencerkwwii, must be sleep walking12:58
kwwiibspencer: hehe, normally I stop working after I pop open a beer but Ian drew my back in ;-)12:58
kwwiiI will go to bed sometime soon though, 12:59
=== ian_brasil feels guilty about stopping the beer flowing
kwwiiactually, my wife will probably come in soon and tell me to go to bed01:00
ian_brasilsounds great !!01:01
kwwiihehe, you know my wife?01:02
kwwiiactually I told her about your house in Brazil and I think she is ready to pack her things and visit you ;-)01:05
=== ian_brasil runs and hides
ian_brasilseriously, i have just reformed that house...it floats a lot better now01:07
kwwiisounds like a lot of work01:07
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ian_brasilyes, i was a bit concerned of it sinking whilst i slept01:08
kwwiimight be a shocking way of waking up01:09
kwwiithen again, drowning in your own house is a unique way of dying01:10
ian_brasilwell i had not planned on checking out just yet but setting it on fire and drifting out into the amazon...sort of going out viking style has its appeal01:11
kwwiiprobably make for amazing photos, let me know beforehand01:13
ian_brasilyou can have front row seats 01:14

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