
coNPThe question is if want to empty the REVU queue or have 3 perfect pacakges... :)12:32
norsettocoNP: 3 perfect packages! nothing but perfection12:33
norsettocoNP: and you know you can do both :-)12:33
=== coNP runs 3 pbuilders for the telepathy-<libs> from bigon :)
=== coNP has /var 100% full :(
norsettocoNP: treat it well, that was my first package (ah, the memories ....)12:42
coNPnorsetto: which one?12:42
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norsettocoNP: telepathy-sofiasip (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/111728)12:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 111728 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging]  Please package telepathy-sofiasip" [Wishlist,Fix released] 12:44
coNPOh. These are telepathy-{haze,mission-control,salut}12:44
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norsettocoNP: yeah, I remember I did something on libmissioncontrol (thats how it was called then)12:46
coNPSure. I guess these are package updates12:46
norsettocoNP: I guess, everything was passed over to Debian12:47
cbx33ping TheMuso12:47
coNPnorsetto: I don't know12:48
norsettocoNP: me too, way too many things I don't know and I might never know12:48
TheMusocbx33: Yeah12:48
TheMusonorsetto, coNP, any packages you have looked at need a second advocate?12:49
cbx33TheMuso, got a sec for a pm?12:49
coNPTheMuso: : boswars12:49
coNPand two others12:49
coNPcheck REVU please :)12:49
ScottKcoNP: You are doing a great job.  Keep it up.12:49
=== coNP has time now.
superm1TheMuso, i need one on mythbuntu-control-centre if you can12:50
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coNPbigon: what is the difference between hase and your telepathy-hase package?12:50
coNP!info hase gutsy12:50
ubotuPackage hase does not exist in gutsy12:50
coNP!info telepathy-hase gutsy12:50
ubotuPackage telepathy-hase does not exist in gutsy12:50
coNP!info telepathy-haze gutsy12:51
ubotuPackage telepathy-haze does not exist in gutsy12:51
coNP!info haze gutsy12:51
ubotuPackage haze does not exist in gutsy12:51
norsettono difference :-)12:51
TheMusosuperm1: Sure.12:51
bigoncoNP: haze has been packages without the help of the debian tp ream12:51
coNPbigon: okay. I just checked and got haze 0.1.1-0ubuntu1 from the archives.12:51
coNPREVU has also 0.1.1-0ubuntu112:51
bigontp-haze still sit in the debian new queue12:52
bigoncoNP: yes I think my pkg should be dropped for now12:52
coNPI still don't understand why to package / review the same version again...12:52
coNPFor Ubuntu. Debian has its own queue :)12:53
bigoncoNP: both pkg have been at the same time by different persons12:53
coNPbigon: so you think I can archive your telepathy-haze package?12:53
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bigoncoNP: yep12:53
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coNPbigon: but you say once debian includes telepathy-haze, we can sync / merge and drop haze?12:55
bigoncoNP: yep12:56
coNPOkay. For an update package do I need a second ack?12:57
coNPI guess only an UVFe.12:57
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coNPbigon: can you please file UVFe requests for your update packages?01:08
norsettook, thats it, I'm heading to bed....01:09
norsettonight all!01:09
TheMusoDoes anybody know any other gimpnet servers appart from irc.gnome.org?01:11
coNPbigon: Perhaps you might ask as well if they would be permitted (from ScottK, soren, StevenK, zul, Hobbsee). I am glad to review / sponsor you the uploads once done with the UVF part01:11
bigoncoNP: ? which package? tp-haze?01:12
coNPNo. telepathy-mission-control, telepathy-salut and empathy01:12
coNPHaze has the proper version.01:12
bigoncoNP: uvfe has been already filled :o01:13
coNPbigon: then I am sorry.01:13
coNPBTW next time you can adds comment for this on REVU01:14
coNPTo give poor reviewers a chance to notice the fact :)01:15
coNPIn fact there is no real need to review these packages any more.01:16
coNPIf two MOTU acks them01:16
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superm1thx for looking that over TheMuso.  I've never used desktop-file-validate before, but the desktop file works as is.  Did you run it on the resultant .desktop, or the .in?  The warnings that come up may only have been from the .in since several things can still be translated at that point01:30
TheMusosuperm1: On the desktop itself.01:32
TheMusoI am well aware of the .in file having bits that wouldn't be recognised.01:32
superm1TheMuso, okay.  Well i'll be sure to fix that in a future upload then.01:33
TheMusosuperm1: Glad to be of help.01:36
TheMusoOuch! Boswars is big!01:37
coNPTheMuso: yep.01:44
superm1TheMuso, can you archive the control centre revu item, i still dont have my revu permissions01:45
=== coNP archived that
ajmitchsuperm1: what permissions would you like on revu? :)01:47
superm1ajmitch, permissions to do revu'ing :)01:47
superm1i'm still marked as a contributor01:47
ajmitchnot any more01:48
ajmitchlogout & log back in01:48
superm1okay sweet thanks01:48
TheMusosuperm1: Did that as soon as I acked.01:51
superm1TheMuso, wasn't sure, and my DNS is a bit finicky right now to resolving, so i couldnt get to the revu site01:52
=== ajmitch wonders who the person was who flamed tim hull for a thread on -devel-discuss
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TheMusoajmitch: Wouldn't we all like to know.02:02
ajmitchit was more than a bit over the top02:02
kompozertonyyarusso: ping02:03
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superm1coNP, on gtkglextmm, i ended up with a FTBFS, did you build it in pbuilder?02:29
superm1or sbuild?02:29
TheMusosuperm1: What sort of FTBFS?02:30
superm1TheMuso, make[1] : *** No rule to make target `distclean'.  Stop.02:30
RAOFIn case you've never fixed something like that before, StevenK pointed me at "if [ -f Makefile ]  ; then $(MAKE) distclean ; fi"02:33
superm1I have never had to fix something like that before.  I'll add that as a comment though.  thanks RAOF02:34
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RAOFAnother, less lintian-clean solution is to add a "-" before the start of the line, to make it ignore errors.02:35
superm1surprisingly, actually there already is a - at the start of the line02:35
RAOFOh, really?  Hm.  I thought that should ignore errors, it has for me in the past.02:35
=== RAOF stabs wine, and stabs nvidia twice as hard.
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ubotuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU02:39
xtknightanyone have an idea if or when qtpfsgui would hit universe for gutsy?  would this be gutsy+1 only?  http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=702:41
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superm1xtknight, assuming it gets accepted to the archive before Aug 30th, it will be in gutsy02:44
superm1xtknight, i'll look it over right now02:45
mohammadScottK: are you here?02:45
xtknighteh?  you dont have to.  i found his debs here meanwhile http://ubuntu.davromaniak.eu/dists/gutsy-depomaniak/all/02:45
xtknightit would be nice if it were in gutsy universe but no hurry02:46
xtknighti know this is an odd question but is there a way to install a downloaded deb where it will install the Depends from the repositories?  (understanded that this is poor practice)02:47
mohammadI was told by vil that http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=75 needs to be reviewed by someone knowledgeable in licensing issues. would someone please take a look?02:50
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tedpi have a new version of ccontrol ready for upload to debian, awaiting sponsorship. i know it's getting late in the gutsy release cycle, would anyone be interested in grabbing the package now for ubuntu? It fixes a "fails to run at all" bug, bug #109157. Source is at http://lazypants.org/~ted/debian/pool/main/c/ccontrol/ccontrol_0.9.1+20060806-4.dsc02:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 109157 in ccontrol "ccontrol SEGVs on startup" [Undecided,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10915702:55
xtknightsuperm1, well i d/l his dsc, dpkg-source -x/debuild -us -uc and i can confirm the program runs fine on amd64.  so that's good news.  am i qualified to comment on his revu?02:56
TheMusoxtknight: If on the console, you could install the deb with sudo dpkg -i, and then run sudo apt-get -f install to install its deps.02:56
xtknightTheMuso,  ahh that's a good idea02:56
superm1xtknight, only MOTU can comment on revu, and i just tested it pbuilder, and found some problems, but it should build as is currently02:57
xtknightactually i am having some issues with the program now (some dependencies like hugin's image stack are not satisfied)02:57
xtknightwhat should the avg user do if he finds a problem with a REVU pkg?  just email the author?02:58
xtknightim adventurous just not motu yet :)02:58
StevenKRAOF: My if line won't help with "make[1] : *** No rule to make target `distclean'. Stop."03:00
RAOFStevenK: Hm.  Doesn't that error get spat out if Makefile doesn't exist, as well as if there's no distclean target?03:02
RAOFOr is it a slightly different error in that case :/03:02
StevenKHrm, maybe you're right.03:03
superm1i would think it to still work03:03
superm1xtknight, if you see an issue with the package, if the author is on IRC, go ahead and let them know here.03:04
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TheMusosuperm1: Let me grab gtkglextmm and I'll see what I get in my sbuild setup.03:05
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sn9TheMuso: i always thought it was irc.gimp.net03:13
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TheMusoRAOF: Well never mind, I am back on.03:13
RAOFTheMuso: Um, what was that in reference to?03:15
TheMusoRAOF: I couldn't connect for a while. I got dumped off.03:15
TheMusosuperm1: Its building for me.03:21
superm1TheMuso, so pbuilder only issue then?03:21
TheMusosuperm1: Dunno. I guess it failed right at the start for you?03:21
superm1TheMuso, yes03:21
TheMusoas in, didn't configure, and build?03:21
superm1not at all03:21
TheMusohmm well I dunno.03:22
TheMusoI could set up pbuilder and have a look.03:22
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TheMusosuperm1: Successfully built.03:25
superm1TheMuso, hm what to make of that i wonder.03:25
TheMuso...and this on an arch thats not officially supported any more.03:26
StevenKTheMuso: Under pbuilder, or sbuild?03:26
TheMusoStevenK: sbuild03:26
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superm1TheMuso, after adding that if block to check for the Makefile, it works in pbuilder03:32
superm1so i would say the poster just needs to make that change and things will be fine03:32
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imbrandon./` ... and I hate every thing about you ... ./`04:06
imbrandonajmitch: get some work done :) /me ducks04:06
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ScottKI am here (sort of) while doing $WORK.  If I can answer questions, feel free to ping me.  I'll answer if I can.04:12
ScottKAlso, if some MOTU could look into "[20:50]  <mohammad> I was told by vil that http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=75 needs to be reviewed by someone knowledgeable in licensing issues. would someone please take a look?", I'd appreciate it.04:12
ajmitchimbrandon: ?04:13
ScottKI'll probably look it over later if I don't pass out before the work is done.04:13
superm1imbrandon, ?04:13
imbrandonajmitch: nothing was just looking at lastfm rss's04:13
imbrandonsuperm1: ?04:13
superm1imbrandon, what happened a week ago?04:14
ajmitchimbrandon: that's what I suspected, but the "14:06 < imbrandon> ajmitch: get some work done :) /me ducks" was puzzling :)04:14
imbrandonbad joke after long hours at the keyboard ;)04:14
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ajmitchyou need mt dew04:15
imbrandonyes, yes i do04:15
=== ScottK2 is actually making coffee at ~10:15 PM. It's going to be that kind of night.
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tonyyarussoWhat does debian/compat refer to again?  (/me is wondering why a newer version of something is using a lower number)04:32
tonyyarussoAlso need to know or look up the Standards-Version field.04:34
ScottKdebian/compat is the debhelper version you are using.04:35
ScottKCurrently is should be 5 and your package should build-dep on dephelper 5 or higher.04:36
ScottKCurrent standards version is
tonyyarussoHmm.  I wonder why he built with debhelper 4.04:36
tonyyarussoOh - I know.  He's using Dapper.  :P04:36
=== tonyyarusso modifies
=== RAOF patches revu-build to talk sbuilder
tonyyarussoScottK: In copyright, I had used Upstream Author:, while the guy I'm working with's file has Copyright Holder: - which is more appropriate, or does it matter?04:43
ScottKtonyyarusso: I'd look in the Debian New Maintainer's Guide and see which they have.  I'd guess Copyright holder, but I'm not certain.04:44
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tonyyarussoScottK: Ah, both, apparently, in the form Upstream Author: name <email>, Copyright $year name04:47
tonyyarussoScottK: However, as is the case with a lot of free software, there are components written by dozens of people.  Do you only cite the primary copyright holder of the most recent additions?04:48
ScottKIt depends.04:48
ScottKI do is grep -ir copyright * and include anyone except for makefiles and translations.04:49
tonyyarussoI went through and made a full list at one point, it's it's about half a screen long.04:49
tonyyarusso(with commas, not a separate line for each even)04:50
tonyyarussoAdditionally, the package in question is tri-licensed.  I assume I should have preambles for GPL and LGPL, and full text for Mozilla, not just one?04:52
sn9choice of "GPL or LGPL" is a no-op, anyway04:55
sn9just leave out the GPL04:55
tonyyarussoah, lol04:55
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tonyyarussoI think he was redoing it as Mozilla anyway, but was listed tri for some crazy reason.04:55
sn9the text of the LGPL specifies that one has the option of upgrading to GPL, anyway04:56
DARKGuyHey guys, if I register and all and submit a package for Gutsy's Universe, will I be able to update it later throughough time, or only bugfixes ?04:56
sn9so GPL has no force on anything with LGPL attached04:56
tonyyarussoDARKGuy: generally bugfixes afaik, but IANAMOTU05:00
DARKGuytonyyarusso: Hm... I see, it's that I'm making a game with a team and we're hopefully gonna submit it to MOTU soon... but if we go from Alpha to Beta and then Final, and only bugfixes are allowed I don't think we'll stand a chance... right?05:02
tonyyarussoDARKGuy: Doubt it.  You'll probably want to post the revisions in a PPA and get on gutsy+1 for that.05:03
DARKGuytonyyarusso: forgive my ignorance, what's a PPA?05:03
tonyyarussoDARKGuy: Personal Package Archive.  New Launchpad feature.05:04
tonyyarusso(lets you do a repo for your stuff through LP)05:04
DARKGuyI see, thanks a lot :)05:05
ScottKsn9: The point of tri licensing is that someone who chooses to distribute it under any or all of the licenses, so it's important to presever all the licenses unless there is a reason to drop one.05:06
sn9"all of the licenses" cannot apply when MPL is involved05:06
sn9"any of the licenses" is meaningless when LGPL is with GPL05:07
sn9so, it's not even tri-licensing in this case05:07
ScottKSure it can.05:07
ScottKIf you fork the code, you can license your fork GPL only.05:07
sn9GPL and MPL are mutually exclusive; they cannot apply at the same time05:08
ScottKWhy not?05:08
ScottKAcutally, yes.05:09
ScottKThey cannot apply at the same time, but you can choose which one you want to use in a given circumstance.05:09
sn9that's "any" not "all"05:09
sn9in which case, LGPL renders GPL meaningless05:10
ScottKSo by carrying forward the tri license, you preserve what the author wanted .05:10
sn9you still preserve that by dropping GPL05:10
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ScottKYes, but by leaving them in, if someone wanted to do a GPL only fork, they could.05:10
sn9the terms of the LGPL alreafy guarantee that05:11
=== zachy is now known as zakame
tonyyarussoIs REVU at the same URL with the new machine and all, or something different?05:20
ajmitchsame url, different machine05:21
ajmitchnot in the canonical DC05:21
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mohammadI was told by vil (Vladimr) that http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=75 needs to be reviewed by someone knowledgeable in licensing issues. would someone please take a look?06:26
ScottKHello mohammad.06:27
ScottKI'm here now.06:27
mohammadHello ScottK06:27
ScottKI'm not reviewing right now.  Doing $WORK, but hope to be able to look at it soon.06:27
mohammadScottK: OK thank you. vil told me that he is fine with the package. But he is not sure about the licensing (whether it is possible to put the translations in multiverse).06:30
ScottKWell zekr is in multiverse because of one of the dependencies.  I will try to look at it soon.  I'm reasonably knowlegeable on the licensing stuff.06:32
sn9this is why debian came up with "contrib"06:35
ScottKsn9: What do you mean?06:36
sn9"Well zekr is in multiverse because of one of the dependencies."06:37
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mohammadsn9: you mean Zekr also can be put in contrib for Debian?06:39
ScottKNot sure how that relates to contrib.  I think in Debian it would have to go in non-free.06:39
sn9non-free is only for stuff that does not meet dfsg06:40
sn9if it meets dfsg, but a dependency doesn't, it goes in contrib06:40
ScottKsn9: What about stuff that meets dfsg, but depends on non-dfsg packages?06:40
sn9also applies to build-dep's06:40
ScottKIn that case, then zekr probably could go in contrib.06:41
sn9that's what contrib is all about06:41
ScottKAs originally distributed, it wasn't free, but mohammad got the upstream to change stuff and do a new release.06:41
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mohammadok thank you, see you later.06:55
tonyyarussoCould someone explain the following lintian error to me?  "E: kompozer source: outdated-autotools-helper-file mozilla/build/autoconf/config.guess 2003-02-22"06:55
tonyyarussoAdditionally, I have a few like "W: kompozer source: configure-generated-file-in-source mozilla/nsprpub/config.status" - would I be correct in thinking these just need some sort of removal line in 'rules'?06:55
ScottKStevenK: Since python-central is a Debian native package (and Debian revisions don't need an exception), does it really need a UVFe?06:59
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-124-188-230-54.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== tonyyarusso is getting very very close to a fully OK KompoZer - will likely have on on REVU passing lintian and linda tomorrow sometime.
tonyyarusso(but needs teensy bits of help yet :P )07:02
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ajmitchhello Hobbsee07:04
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Can you explain the following lintian error to me by any chance?  "E: kompozer source: outdated-autotools-helper-file mozilla/build/autoconf/config.guess 2003-02-22"07:05
Hobbseehi ajmitch07:06
Hobbseeajmitch: can explain that one07:06
=== tonyyarusso smiles sweetly at ajmitch
=== caravena [n=caravena@pc-84-203-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusotonyyarusso: YOu need to use the config.{guess,sub} files from the autotools-dev package07:07
Hobbseeor just rerun autohell, presumably07:08
TheMusoBasically to ensure these files are current.07:08
TheMusoMany packages in the archive do this.07:08
TheMusoIf a package depends on autotools-dev, chances are thats what its for.07:08
tonyyarussoTheMuso: I'm not sure I really understand (I'm doing the debian/ dir, but didn't write any of the mozilla/ stuff)07:09
=== ajmitch isn't here
Hobbseeajmitch: lying.  *gives penalty card*07:09
=== ajmitch mutters
Hobbsee*gives penalty card for muttering*07:10
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TheMusotonyyarusso: As I said, many packages replace configure.sub and configure.guess with ones from autotools-dev. I can't think of any from the top of my head now, but have a look around to see what they do07:12
TheMusothats what the lintian warning sounds like to me anywa07:12
RAOFHm.  For fakesyncs is it OK for a 4.35-0ubuntu1 changelog entry to be above a 4.35-1 entry?07:12
tonyyarussoTheMuso: I don't even know what those two files are for or from at this point07:12
TheMusotonyyarusso: They are for use with the configure script.07:13
tonyyarussohmm, that might make sense07:13
TheMusoHobbsee: hehe I like your response to RAOF's application.07:13
HobbseeTheMuso: :D07:14
HobbseeRAOF: i doubt it matters.  i usually use 4.35-1ubuntu1 for the fakesync'd version07:15
tonyyarussoTheMuso: Presumably autotools-dev would just be in the build-depends, not regular?  Or should it be the depends of the associated -dev package?07:15
TheMusotonyyarusso: build-deps.07:15
TheMusoAs the files you are copying are only ever used for building the package.07:16
tonyyarussoAnd as far as what portions of the code would need to be modified to use that, is it debian/rules, configure scripts, both, or anything else, so I can point Kaze in the right direction?07:16
RAOFHobbsee: Ta.07:17
=== StevenK sends his mail as well.
HobbseeStevenK: make sure you -25.07:19
StevenKI didn't. :-)07:20
Hobbseefor lateness, of course07:22
TheMusotonyyarusso: debian/rules needs to have code in it to take copies of the files from autotools-dev during the clean target, I think thats when its done.07:23
TheMusoHaven't done it for a while.07:23
tonyyarussoTheMuso: That's a start anyway, thanks.07:23
=== caravena [n=caravena@pc-84-203-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== ScottK [n=ScottK@ubuntu/member/scottk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:ScottK] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ - TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages | REVU is back up on a new box at the same url. | Gutsy new package freeze is 30 August
=== jml [n=jml@ppp121-44-221-92.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tonyyarussoIs there any reason to give preference to one or the other naming scheme in debian/kompozer.dirs vs just debian/dirs, and other like files, or should it merely be consistent?  (or not matter at all)07:45
Hobbseeoh wow, that soon.07:46
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Hence me staying up late trying to poke knowledgable folks ;)07:46
tonyyarussoThat way I can shoot off an e-mail to Kaze with the remaining changes tonight, have him implement them in SVN in a few hours, review, rebuild, and get something on REVU before tomorrow night.07:47
ScottKtonyyarusso: How many binary packages does your source package make?07:48
tonyyarussoScottK: 2.  kompozer and kompozer-dev.07:48
ScottKThen I believe you want kompozer.dirs for dirs needed in the kompozer package and kompozer-dev.dirs for the other (Although I'm not 100% sure on that).07:49
Hobbsee.dirs, or .install's?07:50
tonyyarussoScottK: That sounds right to me.  Although, I find it curious that currently the file only includes /usr/bin...07:50
tonyyarussoHobbsee: .dirs07:50
=== superm1_ [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKDoes anything get installed to /usr/bin?07:51
tonyyarussoOf course, the /usr/bin/kompozer binary.07:51
StevenKI wonder if the upstream Makefile would mkdir it.07:51
tonyyarussoI thought there would be more in there though, but perhaps that's what .install means (I'm not entirely clear on these two files)07:52
StevenK.dirs is read by dh_installdirs and makes directories, .install is read by dh_install and copies stuff around.07:52
tonyyarussoBut, /usr/bin of course is going to exist, so why must it be made?07:53
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@oul088-gw3.netplaza.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HobbseeStevenK: oh, point07:54
tonyyarussoAt least someone understood that :S07:54
StevenKtonyyarusso: Makes directories underneath the package install directory.07:55
tonyyarussoStevenK: ooh.07:56
StevenKtonyyarusso: So $(CURDIR)/debian/kompozer/usr/bin07:56
tonyyarussolike a chroot kind of thing07:56
jussi01Hmmm, anyone seen persia lately??07:57
ScottKjussi01: He's been busy with $WORK recently.  He responds to e-mail althougth not always immediately.07:58
Hobbseehe got stuck with $realwork07:58
jussi01hehe, ok then07:58
minghuaI don't think you need .dir files if you use debhelper and have .install files.07:58
minghuaFor packages using debhelper, .dir is only necessary if you want to install an empty directory.07:59
=== zakame [i=zakame@ubuntu/member/zakame] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tonyyarussoThat sounds right for the way it is then.08:00
=== khermans [i=khermans@nat/cisco/x-ad6895ee62c33a4f] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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ScottKman-di: If you are around, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=75 has a Java related question it'd be nice if you could have a look at.  Thanks.08:07
RAOFFirst mock-review done: telepathy-mission-control.08:08
HobbseeStevenK: :D @ the mail08:08
=== RAOF objects. There's nothing at all crack-addled about xserver-xgl :P
Hobbseesure sure08:10
Hobbseeit's shiny08:10
=== pygi [n=mario@131-44.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
RAOFAnd clean, and new!08:10
RAOFand is a git snapshot : (08:10
=== mario_ [n=mario@131-44.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKHobbsee: :-D08:11
RAOFWow.  Revu comments get added to the URL.  Crazy.08:12
Amaranthwhat are you guys talking about?08:13
RAOFgit-snapshot-xgl?  My MOTU application?  telepathy-mission-control?08:13
RAOFThe fact that nvidia-glx-new kills WoW?08:14
StevenKHow does nvidia-glx-new kill WoW?08:14
RAOFWow segfaults on startup for me, with nvidia-glx-new.08:15
RAOFnvidia-glx works fine.  Huzzah for new-legacy!08:15
tonyyarussoWhat's the name of the tool for giving a timestamp in the format needed for debian/changelog?08:15
tonyyarussoerm, no - just the one that prints a date string08:16
tonyyarussoAh - 822-date.08:16
HobbseeAmaranth: someone's emailing the MOTU ML about your crack, please deal with it.08:20
=== Amaranth isn't even on that ml
HobbseeAmaranth: heh08:21
Amaranthah, that08:22
Amaranthhello PPA bugs08:22
=== ScottK may just have predicted PPA bugs would be an issue.
=== atnan [n=nathan@mail2.tilefile.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Zic [n=Zic@Final-Fantasy.FF-IRC.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Amaranth_something_ is different between what PPA says it has and what dpkg says it has so apt wants to get the PPA version08:26
atnanHowdy folks. Is this the right place to ask a quick question about dpkg-buildpackage?08:26
Amaranththen dpkg 'fixes' it08:26
Amaranthand we start all over08:27
Amaranthbeen looking for mvo so me, him, and cprov can point fingers at each other until someone figures out what the problem is :)08:27
HobbseeAmaranth: i'd suggest an epoch, but i wouldnt like to be shot.08:27
pygiAmaranth, mvo was on vacation08:27
Amaranthoh, mvo just got on08:27
HobbseeAmaranth: as in, yours would always overrule the ones in the repository08:27
AmaranthHobbsee: eh?08:27
Hobbseebut it wouldnt be wise08:27
Amaranthno no08:27
HobbseeAmaranth: oh, wait, i see now.08:28
AmaranthHobbsee: you get the version from the PPA and dpkg changes the broken bit so they're different again08:28
Amaranththe original problem was the index saying Priority: Optional08:28
Amaranththat's fixed, now something else is broken08:28
=== minghua reads a Chinese blog post commenting on Hobbsee's bug triaging work. :-)
Hobbseeminghua: ...what???08:30
Hobbseeway cool!08:31
minghuaHobbsee: A Chinese Ubuntu user reported a bug, you closed it as "Won't Fix", he wrote a blog post about the experience.08:32
minghuaHobbsee: http://c9s.blogspot.com/2007/08/firebug.html # if you are really curious08:32
Hobbseeminghua: as in, happy about it, or not happy about it?08:32
Hobbseeoh, that bug.08:32
=== Hobbsee remembers writing that bug
minghuaHobbsee: Happy about the quick response, but still confused about where the problem exactly is, yet content with the workaround you recommended.08:33
Hobbseeminghua: right.08:33
Hobbseeminghua: well, based on the fact that it happens in all linux applications without using something like klipper or glipper, and all windows applications, (unsure about mac)...08:34
=== Hobbsee would have thought that it was a reasonably known fact
Hobbseeminghua: does it say which bug number?08:35
=== Hobbsee doesnt still have it
minghuaHobbsee: No.08:35
Hobbseeah ok08:35
=== jussi01 reminds Hobbsee not to ass-u-me
Hobbseeoh, found it08:35
Hobbseejussi01: it's the equivalent of asking "why do right click and middle click do different things on linux" or something08:36
=== jussi01 hugs Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee hugs jussi01
=== RAOF wonders why telepathy-salut gets an md5 mismatch on the orig.tar.gz :/
=== jussi01 goes back to work, or the boss will get grumpy...
=== RAOF also tries to avoid doing tons of marking.
Hobbseejussi01: all the time?08:37
Hobbseeor just between ubuntu and debian?08:37
Hobbseeer, raf08:38
Hobbseeer, RAOF08:38
=== LongPointyStick [n=mystery@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
RAOFHobbsee: Uuuuum.  You mean... what exactly? :)08:41
HobbseeRAOF: the md5sum08:41
=== Hobbsee leaves it for someone else to answer, if it was a serious question
RAOFAh.  No.  Package on revu, grabbing the orig.tar.gz from debian/watch, there's an md5 sum mismatch between that recorded in the .dsc and upstream's tarball.08:42
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RAOFHobbsee: Yeah, indeed.  bigiron, I think is the guy's irc nick.  I'll ping him next time I see him.08:45
HobbseeRAOF: it's a .tar.gz presumably?08:45
=== ScottK has $WORK done for the day, so I'm going to bed.
ScottKGood night all.08:45
RAOFHobbsee: Yes08:45
RAOFScottK: Night08:45
Hobbseenight ScottK08:45
tonyyarussoAnybody have access to an amd64 box to test-build a package for me?08:50
pygitonyyarusso, why dont you use qemu-pbuilder?08:50
StevenK% uname -m08:50
StevenKtonyyarusso: ^08:50
tonyyarussopygi: Err, a) it's late and I've never tried it, b) seems resource-intensive08:50
tonyyarussoStevenK: Great - a sec while I upload it for you.08:50
tonyyarussoStevenK: How much do you need again?  The orig.tar.gz, dsc, diff.gz, and changes?08:52
=== pygi thinks no need for changes
StevenKtonyyarusso: Only the first three08:53
pygiI was right, whee :)08:53
tonyyarussoStevenK: If it builds successfully, I have two other things I would also like you to check if you have a GUI:  a) Does it run?, b) Under Help > {Forums, Bug reports and suggestions, Support KompoZer, KompoZer's web site}, do any of those menu options successfully open the mentioned links in an external application?08:56
=== CrummyGummy [n=CrummyGu@dsl-244-246-102.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-motu
RAOFtonyyarusso: You *still* have the option of a shell account on an AMD64 box :)08:57
tonyyarussoRAOF: Yes, and thank you - but I may have to go to sleep rather than actually babysit it tonight.08:57
tonyyarusso(2AM, school in the morning)08:59
StevenKtonyyarusso: I shall do so when I get home, which will be in about hour.09:01
=== coNP [n=conp@ubuntu/member/coNP] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKtonyyarusso: And where is the link to the .dsc? :-)09:01
tonyyarussoStevenK: Fantastic.09:02
StevenKAh, okay. :-)09:02
coNPlazly hmmm09:02
coNPGood morning09:02
coNP(for the first one)09:02
TheMusoHey coNP.09:03
tonyyarussoStevenK: I'll be going to bed here, but you can leave any results/notes a) here with my nick for the awaylog, b) in ##tonyyarusso, c) in PM, or d) [esp if I get disconnected - power may go out in storm]  $thisnick @ ubuntu.com09:03
tonyyarussoHowever you prefer :P09:03
=== blackskad [n=blackska@d54C4A53D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKtonyyarusso: I shall pick one of them.09:04
=== coNP seems to be a bit too easy about Copyright.
coNPe.g. where to find GPL if the location of GPL-2 is shown is not a problem for me.09:05
tonyyarussoStevenK: http://www.tonyyarusso.com/kompozer_0.7.10.orig.tar.gz, http://www.tonyyarusso.com/kompozer_0.7.10-0ubuntu1.diff.gz, http://www.tonyyarusso.com/kompozer_0.7.10-0ubuntu1.dsc09:06
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StevenKOuch. A 37Mb orig.09:12
coNPboswars has 47M :)09:14
StevenKYeah, but I wasn't asked to test build boswars.09:14
=== crummygummy_ [n=CrummyGu@dsl-244-246-102.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKIt Build-Depends on zip? What the ....09:17
=== pgquiles [n=pgquiles@51.Red-83-38-37.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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superm1i just advocated scolily after its update if someone else wants to look it over: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=9909:33
=== jeromeg [n=jerome@gra94-2-82-66-142-60.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== coNP is advocating it right now as well.
coNPI guess this means I can upload it.09:36
=== LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Baby [n=miry@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockhi all, I'm looking for a reference on package versioning09:36
LaserJockin particular I'm wondering about the use of ~09:37
superm1LaserJock, it means that it is less than a current version doesn't it?09:37
coNPsuperm1: so can I upload? :)09:37
LaserJockas in the Debian Policy it says that on alphanumeric numbers and + . are allowed09:37
superm1so if you do 0ubuntu1~ppa1, it will be less than 0ubuntu109:37
Amaranth-0ubuntu1 > -0ubuntu1~foo09:37
superm1coNP, yup :)09:37
Amaranththat's what it's for09:37
superm1it uses commonly when you have a third party repo you want to be of lower priority09:37
superm1or a backport09:37
LaserJockAmaranth: yes, but I can't find a reference for that anywhere09:37
LaserJockI know what it does09:38
AmaranthLaserJock: it's one of those things everyone learns and so no one bothers to document :P09:38
coNPIs there an easier way to upload than with dget && dput?09:38
LaserJockI'm trying to figure out *why* it does that09:38
coNPI mean some script that puts REVU upload #N to the Ubuntu archives.09:38
LaserJockcoNP: easier?09:38
AmaranthLaserJock: i believe it's by design09:38
coNPe.g., $ revu-upload 9909:38
LaserJockand I don't think that should be automated09:39
siretartcoNP: I have something like that in mind for revu209:39
LaserJockwe should be quite careful about what we upload to NEW09:39
=== TheMuso thins dput is still safer.
siretartbtw, I actually started to code on the first unit tests for revu2 yesterday :)09:39
coNPI guess it were to easy to hit the "upload" instead of "advocate"...09:39
LaserJocksiretart: \o/09:39
LaserJockcoNP: you still have to sign the package to upload09:39
coNPIs that automatic?09:40
LaserJockso the script would have to sign it for you09:40
siretartwell, you can automate that using an gpg agent09:40
coNPSo how do I upload from REVU? I dget09:40
coNPand then dput?09:40
TheMusodebsign -kyour@email.address changesfile09:40
=== siretart uses seahorse for that
RAOFHas anyone thought of using revu's PPA to do automated builds of everything on REVU?09:40
siretartRAOF: yes09:40
LaserJockI use dget, then rebuild using debuild -S -k<keyid>09:40
LaserJockthen dput09:40
RAOFThought so, it's an obvious option :)09:41
siretartRAOF: that's the plan for revu2. no more uploading, but fetching from e.g. PPA archives09:41
RAOFAh, slightly different.  Still good.09:41
=== TheMuso would feel more comfortable if the MOTU inquestion still had to dput the upload.
LaserJockyou should *always* download the package to be reviewed09:42
LaserJockand look at it, build it, test it09:42
LaserJockI don't think you can automate that09:42
coNPLaserJock: I should debuild -S -sa -k<keyid>, right? Since it is a new package.09:42
LaserJockI was shorthanding it ;-)09:43
coNPOkay. Just to make sure I don't make _that_ mistake :)09:43
LaserJockso dput is the fastest thing I do when I'm reviewing09:43
\shWell, I see a problem with PPAs, regarding the "You have to become an ubuntero for using it"09:43
superm1well also, you can't upload the same revision over and over like on REVU09:43
\shnot everone wants to sign the CoC...09:43
siretart\sh: what's the problem with that?09:43
LaserJock\sh: I think being an "ubuntero" is required to for most things09:44
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siretartif you don't like it, don't use it09:44
superm1you'll have to bump ubuntuX, or add a ~extrainfoX09:44
LaserJockalthough probably not strictly enforced09:44
LaserJocksuperm1: I think we were wanting to us ~ppa for the PPA packages09:44
LaserJockto keep things separate09:44
\shLaserJock, regarding the ubuntu project, yes, regarding just to fire a package into a repository, no. When upstream decides e.g. to just push a package of source to ubuntu, someone else has to upload it anyways...for what do I need to be an ubuntero to upload a testpackage in my personal PPA?09:45
LaserJockso ~ppa1 ~ppa2 etc.09:45
RAOFAll my ppa packages have a ~ppax suffix09:45
\shsiretart, that wasn't the intention :)09:45
superm1right, well i was thinking revu ppa packages might make sense to have ~revuX09:45
siretart\sh: but what then?09:45
superm1and then perhaps the MOTU who finally grabs it to upload it has to modify that last version number09:45
LaserJock\sh: well, as a long term thing I'm sure it won't be a requirement as LP isn't Ubuntu-specific09:45
\shLaserJock, that's the intention ;)09:45
LaserJock\sh: but they want some recognition that you are going to "play by the words"09:46
=== ScottK2 [n=kitterma@static-72-81-252-22.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJock"play by the rules" rather09:46
LaserJockthere is a "Terms of Service" after all09:46
RAOFPossibly play by the spirit :)09:46
superm1LaserJock, http://lwn.net/Articles/194664/09:46
superm1that is the only thing i've found thus far09:46
LaserJocksigning the CoC is pretty trivial and unlikely to upset that many people09:47
\shbut as a dependency to use PPAs, I find it useless and pushing people away... a signature to the "terms of service" that's ok09:47
LaserJockwhat's the difference?09:47
siretart\sh: what depends on using PPAs?09:47
LaserJockI think you need a gpg key anyway09:47
\shsiretart, signing the CoC09:47
LaserJockyou might as well do something with it ;-)09:47
\shLaserJock, the gpg key is for checking if your signed package is signed by you...no need to sign something else then the .dsc / changes file09:48
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-145-254-254-185.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== pygi [n=mario@131-44.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
superm1i'm imagining once they implement Release file signing, it will be used in some fashion with that too09:48
LaserJock\sh: meh, there's bigger issues, but I can kinda see your point09:48
LaserJock\sh: I think there's more to turn off people09:49
LaserJocklike oh, it being proprietary ;-)09:49
\shLaserJock, for example, yes09:49
coNP\sh: but you don't have changes file if you don't rebuild the package. Am I wrong?09:49
LaserJockI think they need to at least make it more general than Ubuntu's CoC09:50
LaserJockbut right now you can only make Ubuntu packages09:50
LaserJockso it's not a big deal09:50
=== fredix [n=fred@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shcoNP, if you do a debuild -S [ -sa -k<your key>]  you have always a changes file, that's the purpose ;)09:50
\shcoNP, PPAs are not for binary uploads09:50
coNPOh, not regarding PPAs, only in general09:51
=== coNP is not even MOTU for a week :)
LaserJockcoNP: thanks for that link, that's pretty much exactly the kind of thing I was looking for09:52
LaserJockcoNP: but it's odd that it's not in the Debian Policy that I can see09:52
superm1LaserJock, that was me, not coNP :)09:52
LaserJockno ponies for coNP09:53
coNPsuperm1 is not even as MOTU-old as I am09:53
superm1haha.... by like one day09:53
=== fredix [n=fred@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
coNPout of 4... :)09:53
LaserJockshesh, youngin's09:53
=== RAOF hunts around for his psychic pony.
superm1LaserJock, i swear i saw it somewhere else when i first read about it.  i need to start tagging my things on del.icio.us better09:54
superm1something more debian officially09:54
LaserJocklet's see I've been a MOTU for around 1.5 years09:54
LaserJock\sh is even more MOTU-old than me09:54
coNPLet us define a (partial) order relation MOTU-old09:55
=== coNP hides... :)
RAOFcoNP: Isn't that going to be a total ordering?09:56
coNPDepends on.09:56
coNPIn theory TB can approve more then one MOTU in an email.09:56
coNPOTOH there is no LP batch activation09:56
RAOFHm.  So it depends on the particular definition of motu-old09:58
LaserJockwhat about the MOTUs before LP? :-)09:58
LaserJockthere might even be MOTUs from before TB but I'm not sure09:58
coNPLaserJock: that is history, not mathematics...09:58
=== CrummyGummy [n=CrummyGu@dsl-244-246-102.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-motu
superm1wow.  that feels like such a long time ago, before LP :)09:59
=== mario_ [n=mario@131-44.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
coNPYeah. That is the point.09:59
=== coNP wonders how he could advocate gtkglextmm
LaserJockI remember when MOTU was the only people using LP09:59
coNP(if it really FTBFS, since I remember checking that)09:59
superm1coNP, it only FTBFS on pbuilder09:59
superm1sbuild misses it10:00
=== coNP did a pbuilder build
coNPthat is the point that worries me10:00
coNPIn fact I did a "revu-review gtkglextmm__1.2.0-0ubuntu1.dsc"10:03
=== superm1 needs to start using revu tools now too rather than by hand looking and running things
=== coNP did the start. But if it has overlooked that FTBFS, then I go back to the stone age
=== LaserJock is decidedly stone age
coNPesp. the term Laser refers to the stone age10:06
LaserJocknot sure why, I guess I'm not smart enough to script everything ;-)10:06
superm1because they are shiny, and untried for me yet.10:06
superm1and i like shiny things10:06
coNPThey are not shiny IMHO10:06
LaserJockcoNP: heh10:06
LaserJockshiny things can often get you into trouble10:06
\shLaserJock, /me is not an motu anymore...just a random ranter I am ,-)10:07
coNPIt says: The debuild test (debuild && debuild -S) didn't generate files outside of debian/10:07
coNPThat is not true since it FTBFS...10:07
coNPAt least superm1 says so :)10:07
coNPOkay, that might be true. But should not say "did not generate files" but "failed"10:08
=== TheMuso reviews by hand.
coNP(since exit 1 does not generate any files)10:08
superm1coNP, well i look a little closer, and i think i see why it is FTBFS in pbuilder.  its not the Makefile thing, (but that is troublesome), it is the second thing i commented on about not having the ubuntu maintainer10:08
LaserJock\sh: emeritus MOTU ?10:08
\shLaserJock, !translate emeritus ,-)10:09
LaserJock\sh: that's what we do to university professors who retire, but don't really retire10:10
LaserJockwe give them emeritus professor status10:10
LaserJockwhich means they get a little office, but don't have any work to do10:10
=== coNP thinks is also used in Germany.
=== ThibG [n=ThibG@abo-247-238-68.guy.modulonet.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
coNPHey ThibG! Congratulations :)10:11
ThibGHi coNP, thanks :)10:11
\shLaserJock, well, I'm on a higher level then emeritus then ;-)...I'm looking over several distro projects ,-)10:11
coNPThibG: thank to superm1 :)10:11
ThibGThough I have to fix some bugs10:11
=== neversfelde|mobi [n=neversfe@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shhey neversfelde|mobi10:11
coNPThibG: upstream or packaging bugs?10:11
ThibGcdbs-edit-patch 01-<patch name>?10:11
superm1ThibG, well its good you got it in by Aug30, still can fix upstream bugs this next month :)10:12
coNPIn fact you can fix bugs in the upstream tar.gz as well till tomorrow :)10:12
ThibGyeah coNP, but I've already released a few weeks ago10:13
neversfelde|mobihello \sh10:13
ThibGI think the best way is to make some cdbs patches for the major bugs, until I release a new upstream version10:15
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coNPSure. But it is always better if you have fixes in the .orig.tar.gz10:15
ThibGhm yes10:16
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ThibGok, coNP, I'm going to make a minor upstream release10:18
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coNPThibG: I think bugfix releases are not term of the UVF anyway.10:25
superm1coNP, if that's the case there is a flaw in that explanation.  A "bug" can be termed, add feature X to program Y :)10:27
coNP? UVF10:27
ubotuuvf is Upstream Version Freeze.  For an exception, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#head-9523bc4076ff011324d67cddc97969ec609618d610:27
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ThibGcoNP, I'm going to upload a new package ( no modification to debian/ except the version in the changelog ) with the new upstream bugfix release10:46
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coNPThibG: feel free to ping me if you want to get it reviewed10:46
ThibGcoNP, that's uploaded10:47
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bmmAny MOTU: I'm looking for advocates for boswars and (almost had two): http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=10111:00
coNPHey bmm.11:00
bmmcoNP: hey11:00
coNPIf you fix the latest copyright issue I guess you can find us again :)11:00
=== coNP checks it right now
bmmcoNP: that's why I'm here ;-)11:01
bmmBut I can't stay, got to go. I'll be back in a few hours but have to attend a meeting. Laters all and thanks for the reviews!11:01
BixenteI'm looking for someone to review this package : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=103 thanks11:02
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coNPbug 134623, bug 134624, bug 13462511:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134623 in telepathy-salut "[UVFe]  Please update telepathy-salut to version 0.1.4" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13462311:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134624 in telepathy-mission-control "[UVFe]  Please update telepathy-mission-control to version 4.35" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13462411:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134625 in empathy "[UVFe]  Please update empathy to version 0.12" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13462511:08
coNPAny nice MOTU UVF member would be so kind to check these? :)11:08
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coNPe.g., soren or StevenK or LongPointyStick :)11:10
=== coNP forgot zul. Sorry...
lucaswhat's the current state of universe/multiverse rebuilds?11:12
lucasis universe/multiverse included in the "normal" archive rebuilds?11:12
siretartlucas: I don't think so11:12
siretartlucas: but you would have to ask I think infinity or doko for that11:12
lucasso a rebuild would be useful?11:13
siretartI think so!11:13
ThibGcoNP, oh, it appears scolily has been archived :s11:13
=== coNP has uploaded it first. It got the sufficient love from superm1 and him :)
=== superm1 realizes he should have gone to bed awhile ago. night all
coNPGnight, superm111:14
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ThibGyeah, coNP, but I've dput a new version... What am I supposed to do?11:16
coNPThibG: I archived the new one, you mean?11:16
=== coNP reviews boswars now. I can have a look at scolily after
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coNPThibG: the dice is cast. You cannot make another initial release of scolily.11:46
coNPActually you should have not uploaded 0.4.0 if you knew that you still has to fix bugs.11:47
coNPBut since you uploaded and let it reviewed and uploaded, all you can do is to make a bugfix update11:47
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ThibGcoNP, ok11:50
ThibGso, I revert debian/changelog and add a new entry, with the new version?11:53
coNPYou make a package update.11:54
coNPHowever 0.4.0 has not appeared in the archives.11:54
coNPSome more experienced MOTU might have another advice11:54
gesercoNP: it's in the NEW queue now (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+queue)11:55
coNPgeser: yes, I know.11:55
coNPBut I think it cannot be updated while it is there.11:55
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gesercoNP: ask an archive admin, they should know it11:58
coNPokay, thanks11:58
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andrea-bsI want to debianize a python module, but I want to know how to generate bytecodes, because the policy doesn't permitt to add pyc in the deb package. Does anybody can help me, please?12:37
POX_andrea-bs: use python-support or python-central, it will handle pyc files12:38
RAOFandrea-bs: There are two tools to automate that process12:38
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warp10Hi all12:38
RAOFandrea-bs: And POX_ has just named them :)12:38
RAOFPOX_: Hey :)12:39
POX_hi :)12:39
andrea-bsyes, but there are no pyc in pycentral/python-support directories12:39
POX_andrea-bs: http://python-modules.alioth.debian.org/python-central_howto.txt12:39
POX_pyc files will be compiled on clients machine12:40
andrea-bsandrea@andrea-desktop:/usr/share/python-support$ ls -aAR | grep pyc12:41
andrea-bsthe only bytecode is GnuPGInterface.pyc12:42
POX_andrea-bs: /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/12:42
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andrea-bsoh, thanks12:43
POX_python central uses /usr/lib/python2.5/12:43
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andrea-bsPOX_, thank you very much12:44
andrea-bsI've never seen this folder12:44
POX_you don't have to, dh_pycentral/dh_pysupports handles all12:45
POX_all you need to do is call it in debian/rules12:45
andrea-bsyes, tnx12:45
=== andrea-bs is away: I'm away from keyboard
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simuhi, how to a package non binary stuff like perl tools12:54
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coNPmok0: we added some comments to your upload on REVU01:10
mok0coNP: Yes thx, I am working on it01:11
mok0Another upload is ready soon :-)01:11
=== coNP leaves now, but you can ping me if you want me to review it again, mok0
mok0coNP: Thanks!01:11
mok0I have a q concerning the GPL issue you raised01:12
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mok0I don't know what you mean01:12
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mok0coNP: what do you mean I should specify in the GPL2/GPL3 q?01:14
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Kamping_Kaiserare there scripts that run as part of removing a package?01:22
mok0Kamping_Kaiser: yes, prerm and postrm01:22
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Kamping_Kaisermok0, thanks01:22
DktrKranzgeser, are you going to look after drupal5 merge? debian provided a patch for a security fix, so it could be worth manage it01:25
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Kamping_Kaisershould i take # dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically01:27
Kamping_Kaiser# generated by other debhelper scripts.01:27
Kamping_Kaiserto mean that all shell in the file is autogenerated somewhere/how?01:27
ThibGcoNP, I uploaded scolily once again, as a package update, and not a new initial release01:28
geserDktrKranz: which security patch? the changelog for drupal5 5.2-2 doesn't mention a security patch01:28
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DktrKranzgeser, in debian 435433 user pointed to http://drupal.org/drupal-5.201:29
ubotuDebian bug 435433 in drupal5 "drupal5: settings.php not upgraded with 5.2" [Grave,Fixed]  http://bugs.debian.org/43543301:30
DktrKranzespecially the note at the bottom part of the page01:30
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geserthe changelog entry is really bad written for containing a security fix :(01:32
geserDktrKranz, thanks for noticing it01:33
DktrKranznp, thanks for confirming01:33
geserDktrKranz: if you have time you can go and merge drupal5, I won't find time before thursday or friday for merging01:34
DktrKranzok, I'll do later this evening01:34
DktrKranzor at least tomorrow01:34
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Kamping_Kaisercan someone look at the patch i just attached to bug 84487 ? i dont run gutsy, so i cant test it.01:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 84487 in backuppc "removing deb leaves symlink which causes apache to fail starting" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8448701:40
DktrKranzKamping_Kaiser, do you know if that symlink is created by backuppc package during its installation=01:43
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Kamping_KaiserDktrKranz, it seems to be make by the postinst file : ln -s /etc/backuppc/apache.conf /etc/$webserver/conf.d/backuppc.conf01:45
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DktrKranzKamping_Kaiser, thanks. I will try to reproduce that bug later this evening. will you be around?01:46
Kamping_KaiserDktrKranz, i can be around for a few hours01:47
DktrKranzok, I'll post some results as a comment, then01:49
DktrKranzthanks to you :)01:49
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Kamping_Kaiserhehe. np. if it works, its one of those silly fixes01:49
DktrKranzif you want, you can prepare a debdiff in order to get your fix uploaded if it is ok01:50
Kamping_Kaiseri'd have to build it wouldnt i?01:51
=== Kamping_Kaiser hasnt looked at debdiffs for yonks
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DktrKranzyou should01:53
DktrKranzif you ever need some hints, you may look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Recipes/Debdiff01:54
Kamping_Kaiserhehe. probably . i should probalby also relearn docbook, switch to emacs and still find room to get a life ;)01:54
DktrKranzin order of difficulty? :)01:55
Kamping_Kaiseri was actually thinking reverse order *grin*01:56
Kamping_Kaiserthanks for the link, dont think it existed last time i tried a debdiff01:56
DktrKranzno, it has recently added to ubuntu wiki01:56
DktrKranzgotta go now, see you01:57
Kamping_Kaiserhm... thats a lot of work for an 8 character patch.01:57
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tsmitheman-di, have you had a chance to look at wired yet?02:02
man-dinope, I was away on the weekend02:03
man-ditsmithe: can you please tell me why it was rejected last time from ftp-master?02:03
man-ditsmithe: I dont remember anymore02:03
tsmitheok hang on02:03
tsmitheresource/alba_font wasnt dfsg-free02:04
tsmithei've since fixed that :)02:04
man-diah, right02:05
=== man-di gets old, his brain is not so good anymore
sacaterguys, my gutsty lappy cant get kde of of the repos02:05
sacaterwhatsa goin ona02:05
man-digrrrrrrr, my machine is home rejects to boot on WOL02:06
sacatercan someone check the gutsy repo for me02:06
sacaterchecking that kde is there02:06
zulim pretty sure its there02:07
sacaterand some othe libs02:07
tsmitheyes there for me02:07
sacaterlet me do a nopaste of the error synaptic gives me02:07
geserwhen did you last update the package lists?02:09
sacaterno idea02:10
sacaterthe lappy is not using online02:10
geserupdate the package lists (sudo apt-get update) and try again02:10
sacaterone sec02:10
harrisonysacater, do what geser says :)02:10
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sacatertrying now02:15
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geserHi Hobbsee02:21
zulhey Hobbsee02:22
Hobbseehi geser02:22
Hobbseehiya zul02:23
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ScottKGood morning all.02:27
StevenKMorning ScottK02:27
kompozermorning :)02:27
geserHi ScottK02:27
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ScottKHello StevenK, kompozer, and geser.02:28
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Kamping_Kaiserfyi, i attached a debdiff to the bug as DktrKranz suggested... not knowing if it works it seems overkill though02:29
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ScottKBTW, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=105 is finally ready for a real "I'm think this should be uploaded" look by another MOTU.  It's a Python extension package.02:30
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mok0is there any way I can see what dpkg -i is doing in details?02:34
mok0I am mysteriously missing a file which is _present_ in the deb02:34
=== Hobbsee would assume there is a --verbose
Hobbseeactually, apt has a debug mode, but i dont remember how to call it02:35
StevenKdpkg -c to see if the .deb has the file.02:35
mok0StevenK: I does02:36
StevenKAnd it doesn't get installed?02:36
mok0StevenK: Hmm. It ought to be,02:36
POX_ScottK: looks ok to me02:37
mok0StevenK: Could it be removed by the postrm script?02:37
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ScottKPOX_: Thanks.  I do intend to bring this one to the DPMT team in a bit.02:37
broonieYou can add -x to the maintainer script #! lines to get trace from the maintainer scripts.02:37
StevenKOr any of the scripts.02:38
broonie(a log of all the commands run)02:38
mok0broonie: good idea02:38
=== ScottK looks at geser and hopes he'll look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=105
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geserScottK: I've two exams in the next two days, so I've currently no time for MOTU work02:46
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ScottKgeser: OK.  Undertand.02:47
ScottKUnderstand even.02:47
xxxxx1mornin' all02:47
ScottKMorning xxxxx1.02:48
ScottKHobbsee: You told me to remind you about this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/134625/comments/6 on Monday.02:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134625 in empathy "[UVFe]  Please update empathy to version 0.12" [Undecided,New] 02:48
xxxxx1hey ScottK02:50
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norsettoafternoon everybody02:51
geserHi norsetto02:51
norsettogeser: hiya02:52
BixenteI'm looking for someone to review this package : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=103 thanks02:52
ScottKHeya norsetto.  Thank you very much for the patch.  It was just what the doctor ordered.  I immortalized your contribution in debian/changelog.02:52
norsettoScottK: don't even mention it02:52
ScottKnorsetto: To late, already did.02:52
=== ScottK discovers that the NEW queue on LP has grown links to the source package for stuff in NEW. Very handy.
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Hobbseegood evening, siretart02:54
RAOFBixente: I'm reviewing it righ now, actually.02:54
BixenteRAOF: thanks02:55
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siretarthi Hobbsee02:57
HobbseeScottK: *mumble*.  thanks02:57
ScottKHobbsee: No problem ;-)02:57
HobbseeScottK: i should have requested an email or something02:57
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RAOFBixente: Reviewed.  There are some problems, most of which should be easy to fix, the biggest of which being that nothing actually calls dh_pycentral.03:12
tonyyarussoIs there a REVU admin in the house?03:13
RAOFBixente: I'm off to bed now, but if you want that reviewed again later, I should be able to get to it tomorrow.03:13
Hobbseetonyyarusso: yes03:13
BixenteRAOF: thanks for your review :)03:13
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tonyyarussoHobbsee: I am already in the contributors group and such, but I had to create a new key (5E1E6F1A) so I would like a key re-sync done.03:14
Hobbseetonyyarusso: the new key is with your LP id in the revu group?03:14
tonyyarusso(may have already happened via cron - I'm not sure)03:14
RAOFbigon: Ooh, your on.  Sadly, I'm off to bed, but I looked at reviewing telepathy-mission-control.03:15
Hobbseetonyyarusso: cron isnt happening atm03:15
tonyyarussoHobbsee: It is the default for me on LP now, yes.03:15
RAOFbigon: There are a couple of little niggles there, and one big one (the silent dropping of a patch from previous versions).03:16
Hobbseesiretart: keys are buggered again.03:17
Hobbseeoh, wait03:17
=== Hobbsee tries again
Hobbseesiretart: hooray, working.03:19
Hobbseetonyyarusso: it's probably going to take an hour or so03:20
tonyyarussoHobbsee: That's fine - I won't actually need it for a few yet, but wanted to make sure it was ready.  Thank you.03:22
siretartHobbsee: :)03:22
=== tonyyarusso heads to breakfast, then class, but shall return eventually
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zuldo do do03:28
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bigonRAOF: are you still there?03:35
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dhdfoohi, I accidentally uploaded binary packages to REVU - can I use dcut to remove the upload?03:44
Hobbseedhdfoo: no03:44
dhdfoohmm :(03:44
dhdfoois there someone here who could remove it for me?03:44
dhdfooit is the sphinxbase upload ...03:45
Hobbseewho's dhuggins ?03:45
dhdfoothat is me03:45
Hobbseeoh, it is yuo03:45
Hobbseedhdfoo: why were you asking if dcut worked, when you'd already tried it?03:46
dhdfoowell, I was just wondering if it would really remove the upload03:46
Hobbseedhdfoo: it doesnt03:46
dhdfooI figured I might as well try it03:46
dhdfoothanks for the info03:46
Hobbseedhdfoo: you should be able to reupload03:46
dhdfooI'm uploading source packages now03:46
=== Hobbsee has left the source there for the mean time
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sacaterhey all, the kde thing was fixed03:59
sacaterapt-get update needed to be run03:59
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Hobbseewhat kde thing/04:00
sacateroh something earlier04:00
sacatermy gutsy couldnt find some kde packages04:00
sacaterin the repos04:00
sacaterapt-get update cured it04:00
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sacatergeser: ty04:03
AndyPwoo more team maintainership in debian04:03
AndyP(re: python apps team)04:03
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jeromegAnyone from motu-uvf to tel me if my UVFe request at bug 134730 is ok now ?04:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134730 in dvgrab "[UVFe] Please sync dvgrab 3.0-1 (universe) from debian (unstable)" [Wishlist,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13473004:06
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ScottKjeromeg: It looks reasonably good, but since the firewire interface is completely redone, I don't feel comfortable approving it without that tested (others may feel differently).04:12
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jeromegScottK: well I've been waiting for 15 days (at least) to have a tester to test my upgrade -> without success, then it got into debian so I asked for the sync04:13
jeromegScottK: so I doubt we'll have a tester before string freeze04:14
ScottKAnyone here have a firewire DV camera and a fireware interface on their PC?04:14
ScottKjeromeg: Are you the upstream for this?04:15
jeromegScottK: no04:15
xtknightScottK, i have a firewire DVR (digital video recorder) but not camcorder04:15
xtknighti have transferred video off of it to linux04:15
ScottKxtknight: That might work.04:16
xtknightwhat's the deal?04:16
ScottKjeromeg: You know the package better, would that work?04:16
geserScottK: I could test end of the week04:16
ScottKxtknight: Bug 134730 is the deal.04:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134730 in dvgrab "[UVFe] Please sync dvgrab 3.0-1 (universe) from debian (unstable)" [Wishlist,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13473004:16
ScottKgeser: That'd be great if no one else can.04:16
jeromegxtknight, geser : bug 134730 , it should detect your camera automatically04:17
xtknightunfortunately my DVR only works with a hack (e.g. http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?s=26b61f1a33b8e11ff2bec293427e9888&p=11328305#post11328305 )04:17
xtknighti dont believe it ever worked with dvgrab, but i can see04:17
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jeromegxtknight: well it's a brand new version so it might work04:18
geserjeromeg: I've added it to my TODO list04:18
jeromeggeser : thanks a lot !04:18
jeromegScottK: thx for your review04:19
xtknighttrying it as we speak04:20
ScottKjeromeg: No problem.04:20
xtknighti would like this to work too, all the hacks really are a pain04:20
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xtknightjeromeg, which deb package should i be trying?  or *.dsc,*.diff.gz,*.orig* are fine too04:24
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jeromegxtknight: I can give you a build deb package if you want04:24
norsettoany kind soul can paste some comments I have on a package which is in REVU?04:25
xtknightjeromeg,  if no deb is ready compiling from source isn't a problem.04:25
jeromegxtknight: i think i have one on my ftp, just a second04:25
jeromegxtknight: http://vv.guelf.free.fr/ubuntu/firefox/ -> first package of the list, it's a gutsy package04:26
coNPHey norsetto. I can04:26
norsettocoNP: thx, pastebin or email?04:26
=== coNP would consider to give reviewer rights to norsetto. Even if he is a not a MOTU
coNPnorsetto: whichever you prefer04:27
norsettocoNP: ok, email is on its way: thx :-)04:27
coNPthank *you*, No1Viking04:27
xtknightjeromeg, thanks04:27
coNPnorsetto even :)04:27
jeromegxtknight: np04:27
xtknightjeromeg, should i just force-arch for amd64?04:28
xtknightor rebuild :p04:28
norsettocoNP: I would also appreciate if you give them a quick look, you know, just in case .....04:28
coNPnorsetto: which package?04:28
norsettocoNP: sdlmame (my nemesis!)04:28
jeromegxtknight: mmm i don't know :) , maybe rebuild is better :)04:29
xtknightjeromeg, alright.  i'm going to use the dsc and tars here, for reference.  http://packages.debian.org/unstable/graphics/dvgrab04:30
coNPAny MOTU-UVF can please have a a look at bug 134623, bug 13462404:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134623 in telepathy-salut "[UVFe]  Please update telepathy-salut to version 0.1.4" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13462304:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134624 in telepathy-mission-control "[UVFe]  Please update telepathy-mission-control to version 4.35" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13462404:30
ScottKcoNP: Got a minute for a review?04:30
coNPScottK: yes.04:30
ScottKcoNP: It works now... http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=10504:30
ScottKcoNP: Looking04:30
coNPScottK: you did approve04:31
jeromegxtknight: ok thank you04:31
coNPScottK: I mean Hobbsee, soren, StevenK or zul is missing to get 2 out of 504:31
ScottKAh.  Then I don't need to look again.  IIRC Hobbsee said she'd ack those.04:31
Hobbseei said i'd look at those.  at some point04:31
Hobbseewhen i'm not bashing people with large piles of concrete04:32
coNPOkay. No push. No rush. Just a bit of those :)04:32
Hobbseefeel free to hijack.04:32
StevenKAs in, they may have gotten their second ACK before Hobbsee looks. :-P04:32
coNPGo StevenK!04:32
StevenKEhhh, later.04:32
HobbseeStevenK: indeed :P04:32
=== StevenK sends coNP a RSET
=== coNP increases its program counter
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=== Hobbsee watches the badly-programmed coNP fall over.
ScottKcoNP: Soren just said he'd look at it, so feel free to move on to something else.04:34
coNPScottK: okay.04:34
coNPThen I review scolily as promised earlier to ThibG04:34
coNPThen have a look at norsetto 's mail04:34
xtknightjeromeg, great news.  it seems to work with my AV/C dvr, unlike the old version.04:35
jeromegxtknight: cool !04:36
jeromegxtknight: without doing anything ?04:36
No1VikingcoNP: You're welcome!  :)04:37
xtknightjeromeg, as far as i know.  i'll try a clean plug-in of the firewire.  i had to learn how to use dvgrab though so i executed it a few times04:37
jeromegxtknight: ok thanks04:38
xtknightjeromeg, i do have to specify GUID04:39
xtknightjeromeg, e.g.  sudo dvgrab -g 0x00159afffe1c92d1 -f mpeg204:39
xtknightbut "sudo dvgrab" tells me "Found AV/C device with GUID 0x00159afffe1c92d1"04:39
coNPAny MOTU up to give a second ACK to boswars (http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=101)?04:39
jeromegxtknight: ok, i think it's normal04:39
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xtknightjeromeg, it seems to work only every other time but this may be an issue with my dvr04:43
xtknightit never worked better with the hack method04:43
jeromegxtknight: mmm, ok. you mean that it doesn't get all images ?04:44
xtknightjeromeg, well it will either be able to capture a full stream, or be able to capture no stream at all (0 MB)04:44
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xtknightjeromeg, i'll pastebin04:44
xtknightjeromeg, http://rafb.net/p/inrPjg32.html04:46
xtknightjeromeg, this is with playing back a recorded show on the DVR, and trying to record that to my pc using dvgrab.  however i think my dvr only works this way (it can't record live because of copy protections?)04:47
jeromegxtknight: yes it's stange04:48
jeromegxtknight: but if it always worked like that... we'll wait until geser confirms he had it work04:48
xtknightjeromeg, k04:49
jeromegxtknight: thx very much for your help04:49
xtknightit even says this "Error: no HDV. Try again before giving up." which i find interesting04:49
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jeromegyeah, maybe your problem is common04:51
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xtknightwhat's the status of this bug?  Bug 4232104:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 42321 in xrandr "xrandr reports invalid refresh rates for MergedFB setup" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4232104:59
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Hobbseextknight: confirmed. looking at that...05:01
coNPDo I need anyone for a bugfix update?05:01
coNPI mean as a MOTU I can upload it after I have reviewed, right?05:02
Hobbseenew upstream?05:02
coNPNew upstream tarball with bug fixes.05:02
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HobbseecoNP: you'll need a UVFe, then you can upload if that gets accepted05:03
xtknightHobbsee, but what would be the next step getting this upstream patch described there into ubuntu?05:03
Hobbseextknight: looking at the upstream bug - is that patch already in ubuntu?05:06
Hobbseethat was committed 10 months ago05:06
xtknighti would assume the bug status should be "fix released", then?05:07
xtknighti'm going to check the source code and see if that patch is in05:07
Hobbseegood idea05:07
Hobbseeand hten mark it as fix released.05:07
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DktrKranzxtknight: are you sure that bug is for xrandr? I can't find radeon_mergedfb.c05:10
xtknightDktrKranz, not sure if this either.  it looks like it's in xserver-xorg-video-ati, but i'm trying to find the source code for that05:10
xtknightof this*05:10
DktrKranzok, I'm looking at xserver-xorg-video-ati too05:11
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xtknightDktrKranz, what package contains radeon_mergedfb.c?  I dont see it, using the packages.ubuntu.com search05:14
DktrKranzit should be xserver-xorg-video-ati,05:15
DktrKranzAFAIK, patch submitted in your bug has not been applied05:15
xtknighti was doing -drivers that was why05:15
sorenI should totally know this, but what does "triaged" status mean for a UVFe bug?05:16
xtknightit doens't look like it to me either.05:17
sorenHobbsee: Ah, you should be able to answer that..05:17
xtknightDktrKranz, what should be done for this bug?  should i apply the patch and post a debdiff?05:17
sorenHobbsee: ...since you set https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rawstudio/+bug/133879/+activity to triaged.05:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133879 in rawstudio "Please sync rawstudio 0.6-1 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Triaged] 05:17
Hobbseesoren: means that it's dealt with.  also means it should have motu-uvf unsubscribed, but my script buggered up, as i iddnt realise it was assigned, not subscribed.05:17
sorenHobbsee: "Dealt with" as in "approved and ready to be executed"?05:18
sorenHobbsee: If so, what does "confirmed" mean?05:18
DktrKranzxtknight: I would look at upstream bug in order to discover why it has been committed another one05:18
Hobbseesoren: yes05:19
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Hobbseesoren: it's the difference between me doing the first and last ack, basically05:19
Hobbseesoren: if i do the last ack, i do it by email, where i've been using triaged for syncs for the u-u-s queue05:19
Hobbseesoren: and sub/unsub/change status all in one hit, for multiple bugs at once.05:19
sorenHobbsee: Ah, triaged = one ack, confirmed = two acks?05:19
sorenHobbsee: ...or the other way around?05:20
DktrKranzxtknight: and if you verified that patch solves that problem, you should prepare a debdiff05:20
Hobbseesoren: no, confirmed == first or second done by someone else.  triaged == second done by me.05:20
Hobbseeactually, it should be sitll at new for the first ack, and only change on the second.05:20
Hobbseesoren: you appear to be attempting to make me stop being lazy.05:20
xtknightDktrKranz, i will probably just ask the bug report creator to reconfirm this in gutsy.  supposedly randr 1.2 should fix this and that's in gutsy.05:20
sorenHobbsee: Not at all. :)05:21
Hobbseesoren: in truth though, we had some certain people who were using confirmed on their sync requests already05:21
sorenHobbsee: I'm just trying to determine if that particular bug actually was in a state where the archive admins would handle it.05:21
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Hobbseewho, fortunately, werent in qa, and so i started setting all the stuff that was done, which i tocuhed, to triaged.05:21
Hobbseethey'll touch anything confirmed and above05:21
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Hobbseejust to differentiate it05:22
Hobbseesoren: they should do05:22
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sorenHobbsee: Oh, right, triaged > confirmed. I forget.05:25
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mok0coNP: ping05:31
coNPmok0: pong05:31
mok0coNP: I've just uploaded a fresh version of wulfware, for you to review at your leisure :-)05:31
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xtknightwhat does "fix committed" actually mean, vs "fix released"?06:24
DktrKranzxtknight: fix released occours when a bug has been solved in a package already in ubuntu archives06:25
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xtknightDktrKranz,  and fix committed means it has been fixed upstream or there is some type of patch available?06:26
norsettoxtknight: in general, fix release means that the fix for the bug is now in the repositories, commited that it is in the process of being released06:26
DktrKranzfix committed occours when a fix has been released elsewhere (upstream cvs, debian, and so on)06:26
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DktrKranzif you prepare a patch for a bug, it should be "Confirmed"06:26
xtknightnorsetto,  when you say "in the process of being released" what exactly does this mean?06:26
xtknightis there anything a user could do to accelerate the process of getting it to the pkg?06:27
xtknightor getting it to release, other words06:27
DktrKranzyou can ask previous uploader, if he has upload rights he can sponsor it for you06:28
DktrKranzor you can ask here06:28
DktrKranzor subscribing ubuntu-universe-sponsors on Launchpad06:28
xtknightso the appropriate course of action, for say, Bug 8422 , would be to subscribe the proper sponsors?06:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 8422 in tsclient "Error message on ending VNC session" [Medium,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/842206:29
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xtknightit has already been assigned to bacher though06:30
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DktrKranzthis way, you should ask him directly06:30
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norsettoxtknight: it means that a fix has been found, which is now applied to a local copy somewhere, not yet public.06:30
norsettoxtknight: look at as: fix committed=private while fix released=public06:31
xtknightnorsetto, gotcha06:31
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goedsonHi. Should I assign bugs in a package that have already been fixed in Debian but not synced to universe to MOTU?06:43
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goedsonOr, what's the right procedure to trigger the synchronization?06:43
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Shoraganthe pida package in gutsy is pretty old, could someone trigger a pull from debian?06:57
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JazzvaIf a package build-depends on debhelper, does it have to be set at debhelper >= 5, or is version 4 ok?07:01
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pochuHello folks ^_^07:04
superm1Jazzva, is this a NEW package?07:05
superm1as in not ubuntu currently07:05
Jazzvasuperm1: Yes...07:05
superm1Jazzva, then you will want to set it to 5, unless you have some arguable reason to use 4.07:06
superm1also debian/compat will need to be set appropriately07:06
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Jazzvasuperm1: Well, I'm not the actual packager... The upstream took the maintainer's part as well... I'm just trying to help him as much as I can, and to make it easier for a review :).07:07
superm1Shoragan, a UVFe will need to be filed for pida, since its a new upstream version.07:07
Jazzvasuperm1: Thanks for the help :)07:07
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superm1Shoragan, do you have a reason other than the fact that 'its pretty old'?  If so, go ahead and file a UVFe.07:08
superm1Jazzva, ah wonderful.  Make sure that he doesn't keep the debian/ directory in the .orig.tar.gz then ok?07:08
Shoragani'm just pida's maintainer in debian and people asked for a new ubuntu version in #pida07:08
Jazzvasuperm1: Ok :)...07:09
superm1Shoragan, in Ubuntu our upstream version freeze was a few weeks ago for existing packages.  It's not to say the new version can't make it in, just the UVF policy will need to be followed, and there has to be a justifiable reason as described here:07:10
superm1!uvf | Shoragan07:10
ubotuShoragan: uvf is Upstream Version Freeze.  For an exception, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#head-9523bc4076ff011324d67cddc97969ec609618d607:10
Shoraganand new packages can still go in?07:12
xtknightwhat should i do if i want to get a newer version of a package into gutsy but the latest version is not in debian unstable/testing/experimental and not on revu (and i'm not a motu)?07:13
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superm1Shoragan, it's up to the motu-uvf team to decide what will make it in.  So in a sense 'yes'.07:13
Shoraganok, thanks :)07:13
superm1xtknight, we can divert from debian should we need to.07:13
xtknightsuperm1,  it is a package that is more or less required for general function by something on revu right now (qtpfsgui).  (pkg "hugin")07:14
superm1xtknight, but again same uvf process applies07:14
superm1xtknight, I see hugin available in gutsy07:15
superm1xtknight, is the newest version needed for qtpfsgui?07:15
xtknightsuperm1, ya a newer one that contains align_image_stack07:15
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superm1xtknight, file a UVFe for it explaining why it's needed.  Unfortunately since we're past version freeze, can't just package the newer version of it.07:16
xtknightsuperm1, ok07:17
xtknightsuperm1, what version would end up being used?  an svn?  a latest 'stable' snapshot of hugin?07:18
xtknightactually i need to make sure it's the hugin package first07:18
superm1xtknight, davromaniak is the one that submitted the package to revu.  You can check with him.  Looking over debian/control, i don't even see hugin as a dependency though.07:20
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xtknightsuperm1, the latest beta4 on hugin website doesnt seem to have align_image_stack.  however, hugin svn does ( http://qtpfsgui.wiki.sourceforge.net/align_image_stack )07:21
xtknightstill here :)07:22
xtknight"As of today (10 Aug 2007) the hugin project has not published a release with align_image_stack in it yet (they are working hard for their next release)"07:22
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superm1davromaniak, you here?07:22
superm1Any comments on this, about hugin?  It's not listed in debian/control at all.07:23
xtknightit's ok to have a SVN package in the repositories isn't it?  (if only svn has what we need).  the thing is, qtpfsgui technically does not need this program, but it's something that would be used very often for pre-processing HDR images and it's executed from qtpfsgui if the user chooses.  in this case the user has no choice since the program is not in ubuntu.07:24
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superm1xtknight, its okay to have the SVN package in the repositories.  Just need to have it cleared with the uvf team before it can get in.  Perhaps hugin should be made a Recommend for qtpsfgui as well, davromaniak .07:34
davromaniaksuperm1 and xtknight, hugin is a problem because ubuntu version is too old07:34
xtknighti have compiled hugin svn on Gutsy and all build depedencies are met, the program also works07:34
xtknightis this what you mean?07:34
superm1getting a new version of hugin likely shouldn't be too much trouble.  It isn't depended on by anything but ubuntustudio-graphics07:35
xtknightyea i agree hugin svn is needed, this should fix it07:35
superm1xtknight, can you file a UVFe for getting the newer hugin in then?07:35
xtknightim looking at this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#head-9523bc4076ff011324d67cddc97969ec609618d607:35
xtknightBug 13511107:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 135111 in ubuntu "[UVFe]  hugin svn needs packaged for qtpfsgui" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13511107:35
superm1xtknight, okay good.  Subscribe motu-uvf07:36
xtknighton that page should i be following New packages or Upstream?07:36
xtknightUpstream right?  its' not in debian but it is "upstream" on hugin, i guess.  should i be checking if hugin svn has a debian dir and do something there?07:36
superm1Also mention on that bug the rdepends for hugin don't break anything in the archive07:36
davromaniakso now I have 2 packages ?07:37
davromaniakqtpfsgui and hugin07:37
superm1xtknight, at this point we'd probably just update the debian/ directory that we already have for hugin in universe07:37
superm1to match the newer version07:37
xtknightdavromaniak,  maybe i can probably help handle hugin.  im not a MOTU though07:37
davromaniakI don't have a big amount of spare time, and I spent most of this in qtpfsgui packaging, so07:38
superm1i'll be glad to help mentor either of you guys on packaging the newer hugin should the UVFe get approved07:38
xtknighti'll do it07:38
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xtknighti'm sure i have the most free time here07:38
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xtknightsuperm1, what do you mean by the rdepends thing?  should i post a cmd of rdepends?07:39
xtknighti have heard of this (reverse depends) just have never used it07:39
superm1xtknight, i did an 'apt-cache rdepends hugin' to determine what apps depend upon hugin07:39
superm1to see how much would be affected by a newer version07:39
xtknightyes only hugin-* pkgs and ubuntustudio-graphics07:39
xtknightall meta or hugin so nothing riht?07:39
superm1That's what it looks like to me07:40
xtknightok so someone will have to approve the UVFe bug#?07:41
superm1xtknight, i listed my offer for mentorship on the bug.  Can qtpfsgui make it in without hugin in case the time doesn't work out right?07:41
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xtknightsuperm1, yes it's not needed.  the program works and runs fine and this program is not needed unless the user specifically uses it.07:41
superm1xtknight, the motu-uvf team will need two people to ack it and mark it confirmed07:41
superm1okay great.  Then davromaniak once you've got things resolved in qtpfsgui, we can get that in, and if time doesn't work out right here with hugin, it won't hurt qtpfsgui07:42
xtknightalign_image_stack is called from the Wizard of qtpfsgui and while it is very nice to have and rather vital it's not needed.  the user can always get align_image_stack himself because the error msg tells him how to do s07:42
xtknightsuperm1, should it be a Depends or Recommended/Suggested of qtpfsgui?07:43
superm1Recommends i'd say07:43
xtknightwhat should be done about the error message telling the user to grab it from SVN?  if it's not in Depends, maybe a future patch should tell the user to get it from repositories instead (assuming hugin svn makes it in)?07:44
xtknighti think only a future patch for that is necessary, qtpfsgui is fine as-is and most people will be glad there's a deb of it at all07:44
superm1yea a future patch can change the behavior07:45
superm1we still have another month or so to get such patches in07:45
xtknighti would also handle that after hugin-svn gets in07:45
xtknightshould be an easy patch07:45
xtknightshall we get started updating this package? :)  or wait until it is approved07:46
davromaniaksuperm1, for the patches, I only patch COPYING, because the modified qtpfsgui.desktop has the same contents as the original, so I overwritten it with the original07:46
superm1well that's up to you, if it doesn't get approved, your work will be in vain until next release cycle :)07:46
superm1davromaniak, Ok.07:46
xtknightdavromaniak, i'm not sure if this is critical but it would also be nice if the menu item for Qtpfsgui was something more than "Qtpfsgui".  a future patch could fix this as well, it's not terribly descriptive though07:47
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 07:47
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goedsonCan anyone trigger a pull of gnotime 2.2.2-11 from Debian?07:48
superm1xtknight, if you want to see an example of how I've built the .org.tar.gz from svn, you can look at debian/rules for mythplugins or mythtv07:48
xtknightsuperm1, i dont mind wasting work right now, so i will start.07:48
davromaniakxtknight, the desktop file is not critical, so I will work at it later07:49
xtknightdavromaniak, ok, and thanks again for doing the bulk of the work for qtpfsgui07:49
davromaniakit's strange, qtpfsgui is on my own repo since March, and nobody sent me any bug, so I'm surprised of the errors in the package07:50
superm1goedson, can you file a sync request for it and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors?07:50
xtknightsuperm1, is there something specific i should be looking for in orig.tar.gz?07:51
xtknightor a guide on how to create an "orig" from hugin?07:51
davromaniakfor now, the most important is to make a qtpfsgui package clean (with patchs, and others things), and usable07:51
superm1xtknight, i'd like to eventually author a MOTU recipe explaining how to make .orig.tar.gz from svn and bzr, but the debian/rules in mythtv and mythplugins both "Make" the .orig.tar.gz from svn07:51
goedsonsuperm1, file a sync request against the Gutsy distribution?07:51
davromaniakI hope my patch is working07:51
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davromaniakbecause it's the first one I made07:52
superm1goedson, give me one moment.  I just want to double check something07:53
xtknightsuperm1, ok.  hugin svn ( http://qtpfsgui.wiki.sourceforge.net/align_image_stack )  has no debian dir.07:53
xtknightmaybe i should do something with the hugin package already in Ubuntu?07:53
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davromaniaksuperm1, I've just dput a new version, with dpatch, but I don't know is the patch worked or not07:56
superm1goedson, i filed the sync request for it.  thanks.07:57
superm1davromaniak, okay i'll look in a few moments07:57
davromaniakok, thx07:57
davromaniakI took example on lirc source package07:58
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goedsonsuperm1, thank you.08:01
goedsonsuperm1, Can you give me a link to the request you filed? I'll need to do the same for gnomebaker soon.08:01
fernandolibtool: install: error: cannot install `gtkvnc.la' to a directory not ending in /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages08:01
fernandohow to fix this?08:02
superm1goedson, i used the requestsync tool08:02
superm1in devscripts package08:02
goedsonsuperm1, and if I'm not using Ubuntu?08:02
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superm1goedson, You can file a bug to request a sync, and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors08:04
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goedsonsuperm1, thank you.08:06
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tonyyarussoWhat's the easiest way to produce a template man page?  (We'd like to have one, to be "proper" and such, but there is very little that will need to go in it)08:08
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davromaniakgood version dputed, so superm1 when you will have time, you can look08:16
keescookis a motu team supposed to be sub'd to an SRU bug?  Or how does that work?08:28
superm1keescook, somehow or another they are already subscribed08:31
keescooksuperm1: I just found the team name and added them.  :)08:32
=== AndyP only knows what is written on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU
superm1yea that link doesn't discuss them at all08:32
superm1in the procedures08:32
AndyPi noticed08:32
tonyyarussoFor the debian/copyright file, I know common licenses like the GPL shouldn't be quoted in full, but should refer to the file on the system, but I've read sometimes that the Preamble should be included, while other things seem not to mention it.  Does anyone know about this?08:34
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ScottKPreamble should be included.08:35
=== tonyyarusso wonders why http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-docs.html#s-copyrightfile doesn't say that
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tonyyarussoNow, where does the generic license statement (the "AS IS Without warranty, no fitness for a particular purpose, etc" part) go?08:37
keescookScottK: you're part of the motu SRU team... do we need one of you to ACK bugs 134726 and 134801?08:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134726 in mythtv "MythTV 0.20.2 SRU " [High,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13472608:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134801 in mythplugins "Mythplugins 0.20.2 SRU " [High,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13480108:41
ScottKNo, I'm motu-uvf.08:41
ScottKAny motu can upload an SRU.08:42
ScottKGotta run.  Late for a plane.  Bye all.08:42
superm1cya ScottK08:42
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tonyyarussoScottK: Do you know much about using autotools-dev to replace outdated-autotools stuff?  (dealing with a lintian error)08:44
broonieIt's fairly straightforward - there's some recipies in autotools-dev (though I don't like those since they clutter the diff)08:48
dhdfoohey ... if I have uploaded a package to REVU, and I want to upload an improved version of it, should I just re-upload it?08:49
tonyyarussobroonie: Can you point to a decent HowTo?08:49
dhdfooand do I need to update the changelog or anything?08:49
broonieLike I say, there are recipies in the autotools-dev pacakge.08:49
tonyyarussobroonie: but you don't like them, so where can I read about how you like to do it?08:49
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ThibGI've a package in the gutsy queue, but I've to do an update... I can't file a bug against my package, it says it's not uploaded yet08:50
broonieapt-get source mm and search for config.{sub,guess}08:51
tonyyarussobroonie: What's the mm ?08:53
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ThibGAm I supposed to select "I don't know" ?08:56
POX_AndyP: I've made some tiny changes in pybackpack packages, say "ok" and I'll upload it to unstable09:00
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nekohayohello folks, I noticed the Transmission packages in gutsy's universe are pretty outdated (0.72 version, while 0.81 is out with lots of bug fixes and interesting features)09:01
nekohayothe package maintainer is marked as ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com, so I have no idea who to poke for an updated package?09:01
POX_AndyP: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-apps/?rev=16&sc=109:02
POX_and rev. 1709:02
tonyyarussonekohayo: #1, when did 0.81 come out?  #2, what sorts of changes does it include?  (major bugfixes and security stuff, or minor bugs and features?)09:02
nekohayotonyyarusso: 0.80 came out a few weeks/a month or two ago, 0.81 came out 3 days ago09:03
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nekohayotonyyarusso: they have performance enhancements, new translations, memory leaks fixed, torrent creation features, better upnp/peer exchange, selective downloading, etc09:04
nekohayo(to be very general)09:04
nekohayonot sure if it also fixes compatibility with trackers09:05
tonyyarussonekohayo: Ok.  However, Upstream Version Freeze was on the 16th (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule), and none of those are major reasons for an exemption (usually security-related or large bugs), so while I'm not the one in charge of such things, I'm doubtful that you could get an exception at this point.09:05
tonyyarussonekohayo: Likely we'll just have to wait for Gutsy+1 for it instead, I'd think.09:06
nekohayotonyyarusso: oh, I thought it was in 3 days09:06
tonyyarussonekohayo: That's for new packages, ie, ones that have never been included before.  If it falls in that catagory, you still have time.09:06
nekohayonah it is not new09:06
nekohayodon't quite understand why new packages can bypass "package updates" deadlines though :)09:07
nekohayobwah, if that maintainer used specto he would have been notified of the 0.80 release on the 7th ;P09:08
tonyyarussonekohayo: If you'd like to ask for the authoritative answer, follow the instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess.09:09
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xxxxx1nekohayo, did you create an entry on lp.net?09:10
nekohayoxxxxx1: nope, but I just saw someone did https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/13436109:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134361 in ubuntu "Could you update Transmission please?" [Wishlist,New] 09:11
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AndyPPOX_: looks good to me, thanks!09:18
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broonietonyyarusso: A literal mm (it's the first of the packages I maintain in Debian I thought of which does this).09:22
tonyyarussobroonie: Aaah, that makes sense.09:22
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lousygaruai need the maintainer of 'xorg-driver-synaptics', yet the maintainer appearing on launchpad is not the maintainer for ubuntu (i contacted him)09:35
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lousygaruawhat do i do (there's a bug that no one seem to be resolving)09:35
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sn9that's not me, but i'm curious as to what the bug is09:36
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keescookcrimsun, siretart, StevenK: you're on the motu-sru team, it sounds like anyone can upload an SRU?  Do you need to ACK first?  The instructions aren't entirely clear.09:38
lousygaruasn9: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-driver-synaptics/+bug/12567009:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 125670 in xorg-driver-synaptics "Scroll of synaptics touchpad stop working suddenly" [Undecided,Confirmed] 09:39
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sn9odd, i use the synaptics driver on several machines and have never run into that09:41
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bmmAny MOTU: I'm looking for the second advocate of boswars: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=10109:42
sn9hmm, lemme see how ubotu does that09:42
sn9bryce: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mplayer/+bug/7842609:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 78426 in mplayer "mplayer crash with "illegal instruction" on PPC (dup-of: 74282)" [Undecided,New] 09:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 74282 in mplayer "Altivec detection broken on G3 (multiple packages)" [Undecided,Confirmed] 09:42
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geserkeescook: iirc is the motu-sru team out of service09:49
superm1geser, so who makes the calls upon approving sru's then for universe?09:49
geserthe motu uploading to -proposed09:50
keescookwell that makes it easy09:50
geserthe hard part is to get the necessary testing done09:50
superm1Riddell, ^09:50
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ThibGsuperm1, thanks for advocating the initial release of scolily :)09:52
superm1np ThibG09:52
Riddellsuperm1: ok09:54
Riddellsuperm1: accepted09:55
ThibGone other thing... I've done a new release ( I'm the upstream, yeah ), and packed it... I have done a bug report ( bug #135129 ) against scolily to explain there is a new upstream version ?09:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 135129 in scolily "New scolily upstream bugfix release" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13512909:55
superm1Riddell, both feisty and edgy?09:55
ThibGIs that correct?09:55
Riddellsuperm1: yes09:57
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superm1okay thanks Riddell09:57
gesersuperm1: I'm just looking over the debdiffs for the SRUs for mythplugins09:59
gesersuperm1: as the packages get copy (not uploaded) from -proposed to -updates the version should be correct for -updates (but you still upload to -proposed)10:00
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LaserJocksiretart: ping10:01
superm1geser, so it shouldn't have had a ~proposed1 on the version number then?10:01
gesersuperm1: exactly10:01
gesersuperm1: and don't change the maintainer for egdy (and before) as it's not tested well enough if the tools in edgy can handle that10:02
geserit's ok to change the maintainer for feisty10:02
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superm1geser, would a more appropriate version have been say 0.20.2-0ubuntu0~edgy1 then? and 0.20.2-0ubuntu0~feisty110:04
gesersuperm1: 0.20.2-0ubuntu0.6.10 for edgy and 0.20.2-0ubuntu0.7.04 for feisty (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityUpdateProcedures for the versioning)10:06
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superm1geser, ok.  after i see results from people with these packages this week (And if there was any breakage), i'll upload a new version into -proposed for the plugins10:07
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superm1geser, when its copied over to -updates, archive admins wouldn't modify the version (to drop the ~proposed1) at the same time they modified edgy-proposed to edgy-updates?10:14
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gesersuperm1: I don't know the details, but I guess all files (.dsc, .diff.gz, .deb) are simply copied from one pocket to an other10:18
superm1geser, okay well in my local version i updated it, in case it will be needed to be changed.  We'll see10:19
gesermodifing the version would either need a rebuild of the whole package or the changeing of all control data inside the debs10:20
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LaserJockwhat does the SRU page say10:22
LaserJockit used to be that the version was changed and it was reuploaded to -updates10:23
LaserJockhmm, seems like that's not the case anymore10:24
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superm1well the version number won't clash with anything as is, so no worry there.10:25
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LaserJockwell, but it shouldn't have ~proposed if it's not going to be changed before going to -updates10:25
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superm1well i'll upload a change before the 7 days are up before it is copied to -updates then10:27
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xtknightsuperm1, what time would be best for you to help me with packaging hugin svn?10:31
superm1xtknight, i'll be on and off throughout the day10:31
JazzvaHello... If someone could take a look at two packages, sphinxbase http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=118 and pocketsphinx http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=120 . I would like to mention that pocketsphinx build-depends on libsphinxbase0-dev, which is provided in sphinxbase package. Thanks :)...10:31
superm1start with the packaging in gutsy as a base10:31
superm1hopefully shouldn't need many changes10:31
xtknightsuperm1,  ok.  thanks.  i'll see what i can come up with and let you know.10:32
Jazzva*I would appreciate if someone could take a look... [the rest of the sentence]  :)10:32
geserJazzva: there is no need to include the soname in the -dev package name unless you need to have different versions of the -dev package co-installable => libsphinxbase-dev is enough (you normally want to build against the recent lib version)10:33
Jazzvageser: I didn't make the package... I just helped to the maintainer (who is also the author) as far as I could before the release. Could you leave that as a comment, so he could read it? :)10:35
geserok, will do10:36
Jazzvageser: Thanks a lot :)...10:36
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siretartLaserJock: pong11:12
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LaserJocksiretart: hitting reload after submitting a comment leads to fun11:23
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siretartLaserJock: I'm working on that here: https://code.launchpad.net/~siretart/revu/revu2 ;)11:28
ajmitchsiretart: do you have anything apart from the code there for us to look at & help with?11:30
ajmitchlike a design? :)11:30
=== Pici [n=Pici@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartajmitch: look at the comments in PackageCache.py11:32
siretartajmitch: unittests for PackageFetcherDget would be great :)11:32
=== ajmitch sees no PackageFetcherDget added yet :)
siretartright :)11:35
siretartthat's Test Driven Development :)11:35
LaserJocksiretart: so are you currently looking at using PPAs or sticking with the original design11:35
siretartLaserJock: I'm looking at combining them11:36
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LaserJocksiretart: hmm, interesting11:42
superm1I just added some comments and an advocation to qtpfsgui if another MOTU would like to look it over now: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=12211:43
LaserJockboy, REVU got really full :(11:47
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LaserJockand man, I hate it when people hack into computers at work11:49
LaserJocknow I've got to go through all the computers in the lab and see if any damage got done11:49
nixternalthat sucks11:53
nixternalI wish people would upload fixes to revu's, or at least comment that they are...11:54
superm1hi nixternal11:54
LaserJocka computer across the hall decided to attempt to ssh in to my mac 8,000+ times11:54
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nixternalhowdy superm111:55
superm1here to join in some revu'in fun?11:55
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nixternalnah, building out KDE 4 to do some work tonight, but pimlibs is broke and I am trying to patch it11:56
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LaserJockgeeze, what is UPS Express Plus shipping? this company would charge $1341 for it12:00
TheMusoHey folks.12:01
superm1hey TheMuso12:02
=== norsetto bows to TheMuso
ajmitchLaserJock: it gets there yesterday?12:07
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BixenteRAOF: I made some changes, if you can have a look please http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=12512:08
TheMusonorsetto: You may rise. :p12:09
=== norsetto thanks his Motuness
geserTheMuso: you got promoted?12:17
gesernorsetto: Hobbsee is our MOTU queen12:17
norsettogeser: yes, that why I said HIS Motuness (ok, I forgot the capital h)12:18
TheMusogeser: Not that I know of.12:18
gesernorsetto: and dholbach has the secret name "Prince Adam"12:18
norsettogeser: ahAH!12:19
norsettogeser: so he is the illegittimate son of TheMyso and Hobbsee!?12:19
norsettoTheMyso? oh well....12:19
=== norsetto reads the last copy of The Sun to learn more about it
LaserJockand the MOTU trinity just watches from  afar ...12:22
ajmitchshocked & appalled12:22
nixternalahh, you finally admit to it!12:22
LaserJockspeaking of, where are imbrandon and bddebian these days12:23
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nixternalactually, I have seen them both recently, but I do believe they are both doing personal work12:23
azeemLaserJock: bddebian is apparently on some work-related business trip in California these days/week, i.e. really busy IRL12:24
LaserJockhmm, so it's some form of deism12:24
LaserJockthe Trinity exists, but is far removed and no longer interacts with it's creation12:24
azeemthough he wasn't on some business trip when he wasn't around the last couple of months (but he infrequently said "hi" I gather)12:24
ajmitchLaserJock: but you're here12:24
LaserJockin spirit .... ;-)12:25
nixternalya, you can fulfill the trinity on your own!12:25
norsettothis reminds me of a spaghetti western12:25
LaserJockthe good, the bad, and the ugly ?12:26
norsettothe god, the bad and the ugly :-)12:26
=== jml [n=jml@ppp121-44-221-92.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ajmitch can fulfil 'the ugly'
ajmitchmorning jml12:27
norsettoand as you all know, for the god I think we have a good candidate: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BddebianIsAGod12:27
nixternalif ajmitch has the ugly, I guess I can do the bad...that would be an improvement though for me :)12:28
luisbgLaserJock, :P12:29
LaserJockI guess I can be a sidekick12:29
LaserJockone of the little guys in the background that gets shot in the first half hour12:29
ajmitcha red shirt12:29
LaserJock "no, don't go LaserJock. Just hang on!"12:30
LaserJockhehe, slipped into a John Wayne WWII movie there12:30
nixternalLaserJock: you know it is bad when nobody else scream that, and leaves it up to you to talk to yourself for comfort :D12:30
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nixternalwe couldn't afford that other guy to do that part of the acting I guess12:31
LaserJock"He's gone to be with the core-devs now"12:31
nixternalfile a bug in LP12:31
nixternalset it as wishlist12:31
jmlajmitch: jello12:31
jmlajmitch: hello, even12:31
nixternaljello works12:31

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